#alicent's shitty marriage
reireichu · 8 months
We'll forever have the scars.
VI. The ghost of hamlet's father.
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“How much longer am I here for.”
“An hour.”
He shifts over in the gurney, and Sophie stares.
You don’t want sweet and normal. You’d die if a man tried to protect you with chivalry and honour. You want the dickhead who is stupid enough to yank out itchy IV lines. You would be bored within minutes if you had nice and normal. You’d eat them up and spit out the bones, dab your mouth with a napkin and move onto the next course.
And you stayed.
(When was the last time someone stayed.)
The title honestly just gives it all away.
Every time I wrote the name "Cathy", I just heard @theonngreyjoy screeching "MY WIFEEEEEE" in the background.
Also, justice for Alicent because honestly every time I wrote about her shitty marriage, I wanted to commit violence.
We'll forever have the scars @ AO3.
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dulcewrites · 11 months
The way laena and alicent were essentially single mothers despite their husbands going through all that ‘trouble’ to marry them and have kids with them. Like are ready to die daemon and visery targaryen….
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livelybook · 2 months
I always see people say well, if Alicent had just married Helaena to Jace, the war would never have happened. And it's like the war would have absolutely happened, its akin to the waves ever falling onto the shore, its inevitable and unstoppable, all that marriage would have done was put a bandaid on a wound for a little while before everything would just explode.
I don't think there would have been any situation where Alicient would have agreed to that. If Helaena did marry Jace, she and any children born would have been used as a hostage during the war and worse than that, she would have been stuck in Dragonstone with a group of the most volatile people who despise her side of the family, what would have Rhaenrya or Daemon have done to her, an easy within reach target when Lucerys died? Would Jace even be kind to her once his brother dies?
Or let's say that the marriage had gone through and Alicient manages to make Heleana stay in Kingslanding along with the Black team and for a little while, everyone would be in an uneasy peace, forced to get along under Viserys eye and then the Black team would want something done & the Green team would need to agree for it to happen(and this something would undoubtedly not be in favour of the Greens) or if the Green team was perceived as disrepectful whether directly as one of the members doing something(an incident with the boys or Otto secretly scheming or Alicient doing her queen duties, I can just imagine Daemon seething in the background like how dare she command while in the castle of the Targaryens) or someone implying that the Green team would be better and it getting back to the Black team, they would have immediately implied a subtle threat regarding Helaena and declared their authority as the to be Queen party(well, as subtle as a hammer on an unruly nail could be) and any slight disbelieving hopes that this arrangement could actually work would be dashed and the Green team would be furious and unable to do anything about the Black team, and the moment Viserys dies, that's it for them.
And If they had managed to secure the city, the same as the show and had Helaena & any of her children as well, they'd be using them as a hostage against the Black Team too and at least with them, she'd be better treated.
And continuing with what about if Helaena had children? She'd be known to have had children with a widely suspected bastard leading to a shaky line and Daemon is right there with his two targaryen looking boys, there is no way he or even those boys or their later children would have left her and her children alone. If she had married Jace, she'd basically be terribly screwed over twice in succesion crisis in her lifetime.
Also, if Jace had married Helaena, what about Baela? Now, I really don't think Corlys would have let it go when he's been promised a Velaryon queen on the throne and has gotten so close to it after all the other times, just to only have a bastard prince. So that's basically 2 main people besides Otto in Helaena's family who would be eyeing her and her children.
Let's not forgot ofcourse, What about her brothers with their future childrens and their claims, the relationship would never be the same and I doubt that something would not be done about her children too if they were to manage win.
What kind of life would that be to be taken away from your family and placed with people who will be actively to passively hostile to you? To know your relationship with all your family side will forever be altered, that your mother wouldn't choose you and your line over your brother and you & all your children will be in danger from everyone for a very long time?
#Like I feel that marriage offer was a really shitty offer and Alicient absolutely knew that#The levels of isolation and fear Helaena would have gone through would have mirrored Alicient so much#And while she wouldn't choose Helaena over Aegon especially since Helaena's claim would be intertwined with the Black team#It doesn't mean that Alicient doesn't love her so much#That she would never put her in that kind of harm#Everyone kinda glosses over this because we're modern and there's no stigma against marrying a bastard#But Helaena would be marrying a bastard and while it was never formally acknowledged in the show#If Rhaenrya lost and had to be forced to admit that to save her life Helaena's standing#And her children's claim & royal life would all be invalidated#And Helaena's own claim to the throne would be severely diminished as well#Somehow#that marriage would make everything so much worse#anti black team#house of the dragon#heleana targaryen#alicent hightower#anti rhaenrya#anti daemon#anti viserys i targaryen#I feel like the only only person who wouldn't have a problem with this marriage among everyone's worry and refusal is Viserys#Because the way everyone says Helaena married to Jace would stop the war#is them assuming that the marriage is a one for all magic solution to everyone's problem and nothing could ever go wrong again#And the only person who would have that view in the show is Viserys#He'd be the only one smiling and being giddy at that wedding like all his problems had now disappeared
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axelsagewrites · 1 month
Aegon x sister!reader (maybe the child of Aemma) where she puts him on his place once and for all
Aegon Targaryen*Truce
Pairing: aegon x sister!reader
Word count: 2359
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Warnings: arranged marriage, feud, teasing, mocking, aegon having a drinking problem, viserys being a shitty dad, swearing, talks of whores, aegon hitting on reader, angst with slight fluff at points
Masterlist Here
You hated your husband. He was rude and arrogant and a drunk and lazy and loud and egotistical and if the rumours were to be believed a whore. Aegon Targaryen was one of the most infuriating people you had ever met so when Rhanerya told you, you were to be married you screamed.
“You can’t possibly think I will go along with this! I hate him!”
“I know,”
“You know last time I saw him he told me I was prettier than all the whores in Kings Landing combined,”
“I remember,”
“And another thing-“
“Sweet sister,” Rhanerya stood from her chair to take your arms and stopping the pacing that had began to wear holes in the carpet, “You knew you had to marry eventually,” she said with a sympathetic smile.
You ripped yourself from her grip, “but to him?” you almost spat back, “What is father even thinking?”
“He’s thinking about the succession,” she said, her face morphing from concern to sternness as she began her lecture. It was one you heard a thousand times about duty and work and the crown. Rhanerya had gave you the lecture, your father had gave you the lecture, your aunts and uncles and lady’s and lords had all gave you the lecture. Maybe your mother too would have if she hadn’t died when you were so young. Even the queen Alicent had tried to give you the lecture.
There was no winning this argument. The debate was settled and no one heard your case. As your dear sister pointed out you didn’t even have one. You had been staying with Rhanerya in Dragonstone for some time but now it was time to return to Kings Landing.
“Daughters!” Viserys greeted with a warm hug and smile as you descended off your dragons back. “My sweet daughter,” he said, holding your hands gently, “I hope you are as excited as I am,” you did your best to smile back at him, nodding courteously to avoid another scolding.
“Boo,” Aegon whispered in your ear as he suddenly appeared at your back. you hated the way you jumped and hated more the way he sniggered, “How was the journey my dear, sweet, darling?” he said, moving to stand in front of you and meet your eyes with a sickeningly sweet smile.
You fixed an equally exaggerated one on yours as you spoke, “Wonderful my love. There was just one slight issue,”
“Oh, and do tell,” he said, swaying in closer, bending his head down in mock concern, “Your comfort is my top priority,”
You glanced over the full throne room which was currently filled with your betrothal celebrations. You turned back to Aegon once you were assured there was no eavesdroppers, “I never fell into the sea and drowned like I prayed for,”
You weren’t sure what the look that took over Aegon’s face was. Lust, anger, bitter hatred or sadness. It was all a mix behind his lilac eyes, “You’ve always had quite the humour my sweet,” he smiled bitterly before turning to face the room, “Quite the turnout, don’t you think?”
“Funerals tend to be popular affairs,” you mused before waltzing off into the crowd, leaving a now stunned Aegon behind to pick up his own jaw.
Aemond had only been a couple paces away when you departed and he was quick to join his brother’s side, “Must you always be a bother?”
Aegon snorted at his younger brother, “Please you didn’t even hear what I said,”
“So? I know you,”
“I know you’re an ass,” Aemond said as casually as saying the sky was blue, “Try not drive your wife away before you’ve even wedded her. especially if you want any chance of bedding her,”
Aegon snorted, his eyes catching the floor, “Who said I wanted that?” he tried to say cooly.
Aemond leaned in to whisper in his ear, “The way your eyes are locked on her ass when she walks away,”
Luckily, you’d managed to avoid Aegon for the majority of the wedding lead up. Between catching up with past friends and mingling with prestigious lords you had little time for the creature. That was until tonight.
Viserys had decided there should be a dinner with his brother, wife, and all his children. You dreaded the whole affair, thinking how torturous it would be. However, you didn’t realise you would be getting off lightly.
While distant Viserys had always been kind to you at the least. he sent gifts on birthdays and said sweet even if hollow words. To Rhanerya, your older sister, he dotted on and to daemon he made jokes and laughed like old friends. However even you grimaced at the way he spoke to his sons.
To Helena he was kind though looked confused by everything she said or did or was. He barely looked towards Aemond and when he did you saw the shame behind his eyes. Anytime his attention turned to Aegon the boy seemed to shrink.
You had been sat next to your betrothed and in this time noticed how quiet he was. You were only two years older than him and always remembered when you were in Kings Landing together how he ran through corridors shouting and screaming as a child. You remembered the loud boasts he’d shout over the hall when you returned when he was a teen. However right now he was as quiet as a mouse.
Anytime his father looked at him he shrunk further into his seat and reach for his wine. The few comments Viserys made towards his eldest son had been lack lustre and cold. When Rhanerya asked about his achievements he would make jokes about the time he dropped a sword during a pretend dule.
“I was eight fathers,” Aegon tried to defend himself but when Viserys made another jib he just finished the wine in his cup instead of argue.
As Viserys and daemon laughed loudly, telling a drunken story from their youth to each other despite both being there at the time, you turned to Aegon, “Are you okay?” you whispered, so quietly only he would hear.
His eyebrow raised slightly, mostly in shock you spoke to him willingly let alone to ask him a question. A forced smile pulled on his lips as he slightly raised his cup, “I am drunk,”
“That’s not what I asked,” you whispered back, glancing back at the laughing older men at the other end of the table, “I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be,” Aegon whispered, draining his cup for what felt like the fifth time, “It’s not your fault I’m a screw up,”
You wanted to defend him but as you opened your mouth you heard an ‘oohing’ from the bottom of the table, “The love birds are at it,” Daemon announced, nudging his brother’s side with his elbow. Cackles came from them both and sympathetic smiles from the rest of the table.
By the end of dinner, the king was slurring his words and everyone else was exhausted. Aegon stood from his chair, stumbling slightly and earning a heavy sigh from his mother. “Perhaps the prince could escort me to my chambers? After all this castle can be a maze at the best of times,” you suggested to the room.
Your eldest sister was shocked, but Alicent was quick to usher you both away. As soon as you exited the room Aegon went to stumble and fall and without thinking you reached out to steady him, “Careful!” you chastised.
Aegon ignored your pleas and instead slung his arm over your shoulder. You grabbed his hand that was dangling far to close to your breasts for comfort and pulled it away. Instead, you linked your arm with his, “Well that was torturous,” he slurred as you walked the halls.
“Is he always such an ass?” you asked as you reached some dreaded stairs.
“Nah,” Aegon said, shaking his head as he walked up stairs like a baby dear, “He stays away from me most of the time. First dinner I’ve had with him in what, four months? Maybe five actually. When was his name day again?” he asked.
“Nine months ago,” you said, and he clicked his fingers, nodding his head in affirmation before going quiet. “I’m sorry,” you said, breaking the silence.
 “Why?” he asked as you approached the corridor to his room, “You’ve never done anything wrong. Even as kids you were always perfect,”
“I was hardly perfect,” you laughed, remembering all the antics you were involved in, “You were just overly naughty,”
“Its more fun that way,” he winked, a smirk growing on his face as he lent in. you pushed him away, but this time laughed slightly as you did. “Hey this is my room!” he said as you approached the door, “I was to escort you to yours,” he tried to walk past you, but you easily pushed him back with one hand.
“I think I’ll manage,”
“You sure?”
“Okay,” he yawned, pawing at the doorknob before finally opening it, “Unless of course you want to sleep here,” he added as he stood in the doorway.
“I think ill pass,” you said, screwing your nose up at him though finding the drunken smile on his face oddly endearing.
That was until he kept talking, “C’mon sweetheart. You’ll be joining me here soon enough,” he said as his eyes tried to trail your frame.
Instead, you stepped forward, shoving his chest making him sway back far enough for you to grab the door handle, “Goodnight Aegon,” you sighed before shutting the door behind him and walking back to your own chambers.
You somehow saw even less of Aegon after that night. It was odd though. You actually found yourself looking for him in crowded rooms. “Is your brother alright?” you asked Aemond one evening as you stumbled across him in the library.
He looked up with a light smirk on his face, “why? Don’t tell me you’re becoming fond of him,” he teased making you let out a heavy sigh.
“No, I just wanted to make sure my betrothed wasn’t dead in a ditch or collecting diseases at a brothel,”
Aemond laughed lightly at that, “No not this time. He’s been in his room mostly. Don’t know why though. He wont talk much. He gets like this sometimes. Don’t worry though it will pass,”
“I wasn’t worried,” you said before turning to leave.
“You haven’t even touched a book yet,” Aemond called after you, but you ignored his teasing to find Aegon.
When you arrived at his room you knocked quickly but when no one answered you did it again but louder. A few moments passed before you groaned and checked the door to find it unlocked. You opened it without hesitation, “Who’s there!” a startled voice came from the sheets.
Aegon struggled to sit up for a moment as you closed the door behind you and placed your hands on your hips, “It’s been a week,”
“Hello to you too,” he sighed, flinging himself back into bed when he realised it was you.
You groaned as you walked over to him, ripping the sheets off his body as he yelped. You were thankful he was at the least wearing a shirt and his small clothes. “Are you avoiding me?”
“Is everything about you?”
“Do you always have to be an ass?” you retorted.
Aegon sighed as he finally sat up in bed, “Why do you care? You don’t even like me,”
Against your better judgement you sat down on the edge of the bed, “Well it looks like there’s no escape for me, so I better try,”
“Oh great, a pity conversation,” Aegon rolled his eyes, “How romantic,”
You couldn’t help it anymore. It had all been building up. The tears were pricking your eyes. You felt your hand slap his cheek and watched his face fill with shock. “I am trying,” you said, standing up and pointing at him as a few spare tears trickled down your cheeks, “I never asked for this and neither did you, but I am trying. You can’t flirt with me and check me out and expect me to fawn over you. I’m not some common whore and even then, they’re paid to like that kind of crap,”
Aegon’s face had softened slightly during your rant, but he soon fixed a distant look on his face. “don’t act so innocent. the first thing you did when you arrived is tell me you’d rather kill yourself than marry me,” You felt your shoulders slump at his words. “You always hated me,”
“Then stop giving me reasons too,” you said and as he went to sigh you cut his defences off, “Stop checking me out when I talk to you and undress me with your eyes. Stop going to the silk streets and visiting brothels. Stop making bitchy comments about me and stop pretending everything’s fine when it’s not. And for the love of the gods do it sober,” you ranted however when you stopped the room fell silent.
Aegon eventually broke it as his voice cracked, “Then what? You’ll love me?”
“No,” you said plainly but you returned to sit beside him on the bed, “But then we could be friends. Or at the least try. I don’t want to hate you Aegon, but you drive me crazy,” a small smile went on his face at the last line, “You enjoy making me mad,”
“Sometimes,” he confessed, his smile growing, “It’s funny when you’re mad,”
“Then I must be hilarious,” you joked, “So do we have a truce?”
Aegon paused for a moment before putting his hand out for you to shake, “Truce,” he said as you accepted his handshake, “So what is it friends do?”
You tilted your head at him, almost out of pity, “I don’t know. We could talk?”
“You always get annoyed when we do that,” he said making you huff. A grin spread on his face, “See?”
You rolled your eyes at the blonde, “I hate you,”
His grin widened, “For once I don’t believe that”
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darklinaforever · 3 months
“Viserys abused poor Alicent.”
Otto sent his daughter to seduce a grieving Viserys. He pimped his own daughter. It's not complicated to understand, is it ?
What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to blame Viserys for Alicent's shitty life ?
Otto is the problem in the HOTD series universe for Alicent's shitty situation. It's a simple fact.
And once again, no point in invoking Alicent's age to prove that Viserys would be a perverse man.
It is a universe inspired by the feudal era where women of Alicent's age were considered marriageable.
Viserys, in this context is not a predator. He is just a product of his times.
Do you want to blame anyone for the fact that women were married young back then ? Blame the society of the time and how it functioned then.
Viserys himself was a kind and somewhat simple man. His mistake was to sincerely believe the lies Alicent instilled by Otto.
He apparently never mistreated Alicent.
He treated her kindly and never punished her for her disrespectful behavior like the green dress stunt or trying to gouge out Lucerys' eye herself.
I bet you if Alicent had told him that she didn't want sex with him during episode 4, he probably would have left her alone.
From his point of view, Alicent was completely consenting.
And even if we can't be 100% sure that he wouldn't have forced himself on her if she had refused, given Viserys' character, compared to what I mentioned above (generally letting Alicent commit disrespectful acts but not doing anything against her afterwards), I doubt he's the type of man to do it.
Some Green fans are trying to make it seem like Viserys was trying to humiliate Alicent by calling her Aemma, while the guy wasn't even in his right mind anymore and was starting to confuse things.
I'm tired of people acting like Viserys has treated Alicent badly all these years. He did not do it.
For the time, Alicent was lucky that her husband was like Viserys.
Is the true.
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I was lying in bed processing the episode, as you do, when I suddenly realized Daniel had a false memory exposed I went back to episode 1x02 to watch the following scene:
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(excuse the shitty design and all) Daniel called Alice his first wife, but in the newest episode we learn she turned him down. And that wouldn't have been sad if she had just said yes later down the line. Why would Armand feel the need to offer comfort if it has a happy ending. Which leads me to to think Alice isn't Daniel's first wife. He just believed her to be. But in episode 2x02 he figures out she never said yes. They never got married. So that leaves the question, why did Daniel think they were. Is he confusing Alice with his actual first wife. Or is Alice Armand. And Alice, like his marriage to her, doesn't exist.
thoughts thoughts thoughts.
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ladyofthebears · 3 months
I am going insane- i want to rip my hair out
Alicent WAS the VICTIM in the show. She was made to marry a much older man whom she did not love who martially raped her and gave her children at age 15-16.
But what EVERYONE seems to be fucking ignore is that fact that Aemma was a victim too. Aemma only had a SUCCESSFUL pregnancy at 15. She was married at fucking 11 and had miscarriages before finally having Rhaenyra four years later. Everyone is always infantilising Alicent and making it seem as though her abusive actions are justified because of her victimhood BUT AEMMA WAS A VICTIM TOO. One could even argue Aemma had it worse then Alicent in many ways though i will not be because both of their pain is unimaginable and fucking valid.
Overall, the parallels between them just further my devastation of Alicents continuing the cycle of abuse. Aemma lost a multitude of children, she was married at age 11, her mother died giving birth to her, she nearly died giving birth to Rhaenyra, yet not once did she ever behave the way Alicent did. Alicent lost her mother, was at her powerful fathers command, and felt so fucking alone and WAS THE VICTIM. Yet, she became the victimiser the day she sharpened her pain to use as a knife against others, ESPECIALLY her children.
In the show, Alicent makes it obvious that she will have the final say on her children’s marriage which MAKES IS SO MUCH MORE INFURIATING to remember she marries her 13 year old daughter and 15 year old son. Makes it so maddening after her “queer customs line”, makes it SO disheartening after her own victimhood just to make her daughter a even MORE severely and painfully wronged victim (again pain should never be compared, i only mention this because objectively Helaena was married younger and gave birth younger. Despite Viserys and his fucking pedo rapist actions, he was never violent w Alicent in the way Aegon is with everyone. And MAY I REMIND YOU, Aegon had not one BUT TWO Bastards born on the silk streets in the same moon as his twins birth?)
Why THE FUCK is Alicent always the victim and justified in her actions and Aemma is just given “oh thats so sad”. Why does it seem like no one else notices the wretched mirrors of each other they are yet, the fandom doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck about Aemma besides to throw her death onto the pile of shitty things Viserys did?
Aemma Arryn deserves so SO much more then what we are giving her.
Aemma Arryn was a queen, and a victim, and through it all a loving mother despite never having one of her own.
Aemma Arryn does not deserve to be forgotten so easily.
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Alice Theory A: Alice never existed, she was Armand the whole time. (And Daniel's daughters are from his other marriage.)
Alice Theory B: Alice did exist but some of Daniel's memories of her are mixed with memories that were of Armand because there was mindfuckery afoot.
Alice Theory C: Viewer loses all sense of sanity, pours over all the inconsistencies when Alice is mentioned and when Daniel's past is mentioned, wonders why the second wife is never mentioned but Alice is, creates Pepe Silvia board on wall to try to make sense of it, takes up shitty coping habit because the madness of wondering what the fuck any of it means and what a possible truth is is consuming your every waking thought, friends and family think you look twitchy, you add more to your Pepe Silvia board, you wonder how you're going to make it through episode 5 and indulge in your unhealthy coping mechanism, you re-read Devil's Minion and wonder if there's clues there, you think you spot a clue but you also think that's the madness talking, you rant out loud to anyone who will listen, you wonder if you should follow Alice down the rabbit hole because it's your merry unbirthday anyway...
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zephyrrr101 · 1 month
A take on Rhaenyra's usurpation and the coming line of succession
I don't usually take sides. I do not. And I'm sorry for the long scroll you've got to do. But reading the succession line page of Fire and Blood kind of makes me very sad.
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People can argue whatever they want but saying 'Aegon's ascent was disputed by his half-sister Rhaenyra' rather than 'Rhaenyra's ascent was disputed by her half-brother Aegon' is the worst thing that could happen to her.
Everyone can say whatever they want and I'll take your opinions in consideration, respecting it with grace, but Rhaenyra was the rightful heir till the end of Viserys I's reign. Whether it is the show or book, she remained being one. Despite Alicent doing it willingly or mistakenly, Rhaenyra does get usurped.
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This sentence here makes it quite clear that Viserys didn't care about what the Lords of Westeros thought and to be honest, as a king he really does not need to. (And it really does not goes into the point of Maegor doing as he wanted) The king's is the final word when it comes to Monarchy. If Viserys says Rhaenyra is the heir, she is the heir. Jaehaeyrs, named Baelon his heir instead of Rhaenys, Aemon's daughter, because he wanted to, he brought the Council of 101 because he wanted to. Just as Viserys names his daughter his heir because he wanted to. For if he didn't, had Aemma not died, had he not married Alicent, Daemon would be his heir. But this was his first and foremost decision after losing his wife and child.
Many say that if Rhaenyra couldn't bear to do sacrifices then she should have given up her claim but there is one thing that we need to realise.
Rhaenyra was the first ever woman to officially named heir.
Surely, there have been many women who were names heir presumably before.
Aerea/Rhaella Targaryen was heir to both Maegor and Jaehaeyrs.
Rhaena, Aenys' daughter, could have been also considered his heir until Aegon the Uncrowned was born.
But Rhaenyra's accession as the heir is pointed out in book being lavish and how many lords did bend their knee to her. Rhaenyra's accession as the heir and future reigning Queen was a way to open a door, to pave a path for all the other woman born in House Targaryen to be able to get the heirship.
It is not a small thing. It is a duty that she has been given. A duty not just for herself but for all the girls, all the women who might have been born before their younger brothers and could be passed over by them just for the fact of them being woman.
I won't say she didn't make mistakes. She did. But even as a character we need to understand that we read about a human. She did what she had to, to salvage from whatever she was given.
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She was given a shitty situation, to be honest. Married to a man who unofficially known to be gay, even the council knew of this when the matter of her marriage was called upon the discussion.
And to be honest, if I were in Rhaenyra's place, being given the ability to change the laws of succession, being able to prove that I could be better than what everyone thought if me, even I would give up my stubbornness and deal with hand that I'm dealt with.
Rhaenyra had more to lose than anyone in this situation. And she would not only bring herself down in this situation but also the other women who would come after her too.
And that's what exactly happened even after trying everything she could.
The line of succession page in the first two images is exactly what ends up happening because some people couldn't bare the thought of Rhaenyra, a woman, ascending the throne.
Because either willingly or mistakenly, Alicent Hightower wanted her blood on the throne as Viserys himself says this in the book.
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When we read this highlighted line, we must understand this that Alicent either had talked to Viserys about it or showed it from her actions. And this is being talked pointedly about the book. Not the show. The book.
Rhaenyra's refusal to accept Aegon's accession is no way wrong. She is the rightful heir. It is her right. Something she is given by her father. Something her father didn't want another person, much less his own sons, to have.
And this is usurpation.
This usurpation, The Dance Of The Dragons, it leads to the future kings, Viserys II and his council to consider not putting Aegon III's daughter Daena at the throne after all her older brother were dead. He rather installs himself as the king and then his son, Aegon IV.
Of course, she and her sisters were kept away from the world, all the thanks to Baelor the idiot (I refuse to call him blessed), she could still have learned. She was loved by small folk. Some lords even supported her. But only because her grandmother had been usurped, only because men were too afraid of what would happen if she were to become a reigning queen, too plauged with past to even do the right thing, she too was passed over for her Uncle.
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Well here ends my Ted talk.
And for my works and a very shameless self-promotion here's my masterlist
Lots of love 💕
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crimsonbastard · 2 months
That's it. I've had it with these brain-dead takes
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Rightful Queen:
Firstly, what the fuck do you mean when you say Rightful? There's no "Rightful" monarch in ASOIAF. There are only the ones who are elected as per the laws in which the Realm Functions. So There's only Lawful Queen or Lawful King.
Daenerys: Wasn't the Rightful Queen by blood, but by conquest (mass murdering an entire city that surrendered), but even then, she had contenders to the Throne in the form of her nephew. Her family was deposed through rebellion and they were in exile.
The throne no longer belonged to her unless she forcefully claimed it back. After Robert's death, the crown goes to Stannis, the next in line, followed by Shireen, considering Robert's children aren't his. But since all the legitimate Baratheons died and Gendry wasn't legitimized yet, the Lannisters covertly took the crown by continuing to pose Cersei's children as true borns (the children atleast took after one of the parents, making the argument for their legitimacy somwhat strong, Unlike Rhaenyra).
Daenerys took Kingslanding by force, decimating the city and it's populace with Dragon Fire and seated herself on the Throne. So yes, she has become the Lawful Queen by right of Conquest, all that's left is to eliminate the equally Lawful Contender to the throne, it being Jon.
Rhaenyra: Despite Viserys i (who was the younger of the two candidates, but got elected over Rhaenys who was older than him) naming her as his heir after Aemma's and Baelon's death he never really prepares her to rule in the future. He doesn't teach her the ways of Politics, nor does he reinforce the line of succession. He instead puts his daughter's claim in jeaprody and remarries, and sires THREE LEGITIMATE SONS. As unfair as it sounds, Westeros follows Male Primogeniture, the very system that made Viserys i heir to the throne over Rhaenys. As long as Aegon ii, Aemond and Daeron lived, Rhaenyra would always have challengers to the Throne.
"Half-Blooded" Murderer named Aegon:
Funny how TB thinks just because someone's Half-Targ (half inbred), It automatically makes them less of a claimant to the throne. Paternity goes a long way in Westeros.
Aegon ii is the first born son of King Viserys ii Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower. He's the result of a legitimate marriage between two ancient and powerful houses. He was anointed by a Septon of the Faith, crowned with thousands as a witness. As shitty as his character is in the show, he's a more legitimate claimant to the throne compared to Rhaenyra and her illegitimate children.
Jon Snow (Aegon) being confirmed to be R+L=J in the show doesn't make him a "half-blood" by any chance. He's the Son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The show states that Rhaengar annulled his marriage with Elia Martell, making Jon a "legitimate" (as per TB) contender to the throne.
There's also the implication of the term "half-blooded" used in the post. Just because Jon and Aegon ii are half Targaruen doesn't make them less of a claimant. It also sheds light on the Targaryen Exceptionalism that TB drinks like kool-aid. Anyone who's non-targ or is half-targ and isn't on the Targaryen side is automatically treated as lesser.
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reireichu · 2 months
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“your king demands an answer”
yeah well your kid demands proper healthcare and rehabilitation and parenting and your wife needs therapy, but i guess we can just ignore that too along with the fucking eyeball rolling around in a tray
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This "analysis" is so funny. "In Rhaenyra's bastards arms" " Luke had laughed at Aemond's pain" LMAO. Good for Luke.
Aegon wasnt just hitting on Baela but sexually harassing her - before and after where Rhaena had to keep her back.
TG stans are so obsessed with the idea that the greens are some kind of united family. They cling to the idea that Helaegon isn't an abusive and loveless marriage, that Aemond loves Aegon soooo much, and Aegon gives a shit about anyone other that himself.
Even the show, which whitewashes TG every chance they get, shows how divided they are. Aegon bullied Aemond constantly and Aemond contemplates getting rid of Aegon for the throne. Helaena suffers marital rape and is completely miserable every scene she's in with the exception of when she's alone with her children or when she danced with Jace.
It's no wonder they hate TB and Rhaenyra's family so much, they are an actual loving family. Rhaenyra loves her children and treats them gently, they never doubt her love once. Jace, while sometimes hard on Luke, would die to protect him and loves him dearly. Luke isn't ever jealous of Jace or angry about him being "undeserving" (mostly because Jace is actuallg a good person). Even Baela and Rhaena are loved and respected in the family.
The reason why TG stans always go back to the legitimacy of the Velaryons is because it's the only "issue" in the Blacks' family. That's why they want Daemon to hate his stepsons, Baela to resent Luke, and Rhaena to feel insecure about her place. They project their favs' issues on the Blacks because there's nothing good or healthy in the Greens' family.
Luke laughing at the pig isn't some kind of evil crime, he was six when that prank happened. Not to mention the fact that Aemond was going to either kill or severely injure Jace on Driftmark. Aemond has made no secret of his hatred of Luke and his brothers, he doesn't owe Aemond anything.
Aegon stans always will minimize Aegon's actions. Whether it's denying that Aegon was a rapist in F&B or saying he was just hitting on Baela, they'll never actually accept how shitty he is. Baela looked disgusted and angry when he was talking to her and Jace warned him off peacefully. Aegon didn't do that for any reason other than that he's a disgusting pig who wants to insult both Baela and Jace.
Helaena is treated as a child who doesn't understand the situation she's in by TG stans. That's the only way they can excuse how much she enjoys dancing with Jace. Helaena is an adult who is painfully aware of the encroaching war, but admitting that means acknowledging how much she hates Aegon and mistrusts Alicent.
Aegon and Aemond hate the Velaryons because they view them as subhuman because of their parenthood. Alicent raised them to believe bastards are unworthy of life let alone inheritance. The fact that Jace is farther up the line of succession than Aemond infuriates him. Jace being loved and respected by his parents despite who his father is angers Aegon who is disliked by all his family (with good reason). They don't believe the Velaryons are worthy to be in the Red Keep let alone eat with them.
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greenmeanqueen · 2 years
To me Rhaenrya kinda came of as selfish with her comeback to Alicents speech.
Like Alicents speech is pretty much her saying how much she's sacrificed and been hurting all these years, and Rhaenryas response is essentially 'yeah, I already knew that'.
Like for all that people say Rhaenrya is feminist, she saw and knew that Alicent was miserable all these years, being stuck in an unhappy marriage and like never did anything about it, not even really comfort her or try and change Alicents way of thinking. Heck she never even got mad at her dad for how shit he treated alicent.
She kinda just comes across as a woman who doesn't necessarily care about broader justice for all women, but more thinks the rules shouldn't apply to her in general. In the very least she was a shitty friend. 😕
thank you for your ask!!
alicent really let loose when she charged with the knife, and what she said was better than i could have hoped for. she really got to vent, and it was delicious. i’m gonna put the whole quote in bc it’s so important to alicent’s character progression, and rheanyra’s response says so much more:
I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please. … Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again. … And now you take my son's eye, and to even that, you feel entitled.
when alicent says this, she’s all exhaustion and viciousness. this is the last straw; for all the awkwardness that comes with her relationships with her children, she loves them and one has been maimed. and nobody cares! no one is standing in that room saying, “hey, maybe we shouldn’t just sweep under the rug that aemond lost an eye? maybe we should seek some recompense?” but no, it’s like she’s screaming into a black hole; no one, not even the boy’s father, is taking this as devastatingly as she is. the focus is, instead, on the legitimacy of rhaenyra’s children. yes, this is an important issue, one that could hypothetically get the boys and rhaenyra killed if it’s determined that she’s attempted to put bastards on the throne. however, there is room for both issues in this situation, but viserys and rhaenyra push that rhaenyra’s is valid and alicent’s is not. and the rest follow suit.
now back to alicent’s speech itself. she’s finally speaking her whole mind, she’s letting the court see her as she is. and what is she? a victim of a system that pawns off young girls to the highest bidder, regardless of their own happiness. but how do they see her? as mad. and rhaenyra sees her as unjustly righteous, a performer. but this comeback actually seems to wound alicent; you can see it in olivia cooke’s performance as the knife begins to shake, her brow creases, her lips wobble. she looks like, “what? no. i wanted none of this, but it was my lot. and it’s hurt me all my life, can’t you see that?” she has been forced to give up everything, every piece of her, while rhaenyra has not only been able to remain herself, but feels entitled to do so in a world of women who cannot.
it seems to me that as long as it didn’t directly effect her, rhaenyra could turn a blind eye to what alicent was going through. that’s rhaenyra’s version of reform; if it effects her, it should be changed (for her), and the rest of the realm can fend for themselves. is this the mindset a queen should have?
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starstruckodysseys · 9 months
thinking about fester’s manifesto and specifically about “can’t we talk about lofty goals, mating souls, altering minds and faltering roles?” and like. lofty goals referring to fester and his love for the moon and his goal to eventually reach her. mating souls referring to wednesday and lucas and working through the ups and downs of their engagement until they realize they’re both unhinged (affectionate). altering minds referring to alice drinking the acrimonium and letting her true feelings out which leads to mal realizing he’s been a shitty husband which leads to them rekindling their marriage and trying to become better people for each other. faltering roles referring to gomez keeping information from morticia and morticia closing herself off until they realize they’re both faltering as spouses and parents.
and like. the addams family musical really is about love (and being unhinged) at its core
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kick-a-long · 5 months
Forgot to explain antisemitism to my husband for the hours and months and years required for an interfaith relationship before marriage,
But he believes me unconditionally. I’m lucky I picked a good one. We even talked honestly about where we would run to (and what would happen to his law license) which he usually laughs off. The difference this time? He works at a very leftist ngo and has seen the statements his colleagues have been making.
Not all Jewish/goy unions are like this. I’m very very relieved that I got lucky.
For example:
Alice Walker, deeply and unapologetically antisemitic, was not always that way. her first marriage was to a Jewish man who worked in tandem with black organizations to legally dismantle black discrimination in the south. His family hated her for not being Jewish and for being black. They were awful. But their marriage ended many years later when she became very conspicuously antisemitic and refused to listen about its history.
My own mother converted to Judaism and was FAR more observant than my Jewish father but later in life became what I would generously call “Jewish hostile” when their marriage began breaking down.
I always knew there was a possibility of me becoming more Jewish or marriage related friction causing that same kind of situation. But we’ve been married 5 years and together 13. He has spent his time, body and soul helping poor renters protect themselves from being evicted. He doesn’t have illusions about the poor being “innocent victims” or even expecting his clients to be “worthy of help.” Some of them have threatened to kill him, one spent everyday spending hours yelling at him and then got her mother to call to do the same. He doesn’t need “good” clients to help him. I know that he’s a believer that all people are capable of switching between monsters and humans but that doesn’t diminish his work to help the vulnerable. In some ways he has a more Jewish perspective on humanity than I did.
If you’re Jewish and losing friends because they were easily converted into conspiracies and antisemitism try to keep your partner in the loop without letting your anger and suspicion get between you.
If your partner is Jewish and you aren’t, remember there is no Jewish history about finding lasting safety. Believing that you (Jewish) must be kind and respectful of others culture and defending peoples rights and also that at any given moment you (Jewish to any 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, degree) will have to drop everything and RUN because the people you helped, the people you loved, want you dead, are the twin beings inside almost every Jew.
One of the reasons why you don’t see a lot of Jews attacking the character of “good” anti Zionist Jews, is we all get it. They think they can bargain their way out of antisemitism. Just like house slaves that thought they could escape being a “real” slave by fully buying into racism (and maybe getting off on the power of being the slaves elevated by slave owners for hating blackness.)
It’s a lot to ask of any person to “get” the cultural history let alone the cultural trauma they partnered into. Forgive, forget, but don’t be shocked if either of you sounds a little nuts sometimes. I sometimes go full doomsday prepper on him. And he lets peoples shitty behavior slide when I would go full flaming sword. It’s important to remember the daily reality.
Politics is NEVER as important as deep love between two people. It’s essential to remember that and remind loved ones you want to keep of that. Politics is theory and your life together is reality.
I used to like the idea of relationships as romantic and dreamy, now I thank god it’s reality. It’s hard as a rock and just as flexible sometimes. That has its cons but I’ll take every single one for the pros.
Ride or die for each other is what it means. Be ride or die and expect nothing less from any partners in your life. Ask them for it but only if you can truthfully tell them they have it from you. You can’t be the singular unique person that anyone loves if you are only your identity and vise versa.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Tell me… why are you and your friends so gross? You are only here to promote pedophilia, degenerates, violence against young girls, and then you sit and cry because someone told you the truth. Shut down your pseudo blogs full of shit and leave tumblr for normal people who know who the real victim is!
I really hope you're not Team Greens then. Nor a defender / stans of Aegon II, Aemond and Criston Cole...
Is it promoting pedophilia to recall how a world inspired by the feudal era works and that we should not compare that, or put it on an equal footing with our modern world ? Is it promoting pedophilia to tell the truth that Alice is no longer 15 in episode 4 but is an adult by our own modern standards and in the world of Westeros ? That according to the GRRM universe Alicent 15 is marriageable like other young girls of this age ? Well... go open a history book, poor thing.
Or how about this :
Is proof that I support violence against young women when I am saying that Otto placed Alicent in a shitty situation / therefore responsible for this mess, and therefore that what is happening to Alicent is certainly horrible but that the situation is more complex than simply Viserys = evil abuser and rapist ? Ok... If you say so.
On the other hand, I think you are rather degenerate to hunt us down like that. Don't you have anything else to do with your life ? It's as sad as it is pathetic.
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