#all anons shall be orbs here
ask-iri-and-widdle · 1 year
Could- could I give Iri a little headpat? Please? 🥺
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utilitycaster · 5 months
RE: Ruidusborn superstition - It's weird because Matt has had several opportunities to make it about persecution and hasn't. Laura could've made it a stronger point in her backstory with Gelvaan and didn't. This rounding up Ruidusborn and throwing them in jail is a theoretical crime that a bad guy in a cult told them might happen. 
Dealing with the unfair persecution of non Vanguard Ruidusborn in the fallout of this could be interesting to explore, but a) it hasn’t happened yet and b) still entirely the fault of the Vanguard for, ya know, all the crime. I just don’t get why some folks aren’t exploring the actual interesting conflict in front of them (i.e. being tied to something inherently destructive, your parent using you as a justification for her crimes, etc.) and instead make it about some secret twist coming that will totally make Liliana and the Vanguard “correct” actually in order to (I assume?) justify Imogen’s brief consideration of them and dunk on Orym for having the audacity to not be objective about the organization that killed his family.
Hey anon,
This is a very good point re: the actual conflicts present. I know I've been guilty of going hard on Liliana and the thing is I do find her a profoundly compelling and sympathetic villain. I think she was placed in an impossible position by Predathos imbuing her with troubling and at times painful powers; that despite having good intentions with regards to the nature of Ruidus (there is a lot of value in both studying it and in concealing its nature, depending on your perspective) people other than Ludinus were unable to give her answers and so she was easy prey for his cult; and she has since been driven by these motivations so far down the road of the Ruby Vanguard that even when the daughter she has believed herself for so long to be protecting tries to give her an out and asks her why she's doing this, she can't answer but is terrified of leaving. She is very sympathetic. She is very much a villain. And yes, I'll cover Orym in a second.
The following is, by necessity due to the nature of what I want to discuss, going to touch on some real-world politics though mostly in the sense of abstract strategy with very few specific actual positions. I want to note that we are talking about a fictional work here, and while I do have some presumptions regarding the people advocating for the Vanguard, they are just that - presumptions. I will only say that if this is how the people advocating for the Vanguard engage with people in real-world activism (if they partake in that in the first place), this may be a revealing insight into why they are perhaps less than successful.
Every argument in favor of killing the gods ultimately presupposes killing the gods is correct. They are all, ultimately, either tautological (we should kill the gods because they are deserving of death) and assume that the only objective conclusion is "we should kill the gods", therefore anything other than "we should kill the gods" cannot be objective.
I may be repeating myself since I've said this a lot since the last episode but: there as a truly bone-chilling lack of empathy in thestatement that Orym needs to stop bringing up his dead family and get over it and be objective (read: agree with the premise that the gods should be killed). Actually, if you are a person capable of perceiving others as people, you will likely realize that it is cruel and absurd to expect someone to say "this group murdered my family, but because they did so with the correct motivations, I shall stop mentioning it." As you indicated, it's bizarre that Orym is expected to set the wholesale murder - deliberately set up with no hope of resurrection, just to twist the knife - aside, but Imogen is never expected to set aside the (let's face it, extremely tenuous, given that Liliana's been absent for over a quarter-century) feelings about her mother, a person who recruits child soldiers, turned Vax into an orb, and is a general in the death cult that murdered Orym's husband and father. Like, in a real-world scenario, someone in Orym's position very well might have just left over this. Your friends keep failing to consider your trauma? Perhaps it's time to, painful as it may be, find friends who will be sensitive. [I don't want to focus on the shipping or character dynamic aspects with that particularly argument against Orym, but this is a fictional work and I do think another running theme in all sorts of discourse is that you do not need to justify your ships as logical, and when you do, you really do sound like "why doesn't Ross, the largest friend, simply eat all the other friends." There are logical reasons why Orym might not want to talk with, for example, Fearne or Ashton; but also the heart wants what it wants, and again, if you aren't truly ignorant about the way human psychology works you have to acknowledge that.]
Before I move on to other items I want to note I've as of late seen attempts not just to discredit Orym but to pathologize his behavior as self-harming or moral OCD or a failure to get fully over grief (again, an expectation that is not just devoid of empathy but also sets the standard of 'get over grief' as "agrees with me") and not just "hey, this group killed my husband and father in front of me and I understandably will not budge on this particular front. So there's also a growing ableist push, here, because someone doesn't agree with you and will not agree with you and also might want to kiss someone different than whom you want them to kiss.
As of late, the banner of those wronged by the gods has shifted from any of Bells Hells to those of Aeor, and that is a bad sign in a D&D campaign. If you need to set aside the PCs in order to rely on NPCs who have not shown up in the current narrative? You are clinging to a melting iceberg, my man. (More so after invoking FCG as one of the victims of Aeor's demise, rather than someone created to be used for malicious purposes by Aeor; and even more so after they destroyed themself specifically in heroic sacrifice to save the rest of the party from a Vanguard general.). But more seriously, the focus on Aeor feels reminiscent of advocacy for the unborn; or, to take a page from my own personal experiences and move this back into a fandom realm, the way people will frequently more loudly decry antisemitism for depictions of goblins than for, say, the fact that I don't know of an American synagogue that hasn't experienced a bomb threat in the past 10 years. It's very easy to advocate for corpses or fetuses over the living, or for fictional characters over real people who might be less than perfect. Much easier to ensure they never do such inconvenient things as disagree with you or have their own suggestions or be complicated. It hearkens back to some of the conversations I and others had earlier this campaign about a denial of agency because by making characters victims "stripped of choice," (always that phrasing) suddenly they can't do wrong. They make for a shit story, but at least you can feel morally pure about your flavorless cardboard that ultimately means nothing in-world or out. (And if they don't have agency, that means your morality pet can't run away. Or blow themselves up in a stunning rejection of your argument.)
Returning to the Vanguard: an ongoing discussion in activist spaces (and internet ones as well) is that there's a weird ignorance of optics as an important factor in activism. I know it seems frustrating - why can't people just see that this cause is just - but optics have always been a crucial part of any successful movement. I mean, even if you do believe that we need to do more to combat climate change - and I do - my, and most people's response to the environmental activists who keep throwing soup or paint on artwork is "ugh, this again?" I mean, functionally, while the cause is far more just, it's not terribly distinct from the weird-ass He Gets Us ad campaign; most people are going to say "and you're doing this instead of anything helpful...why?" The Vanguard's optics SUCK. Sure, they've fomented some unrest, but it is an unfortunate truth that the vast majority of people will prefer the inherent violence of a stable system that they are used to over violent unrest. For a successful coup or radical change, either you need to strike at the seat of power extremely quickly or you need to show that you are the more, for lack of a better term, civilized option, and the Vanguard has failed utterly in both these. You're going to get a few places like Hearthdell (though, really, how long will that last given that they got rid of the temple without a scrap of help from Ludinus) but you're going to get a lot of places where city dwellers say "ugh, these stupid crystals are so fucking loud, could this motherfucker shut up" and you're also going to get no shortage of places that say "my family member was taken in by this cult" or "these guys murdered my professor". The rightness or wrongness of the Vanguard's politics aside, a lot of people in-world are likely to side with Orym - these people are murderers who disturb the peace and we should stop them. The cause is lost. Is it, in some absolute sense, fair that people will judge you more for how you convey a message than what the message is? No, although if you convey it in rivers of blood, then, perhaps, yes. But it is, fair or not, often true.
Which brings me back to Orym. I think the reason people are stooping so low specifically to malign and discredit Orym is because he brings all of the above uncomfortably to light. He's aligned with Keyleth, who quite frankly until pretty recently was, within the fandom, partly as (understandable) backlash to the hate she received, and partly because she was, if nothing else, always portrayed as someone deeply attuned to the human costs, treated as a morally infallible authority; and she is no friend to the gods yet still believes their demise is far too great a risk to take. Again, thinking of yourself as Exandria's equivalent of the man on the street (Imahara Joe the Plumber?), are you going to listen to "those people killed my husband and father to prove a hypothesis so that they could tether the moon?" or "my mom, who left me when I was two years old and never came back or sent a letter, is one of those people?" And that's assuming Imogen's even going to make that argument, which, as her actions indicate, she's probably not going to. But most of all I think they really don't like that Orym isn't backing down from "That is the blade that killed my father and husband. She is not right." He's kept to this story the entire time, while the positions of others have evolved. And he's telling the truth. Every time he says this, I think anyone who isn't actually a complete black hole of empathy must confront how much of their humanity they are supressing just to make a poorly-argued point about a D&D show and I'd imagine that can't make one feel very good.
I think people are terrified of Orym's conviction, because he has shown, time and time again, that he is not going to be swayed. I don't think, in fact, that he's going to be swayed by seeing Aeor, should that happen, since Aeor was destroyed a thousand years before he, Will, or Derrig were born, and their murders failed to undo that harm in any way. A really good way to turn people away from your cause, even if it's a good one, is killing those they love. And again, it's fine if you see that position as unfair, or ignorant, or even amoral. It's also extremely true. And I think people realize it's true, given that the only defenses I've seen for Liliana have been "well, but she's Imogen's mother" and "well, it's shockingly easy for people to fall into a cult, because this has happened to my family members." Clearly, we agree that people will place personal connections and the pain of those close to them over ideology. Orym's is just really inconvenient for some people, and so he must be discredited.
In the end: the people in the story who at every turn choose manipulation, indoctrination, violence, subjugation, and conquest are saying "This is the way; you just have to trust me." Is it any surprise most people watching the show are saying "No, I don't think I will"?
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
You might have said this already, but I kinda forgot. Do you think there is any rivalry between the sisters about you? Jealousy? Are they good at sharing? 😏
From now on, you shall be my 😏-Anon.
So, hellaw 😏!
Yes and yes and it depends, lol.
I mean, they´ve come a long way since this complicated dynamic started, that´s for sure. Back when your relationship was in its early stages, You struggled quite a bit with keeping them from jumping each others throats. There was lots of hissing and growling at each other with you caught in the middle, literally.
"Hey, hey, hey!" you protested, jumping in and stemming your hands against their chests as Kate and Irina bared their teeth at each other, looking just about ready to use them as they produced sounds you hadn´t thought them capable of. "Stop it, now! What has gotten into you guys?!"
A snapping of teeth here.
A hiss there.
Hands were sizzling.
If looks could kill both would´ve dropped by now.
"You´re sisters. Now act like it!" You slapped their chests in frustration, but neither of them seemed the slightest bit bothered by your meek attempts at separating two raging bulls.
"It´s not their fault."
You recognized the strangled rasp as Tanya´s voice, sounding so unlike herself as she braced against the wall, her nails creating indentations in the solid surface.
She was panting, all the gold in her eyes had been swallowed by blackness.
"It´s what instinct tells them." She inched closer then, dragging her nails along the wall, creating a most awful sound. "Protect...at all costs."
Despite her obvious struggles, she seemed to hold up a lot better than her sisters. If it wasn´t for you squished between them, heads would be rolling by now. Of that you were certain.
"But you...you seem alright? Kind of?" You pointed at her holding it somewhat together, appearing somewhat sane.
"I´m really not." she chuckled - a pitiful sound - before giving a light shrug of her shoulders, "But being the head...it helps."
An arm stretched in your direction then, a trembling hand pleaded with you, "Will you...come here? Please."
There´s nothing you wanted more in this moment - she looked awful. However-
"...What about-" Your gaze darted back and forth between Kate and Irina still staring daggers at each other. You dreaded to think about what might happen.
"They won´t." Despite looking worse for wear, she still oozed confidence.
You trusted her. Always.
You slowly started to back away, nearly tip toeing towards Tanya because you feared any sudden movement might set something off again.
...Perhaps you should´ve listened to your gut feeling, for as soon as you were out of clawing reach, they geared up again, looking absolutely ready to-
"You will not."
Tanya snatched you once you had been close enough and pulled you tightly against her body. So tight that you could now feel the vibrations caused by her reprimanding growl.
It startled her sisters into a stop, heads whipping around to focus on their leader, eyes wide as saucers.
...Until all their ire was directed at said leader instead.
You nearly jumped when the tense silence was shattered by the sudden explosion of noise. Snarls and hisses were exchanged, all varying in pitch and intensity.
Your gaze snapped back and forth between them, desperately trying to grasp a conversation that went far beyond your understanding.
In the end, Tanya´s word was final.
It always was.
With a mixture of awe and bewilderment, you watched Kate and Irina slowly come back to their senses. Black orbs were steadily brightening until gold greeted you - so warm, so familiar.
Their heads lowered when they saw you holding onto their sister for dear life, clearly ashamed of their behavior.
"Maličký, I-" Irina spoke up first, though she seemed at a loss for words just as fast. Tears that would never fall glistened in her eyes.
"We´re sorry, little one." Kate interjected, her face grief-stricken. "We never intended to scare you so."
This was the smallest you'd ever heard her.
It broke you.
Without hesitation, you slipped out of Tanya´s grasp and rushed towards them. Once you were close enough, you leapt up and threw your arms around both their necks in a crushing hug.
They caught you with ease. They always did.
And they always would.
"Idiots." you mumbled into their shoulders, and felt overjoyed when relieved laughter was your answer.
"That I can very much agree with." A third hand came to stroke your back, before slipping down to rest on your hip when you pulled back from your bear hug.
Leaning back against Tanya, your hands clasped theirs in a tight grip, squeezing as hard as you could manage to let them know that fear was the furthest thing from your mind.
All you felt when you looked at them was love.
And it always would be.
That´s pretty much what it comes down to.
They have gotten significantly better at it. But each of them as their own inner beast to deal with, and that beast recognizes the presence of another beast - family or not. That´s the driving force behind it all I´d say.
Tanya struggles most because it´s not just her own beast she has to deal with, but she also needs to step up as leader and play peacemaker between her sisters. She has to deal with triple the pain, so to speak.
So, rivalry? Absolutely - there´s no getting a vampire´s beast out of a vampire.
Jealousy? Hell yeah - but that´s something I consider more human, actually. It´s less about instincts and more about...well, having to share your woman with two other women, lol. Whether they´re your sisters or not.
(...I think that makes things worse, actually. xD)
Are they good at sharing? Hm...they have their good days.
...And a lot of bad ones, lol.
Sibling rivalry can be so taxing-
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...and hot.
Thanks a lot for that ask! 💋
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im not sure if ur still accepting some h/c with god!reader themes but a brainrot just wouldn't stop in my head
reader, a god who fell from Celestia, had roamed the place where they could not find then--Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah, having been found out to have hidden reader, was cursed.
Reader roamed what turned to be the abyss for years and years until they stumble upon a lost boy, scared and poisoned by the deep darkness.
God reader, taking pity, had helped guide the poor boy into managing that accumulated poison and slowly form into a monstrous form.
you called it foul legacy. foul legacy likes you.
time passes by and you didn't know how you've changed the fate of a young boy and an abyssal power in one fell swoop. years later, you've come out of your hole to wander around.
you come across the boy, now a man, wandering around the geo archon's land. he invites you to tea and you accept.
he transforms into the creature you had helped give life to and said creature hugs you like an old friend.
you journey with them, the man and the abyssal creature, heading towards his homeland.
you are stopped midway by a pillar overhanging where you are stood. the creature tries to intervene, to help you, its cries and whimpers amongst the storm of heavenly kaleidoscopic waves lost to you.
"you are a danger to this world."
gods, fallen even like you, are not destructive or strong because of their grand ability in combat.
they are destructive because they do not follow the world's laws, the world's fate.
teyvat has its own laws and one of them is that all who reside in it have a set path that cannot be changed.
you ignored that and changed someone's fate, a boy named Ajax who was destined to meet Skirk and swore loyalty to the Cryo Archon.
"we shall correct this path, starting from you."
the last of your vision was a lone blue orb staring desperately into your own resigned eyes.
*eats this in one bite* anon, you are brilliant, i adore this <33
"You are a danger to this world." those were the words you heard when you fell from the heavens, down to earthly soil and rock. it hurt coming down, as gods are not exempt from feeling pain and woe, yet when you hit the ground the only thing you felt was a quiet sense of relief, thankful to be released from your Celestial shackles at least. no longer would you have to deal with the stuck-up ideals of your older brethren, nor their judgmental stares from behind as they whispered about you and your useless, uncanny ability to change fate
you had been freed that day. but time catches up with everyone, even gods, and out of all fates your own is the one you can't alter
the last thing you say before you tell Foul Legacy to run is "I'm sorry", a teary smile spreading across your cheeks, and then you're buried beneath heavenly stone and principles, where no mortal could ever find you
but as a god of Celestia, you cannot die so easily, even underneath all those cages and chains of punishment, so instead you sleep, perhaps forever. you can faintly sense your surroundings- a distant, cold melody of starlight and raindrops and- ah, the Abyss, of course that's where they'd send you. sudden loneliness struck your heart, being taken away from Ajax and Foul Legacy, who you've come to love
should gods love? probably not, but you've never been good at following the rules
at least it's peaceful here, your mind drifting eternally. you're not sure how much time has passed, only that it's been a while, your consciousness waxing and waning like the moon. perhaps this was your destiny, as a Heavenly Sinner, the rest of your life doomed to silence and solitude until you eventually give up on thinking at all
you're dreaming when the scratching noises begin; dreaming so deeply at first you think it's just a trick of sound. but they get stronger, gradually, until they're positively ringing against the stone around you, clawing and tearing at the rock cages, and suddenly something cracks and light flows around you. you vaguely feel your body being lifted into the light before the pain sets in. it hurts to move, hurts to breathe, have you even been breathing the time you've been asleep? and yet even as you struggle to inhale and clench your fingers, your body feeling weak and frail, you're surrounded by a sense of undeniable security. when you finally have the strength to glance up, you meet a familiar, crystalline gaze filled with adoration and relief. Foul Legacy leans closer to bump his head against your cheek, claws cradling you like glass as he simultaneously purrs and cries at your presence, and you hear a growling, rumbly voice speak in your ears
"Found you..."
ah, the gods forgot about the Abyss- the chaotic, wild Abyss- which aspires to tear fate to shreds and leave it in the dust
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ms-beezelbub · 2 years
Heyo whats up!1!!!1! I made a little MUGEN inspired story becuz I was bored. I used my MUGEN oc's for this story. So uh, here lsiten to it!!1!!
There was once a void, it was just nothing, nothing at all, nothing was ever ever.
But... That minute
Something became something, I wonder what that thing became... The sun...
Well, theres something now in nothingness...
" Well, i wond'r what i couldst maketh in this nothing w'rld. Oh, i knoweth "
The something made a orb... With a face... Weird...
" Holla th're dram one, I am uh. The travelling lamp! "
" ... "
" ... I hath said holla! "
Complete silence from the orb.
" ... "
The Sun's face would light up from his anger, you can see him fuming.
" Salve ibi sol! Nomen meum est... exspecto nomen non habeo- "
" Oh s'rry fir screaming... Well I can giveth thee a nameth? "
" Quod nomen est mihi, Sol? "
Sun would eub his chin thinking about a good name for the orb. Once he decided the name, he would glare at the orb and say:
" Oh! thy nameth shall beest... Zefs! "
The orb, now called Zefs, would look at the Sun, it would be taken over from the beauty of their looks. And say:
" Magnum id nomen sonat! Quid ergo? Nihil est et ego in cassum incidam et peream... Exspecta! Ideam habeo! Fac terram ubi manere possum! "
The Sun would look at Zefs and say:
" Well, yond doest soundeth liketh a idea, I am not restful of floating in a exsufflicate void "
The Sun would create the ground, trees, grass, even mountains.
" Hmmm, the sky looks too white. Alloweth me changeth the col'r... "
The Sun would bring his arms up and turn the sky blue, also some clouds started to appear.
" Well thats bett'r anon... "
" welp I guesseth i'll catch but a wink the next 10 centuries "
The Sun would just, poof. Leaving Zefs alone in the fields. He would look around for any other living creatures like him.
" Bene... Probabiliter aliquid ex ligno facere possum. Cum profectus est. Possi- tum valebat ad alia entia. "
Yeah, thats all ig... You can bully me if you want- I tried my best-
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
could you do a re2 leon x reader where they’re each other’s first time? And he’s really considerate with getting everything ready, making sure youre comfortable and feel safe, and even put in place a safe word? :)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, Anon! I hope it's worth the wait. I definitely had fun studying this (until my laptop decided to spontaneously turn off before I saved and I almost had a breakdown).
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Some fluff, 18+ content, first time sex, GN!reader
Cuddled up against his broad chest (Y/N) blankly stared at the TV screen with their mind wandering far away from the plot of the movie, which Leon had picked up. Instead with their ear pressed against his toned chest- they appreciated the rhythmic sound of his heart, that had a soothing effect on them. They felt at home whenever he was by their side and they even managed to forget about all of their problems.
Glancing up (Y/N) pondered over his soft features; from his baby blue orbs to the dirty blond curtain, which gracefully fell in his handsome face, that was littered with numerous moles and beauty marks. He looked ethereal, akin to an angel on earth. In moments such as this one (Y/N) was reminded how much they loved Leon.
For the entirety of their relationship they have always been there for each other through thick and thin and the multiple challenges have faced only prove just how strong their connection was. But there still was a barrier they have not crossed over yet, a step further which excels the relationships to the next level.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" His soft voice disturbed their train of thought. "I was just thinking." Replied nervously, all the while avoiding his curios gaze.
"Well." (Y/N) paused to take a deep breath trying to find the best way to word their thoughts. "You know we've been dating for quite a while now... and I was thinking maybe it's about time we take things to the next level."
The room fell silent, except for the still working TV- which at this point was entirely disregarded by both of them. (Y/N) reluctantly lifted her gaze only to notice a pinkish blush forming on his cheeks.
"If you're not comfortable I totally get it- I can't expect this from you-" Hundreds of thoughts passed through (Y/N)'s brain. An overwhelming feeling of awkwardness settled in their stomach, as immediate regret stung their heart. They felt the need to go home before they broke down crying in front of him. Standing up they felt a hand wrapping around their own, stopping them in their steps. "No it's not that I don't want it I just-I can't believe you want to do this... with me."
"Leon... Believe me you are the one I want and I trust you to be my first." (Y/N) looked in his eyes, noticing the anxiety behind them. He was just as nervous as they were.
"Even if it's my first time too?" He gave them a puzzled look.
"Yes even if it's your first time too."
Soon enough the taxi dropped them in front of his house. (Y/N) stepped out of the vehicle then made their way to the front porch, for a moment they stood before his door; they exhaled in order to calm their nerves before knocking on the solid surface. Within seconds the door opened, revealing Leon dressed in a black tuxedo.
"And I thought you couldn't get sexier." Their remark brought a faint blush on his cheeks followed by a breathy chuckle.
"But you take the spot light." He returned the compliment.
"Don't flatter me Kennedy."
"I doubt I ever will. Either way make yourself at home." (Y/N) headed towards the kitchen accompanied by him.
"I was planning on preparing something for dinner, but last minute I realized I barely had anything in the fridge. Maybe I can-"
"Don't worry about it Leon, after all I'm mainly here not because of dinner." They gave him a reassuring smile.
"Yeah right. Then shall we go upstairs?"
"After you."
(Y/N) followed after him until the two of them reached the door leading to his bedroom. Entering the room (Y/N) was pleasantly surprised with how tidy it was, looking around the space they noted he had lit a bunch of scented candles, that settled the mood. Silently (Y/N) sat on the bed, while Leon knelt before them.
"Leon, what are you-?"
"Just let me take care of you." He was quick to shush them, but they complied.
His movements were careful and sensual; sliding off any clothing articles, which covered their legs. The tips of his fingers brushed up and down their calves, causing tiny goosebumps to form on their skin. (Y/N) let out an audible sigh once his digits found their way on their inner thighs, spreading their legs apart in the process. For a second he stood still; his eyes instantly locked with theirs, silently asking for permission. They nodded and gave him a soft smile.
Sudden boldness was apparent in his touch; his hands glided further to the point where his fingers were almost touching the band of their underwear. Gently he began massaging their inner thigs in slow circular motions until suddenly he pulled away. (Y/N) looked down at him in both disappointment and confusion, but right before they were about to speak Leon planted a kiss atop their clothed sex. They whimpered at the new sensation; shivers ran down their spine as Leon continued littering their pelvic area with kisses, before returning to their inner thighs where he sucked on their sensitive skin. (Y/N) tried to hold back any noises, that threatened to escape past their lips, yet they found it hard not to especially when they felt so many intense sensations.
"(Y/N), don't hold back. Please tell me if you feel good." They nodded in response.
"it's important for me to know. in case you are uncomfortable or feel discomfort use the word blue and I'll stop."
"Okay, sir." (Y/N) teased; their lips curled into a mischievous smile, causing his heartbeat to pick up.
Now may I continue? A shaky breath escaped his lips, giving away his nervousness.
"Yes please." They returned without a second thought.
With granted permission Leon laid them on the bed before he began exploring the area of their neck with his lips, littering their heated skin with kisses accompanied by a few light hickeys. Instinctively (Y/N) moved their head in the opposite direction to give him more space to work with, whilst their fingers tangled in his blonde strands. They let out a high pitched moan once Leon sucked on certain sensitive spot. Noting their reaction, he brushed his tongue against it before grasping the skin with his teeth. He tugged at the rest of their clothing; (Y/N) reciprocated lifting their hands to assist him. They laid underneath him completely bare and aroused.
Wrapping their hand around his neck they closed the distance between them, bringing their lips together. Their other hand slid down his torso only to grab a hold of his belt buckle, struggling to undo it. Understanding where they were getting at Leon briefly pulled away to undress himself. (Y/N) observed his every movement, as little by little the beauty of his physique was entirely revealed right before their eyes. Their gaze trailed down his body; from his broad shoulders, muscular torso and all the way down to his hardened dick. Despite their best of efforts, they weren't able to look away.
"The training has done wonders to your body."
"Is that your way of saying you like what you see?"
"Aw shut up and don't keep me waiting!"
"One more thing." He paused, as he browsed through the contents of his nightstand drawer. "Aha." He took out a condom as well as lubricant, before carefully opening the foil packaging of the condom and applying it on his cock.
"Are you ready?" Leon questioned them, concern was evident in his voice.
"Yes I am." (Y/N) chuckled at how sweet he was.
Leon sat between their parted legs with the lube in his hand. He squeezed a generous amount of the product before spreading it on their hole. Slowly he worked his way inside them, inserting a finger at a time to make sure they were prepared to take him. Meanwhile (Y/N) squirmed at the foreign sensations. At first all they could feel was pain, but eventually a pleasant feeling appeared. He continued fingering their hole in a steady rhythm; he used the sounds they made as an indicator to whether or not they feel good. Eventually their legs began to twitch, their breathing got shallow and that's when he stopped.
(Y/N) had no time to protest, as he was now hovering above them with the tip of his dick brushing against their needy hole. He peppered their face with kisses, then he connected his plump lips with theirs into a delicate, yet passionate kiss.
"Tell me if it hurts, please." His baby blue orbs pierced into theirs.
"I will." (Y/N) said, placing their hands around his shoulders.
Slowly Leon pushed into their tight hole little by little; he stood still giving them time to adjust to the size of him. (Y/N) whimpered at the overwhelming feeling of being filled. They could feel how their walls stretched around his throbbing cock. It was painful, but the euphoria of it all was enough to distract her.
"What's your word?"
And with that he began slowly thrusting in and out. (Y/N)'s eyes squeezed shut, as they let out a loud moan. Leon's accommodated to their reactions; he would stop when their moans turned into groans and when they got silent he would pick up speed. (Y/N) got used to the new sensation and found it pleasurable; Leon was quick to notice. Gradually he began moving a tad bit faster with every thrust.
Soon enough (Y/N) was a moaning mess; the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room alongside their loud moans. Their grip on his shoulders tightened, as the sensation intensified.
Leon grunted, his teeth gritted; he felt his climax approaching, but more intense than any other one he has reached with his hand- this was different. The way they had his cock so perfectly wrapped in a tight embrace couldn't compare with anything else he has ever felt before. Unable to hold back he pounded into them even faster. (Y/N) screamed his name, their nails dug into his back, which only induced his arousal.
"Leon, I think I-" They began, but was soon cut off by another powerful thrust.
"Say it." He took a hold of their hips, bringing them closer to him, which allowed him to hit their sensitive spot from another angle.
"Leon, I'm close." They let out a whimper.
"Me too, love." He placed a kiss on their temple.
(Y/N) screamed his name; electric waves ran across their entire body, as they reached their peak. Leon's thrust grew sloppy, yet he kept going until he filled the condom with his seed.
Once (Y/N) managed to catch their breath they looked around only to see they were alone. Even after calling out his name they got no response. Just as they were about to look for him he entered the room; he carried a glass of water and a towel.
"Thought you might need these." He had the sweetest smile on his face, that melted their heart. He sat near them and began swiping off any bodily fluids from their legs, whilst (Y/N) chugged at the water.
"You are such a liar." Leon looked up at them in shock.
"Why do you think so?"
"You said you've never did it before, then how come you're so good?"
"I'm a natural I guess." The both of them chuckled.
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mirukupuddin · 4 years
Stardust Crusaders + Aftercare
ANON ASK: Stardust Crusaders (seperately) reacting to you using your safeword O///O
(A/N: Safewords are really important when practicing BDSM, so please if you guys are practising it, make sure it’s safe, sane and consensual as always hehe. Joot and Kak are 21+, I hope it’s okay I aged them up!)
Content Warning: Safeword use, mentions of BDSM, Waxplay, Spanking, Shibari 
Jotaro Kujo
His chest heaved, as he reached to uncuff you, rubbing your tender wrists. He wordlessly undid your blindfold
“Blink a couple of times.” He said in an even tone, a hand running through your hair gently.
“I-I’m sorry” You said teary-eyed, looking up to your lover’s aquamarine gaze.
“Shh, don’t apologise (Y/n). You did so well, you were so good for me.” He hushed you, cradling your smaller form in his brawny arms. He moved you to sit on his lap, as if you were made of glass, with utmost gentleness.  “Do you want me to get you anything? Water? Tea?” He murmured into your hair
You gripped onto him feeling so exposed and vulnerable, shaking your head. You shuffled, feeling his erection still being pressed against the back of your leg. A soft, breathless giggle emitting from you “You don’t want me to deal with that?” Your eyes meet his causing him to turn away in embarrassment.
“Good grief, woman. Could you think about yourself right now?” He sighed, snuggling you closer, bringing a blanket to cover the both of you. “Did anything…urm…do you wanna talk about it”
“It was just a lot, love. I don’t know.” You rested your head against his chest, interlocking your fingers with his.  He didn’t say anything, instead he just listened to you.
“I’m here, (Y/n), just rest.” He leaned back, the sound of his heart lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
 Kakyoin Noriaki
His reaction was immediate, hands going to untie your contorted body. Hierophant green almost instantaneously emerged to help unravel the knots across your body. You were shaking, body still unexplainably sensitive. Kakyoin grabbed a blanket, covered your vulnerable shivering form.
“Sweetheart, open your eyes, take a few deep breaths.” He whispered, holding onto your hand. You did just that, your half lidded (e/c) orbs meeting his own concerned filled ones. You crawled towards him, resting your head on his laps, gripping onto his white dress shirt. His fingers threaded through your (h/c) locks, smiling as he could hear you humming in approval.
“I’m so proud of you, my beautiful (Y/n).” He leaned down to kiss your forehead, before grabbing a bottle of water from the bedside table. You sat up, your lover supporting you as you sipped the water. His hand gently rubs circles on your hips, kissing the crown of your head.
“Shall I run us a bath? I can put the nice herbal soak to help with the muscle pain?” You nodded vehemently at the idea. Kakyoin’s smile reached his eyes, rolling his sleeves up to prepare the bubble bath.
“Noriaki…” You whispered
“Yes, my love?” He looked over to you stretching out you arms and legs, a smile dancing on your features.
“I love you”
“I love you more” He grinned back
 Jean-Pierre Polnareff
His hand was raised to spank you for the twenty-fourth time when he heard you yelp out your safeword. He froze up a bit feeling unexplainably guilty that he had pushed you that far. He lifted the top half of your body to sit up, your faced scrunched up in pain and wincing at the pressure on your behind. Polnareff reached for the box he left by the bed, a box that contained massage oil, antiseptic and some aloe vera cream. “Ma cheri, lie on your side” He said in a hushed tone. You did as he said, his hands smoothing along your behind, the soreness slowly dying down.
“Je t’aime, (Y/n). You are my everything, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” You felt guilty hearing the remorse in his voice.
You let out a soft moan, feeling the relief and calmness washing over you. Your lover was watching you in worry, thinking he had pushed you over the edge. You went to caress his cheek feeling him calm under your touch. He leaned into your softer palm, kissing the back of your hand.
“Stop trying to be so suave, Jean,” You let out a chuckle seeing the Frenchman pout at you.
“Well sue me for worrying! I didn’t want you to get hurt that badly and h-“  He cut himself up feeling a little choked up, causing you to erupt into giggles  
“It’s not funny (Y/n)!” He pushed his bottom lip out in his best puppy eyed expression. You pulled him down, lovingly pecking his cheek.
“I love you too, you dummy.”
  Abdul Mohammed
Your body jolted, trembling from the wax that was dripping onto your body. Being blindfolded was one thing, it was another thing to put this amount of trust into your lover to dribble scolding wax onto your chest. So, when you yelped out your safeword, Abdul instantaneously stopped his ministrations. His hands, previously inflicting molten wax onto your eager body, now gently caressing your cheeks and whispering praises in a honeyed voice. As the wax became stiffer on your body, he looked to you for approval to start cleaning you up. With a dazed nod in his direction, he began peeling the hardened wax from your trembling form.
 “are you comfortable, Habibti?” He said in a hushed tone, running his fingers along your back. You nodded, snuggling into the muscular man’s chest. “I can run a cool bath for you.” Your grip on his shirt tightened, smoothing over his arms and gently touching his scarred cheek.  It truly was moments like this, despite the momentary feeling of being overwhelmed, his big heart shined through. You knew he would never want to hurt you intentionally, and that’s why there was this trust built between you.
“Hmm, stay for a bit, this is nice” You smiled into the crook of his neck, feeling him chuckle.
 “Of course, anything for you.”
 Joseph Joestar
“Come on, little lady, have some water, there are some cookies here too” His eyebrows were knotted with concern, a brawny arm still around your trembling form. You accepted, gulping down half the bottle and nibbling on a couple cookies, your eyes brightened up, meeting his cerulean ones. You set the bottle and plate on the side table, Joseph sitting back in the bed. You clambered to sit on top of him, a blush dusting his cheeks at the connotations
“Ohoho you already want more of me huh?” he chuckled, you whined at his teasing.
You were straddled on his thighs, he continued to pepper kisses all over your face, gently rocking you as you almost felt yourself being lulled into sleep. His stubble scuffed against your cheek, making you giggle. Joseph chuckled and continued to nuzzle into you, knowing it would make you laugh.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
“I’m okay now.” You kissed his cheek
“You promise?” He looked at you with puppy eyes, holding you tighter
You laughed, no matter how old this man got, his maturity, or lack thereof, always seemed to shine through.
“I promise.”
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cheesy09 · 4 years
Life’s Ups and Downs
A comforting Gavin drabble to a wonderful anon who requested it. I hope all of you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥰
Pairing: Gavin x Reader Word Count: 562 Genres: Comforting fluff
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“What’s wrong? Having a bad day?” Gavin’s soothing voice fell by your ear as he snuck under the blankets next to you, his weight making the mattress sink beneath you.
You turned to look at him, those beautiful amber eyes full of gentle concern, the very sight easing the hurt in your heart a little. He softly lifted a hand and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your forehead. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”
His actions overwhelmed you, so kind, so comforting, and you wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your head in his chest, the fresh scent of a summer breeze sweeping over your body and easing your nerves. Gavin’s arms automatically wrapped around you in a protective embrace, his hand soothingly running through your hair in calm, gentle strokes.
“Gavin, why is life so unfair?” You mumbled against him, your voice muffling against the fabric of his shirt.
Gavin released a slight chuckle against you. “If I knew the answer to that, I’d tell you, believe me,” he said. He paused for a while, his hand continuing its subdued motions. “But... there’s a lot more to life than just unfairness.”
Confused, you looked up to look into his eyes, and your heart fluttered at sight of his affectionate gaze, waves of warmth radiating from those deep hazel orbs. Gavin pressed his forehead against yours and his breath fanned across your face. “Someone once told me that life is like a wave. It never stays the same. It has its ups as well its downs.” He closed his eyes, his soft voice echoing through your ears, as if he was remembering something from the past. “Back in high school, there had come a point where I had almost lost belief in that sentiment. After all, I didn’t seem to see any ‘ups’ in my life. That was... until I met you.”
Your heart thudded against your chest as you met his gaze once again, Gavin’s smile being the vision that dispelled the gloomy cloud that had hung over your consciousness. “You were the one who brought the ups back in my life. And now, even if there are the occasional downs, knowing that you’re by my side is enough to keep me from hitting rock bottom.”
His arms shifted to hug your waist and he pulled you against him and your head automatically nestled in the crook of his neck. “I guess, what I’m trying to say is… that I want to be for you what you are for me. I want to be apart of your ups as well as downs.” He planted another kiss against the crown of your head and continued. “We’ll walk this path of life together, okay?”
His words were like a breath of fresh air, blasting all your worries away and you finally had it in you to smile. You tightened your arms around him, pressed your lips against his neck and sighed contentedly. “Gavin, thank you. Just having you here has definitely turned all of my downs into ups.”
Gavin let out another melodious chuckle and asked, “Mind if I suggested something?”
You beamed at him. “Shoot, officer!”
“Shall we take a round on Sparky to cast all these meaningless burdens to the wind?”
───※ ·❆· ※─── ───※ ·❆· ※───
Thank you for reading! If you’re interested in reading more of my works, you’ll find them in my masterlist.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Just As Crazy
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Request: Yes / No  Hello Maybe you could do a Bellatrix X slytherin daughter reader who is just like her mother but is more insane.All she wants to do is to make her mother and Voldemort proud. She was the one who helped Tom open the Chamber of Secrets but nobody caught her. Then in 5th year she was the cause of Sirius death by betraying the DA when she shows up as a death eater. Tyyyyy 💕 Anon
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Bellatrix Lestrange x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 1248
Warnings: Sirius dying and that should be it 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My Mother was locked up in Azkaban, so I was living with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. My cousin Draco wasn’t really a huge fan of me, but I wasn’t really a fan of him either. He was weak, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was too emotional and wasn’t Death Eater material. However that wasn’t my decision to make. The two of us went to Hogwarts together,  obviously getting placed in Slytherin. I ended up using the Malfoy name so no one knew who I really was. My Uncle was able to sneak letters into my Mother and she was delighted I was put in Slytherin. The first year was rather boring but that summer I got a job from Voldemort. I had to help the young Weasley girl open the Chamber of Secrets. My Uncle planted the book and then it was up to me to make sure the Chamber got opened. I was just the watcher to make sure Ginny wasn’t destered, but at the same time I couldn’t be caught. Lucky for me it was pretty simple, however Harry Potter ruined it and killed the basilisk! 
I then had to gain Harry’s trust. It wasn’t easy to do, but I managed to do so by defending him and his disgusting friends against Draco. He hated it, but I assured him I hated it more. However it all paid off when I was invited to join their secret group in year five. Dumbledore’s Army was what they called themselves, how pathetic. Unbridge ended up catching us because of Cho Chang. Luckily they still trusted me and when Harry was going to the Ministry he asked me to join them. A small group of us made our way to London after a bit of trouble. When we made it to the Ministry we went straight to the Department of Mysteries. We walked down the hall, following Harry and he stopped just in front of a door at the end of the hall. 
“This is it.” He said. We walked slowly to the door and walked in to see a dark room with shelves of orbs.
“Ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five.” Harry said and stopped in between the shelves. 
“He should be here.” Harry said. 
“Harry. It’s got your name on it.” Neville said looking at one of the orbs. everyone watched as Harry grabbed the orb. 
“Harry.” Hermione said and looked down the hall. He pulled his gaze from the orb and looked down to see a Death Eater walking down towards us. I silently smirked and no one could see me since I was in the front. Harry moved in front of us and I quickly changed my expression to one of worry. 
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry asked. 
“You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams…” Uncle Lucius said and removed his mask. 
“And reality.” He finished. 
“You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy.” He said. 
“If you do anything to us, I’ll break it.” Harry said and I tried my hardest to not roll my eyes. I heard my Mother’s laugh and I suppressed my smile. 
“He knows how to play. Itty, bitty, baby. Potter.” She said and shook her head at me. It wasn’t time. 
“Bellatrix Lestrange.”  said, stepping forward. 
“Neville Longbottom, is it? How’s Mum and Dad?” Mum asked with a smirk. 
“Better, now they're about to be avenged.” He replied and held up his wand. My Mother held her up and Uncle Lucius saw this could go bad quickly. 
“Now, let’s everybody just calm down, shall we?” He said and they each lowered their wands. 
“All we want is that prophecy.” He said. 
“Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?” Harry asked and I sneered slightly. 
“You dare speak his name? You filthy half blood!” My mother shouted. 
“It’s alright. He’s just a curious lad, aren’t you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven’t you always wondered the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything.” Uncle said, holding his hand out. 
“I’ve waited fourteen years.” Harry said. 
“I know.” Uncle said, looking as though he cared. 
“I guess I can wait a little longer. Now! Stupefy!” Harry said. Everyone did the same and then ran. We ended up getting separated and my Mother found me. She grabbed me and pulled me along with her. Luckily no one saw. 
“Where’s Y/N?” I heard Harry ask. 
“They must have gotten her.” Neville said with a nervous tone. I smirked. 
“Get back to the door!” Harry shouted and I heard them running. 
“What do I do, Mother?” I asked. 
“Just wait for the right moment.” She said and took me with her to follow them. We followed them into a new room and while the chaos was going on my Mother hid me in a doorway. I had to stay there until it was the right moment. 
“Did you truly believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?” Uncle asked and I stifled my laugh. 
“I’ll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die.” He said. 
“Don’t give it to him, Harry!” Neville shouted, but my Mother hushed him. I saw a white light appear and glanced around confused. 
“Get away from my godson.” Sirius Black said punched my Uncle. Other white lights came and a fight started. I wanted to join, but my Mother gave me a sign to stay hidden. My Uncle was in trouble and my Mother had made it to me. I knew it was my time. 
“Avada Kedavra!” I shouted and aimed it at Sirius. My Mother and I laughed as he fell back into the archway and disappeared. 
“No! No!” Harry cried and I laughed harder. My Mother and I smirked at him as we ran off. 
“I killed Sirius Black!” I laughed as I heard Harry running after us. 
“You coming to get me?” I teased. 
“Crucio!” Harry shouted and hit me. I screamed as I fell to the ground and Harry pointed his wand at me. My Mother escaped through the fireplace so I was alone. I looked at him with fake sadness. 
“You’ve got to mean it, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it.” I heard the Dark Lord say and I looked up shocked and worried. 
“You know the spell, Harry.” He said and he appeared behind Harry. I started laughing and smiling. 
“Do it!” He said, but Harry turned around and knocked his wand from him. 
“So weak.” He sneered. Dumbledore appeared and a fight started, giving me the perfect moment to escape. I made it to Malfoy Manor and my Mother greeted me with a wicked smile. 
“Did I do well, Mother?” I asked with the same smirk. 
“You did dear, the Dark Lord will be proud.” She said and my smile grew. The two of us gave an evil cackle and I knew the Dark Lord will rise to power once again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​  @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8​
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imaginefan · 3 years
Separate Lives
Leo Wyatt X Reader
Word Count: 728
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you write a story of Leo Wyatt? You two were together lost contact then reconnect but your guys feelings never left but he is dating Piper now. (The elders made them break up), lots of cuteness but sadness too since they never got a happy ending. One shot.
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You hadn't expected that you were ever going to see Leo again and in all honesty, you were okay with that, you never really got over what you felt for him and seeing him every day and not being able to be with him would have been worse than anything. The Elders had told you both that it would impede your work if you were together so they made you both agree not to see each other and then made sure that you were always working miles away from each other.
Today was another day being a whitelighter and you were called in by the Elders "how can I help you?" You asked and you looked at each of them. "We are sending you down to help the Halliwells." The Elders said and you frowned. "Isn't that where Leo is?" You asked, "wasn't that the one thing you didn't want us to do?" "Things have changed now." They answered. "Changed how?" You asked. "That doesn't concern you but you'll know when you get there." One of them answered before you rolled your eyes and nodded orbbing away.
When you turned up at the Halliwell's house they didn't seem to know that you were coming which resulted in you almost getting your head blown off "Um that was rude." You called out from behind the wall that you had ducked behind you. "Who are you!?" One of the sisters called out. "I'm a whitelighter and I would really like it if you didn't blow my head off." You answered. "How do we know that you are telling the truth!?" Another one of them asked. "Leo knows me." You answered. "Call him." "Leo!" The first voice called again. "What's wrong?" You heard his voice and it made you smile. "There's someone here who says that she knows you." The first voice said. "Piper there's no one else here." He said. "She's out there." You assumed that they pointed in your direction. "Yeah and she refuses to come out until you say that you aren't going to blow my head off." You called out. "(Y/N)!?" Leo asked. "Hi." You greeted him still not moving into view. "You know her?" The first voice asked. "Yes, she's a whitelighter that I used to work quite closely with." He answered. "You can come out now." "I didn't hear anyone agreeing not to blow my head off." You called. "I promise." You heard someone say after a moment of hushed whispering. You walked out from where you were hiding to lean against the doorway of the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" Leo asked. "The big boys said that you needed help." You shrugged. "They didn't tell me what with though, so if you could fill me in that would be amazing." "They sent you?" Leo asked. "Mmm, apparently things have changed." You answered. "Well, I guess that's true." Leo nodded before turning to the three sisters. "I need to talk to (Y/N) do you mind giving us some time?" "Sure." One of them answered patting his arm and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before they all walked out of the kitchen leaving you both alone. "So the circumstances that changed?" You asked. "You're dating her now?" "Piper." He smiled. "You're happy with her?" You asked as you moved to distance yourself a little bit. "Mmm, it took a long time to accept that." He answered as he looked at you "I still thought about you a lot and I was never able to talk to you after that, it was hard to accept that I was never going to be able to talk to you about it." He explained. "But every time that I looked at Piper I felt something that reminded me of you, I had to trust it." "Yeah, I just want you to be happy." You took in a deep breath "we can't be happy together so we have to find a way to be happy apart. I'm glad that you have." "You haven't?" He asked. "That's not your problem." You dismissed him before looking at the door. "I was sent here for a reason so shall we get started on solving it?" "I..." Leo stopped realising that you had no intention of talking about yourself any further "sure let's go."
Requests and general question!
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Music Worth Making Part 4: The Hollywood Ghost Club
Requested: sort of
Warnings: mentions of death, bad writing
Series Summery: When the reader’s life is ripped away from them, they’re distraught. But with her two best friends and three certain ghosts, maybe the afterlife isn’t so bad after all. 
Chapter Summery: The boys learn about Bobby, and drag you along to haunt him. They also drag you along to the Hollywood Ghost Club
Words: 4310
A/N: sorry this took so long, I didn’t write for a few days, and I didn’t expect this chapter to be so long. I think this is the longest fic I’ve ever wrote! please tell me if you catch any mistakes, because once again, i did not edit this. also please tell me (on anon or not!) if there is a trigger warning you want tagged. hope you enjoy! (side note: i did a little research and gentlefolk is in fact the gender neutral term for gentleman)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Masterlist
“You’re…… a ghost,” Flynn said, her face morphing from confusion, to surprise, to something that looked like regret.
You nodded glumly. 
“So that’s why you weren’t in school today? Because you died?” she shook her head. “I can’t believe this. I- I need a minute.” She ran out of the garage. 
Your face fell out of the expression you didn’t realize you had been putting on for Flynn. Taking a deep breath, you sat down on the couch, not knowing what to do.
“Hey, Y/N, I-” Julie stopped when she saw you. “You okay?”
“Huh? Oh, oh yeah, I’m fine,” you lied. You could tell that Julie didn’t believe you, but she didn’t push. You were thankful. You didn’t even know what was off.
“Okay, well, I just wanted you to know that Danny’s staying in Carlos’s room now.”
“Really?” you asked, standing up. “Thank you Jules!” you went to hug the girl, but then remembered you were made of air. 
“Yeah, no problem,” Julie said, trying to make what you had accidentally created a bit less awkward. “Well, I gotta go do homework. I guess that’s one perk to being dead, you don’t have to do school anymore.” She laughed a little as she waved goodbye. 
That was true. You had a lot more freetime now. Maybe even time to sing?
Looking around to make sure no one was there, you closed your eyes and could practically hear the start of your favorite song. You started singing along, quietly at first, but soon you were belting it out at the top of your lungs and dancing all around the room, passing through the furniture that was in your way. 
The song ended, and you smiled, happy for the first time in a while. Before you could continue on to the next song, your moment of bliss was interrupted. 
“I didn’t know you could sing,” Luke said from his spot in the doorway. You jumped slightly. You had been so caught up in the music that you didn’t notice him watching you. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, stepping into the studio. “That was really good.”
You felt your face heating up. “Thanks,” you said quietly. It was the first time you had been complimented on your voice, never having the guts to sing anywhere outside of the school choir. 
“Do you sing much?” he asked, moving to sit on the couch. 
“Um, not really, no.” You sat next to him. “My parent’s wouldn’t let me. I only sang in the ensemble for the school choir.”
“Wow. That was amazing for someone who doesn’t sing much.” You felt yourself blush slightly. He smiled at you. 
“Hey, um, would you wanna join the band?” he asked, fidgeting with his rings. 
Your eyes widened. “Join- join Julie and the Phantoms? I, I’d be honored to, but what about Alex and Reggie?”
“What about them?”
“Well, shouldn’t they get a say in it? Julie too? I mean, it’s their band, too.”
Luke waved his hand dismissively. “I’m sure once they hear you sing, they’ll agree with me.”
You bit your lip. “Even if I did join, there’s a risk of someone recognizing me. How are you going to explain that the dead kid is singing on stage with Julie?”
“I’m not. Julie would explain that,” Luke smirked, earning a playful glare from you. “Seriously though, you could wear a disguise or something. I mean, you said you just moved here a few years ago and you’re pretty shy, so most people don’t know you, right?”
“Maybe….” You knew that someone was bound to recognize you, but decided that it was a problem for Future You to figure out. “Alright, I’ll join.”
Luke bounced up. “Yessss!” he exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air. You squeaked slightly when he pulled you into a tight hug. “Sorry,” he said, loosening his grip. You smiled at him, letting him know it was fine. “Welcome to the band.”
“We’re playing a school dance? Sweet!” Reggie said, looking at the poster Julie had shown you. 
“It’s not exactly the Strip,” Luke muttered, making you roll your eyes slightly.
“And you’re not exactly alive, so you should be happy we have our first gig,” Reggie retorted. 
“I wasn’t in love with the idea at first either,” Julie admitted, “but it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?”
“Yeah, we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can,” you said, nodding at Julie. 
She raised an eyebrow at you. “We?” 
You felt your heart start to speed up as you realized you had accidentally told her you joined the band. Luckily, Luke saved you from having to explain yourself. 
“Ye- yeah, we. I invited Y/N to join the band earlier. I hope that was okay,” he said, throwing an arm around your shoulders and hugging you to his side. 
Julie nodded hesitantly. “It’s fine, I just wish you had asked us first.” Reggie nodded his agreement. 
“I know, and I’m really sorry-” you started, but Julie cut you off. 
“It’s fine, Y/N, really.” She smilied at you. 
Luke smiled. “Let’s rock those kid’s faces off! And then play the clubs.”
“And then record a single that gets a billion streams?” you said hopefully.
“I don’t know what that is, but hopefully it gets us a manager and a tour,” Luke said with a smirk.
“And then we release a bunch of hit albums!” Julie said excitedly. 
“Put out a country album that does surprisingly well.” You all stared at Reggie. “I shred on the banjo,” he shrugged. 
“Then I’ll learn how to fiddle,” Julie said, fist bumping him. 
“And before you know it, we’re being inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall Of Fame!”
“But one of us isn’t there,” you said somewhat ominously. “Because we had a blow-out in 2032.”
“My money’s on Alex. He’s just so sensitive,” Reggie said, making you laugh slightly. 
“What are we waiting for, let’s get rehearsing!” Luke said eagerly. 
“Uh… where is Alex?” Julie asked just as he poofed back into the room. 
“Oh, hey Alex. Where’ve you been?” you asked the drummer. He looked slightly out of breath, and had a faint glow of happiness to him. 
“We need to start practicing,” Luke said, slightly annoyed.
“Yeah? For what?”
“Dance news!” Flynn called out as she walked in. “I don’t have a date. But I don’t care because I’m so psyched to see you guys perform.”
“Oh man, we’re playing a dance?” Alex asked, his disappointment evident in his voice. 
“Of course dude. That’s how we get a following nowadays.” Luke sat in the chair behind him. You laughed quietly. 
“Yeah, get with the program, Alex,” Julie laughed along with you. 
“What? The guys are here? Hey guys!” Flynn waved in the wrong direction. 
“Other way, sweetie,” you chuckled. “They’re sitting over here, with me.”
“Oh, yeah.” Flynn said quietly and waved in your direction. Reggie waved back.
“Okay, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?” Luke asked, impatient.
“Yes! We’re gonna rehearse, you wanna stick around?” Julie asked Flynn, who frowned slightly. 
“I’m supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better.”
Just then, Carlos burst into the studio and accidentally walked through Alex. “Hey Julie! Remember those orbs in dad’s pictures? I…. I think they’re ghosts.”
You, Julie, and the guys all shared a look. 
“But don’t worry,” Carlos continued, scanning the room. “This room is…. Is….” You sat forward slightly, waiting to hear his verdict. “This room is clear. I’m not getting the ghost tinglies.”
“Wrong again, little dude,” Reggie laughed. 
“Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you because I am the man of the house.”
You laughed. “Isn’t Ray supposed to be the man of the house?”
“Isn’t dad supposed to be the man of the house?” Julie asked, echoing you. You smirked. 
Carlos crossed his arms. “There can be two,” he muttered, causing you to laugh again. “Dad needs all the help he can get, right?”
He held up a salt shaker. “According to the internet, this burns their souls out. A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here.”
Your eyes widened with fear. It couldn’t possibly be true, could it? Taking no chances, you pulled your legs up into the chair you were sitting in as Carlos threw some salt your way. 
“No!”Alex screamed as some salt hit him. “Nooo! Oh god, I’m…. I’m fine. I’m totally fine,” he said when nothing happened to him. You sighed in relief.
“Flynn, could you…?” you asked, nodding your head to indicate taking Carlos out of the studio. In times like these it was useful to be a ghost that only some people could see. 
“Hey, Carlos, you know who’s hungry? Me,” she said, taking your hint. “Um, salt me a path to the kitchen.”
“Shall we try this again?” Julie asked once they were gone.
“Yes please, but remind us later. There’s some Sunset Curve songs that we wanna show you,” Luke said, standing up again. 
“Oooo, show me now,” Julie said, pushing away her microphone. 
“Yeah, okay!” Luke said, putting down his guitar and walking over to his journal. He took a paper out of it and read the title of the song: “‘Home Is Where My Horse Is’. Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal.”
“That was a gift,” Reggie said, winking at you. 
“Thanks, buddy.” Ignoring Reggie as he tried to get Luke to look at the song, he walked over to Julie and handed her his journal. You walked over to look over her shoulder. “I dog-eared the ones I think you would slay.”
“Who’s Emily?” You asked, the name catching your eye as Julie flipped through the pages. 
“That one’s not dog-eared,” Luke said, frantically trying to get the journal back. Julie held it to her chest. You mouthed “sorry” at him as he looked at you.
“‘If you could only know that I’d never let you go’,” Julie read out loud. “Wow Luke, I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
“He’s not,” Alex said, walking over. “That one’s actually about-”
“No one.” Luke cut him off. “Uh, that’s just something that I tried…” Was it your imagination, or did his eyes flicker over to you? “B- but if you go to the next dog-eared page, I got a tune that’s just…. It’s got a killer beat.”
He started playing the song on his guitar. You tilted your head to the side, sure that you had heard the song before. 
“So you wanna sample,” Julie spoke up, cutting Luke off. You realized where you had heard it before. It had been one of Rose’s favorite songs. 
Luke scoffed. “What do you mean, ‘sample’?”
“Sample someone else’s music,” you chimed in. 
“My mom and I used to sing that song at the top of our lungs in the car all the time.” 
“It’s a classic Trevor Wilson song.” 
Julie nodded, thankful that you knew what she was talking about.
“Nope.” Luke picked up his notebook. “It’s a classic our song.”
“Pure Sunset Curve,” Reggie said with a smile. “I’ve never even heard of Trevor Wilson.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re mixing it up, you know, with another song,” Alex said. 
“Julie doesn’t mix up songs,” you said. “Trust me.”
“Yeah, me and his daughter used to be best friends. We used to hang out at their place all the time! I know that song.” You looked at Julie. Having moved to Los Angeles after Julie and Carrie stopped being friends, you forgot sometimes that they used to like each other. 
“Here,” she said, pulling out her computer. “I’ll prove it.”
“His first album had a bunch of hits, but none of his later stuff is as good,” you said while Julie searched his name.
The boys gasped as she turned the computer around. You looked at her in confusion. 
“That’s Bobby,” Luke said.
“Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor,” you said, slightly concerned for his memory. 
“Okay, so he changed it, alright? That’s definitely Bobby. He was our rhythm guitarist.” Alex spoke up. Reggie stood still, clearly in shock. 
Julie scoffed. “Trevor Wilson was in your band?”
“I can’t get over how old he looks…” Reggie finally said. 
“Oh, he looks like a substitute teacher,” Alex said in disgust. 
You looked at Julie in confusion again. Sure, you had had a few bad substitutes, but you didn’t think it was enough to be an insult. 
“Julie… what were his other hits?” Luke asked hesitantly. 
“”Get Lost’.”
“Yeah. I wrote that.”
“‘Long Weekend’?”
“Yeah, Luke wrote that one too,” Reggie spoke up. You and Julie looked at him, the surprise evident on her face. 
“‘Crooked Teeth’?”
“And that,” Alex said. “It was about Reggie.”
“What?” Reggie exclaimed, shocked and slightly hurt. “I thought that was about you! I don’t like that song anymore.” You held in a laugh. 
“Wait… this is freaking me out. Trevor’s songs are kind of big to me,” Julie explained as Luke picked up some darts. “He’s the one who introduced me to rock.”
“Yeah, and Julie introduced me to rock using his music,” you said. You were freaking out a little too. You loved Trevor’s songs, so it was pretty weird to think that the ghosts standing in front of you had actually written them. 
“Yeah, Luke introduced you to rock,” Alex scoffed. 
“So this whole time, I thought you were connected to my mom. But instead, you’re connected to Carrie’s dad? Out of all the people, it had to be the one girl who had it out for me.”
“All right, well, add it to our list of questions,” you muttered. 
“Back when Carrie and I were friends, the three of us used to talk about music all the time.” Julie looked at the guys. “He never mentioned you guys.”
“And that’s unbelievable!” Luke said, throwing another dart at the board. “He can take all the credit and he doesn’t even mention us?” Reggie shook his head slightly. 
“And he’s rich,” you said. The boys all looked at you. “He has his own helicopter.”
“With his face on it,” Julie added.
“And he parks it in front of that hotel?” Reggie asked in shock. 
“No. He gets to park it in front of his mansion.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Mansion?” Reggie’s voice cracked. 
“Dude, we live in a garage,” Alex spoke up.
“It’s not about the money, it’s about the music!” Luke said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as anyone else.
“It’s a little bit about the money though!”
“A little bit about the money!”
“He could have shared it with our families! Maybe then my parents wouldn’t have had their house turned into a bike shack!”
“What he did is steal our legacy.” 
You felt really bad for them. You couldn’t even imagine how it would feel if you had worked that hard on something, and then someone stole it. 
Luke turned to Julie. “Where does he live.”
She sighed. “Above the beach in Malibu. 
“Let’s go teach him a lesson,” Reggie said. The boy’s face was usually so kind and bouncy, but now it was stone cold. 
“Wait, what? Guys! We have to rehearse for our dance! This is our first gig, and Y/N’s first time singing with us!” Julie said frantically, standing up. 
Alex glanced at you in confusion, and you remembered you hadn’t told him yet about you joining the band. 
Before you could say anything, however, Luke grabbed your hand and poofed out. 
“Bobby’s house is ridiculous!” Alex exclaimed as you looked around.
“Have you seen these platinum records?” you asked.
Reggie turned and looked at them. “Platinum?”
Luke was staring at a different set of records. “He recorded ‘My Name Is Luke’...” he muttered. “My name is Luke!”
Just then a man walked in wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket.
“It’s him!” Reggie said. 
“Hey, Carrie! I’m gonna meditate!” Bobby called out. 
“He wears sunglasses indoors,” Reggie said, disgusted. 
“I’m in the den!” Carrie called out. 
“Cool!” Bobby called out before going upstairs. 
Reggie shook his head. “I can’t stand him!”
“Time for his past to haunt him,” Luke said, a scowl on his features. 
He started up the stairs, with Reggie following him and you following a bit more hesitantly.
“Wait!” Alex called out, making you all turn around. “You know, it’s my…. It’s my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special.”
You looked at him, confusion written on your face. “Okay, Alex,” you said before turning around and continuing up the stairs, Luke and Reggie joining you. 
“Yeah, that was weird, okay,” you heard him mutter as he followed you. 
You made your way into Bobby’s room, where he sat with candles lit. 
“Agh!” you said as you felt another jolt of pain flair through your ankle. The boys looked at you, concerned. You shook your head to let them know you were fine. It was the weirdest thing, it’s like it flared up when it was the most inconvenient….
You watched the boys giggle as Luke gave Bobby a wet willy.
You and Alex snuck over to the candles, forgetting for a moment that no one could see you, and blew them out. 
Reggie turned on the music player, which started playing a rock song. Bobby walked over and turned it off, but Reggie just turned it back on, causing Bobby to unplug it. 
You hadn’t noticed Luke sneaking away, but he was gone when the shower turned on a moment later. 
“Carrie?” Bobby asked. You giggled with the boys.
Bobby walked into the bathroom to see the shower running just as Luke turned it off. The mirror across from the shower was now foggy, and perfect for a ghost to write on.
“Ooo, Luke, you should write ‘Hello, Bobby’ on it!” you suggested through a fit of giggles. Reggie pointed at you to show his agreement. 
Grinning, Luke wrote on the mirror in his best creepy handwriting, which also happened to be his best handwriting. 
Bobby tried to run out of the bathroom, but Alex held the door shut.
“Let… Me…. Out!!” he shouted. Alex finally let go of the door and Bobby practically fell out of the room, causing all of you to laugh.
Luke grabbed your hand again and you poofed down to the patio just as Bobby was leaving. You watched as his helicopter flew over your heads. 
“Oh! Quick, let’s moon him before he gets too far away,” Reggie said, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“He can’t see us,” you reminded them.
“Oh it’s not for him, it’s for us,” Luke said as he pulled down his pants. You averted your eyes. 
“So, did you guys have fun in there?” Julie asked, storming outside. 
“Okay, you’d do the exact same if he stole all of your songs,” Luke defended them. 
“But you guys have new songs. With me. The best way to get back at Trevor is for this band to do great. And to do great, we have to play at dances, then clubs-”
“And tours, I know.” Luke walked up to her. Julie still looked mad.
“I’ll see you guys at the school. We go on at nine. Please don’t be late. There’s gonna be a lot of people there.”
“We got it, alright? Don’t worry,” Alex said. 
Julie sighed as she headed back inside. 
“I don’t care what Julie says! I’m glad we scared Bobby,” Reggie said with a small grin. “We should’ve done more! Like… like written ‘thief’ on his forehead.”
“And Alex, how did you shut the door earlier? You could barely open a garage door,” you asked, confused. 
Reggie looked at his friend, proud of him. “Learned that from your new friend Willie, didn’t ya?”
Alex blushed slightly. “Yeah, well, he taught me some things, we screamed in a museum…” he caught the look of confusion on your face. “It’s a long story.”
Luke smirked. “You think he has a few other tricks up his sleeve?”
“Let’s find out,” Alex said with a shrug. 
You landed near a beach, a boy on a skateboard coming to a stop in front of you. 
“Hey, what’s up man?” he said to Alex, doing a short handshake. “You brought friends.”
“Yeah, these are my bandmates, Luke, Reggie, and Y/N.”
“Cool, I’m Willie. So, you guys here to learn some tricks?” He waved his hand in the direction of two police fourwheelers, making their sirens go off. 
Reggie’s mouth hung open. “Do it again!”
“Actually, we were thinking a little bigger,” Luke said. “An old bandmate stole from us and we wanna confront him, face to face.”
“Alright, is this, uh, friend of yours a lifer?” Willie asked. 
“Oh, that’s fancy ghost lingo for the living,” Alex said before you could ask. “Little something I picked up.”
You caught Willie smiling at Alex. 
“Ah! Then yeah, he’s a lifer,” Reggie said, using the fancy ghost lingo he had just been taught. “Too much of a fancy-pants for street dogs.”
You snorted. “Wait, that’s how you guys died?”  Julie had never told you, and you had just never discussed it with them. 
“Uh, that’s not important-” Luke started to say, but Willie cut him off.
“Wait, you didn’t die with them?”
“Uh, no,” you said, trying to stop laughing. “Some guy killed me.”
Willie winced. “Ouch.” You nodded. 
“Anyways,” Luke said, trying to get the conversation back on track. “Can you help us?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” Willie said, shaking his head. “Speaking to lifers is even out of my lead.” The guy’s faces fell. “You know, but there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He’s kind of a big deal…”
“Literally, anything would help,” Luke said. 
“Oh, alright. Well, um, I gotta take care of some things, but I’ll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o’clock. See ya.” He skated away. 
“Right this way,” Willie said, leading you into a huge ballroom-type room.
“Whoa,” Luke muttered. “So this is where your hot-shot ghost lives, huh?”
“Yeah, we’ve walked past this hotel like, a million times. How come we’ve never heard of it?”Alex asked. 
“That’s because this area has been sealed off for decades,” Willie said with a grin. “I mean, you wouldn’t even know this place exists unless you’re invited. Alright, I gotta go make sure everything’s cool, but I’ll be right back.” He turned and disappeared into the crowd.   
You inhaled sharply as the pain in your ankle flared up again. Luke looked over at you, confused, and you pointed to your ankle. He nodded, understanding.
“‘The Hollywood Ghost Club’?” Reggie asked, oblivious to what had just happened between you and Luke. “Man, this place is creepy.”
“Yeah, well, so are we.” Alex smiled.
“I don’t know about this,” you muttered. 
“Well, if you get scared, you can always hide behind me,” Alex said. “I’ll be hiding behind Luke.”
“You guys need to grow up, okay?” Luke said as Alex moved behind him. “We’re gonna get back at Bobby. He needs to pay for what he did to us.”
“Yeah.” Alex said. Then he whispered to you: “I’m still gonna hide behind him.”
Just then, Willie came back. “We’re all good!” he said with a smile. 
“Oh, uh, cool,” Alex said, flustered. “Hey, just so you know, we have like, an hour. We’ve got a gig with Julie.”
“Oh yeah, no worries.”
“Let’s go.”
You all walked down the stairs, taking in all the fancy clothing people were wearing. Well, the four of you walked. Willie slid down the railing. 
“I think we’re a little overdressed,” Luke said. You smirked.
Suddenly a woman walked through Alex. 
“Whoa! I thought these people were all going to be ghosts,” Reggie said. 
“Nope. These are all lifers.” Willie gestured to the entirety of the club. 
“Oh, uh, lifers are actually-”
“Alive people, I was listening,” Reggie said, cutting off Alex with a smirk. 
“But this is a very exclusive crowd. Everybody here has uh, paid a lot to get a sneak peak at the afterlife.”
“I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this,” Reggie muttered, making you laugh. 
A ghost appeared behind you. 
“Gentleman, my lady,” he stopped and looked at you a moment. “I have a table for you.” Your heart sank as he misgendered you, but you didn’t correct him. 
“Oh, uh, Y/N here is actually non-binary,” Luke said. You beamed at him. 
“My apologies, gentlefolk. Right this way.”
You followed him to a reserved table in the front, right in front of the stage. 
Luke pulled out a chair for you to sit. You blushed. You also squealed internally when you noticed Willie do the same for Alex. 
“Okay, so who’s gonna make us visible so we can confront our old bandmate?” Luke asked Willie once everyone was seated. You looked around in wonder at the club.
“Oh, no, no. None of these lifers have the power to do that.” Dramatic music started to play out of nowhere. You thought you recognized the melody, although you couldn’t quite place it. “Oh, but here comes the ghost who does!”
“Ladies and gentleman,” boomed a voice from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, “back from the dead by popular demand, Caleb Covington!”
Willie cheered along with the rest of the club’s members as a man appeared floating above the stage. 
“Did you miss me?” he asked.
You gasped, your eyes widening.
“What?” Luke asked you. “What’s wrong?”
You turned to him with fear in your eyes. “That’s him.”
“The man who killed me.”
tag list: @sunsetcurvej @ifilwtmfc @xplrreylo @phantompogues @caitsymichelle13 @yagorlemmalyn
39 notes · View notes
lisinfleur · 4 years
When she’s around
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The request:
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Author’s Notes | I decided to write this one from Ubbe's POV cause I wanted to focus on the changes and the impact of her presence in Ivar's life and someone who's out of a relationship but was present since before the reader's arrival - and knows Ivar as much as an older brother could know - gives the perfect point of view I wanted to this fiction! I hope you like it!
Universe | Vikings
Pairing | Ivar x Reader, Ubbe’s POV
Info | Viking Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW7
Words | 1901
⁑ Warnings: Historical inaccuracy.
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She came into his life out of nowhere. But she already arrived showing what she was able to do.
"To be honest, the Ragnarsson has spread some good pieces over this table..."
In a matter of moments, she solved a deadlock that was keeping us from determining a plan for our next battle against the Christians through the last three hours. And she did it by clarifying to all of us...
...That Ivar was right...
 "It's a matter of prediction. Foreseeing what your enemy will probably choose to do and set up a trap in each one of his options; prepare yourself for each one of his possible movements. This way, wherever the Christian prince decides to move, we'll catch him. Here, here, or there. He's locked."
 Her fingers sliding through the map, making us all able to see what my little brother's blessed mind had already seen before us, placing little details that would complete his plan and make it practically foolproof... They caught Ivar's eyes pretty more than our attention. They convinced Ivar's heart pretty more than Björn's suspicious mind.
And I didn't let it pass.
She was completing my brother's plan, but I also could see there was a part of her that was causing her lips to curl in a smile whenever he would come to complete her sentences; every time their ideas would sound unison as if they were made to work together.
 "Imma losing an advisor, ain't I?"
 More than that.
Harald lost pretty more than just his advisor or one of his best warriors that day.
He lost her attention. Completely. Because their plan was a huge success, but it was with us that she came to sit and celebrate.
Beside my little brother was where she shared the mead of a victory we didn't expect to see coming so easily. And the gods are witnesses: Sigurd wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for her sweet voice into my little brother's ears; her tender hands over his trembling and tense hands.
 "It doesn't worth the price, Ivar. You're just giving him what he wants. You're losing control and proving him right. A child would throw this ax. But you're not a child... A man wouldn't be affected by such vicious words. So, what are you, Ivar, the Boneless?"
 I saw my brother hearing her low voice more than he ever heard my screams. Her words caused his hand to stop shaking when my speeches were never that effective. Ivar sat down once again and his eyes went from Sigurd into her orbs.
 "I won't let a childish stupidity ruin the victory we conquered today. Nor my plans to take the men who want to fight with me. We'll spread our fingers through these lands and they'll know and fear my name. And then..." his eyes got back into Sigurd's, catching that surprised expression in our brother's face. "Then I'll show you that crawling like a baby I'm better man than you'll ever be with your perfect walking-legs, brother."
 The ax fated to my brother's chest was sunk on the table that evening. And that same night, Ivar called her to come with us.
 "I want you with me. I want your words and your mind by my side. Together we are invincible!"
 But even at that moment, even under his praises, she had humble words full of wisdom.
 "No man is invincible, my prince. No flesh shall live forever. But two similar minds are pretty harder to be beaten than one. And like you, I want to see how much of these lands we can cover with the mantle of your fame."
 They covered the whole place... Wherever my little brother's chariot rode, the lands would somehow become his. In a matter of months, the whole East Anglia was taken. And Ivar's army was now advancing over Mercia. Sigurd stepped back to care for Aelle's lands. I stepped back to care for East Anglia's settlement. Harald stepped back being left with York under his care.
But the two of them along with Hvitserk... They were insatiable.
I saw that woman convincing my little brother that there wouldn't be vengeance bigger over our mother's name than forcing Lagertha to a long and peaceful life...
I watched my little brother smile over Lagertha's funeral boat, watching on the wrinkled face of our mother's murderer the proof she would be nowhere to be found in the halls of the gods to where I saw Ivar carving his way.
But the time came for him to come back even for our homelands. With his claws established and our people spread all over the places he conquered, Ivar came back to take our homelands from the Rus' hands with his iron fist. With our reinforcements - Sigurd's, Harald's, and mine - Ivar came back to take the crown from the prince Rus who dared to attack our homelands and claim the life of our older brother who perished by their army right after being made king of all Norway.
A messenger of our kind invited me with the news of my little brother's marriage...
 "The people of Norway invites with pleasure and joy your highness, king Ubbe from East Anglia, to return to your homelands and celebrate the marriage between king Ivar, the Boneless and his soon to be queen Y/N, the Crow."
 Today my feet were once again touching Kattegat's docks after years away. With a small fleet of my men, along with Sigurd - who had also come to honor our little brother's marriage - and a small part of his men, I arrived my homelands to see the market twice as big than I could remember, cleaner, more full of people with all parts of our kind.
"A deal placed the fisherman in Vestfold and the clean products in our lands to ensure a clean bay. It made our market more attractive, our merchants richer, and increased the number of tents." I've heard Hvitserk's voice - kinda hoarser than I could remember - speaking beside me where he had stopped without my acknowledge. "He made us bigger, brother. He fulfilled his promises. Ivar is known everywhere from Mercia to the ends of Ringerike, where I just came from to celebrate with you." he smiled.
A crown in his head, smaller, possibly something under Ivar's. But something I could see Hvitserk wasn't ashamed of walking around with. We exchanged an embrace before my eyes could run over the place once again.
"Everything changed," I mumbled as Hvitserk was hugging Sigurd before he could look at me once again.
"Biting my own tongue about him, after all," Sigurd mumbled and Hvitserk giggled.
"You better hold your teeth, brother. You might need to have your tongue whole to be bitten when you meet our little brother once again." he boasted.
His words were not enough to prepare me for what I would find inside our great hall. The braces in his legs were completely different from the ones I remember seeing him dressing the first time Ivar stood on his feet in front of my eyes. My little brother's hair was longer, braided tight, well cared. And so were the beard in his face, shorter than mine, but there: something I thought I would never see.
A heavy crown in his head - a huge sign of his power - was something I was already waiting for. However, Y/N's dress held an even bigger surprise for us all. One that made Hvitserk smile cockily over the confirmation of the words he had just spat on Sigurd's face.
"I told you to wait before biting your tongue there, Sigurd... Now I think you have more reasons to swallow it whole, uh?" he mumbled, joking as we followed the gorgeous image of Ivar's queen - belly swollen with his child - approaching to receive us as our brother kept himself sitting on the throne that was once Björn's; our father's, before his.
"King Ubbe, King Sigurd, welcome to Kattegat," she smiled, respectfully saluting us both, ignoring Sigurd's jaw almost dropping down to the ground in front of him.
I, however, felt my lips curling in a proud smile when my eyes crossed with the icy blues looking at us from that higher spot. If someday I had expected to see my little brother in a good situation, those were all my dreams for his life becoming true.
He had the crown he pursued so far, the heir his nightmares told he would never be able to produce, the name many believed he would never build. Ivar's broken legs had taken him further than any of us had reached with our bodies whole and I was proud of what he had conquered. Of him.
But inside I knew behind all that strength, was the anger. I knew behind all that wisdom, was the little man I saw crying inside his room, punching his bed, cursing the gods for his painfully broken bones. Behind the whole curve of that cocky smile Ivar had conquered the right to wear in front of each one of us, was the mark of the tears and sweat I saw rolling down his face since the beginning.
And if someone had helped him to find the right way to where he was standing now, realized, this person was her.
 Y/N, from Vestfold...
 The woman my people had learned to call "The Crow" for, like Huginn and Muninn to Odin, she was the crow cawing in my little brother's ears, whispering wisdom to his troubled mind, teaching him where and how to drive his strength so he could become the huge man I was alive to see in front of my eyes.
She was everything Ivar ever needed by his side. And because of Y/N, I saw my little brother flying higher than my best dreams could plan for him. Ivar has built himself, forged in his own strength, bathed in his own talent. But she was the hammer and the fire; the forge and the hits that turned him into the man he had become.
I held her hand Y/N had offered me in salutation. And there was a tender smile in my eyes. Proud for Ivar. Full of gratitude for her.
"Thank you, Queen Y/N," I said, smiling at her figure with happiness when she landed her hand over the beautiful belly swollen with my nephew or niece to come. "It was never this good to return to my home."
It was never that good to stand in Kattegat's Great Hall and look around to see the whole effort I made when our father was absent had turned into something so majestic.
He wasn't my son, but I was proud as if it was a child of mine with that crown in his head.
He wasn't my doing. And I was happy to see my little brother walking by himself.
Somewhere in Valhalla, our father was toasting for him, lowering his head in shame and apologizing for ever have doubted his strength - such as our brother Sigurd was doing now, shocked by Ivar's ability to prove him wrong.
Somewhere in the halls of the gods, our mother was smiling down telling everyone something I would be happy to hear if I could...
 I know I shouldn't say I told you so... But I told you so.
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
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Omg this is such a cute request!! No worries anon, I understand you perfectly!
This will be separated into two parts, so part one will feature Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo.
Puppy Love! Part 1: Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo
Mibuchi shivers, wrapping his arms around his body. “…I feel like someone’s watching us.” he states, before eyeing Mayuzumi suspiciously.
“I’m not. You’re not my type.” Mayuzumi’s deadpan answer earns a snort from Nebuya.
“You afraid of ghosts or something, Reo?” Nebuya teases, laughing when the black haired basketball player humphs angrily, hands on his hips.
“I’m not scared of ghosts!”
“Reo-nee, ghosts are scary though!” Hayama shivers. “What if it’s a vengeful ghost that died in this gym or something years ago?!”
“They say if it knows your name, it’ll kill you.”
“Chi-chan??? Where’d you hear that?!” Mibuchi yelps, hands pressed to his chest. “No one say my name out loud!!”
“Mibuchi Reo.” Mayuzumi snaps, ignoring Mibuchi’s pained cry. “I read it in one of my light novels.”
“WAHHH!!!” Mibuchi screams, and Hayama manages to leap out of the way at the last minute before Mibuchi completely crashes into the shorter male.
“Reo-nee, what on earth…” Hayama laughs, before noticing the new arrival at the entrance of the gym. “Is that…a dog?”
“Arf.” The dog replies with a bark. It was hard to explain, but the dog appeared to be calmly appraising the scene, sitting back on its haunches.
“Woah, look at its eyes!” Nebuya raced forward, peering down at the dog. “It’s got a red eye and a yellow one!”
The others all observed the dog, finally noticing the mismatched, heterochromatic orbs.
“…It reminds me of Akashi.” Mayuzumi finally murmurs.
“Woah, he really does!!” Hayama agreed. There was something rather majestic in the way that the white german shepard carried itself.
“Comparing me to a dog now, are you?”
“Eek…” The members all froze as they heard their captain approaching them from behind. “But it’s cute, Sei-chan!”
“I recall leaving you all to your training.” Akashi’s eyes flash briefly as he meets Mibuchi’s gaze. “I expected Eikichi, Reo, and Hayama to be up to these ridiculous things…but you as well, Chihiro?”
“Hm. Get back to training, unless you’d like to stay for an extra set.”
The threat is powerful enough for the members to quickly return to their practice, while Akashi remains, looking over his team.
“You there.” Akashi’s eyes flicker downwards, meeting the heterochromatic eyes of the dog sitting in front of him. “I expect you to behave as well, if you wish to stay.”
“Shin-chan, over here!!”
“Woah, good hit Shin-chan!”
Midorima could feel his frustration growing as he shot the basketball in his hand, tsking at it glanced off the side of the rim before making it through the basket. “Must you guys continue calling it by that ridiculous name?”
“He likes it though!” Takao replied, holding up the dark haired puppy in his hands. “His eyes are sooooo cute!!”  
It was by chance that the Shutoku members had discovered the dark haired puppy lingering outside the gym. It was even more interesting when they watched the puppy blink, eyes as green as Midorima’s hair. And thus…
“We’ll call you Shin-chan!!!” Takao had declared, and the other Shutoku members only found the situation amusing. Well, everyone but the puppy’s name sake, of course.
“Everyone seems a bit more excited.” Otsubo comments, watching his team clamoring for the puppy’s attention. “It’s a morale booster. So, please put up with it.”
“Huh? Where ya going Shin-chan?” Takao questioned as the puppy wiggled out of his hold, jumping onto the ground.
“What.” Midorima glared, staring down the puppy that had walked up to him, sitting at his feet.
“Arrf. Arrf.” The puppy seemed to chastise him, causing Midorima to bristle with annoyance. “I refuse to acknowledge you.” Midorima harrumph, pushing up his glasses with his left hand.
“Woah, look at that thing jump!” Miyaji’s voice was incredulous as the puppy managed to jump up, smacking his paw against Midorima’s left hand.
Midorima stared down at the puppy who was meeting his gaze with it’s large, emerald-green eyes.
Turning back to the basket, Midorima threw the ball, this time making a perfect swish as it fell through the net.
“Arf.” The puppy seemed to be proud of itself, and Midorima swore it was smirking
“It wasn’t because of you.”
“Aww, look at the two Shin-chans getting along!!”
“You’re so cute!!” Kise squealed, holding the golden-fur puppy in his arms.
“Arf arf!!” The puppy wagged its tail excitedly, golden orbs sparkling in delight as he licked Kise’s face.
Kise felt his heart swell at the ball of fluff that had appeared in their gym, barking and tail wagging as it enthusiastically ran around the gym with the team as they warmed up for practice.
Letting the puppy down, Kise watched as he started bumping the basketballs with its paws, swatting and pushing the ball along the floor.
“What an adorable puppy. Girls like puppies, don’t they?” Moriyama’s eyes glimmered in interested as he leaned down towards the excitable puppy. “You and I shall go and meet some girls!!”
“Don’t be teaching the puppy weird things, baka!” Kobori snarled, pushing the back of Moriyama’s head.
“Arf arf!”
“But it wants to go, don’t you?” Moriyama cooed as the puppy continued barking, it’s little body trembling in excitement.
“God, this thing’s even more hyper than you, Hayakawa!”
“I won’t lose!!”
“Don’t pick a fight with a puppy, damnit!” Kobori sighed, watching Hayakawa staring down at the puppy with angry eyes.
Completely ignorant of the death glare he was receiving, the puppy only continued bouncing around, tilting its head cutely as it looked up at the members surrounding it.
“So cute so cute so cute!!” Kise continued squealing, before looking for his phone. “I need pictures!!”
“What is the big deal here?!” Kise yelped as Kasamatsu kicked him in the back of his legs. “Get back to practice!”
“Puppy-chan, don’t go to the scary mean person!” Moriyama cried out as the puppy suddenly took off in Kasamatsu’s directly, immediately pawing at the captain’s shorts.
“Why is there a dog here…” Kasamatsu grumbled, picking up the puppy by its scruff as he held it in front of his face. Suddenly, the puppy stuck out its tongue, licking the captain’s nose again and again.
“Oh no!” Kise yelled, scared that Kasamatsu was going to hurt the puppy. Instead…
“Tickles…” Kasamatsu pulled away from the puppy, setting him on the floor gently. “Hm. Guess you’re not too bad.”
“Yip!” Running circles around Kasamatsu’s feet, the puppy barked happily.
“..No fair, why can’t you treat me like that?!?” Kise whined, narrowly dodging another one of Kasamatsu’s famous kicks.
“Because you’re an annoying dumbass!”
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zodiyack · 4 years
Intrigue Me
Requested by anon: Idk if you do ALVH fanfics currently but I saw that you wrote one last December and it was awesome and well written. If you don’t mind can you write a Vadoma x female!reader someday 😊 she pressed on my bi button lol thank you!
Pairing: Vadoma x female!reader
Warnings: Mention of murder, Jack being creepy, fluff, ooc Vadoma? (kinda)
Note: I’m sorry if this sucks lmao, I just went with it
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taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​
Vadoma and Adam sat outside, watching humans go about their lives. It was interesting to them, the oblivious humans going about their day as creatures of the night observed them with hunger and interest. Jack was gathering some of said humans for meals, and one of the mortals caught the attention of the female vampire.
She leaned to her brother and whispered, keeping her eyes on the female being that followed behind Jack. She’d seen her a number of times, the two often exchanged glances, and now, a couple months later, she wanted to do something about it.
“Barts.” He stopped, the train of humans stopping behind him. “That girl, bring her over.”
Jack nodded, grabbing the woman’s hand and bringing her to the siblings, then returning to the line and leading them just as he was before. The woman showed no fear, instead, studying Vadoma with e/c orbs.
“Do you have a staring problem?”
Vadoma turned a harsh glare to her brother. “Relax, love, you’re fine. What’s your name?”
“Y/n, miss.”
“Please, Y/n, call me Vadoma. This is my brother, Adam. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She held out a gloved hand, to which Y/n took, and offered Y/n a kind smile. Adam allowed his eyes to flicker between the two girls as they shook hands, clearly confused by the sudden kindness from his sister.
He coughed lightly, catching their attention. “It’s almost dinner. Shall we head inside?”
“Ah yes, that’s a wonderful idea, brother. Would you like to join us?” Her eyes sparkled with amusement, watching the red rise up Y/n’s cheeks and her lips part with a slight smile.
“Is that alright? I don’t want to interrupt or ruin anything-”
“It’s quite alright. Come, dearie, I have lots to learn about you.”
Vadoma walked past Adam, dragging behind a very shocked looking Y/n. He chuckled, “Careful, sister, you might rip her arm off.” His chuckle grew louder when Y/n’s eyes widened even more, startled by his sentence.
They stopped at the large table, guests lying face down, Barts sitting in a lazily relaxed position. “What’s wrong?” Y/n pondered aloud. “Are they...”
“Dead? Yeah!” Barts laughed manically and slapped the seat next to him, “have a seat sister! We ain’t gonna kill you... yet!” His laughter intensified, but was soon hushed by Vadoma delivering a slap to the back of his head.
“She will not be dying. Not tonight.”
The siblings took their seats, Vadoma gesturing the seat by her for Y/n. Adam snapped his fingers and people rushed in with trays. On each tray were special foods, causing Y/n’s stomach to growl and her to drool a bit.
Adam’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “What will you be having, Y/n?”
She flinched at the mention of her name, caught off guard. “I uh- well, I don’t want to be rude, do you want to pick first?”
Jack cackled again. “No, darlin’, we can wait, you go ahead and pick.” His grin brought discomfort to Y/n, a shiver of unease running down her spine.
“Leave her alone, Barts.” Vadoma brushed her abnormally cold fingers over Y/n’s hand and looked deep into her e/c eyes. “Pick whatever you would like, Y/n,” she looked to all of the servants, “I’ll have whatever she has.”
“Well.. um... the turkey looks good...”
Silence. The people looked around, awaiting their orders, no one moved. They flinched backwards as Vadoma stood, her chair flying to the back of the room. “Did you hear her? She said the turkey.” Still, no movements. “Now!”
The servant with the turkey platter scrambled over to the table, serving Y/n and Vadoma some of the platter’s contents. They walked to Adam, he nodded, then they served him the same, after, they served Jack.
It was a silent dinner, some small talk here and there, but mostly silence. Once they finished eating, Jack and Adam exchanged looks, the same question bouncing around their brains.
“So, Vadoma, will you be...enjoying your desert soon?”
Y/n turned her head to Vadoma, confusion lacing her knitted eyebrows. “No. There will be no desert” Vadoma growled.
Adam raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?”
“Gone soft?” Barts drawled with the intent to tease and draw the anger out of Vadoma.
“What’s wrong with desert?”
Jack smirked yet again, repeating Y/n’s sentence. “Yeah, what’s wrong with desert, Vadoma?”
She said nothing. She didn’t move. Just kept her eyes down to her empty plate. That was, until Y/n’s hand reached for hers. “It’s alright, you don’t have to have desert if you don’t want to. I’m sure your brother will have it again another nigh-”
“You ridiculous, silly, girl!” Vadoma stood up from her chair. “I don’t want to eat desert because the desert is you!” she flashed Y/n her fangs, then angerly walked out of the room. The three still in the room held the awkward tension.
“If you folks are going to kill me... y-”
Jack opened his mouth.
“We aren’t going to kill you.”
“We- wait, we aren’t?” His head snapped towards Adam. “But-”
“It seems my dear sister Vadoma has a soft spot for you, human. Perhaps, if we let you live, you could do us a favor in return? All you would need to do is be there for her. Be there with her. Of course, there is the other option.”
“A-and that is?” Jack smiled, biting down twice, showing that her other option would be to become vamp food.
Adam ignored his friend, nodding to the girl in front of him, “go. Go after her.” He pulled a key from his pocket and handed it to her, “this is a key to her room. In case she locks it.”
She nodded, reaching for it, but Adam grabbed her wrist just as she was pulling away with the key, “Just know, that if anything goes wrong, if you hurt her, I won’t hesitate to give Barts here, the signal.” Her eyes bulged out of her head, her heart began to race faster, but she nodded again and rushed out of the room.
Y/n found the door, stuck the key in and frowned when she noticed the lump under a pile of blankets. “V-Vadoma?”
“Get out.”
“It’s alright...” she shut the door behind her, entering the room bathed in darkness. “They told me I should find you-”
“Y/n? Oh... Come here...please.” Her tone changed. Y/n made her way to the bed climbing under the blankets. A gasp left her mouth as Vadoma pulled her roughly into her body, nuzzling her head into Y/n’s warm neck. “Thank you.”
“Y/n. Your heart is racing.” Vadoma whispered against her neck. “Do you think I’m going to kill you?”
“No.” She responded honestly, “It’s racing for... a different reason.”
“Oh? And what might that reason be?”
“I... I think... you’re gorgeous Vadoma. A beautiful, strong woman. I admire you. I have ever since I was first brought here, if I may be so honest.”
Vadoma let out a chuckle, squeezing Y/n tightly. “I admire you as well. And, I can assure you, in the same way.” Y/n squeaked with shock. “You intrigue me, human.”
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mirukupuddin · 4 years
Naughty (Jealous Todoroki Shouto x reader Smut)
Request from anon: heyo!! can i request a one shot where the reader is paired up with a classmate to train and the classmate is getting a little too touchy and shouto notices this and gets a jelly,, afterwords things escalate into the bedroom 😳
I know you said classmates, but I still made it so that (Y/n) and Shouto are both 18+ 
Warning(s): Spanking, 69, Jealous Shouto, Marking, doggy style, Dom!Shoto, reader-insert 
It wasn't in Shouto's temperament to be the jealous type. He found a lot of security and comfort in his relationship with (y/n), the two of them having bonded during their time at UA and their feelings for each other blossomed. His colleagues and classmates would know the stoic man to be aloof at times but always kind and caring to (y/n) 
So it was extremely out of the ordinary for Shouto to be staring daggers across the courtyard during sparring practice. Aizawa knew what everyone's quirks were like and where the blind spots lie. So it was to Shouto's bemusement that (Y/n) would be paired with Kaminari Denki. Rationally it made sense considering (Y/n)'s quirk being a long-range water quirk user and Kaminari was a short range electric quirk user. It made sense, rationally. But the emotions that Shouto felt were anything but rational as he watched Denki quite brazenly grab onto (y/n) waist in an attempt to overpower her, his hands were dangerously low. (Y/n) was laughing, thinking nothing of it, even as he began to tickle her trying to get her to surrender. His hands looked like they were veering in the direction of her breasts. 
Thank god for Aizawa, ceasing their behaviour with a threatening gaze. Iida, who was paired with shouto, gave him a pat on the shoulder saying that he should take a breather, sensing the other man's inner turmoil. As the clock strikes 12:45 and Aizawa dismissed everyone to return to their dorms. Shouto nodding towards Iida and collecting his shared duffel bag with (y/n). She bounded over to him, face glowing with perspiration and smile gleaming. 
"Shall we head back?" she beamed at the taller man. 
"Hm." He nodded walking in the direction of their dorm. It didn't take a genius to know that even this level of aloofness was uncharacteristic for Shouto in response to his girlfriend. She pouted, reaching to link her arm with his which he didn't respond to. It was only when they got back inside their room did she question his behaviour. 
Shouto pulled his t-shirt off, eyes fixating on the woman in front of him. She was going to start unpacking their stuff when a hand grasped her forearm pinning her to the wall behind her. Shouto towered over her, heterochromatic eyes boring into hers. 
"Shouto...what's gotten into you all of a sudden" 
"You're acting so damn innocent, but you also had no problem getting touchy with Kaminari." 
"What are you- seriously?! You think Kaminari and-" Shouto shut her up with a kiss, his tongue grazing over her lips and entangling with her own. His hands wandered down her body, placing both of them on her ass cheeks, groping and squeezing them firmly. 
"I think I need to teach a dirty girl like you a lesson" he gripped her chin forcing her to look into his eyes. There was a brief moment of respite in the unspoken way he looked for permission. 
(Y/n) nodded, breathless. 
"Take off your clothes" he ordered her, leaving her in her sports bra and underwear. She felt a bit vulnerable standing in front of him, so exposed but the way he looked at her; like a wolf staring at his next meal. 
He dragged her to the bed, gesturing for her to climb over his lap. She blushed as he ran a cold finger down the sensitive arch of her spine. 
"I'm going to punish you for being such a brazen woman, (y/n). Tell me what you are." 
"I'm a dirty girl, Shouto" she murmured into the pillow. 
His hand came down with such delicious intensity, making her body jolt in his arms. 
"You're going to get 15 today, if you take it well, I might just reward you" He growled into her ear, rubbing the area he just inflicted. With every spank resounding in the room, she felt herself becoming more turned on with every second. Shouto, hearing her soft whimpers traced small circles on the surface of her underwear, then pulling it taut against a soaking cunt. She whined, feeling embarrassed at shouto exposing her pussy and running his fingers along her slit. 
A dark chuckle escaped his lips as he pressed them against the crown of her head "you're soaking, how lewd of you (y/n)" 
"Shouto, please…" she begged looking back at him for some sympathy
"Would you rather call out his name instead of mine" he sneered at her pathetic state "I could leave you here, turned on and go back to the common room," 
"No baby, please I would never want anyone but you" she shivered 
"Who do you belong to?" He bit the shell of her ear, 
"You, Shouto" 
He lay back, her body falling against his. He pulled her knees so they were parallel to his shoulders, pussy dripping in front of him. She was still hunched over, her face was close to his hardening cock. His hand came to shove her head down closer to his erection "use your mouth kitten, you're not entirely off the hook just yet" 
He lifted up his hips as she carefully pulled down his grey joggers, giggling at his dual coloured happy trail. She felt him exhale against her ass, as his cock was released from its confines. She grasped his throbbing member in her hand giving small kitten licks to the pink head. His hands came to undo her bra, discarding it somewhere across the room, gently toying with her nipples.
Shouto groaned feeling her soft lips take the tip of his cock in her mouth. He pulled her underwear aside as he licked a strip up her pussy, spreading her lips with his fingers. She stifled a moan around him bobbing her head up and down his shaft. 
His forearms wrapped around her thighs delving into her sugary cunt. He inserted a finger, stretching her hole out and then adding another to scissor. He stroked the velvety walls of her pussy finding her sweet spot and abusing it thoroughly. Meanwhile (y/n) was gagging around her boyfriend's cock, taking him as deep in mouth as she could. Shouto's mouth puckered at her cute little swollen clit, skimming his tongue with wild abandon. (Y/n) was tense in his arms, the both of them nearly reaching their climaxes. 
Shouto pulled away, shoving her to the bed with her ass still in the air. He yanked her underwear down her thighs, throwing them wherever he had discarded her bra. He reached into his bedside draw, pulling out a square packet. He tore the packet open and rolled it onto his erect cock, crawling over to her arched body and lining himself up with her centre. 
He slammed his hips into hers, gripping onto her hips with a bruising holding. His was enveloped in her warmth, veins brushing against her sweet spots. Her nails gripped the quilt beneath them as her boyfriend roughly ploughed into her from behind. Beads of sweat rolled between his pectorals, panting as he watched her thighs and ass jiggle with each thrust. He groaned pressing his chest against her back and fucking her into their mattress. She gasped as he nipped the back of her neck, his groans urging her on. 
Any pain she felt from arching her back and being slammed into was overshadowed by the euphoria of him fitting perfectly inside her.
"I'm not gonna last much longer baby" he slurred in her ear, thrusts becoming gradually more haphazard and sloppy. Her pussy tightened around him as his fingers came back to play with her clit. She bit into the sheets, suddenly being pulled away with the firm grasp of her jaw. 
"Don't be quiet, I want everyone to hear who's making you feel this good" he panted out 
Against her better judgement, she let of an array of whimpers and moans spurring Shouto on before her body tightened around him. She came with a loud cry of his name her back arching and toes curling. She slumped underneath him, body shaking from her orgasm and he found himself finishing not long after. 
" I should cum inside you next time make you remember who you belong to"  he muttered into her shoulder hearing a breathless laugh leave her.
He got up to get rid of the condom and came back to lie next to her. His eyes were full of confliction, (Y/n) reaching the brush some hair away from his face. His expression softened looking deep into her (e/c) orbs. 
"I love you shou, don't ever doubt I would have eyes for anyone except you" 
All the storms that brewed in the recesses of  shouto's mind were suddenly tamed, he felt at ease. 
Knowing the she loved him the way he loved her.
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
Sizzie fic - Silence the Rumors [oneshot]
Title: Silence the Rumors Relationship: Lizzie Saltzman/Sebastian Additional Tags: Discussions of mental illness, Bullying, Jealousy, Unrequited Crush, Dual POV, added scenes for 2x09 Words: 2,134
Summary: Lizzie overhears Alyssa and her friends calling her crazy. Sebastian arrives to defend her and uncovers a secret about Alyssa.
Requested by anon​ // Prompt: Sebastian defending Lizzie to anyone and Lizzie overhears.
Lizzie went to the library, desperate to distract herself from thoughts of Sebastian. After the witches attacked him in the Old Mill, all Lizzie wanted to do was run to him and comfort him. He’d looked so vulnerable and scared. But Lizzie was resolved not to have sex with him again today. Twice was enough.
She was in the most boring part of the library, a history section filled with old tomes tucked away in the corner of the room. She liked that no one could see her behind the tall shelves while she browsed the books. If they did, they’d no doubt wonder what on earth she was doing there.
The door swung open, and Lizzie peeked around the side of the shelf to see who it was. Even though she was trying to stay away from Sebastian, she couldn’t help but hope to see him. Unfortunately it was Alyssa and her posse of witches.
Ugh. She still couldn’t believe what they’d done to Sebastian. Not wanting him to stay at the school was one thing, but exposing his fears and using an aneurysm spell on him were overkill.
Lizzie tried to ignore their incessant giggling, picking up a book on vampire pirates, but Alyssa’s haughty voice carried across the library.
“I still can’t believe she stopped us in the middle of a spell. That vampire deserved so much worse.”
“Think he’ll get kicked out?” another girl asked.
“No doubt about it,” Alyssa said, sounding smug. “That guy is pure evil. His past is literally drenched in blood. Lizzie shouldn’t be defending him.”
“Did you hear they’re sleeping together?”
“Oh, yeah, MG told me all about that,” Alyssa said, groaning. “She’s having sex with a serial killer. It’s so disgusting.”
The girls laughed. “Well, what do you expect from Crazy Lizzie?”
Alyssa snorted. “She’s certainly living up to her name. That’s the only way to explain her obsession with danger. She’s definitely in a manic state right now. Only a matter of time before she realizes how crazy she’s been acting lately and comes crawling back to us, begging for our forgiveness.”
Lizzie clenched her fists as she leaned against the bookcase. That was it. She was going to storm out there and give Alyssa a piece of her mind, possibly with the aid of some magic. Really teach that witch a lesson.
A drawling voice stopped her in her tracks, and she peered around the edge of the bookcase to see what was going on. She was surprised to find Sebastian had appeared in front of Alyssa.
Sebastian hated to get involved in so-called teenage drama. He was feeling bad enough from the witch delving into his mind earlier. But when he heard slanderous talk about Elizabeth, he couldn’t stand by and do nothing.
He’d rushed into the library at vamp speed, startling Alyssa and her friends. He smirked with satisfaction at her reaction. Oh, this was going to be fun. Sebastian was not above a little petty revenge.
“You speak about mental illness as if you know something about it,” Sebastian drawled. “But I don’t believe you do. You’re using it to belittle Elizabeth and make yourself feel better about your sad existence. Alyssa Chang, was it? You are wasting your life away with these silly mind games and power plays. If you want real power, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Alyssa lifted her chin, not looking the least bit frightened by him. Big mistake. “I’m not playing games, vampire. I’m just stating facts.”
Sebastian smiled at her. Oh, he was loving this. “If we’re just stating facts then, I have a few of my own to share with the group.”
“This isn’t show and tell,” Alyssa said. Her expression said she was above childish games, but he had proof that she wasn’t.
“That’s not what it seemed like earlier when you had your little glowing orb.”
She put her hands on her hips. “Fine then. What have you got to show?”
“It’s more of something I want to tell, really.” He took a step closer to her, watching her carefully. He had a hunch that she had feelings for him, but it was clear from her steady breathing and unflinching gaze that he was wrong. Still, there was definitely something she was hiding. “You’re awfully concerned with Elizabeth’s love life.”
There it was. A second of surprise, her eyes darting towards her friends as if she was worried they would find out her secret. And now he knew what it was. Alyssa didn’t have feelings for him, no. She had feelings for Elizabeth. He couldn’t blame her. Elizabeth was the most exquisite creature he’d ever laid eyes upon. It was no wonder Alyssa and Milton had eyes for her. In fact, he was surprised more people weren’t vying for her attention. Part of that was likely due to these vicious rumors that Alyssa herself was spreading.
Sebastian knew a lesser man would utterly humiliate Alyssa and expose her little crush. The witch deserved to suffer, but he didn’t want to make Alyssa feel ashamed about her feelings. There was no shame in loving someone. He would rather make her feel guilty about her tactics, enough that she would stop attempting to sully Elizabeth’s good name.
“You’re jealous. Because you fancy me,” he said, smirking. He watched the relief play across Alyssa’s face and her jaw tighten smugly. An ordinary witch wouldn’t have noticed, but a vampire like him had been trained to notice these micro-expressions.
“Dream on, vampire.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.
“Oh, I shall, but first I’d like to ask you for a favor. You see, I may not have known Elizabeth for a long time, but I know a great deal more about her than you do. She is not crazy, as you say. She struggles with mental illness, yes, but so do many of us. You yourself seem to be quite the narcissist.”
“I’m not,” she defended, but her friends were exchanging looks like they agreed with him.
“You claim that Elizabeth is obsessed with me, but you’re obsessed with making people suffer. You’ve made Elizabeth suffer a great deal. Which one of us is the real monster here? Hm?”
“I know you’ve killed people,” Alyssa said. “I’ll tell Lizzie all about the terrible things you’ve done.”
Sebastian laughed. “My dear, you only know how I felt about what I did. You do not know any specifics. I feel guilty about my past, but I’ve never tried to hide that from Elizabeth. From the moment I met her, I warned her I was dangerous. She knows how I feasted on humans before I was desiccated. Elizabeth is a smart girl capable of making her own decisions. You don’t give her nearly enough credit.”
Alyssa seemed at a loss for words. He knew he’d backed her into a corner. She couldn’t claim that she knew Elizabeth better than he did without revealing how much she paid attention to her. And now she could reflect on how much her words had hurt Elizabeth. Guilt was a powerful thing. Hopefully it would be enough to put an end to her bullying.
Just then Elizabeth appeared from behind a bookcase and stormed up to him. Her eyes were alight with strong emotion and her cheeks were flushed from the exertion, making her look so stunning. She pulled Sebastian into a passionate kiss right there in front of the witches.
Sebastian ran his fingers through her hair and smiled against her mouth. Elizabeth was truly the most wonderful woman he’d ever known. Instead of cowering in a corner, she’d taken charge of the situation and claimed Sebastian for herself.
When she finally pulled back, she looked him up and down appreciatively. “That was so hot,” she said.
Sebastian couldn’t stop his smile. He turned his gaze on the witches. “Well, this has been a lovely conversation, Miss Alyssa. I wish you luck as you learn etiquette and manners.” Before she could say a word, he walked out of the room, arm draped over Elizabeth’s shoulders.
Lizzie had felt confident in the moment, determined to show those witches that they couldn’t faze her and that she was sure about her own choices, but now she was feeling a little embarrassed. Sebastian didn’t say a word to her until they were outside in the stone corridor.
“That was unexpected,” he admitted, his eyes filled with lust.
Lizzie smirked. “Alyssa doesn’t get to walk all over me.”
“I never believed you would let her. Did you hear that entire conversation in the library?”
“Yes.” Lizzie had no reason to hide it. “Thank you. For defending me.”
He smiled at her, and she was reminded of the warmth of this morning when they’d made out in the hallway. “I will do whatever I can to protect you, Elizabeth.” He said it like a sacred promise he would uphold to his death.
“You really don’t think I’m crazy?” Lizzie asked, her voice small.
“No, not at all. I’ve met my share of crazy people in my days. Power-hungry people who are never satisfied by the riches they steal. The town leadership in Roanoke was full of them. You are nothing like that, Elizabeth.”
“I’m so sorry your life has been so difficult. But you have a chance to start over here. I don’t care about your past. You could have been a smuggler or pirate for all I care.”
Sebastian laughed. “Now that’s ridiculous,” he teased.
“Hey, at least I’m not as crazy as Alyssa. You were so right. She is obsessed with making other people feel bad.”
“Alyssa isn't crazy either,” Sebastian said. “She's just lonely.”
Lizzie felt a pang of worry in her chest. “You’re not interested in her, are you?”
Sebastian stared at her, clearly surprised. “It astounds me that someone as remarkable as you has so little confidence in yourself.”
Lizzie blushed. “When you’re told you’re crazy all your life, it’s hard to feel good about yourself.”
“Yes, I understand that very well.” A dark expression crossed his face, filled with sadness and regret.
Lizzie swallowed, realizing what was going on. “Dad kicked you out, didn’t he?”
“Not yet,” Sebastian said. “But it’s only a matter of time. I don’t belong here.”
“You do,” she insisted. She put a hand on his arm. “I’ll talk to my dad. I’ll let him know the witches provoked you. I’ll fight for you to stay, Sebastian.”
“I know you will,” he said, sounding sad. “Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for a gentle kiss. It was slow and sweet, far different from their passionate, hungry kisses, and yet, it was the most intimate kiss Lizzie had ever had.
“Care for some more copulation?” Lizzie asked, raising her eyebrow.
Sebastian smiled, but he shook his head. “No, not right now.”
That was unusual. Sebastian had never turned down an offer for sex before. If he was truly leaving, wouldn’t he want one last time with her? Or maybe he was still upset about what Alyssa had done with the orb. He surely had a lot of emotions to work through today.
She reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Everything’s going to be okay, Sebastian. Even if you do have to leave, we can still see each other. We could meet in the town, copulate to our hearts’ content.”
Sebastian chuckled. He cupped her face in his hand and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “That sounds beautiful, Elizabeth.” He pulled away from her, and she felt the absence of his touch like a physical pain in her chest. “It’s time I take my leave.”
“Where are you going?” Lizzie asked, worried.
“I think I will head to the gymnasium, work out some of these feelings I’ve been keeping all bottled up.”
“That’s a great idea,” Lizzie said. “I do that too actually. It really helps me start seeing things clearly again.” She rubbed his arm, admiring how toned his muscles were. Her thoughts went back to last time they’d had sex and how much she wanted to do it again, but she could wait. Self care was important, and Sebastian had just had a really tough day.
She was just so grateful to have him in her life. No one had ever stood up to Alyssa like that before. Most boys stopped showing interest in Lizzie the moment they heard the rumors. She knew she was incredibly lucky to have Sebastian, and she was determined to hold on to him.
“Come find me afterwards, if you feel up to it.” Lizzie twirled her hair, a hint of suggestion in her eyes.
Sebastian shot her a dazzling smile. “Goodbye, Elizabeth.”
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