#all i got out of it was that i think theyd both bottle up any grievances theyd have and i cant think of anyway theyd fight
harvestmoth · 1 year
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oh also this real quick
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to explain myself under the cut:
p3 would probably cook those horrid tiktok/generally bad (or socially unacceptable) recipes with the expectation that it'll be good. there's like a 50-50 chance the food'll be actually good or it'll be the worst thing your eyes and tastebuds have experienced
oh sir dude on the other hand would literally be like that trope of a child making a heinous concoction of a """meal""" for their parents as a well-meaning surprise. he'd straight up be like "honey i made dinner just for you 😍" and it's borderline poisonous semi-radioactive material schlop
p1 probably already has a decent amount of canned food/mres/frozen pre-prepared food at the ready, as i imagine having extreme paranoia would make you not wanna get take-out often. plus i imagine that while he could cook, he just chooses not to since it can be kinda draining sometimes (take it from me, someone who occassionally likes to cook every once in a while). that and actually intrusive thoughts could get concerning for him. On a good mental health day though, he'd be at 'can cook the basics' tier
i dont think nottem gives that much of a shit enough to put in any amount of effort to ever cook himself anything decent, let alone a basic dish. I feel like MAYBE the one time he would cook something is if uh idk he's on a date?????? but even then thats questionable dsfhhsddsfh
I know corkscrew isnt technically canon but THIS IS MY POST, I MAKE THE RULES HDSFHD but i feel like corkscrew would be too impatient to cook anything decent, or he's like drunk 80% of the time, which would make cooking a little risky. also i imagine him cooking would be like that one meme video of a lady going "now add 2oz of vodka" then proceeds to pour half the bottle in like its nothing dsfhds
P2 and P4 both would only cook those easy to make, simple recipes that dont require much ingredients or preparation but for entirely different reasons. P2 is mainly bc i can see him just being too exhaused and stressed after a day out in paradise, so why add more to that? thats even if hes hungry considering the fact he ate like all the towns pizza and donuts hsdfhdjs. with p4 on the other hand he's just enjoying the simple stress free life, so why be so snooty and pretentious, especially over something he'll inhale anyway?
Recidivist and Widowmaker, based on their loose descriptions, I feel probably wouldn't have much motivation or generally aren't very hoity toity. they just want to make their dinner and so be it if it's simple, life is already difficult to them as it is. heck theyd probably just order take out or some shit. post-nottem's rein of terror, they largely wouldn't really care about cooking anyway so bare minimum it is.
Movie Dude is literally the one postal dude regional varient that actually has some sembalance of his shit together, so i imagine that in an ideal situation, he could probably cook you up a nice homemade meal. it's not gonna be food network-type worthy, but man you WILL like it
Psychocop, esp. pre-nottem's supermassive scp k-class senario, probably seemed like the kind of guy that had his dookie together and enjoyed making himself a nice dinner anytime he could make something. post-nottem's 360 noscope against humanity attempt, i can definately see him making his comrades something thats actually fucking good bc he got tired of seeing them make shitty basic ass food by themselves that wont help them out in the long run during their own rein of terror
Redux would still have the same-ish issues that P1 has, but i feel like redux would try to improve himself and try to overcome them anyway since he just wants to live a happy life just like everyone else. because of that, i imagine he'd like take cooking almost very seriously, wanting to take time (if he can) to make himself a good ass meal as a form of self-care. it would be so much so that if he ever had to be ur roommate, you'll have the bestest fuckin homemade food in ur whole damn life when he does feel like cooking. like literally lifechanging in a way. obviously he wouldnt use stupid boujie ingredients or dumb shit like that but my god you will FEEL boujie just eating it. he'd obviously have his off-days where he'd get take-out or go for pre-made but homemade makes him feel a bit better
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rjshepherd · 2 years
Zed Lollipop chainsaw SFW headcanons
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Been talking with @bambino-muses about this game and the dark purveyors for the last day so i decided to throw this together for them. will do the nsfw one tomorrow on the train and then move onto Lewis Legend
long post under the cut
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's affectionate in a low key kinda way. Maybe he always wants to hang out with you, maybe he always asks you first to go to shows with him, maybe when you come over he puts on whatever (in his opinion shitty) music before you get there. Ur the first person he asks for a light for his cigarette bc he knows you'll always have one. He sort of shows he likes you by making a nuisance of himself. He crashes on your couch and eats your food, calls you drunk at 3 am to see if you wanna hang out, probably goes to your house when he's sick because he knows you'll rub his back while he's chucking up. 
He is annoying but there's something to be said for being his person. You know the first call when shit hits the fan and the first one you wanna tell when something goes well? Your his first call when he's drunk himself sick and the one he wants front row and centre when he's on stage (although if you're like me you might need ear plugs for that) Zed is a little abrasive to say the least, so for him to admit he actually likes YOU is a big thing. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Annoying! You sometimes wonder why the hell you put up with his dumb ass. Then he does something sweet and unexpected and you think  “ah that's why”. I imagine you've been friends since childhood, you lived on the same street so you played together a lot. Maybe not indulging in Zeds animal torturing habits but footy between the curb stones and drawing on the pavement with chalk seem like theyd be things he did. I imagine you got grief for being his friend in secondary/high school. He was obviously a typical bad boy underachiever : kids picked on him for his style, teachers hated him because he never wore his uniform correctly and was “wasting his talent and intelligence on music” which probably pushed him further into the subject to be honest. 
I doubt that stopped you, Zed seems like he would value loyalty in his friends
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Again Zed keeps his feelings besides anger close to his chest. He's not really a cuddler (not while he's awake anyways). The most he’ll tolerate is throwing his arm over your shoulder while sitting in a booth at a bar or maybe holding your waist for support when you both stumble home drunk.
When he sleeps he tends to spread eagle and starfish. He’ll lean and stretch over anything in his way including you. Sleeping next to him is a good way to end up in a tangle of limbs and blankets that takes a good 10 minutes to escape from in the morning. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Ha no. Zed is pretty against marriage, goes with the whole punk life, anarchist aesthetic he's got going on. He's not domestic at all. His house is constantly a mess and he's honestly a little bit of a slob at times. Bottles everywhere, doesn't do laundry until he is completely out of usable clothes ( notice i said usable and not clean) and would rather just eat over the sink than dirty a plate or bowl .
I'm sure he could be cajoled into doing chores and when he's getting paid for it, he is capable. It's just sheer laziness that stops him from doing this shit at home.
If you buy him the ingredients and promise to clean the mess, he’s a decent cook. Loves spicy food but it definitely doesn't love him. (is that a british joke, i think it is)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He's a big baby, he just ghosts people, pretends he’s been busy. If it was a messy breakup expect to be the lyrics in a new song of his, calling you any number of nasty names. 
If you broke up with him expect some angsty shit in his lyrics. Man is going full my chemical romance asking you to come back.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I feel like he's cool with commitment, he doesn't strike me as jealous but he likes to know he has you to himself. I don't think he'd wanna get married but being able to call you “my girl/my guy/my partner” is appealing
I think he'd give you some token like a band ring or a leather jacket of his or maybe a choker or necklace? Just a little something to say you're his and he’s yours.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I know he is pretty violent in game but outside ritual time he’s pretty chill. He likes mosh pits, walls of death and so on but in his down time he's a lax person. Being hungover a lot he prefers quiet outside performances, he moves slowly, angers slowly and speaks slowly. He is the weakest of the group so he’s not what one might call heavy handed with his touch. Emotionally he's more careless and thoughtless than outright hurtful.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Actually yeah, he's a pretty huggy person at times. Is as likely to hug fans as he is to headbutt them. Only likes hugs when he initiates them mind you. He's skinny so it's easy to give him hugs that go all the way around his body but he usually does one armed hugs with back pats. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not really. He thinks love and all that other mushy stuff is a bunch of bs. If you want an i love you out of him, a drunk confession is as close as you’ll ever get. Sober? Ehh maybe after sex, the come down migh have him feeling a little softer than normal. Maybe if you said it first  he’d reciprocate it.
Dumb but sweet i can see him doing the sign language for i love you on stage, pretending its the devil horns thing instead
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not usually. He might put on some bravado in a pub if someone were hitting on you  and wont back the fuck off , but he knows you well enough to know you wouldnt betray him like that. When he does get jealous, he gets huffy like a child. He pouts and sighs and generally throws a temper tantrum. He is only 18 afterall, he can have a little immaturity as a treat.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sloppy, messy, all over the place. Like I said he thinks all that mushy stuff isn't for him, so if he's kissing you in public, willingly, he's likely very VERY drunk. Lotta teeth too, he is a zombie. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
When he was alive he was good with kids. Being nice to kids who want to touch  your spiky jacket  or mohawk is very punk. Dead? I think the smell and clown makeup scares them off.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Ok fine, asleep till noon bc he's so hungover. If he’s up early it's because he was sick and now needs food and painkillers, probably washed down with a bottle of something cheap and nasty leftover from yesterday. He’d think he’d died and gone to the land beyond words if he woke up to you making him a fry. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
9 times out of 10 it’ll be in a club in covent garden like the 100 ( if you can get in that is). He’ll be there performing or drinking while watching his mates. Failing that, any pub that’s still open at 2am.
On rare occasions he likes to spend the night in, watching shitty movies on the sofa or playing old video games with you and josey. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Zed is an open book if you know how to read him. He hasn't got much emotional intelligence. If he's feeling something and he doesn't know what it will probably come out as anger whether he wants it to or not. He gets easily frustrated not being able to adequately explain himself so he likes to turn it into music. I guess he’s less of an open book and more of an open score. He doesn't ever reveal much of himself by talking, a lot of his life before the rotten world is forgotten to him. If you listen to him sing and play however, you can probably piece things together. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Zed has absolutely no patience whatsoever. He gets mad like a kid, flies off the handle one second and then is calm again when the thing has resolved. I don't think he gets genuinely angry very often, he's a quick to annoy slow to anger kind of person. That's not to say his annoyance is not as destructive as his anger. He will throw things that arent working at the wall, jab at his phone when it's going too slow and fume at slow walkers on the street.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I canon he has adhd so it's not that he doesn't want to remember, he just can't. His brain is not able. It's not his fault. Sometimes he surprises you by remembering something very small but most of the time he needs to be reminded 7 or 8 times before it sticks and it will fade from memory again pretty quickly. Again, going back to music, if he writes it down in song he’s more likely to remember it permanently. He can remember lyrics to songs and your favourite music exceptionally well.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
It was the day you two met! One night he was in a mosh pit doing a wall of death  and he heard someone scream in pain. Zed respects the mosh pit rules, if someone gets really hurt everyone stops. Hes not the strongest guy but he is tall as fuck, he pushes the crowd out of the way to get to the souce of the scream, you, and helps you out of the crowd. You'd broken your arm and were a little freaked about almost being trampled to death. Ok Zed was a little pissy about his night being ruined but when the ambulance showed up to take you to hospital, he wasn't about to let you go alone. He even decorated your cast for you. I'm sure the massive middle finger can be covered with a sleeve. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's a little protective of you, arm around your shoulder while you walk, wants to be the only one who lights your cigarettes, watches your drink when you go to the bathroom. His height puts most people off starting shit with him ( although it doesn't stop him from goading them) so he doesn't need much protection. Maybe he needs someone to be his impulse control and talk him down from doing dumb shit.
He's not a great sleeper, all the drink and drugs sometimes give him night terrors so i'm sure he’d appreciate you stroking his hair and back to get him over to sleep again. Maybe let him hold your hand while you take a nap together. I think it would be funny for this 6ft6 skinhead punk to hold your tiny hand because he had a bad dream. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Like I said he's kinda lazy, everything with him is kinda low key except maybe going to festivals? He's planning that shit a full year in advance to make sure he gets the best tickets. I think if he thought it would really upset you for him to not make a fuss, he’d try. Probably wouldn't stick the landing but if you're dating a punk rock zombie you should probably temper your expectations from weekend in vegas in a 5 star hotel to a weekend in with some fancy beer and a takeaway. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
As I mentioned, he's pretty lazy and kind of a slob around the house. It's organised chaos, he knows where everything is and with his adhd if he puts things away he’ll forget they exist. He hacks and spits in the streets which is pretty gross but he is a smoker and a drinker so having some phlegm is probably to be expected ( not to mention he's decaying a little) 
He is a bit of an arsonist, a lot of his apartment has burn marks on it from where he's gotten bored with a lighter. He might not torture small animals himself, but hes not above watching it online or trying to get you to watch it. He drew the line at Watership down though, that was too much for even him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
So the nature of punk is to put a lot of effort into looking like you dont give a shit which I think is admirable. Zed has a very particular look but it is a LOT of effort and he's a lazy dick soooo. Most of his wardrobe is old shirts and vests, cropped pants and jeans with holes in them (i don't mean knee holes i mean EVERYWHERE ass included)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Zed is a self destructive person by nature. He would never ADMIT to loving or needing you but people who know him would see a noticeable downward spiral after you left, whether that was his doing or yours. He’d be drinking more, sleeping in more, sleeping around and generally making terrible life decisions that only seem to fuck him over further. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Zed is dyslexic and has mild adhd. He was a bright student when he went to San romero but teachers never gave him the attention he needed to succeed, he gravitated towards music from a young age because the font of the notes was easier to read than text. He’s also pretty good at maths as long as he doesn't have to write stuff down.
Because he struggles with words, he's become great at short hand writing. It's almost incomprehensible to others but the little post it notes and writing on the back of his hand is indispensable to him. Don't be surprised if he runs out of hand space and starts writing on yours.
Because he's forgetful he often ties strings around his fingers.
Poptarts are his comfort food. God only knows why because they are sickly sweet even to him. 
He always paints his nails before a show. Black if he’s playing, the colours of the band if he's just spectating. 
Always goes to pride, no matter the weather. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like cowards, squeamish people or people who follow rules blindly. Zed is the type to break a rule just because he can but he will occasionally respect the rule of law for common sense reasons. People who follow rules to their own detriment baffle him. He hates preppy and pristine people, he has a terrible childish urge to mess them up just for shits and giggles 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
I mentioned above he suffers from occasional night terrors. He's not the best sleeper ever after that. He had his nose broken in a mosh pit once and has snored like a jet engine ever since. He drinks too much before bed and sleeps terribly as a result. Ok it's a sound sleep but it's not restful, so he always wakes up tired. 
He's too tall for most beds, even with his hair down so he always sleeps curled up, preferably next to you with your arm around his waist. Because of his terrible posture he always has a back ache in the morning. I'd suggest yoga but he probably thinks that shit is too mainstream. 
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skullkxd · 9 months
wagging in plot for whoever u want!!!
You asked for this
awkwardness about silver realizing that ree and Giovanni are close. Even more bafflement when ree admits that they know he’s Giovanni’s kid but they figured he would bring it up in due time.
I want them to actually battle. Like, really battle. No holds barreled.
Ree cooks him something… maybe silver is feeling down and ree makes him some comfort food
more plots with Guzma and ree trying to figure out this whole father-child relationship they have now
uhhhh… bonding over scars? Ree admitting that seeing Guzma’s scars all the time made them feel a little more confident about their own.
finally addressing the guilt they both hold about the Jax incident. Bottling it up won’t do any good!!! Talk to each other !!! It’s been a year !!!
ree showing akari all the little guys they have… perhaps they can trade pokemon. Get ree a little hisuian guy.
cooking adventures together let them make something crime worthy.
something more serious … ree and Peej are pretty laid back and most of their threads are very low key…
ngl I wanna know how Peej reacted to the Jax thing. I want ree to apologize to him about putting themself in danger and making him sad/upset but justifying it cause nobody else got hurt
more pre-sun moon shenanigans !!!! Let the babies wreck havoc !!!
I desperately crave burnet and ree interactions
ree getting stickers from her. Ree confiding in her about stuff they can’t talk about to anyone else. Ree admitting that they feel awkward working with Kukui when they know Guzma hates his guts.
we need to finally do that damn interview thread
sirio is the secret boss and I think it would be really fun for ree to slowly realize he’s stronger then he looks
genz kid vs millennial who will win
more with spark being a good big bro/leader. Ree accidentally joining team instinct is hilarious.
ree taking him around Alola and showing him everything !!!
idk. I think they should do the battle tree together
idk I just want them to interact more!!! I think it would be silly!!!!
ree just keeps trying to bite riku and he’s totally unaffected
idk if we could do something serious but we could definitely address Ree’s rocket trauma
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siserary933043 · 3 years
Caravan of love
God I need a cigarette! I gasped as I collapsed, exhausted, at the top of the small mountain my team had just hiked up in the Lake District.
Youre supposed to be setting us a good example. Khalid laughed as he flopped down next to me quickly followed by his two schoolmates.
Fu…To Hell with that! I laughed, I deserve one after a walk like that.
Still laughing at me puffing and panting the boys whispered something, then Khalid turned to me and asked nervously; Do you really want a smoke?
I was supposed to have given up…but…yes… at this minute I would absolutely love one. I replied.
Jonny, he turned to his friend, give her one.
Id love to; but will a fag do? The good looking teenager giggled.
When the penny dropped that Khalid had made an innuendo the laughter got even louder.
You boys will get me the sack! I chided them as I took the cigarette from the packet. Jonny knelt beside me as he lit it in his best James Bond manner.
Youre leaving anyway, the other boy, Fletcher, corrected me.
He was correct; this was my last day as a teacher in the UK and I was only doing this course as a favour to the Headmaster.
Im Nina and Im a 25yr old supply teacher in the North of England. Because I was sick of not knowing which school Id be at from one week to the next I was catching a train home to Bishop Stortford the next afternoon after Id safely put my three teenage charges on the coach home to Newcastle. Id been at this school 7 times in the last three years and had developed a good reputation among the pupils and staff, but knew that there was no chance that Id ever get a full-time job.
Every year twelve schools from the Newcastle area take part in an outward bound competition in the Lake District spread over four days. The Headmaster at Ponteland Comprehensive, where Id been teaching since January, was desperate for his school to do well for once; but Mr. Winnet who was meant to be in charge of a team of four had hurt his back so I was corralled into spending four days climbing hills, canoeing, orienteering and walking through rivers with three hormonally challenged 15 year olds while getting paid for it!
I already knew the three boys in the team from my time as their stand-in Maths teacher and hadnt had any real problems with them; even though they were all from the notorious Darras Hall Estate. These three were regarded as ‘saveable by the Headmaster and the course was their reward for 100% attendance and working hard.
Im a naturally sporty type of girl; so with my help and leadership we had been ‘neck and neck with Scotswood Grammar School and climbing this hill in the fastest time meant that we were the Champions!
Youd better finish that quick, miss! Jonny shouted, Walker Academy is nearly here.
Khalid and I took a last puff from our cigarettes and made a drama out of stubbing them out and wafting away the tell-tale smell of smoke, although there was a gale nearly blowing us away.
I grinned and shook my head when I read the sticker on the boys caravan door – ‘If the caravans a-rockin; dont come aknockin! Hardly appropriate for a group of schoolboys; I thought.
Whats going on here? I asked as I suspiciously sniffed the air in their caravan when I went to collect them to go to the evening meal and presentation.
Nothing, Miss. They all chimed in unison.
If thats what I think it is, you really will get me sacked. I tried not to grin as I definitely smelt dope in the air.
The boys didnt admit to anything and we made our way across the muddy field to the main building. It was quite a distance as we had been allocated two caravans at the far end of a large field; the other schools had large tents closer to the main building and toilet block.
You look nice miss. Khalid told me as we walked past the other schools tents.
Thank you, I smiled in appreciation, a girl never knows what her luck will be like in a place like this.
I did actually; even though I was wearing a nice short denim skirt and a fitted zip-up hooded top there was absolutely no way I was going to pull on my last night as an English school teacher. The best looking guy was obviously gay and the other teachers and the instructors all looked down their noses at my team as they were from a rough council estate that didnt fit into their ‘elite club.
After dinner and the short ceremony we tried to mingle with some of the other teams but when I had to stop Jonny from hitting a taller boy from Scotswood I thought that a tactical retreat was called for.
Have you got any of that stuff left that I didnt smell earlier? I asked Khalid as I pinned Jonny to the wall as a teacher from Jesmond led a whimpering boy away claiming that Jonny was ‘going to kill him.
He nervously looked at Jonny who was their natural leader; then nodded nervously, Why Miss?
I think that this young man needs to relax and, if memory serves me right, that should do the trick!
Youre cool, Miss, Fletcher told me, with a lop-sided grin, for a teacher!
I asked what he meant by that and the boys all told me why they liked me above all of the other teachers as we wandered back to their caravan.
The boys were being trusted not to wreck the van as they should have been chaperoned by Mr Winnet but he had got the train home earlier in the day.
As Khalid unlocked the door he turned and grinned, Weve got some booze too!
Why am I not surprised? I chuckled as I took a seat in the middle of the bay window.
Khalid brought his large rucksack in from the bedroom as Jonny produced a tin with 5 spliffs in it from his.
I shook my head in mild disbelief as they poured large measures of vodka into tumblers and topped it up with coke from the ceremony.
Where did this come from? I asked as I put the glass to my lips, I know you didnt bring it with you; we checked your bags.
This morning; when you were putting Winnet on the train, he grinned mischievously, I robbed two bottles and some cider out of the shop over the road.
The boys let out a cheer as I shook my head in mock disbelief.
Jonny opened his tin and offered me one of the spliffs.
Id rather have a ciggie if someone has one. I shrugged my shoulders, Ill have one of those later!
As we sipped the vodka and coke the boys bombarded me with questions: ‘Did I have a boyfriend? ‘Why was I leaving? ‘What was my home town like? ‘What was university like? ‘Had I ever taken drugs? ‘Did I have any tattoos or piercings?
It was fun talking to them and I tried to be as honest as possible as they genuinely wanted to know what life was like away from their town. I admitted to smoking dope and occasionally dropping a couple of Es and I had three tattoos; showing them the Angel on my shoulder and the Celtic design on my lower back but letting them guess where the other one was.
When Id finished my large glass of vodka and coke we all lit up the spliffs…WOW…Id forgotten how good that stuff could be and how powerful.
My head was spinning when Fletcher handed me a second large glass of vodka.
My legs were now curled underneath and I began asking about their lives. It wasnt long before they started talking about girls.
As the drink and dope began to take effect we were all in a giggly mood and the boys became braver as they talked about the girls and other female teachers in very personal terms.
I began by admitting to being quite wild at University but not actually telling them exactly what Id done – just letting them guess; which was fun.
The boys quickly became excited when I didnt blush or rein them in so their questions soon became very sexy and personal.
‘Did I play with myself? ‘Did I use sex toys? ‘Had I ever been with another girl? ‘Had I ever seen a porn film? ‘Do you suck cock, Miss?
Without hesitating I replied, Yes or of course, to just about everything.
The boys were all grinning and had twinkles in their eyes as they continued asking me about my sex life and confessed to all sorts of things that theyd been getting up to with the girls at school who Id previously thought relatively innocent! How wrong I was!
Jonny told me that Nadia gave the best blow-jobs because her tongue was pierced but Carly would let them cum on her face.
Apparently at least five girls in 5c, including both Thompson twins, had shaved their pubes off! I couldnt remember if I even had pubes at that age!
Their dirty language and descriptions were now making me very, very horny and I was beginning to think I should leave them as I really needed to frig myself.
What do girls think about when they play with themselves? Fletcher asked.
All sorts, I guess. I answered then took a draw on the last spliff that Khalid had passed to me.
Like fantasies? he continued.
Yes, I raised my eyebrows in mock amazement, girls have sexy fantasies just like guys.
All three looked genuinely amazed and it was only then that I remembered how young and immature they really were.
So what are your fantasies Miss? Jonny asked me.
Ooh, I couldnt possibly say. I said as coyly as possible.
I nearly gave the game away when Khalid immediately started talking about him and his elder brother roasting a girl as her 15th birthday present.
By this time I was permanently squirming in my seat and I was sure that Jonny and Khalid were looking up my skirt and could see my red panties. They certainly made no attempt to hide their bulges that where poking through their jogging pants as they moved into the corner of the sofa for a clearer look.
Im going to have to go for a wank now! Jonny snorted as he thrust his hands inside his pants and finally adjusted his hard dick. I uncurled my legs to make myself more comfortable; making sure that they got an unobstructed flash of my soaking knickers and hopefully some of my gash as I knew my pussy would be sucking the gusset in.
Would you like me to do that for you? I smiled.
The poor kid didnt know what to do or say.
Im serious, I beamed, as I took another slurp of vodka, do you want me to wank you off?
The boys nervously looked at each other, unable to comprehend what Id just said.
I manoeuvred until I was kneeling on the sofa and facing the 15 year old schoolboys.
Oh come on guys, I pleaded as I slowly unzipped my top, youve got to know how horny youve made me.
The boys were still silent but now grinning madly.
Ill show you mine if youll show me yours. I giggled as I took my top off then seductively cupped and stroked my tits through my pale blue lacy Wonderbra.
Ive always had nice tits…no thats not quite right…I have fucking lovely tits…everyone says so! They are medium sized (32b), firm and pliable clay and my nipples poke up to the sky. They have passed ‘the pencil test several times!
Jonny shrugged his shoulders and pulled the waistband of his pants down with one hand and waved his prick at me with the other.
Mmmm, that looks nice. I purred as I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the caravan floor. Do you like my tits?
The boys nervously nodded. Jonny and Khalid were still in front of me but Fletcher was sitting slightly behind getting a good view of my arse as well as a side view of my tits.
Get your cocks out and Ill show you my tattoo! I teased as I unbuttoned the side of my skirt.
Khalid quickly whipped his out closely followed by Fletcher. Their cocks looked gorgeous; Khalids was about 6 inches long and quite thick and a lot darker than his olive skin – I couldnt wait to suck it! Jonnys was about the same length but not as fat and Fletchers was short and fat – just like him.
I could feel the sweat running down my back as I stood up and let my skirt fall to the floor. The boys couldnt take their eyes off me as I slowly pulled the front of my knickers down so that they could see my hairy pie and my little red devil tattoo but not quite everything.
I dropped my chin onto my chest, fluttered my eyelashes as innocently as possible and told them, Well, Ive seen yours…would you like to see mine?
Fuck yes! Fletcher gasped as he stroked his cock. Actually they were all slowly masturbating in a well practiced manner. Thats another thing about me…I love watching guys play with themselves…as long as there is some left for me.
It took a tug to prize my knickers out of my sticky pussy but Khalids jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw the long string of juice that was stuck to the gusset!
I slowly looked around the caravan at my three students. They were like putty in my hands as they devoured my naked body with their eyes – they were going to be my sexual play-things for the rest of the night.
Do you still want me to …wank you off? I suggestively licked my lips and met Jonnys gaze, or would you like me suck it?
Ooh, Miss…suck me off…PLEASE MISS! Jonny pleaded.
I rested my knee on the seat and leant forward, jiggling my tits for him when I gently wrapped my fingers around his hot pink shaft. Perhaps it was stage-fright but it wasnt as hard now as when he had first flashed it at me; but I would soon put that right.
Does that feel good? I asked. The boy grinned and nodded. Lets see if the Teachers better at sucking cocks than her pupils?
Ahughaghaghooohhh. He groaned when I covered his swollen plum and kept on pushing until his squishy cock filled my mouth and my chin touched his hairy bollocks.
God his young cock tasted lovely…all hot and sweaty just how I like them. Years of practice came in useful as I began fucking his cock with my mouth as I breathed through my nose. Just as I hoped it instantly began to stiffen and filled my mouth so I had to eventually let most of it glide out so I could suck him comfortably and stroke his shaft and balls.
My head was spinning as I put on a show for his friends; slurping and sucking his dick like a porn actress.
Squeeze my tits! I whispered in between slurps.
Jonny slid his hand around my neck and began caressing my breast; making me gasp when he touched the nipple.
Squeeze them harder! I pleaded, Dig your fingers into my tits!
Oh fuck! he gasped but obeyed, digging his nails into my flesh and shaking my puppies like a kitten with a ball of wool.
When I felt his balls tighten and his breathing became shallower I tightly gripped the base of his shaft and making sure my breath engulfed his knob I looked up into his glazed eyes.
Miss! Im cumming! He warned me, MISS! My balls are aching…Im cumming!
Do you want to cum on the Teachers face? I teased Youd like that wouldnt you? Spunking all over her face!
Yes, yes, yes! He winced and manically nodded his head as I flicked my tongue across his japs-eye.
Go on then, I whispered as I furiously rubbed his shaft and aimed his piss-hole at my face.
I too was now squealing with delight as he tried to pull my nipple out of its roots when the first jet of hot teenage spunk splashed across my face, then another and the third landed in my eye.
Oh God! Oh fucking God…Miss! He gasped as I sucked the last dregs of salty spunk out of his cock.
Delirious with desire I raised myself up onto my feet. As his spunk dripped down my face I asked, Who wants to be next?
Me Miss! Me Miss! Fletcher shouted as he raised his arm in the air for attention, forgetting that he wasnt in class.
I picked my knickers off the floor and wiped the excess cum off my face then lay down next to him with my face in his lap.
His short stubby cock looked lovely as I licked some bitter pre-cum out of his tip.
As I stroked his cock I turned to the other two, I need one of you to lick my cunt.
They both looked shocked that Id used the C word. It hadnt dawned on me that the boys and I had probably used every other word in the dictionary during our sexy chat but at this moment in time it wasnt a vagina or a pussy between my legs it was a CUNT a hot and horny CUNT that needed a good tonguing.
Jonny instantly knelt on the floor and pulled my legs apart; staring at my hot pink gash.
Ive never done this before, Miss. What do I do? He looked at me excitedly.
Just lick it like its an ice cream then, I told him as I pulled the sticky flaps apart to expose my clitoris which was sticking out like a third nipple, then flick your tongue like crazy over that.
Ill try my best miss. He said in a soft voice. Even the boys calling me ‘Miss was becoming such a fucking turn-on!
Oooooohhhhh yeesssss! I moaned when he made his tongue glide up my groove.
He was a fucking natural; his untrained tongue lapped up my love juices and he sucked on my labia as his fingers stroked and caressed the inside of my thighs and the crack of my arse.
After a minute or so I bent over to greedily eat Fletchers fat prick. We moaned and groaned in unison as his cock fit perfectly into my mouth and Jonnys tongue fit perfectly into my sopping cunt.
Yeh….yeh…yeh…yeh! Fletcher kept gasping as he twirled my around his fingers as my mouth created a vacuum around his dick.
Without using words I made him spread his legs so I could get a tight grip on his hairless sack while I bobbed my head and swirled my tongue around the purple knob.
Oohya! I yelped when Jonnys tongue suddenly touched my clit making me jump and I let the cock slip out of my mouth.
YES….YES…YES! I cried out, Finger me! Finger me!
Jonny dutifully poked my twat with a long middle finger giving me a little bit of relief as I returned to my oral administrations on his fat friend.
Fletcher grabbed two handfuls of hair and began bouncing in his seat as he fucked my mouth. I met each thrust with a bob of my head as Jonny did wonderful things to my cunt and clit with his fingers and tongue.
My whole body seemed to convulse as I gave and received oral at both ends.
Aaaaaggghhh! Fletcher gasped as he neared orgasm.
More fingers! I shouted to Jonny as my own fingers furiously wanked the fat cock until it showered my face with thick lumpy spunk.
He inserted a second then a third finger and viciously licked my throbbing clit until I panted for air then WOW!!!! A mind blowing orgasm flooded my body. I didnt scream or cry out like I usually do…I just grinned myself silly as the sweetest feeling in the world engulfed my whole being as Fletcher covered my lips with solid globules of sticky cum.
My orgasm left me shattered so I flopped back against the cushions and gently stroked my tingling cunt for their amusement.
Khalid was now standing naked in the middle of the floor stroking a stiffy that looked like it was going to burst.
Come here baby, I whispered and patted the cushion nearest my head, and Teacher will take care of that ache for you!
He didnt need telling twice and was soon waving his dark uncut cock in front of my face. I couldnt wait either and immediately filled my mouth with my third rock hard teenage cock.
My tits…my tits! I moaned, Do what Jonny did and squeeze Teachers titties for her…nice and hard…hurt me!
His hairy olive fingers were soon mauling my mounds as I sucked his dark pipe for him.
Oh yes…thats good! I grunted with a mouth full of cock as he stretched my pink rosebud nipples as far as they would go, making me suck the life out of his young dong.
As the third boy to get his cock sucked I knew that he wouldnt last as long as the others and I was right. Khalid soon grabbed my head and forced his long thin dick past my tonsils and came straight into the back of my throat and down my neck.
I was now insatiable and judging by the three hard cocks that were in front of me so were they!
Now… fuck me! I called to Jonny as I lay flat on my back and spread my legs for my young lover, curling one ankle over the back cushion so that my hairy cunt was on show to the whole world.
With a huge grin on his face he knelt between my splayed legs and eagerly guided his six inches of throbbing cock into my willing hole.
Ooohhh yes baby! I panted as his cock filled me up, does that feel good fucking your teacher?
Yes Miss it does, he chuckled as he began thrusting his hips and forcing his cock into my belly, Its fucking…fucking amazing!
My head was shaking from side to side and I was playing with my over sensitive tits as Jonny proved to me that he hadnt been lying about fucking lots of girls at his tender age…he was quite a swordsman.
Fuck her mouth, Jonny told the others, one of you fuck her mouth…lets roast her!
The smile on my face would have lit up London when Khalid suddenly appeared next to my face and forced his cock past my lips for a second time.
I was in raptures as Jonny forced my legs back until my knees touched my tits making his long thick cock tickle the inside of my belly and the darker boy grasped two large handfuls of my mousey brown hair as he wildly fucked my mouth and throat. All I had to do was lie back and enjoy it as they now treat me as their sexual plaything for nearly fifteen minutes.
Jonny hadnt cum and sweat was pouring from his face when Fletcher begged him ‘for a go!
Okay, he panted, but Im not finished with her.He had hardly pulled his cock out when Fletcher lunged forward.
Wait! I gasped as I pushed Khalid away from my face, let me get on top…I want to cum again.
I positioned Fletcher so he was sitting on the sofa and I straddled him. His thick cock felt wonderful as it stretched my aching cunt. I quickly accustomed myself to his girth and rocked backwards and forward rubbing my clit against his pubic bone as I squashed my tits against his face.
The other two wandered off and opened the bottle of cider as I fucked their fat friend within an inch of his life!
No matter what I did to him; I couldnt cum. I bounced on his cock, I ground down hard, I twisted and rotated, I fucked him fast and I fucked him slow – nothing! I kept getting close but nothing.
I was becoming desperate when I spotted Jonny and Khalid whispering conspiratorially; then giggling like the teenagers that they were.
Jonny stood on the sofa and edged towards me waving his flaccid cock in front of my face. I didnt need asking twice and hungrily gobbled his young meat as I bounced on the fat cock in my cunt.
Id been with two guys at University once and had dreamt of doing it again; never dreaming that it would be with school kids; but tonight it seemed so much sexier and dirtier than in my fantasies; especially because they called it ‘spit-roasting.
If fucking and sucking two cocks was exciting Khalid soon moved the action up a gear!
As I ground my pussy down onto Fletchers cock Khalid began shaking my tits with one hand and stroking and nipping my arse with his other.
Go on. Jonny urged him as he held my head while I sucked and licked his rock hard shaft.
Khalid nervously ran a finger between my arse cheeks and hovered a finger tip over my anus as he rolled my nipple between his fingers then tugged on it just the way I liked.
Go on! Jonny was becoming agitated, Shes not stopping you, is she?
Without any warning he jabbed a bony finger past my sphincter and about in inch or more slid inside my arse making me gasp…with pleasure!
Ugh…ugh…good. I gurgled.
I fucking told you she would like it! Jonny admonished his young friend. Khalid soon realised that I was enjoying having his finger up my arse while the other two ‘roasted me he soon began twisting my nipples and finger fucking my arse with two fingers.
Fletcher broke off from suckling my tit to ask; have you ever been water-tight Miss?
What? I asked as Jonny sat on the top of the cushion watching the action.
Airtight you dozy cunt! The good looking boy laughed, Airtight!
I shook my head and raised my eyebrows to let him know I still didnt know what he meant.
There was a look of surprise then delight on his face as he told me; you take three cocks at once…one in each hole.
Id never heard of such a thing but the crazy grin on my face must have told him that I wanted to try it…NOW!
Right…get up bollocks face, Jonny said as he slapped Fletcher on the shoulder, lets change places.
We took a moment or two to decide who was going where and which would be the most comfortable way to perform this lewd sexual act.
As I gulped down a belly full of cool cider, we agreed that I would fuck Jonny, suck Fletcher and because he had the thinnest cock; Khalid would be the first to fuck my arse!
I was shaking with excitement as I fed Jonnys 6 inches into my well fucked cunt. When I was comfortable Khalid lined the tip of his dick against my puckered anus and spit a gobful of saliva between my cheeks as lubrication. I clung onto Jonny as Khalid slowly worked his cock into my virgin arse-hole.
Agh…ugh…ooh! I grunted through gritted teeth as my arse felt as if it was being torn in two.
Oh shit! The boys gasped in unison.
I can feel your fucking dick touching mine! Jonny giggled as only a thin membrane separated to hard cocks inside my body.
After making sure that the boys wouldnt budge I slowly rotated my hips and gently moved my arse so that their cocks moved a little bit as I became acclimatised to the feeling of being full beyond belief.
Okay, I nervously told them, but be gentle with me.
Thankfully Jonnys position meant that he couldnt be as forceful as he would have liked to be and my arsehole was too tight for Khalid to fuck too fast so I was soon nearly hallucinating with sexual elation.
After a couple of minutes I began to relax and the three of us began moving with a bit more freedom making me groan and moan and gasp and giggle with gratification.
Now…now! I gasped and nodded to Fletcher, Im ready…make me airtight!
Fletcher shuffled along the sofa and placed his purple knob on my bottom lip. I nodded my head and his fat cock stretched my mouth and jaw.
I snorted and gagged but I wasnt going to stop now! I could feel my poop-chute stretch and loosen up with every thrust from Khalid and the more relaxed I became the harder Jonny banged his cock into my cunt from down below.
Fireworks were soon going off in my head and clitoris as I began spontaneously orgasming. Little ones, big ones, short ones long ones…one after another untilI was just hanging on to the boys…like a limp rag.
Yes…yes…YES! Khalid wheezed as he rammed his dick into my arse like a fucking piston then suddenly stopped as he filled my shit-hole with his cream. His cock came out of my arse a lot easier than it went in!
Get off me! Jonny demanded as soon as the other boy stepped away. I want to fuck
your arse.
He virtually pushed me away in his haste to bugger me. As soon as he was standing behind me he forced me back onto my knees and spread my cheeks to view his friends handiwork.
Oh man, he exhaled noisily, that looks so fucking sweet…look… your spunks still coming out!
I was now trembling with anticipation as Jonny tentatively nudged his fat cockhead against my tingling anus. Khalid had stretched my poop-chute but Jonnys cock was definitely fatter and it still wasnt that easy for him to get his knob past my sphincter.
Aaaaahhhgggggg! I howled as he finally plunged his dick into my arse. As soon as the knob entered the rest just slid in like greased lightening. AaaaaaAAAGGGGHHHHHH you bastard! I screamed again when he began fucking my arse as hard as he had my cunt, but it didnt stop him.
I was biting my lip and had my face buried into a cushion to stifle the pain as he pummelled my arse with his thick six inches. The pain was becoming unbearable and electrifying so I didnt want him to stop.
Oh Jonny, Jonny, Jonny!I cried with tears of joy running down my face, Harder baby…harder…fuck my arse…fuck the teachers arse!
The teenager was now grunting like a wild animal as he revelled in the discomfort he was causing me.
Thats it…yes…yes…yes! he groaned as he speeded up just before he too filled my anal cavity with lovely teenage spunk.
When he withdrew his cock I could feel my hole gaping open and the overflowing spunk running down my thighs.
Its your turn now. Jonny wheezed and pushed Fletcher with the extra wide cock forward.
My arse was already stinging from the two buggerings Id just had but when Fletch pushed his fat mushroom in I gasped and felt like Id died and gone to Heaven. This boy was in no hurry and fucked my arse very slowly – each stroke nearly turning it inside out.
Oh baby, baby, I whined, that feels so fucking good. Youre making Teachers arse very, very sore and I fucking love it!
As the other two boys sat in front of me taking it in turns to feed their cocks into my mouth I panted, Thats it…faster…faster…fill my arse with your hot spunk…go on do it!
Hearing my husky voice sent him over the top and I felt my arse get warmer as he filled it with hot spunk.
Over the next hour or so the boys fucked me in every combination imaginable.
When I eventually collapsed, exhausted on the floor, my arse had been fucked ragged and my cunt was nearly worn out and my jaw was aching so much I could hardly speak; but I didnt care…this was the fucking of a fucking lifetime.
Id heard about the staying power of young boys but…shit… these boys were out of this fucking world.
I could hardly move the next morning when I woke up in a sleeping bag next to Jonny. I pulled on my top and skirt and hobbled to the shower block like John Wayne after a 200 mile horse ride.
I stood shivering with aches and pains under the hot shower; hardly able to wash myself as I relived the previous evenings events over and over and over again in my head.Pangs of guilt struck me as I got dressed in my tiny caravan but I reminded myself that the boys had promised to keep what we did a secret (hardly likely – I know) and after all in five days I would be on the other side of the world starting a new life in New Zealand.
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goodbye-space-ass · 3 years
Buster bored
(Brief ment of self harm in #84)
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
I dont have closet doors but theyd be closed i got cats
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
(3) Can You Whistle?
Yes and im g at it
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Other People by LP
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
(6) Relationship Status.
Single and unwilling to trust anyone enough to change that
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
0° c
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Not today
(9) How Many Followers?
Like 530 something
(10) Zodiac Sign.
Virgo sun gemini moon
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
No i do not love myself
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
Nothing atm but i might read the silm again
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14
(16) Favourite Anime?
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
My friend dave
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Random small things
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
(21) Favourite Animal?
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Only hockey
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
12-2 am
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
No ive been crying all day
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Im landlocked, never seen the ocean
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Comalard is sick af.
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
(28) What Makes You Happy?
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Dont :c
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
Save unless i need weed or darts
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
A stuffy that an ex got me.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
The silmarillion and tolkien universe in general
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Actually i dont think so.
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Kind of. Im an empath, y'know?
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
My dreams are batshit.
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
The airplane flies high, turns left looks right
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Kung fu panda 2
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Sunflower seeds
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
A perfect circle or slipknot
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not anymore
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents. Im shit at carving pumpkins
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Dont stop me now by queen
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Winter is ending, spring will begin.
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now?
Nothing i guess.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
(58) What Is Your Gender?
Im nonbinary, femme representing and i use they/them
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I need to get a proserve and get a job to be worth something.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Im pansexual
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
Fucking... the scared mouse looking one. Big eyes
(64) Favourite Social Media?
This shit unfortunately
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Ive never had instant gram
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
HATE that i read that as homestuck :( only for the stars
(67) Are You A Virgin?
I may be a virgo, but
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Coconut curls
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Depends on if i have enough money but probbly hotel
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
Only one
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
I dun know
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Brown i think.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
I did, and no
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Uhhh i dont know how
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
In my life yes
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
No thx sir
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Open. I have cats.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
Went to a friend's, hurt myself, smoked.
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Pajamas or the clothes i wore that day if they comfy
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I have like makeup n hairspray
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Reaper tale of a pale swordsman. Thats literally it
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
I was beating the shit out of a friend. Woke up on the floor punching the ground. Happened a few months ago
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Root beer
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Whatever tf tool got going on
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Like a damn mess.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
I dont really relax.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
A tool one
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Fuckin.. chillz
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itssolonelyhere · 4 years
I dont know if you prompts or requests but can you do a Sakura or Joker being sick and the other having to take care of them from Tyaku and Queen? I like both versions of her from each and wonder how theyd react to it.
To be honest, I never gave it any thought. This is a good idea to flex my writing muscles and give me a break from the mountain of revisions I’m working on. I’ll give it a go and hopefully, it’s not too bad… I’ll do one for Tsūyaku now and when I’m done work, another for Queen of the Rhombus. If you have any more, I don’t mind doing them.
Tsūyaku – Sakura’s sick in bed when J comes back from a job.
Tumblr media
It's hot. Too damn hot.
Sakura groans and tears her eyes away from the ceiling to stare out the window. The snow's still falling and it doesn't seem as if it'll stop soon. It's a beautiful sight that would have delighted her on most days, but she can't find it in herself to relish the view.
Green eyes watch the feathered crystals dancing in the wind, twirling around as it gently falls to the ground. It's a struggle to crane her neck up, hoping to see how much area it covers since she fell asleep. To her surprise, everything outside is pure white, leaving nothing untouched. The dead trees and grass, the bench where she likes to sit on to read, the van parked alongside the building, even the wrap-around porch. All blanketed by winter's frosty kiss and it's so dazzling that it's hard to look at for too long.
The darkening sky is still white, but she can tell it's getting late without rolling over to check the clock. Dropping against the mattress, Sakura lets out a shuddered breath and swallows hard. Being sick is a miserable experience that leaves her with nothing to do aside from mulling over everything that worries her. It's foolish, she knows, but part of her is still concerned.
Joker's been gone for a few days, which isn't unusual at all. Sometimes he stays for brief periods in the city for his 'job', but always comes back. Usually, it's with a cocky smirk and filthy clothes, yet on those few occasions that he doesn't… Someone ends up in the basement where he spends hours doing God-knows-what with his tools. The pinkette knows what goes on down there and it's not a secret, either.
That area is off-limits, especially to her, and Rocco is the only one that's alive who's seen it. If curiosity got the best of her and she took a tour, it will only haunt the pinkette's days and night. She doesn't enjoy that kind of 'entertainment' and Joker knows that. Snooping around might end up in a little punishment, but that's about it. Anyone else would be terrified at the thought, and rightfully so. Her discipline doesn't end with broken bones, missing limbs, or death.
Hearing the familiar stomping up the stairs, Sakura wants to push herself up the bed to greet him. Another trickle of sweat trails along the pale skin of her face from the effort, but she can't muster the strength to even sit up. It's pathetic to find herself in such a state, especially with her abilities. The pinkette can't remember the last time she was sick, let alone to this degree. With a strained groan, she gives up and settles into the mattress, waiting for him to burst through the door.
The doorknob twists and she peers over the fluffy duvet to see a tall figure standing at the threshold. Just as she expects, Joker looks like a mess as he stalks into the bedroom, leaving a wet trail of shoe prints across the hardwood floor. His purple trench coat has splotches of ash and dried blood, mixed with other substances she'd rather not think about. The greasepaint is smeared and missing in patches, revealing his tan skin beneath, with the rest weeping down his face. As always, J's hair is a faded, stringy mess that never listens to any commands, just like its owner. No matter when she catches him, he forever has the appearance of a wild madman.
And that's just fine.
Right away, his brow furrows when he notices her lying beneath the covers, unnaturally pale and sweaty. Usually, Sakura is busy doing something or another, whether it's reading or wrapped up in a craft. Not today. Those black pits in his sockets narrow on her as he shrugs off his trench coat, tossing it over the back of a chair. They make her want to shrink into nothingness, no matter how many times she gazes into them.
He moves to stand at the end of the bed, staring without saying a word. It's hard to tell if he's in a pleasant mood or not when it's like this. No one's better at keeping everything hidden than him, whether it's his thoughts, feelings, or intentions.
"I missed you…" Her voice is low and raspy, trying to suppress a cough working its way up. All-day the pinkette's been hacking up and the sensation of blades dancing along her throat won't go away.
The side of his mouth quirks up at her words, even if it seems like someone's tugging on it with a fishline. She knows Joker won't repeat it back, but it's his eyes that give him away. He always says they're the gateway to the soul and in the privacy of their room, they can reveal what his words won't.
"You're sick." It's not a question or guess, and she knows it. He can always tell when something's off or not right, no matter if she tries to hide it. They grew up together, and he's already seen it all, even if she's still missing pieces to their puzzle.
Sakura gives him a weary, apologetic smile, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. When he comes home, she likes to greet him and show how much she missed him, whether he disappears for a day or five. Right now, her aching muscles can't bear to even get herself up.
"Hmm…" Joker grunts and saunters off towards the bathroom and she almost calls after him. From the looks of his clothes, he can use a good shower, but those are trivial matters to him. Even if she wants to spend time with him, he's a busy man and has been gone for days.
Sighing, the pinkette leans back against the pillow and closes her eyes. Jack will come to her when he's ready and needs his space. Who knows what kind of shit-show he just pulled off? She might as well try to get some sleep and hopefully, this sickness will run its course faster.
'I need to get better soon. I'm useless like this.'
Something sopping wet and cold drops onto her face, jolting Sakura back to her senses. Sputtering from the water running down her skin, she reaches up in surprise and yanks it away. Joker's looming over the side of the bed and arches a brow, trying to hold back a cackle she knows is coming. Glancing at her hand, there's a soaking, wet rag he didn't bother wringing out.
'Fucking figures…'
"Keep it on your forehead, doll." Despite his expression, there's something playful in his pitch-dark, glassy eyes. When she doesn't move, he snatches the rag and folds it over, smacking it against her forehead. Beads of cold water trail down her temples into the pink hair strewn over the pillow and she bites her lip to keep back a retort. Most people would see this as being heavy-handed and crude, but she knows better. This is his version of care and it's the best he can do. This is more than she can ask for. It's the intent and effort that's appreciated, even if J's harsh with everything he does.
The cool rag feels heavenly against her heated skin and she breaks out in goosebumps from the difference. A breathy sigh spills from her lips and he smirks at the reaction.
"We're not done yet." Sakura finally notices what's in his gloved hand. A bottle of medicine and a spoon. She has no clue where the spoon came from and doesn't ask. It'll only result in a vague or arrogant remark, neither she wants to deal with at the moment.
Watching him fiddling with the cap, the pinkette can't help recalling all the times she did this in the past for him. Eight years ago, when his mouth was healing after being slashed open. He consistently kept tearing the stitches open, and they became so infected, yet he refused to go to the hospital. Jack was always so goddamn stubborn and never listens, even if it results in making himself suffer twice as long.
"Open up." The spoon is right near her lips, and she grimaces from the strong scent of the medication. It's dark red and reminds her of blood, but she'd rather smell that over this. Noticing her expression and distaste, gloved fingers pinch her stuffy nose, and she reluctantly opens her mouth. The nasty liquid runs down her throat as the metal clangs against her teeth, making sure she takes all of it.
"Don't spit it out or I'll have to punish ya." Joker pops his lips, ignoring the way she's kicking her feet around under the covers and the disgruntled noises eating away at the small amount of energy she has left. It's disgusting, and he knows how much she hates medicine, but she needs it. Sometimes people have to do what's necessary for the ones they care about.
"Gross!" She swats his hand away from her nose, letting annoyance overpower her exhaustion. If looks can kill, Batman would have one less chaotic problem to deal with.
"How 'bout ya just relax? Hmm? Ya won't get better by being a pain in the ass." This time, J doesn't restrain the cackle that's been building up in his chest. It's harsh on the ears, but Sakura finds it enjoyable and contagious, causing her annoyance to wane. She can never stay angry at him long, no matter what he does.
"That's my girl." He leans down and kisses the tip of her nose, leaving a red smudge behind. That only makes his fit worse, falling into hysterics. She never understands why he finds leaving greasepaint on her face so funny, but that doesn't stop her from smiling.
"Heh. Looks good on ya." Grabbing the rag, he wipes it off before dropping it back in place. She frowns at the water running down her neck, even if it feels good. J is such a weird man, but she loves him anyway in all his vicious glory.
Joker's eyes don't leave hers as he toes off his battered dress shoes and starts plucking the buttons of his green waistcoat. When he was standing next to the bed, she noticed everything's wet and cold from being out in the snow. If the pinkette wasn't so sick, she'd help take it all off for him and use herself as bait to tempt the clown into a hot shower. That's the best way to get him cleaned up, otherwise, he doesn't care about any of it. He'll go filthy for days without batting one of those heavy, shadowy lids.
"How'd it go? Did you guys have any problem with the snow?" Jack frowns after throwing his belt on the floor when the inquiry causes a coughing fit that makes her small body shake beneath the duvet. His lip curls up and she thinks he's about to snarl, but it doesn't come. Stamping across the hardwood floor, he clicks his tongue and throws the covers off his side of the bed and flops down.
For a moment, Sakura thinks he might be angry that she asked. Since the day they ran into each other, he never really liked talking about his 'job' to her but has been opening up a little more as time goes by. Sometimes he complains about a goon making a grievous error that Joker rectifies with a bullet or attempts to lure the Bat out from whatever cave he's been hiding in after Dent's death. The pinkette finds it all fascinating and exciting, even if it's terrible, but this is who Jack is now. He revels in the explosions and fires, all the mayhem and complicated plans.
"Shaddap if it hurts to talk." He grunts and slides across the mattress, dragging the duvet back over. Sakura shifts to look at him, watching the clown leaning his bare back against the headboard. The muscle in his cheeks twitches and he mutters something under his breath, but she can't pick up on it.
'What's he doing now?'
"C'mere." Despite telling her to come to him, he scoots over and the bed dips under his weight. Laying on his side, J moves closer until there's no room left. She knows he missed her, even if the words won't come out. Actions always speak louder and prove more than anything else. Sweet-nothings and heartfelt confessions are what most people yearn for, but Sakura would rather a man show her the truth than speak lies.
This is his form of care, even if it's gruff and obnoxious. Jack's violent, arrogant, manipulative, and downright cruel most of the time. However, it's those specks in between that’s saved especially for her that makes the rest inconsequential. The clown keeps her safe from the other monsters that lurk in the shadows throughout the city. They won't hesitate to rip her to pieces or abuse her ability, unlike this man. He likes the pinkette staying whole, even if their nights result in minor cuts and bruises in the shape of a large hand or long fingers. It's nothing she can't heal and they both have fun causing them. That's what happens when a man's rough in bed and he does it right.
Sakura closes her eyes when he buries his face in her hair, greedily breathing in her scent. J treats it like huffing in fumes he's trying to high from and never wants to stop. A hand slithers under the sheets and rests on her abdomen, drawing lazy circles over the thin fabric of her shirt with his fingers. He's been doing this more often lately, and she's not sure why but is worried he might stop if she asks. It's soothing and helps lull her into a peaceful state, letting all the worries from outside the bedroom melt right off her shoulders. Nothing matters anymore, except the two of them.
The small action elicits a groan from the pinkette as she leans her head against his chest, finding a comfortable spot. His skin is always so warm as if the fire he loves so much dances just beneath the surface. It's like having a safe, heated blanket wrapped around her that no one can get through. As long as she stays here, nothing can touch her besides him and the thought is oddly pleasant.
"Well, doll… Since ya asked so nicely and you're stuck in bed, might as well give ya some entertainment while I'm here." Sakura knows what that means. He wants to paint a vivid picture of his exploits from his excursion in the city, yet is trying to make it seem like he's doing her a favor. The showman in him enjoys the applause and awe he's able to draw out from her by giving every gory detail and miraculous feat, becoming completely smug from his ingenuity and perseverance.
"Great. I want to hear it." She coughs again and her voice is still raspy. He can feel her muscles jolt from each one as his fingers pulse against the flimsy material. The moment the fit stops, the pinkette jerks when he pinches her cheek, giving it a little tug to get his point across.
"I thought I told ya not to talk if it hurts? Hmm?" Glancing up, he has an exaggerated frown that almost looks like a wide smile from her angle. His tongue snakes out to prod the broken skin of his scar, waiting until she slowly nods before continuing.
"Good. Just re-lax and I'll tell ya all about my little run-in with the, ah, Bat."
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
religious disbelief josh balz x reader
+++++++++ The end is a little darker than I meant it to be 😬
this is my first time ever writing for balz so if it sucks im sorry. also its broken into parts, the beginning is the beginning of the school year and the other two parts are after graduation.
im making a balz one with a similar concept and completely different outcome so if this one was bad or hard to read that one will be much more light hearted I promise.
Song: the reaper by as it is
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @ryansitkowskiswifey @alilpunkrock @theoneandonlykymberlee @svintsandghosts @cynic-spirit +++++++++
i walked down the sidewalk shoulder to shoulder with my best friend. josh and i had known each other for what felt like forever, only recently had it turned into something more than a friendship though. i laughed at what he had said to me.
"i told you once, ill tell you a thousand times. the day i decide to get on that two wheeled death machine is the day i decided you can take me away from this town."
i hated his motorcycle just as much as i hated the thought of moving away. i was kind of scared of both to be honest. everything i knew was here, especially him and i didnt want that to change. he nudged my arm with his.
"im telling you, youd be perfectly safe riding with me. but if your stakes are getting you out of this town i will gladly find every excuse."
i shook my head at him.
"you know i dont want to leave."
he sent me a look.
"come on y/n you cant really want to stay here all your life do you? i mean, whats holding you back, your parents? me? hell ill be gone in a year anyways."
i frowned at him.
"and you would just leave without me? given that we're still together at that point that is."
he looked a little offended.
"you planning on leaving me by graduation in the spring?"
i laughed with him.
"of course not silly, im just thinking ahead. if you leave, what am i gonna do? we all know itll take an act of god to get me outta here. even if i did decide to leave on my own my parents would never let me."
he smirked at me.
"true about the parents, but maybe we need an act from something a little darker than God."
he winked at me and i shook my head at him as we walked up the stairs to my house.
"yeah keep saying that and you wont be able to come over anymore. ever since my parents found out you listen to metal music theyve added you to the prayer list at our church."
we both laughed a little at that. he took my hand in his.
"oh come on, when are you gonna stop going? we both know you hate organized religion, and you listen to metal too."
i giggled a little bit.
"just imagine if my parents knew about my tattoo."
i said quietly. he hugged me to him and kissed me gently.
"i think theyd burn it off you, your dad would at least."
he smiled down at me, pushing my hair away from my face as the wind blew it around. i raised my brows.
"wouldnt that be something."
he kissed me again. then there was a knock on the living room window that made me jump. i turned around to see me mom knelt on the couch watching us. josh waved at her condescendingly, making me laugh.
"dont provoke her."
i turned back to him and he kissed my forehead.
"ill see you later. we've gotta work on that science project after all."
he winked at me as he turned and walked down the steps to my house. when he was almost to the sidewalk he turned around and walked backwards, waving goodbye to me.
"i love you."
he called to me and i smiled widely at him.
"i love you too!"
i watched him for a second before opening my front door and greeting my mom with a smile.
"how was work?"
i asked as i made my way to the stairs.
"work was fine, just tired, i wanted to wait for you to get home before i went to bed though. its nice being able to see you everyday now, not just on weekends."
i held onto the stair rail as i turned to her.
"well im glad i get to see you everyday now too, even if it is just for a little bit. ill probably start dinner about five thirty before dad gets home."
she nodded.
"okay sweetie."
i stood in front of my mirror and nervously shook my hands out. graduation was finally over and we had gone back to the house for me to change before the school led lock-in for the graduates. i wasnt nervous about the lock-in though, i was worried about my parents realizing that josh would be there too. they barely liked him at the beginning of the school year and as much time as we spent together since my parents were getting more and more infuriated with him. it also didnt help that he liked to take them to the edge on almost everything, arguing and getting on their nerves as much as he possibly could. i was shaken from my thoughts when my mom knocked on my bedroom door.
"you ready baby? you dont wanna be late."
i nodded and picked my bag up off the floor.
"yep, we can go."
i looked in my bag one last time to make sure i had everything, phone, playing cards, medication, water bottle, the likeness. when we hit the bottom of the stairs my dad looked up at me over the newspaper he was reading in the low light of our living room.
"where did you get that shirt?"
he asked and i looked down at it. shit. i had gotten it from josh.
"uh, a friend."
he raised a brow at me.
"have i met this friend? surely not i suppose if they are giving you clothing with satanic symbols on it."
he looked over at my mom who was now wearing a frown too.
"do you have time to change?"
he asked and i looked down at the time on my phone.
"no daddy, im already late."
i said in my best pouty voice. normally that worked, he couldnt resist the charms of his little girl. i watched him fold the newspaper up and set it on the couch next to him.
"fine but when we pick you up in the morning its going in the trash."
i walked to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"okay daddy."
i followed my mom to the door and out to the car. when we were buckled in she took off towards school. i looked down at my phone and opened a message to josh.
"what are you wearing?"
i hit send, a second later he texted me back.
"am i supposed to say nothing?"
i tried to suppress a laugh and just shook my head.
"no dork, im wearing one of your shirts and i need to change into something less 'metal'"
i hit send again and waited. then i got a new message.
"sorry babe, i dont think thats gonna happen."
then i got the picture of him in another shirt with the same band on it. i breathed deeply and sent him back an 'okay.' when i looked up we were already pulling into the schools parking lot.
"when are we supposed to be getting you again?"
my mom asked as i stood out of the car. i leaned down and looked at her.
"uh dont worry about it mom, its super early so im just gonna have someone else bring me home."
i looked across the car, through her window at joshs motorcycle. damn him. i turned my attention back to her.
"okay baby, well ill see you tomorrow then."
"thanks mom."
i said, closing the door and walking into the school. as i walked up to the table to get my bag checked i noticed josh standing in the back next to one of the vending machines. A second later my phone buzzed. it was a text from him asking where i was. i smiled to myself, thanking the counselor for giving my bag back and walked quickly to him.
"im right here."
i said making him jump and clutch at his chest.
"jesus y/n you scared the shit out of me!"
i laughed and took his hand in mine, kissing his cheek.
"i think thats a small price to pay for bringing your motorcycle."
he blushed and gave me his best sorry face.
"i forgot?"
he said trying to play it off. i just shook my head at him.
"its whatever, ill grill you tomorrow when we leave."
he smiled at me.
i squeezed his hand in mine.
"come on, i wanna see what all they had planned, i heard there was supposed to be a magician."
he laughed as me as i dragged him down the hall towards the gym.
"sure babe."
i held onto josh tightly as he pulled up in front of my house. i knew my parents would probably be awake already, dad at least getting ready for work. the sound of the motorcycle wouldnt be any help though. i stood up off of it and took my helmet off, swinging my hair out. josh took his off too.
"you want me to wait a minute before leaving?"
i looked back at my house, the sun barely peaking over our fence, it was still so early. I looked back at him.
"i was gonna say no, but maybe."
he nodded.
"text me when its safe to leave."
he winked at me and i kissed him gently.
"thanks for bringing me home."
i pushed my helmet into his hands and walked up to my front door, pushing it open. i was surprised it wasnt locked. i looked around for a second, seeing no one and ascending the stairs. when i moved to go to my room i heard my parents door creak.
my dad demanded. i turned to look at him and sent him a nervous smile.
"daddy can i at least change first? i just walked in the door."
he looked kinda mad. i knew i shouldnt have let josh bring me home on the bike. he held his hand out.
i frowned at him.
"okay just give me a second."
i stepped into my room and went to close the door but he pushed it back open.
"give me that damn shirt before i have to rip it off of you."
"cant i change by myself?"
he went to grab for it but i pushed him away.
"you got it from that no good josh kid didnt you? thats the friend. You know how we feel about him."
he said sternly.
"daddy hes my boyfriend."
he tried to grab at me again, holding the shirt firmly by the collar.
"i told you to stop seeing him. hes no good for you, especially if hes pushing you further and further away from god."
he moved his other hand up to tear the shirt but i held his hands in place.
"what is so wrong with that?!"
i shouted, eyes closing tightly. he paused for a second and i only opened my eyes back up when he let me go.
"how dare you say that in this house! if you are going to live under my roof you are going to love and respect the lord that built it."
"the lord didnt build shit! and maybe i dont wanna stay in this house anymore!"
he was fuming now.
"fine! you wanna go to hell? then you can fuck your boyfriend right to the gates of it, tell the devil kiss my ass while youre at it!"
he shouted at me, turning on his heel and storming out of my room. i breathed heavily for a second before looking outside. josh was still sat on his motorcycle out front, looking between his phone and the house. then i got an idea. i grabbed a bag from under my bed and started shoving shit in it, anything i could find. my favorite shirts, socks, undergarments, pants, money, anything id need. when it was full i slung it over my head, shoved my phone charger into my purse/bag that i still had on from the lock-in and stormed out of my room too. when i hit the end of the stairs i was met with my father sat on the couch, angrily putting on his work boots.
"where do you think youre going?"
he said a little snarky. i gripped my bag tightly.
"if you dont want a non believer living under your roof then ill find somewhere else to live."
i walked quickly to the door and just as i opened it he grabbed me by the hair, pulling me back.
"or maybe you just need an attitude adjustment."
he pulled me back and i reached out.
"let go of me!"
i practically yelled. i could hear him breathing heavily.
"you will learn to love and respect the lord as well as the family he has put before us. if you wont do it willingly, then ill make you."
"is that really a good idea?"
i heard josh say and i looked over at him standing in the doorway. my dad pushed me away from him.
"look at what youve done! youve corrupted my little girl! she's a satanist because of you!"
i ran to josh and he held me tightly to his side, he looked down at me as tears fell from my eyes.
"sir, in all due respect she has never once praised the devil. i would know, im the only one she hangs out with when shes not at home."
my dad looked beyond mad.
"if anything id say you pushing the lord down her throat her whole life has made her denounce your religion. so maybe you should be looking at yourself, not me."
my dad started after us and i pushed josh out the door, slamming it behind me. it swung open as we ran down the sidewalk to joshs bike.
"get back here you little shit!"
Josh jumped on first, starting it up and handing me my helmet.
i shouted as my dad got closer. next thing i new we were booking it down the street. i just held myself tightly to josh, resting my head on his back as tears fell heavily from my eyes. when we were a few streets over he stopped. i sat up and took my helmet off.
"you okay?"
he asked, holding his own helmet against him and looked at me very concerned. i sniffled and wiped my face.
"i am now. but i wanna get as far away from here as possible."
he looked between my eyes.
"are you sure?"
i nodded quickly.
"please josh, just take me somewhere safe. somewhere i dont have to deal with this anymore. wherever its just me and you."
he kissed me gently, pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.
"ill take you wherever you wanna go."
i pulled away and nodded at him.
"I love you josh."
I leaned forward and hugged him to me, feeling him kiss the top of my head.
"I promise I'll keep you safe."
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feminarrie · 5 years
Niall, a bottle of whiskey, and a drill. use that and write what you will. I want to see what you come up with!! (also you can take your time with this)
kate! once again, thank you for challenging me with this! it was fun to figure out just how i wanted to go about this, but i’m happy with what i’ve come up with!
i’m putting it below a cut bc it’s just 3k+ of smut (it is also unedited sorry!)
As she looks out at Niall, Y/N can’t help but think how utterly domestic the scene is.
It’s midsummer and the California heat was approaching a dry 100 degrees. She had ditched her shirt in favor of a bikini top and a pair of light wash shorts atop her bottoms. She’d even spent the better half of the morning in the pool with Niall. But, as it neared one in the afternoon and the peak temperature of the day, she had gone back inside to cool down and to prepare lunch for the both of them. While Niall had slipped out of the pool and wandered to the patio, where a new patio set is still sat in pieces.
She looks outside at him now, through the kitchen window, as she washes and peels a carrot. His back glistens with sweat as he attempts to line up a metal pole with another piece of the bar that they had bought just a few days ago. They’d offered to assemble it upon delivery, but Niall had insisted that he would be able to put it together. She hadn’t argued it, either. Especially considering that they were on their way out for a scheduled date night.
She’s glad Niall had decided to put the furniture together. Especially when she see the way his broad back tenses when he moves this way or that. Droplets of sweat drip down it and highlight every movement.
The way his arms look now, as he uses a drill to join to pieces together, surpass sinful. With every movement, his biceps flex and Y/N can’t help, but think about how they feel when he’s fucking up into her. Like they had this morning, in the comfort of their air conditioned bedroom. When her back was pressed to his chest and the backs of her thighs and ass bounced in his lap. His arm had wrapped around her middle while his other hand was wound around her throat. Hitting her at angles that she didn’t think were possible.
There’s a different heat that’s building, now. An internal heat that still has sweat developing on the back of her neck and at her hairline despite the heavily air conditioned kitchen. It settles into the apples of her cheeks as continues to prepare their lunch. 
Which, it really is a miracle that she’s capable of finishing all the preparation and plating it by the time Niall walks in. She’s even managed to grab the bottle of whiskey from the top of the fridge without asking Niall to retrieve it for her. She pours it over the ice in a short glass, watching as it melts the cubes just slightly. She hopes he’ll like all of it, too. Niall is usually one to drink beer or water in this kind of heat, but she figures that a small glass of whiskey is a treat for all the hard work he’s doing. Plus, it forces him to slow down enough to enjoy the liquor and cool off for awhile. 
Y/N can see the sunburn that has begun its assault on his shoulders. The already tan skin has turned a shade of pink that holds a future of promise of blossoming into a shade of red if he’s outside for any longer. “Whatever you’ve made smells delicious, love.” Niall hums, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head as rounds the corner of the island.
“Thank you.” She grins, leaning upward to receive the peck that Niall has stopped to give her. “Go clean up and I’ll have the table all set when you come back.”
Niall nods and leaves after another peck to her lips.
Y/N busies herself with setting up the table. She places a smaller bowl of salad between two plates of greek wraps. It’s nothing too fancy, but she hardly thinks that Niall is keen on having a hot meal after he’s come inside. Even if he was, she absolutely did not want to be overheating while cooking up a warm meal for him. So, she figures it is more likely a win/win situation for the both of them. Niall returns shortly after she’s set herself down to eat. He’s in a pair of deep blue gym shorts and nothing on top. As he comes to sit down next to her, she can see the freckles that have begun to develop along the expanse of his shoulder and back. Unlike his sunburn, they will likely fade within the next few days. 
“Thanks for lunch, Y/N.” Niall says before his eyes land on the chilled glass of whiskey. “And for this. How’d ya know I was cravin’ something stronger?”
“Figured you would after being outside for most of the day.” Y/N shrugs as she answers. Their conversation dies down after that, both of them being too busy with eating to speak. Especially Niall, who goes back in for a second helping of salad. And Y/N lets him because she knows he’s probably built up an appetite.
“I’ve just got to put a few more pieces together and then I’ll be done.” Niall says after Y/N asks him how much longer he’ll be.
“We’ll stay inside after that then, yeah?” She suggests, hopeful that Niall will want to stay in for the remainder of the evening. “I’ll order takeout for us, if you’d like.”
Niall nods, drying off his hands after having finished washing his dish. Y/N lets the rest sit in the sink for now, her mind having drifted to the idea of having a cool shower while Niall finishes up outside.
He kisses her once more on the cheek before stepping out into the yard once again. Y/N paces herself in heading upstairs into the master bathroom. Grabbing her phone from the coffee table so that she can listen to music while she’s showering. She’s even more eager because she’s got a killer playlist that she’d been adding to for the past few weeks.
But, she’s also got other things on her mind as she makes her way upstairs after turning the temperature down just a little bit more. 
The images of Niall were shoved aside as they ate. She was starving and in that moment, her appetite had far outweighed her desire for Niall. But, now that she had a clearer head and a shower awaiting her, she couldn’t help but to conjure up those images again. 
She’s sure he would be too tired to do much of anything anyway. So, she sees no harm in getting herself off while he put the final touches on their patio furniture. Especially seeing as she doesn’t know how long he will be and Y/N has never been one to be patient about these types of things. 
Before long, she’s come to stand in their shared master bathroom. The heated floors don’t feel quite so warm beneath her feet, but she is still aware of the heat that they exude. Their toothbrushes occupy one marbled cup set between two sinks and white, plush hand towel hangs just slightly over the edge of the dark countertop. Two more navy blue towels hang over separate bars that sit next to the shower. There’s still droplets of condensation against the glass, likely from Niall’s shower earlier that morning. 
Y/N strips after she’s turned the shower on and found a happy medium between too warm and too cold. She kicks her shorts and bottoms to the corner of the room, closer to the laundry basket. Her top is flung in the same direction moments later. All the while, the sounds of her playlist bounce off the walls of the spacious bathroom. 
A soft sigh leaves her lips when the water hits her front. It’s enough of a temperature difference that her nipples pearl and to give her some relief from the high temperatures outside. Her sun kissed skin drinks the moisture as she allows it to wash over her for a prolonged period of time before she turns around. 
She reaches for the bottle of cherry blossom and citrus scented soap that lives on the middle left shelf of the tiled shower. Her other hand reaches for her own loofa that hangs from the shower handle. Once she’s put more than enough of the soap on it, it’s only a matter of seconds before it has begun to lather. Y/N hums along to Postpone by Catfish and the Bottlemen and she nods her head along with the beat. And she’s fully enraptured by the song until she’s reached between her thighs, the soap leaving a soapy lather that drips down her thighs as the water drips down from her back. Where she simply can’t help herself from switching the loofa from her dominant hand to the other.
The pads of her fingers dance over her already slick folds, gliding with ease as she teases herself. She reaches down to slide her middle finger from her entrance to her clit, letting it stay there and adding just a slight amount of pressure. Enough to heighten the stirring in her tummy, but that’s it. She teases herself for awhile. Eventually letting the loofa fall to the floor so that her other hand is free to roam her body. It eventually settles at the base of her throat and she applies just a slight amount of pressure. Her small hands aren’t as good as Niall’s, but they’ll do in the moment. Especially when she’s pushed two fingers inside herself after the images of Niall and her own teasing had become too much to bear.
Y/N is chasing her orgasm when Niall enters the bathroom after having called out for her just a few minutes before. He doesn’t need to see her form to know that either. Instead, her whimpers and occasional pants of his name can be heard loud and clear with the acoustics of the space. When he does look at her, though, it has his cock hardening in his shorts. Enough so that if she looked now, she could see the outline of it with only so much as a glance. But, she doesn’t. Her eyes are squeezed shut as one hand drops to cup her breast, a sure sign that she is close to the edge. Niall watches her as she continues to chase it, too. Her shoulders slouching forward slightly and his name like a mantra as it falls from her lips. She falls apart right before his eyes, unraveling at the seams as she cums. A final yelp of his name as her body quakes with her orgasm and her head lulls backward.
He allows her a moment to recoup and steady herself before he clears his throat. It still makes her jump, though. Which, Niall knew it would but it still pulls a strained chuckle from him.
“Fuck,” she mumbles, “You scared the shit out of me.”
It’s muffled by the sound of the shower and music, but Niall can still (just barely) make out what she is saying. “Sorry, love.” He replies, genuinely sorry that he had scared her so much.
Y/N takes in his half naked form from where she stands. Even with steam rising from the shower and blurring her vision slightly, she can see the outline of his cock. It only serves to make her even wetter. Something that she didn’t think was possible considering she can feel herself dripping down her thigh before it’s washed away by the water. “Got off thinking of you.” Y/N begins and she hopes Niall had been in the room to see what an absolute mess she was at the mere thought of him. A groan sounds from deep within Niall’s chest. Because even after all this time, the idea of her getting off to the thought of him was a nice ego boost. Plus, that thought alone was enough to have him muffling his own cries as he cums in the bunk of his tour bus when he’s been away from her for too long. Again, Y/N has hardly ever been good at being patient. So, when Niall is taking too long and absentmindedly palming at himself, she lets out a huff. She’d like to get her mouth around him, if he’d let her. Swallow all that he had to offer before they toweled off and settled in for the night. (Although, Y/N wouldn’t be opposed to another round once they’ve received their takeout). “Niall,” she whines, a pout setting on her lower lip.
“What is it that you want, love?” Niall raises a brow, his hand stroking across the length of himself as he looks at her.
And normally, Y/N is all about niceties. Even when Niall is nipping and sucking at her clit with three fingers buried inside her. Bringing her closer and closer to her climax, but not allowing her to cum just yet. When she’s frustrated to the point of tears because he could be so cruel and dominating when he wanted to be. She still repeats a series of thank you’s as she comes down from her orgasm. Too blissed and utterly fucked out to form any other words. “For you to let me suck you off.”
The statement is so simple and abrupt that it surprises Niall. His eyebrows shoot toward his hairline and he’s becoming almost painfully hard now. After that, he is quick to peel his only item of clothing off and step into the shower. The water alone could have him close to his own orgasm because it feels so damn good against his sunburnt skin. He can feel the heat radiate from his shoulders as he steps closer to Y/N, effectively putting them both beneath the large shower head.
Y/N glances up at him before trailing her eyes down to where the head of Niall’s cock is tinged pink and a light shade of purple. She bites her lip at the sight of him, eager to get her hands and mouth on him. So, she tears her eyes away to lock her gaze with him once again. He’s smirking at her when she does and takes a step closer until she can feel him pressing into her tummy. She isn’t sure if it’s the precum that has dribbled out of the slightly exposed tip or the moisture that has trapezed down both of their bodies to join together. It only takes a moment after that, that she is lowering herself to the ground. The tiles feel cool and hard against her knees, but she doesn’t mind. Not when she is eye level to Niall’s cock. From here, she can see the vein that travels up the side of it and just how much precum as bubbled up at the head. She looks up at Niall with a question and desperate look in her eyes. The doe-eyed expression makes her look too innocent to be doing such a thing, but it only excites Niall more. Especially knowing that she is more than capable of taking him in until he’s bottoming out and she’s gagging around him. “Go ahead.” Niall nods alongside his affirmation.
Y/N relinquishes her lip from the space between her teeth before parting them. He notices that it is plump and slick before it’s gone from his vision as she wraps her lips around him. His head falls back and his jaw slackens as she swirls her tongue over the tip before taking more of him into her mouth. Her small hand makes up for what her mouth can’t currently cover. And between her mouth on him and how her hand glides so easily across him, Niall can’t help but to let out a long fuck.
His eyes have fallen shut, so Y/N takes it as an opportunity to peek up at him from behind her lashes. And she’s glad she does because Niall looks like an absolute dream above her. Chocolate brown hair matted to his forehead, lashes just barely touching the apples of his cheeks, and body glistening with the water that is running down his body. She keeps watching him as she pulls off of him with a wet pop, allowing herself a moment to breathe. Her hand continues to pump up and down his length, twisting her wrist at the tip like she know he likes. He has one fist clenched at his side while his other hand is pressed to the wall beside her. His tongue darts out to lick over his lower lip and his chest has started to rise and fall with his quickening breaths.
With slight reluctance, she tears her gaze away from him. But, the feeling doesn’t stick once her lips are around him and she can feel the heavy weight of him on her tongue. Her hand holds him at the base, this time, as she slowly begins to build up a rhythm. She allows herself time to enjoy the taste of Niall on her tongue. It’s heady and salty, a familiar and somewhat pleasant taste to her. She alternates between self indulgent licks when she needs a moment to breathe and taking all of him until the tip of him touches the spongey back of her throat.
And it’s not long until Niall is ready to cum. The hand at his side is clenching and unclenching as if searching for purchase. Y/N notices it after Niall’s bucking his hips forward slightly, although he’s trying to control himself. And she knows he is teetering off the edge and into oblivion. So, she wraps her fingers around his wrist and brings it to the back of her head before placing them on his hips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Niall repeats, each reiteration gaining volume. “I’m gonna cum, Y/N. I’m gonna cum.”
Y/N tightens her grip on his hips, keeping him in place as she takes him as deep as she can go. And that’s all Niall needed before he’s painting the back of her throat with his cum. Y/N swallows all of it with ease and pulls off of him. Though, she’s sure to run her tongue along his slit to collect any remaining cum before she glances up at Niall. Who, like her this morning, looks entirely fucked out. And she prides herself with being the reason that he looks as fucked out as he does. It’s from her position on the floor, as she drinks in his form, that she decides Niall doesn’t just look like an absolute dream. Because a dream isn’t accurate enough to describe the vision above her. She thinks fantasy might be a better way to describe him, but she can’t be sure. Because nothing seems accurate enough.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
like flying [1] {Brian May}
A/N: Stardust AU!!! Mainly a set-up chapter. they/them, fallen star!reader, please please please let me know what you think!!
When one spends their life with their eyes trained on the sky, they tend to miss what’s right in front of them. 
Freddie says that a lot, usually when he’s up by the helm of the ship, and has just witnessed Brian, who is running across the deck trying to get the best vantage point of the sky through the clouds, run straight into John, who in fairness, is equally distracted by the impending storm.
“Could you at least warn us next time?” Brian calls over a crack of thunder.
“Being your guide dog isn’t my job.” Freddie’s glaring into the storm, a white-knuckled grip on the wheel as he prepared to whether it. John doesn’t seem too bothered by it, just picks up his scattered tools, straightens his googles, and heads towards the bow of the ship.
“What about you, ya jackal?” Brian levels a glare at where their resident Warlock had taken up residence on the banister of the quarterdeck, laughing as he watches the events unfold from his vantage point by the Captain. Roger sits with his ankles crossed, balancing with an unnatural ease, and for good reason; his favourite thing was using his magic to make it look like himself appear just that little bit better than the humans around him, irritating git. 
“You should watch where you’re going.” Is all he offers, eyes shining as he watches a crack of lightning streak across the sky.
“I’m trying to watch where we’re all going.” Brian huffs, rolling up his map and putting it in it’s holder for safekeeping. “Anyways, the storms dead ahead, you don’t need me to guide you. I’ll be down by the barrels until this is all over.” And with that he descends further into the ship to keep an eye on, and switch out the lightning barrels as they’re being filled.
From his vantage point on the gun deck, which had initially been for show, and had now been converted into the main collection point that all the lightning funnelled into, Brian could catch glimpses of the storm raging outside, and feel as it knocked the ship about. He had absolute faith in Deaky’s designs, they’d been through far worse and come out singing before, and for now he just contented himself with making sure that none of the lightning barrels overflowed, and occasionally catching a glimpse of stars through the clouds. 
There was no denying he was rather enamoured with them, at least as a concept; spending thousands of years bringing light to the world in it’s darkest hours, holding their constellations for hundred, even thousands of years, watching silently as the universe passes them by, all without complaint. There was something beautiful, artistic about the way they arranged themselves, something that made Brian feel so unbelievably small, and occasionally futile, in comparison. But their constant nature was often the only things that kept him sane aboard this ship, and so he wouldn’t begrudge the stars their shining constance, he’d just be thankful they shone at all, and kept him in a job, and ironically, kept him grounded. 
Roger joins him almost immediately after the storm passes. Brian’s carefully distilling a little of the freshest lightning into a little sample size if the buyer’s unconvinced of it’s quality, which is a tricky process involving heat-proof mittens and a weird metal hose, and Roger pulls off the lid of the barrel without a second thought. By now, Brian doesn’t even flinch; Roger’s adept at keeping the lightning contained with his magic and a flick of his wrist, and looks into the crackling metal barrel without any hesitation.
“Seems like we’ve got a good batch on our hands.” Roger tries to sound like he knows what he’s talking about, like he doesn’t say that every time because he’s a little in awe at the sight of what’s essentially bottled lightning. Brian doesn’t comment. “Well I appreciate your candor, I did do an excellent job.” Roger fills in the blanks with exactly what he wants to hear, and he steps back, stretching out his hand, and there’s a panic that rises in Brian’s chest as what appears to be an electrified serpent rises from the barrel.
“Do you have to show off like that?” Brian asks, deadpan, trying his hardest to hide the fear that the loud, electric snaps bring out in him. After a moment, he caps the sample and shuts off the little vent that he distills the lightning from before taking away the piping, while Roger rolls his eyes but obligingly shoves the lightning back into the barrel. 
As he’s capping it, his hold on the lightning slips for just a moment, and there’s a sudden burst as the not yet secured cap is torn through from his grip, rocketing faster than the eye can see up through the roof of the deck, and into the sky. Electricity bursts forth, fire blooming where the lighting hits the walls and floor in an instant, the very power of it sending both Roger and Brian to opposite ends of the room; it’s deafening, overwhelming, and it takes all of Roger’s focus to wrangle the electricity back under control.
“Spare lid!” He shouts, which Brian parrots back mockingly, looking around.
“We’ve never needed a spare lid why would we have one?!” He cries, and can hear, in the now still night air outside, Freddie cursing up a blue streak as he and Deaky come over to the newly formed hole in the floor of the deck to investigate. 
“Because it’s better to be safe than sorry!” Roger retorts, and suddenly there’s a pair of goggles looking down at them, Deaky, alongside their incredibly annoyed Captain.
“What the blood hell has happened?”
“Roger-” Brian tried to explain as he was putting out fires across the room, but he was cut off.
“We need a spare lid for this batch, okay? I’ll explain after.” Roger insisted, much to both Freddie and Brian’s chagrin.
“We don’t have a spare lid.” Deaky responded, and his face disappeared from the hole where they had been looking in. Freddie’s gaze turns skyward, as if trying to see if the lid was falling back to Earth, though he seemed transfixed.
“Ha! I told you!” Brian cried, and Roger rolled his eyes, as Deaky showed up at the door a few moments later, pulling various items from his tool belt as he set about making a make-shift lid.
“It won’t hold forever.” Deaky explained, “and we can’t sell this batch, I’ve basically just welded a metal plate to the top, and added some insulator. We need to get a new lid.” Roger relaxed, the sudden exertion and overuse of his powers hitting him all at once, though they all jumped when he let go of his hold of the electricity and it crashed threateningly at the new lid.
“How long do we have?” Roger asks, arms crossed as he puts out an on-fire chair with a wave of his hand before collapsing into it. Brian wants to make a snarky remark, but he’s too busy putting out fires of his own, and even at a glance Roger looks like he’s death standing, or sitting as the case may be; either way he’s at his limit. 
“A few days, maybe? I did the best I could given,” and he waves his hand around the ashy room and scattered supplies, “but those lids are specially designed.” And after stamping out a fire by the door, he takes off his goggles. “Worst comes to worst, I can crack the lid and we can chuck it overboard; it’ll come loose in the air and won’t be our problem.” 
“And waste a perfectly good barrel? I don’t think so, dear; we’re going to get our lid.” Freddie sounds so confident that it’s a little unnerving, and he’s still looking at the sky. Brian peers up through the hole and tries to follow his gaze.
“How do you even know where it is?” He asked, and Freddie turned with a bright smile, pointing at light in the sky growing steadily brighter at an alarming rate.
“Because it hit a star, and we can watch where it falls.”
The thing about you is that you adored humanity, you just never understood them. You’d always been so caught up in their day-to-day intricacies that you’d never been bored watching empires come and go, or see history repeat itself over and over again. Each little era brought something new, something to shake up the routine, and everyone’s personal lives, and sometimes you were even able to catch a glimpse of love. That was your favourite thing to watch, the way people would fall in love time and time again, and there’s little patterns, people drawn to one another, sometimes you feel as if you’re watching the same souls come back to each other over and over again. If you liked to fantasize about being one of those souls, you would never say anything to the others who shine beside you, bored with the ebb and flow with time that seemed to change little with each passing eon. 
You knew, objectively, that there were people who looked up at you, who even perhaps loved you, but it wasn’t the same, you couldn’t tell them you loved them in the same way, and after all, you liked it where you were, free from the fear of having your heart eaten like you’d seen happen to your brothers and sisters before, free from the fear of rejection; humans tend to like humans, and you knew if given half a chance you’d want to act out your little fantasy. But it wouldn’t come true; even people who looked up at the stars learned to love something on the ground, you’d seen it happen too many times. 
You were secure where you were, one of the brightest shining stars in the sky, glowing as you delighted in the antics of the people below you, and you never thought that would have to change. 
Until what seems to be a metal plate smacks you in the chest, winding you and knocking you from your perch in the sky. You weren’t even able to cry for help as you crash through the atmosphere. Fear has a stranglehold on your whole body, all you can do is clutch the metal to your chest as the ground approaches, and part of you, in hindsight, will be glad that you passed out before you hit the ground.
deadly viper assassination squad: @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @thatgeekspeak @some-back-ground-noise @ma-ntequilla @d-r-e-a-m-catchme @legendsaresooftenwarnings​ @phantom-fangirl-stuff @obsessedwithrogertaylor​ @cosmicsskies​ @sam-writes​ @queen-mischief-fanfiction​
(i just tagged everyone who expressed interest; tag list is always open, feel free to message me or comment on the fic and i’ll add you xx)
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Gladdest (Soulmate AU)
For this, I’ll be using the soulmate AU where what happens to your soulmate’s body happens to you. I’m not sure who originally came up with this. Basically, how it works, is like, if your soulmate gets punched in the face, you feel like you’ve been punched in the face. If your soulmate dies, you don’t die, but you feel it. Same with broken bones, you’ll feel it, but your arm won’t actually be broken. But not just pain, other stuff. Like if your soulmate cries, you’ll feel it, but you don’t cry unless they’re super heartbroken, or if they get a really good hug you feel it, too. In my version of this AU, the pain and other feeling doesn’t start until you turn sixteen. Imagine how fucked up it would be if that wasn’t the case and you had a partner older than you? Like, while 13-year old Bill gets in a fight, his soulmate, who is only 3, feels the same punches and kicks. It’d be so fucked up.
warnings: nsfw (but no actual sex, just a lot of talking about it [and masturbation] and some sexually tense scenes), the reader nearly has a panic attack (again, i know, sorry. what can I say? I project), & reader has a thing for.... erotic asphyxiation. let me know if i missed anything.
I am very open to writing a part two with smut... I just chickened out with this because I felt it wouldn’t be good writing.
You’d been sixteen for a little while now, and there hadn’t been much contact from your soulmate aside from the occasional feel of a phone falling on your face and smacking it.
It’s the beginning of a new school year at Xavier’s, and you’re pretty thrilled. Your roommate this year is your best friend, Ellie. Okay, not just your best friend, she’s your crush, too. Do I really have to say, at this point?
“Hey,” she greets you, sounding rather sullen as she enters your dorm, where you sit on the edge of your bed.
“What’s up?” you ask.
“I turned sixteen over the summer and I haven’t felt anything to give me a hint. All my soulmate does is cry.”
“All my soulmate does is drop their phone on their face,” you offer a complaint in return, and the two of you lock eyes for a moment, one of realization.
“No,” Ellie says. “No.” She’s bright red, immediately thinking of just how many hot summer nights she was kept up, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, gasping for breath at the way her soulmate’s fingers curled just right, just fucking right. There’s no way you, her crush and her best friend, were that good.
“No, can’t be,” you agree.
“Could be,” she reminds you.
“It’d make sense,” you admit.
“I hate everyone else but you.”
“We could try to find out,” you suggest.
She pinches herself.
“Ow! Not like that!” You whine, clutching at your arm. “Oh, well, I guess it’s too late th-” Ellie cuts you off with her eyes alone.
“Where does all that energy come from, Y/N?! What are you, the Energizer bunny?! At least three times a night, every night! What the hell?!”
You blush deeply, scratching the back of your neck. You hadn’t exactly expected you’d meet your soulmate anytime soon, or that they’d be bold enough to comment on your habits.
“I dunno, I thought it was normal for kids our age…” you mumble.
“Oh, yeah, well some people like sleeping and not screaming into the pillow because their soulmate has a little too much fun doing the five finger shuffle!”
“Please, louder. I think a few people in Antarctica didn’t hear you,” you retort, looking up at her from where you were sitting with a challenging expression.
“We’ve been friends for all this time and I never knew what a horny bastard you are,” she remarks.
“Well, I’m not the one who was ‘screaming’ in pleasure,” you mutter.
“I heard that!” she says, her expression still adorably indignant.
“If you hated it so much, you should’ve just got those over the counter meds, Antifel or whatever.”
“I- I…” She sighs. “Yeah, I didn’t hate it that much,” she admits, and you smile a bit. “But I wasn’t a fan of the choking,” she adds, gesturing at your scarf, your favorite one that she never would’ve guessed hides the bruises from where you’ve choked yourself with a belt, at least not before. “I’m more of a choker than a ‘chokee’, but, I guess that’d be obvious, wouldn’t it? Considering we’re soulmates and all.”
You nod, your eyes now on your lap, the floor, her tee shirt, the lamp in the corner, anything that isn’t her eyes, and she smirks.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?”
“A little,” you quietly reply, and she sits next to you on your bed.
“Let’s cool down,” she offers. “We’ve just seen each other after months of purely texting and the occasional phone call.”
“Thanks,” you respond, finding it easier to breathe.
“Why were you crying so much?” Ellie asks, addressing her original observation.
“Just depressed and lonely and stuff. I don’t have friends in my hometown, not like you.”
“You’ll always have me,” she says. “I mean it.”
“I’d hope so, soulmate,” you laugh off the seriousness of the conversation, and she sighs, looking to your eyes with her own soulful ones.
“I’m glad it’s you,” she tells you.  “I don’t think I’d be able to stand anyone else.”
“Yeah, right!” you huff out a laugh, confused at her sudden emotional openness. Sure, she was more honest about her feelings with you than anyone else, but that didn’t mean that she was a completely open book. Who was?
“You’re not disappointed, are you?” Ellie wonders because of your remark.
“God, no! I- I actually have a really big crush on you,” you admit.
“Yeah?” she asks, the cutest little grin on her face, you know the one. “I have a crush on you, too.”
You blush again.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I’m not very good at flirting or anything like that. I don’t really care about much of anyone at all, and you’re definitely the only person I’ve really cared about in a romantic way, so…”
“No, it’s not that! I- You- You being really good at flirting is what’s got me like this. And the fact that I’m a dork who’s really bad at flirting contributes,” you explain.
“I am? Good at flirting, I mean.”
“Well, with me, at least,” you tell her.
“Um… Sorry if it’s lame to ask, but… Can I kiss you?”
“Of course! And it’s not lame to ask at all, El, I appreciate it actua- Mmf!”
You could live forever in the feeling of her lips on yours, her hands oh-so carefully holding your cheeks.
“Sorry,” she shyly says, as she slowly pulls away from you, looking in your eyes. “I’ve just been wanting to do that for a really, really long time. Pretty much since we met, actually.”
“R-really?” you ask, a bit breathless and definitely still flustered.
“Yeah, you’re perfect. In, like, every way. It’s the worst and the best.”
“I’m perfect?! But you’re- You’re you!” you argue, and she shakes her head, rolling her eyes. “I’m so lucky.”
“No, I’m the lucky one,” she disagrees.
“We can both be lucky,” you tell her, and she sighs.
“I suppose that’s a good compromise,” she decides. “So, what should we do before dinner? We’ve got a couple hours to kill, but I don’t think either of us has much more to say that wouldn’t be repetitive or… Something.” She blushes again, cheeks bright pink.
You blush back, reminded that she knew all about you and the things you did to yourself behind doors. “R-right,” you reply. Hey, you may be a horny motherfucker, but that doesn’t make you any less of a bottom.
“Can I see?” she asks, touching at your scarf. You nod, and she unwraps the scarf. She carefully touches the spotted bruises with her fingers. “With the belt you’re wearing?”
You can’t even speak. You nod, and the ghost of a smile graces her face before she just barely presses her lips to the bruises closest to her, on the side of your neck. Your hand quickly grabs her bicep tightly, and she stops, looking to you with concern.
“I’m so sorry, I got a bit carried aw-”
“No, no, it’s good, I’m just… Sensitive there,” you admit, and one of the biggest smiles you’ve seen her wear is on her lips.
“Yeah?” she asks, taking her crossbody bag off of her shoulder and opening it. She takes out a bottle of Antifel pills. “How sensitive?”
“Oh God, um… I- Um…” Your nerves are really getting to you, and your breathing gets heavier as you stare at the bottle. This is really happening. It’s really happening. You’d always wanted to, especially with her, but now that it’s a reality, you feel on the brink.
Ellie can recognize that look in your eyes, and it’s a look she’d hoped she’d never be the cause of.
“Shit, Y/N. What’s going on? Talk to me.”
“I- Um, I just- I want to? But I- I just- I don’t know, it’s just getting really hard to breathe, and uh, not in a hot way,” you joke nervously.
“Hey, you can want to and not be ready to right this minute. We haven’t even been on a date yet, okay? I’m really sorry if I made you feel like you had to do anything you didn’t want to,” Ellie tells you, and she feels immensely guilty either way.
“No! I liked you kissing me, especially where you did, but, you’re right. We should probably adjust to the news and put a label on whatever this is before we do anything too serious.”
Ellie nods. “You always were the more logical one. I’ll put these in the medicine cabinet and we can just… Talk about stuff, like we always do.”
“But with more kissing and cuddling, I hope?” you request, and she nods, going to put the bottle away before returning to find you bundled up in her comforter. “It’s so cozy…” you practically sing, at least to her.
“This is a dream,” she sighs happily, slipping off her shoes and joining you in her bed. You spoon her side, and she hums in content, stroking your hair.
“You’re in a good mood,” you comment. Ellie is not a very cheerful person, at least not openly. So, to see her like this was surprising.
“Yeah, of course I am. It’s you. It’s really you. I’ve never been happier in my life,” she says, having really been hit with the fact that you’re her soulmate. All hers. “All mine…” she hums.
“You really know how to make a girl feel special… I mean it. I’m really not all that.”
“Please be my girlfriend,” she requests.
“Only if you’ll be mine,” you reply, and she scoffs.
“I think that’s how that works, babe.”
Your heart skips a beat and you stare at her in wonder.
“Sorry for not asking if pet names were okay…It’s just something I like, it’s really stupid.”
“No, I really like it, hence the dumb stare and the lack of breathing.”
She chuckles, holding you tighter. You smile with her, glad that she’s happy.
“I hope you don’t feel like you have to over-exaggerate how happy you are. It’s okay if you’re not ridiculously happy about finding your soulmate.”
“Oh, no, I’m as happy as I sound. I’m, uh, definitely a textbook case of Lesbian That’s A Grumpy Bitch Til She Gets A Girlfriend. But then again, I’ll probably just be a significantly less grumpy bitch to everyone but you, sorry.”
“I don’t mind, I like you being your bitchy self,” you reply, being rewarded with a kiss placed atop your head that sends tingles dancing down your body. “Mm… I like that.”
“Good,” Ellie responds. “I’m glad.”
“I’m gladder,” you tease.
“I’m gladdest...”
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WHAT A FUN IDEA! I would like to request Oikawa for 7 minutes in heaven and/or Kuroo for spin the bottle! If either of these boys have already been suggested just ignore. I just wanted to add them as a request for this fun prompt. I Look forward to seeing any and all characters requested that you write! As well as any other request because darling you are a phenomenal writer and I adore your writings 💕keep up the great work!
Lol well I did get Kuroo taken care of - I’ll link him below Oikawa’s BUT!!! I haven’t done an Oikawa one yet! You are an absolute delight, love - when I read your request I pretty much smiled all day - I’m so thankful you enjoy my writing
Oikawa Tooru: 7 Minutes in Heaven
Were you lucky? Not in the least.
Were you great at making it seem like lucky chance? Hell yes.
You’d called all your friends over to your place for a party. A friend of yours being Matsukawa, who knew the young man you’d had your eye set on for a while now… Oikawa Tooru. And of course Mattsun knew this, and Makki, and Iwaizumi. Though the latter didn’t really seem to care all that much in who you were interested in as much as the first two, he still helped play wingman when he could.
It was plainly obvious to everyone looking in that you had the biggest, cutest, awkward crush on the one guy that every girl in university had a crush on.
Did you care? Not in the least.
Though your plan had a specific start time you wanted - not until halfway through the game. Not yet. The bottle had already been spun by everyone in the group at least twice. You’d ended up in the closet with Kuroo, who only seemed to throw pun after pun at you, with Tendou, who kept hinting that he’d spill the beans on your crush if you didn’t give him half your lunch after your shared class, and lastly with Suga, who made pleasant conversation with you about the future and what you had planned for it.
Oikawa hadn’t really seemed to notice your being taken away, didn’t really seem to notice anything beyond his teasing Iwaizumi for going into the closet with Kiyoko, a girl who’s WAY out of his league. To say you felt disheartened at the fact would be an understatement. You’d completely deflated by the time the third round had started.
He hadn’t even looked at you. Not once. Were you wrong to find interest in him? Were you really so beneath him that he wouldn’t even acknowledge you?
Mattsun bumped his shoulder against yours, “Stop frowning, your face will get stuck that way.” You pouted up at him, silently showing your cracking heart, but he simply bumped you again. “I think everyone’s getting bored of the game… Plan ‘Trap the King’ is a go.” He winked over at Hanamaki, who, without so much as a warning, grabbed Oikawa’s drink and immediately dumped its contents onto Oikawa’s lap.
An outcry of surprise, Oikawa jumped to his feet, trying to brush off what liquid hadn’t seeped into his pants already, “What the hell, Makki?”
Violently blushing as the group laughed at his misfortune, Oikawa huffed angrily, “Now I’ve gotta go clean up, you dick! It’s gonna be all sticky.” Embarrassed, humiliated, his pout quivered in his rapidly draining strength to not let his flustered tears slip past his control.
Guilt immediately overtook your heart. You didn’t want him to cry. You hadn’t meant to completely humiliate him in front of his closest friends…. Was it possible to deflate a second time? You curled into yourself, bringing your knees to your chest and staring at the bottle with a blank expression. You’d done this. All because you were too scared to just tell him to his face how you felt.
While he’d quickly escaped to the bathroom to clean himself up, Hanamaki smirked as he went to work. Flipping the cup over, he taped a flat magnet to its center - so it didn’t tilt when set on his base. Then he grabbed the bottle, hooking a paperclip into the lip of the bottle and spinning it. The magnet wasn’t strong enough for the paperclip to immediately be drawn to the cup, but the spin of the bottle was a bit slower, and where it would have continued it’s path would stop and point directly at Oikawa’s cup.
“Plan ‘Trap the King’, phase ‘Plant the Attraction’ completed.” Hanamaki responded around what you could only understand as his attempt at a walkie talkie’s feedback static.
“I don’t feel good about you do-“
Mattsukawa nudged you a bit harder than you expected, making you cut off mid admonishment and slightly lose hold of your legs. “Shush, this is gonna help. Give it to him.”
You frowned as you held the liter of Oikawa’s favorite soda in your hands…”You guys are really pushing for this, huh?” Now was your turn to blush at how quick they were to help set the stage for you. You’d simply told them you’d wanted to get into the closet with Oikawa… and they’d taken it from there without any further direction from you.
Iwaizumi shrugged noncommittally, though the desperation in his eyes plainly showed what a blessing your interest in his best friend was doing for him. “You dating him is literally giving us all the break we need from babysitting him.”
“As much as he is entertaining, and easy to prank… It’s just too easy sometimes, there’s no chase there anymore.” Kuroo admitted with a rolled lip scowl, Makki nodding in agreement silently as he tried the bottle once more, seeing the same results.
“He’s really annoying.” Was Kiyoko’s deadpan admission, having Suga almost choke on his drink as he went to swallow. Harsh… But true, he’d have to agree.
The bathroom door closed, making you let out a sigh filled with anxiety and fear, everyone who’d been so invested in convincing you further now breaking off into smaller conversations and pretending they hadn’t just been planning or helping. Oikawa entered the living room, a sour scowl on his face as he took his seat, pushing against Hanamaki’s shoulder roughly, “Dick.” He muttered, making the pinket smirk with pride. “Who’s turn is it?” His voice was a bit more… frustrated than you were used to, but you simply raised your hand, “Then go?”
Was this really a good idea? He was obviously in a bad mood now… Did you really want to trick him while he wasn’t… himself? That in itself, you knew, was wrong thinking - since Oikawa now is the same as Oikawa 20 minutes earlier. The changing of his attitude didn’t make him a completely different person, it’s just who he is.
Steeling your nerves, you reached forward and spun the bottle, feeling everyone’s eyes turn to watch the glass clicking against the hardwood floor. You’d tried to spin it with the same force as Hanamaki had for his testing of the trick.
Too late, you remembered the soda Matsun had given you - reaching it out towards Oikawa silently. His light brown eyes easily showed his surprise as he took it from you, but didn’t open it. “What? You going to dump this on me, too?”
Hanamaki smirked still, glancing at the bottle of soda before looking back t Oikawa, “Is that an invitation?”
“Oh…. Oh… OH!” Bokuto called from behind Kuroo, leaning on the tall cats head as he watched the bottle point directly at Oikawa; Who had missed the weird way it’d wavered away from landing on Iwaizumi. “Looks like you’re saved from a soda shower, Tooru.” Oikawa looked at the bottle… Was that a blush you saw? Blinking, the color was gone, and you figured you’d just imagined it.
You didn’t wait, standing from your place and pointing at Matsukawa, “7 Minutes.”
He nodded, “Right, an hour. Gotcha.” You rolled your eyes, deciding not to put up a fight, knowing he would keep the right time regardless of his teasing. Oikawa practically stomped to the closet, walking in before you and leaning against the back wall with crossed arms.
Was he angry he got picked by you? Or just embarrassed about the soda spill still? You closed the closet door behind you… finding this closet was much much smaller than you remembered it being. The silence followed almost immediately, and for a split second you forgot how long you’d been in the closet… The weight of the quiet room had you feeling like you’d been in there with him for hours.
“Are you angry wi-“
“I bet you wanted to be in here with someo-“
Both of you stopped, not wanting to interrupt the other, or talk over each other… But both stopping, neither continued. Not until you finished his accusation in your head. “You.. You think I wanted to be in here with someone else?” You couldn’t see his expression, but you could feel his dejection rolling off him in waves. “What gave you that idea?”
He huffed, like a tantrum throwing child, “You didn’t tell Mattsun to keep the time any other time you came in here. Didn’t want to spend too much time with someone who looks like they peed their pants, huh?” Was he serious? Your look of disbelief was having a hard time remaining on your face, a smile wanted to break out - you wanted to laugh just a bit.
“That… That was more for your benefit..” You whispered, piquing his curiosity.
“My benefit?”
You shrugged this time, “I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable in your soiled pants.” He could hear the smirk in your voice, making him whine out in distaste, “Tooru….” You reached forward and found his hand in his crossed arms, pulling it free so you could hold it in both of yours, “I’m sorry… About earlier…”
Oikawa, again, huffed.. though this time it was to brush off your apology, “You didn’t do any-“
“Yes, I did.” Now or never, right? You’d wanted to be in a close space with him, but now it was all ruined because how you’d gone about it. Or rather, how Makki had gone about it. “I… I wanted to….” You sighed tiredly, trying to find the words that just would not come out. He waited. Patiently, it surprised you he hadn’t interrupted with a tease. “I wanted to rig the game so I’d choose you or you’d choose me….”
None of the dots connected in his head, yet. “So what does that have to do with my soda bath?”
A snort came out, unintentionally, and you quickly apologized for its escape. “I… Well… I kind of told Makki and Mattsun… About my wanting to rig the game.” The pieces came together in his head, and he went to take his hand away, but you held it tight, “BUT I didn’t tell them to do that! I would never tell them to embarrass you.” He stopped struggling, “The truth is… I’m too scared to confess anywhere else than a rigged closet game with you.”
“Wait….” Oikawa couldn’t help but smirk, “Makki spilled the soda on me, so you could confess? How does that even work?” Had he just… ignored the fact that you’d confessed?
You nodded, holding his hand still in both of yours, “I’m sorry… Really sorry… So instead of this closet being remembered for your rejecting my confession, it’s going to be remembered for my apologizing for a rigged game gone wrong..”
Oikawa smirked as he leaned down and kissed your forehead. No warning. No telltale of his proximity. Nope. Just a quick peck to your forehead before he was pinching your cheek like an old grandmother would, “You’re cute, ______, but you really need to work on your plans more…” Heart hammering in your chest, you leaned your head forward to rest on his chest, embarrassed now in his reaction. “Good thing your amazing boyfriend is going to help you out.”
Reeling back, you stammered in confusion, in shock, “B-bo-boyfriend? I- We- Wait-“ He leaned down and kissed your lips tenderly, but too quick for you to really enjoy the feel, pulling back again.
“I’ll reject your confession, but now you can remember my accepting your heart.”
Simple. Easy. Clean, cut, dry. Done deal.
The doors opened, “Times u- Hey!” You had reached out and pushed Mattsun back, pulling the doors closed once more before wrapping your arms around Oikawa’s neck and bringing your lips to his. He didn’t hesitate, didn’t pause or poke fun at your wanting more time with him. “Alright… Hour it is, then.” You could hear Matsukawa chuckle.
Kuroo Tetsurou:
7 Minutes in Heaven Here
Spin the Bottle Here
Additionally, if you felt either of the above didn’t hit his character - I am 100% open to hearing what you think and if you’d like a request redone! No problemo!
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sulevinblade · 5 years
(Talesfromthefade) things you said when you were drunk, for the DWC?
OH MY GOD this was a little idea that got away from me in a big big way but I’m still pretty happy with it. For this and for “cafune - the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love,” from @contreparry! For @dadrunkwriting!!
Alistair/Leohta Aeducan, T for language, dumb suggestive jokes, and alcohol use, 4k+ words (awaaaay from me, I wish I had time to edit it but uh I spent the entire time writing it instead). 
On the cusp of the party’s visit to Orzammar, Alistair learns what kind of drunk Leohta can be, and shares a little lesson of his own. Light angst, serious fluff.
He finds her standing on the rocky beach, well away from the dim glow provided by the Spoiled Princess’s small windows. It takes a moment for Alistair’s eyes to adjust to the complete dark–the night watch Templar doused all the torches at the dock, as clear an indication as anything that no one else would cross Lake Calenhad tonight–but even if he’d had to follow her blind he could’ve found her by the sound.
Normally finding Leohta by sound means the clank or grind of armour, the grunts or barks of Leon, or even her rare laughter at something Zevran said (it was always Zevran making her laugh), but tonight the sound is completely unfamiliar. It’s still enough to guide him, though.
Last he’d seen her, she was swapping some of the coin they’d made selling things to the Templar quartermaster for three large bottles of deep pink liquid. It seemed a bit of a racket to Alistair, that they should collect the mages’ items as they cleared the Tower only to sell them to the Templars who would then in turn sell them back to the Mages, but surely if that wasn’t how the economy of the Circle usually worked, Wynne would’ve said something. That was Alistair’s hope, anyway, as he’d watched Leohta count the coins before they left, then again at the tavern’s bar. She’d tossed the bag back to him before collecting the bottles and heading outside, and he in turn had left it with Zevran.
“You have known our illustrious leader the longest among any of us. Has this always been a habit of hers?” Alistair squinted across the table, trying to determine Zevran’s game, but succeeded only in giving up his own. “You think I see this as a weakness I can exploit, but I would think even you would see that if I were going to do so, I would have done it by now and certainly would not draw attention to my plans by involving you.” His eyes only narrowed further–how does Zevran make talking down to him still seem so seductive?–but Alistair did sit back in his chair.
“I haven’t known her all that long, really, but I don’t think so. Why d'you ask?”
“My Antiva makes the finest wines in Thedas, so it is not uncommon to see those there who overindulge, but there are many types. Leohta, she is young and exploring her limits, yes, but she is also trying to drown things she does not want to feel. Her limits are low and the things she seeks to kill are very large. It is a dangerous combination.”
Alistair glanced again toward the door. Of course she hadn’t come back inside, that’d be too much to ask for, but what was he supposed to do?
“If it is too much for you, I will go after her, but she should not be alone.” Both of their chairs scraped back at the same time but Alistair was the first to stand, something that for some reason brought a sad smile to Zevran’s face. Alistair could only look at it for a moment before looking away.  "I know you do not think much of me, Alistair, and while that is entirely your loss, I do know that one thing we have in common is how much we care for her. Go see to her, my friend, before her sorrows are not all she drowns. It is probably for the best; I am not much of a swimmer myself.“
So now here he is, approaching carefully, pretending to be taking in the constellations while Leohta hurls rocks at the water like she’s trying to knock the waves down before they can reach the shore. The night is perfectly clear; Kinloch Hold is merely a dark space in the sky where the stars are missing, but everything else is black sky and white twinkles. He clears his throat in case she somehow hasn’t noticed since he doesn’t fancy getting one of those stones thrown at him, but she only pauses for a moment before bending to search the area around her feet for another suitable candidate. One bottle is already empty, stuffed mouth down among the pebbles and into the sand underneath them, and as Alistair finishes closing the distance Leohta gives up her search and instead tips to land on her backside, legs out in front of her and a second bottle in her hand. He knows they’re not small but her stature makes them seem even larger; it makes the sight of her lifting one to her lips almost comical but the effect is spoiled by how long it stays there. Maker’s breath, Zevran was right when he talked about drowning.
"You planning on coming up for air any time soon?”
There’s a pop as she breaks the vacuum she’s created, then a dry laugh. She still isn’t looking at him. It makes his chest hurt, how badly he wants her to turn her head. “Breathe through your nose and you can use your mouth for whatever you want.”
“You’re spending too much time with Zevran, saying things like that.” Sighing, Alistair drops down crosslegged at her side and extends a hand. “What are you even drinking? I’ve never seen anything that color in a tavern before.”
“One of the Templars told me about it. I guess–” there’s a pause and she bunches up her eyebrows, apparently trying to put the pieces back together, “I guess the mother started making it as a tribute to her daughter and now of course it’s all very sad but the owner still makes it as a specialty. Sweet mead made with roses.” She passes over the open bottle, not bothering to wipe the top, and the expression on her face, like she’s sharing a secret, distracts him so much he can’t be bothered either. She wasn’t kidding when she said it was sweet but the roses are strong too, floral and delicate. He passes the bottle back after just one mouthful.
“I’ve never had a mead like that before. It’s very… different.” Leohta seems to accept that answer, nodding before lifting the bottle to her lips again.
“There’s nothing like this in Orzammar. Not even in the palace. Not even to make it. No honey, no roses, and when there is if you said you wanted to make something like this with it, you’d be laughed out of the kitchen.” She holds the bottle in front of her contemplatively, swishing the contents back and forth gently and tilting her head in time with the motion. Alistair’d almost think it was a contented sort of gesture but then she sighs and drops her head back, hair falling over her shoulders as she lifts the bottle skyward. “Nothing like that, either. No stars, no sky. Some of the caverns are so high the ceilings are invisible, but you still know they’re up there.” Slowly, she lowers the bottle but keeps her gaze fixed upward.
“Do you miss that?” It’s not something he’s given a lot of thought to but it’s hard to imagine. Even within the walls of the Chantry there were windows. The sky was always there, or not-there maybe, when compared to a ceiling of stone. Trying to imagine life without it or everything it held–the sun, the moons, the clouds and stars and birds–was virtually impossible, but here was Leohta not just imagining the opposite but living it.
“Dunno. I still don’t understand all this. What keeps it up there?” Her hand waves up at the stars but only briefly; even sitting down she’s unsteady without both hands to support her. “With the stone, you know that even if you can’t see the ceiling, it’s still held there by the stone. Nothing floats, nothing rises or sets.” Watching her profile, he can see the way it hardens as her train of thought jumps the track. “Nothing changes.”
He shifts a little, the pebbles grinding softly underneath him as he leans to try to catch her eye. “You changed.”
This time when she looks over at him, it gives him a chill. The stone she’s been so contemplative about has found a home in her eyes, the set of her mouth. They seem cold and stiff and almost lifeless, soft evening blue turned to lapis lazuli. Still beautiful but hard. “I left, and not by choice. You wouldn’t know how much I’ve changed, Alistair. You have no idea what I was like before we met.”
“I suppose not, but I do know you’ve changed in the time I’ve known you.” He keeps his voice softer now, speaking carefully to avoid that stony shift becoming somehow permanent. He hasn’t seen her look like that since before Ostagar, and to lose all the little ways she’s softened since then would be the greatest waste. “Do you miss that? Or her, I guess. Do you miss who you were before?”
Her laugh is a single humorless sound that moves her entire body, shaking her shoulders and flexing her stomach. “What does that matter? She’s dead. Worse than dead.” There’s venom in her voice but Alistair doesn’t flinch since for once he’s certain it’s not directed at him. He watches as Leohta stands, a wobbly process that involves repeated planting of hands and feet before she can push herself vertical. There’s a powerful temptation to offer her help but the set of her jaw makes him stay his hand, even if whatever effect she might be going for is already ruined by her own unsteadiness. “Nobody mourned her, nobody misses her, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s dead. Bhelen killed her as sure as he killed Trian. The prince is dead, the princess is dead. Princess Aeducan is dead.” Her voice is raising, getting louder and more raw the longer she speaks, until finally she’s yelling out at the water. “Princess Leohta Aeducan, second born and best beloved daughter of House Aeducan, is dead!” She punctuates the last word by throwing the empty bottle into the water but it’s a bad throw, short and shallow. The bottle makes only a small splash then floats, reflecting the moonlight as it bobs its way back toward the shore.
Alistair rises, brushing at the back of his breeches, and makes his way up to stand beside her. He’s well within punching range, possibly a dangerous gamble, but if the way she’s carrying herself is any indication, it wouldn’t hurt very much right now. Plus, if she punched him, at least it’d prove she was feeling something. “I’d mourn her but like you said, I never did get to meet her. I’ve met Warden Aeducan, though, and I think she’s pretty great. Accomplished a lot, too.”
She’s bent back down and is sorting through the stones at her feet, tucking some in the bend of her other arm. Standing back up is a careful process but she’s shaking her head the entire time. “They’re not gonna think so.” Her voice is normal again but her profile is still stony.
Was this was he was like heading into Redcliffe? Of course, he hadn’t gotten drunk on sickly sweet mead to deal with it, but he’d had his turn as the prodigal royal-but-not-really. The main difference was he never wanted it, but she spoke so little of her life before the Grey Wardens. Was the crown of Orzammar what she’d really wanted? Not that it really mattered now. “Seems to me they had their chance to appreciate you and they blew it.”
“Oh, no. That’s the thing. Up until the end, they loved Princess Aeducan. That was the whole problem. She was too well-loved. Luckily, I’m not.” Leohta stares out at the ripples from her last throw but the fight’s going out of her. It ought to be a comfort, less risk of being punched, but instead it just hurts more. He curls his hands into fists at his sides to keep from reaching out, swallows the words that’d tell her just how deeply loved she is and not only by him, as much as he might wish it were so.
“We could go back to Denerim without going to Orzammar.” Aaaaaaaalistair, what’re you doooooooing? He ignores the voice in the back of his head, prepared to make an argument for mounting their assault without the help of the dwarves, but Leohta shakes her head. She’s drunk and she’s still got better sense than you.
“Just because I don’t want to go back doesn’t mean we don’t have to. Being a Grey Warden isn’t supposed to be fun, hasn’t been so far, why start now?” She seems to consider the matter closed as she turns her attention back to the rocks she’s holding, sorting through them as though looking for a particular one. They start to slip away and clack into the pebbles below and with a frustrated sigh she picks one, letting the remainder drop. “This is supposed to be, though. How the fuck do you do this?” Another windup, another bloop.
“Wait. What are you trying to do?”
“Make it…” She shakes her head, the word apparently lost, and instead makes a bouncing motion with her hand.
“You’re trying to skip stones… by heaving them at the surface of the water with all your might?” And there’s the punch he was waiting for, exactly as painless as expected. It’s not even hard enough to stop him laughing.
“I saw you and Zevran do it in Redcliffe before we left and it seemed to calm you down so I thought I’d try. You made it look easy, but if you’re just gonna laugh then forg–”
Alistair intercepts her before she can start to walk away. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just that I never would have guessed that’s what you were trying to do. I thought you were mad at the lake or something.” She’s looking up at him, wary, so he holds his hands up in innocence. “If you still want to try, I can show you.”
“No more laughing?”
“No more laughing. Warden’s honor.” When Leohta seems satisfied with his intentions, Alistair finally looks away from her, crouching down. “The first thing you need is the right kind of rock. It needs to be pretty flat and you want a triangle shape if you can find one, but flat will do for now.”
She’s crouching as well. “I thought it would be better with a round rock, like a ball.” She’s quiet, almost chastized, and Alistair has to duck his head and cough into his fist to hide the grin it conjures.
“No, that’ll break through the water and sink. A flat rock will bounce better. Something like these.” He shows her the three he’s found, all rounder still than he’d like but they should do the trick. She holds up a couple of her own and really, they’re no better, but they’re only for learning. “Yes, those will do. Now.” Alistair drops to his knees and crooks his fingers around one of the stones. “You have to hold it like this, because the important part is that you get it to spin. That’s what makes it skip.”
Leohta’s squinting at his hand, then she tries it out herself. Her hands are smaller so she can’t quite circle it the way he does, but Alistair hopes it’ll work out. “Like this?”
“Just like that. Now, the other trick is not to throw it up but to flick it. You want it to stay flat so you have to kind of–” He turns his arm out at the elbow and flicks the rock out onto the water. Four hops, not his best work but not bad.
When he looks back at Leohta, though, she’s entranced. She watches the ripples so long he has to clear his throat to get her attention back, but this time every trace of the stone is gone from her face. She looks eager, determined, but also a little embarrassed. Surprised to have been caught, probably, but it’s a charming expression nonetheless. She turns to face the water again, weighing the rock in her hand, then moves her arm and throws.
It splashes and sinks just like all her other attempts. Leohta curses softly and starts to turn away but Alistair catches her wrist.
“Hey, no way. You’re not giving up after one attempt. C'mon. We’ve got two more rocks, so two more tries, then I guess I can let you give up.” He starts to move before she can start to argue.
“It’s not giving up, Alistair, it’s accepting the inedible. Inedibibble. Ined… remind me to compliment the tavernkeeper tomorrow. His stuff is good.” Her voice gradually gets softer, a delayed reaction to where Alistair has taken up a position just behind her. It’s extremely convenient for him: she can’t see how his face is burning up from the presumptuousness of being so close to her, but it’s also the best position to show her how to move her arm. He wraps his hand around hers and lifts her arm into position.
“From here, you have to flick your hand out. Try to imagine the rock spinning out from the inside of your thumb and taking all that energy with it. The harder you can flick it, the more it’ll bounce and the more hops you’ll–all right, that’s it, you and Zevran are officially being separated because that’s not even dirty and now you’ve made it dirty. I hope you’re happy.” The woman in front of him is struggling to contain her laughter, he can tell, and as much as he wants to keep her focus on him, it’s hard to be genuinely upset. She doesn’t laugh nearly enough and especially not around him. The fact that whatever is so funny is lost on him is a far distant concern.
Alistair waits for her to compose herself then takes a moment to compose himself in turn when she settles back into a proper posture that puts her in contact with him from shoulder to hip. She’s nearly as tall as he is when he’s on his knees like this, a fact he’s thought about many times but never quite in this situation. Leohta gives herself a little shake, tossing her hair in his face as she does. He tries to blow it out of the way but there’s just too much. All right then, one thing at a time.
“Now. Just remember, angle your hand back and then flick. That word is ruined for me now, I think. You’ve ruined flicking.” In front of him Leohta snorts and Alistair make a private vow to forbid Zevran from using that word. He wants it to be their joke even if he doesn’t understand it. “Do you think you can manage?”
“To flick? I’ve done all right for the last few years anyway.” She giggles and clears her throat. “All right. Angle my hand back,” and her hand is moving inside of his so he loosens his grip, “then forward and flick!”
Alistair peers over her shoulder and sure enough. Blip, blip. One hop, but it’s one more than she’d managed before. He puts his hands on her shoulders and squeezes. “There you go! Well done, Warden Aeducan.” She lifts one hand to pat his but he can tell she’s still looking at the ripples.
After a moment, he releases her shoulders and, feeling a little bolder by the fact that she hasn’t elbowed him away yet, reaches forward to comb his fingers through her hair. It’s a practical gesture–even as he’s speaking, her hair is getting in his mouth–but hardly exclusively practical. Her hair is thick and her scalp surprisingly warm underneath it. In front of him she’s gone very still; he thinks she might even be holding her breath but then again, so is he. He focuses on his own hands until he’s gathered her hair at the back of her neck, but then the tension in it changes and oh.
Alistair looks up and she’s right there, her head turned to look at him. Maker’s breath but she’s close, her mouth gently open and her eyes searching his face. Her breath smells like honey and roses and his hand is still in her hair, it’d be so easy and it might be perfect but she’s been drinking and that’s not right. Or might it be OK, with her looking at him like that? The motion of her lips is so mesmerizing that it takes him a moment to realize she’s speaking to him.
“Alistair.” And like that, the moment is over, or at least set aside. “Would you do that again?”
“Of course.” She could ask him to fetch the moons from the sky right now and he’d say yes, but… “Wait, do what?” He didn’t do anything other than have a whole lot of thoughts in a very short span of time.
“Touch my hair. That was nice.” She’s leaning more of her weight against him now and it’s nice but also just starting to make him concerned. Still, he already said yes, so Alistair releases her hair from where he’s holding it and threads his fingers through it again, starting at her temple, mindful of and parallel to the little braid she’s so meticulous about. As he does it, her eyes drift closed but her face is relaxed. It’s not quite a smile but he’ll take it. “Again,” she murmurs as his hand comes to rest on the back of her neck.
Alistair laughs softly but he complies with her request, stroking his fingers through her hair again. And again, and once more, until she leans forward completely and drops her head onto his shoulder. Her breath is warm on his neck as he gives her one last stroke, then stops to reach out away from her. She grumbles softly in protest but he hushes her. “I’m just getting your other bottle. It’s bought and paid for, no sense leaving it here.”
“Why, where’re we going?”
“I don’t know yet about myself but you are doing to bed. Sleeping standing up is only good for horses and probably Sten, and sleeping on your knees is good for no one. Now, come on, up you get.” He hooks the hand holding the unopened bottle of rhodomel under Leohta’s knees, his other arm coming up behind her shoulders. She grumbles again as he starts to stand and he pauses before beginning to walk.
“You’re carrying me like a princess.” The humor in her voice warms him but now he feels a little more confident about deflecting it.
“I’m a Warden carrying another Warden like a Warden. No princesses here. Well, except for the tavern but I’m certainly not trying to pick that up. I could throw you over my shoulder if you wanted, but you have to promise not to throw up on my back.”
“No promises.” She slumps against his shoulder as he starts to walk. It’s only a few steps from the beach to the door but he takes his time. Who knows what Orzammar will do to her, or what she might do to Orzammar? The answer is liable to be complicated but this, for as unexpected as it is, feels strangely simple. She might not even remember it in the morning, but it’s not a feeling Alistair’s going to forget any time soon. “Alistair.”
“I don’t have a free hand to pet you, but if you can stay awake until we get inside, maybe I’ll give you scritches once I get you upstairs.” He’s trying to figure out how he’s going to open the door when she shakes her head and answers.
“Thank you for coming out tonight. I’m sorry I’m–”
“None of that now. You have nothing to be sorry for, and if anything I should say thank you for having me.” Alistair manages to hook the latch with his pinkie then wedge his foot into the gap, kicking the door open as he maneuvers her inside. “You may not have found it so, but I think being a Warden can be a little bit fun, if you’re with the right person. Or people,” he continues, scrambling to cover for himself while trying to ease the door’s closing with his foot. Once he’s got both feet back on the ground, he looks down at the woman in his arms. Fast asleep, looking as young as he’s ever seen her and more peaceful than she has possibly the entire time he’s known her. The inn’s main room is empty, the fire doused, and he’s almost loathe to speak again and interrupt the silence, but he does.
“Or person. Just the right person.”
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ldarchive · 5 years
all or some of: 10, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42 for the ask meme =) lay all the ari facts on me
ty indigo ilu… shepardposting no limits (HOPEFULLY THE READMORE WORKS?)
10. What kind of friend is Shepard?
the “will give you shit but also go to the ends of the earth” for you type i suppose…he shows his affection thru gentle bullying. he can also be kind of genuinely an overbearing asshole at times, but he gets better with it; it takes him a while to, uh, adjust to having “friends” in the first place. he’s a dad friend if your dad is kind of a grumpy punk with a rude and morbid sense of humor
18. Share a headcanon about Shepard and their LI.
[struggling to come up with something i haven’t talked about a million times] uhhhhhh
kaidan wanted to propose with one of his dad’s old rings but he figured out it wouldn’t fit ari’s finger, so (with his mother’s blessing/assurance that his dad would have been more than happy abt it, etc) he had the gold melted down to make a new ring. in my mind it looks smth like this and yes ari totally cried a little
it also took kaidan weeks of near-misses to work up the nerve to propose even tho he Knew ari was gonna say yes, he was just really worried about getting it right. eventually he just did it on their balcony and ari got surprised and dropped his cigarette and kaidan got a cool new engagement burn scar on his arm but it was nice
19. Why did they fall for each other?
ari fell for kaidan bc he’s not just intelligent, but perceptive; he’s a realist who errs toward optimism and making the best of bad situations; he believes people can and should be better; he has a surprisingly understated sense of humor; he can keep up with ari’s teasing; ari asks him if he’s a romantic and he denies it and then gives, like, the most romantic answer in the world. he’s cute.
kaidan fell for ari bc……. he has big arm. ok but uh i think it’s because he’s, pretty practical and matter of fact and doesn’t care all that much about the social trappings that kaidan continually tortures himself with… he makes kaidan feel Seen and Understood but doesn’t make a big dramatic deal out of everything kaidan tells him, he just treats him… like a person. for someone who’s been living with & defining themselves by their issues for as long as kaidan has, it’s pretty incredible to find someone who just makes him feel like a human being again
20. What are their common interests or hobbies?
a lot of their relationship is like, meeting each other in the middle haha, but there are some things they both enjoy a lot with no caveats:
- cooking! kaidan’s a foodie and it becomes ari’s therapy hobby after me3, so it’s smth they enjoy doing together a lot. they try to do it more often if possible, but their general friday night tradition is to come home, crack open a couple beers, and cook a big meal together
- they are both outdoorsy Adventure Dads… it takes a while before ari can handle more than a walk around the park but eventually he and kaidan can go hiking again and they both rly love it. i imagine theyd be into stuff like camping, swimming, kayaking, etc too dfjnfg
25. Is there something they fight about?
well, everyone gets into arguments occasionally, but i don’t really think they fight all that often… not that they agree on everything all the time, but they’ve both gotten pretty good at talking things out and also deciding whether or not something is even worth arguing about in the first place. when you are dating someone during the apocalypse and don’t have to any time to waste those are both pretty valuable skills haha [i think the most they ever fought in their relationship was post-me3, when ari got out of the hospital and they’d both started to ‘settle in’ to their new lives but it was a bumpy adjustment and they were both going thru a lot of trauma and stress and bottling it up etc. it wasnt a great time but they worked thru it]
28. What would they like to change about the other?
it’s a double-edged sword, bc it’s part of what attracts kaidan to him as well, but sometimes kaidan really wishes ari had more a self-preservation instinct!! sometimes his tendency to charge headfirst into trouble is sexy, sometimes kaidan is tired and sad and it just gets really old
ari wishes kaidan would loosen up a little although, again, the straight-laced military thing (unfortunately) kinda does it for him. he would also take away kaidans chronic pain if he could
30. When did they realise they fell in love?
fr kaidan it was shortly after virmire and it absolutely scared the shit out of him ahaha
ari is dumb so he didn’t really realize until after horizon, which was probably a bad way to figure that out,35. Is there anything they dislike about the other?
ari appreciates how thoughtful kaidan is but sometimes it’s like… a bit… much lmao, he’s not as navel gaze-y as kaidan is so sometimes the process of having to talk everything out gets tiring. for kaidan it’s kind of the opposite, he sometimes perceives ari’s lack of forethought as a lack of care, which isn’t really true, he just works differently
on a much pettier level, ari gets annoyed that kaidan wants to sleep in all the time and kaidan gets annoyed that ari drowns all his food in hot sauce. hello, i worked hard on that steak36. What are their best memories together?
advtykefd cheesy but i like to think they got to take a little bit of leave after me1 so… they rented a log cabin somewhere (not sure if they went back to earth or just a colony planet somewhere?), turned off non-emergency comms on their omnitools and just chilled for a bit… went hiking, had drinks at the tiny bar in the closest small town, holed up in the cabin all day and had sex lmao it was probably the most peaceful week of aris entire life and it left a big impression on him
ofc later there’s stuff like their wedding day, their son’s birth, adopting their daughter etc. kaidan would probably even say, with the emotional distance provided by time, that horizon counts cuz even tho it sucked at the time nothing could have been better than realizing ari was alive
40. Is there someone in the squad of ME/ME2/ME3 Shepard dislikes? Why?
MIRANDA LOL… they just. do not see to eye or get along at all. i find their relationship very entertaining for this reason bc the dynamic of commander & XO who are both trying to be professional but do not respect e/o even the tiniest bit is so funny. theres a convo w her in me2 (i think it might be the one where you can initiate her romance?) where if you choose the renegade dialogue is hilarious to me… miranda makes some snide, passive aggressive comment about shepard based on their background (it’s like “it’s amazing how you’ve managed to succeed despite being _____” lmao) and then shepard is like “OH i get it, you’re jealous bc i’ve been more successful than you and TIM likes me more even tho i’m a big piece of shit idiot?” i love it it’s so funny. they both suck. eventually they do build some kind of mutual respect btwn them but theyre still… not exactly friends. i think in me3 ari was like “damn i hope miranda’s ok” and then when he actually met her again remembered why he used to be so pissed at her all the time lmao. (after me3 tho she saves his life Again and they probably have a lot of time in the hospital to just talk so maybe they do become genuine friends)
41. Are there any important relationships in Shepard’s past that defined their character? /42. Is there someone who had a great influence on Shepard?
just gonna try to combine these i guess,
- his parents, although he only got an unfortunate short time with them, he takes after both of them a lot, and the things his parents imparted on him stuck with him, but especially as he gets older he’s also really aware of the mistakes they made
-the reds, in general. not a really positive influence lmao but. they were his home for years & he learned how the world works through them, for better or worse… it’s why he’s a bit of a cynic, although later he is able to characterize it more as “this shit sucks But we can make it better” rather than just “this shit sucks”
- anderson was the first person ari ever felt saw him as a human being, and it was… a slow-going thing to learn to trust him ahah, but wanting to be worthy of anderson’s approval shaped a lot of his career decisions
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clown-bait · 6 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 27
FINALLY FINISHED THIS!! So the monsters try really hard to figure out why they aren't monsters any more. Turns out they cant focus for five minutes without going off on a weird tangent about washing machines and butts. Papawise is gonna have to try to get these idiots to be productive. Good luck papa you’re gonna need it.
CH 27
Focusing is Hard
“Are we going to address this human problem now?”
Freddy and Drac sat on the couch already breaking into Chucky’s beer stash as Leech plopped herself onto Robert’s lap on the loveseat. the former clown brought a long arm around her and nuzzled his nose into her drying hair. “Mmm you smell just like me” he growled. “I wonder why” Leech giggled and kissed his jaw line. Freddy nearly gagged.
“*AHEM* SO is that a no on the problem solving then?” he asked the ex-nosferatu.
“Fred like either of us have any idea how this happened at all.”
“Well did you two do anything? I dunno like did you activate some curse or something? Maybe pissed off a witch?”
“What witch is powerful enough to turn Pennywise human? Let alone a whole town full of over powered evil.” Leech crossed her legs over the side of the chair getting comfy.
“I love it when you call me powerful.” Robert beamed with pride from having his ego stroked.
“Focus Bob” She scolded him.
As they discussed their options there was a clatter in the basement followed by a wheeze. Everyone froze solid looking at eachother and back down the hall. “Do we go investigate?” the nosferatu asked hesitantly.
“Isn’t that usually how humans get killed by us?” Freddy grumbled.
“Holy shit being on the other side of the horror movie sucks balls” Leech picked up a beer bottle in defence peering down the hall.
“I’ll go. You all would be such easy targets.” Robert rolled his eyes. His companions’ fears starting to annoy him.
“Like hell you are! We all know what happens when the prey splits up!” Leech grabbed his arm before he could march into any more danger.
“Lets just all go together then. Can’t be anything too terrible with everyone being turned human.” Freddy handed Dracula a broken piece of wood who glanced over at his roommate in confusion.
“We’re so going to die” the ex nosferatu groaned.
The former monsters approached the door leading to the basement where they could hear more panting and wheezing which seemed to get louder and louder. Leech hesitantly opened the door which made an extremely ominous creak causing the ex-vampire to grip her bottle tighter. They peered into the basement, everyone silently cursing Penny for making his house as equally scary as himself. Something wet and dark flopped out of the well gasping like a fish out of water. Robert felt both his arms get grabbed by Leech and Freddy at once while Drac clung to his roommate from behind. The weight of 3 grown adults clinging to his silk robe like baby sloths nearly pulled the former eldritch to the ground and he gave them all an angry scowl. “Really?!” he hissed. The wet thing began to stand it looked like a person, a very tired and pissed off person.
“I just walked for MILES through the freezing sewer, so you MORONS better tell me what the hell is going on right now or there will be consequences!” they said.
The man finally came into view. He looked quite different without the giant red nose.
“U-Uncle Penny?” Leech stuttered the man rung out the wet shirt he had clearly killed someone for as there was a large blood stain on the collar.
“This is what you look like as humans? Jesus Junior those pants tight enough?”
“Theyre Freddy’s…” Robert looked off to the side.
“Actually I think those are mine!” Leech pulled at his pants to inspect the pocket “Yeah theres the hole in the pocket!”
“Leechie why does Krueger have your pants?” If Robert still had fangs theyd be out.
“Oh calm down Fred and I swap clothes all the time.” she waved him off and rolled her eyes at his jealousy.
“Yeah Fangs does laundry at our place cause you won’t get a washer dryer”
“There’s a wash tub right over there!” Robert snarled at the former dream demon in annoyance. First it was wifi and microwaves now its modern washing machines! How is anyone going to be scared when they walk into the haunted house on Neibolt if theyre greeted with the scent of clean laundry and hot pockets.
“The 1800s were over a long ass time ago Bob!” Leech complained she had been trying to get him to change his mind on this for weeks now.
“I am trying to cultivate an atmosphere that generates fear! Dryer sheets and laundry detergent create the opposite effect Leech!”
“Sheesh Junior you take your interior decorating a bit too seriously.” his uncle rolled his eyes at his younger counterpart.
“Will all of you please drop the washer/dryer thing”
“IS THE CLOWN FINALLY GETTING A WASHING MACHINE?” came Tiffany’s voice from upstairs
“Look you’re in the minority here Robert, just let us get something basic.”
“Yeah Jingles, that way Fangs will stop leaving her pants at our place.” Freddy grumbled.
“Hey now I remember you saying you liked those pants and I let you borrow them!” Leech snapped.
“Yeah alright fine. Theyre good pants, I mean look at how great Jingles’ ass looks in them!” Freddy spun Robert around and slapped his ass howling in laughter at Robert’s enraged reaction.
“O să discutăm acum despre problema noastră?” ((will we talk about our problem now?)) Dracula asked. He had no idea what anyone was saying or why they were all humans all he knew was that he wanted to get back to being immortal as soon as possible.
“I dont speak French Dracula!” Uncle Penny grumbled.
“Oh my god how does that remotely even sound like French? Its fucking Romanian!” Leech snapped at him defending her extremely confused mentor.
“Whatever. Can all of you focus for just five minutes?! That’s all I’m asking for here. As soon as we figure out why the hell I can’t shape shift you can all go back to blabbering about eachother’s butts!” The older eldritch groaned in frustration.
“Ok but you have to agree theyre great pants though!”
“Pff youre asking a lot, Freddy came over to do the same thing and within the first hour we all ended up being violently attacked by the cat and Robert lost a finger.” leech held up Robert’s injured hand.
“You lost a finger Junior? How do you fuck up this bad?”
“THATS WHAT I SAID!” Tiffany yelled once again from upstairs
“By the way, there a reason the dolls arent joining us in figuring this out?” Freddy asked Leech ignoring the enraged Uncle Penny’s complaints.
“A) I dont think they want to, and B) I’m pretty sure from the Rob Zombie music blasting from their room and the creaking bed springs theyre uh..busy..” Leech said.
“Gross” Robert snarled.
“JINGLES YOU’RE NOT MUCH BETTER!” Chucky shouted down.
“Unbelievable. You couldnt even do one minute of concentration! Were never getting back to normal jesus.” The elder eldritch tilted his head up at the ceiling growing tired of the other monsters constant distractions.
“Fine where do you suggest we start because we’re all out of ideas here.” Leech snapped.
“Did you even try having any ideas in the first place?”
The monsters opened their mouths to speak and immediately closed them. Ok so maybe they haven’t been the most proactive about this.
“Can we at least take this out of the basement then and get more beer before we start? I think I’m going to develop asthma from all the dust down here.” Leech began to walk back up the stairs to the kitchen. “You boys can either join me or stay down here in the dark. I’m out.” The other monsters shrugged and followed suit.
“Ok so we need to narrow down who is powerful enough to turn an entire town of powerful entities into humans.” Uncle Penny began drinking the beer Leech had got him from Chucky’s  nearly empty stash.
“I can think of no one.” the younger vampire said.
“You haven’t been with us very long Leechie.” Robert patted her on the head.
“Wait isnt today Halloween?” Freddy asked having a rare appiphany.
“Yeah so?” Uncle Penny took another long swig of the beer surpriesed that he liked it so much.
“Yeah doesnt that mean certian supernatural parties are stronger today?” Leech asked
“Oh fuck ive heard of this before. Did any of you break the rules of Halloween?” Freddy asked, he had seen something like this in another town once. People who broke tradition on Halloween that night had bad things happen to them.
“There’s rules to this holiday?” Robert raised an eyebrow and tried to drink Leech’s beer grimacing at the tast and shoving it back into her hands. Everyone turned to him and glared.
“What did you do Jingles”
“Why are you accusing me?”
“Bob what did you fucking do?”
“I thought he was a regular child!!” Robert snarled. He recalled a small boy in an orange scarecrow outfit in the haunted house that just was not scared of him. He tried everything eventually getting frustrated and snatching the boy’s candy bag and vanishing to go find his mate. He had no idea he had just stolen from Samhain, who for one night a year was the most powerful being in existance.
“Wait hold on you fucking stole the spirit of Halloween’s bag of candy after you couldnt scare him because your feelings were hurt!?” Leech had hopped out of his lap and pushed her hands through her hair.
“He had no fear and I couldnt just let him get away! All the candy bars had razors in them anyway..”
“Where’s the fucking bag now Robert??” She grabbed his robe in her fists.
“In my lair I was going to eat around the knives!”
“Jesus christ Junior you must have really pissed him off!”
“How do we fix this then just give him back the bag?” Freddy asked.
“That’s a start….” The ex vampire took a long drink from her beer.
“Where would we find the little brat though?” Uncle Penny asked.
“Probably where the celebrations are thickest. That’s where I’d go for a holiday about me.” Freddy added.
“Looks like were going to have to do a traditional human halloween then. Let’s get some costumes carve some pumpkins and get me another god damn drink.” Leech sighed, it was going to be a long difficult day.
“Ok so what im thinking is if the Cenobites are still throwing their big ass Halloween party then thats probably a good place to start since that thing is going to be huge. Which means if were going everyone is going to first need a costume.” Leech and the rest of the former monsters stood in the center of town finally making it out of the house.
“Yeah one, none of us were invited and two, theres going to be nothing left in the stores. Except the sexy stuff and there is no way im going as sexy thing that should never be made sexy…maybe Jingles will though that seems like his wardrobe of choice.” Freddy grumbled keeping a firm grasp on the poor overwhelmed Prince Vlad.
“Well sorry for being too tall to fit into your clothes which are made for small women” Robert sneered at the former dream demon. He was getting strange looks left and right for his overly tight pants/ pink bathrobe combo. Leech took note of it when a few girls stopped and stared while giggling amongst themselves. The ex vampire grabbed her mate’s arm glaring daggers at the women. Robert put two and two together and shot her an amused smile “Really?” he asked her. “We need to get you some real clothes” she grumbled.
“How are we getting into this party then if we weren’t invited?” Uncle Penny interrupted them. “We’re not exactly equipped for sneaking in and out of places anymore.”
“Crashing will be easy, its taking on an all powerful being as humans that will be extremely difficult.” Leech stated. she had crashed many a party in her teens when she used to deal pot to rich kids getting in wouldnt be a problem.  
“And what are we gonna do when we catch the twerp? Shake and yell?” the older eldritch asked.
“I have a feeling rattling his brains and screaming at him is probably a bad way to appease the god of Halloween to change us back” Freddy added.
“Well I’m not saying I’m sorry” Robert growled. There was no way he was going to beg some young pagan god to forgive him.
“You do realise as humans we can die now right? You better fucking say youre sorry Bob” his mate scolded him.
“Seriously Jingles what if were stuck like this for a whole year?” freddy added realizing the entire monster population depended on the proudest thing in existence to admit he fucked up. They were doomed.
“I do not beg.”
“Ha! That’s a load bullshit! I’ve heard it!” Leech laughed.
“Leech! that’s….thats different…” Robert hissed
“we’ve all heard it Jingles anyone with a drain has heard it at some point.”
The former clown looked off to the side and grumbled something unintelligble.
“All right look, we need to hurry up and get something for us to wear to this thing. I’ll take the clowns. Freddy you try to handle your roommate.”
“Good luck with that.” Uncle Penny said eyeing the frantic looking prince.
“Just call me when he eventually breaks something” Leech grabbed the eldritchs and made her way to the nearest store.
“Robert what the hell is that?” both Leech and “Uncle Bob” as he decided to call himself, stared at Robert Gray in confusion as he exited a near by restroom
“You said buy a costume.”
“Ok but I thought youd get another clown costume why the hell are you Spiderman?” his mate placed her fingers over her temples. Of course hed pick out something like this.
“I’m a giant spider trapped as a man I thought it was fitting.”
“Yeah but I’m going as a ring master and…..you know what never mind, fuck me for trying” leech groaned it was hard enough to control two eldritch horrors in a crowded Halloween store already, trying to coordinate anything was off the table at this point.
“I’m going as the devil!” Uncle Bob announced proudly pointing to his horns.
“Yeah Im pretty sure Phil is not going to be too excited about that.”
“Ah fuck Phil. He thinks hes hot shit with his whole goat yoga scheme right now. This is how a real lure is done!” the former clown gestured to the red and black suit he was wearing smugly.
“Did you…put paint…on your face?” Leech sniffed the air, it reeked of paint fumes.
“Yeah! Spray paint! It burns a little but man do I look good!”
“I think the fumes are going to your head old man” Robert folded his long arms over the spider logo on his chest.
“Jesus christ neither of you would survive a day as humans without my help.” Leech grumbled as the clowns began to argue once again. She ignored the inevitable chaos and got out her phone groaning loudly over the 6 missed calls from Freddy. No doubt they were about something Dracula had done. Robert yellped when Uncle Bob whacked him on the head with his plastic pitch fork. Leech debated taking a photo of them for later blackmail but decided she should probably find out what the hell happened to Freddy first. As she was about to call him back she doubled over in pain. Something just went wrong in her abdomen. Something she’d never thought she’d feel again.
OH NOOOO what ever could it beee! Poor Leech she’s had to put up with so much today. Penny better try to make it up to her. 
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get-the-treasure · 7 years
school log #1
Happy last ‘first day of high school’ I’m finally a senior let’s fuck shit up.
Assembly: i came in and first went to hug taylor cause jahsbfjfaks i havent seen her all summer nd did i tear up? yeah kind of lmao i missed taylor sm what a gem. then i went by like. the squad (for memory reasons: ???? ppl on the side, jade, bean, yadi, eren, rye showed up, dalon showed up, sammy showed up, ashley showed up, might be missing someone?). eren gave me a bitching smoothie (bless ty) nd i think we all just talked like we normally would. its nice to just slip into normal conversation with people wou havent seen in what feels like forever.
Hour 3 (Homegroup): sat in hg for like 2 hours. we got some new freshman of whom i only can name 3 because i missed the others names. nd i also only kno one of the sophomores by name cause i forgot the others. maybe we should talk w maya sometime? ive seen her around a few times and she looks like shes mostly alone? we got our lockers too. sike some middle schoolers took our lockers and now we have to wait until tomorrow to figure out if we can get them b a c k. then i knocked over the smoothie eren gave me nd like a little came out but not much so um thanks god. we filled out this helping sheet thing that were going to be checked on every monday soooo better keep up on work i guess. also there was a lot of talk of grilled cheese up the ass???
Hour 1 (AP Bio): i turned in my poster board and we just went over the same rubric we went over when i signed up for the class smh. doesnt seem like itll be hard tho? sammy might have to drop it if she doesnt do her entire thing over and turn it in tomorrow and even then he might say no. so heres to hoping. also sabastion sat by our table nd honestly w h y do we have to have mutual friends i hate my life.
Hour 2 (ROPE): went over like oNLY the autobiography part of the rope packet tbh. also amy said we should know who our thesis paper advisors are but 1. i didnt even know what the thesis paper was and 2. the day ended and i still have no idea who my thesis advisor is weLL GUESS ILL SUFFER. im worried i wont have a good autobiography and that i wont be able to keep up with rope, but if i just dont goof around (lol) then it shouldnt be a  w  f  u  l. i notice a big student mood is being like ‘i want to die’ when school starts but christ its not rlly that bad? u get a normal ish sleep schedule, its easier to hang out w friends imo, and the work isnt even that hard you just have to pay attention and do it. it kind of bugs me honestly when school breathes and someones like THIS IS THE WORST THING ON EARTH FUCK SCHOOL FUCK ALL THE WORK THIS SUCKS cause its literally not that bad if you just idk. dont goof off all the time. sometimes u can goof off im sure everyone does sometimes. just. do ur work nd dont get so uppity about it. also idk if nyone will even read these but this isnt directed at anyone.
Hour 4 (English 12): our class is huge lmao. sammy and i got seats by jimmy, josselin, and ariel but i think eren wants us to get to class earlier tomorrow so we can sit together w yadi at the back of the room. but we get out of hg when peter lets us out soooo we cant rlly control when he lets us out.
Lunch: there was a lil spider where i sit so i kind of shooed him away so i could sit and i ended up cramping a lot. the worst part abt school imo is the chairs are just as hard as the floor and i have awful pelvis issues so my entire lower half starts to freeze and lock up and it hurts rlly bad getting up or shifting after sitting still for a while, so i fidget a lot and shift positions a lot so i can try and reduce the pain. nyways i played music nd sidney nd alexis sat down by us and theyre really quiet (whenever i would see them in the halls on the way to class and they had a free hour or it was lunch nd id see them they were always quiet then too) and sidney left her chapstick and i hope she remembered to grab it (i told her at the assembly at the end of the day because i forgot to grab it to give back to her). i cant rlly remember what else happened honestly??? thats of noting at least.
Hour 5 (Free): eren and i are probably going to sit in michelles room for this hour since she has chairs and 3 hours in a row on the floor is going to bust my ass so bad. eren started doing work but we ended up just talking and eating and listening to a vine comp.
Hour 6 (Free): sammy came down and we did basically the same as the previous hour but more talking and laughing. i cant remember what we talked about tho?? or nything else?? (edit: we tlaked about fucking and spanx)
Hour 7 (Government): eren sammy nd i had put our stuff down in michelles room early to save our spots (but i bet ill be the only one still at the table tomorrow because they have to go to the front) and then eren nd i left to go to the bathroom then fill sammys water bottle and by the time we came back in michelle was like ‘please arrive on time’ like 1 we were in here first nd 2 the bathroom was packed nd were supposed to go between classes i couldnt piss any faster thanks tho. we got the syllabus and an intro to the class/classroom and thank god jared isnt in this class fuckkkk. also we have to do debates like in front of the class?? no t h a nk you i hate it
Hour 8 (Advanced Drawing/Painting): we just sat around ny amy was like ‘heres what well do’ but ariel sammy nd i basically talked the entire time we all know how art works.
Assembly: a final assembly to wrap everything up with all grades together (since middle nd high had separate assemblies this morning) and i dont kno if we got any important information i think it was just things only 6th graders nd new students need to know cause we hear the same spiel every year. then i guess we all left??? 
After School: my dad picked me up and hell be picking us up every day from now on (unless like smthn comes up u kno its whatever). he didnt say anything on the ride home unlike when he and mom would both pick us up and theyd both ask a lot of questions. i thought he was angry and i ended up being right. he and my mom got into a bad argument she told me later on and now shes changing the locks so he doesnt have a key. its kind of upsetting how she said i should be civil with like whoever my parents may end up dating nd the entire family and whatnot but she (vise versa) cant even be civil with him or the rest of our family so??? nice example you set for your kids, parents. anyways my dad is also apparently switching up stuff he says like what hell pay and what theyll keep asset wise and how theyd cooperate for our sake and now hes changing what he said during court and all this mess and i feel like hes doing it to spite my mom but hes also spiting us in the process because we rely on our mom. ughhhhh this is stupid difficult to deal w id rather just not have to hear this stuff but moms always on the phone talking about anything and everything and were forced to hear. nyways lol
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