#all of these shows I would rewatch in a heartbeat
casdeans-pie · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better !
Thanks for the tag @castielsprostate 💕💕💕
I love tag games asdfhjkljgdkl
my taste in shows is questionable objectively but personally I think it's *chefs kiss*
1. Supernatural (ofc I love this show with my whole heart)
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2. Stranger Things
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3. The Mandalorian
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4. The Vampire Diaries
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5. Hawkeye
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6. Teen Wolf
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7. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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8. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (my phone kept autocorrecting Buffy to Buffet lmao)
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I'm gonna tag @velvethopewrites @sunglassesmish @dreampencil @loserchildhotpants @korvaine @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you
But no pressure ✨️
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bonyato · 8 months
One remarkably funny aspect of my experience w/ DGМN was all those instances in which Id favor a digidеstined's critter more than I did the kid they were partnered up with. it felt exactly like this image
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#this is specifically about Mіmi and Dаvis btw.I would give my Life for pаlmon & vеemon in a heartbeat#but i Could NOT tolerate their designated buddy throughout most of their respective seasons . whippersnappers DNI#wondertext#I mean tbf i got better eventually — Mіmi ended up growing on me by the end of Adventure & nowadays im slowly warming up to Dаvis too.#after having long since finished watching 02 but hey Better Late Than Never H;JWHAKDF#i owe it all to media analysis posters tbh . my belovedests always<3 Theyve helped me appreciate his character alot better#or rather‚ see the better parts of it more clearly. Bc not only did my love-hate for 02 make me blind to it#but the show's poor way of handling and/or executing someof their arcs(+narrative as a whole) also played a part by leavin alot 2be desired#So naturally it was quite hard to take the cast's actions seriously as a result :/#But having already left 02 past me & being able to reminisce on its events w/ a clearer head(that isn't agonizing + desperate to drop it)#it's been delightful realizing that Dаvis is .. actually a pretty charming kid and a compelling protagonist!!#Would that stop me from becoming irritated at his behavior if i revisited the season tho? I highly doubt it.HWJSDKFH#sorry Dаvis i was too hard on you I'll admit that much but that doesnt take away the fact that you're annoying </3 (/lh)#Even Mіmi still manages 2get on my nerves during rewatch sessions despite the fact that I understand her well hkjshjf it just cant be helpd#Tаichi's the only goggle-wielding protagonist whos had the privilege of making me have a full change of heart n it'll stay That Way#this turned into a Dаvis rant sorry i ♡ bitching abt 02 its my favorite activity
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
rating things my classmates said/did after my dad died! (feat. class 1-a)
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cw: mentions of death obviously, you're a member of class 1-a, crack, hurt/comfort, reader is religiously ambiguous, implied depression ig, some angst but mostly crack
note: guys i swear it's okay to laugh at this! i did!! some may say it's too soon but humor is how i cope and i missed writing so when this little idea invaded my brain while i was rewatching bhna (it's my comfort show) i couldn't resist
blog navigation | bhna masterlist
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ochako: “if you believe in heaven i would offer to use my quirk on you so you could float up to heaven and visit your dad but i doubt they'd let you in anyways”
low key made me giggle
iida overheard and was horrified.
izuku: “i'm so sorry for your loss. if you ever need to talk i’m here. i know it’s not the same at all but my dad wasn’t around while i was growing up so i can kinda understand. not that i’m saying you have to talk to me because of that or that i understand or that we should make a dead/missing dad club oh my god i need to stop talking i’m so sorry i’ll leave you alone now bye please tell me if you need anything!” *scurries away*
sweet cinnamon roll 🥹
we should fs make a dead/missing dads club
todoroki: “i’m so sorry for your loss. if i could make my father trade places with yours i would do it in a heartbeat. unrelated, i heard you and midoriya are starting a dead/missing dads club. may i join? mine is dead to me.”
right idea i guess 😭😭
it was going so well during the first sentence too…
ps ofc you can join our club
bakugou: stormed into my room and violently ripped me from my depression burrito and dragged me downstairs to force feed me a warm home cooked meal bc he knew i hadn’t left my bed or eaten in the last 24 hours
i always knew you cared abt me us blasty 🥹🥰
the food was delicious but plz be more gentle abt it next time king 🙏
mineta: “yo your mom is a total milf.”
numbers don’t go low enough to express my feelings towards this one
like at my father’s funeral?? the AUDACITY
jirou: spent hours searching for a very specific song my dad sang to me when i was little and actually found it bc she found m crying bc i couldn’t find it and i wanted to hear it again
i actually love you so much
you have no idea how much this meant to me ❤️
aoyama: stuffed cheese into my mouth while i was crying in my depression burrito
wtf man that was actually more traumatizing
it wasn’t even parmesan or brie
tokoyami: went on a long spiel about how we are all destined for the Great Darkness then abruptly ended by saying he was sorry for my father’s early departure and disappearing back into his room
i think you were trying to make me feel better so i appreciate the effort. i am a little confused tho
kiri: ask me if i wanted a hug. when i started crying he started tearing up too then gave me one of the best bear hugs i’ve ever gotten
super manly dude. i really needed it at the moment and appreciated it ❤️
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gonna end this here. i had a few more but i felt like these were the best ones. not tagging anyone since this is like a personal self comfort one lol
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alilixx · 2 months
James Wilson x Fem!Cardiologist Reader
Heartbeats and Invisible Connections
Nothing to say so i hope you will like it! Btw i just rewatch The devil wears Prada and i love smmm MIRANDA??? I mean, i will write on her soon (i will never abandon House md, everything for my girls!
Warning: Mature, NSFW, Some Dark!Wilson, death, House being House.
Pairing: James Wilson x Fem!Cardiologist Reader
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Laughter could be heard in the hospital room, just like every day. The young boy in front of you was in tears from laughing so hard at the TV, and you were just as amused as he was. After all, you were watching The Powerpuff Girls! You knew it was his favorite cartoon, so you watched every new episode with him. Even though Cuddy wasn't too thrilled about it, you spent at least two hours a day with the young patient. Blake was a five-year-old child suffering from an incurable heart condition. A malformation took up too much space, hindering the development of his lungs. The chance of survival after surgery was minimal, so you couldn't offer it.
Blake had been entrusted to you two years ago, when his mother passed away from pancreatic cancer. His father, a very busy businessman, gradually stopped coming to visit. At first, he would come occasionally, but soon he no longer found the time to visit his own son, citing a busy schedule. You tried to understand, but deep down, you couldn't accept this prolonged absence. How could someone leave their child to face such a serious illness without parental support?
You then promised yourself that you would never let Blake feel abandoned. You became more than a doctor to him; you were his guardian, his pillar, the only constant in his turbulent life. The first few months were difficult. How do you explain to a three-year-old that his father was abandoning him? It was almost impossible. Blake often cried, asking why his father no longer came. Your heart broke every time, but you found the words to comfort him, inventing stories about heroes and adventures to give him hope and joy.
Over time, you established a routine. You came by every morning to gently wake him up, often with a special breakfast you brought from home. You shared these simple but precious moments before starting the long days of tests and treatments. Blake loved The Powerpuff Girls, and you quickly adopted the habit of watching the episodes with him. It was a comforting ritual, a bubble of happiness in an often dark daily life.
With every operation, every scan, every MRI, you were there. You held his hand, reassured him, promised him that everything would be okay. Even though you knew the chances were slim, you always kept hope. Blake had become like a little brother to you. You admired his courage, his ability to smile despite everything. His resilience gave you the strength to carry on, even when the weight of reality seemed too heavy to bear.
The other doctors and nurses respected your dedication, though some whispered that you were getting too emotionally involved. But how could you not? How could you remain detached when a child depended on you for everything, when he called for a hug in the middle of the night after a nightmare, when he proudly showed you his drawings and asked for your opinion? Blake needed you, and you were ready to do anything for him.
One morning, as you were preparing Blake for yet another round of tests, you found yourself thinking about the future. What would become of Blake if... No, you couldn't think that way. You shook yourself mentally and focused on the present. Today, he would watch a new episode of The Powerpuff Girls, and you would be there by his side to share his laughter and tears. You owed him that much.
Every day was a battle, but also a victory, no matter how small. And you would continue to fight for Blake because he deserved it, because he was more than just a patient—he was a part of you.
Of course, he cost you a snack every day because the young boy had a sweet tooth. Several chocolate bars, whether caramel, coconut, or other flavors, you knew he would eat them. You ate together to keep him company; eating alone as a child in the hospital wasn't easy.
Months passed, and you noticed that Blake seemed more tired than usual. He had started to complain about unusual pains, and you noted a worrying pallor on his face. Your medical instinct pushed you to look deeper, to understand what was wrong. After a series of initial tests, you still couldn't determine the exact cause of his symptoms. One night, as Blake slept peacefully after an exhausting day, you found yourself in your office, immersed in his medical files.
It was then that you decided to consult James Wilson, the head of oncology at the hospital. You knew his reputation and expertise because you had risen through the ranks together, and you knew he would be the best person to help you understand what was happening to Blake. You occasionally saw him during department head meetings at the hospital.
The next morning, after preparing Blake for his routine tests, you headed to Wilson's office. As you knocked on the door, you felt both anxious and determined. Wilson looked up from his papers and greeted you with a warm smile.
"Good morning, Dr. [Y/N]. What can I do for you?" he asked, gesturing for you to sit.
"Good morning, Dr. Wilson. I need your expertise. One of my patients, Blake, is exhibiting some troubling symptoms, and I can't identify the exact cause. I'm afraid it might be something serious."
Wilson nodded, his expression becoming more serious. "Alright, tell me more about his symptoms and show me his files."
You spent the next thirty minutes detailing Blake's condition, his medical history, and the results of recent tests. Wilson listened attentively, asking pertinent questions and taking down important notes.
"I'll need to examine Blake myself and perhaps order a few additional tests," he said finally. "What you're describing could be several things, but I want to be sure before drawing any conclusions."
You nodded, grateful for his help. "Thank you, Dr. Wilson. I just want to make sure we're doing everything we can for him."
Later in the day, Wilson joined Blake in his room. With your reassuring presence by his side, Blake showed courage and cooperated during the additional examinations. The following days were filled with tests and anxious waiting.
Finally, the results came in. The diagnosis was devastating: Blake had developed heart cancer, a rare but possible complication of his pre-existing heart condition. The news hit you like a punch, but you knew you had to stay strong for Blake.
You turned to Wilson, feeling the weight of this news. "What do we do now?" you asked, determined not to give up.
"We're going to fight," he replied calmly. "I'll work with you and the team to develop a treatment plan. Blake is an incredibly brave little boy, and he deserves all our efforts."
You simply nodded before returning to his room, holding his hand while you sat beside his bed. He slept peacefully, and you rested your head on his arm. The past few days had been complicated due to the stress. Cuddy had quickly stopped by after hearing the news from Wilson. She looked at you through the window before leaving a few minutes later.
The following days were even harder. Should you tell him? Explain that he would die sooner? Leave him in denial? These choices were impossible to make, but your routine didn't change. He shouldn't know until you made a decision.
Unfortunately, today was a night shift for you. You returned to your office, lingering over Blake's adoption file, but decided to leave to avoid sinking even further. Hours passed, and you could finally take your break, which you obviously spent with Blake. Without realizing it, a single tear fell down your cheek. Just one. But in that tear lay all the pain contained for days.
This tear was wiped away by the only man who could understand your suffering. James.
"Cry, Dr. [Y/N]. Now that I’m here with you, you’re free to reveal your sadness," he said softly, his comforting hand resting on your shoulder.
Those words, full of compassion and understanding, broke down the last barriers you had built to contain your pain. You finally let out the tears you had been holding back for so long. James stayed by your side, offering his silent but powerful support. You shared a moment of raw humanity, where the roles of doctors faded away, giving way to those of human beings facing suffering and uncertainty.
After a long while, you pulled yourself together, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, James. I needed that."
"We're all in this fight together," he replied with a comforting smile. "And we will do everything for Blake."
Your next destination was Cuddy's office. You took a moment before opening the door, and when you opened and closed it behind you, your words came out in a rush.
"I'm giving up on Blake's adoption file."
She looked up from her computer and simply nodded. She knew the file wouldn't be accepted; she just wanted you to make that decision yourself. You had worked with her for about ten years, so yes, she knew how you operated. After that, interactions with Cuddy became less frequent. It wasn't her fault, but her office reminded you too much of the premature death that Blake was going to face.
You saw James often enough to discuss Blake's case. Sometimes, he even joined you for lunch. You found this rather pleasant. James had a unique way of making Blake smile, even in the most difficult moments. His anecdotes, subtle humor, and reassuring presence provided a certain comfort that you couldn't deny.
One day, after sharing a meal with Blake and James, you found yourself feeling a bit lighter, almost optimistic. The bond developing between you and James was a valuable support. You spent hours discussing treatment options, analyzing test results, and exploring every possibility to give Blake a chance to pull through.
Despite the grim diagnosis, every little progress, every smile from Blake, and every moment shared with James gave you the strength to continue.
One evening, as you were finishing your rounds, James joined you in the hallway. "I wanted to thank you," he said, his eyes filled with sincerity. "For everything you do for Blake, and for allowing someone like me to be a part of this fight."
You smiled, touched by his words but still mindful of his reputation as a flirt. "I should be the one thanking you. Your presence makes a huge difference, not only for Blake but also for me."
He looked at you with an intensity that made your heart beat a little faster. "You don't have to carry all of this alone. We're a team, remember."
Months passed, and despite all the efforts by you, James, and the medical team, Blake's condition continued to deteriorate. Each day, you saw his smile become a bit more fragile, his voice a bit weaker, but his will to live remained astonishingly strong. The relationship between you and James grew stronger, and he became one of the most important people to you during this dark period. You spent more and more time together, sharing the sorrows and the rare moments of joy.
Blake continued to laugh at his favorite Powerpuff Girls, devouring the chocolate bars you brought him each day. James often joined your small meals, bringing with him a comforting presence and a quiet strength that helped you hold on.
Despite all attempts at treatment, Blake's heart cancer was too advanced. The discussions with James grew more serious, more somber, as options dwindled. You had tried to protect Blake from the gravity of his situation, but he wasn't fooled. One day, as you were watching an episode of his favorite cartoon, he took your hand and asked in a soft but determined voice:
"Am I going to die, Y/N?"
The shock of his words left you speechless for a moment. You exchanged a glance with James, who stood silently beside you. Finally, you took a deep breath and answered with heartfelt sincerity:
"We are doing everything we can to keep you healthy, Blake. But yes, your illness is very serious."
Blake nodded, seeming to accept this reality with a surprising maturity for his age. "Thank you for telling me. I'm glad you're both here."
The following weeks were marked by a melancholic tenderness. You did everything possible to make Blake's last days as happy and comfortable as possible. Laughter was mingled with tears, each moment becoming precious and fleeting.
Then, one morning, as you arrived at the hospital, you felt a heaviness in the air. Entering Blake's room, you found James already there, sitting by the bed, holding Blake's hand. The little boy was sleeping peacefully, an unusual serenity on his face.
"He's gone," James murmured, tears in his eyes. "He fell asleep without pain."
You felt overwhelmed by a wave of sadness, but also relief. Blake no longer had to suffer. You sat on the other side of the bed, taking his small, cold hand in yours. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks.
"We did everything we could," James said softly. "And he knew he was loved until the end."
These words brought some comfort. Blake had been surrounded by the love and dedication of those who cared most for him. You spent a long time by his side, with James, mourning the loss of the brave little boy but also celebrating the life he had, no matter how short.
The days that followed were filled with mourning and memories. James’s presence beside you was invaluable, and together, you found the strength to say goodbye to Blake and to move forward, despite the pain.
Blake had been more than just a patient. And even though he was no longer here, his memory would continue to live on in you, constantly reminding you why you became a cardiologist, though your mental health did not improve despite your attempts at positivity.
After all this, you barely left the hospital. You hardly slept anymore. Running on energy drinks and coffee, your heart grew increasingly fragile. You no longer took much care of yourself, doing just enough to survive and continue your work. The loss of Blake, whom you considered your little brother, was a gaping wound. Although you knew it was better for him, you couldn’t accept the truth. Years of fighting for this, only for him to ultimately succumb to cancer, made you feel nauseous.
One evening, as you were changing in the locker room, you heard footsteps approaching. James approached you gently, causing you to flinch slightly. You were still lost in your thoughts, pondering a solution that had eluded you, a miracle that had never come.
"Y/N," he began softly, his voice full of compassion. "It's not your fault. Life is sometimes unfair, but he's better off where he is. It's hard, and I understand, but take care of yourself as Blake would have wanted. I'm not telling you to live the life he should have had, but not to destroy yourself in an 'honor' to him."
His words, though well-intentioned, hit you like a slap. "Don’t tell me how I should feel!" you retorted sharply, anger and pain mingling in your voice. But seeing the sadness and understanding in James’s eyes, you realized you had reacted too abruptly. "I’m sorry, James. I know you’re trying to help."
James shook his head, a sad smile on his lips. "You don’t have to apologize. I know how hard it is. But you can’t keep going like this; you’re going to destroy yourself."
What you didn’t know was that Cuddy was behind it all. She was deeply concerned for you. Unable to bear seeing her head of service fall apart, she had asked James to look out for you, even if it meant spending more time at your place or inviting you to stay at his.
In the following days, James increased his presence. He regularly came to see you, encouraging you to talk about how you were feeling. One evening, after a particularly grueling day, he invited you to dinner at his place. You accepted, too exhausted to refuse.
At James’s home, the atmosphere was soothing. The simplicity of his apartment and the warmth of his welcome all helped you feel a bit better. You spent the evening talking, not about work or Blake, but about everything and nothing—childhood memories, dreams, passions.
"You know," James said at one point, setting down his coffee cup, "Cuddy asked me to look out for you. She’s worried about you, just like I am. You’re important to us, to the hospital. But more than that, you’re important to yourself. Blake wouldn’t want to see you destroy yourself like this."
These words touched you deeply. The harsh reality of your situation, combined with the immense fatigue you felt, began to crumble under the warmth of James’s compassion and support.
"I know it’s hard to hear this now," he continued, "but you need time to heal. And you don’t have to do it alone."
Tears began to silently stream down your cheeks. For the first time in a long while, you allowed yourself to feel the pain, without pushing it away, without hardening yourself. James approached and gently embraced you, letting you cry against him.
"I'm here," he murmured. "We’re here for you."
In the following days, you began to accept James’s help. He would join you for long walks after work, make sure you ate properly and got some rest. You knew the road to healing would be long, but with James by your side, you felt a glimmer of hope begin to emerge.
Seeing that you were improving, Cuddy called you into her office one day. "I’m proud of you," she said simply. "And I know Blake would be too."
You smiled, feeling a newfound strength within you. "Thank you, Cuddy. For everything."
One of the long evenings at James's place, you sat side by side on the couch. Exhausted from the emotions and work, you couldn’t help but let your head fall onto James's shoulder. "What movie do you want to watch?" he asked, not realizing that you had already dozed off. He looked at you tenderly before taking your hand and gently stroking it. James was aware that the role of a cardiologist was demanding; you often worked with children for diagnoses, and he knew it was exhausting and that you slept little.
Gently, he slipped one hand behind your back and the other under your knees. Carefully standing up, he cradled your light body in his arms and carried you to his bedroom, where he laid you down on the bed with great care. You had already fallen deeply asleep and were unaware of the situation. James tenderly stroked your cheek, once again gazing at your face.
"Rest well, Y/N," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "You’ve given so much for Blake. Let me take care of you now."
He adjusted the blanket over you, ensuring you were snug and warm. Then he quietly withdrew, making sure not to make any noise. As he closed the door, he cast a final glance to ensure you were sleeping peacefully.
James settled on the couch with a book, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought about you, your strength and pain, and how much he wanted to help you through this tough time. Hours passed, and eventually, exhausted himself, he fell asleep.
In the morning, you woke up in a room you didn't immediately recognize. The events of the previous evening slowly came back to you. You remembered being at James’s place, having fallen asleep on the couch… and now you were in his bed. A feeling of warmth and security enveloped you.
Hearing your movements, James got up and came to join you. "Good morning," he said with a gentle smile. "I hope you slept well."
You nodded, touched by his care. "Thank you, James. For everything."
“There’s no need to thank me. You need rest, and I’m here to help,” he said sincerely. “Now, let’s have a nice breakfast. It’s time to take care of yourself.”
You sat down at the table, noticing pancakes and fruits you loved. The sight of the carefully prepared food comforted you, and you began to eat with appetite. What you didn’t know was that Wilson had added nicotine to your drink. His goal? To make your brain associate the pleasure and dependence on nicotine with his own presence, creating a subtle and gradual addiction to him.
You took a sip of your drink, savoring its taste. Quickly, a sense of relaxation washed over you, soothing your tense nerves. You felt strangely good, almost euphoric. The food, the coffee, the reassuring presence of James… everything seemed perfect.
“These pancakes are delicious,” you said with a smile. “Did you really take the time to make all this?”
James nodded, his gaze full of tenderness. “I wanted you to start the day on a positive note. You deserve to feel good, Y/N.”
You continued eating, feeling better and better with each bite and sip. The nicotine was working its magic, reinforcing the positive association with James. You felt closer to him, more dependent on his comforting presence.
James, discreetly observing your reactions, saw that his plan was working. He knew you were vulnerable, and he wanted to be the one to support you, the one you would need. He wanted you, just for himself.
As the days went by, a routine settled in. James often prepared meals for you, inviting you to share these moments of respite and comfort. Every meal you had together seemed to give you renewed energy and strength. What you didn’t know was that James continued to add nicotine to your drinks, subtly increasing your dependency.
“There’s no need to thank me. You need rest, and I’m here to help,” he said sincerely. “Now, let’s have a nice breakfast. It’s time to take care of yourself.”
You sat down at the table, noticing pancakes and fruits you loved. The sight of the carefully prepared food comforted you, and you began to eat with appetite. What you didn’t know was that Wilson had added nicotine to your drink. His goal? To make your brain associate the pleasure and dependence on nicotine with his own presence, creating a subtle and gradual addiction to him.
You took a sip of your drink, savoring its taste. Quickly, a sense of relaxation washed over you, soothing your tense nerves. You felt strangely good, almost euphoric. The food, the coffee, the reassuring presence of James… everything seemed perfect.
“These pancakes are delicious,” you said with a smile. “Did you really take the time to make all this?”
James nodded, his gaze full of tenderness. “I wanted you to start the day on a positive note. You deserve to feel good, Y/N.”
You continued eating, feeling better and better with each bite and sip. The nicotine was working its magic, reinforcing the positive association with James. You felt closer to him, more dependent on his comforting presence.
James, discreetly observing your reactions, saw that his plan was working. He knew you were vulnerable, and he wanted to be the one to support you, the one you would need. He wanted you, just for himself.
As the days went by, a routine settled in. James often prepared meals for you, inviting you to share these moments of respite and comfort. Every meal you had together seemed to give you renewed energy and strength. What you didn’t know was that James continued to add nicotine to your drinks, subtly increasing your dependency.
Sitting at the table, you took a sip of your drink, immediately feeling a sense of well-being wash over you. James watched you discreetly, satisfied to see that his plan was working. You felt better, calmer, and most importantly, you felt dependent on these shared moments with him.
Days turned into weeks, and your dependence on James became increasingly evident. He had become your anchor, your refuge. You could no longer imagine going a day without seeing him, without feeling the sense of well-being he provided. The nicotine had done its job, but it was James's love and attention that had truly made you addicted.
Seeing that his plan was working perfectly, James decided to reinforce your dependence even further. One evening, after a particularly pleasant dinner, he suggested that you stay at his place for the night. You accepted without hesitation, feeling safe with him. While you slept, he discreetly installed surveillance apps on your phone and computer, allowing him to track your movements and communications.
The next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed, completely unaware of the ongoing manipulations. James greeted you with a smile as you emerged from sleep. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, thank you," you replied with a smile. "I feel much better."
"I'm glad to hear that," he said, handing you a cup of coffee. "Let's start the day on a positive note."
With James by your side, you began to slowly rebuild your life, unaware of the subtle manipulation that had facilitated this dependence. To you, James had become indispensable, the pillar you could always count on, and you had no idea of the shadow of his plan that loomed over your relationship.
Months had passed since Blake's loss, and your relationship with James Wilson had evolved remarkably, even if it was partly due to manipulation.
One evening, after a particularly challenging day at the hospital, you found yourself at James's place once again. You had developed a sort of ritual: after work, you would go to his home for dinner, conversation, and much-needed respite during this tumultuous period of your life. That night, the atmosphere was especially soothing. The dim light in the living room, the whisper of the wind through the open windows, and the comforting warmth of James's home created an ambiance conducive to deeper confessions.
As you sat on the couch with a glass of wine in hand, the conversation drifted to more personal topics. You found yourself sharing stories and thoughts that you had never dared to confide in anyone else.
"You know, James, I don't think I could have gone through all this without you," you said softly, looking at your glass as if searching for answers. "You've become an essential part of my life, and I can't imagine moving forward without you."
James looked at you with a tenderness you had never truly noticed before. "Y/N, you are incredibly strong. But even the strongest among us need support. And I am so glad I can be here for you."
He set down his glass and took your hand in his, a comforting gesture that sent a wave of warmth through your body. "We've been through so much together, and I believe it has brought us closer in ways neither of us could have predicted."
The silence that followed was charged with emotion. You turned slightly toward him, searching in his eyes for confirmation of what you were feeling. And in his eyes, you saw the same spark, the same depth of feeling that burned within you.
"James…" you began, but words failed you. He seemed to understand, as he gently leaned in, closing the distance between your faces.
"Y/N, I think what we have goes beyond friendship or mere professional support. I've grown attached to you in a way I never thought possible."
His words resonated within you, and before you could respond, he leaned even closer and delicately pressed his lips to yours. It was a tender kiss, filled with all the unspoken emotions, all the shared moments, all the mingled pain and comfort.
The kiss lingered, your hands naturally finding their way into each other’s hair, and for the first time in a long while, you felt whole. When you finally separated, your breaths were staggered, but your eyes shone with the same emotion.
“I love you, Y/N,” James murmured, his eyes locked onto yours.
“I love you too, James,” you replied without hesitation, feeling a certainty you had never felt before.
You spent the evening talking about your feelings, your fears, and your hopes for the future. You fell asleep in each other's arms, finally finding peace in each other's presence.
The days that followed were marked by a new dynamic between you. At the hospital, you continued to work as professionals, but the exchanged glances, shared smiles, and subtle touches spoke of a blossoming love. The support you had always shared became even stronger, solidified by the intimate relationship you now had.
James continued to keep a close watch on you, ensuring that you were taking care of yourself. And you, although you were still unaware of some of his past manipulations, felt increasingly grounded in this new life. Meals together, evenings spent talking and watching movies, and shared nights became precious moments where you finally felt loved and understood.
However, it was impossible to completely avoid Gregory House’s sharp gaze. Nothing escaped the doctor renowned for his keen insight, and he had quickly noticed the changes in the relationship between you and James.
One afternoon, while you were in the break room, House hobbled in with his characteristic cane, a curious and mocking glint in his eyes. He settled heavily onto the couch across from you, fixing you with an enigmatic smile.
“So, Y/N, I’ve heard that Wilson has become your knight in shining armor,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You blushed slightly, but you didn’t let House intimidate you. “Yes, you could say that,” you replied calmly.
House nodded, a sneaky smile on his lips. “Interesting. But tell me, do you really know everything about your valiant knight? Because, you know, Wilson has always had a knack for hiding his little manipulations.”
You frowned, feeling a twinge of concern. “What are you trying to say, House?”
He shrugged, feigning innocence. “Oh, nothing specific. Just an observation. Be careful, that’s all. Wilson has a dark side, and sometimes he thinks his actions are justified by noble intentions.”
Before you could respond, James entered the room, a defiant expression on his face. “House, maybe you could find someone else to annoy,” he said tersely, positioning himself protectively between you and House.
House raised his hands in surrender, but his sneaky smile didn’t fade. “Alright, alright. I’m leaving. But remember, secrets have a way of surfacing.”
He left the room, leaving you with a sense of unease. James turned to you, his eyes softened with concern. “Don’t let him get to you, Y/N. House likes to sow doubt. We know how we feel about each other, and that’s all that matters.”
You nodded, trying to shake off the doubts sown by House. “You’re right, James. We know what we have.”
Weeks passed, and although House never missed an opportunity to make a pointed comment or cryptic remark, your relationship with James continued to grow stronger. You found comfort in each other, and despite the shadows of the past and James's subtle manipulations, you felt increasingly rooted in this new life.
The moments you shared had become anchors in your daily routine. Whether it was having lunch together, sharing laughter during quiet moments, or finding solace in each other's arms after exhausting days, every instant deepened the bond between you.
And so, despite House’s warnings and the shadows of the past, you found a new reason to live and smile every day. It was quite common for you to dream of James, Blake, and yourself as a family. You promised yourself to nurture your relationship with James for Blake, for the family that should have been.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The sun was barely rising, its first rays filtering through the curtains in James's bedroom. You opened your eyes, feeling the comforting warmth of James's body against yours. He was still asleep, his face relaxed and free from worries and House. You took a moment to watch him, letting a sense of happiness wash over you.
You got up gently so as not to wake him, slipping into one of his oversized t-shirts, and headed to the kitchen. Preparing breakfast had become a sort of ritual. You set water to boil for coffee and began making pancakes, a specialty you had perfected for James. Adding fresh fruit and maple syrup was your way of starting the day on a positive note.
James arrived shortly afterward, drawn by the delicious aromas filling the kitchen. He came up to you, kissed your cheek softly, and murmured a sleepy "good morning."
"Good morning to you," you replied with a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready."
You sat down at the table, enjoying the pancakes and discussing plans for the day. The subject of Blake rarely came up in your conversations, to avoid a constant reminder of the promise you had made to cherish this relationship.
After breakfast, you both got ready to head to the hospital. The drive to Princeton-Plainsboro had become a well-practiced routine, and even though the trip was short, it was filled with discussions and exchanged smiles. At the hospital, you parted ways to join your respective departments, but not without a final quick kiss and a knowing look.
The morning was as busy as ever. Between consultations, diagnostics, and meetings, you threw yourself into your work with the same passion that had driven you since the beginning of your career.
At lunchtime, you met up with James in the cafeteria. House made his usual appearance, throwing out some sarcastic remarks that made everyone smile. Despite his sharp attitude, there was an unspoken respect and camaraderie in his interactions.
“So, lovebirds, how’s the couple life?” House asked, a smirk on his face.
James responded with a similarly playful smile. “Better than your social life, House.”
Exchanges with House had become an integral part of your daily routine, a kind of game to which you had now grown accustomed. After lunch, you returned to your department, your mind still partly occupied by James’s reassuring presence.
The afternoon flew by, marked by consultations and surgeries. But whenever you had a moment of respite, you couldn’t help but think about the promise you had made for Blake.
By the end of the day, exhausted but happy, you met James at the hospital exit. You went home together, discussing the events of the day and sharing your thoughts. Once home, the evening ritual began: a simple yet delicious dinner prepared together, followed by a few hours of relaxation in front of a movie or a series.
That evening, as you sat side by side on the couch, you snuggled up against him, feeling his arm close around your shoulders. The day had been long and tiring, but it ended on a note of tenderness and intimacy.
“You know, James, sometimes I think about what Blake would have wanted for us,” you murmured, your eyes fixed on the TV screen.
James tightened his embrace a little, his soft voice responding to your murmur. “He would have wanted us to be happy, Y/N. And I believe he’s watching over us, wherever he is.”
The following weeks were marked by camaraderie and teasing between you and James. Your relationship evolved gently, blending tenderness and playfulness, turning each day into a shared adventure. Beyond the consultations and emergencies, there were these stolen moments where you teased each other, making daily life at the hospital much brighter.
Each morning, your drives to the hospital were filled with little jokes and lively discussions. James particularly enjoyed teasing you about your music choices, and you retaliated by commenting on his sometimes overly bold ties. These light-hearted exchanges allowed you to start the day with a smile.
At the hospital, you found moments to reconnect, whether it was for a quick coffee between consultations or to share an impromptu lunch in a quiet corner of the cafeteria. The exchanged glances, knowing smiles, and discreet yet meaningful touches all reinforced your connection.
House, of course, never missed an opportunity to tease you both gently. One day, while you were having lunch together, he approached with a sly smile on his face.
“So, you two, still playing cat and mouse?” he asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“We prefer to call it chemistry,” you replied with a wink at James.
House raised an eyebrow, amused. “Chemistry, huh? Just be careful not to blow anything up like like Wilson and cheating.”
The following weeks were filled with camaraderie and playful teasing between you and James. Your relationship evolved slowly, mixing tenderness and playfulness, turning each day into a shared adventure. Beyond consultations and emergencies, there were these stolen moments where you teased each other, making daily life at the hospital much brighter.
Each morning, your drives to the hospital were punctuated with little jokes and lively discussions. James particularly enjoyed teasing you about your music choices, and you retaliated by commenting on his sometimes overly bold ties. These light-hearted exchanges allowed you to start the day with a smile.
At the hospital, you found moments to reconnect, whether for a quick coffee between consultations or to share an impromptu lunch in a quiet corner of the cafeteria. The exchanged glances, knowing smiles, and discreet yet meaningful touches all reinforced your connection.
One day, you decided to play a bit more daringly. Having discovered that James had a weakness for chocolate, you prepared a little surprise. You had found some special chocolates infused with aphrodisiac ingredients, and you were curious to see how he would react.
You waited for the right moment, choosing a day when you both had some free time. After lunch, you invited him to stop by your office for a sweet little break.
"I have a surprise for you," you announced, pulling a box of chocolates from your drawer.
James raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A surprise, huh? I like surprises."
You handed him a chocolate with a mischievous smile. "Try this and tell me what you think."
He took the chocolate, looking curious, and put it in his mouth. From the first bite, you saw his expression change slightly, a glimmer of surprise passing through his eyes.
"It's… interesting," he said as he finished the chocolate. "There's something different about it."
You just smiled, holding back your little secret. A few minutes later, you noticed a subtle change in his behavior. His eyes grew darker, his posture more assured.
"Y/N," he said in a deeper voice, moving closer to you. "What did you give me?"
You laughed softly, taking a small step back. "Just a bit of chocolate. Why? Didn't you like it?"
He stared at you intensely, a half-smile on his lips. "Oh, I loved it. But I think you knew exactly what you were doing."
Before you could respond, he pulled you by the waist and drew you close. His burning gaze never left yours, and you felt your heart race. The weeks of teasing and flirting had led to this moment.
"James, we're in the hospital," you whispered, trying to maintain some semblance of control.
"I know," he replied, his voice husky. "But I can't wait any longer."
He kissed you with a new intensity, his hands exploring your back with a possessiveness that made you shiver. You let yourself sink into him, your own desires taking over. The door to his office closed behind you, isolating your little world from the rest of the hospital.
James lifted you and placed you on his desk, his lips never leaving yours. Papers and pens fell to the floor, forgotten. His hands slipped under your blouse, and you felt a shiver of pleasure course through your body.
"You've driven me crazy, Y/N," he murmured against your skin. "And now, you'll face the consequences."
He kissed you briefly, and you wanted more. You opened your mouth, and your tongues met. You felt his hands grip your hips and shift your body on the desk, pulling you closer to him. His tongue explored your mouth as if he, too, enjoyed the blend. He pulled away slightly and looked down at your outfit, which revealed your hardened nipples, due to the passionate kiss and the moisture that had dampened your clothing.
"Fuck, Y/N," he breathes out before lifting you off the desk, your legs wrapping around his torso. He kisses you again, much more fiercely, as if you were his prey. His tongue battles to dominate yours, and you give in, wanting him to take control. He presses you against the office door and takes the opportunity to ensure it’s locked. He kisses you as if you had always done this and as if it were your last kiss. You moan against his lips as his hand moves between your thighs, massaging them before sliding into your pants and removing your clothing until your panties fall to the floor. You try to close your legs, the cool air hitting your core, while his lips trail from your mouth to your jaw, then down your neck as if he’s devouring every part of you.
His kisses are wet, and you hear him moan before pressing his body against yours, you feel his erection.
"Are you sure ?" He says before completely losing control and he rubs his covered erection against your exposed pussy "mmh", you moan being the only noise you can make to respond and nod at him. He pulls down his pants and boxers at the same time. The shy one, you would have stopped him. He pulls the bottom of your t-shirt up to your chest and his cock brushes against yours making you moan his name.
"Moan my name again. Otherwise I wouldn't give you what you want" and he rubs his cock again between your thighs, his fingers place one of your locks of hair behind your ear, then go down all the way down your body to your clitoris.
“Wet, just for me” and he presses his fingers against my skin a little more before stroking my clit with his thumb. Long ones caresses, giving me pleasure but increasing my impatience. You feel his whole hand between your thighs, his fingers continuing to caress you relentlessly.
“James, please” you moan.
“Fuck” he removes his fingers and thrusts into you, making you moan in surprise and pleasure. The door is locked, and House music prevents everyone from hearing you. He pulls out of you only to come in again, harder, you moan and bury your head in the crook of his neck, clinging to his t-shirt.
“Y/N, I want to feel your hands on me” he moaned before helping you take off his t-shirt and swinging it behind him. He still carries you, he pulls you away from the door and suddenly slams me on top of him, entering me again. The pain in my back and the lust flowing through your veins makes all your sensations stronger. He speeds up his movements and your nails dig into his shoulders. He goes faster and nibbles your skin, in your neck, your chest, anywhere your skin is exposed.
“James, I-I’m going to-” you’re cut off by another moan that leaves your mouth. He understands what you are trying to tell him and growls "Go on princess, I'm waiting for that", you feel your body reach its climax and he gives one last thrust, harder than all the others while his hands massage your thighs.
You sigh in pleasure and release all the tension your body was holding and cum. He doesn't stop moving back and forth and waits for you to finish. You seek his mouth and kiss it, he moans into yours and still doesn't stop, you feel him cum inside you and he parts into your lips to blow.
“Y/N, are you-” he moans again, the sound leaving his mouth and the music turning you on, you grind my hips against his and he moans louder and louder. You have control.
“Y/N – don’t stop” you continue to move your hips and with each movement you sigh in pleasure. You feel him finish completely and he catches his breath heavily his head still in your neck. He slowly pulls out of you and gently places me back on the desk. He quickly puts his boxers back on before putting your panties back on. You get off the desk and put your clothes back on correctly. He stares at you through his loving eyes and smiles viciously before saying "we'll do this again whenever you want but no need for an aphrodisiac" and he winks at me with a kiss on the forehead.
The tension of the past intimacy transforms into a soft and tender atmosphere. You stay embraced for a moment, savoring the warmth of your bodies and the deep connection you’ve just shared. James shifts slightly, looking at you with infinite tenderness.
"How are you feeling?" he asks softly, caressing your cheek.
"I feel… good," you reply with a smile, your eyes shining with happiness.
You spend a few more minutes talking softly, your laughter and murmurs blending with the gentle light of the office. But the reality of the hospital eventually catches up with you. James stands up first, helping you to sit up and tidy your clothes.
"We should get back to work," he says with a smile, but his eyes reveal a desire to prolong the moment.
You quickly rearrange yourselves, trying to regain a professional appearance. Once outside the office, you share one last knowing glance before returning to your respective tasks. The day continues, but the excitement and warmth of your intimacy remain with you, giving you renewed energy, knowing that he was going to get his revenge.
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shslbunnylover · 11 months
★★★𝙇𝙤𝙬 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 15: 𝙁𝙞𝙡𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙭)★★★
Character: Larissa Weems
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Oral (Larissa receiving), mentions of porn, filmed sex, explicit language and dirty talk,
Genre: Smut
Word count: 1.6k
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You knew you shouldn't be watching this, even if you didn't have any work to do.
But the sensual setting around you of a dark room with the only luminescence coming from your fairy lights that you had strung around your office didn't help your situation.
You weren't unfulfilled by the sex life you had with Larissa, you really weren't! You would take everything as it was in a heartbeat over a more sexual relationship with another person.
You just...had your fantasies...and you often got those fantasies out by watching them played on your computer screen.
But there was still a part of you that wished to be filmed in your most submissive and vulnerable moments in the bedroom, only to be rewatched by your girlfriend while you were away.
You didn't know why, your center just heated up at the thought and nervousness of being filmed during your most intimate moments together.
"Sweetling? Is everything okay?" You heard the concerned voice of your girlfriend say, breaking you out of your thoughts as she saw your face all heated up at your computer right after she had entered your office.
Her voice was perfect and seductive, sending a shiver down your spine as the sounds of her vocals made your underwear more soaked than it had already been after watching the scene on your laptop a few moments ago.
"Oh yeah! Don't worry 'Rissa!" You smiled, quickly slamming your thighs together to hide the pulse of your core that was traveling throughout your whole body at what you were just watching when you knew you probably shouldn't be.
You could only thank God that you had been wearing headphones prior to Larissa entering the room.
"Are you sure about that?" Larissa asked once again, leaning over the desk slightly as she expressed her worry through her facial expressions and body language.
You immediately closed out the tab on your computer, eyes darting to the floor next to you as to find any chance of avoiding the older woman's majestic ocean blue eyes.
"I said d-don't worry about it...!" You squeaked, still refusing to allow your eyes to glance at the woman in front of you.
The blonde cocked an eyebrow in response, a hum of confusion exiting her lips as she looked down at your computer, unable to see what you were looking at from the position she was in.
The look on your face was the last thing you needed to help prove to your girlfriend that everything was okay.
"Hmm...I don't believe you," She replied, tracing a finger across your jawline before forcing your chin up to look at her with her digit. "Tell me, I want to know what's going on with you, sweetheart,"
You let out a tiny whimper you usually only let out whenever you were turned on as your eyes darted to finally face Larissa, when you suddenly noticed a smirk forming on her face, her eyebrows raising in amusement as she overlooked your flustered expression.
You still refused to speak, but you didn't need to anymore, Larissa knew what was going on in that pretty little head of yours.
"What was on your laptop sweetheart?" The older woman said with a smug tone, leaning into you in order to get you more flustered, her hands gripping the front edges of the desk to help her body lean more into yours.
"N-Nothing..." You stuttered, shutting your laptop as your thighs squeezed together, trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this situation that wouldn't result in you having to show your girlfriend your secret kink of being recorded.
But Larissa wasn't going to take no for an answer, she was going to force it out of you whether you liked it or not.
The blonde quickly moved her hand to wrap it around your neck softly, threatening to squeeze it softly if you weren't to tell her what was going on, but she already knew that the position she had put you in would knock you into a submissive state enough that you would tell her.
"R-Rissa I..." You squeaked in surprise at the new sensation of Larissa holding your neck in her hand as if it were nothing to her.
"Speak, or I'll look through your search history and punish you for not telling me," She smirked, knowing that would definitely push you over the edge and make you show her.
You sighed in slight fear, wondering if your girlfriend would judge you or even hate you for what you were watching.
"P-Porn..." You mumbled, face erupting in a massive blush as your legs bounced in anxiety, your brain racing at 1000 miles per second as your eyes darted back down to your lap.
Larissa raised an eyebrow, smirking even more as she let go of your neck, sliding your laptop to the side as she rested her elbows on the wood.
"Is that so? What were you watching?" She asked, not an ounce of judgment in her tone as she looked at you with both a mischievous and a curious expression on her face.
Despite the lack of judgement in her voice and face, you still felt the need to defend yourself to your partner, your eyes welling up with tears at the thought of her hating you even with you knowing she could never.
"It was just regular stuff, I just...I just have always..." You began, letting a tear fall that Larissa quickly wiped away with her thumb, using it once again to stroke your cheek as she listened to you speak.
"Go on, I'm not judging, I want to know," She said patiently, her eyes softening from the mischievousness and moving into a more curious and accepting look.
You took a deep breath, exhaling in relief as you looked back up at the older woman with gratitude.
"I've just always wanted to know what it was liked to be recorded," You sighed, "I've always gotten off to the fantasy of it, but I really just want to try it with you,"
Larissa smiled in reply, and she nodded, taking your hand and pulling you into your shared bedroom, her usual seductive and sly smirk beginning to form on her face once again in contrast to her kind expression she had previously.
"Then let's try it," She smirked, grabbing a nearby camcorder she had used for events at Nevermore and always kept in her room to look back on.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the camera, and your center pulsed as well.
"You're going to suck me off and then I'll reward you," She demanded, pressing the record button on the device as she quickly shapeshifted her lower half so that a bulge was sticking out of her skirt before sitting on the bed, making all the moisture from your mouth disappear and reappear in your panties.
You hungrily tugged off her skirt and panties, your eyes sparkling with sexual delight as you immediately attached your lips to her cock, looking up at Larissa with doe eyes as you swirled your tongue around her sensitive tip.
"Suck" She commanded as moans escaped her lips, you nodded lightly before fully deep throathing her cock, you hated not being able to actually lick around her tip, not being able to savor what you considered to be your favorite meal, but her moans and sighs of pleasure were all that you needed.
Your breath hitched every couple of minutes as occasional gags escaped your throat, eyes looking over at the camcorder that was capturing just how good you always were for the older woman.
"You like that? You like being filmed while sucking me off?" Larissa asked with a teasing tone in between her sounds of pleasure.
You looked back up at her with your usual doe eyes, a hand wrapping around her cock to stroke it quickly as your tongue swirled around her tip, nodding at her question as she continued to ask you lewd and dirty questions.
Larissa quickly went over the edge after you told that, squirting her hot ropes of cum down your throat. You moaned at the feeling, swallowing all of the love milk after she had finally pulled out of you.
Larissa let out a soft groan, feeling her high calm down as she took a deep breath, looking at you with another smirk.
"I think it's time for me to fuck you in front of that camera..."
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bengiyo · 1 year
Comfort Films Tag
Rules: List 7 of your comfort movies, then tag 7 people.
Tagged by @callipigio
1 - Shelter (2007)
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I often joke around here about how I’ve been watching queer cinema for over half of my life at this point, and it’s easy to recommend this film. This is a coming of age film about a guy who gave up art school to become the primary breadwinner and caregiver for his family. However, when the older brother of his best friend returns to their town to collect himself, our artist and he reconnect and find something special between them. Great use of a young actor in this shores up the caregiving aspects.
I’m probably going to rewatch it now. Because it was produced by Here! TV, you can only legally watch it via a subscription to their platform. I own it on DVD because I fell in love with it and knew I needed to keep it forever.
2 - Big Eden (2000)
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Big Eden. Oh, Big Eden. This is the film equivalent of a warm blanket and a tight hug. It’s about an artist named Henry Hart, who is preparing for a big exhibition in New York when he’s called back home to Montana because his uncle has had a stroke. We are greatest with the most queer-friendly town to ever exist as Henry manages his old angst about his straight best friend as the local general store owner also secretly pursues him. It’s absolutely lovely.
3 - The Blues Brothers (1980)
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Luna has great taste, because this is one of the best films ever made. What was originally just an SNL bit turns into a fun road film about getting the band back together so that two brothers can raise enough money to pay the back taxes owed by the orphanage they grew up in. We also run over Illinois nazis in this movie and demolish dozens of cop cars. Cab Calloway, James Brown, Carrie Fisher, Chaka Khan, Paul Reubens, and Aretha Franklin are in it. John Candy orders orange whips. This is the kind of film I would watch with my dad any time it was on.
4 - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
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This is one of the most man movies ever made. I don’t know any woman who wants to sit down and watch this film, but me and boys will spend an entire afternoon on this film in a heartbeat. The sexual tension between Russell Crowe’s and Paul Bettany’s characters goes unremarked on this website in a way that lets you know for sure this hellsite is dominated by femmes, because those two have definitely fucked. At least twice. It’s 1805 and oceans have become battlefields!
5 - Clue (1985)
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A movie based on the board game of the same name should not have been this good, but it instead goes on to become a camp masterpiece. Many people will end up remembering Tim Curry for Rocky Horror or even Muppet Treasure Island, but this is still one of his favorite performances for me. This film is batshit and I love it. 
6 - Camp (2003)
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Speaking of camp films, let’s talk about one of the best of all time. I know we often talk about the bad singing in Thai BL, but I unironically love all of the musical theater in this film. I regularly listen to this soundtrack, and have been for over 15 years. It’s a film about a bunch of weird theater kids who get to escape the bullying and hellishness of their lives for a few weeks during the summer, where they get to put on a bunch of classic plays. It’s so camp. I love this film because it was difficult for me to find queer films that had happy components with them, and this little movie has a wide array of queer kids in it.
7 - Make The Yuletide Gay (2009)
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This was the first queer film I ever watched that had a happy ending that was also a comedy. Prior to this, I think I had watched Beautiful Thing (1996), Edge of Seventeen (1998), Get Real (1998), and Bent (1997). Most of those films ended resolved or sad. Yuletide is a silly little gay film of almost nonstop innuendo about a guy who goes back into the closet when he returns home for Christmas, but hijinks ensue when his boyfriend shows up unexpectedly. It’s an annual watch for me around the holidays, and I usually host people for it. 
Also, Adamo Ruggiero is in it! He played Marco on Degrassi: The Next Generation.
This was fun! I think most folks have been tagged that I know, but I’ll tag @warningtothecurious​. If anyone else does this, please tag me back if you do this! I want to know what films you all return to.
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hiii!!! i just came across ur blog and i would love to get a bg3 matchup if that’s ok!!!
gender - female
pronouns - she/they
sexuality - pansexual! i’m fine with being matched with any gender!!
appearance - i’m 5’0 and have small bone structure, so overall just small lol . i have long platinum blonde hair and hazel eyes! i like dressing cute and wear a lot of skirts n stuff!! i also have rlly big glasses
mbti - infp
personality - i am very shy!! i rlly like talking to ppl, im just bad at it and it makes me nervous. im also a pretty anxious person, so i usually stick to whoever im with in public or around ppl (literally stick, i will hold on and not let go). overall im a very quiet and gentle person!!
likes - i play wayyyy too many video games (bg3, ff7, ow2)! i also spend a lot of time painting and i rlly love art!! while im painting i usually rewatch my fav shows (hxh and attack on titan)!!
dislikes - vegetables >:/ i also dislike ppl who don’t understand that socializing is hard for me, and will try to push me into social situations i’m uncomfortable in. i’m also extremely scared and hate any body of water :c
extra fun fact - my fav color is pink :D
characters i don’t want - no shadowheart if that’s ok!! nothing against our girl but i don’t like her romantically!!
bg3 extras :D
race - human
class - druid!!!!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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Gale Dekarios
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Gale is a big softy but wants to be Alpha Male so bad.
He will happily allow you to hold on to his arm, and he will try to act all big and tough when he is a schoolgirl inside.
When he first met you, he thought you were too timid to be the leader of the group. However, your quick thinking proved him wrong.
He loves spending lazy days between battles with you in the fields, teaching you about magic and how he learned it.
Gale always keeps a hand on your lower back when out in public, or he will intertwine your fingers.
Mans is jealous; he will be a big baby if you cling to anyone but him on your outings.
Will literally throw a fit by yanking you into his presence.
He loves watching you commune with nature and the world and is interested in your magical abilities.
Will bend over backward for you. It is gotten for you in a heartbeat if you want or need anything.
He wants you to feel worshiped and treasured. I mean, the only love he has ever had was with a god, so this is only right....right?
When you comfort and remind him he is enough without the lavishing gifts, he is overwhelmed but so happy.
He happily and willingly gives up Mystra for you, not caring about godhood or kingdom.
He loves being with you all the time, and when the illithids are handled, he makes you a permanent fixture in his tower in Waterdeep.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You and Gale were sat out in the open fields just before Baldurs Gate. The Iron Golems proving to be more of a hindrance than initially thought. The team decided to take a breather and devise a plan to get around this issue. However, working on magical skills with Gale was probably more of a distraction, especially with how cute his focusing face was. Sitting quietly watching him enchant a simple thorns spell was fascinating.
Once he had gotten the hang of the basics of a ring of thorns, you congratulated him and wrapped your arms around his midsection. Gale was taken aback, but a quick laugh and warm arms wrapped around you soon replaced every thought in either of your minds. You two had been like this since he saved you from an arrow to the back, so close yet so far. When Elminster told you he was to die, you lay in his arms, crying your eyes out, begging him not to go through with it.
Enjoying the warmth of the hug, you two soon moved to cuddle in the grass, pointing out odd-shaped clouds. You knew you should be planning how to get into Baldur Gate, but this was so nice. Gale was a new normal for you, and you hated to think it could go horribly wrong in any passing days; you wrapped your arms tighter around the man and kissed him on the cheek before burying your face into his neck. Gale had already made up his mind and would fight till his last breath to have a forever with you.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Everyone was celebrating the defeat of the elder brain. A few rounds of drinks had flowed, and many were a bit tipsy.)
Astarion: Cheers to our fearless leader, who took us through these trials and allowed us freedom!
Everyone: Cheers!
Shadowheart: Cheers to our new-found friendships, which, though strained, ended up being the best thing to come out of this horrible experience!
Everyone: Cheers!
Gale: I, too, have an announcement to make! Y/N, I want you to know that since the day you saved me from that rock, you have stolen my mind. You are perfect; please marry me.
La'zek: 20 copper. He is the furthest gone of all of us, and he won't remember in the morning.
Y/N: Oh, come on, it's cute, but yes, Gale, we should try again when you aren't the color red of the setting sun.
Gale: MMMMkay *hicups*
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intheticklecloset · 2 months
Lucky Shinra Lure (Fire Force)
Summary: Tamaki's Lure kicks in, leading to Shinra and the others learning that she's ticklish. Once the situation is under control, he can't help but make her laugh a little himself.
A/N: This started out as a drabble waaaaay back in the day. Then earlier this year I started rewatching Fire Force and falling for Shinra x Tamaki SO MUCH and I just had to expand the story a little more. This is the result! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1264
“Don’t look at me!” Tamaki shrieked, covering up her chest as her Lure kicked in.
Shinra whirled to face the opposite direction immediately, putting his hands up to either side of his eyes and promising, “I’m not looking! I swear!”
Behind him, he heard Maki get out of her chair and hurry to help the younger girl. “Here, I’ve got you. Turn around.”
Shinra took a steadying breath, trying to ignore how his heart was pounding. Sure, he’d had the Lure kick in around him before – it had even made him do some things he never would have otherwise – but just the thought of being compelled to touch Tamaki without her consent had him panicking. He didn’t want to do it again.
His eyes drifted upward to find Arthur sitting unbothered at his desk, unmoved by the situation.
“Arthur!” he whisper-snapped. “Turn around! Show some respect!”
“I was already not looking,” the blonde muttered, keeping his eyes glued to the paper in front of him for once. “You’re the one who wanted to see—”
“Shut up!”
Behind him, Tamaki yelped out a giggle and cried, “Don’t do that! I’m ticklish!”
Everything came crashing to a screeching halt. Shinra fought to keep from turning around to look at the girls behind him, his heartbeat pounding even harder now.
Ticklish? Tamaki? That’s so cute, he thought, feeling his cheeks heat up in a blush. He frantically willed it away, shaking his head. Nope! Nope, absolutely not. Forget touching her without permission; touching her at all would make this crush even harder to bear. He couldn’t do it.
“Sorry,” Maki replied with a smile in her voice, “but I’m almost done. Can you hold still for just another second?”
Tamaki murmured an affirmative, and the room went silent for a moment as Maki finished helping her become presentable again.
“There, all done,” the older girl announced, allowing Shinra to breathe a sigh of relief as he shifted back into his original seated position—
Just as Maki grabbed onto Tamaki’s ribs from behind and began tickling with intention.
Tamaki squealed and shot her arms down protectively, her face lighting up in the most beautiful smile Shinra had ever seen. His eyes went wide. His blush returned in an instant. She was adorable, giggling and shimmying around in an attempt to escape. Absolutely adorable.
He clenched his fists on the table. Stay put, he commanded himself. Stay put, stay put, STAY PUT.
“Mahahahahahaki, dohohohohohon’t!” Tamaki pleaded, her giggles light and bubbly and making Shinra’s heart do weird little flips in his chest. She squirmed and struggled enough that she managed to slip free for just a second, darting toward the door before being pulled right back into Maki’s waiting arms.
“Ah-ah-ah, where do you think you’re going?” Maki teased, abandoning her tickling mission to focus on just holding her in place. Her eyes scanned the room as if looking for some kind of help, and Shinra was both elated and terrified when they landed on him. “Shinra! Help me out here?”
“No! Don’t you dare!” Tamaki shrieked, giggling even without being tickled now. She squirmed helplessly in Maki’s arms, and that was it. He couldn’t hold back anymore.
I’ll just be really careful, he reasoned as he got to his feet, his devilish grin spreading on his face before he even realized it. “Should I hold her or tickle her?”
“No!” Tamaki whined again, her eyes alight with something he couldn’t quite place, but that he felt certain wasn’t fear or disgust.
Maki grinned at him. “Whichever you want. Just make sure she doesn’t get away!”
“Why meeeee?” Tamaki giggled as Shinra approached her. “It’s not my fault my Lure kicked in!”
Shinra smirked at her and couldn’t help the urge to quip back, “And it’s not my fault you’re super cute when you’re being tickled.”
Before any of them could register the semi-flirtatious comment, Shinra finally gave in to the overwhelming desire to scribble his fingers along Tamaki’s belly, drawing out a fresh round of giggles himself this time. He beamed at her as she laughed, struggling uselessly in Maki’s firm grip.
“Nohohohohoho, Shihihihinraaaa!” Tamaki squealed, letting out a screech when Maki hooked her arms under hers and forced them out of the way, giving the devil more access to tickle her. “Plehehehehehehease!”
Shinra chuckled, dancing his fingers along the lower half of her torso, very careful not to brush over an inappropriate spot. He wanted this to be fun, not upsetting to her. He found himself mesmerized by the way her smile lit up her whole face, the way her eyes squeezed shut and her nose scrunched up, how she danced in place without being able to escape from his tickling—
All of a sudden he stopped, taking a step back from her and covering his mouth with the back of his hand. His face was on fire. He could literally feel the burn along his cheeks and neck and the tips of his ears. She was just so adorable! How had he fallen this hard so fast?
He was barely aware of Maki saying his name in concern, but he registered it a few seconds later and cleared his throat, his voice coming out as a near whisper anyway. “S-Sorry. It’s just…so freaking cute, I – I had to stop.” He cringed, knowing how stupid he sounded right now. “I should go—”
Shinra had no idea when Maki had left Tamaki and stepped over to him, but the next thing he knew her arms were under his, exposing him much in the same way Tamaki had just been vulnerable a few moments earlier, and his eyes widened in surprise, even more so when the older girl chuckled into his ear, “Trying to escape, hmm?”
“You think you can just tickle me for free and not get some in return?” Tamaki asked in mock indignation, grinning at him as she held up her hands and wiggled her fingers at him teasingly. “Here I come, Shinra~”
He let out a gasp, his nervousness forcing a grin onto his face. Words sputtered out of him like a broken sprinkler. “W-Wait a minute, I-I didn’t mean—! Wahahahahahait!” As soon as her fingers found his ribs and began to dig in, he knew he was done for. He knew it was deserved revenge, too, but having her hands on him, drawing out involuntary, embarrassed giggles was a level of flustering he never thought he’d ascend to. “Ahahahahahaha wahahahahahahait! Tahahahahahahamaki! Maki, lehehehehet me go!”
“No way! You obviously need to relax a little,” Maki chuckled as she held him firmly, keeping him in place and unable to stop Tamaki’s tickling fingers.
“Plehehehehehehease, wait—!”
“Besides,” Tamaki murmured, smiling at him, “you’re super cute when you’re being tickled, too, you know.”
Was that a dusting of pink on her cheeks? Shinra didn’t have time to look closer and find out, because right at that moment Tamaki reached around to squeeze the backs of his ribs, and a loud bark of laughter exploded into the air between them, followed by even more laughter and squirming and pleading as she focused on that spot for the next couple of minutes.
From his place at the table, Arthur kept his eyes glued to the paper he wasn’t really reading and smirked to himself. Shinra and Tamaki were so obvious, but if playing these drawn-out games was what they wanted to do, who was he to insist they do anything different?
It was rather satisfying to hear the devil begging her for mercy, after all.
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artisticdemon · 2 months
Dracula and the wedding ring!!!
Out of all the series and movies I have watched up until now the thing that I remember and talk about with every chance I get is the fact that Dracula (Castlevania 2019) was still wearing his wedding ring after Lisa died and kept wearing till the end!!!!
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I wish Netflix had made a show about his adventures with Lisa around the world. I would watch it in a heartbeat! They are THE couple! He loved her so much and she did too!
12 year old me was right saying he is husband material long before I even knew what that meant when I was reading Bram Stroker's Dracula!
Castlevania was awesome, I need to rewatch it and get ready for Castelvania Nocturne season 2!
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chokherbalii · 3 months
kdramas i watched this month and what i think about them :
• hometown cha cha cha : this drama deserves a 5/5 rating for acting, plot, cinematography, script. this is a wonderful, comfort watch. you just cannot have enough of it in one watch. you NEED to rewatch it. (other dramas like this : i'll go to you when the weather is fine, soundtrack #1, welcome to samdalri, midnight romance in hagwon)
• taxi driver 1 : my friend suggested this to me. i love this. first of all let me talk about the female leads. OHMYGOD. this is basically about a taxi organisation who are also a secret organisation to fight crimes. i love the concept. (other dramas to watch if you liked this : a shop for killers, extraordinary attorney woo, wonderful world)
• see you in my 19th life : bro this drama had so much potential but idrk i'd give it a 3/5 maybe for the plot. i loved the acting. but the plot literally had so much potential to be better but it just felt off. (other dramas to watch if you liked this : a time called you, twinkling watermelon, 18 again, seasons of blossom, good day to be a dog, born again, goblin, midnight photo studio, destined with you, while you were sleeping)
• escape of the 7 + resurrection : kim soon-ok (writer) and joo dong-min (dir) slayed as always. like bro i literally felt so empty after watching penthouse. i HAD to watch this. the best thing i love about penthouse and this series is how the portray the characters. they're neither good nor bad. and i love how in the end they choose the ‘good’ side of them. plus, the plot twists had me dying. (other dramas like this : penthouse : war in life, pandora : beneath the paradise, lies hidden in your garden, mouse, born evil, cafe minamdang)
• born again : this drama is an absolute masterpiece. but. yes, BUT. the direction and cinematography was so weak like some of the scenes didn't even make sense. 5/5 for acting, plot. but the script could have been better. i mean honestly the plot is amazing. JUST AMAZING. there hasn't ever been anything like this drama. the actors absolutely devored but the direction bro. it was so ehe :(
• the atypical family : i started watching this because like it was being really popular in social media but i ended up binging it. it was amazing. like so good. this literally tells us why we DON'T need superpowers. like the concept of psychological disorders linked with their superpowers were really an amazing idea.
• hierarchy : wt actual fvck was this??? because i had SO MUCH hopes and excitement for this drama and it ended up being what — a 2/5? maybe. i liked the acting, but it wasn't a mystery drama at all. it was TOO westernised and it was just bland. just straight up bland. like bro a mystery/thriller set in highschool has so much potential to be good. eg : the pyramid game. IT WAS JUST A GOD DAMN MASTERPIECE.
• heartbeat : my blood boils everytime i remember this drama is literally THE MOST underrated drama of all time. if you need a good cry please watch it. it was just — WOW. like wow. i am literally at loss of words. idk. from the starting to the ending it was just WOW.
• midnight romance in hagwon : it is currently an ongoing drama. anyway, this is like one of those comfort dramas one goes to rewatch everytime they're down. it is just so cozy, and cute and amazing. i love it <3
• mouse : this. THIS. this altered my brain chemistry. dude wth was this????? this was just on another level. like after penthouse and escape of the 7, this is something one should definitely watch to fill the void in their heart. i cried so much bro this was so sad, and engaging and sometimes funny at the same time. i went through all the five stages of grief while watching it.
• highschool return of a gangster : this drama was STRAIGHTWASHED. ofc. why would they even show representation???? anyway i watched it because i loved the first episode but i hated the ending man. i hated it.
• hansel and gretel (movie) : literally deserves all the awards. you know what i mean. 5/5 for everything.
• destined with you : started watching it yesterday and im already halfway through. i love this bro. it is so funny ohmygod. and i absolutely love past lives and reincarnation tropes so this is a win-win!!
+ some jmovies i watched :
• monster : ion think i need to say something about this.
• re/member : loved this. 5/5 for everything. i loved the plot, especially how ‘loneliness brings people together to fight against the evil - which is literally their own loneliness’. i wish there was a part 2 of this movie tbh.
• the forbidden play : this shit messed with my head so bad, i literally had nightmares and couldn't sleep. no because this was horrendous. literally wtf???
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scurvgirl · 10 months
I was tagged by @energievie and @callivich to answer some fun Gallavich questions!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
There's A Class for This by @sam-loves-seb. It is just so soft and normal and intimate and it just...it hits all the things for me. I love it so much.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
A few scenes - the club kiss and the van kiss are definitely ones I will always want to reblog because they are just so so good. I also love the "you're so sensitive" deleted scene kiss.
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey exploring his wardrobe options and fashion sense. He clearly has an eye and a feel for it and I think it is something he would enjoy exploring years down the road when he's more comfortable in his identity.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
All of them, but in particular I really really enjoyed seeing all of the AUgust dress-ups by @suzy-queued, those were so fun, I love them.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I want to write that fashion designer! Mickey AU so bad. I have lots of thoughts that are very scattered and disorganized.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
My opinion on Debbie definitely changed following some analyses here on tumblr. I think I related to Fiona a lot and saw Debbie through Fiona's perspective and that really negatively colored my perspective. I will say that my ire has turned towards the writers, and writers for shows like this in general tbh, for honestly doing a shit job of portraying a sister relationship, even one as parentified as this.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
I'm not sure!
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show?
It switches between season 3 and 4...though I do like season 2.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
The cartel???? They after Mickey or not???
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
In the show or in fandom because those are two separate answers. In the show? We all know that one. In fandom...hm. I've seen so many good analyses, let's see. Oh, this is going to ruffle some feathers but Ian going to Trevor after losing a patient on the ambulance and how that paralleled him running to see Mickey, and how different it was at the same time. Mickey immediately softened his demeanor, immediately put himself in a potentially unsafe situation for himself to comfort Ian. Trevor was thinking of himself in that moment, not about Ian, and I think it really encapsulates the differences between the two relationships. (NOTE: I don't think Trevor was a good romantic fit for Ian, I think it would have worked better as a friendship!)
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
This song - particularly "I wanted more than you could give me, so certain for a 15-year-old, something 'bout you feels like caffeine, pure gold."
I also like this song for Mickey specifically - particularly "I was far to scared to hit him, but I would hit him in a heartbeat now, that's the thing with anger it begs to stick around // It makes you hurt the ones who love you, you hurt them like they're nothing."
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
Directly post finale I want them to adopt a dog, I think it'd be good for both of them. It can go running with Ian. Snuggle with Mickey. Be in their Christmas cards that Ian INSISTS they get now. For kids...I go back and forth on this, honestly. I think it would depend if Mickey was serious about putting the work into his anger and identity issues. I don't think they should or would rush into parenthood at all, I mean, they're still really young in the finale - 25 and 27. All things going well, I could see them pursuing parenthood in their late 30s tbh.
Thank you for the tag! I am very tired and feeling kinda shy since I haven't been as active as previous - but if you want to do this, feel tagged by me!
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he115re · 5 months
Jeong Yunho (a ramble)
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I'm having the biggest crush on yunho. Idk the way he's so caring and shit got me giggling and kicking my feet. The way he cares so much about mingi is SO fucking attractive. Not cuz I want that kind of care for myself but the fact that he just cares for mingi that much. Its so attractive ok.
Just the fact that he's so fucking caring it makes me want to cry. I aspire to be able to take care of someone the way he does to mingi and everyone around him. I wish I wasn't as shy about doing things like that so I could give that warmth to someone else. But on the other hand I also want that same kindness. Ahh why is it so hard.
Also his fucking eyes. Kang Teahyun holds the universe in them but Jeong Yunho holds all the kindness in the world in them. I could stare at them for hours and even then still get flurstered after a few minutes. He's just he's so pretty, and handsome, and hot, and sexy, and pretty, and cute. And just rah. He's so definetly someone I'd look for as a bf. Just he's literally bf material. He's the definition of it. When you look up boyfriend material him and chan are the first two examples that show up.
Also on a side note just him, him as a person. He's so attractive. And when he dances. I can't help but look at him when yeosang isn't in focus. Just th3 way he dances so passionate (they all do and it's so hot). Just ahhh it's so fucking sncidkkckskce. And when he covers his eyes, something something about that drives me wild.
On a hornier note....
Also when he moves his jacket/coat out of the way when he does body rolls. It does something to me. It does something to me and I can't be blamed when I rewatch it.
Also I am going to talk about the rings he wore during Coachella. Like wtf the people that gave him those knew what they were doing and they need a raise. He looks so fucking hot with them it's unreal.
Also just his waist, his waist is so pretty. I always forgets he has like a pretty waist cuz in my head he mostly wears baggy clothes but when he wears clothes that accentuate his body. Omg omg it makes me feral. I haven't watched the latest Coachella performance (I'm not really yet I'm still not over the last one). But the clips I've seen omg he looks unreal.
Would in a heartbeat you wouldn't even hear the first sound of the word.
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im-immortal · 9 months
2023 Writing Wrap-Up
I'm a little late this time around since it's already 2024, but I haven't done a writing wrap-up since 2021 and I thought it would be fun to bring back!
So this year, I was on quite a roll for the first half of the year. And then July rolled around and I started slowing down until it came to a screeching halt. Not sure what happened. Maybe it's my ADHD and constantly shifting hyper-fixations to blame. But I gradually managed to come back around just in time to post something for Christmas, which I'm still working on finishing. However, my hiatus doesn't take away the pride I still have for what I was able to write during the year. And I look forward to writing more in 2024! So here's all I managed to finish/get a good start on and post during 2023.
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A Kiss For A Drink: 6,740 words; one-shot I actually started writing this back in 2020 or 2021, intended to be posted on Valentine's Day. And then I got a point where I couldn't finish it and let it sit for about 2 years. I finally came back with some inspiration and motivation and finished it just in time to post for Valentine's Day 2023! I'm really happy with how it came out. It was a fun idea that turned into a fun fic with a few laughs included, even if it is one of my least-viewed fics lol I had fun writing it too, which is all that really matters!
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Lunacy Fringe: 62,690 words; 8/8 chapters To say this fic suddenly came out of nowhere would be an understatement. I literally got inspired out of the blue while listening to an episode of the Therapy Gecko podcast and the next thing I knew, I was balls deep in a psychological thriller. I actually managed to write it in just over a month or so!! Which is really incredible for me, especially considering I didn't step away from it at all or lose inspiration before it was finished. I'm really proud of how it turned out, and I haven't really told anyone, but I am working on converting it into an original story and possibly self-publishing. It could end up being my very first original novel :) the feedback I got was far more positive than I'd expected, especially considering how I portrayed Beth. I'm overall so so happy with how it turned out!!
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Longer Than A Heartbeat: 157,289 words; 29/29 chapters Now this... this fic is one of my proudest pieces by far. I'll never get over how happy I am with how it turned out, and how I was actually able to finish it. For the last few years, every time I rewatched "28 Days Later," I couldn't stop thinking about how it would make such a good Bethyl fic, and how I wanted to convert it into a Bethyl fic that included Rick and Judith. I finally did it!! Technically, I wrote it in 2022, but I didn't completely finish it and post it until 2023. When I say I write for myself... this fic really proves it, because I go back and read chapters from it all the time just because it's so fun and I love how I wrote it. I was also pleasantly surprised by the reception and how people who hadn't ever watched "28 Days Later" enjoyed it! Not to mention, @boltthrutheheart made some incredible custom manips for me that I can never get over!!
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hot girl summer (playing by the rules); 167k+ words, 16/30 chapters Ah yes, here she is... the companion piece to the first 3 fics of "in for a penny, in for a pound" that I've been planning/contemplating ever since I did that first fic from Beth's POV for the series. I always wanted to show Beth's POV for all the major moments in the series, and then once I got started, I figured why not go all in and just do her POV for the entirety of the series thus far? It gives a little more insight into how she's feeling, why she does the things she does and says the things she says, and we also get to see exactly what she was doing all those times that Daryl couldn't help wondering about her (because I already knew in my head, but I thought it might be fun to share with everyone else). I also thought it would make the set-up for the next fic a little better, so we could try and understand Beth's motivations better and where she's at in her head. Of course, I got pretty into it and then hit a speed bump and then suddenly, lost all ability to write. It'll come back soon, though. I can't wait to finish this fic and move on to the next in the series, and eventually conclude Beth and Daryl's tumultuous journey in this fun little AU.
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Small Miracles; 39k+ words, 6/10 chapters This is the fic that finally pushed me back into being able to write. I had no plans of writing for BHF 2023, and then I suddenly had this strike of inspiration for a very weird idea and decided to go with it and try and finish it in time to post for Christmas. I did manage to finish about 1/3rd of the fic in time, but I'm still writing it and haven't lost motivation yet, so that's a good sign! It's also just really fun and kind of cathartic to do a new exploration of Beth's journey through the eyes of an older Beth who survived Grady, with that fun little supernatural twist added to it. I can't wait to finish this one, because I've had a lot of fun writing it and really look forward to seeing what people think of her entire journey and the way it will conclude.
To everyone who's read my fics, left feedback, kudos, bookmarks, or even helped me bounce ideas off and come up with plans for fics... thank you so much! I appreciate everyone in this little fandom so, so much. Y'all mean the world to me, and I am so grateful that we have this wonderful community in our own little corner of the internet. Happy New Year to you all, and I hope 2024 brings you nothing but blessings!
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imaginidol · 2 years
bangchan: flowers for you and for me
I had no idea where this was going (that's usually how most of the things I post on here go, anyway). But, I had my first motorcycle ride a couple weeks ago, followed by a heartbreak, so I'll be putting all my dumb lil experiences into fics for my own sake of much-needed content. I hope you like these unplanned shorts, because that's how pretty much my entire past few weeks have been, unplanned and just going with the flow! hahahaha
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"Tell me again," I smile up at my boyfriend, Chan. I can feel his soft, quiet heartbeats against my cheek as I lay my head against his chest.
We've probably been lazily snoozing on and off for a couple hours now, each of us resting comfortably within each wing of his L-shaped couch. He's gently running his fingers through my hair, our conversations traveling all over the place as the night progresses.
"Okay," he giggles lightly, clearing his throat as he begins to retell one of my favorite stories of his -- when I received my first bouquet of flowers from him. "I remember rewatching that video you showed me of NCT 127's JCC Florist episode, and how you particularly loved the flower bouquet that Mark had made. I think I probably looked up dozens of flowers trying to match the exact ones in the video, after that."
This is the part that always makes me blush, and probably the single reason I love making him retell me this story, time and time again.
He's a detallista, someone very detail-oriented.
Suddenly, before he can say anything else, his phone rings.
"Give me a second, love," he says, hunting through his sweats and hoodie pockets before finally pulling out his mobile.
I wait patiently next to him as he makes his phone call. His facial expression focuses into artist-mode: brows slightly furrowed, eyes slightly glaring straight ahead, his tongue sliding between the corners of his bottom lip and bottom teeth.
"Okay, I'll swing by. Alright, buh-bye."
He turns his phone off and begins to stretch his arms, one arm making its way around my shoulders.
"That was Lino, he wants me to drop off some camera equipment."
"You're going right now?"
"Yeah," he exhales, "he's heading early to KQ tomorrow to give it to one of the ATEEZ guys, since it's their equipment and we borrowed it for a bit."
"Ahh, okay," I exhale, too.
"But you're coming with me," he smirks.
"Right now!?"
"Yeah, let's take the bike," he quickly gets up in excitement, reaching his hands out to heave me off the couch. "Are you down?"
I nod, not because I particularly wanted to go anywhere at this hour (and much less on a motorcycle), but because curiosity for any adventure always got the best of me.
Chan straps my helmet on, pulling the visor over my eyes before heaving me up behind him.
"You have the backpack?" He looks behind his shoulder at me, and I assure him that I do. He pulls over his own helmet and visor, and brings the motorcycle's little transmission to life.
He reaches his arms out to his sides, waiting for me to wrap my arms around him as we usually do. This is my favorite part, because I always look forward to the little happy bounce he does when he feels me hugging him tightly. He grabs my hands and quickly places a "kiss" against the back of my palms, except he's wearing his helmet, so I only feel the cold plastic of his visor against my skin. It always makes me giggle, regardless.
The next few minutes consist of me holding onto dear life as Chan revs his engine and starts driving faster and faster -- a feeling I will never quite get used to, but would never turn it down. I don't know if Chan knows, but every time I'm his backpack, I'm crazy smiling from the point of departure until the point of destination. It's a mix of the loud sounds of the highways, other vehicles, the bike's engine, and adrenaline that builds from the excitement of being so close to the world -- so close to everything!
When the road curves, we sort of lean to one side, and I take advantage of holding onto Chan a bit tighter. Partially to hold on, because curves can get dangerous real fast on a bike, and maybe partially because I really like feeling safe with him.
As we start making our way closer to Lee Know's neighborhood, we start approaching more speed bumps. Every time Chan slows down to drive around them, he takes advantage of asking if I'm doing okay, to which I always respond with a content nod and a tight hug.
Lee Know is waiting outside his gate for us. He waves at me after greeting Chan, and I wave back.
I give the backpack to Chan, and he gives it to Lee Know. They talk for a few seconds before we're all waving each other good-bye. And soon enough, we're back on the road on our way home.
I notice that Chan is taking a different route than usual, and I don't know at first where we're going until we drive into a central city park surrounded by gardens, playgrounds, and couples.
The bike comes to a stop, and Chan helps me hop off first, helmets coming off after.
"I wanted to bring you here real quick," he smiles as he pats down his now-messy helmet hair, "because there's a particular flower bush that reminds me of you, and it's finally its blooming season."
"Flowers? That remind you of me?"
He nods excitedly. "Follow me," he says, and takes my hand in his.
I also like following him around like this, when he's ever so slightly taking the lead, and I'm following closely behind. I wonder if he ever knows how much I like noticing these little things about him.
We approach a bush of hydrangeas, beautifully lit-up by the artificial park lamps all around. Their pastel colors complement the green leaves and darkening sky all around us. They're very pretty.
"Remember the camera equipment we gave to Lino?" He begins to reach for the bush, his fingers carefully choosing through the best-quality flower to pick out. "I had come here earlier, and taken lots of pictures of these very flowers. I'm working on a song for you, and I wanted this flower to be the cover art. He's actually taking that camera up to KQ because one of the ATEEZ boys agreed to edit them well, and make a photobook for me. To give to you."
I look up, and I can't help but feel my stupid smile stretch from January to December. The sight of him bringing his hands close to his face with a flower, his eyes carefully inspecting it before they make their way to me. He smiles now, and walks closer to me.
He places the flower somewhere in my hair, followed by a stupid smirk that I can't help but fall in love with all over again.
"A flower for you," he whispers, and brings himself closer, embracing me in a hug. "A flower for me."
This will be my new favorite story that I'll be asking him to retell me, over and over again. The flower photo session, bringing me here, calling me his flower, all of it.
The scent of your cologne against me will live in my mind forever.
I'll see a motorcycle with a couple riding it on the highway, and I'll think of holding tightly onto you.
The photos of the flower arrangements lovingly taken by Chan, delivered by Lee Know, and proudly edited by the ATEEZ boys will be my new favorite bouquets.
I'll watch movies with kissing scenes and remember the way you and I shared moments like that, too.
I'll think of hydrangeas bushes, and I'll think of you.
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yiangchen · 1 year
you know, i would kill for the og s7 script to be leaked...i've said before that i would never rewatch the show because the ending is just so unsatisfying and ooc for so many characters, but...if i could rewatch almost all of it and stop at whatever point in s7 that it changed and then just read the og script? i'd rewatch in a heartbeat!
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thebiggerbear · 2 months
Hi! For the WIP game, can I ask about “real or not real”?
Hi, Battie! 😊
Of course you can, thank you so much for asking!
So "real or not real" is a bit of an SPN-esque AU with Dean and an Angel!Reader for certain events of the show. I'm keeping Castiel in there but also adding that dynamic after a recent rewatch of season 15.
I have a little snippet actually 😊:
Dean approached and immediately interrupted. “Agent, can I borrow you for a second?” He didn’t even bother addressing the complaints that were then thrown his way; he simply ignored everyone and gave you a sharp look, heading off down a hallway that was lined with lockers. You watched as he made a right into a classroom, giving you one last glance over his shoulder as he did.
“Agent, are you listening?” A balding man in front of you snapped. “People are starting to go missing. Isn’t that your job? To go find them and make sure we’re all safe? Isn’t that why we’re here?”
“I am listening and I understand,” you soothed. “I’m going to look into it the minute my partner is finished giving me an update. Please excuse me.” He scoffed as you walked away, turning to complain to his neighbors who shook their heads at your departing back. You didn’t pay attention to it though; Dean was your priority right now.
Even if you hadn’t seen where he had gone, you would have been able to find him in a heartbeat just by what radiated off of him alone. Pain, anger, unprocessed grief, and the biggest one of them all: despair. 
You stepped into the room and shut the door behind you. When you turned, you found him sitting on the edge of the desk, staring over at you, his jaw tight. “What’s wrong?”
He snorted and you immediately knew that had been the wrong question to ask. “What’s wrong? Let’s see, Jack is dead; a demon is wearing his body like a damn t-shirt; the world is ending again; Rowena is eyeing up Ketch like a steak while people are being possessed and killed by Hell’s Most Wanted; we have the whole town rounded up like cattle in this place just waiting to be slaughtered by said ghosts; Sam has an injury that can’t be healed; Cas is…Cas; the warding from that damn spell is fading, and, that’s right, Chuck’s been pulling the strings all along, he’s the baddest of the bads, and none of this is real. So take your pick.”  
You carefully made your way over to him. You knew he wasn’t really angry with you; you knew exactly what was bothering him. It was bothering you, too. You may not be a human but now all of creation had come into question. The Winchesters had been alive for decades, fighting the good fight, their lives — their family — having been sacrificed in the service of that fight. Was all of it for naught? You had existed for over a millennia, longer even, fighting for Heaven and serving it as you had been made for. Had all of that been for naught, too?
It's not much but I'm having so much fun writing it. Thank you so much for the ask!!! 💖💖
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