#all the shops put up little paper snowflakes in their windows and stuff
the-merry-otter · 2 years
Yanno, I feel like I’d enjoy Christmas a lot more if it wasn’t blisteringly hot and basically the wrong time of year entirely
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fiddles-ifs · 2 years
The Box is Open. THE BOX IS OPEN
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Warden’s winter season is marked by Christmas lights and tinsel on phone poles, bright snowflakes in green and red and white lit up when the sun goes down. There’s even a few chanukiyot in shop windows, gelt sold in the grocery stores. It’s also fucking cold. 
The mountains freeze early. It’s been snowing since October up here, but it’s only just now been cold enough for the river to go solid, enough that there are kids daring each other to seal slide across when their parents aren’t looking. They wear layers of socks on their hands, four coats and as many pairs of jeans, and little toboggans with puffs of color at their crowns or WVU stitched on their foreheads. You smile, shake your head, and breathe warm air into your numb fingers. It’s better than hurricane season in Florida, at least.
Devin and Nazeri sent you out to get last-minute groceries, things that they were too busy bickering to remember. They’ve set aside their differences -- mostly -- to keep the holiday somewhat calm. It’s still Irish Christmas at Devin’s house, though. Utter chaos.
The bags are heavy in your hands. You’ve gotten offers from a few, cautious Wardenites to hop in their car and they’ll drive you up the holler, but you’ve declined every time. You kind of like the walk now. It’s brisk, you get to see the decorations, and the eerie cracking of river ice as it thaws and refreezes is oddly peaceful.
You pass under the boughs of branches, and the whispers start. The steady pressure on the back of your skull. A shiver rolls down your spine.
You stop on the trail, head tilted, straining to listen. Your ears rumble with blood.
You roll your shoulders and shake the tension from your head, a huff of hot air crystalizing and dissipating. The pressure subsides, just a bit, but noticeable. A contented big cat curling up for a nap. You walk a little faster down the trail.
Devin’s foyer is welcome warmth, Dean Martin’s crooner voice blaring through the TV speakers. It smells like God. Your mouth immediately gets sloppy wet, and when you walk into the kitchen to set the bags down, you already see Devin threatening Trace with a wooden spoon.
“Go on! Git!”
She scampers, muttley laughing, one of Devin’s homemade bread rolls in her mouth. Nazeri is on savory duty, reading over Devin’s recipe book.
“Are you sure I should put cumin in this?” He asks. Devin eyes him from whatever batter they’re whipping into shape.
“I’m sure.”
“I just think cardamom would be better-”
“I have stuff,” you haul the grocery bags onto the kitchen island before another fight kicks up. Both of them light up at the sight of you. Bautista pokes her head from around the overstuffed chair. She’s curled around a hot cup of coffee. The monstrously huge stack of firewood by the fireplace and her cherry red nose tells you all you need to know about what she’s been up to. You ask anyway.
“They won’t let me in the kitchen,” she says.
“Because you’re bud luck,” Devin rifles through the bags and pulls out produce, spices, and booze under Trace’s watchful eye. “She managed to burn rice. Rice!”
“Is that what happened while I was gone?” You chuckle. Not that you’re much better -- you have the sneaking suspicion Devin and Nazeri sent you to the store to get you out of the house. Otherwise, you’d be causing even more chaos. All of you woke up early this morning to make breakfast and get dinner done before Polar Express comes on this evening, and Devin quickly chased all but Nazeri out of the kitchen because the rest of you are functionally useless with anything but coffee makers and microwaves. Now, dinner is in its last vestiges.
You ladle a little eggnog into a cup and sip, casting around at the Kwanzaa kinara, the nativity scene, and Bautista’s dinky little handmade parols. Trace made paper snowflakes and plastered them to the walls with Scotch tape. She has her ear next to the speaker, quietly tapping away with her finger. It feels strangely like family. It’s not a feeling you’ve felt for years. Something stings, and something balms a wound.
You hide your face behind your mug for a bit.
You manage to slip in somehow, pre-rinsing dishes and running the dishwasher. It lessens the load a little, while Bautista and Trace play ninja in the living room. Sometimes you tag in. Trace wins. You and Bautista take bets on who would win at the game -- Nazeri or Trace; Devin chimes in with a five dollar wager, and then it’s on.
The ninja game lasts until Devin serves dinner for everyone. You curl up by the nativity scene with a plate of roast chicken, lumpia, tahdig. A second round of mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans. A little bit of pie, a little bit of ice cream. You eat until your stomach hurts and your eyes droop, curled with hot chocolate. Even Nazeri and Devin are laughing at each others jokes.
Polar Express is an uglier movie than you remember, but it sparks a nostalgic part of you. None of you do Noche Buena -- Devin and Nazeri don’t celebrate, Trace doesn’t know what it is, and Bautista can’t stay awake too long. She’s got a two hour drive tomorrow to catch morning mass at the nearest Catholic church. Habits. If she doesn’t get a solid six hours, she won’t wake up.
You swallow a yawn beside Devin on the couch.
“Thanks for doing this for us,” you mutter, everyone enraptured by Tom Hanks’ eclectic hot chocolate burlesque.
“Sure,” they say, “you’re family now, pretty much.”
You can’t really argue. Not tonight, anyway.
It feels good to be family.
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keaywrites · 2 years
1. First snow
Moving in with Chris had been quite stressful so Grace was rather happy to have the apartment to herself for the morning. She squeezed through the few remaining boxes to the kitchen for a coffee to get the day started. Having aquired the hit beverage, Grace looked out the window and it took some great self control, to not run back to bed immediately.
The world outside the little apartment was grey and cold, the sun hiding behind dark and stormy clouds. With a sigh the young woman sat down at the kitchen table, the coffee not tasting as good as it should have. It was the beginning of December, shouldn't the world be filled with joy and anticipation for the holidays? It was true, you really do lose some of the magic once you get older but Grace didn't want to think about that. Or rather she didn't have time to think about it. She still had to finish upacking and get some work done, if she could find her laptop that was.
The hours went by and Grace managed to unpack barely two boxes before collapsing on the couch. This just wasn't the right day for this kind of work. At least she found her laptop so she could procrastinate unpacking by being productive in another way. Chris would probably be hungry when they got home, but Grace couldn't motivate herself to get groceries or cook. She'd just order something.
So she got back to work, tapping away on some important papers, the half drunk coffee now cold and gross, until Chris came home, take-out bags in their hands.
'Hey! Thought we'd be lazy today so I got us something from the chinese restaurant down the street. Have you eaten yet?' Chris knew their girlfriend well enough to know that she hadn't eaten anything yet, so they didn't even wait for Grace to answer before placing a kiss on her head and taking putting the laptop away.
The young woman wanted to protest but in that exact moment her stomach made a sound that could've come straight from a horror movie. So she just smiled at her partner before making some room on the couch, so they could eat together.
'How was work? Anything interesting?' With her
mouth full, the question was near impossible to understand.
Chris raised an eybrow before shrugging. 'You know there's nothing interesting about my job. How was yours?'
'Eh, it's hard to get stuff done when the weather's so depressing. But now you're here so I'm feeling better.'
'God, you're so cheesy. Well, we both have the day off tomorrow so I could help you unpack the last few things and then we could get some groceries?'
'Yeah, that sounds goo- is that snow?', a big grin formed on Grace's face as she got up and looked out the window. 'It's snowing!'
'Yeah? It started a few minutes before I got home. You didn't notice?'
'Of course I didn't, I wouldn't have said that the weathers depressing! Come on, we gotta go out!'
'What? It's snowing and you want to go outside? Why would we do that?' By the time they asked their questions, Grace was already at the door putting on her shoes and jacket.
'Because it's the first snow this year and I really need this! I'll make you some hot chocolate when we get back!'
Just like that Chris was on board with the idea, putting on their shoes as well. And so they walked through the first snow of the year, grinning and catching snowflakes with their tongues, which would probably get them sick but that didn't matter. At least not tonight.
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capsteddybear · 3 years
Our Playlist: ** The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole
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** chapter contains smut.
Song lyrics:"Although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you"
You are finishing up the last of your work emails and lesson plans for next semester in your office when you hear Chris yell from down the hallway, "Hey, I'm home!"
"Oh shit," you whisper as you run out of your office to the kitchen to grab the shopping bags you got from the mall this morning. You bump into Chris, "Uh hi, Chris." You give him a quick kiss and try to grab the bags from the table, but Chris stops you.
"Woah, hang on, hang on, what's up with the bag from Victoria's secret?" he raises an eyebrow at you and wraps his arms around you. "Is it my Christmas present?"
"Maybe." He gives you a smirk and runs to the table and tries to look inside the bag. You chase after him, "hey cheater, no peeking." You grab the bag from him, "I told you to call me when you were heading home."
He pulls out his phone, "I did, you didn't answer." He shows a missed call to you.
You look at the table and your phone is on vibrate next to the shopping bags. "Damn it... why didn't you call the house?"
"I thought maybe you were sleeping, sorry." He hugs you and tries to look inside the bag again.
You slap his hand away, "Hey, I said stop it, Chris."
He laughs, "sorry."
"Let me go hide these from you."
"Okay" He hugs you and kisses you on the forehead, "get dressed."
You raise an eyebrow, "where are we going?"
"Well we need to get a tree to put the presents under."
You smile, "We're gonna get a real Christmas tree?!"
He laughs, "Yeah? You never had a real one?"
"I did once when I was little. Other than that it was always a fake one."
He hugs you, "Aww that's not fair, you need a real Christmas tree." He kisses you again and you hide the bags in your office and get dressed.
You come walking down the hallway and you see Chris cuddling with Dodger on the couch, "I'm ready."
"Keys?" Chris has his hand out.
"To my truck?"
"Uh yeah, the tree won't fit on top of my car." You laugh and toss the keys to him. "Let's go."
Chris drives you guys to a tree farm to pick out a Christmas for your place. The ground is covered with a fresh layer of snow from this morning's snowfall. As you're walking down the rows of trees Chris wraps his arm around you to keep you warm.
"See any that you like yet?"
"Hm, maybe this?" You stop in front of a small tree.
Chris laughs, "This one is tiny."
"What? Do you wanna get one of those big ones?" You point to the next row.
He shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, it'll fit in the living room."
"Yeah, but will it fit through the doorway?"
"We'll make it fit, come on." Chris takes you by the hand and you walk to where the bigger trees are. "Let's get this one!"
You laugh, "Okay, okay we'll get this one."
You guys get the tree onto the back of your truck and head out. "Okay, now we gotta get decorations for it."
You keep smiling at Chris as he drives. He turns to you, "What?"
"Nothing, I just like seeing you this excited."
He laughs, "I love the Christmas season and I love you." He kisses your hand.
You guys pull up to a department store to shop for the decorations. As soon as you guys walk into the store Chris starts acting like a little kid. When he's pushing the cart he runs and jumps on the back and almost crashes into the shelf.
"Oh shiiiit!"
"Oh my God, Chris." You laugh and shake your head. "You're gonna get us kicked out."
"What? I didn't crash."
"Uh huh, you almost did."
"Ooo look. Let's get these lights!" He grabs a box from the shelf and it has different color lights.
"Those are pretty."
"So it's a yes?"
He grabs another box and puts them in the cart. "Okay now we need ornaments. Oh wait, we need to get lights for outside. What kind should we get?" He puts his hands on his hips and looks at the shelf. "How about these snowflake ones?" You grab the box and hand it to him.
"Yes! How many boxes do you think we need? Two? Three?"
"Hmm, maybe three to be safe."
"Good idea." He grabs two more boxes and puts them in the shopping cart. "Wanna get a wreath for the front door?"
"Yeah, let's get this one. It has a big red bow on it."
"Good choice. Put it in the cart." Chris pushes the shopping cart down the next aisle with the ornaments. "Okay, what color ornaments do you wanna get?"
"You pick, you picked the lights." You rest your head on his shoulder.
"Let's both pick a color."
"Okay." You look up and down the aisle.
"Hmm, I like these blue ones. What do you think, (y/n)?" Chris holds the box for you to look at it.
You give him a thumbs up, "Looks good. Do you think these red ones will match?" You come walking up to Chris and show him the box.
"Yeah, put it in the cart. What other color should we get? Silver or gold?"
"Okay, silver it is. Ooo, how about these?"
"Yeah those will do." Chris puts them in the cart with the rest of the stuff.
"Woah, wait hang on. Did you pick silver so it'll be Cap colors?" He raises an eyebrow at you.
"What?!" You look inside the cart and start laughing. "No."
He gives you a smirk, "You sure?"
"I'm being serious, I didn't notice it until you pointed it out just now. We can change it gold if you want."
"No, I was kidding. Silver is fine. I like the Cap theme. Oh wait, we gotta get a star for the top." He quickly grabs one from the shelf and tosses it into the cart.
You smile and kiss his cheek, "what else do we need to get?"
Chris leans over and looks in the cart, "Uh, wrapping paper? Oh shit, and a stand for the tree."
You guys look for the aisle with the wrapping paper. You both choose a few different rolls and grab a stand for the tree. You guys pay for everything and head back home.
You and Chris struggle with getting the Christmas tree into the house, but after awhile you guys get it through the front door.
"Ha! Told you it'll fit." Chris says as he falls onto the couch and pulls you down with him.
You laugh, "barely." You caress his face and kiss him, "come on, let's decorate it." You try to get up, but he pulls you back down to his lap. "Hey!"
Chris kisses your neck, "Hang on, can we take a break? The tree was really heavy."
You laugh, "Okay, fine." Chris continues kissing you and you start giggling.
"What's so funny, (y/n)?"
"You said you wanted to rest."
"But yet, you're kissing me."
He laughs, "I can never be too tired to kiss you."
"I love you. Now come on, we bought a bunch of ornaments and lights. I wanna put them up before it gets too late." You tug his arm to get up.
He groans, "Okay, okay." Chris lazily gets up and helps open the boxes of ornaments and puts them on the coffee table. "Oh! Shall I put on some Christmas music?"
"Yeah, want some hot cocoa?"
"Yes please." He kisses your cheek as you walk pass him to the kitchen. You come back from the kitchen with your drinks and you hear Chris singing to the music.
You smile and hand him his drink, "Okay so what's first?"
"Uh, the lights. Wait, is this where you want the tree set up at?"
"Yeah, in front of the window so you can see it from outside."
"Okay cool, yeah the lights are first." Chris grabs one of the boxes from the coffee table and opens it up. He starts at the top of the tree and hands it to you to wrap it around your side. You guys get about half way down the tree and the cord ends. "Oh good call on getting an extra set of lights, babe."
"Thank you." You guys continue wrapping the lights around the tree. "And done! Ornaments next?"
You guys decorate the tree with ornaments. You turn back to the coffee table to grab another ornament and when you turn back to walk to the tree Chris is standing in front of you with his hands behind his back.
"What are you hiding behind you, Chris?"
"Nothing," as a big smile appears on his face.
You glare at him, "uh huh, well then excuse me. I'm trying to decorate the tree."
You try to walk around him. But he grabs your arm and spins you. Your lips are only inches apart. He has one arm around your waist and the other is up in the air. You look up and it's a mistletoe.
You smile, "when did you get that?"
"At the store when you went to get more wrapping paper."
You look back at him and bite your lip before kissing him on the cheek. You try to pull away from him, but he squeezes you back to him.
He shakes his head slowly, "nuh uh. That doesn't count."
You tilt your head and smile and kiss his other cheek, "better?"
He laughs, "No." He starts tickling your lower back.
"Okay, okay." You plant a light kiss on his lips. He puts his other arm down and wraps them both around you and deepens the kiss. You moan against his lips. A slow song starts playing on the stereo and Chris starts swaying to the music. You rest your head on his chest as you guys dance. Chris kisses you again and you finish decorating the tree.
"We just need the star on top and we're done."
Chris hands you the star, "Uh, I can't reach it."
He smiles and turns around, " I know, hop on."
Chris braces himself so you can jump on his back for a piggyback. You hop up and he grabs you behind your knees. You giggle because you guys almost fall because Chris leaned a not too forward.
"It's okay, I got you. I got you."
You reach the top of the tree and place the star on top. You lean over and kiss Chris on the cheek, "Done." You hop down and Chris gives you a quick kiss before plugging in the lights.
You run to the lamp on the side table to turn it off and then you stand back next to Chris, "Yeah, I'm ready." Chris plugs in the lights and the tree lights up. Your eyes widen and you lean your head on his shoulder. "It's beautiful."
Chris kisses you on the cheek, "We did a good job decorating it."
"We really did, huh?. All that decorating got me hungry. Take out for dinner?"
"Sure, you call it in and I'll clean up the living room." Chris gives you another kiss before you head to the kitchen to order the food. After ordering you come back to the living room and help Chris with the last of the cleaning.
"What movie should we watch?"
"A Christmas one for sure!"
"Home Alone?"
"Yes!" Chris says as he lays on the couch and kicks off his shoes. You put on the movie and walk over to him.
He shakes his head and pulls you down towards him, "I'm missing my cuddle buddy." You snuggle up next to him and he wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your head. "Mmm, better."
You guys watch the movie, but then Chris' hand starts to wander to your ass and he lightly squeezes it. You turn towards him and bite your lip before kissing him. He helps you turn more so you're laying on top of him straddling him. He wraps his arms around you as you kiss his neck. He moans at the light love bites you plant down his neck to his shoulder. You grind your hips down against his and he squeezes your ass with both of his hands. You moan against his neck and travel back up to his lips. His hands travel up under your shirt and you moan at his warmth. He thrusts his hips up against you and you whimper. Then suddenly you hear the doorbell ring. You rest your head on his chest and you both start laughing.
"Fuuuuuuck." Chris groans.
"It's okay, I'll get it." Chris slaps your ass before you get up. "Hey!" You kiss him on the cheek and get up to answer the door. You pay the delivery guy and close the door and head back to the living room. Chris is still laying down. "Get up, food is here." You place the bag on the coffee table.
Chris grabs you by the waist and you fall back on the couch. He cups your face and whispers in your ear, "I'd rather eat you for dinner."
You moan and bite your lip, "Maybe for dessert?" You kiss him and he moans against your lips.
You nod your head and wink at him as you help him sit up. You guys eat dinner and cuddle on the couch until the movie is over. You eyes feel heavy from the food coma, but you are awaken by Chris' touch on your hip as his hand moves up under your shirt.
"Hey you can't sleep yet, we haven't had dessert." He leans over and kisses you.
You moan against his lips, "bedroom." He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he heads to the bedroom. Once he bumps into the bed he carefully lays you down and you open your legs for him to lay between. He kisses your neck as you hands trail down to his back and lift up his shirt. He sits up and tossed it across the room. He then pulls you up and helps unbutton your shirt and tosses it too. He wraps his arms around you as he kisses your neck and he unclips your bra. Chris slowly slides down the straps on your shoulders followed by light kisses. You moan against his neck and he removes the bra completely and he drops it on the floor. He kisses down your neck and collar bone and lays you back down. His hands trail up your sides to your breasts and he squeezes them. He muffles your moans with his lips on yours. You wrap your legs around him and grind your hips up towards his. His hands travel down to your waistband and he tugs at your belt. He leans back and looks at you. You nod your head and he unbuckles your belt. You lift your hips up for him to pull down your pants. you shimmy your hips as he hooks his fingers on your panties and pants and pulls them off and throws them on the floor. He sits back admiring your naked body as he slowly undoes his pants. You rest on your elbows and bite your lip as he crawls back up your body. Planting kisses up your legs and thighs until he gets to your mound.
He inhales and moans at your scent, "Mmm, delicious." He grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulders as he gets more comfortable. He kisses your inner thighs. His beard rubs against you and you whimper. "Relax, baby." You lay your head back on the pillow and close your eyes. He licks up slowly on your pussy and you moan loudly. You run your fingers through his hair while your other hand grips the bedsheets.
Chris continues licking your lips, slowly torturing you. You try to thrust your hips up, but Chris holds you down. He moans against your pussy and the vibrations burn your body.
You whimper, "Please, Chris."
He slowly licks around your clit and lightly sucks it. You tug on his hair with one hand while the other pinches your nipple. Chris looks up at you and he brings his hand up to your nipple to take over your hand. You quickly grab the bedsheets on both sides of you and thrust your hips up towards his face. He moans against you and quickens his licks on your pussy.
"Ah! Harder, Chris. Please, baby."
He removes his hand from your breasts and slowly inserts two fingers into you. You whimper at the touch of his fingers stretching you. You grab onto his hair and slowly thrusts up. He stops licks your clit and he moves up your body still slowly fingering you. He plants kisses up your stomach, shoulder and neck before kissing you on your lips. You smell your nectar on his mouth as he kisses you. You moan against his lips as his fingers move in and out of you faster. He watches you as you move your body.
"Please, deeper baby. I'm so close. Baby."
He pushes his fingers deeper looking for your g-spot and as soon as he hits it you whimper his name.
"Chris! Ah right there baby. Keep going, Chris. don't stop."
"You gonna cum for me, baby?" He whispers in your ears.
"Uh huh, I'm so fucking close, baby. Ah."
He rubs his thumb in circles on your clit as he bites your neck.
"Fuck! Fuck. Ah baby, I'm cumming. Don't stop, don't stop. Please, baby."
Your whole body shakes as Chris continues pumping his fingers in and out of you. All you hear is you whimpering and your juices coming over his fingers and hand. You cry out, but Chris covers your mouth with his and kisses your passionately as you thrust your hips up. You wrap your arms around him and hold on for dear life as Chris pumping every last drop of your juices out of you. You scream out his name and scratch his back as he slows down before removing his fingers from you. You moan at his loss touch. He brings his fingers up to his mouth and licks each one slowly.
"Thanks for dessert."
You bite your lip and pull him down to kiss him, "the pleasure was all mine." You feel him smile against your lips as he lets out a laugh. He rests his head on your shoulder as you calm down. Your hands run down his back and your thrust your hips up. You feel his hard dick on your inner thigh. He moans as he kisses your neck. You reach down between you guys and lightly grasp his dick.
He hisses in your ear, "Shit." He kisses your neck before rolling over to get a condom out of the night stand. You bite your lip as you watch him roll on the condom. He positions himself back over you bracing himself with one arm as his other guides himself into you. You whimper and reach out for him. He moans against your lips as he kisses you. He thrusts all the way in and stops. You wrap your arms and legs around him and bite his shoulder. He groans in your ear as he slowly pulls out. You whimper as he thrusts back in. You scratch his back as your inner walls clench around his dick.
He rests his head on your shoulder, "Fuck baby, you feel amazing."
You moan in his ear and run your fingers through his hair, "Mmm, baby please. Harder." Chris puts his hands on your hips and thrusts into you with more force. You whimper out his name. "Ah fuck. Right there, Chris. Please."
Chris starts breathing harder, "Shit, baby. I'm not gonna last long."
You moan in his ear, "it's okay baby. Let it go. I'm so close."
Chris hisses, "Yeah?"
You thrust your hips up and your clit rubs against his pelvis, "Uh huh. Please baby."
Chris squeezes your hips and thrusts faster. You both whimper. You clench around him again and his thrusts get sloppy. He moves his hand to your mound and rubs your clit with his thumb and it sends you into a frenzy. You squirm under him as your orgasm hits you.
"Shit, Chris. Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop." You hold onto him as he thrusts chasing his own release.
He groans loudly in your ear as he cums inside you. "Oh fuck!"
You both moan as you catch your breaths. He rests his head on your shoulder as you rub his back. He kisses you and runs his hands up the sides of your body.
You hiss and bite your lip as he slowly pulls out, "shit."
Chris moans and kisses your neck, "sorry."
He lays next to you and you cuddle next to him and kiss him, "Mmm, I love you so much."
"I love you too." He cups your face and kisses your cheek. "I'll be right back. I gotta clean up."
You nod your head and watch him walk to the bathroom. He takes off his condom and tosses it in the trash and gets a towel to clean you off. You moan as soon as he touches your inner thigh. He kisses you as he cleans you. When he's done he snuggles up behind you and pulls up the blankets to cover both of you. He wraps his arm around your waist and plants light kisses on your back and shoulder.
"I love you, (y/n)."
You reach back and turn to kiss him, "I love you, Chris."
He hugs you and you fall asleep from the warmth of his naked body.
===== ===
The next morning you're woken up by Chris kissing your shoulder and neck.
"Morning, beautiful."
You moan and lazily throw your leg over his to scoot closer, "Morning handsome."
He gives you a sleepy smile and rubs your back. You caress his cheek and he closes his eyes and moans, "I love you."
"I love you, Chris." You kiss him and his hand slides down to your ass and he gives it a light squeeze. You feel him smile against your lips. You laugh and move your leg high around his waist. He bites your neck and squeezes your ass again but a bit harder that it makes you hiss. He grabs and turns you so you're straddling him. You grind your hips down on him and his hands run up your body to your breast. He lightly pinches your nipples and you moan out his name. Your hands cover his as he squeezes your breast. You grind your hips again and you feel his dick twitch against your thigh. You bite your lip and lean down to kiss him. He moans against your lips as you start moving down his body. Leaving trails of kisses. His moans get louder the lower you go. You stop right below his abs and lock eyes with him before you slowly start massaging his dick. He hisses and lays his head back on the pillow.
"Oh, baby."
You lick up and down his dick slowly. He thrusts his hips towards your hand.
You look up and lick your lips, "Relax baby. Let me take care of you." You wrap your lips around the tip of his dick and slowly start sucking. He runs his fingers through your hair.
"Oh fuck. Baby, that feels so good."
You moan as you slowly take more of him into your mouth. He groans and thrusts his hips towards you.
"Shit, (y/n). Ah fuuuuck."
You wrap your hand around the base of his dick and lightly twists as you suck the head of his dick. He moans and lightly pulls your hair.
"Oh baby, you feel so fucking good."
You speed up and Chris groans louder. He thrusts his hips towards your mouth and you lightly drag your teeth along the head of his dick and he comes undone.
"Ah fuck, fuck, (y/n). Oh shiiiiiit." His cum shoots out and you suck his dick until there is nothing left. He let's go of your hair and pulls you up. He wraps his arms around you as he catches his breath. You run your fingers through his hair as he kisses your neck. "God, I love you so much, (y/n)."
"I love you."
He smiles, "We should get up now."
You nod your head and kiss his cheek, "You making breakfast?"
He laughs, "Yes, I'll cook whatever you want after the way you woke me up just now."
You shake your head and lightly slap his arms. He laughs and hugs you again before you guys get out of bed and get dressed for breakfast.
Chris starts cooking breakfast as you let Dodger out to the backyard. There's more snow on the ground than the day before. You watch as Dodger runs happily around in the snow. After he does his business you let him back inside. You sit on the kitchen counter as Chris cooks.
"You wanna help me put up Christmas lights outside after breakfast?"
"Yeah! Of course."
He leans towards you and kisses your cheek.
"Can you set up the table? I'm almost done cooking."
You hop off of the counter and grab plates and utensils and set them on the dining table. You walk over to the fridge, "Want juice?"
"Yes please."
You grab the orange juice out of the fridge and place it on the counter. You walk pass Chris to the cupboard with the glasses, when you walk pass Chris again he slaps your ass.
"Hey!" You turn around and glare at him, "I almost dropped these."
He giggles and wraps his arms around you, "sorry."
"No you're not."
He smiles, "you're right" and kisses your cheek. He turns around and continues cooking. You pour juice in both cups and place them on the table. You take a seat and Chris walks over to you and serves the food. When he turns around to put the pants back on the stove you quickly reach out and slap his ass. He gasps and quickly turns around, "(y/n)!"
You cover your mouth trying not to laugh, "what?" He raises an eyebrow and places the pan down on the counter and starts tickling you. "Hey, hey. Stop, Chris. Okay, I'm sorry."
He stops and looks at you, "You sure?"
You bite your lip and start tickling him back, "No!"
"You little!"
You both squirm and giggle as you tickle each other.
"Okay, okay. Truce, please. Stop, Chris. The food is gonna get cold."
Chris pokes your side, "you started it."
You poke him back, "No I didn't. You did." You raise an eyebrow at him. "You slapped my ass first."
"Oh yeah, I did huh?" Chris gives you a smirk and slaps your ass again.
You gasp and laugh, "Oh my God, Chris."
He kisses your cheek and sits next to you. "Okay let's eat."
You shake your head and smile.
After breakfast you both change into warm clothes before heading outside to hang up the Christmas lights. Chris grabs the ladder from the garage and meets you outside. You open the box of nails and grab a few along with a hammer and hand them to Chris as he climbs up the ladder.
"Be careful, please."
"I know, I know."
You watch him as he nails in a few on the porch. He climbs down and moves the ladder over and nails a few more. You hand him another handful of nails. He kisses your cheek before he climbs back up. As he's nailing the next row you bent down and grab a handful of snow and throw it at Chris.
He grabs onto the ladder, "Ah shit, that's cold." He turns and looks at you. You have a big smile on your face and you stick out your tongue at him. You quickly bend down and make another snowball and toss it at Chris. "Hey! Stop it."
"Make me!"
Chris glares at you and quickly climbs down the ladder and makes a huge snowball. You run across the yard and try to dodge it, but it hits you on the shoulder. You hide behind the tree and get a snowball ready. You peek around the tree and throw it. It hits Chris right on his chest.
"Ooo, shit that's cold."
He runs to your side of the tree and throws a snowball at you and it hits you on your back.
"Ahh! Chris."
You try to run away, but you trip on the snow and Chris catches up to you and grabs you from behind and picks you up.
"Nooo!" You laugh as he bites the back of your neck.
"You gonna stop throwing snowballs at me?"
You squirm to break free, "Yes, Chris. I'll stop."
He puts you down and you quickly bend down and grab snow and turn around and put it down his sweater.
"What the?!? (Y/n)!!" He jumps and tugs his shirt to shake the snow out. You take off running, but Chris is right behind you. He grabs you and spins you around and holds you tight. "If I'm gonna be cold and wet, then so are you, missy."
"Fucking shit, Chris." You laugh and squirm against him. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop."
He lets you go and you both can't stop laughing.
"We should change clothes before we end up catching a cold."
You nod your head as you catch your breath. You both head back inside to put on a fresh pair of clothes before finishing hanging up the Christmas lights.
You step back from the house, "they look good."
Chris stands next to you, "they'll look better once the sun goes down and you can actually see the lights."
You smile and kiss him on the cheek. A mail truck pulls up to the house and the mailman hands you a package. You look at the address and it's from your mom's house. Your eyes tear up and you start smiling.
Chris wraps his arm around your waist, "who's it from?"
"My mom. I wonder what it is. It's heavy."
"Lets go inside and open it."
You and Chris go inside and you place the box on the kitchen counter and open it. There's an envelope on top with your and Chris' name on it. You open it and read it out loud.
"Hey guys, I miss you. Hope you enjoy the goodies I sent. There's a little something for each of you, even Dodger. Merry Christmas, love mom."
Chris smiles and kisses you on the cheek before throwing the wrapping paper everywhere, "let's see what we got." Chris first pulls out a chew toy and dog treats. "These must be for Dodger."
You reach into the box and find a present with your name on it. You unwrap it and it's "A Charlie Brown Christmas" DVD and a Snoopy with a santa hat. You grab Snoopy and give it a hug while Chris reaches into the box and pulls out a present with his name on it.
"Ooo, I wonder what it is." He quickly unwraps it and inside the box is a white sweater, a watch and a framed photograph of you two from the BBQ when you first took Chris to your hometown.
"Aww! Cute." You kiss Chris on the cheek and remove more of the tissue paper to reveal baking ingredients.
"What is that?"
You grab the note that's on top and read it out loud. "Here's the recipe for my Christmas cookies. There should be enough to make for you and Chris' family. Enjoy."
Chris wraps his arms around your waist, "Nice! Can we bake them now??!!"
You laugh and kiss Chris, "Yeah."
"Yes!" Chris does a little happy dance.
You giggle and grab the other items that you need to start baking. Chris preheats the oven. As you're pouring the ingredients into the bowl to mix Chris grabs a pinch of it and flicks it at you.
"What are you doing?" As you turn away.
Chris giggles and does it again.
"Chris, stop it. You're wasting it." You slap his hand away from the bowl. He grabs you from your waist and spins you around and starts kissing you. You moan against his lips. You reach behind you for the bowl and flick the ingredients at Chris. He pulls away and starts laughing.
"Heeey! Now you're wasting the ingredients."
"You started it" as you flick more at him. He starts tickling your sides. "Oh shit, okay okay I'll stop."
He stops tickling you and wraps his arms around you, "I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too."
You mix all of the ingredients together and Chris scoops portions of it onto the baking sheets. You open the oven door for Chris to put them in. As you wait for them to bake you and Chris clean up the mess you guys made. Dodger wanders into the kitchen and Chris gives him his new chew toy. As soon as he bites it, it squeaks.
You put your head down and laugh, "Oh God, now we're not gonna be able to sleep at night." You check the cookies in the oven and they're about done.
Chris grabs the DVD from the counter, "wanna watch this while we eat cookies?"
"Yes! The cookies are about done. Just gotta let them cool." You take the cookies out of the oven and place them on the counter. Chris grabs one and quickly puts it down.
"Ah shit, it's hot," as he shakes his hand.
You shake your head, "Chris, I just said you have to let them cool down. Are you okay?"
He tilts his head and shows you his hand, "No, I have a boo boo."
You try not to laugh, "Aww, want me to kiss it and make it feel better?" You take his hand and plant a light kiss. "Better?"
"Yes, thank you." Chris walks to the living room and puts on the movie before returning to the kitchen. You grab two glasses from the cupboard and pour both of you some milk.
"Okay I think they're cool enough to eat now."
Chris grabs one and takes a bite and leans his head back,"Mmm, ahh, no it's not." He quickly chews the piece he has in his mouth.
You giggle, "You okay, Chris?"
He takes a drink of milk, "No, I just burned my mouth with a cookie."
You try not to laugh and wrap your arms around him and tilt your head, "want me to kiss your boo boo?" He nods his head and leans in to kiss you. You taste the cookies on his lips, "Better?"
"No." He pulls you in for another kiss. You smile against his lips.
"How about now?"
He moans against your lips, "Mmm, almost." You laugh as you squeeze him tighter. "Okay, now I'm better." You shake your head and grab some cookies and put them on a plate. Chris follows you to the living room and sits on the couch.
"Should we send your mom a photo of us eating the cookies?"
You smile, "Yes! I'm sure she'll love it." You grab your phone from the coffee table and take a selfie of Chris making a funny face while biting a cookie and you kissing his cheek.
You show Chris and he can't stop laughing, "please send me that one too."
You send your mom the photo with the caption; "Chris loves the cookies we baked. Thanks mom."
A minute later you get a reply from her:
"Enjoy. Merry Christmas, guys. Love you."
After you and Chris watch the movie the sun has gone down and Chris jumps up from the couch.
"Let's go check out the Christmas lights! Come on!" He pulls you up and you guys run out the front door.
It's colder than it was this morning so you snuggle up next to Chris. You guys step back from the house and admire the lights.
"Wow. You did a good job, Chris."
He kisses you on the cheek, "why thank you."
You cross your arms, "Can we go back inside now? I'm freezing."
Chris wraps his arms around you, "Yeah, let's go."
You guys go back inside and you guys cook dinner together before turning in early.
====== =======
The next morning you're woken up to some weird sounds coming from the living room. You hear Chris from down the hallway.
"Dodger, please stop. That's not a toy." You hear him laugh, "Bubba!"
You get out of bed and walk to the living room. You see Chris on the living room floor attempting to wrap up a present while Dodger is playing with the extra cardboard boxes.
You laugh, "good morning, Chris."
He quickly turns around, "Ah shit, hi babe. Uh, can you close your eyes really quick?"
You cover your eyes, "Oh sorry."
You hear paper and things moving around. "I thought you were still sleeping."
"I was, but then I heard a loud noise and it woke me up."
"Oh yeah, sorry that was Dodger. Okay, you can open your eyes now."
You open your eyes and walk up to Chris and give him a kiss as he caresses your thigh.
"Mmm. Good morning, beautiful."
"Morning, handsome."
"Oh, some more packages came in the mail for you. They're in the kitchen."
"Thank God, I wasn't sure if they would arrive in time." You take off running to the kitchen and open each one to see whose gift is in each one. You grab the boxes and go back to the living room and sit across from Chris. He leans over and tries to look inside the boxes. "Hey, what are you doing?" You close the flap on the box and push him back.
"Is that a present for me?"
"Don't worry about it. Go back to what you were doing."
He gives you a smirk and goes back to wrapping up his present. You lay out some wrapping paper and move one of the boxes to the center to wrap it. Chris tries to peek into the box again, but you hit him on the shoulder with the empty roll. "Chris! Behave or I'm taking back your present... the one from Victoria's Secret."
Chris raises an eyebrow, "Ha! So that present is for me?"
You laugh and shrug your shoulders, "I don't know, not really sure if you've been a good boy this year." You look up at him and bite your lip. Chris is quiet and just gives you a smirk before going back to wrapping gifts.
You take a break from wrapping gifts to cook breakfast. As you're cooking, Chris comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. You lean back and rest your head on his chest.
He hums and kisses your cheek, "need any help?"
"No, it's almost done."
He moves his hands to your hips and lightly squeezes, "okay, wanna eat in the living room?" You nod your head and give him a kiss. He walks to the fridge to grab you guys something to drink before heading to the living room. He returns to the kitchen to help you carry the food to the living room. You both sit on the floor in front of the coffee table as you enjoy breakfast.
"What time do we need to be at your mom's today?"
"She said whenever."
"What else do we need to get done before we go?"
"Just finish wrapping whatever we haven't yet and get dressed."
"Shit, we better hurry then. I wanna shower before we go."
Chris laughs, "can I join?" You just smile and wink at him. You get up and start walking down the hallway. Chris quickly gets up and runs after you. "Heeeey, wait for me", as he wraps his arms around you.
You start laughing, "I'm not gonna shower right now, Chris. I'm getting the other presents I hid from you."
He moans, "the Victoria's secret one?"
You put your head down and laugh, "Chris, behave."
He laughs against your neck, "Okay okay okay." He heads back to the living room while you grab the other gifts.
You quickly run to the living room, "wait, are you gonna use those empty boxes?"
"No, do you need them?"
"Yeah, if Dodger doesn't mind." Chris laughs and hands them to you, "thank you, be right back."
You put the gifts inside the boxes and return to the living room to wrap them up. You guys finish up the last of the wrapping.
"Shower time?!" Chris jumps up from the floor and throws you over his shoulders. You squeal, "Oh shit, Chris." You cover your face and giggle as he takes off running down the hallway. Once he gets to your guys bathroom he puts you down and kisses you before turning on the shower. You both undress and jump in the shower. You guys take turns bathing each other. Chris then starts singing Christmas music and you can't stop laughing. "Oh my God, you're such a dork."
He kisses your cheek, "yeah, but I'm your dork."
You turn off the water and Chris hands you a towel as he grabs another one to wrap around his waist. You run your fingers through his wet hair, "I love you."
He moans at your touch and kisses you, "I love you, (y/n)." He helps you step out of the shower. You get dressed in the bedroom while he gets dressed in the walk in closet. You finish drying your hair when Chris walks out and is wearing the sweater your mom bought for him along with black slants and dress shoes.
"Hey handsome." He walks up to you and plants a kiss on your cheek. "Can you pack the cookies that we baked? We gotta take those with us tonight."
"Yeah." Chris has a big grin on his face.
You point at him with a serious face, "pack them, don't eat them."
"Yes, ma'am" and heads out of the bedroom.
You finish getting ready and head to the kitchen and you see Chris quickly turn his back. "Hey!" Chris tries not to laugh when he turns back around. He covers his mouth with his hand. You glare at him, "Did you eat a cookie?" You put your hands on your hips and walk up to Chris. He shakes his head. "No, I need to hear an answer."
He swallows and lets out a cough, "no" and tilts his head and smiles.
You glare at him and point at his sweater, "Uh huh, and what's that?"
Chris looks down and wipes off the crumbs from his shirt, "nothing!"
"Liar! You ate a cookie." you start tickling him, "I told you to pack them, not eat them."
"Okay okay, I'm sorry." Chris tries to escape but fails. "They're just really good. I promise I only ate one."
You stop tickling him, "You promise?"
"Yes." and kisses you on the cheek.
"Alright, no more til after dinner."
You both put on your coats before going outside to load the car with all of the gifts. You fill up the whole trunk and back seat with gifts before heading to Chris' mom's house. On the ride to her house the sun is setting and you start seeing everyone's Christmas lights turn on. You look out the window and Chris takes your hand and plants a light kiss on it before resting it on your leg. You guys arrive at his mom's house and you guys get out to greet everyone.
"Hi mom! Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas you guys, come inside it's chilly out."
"Uh, we have gifts for everyone. Hope there's room under the tree."
She smiles, "We'll make room."
You and Chris head back to the car and start unloading. Scott and Chris' dad come out to help.
"Hi guys, I hope one of these are mine." Scott does a little dance while carrying presents into the house. You shake your head and laugh. Once inside you greet everyone else. The kids are playing and watching Christmas cartoons as the adults are mingling. You and Chris head over to the kitchen and suddenly you hear someone shout "Stop!"
You both freeze and everyone starts laughing. You look at each other with a confused look on your faces. Then Scott says, "look up." You both look up and see a mistletoe hanging on the ceiling. You bury your face into Chris' chest and giggle as he wraps his arms around you. "You guys gotta kiss."
Chris cups your face with both of his hands and plants a light kiss on your lips. You smile against his lips. You hear him whisper, "I love you," as he hugs you. He takes your hand and you guys walk into the kitchen.
"Hi, we made cookies for you."
"Oh, you did? Thank you sweetie." She gives you a hug.
"My mom gave me the recipe and told me to give these to you. Merry Christmas."
"Do you need any help with anything in here, Ma?"
"No, everything is almost done. Go mingle with everyone."
Chris takes your hand and you guys head back to the living room. You catch up with Carly about school as Chris play with his nephews and nieces.
Chris' mom comes to the living room, "alright everyone, dinner is ready." Everyone heads to the dining room and takes a seat. This time you're sitting next to Chris at the end of the table. The food smells amazing as there's dishes being passed around. Once everything has been passed around everyone starts digging in. As you're talking over dinner, Chris notices your leg twitching and he puts his left hand on your lap and you hold his hand. You turn and smile at him and continue talking. Your nerves cool down and Chris squeezes your hand before letting go.
After dinner everyone moves to the living room and continues mingling. "Uncle Chris, can we go look at Christmas lights like we did last year?" one of his nieces asks.
"That sounds like a great idea."
You, Chris and the kids head out for a walk while the other adults stay behind.
"Please hold hands, guys." Shanna shouts from the doorway.
"We will!"
"Uncle Chris, can I sit on your shoulders?"
"Sure sweetheart." Chris picks up and places his niece on his shoulders. "Can you see all of the lights now?"
"Yes!" As she raises her hands. As you guys are checking out the neighborhood Christmas lights Chris holds your hand. You guys keep walking until it gets colder and it starts snowing.
"Alright guys, let's head back. I don't want anyone getting sick on Christmas."
Once you guys get back to Chris' mom's house she makes hot cocoa and hands out the cookies you and Chris made.
"Do you guys wanna open up a gift?" His mom asks. All of the kids start screaming. "Just one. You can open the others tomorrow morning."
Chris gets up and hands out one gift to everyone. The gift that Chris hands you is one from his mom and dad you smile as he takes a seat next to you on the couch. Once everyone has one wrapping paper starts flying everywhere. The kids got new toys, one of his sisters got a book and the other got some kitchenware. Scott got a bottle of wine. His parents open the gift you both got them which is a gift certificate for a his and hers massage and a two night stay at a hotel. Chris opens his gift and it's a new baseball cap. You keep smiling as you're watching everyone opening their gifts.
Chris nudges your elbow, "Hey, you're gonna open yours, (y/n)?" You quickly unwrap your gift and it's a Christmas music piano book.
You start laughing, "I'm gonna take this as a sign of them wanting me to play something for them?"
Chris rubs your back, "Uh probably."
"Yes! Play something for us." Scott shouts.
"Okay, okay. Only if you promise to sing, Scott." you get up and walk over to the piano.
"Yes!" as he takes a seat next to you on the piano bench. The first song you play is The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. "chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose."
Everyone gathers around the piano while enjoying their hot cocoa and cookies and joins in on the parts of the song that they know.
"They know that Santa's on his way. He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh."
You spend the rest of the night singing and playing Christmas music for Chris and his family. As the night goes on people start heading home until you two are the last ones. His parents walk you guys out and you guys them goodbye.
"Thanks for having me over for Christmas dinner and for the piano book, I love it."
"You're welcome, sweetie. Thanks for our gift. You guys be careful on the drive home."
"We will. Thanks mom and dad. Merry Christmas, I love you."
"We love you, good night."
During the car ride home both of you are quiet and tired from all of the yummy food you guys ate. You rest your head on Chris' shoulder as you guys walk up to the front door. He guides you straight to the bedroom and lays you down on the bed. You cuddle up next to him and just lay there in silence.
Then he suddenly sits up. You give him a weird look, "What's wrong? You okay?"
"What time is it?" he looks at his watch, "It's past midnight!" He turns to you and has a big smile on his face.
You laugh, "and?"
"And? It's Christmas, wanna open another gift?"
"Okay, hang on, let me go get it." He jumps off the bed and runs into the walk in closet and shuts the door behind him. You hide under the covers and wait for him. You hear him bump into stuff and you start giggling.
"You okay, in there?"
"Yeah, almost done." A minute later the door cracks open and he walks out wearing a big red bow over his outfit.
You pull up the bed covers over your face and start laughing.
You feel the bed dip as Chris crawls up and lays on top of you bracing himself with both of his arms on either side of you. He slowly pulls down the covers from your face down to your neck and he notices a green bow on your shoulder. He gasps and you bite your lip as he pulls the blanket down more and sees that you've taken off your clothes and are wearing a blue lace bra.
"Your wrapping paper is way better than mine."
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss, "no, I like the red bow, but can we take it off? It's in the way."
Chris laughs and sits up on the bed, "You do the honors." You quickly rip the bow off of Chris as he moves the rest of the blankets out of the way and reveals the matching panties that you have on. "Oh look, my favorite color."
You shake your head and giggle as you pull him back down on top of you as he kisses you. Chris gently pulls off the bow on your shoulder and plants light kisses down your neck. His hands run down your body as yours run up and down his back. You moan as he lightly bites your shoulder. He thrusts his hips down on yours and you moan. You pull up the back of his shirt and he sits back and takes it off. You runs your hands up his chest and around his neck as he kisses you. His hands travel down to your ass and squeezes you before running his hands down your thighs to wrap them around his waist. You grind your hips up against him and he moans against your lips. You run your fingers through his hair as he pushes his hips down on you again. Your hands trail down between you as you start to unbuckle his belt. Chris laughs against your lips. He sits up pulls down his pants and boxers and throws them on the floor. He quickly lays back on top of you. You run your hands down to his dick and slowly grasp it. He hisses and rests his head on your shoulder.
"Oh fuck."
You lightly bite his neck and slowly start moving your hand on his dick. He moans in your ear and starts kissing down your neck to the top of your chest. You squeeze him a bit tighter as he goes lower on your breast. You quickly let him go as he sits up and his hands are behind you undoing your bra. He quickly removes it and covers both of your breasts with his big warm hands and gently lays you back down. He kisses you and your hand is back on his dick. He moans against your lips. His hands trail down your sides and his mouth travels down to your left breast and he lightly licks your nipple. You moan out his name and squeeze his dick making him squeeze your hip.
"Shit baby. Your hands are so soft."
"Chris, I need you."
His hand travels between you to the front of your panties and he slowly slides his hand inside. You up your hips towards him. He moans as soon as he touches your pussy.
"You're soaked."
You whimper, "please." He pushes two fingers deep inside you and you bite down on his shoulder. "Ah fuck." You move your hand on his dick faster which causes him to moan loudly in your ear.
"Shit. W-w-w- wait." You stop and Chris rests his head on your shoulder. He slowly removes his fingers from you and whimper. "Sorry" he whispers as he places his hand on your lower stomach and reaches over to the nightstand for a condom. You quickly grab it from him and he has a smirk on his face. He tugs on your panties and you lift your hips off of the bed as he pulls them down and tosses them on the floor. All the while you open the package and Chris scoots up for you to roll it on him. You take your time slowly torturing him, but also torturing yourself because your body is aching for him to be inside you. Once he has it on he leans down and kisses you. His hand travels back down to your pussy and he pushes his fingers back inside of you. You close your eyes and lay your head back on the pillow.
You gently grab his dick, "Please, I need you inside me."
Chris removes his fingers from you and lines himself up with your opening. He places both of his hands on your hips and thrusts all the way in. You both moan loudly. He leans over you and kisses you. You wrap your arms around him. He pulls out all the way and you whimper. He thrusts back in with more force causing you to bite his shoulder. He squeezes your hips and pushes you down into the bed.
"Ah fuck!"
"God, you're so tight." He grabs your thigh and squeezes it before you wrap both of your legs around him. The new angle of your hips causes him to slide in deeper.
"Agh! Chris. Right there baby."
He moans and thrusts into you harder. You scratch his back leaving marks that will be visible the next day. He bites you leaving love marks on your neck. You run your fingers through his hair gently pulling as he thrusts into you. You start to whimper out his name.
"Harder, baby. Ah. I love you."
"Shit, you feel amazing around me."
Chris continues squeezing your hips and thrusting into you. He starts losing his rhythm so you know he's close.
"Ah Chris. Right there, baby."
"You gonna cum for me, baby?" He whispers in your ear.
"Uh huh. Don't stop, please. Don't stop. I'm so close."
Chris wraps his arms around you and pulls you up so you're both sitting up on the bed.
"Oh fuck!"
His hands slide down your ass and he moves you up and down on his dick. You take him in even deeper causing you to lean your back and cry out his name.
"Ah shit, Chris! Right there. Right there. ah baby."
He bites your neck and you hold onto him tight as he thrusts into your causing your orgasm to hit you hard. You clench around him and soon enough he comes undone. He continues thrusts into you until he's got nothing left.
"Oh shit, (y/n)! Agh!"
You hold onto him as he lays you back down on the bed. He slowly pulls out of you and rests his head on you chest. You whimper and he kisses your neck. You run your hands up and down his back as you both catch your breath.
He whispers into your ear, "I love you."
You moan and kiss his cheek, "Merry Christmas, baby."
He laughs and rest his head back on your chest. Once you guys calm down you both get up and take a quick shower before going to sleep.
======== ======
You're woken up by Chris tickling your sides. You moan and turn away from him.
"(Y/n), wake up, it's Christmas."
"I wanna sleep." You pull the covers over you.
Chris laughs, "come on, you have more presents to unwrap."
"I'm good with the present I got last night."
Chris lays his head down on your back and moans, "me too."
"Then, let's just sleep."Chris laughs and quickly pulls the blankets from you. You curl up in a ball and moan. He picks you up and carries you to the living room. "Ah Chris." You hide your face in his neck to block out the light. He gently puts you down on the couch. You rub your eyes to wake up.
He sits next to you and hands you a gift and kisses you on the cheek, "open it."
You unwrap it and open the box. It's a silver necklace with a treble clef and a diamond in the middle. "Aww Chris, it's beautiful."
"Wanna put it on?"
"Yeah" you sweep your hair to one side and you hand the necklace to him. He puts it on you and kisses your shoulder.
"I love you."
You cup his face, "I love you, Chris. Okay now it's your turn." You get up and pass him a present.
"Ooo! Thank you." You smile as he unwraps it. He opens it and it's a blue flannel. "I love it. Here you have another one." He hands you another box as he puts on the flannel. You giggle as you unwrap your next present. You bust out laughing and lay back on the couch as soon as you see it. It's a T-shirt that says My boyfriend is Captain America. "Do you like it?"
"I love it thank you." You take off your shirt and put on the new one. You kiss him before getting up. "You have one more gift." You grab the last gift from the tree and hand it to Chris.
He quickly unwraps it, "Wow!" It's a watch with the NASA logo and a moon on the face. "Thanks so much, baby."
"Merry Christmas, Chris." You cuddle next to him on the couch.
He kisses your forehead, "Merry Christmas, (y/n)."
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deck the halls
Hi everyone, Merry Christmas if you’re celebrating! Here’s nothing but straight fluff for Petey, hope you all like it! Major props to @hockeyboysiguess​ for not only getting me to simp for him but also being so wonderful when I’ve needed someone to encourage me to finish, and for everyone else who’s let me bounce ideas off of them or yelled at me in my inbox to get it done. As always, please let me know what you think of it, I love hearing feedback - comments, reblogs (I always read the tags) and inboxes are so so welcomed!
word count: 3.9k+
You could tell something was wrong the minute that you walked through the door, into the living room of your boyfriend’s apartment. It was the first week of December, a time when most houses in the city — and the city itself, for that matter — decked the halls with tinsel, baubles, and cut-out paper snowflakes. You were no exception; really, your love for the season exceeded even the gaudy holiday displays in the windows of department stores, trying to entice passers-by to buy into their “annual-sale-that’s-not-even-a-sale-because-prices-are-so-inflated-anyways” sale. You lived and breathed Christmas as soon as it hit December 1st. Poorly but lovingly-decorated sugar cookies were delivered to your friends and neighbors, tinsel and ornaments hung from every surface imaginable in your apartment, Michael Bublé blasted 24/7. So, aside from those who didn’t celebrate, you expected everyone else to act accordingly. And if their version of Christmas didn’t include pounds of icing and a metric fuckton of ornaments, well then that just wouldn’t do. 
So when you crossed the threshold into Elias’ living room, entirely bare and devoid of anything even remotely resembling Christmas cheer, you were more than a little shocked. You supposed you hadn’t quite been paying attention much last year, your first Christmas as a couple five or so months after you had gotten together. Probably still stuck in the honeymoon phase, you thought with a grin. Though, to be fair, you really still were in the honeymoon phase with Elias, after nearly a year and a half of dating. Which wasn’t to say you didn’t have your disagreements; you weren’t a perfect couple, of course you didn’t always see eye to eye on everything and got annoyed with each other on more than one occasion, but that same sense of wonder and unfeigned giddiness that came with a new relationship hadn’t left yet. And honestly, you weren’t sure it ever would. You certainly didn’t want it to. So when you looked in his living room and didn’t see any lights hanging, no tacky-but-heartwarming wreath of Christmas cards, no tree, you didn’t react with anything but sheer disbelief. You looked to the kitchen, but there was nothing. Dining room? Not a roll of wrapping paper to be found, no piney scent wafting through the air from some Glade plug-in you got on sale because the smell from the tree alone just wasn’t cutting it. How could someone live like this?
Elias walked into the room, his hair still damp from a post-practice shower, and flashed a smile at you, kissing you briefly before pulling back and looking at the dumbfounded expression still plastered on your face. “Everything okay?” he said, waving his hand in front of your eyes. “Did they mess up the order or something?” Oh, right, order. You had almost forgotten about the food in your hand, the entire reason you were coming over to his apartment in the first place. Lunch. 
You quickly shook your head. “No, everything was fine. Your Pad Kee Mao, my green curry.” 
He took the bag from you, placing it on the counter as he opened the cabinets and took out two plates. “You sure nothing’s up? You look like you saw a ghost.”
You gestured around the apartment. “There’s...nothing here?” 
His brow furrowed. “What do you mean there’s nothing here?”
“No decorations,” you explained. “No lights, no ornaments, no tinsel, no tree? It’s like you didn’t even know it’s Christmas, Elias.”
Elias rolled his eyes. “I forgot about your Christmas obsession.” 
“Obsession?” you asked, one eyebrow perched in question. 
“Love for Christmas?” Elias tried. 
He shrugged. “I have a couple things in the closet, I’ll probably pull them out soon. There’s a string of lights, a little stuffed Santa Brock gave me last year, a tree that’s about this tall,” he gestured at his waist. “Christmas is a thing back home, obviously, but it’s not as...hyped up? Emphasized? As it is here.” 
“Such are the pitfalls of capitalism,” you mused.
Elias nodded, digging through the drawers for forks. “And plus, we’ve got Saint Lucia’s Day, so that’s definitely where the more Swedish-specific traditions come out.”
You let out a groan. “I can’t get over the fact that you have a fake tree. It physically pains me.”
“It’s much more practical,” Elias said, trying to justify himself. “You don’t have to water it, it’s not going to drop needles, saves you money in the long run.”
Your eyes almost rolled into the back of your head. “Seriously? You sound like a grandpa, Lias. And it’s not like you’re exactly hurting for money.” You suddenly looked at Elias, your eyes so laser-focused that it startled him for a moment. “I’m going to make you love Christmas.”
He sputtered. “It’s not that I don’t like Christmas, I just have never much been into all of the extra stuff that goes along with it.”
“I won’t allow it,” you said, shaking your head. “Eat your Thai, we’re going to a tree lot.”
The tree
Thirty minutes later, you pulled into a tree lot in South Vancouver. You put the car into park, looking over at Elias. “I take my tree shopping very seriously, as you’re about to see. They’ve usually got some kind of chart or whatever at the front to show you the different kinds of trees you can get—“
Elias cut you off. “I’m going to stop you there. Different kinds? There’s not just, I don’t know, the generic Christmas trees, what are they...firs or whatever?”
You huffed, blowing a piece of hair that had escaped from under your Canucks beanie, one of the first gifts Elias had given to you when you had started dating. “Well, of course there are. But there’s noble firs versus douglas firs, versus blue spruces, versus white firs, versus white spruces, so if you don’t know what you’re looking for it can actually be pretty overwhelming.”
            “I can see that,” Elias said dryly. “So what’s the difference between them?”
“Size and color, mostly,” you replied, “but also things like the shape of the branches, how much weight they can hold, even what they smell like. This place has a ton of different ones, so we can walk around and you can figure out what you like.”
Elias lasted about ten minutes before turning to you with a blank expression that caused you to break out in raucous laughter. “I don’t know what I want. I thought I did, but there’s hundreds of trees here,” he gestured wildly, “and they’re all wrapped up, so you can’t even really see them, and all I know is that I want a Christmas tree that looks like a Christmas tree.”
You smiled at your boyfriend. “That’s not nothing, Lias. I think we’re actually getting somewhere. So you want a more classic look, big and fluffy?” He nodded. “Okay, then we’re probably going to want to go with a noble fir or grand fir.”
“How did you learn all this?” Elias asked.
“Trial and error,” you said. “And as for the netting, I think I can fix that.” You pulled your Swiss army knife out of your pocket, wiggling it at him. “It’s the way my dad always taught me. You find one that looks good, give it a good rip and make sure it’s the right shape and that there’s not a crazy amount of space between the branches.”
“Because we wouldn’t want that.”
“You’re learning!” You said, laughing. “No, we wouldn’t. Because even if you’ve got a lot of ornaments, it can still look weird and throw off the whole vibe you’re going for.”
Elias ran his hands against the branches of one of the trees. “I don’t have that many ornaments. Some, yeah, but not a lot.”
“Don’t worry,” you said, squeezing his hand. “Lord knows I’ve got enough, we can stop by my place on our way back and grab what I’ve got left over.” 
He dipped his head in agreement. “Sounds good.”
Three hours later and you were standing on a chair in Elias’ living room, tongue sticking out of your mouth in concentration as you tried to fix the star to the top of the tree. Elias’ hands were wrapped gently around your waist, looking nervously up at you. “You sure you don’t want me to get it?” he asked. 
You shook your head, pumping your fist when you finally got it balanced on top, hopping down to the floor. “I’m good!” Elias had a few ornaments from team parties and events — nearly all of them branded with some form of the Canucks logo — and a handful from back home, the same popsicle stick, glue, and tempera paint creations that dotted your own preschool memories. You had picked up lights from your apartment, plugged them into the wall, figured out half of the bulbs were dead, fixed them, and then finally draped them across the tree branches, hanging a box of your own ornaments alongside your boyfriend’s. 
Elias slipped one arm around your hips, pulling you into his side as the two of you stood back and admired your handiwork. “I like this,” he murmured. 
“The tree actually did turn out pretty great,” you agreed.
“You sound like you had so little faith in us,” Elias said, a smile on his face. “The tree does look great, but I was thinking about this. Us, being together, decorating a Christmas tree. Starting traditions. It feels right.” 
You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder, turning to kiss his neck. “It does.”
The baking
Christmas didn’t stop at a tree for you. Oh no, not even close. Elias’ tree was decorated, his living room and entryway hung with tasteful amounts of tinsel and only slightly cheesy wall hangings — he particularly liked the ‘Eat, Drink, and Be Merry’ — that you had dragged him out to the nearest Canadian Tire for. It was all nice to admire, but for you, the real fun started when you fired up the oven and flipped on the stand mixer. 
Elias had been gone for a few days on a brief road trip through California, and you had gladly taken up that time to stock up on any and all possible ingredients you’d need for your annual Christmas baking haul. Elias had a nicer mixer than you did, and his oven had an extra shelf, so with his blessing you had all but set up shop in his kitchen. A good chunk of your time outside of work had been spent running out to Sobey’s, driving back to Elias’ apartment, realizing you’d forgotten something, and having to do it all over again. 
But you loved it, you really did, even when his counters were covered in bags of flour, tubes of icing, and three types of sugar, and his fridge had somewhere north of five pounds of butter. You heard Elias’ key in the front door; it swung open and you heard the familiar thump of his duffel against the hardwood floor. “I’m hoooome,” he called out.
You let out a quick giggle, walking around the kitchen to greet him in the entryway. “Welcome back, babe. How was the trip?”
He shrugged, raising an eyebrow at the outfit you had on; you had put on your trusted old apron, the floral print slightly faded over the years and with more than one stubborn vanilla stain that just didn’t want to come out, but you loved it all the same. “I mean, you saw it. Two wins, one loss. Could have done better, I really don’t think we should have dropped that game against the Kings, but it happens. You started yet?”
“Just about to,” you said, squeezing his hand. “I’d love an assistant if you’ve got the time.”
“For you?” Elias said, kissing the top of your head, “Always.”
Elias creamed the butters and sugar while you sifted the flour, turning around to grab the eggs. You handed two to him. “This seems like a lot of sugar,” Elias noted, peering into the mixing bowl. 
You shrugged. “It’s a double recipe. There’s got to be enough for us, plus the team — I’ll cry if they don’t eat them, so I’m not against you threatening bodily harm if that’s what it comes to — plus some extra for me to take into work this week. So,” you picked up the bottle of vanilla extract, “lots of cookies.” 
It wasn’t just cookies, though; you made somewhere north of 60 sugar cookies, but Elias was once again dumbfounded as you heaved a cardboard box out of one of the many bags you had picked up earlier in the week. “What’s that one?” You spun the box around so he could read the label. “Gingerbread house? Isn’t that mostly for little kids?”
You gasped in mock offense. “I can’t believe you would dare say such a thing, Elias. But yes, typically it is a kid thing. I love it, though. I’ve done one every year ever since I can remember, and they’re so much fun. Genuinely.” You tried, for one year and one year only, to make your own gingerbread; but, as much as you genuinely loved baking, it turned out to be nothing short of a spectacular mess. It wasn’t the Great British Bake Off, as you kept trying to remind yourself when the gingerbread puffed up too much and got too soft while simultaneously burning on the edges, but you had nonetheless been a little deflated as you ran to the grocery store to get a box kit. You tried to look on the bright side, though. One less thing to go wrong in the litany of the day’s bad possibilities. So, you no longer felt guilty about going out to the shop to get a build-your-own box. And besides, putting the house together and decorating it truly was 90% of the fun of the whole thing. 
Elias held his hands up in surrender. “Didn’t mean to make you upset,” he said with a smile. “I do what the chef tells me.” 
You pushed his hair back with one hand, the other handing him a tube of royal icing. “You, my love, have the honor of making sure this house doesn’t fall down.”
“I think I can do that,” he replied easily.
You really should have had more faith in your boyfriend, you thought as you looked at the completed gingerbread house. He had put just the right amount of icing on; not so little that the walls would simply fall down, but not so much that it would take forever to dry and still be too precarious to decorate. And decorate you did, mini M&Ms lining the roof to double as Christmas lights, a tree piped next to the front door, frosting and shredded coconut snow on the roof and floor. You stepped back to look at the finished product, curling into Elias’ side as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “We did pretty good, didn’t we?” you asked. 
“We did.”
The morning
There were many reasons you were grateful that the NHL didn’t operate like other major league sports, with games on Christmas day. It gave a much-needed break after the incredibly fast-paced nature of the first few months of the season. It also gave some time to gain a sense of normalcy for the players and their families; as normal as it could be, you supposed. They could do the same last-minute shopping as other families did, set out milk and cookies with their kids on Christmas Eve. They could attend a service on Christmas Day, invite family over to spend the holiday — as Elias had done the year prior, with his parents flying in from Sweden — or sleep in the morning of. The latter of which you and Elias chose, his bare chest pressed up against your back as you lay in his bed, a well-worn Tre Kronor jersey draped across your body. You twisted over to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Guess what today is?” you asked cheekily. You knew he knew, it wasn’t as if you hadn’t spent the entire month counting down the days and making damn sure he was as informed as you were. 
Elias let out a light laugh. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He threw back the sheets. “I’m going to go and get the coffee started, take your time.” 
It was Christmas, though, and you were you. You weren’t about to take your time when it was December 25th. You made the bed somewhat haphazardly, padding out to the kitchen to wrap your arms around Elias’ waist as he set the coffee maker to brew. It didn’t take long, and you had just enough time to turn on the Christmas music and carefully curate the morning’s playlist before he was walking out to the living room, holding two steaming mugs of coffee. “Thanks, ‘Lias,” you said, taking your cup as the two of you sat on the floor with your stockings. “Dig in,” you said, gesturing to his while blowing on your coffee to cool it down. “No use waiting.” 
He shook his head at you, the edges of his mouth curled in a smile that let you know that no matter how much good-natured ribbing he gave you about your love for the morning and, honestly, for all things Christmas and wintery, he loved that you had let him into a part of your life that you were so excited to share. You had taken a trip to the Swedish candy shop that Elias loved so much, the place was a little out of the way but you’d do anything to give the man you loved a little taste of home for the holidays. Elias laughed when he turned his stocking upside town and tipped it out, the sweets mixed in with some new stick tape and wax he had been mentioning he was running low on. “The team’s got some spare stuff, but I like it a certain way,” he had said earlier in the month, and with a little digging and a call to Brock, you had figured exactly which hole-in-the-wall hockey supply store to drive out to for his favorite kind, the only brand that would do for Elias Pettersson. 
He had filled your stocking with your favorite kind of candy and a few boxes of film for your Polaroid. You laughed when a box of chapstick fell on top of the candy. “You’re always losing them,” Elias said, a poorly concealed grin on his face, “or leaving them somewhere, so I figured more couldn’t hurt.”
You could barely stop laughing. “It’s perfect,” you said in between giggles. “Seriously, though. I can never have too many, and it’s sweet that you noticed that.”
Like any kid, you had always loved getting to open presents on Christmas, and as you had gotten older, you’d learned to enjoy the experience of shopping for other people. But you and Elias had agreed that you didn’t want to make Christmas an incredibly elaborate or expensive affair; the more you had to buy, the more you had to stress over what to choose, the less you would enjoy the holiday itself. So Elias gifted you a book you’d been eyeing, then you gave him a leatherbound journal and a pen. You unwrapped some nice lotion and candles, handing him a navy blue wool scarf. Elias had recently gotten into puzzles — you’re not sure who introduced him, but you had a sneaking suspicion it was Brock — so you got him a 1000 piece puzzle of the snow capped mountains of Banff. “Figured it’d keep you busy for a while,” you said. He squeezed your hand in appreciation. You opened up your last present, sliding out a pair of tickets from an envelope. Two concert tickets to someone you’d been dying to see for years, but you’d never been able to snatch up in time. “How’d you pull this one off?” you asked, delicately holding the tickets in your hand, the envelope they came in long forgotten on the floor. 
“I tried to get them online when they went on sale last month like everyone else, I stayed on my laptop for something like an hour but nothing showed up. So then it was plan B. I called someone who called someone who knows someone at Rogers, told them the situation and that I wanted to surprise my girlfriend, and they made it work. I try not to name drop too often, but if it’s for you, I’ll do it,” he explained. 
You leaned over and kissed him, your hand resting against his jaw. “Thank you, babe. You really didn’t have to, but...It’s going to be amazing. We’re going to have so much fun.”
“You better,” he replied, reaching around the tree to pull out a tiny box from between the branches, one so small you wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t know there was something to be looking for. Your heart nearly stopped, and you looked up towards Elias with an expression that was equal parts overwhelmed, panicked, and nervous. “I’m not proposing,” he said quickly. “It’s not a ring.”
You let out a breath of relief. “Oh my God, good.” Now it was your turn to backtrack. “I wouldn’t have been upset if you were proposing, we know we both want that in the future, but it would have caught me a little off-guard.” 
Elias nodded. “And I get that. I definitely don’t want to be giving you a heart attack when I’m trying to ask you to marry me.” 
“That wouldn’t be good.”
“It wouldn’t. I’d definitely rather have an alive fiancée than a dead one. But,” Elias said, turning over the box in his hands, “I’ve thought a lot about this too, and I’m as sure of this decision as I am that I’m going to propose to you one day.” He finally handed it over to you, gesturing for you to open it. “It’s been nearly a year and a half since we’ve been together, so I figured it’s about time — past time, really — that we make it official, have you bring over the two pairs of pants or whatever that aren’t already on your side of the drawer, stop having to drive the twenty minutes home at midnight after we fall asleep together during a movie marathon. About time we move in together.”
You let out a soft gasp, holding the silver key delicately in your hands, in between two fingers as if it might shatter into a million pieces if you dared grip it any tighter. “And you’re sure about this, ‘Lias? I’d love to, but only if you’re sure too. I don’t want you to feel backed into a corner about anything just because it’s what everyone else is doing, or seems like the ‘next step’ for us as a couple, or —”
Elias cut you off with a kiss, closing your hand over the key. “I’m positive. And I’m not doing this for anyone else other than us.”
Even though you were sitting on the living room floor, you spoke your next words as if you were breathless. “When can we start?”
“We can start whenever you want, baby. The sooner the better,” he answered.
Your eyes met his. “One more question,” you asked. He nodded. “Did I do it? Did I make you love Christmas?”
“Mission accomplished, baby.”
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nerdy-bookworm-1998 · 4 years
Bah Humbug
Pairing: Stucky x Reader Words:898 Warning: Fluff Summary: Request by Anonymous: “ Can we have a stuckyxreader oneshot inspired in the song "Humbug" by Owl City? Pretty please with cherries on top you wonderful little Santa (°3°) “ A/N: This is part of my 25 Days of Christmas Writing Challenge. For those that are interested, I still have 21 request spots available. Just send me a request for what you would like me to write along with the character. I will write for Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Legolas, Thranduil, and Kili. Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. If you want to be tagged in future works, just drop me an ask.
Two weeks before Christmas, Bucky and Steve are sitting in their room surrounded by wrapped presents as they tick off the names of all the people they had gotten gifts for. Scanning down the page they see that everyone is accounted for except for the most important person, their girlfriend. Glancing at his watch Bucky sees that it's still early in the afternoon, the stores wouldn't be closing for a few hours so they had enough time to go shopping and get back before y/n gets home.
Grabbing their jackets, gloves, wallets, and keys, they head down to Steve's Camaro and out onto the streets of New York. Deciding the mall would be their best bet, Steve makes it to the mall in record time. First up is y/n's favorite clothing store. As they scan the racks a  canary yellow scarf catches Steve's eye. He picks it up, letting the soft material flow over his fingers. "What about this?" he asks Bucky, who shakes his head. "She already has an entire drawer full at home," he reminds the blond. He puts it back down.
Next, they wander through the bag section of the store, examining a few different options before dismissing all of them. They walk through the rest of the mall but nothing seems to jump out at them. Ultimately they give it up for a bad job and head back to the tower.
In the common room, Sam and Clint are sitting on the couches, watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. The boys slump down into an open seat and let out a matching tired sigh. "Hey, why do you look like someone just stole your eggnog?" Sam jokes lightly.
"Bah humbug," Bucky grumbles.
"What's going on?" Clint asks more sincerely.
"It's y/n. We have no idea what to get her for Christmas. She's so incredible and loving. Her gift to be as perfect as she is," Steve admits.
"How about a gift card for Olive Garden? You know how much she loves food," Clint suggests.
"Nah, man, she's more of a Red Lobster kinda gal," Sam argues.
Steve and Bucky exchange an exasperated look as the other two continue bickering back and forth.
It's the day before Christmas and the boys still haven't gotten you a gift.  Sitting at the kitchen table, they scribble down different ideas before scratching them out and crumpling up the paper. The table is already littered with discarded suggestions. Steve suddenly sits up, a gleam in his eyes that usually spells trouble.
"What if we gave her our hearts," he suggests.
"Alright, you have officially lost it," Bucky replies feeling thoroughly confused.
"You know that the Smithsonian finally sent over all of your stuff from their archives, right?" Steve asks, getting more excited by the minute. When Bucky slowly nods, Steve continues, "I looked over the contents list to make sure they didn't miss anything. On the list was the locket that your dad gave your ma when they started dating. What if we gave that to her with a picture of the three of us inside," he explains.
"Do you know in which box it is?" Bucky asks, a slow smile spreading across his face.
Christmas Day dawns bright and clear. Friday had woken everyone up at 7 am for breakfast and presents. Everyone slowly shuffled in, still clad in their pajamas and yawning into their coffee mugs. Y/n was elected to play Santa's Elf and hand out the presents. The next few minutes are filled with the sounds of ripping wrapping paper and happy squeals of joy.
When y/n reaches a small box wrapped neatly in shiny red wrapping paper with silver snowflakes and a bright gold bow both men instinctively hold their breath. She reads the card attached to it first: We know our hearts are battered, bruised, and not very pretty but we'll always be yours. Merry Christmas doll. With love from your Bucky and Steve.
Blinking back tears she shakily tears open the paper and lifts the lid of the box to reveal a beautiful golden locket in the shape of a heart. Opening the clasp, she gasps seeing a drawing Steve had done of the three of them with their arms around each other at Steve's last birthday party while fireworks went off in the background.
Bucky starts fidgeting nervously the longer she remains silent. "If you don't like it, we can always get you something else. I know it's silly and corny and I'm so-" Bucky's nervous rambling is cut off by y/n launching herself at him, kissing him soundly on his lips.
When she finally pulls back for air, she turns to Steve to give him a similar kiss. "I love it, Bucky. And I love both of you," she reassures them with a large smile and tears in her eyes. "Would you help me put it on?" she asks, turning her back to them.
Bucky wastes no time in clasping the locket around her neck and letting it settle against the hollow of her throat. "How do I look?" she asks nervously as she turns back to them.
"Gorgeous," they breathe out together as they bring her closer to tuck her in between them, watching as the rest of their family finishes opening their presents and the snowflakes descend gently from the sky outside the windows.
@mcdesij @spiderrrling @arrow-guy @interestedbystanderwrites @caplanreads @gwendelerynan @here2have-fun @bookscoffeeandracoons @bambamwolf87 @loricameback @rockrchick51 @love-nakamura @baebeepeach @timelordy-fangirl2 @jewelofwinter @caramell0w @jewels2876 @ladysergeantbarnes @notawritergettingtherethough @patzammit @fanfictionjunkie1112 @lumar014 @kirstie-evans-writes @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch @lil-lex1 @dragonrosegardens @bookgirlunicorn @shadymidge @kaithezaftig @that-place-called-middle-earth @marshyrebelcloud @rebekahdawkins
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The Yule Man (5/7)
Told by ME
This was meant to be a short story, but it became too big, so I separated it in seven parts. I want to turn my blog in a space where I can share my writting every once and a while.
This is the first time I post one of my stories on a public space. This is the first time anyone besides my sister will be able to read, so I'm pretty exciting and anxious. I want honest criticism. I hope you all enjoy it.
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On the Solstice Eve of that year Chris arrived back in Arnsberg close to the old bridge. Once again, he dressed in a long fur coat and dirty beggar clothes, carrying an old bag. He touched his face and discovered his shaggy beard hadn't changed at all. Deep down he still had hoped things to be different.
The town changed even more from the last time. Entire neighborhoods seemed to have withered away. Filthy tenements with shattered windows and people dressed no better than him. Beggars and homeless children scattered everywhere. Pain and sorrow stamped on everyone's faces.
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"What happened here?"
He walked faster as he could until he reached a church in a better part of the town. Exhausted, he rested leaning on a statue of the Silver God. As soon as he saw him, the priest shoved him away as a dog. Somethings never change at all.
He wandered in those streets, until an old woman stopped him. She looked exactly like the grandmas in Sophia's picture books.
"You're the Yule Man, right? I know her." The old woman chuckled. "She told me if I saw you, I should send you to this address."
And she gave him the address and went her own way.
"Mia?" He looked to the piece of paper in his hands.
The address lure him to a small building downtown. Candlesticks illuminated the windows. Rows of holly and mistletoe were hanged through it with care. The sign in the door announced the place to be closed, yet they forgot the door open.
A huge man dressed in all black from the head to the toe stepped out of the store. On his way out he bumped with Chris.
"Happy Yuletide!" He took off his bowler hat to greet him, when Chris thought he saw all the evil of the world in his eyes.
He then disappeared in the mundane crowd. Chris entered the store, without knowing what he had saw.
Still confused, he called:
"Is anyone here?"
He saw full-body mirrors, measure tapes and cushions lying on the floor. Pieces of fabrics were scattered everywhere. Some carefully sorted and saved in shelves and cabinets. Others dropped over wooden tables. Someone had engraved dozens of needles on the heads of the mannequins. That unsettled him.
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A woman in a purple dress shirt turned to him from the balcony. Seeing her face drove all his fear and worries away. In what seemed like the interval between seconds, he jumped to her arms, which closed tight around his body. He had returned to Mia.
He glared at her. She didn't look like the rich girl he had met. Her clothes showed simplicity this time. Modest and simple. A purple coat and skirt, covering a blue waistcoat.
She served him a cup of hot cocoa. She knew exactly what would fill him with happiness and made him warm. By the look in his face, she did it right again. She brought him to a small apartment over the store. The place stroked as tiny, yet still cozy and not uncomfortable at all. Chris saw a moderate Yule tree with some Yule Goats around, and he knew Mr. Hayek lived there.
They sat by her blue coach. He made a silly face that said to her. "C'mon, tell me what happened."
She took a sip from her teacup and started.
"After the Yule, I took my part in father's inheritance and left the shrew alone." She told him, and both on that room felt deep pride for her.
There was a sense satisfaction in her face. He loved finding that in her. Chris managed to smear himself with the drink and it made her happy.
"You're a tailor now?" He teased her.
"Being a writer wouldn't work out for me." She smirked.
She gave him a white blouse.
"Dress it."
From the bathroom he came as handsome as she remembered him. Mia struggled to keep her good form.
"I didn't say to shave the beard. You can keep if you want."
"I don't want!" He winked to her.
She continued telling him her year.
"I bought this place from an old woman. She wanted to retire and pass more time with her family. She actually helped a lot setting all this up."
He turned to her.
"Was she the woman who bring me here?"
"Possibly." Mia gestured with her shoulders. "I told everyone that I knew that if they saw you, they should give you the address of this place."
"And who was that man I saw getting out of the store. He creeped me out."
Mia grew quiet. She exhaled. Talking about him never brought her any pleasure.
"It would be Franz Müller, the Cat’s-eye. He's a loan shark who thinks a lot about himself. Each month me and all business in the neighborhood have to pay his fees. Don't think much about him, most of the time he just takes the money and leave us alone.
The question frightened Chris.
"What happened to the town?"
Mia shut her eyes.
"Economic crisis, and my father can't help them this time."
"What about the ball in the Hayek’s mansion?"
She raised her voice to him.
"Which ball!"
That sudden change of mood made him jump out of his place.
"Sorry, mother closed the gates of the mansion to the town. She's still rich. Made a deal with my father's business partners. She guaranteed hers but forgot about everyone's else." She said full of deep resentment.
"I kind learned this by myself because you. I don't want to brag, but I'm good at this." She continued. "I bought this place. Learned a trade. Started to work."
"So, you're a working-class woman now?" He smirked.
"It's what it looks. I still have part of my father's inheritance. And with the work I got I can sustain myself quite comfortably for quite a while."
Night had come. Chris released his bag over her terrace, filling the sky with the magical snowflakes. All the town saw the light and cold dash up into the clouds. Billions of ice crystal dancing and flowing through the air. Mia never got tired of seeing that scene.
She launched the Yule Log into her simple fireplace, and they both sat close by it.
"I want to give you something."
She gave Chris a box. A beautifully wrapped present.
"Happy Yuletide." She couldn't wait to see his reaction.
He opened the box. A tiny bottle full of shiny white sand inside, and little seashells keeping it in good company. He knew exactly where they were from. His eyes filled themselves. He started to cry, to sob even, and still laugh of happiness. He hugged her, and he didn't let her go. His first Yule present ever.
They sat on that place for hours, and still hadn't ran out of things to say to each other.
"Your mother?" He asked.
"Still angry with me. After a time, I stopped trying to save our relationship. It wasn't worth it in the end. I still get to see my siblings. Will take them to Yulesing tomorrow. Without the Solstice Eve Ball, I worry how they will spend the holidays."
Mia explained to Chris how things had got different. This year she couldn't take him to party through Arnsberg.
"I don't care. I only want to be near you."
They stayed hours doing completely nothing. They enjoyed each other's conversation and company in general. The cold was the best sensation ever and the room was as cozy as it could be.
In the end of the night Chris tasted Mia's lips. She had thought they would never come to that. She led him to her room, where she felt his body in hers. Soft, tender, perfect.
They stayed in bed hugged to each other. Through the window in the wall opposite to them they could see the snow slowly dressing the world in white.
"I love you." She said resting her head on his chest.
He felt physical pain saying that:
"This isn't love. It's just a romantic fantasy. What you have for me isn't real. I'm not real. You can't love a person you only spend thirteen days within the whole year." He forced a small laugh.
Her mouth twitched.
"I can if it's true love."
His forehead puckered.
"You don't have to put up with me for the rest of the year. We don't go through the same stuff other couples go through. When the holidays are over, I'm gone. I'm won't think, I'm won't feel, I won't remember a thing. I won't be."
"Sorry. What we got are only moments."
"So, why are you so against enjoying them. In general, everyone's life is just a moment. They live, they die, and it's over. At least I can enjoy a time with you. For me it's already worth it."
He closed his eyes.
"I'm dying to go to Lichthafen City with you."
He gave her a faintly smile. The room then became quiet.
In the next day they went to take the Hayek children to Yulesing. Mia knew very well that Chris loved it more than the children. Her siblings were nothing more than an excuse for doing that. Yet, he loved her siblings. They stayed with them for half of their days together. They had fun.
In the other half they stayed alone in Mia's apartment over her tailoring shop. Cuddling in her bed, eating sweets, and watching the world through that window. Best days ever, for both of them.
The Yule Log turned to ashes. Time to go again, and again in the next year he returned, in the exact same manner. Time passed, and he left, and left, and still returned to her. Each year, thirteen days only.
Chris watched the town change and change around him, and only he stayed the same. In a wink of time, Sophia, Fritz and Thomas started to leave childhood. How much that stroked pain in him. Even Mia started to look more like his older sister than his lover.
Poverty spread through the town as if a disease. Good and respectable neighborhoods crumbled to ruins before his eyes. Organized crime and urban violence turned Yulesing a thing of the past. Mr. Müller became much more than a simple loan shark.
Everything changed, less him.
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chiropter36 · 5 years
Well, long time no TAU writings.
For the past few years I’ve been working off-and-on on several one-shots set in the au, and two of them have been more or less finished for a while now.  So when the ficathon was announced, I figured it was as good an excuse as any to finally finish them up and release them into the wild.
And hey, there was even a prompt for “anything to do with Toby,” which both of these already were!  (Surprising no one familiar with my past TAU-related output.)  So it felt like this was the right time.
They’re not as polished as I’d like, and they’re both kind of similar (a bunch of hurt/comfort fluff), but I’m still pretty happy with them.  Enjoy!
(Oh, and the “hedge-spiders” from the second story are originally from here)
Just One Day
All things considered, Dipper thought, he should be commended for putting together a darn good human Christmas.
Oh sure, to nitpick, he’d mixed in some Hanukkah stuff, but sue him, this time of year had always been more of a catch-all “Christmukkah” season in the Pines household anyway, hashtag mixed-family benefits.  Christmas to him had always meant games of dreidel and a menorah in the window just as much as wreaths and carols and decorating the tree.  Maybe some of the distinctions had gotten a little muddled in his head over the years (he hadn’t even marked either holiday in any significant way for a few decades now), but the way Dipper saw it, the mix was just keeping up family tradition.
(NOT that there was any family involved this year.)
And sure, he’d… improvised a tad with the tree.  As in, it wasn’t technically a tree so much as a semi-sapient extradimensional living prison containing apocalyptic eldritch amphibian lemurs that approximated the appearance of a spruce tree.  (It had just been sitting in his Mindscape for the past few centuries since that one poker game with Cthulhu Jr., and he’d jumped on the opportunity to finally get some use out of it.)  Occasional tentacles of pure darkness could be seen slithering between the “branches”, and every so often what appeared as an ornament would scuttle around of its own accord because it was actually a symbiotic void-cockroach, but other than that it worked just fine as a holiday tree.
Really, he’d gone to a lot of effort.  Delved deep into cobweb-filled childhood memories and ran his assumptions by Jerry at the Mystery Shack to make sure he got everything right.  He’d put up mortal-appropriate decorations, cooked a big meal for the day, even hand-wrapped all the presents!
Frankly, Dipper thought he deserved credit for remembering in time to use paper and ribbons instead of human flesh and veins.
So now here it was, Christmas morning, the sun glittering off the snow in the window, Dipper (wearing silky-smooth black pajamas covered in gold stars) sitting on a normal human couch in a normal human living room, surrounded by all the normal human accoutrements of this normal human holiday.
The kid had better appreciate all this.
…What am I thinking, it’s Toby.  I’ve probably heard more pleases and thank-yous since meeting him than I did the entire past three centuries.
Speaking of the reason Dipper had gone to all this bother…  
“’nk you,” Toby said in his usual whisper-mumble, holding up his most recently-opened gift – the little yellow boy’s dress that Toby had been guiltily eying on their last few shopping trips, and which Dipper was sure the kid was going to look even more aggravatingly adorable in – his eye shining with the same sheer reverence that he had shown for every other present.
The little boy sat on the floor in front of the tree, dressed in season-appropriate red footie pjs with white snowflakes and smiling reindeer faces.  Assorted bows, ribbons, and torn wrapping paper were littered around him – not for lack of Toby trying to set it all in a neat pile, but the couple members of the Flock who had decided to spend the day with them hadn’t been able to resist.
The present-opening had been going fairly smoothly, aside from when Dipper had momentarily forgotten himself and snapped at Toby to just tear the darn wrapping paper it’s MEANT to be ripped off I don’t care about the mess, because all these months living with the kid and apparently he still forgot just how pitiful he was in the face of even the mildest criticism.  A few sniffles had led to some apologetic reassurances, and afterwards the kid actually seemed to be getting into the spirit.
Dipper supposed he could have avoided all the fuss by using the holographic wrapping modules that were pretty exclusively favored over physical paper nowadays, but…
…Mabel had gotten impatient and taken to playing with the colorful paper, covering herself in tape and bows and ribbons, but Dipper, though he had struggled at first, followed Mom’s gentle encouragement as he practiced her “patented” wrapping technique she had offered to teach them… carefully cutting and folding, determinedly making his small hands follow Mom’s direction until he could do it perfectly with no help… feeling so proud of himself as Mom praised him and Mabel happily stuck a bow to his hair…
“Um, you didn’t have to–”
Dipper cut Toby off with the most aggrieved sigh he could manage.
“Kid.  Again.  That is the point of a present.  I mean, do you really think you ‘needed’ to make me this?”
He held up a small children’s Paintlet™ print, upon which was painted clumsily, but not unrecognizably, himself.  His watercolor self was holding what looked like a shepherd’s crock and surrounded by black blobs that were presumably the Flock, and they were standing on a green field against a starry night backdrop, with one star noticeably larger than the others.
He was pretty sure the irony had completely flown over the kid’s head.
“I mean, what am I going to do with this?  If I wanted a slightly blasphemous drawing of myself I could just literally pull one out of my hat.  But… like I said, it’s decent craftsmanship, for a human your age, I can admire that, and those guys-” he jerked his head at the black sheep on the couch, who were currently engaged in trying to free one of their number from the ribbons they’d tangled themself up in, “-like it, so that’s what’s important.  You didn’t have to make it, but we got some happiness out of it, so that’s that. Okay?”
Toby ducked his head, but Dipper detected a tentative smile.
“Okay.  Um… what’s ‘blasephus?’”
“Oh, uh… nothing important,” Dipper said.  With the gloomy way Toby often carried himself, like he was weighed down by a lifetime of tragedies and guilt, it was sometimes easy to forget that the kid was barely eight years old.
Toby seemed satisfied with that, and carefully folded his new dress and set it aside with the rest of his presents.  Aside from the gifts Bridget and Jared had gotten him, Dipper had procured him a few new stuffed animals, a children’s brainteaser puzzle set, a picture book of animals, some art supplies, and the full set of the original Ducklingtective spin-off kids’ books.
Dipper hadn’t wanted to overload Toby with presents, of course.  Couldn’t have him getting spoiled, fostering a sense of entitlement that could only lead to demonic reawakenings.  He’d considered not even celebrating the holiday at all – Toby got gifts from his friends, it wasn’t like he’d be going without – but… that would have been suspicious.
Truthfully, Christmas shopping for Toby was difficult due to the delicate balancing act required: the kid would inevitably agonize over every gift received, worrying that he didn’t deserve it, but, conversely, being given a present would also make him happy. The trick, Dipper had found, was determining the tipping point where misplaced guilt would overwhelm gratitude and the gift-giving subsequently causing more harm than good.
He’d made a graph for it and everything.
But, looking at Toby’s slightly overwhelmed but happy expression, Dipper felt that he’d gotten the balance right.  Indeed, most of his worries over how today would go had been assuaged over the past hour…
…save, of course, the only remaining present under the tree.
Dipper bit his lip nervously as Toby crawled over and picked up the small package.  He looked hesitantly up at his demon guardian – this one had actually been the first that Toby had gone for earlier, but Dipper had specifically told him to save it for last.
“Is it… okay, now?”
Dipper mentally took a deep breath.  This could go so many different ways, but…
No, this… this was something the kid needed.  He had already gone this far…
He waved a hand.  “Go right ahead.”  This was fine, he was fine with this.  
Toby nodded and turned back curiously to the package.  Daintily as always he started pulling off the paper.  Dipper held back a growl for the kid to just get it over with.
After several more excruciating seconds, Toby placed the paper to the side and looked over his latest present.
He held two small picture frames, the one on top bearing the image of a young, tow headed girl, expression frozen in a shy smile.
“Um… thanks…” Toby said, clearly confused.  “Uh, who is-”
Then he pulled the second photo from behind the first, and cut off sharply with a gasp.  His eyes widened, and Dipper could already see the tears forming.
In the second picture was the same little girl, but now she was joined by a tiny boy with the same hair color and similar features.  The two were holding hands, wearing nice clothes that were probably put on specially for this photo.  Even in the photo the girl gave the impression of being the leader – she stood more confidently, smiling more directly at the camera, while the boy’s eyes were angled down, and he seemed just slightly behind the girl, like he was used to hiding behind her.
The boy had no burn scars or eye patch, but there was no mistaking him.  And by extension…
Toby’s breathing started hitching (Dipper prepared to help him if he had an attack).  He looked up at Dipper, his eyes already on the brink of spilling tears.
“Is… is this…”  His shaky voice broke off, and he swallowed thickly.
Dipper didn’t meet his eyes. “You, uh.  You mentioned you were having trouble remembering what she looked like…”
Yeah, “mentioned”, that’s a good synonym for “sobbing and whimpering for an hour about being the most horrible brother ever.”
“So, I did some digging, and… yeah.”
The room was silent, save for Toby’s ragged breaths as he continued staring at the photos.  The tears started falling, but the boy remained silent.  The Flock had stopped their playing with the wrapping paper and were watching intently, sensing the roiling emotions coming off their master’s charge.
The silence just kept stretching on and on, and all of a sudden Dipper couldn’t take it anymore.
The boy jerked, like he had forgotten anyone else was there.  He looked at Dipper and his face was just so full of a loss that was so visceral, and so familiar, and did not belong anywhere on such a young child’s face.
“C’mere, kid.”
And that was apparently the rock that broke the dam.
Normally when Toby cried – and he cried very easily – it was a stifled, restrained affair.  The kid’s first instinct was ever to keep himself quiet and unobtrusive, to not be doing anything that could potentially be a bother to anyone.
Now, all that restraint flew out the window as Toby flung himself at Dipper, wrapping his tiny arms as far as they could reach around his waist and bawled.
Dipper tensed up, immediately questioning his decision.  This was exactly the sort of reaction he’d been worried about, it could be real, just Toby being Toby, but if Bill had any sort of influence this would be a perfect act, playing fully into Dipper’s own losses and sympathies, get him to lower his guard by tugging on his heartstrings, he should push him away, he shouldn’t…
One day.
Just one day.
Not allowing himself any further thought, Dipper reached down and pulled the sobbing child into his lap, wrapping him in a tight hug and spreading his wings around him protectively.
“It’s okay, kid, it’s okay. Just let it out, it’s okay. You’re okay.  You’re okay.”
One day.
You can lower your guard for one day.  
If Bill’s in there, he’s buried deep.  He’s not gonna pop out and take over the world if you give the kid some goddamn compassion for one goddamn day.
The Flock tentatively moved closer, settling around the two when their master gave no order to stay back. Dipper just continued to talk as soothingly as he could, holding Toby and gently rocking him as the boy sobbed and sobbed, wetting Dipper’s chest with his tears.
It was a long time before Toby started to calm down, but gradually his cries turned to whimpers, then hiccups.  Exhausted from his outburst, he felt limp against Dipper’s body.  It was even longer before he managed to say anything. When he did, he could barely choke out his words.
“…thank… thank…” he managed, looking plaintively up at Dipper.
Dipper waved his words off.
“It’s okay, Toby.  I get it.”
Tomorrow he would go back to trying to keep the kid at arm’s length.  He would remember that Toby was once the being that had ruined his life, and a potential world-ending threat at that.  He would keep his emotional walls up, not let in any potential attachment that might prevent him from being able see clearly, to do what might need to be done.
(Tomorrow he would go back to lying to himself.)
For now, he looked at the boy in his arms, one hand still clinging tightly to the photo of his sister, and all he could see…
The long years of loneliness, the sharp, indescribable pain that always came back, as fresh as the first time he had stood by her grave… how sometimes he was naïve enough to imagine that he was finally, finally becoming numb to it all, only for him to take out the photos stored in a secret place in his Mindscape and suddenly have the pain bowl him over again and again.
“Trust me… I get it.”
One of the major downsides to being in a more “human” phase, Dipper mused bitterly as he flicked some lingering bone dust off his suit, was encountering the worst of humanity and not being able to turn off the whole stupid empathy thing.
For crying out loud, he hadn’t even made a single quip to his newly-freed-of-life summoners about how summoning demons was wrong and dangerous, and he never wanted to see them doing it ever again, got it? That’s how bad things were nowadays.
And he knew exactly the stupid little puppy-dog-eyed, demon-souled, preteen punk who was responsible.
Dipper sighed. Speaking of…
He’d sensed the kid arriving hom– at the house (it wasn’t home, if Dipper had a home it was Gravity Falls, this was just a temporary living arrangement, nothing more) about an hour ago, dropped off by Soos- Jared’s parents after his choir practice.  Which was annoying, because Dipper had expected him to hang out at his friend’s place for a while.  Now he had to go check that the kid was okay, and make sure he’d eaten, and all that other dumb inconvenient guardian stuff when all he wanted to do right now was fade away into the Mindscape for a few years and forget everything…
He’d pop in quick just to check up, maybe put some of the Flock on babysitting duty (though Toby was twelve now, and admittedly pretty good at minding himself – Dipper just felt better knowing that the kid wouldn’t be lonely had someone keeping an eye on him in case of Cipher shenanigans).  Then he could go back to teleporting aimlessly around the world and apathetically tossing hedge-spiders from his hat at random people like he’d been doing for most of the day…
Slipping on his human guise, Dipper blipped a couple blocks away from the house – might as well reinforce the illusion by letting the neighbors see him actually coming and going occasionally.  After a quick check to make sure his gloomy mood hadn’t accidentally conjured a literal raincloud over his head (he’d been on his game with suspicion-allaying quick-talk with Jared’s parents that one time, if he did say so himself), walked slowly toward his current domicile.
The house looked to be still in the same dimension as when he had left it, so, Dipper could at least call the day another win in that regard.
A quick x-ray scan of the house confirmed that Toby was sitting on the couch in the living room, catching up on his reading homework by the looks of it, but glancing up at the door too often for Dipper to believe he was absorbing much of the material.
With a sigh, he knocked lightly and let himself in.
Toby instantly jumped up from the couch, homework forgotten.
“Hi, Alcor,” the boy greeted, his tone far too casual.  Dipper narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
“Thought you were going to go to Jared’s after practice,” he noted, hoping the kid would pick up on just how inconsiderate this act was.
“Uh…yeah, I, uh…I just, y’know, wasn’t feeling it today,” Toby stammered, his voice trailing off into a guilty mumble.  His feet shuffled on the carpet.  “Sorry, I thought maybe you’d be home and we could, uh, just…um…”
He mumbled himself into silence.
Dipper tried not to scowl – he’d learned long ago that any expression of disapproval toward Toby would be taken tenfold times more severely than it was intended.  Before he could figure out anything to say, Toby spoke up again.
“You, ah, you have a… hedge-spider… on your back.”
“Hmm?”  He twisted his head around, owl style, and was greeted by eight adorable beady eyes.
“Huh.  How’d you get there, little guy?”  He plucked the beast from where it clung to his back, pulled off his hat, and gently tried to push it back in.  The hedge-spider chittered plaintively, spreading its legs to catch the brim.
“No, no, I’ll let you out later, buddy, but it’s hat time now, ‘kay?” Dipper whispered soothingly, finally pushing the little chimera back into its place of origin.  Setting the hat aside on the mantle, he turned his attention back to Toby.
“Uh, yeah, I’ve been… busy.  With things.  Today.  Hedge-spider… involving… things.”  He crossed his arms sternly.  “And I wasn’t really done yet, but I could tell that you were here early, so I needed to check up on you.  Like the responsible guardian I am.”
Toby grinned a little at that.  “Sorry, I just… I haven’t seen you since this morning, and I… never mind.  Is everything okay?”
Dipper hesitated.  “Why would things not be okay?”
“Well… you, you’ve got that look of… you had a… bad summoning?  Maybe?”
Dipper frowned.  He wasn’t sure how he felt about the kid getting so perceptive.  Especially using that perception on him.
“I had… a summoning,” he said slowly.
Toby nodded.  Opened his mouth.  Closed it again.  Looked at his feet.
“What, you want details?” Dipper snapped, not quite able to keep the frustration out of his voice. Couldn’t the kid just leave him be?
“N-no,” Toby stammered. “I mean, just, the last time you came home with random wildlife falling out of your hat-”
“I’m FINE, Tobias,” Dipper interrupted firmly.  Toby snapped his mouth shut, but didn’t look very convinced.
“Okay,” he whispered, strangely defeated.  “I’ll just… be in my room then…”
Reluctance clear in every step, the boy started heading to the hallway.  He stopped in the door, staring back plaintively at Dipper again.  Somehow his one functioning eye managed to have a greater emotional impact than the eight-at-once that Dipper had just successfully resisted.
The moment stretched out awkwardly.
Finally, Dipper groaned and rolled his eyes as dramatically as he could without popping them out of his head.  Of course that’s what the kid wanted.
“All right, FINE, get over here.”
Toby started.  “H-huh?”
“Oh, don’t ‘huh’ me, mister. You are BLATANTLY hinting that you want some cuddle time, and I’m not in the mood to watch you be all mopey for the rest of the evening.”  Dipper floated over to the couch and settled himself down, giving his leg a pat.  “Just get over here and get it out of your system.”
“I-I wasn’t… I mean, that’s not what… really, it’s okay, I…” Toby stammered, not meeting Dipper’s eyes.
Dipper raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
Toby rubbed his arm and shuffled his feet nervously for a few more seconds… then a zoom across the room and Dipper suddenly had a little blond limpet wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.
“There it is,” Dipper drawled.  He gently reached his arms around Toby and maneuvered the boy into his lap.  A little squirming and rearranging of limbs later, Toby was nestled snugly against Dipper’s chest.
“Thanks,” the boy mumbled, head resting on Dipper’s shoulder.
Dipper grunted noncommittally.  Almost as an afterthought, he let his human disguise fade; stretching out his wings, he let them curl around Toby like a dark blanket.
“I’d say you’re getting too big for this, but I deal in exploiting exact words and loopholes. Blatant lying is beneath me,” he remarked casually.
Toby tilted his neck to look up at him.
“Um, ouch.”
Dipper smirked.  “No rebuttal, I see.”
Toby didn’t stick out his tongue at Dipper, because he was Toby, but the mildly pouty expression he shot him conveyed a similar impression.
It briefly struck Dipper that it wasn’t so long ago that the kid would have just quietly taken the teasing like he wasn’t sure if he was being serious.
Dipper grimaced as he forced himself not to acknowledge one of the dumb little twinges of pride that kept popping up uninvited.
The next few moments went by in silence, save for Toby’s quiet breathing.
Almost without noticing, Dipper began lightly stroking the boy’s hair; he felt Toby relax even more. He found himself vaguely annoyed at how much better he was feeling after only a few minutes with Toby than he had managed to achieve with his own company in the past several hours.
“So… if you really don’t want to talk about it, I’ll stop, but… are you okay?”
Dipper sighed.  He supposed it was too much to hope that this would have distracted the kid.  He ran his tongue over his lips, ready to – gently – tell Toby that it was none of his business…
…and hesitated.  He looked down at Toby in his lap, the boy's scarred face staring up at him in innocent concern, like he truly wanted nothing more in this moment than to help in some small way to ease Dipper’s hurting.
Nothing with Bill Cipher’s soul had any right to be making him feel this way.
“It was bad.  I’ve had worse,” Dipper replied softly.  Toby’s eyes widened a little – likely he hadn’t expected Alcor to actually open up – but stayed silent.
“Sometimes, I get summoned by people who… well, let’s just say, demons don’t have a monopoly on depravity,” Dipper continued, wondering when the last time was he had felt this… comfortable unburdening himself.  “They’ve already done awful things and want me to help them do more, and… I mean, nothing really surprises me anymore when I get dragged into these situations, but…”
He sighed, resisting the unexpected urge to blurt out everything.  Toby was still a child, after all.
“…I still find myself, every time, wishing that I could just… go back, try out the whole blissful ignorance thing.  I… I don’t want to see these things.  I don’t want to know these things.”
Silence again, though he noticed some wetness building in Toby’s eyes.  Dipper stared off into space for another moment, then shook his head sharply.
“And that’s all you’re getting.  I’m not going into specifics, you have enough nightmares as it is.”
“…Okay.”  Toby’s voice was small.  His head fell back against Dipper’s chest, and Dipper went back to stroking his hair.  For a while, he said nothing, and Dipper thought that maybe that was the end of that. Then…
“Is there… anything I can do to help you feel better?”
Dipper closed his eyes. “That’s not your responsibility, Toby. You’re twelve.  I’m in my early thousands.  Hard as it may be to believe, I’m actually the grown-up in this situation.”
“I know, but–” and there was that tiny note of stubbornness, the note that Dipper had been picking up more and more the longer Toby had stayed with him “–whenever I’ve had a bad day, you always do things to make me feel better.  If I can do anything for you…”
He let that thought trail off.  Dipper was about to reiterate his refusal… then paused.  And thought.
It struck him that he knew why he was finding the feelings from this situation so unexpectedly soothing… and so familiar.
It’s... just a substitute.  Until Mizar’s reborn again.  Nothing more than that.  If anything, Bill owes you this. You’re just collecting on his debt.
That’s all this is…
“For quite a while after the Transcendence, I had to be summoned in order to be physical.”
Toby looked up at Dipper again, confused.
“It took a while for my family to figure out how.  Even after they did, I could only stay physical for however long we could make deals last.  I spent a lot of time as basically a ghost.”
Toby opened his mouth but quickly shut it, probably cutting off an apology, like Dipper usually got whenever he talked about the situation the boy’s past life had inflicted on him. Dipper chose to ignore it.
“When I was physical… well, I wasn’t exactly a big hugger before, but now, when I had to go on long stretches of not even having the option of human contact?  Well, I got to appreciate my sister’s cuddling proclivity pretty quickly.  And all the rest of my family.  Their touch helped keep me grounded, I guess.  Helped me remember who I was.  And then… when I started getting summoned, and started getting bad summons, someone was always there for me when I got home.  My sister, my brother, my uncles, my friends.  They’d sit with me, hold me, give me whatever comfort they could.  It never made everything okay, but… it got me through.
“So… what I’m trying to say is, what you’re doing right now is… not unhelpful.”
“…Oh.”  There was definite wetness on Toby’s cheeks now. He sniffed and wiped at his eyes, before wrapping his arms back around Dipper and squeezing as tight as he could. “…Good.”
Dipper sighed again, then hugged Toby back.
He didn’t really process how much time was passing for a while after that.
Demon and child were suddenly broken out of their moment by a loud grumble from the latter’s stomach.
Toby blushed, while Dipper gave him an unimpressed look.  “Seriously, kid?  Have you not had dinner yet?  I know we still have leftovers.”
“Uh, yeah, no,” Toby replied, grinning sheepishly.  “Sorry, I was worried when you weren’t home, and I guess I just forgot.”
Dipper sighed theatrically and stood up, picking Toby up off his lap and settling him in his arms. Toby made a small noise like he was about to protest that he could walk, but quickly accepted the situation, wrapping his arms around Dipper’s neck.
“All these years I’ve put in trying to fatten you up, yet this keeps happening,” Dipper declared dramatically, carrying Toby into the kitchen.  “What’ll I say to the Child-Eating Were-Witch when she comes to collect on my demon-poker debt, huh?  I had this all planned out for finally settling up with her, you know.”
He hoped that Toby would take that in the intended spirit – there was always that risk with him.  Fortunately, Toby’s next words sounded casually and unconcerned.
“Oh, I, uh, I figured it must be something like that a while ago.  I mean, why else would you have taken me in, right?  It was pretty obvious.  So I figured I could just turn down a bunch of second helpings and I’d be fine.”
Dipper stopped in his tracks.  Toby pulled away to look him in the eye, and while he was presenting his usual air of nervousness that he may have crossed a line, there was a definite trace of… something resembling smugness in the boy’s eye.
Dipper chuckled, and Toby noticeably relaxed.
“…Smart kid.”
He carried Toby over to the dinner table, and pushed out a chair with a wing.  Before setting Toby down, though, he paused for a moment… then pulled the kid close to him, squeezing him tight.
Toby gave a light gasp of surprise, but easily melted into the hug.  Dipper held him a few seconds more, saying nothing, then plopped him down in the chair, and turned around and headed for the fridge like nothing had happened.
(And ignoring the boy’s aura flaring with bright emotions that Dipper refused to identify.)
As Dipper pulled out some leftovers, Toby spoke up from across the room.
“Um, you were kidding about the were-witch thing, right?”
“Hmm?  Oh no, that’s an actual thing, but don’t worry, you wouldn’t come close to covering that, I’ve got other plans in the works for that whole mess…”
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btswishes · 5 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
Part1 / Next
A/N:  Thank you for reading my stuff, I appreciate it extremely. I tried to put a twist on this a bit, hope you enjoy it Anony and sorry for any mistakes made.
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,304
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
  The moon slowly rose from it’s place of slumber and illuminated the world underneath in a silver light. The night birds stepped into their spotlight and began singing the songs of their kind, accompanied by the gentle rustling of the leaves and the howling winter winds.
  You mumbled something under your nose, before slamming the books shut and stretching your back a bit. After a few small cracks ,you took off your reading glasses and looked outside the window.Night had fallen and you hadn’t even noticed where all those hours went.
  Studying for today was finished and you were swirling on the chair, thinking what to do now with your free time. You could watch\read something or just lay on the bed at stare at the ceiling for sometime. Not many good ideas where popping into your head ,when a pretty silent knock stopped your movement.
“Yes?” you said loud ,as the door opened with permission  
“You done with studying?” your mom asked noticing all the closed books and your kinda empty stare at the wall. 
“Pretty much yeah.” you could see a small piece of paper in her hand fluttering from the outside wind coming in through the open window “You want me to get something?”
“Yes.I am running low on a few things.” she explained, passing over the list
“Where is dad?” usually he was the errand boy for small stuff that didn’t need a lot of thinking or choice
“Your dad decided to show your brother a move and I think he broke his back. He will ok tho, just needs some time to get back on his feet....literally” your mother was obviously trying to suppress a laugh so strong it could shake the whole house.”Can you go?” You scanned everything from number 1 to number 10 fast and decided that it wasn’t something that will take a long time to get and you had nothing else to do anyways.
“Ok. The store is pretty close anyways, a few minute walk.” you jumped off the chair and walked over to your closet putting on some pants, a warm shirt and your hair in a high bun on top of your hair. 
  Going down the stairs you saw your dad on the couch, face down and ice on his back. You wanted to laugh too but kept your cool out of respect. Popping some shoes on you fixed your coat making sure you were nice and isolated.
“I can go get the stuff you know.” you were stopped by your brother, who as always was concerned about you.
“It’s ok Hae. “ unlocking the door ,you threw the shopping bag on your shoulder
“I can come with you! Muscle power.” he was trying to flex but you were already locking the door at this point. It wasn’t anything new to you, he has always been like this since day one. 
  The night was cold and you were nuzzling yourself into the coat, trying to stay as warm as you could. Both your hands were in your pockets trying not to fall off from the freezing temperatures. Everything around was pretty quiet and peaceful.Most people were already in their homes, trying to warm up and spend time with loved ones. It was Christmas and New Years week after all.
  From time to time someone would pass by you, but you weren’t fazed much by it. Humans lived on Earth after all. Of course some people walking were a bit sketchy and all, but you weren’t that worried. There have been sightings of some strange creature lately in your city, but this isn’t some kind of horror movie you were in, so you didn’t think much of the poster that pulled your attention for a split second.
  The supermarket was  illuminating the street in front of it so well ,you could almost see the snowflakes as they crackled under your boots. Stepping in the warm space, you grabbed a basket and went around searching for the items on the small list. It didn’t take long before you had almost everything in the basket, the only thing missing was the meat.
  You walked up to the section and began telling the worker what you needed. Your mom was very specific when it came to meat in your family. After some time the lady working behind the glass section passed over everything you had asked for. You wished her a happy week and went on your marry way. 
“Ok so, I have milk, eggs, the veggies and meat and.....oh liver, liver.I almost forgot the liver.” the paper went back in your pocket as you were once more running around in search of number 10. “Aha!” you gasped when the little packet caught your eye from the distance. You were so happy that you started running in its direction. There was a small moment where you hit something and fell back. Everything happened in a matter of seconds, but what you figured out was that the boy holding onto your hand, pulled you in time before you hit the hard floor.
  He had an intense stare that wasn’t moving away from your face. His grip was pretty strong and starting to hurt. The boy felt you flinch and let go.
“Are you ok?” he asked with a serious tone in his voice.
“Ah yes. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have been running in the first place.” you said sorry for the whole incident and reached out to grab a packet of liver. 
“You really seem to like...meat.” he was looking at the bags upon bags of it in your basket 
“It’s not only for me, my family eats it too.” the boy nodded, his eyes locked on your face “I am really sorry again for the mess I made.Have a goodnight.” you bowed a bit and snaked around the aisles. 
  It was pretty late, so not many people were at the cash registers. You placed everything in the bags and payed fast. Being around so much food made you pretty hungry. Stepping out of the supermarket ,you were hit by the cold air again. You had forgotten that it was winter for a second.Looking up at the moon you were able to clearly see your breath like small clouds disintegrating into the atmosphere.
“Going home?” you heard that familiar voice   
“Yes, have a good night.” the boy was standing close to you, with his hands in his pocked and surprisingly lightly dressed for the season you were in. You were giving him short answers. The boy was very handsome, his hair was dark and his eyes an interesting almost black tint mixed in with mystery. His skin was fairly pale and in a way there was something a bit unsettling.He didn’t seem bad, but at the same time not trust wordy in a way. Unknowingly to you, he had taken a liking to your existence. He was quite close when you felt his breath on your neck. You almost jumped when he grabbed you by the waist. 
“Wait, don’t move.” in his hand he had a small insect that had fallen onto you from a tree “I didn’t want to scare you, sorry.” he was painfully close and his eyes were fixed at certain points of your body, eyes and neck. In moment of shock you had dropped the bags, so he pulled them up, his head grassing onto your skin for a split second. Grabbing them tight you said a thank you and a goodbye almost at the same time, as you started walking in the direction of your house. The boy staid in the same spot and you could feel the intense stare he was giving you.
  It didn’t take you long to calm down and soon your walking pattern became slow. You fixed the shopping bags in your palm, moving them in a more comfortable position. The night had become darker and more cold than you remembered. The streets were empty and your only company at this point were the lights trying to keep the darkness away from the town. There weren’t people in sight and even the cats and dogs were hiding somewhere warm. 
  Yet you couldn’t shake this feel of being a sitting duck at this very moment. You felt a few chills run down your spine, but shook them away thinking it was the cold. They began from the back of your head, tingling to your ears and down your spine, coaxing a twitch in your neck. You sucked air in your might through your closed teeth ,as you rubbed the skin on the back of your neck, trying to calm the sudden jolt you had.You felt uneasy as if you were being watched and or followed, but there was no one around you or behind you. Then again it was pretty dark and you never know where one could be hiding. Your house wasn’t far from here and you had only 5 more minutes or so till you reached the front door. 
  In a way it felt calming knowing that you were almost home. Stopping on the step, you started fiddling in your pocket, trying to find the key to the front door. Even if you were relaxed that chill was still present in your body, like you were still being watched. For a second it felt like something cold was close, reaching towards your neck ,when the door opened wide and your brother grabbed the bags out of your hands.
“I was about to go and find you.Took you long enough.” he pulled you in and locked the door behind you. Your brother saw how much you were freezing and helped you take off your coat. “Where did you scratch yourself?” he pointed out the small red line of the back of your neck. You touched the spot and remembered the small insect that was apparently on you.
“There was a bug on me earlier, maybe the little thing bit me.” you shrugged your shoulders before your mom pulled out some ointment. 
  Dinner was normal, nothing special. You had a nice talk with your family.Afterwards your dad and mom sat on the couch to watch something on TV, while you and your brother get ready for bed. During your shower a stinging sensation took over the small scratch on your neck. You ran your fingers over it again, but payed it no attention as it was going to heal soon anyways. Wrapping a towel around you and stepping out of the bathroom, you called your brother to inform him that you were all done.
  Your room was nice and warm thanks to the heater, so you were able to comfortably take your towel off and get dressed without feeling like you are going to freeze to death. After brushing your hair and doing your night time routine, you were ready for bed. You had this habit where when you weren’t tired yet, you would turn on your nightlight and sit in bed, looking at your phone, reading something or just thinking about random things. It was nice to just listen to the sounds of nature. You could hear the wind moving the trees and bushes around, the flutters of small nighttime birds enjoying their life and also random sounds that are a bit similar to foot steps and also the smell of winter, wait....go back a bit!
  Your body stood up and froze with your back facing the wide open window. Sounds were mixing in with each other, making it a bit hard to identify which was what. You took a deep breath and pulled yourself off the soft bedding. It took a few seconds before you turned around standing face to face with the small square leading to the outside. Your room was in the back of the house that was opened to a very big field like garden. As much as you didn’t want to, you peeked a bit outside to see what could be making the sounds. Usually a lot of small creatures would pass by and deep down you thought that if maybe you saw one of them it would calm you down and let you sleep calmly. 
  There was nothing next to the house. You should have been happy, but then again something had to be making those sounds and it wasn’t something simple. You didn’t hesitate to close the window shut and pull the curtains as far as they could go.
  The warm bed welcomed you triumphantly, as it’s hands pulled you into a warm and long awaited hug.Almost instantaneously you drifted off into sleep. Your dreams were normal with the occasional appearance of that boy from the supermarket.He looked different this time around, his almost pitch black eyes and blood-red lips were contrasting his pale skin. He looked lifeless on more than one level, yet there was a prominent existence around him. You clearly saw a small talisman dangling on a chain around his neck, almost like a necklace. For a moment during your dream you could hear his deep voice. 
  Your eyes shot open and you found yourself welcomed by the morning rays. The sun warmed up your skin and the sound of birds calmed you down. You stretched your arms and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. Jumping out of bed ,you put on your slippers and grabbed the door handle, when your foot hit something small. Almost without a thought you looked down seeing a shining metal object.
“Hm?” your fingers quickly retrieved the material and let your eyes scan over it.It looked like a lock.As you were holding it, your mind went blank.Your body turned around slowly towards the room. 
 The curtains were pushed back.
                    The window was open.
                               The lock was in your hand.
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mycatshuman · 6 years
How Roman saved Virgil's life
Pairings: Prinxiety
Warnings: mentions if suicide, mentions of neglectful parents, alone on a holiday. Please let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,929
Thank you to @civilsounds17 and @wxlcomxtothxjunglx for reading through this for me!💚💜
Inside an friendly neighborhood, stood an average unassuming looking two story house. And inside that two story house lived a family of three. A woman, a man, and a young adult. The woman and man were the young adult’s parents. But they were really more of a couple of people who occasionally paid attention to the young adult.  They were hardly there. Their son was lucky if he saw them more than three times a year. He had basically been raising himself from a very young age. He was 19 now.
It was ten o'clock at night on a cold winter evening. Inside the unassuming house, only one light was on. It was in the son's bedroom. His parents weren't home. They were away on another business trip. The last time he saw his parents, it was in October. Since then, they had back to back business trips and their son was left alone through Halloween, Turkey Day, and his birthday. Two days until Christmas, Christmas eve being tomorrow. And he knew he would be alone, yet again, for the “joyous” holiday.
Virgil Burton looked around his room. The walls were a dark purple and were covered in band posters and Disney and musical memorabilia. His spider curtains were pushed open, for once, and the blinds were pulled up, the window open, letting cool, crisp winter air swirl inside as Virgil painted his nails black. Christmas was two days away. He didn't plan on making it until then. In fact, he planned on killing himself tonight. He was depressed. He was isolated, and he felt it was finally time to end it. He had spent his last day doing whatever the Hell he wanted. As he waited for his nails to dry, he watched as pristine white snowflakes fell from the sky, twirling in circles before lying on the ground below.
After about ten minutes, Virgil got up and stepped into his bathroom, flicking on the light. It was time. He was ready. Grabbing the bottle of pills in the medicine cabinet, he flicked the light off and went back to his room only to find his phone ringing with an unknown number. He frowned and knew that if he didn't answer, it would haunt him for the little amount of time he had left. He set the bottle down and walked over to his bed and grabbed the phone, hitting answer as he held it up to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hi?” a deep regal voice spoke through the speaker.
Virgil frowned. “Who is this?”
Virgil heard a grumble on the other end before the voice came through again. “I'm Roman Prinz. Who is this?”
Virgil felt his breath catch in his throat. “V-Virgil,” he stuttered. “Virgil Burton.”
There was a dramatic gasp on the other end. “Virgil? Oh! I remember you from school! It's been a while!”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah. It has. How are you doing?”
Roman chuckled. “Good. I'm practicing some lines for this role I got at the theatre across town. You know the one?”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, aren't they putting on  Romeo and Juliet?” he asked, a hint of a laugh in his voice.
“Yeah, I'm Romeo.”
Virgil full out laughed. “Go figure.”
Roman joined in the laughter. “Yeah, I know. How are you doing?”
Virgil stopped abruptly. How was he doing? No one had asked him that in a long time. His parents hadn't even asked him the last time he saw them. Virgil weighed his options. Should he tell Roman what he was about to do, or should he tell him things are okay. The thought of Roman possibly reading about his suicide in the paper and feeling guilty made up his mind. He couldn't be more of a burden others more than he already was.
On the other end, Roman's voice came through again, his tone serious. “Is everything okay?”
Virgil sighed. “Uh no. It's not.”
“Why?” Virgil had to pause for a moment. Why? It was almost as if the other cared. Cared enough to ask and to listen. And that tiny ounce of care was enough to have Virgil telling Roman of his plans.
“I'm about ready to kill myself.”
The silence that followed from Roman was unnerving. “Why?” He asked.
There was that question again. Why? Virgil swallowed thickly. “Well, I haven't really seen my parents since October and they don't really call all that often. I've just- I'm tired of being alone on Christmas. I'm tired of being alone all the time. I've had to raise myself and it's just-”
Roman cut him off. “Hey, don't worry. You won't be alone on Christmas. I promise. Listen, I've got to go. But promise you'll call tomorrow, okay?”
Virgil froze as tears slid down his cheeks. “You want me to call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Promise me.”
Virgil took a deep breath. “I promise I'll call you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Virgil. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”
And with that Roman hung up. Virgil looked down at his phone as he blinked in bewilderment. Did he really just promise the other to call tomorrow? He set his phone down and glanced at the bottle of pills. With a sigh, he stood and placed them back in the medicine cabinet before walking into his room and turning on the music. He closed his window and fell on top of his bed, exhausted but actually looking forward to getting up tomorrow. Even if all it meant was getting to talk to his high school crush.
Roman let out a sigh of relief as he got off the phone. He moved his script off his lap with shaking hands and quickly shot a text to his friends asking if they could help him with something tomorrow. He then saved Virgil's number in his phone. He don't know why Virgil called him, but he is so glad he was able to answer it. He stood up and moved over to his closet and opened a box shoved in the corner. He pulled out an old Disney collectable and stepped out of the closet, grabbing the wrapping paper on his way to his bed. Quickly wrapping the object, he stood and set it with the small pile in the corner of his room.
He sent a text explaining to his friends what he had planned to do tomorrow before falling into his bed and staring at the ceiling. He promised.
Virgil woke up the next morning and rubbed his eyes before sitting up. His purple hair was a mess and his clothes were rumpled but after the events of yesterday, what with the whole almost killing himself thing, he couldn't really bring himself to care. He checked the clock and saw that it was eight in the morning. He pushed himself out of bed and walked down stairs, sending a quick text to Roman's phone. I don't know when you get up, but if you want, I can call you around lunch time. After pressing send, he went to get a drink.
He jumped after his phone set off with a loud ring. He quickly answered the phone, noticing Roman's contact. “Roman?” He asked groggily.
“Good Morning, Hot Topic!” Roman exclaimed.
Virgil groaned. “How are you this awake already?”
Roman chuckled. “Because I am. Anyway, how are you doing? Sleep well?”
Virgil let out a sigh as he sat down at the island in the kitchen. “Yeah. You?”
“I slept like a Prince. So, you still live in that two story house around the block?”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah. I didn't immediately move to the closest apartment to the theatre like you,” he joked.
Roman laughed. “Yeah, I kinda guessed.”
Virgil jumped as he heard the doorbell ring. He frowned. “Hold on, Romano, I gotta get the door.” Virgil stood up and walked over to the front door. Who could it be this early in the morning? He asked himself. However, he felt his jaw drop when he opened the door.
Outside, Roman stood with two big shopping bags and a royal red overnight bag hanging over his shoulder. Roman grinned as he hung up and placed his phone in his pocket. “I told you you wouldn't be alone on Christmas.”
Virgil stared at Roman as he opened the door and let Roman in. “Wha- what are you doing here?”
Roman set his stuff down on the couch before turning and wrapping Virgil in a bone crushing hug. “I just wanted to spend time with friends this Christmas,” he mumbled into Virgil's shoulder.
Virgil felt tears fall from his eyes. Roman smiled softly and rubbed the emo's back. “I hope you don't mind,” he whispered softly. “But I invited Patton and Logan over. That way we can all spend Christmas together.”
“What about your family?” Virgil asked he limply wrapped his arms around Roman.
Roman pulled Virgil tighter against him. “We can spend time with them after. It's been too long since we've spent time together. I don't want to wait any longer.” The two stayed in each others embrace until the doorbell rang and the other two were there.
They would all spend a wonderful Christmas Eve making cookies and catching up while watching Christmas movies together. The four of them would all sleep in the living room together, the lights if the Christmas tree sparking and creating a soft glow to the room.
Then, on Christmas, they would open presents, and Virgil would feel bad about not getting them anything but Roman and Patton would say his company was enough and Logan would say something about how meaningless objects could be. It was the first real Christmas Virgil had in a long time. And maybe it would be worth it to stick around for the next one.
*Years later*
Roman pulled Virgil away from the party for a few moments despite his love’s protests. “Roman! Do you really think the party won't notice the grooms missing from the party for them?”
Roman just laughed. “Come on Virge. I'm thinking they won't miss us that long.”
Virgil shook his head but followed after his husband. Gosh! Husband! If you would have told Virgil he would be marrying the man who saved him from suicide in a few years he would have laughed. But here he was.
The two sat down in the grass and looked up at the sky full of twinkling stars. Roman held tightly to Virgil's hand. “You know, I still don't know why you called me that night so many years ago,” he started. “But I'm glad I picked up.” Roman turned to his husband only to find a frown on his face. “What's wrong dearest?”
Virgil turned to Roman. “I didn't call you. You called me.”
Now it was Roman's turn to be confused. “What?”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, you called me. I had gone into the bathroom and then came back and my phone was ringing. Then I answered it and the rest, well, you know.”
Roman sat in silence for a while before he let a soft smile spread across his lips. “I guess you could say fate intervened.”
Virgil shoved Roman as he rolled his eyes. “You're a sap.”
“But you love me.”
Virgil sighed. “I do. I really do.”
Roman smiled brighter than the stars and pulled Virgil close to him. “I love you, Virgil.”
Virgil smiled as he leaned his forehead against Roman's. “I love you too, Roman.” The two shared a tender kiss, under the stars as they winked in the sky, with a mysterious knowing light.
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yeosanggf · 6 years
A Christmas Chenle
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader
Summary/Request: You and Chenle are in choir together and are assigned to decorate the tree for your school’s festivities. | Hi uwu I absolutely love the way you write💗 if you have the time, could you please do something fluffy with Chenle pls? I’ve been looking for some Chenle fluff and I can’t really find any:/ If you don’t have time it’s totally fine hehe I hope you have a great day/night uwu💗💗 @maaaaaaaaatroshyka 
Genre: fluff
A/N: if you dont celebrate Christmas, dont worry i have many chenle fics planned! I hope this takes your mind off some sad stuff :( i know my fellow shawols must be having a hard time so may this serve as a happy distraction! much love - dia
“You’ll go down in history!” The men’s choir finished their final rehearsal. Winter Break’s Eve was approaching swiftly and every year your school would hold a celebratory assembly to hold festivities, perform skits, and sing songs about Christmas, Hanukkah, and other worldwide winter holidays. In three days, you and the boys would perform for your school at this annual Christmas event. Mrs. Yang, the choir director, had chosen you out of the girl’s choir to join the men’s this year to sing soprano. There were a few boys who could hit the high notes, but not enough. You’d be singing alongside Lee Donghyuck, Moon Taeil, and Zhong Chenle, the last of whom was in your grade.
You rehearsed in the Performance Hall. For three of the four seasons, it was a lackluster room; usually, the red carpets were the only pop of color, the only thing that drew the eye upon entrance. During the Holidays, the Hall was lit up. Festive cultural desserts were set out on tables and fairy lights brightened the walls, bringing light to the ever-drab occasion of an ordinary assembly. The walls were ordained with paper snowflakes, a giant wreath was hung on the open door, and the voices of the choir opened up the space and shattered a wall of dullness, turning the place into a Winter Wonderland. The choir, being the biggest group, had the responsibility of decorating the Performance Hall. Every year, a tree was put up, a menorah was lit with fake candles, and gifts were exchanged within every performing group in Secret Santa.
“Alright kids, as there’s an odd number of you this year, there will be one group of three…” Mrs. Yang addressed the nineteen of you. The sopranos were split into Hyuck and Taeil, and you and Chenle. Your job was to buy decorations for the tree.
You and Chenle had been friendly before; it was hard not to like him given his outgoing nature. Taeil’s voice would crack, he’d start laughing, and soon after the whole choir would be giggling with him. He was a lovable creature, Zhong Chenle.
That Sunday, you and Chenle went to the mall. It was an awkward atmosphere, you’d never hung out alone. You rocked back and forth on your feet and he played with his hands, both of you waiting for the other to say something first. He broke the ice.
“Wow, so it even smells festive in here, huh?” You gave a quick glance at the candle store behind him before giving him a small smile. He wasn’t wrong. It did. “Shall we?” He grinned.
The only plan was to walk until something caught your eye. For Chenle, that thing was a plushie store. Without thinking, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you gently in that direction.
“Y/n, who’s your Secret Santa?” He asked, turning a Charmander plushie in his hands.
“Oh, I have Jisung. Shoot I’d completely forgotten about that.”
“You know him?” He put down the Charmander as he eyed a seal across the room.
“Not really, I know he’s on dance crew but I have no idea what to get him. I don’t know what dancers like.” Chenle walked over to the seal as you followed behind.
“Well, he’s my best friend. I can help!” Surprisingly, you’d never seen the two interact. Jisung was a tenor, so he sat far from you and Chenle. “Jisung… he likes random stuff. Stuff he’d never need but can entertain him for hours on end, you know?” You nodded, understanding. “Last year he got a launchpad and he was on that thing for hours…”
You and Chenle walked around the shops for a while, looking both for decorations and a present for Park Jisung. One store was completely decked out. There was tinsel in the windows and a light up snowman at the door. The inside had shelves upon shelves of ornaments and lights, and even a section for gift-giving. You and Chenle decided to split up to look for decor. You were on silver decorations and Chenle on white. You admired the gift section as you searched. Initially, you wanted to find something for Jisung, but the jewelry counter had you hooked. It was cheap enough, maybe 20 bucks a piece, but you only had the school’s money on you. They had necklaces, earrings, and rings of many designs and cuts. One set of gold dangly earrings caught your eye. A gold chain hung from each ear, with little golden music note pendants hanging on them. Realizing your distraction, you turned back around to see Chenle waving you over. You met each other at the checkout counter with hands full of decor to rob the school’s bank account dry.
“They’ll never let us buy anything again.”
“Well, better to regret doing something than never doing it at all!” Chenle laughed, handing the wide-eyed cashier the school’s card. “Did you find anything for Jisung?”
“Not yet. What does he like, man? I can’t think of anything good…” Chenle had told you a bit about him while you walked around the mall before, but it wasn’t helpful information for finding a gift.
He likes to dance, rap, he’s kinda shy… you recalled him saying.
“Ooh, I know!” Chenle grabbed half the bags, “Jisung has abnormally large feet, we could buy him shoes! He can never find ones that fit!” You couldn’t contain your laughter.
“Chenle do you really think I have enough money to buy something like shoes? I don’t even have my own money on me right now.”
“It’s okay, I’ll buy them for now. You can pay me back later, but I’m so sure there’s a place around here that holds his size, come on!”
Chenle ran to the shop he was thinking of and waited for you at the door. There were indeed a lot of shoes.
“Jisung likes black…” he said, putting a finger to his chin and furrowing his eyebrows as he looked for the size. It was really cute, the way he focused. He grabbed the correct size and walked with you to the counter to pay. He didn’t even notice the price as he gave his card and turned to you. “Aren’t you glad you have me here?” he said in a tone that was more of a happy statement than a question. You didn’t respond, you were too focused on the receipt the cashier handed Chenle.
“125 dollars? Chenle, what the hell? You just paid for shoes that are 125 dollars!” You exclaimed as you grabbed the receipt. He saw the fear in your eyes, but he didn’t seem to care.
“Yeah,” he said, taking the box from the cashier, “Is that okay?” Um, no.
“How- I don’t have $125 to pay you back, man, I’m a highschool student!” Chenle stared blankly at you for a moment before apologizing.
“Oh… I’m sorry, I guess I should have consulted you,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. There was nervousness in his voice. “You can totally pay me back in increments, no rush!” He smiled and ruffled your hair playfully, making light of the situation, before once again grabbing the bags and shoebox and heading back to your car. You’d heard the kid was rich, but that was a lot to spend so spontaneously at his age…
Chenle closed the trunk before freezing suddenly.
“Hey, Y/n I think I forgot something. Give me a minute, okay? I’ll be right back,” before you could answer he ran back to the mall. Ten minutes later he returned.
“Found it?”
“Whatever you were looking for?”
“Oh, no. It must be in one of our bags. It’s okay, I don’t really care. Let’s just drop this stuff at school, I’ll worry about it later.”
“If you say so, Chenle.”
On Wednesday evening you two helped set up the tree with the decorations you’d bought. The other night after the mall trip, you wrapped up Jisung’s shoes to put under the school tree alongside the other gifts. Wong Yukhei, of the bass line, arrived late to the decorating, with a big flourish as usual.
“Yes!” He exclaimed, walking through the big double doors, “Let’s get this matzoh!” and, as usual, everyone ignored it.
Yukhei and Ten were in charge of light decorating around the side door that led up to the stage. No one trusted them with the bigger stuff. Of course, the first thing they did was put up was mistletoe.
Just like when you were buying the ornaments, no plan was put into decorating this tree. You and Chenle both just threw stuff on and hoped it looked good - and honestly, it wasn’t too bad. For two kids who could barely reach the top of the tree, it looked pretty dang good! Once all the decorations were up, you both stepped back to take a look at the final product.
“You know, it could be better,” Chenle smiled.
“But we decked them halls okay no one told us to try.” Since Sunday you’d felt closer and closer to Chenle. He laughed at your jokes now. Jokes… You felt comfortable telling jokes with him! A big accomplishment considering how intimidatingly extroverted he was. It was safe to say that by this point, you were friends.
Friday was the day of the performance. Students flooded the PH adorned in ugly Christmas and Hanukkah sweaters, reindeer antlers, and Santa hats. The girl’s choir wore festive onesies and the boy’s choir wore ugly sweaters. From morning to evening there were festivities. The theater kids did skits with the sports captains and the teachers had a holiday costume contest.
The day came to an end with the songs you’d rehearsed. People milled around eating whatever holiday treats others brought in for the occasion and listened to the sound of your voices bouncing off the walls. When the day was over, the choir went backstage for Secret Santa. Safe to say Jisung loved the shoes and gave you a big hug, which gave you time to whisper in his ear that it was really all Chenle’s doing but you were glad he liked it. When it was your turn the boys all looked to you, and you saw Chenle pull a little box out from his coat pocket.
“You’re my Secret Santa?” You laughed, taking the box, “What, are you proposing or something?” You opened the box and your eyes widened, your smile faltered before growing twice as big. Gold chain music note earrings… the ones you saw in the shop on Sunday. You gaped unintentionally and looked back up at him, as he gave you a wink from across the room. After the gift exchange, you caught him leaving from the offstage exit. “Hey! How’d you know?” you asked, stopping him. “How’d you know I wanted those earrings?”
“Y/n,  you were staring at them for a good three minutes on Sunday. I thought of getting you them but I didn’t know how to be discreet about it… then I remembered Jisung’s feet and it wiped all memory of the earrings from my mind.” He chuckled, “But I remembered again as soon as we were about to leave! Remember that?”
“Well, I don’t remember how many times you just said the word ‘remember’. Oh, by the way, here’s 20 dollars. The first installment on this loan I have.” You smiled, taking the 20 out of your pocket.
“Hey!” Yukhei called from behind you. You both turned and were met with a smug smirk on the tall boy’s face. “You’re under the mistletoe~” He winked before bounding away, giddy that something he did worked. You watched Yukhei leave before facing Chenle again. He took your face in his hands.
“Can I?” He asked. It was probably the quietest you’d ever heard him. You nodded. His heart beat faster and faster, more rapid than he was expecting, until his lips finally met yours in a sweet embrace. You both pulled away quickly, and it was awkward again, like the first time you hung out. But this time, you both welcomed it. “Y/n?”
“You just paid off your loan.”
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
A Card for Mr. Gold
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Mr. Gold/Belle, G
Summary: Mr. Gold receives a card on Christmas Eve.
Notes: Sorry this got a bit angsty in the middle there. Unbeta’d so I’m sure it’s typo’d to death. For the first prompt word - card.
Welcome to the first installment of my 2018 31 Days of Fandomas! Last year I did all fic, but in deference to my significant change in schedule and time this year, I'm letting myself do any fandom content. Still trying to do all 31 days though! You can find everything for this year on AO3, and read last year’s stuff as well!
Mr. Gold stared at the bright red envelope on his desk.
Christmas Eve and still the bills and credit card offers and pointless advertisements arrived in his mailbox. He’d even passed a delivery truck on his way home, dropping off last minute purchases. It wasn’t technically the holiday yet, though many people would be celebrating already, and the world did need to go on in spite of the lights and presents and merriment.
Not that he was paying it any mind. There was no reason to anymore. He hadn’t bothered with a tree or any other decorations for several years, and when he woke up in the morning, it would look like any other day. He might try calling his son if he could get up the courage, otherwise it was just him, his big Victorian house, and a glass of scotch. He preferred it that way, going on as if nothing special were happening, as if the world hadn’t so thoroughly rejected him that someone somewhere might care how he spent his holiday.
The envelope however, had disrupted this.
It was large and square and entirely out of place with the rest of the long, slender pieces of mail he’d carried inside. It didn’t have a formal address on it, just his name - well, the name everyone in Storybrooke knew him by anyway - Mr. Gold. It was written in a calligraphy style with a broad edge, the letters reminding him of the style of old manuscripts from the Middle Ages. Something seemed oddly familiar about it though and he frowned as he flipped it over. On the back was a shiny gold sticker holding the flap on the envelope shut, lightly embossed like a faux wax seal, and he ran his finger around it before lifting it open.
The sticker popped free, pulling a small piece of the red paper with it. Inside was a Christmas card, and he stopped. It had been ages since anyone had given him a card for any reason. No one paid Mr. Gold any mind unless they needed to make a deal or owed him rent.
Well, no one except Belle French, the librarian, but she was sweet to everyone. Waving to him every morning as he opened his shop, and making an effort to speak more than two words to him when they ran into each other at Granny’s hardly meant anything. She was friendly and warm to one and all, and if in his loneliest moments he entertained ideas of her sparkling blue eyes and fair skin, that was his business.
Gold shook his head and slid the card out slowly. It was a heavy ivory paper with shiny gold filling in the lettering and a snowflake pattern that didn’t feel as ostentatious as some of the cards in the seasonal aisle in Dark Star pharmacy over the past few weeks. He smirked thinking about how he’d encouraged Henry Mills to buy the ridiculous singing card for his mother, the mayor, complete with a flashing red nose on Rudolph’s face that blinked in time with the song. Regina would love it, and want to murder it at the same time.
But now he was faced with the reality that someone had sent him a card, and he didn’t know how to feel about that. Could Regina have found out and attempted to get him back by putting itching powder or something equally nasty in a card? Was it a joke designed to make him feel even worse than he was likely to feel already as he spent another holiday alone?
Bracing himself, he opened the card, scanning the page. His lips pressed together and his throat tightened as he closed it and set it down on the desk next to the envelope. He leaned forward and sucked in a shaky breath before opening the card again. Part of him expected the words to change, but they hadn’t, and his fist clenched as he resisted the urge to shove the entire contents of his desk to the floor, the card included.
The sentiment on the inside of the card was as simple as the outside, with a scrolling Merry Christmas in the same gold letters and a larger snowflake beneath it. But the extra words that had been written stabbed cruelly at his heart.
How had she found out his first name? Oh, the library computer. He’d registered for a card ages ago and of course had to show his driver’s license. Something about her writing his first name made the rest of it hurt more.
No one should spend Christmas alone.
No, he supposed, no one should, except those who wanted to. He’d always tried to count himself in that category, but deep down he knew it for the lie that it was. His heart and mind were always numb with alcohol by the time he went to bed on every holiday that it felt like it didn’t matter. Then he could wake up the next day and go back to his life, scowling at late renters and taunting the mayor, forgetting all about the ache in his chest.
Yet here it was, in Belle French’s handwriting, a mix of loopy cursive and a slightly sloppy printing that he’d seen more than a few times as she signed her receipts at the diner. Her name at the bottom, a simple Belle, without the need for her last name or any sense of formality, made the sting worse. It was the sort of card one might write a lovely note in to a friend or loved one, but instead she’d reminded him of his pathetic existence.
He picked up the envelope and card, and dropped them in the trash bin next to his desk, then he pushed the pile of unwanted mail into the bin as well, covering the offending card from view. Later he might toss the whole lot of it in the fireplace to burn while he drank himself into oblivion.
Just then the doorbell rang out, sharp and loud in the midst of his angry solitude.
Gold made his way to the door, stalking towards it and leaning more heavily on his cane than usual. His face was a hard scowl as he yanked open the door, rattling the old stained glass window.
“What?” he barked, leaning into the space.
Belle French stared back at him, her eyes wide and her mouth open.
“H-hello,” she said after a moment. Her eyebrows lifted and her lips pressed together.
Gold straightened and blinked in confusion. She was the last person he’d expected to see on his doorstep on Christmas Eve.
“Did you get my card?” she asked, hesitantly.
It was then he noticed her arms full of something, a container wrapped in foil with a paper plate displaying a few cookies sitting on top and covered with cling wrap.
“I - “ he paused and swallowed, watching the little puffs coming from her nose as she breathed in the cold air. “Yes?”
Her head tilted. “You did or you didn’t?”
He was confused, but nodded. “I did, yes. But what -”
She smiled then, and shrugged. “Are you going to invite me in?”
“Um, yes, of course.” He frowned a bit and then stepped back, holding the door open for her.
“Thanks,” she said, shivering as the warmth of the house hit her, dispelling the winter chill. “I was hoping you’d see it before I came over.”
She moved to set the items in her arms down on the side table inside the door, and then started unbuttoning her wool coat. It looked like she was planning to stay and Gold though perhaps he’d allowed his general grumpiness to cloud the true meaning of her card.
“I always get the mail before I come home,” he said, absently taking her coat from her as she unwrapped a brightly striped scarf from her neck. He hung both of them up, and then turned around to see Belle French in a red dress, standing in his foyer. “So...um…”
Belle’s face fell. “I’m sorry I - I just invited myself over and -” She moved passed him to reach for her coat. “I’ll go and - ”
“No,” he said quickly, putting his hand on her arm. She hadn't moved after a few seconds, and he realized his hand had probably been touching her too long, so he pulled it away. “No, it’s - it’s fine. I'm sorry I just thought -”
“Don’t be sorry,” she interrupted, turning to face him. “I know you’re - alone - and with my father in the hospital, I’m alone this year too, so I thought maybe -”
She shrugged, and he started to smile. The card had been intended as an invitation, and of course he’d assumed the worst, both of himself and her, even when she was the best person in the whole damn town. She’d been trying to reach out to him, probably the whole time he’d known her, with all her small gestures and kind smiles. He’d been too blinded by his own misery to realize it.
“I brought a pan of Granny’s lasagna and some cookies. Not very Christmas-y, I know, but -” Then she stopped and bit at her lip. “If you’d rather I go, I can -”
“No,” he replied softly, blinking back the sting in the corners of his eyes. “No, I’d like it very much if you stayed.” She beamed at him and he swore his heart had never felt so large and full. “Please take the food through there into the kitchen, I just - I need to, uh, clean up something before I join you.”
Belle lifted up on her toes, and for a startling moment he thought she might kiss him, but she dropped back on heels, bouncing with what could only be joy and excitement. “Great! I’ll start the oven.”
He watched her walk down his hallway, pushing open the swinging door to his kitchen with her hip, making her dress swish about her legs. As soon as she was out of sight, he hurried back into his study, and picked up the trash bin by his desk. He riffled through the papers and mail to retrieve her card, pleased to find it unwrinkled and with no indications of its hasty discarding. He opened it and read her words again, smiling widely.
Something tickled his cheek and then a spot appeared on the page. He reached up to find his face wet, and closed his eyes against the rest of the tears threatening to fall. There was no need for that now, even if she was here just for tonight, though he doubted this would be the only time she would visit him after this. Belle had shown herself to be quite persistent and stubborn in her efforts to get funding for the library. He got the impression that if she intended to be his friend, then she was damn well going to be, and sod his grumpy, antisocial tendencies.
Smiling and wiping at his eyes one last time, he set the card upright on his desk where it was now the lone holiday decoration in his house, and left to join Belle in the kitchen.
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Apartment 79 (2)
Chapter 2
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 2846
Summary: You’re moving out into the city, renting an apartment in a building owned by a father and his two sons. When you meet the repair boy you instantly know this was the best decision you’d ever made.
A/N: You guys are making me so happy, I’ve gotten a lot of feedback on this and there’s only one chapter out. I hope you like this chapter! Thank you!!!
Feedback Is Cool So Tell Me What You Think!!
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You tossed and turned all night long, which made it almost miraculous you didn’t further injure your leg.
After Dean had left you felt exhausted, he’d interrupted your nap, which was much more needed than you’d anticipated. You’d had a long day of travel, you lived down in Texas, and this move to Pennsylvania was a bit different than you’d planned.
The moment you left home, you considered it an adventure. Telling yourself all along that it was fine, that you’d be okay.
You’d gone off on your own, for the very first time.
Sure, when you were in college you lived on campus, and you felt similar then to how you do now. But there’s a big different living hours away from home, between living twenty minutes away.
You’d missed your parents every moment of the trip, but accepted that this was something you needed to do. This was your entrance exam into society. You weren’t all that social, big crowds made you uncomfortable, so did new places, and new things.
But you were old enough to go out into the world and be an adult on your own.
Then you twisted your ankle.
That’s what you’d thought at least. You were a trained nurse, and after Dean had left you gave yourself an inspection to find your ankle was either twisted, or broken. You chose to say twisted for positivity sake.
After all that, you’d gone to bed. You needed sleep, and you started work at the beginning of next week, so you needed to get settled.
You woke up to the night sky through your window. Moonlight casting an eerie glow across your bed.
You pulled the blanket you had over your body. This was all you had in the way of bedding until your belongings arrived. It was a blanket you took with you on every trip, a blue fuzzy snowflake blanket that your brother had gifted you when you were little. You were just a bit obsessed with fuzzy things.
You sat up and rubbed your eyes, wondering what time it was.
You reached out to the small bedside table and grabbed your phone, which you’d put on the charger before going to sleep.
The time read quarter till six, so you knew that the sunshine would be coming up soon.
You were surprised you’d slept so long, it must have been about seven when you fell asleep, even with an tiring and stressful day such as yesterday.
You rolled out of bed, momentarily forgetting about your bum leg and stepping fully on it just to fall over.
Yesterday, waking up from your nap, it felt better. Yet today, it felt worse.
You were too tired to question or reason anything.
You pulled yourself up from the floor, limping over to the window.
A couple stars were left in the sky, the darkness still covered your room like a cold blanket, but you could easily see the sunshine in the distance, trying to break through the night.
You let out a sigh and moved from the window, walking over to your carry on bag.
The reason you’d had to send your things was because your car was very small, you were able to pack a couple boxes in the car, but that was about it, and all your tiny trunk could handle aside from the spare tire your father made sure you had, was that carry on bag.
You dug into the bag and pulled out a bag of Hostess blueberry muffins you’d brought with you, knowing that you wouldn’t have food for the first day or so, although you hoped to get to the store today to at least grab a couple snacks to do you until you could actually do some grocery shopping.
You munched on the muffins as you stepped out of the room.
The living room met you with darkness, you rubbed your eyes as you looked around, trying to wake yourself up.
Your first step was getting some light in the place. You searched around, trying to recall where you’d seen the light switch yesterday.
Using the light from your phone, you found the switch in about five minutes. Flipping it as the lights came on.
You had to shield your eyes as the light stung for a moment. You hated that feeling.
You squinted as you stumbled to the kitchen, still eating your muffins as you grabbed a bar stool that was seemingly the only chair in the kitchen. You hopped up onto it to sit at the counter and rest your foot.
Reaching down, you felt around your ankle where the pain was and felt a bit of swelling, making you groan with irritation.
The only way that thing would heal well before work was if you did practically nothing, but the thing was that you lived alone now, and you had things to do.
You finished your muffins and set the empty bag down, knowing that you didn’t have any trash bags either. You really should have gone shopping yesterday instead of sleeping. You felt foolish for doing so.
“Well,” You said to yourself, “At least now I’ll have a good excuse for using one of those little shopping scooters.”
You smiled and chuckled to yourself softly, stretching and letting out a groan.
In your carry on bag you’d packed two extra pairs of clothes, knowing it might take a couple days for your things to arrive, so your first step was changing your clothes.
Your living room had two large windows, and through them you could see that the sun was finally breaking through. No more stars in the sky.
It was one of the things that amazed you sometimes, how quickly the sun could come up and block out the darkness. It was something you reminded yourself of when you were feeling depressed.
You got off the stool with another groan of pain, your ankle hurting like hell.
Your eyes found a piece of paper on your counter, remembering the night before and Dean leaving his number.
You reached out and picked it up, a soft smile on your face at the note
Call if you need anything ;)
“So you’re a flirt are you Mr Winchester?” You said to yourself, but immediately reminded yourself that it could be as simple as he’s a nice guy. He’s paid to help you… with your plumbing. Not your personal life.
“You’re an idiot y/n.” You sighed, shaking your head.
Still, whichever one it was, the note made you smile because he was clearly kind. He did seem to care.
You unlocked your phone and went to contacts.
After adding the number to your contacts, you labeled it “Repair Boy” just to make sure you remembered, although inside you were snickering.
You began to move to change your clothes when you heard a buzzing sound, surprising you so much it almost knocked you off your feet.
You turned to see where it was coming from and you saw a speaker beside your door, you hadn’t noticed that yesterday.
You shrugged and walked over with a little bit of excitement. You weren’t sure why, but you’d always wanted one of those.
You pressed the button,
“Hello?” You said,
“Y/N, this is Sam. We spoke on the phone the other day.” The voice said,
“Yeah I remember,” You muttered, “Did you need something?”
“Your things just arrived. Do you want me to send them up?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be down in a moment. Thank you Sam.”
“No problem”
There was something about that that made you giddy, though you were relieved your belongings were there, it was that buzzer that made you happy.
You made it to your room as quickly as possible and changed into a red wine colored tank top and a pair of black capri leggings.
You grabbed the key that John Winchester had given you the night before and stuffed it into the pocket on the front of your shirt, making a mental note to add it to your keychain.
You made it to the door and stepped out.
The hallway was dimly lit by a couple hanging lamps, the place was quiet, indicating that everyone was probably still in bed.
You limped down the hallway until you got to the first staircase you had to walk down. You decided to put it out of your mind that you were hurt, maybe if you didn’t think about it you could walk down at least somewhat like a normal person.
You thought about rabbits.
And took one step.
Before falling down the first set of stairs.
You let out a couple grunts, but for the most part you were silent, and okay, just a little sore now.
You let out an irritated sigh as you used the railing to pull yourself up, gripping it to lead you down the second staircase.
It was slow going but you made it down the second one just in time to hear
“So are you ready to admit you need to go to the hospital?”
You jumped in surprise, turning to see Dean standing there, nonchalantly looking down at your feet before looking to you.
“Long have I been here? I heard you fall down the stairs, followed you down the second set. Now are you going to let me help you?” He said, crossing his arms.
“You’re an asshole you know that.” You mumbled
“I’ve been told.” He nodded,
“I don’t need any help.” You stated
“Okay,” He shrugged, “Good luck carrying heavy boxes up the stairs with a broken ankle.” He turned to walk away, you cringed as you took another step.
“Wait,” You said, feeling defeated.
Dean turned back around and walked down a couple steps so he could face you.
“I like doing things on my own.” You admitted,
“That’s no excuse for hurting yourself further, now c’mon.” He said.
Dean didn’t even say another word before he grabbed your arm and wrapped it around his shoulders, one of his went around your waist as he lifted you and started helping you back up the stairs.
“Hey wait a second!” You almost yelled as the large man continued to help you up the stairs,
“What now?” He asked
“I wanted you to help me with my boxes! Not myself.”
“If I’m going to bring your stuff up, I need you to be there to keep the door open, and so you’ll be out of the way.”
Although you gave the impression of being irritated, it was nice. He was so much taller than you that he was pretty much carrying you up the stairs.
Of course he didn’t stop when he got to the top, instead he pretty much carried you all the way to your apartment, only setting you down so you could unlock the door.
He helped you walk inside and actually lifted you by the waist to sit on the counter.
“Wait here, and don’t hurt yourself please.” He said before walking away.
You were left alone in your apartment, door wide open in wait for him to bring your belongings up.
Your face was probably red, you were very embarrassed and a little confused. He was very forward, and probably a little impatient with you. You couldn’t blame him though.
It was maybe a minute before he came upstairs with the first three boxes, stacked on top of one another so you could hardly see his face and he could barely see where he was going.
Dean walked through the open door and set the boxes on the ground, walking over to you and holding a hand out to help you down. You accepted it happily and hopped to the ground, almost falling over from the pain of your ankle.
“When I’m done bringing your things up I’m taking you to the hospital so get ready.” He said,
“No,” You said, “Dean, I appreciate this, you’re very nice and more of a gentleman than I expected from last night but I don’t need to go to the hospital. I’ll put some ice on it and wrap it up, it’ll be fine in a couple days, remember I said I was a nurse. I know what I’m doing.” You insisted, you’d been rude to the guy long enough, considering how kind he was you didn’t want to give him any more trouble than you had to.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but just shook his head.
“I’m Y/n by the way.” You said as he walked out the door. He turned to you with confusion.
“I already know your name, my brother told me. It’s on our sheet,”
“Is that supposed to stop me from being polite and introducing myself?” You asked
“I guess not.” He shrugged,
“Thank you.” You smiled, earning a grin from the man.
“So you do have manners after all huh?” He smirked
“Only when the people around me do.”
“Good thing I’m a gentleman.” He said, fixing the collar of his coveralls and walking out the door with a straightened back and long strides to seem proper. You laughed as he headed down the hallway, you stumbled over to see what was in your first boxes.
You smiled as you began to go through your things. The first three boxes were pretty much your essentials. Your bedding and pillows packed into one of those space bag things. Curtains, towels and wash rags all packed into another, and the third was your photos.
You were excited when you found those, going through it immediately.
You knew some of the boxes would be a surprise, as your large family had promised you they would not only mail your belongings, but also your going away presents.
Some of the photos were ones you’d loved, they’d yellowed with age, the corners wrinkled and torn, but the picture itself held enough meaning that it didn’t matter, you simply saw it as though it were a grandparent. Sure it’s a little wrinkled and old, but what matters what what it meant. Many of them were ones you’d see on the mantle in your home, day after day. You recognized them easily and considered them part of your home.
A few of them were newer ones, a couple were taken at your going away party, others at various picnics and get togethers over the years.
“The way you’re looking right now I’d guess you were a kid sneaking into their christmas presents a day early.”
You looked up to see Dean, a grin on his face as he set two more boxes down.
“I look guilty?” You asked
“No,” he shook his head, “You look like you just found the greatest surprise.”
“I guess I sort of did.” You shrugged, “Family pictures I didn’t expect to get.”
You showed him the one of you and your sister,
“Hey, who’s that?” He asked, earning a scolding look from you
“Watch it buddy, that’s my sister.” You said,
“Huh, well she does look like you.”
“She outta, we’re twins.” You chuckled,
“I wouldn’t take you for a twin.”
“That’s because I didn’t walk in here with my clone, stand side by side and say, ‘we’re twins. Got an apartment?’”
Dean chuckled at your words, “Still… you look like your own kinda person.”
“Never judge a book by it’s cover. I’m really not. I even need the repair boy to be my butler I’m so incapable. Speaking of, weren’t you doing something?” You said, making a ‘shoo’ motion with your hands.
“Yeah, I was fixing Mr Picketts leaky facette… well good luck with those boxes.” He said standing up.
“Hey unfair!” you called
“This butler quits.” He said
“Dean, c’mon! You’re the one who’s such a gentleman remember.”
The man sighed and gave you a look,
“I shouldn’t even be talking to you about this stuff anyway.” You mumbled,
“Why not? It’s not like I’m some stranger on the street.”
“I hardly know you, I’d qualify that as stranger.”
“Oh come on, we’ve had a great twelve hours of knowing each other.” He insisted.
“You barged into my apartment and then helped me up the stairs. I wouldn’t even call that acquaintances.”
“What does it take to be an acquaintance of yours then?” Dean asked, crouching down to look at you face level.
“What’s your middle name?” You asked
“Telling you my middle name is a free ticket to being your acquaintance?”
“It’s step one.”
“Huh, well. I’ll tell you later.” He smirked, “Maybe.”
“Then I guess you’re just a stranger!” You called to him as he stood and turned, walking back out to get more boxes.
“A stranger who has the key to your room!” He yelled with a laugh in his voice.
You grinned as he headed down the stairs, mindlessly organizing your photos.
This whole experience so far was reminding you of kindergarten.
“Well mom, you’re finally right.” You said to the picture of your family,
“Making friends isn’t that hard after all.”
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Christmas Cold
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Sherlock x Reader
You lounged in the flat of 221b watching television in Sherlock’s chair when Sherlock walked out of his bedroom and into the living room, you glanced up before turning back to the TV. He started grabbing paper’s from John’s desk before going towards the door. 
“Heading out?” you asked absentmindedly. 
“Yes, there’s been a murder” he replied with a smile, if anything could make him smile it was a Christmas killing. You turned you head towards the window and saw the frost forming and could almost feel the freeze. 
“You’ll catch a cold if you go out like that,” you said gesturing to him, he wore one of his dress shirts and pants and his jacket wasn't even buttoned up. 
“I don’t catch colds,” he answered, you rolled your eyes. 
“Sure, okay Elsa, than have fun,” you called as he excited the flat.
 you resumed watching television, made yourself some hot cocoa and started a fire and read a book in your free time. It was two hours before you saw another person, Sherlock came back into the room shaking and stumbling, you looked at him smugly. 
“A bit cold Sher?” you asked smirking, he shook his head. 
“Y/N, I’m fine,” he replied sitting in his chair still shaking, he curled up in a ball in his chair and closed his eyes. 
“You are anything but fine,” you insisted as you walked over and kneeled in front of him, you pressed your hand to his forehead, he was scorching, “you have a fever,” 
“He even took off his damn coat,” John said walking into the room, you sighed. 
“Why on earth-” you started to say but Sherlock cut you off. 
“I needed to climb a tree, the coat was getting snagged on branches, so I took it off,” Sherlock answered. 
“And then didn't put it back on,” John added, you rolled your eyes as you stood up and walked over to the kitchen where you started to make Sherlock tea. 
“Could you go get him a blanket?” you asked John, he nodded and walked out of the room as you boiled the tea. 
“This isn't necessary,” Sherlock told you as you poured it and walked back over to him, you shook you head and handed it to him, he took it in his hand and held onto it for the warmth. John came back with a blanket and you wrapped it around him. You were almost happy about his predicament, it wasn't often you were able to take care of your boyfriend, often it was the other way around.  
You turned to the TV and turned it too a crime drama hoping it’d be something of interest to Sherlock, he barely paid attention to it as he floated in and out of conscious. 
As it was the day before Christmas Eve John went out to buy the tree, coming back three hours later and Mrs. Hudson and you helped him haul it up the stairs. 
“I’m gonna go grocery shopping,” John whispered to you in an effort not to wake Sherlock up, you nodded as he left and you sat on the flour next to Sherlock, who slept peacefully, you rarely saw him sleep, you were glad this time he did as you were sometimes afraid no matter how robotic he may seem, that his human needs may catch up to him one day. 
Sherlock started sniffing the air, his eyes still closed but very much awake, he deeply inhaled before saying, “you got the tree,” 
“Yup,” you replied standing up and walking over to the fire to add another log, you turned back to the sick detective. “want to decorate it?” 
Sherlock made a face, “Boring,” 
You scowled, and went to the closet and grabbed out a red bin, “Sherlock Holmes you’re helping decorate this tree, or at the very least you’re going to tell me where to put stuff because walking probably wouldn't be the best thing for your head.” you said setting down and opening the bin next to the tree. 
Sherlock sat up in his chair and watched you take out all the ornaments, “I assume we’re not placing the star until tomorrow night?” he asked, you nodded smiling glad; he remembered. He didn't know the planets, but he knew your Christmas traditions from when you were a kid, or how John made his tea, or Mrs. Hudson’s cleaning schedule. Maybe it was his way of saying he cares about people. 
“The lights should go first,” Sherlock told you, you started wrapping the tree in lights, the two of you in a comfortable silence as you turned on the lights. “Snowflakes next,” that was done quickly as you turned back to him, he only shrugged. “Put the rest where you like,” 
You put on an ornament of a little blue police box that reminded you of your life before Sherlock, a hanging picture of Sherlock, John, Molly Lestrade and you from last Christmas, and a few handmade ones from both yours and John’s childhood. You smiled at your accomplished task and walked over to give Sherlock a kiss on the forehead. 
“Thanks,” you told him, he didn't answer but leaned against you as you hugged him. 
“...I hope I’m not expected to bring any presents tomorrow night,” Sherlock muttered, you chuckled and shook your head. 
“If you did that would be rather impressive,” you commented, you saw him smile. 
“Then prepare to be impressed,” he said, you looked at him confused. 
“But you just said-” you started to say but Sherlock answered. 
“If no one expects you to bring anything and then you do everyone always thinks more highly of you,” he replied, you rolled your eyes. 
“Well you know what I hope you got me for Christmas?” you asked. 
“Hmm?” he said. 
“Another year with you,” you told him, you saw a faint shade of red on his face, he then let out a loud sneeze and you laughed handing him a tissue, “although I hope you get better, I don’t want to get sick kissing you under the missile toe,”
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X-Mas Survey. To Get in the Spirit.
What's your favorite ornament hanging on your tree?
The one my nephew made probably.
What's better: Sledding or Snow Angels?
Do you put marshmellows in your hot chocolate?
I’m a vegetarian, so no.
Tell me a funny sledding story.
I don’t have one.
Do you still get pictures with Santa?
No, but I wouldn’t be opposed to sitting in Santa’s lap.
What's your favorite holiday food?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
Peace on Earth.
Did you go shopping on Black Friday?
I went virtual shopping.
Are you on the naughty or nice list?
Give one reason why you think you're on the list you chose.
Ask your Dad.
Do you have fake trees or real trees?
Are you good at guessing what's inside the presents?
How early do you get up on Christmas morning?
Usually around 7:30.
Do you have a system for opening presents at your house?
Not really.
How many days before Christmas do presents start appearing under your tree?
What's your favorite Christmas decoration?
This one frame that my Mom has. It looks like a window and has a snowman on it.
Do you like icicle lights?
Are you good at making Gingerbread houses?
I’ve never tried.
Does it snow where you live?
If not, do you wish it did?
Do you use advent calendars to count down the days til Christmas?
Not this year.
What event lets you know that Christmas is coming up?
The event of November turning into December?
What's your favorite holiday drink from Starbucks?
Do you like red or green better?
Do you eat candy canes?
Not usually.
Have you ever made it on the news because your house is so decorated?
How many Christmas songs do you know by heart?
A dozen or so.
How good are you at wrapping presents?
Not very.
What type of wrapping paper is your favorite?
The kind that makes the least amount of mess.
Does your school do a food drive?
I don’t go to school.
Have you ever been to Rockefeller Center to see the tree?
What about Disney World?
Any cool family traditions?
Not really.
How many people do you buy presents for?
Family and friends.
Have you ever told a little kid Santa isn't real?
Do you have any cute holiday outfits?
Does your family get a picture taken and send it out in Christmas cards?
What type of tree topper do you have?
A star.
On a scale of 1-10, how decorated is your house?
Would anyone ever call you a grinch?
I’m sure they would.
Do you and your friends do "Secret Santas?"
Do you think Snowflake-Shaped Ritz Crackers taste better than regular ones?
I’ve never tried one, but that sounds cool.
Do you go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve?
What Christmas movie do you watch EVERY YEAR at Christmas Time?
Eyes Wide Shut.
Would you rather get one big gift or a lot of little gifts?
The latter.
Whats the first thing you do after all your presents are opened?
Eat breakfast.
Whats more fun: the days leading up to Christmas, or Christmas itself?
The former, usually.
Do you do any community service stuff around Christmas time?
Are you excited for Christmas this year?
Not really.
0 notes
nyabi132-blog · 7 years
Unique Artist
Okay this is my first ROTG fanfiction, and well it’s not a prompt just something I thought of, and I love winter (even if I can’t go outside and play in the snow). It’s so pretty and I just love it so much.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Rise of the Guardians (not sure if I need this here, but just in case)
Jack has travelled a lot in his 300 years of impromptu isolation. He had the Wind to fly him any place it wanted to take him. He never cared where he went. He just let the Wind take him wherever he needed to go and spread a little snow. It wasn’t like he had any obligations anyway, his schedule was always free. So wherever Jack needed to spread his snowdays, the wind would take him there. He often circled the globe to do his rounds of said snow spreading, routes of which were agreed upon by the other three seasonal spirits.
Despite popular belief, they actually didn’t bother each other much. That isn’t to say they liked each other, but they had a respect for each other's work, because they had similar jobs, and did their seasonal bidding where it made sense. For example, the spirit of summer wouldn’t make it hot in the Himalayas and the spirit of winter wouldn’t make it snow in July, unless it was supposed to snow in certain areas. They wouldn’t get in each other’s way and if they happened to cross paths, they wouldn’t even blink at the other’s direction. Just keep going. It was pointless to fight, they were immortal anyway and they sort of needed one another to flow into the seasons correctly. Plus they all had their own ways of knowing where their magic needed to be spread, weather it be the clouds or the wind. They understood that sometimes their fellow seasonals had reasons for what they did where they did it. They weren’t so gung ho about their seasons that they’d hurt one another for it. So they would accept the rare occasion of snow in mid fall or a bit of heat in December.
Anyway, Jack spread winter and snow all over the world for a very long time. He’s seen almost every place there is to see. From snowy tundras, to deserts. Although he only passes through those at night, he can’t really take too much heat. All the natural landscapes were beautiful. Flowers and sunsets, and the night sky with all the twinkling stars. From silver linings to the sun hitting a glacier or the water or even his ice just right.
Not only that, but he also has seen modern culture develop. People were forever changing, and technology was evolving. As the years progressed, bigger and more modernized buildings and inventions were made. Watching cities be built and people go about their different lives. It’s amazing how none of them ever did the same exact thing everyday and a routine would never once be repeated exactly. There was always something different.
Just like two snowflakes were ever the same.
With so many references there never would be two of the same kind of snowflake. It was impossible for Jack to think of the same thing twice when he thought about one topic it would flurry into a billion things that associated with it.
Jack loved drawing them too, albeit he never had the time to make every little snowflake, just the ones he likes most. He’d draw them in the frost on a window or in a little never ending notebook he kept in his hoodie pocket. He’d never put words to the snowflake, because the drawing was enough. It was unique and it told exactly what or whom it was based off of.
It was also a way to spend the summer months when snow wasn’t often needed or when he just had nothing to do and was bored. He’d draw whatever was on his mind into a snowflake. It was a good way of remaining positive, or at least not brooding about his seemingly sempiternal loneliness.  
It became like a habit more than a hobby. As a winter spirit he was supposed to be cold and emotionless. Jack was a bit wayward though. He wasn’t so much cold and emotionless as he was fun and mischievous. But it wasn’t often that he expressed deep emotions with anyone, it was just his nature. But there were tell-tale signs of what he was actually feeling and people who knew him knew what they were. Like when he was bored he’d draw snowflakes.
But no one really knew him.
So when he was at the North Pole with nothing to do, because he’d already pranked the yetis one too many times today, and froze a bit too many elves for Phil’s liking - even though sometimes he was grateful for not having to deal with those delusional imbeciles. He was sent to an area in the globe room as to not disturb anyone and to wait for North.
It was late spring and he didn’t have much to do, and he didn’t want to be in a hot place, so North decided that he should come to the work shop and just relax there for a while. Keyword: decided. Jack really didn’t have a choice.
But the big man was now working on toys leaving Jack to his devices. Which didn’t turn out to be such a good idea, because it left many toys to be broken. Not enough to set the ever busy yetis behind schedule, but enough to have North reinforce punishment. North was not going to act like a parent, though he should, he never did. Jack was 300 years old and capable of taking care of himself, but when it came to his own work, he felt it acceptable to lay down some rules. Even if he secretly did find some pranks funny, if he messed up the work by accident consequences would be reinforced to make sure it didn’t happen again.
 He sat at the window sill and absently frosting the window beside him deciding to make another base snowflake. He sketched on the window sill and his frost made it fairly easy to erase and he made multiple angles in different patches of frost. He didn’t know what he was drawing but he’d know once he finished. When he finished a rough sketch on the windowsill, he transferred it to his never ending notebook so he could add details. Every so often trying the designs on the windows first, as to avoid most eraser marks on the paper.
He didn’t get to finish because he felt someone walk into the area he was currently occupying and he turned around. But instead of a large Russian, or fury beast, there was an anthropomorphic rabbit. That threw Jack a bit for a loop, but he guessed it wasn’t unnatural to see the rabbit here. It was a few weeks after Easter, and he could sometimes find the bunny hanging around North’s workshop for insight with his fellow guardian.
“Hey Bunny. What’s up?” Jack greeted casually and letting his notebook slip between him and the windowsill absently.
“I‘m ‘ere on b’half o’ North, ya gumby.” the rabbit said crossing his arms and standing a bit taller.
“ But it’s May. North can’t be busy.” Jack said and cocked his head in a curious jester.
“Do ya know how many toys ya broke, Frostbite?” Bunny continued ignoring Jack. So that’s what this was about. It was really not a big deal. He hadn’t seen the Russian after the incident, but he figured on of his furry helpers told him. Bunny must have been there when he did and when North decided to blow it off like he’d normally do, Bunny didn’t like it. The rabbit always had a way of staying on track, no matter what. North wouldn’t do anything in this situation, but Bunny would.
“As I said it’s May. It doesn’t matter now.” Jack said and nodded his head as if agreeing with himself and started to focus his attention back on his highly detailed snowflake. Though he missed Bunny’s indigent stare.
“That ain’t the problem.” Bunny hopped a few steps forward. He wasn’t even sure that Jack was listening to him. “Ya could’ve set ‘im behind schedule.”
“And if I did, why isn’t he the one telling me off?” Jack asked not looking up from his notebook.  Bunny let his ears flatten against his head. Bunny swore he acted more like a 15 year old then a 317 year old.
“But what if it did? ‘e’d ‘ave ta fix the error and couldn’t come ‘ere ta tell ya off.” Bunny reasoned.
“It’s May.” Jack said again but distantly and half heartedly, he’d make this line just right- And just like that his notebook was yanked away by a furry paw.
“Hey!” he said and looked at the irritated bunny, “ I was doing something!” he said and stood up and grabbed his staff that was leaning against the wall and glared at the rabbit.
“Fer ye’re season?” The rabbits asked in a neutral voice.
“Well yeah, sort of.” Jack said like it was obvious. It really wasn’t, but he’s been working on that snowflake for well over an hour dammit. It’s not like it mattered though. No one actually cared what they looked like, it was just him who’d ever know what they truly looked like and represented. Bunny wasn’t ruining anything but his pride. And one and a half hours of drawing.
“Did I mess you up?”
“Yes, you did.”
“Why are ya so mad. It’s only May.” That made Jack stop. Bunny was trying to prove a point. And he did. Jack suppressed the urge to roll his eyes.
“Okay, you proved your point. But I doubt North would want any of my help, I would offer it, but I’d probably make it worse. Then he’d really be behind. And for the record the season could’ve went on without that.” Jack said and Bunny raise a brow and looked at the book. “I mean I don’t need it, but I’m not finished yet so can I have it back.” Jack said rather then asked. He knew bunny would give it back. He wasn’t really paying attention to what the rabbit was doing as he turned back to the window sill.
“Are these snowflakes, Frostbite?” the rabbit asked and Jack swung around seeing Bunny flip through the pages of the incredibly detailed designs. Bunny would be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed, though he wouldn’t admit to any kind of talent, beside freezing stuff, the kid had. The detail in each one was insane. He looked up and the frost teen shrugged.
“I got bored.” the rabbit looked at him more which made him slightly uncomfortable. “It’s really nothing.” Then the rabbit spotted the planning in frost behind the winter spirit. In the temperatures at the North pole it wasn’t unbelievable that the frost stayed longer than usual.
“Fer nothing, it sure took a ton o’ planning, mate.” Bunny said matter of factly gesturing his head to the frost pictures behind him.
“I just didn’t want to get smudges on the paper.” Jack said because it was the truth. His lack of urgency made it easy to believe. Still deep down he was embarrassed someone had seen his private collection of ‘special snowflakes’.
“These are pretty detailed too. Must’ve taken some effort.” the rabbit raised a brow. It was pretty interesting, Jack’s comebacks weren’t as snarky as before. He wanted to see where this went.
Jack only shrugged “Not really. They aren’t really anything like yours or Norths.” Then Jack laughed a little, but there was no bitterness to it, or maybe a little. “Heck, no one even seems to care how they look.” There was some silence between the two for a bit then.
“North would take ya.” Bunny said, and it through Jack for a loop.
“Huh?” was all he could answer with a surprised and curious blick.
“North would like ye’re designs, mate.” Bunny rephrased “So do I.” he smirked at the shocked and disbelieving stare the frost teen was giving him. It was priceless seeing the usually carefree but guarded face so not.
“Wha- You don’t- it’s not-” If Bunny wasn’t getting a kick out of this before he sure was now. See the gracefully smug winter spirit trip over his words was a sight, and a funny one to someone who had a relationship with him like Bunny. He started to laugh and clutching his stomach.
“Wha? Bunny stop laughing! That was a joke right?” Bunny’s laughing died a bit after a while. He looked at the frost teen who had his eyes cast to the side. “You and North… wouldn’t really..?” He mumbled off the rest, but Bunny knew where it was going. In the three years he’s known the winter spirit - and like really known him - he could tell when a few things were off. But Bunny wasn’t much of a comforter, that wasn’t his type. So he tapped his foot twice and a rabbit hole opened beneath Jack and the unsuspecting teen fell through, he heard the indigent gasp and rolled his eyes with a smirk Bunny let himself fall through too.
When they emerged through the hole into the warren Jack seemed to have caught his balance again and gracefully landed on his staff balancing on the hook part.
“What was that for kangaroo?” Jack asked looking at the rabbit who just grabbed him by the hood and ignored the protests and threats of being frozen. He was finally placed down near the paintriver under a shady tree and there were paint brushes in a jar with some paints around it.
“What the heck! Why are we here?” Jack said head and eyes following the rabbit from his place on the grass as he sat next to him and Jack continued to glare at him.
“Would’ja quit complain’en, Frostbite.” the anthropomorphic rabbit said irritably and Jack promptly shut up. Bunny looked around for a second and picked up an egg. As he turned around Jack looked at him with an unamused look, which grew curious when the egg was placed in his hand. He looked back up at Bunny. “The paint brushes ‘re there an’ ys can use the paint river fer the colours you need and ya can mix it ‘ere.” The rabbit put a pallet in his hand that wasn’t holding the egg and pointed to the other materials and then sat down and picked up his own egg to start painting.
Jack’s face turned back to the unamused look and waited for Bunny to look up again.
“Somethin’ wrong, mate?” Bunny looked confused and raised a brow at the frost teen.
“Why are we here? What is this?” Jack said trying to keep his voice down which he had success in but the place where he was sitting was starting to frost over and it expanded.
“Snowflake, ye’re frosting the grass.” Bunny felt the need to point out and smirk.
“Okay, I’m upset. But you threw me down a hole and gave me a pallet and an egg with no context!” He didn’t like telling Bunny his emotions but there was no other way for the rabbit to know. It might’ve not been a big deal, but Jack didn’t like people knowing when he was upset when it actually mattered, because when it mattered the most it would just make others pity him and be upset that they wouldn’t know how to fix it. When it was trivial matters like this, he didn’t mind. He liked to think this was the worst of his problems, but it wasn’t and they both knew that. But they’d pretend for as long as they could.
“There ain’t no context needed, Snowflake.” Bunny smirked and went back to his egg. “Jus’ paint an egg.” Bunny paused to think for a second “Fer North.” he added
“North’s not upset.” Jack groaned.
“Okay, fer me.” Bunny said not looking up from his egg.
“Why would you be upset?” Jack asked irritably.
“Why does someone ‘ave to be upset fer ya ta do yer told?” if you listened closely you could hear the hint of exasperation.
“They don’t I just don’t see the point in this.” Jack mumbled. But they both knew the real reason, or at least Bunny did. Jack didn’t want anyone to be upset. He was the guardian of fun so obviously if no one was upset or sad he didn’t have anything to work with. Bunny understood that.
“‘kay, I’m upset yer talent’s ‘re wastin’ away in tha’ notebook no one’s gonna see.” Bunny said and Jack looked away a little and  Bunny sighed. “Jus’ paint an egg.”
“Just one egg?”
“Yeah, jus’ one.” Bunny agreed. And Jack picked up the paintbrush and started to paint. He decided to draw all the snowflakes that came to mind. Not anything special just to get it over with. He ambraid the background in blues, getting lighter as it went up and then in a darker blue and medium blue and white he painted snowflakes and as the background got lighter the snowflakes got small until about halfway up the egg they completely disappeared. They were fairly simple snowflakes, ones he could draw in seconds but none of them looked the same.
“There.” he showed the egg to the Easter Bunny himself and he smiled a little.
“Not bad, Frostbite.” Bunny smirked.
“Well, I told you I wasn’t good. It’s on you that you wasted one of your eggs.” Jack justified before he could be accused.
“I said they were good.” Bunny said with a bit of amusment.
“You said they weren’t bad.” Jack shot back.
“Which means they were good.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“No it’s not.”
Bunny rolled his eyes. “Listen, ye’re good at this.” Bunny got up and walked over to Jack and knelt beside him. “And people may not see ye’re snowflakes, but they aren’t any less pretty, Frostbite.” He handed back the notebook he’d taken earlier and went back to his spot. “Ye’re allowed ta stay and paint more.” Bunny said not looking at Jack and grabbing the egg he was working on instead.
And Jack did stay.
So yeah that’s that! Snowflakes are really really detailed and they are so small. People don’t appreciate how different they are, and in that sense snowflakes are just like people, and that’s cheesy because we’re all different. But also snowflakes are like everyday, that’s confusing but like think about it. Everyday you do something different, even if it’s a routine, something is always different. So each day is like a snowflake. Unique.
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