#all the time and possibly like. stop doing my job/being a friend/being a partner well
oh babes the consequences of having multiple disabilities that make each other worse sure are being felt
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
I just read what it'd be like to be Dia's spouse, could you do something similar for Mammon please?🥺👉👈
Married to Mammon
With pleasure, my friend! ♡ though tbh some of these also apply to when you're just in a relationship with him too, without being married
Mammon x gn! Mc (you/yours)
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What would your life look like as Mammon's spouse?
You're literally married to your best friend, but in the best way possible
Mammon is awed every day when he realises that he's married to you, like he's actually your husband!!! The fact you love him is so miraculous to him, it's amazing
Wealth finds you in abundance, though not all of it is money. Your wealthy in love and happiness too and you're not doubting for one second that it's because of Mammon('s influence)
The places he frequents to gamble at all know you by name and point you towards him the second you walk through the door. He will ask you every time if you'll blow on his dice for good luck... It's on you if you indulge him or not
So you still live in the House of Lamentation with him and all his brothers? Most likely, because it's just much easier and cheaper and as dysfunctional as their relationships are, Mammon would miss them all way too much... At least after a while
On more than one occasion you catch Mammon bragging about being married to you and proudly showing off his ring. No, it's not that one or the other, it's on his Ring Finger, you dingus (cue him hitting the other demon upside the head)
Whenever Mammon gets his paycheck from his modeling job, he's always trying to do smth with you or get a present for you, just anything to make you happy and show you how much he loves you because he does and he can't believe that you reciprocate his feelings but he definitely doesn't want that to change, ever! So he's gotta keep you happy!
Talking of his modeling job, Mammon invited you to come watch him a few times and (if you went) after a while the whole set knew you, even if maybe they hadn't seen you yet. Hell, Mammon talks about you so much that they feel like they actually know you already before ever seeing you, let alone talking to you.
They let you in to watch his gigs if you want to stop by and watching your chemistry, the photographer asks you to join him in a few pictures and if you're up for it and like it, you may find yourself on and in some magazines in the future...
Since he doesn't have a last name, Mammon will take on yours....and he beams whenever someone calls him Mr. (___)
The crows know you and the demons know you too
The crows see you as a very important person they have to protect and they wanna make you happy too, so they bring you things you may like. With time they also learn what makes you the happiest and frequently get that instead of other things
The demons on the other hand know you as Mammon's Partner, as part of his family and even the dumbest demon who would otherwise look down on Mammon because he's too soft, won't mess with you. Because if they did, everyone knows that Mammon ruin not only their career, but their face (or body depending on the severity of the offence) and their life as well ♡
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Heyy, can I could request a romantic yandere Hazbin Hotel Alastor x darling who is a demon who wants to redeem herself but has a deal with alastor so, she has her soul but being in the hotel cannot do her any harm or yeah? 👀
Sure! Made some tweaks to fit this into canon, Alastor's intention are still unknown towards you. Defaulted to concept as I wasn't sure how you wanted this. Originally didn't read that darling HAD her soul, so this got a bit difficult but I think I've got it.
Yandere! Alastor with Sinner! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic (Dubious)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Ownership, Possessive behavior, Violence, Mentions of being a pet, Forced/Toxic partnership.
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The only demons who can redeem themselves are known as Sinners.
Power is an important thing in Hell, that's primarily what deals are about here.
Power is what makes the hierarchy and makes other demons, like Overlords, powerful.
Alastor is one of these many Overlords.
He's actually... one of the most feared Overlords.
Based on what we can see in the show, demons would do anything to not go near him.
Alastor has made many deals with demons before.
Which is probably why he's so powerful.
You just so happen to be yet another Sinner he has under his belt.
Be it through gambling or some other desperate reason... you managed to come face to face with Alastor.
"Poor girl... all alone with no one to help you, hm~?"
The Overlord is pleased when he sees you, a desperate soul who needs his help.
Before he helps to pick you up, he offers you a deal.
A deal he's made countless times before.
He'll help you as long as you are indebted in some way to him.
Perhaps he doesn't have your soul, like you said.
Making any sort of deal with an Overlord is bad news.
In this case, instead of your soul, Alastor can settle for something else.
Perhaps he'll find a way to swindle it from you later....
At the time, well, you took it.
When he offered you that deal, you had no other option.
Such a deal made you a pet for the radio demon, one he can call whenever he wishes.
That's the deal... you'll be tied to him one way or another even if he doesn't have your soul.
Unless you want him to cast you out to the Hellhounds and Sharks again, hm~?
Y'know what's worse?
You happen to be his favorite.
"Hey there, darling dear~ We'll be great partners, you'll see!"
That was a long time ago, now.
You aren't sure why Alastor helped you... or why he allowed you to keep your soul for now.
At the time it took some begging.
You had to grovel to get Alastor to let you keep your soul.
Instead he ordered a... partnership instead of your soul.
You were often asked to help him out for tasks, you have for years.
You consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
Lucky because Alastor liked you enough to not leash your soul.
Something about you intrigued him.
One of the tasks you were summoned to help with was Charlie's hotel.
The girl needs STAFF and Alastor is willing to provide.
It unnerved you when Alastor came back to you after being gone for years.
"Darling~! Did you miss me~? We still have a deal, y'know... hope you didn't forget all about me~?"
Alastor's presence always left you uneasy.
Like most other demons, whenever he was in sight you felt your heart nearly stop.
However, Alastor was the closest demon you had to a friend.
So the feeling was usually easy to smother.
"Why are you here?"
"Once again I have a little job for you, sweetheart. Surely you know to listen, right?"
You knew you had to.
This partnership was the only thing keeping Alastor from taking your soul.
You had to help him... if you didn't, he could take your soul as collateral.
"State your order."
"A dear old friend of mine needs help running a certain hotel. She has no STAFF...! So I need you to come and help, my dear girl..."
His voice is a condescending purr, red eyes holding mischief.
He knows you can't refuse.
So with a heavy sigh, you listen to your dear partner....
This is what brings you to the hotel.
Honestly... you don't regret coming here.
Through Alastor you meet Charlie and the others, pitying Husk's position and trying your best to get along.
In your eyes, you originally were unsure on how to feel on demon rehabilitation.
Could... Sinners really be redeemed?
... Could you be redeemed?
You were unsure until Charlie seemed so adamant.
She looks so happy about it... enough to give you hope.
Although hope is a hard thing to keep when Alastor watches your every move.
The Overlord has to keep an extra eye on you for two reasons.
First of all, you're his favorite to toy with.
Second of all... he doesn't have your soul to pull when you 'misbehave'.
Alastor is clever, he knows what you think.
If he's known you for years, he picks up on your little thoughts.
Alastor can probably tell you get along with Charlie.
A little too well, actually.
At first he allows it, it's just some talk between girls....
However, when he realizes you want to be redeemed...
Alastor feels himself twitch a bit.
He curses himself for not taking your soul earlier.
A partnership won't allow him to pull you.
He has to own you completely.
You can notice the deer demon looking on edge.
His eyes keep glaring into you as you work, the grip on his staff unrelenting.
You sense you're walking on thin ice.
You want to be redeemed, theoretically you can.
But a voice nags you from the back of your mind.
Wouldn't that break your deal?
The thought makes you shudder.
You don't doubt Alastor knows about this.
You can tell once he stops looking as stressed as he was... no... in fact he's smug.
You have a feeling you aren't leaving so easily.
Despite this, you're determined, carefully listening to Charlie and participating in every activity.
Unfortunately... Alastor will step in before you can get anywhere.
Alastor's voice is in its usual purr, entering your hotel room with a grin.
You fear what's coming.
"What is it you want?"
"Oh you know damn well...."
His voice distorts into static, making you freeze.
You've struck a nerve it seems.
Alastor steps closer, leaning on his staff with a glare.
"You think you're a clever girl, don't you?"
"I'm keeping to our deal, Alastor."
You try to lie, but you can't lie to him.
"You know you aren't, darling. I understand if you want to play along with Charlie's little game..."
He grabs your chin, his hold a painful vice.
"But you'll never be redeemed, girl. Not while I'm here. In fact..."
Alastor's other hand taps your chest, grin turning to a scowl for a moment.
"Call me petty... but I own your soul now."
Your jaw drops.
"What!? No, you can't-"
"I can..."
Alastor hums, manifesting a green chain around your neck.
"And I will..."
The moment your partnership breaks off, Alastor is able to claim your soul.
He feels you broke the deal...
Which means you're his now.
"You had a good run, dear... unfortunately you need to learn your place."
You feel yourself collapse on the floor, Alastor yanking the chain with a newfound grin.
"I've been waiting for this, girl..."
He kneels down, his voice an eager whisper.
"I should've taken your soul long ago, then I wouldn't have to deal with all this stress...!"
He pulls you onto your knees, watching you grovel like you did all those years ago.
"Perfect~" He hums, "This is exactly where you belong..."
You go to retort, but Alastor uses your newfound chain to choke you.
"It's best you be a good girl and listen to me now..."
Alastor hisses, pulling you so you look him in the eyes.
"I happen to hate misbehaving pets."
It was inevitable that he'd claim you... now you're rightfully his and will be for years to come... won't you?
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lucy90712 · 8 months
Hiiiii so if u do requests can u pls do one where like reader is jude’s gf but jobe has like a little crush on her and jude can feel it and like when they all hangout jobe is all over her and jude gets a lik jelly pleassseeee😭🫶🏻
WC: 1.7k Living in Madrid is amazing it's warm and the city is filled with so many amazing people but nothing beats being back home. Moving to Madrid with my boyfriend Jude was a big decision to make but after a lot of thinking and talks with my family I decided to just do it. It's been one of the best decisions I've ever made I found a job I really enjoy that is also flexible so it allows me to travel with Jude to some of his away games. I've also made some great friends with not only the other Real Madrid players but also their partners who have been really welcoming. As much as it's been a great few months here I've been looking forward to getting to go home for a few days ever since I found out Jude had a small break between games. We won't be back long but while we are there we are going to stay with Jude's parents and mine are going to visit at some point so we can all see each other before our normal lives resume. 
Jude being the ever sensible person he is decided that we needed to get the first flight we could physically make which happened to be just after his last game before the break. This meant we had to pack once we got up and have everything in the car ready to go straight to the airport after the end of the game. It was highly stressful but as soon as the plane touched down on home soil all that stress melted away and the tiredness kicked in too. Jude's parents were there to meet us both at the airport despite it being late which was much appreciated. On the relatively short drive back to their house Jude wouldn't stop talking about what life has been like and the last game even though his parents will already know everything that's happened. While he was talking away I just rested my head on his shoulder starting to really feel the tiredness of getting up early and not sleeping on the plane. 
As soon as we arrived Jobe was quick to meet us at the door I was expecting him to greet Jude first seeing as they are brothers and they have always been really close but instead he came straight over to me to give me a hug. It's not exactly out of the ordinary as Jobe and I get on well and he saw Jude more recently at an event they both went to that I couldn't attend so I guess it makes sense for him to be excited to see me. Despite my attempts to have a small nap in the car I was still really tired so I just hugged Jobe back until he pulled away to finally greet his brother with less enthusiasm it seemed. 
"How have you been y/n?" Jobe asked 
"I've been good life is amazing in Madrid but it's good to be home" I said
"Well I'm glad you're back I missed you" he said 
"Aww thanks Jobe that's sweet" I said 
"You know I'm here too right" Jude interrupted clearly a little agitated 
I don't know what was going on but there seemed to be a bit of tension between the two of them but it was far too late for me to worry about it too much. It's quite possible that they had an argument at some point and now they are just trying to annoy each other as thats happens quite a lot and sometimes I end up in the middle of their fights. After saying goodnight to everyone I grabbed Jude's hand to lead him up to bed but I could see him giving Jobe almost a death stare out the corner of my eye. Hopefully they sort out whatever's going on between them as I don't want to be dealing with their probably stupid argument in the few days we have back home. 
Waking up this morning all the tension from last night seemed to have disappeared Jude woke up with a smile on his face which stayed even when Jobe came downstairs and sat right next to me on the sofa. Today we didn't have anything planned as we weren't exactly sure what time we would get here and how tired we would be but seeing as both of us were quite well rested we decided to spend the day going out around the town and the places we used to go all the time when still living here. Jobe wanted to tag along as he didn't have training and to try and keep the peace I said he could join us but I promised Jude we would spend the evening together just us. 
After having some breakfast we all got ready, somehow I was the first one ready so I had to wait downstairs but I was joined by Jobe not long after. As he sat down he put his hand on my knee for a few seconds before taking it off and resting it in his lap. He's never done that before but I assume he just misjudged where to put his hand and that it was an accident. He then went on to ask me how things have been in Madrid and if Jude has been treating me right which felt like a weird question but I just want to enjoy my few days back home so I let it slide. Thankfully Jude came down not too long after so I used that as my chance to get away from the awkward conversation without making a scene. 
Jude wanted to just walk around the town so that's what we did. Luckily it wasn't too busy sure people took pictures and stopped us but it wasn't as bad as it has been in Madrid recently we can't move when we go out over there now. While Jude was taking pictures with a group of fans I stood out the way with Jobe as I don't like to be in the pictures unless I'm asked. While we were stood to the side Jobe tried to be slick and slide his arm over my shoulders but I saw it coming a mile away and moved a bit to the side to avoid it. I really wanted to say something as this isn't like Jobe but I won't do it while in public as I don't want to start an argument and create a scandal for Jude. We walked for a bit longer before deciding to find somewhere to have lunch and hey again Jobe was acting weird as he wanted to sit next to me but Jude took that seat before he got the chance. The entire time we were eating he was just staring at me which made me a little uncomfortable but by this point Jude had caught on to what was going on and he made sure to be as close to me as possible and whenever he got the chance he kissed my cheek. 
The rest of our day out was just as awkward as the morning Jude was trying to make it clear that I was his by constantly having his arm around my waist and giving me kisses all while Jobe was still trying to get me attention. I felt like an object the way they were almost competing over me and using me to prove a point to one another. Jude wasn't being affectionate because he felt like it he wanted to assert dominance and prove that I'm his which just infuriated me as I can stand up for myself. Jobe was also getting on my last nerve he knows that I'm with his brother and have been for a long time now, we are happy together and even if we were to break up I would certainly not go for Jude's brother that's just wrong. While we were out I kept my cool but as soon as we got back I just stood by the door looking at them both trying not to let my anger completely take over. 
"Ok what is going on with you both today?" I asked 
"Nothing" Jude replied 
"Something is going on and I don't like it Jobe you're acting like you can just flirt with me and touch me whenever you like which you can't and Jude you're treating me like your possession not a human being let alone your girlfriend so someone explain what's going on" I ranted 
"I'm sorry baby I don't mean to treat you like that I just didn't like what Jobe was doing and I wanted to show him you were mine" Jude explained 
"Jobe why have you been trying to put your hands on my girlfriend?" Jude asked 
"I haven't been" he tried to defend himself 
The two of them just started arguing after that so I decided to just walk away I said what I wanted to say I don't need to watch them argue. I'd only just made it out the room when I hear Jobe admit that he had a crush on me. As anyone could predict that statement didn't go down too well Jude only got more angry with Jobe swearing and yelling even more than before. My relaxing trip back home has long gone, at this point I just want to leave without someone killing each other. Just as I was about to step in Jude told Jobe that he just had to get over it and came to find me dragging me upstairs with him. 
Jude was very much still annoyed but once we got to his room he pulled me down onto the bed with him at let out a frustrated sigh. He clearly needed to let off some steam so I just let him rant about the situation for a good 5 minutes before he calmed down and apologised for how today went. I wanted to be mad but I just couldn't it's hard to stay mad at him for too long instead I just wanted to have the quiet evening that I promised him earlier which will ideally be just the two of us in bed watching movies and eating lots of food. Nothing sounds better than relaxing and forgetting about the events of the day because today is definitely not a day to remember. 
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Helloooo, I can request omega bakugou helping his mate/alpha ace reader with their rut? I thought it might be sfw since u don't feel like writing smut atp :3
Omega Katsuki Bakugou x Ace Alpha male reader
(aged up characters, obviously)
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Seeing ace requests in my inbox always make my smile because, hey, that’s me. Where my ace homies at. I’ve very rarely written omegaverse before, but I got so much worldbuilding about it, if you guys are interested.
I have too much worldbuilding and ideas about Omegaverse, so this is a little out of the norm for your usual smut filled rut plot.
For omegaverse, I never imagine that heats or ruts turn you into a horny breeding crazed animal. Yes, with your mate you will feel a lot more arousal and might have moments where you become fueled by your desires, but the majority can still control themselves.
For you, who’s Ace as well, the breeding part isn’t present more than your bodies instincts, but its nothing extreme. It feels the same as when you are really hungry. Sure, the feeling is there, but you can easily go about your day and not let it bother you.
But ruts do more than just make you want to have a lot of pups and crawl all over your omega, even if your omega is as hot as Katsuki is. It tends to cause a lot of stress on the body, from cramping muscles to overheating, dehydration, pacing and other factors that could lead to stress.
So, in Katsuki’s situation, his job during your ruts is mainly to take care of you. To make sure you’re eating and drinking enough fluids. That you aren’t overheating by patting you down with a cold cloth or using ice packs, or even making you cold baths.
He treats it a lot like a very horribly cold for the most part. Sure, your scent also makes him slick up a little and makes his own scent sweeter and riper, but Katsuki is still clear headed and more focused on taking care of you. Especially when he knows you do the same for him when he has heats.
I imagine Katsuki is still his usual snappy growly self, but he doesn’t yell, since ruts also makes your hearing more sensitive. Instead, he just grumbles a lot. With a lot of insults that has no heat thrown in, just because its Katsuki.
As an alpha, you don’t really need a nest, but you bet your damn ass Katsuki makes you one. And only with the best rut materials out there. He won’t accept anything but the best, and Katsuki honestly stresses more about your rut nest than he does his own heat nest.
It reaches a point where, during the early stages of your rut, you just kinda have to thrown yourself in it and show him you like it and accept it.
I could imagine Katsuki worrying a lot, since he knows your ace and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable with his own scent. Does it bother you that he starts smelling like preheat? Does it make your rut worse? Better? Does he need to leave?
He would also fear crawling into the nest with you, at least in the beginning. After you pull him in multiple times, or tell him to get in, he starts to calm down. You can’t stop him from worrying though, it’s in his blood.
Being ace also doesn’t mean you don’t feel arousal and the like, so if you need to get off, he’s not gonna stop you, and wont touch you unless you want him too. Katsuki knows it won’t go farther than just some touching, if it even gets to that, and he’s more than satisfied.
Having and Ace partner honestly probably helps take some of the stress of his shoulders. He knows you won’t have the same expectations as some other alphas, that he needs to give up on his hero career and be a “good” omega.
Which is also why he’s ready to bend himself backwards to make sure you are comfortable during your rut. Even if staying nearby and taking as much care of you as possible pushes him into preheat, Katsuki is strong enough mentally to keep it bottled up until your rut it over.
This does mean you end up having to take care of him afterwards too, and you gotta call in favors with your friends to cover Katsuki’s patrols, since he didn’t expect to go into heat.
But all in all, ruts with Katsuki are a very planned out affair. Sure, you feel miserable and like you’re boiling on the inside, never able to find a comfortable sleeping position, and like you need to claw your own flesh off. But at least Katsuki is by your side the entire time, ready to hold your hand or hold you as a whole if you need too.
You do have to put up with his nagging though, but you know its just how he shows affection, so in the end it makes you purr at him. Which just gets Katsuki to get all flustered and pretty.
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AITA for asking my partner not to interrupt me while I'm streaming?
Asking on here because she has Reddit and I don't want to upset her further while I ask for an outside consensus.
I stream video game content as a profession. Playthroughs, mods, tutorials, reviews, ect. I found streaming to be more profitable than pre-filmed video content. I'd say on average I can "work" for 10 - 30 hours a week.
She works on an alternating schedule where she does a week of full time hours then a week of part time hours. All in all, we work pretty reasonable hours between us, I feel, and we are agreeably not lacking in spending time together.
We routinely go on dates, we more often than not have dinner together, and I typically don't stream for more than 2-4 hours consecutively, so its not as if I'm locked up in my office for the majority of the time.
However over the last few months my partner has developed the habit of simply walking in whenever I'm streaming and starting up random conversations with me, playing her own games loudly in the background, constantly interrupting me to read out chat comments or ask questions about the game, ect.
Sometimes it isn't so bad, but generally its pretty disruptive. I wouldn't mind if it was just occasionally or if she just popped in now and then, but its grown to the point where its almost every single stream and I've noticed I've lost a handful of frequent viewers over it.
It came to an unpleasant confrontation over the weekend, when I was streaming a highly requested tutorial walkthrough for a recently released game and she decided to come in, try to sit on my lap and start a conversation about a client's dogs she met today.
I was trying to figure out a polite way to ask her to give me another 40 minutes so I could finish the quest line and shut it down for the day when two people in the chat began to make jokes about how she never leaves me alone and said it 'gave cam check vibes.'
I pretended not to notice, but she did, and clearly it hurt her feelings and she mumbled about having some things to do and left. I felt awful that her feelings were hurt so I closed the stream early and went to find her.
She was pretty upset about the comments and tried to get me to validate that she wasn't disruptive or unwelcome. I assured her that I don't mind the occasional visit or if she wants to play her own games in the background on mute/low volume/with earphones in, but that I have actually been meaning to ask her to give me a little more curtesy when I'm streaming because its hard to have dynamic engagement when I can't actually talk to anyone because she's talking non-stop or her own game volume is distorting the sound.
I tried to say it as gently as possible but it was clear that the more we discussed it, the more upsetting it was for her. She called time on the conversation by abruptly saying she'll just 'never so much as walk past the door' when I'm streaming, and that she didn't want to talk about it anymore.
She was only working a half-day today and I was streaming between mid-day and the early afternoon. When I said goodbye to her this morning she made sure to somewhat sarcastically assure me that she wouldn't dare interrupt my stream today, and she hoped it went well.
She refused to discuss it further when she came home, or over dinner, and since dinner she's shut herself in the conservatory and has been on the phone to a friend.
I'd like to discuss it further because I'm discontent with her being upset about it, but I'm also not particularly agreeable with me being in the wrong here. Streaming is my job. We pay equal expenses, so its not as if this is just a silly little fake job or hobby for me while she foots the bills. I rely on viewers to get paid, and when quite a few of them leave because I've had to stop playing for 20 minutes to listen to her chat, it could negatively impact my ability to bring home a reasonable contribution.
Ordinarily we can resolve any conflicts or disagreements quickly and fairly. We've never been the sort of couple to spend days being passive aggressive or refusing to talk.
With her being so resolute in being upset and not communicating, I'm at a loss for if I'm actually in the wrong or not for asking her to be more mindful of interrupting me and causing disruptions while I'm working.
What are these acronyms?
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Second Time Is the Charm
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 1,211
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Summary: Jay meets the Reader, Hailey's best friend, when she's meeting Molly's for the first time after having moved back to Chicago.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Still not in my best writing but I hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
| mastelist |
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"Hey, guys! This is my best friend, (y/n) (y/l/n), who I told you about! She just moved to the city a few weeks ago, so, be nice!" You heard your long-time friend, Hailey, warn her coworkers, who she always swore by to be some of the very best people in Chicago.
"Whatcha sayin', Detective Upton? I'm always nice!" a tall guy, who you recognized as being the one Hailey'd had a fling with some time ago, exclaimed, feigning offense.
They all are very sympathetic to you and you can see how they managed to get Hailey's friendship so easily. But there is one person who stands out from the rest of the group. And you just can't help yourself but to stare at the handsome guy who Hailey said is her partner. The famous Jay Halstead. You do know that it's impolite to basically ogle him like that but you. Just. Can't. Stop. He might just be the most beautiful man you've ever seen and that's saying a lot since you'd already lived in many places and had already met lots of hot guys.
Maybe you were dreaming or something but it seemed like he, too, was taking a few glances at you. But you must've been imagining 'cause he never made a single move your way — not that you were dealing any better with this sort of crush.
The hours ticked by faster than anyone there would've imagined with all the friendly chit-chat and the stories being told but, when you noticed the time, you decided it was time to go home, so you announced: "Hey, guys, thanks a lot for tonight! It was really nice meeting you all, I had a blast! But now I think I'mma head home."
"What? No! I can drive you there later," Adam started but you cut him off:
"No need for that, really. I live nearby and the walk home is gonna be good for me!"
"But going alone this time of night…" Kevin trailed off.
"Well I was thinking about heading home too and I'm also gonna walk. So maybe we can go together?" Jay asked, speaking directly to you for the first time in the whole night.
Not really knowing how to politely decline that one, you accepted: "Oh, um, okay, that'd be nice."
"It's really nice of yours to offer to walk me home, Jay. Thank you again." You said in an attempt to break the ice.
"Yeah, no problem. You know I like making myself available for the community!" He said with a wink? Was Hailey's partner seriously trying to flirt with you? "So, back at Molly's everyone explored a lot why you came back to Chicago but I wanna know what made you leave it in the first place, 'cause you went to college here, with Hailey, right?"
"Uh… yeah, we were roommates, actually. But I left for many reasons, the main one being a wish to see what the world had to offer. Which wasn't very hard since I can easily get a job pretty much anywhere I want…" You answered, leaving out the part about how your ex had humiliated you into leaving the city just to put as much distance between the two of you as possible.
"Hmmm, I see. But you said work had you moving back?"
"Yeah, well this was an exception because I was being offered a better position in case I came here." And because now you'd already gotten over what happened with your ex.
"Then which one is your favorite city so far?" There he got you, you always had a hard time picking favorites…
"Hmmm, maybe Amsterdam?" You thought that it would be a smooth way to do some flirting of your own. "It can be a very romantic city…" You started, "and I've always seen myself as a romantic, hopeless or not…"
"Oh, is that right?" The detective asked.
"Yeah, well, what can I say if everything romance just makes me happy?" You said, looking up brightly at him. Before he could muster up an answer though, you realized where you were, "Oh, that's my building right there!" You exclaimed pointing at the building across the street. But just as you said it you found yourself being sweetly and longingly kissed by Jay, which caught you completely off guard.
"So…" You started without really knowing how to continue after the kiss.
"So…" He imitated while nervously scratching the back of his neck. "I guess it was a bit awkward to just kiss you like that-"
"No! I, uh, I liked it!" Gosh, you sounded like a teenager, " I mean it wasn't bad or anything."
"Then maybe you'd be okay with giving me your number?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure!" Once again, teenager, dammit! "I, uh, what I mean is that I wouldn't mind it if you wanted to call me sometime, detective. You know, just making myself available for the community." You repeated his previous words with a wink.
"Huh! Careful with those empty promises, ma'am," Jay said playfully.
"Who said anything about empty?" You countered.
"Okay, then… Just know that you might be getting a call from me sooner rather than later." He half confessed while shaking his head.
"Looking forward to it!" You shot back and turned around to walk towards your building. Just as you were about to take the first step though, you decided to take a last glance at him, saying: "Have a good night, detective." He didn't answer, you didn't give him time to. But, as you were almost at the building's door, you heard your phone starting to ring and decided to pick up, since it wasn't very common for you to get calls at that time of night. "Hello?"
"Hi, uh, is this (y/n) (y/l/n)'s phone?" You heard Jay's amused voice on the other end of the line and instantly turned back around to see him, still standing on the other side of the street, purposely in your eyesight.
"You said to call at any time-"
"And I just couldn't wait!"
"Are you making fun of me right now?"
"Not at all!" He quickly responded. "I am, actually, inviting you to grab coffee with me one of these days." At that, your heart started beating faster and you could only hope that he wasn't able to hear it through the phone. "Or, you know, lunch, dinner, whatever you prefer!"
"I, uh, I would love to, Jay." Was all you could answer, as the flirty banter suddenly seemed pointless. "I would love to grab coffee or lunch or dinner with you sometime!"
"Okay. That's, uh, that's great! So, maybe this Saturday? 9 o'clock?"
"Yeah, sure! That sounds good! Just let me know where you wanna me-"
"Nope, nuh-uh, that's not happening! Just be ready by then and prepare yourself to be surprised!"
"Jay, I-"
"Not taking no for an answer! Goodnight to you too, (y/n)." He said and hung up, waving at you as he continued his path. Meanwhile, you went upstairs thinking about Saturday and about how you'd snatched a guy like that on your third day back in the city. Maybe Chicago wasn't as bad as you remembered it anymore...
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effy-writes · 3 months
can you maybe write something for Fizz where they were friends and when blitz ran away, she stayed and tried to help get him out of the fire, and in doing so, she lost her right arm. and now she is his partner in his clown gigs, and they both get captured and taken for ransom, and then they think that they're going to die so they both confess, but turns out that they get saved, and are together?
tysm :)
ofc!! i already did do a request very similar to that so i’m gonna do hc’s for this, either way hope you enjoy!
also i have insane writers block rn so bare with me 😔
fizz x f! reader: being held ransom together and confessing feelings hc’s
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• fizz and you bonded over the same trauma that you guys endured. both got injured and you two had to start a whole new life without limbs (with you just your arm)
• fizz would always apologize that you lost an arm, but you always tell him to stop apologizing and that you wanted to help because you didn’t want to lose him. he was helpless and needed to get out of there, but when you pulled him out your arm got engulfed by the flames that was on the curtain just next to his body, you would always reply, “i would rather lose an arm than you lose you”
• years later, ozzie given you and fizz new “limbs” as well as a job. at first you were very reluctant to perform again and it took a lot of convincing from fizz to encourage you to perform.
“it’ll be like old times!”
“exactly. i don’t want to get reminded of the past. i don’t even think i could perform again without getting all emotional.”
“i miss performing with you, y/n. let’s just do this one time and if you don’t like it then i won’t force you. but i know you love dancing, singing, acrobatics, and when you did them in the past you looked so happy. i miss that smile.”
• eventually you gave in and started rehearsing with fizz and found great enjoyment in it. ever since then you two been performing together.
• you already know that fizz got held ransom before with blitz, and that was a wholeeee other thing you had to deal with. you don’t know which day was more traumatizing, you and fizz almost dying or fizz almost dying and you couldn’t do anything about it
• whenever you two got kidnapped by a critic and got locked in a basement things definitely changed. he was freaking out as much as you were but he didn’t want to seem weak in front of you, so he put on an act and tried to comfort you as much as possible.
• since both of your arms and legs got tied up he had to wiggle himself over to you and used his head to rub it against your shoulder, “we’re going to be okay, alright? ozzie will eventually figure out by now that we’re in trouble because we’re supposed to perform in like…20 minutes?”
“that’s not helping me out fizz!”
“ah shit! okay okay um..we’re in this together?”
“fizz, i love you but you’re not making this any better.”
• unfortunately, fizz wasn’t right and you guys been stuck down here for hours. the critic hasn’t came down, so you two began wondering if he forgot about you guys. “do you think we can eat the robotic limbs? like will we die?”
“i mean..yeah i kinda just answered my own question.”
• after some hours of you guys crying, laughing, freaking out, joking around with each other, the critic finally went downstairs to the basement. out of fear you and fizz huddled close to each other.
• the critic spoke about how much he hates you and fizz for ignoring him on social media and in public. at first he wanted to be friends with you guys and just keep you guys down here, but after hearing you guys cry, talk, and laugh, he became so envious of your guys relationship that he wanted both of you gone.
• you didn’t want to die like this, not die without confessing your feelings, and fizz felt the EXACT same way. at the same time you guys said, “i always had feelings for you and was just too afraid to admit it.” “wait WHAT”
• before the critic could say anything a loud gunshot pierced your ears, and once you two looked back up you saw no other than blitz.
“heyyy guys…totally WASNT spying on you two.”
“then why the fuck are you here?” you spat.
“apparently saving your guy’s lives. took you long enough fizz to admit you have feelings for her!”
• basically, right after blitz saved you guys you and fizz had a long and awkward conversation about how you two had feelings for each other for the longest time and both of you had the same reasons as to why you didn’t want to tell the other person, you guys just didn’t want to ruin what you already have
• the day after, fizz wanted to properly confess his feelings at a nice dinner and that’s exactly what he did, and you obviously agreed to be his girlfriend
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charmedreincarnation · 11 months
Hey lovely charm!
I haven’t sent an ask to any blog all this time I’m here because I’m trying to avoid negativity and victim mentality, however I’d like to ask this one thing (of course you can ignore this ask if it’s been answered before or you just don’t want to respond, also I’ll throw a TW but there’s nothing really bad on here)
I read the latest success story which actually almost brought tears to my eyes, I’m proud of this person and everyone that managed to get out of their awful and undeserved circumstances!! My question though is that one thing that drives me crazy all this time and it might sound stupid: how do we actually surrender to our imagination?
Is it just believing everything is going to change? Because I think I might be doing something wrong and I don’t know what it is, I’m just tired of waking up and seeing the same awful and dreadful reality. I’m tired crying every night because I’m being “forgotten” even by friends like I don’t exist sometimes. I’m tired “trying” for the void. Every night before I sleep and every morning, even for the whole day, I’m just thinking as if I got it all already, I’m walking to my dreadful 7-3 work but I’m imagining walking in London going to my actual dream job, wearing my dream clothes and having my dream appearance. The problem is that I feel I’m living on a loop, keep doing the things I did before but kind of “dressing them up” with my mind, in my mind. Any advice you have, I hope it’s going to also help out any other kind soul on here that needs it.
Thank you in advance lovely, I follow your blog with devotion and one of these days I’ll send you my success! xx
Hiii 💓I can only speak for myself, but surrendering to imagination for me looked like letting go of the how and the when my desires would appear. And you know it seems kind of stupid at first, I get that. When people used to say that it made me mad,but that was before I actually understood what it meant. I used to think well “If I wanted it in my imagination I’d just daydream” which isn’t even correct because if you’re imagining of your desires instead of from them, it’s the reason you don’t feel fulfilled anyways. But it’s actually a great thing.
When I stopped trying to change the 3D and stopped trying figure out how/why/when my desired would appear and instead remembered I already had them, it got a little easier. I stopped worrying about if my crying would stop my desires from coming to fruition, bc if I already have it in my imagination why would that matter? just because you’re wealthy does that mean you can’t cry lmfao. it didn’t matter what I did, when I got mad I stopped spiraling, I stopped trying to repress my emotions, it got easier and it became more real. That’s when I understood what they meant when they say you don’t want your desires just to be freed from desiring.
The limitless changes didn’t really start until I was Immersed in my imagination, though I had a good amount of conscious “manifestations” before so. But in truth I've always been a maladaptive daydreamer, creating a different reality within my mind. Despite what others and myself perceived as a bland and middling childhood, my inner world was vibrant and full of possibilities. Then I found myself wondering why these vivid daydreams didn't manifest into reality during my childhood. Idk if it was due to my age or lack of conscious awareness of what I was doing.But again I think it was because I was thinking 'of' rather than 'from'.
It’s the imagination that is limitless and why every creation is possible. It really did free me from my doubts I carried here in this plane. In the grand theater of the multiverse, every dream, every desire you've ever had is playing out already since you can see it in your imagination. You can have your dream life - from your appearance and personality to your family, zodiac sign, and even your perfect partner. you can revise and embody the life you want in every aspect, and wake up in a whole new world tomorrow. You can indulge in every spiritual practice you could ever imagine. You can connect with the energy of the universe on such a profound level that you become one with everything around you. You can become the grass under your feet, the stars twinkling in the night sky.
Why? Because you are a limitless being. You are the universe experiencing itself, a manifestation of its infinite creativity. You're not separate from the universe; you are the universe, yet a human at the same time. So what does the 3D have to do with any of that. Yes you’re here and it is real and you will experience the best of love and humanity because of it but first surrender to imagination because that’s where it begins.
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.”(Neville Goddard)
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27)
"And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator." (Colossians 3:10)
In the realm of imagination, boundaries dissolve. Here, we're not just passive observers; we're active creators, shaping our reality with every thought, feeling, and belief we entertain. This isn't about escaping reality but rather embracing a more expansive view of it.
So, why would you ever limit yourself to the confines of the 3D world? Why not tap into the limitless potential of our imagination, where we are the architects of our own promise. I mean your imagination is your superpower. So, harness it. Dream big, unapologetically feel-deeply, and maintain unwavering faith in your creativity that everyone is born with.
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rosedere · 4 months
The Police Sargent (yan! Deuce x Afab reader)
CW: Implied SA, implied stalking, Kidnapping (also ur a cop so like of course keep that in mind)
You were shocked when you walked in on your first day of being assigned to the Sage's Island Precinct and he was there greeting you as your superior;
Sgt. Deuce Spade 
You knew him from the academy and from your time at Night Raven College, where he was one of your best friends. Everyone knew he was dead set on becoming some kind of law official If he could, which is why you bonded so well with him until you all lost contact with each other; you just didn’t realize he’d climb up the ranks as high as he did and manage to do it faster than you only having 6 years left to becoming a magic police sargent.
You gave him a big hug as you greeted him, elated to be seeing your old best friend once again. Pulling you into a bear hug, you laughed into his tall muscular shoulder, telling him how much you missed him.
unfortunately, you failed to notice the way he too eagerly held you as if you’d disappear forever once he let go, letting his hands wander too close to your bra strap underneath your uniform.
You got familiar with your shifts, eventually mingling with your partner.
both of you were mainly assigned to patrol around the island with each other until you were both comfortable being in charge of the island's department. Finally, helping the community and having to enforce the law when you needed to keeping the island you were familiar with safe gave you a sense of justice and belonging.
One day, you had just had a long shift patrolling the docks of the port. You and your partner had a moment to talk about the day and anything of note that happened that shift.
“You know, before you came here, it was a really strict workplace,” the brunette cop casually switched topics, swirling her coffee cup before taking a sip.
Chewing on a bear claw you had ordered earlier, you gave them one raised eyebrow in response.
“Are you positive? The Deuce Spade has a strict work environment?” You stopped chewing for a moment.
Your partner nodded their head. “He was so grumpy and mean; we always hoped whatever was stuck up his ass would fall out so we’d actually enjoy coming to shift.”
“But now that you're here, he’s all on cloud nine, dressing up more..." They trailed off.
"You know, yesterday he actually had something nice to say to me? And then he asked if you ever mentioned him during our shifts." Your partner laughed.
You turned your head in a way to question your partner.
“He asked about me?”
"yup it's even worst now that you aren't a desk jockey away from him in his office"
Your partner stopped swirling their cup to look at you in surprise.
“Oh my god, it all makes sense now,” they stared at you with wide eyes.
You only made a sideways smirk at your partner before eating your pastry once again.
"Aww, Sarg has a little crush on the new recruit,” your partner laughed to themselves.
"No, it’s certainly not! We’ve known each other for so long; he’s like my little brother,” you scoffed, suddenly not wanting to finish your delectable pastry anymore and slipping it in your uniform pocket.
“I think you should go for it; he is single,” your partner replied.
"Yeah, no, I’d rather not date my boss,” you sneered.
"plus im not really interested in dating having a job like this"
"whatever you say (name)" they laughed to themselves.
You didn’t really think of what your partner had mentioned until you returned to the station to wrap up your shift for the night going to the vacant dimly lit desk to begin your shift paperwork.
Deuce got into a routine that consisted of him waiting near the front where you’d walk up, eagerly asking you how patrol went, and getting as close to you as possible as you filled out your paperwork for the evening practically feeling his breath down your neck as he eagerly rubbed your sides.
You only just smiled, looking up from the paper at the slender, sapphire-haired man that stood in behind you in his pressed police uniform.
he was just eager to get to know you again.
Six months in though It was beginning to become unnerving how much he wanted to run into you.
You simply wanted to be his friend; that was all.
It wasn’t until one day that you were showering in the locker rooms at the back of the precinct, getting ready to go home.
You had supervised the Port Fest event that occurred in the summertime and had worked up a sweat from the baking temperatures that lasted from the day bleeding into the late sunset hours.
applying a sickly sweet body wash you began to scrub your back.
You suddenly felt a chill run up your spine.
Stopping, you tried to pinpoint the source of this feeling.
Looking around the shower stall, you couldn’t see anyone in the showers with you—everyone had gone home anyway, leaving you and Deuce in the building you recalled.
You certainly hadn’t heard anyone during your shower, so you should certainly be alone.
Resuming scrubbing yourself, lathering the pleasant-scented soap onto your body, and cooling yourself off, you eventually shook off the feeling until you reached for more soap to clean between your legs and the lower part of your back.
Realizing what you were sensing, it felt like someone was watching you.
Once again, looking around the dark navy shower stall, you saw nothing.
This time, you shut the water off completely.
You had looked behind and in front of you.
But you hadn’t looked above you.
Cautiously, you slowly looked up, only to see someone.
You couldn’t make out the details of the assailant, but you walked over to the showering stall next to you to peek at who was there.
No one still.
Feeling the hair rising on the back of your neck, you awkwardly walked back to your stall to quickly finish your shower.
Looking up fast, you were met with a pair of cyan and electric-like colored irises looking down at you.
All you heard was the thud from his slim body hitting the stall floor.
You quickly ran to the opposite side of the stall to confront whoever was on the other side of the stall.
And there on the stall ground was your boss.
sprawled on his arse on top of the beige and yellow shower tiles, his pants pooled around his ankles, his underwear slightly revealing what you knew was his erection, while his uniform shirt was as pristine as usual.
Panic was all that was written on his face as he realized he couldn’t get up and hide behind the shower stall curtain nor get on top of the shower bench he had used to peek at you from.
“(Name) I’m sorry I thought you had left— and I uh— was going to shower myself until I heard the water,” Duece frantically explained himself, then becoming aware of his underwear exposed to you.
Covering himself, he got up as if he were a just-hatched bird walking on legs for the first time.
“I love you (name); I’m sorry,” he continued to frantically plead, finally getting himself off the ground and walking in your direction.
Immediately, you backed away, trying to assess the situation, before rushing away from your old friend in panic.
Suddenly, he was on your heels. As you ran down the hallway connecting to the locker rooms, you could hear how heavy and labored your breathing had become from the overwhelming panic.
Getting into the locker room, you slammed the door shut, holding the handle as Deuce tried his hardest to open the door, causing you to wince in pain from the amount of stress it was putting on your hands.
"(Name), please open the door. I just want to explain myself, I promise." Deuce violently banged on the door.
Like hell, you were going to open the door; you had no idea what your old friend would do to you.
This continued on for a moment before you heard silence on the other side of the door.
You waited for a moment since you hadn’t heard the footsteps leave the door yet, but the banging and constant fiddling with the door handle had stopped.
Putting an ear to the door, it was complete silence.
Normally, you wouldn't worry, but the showers were connected to a different hallway that led to the boys locker room, looping back to the precinct hallways straight to the girls locker room entrance.
You didn't think Duece would...
Just as you were about to open the door to check, a pair of rough, calloused hands wrapped around your mouth, and another wrapped around your naked torso.
A muffled scream was all you could make as Duece dragged you backwards towards the sea of maroon lockers behind the two of you.
The only sound that rang out that night was the sounds of your whimpers and moans and silent pleas to be let go as your former friend and now boss pressed you against a locker, forcefully taking you from behind with not a single soul to witness nor hear your troubled pleas.
It was also the last night anyone had seen you again.
Apparently, according to the sargent of the precinct, you hadn’t even returned from your shift that evening, and he was completely distraught and confused about where you were.
As he made public appeals all over Sage's Island, he never once let his facade of the worried boss slip until he got back home to his isolated residence on the hillsides of the rocky cliffs overlooking the ocean.
“I’m home, dear.” Deuce would greet you every evening with the sweetest smile before placing a kiss on your tear-stained cheek.
If only someone would take a look inside the Sages Islands police Sargents house.
Note: *proceeds to write the worst depiction of mr. deuce* Me: lol happy birthday my scrunkly son!!!!!
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v3nusxsky · 7 months
Hii hope your doing well :)
if your up to writing requests can I request a fic where R is in a maths exam and its really stressing her out so she slips to a really little headspace and the teacher won’t let R leave maybe beacuse they think she’s faking it or something to get out of the test. so Larissa and/or Marilyn comes in and saves R and gives lots of cuddles and comfort and tells the teacher off. Then they go back to Larissas office and R gets take care of and looked after and its all sweet and fluffy.
Sorry for the long request and have a good day :)
- ⭐️
Stressful situations
*Authors note~ we are gonna be Marilyn’s Teaching aid for a botany exam so not a student but a member of staff so we can be in a relationship with weems. I’m in an educational setting for placement which is why I changed it slightly I hope you don’t mind.*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little fem r cg Larissa cg ish Marilyn crappy invigilator stress cg Marilyn r and Marilyn are besties Marilyn isn’t laurel
Prompt~ see ask^^
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The most stressful time of year for anyone in an educational setting as adults is a tie between the Christmas holidays and exam season. For assistants like you it was always the exam season that got you stressed the most. From the teachers being stressed with all things exams and the students being in various states of overwhelmed and burnt out coming to you for support. Safe to say you hate exam season but you always try your best to be as helpful as possible which is one of the reasons Marilyn became your best friend. You are her right hand woman when it comes to anything in school or personal life and she considered you a great friend.
Working with your best friend is great, until you realise you can’t hide from your girlfriend here either. See Larissa Weems, your ever loving partner, is the principal of Nevermore. Marilyn being your trusted friend soon meant she became one of Larissa’s too. And over time Marilyn learnt your secret and how to spot the signs too, you didn’t mind her knowing but now when your trying to hide from Larissa so she won’t notice, it’s more of a curse and not a blessing.
This exam Wednesday and Bianca have been particularly difficult, if one asked for a pen then the other was right behind asking for the same. If one noticed that the other had managed to race ahead questions then the other was racing to catch up while trying to sneakily out each other off. A constant need to one up another has you running back and forth the exam hall. A peak at the clock reveals you are unable to leave the room for another hour. But now with how overwhelmed and exhausted you are you aren’t sure you’ll make it.
You’d have to. The head invigilator looked at you like you’d grown three heads when you’d ask to get some air. It’s not unheard of that helpers for exam season would try to leave or get off the job early but you couldn’t help feeling the need to slip. But no. The guy stood firm in his answer and simply told you to stop being a drama queen and do your damn job. Fortunately, for you, Marilyn over heard everything and immediately pressed her little button on her pager to get Larissa here.
Being called to the exam hall as a principal is never a good thing, truly the blonde is getting a little tired of threatening Miss Addams with expulsion from Nevermore. But arriving at the hall tells her one thing, it’s not a professional call as Marilyn walks towards her with a sad smile and simple gesture towards you. There you stood desperately trying to keep control over your headspace and not break down crying but the two women just knew you didn’t have much more strength to give. “Thank you Miss Thornhill, come to my office when you’re done here.”
“Hi sweet girl” Larissa whispered as she stood in front of you, “look at me darling” she commanded and you did so instantly with tear’s shining in your eyes. “Let’s get out of her dear” was all it took to snap you out of the haze. “Can’t. Won’t let me” you mumbled stepping back from the woman. “He won’t stop you my love, come with me.” But of course as you start to leave the boss once again asked you what on earth you’re doing trying to leave only to be shut up with a quick few words from Larissa before she guides you out of the room.
Leaving the exam hall immediately triggered your headspace to slip at an almost instant pace but that’s okay because Larissa would ensure your safety and you knew that with your whole heart. With a hand on the small of your back, Larissa guided you towards her office with an ease that only came with experience, a gentle hand guiding you home. “It’s okay my darling, you can let it happen now love” she murmured making sure to shut the door and usher you further into her office.
As expected you broke down into harsh sobs that violently tore through your body. The sight alone caused the Principals heart to clench in sadness as she scooped you into her arms and cocooned you with her whole presence while whispering sweet praises in your ear in a hopes that maybe her scent and the words would help aid her in calming you down. You sat in the womans lap hands tightly wrapped in her blazer as if she was going to disappear at any moment, attempting to infuse your body to hers.
That almost seemed to do the trick until the sound of a gentle knock startled you, eyes flickering up to the woman whom you entrusted your life for an answer. “It’s just Mari sweetheart. I know my little one loves her Mari don’t you? Hmm?” She murmured before calling out to the red head to enter.
“How is our little star doing?” If anyone can calm you down it’s your girlfriend but on the occasions that Larissa had to rush off to a board meeting or deal with another Addams saga of trouble you knew Marilyn would act as her stand in. A fact that had taken adjustment from all parties but worked like a well oiled machine.
Instead of Larissa answering you mumbled into the woman that you were tired causing both women to be shocked, normally you wouldn’t involve yourself in this conversation, happy to just soak up Larissa’s attention before she had to hurry off. “I’m sorry darling girl, mama has to go to a meeting little love, do you think Mari can sit with you till I’m back? We will nap after that love” Larissa whispered causing you do whimper at the word go. “No mama I don’t like that” would’ve hurt Marilyn if she wasn’t so use to this routine, eventually you’d end up sitting closely, head leaning on her shoulder as you attempted to colour your mama a masterpiece. However, neither woman found it easy to watch you sob at the situation, pleading with her not to leave you, pleading your friend to make her stay. The closing of the door was always the final nail in that coffin.
Two hours later Larissa returned to her office to be met with you resting your head in Marilyn’s lap and lazily playing with her fingers. “Little star, I spy someone’s mama” Marilyn murmured to not startle you from your sleepy haze. “Mine mama?” You whispered hopefully, seconds later you’re scrambling off her lap and crashing your body into Larissa’s steady one. “Mama! I miss you! I did picture with Mari!” You squealed happily dragging your mana to your art work. “She was a star as usual Larissa, after her tears she was so good isn’t that right my star?” Marilyn murmured causing you to nod your head excitedly, mama always likes when you’re good for your friends.
That was how you ended up snuggled into Larissa for a lunch time nap after Marilyn had to go back to a revision session for another Botany exam coming in the next few days. Despite the start of the day, you knew that no matter what you had the best girlfriend and best friend who would advocate for your needs if you can no longer do so.
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ghostlystyles · 2 years
anthony lockwood x gn!reader
anthony lockwood can definitely be a drama queen
request: Hi, could you do an Anthony Lockwood x reader where the reader is extremely exhausted and ends up passing out during a mission and Anthony gets really worried about the reader? Thanks :D
tessa’s notes: thank you anon for sending in the first request i’ve ever gotten, i hope this is what you had in mind :)
warnings: fluff, swearing, blood, sleep deprivation, fainting, a bit of angst?, canon typical violence, comment if i missed any <3
word count: 1,5k
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— YOU OPENED THE door of 35 Portland Row in the middle of the night for what had to be the twentieth time that month and saw a middle-aged couple standing on your doorstep. “Lockwood & Co?” the man asked. “Yeah, that’s us. How can we help you?” you yawned, leaning against the open door. “Our house is haunted and it’s keeping us up at night. We figured you might be able to help us.”
You led the couple towards the kitchen and made them a cup of tea. “Oi, get up! There’s people here!” you called and not long after your three friends joined you at the dining table.
“So, tell us about what’s haunting your house,” Lockwood started, placing his ankle on his thigh. He wore a black, graphic jumper, joggers and his hair was messy. Although liking it, you’d been begging him for months to lose the suit every once in a while and usually midnight was the only time you got to see it, so you couldn’t help but grin.
“Well— we don’t know. We know there’s two but we’ve never seen them, only heard,” the woman explained. “And what did you hear?” you asked, leaning your head onto your hands with your eyelids heavy.
“Just— knocks on the walls and, we constantly have this feeling of crippling anxiety and fear and— we always feel like we’re being followed,” the man answered in detail. “Okay, that sounds like a Type One, so you don’t have to worry. We could get the job done tomorrow evening.”
“We actually don’t have a place to stay, we assumed you could just get it done right away.”
“That— okay. It might be possible, but it will cost significantly more as it’s extremely last minute.”
“That would be great, thank you so much. Money’s not an issue, we’ll pay you any reasonable price.”
“I’ll have to discuss it with my partners, if you’ll excuse us,” Lockwood nodded professionally as the four of you got up and walked into the corridor.
“What do you guys think?” he asked. “I think I could do it, they’re only Type Ones,” Lucy shrugged. “Well, I’d prefer it if I had time to research, but I guess it could work,” George added, rubbing his eyes. “And you, Y/N?”
“I— yeah, sure. I reckon I just need a coffee and then we can get to work,” you yawned, leaning against the wall to support your legs. “You sure? You’re not sleeping well as it is and you’re starting to look like a ghost yourself,” Lucy frowned worriedly. “A friendly ghost, I hope, but it’s fine, it’ll earn us some good money,” you joked. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea, Y/N, we should just tell them no,” George added. “Yeah, are you really sure? We can wait until the morning. We don’t owe those people anything,” Lockwood pitched in. “Yes, Lockwood! I promise it’s fine! It won’t take long anyway.”
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— THE FOUR OF you slowly entered the house that belonged to the couple. “Lockwood and I will take the upstairs, you take the downstairs?” you whispered as you looked around cautiously. “You two gotta stick together, huh?” Lucy nudged you playfully. “Oh, fuck off,” you rolled your eyes with a smile. You always got the same response, but it just made sense. Lockwood had excellent Sight, and you were a pretty good Listener, George was average on all talents, but Lucy was an outstanding Listener.
“Does everyone have all their stuff?” Lockwood asked, with his hands in his pockets and you all nodded. “Okay, then let’s stop fucking around and get this done.”
Lockwood quickly walked up the stairs and you followed him, frankly a lot less quickly, as your limbs felt heavy on your body. “Y/N! You coming?” Lockwood stopped at the top of the stairs when he noticed you weren’t next to him anymore. “Yes, just give me a moment,” you muttered, stifling back another yawn. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Lockwood asked once more, his face coated in worry. “Yes, Lockwood, how many times? Just, stop worrying about me for a second!” you grumbled as you strolled further onto the first floor.
“I— Jesus, I was just making sure you weren’t gonna faint or something,” Lockwood muttered, slightly taken aback. "Wait, shh—," you whispered as you covered Lockwood's mouth with your hands. "I hear something."
You closed your eyes and focused, so you could hear the sound better. You heard the soft shuffling of bony feet and echoing sighs, but you couldn't quite tell where it came from. "I'm pretty sure it's a Stalker," you concluded. “Where is it?” Lockwood asked. “I don’t know… I can’t tell,” you said, you squeezed your eyes shut, but it felt like your head was stuffed with cotton. Likely because of the sleep deprivation, but you’d never admit that, of course. The two of you started walking in the direction of one of the rooms and warily looked around. You closed your eyes, but you’d lost the sound of footsteps.
“I think we chose the wrong direction,” you muttered and Lockwood nodded in agreement. You walked out of the room and back into the corridor, when you were suddenly overtaken by dizziness and a sick feeling. You halted for a moment and took a deep breath, but the feeling didn’t go away. Instead, black spots started filling your peripheral vision and slowly spread their way to the center of your gaze. “Lockwood… I don’t feel so good,” you trembled, before everything went black.
“Y/N!” Lockwood exclaimed as he heard your body collapse with the ground and he rushed over to you, cradling your face in his hands. “Y/N?” he croaked as he brushed your hair out of your face. After about half a minute, your eyes fluttered open and you saw Lockwood’s face hover over you. “Hi,” he gave you a watery smile and his expression shifted from anxious to relieved.
You slowly sat up and immediately felt like vomiting, as your limbs were aching and your head was pounding from the fall. “Hey, hey, slow down,” Lockwood whispered tenderly, “how are you feeling?”
“Everything hurts,” you said, when you felt something warm dripping down your cheeks. Lockwood’s gaze slightly shifted and he gasped when he saw the huge gash across your nose bridge. “What happened?” you winced, feeling the wound sting. “I don’t— you must’ve hit your head on the banister or something,” Lockwood worried with wide eyes, “we should take you to the hospital, that probably needs stitches.”
“No way! I’m not letting someone sew my skin like it’s a piece of fabric!”
“It’ll be okay, I promise. George, Luce and I wil be there the whole time and besides, it’s gonna leave one badass scar.”
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— A TRIP TO the hospital and a fuckton of stitches later, Lockwood was carrying you bridal style down the streets of London. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get this injured on a Type One mission,” Lucy chuckled. “Be nice to me Luce, I fainted and smacked my head into a banister,” you laughed, hitting her shoulder. “I suggest we all just listen to me next time, because I get really scared when people faint,” George sighed. “Oh, you should've seen Lockwood, Georgie. He looked at me as if I was dying.”
“Look, in my defence, I didn’t know what happened. For all I knew, you could’ve had a knife in your back and were slowly bleeding out,” Lockwood scoffed. “I’m just kidding, it was very sweet of you,” you reassured him as you patted his cheek. “You’re always so dramatic,” Lucy smiled, as she nudged Lockwood with her shoulder and he gave her a side-eye. “Anyway, when we get home, you’re going to bed and you’re not coming out of there until I say so,” Lockwood started, looking down at you, “and I’m going to find those people and try to rake up the price by a lot, so we don’t have to open the door in the middle of the night again.”
“That seems like a good idea, I’ll go with you,” George said and Lockwood nodded approvingly. “Why did it take me nearly perishing at the hands of a fucking banister for us to realise that taking clients in the middle of the night is a terrible idea?” you laughed loudly, throwing your head back. “Aha! So you do admit that you very nearly died and I have the right to be concerned about you and your well-being!” Lockwood exclaimed as he slightly swung you, making you scream and tightly hold onto him.
Lucy caught George’s gaze and shook her head with a smile, “we really should’ve waited until the morning.”
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letshaikyuu · 2 years
can i um request sugar daddy au with kuroo bokuto ushi and iwa 😔👉👈
> haikyuu's sugar daddies.
a/n: i love this request and the amount of comments my friends and i make about wanting sugar daddies, this request is right up my alley AND APPARENTLY, there are 7 types of sugar daddy relationships so let's get started
warnings: if you don't like money or sugar daddies, do scroll past and i do mention sex a few times so under the cut ✂
> kuroo tetsurou
"Sugar dating - combines the intertwined life of companionship with sex"
i can't see Kuroo as only being a behind the scenes man and sending you large amounts of cash out of the blue. nu uh, he's too interested in other people's lives, especially the life of his sugar baby.
the relationship will quickly developed if kuroo finds you interesting and his interest shows with him sending larger and larger sums of cash with each transaction.
as written above, sex does end up becoming a staple of this situation of yours. mind you, he is very upfront about his desires, so he immediately tells you that this situationship might turn sexual, giving you the opportunity to back out.
he does bribe you into doing things like: "if you give me a kiss, i'll give you 10€" or "give me a blow job and i'll buy you that new phone you've wanted"
> bokuto kotarou
"Compensated dating - monetary or material compensation for grabbing a coffee, a meal or attending a specific event together"
i don't think he'd have time or think much about having a partner, especially with a life as busy as his. so, that's where a sugar baby would come in! honestly, questions this possibility very frequently, but gives in in the end.
i feel like he'd ask you first how much money you'd like to be sent and if you need the number to be raised. will splurge on you all the time if you don't tell him to stop.
if he takes you out for coffee, it's a super pleasant experience because he's super nice and interesting to be around, and if he sees you reacting well to him, his behaviour and jokes, you bet your bank account is going to be singing as you finish your cup of coffee.
takes you to volleyball events as his "partner" and boy, the money you get afterwards is unbelievable. never pushes you too far and only does PG-13 things.
> ushijima wakatoshi
"Compensated companionship” includes a wider range of activities and often involves the person becoming more intertwined in the man’s life.
he'd want his sugar baby to be more of a partner to him, but without being labeled such? that sounds like such an asshole move, but oh well. also, this type of companionship rarely includes sex, like in this case.
he just wants someone who is willing to come to his games, greet him afterwards and go back to his place for a nice celebratory meal - no strings attached.
also the one who splurges unbelievable amounts of money and still thinks he's giving you too little. texts you quite often and asks of you to accompany him to the store, go buy some new gear for him and so on...always ends up buying you some stuff as well.
very very open about this situationship and isn't afraid to talk to anyone about it. it's his money and time he's spending with you, so why would anyone care about what he does?
> iwaizumi hajime
"Pragmatic love - the sugar baby is more than happy to let a sugar daddy care for them, and hopes eventually to be in a romantic, long-term relationship with him."
come on, who wouldn't want to end up with this man? he's like the epitome of all that's sexy, manly and appealing to the eye AND he's super cute and nice, so totally understandable. at first, he doesn't even know the effect he has on you.
out of the four, i believe he's the one who'd most likely convert or "upgrade" your situationship into a real relationship because iwaizumi seems like an emotional person - he loves love.
he also loves taking care of people, so besides giving you money for everything you need, he frequently invites you over to his place for a nice home cooked meal, movie marathon, some good sex if it's his birthday and such...it hits him pretty quickly that he's fallen for his sugar baby.
you don't have to wait long for him to properly ask you and start referring to you as his partner and not just someone he spends his money on because it feels nice to care for others.
ending note: i forgot how annoying it is to tag things here...
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caprisunandmoon · 1 year
🧚🏼‍♀️analyzing my synastry with my ex-coworkers - part one
because what else is there to do after quitting a job you had for 4 years?? 🤪
Coworker #1
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[lowkey was my favorite, felt the most comfortable with him & we had kind of a father-daughter relationship; we would spend a lot of time talking or joking around at work, he would buy me food/little snacks and drive me where i needed to go (i was the ultimate passenger princess with him lmaooo) + he even helped me with stuff outside of work like changing my tire when I had a flat 🥹🫶🏽]
My Ascendant conjunct his Sun/Mercury/Saturn (but with his sun/mercury falling into my 12th) - At first, we didn’t really click that much; we were friendly to each other but not that close in the beginning… he’d always try to joke around with me and I’d be like 🤨🤨🤨 idk man I don’t know you that well yet LOL. This was probably from so many of his planets falling into my 12th house (his venus was also in my 12h), so I simply ✨didn’t notice✨ him that much at first, but over the course of me working there and being around him more, we became inseparable. We loved to talk and just be in each other’s company. Lots of admiration for each other. And perhaps Saturn here is what contributed to the fatherly vibes lol
My Sun square his Moon - Any time I read descriptions about this aspect online, it talks about how the two will end up fighting and nagging, finding the other person annoying, etc and I’m over here like 🧍🏻‍♀️…. never had that issue with this aspect… I also have this aspect with my bestest friend in the world and we’ve never had even one fight lmao. So I’m not really sure how to describe this aspect honestly, but I guess I would consider it “binding” as it contributes to a deep connection between people
Moon square Moon - Again, this is an aspect often described as leading to fights, fundamental emotional incompatibility, etc but I never noticed this with him 🤔 We were actually able to talk about and express our emotions with ease. Obviously, we were only friends at work so perhaps if we got to know each other more, this square would have become more apparent, but ??? We have other really good aspects to the moon, so maybe that’s what helped neutralize this.
Mars trine Sun double whammy - I think this contributed to the general sense of “liking” each other. Also, we were always really supportive of each other and he was easy for me to work with.
His Mars trine my Moon - He was definitely very protective of me and tried to take care of me as much as possible. Any time I was feeling down, he would always notice and try to make me feel better <3
My Mars conjunct his Moon - I cared a lot for him but also thought he was a lil too sensitive sometimes haha; it never caused any conflict between us though (perhaps since this is a conjunction in Libra, so we were more focused on keeping the peace). And I was protective of him in the sense that I absolutely wouldn’t tolerate any other coworkers badmouthing him in my presence 🔪
My Mars trine his Mercury - The way I visualize aspects between mars-mercury in synastry is the “walk and talk” aspect between two people, like those two people who just like to walk around or do something while they talk to each other & this was very much us 🥰 people eventually stopped asking “where are you guys going” bc they soon realized the two of us would literally just walk around for the sake of walking around, no destination just vibes lmao
Venus conjunct Venus - Having the same tastes, likes, mannerisms, etc. top tier aspect imo 🫶🏽 and since it was a conjunction in aqua, we had a great intellectual connection above all, best friend/partner in crime vibes 🌚
My Venus trine his Moon - I LOVE when my Venus makes aspects to people’s moons, for me it’s literally the best for any relationship, platonic or romantic. In my natal, I have a cap moon square saturn & mars at 0-1 degrees (yes I’m extremely traumatized thank you for asking 🤩), so I’ve always struggled with my own emotion management and tend to get annoyed by most people’s expression of their emotions (I’m working on being better about this smh) but whenever my venus aspects someone’s moon, this isn’t the case, like I genuinely wanna hear about how they’re feeling and if there’s anything I can do to make them feel better if they’re down 🥰
His Jupiter trine my Mercury - He genuinely found my jokes funny, which I really appreciate as a Capricorn mercury bc our dry-ass humor isn’t understood by most 😃 Also we never ran out of things to talk about
His Jupiter square my Venus - Although this is a square, I think the only “problem” that comes out of this is excess aka I think he was excessively generous with me sometimes 🤪 ...definitely not the worst problem to have, at least not on my end lol
My Mercury trine his Uranus - Very intellectual conversations, it was always fun talking to him because we’d end up chatting about the most random subjects
My Mercury trine his Pluto - He simply had this way of getting me to open up and talk about deeper topics with ease, something I usually find difficult to do with people I don’t know well 🤔
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Coworker #2
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[I ended up having an on-off situationship with this coworker for about a year; the most physical attraction I’ve ever felt for a man LMAO but also definitely the most obsessive and toxic situation of my life (so far 🤪) + we had to keep everything a secret since relationships weren’t allowed between coworkers.. yeah long story short he traumatized me in many ways lmaooo]
His Mars trine my Venus - The main (and perhaps only) source of our attraction to each other hahaha, I love this aspect because it gives genuine physical chemistry + that feeling of butterflies but honestly it can also make you blind to overall emotional incompatibilities but ohwellyouliveyoulearniguess 🫠
Mercury square Moon double whammy - On a day-to-day level, this definitely made connection and communication difficult, even downright impossible sometimes, but also somehow added to the ✨spice✨ idk there’s just something kind of sweet about not understanding each other on an emotional level but still wanting to make that effort to connect 🤷🏻‍♀️ overall, as frustrating/irritating as this got sometimes, I appreciate that it made me aware of how differently other people can process their emotions
His Mercury square my Sun - We definitely had different points of view on so many things and sometimes I’d be a lil defensive with him but I generally try not to be led by my ego so this wasn’t too big of an issue overall (for me at least)
My Mercury square his Jupiter - Lots of laughs. Since it’s a square, sometimes an excess of joking around or joking around in situations that should have been serious like work meetings but oh well 🤙🏼🤪🤙🏼
My Venus sextile his Moon - Like I said above, I LOVE WHEN MY VENUS ASPECTS PEOPLE’S MOONS!!! The sextile is less easygoing than the trine, I definitely had to make more of an effort here, but still a sweet aspect nonetheless 🥰 And I think perhaps this is one reason why the Mercury square Moon didn’t hit as hard
My Venus sextile his Jupiter - Venus/Jupiter aspects are one of my favoritesssss and I think it was a major reason why I got so attached 🫠 Venus/Jupiter is such a nice aspect, it’s truly one aspect I wish for everyone to experience at least once in their lives, you just feel so lighthearted around each other and the energy is so warm, my fave is the trine but the sextile is also quite nice
My Venus sextile his Saturn - With Venus/Saturn in general, I think Saturn has the “upper hand” and ultimately gets to decide if the relationship will last. I knew from the start I wanted commitment and something serious, unfortunately he didn’t end up feeling the same way 😃 And overall I felt quite dependent on him, like he was a source of stability for me
My Mars opposite his Moon - I don’t know how tight this aspect was since I don’t know his time of birth but I definitely thought he was way too f*cking sensitive sometimes LMAOO as much as I cared about him & felt intensely for him, sometimes I’d be like 🙄🙄 by his reactions to things, overall he was easily triggered by my actions and I’d get triggered by his reactions
My Mars opposite his Mercury - Leads to a lot of bickering if not careful. I think it’s important to channel this energy into healthy debates etc otherwise it spills over into the day-to-day, causing bickering, arguments etc. If we kept the debating to work topics, we were fine, but anything outside of that was dangerous territory. Often best to just agree to disagree here. As a Libra mars, I’m not prone to arguments but his Aries mercury certainly tried to goad me into more than a few fights (and succeeded at times lol)
My Mars sextile his Uranus (0 degrees) + His Uranus trine my Mars - Absolute freaks in bed with each other LMAOOO absolutely nothing was off-limits and I’d never felt more comfortable, including being open to doing things I’d never done before. And, in general/day-to-day, we were comfortable being “weirdos” together and showing our more “quirky” sides (yes I indeed cringed while writing that last sentence)
My Saturn conjunct his Moon - On my end, I’m not sure if I felt this energy much, but natally I have a cap stellium and lots of Saturn aspects so this is like second nature to me. If I had to guess, I would say it probably felt oppressive for him as an Aries stellium with mostly trines in his natal 😃
My Neptune square his Sun - Sigh. I definitely felt like he was idealizing me and seeing me as someone I wasn’t and the more he got to know me and began to realize the fantasies weren’t true, the more I think he felt disillusioned and not as interested, which was heartbreaking for me to see, esp since I never intentionally tried to deceive him or act like someone I’m not 🫠
My Neptune sextile his Venus - Again, not seeing the other for who they really are, lots of idealizing. Even though the sextile is supposed to be an “easy” aspect, I don’t think anything involving Neptune in synastry is really that easy unfortunately
My Pluto trine his Venus - Yeah, as more time passes and I look back on our relationship, I can confidently say it was obsession and not love. I felt consumed by him and like our situation was taking over my life, constant fears that he would leave, typical Pluto/Venus lol… And I think as Pluto I was more attached to him than he was to me.
My Pluto opposite his Mars - Whewwww the sexual chemistry here was 😮‍💨😮‍💨 But outside of the bedroom, lots of power struggles. He constantly accused me of trying to control him, perhaps I was without realizing it, but in any case, the constant back and forth became too much to bear. We were both equally jealous/possessive. I felt like I could never fully relax throughout the entirety of our relationship.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Promise | Jaemin Imagine #8
Title: Promise
Genre: Angst
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and breakdowns
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: I'm aware that anxiety often takes center stage in my stories, and yet, here's another one I've penned, this time focusing on Jaemin. Drawing from my own struggles, I aimed to portray the challenges of being close to someone dealing with mental health issues. Even with a strong support system, it doesn't guarantee that your problems will vanish miraculously. To all those who grapple with similar issues, I hope this story encourages you to seek help if possible because you deserve happiness and good health.
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From the beginning, you and Jaemin had a fairly healthy relationship that was envied by your friends and family. Apart from the initial awkwardness (primarily on your side) during the early stages of dating, both of you treated each other with plenty of tender loving care. 
You could truthfully say that Jaemin wasn’t just your boyfriend, but also your closest confidant. Perhaps it was the fact that the two of you had been friends for a substantial period before dating. Being each other’s partners allowed a deeper understanding of one another, resulting in almost no arguments between the two of you. That being said, because he knew you so well, there was one factor that occasionally led to turbulence in your relationship.
Anxiety has been a constant companion throughout your life. It was much like a friend you recognized as toxic but still chose to spend time with. Lacking a proper support system during your childhood, coping with life as an adult became significantly more challenging. For you, anxiety has been this silent struggle you had been battling alone. However, you didn’t realize the effect it was having on your otherwise, perfect relationship.
The irony was that Jaemin was the most supportive presence in your life. However, the issue lay in your reluctance to accept his support. Whenever you were in a state of distress, you tended to distance yourself from him and withhold your true feelings. He had witnessed you break down before, and it bothered him that you pushed him away.
One evening, after returning to your apartment late, Jaemin could see in your eyes that it was more than the part-time job that was taking a toll on you. He could discern from the restrained smile on your face that you had no intention of sharing it with him. At that moment, Jaemin reached the point where he couldn't bear it any longer.
The warmth of his hand atop yours gained your attention. Gazing at you softly, he asked, “Princess, can we talk?”
“Why? Did I do something wrong?” you responded with a tinge of concern in your voice. You searched your memory for anything you might have upset him, but couldn’t think of anything specific.
After taking a deep breath, Jaemin met your eyes brewing with perplexity. You had no idea what he was about to say, which made him briefly consider retracting his words. However, he knew that he couldn’t allow anything to stop him.
“It’s about your anxiety, (Y/n),” Jaemin began to explain, using his most gentle tone. “I’ve noticed how much it’s impacting your physical and mental health. And I think that seeking help from a professional can make a difference.”
Yet no matter how delicately this subject was being brought up to you, your shoulders tensed and you withdrew your hand from his grasp.
Your eyes flashed with frustration. “Jaemin, therapy isn’t necessary—I’m fine.”
“But you don’t have to pretend you’re fine all the time. It’s okay to ask for help and lean on others. I just want what’s best for you, (Y/n),” he stressed. He could sense you retreating behind your wall, and he refused to let you block him again.
That was how this conversation escalated into the most intense argument you had ever experienced with Jaemin. He made a sincere effort to stay composed, but it proved challenging when you continued to shut him out and maintained your insistence that you could handle everything on your own. 
Nonetheless, voices were raised from both parties and the words that left your mouths stung immediately after they were said. So as quickly as the argument had started, it ended with you pushing away from him and storming out of the living room with your eyes glossed over with tears.
Guilt quickly consumed him and his previous frustration dissipated. After waiting a few minutes to give you some space, Jaemin quietly moved down the hallway in search of you. His feet stopped at the bathroom door when he saw the faint light seeping beneath it.
On the other side of the door, your shoulders shook as silent sobs wracked your body, leaving you barely able to catch your breath. 
Eventually, you heard a gentle knock on the door. “(Y/n), please let me in.”
A part of you wanted to tell him to go away and leave you alone. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was done fighting. Yet, you couldn’t convince yourself that you deserve forgiveness. Not when the entire argument was your fault. Even though he had been nothing but patient and loving, it was you who didn’t have the courage to acknowledge your mental instability. You were the problem.
When you didn't respond, Jaemin decided to take matters into his own hands and cautiously pushed the door open. Inside, his heart ached when he found you seated across from the sink, your face buried in your knees, every part of your body trembling. He hadn’t intended for things to go this way.
Without any further hesitation, Jaemin joined you on the bathroom tiles, scooping you up into his arms. The comforting feeling of being held made you instinctively cling to him. Your tears soaked his shirt, but that was the least of Jaemin’s worries.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered, his chin resting against your forehead as he stroked your hair. “I didn’t mean to pressure you like that.”
You grimaced inwardly as your voice wavered. “I'm the one who should be apologizing. I... I know I just push you away when I’m having a hard time. But you already do so much for me, and I just don’t want to be a burden."
“You could never be a burden, (Y/n),” the tips of his fingers lifted your chin slightly, allowing you to meet his sincere gaze. “You’re my everything, and I can’t stand to see you hurting alone.”
His simple, yet sweet words made you feel so warm inside. It was that moment you realized Jaemin was never going to leave your side, even if it meant seeing you at your worst. Your wall of emotions remained resolute, refusing to crumble any time soon. However, the better half of you wanted to let Jaemin break down those barriers.
Before you could say anything, Jaemin could feel the resistance in you slowly fade away. Your hand slipped into his, intertwining your fingers as you released a light exhale. “The idea of seeking help is terrifying. But if you’re with me, I think I can do it.”
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that,” Jaemin smiled and squeezed your hand reassuringly. “And I promise, we’ll face your anxiety together.”
Your cheeks warmed when he pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. Then, he leaned in for a tender kiss on your lips, his fingers gently weaving through your hair. Your grip on his sweatshirt tightened as the kiss deepened, conveying all the love and understanding that words could never fully express. Jaemin's other arm remained securely wrapped around your waist as if it could shield you from all your worries.
When you finally pulled away, tears in your eyes had transformed into tears of happiness. "I love you, Jaemin."
"I love you too, Princess," he replied in a sing-song voice.
In that heartfelt moment, as he held you close, you both understood that your love had the strength to endure any storm, even the ones that threatened to tear the two of you apart. Despite the relentless assaults of your own mind, the love you shared with Jaemin served as a reassuring reminder that you could overcome it all, together.
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ahsxual · 7 months
So if you're still up for some Matthew Lillard requests I think I have one :)) (Ps, I literally love your writing! It's awesome!)
Could you possibly do Dennis Rafkin x a trans masc reader who is insecure about their body due to dysphoria?
A/N: I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this! I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my writing, hun🥺 I hope you like this and I apologize if I wasn't very specific about your request, but I tried my best! Ty for requesting 🤗
Pairing: Dennis Rafkin x GN!Reader
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You and Dennis have a very close and intimate relationship in every aspect, in which you both understand each other like genuine soulmates. By just a simple glance, you already knew what was going on in each other's minds and what you were feeling inside your big, delicate hearts
Dennis himself has a lot of insecurities, so he completely understands and supports you whenever you feel down because of your appearance insecurities as well
Over time, you realize he's actually a very clingy and attentive boyfriend, always needing your approval, support and care, and he's more than willing to do the same for his lover
"Stop thinking and saying those bad things about yourself, Y/N! It's not true! You're the most amazing and beautiful/handsome human being I've ever laid my eyes upon and I'm so glad that you love me as much as I love you, sweetie." he would say to reassure you while gripping your forearms firmly
"You're so perfect in my eyes, honey... I know this sounds cliche, but I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, because you'd never feel that way about yourself anymore."
You usually cry when you see his tenderness towards you, how caring and affectionate he is with you in those fragile moments. Watching your tears fall from your eyes makes him cry too, as you're both so vulnerable and open with your feelings towards each other
"You helped me see something worthy in myself and it's only my job as your boyfriend to do the same for my sweetheart. I never liked anything about myself before I met you, and I'm so grateful for that... so I won't give up until you see your true worth and your beauty... I promise you, Y/N." he confessed between soft sobs, his lips trembling from how emotional he was feeling in that moment
And he always made you feel better about yourself afterwards, never failing in his reassuring promises to make you love youself more each day
At the beginning of your relationship, he was too scared to touch you and so were you, because you didn't want to hurt him by being the reason of his painful migraines
But as your relationship developed, he began to crave your touch and affection, even if it meant that he had to see some bad visions from your past
Until there was a moment where he already knew all about your past, more specifically your darkest moments, so his visions about your life stopped "hurting" him at certain point only his heart lol
Since then, your relationship had grown stronger, as he knows every insecurity you have and vice-versa. Besides being romantic partners, you are also best friends, which has made everything so much better and natural for you, with no hidden secrets between you
That being said, whenever you're feeling insecure, Dennis tends to hug you and gently kiss every piece of soft skin on your body that you don't like until you're a giggling mess.
Sometimes you even fall asleep in his arms, your last memory being of him kissing you so lovingly and his big hands caressing the part of your body you felt insecure about
If you don't want him to touch you in those vulnerable moments, he'll respect you as he sits by your side while saying the things he loves the most about you and how you don't need to feel insecure about anything, because in his eyes you're perfection
He's so attentive and careful with his words, struggling to think which words and compliments he should say to help you feel better
He gets very nervous and stressed if his praises and loving touches don't soothe you, so most of those times you need to calm him down, even if it was you who felt bad and sensitive in the first place
At the end of the day, with all his efforts to make you feel incredible, you see yourself a little differently, in a positive way for sure, and you feel so much better because of your sweet boyfriend who loves you dearly and would do anything to make you feel happy by his side
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