#all you know is loud screaming and yelling and crying and performances so
nururu · 9 months
"Zoro had no friends besides kuina" are johnny and yosaku just chopped liver??? Also any time we see zoro on his own, it's very obvious that he's good at making friends with literally anyone. Y'all don't understand Zoro. You're so desperate to find emo things about him that you make stuff up and completely ignore that he's very emotional and open and expressive in canon all on his own. Y'all just aren't used to seeing someone who regulates their emotions, express emotion.
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spacebaby1 · 2 months
The cutest request that I enjoyed writing!
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It was the hardest thing you had to do, and that is disguising yourself as a performer so that no one will recognise you. However, you were alone this time, none if the straw hat crew members where there; sanji wasn't there promising to protect you, Luffy wasn't there, hell you didn't even know where Luffy was. Being a pirate was fun, but you'd get terrified when you were alone, especially in a new place and of all places; Wano. You tried hard to focus, but it was getting to you and making you more nervous every day. You'd go out some days trying to find a familiar face to at least be at ease. The first few weeks were no help until one day you excused yourself from your "master" to go for an evening walk alone. The town never slept, and it was alive all night long. You kept walking till you were away from the lights and the crowd; a sigh of relief left your lips as you leaned by a huge tree with your hands on your side.
The moment of peace was disturbed when you felt a strong hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump in fear and scream so loud as you fell on the ground. The person that held your shoulder came further to show their bucket hiding face only to be, "Traffa-San!" You jumped from your place on the ground and literally threw your arms around his neck clinging on to him. Not being able to hold your emotions in, you cried, making him tens holding you from falling, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Did someone do something to hurt you?" He asked, clinching his teeth at the idea of someone trying to even think about hurting you. Law might not have been a fan of the straw hats at first, but out of all of them, you were the only one he kinda liked a bit. Shaking your head, you let your feet touch the ground but still didn't let go of him, "I'm just glad to see a familiar face, I was so scared and alone. Have you heard anything from Luffy?" You asked before letting go, and so did he. "Nothing yet, but I ran into Sanji, and he said he's keeping an eye on you." You sighed, holding back tears, "and he didn't bother to inform me about that? I'm such a horrible member, and I can't even keep it together being alone." Law shook his head, placing an assuring hand on your head, "Don't say that about yourself. You being here shows how much you care to help others. Plus, I'm sure the rest of them are around and will not leave you all alone, and so I'm I. Just stay safe and try not to draw any attention, hum?" You nodded, whipping your tears. He smiled at you, "I'll make sure to stay close by to keep you safe, okay?" You nodded with a smile, "now get going, it's this late. You shouldn't be out all alone. I'll walk you back just in case something happens, and don't forget that we will win this." Before you know it, you were back to your place, and that night, you went to bed comfortably. Because you the next 48 hour were the worst you had lived. The war between kaido and the pirates was in front of everyone, and this was it. You were in the middle of the screaming crowd and people running around when you were pushed on the ground by the crowd.
Before you got crushed by the falling rocks someone yanked you off the ground and away from the danger. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE GROUND WHEN THERE ARE MOUNTAINS BREAKING HERE?" Kid Eustass yelled holding you by the wrist. Your eyes widened because you didn't even know he was here, "Eussa-San! Wh-Y-you are bleeding! What-I mean I heard a loud bang but I don't know what's going on.' He looked around for a safe place under the city but everywhere was a disaster, "that's kaido and Luffy for you. Now come on I need to get you somewhere safe and get back to Trafalgar and Luffy." You followed him but forced him to stop and held his face in your hand that were stained of his blood now, "b-but you are bleeding." Luckily for him you couldn't see his flustered cheeks under all the blood but he couldn't risk you being there in the middle of battle when Luffy and Kaido were literally breaking Wano to the grounds. "You're very sweet and adorable but I need to keep you safe now come with me." You couldn't react to his words before he dragged you with him somewhere safe.
"Where did you disappear?" Law yelled at Kid when he showed up to help him take big mama down. "I had to make sure Y/N is safe-"
You did what you were told and it's to keep yourself and the town kids safe and away from the danger but the moment you learned thar Luffy defeated Kaido and all the kids went to find their parents; it was your turn to find your crew mates. Sanji was the first one to find you "Y/n-San! Oh thank God, you're okay, are you hurt?" He gasped at the blood stain on your arm, "ARE YOU BLEEDING? YOU'VE GOT BLOOD ON YOUR HA-" you shook your head, "it's not mine it's-" you stopped mid-sentance and gasped. "Eussa-San! Where is he? H-he was bleeding too much, I need to find them." Sanji nodded, "be careful out there!" You sprinted into the crowd to find Kid but as you walked further you saw Law sitting by a broken house with his head in his arms and breathing heavily, "Traffa-San! Taraff-" you bent in front of him helping him raise his head up slowly; he had a cut on his head and blood on his shirt, "A-Are you in pain? You're hurt! Of course you're in pain, what a stupid question. Let me see where-" He held your shacking hands in his as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath; he was glad that you were safe. "I'm not in pain now that you're here" He says with a smile. "Y/n, there you are, I'm hurt!" Kid called out limping his way towards you. Without thinking you stood up removing you hand form Law's and rushing towards kid helping him sit on a hard broken stairs; he was hurt but not that hurt he just hated seeing Law get all your affection. "The battle drained me, and I think I broke my le-"
"Y/n-ya, I feel faint. Help me, please?" You nodded, rushing towards Law and holding his hand. Kid groaned in pain, holding his leg, and you rushed towards him when he called your name. Law followed by rubbing his hand on his arm, "That blow was painful." You rushed to his side, placing a gentle hand on his so-called hurt arm, "is it too painful?" Before you could get an answer from Law. Kid cried, holding his ear, "I'm bleeding from my ear, ugh." You gasped standing up and rushing towards kid with shaking hands you held the sleeve of your kimono to his ear to stop the bleeding; he wasn't even bleeding but you were too shaken up from the battle and everything that you saw to the point you saw blood everywhere. Law and kid weren't making it easy with their whinging over who deserved your attention. Law clicnhed his teeth and stood up a bit too fast that he saw darkness, his eyes rolling at the back of his head before he almost fell face first of you didn't turn towards him, you rushed to grab him knocking you on your knees but you held him off the ground in your arms. Kid rolled his eyes, "Stop pretending to faint you princes -"
Kid only stopped when he saw you crying, "he's not breathing properly, Traffa-San. Eussa-San! Help me! Traffa-San, wake up." Kid saw the concerned and terrified look on your face as you tried to wake Law, who actually fainted from how much energy and his powers he used. Kid sighed before helping Law from the ground, it wasn't even mid way when you saw the rest of the crew and you yourself passed out luckily Sanji was quick to hold you before you hit the ground.
You woke up to the sound of birds and bright blue sky, you looked around and immediately jumped of the bed because the last thing you remembered was Law passing out. You rushed to find him, you open each room until you found him still asleep on the soft bed, you rushed to check his breathing; he was breathing fine. A sigh of relief left you and you sat beside the bed on the floor carefully held his hand only to find the back of his hand bruised and cuts all over it. You cringed at how painful must it has been to use such powers, "he's gonna be fine. He just needs to sleep." Chopper entered the room with meditation that he sat on the table. You smiled at him, "Thank you chopper." He giggled at you thanking him before leaving, you didn't want to leave Law's side however you needed to check on Kid.
You looked all around for him but found him nowhere, so you decided to look at the rooftop just to be extra sure, and you found him there. His hair was down, and wet looked like he just took a bath dressed in clothes that were absolutely not his style yet more comfortable. Carefully, you made your way beside him; he did have the most gentle face without all that red lipstick and eyeliner, "Eussa-San" you called snapping him out of his thoughts when he looked at you surprised. He blinked twice before gasping and pulling you down to fall on his lap, "what are you doing out here? It's dangerous! You could've fallen!" He held you close and you to gasp when you realised you were sitting on his lap, "ah, your leg! Did I hurt your leg?" You tried to stand but almost fell off the rooftop if it wasn't for him to pull you back on his lap, "Don't stand so fast! You'll fall. Don't worry about my leg, it's better now, I guess." You replied in an oh and looked at his bare face, "but I do worry. You were hurt and bleeding so badly. Are you sure you are okay?" You asked in a low voice. He sighed, not looking at you, and spoke, “Stop doing this to me!” confused you titled your head to side “Huh? Doing what? Eussa-San?" He groaned, annoyed, still holding you protectively, and spoke again “Stop saying sweet things! You're making me all fuzzy inside!” it took you a while to understand what he's saying before your whole face burned red, and your eyes widened, "I-I didn't m-mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm I'm sor-" He cut your stuttering short with a chuckle. "Relax there, I didn't get uncomfortable with your actions. You're all adorable when you blush." Your head fell low, "please don't say that." He chuckled and laughed, "it's okay. Well, at least you have someone who's somewhat enough to keep you safe. If not as strong as I am." You looked at him confused again, "I have?" He nodded, looking at you and then back ahead, "that law guy really does like you after all, and you share his feelings, don't you?" You looked at your hand, shrugged at his question. "If you like him the you have to tell him, Y/n-San at least one of us deserves the happiness" he said it almost as if he was waiting for you to correct him that you chose him and not Law, "I mean not all of us can be strong ones" He joked making you chuckle and carefully release you and held up stand, "now go be by his side before he wakes up and goes back into coma if he saw you here." Kid chuckled before turning his head ahead to look at the sunrise; you felt bad for not sharing his feelings, and you wished you knew about them earlier, but will it change anything? You remembered the first time you saw him and were terrified of him thinking he's one of the bad guys and will easily crush you but instead he helped you and flirted with you just to make you blush, "Don't bite your lips like that you make me wanna bite your lips if not kiss you when you're doing that." He told you then. You stood there beside him and bent down to his level, "Eussa-San? Can I give you a kiss?" He turned his head towards you then smiled and closed his eyes waiting for a kiss on his cheek but you gave him a kiss on his lips; if you can't be his then that's all you can do to thank him for helping you earlier. He's eyes shot open and he didn't even know how to react when you got up and sprinted away leaving him there confused and amazed by your action which eventually made him burst into laughter; at least he got his kiss.
It was time to leave as your crew were packing the ship, and so were Law and Kid's crew mates getting ready to leave. You got up from your place and grabbed kid's hand making him turn around and you hugged him tight, it felt like this is the last time you'll see him and you hated that feeling so you held onto to him a bit longer before you let go, you took off your lucky necklace that you had forever. "Y/n-San-" you placed the necklace in his fist and closed it. You smiled, "it's my lucky necklace, and I want you to keep it. It kept me safe all these years, and it will keep you safe in your journey." You kissed his knuckles, "I'll always care for you, Eussa-San. Please be safe. Okay?" He nodded, kissing your head, "I will, promise. I'll see you again." You smiled with a nod before he left. You turned to find Luffy talking to Law before they said their goodbyes; basically, Law walked away while Luffy still talking to him. He noticed you and walked towards you, "This is it. Can I steal you from the straw hats?" Law said making you chuckle, "you are welcome to, if Luffy doesn't chase you down first." You sighed, wrapping your arms around him, "I'll miss you dearly and so so much. Why do you have to leave so fast? I'll miss you, will I see you again?" He chuckled, holding you tight, "I'll miss you more, I already miss you but I promise to see you again. I will find you again. That's why," you looked up at him only to have your vision blacked out because he placed his hat on your head, "until till then, can you keep this with you for me? And tell it's all your adventures till we meet again?" You gasped holding his hat that was on your head, "But it's your hat and it probably has meaningful place in your-" He smiled cupping you face, "that's why I want you to keep it, it's so dear to me and I want you to keep it safe for me, will you do that?" You nodded with tears in your eyes, and he chuckled, hugging you, "Hush, don't cry. You'll see me again, I promise." You hugged him tight, "Okay, Traffa-San." He chuckled, "that's my girl."
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mustainegf · 3 months
hii! could u maybe write something about reader (james' gf) finding out about the '92 montreal incident so she gets worried and goes as fast as she can to see James and like takes care of him and stuff. sorry if it sounds weird 😭
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The weak backstage lights produced lengthy shadows on the Montreal Forum's walls. The air was alive with expectation and the unmistakable excitement that only a Metallica concert could provide.
I stood there, clutching my laminated pass, my pulse pounding with anticipation and pride. James, my James, was ready to take the stage. I could hear the audience yell, their voices blending.
From my vantage point, I could see the band ready to perform. Lars was stretching and stretching up his arms. Kirk was doing a last minute guitar tune up. And there was James, my beautiful soon to be husband, strapping on his gorgeous double necked guitar.
He caught my glance and offered me that wide grin that made my heart weak. I smiled back, full of pride.
The lights went out, and the noise of the crowd grew. The first beautiful notes of "Fade to Black" flooded the air, bringing the stage to life. I was spellbound as James and kirk controlled the audience. They had the in their palms, just as Kirk was finishing the intro solo.
A sudden flash exploded on stage, followed by a loud boom. Pyro went off in a wild burst, dangerously close to James. His guitar fell quiet, and the audience shifted to a collective cry of confusion. My heart stopped as I frantically searched the stage for him, but he had vanished from view.
"James!" I screamed but my voice became lost in the chaos. Crew members raced forward, and I tried to push through them, thinking only on reaching my poor James. "James! Where is he? What happened?"
"Miss, you need to stay back!" A crew member grabbed my arm and attempted to keep me in place, but I struggled against him, my eyes wide with panic.
"Let me go! I need to see him!" I sobbed, but they weren't going to let me pass. Then, among the bustle, I caught a sight of him.
My heart shattered at the sight. James stumbled up, his body twitching in anguish. His arm, hand, leg, and half of his face were all severely burnt. The flames had licked his flesh, causing furious, crimson blisters. My lungs ceased.
The paramedics arrived immediately, their faces grim. They set him onto a stretcher, and I tried to remain by his side, tears rushing down my cheeks.
"I'm coming with him!" I yelled, unwilling to let them take him without me. They nodded, too preoccupied by their pressing job to argue me.
In the ambulance, I grasped his unharmed hand, my fingers quivering. "I'm here, James. I'm right here," I said, trying to maintain my voice despite the panic. He gazed up at me, his eyes full with pain, clawing at my heart.
"It’s bad," he said, his voice breaking. "It hurts… fuck…"
"I know, sweetheart. I know. Juat hold on. You're so strong. You're gonna be fine," I said quietly, pushing his hair away from his sweat soaked forehead. Every second felt like an hour as the ambulance sped to the hospital.
When we finally arrived, the medical crew brought James into the ER, and I followed, without letting go of his hand. "Please, help him," I begged the doctors as my voice clogged with tears.
"We're doing everything we can," one of them informed me as they began working on him, cleaning up the burns and providing pain medication. James tightened his teeth, so hard I could practically hear them creak, his body straining with the severe pain.
"You're so brave, James. You're doing so good," I said, my voice soft and soothing. "Keep holding on. I'm right here with you." He grasped my fingers weakly, his eyes fluttering open to see mine.
"Don't leave me," he said in a hushed and tired whisper.
"Never," I vowed, my heart hurting for him. "I'm not going anywhere." The hours went by in a flurry of medical procedures and murmured words.
James slipped in and out of consciousness, his body unable to cope with the agony.
I never left his side. I held his hand, ran my fingers through his hair, and whispered love. "You're so strong, James. You're gonna get through this. I love you so much," I said softly, tears cascading down my face
They wrapped his burns in bandages and gave medication to help with the pain. James was so exhausted, his face pale and shadowed, but he was alive.
He looked at me, his eyes filled with a difficult mix of pain and thankfulness. "I love you," he said hoarsely.
"I love you too," I replied, kissing his forehead gently. "Rest now. I'll be right here when you wake up."
In the early hours of the morning, at about 4 am, I woke up beside James in the hospital. The room was dark, bathed in blue, except that the soft beeping of monitors tracing his vital signs had a more prominent illumination.
My body ached from this outsized chair, but I really didn't care. I just felt good to be with him.
A soft whimper drew my attention, and I turned to face James's pain lashed face. His cheeks were streaked with tears, washing away some of the grime and soot stuck to his skin.
My heart broke all over again.
"James," I whispered, moving closer, my hand finding his. "What's wrong, baby? Tell me."
He swore viciously, sawed and raw. "I'll never play guitar again," he said, his teeth clenched. "I'm ruined. And I'm in.. so much fucking pain." His voice cracked, and he twisted his head away from me, as if he couldn't stand for me to see him in the state he was in.
I crawled into the narrow hospital bed, careful not to shake him. I knew I wasn't supposed to get in bed with him, but I couldn't stand to see him suffer all by himself. Slowly, I cuddled into his side as best I could without hurting him further, my arms curved around him. His body felt so fragile as he shook.
"Shhh," I whispered, and pressed my lips against his temple. "You're not ruined, Honey."
He wept softly, body twitching with each tear. "It hurts so much," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "I don't know if I can take it."
"You're the strongest man I know," I whispered back, my voice soft like a silk pillow for him to rest his head upon. "I'm right here, just breathe. The worst of it is over now."
He clung to me then, his uninjured hand gripping mine with surprising strength. "Don't leave me," he whispered, desperation slicing into his voice and going straight to my heart.
"Never," I promised him, clutching him closer to me so I could here his heart. "I'm never going to leave you, James. Never."
We lay there in the dark, his quiet weeps and the beeping of monitors the only sounds.
Finally, his cries began to wane, and then he started to breathe at regular intervals, a sound that brought great relief, for it meant he was falling asleep, exhausted. I held him, my own tears falling silently.
"I love you, Jamie." I whispered, feeling as his head tiredly rested on me. I knew in my heart, I knew he would be okay.
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to fall in deeper - Julien Baker x lacy!reader
jj chats: this has been one of the longest things ive written on this account and i am very proud of it!!! i hope this lives up to any expectations!!! also i recommend reading the first part before reading this it is linked here!
word count: almost 2000!!!
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, reader is a musician/famous, julien is kinda mean, someone passes out (not the reader, the boys or muna), reader calls julien 'jay'.
inspired by the request: i lovvved your love Julien fic based on lacy SO much!!! you’re crazy talented <3 would you consider writing more parts of it? 🎀🩷 like maybe how julien falls more and more in love and maybe an eventual angry love confession from julien, and their first date/kiss?
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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When MUNA went on tour, they asked their dear friends to perform as openers. It was on billboards and spread across social media: “Boygenius and (Y/N): openers for The Greatest Band in the World”. All parties were ebullient, another few months of music, laughter, and fun. Everyone except Julien Baker, Julien wasn’t pleased when she found out you were the other opener. She despised the feeling she got in her gut when your name was mentioned, she couldn’t decide what it meant. She was torn between it being contempt or admiration. She didn’t like not knowing, she didn’t like the fact she couldn’t figure you out, let alone figure out her own feelings for you. 
So far the tour had been faring well. There were huge crowds showing up every night, all screaming out the lyrics to their favorite MUNA hits. Everything was going well, until August 6th, a Friday night. It was exceptionally hot and it was starting to take a toll on the musicians. However  they were all pushing through, they had loud fans backstage that gave them some relief from the heat and could basically get away with no shirt on stage. So far, the night was going well, besides the heat. Lucy and Julien sat in front of a large fan, while Phoebe and you stood in front of another one. MUNA was performing on stage, while you all waited until the last song, “Silk Chiffon” . It was always a nice surprise to the fans when you four came bobbing up on stage singing along, dancing with one another. 
Phoebe sighed, turning towards you “Want to go back with me to get some water?”
Your eyes darted to the right, where your water bottle stood proud and tall, still about half full. “No Pheobs I’m okay! I’ll walk with you though!” 
“Oh no dude you’re good,” The platinum blond turned to Lucy and proposed the same question.
“Yeah my water ran out like 5 minutes ago,” Lucy hopped up from her seat, moving towards an already upright Phoebe who was wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, sweat droplets rolling off. “Be right back guys!” 
Before they turned the corner you checked the time and yelled to the singers “I think there's only two more songs till Silk Chiffon so hurry!” Lucy and Phoebe nodded to you and continued their walk to wherever they were storing the water bottles. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Julien rolling her eyes.
You turned your body to hers, you ignored her obvious irritation towards you and smiling you asked, “You good Julien? I got some water if you need it!”
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” The tattooed woman replied, curtly. 
“Ohhhkay,” you said, confused by her tone. You thought for a minute going back over the day to see if you did anything that would warrant that reaction. You couldn’t find anything, but you did remember how Julien really hadn’t ever been that cordial to you, not since that night outside the restaurant where she found you crying. In a moment of panic you asked the woman sitting 5 feet from you, “Did I do something?”
Julien turned towards you, obviously dumbstruck by your question. She hesitated before responding, you could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes, “No, you didn’t do anything.”
Quickly you replied, desperate to figure out where you went wrong. “You act weird around me.”
You could see a flash of panic move over Julien;s face before it was replaced with a look of annoyance. “How do I act weird around you?” Julien asked as if it was the most absurd sentence you could have chosen to have said. 
“You don’t talk to me ever, you avoid me, you don’t reply to my texts in the groupchat. Yesterday on stage you avoided me every chance you got. I get that we aren’t really close but do you have to pretend like I’m not even there? Like I don’t even matter?” Your voice started to strain towards the end of your dialogue, you could feel your eyes start to water.
“I-I don’t-” 
Julien was cut off by a very energetic Phoebe who came skipping backstage.  “We’re on stage in like a minute guys! Grab your mics!” 
You quickly got up, blinking back your tears as you approached a table, grabbing a mic. You settled your breathing as Lucy came up to you. “You okay?” She asked, voice laced with worry.
“Mhm! I’m fine! I think the heat is just getting to me!” You replied, your voice steady. You’re honestly surprised at how fast you pulled yourself together.
MUNA was on stage finishing up their second to last song for the night when Katie yelled into her microphone, “Thank you all for such a gorgeous night! We have one last song! Can you all welcome our guests to the stage please?” The crowd begins to go crazy. 
One by one the 4 of you run out on stage as the band starts playing “Silk Chiffon”. Your eyes scan over the crowd, everyone is having an amazing time, they all look tired, but in a euphoric concert driven tiredness. Until you spot one girl near the front of the barricade. She looks as if she's about to pass out, and the people around her don’t seem to notice. You brush it off, but decide to keep an eye on her just in case something happens.
As the band starts to play the music fills your body, heating your veins with electricity. You move the mic to your mouth as you sing background for Katie. This was always one of your favorite parts of the show, the harmony between all of your voices, the feeling of being alive and showing it through music. Phoebe rushes up to you and grabs your wrist, twirling you around and smiling wide at you. She leans in and gives you a kiss on your cheek before your bodies find natural sync, dancing together. Everything always gets too chaotic when the 7 of you are all on stage. AS your eyes move from  Phoebes to the rest of the talent on stage you spot Julien glaring at you, your cheeks redden and you can’t distinguish whether it's from the heat or the shorter woman's dangerous stare.
Suddenly you remember that girl in the audience and when you look back to her place, you see her almost going limp, merely held up by the sweating bodies around her. Immediately your mind moves fast, remembering your highschool first aid lessons on heat stroke. Your brain quickly runs down her obvious symptoms and realizes it could be severe dehydration or worse, heat stroke. You quickly let go of Phoebe's arm and run backstage to grab a water bottle and someone to help you. 
Phoebe is confused, her eyes follow you backstage until she sees you grab a bottle of water. Too caught up in the moment she thinks you need a drink. She assumes nothing is wrong and then goes over to Jo to dance with her. The others don't realize your absence, too caught up in the song. Except Julien.
Julien was keeping a close eye on you when you were on stage, she saw every time you glanced at that specific spot in the barricade. Though she didn’t follow you, not until you suddenly appeared on the lawn in front of the stage with a medical professional and a security guard. 
You run to the dehydrated woman and then help her get to a cooler spot, and give her small sips of water to hydrate her. You couldn’t care less about the concert at that point, too concentrated on making sure this person was alright. 
Julien’s stomach started to churn, once again you were proving to her that you were perfect. There wasn’t anything Julien could flaw you on at this point. You stopped singing in the middle of a concert to go and take care of someone in need. How could she avoid her true feelings now? 
The song came to a close, and the bands lined up, wrapping their arms around each other's waists and bowing. Naomi, Jo and Katie blew kisses to the crowd and then they all walked offstage, a concert well performed. 
As Phoebe looked backstage she didn’t see you. She turned to the group and asked, “Did anyone see where (Y/N) went?” 
It came as a surprise to everyone when Julien answered, “They went to help someone in the audience, I saw them with medical.” 
Everyone nodded, Jo hoped the person was okay. Katie and Naomi went to ask someone about what had happened. It wasn’t soon after that you showed up.
Walking back to where you had just appeared from, Naomi and Katie both asked you “What happened?”
You told them that “Some girl in the barricade got really dehydrated and passed out, but she’s alright now!” 
A sigh of relief was heard from all 6 people, relieved that everyone was okay. Small chit chat was made until Jo spoke up “Okay I don’t know about you guys but it is hot as hell out here and I am going somewhere with air conditioning!”
“Finally someone said it!”
“Thank god I was starting to think I’d melt,”
Naomi, Katie, Lucy, and Phoebe dispersed after Jo, all talking about some record they’d listened to recently or where to get takeout from.
Julien stayed behind, and just as you were about to follow after the others she caught your arm. You turned towards her, “What’s up Jay?” The nickname leaves your lips in a second before you could think to not say it. 
Julien looked at you strangely and let go of your arm, not really realizing she had grabbed it in the first place. Another round of butterflies flew through her body as you looked at her questioningly.. “That was super cool what you did for that girl. Leaving mid song I mean.” 
You sighed, you were starting to get frustrated with her antics. Did she loathe you? Were you two friends? It seemed every other minute her feelings towards you changed. It was confusing the hell out of you. “Thanks.” You clipped, starting to walk away.
“That’s it?” Julien asked from behind you.
As you turned back around you noticed she stood as if trying to make her 5 foot frame seem taller, not that it was working. “What?”
“‘Thanks.’ That’s all you're gonna say? Normally you're much more chatty,” Julien laughed.
“I don’t know what you want from me Julien.” 
Julien pauses, looking at you with questions written all over her face.
“When I talk to you, you get snippy and you’re mean. When I don’t talk to you, you want me to talk more. I don’t get what your deal is with me?” You whisper-yelled, afraid someone from the crew would see your argument.
“I-” Julien stuttered, not being able to come up with anything to say.
Finally done with the back and forth banter that has been hurting your feelings ever since you met Julien you declared, “If you don’t want to be my friend just say it.”
Julien looked at you, eyes wide. You watched her as the gears turned in her head, trying to come up with what to say. You gave her a chance to explain herself, you set a mental timer of 30 seconds, if she didn’t say anything then you would go away. 
Those 30 seconds flew by without a peep from Julien, your eyes teared up as you spoke, “Fine, I’ll see you later I guess.” Turning around you went to your tour bus, wondering what you did to get Julien to dislike you so.
The only thing going through Julien’s mind was how she screwed up, bad.
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milksuu · 10 months
Imagine Yone having a wife, which the rest of Heartsteel doesn't know about, I mean they never asked, and then one day he brings a child to the bands apartment. Since his wife has to work late hours and the nursery is already closed, he has to take care of their child. What would the reaction of the band be? And how would they be with children? (Also the wife is the reader since I love self indulgence with Yone)
❥ prompt: Yone never talked about his personal life. The Heartsteel gang had a few assumptions, but they were just theories. Nothing proven. Until the gang found a toddler running around the apartment. ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, gang shenanigans ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel & yonexreader!gn!kid
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"What the hell is that thing!? And since when did Yone spawn anything into existence!?"
Kayn isn't used to children being within a five-foot radius of his presence. He tends to not surround himself with booger eating, snot crying, whining little crotch gremlins. Even worse, their damn parents.
Kayn's chaotic nature in public can't be stifled. And he's met his fair share of parents trying to lecture him on his behavior. He always has two words ready for such an occasion: Fuck off. And then proceeds to flash both middle fingers in the air, and laugh when the child behind the fuming parents drops their ice-cream. Absolute poetry.
This was a little different. Scratch that—a lot different. Not only does he know the damn parent (Yone) but the child has managed to infiltrate his room, and infect everything with a thousand unnamed child born diseases. He's about ready to blow a casket. Until the kid accidentally starts playing his Pentakill vinyl album on the record player. That's when he saw a rockstar be born. The way that little tyke started headbanging would put a bunch of mosh pit psycho's to shame. And the screeching? A future screamo lead-singer, easily.
An all out heavy-metal concert ensued. With Kayn rifting his guitar with the song instrumentals, and the kid jumping and screaming into a cheap cordless mic he found under his bed. When the song ended, Kayn chanted "Jump! Jump!" into the mosh-pit of one. And you don't need to tell a child to launch themselves off of anything twice. The tater-tot squealed and laughed, being caught in Kayn's hands and praised into the air for a killer performance.
From the bedroom door, an audience member leaned cooly against the frame. Clapping at the spectacle. "Dada!" The kid raised their fists higher into the air. "I'm a rwockstar!"
Yone lifted a brow, crossing his arms in pure amusement. "I can see that."
"Y-Yeah. Next time, tell your kid not to barge into other people's rooms," Kayn coughed, quickly setting down the kid and patting them towards Yone. "Teach it some manners, o-or whatever. So that I don't have to deal with it."
Yone chuckled under his breath. Taking his child by the hand, he smiled. "Come with me. We should go before someone gets a little too attached."
Kayn huffed red. Slamming the door and shouting behind it, "WOULD NOT!"
So, there was a child. An actual living, breathing one. Stumbling. Running around. Knocking things over. Yelling at the wall and ceilings like some deranged lunatic out on the city streets. What a disaster. What a nightmare. Aphelio's wasn't scared by most things; monsters, zombies, ghosts, spam mail. But children were terrifying creatures. Destructive and loud. The worst kind of combination in a singular human being. Kind of like Kayn.
He swore he broke out into a cold sweat when the child barged into his room. Not quietly at all. His heart pounded. His fingers turned cold. And his eyes trembled against his computer screen. He hoped the child would grow bored of terrorizing his room like some miniature version of Godzilla. He also hoped someone would see the calamity, take pity on him, and come to his aid. Someone like Sett.
He then heard a familiar note. He cursed himself twice. He shouldn't have left his electric portable keyboard out in the open. Aphelios turned cautiously in his chair. He swallowed hard and braced himself for a horrific sight. He thought he'd find the child bashing the keys in or trying to pluck the knobs right off. Instead, he saw a small round face filled with wonder at the sound. Carefully, the child pressed another. Smiling, delighted by the next note. Aphelio's eyes rounded. That's when he saw a little bit of himself.
It didn't take long for Apehlios to gather his spare headset and cord link. He plucked the kid up and placed him right on his lap at his desk. He was going to show this little one all the instruments in his digital toolbox. The workflow of an absolute musical genius. And they were going to make a mixed bite that would leave people speechless.
"Oh! Oh! Dat one. Dat one." The toddler tapped Aphelio's hand against his computer mouse. A few clicks and the instrument was spliced into the mix. When Aphelio's replayed the bit, the child kicked their legs back and forth, clapping their hands together. Wanting to gauge the tots overall opinion, he flipped between thumbs-up and thumbs-down. Back and forth. The little one took his hand, and kept it thumb-side-up with a cheeky grin. And they both nodded in agreement. This mix was a certified banger.
"Hey, guys. Has anyone seen my phone? Nevermind. Found it! Someone's totally random kid has it. Wait—HUH!?"
Ezreal doesn't mind kids so much. They could sometimes be a lot of fun. The only thing Ezreal can't handle is once a crying session starts, or a random tantrum erupts. He gets a little nervous when the meltdowns start. Because he has no freaking clue how to handle it. So for the most part, Ezreal does like kids—from a distance. Where he can smile and laugh at their antics, without having to actually deal with an emotional ticking time bomb. Kayn was bad enough already.
The other thing he can't deal with is someone messing with his phone! And unfortunately, his habit of misplacing it has caught up to him. Because now a toddler has it. Deleting and messing up his apps. Possibly trying to look for some silly game he doesn't even have installed. And if Ezreal thought he was fast, well, this kid took the crown. Call that tyke 'Lightning McQueen', because they were leaving sneaker marks on the floor.
But this game of chase had to come to an end. Ezreal caught up to the road-runner, and slipped the phone right out of those tiny fingers. Ezreal cheered himself thinking he won. Ezreal quickly figured out he was actually about to be the biggest loser. He witnessed those round eyes growing in watery magnitude. Face wrinkling with pure, unfiltered raw emotion. The hiccups increased in volume, and those puffed cheeks were getting more red by the minute.
"H-Hey! Don't cry. No, no. Shhh—Shhh! It's okay." Ezreal smacked his hands together, begging and pleading for mercy upon his sensitive soul. Ezreal sunk his top teeth into his bottom lip. He wasn't prepared for this at all. And if Yone ever found out he made his kid cry, then mostly likely, he'd make sure Ezreal was crying too (and bleeding) on the floor. Then forced to clean up his own murder scene!
A few quick taps and he knelt down with the hiccuping toddler. With the cat filter setup, Ezreal pretended to be a kitten; meowing and licking his paw and rubbing his cheeks to clean himself. The kiddo sniffed back their brimming tears, giggling when they saw they had their own whiskers and ears! After a couple of loud meows, the child hopped up and down. "Doggy next! Doggy next!" One tap and now they were puppies, barking and panting.
Many cute pictures were taken. Ezreal picked out a few and messaged them to Yone.
[Yone:] Thanks. The wife will be happy to have these. [Ezreal:] np! 😋 [Yone:] By the way. Have you finished cleaning the bathrooms? [Ezreal]:..............................................yes. 🤗 [Yone:] Finish the bathrooms. Now. Or I'll be confiscating your phone for a week.
Ezreal almost broke down in tears, falling to his knees. He was so close to having his own meltdown. Just from the sheer thought of losing his phone privilege's. Honestly, he should be off the hook for entertaining the kid and sending cute pictures. Life totally wasn't fair!
"Well, hello down there. You wanna play a game or—shoot. I didn't mean to scare ya'h off! I swear I'm a nice guy if ya'h give me a chance!"
There was no doubt about it. Sett really, really, liked children. There was something about them that brought him joy whenever they were around. All of his personal baggage and adult stress would simply melt away from a simple giggle or smile. And Sett had his fair share of babysitting other single-moms' and their children while growing up. It was one of his part-time jobs from middle to high school. All to help Ma' with paying the bills.
Unfortunately, kids didn't seem to like him too much (at first). With his overwhelming mass, they'd think he was some sort of monster. The one their parents told them would gobble them up if they didn't shower before bed. So, here he was, trying to entertain the little one. But anytime they caught sight of him, they'd cry in terror and scamper away. Sett had to think bigger. He tapped his chin a couple of times before a light bulb went off above his ears.
He laid out the scene in his room. He thanked his Ma' for one of the plushies she sent came with a tea set in the box. He went as far as to grab a few outfits and materials he stitched up as small replicas of larger projects him and K'Sante worked on. Him and the surrounding stuff toys were dressed appropriately for the most exquisite tea-party. Dress, hats, neck pearls and all!
Curiosity always got the best of any child. When the tater-tot heard the laughs and conversations, they had to sneak a peek. And once they entered the room, the child found Sett sitting on the ground, surrounded by his plushies, all served with tiny cups and plates.
"Oh! Quiet down everyone. The prince/princess has finally arrived. Mr. Chonk, please. Show our honored guest to their seat." He motioned his tea-cup to a free spot at the 'table'. The child glowed with excitement, scurrying to their designated placement. With a fancy tilt of their teacup, they took prim and proper sips of their tea. "More tea, Mr.Swett?" The toddler wiggled forward and picked up the teapot.
"Why, yes. I would love some more. Thank you." Sett raised his cup at the offer. The giggles and excitable conversation could be heard throughout the entire apartment. It wasn't long till the rest of the gang stuck their noses through a crack at the door. Opening the door, they couldn't help but burst with laughter at the display. Ezreal, of course, snapping pictures. Aphelios chuckling to himself behind his mask. Kayn roaring with laughter and tears. And K'Sante commenting on how he'd never expect some of his designed outfits would be used at a kid's tea party. "Nuh-Uh. You can't come in." The toddler hoped on their feet, pushing all of them all out the door. "Dis invitation onwy. No stinkers!"
"That's right, fellas. No stinkers." Sett laughed, raising his pinky into the air. "This is an exclusive tea-party. Better luck gettin' invited next year. Right?"
"He-He. You think you have what it takes because you are Yone's kid? Show me and prove it."
K'Sante grew up with a large family. Brothers, sisters, first cousins, second cousins, the neighbors next door and their kids. Heck, even that laundromat lady his mom was friends with and her kids. Actually, just about everyone in the community. Seemed like it was always a party at his parents home. No matter the day or week, K'Sante had always dealt with a high-energy household. And when the adults pulled out the bottle of Akpeteshie, you knew it was going to be a rager. And at the kids table, K'Sante was in charge of watching over the parade of younger children.
Being a certified older sibling within his family unit, and apparently, Heartsteel as well, handling one little wasn't going to throw off his cool or cramp his style. In fact, he was more than prepared. If there was one thing he knew from growing up, kids loved to play dress up. And he had a full wardrobe of runway worthy outfits.
K'Sante busted out a long carpet down the hallway. Borrowed some plushies from Sett, and made them the audience and judges. Dimming most of the surrounded lights, the hallway bulbs illuminated the catwalk with intensity. Let the show begin!
"Higher energy! Yes, show them a 'ting or two about what fashion truly means." K'sante clapped his hands as the kiddo strutted down with dramatic sass. "That is it. Right there. Now, finish them off with the look." At the end of the carpet, the child titled their head back, and narrowed their eyes before sharply turning with a fling of the boa around their neck. K'Sante cheered, pushing one of the stuffed animals as if it passed out from sheer cut-throat fashion! He blew kisses into the air. "They can't even handle you right now. You are new, you are fresh, but also timeless. Molded by the hands of Gods. Your power is infinite."
Wardrobe changes were a must. K'Sante wasn't going to let such talent go to waste. His work of art and the tiny fashion model would display it all for the world to see. Well, the stuffed animal world, he had to remind himself. Seemed like a game of pretend was feeling like a real runway gig! And after the runway show was over, it actually wasn't truly over. K'Sante had pulled out a magazine from behind a display case. Showing the kiddo a picture of their father walking down a runway in an all black-attire event. "Dada," the kid placed a hand against the glossy page. "Supah cool."
"That's right." K'Sante said proudly, puffing his chest. "And your Dada looks cool because I am the one who designed his suite. But, I'll give him credit. He is a pretty cool guy all on his own."
an: this req was too cute to write omg. sorry if i just focused on the gang and the kid, rather than the yone x reader part you also requested. felt it was getting a bit long, and i wasn't sure if i could incorporate it well enough. very sorry about that. but don't worry! i have another yone x reader req. incoming.
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
#1 3RACHA supporter
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okay, so i think this is the cutest thing on earth. my last installment of 3racha in NY for global citizens, and i'm so proud of myself for getting three fics out in two days 😌 i hope you guys enjoy it! let's hope my creative juices will stay with me 🫢💓
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
This is all for Jisung. This is all for Jisung. You keep repeating to yourself. You and your best friend flew to New York to surprise your boyfriend's, Jisung and Chan, at the festival they're performing at. What you didn't expect was a monsoon.
The two of you managed to make it to the front of the crowd, having the perfect view of the stage. Excitement flows through your veins as you wait for 3RACHA to take the stage.
You glance down at the Han Quokka skzoo in your hands, adjusting the shirt it's wearing. Someone beside you nudges your arm, causing you to glance over to see your best friend.
"Are you okay?" She asks you, a look of concern in her eyes.
"Yeah, sorry! I'm just getting a little impatient," you chuckle, moving your wet hair out of your eyes. "We haven't been able to see them for weeks on end. I just want to see my baby."
The shorter woman rests a hand on your arm, comforting you. "I know. They'll be on stage soon!" She reassures you with a smile.
You shiver underneath the orange poncho you're wearing as your eyes drift back up to the stage. You squeeze the quokka in your hands, feeling the excess water dripping down your hands.
The announcer calls out 3RACHA's name, causing you to jump slightly. People around you start screaming as a video plays on the blocked television screen.
A smile comes to your lips when you see Jisung on the screen. Your heart pounds against your chest as the Stray Kids anthem begins to play.
You glance down at your friend, seeing her Wolf Chan sitting in front of the lower part of her face. You shake her shoulder in excitement, bringing your gaze back to the stage.
A gasp escapes your list as you can see your friends and boyfriend standing on the side, their gazes settled on the crowd. You quickly turn to your friend, almost yelling into her ear where they're standing so she can see Chan.
"Oh my god," she says loud enough for you to hear.
"I know, I know. There's our boys," you almost cry, feeling the tears begin to well up.
The first song they perform is 3RACHA, a classic for this trio. You keep your eyes trained on Jisung the entire time, waiting for his eyes to meet yours.
You capture multiple pictures and videos of the members, feeling proud that they're here. When they finish their song, they start talking about all the problems in the world and that they need our help to make a difference.
Heyday is the next song, and you bounce in your spot, dancing and singing along to them. Jisung walks over towards where you're standing, and you stand on your toes, trying your best to capture his attention.
"Han Jisung, I love you!" You scream out, waving your skzoo around.
You grin widely as your gaze meets his. He continues to rap his verse, and you watch his boba eyes widen. You swiftly point to your best friend as well, conveying the message to let Chan know.
Jisung finishes his verse, giving you a subtle nod before throwing out a heart. Stays around you scream at his action, causing your heart to flutter.
After 3RACHA's set is over, you and your friend make your way out of the crowd. You can feel your phone vibrating in your pocket, and you fish it out before answering it.
"Hanji, you guys did amazing," you greet him instantly, smiling ear to ear.
"You guys are here?! For real?!" He asks excitingly. A chuckle leaves your lips, and you assure him that you're really here. "Where are you guys? I'll send Skijigi out to get you two."
You stop in your tracks as you stand by the tent that's selling food and water. "Uhm, we're right by the flag that says ultimate VIP and the tent that's selling food and drinks," you inform him, hearing him pass the message on to their manager.
"He's going out there now. It shouldn't be too long until he finds you," Jisung mentions, a quick sigh leaving his lips after. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, baby. I was getting so impatient waiting for you to perform," you laugh into the phone, tucking some wet hair behind your ears. "Hey, do you by chance have extra clothes?"
You can hear Jisung rummage through his bag as he mumbles incoherently to himself. He lets you know that he indeed does have extra clothes you can change into.
"I see Skijigi! I'll see you in a minute, baby," you mention, tapping your friend's shoulder before heading in his direction.
"Okay, I love you."
You smile fondly. "I love you too."
You bid each other goodbye before you hang up, slipping your phone back into your pocket. Skijigi greets the two of you with a quick hug before leading you to where 3RACHA is.
As soon as you see Jisung, you're sprinting. You weave around people walking, throwing out an apology before colliding into your boyfriend's arms.
"My baby," Jisung whispers into your ear, twirling you around. "You're so beautiful."
You laugh at his compliment, knowing for a fact you look like a hot mess. "Such a charmer, Hanji," you grin, placing your hands on his cheeks.
He leans forward to capture your lips in a quick kiss. "I gotta keep you around somehow," Jisung jokes after pulling away.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head. "You don't even have to try, baby," you confess to him, resting your forehead on his.
"Thank you for coming. I'm so grateful for you," Jisung whispers while setting you back on your feet.
"Of course, baby. I'm your number one 3RACHA supporter," you wink, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips.
Changbin laughs as he walks by the two of you, shaking his head at how dramatic you both can be. Jisung grins, scrunching his nose slightly. "Yes, you are, my baby."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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Thinking about Being earlier metallica James' gf, u know, back in that time where Jaymz and Lars lived together....that time were Lars would hear James railing his girl like there was no tomorrow? Yeah, so....
Imagine Being said gf and not being aware of an on going game between her boyfriend and his drummer friend, the game you ask? Seeing How many orgasms they Can Ruin
The rules are:
- Lars must pretend to be sleeping as best as he's able to;
- James Will fuck her increasingly harder, trying to rip out of her more and more noises;
- Since she's shy, Lars must pretend to stir in his sleep every time she let's a noise slip, and James Will increase his performance on her;
- Once she gets close to hitting her orgasm, Lars must pretend to wake up and cock block them (James must hold back from laughing or else he would give It away)
- And they Keep This cycle until they feel like she had been good enough for them
There are no games and James is Just a shameless Motherfucker that gets his ego stroked every time someone catch him folding his girl and furiously pistoning his hips against her, knowing Full well that even If the guys are his friends and respect him very much, they still drool and lust over his girl
they’d have so much fun with you, the both of them loving how red you turn when you’re so fucking close, but then that cock-block of a drummer makes his appearance so you and james both have to stop.
one time, james was fucking you like his life depended on it. your body shoved into the bed as he’s mercilessly fucking into you. you were already worried about the squeaking of the mattress waking up lars, but then james reaches between the both of you and starts rubbing your clit to get you closer. he would grin like the devil, watching you squirm and try to keep quiet. even when you’d bring your fist to your mouth to muffle your noises, it would do shit and you’d just be so fucking loud. lars stirs to face the both of you, his eyes still ‘shut,’ james tries his hardest not to laugh at you while you’re literally trying to hold back tears. you poor thing, they’ve been edging you for a whole week every single day and you had no idea.
a loud “fuck james!” rips out of you as you grasp one of his shoulders, letting him know that you were so close as you grind your hips to meet his halfway. your moaning was getting louder and louder and you couldn’t keep quiet for the life of you. just as you were about to reach your climax, lars wakes up, causing james to pull away, your back falling against the pillow, chest heaving up and down.
“for fuck’s sake, again?!” you’d groan, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes from both frustration and embarrassment. but then you feel james fingers slip through your sopping folds, causing you to gasp. “what about lars!” you’d whisper-yell to james and he lets out a chuckle
“what about him?” he’d keep fingering you, wanting to bring you to your climax since you haven’t cum in such a long time, he was starting to feel bad. you were so overstimulated, you bit down on james’ shoulder to keep quiet, but lars tutted you.
“oh, come on. you’ve been loud all week, you’re gonna stay quiet now?” lars taunts, causing your face to turn redder than it already is.
you turn to look at james, not knowing what to do, but he nods his head with a supportive smile on his face “it’s okay, baby, go ahead.” his fingers curl and move inside you at a prompt speed. you try to keep your moans at a low volume, too embarrassed and not used to having an audience, although the thought of someone watching you being fingered aroused you.
james’ fingers kept pumping in and out of you as his thumb reached around to rub your clit, increasing his abuse on your already overstimulated cunt. when lars’ hand went down to palm himself and he let out a little groan, you started crying, ready to finally let go.
“i’m cumming, oh, god i’m gonna cum, fuck!” you would heave out since there was no oxygen in your lungs whatsoever. you thrash and wail under james and lars’ gaze, whimpering as you feel your hot cum leak out of you. you pant as james kisses you through your orgasm, murmuring sweet words “fuck, you did so good for us.” lars would praise
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NEED THIS RN😭 this reminds me of this one tiktok i saw that said when james and lars used to live together in a teeny tiny apartment, lars would sit in a corner until james was done with whoever he was with that night, but sometimes lars would join in, i was shocked.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
schoenheit upbringing || vil schoenheit
masterlist characters: vil (platonic) genre: angst contains: death during childbirth, online rumors, self-deprecating thoughts summary: how (name) schoenheit was raised in a media-centric world and how they were first exposed to stardom. notes: another short chapter for schoenheit I'm sorry i love them i promise!!! just wanted to give a bit more insight into their character ;-; also i went with the idea that vil's mom is dead? so uh yeah parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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the day that the youngest schoenheit was born was the day that the schoenheit family grew to four, only to immediately shrink to three once more.
there wasn't much for you to remember that day, but it was permanently engraved in your father and brother's minds.
your father remembered holding you in his arms, cooing quietly as you whined and cried upon being brought into the world. and he remembered the doctors and nurses panicking, screaming at each other about the patient losing blood and slipping through their fingers into death.
your brother remembered being told to wait out in the hall, anxiously waiting to see the little sibling he promised to take care of and become a hero for them to look up to. and he remembered hearing muffled yells from the other side of the door and the sound of his father crying out in anguish and pain.
all you remembered was growing up without a mother.
it wasn't long until you were brought to a movie set, ready to make your first appearance on the big screen. you had been sought after when news broke out about the newest addition to the schoenheit family. hopes were high for this new child, most likely due to companies wanting to stake their claim on being the catalyst for your acting career.
because of course the next child in the schoenheit family was destined to be an actor.
you had just turned two when you were brought to set.
the casting director apparently had a vision, seeing as how your brother was also there alongside your father. the story was meant to follow the main character's life, from birth to death. and you had just been selected to play the role of the antagonist during the toddler section of the movie.
you didn't know any better. you didn't even know how to run properly without stumbling. and yet here you were, exposed to the bright set lights and harsh schedules and demanding expectations of stardom.
you could vaguely remember watching your brother act his part, letting the words flow out of his mouth as if he had truly been made for this role. you couldn't help but be in awe.
unbeknownst to vil, that was the moment you saw him as your hero. of course, you wouldn't be able to identify that thought, but it was there in the subconscious.
and soon, the time came for your part to be filmed.
the director was bold to assume that by reading out the script a single time that you would fully understand it. you were two and you were expected to be a prodigy like your brother.
it would be an understatement to say that the first take was horrible. once the cameras began to roll, you stumbled onto the floor and wailed as loud as you could. you didn't know why but that fall hurt. it hurt and all you could focus on was the pain and the lights and the cameras and the whispers and--
it was a miracle that the final take was achieved. it was beyond a miracle that all of the scenes were finished in a timely manner. but you couldn't care less. you just wanted to go home. you just wanted to cuddle up to your blanket and sleep the day away.
you were glad that your father agreed to it, scooping you up into his arms and carrying them off the set. vil was quick to follow, taking quick glances up at you as you buried your face in your father's shoulder.
when the film was released, it was met with stellar reviews. all of them praised your father and brother for their performances, raving about how well they played their parts. and you wholeheartedly agreed. with what little judgment you had, you had decided your brother and father were superheroes, ones that had the power to act a part so wonderfully and beautifully as if they had become an entirely different person.
you didn't even care that some reviews criticized your acting. it didn't matter, you couldn't comprehend any of it anyway.
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but it did matter the more you grew and the more you began to understand critic reviews.
you remembered that fateful day you remembered the first movie you were in. you remembered searching up the reviews and feeling tears well up in your eyes when you began to read the reviews. you were two, for gods' sake. you didn't know any better. and yet, there they were, grown adults criticizing a two-year-old for being lackluster in performance and being a "disgrace to the schoenheit name" as one critic wrote.
what fun, realizing at age seven that even at two you were already a disappointment--a leech that sucked at the schoenheit name's legacy like water.
although the more you grew--and the more you learned about your birth-- you realized that maybe, just maybe, you had been a leech to the schoenheits since the day you were born. after all, you were the reason your mother, vil's mother and eric venue's wife, was dead.
you were lucky that your father was such a doting man, coddling you the day you were born despite all the damage you had done. and he continued to coddle you day after day after day. even after you were a failure on the first movie set you performed on, he still wrapped your blanket around you and held you close.
you loved your father with all your heart. and, just like your brother, you wanted to be like him.
but above all else, you wanted to be like vil.
vil was, for lack of a better term, the greatest actor you had ever seen. he was not only a beloved actor but a highly sought after boy in any field he chose to put effort in. he was loved. he was cherished. he was wanted.
he made the schoenheit name proud.
he wasn't a leech who only served to ruin the legacy from the inside.
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the minute those tabloids were released, planting the seed of doubt of your legitimacy into the world, was the minute you realized just how bad you were for the schoenheit name. you knew you weren't an illegitimate child. you knew because you had murdered your mother.
in fact, if those tabloids were right, it would be a better reality.
if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't have to live up to the impossible expectations of being a schoenheit. if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't need to be an actor. if you were illegitimate...
maybe you wouldn't have killed vil's mother.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @mizucika @iammeyouareme @gasoline-eater @rainingdandelion
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meraki-yao · 11 months
RWRB: A list of thoughts on the Campfire Scene
Ok I went to sleep for another hour to calm myself down and now I can form coherent thoughts about the scene and not just scream and squeal
It's a three-minute scene with two shots. The first shot is a little over two minutes
When Alex asks his question, Henry, who was looking into the fire, tilts his head towards Alex as if to listen better. After Alex finishes, Henry looks up towards the sky, like he's wondering how to answer
Alex doesn't really react to Henry's "Once upon a time" even though he's not directly answering Alex's question. He just listens, and that's such a beautiful thing
Nick deserves a round of applause for this scene, his monologue was two minutes long, and monologues are really hard to perform because it's just you who keeps talking, you don't really get to react to other things or people, it's just you, so Nick is a fantastic job
Nick's delivery and tone, and the way he sometimes ends a sentence a bit like a question (ex: "acutely") makes it sound like Henry's been thinking about this story/ metaphor for a while but this is the first time he ever verbalizes it, so while he knows what he wants to talk about thus he doesn't need to pause a lot to think of the story, he does occasionally need to think of the next word or line because again, he never actually said any of this out loud before, and Nick does that so well
@pippin-katz pointed out that Nick misspoke and said "sent the suit a prince of armour" which is hilarious, and while because movie, this shouldn't happen, realistically we all have moments where we mix words up so it almost feels more... authentic? Also, I didn't pick it up but now that Pippin mentioned it I'm really aware of it lmao
Also Henry/Nick's voice here is so soothing? I can almost imagine him telling bedtime stories to his and Alex's kids like this in the future. I wonder if Henry would write children's books because it feels like it'd be something he do and something he could write really well, if this clip is anything to go by. Plus I stumbled across an audio of Nick reading "The Emperor's New Clothes" before (I literally have no context of why he was reading that and it was literally just audio, not sure if I can find it anymore) and it was so soothing and calming that I fell asleep to it one night. Besides the full-cast RWRB audiobook that I'm practically demanding at this point, I wonder if he would be interested in doing more audiobook/narration stuff. He's really got the voice for it
The King sending a suit of armour to protect the prince's heart kind of further proves my point of the King being a much more loving grandparent to Henry than the queen in the book, and him worrying more about Henry himself than the image of the crown. He noticed that 1, Henry is an emotionally sensitive person, 2, Henry is gay, and both of those things could be turned against him easily, and he will get hurt. He does love Henry, just not in a way that's good for Henry. If we get a sequel I do hope we can see them reconcile in one way or another. It'd be a nice example for people in the same positions.
The "Nothing will ever happen to him" line!!!! I wrote a whole essay about Kensington and this line because somehow this line was one of the most powerful ones to me, but to know that it was originally Henry's word just adds another level of pain to the Kensington scene
You can see Henry's face light up when he starts talking about the peasant boy. And Alex's quick eyebrow raise and deep chuckle. It's so beautiful, I wanna cry
We talk about Alex's heart eyes, which, yes, but Henry's look of pure adoration and love at Alex when he says "Truly Alive" makes me want to melt
I yelled a little at Alex when he started to lay back down (as in I verbally shouted "DAMMIT ALEX LOOK AT YOUR MAN") because I felt like if Alex saw Henry's face in the following lines he'd figure out Henry has issues earlier? But then I saw a take saying the shot was framed like theatre where Henry's both centre stage and in the spotlight so the focus is on him, so Alex was designed to lay back down on the timber bench to make the entire space for Henry
Henry's look of sad longing when he talks about the peasant boy pulling apart his armor is heartbreaking
I wonder if this was originally planned to be the changing point from Alex's POV to Henry's POV? Because in that case I do think the lake scene worked better as a changing point
I also wonder how did Henry end the story in his head up to this point? Because as hopefully as the last line is, at this point in the story, Henry still doesn't believe he can keep this
I get why scenes are cut because when you're putting together a movie, there are a lot of things you don't see for individual scenes until you put them together. This is why as much as I want the cast and crew to get the premiere they deserve to have, I don't really want an extended cut of the movie, because things were cut for a good reason
That being said, if the cornetto scene and this scene proved anything, is that the scenes themselves are fascinating, and I WANT THEM ALL
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I don’t think I’ll do any other auary prompts, but this one seemed good for a chapter I have written for an au where the Rise boys go through the fear fungus from the 2012 series!
Mikey was on his plastron, laying on the floor. He had a paper in front of him and different colored pencils splayed around. He kicks his feet up and down as he draws. It had been too long since his last one. It felt good to stretch out his artistic muscles. He can’t really remember why he it took him so long to do this. He keeps his attention to the paper as one of his brothers walks in.
“Hey Donnie, what’s up?”
He continues drawing, not looking up at him just yet.
He jumps in surprise at his yelling and Donnie finally gets his attention.
They’re no longer in his room.
They’re in the turtle tank.
Emergency lights are flashing and metallic screeching fills his ears.
He remembers what this is.
“No! How did we get back here!?”
“Mikey! Pay attention! We have to find a way out!”
Donnie grips Mikey’s shoulders.
Mikey shakes. He knows there isn’t one. There wasn’t back then. There wouldn’t be now.
“D-Donnie, there’s-“
The walls start getting crushed around them.
Donnie throws himself over Mikey, holding him tight. Mikey closes his eyes, waiting for it all to go away, for it to be okay.
When he opens his eyes again, he’s outside the tank. He sighs in relief until he sees Leo kneeling down next to Donnie while Casey stands over them.
This didn’t happen before.
Mikey rushes over and sees that Leo is trying to perform CPR. He’s crying as Casey stares down in shock.
“Donnie!! No! No! Please! Wake up! You can’t do this to me!” Leo sobs as he keeps trying.
Even Mikey with his lack of medical knowledge knows that Donnie wasn’t going to wake up. He was….his body….it…was broken. Shattered. Squished. He wants to throw up. He wants to scream. He wants to cry.
For some reason he can’t do any of that.
Casey puts a hand on Leo’s shoulder, causing him to stop. Mikey can see the emotions flashing in his eyes. It’s changed from desperation to devastation to…something scary. Leo stands up and looks at Mikey.
“He just had to get stuck with you.”
Leo takes a step towards him.
“If it had been anyone else, they could have actually done something! They wouldn’t have been a scared little baby hiding in their shell!”
Mikey’s breathing gets choppy.
“No! Th-There was nothing I could-!”
“You always have to be the one getting protected! He would have made it if he wasn’t saving you!”
Mikey steps back.
“I-I’m sorry-“
“You’re sorry!? Now you’re sorry!? You never care about how much we have to worry about you! You’re nothing but a burden! And now you got Donnie killed!”
Mikey grips his head in grief and terror, finally screaming and sobbing.
He sits up in bed, still doing the same. He can’t stop shaking. His breathing is out of control.
He hears frenzied, hurried, loud stomps coming towards his train car. Raph slams his train car door open.
“Mikey! What’s wrong!?”
Mikey can’t help but keep sobbing, he’s in no condition to even try to answer.
Raph opens up his arms, allowing Mikey the option to hug but not going in for one right away in case it would only make it worse. Mikey basically jumps into his arms and clings to him. Raph hugs him tight, rubbing his shell comfortingly.
“Raph is here Mikey. Don’t worry.”
Mikey nearly chokes he gasps so fast.
Raph starts to understand and cradles Mikey close. He walks him over to one of the other train cars and gingerly walks in. Mikey can see that Leo and Donnie are sleeping next to each other in Raph’s bed. Mikey nearly falls out of Raph’s arms trying to get to him.
“Hey, be careful big man, calm down a second.” Raph whispers.
Raph gently places Mikey between the twins. Mikey sniffles and nuzzles his head into the crook of Donnie’s neck. It was easy to feel his pulse and hear him breathe this way.
Leo and Donnie both drape their arms over Mikey in their sleep. Mikey sighs slightly, calming down now that he knows for sure Donnie is safe and Leo doesn’t hate him.
Even subconsciously they care.
Raph crawls into bed and wraps himself around everyone, pulling them even closer.
“W-Wait….if everyone was asleep here….h-how did you hear me when they couldn’t?” Mikey asks quietly.
Raph glances away.
“….Raph….are you moving people in their sleep again? Were you coming to take me too?”
Raph taps his fingers together.
Mikey can’t help but smile tiredly. He may not be sure that his brothers will never be in danger again, but they’d never hate him like he saw in that dream.
“We’ll talk about that in the morning.” He closes his eyes.
He hears Raph sigh in relief. They’re all squished together a little more and Mikey couldn’t be happier about it. He falls asleep quickly.
In the morning, Mikey wakes up to Donnie playing games on his Switch. It seemed like all he could do since he was still very largely trapped by Raph and partially by Mikey himself.
“Can I watch?”
“I can’t stop you in the slightest.”
Mikey smiles and looks down at the screen.
Donnie tilts the switch slightly so Mikey can see better.
They stay like that for a while in silence.
“Yes, ‘Angelo?”
“I….I’m sorry.”
Donnie pauses for a moment then continues playing.
“For helping trap me in this bed?”
“That you had to protect me so much during all the Kraang stuff.”
Donnie pauses the game this time.
“Excuse me, had to? Are you assuming I was forced to?”
“I couldn’t get my portal powers working-“
“They were sealed off and when you got them back you threw an entire building at the krang. Not to mention you ripped through space and time to get Leo back. I believe it makes up any transgressions you believe happened.”
Mikey smiles.
“Thanks, Donnie.”
“You’re welcome. Now help me decorate my island.”
Mikey continues watching him play until Leo wakes up.
He yawns and stretches as much as he can.
“Mmmm….did Raph kidnap us from our beds again?”
“That would seem to be the case, yes.” Donnie answers.
“Not me….I had a nightmare.”
Leo and Donnie both look at him.
“What? A nightmare? I thought you were getting less of those now.”
“I thought I was too….but it was just one Leo. I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to sleep in your room tonight?”
Mikey thinks for a moment.
“Yeah. That might help.”
Leo smiles and pats his head.
“Another sleepover it is.”
Mikey was pretty sure he was being babied right now, but after your entire family is almost killed twice you sort of get over it.
Besides, it helped everyone else to let them do it. Especially Leo. He was the one who wouldn’t let Mikey out of his sight the most.
Leo looks over at Raph next and pushes his face.
“Time to get up bro.”
Raph grumbles and finally releases everyone as he wakes up.
The rest of them are able to sit up now.
“I’m going to make breakfast-“
“Incorrect. I believe today father is making breakfast. No straining your arms yet.”
Mikey sighs.
He almost forgot about it.
“Okay Donnie. I won’t touch a single spatula, I promise.”
He and Mikey leave the bed.
Leo tries to follow but almost falls off it.
Several hands reach out to catch him, but Raph is the one who does.
“Alright, get up here.”
Leo let’s Raph pick him up.
“Vamonos! To the kitchen!”
He points.
Raph chuckles and carries him out.
Mikey and Donnie follow them.
They all eat breakfast together and the rest of the day makes the nightmare start to fade from Mikey’s memory. He was never alone the whole time, even being joined for his physical therapy time.
They all needed it anyways.
Still, the night came a little too soon for his liking. It brought the feelings back to his mind. He really didn’t want another nightmare like the last one. Not something so real.
He’s taken out of those thoughts as Leo leans his arm on his shoulder.
“Ready to get a good night’s sleep?”
Mikey smiles softly.
“You know it!”
He helps Leo to his room and into his hammock. It takes some time to join him because of balancing issues, but once he finally flops onto it, they laugh at the struggle of it all.
The two of them talk about everything and nothing. How Mikey’s been feeling, how Splinter left egg shells in the breakfast this morning, what the plans are for tomorrow.
As Leo chatters on, Mikey’s eyes droop. Leo softly rubs circles into his little brother’s shell, enticing him more into sleep.
His eyes fully close and he drifts off to sleep.
He wasn’t even granted a peaceful start this time.
Black tendrils dig into his skin and crawl up around his face. He tries to avoid looking at the weird mass of teeth next to him.
“Gross, gross gross gross, Donnie-!” His face drops the moment he looks at the state he’s in.
The tendrils have spread far and Donnie’s head was drooped down. His eyes were gray and lifeless. There was no movement coming from him in the slightest.
Mikey panics and look towards where Leo and Raph had been fighting.
Leo was in a similar state to Donnie but for a different reason. He was pierced clean through the plastron with Raph’s Kraangified arm.
Raph had Leo’s weapon imbedded into his chest.
Mikey screams out as he’s enveloped by the tendrils.
He shoots straight up and breathes heavily.
His eyes quickly move to the occupied side of the hammock.
Leo is breathing steadily, curled up close to him. Mikey smiles softly and lays back down, presses his cheek against his brother’s. His eyes close for a second just to take in the fact that he’s still around. The moment that he realizes something is wrong when he feels his skin become wet.
Opening his eyes, it’s obvious that Leo is crying in his sleep. There’s a slight shaking coming from him too. Mikey immediately starts shaking him awake.
“Leo, wake up!”
He opens his eyes that dart around the room before finally landing on Mikey.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.” He takes his hand and squeezes it.
Leo breathes shakily and stares hard until he glances behind him. That’s when he grabs Mikey and tosses both of them off the hammock. He lands on the floor on his shell, shouting in pain slightly from his previous injuries.
“W-We have get out of here, now!” His hand scrambles for something.
“It wasn’t real! We’re both okay!”
“No, you don’t get it! Something’s wrong! And I’m not letting it hurt you!” He grabs a ruler that was on the ground and turns it into his sword.
“Leo! You can’t! You promised!”
“You’re more important!” He opens a portal and sends them through.
They wind up in Donnie’s lab, scaring the crap out of the soft shell who was already heavily on guard since he wasn’t supposed to be staying up this late.
“Nardo!? You said you wouldn’t use a portal again until we all agreed you could!”
“I-I had to! Take Mikey, there’s something in his room!” Leo moves him away and tries to open another portal.
Donnie lunges forward and takes the sword from him.
“Mikey, what’s happening!?”
“I don’t know! We both had nightmares and now he’s freaking out!”
“Give it back! We can’t leave that thing in there!” Leo tries to stand and grab at the sword.
“I’ll take care of it! Just no more portals!” Donnie holds it away.
“No! I can’t let you!” He reaches up more but immediately stops at the sharp pain coming from his shell.
Leo falls over back onto the floor. Having used up too much energy and worsened old injuries, he was out cold again.
The sword in Donnie’s hand turns back into a ruler that he tosses aside in favor of picking Leo up.
“Let’s get him to med bay.”
They rush to the train car holding all the supplies they had basically emptied not too long ago.
Both of them hated the fact that Leo was back in it again so soon. Despite every insistence from him, they knew he had probably developed a fear of the type of room he used to love.
Donnie lays him in the bed and sets up a monitor for his vitals. They seemed steady at the moment so he just makes sure that all his injuries are taken care of.
“Is….is he going to be okay….?” Mikey frowns as he gets closer to the bed.
“Of course. This is nothing. This is fixable. As long as he…doesn’t go anywhere we can’t….I can fix it.” He grips the metal bed railing tightly.
“I’m going to go wake up Raph and tell him what happened.” He turns to leave.
Mikey stop and looks at him.
“Take my battle shell with you, just in case.” He takes it off, holds it out to him.
Mikey’s heart starts beating fast at thinking about his first nightmare.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine!”
“I wasn’t asking.” He shoves it into his arms with an extremely stern look.
“O-Oh….okay. I’ll be right back.”
Donnie nods and goes back to keeping an eye on Leo.
Mikey leaves, gripping the shell tightly as he rushes to Raph’s train car. He finds him wrapped around the teddy bears he had made to look like them.
It was a big relief that they had survived when Shredder ruined their first home and when the Kraang got into their current one.
“Raph! Raaaaaph!! Wake up!”
He groggily opens his eyes and sits up, holding the bears still as he yawns.
“Mmmm….oh, Mikey, another nightmare? C’mere.” He holds the bears with one hand and reaches for him with the other.
“No! Yes, but that’s not what’s happening! Leo thought he saw something in my room-“
“There’s something in your room!? Raph’s got it!” He drops the bears and runs to Mikey’s room.
He quickly runs after him.
“No! Raph! Stop it!”
They eventually both reach the room where Raph starts looking all over.
“Whatever you are, come out! Leave my brothers alone!”
“Raph! You didn’t hear me right! There’s nothing-!”
“Found it!”
“What….?” He looks up at where Raph’s line of sight is.
In the corner of the train car, there’s a blue, glowing creature with small tendrils coming out of it.
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skzpixiekaifei · 7 months
Pixie and her relationships with the guys
I.E, what makes her relationships with the men memorable
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
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Chanxie (Chan x Kai) - Mother and Father duo 
Popularity: 9/10 
Labeled as the mother and father of the group, the two are extremely close. When the two of them are paired up together, they take on caretaking roles. She makes sure Chan is eating and drinking properly, going as far as to hiding his laptop when he gets too workaholic. This led to many fights in their early years, but now when he starts overworking himself, all she needs to do is give him a look and he then takes a break. 
He introduced her to production pre-debut days. She is the only one in the group to be one of the producers that is not a part of 3racha 
He helped her discover her love of cooking, particularly Australian foods. 
When he starts getting homesick, she overnight ships ingredients to make homemade pizza or sashimi 
He makes sure she’s in bed at a reasonable time 
She is a shoulder to cry on for him and vice versa 
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Minai (Minho x Kai) - Mother and daughter 
Popularity: 8/10 
When Chan is the father, kind to Kai, Minho is the tough love. Sure, he makes sure she’s okay first if she gets hurt, but when he knows she’s okay, he roasts the hell out of her. The two have an... interesting relationship. The two could be having skin ship one second, and then wrestling the next.  
Ex. “Have you eaten yet? Did you get hurt?” “Yes, Min. No, Min.” “You’re going to be” proceeds to chase her around the kitchen, going for her sides to tickle her. 
Teases her about her height (How’s the breeze down there?) 
She was the first one to eat lunch with him at the company 
She comforted him when he got eliminated. (“So what if you got eliminated? You have a friend in me now. I refuse to leave you behind; you are my family now”) 
Gets genuinely upset when he self-deprecates. He had to stop in front of her when she started crying 
Cooking duo 
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Binxie (Changbin x Kai) - The lovebirds 
Popularity: 9.5/10 
The loudest two in the group become the quietest when the two are paired together. I mean it. Changbin can go from yelling in one second but when Kai is touching him? Sedated. They are each other's rocks, and they are never not touching each other when together. And they are always together. 
Started calling her princess during the survival show 
Always gropes his ass or tits (It's not in a sexual way, it genuinely gives her comfort) 
Each other’s biggest cheerleaders 
They always give each other praise and compliments 
Whenever she starts crying on camera (Because let's face it, she’s very emotional), he cups her face and wipes the tears away himself. There is a five-minute compilation of him doing this on YouTube of just 2023 alone 
Gym duo (They always go together. It's scary to see how much she gained muscle when she went with him) 
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Jinx (Hyunjin x Kai) - Sibling duo 
Popularity: 6/10 
The two are extremely close due to their dramatic flair. It seems like she is more dramatic than Hyunjin in some instances. She is like his big sister even though he’s older. They physically fight (Playfully, it’s all-in good fun), and she says he in her sleep paralysis demon at times. 
Was the first person she came out to 
She is helping him learn Mandarin 
Gave each other black eyes once. The makeup artists had a field day with that one 
Once, she hurt her ankle on stage by twisting it early in the performance. Hyunjin put her on his back and proceeded to finish the concert with her on his back. 
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Hanai (Jisung x Kai) - The loud introverts 
Popularity: 6/10 
What happens when you put Kai and Han in the same room? Opposite to Changbin and Kai. Loudest mfs EVER. They were forced to sit in different cars because they would scream like mfing seagulls. I mean it. 
Helps Han with his anxiety 
He helps her practice her rap 
She fuels his americano addiction 
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Yonxie (Felix x Kai) - Baking duo 
Popularity: 4/10 
Kai and Felix together can only bring chaos. The two have been in a prank war for roughly five years. She always compliments him, to follow up with a slew of dance battles. She and him do so many tik tok challenges together, that her public tik tok is filled with dances from the two. 
Tease each other on each other's accents 
Cuddles everywhere 
He is teaching her self-defense 
She helped him come up with his brownie recipe 
He is the testing dummy for all new baking creations. 
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Seungmai (Seungmin x Kai) - Puppy duo 
Popularity: 7/10 
Savages. They roast the hell out of each other. She tries to compliment him, and you know what he does? Call her a pervert. She proceeds to manhandle him, due to her being very strong, despite her small stature.  
Laughs at him at every chance she gets 
While Seungmin is the more hyperactive puppy, she is the sleepy kind 
Has a collection of images on his phone of her asleep in places she isn’t supposed to be in 
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Jeongai (Jeongin x Kai) - Platonic soulmates 
Popularity: 8/10 
Since the two are the Maknaes of the group, they are extremely close. They are attached to the hip. If Kai isn’t with Changbin, she’s with I.N. He is the person to realize her love for singing more than dance.  
The two always are seen asleep together. Where I.N goes, she goes 
Was the first person to know of her mental problems 
Extremely protective over her, more so than the other members 
The only person he allows excessive amounts of skin ship from 
They both go drinking together 
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
Can you do a "being nat's sister" hc? Like she went with nat to nationals. (Post crash stuff too)
Sister Nat x Reader:
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This was long
TW: Abuse + Substance Issues
Both you and Nat were accident babies but especially you. Her parents had settled with Nat but then you were born.
Nat had a hard time warming up to you. She was only around kids at school and was naturally a loner she didn't have that many friends at an early age so a new baby in her space was weird for sure
She liked her personal space and would side-eye you whenever you wanted her attention especially if it was by making a mess. "God you're so gross" she'd comment eyebrows raising in disgust observing you drool all over yourself on the dining room table. (like Nat girly pop shes a baby 😒 babies gonna be icky and loud).
But she saw how badly your parents resented you for taking up more of their time and money it actually was upsetting for her. Nat vowed to be your #1 protector the day your dad first yelled at you for being upset.
It was a bad day, you just couldn't stop crying and no one knew why. "Fuck she won't shut up! The brat's giving me a headache!" slamming his beer on the countertop turning to your mother who was at her wits end rocking you back and forth the entire afternoon. Nat locked herself in her room tuning out whatever was happening outside until she heard something break and your screaming getting worse
she burst into the kitchen and saw your dad get in your flushed face screeching in your highchair and of course, your mom didn't do anything but sob. Nat pushed him away and stood her ground, he gave her one of the worst beatings of her life but it was worth it to keep you safe.
That was the first night she let you sleep in her bed, and let you sleep with her until you were comfortable enough to be alone
Nat took the brunt of the abuse over the years because she didn't want to expose you to how bad your parents could treat you. She'd force you to stay in her room whenever confrontations happened or walk you to the local park and let you play for a while forget about your troubles, she would even teach you a little bit of soccer if you wanted to.
Doesn't want you around alcohol or drugs (she's a hypocrite I know) but she wanted better for you, she wanted you to succeed to be able to leave and make something out of yourself not feel stuck, and have the same shit (untrue) reputation she had.
Which meant she'd be on your ass at parties, "what are you doing?🤨” shoving your solo cup behind you "nothing.. 😀" nat jeered at you as you swayed back and forth sooo out of it. “You smell like vodka hand it over😡” you rolled your eyes and told her she's no fun but she brushed it off.
Absolute garbage at regular school work but is great with helping you make art projects and anything creative. She definitely asked Lottie or Tai to help you with any classes you were failing.
Will back you up and support anything you do, any performances or recitals you have, she will be there in the first row, she will skip practice to watch you play the sport you're in, stay's up late at night just to help you prepare for presentations
any spare money would go to taking care of you and whatever you needed whether that's school supplies or any new clothes. Your mom insisted Nat give you her hand-me-downs but Nat refused, she wanted you to find your own style.
You weren't home when your dad died, your mom was inconsolable and Nat completely shut herself off, you took care of her for a while and never blamed her for what happened to your dad. (something you had to constantly remind her of).
She's grateful you never judged her, just wanting to keep her safe like she did to you.
Silly sibling things:
Will kill you if you don't let her sleep in late
Interrogates any person you like or want to be in a relationship with. "I will kill you if you hurt them ☺️” all smiley while your S/O is shitting their pants.
Constantly reminds you to be responsible with your S/O. “Y/N don’t do anything stupid, and don't get pregnant. "GOD NAT I WONT 🤬."
Stealing each other's stuff but not fessing up to it or saying it looks better on your or her, (y'all never mean it).
The rest of the team also were your designated sisters, they would help you when nat couldn't.
ghosts you sometimes, she doesn't mean to she has garbage memory and a sense of "what was I gonna do again? syndrome" (which is why the other girls help you out)
You call her out about liking guys esp Travis "you're a girl kisser, you're all goo goo eyed whenever Lot's is around" cue to her stomping her cigarette out and walking away all huffy.
Lottie strut’s up “y/n why did Nat do that??" "she's in love with you Lots 😏" she looks at you like you grew a third head, "HUH" "nevermind 🙃" clueless gf’s for real.
You were her top priority before the crash and especially after it.
Nat had invited you to the trip for support and you were so excited everything was so luxurious. You plopped down next to Nat listening to music with her, dozing off to sleep until you woke up on the floor still attached to your broken seat.
She was terrified when she got out of the plane and couldn't find you, her brain conjuring your death. The worst thing that could happen to you coming true (you being gone would kill her.)
She found you heaving in Lottie's arms, she thanked whatever was listening to her hopes and prayers that you survived.
she never let you go or left your side once for the first few days in the woods, and is the only person that can comfort you when you're about to break down "listen to me everything's going to be ok! You know I'm never wrong."
you'd revert to sleeping with her like when you were a baby, being nervous to ask if you could though "of course you can, you could never annoy me, get in"
She'd ask if you wanted to come to hunt with her whether you could shoot the gun or not she loved your company and liked knowing you're safe.
you both would check in on each other especially when things got really bad (the snackie incident, not finding javi, shauna's traumatic birth).
You'd also back her up when she's calling out Lottie's "Voodoo Bullshit." (even if you believed it👀).
Best 👏🏽Sister 👏🏽Ever
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annoyingblondebracket · 9 months
Round 1 | Poll 1
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary. Propaganda under the cut!
Tsukasa Tenma:
~ hes very loud and eccentric and multiple characters say he is annoying
~ He's an extremely loud theater kid who wants to be a world famous star. Anytime he's on screen he'll yell very loudly at least once. Most other characters have an 'oh... it's him.." moment whenever they see him. Others try (and fail) to avoid him so they don't get caught in his antics. He's a loser and the fandom loves him for it.
~ he's a theater kid who is 100% determined to become the Number 1 World Future Star!!! with absolutely zero volume control who is constantly screaming and laughing at the top of his lungs, to the point where you can hear him from pretty much anywhere in the school. several of his friends (who still love him) and random background characters talk about finding him annoying and intrusive at several points in the story. he's a genuinely really sweet guy who is mainly just putting up a front to hide his insecurities but also the man is constantly reciting a mantra that's just him telling you what his name means. also one time he tried to comfort a crying kid at a theme park by screaming his name at her in english (which he does not speak) and just wound up making her cry harder which tells you pretty much all you need to know
~ He is canonically so loud, like helicopter blades whirling levels of loud. He does not know when to shut up, and is just all around, annoying!!
~ generally very loud, overconfident, little self awareness of how silly he is. consistently found annoying by some characters (ie akito, nene, shiho) and can overwhelm others with his intensity at times
~ he is a very loud and slightly obnoxious theatre kid!! although he is a good person deep down, he's constantly bragging about becoming the world's greatest star. one of his close friends, kamishiro rui (not blonde), makes a lot of drones and robots and often brings them to school, causing quite a bit of chaos that tsukasa inevitably gets roped into. the two of them are referred to as the "weirdo wombo combo" (among other names, depending on the translation) and are found particularly annoying by the character shinonome akito, who mostly tolerates him just because they have a close mutual friend. outside of school, tsukasa works part time as a performer in a theme park, along with characters otori emu, kusanagi nene, and the aforementioned kamishiro rui. nene finds his antics very annoying, and regularly wears noise-canceling headphones just to drown out his voice. she also makes fun of him a lot, but it's all in good fun; they're actually very good friends. tsukasa can sometimes be annoyingly overprotective over his younger sister, saki, mostly because she has had health issues all her life and spent years in and out of the hospital. so although he means well, even she finds him annoying on occasion. not to mention he talks to himself, rehearses monologues, and paces around his room quite a lot. i love the guy but i'd hate to live in the same house as him too. most of this can be summed up by saying that he just gives off immense amounts of theatre kid energy, and if you've ever known a theatre kid during tech week or right after a show, you get somewhat of an idea of what tsukasa's peers have to deal with on a regular basis. and i love him dearly
~ He’s so loud and boisterous and cocky and dramatic that a decent chunk of the other characters actively describe him as annoying or loud. He’s a really good guy, he really is, he’s a great big brother and a nice dude, but unless you’re on his wavelength or a compatible wavelength, he’s completely fucking insufferable.
~ He is LOUD. SO VERY LOUD. The entire school he goes to knows who he is (maybe not by name, but as that-one-guy-who-never-stops-screaming) and will roll their eyes when they see him approach. He's a theater kid also if that wasn't bad enough. And stupid as hell. Ridiculous. I love him so much
~ He's extremely confident and almost always posing and/or screaming. Characters frequently comment on how loud or over the top he is and several characters make a point to try to avoid him when they see him out in public.
~ he's a loud, exuberant, overdramatic theater kid!!! 90% of the time he is shouting and loves to just strike poses whenever he can! tends to overreact and many many characters regard him as loud and annoying but he also has a really big heart and cares a lot about his loved ones and he also expresses that fact very VERY loudly. he's so STUPID (affectionate)
~ Fucking malewife. Horrid little man.
~ He simps so hard for literally every single women
~ everything about him [ is annoying ] pretty much (endearing)
~ be normal about women for once in your life king please
~ he swoons over every woman he sees and it annoys everyone around him (he is very stupid and i love him)
~ Creepy abt women
~ Obsessed with women to an insane level; he'd do anything for women including getting in their bed first because he "thought they didn't want to be alone"; also he's a better cook than me
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iciatheguardess · 9 months
[HEAVY TW for: explicit descriptions of bl00d, g0re, a kn!fe, sewing w0unds with thread and other things of that nature]
[Disclaimer: the first aid you see in this post is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Do not pull a knife out of your upper stomach like her. Get a professional to do it instead. Half the things Icia does here is very wrong and would likely get her killed or make the wound infected irl. Do not follow her example.]
Icia staggers into her house, heaving for air. Her blood pulses and stains her dress, as she clutches the area. Deep red pools over her hands like a sickening dye. Icia can already feel herself getting lightheaded just from looking at it, uneven splotches of ice crackling under each step.
There isn't anyone around who can help. Pyx is way too far to go to. Lance and Raina... God knows where they are- hopefully just not stabbed. Starro is busy in the circus for a large upcoming performance.
She has no one to look to but herself.
Icia heaves herself to the sink, pulling herself onto the counter. The pressure makes the blade shift, causing her to swallow a scream, but she still manages to yank her cape and now-destroyed dress off to make her body lighter, leaving only some now-stained underclothing.
Icia takes the faucet head and aims it at the wound, turning on the water. The cool liquid colliding with the wound is uncomfortable, yes, but not unbearable.
Icia leans against the wall, exhausted and dizzy as the water flushes the wound. She breaks, physically breaks her hair out of its bun before adjusting the sink water to be hot. She sprays her hair with it, melting it all into a jelly-like, gross, unshapen mess. It looks terrible, but is way more comfortable than the bun. Icia could care less how it looks though, as she cools the water down again and resumes flushing the wound (and her bloody hands).
After about 10 minutes she turns off the sink, sliding as slowly as she can to her foot. It's agonizing, but she sucks it up and makes her way to the couch, collapsing with a cry.
"Okay... god... ow..." she mumbles. "I have to get this knife out...."
That's a stupid idea. Icia knows it. But she also doesn't want this to cause more damage inside her... so praying Pyxel never finds out about this, she grabs the first aid kit and stuffs the surrounding area with gauze.
Guess she can't be too worried about what damage she'll do, given the strange anatomy of digital avatars. If this was real life, who knows how long ago Icia would have died...? She surrounds the knife with gauze, syncing her breathing with a simple tune stuck in her head.
Finally, she uses one hand to press against the gauze tightly around the knife, and the other to grasp the knives handle. She gets ready to scream.
"3... 2... 1."
Icia pulls the knife out about an inch. A yell of agony escapes her, followed by a very loud and censored but well-deserved curse. Her breathing is fast and shallow as she holds the knife steady. The gauze is already sopping up blood, and she readies herself again while squeezing tighter.
"Slower..." Icia whispers to herself. Silvery tears run down her cheeks. "Okay... okay, just a bit more... 2... 1...."
And she pulls again, though much slower and this time she doesn't stop. Icia resists the urge to buck around in pain, like an animal being operated on. She even grabs a stuffed animal and bites hard, moaning sobs of pain escaping her. The knife continues to slide out of her stomach... 1 inch, then 2, then 3, and so on.
Finally, the tip of the knife says farewell to the wound. Icia heaves in relief and nausea, immediately grabbing a handful of more gauze and holding it over her injury. It continues to bleed, even with enough pressure to feel torturous.
Icia cries out, sitting up. This wound... it feels way, way deeper than it looked- the knife was about 10 inches deep in her upper stomach. Gauze isn't gonna stop this alone... maybe going to Pyx really would have been the better choice, despite the traveling distance.
But Icia almost thinks of this wound and her improper care of it as something she has to do, alone. A trial, in a way. She leans forward, letting the wait fall back to her leg as she looks up at the stairs... she really, really, really, REALLY doesn't know if she can make it up them. She's already so dizzy it's nearly blinding.
The sewing kit is next to her closet, on her vanity. That's about... 25-ish steps there, 25 back. Each slow step is agonizing.... so Icia does something incredibly idiotic (Girl, you gotta stop) and makes a beeline for her stairs, fueled on adrenaline and searing pain.
Grabbing the kit takes about 15 seconds total, but each second feels distorted and loopy as she falls back onto the couch. Blood pools down her front due to disregard for keeping pressure on the wound and therefore left a bloody shuffle print that mixed with the obvious trail of ice up the stairs. Time is running out. (Mod, hurry this up.)
Icia wastes only a second to catch her breath before threading a needle and sliding the blood-filled mass of gauze off her stomach. It's not bleeding as heavily, but the fact more fluid oozes out with every breath terrifies Icia quite a bit more.
She sinks the needle into her skin and out the other way. Then she does it again.
Sewing skin feels awful and thick compared to clothes, though far less painful than anything she's done yet. Icia vows to never do this again unless she absolutely has to, as she watches her hands weave over and under the gaping wound. And when it pulls, she feels the thread tightening and nearly gets sick once again as it pulls the wound closed uncomfortably. It certainly doesn't look pretty either, which adds to Icia's queasiness.
With the last of the gauze, Icia holds more pressure to the wound. At this point she doesn't even know how much time has passed. Her hair is broken and melted. She's almost fully bare, making her shiver for the first time in what feels like her whole life. Tears stain her cheeks.
But finally, a tiny ray of hope.... at long last, the bleeding stops. And thank God, that was the very last of the gauze she applied. Icia sighs, using a triangular cloth bandage to wipe away the excess blood then a wrap to secure the dressings in place. She wraps around herself a number of times before snapping the wrap off from the roll and securing it... and heaves a heavy sigh.
Her dress is destroyed.
Her hair is a jelly, uncomfortable mess.
There's bloody trails and stains everywhere.
The pain isn't intense, but God is it awfully teasing.
She's so nauseous from the sights, sounds, feelings, and smells that doing anything other than raising an arm makes her gag.
She can't tell if that's saliva or blood dripping from where her mouth should be.
She feels so, so... cold. For the first time that she can remember, Icia feels genuinely cold. She's shivering violently, maybe from blood loss or maybe from leaving her only two insulating clothes by the sink. Icia carefully pulls a blanket towards her and puts it around her shoulders... better than nothing.
And just like that it's over. She's not bleeding. She's not in danger. She's sickly and ill and definitely needs to rest a while, but she's okay.
Icia closes her eyes, with quiet sobs escaping her. It's over.... she thinks. And over is perfect for her right now.
[Hope you liked this, I've been working VERY hard on it. I'm proud of this!]
[This will also delay Starro's intro bc she needs time to recover so... yeaaaaaaa thx elsie :)]
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OCkiss24 day six: reach
Felix didn’t know what to do. 
Everywhere she looked, there was more destruction. Set animals with their long biforked tails ran through the Gaul refugee camp, trampling everything in their path. They slashed through the canvas tents and stuck their long pointed snouts inside, ripping the flesh off the people taking shelter there. Most of the people here were displaced civilians and Felix watched in horror as families were chased through the wreckage of the camp. A man tripped and the Set animals descended upon him like wolves. A lady desperately hung onto a branch of a tree and they jumped up, grabbing her dress in their teeth and trying to pull her down. The air was filled with the crying of lost children and screaming of the unfortunate. 
There was some resistance though. To her left, Aurelius and Marcellus, the centurion of their legion, were fighting back to back, swords cutting through the vile black beasts. To her right, Philo was firing shot after shot from his bow, trying to pick off the creatures that had cornered people. A few of the refugees were Gaul soldiers; they had their long swords out and were helping to push the creatures back but even so their little band was sorely outnumbered against the creatures. 
And in the middle of it all was Anipe. But it wasn’t really her, was it? Her eyes had rolled back in her head during dinner a half hour ago and she dropped her food with a clatter. Her body had seized up, her back arching, and a deep voice that was not hers boomed out declaring itself Set, the god of chaos and destruction, come to rule the world. She had raised her hand and that had been the start of it, the first horrid Set animals forming out of the ground. 
Now she stood in the middle of the battle, white dress stained with blood, cackling and clapping her hands at the bloodshed like it was her favorite performance. A faint red glow exuded out of her. 
Felix’s eyes narrowed. “SET!”
Anipe turned to her with a blank expression. 
“Leave these people alone!” Felix commanded. “They did no wrong!”
“It’s not a question of right or wrong,” Set said dismissively, “it’s a matter of who’s in my way. These people aren’t stopping me, no, but you are and they’ll follow you anywhere. And for that… you, all your friends, and followers must die.”
Felix charged with a yell, sword at the ready. 
Set just stood there with a wicked grin. 
Felix raised her sword above her head, ready to bring it down into Set’s collar bone when suddenly Anipe stumbled. She looked up with fearful eyes. “F-Felix?”
Felix froze, her lover’s plea for help catching her off guard. In that split second hesitation, Anipe’s eyes rolled back again and Set slammed a fist into Felix’s stomach. She went flying back and landed with a sickening crunch. She weakly grabbed her ribs and a flash of pain went through her. 
Set laughed, a mocking condescending sound, as he walked towards her. “This is why you’re weak, Opto. For all your fancy fighting skills, you’re still a slave to your heart. You’ll never be able to stop me as long as you hold yourself back like this.”
Felix groaned, forcing herself to her feet. 
Set raised another hand and a red ball of glowing light formed in his palm. Felix closed her eyes, bracing for the worst. 
But nothing happened. 
Felix cracked an eye open. Where the red had once been, the ball of light now glowed a light blue, the color of Anipe’s magic. Her face was screwed up in concentration; sweat beaded up on her forehead. 
“Anipe?” Felix croaked. 
Anipe’s eyes flicked up to her. “It’s so loud in my head. I can’t hold him off much longer.”
As if on cue, her eyes turned red again and Set shook his head to clear it. 
“Stupid Thoth,” he cursed, “trying to push me out of his avatar. Giving her his power as if she didn’t want this. It’s not my fault she asked me to do this.”
“You liar,” Felix spat. “You stupid fucking liar!”
“Oh, did you not know?” Set feigned concern, putting a hand over his mouth. “Your beloved Pharaoh Anipe here asked me to use her body as a vessel. She’s the one who freed me from the old scrolls, blinded by Thoth’s pointless pursuit of knowledge. Don’t believe me? Ask her yourself.”
Anipe stumbled forward, falling into Felix’s arms. She trembled like a leaf as she looked up at her. “I– it’s true, I did. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know this would happen. Kill me, please kill me. I don’t want any more innocent people to die. Stop him, please.”
Felix’s mouth turned dry. 
With a small sigh, Anipe fell against Felix’s chest. She shakily opened her eyes like each one weighed a pound. “F-Felix…”
“Anipe…” Felix didn’t know what to do. Holding her lover in her arms while she begged to die and two gods fought under her skin was heart wrenching. 
“It’s so loud…” Anipe whispered, eyes falling shut again. “Make it stop… Make them be quiet…”
The air around them crackled with magic. Bursts of red and blue lit up in her veins as the gods battled for control. Around them, the tide in the battle against the Set animals started to turn but Felix was oblivious. Anipe’s breaths seemed to get more and more shallow until Felix struggled to see her breathe at all. 
“Anipe?” Felix gently shook her. “Anipe? Anipe?”
She reached out and grabbed her partner’s hand, gripping it so hard her knuckles turned white. 
“Nonononono,” she whispered. “Come back to me, come back. You can do it, you can beat him, you’re stronger. I don’t care if you let him out in the first place, I’m sure you didn’t know ihe would do this. Beat him, you can do it, I believe in you.”
Anipe’s brows furrowed.
A burst of blinding blue light exploded out of her small frame, flooding the remnants of the camp with light. The Set animals shrieked in pain as their bodies withered and burned away leaving behind a pile of ash and a putrid smell. 
Felix slowly blinked the spots out of her vision. Anipe sucked in a deep breath and, chest steadily rising and falling, relaxed more comfortably in her arms. 
Felix looked around in confusion. Her friends were blearily stumbling in the rubble, beginning to check on the injured. 
“It’s over…” Felix realized. “You did it. Oh, you did it, Anipe, you did it!”
She pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Then her forehead, her ear, and her cheek. 
“You did it, he’s gone, we’re alive,” Felix rejoiced. “I knew you could do it. I love you so much.”
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stormyoceans · 8 months
vv brainrot continuation:
Day's performance like Talay's performance in the association after returning to their universe
Inserting meaningful flashbacks from their past reminded me of the flashbacks in our skyy
In all universes, we will embarrass and flirt with each other in the bookstore
plugging your mouth with your index finger (somewhere this is done Puen with Talay in the cinema at the premiere of the film)
Groping the six-pack (where is my favorite scene of Oishi in episode 8, when they were playing reflectance)
A song from Vice Versa while eating a cake (Monica, tell me that you also thought it would be a nomnom, I don't want to be the only creepy)
Look at the pre-wedding photos on the screen (I'm marrying a colorist hello)
This whole situation with Day saying that Mork needs to fly back again sends me to Talay telling Puen to communicate with Pang, and he says that they need to split up and look for their portkey
When Day asks Mork to give them a second chance to start over, I got Talay's vibes, who confesses his love to Puen on the bus. and their hugs are hugs in a glasshouse (ai dang).
The narration on behalf of Day reminds of Talay's summing up at the end (Sea needs to record audiobooks, he has such a pleasant timbre) Mork and Day arrived at the grave. Do you think Puen brought Talay to his parents' grave and told them not to worry and he has Talay who will take care of him? I'm so cry
Okay, Night, forcing baby Me to eat, this is Talay and Jigsaw
A mountain is a lake. It always has been and always will be. Mork and Jimmy are both so annoying. You fell in love first, calm down already.
The last minutes of the mountain is completely a scene on the beach in our skyy. Well, Monica, thank you for sharing this journey through brainrot with me. I've been happy to yell on your blog since only friends and feel like it's mutual and I'm not yelling alone. idk when we'll meet again. maybe in an the trainee or at 23.5, or maybe in the second half of the year, when js joint series (manifestation) will be released, or maybe we'll meet in a series from another TV company. in any case, I'm not saying goodbye to you, I'm sure that the brainrot of Vice Versa will continue in other series, because she is the queen and everyone should know the progenitor of romance by sight, and all her chips wander into other series, let them not talk about it out loud.
Your very pink Pinkybrain 💕
my dearest pinkybrain 🩷💜💙🩷
i wanted to wait until i felt a bit better about the ending of last twilight before answering you, because i sadly gotta admit that my personal disappointment prevented me from catching most of brainrot, but that might take me a while and i didn't want to keep you hanging for too long
i apologize if i can't scream too much with you this time, but also i want to take this chance to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past months. since we've started the vv brainrot back during only friends, your messages have been such a big source of joy for me and i was looking forward to them as much as i was looking forward to the episodes themselves. this time too, regardless of how i feel about the episode, getting your message and reading all the parallels you were able to catch made me smile a whole lot (DON'T WORRY I THOUGHT THE CAKE SCENE WOULD END UP IN A NOMNOM MOMENT TOO. THAT OR A SMEARING EACH OTHER'S CHEEK WITH CAKE AND THEN CLEANING IT UP AND MORK SAYING THAT IF THEY WERE AT HOME HE'D EAT IT RIGHT FROM DAY'S FACE SCENE)
i hope we'll be able to meet each other and keep screaming about vice versa together very soon. i love you, pinkybrain 🩷
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