#almost as bad as an own goal but not quite :P
freebooter4ever · 5 months
whoops LOL
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jaybirdswriting · 9 months
Ways For The Main Antagonist To Be Punished For Their Actions
A: Have them live with the guilt of their actions. Let the world move on without them while their mind is caged.
B: Let them see the wonderful way their life would have gone if they made better choices.
C: Let them get exactly what they want. And let exactly what they want be a monkeys paw.
D: Force them to help save the world. Even though they'd rather let it burn.
E: Imprison them in a place they genuinely can't escape from. Let them lose their mind by letting them try.
F: Give them such an embarrassing defeat that their legacy is tainted by it. Have their evil plan be foiled after they tripped over a banana peel.
More Undercut
G: Place a curse on them to endure vaguely annoying scenarios forever. (EX: Their socks are always wet, their food is always just a little too cold, their coffee is never quite sweet enough.)
H: Stick them in a loop where they have to endure every terrible thing they've done to everyone. Except this time they're the one being wronged, not the one doing the wronging.
I: Let they hero get everything they ever wanted.
J: Take away their power power so they're as normal as any of the people they've tormented.
K: Let them almost reach their goal and then tear it from their grasp at the last second.
L: Fuse their mind with someone or something else. That way they'll no longer quite be "themselves" again.
M: Make them live in exile and leave the only land they've ever known.
N: Have them die to protect a cause that was fruitless all along.
O: Make their relevance fade. Their once horrifying name now only eliciting a small "who?" This is particularly brutal for a villain who liked attention or wanted a great legacy.
P: Make their biggest fear their reality.
Q: Trap them in an art piece. Trap them in an art piece, a statue, a poem, etc.
R: Trap them in a memory they wanted to forget.
S: Lock them in a time loop forever. Have them replay a moment again and again with no awareness of what's happening.
T: Have the person they loved most not forgive them for what they've done. They move on without the antagonist who becomes just a bad memory.
U: Make them choose to seal themselves away somewhere so they can avoid the consequences of their actions, not realizing that locking themselves away was going to be a far greater punishment then anything the hero could come up with.
V: Have them turn into a being they spent their entire lives hunting.
W: Let them bring a loved one back from the dead but not be with them.
X: Have the hero stop engaging with them, as their relationship is no longer important know that they've been stopped. This could hurt their ego or their heart.
Y: Make them loose the only thing they have left through their own actions. Whether that be a person, place, or thing.
Z: Don't punish them at all. Let them flee into the night, leaving the heroes with the knowledge that they never paid for their sins. That knowledge could play into a sequel.
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ashperiences · 5 months
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Exploring, is it good? is it bad? Will it take you nearly two decades and 2 re-releases to actually finish this even though you were really into it every time?
Loved this little bundle of horrors, was going oooh at every new floor gimmick almost the whole way.
Getting myself a steamdeck drew me instantly back into the Labyrinth scribbling on the screen and running from enraged deer. There's a really gripping purity to this one that I don't think the later ones have matched, the amount that it allows its own quietness to hold it up is really admirable I think.
The arts evocative, the town does just enough to feel like a place and the obsessive explorer mentality is fed just enough little worldly connections to feel like you're part of some real process. Even little annoying things like forgetting an ariadne thread or switching your landsknecht between her axe and sword for different scenarios just feel like a connection to all the small maintenance and moments and expertise of taking on a profession.
Great and simple example of mechanics telling stories, illustrated perfectly in realising how you remember those desperate mad at yourself struggles back to the surface more than you ever would the successful instant teleport escapes.
All the room you have to get pulled into imagining your little guys internality or lose yourself in the flow of explore, discover, become stronger, push further mindset of it all pays off wonderfully towards the end too.
For all the simplicity on the face of this thing - just a dungeon crawler, just a few npcs to run into occasionally, a world of menus and dungeon tiles, kill monsters get stronger kill more monsters etc. I don't know that I've ever had a game make me so hesitant to accept a mission that I just left the menu and spent ages just wandering around trying to will an alternate path into existence or otherwise just avoid going back and acknowledging what I have to do to continue.
The way it takes your joyful explorer conditioned brain and your attachment to your imaginary friends and stamps on it is so sick. To progress you have to do something horrible, you're free to not accept the mission of course but once you do your image of all this becomes so immediately warped. It's honestly incredible because despite how jarring it is you can't say it isn't a logical progression.
The game takes the logic of killing as a profession and the drive to push on no matter your obstacles in the name of discovery and mastery and makes you confront the banality of actual cruelty that just stems from going with the flow, focusing on nothing but your own goals or just following orders.
The shock of it hits really well, the desire to reject it melting gradually into beleaguered acceptance that your party isn't who you thought they were, the knowledge that you are going ahead with this because you just need to know what lies beyond it, that your mindset as a player aligns with the force driving the adventurer (much as in real life) to atrocity lest they have to stop being who they are.
The game honestly barely lingers on it, to the men handing out these orders and their society this is another non-event, yet another successful expedition and victorious fighters. Its that coldness and suddenness that makes it work so well, the games not going to confront you with a moral question or judge you, mechanically it'll celebrate you even, but it knows that and it knows what it's asking you to do. Just like with your imagined characters the world of the game is willing to let you process and explain your own journey.
Hauntingly coldly present, left unjustified and uncommented on you are left only with dealing with the jarring disconnect between the fun low stakes heroism and the choice to quit or confront what a soldier for hire and a mastery of violence is ultimately for. Its one of my favourite little moments in video games and I think the people who quit the game cus they can't bear to go on with it are a real proof of its ability to tug on the players imagination. It's something that almost forces you to role play, every player reaction fits in as a part of the story. It never needs to harp on about big choices or morality, it doesn't need you to be important, it's your lack of freedom and the world's lack of interest in your dilemma that make it land.
It's evil as just another job to do going with the flow of the role you've found instead of evil as big decisions and uncomplicatedly powerful people's good or bad intentions.
While the game doesn't make much direct commentary, content to communicate without words, what it does go on to tell you is that your actions ultimately bring about the slow end of your own people too, dragons dogma ending style stuff about wrenching all the content out of a game leaving you in a lifeless world presented a little more economically.
I guess the true success of this one is that it left me just thinking about all the ways my party would've fallen apart, drifted into other things, ended up damaged people and etc. left as I was in the gap made in a world that allowed us to follow strength to its conclusion and never punished us with anything but our own quiet guilt.
Left to imagine those funny kids conditioned into killers and how everyone just gets away with it, how easily horror can be rendered down to just banal acceptance and how simple it is to push someone forward by offering something as a matter of course not to be thought about. Accept. Decline.
I love it, fuck that ice dragon also.
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qianqiancandyjar · 9 months
Ghost Hunter Family Summary
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Danny Phantom_The Secret Saturdays AU
Title: Ghost Hunter Family
Status: It depends :P
Introduction/Story summary:
The Fentons are supernatural investigators, ghost hunters as well as ecto-energy scientists. Danny and Jazz have been traveling all over the world with their parents to study all kinds of ghosts since they were born. Their goal was to keep the existence of ghosts in secret and protect humans from supernatural forces.
At the year Danny was born, Jack, Maddie and Vlad found an asteroid on the countryside of Amity Park, with a message about how the Ghost King would come back. To prevent the balance being broken, the Fentons decided to start looking for clues about the Ghost King. Of course, someone else was thinking about the same thing...
Danny was born with a special power. He can see ghosts or sense their existence without other medium, turn invisible, fly and phase through soild like a ghost. His parents believe his power will turn the table of a potential fight.
List of comics:
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Crossover shorts:
#1 Christmas Reunion
#2 Another Family
Something about this AU:
If Danny and Jazz's life was like Zak's, if Jack and Maddie were better and more rational parents like Doc and Drew, what will happen? Yep, that's what I thought when I made this AU.
If you have watched both shows, you can probably see the settings are basically the same, but slightly different.
Of course the family had encountered almost every typical ghosts in the canon, such as Technus, Ember or Desiree, so the real specialty I want about this AU is to let the family travel around the world to see other types of ghosts.
I am definitely bad at this kind of story. Because unlike my other two AUs, I most likely will make each chapter a single story and slightly related to the main plot. Each chapter may not have direct connection to the last one. I had read many supernatural fictions for this yet still have no faith in my own original stories. This is why I kinda started a weird way to make this comic: based on some creepy dreams I had.
More settings or how the story will go in my head:
I think it's quite obvious, Danny is the reincarnation of the Ghost King, just like Zak and Kur. However, he only has the crown part, the ring part...guess who?
Originally Jazz will be a half-ghost as well, with the ability of shape-shifting, but now I am not sure whether I should keep this.(Recently I thought about making her "the King Guardian", like the Kur Guardian, but literally bearing the destiny of protecting the king.)
Jack and Maddie are less obsessed with their work and they focus on their kids more than in the show. They accept the fact that Danny has ghost power, and train him to use it properly.
Vlad was more professional on ghost language and culture than the Fentons, so he didn't tell them all what he had read on the asteroid...
Danny in this AU will be more skilled in martial arts, while less in ghost power.(It's because he was taught to rely less on special abilities, and use his human strength more)
I'm not sure whether I should add controlling power like Kur's to Danny's already-too-much ghost abilities. Sensing ghosts is enough, I guess.(Maybe I will make this ability happen in another way...like a commanding power?)
Sam and Tucker will probably show up later, but only a couple times since I want to focus on family relationship.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 1 year
Shifted - The Plan (Chapter 1/?)
A/N: This is my Secret Santa gift for @jensengirl83 for @spnfanficpond's Secret Santa Fic Exchange! This is just Part 1 and I honestly don't know how many parts there will be or how often I'll get to post them. I have goals, but we'll see if I meet them. Anyway, Brandy mentioned in her list of wishes, "established relationship, fake dating, [that sort of thing]," and my brain did what it always does and became that girl from the taco ads. "Why not both?" I hope this makes you smile in spite of what I've done!
A/N2: This is not beta read by anyone, but both @torn-and-frayed and @katbratsupernaturalwhore have helped with brainstorming for this one!!
Summary: The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don't go quite to plan.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word count: 1354 words in this part.
Warnings: So far, nothing. This will be updated as I go, though, if anything crops up. I'm posting as I write, for the first time EVER, so I can only say I hope this will be more fluff/crack than anything else.
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Nerves fluttered in your belly as you directed Dean through your old neighborhood to your childhood home. Maybe the holidays weren’t the best time for your family to meet your boyfriend for the first time, but hunts had been keeping you away since you’d joined the Winchesters. Your parents didn’t know what you did, and you wanted to keep it that way so they wouldn’t worry about you. As far as they knew, you and the boys were private investigators, with the boys doing the more dangerous cases and you finding lost relatives and cheating spouses. Your family had no idea that you’d decapitated a vampire just the other day.
Sitting forward in the back seat so your head was almost in line with the brothers’, you tapped an erratic beat into Baby’s leather while you noted the changes since you’d been in town last.
“Honey?” Dean said to prod you out of your worried thoughts, “want me to turn on some music so you have a beat, or do you prefer the whacky drum solo you’ve got going on?”
Reflexively stilling your fingers by curling your hands into fists, you gulped and mumbled an apology. “Sorry. Just nervous. I’m not good at lying to my parents and my sister. I’m taking bets in my own head about how long into the weekend we’ll make it before they figure out I’m lying about almost everything.”
Sam turned back in his seat to look at you. “Hey, don’t stress about it too much or it will just get worse. Remember, keep the lies honest and—”
“—the extra details to a minimum,” you finished with him. Sam had been helping you get past your mile-wide honest streak so you could present yourself as an FBI agent without giving everything away in the first conversation with local law enforcement. Dean had always found subterfuge in those cases easy, but it was hard for you. Sam had taken you under his wing and coached you on how to improve without feeling like you were doing something bad. “I know, Obi-wan. But this is my family. They know all of my tells! I never got away with anything growing up! And they’re going to be judging how Dean and I are with each other to make sure we’re happy and everything, so anything that makes them doubt me will blow up in Dean’s face. And I like Dean’s face!” Giving Sam a playful smirk, you said, “It makes up for his hair!”
Dean’s injured outcry mingled with Sam’s laugh and your gigglesnort. “Since when are long, flowing locks a good idea in our profession, huh? My hair makes way more sense than Sam’s ridiculous mop.” He pouted in such a way that you knew he wasn’t hurt, but glad that you were able to joke around through your nerves.
Baby pulled onto the street where you grew up and into your parents’ driveway as you extolled the virtues of longer hair on men. “Yeah, but it’s nice to have something to hold onto sometimes, you know?” You winked as Dean glanced back at you and rolled his eyes with a smile while Sam groaned.
“I don’t need to know about what you guys do during your private time!” With a wave of his hand, he shifted away from you and Dean and looked out the window at the big house looming above the car. “Wow. Big house!”
“Yeah, it’s been in the family for generations. The taxes are hell. Anyway, there’s plenty of room for all of us.”
Just then, as Dean turned off the ignition, the door opened and your sister came out carrying a big box followed by your parents with more boxes and bags, heading to the garage. A million feelings swelled in your chest and made you smile. It had been a while, and you were happy to see your family again, in spite of your fears.
“Oh, shit,” Dean swore, looking at your family.
Your eyes nearly bugging out in worry, you looked at your boyfriend with panic. “What? What shit? No shit! There can’t be shit! What shit could there be? What shit, Dean???”
The panic on Dean’s face only made yours worse. “I think I met your sister before. Long story short, a while back, before we met you, a shifter decided to see how much tail Dean Winchester actually gets. He hit on a girl while wearing my face, went back to her place with her, and they started making out. I followed them, of course, looking for a chance to take him out and save her. She got a little too frisky, clawed him a little too roughly, and got an extra handful she didn’t want, because, you know, shifters shed. As she freaked out, he tried to calm her down, and when it didn’t work, he hit her. That’s when I busted in, grabbed him, dragged him out, and never looked back. I have no idea if she saw me clearly enough to know that I looked just like him. Who knows what she’ll think when she sees me!!”
Both you and Sam were staring at Dean, now, with jaws dropped, only half words coming out of your mouths. It took a couple of seconds for your brain to fully comprehend what Dean was saying.
“You mean, my sister thinks she picked you up in a bar, took you home, literally scratched your skin off, and then you were dragged off by your twin brother?
Your family was now exiting the garage, chatting amiably about something you couldn’t hear while you sat in Baby, trying to reconcile everything Dean was saying. Panic flooded your system.
“Yeah?” Dean answered though he sounded nervous and unsure. “She won’t hold it against me and tell your parents and make life difficult for us, will she?”
You turned on your boyfriend with panic in your eyes. “Of course, she will!! I’m her little sister, and you’re a douchebag with a skin condition!!! She’s going to rip you apart! Considering what she thinks she knows about your skin condition, she may try to actually rip you apart, thinking she can!”
Dean paled, while Sam focused on your family quickly approaching the car.
“Okay, so we’re just going to have to explain everything to at least your sister. Monsters, hunting, shifters, everything,” Sam said. “Maybe we can get your sister alone before she blows everything up to your parents.”
As Sam spoke, your sister stalled halfway across the driveway, staring at Dean. Your parents stopped walking a step later, turning back to see what had stopped your sister. Tracy gestured at Dean and said a few words, which was enough for your parents to stiffen up.
“Yeah, too late for that, I think,” you said, despair overtaking your panic. Your parents would never understand your need to hunt monsters. That was assuming they’d even accept that monsters exist and not throw you in the nuthouse immediately.
Half a second passed before Dean spoke up. “New plan: Sam, you’re Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m the shitheel brother who may or not be rapey. They won’t accept me as your boyfriend, but you can’t choose your boyfriend’s brother. I’ll figure out a story to apologize to your sister, get her to think I just look like the guy but I’m not the guy, or maybe that I’m the hero and not the molting rapist, so they at least don’t call the cops.”
Sam made a weird choking noise in chorus with an unusual whimper that came out of your mouth. But there was no time to argue. Your family was now standing outside the car and Dean was opening his door to get out. This was the worst plan, ever. Explaining that monsters were real would be faster and easier than this. But Dean was already out of the car, heading to the trunk to get your bags. You and Sam looked at each other with wide eyes but silently agreed that there was nothing you could do at this point but go along with the plan.
Part 2
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Ye olde forever tags list: @datfandombitch @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @chelsea072498 @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @lynn1712 @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278
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fourtyfourcatss · 4 months
[████████ 100%] — @thecurrator !
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Silence interrupted with love;
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ᝰᏪຊ itoshi rin
ຊ why itoshi rin?
The logistical reasoning as to why you fit so well with this man is because of your myers-Briggs types. Rin is INTJ, and your intuitive and judging functions are shared, and thus, the two of you can understand each other’s perspectives and goals well. His enneagram also means that he values your knowledge and independence, which both attracts him to you for not being a very irritatingly clingy person, and having a mind which can match his own.
ຊ he is very authentic and creative person, to himself and to others. You could probably tell from how rebellious he is because of how he follows his own agenda when it comes to doing things. He’s a soccer player, which involves a lot more strategy that blue lock itself explores, but as one who is trying to find a way to score a goal, being put into high stress situations, you bet he is extremely creative. And he definitely would not cut you off whenever you’re talking - not only does he barely talk himself sometimes - but he is definitely a considerate person to someone he adores off the field. Not only that, he would respond with insight and humor, and would know when to play up his deadpan and make you laugh and lighten up your mood.
ຊ would definitely find the mind reading thing weird at the first few times, but it surprisingly becomes a factor of how the two of you bond. He isn’t the type to express himself a lot verbally, and that itself incurs some kind of communication which he enjoys you reading into. He thinks your emotional intelligence is very practical, and since you like analyzing, I think he would ask your opinion or advice on opponents he wants to study. To that end, he grows fond of your voice. He can also offer your different perspectives with your analysis and turn it into a very in-depth conversation, which scratches both of your brains.
ຊ he is rather wanting of your attention, and with your introversion, he is the one who approaches very boldly. I can imagine you reading or writing near the corner of a cafe, waiting for your friends to arrive when he suddenly approaches you and sort of in his own awkward way, want to know you better— though it must be only after a lot of previous meetings and conversation. The more he gets to know you, the more understanding he wants to acquire of the facets in your personality. Additionally, while he is not big on words of affirmations, he definitely does a lot of acts of services.
ຊ I did not include much about hobbies because they two share little hobbies, but he supports you 100% in everything you do! He would watch anime and try to impress you with clothes and yarn and the like.
ຊ I would say he’s quite a jealous lover, who is very lowkey possessive, but very lowkey and more of a romantic sense. The way he says things is very passive, and the two of you just fall into this soft romance, with your heart pumping but it falls almost deaf with infatuation clouding your ears instead. You would make him very happy, and with your personality, he would be the one who is most often pouty. Definitely goes to you after a bad day and lays on your lap to de-stress, and just get very soft and mushy around you.
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ᝰᏪຊ lilia vanrouge
ຊ why lilia?
There are many reason why he is a very suitable character for you. Firstly, I wanted to pair you up with someone who is outgoing in order to balance out your introversion, as that itself can become a problem in some circumstances. Not only that, he would be able to approach you first, which may not work so well if your partner if more introverted like you are. Lilia is very charming, elegant, and mysterious. He can most likely catch your attention very well, and yet, he is also gentle and compassionate in disposition if you knew his story. He might be a good match for you because he can understand your emotions and dreams with his deep and poetic soul. He can also appreciate your authenticity and creativity, and he might share your hobbies of reading, writing, and listening to music.
ຊ this old piece of bones can definitely appreciate you for what you are, and find you very charming, from the expressions your face makes and and unimpressed glamor that always makes its way across your demeanor. He takes it as a sign to try to get you to smile as much as possible, and checks in on you often, as he is as taken by you as you may become taken by him. The way his smile curves is very attractive too, and makes you wish to smile many times, lighting up the mood with his antics.
ຊ he’s an a-class gentleman! He would never interrupt you, or disrespect you in any manner. Rather, he makes you feel like a very loved royal, taking care of you by asking you if you have worn enough clothes in the winter and lending you some he has packed, or brushing leaves out of your hair during the autumn months. And because of how classy he is, he can definitely appreciate enjoying the arts. He too, loves reading, and enjoys curling next to you while the two of you watch shows or listen to audiobooks together. Slow dancing to old music is also a must; and I believe he would teach you very gently. The way he treats you is as if you are a precious object, yet the relationship is not all so plain— there is very adventurous moments from his boldness, and while it gets your heart racing like you are reeling, it feels worth it at the end, and fulfilling to be around him.
ຊ he finds your hobbies very endearing. He strikes me as the type to also enjoy crocheting, especially paired with another activity, like watching television together.
ຊ he would love discussing characters and plots and all manner of things with you. He definitely thinks it’s wondrous how you have found so many things regarding characters from perhaps just a few scenes or dialogue, and he’s mystified with how well you read people. He thinks it’s a magic of its own.
ຊ definitely gives you cute pet names, but not too drastic, like “honey” or “darling”. I feel like when you are fixated with doing something like writing or reading, he would sneak up on you and try to scare you a bit. He’s just a very sweet man, and you seem like a very sweet person, and I think that just goes so well. The two of you can make each other genuinely happy.
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gumclones · 10 months
As a fellow Chicle enjoyer, I must ask for your opinion on my biggest and most beloved crack ship of Chicle and Simon. They both went through the whole "being trapped inside your own head as a debased form of yourself to only then be freed from that state nearly 1000 years later in a world completely different from the one you knew, causing you to both long for the past whilst also resenting it," thing (I headcanon that the main reason Chicle went along with/followed Gumbald, despite being betrayed by him was because he genuinely did think of him and Lolly as his family and that by going along with Gumbalds craziness he could regain some of the normalcy that was in his previous life.) Plus, their personalitys seem like they would mesh really well together
first off, thanks for the ask! always nice to talk to another Chicle appreciator. gonna put the rest under a cut because I have lots of thoughts:
I'd never considered the ship before! I definitely think that interactions between Simon and any of the gum family would be great - partly because they've got so much in common with Bubblegum, someone to whom Simon was drawn because of her resemblance to Betty, and partly because of what you mentioned about how they all have experience being trapped with mental alteration for so very, very long. plus, as we've seen in Simon Petrikov, after getting de-crowned Simon goes to the same tavern that Punch Bowl and Crunchy were seen at, so there's definitely opportunity for them to meet and bond.
there's an interesting difference between the gum family's situations and Simon's - while the crown actively pulls its wearer into the shape of Gunther's impression of Evergreen, the dum-dum solution seems to mainly have effects on awareness, demeanor, and memory. Simon draws a very sharp distinction between the Ice King and himself, while Gumbald treats his time as a punch bowl as a painful period of his own life and refers to Crunchy as Chicle to no protest from Crunchy or Lolly. Chicle in particular seems to have kept a lot of his sense of self as Crunchy, as shown in The Pajama War and The Dark Cloud. this perspective might help Simon out quite a bit - I have a lot of feelings about the amount of transformation in Adventure Time and how it affects identity. (relatedly, I think both of them should get to hang out with Sweet P!)
I think that Chicle and Lolly's reasons for allying with Gumbald are definitely multifaceted. their familial bond definitely factors into it - we see that on top of doing reconnaissance/sabotage work like in Marcy and Hunson Chicle has completed a lot of paintings for Gumbald's base, which seem to be done completely voluntarily, as when he runs away from working on the horse painting for fear of the base getting breached, Gumbald doesn't punish him or even look annoyed. there's also the way that Gumbald looks angry when Jake splashes Chicle with the dum-dum solution harmless contents of the celebration bucket, his sad expression when speaking with Crunchy, and his sending Crunchy away from the battlefield to safety.
I think that there's also an aspect of practicality - after all, when they first got reverted at the end of Skyhooks II they had literally nobody else but each other. even if nobody but Bonnie knew what they looked like, they still look so much like her that they'd be sure to grab attention if they went out undisguised. and Chicle does mention a "secret goal [to] never die" in Gumbaldia, so he must have decided that Gumbald and Lolly had the best shot of helping him attain that goal.
and now I'm thinking of the interactions that they could have, since I think they'd shake out differently depending on which form they'd be in. Chicle seems a lot more openly insecure about how he's perceived than Crunchy does - he's defensive about his laugh, for instance, and he cracks jokes almost compulsively - the mime comment, the "high standing" joke, the "oops, was that bad" taunt - and he’s intensely ashamed when he gets juiced. I'm not sure how Simon would react to that, to be honest, but I think the Ice King would be very validating - my mental image is kind of based on the Ice King's friendship with Abracadaniel. Crunchy's not devoid of insecurity - he looks very offended about being called "the new Cinnamon Bun" - but he seems to channel that into ruthlessness. this would make for really entertaining Ice King interactions and with Simon… well, I think that Betty's ruthless side is one of the things that Simon loves about her! also, on a more serious note, I think that if we're specifically talking about interactions that take place during the Fionna and Cake time period, Crunchy would be able to give Simon hope. after all, even though getting turned back into a candy person was something Chicle was terrified of, we see that he's still living well (and alive 1000+ years later, to boot. keep it up king at this rate you really will never die)!
again, thank you for the ask! I salute you in your shipping endeavors 🫡
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disdaidal · 9 months
🍱, 🍛, 🥮 for this bad boy and 🔪, 📌, ❤️, 🖊 for this one! <3
Ohh, Melia, you are spoiling me tonight! 💜💕
🍱 Do you read your own fics?
Recently, I've been reading my own fics more and found it quite enjoyable (self-indulgent stuff enjoyable? who'd have thunk?), but there was a time I avoided doing it as much as possible. 😅 I didn't want to go through my own stuff just to get to cringe at all the typos and mistakes I'd possibly-and surely-have made. 🙈
🍛 Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
I haven't gotten that many comments to my fics overall, but a couple of comments were left that made me grin like an idiot. 😁 I miss that feeling.
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you're working toward?
I was actually supposed to answer this question in this reply, but had apparently mistook the emoji for another. 🙈 Anyway, my current Witcher/Gallahir wip that I've been writing for a while now (and talked plenty of about recently) is probably something akin to that. I've written it a lot, I'm still actively working on it and I can hardly wait to finally post chapter one on ao3- which I hope will be soon. So, yeah. :D I don't know if it's going to be anything special but to me it has been pure joy writing it so far, so I hope it will be that also to those who ship it with me.
🔪 Fuck marry kill 3 tropes (asker’s choice of tropes).
You didn't give me any tropes to fuck marry or kill, soooo~
Soulmate AU - Fuck. I swear I can never get enough of it. Two souls being bound to each other and stuck with each other. Usually comes packaged with Hurt/Comfort, which I absolutely also can never get enough of.
Mutual Pining - Marry. There is a reason why I love bringing this into my own writing. I just love reading about two people having feelings for each other, but they're so dumb and awkward it almost hurts (except it doesnt, it makes me giddy).
Mpreg - Kill. Okay, so, while I have read a few of these actually (:D) and while I do enjoy the omegaverse stuff in general, I usually lose my interest very quickly the point they start bringing kids into the scenery. It's just not for me I guess. D:
📌 If all your fics/WIPs fell off a ship and were drowning (go with it), and you could only save one, which would it be?
I would save my current Roommates AU. :P I've written so much of it already, why would I suddenly want it to drown??? I'm willing to sacrifice everything else to save it. *cries*
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write for and why?
With ST, Billy has been my obvious choice because I relate to his anger issues, being an older sibling etc. Writing him just felt so natural at times, it almost felt scary.
With Gallahir, I seem to keep switching sides because I guess I find both characters a little relatable in their own ways. Or then I just project a lot onto them, heh.
And since I remember last writing Valeveira (RE3) before these two (again I didn't publish shit), I found Jill quite relatable as well. She's very focused and goal-oriented to the point of neglecting everything else in her life (relatable), and she can be also a sarcastic hard ass, which I also found quite relatable, haha, so yeah.
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televisionboy · 3 years
this gif is everything skdjdjfn and this is my first alphabet! so give me love and constructive criticism.
taglist: @punkgeekchic @visionsofsweettea @adoresobs @am4sawa @reblogsfandom @evarolines @somethingstuffy
Timothee Chalamet Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Dates with Timothee are very very comforting and new at the same time. He LOVES getting out of the house and going to a city where shops are lining every corner and small cafes with coffee to die for. But he also loves to cook you dinner and rehash your days. He’s quite a domestic person.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Timothee finds all of you attractive. But his favorite thing to do is whenever you’re reading a book or the two of you are watching TV, and you’re at one end of the couch and he’s at the other end, he loves to run his hands up and down your legs while they rest in his lap. Drumming his fingers against your knees is like a calming thing
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He doesn’t talk, at all. He’s an incredibly patient boyfriend who will sit there with you and sync your breathing while hugging you. He will listen for hours and hours to you talk about it. And if not, he makes tea for you and offers cuddles and comfortable silences. I mean, either way he always makes tea.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He would love a family with you, he knows you’d be an incredible parent to his children. But he’s content being young, having new experiences and getting to be spontaneous. If he had to think about it, he’d like one or two children and maybe a dog. Living in a cozy but spacious home, of course there’s a pool in the back.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
well, when he’s in the mood, jealous/mad he definitely will be dominant (and especially in bed) but he’s in no way so dominant that you will feel like his maid or a child. But he really doesn’t want to consider your relationship to be that way. Both of you are just you and treat each other equally. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He gets cold when he’s fighting with you. Timothee’s a bit like a younger sibling while fighting, he knows how to push your buttons and won’t stop until he see’s a reaction. But he has that guilty feeling wash over him so fast. He’s very very easy to forgive you because how could he say no to someone like you??
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
SO GRATEFUL. He spoils like no other. If you point out that you like a pair of earrings, they’re yours (it doesn’t matter that they’re pure diamonds) you mentioned that you want to see Italy? Tickets booked. And a great thing about him, on top of being a good listener is that he has a great eye. And he picks up on things and is quick to notice them. Which is a big reason he’s so successful in acting. Even if it’s something as simple as washing the dishes so he can relax, to something as kind as making him your very own fan gift.. he melts every time.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Mmm, he certainly tries not to but everyone keeps secrets. There are things that both of you prefer to keep private but he wouldn’t keep something like him kissing another woman a secret.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve inspired him and fueled him to become a stronger actor even if you’re not one yourself. Some of your advice is seriously helpful, and some are unhelpful but hilarious. No matter what you will tell him, he knows you’re waiting at home or even at his set with open arms, waiting for him to win an award and fangirl online to other Timmy fans. It makes him blush and cause a billion butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He trusts you 100% that you would never leave him, and he doesn’t want to be one of those boyfriends who restricts their partner. But there’s a part of him that’s incredibly insecure and is convinced you can do better. There are some parts that WANT you to leave him and do better. He would never ever show it in public, but you can read him well. You’ll put a hand on his bouncing knee and kiss his jaw.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? 
He knows he’s a damn good kisser as well as charmer. You had been on a couple of dates with him, on one you mentioned that it was on your bucket list to be kissed in the rain. He made sure to schedule a date when there would be rain and he took you on a picnic. Towards the end, it had started to pour and you were trying to run back to the car but he grabbed your face and kissed you so hard but so passionately. His curls were dripping and the sandwiches were ruined but the feeling was incredible. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Rightttt after that kiss, in the car you were drying off and laughing with him while the radio was on in the background. The car was on but he wasn’t driving. Instead, he turned to you and told you he was in love with you. Both of you had said “love you” but never “i’m in love with you”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s on the fence about babies but he knows for certain that he wants to marry you. You know that scene in The Office where Jim shows the engagement ring for Pam and is like “I got it 3 weeks into dating”? That’s Timmy. 
He brings you to a premire of one of his movies and at the end when all the credit’s are rolling, it says “y/n will you marry me?” and when you turn back around, Timmy is on one knee and Armie is most likely behind him crying his eyes out. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe” “Baby” “Mon cherie” When you two are married, he’ll join you in the kitchen while cooking dinner and call you “Mrs Chalamet” before kissing your shoulder and beginning to chop veggies. It’s just incredibly domestic 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
so so so obvious and so in love. He shows you off as much as possible and talks about you on talk shows until he’s sure that the audience is annoyed and SNL mocks him (and even then, he’ll continue)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he brags but he does know when to dial it back for your own privacy and humility. BUT that doesn’t mean he won’t hold your hand in public, or banter with you on a twitter thread even if you both are right next to each other on the couch playing footsie
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He has a great eye and is quick to pick up on things. It’s almost as if he has certain senses and can tell when you’re having a bad day or upset. He just knows. It’s incredible. He’ll run you a bath and order cake to indulge yourself in before you even get home.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
The most sickley, fluffy, romantic, boyfriend that it makes me sick. Timothee would dye his hair rainbow and cut of his toes if it meant you would smile. On a more romantic note, he pulls out all the stops but it’s a bit more subtle?? Like he is very romantic but it’s not overwhelming. There’s no string quartet and private dining room but there will be jazz and dancing at midnight or a homemade “restaurant” with Timothee as a one man (messy) staff but it’s the best thing you could have ever come home to
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’s your head cheerleader and the most selfless human ever. Will cheer for you until his voice goes mute and even then, he’s the one clapping the loudest and crying the most. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
both! Timothee is like a dog in some ways. He’s energetic and needs new things, to be outside, to be social. But he craves hugs and cuddling, he adores late night talks with you or watching you make him breakfast while he scrolls through Instagram. Like I said, a very domestic guy.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He know’s you like the back of his hand and he could spot you with his eyes closed and only by feeling your face. He knows your habits, and the food you hate, your terrible cooking skills, and the kind of dad jokes you tell, the anxiety ticks, and what shows you’ll watch over and over again.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He’d go insane without you. You’re addictive because you have a pure heart and a dirty mind and he falls in love the more you show that. He brings you back the weirdest things that remind him of you. Stationary cards with odd quotes, an antique necklace from the 40′s, peach earrings (because he enables your teasing)
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He’s like the real version of “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD” but a little more loving lol “I love you, but I’m willing to defend my fries”
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I said that he’s like a puppy! he needs kisses and scratches to his head (free scalp massage) and he’s a clingy puppy too. i mean, look at his eyes for the love of god. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he aches so bad. He is your cheerleader but he can’t function without you. You’re his cup of coffee, an antidepressant. He’s fangirling inside for your new project but when he sees your mug or reaches to bring you close to his chest and you’re not there, he’s unable to fall asleep or make a cup of coffee.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’d travel to Mars and back if you asked him to. Just ask him, and he does it. One time, he was working on a movie with an actress who was quite snippy to you and he quit immediately, feeling incredibly guilty and nauseous. He got you very  expensive lox and bagels one morning because you were whining about it the previous night. He doesn’t want to close his eyes at night because there’s so many things he wants to do before he goes on to the next day. But when he closes his eyes at night, it’s all you, you, you, you, you and how much he’s overwhelmed with total adoration for you
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keilemlucent · 4 years
take care of me
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: ~4.4k
beta’ed: @hawnks
keigo is perfectly happy to help you forget a stressful day
warnings: daddy kink (no age play), spanking, aftercare, praise kink, self indulgent smut, spit kink <333333, bdsm, masochist reader 
self indulgent..... caregiver dom keigo? we knew it was coming. enjoy loves <333
You ached all over.
The mental exhaustion of the day was far more grating than the physical, but the dull throb of your tired muscles was impossible to ignore, even when you were only half-conscious on the couch. 
You were put out. 
You’d been burrowed under a pile of blankets since you’d stumbled into the penthouse after work, curling up without even bothering to take off your shoes.
Night had fallen, the apartment cold, silent and still. Normally, you might’ve whipped up some dinner or showered, maybe done something productive.
But not that night.
You’d held yourself together through the day. Each angry word and sneer you faced was handled with a smile, despite how you were cracking inside. You even managed to keep an even expression when your scalding morning coffee was splattered over your shirt, almost burning you.
Well, you weren’t sure if it hadn’t. You hadn’t checked, considering you were still wearing the stained garment. Maybe, the skin of your stomach was as inflamed and puckered as it felt.
Maybe that was just your mood.
You hardly stirred when the balcony door of the apartment slid open and then shut, Keigo’s ruffling and booted footsteps echoing across over the apartment.
Your eyes stay half-lidded and hazy when Keigo rounds the couch, eyes softening as he notices your cocoon of blankets.
“Hey, dove,” Dropping to his knees neck to the couch, he cups the side of your cheek in a gloved hand, “Feeling a bit tired?”
You nodded, lips still sealed.
There was nothing in you to give, just the slow simmering of exhaustion and sadness that you couldn’t escape.
Keigo’s gaze softened, gold and far-too pretty in the dim light of the living room, “Bad day?”
Your voice cracked when you spoke, the words going grainy as your chest tightened.
As you sniffled, burying your face into the blankets as unwelcome tears stung at the corners of your eyes.
Very bad day.
He shed his jacket and gloves, tossing them to the side without a care. Keigo coaxed you to rise, only enough for him to slip into the blankets, laying underneath you to pull your head to his chest.
“I’ve gotcha’, dove,” He hummed, pressing kiss after kiss into your hair. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You didn’t respond, only bit your lip and buried your face into his chest.
Keigo had just arrived home after a long day, and the last thing you wanted was to be a chore to deal with consider how fucking trashed you felt. The idea of being a burden— 
His voice shocked you from your thoughts. 
“Do you want daddy to take care of it?” 
His words and all of their insinuations washed over you.
You knew Keigo had no issues taking that role— fuck, he confided in you many, many times that he loved being able to take care of you in any and all ways. 
Giving it a name, an identity, made him purr with pride. 
You swallowed, the idea curling your head. Catharsis by Keigo’s hand sounded fucking fantastic in the most gut-rotting way.
You nodded.
Keigo smiled against your hair, his own insides twisting. He’d had his own day of annoyance and had been more than ready and willing to come home to you and blow off some steam, but if this was what you needed, he was more than willing to provide and have a fantastic time doing it. 
Keigo hummed, smoothing his hands up your sides. “So what are you feeling?” He knew you wouldn’t be great at giving anything other than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, but he could try and coax a bit more out of you. 
“I could start off slow, just how you like,” His voice curled over your ear with a nip as he slid his thumbs beneath your waistband. “Let you rut on my thigh like the cute little dove you are. If you’re good, maybe you could suck daddy’s cock while I lick your pussy clean.”
You buried your face in his neck, a high whine echoing from the back of your throat.
Keigo felt his cock twitch, wings stirring from their crunched position.
“Or, I could knot your wrist tight, give them those nice, pretty burns, tie you to the bottom of the couch and fuck you into the floor.”
You buried yourself deeper, all of the ideas in your head were alluring, but not quite right.
A kinder option was also a good idea. 
“Or, I could hold you nice and tight like this for a while. Maybe take a bath, use that new massage oil we ordered, rub you down until all of that tension is pulled out by my hands.”
The pads of Keigo’s fingers rolled into the knots in your shoulders, some of the stress dripping away with the preview of his words. 
It took the softness to realize what you really needed:
“I want it to hurt.”
Oh, and fuck, you wanted it to so bad.
You wanted to be fucked up and used so bad you could barely move. Fucked stupid, so all of the nasty thoughts of the day would melt away. 
Keigo practically rumbled beneath you, his wings flexing and puffing up against your back, just inches from your face.
He wanted it— no, needed it, just as bad as you. 
He took a few deep breaths beneath you, his hand wandering to settle with a bruising grip at the fat above your waist.
“Gimme your taps,” Keigo nuzzled against your cheek.
“One tap is that I’m good, two taps is slow down, three taps is stop, four taps is that I’m having trouble talking.”
It was an easy system, one you and Keigo had adapted to suit your needs and the often merciless ways he’d lay you to ruin. 
“Perfect, dove, god,” Keigo sang his words like sweet prayers. Slowly, he sat up, still holding you tight to his chest. “You go wash up quick in the bedroom, I’ll get myself all settled and ready. Wear whatever you’d like and shout if you need me, okay?”
You swallowed, gut turning.
“O-Okay, I love you.
“I love you too, so fucking much.”
You took a few minutes in the bathroom to ground yourself. You still felt like shit, but in the way that now craved something different and more carnal to get it to fall away and release.
You trusted Keigo with everything in you. He knew how to pick you apart just the way you needed. 
You wandered back into the living room, padding in quietly in a pair of fluffy socks, an oversized tee that hung just below your ass, and a pair of shorts that showed the barest bits of your cheeks.
Keigo was in the kitchen, the hilt of the knife clicking against the metal of the rings he wore as he chopped up a few of your favorite fruits and placed them into a wooden bowl.
He’d changed as well, looking sharper and much more like the ‘daddy Keigo’ that you knew. His black pants were sharp and perfectly fitted, along with the black mock neck he wore. He accessorized with a few rings on each hand and a chain necklace laying over his collarbones.
Keigo’s eyes flickered up to you as you regarded him, a little grin beginning to grow.
“Seems I overdressed.” His wings flared behind him, unable to hide his excitement the same way his face was. 
“I-I can change—” 
“Absolutely not,” Keigo slid around the kitchen island, tsking quietly. “You’re perfect, just like this.”
You didn’t reply, not until Keigo stopped in front of your and grabbed your jaw, pulling your gaze to him.
“Sweetness,” His affections rolled over your skull in the exact way you needed. “Do you want me to take care of you?”
The word was desperate, shaking and shuddering as it slipped from lips.
Keigo’s smile grows wider, his plumage ruffling.
“Sweet girl, try again.”
Your lip wobbled as he stroked down at your pulse point. 
“Please, d-daddy.”
What a role to have.
Keigo loved it, notably.
It had started early, that incessant itch to care for you in any way that he could was semi-insatiable until he started to indulge it to his heart's content. You thrived off it too, needing that personal attention that he was so willing to give. And hell, it wasn’t like you didn’t return it constantly with endless love and sweetness.
He just took care of you. 
The details, all the small things he’d gathered about since you’d gotten together (and before then too) were things he cherished. Little things about you he wasn’t even sure you noticed, he collected them and accommodated them in any way he could. 
There was the more mundane, like your favorite smells and tastes and touches. The knowledge of the best textures of clothes and blankets that he loved to gift you and your favorite spices and sweets were coveted. 
There was the more intimate, too.
He had taken breaking you apart with pleasure as a divine rite, that first time he got you on the silken sheets of his bed. Learning every twitch and shudder and what it meant felt like his life’s goal as he buried his face in your cunt.
You liked it all, notably. 
You thrived off the attention, though it took a while for you to accept that ‘yes, you do indeed deserve this, very much so.’ 
Once more, you returned it. Perhaps you weren’t quite as perceptive as Keigo was, you didn’t have the training (thank god), but you did constantly return love to him. Your own touch and kind words more comforting than anything he’d ever received in his fucking life.
He could only return the favor by taking care of you in any way that you needed.
And that night?
You needed to hurt. 
And Keigo, truthfully, was in the mood to get a bit of tied up anger out in the sweetest way possible. 
Keigo drifted to the couch, your hand in his with you in tow. You were so meek that day, eyes downcast.
He’d have to be careful, watch your body and expressions and not push you too far. He trusted you to call things off, but he still never hurt you beyond what you could handle.
Besides, Keigo had crafted a wonderful plan that he was fairly (very) certain you would enjoy.
Keigo sat down on the couch, thighs parted the slightest bit, a half-chub already pressing against his trouser.
“Lie down, dove,” He kept his voice so sweet as he tapped his thigh. “Let me help you.”
You scrunched your shirt in your hands, mind beginning to get pleasantly hazy with his words and you laid yourself over his lap. You adjusted with your arms cushioning your head, knees pressed against the cushion. 
“Talk to me, sweetness— What’s going on?” Keigo spoke as he nudged your hips upwards, your back bowing and arching under his touch.
 “Just a bad day,” You swallowed, burying your face into the cushions. “I don’t want to think about it.”
Your head was already swimming, you didn’t want to mentally relive how awful the day had been— 
“Then let’s make it good, hm?” Keigo mused, cupping your ass through your shorts and squeezing. “Make you forget in your favorite way. I know how much you like this.”
You tried to speak, but your jaw snapped shut with a click and a cry as Keigo’s palm smacked over the fat of your ass.
“You just need a little bit of extra help today, hm?” Keigo smoothed his hand over where he had struck. The motion was tender in the same way his words were, washing over you enough to almost distract from the pain that was just beginning. 
“Uh-huh,” You replied, weak and muffled into the fabric beneath you.
Another strike sent you pressing into the cushions, whining against upholstery as Keigo rubbed over your skin was against, his other hand going to stabilize your back, tracing his name and little hearts over your spine. 
“‘Uh-huh’, who?” 
“Daddy!” You screamed with the next strike. Your words melded with the echo of the sounds of your flesh.
Keigo was beaming at you, you could feel it. His wings were puffed up, rippling in time with heavy breathing.
“Good girl, god, dove, perfect,” He leaned down to press a kiss to the back of your head while smoothing a hand beneath your shorts. “You’re just so good. You deserve so much good, you know that?”
You nodded as Keigo shucked your shorts to the ground, pushing up your shirt to leave most of you bare to him.
It felt vulnerable, despite having been in this position before. 
“I d-do,” You stuttered, words sticky. “I am good.”
It felt real, for a moment, brightened by the sharp pain that was growing constant from your cheeks.
“God, perfect,” Keigo waxed, grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing. “Here’s what you’re gonna do sweetness— here’s how I’m gonna take care of you today.”
His hand slid between your clenched thighs, pushing them apart and barely teasing your slit, “You’re gonna hurt for me, so fucking good. I’m gonna give you... twenty-five, how does that sound?”
You nodded, an answer Keigo accepted.
“Good,” You could hear his grin. “You’re gonna take each one so well, I know you will, dove.”
The expectation hurt so bad you winced. 
Keigo hushed you with a hand to the back of your neck, “It’s alright, I’ll be right here. Just want to break you a little bit, hm?”
You whined this time, shifting your thighs together as Keigo chuckled. 
“Maybe a lot, but we’ll see. I don’t want you thinking after this.”
Holy fuck, neither did you. You’d be content to be close to braindead when Keigo was through with you. 
Any reply you had was just a warbled moan into the cushion below as Keigo slapped his hand down once more.
“Count, sweetness.”
Another smack, to the other cheek, flesh growing hot. 
“T-two— “
And Keigo didn’t fucking relent.
Each smack was hard, the fat of your ass jiggling and burning against the flat of his palm. The knick of his rings against the soft flesh only added to burn and sting. 
Perhaps, in other conditions, Keigo would have built up to the level of pain he was providing. Preamble a bit with some softer touches and sweet words as opposed to relentlessly spanking your ass so hard you swore you could already feel welts forming from the rings he wore.
“T-t— Ten!” 
Your voice cracked in your throat, each impact bringing up sprinklings of tears that were rubbed into the couch. 
All the harshness of his strikes was in harmony with the sinfully soft way he was touching you otherwise.
A gentle hand running through your hair, mindful of any knots or tangles. His fingertips stroked up and down your neck, nails teasing the thin skin just below your ear. Even the way he rubbed at your flesh between strikes was so fucking tender, despite how his touch made the hot skin boil even more.
Your first muffled sob was what got him going verbally.
“Oh, wow,” Keigo whistled to himself, a sharp-nailed finger running up your spine. “Are you crying already, sweetness? Does this hurt too bad?”
“N-no,” You forced the words out, even as they clung to the back of your tongue. 
The confusing feelings and emotions thrumming through you made you want to just let go. The tears mixed with the loving fullness in your chest, all counterpointed by hot pain that was ripping through your nerves from the bruises and singed skin from your ongoing spanking. 
Not to mention the slick coating your thighs— 
“Seems not,” Keigo clicked his tongue, pausing to run a finger over your slit. “Still dripping for me, even when I’m touching you like this?”
He spanked you again, right over a pre-existing welt.
You sputtered in the cushions, almost sobbing but still trying to hold onto a semblance of your composure.
Keigo could see it in the rigidity of your shoulders. No matter how he pressed into the muscles in time with the strikes he dealt, you just wouldn’t loosen up.
You shook against the cushions below, exertion from holding your arched back clear.
Keigo hummed to himself.
You said you wanted it to hurt, right?
And God, if he wasn’t going to deliver. 
In a flurry of motion, Keigo shifted, bringing you with him.
Your cheek remained against the leather of the couch, blood rushing to your head as your ass was thrown up and over the armrest. 
Keigo stood up, wings unrestrained and extended. You couldn’t see the angry, red plumage, only the shadow it threw over you.
“Oh, dove,” Keigo waxed. “You just need a bit more, right?”
Another strike.
“F-f— Fifteen— “
“You’ve had such a rough day, haven’t you?” 
His words stir something vile in your soupy brain, a whimper leaking through your parted lips.
(Maybe, you were more fucked out than you thought.)
He hushed you with a yank on your hair, forcing your back and neck to bow.
“My dove just needs to know how loved they are, hm?”
You nodded, his grip tightening but you could hardly care. Each spark of pain felt so fucking good, your lingering barriers broke down more and more with each one of Keigo’s touches.
Whether they were that syrupy comforting kind or burning, bruising kind, you couldn’t care or tell. The blend of it all was flooding through you so well, all you could do was blubber out numbers between bursts of tears and ‘more’s and ‘please’es.
“T-we— n— ty!” The syllables felt choppy, maybe, but you hardly cared.
“Good girl, fuck,” Keigo gritted out, palming the front of his trouser. He’d been graciously (read: cruelly) ignoring your dripping cunt as well as his own ache throughout your spanking session.
He’d make sure the two of you were satisfied by the time it was all over.
You did have five strikes left.
 “Taps for me, love,” Keigo’s rubbed at your back, hips bumping into your broiled ass. 
You gave the leather below a single hard tap.
All good.
 And with very little reverie, a few of Keigo’s feathers shot from his wings, wrapping around your wrists and ankles, pinning you to the leather.
And with even less reverie, Keigo’s spread your asscheeks wide and spat onto your cunt.
His name ripped from your throat, mixing with a shriek as the cold spit went clammy against your burning flesh.
“Try again, sweetness.” 
The next strike was hard, and Keigo’s hold didn’t shift from your cheeks. 
He’d hardened two fucking feathers.
Larger ones, broader enough to strike down at the top of the curve of your ass with a swift flick.
They were so much harder than his hands. 
You corrected yourself instantly, clawing into the cushions. Your chest burned as your sobs turned to weepings, your cheeks singeing with each harsh breath.
“Tw— e— nty one!
You barely managed to get the words out before Keigo buried his face in your cunt.
And fuck, did he eat you like the prized meal you were. His words be damned, he had plenty of ways to break you down beyond his verbal praise. 
He lapped at the tacky slick on your thighs, licking up to tease at your pussy with the tip of his tongue. The stubble along his chin roughed up your most precious bits, but you didn’t mind.
If anything, you wanted it to hurt more. 
For that reason, his feathers could finish the job. They surely had a harder hit than his hands had.
Based on the way you were quaking against him, stammering and blabbering little pleads and adorations, they were doing their job.
Broken little thing, weren’t you?
But that was the point, of course. 
“Four more, dove,” Keigo murmured against your folds. “Say thank you with each one, dove. Keep being good for me.”
The command was all you needed, hurriedly nodding into the tear-soaked fabric below.
The feathers struck down again, skin breaking.
“T— wen-ty two!” 
Keigo chuckled against your cunt, pulling away only to tease slide his fingers over your clit, “Feeling good?”
“T-Thank you!”
Oh, you were fucking braindead. 
Keigo was all too pleased, a few smaller feathers going to prop up your hips as they trembled.
“Good,” His words were muffled by your sex, but neither of you had the mind to care about words. It was all in the soup of sounds that kept you rutting back into his tongue. “Keep going.”
The next strike was so loud, it eclipsed the sound of your own shriek.
“TW— wenty three! Thank you!”
Keigo could feel you wheeze, but no taps came.
No reason not to continue.
His own pants felt tight as he rolled his hips into the side of the couch, eyes rolling back into his head as your cunt gushed around him.
Your entire body was thrumming, pulsing from the inside out with what had to be pain, but you could hardly tell. You were spinning somewhere harsh and fast and you didn’t dare try to rationalize it.
All you could ground yourself on was the slap of Keigo’s feathers and the feel of him eating you in earnest.
It was enough, barely.
The next slap just added to your feelings. 
 “TWE— EN— ty f-four! T-thank you!”
Keigo pulled away, wiping your arousal from around his lips and scooting around the couch to get a better look at your face.
As absolutely hot as he was, and how desperately he wanted to eat you up until he burst, he also knew he was pushing you fairly hard.
“Sweetness, ready to take your last one?” 
Keigo ran his fingers through your hair as your eyes focused on him in their half-lidded position. 
“I-I can’t do it, daddy.”
He paused.
You’d have given taps if you wanted to stop, truly. He trusted you on that.
“Yes, you can,” Keigo cooed, thumbing a bit of drool over your cheek. “I know you can.”
“I-I can’t,” You sobbed out, burying your face into the couch. Despite your words, you stayed tense and rigid.
All you needed was a little push.
Keigo took to leaving gentle touches across your back, rubbing out your tension wherever he found it knotted. Your weeping didn’t fully subside, but it certainly quieted as you took gulps of breath was some gentle coaching.
“Can you take one more for me? For your daddy?” Keigo glowed with pride as he spoke, seeing the way your eyes lit up and your head bobbed against the cushions.
“Uh-huh,” You leaned into his touch where you could. “One m-more, f-for you.”
You gave a single tap into the cushions.
 Keigo couldn’t help but be proud of you as you readjusted, arch going harsher and deeper.
He��d finished your spanking off with his hand, you earned it after taking so much so well.
The large feathers returned to him, while a single small one drifted between your sticky thighs to part your folds.
Slowly, the plume circled around your clit, lapping at the nub as his tongue would, your juices soaking it all the same. 
Even as Keigo laid the most gentle touch on your ass, the throb and burn of it made your whimper and whine. 
One more.
Just one more strike and all of that mundane stress and anger would be broken off from you and dissolved in a puddle of your own tears.
“When I give you your last one, you’re going to cum all over that feather for me, dove, understand?”
You nodded, hurriedly, barely grinding against the stimulation. 
Keigo wound up, wings extended and full, before putting all of his weight into his swing.
His palm hit your rear with such a crack that it broke both of you.
You screamed, shrieked, as your thighs clenched and gave out beneath you. Any cries you’d be managing to hold back ripped from your throat with the last smack as your cunt clenched and pleasure exploded in your gut. 
Barely, you managed to speak through your tears.
“Twenty-f-five.. .. thank you....” 
Keigo had to take a moment himself, breathing hard and particularly weak-kneed. 
The sweet cry that had torn from your mouth was all he needed to be pushed over the edge, his cock twitching and spurting while hardly even being touched.
He was impressed, with both himself and you.
“God, dove, you did so well for me,” Keigo wiped the salt from his brow, ignoring his creamed pants to slip onto the couch and pull you into his arms.
You were half-lucid, sticky with sweat and arousal but you couldn’t find yourself to care. All you could fixate on was the feel of Keigo’s heat and the ruffle of his feathers as you settled into his lap.
Keigo pressed kisses against your temples and cheeks, positioning your thighs around his own and allowing you to sag into his chest. 
You clung to him with everything you had as you spun down from your high.
He whispered little affections to you, small praises and love for doing so ‘well for him’ and ‘how good you took it, took it all’. 
A few of his feathers came and went carrying a bowl of fruit, chilled and cut up into bite-sized pieces.
From your haze, Keigo pressed a piece of sweetness to your lips.
“Eat, love, take it,” He purred as you opened your mouth just enough for the fruit to slip in. You chewed slowly, focusing on the flavor and texture before swallowing.
The spare drool that slipped from the corner of your mouth was quickly scooped up by Keigo’s thumb, gathered and popped into his own mouth.
His feathers rippled.
“I feel a lot better,” You slurred into the crook of his neck. “Thank you.”
Keigo chuckled, something high and light that made your guts turn anew. His hand brushed over the meat of your ass, bruised and covered in welts, “You’re welcome, but...”
His touch hurt, but in the best way.
A pleasant reminder.
“How does this feel?” 
“Painful, but good,” You hummed, opening your mouth for another piece of fruit. The tartness of the bite brought you closer to lucidity. “You’re too good to me, you know.”
“Flattery, when you’re this fucked out? I’m impressed,” Keigo pulled you closer by the small of your back. “Rest for a little bit, then I’ll clean us up, sound good?”
“Very,” You circled your arms around him, locking your hands just below his wings. “But... ‘us’?”
“I might’ve nutted. Maybe.”
You snorted, but you were quickly quieted by another piece of sweetness and plenty of distracting affection.
Desperately needed, by both you. 
thank you for reading!!! check out my links (ko-fi, ao3, and twitter!!)  
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
AHHH CONGRATS ON 600!!! I hope you're doing well heehoo and if its okay can i ask for the whole alphabet with scaramouche?:3 (also pls don't overwork yourself jdjajdkdlfmmeis)
600+ event!!
this is my first time writing for scara so i hope i did okay aha,, under the cut for length!
fluff alphabet with scaramouche, gn reader, warning for inazuma quest/scaramouche backstory spoilers!!
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why is his name so long
A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
- scaramouche isn't super knowledgeable about relationships, so he'll just sort of tentatively ask what you want to do and go along with it (though he might act like it's a stupid idea the whole time). really he doesn't care what he spends his free time on as long as you're a part of it.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
- well first of all, he admires the courage you've got to have to be with him in the first place. other than that, he also loves your smile (but you won't hear him tell you that out loud, unless you're not really asleep when he thinks you are)
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
- another thing he's alien to. at first just starts telling you to calm down and is pretty harsh about it. when he realizes this isn't working, he'll reluctantly take you into his arms and start awkwardly patting your head. it's funny how awkward it is and you end up laughing at him about it, which makes him annoyed, but at least now you feel better.
D-Dreams (how do they picture the future with their s/o?)
- scaramouche... either wants you to be by his side as he conquers everything and shows the world just how strong he is, or he wants to do it alone. though it would be much better if you were with him and it makes him sad to think about you not being there in the end.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
- surprisingly passive, actually. he doesn't really know what he's doing so he lets you make most of the decisions about dates and spending time together. other than that though, he likes to drag you around to do whatever he wants.
F-Fun (what do they do for fun with their s/o? what’s their idea of a fun day out?)
- what's fun? on a day off, scaramouche will wander around and ponder his own existence. you'll have to take him to a market or a park or something so he can actually experience things first - once you do, you'll find he enjoys being alone with you somewhere quiet, where he doesn't have to listen to other people.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
- doesn't show it, but is definitely grateful, though he also doesn't know just how much of a hassle he can be. scaramouche just sort of assumed love was supposed to be unconditional... but he can tell when he's crossed a line, and he's grateful for you sticking by him despite everything.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
- obviously the one big secret is how he came into being in the first place, but once he trusts you enough to tell you about his being a puppet and a test, he's in all the way. he hides little things from you before that but once he's told you, you're in it with him forever whether you like it or not, and that means he doesn't keep anything else from you.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
- he's a lot more tolerable around you! you've been approached by fatui officers asking you "how do you do it?" and saying things like "thank you so much i totally thought i was gonna be yelled at today!" somehow you cool off his temper a bit.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
- JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS man. he gets jealous so so easily and WILL confront you about it. after a while and once he knows he can trust you he gets jealous less frequently, because he knows you're with him for the long run.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?).
- bad kisser at first because he's probably never been in love before. he gets the hang of it quickly though! your first kiss was because he had to shut you up and he couldn't figure out another way how so he just kissed you. you yelled at him after that.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
- scaramouche confesses on purpose but in a really weird way. he plans it and everything - he takes you out to see the sunset and brings food (almost like a picnic) but then once he gets to the actual confession it's just like "how dare you do this to me? i stay awake at night thinking of you and somehow you're the most tolerable person i've ever met. childe had the audacity to call it love and to laugh at me so he got what he deserved. if you don't feel the same way i'll punch you too." but he doesn't end up having to punch you, which you're both very glad about.
M-Mornings (what’s it like waking up with them? do they sleep late or wake up before the sun rises?)
- he didn't have a reason to sleep in late until he started sleeping next to you. now he's stuck in his ridiculous sleep schedule so he always wakes up before you. but hey! bonus! now he gets to look at you while you sleep, which for some reason makes him extremely flustered (which is really cute to wake up to).
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
- just calls you your name 🧍
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
- when he discovered he was in love he got angry at you. then he realized it wasn't your fault, and, actually, this wasn't such a bad thing. man were you confused though. for a solid week he just yelled at you for no reason. childe guessed correctly when he realized scaramouche's more-unusual-than-usual behavior, but he had the decency to hold his tongue around you.
P-PDA (how are they with PDA? is it fun to them or are they more reserved with their affection?)
- hates pda. will hold your hand and that's it if you try to kiss him in public his face will scrunch up and his ears will pull back instinctively. then he'll avoid you for the rest of the day.
Q-Quirk (some random thing they do when they’re with you for no reason in particular)
- gently taps you at random moments, almost as if he's trying to remind himself that you're here with him.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
- scaramouche tries to be romantic? he's doing his best. he tries all the gooey stuff to make you happy like buying you chocolate and giving you stuffed animals but in reality he has little to no tolerance for this kind of thing and you have to reassure him you love him, not the classic romantic things he forces himself to do. after that he stops, which is a huge relief.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
- he's more focused on his own goals and climbing the fatui ladder, but he's also very invested in anything you're attempting to do. wholeheartedly believes in you, whether he outwardly expresses it or not.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
- scaramouche likes the security of his routine and the place your relationship is at. he gets embarrassed at pretty much any new milestone and needs some time to get to them, and he gets cranky when things change suddenly, so uh. no, he likes it better the way it is with little to no changes.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
- not very empathetic, but is very understanding. scaramouche lacks the ability to feel how you're feeling (is it because he isn't quite human?), but he does understand how you work and function, and the best ways to treat you depending on your mood.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?).
- since you're so important to him, you're about number two on his list of priorities, maybe almost tied with his work in the fatui. he can't stand people, but you've wormed your way into his heart, so he's not letting you go anytime soon.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
- any time you give him affection he's a little startled at first, but he comes to love it and eventually will ask you for hugs.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- yes but ONLY behind closed doors. he's afraid if he so much as looks at you lovingly his underlings will laugh at him, and he definitely can't have that. when you two are alone, however, he absolutely cannot get enough of your touch.
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
- angry angry angry and makes it everyone's problem. when you get back from your trip the mood is dark and agents are running up to you like you're their savior "OH GOD YOU'RE BACK THANK EVERYTHING PLEASE SAVE US."
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
- he would literally kill for you (please tell him not to)
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archaxwii · 3 years
The Tiny Fox Thief
Warnings: This story contains soft, safe, vore. Scott catches Fundy trying to steal his stuff for the 100th time and decides to punish him to deter him from doing it again.
I promise I didn’t stop wanting to write these, I originally wrote this like two months ago but works been rough recently and killing my motivation and time to write, but hey at least I got this out in time for Origins to come back? I’m hoping the next one won’t take as long but I can’t make any promises. Despite the long wait I hope you enjoy! 
A tiny fox man was rummaging through his things.
Scott had causally walked into his house to get some payment for Ranboo and Tubbo for a trade they were doing for his new build, and he was greeted with a familiar sight.
He opened one of his chests to grab some gold and out of the corner of his eye he spotted a tiny ball of orange fluff hiding behind a diamond that was suspiciously not with the other diamonds.
Scott rolled his eyes, he grabbed the gold he needed and safely stored it away from the greedy fox before plucking Fundy up from behind the diamond.
Said fox yelped a little at being caught and now being so close to the giant.
Scott shifted his grip so Fundy was gently held in his hands instead of dangling by the fingers. Even if he was a little thief Scott didn't want to hurt his friend.
Scott raised an eyebrow at him." This is the fifth time this month Fundy, don't you ever get tired of gong through people's things?" He questioned flatly.
Fundy gave Scott a sheepish look." Uh, heyyy, Scott...I uhh, don't know what you're talking about, I was just looking at your pretty gems, they're uhh, very shiny from down here, you know?" His eyes darted around, trying not to make eye contact with the agitated giant.
Scott didn't seem convinced.
"You know, you'd have your own shiny diamonds to look at if you went and got them yourself instead of stealing from other people." He deadpanned.
"Pshh, what's the fun in that?" A look of fear crossed his face as he realized his mistake." Uhh, not that I was stealing, cause, uh, heh I was totally not doing that, I promise haha." His ears flattened against the back of his head as he grinned nervously.
" What am I gonna do with you? You know I could blow you to smithereens right?" Scott shook his head. He was obviously joking, but a little intimidation never hurt anybody.
"Ahah, but you'd never do that right?" In the back of his mind he knew Scott wouldn't do that, but Fundy did shrink a little further into Scott's hand nonetheless.
"Hmm, maybe I should, teach you a lesson to quit stealin' from everyone." Scott threatened.
At first it was an empty threat, but a small rumble from his stomach gave him a different idea.
It wasn't uncommon for someone to go missing for a little while due to being tucked away in a persons belly. Most of the giants in this server had the ability to protect their prey and keep them safe for as long as they wanted, and for the ones who didn't have those powers there were potions that could easily help keep prey safe as well.
That's why Fundy knew as soon as he heard that growl, with the look that crossed Scott's face, that it was time to bolt. He immediately panicked and started trying to squirm out of the hand he was trapped in.
"I think I know a good place I can put you for tonight, maybe it'll teach you a lesson." Scott himself had never eaten anyone before, but he knew he had a control over his own digestive system, so he wouldn't actually hurt Fundy.
"P-please, Scott! I-I promise I won't steal again, I've changed, I've mended my ways and all that!" He stuttered frantically.
Now, Fundy has spent a fair few nights in the belly of one of his friends, especially after he'd been caught stealing from them, but just because he knew it was safe didn't mean he liked it. It was just so humiliating.
And I mean do you know how long it takes to get saliva out of fur?
In a stroke of luck, Fundy managed to squirm out of Scott's grip and he leapt off of Scott's hand onto the floor.
Fundy was speedier than the average tiny, fast enough to almost make it to the little hole the tinies used to get into Scott's house.
Key word there is almost.
Right as he got to the entrance, as the scent of the outside hit his muzzle...he was swept right back up into Scott's hands.
He whined as Scott's grinning face looked down at him." So close, yet so far Fundy." He petted Fundy's head with his thumb." I promise it's just for tonight, it'll be a good nights sleep and I'll let you out in the morning." Scott tried to reassure.
It was quite warm inside, it was soft and it was easy to fall asleep knowing he was safe.
Fundy huffed. That didn't mean he liked it! It was slimy and gross, it was so loud, and being eaten was so just embarrassing, and don't even get started on the trip down! No, he most certainly did not want to get eaten.
Scott kept a firm grip on him as he lifted Fundy above his head. Fundy yelped as Scott opened his mouth and unceremoniously dropped him in.
To Fundy this was a familiar hell. To Scott this was an unfamiliar heaven.
He hummed as he felt squirming around. Fundy battered his tiny paws at his teeth, trying to get him to open his mouth.
Scott didn't relent and instead started licking the little fox. He had a very salty taste that made his mouth water.
After Scott figured Fundy had been covered in enough saliva, he tilted his head back so Fundy knew what was coming. It was strange to feel Fundy physically tense, and after a couple seconds he swallowed him down.
Fundy yelped as he was shoved into the dark tunnel.
This was always his least favorite part. Not that he liked any of it, mind you. But this always left him dizzy and disoriented and feeling a bit sick.
He squirmed at the painful crushing that slowly pulled him down. He could tell Scott had never eaten someone before, it was much more painful than usual.
After a few more swallows his feet were pressed against something, he whined as he was squeezed through something much tighter and then unceremoniously dropped into a shallow pool of liquid.
Tired as the decent down left him, Fundy didn't hesitate to scramble up and start battering at the walls. He didn't want to actually hurt Scott, but he was still upset, it was so disgusting and humiliating. Why did they always do this to him?
Scott stumbled a bit, leaning against the chest at the unexpected assault on his stomach.
He didn't expect to be able to feel everything so strongly, and it felt kinda nice, despite the attack inside.
He hummed, pressing a hand to his stomach." You doing alright in there Fundy?" He inquired. He wanted to make sure he wasn't gonna actually hurt him.
"No, Scott, you just ate me!" He growled, trying to jump and climb up the slick walls to no avail." Please let me out, it's really gross in here!" He whined.
Scott chuckled, rubbing circles on his belly." Well I didn't exactly swallow you for your enjoyment, this is meant to be a punishment after all." He lowered his voice, tone more serious." Are you actually ok in there? I'm not hurting you, right?"
"...If I said yes would you let me out?"
"Ok, ok, yeah I'm not dying or whatever." Fundy huffed, slumping against the wall with his arms over his chest.
"It's just for the night Fundy, I promise I'll let you out in the morning." He reassured.
Fundy remained grumpily silent, until Scott heard the thumping of footsteps and a figure appeared in the doorway.
"Scott?" Inquired the dark, imposing figure of Ranboo. The poor ender hybrid had to duck to see into the door.
Caught up in catching Fundy, Scott had forgotten his original goal when coming in here.
"Oh, I'm sorry Ranboo, I was trying to grab the gold for you guys and found a certain someone rummaging through my things again, so I had to deal with that." He quickly explained, sliding off the chest.
At the mention of Ranboo, Fundy scrambled up trying to claw at the walls again." Ranboo! Help me! I don't want to stay in here please!" He cried.
Unfortunately for Fundy, Ranboo couldn't hear him from the inside, but from the slight glance to Scott's belly he seemed to be able to figure out what happened.
Regardless of whether he knew or not Ranboo only lightly chuckled." You'd think he'd get tired of stealing one day." He stepped into the house, shaking his head." Well, do you have our stuff?"
Scott did a little "Oh yeah!" jump before turning around to dig in his chests. Fundy was still fiercely trying to get Ranboo's attention, which Scott blithely ignored.
After a couple seconds Ranboo was in the possession of 3 stacks of Redstone, a couple gold blocks, and some obsidian, and Scott now owned several stacks of concrete that he couldn't be bothered to harvest himself for a new build he was working on.
After saying their goodbye's Ranboo wandered off to...wherever he and Tubbo wandered off to, and Scott was left alone with Fundy, who was now grumpily sulking against the stomach wall.
After shifting his spades of concrete into his chests Scott retired to his room, flopping backwards onto his bed, trying not to jostle Fundy around too much.
He curled up around his middle, wrapping his arms around his stomach and allowing himself to revel in the sensation of Fundy being in there. Fundy wasn't moving much anymore but Scott could feel his weight, like a warm stone sat in the center of his belly. If he concentrated enough he could even feel the fox's soft breathing.
As much as Scott wanted to punish Fundy he did still feel bad for trapping him all night." You gonna be alright in there?" He softly asked.
Fundy huffed tiredly. It wasn't...that bad. It could actually be quite calming if he had wanted this to happen. It was much warmer than his cave and softer than the bed he slept on. The deep sounds of Scott's lungs and organs working around him did much better to soothe him than the dead silence he slept in at home. It wasn't really that bad in here if you ignored the disgusting amounts of slime...it's just that he hated feeling like food. And he knew nobody on the server felt like that towards him, but it didn't stop his brain from thinking about it that way.
He curled up tighter in a ball." I don't like being food for you guys." He mumbled, Scott could barely even hear the fox.
Scott pressed a hand to his belly, surprised at the sudden vulnerability. He didn't know Fundy felt that way about being eaten. Scott had assumed it was a fun game to him like it was everyone else." Fundy...none of us think like that about you, any of you, we like to have fun and mess with you guys but I-none of us- would ever think of you as food." He reassured. He'd never taken much consideration into how tinies really felt about being eaten, since people like Tubbo, Tommy, and Niki seemed to enjoy it (most of the time) and with the knowledge that it was safe, he didn't consider how negative it could be for some tinies.
He rubbed circles into his belly, feeling regretful." Do you actually want me to let you out? I don't want you to be in there if it upsets you."
Fundy sighed, licking at the few stray salty tears on his face."...No, there's no point when I'm already in here. And it isn't...that bad, I just...hate being reminded of where I am."
Scott chuckled lightly." Just think of it like a really weird waterbed, except with more slime." He offered.
Fundy snorted. It was like a waterbed of sorts, except it felt more like you were inside it than on top of it.
He laid his head down on his arms, closing his eyes. He didn't fall asleep immediately, but Scott's words soothed his nerves enough to where he found the stomach much less distressing than it had previously been. With Scott gently rubbing him and the sound of his heartbeat filling his ears and drowning out his thoughts, Fundy drifted to sleep.
Scott wasn't tired just yet. Being a Starborne, he much preferred being out at night and as such he was mostly nocturnal. He didn't mind staying awake anyway. He didn't know the next time he would be able to do something like this and wanted to enjoy himself as much as possible.
For now, Scott was content to just settle down and comfort Fundy. He'd had a rough couple hours thanks to him so he wanted to make him feel better as much as possible. He hadn't eaten tonight, but Fundy filled his belly enough where he didn't need to, a nice comfortable weight to keep the hunger at bay. He softly rubbed circles into his belly around Fundy, who seemed to slowly be drifting off. He was happy to lay like that for another few hours, enjoying the feeling of Fundy inside, as close and safe to him as a friend could be.
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amidstsaltandsmoke · 3 years
prompt 142 👀
...anon, I promise I didn't forget about you! Life™ and writers block/doubt had me stuck for a while. Apologies that this was sent something like 5ish weeks ago? I originally had a whole other idea written for this one but didn't like it and scrapped it. Not sure how much I like this one but I hope that you do!! Someday I will learn how to write an actual drabble-sized drabble. Thank you for sending the prompt!💛 P.S. I changed the wording around a little bit, I hope you don't mind :) ________________________ Prompt: “Hold my hand so he gets jealous.” Dany was a master at these types of work events by now, but the past few weeks, especially, had been draining. That was typical for a start-up, when they were trying to garner as much outreach as possible. Traveling between two different states and another country and back in the span of 7 days was a whole other animal, however.
This affair was meant to be a little more informal, but the air was still stuffy with corporate suits slithering about. Her favorite colleague and come-to-be wonderful friend had been working with her to get the head honchos drunk the quickest, that way they would be less inclined to hover and more likely to forget the goings on entirely.
But it wasn’t any of that that had her so on edge. It was that Jon was acting particularly distant ever since they’d all arrived nearly three hours ago now, and he seemed to almost be evading her.
Jon Snow, the young visionary who co-founded the company alongside her, who developed the technology that was rapidly playing a vital role in detecting and detaining human traffickers. That was sexy all on its own, but tonight he was dressed in a crisp, slim black suit, his dark locks half pulled back behind his head, his short beard trimmed just a little more for the gala.
They'd spent many a late evening and early morning in the office and over video conference working out the kinks of their start-up, smoothing wrinkles and always doing their best to stay ahead of their goals, where seeing one another so groomed and freshened up it was almost jarring. Typically - especially by the end of their days when work ran over - they'd been too riddled with exhaustion to bother keeping up physical appearances. There were more important matters that needed tending. And plus, as magnificent as he looked now, when he was a little disheveled with his riotous curly hair strewn about his head, his black thick framed glasses, his button-down loosened at the collar...there was an odd sort of comfort she found with that, and in knowing he was comfortable enough in her presence to relax.
She devoted so much of her young life to this dream and to have found someone just as driven, reliable, and enthusiastic about it was beyond her hopes and dreams.
But it also came with some side effects.
Months of time spent together between just the two of them had, inadvertently, created a wild storm of feelings for him. She found herself thinking about him on her days off and in her time away from the office, of which she spent more there than home these days. Dinner was more frequently than not held in one of their offices, depending on how they were feeling by the end of a strenuous day - his was always cooler with the air conditioning turned so low she oftentimes wondered how he didn't get hypothermia sitting in there.
On the other hand, she cranked up the heat in hers, and she received mirroring grumbles from Jon, how his northern skin would simply melt and she'd be left scooping him up off the floor.
To her advantage, however, that meant loosened layers of clothing, sometimes less of it if she were lucky. The same went to his benefit, too; he thought she didn't notice his wandering eyes, but of course she did. Just as she felt she was smooth enough to get a study on his stacked arms when he would remote even his button-down and left himself in a snug white or black plain t-shirt. That occurrence only happened once; she possibly hadn't been as discreet about her ogling as her mind had told her. Not when the cotton fiber was stretched so perfectly over his broad, muscular chest and fit his biceps like a rubber glove.
Sometimes, in the last hour of the day when they were already working well over their regular time, they would give themselves a break and kick back. They dove into topics ranging from favorite movies to deeper subjects like their most fucked up childhood memory. It turned out they had quite a lot in common, which fed into her ever-growing "things I adore about Jon Snow" bank that she stored away in her mind.
The trouble was, workplace romance was simply not allowed. At least, not within the same departments, and it still required paperwork to be filled out with an assortment of terms and agreements to abide to. Considering they were co founders together, that made things trickier.
Neither of them spoke any of this into the atmosphere, but it was palpable, and it got more torturous as time went on. Jon was the stronger one out of the two of them, and she knew he would never act on anything if it meant she could get let go or demoted. Their CEO could be a little bit of a hardass when it came down to company policies, but Dany was convinced they could find a way to make things work.
That included doing so behind everyone's backs. In all of the time they spent together without other company, Dany could count on one hand how many times there was ever anybody else in the building besides them when they were pulling extra hours. They could easily keep their hands to themselves during the day around their colleagues. At least, she thought so. It would at least make for a very exciting night cap to the day once they were able to be alone.
Missandei and Oberyn were the only two people she could trust to confide in, and to also keep it between just the three of them. Thus far, they did nothing but root for her luck to change, that maybe one of them would just bite the bullet and finally hook up. She was quite tired of skirting around it when she was with Jon, and the tension that thickened between them was going to reach a breaking point.
If she didn’t do something soon, if not just to confirm that he had it as bad as she did, she would wind up doing something impulsive, like pouncing on him one of these days when nobody was around. Or, possibly, when they had an audience.
Dany turned around and scanned the room until she latched onto him, where he was shaking hands and chatting up other people. He was not the tallest man in the world, but his presence was demanding, despite his humbleness. Every now and again, even in conversation, he would look up and around as if seeking something or someone. A little foolishly, she hoped it was her, though even in heels she was below average height compared to most everyone else in the room and would be a little difficult to locate.
"Go get that ass, girl," Oberyn growled into her ear, whacking her bum with the back of his hand, to which she promptly slugged his arm.
"Ouch!" He hissed, rubbing at the offended area. His smugness returned soon after, lips ticking up at the corners. "You'd better save that strength, you will need it later!"
He was darting off into the crowd with a chortle before she could scold him, and it took all of her professional mind to not flip off his retreating back.
“So...how are you going to seduce the elusive Jon Snow?” Missi inquired with a sassy eyebrow raised, her nearly-empty drink clutched in her hand.
Dany sighed, trying to not be too obvious as she observed him flitting from person to person. “I’m starting to think I’d imagined the entire thing,” she muttered with some frustration.
Missi pouted. “I don’t know about that. Not only are there a lot of snitches here that are probably keeping him at arms’ length, but have you not noticed Jon only goes to these things if you’re here?”
Dany frowned, finally tearing her eyes away from Jon to gape at her friend. “What? No, he’s gone to plenty without me, I’m sure of it…”
But was she? In hindsight, now that she really thought about it, there was never a social work event that Jon ever reported to her when she couldn’t make it. She could recall a handful where she went for the both of them, because he would much rather stay lat to play catch-up than mingle with large groups of people, and whenever there was news or gossip, he was the first person she’d save it for.
“You need to make him show you that he wants you just as bad as you want him. I’m sure he has the same fantasies-”
“Missi,” Dany drawled, tilting her head back and scrunching up her face. Yes, she and Missi may have shared almost daily secret huddles in the office, most of which entailed Dany agonizing over Jon Snow haunting her dreams on a regular basis. Rather than his hands rolling up his sleeves because the air was stifling, it was him doing so and crawling over her. Instead of him crouching down near her feet to pick up the pen he’d just dropped, it was him lowering himself to lift up the hem of her skirt and situate his face between her thighs. Sometimes it was sweeter than that: his hands sweeping wisps of hair away from her face when she gave up on it at the end of the day, or he would say “fuck it” to a prticularly agitating project and would gather her up and they would hold eah other on his office couch.
Reality was reflective of the sweetness of her wandering thoughts, just much less physical. They always texted each other when they each got home safely. By now, they’d each memorized their favorite go-to take-out preferences for various restaurants. If someone was having a rougher-than-usual day, one would send the other home and stay longer to cover them (if they were both having an equally terrible day, it came down to a couple rounds of rock-paper-scissors).
All things friends would do for one another, sure, except for the unbearable pull between them that was almost a physical thing.
In recent weeks, they began texting each other regularly, and most of it did not pertain to work, unless they were poking fun at it. A handful of times, Jon snapped photos of something of interest of Dany’s, and his message screamed “this made me think of you” without the actual words. It was the subtext. Usually something along the lines of, “didn’t you mention you were looking for this for about a million years?” in regards to a really cute coffee bar that had been sold out in her favorite color, a lemon yellow, that Jon had managed to find. And reserved for her special so nobody would snatch it up.
Or the multiple times he would share photos of his beautiful snow-white dog, Ghost, in various odd positions, or making strange faces, and adding something like: “a nightcap to your shitty day?”
And Dany loved to return the favor, though it was no competition. She just genuinely adored making him smile. Sometimes it was taking the piss out of him when he was extra grumpy, which immediately put him in a lighter mood. It was also bringing in an obnoxious box of coffee to share between them during the early dawn hours when nobody should be congregating for work-related endeavors at such an ungodly time. Just last week, he had been fidgeting more than usual and was noticeably distracted. When she had inquired what the issue was, he mentioned that Ghost was probably crossing his legs at that point since Jon was running late. As Dany had another errand to run before stopping home, she’d offered to let him out since Jon had a late conference that evening, and he had been all-too-happy in handing her over his keys.
The snort from Missi that invaded Dany’s thoughts had her turning her head toward her friend, who looked doubtful. “Probably every sane person in this room has had a fantasy about you. Jon is at the very top of that list."
Dany grimaced. "Please don't say things like that when I have to look all these people in the eye tonight.”
She weighed Missi’s words, but nothing came to mind right away. Jon appeared too distracted to notice anything she did anyway, and she also didn’t want to come off as desperate, especially if it might raise suspicions amongst others in the ballroom.
Then an idea struck her when she spotted Oberyn once more. Their marketing sleuth, and someone she had grown fond of because of his warm demeanor toward everyone he met. He was the friends-with-everyone type, and he was flagging her down as if he’d read her mind, so she excused herself and weaved through the crowd until she reached him.
Oberyn pecked each of her cheeks, even though he’d just seen her a little while ago, then held her out by her arms and gave her a slow once-over as if he’d only been seeing her for the first time that night. With anyone else, she would have balked, but she knew him well enough to understand it was a platonic gesture. Once his eyes reached hers again, his dark brow lifted to his hairline. “How has the white wolf kept his paws off of you this long?”
Dany scowled, flicking his shoulder. “I’ve been trying to figure that out myself for the past several months.”
“Well, what’s the hold-up?”
Sighing, Dany made a secret peek behind Oberyn where Jon was moving closer. Briefly did their eyes lock, and she turned back to Oberyn. “Hold my hand,” she said, extending her own for his.
“Why? So he gets jealous?” Oberyn drawled, snatching up her hand and taking it a step further by pressing a kiss to the top of it.
“Maybe,” she replied, straightening her spine by her boldness.
They conversed for some time, getting cozy and giggling away and eventually were joined by some of their other colleagues. When someone made a point to question why they were holding hands, Oberyn was quick on his feet in explaining that there were no rules to dating across different departments, only if two people worked in the same one. But it soured her stomach.
After she and Oberyn stayed that way for a short time, chatting about things she could barely bring herself to care much about as Jon edged past them, her shoulders slumped as she twisted about to watch him make a beeline for the bar.
“Daenerys,” Oberyn called to her sympathetically, “go to him. You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep up this silly game,” he explained and wiggled their conjoined hands, gently returning hers to her.
She swallowed and nodded, feeling childish that she even considered making such a move. Most of the guests were out on the dance floor, so it was easier to maneuver around to get to the bar where Jon had just collected his drink. Her nerves were wrecked, and this time it was the uncertainty of what reaction she may get, despite her earlier confidence.
As he was turning around, she observed him downing a quick shot before he realized she was there. He returned the glass to the counter and gave her his full attention. “Hey,” he rasped, his throat likely still burning from the liquor.
The pessimistic thoughts ate at her once more. “Hey. I didn’t think you’d show up tonight.” She tried for casual conversation, though it sounded forced even to her own ears.
Shrugging, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “Figured I ought to make an appearance. You look nice, by the way.”
The tight smile he produced felt uncharacteristically forced, almost nervous. She shifted on her heeled feet, her mouth suddenly parched, her words half choked out. “Thanks. So do you,” she drew in a silent breath, and decided she couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you alright?”
“Aye, just...tired,” he landed on, but she wasn’t convinced. Before she could dig a little deeper, his attention fell on something behind her. She followed his gaze and caught Oberyn heading their way. She wasn’t sure what to make of his determined expression, but something about it made her a little queasy.
“I should probably go before your boyfriend gets upset,” Jon murmured just loud enough for her to hear; he didn’t give her a chance to catch him before she realized what he’d said and disappeared on her.
Oberyn stopped just short of Dany. “What was that all about? It looked like you needed rescuing.”
Pressing her eyes closed, Dany silently cursed herself. “I’m an idiot, that’s what happened. I’ll catch you later,” she cut him an apologetic glance and squeezed his arm before trailing in the direction of where Jon slunk off to.
The damned ballroom and her petite height made it hard to see above anyone, but luckily she was able to locate him by asking around if anyone had seen him. When she was notified he had mentioned he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to take off without any commotion, her heart sank. She was a damn fool, and now she was half running in six-inch heels, the skirt of her dress hiked up so she wouldn’t land herself a concussion, hoping beyond hope he hadn’t reached the parking lot yet.
She almost passed him up when she barged her way outside, frantically searching over the lot, breathless, to spot his car. A movement to her left made her jump, her hand flying to her chest until Jon stepped beneath the dim patio light and let her breathe again.
"Bloody hells," she exhaled, observing him as he put out his cigarette with his shoe and tossed the butt into the trash.
"Sorry," he chuckled, once more sheltering his hands inside his pockets as he turned his shadowed eyes on her.
"I didn't know you smoked," she mused, still trying to calm her heart.
Jon ducked his head, and she thought she caught a smirk on him, but it was too dark to tell. "Only sometimes. What are you doing out here, anyway?"
So much for giving her heart time to settle - now it kickstarted tenfold. There was no way to be honest without the whole truth. She supposed now was as good a time as any, best as they didn't have an audience. "I was hoping to catch you before you'd left," she paused, his gaze lifting and resting hard on her. So intense that she averted hers to her feet while she sounded her admission. "Oberyn isn't my boyfriend."
After a moment of silence, she sought his reaction. He lifted a shoulder "It's not my business, Dany."
"No. It is, because…," she took a half step closer, then squeezed her eyes shut. It sounded so childish to even say it. "I'd asked him to do me a favor so that it might make you jealous."
It came out so quickly she didn't think he understood half the words. But he was frowning when she braved opening her eyes again. "And why would you want to do that, Dany?"
His voice fell an octave lower, practically purring, and it left her momentarily stunned in place even as he began to close in on her. The use of her nickname in such a manner was leaving her in a delirious state. By the time he stopped, just a hair’s breadth short of their toes touching, she was having to tilt her head up to see him. Even despite the added height of her shoes. Somehow, her voice didn't quiver with the hopeful anticipation that was setting her nerves alight.
With whatever scrap of courage she had left, she voiced it into the world. "Because I really, really, really like you, and it's been torture trying to piece together whether the feeling is mutual, or if it's a figment of my imagination."
His frown returned, deeper than before, his eyes darting between each of hers. "How could you ever think it's one-sided?" He asked gruffly, and a knot firmly wrapped around her throat. Maybe that was a good thing, to prevent her from saying anything that would break the spell. “You occupy my mind ninety percent of the time,” he said, “the other ten is me trying to figure out how to stop thinking about you for five bloody minutes so I can get work done without being distracted.”
She huffed out a breath of relief, finally allowing herself to smile. It was good that it was night time so the red sweeping over her cheeks was well hidden. Still, she ducked her head to give herself a moment to dwell on his confession. His finger gently encouraged her to come back to him though, and suddenly the air between them was thin, his breath puffing against her lips.
A raucous shriek just a little way over inside the building made them both jump apart, a group of intoxicated people bowling their way through the double doors and out onto the patio. One of them slurred their apology as they stumbled out into the parking lot, exclaiming about how they couldn’t wait to get their hands on a fat greasy burger and then throw it up later. There couldn’t have possibly been anything much better at ruining the mood than that.
Jon huffed when he looked at her, rubbing at his forehead. No doubt his heart was beating just as violently against his chest as hers was. Without a word, he snatched up Dany’s hand and tugged her into the grassy area, hidden behind the solid wall of the venue. After double checking over his shoulder, he pressed himself against the rough brick wall and pulled her flat against him while she gasped, gently sweeping away small wisps of hair that got in his way.
His hand cradling her jaw, he finally, finally, dipped his head until his lips were brushing over hers. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, overstimulated by months of need for him, her hand fisting his shirt whilst the other curled around the back of his neck. His hands cuffed her waist and kept her close, the tips of his fingers digging into the fleshy bits of her hips when she nudged open his mouth to slip her tongue into the hot confines of his.
The low groan he elicited forced one of her own from her throat, and then everything was escalating at a dizzying pace; their hands were roaming everywhere they could reach, exchanging nips and licks and everything inbetween until they were forced apart for air. Where she had wedged her thigh between his, she could feel the hard evidence of his arousal, and if it weren’t for the consequences she would have her way with him in the dirt and the grass. Thorn bushes be damned.
“We should probably take this somewhere else,” he whispered, winded, and she was happy that he wasn’t about to suggest they stop altogether.
She nodded before the last word was out. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”
Jon considered their surroundings carefully, then grabbed her hand.
Their seatbelts were thrown off so hard, Dany was surprised they hadn’t accidentally shattered Jon’s car windows with the force. They’d snuck off into the parking lot and after a heady makeout session, Jon decided they ought to find somewhere a little more private, settling on a nearby park where the only source of light was several yards away.
The second he cut the engine they crashed together, pawing at one another until he dragged her over onto his lap. His hands molded to her ass, but the material of her dress made him growl with frustration that it didn’t allow him the access he desired, so he slid them beneath and his head smacked back against his headrest when he discovered she’d foregone panties with a groan between his teeth.
Dany moaned as his fingers kneaded her bare flesh, and she took advantage of the new exposure of skin down the column of his neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses and tiny bites where the collar of his dress shirts could mask.
Jon shifted his legs and bumped into the steering wheel with a crack. “Ouch, fuck,” he grumbled, and she realized their current position wasn’t very practical if they wanted things to go any further.
“Are you okay?” Dany asked against his clammy skin, reaching behind her to smooth her hand over the offended kneecap.
“More than,” he replied, curling his fingers around to her inner, upper thighs and making her tremble. He was so close to her cunt that she could feel his heat against it, and her forehead fell against his chest, her hips rocking to seek the friction she so desperately needed. But he never gave her it; in fact, he seemed keen on doing just the opposite, skimming his fingers just at the juncture, trailing them down the length of her thighs, squeezing her ass on the way up each time.
Even when she was left a writhing mess and kissed him savagely, popped open the first couple of buttons so she could get more of him, he still refused to touch her there.
For now.
Jon pulled at her bottom lip, his voice a low, husky whisper. “We’ll have more room in the back seat.”
“What are your intentions, Jon Snow?” She inquired with feigned innocence.
With a light smack to her bum, he chewed on his bottom lip. “Get back there and I’ll show you.”
It took some finagling, but soon enough they were in the more spacious back seats, and she quickly unstrapped her heels. Jon’s shoes were next, and then he was helping her out of her dress, carefully rolling it upward until it was off of her, leaving her completely exposed for his viewing. His arms froze in the air, her dress still clutched in his hands as he took her in. The light didn’t illuminate much, but it was enough to see one another clearly.
Since he was so enlightened by her breasts, she giggled and rose onto her knees, taking her dress and letting it drop to the floor whilst she assisted him in removing his suit jacket. Once that was shed, he instantly filled his palms with her breasts, his thumbs sweeping over her pebbled nipples. He was lucky she had enough strength to not buckle under his touch, her teeth capturing her bottom lip in a hasty endeavor to rid him entirely of his clothing so she could return the favor.
Then she stilled, a thought occurring to her. “Are you sure you want to do this in your car? It might get messy…,” she noted as he briefly ceased his fondling to work on shedding his pants, his dark eyes gleaming in the light.
Once he made quick work of them, his jacket was next in the pile they haphazardly tossed up front. “It’ll give me something to think about on my commute,” he rasped, and it took her a beat to understand what he meant, unable to bite back a grin. By now her cunt ached for him and they’d only just started getting things moving.
Her hands slid over his shoulders, taking his shirt with it, the play of dim light and shadows over his sculpted body making her mouth go dry and her tongue thick and heavy in her mouth. Jon shifted up higher to free his arms, her fingers skimming down his chest and over the ebbs of his abdomen, eyes falling to where his cock was straining and hard in the cotton of his boxer briefs. Without anymore delay, Dany slipped her hand beneath the waistband and curled her fingers around the rigid, hot skin, twisting lightly until he was sucking sharp breaths of air through his teeth.
In a flash, he shucked off his boxer briefs and hooked an arm around her waist, ravaging her mouth. As he pressed tighter against her, his thick length nestled between her thighs, sliding along her cunt and forcing her mouth to pop open with a heady moan.
"You're soaked," Jon whispered harshly, his other hand clutched her ass cheek to keep her stationary, his breaths short puffs over her face as he slowly teased the both of them with long, slow strokes of his cock until he was thoroughly coated with her, their clammy foreheads thumping together.
Dany gripped his lats with her hands, trying to be mindful that she didn't score his skin with her nails, but barely had half a mind to care. She rolled her hips with him, her entire body quivering when he dragged his cock over her clit. The sounds erupting from her seemed to drive him mad as he echoed her.
She chanced a glimpse down between the narrow gap between them each time he pulled away, her peak so near the edge already that the sight of his wet, shiny cock disappearing between her thighs had her nearly coming just there. "I need you, Jon," she whimpered, grateful that he was as desperate as she felt. Any other time she would gladly drag it on, but she'd waited long enough to have this with him, and she was far too impatient to wait a second longer.
Carefully, she was lowered onto her back. They shared a few soft chuckles as they tried to figure out the most comfortable position for the both of them. Finally, she settled one leg off and planted the tips of her toes on the floor, the other tossed over his shoulder, while he knelt one knee on the seat and held himself up with the other on the floor.
He allowed himself some time to take her in all sprawled out for him, dragging the soft pads of his fingers down the length of her body just as she did his earlier. His hands stopped to gently massage her breasts, which were beginning to heave with anticipation, and he traced every curve of her body.
Dany swallowed, cuffing her hands around his biceps as he lowered himself to kiss her softly. Lips locked together, he nudged hers open, drawing in her upper lip and suckling on it, one hand braced near her head whilst the other made her squirm as it explored her hips, her inner thighs, until he have her exactly what she was near begging for. He barely glanced over her juices and she was moaning so loudly she was glad they'd gone somewhere more private.
Jon sucked over the soft skin just below her jaw and circled her clit with the flat of his fingers, her legs about as strong as jelly, head pressing into the seat and back arching into his touch. Jon growled at how reactive she was, his lips and tongue leaving a tinging trail down to her chest, not stopping until he pulled a nipple into his mouth and made her a wiggling mess beneath him.
His fingers added a little more pressure, gathering more of her up and ticking up his pace. Dany's mouth was dry from how harshly her lungs were begging for air, stomach sucked in and muscles going taut with the stimulation.
When he plunged a finger into her heat, she gasped sharply, and he paused all movement. "You alright?" He asked sweetly, pecking the corner of her mouth.
Dany nodded frantically, lifting her hips to get him to move again. "I'm...I'm not gonna last much longer," she practically squeaked.
A devilish smirk took over his face. "I'd better get to work then," he declared, then made her pout as he lifted to his knees and stretched himself between the front seats, searching.
It didn't take long for it to click. "I'm on birth control," she told him, and she snorted at his visible relief.
He resumed his position and his head rolled back. "Thank the gods. Pretty sure they don't equip new cars with condoms and mine are all at the house."
Dany giggled and grabbed for him, wanting him closer. "Wait, this is a new car?" Now that she actually thought about it, it did have that lingering 'new car smell', but she'd been so preoccupied with his distinct scent and getting him naked that she didn't notice at first.
"Aye," he responded, nipping her neck, "everyone says cars are the worst investment, but…,” he laved his tongue over one of her nipples and made her groan, “I beg to differ."
Dany smiled with a hum and smoothed her foot over his leg, too pleased and distracted by his attentions to think of a witty retort. Instead, she responded by canting her hips and grinding over his cock, his forehead dropping between her breasts, his curly head lifting to see her out. He took himself in hand and pumped a few times before lining up, and drove home in one slide, making stars burst between her eyes and a cry out into the night air.
Jon’s face distorted with a muffled grunt, giving them both time to adjust. He blew out a few long breaths, but she was too needy and languidly rolled her hips, stretching her arms as far down as she could and filling each hand with his marble-soft cheeks, gently encouraging him to move. She was out of her mind delirious as he set a pace that had them each panting and sweating, the mechanics of his ass under the grip of her hands and the slight burn of his cock pumping from root to tip and filling her entirely.
His responding, wolfish grunt and groans spurred her on, and she could tell he was trying to be gallant and hold back, but by the way his muscles were tensed and his movements became erratic, plus the twisting of his beautiful face, he was ready to let go and she was ready to fall with him.
Dany tilted her hips so that he was grinding over her clit, which sent her in a restless frenzy below him, whimpering and moaning and squirming with the build. "Fuck," he breathed, eyes fixed on hers, his teeth clenching and jaw muscle flexing. Dany lifted her hand above her head and braced it against the door, the other carding through his hair. She gave a soft tug to his damp locks which he seemed to enjoy, if the way his hips were snapping against her was any indication.
“Jon…,” Dany warned, he throat constricting against any more words she thought to utter, but it was enough for him to understand, the corded lines of muscle prevalent in his arms as he steadied himself and ground into her, and she broke in fragmented gasps and pleas of his name, a second wave overwhelming her already tender body as he leapt right after her.
His head fell against her shoulder with throaty grunts and groans, thrusting and then stilling as he spent inside of her. It was music to her ears. Her arms weakly found him, securing themselves over his back and easing his tired body down onto hers. He went without protest, carrying the brunt of his weight on one knee so he didn’t entirely crush her,
Part of her foggy mind wished they'd waited the extra ten minutes and taken this back to one of their houses so they could sleep right then, but the other parts of it were too thrilled by the idea of just going for it. "How am I to get through the work day without wanting to lock you up in my office?” Dany mumbled against his shoulder, pressing a kiss thereafter.
A groggy huff left him, the warmth of his breath tickling up her neck. After a moment and finally evening his breaths, he lifted his head, several damp strands of springy black curls falling over his face. “I know of a few less populated conference rooms with far less windows that we could sneak off to,” he smirked, her hands lifting to smooth away some of his hair so she could get a better look at him. Then, his expression morphed into one of mock sternness. “To go over our presentations without interruptions, I mean.”
With one brow arched and a sleepy giggle, she asked, “and how long have you been dreaming of using said rooms for these particular “work” activities?”
Jon sucked air through his teeth. “Longer than I’d ever admit,” he confessed.
“Sounds like I ought to report you for indecent thoughts,” Dany muttered, her head rising to kiss him softly.
He sighed against her and thumbed away some hairs at her temple, speaking against her lips when he needed air. “S’pose we ought to get out of here before someone finds us and we get reported for public indecency.”
Dany nodded, a tiny motion, pecking his still-swollen lips. “Okay,” she whispered. He pulled out of her with a wince and when he sat up, she bit her lip, getting a fuller view of him. Or, as much as she could in the slightly cramped backseat of his car. He was too much to resist, and she was quickly snatching his shirt out of his hands before he could pull it on over his head. “Wait,” she said, straddling his lap and easing his frown as his hands slid up her ribs. She braced her hands on his shoulders, smiling devilishly while his pupils grew dark and fat with want. “Let’s do it again.”
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just-jammin · 2 years
F/A War Timeline of Important Events (as of 3/13/2022)
*falls in the room*
…bonjour!! Lorekeeper Lyr here! (hehe it aliterate AND rhyme)
it’s been a while since this creative mess has been updated! if any new guys here are wondering why i’m here with this… thing, it’s because i’m one of the only people who can comprehend the Fluff/Angst War events!
and i’m pretty sure i’m bad at comprehension!
so i wrote a synopsis for new folks… right under the cut, bc i realized that THIS was getting long!
also here’s a guide to reading the timeline: newly added events are highlighted in red, additional notes are indicated with ADD/N
and any info from cc’s and/or offscreen info is encased in {curly brackets, while important pieces of plot are in [square brackets]!
for some reason, the art side of the SIX the Musical fandom started a war between Fluff & Angst (like… the fanfic stuff), due to how the fandom’s almost perfectly split between one or the other.
sooner or later, the First War had begun, which was mostly drawing ourselves in one of 3 sides: The Fluff Side, the Angst Side, and… Team Switzerland. y e p.
(except for Astro, the sole exception who made himself switch sides in order to make things equal)
back then, there was… not much lore, and it was mostly just fun banter and speculations abt our role in the War!
that is, until next year, when one of the Fluff people, DJ, posted an animatic filled with stuff abt what could’ve happened in the First War back in 2020. this made the sole member of Team Switzerland, Rowan, to make the comic that introduced the Second War, starting the creation of lore of such complicatedness that it might be rivaling that of Homestuck but not quite.
oh yeah, and not only Team Switzerland changed their name to the Furry Side, but two new factions rose up in the midst ofthe Second War: the short-lived War Criminals, newcomers who wanted to cause chaos and arson; and the Clean-Up Crew, a powerful duo of Gods who formerly sided with one of the two main teams, and whose main goal is to kil- er, ‘clean up’ people.
now without further ado, here’s the timeline!
First War, 2020
— Start —
Overall Summary (last scene maybe in later parts of the First War) [ x ]
Jam gets Betrayed by [REDACTED] (occurs in the latter half of First War) { x }
DJ leaves to find Magical Amulet (occurs right after First War) { x }
— End —
Second War, 2021
(ADD/N: The timespans across these events are vaguely mentioned; assume that a suitable amount of time passed across each of them unless explicitly specified by the event itself.)
— Start —
DJ gets Lost in the Woods (a.k.a. DJ is now a Plant Hybrid) [ x ]
Knight retires and becomes a Househusband { x } { x }
Jam starts being an Agent/Spy (occurs some months before Second War) [ x ]
Rowan restarts the War [ x ]
Kestrel joins Rowan’s Side [ x ]
Jam sends a Sack of Weapons to Angst [ x ]
DJ’s Missing Posters are Put Up (starting around this time) [ x ]
Furry Side plans Revealed [ x ]
Jam’s Side of the Furry Plan Reveal (+ First Mentions of the War Criminals) [ x ]
War Criminals are aware of Jam’s spying (a.k.a. War Criminals’ War Debut) [ x ]
Clean-Up Crew is formed (a.k.a. The Angst Massacre) [ x ]
Abi starts Burning Stuff Down [ x ] [ x ]
Ben executes some people Mary I style [ x ]
(ADD/N: The above event is only a reblog from cc!Abi’s blog, since the blog it was originally posted on has been deactivated. c!Trinity of the War Criminals did a crime of her own as well, which was… burning a portrait of Henry VIII. Unfortunately, the art depicting it has been deleted off from her Tumblr blog.)
Gryphon!Kes is Introduced [ x ]
Clean-Up Crew gets Lost (+ Jam Finds Out about The Massacre) [ x ]
Jam gets some Newspapers (occurs soon after above event) [ x ]
Knight killed a Fluff Spy (a.k.a. Knight doesn’t want to Get Out of Retirement) [ x ]
Jam mourns her Fallen Fellow Angst Members [ x ]
Abi explodes Another City with Dynamite [ x ]
(ADD/N: At about the same timeframe as the above event, c!Ben had started burning people inside their own houses, inevitably killing them. This has also been deleted when the account was deactivated.)
Jam gets Another Newspaper [ x ]
DJ encounters Jam outside Angst HQ [ x ]
Jam not-so-nicely asks DJ some Questions [ x ]
Alshain casts Virgo’s Prayer (a.k.a. Clean-Up Crew kills Survivors as a Warning) [ x ]
Abi burns down her Third City (a.k.a. Abi witnesses Virgo’s Prayer) [ x ]
Astro asks the Stars (a.k.a. Astro witnesses Virgo’s Prayer) [ x ]
DJ takes Advantage of Virgo’s Prayer against Jam [ x ]
(ADD/N: As of the latest events of this timeline, c!Jam is still standing in front of the Angst HQ while being tied up in vines. When she’ll get out of them is unknown until a new F/A entry is released.)
Knight is Persuaded to help Angst (a.k.a. San’s Introduction) [ x ]
Jam’s Unfortunate Realization (same time as Astro spies on Angst) [ x ]
Rowan gives Kes a Mission (possibly takes place within the DJ vs. Jam arc) [ x ]
Abi starts Making Improvements on her Pendant (maybe a day after Jam’s Unfortunate Realization) [ x ]
(ADD/N: In the same vein as her previous war crime, c!Ben burnt down an entire neighborhood and its inhabitants. Like all their other F/A posts, they have been gone since the blog was deactivated.)
Clean-Up Crew meets Abi (a.k.a. Abi is Killed after burning her Fourth City) [ x ]
Abi’s Last Words and Thoughts (same time as above event) [ x ]
Altair gives a Message to Rowan via Kes (+ Alshain kills off the War Criminals) [ x ]
Lots of Stuff happen in Kes’ POV (starts from the same timeframe as above event, until after The Janitor’s Aquarium) [ x ]
(ADD/N: c!Knight left the forest after they talked to c!Kes, and thus triggering the Jam meets Crow!San event as Crow!San flies away.)
War Criminal Ghosts want to find Gale’s Pendant (or at least that’s Gale’s plan) [ x ]
(ADD/N: c!Gale’s magical pendant was eventually found by c!Trinity between the timeframes of this event and the next. I have no idea how she did that. Though the comic depicting that has also been deleted from Tumblr.)
Gale seeks Vengeance against Clean-Up Crew [ x ]
Altair encounters Gale (a.k.a. Altair seemingly kills off Abi for Real) [ x ]
Alshain kills off Bea and Trinity for Real (a.k.a. The Janitor’s Aquarium) [ x ]
Jam meets Crow!San [ x ]
Altair brings Gale in Chains and heals Alshain (a.k.a. Two Deities bicker in front of Fire Ghost) [ x ]
(ADD/N: The last two events take place from at least a few hours to about a day after Lots of Stuff happen in Kes’ POV. Turns out I finally have some comprehension of that event since [12/17/2021]. Great job, me!)
— Up to Date —
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Closer | Bucky Barnes x reader
I wrote this for @mariessecretfantasies’ 500 follower challenge, took me forever but it’s done!!  congrats on 500 love, although I bet (and hope) you’re well past that now.
my ‘prompt’ was a song, specifically Closer by Nine Inch Nails… so it’s filthy.  purely filth, no plot.  don’t say I didn’t warn you.  special thanks to @evnscvll​ for the proofread!
warnings: SMUT of course, mild(?) dub con, d/s dynamics, oral sex (m receiving), vaginal sex, anal sex (and the prep is...not that good), ass-to-mouth (i’m literally blushing as I type this oml i’m so sorry), mentions of blood, slapping, spitting, degradation, semi-public sex, pain kink, and some other generally unhygienic behaviors…  this isn’t a dark fic per se but it’s got 0 fluff.  not even one ounce of fluff detected.  definitely no aftercare lmao.  ain’t nobody got time for that.
word count: a bit under 3k
Tumblr media
He couldn’t drink anymore-- well, he could, but he couldn’t get drunk, so there was no use.  Couldn’t get high on any drug, either.  Pain didn’t affect him the way it did other people.  But everybody has their vice, their way of hurting themselves to feel something when they can’t feel anything else.  You were his, and he was yours.
You couldn’t even remember now how it started.  There was definitely alcohol involved, but past that you weren’t sure what had compelled you two to stumble into bed together.  Even at the time you had realized it was irresponsible and probably not worth the trouble, but it seemed inevitable in some weird way.
That was how it always felt, actually.  Like tonight, when he met your gaze from across the bar.  His eyes were so dark, demanding-- it made you shiver even though it only lasted for a moment before he looked away, pulled into conversation with Bruce.  But you knew what it meant.
Didn’t matter anyhow; it was a big party, the whole crew and nearly all of the Tower staff were crawling the halls.  There was no guarantee of privacy at a time like this.  
You were chatting with Wanda when you felt a hand slip around your arm, pulling you back into somebody’s form-- of course you knew it was him, you could tell by the roughness of his skin, the smell of him, the way he pressed against your back…
“Can I speak to you privately for a moment?” Bucky requested with poorly-suppressed irritation, his lips almost pressed against your ear.
“S-sure,” you stumbled over your response.  You got the sense that there wouldn’t be much speaking, but you couldn’t turn him down in front of these people without giving yourself away.
And that was how you ended up in a broom closet, pressed against the wall with his tongue dominating your mouth and his hands somehow feeling like they were touching you everywhere all at once.
“Buck, wait,” you managed to murmur against his mouth as his lips crashed into yours.
“Tired of waiting,” he growled in reply.  “Turn around.”
You didn’t even think to question it, just obeyed his command blindly as he slammed you into the wall and began pushing your dress up, pulling your underwear aside.
“Not here,” you groaned.
“Shut up,” he hissed.
The absolute second that his cock was free he was shoving it between your legs and fucking you with unmatched speed and ferocity.  It nearly burned, the way it forced you open, but it was exactly what you needed.  You arched your back to accept his length more easily, your head falling back in pleasure.  He responded by grabbing your hair and pulling it until your back arched even more.  
“Oh god, Bucky,” you whimpered.  In response, he slammed his hand over your mouth and fucked you even harder, as if it were punishment; he didn’t like when you said his name in times like this.  He didn’t want to think about who he was, or who you were, or what the two of you were doing.  He just wanted to feel you and nothing else.
Funny how a man who’d been unwillingly brainwashed actually craved the chance to forget.
His other hand moved from your hair and slipped down between your legs, roughly rubbing your clit as your hips bucked and thrashed in response.  He held you still through it, biting down on your neck hard enough to make you worry about the skin breaking.  But he knew by now that you liked the threat of pain, which is why he slipped his left hand down from your mouth to your neck.  The sound of your breath halting to silence was so perfect that he had to bite his lip to keep from moaning.
Already your vision was spotting into darkness, starting at the corner of your eyes and moving in.  As you lost your connection with the visual aspects of your reality, everything else became stronger, and it felt like you were somehow seeing better than ever.
He stopped thrusting and leaned closer to your ear.  “When I let go of your neck,” he explained quietly, his voice dark and rough, “get on the floor on your hands and knees.”  
He released his grip and your lungs sucked in air faster than they could handle, making you cough and sputter a little.  Still, you turned around to begin following his instructions.  You got a better look at him than you had before.  His eyes were so blown out that they were nearly black, watching you with hungry rage.  Or maybe it was raging hunger.  
You felt his gaze follow you as you stepped around him, bending down and getting on the floor.  It was cold and a little bit gritty, both of which made you shudder.  You became aware of the wetness which had leaked from your opening, smeared over your thighs and made an uncomfortable patch on the edge of your panties.  You didn’t have to worry about that much longer, though, as he kneeled behind you and ripped them off.  
“Buck, I need those--”
He slapped your ass, with the vibranium hand.  It was so hard that you perceived the sound before your body processed the pain.  As you lurched forward, your squeal of pain tore and cracked in your throat, so much that you could barely recognize it as yourself.   
One hand slid your dress up further, admiring the warmth and smoothness of your skin, two fingers running along your spine; the other guided his cock to your pussy again.
You weren’t quite ready, not exactly wet or warmed up enough for this angle.  You were sure this was the most your body could take, if not a little bit more.  The way he pushed into you-- ignoring the resistance of your inner walls, your skin breaking out into goosebumps, your arms and legs quivering-- put you entirely at his mercy.  Just as you were about to cry out in response to it all, he roughly shoved three fingers into your mouth: flesh, sweaty and dirty, tasting slightly of scotch and gun oil.  They pushed your cheeks out from the inside, stretched your chapped lips until they cracked and you tasted blood.  You swirled your tongue around them anyways, ignoring the way it caused drool to lewdly drip down his hand and your chin.  
He smiled, in a twisted way, as he looked down at you.  “You need it so bad, don’t you?”
You nodded feverishly, groaning around his fingers and letting your eyes flutter shut.  
He used the hand on your back to guide your movements, watching your body as it swallowed his length to the base.  He could tell you were struggling with his size, and he was almost impressed with your fortitude.  Unfortunately for you, it only made him want to push you further.
Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he grabbed your arms at your elbow and held them behind your back, using them to keep you upright as he slammed into you.  Each thrust made your knees scrape on the concrete, and your shoulders were twisted into an awkward position that made your muscles burn, but you didn’t care.  All it did was add tinder to the flame of pleasure.
Tears stung the back of your eyes.  You always cried when he fucked you like this, and he either didn’t care or didn’t notice; it was just so intense, you couldn’t stop yourself.  You would probably be bleeding when he was finally done with you, and you would definitely be sore (on the outside and inside) tomorrow.
“Gonna cry, bitch?  Can’t take it?” he hissed.  You always got wet when he talked like that.  Then again, you got wet whenever he talked at all.
Your voice came out hoarse and cracked when you spoke.  “Harder,” you barely managed to grit out through your teeth.  
Instead what he did was pull out and flip you over, slapping you straight across the face.  There was nowhere to hide from him now, with your legs spread and your clothes torn to shreds, so you didn’t even try to suppress the moan when he hit you.  He grunted and hit you again, spinning your face the other way.  You wanted to ask him to hit you again but he just shoved himself inside you again, putting his weight on your neck as he wrapped a hand around it.  You couldn’t moan but you could arch your back; he pushed down on your stomach until you couldn’t do that anymore either, and it forced your g-spot to push right into his cock.  You would’ve screamed if you could; it felt so fucking good, too good, too much all at once.
Who could say how long that went on for?  It didn’t feel subject to time or space, it all just felt like sensation-- sensation which washed over you until you didn’t know how to experience anything else.  So often our bodies feel like machines, slaves to routine.  A body which must rise in the morning, rest in the evening; a mind which must toil over the past and worry for the future.  Now, you didn’t even know your own name-- you didn’t even understand what a name was for.  Your only purpose now, and your only goal, was to feel.
That was what you craved about this: the chance to forget about everything else.
At some point you were pulled back into reality by the way he was manhandling you, tossing you back onto your knees and pulling your body flush with his by your hair.
“Beg me to let you come,” he growled, but you couldn’t even think long enough to put a sentence together, let alone actually get it out.  He bit down on your shoulder and you whimpered in pain.  
“P-please,” you sighed-- it came out so quiet that even you could barely hear it.  His teeth sunk in deeper; you tried to say it again but it was caught in your throat.
He pulled your head to the side by your hair, and slapped the half that was exposed.  “Beg me to let you come,” he repeated, slower, “you dumb fucking whore.”
“Please… please, let me come,” you mumbled.  
You hesitated, about to remind him that the hallways outside probably had people passing through and someone might hear you, but your hesitation was rewarded only with more violence as he hit you again-- even harder than the last time.  You yelped and bit down on your lip.
You hadn’t realized how weak you were until he let go and you instantly fell to the floor, your hips held up by his hands but your face pressed against the cold cement.
“You can come,” he decided, almost flippantly, as he fucked into you deeper and harder.  It seemed like he knew your body better than you did: he made you come faster, for one, and he saw it coming sooner as well.  It was slightly embarrassing, but then again, you were on your knees in a broom closet so that was sort of beside the point.
It seemed to hit you all at once, and with no sign of stopping.  You reached up to claw at the wall but it did nothing to keep you stable as shocks reverberated through your body.  You were about to space out again when you felt the metal tip of his thumb press against your tighter rim.  
“W-wait,” you gasped, but he pressed in further and your words were lost to a whimper.
“Oh, you can’t play innocent with me, sweetheart.  I know you want me to fuck this little ass.  Go ahead, say it.”
“F-fuck my ass, please,” you begged.  It sounded shameless, but there was certainly shame (and fear) tingling in your gut.
The thumb pushed in all the way, and before you could deal with the way that felt, it was replaced with two fingers.  You hissed from the sting, but willed your body to relax as you fell back into that headspace and simply let everything happen to you.  
The transition from two to three fingers was barely noticeable.  But you definitely noticed when he pulled everything out of you, guiding the head of his cock higher up.  He moved your hips closer as you went limp in his grasp-- a drooling, mindless fuckdoll who, apparently, spread your legs for him whenever he wanted.  It was some undefinable mixture of demeaning and liberating.
His cock pressed against your opening, and when it finally pushed past the tightness with a nauseating pop, you bit your lip.  
You almost felt prideful when you heard him moan; he was usually pretty quiet.  How you managed to feel any sense of achievement or value when you were face down in a broom closet getting fucked up the ass… that was a different issue.
He didn’t give you much time to adjust as he picked up his speed, fucking you so much gentler than he ever did but still rougher than you were expecting, somehow.  Each time he was buried all the way inside, you felt like you were miles beyond your body’s limits, fuller and wider than was possible.  It made you wet, uselessly.
When he moved faster, his balls slapped against your pussy and you could hear how much you were loving this, even as disgusting and painful as it was.  He leaned forward to push your face into the ground and fucked you harder.  The new angle pushed him even deeper, opened you up even more brutally, and you couldn’t suppress a cry of pain.
“How’s it feel, huh?” he taunted.
“It hurts,” you told him with a voice much whinier than you intended, but you weren’t exactly complaining.  And you definitely weren’t asking him to stop.
Not that you were worried that he would.  If anything, it only inspired him to push you further as he grabbed your hips tight to slam you back onto his cock.  
He didn’t announce that he was close, but you could just barely tell based on the way your hazy brain couldn’t ignore the rapid increase in his thrusts.  A broken growl was your signal that he was filling you with come but you were too numb to feel any difference.  He kept fucking you through it, only stopping once every drop was inside you.  When he slowed to a stop you sighed with relief, wincing a little as he pulled out and trying to ignore the lewd way that your hole flexed and constricted.  You felt his come leaking as it dripped down over your pussy, down your thighs and onto the floor.  
The smell in this cramped space was inescapable, and putrid, and only now did you really become aware of it.
“Don’t just lay there,” he scoffed as he stood up, “come over here and get on your knees.”
At this point, you were so well-trained that you were obeying his words before you’d even processed them or taken the time to question what his intentions were.  
You looked up at him with watery eyes as he stroked his cock right above your face.  He was looking at you with the most uninterpretable expression… cold eyes, tightened jaw, lips curled into a grimace.
“Clean me off,” he demanded, shoving his softening length into your mouth, “come on, clean my cock off.”
You grimaced but did as he asked, sucking and licking as it slid down your tongue and back into your throat.  Didn’t take much of him for you to start choking, considering his size.
“Breathe through your nose,” he offered as a solution, but you had been trying to avoid smelling or tasting it.  You didn’t even want to think about it.
You even took the time to lick his balls clean, too, and they tasted like your own arousal, bringing back some memories which managed to disturb you in spite of their recentness.  When he was satisfied, he pushed you back onto the floor by your throat, and you swallowed thickly.
As per usual, he said nothing as he stuffed himself back into his jeans, or as he made a hasty exit.  When he shut the door behind him, you were left there used up and tossed aside; dress ruined, mascara smeared, panties torn, come seeping out of you, gasping for breath.  You had no plan for getting out of here without everyone seeing you; you had no plan for getting out of this sick, addictive cycle with him.  In the meantime, you would sit in the empty room and wait for the blood flow to return to your numbed extremities, wait for the aftershocks of arousal and orgasm to subside, and let yourself bask in the comfort of the dark.
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
I thought your Kokicbi fluff alphabet was really cute, can you do one for Rantaro? Stay Hydrated!
You stay hydrated as well! Thank you for requesting I hope you like it!
A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
He loves to watch movies, so one of his favorite things to do with you is take turns picking which movies you’ll watch! He definitely has favorite movies he’ll have you watch with him, and in return he wants to watch all of your favorites too!
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
He likes to look into your eyes. He loves how eyes alone can show so many varying expressions, you’ll catch him often looking into your eyes. Maintain eye contact with him...please. 
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack/etc.?)
He’s one of the most comforting beings out there. He’ll have your back, and learn exactly he can help you when you’re feeling down/having a panic attack. Some people need to be touched, some reject touch. He’ll spend enough time with you and have a sit-down about how he can best help you when you’re in one of those moods. 
D-Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o?) 
He wants children eventually, but doesn’t care if it’s from his partner or through adoption. It doesn’t really matter to him, he would love an adopted child just as much as if it was his own. So if you didn’t want to have kids yourself, he would respect that and is completely comfortable with the idea of adopting. 
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in their relationship or are they more passive?)
He’s pretty passive, letting you make all the decisions. If it was important, he’d give his input but doesn’t mind if his ideas are shut down.
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?) 
He is rather quick to forgive unless you really crossed a lot of lines. But he doesn’t like to let negative emotions show, so oftentimes you’ll have no idea he’s upset unless he tells you upfront. 
G-Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?) 
He’s eternally grateful for you. He says it often, never wanting you to think otherwise. He likes to tell you how much you mean to him. He also makes it obvious by remembering your conversations and bringing up your interests whenever possible. You told him you like x a million years ago? He remembers. And will get you something related to what you like. 
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
He has some secrets, but he prefers to let you know what he’s thinking. Chances are, if he’s keeping something from you he’ll tell you when he’s ready.  
I-Inspiration (Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
You both have each other, he’s your rock and you’re his angel. You saved him in a way, and brought determination back into his life just by your being in it.  
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?) 
He doesn’t really get jealous. He trusts you, and knows you wouldn’t do something like cheat on him. He gets concerned if someone is flirting with you, but more because he knows it makes you uncomfortable rather than getting jealous about it. 
K-Kiss (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?) 
He’s a great kisser. It can be passionate, it can be casual, no matter what kind of kiss it is, he’s good at it. First kiss would be gentle, almost as if he didn't want to hurt you. But after that it would depend on the mood. 
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
You would have to be friends first, and you would notice on the day he confesses that he’s...hesitant. While he doesn’t want to keep his feelings hidden, he’s worried you won’t receive him well. He would have you over to watch a movie...this time a romantic comedy. Not really something he likes, but he figured it would set the mood to confess. At the end of the movie (of which he never said a word during) he would tell you how he feels. He doesn’t outright say it, but beats around the bush for a while before finally coming out and saying he likes you. 
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?) 
He wants to get married so bad. Please just let him marry you. It’s all he wants. He would propose on a date (dates are pretty common with him, but usually only movie dates. This time it was a restaurant). He would give a long speech about how much you meant to him, and finally get down on one knee and propose. During the marriage...he’s so...happy. He’s always smiling, looking at you and saying “I knew I made the right choice. You’re meant for me.”
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?) 
He adores getting to call you “love”. It shows his feelings in an obvious way, and says it sometimes even if you’re not there, just when he’s thinking about you he calls you love. It puts a smile on his face every time. 
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?)
It’s obvious because he gives a genuine smile a lot. He’s also always holding your hand. In that way, it becomes obvious to others. He likes to express his feelings verbally, always telling you things he loves about you as well as common compliments. 
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?) 
He’s not one to brag, but he does like to hold your hand. Near constantly. He gives you kisses in public, he doesn’t really care. But only casual kisses, the more passionate ones are reserved for when it’s just you two. 
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship?)
He seems to always know when something’s wrong, sometimes even before you do. It shocks you when he asks if you’re upset when you haven’t outright said anything. He also seems to know when panic attacks are coming and helps you combat them.  
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliche or rather creative?) 
He can be very romantic. Less so in public, but still romantic nonetheless. He likes to tell jokes just to make you laugh. In his mind, you look even better when you’re laughing. He knows he’d do anything it takes to make sure you can laugh and have fun. He likes to surprise you with your favorite things, or things relating to your favorites. In that way, he can be both cliche or creative. Depending on what you get. 
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?)
He believes in you more than he even believes in himself. He would do anything to help you achieve your goals. Just give him the word and he’d help with whatever it is. He swells with pride when you’re actively working on something you’re passionate about.  
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice up their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?) 
He usually prefers routine, but every once in a while doing something out of the ordinary is fun for him. As long as it makes you happy...he doesn’t really care what you do together. Though if you ever expressed it would be too much, he’d leave with you immediately. 
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
He enjoys getting to know you. Your favorite foods, movies, games, colors, anything big or small he likes to know. He can be very empathetic when it comes to you, which means he can easily play off the positive things. Though...it also means when you’re hurting, he’s hurting too. And he’d do anything to put a smile back on your face.  
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What’s it worth in comparison to other things in their life?) 
He’s always wanted a forever relationship, and he believes that's what the two of you have. As soon as you’re in love...you’re stuck with him. He would admit he’s wrong, even if he knows he isn't. Anything to keep you with him. He values your relationship above most else, the only thing he would consider above you is his relationship with his sister. If she didn’t like you (once he found her) he would try and make it work. But her opinion of you really matters to him. 
W-Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon)
He has panic attacks, and always seeks you out when he feels the tug of a panic attack starting. Just being in your presence calms him down. He’ll hold you close and won’t let go until it has passed. Your presence is comforting to him, and even if he’s just feeling down, being by you makes it all better.
X-Xoxo (are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
He can be very touch starved. He loves cuddling, he likes being the big spoon and feeling your back against his chest. Opposingly, he likes to be the little spoon because it makes him feel secure...safe. He gives kisses pretty frequently too, sometimes he’ll even just look at you with this adoring look on his face and lean in for a kiss. 
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?) 
He lets it be known how much he misses you. He can go for short periods of time, a couple days at most before he’s calling you. If you answer, he’ll keep you on the line all day/night long. If you don’t...he’ll leave a sweet voicemail describing all of his favorite things about you, with jokes in there just so he knows he made you smile. 
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for their relationship? If so, what kind of?)
He’s willing to do just about anything for you. You wanna move countries? Sure, let him get his passport. You want to quit your job to pursue your dreams? He’ll get another job so he can provide for the both of you. As long as you’re waiting for him when he comes home he doesn’t care what he has to do. As long as it makes you happy. 
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