#alpha sesshomaru
noahideahwrites · 9 months
Hi! Idk if you still do your X alpha reader hc but..
Can you do one for the Boys of Inuyasha again?? This time maybe How they ( the omegas/the boys ) secretlt like to be Carried by their Alpha?? Would be totes happy if you did this! ^^
How They Like To Be Carried — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer, the past few months have been wild with university and personal issues. But I'm gonna try and be more consistent, at least while I'm on summer break.
Warnings: Possible spoilers (principally on Naraku's), grammar mistakes, implied sex, and suggestive content
— Inuyasha:
»» As we all know this guy is a major tsundere, so he will deny and complain about you carrying him, even if deep down he loves it. You need to learn how to read his signs, similar to a dog's body language.
»» Now I'm a fan of making him flustered, so I would recommend doing it in front of his friends for a good laugh. But you need to keep in mind that he will not like you carrying him in front of others (who aren't his friends), principally if they're the enemy, even worse if it's Sesshomaru.
»» The guy has to keep his tough persona up and look intimidating, he cannot do it if he is red while you carry him. If you keep in mind those details, then you should be fine.
»» Inuyasha likes to be carried in any way, be on your back, shoulder and princess carried just to name a few, For him it doesn't matter how, as long as it's you doing it.
— Sesshomaru: 
»» There is only one way Sesshomaru likes to be carried and it's princess style, which can be surprising considering his personality and cold demeanor.
»» But for his alpha, Sesshomaru does and enjoys things he didn't think it would be possible for him to even consider. We have to remember that this guy is obsessed with his alpha, so he can tolerate a lot of things.
»» For you to even be able to carry him there can be only three people seeing, you, him, and maybe Rin, since she is your pup now. If even Jakin is present to see it, the moment you think of carrying him, he's gone.
»» The moment you're going to carry him the most is during aftercare, he loves to be pampered, principally after sex, so expect to be carrying him a lot after the act.
— Tōga: 
»» Tōga LOVES being carried, he doesn't care who sees it, or if people will start gossiping, or if he will embarrass his pups for being seen with you two.
»» He is also shameless, so he will ask you to carry him whenever he feels like it, and he will be smiling ear to ear and purring loudly, this man doesn't give a fuck.
»» He also loves carrying you, his alpha that he is really, REALLY obsessed with. If you don't like being carried he will only do it in the privacy of your home with only your pups to see.
»» Another frequent sight is Tōga carrying your pups around, doesn't matter their age, if they let him he will be seen just picking them up and walking around. But if they don't like it, it will be the same as when he does it to you.
»» Just like Sesshomaru he prefers the princess carry style, but he is not picky and will accept being carried in any way, shape, or form.
— Kōga: 
»» Absolutly HATES being carried with a passion, but loves carrying you. Don't even try to argue is not gonna work.
»» Every time you try to carry him, he does the uno reverse card and carries you instead. But you can feel the almost unnoticeable purrs he gives when carrying you.
»» Honestly, if you don't like being carried either just stop trying to carry him and you should be fine, he won't normally go out of his way to carry you around.
»» The only moment you will be carried no questions asked and without you initiating it, it's if you need to escape for whatever reason since he is faster than most if not all with the jewel shards.
— Bankotsu: 
»» This guy is the most neutral of all of them, he truly doesn't mind being carried, but it's also not something he likes, it's just indifferent.
»» Now, he does like teasing you when you go to carry him, saying something along the lines of "You really can't control yourself, huh?", he will make comments like this until you start blushing, this is the only part he actually likes about it.
»» But I feel like he is provocative to his alpha doesn't matter the occasion, it's just that you make it so easy when you like carrying him so much.
»» If he had to pick a style on being carried it would be a piggyback ride, he gets easy access to your ear, he can easily free himself if the need arrives and he can even provoke you if he feels like it.
— Naraku: 
»» ABSOLUTELY NOT, hates even the idea of it and hates even more thinking of carrying you, he just despises the carrying altogether.
»» How he goes about it depends on if it's just Onigumo that loves you or if Naraku as a whole loves you. If it's just Onigumo you won't even have many opportunities to even think about it after the first offer, he will cut you off and maybe even avoid you.
»» If the entirety of Naraku loves you, then it's another story. He still hates the thought of it, but the way he acts about it it's different.
»» Either he lets you carry one of his incarnations/clones, or he will try to distract you with other things, considering the way he is if he didn't accept on the first ask, I recommend not trying again if you want to live.
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amara-sessh · 11 months
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The Omega I bought turned out to be an Alpha!
TW: Auctioning/selling people(or demons); Dubcon.
Omegaverse, alpha x alpha, Inuyasha au,
Don't ask me what universe this is, because I have no idea 💀 I find it funny how koga looks different in every angle 💀 it's like I can't get him right for some damn reason. At least the announcer guy looks handsome ♡♡♡
Please be mindful of the trigger warning!
My commissions are open to those interested♡♡ check out the link below, I'm having a 30% sale for the holidays! Check them out ♡ but if you just wanna leave me a tip, maybe head over to my kofi!
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Can you do more sesshomaru fics?
I dont have any ideas but if someone does please send them in, there’s barely anything on tumblr 😭
It was the dead of night as Sesshomaru stepped into the small home, the sound of two heartbeats could be heard as he slowly walked through.
"Hello" he said to the small baby that was his own flesh and blood, tiny (sons name) staring at his father with a gummy smile as the demon lifted the tiny baby into his arms "Maru...?" (Name) mumbled sleepily from the bed, the Omega snuggled in many fabrics and blankets the demon had gifted him "you're back..." (Name)s voice was groggy as his mate and pup came to join him "I am, have you slept well?"
(Name) nodded as he gently took the pup from the demons hands to feed him "has he behaved?" Sesshomaru asked as he brought them closer, (name) snuggling as their pup ate "he's like his sire... Quiet and content" he murmured as his pup detached, (name) burping him and the two watched as he stared at them curiously "he's just like you, he even has your glare when he can't get what he wants" (name) giggled at the soft glare his mate gave but knew there was no bite behind it.
"He's growing fast" the tiny ears on the pup flickered as he dreamed about who knows what "he's gonna need siblings to play with..." (Name) said slyly as the tall alpha caught on quick to what he was hinting at, letting out a low rumble as he took the baby and put him in his crib at lightning speed before returning to his lover who grinned.
"Well we don't want him lonely..." The demon began stripping.
It wasn't a surprise that (name) was pregnant again, Sesshomaru sitting with his mate with silent pride as their baby sat playing with his toys before surprising his family by slowly standing "good job (sons name)!" (Name) cooed as the pup waddled to him with a smile.
"Of course, he's my son after all"
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (Then I Intend)
Sesshoumaru x reader
Read on A03...
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Notes: For @lorelune 's Spring fever '2024 a/b/o collab!
Masterlist.../ Next part....
Summary: The Lord Daiyokai often shuts you up in an inn, every few days of the month, for the demons that are attracted to your bloodscent. It is one of the few graces he allows. You would think its for your safety, and truly it is. Because not only do you seem to forget that he is a demon, but also a man.
Rumors of a bloodhungry demon arise, one that prowls the edges of this ghost town, devouring its residents under the shroud of moonless nights; Of which steadily approaches. Under the dark viel of a new moon, all desires will be brought to light.
NOTE: Rin and Sesshoumaru are so found-family core to me, so I absolutely DO NOT ship SessRin.
Content: Omegaverse, Alpha!Sesshomaru, HumanOmega!Reader, AFAB READER, FEM CODED READER, period mentions, era appropriate misogyny, servant/master dynamics.
Length: 8.9k
Part 1 out of 4
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Listen, nine hundred and fifty years before jesus was a child shaking willow leaves out of his tangled curls, the author of the book of solomon wrote: behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.
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The inn that Sesshoumaru leads you to is weathered but sturdy, and most importantly, empty.
You’re surprised at the fact that the inn is a honjin, and not a cheap Kichin-yado, like the ones you've seen sparingly in other villages. This is a post town though, so it makes sense.
It is late, but beyond that the night is still, stale. The wind hardly moves, and you know the signs of a desolate town before the wariness in the residents' eyes can tell you. Scared perhaps, and desperate.
The woman who runs the inn is much like it, a bit old, but grounded, and elegant, as she stoops into a low bow and accepts the pouch Sesshoumaru hands with due reverence and trembling hands.
“Four days. Attend to their needs, whatever they may be. Your head depends on it.” You hand Rin to him, and he sets the child down on her feet with care that belies his stern brow. You take his hand next and hop down from A-Un, and he retracts his hand as soon as you are steady on your feet.
“Get inside now. It's late.”
“Yes, My Lord.” You usher Rin in behind the innkeeper, and for just a moment, you turn to look back at your Lord who doesn't follow.
“Will you be joining us?”
His eyes flash like lanterns in the darkness before he turns away. “...Just get settled in.” And he slips into the dark.
It was hard adjusting.
Leaving the 21st century for 1500’s Japan was enough of a shock, but apparently, demons existed. Yeah. Actual Demons. You’ve tried to adjust and find shelter, and a way back home, with no luck. You've been kicked and chased out of villages as mad or an ill omen (For washing your hands so often???), and you've escaped death and harm so often you swear there is either a deity who favors you, or favors your eternal anxiety over this whole situation.
It was by complete chance that you stumbled upon the Lord, in which you listed your capabilities and usefulness with the frazzled energy of a court jester at threat of beheading, the first demon to not drool and try to devour you on sight. 
He cut off your rambling with an odd head tilt and a ‘accompany me then,’ despite the furious squawking from the green imp you've come to know as Jaken. You just grinned, relieved at finally finding yourself secure in this foreign place, and followed along. 
You’re fine doing chores, or calling him Lord, in return for protections and shelter. You've learned how to talk in a 'appropriate manner for a woman' as the Lord ordered, but sometimes you push your luck–but you can’t help it! That reckless attitude followed you from your first life to this one, and that silky pale hair was just sooo pretty not to touch, and the barely perceptible shock in his eyes when you call him by his given name, no honorifics, is worth being forced to walk on foot for a few (dozen) miles. 
Perhaps he might have thought of killing you, a few times, the sniveling thing that you were, if you hadn't piqued his interest with your charming and witty banter...that he often rewarded by cutting your rations.
He’s gotten more lenient about it now when you ‘slip up’ and you think it's like an exposure therapy sort of thing. Except the exposure part is friendship, which you think he’s never had before. It is something the both of you have to adjust to, him, with your friendship! You, with the fact that you were most likely never going home and that demons exist, and probably, subsequently, Hell. Existential crises for everyone, yay...
Yet, another thing that was hard to adjust to was…your monthlies, Things were thrown out of wack when you landed here; Your circadian cycle, sense of appropriate social interaction, your menstration, etc, so it all took a few odd weeks to come back. Your period, that is you still don't know how to talk to people or wake up early. When that happened, Sesshoumaru had already been eyeing you strangely for days you swear, even if you never really caught him in the act.
It was only when he made himself scarce, did you recall how your friend's dogs could smell your stuffs before you even could, and you promptly wanted to cringe yourself out of existence. He’s an Inuu Youkai. Dog demon.
The blood stuff started, you freaked, and Sesshoumaru promptly disappeared far ahead, leaving you to the sneering and bemoaning of Jaken. You didn't have your preferred toiletries or heating pads or anything! It was never a fun time.
The only thing that hinted to Sesshoumaru’s continued presence was the corpses of demons left in his wake, drawn in by the heavy scent of your blood, the thick trail you had left behind. He started shutting you up in an inn somewhere whenever the time comes along now, even if he’s more often late than not, which was still… oddly considerate? Well, one time you all were too far inland so you had to huddle up in a cave and that was not a good time.
Futon and tatami mats might not be a duvet, comforter and down pillows, but it was much better than a cave.
As you’re thinking, Rin trots into the room, and you brighten, immediately waving her over. Joining the group the girl was a selective mute, speaking a few precious words here and there. Surprisingly, even with Sesshoumaru being the Leader of this group and you being her favorite (obviously), the one she spoke the most often to was Jaken. She trailed and played with him often, even if the imp would call it more tormenting.
Still, the girl has done wonders on brightening this dull little group, and you adore her more than you thought you would. 
Rin’s eyes light up with familiarity, and she skips over, plopping in your lap. You let out an exaggerated huff.  
“Woah, I think someone had a bit too much to eat at dinner…” She pouts, shakes her head.
“Really? Because it seems like you put on a few pounds already…” She shakes her head harder and kicks her feet, so naturally you reach to tickle her toes. She screeches in laughter as you hold her in place and count off the little stubs.
“This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy got roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried, ‘Wee, wee, wee!’ all the way home!”
“What sort of nursery rhyme is that?” Jaken sneers as he trots inside.
“What kind of stank face is that?” you snap back. Rin gasps against you, trying to get her breath back, and flinches back in laughter as you fake-reach for her feet again.
Tiring her out and settling into bed is easy enough, and you regale Rin with one of the many tales of your world. You tell her about electricity and skyscrapers, blimps and airplanes and lakes within caves, caves with pink salt and love stories and anything that you can recall. Even Jaken doesn't interrupt, content to sit along and listen to your tales.
In no time at all, Rin droops against you, breathing evenly, eyes barely slitted open in that way that all young children fall asleep. Jaken snores in his corner, that creepy two headed staff in his arms, but you’ve all gotten used to that so you ignore him. Slowly, and carefully, you tuck Rin in, and move to blow out the oil lamp.
But Sesshoumaru is already there, staring down at the both of you, and you jump.
“...!!”  Putting a fist over your pounding heart, you just manage not to scream, and you frown at the Lord.
“You almost scared me into a heart attack!’ You hiss. You can swear he rolls his eyes– but the motion is too swift.
“Humans and their weak organs.” 
“And yet we’ve managed to survive this long, and longer yet.”
“Yes, like crickets. Or roaches.”
“Hey,” you frown. “A roach can survive nuclear fallout. You and I, however, cannot.” He rolls his eyes again, and you definitely catch it, and maybe this time you were meant to.
Rin snores gently, and his eyes are drawn. “These inane stories you tell the child are senseless and impractical.” 
“She likes them, they ease her. You know she’s been having nightmares recently–that last batch of demons brought back some…bad memories.” Sesshoumaru had told you how he had come to keep the girl, after he brought her back to life with Tenseiga. 
You know you’re not the only one who cares for her. Sometimes, if you’re keen enough, you would look over and catch the Lord looking over the child.
She’s be caught in some silly antic, like trying to braid flowers into A-un’s double mane, or refashion Jaken’s clothes to something more fashionable; And the Lord wouldn't smile or laugh no, the Demon is a practically made of marble, but there would be a fondness in his eyes. Then he'd catch you looking and that stony wall would slide back up.
But that did a lot to humanize him in your eyes (ha). He liked to gift both you and the girl new clothes in bright colors, and on especially good days, he would pretend to be asleep as she braids his hair. Jaken would critique her technique and flower placement, it was very found-family core.
You only caught that once though and you bemoan your loss of modern photography. You would’ve loved to get that on camera.
“The stories help get her mind off of that. And did you say ‘impractical’? I would say they’re inspiring–maybe she’ll reinvent planes and be the next Amelia Earheat, traveling the world.”
He cocks his head down at you. “And what exactly happened with this woman, did she live a fulfilling life?”
“Uh, no…whilst trying to become the first woman to complete a circumnavigational global flight, she and her navigator, Fred Noonan disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean.”
“Hence, why women should stay in the home.”
You scowl. “She didn't fail because she was a woman, she failed because she ran out of fuel for her plane. And if you must be misogynistic, she had a man with her!”
“Who let her take lead. Hence, their death.”
You click your tongue. “The inventions of women have revolutionized the world! Wireless transmission technology, central heating, kevlar fabric, the fire escape, mint ice cream; Women can be just as capable if given room to thrive.”
He waves your words away. ” I suppose then I shouldn't let you out of my sight, lest you recreate your lightning in a bottle again.”
“It's called electricity. I almost got the hang of it.”
“Hence.” He walks the length of the room, opens the sliding door to look outside of it. He stalks back in a moment later.
“There are no other guests in the inn, and I paid the old woman enough to keep it that way. After these four days we leave for the mountains.”
“Mountains…” You sigh, burying your face in the blankets.
“Can't we just fly over with A-un?”
“No. There are demon nests I must quell inside. We pass through.”
“Ugh,” You groan, flipping over. “Why? It's gonna be so hard…You know, this isn't how I imagined my life to go. So much hardship,” you whine. “If I wanted to climb mountains I would have joined a hiking group up Mount Everest or Fuji or Hiroshima or something…”
“How did you expect your life to be?” You stop your pouting, turning over to look at him, and the light from the oil lamp paints him in shades, a chiaroscuro of silver and gold.
“...What do you mean?”
“What did you expect out of life? Do you have dreams? Or did they die out when you came here?” 
He waits, and you can't seem to muster up the words under the confusion you're under. Staring at him upside down, you wonder, ‘when did you ever want to know about me?’
He’s the one who breaks eye contact first, a harsh sigh pushing past his teeth.  “Never mind.” He reaches inside the lamp and pinches the fire out. The room is enveloped in deepening shadows and cool tones; All moonlight and deep blues, softening into Dawn.
He turns, and his hair swishes, like a curtain of silver. A full moon, gleaming brighter here than the waning one in the lightening sky.
“Go to sleep.”
“...Goodnight, My Lord.”
“To sleep with you.”
Inu Yokai are more attuned to their senses than most demons.
It is their nature, as dog demons–their senses are what lend them their extra strength in battle, in the company of other demons–and He is a master of them all. He is a pure blooded Daiyōkai, Lord of the Western Lands. It is expected.
He has honed and sharpened and used them like any weapon, and they serve him just fine, as well as any tool or instinct.
He did not expect them to betray him like this.
The scent of your heat is a heavy, disorienting thing–but still weak compared to the true cycle of a female Inu Youkai. But where a female of his kind would enter estrus twice, maybe thrice a year, you enter it every month.
He caught the tell-tale ends of it, the day you stumbled onto his path. Faint and still unripe, rare, and no less precious for it-Omega. You wonder why so many demons chase and clamor after you, and that is why.
He found himself appalled, disgusted. But not surprised. Mortals are weak and slaves to their own biology. Such a rampant cycle must be their evolutionary way of ensuring that their population does not die out. Yet even he has to scoff at the luck you must have had to survive unblemished. A young, unclaimed, unattended Omega, even if they are human? How crass. How delightful. Like impure jade, saturated and cloudy. He keeps you anyway. He wants you anyway.
You fall into slumber easily, but fretfully, and he watches you alternate between a light and deep sleep. It is not pain or discomfort that ails you though, and he tries to tamp down the rumble in his chest at your drawn brow. He wants to soothe it. He wants to slip beside you and savor your heat.
Instead, he settles for brushing your hair back from your face, arranging it in a neat manner so that your neck stays cool, and the child won't step on it in her hurry. You’ll wake up late, more sluggish than the other two, but he’ll excuse you. Rin will rush out first, intent on cooking breakfast, which Jaken would take over, with the innkeeper's aid. You’ll wake up next, blurry eyed and guilty, intent on pulling your weight. He has instructed Jaken to make sure you rest, but recently you’ve cowed the imp into some leniency. He’ll have to check on you.
But he won't be staying in this inn, or around you long if he can help it. The scent of you before was irregular, heady and dark like blood and earth. It's a stroke for his ego (and what does that say about him) that being around an Alpha, a complimentary presentation, has helped you to…stabilize. You must have been surrounded by Betas, to have such a weak scent. But now that it's settled, your scent is something more floral now, mature, warm. ‘Like honeysuckle’, he compares. 
Pungent, thick, slow, very particular. It could be mistaken for jasmine, or vanilla, but no, honeysuckle. The scent thickens now, in your estrus, trails behind you in wafts. Further fuelled by the blood residue of your menstruation. You smell like wounded animal. Maddening, enticing, frustrating. Lovely.
Blasted instincts. They demand he steps forth and assuage them, but you are human. However his urges, no matter this damn longing, you will never be on equal stance, despite your presentation. That is reason enough. It should be reason enough.
Humans like to pretend that they are better than animals, or mindless beasts, but your body relays those basic desires pretty clearly. 
He wants to taste.
Four days. Four days until the worst of this passes, and he can continue on his journey. Perhaps he should have left you for dead, ages ago. Or killed you himself, to prevent anyone else the right. He wouldn't have to deal with this, and you’d still belong to him. 
But he’s not going to kill you now. He’s come too far for that.
He exhales, and slides the door shut seamlessly. It is near dawn, you all arrived rather late, so he will leave you to your slumber. That dizzying scent of yours heckles at his nerves, raises his hackles just the slightest bit–lengthens his teeth and claws, he cannot meditate like this.
He stalks from the inn, irate. There were plenty of low class demons he saw on the way to this backwater village. He needs to shred something apart. He needs to put his claws in something.
The next morning you wake up late, which is surprising, because usually Rin wakes you up by stepping on your hair rushing out. It lies neat around your face, and you’re left to wonder who did it for you, because it certainly wasn't you. 
Rubbing the dredges of sleep from your eyes, you still as an image comes to mind; A dream, the glint of something sharp, like a whetted knife, and…something else, a soft rattle in the dark. A weight on top of you? But kinda nice, like a warm, weighted blanket in winter. Hm…White scales. The heck?
“Whatever…? Weird dream…” You would have looked up your zodiac sign for any clues in your era, but there are things to be done. The Lord doesn't shut you in an inn so you can idle about. Maybe you can find some chores to help out with.
You shake your head at the images, and get ready for the day. Jaken and Rin are nowhere to be seen, and your body aches sorely like you did a full cardio workout the night before.
You only just finish getting dressed when there's a knock, and the sliding door opens, revealing the innkeeper kneeling beyond it.
“Forgive me for intruding upon you, honored guest. Breakfast is ready in the common area. Or would you prefer to eat in your room?”
“Uh, no, I‘ll head down, thank you..” You follow her down the empty hallways, until you reach the common room. Rin and Jaken have already set up all the plates; Jaken huffs when he sees you, lifting his sleeve to his nose while Rin just beams. You decide to focus on her, Jaken has always had a sore spot with you.
“Good morning Rin! Did you help set this all up?” She nods, before gesturing wildly with her hands, your eyes flitting to catch it all, the odd few words spilling out. You can understand her easily, by now.
“Oh, and you helped cook too? Well why didn't you call me?! I feel horrible that I just slept in while you were working so hard!”
“It wasn’t hard; You would know if you weren't so incompetent. This is just something any person can do.” Jaken lifts his chin in the air, self vindicated, nose still covered. You are not impressed.
“Thank you for the snark, this early in the morning Jaken. Anything else you would like to add?”
He scoffs. “You should be taking my criticism with due gratitude! I mean, what sort of servant sleeps in and doesn’t even help cook breakfast?”
“I am no servant, I am a companion. And so what? Are you going to take breakfast away as my punishment, Jaken?” You smile and take the bowl of rice Rin hands you, lifting an eyebrow.
“Why, I should!”
“But you won't. Because you know the Lord wouldn't approve.” And with that, he shuts up, the click of his teeth snapping together audible. The innkeeper flinches, and draws back.
And, alright, you were only half bluffing; Sesshoumaru would be upset, but only because Jaken has no right to dole out punishments. That's his job.
You see the owner lady bow and start to head out, but you call to her before she could leave.
“Hey, have you eaten yet? You should sit with us.” She smiles politely, shaking her head, still bowing. She isn't that old actually, now that you look at her. Laugh lines and crow's feet, salt and pepper hair. Fifties, perhaps. Her eyes keep flickering towards Jaken, and she breathes shallowly.
“Esteemed guest, I am honored, but I could not dare to impose.”
“I’m asking you to impose. Don’t worry about Jaken, I can punt him like a football at any given opportunity.”
“No you can’t!” Before Rin can fill it, you take your empty teacup and beam it off his head. It lands with a satisfying crack and the imp falls with a sad cry. 
“See? Also, the Lord is the esteemed guest here, not us. And, he’s not here. Please, sit and eat,” you tilt your head, peering just a bit closer at the woman.
“You look tired, actually. Are you alright?” Luckily, it doesn't take much more convincing before she sighs, and slides in the seat next to you, across Rin and Jaken.
“It is fine. There is much to do when you run an inn.”
“But you don't get many customers in this shack of a town, do you?” You glower at Jaken, who flinches back. You turn back to the innkeeper as he mutters something about  “hormones and lady cycles’, in which Rin scolds him for you, and introduce yourself.
“And the little girl here is Rin.”
“H-Hello,” Rin stutters the word out, and bows. You watch the innkeeper for any sign of reproach, but she just smiles and bows back.
“I am pleased to be in such fine company. I am Numachi.” She smiles, and easily looks ten years younger.
“‘Numachi?’” Jaken always has to ruin things though.
“Odd choice for a family name.”
Her brow doesn't furrow, but she closes her eyes, inclines her head. “It was my late husband's name.”
“Well it's still–”
“ANYWAYS,” you cut in before he has another chance to be crude, “Not to validate Jaken, but it does seem you don't have many…patrons. So why do you look so tired?”  She laugh-sighs, shoulders slumping, and the words spill from her, easily, like she's been waiting for someone to lend an ear.
“It was easier when I had my husband and two sons. But… after my husband passed, they left to travel to a more prosperous town, leaving me here…I run the errands by myself now.” You frown.
“They just left you alone when you needed them most?” She shakes her head. “Oh, no, they wanted to bring me along! But I’m much too attached to this place. It’s where I worked and stayed with my husband, after all. They are not far away anyways, they visit me every few months to check in. In fact, I received a letter at the beginning of this month that they would visit soon!” A smile paints her face, before consideration crawls over it; She lifts her sleeve and moves closer to you.
“Though, it's only after the new moon, and for that, I worry less. This post town used to be very prosperous, with many travelers and smaller inns. You can see the wreckage of them further into the town. But there's a demon, who's been eating all the residents for the past twenty years, under the veil of every new moon, and only then. The victims numbers keep increasing as time goes on, and soon…we will also be gone.”
Your mind quickly flashes to Sesshoumaru; The new moon will be soon, but for the next few nights at least, no one would be eaten, the demon wont get close unless they have a death wish. You think to tell her that but she goes on.
 “Now we mostly trade amongst ourselves. It takes such a long time for me to finish all these chores, cleaning the rooms and the bathhouse, checking the hot springs and collecting my small wares to trade, or collecting the things I've traded in advance for.” Numachi-san looks at you, almost conspiratorially, though it's hard on such a soft face as hers.
“I…have traps further upstream the river than anybody goes. It's where you can catch the fattest fish, though I only catch a few every couple of days. It's very far upstream, so that nobody may stumble upon them and steal them, a little aways from the rice paddies Taiga-san owns. Though, I supposed the fish make their own way out of the traps, with how long it takes me to sneak up there.” 
You pick at the fish on the table, seasoned with herbs and salt and vinegar, and take a mouthful of rice. Chew, swallow.
“There isn't much I am currently needed for, or need to do. I'd be happy to help with some chores. And please–” you cut her off, “don’t refuse because of hospitality. It would be kinder for the both of us if you received some help, and I find something to keep myself busy with.” 
Rin immediately bounces up in her seat, rice grains stuck to her cheeks and waving her hand in the air. You laugh.
“And it seems like you have another eager helper too. Three, with Jaken.”
“I did not–” He withers under the blinding smile you shoot his way. 
“So,” you grin back at Numachi-san. Please. what can we do first?”
The empty basket bumps against your hip as you rush into the village. Jaken had kicked up a fuss, had wanted you to stay inside, but Rin had wheezed past him, wiping the floor with a rag, and started chasing his feet. While he was distracted, you memorized the list of things you were supposed to get, and made your escape.
The village really was tiny, even in the midst of such a sunny day. In a time when the village should be bustling, people just kept their eyes forward and went about their business. Oh, there was of course the ladies in their tight knit groups, knitting and gossiping. There was the odd maiden who glanced longingly at some fellow or another, a couple cute village boys, all stereotypical bullshit, yeah yeah, but this town felt…hollow.
Or rather, drained. Like an old, cracked egg.
Numachi-san was right, you saw a few wrecked buildings as you made your way through town, following her instructions. They looked old and fragile, like houses made out of matchsticks. You hurried past these buildings, set on your way.
First, you had to get to the apothecary, for the bundle of herbs she owed the innkeeper, then, to old man Taiga for the rice. But the rice paddies were on the other side of town, where the streams ran from. You could get the rice and check on the traps tomorrow. 
Apothecary and cleaning today, rice and fish and cooking tomorrow. 
The apothecary was a small, but a long nook of a place, dimly lit and crowded with plants, hanging vines and drying bundles of other things. The woman who ran it was a frail old lady, white haired, who hardly spoke a word of greeting to you before she dropped an assortment of…things into your basket. You checked it over–expensive things. Honey and pears and mushrooms, spices–Parsley, chrysanthemum, kaiware, …some other plants you haven't been in this era long enough to identify. 
You were just sorting the basket on your arm when the lady slipped a few extra stuffs into your basket.
“Oh, was that also–”
“Extra? For wha-” 
“You're bleeding aren’t ya.” A woman of few, but blunt words. All knowing and terrifying in that knowledge. You nod.
She inclined her head towards the basket. “Ginger and ginseng to revitalize and heal the body, make it into a tea. You’re gonna need it, with that Lord of yours.”
“...What about him?” She rolled her eyes, a strange dark oak. 
“Don’t be dense girl. He shut you in that inn for a reason, right? Take advantage! He doesn’t seem the type to wanna go at it in a cave or some sort. “ And she leans in grinning, sharp and white toothed.
“You gotta watch out though, those types are the ones who pretend to be all dignified, but they’re the ones who go at it like beasts.” And yeah oookay you get what she means.
“Oh, no no no no nooo, we’re not here for that. I’m just a companion! And…my period just ended and I need rest, you know?” But she doesn't buy it.
“So you’re not his wife, or concubine?”
She nods. “Not yet then. How ‘bout that little girl, she yours?”
“Rin, the child? No, no, we just took her in.”
“We?"  You catch your slip of tongue a moment too late, and flush red. The old lady’s edged eyes seem to stare right through you, sharp and inscrutable, as she grinds and cuts her herbs.
“Having trouble carrying that Lord’s child then, are you? That why you adopted her–”
“Goodness, no! I said it’s not like that!  She is just…part of the group.” Even that sounds weak to your ears, and you start to back out of the shop.
“‘A companion’...” She clicks her tongue. “How naive. He’s a high class demon and a man. You’re either a snack or a concubine, and with that sweet young scent and body, you might end up as both. Best take advantage before then."
"If you're on or near off your bleeding, you're at your most fertile. If he hasnt already he's gonna try to pop a litter in ya." You make a sound of disgust and she rolls her eyes like a grandmother at an unruly child.
“Listen, I’m a part of this group. He's not that depraved to do that, you dont know what you’re talking about!” You're shocked at the volume of your voice, bouncing off the walls, and the most this lady offers you in a raised bow.
“Ah, I see. You like him but you’re scared–of what? Or is it a pride thing?”
“I don’t-”
“You're naive, but not clueless then. But pride is an easy price to pay for a good life. Make a move if you haven't already. Seems he already cares for ya, if he’s feeding ya and shutting you in an inn for your bleedings.”
“It's a two way street sort of thing. I get rest and he doesn't have to fight all the demons attracted to the blood.”
“Really? Well I bet he gets the days wrong, always shuts you up when the bleedings already ending. Leaves lots of bodies on the way too for ya, huh? It's like when my kitty brings me birds; It's about proving strength and showing he can provide. Demon and a man, remember?”
“You don't know him like I do. You don't know anything.”
“I know most women don't get a choice between comfort or a pleasant partnership; you got the chance for both and you’re not making any moves. If I was young as you I'd kill to take your place. Many women have.”
“So I should, on their behalf? He’s arrogant and aloof and looks down on humans,” you counter. “Why would he want me?”
“He’s sympathetic enough to take in a human woman and child and an imp, so maybe he’s not all that. Maybe you should ask why exactly he shuts you up. Or why you want him in the first place?” She resumes her chopping, the scent wafting up as bitter and sharp as her eyes. She pauses.
“If you live to make a decision, come back here. I got things to help you, whether you want to give him a baby or not.” She doesnt look up as you scoff, or run out the shop. You try to cast her words from your mind.
It got your mind running though.
“Numachi-san,” The innkeeper elegantly turns her head towards you, prime and ready to serve. It kinda irks you, her effortless grace and subservience but you ignore that.
“Why do you think the Lord dropped us off here?”
“Hm?” She tilts her head. “Honored guest…I wouldn't dare to presume, it is not my place.” 
“I'm asking you to presume. I won't hold any offense, so please.” Her eyes slowly slid over to Jaken, who was busy telling Rin off for the mess she was making. Rin just grins him away. 
Numachi-san slides over to your side, lifting her sleeve to cover her mouth.
“Well, if I may be audacious…Are you not the Lord’s wife?” You would choke, if the apothecary had not shocked you with this presumption earlier.
She hesitantly went on as you remained silent.
“The Lord has demanded your comfort. You rode in on the back of a mule demon with the child, and you were…bleeding. I saw the spotting. Oh, honored guest, do I go too far?” You shake your head, waving your hand at the crease in her brow.
“No, it's a...reasonable idea to come to. But it is none of that, I assure you.”
“Oh? You are a…servant of the Lord then? How generous he is.” Generous is the last thing you would call him but you can't find the words to correct her.
Curiosity pokes at you. “Numachi-san, sorry if this is too much for you, but what was your husband like? Was he kind to you?”
She bursts into laughter, and the sound of it is so sudden and bitter, your eyes widen. She looks at you with something like pity, like you’re some young thing.
“Kindness is a rare thing in this world, honored guest. That's why we call it graciousness– because it always comes at a price. No, my husband was not kind, but he was gracious.” Her eyes seem so far away, and she sighs in ages past.
“He helped me with the hotsprings and the fish traps upstream. Getting firewood and supplying the inn with whatever we needed, rice, grain, barley, herbs, meat.  My sons, when they were young, preferred to help me inside, at least until the younger twin started joining his father outside more often. They both didn't like people that much, busybodies. It was very crowded in those days so I understand.” And her eyes flick to the sides.
“But my husband…I cared for him, and he protected me. I’ve always been a frail thing, so I think he took it as ensuring my safety. I wasn’t madly in love with him as I was in my youth, but we enjoyed each other's company, which is more to be said then most marriages. Even so, after my sons were born…My duty as a mother overrode my duties as a wife. Not that it ever amounted to much, now that they all left me…” Another sigh, just pushing a small sob, her lipid eyes wet.
Wife. You’d never be a wife, in this era at least. Much less a willing mother. The chance of finding a decent partner that won't try and force you into domesticity is low, and lower still with the chances of Seshoumaru ever letting you go. 
If you asked him, would he let you go? Maybe as you get older. Maybe if you ever found a way back to your world. But what about Rin? It's not like you could take her with you. 
That night, after Rin has fallen asleep after another tale, you go wandering to the end of the hall, where the more opulent rooms lay. It's been unoccupied, but waiting a few minutes in the room yields results; Sesshoumaru appears as if he teleported, face forever calm and blank.
“What are you doing in my room?” The room you haven't been using? You want to snort, but rein that particular response in.
“Forgive me my Lord,” you incline your head. “I just had a bit of an…inquiry I wanted to bring to you.”
“And what ‘inquiry’ do you bring me?” 
To your credit, you only hesitate for a second at the infliction in his voice. Almost a challenge, but with none of the wariness to suggest he expects any real threat from you. You press.
“Why do you send us to an inn during my bleedings?”
It's not a particularly shocking question, but he wonders why you asked it. And why his pulse spiked ever so slightly.
“The blood scent attracts demons.”
“...Forgive me my Lord, but you are strong enough to deal with them; The corpses you leave behind are plain evidence. And I suppose it's more than that…” So you noticed. You bite the nail of your thumb, already red and agitated like it's a habit, which it is. He wants to tell you to stop, you don't need to lose any more blood than you already have. 
“It's just…We always stay at an inn towards the end of my period, always. If it's the blood that attracts predators, why not shut me up while I'm bleeding then? I know you…scout farther ahead but I bet you can tell when or before it starts, with your superior senses. We can plan better for this, y’know.”
How nonchalant, so self satisfied you seem with yourself that you meet his eyes head on. But as he stands there, holding your gaze like water in his palm, some shame finally finds you, its red flush crawling over your neck and ears and face. 
How lovely. “You don't know, do you?” Your shame, that is.
“Huh?” Even now, honey wafts throughout the room. It's all he can smell–blood residue and earth, honeysuckle and moonlight. He inhales so slowly, so carefully, to not disturb it, lest it spreads throughout the room and stick to everything.
“I don't know…what?” He doesn't answer you. He looks about; certainly one of the better rooms, still paling in comparison for his tastes. The futon has not been brought out, good. He doesn't need any more temptations. 
How clueless you are to his yearning, desire let sit to simmer for gods know how long.
Maybe from when you first stumbled onto his path, or how he noticed you never cowered near Jaken nor A-un, or even him; Cautious, but never fearful. Perhaps when your scent mellowed out with the addition of the child, or when you handed her flowers to braid in his hair. He wonders what the both of you would have done, had he dropped the farce of sleep, content to breathe in milk and honey. Would you jump back in shock, the child in your arms, or would you have grinned cheekily, teeth and all?
You're going to be the bane of his existence.
As he gazes about the room, he strides over to you in that way that makes you falter; Too swift and smooth to look like anything more than gliding, the illusion of being too fast to track as he stands before you; He tilts his head at the little squeak that leaves your lips as you stand eye to eye with his shoulder pauldron. 
Everything about you screams acquiescence, submission, fertility. Your smell, the extra luster to your hair, the extra plump to your face and hips….
He sighs. He finds himself pressing the flat of his tongue against his fangs, the roof of his mouth, to catch that cloying fragrance. There is a sort of fondness he holds for you that he is not sure is wise, nor gentle; It's a kind of fondness that demands both your tears and your desperation. 
“Attend to me.”
“Attend to me.” 
You mind blanks, before you spring into action. He walks over to the low table and seats himself, while you try to figure out how to take off his metal shoulder pad..thingy. It's attached by these red ropes, which are attached to that other black metal petal…thingy–wait, you should probably undo that yellow sash first. And that fluffy cape (it's sooo fluffy. But also literally alive? What is it?)
Sesshoumaru doesn't aid nor correct you, he hardly sighs as you fumble about, shutting his eyes as you work. He inhales deeply, once. He must be tired. Maybe that's why he’s entertaining you and not throwing you out the room. There's been a few close calls of that, so you know the warning signs- he emits none of them. He’s calm.
Finally, you get to that cherry blossom patterned Kimono, a crisp white and red pattern. Expensive. Hm. You wonder what his thread count is. Must be high. He lifts a hand as you hesitate for his undershirt; He just loosens the collar (and, skin!), and gestures towards the sake on the table that just suddenly appeared, a single cup to match.
As you pour it, a thought pops into your head.
“You can repair your armor and clothing with demonic energy, yes?” He actually raises an eyebrow, but only by a few millimeters. “Yes. And?”
So you couldn’t just like…Magic it all off?
You only shake your head and pour the alcohol into the flat sakazuki cups. He takes it from you and drains it immediately, and you refill it quickly. He drinks, and you look him over.
Your eyes trail down his form, not for pleasure, (because yeah, he’s beautiful, but he’s so beautiful it’s kinda scary, you know?), your eyes fall to the empty sleeve of his left arm, and you sober. 
He had dropped you off in some village one day, where you stood for a few days. Jaken was the one to retrieve you, and you came back to a demon lord with one less arm and a tiny child with matted hair. You did your best, but you were only able to fix one of those.
He catches your gaze before you can tactfully retreat, and his eyes narrow, daring you.
You cringe back. “Okay, okay, no need for the death glare. Just…curious.”
His unspoken question prompts you to answer.
“Just…um…Does it feel any different?” It's stupid even before it leaves your mouth, and you see the growing irritation in the set of his mouth, You set down the sake to wave your hands.
“No, no, I mean…! Like, there's stories, from my era I mean, and other stories from before obviously, but amputees each recall their experience differently. One thing that's common though is this thing called Phantom limb; It's like…they have the feeling of still having their limb, even though it is not there. I was just curious if you had…experienced that…” Your voice trails off, meek.
When you look up, he’s looking at the loose sleeve. His hair covers whatever expression he wore before he turns back to the lowrise table.
“Oftentimes, I could swear my hand would be curled, but when I look it is still gone.” A clawed hand raises itself, and removes the shoulder of his undershirt, revealing the ragged scar marring the milkiest skin you ever saw. 
“It aches, and not just the old wound. Phantom limb is accurate. I have to look and remind myself of what I lost.”
You try not to wince. “At least you have your life. I wouldn’t say you lost.” Nobody said anything of what happened to him, how he got so injured. You had to bribe Jaken with some rice cakes to even know it was another inu youkai, or hanyo, as Jaken sneered, so it's kinda scary to think there are demons stronger than the Lord in front of you, whose face and skin is smooth, but his eyes stony, like gilded marble.
“No, I lost that battle.” Sore loser then? You shrug.
“Well, I count it as a victory if I’m still alive at the end of it all.” And your impassive Lord actually snorts, closing his eyes.
“Spoken like a true loser then. Weakling.”
“Yes, and a coward. But alive still.” Silence threatens to fall, so you rush before it. 
“Could you, possibly, regrow it?” He is a demon after all…
But his fist unclenches, settles back in his lap. His face is calm again, like a freshwater lake.
“There is something halting that.”  And still, Silence falls like a dull knife.
This time, he takes the sake bottle and serves himself, quickly downing the drink and serving himself another. Are…demons impervious to the effects of human alcohol or…?
Maybe he’s just trying to get plastered???
Slowly, an idea forms in your head, so slowly, solidifying like fog. You act on it before you can lose the courage, opening your mouth to recite.
My Lord, are the years
That stretch before you;
In such an illustrious house,
A dewdrop is what I would be”
…People in this era are big on poetry, right? They’re not supposed to look at you like you just spoke in a dead language, right? 
“That is Ise no Miyasudokoro. You know of her, in your modern era?” You ignore the snide.
“I was in college, working on getting my Master’s degree. One of my electives was a poetry course.” You shrug. “So yes, I know of her.”
He affords you a look, an actual look; He checks the planes of your face and the depths of your eyes, and you don't know what he's looking at exactly, but he responds,
“The everlasting (moon):
Growing in its midst
Is my home, so
In its light alone
Can I place my trust.”
Oh! You perked up at the mention of a moon, y'know, people here really like using it as a metaphor, another poem ready at your lips;
“As a general rule
I would not praise the moon
For it
Piles upon men
The burden of increasing age.”
“And now Ariwara no Narihira? Was he also part of your curriculum?” You notice it, the regard in his voice, like a drop of paint in a glass of water, settling.
“Anyone interested in literature can't skip over Ariwara. He’s a classic.” Again, bluffing a little; your teacher passed him over very briefly, and you hate leaving any stone unturned, so you did some research on your own. (And thank goodness)
“I know of him and his work, but he is far from my favorite. Do you, perhaps…hold any favor to a poem in particular?”  
A nail, long and sharp, trails the flat rim of the sake glass. He seems to be contemplating, before he answers you in that impassive voice of his, even and toneless.
“In the summer mountains
From the treetop heights
Calls fill the sky
As does my love.”
Oh wow… “Ki no Turayuki? That's oddly…passionate.”
“Do you think I'm incapable?”
“Of passion?” What a loaded question. “No my Lord just…restrained.”
“I prefer…longanimous.”  You laugh at that.
“What adversity do you face to show such restraint then,  Lord Sesshoumaru? The world is already at the tips of your fingers.” He doesn't answer, but drinks. The silence that sails in is more weighted than you expected, and you regret your choice of words, already. Maybe he would have spoken of these ordeals. Was it the alcohol, or is the Lord being more…indulgent this night?
You turn your head, and notice the shoji door left ajar. So you stand, and draw it back, letting the night breeze filter throughout the room. It's nice. The perfect temperature, and the moon is just short of a perfect waning crescent. Soon there will be a new moon, and there will be no demons attacking this month. How lucky.
“Poems from the Sengoku era focus mostly on the tanka and renga format. In my era of modern technology, there is access to many forms of poetry, from all over the world. It's hard for me to pick a favorite.”
“Indecisive as always.”
“Oh, is that mirth I hear? I consider myself enamored with the written word. Even if I can only remember bits and pieces, from here and there.”
“Then what can you remember?”
“Bits and pieces,” you repeat, “lines and quotes. And if I must recite them rapid-fire I  fear I’ll only prove redundant.”
“I want to hear you, nevertheless.” You have to calm yourself, otherwise you fear your heart will leap out instead of your words if you speak. You wrestle it back down your throat, but there's still a tremor in your voice.
“Bits and pieces, hm?...It is late now, I am a bit tired; the sky is irritated by stars. And I love you, I love you, I love you – and perhaps this is how the whole enormous world, shining all over, can be created – out of five vowels and three consonants’, by Vladirmir Nabokov. Nizar Qabbani, ‘Because my love for you reaches higher than words, I've decided to fall silent.’ Venetta Octavia, ‘I say your name and it feels like aching, feels like paradise’. Andrea gibson, ‘come teach me a kinder way to say my own name.’  ‘Will you remember that i existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?’” 
“That last one was by Haruki Murakami,” you sigh. “...You can imagine, I got high grades for my poetry  elective.” You try to laugh, to make light of this moment, but it feels stilted and awkward.
The cool air stings a little as you breathe, but you hold it in, and exhale. And when you look up, you jolt.
He finishes closing the last bit of distance, looks down at you from his imposing height. How old is he…? His face you wouldn't call youthful, despite its softness. It's those eyes- they’re too pointed.
“Do I displease you, my lord?”
“No, you do not.” A knuckle taps at your head. “But your denseness frustrates me.”
“You mean…?” He rolls his eyes, a soft snarl building in his throat.
“You are not one for subtlety, are you.” His nails, like razors hovering closer. You could shiver, and not from the cold. Not from fear. Even when that strange hesitancy of his melts beneath a scowl, and he reaches forward more assuredly, yes, but rougher too. You speak before he touches you.
“You don’t have to hurt me, y’know.” His eyes streak back to yours, breathless and bright at your own boldness.
“You don't have to hurt me to justify touching me. You can just…”
Slowly, you tip your face into the open plane of his palm, cool, like all the rest of him, you’d imagine. His fingers flex, his hands so large that his nails brush your hairline. 
His hand isn’t smooth, it’s rough and calloused and cold, but the coolness feels nice. So you press your face closer and use your hands to hold it there.
You don't expect the sharp exhale, or for when he pulls you closer, and you jolt at the suddenness. A finger strokes at the hairs on the back of your neck and you shiver, again.
“I’m disciplined enough to restrain my desires, not curb them when they are released.” And just as quickly as he pulled you close, he let you go. “Tell me now. I won't have a tearful servant girl in my bed; You must be willing or not at all.” He almost sighs the words, continuous and melodious in that voice.
Is it taking advantage, if you give in? Lust was easy, easier to indulge.
You aren’t going to deny the butterflies you stomp down, in these quiet moments. And these moments aren’t infrequent– whether you continue to talk around a dying fire at a campsite, or taking shelter for a storm within a cave. It was a bit of a girl crush you had on the Lord, and you could give in, very willingly.
But should you? What would the ramifications be…?
“I…” And you pause, because you hear something. You perk up, turning back to the door you came from. You listen, both of you, and then you hear it again–muffled cries. Rin is having another nightmare.
“My Lord, Rin is…” You hesitate to go, the moment clinging to you like a mist, but then you hear your name.
You’re already detangling yourself from his hold and making your way towards the door when you remember yourself, and turn to bow towards your Lord.
“I’m sorry, I have to go make sure Rin is…” He waves you off, turns towards the open window where you can't see his face, see him gather himself.
“Yes. Go. See to her.”     
You nod and step back, but a part of you feels off, leaving him like this. What timing.
“I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time, but I haven't told you my favorite poem yet, my Lord. I hope we can continue this conversation at another time.” You bow, one last time, before you hurry out.
Sesshoumaru sighs, viscous longing in his chest like hunger pains.
How dense are you? Must he lay out each of his desires for you for you to understand? You speak words of affection so easily, that when he does the same they fall upon deaf ears. He is not one to be overt. You are horrible at looking in between the lines, though.
It is wrong to feel this way over a human. Weak things, inherently inferior, yes, but perhaps you are all the more enchanting for it. It would be more unnatural if he were to let you be, to not taste the salt of your skin or the honey that wafts from you. The hint of arousal he caught, when he towered over you. You are an Omega in heat. He is an Alpha. What else is there? You serve him anyways, should you not be rewarded so?
His skin crawls, where it has touched yours.
And still, that honeyscent sticks throughout the room.
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A/N: Was the poetry a bit too on the nose? I feel like sesshoumaru isnt the type for grand dispalys of affection or confession, he's way more lowkey lol. But here are the poems I used in order.
Ise/ Ise/ Narihira/ Ki No Tsurayuki/
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138 notes · View notes
yurmomsawh0r · 4 months
Alpha!Sesshomaru x PregnantOmega!Reader coming soon😭 (I LOVE THE PREGNANCY TROPE SUE ME)
It just poppped up in my head. A mix of smut x fluff.
Side note: Almost done with Unhinged ( Choso fic )
63 notes · View notes
a-writers-blurbs · 2 months
Curiosity... the Dog?
As promised, I've got two updates for you guys! Here's the first one!
Huge shoutiut to @ladydanitar for helping me edit this artwork! She's an awesome editor (yall should check out her ko-fi)
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Sesshomaru watched as the Miko quietly walked away from the campsite. Pain and depression radiated from her aura, causing Sesshomarus instincts to be on edge.
It was unnatural, the dynamics of their pack. Unlike what would be expected, the Miko herself presented as the alpha rather than a son of the greatest alpha to ever live, as one would expect.
And the disrespect she suffered at the hands of her first packmate as an alpha was unheard of. It made him wonder if she even understood her position as leader of the group.
30 notes · View notes
midnight-talescape · 1 year
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Not me having to do this twice because tumblr ate the first one
The single character are just the only character I will write for in their fandom because I only find them attractive (no I don't take question for my choice) But feel free to convince me otherwise with nice prompt
𝒟𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃 𝐵𝒶𝓁𝓁
The Tyrant and His Pet (Yandere Frieza x Reader)
^ art to go with that story I said no oc but im also a hypocrite
Mine (Yandere King Cold x Adopted Reader) <- I will fuck his entire family excluding chill who look like a purple and orange dildo and kuriza whos a literal child
Frieza x Majin Buu’s Sister Reader Headcanon It actually took me 6 months wtf 😭
𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐵𝓊𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓇
Contract (Alpha Sebastian x Omega Reader) I want a demon buler
𝒫𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 (𝐼’𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔)
Trainer and Pokémon are both okay (final evolution and grown up only)
Rage (Yandere Human Gyarados x Reader) no thought mind blank
Sacrifice (Yandere Human Volcarona x Reader) why did i write lava cum
Forbidden (Yandere Greninja x Reader) i will always love forbidden ninja love
Mate (Serperior x Reader) favorite starter no regret
Virus (Various Pokémon x Reader) no comment
Worship (Arceus x Reader) go big or go home
Fire (Arcanine x Reader) dog
Love and Lust (Sylveon x GN Reader)
Undeserving (Ceruledge x Reader)
Heat (Sesshomaru x Half Demon Reader) <- first anime crush
𝒟𝒮𝑀𝒫 (𝒞! 𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎)
I’m here (C!Philza x Cat Hybrid Reader) Im so fucking sorry
𝒜𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓈𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓂 (𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒’𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝑒 𝒶 𝒶𝒹𝓊𝓁𝓉)
Prey (Koro Sensei x Reader) Adult need special care
Treasure (Yandere Tamamo no Mae x Reader) fluffy tails
Criminal (Yandere Batman x Criminal Reader) I might have a type
Taboo (Brother Batman x Sister Reader) i was so fucking excited for this ;-;
𝐻𝒶𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒫𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 (𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝓊𝓅)
Purpose (Lucius Malfoy x Reader) I have some daddy issue
𝐻𝒶𝓏𝒷𝒾𝓃 𝐻𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓁 + 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓊𝓋𝒶 𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈
Deal (Alastor x Reader) not me remembering Alastor doesn't brush his teeth
Lust (Asmodeus x Succubus Reader) I love mister rooster guy
𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒 𝑅𝓊𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝒹𝑜𝓂 (𝓈𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽)
Cookie & Cream (Yandere Dark Cacao x Reader x Yandere Pure Vanilla) It's definitely call cream, I don't take argument
𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 (𝒴𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝓊𝓂𝓃)
Princesa (Miguel O’hara x Reader) I love writing hate sex
Needs (Alpha Miguel O’hara x Beta Reader) I want this man to do so many illegal shit to me
Washing Machine (Miguel O’hara x Reader) help me stepbro
Needs and Wants (Omega Miguel O’hara x Beta Reader) this man has so many things that can do so many things to me
Protection (Bodyguard Miguel O’hara x Reader) I will pay big money for this man
Aphrodisiac (Miguel O’hara x Reader) he totally gaslighted you lol
Good Boy (Hybrid Miguel O’hara x Reader) the title has little to no correlation with the story
Mi Diosa (War God Miguel O’hara x Reader) The amount of Miguel i’m writing is getting ridiculous
Secret (Best Friend Miguel O’hara x Hero Reader) I want miguel so badly
Villain (Yandere Villain Miguel O’hara x Hero Reader) I need to remember this is a smut
Hatred (Various Miguel x Reader) i love angst
Killer (Ghostface Miguel O’hara x Shy (?) Reader) very thin line between shy and psychopathic
Little Spider (Stepdad Miguel O’hara x Reader) stepdad miguel lets goooooo
𝒥𝓊𝒿𝓊𝓉𝓈𝓊 𝒦𝒶𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓃
Leash (Wolf Toji x Reader) Bark bark
Master and Slave (Toji x Reader) No thought want Toji to [bleep] me
Discipline (Proffesor Nanami x Student Reader) Look at this beautiful mature responsible man
Liar (Sukuna x Reader) I think regular people will die if they fuck him
𝒮𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇
Jealousy (Ice Bear x Reader) *insert How bad can I be
Despise (John Wick x Reader) <- this is favorite will recommand
Wine (Thranduil x Reader) Im into some freaky shit
Game (707 x Reader) My beloved
Love (Yandere Kururu x Reader) I dont know why I love him I just do
Captain (Levi x Reader) You can break my neck
Pet (Slenderman x Reader) daddy long leg
Pearls (Yandere Sea Monster x Mermaid Reader) I had to cut it because I was dragging it on for too long
Intertwine (Genderbend Parallel (?) x Reader) its just a little weird okay
Don't Leave (Yandere Dragon x Reader) Dragon, my love
Obsession (Yandere Wolf x Reader) I have no thought just head hurt, also want a wolf. Doesn't have to be a man just a wolf
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authorautumnbanks · 2 months
Stranded With A Demon Lord and the Strongest Sorcerer (2)
Read Chapter 1
"I only have one sleeping bag," Kagome says with a frown. "It's big enough for both of us if you don't care about personal space." She pulls it out of the yellow backpack and rolls the dark blue sleeping bag out on the floor, close to the fire, but not too close.
"Priestess," Sesshomaru says sharply. Kagome rolls her eyes. Does he have to say her title like that? He's so dang bossy. And she has a name. Would it kill him to use it now and then?
"What?" She plants her hands on her hips. "We humans need sleep. And sleeping on the hard cave floor is less than ideal." Kagome flashes a smile at Satoru. "It's fine. You can ignore him. He's always grumpy."
Satoru stares at the sleeping bag for a moment and then looks over at Sesshomaru. Kagome frowns. What is this? Does he think he needs Sesshomaru's permission or something to sleep in the same sleeping bag as her?
"I'll probably just stay awake since this is a different world in all," Satoru answers. His brows are taunt and there is some tension in his shoulders.
"But you're human. You need to rest. Sesshomaru doesn't need sleep nearly as much as we do." Kagome crosses her arms and quirks a brow. "What? You think I have cooties or something?" she jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Maybe Satoru isn't handling this as well as she thought he was. Poor guy, it must be hard on him, and he is the odd man out here, even though Sesshomaru is the odd demon out of the group. She needs to make him feel more comfortable, somehow. It will be awful if he has a nervous breakdown or something.
Satoru barks out a laugh. "Haven't heard that word in a long time, if ever. But no, I'd prefer to stay awake."
"Sleep," Sesshomaru commands, leaning back against the wall. "If there is any danger, then this Sesshomaru will wake you. It would be unwise to use this time to waste energy when we do not know what tomorrow will bring." Sesshomaru tilts his head to the side. "If this Sesshomaru wanted you dead, you would have been dead."
"Gee thanks," Satoru quips. "That sounded like a threat."
"Threats are for weaklings. I simply act."
"It's a compliment," Kagome translates, though internally she is wincing. That wasn't a compliment. Sesshomaru is trying to goad Satoru into a fight for some reason. She doesn't get it. He's fine keeping watch over both of them and yet he wants to fight Satoru? Maybe it's a pack dynamic she doesn't get. Kagome blinks. Does Sesshomaru think Satoru wants to fight for the alpha role? Satoru is human. Why would he care about that? "Anyway, I think we should get some rest while we can and hit the road in the morning."
"There is no road," Sesshomaru says.
"Figure of expression. You know the gist of what I'm saying. Though if it rains all day tomorrow, then what? If it could nearly melt my pot, then it'll melt me for sure."
"I can expand my infinity to keep you from getting wet if it comes to that," Satoru says, sitting down. He slides his shoes off and then his jacket.
Oh... he's uh, ripped.
"I haven't done anything," she grumbles, throwing her hands up, and then slaps her thighs. "Anyway, I'm going to change into some yoga pants." Kagome grabs her bag and then disappears further into the cave. Satoru doesn't give off peeper vibes and Sesshomaru will knock his head off if he tries. She strains her ears to listen while she changes, but no one speaks while she is gone. Kagome rolls her eyes skyward and opts to change her top, too. She keeps it simple with a white tank top and black yoga pants. "Okay, I'm done... what are you two doing?"
Sesshomaru looks up from his spot, hovering over Satoru with his claws far too close to Satoru's face for comfort. They glow green and, in a blink of an eye, his claws appear normal. Satoru grins up at Sesshomaru, but it's a maniacal smile. His eyes are wild and from the looks of it, he was about to fire something off at Sesshomaru's gut.
Kagome purses her lips together. This is so not the time.
Sesshomaru leans back and makes a point of sniffing the air.
"Stop it," she huffs out. "You two shouldn't be fighting, anyway."
"Wasn't a fight," Satoru says, sitting up. He glares at Sesshomaru for a moment and then looks back at her. "Just working out shit, like all guys do."
"By roughhousing?" Frankly, she does not buy that explanation, but she also does not know Satoru enough to call him out on it. Maybe this is a game to him? Kagome peeks at Sesshomaru, who busies himself with sorting out the bones from the beast. He throws one out of the cave and into the rain.
Huh. It doesn't sizzle. Maybe the rain just does not care for her pot then?
Sesshomaru walks towards the entrance and holds a hand out. "Curious." He pulls his hand back and licks the water droplets off. "The rain is neutralized for now."
Kagome cradles her hand to her chest. "Yeah... I'm good." She moves over to the fire and pokes it with a humerus bone. At least she thinks it is the humerus. Satoru sits next to her and stares at the roasting meat. "How are you doing with everything?"
He blinks. "Fine."
"It's okay if you aren't doing fine. We are all in this together," she continues because anytime someone says they are fine, they are in fact not fine. "We'll find our way back home." She glances at the sleeping bag. "You can take the sleeping bag tonight."
"Now you don't want to sleep with me," he jokes.
Kagome sets the bone down and digs in her bag for some plates. "It's not that." She freezes and turns to him with blazing-hot cheeks. "Not like that! I meant I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, is all."
Pull it together! A hint of muscle and she loses all reason? Kagome blows out a breath and refuses to look at Sesshomaru. His stare is burning into her back and the last thing she needs is to see the judgment in his eyes.
"You know... I'm sure you have someone waiting for you back at home, and I don't want to make things awkward. So, you can have the sleeping bag tonight. I'm used to roughing it."
"Roughing it," he murmurs. "There's no need for that. I don't have anyone waiting for me." Satoru looks over his shoulder.
"This Sesshomaru will keep watch," Sesshomaru repeats, leaning against the wall with one leg propped up and his arm resting across his knee. "It is silent for now. We will leave at daybreak. Eat and then sleep."
Kagome nods. What is going on between those two? She glances at the sleeping bag again. It'll be fine. Maybe they can make a crude one for Satoru later? "Can we use your fur as a pillow?"
Sesshomaru narrows his eyes and pulls the white fur from his shoulders. He tosses it and Kagome jumps up to catch it. She sighs as she rubs her face into it.
"... Is that a part of you or fur you've taken from something?"
"It is a part of me."
Satoru nods. "Kagome, you can have that as a pillow."
"Huh? But it's so soft. Here, rub it." She sticks the fur out for Satoru to touch, but he leans away. "Aw come on. You don't want to touch it?"
"It's a part of Sesshomaru. The last thing I want is to rub any part of him."
Kagome frowns. "You don't know what you're missing out on." She wraps the fur around her and bends down, grabbing their plates. "Okay, dinner, and then we can sleep... unless there is a hot spring or something in this cave?"
"No water. You can live without a bath."
"Ugh." Kagome pouts. They eat in near silence with the fire crackling and the soft pitter-patter of the rain outside. Satoru doesn't speak much, though he says a lot more than Sesshomaru does, so it's not too bad. When it's time to retire for the night, Satoru hesitates, but eventually climbs into the sleeping bag with her. His eyes are so blue and luminous it hurts to look at him. Kagome bites her lip and turns with her back to him.
Satoru grunts.
Kagome shifts and then freezes. Satoru places a hand on her hip, stilling her. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," his voice is low, husky. "Just stop... uh... moving." He moves his hand. His breath fans the back of her neck. At least she is warm. Kagome nods her head and clutches Sesshomaru's fur.
Sleep. You need your sleep. Who knows what will happen tomorrow, she thinks to herself, squeezing her eyes shut. And don't focus on how hard Satoru is. She squeezes her eyes tighter.
It takes far too long for her to fall asleep, but when she does, she dreams of Sesshomaru and Satoru.
"Throw me in the air so I can see if there is some kind of settlement around here. That way, we aren't wandering around aimlessly." Kagome smiles at Sesshomaru. His face is blank, but his lip twitches slightly.
"I can check it out," Satoru says, giving her a look. He disappears before Kagome can open her mouth to shoot a retort.
What the heck?
Kagome cranes her neck up and holds a hand over her eyes. That dot looks like Satoru.
"This Sesshomaru is capable of flight."
Kagome blinks. "Are you pouting?"
She squints at him. Oh, he is pouting. Why? Satoru appears in front of her, and Kagome jumps back with a yelp. "Don't do that!" She holds a hand to her chest. "Gave me a scare."
Satoru chuckles. "Sorry. There's some kind of settlement that way." He points in the direction of the settlement. "Couldn't make out if they were human or not, but a lot of buildings and smoke, probably from cooking." He holds out his hand.
"The bag."
Kagome frowns as she slides the backpack off. "You don't have to carry this all the time. I'm used to it. It's no biggie." She hands the bag over. Their fingers touch and a bolt of electricity shoots down her spine. Kagome opens her mouth right as Sesshomaru's fur wraps around her waist and tugs her to his side.
"We are leaving," Sesshomaru states, striding forward with his fur still wrapped around her waist. Kagome shrugs and walks by his side. Satoru catches up to them and flanks her other side. His expression is just as closed off as Sesshomaru's. They both must be on high alert.
Kagome takes in the different vegetation. The flowers here are as big as pumpkins. Bright green and orange leaves. If only there was a guide to tell her which colors to stay away from. A creature, small like a mouse, skirts by. It stops for a moment, with its large pink eyes that bulge out, and then skitters by.
"So, you two are friends?" Satoru asks, breaking up the silence.
Kagome's brows furrow together.
"So, family."
"Stronger than what humans consider family."
"Do demons normally take humans in as pack?"
"Only those that are worthy."
Kagome's gaze bounces back and forth between Sesshomaru and Satoru. What the hell is this? Since when does Sesshomaru casually engage in conversation with someone else?
"Ah, so am I pack?"
"No. You are simply a stray the priestess has picked up."
"Thanks for picking me up, Kagome." Satoru winks at her. Sesshomaru growls. Kagome whips her head around to stare at Sesshomaru. Does she need to step in? "When we get closer to the settlement, we should hold back and observe."
"Huh? Why?"
"You worry humans are inferior here as they are back at home."
Satoru cracks his knuckles. "Demons are nonfactors in my world."
"And there are no humans with energy like yours. Must have been snuffed out by those stronger."
"Guys..." Kagome starts.
"Demons are nothing more than a footnote in our children's books as things that don't exist."
Sesshomaru stops. He lifts his head and sniffs the air. "Blood." His fur unwraps from her waist.
"How much?" Satoru grabs Kagome's elbow and tugs her closer to him.
"Enough," Sesshomaru says. "It is coming from the direction of the village. A raid, perhaps."
"Well, we need to help them, then." Kagome shrugs out of Satoru's hold and sprints forward. Maybe that smoke was the start of battle? Satoru appears next to her and angles his head in her direction. "We can't just stand by and not help."
"We don't even know them," Satoru points out.
"So? They don't know us, and we were gonna show up asking them for help."
"The priestess is stubborn as an ox. You will get nowhere with her," Sesshomaru says. He reaches over and plucks Kagome mid-sprint. "We fly."
"Huh? OH! Satoru grab on."
Satoru blanches. "I can run..." he falters under Kagome's glare. "Alright." He grabs Sesshomaru's fur and, in a blink of an eye, they take off.
When they get there, it's chaos. Goblins shriek and run away from centaurs. Kagome rubs her eyes and then pulls herself together.
"They're all monsters," Satoru says, crossing his arms. Kagome dips her head in acknowledgment. She gets it.
"Right, but the goblins are running away. This looks to be their home. It's too many of them." She pulls out an arrow and notches it. Satoru shoots her a look, but she ignores him and fires off the arrow.
It goes silent.
The centaurs stop and drop their swords. The goblins cower and look at her with awe.
"Kagome," Satoru says, but his voice sounds funny. She raises a brow at him and he turns an interesting shade of pink.
"Are you okay? You can sit this out."
"I'm fine," he says, turning his head away.
Sesshomaru scoffs and strolls forward. "Explain," his voice booms, but the centaurs and goblins only spare him a glance. They drop to their knees. Well, the centaurs bow, and address Kagome.
"Chosen One," they say in unison.
"Ah fuck me," Kagome says. Sesshomaru turns his head and gives her a look. "Uhhh, can someone explain why you guys were fighting?" And is it too late for them to back away and find another village?
A male centaur with long blonde hair and green eyes steps forward. He takes a fist and beats it over his heart. Kagome blinks. His chest is bare, and he has no armor of any kind on. He's ripped too.
Does this count as nudity?
"I, Argol the Bloodthirsty, will explain."
Kagome rubs her forehead. "Perhaps someone that doesn't have the name bloodthirsty in their name?"
Argol does not laugh at her joke and instead bares his teeth at those behind him. He stomps his hooves, creating a small dust cloud. They shriek back, even his comrades. He turns his attention back to Kagome. "Please grant me this honor. No other is worthy to speak with you." His smile is dazzling.
Kagome blinks. Satoru stiffens next to her and Sesshomaru not so discreetly pulls his sword out.
Oh dear, this does not look good.
A/N: I got quoted 12k to fix my HVAC so I guess I'll be suffering for a while lol. I'm getting other quotes especially since I need to get that fixed before winter.
"Are they there by design?" - I wasn't kidding when I said I'm writing this off of vibes lol. I sit down and I 'ask' the characters what are we doing and this is how I wrote this chapter.
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fuedalreesespieces · 4 months
okay as a fic writer myself i don't want to be rude but. what is it with certain fics having this whole omegaverse structure spearheading fictional youkai culture? specifically fics that emphasize alpha/beta/omega dynamics between characters. like there was one specific inukag fic i read where inuyasha was demanding respect "as the alpha" or whatever and i legitimately burst out laughing because a.) he could not get away with ever saying this, and b.) he's quite literally the last character to give a fuck about hierarchy. this sort of thing feels more suited to characters like koga and sesshomaru who actually care about stuff like this, and not the sole character who's mere existence is a huge "fuck you" to the canonical hierarchy in the series.
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crescent-dreams · 1 year
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BAMF/Powerful Kagome
Kagome has so much potential, so it's always wonderful to see authors delve into her powers or showcase her tenacity and determination!
Almond by Sereia13/@sereia1313
Mature | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: Sesshoumaru has made his intent clear, offering the miko a place in the west at his side--if she would only show up to accept the proposal.
Alpha by Uissuteffu/@uissuteffu
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Ongoing Summary: It's been twelve years since Kagome first fell through time... and a lot has changed. Her powers have reached unfathomable levels and she's been putting them to good use, living as a lone, traveling miko, slaying troublesome yōkai and healing her way across mid-sixteenth century Japan. Her latest mission began with curiousity, driven to travel the perimeter of a mountain, chasing rumors of a similar trouble that plagued all villages near the mountains base - dogs have been going missing for decades. The stories relayed led her up the mountain and to a discovery more horrifying than the rumors suggested. A discovery that would end her life as a human and attract the attention of a certain demon lord.
Claimed (fic has been orphaned)
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: Kagome was sold by Kikyo and it took her two years to return to her friends for the final battle with Naraku. Things have changed since she has been gone, but the most changed is Kagome herself. Can she find where she belongs when things are revealed?
Sanctuary by Sereia13/@sereia1313
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Kagome wants to bring a little holiday cheer to one of her students, unaware that the reason for her silence in class is much darker than she--or the principal--could've anticipated.
The First Cut is the Deepest by Sage McMae/@sagemcmae
Mature | Feudal Era AU | Complete Summary: Daily, Sesshomaru waits for the mortal woman with the demon-forged blade. It is a curiosity, a fleeting fancy to distract him from the burdens of court. At least, that is what he tells himself.
Ikigai by Uissuteffu/@uissuteffu
Explicit | Modern Era Canon | Ongoing Summary: It's been ten years since the well stopped working, trapping Kagome in her own time. She spent the decade never giving up hope that the well might re-open, honing skills that would make her life in 16th century Japan much easier. Despite her fixation on the past, she never stops focusing on the present. She's now in her final semester of medical school and in desperate need of a break. She, along with her old high school friends and a few new ones, set off for a camping trip to celebrate the onset of summer. Along the way, Kagome senses yōki for the first time since the closing of the well. Following it will lead her on a journey more frightening and bizarre than anything she'd faced in the past.
Inferno by mynightshining/@mynightshining
Teen | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: A town attacked, a raging inferno, Kagome has no choice but to save them both.
Little Red & The Silver Beast by Sage McMae/@sagemcmae
Mature | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: A vigilante in a red fire rat robe is causing a stir in the Western Lands. When Sesshomaru tracks down the culprit, he discovers the archer isn’t a man, but a woman— more accurately, a miko.
Murky Magic by Sereia13/@sereia1313
Mature| Modern AU | Complete Summary: In which Sesshoumaru has a spell cast on him, with interesting results.
Order of the Sun by Harlecorn/@harlecorn
Explicit | Modern Era Canon | Complete Summary: An organization originally started to help people against rogue youkai and bandits has now become the only thing keeping youkai safe and hidden from the rest of humanity. Kagome is one of their top agents, having gone through hell to get to where she is. While on assignment, she runs into an old ally she hasn't seen in nearly five centuries.
The Perfect Mate by BelovedStranger (Dokuga)
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: Unwittingly, Kagome stumbles into the midst of a game of political intrigue, where the prize would mean mating the all powerful Lord of the West. A prize she did not desire, however, fate would have her victorious. Wounded, enemies converge while known friends are out of reach. She was forced to rely on Sesshomaru, who had his own hidden agendas where she was concerned. A fierce attraction holds sway between the two as they slowly revealed what fate had locked away, only to set free a power perhaps best left alone. Hindsight is not foresight and love could not concur all. Only through sacrifice could Sesshomaru save all he had come to hold dear.
Second Alliance by ImaniJoain (Ao3)
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: A new threat has breached the peace left in the wake of Naraku's defeat. This time, it will be Sesshomaru who must propose an alliance to defeat an enemy he has no experience with: a death that claims humans and demons alike. Only his half-brother's strange miko truly understands the danger, and she is the key to conquering it.
Reserve Untapped by SilverEyedHyuuga (Dokuga)
Explicit | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: Years of battling Naraku have kindled Kagome's formerly feeble reiki into a considerable force. Now that the spider demon has been defeated, she has taken it upon herself to train and maintain her power. A certain daiyoukai cannot help but be intrigued by the blossoming of her gifts, and when their chance encounters begin to become not so coincidental anymore, he, against his better judgement and opinion of humans, begins to recognize her for the formidable priestess she has become. When Sesshoumaru joins forces with Kagome against a deadly new enemy--the powers of which they have never encountered before--he comes to respect her more and more as not just a mere miko, but as his equal.
Whirlwind by Sereia13/@sereia1313
Mature | Feudal Era Canon | Complete Summary: The destruction of the jewel leaves Kagome with more power than she knows what to do with, putting her in tune with the elements. But when a wayward breeze ends up being more than it seems, she finds herself asking for help from the unlikeliest of allies.
Did we miss one of your favourites? Send us a wish, and we'll update it ASAP!
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uissuteffu · 2 years
Restored Chapter 5: 「The Crossing of the First Threshold」༻❁༺「Act One: Departure」
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Things don't work out the way Kagome had imagined they would when she made the decision to take the one way trip back down the well. It's been nearly six years since her return to the Warring States period and she finds herself existing as a single, twenty-four year old woman, stuck in a profession she loathes. 💮 After the fall of Naraku, Sesshomaru and Rin went through a blood adoption ceremony that had the unexpected side-effect of slowing Rin's aging. While she has lived nineteen years as a human, she maintains the appearance of the ten year old that Sesshomaru left behind in Kaede's village nine years prior. Sesshomaru, oblivious to human standards of the passage of time, doesn't even notice Rin's lack of aging. Her peers, however, certainly take notice, once again leaving her as the outcast of a human village. Rin's family-like bond with Kagome and Shippo keep her from confessing her predicament to Sesshomaru. 💮 When Kagome falls into a depression fueled by the regret of her choice to jump into the well one final time, Rin concocts a plan that will allow her to leave the village and have Kagome, Shippo, and Sesshomaru by her side... Hopefully, the plan will have the added bonus of restoring Kagome's once bright spirit.
*Story Info - May Contain Spoilers*
Post-Inuyasha/Final Act (Sunrise) Canon Compliant
Major Divergences:
Fully (Sunrise) canon compliant, continues story after Kagome’s return to the Bone Eater’s Well “past” time.
Canon Era, 16th Century Japan, 6 years post-canon
Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical, Tragedy, Thriller & Suspense, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Porn, Smut
Pack dynamics, Sesshoumaru’s beast, Knotting, Mating Marks, Blood Adoption Ceremony, Kagome is Shippō’s Parent, Sesshoumaru is Rin’s Parent, Alpha Sesshoumaru, Alpha Higurashi Kagome, Powerful Higurashi Kagome
Trigger Warnings:
Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual), Self-injurious behavior (self-harm, eating disorders, etc.), Death or dying, Described Blood, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Confronting Abuser, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Nightmares about Traumatic Events, Explicit Sex Scene, Death of a Loved One, Abandonment, Divorce, Female Oppression
Fandom Warnings:
Inuyasha is OOC (character regression and amplification of negative personality traits), Kagome is OOC (character regression as she deals with depression), Inuyasha/Kagome Canon Relationship Breakup, Canonical Character Death - Kaede
Published February 1, 2023 ༻❁༺ Chapter Word Count: 7,728 
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Alpha likes to play with their hair — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I like men with long hair, hehe. Anyway, Inuyasha is by far my favorite anime, so prepare for a lot of content about it and also content about httyd, cause I need more of these.
Warnings: might contain spoilers, probably has grammar errors
- Inuyasha:
»» He is a tsundere, so it doesn't matter how long into the relationship you're, he will still deny he likes it.
»» But at the same time, he won't stop you either, unless you decide to tease or make any comment about it. So if you want to play with his hair for as long as your arms let you, then better not talk about it.
»» He will like it even more if you brush his hair either before or after sleep, might even fall asleep while sitting with how much relaxing is for him. Just be careful with his ears, they're sensitive, but not in a sexual way, in more of you're either making them hurt with so much rubbing or the fact he can feel and hear everything you're doing, and might get overwhelming.
»» Now, the only hairstyle he would tolerate is a ponytail and nothing more. I feel like he would let you do it the first time, but he might get teased either by Miroku or Shippo, and since then you're only allowed to do a ponytail.
- Sesshomaru:
»» Sesshomaru does not care about it, as long as you're not interrupting him from doing tasks like hunting, fighting, or whatever else he feels like doing at the moment.
»» It would be best to play with his hair before bed or when he is just relaxing doing nothing at the time. Now, he does take really good care and takes great pride in his hair, even if he doesn't say so, so don't just mess with it and get it tangled or ugly (somehow).
»» Out of everyone on this list, he is the one that likes hairstyles the most, he might even get ornaments for you to decorate his hair with. Also as long as the hairstyle doesn't inconvenience him with tasks and fighting.
»» Sesshomaru also has a liking to shiny things, so get him some silver or golden ornaments and he will keep them forever. If the hairstyle you did on him gets unmade by someone who is not you or Rin, then consider that person dead, principally if they broke one of the ornaments you gave to him.
- Tōga:
»» He is very happy whenever you show him affection, and he doesn't have any issues at showing or even saying he likes it.
»» He loves it principally when he gets home after a hard day, he will have you both taking a bath together and you have to wash his hair, you have to is a rule, doesn't matter how long it takes.
»» Always falls asleep when you play with his hair, so be sure to do it when that's not a problem, also cause he has the deepest sleep to ever exist, I mean the world is ending and he is still asleep.
»» About hairstyles, I think he wouldn't mind as long as it is a day off and he won't go out. Because let's be honest, this guy loves fighting, he probably will get in a fight when he goes out, either on purpose or not, and will get the hair undone unless is a simple variation of a ponytail, and he will be very upset that his hair is undone.
- Kōga:
»» Only lets you do it when you're in private, not a single soul besides you two can ever dream about this happening, he has to keep his image of the strongest of the pack and whatnot.
»» And because of that is difficult to make hairstyles on him, also the majority of them will get messed up by the speed he runs, so there is no point to do it if he won't spend most of the day inside.
»» But he will let you put certain ornaments on his head, now nothing that calls too much attention or is fragile, cause he won't accept those. The ones he would like the most are those that can be put on the band on his head.
»» Now, the only day he would let you do a hairstyle and he goes out, is on the day you two get married, or whatever ceremony they do to make a couple oficial (besides mating). And if anyone comments on it he will rub in their faces that he is getting married and they aren't.
- Bankotsu:
»» Man has a braid 24/7, his hair is begging for something different, also I don't think he cares much about his hair. He only puts it in a braid cause that way it doesn't get in the way of him doing chores or fighting.
»» If it wasn't for his "siblings" he would have cut it a long time ago, and probably with something that was not meant to cut hair, so it would look ridiculous.
»» Bankotsu is fighting to the death almost all the time, so if you do a hairstyle different than his usual, make sure it doesn't have a way of being undone or messing up his moves, cause this could cost his life.
»» He doesn't care, so he will walk around with the silliest hair and don't even acknowledge it. Jakotsu will see it and will care and make him or you undo it and make a proper hairstyle, if you do make an actual hairstyle and look good, maybe Jakotsu will ask for you to do it to their hair later.
- Naraku:
»» Naraku is another one that does not care about you playing with his hair or not, as long as it doesn't happen in front of his enemies somehow.
»» He might even let you do hairstyles, considering you won't try to make him look silly or make "children's hairstyles" on him, if you do make these, he will either take it off right away or stop you midway and don't let you touch his hair for a long time.
»» He likes displaying power and riches, so if you make a hairstyle that shows that off, with or without ornaments, it doesn't matter, as long as he looks handsome and powerful he will like it.
(This next paragraph will contain spoilers)
»» Now for his clones/incarnations, they will all be very much fans of you playing and doing styles on their hair, depending on the incarnation they won't let you know, but I do think that they have the same feelings for you that Naraku does, but they cannot "control" it as much as he can.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
*cough* *cough* a seishomuru(totally spelt that wrong ik-) omegaverse *cough* were the reader gets *cough* pregnant and won't tell seishomuru cuz he thinks he'll neglect him and *cough* u know the drill
Warnings: omegaverse, implied bottom reader, mpreg, male reader, MLM, MxM
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(Name) was worried.
He had learned from the village doctor that he was with child after his alpha urged him to see one as they had taken a break not to far away.
It was late, the campfire was roaring as (name) snuggled into his mates chest, Sesshomaru clawed hand gently drawing circles on his omegas hip "sleep Omega, we have much to do tomorrow" his voice was soothing to (name), the subtle command not lost on (name) who couldn't help but obey.
(Name) smiled as he held Rin in his arms, the pup exhausted and snuggling into her dams arms.
Sesshomaru and (name) never openly stated it but they did claim the pup as their own and (name) was deeply protective of her, keeping her close at all times.
(Name) still hasn't spoken to his alpha about His...new development.
Worry didn't even begin to cover it.
He knew his alpha was incredibly independent and it was surprising that he allowed Rin to join their adventures... Hell he surprised the white haired Alpha started courting him and not the other way around.
Sesshomaru had spoken before about pups being annoying, often looking at pregnant people they occasionally passed with disgust.
Would he think that of (name)?
Would he not want (name)?
Sesshomaru kept tabs on (name)s heat, knowing it was in the upcoming weeks he deduced the shift in his mates scent to that.
What he couldn't figure out was (name)s aversion to scents and foods he normally enjoyed and almost looked nauseous at the sight of them.
Jaken noticed something different with the Omega in their group, the imp ever the nosy one was determined to find out just what he was hiding.
Jaken didn't hate (name), the Omega made pleasant company and made his Lord Sesshomaru quite happy.
When (name) went to town with Rin, letting the little pup play with the children in town while he went to the town healer Jaken was quick to follow as he peered through the slit in the open window as the doctor looked at the omegas belly.
There was a bump.
It didn't take a genius to connect what that meant.
(Name) and Rin returned to camp, the little girl having a treat from the local market and chatted away about the games she got to play with the village children.
(Name) was confused at the tense air of the camp, Sesshomaru somehow quieter than usual as Jaken looked almost...smug? Like he had solved the greatest puzzle of all time.
"When were you going to share that you were with child"
That's it.
(Name)s scent immediately turned sour, eyes watering as he fidgeted "I'm sorry alpha..." He was going to leave him, he just knew it.
"Jaken, Rin... Give us a moment"
The two begrudgingly left, knowing better than to argue with the Alpha who took long strides to the now crying Omega "why are you crying?" His voice blunt but the gentle hand wiping his tears told him that his mate wasn't mad "A-alpha won't want me!" (Name) huccuped and though rare Sesshomaru smiled softly to his mate "stupid Omega, why would I do that?"
"You say you hate pregnant people and pups..."
"Yet I allowed us to keep a human pup and I have yet to abandon you"
"Y-you mean...?"
"My omega blessed me with an heir, hopefully more... Though we should find you a more stable home to care for my children"
"Our children..."
"Yes Omega, ours"
Sesshomaru wasted little time preparing his mate and future pup a home, halting his wandering to care for his love.
His Omega would have everything he ever would need, Jaken bringing him everything and anything and Rin keeping the Omega company when Sesshomaru couldn't.
Like a weird family.
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
*Me seeing Zhongli for the first time*
"Welcome to the club of 'bottom who will always be impregnated and whumped', and your assigned secondary gender is omega, please sit with Loki, Obi-Wan, Sesshomaru, Diluc and Sasuke Uchiha. Your mate and alpha, Tartaglia, will arrive soon"
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 11 months
The rising threat in the shadows
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51012139 by Werewolflover2019 This is a prequel story that takes place ten years later after the events of The Prideful Alpha and the Shy Half-Demon Ps: The story progress won't start sometime till fall next year. Words: 3, Chapters: 1/50, Language: English Series: Part 5 of The prideful alpha and the shy half-demon Fandoms: Inuyasha - Fandom, teen wolf - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: Multi Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, InuYasha, Miroku, Shippou, Mason Hewitt, Jackson Whittemore, Brett Talbot, Allison Argent, Victoria Argent, Liam Dunbar, Kohaku, Higurashi Souta, Higurashi Kagome, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Sesshomaru, Adrian, Corey Bryant, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Deucalion, garret douglas, Naraku, Koga, Hojo, Ethan, Aiden, Rafael, InuTashio Relationships: Derek/Stiles, Inuyasha/Scott, Ginta/Hakkaku/Shippou, Miroku/Jackson, Brett/Mason, Deucalion/Douglas, lydia/Malia/Kira Additional Tags: Love, Death, hardship, Sadness read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51012139
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in-defense-of-loki · 2 years
For the get to know ask game: 💕: Your two top fave fictional characters, 📖: Fave books, (this can totally be more than one, as choosing just one favorite book is impossible) and 🌼: Fave flower! 🙂🙂
Oh sh!t, uhh top two, huh? I think imma have to break that rule, because as a neurodivergent, collecting is both a coping mechanism for trauma and something I enjoy a lot. And I collect plushies and characters. So can I just list my characters I like collecting?
Kurama and Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, I just got their noodle stopper figures, and I pre-ordered Kurama's Nendoroid just two days ago. Excitedly waiting for Hiei's.
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Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, last thing I got of his was either his noodle stopper, or the Pop-Up Parade figure, can't remember. (We don't talk about Yashahime here, that show is trashfire)
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Loki and Bucky from Marvel, obviously, lol. I just recently got Loki's newest Funko Pop of him holding his scepter from Avengers. He's probably my most extensive collection, because I even have several Hot Toys 1/6 figures and most his comic books among so much else. There's not a lot for collecting Bucky, unfortunately, I think the last thing I got of him were the Q-Posket figures, though.
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Link from LoZ. I'm very biased towards these games, as they were my lifeline during the time I was recovering from a traumatizing relationship. I have all his Nendoroid and Figma figures, as well as his amiibo, and so much more. Just him, though, not Zelda or anyone else. I have Skyward Sword figure by Real Action Heroes, but I'm still in the market for the BotW one.
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Sherlock from BBC series, his is probably my smallest collection. I have all his Funko Pops, a 1/6 figure (not by Hot Toys), a movie poster, and I think that's it. Sad, honestly.
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Thranduil from The Hobbit, his is as small. I have a couple of plushies, some posters, a small figurine. I plan on trying to find more, haven't found an Asmus figure within a good price range, but I'm also not really impressed with their model of him. Asmus figures tend to be a hit-or-miss with their stuff, no in-between.
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Cloud and Sephiroth from FFVII, both the original and remake stuff. I recently ordered a plush of Cloud and then preordered his matching Advent Children plush and Play Arts Kai Cloud in a dress. I'm aiming for getting a good priced GameToys 1/6 figure of Sephiroth, but they're not easy to come by or confirm as authentic. That reminds me, I need Sephiroth's matching plush to the Cloud ones....
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I used to collect Severus Snape, because his character was the most interesting, but since his creator has become problematic, I've neglected that collection. Can't bring myself to get rid of them, cuz the character is still fascinating.
As for favorite books, that's even harder. Mostly because beloved series I used to follow tend to turn horrible because their authors go through irl hardships and their works are heavily affected. Like the Anita Blake series by Hamilton, or the Dark Hunter series by Kenyon. Those series suck so bad now. Though, hopefully, the Mercy Thompson series and the Alpha & Omega series, both by Patricia Briggs, don't end up that way. Back in high school, I really like the Vampire Kisses series, and I think the writing has held up even now, but it definitely is a young adult/teen series. A trilogy I really love, even now, would be Depravity, Deceit, Devastation by MJ Haag, it's my favorite Beauty and the Beast reimagining. I still enjoy things like LotR and The Hobbit, but I dunno if I'd call them my favorites. There have been a lot of good Loki books (and comics), but nothing that really stood out yet. Howl's Moving Castle the book has always been fun, but it's not at the top of my list either...
I guess I just enjoy books as I read them and connect with them, usually characters actually, and so there are too many to name that I've enjoyed and relish and would suggest to others. I mean, it may be easier to name favorite genres? Cuz then I'd say Horror, Fantasy, some Sci-Fi, and Adventure. Recently I've been enjoying Isekai stories, though there have been only some that stick out to me, just because of how differently the elements and story is handled: 'Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess' and 'Kill the Villainess,' but 'Marry My Husband' has also been interesting though I don't think it's necessarily Isekai.
My favorite flower is the easiest, lol, it's the Red Spider Lily, also known as the Red Magic Lily, Corpse Flower, or Equinox Flower.
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Thanks for the ask! 💚
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