#also I hate the 'you can be bad to children because its preparing them for The Real World' thing
trans-xianxian · 1 year
just saw someone say that older siblings are allowed to yell at their younger siblings because they had no say in them being in the family and it's "preparing them to be yelled at in the real world" girl what the fuck are you talking about
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cameronspecial · 5 months
fallin' all in you by shawn mendes and back to life by zayn
best friends to lovers, always there in the bad moments, always there in the best moments. those times of seeing the other with someone else til they finally confess to each other they are in love
Always There
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Mentions of Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Sorry this isn't more related to the songs but the prompt really had me going.
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It didn’t take long for Rafe to learn that she was going to be the most important person in his life. No, it really didn’t. It took the thirty seconds that it took for their fathers to leave the room for him to make that realization. The six-year-old stared at the short five-year-old girl in front of him, examining every part of her. He starts with the polished black Mary Janes that adorned her feet. They revealed the folded at the top perfectly white socks she is also wearing. The bottom of her wrinkle-free plaid pink dress kissed the bottom of her knees and not a single stain can be found on her white cardigan. Her nails were painted the same shade as her dress with no chip in sight. Small pearls circled her neck and her ears were studded with pearls as well. To complete the pristine look of the young girl, her hair was smoothed back into a high bun. Rafe was quick to assume he wasn’t going to have any fun playing with his father’s business partner’s daughter, but he was proven wrong by the first words she said to him. “Do you want to go play in the dirt?” Her question took him by surprise because her clothes certainly didn’t give the impression of a little girl who would want to play outside. Nevertheless, he nodded with a massive grin and dragged her to his backyard. 
When it was time to leave, the two newly made friends went running to their fathers; just not exactly in the same condition that they were left in. Both their clothes were now stained with mud and wrinkles were a plenty. The tight bun Y/N once wore at the crown was sagging at her nape and several knotted strands framed her face. Rafe’s gelled-back hair was mixed with mud, standing on its ends. To match their parallel appearance, her chipped nail polished hand gripped his slightly bigger ones. He had insisted that they held hands while they ran towards the back door. 
Ward’s eyes widened when he saw the state that the children were in and embarrassment flashed across his face. He was sure his son was the reason for the state they were in. He turned to the other adult prepared to apologize, “Nolan, I’m so sor-.” Mr. Y/L/N let out a good-hearted laugh with a shake of his head. “I told your mother that dress wasn’t going to last long. She knows you hate staying still or clean,” he noted, hunching over while taking off his glasses to wipe fake tears from his eyes. His daughter began to giggle with him and jumped into his arms, neither of them caring if his shirt got stained. Ward and Rafe looked at each other with uncertainty and continued to watch the other pair. Nolan stood straight with his daughter in his hold, “Did you have fun, Ladybug?” Y/N grinned at him. “YES, DADDY! Me and Rafe looked for worms and I chased him with one. I was faster. He is my best friend. Can we come back to play again?” The small boy’s heart flipped in his stomach at her words. He had hoped she had just as much fun as he did and he wanted nothing more than to be able to play again. He waited for her father to reply in anticipation. 
Nolan smiled warmly at his daughter, “Of course, Ladybug. Maybe he can come over to our house sometime. I’m sure he’d love to see the treehouse you and your brothers built.” He turned toward Ward for the next part. “That is, of course, if it is okay with Mr. Cameron.” “I think that’s a great idea,” Ward agreed. No one could see it, but Rafe did a little victory dance in his head. He had never been more glad to have been woken up early on a weekend because he was pretty sure he had met his future wife. 
That day he certainly met his best friend; where Y/N went, Rafe followed and vice versa. However, if the pair weren’t together, it was hard for either one of them to find the other. The bars of the ladder creaked as he climbed up them. As he got higher, he could hear the soft sniffles she was letting out. He got to the top and her hunched position confirmed she had been crying. His heart squeezed at her tears, causing him to hurry across the sun-shaped rug they had brought up there to her side. Once he was close enough, she instinctively turned into his hold. The twelve-year-old boy nuzzled her face into his neck. He ran his hand through the hair on the back of her head, waiting for her to calm down enough to speak. “He’s gone. Bernard is gone,” she wailed into his skin. He knew that. Her eldest brother had called when he couldn’t get her down from the treehouse. James explained to Rafe that Y/N’s pet snake, Bernard, had died and she had been up there all day, refusing to come down for anything. 
His cheek moves against her skull. He moved some of her hair behind her ear and kissed the skin beside her eye. “I know. I’m so sorry, Cookie. He meant a lot to you,” he mumbled with his lips against her skin. He could feel her nod under him, “He was supposed to have more time. They live for at least twenty years in captivity.” A cool breeze came over them. Even though it was the middle of the summer in the Outer Banks, the setting sun caused the temperature to drop. Her bare arms were littered with small bumps and his lips tightened. His hands began to rub up and down her arms in an attempt to bring her warmth. 
“Sometimes these things happen. Sometimes the people… or animals we love get sick and they have to go. That doesn’t mean that we stop loving them or they stop loving us, it just means we have to have faith that we will see them again,” he eloquently shared. “How about we go inside? We can get something to eat and talk about him.” 
She froze, raising her head to look at him. “I can’t. I can’t go back in there because it reminds me of him… Is this how you felt after your mom died? I mean, it must have been ten times worse because she was your mom.” His breath hitched at the mention of his deceased mother. He hated talking about his mother, yet whenever she asked, he answered. “Yeah. It was and sometimes still is hard to be at home. Right after I lost her, there were moments when I forgot she was gone,” he revealed. “I would be doing my homework in the dining room and occasionally expect her to come in to ask if I needed help. Or if I smell organes, then I wait for her to offer me some…” He trailed off, getting lost in the memory of his mother. She sensed the pain the recounting had brought him and contorted them so that he was the one with his ear to her chest. “We can share an orange now if you want. To honour her,” she suggested. He raised to check if she was sure. “We don’t have to. We would have to go inside to get one and I understand if that is too hard for you.” 
She took a deep breath and wiped her tears away. Her legs wobbled as she tried to stand. He held his hand out to help her. Her hand fell into his. “It’s okay, I think I can do it with you by my side.”
Rafe had been falling for Y/N since they met, except he had only realized that three years after Bernard had died. It was quite possibly the worst time for him to be going through it because he was going through puberty. His face was pimply and his voice cracked at horrible times. Although he still got girls, his unstable state caused him to lack the courage to go after the person he desired the most. It didn’t help that she only saw him as her best friend. 
“Ahhhhh! I got in,” she squealed as she wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him into a hug. He chuckled and moved his hands to the back of her thighs, giving them a little tap. She got the message and jumped to be in his hold. On-lookers would assume they were dating. He leaned back so he could see her eyes, “I’m so proud of you, Cookie. I knew you could do it. No one deserves it more than you.” They had been in that position for a few seconds and his biceps began to ache. He took it as a sign to start hitting the gym more. He wanted to get more toned anyway. His lack of strength was kept to himself because she loved it when he carried her. He had to agree that the position did give him butterflies, especially when the light would hit her face just right. His eyes found her irises and the air in his lungs deflated. Thankfully, the universe sent Gabriel to break the tension. “Eww, could you guys not do that in a common area,” he complained. Pete followed his brother into the room and nudged the older sibling with his elbow. “Leave them alone. They are in love.”
Y/N groaned at the interruption from her older brothers and dropped to the floor with an eye roll. “We are just friends. Plus, we are allowed to celebrate. I just got into a coding summer program I wanted to get into,” she announced. Rafe felt burnt by her first sentence. Her brothers went to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Both of them gave her congratulatory words. The siblings stepped back from each other after a moment of happiness. “We are bringing back takeout. Text us what you want,” Pete briefed before the two boys left. Silence covered the room and their eyes connected. 
His head gestured to the couch and they sat back down on it. The distance between them was quickly filled in by Y/N shuffling in. She rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh, both of them staring at the screen announcing the news. Reality set in for her. “We are going to have to be apart for a month,” she declared. To date, the longest they had been apart was three days. She had to go to Colorado at the last minute for her great-aunt’s funeral. Besides that, their families solely took group trips together because the pair refused to go without each other. Rafe felt her anxiety coming up and offered his hand to her. Her impulse drove her to grip his ring between her fingers. He let her rock the metal band back and forth on his digit. He shrugged, “We’ll be fine. We can text during the day and FaceTime whenever you want. It will be like we are together. I’ll even text you every time I need you to pick out what I eat. As if you are here with me.” She paused to think about what he said for a second. “Would you send me letters? Like people do in the movies.” He removed his hand from her lap and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Of course. With the number of different ways we will talk, I am always there for you,” he promised, thinking this might be the perfect opportunity to tell her how he felt. 
He never sent the letter and four years later, he regrets his cowardness to this day because now, it is too late. His hand resists the urge to crush the neon-green solo cup. She insisted that he got the colourful cups for his party because she thought they were cute. Of course, he gives into her every whim in hopes it will make her finally see him. It doesn’t work though; if it did, then she would be at the party with him and not with her boyfriend of one year, Jay. Jay, the new addition to the Kook civilization, is polite and always put together. So the complete opposite of Rafe and Mrs. Y/L/N's dream partner for her daughter. Rafe loathes the fact that Jay gets the title of Y/N’s first boyfriend and maybe one day her first sexual partner. At least two things provide him comfort, he was her first kiss and obviously, she must not feel confident in her relationship with Jay or else she would have had sex with him already. 
She isn’t a prude (the friends often talked about their masturbation fantasies) or waiting for marriage. Her wish is to give her virginity to someone she is certain loves her, so Jay must not give her that feeling. Rafe has seen the couple say I love you to each other and this confirms his suspicion that something feels authentic to her. Nonetheless, she stays in a relationship with Jay. The best friend once questioned her continued status as the other man’s girlfriend and she said she felt a spark she wasn’t ready to let go of. Rafe thought she was lying. Jay is the first choice her mother approved of and Rafe suspects that is one of the reasons Y/N is holding on to him. 
He is snapped out of his thoughts by a splash on his hand. His gaze leaves the sight of Jay whispering into Y/N’s ear as she giggles and trails down to his hand. The cup that was holding his beer is now rumpled in his gasp. He doesn’t mind. After he changes his beer-soaked shirt, he can get something stronger. He swims through the sea of people to get upstairs, chancing a glance at her before he disappears.
It takes him a while to find a shirt to wear. Every time he picks one up, he hears his best friend’s voice in his head. That one is too busy. That colour looks like puke. That one washes out your eyes. He searches for the slightly baggy silk-black button-up that she loves. She prefers a looser-fit shirt because she thinks a shirt that is too tight makes men look like sausages. No matter how many abs they have. He groans, remembering that the shirt is hand-wash only and the maid left it in the laundry room to dry. The shirts in his hands are thrown onto the floor and plans to go shirtless until he retrieves his shirt. As he is about to open his door, the familiar rasp of Jay’s voice can be heard through the door. “I can feel it, Dude. I am so close to sealing the deal with this bitch,” Jay hypes into the phone. “Of course, it is going to be worth it. She’s a virgin. You and I both know that they are always the freakiest because they want to try everything.” Being guilty of saying crude things, Rafe pieces together the meaning of the phone call. 
Anger slides under his skin, creating a large splinter. He doesn’t go after the asshole because his concern is Y/N. She deserves to know the truth before she makes her decision. 
He waits for Jay’s footsteps to fade and slides out of the door, taking a different route to get to her. It is perpetually easy to find her in the crowd. Her joyful aura draws him in wherever they are. Her hips sway to the beat of the music and her hands are in the air, one holding a pink solo cup. Her hair flows with the carefree movement of her head. Rafe hates that he has to be the one to wipe the smile off her face. The crowd doesn’t object to him pushing his way to her. They can see he is on a mission and everyone is familiar with his famous temper. His warm hand on her lower back causes her to turn in his direction. “Hey, Rafey. Where have you been?” she greets with a bright smile. A clench shoots through his heart, “We need to talk.” Her lips turn into a line at his serious expression. They understand each other’s small facial tics which makes reading each other’s emotions easy. Her head bobs and he guides her to his room. 
He closes the door and turns to find her sitting on his bed with a bounce. “What’s wrong?” she inquires. The corner of his lip puckers between his teeth. “You might not believe me, so I want you to know that I am telling you this because I love you.” She stands to shuffle by his side. “What do you want to tell me?” she presses on. He comes to shit beside her and rests his hand on hers, preparing himself for when she needs to play with his ring. “I overheard Jay on the phone and, I’m going to spare you the details, the sole reason he is dating you is because he wants to sleep with you. He sees you as a game and you don’t deserve a person who doesn’t appreciate you.” 
She isn’t shocked by the news. The lack of surprise doesn’t mean she isn’t upset. Sure, she isn’t head over heels for Jay, but they still spent a year building a relationship and trust. The fact that he is lying and simply sees her as an object is understanding. In spite of that, Y/N finds herself not as upset as she should probably be. She racks her brain for why the news isn’t more detrimental to her and the answer comes up in the form of two cerulean eyes. The man who played in the mud with her even though she was a girl. The man who would hold her in his arms whenever period cramps were hitting her hard. The man who always knew her order, no matter her restaurant. She never fell in love with Jay because she was already all in with Rafe. He is always there for her and she is now realizing she only wants him there. The small well of tear that is about to crop up gets waved away by her newfound feelings.
“That’s okay,” she whispers, shuffling closer to him. He stares into her eyes with arched eyebrows, “Really?” “Yeah. Because so far, I’ve been falling for men who weren’t how they appear. But I think I found a man who is exactly how he appears.” His confusion doesn’t wave from his face, so she makes her point clear by leaning in. He clocks her movement and his eyes flutter shut as he follows her lead. As their lips meet, love is breathed into each other's lungs and it becomes all-consuming. His rough lips soften with the help of her lip balm. They break apart in a small pant and their forehead smooch together. She grins at him, “If it isn’t clear, I have fallin’ all in you.” “Did you just quote Shawn Mendes?” he chuckles. She feints irritation, “I guess I won’t say what I was about to say then.” He shakes his head and rests his hand on the back of her neck to keep her there. “No. No. No. Keep going.” Her smile returns. “I love you.” The future he has imagined for them starts playing at full speed and he can’t believe he gets to catch up to it. “I love you too.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworl
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
I want take a request for the 1k event :)
Hobbit fandom, Thorin
How he react if fall in love with a single mother/ he became a step dad
Okay, but like, that is such a cute idea. Thorin is already a father figure to his nephews, and stepping into the role likely wouldn’t be too difficult for him. Thank you for sending this in. I hope you enjoy it.
Word Count: 628
1k Follower Event Rules
ao3 // taglist // 1k event masterlist // main masterlist
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Thorin does not have any children of his own, but he has acted as a father figure to his nephews. So, when he falls in love with a single mother, it feels completely natural for him to slip into the role. The thing is, when Thorin first meets her, he has no idea she’s a single mom until much later, and yet that doesn’t change the way he feels about her. It’s not a deal breaker.
If Thorin meets her before the fall of Erebor, I can see him meeting her at the market in Dale, the two of them bumping into each other, lots of quick apologies, perhaps Thorin is helping her pick up the things he knocked out of her hands. A meet-cute moment that quickly blooms into something more.
If Thorin meets her after the fall of Erebor and during exile, I can see their love being a slow burn. Perhaps he is staying in a small town or village, working as a blacksmith temporarily for extra money to support himself. Their paths cross over and over again, their interactions brief before becoming something like friendship and then eventually something more.
If Thorin meets her after Erebor is reclaims and he’s king (and he doesn’t die), the dynamic would certainly be different. I think it would be super cute if she doesn’t have any idea about who he is, and therefore treats Thorin like anyone else. This is how they interact so when she finally makes a move on him, Thorin accepts, and it isn’t until later that he reveals who is he.
In terms of headcanons:
Thorin wouldn’t care if you’re a single mother or not. He sees it as a bonus that he gets to be a father right away instead of having to wait.
He is respectful of your role as the primary caregiver and understands that he’s coming in as a secondary individual. Sometimes this frustrates him because Thorin can struggle with figuring out how to act appropriately with a child that isn’t his blood relation. He wants to build a good relationship with them, but he doesn’t want to end up pushing you or the child away because he messed up.
Thorin will not take any negativity about this dynamic from outside voices. If someone expresses their opinions and it puts you and/or your child in a bad light, Thorin won’t listen to it. He is open to listening, but he won’t listen to negativity about you or your child. If you’re his, there isn’t any reason for anyone else to shove themselves in to have a say.
He is protective of the two of you, and the people who care about him the most feel the same way.
Thorin will do his best to make your life easier even if it makes life a bit harder for him. You know he does this, and absolutely hate that he puts your above himself.
Thorin always takes time to look after the kid so that you can have alone time and just because he wants to. His relationship with your child is just as important to him, and he wants this to feel like a family unit.
Thorin encourages your child to be whatever they want to be while also preparing them to take on greater roles within Erebor (if this comes after its reclaiming). Just because your child isn’t a blood relation doesn’t mean he doesn’t see that child as a son or daughter.
He won’t get it right all the time. Thorin will mess up…a lot. He is stubborn. He can be arrogant. This will certainly get in the way of things. But Thorin will always try to have some patience even when there is none to be had.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot
@firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth
@miaraei @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath @mrsdurin @ninman82
@thewulf @ferns-fics @beebeechaos
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genoskissors · 3 months
Principal Monokuma’s Room Check!
Trigger Happy Havoc Girls
THH Boys Rooms
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Again, there are a few notes throughout to explain some things I thought most would not know or just to clarify things changed in localization. Also, if you are disappointed by the three nearly empty rooms, the girls’ cottages in 2 will hopefully make up for it.
Maizono-san's Room Edition
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Popular idols say that they have such a harsh schedule that they can’t even get a good night’s sleep. The bleak room Maizono-san has makes me think about that a little.
Checkpoints: A: It’s a bed with pink sheets, which are common in girls’ rooms. The fact she makes her bed after waking up shows she has a methodical personality.
B: I thoughtfully placed a sewing set in the drawer! Wouldn’t you like to see the girls try at least one kind of needlework?
C: I am a gentlemanly bear, so I don’t look into girls’ trash cans, rummage through them, open them up, sniff them, or put them in my mouth, that's correct.
D: The girls’ shower rooms are locked! No matter how much fun the girls are having in the dorm life, as long as I’m alive I will not tolerate any insolence!
Kirigiri-san's Room Edition
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Ah, this again. Following Maizono-san, Kirigiri-san is also plain and simple. Hey, hey, you’re a girl, aren’t you? Wouldn’t it be better if you had a bit more girly flair?
Checkpoints: A: Kirigiri-san’s bed looks like it would smell nice. Imagining a prickly girl like her sleeping defenseless makes me feel protective.
B: It’s a desk for studying, just like everyone else’s. Including Kirigiri-san, I can’t imagine most of the students sitting here.
C: A surveillance camera is common for all rooms. But, to the cool Kirigiri-san, my gaze seems to have no more value than a bug.
D: Oh! Sorry, I forgot to prepare a trash can for you! But beautiful girls don’t blow their noses, so it’s okay!
Asahina-san's Room Edition
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This room gives the impression that someone loves exercising, whether awake or asleep. With all these training items, it’s like a small gym. I’d like to see Asahina-san use it too. Upupu.
Checkpoints: A: A stepper for training the lower body and a roller for abdominal muscles. The roller particularly is inexpensive but highly effective. It’s okay to kneel at first.
B: It's a balance ball that helps you train your core body on a daily basis. It's pretty fun, isn't it? Oh, and you can't miss the school swimsuits hanging out to dry!
C: Unfortunately, There’s nothing as simple and effective as a training tube! I can’t use it because my arms and legs aren’t long enough...
D: Bottles for hydration and a first aid kit. She’s so well prepared and considerate in case of emergencies, I bet she’ll be a great wife with lots of children. Note: Anytime someone makes a joke about the bad ending, an angel loses its wings.
Fukawa-san's Room Edition
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As expected of someone called a literary girl, she has an incredible amount of books. With the books being piled up around the bed and desk, you can tell what kind of reading she does. Note: Toko’s Japanese talent is “Literary Girl”.
Checkpoints: A: As you can see, this desk is a built-in piece of furniture with a fairly thin top, so I wonder if it will be able to withstand the weight of all these things piled up...
B: The windows are bolted down securely! ...but that doesn’t seem to concern Fukawa-san. She has manuscript papers pasted all over the window. Boo hoo. Note: Monokuma uses the word “しょぼーん” which is commonly associated with the kaomoji  (´・ω・`).
C: Placing books in front of the shower room means you can read during toilet time! You’re addicted to always learning. Note: I think there's a pun here but I don't know if it's intended. The word for reading is “dokusho” and the word for addict is “chuudokusha”.
D: At first glance, it may look like a rose in a vase, but it is actually an air freshener stick. She’s confessed to hating baths, so she has to be careful about the smell.
Genocider Sho’s Room Check!
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Fukawa-san's Room Edition
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This is the room of the woman I share my body with! A pungent smell of no libido! Perfect for a sullen faced, nail-biting, gloomy introvert! Kyehahaha!!
Checkpoints: A: There are so many books at my feet... It will get in the way when Byakuya-sama is brought over! Clean it up a bit!
B: I must be nearsighted, writing all these small letters little by little in such a dark place. As I thought, this woman is weird! I need to bathe in the light of passionate love!
C: Wait! There’s no sign of it being used recently! I could end up in bed with Byakuya-sama at any moment, so I have to at least take a bath!
D: Ah! A green and white bouquet. It’s specifically for weddings! Wait for me, Byakuya-sama! I’ll grab this now and dive into your body!
(Back to Monokuma)
Oogami-san's Room Check
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The strongest primate is the ogre... this is Oogami-san’s room. It makes it clear if you end up killing each other, she won’t let you get away with it. But please don’t destroy the room.
Checkpoints: A: For tile splitting demonstrations, usually they use tiles that are easier to break. But Oogami-san’s tiles are the real deal. Note: Tile splitting is the same thing as board breaking in martial arts.
B: Excuse me... Of course, it’s okay to do training in your room, but there’s no need to drill holes in the floor!? Someone will have to repair it.
C: This is Ogami-san’s uniform. I don’t really get a chance to see her wearing this. How about we go hand-to-hand again? Upupupu.
D: Seriously, this area is littered with broken tile debris too. This may cause the floor to collapse or leak, I don’t know!
Celesomething-san's Room Check (This is how Monokuma refers to Celeste)
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The dark interior gives off a sense of immorality and makes me super thrilled! Since all students received a private room, it would be pointless to not enjoy it this much.
Checkpoints: A: The dresses on the mannequin torsos are changes of clothes. The short-sleeved frilled one and the bustier style look good together, don’t you think?
B: Umm... is Celesomething-san planning to sleep here forever? Of course, I have no intention of interfering with personal hobbies and preferences.
C: Oh my! A goth lolita costume’s cat! It is cute, but you can’t compete with me, who is both cute and a little mean.
D: The desk is full of makeup supplies. The brush size and type, how to use different sprays, these are things boys don’t understand.
Enoshima-san's (Mukuro’s) Room Check
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Ah, what a shame! Enoshima-san is a charismatic high school girl! Even if you aren’t interested, just play a character! Seriously, what a shame!
Checkpoints: A: Oops, I forgot to bring pink sheets for this girls’ room. She doesn’t seem to mind though.
B: Everyone is treated equally, so the windows in Enoshima-san’s room are completely blocked off too. I hope you enjoy your killing game school life to the fullest.
C: Saying you can’t sleep if you change your pillow is what a coward who is completely immersed in a comfortable life would say. You have to live in the environment you’re given. Note: "I can't sleep when the pillow changes" just means that you can't do something if it's not to your liking. It's not usually a metaphor but here it is used like one, while also being literal.
D: You guys all agreed to meet in the dining hall, but it’s okay if you seclude yourself here and eat, you know? Eating alone isn’t that bad, right?
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Do you think Marinette really loves Adrien or does she loves the idea of him in her head?
Idk but I'm agree with Alya in Elation that you can't really love someone you don't know and Marinette arguably know Adrien only on surface level, either from the magazines or stalking him. We never got a scene where they talk together to get to know each other and then BAM! They just get together.
I also feels like Adrien's love for Marinette also more a rebound than anything. The writers can say anything they want, that Adrien fell in love with Marinette in Pupeteer2. But you don't develop feelings for someone you barely know, especially when in that said episode Adrien still think Marinette hate him. It's just weird. But again, idk, maybe it just me because I don't catch feelings to someone I barely talk to. That's just creepy AF no offense.
It's really hard to say because canon is all over the place when it comes to how close Adrien and Marinette are. Season three and four make them feel like little more than acquaintances, but if you think back to seasons one and two, they legitimately were friends.
Adrien turned to Marinette for dating advice (Frozer). Marinette and Adrien gamed for hours to prepare for a tournament (Gamer). Marinette and Adrien went to a party with their friends and danced together (Despair Bear). Marinette, Adrien, and their friends worked together to make a movie (Horrificator). I could go on, but the general gist is that it feels disingenuous to say that they barely interact. They interact a lot! It's just limited to the first two seasons.
I scanned through the episode list while writing this and seasons one and two have them interact in a meaningful way in about half of the episodes while seasons three and four got distracted by the new love interests, Lila, and the awful broken Ladynoir dynamic, dramatically cutting back on the Adrinette content to the show's detriment.
The other issue is that Marinette's crush is written more and more like a celebrity crush as the seasons go on, making it feel less and less genuine. So it's understandable to feel like she doesn't really love Adrien given how the show presents her, but if you tone down the crush to a non-comedic level, it does feel earned to me and I am also the kind of person that needs to know someone before developing feelings. Celebrity crushes and instant love are things I rarely enjoy in media probably at least in part because I'm ace.
I actually didn't get truly invested in the love square until Origins showed us why they first developed feelings. There's a reason I treat that episode as the golden standard for characterization. It's some of the best writing Miraculous has ever done. The writers crammed an impressive amount of content into 40 minutes and elevated the silly teen crushes into something with real substance. I will forever be sad that the rest of the show falls so short of that episode.
Moving on!
The Puppeteer 2 thing feels like a bad joke and it might be? It's hard to tell given how weird this show can get with its humor. Either way, it would have made a lot more sense and been much cuter if Adrien fell for Marinette when she unknowingly confessed her crush to him Glaciator 2 instead of falling for her after she accidentally forces a kiss on him during a prank gone wrong.
As for the rebound element... yeah, I don't disagree. Everything about the reverse crush was just weird because Ladybug falling for Chat Noir felt way more honest and earned than Adrien falling for Marinette given the way seasons five plays. I mean, the episode right before the reverse saw Ladynoir get married and have children, but Adrien is the one whose feelings are true and Marinette is the one having a rebound? Sure, writers. Sure.
If the reverse had happened right off of the season four finale, though? Then that actually could have worked. In those episodes, Marinette supported Adrien while their friends were oblivious to his true feelings, Adrien finally saw just how much pressure Ladybug was under, and Chat Noir supported Ladybug unconditionally in her darkest hour. I'm personally not a fan of the crushes switching mid-show, but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a solid setup to lead into it. Adrienette and Ladynoir had never felt closer.
I think it's fair to say that this is why Miraculous is such a complex show for a lot of fans. It has truly spectacular setups, but the payoff always seems to fall flat on its face.
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honeyfizzly · 1 year
I'm constantly flipping back and forth wether I should trust tabitha or not because Its really suspicious how protective she is of us, even if we're an complete asshole to her.
Also there's the whole ritual thing going on with the goat, it could be possible that tabitha has ulterior motives and wants us alive because ... well idk a sacrifice seems the most obvious option but whatever she needs done, it seems to hinge on the mc's health.
There's also her connection to Wayne and the death of her mother.
Wayne apparently disappeared at the estate around the same time pearlanne did and pearlanne died of sleep apnea but apparently had no autopsy. I've seen some people propose the idea that tabitha mightve smothered her mother with a pillow, and I think that could check out.
Apparently it's very hard to tell if someone was suffocated with a pillow or not, and often times investigators have to rely on checking fibers near the victims mouth and eyes to idenity what suffocated them, and handprints + finger marks.
You also have to be relatively strong to suffocate someone- which powerful build can say tabitha is surprising strong despite her size (it's if tabitha threatens you and then you push her off)- and most of the time the victims for suffocation are people who would be unable to fight back like children or elderly (I'm not sure how old pearlanne is, but her corpse looks pretty damn old. Since tabitha is in for early to mid twenties iirc, I think I would place pearlanne somewhere in her 50s-early 60s?).
Also it's very clear tabitha did not like her mother, and calls her a monster. So like I feel like it adds up that tabitha is perfectly capable of murder and able to do it again (rip reese) but also at the same time, I have a hard time thinking she's preparing to do something terrible to mc especially if you go down routes where you have a good (or good-ish) relationships with her.
Like, for example with my main mc Mckenna (yes I chose her name cause it had mc in it) I stayed the night at Stella's, hung out with her in the mines and on day 3 but didn't invite her ghost hunting, then when I got threatened in her office on day 4 and had mckenna cry I got a couple very interesting reactions.
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(Sorry for not actually having a screenshot and just a picture, my computer is weird. Also one more note, this was when a strike was strong, I'll have to check what happens when the strike is weak but I have a similar relationship with Tabitha still)
This was the interaction I got when I said "im sorry, I know I haven't been the best cousin" iirc and she falt out admits she's jealous of us.
But we can also get this dialogue instead if we ask why she invited us at all if she hated us so much
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(Once again sorry for bad pic 💔)
And idk maybe I'm the fool for trusting but that line about being family, and how that still means something to her feels so geninue it makes me doubt she actually intends to harm the mc.
Plus there's other interactions you can get with Tabitha, like if you have a very good relationship with her and question if she's happy in scarlet hollow or not she'll say no, but that she's happy you're here.
And idk, I just feel like somebody who had already planned to stab us in the back from the very start wouldnt be able to open up that much and be that vulnerable with their potential victim.
Also tabitha herself states she didn't want to like us (you get this by hanging out with tabby and calling her hypocritical for giving us such a hard time for living in the city), which of course could be spinned towards the idea that tabitha is planning to backstab us but also at the same time, it's not an uncommon defense mechanism for traumatized people to push away loved ones.
Tabitha has had a very hard life- from the pressure of being one of two scarlets left, having to run a dying coal mine, and the abuse from her mother to then her sudden death (and also her mother maybe possibly killing her ex).
It's very possible alot of her standoff-ness towards the player isn't because she has some malicious scheme, but rather it's her way of coping with the shitty cards she's been dealt in life (like the idea of pushing people away so you won't be hurt if they betray or leave you. It's a toxic mentality to have as it creates a self fulfilling prophecy, but it's a mentality some people have nonetheless).
I rambled alot but those are just some of my thoughts about tabitha. It's obvious she's gonna do something weird with that goat (my first idea is a sacrifice), but I'm not entirely sure wether she intended to betray the mc or not from the beginning (I lean towards not but I can still see a situation where she didn't intend to betray the mc from the start, but does so later depending on your relationship with her).
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docholligay · 2 months
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I didn't cap the entire conversation because I am assuming if you are reading this, you have watched Madoka, and if you are reading this and you haven't watched Madoka, absolutely stop reading this and go watch it before I spoil you for absolutely everything.
I know how many people hate this and hate Kyubbey and all that. I am very much well aware of that. I know people get SO HOT about this.
I just think it's...interesting. My thoughts, upon watching this, is that, if we believe him, and I would argue the narrative does not give us a reason to disbelieve him--the show is focused on the inevitability of suffering, not on a specific villain--than I can't very well eat meat and own a smart phone while calling this too cruel.
But the entire universe is in balance. Kyubbey goes over how the most efficient way to gather energy is from teenage girls, so they have to use less of them. Also, love that I think this is the only show I've seen where we are given a solid reason for the magical girls to be teenagers. Anyway, so they are doing as much as possible to minimize the sacrifice that must be made to save the universe, but sacrifice is required to save the universe.
It is cruel on an individual level, but mourning for Madoka is like mourning for an individual cow in the meat supply chain. Actually, less justified--you can live without eating meat, or having a cell phone mined chock full of cobalt mined by children in the DRC, but you cannot live without A UNIVERSE. I think what this is really doing is backing the theme about the inevitability of suffering, but an argument could be made that all this is talking about is the deals we make every day with our own moralities, and people and creatures we do not hate--Kyubbey specifically says they do not hate humanity--but that we don't regard as equal enough to change our lives for. I am totally guilty of this. I will not walk away from Omelas, and neither will you. That's the point of the story.
People get SO HOT at me about this, because I'm pointing out things they do not fucking like. "But Kyubbey misdirected some teenage Japanese girls!" okay and the snickers you buy with glee was harvested by 7 year olds. I'm not even trying to tell people they are inherently evil or whatever horseshit I'm about to be accused of, I'm saying we are meant to feel desperately uncomfortable with what is done because we are, in the context of this show, meant to see a human face to attach to this level of despair, and the choices around it.
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ara270904 · 10 months
Being fan of Darling AND Daring can be difficult because they're like my babies okay? They're siblings, siblings fight that's okay.
But Daring is not a bad person, please I'm sure he isn't a bad person. And maybe it's the problem I have with some fanfics and maybe that's why I haven't read a fanfic that looks great but one tag says "Daring is not a good person" or something like that and I lost my desire. He isn't bad :(, as an older sister, I myself think that he does love his siblings a lot.
Fighting with your siblings or things like that doesn't always mean you don't love them, I would give my life for my little brother but I still don't want him to grab my charger for his tablet.
And I think in the context of Ever After High a lot of things are the fault of King Charming and Queen Charming's upbringing they gave to their children. Because they raised Daring to believe he was the best and that he could only be the best, while Dexter had to be second best and Darling a helpless princess and that's it.
So it isn't my boy fault, It's like people who defend Apple because she's not bad, it's just that Snow White raised her that way.
So I think the same about the Charming siblings, because who's to say that maybe Daring wanted to have other tastes that his dad wouldn't approve of, and maybe he just did what his dad said because what else was he supposed to do?
King Charming literally molded his children into what he wanted them to be, in a mold. At some point, Darling and maybe Dexter didn't like being in that mold because it wasn't them because maybe they did have other tastes and maybe their parents didn't pay as much attention to them and they could have their own tastes. But maybe the only thing Daring has is that mold, Daring feels that he is that mold because it is everything his father has told him.
And , but as I said before, if Apple can be a lesbian and break out of that mold that she thought defined her, why can't Daring do the same? I think I've said it before but it would be really cool if they had left it as if Daring didn't a destiny meaning that he could have his breakdown and everything and be free from that mold that his father forced him to be.
And I'm saying a lot about that character that I also said I hated but that I realized that all my hatred was unjustified.
But as I said, many of the things that made Apple be and will change and break its mold and blah could also have been had by Daring because it is assumed that both were from the same story and that possibly they were friends but maybe just friends because they spent time together for a long time to prepare to be married and have their happily ever after. Which it seemed like they both wanted because it was the only thing he had apart from bad parents and although in Daring's case he has the twins, his siblings.
And maybe the three siblings were in need of love, but Darling and Dexter were looking for something more genuine and that's why they had few friends and maybe Daring lived on people's approval and that's why he liked to be surrounded by people and that they love him even if it's not real.
And maybe instead of Epic Winter, it would have been cool to see Apple and Darling accept their new destiny, Daring having eight hundred breakdowns because he was only popular for being a Charming, and for supposedly being Apple's prince charming but since he is not, he was no longer as popular or almost not popular at all and that together with what his father would say when he found out would ruin him.
It would also have been nice to see Darling chatting with Daring after she "stole" his destiny that Daring may not have really wanted but was all he had. Dexter could be there to comfort both of his siblings.
And I feel like I haven't done a post this long in a long time but that fanfic I read that didn't feel like Daring to me upset me a little, IT ISN'T HIS FAULT OKAY???? :(((( It's King Charming's fault, I hate him.
And who says no, maybe Daring secretly taught Dexter and Darling how to fight with swords much better and self-defense and those things that they taught him that they didn't teach Darling.
Could this be considered character analysis? Possibly yes.
So yeah, that's for today. Thanks for hearing me or in this case reading what I wrote. The only characters I hate is Snow White (ever after high obviously the Snow White from the Disney movie is my absolute favorite), King Charming and Headmaster Grimm obviously. Yeah
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thegoober010 · 7 months
Im bored and I had some angst ideas for undertale so be prepared to suffer people >:)!! JK they aren't that bad!
TW/CW -> self destructive behavior, dealing with loss, suicide attempt, eating disorders, dealing with insecurities, depression, ya know the usual
So these are my own personal head canons for these characters so yeah!! Some may be a bit ooc just so ya know!
So these are my own personal head canons for these characters so yeah!! Some may be a bit ooc just so ya know!
characters in this -> ashore, toriel, papyrus, frisk, sans, alphys
without further ado LETS GET STRAIGHT INTO IT
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"Oh you were my everything, I was your second best."
I feel like Sans has a few self destructive behaviors, such as doing activities that could possibly harm him mentally or physically or going out once Papyrus is sleeping and doing something risky. He makes sure he isn't harmed too badly since he still wants to be there for Papyrus but at the same time he just has to find a release and this is the only way he can, all the stress that builds on top of him, each reset he remembers it all so vividly, he remembers how everything felt, he remembers everything he saw in each and every one, he remembers it all. And with all the stress from that the only way to feel better is doing things that could harm him because it makes him feel real, it reminds him he's actually there, alive, real, he's actually going through all this.
I feel like Papyrus struggles with eating, he struggles eating properly, I feel like this started with his obsession of getting into he Royal Guard he feels like a 'proper' guard needs to focus more on training than anything and although he enjoys cooking he doesn't like eating it himself as much as he used to and he's more focused on training or improving. He'd rather someone else eat his food than him after a while, it's not to say he doesn't eat, of course he does... in very small portions that could be considered nothing. The reason he does this is because he wants to focus more on training or improving other aspects of his life and because he feels like if he eats it could possibly ruin his progress and could harm him in general, it's like he's afraid of food.
Asgore deals with a lot of issues after the loss of Chara and Azriel. The loss of his only biological child and of his adoptive child caused him to go into a huge down spiral as shown in the game. I feel like Asgore fakes many parts of his personality for everyone else in the underground to not only give hope but appear stronger than he truly is emotionally, but let's be honest, he has many breakdowns throughout the day, remembering all the moments he had with his kids before they're all slowly replaced with the memory of their deaths. I feel like he also engages in self destructive behavior but instead of physically its more mentally. Ya know by like... killing kids. It ruins his mental stability more as it reminds him of the deaths of his own children.
Toriel also deals with many emotions after the loss of her children. She gets easily attached to children or anyone who's very child-like. She acts like a very caring mother figure to them as it reminds her of how she acted in the past with her own children, it's like she pretends they're Azriel or Chara because she still can't handle the loss. Of course she knows they're gone and that they'll never be back, but she can't help but see them in every child-like monster/human she meets, she hates the fact she can't see them as themselves but instead sees them as her past kids because it makes her feel as if she's pretending they're them, which she kind of is but at the same time she treats them like they're own person. Due to the loss of her kids she also is very protective, she can't handle the thought of losing anymore children and after the loss of the other 6 human souls, the ones she got attached to as well, it caused her to remember all the feelings she had felt that day. She will never forget each loss and she will always blame herself for them, sometimes she thinks about how it might be better to be with them, how she just wants to see her kids again and those she took care of.
Alphy's is a whole angst character on her own Jesus, low self-esteem, the guilt of having to hide her experiments, social anxiety, losing her science partner its crazy. Alphy's low self esteem severely affects her experiments as well as the ones from the past. Her low self esteem caused her to not take many risks that could've actually helped her improve her experiments and the technology used in the underground, and it could've probably even helped Asgore in his journey with grief as she would've had more confidence in handling it and helping him through it, but she didn't, or well more like she couldn't. Even after getting with Undyne I feel like she has abandonment issues, she's scared of being left by her or that she'll find someone better but Undyne does try to help with her self-esteem issues, her guilt and so on.
FRISK IS A WHOLE SITUATION WOWZA! Based on what we know from the games/ what Azriel says in the pacifist route we can infer that Frisk falling down wasn't an accident but a suicide attempt. I believe this to be the case and I feel like Frisk might have many issues to deal with after all why would they jump without reason? Without wanting to be gone? I feel like they don't enjoy talking about it much but they will have to at some point as others start to realize how they truly got into the underground.
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away-ward · 7 months
Ello! How do you think the girls will react and take care of their respective others when they are down sick and vice versa. Its always cute when one of the mcs is sick and the other is worried and takes care of them
Aww. This is a really cute idea. And they have such different dynamics that there's a lot to look at here.
Here are my headcanons!
First and foremost, all of the guys hire private caretakers. They could handle things like making sure their partner is taking their meds and staying hydrated (Kai being the most capable). At the same time, they would need help with cooking, childcare, etc.
Will is a huuuuge baby when he's sick. The kind that sneezes and cries, "babe, I'm dying!" It's a joke... mostly. He does exaggerate his symptoms, but he genuinely feels awful. Fortunately, Emmy is used to the role of caretaker because of her grandma. Remembering meds, fluids, and preparing healthy meals are all things in her wheelhouse. She's probably fine with the more disgusting parts of being sick, and can power through them without complaint. Doesn't mean she rolls over for him. "Babe, I need my pillows fluffed," would be met with a flat expression and a middle finger as she left the room. However, she's attentive to his (actual) needs.
When Emmy gets sick, the house doesn't fall apart, but Will thinks it's going to. He doubts his abilities too much, but he's not that bad and keeping things going. He's likely to have a nurse come in to check on her, making sure she's not getting worse, and explain each of the medications to him. I think sometimes, he could be over attentive, and go over board in trying to cover all his bases. As for their three children, he's go that handled. Their kids that understand that Mom needs rest, and that Dad is fun to play with. II is also a big help, making sure his mom has everything she needs from water to tissues to extra blankets. He would absolutely fluff her pillows.
Their sick days are filled with watching bad reality TV and eating soup when the other isn't resting.
Damon would refuse to accept he's sick until he's literally bedridden. The entire time, Winter would know he's getting sick. "You're voice sounds different. Are you sure you're not getting congested?" Does Damon listen? No. He's fine. Until he wakes up one morning with a fever and can't move without being pain.
Winter would need help. She can't handle the kids and Damon, and keep track of everything in the house., but they have the nanny and that helps with the kids. I still think she hires a nurse, but that also has it's own issues. Damon hates any other woman coming into his lair room, touching him, touching his things. He also doesn't want some random man doing it either. He's mean and snappy and grumpy, and Winter would worry about the caretaker's safety if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't lift himself from the bed.
Which is kind of a funny image in her head, not that she'd let him catch her laughing.
When Winter gets sick, she's low maintenance... or tries to be. Damon forces a team of very confused nurses and doctors to attend to her needs. Winter eventually gets him to let them leave, letting him know she trusts him to be enough.
They don't really leave their room, and fully attend to each other needs with all of their attention. When Damon is sick, all he really wants is to hold Winter. Or be held. Or have her close. He wants comfort and Winter is happy to be that. And there is some comfort in knowing Damon would force some poor doctor to bring her back from the dead, possibly including an actual Satanic ritual if it comes to that. But this is just a cold, and she's fine.
Kai rarely gets sick. He keeps such a healthy routine and pays attention to his immune system. If something feels even slightly off, he addresses it quickly. But every once in a while, even he gets taken down. I see Kai not wanting anyone to attend to him, and Banks is patient with him as he tries to pretend he doesn't need help. Still, she knows his favorite tea and what he likes to eat when he's feeling under the weather. Each time Kai is struggling get out of the bed, and Banks appears with soup and meds telling him (demanding, really) to lay back down and rest, he's so incredibly humbled. And grateful.
Banks, like her brother, doesn't find it easy to admit that she's getting sick. She doesn't want to be taken care of. But Kai, more than the others, knows what to do. He's confident in his ability to manage the house, kids, business, and Banks being down. He's good at delegating his other duties to prioritize her, and if he calls in any help, it's a doctor that makes house calls so she doesn't have to leave the house, and a house keeper to help with laundry and things.
They both try to push their limits when sick and the other has to check them. They'll spend their time making sure the sick person is actually resting.
Michael is pretty simple when he's sick. He tries to fight it off, but when he's sick, he goes to the doctor, gets his meds, and follows directions. He doesn't whine too much, but he's extremely grumpy. Rika finds it funny, and laughs as she helps, poking fun of him in his helpless state a little bit, since he can't really do anything. As gross as colds are, it's still much better that helping her mom from the bathroom floor to the bed after a particularly bad night. She'd take sick Michael over that any day.
Rika hates getting sick, but she can usually feel it coming. She tries to be low maintenance but in actuality she loves be doted on by Michael. Loves it when he takes care of her himself, but even seeing the way he watches over the doctor is sweet to her. She can sense how important it is to him that she get the best care. However, she knows she doesn't need all that fuss and takes care of herself pretty well, despite Michael's protest.
Overall, they're both high maintenance but pretend not to be.
Not confident in the accuracy, but I think these are cute little scenarios for them. Let me know what you think or what your headcanons are!
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dragynkeep · 1 year
random to you question (not to me I saw a thing and it irked me... the person also said that the list in season 4 was eugenics- they made no mention of the grounders doing similar and its a lot of the usual bull one bit made me laugh though and they said clarke panicked and killed all the innocent people in mount weather the imagery is funny and stuff and there was another bit that made laugh which was basically Raven would be a better leader and Clarke is just incompetant) would season 1/2 clarke (before lexa one the worst leaders of the show got in her head*) have tried to force the stupid glorified usb stick on Luna? because I think NOT that was one of the most culty bullshit things they had Clarke say (take the flame its your destiny) and I just hate it so much
sorry to keep bugging you with random t100 things I'm trying to pysche myself up for a rewatch to remind myself of the shit (better prepared so i can properly analyise it and make a tally everytime lexa mentions dying) but can't do it I will do it if I can also play a certain game which is the one where the main characters 6 month old daughter gets kidnapped by a cult (split into four) to be used as a cult leaders dead child (same game people kidnap locals to be used in experiments some turn into monsters and others are just lunch) and the main character in both gets taken out for killing the bad guys
"raven would be a better leader" raven, the one who didn't want to make any of the hard choices — unless it was torturing lincoln to get information on how to save finn & then wanting to make the monumentally stupid decision of getting clarke to try & kill lexa to again save finn, ignoring how it would get them all killed? that raven? the raven that blatantly said to clarke "you're the one who chooses who lives & who dies", only to finally have to make that decision seven seasons in & she crumbles & falls apart so clarke has to put her back together?
yeah that's just ridiculous. raven has never been leadership material because she would have no one else to blame when things didn't go her way & clarke couldn't be her verbal & physical punching bag.
as for the cult aspect of the grounder's religion: i don't think pre lexa clarke would've tried to force the chip into luna's head, mostly because she was still very much critical of stuff like this & had not yet been indoctrinated into it by racoon coochie. clarke was very much willing to go against the establishment as seen from her defining, opening moment in how she ended up in confinement.
with the list "being eugenics", there was a sketchy element of how clarke was choosing who would go onto this list but she is at that point an 18 year old girl having to decide out of hundreds who would be the select few to survive. i doubt that intent was there & more clarke was trying to struggle through yet another trolley problem for her.
considering this is consistently held against her while actual eugenics in the grounders rounding up all the children with a specific blood so they can all die in a ritualistic cult murder spree to decide who will become the next religious leader is deified in the fandom, i wouldn't take it too seriously.
always feel free to bug me about t100 stuff, i never get to talk about it enough ✨
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spookillies · 13 days
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* ( JENNA ORTEGA. TWENTY FOUR. DEMIWOMAN. SHE/THEY. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( ESMERALDA HEROUX ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( FIVE YEARS )  i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( BARTENDER. ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( CHUNKY JEWELRY, A SWEET TREAT, BITTEN LIPS, STARGAZING, AND OVER THE EAR HEADPHONES ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( RESERVED + METICULOUS & CYNICAL + BLUNT ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE… REDACTED. ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE OBSERVER ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade! / pinterest.
mention of child abandonment.+ disability
full name: esmeralda genesis heroux nickname(s): esme, es age: twenty-four gender: demiwoman pronouns: she/they sexuality: bisexual biromantic date & place of birth: december 31 in el monte, california occupation: bartender & paleontology grad student faceclaim: jenna ortega piercings: so many. six on each ear, a belly button piercing, and a nose stud traits: reserved, polite, observant, cynical, meticulous, blunt, curious, stoic similar to:  kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), prue halliwell (charmed), gayle weathers (scream), camilla saroyan (bones), monica geller (friends), nancy wheeler (stranger things), beca mitchell (pitch perfect) aesthetics: coffee with an ungodly amount of creamer, humming songs while cooking dinner, going outside at 3 am to look at the stars, accidental 5 hour long naps, an earbud always in one ear, an array of rings on each hand, bitten lips, over the ear headphones
— born as one of two twins. her parents, who didn't know they were having twins, gave her up because they didn't prepare for two children. --- esme, who had been born legally blind, was chosen to be the one given up — was fostered and later adopted by parents aksel and sarah heroux in manhattan, new york. — found her forever home with the two, later coming to have younger siblings of her own (their younger brother aleksei is very close to their heart and practically her best friend) — growing up she was always known as an “old soul” (read: autistic), and on account of both their disability and a personality that favored blunt (but observational) remarks, esme was teased a bit relentlessly — grew to be quite reserved and tightly wound as a defense mechanism, building strong armor in the form of poisonous words and evasiveness (no she will not process any of this please dni) — leant into books, music, film, and poetry to help her escape throughout the years and cherished the time she had with her family (homeschool kid ass energy…) — moved to hollow creek their senior year of high school (wasn't happy about it) (bad times in the heroux household) and didn't have much of a warm reception there either. she preferred to stay to herself and this continued into college — has a bachelor's degree in geology and is currently pursuing a graduate/doctorate degree in paleontology. special interest in dinosaurs and yes it is ridiculously serious — works as a bartender at the local dive and takes their job/her customers very seriously (queen of having a moral code) — currently maybe getting a bit too curious about finding out what the fuck is happening in town/its history … maybe she should watch where she steps :O 
— wears special glasses that correct the little vision she had – can now see pretty much 20/20 with them on, hates them and sometimes doesn't wear them — when not wearing their glasses usually uses a form of echolocation through little tongue clicks or snaps and wears sunglasses to cover her eyes (has very fun shapes i must say)
— autistic special interest is dinosaurs. sleeps to dinosaur jungle asmr. please do not engage unless you want to have your ear talked off.
---  baby loves to cook. always trying new recipes & loves to host dinner parties. she did many a cooking classes as a kid. she also danced for a while, but uses it now more as stress relief than anything else. — always tired. 9/10 if she isn’t replying it’s because she’s sleeping. insane concealer budget — loves film and movies and thinking way too deep into them. her letterboxd goes crazy. that being said, their standards are questionable — actually enjoys her job a lot and takes it oddly seriously, won’t judge anyone for what they say while drunk and ranting to her because she thinks it’s mean to do so when they’re most vulnerable. — plays up the dry personality when she’s bartending because it makes old men tip her well. — big fan of animal crossing. terraforming beast. her sims house goes crazy — she has a black leopard gecko named honey, a black cat named milagro, and an array of fish, including a small leopard catshark named buddy. — collects bugs in amber as well as other small fossils — maximalist and has a bajillion stuffed animals — favorite season is winter — always wearing chunky boots — always cold — wicked sweet tooth — rides a motorcycle (her dad hates it she keeps giving him a heart attack) — never found without their cherry cola flavored vape <3
— idk man. someone teach her how to have fun. she’s 24 she should be at da club — a best friend a childhood best friend perhaps … — unlikely friends!! people esme has absolutely no business being friends with and while it has no rhyme or reason it somehow works well -- very likely friends (read: hater ass bitches together) — college friends/a core friend group — friend she bonded with the second she moved in high school — lit anything else idk. fwb. exs. enemies. frenemies. who is she serving at the bar!! who is selling her her cherry cola flavored vape and/or weed!!! who's trying to go to the movies with her??!?!? let's find out! let’s go crazy stupid wild guys
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
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“To be honest with you, I hate guns,” Peter, 76, shouted over the sound of gunshots Saturday afternoon as his wife took aim at a target at Gun World in Deerfield Beach. “But it’s better us than someone else.”
The Jewish couple had arrived for their Intro to Handguns lesson with Florida Firearms Training about noon. Peter, who asked to keep his last name private for safety reasons, had shot a rifle decades ago; his wife had never shot a gun before. By the end of the day they would be returning home with one.
So would Justine Youngleson, 58, and Sandi Lazar, 65, a South African Jewish couple from Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, and Jackie Rubin, 64, a former orthodox Jew who converted to Christianity, who wore a T-shirt with a giant heart on it and described herself as a “very peaceful person.”
Across South Florida, Jewish residents are buying guns and learning to use them, many of them older, more liberal-leaning people who never thought they’d touch a gun in their lives. Spouses are dragging each other to lessons, children are going with parents. Introductory shooting classes are booked up months into the future, even on the Sabbath, because people are so desperate for slots.
Still others are buying security cameras, taking self-defense classes like Krav Maga, the Israeli martial arts that focuses on surviving real-life scenarios, contemplating leaving jewelry at home, and removing mezuzahs from their doors, as they speak of a fear they have not felt before.
‘A huge blip’
On the door leading into owner Kim Waltuch’s office at Gun World, a picture of a menorah reading “Happy Chanukah” sits adjacent to a sticker of a Glock.
Her office is similarly cluttered: Piles of papers, a mug reading “Boss Lady,” sound-canceling headphones, and a box of chocolate ammo cover her desk. On the wall are children’s drawings next to a framed picture of Hebrew word for love. The kids make the drawings while they wait for their parents to be done shooting, Waltuch explained.
In the last month, Gun World has had a “surge” in interest in guns, Waltuch said. So many people want lessons, they began offering double the amount per week.
“As soon as the guns have been going in, they’re going out,” she explained.
As she spoke, people kept popping in to say hello; the store was crowded. One of the customers was Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine, an outspoken supporter of Israel who reiterated the same motives as everyone else: “I just thought, with everything going on in the world, it’s better to be educated.”
Florida Firearms Training has had so many requests for the Introduction to Handguns course that it is booked all the way into December, said Will Farrugia, the company’s director of training, who led Saturday’s lesson, which was also on the Jewish Sabbath.
In an average week, FFT sees about 40 students in its intro class, Farrugia said. Now they’re looking at 80 to 90 students.
“There’s definitely a blip on the graph, a huge blip of just an influx of new shooters,” he said. “Of which I would say fifty to sixty percent are Jewish.”
The students are not gun nuts, or even necessarily conservative. Many know little to nothing about guns.
These are “people that have never thought of buying a gun, that are now saying ‘I need a gun,'” Farrugia said. “It’s all for the same reason. There’s that concern of, ‘Can something happen here? Can something happen to my family? I need to have a way of defending my family and my home.’ Sad, but that’s where we’re at.”
On Saturday, students spoke of their dislike for guns at the same time as they prepared to buy them, their own shooting targets in their hands.
Lazar said that she still thinks guns are bad, and she does not believe she should have them while driving around or in the supermarket, an opinion that did not change Saturday.
“She’s the neurotic one,” Lazar said, gesturing to Youngleson. It was Youngleson’s idea to buy the gun, and Youngleson said that she was going to do just that, but Lazar needed to know how to use it if it was going to be in the house.
“This is not what you think you’ll be doing at 58,” Youngleson said.
Need for self-defense is critical
The heightened fears aren’t present only in gun-training classes.
Lazar and Youngelson have bought Ring cameras and lights for their home. Growing numbers of Jewish residents are looking for situational awareness or self-defense classes like Krav Maga, said Carson Nightwine, the director of community security for the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.
“Never has the need for self-defense been more critical,” reads a Facebook post from the Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services, advertising a Krav Maga class in early November.
The owner of AIKMO Krav Maga in Oakland Park, who asked not to be named for safety reasons, said that he had seen a small uptick in the number of students in his own classes, as well as a larger increase in synagogues asking for workshops.
While they’re warming up, students trade stories of having their cars slapped at stoplights or being told to “burn in hell” for putting up posters of Israeli hostages, he said.
He tries to keep the class positive but practical, in the spirit of Krav Maga, which is meant to address real-life threats. At synagogues, AIKMO teaches kidnapping prevention, self-defense, knife and gun defense, forced entry and active shooter drills.
“I hate to say it’s become necessary and timely,” the owner said. “If we lived in a better world I’d be happy to be put out of business. This would be the new yoga; we’d do this for fun.”
Rising antisemitism threat
Since Hamas terrorists massacred over 1,400 Israelis on Oct. 7, national and local officials began warning the public of the heightened potential for antisemitic incidents and hate crimes. But those early statements turned increasingly ominous as hatred brewed and the Israel-Hamas war stretched on with a bombing campaign that has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians.
In one week, a Jewish cemetery in Vienna was sprayed with swastikas and set on fire. Stars of David were spray-painted outside of buildings in Paris. And in Dagestan, Russia, a mob of protesters stormed a plane from Israel and searched a hotel, looking for Jews.
On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told members of Congress that the terrorism threat to Americans, already elevated in 2023, had increased “to a whole other level” due to the war and warned of “historic” levels of antisemitism.
For residents of South Florida’s predominantly Jewish neighborhoods and cities, already on alert, a different kind of fear followed Oct. 7.
“This is the first time I really feel unsafe in the U.S.,” said Michele Lazarow, a Hallandale Beach city commissioner who is Jewish. “Maybe it’ll finally be when I get a firearm.”
The chabad houses that pepper Hallandale Beach always used to make her feel safe. Now she wonders if, like herself, the city is a target.
“I don’t even want to say it,” she told the Sun Sentinel on Tuesday. “There’s a very large Jewish community.”
Already, stirrings of hate have emerged in South Florida; in Parkland last Saturday, a group of masked minors shouted threats at Jewish congregants as they left synagogue, according to deputies and Rep. Jared Moskowitz, who belongs to the synagogue.
Palm Beach County has seen an uptick in reported incidents since Oct. 7, said Nightwine, the community security director. At the same time, rumors, false threats and hate speech have exploded online, which add to people’s fears.
He spends much of his time trying to distinguish misinformation from real threats.
“Just getting to what is actually credible and providing the community with a sense of safety, and the amount of just utter hate speech, and these threats, it’s a colossal work,” Nightwine said.
Islamophobic incidents and hate crimes have also risen nationwide since the attacks. In Illinois, a landlord is accused of stabbing a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy to death, shouting “you Muslims must die.” The Council on American-Islamic Relations has reported the largest wave in incidents since 2015, when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.
But as home to one of the nation’s largest Jewish populations, South Florida has long contended with antisemitism. Over the two years prior to 2023, antisemitic incidents had already sharply increased in South Florida, though they were largely perpetrated by right-wing, neo-Nazi groups, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Almost 60% of all religion-based hate crimes in the U.S. in 2020 targeted Jews, more than any other group, despite the fact that they account for only 2% of the U.S population, according to the FBI.
Since the Oct. 7 attacks, antisemitic incidents across the country have increased nearly 400%, mostly attributed to pro-Palestine and anti-Israel sentiment and protests. Antisemitic rhetoric has also increased on the right; the ADL reported an over 1,000% increase in “the daily average of violent messages mentioning Jews and Israel” on right-wing extremist Telegram channels.
On Thursday, when Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody visited the Florida Department of Law Enforcement office in Boynton Beach for a confidential security meeting, a reporter asked whether she thought Palm Beach County was vulnerable.
“It’s no coincidence we chose to come to South Florida to make sure we’re imploring our communities to stay on guard,” Moody replied.
‘We’re Jewish, we don’t feel safe’
Kayla, 22, went to a gun range with her parents last month at her mother’s request. Her family had shot guns once, in Israel, where the recent college grad, who asked to keep her last name private for safety reasons, was supposed to move on Oct. 10. The plans are now delayed indefinitely, though that has not spared her family worry as antisemitic incidents unfold across the world, including the U.S.
“We were like ‘okay, we don’t really feel safe anymore,'” said Kayla, who lives in Hollywood. “We want to arm ourselves, especially because we’re visibly Jewish and we go to synagogue. Every aspect of our daily lives is Jewish: The supermarket, the restaurants we go to, and the neighborhood we live in.”
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Soon after submitting her request, she got a call from Steve Triana, a local firearms instructor who works for Florida Defense Training and runs his own company, Triana Training Concepts.
When Kayla, her mother, and her 63-year-old father arrived at the range for their lesson, he asked them for their back story and why they chose to learn, as he does every lesson.
“If you’re coming and you’re over twenty-one, my question is, ‘why now?'” he explained, referring to the legal buying age in Florida. There’s always a reason, something that makes the person feel unsafe in a way they hadn’t before.
Reluctantly, Kayla shared hers.
“It’s always kind of scary to tell people ‘We’re Jewish, we don’t feel safe,'” she told the Sun Sentinel. “I told him anyways, ‘We’re Jewish, we’re really not feeling safe.'”
Triana, it turned out, was also Jewish. He told Kayla’s family that they were not the first to call.
His evenings have been booked with students like them since Oct. 7. In the last two-and-a-half weeks, he told the Sun Sentinel on Tuesday, he has had 18 students, 14 of whom are Jewish, what he estimates is a 90% increase in Jewish students since before the war.
He knows they’re Jewish because he asks, but also because many are openly orthodox. Some have told him they’re rabbis; others come in with yarmulkes on. Like those in Saturday’s class, many are older, often couples.
For Triana, the influx began four days after the war broke out, when the company he works for, Florida Defense Training, began sending a large number of new students his way.
The fact that most of them were Jewish and Triana is also Jewish was a coincidence, said Carlos Gutierrez, the company’s co-owner. But word has since spread to others in the community; Kayla told Triana she’d share his contact information with her synagogue.
For Gun World, word-of-mouth in the Jewish community has also brougth new business. People in the community want to support a Jewish-owned business, Waltuch explained, even though, she added, “as a nice Jewish girl who owns a gun range, I like to go under the radar.”
A political shift?
The new interest in guns perhaps signals a broader shift since Oct. 7 and its aftermath as Jewish South Floridians re-examine their politics.
On the right, Gov. Ron DeSantis has used his pro-Israel stance as a selling point, sending law enforcement officers to protect synagogues and schools, decrying left-wing protests on college campuses and criticizing the Biden administration for sending aid to civilians in Gaza.
Rabbi Mark Rosenberg of Miami-Dade, a chaplain for Florida Highway Patrol, thanked DeSantis publicly on “behalf of the Jewish community” at the news conference in Boynton Beach on Thursday, saying that “Florida has emerged as a leader during troubled times.”
But many of South Florida’s Jewish voters have leaned away from DeSantis and the right, where antisemitism has also mobilized extremists.
“A lot of my friends who are liberal Jews are very, very confused right now,” said Triana, the firearms instructor. “They are struggling to make sense of the world. The world they saw on 10/6 is not what they’re realizing is the way the world worked.”
Commissioner Lazarow, a self-proclaimed liberal, said that she, too, had recently begun to question her political leanings.
“I used to say I vote Democrat, woman, Jewish,” she said. “Now I vote woman, Jewish, maybe Democrat.”
Before the war, Lazarow’s Jewish identity was rarely foremost in her mind. She would have mezuzahs on her door and wear a Star of David around her neck and think nothing of it. Now they are conscious decisions.
“This is the first time in my life I’ve ever worried about wearing the Jewish star,” she said incredulously. “Now I’m wearing it as a resistance. As a symbol of resistance.”
By the end of class on Saturday, some students described a sense of empowerment mixed into their fear and aversion to guns.
“That’s good, honey!” Peter said Saturday, as his wife hesitantly lifted her paper target, the bullet holes a bit off from the center, but still very much within the silhouette. “Don’t worry, you would stop them.”
Each time Rubin finished her turn shooting, she was so nervous that her hands shook. But as class neared an end, she appeared more determined.
“I think I know what I want,” she said, walking over to where some of the other students were sitting, repeating it out loud as she scrawled it on the back of her target: “A Smith and Wesson, nine millimeter.”
The 64-year-old says her friends think she’s crazy for buying a gun, but her Jewish family doesn’t. And even though she no longer practices the religion, Rubin said, she is still a Jew, she doesn’t know what is coming next, and she wants to protect herself.
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“You did not live in a house of horrors. I was raised to believe in hellfire; now that was bad!” Okay and impending global genocide of any culture that disagrees with your beliefs isn’t? Being raised mentally preparing to withstand torture at the hands of police in a “do it to Julia” situation isn’t? Being socially isolated from your peers on the grounds that they’re evil uneducated dumb worldly heathens controlled by Satan isn’t a bad thing? No. Those are all good things which every child should be taught in order to experience “the real life.”
The legitimate truth is that we are all in “the real life” right now and in “the real life,” the Governing Body is doing the very best they can to cover up the fact that they’re a cult by relaxing the cult’s rules in a futile attempt to prevent the prosecution in the numerous ONGOING child sexual abuse cases from handing their non-tight-pants-wearing asses to them. And the other legitimate truth is discovering this fact to be the legitimate truth while having to navigate a sea of lies and high school is extremely traumatizing, especially when you feel the need to take a hard stance against the cult to prevent others’ children — children like you — from befalling the same fate by dressing up as some miserable wretch who cooked and ate children, hoping the way you look and carry yourself and stare into the parents’ eyes will scare them away. And even more traumatizing is that your tactics worked; proving that you are just as bad and scary as your preexisting OCD made you out to be. Yes I did it to myself; but consider the reason why I felt so compelled to sacrifice the entirety of my mental health to sabotage you with what little tools I had. I wouldn’t have done it had I not had a very good reason, and my very good reason was that I was a child who loved children. You were trying to protect me and it was a sacrifice; but I was also trying to protect children. My endeavor is not — and was never — a selfish one. It is not that I don’t care about you; I only prioritize the class which is most oppressed, and you are not a part of it because you are adults. Your feelings, unfortunately, are expendable in my mission to end religious child labor. I will not support your corrupt religion to make you happy when I know what it’s done to others and to myself; it is wrong, and you are wrong for supporting it. I, as a paraprofessional, refuse to support a religion which hides the sexual abuse of children for its own gain. By law I am now a mandatory reporter; I must report child abuse when I see it under penalty of law. Therefore it stands to reason that I must report your cult from the top of every mountain for the entire inhabited earth to hear so they may not even take so much as one step in your direction. I am sorry if I seem like I hate you; if the fact that I reject your ideals of theological expectational fascism disturbs you so much, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your choices.
“Your actions affect others.” I know my actions affect others; I know how they affect others as well. You’re crushed and demoralized and suffering physically from all the emotional stress; I’ve likely dug you both early graves. I know what I’ve done and I can live with it — Not easily — but I am not defeated because I know I’m in the right, and have always been in the right. No. The real question is: Do you know how your actions are affecting others? In exquisite detail? Have you listened to the victims? Have you allowed yourself to hear both sides of the story with your human ears, not ones made of tin and thought-blocking strategies and “I had it worse than you” excuses? No? Then you’d better start because the key to healing yourself is to aid in the healing of others. We are all connected as one body; and I refuse to be a cancer cell. Sorry I’m aiding in your downfall but it’s got to happen at some point.
#You know if my mom is praying for me to come back then it’s only fair I perform spells for her to get out. Nonconsensual be our watchword#My dad is surprisingly handling it much better than my mom which I did not anticipate at ALL#Because he was the most volatile when I got forcibly outed. Like yelling and throwing books levels of volatile#I think it’s their respective emotional proximity to the cult. My mom is more in than my dad#My dad is not attending meetings as far as I’m aware (and if he is listening on Zoom then he leaves when a certain person speaks)#All my mom does is study and walk (in preparation for the Tribulation) and work a bloodsucking corporate job for ten hours a day#She attends all the meetings on Zoom#And she’s the one constantly saying in a grave tone of voice “You’ve made your choices. I just want what’s best for you and this isn’t it.#It’s hard when you put in 21 years and your baby is gone. I feel like I’ve lost you. I don’t feel like I know you anymore.”#Because you’ve never known me. The environment did not feel safe enough for me to make myself known#and therefore I split in two at approximately age five or six#Whereas my dad is like “Hey I know we have our differences; but I’d like to focus on our similarities because that’s what matters.”#Like uh… Can I get a hell yeah?#He mentions religion a lot but it’s not as stressful as my mom basically hammering into me that my choices are “bad”#exjw#ex cult#It’s hilarious and sad to see them deny it’s a cult or that they’re brainwashed while trying to impose that same emotional control over me#without even realizing they’re guilt-tripping because they’re running on hurt feelings and faltering religious autopilot#Anyway if anyone’s got me I know “Pink Pony Club” by Chappell Roan has got me good god#The first time I listened to that song I almost broke down sobbing in a car of people I just met on the way to a pride dance#But I kept it together
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
what measures do you think carmen and gray take to protect the kiddos, like their kids are the children of two super thieves who are despised by the worlds oldest criminal organisation, their maternal grandfather is also hated and then there's the added grudge of their biological maternal grandfather like there's a lot of bad family blood.
i have no idea how gray is gonna react because he's a big "use the resources available to him no matter how shady" person oh no...lmao [its ok he's getting better standards...slightly] and his arc has him playing the more active part in defending his love...so um...if it involves the kids?
[gah how sucky when you phrase it like that , VILE just zeroing in on them because they're trying to get theyre footing back]
and carmen in general is very good at mostly keeping herself off the radar but VILE has shown themselves very good at capturing people they at least think is important to carmen + the train with brunt and the cleaners...gah..
but very big into imposing on chief to constantly keep them off cameras [like imagine how upset that would make the kiddos at the do as i say not as i do couple when they wanna be good show off thieves too </3], definitely taught them to be prepared for a fight, had ivy hook them up with drones [offense hardly taken because they love them so much], direct line to player , maayyyybe this makes carmen hesitant to let them go to school for a bit? [idk if she homeschools because hey she can teach them a lot about the world since she goes all over it or because of the way she talked to sonia and jokes to player that she's all about education + really wanted friends on the isle if she wishes she had a normal school experience], RC definitely 0____0 during babies first missions until they're confident they can take care of themselves [actually maybe a conversation between carmen and kiddos about wanting to have faith in their abilities and carmen is like o-o ] [gray is also called out for his chill attitude supposedly when he was literally yanking wires and knocking out people before they even got near the site]
situation wise it would be very bad if the kids did get captured...since RC tends to just beeline to the solution that gets them out efficiently regardless of traps or danger to themselves
but in the end RC do lean more to just trusting that they prepared the kids well enough... so lol if they just arrive to a headquarters of the VILEnappers in chaos like <3 those are the babies
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hezuart · 2 years
For your reverse Guardians au (which I saw bc of the recent ask XD) how do you think they'd react if they met their originals (movie version i havent read the books TvT) Do u think they'd be disgusted and/or horrified or indifferent? Especially in Jack's case
hehehehe so excited to answer this lets see... to keep them separated in terms of name: Pitch vs. Koz, North vs. Nick, Bunny vs. Aster, Tooth vs. Thiana, Sandy vs. Sanderson, Jack vs. Jackson
North would be completely confused and frustrated. He couldn't understand how his counterpart can not be excited over Christmas lights, toys, sugared treats, and presents. Nick is living like a Cossack in Russian snow, only eating dried meat for survival; he avoids sugar like the plague, it tastes awful to him and he knows its not good for him or other children. Nick believes that North is sheltering children. Children in his eyes need to be prepared for disappointment, war, and famine. He hates parents who lie to their children instead of giving them the full truth of what is happening around them. None of that "you'll understand when you're older" crap. He is brutal in his honesty and leaves no room for imagination or misunderstanding. Nick sees North as one of those people and sees him as a weak excuse of a Cossack. North sees this man and cannot understand why he chooses to live his life so poorly when he's had opportunities to live in luxury. Nick only gets upset at this, because there are plenty of third-world children living as he does; children of which, North has not extended his reach to. Nick also treats his elves and yeti as lowly soldiers and servants, much to North's disgust.
Bunny would be deeply uncomfortable. Aster is so hopeless and so miserable over the loss of his species(?)/family. Aster resorts to machines because those never die. Bunny is angry about this because the machines Aster builds are full of pollutants that only destroy the world quicker. This only makes Aster cry harder and fall into deeper despair knowing his work to save everyone is only hurting them. He is inconsolable and Bunny just wants to avoid him.
Tooth would scold her other self. They'd probably get into an argument about safe dental practices. Thiana would insist crowns and cavity fillings are prettier than the real teeth, and that teeth of bad memories must be stored and activated when a child needs help remembering a traumatic event so it won't happen again. Tooth insists that good memories are the things to cherish more, since fear is not easily forgotten, but happiness is. The two would just endlessly bicker in all manner of languages.
Sandy and Sanderson would just be a silent, glaring staring contest. Sandy would have a frown on his face but Sanderson would be smiling. They'd tiptoe around each other, just waiting for one of them to make the wrong move. It'd be very tense.
Pitch would be disgusted. He'd cringe in the presence of his righteous knightly other. He'd roll his eyes and try to avoid him. Koz understands that Pitch is himself, another him who never made it out of his dark place. Where the loneliness overcame him. Koz wouldn't try and convince him to be better, but he is unafraid to show Pitch how good his life could be if he made different choices. Pitch is a little bitter about it.
Jack would try and talk to Jackson excitedly. Having someone his age, with his powers, and maybe with similar experiences is something he wants to talk about. However, Jackson isn't interested in talking. He thinks Jack is annoying. Jack is all about magic and fun, and Jackson detests his powers meant for evil and misery. At some point, Jack would finally get Jackson to talk, but it was not something he wanted to speak about. Jackson would ask him about his past and the family he left behind. Jackson would speak about his sister; how she must have been forced to marry young to support herself since their father was out of the picture, and that she probably blamed herself for his death, making her live a sad, guilty life. Jack would cover his ears and shout at Jackson, much like that scene where Jack is lured to Pitch's lair. "Stop it, stop it!" It wouldn't end very well.
As for the others, The Guardians would be reluctant to accept Koz, since they'd have a hard time wrapping their heads around a good kind of Pitch. Jack would take a liking to him. Sandy would be the one to deem Koz genuine after finding out they have similar jobs.
Pitch would initially be delighted at the Harbingers, but they aren't really a group, they prefer to ironically work alone. Pitch would become annoyed and upset that the Guardians' counterparts still basically want nothing to do with him. He finds Jackson and preys upon his fears and vulnerabilities to manipulate him against the Guardians (tho he has a difficult time weaponizing him against Koz)
There's a chance the evil Manny would speak to Jack, much to Jack's shock at the awful things the man says. Otherwise, the good Manny would try and keep that guy occupied until the Guardians can figure out how to separate their universes again.
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