#also I hope I didn’t include any spoilers? so sorry if I did D:
honestly, this was probably the best thing to happen to Dieter. So while I’m gutted he and everybody else had to go through this, it can only go up from here!
but also… he called Talia in that moment 🥺 that just kinda makes me 🥺😭😭
And also. I’m gonna say it and I know I’m probably alone with this but man… I found Lauren kinda annoying this chapter lmao 😂 like I know where she’s coming from with Talia not actually dealing with her shit but come on.. cut her some slack? Her famous actor boyfriend broke up with her via a phone call and then got permanently drunk while basically the whole world was watching.
I just found her a bit too righteous and pushy. Also the song choice for her, that was kinda messed up? It’s not like Talia wanted to break up with Dieter?? She didn’t have to show or prove anything to him really, so I just kinda didn’t like that tbh!
But this chapter was great!! I wish I could just continue reading to find out what happens next because aaaaaaah!! I’m so desperate for them to reunite when whatever was up with Dieter is finally better. I feel like he’s gonna be so sorry and I can already see him in a hospital bed looking all small and sad and puppy eyes 🥺
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Thanks for the message anon! Looks like you’re putting me to the test today. 🤣
This response includes spoilers for chapter 24 of Destiny & Deliverance below the cut.
It’s definitely a good thing that it happened the way it did. It could have gone very badly if Dieter hadn’t of made that call. I think once it’s revealed what is going on with him, everyone will be surprised and realize it should never have happened at all. It is sad for all involved obviously…and to think, these types of things really do happen every day.
Yes! Talk about drunk dialing…The fact that he called her tells us he was ready to stop fighting his feelings. He wanted to fix it and he knew he fucked up. Unfortunately, he was too messed up to really get any of that out. It did hit the feels extra hard though. I also love that Talia didn’t hesitate to go to him once she realized something was off. She’s going to take care of him no matter how big of an ass he has been. She loves him too much not to.
So Lauren…I think it may help to have some insight on where she’s coming from. Let’s remember, it’s been several months since Talia and D split. Also, we have to consider Talia’s history. Lauren knows that Talia holds things in and will self destruct over it. She did it with her marriage and she’s doing it even worse with D. Lauren just wants to get through to her and prevent something bad from happening (again). Keep in mind, Talia knew an awful lot about alcohol poisoning. We will circle back around to that topic eventually. So, Lauren starts taking a bit of a tough love approach. Sometimes, that is something you have to do with people (trust me, I’ve been there). It’s truly coming from a place of love for her friend. She’s worried about her.
Now, on the flip side of that, Dieter was one of Lauren’s few close friends too. Talia wasn’t the only one who lost him when he hit that self destruct button. Lauren is also now dating D’s brother and sees the affect D’s spiral is having on Alex too. She is privy to information that Talia doesn’t have. She has communicated with Dieter and tried to talk to him just like his family has. Remember in chapter 23 when she said, “You’re both so fucking stubborn”? She was totally working behind the scenes to sort D out and getting nowhere with him. Why? Because he had convinced himself that Talia was moving on and didn’t need him in her life. Outwardly, Talia seemed to be ok with the split and he didn’t believe Lauren when she told him otherwise.
Now the song… was it messed up? Yes, a little. Lauren honestly wasn’t expecting that type of reaction from Talia though. However, Lauren did hope that it might make Talia think about how she was really feeling. It worked, a little too well.
As far as Talia having something to prove to D…you’re right, she didn’t have anything, but Lauren did. Lauren wanted D to know that Talia was in fact hurting over the split and missed him because he didn’t believe it. We have to remember, at this point D is not speaking to the family (or Lauren by extension) and she was looking to reach him any way she could because she knows how bad off he really is. The family is grasping at straws by this point. She saw the situation as an opportunity.
So long story short, Lauren really is stuck between a rock and hard place. She’s trying to navigate it the best she can, but it’s to the point where they are all getting a little desperate.
Hopefully that gives a little more insight into Lauren’s POV on everything. She really has no malicious intentions, she just wants her friends to be healthy and happy.
They will be reunited eventually. It’s going to be a long road for him, and Talia too. And yes, there will be a lot of sad puppy dog eyes in the coming chapters. 🥹
I’m happy you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for following along on this little adventure! 💜
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CC: @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @for-a-longlongtime @hisandsnakes @chaoticfestninja @survivingandenduring @partyofone3413 @cakipy-blog @titlee78 @poodlebae @guelyury @missladym1981 @maried01 @alokaerza @samiamproductions @misstokyo7love @themonadiaries-blog @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @avastrasposts @weho2kcmo @harriedandharassed @tkchaos
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acacia-may · 6 months
you asked me, so now i'm asking you! 3 for the ask game please? :D
Aww thank you so much for the ask, Lilac! I'm sorry for picking a difficult question for you. I didn't realize it was so hard until I was scrambling trying to answer it myself 😅 I feel like there are a lot of fics I've written that say something about me and about my style as a writer, but I've decided to choose an excerpt from a fic I wrote for myself for my birthday this year, Under The Weather. It was Hero-centric of course, and a post-good ending sick-fic, mostly about him and Kel and their brotherly relationship but also about his friendships with the friends I want him to have in college so much that I actually made them up. (I'm so normal...😅)
Anyways, because this piece is entirely self-indulgent, I think it is a pretty good indication of everything that is important to me when I write and a lot of the themes I enjoy such as brothers rebuilding their sibling bonds with each other, deep friendships, heart-to-heart chats, and an emphasis on the emotions of the characters and their interactions with each other. I've chosen this excerpt in particular because I think it showcases a lot of the patterns of my style of writing (i.e. I use a lot of long, trailing sentences and probably overuse em dashes) or at least things I really want to/try to incorporate into my writing (i.e. I really try to write dialogue that flows organically and to give the narration of the story the voice of the POV character). It also includes some of my favorite, intentional stylistic choices (i.e. listing those adjectives with the final one in italics in the 2nd sentence, and at the very end, having the narrator's internal thoughts blend directly into his dialogue).
3. An excerpt of my writing that encompasses my style
(Warnings: There are some vague-ish spoilers for OMORI here, but I don't think it's specific. But, I mean, if you know you know...)
“I don’t want Kel to worry...” The words slipped out without him really thinking about them—honest, vulnerable, real. The feverish haze was loosening his tongue, it seemed. Hero’s brow furrowed. He didn’t like it for the same reasons he didn’t like drinking. It felt like losing control—only this time, he didn’t have the energy to care too much.   “Then I don’t think not telling him anything is the answer,” Zoey replied. “Kel’s pretty smart, you know? He knows something’s wrong even when you won’t say—knew you were way sicker than you let on. He asked if I could stop by and check on you.” Hero’s face flushed. He couldn’t really process what she was saying, “Kel did that?” “Why do you sound so surprised?” Hero swallowed hard. He met her eyes—hoping the look in them would say louder than any words that she already knew why. Ever since their fight, he had felt Kel slipping away—walking on eggshells around him like he was scared he was fragile and would snap again. No matter what he did to try to reassure Kel that he was okay and that he would never lash out at him like that ever again, Hero couldn’t shake the feeling that he was losing his brother. He tried his best to stay connected—talking to him all the time, planning trips home to visit him, even letting him stay with him in the city, and even though things had been getting better since they had learned the truth two years ago, Hero knew that they would never be the same. They could never be the same, not anymore. Not after… “I really hurt him…” Hero’s voice cracked—breathy, dazed, but heart-wrenchingly guilty even all these years later.
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jrwiyuri · 3 years
hello i saw your tags on my post and i'm new to jrwi as a whole, i'm only on ep 16 for riptide but i am begging you to infodump to me about riptide tell me everything you've got ping me talk to me who's your favorite character
aHSKjd Okay so honestly I don’t even have a favorite?!!
Like I’ve tried to think about one but I love them all so much equally and they’re so great!!
Chip is such a god damn bastard but I love him so god damn much (he is trans. I know this for sure 100% it’s real Bizly literally told me <3)
He’s so loyal and kind and loving and omg;; his relationship with Ollie?? Fucking lvoe rhat holt shit catch me crying I love the fact he loves kids man ajfkajfksbf
I just rlly like his personality and I also think his morals are a bit interesting. From what I can tell he is very loyal to friends, strangers are a no go and he’s willing to put them in danger over his fitness & himself, and he has a strict no kill rule even with villains (for the most part anyway,)
Plus his entire thing with Arlin? Love that- <3
Gillion is very interesting and I’m so invested into him! Like besides his whole being clueless about the over seas, his entire moral guidelines are very strict and can put the crew into a lot of situations. (But he’s also very self sacrificing so like aha holy shit don’t die 👉👈)
I want to see what happens if a situation presents him with two choices that both seem morally wrong to him and whats he do. I’m just intrigued on his moral guidelines in general
I’m ALSO intrigued on his prophecy and in general culture and I wonder if that’s going to also cause conflict and if he maybe eventually with defy his people / prophecy? Perhaps he feels / realizes that maybe the prophecy is actually shading his moral beliefs or maybe it’s something else Idk!! I have no damn clue but it’s exiting!!!
Also his entire deal with the Dream guy? So god damn scared!!!! (If I had a nickel for every time a dnd character played by Charlie slimecicle made a possibly reckless and not well thought out deal with a more powerful entity & gained a symbol on their body I’d have TWO nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happens twice and based upon the first nickel I’m very scared <3)
But like I do also really like goofy Gill. No serious moral dilemmas, no trying to kill ur friends for honor, just him being him- even if he’s fuckin clueless ^^; (also he’s pangender and Pansexual. It’s real I swear charlie slimecicle sent me a dm I have proof )
And jay!!! The one brain cell (and cannon bisexual?? Fucking hell yea! Also she uses she/he/they pronouns because I condi literally told me on a phone call I had with him it’s totally real I swear)
I feel like I don’t have much to say about jay and I feel very bad but like I’m super interested into her backstory and overall goals more!!!
Her past with with navy is very interesting with the navy and shit?? Like that’s so cool and please tell me more Jay!! You want to open up to ur possible probably trauma and dealings so bad ooOk
She’s is very much a middle child out of the group both literally and physically.
Her dynamic with chip is fantastic and I hope one day she bears the shit out of him just for fun (I mean, Gill already got to- its jays turn now! /hj)
Some other people I’m very excited for are the Lizzie girl who is like the biggest pirate?? I find it very funny that chip is jealous of her but I also just would really like to know more about her 👀👀
And like I already said I want to go more into each of their backstories (well I guess not chips since we know his backstory) & also just to see what the future holds!! Especially with jay since out of the three we know the least about her and what her biggest goal would be (chips is obviously to find the black rose & we can assume gillions is for him to fufill his prophecy)
I think I just- I am excited for the world building snd what other cool secret shit is to come from all of this! I want to know how deep this shit goes and if things like the navy, the thing with the black rose, and gills prophecy could be connected OR clashing in some way?!! (And maybe Lizzie? OH and of course mr Dream daddy- I’m so damn afraid for him)
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Hiya owl!
I wanted to reach out because I'm sure you've seen your name come up a few times over all this drama this past weekend. I see your name come up a lot but I'm not sure if anyone has ever come directly to you to ask your perspective. I thought that seemed fair.
The things that seem to come up the most are a racist/xenophobic/prejudiced depiction of Din as a character being portrayed by a Latino man, and a forced heterosexist depiction of Din and Luke's relationship.
I've read some of your fics. I am latinx myself, and I will admit I have been uncomfortable with the way that Din is always portrayed not only as "dominant" but as an aggressor, including in your fics. This has led me to stop reading your fics. Have you ever thought on this before? Have you considered trying to maybe talk to some latinx people outside of your fcircle to make sure that Din isn't being portrayed in a way that makes many latinx people uncomfortable?
And Luke does always seem to be kind of placed into a more submissive role, sort of Grogu's primary caregiver while Din leads and leaves. And he always submits to Din.
I genuinely am trying to ask this graciously, so I'm sorry if any tone comes across as otherwise.
Is this blanket throughout? No. And it's not like it's just your fics. But I thought it was only fair to you to get your perspective.
Hi! Thank you for reaching out to me; you’re actually the first person to reach out directly. I’ve been seeing everything going on, but without someone tagging me or messaging me directly I feel a little weird just shoving myself into the conversation. I do appreciate you reaching out.
I want to put a “spoiler” break here just to make it easier for people scrolling who may or may not want to read further.
I’ve loved dark content for years- not sure what it is about it, if it’s dealing with my own trauma or exploring concepts that I would in no way condone in real life but are still interesting to think about. Probably a pretty even mix, like most other people who read dark content. Like any other trope in fiction, it’s a tool for the brain. In this case, a tool for exploring things that we would have no control over in real life, but in fiction we can.
I understand that fiction does not exist in a vacuum. The stereotypes that western media has put on POC characters, and the impact that has on the real world, won’t just disappear in the blink of an eye. But at the same time I believe in separating the fictional character from the real world person playing them. I would hope most writers would do the same, although I can’t speak for everyone. What I mean by this is when I write fanfic, I’m not thinking of Pedro Pascal the real person. Yes, I might look at other things he’s been in for inspiration, but that’s the same as taking something that a friend said or did and using it as the base for a fictional scene. When I write fanfic, I’m strictly thinking of Din Djarin, fictional character, and putting him into various “what if” scenarios, with certain aspects of the character as he’s written exaggerated. So when I write dark stories, I’m thinking of the part of Din Djarin who cut a man in half when he didn’t need to, who left a man to be eaten alive, who shot at jawas, or who was at least on some level willing to hand Grogu over to an unknown fate for beskar. Those are things he’s done in canon, just as much as him going out of his way to help a village, taking the time to learn the language of the Tuskens in order to safely and respectfully pass through their land, and breaking his creed in order to save Grogu are also things he’s done in canon. Different au settings are going to heighten different aspects of his character. This is true of any and all fictional characters and all that I have written about in the past and probably will in the future. 
This is also based on discussion with other people. I have actually shared conversations in regards to this, to go over comfort, tagging, what it is about dark content, and its impact in regards to a character like Din. I have, honestly, only received support.
In the same vein, I have a similar outlook on the dynamic of a relationship. It genuinely is nothing more than “this is how I’m portraying these two characters, and this is the general relationship dynamic that I’m using for this particular story.”
The way that I write characters, no matter which fandom they’re for, is absolutely never intended to be malicious. I never want anyone to be hurt by my stories. It’s why I use as many tags as I do, so that anyone reading can look at the tags, look at the summary, and decide whether or not it’s something they feel comfortable engaging with. I am also always open to hearing what people think of the tagging system as well (one reason I always tag my asks as “owl inbox” so they can be filtered easier). 
I am, though, always sorry if my writing has ever been uncomfortable. I do not want that. I know I cannot make everyone happy or comfortable and I am trying to accept that, be happy with what I can provide for my own sanity, and be open for discussion. I hope you continue to do what makes you happy and feel better within this community because, all in all, it is a really positive one. People are so passionate and supportive and protective of each other--it can be easy to see it overwhelming and triggering to anxieties (as I know a massive amount to us has) but I honestly see more good in it than anything negative. I also love seeing the wave of soft and fluffy content coming out and the content of dark/sith/top Luke (even if it’s not for me) because I see that as more for more people.
Honestly, I could go on a bit about everything--my first response was nearly 3k words as I panic and just want to explain and reach out and try to avoid hurting anyone if possible. I still don’t know, and I worry, that my thoughts and everything will be understood. But with help got it cut down in hopes that it helps answer the questions you provided, anon. I don’t know if it helped or cleared anything but I hope it did some.
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Acceptance - Jean Kirstien x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama
AOT Masterlist - Main Masterlist
Warnings: Angst, Weapons, Season 4 spoilers
Requested by: Anonymous
Hi! Could you do a one-shot of Jean/Girlfriend. His lover drank the wine and turned into a Titan after Zeke screamed. Then could you show everyone’s reaction and what they decide to do. :D
A/N: Sorry this took a little bit, but I’m really happy with how this turned out! Also had to catch up on the last two episodes that came out (including the one today omg it was so good). I did take some liberties with the second part of your request, as I focused more on Jean’s reaction.  I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!
Word Count: 1.2K
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You weren’t one to enjoy alcohol. Usually, you would avoid having even a single glass of wine because you didn’t want to risk the possibility of you being drunk. The thought of being out of your own control in a world that was already so messed up plagued your mind enough to the point that when you and your buddies were passing around a bottle, you’d pass on the opportunity. Plus, the taste of it wasn’t fantastic enough to warrant you actively seeking a sip of the purpley-red liquid.
However, that one night where you wanted to just forget about the fact that your comrades, your family, and your closest friends were six feet under - and you were only nineteen yourself - you found yourself with a flush on your cheeks and a giggle in your throat. It felt so good at the moment, like you were flying in the sky. It was that same adrenaline and completely pleasant feeling that you remembered experiencing when you first mastered using ODM gear; playing hide and seek in the training forests with Connie, Jean, and Sasha. It made you feel like a fifteen year old again. You felt like your old self. Now, it just made you miserable.
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The little armband that was affixed to your overcoat did nothing to weigh you down, but you felt like it was constricting your arm. It was hard to process what Commander Pyxis had told you - that the wine you had sipped from was contaminated with Zeke Yeager’s spinal fluid. That the one time, the one instance in which you had let yourself have a drink, it would be the biggest mistake of your life.
At the moment, you were stuck in a cell, swinging your feet on a little stool and trying not to think too hard about what was almost certainly to come within the next few days, maybe in the next few moments. The second that Zeke would yell, it would be over for you. You would transform into the very monster that you had been slaying for the last several years. But, could you really still call them monsters? They were people with lives who had been at the beck and call of Marley. They could have been someone’s Connie, someone’s Sasha. Someone’s Jean… oh god Jean. What would he say when he finds out? Would it be too late, would you have already transformed before you got the chance to say goodbye? And if that did happen, would he even be able to tell if you were a titan? You’d seen it happen before with Armin. A strange, mutated version of the human they once were is projected onto the titan’s face. You almost began to tear up at that possibility - that a gangly titan version of you had your Y/H/C hair, your Y/E/C eyes. A ‘you’ that was so deformed, but still held the characteristics that would prompt someone to say, ‘that’s Y/N’s titan.’
You felt sick. You leant to reach for a bucket, but the locked door that imprisoned you and several others swung open.
“Let’s go, come on. We need you all.” You didn’t bother to look up at the speaker. You were a soldier, and you knew how to follow orders, so you immediately fell into line. A gun was shoved into your hand and there was a pat to your back as you were ushered out of the building and into the usually busy cobblestone streets. A gasp fell from your lips as you looked around you. All over, Marlyeans and Eldians were battling, and in the center of it all, Eren’s titan. That short boy with the raven colored hair that you used to share jokes with and poke fun at, held a stance and stature that felt so wrong. But you didn’t have time to linger or hold onto that thought. Instead, the Beast titan made you freeze in your movements. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe. And yes, while that was part of the titan’s power, this was purely your own body’s actions. An overwhelming fear struck through every one of your nerves that you didn’t notice a Marleyean take aim at you. However, someone else did. In a flurry of movements, Jean killed the man instantly and turned towards you, running as fast as he could. All you could do was watch him. Immediately, Jean gathered you into his arms, clutching and grasping at your arms, your clothes, your hair - like you were water slipping from his hands and he was doing everything he could to keep you there with him.
“Y/N, where the hell have you been, Armin and I have been trying to get everyone of our group back together and you have been the one person to be missing.” He says into your hair, breathing you in and tucking your face into his chest. Again, you find yourself not being able to do anything, so he pulls back to look at you from an arm’s length. “Y/N?”
Your gaze flickers down to your armband and then back to him, which he mimics. You find it truly impressive how many emotions his face shuffles through in one second. Confusion, denial, anger, sadness. He was just missing one to have gone through the whole cycle of grief. Instead, he shook his head.
“No, no. Tell me you didn’t, this has to be a mistake. You hate wine, you hate alcohol in general. It’s probably because you were just with them that they made you wear it.”
“Jean…” you finally croak out, giving him a sad smile and locking your eyes with his. “You… you should go. You need to get away from me. Please.” Pushing him away and backpedaling slowly, you don’t let him out of your sight. He takes a step forward, but your hand goes up. “I don’t want you to be here when this happens, and I don’t think you do either.” His head turns towards the floor, and you know you’ve won. “Hey Jean? Close your eyes for me?” You say, your voice quivering just a bit. He complies. “I love you.” You say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. And with that, you’re gone, down the road and around the corner. And Zeke let's forth one hell of a scream.
He lets his feet carry him until he’s into a spring, finally moving to use his ODM gear. Jean finds himself on a rooftop with Armin, Mikasa, and Connie. The light explodes all over the crumbling city, and Jean clamps his hands over his ears. He doesn’t want this, he never wanted this. He wanted a life with you in a little cottage. He wanted to be reading a newspaper while your baby was asleep on his chest, their little hand gripping onto the cloth of his shirt. He won’t get that. He will never get that.
“Is that?” Connie exclaims, shock and sadness taking hold of his tone.
“O-oh my god.” Armin says, his hand moving to cover his dropped jaw.
“No…” Mikasa whispered, her eyes wide. Finally, Jean looks to what they had set their eyes on. A tall, strong looking titan. Y/H/C hair was whipping fiercely in the wind. Y/E/C eyes were buried deep in its face. And quickly, just like that kiss you had given him, a soldier had sliced its nape and it collapsed on the broken, cobble street. Jean let forth a breath. Acceptance.
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@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist
@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist
@smallxbunny ~ All-Flora Florist
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
Being Exiled with Tommy Headcannons!|| 🥀
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irl/ in-game
Genre| angst + comfort
h e a d c a n n o n s||
Both you and Tommy ended up getting exiled together.
Artist| OliverSonder on twitter!!
Warnings] mentions of manipulation, character death, spoilers for Tommy’s Exile Arc and the Season 2 finale!!
[can be seen as both platonic or romantic!!]
||gender neutral reader!!||
(also this was not grammar checked and im to lazy to watch through hours of footage so if anything in here is wrong blame it on the DSMP Wiki OKAY LETS GO-)
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So i think its pretty established that if you end up getting exiled with Tommy your one of two things.
- Really sweet and loyal friend that will stick up for in-justice and be there when someone needs you the most
- A total fucking gremlin that will steal your kneecaps and toes and eat your shower curtains in the middle of the night.
There is no inbetween here you guys.
I did end up going for Reader A, though. But you guys tell me if you want headcannons for a gremlin!reader because i will gladly do that!!
But anyways just... enjoy exile!
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- It was about his third day in exile when Y/N appeared through the nether portal, bags, pouches, tools, armor, etc. on their person. Tommy thought they either were here to beat him up or got exiled themselves.
- Tommy was pleasantly surprised when he learned that Y/N was actually there on their own accord, helping him through exile and being his shoulder to lean on. The first few days we’re rough, fighting back mobs in the night and farming crops all day. His clothes we’re starting to get dirty and torn by the time Y/N got there.
- Y/N ended up making a little bunker about 30 blocks from where they’re tent was, where they hid all theirs and Tommy’s valuables, such as armor, diamonds & iron, and rations. Although Y/N never gave into Dream and gave him they’re stuff, Y/N simply refused, they wouldn’t be giving in that easily.
- Most of they’re days are spent in caves mining away, chatting and fighting off Creeper’s as they tried to keep the moral high, always keeping Tommy company. Y/N never let him go anywhere alone, they we’re always with him, like his own bodyguard of sorts.
- One time they both find a Mineshaft though and got lost, they ended up at the surface two dayd later with torn clothes, cuts and bruises and we’re in bad shape. Thankfully Y/N had a brewing stand at they’re camp though, so Healing Potions we’re semi-easy to make/get.
- After the duo end up going to the artic though... things got... weird.
- Techno was not expecting to open his door to find the heathen Tommy and sweetheart Y/N at his doorstep shivering and begging to come inside, bags thrown on they’re shoulders as they teeth chattered from the cold wind and snow.
- Whenever Dream comes to visit Y/N always has to hide with Tommy, reassuring him that its okay and they’ll always be there for him, and protect him at any cost, which he highly appreciates.
- The ‘gapple-eating’ thing Tommy did was a cute, yet depressing thing. Seeing him hasitly munching on golden-coated apples was funny and caused giggles, but the meaning behind it always left Y/N with a lump in their throat and a hole in their heart.
- Whenever Tommy is in danger and calls for Dream, Y/N always has to stop him and bring him back to reality, making Tommy realize Dream isnt his friend, and never was. Many nights have happened where the two talk about Tommy’s feelings with Dream, not only for Tommy to vent and let everything out, but also for Y/N to understand whats going on in his head.
- When going into the Nether Tommy always grips Y/N’s hand, as his fear of lava and heights consumes him whole in that firey dimension.
- When Tommy gets up close to Dream in the cabin? Y/N is scared spineless, if people could see them, they’d see the palest, most terrified and worried being on earth.
- Y/N having a heart attack when Ghostbur slips up
- Ghostbur is just a whole thing and just. Y/N needs a break, okay?
- Y/N begrudgingly helping Tommy build his cobblestone tower outside of Techno’s cabin.
- Y/N apologizing soon after to Techno only for him to laugh and ruffle Y/N’s hair, saying he knows how Tommy can get anyone to any situation.
- Very rarely does Y/N ever leave Tommy’s side, when they do its usually to get supplies or visit they’re friends. So when Y/N was walking back to the Nether portal to see Tommy, Techno and Dream all standing there, looking like they’re about to slit the others throat, well...
- Nobody has ever seen Y/N drop kick a person so fast.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Y/N yelled, they’re sword at Dream’s neck, as he laid on his back, his mask covering his shocked expression.
“Answer. Me.” Y/N gritted through their teeth, pushing their swordfurther against the masked mans throat. Techno soon chimed in, reassuring Y/N that nothing to terrible happened.
“It’s fine, Y/N. He didn’t do anything, why not we head back home? Wouldn’t want that homeless man to be to scared spineless, eh?” Techno said, hand on they’re shoulder as he looked Y/N in the eyes.
The 3 walked back to the Nether portal, purple mist engulfing Tommy and Techno as Y/N stood in front of the portal. Back turned towards Dream, Y/N shifted they’re head and glared at Dream with eyes that could kill.
“Don’t do anything you might regret, you megalomaniac.”
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- When Tommy and Tubbo decide to go fight Dream, Y/N is both excited and scared. They hope Dream will finally be taken down, but they dont want Tommy (& Tubbo) to be taken down as well.
- So like any amazing best friend, Y/N brews up a bunch of potions of Strength, Healing + Regen, Invisibility and more. Even if Tommy thought he was going to be walking out of there alone, he wasn’t going to be. Y/N would make sure.
- Y/N watched from afar as Tommy got his disc out of the jukebox, laughing in success. All Y/N did was clap quietly, making sure they’re Invisibility didn’t wear off. They we’re making sure Tommy stayed safe, even if he didn’t realize it. Y/N loved him with they’re whole heart, and everyone knew that.
- At Dreams secret base, Y/N was just getting there as Tommy took Dreams first canon life.
“Tommy. Stop. Dont do anything you might regret.” Dream snarled, looking at the teenage boy, his blue eyes dull, yet full of passion and vigor.
All Tommy did was pursue forward, as everyone waited for what was to come. Tommy took one step to close though, because Dream had decided that he had enough.
Dream brought his arm into the air, hand curled into a fist, he was about to hurl his hand into Tommy’s face when Dream suddenly fell to the ground, arrow in his forehead.
Dream was shot by Y/N
Y/N stood there, enchanted bow in hand, infront of the nether portal that swirled with an eerie purple mist. Y/N lowered their bow, staring at the man who tortured Tommy for weeks now. Y/N simply stepped forward and towered over Dreams corpse before it disappeared in thin air.
Lets just say Dream wouldn’t be hurting the blonde heathen anytime soon.
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a/n: howdy everyone how we doing? Decided to do Tommy x Reader for this post, although i am MAJORLY simping for Wilbur atm and i have brainrot so that’ll most likely be the next post (if i dont do a pt. 2 for this one but even so WILBUR).
Anyways i hope i did racooninnit justice, i have no idea how to do headcannons since half the time i ramble (its the adhd) so this was new for me. Definitely not my strong suit but like you live ya learn. Also, sorry if i left out quite a lot, i might make a fic about this and include more events, but this is really long for headcannons (because of my layout) so i didn’t include to much. I dont want people scrolling for like 20 seconds to go to another post (i write on mobile so undercut is not a thing for me RIP)
Anyways have a lovely day and dont let Tommy eat all your gapples!!
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muichiroslover · 3 years
This fic includes a Manga spoiler
From the manga “Tokyo Revengers” if
You aren’t that caught up and don’t
know the events then you’ve been warned!!!
Also this fic doesn’t follow the exact
timeline of Tokyo revengers!
Without further ado then
[spoilers from the Valhalla arc]
G/n= gang name
(Also yes i lazily borrowed characters from Genshin💀) + trust me to the end guys😭
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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The wind blew and your hands shook as you looked down at your boyfriends cold turning body, it felt like the world around you was spinning, your ears were ringing and your hands stained in the god awful red color of blood
“Kei, Kei please- please you-you have to get up, come on come on baby” you said in a shaky tone as your boyfriends head laid in your lap, his eyes barely lidded open, it was a cold day
He reached his hand up to you, it landed on your cheek as you put your hand over it in a desperate try to keep him here with you
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as your mouth clenched in anger sadness and grief
“I’m sorry...I thought I could do it..” he said hoarsely and you shush him telling him to save his energy until the ambulance could make it
He laughed, his laughter turning into a fit of coughs as blood shot out his mouth
“I’m not making it out babe..” he says and you shake your head “shut up Keisuke you always say the worse things at the wrong time” you cry as you hold onto the cold hand on your cheek
He smiled up at you, fangs showing and all as his eyes began to go dull
“I love you” he says and your eyes widen noticing how his hold on you started getting limp
“Kei! Kei I love you so much! I love you too so-so please d-dont do this” you pleaded and he slowly closed his eyes as he muttered one last thing to you
Your eyes widen as his hand goes limp on your cheek and his eyes fully close, he laid peacefully on your lap as the world fell silent
You didn’t get to grieve long as your vice captain ran up to you, pulling you
“Come on y/n! The cops are coming quickly we have to go!” He shouted, you seemed lost as he dragged you away from your beloved, Kazutora taking your place as he looked at you apologetically
“Come on boss!” Kazuha groaned as you weren’t exactly cooperating, tears streamed down your face as you turned around as you and Kazuha bolted to your motorcycles
You got on quickly as you started your engine, your team following quickly, you took once last glance at Baji and Kazutora as you gritted your teeth and drove off as the sounds of sirens approached
As you drove your head felt as if it was spinning and as if the sky itself was about to collapse on top of you, and you couldn’t stop it
Your mind just kept thinking of him
Baji Keisuke
Your beloved since childhood, no matter how much it hurts he’s gone now, he won’t ever sneak through your window at 3am to sleep
He won’t ever come over when his moms not home so you can cook for him
He won’t ever come over again to tell you about another stray cat he saved
It will never happen again
And that’s painful
It had been about 6 days since the bloody Halloween incident, your members could see the way you would seem lost or empty during meetings
The way your eyes would loose focus then tune back in at the last minute
They felt helpless as their leader seemed to fall apart in front of them
You sighed as a knock came at your door, you got up from the couch of your house and opened the door to see your first division captain
“Xiao, whats the problem?” You ask as you invite him in
“Someone wants to meet with us, he originally got thrown out of Toman and is asking to join up with us” he says as he stands in front of your body that had just sat back down
“Alright, who is this person?” You ask
“Kisaki Tetta I believe was his name, he was accompanied by a man named Hanma as well, he was at the bloody Halloween incident as Valhalla” he explains, you stare at him
“Okay, where did he wish to meet?” You ask and he hands you a paper that had an address on it
You stare at it blankly then look up
“Who’s free?”
You rode your motorcycle with a blank expression as Xiao, Kazuha, Chongyung, and Beidou rode behind you
“Y/n are you sure this is a good idea? Mikey must’ve kicked him out for a reason, shouldn’t we at least check with-“ Kazuha began as he aligned his motorcycle with yours
“Kazuha, eyes on the road” was all you said as you sped up, he sighed as he followed you without any other comments
You guys stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse as you hopped off your bike
“This isn’t sketchy at all..” Chongyung says and you sigh as you step into the warehouse, your members following close behind
As you stepped in you saw two boys standing in the center, one with glasses and one unbelievably tall with tattoos on his hands
You walked in until you stopped in front of the two boys
It stayed silent until you sighed putting your hands in your pocket
“So, you say you want to join g/n?” You ask bluntly and the tall guy laughs throwing his head back
“Straight to the point, I like her!” He says and your eyes don’t leave Kisaki’s
“Yes, I wish to make g/n stronger, with my help and the extra members I believe we can make g/n the strongest gang in Japan” he says and your dead eyes stare blankly at him before you smile
“Alright, welcome to the gang” you say
“Huh?! Y/n?!” Kazuha says grabbing your shoulder, your head falls back as you two make eye contact, the silence deadly
He lets you go as you turn your attention back to Kisaki and Hanma, both of them smiling or more like smirking
“I’m Hanma, this is Kisaki, glad to be here boss!~” Hanma says extending his hand to you, you look at his hand that had the word “Sin” on it
“Glad to have you” you say as you shake his hand
And with that the mini meeting ended and you began to head home, you parked your bike on the side of the house and opened your door, you closed it and as soon as you did someone pinned you
Your eyes met with red ones
“Kazuha” you spoke and he backed off
“Let’s have a chat” you say
You stood in front of the entirety of your gang on the stage of your little meet up area, Kazuha sat on a crate one step below you and Kisaki and Hanma stood on the slowest part of the stage
Your members talked in whispered voices as they talked about the two boys
“Alright alright quiet down” you said after finishing a conversation with Kazuha, crossing your arms you began
“These two boys, Kisaki and Hanma are now proudly apart of g/n” you say loud and clear with no expression to your face
“Weren’t they there during that day??”
“Why would they join?”
“Quiet” you say and in an instant the whispers stop
“I hope you treat them with respect and how you would treat any other member, they will help g/n grow and become stronger” you say and nobody says anything
“With that, I end this meeting, thank you all” you finish as everyone begins to disband, you watch as your second division captain, Beidou signals you over
You nod at Kisaki and Hanma as you step down and jump off the stage, you follow her to a closed off area and with a second glance she looks at you like your crazy
“Y/n?? What’s all of this? We can’t trust those two, I don’t know why but I get a bad feeling please reconsider this..” she says to you and you stare at her blankly as your ears perk
You sighed
“Beidou, this was my decision alone, I didn’t get manipulated and I’m not tricking anyone, I genuinely don’t even know what to do with g/n anymore so I accepted Kisaki and his group to larger our numbers for now, please trust me and trust Kisaki”’ you say and her eyes widen as her mouth falls open
“Alright I’m tired Beidou, please get home safe” you say and with that you left a bewildered Beidou alone at the wall as she watched your leaving figure
The weeks had continued as normal, you and Kisaki getting close enough to the point that you would invite him over your house
Your members had noticed your sudden closure with Kisaki and were worried that you were looking for someone to comfort yourself over a certain persons death and found the worse possible candidate to rebound to
So imagine there surprised when you announced you and Kisaki had gotten together, everyone tried to talk you out of it, everyone
“Y/n please, I know your grieving but Kisaki??” Xiao says and you sigh as you run a hand through your hair, tears brimmed your eyes
“Xiao please, for the first time since Baji’s death I feel comforted, safe, loved, please can you guys see from my point of view for one second” you say looking up at him as a tear rolled down your cheek
Xiao opened his mouth then closed it, he repeated this action once or twice before signing, with his eyebrows furrowed he looked at you
“Alright Y/n...just please don’t do anything stupid” he says and you smile at him
“Of course not Xiao, I’m not stupid” you say and he hesitatingly nods as he takes his leave from your house, you listen as the door closes and you sigh as you wipe your eye and grab your cup of coffee sipping it
“It’s been quiet still, no gangs are trying to brawl or anything” Chongyung reports to you and you nod
“Good, then I suppose we can take a break, I heard a festival was around the corner” you say to him and he nods
“Yeah there is, are you going with Kisaki?” He asks leaning back on the chair in your house, you put your foot on the bottom of the chair as you slam it to the ground, you stare at Chongyung before smiling
“Yes I should ask him if he would like to go” you say and he looks at you before nodding agreeing with you
Chongyung was one of the few who didn’t question your relationship with Kisaki, not because he wasn’t worried but because he trusts you with every fiber of his being, you don’t do things for no reason
If this was what you wanted who was he to say otherwise?
“Then I’m gonna leave now, tell me how your date goes with Kisaki” he says as he gets up from the chair, you nod as you get up and walk him out
“Bye then” you say and he waved as he leaves, you go back in and sit down as you pick up your phone and dial a number
“Kisaki hey, can you come over?” You speak into the phone cheerfully as the boy on the other side of the phone hums and hangs up
You put the phone down as your blank stare shifts to your room, getting up you open your bedroom door, you look at the photos of you and Baji that were still hung up and the pictures of you Mikey, Baji ,Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya and Pah chin as kids, life was so easy back then
You grab one photo of Baji smiling and smile at it, you kiss it once and then begin taking off all the pictures from your bulletin board
You open a draw and throw the pictures in and close it, you grab one picture, it’s of You Kisaki and Hanma and hang it up
You stare at it before there’s a knock on your door, without a second glance to the bulletin board you leave the room and head towards the door
You opened it and smiled at Kisaki, he looked at you as you stepped to the side to let him in, he walked in and sat down on the couch as you followed and sat next to him
“So what’s up?” He asks boredly and you beam at him
“Let’s go to the festival together” you say and he looks at you with a slight raised eyebrow
“Pleasee, it’ll be fun I promise” you say with a kind smile and tilt of your head, he sweat drops as he looks away
‘I guess I have to put up the act..’ he thinks as he looks at your gleaming eyes, awaiting his answer
He sighs
“Alright we can go..” he says and you grin at him as you grab both his hands in yours
“Thank you love! I’m so happy right now.” You say, your smile never faltering, eyes closed, grip tight around his hands
“Yeah..” he says and you let go as you turn around your smiling falling
“Oh!” You say as he turns around staring at your soft smile “what’s your favorite food? Ill make it for you” you say and he makes a face, like disgust
“Uhm, Anything is fine” he says and you nod
“The festival starts at 6 tomorrow, don’t be late! I’m serious Kisaki!!” You reprimand as you push him out your door as he groans
“Yeah yeah, 6pm got it..” he says and you smile at him as you hug him and let go before he turns and leaves and you close the door
The house falls silent as you stare blankly at the door, you turn around as you head to your room
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: April 13th, 2021
And we’re back again with more replies so soon, haha. Thank you for the asks!
Your game literally saved me this hell ass year. Thank you so much for the most perfect piece of art I've ever laid eyes on 😫 ... Do you guys have a rough idea when step 3 DLC will be released? I hope I'm not coming off as rude. I just really really love your game.
I’m sorry for the late reply on this! You might’ve already seen the answer by now, but the Step 3 DLC is coming out on the 16th. We’re almost there :D
This may be a silly question but did Jeremy's parents ever find out that Pran had lied about his age and if so, when/how? :3
Pran came clean to them after a couple of years, when he felt secure enough that it wouldn’t ruin the relationship. The Kings were a little embarrassed, the dad more than the mom, but they’re quite good at brushing past those kind of mistakes so it was all water under the bridge pretty fast.
hi! i know you’ve answered a question about alterations in the our life moments by playing them in different orders, but i was wondering if there was a canon order that the moments for each step happen in? i figure with such a customizable game the “canon” timeline for the moments is whatever order the player completes them in, for example in step 1, i like playing the runaway moment pretty early, since cove trying to run away early in summer makes more sense to me personally. thanks!
Yeah, there’s no canon order we’d insist on. Whatever you like can be the official route for you! And that’s a neat way to look at that event.
What if your character isn’t that into physical contact but still wants to be in a relationship with Cove? Would he be offended if you shy away or something along those lines?
He wouldn’t be. Cove knows how hard that can be and is very understanding. If you set his initiative to low, the game always checks to make sure if you want to be touched or not rather than assuming that you do. And if you do choose that you don’t want to, there’s no stress or drama about it. Cove will just say that’s okay!
Hellu! First off, I want to thank you all for such a wonderful game, it's been the best feel-good game I've ever stumbled upon and I can't express enough how much it has meant to me. Second, I've seen lots of people having trouble with making Cove confess before MC which makes me wonder if people will have the same problem in the dlc when you can propose to him. Is it possible to post a guide for that as well when it no longer could count as a spoiler? Again, thanks for such a beautiful game <3
I’m really happy you had such a nice time with it c:. We’ll answer questions about it on tumblr/in the discord if they come up and, if need be, we’ll find somewhere to upload a guide.
Do we get steam key from buying dlc on itch io?
I’m afraid not. That’d be unfair to those who get it on Steam. Plus, Steam isn’t super cool with giving out thousands of keys to be handed out for free on other sites anymore. They can refuse to give us the keys if they feel we’re trying to take advantage of their system.
hi! so if we reject cove's confession in step 3, can we still have MC and cove get together in step 4?
You can confess to him, yeah. But Cove won’t ever try confessing again if the MC turns him down in Step 3.
What if MC acts like someone Cove doesn't like, like Lizzie or Baxter lol
You can’t do what Lizzie or Baxter does to make Cove dislike them. You can play the game and try, but it doesn’t work out. The MC is just too compatible with Cove if you’re fond/crush/love, haha.
Hi! I absolutely love your game, I love the characters they’re all so amazing, thank you for the game haha
I was wondering if you would get the NSFW DLC no matter what Patreon level you were at, or if you would could get it at any level? :)
What pateron tier do we need to get the 18+ content for Our Life? It's my new favourite game, keep up the good work!
It will eventually be available at the $5 tier and anything above that! Glad you both like OL ^^
On a scale from 1 (being the worst) to 10, how well do the XOXO jerk squad including JB handle horror?
JB: 8
Everett: 5
Nate: 4
Shiloh: 10
Bae: 10
Jeremy: 8 for non-gore horror, 2 for gory horror
Pran: 9
hello!! i was wondering if any of the boys from the Jerksquad would ever wear a skirt/dress?
None of them wear skirts/dresses out of personal preference. But if there was some kind of reason where they had to do it, none would be that bothered.
How does the jerk squad feel about Christmas? 
Everett: He fucking loves it. That’s the best time of year.
Nate: Commercialized nonsense.
Shiloh: It’s wonderful! So he claims.
Bae: He likes it quite a bit, but only for the joy it brings children/family. He thinks that’s sweet but is too mature to be whipped up into a festive fervor himself.
Jeremy: It’s awful.
Pran: He hates it.
does cove have any pet allergies? yes I know this is a little weirdly specific
He doesn’t! The lucky boy isn’t allergic to any animal.
Very important question: Would Lee and a musical-theatre loving MC run around belting Into The Unknown from Frozen 2? Because I feel that they would 
Probably, haha.
This might seem like a dumb question, so I’m sorry, but with the Derek DLC are we gonna get to hang out with him in person instead of just calling him in step 3? 
The Derek DLC adds events in Step 2 and Step 4. It’s part of his story that you don’t really get to be around him in Step 3. But you don’t need to apologize for wondering!
hello! i'd like to ask if it's possible to play the android version of the game with the dlcs after buying the dlcs from steam. i wasn't expecting my android version to have my dlcs since i bought them from steam, but it had my step 2 dlc for some reason. is this a glitch or does the apk actually detect what dlcs you already have on your pc? if so, how come i don't have the step 1 dlc appearing on android? thanks!
That is some kind of glitch. It isn’t possible for the Android DLCs to be unlocked by having them on PC. Maybe in one of the old builds we accidentally didn’t lock the Step 2 DLC properly. Sorry for the confusion!
Does Derek and Baxter have canon sexualities? Will Derek still flirts with the MC regardless of their gender?
They’re both pansexual and can like the MC regardless of what gender they have.
I was wondering if Miranda had a crush on Cove in Step 3? I'm not sure why, but I got those vibes from her?
She thinks of him only as a friend. Cove isn’t her type, haha.
This is probably a dumb hope, but I hope Cliff find someone he loves after Cove is grown up and everything. Or at the very least he has someone he's very close with after Cove leaves. 
That’s a really sweet thought to have. Cliff stays single, but he’s graysexual and not-particularly romantically inclined. He only dated when he was really young ‘cause that’s what everyone did. Family and friend relationships are more important to him, and he has plenty of that in his life ^^.
Heya! I was curious if there might be a nickname system in N&F? I kind of pull an Elizabeth when I play and choose a different variation of a name like having Rosie in step one and changing it to Rose in step two, then maybe Rosetta in step three for example, but it also feels a little bit odd being scolded using my nickname hehe. That's all I was wondering about, thank you for your time and the wonderful games!
We are hoping to include the option to go by a nickname in Our Life: Now & Forever. But nothing has been programmed yet, so we can’t 100% guarantee it, haha.
Just curious, what would Liz's and Cove's relationship be if MC wasn't around? I feel like they wouldn't get along as well as they do now, especially during the first and second step 
They’d definitely have a lot of friction growing up and they’d likely avoid each other as much as possible. Once they were both older, I imagine they’d be decent neighbor acquaintances. But they still wouldn’t be nearly as close as they are with the MC bringing Cove into things.
What do the customizable eyes look like in the game? Do they look as they are in the creating avatar section? Or do they look different when actually playing the game?
That’s up to you! The doll is just meant to be a general idea. You can apply it to your imagined MC as much or as little as you prefer.
Did Cove go through a "phase" during his adolescence? I don't really wanna headcanon it so I wonder if there's anything (cringy) canon since we missed out on the ages of 14-17 hahaha
Not really, aha. 14-17 Cove is pretty recognizable to his 13 and 18 year old self.
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, especially with all the messages you get. I was just wondering if the religious wedding venue was exclusive to a church or if there will be different religions of weddings? Also, I love this VN so much, it's so well written and every character is so amazing, thank you for making such a beautiful game.
The church is treated as a historic building rather than anything actively religious, but it’s not the only option like that. There’s a historic synagogue and stuff too! And that’s really nice of you to say <3.
How differently would it play out If MC told their moms about the 20$ deal back when it happened? 
They wouldn’t have been happy and would’ve been far more skeptical of Cliff, aha. But they wouldn’t want to keep Cove away from the MC, so it wouldn’t have been too different in the long run.  
Hello may I ask what Cove's favorite fudge/ice cream flavor would be? Its alright if its not answered 
He appreciates them all, but his top favorites would be the fruit flavored ones and the ones with nuts.
Hi! I really wanted to make mc's house in a game and tried really hard to figure out the floor plan, but I wondered if you have the floor plan of the mc's house so that i can try again with more accuracy?
Thank you a lot for this game, i loved it a lot! (my first play took me 8 hours lol)
I’m really sorry, we don’t have anything like that. But at least you can headcanon that what you did is correct and nothing can prove it wrong, haha.
Hello,I recently started playing lake of voices (I put it off for a long while since I’m usually not very good with horror) and I’m really happy I did!I’m a big fan of your games in general and lake of voices was absolutely great as well.I loved the characters and the dark setting of it,I adored the beautiful art and music and the story was great too,sometimes unsettling and sometimes very sweet.My favorite Route in the game was definitely Lu,I liked his character and was really shocked and distraught by his Route at least two times.I didn’t see the plot twist(s) coming at all!
Besides these ramblings I’ve also wanted to ask if you still remember how to get the lower two CGs on page 5?I seem to always miss them and would appreciate any help.Anyways I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother and I wish the devs a great day!:)
Thank you for all the kind words <3. You get those DLCs by going through the end of the Guide’s character path. You can use the guides on Steam to help you find it/reach the end!
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Thank you again for all of these questions :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Hi! Recently discovered your blog and big fan! Can I request dazai pining after a new doctor (actual doctor no super ability) and he remembered seeing her back in his mafia days and just absolutely flustered over her. Idk why he left the mafia (just finished season 1) but can we let the reader be somewhat of the goodness he sees in the world that made him leave that. I'd live it if you could include a happy ending with out innocent and warm reader. Stay hydrated much love to you!
C/n: hi there! Thank you so much for the compliment. I really appreciate it. I didn’t put any season two spoilers here so it’s a safe fic. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Healing Love. (Dazai x Reader)
The news was such a joy to the ADA. To get a new doctor meant that they wouldn’t have to endure Yosano’s...ways of healing them.
“Finally, sir. I’ve been needing an extra pair of hands.” Yosano sighs as she crosses her arms. “Yeah and we’ve been needing a new way to not get molested while receiving help.” Junichiro grumbles while recalling his recovery. Yosano raises her hand to slap him but gets interrupted when the door opens.
A beautiful, young woman on a white coat stands next to Fukuzawa. Her h/c locks tied up in a neat bun with beautiful earrings. “Everyone, meet Dr Y/n L/n.” Fukuzawa introduces her and Dazai turns around shocked. ‘Y/n..’
“Hi everyone. I can’t wait to get to know all of you.” She smiles and waves and everyone walks to her introducing themselves. Dazai just say down and thought. “Not gonna say hi?” Kunikida asks and Dazai doesn’t answer. Y/n smiles and laughs at the members as she shows them her bag and Yosano drags her to her working area where she would be sharing with Y/n. It’s been so long since Dazai had seen her...
Dazai stood outside the nurse’s office as he waited for his partner. “Ow! Y/n, goddamn.” He hears Chuuya whine in pain and then followed by a beautiful giggle. “Sorry, Chuuya. I did say it would sting, didn’t I?” Dazai smiled to himself as he listened to her. Her voice gave him some sort of comfort and tranquility tha he hadn’t felt in all of his life.
The door opens to reveal a patched up Chuuya holding his hat and jacket. “Thanks again, Y/n.” “No problem, Chuuya.” She says and looks at Dazai. “Hi, Dazai.” She waves and Dazai smiles. “Hey.” He mumbles and quickly walks away with a terrible red blush. Chuuya snickers and looks back at her. “So flustered for a suicidal maniac, huh?” Y/n laughs and watches Dazai’s retreating figure.
When he saw her for the last time, a lot had happened. He was sitting on the bed while Y/n stitched his arm up after a bullet grazed him. She didn’t say anything and neither did he. His feelings for her grew over time and Y/n felt the same. But their job was so dangerous and Dazai couldn’t put her in the position to worry over him. She tied the thread and snipped the extra bit before placing a bandage over it.
“It’s alright now.” She whispers and he nods. Dazai puts on his jacket. Before he leaves, he turns and looks at her. Y/n was already watching him with a soft smile trying to make him feel at ease. It did. He did feel warm whenever he saw her smile and he knew he wouldn’t feel that same feeling after today.
He opened the door and left, never to be seen or heard from again. And that broke Y/n.
Dazai watched her talk with Atsushi while she prepared some tea. “Oh yeah. Dazai is great. He was the one who helped me into the Agency.” He saw her freeze when Atsushi said his name. “Dazai? Dazai Osamu?” She whispers and Atsushi nods. “Oh! You didn’t meet him yet. There he is. Come, I’ll introduce you to him.” Atsushi takes her hand and leads her to Dazai where he sat by his table.
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat. This..really was Dazai. Still with the bandages but at least it didn’t cover his eye anymore. He wore brighter colors and seemed so much better than how he was.
“D-Dazai?” She stutters as he gets up and walks to her. “Hello, Y/n. Missed me?” Atsushi looked back and forth between the pair, confused. “Do you guys already know each other or something?” He asks and Y/n nods her head. “Something like that. Atsushi, leave us please.” Dazai says with a stern voice. One Atsushi hasn’t heard for all the time he has been here. But Y/n had. All those years ago in the Mafia.
When Atsushi left, his gaze softened at her. His hand reached and move a stray hair behind her ear. “Dazai.” She breathes and he smiles. “I missed you too.” “Where did you go? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave me?” Dazai sighed and held her hand in his. “I needed to change, Y/n. I couldn’t go on with those killings anymore. And also, because of you.” Y/n eyes widen. “Me?”
“Yes. You were so sweet to me. Kind to everyone and you never once turned down a patient no matter who they were. Your father was the leader of one of the most dangerous mobs out there yet you were the goodness that he never had. I love you, Y/n. I still do. But I had to change in order to be your man.”
Y/n smiles widely and leaped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly. “I love you, Dazai. I always have.” Dazai pulled away and laid a gentle kiss on her lips. “You know I kinda already knew, right?” She says and Dazai tilts his head. She doesn’t say anything and he groans when he realizes.
Now that they were together, Dazai couldn’t leave Y/n alone. He was always with her. By her desk, her nursing office or just standing behind her. Kunikida and Atsushi groan whenever they see him kiss Y/n or say something. Not that it wasn’t nice, it just proved how wiped he was for her.
“I can’t believe that you kept the bandages, Zai.”
“Well, you can always take them off, Y/n. They’re for your eyes only, ya know?”
Kunikida takes his Ideal and gets ready to throw it when Atsushi just gently puts his hand down. Dazai deserved this happiness. Just as much as they deserved each other.
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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oneyeartoparty · 3 years
I’ve been reading ur post and I just wanna request the brothers reacting to MC being fully able to fight back and win against belpie but didn’t in fear of hurting him? Probably knowing he would be a strong opponent too sorry if it’s too much😅
Hi! Its not too much at all. I hope you enjoy and thank you for the request =D
This contains: Mentions of violence, injury, being attacked, being trapped & death. Also has spoilers for Chapter 16.
Lucifer felt a feeling of dread, something quite rare for him, build up within him when he saw you and a floating Belphie in his demon form wrapped in chains appear before them on the staircase.
He was keenly aware of how much danger Belphie was in, and how he didn’t understand the situation at all. He was too preoccupied with attempting to free himself and hurl obscenities at anyone in range to notice he was close to being crushed.
Not wanting to see his youngest brother meet a grisly demise, he starts trying to calm you down and ensure you won’t harm Belphie.
When Lucifer learns Belphie tried to murder you, he becomes visibly angry. He might not show it outwardly often, but he has grown fond of you during your time in the Devildom, and losing you because he failed to safeguard you, from one of his brothers no less, would’ve incredibly upsetting for him.
Before Diavolo and Barbatos arrive, he’s able to convince you to slightly loosen the chains wrapped around his sibling, something he would secretly be proud of given the circumstances and your ruthlessness when it comes to defending yourself from unruly demons.
Once the truth of the situation is revealed, and everything has calmed down, and in Belphie’s case, been freed, Lucifer takes it upon himself to ensure you’re feeling ok after the incident and ensuring you get any support you need. He realises your happiness is important to him, and he’ll do whatever he can to make sure he can see your smile every day.
When you descended the stairs with a little calf on a lead trotting behind you, Mammon was, like his brothers, incredibly confused. Where did you get that calf and how did it even get down into the Devildom in the first place?
It took him a few moments to recognize the cowhide had a pattern identical to the pillow Belphie always carried around. Had you used your magic to turn Belphie into the calf?
Of course, his human would be able to easily do something like this to one of the most powerful demons in existence. How could you not? He knew you were skilled and powerful enough to pull this off. It was hilarious when he thought about it. How frustrated must Belphie to have been turned into a helpless little calf?
But then he realised why you would’ve had to have done something like this. He knew Belphie hated humans, he was certainly capable and willing to kill one. That was the reason you had turned him, wasn’t it?
Mammon has rarely felt as much rage toward one of his brothers as he felt at that moment. Had you not been so skilled at magic, you could’ve been injured, or more likely, killed by Belphie. He was close to launching himself at his defenseless sibling when Diavolo and Barbatos burst in and revealed everything.
From many months after the incident, Mammon would keep a closer eye on you. He wanted to be there to protect you if something like this happened again. He wanted to be the one you could rely on and who could keep you safe.
Leviathan would never admit it, even well after the incident, but the sight of his youngest brother turned into a cardboard cut-out was hysterical to him.
The angry look on his brothers temporarily cardboard face as you tossed him from the top of the stairs and watched him slowly floated down to the floor has always bought him joy even during his saddest times.
He was keenly aware that you wouldn’t have done this unless Belphie has done something to warrant it. Since you were a human, it didn’t take Levi long to surmise that was the case, the idea confirmed by his brother’s cardboard form being in demon form with a rage-filled look on his face.
Levi didn’t blame you at all for doing this. You’d defended yourself and done so in a way that only embarrassed Belphie. He knew you could’ve done far worse, and he was glad for your restraint, though he doubted Belphie realised just how lucky he was.
When Diavolo and Barbatos finally arrived and revealed the truth behind recent events (and along with the brothers, convinced you to turn Belphie back into his regular demonic self) Levi checked on you in his way. He was both upset and overjoyed by the mix of events on that day, so he tried his best to stick close to you and make sure you were safe and happy. He even sent a few compliments your way, which was rare in more public settings.
Levi did punish his younger brother in his way for his stupid actions. Whenever the three of you played together, he’d always do his best to ensure Belphie came last, though he didn’t need to try too hard since he was usually napping 5 minutes into any game.
Satan wasn’t sure what he was expected when he and his brothers arrived back at the House of Lamentation, the last thing they were expecting was the peace they encountered. Belphie wasn’t known to be destructive, but angry demons did have a habit of smashing things unnecessarily.
When you appeared on the stairs, a book gripped in one hand he was relieved. You were unharmed, though he saw visible annoyance and fear in your expression. He knew then that something had happened, and it wasn’t good.
You walked straight up to Lucifer and handed him the book, saying in no uncertain terms that you weren’t freeing Belphie until you were certain he wouldn’t try killing you again and received a massive and genuine apology from the demon in question.
Dumbfounded, Lucifer opened the book, and Satan quickly moved beside him to get a look. The inside was a children's book, specifically the story of Snow White. The story followed the usual plot, except walking along the pages, looking angry and in his demon form, was Belphie.
He was enraged by his predicament. He was helpless in the pages, able to walk amongst the pictures but unable to change anything. He could move between pages but was unable to escape.
Later in the day, once everything was explained and Belphie was freed (and has given a substantial apology) Satan would congratulate you on easily subduing his youngest brother with ease and acknowledge your abilities.
He also vowed you would never need to use your powers in such a manner again, and he would always be by your side to defend you and keep you safe.
Asmodeus must admit that the snow globe you had trapped Belphie in was both an ingenious way to contain the enraged demon and a beautifully designed piece he would gladly own if it weren’t a temporary prison.
He has wondered why of all things you were carrying the snow globe when you approached the group of demons. This wondered turned to concern when he saw the annoyed look on your face.
Once you’d explained what happened with Belphie he immediately came to your side and gave you a check over. The fact that this happened at all was atrocious, not to mention it was caused by his own younger brother.
His brothers tried to convince you to release Belphie, but Asmo doesn’t think he should be released just yet. After his actions, he deserves some punishment. He even offers to keep the snow globe in his room. He’ll be a perfect guardian of the object. Plus, he had already planned the perfect setup for some Devilgram photos including the snow globe.
He couldn’t hide his disappointment when Lucifer shot the idea down with a stern glare in his direction.
Once the truth of the situation and the truth of your origins was revealed my Diavolo and Barbatos, and Belphie freed (though Asmo still thought he should’ve been kept in there for a little longer), Asmo spends his time doting on you.
He knew situations like this could stick with someone, and he didn’t want you to feel alone or unprotected (even though he knew you could look after yourself). He also gave Belphie an earful about how stupid he was and warned him to never do that again, or he’d been dealing with both of you.
Beel wasn’t concerned when you approached them with a sleeping Belphie floating along behind you on a bed of pillows. He was used to seeing his twin napping in strange situations, so this wasn’t different.
This changed when you told the group of demon brothers that Belphie wouldn’t be waking up until you had assurances that he wouldn’t try to murder you like he had just moments before.
Beel’s concern was torn between you and Belphie. Humans were fragile, and even one as powerful as you could be hurt by a demon-like Belphie, so he understood why you defended yourself and weren’t relenting. But Belphie was still his twin, even though he was wrong, he didn't want him trapped in eternal sleep.
He checks on you first, making sure you’re unhurt. He tells you he is immensely hurt by Belphies actions and hopes it doesn’t permanently ruin your relationship with him or ruin the chance of you mending things with Belphie.
After that, while his brothers are checking on you, he looks over Belphie. He is unhurt, but he is deeply asleep, far more so than he usually is. He affectionally moves some of the hair covering Belphie’s face just as Diavolo and Barbatos enter the room and reveal everything.
Once everything settles down, Beel spends his time trying to mend the relationship between you and his twin, and make sure you’re doing well, both mentally and physically. You’re both his family, and he will do whatever he can to make sure you’re both safe and happy.
Belphie thought you were an easy mark when you first met. A gullible, stupid human who he could easily string along to earn both his freedom and destroy the Exchange Program.
It was this arrogance that leads to him ignoring you when you talked about being a powerful magic user. No doubt you were only an expert in sleight of hand party tricks and were simply trying to impress him.
Imagine his surprise when he tried attacking you but found himself trapped in a near-transparent bubble instead.
Even his most vicious and powerful attacks in his demon form were unable to penetrate or dent the sphere now surrounding him and this only served to increase his fury.
He was so focused on trying to escape he didn’t notice you taking him down to the house’s entryway where his brothers were gathered. Their argument below quickly turned into pleading for you not to hurt him and to please let him down gently.
You were adamant though. You wouldn’t hurt him, but you wouldn’t let him down until you knew he’d stop attacking you.
You would later explain to Belphie you weren’t lying and were indeed a powerful magic user. Your abilities were spotted by the Sorcerers’ Society at a young age, and they took you in and taught you all they know.
He’s both impressed by your skills and grateful that he was never close to hurting you. He vows to himself to never again hurt you and to support you forevermore to make up forever thinking of hurting you.
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I didn't really know how to come up with my own conclusion to this idea, so I thought I'd hear a fellow Seed Simp side of this :
Since Joseph isn't really happy in New Eden because he lost his siblings, and they aren't there to share New Eden together (and New Eden wasn't really something he was hoping it to be?? I think those were some of his opinions? It's been a good while now after I finished the game)
But, what if his siblings lived and actually walked through Eden's gate into New Eden with him, without Deputy's interferance?
Would he feel more alive to be there with them? Or will there be some lingering feelings of unhappy (or some emotion of the sort) about this New Eden?
ANOTHER QUESTION!! (this is sort of a fun question)
If they did, how'd you think Jacob, John and Faith would handle themselves against the Twins? 👀 Hmm? HMMM?? Like they'd just be ambushed by Highway men and whilst the end of the fight all of them lock eyes with the Twins and there's this urge to watch each other crumble
Dude, imagine if the Seed Siblings lived to see New Eden and then fight against the Highway men and the Twins
Spoilers for Far Cry New Dawn!!
hey!! thanks for asking, those are such cool questions :D
So in regards to the first question - I've given it some thought and I think you're right in assuming that Joseph was a little disappointed with how New Eden felt for him - e.g. "I thought it would be glorious" *begging to be killed or "released"* - I think that's a pretty good assumption. So we know the Deputy "changed" Joseph in the Bunker, as we heard him say (This could mean that Joseph started to feel inadequate or even guilty - I'll talk a little more about that later). I personally think that, without his siblings, New Eden (including the collapse) would feel very different to the glorious, beautiful thing he was expecting. If we say, for example, that everything went according to his plan - he would feel more at home and comfortable with his siblings there. He didn't know what to do when his siblings died - "I thought I new God's plan" when all of them had gone. And let's not forget that the Deputy probably wouldn't had "changed" Joseph in the way they had if they were not alone and nearly starving together in this smaller bunker, in which they could have possibly changed his feelings towards it. So what I am saying is that, yes, Joseph would feel more fulfilled with New Eden if he had his siblings with him.
I feel as if it's worth mentioning that the feeling lost and as if he is not the true shepherd of his flock could also be leading him to feel less fulfilled within New Eden. Whether this comes from his communications with God or the Highway Men, that's up to interpretation.
Overall, what I'm saying is that there are many factors that I love to consider 😂 but, in my personal opinion, yes, I think he would have felt better and less lost, more fulfilled if he had his siblings by his side.
(I'm sorry if this wasn't well explained, I'm tired, so I don't know how well it reads 😂)
The Second Question!!!
We all know the twins are smug and a little mischievous (and very clever).
Jacob - so despite the fact that he's very clever, I feel as if the twins could run circles around him, but I get the feeling he wouldn't underestimate them, so that might not happen. He would handle himself pretty well against them, I think. He can fight, and he has good ideas about strategy.
John - i feel as if he wouldn't be able to cope. John works by getting in people's heads, their fears and weaknesses. He works by sneaking in like a slithery snake (john: hiss hiss bitch) and gaining things that way. The twins don't trust people, they would never even try and let him in their group. In other words, they would laugh and spit in his face. As John tries to understand their intentions to slowly break them down, he would never dominate any interaction, because they have no intention (from what I gather) other than causing chaos and having fun. Yeah, despite how cool and sneaky he is, he wouldn't handle his own very well.
Faith - At first I thought that this could go either one of two ways. Either Faith would become so intimidated by them that she's scared, and therefore, could never hold her own. OR the twins underestimate her smaller, effeminate demeanour, just like everybody else did, and she gets the upperhand every single time. Then I thought about it a bit more and wondered if Faith would even be intimidated in the first place. Say what you want about her, I'd say she's pretty tough. She could pretend to cry and while they laugh, she could through a bunch of Bliss in their faces and vanish. (Faith: like Houdini :3)
These are just my opinions based on the evidence I've seen. If I've missed something or you just disagree, let me know! I'm interested to hear what people think.
Thanks for the questions!!
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Hello! If you don't mind me asking, are you planning on watching House of the Dragon? I'm personally unsure about it. I was cautiously optimistic about it since D&D are not involved, but the recent casting news have been ugh disappointing imo. What do you think?
Hey anon! Sorry to say I kind of mind you asking because my inbox is still closed (to everyone except my secret Santas, which is why the ask page is accessible at all), but then I realized it’s possible if you’re on the mobile app only, you haven’t seen said note in my askbox, or my FAQ, or anything of the sort. And with older metas of mine being reblogged recently, it’s possible you may be confused. (I hope you’re on mobile only and not just ignoring my requests.) So I wanted to inform you of that... but also, y’know, I kind of wanted to make a post about the HotD cast anyway? And this ask is as good a prompt as any... so, you’re lucky, but please don’t push your luck. ;)
So, straight up: I currently have no plans to watch House of the Dragon. HBO is not getting any of my goddamn money, I don’t trust like that. And hunting down illegal livestreaming sites is a pain in the ass and I regret ever doing it for GoT, as well as regretting getting drunk every weekend enough to dampen my senses to ever tolerate that show. Yeah it’s different showrunners and writers, I know. It’s still (mostly) the same executives at HBO and even if the pervert producer is gone (or is he?), you know they still just want to sell sex and violence and dragons to an audience that thinks fantasy is for geeks.
Also, considering that Fire & Blood’s story of Dance of the Dragons has very little actual narrative or dialogue, and the historical record is deliberately untrustworthy, that gives them pretty much full rein to do whatever they like with the story and characterization and words without even being slightly obliged to GRRM at all. Furthermore, since the story is wholly political with virtually none of the magical side of ASOIAF (excepting dragons), and honestly does not have much in the way of themes or depth that main ASOIAF or even D&E has, I think it will be very hard for an adaptation to show even those brief sparks of quality that used to make me wistful GoT couldn’t be that good all the time and eventually just made me frustrated and depressed. Note I do like the history and characters of the Dance despite myself, despite its many many many textual issues, but I don’t need to see an adaptation, I have a very visual imagination. I don’t watch a lot of television to begin with, I don’t see why I should start again with this.
However, I’m not going to avoid spoilers or discussion, and I’ll probably follow the show the tumblr way, through gifsets and video clips and people bitching on their blogs etc. If, somehow, by some miracle of good screenwriting and acting, the show manages to transcend its source material, I’m sure I will be informed. And then, if and only if then, I may try watching. (Without, of course, giving HBO any of my goddamn money.) We shall see.
(Though I certainly don’t know why anyone in Targ standom would ever watch a Dance adaptation considering almost every Targaryen and everyone else in the story is terrible except Helaena and the kids, and considering how the story ends, unless y’all are gluttons for punishment? (I do not comprehend hatewatching, sorry.) It’ll probably be fun at first to see the adventures of those “precious silver douchebags” (to borrow a friend’s tag), but eventually rocks fall, everyone dies, including the girlboss you know you’ll hope the story will be changed enough that she succeeds. Just letting you know now, she won’t.)
That said. I’ve been following the casting news and I think the hate/fear/wild screaming is entirely overblown. Yeah, I know, but wait, just listen. On Friday I officially welcomed @naomimakesart to the “favorite character is now played by an actor who looks nothing like most fanart and is mostly known for wildly different roles” club. I still remember that day in September 2009 when my brother texted me “yarp”... and that right there is the thing. Yeah. Rory McCann looks very little like most pre-GoT Sandor fanart... but many fans grew to love him anyway. (There are some who never did, of course. And yeah the character went off the rails by the end, but truly, who didn’t. Having seen his audition, having spoken to him and heard him wistfully talk about book scenes he loved, I’m convinced if Rory had only been given Sandor’s actual scenes and such, he would’ve killed it. Sigh. Deep, deep sigh.)
And Rory isn’t the only one. Neither of the actors for Jaime and Cersei were considered “beautiful” enough at first. I recall very clearly people bitching about Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (about his nose particularly?) because they had wanted Tarzan-era Travis Fimmel to be Jaime. (Seeing people bitch because current-Fimmel isn’t playing Daemon made me laugh out loud for both BEYONCE?! meme -type “why would you ever cast him omg he doesn’t fit my headcanon Daemon at all”, and amazing amounts of fandom flashbacks.) Lena Headey was “too square-jawed”, “too mean-looking” (since at the beginning you should never be able to guess she’s evil), “too dark-complected”, “too mannish”, not at all attractive enough. (Tricia Helfer was the most common “but I wanted” for Cersei, btw.) And of course “they don’t remotely look like twins, ugh!” Note, there’s receipts for all of this, none of it is made up. (Unfortunately.) Those two actors are just the ones whose casting wank I recall most clearly, particularly because oh how the turn tables.
Also. You know, there’s a post with Matt Smith and Mark Simonetti’s TWOIAF Daemon going around with shrieks of horror... and I’m finding it maddening in a “am I crazy? am I  the crazy one???” way, because Matt looks like the painting. Their features are not that dissimilar.
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Same deepset eyes. Same cheekbones of doom. Same thin lips. Same protruding chin. Same high forehead. Same invsible eyebrows ffs. Matt has a squarer jaw, and a longer more rectangular face, and a wider nose, but considering that Daemon’s features are not described in the text, and this is the only official ASOIAF artwork that shows Daemon’s face straight on, I can for sure see why he was probably shortlisted to begin with. And that’s not even getting into to his role in The Crown, which I’ve heard is very well played with politics and palace intrigue... and if you doubt Smith can play seductive/roguish and/or evil (depending on how you LARP as a Westeros historian), or look good with long hair... well. I do not want to watch the movie, but this trailer is disturbingly enlightening.
And as for Rhaenyra... y’all know this show is starting at the beginning of the story, right? When she’s a teenager? Not a voluptuous MILF? Yeah, Emma D’Arcy doesn’t look like a Magali Villeneueve painting (though who does, good lord), but you know who she does look remarkably like? Harry Lloyd.
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Same jawline. Same nose. Same thin lips. Same sharp cheekbones. Notably, same kind of sharp cheekbones and deep-set eyes as Matt Smith. HBO evidently has a concept of a “Targaryen look” that’s a little bit quirkier than supermodel-Greek statue-gods on earth, yeah, fine. But it’s consistent, and they look like family, and that-- that is good casting.
And yeah, in a few months to a year or so, you’ll see them in costume and wigs and makeup, you’ll see them in motion and speaking lines, and go Oh. That’s different. Never mind. And while people will make fanart of the show depictions of the characters and those will probalby get popular, they’ll also keep doing fanart of their pre-show headcanons, and those too will be popular. (God knows when I draw or visualize book!Sandor, Rory does not come to mind, lol.) Either way, there’s no reason to panic. We’ll live.
(Though will we live well? Got to wait on the writing and showrunning for that, alas.)
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tagsecretsanta · 4 years
From @Gumnut-Logic
to @such-a-random-rambler
Sorry for the wait Random-rambler! I hope you enjoy it :) And a humongous thank you to Nutty for jumping in to help <3
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author above!
Title: Tactics
Author: Gumnut
Spoilers & warnings: None so far.
Author’s note: This one has been fun to write. There will be more. Theoretically, only one more chapter, but who knows with my muse.
The prompts were:
Fight in the snow, snowball or otherwise
I’ll let you work out which I included :D
Many, many thanks to @tsarinatorment for the extensive plotwork to stimulate my migraine fogged brain and to @scribbles for reading ::hugs you both so much:: Couldn’t do it without you. Also, thanks to @tagsecretsanta for all their hard work putting this challenge together.
Merry Christmas to you and a safe and well new year as well ::hugs::
I hope you enjoy this :D
It was ever so quiet.
Gordon slipped between the snow-laden pines on silent feet. Dressed head to toe in white, he was a ghost against the landscape.
The mission was simple. Get in, nab the target, get out.
He had the training and experience and he had an intimate knowledge of his opponents.
A sudden movement off to his left and he froze. His eyes darted between the trees.
A snow hare bounced off into the distance, throwing up puffs of white powder.
Gordon shifted the pack on his back, his gloved hand armed and ready at moment’s notice.
But there was no notice.
The first volley hit him from the opposite direction. How the hell? But he didn’t get a chance to ask as he was pummelled to the ground.
It went against his grain, but Virgil was desperate. He knew he was considered the weak spot in this campaign and honestly, he was. But there was value in his knowledge and while he wasn’t really known for a lack of confidence, his lack of military experience niggled at the back of his mind.
His brothers certainly valued his skill set, but he knew they thought he was a softy…and rightly so. He was going to make the attempt anyway.
After all, his skill set was definitely useful in any situation and it gave him a chance at least.
So, his first victory meant a lot.
He shifted the weapon and stepped forward, his exo-suit whispering, his massive snowshoes compensating for his weight. It had been a fifty-fifty gamble on whether he should use his exo-suit for this or not. The advantages had slowly outweighed the disadvantages when his new weapon came to mind.
He smiled just a little to himself as he shifted the gun on his shoulders and made his way towards his target.
And thanked every defensive process he had put in place when he was suddenly attacked from the air.
Alan was having the time of his life. 
He let out one hell of a whoop as he dove at his second eldest brother, launching a massive bomb of snow at just the right point to topple him in his exo-suit. The man was like a bug on its back, flailing in the white powder. Why Virgil thought the clunky thing would be useful in this scenario was beyond Alan.
His astroboard on the other hand was definitely an advantage and he had just proved the point.
Looping for a return volley and to make his grab for his brother’s flag, he wasn’t prepared for exactly why Virgil was garbed in metal. A wide-ended barrel was suddenly pointing directly at him, tracking…
The sudden rain of snowball machine gun fire hit Alan hard, toppling him into a spin that had him blessing not only his collision avoidance software, but his electrostatic grip on his board. If he let out a yelp, he wasn’t going to admit it. After all, he was a veteran of both Halley’s Comet and the occasional asteroid belt. This should be a piece of cake.
But yeah, he yelped and darted away as the stream of snowballs followed him.
Okay, perhaps Virg wouldn’t be as easy as he thought.
But this was no different from a video game, really. Regroup, grab more ammo, attack again.
After all, there were three other brothers to take out.
Alan grinned.
Scott Tracy was used to being in the know. Knowing the exact situation, and knowing what he needed to do next.
The lack of a connection to Thunderbird Five rankled him more than he realised it would. He missed his eye in the sky.
He needed a strategy, but in order to build one, he needed to know the players.
Of course, he could just barrel on in and play it by the seat of his pants, it wouldn’t be the first time. But the stakes were too high. Far too high.
So, he opted for reconnaissance first.
One’s drones had a stealth mode and built-in camo, so he was using them to his advantage. Hunkered down in his chosen lair, he deployed them across the landscape, their holographic readouts projecting from his wrist control.
His frown was causing his forehead to ache.
He located his first opponent quite easily. He wasn’t bothering to hide, much. But that was typical. Virg played his games on his sleeves, pretty much like he did everything else. He wasn’t much for stealth. 
But then he made up for it in brute force. Just look at his ‘bird. There was no way he was going to discount his second eldest brother. He watched as Virgil pulled himself out of a snow drift with his grapple and swung between the pine trees like some kind of mechanical monkey.
He was very surprised when he found what looked to be Gordon. It appeared he had already encountered one of the others and was sitting on his butt in the snow.
His frown increased. Now that was unusual. He had expected that brother to be troublesome and certainly not taken out already, much less by Virgil.
Hmmm…over confidence perhaps?
But then Gordon got up and started moving again. Hmmm, perhaps not as down for the count as he thought.
Heat signatures danced about the hologram as the drones skimmed across the top of the forest.
But only three brothers.
One was notably absent.
Scott’s frown threatened to rupture a blood vessel. That was a serious concern. The fourth was not to be underestimated.
It almost distracted him enough to miss the incoming bogey.
He had dug himself a snow cave in the hope to hide from the technique he was actually employing, but then Alan...it had to be Alan, he could spot his flying style from a mile off…obviously had his own ways of gathering intel.
Scott grabbed his bag and slipping out of his cave took a running leap and shot up into the air, jetpack flaring.
Better to offend than defend.
Alan literally cackled as he swooped in, a massive chunk of snow in his hands.
Scott grit his teeth. The astroboard was faster and more manoeuvrable than his jetpack, but Scott spoke atmosphere while Alan spoke space.
The eldest darted into his little brother’s flight path and forced him to dodge. Alan squawked and spun in the air, but recovered quickly, flipping in a loop-de-loop that brought him back onto Scott’s tail, snow bomb still at the ready.
Alan cackled as he bore down on him.
Over-confidence, little bro, over-confidence.
Scott curled himself into a ball, killed his jet pack and let himself roll into a drop.
The wind whistled in his ears.
Right angle, right position just above the tree tops, and he kicked his jet pack back in and shot off in the complete opposite direction.
He grinned as his brother squawked again.
Gravity, little bro, gravity.
But Alan was smart and he recovered quickly again, this time using speed to his advantage.
Faster than Scott.
It rankled.
Really, it rankled.
Scott dodged, but Alan had the vehicular advantage.
Scott had experience, but Alan learned damned fast.
By the third time he had had to defensively dodge, Scott was mired by both pride in his little brother and a little desperation. He really needed to up his game or he was in some serious trouble.
Killing his jet pack again, he let himself drop enough to get a good view of the underside of Alan’s board before he swooped to follow Scott down. Grabbing his grapple gun and slapping a pack in with practised ease, Scott aimed and fired at his brother’s astroboard.
There was a satisfying clunk as the grapple secured.
Scott held back a smirk as he let himself swing like a pendulum from the underside of Alan’s support craft, throwing out its balance and sucking away some speed.
Of course, he wasn’t enough to slow it down much…well, until he got himself into the right angle and fired up his jetpack again.
Then it became a tug of war.
With the grapple clipped to his belt, he was at leisure to direct where his pull was coming from and although the astroboard had more guts than his jetpack, it only took a little physics and angle calculation to really throw the board off its flight path.
Of course, if this wasn’t his brother and this wasn’t a snowball fight initially instigated by Gordon nearly drowning John in tree snow, he would have already taken the astroboard rider out of the equation. But this was Alan, they were daring but not stupid, and really, it was just a training exercise.
An extreme training exercise.
Didn’t stop Alan from reaching under his board and dislodging the grapple.
Scott’s eyes widened. How the hell??
But he had bigger things to worry about as he was suddenly hurtling towards the nearest tree.
Experience, experience! And that was all that saved him from a pine needle faceplant.
His grapple retracted with a swift zip as Alan darted off into the distance.
Okay, perhaps he did underestimate his little brother just a bit.
“Eos, location on Alan?”
“He appears to be retrieving more ammunition.”
John’s fingers poked at his tablet, his bolthole lit up by flickering hologram. “Making more snowballs?”
“Large ones.”
“And Scott?”
“Has returned to the surface, but appears to be…pacing.”
John looked up. “What?” Another poke at his tablet and he brought up the drone’s display and sure enough Scott was walking a groove into the snow he was standing on. He had seen that movement many times before. Scott was thinking, scheming…planning. “Keep an eye on him. Let me know if he makes a move.”
John returned to his tablet and the multiple displays from all the technology deployed by his brothers. Scott’s drones were definitely the most useful, giving him the eye in the sky he was forbidden by the rule of no Thunderbirds.
Gordon could be seen scampering away from where Virgil had torpedoed him into a snowdrift. Virgil was on approach again, snowball machine gun at ready. It would be interesting to see who would win that encounter. Gordon was military, but Virgil was stubborn to the extreme.
And Virgil was the challenge.
His engineer brother knew him too well and had pretty much hack-proofed his equipment. John was sure he could get in given enough time, but as always, time was a consideration. He had no doubt that given that time, Virgil would track him down and bust into his little hidden fortress and then John was screwed. Virgil the big softy or no.
So, he was relying on his brothers to take Virgil out.
He had no doubt they would and he just had to stay put in the meantime.
Easy, really.
Two brothers targeted, neither captured.
Virgil grit his teeth.
The word was definitely out about his snowball cannon now so the element of surprise was gone. That would likely be bad. He had hoped to take down at least one brother with that surprise, but no go.
No matter. He still had the cannon and it was very effective.
He made it back to where he had pummelled Gordon, but there was no sign of his aquanaut brother. Alan was likely still in the air and Virgil had no doubt that Scott was probably using a similar tactic. So, bar finding Gordon who was likely on the defensive already, John was the next obvious target.
The question was how to find him.
The terrain assigned to this exercise was quite large. The land was part of a complex owned by Tracy Industries in Canada. Their family often came up here for vacations in the snow, usually around Christmas. While they generally couldn’t shut down International Rescue on Christmas due to the collective idiocy of the human population of the planet, Grandma did demand that at least one weekend in the months of December or January be put aside for the family to celebrate.
Scott hated to shut down IR, but he certainly agreed that they did need time.
Virgil was grateful that he did. At least the Medic didn’t have to take on the Commander head on to get him to stop.
This year had been particularly stressful with finding Dad and the medical and emotional fallout from that expedition having lasting effects on all of them. So, Grandma had called it and they were off for a week and as far away from the Island as possible.
Which meant a white Christmas, a pristine lake and plenty of time for a healing family.
Until Gordon took his pranks one step too far and half buried John in tree snow.
Admittedly, it had been funny and Virgil had been hard put to frown. John hadn’t been wearing a hat at the time – it had been in his hand as he was about to put it on – and consequently his hair had been plastered to his scalp in a most undignified way.
Red hair really stood out against white snow.
Also, reportedly the Voice Who Not Only Answers But Can Swear In Multiple Languages ended up with snow melting down his back and ‘Gordon was going to get it’.
Gordon being the occasional idiot he was, took that up as a challenge, daring their genius brother to come whip his ass.
The visuals accompanying that thought had Virgil rubbing his cold face.
The entire encounter had devolved from there, a rare moment where John lost his cool and a sign of exactly how stressed they actually were. It took Virgil a good tug on his astronaut brother and Scott dragging Gordon away to separate them.
Virgil cornered John and wrapped an arm around him, trying to draw him out, to find out what was bugging him, but no. Fiery turquoise was already plotting revenge and Virgil feared this was going to escalate to something ridiculous.
There was a reason why most brothers didn’t anger John. He was an easy target, but the fallout was apocalyptic.
Like never being able to communicate electronically for the rest of your life kind of apocalyptic.
So, it was with some trepidation that Virgil suggested this training scenario.
No Thunderbirds.
Personal equipment allowed - hence the training name of the game and not the all-out death match it was tempted to be.
Snowballs the only weapon - to stop his brothers from killing each other.
Virgil had no doubt that both Gordon and John were quite capable of burying each other in snow. Alan literally started bouncing. Probably because he immediately realised he could bomb from the air.
And Virgil set himself up to be the sacrificial lamb. Well, the one wearing an exo-suit and carrying a snowball machine gun.
The caricature that came to mind at that thought was quite amusing so he stored it away for later scribbling.
But anyway, just because he was the most likely to go down first, didn’t mean he had to go down easy.
Hopefully both Gordon and Alan realised that now. It didn’t hurt to make a point.
The ultimate goal was to nab each brother’s flag – a patch of fabric attached to their hip. Colour coded and numbered appropriately, Virgil’s green number two fluttered as he moved.
But the puzzle still remained: how to locate John.
His brother always liked to be on high with a view. Be it on the roof of the house, up a tree or in space itself, that was a characteristic that turned Virgil in the direction of the hillside.
Sure, John could be up a tree anywhere in the forest, but these were pines. A mix of tall, straight up monsters with few lower branches and squat dense walls of needles. John might have shimmied up one of the taller ones, but Virgil didn’t see the point. No security or camo.
No, it was more likely that John had a bolthole up on the hillside. It might be natural or he might have built it himself, but it would be hidden and secure.
Virgil respected his brother’s skills immensely.
And acted accordingly.
His suit whispered as he moved. Trying to find a way to quieten his movements had been far harder than building the snowball gun.
It had taken multiple adjustments to its hydraulics and several lubricants, but he’d managed it to a passable extent. Enough to sneak up on Gordon at least.
Virgil smiled to himself.
Now that was an accomplishment he wasn’t going to let go for a long time, no matter the outcome of today.
His snow shoes kept his extra weight stable on the soft powder as his reached the slope and began to climb. The hill became quite steep quickly.
Perhaps it was the change in terrain, or perhaps he really was just bad at this, but he had no warning when a grapple shot across his path and embedded in a huge tree to his left.
He had just enough time to gasp before the high tensile cable was wrapping around him, pulling him towards that monster of a tree. 
It snared him about the waist and chained him there before wrapping around him again.
But he managed to keep the cannon free and he made some serious use of it, shooting at a flying blur that could be no one but Scott.
He rained snowball hell upon his brother.
But the daredevil pilot was fast and had more than one grapple pack.
Moments later the gun was as tied to the tree as Virgil was.
Scott certainly knew how to secure a rescuee when necessary. Virgil found himself splayed against the tree like some human-metal sacrifice.
If he had his laser, maybe. But he didn’t.
He still struggled.
And he kept on struggling, straining cables even as Scott came to an elegant landing in front of him.
Despite it all, his eldest brother’s eyes were apologetic. “Hi, Virgil.” A small smile. “I’m sorry, bro, but you have something I need.”
He reached in and with a flick of his wrist, nabbed Virgil’s green flag.
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
LUCIEN - Setting up Stall Date Part 3 and 4 (Christmas Date)
This is Christmas Date 2020 from CN server which hasn't been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
Brace yourself for sweet moment from Lucien and MC ☺
I'm doing this translation for personal reason, so I'm sorry if there's some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) feel free to read it~ ^^
I used Lucien CN name on it, Xu Mo.
Read the previous part here
I was stunned for a second, then looked back and saw Xu Mo looking at the surrounding environment naturally.
Xu Mo: I like the decoration of this shop.
I blinked slowly and suddenly realized that he was rehearsing the scene of receiving customers with me.
Xu Mo: Miss, is there something on my face? You seem to be staring at me all the time.
Xu Mo's sudden "trick" was like a light feather, gently and just right to sweep away the tension in my heart.
I breathed out gently and took the wish card on the table to show him.
MC: Welcome!
MC: You can exchange any item for our wish card, write your wish and hang it on the Christmas tree in front of the door.
MC: Half an hour before the end of the market, we will select a lucky person to fulfill their wish.
Xu Mo: Do I have to exchange an item?
He spoke softly, then looked thoughtfully at the clock on the wall.
Xu Mo: It seems that the time is just right.
Before I could understand what he meant, I heard a slight noise behind me.
I turned my head when I heard the sound, something in the fireplace was slowly falling down the smokeー
A beautiful gift box hung from the end of the balloon and fell down, and finally stopped firmly on the ground.
MC: This is...?
MC: A gift from a Santa Claus who has not received professional training for MC.
I was pleasantly surprised to pick up the slap-sized gift box and shook it lightly, vaguely feeling that it was a square thing.
I was about to pull off the streamer, the bell at the door made a pleasant sound, and a young girl appeared before our eyes
Seeing the real guests come in, I carefully put the gifts -that I had no time to unpack- in my pocket, looked at Xu Mo and took a deep breath.
MC: I'm going by first!
When I brushed past Xu Mo, he seemed to encourage me and lightly squeezed the palm of my hand.
I turned my head and blinked at him, took the wish card and walked to the girl, explaining the rules of the wish house with ease.
The girl quickly showed a curious expression and took out a piece of chewing gum from her pocket.
Girl: Is this also can be exchanged?
I nodded enthusiastically and gave her the wish card in my hand.
Thinking of the "exercise" that had just been interrupted, I picked up another wish card and put it in Xu Mo's hand.
MC: Fulfill the rules of the Wish House, this is the wish card you just exchanged.
Xu Mo smiled and took the card and wrote. I just wanted to look up, but he turned around and gently pinched my cheek.
Xu Mo: Rather than taking a peek, I hope you selected it.
After speaking, he hung the wish card on the Christmas tree at the door of the wish house.
After a while, more tourists poured into the store. After explaining the rules again and again, everyone took out their belongings in exchange for wish cards.
Tourist A: This is the leaf I picked up from the ground, Can I change it?
Tourist B: And me, this is chocolate!
Tourist C: Is this a charity event?
Seeing the "business booming" in the store, and the excitement in my heart lasted for a long time.
MC: Please put the items to be exchanged with me, and then go to the side to receive your wish card.
Tourist D: Lady Boss, can this be changed too?
When I heard the two words "Lady Boss", I subconsciously turned my head and bumped Xu Mo's eyes into fullness.
He handed the card in his hand to the tourists in front of him naturally.
Xu Mo: Of course, please pick up your wish card from me.
I tried my best to suppress the rising corners of my mouth and put the things exchanged by tourists into the storage box.
Soon, the last wish card was also hung on the Christmas tree.
At this time, the Christmas tree has been clothed with a wish, and the layers of cards carry everyone's wishes.
Thinking that behind these different wishes, there is a person who is thinking about it, and there is a warm feeling in my heart.
Time passed quickly, and after a while, many familiar faces came back again in front of the door, which seemed to remind me that it was time to draw my wish card.
After checking the clock on the wall, I walked to the Christmas tree with Xu Mo and waved enthusiastically.
MC: Time is up, now we are about to pick up today's lucky ones!
MC: To ensure fairness and justice, I will blindly draw a wish card with my eyes closed and three circles!
After that, I closed my eyes in the undulating cheers, and countless cards slid across my fingertips, making a rustling sound.
After a few laps, after pulling off a card in the dark, I slowly opened my eyes
"Last year we were lucky enough to encounter mistletoe, so what will we encounter this year?
Such a familiar handwriting, I almost recognized it without hesitation.
I turned my head to look at Xu Mo beside me, his brows and eyes curled, as if he already knew the result.
Xu Mo: It seems, I have always been lucky with you.
Xu Mo turned his head slightly, leaving a faint voice in my ear.
The butterfly kiss under the mistletoe appeared in my mind, as if the touch at that time was still between my lips.
Until my thoughts were interrupted by the sounds around me.
Tourist: What is it, everyone is so curious, let's announce it soon!
I looked at the content on the card, and after hesitating for a few seconds, I took a deep breath and read it out.
Sure enough, everyone was at a loss when they heard it, but it didn't take long for them to shout in excitement.
Tourist: Whose wish is this, hurry up and claim it!
Suddenly, Xu Mo held the palm of my hand and shook it gently in the air.
MC: It's mine.
As soon as Xu Mo's words fell, the surroundings boiled and several tourists pointed towards him.Tourist: The owner of Wish House!
Tourist B: What a coincidence! If she didn't close her eyes and rotate three times, I would really think it was a black box operation!
The surrounding voices fluctuated, and most of them were for Xu Mo to explain the meaning of the wish card. I hesitated and was about to divert the topic, but Xu Mo spoke first.
Xu Mo: I believe that when everyone writes down their wishes, they will think of the person they care about the most.
Xu Mo: Therefore, for me, the meaning of this wish is also a secret in my heart.
Xu Mo: Sorry, I can only reveal that much.
Xu Mo: Let this secret be known only to me and my "Lady Boss".
After the words fell, the tourists put on a meaningful smile and kept blessing us.
Subsequently, the Wish House gradually returned to its original appearance under the continuous blessings...
Finally, only me and Xu Mo were left.
(CG karma included as well)
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Xu Mo came to me with two cups of hot drinks and sat next to me.
I took the cup and took a breath, there was a warm stream slid into my stomach. After I completely relaxed, I picked up the gift box in my pocket.
MC: There were too many people just now, and there was no chance to open it....
MC: It's done now. I want to open it when there are only two of us.
Xu Mo: I hope you will not be disappointed.
I shook my head in disapproval, and carefully removed the wrapping paper.
A beautiful snowflake specimen appeared before my eyes.
Every small branch extends from a flawless angle, like a work of art that cannot be reproduced.
MC: This is...?
Xu Mo: It comes from the first snow of the year.
Xu Mo: I was in the office that day and when I got back to my senses, I found myself standing in the snow.
Xu Mo: Suddenly I wondered if you would have the same regrets as me.
Xu Mo: "It would be nice if I could be by your side at this time."
Xu Mo: So I kept this moment.
MC: I'm just like you, thinking it would be nice if you were by my side at this time...
I lowered my head and rubbed my palms gently with my fingertips along the lines of the snowflakes, wanting to impress deeply in my heart.
MC: Xu Mo, I like this gift very much, especially...
It turns out that even when we are not around, we still have the same thoughts.
Although the movements of my hands are gentle, the surging in my heart has already turned over and over again.
MC: Xu Mo, now let me fulfill my wish for you.
MC: This is what I have always wanted to do for you, and it is also the original inspiration for Wish House.
I got up and walked to the window, hanging the "snowflakes" in my hand there. Then he raised Xu Mo's hand and walked to the shop window outside the door.
MC: Last year you told a legend under the mistletoe..
MC: Now I want to tell you a legend under "The Witness of the Window".
MC: In fact, no matter when and where, as long as two people care about each other, it is the most romantic legend.
In the slow confession, I kept looking deeply at Xu Mo, and his eyes followed my words, with shining brilliance flowing.
MC: So we have already realized this most romantic legend.
After speaking, I stood on my tiptoe and slowly tilted towards Xu Mo, and the breath of each other kept approaching.
Suddenly, the craze spread on my lips, soft and infatuating.
The cold snowflakes covered our body and then quickly dissipated on the hot skin. The Christmas music rang out in the sky also disappeared in my ears.
I don't know how long it took, he finally let me go slowly.
Xu Mo: If I had known it earlier, you did this to fulfill my wish.
Xu Mo: I might write a more "excessive" wish.
The corners of my mouth couldn't help but rise, turning my head to his ear and whispering.
MC: After today is over, the Wish House will be in my heart, always open for you.
The smile in Xu Mo's eyes grew deeper and deeper, the next second he stretched out his hand and hugged me into his arms.
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ayoyoungg · 4 years
Thoughts on TPN Season 2 finale (Ep. 11)
Warning: Mild manga spoilers ahead. Mild as in I have read the manga, but it’s been awhile since I read the manga, and I have not gone back to re-read to fact check sorry not sorry. Also, I will try to keep the spoilers to a minimum since some people may still want to read the manga (which YESSS, I definitely encourage you to :D), but some things are too big to leave out.
I specified ep. 11 because talking about the whole season would be wayyy too much. Honestly, I just wanted to come on here because this final episode was a roller coaster ride and I needed to say something. Each moment of this episode felt like 2 steps back, 1 step forward (and yes, I do mean in that order).
TW: mentions of character death/ suicide (only in the 2nd bullet point)
Let’s go:
Episode starts off with the “standoff” against Peter Ratri. I mean I’m glad that they didn’t convince Peter to leave for the human world with them. That would’ve made nooooo sense. But I couldn’t help but wonder if his flashback was really necessary. One, it was a bit frustrating to get more context about the Ratri clan’s role in the LAST EPISODE. Two, this season really did everything it could to take away from the role of William Minerva and detract from Peter Ratri, so it was kind of like why should we care now. I dunno, it just felt like the decision Peter and the Ratri clan made shouldn’t have been summed up into like 3 minutes. ON THE OTHER HAND, I see how it was “necessary” for what was to happen next.
Peter’s death was done better in the manga. I was honestly surprised the anime used the same method, since the context of the scene differs from what occurred in the manga. Also, prior to this episode, the anime had been rather tame with any gruesome scenes. Tame as in there were very few deaths and any deaths were quick, none of the main characters were killed. There was some discussion about how this season lacked the horror/thrill from season 1 and many battle scenes were also left out of the season. Therefore, people wondered just how dark this season would get, it seemed like they wanted to focus more on the kids. So even as a manga reader, I was still very shocked when Peter killed himself. Also, he did that in front of a bunch of kids, and they just continued on, like wasn’t that a scarring image???? I dunno, this is getting too long, but basically with the direction the season was going, I was shocked. Like am I dumb for thinking they would have toned it down???
Also, quick pet-peeve, personally thought it was weird for Peter to continuously refer to his brother as William Minerva. It would’ve made more sense to me if he referred to his brother as James. I’ll just assume this decision was made to show how Peter’s perception of his brother at that point was only of the illusion/character that James made (Peter had them kill William Minerva, not James Ratri)
WHY did they show the Queen and other nobles??? At this point, I got my hopes up thinking “Maybe there actually will be a 3rd season? Maybe we will still get Goldy Pond and other arcs, just in a different order?” It really felt like they were setting up for a whole new chapter (not at me getting excited)......
The BEST part of this episode was Ray’s speech to Isabella (and the other moms) and the decision for Isabella to go to the human world. Hands down best part and what should’ve happened in the manga.
Wasn’t sure whether to be in awe or upset that the gate to the human world looks like Goldy Pond. On one hand, it makes a lot of sense narratively. On the other hand, it kind of made it hurt more that we didn’t get the Goldy Pond arc. It would’ve been so much cooler after seeing the initial Goldy Pond.
SO, maybe this is from me not totally understanding what happened in the previous episodes, but I thought the Grace Field kids were split up amongst the other large farms, and then they decided to gather ALL the kids back to Grace Field -> they have all of the farm kids (even those from other farms)......Yeah, that may just be me missing something or not totally getting what’s happening. They kind of fix it by explaining how Norman also left some kids + there are the other farms like the mass production ones.
While I’m not the biggest fan of Emma/Ray/Norman + Lambda kids (minus Vincent) staying behind, I’m open to the change. HOWEVER, it bugged me that Don & Gilda didn’t also stay behind. I mean it made sense for Don & Gilda to go to the human world as the older kids BUT thematically I think it would’ve been better for Don & Gilda to stay behind as well. It’s kind of a point that Don & Gilda constantly have to make about their roles in the group, and them staying behind would have reminded me of when they led the search for Mujika (manga). 
Also was a lil disappointed that Phil didn’t get to stay behind either. Just because it was so heavily alluded to that Phil was very smart & perceptive for his age + that he would have a big role. This kind of goes along with the small part of me that hoped for a season 3 with, I dunno, a smaller cast of Emma, Ray, Norma, Don, Gilda, and Phil.....was I hoping for too much
The decision to split up felt like a “more correct answer” to have the main trio go off and do stuff while everyone else stays safe. I suppose it’s easier to believe that everyone manages to survive when they’re all in the human world vs staying in a “safe shelter” in the demon world. I think this decision was also to further push the emphasis on the main trio.
Commence the slideshow....*sigh*
The montage of the kids in the human world was fine. Personally really liked seeing the kids get on a school bus (but they’re like lil geniuses so I think that’ll be interesting), Don & Phil on the subway/train, one of the moms (?) having a kid (that one really got me). But I was kinda sad to see the kids growing up, although I suppose it does make sense. A part of me wishes we got to know just how much time went by (but it’s not that major)
I don’t really get why they still showed Tifari and the Seven Walls. The promise was barely mentioned in the anime. With the direction this season went, I think they could have just had the group going around with Mujika, sharing her special blood, and then shown confrontation with the Queen & nobles. The adaptation already cut out other things, so I think it would’ve been fine to forgo showing Emma talking to Tifari. That scene also detracted from the whole journey it took to even find Tifari, so it was really a shame for it to be “included” but only be a snapshot of the moment.
For the sake of the direction of this season, they really could have just ended it with all of the humans going to the human world (while Mujika, Sonju, and the demons from that village change the demon world). This would have allowed the final escape at Grace Field to have been spread into 2 episodes rather than just 1.
Ends with a Phil & Emma hug. I mean that’s always nice. Kinda wish we got to see Phil in action and maybe doing something......I’ll stop my grumbling
jk. They totally missed the opportunity to do that anime thing where they play the opening/ending song during a moving moment. Like when the group split up, they could’ve played one of the songs while showing a montage of the kids in the human world + ending credits. And then after the song, we get the others returning + Phil & Emma hug.
TLDR: I’m fine with some changes, and could see the direction they were trying to go in, but what this season ultimately suffered from was EXECUTION. The pacing and the plot just....weren’t it chief, along with many other questionable decisions.
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