#also I made this in a tired state so I haven't colored it
s-guacamolearts · 1 year
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Damn can't believe ace attourney invented weird girl assistants (affectionate)
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faellain · 15 days
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 6
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charles sighs as they wheel down the long walkway to the machine itself. the completed room is gorgeous, all metal panels with projectors ready to show the tour de force of charles xavier's telepathy. dust coated everything in the room.
"these are muscles i haven't stretched in some time," charles says somberly, picking up the helmet. gently, he blew the dust off. for a moment, his lips looked their correct shade, that brillaint natural almost-red. once, erik had insuated that charles' lips were a physical result of his mutation. that had made charles' laugh, wondering what telepathy would have to do with his lips.
raven had raised an eyebrow and replied, "why did my skin have to blue for me to shapeshift?"
charles settles the helmet onto his head. hank preps the machine, warning them before he turns it on. as it comes back to life, charles grimaces. erik quickly puts a hand to his shoulder, squeezing it trying to center him as the room is bathed in red and white. they had considered this- color coding the humans and mutants. his breath is caught in the beauty of it all as he watches charles try to locate sean, try to zoom into vietnam.
instead, the room starts spinning, charles unable to control the though. pained yells scrape their way out of his throat. all erik can do is move to hold both his shoulders, coming around the front. charles' shoulders shake beneath his palms.
"hank, turned the damn thing off!" he snaps.
just as hank comes alive, trying to do so, the power shorts out, plunging the room into darkness. charles all but throws the helmet to the ground, his chest rising and falling in heavy breaths. he's not well; erik doesn't need to be a telepath to know that.
"i-i'll go check the generators," hank murmurs before dashing off to do so.
charles runs his hands over his face, "this was a mistake."
"you said yourself you're out of practice," erik reminds him, "it wasn't cerebro that did that."
charles looks at him ruefully, tired and bitter. his hands shake again as he touches his forehead, "my power comes from here. from," his hand moves to his chest, but he abadons the words. a dispodant death resides in his tone as he sighs, "it's broken. i feel like one of my student's. helpless…"
erik moves to cup his cheek, thumbing at the skin there, letting his fingers trace over the scruffy beard. he finds he still truly hates it. perhaps it's the lack of familiarity to the clean-shaven scholar he had known when all this began.
"you're not," he says, "you've become scared of yourself. i know you. you can do this."
"it's too much," charles tries not to wheeze, still catching his breath, "we need to call your telepath."
"you are my telepath," erik replies, "emma is terrifying when she wants to be, but she is not you."
charles laughs bitterly, leaning back in his chair, "then she's good enough to work cerebro while i can't. i'm not jealous for heaven's sake. i just- i can't do this anymore. there's too much pain."
erik frowns. he knew that charles could know anyone's pain just by touching their mind. their history was an open book to him. he'd known erik's pain, his hurt. but he'd also brought back some of erik's happiness as well.
"let me take some," he offers, "you know my pain. let me have yours."
charles shakes his head, "no. god, no. you have enough pain-"
erik leans down and kisses charles' cheek, slowly, presses his nose against the side of charles' head, "which is why you know i can handle your's. give me your pain, charles. stop bearing it alone."
there is some hesitation, but charles opens his mind to him. everything is on his terms. that is the trouble with only one of them being telepathic. erik must trust that what charles is showing him is not just the truth, but that he withholds few things. but trusting charles has always been easy. no one else ever broke through his barriers. no one else could ever love him him.
and that is why the pain hurt so much.
erik knew there had been a stepfamily in charles and raven's lives, but he did not know they were cruel. their mother, already inattentive, started drinking. kurt marko was cruel. for all the house's beauty, each room had its own reminder of strikes against charles' tender skin who was but a child- a child. bruises should not litter a child's body. screams should not reach a child's ears.
he'd mocked this place, this temple to charles' forgone youth, this church of suffering. yet, charles continued to live here. when he had first started accepting students he wanted to fill it with enough good memories to wash away the bad. now, there were more bad filling up the empty air. charles was suffocating.
a few tears pass by erik's cheeks as charles pulls the memories away. he is crying too, far more than erik is, but it is a silent endeavor. erik kisses charles' cheek again, then his lips.
"i'm here," he whispers, "they're gone."
"i know," charles says, his voice waivering.
erik peppers kisses into charles' hair, "we will fill this place with good memories. you, myself, our children. students and teachers."
charles moves and cups erik's cheeks, "that's a nice thought. really. it is. but you have your world and i mine."
i will start with this school, erik kneels before charles' chair, presses his hands over charles' as though pledging feality to a lord, and then i will make a place for mutants to be safe. a utopia for mutants alone should your humans prove lack luster.
charles blinks away tears, "but erik-"
"i want you at my side," erik tells him, "i want you to hope again. i will build a world you will love brick by brick. with dirt beneath my fingers. with blood and sweat. if you can forgive me, i will give you everything."
as erik cups charles' cheeks, cerebro's lights flicker back on. they both smile and charles nods, letting his cheek lean and rest into one of erik's large hands. hank is on his way back up he can sense it.
"we'll talk more later," charles whispers, pecks erik's lips chastely.
it's not 'i love you'. perhaps, it is not the answer that erik wants to hear, but it's what charles can muster. he can still feel erik holding him, can feel erik screaming his thoughts as a plea to get charles not to plunge another needle into his arm. he'd forgotten how lovely it was to have another mind dance with his.
they have a second chance. maybe this time, things will go right.
hank's footsteps echo as he jogs along the path to the center console, "power's back. do you want to wait?"
"no," charlies replies calmly, "let's try once more."
the second time putting on cerebro still hurts as he forces himself to tune out things that are unnecessary. still, this time, he is successfully. sean is at some sort of facility in vietnam. most likely he'd be moved to a secret base where they might lose him forever. but for now, he was safe behind what should have been friendly lines.
"i've got him," charles says, then frowns, "and what seems to be a handful of other mutants but they're muted. something is blocking them."
erik shakes his shoulder, "i knew it. we have to save them. janos might be among them. "
hank mouths, janos?, to himself but with erik in his mind and he in erik's charles knows riptide's name now.
they deliver the news to raven who is visibly relieved to have some idea of where sean is. erik sits by a window as everyone talks, watching pietro and wanda play with the tire swing. a small smile crosses his face. still, he can feel charles' eyes watching him.
to no surprise when he turns, charles is smiling at him, lips quirked up playfully. fondness is sewn into the lines around his mouth. erik rolls his eyes at charles with exagerattion before turning his gaze back toward his children, cringing as pietro jumps from a tree branch, only avoiding a fall by wanda using her powers to make the ground become a hill to catch him.
"erik!" raven snaps. he looks at her and her raised eyebrows, eyes flashing like amber, "care to join us?"
"i'm listening," he assures, "we need to take the blackbird to vietnam. i'll have to call azazel- if janos is there, he'll want to be part of the rescue."
"he's the teleporter right?" asks hank, "because he seemed so nice when he was dropping fbi agents from the sky."
"azazel is twice the man those government hacks were," sniffs raven. erik smiles at her. both of them have come to deeply care for their russian brotherhood member. he grew up mistaken for a devil, hidden away from the world. he and raven had bonded over that. erik cared for his blunt candor.
"it will be better to have him," charles says, "and emma frost. i would just slow you all down."
"no, you wouldn't," erik argues, "your powers-"
"are still coming back," charles reminds him, voice soft. a gently hand seems to caress erik's stormy thoughts, "and someone needs to be here to watch the kids."
"we should ask angel to stay here," raven adds, "just in case. that way it's not just charles and the twins."
erik hadn't thought about that. missions had hardly crossed his mind when he ran here, but he should have considered it an eventuality. at some point, his kids would have to understand their father had work to do like any other. his was just more dangerous.
"you trust her to stay?" asks hank, skeptically. erik considers punching him, but charles reaches over and physically grabs his wrist.
i wasn't going to do it.
he's still hurt.
raven narrows her eyes, "do you trust me?"
"of course," hank replies, trying not to sound sheepish.
"then you can trust her," she ends the conversation there, standing, "i'm going to call the safehouse. hopefully, at least one of them is there."
erik turned his eyes back toward his kids once more. soon, his mysterious disapperance was going to be revealed. he could practically hear azazel calling him an old dog. charles' fingers threaded with his own, both of them coming to look out the window.
we should talk before you go, charles says, though his eyes train on wanda, trying to undo the small flat-topped hill she's made.
you know my feelings, erik reminds him.
charles shakes his head, we need discuss the school. your brotherhood. how that coexists.
it will coexist if i say it coexists, erik tries not to wrinkle his nose in disgust. instead, he feels the emptiness of charles's hand leaving his.
"stubborn as always," charles replies, though that fondness is still there. he takes his hands and rolls his chair back, "maybe you should speak to your brotherhood before me then."
"but charles-"
i'm tired, charles tells him, i'm going to rest before all the excitment starts. i think you'd better help your kids.
there is affection there, but erik is not a telepath. he can't tell if charles is shielding truer feelings from him. the realization leaves no small amount of frustration bubbling in his chest. nothing mattered but the promise erik had made to him. he would build a world charles could love.
his eyes moved from wanda to hank, thought of raven finally walking around her childhood home in her true skin. he thought of azazel who could not hide in plain sight. they deserved a world they could love too.
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flowerisevil · 2 years
Hiii can I send in a request for daemon? Maybe him and the reader having a fight and he says something hurtful in the heat of the moment and makes reader accidentally cry? He feels super sad and tries to make it up to her? With a happy ending please :)
Unblessed| reader x Daemon Targaryen.
a/n: hope you like it, english is not my first language or expect for grammatical errors and also typos, i made a bit twist another reminder that I may not be able to answer all of your requests sorry.
part two
trigger warning: domestic abuse
It's been a year since you have married Daemon, you left your life to be with him and you can say its one of the best thing you did though there was a one problem, the gods haven't bless you any children yet. You visited different Maesters from different places but they can't find a way why this is happening to the both of you.
The people from the Keep whisper that maybe you're the problem and say how unlucky Daemon is to be wed to you and how you can't give him heirs.
Now you're here in the Keep while you're husband is somewhere away doing his job its only been weeks since he left, you felt so lonely without him, the only one you can talk here is either the Queen or her daughter Helaena, Rhaenyra and her family left to Dragonstone and it didn't bother you since you both aren't really closed.
"It must be very hard is it?" You turned around and saw the King's Hand, Otto Hightower behind you he was also looking at the view of lake outside the balcony..
"Is what hard?" you asked.
"Not being able to do your job as a wife" Otto stated and slowly turned his head at you, "Not being able to give your dear husband heirs" he continued.
Your jaw clenched but you remained silent you tried your best to stop yourself from punching this man in front of you, good thing he decided to leave you alone but before he can disappear he spoke again.
"Even I would understand your husband why he chose to bed common whores than you" was his last word as he completely vanished from your eye.
Did you heard that right? Was that the reason why he's always away? he fucked whores behind your back?
No Daemon loves you, he literally married you in their house tradition he would never do that.
You tried to cheer yourself but you remembered what's Daemon true color is, he wasn't like this before the both of you met, he crave for different women's cunt, he is a man with a lot of needs, and no one cam ever stop him from that, perhaps even his own wife.
You keep overthinking what the King's Hand told you that day and soon enough there were rumors spreading around the Keep that your husband was seen in one of brothels in Pentos.
It even reached the King you can't looked at him without getting embarrassed.
"It said here your Grace that the Prince visited one of his former whores, Mysaria a lady from Essos" the messenger continued.
Of course, you knew her, she was a big part of Daemon's life now it was clear as sky what your dear husband is doing whenever he's away and doing his "job".
"Stop that now and go" she heard Viserys said.
Him and the Queen both looked at you, you just looked down you're ashamed about your husband's actions, you're even ashamed how you really thought that he would be patient with you, that he would change for you.
"I will write a letter to him and make him come back by tommorow, we can't just believe to some rumors" Viserys defended him, you can see how the Queen beside him rolled her eyes.
You smiled "He can do whatever he wants there your Grace I don't care, I have done my part as a dutiful a faithful wife and that's all I can offer now" and excused yourself.
You walked your way through your chamber and cried, you throw everything in your room, books,  goblets, jewelry literally everything.
You heard knock after knock but you didn't care you didn't opened the door and they can't get inside either because you had it locked. You grew tired and break down on your knees, you felt dizzy and suddenly everything went black.
You opened your eyes when you felt something cold contacting with your skin, you opened your eyes and saw the Queen wiping your forehead with a cold wet cloth, you tried to stood up but Alicent pushed you back.
"Rest..." she said and smiled a bit.
"What happened?"
"You've been unconscious for four days, and we can't open your door but Ser Criston Cole climb the castle all the way to your window and saw you lying on the ground, we tried to call the Maesters but there's no available until today so please rest and wait for them" she explained, you saw Criston at the corner of your room staring at you pity was written all over his face.
"Another thing.." you looked at the Queen who spoke  but it was interrupted when a knight entered the room.
"Your Grace, Princess..." the knight greeted and bow for respect.
"Prince Daemon asked for her wife's presence,,  he's in the meeting room" he continued.
You frowned and looked at the Queen she was closing her eyes and sigh and looked at her, you scoffed and remove your blanket to face your husband but the Queen stopped you
"Rest princess, let him come here-"
"No I want to see him" you insisted and forcefully pulled Alicent's hand away from you, Criston blocked your way when you were about to leave your room.
"Let me through" you pulled the collar of his armor, you're mad not to them but to your husband and they surely want to be involve of your wrath right now.
Criston looked at his Queen and when he saw that she nodded in approval Criston stepped back.
You walked through the halls fury also walking beside you, the sound of your shoes echoing in the halls as you walk fast when you reached the room you opened it unannounced and you didn't expect the amount of eyes that looked at you. You knew that you interfered their meeting or other important thing you supposed to be ashamed but your anger chose otherwise. Viserys sensed the atmosphere you brought in the room and instantly ordered his men to leave the room they all looked at you as they walked past but you didn't care.
"My dear wife-" Daemon's smile faded when your palm said hi to his face.
"How dare you show up here" you calmly said but your tone was pure venom even Viserys flinched at your sudden burst, you who truly love and cherish his brother is now looking at him with pure anger.
"What? you do not wish to see me?"
"Oh yes I don't, after all the news that arrived to me, job huh? what kind of job you're having with Mysaria? or your whores?" you screamed and it already alerted Viserys he stood up waiting for the right time to stop both of you.
"My wife I am not in the mood now to fight with you I am tired and all of this are just rumors" he said as he softly caress your shoulders but you pulled away.
"Is it Daemon? Cause you proved yourself many times of how unworthy you are, do you have any idea how embarrassed I am? people are looking at me with either pity or disgust!"
"People have always something to say, and I was away for my job wife" Daemon's voice also rose a bit.
"Tell me does she make you feel good? Mysaria? does she satisfy your needs?" you asked, you're looking down to your feet you don't want him to see you crying.
"We always keeps having this conversation! over and over again! when will you ever trust me!" Daemon bursted out and throw his sword to the side so his gold cloak.
You just cried there still looking down, you're both tired physically and mentally. 
"I just want to know the truth Daemon..." you said that turned into a whisper, you looked around and realized that Viserys already left. "Did you sleep with other women when you're away?" you added, and looked up to your husband.
"Perhaps I should've just stay there" he replied with pure anger.
"Perhaps I should've just married a different man" you replied.
Daemon looked at your direction, you were about to walked out when he grabbed your arm very hard.
"How dare you tell that to me when you can't even be a dutiful wife"
"I have been a dutiful wife Daemon! and a faithful one! what more do you want? what does your whores have that I fucking don't-"
"Atleast they can bear me my child you useless woman!" he pushed you your back landed on the edge of the table.
You looked at him with wide eyes, processing the words that came out from his mouth, is bearing his child what all matter to him?.
You slapped him hard that his nose bled.
"I tried my best..." you whispered. "Fuck you Daemon" you added and leave.
Before you can even walked out the room you felt dizzy you stopped your tracks to steady yourself, you felt Daemon's caressing your back.
"Get off of me" your said in monotone and pushed him.
"Please let me..."
"No! Fucking get off of me!!" your snapped at him, tears escaped your eyes faster now, even you you're cursing yourself somewhat that maybe if you had just bear him a child nothing of this would happen.
"The gods knows how many times I cursed and blame myself for my condition, and I understand your reaction because of this but also I would never tolerate this action of yours, so I hope you'll understand my decision" You looked away, when he softly grab your cheek you can't look into his eyes, the eyes that made you fell for him, those eyes that once looked you with love, he wiped your tears.
"I'm sorr-"
"I want an annulment with you" you cut him off.
You can see his eyes widened, Daemon hugged you and shook his head, he cannot lose you the only person who truly understand and keeps up with him, the only woman who he truly love.
"No no no, my love please...." he pleaded, you pushed him away but his hand hold your hand.
"I didn't mean to say that but I know it's not enough and not reasonable to throw that words to you, I'm scared to lose you" he admitted.
"Scared to lose me? yet you slept with other women while you're away, how did you expect me to react Daemon? Throw a fucking fiest for you?!"
"I didn't sleep with anyone (Y/N) I promise..." he was crying, the tears that flow down on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by you.
You shook your head, and pulled away before leaving the room, you didn't care if he was telling the truth or not, you're marriage is now shattered.
You spend two whole days in your room, crying yourself to sleep no one bothered you and you are thankful for that you wrote a letter for the King about the annulment you want with your husband you just hope it will turn well.
On the other hand Viserys called for his brother at the throne room and your husband attended, not uttering a word yet when his brother, the King punched him in the face Viserys ordered his guards to hold his brother.
"What is this?" Daemon asked confused of his brother sudden rage.
Viserys show a piece of parchment to his face with your handwriting stating that you want to annul your marriage with him.
"You've lost her now brother, congratulations" Viserys sarcastically said "I'm so tired defending you my whole life now you're own wife also had enough with you, I'm not going to favor you anymore I will grant her request you don't deserve someone like her" he continued and turned his back at his brother.
"Don't.....brother please! The rumors are all false I already told her that!" he defended.
"Then why is she requesting this then? Your wife is a kind woman she would've believe everything you say to her and if you're saying the truth she wouldn't write this to me!" The King yell and throw the piece of parchment to Daemon's face.
Daemon knew the reason, the real reason. He hurted you with his words he didn't mean it but still he shouldn't spoke like that to you, now he's already losing you.
"Just let me talk to her brother"
"She doesn't even wanna see you"
"Then I'll find a way to talk to my wife!" his shout echoed to the room, he's already panicking inside because of your request now his own brother is going against him, he can't lose you god forgive him of what he will do if you ever leave him.
"You don't have the right to decide for my marriage!"
"I'm not the one who decided for your marriage brother, it's your wife. I'm just granting it" Daemon can read the disappointment on his brother's face but he didn't care, he never care for what his brother have to say.
"Then don't, if you granted our annulment Viserys, I'm telling you. You will see the real reason why people call me Rogue" he spat, the guards was alarmed their gripped to him tighten, the King can have his head for saying a such threat.
"Go, Let me see, let your Lady (Y/n) see..." Viserys challenged him, Daemon forcefully pushed the guards away from him and leave the room.
You're already packing your clothes with the help of your handmaidens, you already sent a letter to your father that you will go back to your home thankfully they approved and didn't asked more further questions, you flinched when the door of your chamber slammed opened revealing Daemon, you looked at him confused before gesturing your servants to leave both of you alone.
"I didn't remember your inviting to my chamber" you spoke.
"I'm your husband and this is our chamber" you scoffed to his reply.
"Not after the King approved our annulment" you answered and go back on fixing your clothes, you squealed when he tossed all of things and clothes to the ground, it was all over the floor. You looked up to him to argue but instead he kneeled in front of you and hugged your waist.
"Do not leave me...." he softly whispered, his head down refusing to look at you, you chewed the insides of your cheeks to contain the tears that's threatening to fall.
"Daemon..." you tried to push him away but he only gripped tighter.
"Please my love I'm begging do not leave me, I'll do anything you want if you want I'm not going away anymore I will stay with you wherever you are, I will always be on your side just please do not leave me" he was sobbing and it breaks your heart but you know that even how many times he would apologize it wouldn't change the fact that he still wants and need an heir soon which is you can't give him.
"I can't give you a child Daemon, it's better if we just separate and you find a woman who can bear you a child" you stoke the hair on top of his head, his beautiful white hair.
"I don't care about a damn child, I don't care if you can give me or not I just need you, just you and if you're still doubting about the rumors I can let you talk to Corlys he will assure you that I didn't go to any whore house, I was with him the whole week" you helped him to get up and he instantly cupped both of your cheeks.
"Daemon can't you see? I am not normal it would be a big shame to you that you married someone like me"
"I said I don't care! I just need you if you're scared of what they will say about me, you or us then let's run away we can go somewhere and live together we can  adopt a child or do anything we want" he pressed his forehead to you and held both of your hands "......just be with me please? I am sorry for all the things I said I really didn't mean it"
You smiled and nod you kisses his hand and cupped his face "We don't have to run away, you don't have to run away" you said, same as Daemon you also just need him and only him you wouldn't care about what the others would tell you anymore.
"Don't leave love...." he pleaded.
"I won't do not worry..."
He half smiled and kissed your lips,
This is enough for him, you and him together is enough and he couldn't ask for more.
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enanan-ami · 2 months
i HIGHLY doubt muu being forgiven in t3 if anything happens to haruka.
shes stated shes going to let him because thats what he wants to do.
this is an entire analysis, not just what i think will happen in t3. this is me analyzing muu and putting my own opinion into what might have happened in the beginning, as well as adding the t3 theory.
M: Ah, but if you don’t forgive me, Haruka-kun will die, so I think it’d be best to not do that.
E: So you’ve heard about that nonsense too?
M: Yeah. Haruka-kun told me. So I could rest easy, according to him. That made me happy… It made me really feel our friendship!
E: You know about it and you’re not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
M: Why would I? Haruka-kun says he wants to do it, so there’s nothing I can do, right?
the way she words it, the way she says things. she sees him as another pawn, or worker bee, as shown in INMF.
and before anyone says im trying to make her look bad. no. im not. i feel like she does care and does want to help him, but shes so caught up in fear of what happened to her last time that she resorts to practically manipulating him. i think everything that happened to her messed her up so badly that she is resorting to making herself the one on top, because even though it looks bad to others, thats what seems right to her in order to protect herself.
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if the colors in the three closest to muus hair represent her previous friends having colors in matching hues, and the pink is because of bees being attracted to that color, what does the blue in her hair mean ?
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what if the blue represents haruka.
what if the blue represents how she feels close to haruka, but is afraid to have him turn on her. hes heavily codependent, and she basically has him wrapped around her finger because that is what she wants in order to protect herself.
M: Haruka-kun, I brought you some food. Are you alive? You haven't grown mold or anything?
H: .....Oh, thank you very much. Muu-san, I'm sorry, that ..... I..
M: Don't shut yourself up in that cell forever! You have to eat properly too, you know? I understand if you feel this way though, the recent atmosphere has been feeling bad lately.
H: Um, I said it's okay..... I, thought of what I should do, a little. What do I do, what do I do, to keep... My promise. For Muu-san's sake....
she. does. care. about. him. shes afraid to give too much into a relationship.
i think shes letting him do it if he wants to because the fact that he would basically sacrifice himself for her gives her a feeling of this is what is supposed to happen and friends would do anything for each other, because what if the reason she ended up bullying people in the first place is because she was forced to then her friends turned on her because she took it too far. they are who enabled her behavior.
why do i think muu killed rei ? because she was tired of rei manipulating her.
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Q: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed?
A: The person who did the wrong thing first should apologize.
i think she could have been dependent on rei, so now she is growing into who rei was.
can i also point out the after pain lyrics ?
"If I was gone, If I had just disappeared. I overheard, I found out how much I’m not needed"
simply stating, she was the one being used before. remember these songs are coming from the prisoners hearts. SHE CANT LIE IN THE SONG AND I AM TIRED OF HEARING THAT.
"Why won’t you stop hurt-hurt-hurting me? My heart is all dried up. My sorry spells must be wearing off. But I guess some of it is my fault. Maybe it’s ok as it is. I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?"
her friends manipulating her. i think this was her subconscious telling her that. and then also bringing her to fault for it, maybe for choosing the wrong friends.
plus, after going back through the interrogation questions.
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Q: Do you regret it?
A: Mmh, I should have chosen my friends better.
"“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday)"
"I was miserable, someone please help me"
"If you’re going to make me the villain it’s ok to ignore me"
i believe this plays onto her not having the original idea to bully people.
"its not my fault" could be because IT IS LITERALLY NOT HER FAULT. instead of being what you expect and it having a different meaning, she is saying it outright because its what you dont expect. she acts how she does because that is what she learned.
i think that muu trying to suppress and mask NPD could have been what caused her to react the way she does in the end. believing its all okay what she was taught.
back to the beginning point of this, muu likely being unforgiven if haruka gets killed off.
think of kotoko. im sure there were a LOT of people who voted kotoko guilty just because she almost killed mahiru and badly injured fuuta.
if haruka gets hurt or killed off, its expected that people will treat muu similar.
i also think that if anything happens to haruka, muu will be given some kind of talk from fuuta, whether its yelling, or a talk about how he could have been saved.
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Q: Which prisoner do you get along with the most?
A: I'm not anyone's happy friend. Well Haruka's younger, so I take care of him.
F: Hey, listen. Is he okay? He's been holed up and hasn't come out at all.
M: Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. Muu has been taking food to him, so he should be fine. Isn't Muu amazing?
F: Huh? Do you have to say it yourself, seriously… Oh, well. I guess I can understand a bit now. When you're feeling down, it's nice to have someone to rely on, someone who accepts you. We might not fully understand from our perspective, but if you're the "salvation" for Haruka, well, that's something.
M: Salvation…? I don't really get it. Futa-kun, you've started saying strange things. Did you hit your head or something? Oh, you did. Hahaha. Oh, by the way, it's Muu's birthday today.
F: —Hey, are you really okay with that? If you come with me, you might also be saved you know……Haruka.
H: Yeah……since I already made a decision. I, have something that I must do.
F: Ahh, is that so…… Hey, Haruka, you truly are an idiot. If that’s the case, you won’t be able to be saved.
H: Yeah, thank you. Fuuta, I’m happy that you called out to me. Um, I’m happy that you were so kind to me. I mean it. But, this is the only way I can do this. I’m sorry......
fuuta clearly cares a lot about haruka. as much as he pretended not to in the beginning, he does. and hes grown a connection to him. while by now he is trapped under amanes mindset, he still has spoken that he cares about him a lot, checking on him and trying to find his salvation and a way to save him.
if haruka is hurt or worse, i dont think muu will escape a talking to from fuuta.
if haruka is unsuccessful but gets hurt, i do think that his relationship with muu will suffer. though i think either way muu might realize that she helped him to continue his plan in a sense. i also think that fuuta will try to drag him away from shidou and take haruka under his and amanes care. i think mikoto could also play into this. haruka is the only person to have initiated conversation with mikoto throughout the timelines of trial 2. i think that mikoto would want to do what he can to help haruka, not only because he appreciates it, though that could be his ending motivation. and if orekoto were to switch in during that time and notice the situation, theres a chance of getting more rationality out of ore and having him be seen in a better light, adding for there to be less people afraid of mikoto.
muus mental state will likely suffer, and not only will the unforgiven verdict start that spiral, but again, everything going on with haruka will make her worse.
i wouldnt be surprised if muu also attempts in trial 3.
muu in a potentially terrible mental state and already building herself off of what she sees, having a need for attention and losing it because of everything going on with haruka, plus the likelyhood of her having been suicidal previously.
in the end, trial 3 is going to be hell and there is no changing it. and muu is much more than a manipulative bully as people characterize her to be.
i have only read two muu theories. one showing the imagery of her likelyhood of being suicidal (I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 30 MINUTES AND CANNOT FIND IT AGAIN I AM SO SORRY.) and this one which has the thing about the the hair color hues.
my thoughts may not be perfectly in order because i was thinking of all this as i typed it. if theres anything i missed, tell me. i want to understand muu better.
-Ena 🎨
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theblogwithoutfear · 10 months
Thoughts on the Ahmed run (spoilers)
I know we're only three issues in, but I thought I'd ramble about the current state of the union
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My main complaint is the memory loss story--it's a little disappointing. I was hoping that arc would go further and have a lasting impact on Matt; but he remembers everything so fast. Within the first issue he was back in the suit, and it feels like he moved on so easily from the trauma of everything.
Idk, I think it makes his sacrifice from Zdarsky's run feel a bit meaningless.
However, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, and wait for a while to see how it goes.
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I'm loving Matt as a priest at the group home. It feels a little bit like a nod to the Netflix show, with Sister Maggie and the orphanage. Maybe I'm just reading into that, idk. I realize a lot of people hate when the comics start taking things from the show--but I don't mind in this case. Plus, seeing Matt interact with kids is always a win for me
And the religious overtones/dark imagery? The moral complexity of his head vs. his heart? The duality of what he does in the day vs. the night? Love it. give me more.
I do miss lawyer Matt, though. It's been a hot minute since we've seen that, and I'm really hoping Ahmed will take Matt back to his roots at some point.
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I'm torn on the artwork. There are some BEAUTIFUL panels (this one is one of my favorites) and the coloring is so vivid and dynamic. And Matt is hella attractive in this run so far, so that's a big plus
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but also, there's something a little too... like... shiny? About everything? Things look polished almost, in a way that's a little weird. Sometimes the faces don't feel very defined.
I also think there's less weight in the artwork. The movement is a lot less dynamic and fluid than the last run. Everything feels a little like it's floating, the punches don't carry much weight, and it just makes everything feel... lower stakes, I guess.
I don't know, I'm a big Checchetto fan, and his artwork felt really solid and grounded. So maybe I'm just still adjusting--I'll give Kuder some time before I really make a judgement call.
Because again, there's still some really beautiful and dynamic things here. He's doing neat things with panel placement/shape, which breaks up the page nicely and has cool effects on the pacing
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I've also got mixed feelings about the tonal change thus far. Maybe this is a hot take, but I'm not into quippy Daredevil. I think he functions best as a character when he's really serious. He's usually got a gravitas that really informs the way he conducts himself. The quips in the latest issue take away from that, at least in my opinion.
Then again, Mark Waid made it work really well. Ahmed could very well be trying to do something similar. Again, it's something I'll reserve judgement on. I'm not against a lighthearted Matt, per se. I just think the darkness makes the storytelling so much more compelling and grounded (which is the reason I think people are also tired of the quippy humor in the MCU lately).
I hope the goofiness isn't going to be a long-term thing, but I feel okay about it for the time being. Especially since it's only every so often (at least so far). The run overall still feels fairly gritty and grounded.
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I'm intrigued to see where he's going to take Elektra as the Woman Without Fear. I was pleasantly surprised by that arc in the Zdarsky run (wasn't much of an Elektra fan until recently, tbh) and I'm curious to see what's next for her. We haven't seen as much of her as I'd like so far, but hopefully that will change.
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All that being said, I'm actually really enjoying this run so far. I'm not enjoying it quite as much as Zdarsky, but I still think it's really excellent. Ahmed's doing some interesting things with the character, and I'm really excited to see where he takes it.
Anyway, I'm curious to know if anyone else has thoughts on the run thus far. Opinions? Thoughts? Vehement disagreements?
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(bonus picture because I'm obsessed with the priest vigilante look)
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purenguyening · 2 months
Share your favourite things with me for that hangout ask (I'd also like to hear about your day and fandom opinions if you don't mind.
At the moment, I really like acrylic paint (I haven't done a real painting, just using it to color paper. But I do like the process of mixing colors on a palette, and to a degree, I find the process of cleaning brushes soothing. In terms of food, maybe it's just the humidity, but for whatever reason, I've been really craving anything salty (preferably seasoned with MSG), but salty cheeses and chips are always on the mind....
At the time I got this ask, I had wrapped up some business with the bank. Earlier in the day was also fiddling around with making patterned paper, but it was quite humid so the sharpie kind of smudged more than I was expecting... Not a bad way to spend the day off. At the given moment my day just started and work is just getting the ball rolling, though so far nothing for me to specifically to do since a lot of other things need to be done before I can get my hands on the load.
As for fandom....
In general, I feel like overall fandom seems a bit more hostile than usual. There's always some hostile people in fandom, but I think over the years, but it spiked starting in like 2016 and then snowballed in 2020. I think it's less obvious on tumblr and twitter tends to bring the anger out in everyone... but from my observations it feels extremely suffocating as the days pass....I have an understand how it came about, but it does feel...worrying.
For something specific, this is mostly because I finished replaying th fan translations of the second Investigations game, I do feel like Eddie Fender got the short end of the stick in terms of depth.
My general impression of him is that he's a guy who doesn't really like professionalism/decorum and tries to keep everything casual and laid back. In theory, this is an interesting character trait, because it would help him with investigations, like, in the sense of trying to calm down his client or witnesses who are all over the place emotionally. But this concept doesn't really show up despite his theme and his overall design hinting this. He does explicitly state that he thinks Miles can be too uptight and then the rest of the cast thinks he's not serious enough, so I kind of wished he had a chance to use his approach actually be fruitful rather than a punchline (in game he's just remembered for him casually flirting with everyone, and I got tired of the bit after a while).
This was a complaint(?) I had the first time I played the game, but I do think that it would have been good moment if Eddie actually offered a hug to Eustace in the fourth or fifth case, and thus, making use of one of his "gags" and actually used for something serious. I still have this feeling after replaying it again...
If you made it to the end, here's something I've been working on:
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I've recorded myself assembling them together, but I haven't actually gotten around to making the video to post because I still need to make the art that's inspired by this. I have two ideas in mind, just need to get around to actually start...lol.
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letoscrawls · 11 months
Many months ago, I think I wrote that I liked your designs of Sheeana and Murbella (the latter deserves more fanart from the fandom imo) but not only because you captured their personalities really well. I hate how some Sheeana fanarts make her look like a female Paul or like Rey from Star Wars, but I like that your Sheeana has lighter hair and Fremen features like book Liet Kynes. Also fitting since not only is Sheeana a successful terraformer like Pardot's dream but also her ancestors Ghanima and Farad'n are likely carriers for lighter hair colors (red, blond, sandy) and Sheeana was born and raised Fremen instead of Atreides nobility.
ohhh that's interesting bc i haven't seen many fanarts of sheeana! tysm though, usually when it comes to book characters i try to draw them as faithfully as possible, and if there isn't a clear description, i just follow my instinct hahahah for sheeana, i think it was stated several times in the books that she has blonde streaks of hair because she was out in the sun a lot, but i tried to give her the features of someone native of arrakis, as well as of a descendant of the atreides!
i never made the association with Kynes, but yeah it does makes sense, he too spent a lot of time in the open desert!
gosh this is making me want to draw sheeana sdkjsdjfhhfdh i'm just so tired these days, i can barely hold a pen :(
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seven-thewanderer · 6 months
WOO I finished it in time!!!
Okay since as I stated before, once today ends I'll have to go (so like... 8 more hours left)
but I wanted to share the rest of the designs for my Strayed AU before I left (...So I kinda rushed on one of them XD)
But I already shared Bloodmoon & KillCode's designs, Brainsick/Blackhole/Arp (the big villain)'s design, and a doodle of Eclipse & Solar Flare's designs...
So I wanted to design & share the rest!!!
So firstly... we have Earth!!
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This design of Earth I haven't yet decided which form of hers it'll be (whether it's the 1st body, 2nd body, or 3rd I don't know), but this is what Earth looks like at some point during the AU!! Her eyes are more similar to Sun's eyes (in canon), and her ribbon/headband's yellow instead of rainbow because I thought it fit, and because drawing the rainbow repeatedly can get a bit tiring...
I also was gonna draw her different outfits, but my device wouldn't let me keep drawing, so I only drew her skirt
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(Which actually probably means its the 2nd or 3rd body cus the 1st one didn't have outfits..)
Next, we have... Lunar!!! (This one's the current appearance, not the first few ones)
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Lunar's design here is slightly based on those little clown dolls (an example - that I didn't use as a direct reference, but sat in my mind unconsciously as I made it - being these clown dolls made by slocotion which they're cool maybe check their stuff out :3), and based on the details I liked from all of Lunar's canon models, and just. going purely on a clown-like vibe as I went through XD (And while I didn't design it, Lunar's first appearance would match more with Eclipse's first appearance, being more silly clown-like)
Next up: Sunrise!! (Yes he does go by Sunrise in this au)
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For Sun I really tried to go with an art teacher-like vibe... but most of the results were like... dresses and overalls-but-skirts. Which like, Sun would wear those in this AU, but not as his main outfit. So I just gave him one of those puffy-sleeved shirts with the overlapping stripes (#f8c092, 39% opacity. Why am I adding this? why not), and then added some art supplies on him (paint, glitter glue, and stickers) I'll explain the overalls being the 'wrong color' later
Finally, there's Moondrop!!
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Moon wears his overalls as well, but wears a labcoat as well cus.. he sciencey!! This design is specifically after-reset (cus this Moon got reset as well), cus if it was pre-reset, the eye would be red, not green. The bell on his hat is also a crescent moon-shaped bell!!
And also to explain the overalls color-swap for Sunrise & Moondrop:
They usually did wear their colors, Sunrise having the red-orange one with stars, and Moondrop having the blue-purple one with stripes, but then Sun wanted to swap for one day cus.. why not!! Moon agreed basically, but said if Sun got even one bit of paint on it, they weren't swapping back. Moon got the orange overalls cleaned by the end of the day (when they'd swap back), and Sun was basically drenched in paint & glitter glue... so now they've had the swapped overalls ever since XD
So yeah I think that's it!! Still have to design some other characters, like Monty, Stitchwraith, the Creator, Rodrick (who may get a name change in the AU), Foxy, and more!! Who knows, maybe if I get really motivated to, I may design characters from all the other shows in this AU!!
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
I was reading your "Takasugi is just like a butterfly" theory (excellent meta btw!) and now I am curious: do you like his actual manga!yukata design? as in which version do you like better? ofc Takasugi looks hot good in both lol--is just that I have never seen his actual manga design anywhere in fics or in fanarts (never even seen his manga panels colored T_T) but yeah the manga!yukata design is way more... complicated(?) so I can see why the anime decided to change it. what can I say, this man is a fashion icon 😭
omg I'm terribly sorry for getting to this so late! I've neglected my inbox a bit while working on my fanfic ideas, so this got buried in there T-T
Honestly, I love both equally and I can't speak in favor of the manga yukata since, like you stated, we haven't seen a colored version of it, BUT if we did, then perhaps that one would outshine his anime butterfly one. The design of his manga yukata is so intricate and the meaning behind it is well thought of! I've read this theory on aminoapp about its design and you can find it here if you'd like to read into it, but I'll quote some of the things mentioned regardless.
Manga!Shinsuke's yukata analysis!
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Looking at Shinsuke's most iconic yukata, we can see the theme of nature in the form of sakura flowers, mountains, clouds, and trees.
Sakura blossoms are known for being ephemeral, an attribute shared with butterflies. Sorachi might have made his yukata have a simpler butterfly pattern for the anime so that it's easier to draw and anime, but the concept remains the same. Ephemeral beauty. Something that doesn't last long, unlike the impression it leaves behind. Therefore, sakura blossoms and butterflies are both perfect symbolisms for a man whose life, albeit strong, held an unparalleled beauty in its entirety.
On the other hand, mountains could be seen as the exact opposite of sakura blossoms and butterflies. Mountains are unmoving and unyielding. They remain even after all nature around them dies. This could indicate Shinsuke's unyielding focus to his goal, the memories and the comrades he never forsook, and his ideals. No matter what, mountains can be viewed as a symbol of strength, and Shinsuke surely is a very strong individual.
As for the clouds, in a way, they too symbolize impermanence and are also linked to the divine due to proximity, but personally, when I view the clouds in relation to Shinsuke, I think of his famous poem-like saying in the Rakuyo arc. Clouds bring rain, and we all know how Shinsuke's sick of seeing the rain. The rain to him is both something he can't escape and haunts him, as well as something he's initiated himself. The clouds are an omen of his struggles and the pain he's brought upon himself; the very pain he is tired of feeling.
To sum up, the pattern of his kimono shows his life's flow, his ambitions, and his struggles. It's a very intimate exposure of his inner world, and for a man who doesn't let others in, he sure likes to put all that he is on display.
Since we got into this, I want to include another similar yukata of his, and the meaning behind it.
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They look very much alike I know, BUT this one has two notable elements: Peony flowers and Shochikubai.
Starting with the latter, Shochikubai is an expression for Sho, chiku, and bai, the japanese words for pine tree, bamboo, and plum (picture below for reference on what the basic design is supposed to look like). Shochikubai traditionally refers to the 3 friends of winter and it's associated with good fortune. To quote this article right here, Shochikubai is an allegory for weathering hard times through various attributes of each element. A pine tree is tenacious and rooted deep enough to hold. Bamboo can bend in the breeze without breaking, while plum trees are the first to blossom in winter like a promise of hope.
It's hard to properly discern them in this image, but the leaves definitely belong to the pine trees and the little flowers are a mix of sakura blossoms and plum blossoms. Anyway, tenacity is a trait that defines Shinsuke, and the hope that is carried through winter is similar to the hope for a miracle that carries him through his rebellion.
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Lastly, the bigger flowers are peonies, a symbol of love and nobility that is mostly preferred by women. A lot of people say that Shinsuke went down this path because of revenge and hatred, but really, his love for Shinsuke and all that he held dear from his days back at Shoka Sonjuku drove him. Nobility is something that Shinsuke himself has forsaken and claims to have never had, but many times he's shown kindness towards others and done the righteous thing. They are both elements of his personality, albeit well hidden.
To conclude this unnecessarily LONG answer, the kimonos he wears in the manga have such deep symbolism that one cannot ignore. They are a small peek into who he is as a person and all he represents, and because of that, I'll have to give them an extra point over his iconic butterfly yukata. One thing's for sure, Shinsuke surely knows how to dress to impress and he might as well be the most fashionable character in the entirety of the show. Hopefully this wasn't a snoozefest for you, I just thought it'd be interesting to explain why I favor his manga yukata more and provide proper reasoning.
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odysseywritings · 1 year
Interviewing the Sorceress
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She caught my eye with her colorful purple clothes, half her hair jet black and half white, and a collection of gold trinkets that had no obvious origin, such as a cyclops and a three headed alien. For privacy, her real name and location have been omitted, yet her van had an elaborate painting of a wizard surrounded by trees. She appears to be born in the 50s yet her energy is youthful and loose.
My dad fought in the Second World War, and he never shook that off, so I grew up a military brat. I went across the states but also Germany. And everywhere I went, I saw premonitions coming from anything at any time. I didn't think about them a lot until they came true. It started off small with what food would be in school or what buildings I'd see. You couldn't say this stuff out loud or you'd be labeled insane so I kept it inside like a good little patriot.
Then bombs showed up nearly every week, us being the "Duck and Cover" generation, and I had this growing anxiety that the world would end. It made me cold and violent toward anything and anyone, small or big. Why bother being good if the world would turn to fire and rubble before I could drive or get my first kiss?
My teenage years had me running away a lot, meeting outcasts, smoking, bussing with rock stars, joining protests, all that. I dabbled in tarot and psychedelics, but what I saw was different, more real. By the 70s, I'd go through these invisible doors that would open up.
When did you realize you were entering these doors?
They would be around corners: alleys, woods, interiors. I didn't feel anything change on my body, but I felt I was in a transient state. Like a caterpillar turning into mush in a chrysalis. Suddenly, I was no longer in my world. It was like being in an alien planet in those hokey B-movies. (laughs)
People looked the same, but the fashion was radical, people were teleporting in these phone booth things, and robots were much more life-like. And before I knew it, I'd flip back to the world of tie dye and an energy crisis.
Some people claim to be abducted by aliens. Do you think you experienced a similar fate?
Oh, goodness, no. I didn't see any little green or gray men. I always felt like I stayed on Earth. The free love movement and sexual revolution made the culture shock easier to absorb, but it was overwhelming at first. As the 80s went on, and progress was slowing down, I felt a longing to go back. I was so tired of people being cruel and dumb, getting obsessed with yuppie greed, settling down in unhappy marriages and jobs. Things were becoming hazy and I wondered if there was any optimism.
It took a few years before another door opened and I couldn't wait! Everything was even more futuristic. There was no smog, no poverty, no real divisions. People had magic, or some kind of advanced technology, where they could just create things out of thin air!
I spent so much time in that future, I left my old one for... I think, 8 years. In that time, I could feel the universe and grab all the atoms. They could be weaved and crafted like a sewing kit for any problem. Viruses, fuel shortages, broken bones, hunger, all gone. I didn't worry about survival like I used to, and I studied and traveled with all the time in the world. I even trained to be an astronaut!
I could see so much of the galaxy and beyond. Even in space, the most terrifying and lonely place, I felt secure knowing I was closer to knowing life in its entirety.
What made you decide to return here?
I didn't want to learn everything while I was still healthy. What else would I do besides get bored to death? I'm over 70 but I haven't felt this young before. All the regrets, shame, anger, confusion, and pessimism in my youth are so distant that they belong to someone who doesn't exist anymore.
What matters is that I keep doing new things, making the impossible happen, and delivering the truth to others. I know I seem like a crazy old lady, but you can find doors to enter if you turn your head around the corner, and discover a new way to live life when everything seems to drag you down.
Thank you for taking the time for this interview.
My pleasure, dear!
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a-dogpgh · 2 years
Why I love Rainbow Billy: A personal review
CONTENT WARNING CONTENT WARNING CW: discussion of mental health and past trauma, as well as negative childhood experiences CONTENT WARNING CONTENT WARNING
I had a good conversation with my mom about past stuff and it went really well just the other day, which really warmed my heart and I think this game helped facilitiate it. A few days ago, I was in a really bad headspace, rejection sensitive dysphoria kinda overran my brain and I couldn't get through it. I made it to therapy, talked about how many things I felt were falling apart around me (besides stuff with people close to me the state of the world and the danger faced by trans and all queer youths frightens me), and I was talking about some past stuff that still weighed on me that I was guilty about, and my therapist told me that I it's okay to forgive myself for my mistakes and it hit like a tank as a concept, but I had no idea how to do it, and then the next day I played it game really hit so many feelings I had growing up: -feeling too anxious to talk to others and ending up staring and feeling creepy -guilt over familiar arguments like you were the cause -the idea that you have to be tough and strong, and that emotions and kindness are weakness -the fear of acknowledging and working through the past -feeling like a screwup and everyone else around you is perfect
these are all pretty common anxieties I assume, but I know some of them took a hold and haven't left me, so to have something "say hey that feeling that's still dragging you? was it ever something anyone ever even noticed?" and I was like "oh that fear about my appearance wasn't real" or if it was, it was only a few bullies and not something most people cared about or judged you for.
The game plays like Paper Mario meets undertale, you don't defeat monsters, you talk to them to find out what they're going through and give encouragement or support, and it reveals colors that the other characters you've befriended will give to them (it looks like an attack tho, but it's like a metaphor, I think)
And after you befriend them, there's additional information about them, so you find out why the dragon is trapped in the shell, or the porcupine is so tired all the time. It's just a really sweet and nice experience and I wanted to tell ya about it! :3
EDITED: Edited it since I wanted to add more context but it makes the first paragraph very long lmao, also I originally wrote it to other people and fixed some things at the beginning to match the tone for y'all. x3
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Fanfic: F-it! Un-Tom King's Your Riddler!
(Since AO3 has been down due to attacks, here's a fic that I wrote a while back and just haven't posted yet)
Summery: I really hated Tom King’s Riddler origin story so I wrote my own. Skips over the actual origin and just talks about the current time. Somewhat hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of cancer, chemotherapy, and fear of death.
Characters: Riddler and Batman
Word count: 2090
“Hey, my daughter really liked that last one,” the guard bringing him lunch informed him. “‘What’s got a bottom at its top?’ She’s been running around saying it and shouting out ‘Legs’, real cute.”
Edward was a flight risk, his cell was never allowed to be opened. It felt demeaning to sit at the door and then pull in the tray of food like an animal. “I thought the cleverness of that one might resonate with some people,” he commented. “She sounds like a smart little girl.”
“She is,” the guard was more than happy to talk about his daughter for a minute. A proud father. Edward was a little envious. “Got any others like that? Y’know, dirty but like kid-dirty. She loves a good fart joke.”
“I can’t say that any springs to mind but I’ll think on it,” Edward told him. “I don’t have much else to do right now.”
“A straightjacket? Really? Commissioner Gordon, I feel I should remind you that I have a history of escaping those, in case you actually expect that to work, I don’t want to disappoint you,” Edward said as he eyed the white jacket. Why was it always white? Was it really too much for them to make straight jackets in colors?
Arkham put him in one often enough he was pretty sure they owed him a fully customized one, green with purple accents and an actual challenge to escape. Maybe he’d have it made and sent to them for next time.
As much as he was annoyed with the jacket, at least it wasn’t a tranq gun or knock-out drugs.
“We’ll start with rubber bullets,” Gordon said.
“That won’t be necessary, I have no intention of fighting you,” Edward assured him. “I’d very much like to talk to Batman, if you’d be so kind as to call him.”
Gordon paused and seemed to study him for a second. “I’ll call him if you agree to wear the straightjacket,” he bargained.
Edward sighed. He really didn’t want to let someone get close enough to put that on him, not right now, but there wasn’t an actual choice. “I accept your terms,” he agreed.
He was definitely going to be late for his appointment and he desperately needed it.
It wasn’t fair. The treatment was supposed to help him but it left him feeling just as tired, if not more tired, than when it started. It took every fiber of strength that he had, more than he thought he even possessed, to try to hide the pain and fatigue he was going through. He didn’t want to appear weak in front of Batman. He’d even over-done it on the green makeup so that it would hide the bags under his eyes.
He was idly playing basketball when he heard the tell-tale woosh of a cape off to the side of the court. Batman had arrived.
“Gordon said you wanted to talk with me,” Batman said, unmoving from the shadow he’d found.
Edward let the ball roll back over to him and picked it up. “I did, I do,” he answered. “I-...” he stopped, finding himself unable to say what he wanted -no, needed- to say.
“If you’re at a loss for words, it must be something big,” Batman stated.
“Something like that,” Edward muttered, playing with the ball again. He didn’t feel that he had the strength to throw it but he could still dribble it or just hold it.
“I was also told that after Gordon called me the first time and asked me to meet you here, you escaped with a desperation he’d never seen in you or anyone before,” Batman continued. “He said it was like your life was at stake. You’ve been behaving oddly well according to the guards at Arkham. I’m told you normally drive them crazy with mind games or escape your cell just to mess with them, but you haven’t at all during your last stay.”
“I’ve told a few riddles,” Edward shrugged. “One of the guards said his daughter’s been getting into them, I made up some for her.”
“Making up riddles for a kid is not the same as your usual brand of crazy.”
“I suppose not. Can we move this conversation over to the benches?”
His body felt like he was about to drop over, he was glad Batman followed him to the benches so he could sit down and get the pain to lessen.
“There’s no easy way to put this and not many people to ask how to, but…” Edward paused and sighed. “I’m quitting the whole crime thing.”
Batman seemed surprised by that.
“It was fun, telling riddles to lead you to my next crime, throwing obstacles in your path to slow you down but knowing you would still be right behind me, knowing that any person who was involved was safe because you wouldn’t let them be hurt, the priceless items I stole, and of course the attention of media, it was all fun.”
“But you’re quitting?”
“It’s been losing its charm, the pattern has become a rut. I can’t… I don’t want to fall into a rut like that.”
Batman was quiet for a second. “You’re in pain,” he observed. Even resting, the pain was catching up with him, he had as good a chance of not getting caught by Batman as he had of escaping the pain. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
“Yes,” Edward admitted. “And not just in my usual way. A good therapist can’t help with this, not that there are any of those in this city. Thankfully we have several dozen hospitals, I was able to find help in one of them but I’m not sure it’s working.”
Just rip off the bandaid and say it. Quick and painless. It doesn’t have to be drawn out.
“I… I have cancer,” Edward said, finally telling someone about it for the first time. “Stage three, it’s not looking all that promising.”
He didn’t even need to look at Batman to know that he moved closer, he felt his presence next to him on the bench in an instant.
“It’s hard to get treatment and be a super criminal, I suppose,” Batman muttered. “That’s why you decided to quit and wanted to see me, right?” he checked.
“Part of it, yes,” Edward answered. “Look, the doctors said it doesn’t look good, they told me to get my affairs in order. Easiest task I’ve ever done, I don’t have loved ones to call, I know the police are just waiting to seize everything I have and lock it all away in an evidence locker, no one would really care if I died… except for maybe you and the daughter of a guard at Arkham. If anything else, I figure you were the most fun to interact with so if I had to tell anyone, it might as well be you.”
“I had a friend growing up, he lost his mother to cancer, we drifted apart over the years but I vividly remember the struggle she went through before passing, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone in the entire world, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.”
“I’m not a good person, I always figured I’d die from someone getting revenge, from pissing off another rogue or a hero who doesn’t have a no-kill policy, something that would be quick and deserved. But this… this is nothing like that. It’s slow, it allows for time to tie up loose ends, and while it’s slowly breaking down my body, it’s killing my mind. Even if I wanted to continue to be a criminal, I literally can’t. I tried to do a crossword while in chemo today and just couldn’t do it. Some rogues can do the spontaneous criminal work but that’s just not who I am…”
“As much as I want to see you give up being a criminal, I want it to be because you decide to try a different path in life, not like this,” Batman said.
“I know I always said I didn’t care about death, that if I died I’d finally solve the greatest riddle of all but…” Edward trailed off as he tried hard not to start crying. “I… I’m scared.”
“I know. I’ve faced death enough times myself to know the feeling. But you can relax because you’re not dying.”
“How can you be so confident?”
“Because if you die, who’s going to provide me with the challenge that you think I need? Who’s going to take your place? The Joker? Jokes and riddles are similar but not that similar.  You said yourself, you’re not a good person, but you could be. Remember how you were a private investigator for a while?”
“I have a near perfect memory, or at least I did before the cancer, of course I remember.”
“That just proves you could be a good person. You never killed anyone, scared them mostly but you said you knew I’d save them.”
“I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say anymore.”
“You’re not dying because I won’t let that happen,” Batman said. “I know some of the best doctors in the world and out of it, I know people who can literally do magic, you’re not going to die. After you beat cancer, which you will, we can talk about the whole quitting thing again.”
“You seem awfully confident,” Edward said with a slight hum. “Just in case you’re wrong, can I ask for a small favor? I promise to take it to my grave.”
“What is it?”
“I’ve had a hunch for years and I want to know if I’m right. Who are you under the mask?”
Batman was still for a minute, long enough Edward figured he was probably waiting for him to start talking about something else and move away from the identity thing. To his surprise, Batman simply pulled the mask away like it was the hood of a jacket.
“I was right,” Edward uttered in shock. “You’re Bruce Wayne.”
“You figured it out before, I figured the likelihood of you getting it right the second time was high enough I can just tell you. Besides, I know you’re not going to do anything with the information.”
“Because I’m dying.”
“No, because what good is a riddle that everyone knows the answer to?”
“I suppose that’s also a good point,” Edward hummed.
“Edward,” Bruce began. Without the cowl, he sounded completely different, like his voice and mannerisms were also part of his mask. “I know you think no one would care if you died but you’re wrong, there are people who care about you, I care about you, and I’m going to prove it to you.”
In the months that followed that, both men researched as much as they could to find any form of a cure, the cancer continued to get worse.
During that time, Edward had put together collections of his riddles into books and published them: ‘1,001 Riddles for Young Geniuses’ and ‘the Riddler’s best Riddles’. He signed a copy of the first one and sent it to the guard for his daughter, he didn’t see anyone’s reactions but he was told by Bruce that they were thrilled.
Bruce walked into the hospital room where Edward was currently reading a book while doing chemo, an IV tube hooked into his arm and slowly releasing the medication. In order to keep a low profile, Bruce had put on a ‘disguise’, mainly glasses and an outfit he wouldn’t normally wear in public.
“That’s your idea of a disguise?” Edward asked with a slight laugh.
“Don’t knock it, it’s actually a really good one, I learned it from a friend of mine,” Bruce said. “Clark used to confuse people all the time whenever he lost his glasses, you’d be surprised how big a difference they can make.”
“I highly doubt people are actually going to fall for-”
A nurse walked in to check on something and paused, looking straight at Bruce. “Hello, who might you be?” she asked.
“A friend,” Bruce answered. “Just wanted to come see how my friend’s doing. You’ll need a ride home after this, right?”
“Uh, yeah, actually,” Edward agreed. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Bruce waited until the nurse left and they were alone again. “I think I found a cure.”
“There’s no cure, I’ve been looking.”
“You’ve been looking at the records of scientists, I went beyond that,” Bruce corrected him. “Have you ever heard of the Lazarus Pit?”
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misakicchi · 2 years
Private Channel from Ayla...
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Ayla Activation Letter || December 15
Hi Commandant! I haven't seen you for a few days! Do you miss Ayla?
Thank you Commandant for the Activation Day gift and cake. As expected of Commandant, why can you always guess Ayla's preferences so accurately? Ayla's exhibition also finally starts today, and this day is also very meaningful to me... the days of my life...
Because it was from this day that I was able to observe the world with new eyes and a new state of mind, and to get in touch with the real and cruel world outside Babylonia. Knowing that Commandant has been busy fighting in the field during the day, Ayla applied to the Art Association to keep the exhibits for another day after the exhibition is over. On that day, Ayla will be the exclusive tour guide of the Commandant. Let's book the venue and take the Commandant to have a good time! Ayla has also prepared a special surprise for the Commandant. Ayla very-very, very much wants to hear your evaluation with my own ears!
Even though those works cannot truly and completely describe the entire history of your battles so far, but because of you and everyone, I was able to follow the footprints of your battles, pick up those lost stars, and then put them out there but stringing them up together, one by one, so that its colors can be seen by more people.
Hehehe... Are you saying its a little too serious? Maybe Ayla hasn't switched back from exhibition mode yet. By the way... I still have one last wish for Ayla's Activation Date! That is, I want to draw the best portrait on this day. Will the Commandant come to be my model and help me fulfill this wish?
Ayla knows the Commandant will definitely ask, Ayla has been asking to paint the Commandant's portrait many times now, why is she not tired of drawing it?
Hmm... maybe it's because you can only keep looking at Ayla when there are portraits of the Commandant that already exists made by Ayla.
Ahaha--- just kidding! Even I would feel embarrassed to say such a thing... In short, come over when you are free? It doesn't matter if you are late, I will always be waiting for you in the studio. And the cake you sent... Ayla wants to share it with you too.
From: Ayla
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Invitation Letter: Ayla
Title: [Push Notification] Member Subscription Message
"Rainbow Trace" Exhibit Interview | Ayla: Exploring the Thousand Colors in Each Other's Eyes (Excerpt)
Babylonia News, 15th of December, in the new modern art exhibition, the exhibition titled "Rainbow Trace" created by the cutting-edge artist Ayla has been unveiled today in the C-06 exhibition area, bringing the public a multi-dimensional art that spans time and space, a visual feast. The exhibition showcases the encounters of different people against the tide of times in a very contagious style. The response was enthusiastic, and the flow of visitors to the exhibition has also reached the peak compared to previous exhibitions. The reporter also learned that the exhibition site has more than ten artworks presenting "Rainbrace", completed by the Art Association and the executive team. The main creator, Ms. Ayla also accepted an exclusive interview in person and shared with us the ideas and knowledge in the creation of this exhibit.
"Can you share with us why you chose such a theme?"
"In this era, art seems to be very small, but it will drive artists to think more... For me, the blue star in front of me is the broadest and most splendid canvas, and everyday, in the eyes of individuals, it has different colors, bright or dark... So I want to use different forms to describe the world in the eyes of different people. Everyone can have a completely different answer to the interpretation of 'truth'."
"Each of the works exhibited this time is impressive and visitors learn about the process of creating the works through the 'scene reproduction' device next to each work. Why did you choose this exhibition format?"
"It comes from my combat experience on Earth some time ago. As for the origins of the exhibition installation... I would like to thank a person who helped me a lot during the creation period. Whenever I am confused, the people who have always supported me... although the other party may not even notice... They are always fighting for the future of mankind, and I want to record their fighting stories and the world through their eyes, no matter what. Their figures will bring us extremely powerful feelings."
"Some people say that you named the blank painting at the end of the exhibition as 'Masterpiece' because 'most satisfying work' is always the next unfinished painting. What do you think of this interpretation?"
"Ahaha... This kind of interpretation is always very interesting, I like it very much! In Ayla's eyes every work that I have completed with my heart is my proudest work! Well-- but just now, Ayla has already thought of the content I wish to paint in that canvas! I can't wait to draw it now!"
"Is this the 'explosion of inspiration'? Then, would you like to reveal the content of your work? I believe it's not just me who is curious, but also your fans. About the true face of your 'Masterpiece'."
"Well, at least for now, this is a girl's secret! And... this is something that requires courage..."
From: Mopellier | Babylonia News Editor
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dustofeve · 2 years
15, 17, and 42!
15.) name one musical album that greatly impacted your life? why?
Absolutely 100% has to be Wish by The Cure, my god. Not a lot of people like it and it does have one of the most overplayed Cure songs in it by far but I don't really mind that, the first half especially perfectly encapsulates my experiences with being overwhelmed by people, anxiety, and derealization
I spent my early college years in a really extreme state of dissociation on top of sh and substance abuse and that album pierced through the fog i was in so immediately, to the point where i still get super emotional hearing "Open" lol. I'd never listened to anything that I related to so heavily until then and haven't really since. That album is so special to me and I listened to it on repeat during those times
17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel?
Gonna pick two, "Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel being the first and purely for trans reasons lol. The pure rage and raw feeling of betrayal in his eyes is something I relate to a lot and even though it's a classic I never get tired of looking at it
Also, "The Lady of Shalott" by John William Waterhouse based on Tennyson's poem of the same name! My mom had a print of that painting hanging in her bedroom for most of my life and she was always so ethereal and beautiful to me. She was also the only other ginger I'd seen at that time and that made me feel pretty special lol! I really adore the colors and the expression on her face
42.) what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand?
i just answered this one but probably my big Demonia platforms!! I also found a really nice long leather jacket that fits me perfectly at an antique shop for $50 recently which i saw the EXACT brand + size of at a local gothy boutique for $200!!! That was a crazy good find
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Part 3
TW: Mildly heated scene. Minato has some raunchy thoughts, they kiss a lil, this part and the next are a little spicier.
Also! Due to me working on this for a collective 10 months so far, I have had to rewrite a lot of this work. So, feel free to ask questions or point out spelling mistakes. I try to aim for an improvement in story and characterization, but sometimes I can only fix one. Either way, I hope you all continue to enjoy this story as it progresses <3
Previous part: here
Next part: Here
TOC: Here
Despite Ryoji's offer, Minato didn't come to him with his questions that first day. In fact, the sacrifice didn't emerge from his room for the first few days of his stay. Instead, he lay in the clean, warm safety of his bed. Sleeping off and on, and only peeling himself out of his comfort to fetch the food left in the hall or other bare needs.
But, he couldn't be left to his bliss forever. His quiet bubble popped by a knock at his bedroom door.
       "Minato? Are you okay in there?" Ryoji called through the door, "It's been three days, you should come hang out with me for a while, funeral lily." the brunette suggested. Pausing a moment before knocking again when the sacrifice only pulled the comforter over his head. "Alright, uh, I'm gonna go ahead and come in and check on you. Please cover yourself if you're indecent."
Minato then heard a soft click as his door opened and Ryoji crept in. coming over to pat the bed until he found the blue-haired male beneath the comforter.
        "Mina?" He whispered, shaking his shoulder a bit. When he still continued the act, the brunette tugged the blanket back. "There you are, I thought you had escaped, funeral lily." And in response, the sacrifice only sighed before pushing himself up once more.
        "I'm fine. You literally haven't said a word about me staying in here for days, why are you so worried now?" He asked, his words sharpened by his bland, disinterested tone, which made Ryoji blink.
        "I mean, I wanted to give you space to adjust. But, it's still my job to make sure you're safe and happy in your time here, so...here I am." He explained, reaching up to feel Minato's pale face for a fever, but the sacrifice was swift to swat his touch away.
        "I'm fine, just tired." Minato laid back down after that, rolling over to face away from the assistant.
Instead of getting the hint, Minato could feel those bright blue eyes looking over his disheveled state. The plain white dress poking out from beneath the messed up comforter, his messy, midnight-colored hair, and the mark left by the shackle on his pale wrist, all came together to stoke the concern that the assistant seemed to nurse.
       "How about you come down to the kitchen? I'll cook you some fresh food, you can get a nice shower, it'll be nice." He offered, straightening beside the bed as the sacrifice glared back at him
      "If I smell bad, fuck off. No one's handcuffing you to me."
        "I didn't mean that, funeral lily. I meant it might be nice for you to have a nice meal and a warm bath after being left out to turn into a popsicle." Ryoji explained, giving a small laugh at his own words while Minato rolled his eyes.
Despite the annoyance, though, he did toss the crimson comforter aside and push himself up. The brunette did offer his hand as the sacrifice sat up, but the gesture went ignored as the boy stood on his own. Wordlessly following the god's assistant out into the rest of the home.
In an unofficial tour of his new abode, the sacrifice took in the god of death's taste in interior design. Noting a fitting gothic aesthetic waiting. The hall having ornate end tables that fit the brown, almost black, walls and wood flooring. But, there was also a thread of color in paintings and bouquets of vibrant flowers in pretty vases.
That same trend of vampiric-style furniture mixing with vibrant colors continued on the first floor of the mansion. Though, the off-white tiles and open, opaque white curtains letting the winter sunlight in lightened things up a lot.
         "You like it? I decorated it myself." Ryoji preened, waiting at the foot of the stairs with a smile for the sacrifice to catch up. Though, all Minato gave was a noncommital shrug before continuing down the rest of the stairs. Following his tour guide to the kitchen next. "How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Sunny side up?" Ryoji asked, throwing open the doors and going to the fridge to dig out breakfast ingredients. Minato, meanwhile, drank in the new room. Dark, warm colors in the marble countertops and cabinets, black-and-white checker tile floor, and snow-colored curtains over the sink window and glass doors. And, of course, more colors in the form of cooking utensils, oven mitts, and dish rags.
        "I don't care." He finally threw out, drifting over to the back door and moving the curtain to look outside.
        "Scrambled it is."
While the brunette began to cook, Minato only stood and looked out the French doors. Watching the weak winter sun turn the past day's blanket of snow into a field of diamonds.
         "How do you have flowers in winter?" He eventually asked. Glancing over to watch the brunette duel-wield two pans to cook sausage and eggs.
         "Easily! I buy fake ones." Ryoji chuckled, the simplicity of it making the sacrifice snort as well.
         "Am I allowed to go outside?" He asked next, ignoring the way the scent of food awoke his hunger at last,
         "Out in the garden? Yeah, but not alone and you can't go beyond that." The brunette hummed, making the boy scowl at the thought of requiring the brunette for simple walks.
        "So I need an escort. Fun." Ryoji shrugged at the annoyance,
        "Thanatos doesn't want his sacrifices wandering off or getting hurt. Can't have you trying to fly, y'know?" Yeah, Thanatos. But, the brunette didn't hear that thought as he cooked a pile of scrambled gold and sizzling sausage. "Thanatos only wants his sacrifices happy."
After that, Minato took a moment to watch the snow glitter and listen to Ryoji toast bread while he repeated, The god of death wants me to be happy. The thought made his chest tighten and his stomach churn like bitter butter, If he wanted me happy, he should've...
What should Thanatos have done though?
Comparatively, it was true that the god had given Minato a better life than he had only a few days ago. The home he had now was bigger, cleaner, and all around better than his apartment with no current demand for rent. And, while he no longer had his anti-depressants, Ryoji was more likely to appropriately medicate him than his original doctors if he needed it. So, was it that hard to believe the god of death wasn't looking to torture him? God, it's depressing how much of an improvement this is. He thought with a sigh.
Despite that thought, though, the midnight-haired sacrifice moved on to his next set of questions.
      "So, if I'm not allowed to leave, how exactly do you plan to keep me here?"
       "I'm stronger than I look, and!" He paused to shoot the midnight-haired boy a charming smile that sparked a pop of warmth in his belly. "I'm usually pretty enough to convince people to stay without much of a fight. Though, I can't say if that would work on you specifically," Which, Minato didn't confirm nor deny. He simply took his plate of food when offered it and moved to sit at the island.
       "Y'know, there's one fatal flaw in your god's security system." He pointed out,
       "And that is?" Ryoji asked, sitting on the other side of the island from him.
       "At least one of us here needs to eat, and I didn't see any chickens in the yard." He pointed out. Ryoji snorting as he watched Minato eat, "So, what's keeping me from bolting when you go out shopping? Do you take the sacrifices with you?" And Ryoji shrugged,
       "You've got a point, I will admit. But, usually, my charms and pretty smile make the women not want to run. Though, if they were to run off, during my two-hour shopping trips wouldn't be the best time. They'd have better chances running when I go out for the month." He argued, right before squashing any schemes with, "But, none of them have stayed long enough to try that..."
The two fell into a bit of a somber silence for a few moments as Ryoji's words hung between them ominously before Minato spoke again,
       "You go out for a month at a time?" Ryoji gave a bark of laughter in response.
       "No! Sacrifices are...only here for a week or so out of the year, I'm here year-round." He explained, hiding the twinge of loneliness Minato heard by pressing on, "So, I'm allowed to go out three times a month so long as no sacrifices are here. If I didn't, I'd go insane and lose my edge." Minato nodded before he followed his inquiry up with,
      "What happens after that week is up?"
      "I...dunno, Thanatos doesn't tell me where he takes them. He...takes them."
The blue-haired man let the admission sit on the island like a decorative bowl of fruit between them. Taking the small drop in conversation to mull things over. Well, I've already been here three days. That means I have about four left, right? Do I die after that? And, the thought of dying didn't upset him as much as the thought of leaving the beautiful mansion did. After all, it felt like he'd just gotten there, and now he was being dragged away to somewhere new, and possibly worse.
Though, he was torn from stirring his melancholy into his overcooked eggs for flavor when the pretty brunette cleared his throat.
        "Hey, you wanna cuddle after you're done?" And, the bluntness of the question made the sacrifice's stormy eyes dart up to him. Yet, close scrutiny of that adorable face brought no signs of sarcasm or perversion, only earnest offering. "I know it's odd to offer so soon after you've come out of hiding, but physical contact helps mental health sometimes. So, I thought it'd be nice to offer so you don't get so depressed, maybe." He added in explanation, Minato able to see the pink tint creep over his cheeks for a moment or two.
        "You worry over my mental health?" He asked, more skeptical than he should have been. The assistant only nodded though,
        "Mental health is included in my job of keeping sacrifices happy. So, if you would like, I can cuddle you. All platonic, of course, no weird undertones." He assured while Minato mulled the offer over for a long moment before he finally nodded.
Ryoji stared at him with a glint of surprise in his sapphire eyes for a few seconds at that. Then, a bright smile spread across his round face.
        "Wonderful! Do you have any issues with laying on me? I don't wanna cage you in or crush you into a very cute meat puddle." He giggled, the sacrifice snorting at the odd compliment and mental image that made him fight a smile.         "No, that's fine. Thanks for the concern for my bones, I guess." Ryoji nodded at that, getting up and heading out of the room with the midnight-haired man following.
The next room he walked into was spacious and decorated with the same dark, gothic aesthetic. Full of dark, reddish-purples, browns, and blood-colored velvets. With sunny yellow throw pillows and a matching blanket draped over the velvet couch that Ryoji flopped onto. The brunette grabbing the remote off of the ornately carved coffee table to flick the tv on,
         "To, uh, curb any awkwardness." He explained. The blue-haired man nodded but still stayed by the door.
You agreed to this, you can't get weird about it now. He mentally chided himself, It's platonic anyways. No pressure, only mental health care. Yet, that seemed to be the issue. The sheer thought of being held with zero sexual intentions tied his stomach in knots. But, Ryoji was watching him with such sweetness in his eyes, that Minato couldn't find a good excuse to back out now. The brunette seemed eager to cuddle him, so the sacrifice took a deep breath and finally moved over to the couch. Hesitantly crawling onto Ryoji to lay with his head on his chest and half of his body sandwiched between the brunette's body and the back of the couch. His other limbs left to drape over the assistant's body.
With a few adjustments made for comfort as well as making sure Minato's dress didn't ride too far up, the assistant wrapped his arms around him. Keeping his hands to an uncomfortably polite spot on his upper back while they lay there. Letting the television fill the air with whatever show played. It was...nice.
It was nice to lay in the quiet living room. Watching some detective drama while listening to the brunette's heartbeat and slow breathing. The scorch of such intimate contact even began to fade into a blissful warmth after a few moments. When Ryoji began mindlessly rubbing his back, Minato was sure he'd melt like room temp butter in the summer, but at the same time, that blissful warmth began to grow into a deeper burn.
So, the man looked up to his companion. Finding that the brunette was completely thoughtless. Watching the moving pictures on the tv with no sign of comprehension beyond that. He seemed completely at ease and comfortable on that couch with him. Which, somehow seemed to emphasize exactly how gorgeous the taller man was.
His body was completely non-threatening. Nothing but curves and warmth that would definitely be a wonder to be on top of. With a face that was gorgeous to see tinted pink and a voice that would lend itself amazingly to a symphony of noises.
Kiss him. A small voice whispered, growing louder the longer Minato admired his companion. Kiss him. Grab him by the scarf and make him mewl. That part of him demanded, giving him the strength to reposition himself to look down at the pretty man. When the spaced-out brunette finally zoned back in and noticed the change in position, though, he struck. Silencing any attempts to question or speak by busying that pretty mouth with his own. Only allowing a surprised hum from the man before the sacrifice swiped his tongue over his bottom lip to get instant permission.
Ryoji tasted cold, yet sweet. Like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Which, made the blue-haired male give a small hum. In response, the brunette smiled into the kiss. Moving a hand into the sacrifice's shaggy hair when the kiss grew more heated.
From there, Minato looped his arms around the brunette's neck and tangled his fingers in his hair in return. But, where Death's assistant was gentle and sugary sweet, the sacrifice didn't hesitate to tighten his grip on Ryoji's slicked-back hair while they kissed. Feeling a much more comfortable thrill go through him when the brunette let slip a pleased moan. Just as nice a noise as Minato had thought it would be.
Yet, when the brunette let the hand he'd kept out of his hair slide down his back to squeeze his ass, it was Minato's turn to give a surprised noise. A noise he regretted when Ryoji moved his hand back up and broke the kiss.
        "Shit, I'm sorry." He breathed, looking away with a fresh dusting of blush on his cheeks.
        "For what? I literally started this." Minato snapped. That unquenched fire burning in his stomach turned to annoyance as Ryoji argued,
        "I mean, yeah, but that doesn't mean- I mean, I shouldn't assume how comfortable you are."
        "Are you joking, dude? I'm grinding my dick into you, and you don't think I'd want my ass grabbed?" Minato deadpanned. Glaring down at the brunette, who could only squirm beneath his thunderous expression.
        "Okay, you...have a point." He admitted, "But it's just...I-I haven't slept with a man. I've slept with some of the sacrifices, that's fine, but they've all been girls." Squeaking when the midnight-haired man caged his head between his hands and asked,
        "so, do you want to fuck a man, or not? You were fine kissing me, so I don't get this." He gestured to the brunette. But when a long pause passed with no answer, he yanked his leg free of the couch and adjusted his dress' skirt as he got up. "Whatever. I'm gonna go back to my room. If you can get over this, you can come find me."
Even as he snapped it out, Minato could recognize that his words were too harsh. Logically, he could understand why Ryoji would hesitate. But, that didn't mean he had to be happy at how high and dry his indecision left him. If the brunette decided to bite the bullet later in the night, he'd teach him a few things. But, until then, the sacrifice allowed himself an ill temper.
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
Teaser Update 2
Hello guys, this is a teaser of a scenario that I have been thinking on of the class routes. Also, I wanted to say that the demo is gonna be delayed in it's release due to I found it lacking in visual aids.
So as sorry, I made this teaser for you guys, enjoy :)
At the Throne Room Doors Of The Enemy
King Hendrick's POV
You're standing in front of the throne room massive doors, you're clad in enchanted armor from head to toe, it's color white, like a burning beacon of light, shining in the darkness and your familiar and trusted sword strapped to your left-side. Breathing a handful of air and breathing them out.
You set your attention on the doors. Putting your hands on the metal handles, it's metal cool on your hands, you can feel the malignant presence from the other side of this door, it's darkness, putting dread in the pit of your stomach.
"Time to end this madness!" you thought to yourself, determined. Mission in mind, you pushed the doors open, it's hinges creaking from it's massive size and colliding on the castle walls, making a banging sound. Venturing inside, you set your gaze on the figure that is seated on the throne, the figure's sword is in front of them, their hands atop on the pommel of their sword, clearly waiting for you.
"We met again, old friend!" you say wistfully, not wanting to believe what you see before your very eyes, your former friend and brother in arms "Liam". Now the person that stands in front of you is wearing a simple tunic and leather pants. A shell of their former self, you slowly started walking towards the center of the throne room and stopping in front of Liam. This closed you can see your friend much more clearly, they have pale skin like ash with black veins running through their arms , eyes red as blood and looking at you with burning hatred, atop their head is a crown made of bones. .
Liam's POV
You see Hendrick slowly approaching you and stopping in the center of the throne room, raising his hands and putting it on his helmet, then proceeding to remove the strap of his helmet and dropping it on the ground, his helmet rolling and clattering on the smooth marble tiles, he tilts his head upwards and look you in the eyes. Looking at you with pity and regret in his eyes, clearly waiting for your response. You can see how time has been cruel on Hendrick, where once his face is clean and shaven, now full of scars and wrinkles, where his posture before is full of youth and might, now standing in front of you is a tired and worn out old man.
A smile always plastered on that smug face of his, now his expression is hardened like steel, gone is the care-free person you know before, now before you stands a warrior honed and shaped by time.
Whereas yourself, haven't aged a bit, thanks to the spirit inhabiting you,. Amused by his banter, you decided to humor him by saying "Hendrick, long time no see!" you say through gritted teeth, annoyed for calling you his friend. "What have you become Liam?" he says in a concern and horrified manner, skin pale as white.
"What's the matter Hendrick, looks like you seen a ghost!" you say laughing and surprised for his display of concern for you, but looking at him, you see that his expression is unreadable, waiting for a explanation to why you are in this state and waging war with his kingdom. Gathering your composure, you look him in the eye and said to him. " Your the reason why I have become like this Hendrick, your the one to blame for all this bloodshed!" you say with burning fury, one hand on the pommel of your sword, gripping it tightly and the other pointing a accusing finger at him and leaning forward from your throne.
King Hendrick's POV
You see Liam pointing his finger at you and you can feel the pain and hate in his voice. "Your the reason!" you repeated in your mind over and over again. While still contemplating you heard Liam speak again; "You left me to die Hendrick, I still remember how you let go of my hand and let me plummet to my own demise!" he says pained, disappointment in his tone.
Hearing this, images flashed before your very eyes, forcing you to relieve that painful memory, memories which kept you awake in the night, memories that make you hear Liam's voice screaming for help, his pleas echoing in the darkness and then there's silence.
Painful memories that when you wake up in the morning your cheeks are wet with tears and your clothes drenched with sweat and clings to your body. Memories that when you look at your hand, you can still feel the desperate grip of Liam's hand on yours and you can still see his eyes and see hope burning brightly in them, knowing that without a doubt that his most loyal and trusted friend will not let go of him.
That his friend will saved him and that they don't regret calling you his' friend and brother. You still remember how the hope in his eyes were snuffed out when you say "I'm sorry, Liam" you say in regret, looking away and letting go of his hand. "Hendriiiicccckkkk" Liam shouts your name, his voice echoing through the darkness.
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