highvern · 6 months
Baby Blues
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, domestic!au
Warnings: gross tooth rotting fluff, dad!gyu mom!reader.
Length: ~500
Note: Drunk Goggles couple is back! for a moment! I'm in a bit of a slump and needed something easy and they're so near and dear to my heart. I saw a tiktok of a baby refusing to say dada and i couldn't let it go. threw in some speech development bc im annoying (babies use their lips to say M and B sounds and their tongues to say D which is a skill they develop later)
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“Say da-da.”
“Your daughter hates me.” Mingyu huffs, head falling to the kitchen table with a thunk. 
Hana delights in her fathers dramatics, squealing her joy while yogurt goes flying. Her chubby fists clap against the plastic table of her high chair and little legs kick out. Mingyu smiles through the pain, never able to truly be annoyed with his favorite person in the world.
Mingyu had been trying to get her to say dada for the better part of an hour. So far each request was either answered with "mama", bubble noises, or unintelligible baby gibberish. You'd simply watched the entire thing unfold from behind your coffee cup, smirking into the rim at Mingyu's desperation.
“Our daughter doesn’t hate you." You say, rolling your eyes. "She’s a baby.”
“No, she hates me. Watch. Say dada, Hana.”
Hana doesn’t pause before shrieking, “Mama!”
“See!” He argues, arms out towards the babbling baby like she's torturing him on purpose.
“She just loves her mama, don’t you Hana?” You coo at her, stroking the top of her head covered in wispy hair as you wipe the mess of drool and her breakfast away.
“Daddy is silly, isn’t he?”
“Bfffff.” Hana spits, ungracefully wiggling in her seat.
Eyes wide, you agree with her ramblings. “Exactly what I was thinking.”
“Hey! Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Mingyu pouts.
“We would never!” You give Hana a cartoonish wink that sends her into a fit.
Returning to the sink with dirty dishes, you listen to your husband try desperately to get Hana to say the words he’s been begging to hear since she called you mama for the first time a week ago. Hana humors him, pure sunshine under Mingyu’s constant attention; giggling at his crestfallen face every time like its new.
Deciding to take mercy, you approach Hana’s chair and lift her into your arms. “Gyu watch this. Hana, where’s baba? Baba?” You ask, pointing one of her pudgy fists directly at Mingyu.
“She—she said—I’m baba!” Mingyu repeats dumbstruck, staring at your smiling face.  “LETS GO!” He whoops, rising to bolt around the kitchen. Jumping around the room like he won the lottery, fists punching the air in victory. 
It’s the same way he reacted when he found the positive test waiting for him on the bathroom counter almost a year ago. Unfiltered, unadulterated joy. Except there were far more tears when he found out he was going to be a dad, a broken lamp, and a broken couch.
Now, he grins like a mad man, chest puffed in pride that his daughter finally recognized him. As if it was ever a question despite Hana being a spitting image of Mingyu except for her nose which clearly comes from your gene pool. How she screams when he gets home from work and immediately picks her up for smothering kisses like he’d been gone more than a couple hours. Or when you’re all curled up on the couch and she falls asleep on his chest, her mouth open wide as she snores just like the man holding her. And the times all the boys visit to coo over their niece, bribing her with funny faces and silly voices to let them carry her, but the only person she reaches her little arms for his Mingyu.
Hana is Mingyu’s mini me, attached to his hip since her first day. But she's already learning how to get the best of him, no doubt a skill she inherited from you.
You and your daughter cackle in unison as Mingyu sweeps you both into a bear hug, alternating kisses between your lips and Hana’s almost bald head. 
“My girls,” he says with a squeeze, content seeping into his words.
There's a sigh of resignation, and a nod of his head. “We’ll work on it.”
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Helping Hand | dbf!Captain Price
summary: after your parents argue again, you walk over to your neighbors house who, you've had relations with in the past. true feelings are brought up be end in the most romantic way, loooooong back story but I feel like that makes the smut part of it so much better
warnings: dbf!Price, female!reader, age gap (reader 22, Price 45), unprotected P in V, fingering, daddy kink (bc hes daddy)
another restless night. your mom screaming at your dad for being at the bar late at night, him screaming back that he needed the break. "I work 60 hours a week!" he'd yell. "you are never home for dinner, barely make it to your kids important days!" she'd yell back, sometimes throwing a pan at him. it was bad. and you'd have to hear it every other night. your brothers drinking was no help either. family arguments were common, no matter how much you tried to avoid them. your mom would burst into your room, telling you to take her side, your father having the same idea.
"can you guys please stop I have exams tomorrow." you remember telling them, trying your hardest to focus on the notes in front of you. it was 12 in the morning. they were all supposed to be asleep. but of course, your dad stumbled in drunkly, waking up your mom and brother. it was peaceful in the house until it wasn't. thats why you'd often saunter over to your neighbor, John, to get some sleep.
"of course kid, you never have to ask." he always told you, smiling down as he opened the door wide. his wife was always delighted to have you over, she saw you as one of her own seeing as they never had kids. John was too busy with the military, kids was never truly an option for him. but he never saw you as his own, as his kid. he saw you as a woman. a woman who caught his eye the second she moved in next door two years ago.
your family had moved next door so it was closer to your college, but also to your fathers job. and Price and his wife were very quick to welcome you all into the neighborhood. they were the first people who invited you to their cookouts, parties. anything. your father had grown so close to Price, it was like they were brothers. and thats what made Price's feelings towards you even more conflicted and morally wrong. he knew he couldn't pursue you. he was significantly older than you, married and friends with your father. there were a surplus of negatives rather than positives and he was not willing to risk anything.
but when the summer time hit, and you'd slide into his pool, the pink or white bikini latching to your skin, he couldn't help but excuse himself up to his room and fuck into his fist, moaning your name into his hand. and what was the worst part about it all, he didnt care about what his wife would think. he cared what you'd think.
his marriage was falling apart quickly. his wife was very passionate about having kids, even though she was 40. "please, at least before im dried up for good." she'd beg him. but he wouldn't budge. kids was not something he wanted to have, ever. and because of that arguments were not a foreign thing for the two of them. so, it wasn't that you were young. or maybe it was. but it was because you would give him a new sense of life, a breath of fresh air away from arguments and constant stress.
the first night you had come to his home, tears falling from your cheeks, he was instantly worried. he pulled you into the house, pulling you into his chest. his wife came out quickly, gaping at your disheveled look. "oh my.. what happened my dear?" she ask, dropping the cup of tea in hand and running to hug you alongside John.
from that night on you made it routine to come sleep over in their house, whenever you needed. they even gave you a key. you felt more at home with them than you did at your home. they let you decorate the guest room into your own, took you out on small little events. it gave John's wife a sense of motherhood, one that she wanted for years.
so, when you and Price were in your room together, making out passionately, his hand gripping your boobs, your hands tangled in his hair, it didnt strike her as odd when she walked in to see you both on your bed. "she was having a hard time in school.. English test, right?" John said to her, quick to have an excuse. you nodded, swallowing hard. "y-yea I just.. needed to vent." you said, looking at her.
that was a month ago of course, she had believed you both. but that was the last time you and Price had ever really done anything of sorts again. and that was the last time you had been to their house. the feelings, tension between you both was too much and you both knew, that you wouldn't be able to make the right decisions if you both were alone together again.
but things were getting hard again and you needed to escape home. another family fight, this time about your father bringing up another woman's name during sex. it was disturbing, gross and uncomfortable for you to be around. but the screaming, breaking glass. it was not something you wanted to spend your summer night listening to.
looking out the window, you bit your bottom lip before making the final decision to sneak out and head over to your home. your real home. grabbing your phone, laptop and AirPods, you made your way out the window, landing on the mini roof in front of your window and slowly, climbing down to where the floor was. silently, you made your way across your lawn and over to Mr. Price's, looking at all the new flowers his wife had recently grown. a part of you felt guilt, selfish even for coming into their home, knowing what had happened between you and Price a few weeks ago. but you needed peace. you needed him.
knocking on the door, you crossed your arms behind your back, waiting anxiously for the door to open. a few seconds after, the door slowly opened, revealing a disheveled looking Price. his face was bright red, lips glossy. he had no shirt on, but a grey pair of sweats. a part of you felt embarrassed, but a bigger part of you felt a bit of pain, assuming he was just fucking his wife upstairs. "o-oh.. hey kid." he said, clearing his throat. " hi.. John. I guess this was a bad time but I-"
"no.. no its not." he said quickly, shaking his head. "I-i was just.." he pointed his thumb behind him, maintaining eye contact as he tried to find the words. you gave a small, apologetic smile before turning. but he was faster, gripping your wrist and pulling you back. " stay. please." he whispered, looking down at you, his eyes submissive. you swallowed before looking behind him, seeing an empty bottle of whiskey on the table. "isn't.. Mrs. Pri-" "she's not Mrs anymore.." he cut you off, looking away from you.
you felt guilty for bringing up the topic, even more guilty for thinking he was fucking her upstairs instead of you. his grip on you loosened and he backed away. "you don't have to stay.. but i'm assuming your here cause your parents. and you shouldn't.. be around that. you shouldn't be alone.. and I don't wanna be alone anymore either." he said, his words growing breathless towards the end, his eyes moving back to yours. your heart felt heavy for him. he was struggling for God knows how long alone. you gave him a small nod, his hand taking yours before he pulled you gently inside.
the door closed and you looked around the empty home, dishes and beer cans scattered about. "im sorry for the mess I uh.. its been hard to-" "let me help you." you turned to him, looking up at him. his doe eyes pierced into you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. that was all the confirmation you needed before turning back around, grabbing the empty cans and moving towards the kitchen recycling can. " thank you." you heard him say from the living room. "dont mention it. its a good distraction for me anyways." you said, the memory of your parents fighting coming back to you.
"hey.." he said, somehow coming up behind you. you quickly turned, wiping your eyes quickly and giving him a fake smile. his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears. " your here now.. safe." he whispered, keeping his eyes on yours. his lips trailed from your eyes to your lips, then back to your eyes. " John.." you whispered, pulling your head out of his grasp. he cleared his throat, stepping back. you both wanted it, bad. but it was wrong. and you both agreed to it, nonverbally of course, but it was an intuition.
" im sorry." you said softly, looking down to your shoes. "dont apologize. you have done nothing wrong." he said, patting your arm before walking away.
the rest of the night you spent in 'your room', reading up the rest of the texts you had for your exams. it was raining pretty hard outside, thundering and lightening. it was peaceful, more peaceful than your home.
stretching, you sat up from your bed and made your way down to the kitchen, hungry. you were sure price was hungry as well so why not make some grilled cheese? as you hummed your way down the hall, you heard what sounded like cries coming from inside John's room. you stopped in your tracks, standing in front of his room. you then heard empty bottles rolling against the floor. sighing, you leaned your head against the door. you didnt know if you should open the door, or stay outside. or just walk away.
but your heart was more powerful than your mind and you couldnt stop your hand from knocking against the door. "John.. can I come in?" you asked softly. when he stopped sniffling, and all you could hear was the empty bottles, you slowly opened the door. in front of you was John, sitting against his wall, tears running down his face with another bottle of whiskey by his side. he wasn't moving, wasn't blinking. just crying.
you slowly approached him, sitting in front of him. you took the bottle, placing it under his bed, out of sight. " can i.. hold your hand?" you asked, looking at his blank face. when he gave you a soft hum, you reached for his hand, cupping it in both of yours. he felt his breathing go from fast to slow, his hooded eyes making his way to yours. "i'm here John.. you don't have to be alone anymore.." you said softly, scooting closer.
for the next hour John spent crying into your chest, apologizing for being drunk around you. " I-im sorry for.. for this. I know drunk p-people probably make you feel-" "stop. you have a valid reason. I understand. id actually prefer being around drunk you than my drunk father anyways.." you said, running your hands through his hair. he held your waist, sniffling every now and then. he was finally calm, finally at peace. he felt safe in your arms and despite how embarrassing it was to be the older person seeking out comfort from the younger, he knew the last thing you'd do was judge him.
"are you hungry?" you asked, realizing John had been playing with the hem of your shirt for a bit. he looked up, his eyes scanning your lips before meeting your gaze. a soft smile was painted across your face, your hands still in his hair. "im.. im sorry." he whispered. before you could ask him what he meant, his lips pressed against yours, his hand slipping around the side of your neck. he poked your lips with his tongue, asking for permission. and you embarrassingly fast let him in.
he shifted so he was sitting now, pulling you onto his lap. his tongue roamed your mouth, occasionally sucking your tongue and earning a moan from you. when he finally pulled away, a short string of saliva connected you two. heavy pants and the sound of rain was all that could be heard as you both stared at each other, waiting for whats next. just as you opened your mouth, he spoke.
"i.. I know you think its because im drunk. but I promise you.. ive wanted to do that for so long." he whispered, eyes going back to your wet lips. " I dream of it, even when she was here. I couldnt bring myself to not think about you when I kissed her. when I fucked her. when I laid beside her. I know I sound like a horrible person, and I know what im risking here saying this to you. but.. but I have a feeling you feel the same about me.." he said softly, his hands holding your hips in place, hoping and praying you wouldn't run away, never speaking to him again. but you wouldn't do that. because you cared about him too much. you wanted this to happen as much as he did and you weren't going to let this moment slip away.
your hands cupped his face before leaning in again, John accepting the kiss before your lips even met. it was a slow, passionate kiss. he pulled you closer into him, moaning into the kiss when you'd pull at his bottom lip. his hands slowly snaked up your shirt, now holding your waist. "I need you.." you breathed against his lips, eyes still closed. it was desperate of you. but you didn't care. seeing how badly he wanted you made you want him even more. you didn't care if she walked in and saw the two of you, told your parents, the whole neighborhood. you guys could run away, live in a different state, a different country even. you guys could be happy. and as much as you wanted that, you knew the right now, this was the best you'd get.
he slowly pulled you off his lap, standing up before lifting you up. he laid you gently on the bed, resting between your legs. his lips attached to yours again, his hand finding your covered breast immediately. your whimpered into the kiss, thrusting your hips up to feel his hard on. his other hand found the side of your face, holding it as to keep you close. his lips moved down to your jaw, then your neck. he was careful to not make too many marks, especially ones to high up. you whimpered at his teeth nibbling your skin, his tongue sliding slowly across the mark to ease the pain. " ive wanted this.. for so long." he Sid against your skin, his hands working to pull down the pajama pants you had put on a while back.
he threw them behind him, not caring where they end up. he sat up, looking down at your panties. a large wet spot shone threw, a breathy chuckle eliciting from him. "is this all for me baby?" he asked, his fingertips ghosting over the spot. you nodded quickly, bucking your hips up. " use your words darling." he said again, looking up at you this time, his fingers still ghosting over the same spot. "y-yes.. yes daddy." his face formed a bright smile before looking back down at your panties, fingers slipping under the hem and pulling them down. "daddy huh? dont think ive ever been called that." his fingers ran up your slit and stopping right before your clit. you groaned at the teasing, trying to move your hips to meet his fingers.
"patience baby.. daddy wants to take his time with you." he said, chuckling at your desperation. nothing was funny to you, but you wanted him do bad, you'd be willing to do anything he asked of you in this moment. his fingers continued to tease you until he slid one inside you for just a second, before quickly pulling it back out. he loved how fast your cunt clenched around his finger, the surprised gasp leaving your lips when he slid it in, then out. "you like that?" he whispered, watching how your pussy clenched every time his finger got close to your hold again. "yes please.. please do it again." you begged from beneath him, eyes pleading with his distracted ones.
he smiled to himself, adding two fingers in at once this time and watching them completely disappear. your head pressed firmly against the pillow, your eyes squeezing shut. he moved his fingers in and out slowly, then fast, analyzing which pace got you reacting to his touch more. when he found it, he continued with it, his eyes finally moving up to your face. your beautiful face. he felt like he had fallen in love all over, watching your face twist in pleasure. it scared him most certainly. he'd spent what felt like years and years in a somewhat loveless marriage. seeing you, your beautiful face, kind personality and hearing your beautiful voice made him scared. scared that if he did commit to you, you both would end up like his marriage.
but now, he couldnt worry about that. your moans and whimpers were too much of a distraction for him to think about anything serious. he wanted to focus on now, and thats what he did. "feel good baby? is daddy making this pussy feel good?" he asked above you, body completely hovering over you as he tilted his head to the side, looking down at you. you nodded, opening your eyes and gripping his shoulders. "s-so good~" you whined, nodding your head quickly. " good girl. such a good girl for me aren't you? gonna cum on daddy fingers huh? gonna show daddy how good you feel?" he asked, his thumb quick to find your clit and moving at the same pace your fingers were.
no matter how hard you tried to talk, his fingers were doing magic on your lower region. you felt a knot forming at the pit of your stomach, your moans increasing in pitch. " I-im gonna cum" you cried out, pulling him down into your chest and hugging his shoulders. he grunted in your ear, keeping the same continuous pace, whispering how beautiful you were, how hes gonna claim your pussy. how hes gonna gonna make love to you, rather than just fuck you. his genuine words, surprisingly, made you finish, your cum soaking both him and his bed sheets. he gasped, peeking down at your cunt as his fingers slowed in pace, listening to the squelching noises your pussy made for him.
he sat up, looking down at the mess beneath you both. he hadn't realized it, but his fingers kept moving in and out of you. it was like he was in a spell, a spell from your pussy. " j-john" you finally called out, getting his attention. he smiled and slid his fingers out, sliding them in his mouth. he hummed around them, causing you to hide your face in your hands. he was quick, however, to remove them. "dont hide from me. I want you to see how good you taste." he said before pressing his lips back onto yours. your own taste flooded your mouth, your hands tangling back into his hair.
at the same time, he began to pull his sweats down, his dick springing free, slapping against his lower stomach. the sound made you pull away and look down. to say you were nervous was an understatement. but he was quick to shut down any worries you had. "im gonna go slow with you.. I promise." he said, lifting your head. he gave another small smile down at you, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and smiling. it almost slipped from him, but he held back the ' I love you' as he watched you lean into him. his heart was fluttering and he felt like crying all over. happy tears though. because he was truly in love, an the knew that after this, you'd have to go back home. pretend like what happened never happened. at least in front of people. but he didnt want that. he wanted to show the world you were his and he was yours.
he was so deep in thought again, you had wrapped your legs around him to get his attention. "s-sorry. your just so beautiful" he smiled, kissing your forehead before standing from the bed, pulling his sweats and boxers off completely. he was quick to slide back between your legs, his tip hitting your soaked pussy. he looked down, grabbing the base and moving it around your cunt. "shit your fucking drenched honey." he whispered, watching as strings of your wetness rose from you as he lifted his dick away. you whimpered in embarrassment, a bright pink covering your cheeks.
"its sexy." he said, looking into your eyes. he swallowed before looking back down. "like I said, I wanna make love to you. I don't want this to be just us fucking. i.. I see you more than that." he said, his eyes wandering your body nervously before meeting your gaze. you smiled up at him, pulling him closer so your foreheads touched. " then make love to me John." you whispered, looking at him through your lashes.
his lips pressed onto yours, his hands holding onto your hands as he slowly, and carefully, slid into you. it was easy, considering your slick. but it still hurt, the stretching of your walls around his thickness. the moment you let out a pained whimper he stopped, telling you to tell him when you were ready for more. and it did take a while, but he eventually bottomed out inside your cunt, groaning at the warmth and wetness. his head fell into your neck, catching his breath before he tapped your hips. "are you ready for me love?" he asked into your neck, lifting his head to see your face when you answered. when you nodded, giving him a shy 'yes', his hips moved out, slow, and back in, slow.
at first it hurt. yes, you had small flings in college, and you had definitely told him about them before you figured out how in love with him you were. but never had they meant a lot to you. you are drunk for most of them, causing you to regret not waiting for the right guy which, in this case, would be John. you looked up at him, his bottom lip between his teeth as his browns knitted together. he let out soft grunts with every thrust, a breath after a few more. he looked beautiful, so handsome.
" darling s-stop looking up at me before i.. I finish too soon." he breathed out, looking into your eyes finally. you blushed and looked down to where your bodies connected. the sight alone made you clench around him, a whimper slipping past you. your hands found his neck, your eyes squeezing shut. his thrusts remained pretty slow, causing you to buck your hips up. "faster.. please." you whispered, opening your eyes to see his already on you. "anything for my princess." he responded, kissing your forehead as his thrusts picked up in pace. he wasn't going super fast, but he was going at a decent speed.
whimpers slipped past you with each thrust of his, your head falling back into the pillow. his name, and a few daddy's, slipped past your lips every so often, encouraging him to keep going. " f-fuck princess you're.. you're so tight" he groaned, his breathing picking up in pace. his grunts slowly turned into moans and you had assumed he was close. he took one leg and wrapped it around his waist, allowing deeper access into your cunt. his tip every so slightly hit your cervix, emitting more moans from you.
you hadn't realized it at first, but your nails dug into his back, leaving both crescent marks and scratches. and he fucking loved it. it was your way of marking his body, what was yours. he wanted more. " fuck baby.. mark me. I-im all yours~" he moaned, his head dropping into your chest as his thrusts began to become a bit more fast. he was certainly close, and you were too. " John im gonna cum" you moaned, leg tightening around his waist.
his breathing grew rapid, his head raising to look down at you with hooded eyes. his hands gripped the side of your neck, his other around your hip. he felt his dick pulse inside you, scared of cumming inside you, but also hoping you'd let him. "inside me.. please" you whimpered out, sensing his worry. he gave out a quiet whimper, his eyes squeezing shut.
it was perfect, your bodied moving together. and what made it even more perfect was the fact you both were going to cum, together. it was beyond romantic and made the feelings between you both even stronger. he opened his eyes, feeling as though he couldnt hold back any longer. he didnt know what had came over him, if it was your pussy, the alcohol, or just his emotions, but he couldnt stop the words from flowing out.
" fuck princess I-im cumming- fuck I love you.. oh I fucking..love. you!" he groaned, the last few words accompanied with a powerful thrust. his cum shot into you, a loud groan and a gasp escaping him. his grip on you tightened, his eyes watching as your cum shot out of you as well, mixing with his.
his eyes fluttered closed, his body falling onto you. you looked up at the ceiling, breathing hard as you just recalled what he had admitted to you. 'he loves me..?' you though, your chest feeling heavy, but a good heavy.
he eventually rose up, swallowing as he looked down at you. "I-im sorry im probably still drunk I didnt mean-" your lips slammed against his, discontinuing the sentence he had planned. " I love you to John." you said against his lips. you felt the smile spread across his lips as he moved back down to kiss you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him.
the rest of the night you both spent cuddling, watching tiktoks on your phone. when you eventually dozed off, he placed your phone on the charger, went to use the bathroom one last time before coming back next to you. he pulled you into his chest, spooning you. he kissed your bare shoulders, whispering 'I love you' after each peck. he was happy. he didnt worry too badly about what could happen. he was happy now. and he wanted to stay that way forever.
| aghhh after serious writers block I give you guys this. this was a lot more cute than my other ones so I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did |
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bensonsbobblehead · 1 year
Mistakes— Spencer Reid x Mom!reader
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Summary: Spencer choosing to leave you when you were pregnant
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Mom!reader
Category: Angst & Fluff
Content Warnings: Pregnancy and abandonment
Word count: 1.9k
Spencer is the love of your life, you both had a deep connection among no other. He had known you inside and out. Spencer was your everything and you were his. You were both in school in Vegas and both had fell in love fairly quickly. Moving in together and you were the best versions of each other.
“Hey baby, I’m home!” Spencer shouted as he walked into the apartment. You were in the bathroom face drenched with tears. You were pregnant, and according to the ultrasound very pregnant. With you both in school and Spencer getting a job you could raise a child, you thought. You also knew he was waiting to hear back from the FBI.
Spencer talked about being a dad in the future all the time. It made you happy knowing you were the one he wanted to raise his children.
You quickly wiped your face and stuffed the test and ultrasound back into your bag. You opened the door to see a very smiley Spencer “I have great news, I got into the BAU!” he said excitedly “Well I more so had an interesting conversation with a man named Jason Gideon but still.” He ran to you hugging you. Your mind was completely scrambled.
“Oh my gosh, babe that’s so great! I’m so happy for you!” You said with a smile. You were genuinely happy for him. You knew where the FBI headquarters were, meaning you would have a transfer. You didn’t mind though if it meant starting a family with Spencer.
“Are you okay though? It looks like you’ve been crying” Spencer said with concern in his eyes.
“Spencer…I’m .. im pregnant.” You said in a whisper with a slight grin, and the blood drained from Spencer’s face.
“What? How?” He said in a blank tone. “I’m pregnant Spencer, one month exactly and you know how” rolling your eyes, He stared off, you were so nervous. It was silent for a few minutes before you spoke up.
“Spence say something.” You begged he turned towards you. “I’m sorry but .. I can’t have this baby with you, I just got into my dream job Y/N.” He said grabbing his keys and heading for the door.
You stood there completely in shock. You never thought he would react this way. You were willing to move with him. This was everything you wanted and he doesn’t want it. You started to quickly pack everything you could all the things that were important. You didn’t want to ruin his life and he made his choice.
Once you had a few bags packed you drove to a cousins house, somewhere Spencer couldn’t find you. Spencer broke your heart but you wanted this baby. You didn’t need him at all, you had your cousin. He didn’t deserve you and or your child.
He chose the job over your child. Spencer had been anything but a coward but he proved you wrong.
Spencer came home heartbroken and in tears. Noticing all your things were gone he couldn’t hold it together. All your books, the mug he gave you for your first anniversary, everything was gone. He blamed himself for you leaving.
He was ready to have the baby, he wanted to do everything with you. The job didn’t matter, he always wanted a family especially with you. He called you and your best friend and couldn’t get a hold of you. Spencer knew he fucked up big time.
Months later you were giving birth to your baby girl, Beatrix Marie. She was so healthy, she looked like a perfect mix of you and Spencer. You hated him even more now that she was here. Her perfect nose and eyes that are bound to be huge like Spencer’s. You can’t believe he didn’t want her, to raise her, and love her but he made his choice.
No matter how much you disliked Spencer Bea was every part of him. She was a curious baby and had such a goofy smile like him. Years later Bea was still such a sweetheart and it broke her heart when you moved her across the country.
“Mommy, why do we have to go to Virginia?” Bea said after as you both were watching Doctor Who, which was her favorite show even for a 6 year old.
You had to move to Virginia to finish school and your residency. The pay was decent so you worked at the bookstore which Bea loved. She would also get to see the Smithsonian which she ended up loving. The move was great, life was great, and Bea was amazing.
On her 7th birthday she asked to of course go to the Smithsonian Zoo and to her favorite book store to see her favorite Liberian. Bea was so smart, you didn’t want her to move up in school just yet, she enjoyed the grade she was in for right now. Spencer always lingered in the back of your head. You never knew if you were making the right decisions without him.
The Smithsonian was great, Bea squealed looking at the different animals. She had a love for books, sugar, and animals of course. The bookstore was your next stop, you didn’t even call to see if Ms. Willis, the old Liberian women that would read and watch Bea when you first got to Virginia was in today.
Bea ran off as soon as you hit the door. “Bea no running honey, and stop laughing so loud.” You said in a loud whisper. “Sorry mommy.” She giggled as she ran off. “Hey, Ty is Ms.Willis here? Bea wants her to read to her for her birthday.” Ty was the cashier and a sweetheart who would babysit Bea sometimes when you worked late.
“Yeah she’s in the back I’ll go get her!” Ty said walking to the back. You went to the section you knew Bea would be in. You faintly heard her laughing and smiled. That’s when you heard a man’s voice and your smile dropped. Thinking the worse you walked quickly to the voice and there he was.
Spencer Reid, with his legs folded reading to his daughter, your daughter. “Hey Bea, go up front with Ty and I’ll be right there.” You said looking at Bea and Spencer noticing how she looks more like him then ever before. “Butt mommy, he was just reading Charlotte’s Web from memory.” Bea whined, “Beatrix. Now” she quickly stood and walked off “Bye spencer” she said in a defeated tone.
“Bye Beatrix.” He smiled faintly, you knew how much this was hurting him. “Hey Y/N” he stood and was now standing in front of you. He was tall, he had a tab of weight on him but you liked it, with his perfect hair identical to Beatrixs.
“Hi Spencer. Don’t come anywhere near her again“ he cut you off “I’m so sorry I didn’t know what I was thinking. It was the biggest mistake of my life.… I’m sorry.” He said as you seen his eyes began to water.
“Spencer you downright told me you didn’t want her and now?” you had no words, you never thought you would see him again. You knew it was a possibility but you haven’t thought about it in so long.
“Beatrix Marie Reid, happy birthday to my favorite 7 year old!” Ms. Willis said loudly with a ballon and a book Bea been asking for. The look on Spencer’s face when he heard her full name. You still named her after him even after what he did.
“It’s her birthday today, Spencer I’m mad at you, I love you and you left me, you left us” You said quietly looking at him with tears forming in your eyes. Spencer wanted to be in Beas life, to read with her and take her to ice cream. He wanted you most of all, he was still madly in love with you.
“I’ll give you time to process but here’s my number and address so we can .. talk.” You passed him the note. You didn’t know why you gave it to him. Beatrix was a smart girl so she had questions about her dad.
“Why does Mariah have a dad but I don’t?” Bea asked while you both were eating breakfast. “You do have a dad baby .. you just don’t know him.” You wanted to be honest and open with Bea.
“Did he not want me?” She asked looking down with her hair falling in Her face. Spencer didn’t want Bea you knew that, you just hated seeing her like this.
“How about I’ll tell you the whole story when you’re a little older.” Pushing her brown curl behind her ear. She pushed her glasses off the bridge of her nose “I love you mommy.”
Beatrix had an amazing birthday she enjoyed it so much. It was always time for her last birthday request which was any horror movie of her choosing. To no surprise she chose The nightmare before Christmas her absolute favorite movie.
Bea had just showered and but on her pjs waiting on the couch for the popcorn. As your putting the popcorn in the bowl the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Bea hopped up fast knowing she wasn’t allowed to open the door. Making an exception this time cause her best friend was supposed to be coming over also.
She swung it open with you behind her quickly, “Spencer! How do you know where we live? Do you think you can read to me? After the movie please.” Bea rambled so fast you could barley understand.
“Of course only if it’s okay with your mom.” He smiled at her, even missing 7 years of her life he still looked at her with a love you never seen. “I’ll think about it B, go watch the movie.” Kissing her head and handing her the popcorn.
You and Spencer walked to the kitchen watching Bea from the island. The love was still there between you and Spencer.
“I won’t keep her away from you. She deserves to know you but you have to tell her why you left.” You said looking him dead in his eye.
“Okay. Let me explain to you wh—“ you interrupted “Spencer this is about you and Bea not you and me. You explain to her why you left. Now come on her favorite movie is on.” You said walking towards Bea as Spencer trailed behind.
They both talked through the entire movie. Bea asking every question and Spencer there with an answer. Bea laughed and laughed so much with him. 45 minutes later Beatrix was sleep. You quietly picked her up to walk her to her room with Spencer trailing behind.
You laid her down and tucked her in giving her one kiss on the forehead. Spencer watched the entire thing in awe of how amazing you were with her. He always knew you’d be the perfect mother.
As you walked out and turned out the light Bea whispered “Can spencer still read to me mommy?” In her sleepy voice. “Maybe next time B, Goodnight” you said walking out with Spencer in front of you.
Once you were in the living room the room fell silent. You both pick up the tv room and headed to the kitchen. “I want Beatrix to have the most normal upbringing I can give her.” You started catching his attention, “if you tell her there’s no backing down. You will not come in her life and leave her.” You said in a stern tone.
“I will never leave her or you again.” Spencer said knowing he meant it, he was ready for everything fatherhood had to offer.
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conitagray · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ dating miles morales 42 (hc's)
Tumblr media
pairing: miles morales!42 x reader
warning/s: creepy men, harassment(?), cursing, BAD spanish (im so sorry yall idk how to speak spanish😭😭)
it’s actually fluff no angst i swear (maybe a little..)
a/n: guys… i’ve fallen for miles morales 42 it’s an obsesssion i SWEARR and also does anyone think that miles reminds me of bruno mars music or is it me-?!-)/
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
this boy is not open to heavy pda
like a small waist grab and a shoulder touch here and there
but he is SO touchy when you guys aren’t in public
like he will not keep his hands off of you
if his body isn’t touching you somehow
what is he doing then??
bro will NOT let you pay for ur own shit
like u already can afford it but miles is like
"nah imma pay for it, anything for mi amor"
literally if u buy something w ur own money
he would get pissed like
"if ur payin for ur own shit wtf am i gonna do w my money mi vida?"
it was one time btw and u secretly bought a shirt w ur savings
hes not jealous when other boys talk to u
cuz he be eyeing them from far and letting them know that he was yours
but like if they go too far like touching you in the wrong places and flirt w you
this man is ready to beat the FUCK outta someone
like one time
you were walking back home alone
some man just pinned you on the wall
"aint you a pretty thing?" the creepy man started to breathe down ur neck
u start to panic and like be on the verge of tears
but then u hear like a "whoosh" and the man is on the ground
like knocked out
it was the prowler, or your miles
"are you okay cariño?" his mask unfolds and he checks your body for any wounds
he vowed never to let you walk home alone after that day
he loves to give you cute nicknames
such as
"cariño" "corazón" "mi vida" "mi amor" gets you weak in the KNEES
his mom loves you so much
she would always drag you out of miles's touch and would talk to you for HOURS
you loved it and couldn't complain tbh
he is such a bruno mars fanatic (argue w the wall if u think im wrong)
like when u visit him, you open his door and always somehow Finesse by Bruno Mars or Versace on the floor is playing
(he dedicates those songs 2 u)
ever since his dad died
he never opened up and was closed in his own ball
but until he met you
sometimes he'd open your window in the middle of the night
and he would hug you tightly and you didn't say anything because
you know he's grieving and the only thing he needs right now
is your presence
© hearts4hobie.
do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
(part 2?)
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simpinberry · 1 year
omg babe i love your bella ramsey hcs, can you write hcs of bella ramsey comforting upset or insecure reader 💘
!!!!hehehehhe guys i’m so excited i got my first ask yayayayy!! also yes ofc i can <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>
im gonna do 3 diff scenarios that my brain came with up :>
✧ you could not get yourself to like yourself today. it was just one of those days where you need a little bit of extra reassurance :,) exiting your room and marching over to your lovely s/o sitting on the couch, placing yourself completely on top of her. “oh-okay, this is new, oww babe my glasses” you’d shush her and snuggle closer into him. “do u still love me?” istg the loudest silence broke over yall. bellas annoying and immediate reaction would be just super sarcastically offended. once she realises you’re serious, she’d be excited that this was her moment. they’d go on for a good thirty minutes, talking about how beautiful they find you. placing a kiss on his favorite features of yours, telling you how you belong in a fairytale book cuz he sometimes questions how you’re even real. she’d tell you in detail how down bad she was (and still is) when he first met you. would really get into explaining how much he admires you, respects how talented you are, loves all of your quirks, adores your lil annoying habits. she’d finish saying, “i’m so lucky to be able to exist at the same time as you and even luckier to get the honour to love you” and then BOOM YOU GET ALLLL SHYY AND GIGGLY “thank u i needed that :,)” “can we make out now or?”
✧ one night, she’d come home to find you attempting to make dinner whilst literally sobbing. she’d immediately be concerned noticing that you’re actually bawling and not cutting any onions. “sweets? what’s the matter?” she’d immediately offer you a hug that you sink into. you explain that you were frustrated because you really wanted to make her favorite meal and everything that could’ve gone wrong did. she’d chuckle slightly at you and cup your face with her hands, making you face her. she’d tell you you’re absolutely adorable and that she really appreciates the effort. she’d pat your head and run her fingers through your hair telling you that it’s okay to fail sometimes and how you shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself. she’d tell you to go take a hot shower/wash your face and they’d clean up the whole kitchen :,(( she would order some food from your favorite close by restaurant tooo. you guys would spend the rest of the night curled up together on the couch watching your comfort movie :>
✧ bella was on her way over to your apartment and he was late :( you had just failed one of your important uni assignments and you were sat on ur bed, crushed. to put it simply you were disappointed in yourself because you know you didn’t put enough into it and that’s why u got 33%. really all you wanted was your bella, her comforting smell and contagious giggle. tears filled up your eyes thinking about how mad your dad was gonna be and oh god, your mom was gonna say all that shit and go on her little rant and ugh :((( “what’s up loser, i bring choc brownies” bella happily bursting through the door with her mocking american accent. you faced away from her, trying to wipe your face. noting your unusual silence they scoot over to you, reaching out and taking your wrist in his hand. you finally face her with blood shot eyes and a runny nose :( her face softens and she engulfs you in a tight hug, bring you onto her lap. you let go and sob into her chest, feeling a little relieved. you guys rock back and forth for a bit until bella speaks up, “you wanna tell me what happened?”. so you do <3 you tell him everything, how you highkey feel like a failure, your parents and all the stress. you finish speaking with a shaky deep breath. they’d start by giving you soft kisses all over your face, dancing from your forehead to your eyes onto both cheeks and then pecking your nose. she’d finish off by giving you a long kiss on the lips, “i’m here and i’m proud of you, i understand your disappointment my love. your worth is not reflected in that test. i love you very much”. before you start crying again he’d pull out the bag of brownies offering you one. he always knew how to make you laugh even in situations like this. “i hate to see you cry my love, m sorry for being late hope the brownies make up for it”
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youdontknowwhotfiamm · 3 months
Have you ever been to Palestine ? and if so what was your favorite place that you visited there ?
I personally have never been inside Palestine but i have been at the border between Palestine and Jordan once for a protest like 2 years ago something like that. It was the last protest i went to near that border because IOF soldiers stood on the other side with rifles and after i left in about half an hour we heard that a bunch of people were shot. I remember we protesting because they shot up a school in the westbank and killed 13 kids. We were also rekindling a protest from a few years back where a judge was shot through the Jordanian-Palestinian border.
On the other hand, my grandfather from my dads side lived the first few years of his life in Palestine and he would tell us stories all the time and show us whatever picture he brought with him. My family was the owner of 2 Orange farms and quite a few acres of Olive trees. My grandfather showed me pictures of our house before it was stolen by the Jews. It was a literal mansion with 4 floors. My grandfather had ALOT of siblings and they lived in that house. He told me the first floor was for the guests, there was a kitchen, living room and a few bedrooms and of course an overly fancy Salon (if you’re arab yknow about the guest Salon no-one ever goes into and the little coffee cups we use once a year). On the second floor was the girls floor. All of mt grandfathers sisters had their rooms on this floor and they would bring all of their close friends over to sit in this floor. The 3rd one was the boys floor where my grandfathers and his brothers stayed. I remember he told me when my great grandfather (his dad) would take him out in the middle of the night after my grandfather had a fight with his mom. Hed take him to the backyard and talk to him about how a woman should be treated and he needs to treat women especially his mother and sisters right. Thats why my grandfather has always been a gentleman. Finally the last floor was for my great grandfather and my great grandmother and after a certain age the kids weren’t allowed on this floor unless it was an emergency. (This is in Nablus btw)
My other grandfather was born in lebanon (hes younger than my dads father) his father lived his whole life in palestine and he also owned an orange farm and i think if im not wrong he built quite a few school in Yafa (where he lived). I havent heard much about him because hes a sensitive topic for my grandfather but all i know is when my great grandmother would talk about him shed tear up and start praying for us to marry a man as kind as him. She told us how he would come home from work with bags filled with money and the first thing he would do is hug his children and take then to the supermarket. (These are my grandfathers older siblings) when israhell took over palestine, the kicked my great grandfather and grandmother out if the house, burned his orange farm and took his house. The house still exists and is currently inhabited by Jews and i really really want to visit it. I really hope i can live in those houses one day.
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astars-things · 1 year
ok so hear me out// ur dating thom and he takes u home to meet his family but say like his dad doesnt like you and hes like talking to thom abt it in french but u know french and thom knows u know so hes trying to get his dad to stop but his dad doesnt know u know french//
that was not explained well and my fingers are too cold to type with sorry
Omg yes I love this sorry about your fingers 
Mentions of swearing, body shames also used google translate 
“Babe stop being nervous” thom spoke to you as you put your suitcase in the back of the car 
You are meeting his whole family, you had met his sister and mom but not his dad or other family members 
As you both got in the car them had his hand on your thigh gently rubbing small circles 
“Y/n” you hear Jade yell as she ran up to give you a hug “umm im here” thom spoke offended his sister ran to you first 
Soon you all made it inside, you got introduced to most people 
As you were walking from outside where everyone else was, you made your way to the kitchen to get a drink 
But you were stopped in your tracks when you heard “elle est un peu sur le côté positif” she is a bit on the plus side  a strong male voice which didn’t sound like thom
You had a small look to see who it was, turns out it was Thoms dad 
“connaît-elle même le hockey ou est-elle un lapin de rondelle” does she even know hockey or is she a puck bunny 
"Fils, tu pourrais faire tellement mieux qu'elle, ne te contente pas d'elle" son you could do so much better then her, dont settle for her it was like a knife getting stabbed into you
“Dad shut up” thom seethed, but the damage was done you had tears falling freely down your face 
You went back outside pretending you never were inside “hey hun you okay” Chantal whispered rubbing your back 
“Yeah just a little overwhelmed” you hiccupped wiping your tears “jade go get thom” soon thom appeared in front of you 
He scooped you up in his arms and took you to his childhood room to talk and settle what ever it is upsetting you 
“You heard didn’t you” thom sadly looked at you as more tears poured out your eyes you nodded your head not having the voice to speak 
Thom pulled you closer holding you tightly, there was a knock on the door that pulled you and thom out of the bauble you created 
“We are having dinner but if you both what to stay In here that is okay” Chantal spoke as you hide your face in the crook of Thoms neck 
After a couple of minutes you spoke “I want to go home” you pulled away from the comfort of thom and looked at him 
“If you want to go home you can, I’ll book you a plane ticket for you and me” you looked at him shocked “babe stay with your family” 
“No y/n I really don’t want to be around my dad seeing as he hurt you” you couldn’t argue with him and soon started packing the small amount you took out 
“Its going to be okay” you made your way downstairs with you back pack and suitcase 
“Chantal thank you for inviting me, Mr Bordeleau if you’re going to talk shit about me do it in a language I don’t know” you smirk as his face dropped Chantal and jade both got up from the table to hug you and apologise 
Soon you are bords were on a flight home 
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Chapter 12: Rocketman Pt. 2
Paring: Rooster x OC Captain Harper Ann "Siren" Mitchell-Bradshaw
A/N: This chapter was inspired by the Elton John Classic "Rocketman" also special shout out to @marvelsvalhalla for listening to my ideas and helping me come up with the chapter title. Also this is the final installment of Siren's Song!
Warnings: Mentions of Ejection, injuries, cursing, drinking, self esteem issues, body insecurities. Jake "Hangman" Seresin... yes Hangman gets his own warning. Allusions to smut. 18+ Minors DNI
"They are going to bring him home Harper" Penny says brushing her daughter's hair out of her face as she laid on her lap. "Hangman and your dad are leading the rescue team. They picked up his signal and are getting closer each minute to finding him" She assured her. "It's been five days since they got a signal Penny." Harper sniffed out. "What if they don't find him... or worse he's dead when they do find him? More tears came out as Harper clutched her stomach.
"What if my child never knows their father?" She whispered sitting up. "That baby is going to know their father no matter what. Because you, me, your father, and all of his or hers aunts and uncles are going to tell them about him everyday." Penny reassured Harper as she began to tear up herself.
Penny pulled Harper close as she watched the phone. She stared at it as if she could will it to ring with the news that Rooster was alive and on his way home. "I'm freezing mom... Im going to go upstairs and get a hoodie." Harper said escaping her mothers grasp.
Harper went upstairs and pulled one of Roosters warn Navy hoodies out of the closet. She inhaled his sent that lingered on it. She put it on then grabbed his ring on her dog tags.
"Please Goose.... please bring him back to me" She whispered in a silent prayer.
Bradley wasn't sure how much time had past from his crash until now. His emergency supply of food was gone and he had enough water for maybe a day. The world was blurry and he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. His head injury made it hard to think. They only thing that kept him going was the picture of Harper and the promise he made to come home to her. His body was so tired. He closed his eyes for a minute and drifted to sleep. It wasn't an easy restful sleep though.
"Son... you have to wake up" He heard Goose's voice say to him. "Bradley get up. She's waiting for you." He heard his mother say. "You asked me to talk to you, so I am Rooster. Get up. Mav is coming for you. He promised me." Goose's voice said again. Bradley shot straight up.
He knew his mind must have been playing tricks on him because he was sure he had seen an F-18 fly over and maybe a navy helicopter. And he knew for sure he must have been hallucinating because he swore he heard Maverick and Hangman's voice calling out to him. "Rooster!" The phantom voices yelled. As much as Bradley knew the voices weren't real he couldn't help but hear his parents in the back of his mind, so mustering all of the strength and energy he had left, Rooster called out to the voices and half stumbled half jogged towards them.
He was sure he was seeing things when he laid eyes on Maverick and Hangman. But when both men hugged him he gasped... "You're real Mav? You're really here. You came back and got me just like Dad said you would." Rooster cried before collapsing into the older man's arms.
Maverick cried knowing that he had found him. Jake helped him carry Rooster back through the forest to the waiting medical helicopter. The weight of the world had been lifted off Jake and Pete's shoulders knowing now that Rooster was alive.
Harper was still upstairs when she heard the phone ring. She waiting at the top of the landing holding her breath. She couldn't hear much because Penny was talking in a whisper. She heard her hang up the phone and ran down stairs.
"Was that dad?" She asked nervously. "Yes it was your father. He had news." Penny replied. Harper's breath caught in her throat. "Did they... is he... is he dead?" She choked out sobbing yet again. She had been crying so much the past few days she wasn't sure how she had any tears left.
"No baby. They found him... alive. He's alive. A little banged and bruised, dehydrated and a severe concussion... but alive" Penny relayed with tears in her eyes. "They will be home in an hour."
"He's alive" Harper whispered. "Did you hear that baby... daddy's alive and coming home." The flood gates opened as Harper hit her knees. Penny pulled her daughter to her chest.
"Thank you Goose." Harper cried.
An hour later both women and rest of the team were waiting for the naval helicopter to touch down. Harper held onto her mother and Phoenix when the red and white helicopter came into view. She waited with baited breath for it to land.
Out first came Jake and her Father both covered in sweat and dirt, but with smiles on their faces. Harper waited anxiously and then she saw him. He was on a stretcher with an oxygen mask and an IV. She couldn't wait another minute. Harper ran to her husband. When he saw her Rooster took off the oxygen mask and ripped the IV out of his arm. The aerial doctors insisted he sit back down and let them help him. But when Harper came to him he brushed them off stating "give me a minute to hold my girl." He staggered into her arms.
"You came back." Harper whispered kissing him passionately. " Told you I would. I promised and I never break a promise." Rooster slurred before he collapsed on the tarmac.
Harper held her husband to her chest as the medics loaded him up to take to the infirmary. Once he was settled in a room, Harper pulled up a chair and held his hand. She slipped his wedding band back on his finger and rubbed her thumb over it. Now that she wqs touching him... knew he was there... knew he was real and safe and alive... Harper allowed herself to close her eyes for the first time in almost a week and sleep.
Rooster slowly opened his eyes. The bright overhead light hurt at first. He was hyper aware of the beeping and buzzing of the hospital machines. He sat up slowly head throbbing. "Baby?" He called out hoarsly Harper had fallen asleep on his thigh. "Bradley! You're awake!" Harper sat up quickly "Oh my God you scared me so much." She said smacking his chest. "Oof" he replied mocking her.
"Oh I'm so glad you are okay!" She said kissing him." She grabbed his hand. "I thought I lost you. I thought we lost you." She said placing his hand on her stomach.
"We?" Rooster said looking between his hand and her face.
"We." She said again smiling
"Harper are you saying what I think you're saying? Are you... are you pregnant?" He asked with tears in his eyes.
"Yes!" She nodded quickly. "Almost 11 weeks. Here look!" Harper rummaged through her bag and pulled out the ultrasound pictures for Rooster to see. Overcome with emotion, both Bradshaws cried happy tears
3 years later
Harper Mitchell-Bradshaw brought the last of the dishes inside and loaded them in the dishwasher. She watched her husband and their son happily running around the backyard playing "airplanes." She smiled to herself when Bradley picked Nicholas or "Goose" as he had affectionately been nicknamed up and spun him around. The almost three year old laughed with glee.
Harper came outside and sat down in a patio chair. Rooster put his son down to let him play with their family dog Ranger. Bradley joined his wife and graciously accepted the beer she handed him while sipping lemonade.
"You're such a good daddy to him" Harper smiled grabbing her husband's hand. "You're and even better mommy to him" Rooster replied.
"I just can't wait to see how good you will be with the next one here in a few months." Harper said nonchalantly.
"Next one?" Rooster questioned making sure he heard his wife correctly. "Are you?" He began.
"Yup. Sixteen weeks. She will be here before we know it." Harper replied giggling.
"She?" Rooster smiled. "Yes she. I couldn't wait to find out this time!" Harper confessed.
That night at bedtime Goose found out he was going to be a big brother and he couldn't wait. He promised to be the best big brother ever and six months later when Caroline Penelope Bradshaw was born he was more excited than anyone.
To be so young he knew how important it was to be gentle with his new baby sister. The first time he held her he looked on her with wonder in his eyes. The first words he said to her were "Hi baby. I your big brudder Goose and I wuv you Carawine." Goose planted a big wet kiss to the top of his sister's head. He was in love with his little sister. When Grandpa Mav moved to pick up Caroline from the toddlers arms Goose politely, yet firmly said "No Granpa Mav you can't have her." as Goose pulled the baby closer to him. Maverick laughed and held his hands up in defeat. He knew better to argue with his grandson once his mind was made up. Even though he barely three years old Goose was just as stubborn and as strong willed as both of his parents. Penny never failed to remind him "Well what did you expect he is half Mitchell and half Bradshaw?!"
Bradley picked both of his children up and sat them in their mother's lap.
Harper's heart melted that instant. She loved the sight of her little family. The family didn't notice the picture Maverick took of all of them. But he would make a copy for them and one for his airplane hanger.
Once everyone had left, Goose had gone home with Grandpa Mav and Grammy P and Caroline was fast asleep in the hospital bassinet, Bradley grabbed his wife's hand and cupped her face.
"Thank you for this. For us. For our family. For loving me." He told her earnestly. "Harper you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so glad I ran into you that day at the Hard Deck five years ago. You have made my life better by being in it. I am a better person because of you. I love you so much." Rooster whispered.
"I love you more." Harper told him pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I love you most"
The End
Yall I have absolutely adored writing this story. I hope everyone who has read it has enjoyed the ride. This has been such a joy for me. I promise this is not the last time you will see these characters! I love you all!
Tag List @marvelsvalhalla @shanimallina87 @tallrock35 @aless-megs
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
Yandere dad hawks/Dabi pt1.6
Master list
Master list for series
Im basing this off of “Wake me up when September ends” by Green Day.
So our birthday is in September, and we hate September because of that fact. So its the 19th our birthday and we just wake up and immediately teleport to Hawks house hopping he forgets our birthday. But surprise surprise he doesn’t and the house is decorated. But its in out favorite colors which never happen at our house.
While we are looking at the decorations we remember out conversation that happened on September 1st. And that conversation went like this:
“I dont like September. Can you like put me in a medical induced coma or some shit until September ends?” We say as we teleport right in front of hawks at his agency.
“Ok so no hello? Hi? Or at the lest a hug? We’ve known each other for like 2 months.” Hawks questions, he was going to get back to our question but just wants a hi first.
“Ok. Hi Hawks. I don’t like September. Can you put me in medical coma or something?”
“No. Why don’t you like September? Its your brith month!”
“I dont like it because of school. And because I don’t like my birthday”
“Why dont you like your birthday?”
“Because its just.. like something always goes wrong on my birthday. For example: my mom would get a concussion a week before and it would be a bad once, id figure out someone was using me for a dare or bet, id have a test a fail it, there was even one time where I got nothing I wanted for my birthday! The list could go on and on and on forever!”
“Hmm ok. Tell me what you want. Everything even decorations and I’ll have them at my house on our birthday and we can just stay home that day, do nothing but what you want. Nothing will go wrong! I wont even try to kidnap you at the end of the day. I promise”
“Hmm you’ve made the promise before. But we know you cant really fully kidnap me because of mu quirk. The kidnapping has turned into a joke now I feel like. I mean you’ve done it like 20 times and it still hasn’t worked.”
“Ha ha ha yeah Ik. But I really promise this time.”
“Hmmm OK Fine. Ill be over in the miring before school. Ill hack into the school thing saying im present for all my classes.”
“Ok. Send me a list of everything you want and I’ll get it. And if there are shirt tell me what size in the things too.”
“Ok Ik send you the list. Also there’s a hawks crochet thing in there I really want because the wings are cute.” We say knowing we are going to regret it later when we have like 5 of them. Or as much as he can order. We could tell hawks freaked out after that and after we teleported out of his office and too school because we where going to be late.
After remembering that we chuckle a bit and then hear a loud scream and then “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!! WE CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TODAY!!!!” Hawks screamed in returned scaring us so much that we screamed at the top of our lungs. Soon fallowed by a hug and red wings wrapping around us.
“Ok ok thanks hawks this is amazing. I love it.” We say while hugging him back, holding back our tears because we felt so happy in that moment.
“So what do oh want to do today first?”
“Breakfast” we say as our stomach growls.
“Haha ok love.”
We all then spent the day doing whatever we wanted and we were freaking out our parents by not being in the house. But we had a good birthday and thats all that matters. Plus Dabi came and we got to burn Endeavors agency down with him while Hawks was busy getting lunch. Also the fact that we got more comfortable with hawks and are starting to feel like the house is home.
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Till the end [steve harrington x f!reader] zombie apocalypse!au
Chapter two
Previous >> next
Tw - mentions of suicide
My door was barricaded and locked, I had a knife at my side. I didn't even know what was going on but I knew I was in danger. My mom had come home early, something about not feeling well. I didn't notice the small bite mark on her arm neither did Tara. While my mom and sister were making something to eat she bit her. She took a large chunk of flesh out of my sisters neck. I don't even remember how I got them both out of the house. I just remember locking all the doors and grabbing a knife.
I wanted someone to come, I needed company I couldn't do this by myself. I wanted my boyfriend Steve to come but he worked at a mall and if it was as bad as it was getting on the streets then it was definitely terrible at starcourt. I didn't want to think he was dead but I had a gut feeling.
Then he came by some miracle he came to my window. Covered in blood and still in his scoops ahoy uniform. I pull him into my room and tell him about my mom.
"You're dad has I gun right?" He asks. I pull away from him brows furrowed but nodding. "Yeah, Why?" I ask confused. "We have to leave its horrible here, it's not safe y/n" I shake my head tears threatening to spill. "No I'm not going, it's about to get dark I'm not leaving" I cry. He sighs rubbing at my back. "How bout in the morning" I hesitantly nod. Maybe it would be better in the morning. He smiles, I can't help but think about how his smile just makes me melt even during a time like this.  I hug him burying my head into his chest. "Im scared Steve" I whisper, "I know, I know" he say's comforting me by running his hand up in down my back.
After a few minutes of just staying like that we pull away. "You think I can take a shower?" I nod finally the stench of blood hit my nose. Luckily my room had a bathroom attached so we didn't even have to leave the safety of my room for him to shower. I watch as he walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I'm really scared, I don't think I can even express to Steve how scared I am. I don't even know what's going on. They were like zombies, but worse than they were in the movies. They were aggressive and way faster than they were in the movies. They didn't just shuffle around and moan and groan, they ran, and they were smart. When my sister first turned I watched as she tapped at the glass and try to open the door.
I quickly turn towards my window double checking that it was locked. I was scared about what would happen once we left, would we get eaten immediately? Where would we even go?
20 minutes later Steve emerges from the bathroom squeaky clean with a towel wrapped around his hips. I almost blush when I see his body. "Hey babe you got any of my clothes?" He asks I nod. I have tons, he's stayed over so many times and leaves so many things I have a drawer dedicated to all of his things. I stand up and walk over towards my dresser. I grab a pair of pjs he had left here and a pair of clean underwear he also left one day. I hand it to him and turn around returning to my bed. I when I turn around I witness him drop his towel and begin to get dressed. I roll my eyes groans "Steve!" As I covered my eyes. He laughs but doesn't say anything else.
I still have my hands over my eyes when I feel the bed move. He pulls my hands down off of my face so I can see him. His hair is still damp, and he's got a grin on his face that would make any girl swoon two years ago. "So tomorrow?" He asks I nod even though I'm still not sure. What if something's happens and I'm left alone. Id rather stay here alone then be out there alone.
"It's gonna be alright" he whispers as he presses a kiss to my forehead "I'll protect you no matter what" he says leaning his forehead against mine. "Do you understand that?" I nod. It was nice feeling that important to someone, having someone to protect you during the zombie apocalypse felt nice. "You tired" I nod as I peer outside. The suns setting. "Let's go to sleep then" I nod as I lay down. Steve props his head up with his arm as he lays down. "We can take shifts if you want...just to keep us safe" I nod agreeing, it would be way more safe to take shifts while sleeping, just to keep an eye out. He lets his head drop against my pillow. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "I love you steve" I whisper as I bury my head into his chest. "I love you too" he replies pressing a kiss on top of my head.
Steve wakes me up at 2:30 for my shift. His head ends up burried in my neck, all I can hear are Steve's soft snores, and the growls, and groans from the zombies outside. My arms are inside his shirt wrapped around his torso. He's always ran really warm. I feel like crying, tears are hiding in my eyes just waiting to escape. If those zombies are mentioned I'll cry. I don't know what the hells going on. It's the middle of summer I should be having fun getting ready for my senior year of high school but now I'm stuck in this mess. I hug him tightly as i sob into his shoulder. I don't want to die, not like this. If I get bitten I'll turn into one of those things, if Steve gets bitten he'll turn into one of those things. I'm scared. I was really tempted to slit my wrist earlier, when I barricaded myself in my room, I thought about going into my bathroom and just slitting my wrists. My mom is dead, my sister is dead, my dad is missing, and I thought my boyfriend had died. I didn't want to live in a world without them. But then Steve appeared at my window. At that moment guilt was rushing through my veins. What if i did go through with it, he would've found my dead body wrist slit, on the bathroom floor.
I must've woken up Steve with my crying because I feel him lift his head up. "Wh-what wrong?" He asks his voice still laced with tiredness. "I..I don't..wa-wanna die Steve" I cry, his voice is soft as he pulls me away from him "hey look at me, I'm not going to let you die" he craddled my face in his hands wiping stray tears as they fall. "I don't w-want you to die" i sniffle "and I'm not gonna die either we're in this together."
"I'm just scared I guess" I mumble. "It's alright let's just go to sleep alright?"
The next time I wake up it's bright outside. Steve's still fast asleep in my arms though. I can still hear the sounds of the zombie. I shake Steve a bit to wake him up. His eyes flutter open "hm" he grumbled. "Should we get ready to leave?" I ask. He nods with a yawn "definitely."
My dad hunted a lot outside of work so he had bunches of guns, and gear we could use in this situation. He sits up and presses a kiss to my lips before getting up. I follow after him as he pushed my dresser drawer out from in front of the door. "Let me see that knife" he whispers. I nod running back over to my bed and grabbing it off of the bedside table. I hand it to him and we both creep into the hallway. We make sure their aren't any zombies in the house before we go into my dads room designated for all his hunting gear.we find three large backpacks he hands me one "go find as much non-perishable food as you can" I nod as I creep down stairs making sure not to disturb the zombies outside the front door, and windows.
I go into the pantry and grab all the canned goods, water bottles, granola bars. Once I've fit enough in I have a bit more room so I grab two of those water bottles that are insulated. I go back upstairs to see Steve packing his bag full of ammo, guns, weapons any thing we need to survive. "My dad has a big tent we might need that" I say. Steve nods and hands me another backpack. "Go find anything you think we're going to need, clothes, blankets y'know?" I nod placing the filled bag with food next ot him. I retreat to my room and start off by folding up two blankets as small as I can and fitting them into the two water bottle holders. It made the bag look a little bulky but who cares about looks right now. Then I find some of Steve and I's clothes. I also fold them up as small as I can and put them in the bottom of the bag. Once I'm finished with that I throw a deodorant, some lotion, bandaids, large gauze pads, tampons, pads, hydrogen peroxide, pain killers, those ice packs you shake up, and some heat packs that work the same. I keep thinking as I go through my medicine cabinet grabbing any drug I think we'd need. I grabbed any and every pain medication I could find, as well as some antibiotics I had found. I look over at the bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Should I grab them? Were we even going to be able to find hot water. Sure we could, so I grab the bottles up and put them in the bag. Once I've got all the things we definitely would need I go around my room grabbing things I want to keep. I stuff a necklace my dad gave me in my pocket, and a few books in the bag. I hear soft footsteps behind me, I quickly turn around. It's only Steve, that causes my breathing to calm down, and my heart to stop pounding out of my chest. "Hey calm down it's just me" steve chuckles, "how the hell am I supposed to calm down when we're in this mess" i mutter, as I roll my eyes. I turn back towards the bag closing it up. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, as he peers over my shoulder "you think we'll need like shampoo and stuff?" I ask. He shrugs "just bring it in case" I nod as I grab up the bag. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" I ask as I turn around in his arms. He grabs a gun out of his pocket and hands it to me, "out you're window just like I got in" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead. I nod as I wiggle my way out of his grip and over it my closet grabbing two jackets ones Steve's and the other is mine. I hand it to him while I'm putting mine on. "You take this bag, and I'll take these two" he says handing me the bag I had packed with food, and waters. I sling it over my shoulder, as Steve walks towards the window. I turn the safety off of my gun "don't forget to turn saftey off" I say as Steve is unlocking the window and opening it. I nods turning it off. He crawls out of the window and waits for me on the other side.  I take a deep breath, this could end up horribly. We could get bit in the first 15 seconds seeing the hord of them outside my house. "It's alright we just have to get to my car" I nod as I take his hand. He helps me out onto the roof. We slowly walk across the roof until we're in an area where the ground is the clearest. He jumps off first and then I do. I twist my ankle as my feet hit the ground, making me fall to the ground. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" Steve says kneeling down next to me. I nod "it's just a twist, now help me up" he doesn't argue, just sticks his hand out. I grab onto his hand, and he pulls me up. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asks, I shake my head "I'm sure let's just go" I mutter.
All the ruckus we had made from me falling had been just loud enough to disrupt the zombies. There were a few growling and groaning at us as from the other side of th fence. I don't even think twice before pressing the trigger and shooting both of them. "Come on" I say grabbing his wrist pulling him over to the fence. I unlock it and kick it open. A couple more start growling at us before they run for us.
pow, pow.
Two more are down. The sound of the gun shots call a few more that end up getting in our way to Steve's car.
Pow, pow, pow.
Three more down. "Unlock the car Steve" I say, he doesn't do anything so I shout "unlock the goddamn car Steve!" He finally sticks his hand in his pocket fishing his keys out of his pocket. He unlocks the car car. I let go of him let go of him letting him run to the drivers side, whilst I get in the passenger side.
Im panting as I pull my seatbelt on. Steve gets in the car and throws both his bags into the back seat.
"We should stop by the police station just to see if we can find some more ammo."
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Jesus fucking christ.
We had TEN people at the bar tonight. TEN. And then a group from the theatre came over at like, 11pm, pianos stopped at 12, and THEY JUST WOULD NOT LEAVE. We had our entire cashouts done and printed and sealed, the bar torn completely down and a guy STILL tried to order a drink from me?!?!
Anyways. I’m FINALLY fucking home and it’s 2 am, but it’s “Thursday” so y’all know what that means!!!
Law & order (svu, oc/mothership maybe) spoilers under the cut!
Domestic snuggles.. imma miss this shit
Also why do people never plug their phones in overnight on tv!?
Grace that is a NICE coat, she looks great.
Noah being 12… someone remind me to do math on this later.
“I’ve been on 500 bumble dates, how different could these questions be?”
OKKKKAY now I understand more why Velasco was in the wedding shots, cause I lowkey thought it was weird he was there for the ceremony.
Nice plaid muncy… #bivibes
Jessie an billie have pink drinks (I assume Shirley temples) and it looks like Velasco just handed noah champagne… like I know it’s probs gingerale or apple juice but like… BRUH. It looked like Velasco was so distracted he just handed alcohol off without realizing it was a kid lololol
Is it REALLY that big of a surprise that johnny d has other kid out there? Also how long is it until noah asks about his dad? Like what has liv told him?
Noah knows he’s adopted, he knows his mom is dead and that he can’t see gramma Sheila anymore, he only has liv and she works so much that she definitely should let them meet.
OH okay so he knows his dad was a criminal… noted… noted….
liv…baby…. I know you’re concerned about him being johnny d’s kid, but like, so is noah… also bebe remember the time you left your kid with his “friends” and they locked him in a dog cage? Pls. let him play playstation.
Okay staying the night is a little much. Like first watching them look like a full happy family, but also FLASHBACKS TO SHIELA STEALING HIM.
FUCK Velasco in a suit… I forgot how good that looks.
Jfc. These rollins and liv grilling this guy in the hotel room?! Getting all super close power lady?! FUCK ME.
Grace m’am, you are on the stand, homegirl do up one more button pls.
Oh muncy…. You sweet summer child. I LOVE you but I hope sonny tears a STRIP off you because you deserve it. Like all im picturing rn is barba/alex/casey basically murdering you.
“on a scale of 1-10?”  “I’d say Vladmir putin.” FUCK FIN lololol
“remember I used to joke about you two in a hotel room? And now here *we* are” THAT’S GAY LADIES.
“You were a different person, you would’t let me in.” EXCUSE ME OLIVIA?!?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS A GIANT CUNT IN S13!! YOU were the one who kept brushing off amanda whenever she tried to talk to you or learn anything for like a year!
GOD this scene mustve been so fucking hard to film for these two….
Okay…. Okay… I said this to the discord earlier this week as I got to s8. Muncy does have some Dani Beck vibes…and her on the stand just enforces that. (minus the fact that I love grace and HATE dani)
Carisi saying “my wife” while looking all lovey dovey eyes. FUCK.
GOOD GOD. Im fucking bawling over the actual good bye scene. Fuck me. (also was that walk past then pull back into a hug a call back? Or is that just me?)
Okay. I am VERY glad honestly that Muncy was both not at the wedding and didn’t get a hug at the end (despite a random uni getting one). Not only have they only known each other 9 eps, it just wouldn’t be fucking fair to Kelli. I get it, Molly might not have known she was a replacement when she auditioned/got the job BUT, it just would’ve been a kick in the face to Kelli. Still and always love them both. But… yeah… it’s like when you have to train your own replacement right before getting fired kinda thing? Not cool. So im glad they were able to do that..
 Okay. Onto mothership… lets see how much I have to say lol.
Mechad is a fucking snack. Why must I be attracted to at least two people on every one of these shows? Three hours of tv after getting off work this late is TOO MUCH AND I still have a new criminal minds to watch. Fuck.
 Fuck…. That escalated quickly…. I mean….expected but…
Oh jesus christ…tonight really is about cops fucking up.
This is heartbreaking. The poor suspect is now gonna get extra charges because they were wrongfully arrested/sent to rikers. Fucking ouch. Why l&o gotta be like this tonight…
Okay… my stream cut out for the second time and fucked up and we ALL know Im not invested enough to care.
OC time here we go.
This purple looks great on bell!
Okay, new guy, cant remember his name rn, but him not only getting everyone gifts but having them wrapped that nicely? What do we think? Did he have the store do that or does he do it himself? The “I’ve always been that guy” makes me think he did it himself.
“merry Christmas everyone” jet’s way of saying “welp, mom and dad are fighting on xmas..”
Okay just kidding this stream died on me too… so…imma call it here, have my svu thoughts and some other tiny ramblings for tonight byyeee
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The day my world burned
Description- 2 childhood best friends get pulled apart due to one of them moving away. After his 18th birthday he goes to see her and finds out shocking news that nobody would want to hear nor believe from their best friend…
"Lucy! Lucy!" Little 5 year old me would run as soon as I saw my best friend. "Cas! Hi!" She would smile back. We would always play together by the beach, swim and make sand castles. That was my whole world
"Cas. I'm gonna marry you one day." Lucy says out of nowhere. "Okay! But why?" I ask, I've never thought of marriage, I was 5. But I didn't hate the idea of marrying her, she was my best friend since birth basically. "Well," she starts, "you're really nice to me, and your my best friend and you make me really happy!" She finishes with a smile. I smile back, "I wanna marry you too, Lucy! With the same reasons." I tell her. She smiles bigger. "Then it's settled! You're my husband and im your wife." She says with a little nod and a serious tone in her voice. "Okay!!" I say back. I loved Lucy, so I wasn't gonna try and say no to marrying her.
I came home and instantly told my mom I was marrying Lucy. She laughed, "I always knew you'd end up together. You're practally attracted at the hip with that girl." She said. She'd always say that about me and Lucy, we were always together so I see why.
On Lucy's 10th birthday I wanted to give her a gift. I got her a little charm bracelet I made last night, her favorite colors, purple and pink, were the colors of the beads, and her name was on the bracelet in letter beads. But as soon as I went to hand it to her, it fell into a drain under us. "No!" I screamed like the world was ending, "I'm sorry!" Lucy apologized like it was her fault. "It's okay, Lucy.. I made it 'specially for you. I don't got nothing else for your birthday." I admitted, feeling bad. "You can always make a new one! We're never gonna stop being friends, so you can give me another one at anytime. Just because it's my birthday, doesn't mean I have to have gifts. I'm just glad you showed up.. nobody else did." She sighed.
A few days later, I was told we're moving. "What? How far?" I asked, devastated because what about Lucy? "We're moving to LA, your dad has a job offer there and there's better places there to live than here, baby. I promise it'll be better for all of us." Mom tried to reassure me, "But mom what about Lucy?? She might forget me!" I start crying. How could I go without seeing her? I've been with her since we were barely walking, I can't leave her now. "Cas.. Lucy won't forget you. She loves you too much." Mom tells me. I don't respond, I'm too upset to respond. How am I gonna break it to Lucy that I'm leaving?
I wait a few days to tell her, actually I waited until the last day. "Hey Lucy? I gotta tell you something, but promise you won't get upset?" I hold my pinky out, waiting for hers to get ahold of it in a pinky promise. "Um, I guess?" She takes my pinky in hers. "So. I'm, uh, I'm moving to LA tomorrow.." I say really quietly. Lucy freezes. "Did you say that you were moving tomorrow? Or am I hearing things?" She holds back tears. "I'm moving to LA.. tomorrow morning," I start to cry as I hug her, "I don't wanna leave you, Luce.. I really don't." She hugs me tighter and cries as well.
There’s some other chapters. I personally think this story isn’t the best but I legit tried 🫡 also ik it jumps a lot from ages and shit, but I didn’t know what else to put/I had to shorten it up by a lot as well. So just ignore the jumps. Thanks.
Other chapters- Chapter 2. Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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thechroniclesofagenz · 2 months
1. mother's day
a thought that has been around my head this past week was 'what i am going to buy for mother's day for my mom and my grandma?' well, i'm still trying to find a correct answer, because the incorrect one would be nothing.
yes, no gift, for both of them.
"but they're your mother and your grandmother! why being so rude like that?"
mostly? because of trauma. and when i mean trauma, i mean severe trauma.
the first time i heard that i had anxiety it would be around my 12-13 years. new school, new routine, new everything. that triggered me my first symptoms of anxiety: heavy head scratching until my scalp bloods and things that i would learn later that they were actually panic attacks, and not 'being a spoiled brat' as my mom would scream at me to stop and just make everything worse.
at 14, i remember hiding myself from my grandma who would come to my house and check every single room to see if i had tidy, cleaned and make it nice. why? because im a girl and no boy would like a careless girl. if i hadnt done the dishes, my life would turn into hell in seconds. stop everything i was doing, no matter if it was from school or important, as a girl i must do all the chores in the house.
at 18, i had a severe injure while traveling and my mom screamed all the time to 'stop being so annoying! it's not hurting that much!'. in fact, i've ruptured all my ankle tendons, had microfractures in my feet and i was agonizing in pain. of course i was screaming of pain!! it was peak unbearable for me!! and at the hospital she couldn't stop dragging in my face how i've ruined the trip.
at 19, i've stayed a little bit overtime in college because i had stuff to do and i only told my dad. my grandma would call me and scream at me why i wasn't at home yet and demanded explanations when i told her that i was already an adult and i was doing my stuff. she gets mad for the way i'm responding her but, i don't care anymore.
i have never truly felt loved by womans who were, supposed to, be my role model. i did learned what i do not want to be from them for sure.
as a little girl, i just wanted to feel loved by my mom. i always envied my friends whose had such a good relationshop with their moms and can really count on them. my mom always told that we weren't friends and i shouldn't treat her like so, but demanded to me to be sweet as i am with my friends.
getting older made me realize that i can call myself motherless for sure. she was always so busy with work, barely keeping up with what happened in my life, always buying me gifts instead of hugs and moments together, being so cruel when i would do the minimal mistake and never saying that she was proud of the woman that i've become.
but i had find a mother in other persons, like her friends. it's kinda ironic that her own friends would make me feel like a daughter around them than my own mother. they would give me advices, help me and listen to me and validate my feelings, as i've almost begged to my mom to do it. but she never could.
i also had older friends who were a mother to me in multiple times, when i needed a more mature opinion and without being judged, they would come with open arms to help me.
a close mother figure would be my aunts, for sure. specially my mom's younger sister.
last year i travelled to her house and i spend a week with her and i do still regret for not getting more time. she would remember the things i liked when i was younger and ask 'do you still like this?', she would cook my favorite foods and the thing that always gets me: she would hug me. caressed me. i remember an afternoon i was laid down in sofa watching a movie and she approached to me and started to massaging my feets, asking 'you loved this when you were younger. do you still like it?'. i flinched at the first touched, but she continued, not caring even if my feet was dirty (my mom would call me disgusting by now) and i blinked a few times, trying to hide my tears. tears of happiness. of tenderness.
even with all that, my mom isn't a bad mom. maybe she just never wanted to be a mom and i've ruined all of this. and my grandma never had a daughter and would try to use me as this.
for the gifts, maybe plants will do the job. they both like it so it's an easy choice for my wallet too :)
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robbinggoodfellows · 1 year
An angsty lil fic of Roman and Russel
@thespacecatgirl this is fully me just expanding on the idea of Russ never talking about his childhood
TW: aba, ableism, abuse
Roman and Russel were sitting together on the tiny twin sized bed that St. Cassian's gave to the students who lived there. It was too small to be considered a bed. The two of them had tried countless times to fit together on the tiny mattress only to decide their best option was for Russel to lay his legs across Romans lap. As uncomfortable as this was, it was better than either of them being alone.
The question had been bouncing around in Romans mind for days. He had shared enough of his childhood trauma to think maybe Russ would know he could talk to Roman. Well, Russ was always talking but never about anything serious. Roman didn't want to pry, he knew he shouldn't push Russel to tell him anything he didn't want to but, what if it was nothing? Russ was such a happy person, why would he be hiding anything? Still, Roman wanted to know...
"What was your childhood like?" The question hit Russel like a moving bus. It was one of the few times Russ had heard Roman talk, his voice still shocked him a bit. But that wasn't the issue here, the problem was the question itself. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Roman added but Russel shook his head. "No...no you've been so open with me and I've been closed off and I'm sorry."
"My parents didn't want me. They were happy with my brother, he was everything they needed in a son. But I was born and that was my first mistake." Russel started, loosely gripping Romans hand, "When I got my autism diagnosis, they found this 'lovely' place called the 'Saskatchewan center for aba' and decided that would be good. So I had a good five years of being told by about thirty different therapists that there was something wrong with me. I'd go home and have two parents also telling me there was something wrong with me." Russel laughed a bit, trying not to cry, "Funny thing is, somehow compared to my parents, the 30 therapists seemed pretty tame. I'd come home from school and my dad would be playing baseball with my brother in the front yard. I still remember how he always told Charlie not to hug me when I got home, how I didn't deserve his love. My mom would make me eat dinner later than the rest of them, they wanted to pretend they were a happy family for once. It didn't help my relationship with them that I wanted to transition." Russel got quiet, he finally shut up for once and it was to scratch at the tears on his cheeks. Roman slipped his hand from Russ's grip, cupping his friends cheek gently and whispering reassurances, his other hand sitting soothingly on Russels ankle.
"Im sorry I made you tell me all that." Roman signed, frowning just a tiny bit.
"Its okay." Russel signed back.
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evilgenderywizard · 2 years
tw cause im ab to talk ab a few deaths ive gone through
the last service i remember going to was for my grandpa. he was best friend in the world until then. he had bladder cancer and it had spread to his lungs and it was too late to do much about it. he had open heart surgery that he woke up from. he was barely even there but he let my mom and her mom know that he knew they were. shortly after waking up that day he had a heart attack that he did not survive. it was a wednesday just 3 days after i turned 9 when he died, and i had gotten to see him in the hospital on my bday and he gave me something that i cant even remember what it was. my dads mom told me that the surgery was successful but didnt say anything else. we went and picked up my mom from work and she sat with me in the back seat on the way home and told me he didnt make it. at the time i didnt know what i felt but i now know it was denial, she told me and i fake cried for a few minutes but otherwise i was all smiles. then the day of his memorial service came and i was unexpectedly asked to go up by his urn and say a few words, i had also gotten a ballon to release with a little note from myself tied to it. when i went up by the urn to put the rose by him i absolutely lost it. my face was soaked in tears of mourning and despair. i wish id have told him i loved him one last time. now anytime i leave a place where theres people that i love i have to tell them, just in case.
when i was 13/14 i was at walmart with my best friend at the time and we had gotten onto the topic of our old friend group from before i moved away. we'll call this girl K. me and K didnt talk as often as i wish we would have but she had met parts of my family before and somewhere i may even have a picture of her hiding in a tree while me her and another friend played hide and seek. my best friend at that time said she had died two years before the conversation. i stopped in my tracks. later that week i went online to find her obituary. she had overdosed because she couldnt handle being bullied at every school she'd been to. i always think about how easily that could have been me. we had some similarities especially with the ways we were bullied. some of the examples were people would make fun of our appearances or how we sang. she had the most angelic voice ive heard to this day. since i didnt know for two years i never got to go to the services. earlier in the year of her passing she had messaged me and we talked some. she told me she was in and out of psychiatric treatment centers. i wish i could have said goodbye and given her one last hug and had one last laugh. i always make sure to do that now.
my great aunt on my dads side passed in 2020 i never really knew the official cause. my dad had texted me one day that may and said she passed that morning. i called him and we talked. everyone knew it was coming just not when. he asked if i wanted him to pick me up to go to the funeral and i told him i wouldnt be able to handle it. i never went and i stayed at my friends house a couple more days so i could process my feelings. she was one of my favorite family members because she was always so kind, caring, and accepting of those around her or at least thats how i knew her. i grew up going to her house for almost every holiday. she had lost a leg a bit before her death due to health issues. i wouldnt say i regret not going to the funeral but i wouldnt say that i dont. she lit up any room she was in. i wish i could have visited her one last time.
today at my cousin's funeral was weird. seeing just vague parts of her through the crowd of people in front of me and out of everything i wish id have taken the time to know her and maybe then id know how im supposed to feel today.
Rest in Peace to all of my family members and friends and loved ones in the afterlife i wish i could have seen you one last time
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tweekfilms · 2 years
A Conversation
basically this takes place in 1x04 after ricky leaves nini’s house and yeah welcome to yet another narration
if you told nico a couple of weeks ago that she would be making friends at east, she probably would have laughed.
while waiting for ricky, nico was pondering this before chase appeared next to her and asking
“are you sure you want me here”
“i told you a million times that i do, if my suspicions are right then i need you here” nico answered for the tenth time
the bell rang and chase got up to get the door while nico grabbed another slice of pizza and ate. she could vaugely hear ricky asking for her and chase telling him to come in and introducing himself.
“hey ricky” nico set her pizza down as he walked towards the couch
“hey nico um sorry for the late notice” ricky apologized
“its fine its not like i have anything else to do” nico joked but also she wasn’t lying
“its just um ive been having a tough day today” ricky said
“yeah molly said that she didn’t see you in rehersal today” nico offered ricky a slice of pizza
“my parents, they’re separating” ricky said the last few words carefully
nico looked at chase and he shared a look of sympathy. they both knew what it felt like, after all they just lived it.
“ricky im so sorry” nico tried to offer her condolecense
“it sucks, i don’t know how to get through it and i just thought that you know my parents would stay together” ricky was trying to hold back tears
“if it helps, i know what it feels like. my dad also separated from my mom and that’s why well i moved here. and i thought that you know they meant to be together but it turns out sometimes it just runs out” nico didn’t want to relieve the whole event of when she and her dad moved but well oh well she did
“i don’t know if i should add my input to this but my mom separated from my dad too and i get how it feels like everything is changing but finding the right people to help you is a game changer” chase added to her point
“both of us, we’re essentially children of divorced parents and we get it. its not easy but ricky, you have to know that we’re here for you ok ? and that even though your parents are separating they still love you” nico offered her hand to ricky
“thanks i really mean it” ricky wiped his tears
“do you need a place to stay tonight, i can ask my dad to let you stay” nico said
“yeah you can have my room tonight and i’ll sleep out here on the couch. i would ask gert if she would let me sleepover at her house but its a little late for that” chase added
“its fine guys, im gonna go home but it was really nice of you two to offer” ricky got off the couch and started putting his jacket on
“hey if you need anything uh don’t hesitate to call me or chase” nico gave him a slice of pizza to take home with him
“thanks oh before i go, you guys are going to homecoming right ?” ricky asked
nico and chase looked at each other, they really didn’t know the answer to that.
“maybe i mean molly’s going so i assume the rest of us will go to” nico shrugged
“that’s great, i’ll see you there maybe” ricky smiled before skating off into the street
nico closed the door and sighed, she wasn’t expecting tonight to get so heavy.
“you ok” chase sat down on the opposite end of the couch
“yeah, you” nico wiped her tears, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, talking about it still hurt
chase smiled sadly, nico could tell it hurt talking about it too “i guess”
nico got up from her end of the couch and went to the opposite side and gave chase a hug to which he hugged her back
“you know maybe we should go to homecoming hopefully we can convince gert, karolina, and alex to go too” chase suggested
“you know what im cool to go to homecoming and i know molly’s going to be thrilled” nico nodded
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