#also Mary
markofcastiel · 1 year
The Plan
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: Cas has been his best friend since they were eight. But now they're both applying for universities and Dean is more anxious than he wants to admit.
Tags: fluff, first kiss, self-esteem issues
"If you get accepted to all of them, which one are you gonna pick?"
"I dunno, Sammy!" Dean snaps, closing the book in front of him with more force than necessary. The pencil that Dean had been anxiously chewing on just seconds ago rolls off the desk with the vibration, and lands on the hardwood floors with a clack.
"I'm so sick of everyone pressuring me for answers!"
"Dude... it was just a question..."
His baby brother is getting bigger and bigger. He's nearly Dean's size now and shows no signs of stopping his growth spurt. But in moments like these Sammy can still pull off a face that reminds Dean that he's just a gangly 14 year old kid - with huge puppy eyes and a sad retriever look. Dean would calm down and apologize for snapping if he wasn't so riled up:
"Not when you're the third person asking me that today. Just lay off my back already!"
Sam raises his brows high, and his lips quirk in the way they do when he's preparing a comeback.
"Moooooom, Dean called me a bitch..."
Mary's voice reaches in from the hallway almost instantly: "Dean, language!!"
Sam sticks his tongue out, grins triumphantly, and then whispers "jerk" before running back to his room.
Freaking Sammy...
"At the risk of being the fourth to ask..."
His best friend speaks up from behind him, letting the sentence linger in the air unfinished. Dean turns around in his chair to see Cas sprawled across his bed, calmly observing him. He has a book open in front of him, but it's upside down so Dean's pretty sure he wasn't really studying.
"I do wonder the same, Dean."
"Not you too, man."
"I'm just curious."
"Look... I don't know, Cas."
Dean sighs, and finally decides to give up on studying, since his mind is too far gone.
His room is not so big, so when he stretches his leg, it actually reaches the bed. He uses this fact to his advantage, one foot pushing insistently at Castiel's thigh in a silent demand for him to move. It works, effectively making his best friend sit up and scooch over enough so that Dean can also sit down on the cushy mattress.
Even though there was more than enough space to leave a few inches between them, they end up squished right against each other. But Cas doesn't complain, so Dean lets his head drop onto his best friend's shoulder, and closes his eyes for a brief moment, trying to chase away the worry bubbling inside. His brain keeps racing around, thinking about the future and how everything seems so scary and uncertain. He still feels like a kid but he has to make all these grown up decisions and move away from everyone he loves.
It doesn't really seem fair.
"Can't I just stay here forever?"
Although Cas doesn't answer, he reaches out, sensing Dean's distress. His hand finds Dean's nape, and starts stroking tenderly along Dean's spine, soothing all the muscles down its path. Dean just leans into the touch and sighs again, now a happier sound.
Cas has a way of always feeling like sunshine, peeking through even on the cloudiest days. Dean basks in the attention, and lets go of the worries for a moment, just focusing on the warmth of Castiel's hand, and the way Cas' breath ghosts against his hair. He thinks he feels Castiel kissing the top of his head, a feathery touch, barely there - but maybe he was just imagining it. After a few moments of silence, Dean finally allows himself to ask:
"What 'bout you, Cas? You never told me which university you decided on."
The soothing hand leaves Dean's back and he instantly misses the contact. Cas stares at him silently, and it's only when Dean rights himself up and looks back, raising a brow in question that Cas replies, with a mysterious finality to his tone.
"I don't know yet."
"What? Really? You don't know?"
Cas simply shrugs. He's suddenly very interested in the book in front of him - it seems he finally notices that it is upside down and his hands fumble to turn it around.
"Oh..." Dean is surprised, to say the least.
His best friend is always so sure of himself, so certain of the path that has to be taken to succeed in life. When they started highschool Cas had already picked all his classes before Dean could even decide on one. So Dean wasn't expecting an 'I don't know'. If anything, Dean was expecting a bullet list of next steps and timelines to achieve his life goals or something geeky like that.
"Ok," Dean mumbles out, slightly dazed, before turning even more interested. He can't believe he never asked:
"Huh... which universities did you apply to?"
Blue eyes snap back up, meeting his.
There's a weird sort of tension in the air until Cas finally answers.
"MIT, Caltech and KU."
"What?! Are you serious?"
Dean turns to face Cas fully, the ecstasy obvious in his eyes. He grabs Castiel's knees and squeezes.
"Those are exactly the same ones I applied to! Dudeeee, that's such a coincidence - it would be awesome if we ended up in the same one!"
Dean rambles excitedly, not noticing the calculated gaze on his best friend's eyes.
"This is the best news I've heard all year, Cas - I freaking LOVE you!"
He throws his arm around Cas, squishing him tight and kissing his cheek like crazy, forgetting that wasn't a normal thing best friends do.
"And with your big brain I'm sure you are gonna get into all of them, Cas!"
Cas huffs out a small laugh, his eyes crinkling softly at Dean's excitement. But his smile fades away when Dean's face darkens. He slowly releases his grip on Cas, and Cas knows what's coming before Dean even starts.
"Me, on the other hand... I mean... what if I don't get into any of them?"
Cas sounds tired beyond his years, as if he hasn't just turned 18, but instead has lived centuries watching the Earth turn on its axis.
"Dean, look at me."
Dean complies, though he's not sure why. Emboldened, Cas barrels on, confident and unwavering:
"You're one of the brightest people I have ever known."
"No, I'm not," Dean scoffs.
Cas squints, and his head tilts.
"You do realize that your GPA disagrees?"
"You're one to talk, Cas... you have 5.0 GPA! And I'm pretty sure the only reason you don't have higher is because you were afraid the teachers thought it was too good to be true."
"I like Advanced Placement classes..."
"Yeah, well. You're basically a superhuman genius or something."
"Hmm... in that case perhaps you should listen to me when I say you'll get into all of the universities you applied to."
Dean rolls his eyes, but Cas persists:
"My GPA is not the point, Dean. I'm not the one who secretly thinks I'm dumb, despite being elected Valedictorian and having the second highest GPA in our entire school, and likely one of the highest in the country for our year."
"I was only chosen as Valedictorian cus everyone knows you suck at speeches, Cas! You'd probably just get up there and give a one-liner about how 'we're all people trying their best in a world where it's easy to do your worst' and then end with a weird goat joke that no one gets."
"That was my speech in middle school."
"The joke just didn't translate well. It was funnier in the original language."
Dean roars with laughter, and then slaps Cas in the back.
"And that is why I am Valedictorian, buddy."
Cas looks slightly uncomfortable, but it just makes Dean laugh harder. He's clearly imagining a myriad of terrible speeches that some imaginary Castiel would do. When he finally comes down from his high, he wipes the corner of his eyes, and shakes his head.
"Man... I'm gonna miss you too much if we don't end up in the same uni..."
Cas awkwardly looks away.
"Why didn't you pick one yet anyway? Knowing you, I thought you already had a whole grand plan in mind," Dean pries, curious. Cas remains quiet, staring a hole into a spot on the wall. Dean can tell when his best friend is holding something back. Dean bumps his knee against him, and insists.
"What is it, Cas?"
Cas chances a look, and quickly caves in as soon as he sees the bright green eyes staring up at him.
"I'm waiting."
"Really? What for?"
Cas looks away again, cheeks slightly tinged in pink. If Dean didn't know him so well, he would say Cas was embarrassed. But Cas was never embarrassed, so he must be imagining it. When Cas seems to stall, Dean pushes again.
"What are you waiting for, buddy?"
"You didn't pick yet."
Dean scrunches his nose.
"What does that have to do with it?"
Cas looks back at him, annoyed.
"You didn't pick yet," Cas repeats slowly, as if somehow that explains everything. Dean just makes another face, even more confused.
"So what? It's not like you're planning to follow me into whatever university I-"
Cas looks at him meaningfully.
Wait. What?
Dean can feel himself turn red and redder, all the way up to his ears. No. No way. Was Cas really waiting for him to choose just so he could go to the same one???
"Yes, so..." Cas confirms his unspoken question, closing the book in front of him, "please hurry up, Dean. Your indecision is interfering with my plan."
"Your... plan?"
And that's when Cas pulls out a bullet list of his life goals - Dean was right, he does have one - and hands it over.
"I was supposed to be at step number 7 already, which is getting an apartment for us near the campus. But if you don't pick a university I can't start on that one."
"Did you seriously put 'Marry Dean Winchester' as bullet point number 20?"
"Well, 18 is too early, and 22 seems too late. I think bullet point 20 is the perfect balance."
"We're not even dating yet."
"Of course not," Cas says with some exasperation, pointing at number 10 on the list, "that's only after step 8 and 9, Dean, since we will be much more emotionally mature."
Dean smiles, a silly, huge grin and shakes his head. Well, he was never one to follow grand plans and by led by other people's rules so he cradles Cas' face between his palms, leans in and kisses that stupid look off of his best friend's face.
Cas squirms under him, a delightful surprised hitch leaving his mouth, but ends up clinging to his leather jacket like there's no tomorrow. When Dean finally pulls away he marvels at his best friend's spit-slick lips, and the way that dark hair got all ruffled up, making Cas impossibly sexier.
"So," Dean chirps cheerfully, the future suddenly seeming much more exciting.
"Which university are we going to?"
Cas doesn't answer, just pulls him back in for another kiss, and then another. They only stop to come up for air, and even then they're both smiling wide, breaths ragged and hearts beating fast.
"What about th-"
Oh god,
Cas started kissing up his jaw, and somehow Dean's jacket found its way the floor.
"-C-Cas, w-wha- t-the plan?"
"Mmm," Cas mumbles between kisses, and then his tongue darts out to lick a line behind Dean's ear, making Dean shiver and fall apart with a whimper.
"Changed my mind."
"Hell yea-"
The voice suddenly startles them both apart, and they turn at the speed of light to find Mary Winchester at the entrance of Dean's bedroom, staring past the -very open- door. Dean can't believe he was this freaking stupid, and he can feel his heart hammer anxiously in his chest.
"Mom, it's - it's not what it looks like-"
Mary rolls her eyes.
"Oh really? 'Cus it looks like you knuckleheads finally realized you're made for each other. I could power a town with the stares you two have been throwing at each other for the last ten years."
"M-mom," Dean mumbles.
"Now, hands off each other and come help me with dinner. I think I burned the rice again..."
Dean blurs out right in the middle of dinner. All the eyes lift off of busy plates full of food, staring up at him, waiting for more explanation. Dean squeezes Cas' hand a bit tighter below the table before clearing his throat and trying again:
"We decided on MIT."
His family cheers, rushing to congratulate him. Sammy however, asks all too eagerly:
"We? Are you both going to the same one?"
Dean blushes, suddenly nervous, "y-yeah."
John groans, making Dean practically jump out of his skin, heart hammering on his chest. But then his little brother's voice raises over the sound:
"Called it," Sammy announces, and shoves an open palm in front of their father, "pay up old man!"
John reluctantly pulls out 50 dollars, just as Mary smacks both of them on the back of their heads, clearly displeased with whatever just transpired.
Dean stares at his father like he just grew an extra head but John just slowly chews at his food, and doesn't provide any additional explanation.
"I'm happy to hear that, baby," Mary says gently, looking genuinely pleased. She proceeds to elbow John, and the man finally seems to realize he should say something.
"Yeah. Good for you, son. You take good care of each other, you hear? Keep your noses outta trouble."
Dean blushes and nods furiously, the words of his father always his gospel.
Cas, in the meantime, is far too focused on scribbling all over his (now slightly crumpled) piece of paper. It seems 'Marry Dean Winchester' is now circled extra hard, and has been moved up a few steps on The Plan.
Dean ducks his head and smiles, shy and proud. Yep, it's still gonna be scary moving away from his mom and dad and he's gonna miss the hell out of his lil brother.
But he's got Cas.
Whatever happens, they're gonna be alright.
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candyje11yfish · 2 months
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scargvl · 2 months
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Brokeback Mountain but it's Charthur
i drew these on an ipad, which is NOT my preferred tool at all, so don't mind it too much.
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metaphoricallyrose · 4 months
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That one couples meme but fantasy high lol
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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury…………they fucked in that Honda odyssey……I rest my case thank u
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literarymerritt · 4 months
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Thinking about Them 🥺
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proselles · 3 months
you know what i think is really cool about dungeon meshi? the fact that it really handles the whole 'how our food is made' so gracefully. in this day and age, we've become so disconnected from how our food is produced and distributed that the thought of how our food is obtained brings disgust to many people (and for the big industry farms, it honestly should! but im referring to our existence as omnivores in the food chain). marcille acted ridiculous whenever the thought of killing a monster for food is brought up, but honestly, she's a great model for how many people nowadays react whenever they have to truly think about what they are consuming/are brought to a meat farm.
senshi shows the characters (and us, the audience) about the process of making food in a respectful, genuine way to the creatures he has used to produce nourishing meals. by explaining the nutrition and benefits of each creature, he creates and healthy relationship between the consumers and the meal they have. the show really brings a new dimension of respect for each of our meals. truly the bob ross/marie kondo of cooking.
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buggachat · 4 months
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🎉🎉HAPPY BIRTHDAY @mari-monsta / @mari-cherri !!! 🎉🎉
i actually have secretly been working for zagtoon this entire time and i am here to leak adrien's season 6 design. just for you. yep. you can trust me. oh and happy genderfluid adrien month too
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Honestly so hot of Rogue to bridal carry Gambit
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lunarlivs · 5 months
pov: you’re harry being born to a bunch of 21 year olds
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their thoughts and doodles below the cut <3
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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#my art#feralnette au#birds of a feather#long tags#sorry I went apeshit in the tags#LETS SAY IT ALL TOGETHER NOW#I - M - A - G - OOOOOOOOO#its fun drawing marinette's back to Alya and having her appear stout and unstoppable and totally logical#and then you see her face and she's like two seconds from completely snapping and is keeping it together by a thread#as a note just because mari feels very certainly abt smth doesnt mean she's right. feelings can be valid and also irrational#in the throes of grief she decided it was better to be alone than to lose someone again so she started pulling away#and lila made pulling away very very very easy to do#shes also vaguely aware she's being unfair in pinning this on alya which is why she started spinning the drain on cockmoth again#legitimately all the shit that's happened to her wouldn't have been so catastrophic if he was never in the picture and she knows it#but the bitterness of her bestie choosing a fantastic liar over her at the worst of times stiiiiiings#alya's personal timing was bad but lila really took advantage of the fact that marinette had been acting off and weird#she basically clocked marinette as being unstable from SOMETHING and made up a lie about her#knowing she wouldn't have the strength to defend herself#between her social life going tachy bc of lila and losing fu in a way that felt like personhood death marinette was really put on the spot#and alya doing her thing of busting in there and assuming her bias is correct was a terrible combo#essentially marinette is highly unstable and alya is just realizing that#busting in and giving her a lecture when she's slightly hysterical and definitely delirious from exhaustion is NOT the way#to show her she's self sabotaging#cuz thats just gonna make her double down on self sabotaging. bc marinette will not accept that she is also a CHIIIIILD
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emilyaxford · 1 year
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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chowbaw · 5 months
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Aaand that's a wrap! Keep staying fresh.
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technically-human · 2 months
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St. Hilarion's ghost story
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faerieomenart · 4 days
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He has zero thoughts in his head... and I love that for him. My brother and I both agreed that he'd unironically listen to Caramelldansen so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I feel like these look wonky, but I really like how Gambit looks here despite it lol. Just wanted to sketch this and get it out of my head. Ever since the moment I saw this on Pinterest... It's been rotating around in my head like a microwave.
Don't talk to me about the missiles. Anyway, here is the original post and the close ups! VVV
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Sept 14, 2024 idk idk akjskajs
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