#also Sydney should be Black Cat
bluecatwriter · 3 months
There's a long history of Dracula adaptations clearly made by people who have never read the book.
I think in this fine tradition you specifically should adapt the Beetle without reading it
You are SO right, anon. I am going to direct the movie version of The Beetle upon which all other adaptations will be based! It will full of iconic quotes that are not in the book and I will butcher all the themes and characters!
Initial thoughts:
-Robert Holt will be played by some no-name actor who is putting his entire heart, soul and mind into the performance. The Brick Guy is also played by this guy. The first part of the movie is filmed in a very straightforward period-drama style, with the exception of a Carpet Scene, which is filmed in soft focus like a "flashback to dead wife" scene.
-Robert will also of course be referred to as "Bobert" and wear jorts. Alas, he does not get a GAP sweatshirt or a slushie in this version because there are no Ordinary Solicitors to save him.
-The Beetle will be portrayed as just a beetle of varying sizes, and they will be CGI. Specifically the really low-budget bad CGI of the early 2000s. This is very important for my artistic vision.
-Paul Lessingham will also be CGI.
-The cat will be a real cat, and will be voiced by the guy who voiced Garfield from the 1990s Garfield and Friends cartoon.
-I am open to casting suggestions for Sydney Atherton, although again, I suspect that it would be best to forgo celebrities and cast a guy who has played the comic-relief guy in Oklahoma at community theater one too many times. I will change nothing about Sydney Atherton's atrocities, and will in fact probably add a few more, but all the other characters will say how manly and wonderful he is while he's like beating someone to death with a cricket bat in the background. The movie critics will read a lot into this directing choice.
-I will make Marjorie and Dora both girlbosses™ by giving each of them a sword and a multi-level marketing business. They will contribute nothing to the plot and I will be offended if people think they are bland characters.
-I don't really know the other characters, so they will be played by a gender-inclusive rotating cast, and everyone will keep mixing up their names. The goal is for it to be impossible to keep track of who's doing what at all times.
-The cat still dies but goes to Cat Heaven and there's a whole musical dream sequence (inspired by 1930s cartoons and musical numbers from Gene Kelly movies) about the cat having a really great time in Cat Heaven.
-During some mundane scene with this rotating cast of characters and CGI Paul Lessingham, Bobert will dramatically die of starvation in the background. Nobody notices.
-The train crash will be on-screen instead of off, and there will be a very long monologue from the train themself as they dramatically fall off a broken bridge (this will be a practical effect with a full-sized train). This monologue will be delivered by the same guy who plays the cat, and if the actor isn't crying real tears by the end, we will redo the take until we get it. There will be a lot of montaging and soft focus. We will give the train a tragic backstory, but the train is also kind of accepting of their fate, you know? The book of Ecclesiastes will probably be mentioned somewhere in here.
-I will be diverging from canon by having Sydney Atherton die in the train crash. Not from the train, though, he chokes on a shrimp cocktail moments before the train hits the ground.
-Credits roll
-Epilogue scene: Sydney Atherton ends up in Cat Heaven and all the cats jump on him like the hyenas at the end of Lion King and there's just a giant wriggling ball of cats. Bobert is there too, drinking a slushie in the background. Hard cut to black.
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kings-paintbrush · 4 months
Chucky tumblr…
Can we STOP making the BOLDEST CLAIMS KNOWN TO MAN. Listen I’ve been in some fucked up fandoms. Steven Universe, Undertale, Warrior Cats, the MCU… but oh my god I’ve never seen a fandom so like… wish washy. Like one post will be an entirely different brand of WILD than another. Like… The TiffNica DNI’ers! I understand NOT liking the ship, it’s a Hostage situation, not killing stalking. Yknow? But making claims that’s whoever ships it has a fetish for torturing women and that they’re mentally ill is just… erm… AND DON MANCINI. THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS IVE SEEN ABOUT THIS OLD GAY MAN IS BUCK WILD.
Absolutely buck wild. Like YES, as a Nica Pierce enjoyer, she’s been through SO MUCH. BUT SHE’S A FINAL GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE FRANCHISE. Sydney’s boyfriends in Scream all turned out to be killers, does the creator of scream have a kink for murderous boyfriends???? Like YES Nica’s been through way too fucking much. Her getting her limbs cut off is CRUEL. unnecessary? Possibly, yeah, I could agree with someone who said so. But I think it’s to show that- Despite how LOVEABLE of a character Tiffany is, she’s still a murderer and a monster. Like with Freddy Krueger, you sometimes want to be able to love your slasher, despite the many cruel things they do. Which is why we keep coming back to the Child’s Play franchise again and again.
all I’m saying is… it’s just SO WEIRD to me. Seeing people call Don a fetishizer and all this shit it’s WILD. Like take a step back and genuinely think about what you’re saying about a man you’ve never personally met. And who these actors have and are (to my eyes) comfortable with.
Like does Don Mancini hate women or does he just like torturing his oc’s???? I CAN SAY. Reading everyone’s posts. I do see a bit of a disproportionate level of trauma with the female cast and characters. But also I’m pretty sure in the show there’s just more women I think…. Like Jake and Devon and Chucky. And then Lexy, Nica and Tiffany okay there’s NOT more. But❗️ Devon doesn’t get any screen time let’s be so ffr. Maybe we SHOULD be talking about the lack of attention black characters get in this franchise. The two major ones (the kid in Chucky 3, and Redman) have just been objects of chucky’s attention.
I AM IN N O WAY WITCH-HUNTING OR HATING! You can BE critical of the show! I love reading people’s solid critiques! Which is why I’ve read a lot of these posts, this is just me- pointing out a kind of weird pattern. An ick, I may say. This isn’t against anyone. Please don’t tumblr cancel me
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hatchetsfield-arch · 4 months
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name: sydney
height: 4’11 and a half …. aND A HAL—
nickname / s: syd, pidge, beans, scout, roo, miss day, girl abed ( & grace, which is used sarcastically 💀 )
nationality: american
favourite fruit: bananas
favourite season: 🍁🍂🎃✨fall✨🎃🍂🍁 same as what my disabilities love making me do oop—
favourite scents: fresh laundry, campfire, old books, pumpkin+cinnamon , watermelon, toasted marshmallows, pine
favourite animals: PIGEONS, cats (ESP black cats), crows, rats, mourning doves & manatees!
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: hot choccy all the way
average hours of sleep: honestly there is no average it varies WILDY, like 5-11 depending on the day being chronically ill is fun
when my blog was created: beware the ides of march
# of followers: 102
random fact: i am a contralto profundo, meaning i have the same vocal range as a male tenor!!! it’s also one of the rarest voice types in the world!
favourite food: mozzarella sticks
favourite t.v. shows: this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface but the tops are — the nanny, bob’s burgers, schitt’s creek, cunk on earth, fleabag, wynonna earp, dead to me & hot in cleveland!
favourite movie: scream (i was named after sidney prescott, it can’t not be my favorite movie)
sexuality: i like the wine not the label (aka: pansexual)
pronouns : she / her though i maaay or may not be considering going by she / they / he
favourite book series: once a warrior cats kid always a warrior cats kid 🙃
favourite video game/s: ACNH, nintendogs, FNAF, pokemon brilliant diamond & mystery dungeon, deltarune
favourite subject: i can’t pick just one so theatre, english, history & psychology!
guys or girls: gals (& bears)
last time I cried: like a day or two ago haha oops schwoopsie
what I should be doing: writing, sorting out doc appointments, learning more music theory & working in blender3D and resting
favourite fandoms: i gotta be honest fandoms shiver my timbers
tagged: kels!!! <3
tagging: @honeyedxhearts , @shadowedvales , @wwgcd , @witchwings , @nuks , @aur0ras , @daemondaes & you!!
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
I had a VISION
Post vengeful, Syd and Mitch finally track Victor down. They go to where he's staying to confront him or reunite or however it may go.
Victor opens the door and before he can get a word out a cat from inside the motel jumps on his shoulder, demanding his attention.
Victor met the stray cat that has badly healed broken bones that cause him chronic pain, made his pain go away, and the cat decided that Vic is now his owner and basically forced him to adopt him by just refusing to leave him alone. And now they're besties of course even if Victor complains on how whiny and clingy the cat is. He secretly loves the company and cuddles.
By far the best thing I've read in a long time; you seem to be the chosen one. Victor needs a cat (and I chose Vex from your list of name ideas because Vex Vale has the same alliteration)!! Hope this little blurb with is okay!🤍
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“What have you got?” Sydney asks, pouring two glasses of chocolate milk.
“Nothing,” Mitch answers.
Mitch shrugs. “Not enough to go on, I mean.”
“That’s not nothing.”
Sydney rounds the table, standing behind Mitch to look over his shoulder. She scoffs, apologizing quietly when the noise wakes Dol.
“Mitch, that’s an address,” Sydney accuses. “How is that not enough to go on?”
“Victor doesn’t want to be found.”
“That’s not his decision, is it? Besides, he’s not here to stop us.”
Mitch knows she’s trying to push him, that she knows he’ll listen. He could - should - try to fight it, but he can’t. Sydney and Victor mean a lot to him, and Victor means a lot to Sydney, so he sighs as he grabs a set of keys from the table.
“You know this may not end well,” Mitch reminds Sydney as he leads the way to the car.
“Or it may.”
Being on the run alone is much easier than hauling an escaped convict, a young girl, and an oversized dog with you. Although Victor finds that he does miss them. Finding an inconspicuous, cash-preferred motel, he gets a room under a fake name.
Walking down the corridor to his temporary home, Victor stops when he hears a strange noise. He looks around but doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary. It happens again, and now Victor can tell it’s a cat meowing. Based on the pitch, Victor determines that wherever it is hiding, it’s injured.
Focusing, Victor lowers the pain dial in his mind. The meowing stops, and a black cat walks out from behind a dilapidated ice machine.
“Hello, darling,” Victor murmurs, kneeling to extend a hand toward the cat.
As the cat moves toward him, Victor notices how it staggers when it walks. Victor runs his hand over its back and down its hind legs, frowning as he realizes its bones have been broken and left to heal on their own. The limp and chronic pain are results of badly healed bones, and Victor takes pity on the cat.
Continuing to numb its pain, Victor stands, and the cat moves quickly beside him, adhering himself to Victor’s leg as he enters the motel room. Victor has both adopted and been adopted, though he doesn't know it yet.
“You’re a vexing cat, aren’t you?” Victor mumbles as the cat jumps onto the bed.
The cat looks at Victor before turning onto its side and burrowing into Victor’s discarded trench coat. Victor smiles at the newfound ease of the cat’s movement, and as he gently moves it aside, he calls it vexing again.
“You’re clingy, you vex-“ Victor stops abruptly, a nearby door slamming and cutting him off. The cat nudges its head against Victor’s arm, and Victor shakes his head as he asks, “Answer to Vex, do you? At least you know, darling.”
“This is a dump,” Sydney says, stretching as she exits the car.
“That’s why he would choose it,” Mitch points out. “I’ll see what I can find.”
“He’d ask to be at the back,” Sydney calls over her shoulder, walking down a corridor with Dol at her side.
Mitch sighs, following her. She stops suddenly and takes a few steps back, pounding on a door without warning.
“Sydney!” Mitch whispers harshly, reaching for her arm.
Someone looks up at the commotion, and Mitch smiles as he lies, “Her dad is teasing her, locking the door. We’ll keep it down.”
The man narrows his eyes but enters his room, uninterested in whatever is happening around him. Victor opens the door as Sydney raises her hand to knock again. He opens his mouth to speak, but a cat jumps on his shoulder, meowing as it swats at his ear.
Sighing, Victor steps back and lets Sydney in, watching as her eyes widen at the sight of the cat.
“Vex is a friend,” he says to Dol, who tilts his head as he watches the cat move over Victor’s shoulders and jump to the desk.
Victor watches Vex and bites his tongue to keep an equally loving and aggressive comment from coming out.
“Who’s your friend?” Sydney asks.
Victor cuts her off, ignoring her playful tone. “Why are you here?” he demands.
“You left,” Sydney answers. “And I followed.”
“Typically, when someone leaves without warning, it’s because they don’t want to be followed. I needed to do some things without putting you in danger.”
Sydney pats the bed beside her, and Vex sits beside her. “Then do them, without doing that.”
Victor rolls his eyes, catching Vex when he leaps from the bed.
“Take her away, Mitch,” Victor requests.
“I actually agree with her,” Mitch argues. “If Vex here can stay, why can’t we?”
Victor sighs, accepting his fate… yet again.
Mitch and Sydney leave Victor with Vex and Dol, who make themselves comfortable at Victor’s side. When they return from getting dinner, Victor is reclined on one of the beds, with Vex asleep and purring on his chest, his face pressed under Victor’s chin. Dol is similarly relaxed, with his snout elevated on Victor’s ribcage.
“Oh my gosh!” Sydney squeals.
Victor shushes her quickly, pointing to Vex without disturbing Dol. Sydney and Mitch silence at his actions, looking at each other as they try not to laugh.
“You really love that cat,” Sydney muses.
“He knows when to stop,” Victor mutters. He glances down at Vex without moving to add, “No, you don’t, but it’s okay.”
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
Sydney is playing Julia Carpenter in Madame Web, who is a Spider-Woman. The movie will also feature 2 other Spider-Women. The movie is set in the early 2000s and according to leaks, the main plot is that a time-traveling villain wants to make sure that Peter Parker is not born. Emma Roberts is supposed to play Mary Parker, future Peter's mom and there are set pics that show her sporting a pregnant belly. Even if Sony uses time travelling magic to bring Sydney's character to Tom's Peter timeline, she would be playing a Spider-Woman, not Black Cat. I don't have a problem with Black Cat appearing in the movie, but another actress should take the role. Black Cat actually makes sense at the stage that Peter is at in the MCU: he thinks that he needs to avoid having close connections to others so having an emotionally detached sexual relationship with a sexy villain makes sense. But MCU Spidey is firmly a pg-13 character and I highly doubt that Disney and Sony will risk alienating families of small kids by showing Peter having a casual sexual relationship with someone
Sydney is playing Julia Carpenter in Madame Web, who is a Spider-Woman. The movie will also feature 2 other Spider-Women. The movie is set in the early 2000s and according to leaks, the main plot is that a time-traveling villain wants to make sure that Peter Parker is not born. Emma Roberts is supposed to play Mary Parker, future Peter's mom and there are set pics that show her sporting a pregnant belly. Even if Sony uses time travelling magic to bring Sydney's character to Tom's Peter timeline, she would be playing a Spider-Woman, not Black Cat.
Ohhhh this sounds interesting!!!
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I am NOT a fan of Emma Roberts at all 😤, but we never really hear/see much about Peter Parker's parents, so it would be interesting if they touched on that a little bit....even if it's just a little bit.
I don't have a problem with Black Cat appearing in the movie, but another actress should take the role. Black Cat actually makes sense at the stage that Peter is at in the MCU: he thinks that he needs to avoid having close connections to others so having an emotionally detached sexual relationship with a sexy villain makes sense.
Hahaha! Forget Black Cat, have you seen Peter & MJ in the Spiderman Comics?? Ummm....they were quite risque lol... 🤣 TONS of sexual innuendos too lol.
But of course, this is DISNEY lol...
I'm still wondering how they're gonna have a Deadpool "crossover" lol, cuz ummm....Deadpool is straight up a hard R 😅🤣
But MCU Spidey is firmly a pg-13 character and I highly doubt that Disney and Sony will risk alienating families of small kids by showing Peter having a casual sexual relationship with someone
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Well....I'll just say.....
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
reading this chapter was truly an emotional journey for me - i wrote a page of notes while reading that are completely incoherent but i will recount here anyway
firstly, of course chip is a pun girly we have known this forever, but every time she makes a joke i laugh out loud like yes you are so funny
my next focus was him forgetting to turn his location off - i hear the black dog by taylor swift playing in the background. i need this girl and this boy to realise that neither of them hate eachother because this cat and mouse game is getting on my nerves (in the best way no offence to you author)
wondering why i wasn’t invited on the richie carmen road trip - mainly because i want to hear their conversations and secondly because it would be the perfect opportunity for a tag team
as soon as i read the bit about the chance that they would interact being low i thought ,,,, ooo this will be disproved by our favourite author extraordinaire and i was right!
random request but can we have a christmas / holiday themed chapter i just want to see all the presents chip gives out i love her
also enjoying the use of kitchen as a verb when talking about richie being bad at kitchen - it’s giving ken’s job being beach in the barbie movie
thankful that you gave us some sydney/chip moments and some richie/sydney/chip moments plus some marcus later as i don’t know if i could have handled this chapter without seeing my babies having a sliver of joy for at least a couple of lines
i could be completely off base with this but was the reference to cherries when chip talks about carmen doing her prep an intentional callback to her favourite ice cream flavour? i could be majorly reading into it but if im right you are a genius and if im not you are still a genius without even knowing it
the knife tattoo being the hand she focuses on is a metaphor a mother figure english teacher should explain to me, but i am too tired to fully comprehend the meaning of this right now
sorry but who puts their wedding cake in an uber, creds to marcus for saving the day my small boy
i can’t even explain the neil fak moment but it is so fucking classic for him to misread a situation SO SEVERELY, i wish this was an actual scene because i need to physically see the facial expressions
and then we get to uncle lee. i had to put my phone down when carmen said his name, genuinely i let out a singular clap. we have never seen chip like this and i don’t know if we ever will again. this interaction consolidated the chip being a sponsor theory for me as it is so clear that she cannot stand the way people talk about drugs and addiction - especially regarding mikey
a callback to the italians loving their unions, you love to see it
i wrote very minimal notes on the carmy chip interaction at the end of the scene as there is really nothing for me to comment on except for how beautifully you wrote it. it is so peaceful but so angry i don’t know how you manage to do this every time. such a great reveal (despite the theories) as it did feel like a suprise to me still!!!
amazing work once again, i am sorry if this is completely incoherent i dont know how else to say this hahha
I DID GET THIS ASK!! I just took ten years to get to it, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE LOVE!! It's all coherent dw let's fuckin LOCK IN!!!
list format let's fucking go
I remember when I first read this (the pun thing) it really had me kicking my feet because it just sounds like-- Like when a girl will laugh at fucking anything someone she has a crush on says. everyone be honest do you have a crush on tony? I'm moving the keep reading down so everyone legally has to answer.
I'm not a huge taylor girl but I will put it on in the background as I write the rest of this answer lets fuckin goo. These two really needed the under the counter talk we were TIRED
LMAO So many people wanted to come to that road trip-- You all dodged a bullet. Also so did I. because i didn't want to have to figure out how it would've gone. that sounds like so much work and i just wanted to have cute wedding time. sometimes we do time skips because we just want to have cute wedding time and no one admits this
of course it'd be disproved!! and
SHHHHHH you babies always be making requests, I DONT PUT GUNS IN THE FIRST ACT FOR NOTHING YOU KNOW ME!! but SHHHH!!!
he SUCKS at kitchen! Sometimes I use terms as verbs because it seems like how kitchens do things and i want everyone to think i know what it's like to work in service and i'm NOT just googling it and asking my bartending/server/linecook friends how it is. that's definitely NOT what's happening
ive said it a million times, who really cares about this carmen guy in this carmen fic. it's all about literally everyone else.
100% it's a call back! I reference cherries honestly more than i could ever expect. it's the flavour of the series now.
The knife tattoo thing though that was just me and my thing with hands. i have a thing with hands. so canonically tony also has a thing with hands. she just thought he was hot. but also about referencing it twice i did think-- or i guess wrote it-- i just think it's interesting how Carmen put his hand on her mouth and then ran that same hand through his scalp. just think thats interesting. just. thats something huh? or this could mean nothing
I wish so deeply I was a writer or director on the bear and could film this man. MATTY!! MATTY ARE YOU OUT THERE!!? HIRE ME BABY PLEASE?!?!?! I WENT TO SCHOOL FOR IT AND EVERYTHING COME ON!
Putting the phone down I think I've heard is one of the highest honours one can achieve? I've been told. AND A CLAP!? Let's fucking go. I won. I won boys! I can't think of a moment in which we will ever see Chip get this particularly hyphy-- Not to say she won't get mad in the future, but this was a very specific type of mad. genuinely if this wedding wasn't a lovely wedding it would've been so over.
The Union Italians scene was so much longer in the original version in my brain-- But I condensed it upon writing because it didn't really add much. But it was essentially gonna be Tony tired and then while ordering they look at her and go "wait,,, have you taken a break?" :( "no" "WHAT??? KNOW YOUR FUCKING RIGHTS!!!!"
This makes me so happy that I nailed that feeling, I was worried honestly that it was too peaceful? But that peaceful sort of like tempered anger is exactly what I was trying to go for. Like we're trying to problem solve and it's all kind of funny but I am still so mad.
AND ONCE AGAIN I THANK YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTS I EAT EM FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER LOVE YOU!! I hope you love the next chapter it's a fucking DOOZY that I honestly think is going to throw everyone for a fucking loop. I'm so excited to see immediate reactions as they come through.
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writeroffanfics69 · 5 months
Looking for rp partners part two
This will be my fandom list. If you looked at my rp kinks for part one then you may have found yourself here. Again this will be 18+ so looking for rpers who are comfortable rping such things. This will cover a wide range of fandoms and I may forget some so that is on me, otherwise if you look at this thinking tame or rather softcore, it might not work. A lot of times smut is often going to outweigh plot though not like it won't be there.
There might be titles in here you don't know and there might be some you aren't familiar with. My advice is don't force yourself to do something in that scenario. I may have failed to post it last time but I can rp; canon x canon, oc x canon, canon x oc, oc x oc. This will likely come in handy when I put up my overall canon list and pairings. My advice is always read part one before going to part two...it just makes more sense that way. If there are titles not on here that you can do and might want to recommend to me you can...just can't make any guarantees I will be familiar with it.
In the case of unfamiliarity I find it best to opt to AU or Modernized just to save face case I butcher a beloved canon character. Oh and while some of these fandoms seem like they are the squeaky clean...they won't be so much when we are done with it. Reach out to me in pm should you read this and want to rp from this list, pairing and canons I can rp will be up next also Discord handle is given out in pm only but as always read my rp kinks first.
Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, FMA (brotherhood), attack on titan, edens zero, fairy tail, one piece, spy x family, citrus, sakutra trick, ouran high school host club, my hero academia, seven deadly sins, sailor moon, ect
kim possible, danny phantom, the owl house, the loud house, arcane, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, sonic (satam, underground, x, boom, prime), teen titans, young justice, marvel, dc, miraculous ladybug and cat noir, my little pony friendship is magic, the dragon prince, she-ra and the princesses of power, sofia the first, chip and dale rescue rangers, phineas and ferb, star trek lower decks, star wars the clone wars animated series, star wars rebels, rwby, disney, amphibia, tiny toon adventures, avatar the last airbender, the legend of korra, ect
video game
mass effect, dragon age, lollipop chainsaw, dynasty warriors, dead or alive, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, senran kagura, persona, super smash bros, super mario bros, the legend of zelda, star wars fallen order, cyberpunk 2077, life is strange, the last of us, honkai star rail, genshin impact, overwatch, the witcher, ect
high school musical, disney zombies, descendants, the lord of the rings, mcu, dcu, marvel animated, disney/pixar, dc animated, tangled, frozen, the incredibles, big hero 6, star wars, star trek, hunger games, harry potter, twilight, lemonade mouth, space jam, the longest ride, the lucky one, howl's moving castle, whisper of the heart, ect
orange is the new black, star trek (all of them), star wars (all of them), friends, big bang theory, victorious, hannah montana, wizards of waverly place, liv & Maddie, riverdale, wyonna earp, icarly, pretty little liars, ncis, ncis hawaii, ncis la, ncis new orleans, ncis sydney, how i met your mother, fuck there are so many it is literally hard to think of them...I will hop back here case I remember any of them, and no that is not the name of a series.
I may edit this at some point but yeah this list as it stands is now complete and with part three it will touch upon canons I can rp as and it will also be pairings so just go off the one before the x as the one I can rp as and the one after is one you can take up if you want.
If you are again reading this it will be for 18+ content so I advice the fuck out of this just so things don't get awkward when a title is innocent and out there but things don't go the squeaky clean route and characters are doing things they normally wouldn't.
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inmediasresblog · 10 months
The Rebels of the 2023 Met Gala
The 2023 Met Gala paid homage to the late Karl Lagerfeld iconic designer and creative director for both Chanel and Fendi. The red-carpet hosted standout looks from designer Thom Brown, plenty of iconic vintage pieces and the men wearing more than just plain suits for once. This year’s gala theme saw arguably one of the most cohesive collections of looks with black and white colour schemes, pearls, and signature Chanel silhouettes. 
However, there were certain standouts from the crowd, and no, I’m not talking about Jared Leto and Doja Cat’s Choupette cosplays or whatever Lil Nas X was doing. I am instead referring to all those who subverted this year’s theme actively embodying the things Lagerfeld disapproved of or spoke out against whilst still remaining fashionable and met gala worthy. 
Karl Lagerfeld’s talent as a designer was undeniable and his impact on the fashion industry was astronomical, however, he has also become a controversial figure when it came to his misogynistic and fatphobic comments as well as his beliefs on refugees and immigrants. He famously expressed his belief that no one would want to see curvy women on the runway and once called model Heidi Klum ‘simply too heavy’ to be a runway model. He mocked the MeToo movement in 2018 and even revealed that he did not support gay marriage despite being gay himself. This prompted backlash, most notably from actor and activist Jameela Jamil who expressed disappointment at this year’s Met Gala theme and the celebrities who attended. Now I by no means think that the celebrities who attended this Met Gala and praised Karl should be villainised as they are simply there to showcase the outfits. However, fashion has always been inherently political, so it was somewhat satisfying to see certain celebrities making more subtle statements on the red (or rather aquafresh) carpet. 
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Firstly, Lizzo in her classic Chanel gown and pearls. On the surface this dress seems rather basic, boring even, and is not what fans were expecting from the loud and often eccentric pop star. However, perhaps the subversion of this look comes from Lizzo herself, as a fat, body positive, black woman Lizzo wouldn’t exactly be Lagerfeld’s ideal Chanel model. It’s possible Lizzo didn’t feel her outfit needed to make a statement as she was already doing that simply by being at this year’s met. 
Maybe this is a stretch and Lizzo was simply at the Met Gala because she was invited and not to make a statement, however, I find it harder to believe that Viola Davis was unaware of the statement she was making when wearing her outlandish pink Valentino gown. Lagerfeld famously hated the colour pink saying, “Think pink, but don’t wear it”. 
Other stars like Ashley Graham, Quinta Brunson, Gwendoline Christie, and Sydney Sweeney wore a muted pink but Viola Davis’ dress stood out with its brightness and blooming feathers. Initially, when exploring the Met Gala looks, I hated this dress and couldn’t understand why Viola and her team had decided on it. However, understanding the rebellion it represents has painted it in a new light, and whilst I’ll be honest, I still don’t like the dress, I comment the thought behind it. 
Finally, I cannot talk about powerful pink looks at this year’s Met Gala without mentioning possibly one of my all-time favourite male looks from a Met Gala and that is Harvey Guillén’s Met Gala debut in Siriano. “The theme of the night was Karl… so in his honor, I came as my fat POC self in pink,” He told The Advocate.[1] Perhaps I may be a little biased as a long-time fan of Guillén, however, I feel this is how to send a message at the Met Gala and still look fabulous. Overall, I disagree with Jameela Jamil’s comment’s that the celebrities attending the Met ‘relinquished (their) right to be taken at all seriously about anything important.’. I think it is possible to acknowledge Lagerfeld’s fashion legacy whilst simultaneously condemning his truly terrible beliefs and actions and I feel we see this best from the few celebrities bold enough to subvert the theme and still participate in the absolute phenomenon that is the Met Gala. 
[1] https://www.advocate.com/people/harvey-guillen-met-gala-siriano#rebelltitem18
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thesmi1ingcheshire · 1 year
Lend me your ear, and I'll give you my Heart.
In all honesty, Donnie really should have told his brothers where he’s been going for that past few months on his ‘runs’. It may have saved him the hassle later on. But this was his friend. He should be able to visit them when he wanted. Donnie huffed as he slid through the window, the black cat sitting nearby slowly blinking at him. The windchime that had been finally moved dinged as it hit the edge of his shell.
“Amethyst? That you?” His head turns to face the human that spoke up. A bright mocha-bark eye and a hazed brown eye trained onto him. A bright smile crosses her face, one hand freeing itself from the little pot holding a venus flytrap raised up to sign; ‘Hello, its been a while!’ at him.
“Not that long Stygian.” He chuckles, finally pulling himself into the apartment and closing the window with a click. “Hel’o Salem.” He croons at the black cat, offering him a chin scratch. ‘Salem’ lets out a soft ‘ow’ before jumping down and racing away, ‘Stygian’ sidestepping her cat to avoid stepping on him.
“Stuff’s been hitting the fan as of late. It feels like forever ago since you’ve been here.” Stygian says, setting the pot down on the window sill. “Dragons have been really active as of late. Haven’t gone out past 5 for the past week.” Donatello winced at that. Mikey and Raph had pointed that out as well on their last run to the surface.
“Yeah, we’ve seen it too.” He admitted, pulling away from the window to not draw attention, as Stygian closed the said curtains. “We’re probably going to have to cancel rooftop training till it all dies down.” A groan sounds from Stygian, her hands signing curse words. “Sydney, I’m being serious.” Donnie said, teeth flashing slightly in a near scowl.
Her hands stopped and she looked at him, eyes filled with worry. He never used her real name unless it was a necessary or a serious matter. Donnie felt his jaw clench a little. He hadn’t seen that look since their first meeting. He’d actually recoiled at the sight of taunt scar tissue that’d been burned into the left side of her face and damaged the left eye. Course, she’d screamed at seeing a very large turtle sitting on her fire escape with a gash in his arm. So, it took some getting used too on both ends.
“Damn, was… looking forward to that.” She hummed, hands signing the words as well.
“Sucks ass.” Donnie responded, hands also following his words. He paused, before reaching into one of the pouches on his side. “Hey, I fixed your hearing aid.” She perks, and came over to mutants side, curious. “Took a bit, but I finally got it working again.” 
“Ohmygod, you are a life saver!” Stygian squeaked, bouncing in place and hands clapping together. “Oooh it would have cost so much to get a new one! Quick! Lets see if it works!” Donnie couldn’t help but to laugh as she bolts over to the couch, nearly flopping into it before straightening on it, legs crossed and head tilted so he could acces the left ear.
“Slow down there, I know this is exciting! But it may still need some tweeking!”
“First time handling little things, Amethyst?” Comes her teasing croon as he looms over her with the hearing aide in hand. With his free hand, he gently smooshes her face, earning him a squeal of muffled laughter.
“That’s Donatello to you, missy.” He shoots back, the snapper showing his teeth as Stygian’s good eye playfully glares at him.
“Pretty sure I am older than you, doofus.” Comes the muffled come back, the end a bit clearer as his hand pulls away from her face and to the side of Stygian’s head. Donnie shushes her, now focused on the mangled ear. She goes still, head staying perfectly still while her hands drummed on her thighs. Carefully, Donnie sets the device in place in her ear, and turns it on with battered breath. Theres a flinch and a wince from Stygian, but she goes still again. Moment of truth.
“Does it work?” Stygian turned her head back from its tilted position before looking back at him. A broad grin erupted across her face.
“Huston we have landed.” Was all she said before Donatello whooped, his hands going right into the air.
“YES! HA! TAKE THAT TINY PIECE OF SHIT!” The snapper shouts, pointing at the hearing aid before doing a happy jig in place. Stygian in turn snorts, before bouncing up from her seat on the couch and joins him. Laughter filled the room, the mutant and human swinging to their own beat in joy of one's celebration. 
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Both of them froze in place. Donnie felt every muscle in his body go stiff, ready to pounce. Stygian, on the other hand whipped around, placing herself in front of the turtle(which thinking back to it later, Donnie couldn’t help but wonder why? She was smaller than him.)
“Hide.” The word comes out as an order. And he obeys. Ducking into the open door, and quietly pushing it just enough so it wasn’t closed, but ajar enough so he could see into the room. Stygian didn’t move for a moment, eyes darting from the door to the window. Quietly, she padded over to the window, her hands inching towards the window. He cursed under his breath. Donnie couldn’t hear what was outside of the window, and where he was, couldn’t see it either.
So instead, he trained his eyes on Stygian and her movement. Despite only training for a month at most, she’d been quick to pick up some moves. She’d already surprised him once with her strength, having sending him over her shoulder when he grabbed her(Stygian kept apologizing profusely afterwards, girl could throw). But it didn’t mean that she could fully defend herself like he could.
Stygian jumped back with a scream, pulling Donnie from his thoughts. Another, far more familiar scream sounded. Which was then followed up by a twack! and a ‘GAH!’ Donnie blinked, his brain trying to process who’d he just heard.
“Who the- What! WHO ARE YOU!?” Stygian had leaped back out of sight, but Donnie had caught sight of a book sailing through the air at the window.
Leonardo couldn’t help but wince at the sight of the youngest member of their family get clocked right in the nose by the human living in the apartment that they’d creeped up to. The same on in which Donnie’s signal seemed to be sitting for the past 20 minutes. Mikey shot back with a curse, hands to his beak. Raphael in turn surged forward, ready to defend Michelangelo, when a book(or was it a magazine? The sizing of it was weird.) sailed out the open window and stuck Raph in the shoulder.
“Who the- What! WHO ARE YOU!?” Screamed a female, voice high and shrill. Leo again winced at the pitch, as Raph whirled on her, taking a step inside and shouted back;
““HEY! WATCH WHERE YOUR THROWIN’ THAT!” Ok, this was gonna get out of hand really fast, Leo couldn’t help to think as he pushed forward, a hand going to Mikey’s shoulder.
“You good?” He asks quietly, Mikey nods, hissing in pain, hands still clamped on his nose. The screaming inside seems to intensify as he slides in, his blue eyes scanning the room. Modest, a lot of easy to care for plants, A cat tower beside a bookshelf. His gaze then turns to Raphael and the human that owned the apartment. If Raph had hair, it would have been standing on end in anger, his tail moving in an agitated way. The human was the same way, her eyes somewhat wild and wide.
What caught Leo off guard was how one was a hazed over brown, and what looked like burn scars covering the upper left side of her face, going into the hair line, leaving puckered pale-pink lines criss crossing across to the back of her skull, down her neck and stopping at her bicep. Her hair looked like it was half shorn off(most likely because of the scaring) on one side, the other was long and wavy, blonde streaks from what Leo could only assume was from the sun.
Leo looked to his brother, who was starting to close the distance between the human and him.
“Raph stop, your freaking her out!” Leo had to shout even louder than the two to be heard. Raph whipped around to face him, his beak contorted into a snarl as the human dived for the counter, as if to grab something.
“Freaking her out?!?! She punched Mikey!” Raph hissed out, a finger pointed accusingly at the human, who’d reappeared with a knife in hand and looking a little more confused than before. The door to their right opened, causing the two turtles to flinch. Raph whirled on the spot, his teeth bared. Leo’s hand automatically went for his katana. Donatello glared at the two of, and Leo couldn’t help but feel a shudder go down his spine.
“You didn’t tell them??” All three brothers heads turned to look at the disgruntled woman. Her face was one of confusion, and frustration. “Dude!”
“What?” Donnie asked, raising his hands as if he was ready to chastise her.
“No No! Don’t ‘what?’ me!” She cut him off, hand raised, and knife on the counter. “You told me, that you where going to tell your brothers about me! And by the looks of it, you didn’t!” Her hands gestured wildly at Leo and Raph. She then looked passed the two, leaning a little before calling out. “You can come in Topaz!”
“Topaz?” Donnie asked.
“Shush up Amethyst.” She hissed out, turning her back to acces the freezer/fridge behind her. Both Leo and Raph cast him confused looks, and Donnie just quirked a brow and shrugged at them.
“Amethyst?” Raph echoed quietly at Donnie as the human sidesteped him to reach Mikey, hand still on his nose. They watched as in a soothing voice, she managed to get him pry his hand away from his nose to look at it, before offering a bag of ice. “And why’d you call Mikey ‘Topaz’?” She turned towards them again, her posture and stance slowly coming down from the defensive one.
“Well, cause he’s purple.” She pointed to Donnie. “And the gem is that color as well. So, Amethyst.” She hums out as Mikey slowly(but gratefully) takes the ice bag. “I am so sorry for punching ya buddy, you did scare the shit outta me.”
“‘S alright.” Mikey slurred, his voice nasually from the blow. “Ya punch hard.”
“Can thank my older brother for that one.” The response comes out a bit of a sad chuckle before patting his arm. “Sit, please. Mind the cat.” Leo blinks in surprise as a shadow moves away from Mikey’s legs, hissing before darting into the room that Donnie had come out of, and vanishing. Again, his gaze falls upon his purple-clad brother, who groans.
“Leo, Raph, Mikey. This is Sydney, aka Stygian. Stygian, these are my brothers.” He grumbles out, hand moving to point to the representative people. ‘Stygian’ blinked owlishly at them, regarding them with a careful eye.
“And how is it that the two of you met?” Raph growls, arms crossing.
“He fell on the fire escape and somehow managed to gouge his arm on a rusted spot,” Stygian says pointedly, her hands going on her hips. “So your Ruby?” Raph’s golden-yellow eyes go big, and Donnie couldn’t help but to let out a snort of amusement at his younger brother's face. “I like his fire, Amethyst.” Raph starts to sputter, and Leo couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at Raph floundering under Stygian’s comments. Mikey seemed to howl in laughter as they all watched a cheshire smile broaden on her face.
It was hard to believe that this happened so long ago. Stygian had become a part of their little family. Casey and April had really taken to her, and it didn’t take long for her to gain his brother's trust. Splinter however, took a bit longer however. But with her interest in learning ninjutsu managed to bridge the gap. Now, they were all fighting side by side.
“Heads up Amethyst!” Donnie ducked, a metal pipe whiffing over his head. The Purple Dragon’s eyes widened upon realizing that he missed. Donnie kicked his leg out, knocking the man onto the ground face-first.
“Thanks for the heads up Stygian!” He calls out, bo whipping around to strike another that had started to charge him, then dipping down to allow Stygian to leap off his shell to tackle another dragon to the ground.
“No problem!” Comes her cheerful chirp, her tonfa smacking the downed Purple Dragon before rolling off of him and into another.
“This is the third group tonight!” Raph shouted, the pommel of his sai cracking into the forehead of one dragon and his elbow colliding into another. “You sure your bro is in on this Stygian?!”
“He’s gotta be… I can’t think of anyone else that would follow through with his crazy plan to try to blow up mutants!” Stygain yells again, dropping as Mikey sails through the air, feet first into the chest of another one of the gang members.
“Casey and April said they found the bomb! And they think they have the last location of the stock pile!” Leo grunts, his shell pressing against Donnies, panting heavily. “Almost there guys!”
“Last ones down!” Mikey whoops, twirling his nunchuck in his free hand, a foot on the back of the groaning man. 
“Alright… Load up people! We got one more!” Leo called out as April and Casey raced out of the building. Donnie sighs, chest heaving as he watches his brothers and friends start to make their way out of the alley, slowing down only for Stygian. She’d started to slow down, looking down at the beaten gang members. The look on her face… He’d only seen it once before.
“You sure your up for this?” Donnie asked once he’d slowed down enough to match her pace.
“No.” Was the simple response.
“You don’t have to do this then.” He pleaded. Mocha-bark and hazed brown met his red, a storm brewing in them.
“I don’t have a choice. I am not losing this family.” Her tone was short, clipped. Donnie watched as she picked up her pace, pulling ahead of him briefly, his mind going back to what had happened a few weeks ago.
“Donatello… I am trusting you with this you know.” Donnie looked over at Stygian, confused. A thin sheen of sweat covering her brow, what hair she hadn’t cut short was plastered to the side of her face.
“You know you don’t have to tell me.” He pointed out, a bottle of water in hand. She shook her head.
“I lent you my ear from the very start…. You’ve… asked about my past.” Donnie froze. “Its only fair for you to lend me your ear.”
“Ok….” Donatello said, setting down his bottle, and clasping his hands together. Stygian sunk into her chair, blowing air through her nose and bringing a bandaged hand to her face.
“I am assuming you’ve heard of ‘The Demon of Dragons’?” Donnie nodded, thinking back to the news articles that he’d found on that particularl character. Killed his family with an explosion which disfigured him; badly. Some how managed to escape from jail and has been on the run for a while now.
“I’m his sister.” Stygian said, voice far quieter than it should have been. Donnie froze, red eyes going wide.
“Your shitting me.”
“I thought-”
“I got really lucky.” Donnie felt his mouth snap shut, his eyes scanning her as she slumped forward, eyes downcast and her chin was in her hands. The scars where shining in the light. He wanted to ask. He really did. “Yep… that same explosion is the reason why I have these scars.”
Silence permeated between the two of them. Donatello stared at Stygian, gaging her emotions. Her throat bobed, as if she was trying to fight back tears.
“I’ve been told I wear my heart on my sleeve Donnie… I have been told that so many times.”  Donnie straightens a little, watching as Stygian slumps forward more, a hand going to her eyes. “And because of that… Their gone… My family. Just… gone.” Her voice coming out as shuddering gasps.
“It’s my fault.”
“No.” Stygian looked up, her good eye starting to turn a little pinkish. Donatello’s face had harded, jaw set. “What your brother did, was not your fault.” His hand reaches out, dwarfing Stygian’s as his fingers wrap around her own. “Your brother made that choice. You didn’t.” They stared at one another, tears starting to stream from her eyes before she leans forward, leaning on Donnie, quiet sobs sounding from his shoulder. In turn, he wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Stygian’s voice came out very quiet.
“For trusting me with your heart.”
Donnie back handed one of the Purple Dragons that had gotten to close to him, a scream ripping through the air as Mona plowed right into the group of them. He couldn’t help but to wince a little at the sound of them, knowing that when the police came, they’d be bound to the hospital. He then flinched at the sound of a pop, and Casey yelling over the sounds of battle.
“THEY HAVE GUNS!” Donatello swore, again swinging his bo to crack another upside the head, noting the pistol that dropped form their grip. Great, now he had to worry about getting shot. There’s another pop, and a quick yip.
“Mikey!” He hears Leo call out.
“I’m fine! Grazed me!” Their younger brother yells back, backflipping and clipping a Dragon in the chin as he goes by, Raph going in after the offender with the gun with a punch to the side of the head.
“Fuck! They got metal plates in their skulls or what?!” Raph barked out, kicking at two that came from the sides.
“Maybe it’s to protect their thick skulls from anymore damage?” Stygian offers, ducking under the arm of another goon and kicking him between the legs before punching him. “Seems like something that they’d do!” Mikey laughs at the notion, only for Raph to groan and role his eyes.
“Focus you guys!” Leo yells, slashing at another one of the goons. “I’d rather not have anyone get shot today!”
“Easy for you to say, Fearless!” Raph snaps back.
“Been easy so far!” Donnie yells, smacking a gun out of a hand, and kicking them away. A scream rips through the air, loader than the fighting. Donnie whipped around to see a man with a tangled mane of carrot red hair, a revolver in his hands as his one good eye whipped around, staring at him, his brothers and the others.
“Should’a known better than to hire this dipweeds to do the dirty work.” The man rasped out, the scaring on the right side of his face making the words come out like a lisp. Donnie felt dread pool into his stomach. The Demon of Dragons.
Stygian’s Brother.
No, no time, focus on whats in front of you, Donnie had to force himself to focus on the Purple dragons still rushing him. Stygian was no longer in sight.
Where did she go?
“Sister! How kind of you to join us!” He hears her brother exclaimed, followed a yelp of pain.
“No! This ends now, you fucker!” Stygian yells out, and Donnie catches her slapping her older brother with the tonfa. The chaos of the fight started to increase tenfold. The pops started to get more and more frequent, the sounds of screaming and yelling getting loader and loader. Donatello’s arms where starting to hurt.
Someone slammed into him. A yip pulled itself from his throat, and his head whipped around. The sound of pops ripped through the air, nearly hitting him. Stygian had football charged him.
“Thanks!” He said, breathless.
“No… no problem… Amethyst!” Came her reply, also, just as breathless. “I uh…. I don’t see him anymore?”
“Think he ran?” Donnie asked.
“If he did… then he’s a coward…” Stygian spits out. Donatello didn’t question the strain in her voice.
“Come on, we still have a job to finish.” Donnie said, patting her shoulder. Stygian chuckled, a tonfu spinning in one hand.
“Bet I can take more out than you.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” Donnie grinned, teeth flashing at his friend. Stygian mimicked him before the duo jumped back into the fray.
It was over.
The Demon of Dragons had fled. The bombs where… difused. Victory should have felt good.
Stygian’s brother was still on the loose. He was still a danger to everyone, mutants and humans alike.
Three of the Purple Dragons that had been in his employ had been killed by him. The air was somber as they loaded up into the Shellraiser.
And things where only going to get worse.
Donatello was focusing on getting back to the lair when Mikey screamed in the back. His head whipped around, and watched as his youngest brother quide Stygian to the floor of the truck, the others starting to crowd around her.
“Here! I got the wheel, check whats going on!” April urged, hands now on the wheel, Donnie moved out of the way, allowing her to take the seat as he moved as quickly as his body would let him. An rusty smell filled the air as he got closer to where Leo and Mikey where trying to rouse Stygian.
Blood. Stygian was covered in it. It coated Mikey’s palms, and was smeared across his bicep. Leo hands where pressed down on the right side of her chest, the light green of his scales slowly turning red. Then Donnie remembered.
Stygian had tackled him. She’d prevented him from getting shot.
“He shot you.” The words came out before his brain had time to process what had just been said. Leo shoot him a look, and the wounded woman gave a half hearted smile.
“Couldn’t… let my idiot of a… brother… shoot you…” The words were weak, breathless. Leo’s quiet voice of ‘turn her’ sounds, and his hands replace his older brothers to apply pressure on the wound.
“Did it go through?” Donnie asked, worry starting to become much more prominent on his face. He watched as Leo bit his lower lip and nodded. “How bad?” Those words came out a little more horse than he would have liked. It was a stupid question in hindsight, he could see how pale she was. She’d been bleeding for a while. “Damn it why didn’t you say anything!”
“Didn’t… think it was that bad.” Stygian manages, a low groan of pain clipping the end of her sentence as they set her back down. “Is it cold in here?”
“Fuck! We gotta take her to a hospital!” Casey spit out, pulling his phone as if to look for the fastest route.
“Closest one is 20 minutes, Case! Not including traffic! Raph spat back, gripping the side of truck as April made a sharp turn. “Lairs closer! We can stitch her up there!”
“She’ll bleed out before we even get there, Raph.” Leo grits out, bandages in hand as Mikey and Donnie lift Stygian up enough for the wound to be wrapped. Her breathing was coming out in short and weak gasps. Donnie could feel her pulse, it was growing weaker.
“Guy’s…. She’s dying.” Mikey had beat him to it. He looked up at his youngest brother, his blue eyes wide as they looked from Stygian to the rest of the group. Dread and silence hung in the air like a noose hanging from a deadmans neck. 
Panic started nibble at the back of Donatello's mind. Ways to save his friend where quickly brought up, only to be just as quickly discarded. Stygian was going to die. Sydney was going to die. Then a thought hit him like a ton of bricks.
Mutagen. The same mutagen that had mutated him, his brothers, and father. The same mutagen that healed Aprils dad when he’d been injured. They had some. Not a lot, but enough for when one of them got hurt. They where minutes from the lair maybe.
Sydney didn’t have that time.
“Get me the transfusion kit.” The words where clipped, fast.
“Don?” Leo asked, confusion in his tone as Donnie gripped the compression sleeve off her left arm, yanking it off, ignoring the soft whimper from Stygian.
“Transfusion kit. Now!” He barked out, head snapping behind him. Mona was the first one to move as he pulled off the second compression sleeve. “Sydney, look at me. I need you to look at me!” Dull brown meets his, confusion filling them as Donnie grips the side of her face.
“Donnie?” Her voice comes out, half slurred and in a stutter, skin clammy under his fingers. “H-ands fe-e-eel weri-d.”
“I know. I know Syd.” He breaths out, eyes darting to the side as Raph settles by Leo, the two of them getting the kit ready, before he looks back down at Stygian.
His friend.
His friend that he didn’t meet through April or the others.
The one he made on his own time.
The friend that showed him different songs. The friend that danced to said songs with him.
The friend that got him library books for him when he was busy with things at the lair.
The friend that lent him her ear when he needed to vent.
The friend that trusted him with her heart.
“Do you trust me?” Stygian…. Sydney seemed to glare at him.
“W-w-whhat k-k-k-kind of ques-estion… is th-that… dumb dumb.”  Her responce came with a weak smile. One of her hands had managed to snake up, and gently gripped one of his that was still holding her face. “Wh-why wo-wouldn’t I t-t-trust you?” Donnie felt his face pull into a tight, and worried line before letting go of her face.
“Keep her as awake as you can Mikey.” He murmured, taking a disinfectant wipe, and scrubed the crock of his elbow. He was about to do the same to Sydney’s arm when Leo grabbed his wrist.
“Don. Are you sure about this?” Raph asked, his gold eyes filled with concern as Leo turned to scowl at him. Donnie looked down at Sydney, her eyes slowling blinking at him before looking to his brother.
“If I don’t, she’ll die.” The words where strained.
“You don’t know what your blood will do to her!” The same strain of worry could be heard in Raphael’s voice as well. “What if it kills her??” Donnie stopped briefly, the disinfectant wipe in hand going still over clammy skin. Raph had an unfortunate point, as much as he hated to admit it.
“Then at least we tried… right?” Donnie said, his voice finally cracking. Raph didn’t say anything, his head dipping down to hang as he turned his attention back to his work.
Clean the site.
Clean the needles.
Leo handed him on of the clean needles. The size was… bigger than what he thought it was. No, don’t focus on that. Don took a moment to squeeze her bicep in order to find a vein, which wasn’t hard to find the biggest one. This time, Sydney didn’t react to the pain when the needle slid in. Her gaze stayed locked onto his as he did the same to his arm, with him gritting his teeth lightly.
It took a moment, but everyone soon watched as bright red blood started to drip down the line from Donnie’s arm to Sydney’s. Slowly, she blinked at him.
“Hey Don?” Donatello perked when she said his name.
“Remember… the song I played a week after we first met?”
“You’ve showed me a lot of songs since we first met. I’m… I’m afraid your gonna have to be specific about which one.” Donnie said after a moment of thinking.
“Bleeding… out… By Imagine… dragons… remember?” Her voice was ungodly soft, he had to lean to hear her better. His arm hurt.
“Yeah… Yeah I remember that…” He hums, nodding his head.
“I just wanted… wanted you to know…. T’s not your fault.” Donnie stopped, eyes locking onto hers.
“I know that.” He retorts. Her gaze hardens as best as it can in her haze.
“And I know that look.” Comes the tired, yet snappy reply. Sydney started to cough, and Mikey had to steady her as it passed. “I’ve seen you make it enough times to know that your blaming yourself… Stop… Stop that.” Donnie couldn’t believe this. She was scolding him!
“Don’t… Don’t argue with me… ab-about this, Don. It was either you…. Or m-me… Got that?” Don felt his jaw go slack as another coughing fit racked through Sydney’s chest, specks of blood splattering on the floor when she turned her head.
“Stop talking, damn it!” Mikey hissed as the coughing started to subside. Her breathing was getting heavier, quicker.
Damn it why wasn’t it doing anything?! His head was starting feel foggy.
“Crumbs…this really is starting to hurt…” Sydney mumbled, eyes starting to flutter… at least Donnie thinks they are, his vision was starting to get… hazy? Or was it getting blurred?
“Donnie?” Leo’s voice sounded far away. Others started talking, the Shellraiser was starting to slow. “Donnie?”
“Guys! Stygian-!”
“I see it! Get that outta her! We’re moving them!”
“Holy shit, whats happening?”
“Donnie! Don, stay awake!”
Donatello’s vision finally went black as he heard Raph call his name, the needle being pulled form his arm as his head was set down on cool ground and dim lights of the lair.
He didn’t know how long he was out for. All Donatello knew was that that transfusion took more out of him than he was expecting.
“Nice to see you awake.” Donnie squinched his eyes more, before slowly cracking them open. A blurred Raphael slowly came into view, a small half smile on his face. “Evenin’.”
“I feel like shit.” He said, bringing a hand to his face and running it down the length of it. Raph offered his brother a juice box.
“You still look like it.” Raph in turn shoots back as Donnie takes the box and slowly sips at it.
“How long-” Don starts to ask before Raph answered the half asked question.
“Half an hour, I think.” He looks down at his hands, shrugging and sucking in a breath. “Syd wasn’t woken up yet.” Donnie perked hearing her name.
“She alright? Did it work?” He says, worry creeping in. Raph nodded again, only to bite the bottom of his lip.
“It worked….” Raph started, his digits tapping on his thigh, as if he was trying to say something. “A little to well if you asked me.”
“What do you mean?” Donnie asked again, eyes narrowing a bit as he sets the near empty juice box down to the side, legs swinging off the side of the couch(when did he get onto the couch?).
“She’s a mutant Don. Your blood mutated her.” Raph looked up at him, as if to gauge his brothers reaction to the news. Donnie froze, eyes wide as he stared at Raphael, watching him. His posture didn’t change, not like the times he was fibbing about something.
Raph was telling the truth.
“Show me.” Donatello said after a minute, eyes hard, almost unfocused.
“Can you at least finish you juice?” Raphael says, a brow raising as he stands up, matching Don as he slowly gets up.
“Later. Show me.” Raph puts his hands in the air to placate him, offering his arm for support as Donnie stumbled briefly. Grateful, he partially leaned on Raph.
“Head still spinning?” Raphael asked. Donnie nodded, hand going to his head and rubbing his eye. “Told you to finish the juice box.”
“Shut.” Donnie growled a little as they made their way towards the entrance of the medbay.
Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Master Splinter turned to look at two that had just entered the medbay, and Donnie froze. The monitor steadily beeped, indicating that Sydney was in fact alive. But he didn’t account for… well…
Raph wasn’t wrong, but it wasn’t the concept of her being a mutant. If anything, she looked vaguely(very) similar to how he looked, but the coloring was off, lighter than his it seemed, and the proportions where smaller than his. But her arms and face where a slightly darker tone, similar to her tan in the summer. The burn scars still the weird light-dark shade that marred the side of her face, neck and shoulder.
“When…” Don’s voice caught in his throat, and Raph wasn’t sure if he was enthralled or just… stunned.
“Started right around when we got back. We…” Leo hung his head, unsure what to say at first before finding the words. “You’d started to black out… and we thought she was having a siezure.”
“It’s likely that she did.” Mona pointed out, coming over with some bandages. “When you went down, she stopped talking and her eyes rolled into her head, started shaking after that.”
“Doesn’t mean a seizure though.” Donnie pointed out, shaking loose Raphs grip as he takes his fathers place bedside. There was movement under Sydney’s eye lids, her mouth parting briefly, but wide enough to reveal sharpened canines. “Her breathing sounds better.” He murmurs, hand brushing against her forearm. Cool, slightly damp. Not clammy like it had been not even an hour(or was it half hour?) ago.
“Your blood did the trick. But… I…” Leo hung his head. “We don’t even know the damage from the blood loss caused until she wakes up.” The final bit came out quiet. Don’s hands squeezed the railing on the bed, jaw pulling tight as he stared down at Sydney’s arm.
In an attempt to help, he’d instead doomed her to a different life.
All he wanted to do was help, and he made it-
“Oi.” The word was so quiet, yet so sudden that Donnie visibly flinched. “Your squeezing to hard.” The words where slurred, but there was a familiar chime of mild annoyance to them.
Maroon met a hazed mocha-bark. Sydney gave him a lopsided grin, all of her teeth showing.
“Hi.” Don felt his knees go weak briefly, his hand wrapping around Sydney’s smaller one. “You look like shit, man.” She murmmers, grin fading to a closed mouth smile, filled with worry.
“Right back at ya Syd. Right back at ya.” Donnie retorts, a grin of his own creeping across his face. “How you feeling?” She pauses, blinking as she looks around the room, the others watching her with battered breath.
“Tired, weirdly.” She mumbles, trying to shift up a little. “Heavy? Like some one gave me a backpack and put a weighted blanket in it? Is there something at my back or somethin’? It feels weird.” Sydney looks at Don, the haze still in them. “What happened? I… I remember the truck. You mentioned something about a transfusion?”
“Yeah uh… It was the only quick way I could think of to help you.” Donatello admitted, his thumb running over her knuckles.
“Figured… but… why do I… feel weird-oh.” Donnie almost misses as she looks over at her other arm and raises it to look at it. The whole room sucks in air as Sydney goes still, staring at her now three fingered hand. His jaw clenches again, expecting a scream. “Well… this isn’t how I thought my day would go?” Donnie blinks, and looks to her face.
Eyes wide, head curious tilting as she flexes her fingers before looking to the other hand, still wrapped in Donnies. Sydney gives it a test squeeze. Don only offered a little smile once he felt the pressure.
“This is wack.” Sydney says bluntly, looking around the room again, before a sudden realization dawns on her, her face turning to that of disappointment. “I had a really fucking cute dress I wanted to wear too!”
The room burst into laughter, the tension finally snapping.
“I’m serious guys! It had fuckin’ pockets! Pockets man! And not the shitty ones you normally get!”
“Why are you worried about pockets?” Leonardo manages to snort out, grapping a nearby shelf to support himself on as he laughs. Donatello’s shoulders shake from the force of his muffled laughter, forcing him to grip the sides of the bed just to keep himself up. He felt Raph again at his side, gripping his upper arm in an attempt to keep him on his feet.
“Don?” Sydney’s grip on his hand tightened as Raph grabbed a chair that was close and brought it closer.
“He’s alright Neon.” Raph grumbled, patting his shoulder. “He just needs another juice box.”
“Shut.” Comes the half slurred response as Donnie rests his forehead into his arm, no longer trying to hide the foggy feeling that had come back full force. He felt Sydney place a hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing it, and the worried gaze that seemed to bore into his shell. “Your face will get stuck like that you know.” He teased gently, slowly looking back up at Sydeny.
“Shush you.” Comes her tired hum. “I’d scold you for being a dumbass… but I am really tired still.”
“Tired?” Donnie asked, trying not to sound surprised, even though it did.
“Yeah…. That and I need to sleep on….” She waves her hand as if to empathize her mutation, her smile pulling into a tight line. “This… whole thing.” Sydney looks back at Don. “And we do need to talk.” Don grunted in response. “... Can you stay though?”
“Don’t mind staying.” He hummed, head drooping a little. “Don’t think I really should be moving anyway.”
“Thats a mood.” The words come out half slurred. “And Am-... Donnie?”
“Thank you for saving me.”
“.... Your welcome.”
This au turtles belong to @68spidey enjoy :D
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
Kelly Osbourne introduces her baby boy Sidney to the Easter Bunny and captures the adorable moment
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Kelly Osbourne introduces her newborn baby boy Sidney the Easter Bunny in an adorable Instagram snap
By Jarret Thomas Sackman and Kate Dennett for Dailymail.Com Published: 21:37 EDT, Apr 6, 2023 | Updated: 03:49 EDT, Apr 7, 2023 --> --> --> Kelly Osbourne captured an adorable moment Thursday as she introduced her little boy Sidney to the Easter Bunny.The 38-year-old reality star, who recently showed off her glamorous purple hair, looked stunning in a floral dress with cat-eye glasses as she cradled her newborn next to the giant Easter bunny. The new mom protected her child's identity by covering his face with a purple heart emoji. "Baby Sidney and I just met the Easter Bunny," Osbourne commented, teasing her 2.5 million followers with the sweet photo."Ooohhh I have wonderful memories of those days," Sharon Stone wrote in the comments.
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Too cute: Kelly Osbourne captured an adorable moment on Thursday as she introduced her little boy Sidney to the Easter Bunny. "Baby Sidney and I just met the Easter Bunny," she wroteSidney is Osbourne's first child with boyfriend Sid Wilson, 45, who is the turntable DJ at Slipknot Kelly recently spoke candidly about returning to work after giving birth to Sidney, sharing a selfie on her Instagram grid with a very candid caption. "I have a newfound respect for working moms," wrote the daughter of Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne. "I took my first job since having a baby.""Having to leave him this morning was one of the hardest things I've ever done. This day can't go by fast enough for me. I can't want him in my arms again.'The next day, Kelly revealed that she had taken her son to work after struggling with being separated from him. Sharing a photo of herself in the car while holding the top of the car seat, she added the caption, "#Day2 I couldn't get out of it again so bring your #BringYourBabyToWorkDay."In addition to the pain of being separated from her baby, Kelly's relationship with her mother also took a hit after Sharon confirmed the birth of Sydney and shared his name on televised during an appearance on Talk TV in January. In response, Kelly issued a statement on her Instagram story, writing, "I'm not ready to share it with the world. No one but me should share information about my baby.'
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Purple Dream: Osbourne welcomed her baby boy four months ago. She shares Sidney with Slipknot DJ Sid Wilson, 45
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Maternity: Kelly recently took her son to work after struggling with being separated from him
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Uncle Jack: The reality star shared a sweet photo last month of her and baby Sidney enjoying quality time with brother Jack Osbourne, 37
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Her ultimate joy: Osbourne first announced news she was expecting in an Instagram post last May
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Longtime friends: Kelly and Sid went public with their relationship in January last year after being friends for 23 yearsOsbourne first announced news she was expecting in an Instagram post last May.She wrote to fans: "I know I've been very quiet the last few months so I thought I'd share with you all why. I'm over the moon to announce that I'm going to be a mom. To say I'm happy isn't quite the point. I'm excited!'Though she has yet to confirm Sidney's exact date of birth, Kelly took to her Instagram Story in November and appeared to tease that she was about to go into labour. "Ok," she wrote in white on a plain black background. 'Here we go.' Share or comment on this article: Read the full article
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Do you at least think MCU would keep the actors for Madame Webb? I need Sydney on a big franchise so she'll make it big.
I guess it depends if you're good enough? Charlie and Vincent were brought back as they practically perfect casting. Tom Hardy getting yeeted back to his universe seems like an obvious show that he's not Tom's Venom.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Superman Fancast:Last Son Of Krypton
With the success of The Batman, I’d love a similar treatment for Superman
my other DC fancasts
DCEU Recast
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Green Arrow
Justice League
Teen Titans
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Few things I wanna say before we continue with the fancast. 
Metropolis. You know how Batman adaptations make Gotham very distinct with a broody atmosphere and Gothic architecture? We need the same energy for Metropolis. Metropolis should look bright, shining and borderline futuristic. Metropolis should have a proper 50's retro-futurism vibe. Long monorails, golden shiny buildings, rounded glass penthouses
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Director. Ideally I would say Brad Bird, George Miller or Matthew Vaughn
Reason for reboot. WB still has no idea on what they want to do with Superman or if Henry will even still be attached.  Also another reason for why I want this hypothetical reboot is this video
David Corenswet as Superman/Clark Kent
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Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane
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Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olson
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Sydney Sweeney as Supergirl/Kara Zor-El
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Ross Lynch as Superboy/Connor Kent/Kon-El
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Jorge Benito as Young Superboy/Jon Kent
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Finn Wolfhard as older Superboy/Jon Kent 
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Sydney Sweeney as Power Girl/Karen Starr
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Omari Hardwick as Steel/John Henry Irons
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Harrison Ford as Jonathan Kent
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Jodie Foster as Martha Kent
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Jon Hamm as Jor-El
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Jennifer Connelly as Lara Lor-Van
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Abigail Cowen as Lana Lang
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Nico Greetham as Pete Ross
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Ruth Codd as Lena Luthor
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Alison Brie as Lucy Lane
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Bruce Campbell as Perry White
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Sarah Paulson as Cat Grant
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Sterling K Brown as Ron Troupe
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Patrick Warburton as Steve Lombard
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Billie Piper as Maggie Sawyer
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Michael Chiklis as Dan Turpin
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Danny Glover as William Henderson
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Matthew Modine as Professor Emil Hamilton
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Clancy Brown as General Sam Lane
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Tom Baker as Highfather
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Travis Fimmel as Orion
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Austin Butler as Lex Luthor
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Natalie Dormer as Mercy Graves
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Ralph Fiennes as Brainiac
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Keith David as Darkseid
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Sam Worthington as Metallo/John Corbin
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John Carroll Lynch as Parasite
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Dolph Lundgren as Mongul
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Richard Armitage as General Zod
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Carrie-Anne Moss as Ursa
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Nathan Jones as Non
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Roman Reigns as Lobo
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Samara Weaving as Livewire
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Alexandra Daddario as Silver Banshee
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Tyler Hoechlin as Bizzaro
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Henry Cavill as Cyborg Superman/Hank Henshaw
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James McAvoy as Manchester Black
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Peter Dinklage as Mr. Mxyzptlk
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Liev Schreiber as Kalibak
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Kathy Bates as Granny Goodness
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Clive Standon as Steppenwolf
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Lars Mikkelsen as DeSaad
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Little Lady (Bull Randleman x Reader)
So this is based on this post by @problematicfavesareproblematic​ and my own headcannon that Bull is super chill in his relationship and doesn’t get jealous easily but will go from cuddly teddy bear to terminator in a hot second if someone hurts his girl...and this was an excuse to write some Bull & Martin friendship. 
Warnings: swearing, forced/coerced kiss, threats
Tag List: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​ @saritanotserena​ @sydney-m​
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"I can do it."
 "I don't mind helping."
 I rolled my eyes at Arthur but handed him the crate. "Fine, but if you drop it, I'm gonna kick your ass."
 He laughed, falling into step with me as we headed towards the supply trucks. "I would suspect nothing less from someone as fierce as you."
 "I can't decide if you're flirting or trying to start a fight." I narrowed my eyes at him, even as we walked side by side. 
 "Oh, I would never fight you...you'd kick my ass, remember?" He winked those baby blues at me, the scar on his upper lip twitching at the movement. 
 "Mmm...so you're flirting?"
 "Why? Is that a crime?"
 I sighed. This was not the first time we had this discussion and honestly, I was getting sick of it. "Arthur, you know Sergeant Randleman is my man."
 "I know. I don't know what you see in him though.  He just looks like a country hick and I..."
 "Stop," I interrupted, already knowing what he was going to say. Some flirting was fine but when someone began to question my relationship or degrade my boyfriend, then I took offense. Especially from someone I considered a friend. "We've had this discussion before and it won't change anything."
 "Fine, I just..."
 "Jesus Christ! Enough!"
 "Ok ok, shit. I'm sorry. I just want you to be happy, alright?" He mumbled. A couple minutes passed between us in a tense, awkward silence as we continued walking before he bumped me cheekily. "So, he's your man? You're not his girl?"
 "Damn right he's my man. I'm no one's girl."
 Arthur laughed and followed me to the trucks. He shoved the crate on the flatbed of the one directed too. I adjusted the other crates, making room for the ones I still needed to grab eventually. We were supposedly leaving Aldbourne soon and I had volunteered to organize our extra supplies. I liked keeping busy and being organized came easy to me. 
 Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him run his hand through his black hair, a nervous habit of his I had noticed. Soon he probably would need to get it cut. I wondered if someone in his company cut hair or if I should mention Liebgott to him. I bet for a pack of smokes Liebgott would cut it.
 His voice jolted me back from my musings as he took a step closer to me. "Some of us are going out for drinks tonight at the bar. Come join us."
 "They call them pubs here. Remember, we're in England."
 "Pubs, right. So... you coming?"
 I sighed, trying to figure out how I could nicely say no. Again. Most of the other companies did not like having a female paratrooper amongst them. More than one had gotten in my face about it, especially back in Toccoa. Now it just made sense for me to stick with Easy. 
 Arthur was one of the few exceptions. We had bumped into each other on the troopship over and next thing I knew we had been talking for hours, comparing different books, plays and films. His family was a huge advocate for the arts and it showed in his passionate rants. He also had an easy-going, if flirtatious, manner about him, always trying to make me laugh and check up on me whenever we saw each other. Though lately, he had begun making his intentions known and while flattering, I only saw him as a friend. 
 Before I could let him down again, he was frequently asking me to go to the pubs with him, I heard my name called loudly. Glancing down the road, I saw several members of Easy's First Platoon sitting or standing around a table, with most smoking or playing cards, or both. More importantly I saw HIM. 
 I could not help the stupid smile, not even paying attention as a frown appeared on Arthur’s face. "I'll see you around, Arthur." 
 Without waiting for his response, I started towards the group. Although technically they were not my platoon, they welcomed me with open arms as I frequently found myself in their company. 
 "Hey! It's our favorite Corporal!" George Luz announced, passing out a new round of cards to those at the table, a cigarette hanging between his lips. 
 "That's only cause I get cigarettes for you guys."
 "Eh, you're an angel."
 I laughed with the guys as I finally reached them. It was nice to see everyone relaxing under the shade of the large tree, finally receiving a much needed break from drills and field trainings. I did wonder where they stole the table and chairs from since I had never seen it out here before. 
 Denver "Bull" Randleman stood on the other side, watching me with a slight curve of his lips, even around the cigar. My heart skipped a beat as I met his eyes, moving around the table towards him. Automatically, he raised his arm just enough for me to slip under it. It was a practiced, almost subconscious, movement between us by now. "Hey, little lady."
 "Hey, handsome.��� I smiled up at him, a wave of happiness crashing over me. A very familiar feeling whenever I was in his presence, even more so since we started a relationship.  
 "Who was that you was talking to?" Johnny Martin asked, standing on Randleman's other side. His typical scowl on his face, eyes narrowed, as he stared from me back to where I had just come from.
 "Oh, Private Arthur Cox." I supplied, not thinking much about it. 
 "From Charlie Company?" Floyd Talbert looked up from the card game. 
 "I heard from a reliable source that he's been flirting with you." Talbert continued, trading two of the cards in his hand.  
 "Is that so?" Luz looked back at me, a mischievous grin on his face. "Know anything about that?"
 "It's not a big deal. He's just friendly." I shrugged, feigning disinterest. I really did not want them to know all the things Arthur had been saying lately. 
 "Hear that, Bull! He's just friendly. You better watch your girl." Luz chuckled. 
 "Hey! I ain't his girl!" 
 Bull pulled the cigar from his mouth, giving me a small squeeze as he spoke. "It's alright, darlin'. They know I'm ya man."
 "Damn right."
 "Still, he's been talking about you." Talbert stated, tossing his cards on the table then looking over to me.
 Dammit. Why couldn't he just let this go? The others were paying far too much attention to the conversation to my liking. "He knows I'm with Bull."
 Talbert shrugged. 
 "What?" I snapped.
 "Might not be enough."
 "Tab, what are you saying? He knows I'm not leaving Bull for him." I tried to stay calm. I knew the guys were just looking out for me. They did not trust anyone who wasn't Easy. Randleman's hand slowly rubbed up and down my arm, trying to soothe me. I took a deep breath and leaned my head against his side. 
 "Maybe. He might keep trying for you though."
 "Is that what you would do?"
 "If I saw a girl I really wanted...maybe." Tab winked at me, earning a few chuckles from the group. Everyone knew Talbert was a flirt, but a respectful one. If any women were not interested, he always backed off. Though most women never said 'no' to him. 
 I groaned. "Save me from the stupidity of the male species." I mumbled to myself. 
 "He ask ya to be his girl?" Bull asked, a smirk on his face.  
 "Yeah...sort of."
 "No proposals?"
 I rolled my eyes. He just would not let me forget when a Private from Able Company dropped down on one knee and proposed two weeks ago. Bull had laughed when I told him the story, saying if they really knew me, they would know to bring chocolate. That was my biggest weakness. 
 "Not this time. He does like to compare the two of you though." I admitted, guilt tainting my voice. 
 "I ain't worried.” He winked at me. “We know ya just like me for my body."
 I patted his chest. "Don't you forget it."
 Luz threw down a winning hand, causing the others to groan and the attention to focus back on the game.
 I absent-mindedly watched the next game unfold, my mind though on Arthur. Sure, more than once he had made comments about me; and he had made even more comments about how he did not think Randleman was good enough for me. I thought it was harmless or just annoying. Now I was beginning to wonder if I should take it more seriously, if I needed to stop talking to him. If he really was gunning for me, I needed to set him straight once and for all. Right? 
 There was about a snowball’s chance in hell I would be leaving Randleman. Ever since Toccoa, we had somehow just clicked. At first it had started off as a close friendship, looking out for one another amidst the tortures heaped upon us by Sobel. When some of the other companies would cat-call or yell things at me, he always stood between us, glaring at the men until they backed down. Though I never asked him to do that. More than once I know he took matters into his own hands, or at least orchestrated it so some of the other Easy paratroopers could have their turn swinging punches to defend me...even if none of them ever admitted it later. It was not until one night that I found him at the aid station, getting his knuckles looked at by Doc Roe that he subtly admitted to seeing me as more than a friend. So logically, I kissed him right then and there. If his response said anything, he did not mind too much. After that, things just fell into place for us.
 I turned my face up to meet Randleman's eyes, still tucked into his side. My favorite place to be. 
 "Ya alright?"
 "Yeah, just thinking." I slipped my hand into his and squeezed three times, letting him know I was ok.  
 "Ya want me to talk to him?"
 I smiled thinking of my boyfriend confronting Arthur. "No, it's ok. I'm sure this will blow over."
 "If you say so, little lady." He pressed a chaste kiss to my temple. It was sweet how whenever he had the chance, he always took it to affectionately touch me. A sweet kiss on the forehead here, an arm tucking me into his side there, even a gentle squeeze of my hand. A silent reassurance of his affection for me. He was not a man of romantic monologues or one-liners. Instead he always reminded me through the simple gestures. I still teased him about it occasionally and he would reply that it was damn near impossible to keep his hands to himself with how beautiful I was and how much he adored me. That always won a kiss from me, even as I blushed crimson.  
 "You tell us if he tries anything." Martin stated, drawing me back from my thoughts, wary scowl on his face. 
 I nodded. 
 "I'm serious."
 "You always are." I quipped back, earning a chuckle from Randleman. 
 Martin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why I put up with you two, I don't know."
 "You love us." I teased, fluttering my eyelashes at him. He narrowed his eyes at me but I could see the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. Back in North Carolina he had admitted one night I reminded him of his baby sister. When I laughed and told him she was lucky to have a brother like him, that seemed to seal our friendship. Since then he had easily stepped into the role of a big brother. 
 "C'mon, let's get some food." Bull guided me around the table, arm around my shoulders and mine around his waist. Martin followed us, walking on my other side, grumbling about how food here was shit and he missed his wife’s cooking.  
 I stared across the field at the sunset. The warm colors transitioned into the cool tones of night right before my eyes. Colors so perfect they would make even the most talented artists zealous to try and capture their beauty. I absent-mindedly wondered how much longer I would be able to appreciate the sunsets. Or would war take that away from me. 
 It is only at the call of my name did I retract my gaze from the beauty in the sky. I knew who it was by his voice. And also from the fact that all of Easy knew to leave me alone while I was watching the sunsets. I loved my boys dearly but sometimes a girl just needed to get away. I saw Arthur with his hands in his pockets standing a few paces away from me, the tips of his shaggy hair almost covering his eyes.  
 "Can I join you?" 
 I shrugged, turning back to watch the painter's sky. It seemed fate had a hand in events today. A conversation needed to happen between the two of us and here he was. Dammit. Silently, he sat next to me, our shoulders almost brushing. Several moments went by like that, both of us just staring at the first of the stars to emerge. 
 Sighing, I turned to face him, not looking forward to this conversation. "Arthur, I think-"
 His chapped lips interrupted me, slammed against my lips with an almost desperation to them. His hands cupped my face, pulling it closer to his. The sharp burn on alcohol was on his breath. I vaguely wondered if he needed liquid courage before doing this. 
 I sat there stunned for a second. I had thought he was all talk. I never would have expected...this. 
 In the next second, I tried to pull back, putting my hands on his chest for leverage. This had to be a drunken mistake. I was sure he would apologize after. Instead of releasing me, his grip on me tightened marginally and his tongue forced its way into my mouth. 
 This time, I roughly shoved him away with both hands on his chest, making him rock back and almost fall over. Before he could recover, I reared back my fist and slammed it into his eye. Pain exploded from my hand but I did not care. Anger and revulsion fueled me. How dare he?! 
 I rolled back and onto my feet putting necessary space between us otherwise I would be tempted to hit him again. He knew I only saw him as a friend. He knew I had no plans to leave Randleman. Yet he still kissed me without my consent...forced himself on me! 
 Staring wide-eyed, anger and betrayal warring within me, I watched him right himself and placed a hand over the eye I had hit. 
 "You're too good for him." In anyone else it might have sounded like begging, but from him, someone I had thought was my friend, he made it sound like he was stating a fact. "You deserve better. Please, give us a chance. I could-"
 I turned on my heel and fled before he could finish. If I heard another word from him, I would not be held responsible for my actions. Right now though, I needed Randleman. I needed comfort and someone to soothe the ache in my heart. I needed the taste of someone I did not want off my lips. The feeling of his hands erased from my memory. Of his tongue awkwardly plundering my mouth and leaving a lingering hint of beer.
 The barn door slammed open as I shoved it, not even caring about how loud it was. Most of the men should still be awake. The barn they were billeted in was nice enough. There was a cot for each person and plenty of blankets. My feet moved on autopilot, eating up the ground beneath me. I knew he would be on his cot, waiting for me to return like every night to say goodnight before I headed to the house I was billeted in.  
 "Hey! What's got-"
 Whatever Luz saw on my face immediately shut him up. A heavy silence filled the barn as I stormed over to where Bull reclined, cigar in his mouth. He slowly sat up, pulling the cigar from between his lips. Before he could say anything I pressed my lips to his in a bruising, passionate kiss. Something we NEVER did in front of others. I did not care though. I needed the taste of Arthur off my lips. I needed to trade the taste of alcohol for a cigar. 
 Soon as I released him, I felt loathing towards myself. Bile stung my throat. I just forced a kiss on him. Not to show my affection but in demand to mask the taste of another. What was wrong with me? This was the man I loved. How could I have done this to him? It was selfish. Disgust flooded me, aimed at myself and now all I wanted to do was hide and cry. 
 Panicking and without a word, I turned to step away but before I could move further, a firm grip wrapped around my wrist, holding me in place. 
 "Talk to me." He softly said in that calm drawl of his. I could not help but instantly feel some of the tension loosen inside of me. 
 Tears blurred my vision, disgust at Arthur's actions and my own. I could only stare at the ground, shaking my head. My chest was tight, throat thick with suppressed sobs. 
 "Little lady, what happened?" He asked quietly, dipping his head to try and catch my eye. 
 Martin, who had been sitting on the next cot over, spoke up. "Why are your knuckles bruised?" A second later, his voice turned hard and demanding. "Who hurt you?"
 The hand holding me, tugged me back, pulling me into his lap. Comforting warmth enveloped me as Randleman wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his broad chest, his heartbeat a soothing sound under my ear. I forced the treacherous tears away. This was not something I would let control my emotions. Arthur was not worth it. All this did was show his true colors. A gentle kiss on the top of my head reminded me who mattered most to me. Who promised to always have my back and never doubt me. Like I promised to never doubt him and always be there for him. He was my best friend, my lover...maybe even one day my future. 
 "He kissed me." I finally muttered, my face still buried in his chest.
 I leaned back slightly to meet my boyfriend’s concerned gaze. "Arthur….he kissed me and said….well, it doesn't matter now."
 "So ya clocked him?" He asked.
 I nodded. 
 "I never thought… I didn't think he would force me and…"
 "Shhh, s'alright." He rubbed my back, holding me close. "I'll take care of it."
 I did not even question his statement, caught up in my own emotions and soaking in his comforting presence. I could not tell if I was overreacting. I felt justified to be upset and angry at Arthur. At the moment, I did not want to think about it anymore. I wanted to forget Arthur and what just happened. I just wanted Randleman, his soft touches and calming aura. 
 Above my head Randleman and Martin's gazes meet with a darkness simmering underneath. Martin nodded and got up, stalking out of the barn after telling the others to leave me alone. 
 "Heard ya kissed my girl." Randleman stated, watching the black-haired Private who had made you almost cry. An unforgivable sin in his eyes. A little flirting never bothered him, he usually found it amusing to watch their faces when they realized he was your man. He could practically see the wheels turning, questioning how someone like him could have caught himself such a beautiful, smart, talented woman like you. Often he questioned it himself but thanked his lucky stars daily for blessing him with you. 
 But when someone actively hurt you. When they made you cry. There would be hell to pay...and he had no qualms about doling out justified retribution. 
 Arthur looked over his shoulder before turning back to counting boxes next to a supply truck. "Yeah? Who told you that?"
 "She did and some of the stuff you've been saying to her." The Arkansas man chuckled. "Got a nice shiner there too."
 "So? It's true.' Arthur whipped around, eyes blazing. Though, one eye was distinctly bloodshot with a fantastic array of colors around it. "You're nothing but a redneck that can't-"
 "You're gonna need to shut the fuck up before you say another word." Martin interrupted, moving to stand next to Bull in silent support. 
 "Who the hell are you? Some bodyguard? Redneck here can't fight his own battles?"
 Martin glared, crossing his arms over his chest.
 The Private sneered. "Your grim reaper look don't scare me."
 "That's where you're wrong." Martin stated, rolling his shoulders, signature glare still in place. "I'm not the grim reaper. He's on holiday. I'm his replacement….and I don't need a sickle to beat your ass."
 "I don't need to hear this shit." Arthur tried to move around the side of the truck only to come face to face with a grinning Guarnere and smug Toye. 
 "Hi ya, cowboy."
 "Who the fuck are you two?" Arthur demanded, eyes hard and fists clenched. 
 Toye shrugged, lighting a cigarette. "Concerned citizens."
 Arthur tried to move around them but Guarnere shoved him back. 
 "Shut the fuck up, cowboy, and listen to the man before I kick your teeth in."
 "You can kick your leg that high?" Toye asked, looked over to his friend casually. 
 "You know what- shut up, Joe."
 "I'd rather see Martin go grim reaper on his ass." Toye shrugged. 
 Martin grinned wickedly. "Would be my pleasure."
 Randleman spoke up, drawing Arthur's attention back to him. "Ya stay away from my woman. I hear ya talkin' to her again, I can promise ya, they won't find ya body."
 "Are you threatening me?" Arthur drew himself up to his full height, which to most guys might have been a challenge, but he was still shorter than the taller than average Randleman. 
 With the way this jack-ass was acting, Randleman almost wished he would try and take a swing. Give him a reason to knock his arrogant ass on the ground. 
 "No, son. That's a promise." Randleman exhaled, smoke drifting lazily out of his mouth from his trusty cigar. "We'll be lettin' ya get back to work now." 
 "Run along, boy." Martin leveled a hard look at Arthur that would have even the devil himself reconsidering his options.  
 Leveling his own less-than-impressive glare, Arthur looked at the four guys that surrounded him before turning on his heel and walking away. 
 "I gotta ask." Toye started as they watched the Private leave. He turned to look at his friend. "Can you really get your leg up-"
 "Shut up, Toye, before I kick your teeth in."
 "I mean maybe Perco or Luz you could but-"
 Randleman chuckled as Guarnere tried to put Toye in a headlock. He could only hope this Arthur was smart enough to heed his warning. 
 I sat in the mess hall, well, the building that had been converted into a mess hall for the Airbourne. Randleman sat on my right, hand holding mine underneath the table. Smoky on my left was arguing across the table with Skinny about something dumb. Honestly, I had already zoned their conversation out. Further down the table, Buck was telling a story from his Rose Bowl days that had those listening in absolute stitches. 
 A smile teased my lips as I glanced around the table. Sometimes it would randomly hit me how lucky I was to be in Easy Company. They were idiots, but my idiots. Except for Bull. He would always be my man. 
 I looked up to peek at the other table of Easy boys but froze when I noticed Arthur walking down the aisle, trying to find a seat. As if feeling my gaze, he looked my way. Instead of flashing me his signature smile or a quick wink and continuing on….he glared. Anger flared in me, ready to explode once again. Our paths had not crossed since the day he kissed me, which I was infinitely grateful for. I was unsure how I would handle it if he tried to approach me. Now seeing him, all I could think of was hitting him again. I could tell the black eye I had given him was not as bright, the colors dulling into yellows instead of black and blue. There was a sense of pride that he somehow had to explain his black eye to any who asked. 
 Then I realized his glare was not aimed at me but to my right, at Randleman beside me. Confused, I glanced up expecting to see Bull listening to Buck with the corner of his lips turned up slightly in amusement. Instead he was staring back at Arthur with a stoic expression and stern eyes. My gaze darted between the two, wondering what was going on. As far as I knew, they had never spoken; though the tension radiating between the two practically screamed confrontation. After a long moment, Arthur gave a curt nod and walked on by. 
 "What just happened?" I murmured, eyeing my boyfriend. 
 He glanced down at me, slinging his arm around my shoulders and tucking me into his side. "Told ya I'd take care of it."
 I stared expectantly, waiting for the explanation.  
 "We just came to an understandin'." He finally said. 
 "Did you threaten him?"
 His reply was a brief wink. 
 I laughed, snuggling closer into his side. 
 "I told ya, little lady. I'm ya man and I don't take too kindly to others tryin' to take my position."
 "Mmm...I think you're a keeper." After a moment, I smirked. "So I probably shouldn't tell you about the Sergeant in Dog Company who tried to give me flowers yesterday."
 "Flowers, huh?" He grinned down at me, eyes alight with mischief. "Least he's got class. What ya do?"
 "I pretended to be allergic and kept sneezing whenever he tried to talk to me after."
 He laughed, planting a kiss to the top of my head. "Do I need to start gettin' ya things too?"
 "No," I reached up to kiss his jawline, making him blush. "I just want you...and maybe some chocolate."
 "I think I can manage that, little lady."
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lunarianillusion · 4 years
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Authors note: I might be breaking a lot of cannon, but rules are made to be broken. I hope you enjoy. 
Chapter 01
The noir omega sat comfortably within her nest, back against the large cat pillow, body curled in warm fuzzy blankest. Dussu nuzzling into the omegas shoulder, their eyes puffy from the waterfall of tears they shed. The little god murmuring apologies, at finally being able to realize what their miraculous was being used for, what atrocities they had helped to create and lives that were lost countless times over.
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I couldn’t understand. I was broken. I’m sorry. I did not want this,” the little blue god sobbed.
Marinette clutched the peafowl of emotion close as she whispered gentle reassurances. Her hand gently petting the kwamis head. A small thank you came from the small god before the two them, a mortal and god, fell into a dreamless slumber.
The next morning Marinette wakes up early, which had become the norm since a few months, the sun barely rising over the horizon. She tries to keep her scent and emotions under control to not wake the still sleeping kwami up, as she thought on what to do next. It works for about twenty minutes. Dussu slowly wakes up to a small influx of upset emotions, that was accompanied by a somewhat bitter scent. They opened their rose-coloured eyes, watching the omega.
Marinette was lost in thought about what her next step should be and was only brought back by duusu’s soft and groggy voice.
“What is troubling you little bird?”
Marinette let out a sigh before moving to sit up and looked at the peafowl that now floated infront of her. “I’m thinking about what to do now. I should give you back to the guardian, master fu. However, things have changed and I do not want to. He also does not wish to see me again after being akumatized and all.”
“And I do not wish to be returned to the fool,” Duusu replied bitterly, their eyes burning with cold fire. Leaving the omega to stare at them perplexed and slightly confused.
The little peafowl must have read her confusion, because they let out a dry chuckle before explaining their reasoning. “He is after all the reason why the order is now destroyed. Why me, Nooroo and the book were lost. Me getting broken in the process. And from what little you have told me he is still as impulsive as he was back during training. His instincts ignored and thus not being able to see that you were a true peafowl. Also most likely making more problems by making reckless choices and creating more harm than good. So yes, I would rather not be returned to him and likely be given to the wrong person,” The kwami seethed. Taking a breath to calm themselves before speaking more softly. “Sorry, little bird. I needed to get that of my chest.”
Marinette just stared, shocked at the outburst of emotion that flew from the kwami in waves. Their words replaying in her head and making one thing stand truly out. She was a true peafowl? How? She must have voiced this thought because Duusu gave her a gentle smile with a knowing look in their eyes.
“It is why you were able to heal me so effortlessly without the use of the healing ritual,” Duusu explained, making the omega nod.
“Alright, but I still do not fully understand how I am a true peafowl? What does it even mean to be a true peafowl? Neither Tikki nor Fu told me of such a thing,” Marinette inquired. This made the kwamis eyes widen in surprise and something else but poised themselves to not worry the young girl.
“The term of you being a true peafowl comes from you having a true soul of the miraculous. Every few generations a child is be born with a piece of power of one of the miraculouses. You carry a part of my essence and so are a true peafowl.” They took a small breath to let their little bird take in the information. “This will allow you to gain more abilities whilst wearing you co-responding miraculous and repair or heal said miraculous without the use of magic.”
“What kind of abilities would I develop?” Duusu smiled at the question. Marinette had excepted them and that filled them with joy. How long had it been since they had been with one of their little birds?
“Every true soul gain secondary abilities. Every soul does develop diverendly so I can not tell what you will be able to do. There is a high chance that you gain a healing ability or can control water, since that is my co-responding element. But these will develop over time,” The peafowl happily chirped. Before letting out a small sigh, as they thought about the fact that their little bird did not know this. The mistake of the two who should have guided her is going to complicated things. They were going to have to rectify that, even if it might hurt her.
“You’re will be growing in more slowly though,” She needed someone who was honest with her. Lies had hurt her enough. No thanks to Hawkmoth and his accomplices, from what they remembered.
“Why is that?” Marinette worry lacing her voice. She pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“Oh, no, no, no. Marinette don’t you dare think there is something wrong with you. It is just a side effect from using and wearing another miraculous that does not co-respond with your soul,” Duusu was quick to reassure. Nuzzling her cheek, giving as much comfort as their small body could give. “It is not physically harmful to you, but the miraculous leaves traces one their wielders soul that takes time to let go. This slows down the grow of the secondary abilities for true souls.”
“Did Tikki know?” Marinette asked. Because surely Tikki would have told her, the omega thought.
And there was that dreaded question, that proved Duusu’s theory. Letting out a sigh they gave the dreaded answer: “Every Kwami can recognize a true soul and can tell what miraculous they are compatible with,” The little blue god could see the tears in the young girls’ eyes, feel her saddening emotions and smelled the bitterness seep into her scent. They hated it. Truly Tikki you should have told her and not let yourself be clouded by the thoughts of what if. How many times hadn’t this scenario played out like this one?
“Please don’t be sad, little bird. She did not wish to hurt you,” The peafowl tried to console.
Marinette swiftly steeled herself, having no intention to get akumatized again. “Then why didn’t she tell this?” She asked tears still glistening in her eyes.
“Because she loved you like her own,” Duusu confessed. “Ladybug souls are rarely born. Maybe every few hundreds of years or maybe a thousand and so she is barely brought into circulation. To be honest the order barely let any of us into circulation and so we grow very attached very quickly. All us Kwami love been able to interact with this realm and often it feels like the are chains to be used whenever someone sees fit.”
“Like with Hawkmoth.”
“Yes, so we love being able to live with people such as yourself and wish to stay with them for as long as possible. This might not always be wise, but all beings are flawed even us Kwamis. So please do not be sad or even think that Tikki did not trust you. The thought of you maybe pushing her away was to scary for her to even dare face. For she just wanted to be with and watch you grow as a person and succeed in your passion and life itself. Because that is what brings us most joy of all,” A small gentle smile began to grace Duusu’s face as the omega’s feelings began to lift. The were not happy, but they were lighter.
Nuzzling close to Marinette the little god padded away the last of the tears away and then the two stayed close in a peaceful silence.
After having calmed down from the great revelation Marinette had taking to finishing up the redecorating of her room. After almost all of her classmates decided to place their faith in Lie-la, someone they had barely known for a year, over her, someone that most had known since childhood. Marinette had decided to change her style around. Gone was her overly pink room, along with all the creepy collages and clippings of Adrien. In its place her room gained a more modern yet sophisticated look.
Her walls were now a charcoal grey, white branches with pink sakura flowers, some petals falling to the floor. Most of her furniture was also replaced.
Her plastic desk chair was replaced with a more comfortable fake leather one. It would support her neck far better while working. Her vanity was now black and white with a build in sink and square mirror. Her chaise was gone and in its place was now a large L shaped couch. A matching Prussian blue bean bag sat close by. Making a nice sitting place close to the window. For when her true friends, Luka, Kagami or Chloe, came to visit.
As Marinette finished, the last of her rearranging of her room, she let out a relieved sigh. Happily smushing her face into the large bean bag. The little blue god floated down to sit on her head, admiring the nicely styled room. They stayed like that for a while. The comforting silence soothing their souls.
This was disturbed when the noir haired girl’s phone went off. The playing ringtone being a small part of one of Jagged Stone’s songs and brought a smile to her face.
Grabbing her phone, Marinette turned to lie on her back. Making Duusu grumble a little, as they had just gotten comfortable.
Opening up her massage group fittingly called ‘loyal rogue pack’ she was greeted with the picture of Luka and Kagami infront of the Sydney opera house. The beta male and female alpha were smiling at the camera, Luka’s arm over Kagami’s shoulder and she was holding up her hand in a peace sign. In the background you could see Jagged Stone being dramatic with fang by his side and Penny facepalming.
It brought a smile to the omega’s face. Duusu mirrored her expression and practically purred at the warm emotion coming from their bird. “Who are they? Friends of yours little bird?” the kwami asked, wanting to know who the people were that could make the omega happy by just a picture.
“They’re two of my true friends and packmates. The girl is Kagami and the Boy is Luka. They are tagging along with my honorary uncle Jagged and aunt Penny, you can see them in the background, on my uncle’s tour. They had to get out of the toxic environment, and it is a great learning experience for the both of them.” Marinette happily answered, as another ping came from her phone.
Chloe had commented on the photo, practically whining at how unfair it was that she was stuck in Paris and they were on an adventure. Afterwards saying she misses them. Oh, did that bring a smug grin to Marinette’s face.
Duusu scrunched their brow feeling there was more to toxic environment than just hawkmoth. If the slight shift in emotion when the words were spoken was anything to get of from. So, they asked about it.
They could immediately feel the mood sour from their wielder as she stopped her typing, to think of the best way to answer. “Both were in increasingly worsening home environments that developed due to a certain liar that crawled into our lives and turned our friends and family into her playthings. Luka was able to get out more easily since he is by law an adult, but Kagami,” Marinette paused unsure how to continue. “We got her out, but it was a long and stressful process that left a few scars. Literally and figuratively.”
Duusu didn’t ask any for a deeper explanation the bitter scent coming from the omega was enough to know that it was a sensitive topic. “Things turned out good in the end though,” Duusu reassured. Nuzzling into the girl’s cheek as she finished typing her own message.
“Yeah it did,” Marinette breathed. “Now the two are doing some soul searching together and it makes me really happy.”
Another ‘ping’ Came for the girl’s phone with a message from Chloe to her, that made the omega sigh in aggravation.
‘Are you doing okay, Minette?’
Marinette really loved her blond alpha friend, but she was going to make her other two packmates worry. And that could only end so well. If Kagami caught wind of her being akumatized she would book the first flight back to Paris, sword in hand, and Luka would happily come along. Jagged and Penny close behind. Two pings validated her statement quickly.
‘Did something happen, Melody?”
‘Do I need to book a flight, Mari-hime?’
Better be honest with them, otherwise Chloe will tell the two privately and that would not be good.
‘I got akumatized yesterday, but I am alright now’
‘Lie-la is going to DIE! Luka get my sword!!’
‘Yes ma’am’
‘Shall I start booking a flight for the two of you?’
‘Guys, I’m alright now. So, no need to come sword in hand and I rather not stress about you getting akumatized while on a murderous rampage for vengeance. So, PLEASE!
‘Life is stressful enough as it is’
‘Alright melody’
‘I’ll have her head on a spike one day, but alright’
The omega let out a sigh of relief. Tragedy averted. She heard soft giggles coming from beside her. Turning to the side she saw a gleeful little god floating close by and paws covering their mouth, eyes holding an amused spark. “They are certainly lively, aren’t they?” Traitor.
“You have no idea,” Marinette huffed, turning back to her phone. “Making sure those three don’t cleave someone in two is exhausting work. If they work together, they would get away with it too.”
‘On a more positive note. Chloe you still on for the movies today?’ Marinette texted.
‘I wish I could’
Chloe send a video
In the video you could see Chloe sitting slouched on her couch in the foreground. Her face blank, but her eyes screamed pain and suffering. While in the background you could see Andre Bourgeois pacing back and forth. Going on what seemed to be a never-ending rant.
‘Dad is not letting me out at all’
‘Please end my suffering’
‘Aye…I can feel your pain. So sorry Queenie’
‘Stay strong Siren’
‘May your suffering come to a swift end’
‘Thanks guys and I hope so too’
‘Penny is calling us guys, she sounds tired. So, we got to skedaddle’
‘Should you change your mind however. I’ll keep my sword at hand’
‘Kagami no’
‘Kagami yes’
‘Well talk to you later. TATA’
Marinette let out a happy sigh. Even though having to stop those three from committing a murder was sometimes quite stressfull, talking to them always brought a smile to her face. It made this hellhole a little easier to live in. Another ping made her raise her phone again and was surprised by who had texted her now, Nathaniel Kurtzberg.
Now Marinette liked Nathaniel just fine. He was in the neutral zone between the pro Lila and pro Marinette squads, most having gone to Lila. Often he along with Marc would hang out with Marinette and Chloe during art club time. But was too uncertain to choose a side. Lately though he had been distancing himself more from the pro Lila squad. But back to the present.
Nathaniel had sent an interesting text; ‘Hey Marinette, I know this is sudden, but can we talk in person. It is really important. I swear on my honour and skills as an artist that this is not some foul trick composed by the likes of Lie-la. So, can we meet this afternoon at the pond in the park?’
Now that made Marinette sit up straight. For Nathaniel had made a sacred vow that the art club had created at the beginning of the first year and no one broke that vow. If you broke that it would be considered a sin and you would inquire the wrath of all the club members. It did not matter if you were a friend or foe. Once someone made the vow to Chloe and broke it. Let’s just say they still had some leftover trauma from the club’s vengeance. So, to repeat no one broke that vow and got away with it.
Marinette made a quick screenshot of the text before sending her reply; ‘Sure, see you at two’
“Want to go out, Duusu?” Marinette asked the curios looking peafowl.
Her answer was an exited nod and twirl in the air. They were exited to go and see the outside world.
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
✨Meet My OCs Series Part-3✨
A/N: You are waiting for fanfics but here i am doing this thing that no one really cares but i love😂 I won’t go into the details much this time, just basic infos. If you don’t read the first 2 parts, you should better check them first i think.
•Part 1-Scarlett •Part 2-Scarlett & Severus
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Meet Scarlett & Severus’s kids and their families👨‍👩‍👦:
Stephen Claudius Snape;
Scarlett & Severus had twins at their first pregnancy and Stephen is one of them. He is the funny and the punk one in the family, took it from Scar’s dad since the grandpa is his idol. His hobbies include writing, taking photos, reading and playing guitar. Stephen was a Slytherin and he played as a beater in the Slytherin quidditch team. After the school, he followed his dreams and became a journalist at Daily Prophet. And he met with his wife Annaliese at work, after a few years of dating eventually they got married and had a daughter called Anastasia. Stephen’s patronus is a grey hare and his boggart is his twin’s corpse. Appearance wise Stephen is a handsome man with a toned muscular body. He has black hair like his father with his mother’s green eyes. Also he got Severus’s nose which Severus is quite sad about but actually Stephen likes it.
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Stephen Annaliese Anastasia
Stella Alice Snape-Malfoy;
She is the only daughter of the couple and the other twin. Being an only daughter makes her daddy’s absolute favourite and that being said she also favours daddy over mummy. Stella is very much like Severus personality wise too. She is such a cool and charming woman with a “don’t fuck with me or you’ll regret it” energy which is a help with her job since she is an auror. She was also a Slytherin and she was the head girl of her house. Also Stella is a very exceptional ballerina and she does ballet since she was little. And the other 2 hobbies she enjoys as much as baller are playing violin and playing chess. Stella’s patronus is a blackbird and her boggart is also losing her twin. She is married to Augustus Malfoy who was her childhood friend and they had a son called Adrianus. Just like her twin brother, Stella also has black hair and green eyes but luckily she got her mum’s nose. She is quite tall and fit since her job helps her to stay in shape.
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Stella Augustus Adrianus
Sydney Flavius Snape;
He was the surprise baby but he truly completed the family. Being the youngest child, Scarlett always sees him like a baby and absolutely adores him. Sydney is probably the calmest and the nicest person someone will ever meet. He has a hippie soul and his life style is different than rest of the family. Sydney doesn’t care about money or prestige at all, love and peace are more important to him. But still he was a Slytherin, just not your typical one. He was also a prefect during his Hogwarts years. Later on he became an author and a poet. That wasn’t a surprise to the family since he always loved writing. Beside that he likes drawing nature pictures and travelling whenever he can. His patronus is a calico cat and his boggart is a clown. Sydney met his wife Julia at Hogwarts and they immediately clicked. Their relationship was like a love story and added more happiness to it with their one and only daughter Juliett. But their fate wasn’t as good as their love... Julia fell ill and that illness took her away... This had a tool on Sydney but he tried to be strong for his daughter. But Juliett was only 4 when her mum passed away, so Sydney had lots of help from his parents. Because of their situation Sydney and Juliett have a special part in everyone’s heart in the family. Sydney is the only ginger child like his mother but he has brown eyes with his dad’s nose. He is a tall and slim man with long hair and beard.
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Sydney Julia Juliett
Should i continue with Scarlett’s parents or Sirius & Scarlett next? Let me know in the comments!
@snapefiction @lizlil @elizabeth-baelish @misselsbells06 @mais-e @lunnybunny12 @stingingwolf
If you wanna be on my taglist, let me know!
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
OC Basics (Bloodlines)
Tagged by @risenlucifer @faithchel @strafethesesinners @unleashedart Thank you all for the tags! Tagging: @consumedkings @tomexraider @ohfaiths @shellibisshe​ and anyone else that wants too! (I procrastinated on this so it made the rounds I’m sure)
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name: Hypatia Caro alias/nicknames: Tia, maybe a few more TBD gender: cis female age: 27 zodiac: Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Rising, and Gemini Moon (I wrote it down for these guys!) abilities/talents: Hand to Hand Combat, Magic with her specialty being healing and comfort, basic car repair, hair dyeing, MATH, novice code breaking. alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true religion: Atheist, did not grow up with any religion sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience languages: english, some greek and some latin. Math is also a language all its own and she knows so much of it. family: Unnamed Mother (Deceased), Unnamed Father friends: Conner Enache, Adrian Ivashkov, Sydney Ivashkov, Marcus Finch, Stella (Kind of) sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black(naturally) / other: Multicolored, in the oil slick style eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other: hazel-green skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other height: 5′9″ scars: None at the Current moment features: pouty lips, golden lily tattooed on her left hand, the crescent plantet from Treasure Plant along her right ribs, a geometric tattoo on her inner right arm, an elephant with two heart balloons location TBD, and so many other ones that range from dainty flowers, to slightly bigger designs, to those little line arts that people she met on the road did because they wanted to practice their tattooing skills. I have to make a diagram its just a lot. dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes(PAPS!) or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future five songs that remind you of them: “Shotgun” by George Ezra, “Everybody Loves Me” by OneRepublic, “Young, Wild, and Free” by Snoop Dogg, “Its Still Alright” by Nathaniel Rateliff, “Faith Healer” by Julien Baker
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name: Constantin Enache alias/nicknames: Conner Endicott, Conner, C-Man, Khakis, Stiff, Tia will give him all kinds of nicknames. gender: cis male age: 30 zodiac: Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising abilities/talents: Multi-lingual, Magic specialty in Enchanting Objects, green thumb, organization (Seriously he would have a perment discount at the container store and for label makers) alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true religion: Complicated sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience languages: Fluent: Romanian, English, Greek, Latin, Italian, Russian. Partial (Could read it better): German, French, Spanish, Japanese, some Scandinavian   family: Currently Unnamed Mother (I have a few options), Cryptid Constantine (Father) friends: Tia Caro, Abe Mazur, Sydney Ivashkov, Jackie Telliwger sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black(Natural) / other: Auburn more to the brown, dyed to keep his cover. eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other (hazel) skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other height: 6′3″ scars: TBD features: Illusioned Golden Lily on his left cheek, tattooed runes along his left ribs, a few other tattoos TBD, manicured hands or well at least kept tidy, a mixed face of tired and worried.  dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes(Paps is an exception) or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future five songs that remind you of them: “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole, “Rhapsody in Blue” by George Gershwin, “But Not for Me” by Chet Baker, “Almost (Sweet Music)” by Hozier, “It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)” by Duke Ellington
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name: Liana Enache alias/nicknames: Stasia, Tana, Stella gender: cis female age: ~500 years zodiac: N/A She’ll never give away her birthday abilities/talents: Magic with specialty in the four elements and life stealing, business deals/running a company, dancer, ability to stay under the radar alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true religion: None sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience languages: Lithuanian, Romanian, English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, there are many others that while not fluent she can hold basic conversations in or can better read than speak. family: Unnamed Mother and Twin Sister (Deceased), Unknown Father(Deceased), Unnamed Daughter(Deceased), Conner and his Mother (Descendants direct line) friends: Carly (Strigoi), that’s it she never has too many or they all died a long time ago. sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other: She’s had relationships with both male and females but never chose to identify as any one sexuality and doesn’t have plans on figuring it out as it doesn’t seem relevant to her relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other: like a blue green color leaning more to blue skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other height: 5’8” scars: None, due to her retaining youth spells she also gets the added bonus of clearing away any scars that occur features: Long hair, high cheek bones, birth mark on her neck, killer eyebrows, extra height due to heels, an icy smile, and a constant look of disdain dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream(the boozy kind is the only exception) or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future five songs that remind you of them: “You Should See Me in a Crown” by Billie Eilish, “Danse Macabre in G minor” by Camille Saint-Saëns, “Control” by Halsey, “Lilith” by Ellise, “Bad” by Royal Deluxe
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