#also an appreciation post for liv’s dad
livwritesstuff · 1 year
just came to the realization that my dad is so steve harrington-coded (actually my dad came first so steve is so my dad-coded)
my dad (a seventies kid, eighties teenager), played every sport under the sun, was very popular, captain of the football team in high school, and president of his frat in college.
all of this was news to me because as a fifty-something-year-old adult, he is completely asocial, obsessed with his garden, and exclusively listens to three fourteen-hour playlists he made by himself on spotify
they are aptly called upbeat jazz (self explanatory), rockin tunes (80s rock), and classical (also self explanatory)
sometimes he’ll shake things up and listen to hadestown the musical for a week straight
he is a very proud house-husband, a cat guy, wears the same clothes he’s had since 1998, and is VERY particular about wine and the shape and size of his coffee mugs. Anytime he accomplishes anything he always says that he “rocked it” and when things dont’t go to plan, it’s, “well that’s bogus”.
he’s a subtle wife-guy, a total pushover, has a rocky relationship with his parents, and always jumps in to help people even when he has no clue what’s going on.
(once, when our town was hit by a hurricane, a tree fell across the road near our driveway and when he saw people were trying to drive around it and getting stuck, he fired up the chainsaw and took care of it. he kept the tree for firewood).
anyways all this to say that there is real-life data to support the jock-teenager to lame af-adult pipeline i’ve seen people loving for steve and it’s great.
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toxick-e · 1 year
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Inspired by https://www.tumblr.com/sheepishjune/682983317847621632/i-thought-yall-might-appreciate-this-homestuck this post from @sheepishjune, i was like, yeah that sounds fun.
Things to note -
- Feferi is both a Stepsister and Aunt to all John, Jade, Jane and Jake
- Ik the unspecified dog is probably Halley but Alpha i just thought it was funny
- The fuck is Meenah to the 4 Kids if Feferi is their Stepsister/Aunt
- So sad Grandma English's only sprite is her just dead
- Casey and Liv Tyler my beloved
- So much cloning, iirc the two Dads are pretty much also clones but i am not completely sure
- Sassacre, Dad Crocker and Dadbert being the only humans in this darn webcomic to be born normally
- Condesce why.
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craycray-wolf · 7 months
Here's notes I have on MCSM New Order's (as of S1 anyway pretty much everyone in S2 is part of it lol) families. And when I say "notes" I mean it lol, like this is just what I randomly typed out in between classes back in November (with a couple recent additions). Grammar and spelling isn't 100% and nothing is serious. You're welcome.
Why am I posting this? For FUNNSIES. Also to hopefully share my obsession with block people worldbuilding and stories of my future MCSM fanfic with others! To encourage discussion and questions, because I like that. It's fun and I often find it helps me out greatly with writing! I hope anyone reading this enjoys! 😁
Olivia has a single dad (mom MIA) who moved in with his sister and nows helps at her farm. While maybe both dad and aunt are super busy and thus don't have the most time with her, they greatly love their Olivia and Olivia them. Her aunt thought for a while that her want to pursue Redstone was silly ("you have everything you need right here, and all that gallbittyglok is ridiculous!") but soon came to support her dream when seeing how passionate she was. Dad supported her Redstone interest from the start, proud that she was so smart and could understand things far beyond him. They also care for Jesse and Axel, happy Olivia has friends. She was super shy timid bahbee so extra impactful
Axel is adopted, with parents (haven't come up w occupations for them) and a couple siblings (one is older, other is younger) who care for him but don't see eye to eye at all. Axe very much black sheep. They were always disappointed with his trouble making and disagreed with his idolization of Magnus/want to pursue the griefer lifestyle. The fam greatly appreciated Jesse and Olivia as they could see the positive influence they had on Axel (also worried at Axel's lack of friends and chasing away of everyone else). Axel even became cuddlier with the family after Jess and Liv helped him open up and learn how to better express his feelings. While they still don't quite understand the griefer-ness they see he is doing so respectfully and are proud of his heroics.
Petra was a spawned baby (humans are kinda like pink sheep and have a rare chance to spawn every so often, babies having an ability to so but EXTRAORDINARY rarely. They are usually around 6 mos. old in comparison to newborns), and her cries attracted a pack of wolves who adopted her and loved her as if she were a wolf herself. Petra thought she WAS a wolf for a long time, even learning wolf body language and behaviors. Her speech sounds were mimics of nature sounds for the first few years of her life, only learning human speech/stuffs when someone came and tamed a couple of wolves from her pack. The humans in the nearby town insisted she start going to school and learning the ways of people (not that they helped her at all). Dealing with people made her even more survival oriented and hesitant to spend too much time with people. She always considered it beyond her to have and trust human friends until she met Lukas in middle school. She was struggling and Lukas offered to tutor her, Petra insisting that she pay him back with one of her famous trades, beginning their relationship. Lived with Villagers in their... villages, a couple times in the past, maybe why she's into the trade biz?
Jesse's parents care very deeply for him and have always done their best to support him. Always called him their "young warrior" upon learning about Jesse's love of the OG Order, particularly Gabriel. They're the ones who gifted him his armor stand seen in S1 Ep1. His mother is a miner and his father a gardener (that one day took a job helping with Olivia's aunt's gardens, which is how Olivia and Jesse met). They're simple but happy people. Mom is a bit more serious than the dad but still willing to have fun. Dad is a bit of a doofus, mom loves him anyway. Jesse gets his tenacity from Mom and goofball-ness from Dad. They also greatly care for Olivia and Axel, coming to see them as an unofficial son and daughter. I have a lot more about these two but that's the gist. Need to develop other guardians lol
Lukas' parents are complicated. They're snooty rich-ish creeps who have a terrible relationship (on-off? Similar to divorced? Idk there's drama), and had Lukas more as an accessory. Due to weirdness his sweet little (paternal?) Grandma became his primary caretaker from a young age and helped him become the wonderful Lukas we know today. Nurtured his love for writing?
I'm figuring out the appearances of the other families but for now Jesse's mom has the same colored hair and eyes as him, which are brown and green respectively as I like to play with Red Suspenders!Jesse. His dad has tan hair and blue eyes, and the way the hair grows out from the head is similar in both parents so all 3 family members share this trait. The mom, while only an average height, is taller than her husband and Jesse is smack dab between them. I think it's cute and also unusual in a cool way to not only have a woman be taller than her male partner, but also her son. Plus the dad is just short AF considering how short Jesse is lmao
I think it's a very similar situation with Red Hairclip!Jesse (who I also like to play as), except her mom instead has features like hers as opposed to the brown hair and green eyes in the previous passage. The dad doesn't change lol
THX FOR READING 📚 You're real
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Synopsis: what the characters are like in the mornings since I’m currently writing this at midnight lol + I feel like ask memes are really underrated and they’re quick to write so I’m open to those too amongst the 100 of other things I have on my list/have yet to write (typical writing probs lol)
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Jordan: I feel like with Jordan is either 50/50 with him. If he has to be up pertaining to football then he’s up and determined! it might take him like 2-5 mins more extra in bed to fully get up if his parents (more so billy) don’t drag him out of bed but he still manages to get up and function somehow. If he’s partying the night before then that’s a different story, he’s always hungover and feeling that shit the next morning so he’ll move super slow and will be late to class/grumpy as hell. He’s either happy and functioning well making sure he’s getting a meal regardless if he’s in a good mood in the morning or not cause the boy likes to EAT (just like Michael’s ass) + if there’s no food at the house best believe he’s cruising to a cafe to get him a meal before heading to boredom high—I mean Beverly
If he’s in a crap mood then he’s mean to everyone in his path. It’s best to leave him alone and let him sulk in his corner until he’s out of his grumpy mood which he does get out of...eventually after arguing with someone or snapping on them, taking a nap in the back of class, or after football practice.
Olivia: I’m squinting as I’m thinking this over. I don’t really think she’s a morning person? but she sets her alarm for herself and can get up in the morning without the help of her parents unlike Jordan lol. She is the type to set her alarm ten minutes before she actually has to get up so she can get extra time in the comfort of her bed. It takes the girl some time to get ready in the morning okay? Have you seen her hair? It takes time to get it right for how she wants it and she always says she should pick her outfits the night before but she always seems to get side tracked so that never happens which also takes up more of her time. Eventually she almost always makes it downstairs before Jordan does. They DON’T ride to school together, hardly, unless one of them has a issue with their car or something but they’re usually doing their own thing but have some sort of conversation in the morning over breakfast—trying to build the closeness of their relationship back
Liv likes to be on time if she can or just right on time, either or. And if things come up, then she’s a little anxious which she normally is until she’s meeting up with someone she can hold a conversation with. Half of the time there’s no need to be anxious? It’s just there and she hates it despite the lonerism she found herself in
Spencer: I think Spencer can be a light sleeper since he’s used to some sort of noise going on in his house. Plus his room is in the center of where the noise will take place. If it’s too quiet, like it usual was at the baker’s he finds it a little hard to sleep all the way? There has to be something going on for him to fully sleep like the light noise of tv? Or a sound machine. James said he was the same way as a baby, always alert. So when he wakes up in the morning, he always lets out a soft sigh closing his eyes letting the alarm go off for a few more seconds before he smacking it off. He has to get in the shower to fully wake him up tho. If he doesn’t take a shower in the morning then he’s not fully up and if he doesn’t take a shower at night, he knows he’s not going to sleep well either.
If he has to walk Dillon to school, then he doesn’t mind being late. Now that Dillon is getting older he doesn’t mind walking on his own or with a friend or two but being the protector that Spencer is, he’s going to try his best to make time for Dillon no matter what and the boy secretly appreciates it but understands now if it can’t be all the time. Spencer doesn’t have his license so he’s either catching the bus (if he was still going to Beverly, Jordan or Liv would scoop him up ofc) or speed walking to school which he seems to make just in time?? Always.
Layla: I always view her as someone so chipper. She IS a morning person (unless the depression is hitting her hard, some of us have those days) and usually has it together. She’s a big planner and if she doesn’t continue with being a producer like her dad in the future, I can see her being a event planner big time. Anyways she’s usually very organized, outfits steamed and hung up for the week, weekly calendars and reminders in her phone. Alarm’s set since she’s the only one in the house and only has herself to depend on. I feel she does take a lot on her plate for a teenager so she tries her best to follow a routine/schedule most of the time. Wake up. Stretch. Slippers. Robe. She does not check her phone until after she is done taking care of herself! Brush teeth. Shower. Skincare. Get dressed. Does hair. Checks phone on her way downstairs to breakfast. Layla is a açaí bowl or oatmeal kinda girl, fight amongst yourselves. I see it. I manifest it. She always has to have her hands in something and when it comes to breakfast and baking, you can count on her to always make something. It became something she loved since her mom and her always did that together. And she often likes taking the long way to school and the long way back home.
Asher: not a morning person. Never on time unless it’s for football on Saturday mornings. he’s a cereal kinda guy since his dad can’t afford a professional chef anymore. His favorite cereal is probably Rice Krispies with strawberries and wh*le milk or cashew milk if he remembers to buy it from the grocery app. I feel like he would eventually have to get a job his senior year since it’s kind of a struggle with his dad settling into his new job. It’s a big adjustment with his parents divorced and although his mom still slips him money when he see’s her every other weekend, he’s more tired than he ever was before. He’s used to sleeping in cars if he’s not in a king sized bed but can pretty much sleep everywhere. He can sleep through anything and always has multiple loud ass alarms to wake him up since his dad is either gone before he wakes up like before or just about to leave for his new job. He never bothers to wake him anyways. Asher is a grumpy grouch in the mornings and is addicted to ice coffees and loves a good pastry if he can’t have himself some cereal in the morning.
He’s also annoyed if he doesn’t get his cartoon’s in too before school. Don’t bother him until mid-morning, early afternoon if you know what’s good for you.
Coop: if she’s something else when she’s angry what do you think she’s like in the mornings? Annoying either way? Probably lmao. She’s probably a talker in the morning expressing some wild ass dream she had or either how she had a sucky night and couldn’t sleep properly so she was up writing a new song or something. Since she’s dropping out of school, her mornings could probably start later around 11am? Unless her mother is still home and making her get out of bed to run errands with her or clean the house while she’s gone for the day? Either way she’s probably dancing, talking your head off, blasting music as she gets ready, or browsing Twitter as her form of “morning news”
Chris: I get night owl vibes from Chris. Which is more difficult to do in high school, whew! He has to use melatonin spray or cream to help him knock out and if it fully doesn’t help, he’s dragging the next morning once he fully crashes. Sometimes it can be a good morning or it can be a sucky one. Due to his injury, he gets occasional pain in his joints which he keeps a secret from mostly everyone from his team since they were only described as spasms from his doctor. He deals with it even if it freaks him out from time to time. If it’s a sucky morning, he has to wake himself up with a splash of water to the face and then tending to the pain in his joints before carrying on about his day.
I do think he’s on his phone a lot. Before bed, actually watching soothing videos to help him knock out—don’t tell anybody that and then checking his phone again when he wakes up. Which is apparently unhealthy for the mind but hey with technology continuing to take over, what can you do?
Patience: the girl doesn’t care if she’s late or early. All that matters is trying to get through the day. She’s not crazy about getting up early to sit in 7-8 classes a day but if she’s got to do it, then she’s going to take her time. She wasn’t named “Patience” for no reason okay? When it comes to her appearance, she’s going to make sure she puts in the effort because if she looks good then she feels good and can go about her day. Most of the time she takes a quick breakfast with her on her bus ride to school (thanks to her hair not doing what she wanted it to) and then if there’s time heads to the cafeteria to get whatever they’re serving for breakfast there. At least that’s better than the lunch they serve there.
JJ: total morning person! Or if he’s not? You can never tell. The guys always in the best mood. Even if he was out partying and doing too much the night before, the dude is never hungover. Everyone wants to know his secret. And when he tells them, they don’t believe it. He’s usually a slob of a eater but he also knows how to take care of his body and all about his protein shakes and juicing. He definitely has a meal plan that he takes the time to post on his Instagram stories. The guy loves Instagram and is always posting there. If you need positive words of affirmations, JJ is your guy. Check his stories or if you run into him in person he’s all hugs and uplifting you to get through the day. He’s the guy you need around if you need it. If you don’t want to be bothered? Make sure he doesn’t see you and keep your distance because he will tackle you down and turn into DJ Khaled on your ass.
Simone: she hates mornings and thinks it’s cruel to be up five days of the week for. If she physically feels like she can’t get up due to intense studying or up binge watching real housewives or whatever, she knows it the night before and puts her plan into motion the next morning. Her parents are usually always on her ass, especially her mom so it takes a lot of persuading to let her stay home. And it still doesn’t feel like a free day because her mom is checking up on her every hour on the dot from work. She makes it feel like Simone should have just went to school. If the answer is, “there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re going.” Then Simone is definitely in a sour mood. Her dad almost always drives her to school and she checks up on her son every day through socials if she doesn’t message his second mother. Simone’s also not much of a breakfast person but if her dad is making her eat they’re stopping somewhere before he drops her off or encouraging her to take some of whatever dish he made before they leave.
Now? If there’s something on her mind? Then she’s active and stressing over it before she’s talking to someone about it. She’s out getting a light jog on around her gated neighborhood (she’s getting her fitness game back up after deciding to take tennis seriously again) before showering and getting back into bed for at least thirty minutes to forty five before she has to be up for school. Worries erased for now.
Darnell: is a morning person even if he grumbles that he doesn’t care for it. He’s a sunset kinda guy not a sunrise. It’s not much of a issue for him to get up and start the day with a long exaggerated sigh. He’s not as talkative but get something in his belly and he’s bringing up some interesting facts or news about what’s going on with certain celebrities he keeps up with. I also feel like he knows how to cook and breakfast isn’t his speciality but lunch foods are? Grits, eggs, bacon, and jam on toast is his fav thing to eat for breakfast with apple juice. That’s right, apple juice over orange juice no matter what Spence and dil have to say.
His version of appetizers (which are too big of portions but to each their own) are his go to make for lunch. For breakfast if he can’t have his fav meal in the late morning, he always eats light since he says his stomach is too sensitive in the mornings which has been proven to be true...The James’ can vouch for that
Kia: again 50/50. Depends on her night. She’s also someone who is very active in clubs so it all depends when she gets home and how fast she can get things done at home before she can crash. Sometimes she takes a lot on as well but she thrives off it? It makes her feel productive but she also knows how to balance and have free time when she wants to. Her breakfast always consists of fruit, she loves her fruit. And even if she finds herself running late then she quickly adjusts and cuts out what needs to be cut out of her morning routine and get where she needs to be making herself have the time. Which can be good or bad, depends on how you look at it. Kia is great at handling whatever is thrown at her it seems!
Vanessa: Morning person after she’s fully awake lol. Hates how she looks in the morning, thinks her face is too puffy and definitely uses a jade roller no matter what to help. Her mom is always on her ass + she’s a coach so just imagine that on top while struggling to get up. However once she’s settled, she gets this burst of energy—coach montes believes it’s “the vitamins” and “always eating properly” but the small girl always seemed to get random bursts of energy throughout the day no matter the circumstance. loves a food bagel or pastry for breakfast with orange juice or water, either is fine. She especially loves sunny mornings in California, it just makes her feel better—as it should. She even thanks the sun when it greets her face. Which is something she used to do as a kid too.
A/N: I apologize for any typos in advance. It’s now 2am, phones about to die and it’s surely time to crash. Goodnight/morning wherever you are in the world and I’ll fix what needs to be fixed later lol. Feel free to send me ask memes for this week if you want when I do have the energy to write. Toodles!
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“A Whole Lot Left to Lose” -- Rafael Barba
Summary: You slept over at Barba’s place after turning up the night before embarrassingly drunk. Now you have to deal with waking up in his bed, further workplace awkwardness, and serious arguments about coffee.
Notes: Follow up for this, which is a follow up for this. I’m still unwilling to admit this is becoming a series even though it definitely is turning into one. Catch me on the sixth part saying “a follow up for this, which is a follow up for this, which is a follow up for this…”
And sorry my posting has been so sporadic. School and life caught up to me and I had a nasty case of writer’s block.
You awake to mid-morning sunlight and unsettlingly soft sheets. For a sweet second your brain idles, still half asleep, and you relish in the softness of your unknown surroundings. Then your thoughts snap into focus. You’re in Barba’s bedroom, curled up in Barba’s bed, absolutely tangled in Barba’s sheets. And you’re still in last night's clothes. Incredible. Nothing adds to waking up with an increasingly pounding headache like remembering how you made an idiot of yourself in front of the guy you’re catching feelings for.
The analog alarm clock on the nightstand reads around 9:30 and you let out a sigh of relief. You’re not scheduled to go into work until noon, and for a brief moment you consider trying to apologize to Barba before you leave. But then a vague memory of stumbling through his living room and spinning like a toddler unexpectedly comes back to you. Sneaking out without confrontation is clearly the only option. 
The door to the room is slightly ajar and you lay silently for a second to listen for sounds of movement. All you hear are the faint sounds of morning traffic, so you force yourself out of Barba’s bed. You spot an acoustic guitar resting on a stand as you tiptoe across the floor. If you ever shake off the embarrassment of this whole ordeal you’ll have to ask him about it. 
When you get to the living room you find the couch oddly empty. You had assumed after Barba had given you the bed he would have slept out here. Curiosity outweighs caution, and you wander in search of his office. He said he had a lot of work to do last night, you had just assumed he would’ve been finished by now. There’s light coming from underneath a door near the front foyer and you risk cracking it open to peek inside. 
Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba, who you’re accustomed to witnessing completely decimate opposition in the courtroom while wearing stupidly expensive three piece suits, is asleep at his desk. An array of paperwork is splayed out beneath his head. You have a weird urge to step fully into his office to place a chaste kiss on his forehead or maybe wrap a blanket around his shoulders. You’ve clearly been watching too many rom-coms. Instead you just take a few more seconds to appreciate the sight in front of you then gently shut the door. 
When you get home you are instantly happy for the familiarity, but the couple of hours before your shift are not as relaxing as you’d hoped they would be. You try to catch a few more hours of sleep, but your bed doesn’t seem as comfortable as it usually is. You try to mindlessly watch something on your phone, but you keep checking to see if Barba has texted you. By the time you finally settle, make yourself a box of mac and cheese, and finish eating it’s time to head into work.
If there were to be an action figure for Barba it would come with about twenty pairs of suspenders and some form of a cup of coffee. Possibly a white mug, like the ones he uses with the machine in his office, or something disposable from a local coffee shop. Either way there is no way his favorite caffeinated drink would be in the kind of over-sized thermos you used to take to class with you in college. Bizarrely, that’s exactly what Barba’s currently carrying with him as he makes his way towards Liv’s office. 
Instead of striding past your desk like he usually does, Barba slows before fully passing you and stops. The hairs on the back of your neck raise and suddenly his hand is flat on your back; right between your shoulder blades. His fingers press just a bit deeper into your back and you realize that he’s leaning over you to place something on your desk. The thermos that caught your eye just a few seconds ago now sits between your computer and a newton’s cradle your dad got you as a graduation gift. 
Before you can look over at him or turn or even say thank you Barba’s hand is sliding off of you. His middle finger traces a line from the center of your back just below your neck, all the way off your shoulder. Intentionally or not the action sends goosebumps down your entire arm. You don’t realize you were holding your breath until you hear Liv’s office door shut and you let out a massive sigh.
The world around you returns to focus. God, when did it get so out of focus? And you immediately wish you were anywhere in the world than at your own desk. Carisi has the most dumbstruck look you’ve ever seen. You’re afraid his jaw might drop off if it dangles that low for much longer. And when you try to avert your gaze elsewhere you land on Amanda’s devilish grin. The two of you aren’t amazingly close, but you’ve gotten a few drinks together and without even telling her she’d picked up on the tension between you and Barba. You’d told her that even if he was into you you weren’t ready to dive into a relationship with him. He was a lot and you were busy.
But now Barba had walked straight up to your desk, touched you intimately enough, and handed you coffee like he knew you hadn’t slept well. Like he was the reason you hadn’t slept well. That’s what every other member of the SVU seemed to be thinking, at least. Except for Fin who looked to actually be falling asleep at his desk.You can’t blame him. You certainly could use a bit of unconsciousness yourself right now.
It’s nearing five and your thoughts are churning in your head. A massive storm is sloshing around up there and leaving you with absolutely no energy. You’re one of the last ones left; Sonny and Amanda having left for dinner about an hour ago. Fin packed up shortly before them and Liv shortly after him. Normally you would’ve finished your work before everyone else. Tonight the paperwork is taking twice as long to get through as normal. You want to blame it on your hangover, but the headache is nothing compared to the onslaught of distracting thoughts about Barba.
After reading each sentence you’re bombarded with an even lengthier montage of the ADA. You’re just getting the image of him in pajamas out of your brain when you remember the weight of his hand on your shoulder this morning. At this rate the thirty pages you have left to get through are going to take hours.
You would throw it in for the night and head home, but you’re afraid the distracting thoughts will get worse. And probably more graphic. With your focus completely shot and a whole lot left to lose you decide to head over to One Hogan Place. You make sure to grab the thermos before you leave.
“What the hell were you thinking Barba?” you remain surprisingly monotone as you practically slam the thermos onto his desk. 
Barba sits looking at you wide eyed for just a second before a little sly grin ghosts his face. You’d rushed over from the SVU, making sure to get here before Barba left. Your face is probably flushed from the cold and the slight jog you just did. The jog also got you a bit worked up, hence the aggressive placement of the thermos.
“That you would be hungover and need a pick me up?” Barba offers.
“You can’t do this kind of shit. People talk.”
Barba remains seated behind his desk with the smuggest look. He isn’t responding. Why isn’t he responding? He always has the wittiest comebacks and he’s just sitting there looking at you. You take a chance and make your way around to stand next to him. He doesn’t rise from his seat, but he swivels in his chair to face you.
“You don’t want them thinking we’re something we’re not, right?”
Barba laces his fingers together in his lap and leans back in his chair. “Let me make sure I have this right: you want me to be… meaner to you?”
“No, you-” you squint down at him. “Will you just shut up for a second?”
Barba’s smile grows, but he stays quiet.
“I couldn’t think straight because of you. Do you know how frustrating that is?”
“I think I have an idea-”
“Hey! I said zip it, counselor. You don’t have an idea. No idea. Because every five minutes it was back to you up here,” you tap at your temple for emphasis. “And then I’m finally focused enough to read a sentence or two in the unholy stack of paperwork in front of me, I glance up, and this,” you hold out both of your hands, palms upwards, and direct his gaze at the thermos, “this is sitting there.”
Barba’s smile has dropped. It’s been replaced by something unreadable. Wonder? Amusement? Confusion? Maybe a bit of annoyance? You can’t quite place it and it’s incredibly frustrating.
You let out a deep sigh and turn to lean against his desk. “Sorry. I’m not usually like this. I don’t make these grand” you wave your arms around, “whatever the hell this is…” 
Barba stands and moves to wait in front of you, but remains silent.
“Sorry for busting in here and verbally attacking you,” you shrug. “And for dumping this on you. And for probably making this uncomfortable. You know what? Maybe I should just leave and we can forget about all of this. Go back to whatever bizarre, semi-flirty thing we had going on before.”
Barba clears his throat, putting his hands into his jacket pockets. “Are you finished?”
You nod. 
“Can I speak now?”
You roll your eyes, but nod again.
Instead of making a counterargument he takes his hands back out of his pocket and steps closer to you. Then his hands are on either side of your hips pressing into the wood of his desk. Maybe this is his counterargument: being this close to him is otherworldly. Everything comes down to the green of his eyes and then his lips are on yours. Before you have more than a second to process what’s happening he’s pulled away again. 
He pats his desk once then steps back. “I think I have an idea.”
If you had asked yourself this morning, with your pounding headache and mountains of overwhelming embarrassment, how your day would end, kissing Rafael Barba would be the last thing you would’ve guessed. 
You stare at him for a few seconds, unable to breathe, then awkwardly say, “Sorry for making you sleep at your desk last night.”
Barba lets out a sheepish laugh. “You saw that, huh?”
“Happen often?” you glance over at the coffee machine, already knowing the answer.
“More than I’d like to admit.”
There’s a beat of silence. You glance up at the framed Harvard Law degree that you noticed on the first day you met him. Still ostentatious. 
“How about you make up for those drinks you owe me by taking me out to dinner?”
“Oh, so the coffee counts for nothing?” Barba jabs.
You reach out, emboldened by the kiss, and straighten out the lapel of his jacket. “Coffee is its own thing, Barba. This is about whiskey.”
“Ah, I see,” his gaze follows your hand as it drops from his chest. “It might take more than one dinner to make up for the tab you racked up last night.”
You squint at him, stepping away from his desk and towards the door. “If you’re gonna be a dick about it I’ll ask Carisi instead.”
Barba pushes his chair in and starts packing up his things. “Just give me a minute. Where do you want to go?”
I know I said there would be some smut with my next Barba fic, but I really wanted to continue this story and these two ain’t ready for it yet. It was enough work to get them to kiss, goddamn it. I’m thinking of continuing with at least one more part though, so high probability of smut adjacent stuff soon!
And apologies for the growing fixation on coffee in my fics. I’m not a huge caffeine addict, but I’ve recently been really missing my favorite coffee shop in one of the libraries on my campus. I can still remember the last dark roast I got days before classes were moved online…
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welldressedllama · 4 years
Fave characters from the last 5 things I’ve watched/read/seen/etc:
I was tagged by @a-lil-bi-furious forever ago, and I’m finally doing it. Yay. Go me. Long rambly post ahead.
1 - Isabelle Lightwood (Freeform’s Shadowhunters)
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Izzy, Izzy, Izzy. There are so many good things to say about her. I love that she's so versatile; she's one of their best warriors, she's the Weapon's Master, she's a skilled forensic pathologist. She's incredibly intelligent and strong and also unabashedly feminine. She's faced demons and warlocks and rogue shadowhunters, and she beat them all in five-inch heels.
I love that she's so in control of and unashamed in her sexuality, despite her mother's and other's comments and snipes about it. She's gorgeous and enjoys sex and she owns it, and I'm so proud of her. I wish she got better love interests (like Clary), because I realize I didn't particularly like Raphael or Simon.
One of my favorite things of the whole show is her love for her family, most showcased with Alec. Her unwavering support in him, and trying to help him be his best, authentic self, is so pure, and her supporting him and Magnus is so refreshing compared he rest of their family just...not.
2 - Bonnie Bennett (The CW’s The Vampire Diaries)
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Bonnie was my favorite from the moment I started (and probably one of my favorite characters of all time), and it broke my heart how the show treated her. She was a bold, brave, and powerful black Bennett witch who was controlled by racist writers and manipulated by selfish vampires.
But even with those obstacles, she did some incredible feats. She went up against (and beat) Originals multiple times, the first after she'd only been a practicing witch for a few months. She singlehandedly held back hellfire for a time and saved Mystic Falls (and all its residents' undeserving asses) numerous times and never got the appreciation she deserved.
She deserved her happy ending with Enzo and I will never forgive Plec (or Stefan) from taking that away from her. Even with everything she went through, she was kind, she was compassionate, she was understanding, and she was more forgiving than she probably should have been. Her interactions with Nora in season 7 warmed my heart.
3 - Maria DeLuca (The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico)
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As Liz said, “Maria DeLuca is her own savior, every damn time.” And it's really unfortunate that the show (and the fandom) really make her keep proving it. This woman has so much on her shoulders, a sick mum and running a business. She's constantly alone, left out, and used as a prop for other's stories, and I hate it. Making her the obstacle for the fandom's favorite-gay-ship™️ was a bad move on the writers' part, and the treatment Heather Hemmens has received in playing her is horrendous.
With all that, Maria is still lively and outgoing and fun. Her wit is phenomenal, and any scene with her and Isobel snarking at each other is a hoot. Her little interactions with everybody are my favorite honestly. She's fiery and strong and bold, but I also so appreciate when we get to see her vulnerable. (Also, she looks like a goddess in that first gif.)
Full disclosure, I had a hard time deciding between Maria and Jenna Cameron as my favorite, and they literally have had like two scenes together at the end of S2 but I ship them hard. So if the show could just get on that, that'd be appreciated.
4 - Olivia Baker (The CW’s All American)
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Words cannot describe how much I love Olivia. Just gotta get this out of the way, Samantha Logan is exceptionally gorgeous, and even my gay ass can't decide if I should pay more attention to Olivia or her brother when they're both on screen. But that's not important.
Something about Liv and her story just really resonated with me, and episode 1x12 had me bawling. Watching this good, kind, bright girl feel so alone and isolated was heart wrenching. She deserves the world, and I'm glad she's finding a good support system.
My favorite thing about Liv is how much she cares. If she sees something wrong or unjust, she does not hesitate to call it out, and if something is happening to her family or friends, she does everything she can to help. And that's a good thing, but I worry she focuses to much on others, at the expense of herself. I'd love if, in the coming season(s), she learns how to and is allowed to work on and take care of herself.
5 - Anissa Pierce (The CW’s Black Lightning)
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My kick-ass superhero baby. She's a black, lesbian medical student and part-time teacher. Her love for her family is undeniable, as is her hatred if injustice. This drives her to become a vigilante superhero after only days/weeks of discovering her powers, and she fought her dad to a standstill (neither of them knew who the other was, but he was far more experienced than she was).
She's shown to be perhaps the physically strongest in the show (which I fucking love), and her fighting prowess is near unmatched. So like, that's obviously all cool, but it's only part of why I love her so. She's a force to reckoned with no matter what identity she's in (Anissa, Thunder, or Blackbird). She's passionate and loving.
Speaking of loving, her and Grace own my heart. An interracial wlw badass superpowered couple is basically everything I could want. They (and this whole damn show) are SO GOOD.
I'm tagging @rosaortecho and @wonderdoves, but like, no pressure. Or anyone who wants to, just say you were tagged by me so I can see y’alls opinions.
First Bonnie gif is from @bob-belcher, second from @imaginingxmen. For some reason I cannot get the formatting done with hers, just the others, so.
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allisonxmoynihan · 4 years
always be my baby ~ p. moynihan
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Request: could you write something with any of the boys moynihan where you see him after a really bad break up and memories come flooding back in and you end up talking and he says if he could go back and do it all over again with you he would
Word Count: 7391
Note: This was previously posted on my old account but with a different title. After posting I thought this title was better suited. But I wanted to repost this because I got a lot of requests for a part two, so that will be in the works soon!
You were sitting on your bed with your dad’s gift sprawled out in front of you: a picture collage of you and him throughout your 18 years of life, your baby photo smack dab in the middle; the picture frame was decorated in vintage buttons, something you knew your dad would appreciate. You were trying to figure out how to wrap it as you were on a facetime call with your best friends Kelsie and Olivia.
“Yeah, I don’t know Kels, it’s really weird that he asked for your opinion on what to wear if he was only going to ask Jenna out like three hours later,” you say finally selecting on the wrapping paper that says ‘super dad’ and ‘my number one hero’ all over it. 
“That’s what I’m saying, girl we’re gonna find you someone though because no one is gonna treat one of my girls like that,” Olivia sasses.
“Thanks girls. Hey, y/n what time is the barbeque? Your mom just said to come today, but like when? Because I don’t wanna be late, but I gotta get ready so I look good. Oh! Lemme show you the dress I’m gonna wear!” Kelsie exclaims, running over to her closet.
You laugh, “you can come whenever, I’m going down to help my mom cook in a little bit anyway. My dad’s fishing with the little troublemakers right now, so it’s going to be a surprise.”
You pick out a blue and green braided ribbon to compliment the wrapping paper as the girls explain that they’re going to get ready and head over right away to help you and your mom. Grabbing your dad’s gift, you walk downstairs to the kitchen where your mom stands fumbling over a recipe book.
“I don’t know why they make the print so small when older people are the ones that cook!” she exclaims, “y/n, get over here. Can you read this for me? Does it say ¾ tbs.?”
You crinkle up your face, “mom, what the heck, it says ½ a teaspoon.”
“You know, one day you’re going to be just like me needing your kids to read recipes to you.” She pauses when she looks up, her face softening when she sees you in your white floral dress with your hair curled and held back in a half up half down style. A wide smile blossoms on her face, “oh, sweetie, you’re so beautiful,”
Your face grows red in embarrassment at your mom’s compliment, “mooommm,” you whine causing her to smile back at you.
“Come on, are you helping or what? We have almost fifty people coming in two hours, and where are Liv and Kels?”
As if on cue Olivia and Kelsie come in through the front door and into the kitchen, gift bags in hand.
“Hello!” They sing together.
You smile at your best friends as your mom directs them on how to help prepare various dishes for the party. 
By the time the food tables are neatly organized by appetizers, main dishes, and desserts, guests come flooding into your backyard and find themselves preoccupied with cornhole, chit chatting, or gossiping about the neighborhood kids.
Your little brothers Luke and Nate come running into the backyard, “He’s coming!” they squeal, hiding behind the slide so that they can scare your dad.
When your dad rounds the corner and sees everyone he starts laughing as everyone yells a big, “surprise!” 
Your brothers come up to you and your friends asking if you guys can go to the front yard to play basketball, and you happily oblige to their request. The three of you let the six year old boys outrun you and score over and over again as they giggle and boast about how great they are. The moment is cut short when you look up to see the Moynihan clan approaching your driveway. You feel your throat begin to tighten as you turn around and run inside to the bathroom. 
Your family and the Moynihans were close, so you knew it was inevitable that you would eventually see him again. You’ve been dreaming up the different ways this exact moment would happen, but nothing could prepare you for this. You cuss at yourself for thinking you were actually over the only boy you had ever really loved. It’s easy to think you’re over someone when you don’t have to see them every day, but seeing Patrick getting out of the backseat of his mom’s car had everything come flooding back in. And that’s when it finally hit you: you were still madly in love with him.
It was the first weekend of December, a light snowfall dusting the grounds of Millis that you and Patty found yourselves downtown Boston for the annual tree lighting ceremony. The cold winter breeze caused your body to go numb, but you were thankful for the hot coco patrick had bought that was keeping you warm. 
You were standing in front of him with your back pressed against his torso towards the front of the crowd, his hands wrapped loosely around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. He was gently swaying you back and forth as dusk was fast approaching.
“Do you wanna come over and help decorate sugar cookies after the ceremony?” patty asks, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. 
You feel a blush creep onto your cheeks. Knowing you didn’t want this night to end you accepted his offer. Baking with patrick was something you always wanted to do but never really had the guts to ask to do. It’s not that you thought he wouldn’t do it with you, because you had him wrapped so tightly around your finger, the boy would do absolutely anything for you if you asked. 
“Awesome,” he grins, “we just have to stop at the grocery store on our way home then. Mom said we need frosting and food coloring.” you nod, a shiver coming over you. “You cold?” he asks, and without waiting for an answer he takes off his scarf and wraps it around your neck smiling at you, “looks way better on you,”
You roll your eyes playfully at him, “you’re such a loser, you know that right?”
He chuckles, “oh yeah? A loser that you love”
The two of you stand in silence as the stars become visible and the skyline becomes illuminated in the shadows of the night. You and patty stare up at the enormous tree in the middle of Boston Common, the mayor starting a countdown and everyone eagerly joining in. And before you know it the tree is sparkling and the ornaments radiate and reflect the light. An older couple offers to take your photo with Patrick in front of the lit tree, and you couldn’t be any happier than right here in this moment with your boyfriend.
On the car ride to Shaw’s you and Patty are blasting Luke Combs and singing along. Patrick turns up the volume when Beautiful Crazy comes on, “Alright ladies and gents, this song is dedicated to the one and only love of my life,  y/n y/l/n, my beautiful girlfriend that I love more than anything in this world.” You laugh at his pretending of giving a concert as he starts to belt out the lyrics, “She's unpredictable, unforgettable, It's unusual, unbelievable, How I'm such a fool, yeah, I'm such a fool for her…” Pat scream sings, closing his eyes and tilting his head back on the headrest. 
You giggle at the sight, taking over the next line, “The way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances”
“And wears her heart on her sleeve”
“Yeah, she's crazy, she's crazy, she's crazy”
The two of you look each other in the eyes, smiling widely as Patrick finishes off the song, “But her crazy's beautiful to me”
Back at the Moynihan household Mrs. Moynihan takes out a container of six cookies for you two to decorate, “you’re lucky the girls saved some for you two,” she smiles, starting to mix different food colorings into separate bowls of frosting. “Let me know when you kiddos are done and I’ll clean up while you take y/n home, okay?” Mrs. Moynihan says as she pats Patrick on the back before walking into the family room to join her husband. 
“Thanks mama,” Patty calls out after her.
You grab a cookie and some light blue frosting, getting ready to make a snowflake and accent it with the white pearl sprinkles Mrs. Moynihan took down for you. Patty starts singing holiday tunes as he’s bopping his head up and down to the beat of the songs, “y/n don’t be a grinch! Join in!” he laughs, throwing a handful of sprinkles at you.
“Patrick!” you hiss, as he starts singing Jingle Bells.
“Come on y/n, I know you know this one!” you shake your head but join in anyway.
You finish your snowflake cookie, glad that it actually turned out and wasn’t ugly. You go to show Patrick, but in the process you see his creation. “Uhh, what is that?”
He looks up at you confused, “A hockey stick, what else does it look like?” he scoffs.
You raise your eyebrows looking at the crooked black lines that are scribbled on his cookie as he works on filling it in, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, clearly in deep concentration. 
“I don’t know, it kind of looks like a mangled spider leg.”
He looks at you with a hurt expression on his face, “I can’t believe you just said that to me.”
You smile, “Yeah, well at least you’re good at something, Patty… but it’s definitely not this.”
You walk out to your backyard to see your mom waving you over to her and some of the book club moms.
“y/n why don’t you tell everyone about your plan to go to New York,” she smiles encouragingly.
You hate the attention your mom brings to your project all the time, but you’re also thankful that she’s supportive and proud of your hard work and dedication.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. I’m in a film class at school so I’m going to New York in a couple of weeks with Kelsie and Olivia to make a short film to bring attention to the homeless and ways we can fight it together.”
The moms look at you all impressed, “Oh wow, that’s very nice. And where do you go to school again honey?” one of the moms asks you.
“Oh, how impressive,” the moms turn back to your own mom and begin gossiping about the next thing that comes across their mind. 
You turn on your heel to go look for Liv and Kels to save you from all the parents boasting about their kids’ accomplishments and gossiping about the rebellious neighborhood kids. And that’s when you see it, and your heart sinks all over again. At the table you see Patrick and your dad talking. Patty says something that must have made your dad laugh because your dad throws his head back, slapping his knee, as Patrick chuckles softly to himself. You feel hot tears sting your eyes and threaten to spill as you try and fight them back.
You try to ignore the memories of the weekly disney marathons at your house that Patrick would come to, but to no avail the memories come flooding in all over again. The two of you snuggled up on the couch, him rubbing soft circles on your back and kissing the top of your head. How he wasn’t afraid to cry at the sad and ugly parts, but how’d he laugh and make jokes at the other parts. The way he’d run to cover Luke and Nate’s eyes when a kiss scene would appear on the screen. You would give everything back for just one more night like that, to be back in his toned arms where it felt like home.
You feel tears start to slide down your cheeks, as you zone back into reality, your dad and Patty still conversing with each other. and before you know it Olivia and Kelsie are guiding you up to your room, away from the party and guests outside. 
“y/n, come on, you know you can talk to us,” Kelsie coos rubbing your back as silent tears stroll down your cheeks.
“I just d-didn’t think seeing h-him would be this h-hard,” you hiccup, a loud sob escaping your mouth.
Olivia pulls you into a hug, “oh honey,” Kelsie joins in, rubbing your tears away.
“I don’t know why, but I just really miss him still,” you cry out, finally letting all your built up emotions pour out as you bury your face in Olivia's shoulder, your two best friends just holding you close and wiping your tears as they fall. 
Patty 🥰
I’ll come pick u up after practice
What time?
Patty 🥰
7 i’ll see u soon baby i love you sm
I love you too patty
You put your phone down on the counter, trying to hide the inevitable smile that was occupying your face.
“Why are you so happy?” Your mom asks coming into the kitchen, “Something with Pat, huh?” she asks, laughing to herself as she goes over to wash some dishes.
You open the refrigerator to get some orange juice, “we’re going on a picnic tonight for our two year anniversary.” 
“Oh, how sweet, do we need to get anything for your picnic?”
“No, he said he’s got everything taken care of”
Your mom nods, going over to the stove to dry her hands on the towel that hangs off the oven door. “And what did we get lover boy for your anniversary?”
You take a sip of your orange juice, “I made him a scrapbook of everything that’s happened in the last two years between us and at the back i wrote him a letter,” you explain to your mom how you made sure to include all the cringey parts from the beginning of your relationship, like the time you tried to impress him at the eighth grade dance by wearing heels you could not walk in to save your life. 
She smiles, “I’m sure he’s going to love that, it sounds very sweet y/n.”
“Thanks mama,” you say, leaning into her side as she presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“What are we wearing tonight?” she asks, fashion was always your mom’s favorite thing and she was ecstatic when she found out she was having a baby girl so that she could dress you up all cute and do your hair. 
You shrug your shoulders, “I haven’t really figured that out yet,”
Your mom glances at the clock on the wall, “Well his practice is over soon, so why don’t we go look at some outfit options.” you follow your mom up to your room and she instantly goes to your closet searching through the thousands and thousands of clothes that occupied the hangers and shelves.
You sigh, “I don’t know what he’s wearing though, like I don’t want to be too dressed up but I don’t want to look like a slob either,”
Your mom nods, “Well, a little birdie told me what he packed in his bag to wear, and I think this dress would be just darling on you tonight,” your mom says holding up your long sleeve yellow dress with the pink and white little daisies printed on it. “And wear it with those brown slide on sandals, you know, the ones we got last month.”
You smile up at her, “thanks mom,” you say getting off your bed and grabbing the dress from her and heading into your bathroom to change. You smooth the dress over your body and start straightening your hair. By the time you’re done getting ready you hear the doorbell ring and you feel the butterflies in your stomach take off. You run into your room and slide your shoes on before grabbing Patty’s gift and running downstairs.
Patrick is standing in the foyer talking to your dad. You’re happy to see that Patty is also dressed nicely for the occasion.
“Luke, Nate, and I are making nachos and watching some baseball, Mrs. y/l/n has book club tonight so we’re having a boys night,”
Pat smiles, “Ah nice, yeah my dad and I definitely had our fair share of those when the girls all left,” He laughs, glancing up at the stairs before looking back over at your dad. His eyes dart back over to you as his jaw drops, a light blush creeping up on his cheeks. 
 Your dad pats his shoulder, “Be safe tonight, okay, and don’t do anything stupid. Make good choices, alright?” He points his finger at Pat before planting a kiss on the top of your head and walking into the living room where your brothers are. 
Pat smiles down at you, “you look absolutely stunning,” 
You blush smacking his shoulder playfully, “you don’t look too bad yourself moynihan,”
He laughs, grabbing your hand and leading you out to his car. On the car ride Pat is telling you about his last practice with Nobles, how their last game is coming up on Tuesday, and how you totally have to be there for it.
“You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you say reassuringly
He smiles, pulling into a parking spot, “So, the spot i found for us is a little bit of a walk, but uh, it’s not too far.”
You nod, “okie dokie,”
Pat grabs the picnic basket and grabs your hand, interlacing your fingers with his, as he guides you down the paved path towards the little pond in the nature preserve. Patty lays out the picnic blanket in front of the pond, and the two of you find yourselves smiling and talking about everything and anything over your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and strawberries. You slide the scrapbook you made over to him, and you see a wide smile, the one you’ve come to love so much, spread upon his face. He opens it up and starts looking at all the pages, documenting your love story from eighth grade to now. 
“Thank you, baby,” he smiles, closing the scrapbook and digging deep into his pocket. “Here, give me your arm,” he says as you hold your arm out to him. He takes out a bracelet that he clasps around your wrist. You look down and smile at the infinity chain bracelet that now adorned your wrist.
“You have my heart forever and always baby,” he says, putting his hand on top of yours.
You lean over and press a kiss to his cheek, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” 
You find yourselves lying on your backs, hand in hand, looking up at the sky, the sun almost disappearing, as the sky was a canvas of pinks, blues, and oranges. This night was everything you asked for and more, you felt like you were on top of the world, and to top it all off you had the best guy in the entire world by your side. Hours pass by and you and Pat find yourselves snuggled up, looking at the night sky and stargazing.
“Look it’s the big dipper,” he laughs, lifting his arm up and pointing at a constellation.
You giggle, hiding your face in his chest, “Pattt, that’s orion’s belt, oh my gosh,” 
He laughs, looking down at you with adoration filled in his eyes. His eyes flick down to your lips and back up to your e/c eyes before leaning in and placing a soft and slow kiss to your lips. You smile into the kiss, readjusting so you’re straddled over his hips. Patty’s lips trail down your skin, peppering your neck with kisses as he nips at the skin just above your collarbone. Your hands find themselves tangled in his hair, tugging loosely at the ends. Pat’s hands slide up your dress and rest on your bare skin as he kisses back up your neck before pressing a passionate kiss to your lips. 
Patrick turns you over as he lifts your dress up and over your head, before reconnecting his lips to yours. You feel him growing hard above your throbbing core, you grind your hips against him and he lets out a throaty groan, letting his hands roam your body. You two separate for a moment, your forehead pressed against his, your breathing hard and heavy.
“You’re sure this is okay?” he asks, sincerity filling his voice.
You nod your head, “I love you patrick,” you say as you pull his shirt off, pulling him into a deep kiss. His hands move down to kick off his khakis as he trails kisses down your skin, “I love you too baby girl,” he hums against your skin. The small, quiet whimpers leaving your mouth causing Patty to smile against your skin. He presses a final kiss to your abdomen before sliding your underwear down to your legs and inserting two fingers into you. You let out a soft moan, digging your nails into his biceps as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you, quickening his pace. You feel a knot forming in your stomach as you squint your eyes shut. Patty removes his fingers before sucking on them. 
“Patty,” you whine
He smiles at your desperation as he nonchalantly removes himself from his boxers before lining up with your entrance and thrusting in. He sucks on the skin of your neck as he continues his thrusts, tiny grunts escaping his mouth as you moan out his name. 
“Patty, harder,” you grumble as you tug on his hair.
He’s biting down particularly hard as he pushes harder. You start lifting your hips up to meet his thrusts making it easier for him. 
“You’re so good baby,” he mumbles against your skin, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier, “I know you’re almost there, baby girl.” The knot in your stomach tightens, as you release, a throaty moan leaving your lips. Patty smiles, kissing up your neck and kissing you on the lips once more. His pace continues until he’s releasing into you, planting kisses all over your skin. 
“Happy two years y/n, I can’t wait to spend the next eighty with you by my side,”
Olivia and Kelsie convince you to leave your room after you’ve calmed down a little.  “Come on, you need to eat, okay? It’ll make you feel better.”
“And we’ll be there the whole time to keep you distracted!” Kelsie pipes in, the two girls guiding you back outside. 
You grab a plate of some of your mom’s famous mashed potatoes and a cheeseburger heading over to the seat at the table in between Liv and Kels.
“Oh my gosh, did I show you the dress my sister picked for her wedding?” Kelsie squeals, grabbing her phone and scrolling through her text messages. You and Liv share a knowing look before hovering over Kelsie’s screen.
“Oh my gosh, that’s beautiful!” you and Liv say in unison. 
Kelsie locks her screen, “42 dresses later, right?” she laughs, continuing to fill you two in on all the wedding details. You hear your little brothers squeal and you whip your head around on instinct. Upon doing so you lock eyes with him for the first time since he turned around, walked out, and never came back. You feel everything around you freeze, your breath hitches in your throat, and the cup of water in your hand falls to the table and spills. All the hurt and pain comes creeping back into your life as you lose yourself in his clear blue eyes. You feel a tear slide down your cheek as you remember the beginning of the end, where everything started to fall apart. And once again, you begin to wonder how you could have saved your relationship with the only man you ever wanted to be with.
After months of begging, your parents finally agreed to let you fly out to Michigan on your fall break so that you could see Patrick. It was his final year with the ntdp before leaving for college, and you and some of his teammates were at a diner grabbing some food after one of their games. It’s all fun and games, his teammates and their girlfriends quickly growing fond of you and including you in all the jokes. 
Next to you Chelsea taps Fran’s shoulder, “look who it is,” she says, rolling her eyes at the group of beautiful, tall, skinny, blondes that come strolling into the diner. You turn and look at her, “Who are those girls?” 
Fran laughs, shaking her head, “They’re the popular group at school, think they own the place.” you wrinkle up your nose, knowing a handful of girls like that at your own school. 
You go to tell Patty something and that’s when you notice him checking out one of the girls, his eyes following her as she bends down to pick up her dropped phone. You swallow the lump that formed in your throat, blinking away the tears, as you shove a fork full of mac-n-cheese into your mouth. You couldn’t understand how every other guy at the table couldn’t care less about the group of stunning blondes that strolled in, but your boyfriend of four years couldn’t get enough of them. 
Back at his billet house the two of you are alone up in his room, scrolling through netflix to find something to watch.
“y/n what’s wrong? You’ve barely said a word to me all night.”
You shrug, scrolling through instagram on your phone.
He throws himself down on his bed, leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek but you turn away from him.
“What the fuck, babe, what’s going on?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that my boyfriend paid more attention to the stuck up blonde bitch at the diner than me all night” you retort
He looks taken aback, “what the hell are you even talking about?” his tone getting defensive.
You give him an ‘oh come on’ face, “really pat? You had googly eyes, motherfucking googly eyes at her and she winked at you. Winked. Did you think I wouldn't notice?”
Patrick scoffs beside you, “oh and you’re just a saint, right? You never look at any guys because you’re innocent and you’re totally committed to me”
“Are you seriously trying to turn this on me right now?”
“Don’t think I don’t know about aaron the infamous soccer player,”
“Jesus christ, I was failing biology and he was my tutor, there was nothing ever going on between us” you huff.
“I don’t get why you’re getting so upset right now, so what i checked out another girl?”
“You don’t get why i’m getting upset? Patrick, you promised me you would stay loyal to me and the minute I get here you’re looking at any other girl you can find. Am i that big of a joke to you?” the tears come streaming down your cheeks and Patty pulls you into a hug, you sobbing into his chest. 
“Baby, i’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
You, Olivia, and Kelsie are gathered at the fire pit, roasting some marshmallows for s’mores when you look over to find Luke and Nate playing cornhole with Patty. You smile softly, knowing how much your brothers adored him and looked up to him. You swear, the amount of times you heard one of them say they want to be just like Patty when they grow up was too many to count. 
Kelsie starts talking about her dorm assignment for the following school year and how she got the bad dorm, and Olivia sympathizes with her. The three of you bounce around your favorite high school memories, sometimes gossiping about random kids in your grade.
“Oh my god, did you guys see Marty and Miranda had a baby and now they’re engaged?” 
“What the actual fuck” olivia laughs, smushing her marshmallow between chocolate and graham crackers. 
You steal another look at Patty and see your brothers dangling from his arms, a wide grin on his face. 
“Higher Patty,” they cheer as Patrick lifts his arms higher and higher, giggles and screams flooding from their mouths. Patrick drops his arms suddenly and the two young boys squeal, as he begins to lift his arms up once again. 
He lifts his head up, seeing you watching him, and offers a smile your way. You nod your head, turning back to Kelsie and Olivia who are now talking about the vacation the three of you have planned in late July.
“y/n, did you find a cute swimsuit yet for our Bora Bora trip?”
You shake your head, “no, we’ll have to go to the mall and get one. I need your opinion anyway”
Your eyes wander back over to Patty and your brothers who are now playing a game of tag.
“Oh my god,” olivia gushes.
“What” you and Kelsie ask impatiently,
Olivia goes red, “uh, nothing” she says going to toast another marshmallow.
“No, tell us!” you laugh
Kelsie smiles, “wait, awww”
“What,” you groan
“y/n, he’s stealing glances at you as he’s playing with Luke and Nate”
You and Patrick were sprawled across his family room couch watching Marley and Me with his sisters. You and Pat couldn’t help the uncontrollable laughter that escaped your lips.
“Would you two quit it?” Cayley hisses, throwing a pillow at the two of you.
“Sorry,” you giggle, handing your phone to Patty who chuckles and throws his head back at the picture on your screen.
“Shut up,” Ciara shouts, whipping her slipper at him.
“Stop, they’re in love” Corey says
“God, they make me sick,” Ciara groans.
You and Patty ignore them, “want to go back up to my room?”
Ciara gags, “ew, please don’t be too loud”
“Use protection, I’m too young to be an aunt” Cayley calls out.
Patty flips them off as he snakes his arm around your waist, guiding you up to his room.
Once you’re up there you jump onto his bed sprawling out in the middle of it. Patty lies down on top of you, “did you bring the goods?”
You laugh, “yes, they’re in my bag” 
He rolls over and grabs your bag, pulling it into his lap and sifting through the contents. He smiles pulling out your one direction t-shirt, a head band, and a denim skirt. “Oh yes,” he smiles.
“Okay, but where’s mine?” you say, sitting up excitedly. 
Patty leans over the side of his bed and grabs a pile of his clothes, throwing it up to you.
You smile, “your Nobles hockey sweatshirt, your nike sweatpants, and a bruins hat? Perfect!” 
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon talking about how excited you are for the halloween party at one of his teammate’s houses while watching Mulan on the tv that stood on his dresser. 
“Mulan saved china,” he mumbles,
You smile, poking his cheek, “yeah, and you can’t even score a goal against the easiest team in the conference”
He squeezes your sides and you squeal, “i’m kidding, you definitely did score a goal that the ref decided was off of a penalty so they took it away”
“That’s right, but holy shit she saved china”
You laugh, shaking your head, snuggling into his chest.
You wake from your nap to Patty shaking you lightly. 
“Good evening sleeping beauty,” he jokes,
You smile, rubbing at your eyes and sitting up, “hi,”
Pat stands up, “we should probably get our costumes on so we can head over to the party,”
You stand up, replacing your clothes with patty’s clothes he picked out for you and he does the same. He laughs looking at you, “aren’t we just the cutest couple”
You smile as if you’re a five year old on her birthday, “no one will know who is who! This is the best costume idea ever!”
When you two burst through the door of his teammate’s house, Patty is strutting, shaking his hips side to side as you attempt to walk, shaking your shoulders like you see all the boys at school do. 
“would you look at the golden couple” someone shouts as all eyes fall onto you and Patty.
When Patty told you that he was able to be home for your prom, you were beyond excited. All of your friends had dates and you really didn’t want to be the only one that didn’t have a guy to go with. 
You, Liv, and Kelsie were in Olivia’s room, curling your hair, doing make-up, and painting nails. The three of you had had a sleepover the previous night to make today easier. 
“I can’t wait for pictures,” Kelsie says, pulling out her tube of mascara
Olivia starts fanning her hand over her toe nails, “I can’t wait to see the guys,” she laughs
You smile, “I’m just happy to see Patty again,”
“See, this is why I want a boyfriend. That’s cute, and what? I’m going to prom with the senior quarterback and I’ll never hear from him again!” Kelsie laughs.
The three of you finish fine tuning your look before going and getting your dresses on. You have Olivia zip up your blush pink ball gown prom dress that’s decorated with a silver beaded sash around your waist. You smile as you slip on your heels, and look in the mirror at the three of you, “wow, we look so good” Kelsie smiles, snapping a photo.
The three of you walk outside to the waterfall fountain in Olivia’s backyard. Your heart skips a beat when you see Patrick, his hair was longer than you remember, but he still looked as charming as ever. Patrick looks up and sees you fast approaching and his face grows soft, a deep red brushing his cheeks, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He pecks your lips, “you look beautiful y/n”
You, Pat, Liv, Kels, and their dates are dancing on the dance floor, laughing and having the time of your lives when Perfect by ed sheeran starts to play. You and Patty freeze, as he places his hands on your hips, your arms going up and wrapping around his neck. The two of you gently sway to the music and he presses his forehead to yours.
“I’m so happy you were able to come tonight Patty,”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,”
“You’ve really made me feel like a princess tonight” you laugh, suddenly feeling goofy for saying that.
He laughs, “good, you deserve to feel like a princess every day” 
You tilt your head up and kiss him gently. There’s nothing more that you could ever want than to be here in his arms, on this perfect night.
“I can’t wait for our wedding night,”
You once again found yourself in Michigan visiting Patty for spring break. After one of his home games the two of you find yourselves sitting in his car in the parking lot of the hotel you were staying at. You weren’t sure what it was, but there was some sort of tension between the two of you that made you worried.
“Patty, i know you lost the game and you’re upset, but come on, what’s wrong?”
“I hate when you fucking call me that” he snaps, his voice cold and sharp.
You look at him confused, “o-oh, sorry,”
He pulls out his phone, tilting the screen away from you as he types out a fast text message and puts his phone away again.
“Why do you keep coming out here to visit?”
“What do you mean? You’re my boyfriend and I miss you, of course i’d come and visit you,” you notice him flinch at the word boyfriend and you place your hand on his, “Patt-” he pulls his hand away and tears sting your eyes, “wh-what’s going on?”
He scratches his head looking out his window, mumbling something under his breath.
“I can’t hear you,”
“I said I fucking cheated, what do you want me to go and scream it to the world,” he rolls down his window leaning his head out of it, “HEY EVERYONE I CHEATED ON Y/N” he yells. In that moment it feels like someone is suffocating you, and you can’t breathe.
You feel hot tears spill down your cheeks, “why?” you somehow manage croak out
He turns to look at you, his eyes watering up at the sight of you for an instant before he goes back to suppressing his emotions, “I don’t know,” 
“You. don’t. Know.” you say hitting him hard on the chest after each word, “how can you not know? What’d you do? You didn’t go all the way, did you? You didn’t kiss her, did you?”
His lack of an answer is enough for you to know that he betrayed you and went against everything he ever promised you.
“What the hell patrick, how could you? You promised me forever”
“I never loved you, you know that right?”
“Do you even hear yourself right now”
“You know the funny thing y/n? You sit there and act like you’re so perfect, like you have everything together, that no matter what happens in this world you’re going to come out on top.”
“I-is that r-really what you think of me?” you cry out.
He holds up his finger, “But I know what you’re really like. You act like such a saint because you’re scared people are going to find out how big of a slut you really are.”
“Excuse me? You’re the one that fucking slept with someone else while I was back home in Millis 100% devoted to you Patrick.” you scream,
“Yeah, well at least i don’t act like everyone is in love with me. After this, you’ll have no one. No one.”
“Shut the fuck up patrick”
“I can’t believe I wasted all this time on you”
You sit there in disbelief, your cheeks stained with tears, anger boiling inside you. “So what, we’re together for four and a half years and you’re just going to throw it all away? You don’t even want to try and fix it?”
“Jesus christ y/n get it through your head, there’s nothing worthwhile to fix”
You cry out ugly sobs, “Patrick, please, no, please don’t do this. Please don’t go. I’m sorry, please tell me what i did wrong, i promise i’ll make it better.”
He shakes his head, starting the car, “it’s over, okay? I don’t love you.”
Your hand is shaky as you place it on the door handle, “patty, i’m so sorry,” you say before getting out of the car and running into the hotel, not even bothering to look back at him.
Watching the best part of his life walk away, Patty drops his head into his hands, finally letting out his own tears fall as loud sobs fall from his mouth. “Mom, i really need you right now,” he cries into the phone.
“y/n,” a familiar voice sings, “y/n? Earth to y/n” you turn your head and see patrick. 
“Oh. um, hi?” 
He smiles, “hey, uh, can we go inside and talk?” 
You look over at Olivia and Kelsie who nod at you encouragingly. “Sure, I guess,” you say, standing up and walking back up to your house. Patrick follows close behind and when you stop in the middle of your living room and stare at him expectantly he just stands there.
“Well, what did you want?”
“I miss you” he blurts out and you’re instantly shocked.
You regain your composure, “It’s a little too late for that,” you go to walk past him, back outside, but he’s quick to grab your arm. “y/n, wait, please just hear me out”
You stand there and wait for him to go on. He takes a shaky breath before continuing, “y/n i love you, i still do, hell i always have. I treated you like crap and i’m sorry, but i know it’s me and you in the end, just like we always said. And we’ll have kids and grow old together, like we talked about, and we’ll travel all over europe like we planned-”
You interrupt him, “Patrick, stop.”
“Baby, please,” he begs, “you know if i could go back and do it all over again with you, i would in a heartbeat.”
Back in Millis, you felt more alone than ever even though you were surrounded by your family and friends. You just felt so broken, and you can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, love isn’t real. If patty could get up and walk out on you after everything, you knew love couldn’t be real. 
Hey, how are you? It’s been a while…
Your mom comes up and knocks on your door, “hey honey,” she says, coming in and sitting beside you on your bed.
You start sobbing hysterically, “mom, i really miss him”
She rubs your back, “i know you do sweetie, i know you do. But if it’s meant to be you guys will get back together,”
“Mom we were going to get married, you know that right? We talked about it, we made plans to stay in Millis and raise a family, we even picked out the house we wanted,”
“Oh honey”
“And when I looked in his eyes I saw the next eighty years of my life. I don’t want to be with anyone if it’s not him.”
“y/n, you’re young, you’re only 18. There are going to be so many other guys out there, and you’re going to Tufts in the fall. Honey, Patty isn’t the whole world”
“Mom, he’s my whole world though”
Your mom wipes away some of your tears, “honey, he’s just one guy, and there are going to be so many other guys out there. You are beautiful, talented, smart, and extremely kind. Any boy would be beyond lucky to have you, do you hear me?”
You nod your head as your mom kisses the top of your head, “i’m going to go cook some dinner, okay, i’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Patrick, please. I just feel so alone. And you’re right, i have no one. Please can we try and fix it?
You wipe more tears away as you wait for a text back. When nothing happens you try calling him, “hey it’s pat, sorry i missed you but if you leave a message i’ll call you back”
You break down at the sound of his voice, remembering all the nights you heard that same voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear, goosebumps crawling all over your skin. 
Patty please, i’m so broken
I miss you
Please come back, i need you here with me
Please, i love you
Patty 🥰
y/n stop contacting me.
You chuck your phone across your room, falling into your pillow to muffle the loud sobs that were escaping your body, and that’s when it finally hits you: Patrick Moynihan was gone and out of your life for good.
“Patty, I’m sorry. You know i love you, i always have and i always will. But i just can’t do this again.”
“y/n, please, just give me a second chance. I’ve changed, I can be the guy you’ve always deserved to be with. I can be that guy, just, please, give me a chance.”
“Patty, we both agreed I wasn’t good enough for you, remember?”
His eyes start to water up, but he’s quick to shrug it off, “baby, please...”
The tears start falling down your cheeks and he goes to wipe them away but you turn from his touch, “Patty, I’m sorry. But it’s better this way,” you go to walk back out to the backyard, leaving Patrick in the middle of your family room realizing he really messed up and he didn’t know how to get you back, but all he knew was that he needed you in his life.
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wingfics · 4 years
HELLO !!! i am here and i wanted to know more about ff7r and crisis core !!! i have so many questions and they may be dumb but. i don't care. are they the same thing? are they different? when do sephiroth and genesis and angeal come in!!! do you have any headcanons or other details about them (or the game/games!!!) that you can share!!! i like hearing you talk about all these things and i like learning!!! -heavenshipped 💗
AAAAAAH LIV @heavenshipped YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD BUT IN A REALLY GOOD WAY!!! ok this uh. despite my best efforts is gonna get Really Long. i'm gonna probs put hcs in a separate post but even then i just KNOOOW this will b long despite that <3 I Just Have A Lot Of Thoughts And Love In Me Alright
SO!! some handy terms and abbreviations to know before we set off on backstory!
squeenix/squenix/squinx: square enix, the game developers
ff7: final fantasy 7! like last year or smth, squeenix put out the first part of the remake, aka ff7r :D the protag of the game is cloud and the primary antagonist is seph after he loses his mind thanks to an alien called jenova :/ angeal and gen r both canonically dead in this game, but i’m hoping for flashbacks ft them in the second part!
cc: crisis core, a prequel for ff7 that's about zack's time as a soldier! zack and cloud were friends and we get to see that in this game, along with that sweet sweet geal/seph/gen content, so it holds a special place in my heart for that reason :') side note: this game also makes me jealous of zack, bc aerith is set up as his love interest :^) we r Homosexualising
shinra: shinra electric power company, the company that founded and runs the city of midgar and the SOLDIER program
ASGZC: angeal, sephiroth, genesis, zack, and cloud, my BOYS,, can be shortened to ASG for the himbo holy trinity
SOLDIER: the name of the program AND the job title! angeal, seph, gen, zack, and i were first class soldiers before we did some treason bc shinra Sucks
mako: liquid energy within the planet that shinra uses to make power. it's. not a renewable resource, but they sure use it like one! it's also used to enhance the soldiers and gives them a sickass blue-green eyeglow
AIGHT let's-a go!! ⚠️ all of this is subject to change bc i am Just Like That! also the canonical timeline for ff7 is a mess so i made up my own dates ⚠️ so zack and i are bffs who met when we were 15 and had just moved to the centre of midgar in order to join the SOLDIER program! female soldiers r pretty uncommon and i wasn't too keen on living in the dorms, so after Just A Couple Months of knowing each other, zack and i got an apartment together. in hindsight we shouldn't have made it seven years, but somehow we didn't burn the place down ONCE. he's only Four Months Younger than me, so he complains whenever i call him little brother, but ik he doesn't actually mind :')
when zack was 16, angeal started mentoring him, which was the first time i met angeal! it's funny, i like. Saw seph and gen in passing, but never had any reason to talk to them ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ when i was 17, an accident on a mission revealed that i had a real talent with magic, and p much right after that, genesis took me on! while this was largely bc he's renowed for his skill w magic and thus was the best person to teach me, it was also in part to save me from becoming a lab rat, and i'm still grateful that he offered to do that.
zack met cloud first when we were 18 and was like "can we keep him" and i am immune to zack's puppy dog eyes but not to cloudlet's! so he basically became the third roommate ^_^ cloud also wanted to join soldier, so he thought zack and i had the coolest job Ever (AND we had met general sephiroth!!! holy fuck!!!)
despite appearances, seph is the youngest of ASG. by crisis core, angeal is 26, gen is 25, and seph, the babey of the family, is 23. (he's only a year older than me and zack... cloud's still only 20 tho lol rip) why YES, shinra does in fact use child soldiers! why do you think we did the treason! 😊😊 seph is ALSO not immune to cloud, specifically how persistent and sharp he is, and decided to mentor him when cloudlet was 18 (after being a child soldier himself, seph's got some... reservations abt the concept lmao)
gen and i were SOOOO awkward and stupid around one another at first!!!! because we were so close in age that i was like yeah you're teaching me but i have friends who are 20. we're still in the Being Friends gap. and he took a hot sec to make up his mind and be friends. he didn't catch feelings until i was like. 20, but it was a STEEP and precipitous drop lmao
angeal 🤝 me: being The Semi-Well Adjusted Ones responsible for keeping our two other idiot friends alive. fr we bonded over years' worth of keeping zack from running off cliffs and falling into manholes. he also taught me how to cook. zack jokingly referred to us as mom and dad for years. we were the most likely to get into disagreements but the least likely to actually argue bc neither of us like. enjoys arguments that much. angeal literally refused to let himself have AAAANY feelings for yours truly until i was 21, which i appreciate thank u king
learning that seph was A SINGLE YEAR OLDER THAN ME was the Biggest twist of 17 year old me's life on g-d. and i took that VERY personally ngl like i INSTANTLY decided that as another member of the "consistently mistaken for a much older Adult person" gang, we were GONNA bond!!! and we did!!! i'm largely responsible for his taste in music and i am VERY proud of this, tyvm. he's also kind of a swords nerd (his sword has a name...) and that rubbed off on me over time. if u asked him he couldn't rly tell u when he first had a crush on me, but i can tell u that the pining had become obvious by the time i was 19 and he was 20 uwu
AND BECAUSE I CAN NEVER LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE!! i threw in a one-sided bodyguard romance bc nobody can stop me. sorry tseng LMAO that's a whole separate spotify playlist tho so i will not include it here ffhshdgs if u would like to hear abt that feel free to ask tho!!
liv i LOVE u sm!!! thank u for letting me talk abt this i have simply been EXPLODING with thoughts, plans, and information about ff7!!!!! hopefully this was all vaguely coherent, bc i loved being able to share it with YOU!!!!! i didn't make that pink on purpose i just think my emotions got so strong that tumblr decided it had to be pink /j
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restlesstheoryqfab · 4 years
text | LivQuinn
Liv: I was just looking back in my camera roll and found a picture of us in the dungeon :sweat smile emoji: :sweat smile emoji:
Quinn: oh God
Liv: We looked so rough LOL
Quinn: I'm sure we did
Liv: How are you?
Liv: Did I see somewhere your tour ended?
Liv: You going back to California?
Quinn: m'fine
Quinn: That it did.
Quinn: Nah. Headed back to Boston.
Liv: Oh! So I’ll get to see you then??
Liv: When will you be around?
Liv: It’s been ages
Quinn: Yup
Quinn: Got plans Monday, presumably I'll be required to make an appearance at Fran's on Tuesday, but I could probably do sometime on Tuesday?
Quinn: That it has.
Liv: That’s so far
Quinn: It's Tuesday or you wait even more.
Liv: Ugh the worst
Liv: why can’t you be around nowwwwwww
Quinn: Because I'm not
Liv: I’ll wait
Liv: Since I have to
Quinn: believe me, I'd prefer to be around
Liv: Are you close enough for me to drive to you?
Liv: The pictures were so hot!
Quinn: I'm busy.
Liv: Oh, okay. No worries
Quinn: Post tour shit is a bitch
Liv: I mean, I imagine so. So much physical and emotional work. When I was on tour it felt like we never went to bed.
Quinn: I love being on tour. I hate coming off it.
Liv: Sounds like you ate too many edibles
Quinn: I wish.
Liv: Do you want some?
Quinn: God no. Fran would kill me.
Liv: So? Edibles are basically good for you
Liv: Plus they just help you sleep
Quinn: You convince miss high and mighty of that.
Liv: Maybe she just cares about you?
Liv: Well, if you decide you want some lemme know.
Quinn: She does, but she's also anti-everything fun
Liv: Fun is relative. Different for everyone.
Liv: sounds like you need fun, grumpy
Quinn: But weed is nearly always fun, and Frannie turns up her nose at it.
Quinn: I need a fucking break is what I need.
Liv: plus how do you know Frannie hasn’t made edibles before? She definitely has.
Liv: You’re literally on break
Quinn: Is my withdrawal brain reading shit wrong or did you just say that Frannie, Francine Grace Fabray MADE edibles?!
Liv: She did! On Sunday.
Quinn: The fuck?
Liv: It’s why I have them
Quinn: You made edibles with my sister?
Quinn: god this feels like a hallucination
Liv: I did!
Liv: They’re so yummy too
Quinn: What fucking world did I faze into that my sister is making edibles?
Liv: Why does it matter?
Liv: It just means she doesn’t care if you let me bring you some
Quinn: She'll still fuckin kill me
Liv: I just wanna chill with you Fabray
Quinn: I'm probably the last fucker in Boston you really wanna hang out with.
Liv: Hey now, don’t put words in my mouth :frowning emoji:
Quinn: I'm not good company right now.
Liv: That’s okay. I can just drop cookies off?
Quinn: No. It'd be a bad idea. I don't know what adding that onto everything else would do. Would like to at least give Fran the chance to kill me.
Liv: Okay. I’ll bring some Tuesday then. How’s that?
Quinn: Sounds great. And tell whichever of the women in that house you're talking to that I know what I'm doing.
Liv: You sure about that?
Quinn: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo.
Liv: Well they love you
Quinn: Doesn't always feel like like it. Fucking snitch.
Liv: Rather be a snitch then lose you
Quinn: I was talking about Bea. Though you're not much better.
Liv: What did she do?
Quinn: Tattled to Frannie
Liv: she is the baby
Quinn: And I told her I was fine.
Liv: Yeah, I mean drugs usually don’t equate to fine. But it’s fine.
Liv: What do you have going on Monday?
Quinn: I'm detoxing. It's fine.
Quinn: high school reunion of the horny variety, apparently
Liv: But why stop if you wanna do them so bad?
Liv: Ooooooh
Liv: Gross
Quinn: Frannie. And I only trust one guy to supply me, though after this my trust is wavering.
Quinn: Pretty little brat that I'm inclined to believe is as good with her mouth as she says.
Liv: So you stopped enough to trick her?
Liv: Hopefully she’s not lying
Quinn: If she thought I wasn't using she didn't worry.
Quinn: Pretty little song bird who also doesn't know how to shut up. So if that woman doesn't know how to put that mouth of hers to good use, well, she knows what I'll do to her.
Liv: Looks like you’re spots been blown up unfortunately
Liv: What now?
Liv: Hopefully she shuts up enough to use her mouth
Quinn: Fuck if I know.
Quinn: She likes being put in her place, I'm sure I can that mouth to do what I want it to.
Liv: Cool
Liv: sounds funnnn
Quinn: I should ask if she's gotten rid of her reindeer sweater...
Liv: LOL u joking?
Quinn: This girl wore short fucking skirts, knee high socks, and sweaters so fucking often. And no matter how much teasing and bullying occurred she wouldn't change. Even her so-called friends tried to get her to toss the fucking reindeer sweater and she just wouldn't.
Liv: Well, stubborn can be fun. I think.
Liv: My brother always wears funny bow ties. People don’t appreciate them but he does it anyways.
Quinn: Bowties I can appreciate. Unflattering sweaters with reindeer I cannot
Liv: They were unflattering even with the knee socks?
Quinn: From ankle to waist she was perfect. Great legs, an amazing ass. And then BOOM reindeer
Liv: LOL you’ll have to let me know what she wears cause I’m big curious
Quinn: Hopefully not much. But yeah, I'll let you know
Liv: She shows up naked. Could you imagine :laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: If she wasn't meeting in public first I am not entirely sure I'd complain.
Liv: Why public if you know each other?
Quinn: Because it's been 11 years since high school and I'm not stupid enough to give someone I barely know my address?
Liv: Did she know your address back then? :winking emoji:
Quinn: No. My father would have had a conniption if I even entertained the idea of being acquainted with her.
Liv: Ohhhhhh
Liv: Romeo and Juliet vibes :laughing cat emoji: :laughing cat emoji: laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: I wanted nothing to do with her back then. Except when I could get her angry enough to storm off so I could watch her go.
Liv: So you kinda wanted something to do with her
Quinn: I wanted less to do with her than she wanted to do with me.
Liv: Omg was she in love with you
Quinn: She wanted me to fuck her in the locker room. Apparently on multiple occasions.
Liv: Jesus
Liv: that’s hot
Quinn: Spanking included
Liv: Well then
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: Well hopefully she’s just horny for you and not obsessed with you
Quinn: I've had worse people obsessed with me
Liv: Fair enough.
Liv: So what are you going to make her do?
Quinn: Haven't decided yet.
Liv: No fair
Quinn: I mean, she's given me so many ideas. Definitely like the idea of spanking her, getting her on her knees, not letting her up until I'm satisfied."
Liv: you could kill her between your legs and she probably wouldn’t care
Quinn: Probably
Liv: That’s a sacrifice I’d probably take too
Quinn: Is that so?
Liv: For sure
Quinn: Interesting.
Quinn: So, you and Frannie?
Liv: We’re friends because of Arin! Love that woman
Quinn: Okay, but like how are you two JUST NOW connecting? I mean, you and the queen of darkness have known each other for a while, right?
Liv: It just sort of happened, idk
Liv: the same way you spent your summers with my Blaine
Quinn: Excuse me what?
Liv: Blaine Anderson | Liv Anderson
Quinn: Bruh.
Liv: Tell me about it. I could have gotten into so many pants way sooner.
Quinn: So like, why weren't you?
Liv: You know, dads suck!
Quinn: Mood
Liv: I punched him in the face and he shipped me off to boarding school :sunglasses emoji:
Quinn: Damn, I wish
Quinn: I just write songs about mine
Liv: Mine doesn’t exist to me anymore so no songs need to be written
Liv: At least they are good!!!
Quinn: I'm sure I don't exist to him but that doesn't make the trauma and shit nonexistent
Liv: Neither does the drugs
Quinn: The drugs have very little to do with THAT bastard
Liv: Okay. My apologies.
Liv: They still don’t help trauma
Quinn: They stop the memories way more than you'd think
Liv: Doesn’t make it the way
Quinn: Yeah, well they work.
Liv: I know
Quinn: and that's the part that matters.
Quinn: so like how did you get her to make edibles?
Liv: I asked her
Quinn: What the ever loving fuck have I missed the last 9 months?
Liv: I don’t know LOL
Quinn: Neither do I.
Liv: The world just got smaller mostly.
Liv: and everyone is horny and kinky
Liv: Or both
Quinn: Both, definitely both.
Liv: Specially them Fabray girls
Quinn: Not all of us.
Liv: All of you dude
Quinn: Last a checked my not-so-closeted older sister is still in fact a sex free bitch. And as much as even I know kink isn't always sexual, Frannie might have an interested, but that definitely doesn't result in actually being willing.
Liv: An interest is enough for me to label you all kinky. That’s all.
Quinn: Okay then
Liv: And you are horny I’m sure
Quinn: nah, withdrawal sucks that shit right outta ya. Hoping I don't have to cancel Monday, honestly
Liv: omg that’d break her heart probably
Quinn: Probably
Liv: such power
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: if you cancel on her let’s hang out
Quinn: If I cancel on her it will be because I still feel like death
Liv: and I can’t take care of you?
Quinn: Why would you want to?
Liv: Friends take care of friends
Liv: I messaged you because I was hoping you’d let me come over to help you. It just also meant I could let Frannie know you are okay
Quinn: I'm fine, Liv, really. Just some extra shit I wasn't expecting to deal with.
Liv: You guys are so fucking frustrating holy shit
Liv: Okay. I get it. But I want to help. And I’m here for you. That’s all. You can believe it and I hope you would but I won’t force you.
Quinn: I know I am. Bea, if you know her is too. But what's frustrating about Frannie? Like, from a you perspective?
Quinn: I just don't need the help right now, okay? Go be a brat to someone who can handle it
Liv: She doesn’t take a single compliment.
Liv: I’m not being a brat I’m trying to be a friend
Quinn: Is there a reason you're trying that hard to compliment my sister?
Quinn: You're being a bratty friend.
Liv: It’s easy to?
Quinn: ... You like her don't you
Liv: We’re friends. Obviously I like her.
Quinn: Bitch, you know what I mean
Liv: I haven’t thought about it like that tbh
Liv: Maybe I do
Liv: That’s fun
Quinn: Does she know? Does she like you back? I need details bitch
Liv: You think she knows when I didn’t know?
Quinn: I don't know. Maybe? Like does she like you?
Liv: I mean she likes hanging out with me and made edibles with me
Quinn: Mmhm. And?
Liv: What do you mean and? We just chill a lot
Liv: And laugh a lot lol
Quinn: Okay. That's something. But also you're terrible at this. I'm gonna have to ask Arin. Arin knows these things.
Liv: Arin knows everything
Liv: I also don’t know anything right now outside the fact that I’m seconds from exploding
Quinn: Except how to fall in love with someone who WON'T cheat on her.
Quinn: Getting relief, I hope?
Liv: low blow
Liv: Maybe she can date Bea. Bea doesn’t know anyone but us.
Liv: Yes sooooon
Quinn: But the truth.
Quinn: Don't know how I feel about that. Though, pretty sure she had a crush on Arin when we were younger.
Quinn: oooh
Liv: I mean who didn’t have a crush on Arin? LOL
Liv: oooooh
Quinn: Frannie. And presumably Blaine.
Quinn: Who???
Liv: Wonder if Sugar did. She’s worse than anyone I know when it comes to realizing feelings LOL
Liv: Arin
Quinn: Sugar had it BAD. Like, literally got her ass beat multiple times with a book cos she refused to leave Arin alone. Now she just pretends to hate her for it.
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness, you both probbaly need it though like... does Frannie know?
Liv: Yeah, I think she knows. I mean I don’t know how she wouldn’t know.
Quinn: uh huh. and do you know if she reacted to this?
Liv: What do you mean?
Liv: I don’t know.
Liv: she said she didn’t need Arin
Quinn: I mean how did she react. Was it normal. Was it short. Did it take longer or faster than it should have.
Liv: She gets short a lot. I didn’t really note it as different
Liv: This is so much
Quinn: Well, when you have a chance, compare what everytime she's gotten short with you has in common and met me know
Liv: Quinn, I really like sex and she doesn’t
Liv: I don’t think we could ever work
Liv: it’s not that serious
Quinn: Look, I can't say why she's repulsed lord knows that's her story to tell, but she's on that site for a reason. A reason that I pray means what I think it does. Don't count her out because of her history.
Liv: I’m not counting her out. I just think you’ve got it all wrong.
Quinn: I don't think I do. But Arin will know more and I will get my answer. Just think over why she gets short with you.
Liv: Stubborn :sweat emoji:
Quinn: Fabray genetics. Running away, being attractive, a desire to be right.
Liv: can you like wait to bug arin until I’m done with her?
Quinn: You mean til she's done with you, but yeah, I'm gonna go pass out
Liv: goodnight Quinn :winking emoji:
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 years
What I want for all of the characters on the show right now (A mostly comprehensive list)
Aaron - Post spiral, give him Seb. Let him be a single dad. Give him a new friend (a new character, Billy, Vic/Matty/Amy) Have him either get a new partner at the scrapyard or get rid of it altogether and buy into the garage so he can interact with people again from time to time. Also...overalls. 
Liv - Get her away from Aaron. Let her mix with the teens again. Especially the Gabby/Leanna/Jacob crowd. Explore her epilepsy in that setting. Explore her asexuality more. I’d love to see her realize she might have a thing for a girl. 
Chas - Cheat on Paddy. Get out of that character suffocating relationship. Get her spark back. 
Paddy - Break up with Chas. Take a holiday? Stick to scenes with Marlon?
Bear - LEAVE - He serves no purpose. Even less so now that Faith has gone too. He’s just dead weight and his and Paddy’s relationship is not interesting in any way. 
Eric - I’d like to see the B&B more. I miss when we used to see him there with Val all the time. 
David - I’d like to see him stay single for a while. Take more of an interest in Jacob and keep being a dad to Theo. Could have new parent stories with Vic or Chaddy (**shudder I know).
Leyla - I’d like to see her get to do more at Take a Vow, get to plan Sam and Lydia’s big village wedding and more. I would definitely be up for her and Liam if they want to go there. 
Jacob - I’d like to see him actually continue to mention that he’s getting counseling and see some of the effects of that. If they don’t go with Liam and Leyla, I think he and Leanna properly together could be nice. 
Liam - Keep being the amazingly fabulous person that he is. I’m sad we lost Bernice, but I do think he and Leyla really could work if they wanted to go there. 
Leanna - I’d like to see her keep up her friendship with Gabby even though their parents aren’t together anymore. I’d be open to seeing her and Jacob actually date if their parents aren’t going to.
Gabby - I’d love to see Gabby get a bigger story. Let her start being a bit more adult. I’d like to see her get a job in the village. She could go back to working at the B&B but we actually see it. I’d love to see her get a real love interest or a big issue story. Rosie has proven she can handle bigger material with the Ashley stuff, so I’d like to see her get to do that again. 
Diane - I’d love to see more of the B&B again in general. I miss it. I’d keep her to the comedy stuff. Let her interact with Eric more and Liam too. Maybe a few heart to hearts with Aaron since she’s the only one who will listen to him apparently. 
Wendy - LEAVE - I really don’t know what purpose she serves once she eventually realizes Lee was a rapist and Vic wasn’t lying. I just want Vic to be free of these people and I don’t see what Wendy brings to the village and Vic shouldn’t have to forgive her for all of the harassment and the stalking and she shouldn’t have to accept her into Harry’s life. Just let Wendy go Emma Barton and babynap Harry and be done with it. 
Luke - LEAVE - I don’t really have a problem with Luke but I’d rather Vic just get a fresh start away from all of Lee’s family. If he did stay though, I guess he could be a candidate for being Aaron’s friend as long as they built that up in a more natural way rather than him just happening to be there when he’s getting chucked out of clubs. 
Victoria - Needs a fresh start for her and Harry. I think Vic is a character that needs to be rested for a while. She had a big year last year and I think she could just enjoy being a mum and juggling that with work and supporting her friends. I think in the second half of the year, perhaps they could explore her trying to date again. I just wouldn’t have it be Luke.
Matty - I know he just moved back to the farm, but I need him to move right back out again. Matty needs to have his own story, not just be stuck on Moira duty. I really really want to see them explore a relationship story for Matty again. 
Amy - Since they’re obviously never going to give her any consequences for Frank’s death, I’d sort of just like to see her keep being a supportive friend for the time being. I think she’s good in that role. Or, and we’d have to see how it worked out chemistry wise, they could have Amy try and help Matty find a girlfriend and end up falling for him instead. 
Kerry - Keep using her in small doses only. Her and Mandy make a fun comedy duo in the salon but they need to be kept at a minimum to appreciate them. 
Cain - I’d like to see him have a thing with Cara again perhaps. If he’s ever going to get back with Moira, they need to take their time with it and really properly build it back up and make it stick this time. 
Moira - Let her lose the farm for the love of god so a new family can move in. She needs a massive shake up as a character because she’s just going in circles. She needs off the farm and back in the mix of the village. I have considered the idea of her buying Charity out of the pub with the farm sale money. She could fight with Chas as they work out how to run the pub together. Give them both their spark back and that could pave the way for her and Cain to work things out if they want to go that way. She’d just have to learn to not drink the place dry first. 
Nate - LEAVE - I want Cara to stay but Nate still seems pretty useless to me. I just don’t think Cain ever needed another kid in the picture. I don’t see what it does for him as a character. I don’t see why he should have to forgive Nate for what he did. So...what’s the point. Plus Pete is leaving so he won’t have him to help on the farm anyway. Mostly, I want him to facilitate Cara staying and then get run over by his own tractor or something. 
Cara - I’ve liked her so far in the three episodes we’ve gotten of her. I’d be up for her staying for a bit and sorting Nate out or pushing him in front of that tractor and maybe having a thing with Cain or anyone else she wants to. 
Charity - I’d love to see her get out of the pub and get back to using her business skills. I’d love to see some real conflict between her and Vanessa that lasts more than a week and a half. But if they’re going to ever get married, just let them get married and then let them have conflict or something. I’d love to see her continue to pay attention to Noah. 
Vanessa - Again, conflict for her and Charity. Could be interesting to finally get her mum to come to the village. She could come for the wedding, cause some friction between her and Charity. I’d like them to continue her friendships with Rhona and Moira. She’s good in friend mode. 
Noah - I think they’ve been doing well with Noah lately. I would like to see him and Charity work on their relationship more. I’d like to maybe see him mixing it up with the older teens again too. Maybe a crush on a girl. 
Sarah - Same as Noah, I’ve liked what they’ve been doing with her lately. And I’d just keep her hanging out with the rest of the teens. 
Ryan - LEAVE?? - I hate to say that because obviously having a disable character on the show is a good thing but he just never should have been Charity’s son. She didn’t need another kid and they haven’t done nearly enough with that relationship to make it worthwhile. They barely let him interact with his siblings. All he does is show up for occasional tech help. And he’s only up at Home Farm to facilitate Graham murder stuff so just like...do something with him or let him go. 
Kim - Keep her interacting with the rest of the village. It’s the best version of her. I’d love to see her properly fall for someone and have real feelings rather than it all feeling like a manipulation. 
Jamie - Keep him and Andrea separated. Let him keep this backbone he’s developed. I’d like to see him repair his relationship with Rhona post Graham because I did like it at the start. I think he and Belle could be good together. 
Andrea - LEAVE??? - She’s another one who they either need to do something with or let her go. She might be the one to kill Graham and leave that way, who knows. If she’s going to stay, she needs to move into the village and get out of Home Farm and away from Jamie and make her own life. Get a proper friend, find someone new etc. 
Rhona - Rhona probably needs a post Graham break. Then I’d just like to see her repair all of her relationships with everyone she’s hurt. As far a romance for her goes, I did consider her and Marlon getting back together. Although as things currently stand...that’s gonna take awhile. 
Al - If they’re going to put him with Kim, I want real feelings. Mostly, I want them to let him be a real villain. The show needs a villain and the Al that first showed up in the village had that potential. 
Ellis - LEAVE - Damnit Asan! I loved Ellis but New!Ellis just doesn’t work. I don’t know if he could if they actually gave him screen time and his own story but as it is now, I just want to ship him back to Dubai. 
Billy - I really like Billy right now. I love that they’re keeping his relationship with Marlon going. I like him and Dawn. They could probably use some real conflict at some point too but so far, I like them as they are. If Al was going to go full villain, that could also provide some good material for him. He is a candidate for a friend for Aaron too. I know how he was introduced and that they never really resolved that between them but there’s always the chance for them to have a proper conversation about it and move on. I think they could be good for each other in the long run. Aaron is lost without Robert and Billy no longer has a proper Ellis, so it could work potentially. 
Dawn - As I said, I like her and Billy together. I think they need to make a decision with Lucas once and for all. If she’s going to get him back, I think it could provide good material for her and Billy, dealing with having a little kid to parent. 
Harriet - Zzzzzzzzzzzz - Is it time for a new vicar yet? Mostly, I think she needs to stick to the village events and the background snark because whenever she gets a real story, it’s just so dull. 
Will - much the same as Harriet. He could stay or go, I wouldn’t care. He’s fine as village color I guess. 
Marlon - He’s great as he is, serving up snark and food from the Woolpack kitchen. I love him playing support to everyone, he always elevates whatever scene he’s in. I’d love to see him get a love interest that is going to stick around for a while. Both he and April need that stability. If they can get past the Graham of it all, he and Rhona have always worked well together. So...maybe?
Zak - I assume Zak is off because of the actor needing the break. I hope Steve Halliwell is doing okay. Before Lisa got killed off, I always thought it would have been an interesting story for Zak to get killed off but for now he can just be if he ends up coming back. 
Belle - I’d like to see her get more to do at the vets and I’d be up for her and Jamie. 
Sam and Lydia - LET THEM GET MARRIED!!!! A big, crazy Sam and Lydia wedding is all I want. Also would like to see Lydia continue to deal with the Huntingtons stuff and her family.
Mandy - Like Kerry, she’s best in small doses. I like her up with the rest of the Dingles though. She is fun. I wouldn’t mind it if she stuck around a bit longer. 
Vinny - I still don’t have a clue what’s going on with Vinny and who his parents are and if that will ever be relevant. If it’s going to be, I wish they’d just get it over with already. Other than that, if he’s staying, I’d like to see him actually leave Wishing Well and make friends with some of the other teens in the village. 
Bob - Stick to bar work and stay the hell away from Wendy. 
Brenda - Keep being you. I’d like to see them properly do something with her and Doug though because I forget they’re actually supposed to be together most of the time. 
Doug - Let him plan a garden show or something insane like that. 
Nicola and Jimmy - Keep being the legends you are. I want to see Jimmy get properly absolved for all of the Arthur/Archie stuff. I want to see so much more of Councilor Nicola. I’d like to see Jimmy take someone new on at the Haulage firm and maybe just sigh all the time that they’re not Robert because he was better. 
Laurel and Jai - I want to see them stay together. I think they work well together. They just need to get through this Graham mess in tact and sort out their kids’ problems. I’d like to see them continue to blend their families though, maybe living together eventually. I’d also like to see Jai have some success in business. Either at the outdoor pursuits place or starting his own thing again. 
Priya - LET HER BE A SHARMA AGAIN. Let’s forget Rakesh ever existed. GET HER A STORYLINE!!! GIVE HER A NEW LOVE INTEREST! Literally anything. 
Rishi and Manpreet - I want to see his chocolate business grow some more. And for them to just keep being as they are. 
Pearl - I MISS PEARL! I hope she’s okay. Any Pearl we can get is good. 
Dan - Small Doses, stick to the background. 
Pete - Please need to leave to go tend to your one remaining brother because his girlfriend got hit by a bus…
Tracy - Let Tracy find some business success again. I really liked her trying to start her own business. Or if Andrea goes, let her go work at Take a Vow with Leyla. Let her find love again too. 
New Characters I want
A new family at Butler’s Farm - let them be a big family with multiple generations. They decimated the Bartons and the show needs another bigger family coming in all together to balance out all of the Dingles. 
A new gay male character in his 20s to take the pressure off of Aaron needing to be in a relationship. I think it would be nice if they were friends though. Let the new guy have some crazy relationships of his own. Could be part of the new family.
Teen lesbian. Could be part of the new family too. I think it’d be nice to explore coming out or already being out for the younger generation. Also could be an interesting potential love interest for Liv. 
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leanarg · 4 years
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Practice Challenge II
((Hi again! So, these are 3 fics in one post! Including my first two rps with @ladyreggiewright​ (our very first one after ages not doing this so asdfghk) and with @wylan-caldwell​ I had so much fun doing both, so thank you, guys! <3 Thanks for reading too, hope you enjoy them as much as I stuggled writing them ;P  Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARTjqveFJ1njDc2LL0PU4C0ShN2jlO9JC1Imt9MDTh8/edit?usp=sharing ))
“Alright, y’all ready?” Rita said with a loud voice vibrating with nervousness. “The speeches are over. In the next block, Prince Arin will be picking the names.” That was her fifth lap around the entertainment office floor and she just couldn’t stop repeating what Vandy Post had already announced before each round of commercials. I knew she was trying to act authoritative, but seeing her in this state was always amusing.
It wasn’t unusual that the building was bursting with energy this late at night. The pre-press team always stayed working on putting together the bulldog broadsheets content and adding the last details, then sent the whole thing before the deadline to the press team operating on the last floor, where they were all in charge of the printing process. I would dare to say there was activity in this place 24/7. But this particular night, we were focused on The Report. The streets looked almost empty from up here, everyone was at home in front of their TV waiting for the names of the lucky girls randomly picked by a drawing of names out of different crystal boxes. 35 provinces, 35 boxes, 35 names. 
My attention had been focused on Arin’s stern expression. His life was about to be decided by fate, or as many people want to call it, destiny. I wonder what was he thinking, standing there expressionless, willing to uphold his duty. 
Is he excited? Is he nervous? Is he wishing he could run away from that room and leave all this tradition behind?
My name was inside of one of the boxes, so I should had been even more anxious and edgy than Rita herself, but, after the PET Gala fiasco, where: I hadn’t gotten the clues I was so close to getting, I hadn’t finished the job I was supposed to be doing and my one month salary had been reduced to half; I was certain that whoever was in charge of my luck was not very fond of me. 
“They are back!” Rita shouted as soon as Arin’s face reappeared. Everyone in the room fell silent. I scoffed a laugh when I noticed them unconsciously leaning slightly towards the big tv, but I ended up doing the same after adjusting my glasses. One by one the basic information of the selected were being transcribed from the screen to our devices as Arin picked out their papers. 
<< “From Allens, Idalia Moretti, from Angeles, Emily Rose White,... from Honduragua, Callia Adair…” >>
My fingers were moving fast across my cellphone’s keyboard. These were the girls we would be hearing a lot about  from now on and I needed to know everything about them.
<< “From Labrador, Lea…” >>
I froze. My head felt dizzy trying to take in what I had just heard. For the shortest of seconds, everyone’s eyes were on me. I could hear Rita’s voice instructing them to get back to work and maybe someone else was now in charge of The Globe’s blog but at that moment I couldn’t care less about that.
It’s really happening... I made it to the selection!
Finally, I could stand up. I was feeling so much energy inside me that I wanted to run. Suddenly, the lift made a sound and my dad came quickly out of it and … wait, my mom is here? She was carrying my sleepy little brother, Dean. 
I could read the shock on my parents’ faces.“I’m in!!” I said a little too loud but since Mr. Grant was there no one dared to complain. My dad let out a short laugh before extending his arms for an embrace. “Congratulations, Rosie, I knew it would happen, didn’t I tell you V?” He said to my mom. “Grants always get what they want.” 
Ugh, I wish. But I wasn’t going to argue with him right now, so I just offered him a wink.
As soon as my father let go, my mom surrounded me with her free arm. “So how does it feel to be a lady, huh? We have to celebrate this!”
“Well, do ladies feel hungry this late? Cause I wasn’t feeling it a moment ago.” “Yes, let’s leave these guys to work in peace.” my dad said suddenly remembering where we were. After clearing his throat as if that simple gesture was a switch between the dad and the boss, he talked with Rita to make sure someone had replaced me updating the blog, then he congratulated everyone for their dedication and finally wished them good night. “I just hope you are paying me the full day,” I said to my dad as we all headed outside.
“I mean, are you working right now?” He raised an eyebrow, mockingly.
I sighed “I guess Grants can’t always get what they want after all.”  And I meant it in more than one way. 
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The next week ran fast. My father and I agreed that I had to keep going to the office as usual, but it wasn’t easy to balance my work and my phone ringing every 5 minutes. More than once I had to ride home in the middle of the day because someone was waiting for me at home. 
First, a man with a very peculiar face came to do some kind of interrogation, which was understandable until we got to the most uncomfortable, personal ones. I almost spit my coffee laughing until I realized he had no intention to leave until he got every answer to each one of the questions on his list. 
Like him, I received a tailor and a doctor; but it wasn’t until the press started to ask for interviews when I realized my life had made a turn of 360 degrees. 
The thing I lamented the most about this odd schedule was that I couldn’t travel to the provinces to interview some of the selected as we had planned, but I did take advantage of every opportunity I had to do deep research about them. 
Some of the names or last names could be found on old newspaper editions, there were tragedies, accomplishments, unfortunate events… I smiled to myself, while I made annotations on my journal, fascinated by all the different interesting lives that were about to gather under the same roof. And I guess somehow that included mine.
The farewell party organized by Labrador’s Mayor seemed more like a political campaign than a real party. I might have fallen asleep during his speech if I hadn’t been texting Harris for the 40th time that week.
The last time I knew something about him was the night of the announcement when he sent me a simple “Congratulations, Lady Lea.” Then as the photographer, he had to go with Rea to the half-tour over the country to cover the selected interviews. 
“How dare you not be here when you are needed,... you lucky mooncalf.”
I looked up to see the crowd from my place on the big platform set in the middle of the Amberly park. It hadn’t been a very good idea, because there were grey clouds gathering over us and the sun was partially covered by them already. 
Someone forgot to check the weather section today.
But the trees surrounding us were decorated with purple and green metallic balloons -the colors of our province- and there were several signs with good wishes so I appreciated the effort. 
Everyone was here; The Globe employees that didn’t like me at all, my family on the first row, my college best friend, Liv had made space on her busy schedule  to come to the event, even my grandmother had sent his chauffeur with presents. That was her way to show support and I honestly didn’t have any complaints.  After the Mayor’s speech, the great boss Maxwell Loyd took the microphone to speak, I rolled my eyes, not caring about the people in front of me. He didn’t waste this opportunity to promote himself and flatter me. I mean, if he really had thought all that about me I would have had a promotion and a raise already, instead I just got ridiculous instructions and a handshake. 
When they both finally finished, the rain had started to pour, plus it was almost time for me to leave for the airport. I buttoned my coat before taking my place behind the microphone to start talking, but the eyes of the lady in charge of my schedule forced me to skip until the end of the speech I had prepared the night before. Every time I was going to make it sound deep and sentimental she made a sign for me to hurry.
“I appreciate your support… I will do my best… thank you for coming.”  
Were the only complete sentences I managed to say under such pressure. There was clapping and cheering afterwards, but there was after the previous boring speeches as well, so I didn’t get too excited about that. 
“Have a good time, my Lea.” My mother said after kissing my brow. I could smell her sweet perfume that I was going to miss. “I will, mom. Take care, I’m only leaving cause I know you are going to be in charge.” I side eyed the two men of the house. Then I kissed my little brother and messed his blond hair. “Bye bye little toad.” He just babbled something and waved his little hand. 
“So, Lady Grant. What do you expect from Prince Arin? Do you secretly plan to drink all the coffee from the Angele’s Palace? Rumor has it your father won’t let you marry until you turn 48 years old do you think Your Highness would wait for you that long?” “Wow, Mr. Grant you ask pretty basic questions, I have been asked the same ones all week.” He gave me a big tight hug and I ignored the wool of his coat feeling  itchy on my cheek. “I’m very proud of you Leana, and of course I’m not talking about this selection situation… I’m sorry about-” I stopped him not wanting to have our little disagreements as today’s last memory. And I also hoped I could change his mind by the time I returned home. “We can talk about that when I come back, dad.” He nodded. “I’m starting to feel bad for our dear Prince Arin.” I scoffed a laugh.
“Lady Grant, we are past the established hours already.” I heard a lady behind me. 
I turned to my friend Liv with an apologetic expression but she just smiled and waved. “I will text you… Bye! The rain started to fall harder but I had read the weather section on the paper this morning so I was properly dressed with boots and a coat over my white shirt and black pants. 
I walked towards a guard who was holding an opened umbrella to cover us with it. He opened the door of the car.  Then he offered to take my bag for me, but I had packed some of my old journals in there among my personal things. “Thank you… What’s your name?” “Finn Ray, my lady.” He answered confused. “I will keep this here with me, Finn.” I said in what I hoped was a reassuring tone before entering the car. I guessed he was new at guarding selected, because I noticed him turning to look at the woman in charge of the schedule. She nodded once at him and joined me inside the limousine. 
By the time we got to the airport I had learned that our chauffeur was called Alan Cobb, he had been working for the palace for 3 years on special occasions. He had three kids and his wife was expecting a baby girl. 
The strict lady was Miss Ramirez, she was happily single, obviously tardiness was her biggest pet peeve and she had worked there for 6 years already, but she enjoyed her job and had never thought of doing anything else, although I didn’t quite understand exactly which was her role in the royal offices of Labrador.
She left me at the boarding door after wishing me luck.
The flight to Angeles was long. I shared a plane with 3 others selected, that seemed pretty decent at first sight. 
We had a polite introduction conversation before we took off, but then everyone focused on her own thing; Jen Li, -the Yale law student from Waverly- took advantage of the 8 hours flight to sleep. Alana Hansen looked out from the window almost the whole time lost in her thoughts, and based on the green tone on Regina Wright’s face I guessed she was a risky company for the moment. 
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I remembered I had read about her parents' unfortunate plane accident in an old newspaper, they used to be famous politicians and she was an apple that had fallen close to the tree. Hopefully not too close.
So, considering my options I prefer to write in my journals during the whole trip.
As soon as we arrived we were hurried to a room for makeovers. For me it felt more like a day in the salon, nothing drastic was made, just a few lights on my hair, perfect makeup and a stunning blue dress with matching elegant pump heels shoes. 
They did insisted on giving me contact lenses, since I had forgotten to pack mine, so after a long argument with the stylist, Mariel, I decided to wear the contacts and let him enjoy “his creation”. 
In the end, despite the little changes, when he showed me my reflection in the mirror, I had to recognize I was content with the  upgraded version of me.
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                                       ESSENTIAL RESEARCH
The tour around the palace was quite short considering its size. I was almost sure that it was bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside, but the curiosity to see my new room, made me settle with the basic information,
I took a glance down at the little map on my hand. Eloise Hall room 28, second floor. As I headed to the stairs, the decorations and fancy details surrounding me were impossible to ignore. With every step you could find paintings by famous old artists -my mother admired- hanging on the walls, expensive vases and beautiful furniture. 
Looking around I spotted one of the selected quickly scribbling some notes in a notebook. As I got closer I noticed she was my plane mate, Regina Wright. Her green tone had disappeared or maybe covered with makeup and she looked much more secure now that we were down here on earth soil. 
I laughed a little bit inside walking by her side “Hope whatever you are writing is worth a bump on your head.”  
“I hope so too” She said absentmindedly, not looking up from her notebook. After some seconds she took a short look at me, flipped through her notebook and quickly closed it before I could react and lean discreetly to read what she was working on. 
Okay, now I’m curious.
“Excuse me, hi. Leana is it?” She gave me a polite smile. 
“Yes, feeling better... Regina..? I asked faking ignorance. 
She looked at me as she didn’t know why I was asking her that but then just answered, “Splendid. But please, call me Reggie.”
We continue walking up the stairs towards the second floor, while we shook hands, 
“I'm Leana Grant but you can call me Lea or Lee” I said touching the arc of my glasses I had put back on as soon as I left the makeover room.
She nodded. “Alright, Lea. Journalist, correct?” She made her pen click as if she was going to start writing again. I frowned, puzzled. “You too?” 
She chuckled at the question as if I should already know who she was. And the truth was, I did. 
“No,” she finally said, opening her notebook again, adding something, then she continued. “So, what brings you here?”
I was sure Reggie had many qualities but subtlety wasn’t one of them. 
I pressed my lips together, thinking about my motives, which one of them should I tell her? I’m here as an inside informant for The Globe; or, I’m here to live and learn about this whole selection phenomenon… I didn’t even know which one was the right answer.  “... just figured I couldn't miss this whole thing, you know.” 
Half- truths are always safe.  
“Are you here for politics?” I added before she could even think about my answer. 
She looked pleasantly surprised by my question, clearing her throat. “Yes, that is one of the reasons.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You did your research.” 
I guess it was my turn to feel recognized, but unlike her I didn’t want to be so obvious, so I shrugged. “Your name rang a bell.” 
She looked at me suspiciously, lifting her chin, a slight movement I didn’t quite understand. “Is that so? That's good, I suppose. Best to be prepared.”
“Maybe you are right, I guess you actually did your research. What do you have about me?” I asked directly now, pointing at her notebook casually.
She remained serious. “Oh, just the usual. Occupation, caste, age.  Name, obviously.  There's 35 of us after all. Would be a shame to get anyone mixed up.”
“Well, now most of us are threes and the twos are pretty well known.”
“Yes well, obviously. Was to be expected. It's still an appropriate mix.”
Her statement made me remember her parents somehow, obviously she had their school but I wonder how much she agreed with them. “That’s... a word to describe it, yes.” I answered incredulous, “So where are you staying?” I asked, as I noticed I have already found my room.
We discovered we were room neighbors which I decided was very convenient for me. I liked people who have answers to my questions. 
She was concerned about my acoustic guitar hobby and I assured her I hadn’t brought mine with me. “The music room will do.”  And she assured me her studying was going to be silent. 
The conversation continued but my curiosity was already unbearable, so I opened the door of my room to check it out. I didn’t want to be rude so I invited Reggie inside as we talked.
“What are you working on?” I stepped inside
She followed. “Political Science Major.”
I gave her a glance to let her know that was not the answer I was looking for. 
She blinked with realization. “Oh, I see I misunderstood. Well, actually I was just writing a paper on the pros and cons of capitalism and if our country should focus more on it like we did when we were still called the 'United States'” She air quoted the name.
I looked around my room considering her answer. Suddenly my eyes met with three maids standing in line in the middle of the room. When they saw us they made a courtesy and I nodded at them as a greeting, hoping we can have proper introductions later.
“Hmm the lesser of evils... but the United States not exactly an example to be followed.” I said to Reggie. 
“Exactly.” She said. I noticed her writing a mark in her notebook.  
“A-are you like grading me?” I dared to ask what I had suspected since the beginning, but I didn’t want to believe. It was shocking at first but after the third mark it became amusing.
“Who else do you have in there?” I asked curiously before running next to her to peek at her notebook.  She closed it again. When I looked at her she smiled at me awkwardly “No, of course not. Just remembered something.” Her notebook was behind her back, now out of my reach. She straightened her shoulders before adding, “Well, thank you kindly for your invitation, glad to have met you…”
I stayed there confused, Had I gotten it wrong? Or was I right and she didn’t want me to know? Anyway, I should have said nothing.  “Alright ... glad to meet you too, see you around.” I said worried that she might be uncomfortable now. 
She nodded as she headed to the door. One of the maids hurried to hold the door for her. 
I frowned concerned, I couldn’t just lose a source like her. “Wait for me tomorrow, I think we can walk to the dining room together.”
She turned to give me a frown, seemingly confused by my suggestion. “But I already know where it-” then she smiled. “I will.”
As soon as Reggie left I took out the journal from the pocket of my dress and tossed on the pretty desk by a large window where I peered at the view of the Angeles city.
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                                                                                       FOR THE RECORD.
After introductions my maids brought me dinner up to my room. So while I was eating the best creamy mustard chicken I ever had, we had a little chat. 
Among other things we talked about I expressed my surprise when I didn’t see any Royals when we arrived. Liberty, Camila and confirmed the Schreaves didn’t plan to meet any selected tonight, we would have to wait until morning. Queen Anjeli and Princess Ayesha had to leave the palace to attend important matters and Wylan Caldwell in spite of not being a selected was currently living in the Palace. Back in Labrador, I managed between college, work and extra work to fill my schedule, my mother never liked me being out of the house so late at night or sometimes not being able to have a complete breakfast in the morning, I enjoyed being busy and drive my Vespa from one place to another, but it was hard for me to admit that one of the reasons I liked my life that way was that besides when I was concentrated writing notes on my iTypewriter; I was not good at being alone with my thoughts. That’s why when I was a child my mother bought me a ukulele to play when I was feeling anxious, which gave excellent results. Later when I entered college I took a short guitar course with the same purpose. 
Therefore, later that afternoon, when my maids went back to their chores, leaving me alone I decided to leave my room to check out the music room, as I promised Reggie I would do. 
It took me some minutes to find the right door downstairs but my memory had never failed me and it wasn’t going to start now. 
I opened the third door in the west hall and peeked inside. I felt relieved when I saw the big piano in the last corner and dared to walk inside. Besides the piano, there were several instruments resting on their stands spread around the room, most of them to play classical music, but luckily, an acoustic guitar was among them. I was going to pick it up to test it when I spotted shelves full of old vinyl records. 
I walked towards the vinyl record player, it had a beautiful vintage look, it’s big horn imitated the ancient gramophones used during the Victorian years, but I suspected to be a more recent model. 
I noticed someone had left a classic record on, I wonder which one of the Royals had been listening to it as I moved the tonearm onto the outer edge of the disk, the little diamond tip to touch the groove. 
I guess I still remember how to use one of this. 
I stretched my arm and pulled one of the discs from the upper shelf, the others came down with it and  << "KNEEE-KNEEE!!" >>
The blaring sound of violins vibrated around the room making me wince for the annoying sound filling my ears.
“Damn!” I covered my ears while trying to find a way to turn the bloody record player off before my head exploded. Overwhelmed by the sound I went on my knees and stretched my hand behind the furniture looking desperately for the plug, but before I could find any the music stopped. 
I stood up still touching my ears 
Have I gone deaf? 
“I take you didn’t mean to do that.” I heard someone say behind me. 
Okay, I haven’t 
I turned around to find a guy eyeing me warily, from the corner of my eye I noticed a laptop and a couple of heavy leather books that weren't on the table before. 
“I was considering turning it on but it made the decision for me,” I said without explaining. 
At that moment, a couple of guards came into the room alarmed. They scanned the room quickly before looking at us puzzled. 
Wylan followed my gaze and turned to them, slightly. “Just a mishap. We’re fine.” He acknowledged with a wave of his hand. I let out a sigh of relief as they left the room to return to their posts.
“First time using a record player?” He asked to continue teasing
I gave him a deadpan look. “Ha-ha I take that the last person who played it had some hearing problems.” Before I crouched to pick up the rest of the vinyl records still scattered on the carpeted floor, I noticed a smile tugging at his lips that didn’t last.
In a minute he was bending in front of me to help. “You picked some good ones.”
Suddenly we looked at each other for a second, I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at his for a second trying to figure any sign of sarcasm in them, and he just had the word “awkward” written all over his face. Obviously I was making him feel uncomfortable. 
I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so busy trying to read him. 
“I like classics- acoustic to be precise.” I finally said with a shrug. “Do you own any of these?”
“This John Mayer one is mine. I have some other ones too. They’re over there.” He gestured to the rack behind me, then stood up with the vinyls he helped pick up.
I raised my eyebrow and nodded approvingly. “You have some taste, I will give you that.” I looked up at him, waiting for him to offer his hand for me to help me stand, but apparently living in a castle was no guarantee of anything, so I just stood up slowly, brushing my dress. 
“Some were gifts I grew to love.” He acknowledged, holding the vinyls out for me. “I’d recommend keeping the volume down before you turn it on next time.”
I took the discs to put them back in its place on the shelves “Well, you should put a sign somewhere,” I joked, a bit annoyed by his recommendation. 
I adjusted my glasses and stayed standing there, admiring the vinyl records once more. My curious mind wondered about the Prince. “Which ones are Arin’s?”
“I’m not sure. He might not own any.” I caught him glancing at his things he had left on the table before back to me. “Might be a good question to ask him yourself.”
Or you’re just evading the question. But fortunately, one of the things my job had teached me was to have thick skin so I wasn’t going to let him get away so easily. 
“You really don’t know or you don’t want to tell me?” I asked with an amusing tone.
He let out a small sigh, relenting a bit. “He likes The Killers. There’s probably a vinyl or two of those in here if you really need a good conversation starter.”
I faked a grimace “ugh! that piece of information should’ve hurt…” I said mockingly before adding. “I guess some advice for tomorrow’s interview is completely out of the table.” 
“Depends on what advice you’re looking for,” he let out, surprising me. 
I started to walk around the room still looking at him, considering my answer. “I don’t know, you are his friend... knowing a little bit about his personality would help,” I said casually, as if I didn’t already have thousands of questions listed in my head. 
But somehow he knew I did. “I’ll answer one question you have. Just one.”
“So generous …” I said more to myself than to him. My hand went unconsciously inside the pocket on my dress and my fingers touched my journal inside of it, purely out of habit. Of course, I wasn’t going to take it out so I crossed my hands in front of me as I resumed my walking around the room. 
“Okay…” In my mind I was looking for a single question that could indirectly tell me things about Arins personality … and why not about Mr. Uncomfortable himself too. 
“How do you start getting along back in college, like how did you become friends?”
Suddenly he let out a laugh, startling me. I frowned at first, but then I decided it wasn’t so bad, it picked my curiousness further.
I looked at him genuinely amused and he begined, “We were both going for runs and without knowing, I drifted a little too close. I was listening to music and not paying attention. His bodyguard sort of…” He paused to bring his fist to his neck simulating a punch. “And took me down.” I could see he was amused, for real. 
I laughed picturing the scene on my mind, considering all his previous teasing and had to admit it was a little bit entertaining to do so. “Ouch! His bodyguard does look ... fierce.” I commented remembering the man’s complexion I had seen several times on TV.
I wait for him to continue before asking, “what happened next? What did Arin say?”
His smile was more like a ghost on his face now, not physically there but somehow still present. “He apologized. After that we found out we shared a couple classes together and I offered to help him study for exams.”
“That’s an epic story… I bet it left you marked for some days.” I made a grimace, touching my neck, imagining the pain.
“Swallowing hurt, to say the least,” he said, remembering. After a minute, he combed a hand through his hair. “ Did that satisfy your question?”
“Hmm yeah, it was good, for now” I answered scoffing a laugh. The truth was I didn’t expect to enjoy his story that much, but I just couldn’t settle with only one question, but it wasn’t convenient to push more questions on him now. 
Fortunately he didn’t refuse, he just rolled his eyes at me, amused. “Alright, well I have to get back to work. At least try to not deafen the entire palace again.”
“I can’t promise anything.” I let out, finally taking the acoustic guitar from its stand, while he turned to gather his things.
“Reassuring.” He gave me a side glance and started walking out the room, he offered a two fingered salute before disappearing behind the opened door. 
After a second, while looking down at the guitar already in place on my lap, I compelled,  “Wylan... thanks!”
“You're welcome.” 
I heard him say from the hallway just before I started strumming the guitar strings, hoping its sound was enough to help me survive the first night. 
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douxbebearchives · 5 years
Find An Olitz Fic Masterlist: Sixteen
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#301 - Hi, I'm looking for a fic I read where Olivia and Fitz are neighbors but they first meet at a grocery store when Fitz is with his newborn and his other child (I can't remember if it's a boy or girl). Mellie died giving birth and Olivia offers to help him out. They eventually start dating... that's all i can remember
#302 - I'm looking for a story Fitz and Olivia have daughters who are best friends with each other. Fitz invites Liv's daughter to vacation with them and Liv goes, too. Liv and Fitz sleeps together. They're both divorced from their spouses. Please help and thank you. Also, I want to buy you a cup of coffee, how does that work. Again, thank you so much I truly appreciate your site.
#303 - Hi. Can you please recommend me some slow burn stories? Also I'd love to read some enemies to lovers or something like that lol. Thank you in advance!
#304 - Hi there I'm looking for a story but I can't remember much of it. Like I'm not entirely sure of Fitz is still president in this one but anyway, he and Liv ended things between them and he now has a new girlfriend. The relationship is serious I think. There's one scene in the story that I can remember; they're all at a party of some sort and Liv gets really drunk and morbid. Her friends are all worried. They decide that she needs help and Fitz offers to take her home because he feels bad.
#305 - I was going 2check the archives but idk what this would fall under...Liv&fitz are in the residence &they spent the night together. I think Tom snuck her up? Cy walks in &fitz has to hid Liv under the covers. Cy is going off fussing because fitz is late for work. Cy &Fitz both realize at the same time he left a shoe out. Cy fusses at fitz for sneaking a random women upstairs until fitz pulls the cover back & it’s liv. Cy tells fitz he smells like vagina &fitz makes a joke asking how Cy would know
#306 - Please help i am looking for an Olitz story in which Fitz has not run for a second term, he marries liv and moves to vermont instead. Thy are very happy and have son the older kids live there to when not at school/college. one night cyrus comes to ask fitz to run again what everyone doesn't know is that edison is plotting their demise by setting his crazy friend on them. Liv's mother ends up being murdered protecting their children while on the trail with them
#307 - Looking for a fic where Olivia is the new doctor working with Fitz. Fitz is very arrogant and misogynistic at first. I remember a specific scene where he complains about Olivia wearing heels to work. But he later on falls in love with her.
#308 - Olivia reunites with Fitz
#309 - Hello, I'm looking for the name and link for a fanfiction where Liv is a teacher and Fitz is a farmer. He has scars from a car accident when he was younger.
#310 - Are there FFs that pick up where the show ended? I am just watching the series' end, and it left me disappointed.
#311 - who remembers but that one shot fic written in Mellie’s POV where she catches Olivia and Fitz having sex and is like peeping through the door. it was posted exclusively on tumblr though and seemed like the user wasn’t really active they just made the account to post their story.
#312 - I read this fic a while back and can’t remember the name. Olivia works with special needs kids and Fitz is a lawyer? and single dad. Teddy has autism or aspergers and Karen was 5. Towards the end Liv and Fitz get married on Christmas? it was really well written and I’d like to read it again.
#313 - Hi, sorry to be a bother but I'm looking for a fic I read awhile ago but can't remember the title of. Essentially I believe Olivia was dating some congressman/senator or something like that and his ex was a journalist and she found out abour O & F' s affair and had all sorts of evidence attesting to it. I also remember she was given the evidence by Mellie and Mellie would threaten her and stuff. I'm sorry if this is too vague. I'd just like to say thank you and also you run a great blog.
#314 - *UNANSWERED* Looking for a story where Olivia and Fitz hookup and Olivia wakes up and acts like a bitch to Fitz. He tells Cyrus about it. Says that she acts like a guy because he wanted more but she was bitchy. I think she gets pregnant and he doesn't think it's his and he goes off on her. That's all I remember.
#315 - Hi, can you find this story that was about Olitz having marital problems because Olivia was working too much. Harrison is also in this story as an her old friend, and he’s trying to take her away from Fitz. Also, Olitz is seeing a marriage counselor, and Olivia finds out that she’s pregnant. Thanks!
#316 - Looking for a fic where Oliva and Fitz had a fight in a hotel similar to the one in s3 about jake. I think in the story jake or tom stands guard outside while Olitz get their 'business' handled pretty loudly inside. Thanks in advance if you find it.
#317 - Looking for the title of a relatively new story. Fitz is Olivia’s new boss. She thinks he hates her at first and there’s an office prize for whoever sleeps with him first.
#318 - *UNANSWERED* Do you know of a Olitz fanfic where they’re best friends and Olivia is sleeping with some dude named Kenny? I’m sorry that I don’t know all of the details. I also think that both of their families are really close as well.  
#319 - *UNANSWERED* Hi can you help me. I’m looking for a story where Fitz changes Olivia’s tire on his way to pick up his son from school. Olivia is a law student. Later she gets a job as campaign manager.
#320 - I Am Looking For A Fanfic Where Oliva Is An Artist And Owns Her Own Art Studio and Lives Upstairs But She Meets Fitz At Her Studio And He Still Is In College But They End Up Having A Baby And They Are Engage.
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Side Effects May Include (Tony Stark x Daughter)
Part 9
Side Effects May Include (Masterlist)
Warnings: Mentions of rape
Word Count: 1,500
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*Trigger Warning, small descriptions of rape* 
“No, get off me!”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it, princess,” he spat as he forced himself onto me.
“Please, stop, I’m begging you!”
“You’re begging me huh?” He smirked as he laid sloppy kisses on my body.
“Somebody help!” I yelled out.
“HELP ME!” I yelled as I bolted up in my bed, “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!” I yelled out as I frantically looked around.
My dad came rushing in along with a worrisome Pepper, “I’m right here,” he quickly embraced me, stroking my hair gently, “I’m right here,” he whispered. I sobbed onto his chest, he looked over at Pepper, “I’ve got this, Pepper, go on back to bed.” Pepper didn’t argue, she left the room.
“You haven’t had one of these in a while huh, kiddo?” My dad said with a small chuckle, he moved so that he was laying next to me on the bed, but still sitting in an upright position.
I shook my head as I laid my head on his chest again, listening to his heart beat softly. I smiled softly to myself, he was actually there, I wasn’t in some dream. I remembered how when I was little when he had just got back home from being kidnapped, I would lay my head on his chest just to listen to his heartbeat. In a way, it soothed me.
“Was it about mom?” I winced at the memories of having those nightmares, but what made things worse than comparing to the nightmare that I just had… I would rather have those. My nightmares about my mother included someone I loved but ended with her death and as painful as that is to constantly relive her death in my dreams. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst as dreaming of someone you hated, and it ended with them taking advantage of you after your pleading to stop.
“Yeah,” I lied. I couldn’t just tell my father the truth, that I had dreamed that my rapist had raped me over and over as I begged him to stop, as I tried to pull him off me but I couldn’t move like something was weighing down my limbs as I screamed for help. I couldn’t. Why? Because he doesn’t know it has happened.
“Believe it or not, I miss her every day,” He whispered as he kissed the top of my head, “You remind me of her so much.” He chuckled, “Would it help you fall back to sleep if I sang that song she would always sing to you to help you fall asleep?”
I smiled, “please don’t.”
“I mean, I’ve been told my singing voice is pretty damn good.”
“You poor old soul, you’ve been lied to.”
He chuckled, letting out a huge sigh afterward, “want me to stay with you for a little bit?”
“no, it’s okay.”
“Are you sure?” I gave him a small nod, “Alright, well, you know where I’ll be if you need me.” I watched as he walked out of my room.
I attempted to go back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes and finally began to drift off the same nightmare just kept coming back but darker each time. More violent.
 “Good morning, everyone!” Steve yelled out as he made his way over to the table, Bucky groaned at how much energy Steve had in the mornings.
“Well, if it isn’t Barnes and Noble,” my dad whispered as he placed a plate of bacon on the table for everyone to grab.
I rolled my eyes as I watched Steve be extra cherry today for some reason, “you look extra jolly today,” Steve pointed out as he raised an eyebrow at me, “everything good?”
“No,” my dad sighed, “nightmares,” he whispered, “a pretty bad one right, hon?” He asked as he kissed the top of my head.
“I thought I heard screaming last night, are you okay?” Bucky asked I had forgotten that he was on the same floor as me and my dad. I gave Bucky a small nod.
I felt someone's hands lift my head, noticing it was my dad as I looked at him, “maybe you shouldn’t go to school today,” he said as he examined my face.
“I’ll be fine,” I said as I moved my head from his grasp, catching him off guard.
“How many more nightmares did you have last night after I left?”
“None,” I said nonchalantly
“Olivia,” my dad said sternly. I sighed as I began to play with my cereal, “Friday?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“When did Olivia fall back to sleep after I left her room last night?”
“That’s complicated to say, Mr. Stark. She kept waking up due to her frequent nightmares.”
“Snitch,” I said as I slammed my spoon into my bowl.
“How long have these nightmares been occurring?” Steve asked.
“Nightmares?” I heard Nat asked, “are you having those nightmares again, Liv?”
“it’s nothing,” I said as I pushed the bowl of cereal away.
“No, it’s not, you’re staying home from school and that’s final.”
“No, I’m going to school and that’s final,” I retorted.
“What the hell, Liv? You used to beg me to go to school when you were little, what’s changed?” Maybe the fact that I’m not a little girl anymore and I needed out of this place before the memories of the nights passed resurface into my brain because I know only time will tell when you’ll ask questions on that night.
But I stayed silent.
“Fine.” I got up from the table and walked out.
“Teenagers,” I heard my dad say.
I laid in bed for a few hours, until I heard my phone ring. I quickly picked it up, “hello?”
“Liv? Where are you?” I heard Jasmine say.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, why shouldn’t it be?”
“Well, from what you told me-“
“What did I tell you? From what I recall we had a great time this weekend.”
She cleared her throat, “right. So, why aren’t you in school, then?”
I stared at my reflection in the mirror, “I didn’t get much sleep last night, decided I should just stay home.”
“And your dad just agreed with that?”
“He insisted.” I sighed, “can you get my homework assignments for me?”
“Sure! I can drop them off later if you’d like.”
“Yeah…” I sighed, “any news about me?”
She sighed, “no, but I’ve been kind of a loner all day… maybe it’s best if you didn’t know if people are talking about you… so it won’t get to your head.”
“but it already has.”
“You need to tell someone, Liv. You can’t keep yourself hostage to this situation, it’s only going to get worse.”
“Thanks, Jasmine but I think I’ve got this handled. I have to go, text me once you’re on your way later.” Jasmine and I said our goodbyes, I hung up the phone and decided on some exercise. I changed quickly into the clothes I usually do my training in and made my way over to the training room.
I saw the punching bag in the distance, it was worth a try, it’s been a while though. I walked up to the punching bag, getting into my stance, I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening my eyes. I began punching the bag in front of me rapidly, letting out all my emotions, I felt tears run down my cheeks as I began to kick the bag, using some techniques Nat had taught me a while back.
“I hope you’re not imagining my face on that punching bag,” I heard my dad say along with some chuckles from the others.
I stopped punching the bag, catching my breath.
“You alright there, kid?” Steve asked as he made his way over to weights.
“Fine.” I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder, it was a gentle touch, the kind that just made me want to fall over and sob.
“Liv,” my dad said, I turned around to face him, his expression softened at the sight of me, “oh, hon.” He quickly engulfed me into a hug, I held back the sob that was forcing its way out. I didn’t want to cry in front of everyone, “just let it out,” my dad said as he gently rubbed my back.
That did it. I just sobbed it all out.
I wanted to just spill everything out right there, but I just couldn’t, all that came from my mouth were just sobs. I hadn’t noticed that everyone left the area.
“Why didn’t you tell me these nightmares were you affecting you this badly? They weren’t so bad when you had them back then, were they?”
No, they weren’t. “I guess, I just… I just miss her…”
“Maybe we should get you to see a therapist again,” He began to trail off about the benefits of me talking to someone but all I could think of was how I was lying to him. Not just him but almost everyone.
Requests (For imagines/one shots) are open!! 
Side Effects May Include taglist is closed!
Permanent taglist is open!  
Also! Feedback is highly appreciated! So don’t be afraid to make a comment, criticism or anything! Reblog, post, like, do as you please! I love getting feedback from you guys, it lets me know what you guys like to read! 
Taglists: @waves-and-sunflowers @spiderlingsweb @emmii4 @henrietteoaks  @happy-days-22 @abitofeverythinggg @oliolioxiclean@littlephoenix-fire @just4muggles @purplekitten30 @chloesfanficreblogs @honeycvmbs @jakiki94  @trulysmoakin  @yourwonderbelle  @sarahps177 @griff1ndor  @cr4zyimagines  @mountainsforwords  @myforeveryoungblog
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arecomicsevengood · 5 years
Watching Movies In Self-Isolation, Part Two
L’Assassin Habite Au Rue 21 (1942), dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot. Clouzot is better known for directing The Wages Of Fear (the movie William Friedkin remade as Sorcerer) and Diabolique, but this is the first movie he directed. It’s a pretty effective comedy, as well as an Agatha Christie style murder-mystery thriller. It’s really cool to watch these things that feel like they are just “movies,” before a bunch of genre conventions got built up and put in place. This one’s also eighty minutes long, super-short. The premise of the movie is there’s a serial killer on the loose, leaving a business card on every dead body. A dude passes along to the police that he found a stash of the business cards in the attic of a boarding house, so the killer must live there. A police officer goes undercover as a priest moving into the boarding house to investigate the residents. His wife, an aspiring singer, has made a bet with him she can solve the crime first, and in doing so become a celebrity that will be hired to perform places, so she also moves into the boarding house, partly to annoy him. The stuff at the boarding house is basically the film’s second act, while the first and third act are more typical murder-mystery stuff, although the tone of comedy is maintained throughout, despite all the cold-blooded murders.
All These Women (1964), dir. Ingmar Bergman. Kind of dumb sex comedy directed by Ingmar Bergman, but with gorgeous Sven Nykvist cinematography, bright jewel-toned pastels, and sort of theatrical staging in spots seeming to foreshadow Parajanov’s The Color Of Pomegranates or eighties Greenaway stuff. About a critic who visits the palatial estate of a famous cellist to write a biography of him only to find a harem of women; the whole thing unfolding from the cellist’s funeral a few days later. The winking humor is both music-hall bawdy but in a way that feels self-aware or “meta” in the context of a sixties film.
The Touch (1971), dir. Ingmar Bergman. Bergman’s one of my favorites, many of his canonized classics resonate deeply with me, but he was also astonishingly prolific, with a bunch of movies of his blurring together in my mind, and even more that I didn’t know existed, like this English-language one, starring Elliott Gould. Gould’s another favorite of mine, being in a bunch of great movies in the sixties and seventies, but damn, he’s unlikable here. Unlikable characters “hit different” in older material because I’m not sure if you’re supposed to sympathize with them according to the sexist cultural attitudes of the day. Here he’s “the other man” Liv Ullman is cheating on Max Von Sydow (RIP) with, but he’s pretty emotionally abusive, just a shit to her, extremely demanding of her in a relationship he did nothing to earn, though it does feel like the movie is kind of treating him as a romantic lead.
The Anderson Tapes (1971), dir. Sidney Lumet. This is heist movie, starring Sean Connery as a dude fresh out of prison, planning to rob his girlfriend’s apartment building, costarring Christopher Walken in his first film role. It contains all the plot beats of a typical heist thing, all the satisfying “getting the gang together, planning things out in advance, chaotic elements interfere” stuff but also a totally superfluous bit of framing about like constant surveillance, video monitoring and audio tape. All this dystopian police-state stuff seems, implicitly, like it would make a crime impossible to execute, the criminals are monitored every step of the way, by assorted agencies. But then the punchline, after everyone’s arrested for reasons having nothing to do with that, is that all this recording is illegal and all the tapes should be erased as the high-profile nature of the case makes it likely the monitoring agencies will get caught. Sidney Lumet directs a good thriller, even though I don’t find Connery (or Dyan Cannon, who plays the girlfriend) particularly compelling.
The Testament Of Dr. Mabuse (1933), dir. Fritz Lang. I watched this years ago, after reading Matt Fraction praise it, particularly how skillful the transitions between scenes were, and I really enjoyed it, but didn’t remember much about it and was excited to rewatch it. It’s got a lot going for it: An exceedingly elaborate criminal plot whose only goal is to wreak chaos, low-level criminals caught up in something they’re morally unprepared to reckon with, a charismatic police detective interviewing a bunch of weirdos, Fritz Lang following up M by continuing to be a master of film and sound editing very early stitching it all together. The Mabuse character was previously the star of a silent film I haven’t watched, and here he’s mute, which is a clever choice I didn’t register until writing it out just now. He’s gone completely insane, but is nonetheless writing a journal filled with elaborate crime plots, and his psychologist is completely insane and following these directions, in a commentary on the rise of Nazism in Germany at the time.
House By The River (1950), dir. Fritz Lang. I watched this in the pre-Quarantine days, but it totally rules. Again, it feels sordid in part because of how old it is and my assumption you’re meant to identify on some level with the completely loathsome protagonist’s sexual desire and anger at getting turned down. It’s so creepy, he’s listening to the sound of his maid showering at one point. All the characters seem very fun to play, they’re all pretty cartoonish. This guy murder his maid, and then gets the idea that he should write a book about the murder when someone explains the idea of “writing what you know” to him, and he is then surprised when his wife reads the book and puts together that it’s a murder confession, saying something like “Really? I thought I disguised it pretty well.” The film functions as a dark comedy because every character is completely mortifying. Lang’s work becoming less ambitious and more reduced in budget during his time working in America is pretty sad but this movie feels legit deranged.
Midsommar (2019), Ari Aster. Heard good things about Hereditary, but haven’t watched it yet, having been put off by the plot summary of Aster’s preceding short film, about a kid who rapes his dad. This is like a longer version of The Wicker Man, basically, starring Florence Pugh, who I had heard was like the new actress everyone’s enamored with, but didn’t think was that compelling in this. A bunch of Americans go to a Swedish village, one of them (played by Chidi from The Good Place) has studied their anthropology extensively, but all are unprepared for the fact that their whole culture seems to revolve around human sacrifice and having sex with outsiders so they don’t become totally inbred. There’s a monstrously deformed, cognitively impaired child who’s been bred specifically so his abstract splashings of paint can be interpreted as culture-defining profound lore, which I took away as being comparable to the role Joe Biden plays within the death cult of the DNC.
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2019), dir. Bi Gan. This got a lot of acclaim, but I am almost certain the main reason I watched it is because the director made a list of his favorite movies and included Masaaki Yuasa’s anime series Kemonozume on it. Does a sort of bisected narrative thing, where half of the movie is this sort of fragmented crime thing, a little hard to follow, and then you get the title card, and then the second half is this pretty dreamlike atmospheric piece done in a single shot, with a moving camera. I’m not the sort to jerk off over long shots, although I appreciate the large amount of technical pre-planning that goes into pulling them off. The second part is pretty compelling though, enveloping, I guess it was in 3-D at certain theatrical screenings? I’m a little unclear on how my fucked-up eyes can deal with 3-D these days and I was never that into it. The first half is easy to turn off and walk away from, the second half isn’t but I’m unsure on how much it amounts to beyond its atmosphere.
Black Sun (1964), dir. Koreyoshi Kurahara. This one’s about a Japanese Jazz fan and dirtbag squatter who meets a black American soldier who’s gone crazy and AWOL. He loves him because he loves Jazz and all Black people, but the soldier is pretty crazy and can’t understand him anyway. Jazz is, or was, huge in Japan and this is a cooler depiction of that fandom than you get in Murakami novels but it’s a fairly uncomfortable watch, I guess because the black dude seems so crazy it feels a little racist to an American audience? Maybe he wasn’t being directed that well because there would be a language barrier but it’s weird.
Honestly the thing to watch from sixties Japan on The Criterion Channel is Black Lizard (1962), dir. Umetsugu Inoue, which I watched shortly after Trump’s election in 2016, when all the Criterion stuff was still on Hulu, and it cheered me up considerably in those dark days. It feels a little like The Abominable Dr. Phibes, but with a couple musical numbers, and is about a master detective who thinks crime is super-cool and wishes there was a criminal who would challenge his intellect. Then the Black Lizard kidnaps someone. It’s a lot of fun, with a tone that feels close to camp but is so knowing and smart it feels more genuinely strange and precise. One of those things you get fairly often where the Japanese outsider’s take on American genre stuff gets what it’s about more deeply and so feels like it’s operating on a higher level. I really love this movie.
I had this larger point I wanted to make about just feeling repulsed by genre stuff that self-consciously attempts to mimic its canonical influences and that might not be all the way present in this post. Still, something that really should be implicit when talking about movies from the past is that they are not superhero movies, and how repulsed I am by that particular genre’s domination of cinema right now, and how much of cinema has a history of something far looser and more freewheeling in its ideas of how to make work that appealed to a broad audience, and how much weird formal playfulness can be understood intuitively by an audience without being offputting, and the sort of spirit of formal interrogation connects the films I like to the comics I like (as well as the books I like, and the visual art I like), this sense of doing something that can only be done within that medium even as certain other aspects translate.
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howellobrien · 5 years
Hello, do you have a top 10 of favourite robron episodes? Have a great week.
Hiya!! Okay so this is a difficult one but here it goes (prepare yourself for a long post)
1. reunion (22/2/18)
I mean what is not to love about this episode. Truly amazing with every scene. Aaron getting annoyed that Robert is being taken out to meet someone, chasing after him and dumping his current boyfriend in the club. Robert dancing in the club and talking with another guy. Going back to the garage and sadly drinking on his own to then be found by Aaron. Both admitting they still want each other, beautiful garage talk and robert breaking all our hearts by saying he can’t bare to lose Aaron again so leaves him there. And to top it all off a beautiful speech by Aaron for all the reasons he loved and appreciates Robert. And then go back home together🥰 pure perfection 👌
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2. Ssw (17/10/16)
I still can’t believe that we got an actual episode dedicated to robron. It’s so beautiful. Robert just trying to propose while aaron goes around kidnapping teenagers, great stuff. Robert coming out as bisexual and telling Aaron about his dad and why he felt so ashamed of his sexuality. Wow so beautiful and to end it all robert shouting his proposal to Aaron and it all ends in a car crash.
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3. Wedding 2.0 (5/10/18)
Okay so I’m not entirely sure which wedding I actually like more but as a whole this wedding was just so beautiful and they are officially married and it’s so lovely. The whole wedding was gorgeous, the lovely kiss, all the cute speeches we got to see, Roberts dancing and the lovely car scene at the end was so sweet 💕
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4. wedding 1.0 (20+21/2/17)
Okay I know this is technically two different eps but you can’t make me choose between them. The wedding as a whole was just brilliant. I love that Robert planned this wedding the day before Aaron went to prison just to make him and Liv feel more loved and secure. I love that they got married in the garage, I loved all the throw backs and parallels we got and the wedding dance was cute and the end scene was so beautiful and sad but lovely.
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5. Proposal (30/7/18)
I love that they both wanted to propose at the exact same time in the exact same place I mean that’s the most soulmate stuff I’ve ever heard of. It was just so sweet and I loved that they talked about their first kiss and you just see how far they have come. It was just such a sweet lovely moment for them and I love it.
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6. Park (25/2/16)
I love this ep. I especially love the scenes we got in the park. I just love how much Robert cares and how he just wants to support Aaron. He cares so much and I love that he admitted that he wanted Aaron but it just wasn’t the right time and that he would wait for him. I love Aaron’s face when he says it, he is so shocked that Robert still wants him and it’s just so precious.
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7. Christmas (25/12/17)
A whole ep based around just how much Robert loves Aaron, sign me up. I love that we got a robert episode and Ryan did it so well. I’m still sad it didn’t get the recognition it deserved but still what a lovely ep. That last scene omg it breaks my heart every time but wow is it just so beautiful and lovely. They are such soulmates they can’t bare to let each other completely go so agree to be best friends 😭
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8. Valentine’s Day (14/2/18)
I mean what a lead up to the reunion ep. I can’t believe we actually got a Valentine’s Day ep for them. I love that Robert ended up cooking a meal for Aaron and his boyfriend and then Aaron was like screw it you just eat it with me. And then heart eyes from Aaron like wow way to show just how much you want him. The near kiss and that phone call wow the tension was crazy I love it.
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9. Abuse reveal (21/1/16)
I love that Robert didn’t want to leave Aaron alone and run around trying to find him. I love that Robert says that he still loves Aaron. Danny’s acting in these scenes are incredible and the raw emotion is heartbreaking. I really love how they did this reveal and I love that Robert was there to support him. And Robert tucking him in how sweet 😭
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10. 29/11/16
A random ep but I just love it so much. I mean firstly Robert looks incredible and it’s probably my favourite Robert look 😍 but I love how natural robron feel in this ep. The first scene of them in the morning and starting to discuss their wedding, the lovely cheek kiss and then Robert coming home and saying I love you and Aaron just happily accepting his hug and the beautiful kiss. I don’t know I love it all!
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- Official boyfriends (14/4/16) this is my all time favourite scene where they agree to be boyfriends and finally reunite after all that time but as a whole ep it’s not really about robron but just know that is my favourite robron scene.
- ons reveal (25/5/17) pain but also so good and I love it.
- Post proposal (31/7/18) just cute robron and getting an engagement party at the mill was lovely.
- Stag do (28/9/18) I mean what more do I need to say other than robron karaoke 😍
- Roberts birthday (22/4/19) only small scenes but still I love that we got robs birthday celebrated by his loved ones finally 🙌
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind-Chapter 28
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The eve of fight night fell, and Colton was exhibiting extremely peculiar behavior. Not a bad type of peculiar necessarily, but the man just wasn’t his usual self. When I woke up to head for a swim at Temple, the bed was empty on his side and he hadn’t left a note, or word with my parents as to where he disappeared off to. In fact, according to mom, he must’ve left the house before 6 a.m. when she and dad left for their walk. It was a routine they had with the dog back home, and they had been continuing the morning exercise while on their visit to the city.
When I got to my locker at the gym, there was a single Peony taped to the handle, and a square yellow note tied to it’s stem. The easily identified chicken scratch belonged to the missing man in question, so I tore it open jaggedly to gather some answers.
Enjoy your swim, & don’t you dare think of doing anything in the weight room. I told Cal to watch you. You have a noon appointment with that girl who does your hair, & a 10 a.m. massage too. I have some stuff to take care of today but be at home and dressed by 6 tonight. Wear that white dress I like.  The one from that party at the Pilot a couple months ago. And don’t eat. I’ll check in later. I LOVE YOU
Colton had been a lot of things the last year, but romantic was a new side. He rendered me speechless from heartbreak, pleasure, and laughter on a fair amount of occasions, but this was unfamiliar lands.  Never did I believe such a cynical, wild, tormented soul like his could conjure up the cleverness or the desire to throw together whatever plan he had in the works. But I’d obey the orders, and call mom to steam the crisp white, ankle-length, summer gown he referred to from the office gala event he suffered through as my plus-one, and it’s also the first instance he suckered me into bathroom sex in the family stall. The thin, flesh-hugging stretch of the drapery curved into me, and the low-cut of the back allowed him a subtle peep-show during the owners speech, which had him nearly feverish for a taste of me before the main course was served. I was chatting with Ryan who was seated at our dinner table, when Colton told me I looked a bit peaked and needed a few minutes of good ol’ fresh air. Thoroughly confused, I followed his lead as he took my hand guiding me through the bar area into the public pavilion of the venue. The details are a bit foggy, but I can’t forget the memory of his thirsty tongue licking a bead of summertime sweat from the valley between my breasts.
I concluded on returning to my natural blonde look at the salon, and sang the praises of the on-staff masseuse at SJS Salon on my way out the door. The unwind of my slow laps in the therapy pool, and the exceptional massage had me exuding peaceful relaxation. After the continual sessions’ day & night at the gym, in the cage, in the weight room, at the Pilot, some self-love and spa time was the perfect prescription for a Zen Liv. And I wanted all my tensions free and clear before I met up with Colton for this mysterious evening ahead, so I could fully enjoy the company of my perfectly imperfect companion. Wherever the pathway of our evening led, I knew I’d retire home once it was said and done feeling cherished, and probably horny.
I was puckering to smooth out a plentiful layer of rose-shaded smudge proof lipstick at my lighted vanity when I saw my mother peep around the unlatched door. I looked away from my own reflection to see hers smiling back at me from over my shoulder, as she brushed my hair back curious to discover my earring choice. This overly-feminine, lady-like and sophisticated side of her only child was a glimpse of the daughter she wanted 10 years ago when I was wearing sweats to school every day, and only wore heels for prom or homecoming dances. Mom stayed dressed to the nines every day of the week whether it be a run to the post-office or even a check of the mailbox, so seeing the vision of herself even more so in me now with sleek hair, and a posh taste in stilettos was probably the proudest she had been in a decade.
“Honey, you look excellent! Your little nose healed up just perfectly too, I see.”
Of course, mother. That’s what most important, ay’?
“Yep. It feels fine now. Thanks, mom.” I pursed my mouth, tucking both lips in a stark line and misted a lavish amount of Colton’s favorite perfume onto the exposure of my neck.
“Do you have any ideas what Colton has planned for you? You’re dressed awfully formal.” My mother asked turning her head to survey the final touches of accessory to my ensemble.
“He told me what to wear, and when to be ready to go, so that’s about the most I’m aware of. He’s been pretty shady today. And we both know he’s developed a keen talent for lying lately, seeing as how he managed to get you and daddy here.”
The last text I received from him at 2 o’clock that afternoon was a strange selfie of he and Andrew at the forefront of an impressive Styrofoam cup pyramid they’d apparently built on the display counter at The Grind. Those two had become quite the odd pairing lately, but I was happy Colton jived so well with at least one of my friends. I assumed he just went by the shop for his usual black coffee to-go, and Drew simply asked his assistance on a new merchandise display, which turned into the two of them goofing.
Mom checked her waterproof, step counting watch for the time as she followed be into the bedroom I shared with Colton. “It’s 5 minutes to 6 right now, Livvy. Have you talked to him?”
My heels clacked when transitioning from the carpet, to the tile down the hall. I clicked the unlock button of my cell to place a call to the very man sitting on an arm of the couch in an open stance, with those hefty forearms pushing in his knees. He stood upon hearing the soft tick of my heels step over the rug under the coffee table, and I was able to get a much desired, exploratory look at the very, very surprising dapper two-piece suit he sported. It was an oxford blue, atop a slightly wrinkled button-down shirt that he left casually, and very appealingly gaping open just enough to taunt me with his pecks. He was explicitly, lethal and delicious in the foreign dress of any sort of formal attire. Maybe more so even than those perfectly snug gray sweats I pulled off him on many an ‘afternoon delight’ occasion. That is, assuming I have to have him clothed at all.  
“Well hello there, Mr. Ritter. Someone is looking exceptionally handsome tonight, I see. I must say you wear this look well, babe.” I admired, pulling on the lapels of his jacket to situate the wrinkle of his shirt. I tenderly grazed a manicured nail over the freshly shaved goosebumps of his neck, and smiled romantically looking up to him under extended lashes.
“You two enjoy yourselves! Tony and I are going to grab some dinner, and we’ll lock up when we get back. I’m sure it’ll be a late night for you guys,” mom spoke up, still standing behind me undetected. Colton tilted around me to smile appreciatively at her before she turned in pursuit of the spare room where dad was napping.
“Will you ever walk into a room ‘n not instantly have me wantin’ to rip off whatever you wearin’, baby? You look…you look fuckin’ perfect, Liv. I mean that.” He fiddled with the every-day, dainty, gold letter pendant I wore as he spoke, then touched his pointer finger to the heart-shaped opening at the center of my satiny lips.
I wondered reasonably if we’d ever even make it passed the 4 walls of our bedroom seeing the adamant, alluding examinations we were trading in the silence of our family room.
“As long as you promise to replace whatever it is you just have to rip off, then be my guest by all means.” I popped one shoe-covered foot into the air, and boosted up on the other desperate to touch myself to his mouth.
“Get. The hell. Out. That. Door. Now. With ya’ teasin’ little ass.” Colton palmed the front of my dress to clutch over the warmness of my womanly center.
We altered his plan a bit, and decided my car would be the most practical option for transportation considering the height of my designer heels. Once we exited the driveway, I couldn’t help but blast him with pestering questions, and chatting.
“Just sit tight, ‘ight. We ain’t far. You can hold out a few minutes, Livvy. A surprise here ‘n there ain’t gonna kill ya’.”
I unhappily sat tight as advised and waited a drawn out 10-minute car ride that steered us to a parking meter on the street near The Grinds’ entrance on the sidewalk. The white light of the ‘open’ sign that would’ve typically been plugged in the window was powered off, along with the appearance of any other lights, or evidence of business behind the door.
“Colt? What are w-“
“No more questions, okay? Hold on.”
I watched him shove my keys from the ignition inside the pocket lining of his coat, to jog around and assist me from the passenger seat onto the concrete walkway.  I smelled something fishy, but I couldn’t place a sure finger on it just yet. With one arm clinging around my average size waist and the other holding my hand, we waited for the street sign to change then scurried along the crosswalk. Colton confirmed the time on his watch just as he gestured me to enter the strange darkness of the generally busy coffee shop.  
I couldn’t move much passed the entry mat laying in front of the doorway due to the pitch darkness of the room, so I waited intriguingly for my next instructions. Colton moved in behind me and stepped straight for the location of the light switch he was apparently familiar with. Rather than the hardwired overhead lights of the café igniting with the flipping on of electricity, twinkling, warm garden decorations on green strands taking their place. The dusky glow hanging over our heads bared a table for two waiting empty in the middle of the open floor, and some sort of urbane, bubbly beverage sweating inside a tin bucket of ice. Calm, lazy melodious music struck up, and I finally escaped my confusion to scan for Colton.
“These a’ for you, baby. The best, for the best.”
He offered me a familiar a pink, fluffy bouquet which had become his apparent staple over the last year, and I could smell the odorous fog from gift laying in my arms. Taking a closer look over his face, I noticed he’d groomed up exceptionally precise, and his beard had been combed and trimmed. Colton Ritter may have even been wearing hair product, Ladies and Gentlemen. His matured facial lines, and the barely detectable softening sag around his eyes added a story-telling detail to his aging mug, but I admired every frown line, and ghosting scar.
I rested my arms over his shoulders, dangling the hefty bouquet in my hand behind his back to settle in for a lengthy embrace when a begging, muffled reverberation of hunger grumbled from my empty stomach.
“Well, you did tell me not to eat, silly!” I patted over my angry insides to stifle its interruption.
“I got just the thing to fix ya’ right up. Here. Let’s get you in a seat and I’ll be back.” He took my hand, and I took the seat he offered up, placing the flowers in a waiting vase at the center of his table spread.
Colton lit four small tea-light candles with a zippo frim his pants pocket, and kissed the crown of my freshly washed hair.
“I like the blonde, by the way,” he winked dragging his feet backwards to disappear into the back kitchen.
A few clanging plates and some ruffling feet could be heard as I sat legs crossed, and chin rested on my elbows. Mother Liz always cut my arms with a slap when I would prop my elbows up onto the tables, chastising my etiquette or lack thereof. I repeatedly listed off a careful list of the ‘important dates’ to mark the many milestones of our relationship to assure I hadn’t forgotten some crucial event on this day. There had to be some reason Colton had gone to such odd, starry-eyed measures, and my nosey, sharp-witted journalistic side was beating me to death to get to the real story hidden under wraps.
STOP IT! Let the man have this. Don’t ruin it because you’re a meddlesome pest who can’t just enjoy a surprise.
Just then, a smell so aromatic and reeking of garlic wafted like a puffy cloud of deliciousness into my nose. I inhaled deeply through my nostrils to trace the yummy culprit, and found the man exiting a revolving door that hid the kitchen. He had two enormous, blotchy, grease-stained pizza boxes marked from my very favorite deep-dish joint stacked in one arm, and a covered Dutch oven dish cradled in the left arm. Colt’s tongue peeped like the head of a snake from the corner of his mouth, walking strategically careful so not to drop the hot contents of his clutches.
“So, since you trained so hard, and it nearly killed ya’ cuttin’ out all those carbs, I figured you’d maybe want some’n downright filthy ‘n covered in cheese to hit the spot. Drew tried to tell me I should get some fancy takeout from that place you two are always goin’ to, but I knew this would suit ya’.”
He opened one of the boxes to reveal a cheese deep-dish smothered in sliced, tender black olives.
“You want me to eat the whole thing?” I chuckled with a large goading laugh, and quarter-sized eyes.
“One fa’ you,” he answered sitting himself to open the other cardboard box in his place setting. “’and one fa’ me.” Colton rubbed his hands together anxiously, like a giddy boy about to dive into an ankle-deep mud puddle.
“But you may wanna save a lil’ room for this too, baby.”
I watched as he pulled the sturdy lid from top the black dish, and fluffy, warm steam rolled from the inside. Peeping over the edge in anticipation, I discovered a dark chocolate, gooey treat, topped with whole praline pecans and stringy caramel drizzles.
“Colt, you made that? All by yourself?!” I smiled adoringly when the look of utter pride beamed from his coy face.
It was a turtle dessert my mom taught me to make, and my absolute favorite. Colton had stayed been at my old apartment one night, back before the fight, and said he needed a ‘sugar fix’. The city was covered in powdery snow and muck, with temperatures reaching their lowest degree all winter. Neither of us could stand the thought of leaving the warm solace of my couch, so I whipped up that same dessert for him. We demolished the entire contents straight from the dish, sharing a spoon for vanilla bean ice cream on the side.
“Liz wrote the ingredients down for me, but I remembered pretty well how you made it that night. Don’t be gettin’ all wound up before ya’ even taste it now,” he tittered taking his first bite of pizza.
 We ate majority of each cheesy pie, (him asking for a slice of mine) then hysterically cackled for a good half hour after he sampled (and gagged on) a swig of my favorite merlot from a local winery. When our favorite Bob Dylan tune struck up on his iPod, I asked him to dance, and he obliged hugging me tightly with one arm, and gnawing on the last piece of pizza he clutched to in the other. The raw, real-life imperfections of the moment that would’ve had most females curling a lip in disgust, and trouncing far, far away from a man with such qualities as Colton Ritter, only had me needing his presence in my life more so.  
“How’d you pull this off Ritter? I must say, I didn’t know you had it in ya’, babe.” I muffled with a full mouth of his well-made chocolate cake as I dabbed the corners of my mouth.
“Just called in a favor to my pal Andrew, no biggie. The bastard only made me pay him 200 bucks to make up for his ‘lost profit.’” Colton used his most sardonic air quotes to underline Andrew’s no doubt tantrum for his role.
“You been workin’ so damn hard, Livvy. And I just wanted to do somethin’ to make you feel special. Help ya’ relax and take the edge off of a lil’ about tomorrow night. ‘N judging by those sexy, heavy little wine eyes you been givin’ me, I’d say I did a fine job.”
The excellence of the entire evening, hand-in-hand with now a present buzz of red wine after so many months, made the air around me feel as if it touched my skin like expensive cashmere. My insides felt as if they were humming with muggy decadence, and no unkind thought weighed on my mind.
“Oh God, stop it!” I covered my face, ashamed of his insinuating light-weight insult.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Liv. I ain’t just sayin’ shit right now. I mean that. You’re perfect now, jus’ like this. And ya’ perfect on the couch with your face painted in one of those goopy masks you put on before you check your work email at night.” He leaned over the round table, mazing through the empty boxes, and melting candle wax staining the tablecloth to encase my fingers. Any fool could see there was nothing but earnest passion in his eyes, and a blatantly truthful, sureness in his voice.
“I love you. And don’t sell yourself so short! You are the perfect one. Even with all those demons, and whatever else is hiding in that head of yours.” I wanted to caress and pet his always warm cheek, but the distance between us caused me to settle for a tight squeeze of his hand, and a kiss to his scarred fingers.
“A perfect man wouldn’ta let somebody like you get away, baby.”
“Stop with that! We’re here now. Together. And we’re happy. Plus, there are more important things going on right now we should be worryin’ about.”
I knew I could back out of my fight right now, even the night before, and Colton would support my decision without hesitation, and anyone else who didn’t, would suffer at the hand of his consequence. The reality of what I knew I’d be doing only a few short hours from now, was a frightening one. But, one that I had agreed to for myself at the hands of no ones’ force. I wanted to make Colton proud of me for something more than just having my nose shoved in front of a computer screen 10+ hours a day. I had to prove to him, the world, my parents, and mainly myself that I was capable of greatness. That I had the potential to step out in faith, and achieve something like this with some courage like the old Liv.
“We’ve done everything in the gym we possibly coulda, baby. You’ve done everything. You need t’ believe in yourself like you were always tellin’ me. I’ll be there standin’ in that corner for you, I promise. And if ever you wanna cut it, just say the world ‘n we’ll walk outta there first round. You can do this, 2-1. Clear eyes, remember?”
“Thank you, Colton. For being the man that you are, and sticking with me through this even though we both know you hated the idea. And for all this God, it’s incredible, really. I’ve desperately needed some alone time with my guy.” I scooted to the front ledge of my chair, resting on the table to wink suggestively at the tantalizing specimen opposite my gazes.
“Calm ya’self, you dirty girl. I know wha’s goin’ on up in the head o’ yours. I got one more place I need to take you. Then, I can assure you…. I can really fuckin’ assure you, that I’m gonna get real good and close to every piece of your creamy skin under that dress.”
tags: @torialeysha @eap1935 @littleluna98 @mollybegger-blog
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