#also based on that post that was like you know it's serious when a taylor album has a black and white cover
coldasyou · 5 months
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Hi just thought of this the other day - i think you were one of the few people who picked up on the gross implications of thommy's "they're always so grateful!" line in 7x04??
And then i remembered how thommy rushed to help eddie when he got injured at the basketball game and thommy was the one who volunteered to get eddie to the hospital and take care of him....???
We can see thommy was basically wooing eddie in 7x04, right up until buck presented an opportunity, so maybe...maybe thommy was hoping for eddie to be "so grateful" for thommy's help and care....😅
Hello @blutterlie and thank you for your ask.
My response got kind of long, so I apologize in advance but I'm happy to be able to share my thoughts on this topic because I've rarely seen or read any posts about it. That could be because I've blocked probably hundreds of blogs since 7x4 aired but I digress.
Before I delve into my response, here's my disclaimer: I didn't want Tommy dating, hooking up with or doing anything with Eddie or Buck because IMO, neither of them needed to be with another man before they go CANON. In season 3, they were both single and they had all the emotional, physical and romantic intimacy/chemistry they needed to have already been in a relationship but of course the FOX network wouldn't let it happen and we had to endure two seasons of them dating lackluster LIs (4x6 to 5x3 of Eddie dating Ana and 4x14 to 5x18 of Buck dating Taylor 🙄).
I believe all Buck and Eddie need are each other and after the kitchen scene in 3x9, it seemed like they may or could have already been in between the sheets but hey, that's my headcanon since it's not actually CANON and I'm not one of those who tries to retcon things that aren't or weren't in the show like the showrunner(s) and some veiwers have done.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
Since so many things changed prior to the start of season 7 with scripts, actresses not being available (AC and AK) and a shortened season (which wouldn't have had any impacts if they wouldn't have changed the scripts and storylines down to the wire) it's difficult to tell what direction TM was going to go with Buddie without him admitting it (he'll never do it). But based on OS's interviews about BuckT*mmy only being short term and LFJr.'s admission in an interview after 7x4 aired, it was originally supposed to be EddieT*mmy not Buck*Tmmy, I think things between Eddie and T*mmy were going to be more than whatever Buck’s doing with him. Also, I think TM is using T*mmy to delay CANON Buddie yet again.
Now, I'm going to go back to 6x15 first because that's when Buck broke Eddie’s heart with that BS line about how Natalia saw him when we all know she didn't see $hit but his death. And even though Eddie asked Marisol on a date at the end of the season, I stand by my original speculation that Eddie wasn't ever supposed to be serious with her and it remained that way until 7x5 when TM flipped the script and turned his relationship into something more than that. Reminder, she barely had any screentime until that episode. Also, RG mentioned Eddie’s abuela and his sisters were supposed to show up during the season but that didn't happen. His abuela was there in 7x6 but whatever she was supposed to talk to Eddie about, it got cut and all she did was attend the wedding with him and Chris.
With all of that being said, here's what I believe was supposed to happen. This is my speculation and it's contradictory to what most people think but that's ok since everyone interprets media differently.
I think Eddie and T*mmy were supposed to officially date each other and it was supposed to make Buck jealous to the point where either Natalia was going to call him out on it or he was going to breakup with her and tell Eddie he loved him. Another reminder, TM said he had a whole plan for Buck and Natalia but when AC couldn't return to the show, he had to scrap it. Also, he wanted Lucy to be the one who flew the helicopter but she couldn't return because the actress got a spot on a new show. These are things he and the writers would have known by January since the strikes were over and the writers had been working since late October.
Therefore, my analysis is based on several things. First, LFJr. looks like he could be one of OS's relatives since they have the same eye and hair color. Also, I think T*mmy was not only wooing Eddie, I think he seriously wanted to settle down with him. Surely, he knew Eddie was a family man because he has a son and he probably had the same thought process as a lot of the viewers did about Marisol being just a babysitter for Chris.
The issue was Natalia's actress couldn't return and instead of correcting everything in the scripts so that BuckT*mmy would be believable, they just changed a few things thinking no one would notice but it was a cluster f~ck. If Eddie would have been dating him then Buck’s actions on the basketball court would have made more sense than him injuring Eddie just because he had a new friend. That was ridiculous and none of it made any sense. Also, when did T*mmy and Eddie first talk to each other and when and WHY did Buck even want to contact T*mmy? He only saw him in the helicopter and as much as the 118 blabs all their business, there's no way Buck doesn't know T*mmy is a racist and a bigot and he has to know the things he did and said to Hen and Chimney. Buck’s two on screen kisses don't mean jack $hit when T*mmy doesn't seem interested in him at all and Buck was supposed to be off the hamster wheel but the truth is, he isn't.
Honestly, I think when T*mmy figured out Eddie wasn't available, he went for the consolation prize, Buck and IMO he's only interested in one thing just like ALL OF BUCK’S OTHER LOVE INTERESTS WERE. Abby, Ali, Taylor and Natalia along with Dr. Wells, and those two women he hooked up with in season 1 only wanted his "Firehose ". It's hard for those who haven't watched the first 6 seasons and the first 3 episodes in season 7 to comprehend, since they only want to see Buck kiss a dude but the truth is they don't know or care to learn about Buck’s history of using his body to get people to like him. He's literally been doing it since 1x1. The people he's been with never wanted to get to know him but HE'S ALWAYS HAD AN EMOTIONAL AND SEXUALLY TENSE relationship with Eddie. The only thing missing is sex for Buddie because they have everything else. They didn't even have to touch each other or take off a piece of clothing in 3x9 because their chemistry was so hot, it emanated through the screen and it's legendary.
It seems like T*mmy was going to be Eddie's first boyfriend and Buck wasn’t going to like it. Since by TM's admission and for those who've been watching for years, Buck was ALREADY CANONICALLY bi so it wouldn't have taken much for him to just admit it in season 7. There were hints throughout seasons 2, 3 and 4.
That's my speculation about what was supposed to happen and I think that line T*mmy said about the people they meet on calls always being "so grateful" was added at the last minute and it was done purposefully for Buck's storyline. I could be wrong but the way T*mmy pursued Eddie with dates, expensive fight tickets and them hanging out multiple times each week, it kind of seemed like he wanted Eddie because he's a "beautiful man".
Thanks for the ask and have a great day.
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sappho-said-i-could · 5 months
Why Buddie fans are “switching sides” (a silly little theory)
No one asked for this but I just want to share some thoughts I have based on some posts I’ve seen circulating in the 911 (specifically Buddie) fandom...
I think the reason so many people are glomming on to Tommy as a potential partner for Buck is that we’re seeing it as a real possibility. Not just a canonical possibility but a canonical possibility that has the potential of being good for Buck. Maybe for the first time.
For example, I personally liked Taylor as a character and kind of liked her with Buck (at times, until the end when I lost respect for her based on how she so easily chose her career over the man she supposedly loved), but I also knew that if Buck ended up with her permanently, I’d be sad for him because he deserved better than she was willing to grow. (The writers could have made Taylor a permanent love interest for Buck, but they would have messed up if they’d done that. His other girlfriends were also not written to be long term possibilities)
I like (nay, love) Eddie for Buck. They fit together so perfectly. They’re undeniably soul mates, even if only platonic.
And that brings me to Tommy. We don’t know Tommy yet. But from what we do know so far, I think he could be good for Buck in the same ways Eddie is, could match him toe to toe. And shipping them together right now is EASY. It’s EASY to root for two characters who are canonically into each other and treat each other well. So don’t blame us for leaning onto Buck and Tommy. It’s easy and comfortable and sometimes that’s why we engage in fandom.. for comfort.
If the show was doing something different with eddie’s story line, it would be easier for me to root for Buddie. But what they’re giving us right now is Eddie learning to love Marisol…
So I’m going to be over here, happy for Buck, and hoping for happiness for both Buck and Eddie.
I am not abandoning Buddie (guys, you can ship different couples at once lol it’s fiction it’s not that serious) but I’m not mad about Tommy as a possibility for Buck because it’s the first love interest he’s had so far who has treated him good from the beginning.
And I want the same for Eddie, btw. And if it’s Buck and Eddie endgame, I will be so unbelievably happy. But right now, with what we know, Buck and Tommy would be fine with me too!
TLDR: people ship Buck and Tommy because it’s easy and that’s okay so leave those shippers alone
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thegreatimpersonator · 5 months
Is it just me who is weirded out by the posts of “I gave Taylor grace last year in May because yeah she dated a racist but she was ill so it’s okay and I forgive her”. I believe she still thinks she did nothing wrong in that sense which is showing how much she truly hasn’t healed from
there's a lot of nuance to this conversation, and I hold all of these points true rn:
It isn't uncommon for people to get out of a serious relationship and indulge in some kind of impulsive/self destructive behavior and understanding where they come from makes it difficult to cancel said person (fwiw the canceling us a whole different conversation we can have when I'm a little less sleepy)
Taylor wouldn't be granted the same grace your average person would in this turn of events due to her celebrity status
Taylor has repeatedly been associated with problematic people and there's only so many instances you can write off as a mistake/her being unaware
Although it shouldn't be her responsibility to personify the most upright morals all the time, the whole world is watching her and she does have a massive fan base who is highly influenced by her actions
There's literally no excuse for associating with a racist person, let alone doubling down and defending that decision (either bc she misunderstood the criticism as fans trying to control who she dated or if she genuinely just doesn't care about the shit he's says publicly)
The choice to support her as a fan is complicated because the whole situation is a mess, but defending her actions against fans who are upset about valid reasons (mattys comments, That one article, etc.) is a. Questionable choice.
This isn't the first time she has associated with a problematic person. It does say something about her. This also doesn't automatically make her a racist.
She needs to understand that the fans she's responding to in songs like daddy aren't the ones who stalk her outside studios or crash her friends weddings. They were simply upset because of a very public relationship (which, even though she went through it under these circumstances, was still bad as it spoke volumes about who she might be as a person)
We don't know her personally. We never fully will. Still doesn't make it wrong to be upset that someone you care about made such choices. Also doesn't mean you automatically hate them, and wanting someone you've supported all your life to do better and be better shouldn't be such a hot take in the fandom as it is made out to be
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joesalw · 10 months
An opinion/theory I have that is based on nothing but vibes, my opinion on relationships and and my love for armchair psychology is that I don't think Joe ever really planned on settling down with Taylor. I'm not saying he wasn't in love with her or wasn't committed to her when he was with her, but I think deep down he knew (maybe only subconsciously) that this wasn't going to be forever.
I remember as early as 2021 there were rumours that the two of them were engaged and last year there were "secret marriage" rumours. When me and my brother would have our celeb gossip sessions he was the one who said they probably were married and would announce it at a later date, whilst I didn't really buy it I did think that it might be a possibility given how long their very serious relationship has been going. Like in 2017 you had Taylor singing about wanting to be his endgame and their sex life. Then in 2019 she mentioned marriage several times and how she'll never get over it if she loses him, and then the following year you had her mentioning giving him a child. After all this you'd be forgiven for assuming it means that they've had the conversation about marriage and children being a foregone conclusion.
Because of this, plus them both being in their 30s last year there was no reason why there wouldn't at least be a ring given on bended knee. But then midnights came out and after listening to it, especially to lavender haze, I realised that man don't want her and that relationship isn't going to last all that much longer. That post where his inner circle knew the breakup was coming for a while does go well with my theory so I choose to believe it. (Confirmation bias and all that)
People who think that maybe it was Taylor that didn't want to settle down or get engaged or that she was okay going that long without a ring really need to look at the kind of woman Taylor is. She was raised in a wealthy white conservative republican environment where girls are taught your achievements are nothing unless a man has married you. She's been looking for a husband since she came of age which is maybe why she gets attached so easily and is so bitter when it doesn't work out. Or maybe because everything else came to her so easily without much work she thought a man would too. There is no doubt in my mind about who wanted out in that relationship.
I honestly understand why she's probably so embarrassed right now. Girl really went from "he better lock it down or I won't stick around" to "all anyone wants to know is if I'm your wife". And then she got dumped. She could have saved herself the trouble by putting her money where her mouth is and dipped.
When you get anons asking why someone who seems like a great guy would be with someone like her, I think whilst she did probably pretend to be someone who wanted the same things he did and he was in love with her so he went along with it, but I also think he wasn't 100% fooled which is why their relationship ending was just a breakup and not a divorce.
Sorry for this essay, my cats asleep on top of me so I thought I'd kill some time waiting for her to wake up. If I can make another prediction, I think when Joe finds his "one" (if you believe in that) he'll be locked in pretty quickly and will probably be more open about their relationship whilst still being private.
he wasn’t 100% fooled. nice observation anon.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hi Katrin! I’m really sorry about all the hardships you’ve been through lately. Sometimes when I read your posts I feel so frustrated because I can’t really do anything to help you. I can only pray for your safety and happiness, but I’m sure everything will get better for you. Maybe it doesn’t mean much, but you are in a lot of people's thoughts and prayers <3
I have some questions for you (and sorry if you already addressed this in a previous post) about TGSTLTH:
What do you think is the extent of demon powers? Which do you think are the set of “standard” abilities inherent to every demon (highly enhanced senses, super strength, flying, altering their appearance, etc.)?
We know there are demons with special powers (Gremory in the last chapter being a very good example). Are any of Sebastian’s displays of power unique abilities only he possesses? Like are all demons able to will a garden into existence, create illusions, control the weather, recreate a mansion? Is there a unique ability from Sebastian you haven’t yet showed us?
Sebastian was really concerned when he thought Ciel had been hurt by Miss Taylor, so we know he’s unable to help Ciel by supernatural means if he’s already physically hurt. Do you think there are demons capable of healing humans? Manipulating time, mind reading/control, etc?
Sorry for all the questions :B haha I’m rereading your wonderful story and it got me thinking.
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words. They mean a lot, and sometimes praying is the only thing I can do. It's extremely difficult to live under this kind of constant threat of dying, losing my home and/or my loved ones, day after day, night after night.
And thank you for such interesting questions! So, questions 1 and 3: standard abilities of demons. Your answer lists the majority of them: they all have enhanced senses, they can assume any shape; they can fly and they become stronger by consuming blood. All of them can do some magic, like materialize food or create an illusion, but the extent of it differs. The higher rank a demon has, the more invulnerable they are, the more power they hold. Sebastian has a high rank and he is very strong, so his illusions are elaborate and his grasp on magic, such as when he created that garden, is above that of the majority. But other demons of his rank and higher can do the same things.
Demons are also very hard to kill even by demon standards (which is why, as I headcanon it, Sebastian asks Grell to kill the triplets - he doesn't want to waste his time on ending them when he needs to get to Ciel).
Question 2: special abilities of demons.
I like the idea of some demons having unique abilities! So yes, we have Gremory with a gift of seeing the future. The spell she used to mask Ciel's soul isn't anything special, on the other hand, and Sebastian could do the same. But since she outranks him, her magic is stronger. There is also demon Shax who can sense lies. I think some higher-up demons might be capable of healing, playing with time a little, and sensing someone's thoughts, but they are extremely rare as these gifts are particularly powerful.
With Sebastian, it's complicated. I think he definitely has some unique abilities, and based on the anime, I feel like one of them is the level of his demonic strength. It's boring, but it seems to be canon. I always found it fascinating how he keeps fighting in a human form even against strong opponents like Grell, Ash and Claude, almost losing sometimes but not seeming bothered by it. On the contrary, he's curious and amused, like he knows for certain he has an ace up his sleeve that he can use any moment. In his most serious fight against Angela, he assumes his true form and he destroys her in 10 seconds. We don't really see him doing anything special, he's just fighting with all his might at last, and he defeats an actual angel. I doubt any demon, including Claude, could do the same. So, I think that despite his aversion to Hell, Sebastian has a special connection with it. He can draw strength from it to surprising extents, to the point where he has good chances of defeating a demon with a higher rank in a one-on-one fight. Hell favors Sebastian because he's such an oddball.
There might be some other ability, but I haven't decided on it yet! I guess the plot is going to dictate it sooner or later. Until then, Sebastian will remain mysteriously silent :D
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stanleyl · 2 months
Yes/ saying it makes it sound like he's having the fandom he deserves, or people he's qgreeing with. They always use this as a dig to say well if they're being racists and stupid and weirdos it's making it hard to support him because he doesn't even address it so he must love this type of support
They know really well the people they're talking about couldn't care less about him... Qlso i know you're not a shipper blog but actually there's something I find so weird and you mentioned it a little bit, how many people on the bird app are riding at dawn for Zendaya (and good for her idc) but they're saying the meanest things about him. About his films ? I mean whatever it's personal preference but no, it's about who he is as person, his character and values. They put her on a pedestal saying she can't do any wrong and have this idea of her, and genuinely think she has been in a serious and committed relationship with someone who is the opposite of everything she stands for, so racists, homophobic, piece of shit human.. I've seen everything. How does that make sense, judging someone's character based of an handful of interviews vs. her sharing her life with him for the past god knows how many years. They put everything she does on a pedestal but the one thing that she actually has 100% control over (aka her romantic life) they hate it. and maybe that's why, it's because they can't do anything about it no matter which new wbotm appear
Yes. They know associating him with these groups will make him look bad.
I could delve into a deeper conversation and analysis of the whole situation, but this is me keeping it short, lol.
The core of her fan base has been with her since her Disney days, and these fans are quite different from typical fans of actors, they resemble pop star fans more. So, the behavior of treating her partner similarly to how Swifties treat Taylor Swift's partners isn't surprising to me. Like you said, there's a tendency to place these girls on a higher pedestal, and the people they choose to date often become punching bags if they don't meet fans' standards.
I know every celebrity has their own subset of weird or disrespectful fans, but anyone with common sense can see how her fans often get a pass to drag this man and usually get away with it. But you'll never see a viral post from a Tom fan saying the same stuff about Z, like you will NEVER see viral posts saying things like, "I miss when Tom was dating Nadia", but T/Z will be married with kids and you'll still see viral things about "Jacdaya", and how good they looked together because JE is taller, 🤪.
I can't stand a fan base that constantly accuses his fans of being racist just to justify their own harsh comments about him. When you try to find these supposed racist fans, you often find little evidence of the alleged racist insults thrown at Z. I'm not saying white male celebrities don't have racist white fans, especially when they're publicly dating women of color, but many of the issues her fans accuse Tom's fandom of are blown out of proportion or fabricated. On the other hand, there is plenty of real evidence of her fans (including some in the Tomdaya fandom) being disrespectful to him for years, and it's not just random obscure posts that can be easily scrolled past.
It's genuinely annoying how conniving people can be, because the hate from both sides is not equal. Not only are they awful to him, but they also control the narrative in their favor because they are, in fact, the majority. They will keep using these "But Tom fans are calling her slurs" excuses, when in reality the "fans" are just 1 or 3 stans with 50 followers getting rightfully attacked for saying those things, but they will frame it as if it's some viral post with many quotes saying "yasss girl, drag her ass", lol.
I'm just genuinely tired of their bullshit, lol.
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The 10 year on/off narrative maylors keep pushing is annoying to me. Yes we don’t know exactly how much contact they had starting in 2020 but just based on things Matty has said himself, and that Taylor reveals in her lyrics (subject to interpretation), it really doesn’t seem like a continuous period. Not even close. They dated extremely briefly in 2014. Matty says in an interview post-NMEs that he hadn’t spoken to her in like 6 yrs until that award show. Okay so that brings us from 2014/5 to 2020 with no speaking. Down the drain goes 6/10 yrs of the “10 year on-off.” By this time Matty is with FKA which by all accounts was a very serious relationship that didn’t end for good until Spring 2022. The boys didn’t bring Jack Antonoff into the process of BFIAFL until late 2021. Jack is the only reason he crossed paths with Taylor again and got to work on Midnights. So Matty and Taylor weren’t even friends again until late 2021 or early 2022. Post-Twigs Matty was seeing several different women which is well documented as occurring up to March 2023. Taylor was obviously with Joe. Taylor writes in TTPD about fantasizing about Matty but seems to make it a point to say it never got physical until after Joe. Could be a lie but she’s not shy about admitting to affairs. So someone explain to me how this is a 10 year on/off instead of on-OFF-on with the on totaling 4-5 months maximum. This is all without even accounting for the amount of time they were on opposite sides of the planet during 2021-early 2023 making physical interaction impossible such as when Taylor was with Joe on various movie and tv sets.
As I’ve been saying, I don’t know Taylor enough to speak on this. They have common friends and run in similar circles sometimes so it’s very possible that they’ve interacted. At the very least we know they could’ve been in touch since collaborating on her album. All of which is normal and understandable.
But I think to say anything more about this would be to cross a line. it strikes me as disrespectful to assume that every move that with TS or Matty make are about one thing and one thing only. I mean, Matty was out there posting Simulacra and Simulation quotes and posting a book on American theatre and yall are out here talking about “clues for Taylor swift.” Do you not see how that belittles the thoughtfulness and work that he’s put into the show??? It’s also quite presumptuous to think that either of them would wanna “send signals” for fans to decode. Why would they feel like they need complete strangers (who destroyed their relationship) to know if they’re trying again?????
Also, if yall really believe that they’re together / trying to be together again wouldn’t letting them have their privacy be best given all that’s happened? Intruding on them would only bring back the hate and attention. Idk bro.
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lcndonboysstuff · 6 months
I think my worry about that sub is the lack of critical thinking from the people who read it. And I think those mods know it hence why they are doing it. People are so akin to hating Joe, someone could say the most stupid thing and they would believe it it.
To give you an example, someone on that sub said the J necklace was given to Taylor by his mom. I don't even know how they came up with this. But ig it's the narrative being pushed that he forgot her birthday or something. You would think someone in there would say, that's kind of ridiculous. But no, it's an idiot says something idiot and his idiot friends are like omg yas Queen so true.
There was other post in there about "the party", you know the one he threw at their rental house but for some reason they think Taylor didn't know about it. It's like they think they weren't two adults living together and he was a college kid waiting for his parents to go away to throw a secret party. Whether you like it or not, they were living in that rental together and if he wanted to throw a party he very well could.
It's also bizarre because they insist it was a birthday party for Alison, while also saying it happened June 22nd which was the day after Taylor left. Ig that works for their plot better. The ridiculous is people are going to see this theory and take it as true. But if you do a quick Google search Alison's birthday in early June. Why would they wait more than two weeks to throw her a party? And who told you that just because they posted the party pics supposely on a specific day, that's when the party happened? What if the party happened actually earlier and even Taylor was there? But these people seem to have pea brains and zero ability to think by themselves and that's what concerns me.
The cheating thing has turned canon. If you see something about Taylor on Facebook or Instagram, like if you defend Joe in a random post people will tell you he shouldn't be defended cause he cheated on her. That's how much that theory spread with zero evidence, besides people's self fullfilling prophecy. It breached from just the fandom to the general public and that's really really shitty, when there's even more evidence on Taylor's side than his
there’s no reasons to take anything they say serious o it’s all based in delusions. the lies spread but people that easily believe lies like that weren’t gonna be on joe’s side anyways.
even either of them cheated on each other (i don’t think they did) everything points to taylor but that would require acknowledging that taylor dated Matty so they forever ignore it.
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chano4kauwu · 10 months
Maybe drop some oc lore? Like what they're like, interests, that kind of stuff? :0
Thank you for such a question/request! I am pleased to hear that someone is asking me about my OC :") I will try not to stretch this post by millions of letters. I have nothing to say anything definite about the characters, because all the action takes place in a world like ours. In America. About the characters, I will tell you a basic little information about each : ") I have 19 of my characters.
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Here I showed their physique and height. Plus I only needed the base colors of each character.
I'll start with the main three characters that I most often draw:
Fritz Hagen. He is 22 years old. He's German. He's a biology teacher at school. He is not a serious person at all, he constantly jokes stupidly and tries in every possible way to make amends to his ex-boyfriend, with whom they met - with Ron. He killed his parents as a teenager, so Ron has been afraid of him ever since, that he might kill him too. Fritz and Ron broke up two years ago. And Fritz can't let go of their breakup in any way, wanting to meet Ron again.
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Ron Williams. He's English. He is 25 years old and works as a chemistry teacher at the same school as Fritz. Ron is a terribly hot-tempered, dissatisfied person. He is well able to pretend to be an intelligent, well-mannered person - but in fact he swears most of all. He tries to avoid Fritz. But Fritz comes to him without asking. Deep down, Ron still loves Fritz and worries about him. In this world, the main role is played by the pupils in the eyes. His pupils are the same in his eyes, so he is gifted in the exact sciences, he has an excellent memory, logic, thinking. He had already had some knowledge of chemistry since he was 4 years old. He is also an albino.
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3. Ben Summers. He is an American and he is 17 years old. He goes to school with Ron and Fritz. They are his teachers. Ben was born with his Siamese twin brother. His brother died at the age of 5. He got a small and unhealthy heart, which could not stand it and stopped. Ben has been suffering from amnesia related to his parents since childhood. All his childhood he could not remember either their names or their faces. He was often scared of them because he saw them "for the first time". His mother died of an illness and his father crashed in an accident. He still doesn't know about it. His parents died when Ben was 10. He lived for some time with Fritz's family, who sheltered him. Ben also happened to witness the murder. Fritz knows Ben saw it, but he threatened him - if anyone finds out about it, Ben will face the same fate. He has been friends with Ron and Fritz since he was born.
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Ben (right) and his brother Al (left) 4. Claire Taylor. He is 27 years old. American. He works as a physics teacher at school with Ron and Fritz. He was called by a female name because the family was expecting a girl, but a boy was born. His mother bought a lot of things for the girl, and until the age of 7 he went in dresses, played with dolls, addressed himself in the feminine. He is a very touchy person. Manipulator and he is very jealous. He is also an owner. He dated Ron for a while. Until he found out that Ron was also dating Fritz at the same time, whom he hated. He hates his younger sister Margo more than anyone else in the world. Claire is the heaviest, nasty-looking person. nobody wants to have anything to do with him. Some are even afraid of him. There is also a pendant hanging around his neck. It's a gift from his girlfriend who died in a plane crash. She was the only one who could see a good person in him.
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Ron, Claire and Fritz/Claire and Edith are stuck together in an elevator.
5. Margo Taylor. She is 17 years old. American. She's a classmate with Ben. She is most afraid of her brother Clare. Especially at home. At school, she is the most beautiful girl, she wins many competitions wherever she participates due to her appearance. But in fact, she is a quiet, not noisy girl who only plays a role in public. She understands that many friends will turn away from her if she shows herself real.
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6. Edith de Fleur. 29 years old. A Frenchwoman. She is a French teacher at the school where Fritz, Ron and Claire work. She was most unlucky with relationships. Men do not look at her, considering her boring and not very interesting. She is a quiet, modest girl who has a personal home library. Her twin sister was married twice and she had many partners. She is madly in love with Ron and shows it to him in every possible way. But he doesn't seem to see it. At the same time, she does not notice the courtship from Claire, who already loves her, but she does not notice him already. Also, Edith's whole body is covered with many different freckles. Especially a lot of them on the face, shoulders, hips.
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7. Rick Evaco. 27 years old. Brazilian. He was born in the favelas of Brazil and lived for a long time in the poorest family. He is the oldest child. There are three children in their family. His father became very good friends with one of the influential people on the black market. He earned enough money so that Rick could leave Brazil and move to a prestigious place. He moved to Spain, where he was able to pass the exam and go to college. There he was able to show himself, his knowledge. Rick turned out to be not the stupidest, on the contrary - one of the smartest students. During the summer holidays, he visited America and became friends with Ron and Fritz, who helped Rick a little with money. Now he is a successful businessman who has two companies in Spain, one in Brazil and one in America.
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Rick with his sister. 8. Ines Sarto. 25 years old. Italian. A sweet, calm, quiet girl. She was in the same class as Ron at school while she was living in America. In Italy, she met Leah in a cafe. At that moment she was working as a waitress. Now Ines is engaged to Leah after a long relationship. Inez still communicates with Ron on the Internet. She often uses a translator, since she began to forget English.
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Ines and Leah 9. Leah Gentile. 26 years old. Italian. She was born in a large family. She is the second oldest child. There are 7 children in her family. Leah's parents are terribly religious people. She ran away from her family at 17 and stopped communicating with them at 20 when she said she was dating a girl. She smokes a lot, is a rude and tough girl. She protects Ines and worries a lot about her if she goes somewhere alone. She often swears and does not behave culturally in society. But not in front of Ines.
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10. Engel Weber. He is 26 years old. German. He is rude, not polite, harsh and uncomfortable person. For a long time he was close friends with Fritz. They were friends until Fritz pushed Engel's sister into a pit with iron bayonets. When Engel found out that Fritz had killed his sister, he swore revenge on him. But by the time he realized, Fritz had moved to America. Due to the loss of a loved one, Engel stopped caring for himself, he gained weight, he has mental and not only health problems. His hair was dyed gray with white tips. The only goal left was to take revenge on Fritz for what he had done.
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11. Josh Carter. 30 years old. American. He works as a teacher of several foreign languages at the same school as Fritz, Ron, Claire and Edith. He's a terribly deceitful, cunning man. He is never interested in the affairs of another person. If he asks something like that, it means he needs something. He was in three relationships, and only the last girl was able to injure him. There's a burn on his left side of his body. His ex-girlfriend threw a kettle of boiling water at him in the hope of killing him. But it didn't work out. He realized that all girls are fools and he remains single. The only one who really matters to him is his friend Henry.
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Josh and Henry 12. Henry Gate. 30 years old. American. He works as a psychologist at the school where Fritz, Ron, Claire, Edith and Josh work. He is a terribly sentimental, empathic person with weak nerves. For a psychologist, he takes everything too close to his heart. He often tries to help everyone to his own detriment. The only person who is particularly important to him is Josh. It is still a mystery to everyone how they were able to make friends. He is terribly fond of collecting books and drawing. Especially landscapes.
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13.Ed Ryder. 17 years old. American. He's a classmate with Ben and Margot. Ed lives with one father, his mother left them when Ed was 9 years old. My father's salary is not enough for normal living, and sometimes not enough for normal food. Ed is endowed with a slightly feminine physique and appearance. Therefore, he followed in his mother's footsteps and went to earn money through prostitution. So he was finally able to provide for himself on his own. Despite his position, he remains optimistic and often jokes. Especially on sexual topics.
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14.Amintas Exarchidis. 31 years old. Greek. He works as Rick's bodyguard. They became good friends, despite the closed and not verbose nature of Amintas. Aminats has three younger sisters and one older brother, who provided great support in his youth. He, like Rick, lived in a poor, not rich family, so they quickly found a common language. Despite the numerous scars that are on his body, he still tries to resolve any conflicts peacefully.
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I need y'all to be serious for a moment when it forms to Haley and Evan, we don't know ANYTHING
Deuxmoi posts anything people send them, they have no actual reliable source. A lot of things they posts turns out to be untrue. (Few examples from other celebs that I like; 2021-2022 there were rumors about Chris Evan having a gf and before they confirmed their relationship, deuxmoi was posting about him being with some woman with kids but at the same time posted multiple other people who were claiming they saw him with different women who didn't matched the description of the other ones, and the one that makes me laugh the most; they claimed Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Joe were engaged, even secretly married and well that was also bs and they're broken up now lmao)
And not having any sightings doesn't mean anything, if Frances wasn't posting Evan we probably wouldn't even know about them. I dont remember any sightings at all, or maybe I'm missing something.
They could not have been in contact at all anymore, or they could've been dating this whole time. We can all have opinions but please for the love of God don't base your opinion on what deuxmoi posts and the lack of sightings... we aren't getting sightings of Evan either that doesn't mean he doesn't exists does it? 🤣🤣 (and from the new pics we know he definitely does exists and he's hot af 😫)
thank you anon! i really appreciate you perspective; i completely agree. we should not base any opinion strictly on reports from deuxmoi - they are not reliable. we literally had to piece the whole beginning of evan/haley together from deuxmoi/tiktok/twitter sightings and eventually the photo from a deuxmoi reader. i know we all want the play by play, but we just have to let it unfold and see what happens <3
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is the Ask Us Anything episode of the podcast.
They had so many questions sent in the could do like 20 episodes of this format.
Did they get to choose where they sat in the choir room? Most of the time the cast got to choose their spots. Sometimes they would choose based on the storyline for that episode. Some directors like Paris would assign them seats. It also depended on the scene and how shots were set up.
What was the hardest song they had to sing on the show? Kevin’s top 3 are Footloose, At Last, and PYT. He had a 102 fever when recorded it. Jenna’s were Dog Day’s, Because You Love Me, and Gangnam Style.
Easiest song: Jenna - Flashdance & Kevin - Stronger by Brittany Spears
What was your least favorite character storyline? Jenna - Artie’s STD storyline & Kevin - Anytime Artie responded to a serious situation super insensitively and Artie’s STD storyline. He said it was fun but insane. Taylor Swift visited the set during this episode. She was working on something at Paramount at the time.
What song would Tina sing from Taylor Swifts first Midnights album? Jenna and Tina would sing Mastermind.
Was there really so much drama like the media reported? There was not so much drama on set. There were peaks and valleys. It was a large cast and sometimes emotions ran high.
Have you signed any NDA’s that keep you from talking poorly about another costar? No, no NDA’s were signed during glee or post glee that would stop anyone from talking about anyone else.
What were there favorite memories from filming in New York (Season 2 finale)? They thought it was going to be long and crazy shoot. They only filmed for like five minutes because the fans were crazy. They had a lot of downtime and fun. They celebrated Jenna and Dianna’s birthdays and watched the royal wedding. The script was not finished and they were shooting with 3/4ths of the script. There was paparazzi everywhere. Kevin felt so lucky because they got to shut down areas of Central Park and Times Square. He felt like a rockstar. Jenna was home and said it was nice to be home.
Thoughts on the glee novels released in the first few seasons? No thoughts because they did not know there were novels.
Favorite Amber Riley performance? And I’m Telling You, Ain’t No way (Kevin said the tour version was unreal. She made it look so easy), and River Deep Mountain High.
Jenna watched a YouTube video ranking all the Tina songs because she didn’t remember all the songs she sang. Now she is going to go down a rabbit hole and watch them for all the characters.
Were any of the guest stars divas? No. The guest stars were usually the easiest, coolest, and happy to be there. Gwyneth, Kate Hudson, and Sarah Jessica Parker were all awesome. Kevin said he remembers Kate Hudson hanging out in base camp and asking if the schedule was always crazy. She would hang out with the cast all the time. Everyone was really really nice.
Did being the only two OGs that graduated in season 5 bond you together? Jenna said it didn’t feel like they were the only OGs. They had Chord and Darren. Everybody else felt like they were part of the crew. They only found out they were juniors at the panel at Comic Con when they announced it to everyone. They were happy to be in the choir room for another year. It meant they still had a job. They didn’t know if they would bring everyone to New York. They still had a check for another season.
Is it true that the writers would add storylines about you in real life to annoy you all? They definitely wrote from truth. They saw relationships and friendships forming. They saw certain things and situations happen and they will get to those in the podcast soon. The writers were inspired as they got to know the cast better. They did write to truth but not all of it. They didn’t do it to annoy the cast. Jenna was in musical theater and had crushes on a lot of gay men which inspired Tina falling in love with Blaine. Jenna said they will talk about that storyline.
There were a lot of questions about everyone hooking up. The questions were wild. Kevin said just think about your college years. There was no drama. There wasn’t a lot of cross pollination happening as Jenna put it. She said its also not their story to tell.
How did you feel about season 6? Did you feel like your characters were pushed out? Jenna said no she didn’t feel like she was being pushed out. It was a mutual thing between her and the producers. It was something she wanted to do and she was fine taking a small step back. She felt removed from the show. Kevin felt removed as well. The felt disconnected because they were so used to being their all the time. Kevin liked where their characters ended up.
Did Jenna do the ad libs in Express Yourself? Jenna said she doesn’t know. They all did al libs in that song. She doesn’t remember.
Kevin said Phil the sound man would have the studio file of all the tracks and when they would lip sync he would turn up the ad libs so they could hear them. Kevin’s would ask him to solo out things for him because sometimes it was hard to tell who was doing the ad lib.
What is the best prank you have done to a cast mate? Kevin and Jenna both said they were not pranksters but were pranked by others. Telly, Diana, and Naya were egging people like Pretty Little Liar like A. Jenna came back to her trailer one day and there was an A on her vanity mirror written in Sriracha and an empty bottle and they left some secret about her. This went on for weeks. When they went on tour they got Samsung phones and they would get mysterious texts from A.
They had the auction winner Madeline from Snixxmas on the podcast.
Are there any specific storylines that resonated with them? Kevin - Kurt & Burt storylines. It was nice to see a healthy gay son and accepting father relationship. It helped transform people’s views on how this can be done in healthy and productive way. It’s also Jenna’s answer. The winner said the college storylines resonated with her.
Do you have a favorite season finale? At some point 2009 was supposed to be the finale. Jenna said it could have ended their for her. Kevin said season 2 when they filmed in New York. It was chaos but it also felt like they had finished their exams and go to have fun. There was one day in New York where Kevin and Jenna showed up to work in the same outfit.
Do they have any other favorite directors? Outside of Ryan, Ian, and Brad they enjoyed working with Eric Stoltz. He came to work in a suit. He expected them to be prepared and didn’t want them to rely on the script. As intimidating as that could be he was so into the characters. It meant a lot to have someone thinking about the characters outside of the scripts. It could be daunting having a new director. Eric did it in a respectful way but also took charge. There were directors that let everybody else take the lead and that makes for a really messy time behind the scenes. They would ask Ryan to bring back Eric because they loved him.
They asked Madeline what her favorite glee song is and she said it is I Believe In A Thing Called Love. She likes a good rock song.
They asked her what is one of her favorite group numbers? Adele mash up of Rumor Has It and Someone Like You. Kevin said that one gets better with time.
Does she have a dream storyline? She would have loved to see more Tina and Artie. Kevin and Jenna said great answer.
Come back next week for another recap.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
I think it can be tricky because even if most gaylors believe in the possibility she may be other than straight, not all of them behave that way or speculate about her life even. People just don't want or care enough to realize this but the truth is that there are awful, obsessive people as in any other fandom and among straight swifties as well, not just gaylors. So when I see posts going around calling out gaylors about something gross an specific group of people did, or saying they're all disgusting pieces of shit that should choke or die, I can't help being offended as a gay fan who likes to queer code her lyrics so I can apply them to my life, without speculating about her sexuality. And that's how many normal gaylors can be offended and take it as homophobic. I just think we should all be a little bit more careful about the words we use and not generalize because the line can be so thin and confused and become really serious (like a couple of days ago, when a 14 year old popped into someone's ask saying that they've been told to kill themselves just because of wishing Taylor was gay and identifying themselves as a gaylor, for example)
i agree that language can be really tricky, especially when it's about something that doesnt really have 1 single definition and can be something as innocent as just simply being someones sexual identity or as problematic as speculating about a strangers. this is the reason i specified in my post saying 'those gaylors' (as in the ones bothering maya) and not just in general, simply because it can mean different things to different people.
and i also agree that gaylors (the speculating kinds) arent the only bad part of the fandom. any fan that theorizes on taylors personal life are invasive and cross boundaries. the fans who went to taylors old house on cornelia street when the news of the break up broke, that's weird and invasive. the fans who swore they were already married with children are crossing boundaries. we as a fandom need to learn to just enjoy her music and once she releases a song it is no longer solely connected to her personal life.
like you said, your story is yours and you listen to her songs through a queer lens, because that you. that belongs to you and you have every right to see it through you're own view. what's crossing the line forcing that view onto someone who didnt ask for it, which is taylor. people who speculate on her sexuality are taking their personal life and projecting it onto her, an nonconsenting party, when it's not hers. it's theirs. and the exact same thing can be said about straight fans, they can listen to the exact same song and see it through their own lens, as they should. but instead some decide to only see it through the lens of the theorized personal life of taylors they have just completely fictionalized based on other songs. like how fans are theorizing taylor picking the surprise songs on tour based on how she feels about joe now, every comment under her performance of 'you're not sorry' was like 'omggg shes so mad what did joe do??' like that is none of our business. she is literally just singing a song of hers.
like she herself as said before, once a song is released it is no longer hers. it's ours. so why are people forcing her onto the meaning when she herself said she doesnt want that. make it your own without her being involved in any way.
i've said this before but this fandom needs to grow up and stop analyzing gossip and pretending to know anything about taylors life behind the curtain and start relating to songs the healthy way, which is applying it to their own life and their life alone.
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bisluthq · 4 months
Harry took his mom, dad, and pregnant sister to her play. Went to both opening and closing night of her play. Went back and forth to London a million times when his tour was in Europe because she was based there. They lived together in his house. He was seen out buying stuff for her dog and he was seen out walking her dog without her. He took her to his place in Italy. They spent Christmas together in London and New Years together in Anguilla. She took him to her hometown of Deep Cove and they left restaurant staff flowers signed “Harry & Taylor.” He went to New York, a place he absolutely despises, to see her while she was working there. They went to Mitch’s show together (his best friend) and she was seen playing with Mitch and Sarah’s baby in it. She was seen at his final show with his closest friend and family, holding hands with his BFFs wife. Multiple members of his extended family followed her on social media and interacted with her. His other BFFs wife (Xander) and her became besties and hung out together in London and New York. His mom’s best friend who’s like an aunt to Harry posted a picture on her instagram saying she looked beautiful, which Harry’s family, including his mom liked.
You know how I just said he went back and forth a million times to London? Of the entirety of his European leg of tour, which is when they were together, she went to three shows, Vienna, Barcelona, and Italy. And he didn’t go back to London between two (Barcelona and Madrid, and Madrid and Portugal. Italy came after Portugal). After his Italy show he stayed behind in Italy for a week with his buddies Xander, Max, and Jeff, all of whom are in long term relationships but stayed without their significant others, presumably it was a boys trip because Xander was about to get married. He went to her opening night right after the trip and stayed glued to London the entire rest of the year to be with her. The exception being Xander’s wedding in Pennsylvania, which was on a Saturday (Taylor couldn’t go because of her play). But Harry was seen in London Friday evening and Sunday afternoon, meaning he literally hauled ass back and forth in 24 hours.
The other exception is when he AND Taylor went to LA, Vegas, and Canada together in OctoberNovember and then to Anguilla for NYE. Essentially he only left her side the shortest possible amount of time. And I can’t stress how fucking weird it was as a fan of his to see him make home base this much around someone. I think he was deeply in love with Olivia and he didn’t do that with her. Also didn’t do that with Camille. It wasn’t until February this year when she left for rehearsals of her play in NYC that he started to actually leave London without her (he went to Paris, then LA, then Georgia for the Augusta Masters). I thought he for sure wouldn’t be caught dead in NYC but he was there for 10 days (he was first spotted there by a cabbie March 9, a worker at Taylor’s opening night March 13 said he was there but hidden, and then he was finally spotted at Mitch’s show March 14. He stayed until March 19, when he was seen at the Newark Airport).
The only reason someone would say they weren’t that serious is that they’re racist. I’m not pulling a card, I’m being very serious. Cause there’s literally no reason to believe this wasn’t serious. They were together for a year. Lived together. Like? Unless that person is a Larrie or one of those weird fans who think they have a chance with him.
I’m not gonna guess why they broke up and I don’t think they’re getting back together at all. But if a 30 year old man does all that for a 30 year old woman then they’re serious.
I agree they were serious.
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whereareroo · 1 year
WF THOUGHTS (10/9/23).
A few days ago, I warned you that I tend to stay away from serious news (and serious blog posts) when I’m on road trips. This post proves my point.
For weeks now, I’ve seen dozens of headlines about Taylor Swift dating some NFL player. I don’t know the whole story because I refuse to waste brain power on such a stupid story. I’m in a coffee shop right now. If Taylor Swift was sitting right next to me, I wouldn’t recognize her. It’s depressing that so many Americans are interested in such stupid stuff. The publishers of the stupid stories aren’t stupid people. They print the stuff because they know that it will draw attention from millions and millions of eyeballs. Isn’t that sad?
I also wouldn’t recognize Katy Perry. She’s been in the news lately because, after a few years of legal warfare, she’s involved in a trial about the sale of a house. In 2020, an 80 year old man in California (who happened to be the founder of 1-800-FLOWERS) listed his $15 million home for sale. At the time, he allegedly suffered from some issues related to dementia. He also had spinal issues, which require a six-hour surgical procedure. Three days after the surgery, when he was still on painkillers, the man executed a contract selling the house to Perry. A few days later, when he was feeling better, he changed his mind and asked Perry to void the contract. She said no. Her position is that a contract is a contract. Isn’t she sweet? The man says that, given his dementia and the pain killers, he lacked the capacity to enter into a contract. A court will have to decide. The trial is underway, and it’s being covered in the legal news. Perry hassling the old man has inspired new laws to protect the elderly. California is currently considering the PERRY Act. That’s short for Protecting Elderly Realty for Retirement Years Act. In real estate transactions, it give parties over the age of 75 a three day time period to change their mind. Isn’t that a great tribute to Katy Perry?The name is a hoot.
This isn’t the first time that Katy Perry was a big deal in real estate news. In 2014, the final two nuns at a big convent in Los Angeles put their facility up for sale. Perry made a $14 million offer, which the nuns rejected because they didn’t like Ms. Perry. Not to be outdone, Perry went to the Archdiocese and made a deal that would force the nuns out anyway. In the meantime, the nuns sold their place to a new buyer for $15 million. Based upon her deal with the Archdiocese, Perry sued the nuns and the new buyer. Perry dragged the nuns through the court system for a few years. Eventually, the new buyer abandoned the deal. After years of tormenting the nuns, Perry walked away from the deal too. Who screws a couple of old nuns?
I still don’t know what Katy Perry looks like, or why anybody gives a hoot about her. I do know that I’ll run for the hills if I ever see a real estate contract with Katy Perry’s name on it. There’s obviously something very wrong with Katy Perry.
Based upon this post, it’s quite likely that the fans of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry will stop reading this blog. I don’t care. Have a nice life.
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deeenerys17 · 1 year
I am so surprised that fans are insisting she is doing this to rub into his face. If thats true she knows better than anyone else he wont respond publically like doing a pap walk with his new gf or get "caught" partying with multiple women. Why would she want that even because it would sting her? She doesn't want him to be petty back to her be so serious. Then it comes back to she wants him to get jealous and fight back. Like she wants to get back together with him but this is not a possibility to them. It comes back to them painting her out to be the crazy woman going after her ex having meltdowns in public because he forced her to dump him. The only good way their narrative reflects on Taylor is she wants him back by making him jealous. Otherwise I am sorry it paints her like the same way media does.
The thing is (and I had a close friend blocked me (ended our friendship) becoz I called him out for bullying Joe) 80% of the media's news about Taylor are from the fans. (this is ofcourse after she blew up probably post 1989). The jet tracking, the jealousy narrative, dissecting of her love life thru songs and tours. And ofcourse - speculation about her sexuality, who is part of the squad? All of these narratives that is out there are from this fandom - the media are latching on to the things we have been discussing.
If Taylor wants Joe back, she wouldnt allowed Matty to be in her tour. I don't think Matty is the right person to make him jealous - (not becoz he is messy and problematic).
Also, this fandom is projecting based on her songs about Joe. How shes gonna die if they broke up. We keep on forgetting that those songs were time capsules, you dont necessary feel the same now when you wrote them. If she wants to be with Joe - she should pick up the phone and talk to the guy - I think swifties are forgetting that Taylor is no longer 18, she's a grown up who has matured.
Even the mine speech, i saw blogs here who's saying shes referencing him. She referenced her experience in an adult relationship that just it lol. I dont see any malice to that speech but in here its magnified lol.
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