#also everyone else in that ep was good and at their wits’ end
raven-foul · 2 years
I need to do a top 10 jonelias moments for real but honestly #1 is all of mag92 like all of it is just too good. the way that the two of them push and pull during the course of the episode…jon and elias are the two people with the most information/power in the initial confrontation, everyone else is just getting up to speed about leitner’s murder and sasha’s death but jon really does think he has something to leverage over elias in that moment before it’s maneuvered away from him…but at the same time he actually also does have the power of compulsion ! it’s not enough yet but it should be starting to scare elias a little bit!
and of course [pleasured exhalation] is just so iconic I feel like it would’ve deserved the single #1 moment alone if it wasn’t followed up by their private conversation after the thing with daisy. like. whew. elias really does just say ok everyone! if you’ll all give me and jon a moment alone im sure we have some things to discuss (actual quote) tee hee everyone get out. AND EVERYONE DOES ?! LIKE it’s honestly kind of funny that after all that they just leave him alone with elias again like not even martin is like umm no let’s go jon don’t listen to this crazy guy. hilarious. like guys did you know that after you left they had an incredibly intense conversation about the monster that jon was becoming and the nature of their twisted humanity (and then elias wrote jon a nice little return to work form kissed him on his cheek and sent him on his way)? and the PRAISE the MANIPULATION the GOADING?? jon BEGGING elias to tell him what to do??? “what are you” “I…the archivist” <-???? CRAZY!! “Am I…elias am I still human?” (vulnerable) “Jon, what does human even mean?” (in control) <- !!!! INSANE??
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sparring-spirals · 5 months
It feels weird seeing everyone laugh together with Dorian knowing about what happened with dariax. Same with opal, fyra rai and morrigan
Okay, i did finally watch the reunion and end of the ep and honestly: I fully agree with you, and I also love it. Its fucked up and kind of perfect bc of that. I had some time to process between finishing the ep and witnessing everything live, but like, that juxtaposition, the whiplash is so good.
Seeing Dorian make jokes and be casual, thinking about Cyrus's body split in half, Dariax turning around to find no one there. Thinking about the joyous reunion and Laudna piling gifts on Dorian and Morrighan sobbing, devastated, Opal and Fy'ra Rai in encroaching darkness, doomed. Dorian, walking, alone.
And Dorian recounts everything in plain little sentences, tone cavalier. He says "It's all right. We all deal with grief in different ways." with a little shrug.
It IS weird, you're so right! That's the point of it! Dorian says "its all right" and Laudna immediately goes "its NOT all right" and that feels like the crux of it, tbh.
But also, what is he supposed to do? What are they all supposd to do? Its messed up and its weird, and there shouldn't be jokes when all that shit just happened. But what else is he going to do? In what world would Dorian have walked away from that and seen them all and not immediately pasted on his best smile and opened with a joke?
"It's all right" and its not, but what else is he supposed to say?
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romchat · 11 months
Story of Kunning Palace Ep. 18: Observing you observing me
When you've always seen yourself as the villain, is it harder to accept kindness or accept that others see kindness within you?
Hands down my favorite parts of Episode 18 were these two back-to-back scenes with You Fangyin, Jiang Xuening, and Xie Wei. For our two deeply scarred leads, the ability to find someone who truly sees them for who they are and what they could be feels unattainable, and yet in this episode they both find that.
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The day after being attacked by a delirious Xie Wei, Xuening goes to visit You Fangyin in prison. Feeling guilty about not being able to stop Yan Lin from being exiled, Xuening also expresses guilt about keeping Fangyin in "another prison" to protect her from her family. Like Xie Wei with Yan Lin, she believes her scheming has shackled Fangyin to an even worse fate.
But Fangyin just smiles and gently corrects her, arguing that Xuening has actually made her life better. She also notes that while "death is the end of everyone's life, the process could have thousands of possibilities." The conversation is a good reminder for Xuening that not only is Yan Lin's disastrous fate not locked into place, but also that perhaps Xie Wei's actions, like her own towards Fangyin, might not be as nefarious as she had originally assumed.
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I think that's why when Xie Wei confronts her outside the prison, she's angry but it's more from feeling betrayed than anything else.
Side Note #1: This woman though. Xuening literally saw Xie Wei murder a man and almost gets stabbed/strangled herself, but she's more upset that he kept his plan to protect Yan Lin a secret from her. She might idolize and be attracted to Zhang Zhe's virtuousness but she and Xie Wei are two peas in a pod when it comes to embracing the idea that sometimes the ends justify the (bloody) means.
Side Note #2: I love how Xie Wei is wary enough of Xuening's reaction that he keeps his distance but the moment his guard, Qing Feng, starts criticizing her he moves to her side.
Side Note #3: Zhang Linghe's profile is magnificent. That jawline is sharper than the dagger Xie Wei used to kill Gongyi Cheng.
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Xie Wei is an excellent people reader, and when she accepts his invitation back to his home, he knows she's angry. So it takes him aback when she extends a bit of kindness despite that.
The beginning of this scene has such lovely subtle acting by Zhang Linghe. Xuening sees Xie Wei struggle with setting down the qin because of his injured hand so she reaches over and gently places it on the table for him. That cautious lift of Xie Wei's head and the wonderous look on his face like he can't believe she'd offer care after witnessing his violence...that broke me. It says so much about his character and the low expectations he has for the people around him to care.
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But when it comes to Xuening, Xie Wei doesn't want her to have those same low expectations of him. He tells her not to trust him, that he's not a good person, and yet he
Risked his life to take pills that would treat his delirium enough that he could approach her the morning after he attacked her;
Is willing to risk his revenge plan by explaining parts of his strategy to someone with links to the Ministry of Justice just so that she doesn't turn away from him;
Gets visibly frustrated when she assumes he just wants to shut her up about the murder rather than explain about Yan Li.
And he tucks it away in his heart that she admits to observing him like he observes her. Although his identity is an illusion, it is enough for him that he is an illusion she truly sees and can be kind to.
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Look at that boyish smile.
How she is so oblivious about his feelings at this point is beyond me but Minister of Justice and Cheekbones is pretty distracting so I guess I get it.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - Korea is coming after your office romance crown, Japan
March 2023 Wk 3
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Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 6 of 10 - (sorry, yes I knew they extended it to 10, and I don’t think it’s a good sign) I thought the kink moment was kinda cute, and it illustrates the best thing about f-buddy relationships, license to play and explore. Also language play! (You know phi/nong is also for pets, right?) Poor Uea never gets to keep a grain of happiness very long - so now he’s pushing it away and self isolating. Sigh, I do hope there is happiness for a few eps at the end of all this trauma. 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 1 of 5 - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love) about an engineering student and a dentist. Expect this one to stay soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. I LOVE it. Bad sound and wooden acting but this is a classic old school Thai pulp. Older shy (but delightfully manipulative) sweetie dentist Ana with crush on younger sappy sunshine jock engineering student, Fuse. Very much a puppy/cat pairing. I admit, knowing all the various characters’ back stories means everything makes more sense. The friends’ conversations make me laugh a lot, but this is a very talkie show, with not awesome subs, so certainly not for everyone. I’ve already rewatched the first ep 3x. 
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) 3 of 12 eps - I enjoy that its the tsundere uke developing feelings first. Unusual approach. I also like that fake dating is being deployed to protect the girl from a stalker. It’s silly but I’m starting to like this show more. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 4 of 12 - Honestly, the boss character isn’t really that tsundere. He’s basically a big old softy. Also baby boy very jelly. I would be too. Ex is v hot. But we keep being told things about these 2 characters but not shown said things on screen. Like the writers think they are telling one story but what we are watching is completely different. It’s... odd.
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - Aw, P’Park has an emotional support uke. OMG they brought the flirty faen fatal crumb back! YES. I love him. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT) ep 4 of 10 - Good advice about secrets. It better come out and it better be a good reason... like witness protection. I am starting to get annoyed and feel manipulated the more they drag it out. But from the preview it seems like next week brings the PAIN. I have never been more ready. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 -  Will I ever understand this show? I hate that such good acting and chemistry is squandered on such an incomprehensible script. Is the “Korean doctor thread” a set up for Lue actually being Din (dead lover) with a new face? Because I suspected that at the beginning but if that’s the big twist in this narrative it’s a super clumsy twist. I hope they don’t. I’d rather it’s that Din turned himself into Ken - creepy, but less predictable. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dating Sim (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 5-6 of 8 - Miracles of miracles: The kissing is even good in this one! Aw, baby wants to be courted. The redial phone call flirt had me flappy-handing and cackling. How are they THIS cute? It hurts my heart, two nerds in love. Also being linguistically outed at work is my new favorite trope ever. I rewatched these 2 eps an embarrassing number of times. (Warning, it looks like we got us a classic 1yr Kdrama separation coming down the line. PLEASE subvert this trope ODS. PLEASE.) 
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) eps 7-8 fin - I guess I just don’t get over-dramatic angst about silly things. The premise of this show seems to be overreaction to some stuff, under-reaction (more typical KBL) to everything else. So not allergic but an alcoholic grandma who drank herself to death? Cute confession and kiss. They are so shy and sweet with each other. For a Korean drama this had a great ending which elevated it a lot over the many other KBLs of this type (Tasty, Sweet, Ocean, etc..) 
Final thoughts: A pretty classic foodie set KBL that managed to distinguish itself from others in this category by having a particularly satisfying final episode centered around found family. Sunshine sweetie soju rep gets involved with a shy introverted chef who doesn’t drink. Has a somewhat uneven plot, but If you are looking for a restaurant BL with Korea’s signature softness, then this is a great option. FYI I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented. 8/10 
I present actual footage of P’ABL whispering in your shell-like about what you should watch next... 
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Unintentional Love Story (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 3-4 of 10 - (here’s how I am getting it) ALL THE TROPES these 2 eps. Cohabitation! Pretty house! Flirting. Ooo evil agent ex? White towel sponge bath doesn’t get deployed by Korea very often. Other thoughts: Why does the ceramicist’s car look like a hearse? How is Gongchan SO CUTE? Boyfriends-to-be eating together is great. So many self-worth issues in this one no wonder @heretherebedork​ loves it. (This is an unexpectedly long series, too. 10 eps and each one is over 30 min. That’s crazy for a KBL = Light on Me territory.) 
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea Tues Viki & Gaga) eps 3-4 of 7 - this sort of emotional and mental manipulation (from narrative and characters) meets bully romance isn’t my thing. (And should be left up to Japan if it must exist at all IMHO.) Ultra cringe, humiliation, and emotional torture for everyone! (What is this, fan fic?) Result: therapy is needed for everyone, including me, who continues to have trust issues with this show. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan Fri GaGa) ep 6 fin - delayed until next week 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - adaptation of Kei Ichikawa's manga started Feb 27 on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed.
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) from WaGa Creative staring Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. It seems to be a light-hearted romance with a comedic flair. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Too hard to find. 
In other news
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I finished watching Why You... Y Me (hold over from last year). It’s basically Puppy Honey + a band + excessive fujoshi, so NOT my jam, but the main BL side is nicely handled love triangle, if that’s your thing. There is a tiny gem of a story (buried in amongst the rest of this nonsense) about friendship, support, love, and owning your identity. But BL is very much the secondary plot here and the main plot is AWFUL so I can’t give it more than 5/10. Still it’s all on YT if you wanna give it a try. 
I also finished The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu. (Speaking of Japan psychologically bullying us.) Conclusion? It’s not BL (no BL tropes used, a sub-genre is defined by its tropes, BL is a sub-genre of gay romance). It’s a quirky road trip found family gay drama/romance. It’s fine if you like this kinda artsy tortured character thing. I don’t. But it’s well done high heat from Japan so... 6/10 I guess?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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The Eighth Sense starts weds Viki, I’m thinking this is KBL doing JBL style again, so no promises on an HEA for this one. It’s giving me. His (the series) feels. But it could be more in the Blueming vein. Remains to be seen. 
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week’s Adventure in Captions
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Actually, Fuse said meeha which is usually translated as wifey (there are other slang words for bottom). Fuse is trying to establish a sexual and romantic dynamic where he plays “the male role” and he is doing this with Ana for several reasons: 1. Ana made the first move. 2 Ana is older. 
This is definitely one of those were the captions are OK but old-fashioned, it helps to know the common used terms and parlance. They are ALSO never saying boyfriend, they are always saying faen (gender neutral). 
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I really liked this phrasing (Boss & Babe). 
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Double date!
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The cuteness, it burns us. How is Gongchan a 2nd gen idol, nearly 30, and still the ultimate macknae? Inquiring minds would like his immortality pill, please and thank you. (Unintentional Love Story) 
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Another gay cactus baby! (Why did tumblr lose its mind over this? Here’s the BL meme primer) 
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I love it when a show calls out it’s own tropes. 
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I also love it when a show accurately reviews itself. 
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All from Our Dating Sim. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Okay so Ireah on Peak Time did a bitty cover of Bad Love by Hynn and now I’m obsessed with it. I like her original a lot but I really want him to drop a full cover of it someday. 
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digitalgate02 · 8 months
I'll be annoying once again, about people slandering my boy Daisuke and my favorite episode in 02.
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i'll be quoting my long thread from bsky/tweeter.
The premise (of this episode) is to show how Daisuke NEEDS something to focus, or else he will be running in circles. And when he's running in circles, he's setting up to call for Hikari's attention.
As I said previously, Daisuke respects Hikari too much, so he NEVER had made a move before. He does NOT claim her to be his girlfriend or something. All he does is to want her attention and to impress her. And she does NOT feel uncomfortable around him despite everything.
"But there's times he asks her something and she just dodges by agreeing with Takeru!"
This is not about being uncomfortable with him, but mostly her simply not liking to be put on the spotlight. Hikari had serious issues to voice her own needs/thoughts when it comes to herself.
The times Daisuke asked her something, or made an attempt to be hella cool have nothing to do with her feeling awkward around *him* -- it's about *herself*. Because when you reach to Kizuna drama CD... Hikari is very vocal about what *she* wants to do. And in the same story we also get her witnessing Daisuke being so cool and himself, to the point she praises his determination and efforts to achieve his dreams.
Anyway, back to ep 22.
This episode is to be a comic relief after all the heavy atmosphere from the previous chapters. To balance with the next episode, which is about Ken and Ken ONLY and it's more a feel-good ep. Daisuke is a funny character so of course a light-hearted ep like this works.
The premise here is basically Daisuke trying so hard to be cool as well that he ends up putting himself and V-mon in legit danger. But one of my friends noticed something: he and V-mon are NOT in sync at the beginning of the ep.
If you don't know... Digimon evolution is triggered when the digimon and partner are usually in sync -- be them in danger, or be them willing to protect someone (like Sora's case in OG Adventure, or Miyako's in ep 25) So basically Daisuke couldn't evolve V-mon AT ALL.
Another factor is the fact Daisuke had no malicious intentions -- he never wanted to "beat" Takeru, his entire focus was to impress Hikari. As far I'm concerned, wanting to impress someone does not sound mean-spirited enough to make Daisuke fill himself with negativity and thus dark evolve V-mon.
Also he legitimately apologized to V-mon, asked for the others' help and was definitely not showing such an arrogant aura. Remember that Taichi was acting weirdly in Adv'99 case? He made everyone give their food to Agumon so he could evolve. He wasn't even taking in consideration Agumon's wellbeing and feelings either.
Ken Kaiser was also arrogant, forcing Agumon into experiments, and he only managed to get MetalGreymon *because* he cheated with a gimmick. Anyway, back to the ep 22.
There's also the factor that, since Daisuke got in legit real trouble by consequences of his own shenanigans, it's quite obvious he would've evolved V-mon normally there in the end. Again, he lacks malice.
Even when facing Tortomon, he had no bad intentions. And yes, he literally meant it when he asked Tortomon about washing hands before attacking. Yes, that's Daisuke. Yes, he meant it literally. This kid really has no fear of looking pathetic sometimes.
Basically, Daisuke had no second intentions the whole episode (just acting weirdly) -- the closest to something "bad" was him intentionally making V-mon mad and then tearing the bridge. BUT, SURPRISE! The next scene is him explaining to V-mon AND APOLOGIZING!! So yeah, he's not a bad person.
To sum up, Daisuke did not dark evolve V-mon in ep 22:
Because he had no malicious intentions with it
He never was rude for real, or conceited
He put himself in real danger in the process
He wasn't in-sync with V-mon for a half episode
Also, Dark Evolution and how it works is not about forcing your digimon evolve in a vacuum. There's more factors involving it -- like mixing it with STRONG NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.
Dark Evolution is:
A punishment for raising your digimon badly (it does not mean something evil always!)
It is mixed with strong NEGATIVE feelings (pride, wrath, cowardice, etc)
It does NOT mean:
Forcing your digimon to evolve only.
Mandatory for character development
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animebaby00 · 1 year
Breakdown, Build Up (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
He looked….ashamed. A look you hadn't seen in quite some time.
Was this really the same Izuku that you encountered on that rainy street earlier?
Takes place around the events of eps 23-25 of season 6 of the MHA anime.
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The note Izuku had left you gave you nightmares for days.
You hadn’t been expecting it. At all. And neither was anyone else. To have someone who cared so much for his friends, his superiors, his family…and you. To think that he would have left the way he did, in the STATE that things were in.
You had been angry, no FURIOUS. On edge and irritable and confused. But as the days passed, you thankfully realized that it wasn't directly at him.
'Those bastard villains did this.' you had thought angrily, 'They took him away from us…from me.'
Countless times, that anger had turned to sadness and you found yourself buried in tears. But still got up and fought just like how you were trained too. A year at UA had taught you so much and you would be damned to not put everything you had learned to good use.
Not only because of your own drive, but because he would want you to too.
And thus, those two and a half weeks without him seemed as if you were trapped in some weird time spell. It went by painfully slow, and yet, fast enough to where you couldn't seem to keep up with it all.
But then, when you and your class all had Izuku cornered, begging for him to come back, that time suddenly just seemed to stop. And before you knew it, you were all back at the dorms. All 21 of you. Exhausted, battered…and safe.
You didn't even have the time to talk to Izuku once you returned, for he was whisked away to the baths by the other males, probably being scrubbed and showered and cleansed to his wits end. And though the thought was decently funny, it also made you realize just how much the amount of self care given to himself while he was away was probably close to zero. In that moment, you put your trust in your classmates to start the shift of making Izuku himself again.
And to also give you time to gather your thoughts.
However, you were trapped so long in your thoughts that you didn't realize how late it had gotten. Well past 10, and you hadn't addressed Izuku at all. There hadn't been a so-called "good chance" to. For everyone had been worried, aching for a chance to speak to him. And for some reason, you had ended up being the one person who hadn't said a word.
Before you knew it, you were lying in bed. But you were awake, oddly not chasing sleep like you thought you would be after such a grueling day. Your body was heavy, limbs aching, but your brain was whirling with thoughts. Thoughts you wished would vanish just so you could get a good night's sleep.
Heaving a sigh, you turned onto your side, just in time for your eyes to catch the numbers on your bedside clock change to 11:56.
And not too long after that, came a knock to the door of your room.
You bolted upright, confusion washing over you as you stared at your door. Who on earth (aside from you) could be up at this hour?
With your curiosity piqued, and with a little hesitancy, you stood from your bed and made your way across your room. You rested your hand atop the doorknob, turned it, and pulled, just enough to where you could see who it was on the other side.
But when you did, your stomach twisted itself into a knot.
The green eyes you recognized immediately, glazed a beautiful emerald even in the dark. Fluffy hair, freckled cheeks…
He raised his hand up in a small wave.
You opened the door up more, your brow furrowed.
"W-what uhm…what are you doing here?"
He didn't answer you right away. Instead, he looked off to the side, his hand sheepishly moving up and down his arm. It took a few seconds before he spoke.
"I just…wanted to see you. Since…y'know…I meant to talk to you earlier…but…"
He trailed off, lip sucked itself between his teeth,.and looked he looked up at you with an oddly defeated expression.
"Sorry I…I don't know what I was thinking." He uttered, "It's late and you're probably exhausted. I'll just go so you can-"
Immediately, you covered your mouth with your hands, cringing at how your outburst sounded in comparison to the quietness surrounding you. It made Izuku stare at you in surprise, his eyes blown wide, and you waited a bit before you spoke again, this time more calm.
"No…it's fine. I wasn't that tired anyways…"
"...Are you…s-sure?"
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you stepped aside, gesturing to the darkness of your room.
"You can come in if you want. Least I know now we won't be bothered. If someone was awake they would have heard me for sure."
With a stiff nod, Izuku abided by your offer and slowly made his way inside your room. You shut the door behind him and followed, flicking on the light by your bed before you sat down on the ruffled sheets, Izuku doing the same. Both of your expressions were sheepish.
You weren't entirely sure where to start. Should you be the first to say something? Or should you wait for Izuku to speak? What should you even say to him?
The first thing that came to your mind you supposed.
"So…uhm…how are you-"
"I'm sorry."
You blinked at his sudden apology, noticing how once the words came from his lips, he seemed to bury beneath himself more, chin tucked to his chest.
He looked….ashamed. A look you hadn't seen in quite some time.
Was this really the same Izuku that you encountered on that rainy street earlier?
With a sheepish smile, you raised your hands in easy defense.
"Izuku…y-you don't have to apologize. " you stuttered, "I mean I…get why you did it. You were trying to protect us…you've already been through a lot so I don't want you to think you have to beat yourself up. Really it's okay-"
In one abrupt movement Izuku had turned completely so that he was facing you, his arms outstretched and hands gripping into your shoulders, fingers digging into your night shirt. His face was contorted with hurt, cheeks reddened as tears of disdain threatened to spill from his eyes.
Anger, sadness, fear, regret. Each one of those emotions were plastered onto his face, creating a look that you were sure would be etched into your mind for months to come.
If you thought you were at a loss for words before, you most certainly were now, far too shocked by his outburst to get anything out other than a nervous swallow.
He sniffed, teeth gritted, and hung his head so that all you could see was his mop of fluffy hair, but you could feel the emotions pooling through him from how tight his grip was along with the shaky breaths he was emitting.
You hadn't been this close to him in so long.
Hadn't felt his touch.
Hadn't heard his voice.
And by God did you miss it.
You moved like a snail, but slowly, you raised your arms so that they rested on his own. The sense of your touch caused his head to lift itself up, tear stained eyes piercing into yours. You gave him a tiny smile…
And pulled him to you.
He practically fell against you once he was in your embrace and you pretty much did the same, your hands finding his nightshirt and clutching it in your fingers. Izuku took a raspy breath and allowed his arms to loop themselves around your waist, holding onto you for dear life as if the tiniest misfortune would tear you away from him.
And he'd rather die than ever be away from you for that long again.
His grip on you grew tighter, his head snug into your shoulder, a near death grip. But you couldn't find it in you to care.
You had missed him.
So much.
"I'm s-sorry…" he whimpered, "So…so sorry-!"
The cries he emitted were so heavy, broken. Anguished, heart throbbing sobs that were probably left over from earlier. It was plain to see that he truly hadn't emptied himself of the emotional burdens that had plagued his tired body, as if they had been saved for your eyes and ears only.
And as weird as it was…you were actually glad for that.
With shaking arms, Izuku pried himself up to look at you, placing a trembling, calloused hand to your face. His fingers grazed your cheek so softly, his eyes flicking to scan your features, the mere action making him choke up.
"I left you…" he whispered, "I left everyone. I-I made you all w-worry about me! And even after it all y-you all still…c-came for me. I….I'm so sorry…Y/N….I'm sorry-!"
As hard as you were trying, even you couldn't prevent the tears that fell down your face, emotions flooding out at his apology…and at the sudden realization that that was the first time he had said your name since he left.
It was at that moment that the dam fully broke, and though you were crying, you couldn't help the tiniest of smiles to cast upon your face.
"Shhh…" you hushed, smoothing his head "None of that. You're here now. You're safe…."
Gently, you pressed a kiss to his forehead, lips lingering as you held him close to you.
"And that's all that matters."
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coredrill · 6 months
my apologies to bravern himself but my own committment to the bit is not nearly as powerful as his bc i cannot figure out how to get the number ten into the word bravern [sadface]
ANYWAYS THOUGHTS god i loved this ep............lulu.......bang brave bang bravern is abt loving ppl so damn hard you take the narrative itself into your hands and give them a better ending. when superbia said that basically verbatim i YELLED
thank god this show is only 12 episodes cause i have a feeling they are gonna explain the time travel logic of NONE of this and i am so happy about that LMAO. just do it!!! have fun!!! this is a wow cool robot show i don't care abt the paradoxes or whatever i'm having a good time lmao. i mean i'm not opposed to them explaining it but it would def melt my brain. also i feel like if it ran past 12 eps it probably would've gone for a more monster-of-the-week situation at parts and also the ~mystery~ of bravern himself would've gotten pretty frustrating so i am just. rly loving the pacing overall tbh
isami is so fucking funny. he's trying SO hard to live in an ultraserious narrative but everyone else is chomping at the bit to get on with their unhinged looney tunes antics INCLUDING THE CAMERA ITSELF. like we don't know much abt him as a protagonist but i really do adore him on the whole. peak fiction fr fr
in the uncensored theater of masami obari's mind in which this show ends with a smith/isami wedding i think that one dude (googles) Thomas J. Plumman would be the officiant cause why else is he witnessing the boxing match AND isami fucking SNIFFING THE SHIRT??????? true allyship i suppose LMFAO
on perhaps the only serious note of this whole post i am thinkign SO hard abt how like. even in the Bad Ending Timeline, isami and smith/bravern still achieved their goal! like. the world was saved! it looked fairly peaceful! the deathdrives (minus superbia but he was just kinda chillin) were gone! they'd done their job and that wasn't enough! and i am ALSO thinkin abt bad-ending-bravern's last words being abt the curry he ate while human.........i mentioned this already but i think my prediction is leaning slightly more "human smith comes back somehow" after this ep. i still think it could work with whatever route they go tbh, but those factors plus ofc bravern saying "there are things that ONLY YOU HUMAN SMITH can do for isami" are making me think that we gotta like. Get Smith Outta There or something ("you have been saying this since like ep4" AND I HAVE NOT BEEN PROVEN WRONG YET!!!! [is immediately proven wrong when the preview drops on sunday LMFAO]) i DO wonder what would happen to bravern himself in this scenario however because he is a funny guy and i do not wanna lose him either :[ but tbh i'm just excited for the ride that the final two eps will deliver :]
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Hello all Happy Tuesday. We venture towards the end of S1. Thank you all for the love been getting makes my whole day/week. This episode is a gif desert legit one I can use haha So it'll be all screen-caps with my phone except one gif and this desert one haha My assumption is this will change as we get into later seasons. This one was lacking for sure in the gif dept.
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1x17- The Shake Up.
This episode has Chenford separate which explains the lack of gifs tbh lol It's still a really good Lucy wise. We get a look into her family dynamic by meeting her father. We also get to see Nolan get the Tim treatment LOL Off we go.
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Cold open gets me right in the feels. Nolan spotting Capt. Anderson’s grave during an arrest in the cemetery. Talia gives him a moment to pay his respects. A really nice scene. God she was so young. Love the nod to her after last ep. She deserved it.
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A opportunity comes up during roll call to watch a protected witness. Nolan jumps on the chance. Talia instantly shuts it down. Says it's like watching paint dry. Grey tells him he's out of luck. Then Tim jumps in. Surprises the hell out of everyone. Says he'll go with Nolan to protect this witness. Heh you know Tim’s doing this to get a rise out of Nolan. Test him see what he’s made of. He’s ridden with the other two rookies and not him. John seems nervous af LOL it makes me laugh so hard how uneasy he looks.
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Tim’s face LMAO I can not. Disgruntled with him from the get go. I’m fairly certain he doesn’t think much of Nolan. It has nothing to do with his age. It has to do with his personality I believe. Its the rambling he can't stand the most. I think he wanted to test drive Nolan see how he would do cause well Tim be Tim. He is going over the acronym and procedure with him as they’re leaving. Instantly thrown in deep in with Tim. Nolan goes on a rant and Tim just cuts him off by getting in the car LOL
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They arrive on scene and meet with the DA. Tim is slightly offended when Delmonte thinks Nolan is in charge haha Let’s him know right away he is a rookie. Also cutting off Nolan’s convo with the DA about Jessica. It’s funny Tim is such a hard ass with everyone except Lucy. Now that is much more true towards the later seasons but still holds true in S1. He's softer with her than he was beginning of the season, but you can see the contrast between Lucy and anyone else easily. Watching Tim with John total night and day difference in his demeanor.
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Also needs to be noted how vastly different these two are. This shot alone shows they're complete opposites. Their outfits show this more than any words ever could. John is dad clothes all day and Tim is a sight to see let’s just say that. Heh.
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Something that is a plus about this ep is Talia/Lucy riding together again. I do love seeing them being paired up. This is a much better result/dynamic this time around. More of a mutual respect there. No Nolan garbage looming over them. On their first call they rescue a teenager from his mother. His girlfriend called it in concerned and rightfully so.
His mother had been torturing and dehydrating him in order keep him from his girlfriend. Doing some religious ritual or exorcism of sorts. Pretty damn awful to watch. Lucy asks if he’ll be ok. Talia says physically yes but mentally not for a long time. Good setup for the rest of the ep Lucy. Bit of foreshadowing with her father being brought into the picture.
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As they're walking away she gets a call. Lucy asks if its ok to take it and Talia seems more than fine with. Its about her father. Talia overhears Lucy was going to wait to end of her shift to see him. She lets Lucy go right then and there. Talia is pretty great about it. She is the entire time for Lucy. Tells her it’s family when Lucy asks if it’s really ok they go and see him. Much more redeeming pair up this time around.
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We get a first look into Lucy’s dynamic with her parents and it’s not a pretty one…Her father is a therapist and was attacked by one of his patients. Lucy naturally wants the guys name so she can go arrest him. Her first instinct is justice for him. He fights her on it says was just a dissociative episode. That his patient didn't mean to hurt him. Lucy battles back and says thats irrelevant, the law is clear and she should arrest him.
He doesn't respond well to this....Tells Lucy that the law is broken. That she is working for a broken system. Very combative with her from the jump. Lucy tries to use some reason. Tells him this isn’t the solution though. To pretend he didn’t break his arm. He goes on to say this is better this than arresting his patient for it.
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Then after he's insulted her profession does a one-two punch to her gut with his words. He knows this is going to hurt her and it bugs me to no end. The guilt trip being laid down here. I have parents like this. When you aren't doing what they want they do this. The way he tears down her job and her concern for him in response angers me. She isn’t doing this to upset him but to help him. (not that he can see that) Lucy is a loving and protective person. She wants to do right by those she loves. What should be received as her caring is defensive in return. He’s attacking her every step of the way.
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Melissa kills me in this scene. Honestly the entire episode with all her interactions with her dad. That look of devastation on her face ugh. I can relate. That emotional dismissal and really almost abuse she’s taking from him. That hurt she’s feeling in his disappointment. I just want to hug her. I too have parents like this so it hits home with me little harder.
I said back in 1x14 with plain clothes day how it seemed Tim was the first person to really fight for her. Believe in her. Support her. Why it meant so much that he did what he did that day. Tim probably has no idea the impact that made on her. By standing by her side the way he did. She obviously has little to zero support from her father in the career she’s chosen. That much is very clear in this exchange with him.
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Even Talia can sense the tension from outside the room. Makes a comment to Gino while looking in. Its very evident you can feel chills coming in waves from her father. Lucy is still such a good daughter and stays anyways. Not that he deserves it….
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We head back to Tim and Nolan. They have a credible threat for the safe house. Their witness Hayes starts to give a little mouth about his safety. Tim gets into ultra hard ass mode. I don’t hate it not gonna lie haha Doesn’t let this guy get under his skin. Shows no sign of backing down. Mmm. Don’t mess with my Tim.
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The episode title lives up to its name and an earthquake ensues. Rocking the hospital in a bad way. I admire Lucy’s gut reaction to cover her father. I just love her so much. So loyal and willing to protect family even when they really don’t deserve it. This resonates with me so much. I too am the same way. Have that Italian familia loyalty drilled into to me. Taking care of family even when they really don’t deserve it.
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Shortly after the quake the safe house is under fire. Something about watching Tim in action is so sexy. It’s like watching confidence in motion. Especially in this scene. Also very commanding and sure of what he wants to do. Tells Nolan to take their witness out back. If he doesn’t they’re sitting ducks. Nolan asks what if there is a shooter out there too? His reply is the best. ‘Then you’ll shoot them.’ LOL love this man.
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They make it out and head to the beach. Assuming this is a good a hiding spot as any. This is such a good scene. Apart from fact Tim looks fine af just leaning against that railing. Its not long before they're found. They soon figure out Hayes has a tracker on him. That the men that attacked the safe house weren't there to kill Hayes but to rescue him. Hayes makes a crass comment about Capt Anderson. How they should just let him go or they’re gonna lose another buddy in line of duty. Tim knocks him out instantly. Get em' Tim! What a schmuck. Tells Nolan hook him up for them to find as a lure.
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They dispatch of the rescue team fairly quickly. Once again love watching Tim in action. There’s a nice little nod between Tim and John once they’re done. Nice to see. He knows how to reward good work. He was crucial in their take down. Tim makes sure he gets a little attaboy hehe Lucy has softened him up a bit for sure.
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We go back to Lucy at the hospital. She breaks my heart in this scene. Melissa crushes this 110 percent with the way her voice breaks getting emotional. Telling her father how she was taught to be true to herself. That this job is who she is, that it makes her so happy. (that should be enough) She goes on to say she knows he hates the system. That it’s designed to punish people and not care for them. Then strongly defends herself as a person. Basically pleading with him to accept/and understand her and her job.
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I commend how strongly Lucy backs the fact that she can make a difference. That the system can't change unless there is someone in it to fight. After this statement her dad relents a little. Earlier he heard her talking to the victim of that first call her and Talia took. He was in the hallway listening. He heard how the kid's mother was going to face charges but her frame of mind would be taken into account.
That if the son could be a character witness on her behalf they could get her the helps she needs. He tells her she was honest and kind. That he was impressed. You think hey we’re making progress. He’s finally understanding her and her choice in career. Won’t be going after her so much now. Hoping his perception of her has shifted a little.
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Then his patient who broke his arm walks in….At first Lucy has no idea who this guy is. Her father keeps trying to shoo him away. Then Lucy being the smart cookie she is puts it’s together. Immediately she has to do her job and arrest this man. You can see the regret on her face but it’s her duty to arrest him. She has no choice. Something her father is failing to understand.
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It’s insane to me he could use logic just moments ago. Then turn on her so quickly. He could do the same thing that mothers kid is going to do. Be a character witness and get him the help he needs in the system. He’s so cold to her when she says she’ll be back after his surgery. Tells her not to bother. He would rather her compromise her own ethics and morales for his needs. Sacrifice his own daughter and her career for his patient. She like Tim has a moral compass she refuses to corrupt even for family.
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That heartbreak on her face devastates me though. Now don't get me wrong, I’m with her dad with the system being broken. It is. Mental health needs to be addressed more especially in situations such as this. What upsets me is how her father treats her the entire episode. He should be proud of the fact that her morale code is so strong. That she isn't willing to be compromised. Instead he scolds her. Ridicules Lucy. Making her feel small and shameful for her job. When he's just upset she wouldn't bend the rules cause it was his patient.
Basically saying Lucy is part of the problem when she takes William away. When she is one the most empathetic humans to wear a badge. She’s desperately trying to reach out for him to understand. To accept her. All she gets in return is discouragement and emotional abuse. I know that intense reception of disappointment/guilt/shame you get from your parents. It guts you. When they should be building her up and supporting her they do the opposite. She’s so resilient and then you meet her parents and see why she is.
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The look of utter devastation as she leads this guy out. Logically she know her father is in the wrong. But that emotional part of you that wants that approval so badly doesn't care about logic. Worst part of that scene is she had it for a split second till it was about HIS patient. When the same procedure can be followed for William. Will it be easy? No but it can be done, things put in place to help his patient. But he can’t see it that way. Only see how its affecting him. Then just like earlier casts her away because he disapproved of her decision.
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Talia see’s Lucy writing up the arrest report and checks in. Lucy says she wants to add a mental health report addendum to it. Talia asks if she really thinks that or trying to get back in her fathers food graces? Lucy is firm in her reply. Says she’s pretty sure that’s impossible but knows he’s not wrong. That this guy doesn’t need prison he needs help. (she knew this before and helped out that kid's mother same way but Talia doesn't know that) Tells her was she’s going to do whatever she can to get it for him.
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Talia approves and tells her 'Good' Once again being a good person despite her parents. Lucy then asks was that a test? Her reply is too funny haha As I said earlier this pair up was much better second go around. Not dominated by the Nolan BS. They had good rapport and even got a “test” she passed. Rough rough episode for Lucy emotionally though. She at least gets to end it with a laugh and a smile.
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This ep gave us some insight to one of her parents. Little bit of her upbringing. We can see why she’s so damn driven to be a good cop. That instinct to prove your parents wrong can be a great motivator. You want to show them how capable you are. So they can be proud of you. Sadly despite her best efforts they seem to only feel disappointment.
Or as we see later with Lucy's mom her thinking this is a 'hobby' for Lucy. Like this was just dress up and a game. She wants her to come back to reality. Once again belittling her dedication and passion for her job. That's a discussion for a later ep though. Sucks when it’s both parents and not just one. Something I can also relate to. Both discouraging and not supportive whatsoever. Trivializing Lucy and her life choices just because it’s not what they wanted for her. Fastest way to drive your kids away and have them never return.
Side notes- Non chenford Didn’t really have much tbh. Whole ep didn’t have them lol I was just hot for Tim this whole ep hahah What else is new I know. They both had really good SL's in this one, but I always miss them when they’re apart the whole time.
That’s all she wrote for 1x17 thank you all for your interest. Blows my mind. Will always shout you all at for your likes, comments and reblogs. They make my whole day when I get them :) see you all in 1x18
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hotch-girl · 1 year
hi bestieee <3 I hope you're doing well and I'm absolutely loving your new blog look!!!
(but but I'm also here to do the game for the sad shopgirl because *of course I am* hhehee. sorry if you already answered that one :*) )
jas hiiiii!!!! tysm lovely how are you doing? its been so long ive missed u bestie <333. no one has asked me ab hotch yet im so excited u did
Sexuality Headcanon: mostly bi hotch but kind of a gay hotch truther
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: shipping is hard bc whenever i start to (hotchgan or gotch) i watch an ep where hes parenting them 💀
A BROTP I have with said character: s1 hotch + elle was so fun
A NOTP I have with said character: probably hotchniss. i love them as friends and am not against anyone who ships them i completely get it!!! i just cant stop seeing emily as a lesbian. and i see hotch and emily as twins <3
A random headcanon: plsss i have so many. one of my recent ones is that the last case hotch prosecuted was an organized crime case (or something similar) where his superiors wanted him to flip a capo-level guy by offering a deal. hotch had always viewed witsec for criminals as part of the job, but that case he sensed something was off. no one listened and he was forced to make the deal. later, instead of cooperating, the criminal was able to get close enough to the case to ID one of the other witnesses and has them killed. the case falls apart and thats when hotch realizes he would rather be the one catching the bad guys than plotting to put them away. BUT he never tells haley the full extent of what happened so whenever she tries to suggest he go back to prosecuting cases (thinking he can still make a difference and have more stability for their family) it causes a big fight. in the end, its that case that dooms hotch to the role of safeguarding everyone around him by suffering alone
General Opinion over said character: hotch is the glue of the show bc hes the perfect straight man. he has moments that remind everyone how completely broken he is too and i LOVE THAT hvdshfkk. his character lets all the others exist without seeming too unrealistic. derek and emily both did amazing jobs as unit chief but they didnt get to be themselves during it. hotch may not be someone's favorite but theres a good chance their favorite character only gets to be that way bc of hotch or someone else taking on the hotch role
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
okay here are my thoughts on Netflix’s Wednesday as someone who loves the Addams Family and hates Tim Burton, spoilers obviously:
Wednesday being perfect at everything and having everyone love and idolize her is so very “boring main girl” of her. like if your protag’s only flaw is that she doesn’t trust people and wants to be a lone wolf, then don’t even bother
the weird almost love triangle thing was dumb and unnecessary. the artist guy came off as whiny and insufferable and the coffee shop guy felt insincere from the get go. also really? two pasty beanpole boys with no discerning characteristics other than one is a ‘tortured artist’? lame.
I’d rather watch a series about Bianca, tbh
the cello cover of Paint it, Black made me laugh so hard. Cheesy!
the cello cover of Nothing Else Matters was sick as hell though
Wednesday just selfishly uses everyone throughout this show. The only person she’s nice to is Eugene and yet EVERYONE pines for her attention. and they don’t do a good job of telling us WHY. she’s unpleasant. she makes it clear from the beginning that she’s not interested in anybody. she’s cold and callous, spitting out these abrasive quips and showing everyone up in classic Main Girl fashion. she’s constantly making demands of Enid for her own selfish gain. even when she “returns the favor” the show makes it ALL ABOUT HER
i hate the isolation of Wednesday from the rest of the family, especially since they were trying to convince us that she “doesn’t fit in” when Wednesday canonically is the perfect Addams. She is the ideal representation of what an Addams is. PUGSLEY is the black sheep, and i would have loved to see a show about THAT
the best episode was literally ep 5 when the family is together again. i actually genuinely enjoyed watching that one, and Wednesday wasn’t an annoying, selfish bitch, which was a total bonus. her little interrogation of Gomez in the prison was awesome, the back and forth was SO classic Addams Family wit and banter. i loved Luis Guzman’s performance. he was perfect.
Gwendolyn Christie was such a smokeshow awoooga. though i was kinda disappointed with how her character went. i wish she was given a bit more nuance. i thought she was going to be portrayed as a somewhat dopey and pitiful woman who has a secret badass side that comes in clutch at the end but eh that’s what i get for getting my hopes up i guess
Eugene was cute. i didn’t care for his horny side and think he would’ve been better if he didn’t have that tiny bit of girl craze. i mean, they drop it so quickly that it was a complete waste of time anyway. though, credit where credit is due, when he’s out in the woods, watching the cave, and he hears that cricket and then has it in a jar the next time it shows him, that was cute and funny and i liked it
i enjoyed Wednesday’s dance. it was quirky and unnerving and fun and took a step away from her “i’m too good for this shit” attitude that she’d had the entire show thus far
i’m glad that Bianca had some depth to her rather than just being the popular bitch to rival Wednesday. she deserved more time though.
The CGI!!!! was TACKY!!!!! lmaoooo???? there’s nothing in the Wikipedia page for this show about the budget and that’s INCHRESTING because it’s a big production, and Netflix sunk a LOT of attention and time into it, so I would assume that the budget was massive, and yet the CGI looked like THAT???? lmaooooooo stop. how embarrassing
On the other hand though... Thing was great. Viva la practical effects!!!! i’m so glad they didn’t try to cg him because that would have really annoyed me. I’m not anti CGI but i am anti lazy CGI when practical effects could have done a better job
Uncle Fester was great too! disappointed that he was only there for one episode. god i long for the entire family to come back. i understand that they wanted to do something different, but overall i felt like i was watching a goth rip off of harry potter.
it was fine though. i get that it was meant for an audience that wasn’t Me. I think Jenna Ortega was a good Wednesday, even if i didnt care for how she was written, and the rest of the family was cast well too. the second half of the show was better in terms of direction and pacing, and those were the episodes Tim Burton didn’t direct so, wow go figure, to nobody’s surprise whatso-fucking-ever.
anyway eehhhh i wasn’t going to watch it because im a big fan of the originals and i knew it was going to stray far far away from them, but here we are. i’m sure they’re going to milk it for 5 or 6 season and im not sure i’ll watch them. maybe. if they entice me with more Family involvement.
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the-amber-raven · 1 year
What headcanons do you have for everyone not necessarily for the mortifying ordeal series but just in general headcanons?
I think this show is so good at giving us little hints and letting us fill in the blanks that it can be difficult to discern what a true headcanon is sometimes 😅
But here are a few that I'm pretty sure are from my imagination and not the show! [#3 has a slight spoiler from 6x12 FYI! Skip to #4 if you don't want to see it.]
1. Maddie was the one who taught Buck how to drive. One of the reasons he's so attached to the Jeep is because it reminds him of that time spent with her.
2. Maddie and Buck do a monthly sibling wine night. The first time Chim bears witness to one of these, he is surprised by how many Opinions they both have about Shiraz.
3. This is a very new one [slight spoilers for the latest episode, skip to 3 if you don't want to know] but I feel like even once Buck stops needing to text Bobby every time he wakes up, they still end up texting something totally random most mornings. It's generally a picture of something interesting they've seen during their morning or Buck sends Bobby something he's cooked or wants to cook.
4. Buck is totally on the list of approved contacts at Christopher's school and can sign permission slips etc. There are definitely admin staff that think they're married.
5. Buck's favourite coffee order is something relatively complicated. He usually gets a simpler version of it when he's with other people or especially if someone else is doing a coffee run. Eddie always makes sure to get the full order when they go for coffee together or it's his turn to do the coffee run.
6. It is not my headcanon originally, but I am fully on board with the 'Ravi thinks Buck and Eddie are married' and then 'Ravi thinks Buck and Eddie are divorced dads' headcanon.
7. Eddie totally played with dolls with his sisters (because he wanted to be a good brother). His dad was definitely scathing about it.
He makes it a point not to ever make comments about any of Christopher's toys to make sure he doesn't think he's playing 'the wrong thing'.
8. Buck has kept every one of Christopher's drawings/cards. He now also keeps all of Jee-Yuns.
9. Hen is extremely vocal about the importance of voting. She has been on a crusade at the station for years to make sure everyone votes at elections and has been known to hand out postal vote applications. During the last federal election, she made Bobby help her work out a schedule to make sure they could cover the people who had to work so that they could go vote on the day if they didn't manage to early or postal vote.
10. Bobby has never left the US. The cruise would have been his first time out of the country.
11. Chimney started to take learning to cook a lot more seriously when Jee was born because his feelings of family are heavily entwined in those dinners he had with the Lee's and also Bobby is such a Dad and he cooks so clearly Chimney also needs to be able to provide Good Food for his daughter. (And he thinks it will be a good way to help pass on some of his culture since I don't necessarily think he plans on pushing for Jee to learn Korean although he will encourage it if she shows any interest herself.)
12. On the Buddie of it all... I reckon Eddie will be the one who realises he's in love with Buck first, if he hasn't already. (I go back and forth on this, but his behaviour post the lightning makes me lean towards he knows. That might change as we get subsequent eps though!) I think Buck still has some things he has to work out in his head before he's ready to realise his feelings.
I am totally curious about what other people think though! Feel free to send me any of your headcanons 😊😊
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kittiesfordays · 2 years
live commentary, as i experience moonlight chicken for the first time ep5
Girls and gays we're back at it
Fuck gmmtv, you cannot open the episode with wen and alan being cute knowing how i have complicated feelings towards alan
💔💔💔💔💔💔 i am a wenalan or is it alanwen truther
First anniversary 😭😭😭
I need first and mix to do a series together pls
My heart genuinely hurts for them, how did it go so wrong
Okay but is it really just about wen losing feelings or is there something more?
It's the jogging that did it? Honestly? Same..
🥲 give me some heart and li ming, i'm too sad
oh, i forgot the end of the last ep 💀💀💀, so we're now back in the present :):):):):):):)
Noo wen, you can't let alan dress the wound. See... i don't like how wen's giving alan hope (ik i sound horrible but i'm working through it) and then wondering why alan can't move on. You don't want him but you're also not letting him go.
jim said - let's talk later and wen said - later is now, pick up bitch
If he hangs up i will scream
Ok he didn't hang up but he did ignore. That's very relatable of you, chicken elder.
Gay nephew clocked gay uncle at the market
IT. IS. NOT. FOR. YOU.!!!!!!
Is wen also adopting heart?
Heart's so cute i'm going to cry blood
I don't know about you, but taking a selfie mid conversation is kind of extremely awkward.
Their first picture together 😭😭😭
Not jim stealing a pen. Fully support alan on asking for it back. I lent a classmate my good pencil during technical graphics (all of my pencils were the good kind bc i hated the subject and thought the pencils would help me) and he never gave it back. That was 7 years ago.
wen witnessing jim hang up on him is cinematic peak
Now he's angy :<
Earth has amazing eyebrows
Jim's being a little bitch ( i fully get that he was very hurt in the past so he's somewhat justified in building his walls back up but c'monnnnnnn just be happy)
it's disastrous for wen right now
Wen u dumb bitch let alan go
First is so babygirl
Li ming is a liar
Stop flirting on the bridge
Where did the audio go..? What's happening to my computer. I'm restarting it. Ok so the sound on the computer is fine, it's youtube then. Restarting worked.
Ok so heart broke every bone just now.
not li ming acting like heart died.
he's deaf, not dead. He can ride a scooter (i refuse to call it a motorcycle)
Jim, mind ur own business
Fuck everyone except li ming, heart, gaipa, gaipa's mom, praew, leng and alan's on thin fucking ice, but everyone else can get fucked at the moment
The way she has to rely on someone else to understand what her own son is saying is truly rotten.
The notes💀
Wen's moving in i guess
Jim folded really quickly.
Thoughts - this episode felt 5 hours long and i have to go to sleep now because work :):):)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 11 Live Blogging
hmm episode 11. scary
Oct 21
Part 1 
D: flashback to Chadok as a witness to Dika’s death. Toward the beginning of the show I’d briefly wondered if maybe Chadok/someone at the school had pushed Dika but if this is true, then I guess that answers that
Also feels like they’ve been trying to slowly seem Chadok more sympathetic (esp since the principal started berating him last ep or 2 eps ago).
Akk stopp not the talks of disappearing from the world! Aw Ayan also crying and telling him not to disappear bro fuckk
the translation part for “people say ‘thanks for keeping me company’” should’ve included the word friend somehow to make it more accurate to what’s being said and also make more sense in this convo
Aye making Akk kiss all over his face girl that’s so cuteeee 
lol when Akk goes up on stage and he gulps and it cuts to Chadok who gulps and then I also gulp
...what was that shot of Thua looking at Akk looking at Ayan
the fucking sense of foreboding this whole scene...
Part 2
truly how does Waree believe so damn wholeheartedly in the curse bruv
...Thua speaking makes me nervous goddamn
somehow Ayan’s “Ai’Thua, one topic at a time, okay?” as he’s worried about Akk is rewindable and rewatchable. it’s kinda like him realizing Thua speaking right now is outside of his control
“You’re my evidence, Aye!” O.O
girl fuck fuck fuck
Thuaaaaaaa why the fuck would you say the dating part out loud tooo and he saw them at the pool fuckedy I’d had a brief thought that somebody might see but then discarded it
I mean Thua’s technically not saying anything wrong except for the part where Akk and Ayan are my favourites and Akk has changeddddd
I’m losing my entire goddamn mind. Akk’s loyalty to Chadok is so strong still, it’s wild. He kept his mouth shut the whole time Thua was accusing him but when he starts accusing Chadok as well Akk’s like “I did it. nobody else was involved”
lol is the Ayan/Akk dating part really important right now, random guy
Wat you deserve a kiss on the forehead; Kan too 
they keep crying every few minutes bro i’m so T.T
damn Kan going at Akk about lying bout the curse
Part 3
“You uncle joined the rival school.” “My uncle killed himself!”
no way is everyone’s theory that Chadok and Dika were a thing about to be true
Ayan/Akk then Dika and Chadok getting randomly outed this ep although Sani at least apologizes to Chadok about it
sorry but seeing Chadok smile so wide... so strange
girl yeah they going straight to Chadok sympathetic character hm Ayan was probably wrong about Chadok being the cause of Dika’s death but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t working Akk to the bone and putting immense pressure on him, I wonder if they’ll be able to balance Chadok being sympathetic but also a horrid teacher 
so Thua’s reasoning in the end was still about wanting the younger protestors to succeed, so I wish when they explained his reasoning for the eclipse stuff, they explicitly mentioned wanting the protestors to keep going and getting bigger
Part 4
this part seems way more lighthearted than the other parts
ngl this part being funny (esp w Namo) is really throwing me off but I guess it’s good because the first 3 parts were so overwhelming and overstimulating, this might a good 10 minutes to decompress
Kan... don’t make a scene right now, I’ll throw up. 
naurr he did the stand up and declaration of ‘we are faen’
okay ngl i skipped through that but it seems like thua was fine with it and the other students were cheesing and oohing too so it’s fine
also, i will say isn’t it a bit weird to just go into writing a screenplay together and publicly declare you’re boyfriends when in fact you’re discovered Thua is like a whole diff person
Akk squishy face
whooooo in the directing/producing whatever department keeps making Ayan/Akk KhaoFirst both simultaneously hold each other’s faces like it looks awkward sad to say
as expected, they’re making the Eclipse
hm okay i still expect next episode to deal with the consequences of what happened this ep i guess
Overall Thoughts:
I think they dropped the ball in part 4 of the episode because they went onto all be happy-go-lucky again when in fact, there should be continued tension and fragile relationships and weariness. They should’ve had the ep 11 curse hit a little more with fractured friend group and relationships. It might’ve even been interesting to see them create the movie (that needs to happen in order to hide Ayan/Akk’s relationship again) under these strained circumstances and relationships. 
I wonder what mood and tone of ep 12 will be. 
People’s reactions to Thua is wild, truly. The visceral hatred I’ve seen for him... wow. Especially wild considering it’s not like he’s done much worse than Akk or Chadok. Akk went farther than Thua when he did stuff that could physically harm the students and Thua went farther when he outed Ayan/Akk. People can forgive Akk because of his development, remorse, and brainwashing while Thua hasn't had any time for development yet (and the writing for his arc is just kinda worse rip), hasn't shown remorse, and didn't have Chadok whispering in his ear. But like Akk actively made the protestors' lives worse and put them in danger as well. He showed remorse but he didn't go apologize to the students because of it. I think any punishment he gets should definitely take into consideration why he was led to these actions (financial situation, Chadok pushing him that way) but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have to own up to it and face some consequences.
So what makes people’s reactions to Akk and Thua different? Akk hurt the Jums but Thua targeted Akk and that was a bigger mistake for the audience. 
They’ve all done bad stuff and let people down and targeted people but the hate for Thua is insane. 
Fave Scene:
Curse Culprit Suspects (Or the Notebook Thief):
So Ayan knew Thua planted the notebook? What was the panic attack about Chadok then?
The Curse As Religion
i just realized something that i hated as a consequence of the curse. yeah they were putting the protestors in danger but hiding it behind a paranormal aspect means the other students felt like the universe was also against the protestors. the protestors knew it wasn’t true but to other students and Waree, it looked like a higher power disapproved. 
gave me very religious ~god hates queerness~ vibes and like fuck chadok akk thua for fueling that and the other students and fucking Waree for believing that and using it to control and bully the protestors and leave them to fend for themselves.
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
didn’t catch it this time
12 hours later
didn’t catch it this time
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious):
10 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 2.23M (+190k) || Avg Ep 1: 1.50M (+380K)
9 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 1.38M (+100k) || Avg Ep 2: 1.15M (+90k)
8 Weeks Later
Ep 3 - 1: 1.32M (+80k) || Avg Ep 3: 1.10M (+70k)
7 Weeks Later
Ep 4 - 1: 1.48M (+90k) || Avg Ep 4: 1.18M (+80k)
6 Weeks Later
Ep 5 - 1: 1.31M (+80k) || Avg Ep 5: 1.10M (+70k)
5 Weeks Later
Ep 6 - 1: 1.24M (+80k) || Avg Ep 6: 1.27M (+90k)
4 Weeks Later
Ep 7 - 1: 1.37M (+110k) || Avg Ep 7: 1.21M (+100k)
3 Weeks Later
Ep 8 - 1: 1.44M (+130k) || Avg Ep 8: 1.12M (+100k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 9 - 1: 1.33M (+90k) || Avg Ep 9: 1.13M (+155k)
1 Week Later
Ep 10 - 1: 1.13M || Avg Ep 10: 1.14M
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vrisrezis · 3 years
yandere alphabet with butters?
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Ps . This butters is drastically different from post Covid butters
Affection: how do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He shows it by buying you lotsa stuff, he’ll go as far as to ask his parents for money just so he can (his parents are just happy he’s dating somebody). He’s a bit overbearing with the gifts, as well as always wanting to be around you and talking to you. Even Stan and those guys think it’s weird.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Not that messy, since he doesn’t want his parents to ground him. Otherwise though he’s be very messy.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He wouldn’t mock them, he’d be his usual innocent self. It seems like he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing is wrong.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Not really, but he’s not self aware. He could do a lot of things against your will and not realize it. But thankfully he hasn’t done anything else.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He’s an open book.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Just confused. He doesn’t get what you’re fighting him for? It’s starting to upset him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He likes games a lot but he really doesn’t see this as one exactly cause he hasn’t connected to the fact he’s kinda abducting you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
He was really angry one day and you said something about one of your guy friends and he starting fighting you and punching you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Just one with them, maybe having kids!
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Usually he can let his anger out by punching somebody, yknow how he was in the Hawaii ep? Like that. Sometimes to you, but it’s usually when he’s having a bad day.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He’s sweet, loves giving lotsa physical affections like kisses.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He would give em flowers and ask them out.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Nemesis: Who do they consider a rival?
While he does see every boy as one, Kenny in specific is good at flirting and getting girls (or boys… or enby folk…) if he cared enough.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
None really but whatever they’re doing has to somehow involve him. He also doesn’t like them hanging out guy friends much, especially Stan and his friends.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Normally is oretty patience but on an off day he has next to none
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
It would take a long time, people actually start complaining about his moping around because it takes him so long.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No, he doesn’t realize what he’s doing is abduction. The thing with butters is he doesn’t realize something is bad unless his parents taught him otherwise.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
His parents fucked him up lmao.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He’d comfort them, but if it went on for too long he starts to get annoyed by it.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really, though he tends to not wanna kill people
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He’s afraid of getting grounded.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Only if angered, which even then he apologizes for and makes it up to you somehow cause he feels really bad.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Worships you a lot of the time, but on his off days you’re more of an equal.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Only like a couple months
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Unintentionally. He speaks absolute ridiculous nonsense that cartman spewed to him, but that on top of him never leaving your side? You’re bound to crack.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
hii bestie! do you think Rita will make a comeback on season 24? personally, I think not, after what she said in her latest episode (22x06) and (kinda) the way she acted, I feel like she won’t step into the svu again :(
Okay bestie. I had to tug out the laptop cause I have a LOT to say on the matter of her s22 ep. (though we're not gonna discuss how the make up & wardrobe dept did her dirty, i have an entire other essay on that...)ya again. I do truly believe that she was supposed to be on the For The Defense show, I *know* Buchanan was based on a few interactions with Delaney on twitter. and we all know that Rita is a popular character/defense attorney, so i will forever be salty that they decided to pull the plug on that show cause it had SO MUCH potential and so many opportunities to have a rotating cast each week so we could see all of our favourite lawyers return in some way.
When it comes down to it, it's all about Beth's availability. if she signs onto something that's filming in LA or Atlanta or something, she's not going to be around to take part, which sucks. But homegirl LOVES to work, so she's constantly doing something, she's got two or three things I think in post production, and one that she was just announced as part of, I think it was tv/limited series, I can't remember now. Gimmie 5 seconds to google.... it's a show on Peacock, so probably limited. I think that she has a good rapport with the svu cast & crew, and is probably welcomed back each time they have her. She also got a name drop in the finale (though I do think that was WL's way of saying goodbye to characters he'd brought to life, like, because he was leaving).
We also have a new showrunner to contend with, what direction they want things to go and what the focus is might change. I think we have a decent chance of seeing Rita grace our screens again this season. Barba returned twice, Pippa returned once, and would have been twice but Ms Phillips was in LA filming WWK, so yeah. long story short, there's lots to deal with behind the scenes that determine who we see guest star wise.
NOW, let's address the long arm of the witness itself:
check THIS out too, a post in which me, the film/acting school nerd I am who over analyzes everything I watch, discusses the episode and Ms Marvel's performance/changes in characterization of Rita. I'll probably repeat a couple of points here too. just fyi (also "SSS" is Serendipitous Secrets & Surprises, a fic I wrote that's kind of a fix it fic for s22 Rita's appearance. and also how I would go about reintroducing certain characters before spinning off to a lawyer centered show...and that was written before FTD was announced and then scrapped...)
Even with what she said to Liv in the elevator, and the suspicion that she was assaulted, there are plenty of ways for her to come back to SVU.
First, and what's likely to happen: the writers will ignore it/forget about it and pretend like it never happened. (I say this because look at Pippa, they had the entire Hank thing go down, he went to jail for 4yrs, and it's a one line call back that Amanda says something about it when Pippa picks up the case. By s22, Hank was OUT of prison, they REALLY could and should have had some kind of follow up arc with him, Pippa, the squad, whatever. She also wasn't wearing a ring in s22 so I'm going with the hc that she defs divorced him in the end)
Second: Rita comes back as defense on a case, Liv tries to bring it up, or says something about Gallagher, Rita brushes it off all "you've been at this job to long Liv, not everyone's a victim" (stop it, stop it, you're putting fic ideas in my head...)
Third: Rita returns, but on the other side of the table, she's the victim. Or she admits to being a victim when she ends up a witness in a case. Liv mentions the elevator scene and Rita admits she was looking for someone to figure it out themselves, she didn't want to admit it to someone else cause she couldn't admit it to herself, she had to be strong, wanted to prove she "wasn't a victim" kinda thing. THIS could also VERY EASILY work right into canon cause I believe Gallagher was only sentenced to a year or two? So it could be that they revisit it at a parole hearing, which Rita would be present at, but out of the blue, she makes a shocking statement that she doesn't think he deserves parole and resigns as his attorney because she can no longer uphold his reputation as she was one of his victims too. (svu writers, please see this, please just fucking hire me already...)
I do lowkey think that Rita was one of Gallagher's victims, they're only a year apart, and they both went to Harvard. We know that he had multiple victims at Fordham before he went to law school, so like, duh, he still out there assaulting people through his whole life. We also know that Rita started out in prosecution, and then swapped to defense, and I don't think money was the reason (she just gives off rich family vibes okay). So what was her reasoning behind that? I personally believe it could be because she was assaulted in college, and started to feel like she couldn't advocate for the victims because she couldn't advocate for herself. It also could be that Chip was defense and she kept having to go up against him and that felt like an assault all over again each time.
I touch on it in the other linked post, but I do think they were setting Rita up to take the Nikki Staines arc in s20, like, not identical to it, but very similar, but then Beth got signed on for HOC & Homeland and wasn't available.
Anyways. Welcome to what happens when you ask a theory Rita question on my blog LOL.
TL;DR: it really all comes down to scheduling and if Beth's free to appear when they want her or not, but I would think they'd have no reason to not bring her back
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Hi! I’m still not really over the last episode (and that happy montage in the end i-) and I’m feel confused about what’s part of the episode was fake. I mean the end totally is. But all Chuck scene was superweird too. And sometimes i think that it should be Cas instead of Lucifer and Jack felt him. I mean... confused! How do you feel about that?
Okay so here’s the thing -- this is a multifaceted episode--
BuckLeming, while often herded efficiently by Dabb, can muddy up the textual waters, leave gaps, and things unexplained.
However, that doesn’t account for Showalter’s choices in direction. Dutch shots out the ASS which are typically used to evoke that something is "wrong." Lots of panoramas, tracking shots, zooms and blurs in ways that simply are-not-standard for SPN. Extreme aerial shots.
One might even think “maybe it’s Chuck looking in on them!” but then you realize the same overhead view zoomed out on *Chuck* even and panned out to the horizon again.
One of the early mega-zooms literally zoomed out to The World, even. I’m just gonna gesture people to my tag on that and let them think on that, much less the empty world orbiting on the news or whatever the hell else.
There were *several* Cas-baits, yes. Yes, that was intentional from our actual authors. 
But when it comes down to “fake episode”, here’s where we were at.
15.17-19 run immediately concurrently. At the end of 17, Chuck says this was his ending.
Now, the Winchesters largely derailed that ending, so Chuck was writing new material.
But Chuck is also seeking death. 
He wrote a suicide note in 11. He wrote the story that would end in him and Amara being eradicated. And whatever influence he was exerting forcefully with Michael and Lucifer to bop the story around was all in the interest of seeing his book. One might think “to keep the Winchesters from killing him”, but he was desperate to see what his ending WAS, to know it and experience it and scream after them.
The dour taking of “no one cares” right after “I care(d)” about humanity is its own highlight going on.  But wait, there’s MORE.
When Dabb dropped his pre-episode thing, we started talking before the episode.
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So I mean, I think what we were *mostly* witnessing is the pen being ripped away.
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But this is that emptiness that lingers even with Chuck generally resolved. They’re still kinda on the pages. The book is presented as shut, and the next steps are not taken. Development stops, if not drops.
This entire thing is so meta my damn head hurts.
Summarily: Is it just like, some weird AU that’s gonna go away? Not so much. Is it an incomplete portion of the story told from a skew? Absolutely. And is there still someone watching over them? T’would seem so. The whole World, even. Beyond Chuck. 
Now the point at which we start blocking off issues of “eugenie writes like she’s 3″ is where we ask about things like “god power” or whatever else being thrown in the mix along with eugenie’s ki ball special effects that are literally always unique to her episodes, even if other people have to add the SFX.
So while it was a good bit of masterful work to do it via buckleming for this style of bump, it still inevitably has its flaws because... buckleming. But... Showalter was there. And one thing to note is almost every single scene entrance had some sort of major pan or zoom effect. That’s not typical for him.
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The entire thing is designed to evoke, directorially: 
One style: crooked shots, unlevel, unbalanced, uneasy feeling.
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Second style: Over-under; some force is watching them on high, while others have a sort of brechtian absurdity, which seats it like a play on an elevated stage.
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We are the audience, looking up at figures half the episode; but a second audience is looking in from “on high” and out over the world. As if perhaps even from the heavens. 
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Third style: CSI Miami, basically? Parts of this episode were sectioned off to be like a procedural crime drama in its cinematography and flashbacks. Which is ironic, because Dean loathes procedural dramas, but at the same time some of this fandom demands a procedural monster show instead of a family drama show. 
Sam and Dean barely have any lines in the episode *until* we hit Crime Drama Time. Then suddenly, they reveal all of their case work. Despite Dean’s hatred of crime dramas, this is honestly when I feel like the brothers kicked in their own pen. 
Let’s play a game-- the winchesters are aware they can write their own story. So they start telling the story they think people want to hear, or maybe just fill in the gaps from when Chuck gets dropped on his ass. Maybe Dean’s the one writing about how many times god punched them in the face whereas Sam is breaking down the crime scene investigation front. Another, where it feels like we’re loosely circling the war table as others lightly wander too.
But everything before that is the first and second style, and even after that, the overview-angle remains. The uneasiness is gone but there is an emptiness otherwise. But we are no longer spectators from beneath the stage, but staring into them.
I still very much expect everyone to “die” one more time and several specifics to choose to walk back into life at the end of it.
Is it a *complete* false narrative? No. We’re not just gonna turn around and be like “oh that whole ep didn’t happen.” But the writer lost his pen and got jacked at one point, while we also observed the stage from a series of angles as different audiences.
Riddle me this: Why show the World? “Because it’s empty and just them!” okay but there’s a lot of ways to show that which actually gets that point a whole lot better across than “here, here’s a planet that still looks lit up”--yes I know electricity is still running until stuff runs out but essentially speaking, the end of the episode shows us the kind of dramatic shots that could be used for that.
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CASey just poofed in the World in the TV, seems legit.
Let’s see these overhead angles again, knowing it isn’t just Chuck.
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This sort of overview is known for causing a “dollhouse effect” that derealizes the episode and makes them seem, well, like toys. Which is interesting. Because Chuck isn’t the only one watching them on high.
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Cool, this is fine.
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Either way, the entire episode is DESIGNED to cause some major uncanny valley. There’s a lot of parts that simply *haven’t been told or filled in.*  It’s almost like evasive maneuvering, half the content just never made it to print, and what did wasn’t in its best draft. There may be battling authors, or a transition of authorship. But the thing is: this is not the complete story.
There is an entire missing section about Sam and Dean even finding out that Jack is a power siphon which they hadn’t witnessed yet much less arranged an entire plan.
Even Chuck’s episodes are generally told from the general POVs of the Winchesters, but this was absolutely not. 
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Matthew 28: 18: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Put a pin in that one.
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-- Regardless, the metaness of “fish in a toilet bowl BRL plot” stacked into this makes it very difficult to accurately decipher the lines, especially with only one watch so far--just skimming back through right now to grab a few things I remember.
Some parts are plot salad buckleming.
Some parts are us as forced spectators of a stage play.
some parts are shifting authorship
Some parts are the heavens looking out over the earth it loves.
It almost feels as if, within enclosed spaces, unsteadiness and stageplay, we have Chuck’s POV.
But by the end it ceases to have any relevance, as he is no longer the author, and instead, we have the Presence of Being overseeing them, letting the Winchesters argue for their own proverbial pen in their own storytellings between here and there.
 it is all one point of view. All of it. Pretend you’re someone’s eyes on a situation, you just happen to be in the sky half the time, and the uncanny valley is pulling forward the concept of being a presence that simply isn’t *there.*  For example we're looking extremely closely at passed out dean but the camera turns and raises to level with Sam before Dean gets up. Our viewership lens is rising to meet Sam.
The camera stays in motion to fill a role or slot of a viewer. At first it’s haunting and ominous, but at other times, it’s simply part of the room, when it isn’t hovering from on high. Rather than speaking of empty space, we are viewing The World through that empty space, as if it were a Being.
Just a few more eye catching shots.
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But whoever or whatever frames the end, even without Chuck--like the story is still turning on the pages, roughly. 
The montage at the end feels like the Swan Song one, more or less, but there’s no narrator, no chuck.
The writer, the writer we know at least, is Absent.
Men are writing their own Stories.
But they aren’t alone.
I know how you see yourself. Angry and dark like your father. You think that’s what you are. But you are the most loving man in the whole world. That is who you are.
Someone does care. Even if right now, Sam and Dean don’t feel like anyone does.
...Because of you. I cared. For you, for Sam, for Jack, for the Whole World.
I cared.
“That’s not who I am.”
I am.
I speak therefore I am.
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