#also funny to me that if i finish (he says barely having started it months ago) ill have established a pattern with my song choices.lol
bobzora · 2 years
god. will today finally be the day that the stars of my physical and mental health align and ill be able to do a little bit of animatic work. please. please
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peaches-creek · 5 months
When he walks through the door, you are cooking. Smells like something Italian but maybe not. He hears the bubbling of a pot and a searing of a pan. He crouches as he takes off his boots, caked in dirt and stinking of something foreign. He can’t greet you after a month like this, covered in grease and smelling of gunpowder and sweat. You heard him drop his duffle bag. He hears do drop the spoon you were using and the pitter-patter of your feet coming to greet him. Your smiling face turns the corner.
“You’re home.” You gently say as you walk over to him. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into your arms with his face in your neck. You pull his mask off and give a kiss to his temple.
“I smell.” He says.
“Everyone smells,” she quips, “lemme hold you for a minute.” He lets her do exactly that.
After a minute or so he tells her she needs to finish cooking, and that he needs to shower. They can have a meal together and then take a well deserved nap together.
While he’s in the shower he takes his time decompressing. Trying to become Simon after a month of being Lt. Ghost. He thinks of what you might be cooking instead of the mistake he made that almost costed Price his life. He uses your conditioner and gingerbread body wash, knowing that you wouldn’t mind. You never do. It shocks him, every time, when he thinks of how much you Love him. You know what he does, and you still call him your “cutie-patootie.”
By the time he’s out of the shower, dinner is on the table, warm and on his favorite blue plates. You made him lemon breaded chicken and garlic parmesan pasta, his second favorite dish, first being his mother’s meatloaf.
“You smell familiar.” You laugh.
“This smells great,” he states, “not as good as me though.”
You place a kiss on his lips.
“Okay now that you have kissed the chef, you may eat your meal.” You move to the other side of the table, sitting across from him.
“Catch me up, what did I miss?” He says.
You spend the next half an hour talking his ear off as he shovels food into his face. He prefers that, not only does he like hearing your voice but it also helps him settle in. Hearing all the things that you did around the house, putting up new pictures, the ones that you took when you guys went to see the Eiffel Tower. You also got a few new plants, and told him that you waited for him to get home so you could name them together. You also said how you started watching some new documentary that he had to see.
He spent his whole life moving from one place to another, barely living. Now he has you. You move him and he moves you. Once he was finished with his plate, you took it to the sink and placed it on top of the others, you can do those later, it’s time to put your man to bed. He deserves it.
“Okay now, let’s get you to bed.” You pull him up and drag him to your shared bed. It’s quite a funny thing to see, such a large man getting dragged through the halls just to be tucked into bed.
You reach your destination. You let go of his hand and pull the covers back. You settle yourself in first, waving your hand to tell him to come in. You then maneuver him to put his head on your chest.
“All settled in?” You ask. He nods his head. No words needed. He was exactly where he needed to be. You begin to rub his back as he slowly finds himself falling into a sweet sleep, courtesy of you.
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notjustjavierpena · 9 months
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: A while back, I saw a text post made by the lovely @kteague and immediately, it sparked a need for more husband!javi. This is the text post in question. It’s sososo great. You should go follow ❤️ It also made me realize that I haven’t written Javier going down on his wife, and honestly wtf??? This takes place before Lucas is born.
Summary: Javi isn’t perfect. He needs a nicotine high badly, but your pregnancy isn’t allowing you to tolerate the smell of cigarettes. He indulges in his next favorite thing to satisfy his craving; going down on his pregnant wife.
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut (mdni), nicotine withdrawal, javier is a menace to the pussy eating society, pregnant sex, dirty talk, eat up javi
Word count: 1.8k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49812556
Javier feels extra twitchy today. He paces around the house like a caged animal, tapping his fingers on the side of his thighs, and considers throwing caution to the wind and just having that damn smoke. He has a packet of cigarettes stashed in one of the potted plants outside, but it’s for emergencies only. Like that one time that his Pop had called him to say that a tree had fallen down on the barn overnight, and the very thought of the cost and time it would take to fix it had made him fly out the door to smoke in the far back of the garden.
He does it for you though. He’d do anything for you. Especially now that Lucas Peña is making his arrival in less than three months. He remembers you going into your second trimester, and you’d been around his cigarette smoke only to run to the toilet to reject your dinner. He never wants you to feel like that again, so he quit cold turkey. 
“Perhaps it won’t be a problem when we’re having the next one,” you had said to him, and he had stubbed out the cigarette immediately. He didn’t need the rush of nicotine, because he had the rush of you already thinking of more kids. He knew that he wanted a family with you since he saw you, but only then he had known just how big of a family.
But Javier needs the rush now. He has been through all of the coping mechanisms; sweets, rubber bands on his wrists, even has run out of nicotine gum but he doesn’t dare go to the store in case he comes home with more cigarettes. Has run out of patches too, which he would like to plaster his arms in right now.
You are not home and he needs you. He has a rare day off and you are not home. When are you coming home? He watches the clock, hears the ticking, and wants to rip it off the wall. You’re usually home by now. Where the fuck are you? 
Fuck it. Javier speedwalks to the door to the garden.  He is just about to rip it open, harsh enough to be tearing it off its hinges when he hears the front door. 
“Javi?” You call out his name so heavenly, “Can you help me with the groceries?” 
Oh, so that’s what you have been doing instead of coming straight home to him. He finds you by the front door, barely successful in holding two brown bags and your keys at the same time. Without hesitation, he takes both bags from you and heads to the kitchen to place them on the counter.
“You could’ve asked me to pick something up, y’know,” he says as he busies his hands by unloading everything into their respective places. His hands shake; he needs something to hold onto but you won’t let it be you if the milk hasn’t gone in the fridge yet.
“I was passing by anyway,” you enter the kitchen and start helping him, and he can feel your eyes watching him with curiosity at his urgency, “What’s up with you?”
“There’s something up because I’m helping you in the kitchen?” He quips.
You laugh quietly, “Well… yeah.”
Javier doesn’t know if it’s funny, but he knows that he needs an excuse to get you worked up so that he can satisfy his cravings in the way that works the very best.
He finishes unloading the groceries, turns to you, and doesn’t even hesitate despite you holding onto a box of cereal; he kisses you right then and there. It’s a long, deep, and satisfying kiss with his hands rubbing up and down your sides. You gasp into his mouth, melt against him, and awkwardly put the cereal box onto the kitchen counter so that you can embrace him right back. 
“Thank fucking God you’re home,” he mumbles into you, relishing in the taste and warmth of your tongue. He is insisting in the way he holds you close, and starts to guide you out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
“Javi,” you protest as you realize his motives. He doesn’t relent, and you reluctantly drag your lips away from his. He groans in frustration, but you find his eyes with flushed cheeks and he might just burst right then at the shy look you are giving him, “I can’t. I haven’t even… I need a shower.”
“No, you fucking don’t,” he opens the door, realizing that the window has been open all day to air out your shared bedroom. You shiver at the cold air and Javier feels like he might be seeing stars soon when he notices your nipples hardening underneath your top. He steers you to the bed by your hips, “Need it. Please don’t deny me, mi amor.”
“What’s gotten into you?” You groan after another kiss, one where Javier’s hand comes up to cup your breast as he devours your mouth. Then you let yourself be guided down onto the bed, legs hanging out over the edge and Javier kneeling down on the floor. 
“Ran outta nicotine gum,” he mutters, too busy undoing your last pair of jeans in a while; they’re straining against your growing belly but he knows how much you love this pair. He yanks them down over your hips after he has undone the zipper.
“Makes sense,” you lift your hips to help him. 
“So lemme have this?” He pleads. He notices the wet patch that has formed on your white cotton panties, refraining from chuckling to himself. You aren’t going to say no. 
“Yes,” your breath hitches in your throat as he finds your clit on the outside of your underwear. He rubs in lazy circles and watches the wet and shiny patch grow larger underneath his touch. He even dares to press his finger against your slit, digging the fabric just slightly into you. 
“Chica sucia,” he says softly as you let out a sigh of pleasure, “So filthy walking around with your pretty little panties so wet.”
“Hasn’t been like this long,” you argue, “Just since you kissed me. Still think I need a shower.”
Javier shakes his head, “Like you like this. Can’t stop thinking about this pussy.”
He slides your underwear down over your thighs, calves, and then ankles. He drops them onto the floor by your jeans, admiring your legs and the cute bows on the socks you are still wearing. You are so beautiful that he might lose his mind, growing belly right in front of him as he kisses his way up your right leg and hears your smile through your moan. 
“Javi,” you say when he loses himself in staring at your swollen cunt a little too long. He can see your clit jump in anticipation and it makes his mouth water, cigarettes long forgotten. 
He pulls you a little closer to the edge of the bed, large hands slipping under the backside of your thighs to bend and spread your legs simultaneously. He handles them roughly and places them flat on the surface of the bed, causing you to whine. Then his palms slide upward to rest on the swell of your belly, his broad shoulders holding your legs in position so you don’t clamp down on his head just yet. He isn’t in doubt that he’d be able to count your heartbeats with the way your cunt throbs. 
“Please,” you clench once, and slick drips from your slit. 
“Shh,” he coos. 
And then he goes down on you like he hasn’t in a long while. He credits himself with being enthusiastic about eating you out every time, but he rarely has the frustration of withdrawal from nicotine to accompany him in his hunger for your sweet taste. He runs his mouth over your whole cunt, kisses your jumping clit, and sucks the slick off where it has smeared across your folds. You taste better than ever, salty and slightly sweet in a way that a shower would have ruined. 
“Mhm,” he hums whilst satiating his cravings. Your breathy moans reward him more than he thinks a smoke could right now. His fingers start to dent your protruding belly, holding on tight as he flicks your clit with his tensed-up tongue over and over again. 
“Just like th— ah, fuck,” you reach for his wrists to desperately hold onto something. He goes harder, moaning into your pussy. It makes you shake on top of the sheets, gushing just a bit into his mouth and he swallows it down greedily. He wants more, dips down to slip his tongue into your cunt, and eats right from you. He fucks you open whilst nosing at your hard clit, the nub peeking out from underneath the hood to demand more attention. He will just have to suck it once and you’ll be screaming, but he needs a little more and reluctantly refrains from doing so. 
Your breathing has become more irregular by now, more high-pitched too. He knows you’re getting close but he keeps you dancing around the edge, tongue sliding through your folds as he bobs his head. 
“Fuck! Baby!” You cry loudly, bucking your hips to seek more friction. 
“Not yet, mi vida, just a moment more,” he mumbles against you, but his mouth still starts climbing up towards your clit again. 
You entwine your fingers with his, holding his hands tightly over your belly as your legs start to move involuntarily. Your feet flex, muscles rippling all the way to your thighs as you near climax.
“I’m… I-it’s gonna happen,” you whine at the ceiling, “Fuck, suck my clit. Javi— fuckfuckfuck.” 
He gives in, raises his head slightly to cover your clit with his mouth, and then he sucks hard. 
You come so hard that your legs find the strength to shoot up from where they are being held down on the bed. Your thighs clamp around Javier’s head, muffling the sound of your cries whilst he works you through every crashing wave of pleasure. 
“I’ll buy you that stupid gum,” you eventually say. 
“Huh?” Javier looks up at you.
“Your nicotine gum, I’ll go out and buy it later,” you clarify, letting go of Javier’s hands to throw your arms above your head on the bed. You stretch, letting out a soft moan, “It’s the least I can do.”
“You spoil me,” he crawls up onto the bed, lying down beside your exhausted body. You’re so perfect, he thinks to himself. 
“But first,” your breathing is finally getting under control again. You turn onto your side, and Javier finds himself supporting your pregnant belly as you move. You smile gently at him, reaching for his belt to unbuckle it with both hands, “I’m going to take care of you too. See… I too have cravings.”
Javier didn’t think that every passing second with someone could feel like his life had peaked. Yet here you were.
TAGLIST: FOLLOW @notjustjavierpena-fics AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS 💖❤️💖❤️
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idlerin · 4 months
nonsense — epilogue: 43. utterly nonsensical
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masterlist — previous | fin.
✦ fun facts !
oikawa does make sure that he proposes when [name] leasts expects it (and in clothes she would approve of)
its been two years since the final chapter, by this time, [name] already has a stable job as a screenwriter while oikawa’s acting career is still booming.
[name]’s friends know oikawa has been wanting to propose for months.
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nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — 3/3! i don’t even know where to begin, nonsense has been an integral part of my life for around 2-3 years, even before i began posting the story on tumblr, before it was even called ‘nonsense’. it’s been on the back of my mind for ages, and when i started this story i didn’t even think it would take me this long to finish it. there has been a lot of times where i lost motivation in writing, and i never forced myself to create because then i just know the content i would put out wouldn’t be the same. so i wrote when i felt like it, when i wanted to, because i think you should never force yourself to continue something if you don’t feel like doing it anymore.
i’m also the type of person that would persist when i love something, and i really really love nonsense. i love this little world that i created and i hope other people loved it too. it’s funny how nonsense began as a silly little thought just because i ran out of smaus to read, and i really did not know how to even make one! i just relied mostly on my gut and thought to myself what i would like to read :). nonsense is very dear to me because it’s the first smau i ever made, i started this last year and i think the story grew with me!
i would just like to thank everyone who read, liked, commented, reblogged, interacted, and spared time for nonsense. i can never say enough how every single one of you mean the world to me, you guys were part of the reason i kept coming back and finishing what i left of. motivation is really the key problem i have, and i can say what motivates me is my love for the story, haikyuu, and you guys ❤️
i love all of you so so so much, thank you for being part of this story and hopefully reading nonsense had made you smile or even made your day.
now, onto my next work! (that i will most likely procrastinate on too, bare with me my darlings)
taglist is closed ! + (1/2) @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo @katsu-shi @wolffmaiden @rijhi @2baddies-1porsche @yeehawcity @aishkaaa @crueldinasty @renardiererin @yyuiz @llamakenma @penguinlovestowrite @princelingperfect @hearts4faey @yoonabeo @pantherhappy @julia-1901 @godsbiggestmenace @angel-luv-04 @noideawhothatis @bethbat @natsvmie @luna-mothii @lylovw @apinu @leave-rae-alone @kamikokii @bananasquash @eitaababe @minimari415 @hanabihwa @nilopillo
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mister-qi · 2 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod: 4/19 Progress Update
It's a working title, I'm trying to come up with something less wordy that still will pop up in Nexus searches.
I wanted to be able to track my progress, mainly for myself, but if you're curious, this is the state of the mod right now:
Heart Events - the 2 heart event is fully written (with blocking directions), and the 6, 8, and 10 heart events are outlined. The 4 heart cutscene currently has me a bit stumped; I have ideas, but nothing concrete yet. I definitely now understand why Sam's 4 heart cutscene is him dropping an egg. 14 hearts is on the back-burner as a little treat to myself once I get further into things.
Generic Daily Dialogues - about 1/3 done, probably the highest priority for writing. I'm leaving his vanilla casino dialogue as the two heart dialogue, and the vanilla Walnut Room dialogue as his four heart dialogue, with a few small changes. And, since it's me, I have more marriage dialogue written than anything else...
Day-Specific Dialogues - very few written, lower priority. Hoping to have a lot of these made eventually, and I have plenty of ideas, but they aren't necessary for the core of the mod so they're on the back-burner for now.
Gift Dialogues - all 5 generic gift response dialogues are written, with an additional 22 dialogue lines for specific items/groups of items. I'm also up to around item 530 in figuring out what item corresponds to which dialogue/whether or not he likes it. Certain item groups, like cooked food, still need more lines, however. This is definitely something that should be low priority, but also something I'm really enjoying working on. Some personal favorites so far are-
[if given a fish (hated)]: "Eugh, it's all slimy..."
[if given a legendary fish (disliked)]: "If you must give me one of the rarest fish in the valley, can you at least wrap it so I don't have to touch it with my bare hands?"
And I think that's pretty funny.
Portraits - 3 new portraits finished: "deep frown" "glint" and "glasses-less". I'll probably be messing with "glasses-less" for a looong while; it's first shown at a dramatic moment so it needs to look good. Blushing portraits are next on the docket.
Here's "glint" btw, with a background thrown on so I can have a custom icon. You know I gotta make him do the anime glasses thing a few times.
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Sprites - no progress yet. Walk cycle is up next after I finish the blushing portraits. Did you know he doesn't have a walk cycle at all? [1.6 spoilers] in the cheated Summit cutscene where he attacks(?) you, he literally just slides at you very fast. Anyways, I may also change his map sprite a bit as well, since it was drawn to match his old portrait and doesn't actually have the same color scheme as his sprites. Note to self: is it possible to make the sparkles on his outfit prismatic?
Maps - no progress yet. The 6 heart and 10 heart cutscenes both require custom maps, with the 6 heart one being a fully custom asset. 10 heart recycles some existing assets but will still need some custom stuff done as well.
Misc Sprites - in my head, there's a dream version of the 8 heart cutscene that has so, so many unique sprites. Like an incredible amount of stuff. I think it'll kick ass, but also that sequence could be done with a few lines of text. So, for now, it's low priority. But maybe in a few months I'll put out a request for help.
Not totally sure how to split this into sections yet, as I'm very much still in the preliminary stages so far. To say that I'm feeling overwhelmed is an understatement; documentation on the wiki swings wildly between "an asset is a file in a video game" and "this is an advanced tutorial. Read these 4 other pages first before continuing."
I've started using Ms. Coriel's NPC Creator which has been good for setting up the basic file structure, but ultimately doesn't cover some of the more complex stuff I want to do. EDIT: Turns out it's completely outdated for 1.6! Had to throw out a bit of work, but I still learned from it so it's fiiine.
I think setting up his "schedule" will be a challenge, in that I don't actually want him to have a real schedule like most NPCs. Not to pull back the curtain too much here, but I want him to "exist" in both the Casino and the Walnut Room simultaneously, which is to say, he does not exist in two places at once in the narrative, just in the code. This will change after marriage, however.
My next goal is to set up placeholder cutscenes for each of the heart events, and then to implement the generic daily dialogues once those are finished.
Final Notes
God, this will be a work in progress for a while, but I'm enjoying it! Definitely enjoying the writing more than anything else, but hey, that's how it be. I've got around 70 lines of dialogue written, a bit of art done, and I've started learning how to actually get stuff in game. I've always been more of a designer than a coder, but it's getting there!
ADDITIONALLY I've decided that if I abandon this project for more than 8 months, anyone is welcome to request my work so far and use it for their own mod. If this blog hasn't posted in a long while, feel free to send me an ask or message! I may say no, however.
Ultimately, I want this mod to exist in some fashion. While there is an existing one, I have a pretty different take on the character and I want to share it with you all! Every line of dialogue, every heart event, every little detail needs to share something interesting about a character and their world. Yet, Mr. Qi is a mysterious guy, and I think some things should be left up to player interpretation. And I think it's crucial to be able to match his tone and voice to the vanilla game, while also expanding on his characterization. It's a fun challenge to write, and I hope the finished product, uh, well I hope it gets finished mostly, but I think it'll be pretty good.
Thanks for reading all this. This is largely just a stream of consciousness for myself, but I hope it's...interesting, or something?
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bnha-headcanonss · 26 days
Today got so, so much weirder
Bakugo one-shot. Super light. Hopefully sweet? Idk I don’t write this type of stuff. Apologies for any typos or confusing bits. It’s 4 am. I have not slept.
Slight swearing (expected)
Word count: 1875
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I woke up, sun shining into my eyes first thing. Basically blinded as soon as I wake up, on top of that, I’m going to be late, lovely start to the day!
I get up, get dressed in my uniform, and leave for school.
“Honey what about breakfast??” Mom calls out after me.
“I’m going to be late if I stay any longer! I’ll pick something up on the way, love you!” I yelled while speeding out the door.
I hear a faint “I love you too!” As I slam the door shut and make my way down the street.
“Stop walking so fast will you?!”
Bakugo and I haven’t always been close, he’s got an explosive personality, quite the temper on him. After both of us getting into UA and finding out we were in the same class, we grew closer. Originally it was banter back and forth and absolutely kicking each others ass in matches. Basically wiping the floor with each other.
He’s got this explosion quirk which goes hand-in-hand with his personality and I have a time shift quirk. I use it a lot to dodge others attacks and find way to make their attacks blow up in their own face, in his case, literally. And he hates it.
After our back and forth harsh banter that went on for months, it turned more playful. Eventually we just became each others closest friend. And I’d hate to admit it, it’s been kind of nice. Over time I developed a small crush for him. Nothing too major. But just underneath all the anger and aggression, and ego, he’s not half bad.
“My apologies your highness.” I did a stupid little curtsy and he attempted to push me down. I grabbed onto his arm so his attempt failed. Still funny though.
“What’re you doing out here so late? Usually you’re early.” I questioned. Being late or barely on time was my thing, not so much his.
“Somebody kept me up all night.” He gave me a dirty look.
“You were the one who didn’t want to go to sleep until you got a win. You just got to get better at the game.”
“I’ll blow your fucking face up, shut your mouth.” I burst out laughing. Bakugo sucks big time at Mortal Kombat. He wasn’t much for video games in general but he saw me watching an execution clip online and got interested, typical.
We reach the school and go on with our day. We don’t talk much in class, we sat and did our work. Lunch came and we ate together.
“Hey try this.” He proceeds to dump some green sauce on my food.
“What is it?” I questioned. Bakugo loves his spicy food, pretty on brand but I can’t stand it. I do not have the tastebuds strong enough for that like he does.
“It’s nothing too bad, it’s really good, I made it myself. Try it.” He demanded.
“If I burn myself, it’s on you.”
“Nah you’ll be fine. Go on.” He sits back. I already know how this is going to go, but he made it himself and I can’t say no to that.
As expected, it burned.
“Holy shit Bakugo, this burns so bad.” I’m up and looking for anything to drink but I finished my water a while ago and don’t have anything else. Meanwhile Bakugo is practically dying of laughter in his seat. I swear he’s got tears of joy forming and I’ve got tears related to death streaming down my face. Everything feels like it’s on fire.
“Here here, you’re causing a scene.” He hands me his water bottle and I start chugging.
“I don’t care.. if I cause anything.. that shit BURNS!” I manage between chugs of water. He breaks out into even more laughter.
He was right though, I am causing a scene. I sit back down and try to gain my composure.
“What is that stuff?”
He pulls out the unlabeled bottle and holds it up like an advertisement.
“Lord Explosion Murder hot sauce, available near you.” He’s got a giant grin on his face. You don’t see him smile much, even if it is artificial, it ties my stomach in a knot, that could also be the hot sauce.
“Oh my god you’re such a nerd.” I say with a stupid smile on my face, compensated by an eye roll.
“You find it funny so clearly you love this nerd. Wait- nevermind that sounded weird.”
“Yeah right, cool it hot shot.” I laugh and brush it off, I wouldn’t say love, but I think I definitely like that nerd? I have no idea.
He looked oddly vacant when I brushed it off though. There was no emotion, just stone faced. Completely changed the tone. Luckily the bell rang, we cleaned up and continued the rest of our school day.
“Roof?” I approach his desk as the final bell for the day rings.
“Yeah let’s go.” He packs away his things and we make our way to the roof.
We’ve been coming up here a couple times a week since becoming friends, just to talk, watch the sun go down, watch a movie or something. It’s like a moment of peace for me. I think this is originally where I started developing feelings for him. It’s just us, there’s no playing an act or anything. We learned to be ourselves and I really like who he actually is.
“What’s it gonna be today?” He questions, pulling out his laptop and turning on his Apple TV application.
“Hmm. What’s on the list?”
We made a list of all the movies we think about but can’t watch at the moment.
“So far there’s 27 dresses, uh 13 going on 30, 10 things I hate about you, god what is up with all the romcoms? All girly shit.”
“You realize who you’re talking to dimwit? 10 things I hate about you.”
“Yeah yeah.” He rolls his eyes, turns on the movie and positions the laptop in front of us both. It’s a nice day. Not cold, no breeze, just nice, warm air. Quiet.
I must’ve been more tired than I thought because I felt my eyes getting heavier and I’ve had to catch myself from falling forward once or twice. The movies only about half way done.
“Fucking loser.” He says.
“You’re falling asleep.” Pointing out the obvious.
“No I’m not, I’m watching the movie.” Uh-huh..
“Right.” He pulls me towards him until my head hits his shoulder. This is different, Bakugo grew some balls or something. I don’t remember much else from there though.
I must’ve been really exhausted.
I open my eyes to the night sky and Baby Driver playing on the laptop. I barely made it through 10 things I hate about you I guess. I’m still laying on his shoulder but I feel pressure on my head, it feels like his head. And I feel a hand on my waist. Is he asleep too?
“Hm.” I test.
“Finally, fucking nerd. You fell asleep.” He’s got that softer, sleepy voice. Maybe he was falling asleep. He lifts his head and moves his hand from my waist.
“Sorry, I guess today was not my day.” I laugh it off.
“Movie was good. Liked it. I put this on right after though and it’s almost over.”
“Baby Driver?”
“Yeah.” One of the first movies we watched up here. Only because he didn’t give me much of a choice, at all. It was good though, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, I thought it was just a car movie at first.
“Let’s finish it then.” I offer.
“That was the plan. At least until you woke up.”
“Yeah yeah. Shut up and watch.”
“You’re one to talk.”
As the movie continued I could feel his arm snake around my waist again, right back to where it was before. We haven’t moved otherwise. I’m still really close to him, I can feel the heat radiating off of him, and it’s a lot. I can’t necessarily complain though. Realistically, who would?
The movie finished and we pack up to go home. It started getting colder as the time passed and neither of us had a jacket. The school issued skirt for my uniform was killing me at this point.
I let him rant on about the movie I picked the whole way home. It sounds like he liked it. He really liked the main character because she wasn’t like all the other main characters who are all boy crazy.
“She kind of reminds me of you.” He says. I take that as an absolute win. I love Kat so much. She’s the main reason I watched the movie in the first place.
Despite the fact that I’ve never fallen asleep on him like that before, nothing was weird. Nothing felt weird. Today was a weird day, don’t get me wrong but that was the most normal feeling part, and it was the most not-normal. I’m confusing myself.
We reach my apartment complex which is a couple streets away from his house and we make our way up the stairs.
“Again tomorrow?” He suggests. Or demands? No clue at this point.
“Tomorrow? Theres no school tomorrow?”
“You come over to my place. We’ll rewatch your movie so you can finish it this time and we can pick another one from the stupid list. Yeah?”
Me go over to his place? Today got so much weirder in just 30 seconds.
“You know, that sounds nice. See you around 1?”
“Yup. Don’t be Late.”
“I’ll try not to,” I start to walk towards my door.
“I’ll kill you if you are!” He’s still just standing there, you can practically hear his smile. You know how you sound different when your lips are upturned, yeah, that.
“You won’t do shit.” I laugh and pull out my keys.
I feel a tug on my arm and I’m met face to face with Bakugo. He grabs my face with his hands and suddenly his lips meet mine.
His hands lay either side of my jaw, thumbs on my cheek, holding my head up towards him. His lips are soft, he’s gentle. I practically melt into the kiss.
He pulls away, we lock eyes for just a couple seconds before he turns around to leave. His face was red. I feel red. I feel hot, and confused. My stomach did flips.
He did shit- not the shit I was referring to, but holy shit, he did shit. What.
“1 pm, don’t, be late,” he emphasized the don’t.
“I won’t.” I say, in utter disbelief. I see a small smile creep up on his lips before he’s out of sight.
What the fuck just happened?
Today got so, so much weirder.
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jack is disenchanted and disappointed. As exciting as it was to talk to Tiny Can, he'd expected more of the AI Therapist.
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Sai went back to sleep again, he's exhaused from crying and reliving his worst memories. And Ji Ho and Jack decided to play a bit. But the only 'game' available is a boring puzzle... Jack: "Oh my, I don't know what's more boring. This puzzle or our therapy... Have they never heard about gamification? Or fun? Or to make it a bit more interesting?" Ji Ho agreed. Though the insight about Vlad and his own locked away feelings was interesting. Maybe he should follow and explore these thoughts a bit deeper.
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Suddenly Saiwa was wide awake: "What did you just say, Jack?"
Jack: "Uh - probably something wrong? You finish the puzzle, Ji Ho, I go and run."
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Saiwa: "No! That's actually brilliant!
Gamification! The Game!!!
We combine the AI with our game and make it a Therapy Game!" Jack and Ji Ho: "..." (Haha you can see how Jack and Ji Ho's brains are working ^^') Saiwa: "And not just for us - for other creatures too! This would have been so helpful when we'd been so scared and alone! And who knows? This could be a sucess and we'd make money to pay Rubyn and the others back!" We barely get to see Saiwa this excited ^^' But here some of his main interests meet, his love for games and computers - and being there for others and help them.
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Vlad went back home to grab Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho's content they'd already had created for their game over the last months and then they started their epic gathering to develop the:
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For the computer game they'd planned, Jack already made the concept art and design, Vlad wrote and Ji Ho composed the music and soundscapes. They are going to feed all this to Tiny Can and see what kind of 'gamification therapy' he'll create. How exciting! (For me it really is! Imagine this: a game that also is a therapy - supported by an AI! How amazing would that be if you could see the things that make you suffer from a distance and you'd find solutions for them by doing insightful AND funny AND interesting quests! You'd gain helpful new habits and get rid of unhealthy ones by playing a game! Where I live it's so hard to find a therapy place. We have to wait up to a year -.- I do have high hopes in AI. You could go by your own pace. And you wouldn't even have to leave the house!)
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After a very long gathering, Ji Ho and Jack relaxed in the hot tub. Jack's pain is thanking him. They sat silent for quite a while, lost in their thoughts. Very unusual for Jack, but his brain is running on hyper speed now. He's so excited :3 And Ji Ho was pondering about his locked down feelings. The Bond made it easy for him to love Luci. They had a whole different approach to each other. While his relationship with Vlad was doomed from the beginning (their story in (kind of ^^') short -> here).
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The only ocassions where Ji Ho was really comfortable with Vlad was, when they touched and made love. And this is also a benefit of the Bond and Luci because Ji Ho hated being touched in the beginning. After all he'd seen at the House of the rising Sun in the slums of Sulani. But Luci had approached him slowly and tenderly. Ji Ho shared his thoughts with Jack: "Do you think this might be a way to become more comfortable with Vlad and finally be able to love him? And to find my buried down feelings?" Jack: "I think that's brilliant! At least one of us learned something in that therapy. When you charge the Bond later, just try a bit more and we'll see how it goes."
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A little later Vlad came down: "Uhm, I'm leaving now. The Bond..."
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Ji Ho left the hot tub and went over to Vlad to charge the Bond - and try his new theory... They embraced each other as usual and then Ji Ho tried to kiss Vlad.
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But Vlad moved his head aside and whispered: "I want nothing more than you - but not like this." Vlad's breath ghosted over Ji Ho's still wet skin and made him shiver.
Vlad still has his principles - not to forget his foolish pride. No way he's going to have a plain physical relationship with Ji Ho - without love. There is no 'two out of three ain't bad' or 'it's better than nothing' in Vlad's world ^^' Only 'it's all or nothing'. He would do anything for Ji Ho, but he won't - and can't do that. It would break him apart. That does not mean it was easy for him to not give in and leave. Vlad really is the master of self control ö.ö
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And then Vlad left. Ji Ho seems a bit piqued after Vlad's rejection ^^'
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'I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me
When you hold me In your arms so tight You let me know Everything's all right
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing That you're in love with me'
Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede from the OST of Guardians of the Galaxy I
He will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.
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Yang Mal: "Can we grill our corncobs now?" 🌽 Saiwa: "Uhm - sure ö.Ö'"
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Ji Ho checking the mail... 📬 Who might have sent that letter when Ji Ho looks like that?
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Tyalindo watching the sun set 🌅
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
If We Cannot Keep
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Non-Con/Rape Category: F/M Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Relationships: MC/Satan+Asmodeus+Beelzebub+Belphegor Characters: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Main Character Additional Tags: afab!mc (they/them), noncon/rape, breeding, pregnancy, somnophilia, yandere Summary: The brothers refuse to give up the person they love the most. They will do whatever it takes to keep ahold of them. A/N: The ask leads to this post. Since it was not my original idea, I am also posting 🍋 anon's consent to make this a fic. Sorry, but adding all the brothers is really hard, so only some are getting explicit moments. Word Count: 2161
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The sun poured through the slits in their blinds and they woke up to that blinding light feeling like they hadn't gotten a minute of rest. It had been like that the last month or so, but recently they'd also started developing an ache in their hips and a throbbing in their head to go with it.
The mornings were pure torture as they went about the house searching for clothing in their stupor. Perhaps it was due to their still exhausted state or maybe it was the way the light played against the walls as it worked its way into their flat, but they swore they saw something darting back and forth in the corner of their eye. Though, when they turned their head nothing was there.
They were probably just anxious for today.
When was the last time they'd seen their partner in person? At least a few days. Between finals and papers and other miscellaneous bullshit, they hadn't had time for personal matters. Today was different. Today was all about showing their partner a good time.
As they finished putting themselves together and started to head out the door, their phone started to ring. They fished it out, noting that it was an interdimensional call from Beel and chuckling quietly to themselves before picking it up.
"Darling!" Asmo cut in and nearly blew out their eardrum.
"Hey, Asmo. What's up?"
"Well, Beel said he was calling you and I didn't want to be left out, especially because you're feeling so good right now."
"Is it that obvious?" They didn't know their emotions reached that far across dimensions when it came to the demons they shared a pact with.
"Why are you so happy?" Beel asked and they could hear him chewing something on the other end.
"Oh, well…" Their face felt like it was burning up. "I have a date today."
The other end went silent for what seemed like an entire minute before Asmo finally chirped up, "Look at you~ Getting lucky so soon after turning someone else down."
"Asmo…" Beel warned faintly over the receiver.
"Are you still upset about that?" They didn't mean to hurt their precious demons, but they also couldn't lie and say they felt that way about them.
"Of course not~" He whined as if insulted. "I'm just happy that you're happy."
"Thanks. I'm actually heading out now, so I have to go. Talk to you both later?"
"Always, Darling."
"See you later," Beel said just before ending the call.
They walked out of their house, tumbler of coffee in hand to fight off the tiredness that wouldn't leave their bones. By the time they showed up at the meeting spot, the entire container was long gone.
They planned the entire day together: movie, the park, dinner at a nice place. It was going to be wonderful.
Unfortunately, they could barely stay awake through the movie and dozed off against their partner's shoulder at the park. It was hard to stay awake and focused for some reason.
By the end of the day, they sat down with their partner at the restaurant. They reached across the table to hold their hands. They ordered dinner, selecting something they usually wouldn't glance twice at. Their partner made a joke about pickles and ice cream, and they grimaced. It wasn't funny.
Actually, now that they were together… their partner was worried. They'd been different lately. It was probably stress or something, but they were clearly out of it. They loved going on dates, but maybe it was better in the meantime to focus on themselves. They needed to ensure they were taking care of themselves.
As much as they didn't want to do that, they agreed. Maybe a small break was best for them. Although, when they got home home they couldn't help but flop into their bed and cry themselves to sleep.
It was the dead of night. Their eyes fluttered open slowly, groggily blinking as their consciousness drifted just out of reach. Everything felt stiff; their joints, head, arms, legs. It was like their muscles refused to work. Even so, it felt like their body was on fire as heat pooled in their stomach and spread outward.
The more they started to awaken, the more things they slowly started to notice were out of place than just their muscles. There were strange noises in the darkness; growling, muttering, creaking, and wet slapping. 
Dancing in the blurry haze of their opening eyes were strange shapes that slowly came more into view as their mind began to wake up. The shapes blended together against the black backdrop of their room, but they could clearly make out that one of them – broader than the others – was moving above them.
"Hungh?" They groaned. "Wha-?"
"Oh no," someone muttered at the edge of their consciousness. "They're waking up. Put them back under."
"I'm trying." Someone else muttered and their head began to pound and ache.
"They got tighter…"
"Are you bragging?"
They knew those voices and the shape of those shadows; Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor. Their head was lying in Belphegor's lap as he rested his hands on either side of it. Satan and Asmodeus were on either side of them. Beelzebub was more difficult to see but they swore he was in front of them.
"What are… you doing here?" They didn't remember summoning them.
"Shit," Belphegor swore and their head pounded again. "Go back to sleep."
Why couldn't they understand what was happening? Everything took so much effort and felt so difficult. It was like their entire body was made of stone.
All they knew was that something felt off.
They let their eyes wander downward toward where it felt warm. Beelzebub was anchored between their legs, large hands pressing against the back of their knees as he forced them against their chest, lips shimmering in the darkness as they dripped with an unknown liquid, and hips snapping forward with a grunt.
The scene didn't make sense at first, but when it finally clicked all the drowsiness washed away instantly. Their body still felt heavy, but their mind finally understood the horror of what was happening.
"Oh dear, you caught us," Asmodeus sighed. "And it was all going so well, too."
They were struck with terror. Even as a sickening feeling joined that heat building up inside of them, they couldn't look away. "Wh-what are you-?"
"So sorry, Darling. You usually sleep through this." 
"Belphie!" Satan snapped.
The youngest of them rolled his eyes. "You try to keep them under when it's Beel's turn. I'm amazed they didn't wake up sooner today.
"Put them back under." Satan accentuated each word like a threat.
"Working on it."
They tried to jerk away from his grip, finding it difficult. "No!"
"Oh don't be like that~" Asmodeus smiled a little too wide. "Since you're awake now, you should enjoy it as much as us."
Asmodeus leaned down over their face, biting their bottom lip between his teeth to draw blood. It was such a sweet taste against his lips that he had to lick it all up to make sure he savored every drop. Their panicked expression was so adorable that he couldn't help but smile down at them as blood rushed to his cheeks, turning his face red with desire. 
"Don't look away, Darling," he sang as his hand trailed over their stomach, rubbing small circles in the same spot pooling with heat before he drifted upward to grope at their breasts. "Don't you want to see how well your body's been trained? I doubt that human partner of yours could even satisfy you after the heaven you've experienced."
He said human like it was a dirty word; like they weren't also human. Like he wasn't enjoying every sickening squelch of their very human body being violated by his brother or the bouncing of their tits as he forced his firm cock into them over and over again and their comparably small body was forced to endure the constant slap of his hips against theirs.
A strained croak dryly snaked out of their throat as they tried to speak. Their tongue felt so very heavy as they opened their mouth to speak. "Sto-"
Before the word was fully out, someone clamped a hand over their mouth.
Satan's brilliant green eyes peered down at them with a smirk, lidded and pressed tight. "I wouldn't try that if I were you." He slipped two fingers past their lips to grasp onto their tongue. "After all, we want to hear you scream more for us, so removing this would be unfortunate."
Their teeth scraped against Satan's fingers as the taste of salt and copper flooded their mouth. His fingers reached further back into their throat, curling downward and making them feel like they were going to choke (or maybe puke). All they knew for certain was how all of their muscles tensed up in terror, making the cock inside of them feel so much bigger than it already was.
Between Satan working at their mouth, Asmo's hands squeezing their chest, Belphegor messing with their head, and Beelzebub dragging his cock along their tight walls in his mission to hit every sensitive spot he could, they couldn't hold out any longer. Their legs began to tremble and shake, spasming in Beelzebub's strong grip as their eyes rolled back in their head and they were forced to cum on the cock that wouldn't stop churning up their insides at a brutal pace.
Tears streamed down their face, burning against their cheeks as they silently pleaded for this to be over. Instead, it got worse. Beelzebub's hips bucked against them more quickly, disregarding the clear bruises he was starting to leave in their skin. 
"Pu-h." Please. They tried to beg one last time for mercy, for the brothers to stop before they betrayed their precious human's trust and love anymore than they already had, but their words were lost between their grotesque sobbing and around Satan's fingers.
It wasn't until they felt Beelzebub's strokes start to grow fast and shallow before stopping that the horror truly sunk in, though. When the sensation of him filling them up with hot liquid finally hit them, they couldn't help but weep. 
A hand gently reached up to brush away their tears. "Shhhh. None of that now," Asmodeus coo'd. "If you exhaust yourself by crying, how do you ever expect to make it through the night?"
Their eyes widened in horror at the implication; a horror that became all too real as Beelzebub withdrew his fat cock from their abused hole and they felt a new one align against their entrance.
"We promise," Belphegor said, "whoever the father of your baby is, we'll all love it as much as we do you. Isn't that better than whatever some random human could give you?"
"They won't have a choice," Satan added. "After all, I doubt their partner will tolerate finding out they cheated."
This wasn't cheating.
"What a pathetic waste of existence," Asmodeus spoke as he messaged their chest with a firm grip. "But don't worry, Darling ~ We would never treat you like that. We'll always love you, just the same as your body will always love and need us."
This wasn't love.
Whoever was nestled between their legs now (they dared not look) finally pushed forward, parting their slick, messy folds as the head of his cock sank inside of them and pushed against all the cum already flooding their cunt.
They screamed and cried around Satan's fingers as a new person began to rhythmically buck his hips forward.
Even with all the fear running through them, they couldn't help but notice how heavy their eyelids were starting to feel. Belphegor rubbed his index and middle fingers on either side of their temples in much the way one would soothe a headache and it felt relaxing despite how much adrenaline was pumping through their veins.
"You need to relax or else you'll stress out the baby." His eyes closed and theirs soon followed. "You must be so tired after today, so let us take care of everything while you rest."
Sleep sounded so good right now.
"I promise that nothing but good dreams like this one await."
They couldn't even think a terrible thought about the brothers who had betrayed their trust one final time before sleep overtook them and they passed out. They certainly couldn't even feel how they had cum around the new cock violating them as Belphegor's magical sleep settled into their every nerve.
The sun poured through the slits in their blinds and they woke up to that blinding light feeling like they hadn't gotten a minute of rest. It had been like that the last month or so, but recently they'd also started developing an ache in their hips and a throbbing in their head to go with it.
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httpknjoon · 2 years
reading thirst tweets | ksj
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plot | You and Jin read thirst tweets to each other.
words | 1739
genres | humor/crack, barely fluff, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
warning | language, suggestive theme
disclaimer | usernames used in the fic are all fictional.
note | a random thought while on my midterm break. have fun reading, loves.
main masterlist | drabble series
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“Hi! I’m Jin.” you began, raising a hand.
And Jin, who sat next to you, raised his hand too, “And I’m Y/N. We’re here at Buzzfeed…”
“...to read some thirst tweets.” you raised your eyebrows up and down while squinting at the camera.
“With a twist!” Jin exclaimed.
“What’s the twist?” you asked turning to the producers, who were off-screen.
You and Jin have nothing to promote for this event. Jin was just announced to be cast in a limited series days ago while you just finished a press junket for your latest movie a month ago. But out of big demand, you two were invited to do this segment. Hailey lets you decide on your own since you’re doing it with Jin anyway. 
Normally, as your manager, she would scan through everything you will do for the press like interviews. She would advise you on what to do and don’t. But since this one is with Jin and you two already did a lot of clutter together, Hailey just gave up and made you choose to go or not. Of course, you accepted the invitation. 
You and Jin sat there side by side, listening to their instructions. “You two will read thirst tweets for one another and say it while looking directly at each others’ eyes.”
“So, it’s like a chemistry test…” you mumbled.
Jin nodded and winked at the camera while pointing finger guns, “But steamier…”
“Also, the one who has the less reaction at the end of the video wins.” the producer added.
Before the reading began, you two were asked to turn your chairs and sit in front of one another. There is a safe two feet of distance between you. There is also a wooden stool on the side, where the bucket of tweets sat. You see Jin smirking as you two sat on your seats. He seemed pretty confident with this and you feel excited. You don’t really read anything about yourself on Twitter since it can be terrifying. So, hopefully, this will be fun. It’s just thirst tweets. You’ve seen videos of your other colleagues doing it and it’s embarrassing and funny at the same time.
“Okay, who’s going first?” you asked.
Jin handed you the bucket, “Ladies first.”
“Oh, thank you, Jinnie.” you chuckled.
As soon as you ran your eyes to the small piece of paper, you had to stop yourself from laughing. Jin crossed his arms over his chest, internally excited based on your reactions.
“Thank God Jin isn’t a real vampire because what if I start moaning while he’s sucking the life out of me?!”
Instead of being flushed, Jin laughed hard. His wide shoulders shook. He heard theories about him being a vampire. Simply because, they said, he doesn’t seem to get older after years of being in the spotlight. People on the internet always compare his pictures from a decade ago to his recent ones.
“Who said Jin isn’t a real vampire?” you turned to the camera. “I thought I already proved that he is one of them. I have the video, right? Plus, this is an old man right here. I swear, he is three thousand and ninety-two years old.”
Jin shook his head, “No, what happened in that video was an attack. And again, I’m just three years older than you. Quit calling me old man.”
“Still old.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
The video that you two were referencing was the one you posted around last year’s Halloween. In the clip, you, who’s recording, were running after Jin while throwing cloves of garlic in his direction. You screamed behind him, “I know that you’re a vampire! Admit it!”. It was a chaotic scenario that you captioned: pov you’re trying to kill some vampire in your backyard.
“Whatever. Okay, I’m next.” Jin reached for a tweet. He didn’t give off any reaction when he read it to himself at first. Then, he turned to you before reciting the tweet with more emotions, “Y/N is a goddess, a queen, and a legend. She’s the fucking icon that this world needs. She is the most beautiful human ever. Goodbye.”
While he was saying those words, you mirrored Jin’s expressions exaggeratedly. It was obvious that you were just playing along as you stared at him with dazed eyes, even putting your hand on your chest. Like you have fallen in love.
When he was done repeating it, you gasped, “That’s not a thirst tweet! That’s too sweet and kind. Thank you so much to whoever tweeted that.”
You blew a kiss on the camera. You picked another tweet and your eyes instantly widened as you read it quietly. It made Jin wonder what was in there.
“Now, this is thirst!” you exclaimed. You turned to your leading man, “Oh, man. You’re going to lose at this… This is a message for Jin. If you're reading this, please know that I would love to have your hand as a necklace, sir. Hashtag choke me sir.”
Jin tried not to react. But he could feel the heat rising in his body out of embarrassment. He knows that you are aware of how easily he can be shy about things. Especially with this. He read worse in his posts’ comment section. But this type of aggressive review from people never fails to make his cheeks blush.
“Any thoughts on that, sir?” you stressed on the nickname, trying to stifle a laugh as you look at him.
He shook his head, “Just– No… I would prefer using my hand to give a high five to you all.”
He smiled at your giggle at his answer. He rolled up the sleeves of his sweater before fishing for another piece of paper. His eyes lightened up when he read it.
“Oh my god. Y/N could strangle me with that Versace gown and I would still say thank you.” he repeated.
“Honey, that’s murder,” you replied with concern. “I would not strangle anyone. That’s unnecessary. I don’t think I’m into strangling anyone.”
Jin held back a laugh as you said the last sentence like a slow realization. You raised an eyebrow at him, “Why are you laughing? Are you into choking anyone?”
Your question obviously had some suggestive theme. But you asked with an innocent expression. Jin can already feel the stress from both of your PR managers with this video.
“No. No, I am not.” Jin replied.
“That’s good to know. You got me a little worried there, buddy.” you winked and gave a pat on his shoulder before getting another tweet. “Imagine getting paid to kiss Kim Seokjin and his pretty lips, how does it feel to be in heaven?”
Jin was ready to reply, “Well–”
“Ah, based on my experience, as someone who had down thousand of movies with Mr. Kim Seokjin, heaven tasted like a tuna-mayo sandwich.” you cut him off with a matter-of-fact tone.
He gasped dramatically, “What? I don’t eat anything before any kissing scene. You’re the one who always eats the most disgusting meal before our kissing scenes.”
“Shhh! Stop with the lies, liar. It’s fine. I understand that you have a big heart for tuna-mayo sandwiches.” you shut him off.
“For the record, I am a very hygienic person.” 
The camera zoomed to Jin as he explained himself. Just like how the camera would point at Jim in The Office. There are just few papers left. 
“This was a reply on one of your tweets. Ready?” he began as he reads the tweet quietly with his eyes.
“Why? Why would anyone tweet this?!” he suddenly complained, sounding embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. “Do people really call you this?”
You laughed even though you don’t know what he was talking about, “I won’t know if you won’t read it!  Just go, Jinnie.”
After letting out a big sigh, he cleared his throat before reading, “Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Oh, excuse me! Mommy? Sorry.”
Jin’s ears were already red as tomatoes when he finished saying that. He never called anyone mommy even his mom, who simply called as mom or ma. He never planned on calling anyone it, especially you. 
“Ah, yes, my lovely children from Twitter.” you reacted so calmly like the term was already normal to you. “I’m so sorry, kids. I think only Francheskat can call me that.”
There was still a last piece of tweet in the small bucket. Jin was supposed to read it. But based on his head hanging low, an effort to hide his still-flustered face, you made a decision to just do it.
“Okay since Jin right here cannot read anymore, I’ll take this last one.” you winked at the camera while Jin turned his head up to wordlessly read it with you. “I want someone to look at me the way Y/N and Jin look at each other.”
After that, you and Jin slowly looked at each other. You were smiling like an idiot as you know that you already won in this game. While Jim playfully glared at you. It was a cute and childish interaction. Still, everyone in the room cannot deny the chemistry between the two actors. Everyone was in awe before you broke eye contact.
“Oh my god, Jin. Look at your ears!” you pointed out, giggling. “Someone give him a glass of water!”
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The video reached a million views in less that eight hours. The comments were filled not just by your massive and active fans but also, the general audience.
MoonlightBaby  2 hours ago
This video made me look up for that vampire video
Kim SeokjinFan  7 hours ago
poor jinnie 🤣 i always love their chaotic energy
YNJIN1208  1 hour ago
▼ 1 reply
Levi  5 minutes ago
I think she said buddy.
natalia r.  5 hours ago
not a fan here, can someone tell me these two are dating. I mean, they gotta be dating!!
▼2 replies
catladyfan 5 hours ago
no one knows 😭😭😭
cornelia street  3 hours ago
it will be a mystery forever
Penelope P.  8 hours ago 
I don’t think these two will agree on doing this without each other HAHAHA
Harry’sHouse  4 hours ago 
not y/n implying that jin have a choking kink 💀
being a fangirl  2 hours ago
y/n really enjoyed calling him sir for a whole minute there...
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taglist rules
@seolaquotes @fatimaaaaa129 @bangtannieshope @jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @prlan @lovesickbangtan @zealouslightcookiebasketball @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @tpwk-280 @mediumcatt @bloopkook
@dunixxd @cixrosie​ @moonchild1 ​ @jksjx​ @embrace-themagic ​ @buttvi​  @starbtslove​  @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @barbiekatz
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honeyquinns · 2 years
joseph quinn x fem!reader
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summary: reader is throwing a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend joseph of 3 years. because she’s being so secretive, joseph finds it sus and becomes upset with her until he gets surprised.
warnings: none! just fluff & a little hint of smut <3
a/n: i haven’t written books or fics since around 2016 so please bare with me :’) but i hope you all like it.
“balloons? check. food? check. alcohol? cheeeck. guests? check. cake?…. shit” you say to yourself as you’re going through the list of things for Joseph’s 29th birthday. you’ve been together for 3 years and have always done something super special and fun for each other’s special days. this was your first time planning a surprise birthday party and you usually aren’t so great at keeping secrets but this is so special, you wanted it to be perfect and it was already… aside from not having the cake. you woke him up with breakfast in bed and gave him one simple tiny present, a new rolex. something that would go great with his outfit tonight. just the thought of his beautiful face and bubbly personality reacting to the surprise you’ve been planning for months, made you excited and smile to yourself. “love, who are you talking to?” you jump as you hear Joseph pulling you out of your thoughts. “huh?.. nobody. just uh, thinking out loud.” you say. “..are you alright?” he says concerned. “lately you’ve been so distracted and talking to yourself more than usual and i’m a bit worried. you know you can talk to me right?” he walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your body and setting his head on top of yours. you got slightly offended that he called you out on your habit of talking to yourself but you couldn’t help but thinking less of that snuggled into him more, melting his arms feeling comforted that he’d be so worried and also just love to be in his arms. “i’m fine. don’t worry about anything it’s just been… a lot of things i’ve had to get done. but it’s your birthday and today is about you so i will finish all i have to do and tonight i will be dedicated to you only.” you turned around so your arms are now wrapped around his waist, rubbing your thumb slightly on his back and him staring down at you, still holding you in his arms. you see he seems slightly annoyed but instead he slightly rubs his nose against yours “dedicated to me? i love the sound of that,” he says as you leaves a light but sweet kiss on your cheek. “you know, i know exactly how we can start off the night of dedication.” you laugh pushing him back and grabbing your jacket and purse, remembering you have to get the cake before everyone shows up. “you are sooo freaky you know that?,” you both laugh. “you still have to go meet Jamie at exactly- *you look down at your watch* 5 minutes ago. yeah you should go” he eyes widened knowing he was going to be late and would have to deal with Jamie’s sassiness that was exactly pretty funny a lot of the times. “shit!-“ he yelled and quickly grabbed his wallet and phone and ran over back to you and pecked you on the lips. “i’ll see you tonight. i love you & can’t wait for a full night of dedication and spending it in your arms” he says smirking and leaving a kiss on your neck, heading toward the door. “i love you. see you tonight and don’t forget your new shirt for tonight either!” you yell as he quickly ran out, waving his hand and shutting the door already knowing he’ll be at least 30 minutes late to hang with Jamie. you had no idea how you’d get Joseph out of the house for a few hours until Jamie told you he’d be home for a few weeks before going back to Canada to film a new movie and knew he would be the perfect person for the job. Joseph and Jamie became close friends long before you and joe had met. when you had auditioned for a minor role in a movie, you met Jamie and he ended up introducing you to Joseph, saying you’d be perfect for one another and the rest was history.
You head for the door, hoping to find a really good cake on such short notice. you head to a bakery called ‘Bros Bakery’, you and Joe’s favorite place to go and have little date mornings. you walk in and are greeted by Sal, one of the owners, “hey y/n! how’s it going? i haven’t seen you here in a while” he says. which is true, with all the interviews you’ve been doing to promote your new film and Joseph traveling back and forth to the UK for work and seeing his family, you haven’t had the time to really see Sal and his brother Andy, the co-owner. “hey Sal! i know it’s been so super crazy with work and Joe just in and out of the UK. we’ve really missed you guys honestly.” he smiled warmly. “we’ve missed you guys too. now what can i do for you? Teresa just baked some fresh pumpkin bread.” you contemplated but you knew you still had 2 1/2 more hours until Jamie came back to house with Joe to surprise him. “you know what? i might take you up on that but you know it’s joseph’s birthdaaay and of course..” he stops you mid sentence, “you forgot the cake? no worries. we already had the cake made.” you both laugh “i knew i could count on you guys. i have to move quick and set up everything before everyone comes tonight” you say tiredly. “it’s no problem. you’ve been planning this for months so Teresa whipped up a nice vanilla cake with butter cream for you” he says enthusiastically. “ugh thank you so much Sal i really appreciate it. are you guys still able to come tonight?” you ask. “oh yeah definitely! me and Andy will be there but Teresa can’t, she has her kids tonight. but hey, how about we bring over the pumpkin bread. it’ll be on the house for the sake of the party. i know how much you kids like it!” Sal says. they’ve always been so genuine treating you and Joe like one of their own. “hell yeah of course. cant say no to that. i’ll see you guys tonight.” he wraps up the cake for you in a box, adding a little bow on top for a little razzle dazzle and you rush quickly home to set up for the party.
it’s now 7:30pm and everyone is here. Joe K, Maya, Charlie and Natalia, of course Jamie’s girlfriend Jess, Gaten, Caleb, and a lot of you and his closest friends. Jamie and Joseph would be here 8pm so everyone just sat and talked, eating some of the food your best friend b/f/n made and brought over. you were grateful that everyone cared so much and would help you at anytime. you walk over to your best friend sitting next to them on the couch and sighed tiredly. “what’s wrong y/n?” she says turning to you, raising an eyebrow. “just tired is all. i’ve planned and worked consistently for this night and i’m just hoping Joe loves it. lately we’ve just had small fights because he feels like i’m hiding something and i didn’t want to tell him about the surprise so i said it’s just work. i feel like he doesn’t really believe it. you said calmly but annoyed.” you and Joseph never liked to have fights especially with something a little as a distraction. when you both discussed the situation a couple weeks ago, it didn’t go too well. he had been ignoring you most of the day and when you finally confronted him, he asked if you were cheating. you were flabbergasted that he could even think you would do that but understood at the same time since you were consistently on your phone making plans with b/f/n. you told him that you would never cheat on him and that should never be a thought in his mind. you said it’s just been work, filming all hours of the night and it’s been taking a mental toll on you. you didn’t actually lie per say, it was true but you just wanted this birthday to be so fun, you just decided to make him worry… probably wasn’t the best thing to do but hey! anything for a good party. “he’s gonna love it. he’s gonna forget all about the tiny little arguments you’ve had once you buss it down on him when we leave.” b/f/n says and you scream laughing with her. “omfg you’re wild.” you say even though she’s not technically wrong. you look at the time and see that it’s 8pm and notice a text from Jamie saying they’re coming up the elevator now. you and b/f/n head to the kitchen/sitting area of your home and get ready to surprise him. “okay guys!!- you yell, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Jamie said they’re coming up now so everyone hide! i’m turning out the lights.” everyone heads to a different part of the kitchen, a few hide behind the love seats and weirdly enough but not surprising, Gaten and Caleb hide in the closet. you all hear the keys jiggle and the door sqeaks open. “y/n!” Joseph says. “hm i wonder where she is, we have go to dinner soon.” Jamie walks past him toward the kitchen, searching for the light. “text her and find out.” he says going along with the plan and as Joseph is walking into the kitchen, Jamie cuts on the light and you all jump out and yell “SURPRISEEEEE!!”. the reaction Joseph has is unbelievable. he’s so dramatic so he screams as loud as possible, in the funniest way and has the biggest smile on his face, eyes popping out of his head like a little kid. “NO WAAAY!” he yells. he starts hugging and greeting all of your friends and runs over to you, hugs you and slightly lifts you up kissing your lips. “is this what you’ve been working on for the past 3 months y/n?” he says, eyes still wide with the biggest smile. “yes-“ you say matching his energy, “i could barely keep the secret even through all the little tantrums and arguments but i’m so glad you love it” you say giving him 2 pecks on the lips. he grabs ahold of your face giving you a longer, deeper kiss that just feels like love. “of course i love it. although i do feel a tad bit bad that i was so upset with you and accusing you of things when in reality you were planning the most amazing thing ever for me and i love you so much and i’m sorry.” he hugs you tightly, both of you rocking side to side “don’t apologize my love. you weren’t wrong to feel the way you did but forget about all that. this is your party and everyone’s here so let’s just enjoy it.” you kiss him again and you both go to enjoy the party.
after 3 fun hours of alcohol, loud music, presents, and singing happy birthday everyone heads home and you start cleaning up everything as Joseph walks out of the bathroom. “oh you’re still up, drunky?” you ask him. you’re both pretty drunk but alert enough to clean and carry a conversation. “i feel like i’m missing a birthday present” he walks over to you slowly and takes a few paper plates from you and throwing them in the trash. “what do you mean?” you start looking around, thinking you genuinely forgot a present but apparently not alert enough to realize what he means. “i mean the dedication- he wraps his arms around your waist and starts kissing down your neck. “i still have 2 more hours of my birthday and i think this is the perfect way to end it” you grin a bit and lift up his head from your neck and start kissing him. “ohhh-“ you hold his face looking lustfully, in his eyes as he is to you “well i guess i have to keep my promises” you both smirk and start kissing again, making out at this point and walking toward your bedroom. he pushes you down on the bed and you both start taking each other’s clothes off. a bunch of ‘i love yous’ and plenty of names being called, you and Joseph ended his birthday in the most electrifying way possible.
side note: i hope you guys like it<3 just a little something while i’m still working on Club Hellfire but i will be posting little blurbs in the process just for funzies <3
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bisexuallsokka · 2 months
zukka n 22 pls :)
22. a kiss in a rush of adrenaline.
"I know."
"It's just that…if you don’t make it…”
"I know, Zuko."
"Sorry. You can do this. Win for me, yeah?"
Sokka spares a glance at him, seeing how he is worrying his bottom lip. Zuko meets his eyes, as if he can read Sokka's thoughts about Zuko's lips and his hands and his--
"Sokka!" Suki warns.
"Shit," Sokka curses, redirecting his attention to the television and glaring at the banana peel that his kart just ran into. "Sorry, uh, got distracted."
"Sokka just hit a banana peel," Zuko says, continuing his ongoing narration to Toph. "I think it's the one he planted during the last lap."
Toph lets out a cackle that Sokka chooses not to acknowledge, and out of the corner of his eye he sees Katara lean forward more. His palms feel sweaty. He's so close to gaining on her, he can't let Zuko down after Katara beat him in the last race. Funny, the fact that he could lose the pool of money reserved for the champion of their Mario Kart bracket doesn't seem to matter to him anymore.
"Katara is still in the lead but Sokka is catching up, they are approaching the finish line to start the final lap, they both just got a power-up..."
Sokka tunes him out as he crosses the finish line, focusing on the final lap, on beating Katara. He turns a corner, then another, then-
"Fuck," Katara mutters as she just barely misses the shortcut that Sokka takes, then she shouts, "Fuck!" when her position changes to 2nd and Sokka takes 1st. He doesn't dare let it distract him though, tries desperately to not get distracted by Zuko for once as his narration of the game gets louder from his excitement. Sokka just focuses on completing the rest of the track smoothly, dodging a shell that Katara sends his way, then-
"YES!" he and Zuko shout at the same time, Sokka jumping to his feet as Zuko chants, "He won, Sokka won!"
Suki and Aang cheer and Katara gets up to give her brother a firm congratulatory handshake and a smile that makes Sokka fearful of ever trying his luck a second time. He turns back to Zuko, finally letting himself fully bask in his smile and the way his eyes are wide and excited. He's on his feet, throwing his arms around Sokka so strongly that they nearly topple over, then Zuko is pulling back from the hug and Sokka's hands are grabbing his elbows to stop him from getting too far and he's leaning forward and-
Shocked silence falls over the room except for the music from Mario Kart and, after a few moments, Toph saying, "What?"
Zuko and Sokka are staring at each other in shock, Sokka's hands still frozen on Zuko and Zuko seeming unable or unwilling to step away.
"Uh, Sokka just kissed me," Zuko tells her. Toph cackles again.
"I did," Sokka says. It had barely been a kiss, just a peck really, but there was no denying their lips met. And he wanted it to happen again. But also... "Sorry, it was the adrenaline," he starts, but when Zuko's face falls Sokka grips his arms tighter. "Not like that! Like, I definitely wanted to kiss you, but I hadn't planned to do it just now, I was just excited and you were looking so-"
"Sokka, I will double my contribution to the money pool if you have this conversation literally anywhere else," Katara says, already going through the menu to start a new race, sounding way too unenthusiastic for someone who has been telling Sokka to make a move for months. Everyone else is still busy processing what just happened to say anything else; Aang's eyes are darting quickly between Zuko and Sokka, Suki is hiding a smile behind her hand, and Toph is smirking in their direction.
And, well, it's the push that Sokka needs as he grabs Zuko's hand and leads them toward the door to go for a walk and a conversation that has been a long time coming.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 10 months
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
Hi Nonnie!!! Funny story, the last time I wrote for these two, I was on pain meds for a tonsillectomy. Now, I've got Covid and I'm awake at 4:19am posting this story. I hope you enjoy!!
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Title: My Little Strawberry 
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches) 
Fandom: Sand Castle 
Word Count: 556 
Summary: A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
Warnings: mention of creampie, sexy fluff?, mention of oral sex (f receiving) 
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
My Masterlist 
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“There she is. Eating her breakfast. Looking mighty fine as usual.” Sy walks up to you and kisses the side of your head. 
“Whatchu want, boy?” You smile up at him through your lashes. 
“I ain’t want nothing at all, Peaches,” Sy holds your chin and gives you a peck on the lips, “But there is one thing I had to talk to Strawberry about.” 
“Strawberry?” Your cute little eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and Sy turns your chair around to face him as he laughs. 
He runs his hand over your swollen six-month-pregnant belly before kneeling to talk to it. “Hey there, Strawberry. How’s Daddy's little girl?” 
“I see you stuck with the fruit theme. And since I’ve been eating strawberries for months now, you named her after my craving?” You could barely hold in your laughter at your husband’s tenderness. 
“I don’t know. It seemed perfect. And I know she’s gon’ be sweet if she’s half you,” Sy planted a kiss on your belly before standing up to his full height. “And since she’s half me, I apologize in advance for her temper.” 
“I knew what I was getting into when I wouldn’t let you pull out, you know that right?” You bite your lip and wink at him. 
“And I knew what you were doing when you turned on Tennessee Whiskey and poured me two fingers of Jack. And you were wearing that damn sundress with the little yellow flowers on it. Pretty as a picture.” Sy remembers the night you made Strawberry fondly. 
“So, what did you have to talk to Strawberry about, baby?” Popping a sliced piece of fruit in your mouth, you chew and wait for Sy to start talking to the baby. 
“Alright, Strawberry, so look. Mama here has been such a sweetheart. She has given you a nice first apartment while continuing to take care of your old man. So, I was thinking of getting her a little something. And I wanted your opinion on it,” Sy leaned in to whisper into your belly so you couldn’t hear, then turned to place his ear close to listen to what the baby says. When he leans back, a smile paints his features. 
“Well? What did she say?” You ask, more than invested in Sy’s little conversation with the baby. 
“She told me to thank you for taking care of her and me. And she told me to make sure I pay attention to you when you’re being ornery because that just means you need a firmer hand.” Sy rubs the sides of your belly. Moving his hands up to your waist and then further up your sides to cup your face. 
“She said all that?” Your eyes close as he rubs a thumb over your cheek, already feeling warmth rise under your skin. 
“She did. She also said I could probably take you upstairs right now and have my way with you. But I’m gon’ let you finish your breakfast first.” Sy sits next to you, picking up your fork and feeding you. 
You take the offered bite and get up from the table, picking up the bowl of sliced strawberries. “C’mon, I can eat these in bed while you eat me in bed.” Winking again, you turn to scurry up the steps with Sy on your heels. 
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@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @raccoon-eyed-rebel @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren
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keiipopped · 9 months
Reason Number 60: We’re not just friends.
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a/n: I hate this so bad but I needed something to write before I get booted out of enha writer land💀 send help(and requests🥲) Synopsis: The one where your bestfriend gets jealous and gives you all the reasons why he should be your boyfriend. Pairing: Bestfriend Jay X reader Genre: fluff, fluffy angst, friends to lovers Warning: the writing is awful and it barely makes sense. also one poorly written kiss. yay
“Reason number 54; i’d cook for you” 
“Sounds convincing..” you noticed a small smile creeping up his face “but you cook for everybody” you looked at him noticing how he deadpans as you complete your sentence. “Not true! It’d be special” he whined at you. “Sure Jay”
You weren't sure how you ended up here. What was supposed to be a fun movie night with your best friend turned into him listing all the reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you. 
This type of conversation wasn’t necessarily a new topic for y'all as Jay was pretty flirty and pretty often too. You always took it with a grain of salt quick to brush it off knowing Jay didn’t have the cleanest of reputations with women. 
He wasn’t a typical player or college fuckboy. He was a gentleman honestly… too much of one. His subtle flirty nature often had girls thinking he liked them in a way he didn't, leading to them being offended at the notice of another girl..and another girl..and another feeling the same. So it would be kinda messy and you tried to keep yourself out of it most of the time.
“Oh! Reason 58; your family loves me! I'd help your mom cook, help with your little brother. All of it” 
Right. How did you get here? Well you and Jay were having your weekly movie night that you actually hadn’t had the chance to have in about 5 months with the assignments and school projects you both had being at an all time high. 
Finally getting the chance to sit down and actually soak in your presence Jay wanted nothing more than to just wrap up in a blanket with you, some popcorn and yalls favorite snacks and enjoy the movie…  but you. You just wouldn't shut up. Which he typically wouldn't have an issue with but you wouldn’t stop gushing about how cute the main character of the movie was. Failing to notice Jay's exaggerated eye rolls as he attempted to ignore your little fangirl breakdown. But what set him off was when you started going on about how ‘boyfriend material’ said main character was. Jay sat up setting his popcorn on the near coffee table and turning on the lights turning to you. “How on earth is he boyfriend material!? He's brushing his teeth” Jay says,voice laced with irritation. He folded his arms sitting back, a slight pout forming on his lips and you couldn't help but laugh at his sudden child-like behavior. “Whats funny? Im being serious'' he started sitting up intently and you knew he was preparing to go into a lecture. 
You definitely didn't expect to be sitting here nearly 20 minutes later; tv still paused as your best friend went into his 60th reason for why he’d be a better boyfriend than the character on the screen who still hadn’t gotten the chance to finish brushing his teeth. 
“Okay. how about this reason,um. 60. Id wake you up with kisses every morning” 
That was a topic that was never touched. Yes, there had been jokes about you both kissing when you were like 14 or 17 but it's been years. And it was never mentioned in such a serious sense. 
Something so simple yet so domestic and now your heart was beating faster than it had in a while as you saw the serious glint in Jay's eyes.
He didn't fail to notice the change in your body language 
“I mean if you want that. Of course I'm not trying to force you to be with me or anything. You know I'm just saying so you’d consider it. Only if you want though”
He's rambling. And you're rambling in your head.
Obviously by the 60 reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you and the nervous tone he had he was being serious. It wasn’t just a joke anymore and you couldn’t help yourself anymore.
Reaching over resting both of your hands on the side of his jaw, you leaned your body towards him. As soon as your hands touched him, his found their way to both sides of your waist. Everything happened so quickly yet so smoothly and in no time your lips had met. It wasn't rushed or messy at all. The kiss was very warm, and filled with years of unspoken love. All the feelings that had been brushed away and laughed off now being poured into this one kiss. After what felt like forever you both pulled away looking at each other. Jay broke into a smile almost immediately as you just stared at each other. “So i'm assuming you like reason number 60” he said, giving you one of his signature smirks and tightening his grip on your waist. You just laughed a bit giving him a light smack on the arm and rested your head on his shoulder “can we finish the damn movie now” you ask as he laughs a bit turning the lights off and settling again.
Who knew what would happen later or what you both were to each other at this point, whatever it was, it was obvious you were no longer just friends.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
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I was Singing This Song for You
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Bakugou x female reader
Warnings/Tags: Mafia Boss Bakugou, gun violence, injury, blood, mentions of dead bodies but no main characters are killed, mentions of drinking, reader is a singer and pianist, reader wears dresses/makeup/heels for performances, momentary dissociation, smut, oral (f!receiving), cum eating, riding, desk sex, reader is very sarcastic, mentions of sex work, unsafe sex. please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 9.7k
Notes: this has been in the works for a few months now and I finally got around to finishing it!! thank you again Jo for helping me develop the idea 🥰 also some commotion for the banner that I made ALL BY MYSELF????? 😌 hope you all enjoy!! the entire thing will be available on ao3 only because of the length, so below will be a few excerpts from the story!!
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“Like my performance?” You ask him in a hum, sipping at your own martini that you’ve carried from the bar, before placing it down in front of you. The man eyes you for a while, then your drink, silently wondering why you’ve made yourself so comfortable in his presence even though he’s never directly spoken a word to you.
“It was nice.” His voice is gruff, raspy and low, barely audible under the next singer whose voice is just a bit too scratchy for the soft ambience of the room. You cock an eyebrow at him, chuckling under your breath, as you swirl a single manicured finger over the rim of your glass.
“Just nice?” You say, a devious smile pulling at your lips as you watch how his cheeks flush red under the golden light of the room. But the man frowns, sipping at his drink again, as you watch how his Adams apple bobs with his swallow, before he shrugs and sets his drink down from across yours.
“Just nice.” He repeats, narrowing his eyes at you, trying to understand what you’re playing at, why you’re sitting here with him, what you really want. You laugh a little though, eyes crinkling as you examine the man, how he seems to only get redder under your attention. You take him in as your laughter dies down, staring at the man who scowls further the more you take him in.
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“What, you looking for me to buy you a place, and you don’t even know my name yet?” The man scoffs again, a tiny little lilt lifting up the corner of his mouth. He’s bantering with you, and it makes you want to pull more conversation out of him, even if he scowls more than he smiles.
“If I get your name, can I get a mansion with it?” You grin at him, cheekily sipping your drink, eyes crinkling when he snorts loudly. He covers his mouth with a large palm, shaking his head at you as he downs the rest of his drink with one long swallow.
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“I’m starting to run out of songs, sweetheart.” He confesses, stands to slip back into his suit jacket, looking over his shoulder when you stand to help him into it.
“Well you better go digging for more, ‘cause I don’t do repeats.” You pinch at the skin of his nape before patting his collar down. He snorts under his breath, looking at you funny as he straightens his sleeves out.
“I’ve heard you sing A Song for You like, thirty times now—”
“That doesn’t count!” You tell him, waving a finger in the air. Bakugou outright laughs at that, a sight everyone in the speakeasy tries not to gape at, but it’s hard to when a man like that seems so easily joyous with someone as gentle as you. Bakugou doesn’t notice though, only has eyes for you, and you the same.
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Everything is chaos after that. There’s people screaming, running to get away, more shots ringing throughout the speakeasy, cries being torn from gaping mouths. Or is that you? Have you gotten so detached that you can’t even recognize the sounds that spill from your own throat? Can’t feel the piano keys still resting under your fingers? Can’t move your body to duck, to hide, to run, forced to be stuck in the limbo of watching Bakugou fall to the ground and grunt in pain?
Is it tears, that run down your face, or is the blood splatters of a henchman that is sprawled right below the stage? You can’t tell the difference, and when your fingers shakily reach up to find what stains you, you pull them back, greeted by salt and crimson.
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“What can I say? I can’t have my big tipper dying on me.” You shrug, laughing a little when Bakugou bites at the curve of your stomach at that. He pulls back though, his hands holding the skirt of your dress, in its tattered and ruined form, looking at you like you’re heaven sent, a deity to bless him and wash him away, sinless.
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Read the entire thing here on ao3!
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twst-drabbles · 11 months
Lilia 8
Summary: You’ve picked your poison, put it down because of a promise, and promptly broke it not even a month later. As you were smoking, Lilia pops in without a sound.
(Sometimes I like to put on “Write with me” videos on cause I like the feeling of writing while not being alone. Or just people around me being busy. Mutually working on your own thing with someone sounds so nice right now.)
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“You shouldn’t make that a habit, you know. Breaking promises. Especially ones made to our dear prince.”
The smoke no longer made you cough, but you can’t say the same for your spit. You pounded on your chest, taking care not to drop your cigarette on the ground. You barely just lit the thing and you don’t want to cause a house fire. You didn’t want to see that again.
Even so, the urge to throw away your source of shame was still there. Lilia, resting his head lazily on the arm of your chair, didn’t cast his eyes onto the lit stick. He was taking your image in, in all it’s missing glory. There was no point to hiding, the truth has been made bare to him.
You sighed, focusing on trying to calm your heart. You didn’t take another drag, just letting the air waft the thin trail of smoke your way.
“Don’t narrow your eyes at me like that Lilia. I know what I did,” Would it make everything better if you just threw it away right now? No. No it wont. “You can get angry at me as soon as I finish. I’ll…try not to do that again.”
Try. It’s all you can do. All that you can give without being another disappointment.
“Poisoning your lungs or breaking promises made?” What poisonous words to match his red stare. The lack of a smile only intensified that.
Truly, what can you say to that? As such, you said nothing at all, letting your lips clamp over the cigarette and taking in another long breath. There was also about the scent of it that soothed over the buzzing in your head and lungs.
However, after letting all the smoke out, you didn’t bother to refill your body.
“Best to put it out before anyone else sees,” Lilia closed his eyes as he rested his head on his arms, as though pretending not to see.
You lolled your head on your seat, “You’re not going to make me?”
“You said you’d try. Now is a perfect time to start.”
You snorted. As though this habit was a simple thing to kick. An easy thing to let go. And how funny it must be to watch you as your dropped the half-finished cigarette onto the concrete and stepping it out, knowing full well that it won’t be long before you have another one in your hands.
But that won’t happen, at least not today. You’ll likely fall back and be caught once more, and start this whole cycle of starting and stopping.
“Just keep trying as you do. Eventually the habit will have no choice but to leave. There’s worth to every attempt.”
Once more, what can you say to that?
You closed your eyes and felt the leathery fluttering of wings against your legs as a new weight settled itself on your thighs. You didn't think much of it. You simply let your fingers card through Lilia's long hair.
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violivs · 2 months
NMTDaily: And So It Begins
- Beatrice’s first vlog! What an opening line, I love it lol. I remembered the hand wave on “hello, people of the Internet” having a wider arc across the screen than it actually does, funny enough! Glad I didn’t specify the wide wave when I referenced this line in MARRIED, the fic I posted on the 25th.
- “I’m not too old for Halloween”, girl after my own heart!
- Always thought it was interesting that Bea’s mother is American. I wonder how/why they decided that. It’s the kind of super specific detail that makes Bea feel so real, because who would make that up? It’s also interesting that it means Bea and Ben’s families are both somewhat international. Another parallel for them, another thing they have in common.
- I bet the Aunties’ wedding was the cutest thing ever, imagine Hero and Leo standing up with them! That’s probably the last time all of the Dukes were together before the story starts.
- I’m surprised Bea’s parents moved because her dad got a promotion. I would have assumed her mom did, because we get the impression of her as the high-powered businesswoman. But good for Bea’s dad. Is it canon that he’s a university professor? (Promotion = tenure?) Or did I make that up for fanfic and/or confuse him with Ben’s parents being professors in canon? Listening for that. Maybe Bea’s dad was actually also a business person all along and that’s how her parents met. Who knows.
- Bea says Australia like I say Indiana, lol (no hate to anyone from Indiana though! Just another of those inborn rivalries with the neighbor, like the Oz/NZ one.)
- “A great science program” I forgot Bea was a science person!
- I always loved the set decoration in this room, I remember it’s Hero’s room, and it’s so artsy and cozy and pretty. Love the wall art.
- “Leo and I are in charge of the house for the next six months” Excuse me, does this series really only take place over six months? Well, it ends in the first week of November, so that’s seven full months. I think it felt like it lasted a whole year when it was airing though. Time slowed down during a certain arc for sure.
- “in-joke with myself!” Classic. I kind of love that the text on screen saying “good one Beatrice” is Bea talking to herself again in-world, but out-of-world it’s kind of the Candle Wasters talking, interacting both with their own main character and with the audience. Meta.
- “Sorry my life is so boring” are like, THE famous last words for an LIW protagonist. Honey, you got a big storm coming!
- I was always so incredibly impressed with Beatrice’s independence, her comfort with leaving her parents and essentially being on her own before she even finished high school. I was alone in a college dorm hours away from home when I first watched this, second semester of freshman year if I’m not mistaken, and I could barely believe I’d managed it. I couldn’t imagine doing that any earlier than I had. I thought she was so brave and cool. I think Bea actually shows more hesitation and nervousness than I realized she did in this episode, both because she’s not used to vlogging yet and because being in a new place is nerve-wracking, but I still think she’s so brave.
- It’s so interesting that in a reversal of the play, it’s our Beatrice who comes from away to Messina to start the story, instead of Benedick and the other men returning from war. Of course, we’ll see how the boys’ arrival on the scene is modernized soon enough!
- Harriett does such a great job making you care about Bea and like her right from the start. You just want to keep listening to her talk. I can’t wait to do just that over the next seven months.
- The Benedict Cumberbatch crush is a stroke of genius, but what are the odds that there happens to be a super famous guy named Benedict that you can reference who is at peak relevance in the exact year your MAAN modernization premieres? Truly, this series as it exists could only have happened in 2014. It was the perfect time and the perfect people. What luck.
- Oh, this is the wider arc hand wave I was remembering! It’s just at the end of the video and not the beginning. Funny!
- Covering the camera with her hand and ducking out of frame at the end of her first video is a direct parallel to what Bea and Hero do in their final NMTD video, sliding out of frame and all. Love that.
- I can’t believe how much there is to talk about even with these early episodes. These posts are gonna get so long they’ll have to go under a cut for the later episodes!
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