#also got some Good News so like. huh. nice day <3
widevibratobitch · 6 months
passing by my Piece Of Shit Ex Pianist on my way to the lesson with my New Beloved Pianist. that had to be the single most cheerful ✨good morning✨ ive ever said in my life lol
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kotohq · 2 months
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♡ How you (accidentally) came to know his feelings for you
♡ Contents & warnings: secondhand embarrassment (major on hiiragi and umemiya's part), unestablished relationships but implied mutual feelings, humor (this was not written seriously), manga character spoilers, not proofread, reader is addressed as pretty (umemiya) 
♡ Characters: sakura haruka, kaji ren, hiiragi touma, suou hayato, umemiya hajime (xgn! reader)
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To be honest, Sakura Haruka is truly the king of not being subtle about his feelings. This boy will literally stare (he thinks it’s a stare, but he doesn’t know he’s furrowing his brows and squinting his eyes like he’s glaring at you) at you at every wake moment that you two are in each other’s presence but when you turn your head to acknowledge his presence, he flushes a deep shade of red and comically turns his head away to avert his gaze from yours. 
And, of course, having someone bore holes into the side of your head isn’t a particularly nice feeling so one day you jokingly confront him by saying: “hey, Sakura-kun, why are you always staring at me? Are you in love with me or something?” and you swear you meant it as a joke, and you fully expected him to call you stupid and tell you to stop joking around. But!! When the only reaction you pulled out of him were flustered stammers and reddened ears, you knew you accidentally threw the dart right on the bullseye. 
As if things weren’t awkward enough, he had to poorly defend himself (and confirm his infatuation further) by saying “and what of it?! What if it’s true that I like you, huh?!” congratulations on the first “oh.” moment of your life, you’ll have to pay for it by communicating with this boy. Good luck and don’t tease him too much because he might explode.   
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Ah, yes. Kaji Ren. The king of not confessing. He’s not someone who falls in love or falls out of love easily so he’s probably been pining over you since middle school, and everyone who went to the same middle school with him probably knows how dumb in love he is with you. 
And that is why Ren’s good friend since middle school, Sako, broke into a sweat when he accidentally came across Ren, after accidentally meeting you. The thing is, Sako also considers you a good friend from middle school, so when he met you by accident while walking around to find the new trendy dessert, he didn’t deny your invitation to hang out. And that is because he didn’t take into account that this will happen, that his good friend would see him walking around with said good friend’s crush. It’s only when he meets eyes with Ren that he realizes how bad everything looks. You and Sako, hanging out. Just the two of you. 
At the sight of Ren’s shock-widened eyes, Sako, feels his panic meter rising to 100 real quick. He’s not about to be dubbed as someone who steals his friends’ crush, not today.
“D-don’t get the wrong idea! I met them by accident while walking aroundー” he blurts out in a haze of alarm, briefly turning his head to you for confirmation. You give a nod, and he continues his panicked rambling, which is probably the worst single decision he’s ever going to make in his entire 15 years of living.
“ーand there’s no way I’ll go on a date with someone that you’ve liked for 3 years!”
Immediately after hearing Sako’s explanation, you and Ren chime a “what?” simultaneously. you in confusion, and Ren in disbelief because no way those years he spent pining over you was just outed like that. And then Sako makes some half baked excuse to leave you two alone to talk as if he wasn't the one who made this mess in the first place, like wtf bro clean it up. Good luck communicating with this one too, assuming he hasn’t run off in embarrassment, that is. 
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Hiiragi Touma the chad!! He actually has the balls to confess, I love this man. He planned it meticulously too, like what he’s gonna say, at what place, what his reply is gonna be depending on your answer, yada yada, you name it, he’s got it all prepared. And right now the timing is right, he’s got you in a secluded place so he can save both of you the embarrassment of having anyone hear an intimate moment, he’s even got his hand latched onto your wrist too. He gulps a bile in his throat so he doesn’t stutter when he tells you exactly what he’s been dying to tell you. 
“Listen, I have something to tell you,” he sucks in a heavy breath, he feels like his lung is gonna run out of air soon from the nervousness. He’s prepared, he just needs to say it. say the three words.
“I like—” “oh, Hiiragi! You already confessed to them? Good for you.” 
Hiiragi doesn’t think he’s ever felt his nervousness disappear so fast before, immediately being replaced by anger and pure exasperation. His brain stopped thinking about how your wrist fits nicely in his hand and has instead started repeating the phrase “fuck you, umemiya hajime”. 
The glare he gives the Boufuurin leader is harder than any punch he’s thrown in his life and it effectively makes Umemiya disappear behind whatever wall he came from. Feeling awkward and bad for him, you initiate a conversation. 
“Hiiragi-” “sorry,” he cuts you off, sinking down to the floor in a squat as absolute exhaustion takes over him, his free hand going up to cover his face. “Sorry. Just… give me a minute and I'll confess to you properly.” 
Hiiragi is relieved though when he feels your wrist sliding up from his hand, moving to intertwine your fingers with his. Maybe everything will be okay, after all. Still, fuck umemiya hajime indeed. read the room, man.
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Suou Hayato is the king of confessing. Or, he would be, if he didn’t treat it as a joke and asked you to date him everyday jokingly. Now he finds himself stuck in a complicated situation where you don’t ever take his confession(s) seriously and he’s quite in a pinch because he really likes you and wants to seriously date you. He can’t blame anyone but himself, though, because who the hell says “just kidding” after literally confessing that he likes you. Not only that, but he’s setting himself up by saying “let’s date” everyday in such a carefree way that you can’t take it seriously. 
Truth to be told, Hayato keeps asking you out because he's still holding on to the hope that something miraculous might happen and you’ll take him seriously. So far, though, it isn’t looking any good. Woe is he. Sorry man, you set yourself up for this yearning. 
His yearning gets so bad that one day when he finds you asleep on your desk after school with your head nestled between your arms on top of your desk, he sits on the chair in front of your desk. His hands found themselves mindlessly wandering to your hair, twirling a strand between his fingers and watching the sunset illuminating your hair. He observes your sleeping face for a while, before his hands reach out to give your cheek a gentle poke. He chuckles when you make a funny face and turn your sleeping face away from him. He doesn’t even know why he does what he does next, but he gets close to your head, stopping just beside whatever part of your ear is exposed. Then, he whispers, voice lacking the teasing lilt that it’s usually bathed in. 
“You don’t know how much I actually want to date you.” 
“Do you really mean that?” he realizes he kinda fucked up but it’s okay because at least you’re aware of his feelings now.
And then Hayato realizes how silly he’s acting so he grabs your shoulder to shake you awake. He gets surprised, though, when your hand suddenly grasps his, holding him in place before he could pull back (let's be real he doesn’t want to, though.). 
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Umemiya Hajime does have the courage to confess, though. But he’s also kind of afraid that you might not see him in the same way and it’s gonna change his friendship with you so he’d rather wait until he’s certain his feelings aren’t one sided. 
But all that logical reasoning gets thrown out of the window when he catches sight of you playing with the orphanage kids. He’s a family man through and through so of course that kinda stops the gears in his head from turning. In any case, though, he’s happy to see you getting along with his younger siblings, though, ecstatic even. Like, it’s to the point that he doesn’t realize he’s staring at you with such a lovesick smile that he might as well make the “hearts in eyes” phrase a real phenomenon. 
“I can’t wait to confess to you.” the words trickle from his mouth without consent from his, y’know, logical reasoning. Panic takes over momentarily before he realizes you didn’t hear what he just said because your ears are probably full of the children’s laughter. 
You didn't hear. But some of his younger siblings did. 
“Onii-chan, is that person the one you like?” as if it wasn’t bad enough that you heard the question, the little girl had to also point straight into your direction. Well, it wouldn’t have mattered if they did or not anyway because the only two teenagers in the room are you and hajime. 
“Oh so they’re the one you talk about with heart eyes!” One pipes up. “right! The person whose eyes would sparkle when the sun hits them.” Another one follows. “and the person whose hair looks especially beautiful when it’s illuminated by the setting sun!” You get the gist.
Hajime would think about how cute his younger siblings look with their eyes sparkling with excitement if it weren’t for the fact that he can’t think of anything else because his mind is filled with the sound of his racing heart.
The fact that he talks about you to his younger siblings is exposed in bright daylight, and you’re looking at him with a surprised expression etched on your pretty face.
The discovery his younger siblings made did nothing but successfully make them gush over you even more. Well, who could blame them, their older brother’s crush is right in front of them. Deepest condolences, though, because children are always unnecessarily nosy and stubborn so they’re gonna end up matchmaking you and Hajime. You bet they’re not gonna let you go until you both confess to one another, right in front of them. What a nightmare. 
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luveline · 2 months
I love your KBD universe, I know that Beth is having a hard time with being the weird kid and I just have to say as a lover of weird things and people I would love to see something where Bethie comes home from school happy to have met someone who LOVES that she’s a little weird!
dad!steve and his weird girls <3 mom!reader, 1k
When you get home from work with the big kids in tow, Steve’s gonna kiss you stupid. With baby Wren gurgling on his tummy and less-baby Dove sitting by his head where he lays on the couch, he’s never been this happy. He’ll be happier when the big girls are home, but for now, he’s snug as a bug, treated by his second youngest to a buffet of affection. 
“Love you,” Dove says, kissing his cheek for the tenth time in the last two minutes. He can’t stop laughing.
“I love you, too!” he says, shifting his hand to give Wren some more room. 
“Love you, dad,” Dove says.
“I know, baby, I know. Thank you for the kisses, you’re so nice.” 
Dove kisses him again. “You’re happy,” she says. 
“So happy. Can I get another kiss, you think?” 
He turns into her. She’s sitting too high to be cuddled; all Steve can do is take in her sweetness. He can’t believe how quickly her babyhood has passed into toddlerhood, and she’s been sort of a nightmare, but she’s also his little girl. She’s your daughter, her sisters’ sister. She was always going to be lovely, and Steve feels it like a loving punch as she noses at his ear. “Daddy,” she laughs, “you’re too warm.” 
“I’m blushing, babe, I’m getting all these nice kisses!” He laughs like an idiot and decides he must hug her, pulling his arm up and scooping her into his chest. 
She groans in annoyance before she realises what he’s doing, “Hug!” she says excitedly. 
“Hug!” he echoes, wrapping his arm around her. She’s starting to look less like a baby and more like a little tiny kid, which he hates and loves at the same time. “Aw, I love you, Dovey.” 
The door clatters open. Wren jumps at the sound, hiding her face in Steve’s neck, to which he gives a good back rubbing. “It’s okay, bubby, it’s just your mommy. Don’t be silly, huh? Just mommy. You’re gonna be happy when she turns the corner.” 
“Shoes,” you’re saying from the door, though Steve can’t see you, he can tell you’re smiling. “Shoes, Beth, then you can tell dad.” 
“Daddy, we’re home!” Avery shouts. 
“I can hear you, babe!” he shouts back, not unkindly. 
“Dad, I have something to tell you!” Beth shouts. 
Steve hoists himself up into a sitting position, two babies in his arms, knowing you’ll know he’s laid down all day from the mess of his hair alone but not trying to hide it. You can do whatever you want on your vacation days, you’d teased. Just make sure you feed the kids.
“Hi,” you say, appearing in the doorway, two balls of energy at your legs that bolt for Steve the second they see him. 
“Girls, I don’t have long enough arms,” he says, trying to cuddle them all, even though it’s impossible. 
He finds himself suddenly relieved of the second youngest. Dove might love her father, but she adores her mother, and she hasn’t seen you all day —she slinks down out of his hold and through the mess of her sisters to grab at you, to which you gratefully receive her, pulling her up to station on your hip. “Hi, gorgeous,” Steve hears you say. Avery pushes him back, climbing into his lap with a happy sigh. “Miss me today? I missed you,” you ask sweetly. 
“What did you want to tell me, Beth?” Steve asks curiously, grinning as Avery makes herself comfortable on his thigh, her arm wrapping behind his neck. He’s happy to see everybody else so happy, even if it’s hectic. 
Beth beams up at him with her brightest smile in weeks. She’s been having such a hard time at school, Steve wondered if he could start homeschooling, coming home upset nearly every other day. It isn’t fair. His relief that she’s had a good day is palpable. 
“Dad, there’s a new girl! Her name is Francesca and she’s got the same birthday as me and guess what!” 
“What?” he asks. 
“She said she likes being weird!” Beth’s eyes glow shiny with joy. “Cos Hilly called me weird, and she said she likes being weird. She said we can be best friends.” Beth hits his knee in her excitement. “She liked me, dad.” 
“Why wouldn’t she like you?” he asks, wondering how old he’ll have to be before he stops tearing up at Beth’s good heart. He blinks quickly to dispel any tears before they can gather. “Her name is Francesca? When did she move? Do you think she wants to come for dinner?” 
Your laugh is a snort. “Steve.” 
“What? Friends come for dinner. Best friends! Did you speak to her mom?” he asks you. 
“I didn’t see her.” 
“Don’t worry, Beth, I’ll speak to her in the morning. We’ll see if they want to come for dinner or go swimming or something.” 
Beth’s smile gets wider, “Really?” 
“Yeah, really!” He gives Avery a little shake. “Did you meet Francesca?” 
Avery nods. “She’s pale and she has big hair. Curly hair, too.” Her voice is a tad scratched, perhaps from the cold out. 
Steve lets his weight fall into the arm, cautious not to squish your baby, a grin on his face to rival Beth’s. She gets the memo and climbs up, claiming that last bit of space under the baby to hug his stomach. He tries to wrap them all up, gurgly Wren, exuberant Beth, and poor cold Avery. “You coming?” he asks you. 
There’s dinner to make. You ignore it, crossing the mess of the living room to flop down on the couch next to them all. Steve lifts his face in that way you always recognise, and is pleased as punch when you peck him quickly. 
You don’t realise how Steve thinks of you, he’d say. Don’t realise he wants another kiss, then another, that you’re on his mind when you aren’t there, and dominate it when you are. He loves his babies, but he loves you too. He wants another kiss. 
“Steve,” you scold lightly, surprised as he presses two kisses to the corner of your mouth. 
“Sorry. Beth, tell me more about Francesca. What did she say exactly?” 
Beth takes a deep breath. 
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 2
A/N: Highly requested so here you guys go! Enjoy!
<----part 1 part 3---->
DogDay led me outside of the Playhouse and back outside into Playcare. A few feet in front of us was a chicken. A tall yellow chicken. Ah, that must have been KickinChicken. “Hiya KC!” DogDay was still holding my hand but with his other he waved extremely fast to KickinChicken. “Sup DD! Hey, finally got yourself a helper now huh? ‘Bout time dude.” KickinChicken then handed off the kids too, I’m assuming his helper. His helper also matched him as well. Guess that was the uniform for us working with these...tall animal mascots.  
Kickinchicken walked up to me and DogDay. “Names Kickinchicken, the cool member of the Smiling Critters.” DogDay laughed when he said that. “Go on Angel, introduce yourself.” I wasn’t used to seeing animals so tall, it scared me a little. I held out my free hand to KickenChicken and summoned some courage to talk.  
“Hello, I’m Y/N or Angel, doesn’t really matter what you call me. Nice to meet you.” KickenChicken then slapped my hand with his and started to make a handshake with me. I mirrored his movements to understand this new handshake I was given. “Haha, she’s pretty cool DD, you got yourself a rad helper.” He then looked at me up and down. “Not bad looking either.” KickenChicken smiled at me. I was going to comment on that, but DogDay beat me too it. “Look at the time! You better hurry along to your group now KC, don’t want our little friends upset now do we?” “Right, well nice meeting ya Y/N, we’ll chat later.” he spoke as he walked back to his group and helper. DogDay squeezed my hand a bit before leading us to the center of Playcare. “On with the tour!” 
DogDay first showed me the statue in the center. It was all the Smiling Critters. There were eight of them in total: DogDay the leader, Bobby Bearhug the loving one, KickenChicken was the cool one, Hoppy Hopscotch the energetic one, CraftyCorn was the artist in the group, Bubba Bubbaphant the smart one, PickyPiggy the foodie, and lastly there was CatNap, DogDays bestest friend. He supposably makes sure that everyone else gets a good night's rest every day to ensure that they are ready for the next day.  
Next, we went into the Toy Store. DogDay was tall, so he had to walk on all fours. “This is where the children can come and buy some sweet toys of yours truly, and the others!” I smiled and looked around. Sure enough there were plushies of DogDay and the rest of the group. There were also some other toys like a blue limp doll, a dinosaur that matched the lamps outside, what looked like a cat and a bee mixed, and other toys. I picked up a smaller version of DogDay and looked at it. “You said the kids buy these?” “Uh-huh! We give them play money to use around here, that way when they get adopted, they’ll know about the real world and how to manage their expenses.” That was smart of them. I set the plushie back down and followed DogDay outside. 
We then looked at the consoler's office and school. DogDay told me that the consolers office was where the staff would put their belongings in and where parents would go to adopt a child. Only DogDay was allowed in the consoler's office, none of the other Smiling Critters could go in there. I’m not sure why but I didn’t question it. “The school is where the children spend most of their time. I’d take you inside so you could meet Miss Delight and her sisters, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt her teachings.” “That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll get to meet them one day.”  
It was now naptime for the children which meant that the Smiling Critters could step away and hang out all together and just relax. I was in the consolers office to check out my assigned office. Each helper had their own office to get away to when needed. Outside my door was a card that had ‘Welcome’ on the front. I picked it up and walked into my new office. I took a look around, nice office, however what stuck out to me was the big dog bed in the corner.  
I was about to walk over to it until I heard a knock at the door. I set down the card and opened the door, but no one was there. Suddenly DogDays head popped out from the side. “Hiya Angel!” “Ah-” I fell back in shock. As I laid on the floor DogDay hovered over me with a worried expression, his sun pendant laid against my chest. “Angel?! Oh gosh I’m so sorry! Are you okay??!” I did a double-blink and then slowly sat up. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just wasn’t expecting that at all.” DogDay then held out a paw towards me to help me to my feet. I took his paw into my hand and once my hand met his paw his tail started to wag. He pulled me up to my feet and got close to me.   I wasn't used to being this close to anyone, let alone a giant dog so I started to blush. This caught DogDays attention. “Angel your face is really red, are you sick?” I was starting to feel bad, not physically but mentally. I didn’t want him to be worried about me. “I-I’m fine! Really DogDay. So, um what brings you by?” I wanted to change the subject as fast as possible. DogDay then smiled and leaned away from me. “I wanted to see if you liked the card we made!” I went to my desk, picked up the card and opened it. ‘Welcome newest helper, we hope that this job brings you happiness and joy as we do to our children here. We look forward to working with you, signed everyone.’ I did like the letter. 
Me and DogDay started chatting for a while until out of nowhere, I yawned. “Oh my, sorry about that.” Guess I was starting to get a bit tired. “That’s okay Angel. There’s thirty minutes left of nap time; you should rest up!” A power nap did sound good. I nodded and told DogDay that he should go back to his friends, but he shook his head no and picked me up and walked over to the dog bed in the corner. Should’ve known it was his.  
“I’d rather spend my free time with you Angel, plus as your boss you have no say.” He stuck his tongue out and booped my nose with his paw. My face got warm again. He then laid down on his bed and laid me in between his front paws. “You can rest with me Angel; I’ve been told that I’m a very fluffy pillow.” He was very soft and the smell of vanilla on him was almost like a drug to put you to sleep, and it was working. I yawned once more and closed my eyes. DogDays head rested near me. “Rest well my Angel.” was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.  
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
What a fate
Ran x good girl! reader
this is a part 2 to my fic "i can't sleep", dont worry i'm feeding ur families they will no longer starve. apparently people are really into ran considering how many notes that fic of mine got (and who can blame them honestly)
unrelated but i cant believe it took me this long to get into housewife radio by ghost i love the horror vibes because of course i do
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You've had a turbulent few days recently. Ever since you agreed to do that stupid dare Ran hasn't left you alone.
He did promise to do so but you didn't think he was actually serious about "making you his". How could you let this happen?
Things turned out completely opposite to what you expected, though. Instead of dragging you to his gang meeting to beat the crap out of you, he's taking you there to threaten his lackeys that if they even so much as lay a finger on his girl (you), they'd feel hell on earth.
You suppose that it's nice that he wants to protect you but you feel extremely out of place and uncomfortable at a gang meeting of all places.
Your parents think you're studying at a library right now. Somehow, you feel like you're commiting a crime.
You also met his brother at that meeting.
It seems being a good-for-nothing delinquent runs in their family. You feel sorry for their parents. If they even have them.
"Wow, I would've never thought the nerd would be your type." Rindou teased Ran. Actually, maybe it was both of you he was teasing.
"She's the one that kissed me first." Ran smirked at you.
"You're the worst. Both of you." you furrowed your brows, not finding either of them amusing in the slightest.
"Your girlfriend hates you, man. Personally I would not put up with that." Rindou seemed disinterested, checking his nails as he said that.
"I am not his girlfriend, either!" you defended yourself but Ran just looked at you like he pitied you and Rindou looked like he didn't believe you.
"Right, okay, if you say so. You two have your lover's quarrel on your own. I'm going elsewhere." Rindou just casually left, leaving you all alone with Ran in an abandoned storage unit. Oh boy.
"Umm, I should get going- ack!" you felt your wrist getting grabbed, preventing you from leaving. There's your only exit up in smoke.
"Leaving so soon? But we haven't even had our fun yet." Ran smiled at you and you honestly felt scared at that moment. Oh no, you shouldn't have yelled back at him so daringly just now. Now he's going to beat the crap out of you and drop you off in front of your parents doorstep as a warning to never mess with his gang again.
He leaned in closer and you braced yourself for the pain, but instead of that you felt his lips on yours.
Kissing...?! Again?! Well, atleast it's better than a punch to the face... You can't believe it's come to a point where you're glad to get kissed by Ran.
But still, does he have to kiss you in the least romantic place possible? Even if you did have feelings for him you'd totally find this moment cringy.
"You suck at kissing." He comments heartily, pulling away.
"I'm not the one who kisses a new girl every day. Maybe I actually have some self-respect." You crossed your arms. He was your first kiss after all.
"Every night is an exaggeration. It's like, every week." You couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious, even if you saw his expression.
"Oh, wow. Glad to know that I'll get cheated on in about 3 days. Way to make your 'girlfriend' hate you less."
"I'll stop for you." He smiled.
"Uh huh, whatever." You rolled your eyes.
Though, his kisses are actually kind of making you.... No, no! Don't fall for that! You can't believe you almost admitted that you'd fall for him if he kissed you more.
"How's it going with your new boyfriend, girl?"
"God, do not call him that." You held your forehead in frustration.
"I think he's taken a liking to you." Your friend nudged you, pointing at Ran who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria and smiling at you as he ate.
"Great." You said sarcastically, immediately looking away when your eyes met.
"See? It ended up well. Now you have a hot bad boy boyfriend." Your friend kinda wished she'd done it instead of daring you.
"Didn't I just... ugh! I don't think my parents would agree with you." You placed your forehead on the table, groaning. "You date him if you want a bad boy so bad. But I hate you for dragging me into this." Your voice was slightly muffled.
"Yeah, we'll see. You'll be the happiest couple ever in like, two months."
You raised your head, looking back at Ran once again. You're in quite the pickle, aren't you? The next thing you know, you'll fall for Haitani Ran.
How scarily exciting.
"Hop on." Ran stopped on his bike in front of the library. How he knew you had a study session there today? Don't worry about the details.
Another motorcycle ride... You feel like you barely survived the last one.
"My parents expect me to be home in 10 minutes." You crossed your arms. You weren't lying, either.
"Who cares? Live a little." Ran rolled his eyes playfully. Clearly he isn't going to let you back down.
"I'll do it, but only if you keep it to ten minutes." He was right, backing down isn't your thing. You wonder how much resisting him you could get away with if you weren't special to him.
Special to him... huh.
"Killjoy." He insulted you lightly as you sat down in front of him. Again, neither of you are wearing a helmet. This is the last time you'll let it slide.
"I prefer to not get scolded endlessly." You held onto him tightly because you knew what was coming and didn't want to almost fall off the bike again. He felt proud when you held onto him like that.
Like you're finally his. To be honest, he didn't really care much for you until you kissed him out of nowhere like that. How bold of you, the top-of-the-class rule stickler. But he likes that. And that's why he decided to make you his.
Isn't the fact that he lets you ride on his motorcycle enough to see that?
You felt the wind blowing against your face as you set off. Now that you feel it again, it doesnt feel too bad. It's kind of nice, actually. And Ran is warm, too.
The scenery moves past the two of you and strangely, you feel really calm and at peace. It feels like your parents don't exist in this moment and that you can just... live, and feel the adrenaline of the high speed.
This is so scarily exciting.
"You look relaxed." He said, looking down at you.
"I am. And look at the road, will you?" You scolded him but your voice was still relaxed. You look up at him again.
He actually isn't that bad looking. You kind of understand why some girls would fall for him. You, on the other hand...
Are unfortunately befalling the same fate.
He didn't say anything but you had a feeling he knew you were staring.
"You look like you're in love."
"What?! How would you even know?!" You looked back at the road, hiding your face from him. You can't help but get defensive of such a thing.
God, you hate that he's right.
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taintedcigs · 1 year
congrats on 1k babes!! you deserve it and more<3
𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒- with the prompt “You have a soft spot for me, don’t you?” “I don’t.” “You answered too quickly for that to be the truth.” from the prompt list with best friend eddie who is a lil mean n scary to everyone but you?
soft spot
pairing: eddie munson x reader
word count: 2.1k+
warnings: nothing rlly, just some tooth-aching fluff! a little kiss, and VV cheesy!
a/n: IM SO SORRY IGOT SO CARRIED AWAY JESUS and ahhh thank you sm baby!! I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM AHH HOPE I DID IT JUSTICE <33 also i hate this sm the ending of this as always ok im sorry im so bad at endings >:(
join my 1k celebration!
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Eddie had been in a sulking mood all day, first it started with his car stereo breaking down in the middle of his ride to school, he cursed as he tried to bump it a few times, but it didn't help.
Then, his hell-ish day got worse when he got to the cafeteria and a freshman bumped into him, spilling his food all over Eddie's favorite band shirt.
Eddie cursed at that, and his jaws clenched as he turned to the freshman in front of him, the boy looked back at Eddie horrified and he immediately mumbled apologies to him.
"You little shit-" Eddie started with his fist at his side but then your appearance interrupted him.
You knew everyone thought of Eddie as this mean and scary freak who played a satanist game, but you knew deep down that Eddie was nothing like that.
Eddie was kind, he was generous, he was nice, well at least that's what all he was to you. You didn't push him away and discard him as a scary freak when you first saw him, you didn't judge him like others did, and you insulted back everyone that attempted to insult Eddie, granted, he thought he didn't need your protection, but just because you stood by his side meant a lot to him.
That's why he had a soft spot for you, a weakness, something that he rarely gave others because no one did what you did.
He was enamored with you, no matter what you did, and even more so now when you stopped him from cursing out a freshman for an innocent mistake, and quickly defused the situation.
"I'll help you clean up, Eds." Your soft voice spoke as you gave him a warm smile, you took his fisted hand, and it eased just as with your touch, Eddie's hand gently held onto yours, you intertwined your fingers with his, giving it a firm squeeze.
Eddie's cold gaze had warmed up now, and his face eased at your presence, as dumbfounded as ever, "O-okay." He stuttered. He knew everything would be okay when you were there.
When you hurried him to the bathroom, you got wet wipes out of your bag as you attempted to scrub away the stain of spaghetti sauce.
"You're not having a good day, huh?" You asked, pouting your lips sympathetically, and Eddie nodded quickly, he loved how you immediately understood him, just his gaze alone being able to teach you a new language.
"Kinda having the worst day, actually." He attempted a slight smirk, and you gave him another smile, still working to get the scrub off, but all Eddie could see was your soft eyes and determined gaze. You looked so adorable when trying to help him.
With a few agonizing scrubs, you look up at him when you manage to get rid of the stain, a warm smile present on your face. "All done!" You exclaim excitedly and Eddie can't help the grin his lips twitch into because of how adorable you are.
"You seem all sunshines and rainbows today." He adds, nudging your shoulder lightly and you giggle, nodding.
"Well, I have a date today!" You excitedly spoke but Eddie's entire world almost dramatically shattered, that was the third worst thing that happened to Eddie today, and this one hurt him the most. With anxiety filled inside of his body, he started twisting his rings uncomfortably.
"Oh... a date?" He asked, trying to hide his disappointment, but he couldn't when his face fell almost immediately at the mention of a date, and his lips returned to a tight-lipped smile.
He couldn't help when his jaw clenched because some asshole was going to go on a date with you, not him.
He knew he had no right to be jealous, you weren't dating him, but you were perfect, so perfect, that he knew it was no surprise that other people wanted to date you, ones who were not a coward like him, and managed to ask you out.
But he felt stupid, he felt so stupid for not having the courage to tell you how much you meant to him, so instead, he's left to sulk the rest of the day, too.
Eddie can feel his mouth get dried up when you mention how excited you're for this date, he can feel his breath quicken, he doesn't think he can handle this conversation anymore.
"I'm really happy for you, honey." He lets out through his unamused lips, "I gotta go, so uh, I'll see you around?" He lets out in a disappointed voice as he turns around and sprints out, leaving you confused.
And he feels bad, he feels bad for not being happy for you, but he doesn't know how he's supposed to be happy to see you with someone else, he swallows down all his insecurities and ignores you calling out for his name, ready to skip the rest of the day and go home.
When he does come home he is miserable, he spends hours trying to distract himself, leg fidgeting as he debates whether to call you or not. He knows he's been an ass to you for no reason when you helped him.
His hand itches to pick up the phone, but when his debate is still going on in his head, the phone ringing startles him, and he's quick to pick it up.
"Hello?" He asks out hopeful that it might be you, but still nonchalant enough that as if he hadn't spent the whole day waiting by the phone to call you.
"Hi." Your voice is sour, and it sounds like it's almost cracking, Eddie's heart drops when he hears it.
"Sweetheart?" He speaks up, his voice laced with gentleness and you can't help it when your heart skips a beat to his nicknames.
"What happened?" He asks, his stomach churning when he hears you sniffle.
"It-it's stupid..." You murmur, but he reassures you quickly. "No... if you're upset about it then it isn't stupid, okay? You can tell me everything, honey." You can't help but smile at his words as you nod.
"I just had a really bad day..." You sighed. "First, I did something to upset you and you got mad at me I don't even know what I did and- and you got really upset which means I must have done something so bad because you never ever get upset with me-" Your rambling was quicker than Eddie could comprehend and now his guiltiness had returned when you sounded so upset.
"Take a breath, sweetheart." He encouraged you and you did, heaving a breath, as you continued.
"and then... The guy I had a date with... he bailed on me last minute." You sniffle, and Eddie's jaw clenched at the information.
He rolled his tongue inside of his mouth, annoyed as he attempted to contain his anger for the asshole who did not deserve any second of your time.
"I'll call you back." Eddie says unexpectedly, and you furrow your brows, "What?" You question, but before you can get an answer Eddie shuts the phone, and you huff at his behavior.
"Eddie, are you serious?" You ask groaning before shutting the phone to its place, getting annoyed.
You spent the next hour waiting for Eddie call you but also getting annoyed by him suddenly shutting you out.
When the door bell rang you stomped your feet dragging yourself, opening the door slowly.
Your eyes widen at the sight of you, out of breath, carrying a box in his hands, as his messy curls fall over his head, there stands Eddie, a small smirk on his lips. "Hi." He breathes out, and you can't help it when your anger washes away and you almost melt at his actions.
"Eddie?" You can't help the smile on your lips, and you can't help it when you realize how much Eddie cares about you.
You take the box from his hands, immediately recognizing it and squealing, "Double chocolate?" You ask with the biggest smile on your face, your heartwarming at his gesture.
"Yep." He grins, his hands gently give your shoulder a squeeze, and you raise a brow, "But how did you find them? The closest bakery that has double chocolate chip is 30 minutes away-"
"20 minutes if you go really fast." He grins at you, and your gaze is fixed on him, you look at him in such awe that Eddie decides he'd buy you those cookies every day if it meant you would look at him like that.
"That's why I was a bit late." He gives you a slight smirk, gesturing with his hands.
You're speechless, the mean and scary Eddie everyone is afraid of is now at your door, with your favorite cookies in his hand, as he's trying his best to cheer you up.
"You really would do all that for me?" You're stunned, and Eddie's heart skips a beat. "Yeah- yes." I would do anything for you, he means to say but he doesn't. He clears his throat, trying to seem nonchalant, but you see right over his act.
Eddie cares about you, he really fucking cares about you.
"You have a soft spot for me, don't you?" You ask, a smirk lingering on your lips and you narrow your eyes softly, Eddie huffs at that first, as if it's insulting.
"No!" He answers quickly, too quickly. “You answered too quickly for that to be the truth." You add, and Eddie can't disagree with you, so he changes the topic.
"I- I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry how I acted today, I had a bad day too, and it wasn't fair for me to just shut you out like that." His gaze was fixed on the ground now, he felt embarrassed.
"It's fine, I get it, Eds." You offer him a smile, and he looks up at you.
"What I don't get is, you could've said sorry, without getting me those cookies, which means, you have a weak spot for meee." You dragged out the end, giggling which caused Eddie to sigh weakly.
"Will you stop saying that!" He asked, seriously, but his lips were twitching to quirk into a smile because of how cute you looked.
"Come on, admit it!" You nudged him lightly as you took a bite of the cookie, over-exaggerating the way you eat the cookie.
"You're ridiculous." He scoffed as he dug into a cookie, biting harshly as he gave you a serious gaze.
"Just admit you have a soft spot for me." You giggled again but he shook his head.
"C'mon Eds! I know you care about me!" You tapped slightly on his shoulder and he groaned.
"Yes! Of course, I have a soft spot for you!" He exclaimed, his breathing heavy, he had never let anyone get this close to him, and there you were breaking all of his walls, and he was scared.
"I mean shit, I fucking care about you, honey, so fucking much that it scares me." His voice is timid as he's avoiding your gaze, you pout at him.
"I care about you too, of course Eds-" He shakes his head, interrupting, "No you don't get it, fuck- I care about you so much, so fucking much that it physically hurt me when you said you had a date!" His jaw was clenched again but it felt good to get his feelings out, you always made him feel comfortable.
"And that's why I acted so cold and left, because I didn't want you to find out." He murmured, "And that is why I was happy that you didn't give me that asshole's name because if I knew who he was I would've knocked his door down and beat him to pulp." He continued his ramble, his fist clenched at his side again.
"What, what are you implying?" You gulped nervously, you couldn't believe what Eddie was insinuating, you had always assumed the metalhead just tolerated you, you always wanted more with him, but it didn't seem like he reciprocated the feelings you harbored, but now, with this gesture, you remembered all the times Eddie had a soft spot for you, that's why you couldn't help but want those three words to come out of his lips.
"I'm saying I like you, sweetheart." He faced you now, studying your face, your plump lips turned into a grin, and you couldn't help it when you crashed your lips into his. You grabbed onto the front of his band shirt causing him to groan softly into your mouth.
Then, Eddie placed his hands on your hips, pulling you harshly towards him. You can feel your knees shaking at his sudden movements, and you feel as if you might crumple at his feet at any minute.
You pulled away slowly, while Eddie was still blinking to process what the hell just happened.
"Told you, you had a soft spot for me." You whispered, giggling and Eddie rolled his eyes playfully.
"How could I not, honey?"
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
omgg write a fluff w tom/ bill where him and the reader are high outta their minds that would lowk be hilarious it could also be a little smutty in the end 👀
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2007 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF + SMUT (just a bit) SYPNOSIS: Y/N and Tom are high as FUCK, they are friends and she comes over to his house to try this "new" thing he has. She assumes it's some sort of drug or weird guitar solo, they watch movies, cuddle and at the end get a lil bit freaky... A/N: haven't been high in over a year so don't bash me if i get the feeling wrong, it's from what i remember lmao WARNINGS: teasing, kissing, drug use (weed)
Me and Tom have been best friends for over 10 years, he has been my rock, supporting me through everything. He never changed, always hanging out with me, showing me off to new friends. He was amazing.
One day he called me and said he had something to show me, something "new" he wanted to try out with me. I immediately knew it was a drug or a weird guitar solo, he is full of surprises I guess.
I got into my car and started to drive to his house, wondering what stupid thing was going to consume my day.
I arrived eventually and greeted Tom, hugging him tightly and walking inside, sitting in his room. He came in with a little baggie of what looked like weed, he handed it to me and I sighed "Tom this is a lot of weed, do you plan to smoke it all tonight?" he chuckled "no of course not, if we like it we can try it again at the party next week" he rummaged through his draws, pulling out a small black bong, decorated with skulls.
"Wowww real edgy" I rolled my eyes playfully, he laughed and slapped my arm playfully "shut up it was on sale, i'm not spending 50 fucking dollars for a small bong."
I stood up and grabbed the grinder that went with is, putting the bud in there and grinding it down, once it was finished I grabbed the bong, packing some of the weed in there.
"Wow you really know how to do this huh?" he smirked, admiring what I did. "Well my brother smokes and it's not like I haven't done it before so.." I shrugged and grabbed the lighter, sparking it and hovering the flame over the bud, sucking in the smoke. (did i just give you guys a tutorial..)
I inhaled it, feeling it burn the back of my throat but in a nice way, a familiar feeling to when I smoked cigarettes. "Fuck..that's some good shit..where did you get it from" I blew the smoke out, starting to get the effects already.
My head a bit woozy, eyes drooping ever so slightly and everything becoming a bit more brighter. I looked back at Tom, finishing the rest of the cone, the way he threw his head back when inhaling was so sexy..the way his lips slightly parted and his eyes slowly shut.
"I got it from Greg, you know, Janes older brother" he looked back at me, blowing out the smoke as well. "Oh.." I said slowly "well it's not dodgy weed I'll tell you that" I giggled.
Everything was a bit slower, my talking, movements. It felt wonderful, like I was as light as a feather.
"Let's have some more, cmon" he scooted closer to me and we had 3 more cones each, it was hitting hard now, things were much more slower, I looked down at my hands and they were slightly out of focus, like I had 4 hands.
I got up from his bed and grabbed his hand, going towards the kitchen and raiding his pantry, grabbing all the snacks I could find and a few cans of soda. I sat down and dropped everything onto the coffee table, laying down next to him, resting my head on his lap, "should we order pizza.." he mumbled, I nodded slowly and grabbed my phone, dialing the store and ordering 2 large pizzas, one cheese and one meat lovers.
"Fuck..we are gonna feast" he chuckled, his eyes super red and droopy, I smiled and picked a movie to watch.
After 45 minutes our pizza FINALLY ARRIVED. I ran to the door and quickly gave the pizza guy the cash, slamming the door and almost tripping trying to get back to the couch, "fuck!" I yelped, Tom just laughed and grabbed one of the boxes, stuffing his face with pizza.
"Mmm...so good" he groaned, I grabbed a slice and ate it, savouring the taste "has pizza ever tasted this good?" I said, it was like they put magic into it, usually pizza was mid but this time it was amazing. Our movie was ending soon, we picked a horror, which was kinda dumb because we were so high.
I sat up and held him tightly at the suspense, screaming and hiding my face into his arm when the jumpscare popped up "jesus" he chuckled "it wasn't that bad" I rolled my eyes and softly shoved him "shut up..wasn't even scary.." I mumbled
By the time we had finished 3 movies everything was DEVOURED. We decided to chill for a bit, have a talk and enjoy each others company. I layed down on the couch and he spooned me from behind, holding me close.
Usually we'd always cuddle, it was never weird to us but this time, the tension was super high. Not even in a bad way, it's like the air was thicker...the way his arms were wrapped around me and his face pressed softly on the top of my head made me feel some kind of way.
I turned around and looked up at him, it's like in that moment, we were the only people alive. His eyes washed over with desire and love, surprising me. "You know, you are so beautiful y/n, you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" he smiled softly, brushing a hair away from my face.
"Yeah whatever, I'm sure you tell every girl you hook up with that.." I rolled my eyes, secretly enjoying the praise. "No, y/n..I mean it, you are so beautiful" he leaned closer, our lips basically inches away.
"Tom..." my breathing hitched slightly, searching his eyes for deciet but all I saw was sincerity, love and compassion, I smiled softly, blush creeping onto my cheeks.
"I want to kiss you.." he whispered, his breath hot on my lips.
"ok pizza breath.." I giggled and leaned in, kissing him gently. He kissed back, wrapping his hand around to the back of my head and pulling me closer, locking our lips into a passionate embrace. His kisses got more urgent, his erection becoming prominent in his pants, pressing up against my leg.
"See how you make me feel? You drive me crazy" he moaned against my lips, slipping his tongue in my mouth. I reached my hand down and softly palmed his clothed cock, making him groan softly.
His hands snaked down to my waist, then to my ass, squeezing it softly. Then, his hand came back up, slipping under my shirt and grabbing my breasts, rubbing his thumb over my nipple, sending shivers down my spine.
I had grabbed one of his shirts earlier, removing my bra since you weren't able to see much anyway, it was getting a bit hot so I changed my outfit.
"My shirt looks so good on you..might have to fuck you in it" he mumbled, grinning widely.
I chuckled "we'll see about that", I rolled us over, flipping me on top of him, deepening the kiss.
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slut4msby · 6 months
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Happy New Year? Miya Atsumu x Fem!Reader
+ tags & warnings; suggestive content, heavily implied smut, atsumu and reader did the deed :0??, borderline fuckboy!atsumu [i have a soft spot for fuckboy!atsumu], not proofread, implied ex bf but no one is specified other than being a vb player so use ur imagination qts :3
+ a/n; hey guys! i'm lea :3. this is my first fic on tumblr in YEARS i used to have an account long long long ago that like NO ONE would know so this is my welcome back ig ;p have some fuckboy!atsumu tehheeheh [i want fuckboy!atsumu so bad or maybe i just have issues teheheh]. also its dec 31 when i post this so HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! stay safe and take care x
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Waking up on your own has become a tradition on New Year's Day. For the past three years, a very lonely past three years. Ever since your partner had broken up with you. 
This year was no different, waking up in an empty bed - but not your bed? The realisation left you in confusion. Your eyes darted around the room, cologne, dirty clothes, sports trophies and empty water bottles filled the room. How classy. You sat up against the headboard, head pounding from the alcohol that had consumed your body the night before. Despite its uncleanliness it was a nice room at its core. The problem is, you don't know when you got here or how you got here. Matter of fact if you were even still in the country.
“Hey Doll.” A shirtless figure called from the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, his V-line on full display. He was fit, no one could deny that. His blonde hair messy from his shower, his body littered with hickies and scratches - your hickies and scratches. “You really did a number on me huh?” He let out a soft chuckle.
You tried to respond but your body was still in a state of shock from the man you had managed to catch.
“You alright princess? You seemed to be a lot louder and confident last night.” He teased, walking towards you taking a seat on his bed. “You know, you look good in my shirt.” He adds on in reference to the oversized t-shirt which accompanied your body. He shuffled closer to you, he planted another kiss on your neck over one of the many purple marks he had given you last night, “could get used to having you around.”
“Me?” You question, he only nods in response. 
He grabs your face in his hand. You couldn’t deny his hands were nice, they were big and he obviously knew how to use them. He moved you to look at him, forcing tension. You couldn’t lie from what you could remember is that he was good. He pulled you closer and closer, looking at your lips and then your eyes. “Can I?” He asks.
“Can you?” You respond giving him your infamous ‘fuck-me eyes’.
“Oh doll, we both know we can.” He mutters against your lips, before pulling you in for a kiss which you very happily accept. 
That’s when the memories come back, you could never forget a kiss like that. You remember Kuroo forcing you to a party and meeting him, Atsumu Miya.
“C’moonnnnnnnn n/n-chan it will be fun.” Kuroo begged.
“Tetsu, I don’t know I am happy alone.”
“You’re so boring now n/n-chan.” He pouts. He knows that sentence will rile you up. “You used to be the life of the party y/n.”
“Used to? Oh baby I still am.”
“Then come to the party n/n.”
You remember walking in and being greeted by Bokuto who you hadn't seen in years. Completely ditching the volleyball scene after your ex-boyfriend. Bokuto was still as huge and friendly as always. You greeted all the familiar faces and were even introduced to some new ones. It was nice. As the hours went on the alcohol overtook your body. 
You had found yourself on a couch on top of him - Atsumu Miya. 
“Woahh pretty girl slow down.” He pulls away from the kiss a string of saliva breaking you apart as he does so. “What's yer name, pretty girl?” He asks before leaving light kisses on your neck forcing a gasp out of you.
“L/n.” You say quickly, “y/n l/n.”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says continuing kissing down your neck. He would have gone further right then and there however your rendezvous was cut short by Bokuto and Kuroo calling your name. And you thought that was gonna be the last encounter with the mystery man.
“Ohhhh~ n/n-chan getting it on with tsum-tsum.” Bokuto teases.
“N/n is lonelyyyyyy.” Kuroo slurs.
The teasing continued all night, however at 11:58pm everyone started gathering around for the countdown, you were convinced this is the fourth year you would be lonely. Before you felt an arm snag your waist.
“Hey pretty girl.” He purrs into your ear.
“Oh it’s you.”
“I have a name y’know princess?”
“Do yer seriously not know who I am.”
“Egotistical by the sound of it, pretty boy.” You respond.
“Atsumu Miya. Y’know? MSBY’s setter?”
“Right. I like pretty boy more.” You giggle.
“Yer won't be moaning that tonight trust me doll.”
Atsumu pulls you in for a kiss, “So you wanna take me up on that offer princess?”
You can’t help but nod eagerly.
Happy New year to you indeed.
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victorbutnotreally · 11 days
Hello, I was wondering if you could write a reaction ot8 stray kids with a scary looking male reader with tattoos who's taller and stronger than them but is super nice to them.
I wasn't sure what to request, so I hope this is ok🙃
my first time writing on the internet...thank you so much for the request, darling <3 I really hope you like it. (also, i wasn't sure if the reader is a skz member, so I wrote him as one. hope that's okay.)
warnings: slightly suggestive in Lee Know's part.
Bang Chan
He'd be a bit startled at first when being introduced to the new trainee. The guy was tall. The height was the first thing our tiny leader noticed. (M/n)'s tattoos were badass, yes, but that paired with his frame and sharp features was...intimidating. He looked like he could break you in half with those big hands of his. Once he got over the initial surprise, he grew attached. I mean, who wouldn't? (M/n) was an absolute sweetheart. He was quite soft and funny under those muscles. (M/n) was a gentle giant. He'd drag a tired, overworked Chan out of the studio at 3am and carry him like a princess. Once he was added to the group, (M/n) became the official body pillow. Especially to our koala Chan. Scenario
Bang Chan was talking to stay on Chan's Room one day, smiling and giggling at their pickup lines. His eyes landed on one comment which made him giggle a bit more than the others. "Are you mixed? Cuz you're half fine and half mine." He giggled like a little boy and dialed (M/n)'s number. "That's a good one!!" "I have to try it on (M/n)" "Hey hyung, what's up?" "Hey (M/n)....I just wanted to ask you, are you mixed?" "Huh?" "Cuz you're half fine ,half mine." "I'm all yours." (M/n) was one cheeky mf. And that one line was enough to make Chan and STAY go feral.
Lee Minho
He'd definitely be in awe. He'd love to randomly trace the tattoos with his finger and the first time he'd do it would be by poking a rose tattoo on (M/n)'s arm. Once he's comfortable, he'd be using this man like a lamppost to lean on. But at first, he'd be all wide-eyed and trying not to blush when (M/n) raises a brow at him. Would LOVE having (M/n)'s hand on his thigh. Definitely would make comments with a straight face. "You could split me in half like a pistachio." "Those thighs would look really good aroun-" (M/n) raises a brow and he stops. But it's all in good fun. Or is it? Scenario
(M/n) and him were doing that one babysitting show and the kid just looked so enamored by (M/n). He would have his cute wide eyes looking at him in awe and touching the tattoos. (M/n) would smile softly at the kid and put him on his shoulders.
"You'd be a good daddy." Of course, (M/n) knew what was coming. Minho would lean into his ear and whisper. "In more ways than one."
Seo Changbin
This man would look at (M/n) and think "goals." He'd always playfully squeeze (M/n)'s muscles. They'd get along quite easily, I'd say. Gym bros. And (M/n) would be always excited for Dwaekki Gym.
He'd sit there like an excited school kid watching their parent cook their favorite if (M/n)'s in the kitchen. He'd be used to the jokes that are made when they stand next to each other. They even have matching Snoopy and Woodstock t-shirts. I definitely don't need to mention that these two would DEVOUR girlgroup dances. (M/n) would also playfully fight with Wooyoung. "Changbin's mine."
At a concert, they were all playing around and a fan holds up a sign with Changbin's picture from the Case 143 MV that says "Can I be your boyfriend?"
Changbin makes an X with his arms and points to (M/n) who had Minho's hand on his butt (nothing new). The fan screams "HE'S CHEATING ON YOUUUUU".
Hwang Hyunjin
Would be a bit blushy at first. He'd probably take some time to warm up to (M/n). But once he's comfortable with (M/n), he'd ask questions. "Did it hurt?" "What's that inspired by?" He'd recommend tattoo ideas as well. "How about a rose and thorns on your hip?"
Definitely would draw (M/n). No doubt about it. Would either draw a simple side profile or draw his beautiful hands. Always holding (M/n)'s hands and would definitely bite his thighs. They'd appear on Studio Choom's Mix & Match together and would be an iconic dance duo. Would watch Kdramas together and (M/n) would poke fun at some stupidities just to get on Hyunjin's nerves.
Scenario (M/n) grinning like an idiot while Hyunjin does body paint on his un-tattooed arm. He leans in and pecks Hyunjin's forehead. Of course, he'd let out a soft laugh seeing that beautiful eye smile of our dumpling. He then shows off the body paint on live.
Han Jisung
Fanboy. Fan. Boy. He loves (M/n)'s tattoos and loves how easily he can pick him up. Jokingly calls him 'bodyguard' and loves to hear him rap. Was a bit flustered by how attentive (M/n) was when he started rambling about something. (M/n) has a habit of babying him because he's a smol bean. Chair? What's that? He only knows (M/n)'s lap. And (M/n) would 100% shield him and glare at people who don't understand privacy at airports. He'd have an arm wrapped around Jisung at all times. Jisung would also fangirl over (M/n)'s photoshoots.
(M/n) peacefully spinning around with Changbin at a concert while Han grabs him by the arm and goes, "Jeogiyo...hokshi yeoja chingu isseoyo?" And then (M/n) picks him up and spins him around while laughing that cute laugh of his.
Lee Felix
He was a teeny tiny bit intimidated by (M/n) but the moment (M/n) introduced himself and smiled, Felix knew that the guy was just another cute crackhead like the rest of them. He would love to play video games with (M/n) and (M/n) may or may not have let him win. Both of them would make midnight snacks and have conversations which are either really deep or really high. Also, (M/n) definitely compares hand sizes and coos at Yongbok's tiny hands. Also, (M/n) is a human heater. Definitely perfect for cuddles. Scenario
"Hyunggggggg I made brownieeeessssssss" (M/n) was scrolling and had his rbf on, but his striking gaze immediately softened and lit up once he saw Felix. Felix, who noticed, goes and pinches his cheeks. "Softie." "You know it."
Kim Seungmin
He was a little awkward at first, since he's not used to seeing someone so intimidating. But also because he takes a bit of time to warm up to someone. But one day, when he sees (M/n) reading one of his favorite books and being all giddy, he knew that the big strong man was really a fluff ball. (M/n) and Seungmin would do a lot of lives together and it becomes sort of a series (like Chan's Room) since they match each other's energy really well. (M/n) is also someone baby stays would consider "the normal one" like Seungmin. But boy are they wrong.. Scenario
(M/n) MCing and Seungmin teasing him. "What's your favorite Stray Kids song, MC-hyung?" "Do you like Stray Kids, MC-hyung?"
Yang Jeongin
Would be intimidated. Especially since he was such a smol babie and going through a lot of stress. But one day, (M/n) packs him lunch for school and Jeongin almost cried. He felt so guilty for being scared around (M/n) but (M/n) assured him that it's okay. (M/n) also helped him with school during trainee days. He'd have a fun way of teaching and he wanted Jeongin to at least pass. He helped Jeongin through a lot and would make sure he took care of himself. He's extra soft for our maknae. Would make comebacks at hate comments towards Jeongin. They have a very strong bond. Stay calls (M/n) Jeongin's dad. Scenario
(M/n) coming home after a long day at the studio and just cuddling Jeongin.
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baileypie-writes · 6 months
~In Love with my Idol - Part 2~
Velvet x Fem!Pop Star!Reader
Part 1 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: After your concert, you go on a first date with Velvet.
Warnings: A minor suggestive joke, though nothing happens. Sharing feelings, cringe but I kinda did it on purpose.
Requested by: @reizuuuu
A/N ~ Hope you enjoy! Also, merry day-after-Christmas!(it’s one in the morning for me right now. I need to go to bed)
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You don’t think you’ve ever been this excited for one of your concerts to end. You had to stop yourself from completely rushing it. You wanted your fans to be happy, so you gave it your very best, and your concert ended with cheering that nearly busted your eardrums.
After thanking the audience and saying goodbye, you practically bolted backstage. And there Velvet was, waiting for you.
“That was pretty good.” She said, giving you a golf clap. You knew that this was her way of saying “That was awesome! Great job!” So you smiled back at her.
“Thanks!” You said, voice tired and slightly raspy. You fiddled with your fingers, wanting to shyly bring up what you talked about earlier. “So….”
“A date? Sure, where do you wanna go?” She casually asked and answered your question for you, much to your relief.
“Well, I think I’ve had enough paparazzi for one day, so someplace quiet. How about my place? We can order food or something?” You asked.
“Woah, inviting me to your place? Isn’t that kinda forward? What’re you planning on doing?” Velvet teased, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Nothing, I promise!”
When you arrived at your house, you got out of your car, and went over to Velvet’s. You politely opened the door for her, and half-jokingly held out your hand to help her step out. She smirked and rolled her eyes, waving your hand away.
You both went inside, and you showed Velvet around.
“It’s not nearly as big as my house, but it’s nice.” Velvet said, clearly flexing.
“Well I don’t really feel the need for a big house. It’s just me who lives here, after all.” You said. Internally, you were freaking out. Not only were you on a date with Velvet, but it was at your own place! You avoided eye contact to hide your bashfulness.
“Huh, I guess that makes sense.” Velvet noticed your shy demeanor, and didn’t like it. She tried getting you more involved with the conversation.
“So… all by yourself, huh? Must get pretty boring.”
“Heh, yeah, it does.” You said. Velvet was pleased with herself when you finally looked at her, and your shoulders became less tense.
Your walking suddenly slowed and came to a stop. Velvet noticed, and stopped as well.
“To be honest, hanging out with you has really been really fun.”
“Well duh, of course it is. I am really fun to be around.” Velvet said, gesturing her hand to herself, and tilting her head up with pride.
You laughed. “What I mean is, besides being a pop star, I don’t really have anything else going on in my life. So when I’m not on stage, I feel kind of lonely. So when I started hanging out with you, it added something new and fun into my life.” You confessed, avoiding eye contact yet again.
This time though, Velvet also wouldn’t look at you. She wasn’t good with sharing feelings with others, so this made her feel awkward. So she did her best to make a response. “Well, you’re pretty fun too. It’s nice to have someone other than Veneer to talk to.” You looked up at her and smiled, which Velvet copied.
You then let out a big exhale, ready to change the mood of the conversation. “So! Wanna order some food?” You swayed back and forth on your feet.
A little over thirty minutes passed, and the two of you were sitting at the kitchen table, eating your meals. Velvet was the one who picked the food, of course.
“This is pretty good. Do you eat here a lot?” You asked, mouth full of food.
“Yeah. Veneer and I usually get it when we’re working.”
You hummed in response, too focused on eating to say actual words. Velvet watched, finding it amusing how fast you were eating.
“Hold on.” She suddenly stopped you.
You froze just as you were about to take another bite. Velvet leaned close to your face. She then licked her thumb, and swiped it on your cheek. “You had some food on your face.” You hummed again, but got confused when Velvet didn’t move away. She stayed close to your face.
You were staring at each other so long and hard, you could practically see into her soul. You started internally freaking out again, thinking that you were possibly about to kiss. But suddenly, Velvet quickly moved away. She had the biggest smirk on her face. “Wow, I didn’t know that you could get that red.”
“Velvet, what the fuck.” You shouted, realizing that the whole thing was just her teasing you. Velvet started laughing in your expense. You were so upset about her little joke, so you wanted payback. You pounced towards her, making her flinch. But instead of a fist or palm to the face, she got lips.
Velvet froze, and you took the chance to throw her words right back at her.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could get that red.”
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Hi im back☺️☺️ can i request prompt 2 with (who would have guessed) chuuya? I just couldnt resist after that last smut like HOLY shit i reread it every morning😭 Take your time and remember to stay hydrated💛
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ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ; 02 : Brat taming
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ; Chuuya has been pretty busy lately, and his needy girlfriend is being bratty abt it. This leads up to him taking you against the table. <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs; mean!dom!Chuuya, sub!bratty!fem!reader, fucking on a table with Chuuya, degrading kink (f!recieving), ooc!Chuuya (ig), slight spanking, kinda fingering, petnames (such as slut, baby, whore, etc.), porn without *any* plot, basically me in heat /j, etc.
ɴᴏᴛᴇs; This is a draft bcs i can. So take this while i have to take a break, i just suffer from major daddy issues right now lol. Also, this was from my new year event, enjoy! ( 5-6 months later; felt horny for Chuuya so take this while i prepare myself for a exam!!)
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“Such a fuckin' brat for attention, huh?”, Chuuya tsked at you.
He had such a stressful day, just to come home to you whining and annoying him further.
Chuuya just needed to somehow ‘relief’ all that stress!
“I’m s-sorry, Chuuya!”, you said just for him to spank you.
“I don’t wanna hear it.”, he hissed.
You were being spanked on the table, bent over of course, while still having your panties on.
All his spanks just kept you wet for him.
Even though you still had some undergarments on, you could tell there was gonna be a slight hand print.
“Now, bend over for me, just where i can see you perfectly, understood?”, Chuuya commanded you, with a slightly strict tone.
Not wanting to piss him off more, you just bent over as far as you could, just how he wanted.
Waiting for his next move, you felt him rip off your panties.
But those were your favorite!
“C-Chuuya! Those were my favorites?!”, you felt his hand wrap around your neck from behind, it wasn’t too harsh, but it wasn’t very soft too.
“I can always buy you more. Now, do you want me to fuck you or do you want me to just leave you like that?”, he whispered into your ear, sneakily having his gloveless fingers tease your wet pussy.
This made you even more desperate for him, even wetting his fingers with more of your slick.
“You don’t want me to leave you so wet for me, do you? It would be such a shame, y’know?”, now he was just teasing you. For what even? To beg? As if!
“N-no..p-please, fuck me, Chuuya.. I-i need you!”, he felt a small smirk creep up his lips.
“What was that? Was it my slut begging for me to fuck her brains out?”, Chuuya never disappointed with his dirty talk, did he?
He knows what he’s doing, he just wants to frustrate you!
But it’s fair, afterall all your whining got you here..
“J-just do it already..”, you weakly said, starting to grow impatient.
“I know you can beg more nicely than that, baby.”, Chuuya denied you even further.
“C-come on, p-please, Chuuya..stop t-teasing me, I’m r-really sorry!”, you could feel yourself on the edge of desperate tears.
“Awe, my poor princess is about to cry, isn’t she? Well, if you want it, who am i to deny you?”, finally, he was gonna take you!
“But since you’ve been such a brat, i won’t go easy on you..”, i don’t care, just fuck me like the whore i am!
You heard Chuuya take off his belt, feeling relief washing over you.
When he removed his boxers, you felt him entering. Since he’s not that cruel, he’s gonna wait a few seconds before pushing in completely.
It was finally time, he started to thrust into you, just like he said before, not particularly soft..
His pace was fast and rough, which was amazing, but kinda overwhelming, but you asked for this.
“Consider me nice enough to even fuck you like this..”, Chuuya said while ruthlessly fucking you into oblivion.
“F-fuck! F-feels so good..”, you chanted, obviously already cock drunk.
“You’re already so drunk of my cock, aren’t you? Fucking slut.”, yes, it was mean, but it was just the truth!
Honestly, nobody should blame you.
You slowly felt your high approach, feeling your knot build up.
You felt Chuuya’s hitched breathing and whimpers against your ears, while he was holding your tits.
“Fuck, ‘m so fuckin’ close..”, you were getting pretty close too.
“Tell me, who’s fuckin’ slut are you?”, you better still have the ability to answer this question.
“Y-yours! I’m your slut, only you fuck me like this..”, you answered, slurring these words.
“Damn right, nobody can slut you out like i can, understood?”
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Something just snapped guys.
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
First Birthday (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: You and Joel prepared to celebrate baby Sarah’s first birthday together.
Words count: 1.5k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 6 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm beyond happy that many of you liked it so I hope you enjoy the next parts. Stay tuned and love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Thank God Joel still treated you the same way before he confessed his love to you that night. You acted like nothing happened and he did the same. 
“Thank you for walking me home, Joel.” Joel always walked you home even though your house was exactly next to his.
“Anytime, darlin’.” This was the second time he called you darling. Your heart jumped.
“I-uh-I forgot to tell you. Sarah’s birthday is coming. I was wondering if we could celebrate together.” He put his hand behind his neck.
“Oh really? It’s her first birthday! We should hold a party!” You jumped excitedly.
“A party? I don’t know (y/n). I mean-I don’t have anyone to invite beside my brother.” Joel put his hands in his pocket.
“I can invite my friends from the cafe. Let’s give Sarah the best first birthday ever. She deserves it.” You bumped Joel on the upper arm.
“Yeah, she deserves the best.” Joel nodded.
“So, what should we do?” He crossed his arms.
“I’ll think about it and we can talk about it again tomorrow.” 
“Okay. Thanks. Good night, darlin’.” Joel kissed your cheek.
“Good night, Joel.” You kissed him back.
You shrieked as you closed the door. Joel Miller just called you darling. After what you said to him and he still called you darling? His words made you sway. And the kiss on the cheek felt different. Joel kissed your cheek every night but today definitely felt different. It felt more loving if you had to describe it. Was it because he called you darling? Was it because he was still nice to you even though you broke his heart? Then you remembered you told him that you weren’t ready for a relationship. You were the one who asked him not to fall in love with you but why were you swayed now? You hit your head to get a grip of yourself. You spent your night thinking about how you could make Sarah’s birthday special. You took out your notebook and wrote your ideas about the cake design, colors, decorations and everything. Trying to neglect your thoughts about how perfect Joel was.
It was another day and you prepared dinner at Joel’s house just like usual. You and Joel had dinner together almost every night since you babysat Sarah. Either you cooked for the two of you, ordered deliveries, Joel brought takeouts, or ate out. But tonight you decided to cook. 
“You’re home early.” You turned to look at Joel who just got home from work.
“Today was peaceful.” He chuckled.
“Dinner will be ready in 10. So you can take a shower first, sir.” You bowed, acting like a maid.
“I’ll be back.” Joel chuckled as he shook his head at your joke.
*10 minutes later*
Joel went down the stairs looking fresh after a shower.
“Smells good.” Joel sniffed.
“You always said that.” You scoffed.
“I’m being honest.” Joel glared at you.
“Well, thank you.” You smiled.
You and Joel dug in and ate the meal you cooked.
“So, I’ve got some ideas for Sarah’s first birthday party.” You took out your notebook.
“Uh-huh. What do you got?” 
“I was thinking of a pink themed kind of birthday party. What do you think?” You squinted your eyes.
“Hmm, how about purple? I’m seeing Sarah as a purple girl.” Joel voted purple.
“Yes sir. Purple it is.” You wrote purple on your notebook.
“About the cake, I have talked to my baker and he has this amazing design in mind. You’ll love it.” 
“I’ll leave it to you, miss.” 
Sarah’s Birthday D-1
You and Joel decorated the house with purple flowers and purple balloons. You used helium for the balloon so it could fly to the ceilings. 
"Never meant to cause you any sorrow~"
Joel sang as he held the balloon pumper as a microphone near his mouth. 
You turned your head right away as you heard a high-pitched voice singing. 
"Seriously?" You put your hands to your waist staring at him. 
"Never meant to cause you any pain" Joel closed his eyes and continued singing.
You inhaled some of the helium and jumped to the couch. 
"I only wanted to one time to see you laughing.."  
You sang and Joel stopped because he was impressed by you.
"I only wanted to see you in the purple rain" 
You started to sing like a real singer on the stage but you were just on Joel's couch. 
"Purple rain
Purple rain" 
Joel inhaled another helium and sang with you together. The two of you burst into laughter. You couldn't stop laughing, your stomach hurts.
"Okay, okay. Stop it. My stomach hurts from laughing." You pressed your stomach. 
"I didn't know you like Prince." You bumped Joel's arm.
"Purple rain is like my jam." Joel squinted his eyes.
"Wait, did you choose purple because of the song? Purple as in purple rain?" You furrowed your brows confused as you joined the dots. He shrugged.
"I..may have chosen purple because of purple rain." He admitted. 
"You're sooo predictable." You shook your head and poked his chest with your index finger.
The birthday cake was big and purple. It was a two tier cake with pearls and sparkly butterflies around it. You thanked your baker for making Sarah a beautiful birthday cake. 
Sarah wore a purple dress with a purple bow tie bandana headband around her head. You and Joel had bought them a few days ago at the mall. 
"Happy birthday, you cute little girl!" One of your employees from the cafe shook her little hand gently. 
"Whoaa, who is this pretty little girl here?" Another friend from your cafe came to her while baby Sarah was in Joel's arms. 
"Happy birthday, purple girl." Flo came and stroked her head. 
"Say thank you, babygirl." Joel bounced Sarah and she babbled. 
"You're welcome." Flo gave you a gift box for Sarah and you put it on the table piled with presents. 
Everyone was happy to celebrate Sarah's birthday. They were like a second family to her. She spent every day with them and you at the cafe. And they loved her too. 
“Hey, you old fucker. And hey there you, babygirl. Happy birthday, my sweet little niece.” An unfamiliar man approached the two of you and kissed baby Sarah’s head.
“Tommy!” Joel hugged his younger brother.
“(y/n), this is Tommy, my younger brother. Tommy this is (y/n). She’s uh-she’s my neighbor. She’s the one who came up with all of these.” Joel introduced you to Tommy and pointed around the house.
“Hi, Tommy. I’m (y/n). Nice to meet you. Joel helped a lot too.” You shook Tommy’s hand.
“So you guys-uh-together?” Tommy asked.
“We’re neighbors.” You answered and Joel nodded.
“Okay. If you want to say it that way. I’m sure you guys are more than that anyways.” Tommy raised both of his opened palms in the air. 
“Okay, now I’m gonna mingle and see if I can talk to that pretty girl.” Tommy walked away and talked to a girl, who was apparently to be Flo. 
“I didn’t know you had a brother.” You chuckled.
“Well, you know about it now.” Joel kissed Sarah’s cheek.
“He seems..” You pouted as you were looking for the right word.
“Friendly. Very much friendly.” You smirked.
“Yep, he is.” 
“Why don’t we gather everyone and sing happy birthday?” You rested your hand at Joel’s shoulder then to Sarah’s head.
"Everyone! Joel here has something to say." You gathered everyone's attention.
"What? I thought you were the one who-" Joel whispered to you and bumped your arm.
"Shh.. come on do the speech." You whispered back to him. 
"I didn't prepare anythin'." He panicked.
"You can do it. Come on." You patted his back. 
"Hi-uh-I'm Joel. I'm sure you all know Sarah. She's turning one today. Thank you for takin' care of her every day at the cafe. I really appreciate it. You are all a second family to her. Why don't we-uh-sing happy birthday to my little girl?" Joel was sweating. You could see it dripping to the back of his neck but you just chuckled. You found him cute this way.
*Everyone started to sing*
Joel sang half way and he stopped singing so you turned to him. His eyes were locked to a woman who just came into the house. She was his ex-wife and her current boyfriend. 
"Joel.." You stroked his upper arm. 
"Hold Sarah for me?" He passed Sarah to your arms. 
"Okay." You took her from his arms and held her, bouncing her a bit. 
Joel sighed as he walked towards his ex-wife. He didn't let her see Sarah. He dragged her outside the house avoiding everyone to see the drama that would happen. 
"Everything's gonna be okay, baby. Your dad got this. Let's just be happy and celebrate your birthday. Today's your special day." You talked to baby Sarah and kissed her forehead.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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gingerjolover · 3 months
I need jb riding my strap for Valentine’s Day 🫠❤️💗
this one is SO highly requested, and ive got some opinions
shall we take a blurb-esque journey together?
RPF smut under da cut, minors gtfo<3
there was no specification for reader but i think this could be soft!gf reader or even masc!reader bc realistically i think you're getting treated like a princess on valentines day
i do think jules has certain feelings about v-day like maybe the capitalistic affects on holidays riddled with consumerism
but she also will use ANY excuse to spoil you
so vday could be a day where jb literally just does whatever you want, like you wanna go to the aquarium? you bet your ass she's taking you to the aquarium. movie marathon? oh babe, she's on it and has snacks and drinks and the living room all cozy and decked out
depending on how long your relationship has been going on for or even if its relatively new but maybe it' your first vday together, its clear that jb is a GIVER
like she would literally rip the moon from the sky and give it to you kneeling down holding it on a silver platter for your taking
but the one thing that you really want is to give back to her
and there are plenty of things that you can do for jules, she strikes me as a "just wanna be in the same room and breathe the same air" kind of lover
like after a long day you washing her hair, giving her tense muscles a massage, rubbing cuticle oil on her nails and giving her hands a massage with some nice lotion, "coloring" in her tattoos, or even just giving her a long hug or cuddling and pressing kisses to her skin are all acceptable physical means of compensation for what she does for you
but she doesn't ask for things, especially during sex
she strikes me as someone who isn't quite stone, but maybe somewhere adjacent where like yes of course she wants to get off but she finds SO much pleasure in making you feel good that sometimes she doesn't NEED to
but you want to spoil her so after a really nice dinner or maybe a fun day at home, you're both snuggled up and on the couch or the bed and i think the approach might be a little different
soft!gf is definitely more timid when initiating sex, not like timid like shy but more passive? like jb knows your body better than you do practically and she knows by the way you squirm that you want her to fuck you
regardless, i think jb's perfect starting point is her being able to make you cum at least once with her mouth/fingers OR a combo
like thats a starting point, it can only build up from there but to her that is the best way for her to gauge where you're at and its a good spot for her to be (girlie LOVES to be between your thighs, she eats like she's never eaten before i will die on this hill)
and jb will usually kiss up your body afterwards, her wet chin and lips smacking kisses on every part of your skin
the little fucker loves to press her lips to yours, mumbling against your mouth, usually along the lines of "tastes good, hm?", moving away from your lips and pressing kisses on your face, her brown eyes twinkling mischievously
and usually your hands in her hair as she makes her way down, tongue and teeth teasing a nipple, sucking hickeys into your chest but tonight you tug on her hair gently
she looks up, lips all puffy and pink, baby cow eyes blown out with lust, "what're ya rushin' me for?" or something comes out of her mouth, her lil southern twang making an appearance
and you're like, "the strap," and she's smirking, thinking you're being needy and she tries to dive back in, "be patient..."
"no i- i wanna use it on you," tumbles out of your mouth, confidence skyrocketing from your first orgasm
and she looks like a deer in headlights being like, "huh- w-what?"
and all it really takes is you whining a please, before she's helping you adjust it on your body
i feel like soft!gf has very little experience actually wearing the strap, maybe masc!gf has more experience despite jb being the giver in the relationship
either way jb is sitting lowkey awkwardly, her cheeks are a pink mess or she's doing that eye thing where it's kinda giving side eye
"we don't- i don't have to do this jay, i can just use my mouth," you say, making sure she knows she has full control
and she's stammering like, "what?! no i just-"
"what baby?" you ask her so sweetly, running a hand through her hair, and she's shaking like a fucking leaf
"if you keep looking at me like that with that, thing, on you i'm gonna cum," she says quickly, hella embarrassed that just you kneeling on the bed with it is doing something to her
it's honestly a blur but next thing you know jb is on top, riding the strap, your hands on her hips
and she talks about you being whiny.... biiiiitch she is the WHINIEST mf ever on the strap okay
she literally can't form coherent words, her forehead is glued to your shoulder, her breathing heavy as her hands press on the bed next to your head
you have to encourage her to keep going, truthfully she doesn't have a ton of rhythm, like the way she moves her hips is sloppy because she's feeling more than just the base of the strap on her clit like she would normally feel
i think you'd adjust slightly, pushing her up gently and thrusting upwards and she would damn near shriek
it takes a lot to get her worked up sexually, she's the dirty talker when she's domming you but she has no words, just little mumbles and whines and whimpers and they sound so pretty you can't help but patronize her just a bit because she does the same to you but a million times worse casually
"doing so good jay," you'd breathe out and she's about to lose it
poor jb's literally leaking all over the base of the strap like she can't help it
and when she cums she literally squeals and you have to stifle a giggle because her face is buried into your neck
she moves in to overstim territory pretty quickly so you kinda move her off of it and pull out which she does not like and she kinda huffs when you do
and then you pull out all the stops
lots of kisses, warm cloth, ice water through a silicon straw (she likes to bite them this is my hc another hill i will die on), words of affirmation and praise and then a nice soak in the tub
i wouldn't say she's in subspace but she is kind of in a haze until she's laying with her back against your front in the tub and its almost like she sobers up
"you're in my spot," she grumbles, the grumpiness in her voice a result of absolute vulnerability
you just giggle, pushing her hair out of her face and kissing her cheeks
"we can switch" before she's scoffing like of course you were going to switch
there is definitely a debrief about how she felt, i think she can't quite articulate how much she likes it but its not going to be an everyday thing because as much as it felt good she feels more pleasure getting you off
*insert cheesy "happy valentine's day" exchange here* which julien engages in with an eye roll and a small smile before going into the history of western consumer driven holidays
and of course when engaging in pillowtalk, she does spitball some "new positions" that you could try if "you ever want to ya know, wear the strap again," and you're like.... "so you liked it?" with a smirk, and she's kinda playing it off before being like, "maybe for my birthday we could..."
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maralarsen · 2 months
He is my misfortune 🎀
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~Lorenzo Berkshire x reader~
WARNING: cursing
°Nepriateľ milovníkov°
Summary : You unhappily end up tutoring a boy who brings you more misery than life itself
• |Reader is in Hufflepuff
• | I plan to make another part/parts. But I don't know if you will like this part, so I'll see 🎀
Lorenzo Berkshire. A lot of people think of this name as a smiling face of a boy who is always positive, laughing and sometimes even kind. The only thing that comes to mind with this name is disaster. Everywhere he goes something always goes wrong. Either I'm unlucky with him or I really don't know anymore.
For example, my Hufflepuff friends and I were in Hogsmeade. It was cold, so we went to the Three Broomsticks to warm up like every student at Hogwarts. A pleasant atmosphere prevailed there, at least I felt pleasant until I saw his face. At that moment, I sighed and realized that another problem was on the way.
We sat down at the table next to his. And why ? The reason was clear. Berkshire wasn't sitting there alone, he was there with his crew. For my friends, it was literally a feast for their eyes. I don't understand what they like about guys who just drink, smoke and change girls like socks.
That's not my type at all. I'd rather have some nice boy who likes to cuddle, go on cute dates, buy me flowers and..."What the f*ck?!" I was snapped out of my reverie about a boy who might not even exist by the boy who was the most annoying to me. nerves. "Sh*t Berkshire watch out! Great, I'm all wet now," oh of course who else but Berkshire could have tripped over his own feet and spilled butterbeer on me. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, this really wasn't on purpose," Berkshire apologized with a smile on his face.
I heard how his friends started laughing in the back, especially Malfoy, another icon of the school. I wanted to cry. I don't understand why he always has to do this to me. "I said sorry, don't be so relational, it's just beer, it will dry out," I looked at him in disbelief.
"Yes, it will dry out. But it's your fault that it's wet!" I stood up and left the room. Why does he always have to do this to me? Fool. I got on the first carriage I saw and went back to the castle.
This happened about a month ago, I'm currently sitting in the library completing an assignment on herbology. I really don't enjoy this subject, but somehow I still manage it. Unlike Berkshire. Whatever he is, I feel sorry for him. He's been sitting here in the library since lunch, and I can see he's still doing the same thing, with a herbology book spread out in front of him.
During that time, I managed to make elixirs, astrology and now also herbology. Maybe I would help him, but that's what he needs. Unfortunately, the butter beer cannot be washed off. He's lucky he covered my old sweatshirt and not a new one.
Curfew is in a moment. I pack my things in my bag and I look at Berkshire, but he is already looking at me. Why is he looking at me? Better do your homework, moron. I smirk, take my bag and leave the library.
The next day I enter the greenhouses, as I expected, I had a good homework and so did the others except Berkshire. "Mr. Berkshire, I don't want to worry you, but you're failing Herbology," Mrs. Sprout said sternly. Berkshire didn't say anything, just stared blankly at the ground. "Are you going to do anything about it, Mr. Berkshire?" the teacher asked him. "
Well...I...I don't know..." Mrs. Spraut just sighed and announced: "Mr. Berkshire, I suggest that someone tutor you. He will tutor you for 3 weeks, 2 times a week. And I already know who ." She suddenly turned her gaze to me. Wait. NOT. He probably can't be serious. After all, one more moment in the same room with him, and that boy will set my hair on fire with his happiness.
"M...Mind..Mind me?" I stammered back to her. "Huh? Do you have a problem with that Mrs. (y/l/n)???" "Um, no?" I replied, more of a question than an answer, "excellent! You can leave at the end of class!"
What on earth did she dip it in, and why me? I ran out of the greenhouses into the corridor to make it to the next class. "Hey! Wait!" "oh god what do you want?" I turned to face Berkshire. "Wouldn't you like to go...ah!" I reached for his shirt and pulled him to the side "You were standing in way, Lorenzo," "Oh, thank you." So wouldn't you like to go for a beer with me? We could..." "No! There's no way I'm going anywhere with you anymore. The last time you had a beer in your hand, it ended on me. So no!" I said even before he could finish the sentence and I turned to leave "Jesus, you're terrible," he said with a laugh in his voice "but I still don't like you!" I said and went into the corridor.
As I expected, it happened. He chased me. "Why are you following me like a lost puppy?" "I was waiting for you to calm down," I looked at him in disbelief. "You're kidding, aren't you?!" "When was I kidding," he replied with a grin. I swear if that boy was closer I would slap him. "Oh well, well. So what do you want so urgently that you're chasing me," "I just wanted to ask about the date of the first meeting," he said quietly. "Why didn't you ask right away?"
"Because you didn't let me talk you into it?! Did you!?" that bastard... "When is convenient for you?" I asked him with a sigh. "Whenever you want, I can do it any time," "Then Wednesdays and Fridays. I want to have peace from you during the weekend," "Mrs. (y/l/n)'s order!" he turned and left. Oh god it's going to be a month.
• | This is my second story so I apologize for any mistakes + English is not my first language ✨
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daddypriceugh · 9 months
Special suprise
Another angst story :')
tw: cheating (?)
You always thought that death would be the only thing that could separate your love. Oh how wrong you were.
This naive thinking got you into this position, which seemed to get worse by every second.
Was it something you said? Or done? Were it your parents that wished for grandchildren? Or maybe...no it couldn't be that. He couldn't have fallen out of love...right?
Even if he did, he would have told you. Like he did with everything.
Well whatever it was, it led to him doing the one thing you never thought he could do.
Breaking your heart.
Shattered it to pieces and stepped on it. At least it felt like that.
The way he kissed her was how he kissed you. Passionate and full of love.
His arms held her hips and pulled her  closer to him. Caressing the soft skin that was only covered by underwear.
And you? You were only standing in the doorway not knowing what to do. The takeaway that you held in your hands, was being crushed by your balled fists.
You watched as he broke the kiss to stare into her eyes.
Love. That's all you saw. Maybe even mixed with a bit of adoration.
That should be you. That had been you just some days ago.
How could everything escalate so quickly?
The numbness of your body was beginning to fade, as you realised that it wasn't you anymore that he desired.
It was her. And only her.
Tears began to form in your eyes and your throat closed. You unintentionally let go of the bag of takeaway, letting it fall to the ground.
This seemed to be the moment of realisation for him, that they were being watched. His eyes snapped to yours and panic filled them.
You just shook your head at him, feeling a tear roll down your flushed cheeks.
You saw him trying to push away the girls arms, but that didn't matter anymore. The damage had already been done.
Leaving the bedroom was one of the easiest but also most difficult things you had ever done.
It meant that you have to leave all the memories in there. Memories full of love and passion. Love makings that always filled your heart with happiness. It all would be gone as soon as you step a foot out of the house.
Hearing the frantic steps and shouts of your name, made you jog to the door. He sounded so sad and guilty, but you didn't care anymore. That's at least what you told yourself.
You hand was already on the door handle, when you were stopped by arms engulfing you into a hug.
"Baby please don't leave I'm sorry" his head hung low as he tried to make eye contact with you.
Not wanting to give him that satisfaction, you pried his arms off of you and smacked him across the face.
It felt good. He deserved it.
"Fuck you Simon" your voice was full of hatred.
You didn't let him register what happened as you opened the door to step outside.
The cold winter air hit you as you ran to your car. You stepped inside and turned it on, not wasting a second to hit the gas and drive away.
The anger you felt was replaced by sadness. Why? Why did he do it? Why today...
Your phone rang and you picked it up to read the message. It was a dangerous thing to do, for sure, but you couldn't care less at the moment.
You opened the chat to see that your Mom was the one that texted you.
,,Hello darling! I wish you a happy birthday. Have a nice day with Simon. Heard he had a special suprise for you ;).
Special suprise huh? Well it was indeed a suprise.
You threw the phone on the backseat and looked onto the dark and empty street, preparing for a new beginning.
The idea sounded better in my head :')
Critique and tips for improvements are always welcome.
Anyway, i hope you have a nice day! <3
(English is not my first language so please excuse grammar mistakes <3)
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oleander-comic · 2 months
Chapter One
After some deep thought and consideration, I have decided to change the entire story of this comic, as well as the update schedule to Mondays and Wednesdays instead.
Without further ado, I present the new and improved Oleander:
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How does it feel to have been tricked, huh? God starting over with an entirely overhauled plot would be... so not great considering I'm a little ways off from being halfway done with the comic (I'm also a consistent schedule enjoyer at heart so the update days will still be only on a Tuesday or Thursday). Since I've got your attention anyway, I apologize for taking so long with this update. I know 3 and a half months isn't a long time in the span of things and not a long time to take to make an entire chapter, but it feels like a lot to me, especially because this time last year I was getting updates out in 3 and a half weeks. Thank you all for being so nice to me and I hope you have a good rest of your day. I'll see y'all at the REAL update next Tuesday <3
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