#also he founds this endlessly amusing
prythianpages · 4 months
Starstruck | Eris x Rhysand's Sister
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series masterlist | summary: Eris finds out the truth of your powers and strikes a bargain with you.
word count: 3.9K
warnings: mentions of blood (from a nose bleed), vague mention of child abuse (there's a flashback of kid Eris, where he has a bruise on his cheek from Beron)
a/n: This takes place right after the events of Just A Girl but in Eris's POV.
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The ballroom falls into a stunned silence upon your dramatic exit, the heavy doors slamming shut behind you. Eris pauses, savoring the tension that now crackles in the air. His sharp eyes scan the room, settling on the gathered High Lords and Rhysand.
The firstborn to the Night Court’s lips are pressed tightly together but the occasional shake of his shoulders betrays him. It appears that High Lord Thesan shares the same sentiment, eyes sparkling with poorly concealed amusement. Eris’s gaze then finally lands on his father’s.
High Lord Beron’s face is flushed, his jaw tense in the heat of discussion with your father. His hands gesture wildly, each movement betraying his agitation and High Lord Orion surprisingly just takes it. There’s no apprehension on his face and no mouthing of apologetic words. In fact, High Lord Orion keeps his gaze on Beron but motions for the orchestra to continue playing, bringing life back into the ballroom. Eris’s mouth twitches as he fights to suppress his laughter, wishing his mother had been here to witness it too.
His father had it coming but never would Eris have thought it’d come from you.
He shifts his weight, the rich fabric of his attire whispering against the polished moonstone wall. He lets out a slow, measured breath and then, he counts to sixty. He casts one more glance at his father, before turning away, the ghost of a chuckle finally escaping his lips. He slips out the double doors with an unhurried grace, despite the sudden urge to see you.
Ever since he met you, Eris has been endlessly curious about you. His eyes found you at every event, attention always drawn to you. You were the first daughter to be born to a High Lord and given your older brother’s reputation, it left many–Eris, himself included–what role you would take on.
Would you carry on as emissary? Would you marry for power? Or would you fight for the title of Night Court heir as the sons of Spring and Autumn do? And if so, with what power? At least that question was answered tonight.
Words were seldom spoken amongst one another but Eris had meant to change that tonight. However, it seemed that every year, the demand for your attention only grew higher. Not only were you proving yourself to be a fae capable of great power and responsibility but also of remarkable beauty.
One of Spring’s sons–Heathen, or whatever his name was, Eris couldn’t bring himself to care–was your latest victim. He kept you occupied most of the night and despite your apparent disinterest, Eris found your interactions far too entertaining to save you from it.
Eris has frequented the Court of Nightmares but the Moonstone Palace? Not so much. It’s a beautiful maze of opalescent luster with long corridors. Sheer amethysts curtains flutter from the open windows and as he pauses, he picks up on a subtle jasmine scent. He follows it, allowing it to lead him to you.
He finds you in what appears to be a moon garden, surrounded by white peonies and cosmos. A stone arch rests in the middle, where a cascade of jasmine blooms alongside the weathered crevices. The flowers gleam faintly, reminiscent of the tiny stars scattered across the night sky above. You’re leant against the arch, head tilted upwards,  eyes closed and wings slightly curled in.
The moonlight kisses your skin, making you appear as delicate and radiant as the flowers that surround you.  You are like a sweet dream in a Court of Nightmares. Eris takes a step forward, his breath catching at the sight of you. He hesitates, noticing the furrow of your brows. Could you sense him?
But then, he sees something dark trickle down your nose.
Your eyes flutter open, a curse slipping from your lips as you instinctively pinch the bridge of your nose and lean forward. Eris is quick to act as he pulls a handkerchief from the inner pocket of his suit. The fabric is soft and embroidered with his initials in red thread—a detail you fail to notice in your distress.
Without hesitation, you take the handkerchief, pressing it to your nose to staunch the bleeding. “I’m in no mood to deal with the consequences of my actions right now. Save your lecture for tomorrow,” you groan out, your voice tinged with frustration and fatigue.
“Too bad,” Eris tuts. He rejoices in the reaction his voice stirs from you, watching as your body tenses, goosebumps rising on the exposed skin of your arms. “I had an entire speech planned.”
Eris watches with bated breath as you slowly lift your gaze. Your glare is instant and you're shoving the bloodied handkerchief at his chest, not caring if it stains his shirt.
“A thank you would suffice,” Eris says, biting back his amusement, letting the handkerchief fall to the ground. You don’t say anything, your eyes scanning his face in a wary manner.
“That stunt you pulled back there…,” Eris trails off, tilting his head towards the direction of the ballroom. He then gestures to your nose.  “Pretty reckless, if you ask me.”
You narrow your eyes, feeling the heat of his gaze and challenge in his words. “Did your father send you here to leave me a message? Pretty embarrassing not to confront me himself, if you ask me,” you finally bite back.
The gravel crunches softly under your heels as you turn away, desperate to put some distance between you both. Eris’s expression shifts, a flicker of determination crossing his face. He refuses to let you go so easily so he mirrors you, taking a step forward for every step you take away from him. 
 “Where are you going? To go retrieve those bastard watch dogs of yours? Don’t tell me you’re scared of me.”
You stop, your wings slightly flaring out behind you. His words strike a chord within you. Just as he expected them to. His gaze lingers on your wings longer than they should. He’s insulted those barbarian so called “brothers” of yours multiple instances for those same exact membranous appendages but on you…on you…he rather not finish that thought for he fears what other emotions they may bring forth.
Eris snaps out of his trance as you turn to face him. He finds himself the recipient of the same seething expression you gifted his father earlier in the ballroom. He should be scared. He can feel the great extent of your power coursing through your veins. How had he not sensed it before?
 Darkness begins to seep out from the velvet expanse of your wings as if your body can no longer contain the strong force itself. There’s a primal instinct warning him of danger, to run. Yet, his feet remain rooted to the ground, even as you walk back to him.
The garden seems to hold its breath, the night creatures lurking among the bushes and trees pausing their song to listen in. Their anticipation seeps into him too as he awaits your move. The skirt of your ballgown brushes against his shoes as you lean in and he’s suddenly overwhelmed with your scent.
 “What do you want?”
“To congratulate you,” Eris responds smoothly, his voice as casual as if he were discussing the weather, despite the flutter of his heart. He can only hope you don’t pick up on it. He feigns a nonchalant shrug, echoing the same mannerisms you displayed earlier. With deliberate steps, he crosses the space between you and you take another step back until the stone arch presses against your back.
Reaching over your side, Eris plucks a delicate white peony from the garden. The soft petals tremble in his grasp as he offers it to you, his hand extended in a gesture that should be innocuous, yet somehow feels laden with hidden meaning. 
But you don’t accept the flower.
So Eris moves closer, his fingers deftly tucking the small flower behind your ear. The gentle touch startles you, your breath hitching. He leans in toward your ear, his breath warm against your skin. The sensation sends a ripple through your wings and the sight stirring something deep inside him.
“Well done, my lady,” he whispers and he can hear the way your pulse quickens. The fire in his veins burns brighter, the heat of his presence becoming suffocating in its intensity. “For your role in establishing peace between the Spring Court and the rest of Prythian. Quite astonishing that High Lord Caldwell agreed to those unfair conditions so easily.”
The tension grows thicker and hotter, a silent battle of wills simmering between you. You can sense the danger in his proximity, the underlying threat in his words. And yet, despite the warning bells that should be ringing in your mind at his display of power, there's a part of you inexplicably drawn to the danger he brings.
Eris should’ve known better, finding his power being undermined. You’ve been trained to dance with danger and the unexpected all your life. The dark tendrils that hid within your wings fly out like leaves fluttering in the wind, teasing him with a chilling caress.
“What can I say? I’m pretty convincing.”
Your voice is surprisingly steady and Eris does not miss the retaliation for his threat in your tone. He lets out a thoughtful hum before pulling back. Amber eyes study your face carefully, catching the way your lips curl into a coy smile.
 “Or a master of emotional manipulation…”
“Me?” You say with a small laugh, pointing at yourself for added emphasis. “I’m just a girl.”
Eris raises a brow at you. His body straightens, hands crossing behind his back as he towers over your smaller frame. You raise an eyebrow back in challenge, not fazed at all.
“I doubt anyone will see you as just a girl after tonight,” Eris says, mocking your tone. “What would the High Lords think of you once they learn that the emissary of the Night Court is an empath? Surely, you know my father wouldn’t take that well…Nor would the Spring Court as they are among your victims.”
“Careful, Eris,” you say, voice smooth and rich. It’s the first time you’ve said his name and he can’t help but fall captive to it, allowing it to wrap around him with an enchanting warmth. It’s short lived as a cool caress teases at his throat. Your darkness. 
“It seems like you’re accusing me of something.”
You were no stranger to dancing with danger but Eris was no stranger to dancing with fire.
“Perhaps, I am.”
“Perhaps, you are confused.”
The dark tendrils lingering around his throat press harshly and his jaw tenses in response. Your gaze hardens, defiance flickering in the depths of your eyes and Eris feels his own emotions heighten. There's a thrill in the air, electric and charged. It tickles at his senses, his visions and thoughts threatening to become a blur.
 Ah, there she is, he thinks as he pushes against the wave. Eris's lips curl into a smug smile as a flash of shock crosses your features. Fleeting but unmistakable. Nonetheless he savors the moment, relishing the sight of your carefully crafted facade slipping.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you continue, despite the tumult of emotions swirling beneath the surface. 
The dark tendrils at his throat disappear into the shadows and Eris lets out an exhale, disguising it as a scoff. His hand reaches out, lifting your chin up to meet his gaze and you hold it.
“You can’t fool me, pretty girl.”
Your gaze softens, if only for a moment, and Eris takes advantage of it. “Did you think I’d forget?”
Realization dawns on you, spreading across your face as you remember the first time you met Eris. That was years ago. You were both children and you’re quick to push it away, not wanting to let the innocence of the memory distract you as he wants it to. 
“You’re right,” you tell him. “I can’t fool you but I can make you feel pain.”
Your hand grips his wrist, yanking his hand away from your face. Your gaze darkens once more, gaining your resolve back. You underestimated him and Eris recognizes he needs to act quick. You won’t make the same mistake again. 
“Pain so heavy, it’s suffocating,” you say and Eris struggles to push against the pressure threatening to invade his senses. He takes a step back.
Eris suppresses his wince, masking the growing pain. Something that he's learned to do, given his history with pain. His amber eyes sweep over you from head to toe, tracing every curve and contour with an intensity that he knows leaves a burning sensation in their wake by the way your eyebrows furrow.
 Finally, his eyes meet yours once more. “Don’t tempt me with a good time.”
Your carefully donned mask finally falls and your power releases its heavy hold on him. He feels like he can breathe again. 
“What do you want?” you demand once more. 
There’s apprehension in your tone and he doesn’t need your empath abilities to know the effect he had on you. Your emotions are written all over your face. it’s strange, the way it sends warmth to swell in his chest. 
“Money? Land in the Court of Nightmares?”
“My silence is going to cost you a lot more than that,” Eris laughs with a smirk.
“My hand in marriage?” You continue, the words tumbling from your lips with a bitter taste. The thought of binding yourself to him, of sacrificing your freedom for the sake of secrecy, fills you with a sense of dread.
His smirk transforms into something more sinister, more fox-like. It sends a shiver racing down your spine and you begin to fear his answer.
“How about a bargain? I know your court is quite fond of those.”
You raise a brow in question, a silent invitation for him to voice his desires. To lay his cards on the table and reveal the true extent of his demands. Eris’s amusement is palpable. He can feel the desperation radiating off of you and he revels in it. Such a powerful fae like yourself is at his mercy.
“My silence in exchange for a favor,” he finally says.
“What kind of favor?”
“Well, if I told you, it would ruin the fun,” he replies, voice dripping with mischief.
“You and I have different definitions of fun,” you retort, a cold edge creeping into your tone.
“Suit yourself then. I should return to my father, fill him in.” Eris says and he begins to walk away. One..two.., he counts silently in his head.
“Wait!” you call out, your hand reaching out to grasp his, fingers closing around him with a desperate urgency. Three. 
“As long as you help keep my secrets, I will owe you a favor.”
“As long as I keep my mouth shut about your empath abilities, you will owe me a favor,” Eris specifies, catching on to you easily. He resists the urge to turn around to face you.
With a deep exhale, you utter a single word: “Deal.”
A warmth begins to spread from the point where your hands meet, a sensation that starts as a gentle tingling before intensifying into a searing heat. Eris feels the strength of the bargain as it etches itself onto his skin.
Turning back to face you, Eris allows his gaze to fall down to the wrist you still hold. He lets you pull back the cuff of his sleeve along with his coat up to his elbow. A delicate vine winds its way across his skin, adorned with leaves and blossoms that mirror the jasmines of the night court.
A hiss escapes you. It has Eris lifting his gaze. He catches the fleeting moment of vulnerability that flashes across your features as your hand instinctively flies to the back of your neck. He doesn’t have to ask to know that the same design is etched onto the back of your neck.
Yet, he’s filled with the desire to see it. To brush your hair aside, to touch the softness of your skin as he traces the contour of the tattoo with his fingertips.
Instead, he watches as your eyes momentarily glaze over, your mind seeming to drift elsewhere before snapping back to the present with a blink. You release his wrist from your grip and take a step back, as if suddenly aware of the dangerous proximity between you two.
“I have to go.”
You bend down to pick up the bloody handkerchief that he had already forgotten about, clenching it tightly into your fist. And then, you’re walking away from him. He wonders if you sense his gaze lingering on your wings, because in the blink of an eye, they vanish.
“What a shame,” Eris calls out after you. “The fun was just about to get started!”
You pause. Turning your head, Eris catches a glimpse of a cynical smile and he thinks you may just come back to him. But then, you’re lifting one of your hands to flick him off and he can't help but smile.
A twinkle dances in your eyes, shimmering like the stars above. The very same one that left him starstruck all those years ago…
years ago...
Eris sits underneath an oak tree, basking in the sunlight that filters through the interwoven leaves of fiery oranges and deep reds. He cradles a small bundle of fur to his chest, gently stroking the velvety length of its ears with his thumb. He uses his free hand to bring a bottle of milk to the tiny pup, a furrow creasing his brow as he observes the animal’s reluctance to feed.
“You need to eat,” he murmurs softly in concern and then even more quietly, he says, “you need to live.”
The pup lets out a small whimper in response, its frail and thin body sagging against him. Tears begin to burn Eris’s eyes, blurring his vision. Eris had stumbled upon the pup a couple of days ago when riding in the forests of Autumn alongside his father. He had followed the cries and whimpers, despite his father telling him not to. The bloodhound pup was left alone to die, leaving Eris to conclude that it must’ve been the runt of its litter. He knew the small animal was sick the moment he picked him up, closer to death than life itself.
Yet, he still begged his father to keep it as he was filled with the sudden urge to protect it. “Fine,” his father had agreed with a disgruntled huff. “Perhaps, it is time you learn what the world does to such weak beings.”
But Eris was determined.
He spent hours in the library with the sick pup cradled in his arms, searching for remedies to help. Nothing seemed to be working but he refused to allow his determination to wave. He wanted to–no, he needed to prove his father wrong.
To prove that something weak can become strong.
“Your pup is sad. She misses her mother.”
Eris startles at the voice. He had been so lost in his thought he hadn’t noticed that someone approached him. He lifts his gaze, blinking at the bright sun until his vision clears. There’s a young girl standing in front of him. She looks to be around his age.
She steps forward, blocking the glare of the sun from his view and takes a closer look at his pup. Eris merely stares at her. He recognizes her as the girl who arrived at the forest house, clinging onto High Lord Orion’s leg. He had been in this same exact spot when she arrived earlier, the scene still painted very vividly in his mind. Because the way she had looked up at her father with such adoration and to have it reflected back as he looked down at her brought a dull ache to his chest.
“And you need a salve for that nasty bruise of yours,” the girl adds.
Eris’s hand instinctively reaches up to his cheek and winces. The bruise is still fresh. A gift from his father. “I don’t need anything. I’m fine,” he replies with a glare.
“You’re in pain but okay,” the girl merely shrugs. She then settles herself across from him and Eris’s scowl deepens. 
“What are you doing?”
“My name is y/n,” she tells him.
“I didn’t ask.”
The girl remains unfazed by his grumpy demeanor. In fact, she seems to make herself even more comfortable, the autumn leaves crunching as she crosses her legs.  “May I?” She asks, gesturing toward the pup.
Eris reluctantly hands the small creature toward her and he doesn’t know why but he feels himself relax, tense shoulders drooping. He watches as the pup nestles its nose comfortably into her neck, letting out a soft whine. The girl giggles and Eris’s eyes widen.
“How did you–”
“Does she have a name?” She interrupts him.
“No,” Eris frowns, regret settling in. He had been too focused on keeping her alive to even consider a name.
The girl reaches out for the bottle in his hand, shifting the pup in her arms to feed her. Once again, the pup refuses to feed. A thoughtful look crosses over the girl’s face. “I think she’s allergic to the milk you’re feeding her,” she says as she hands the pup back to Eris.
Eris glances down at the bloodhound, considering the girl’s words. Perhaps, he should try feeding her goat’s milk instead. His thumb absentmindedly brushes along the pup’s head, stroking over the top of the ear.
“She likes when you do that,” the girl speaks again.
“What are you? An animal whisperer?” Eris teases but there’s an underlying seriousness to his tone.
“Something like that.”
The girl’s head turns at the sound of her name being called. It’s her father. She turns back to Eris. “I have to go,” she says as she stands up, dusting off the skirt of her dress. “You should give her a name, though. I think it'd make her happy.”
Eris finds himself nodding, mind already racing with ideas on what to name the small pup in his arms. He puts those thoughts on a hold as he realizes there’s something he should do. His mother did teach him some manners, after all.
“y/n!" He calls after the girl.
She stops, turning to look back at him. Her brows furrow in question.
“Thank you,” Eris finally says.
A smile graces the girl’s lips. It lights up her entire face, reaching her eyes and Eris swears he sees a twinkle dancing within the depth of them. It leaves him momentarily dazzled. How can a simple smile be so bright?
“You're welcome.”
And as Eris watches you run back to your father, a name for the pup comes to mind.
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[series masterlist]
a/n: any guesses as to what Eris named his first hound? Also, I didn't know what type of hound Eris has in canon so I just went with a bloodhound since they're good at scenting. Tthe flicking off scene was 100% taken from this scene of Maxton Hall because I loved it too much. You can just tell that was the moment James started to fall for Ruby, if he wasn't already.
series taglist: @emy1-9, @lady-of-tearshed, @5onedirection5
general tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria
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thatdeadaquarius · 8 months
GREETINGS! How are you doing? I've been practically gobbling up your posts (there very tasty)
Ok so hear me out- I've seen a couple posts like this but imagine-
The almighty all powerful wise creator isss
✨️A literal child✨️
Thanks for hearing me out! For you ->->❤️
Baby you taking on the world aw
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DAMN SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER!! i started fics before i answered my askbox :/
Aw i fucking love child reader stuff,
Lots of isekai animes/manhwa/manga do it and i eat that shit up everytime-
I also deeply appreciate when its not done creepily, like being turned 8 again, and having crushes on others who are... yknow, actually 8 yrs old or sm fucked up shit, like even if its 16 yr olds that doesnt make it any better, bc the protag will actually be like,, actually 20?!?!💀 the straights r wild man, i feel like it happens either way too, like its usually a male MC but thats just bc theyre more common tbh, like regardless of gender of protag 🥲
Sun: Child God Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short Headcanons
Stars: Mondstadt ppl bc i don't show them i love them enough
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment any I missed. /gen
Klee has recruited converted you to throwing bombs with her.
You are the only leash on that child too and the only thing standing between Jean and full head of gray hair. 💀
Kaeya doesn’t know whether he’s endlessly worried or endlessly amused that the most powerful god is currently a child
if Jean isnt freaking out over ur whereabouts, Diluc is instead, and worst case scenario, Noelle/Lisa/Albedo is in charge of you
and YES someone has to look out for you, bc ur ass will just start making a hot springs spot like ur in ur teapot or smth in dragonspine (Albedo was fascinated it stayed warm despite the weather so he let you make it/enjoy it before asking u to restore natural order lol)
(Albedo has definitely asked to study you and, unfortunately for Jean, asked u to demonstrate several powers u have)
You do work as a lucky charm for Bennett tho so he does babysit u sometimes
it mostly consists of Fischl, Benny, and Razor “adventuring” by trying to do smth like who can jump on the Anemo slimes and ride them around longest
(the answer is you btw, u managed to get a small fleet of them to bus you around, the teens were simultaneously terrified running around below u to catch you and also amazed)
Noelle is so happy making toddler you all the pancakes you can eat, Sucrose had to stop her from going overboard and not just listening completely to kids when it comes to food
She is now very concerned with making you a balanced diet, tho she will still make u an ungodly tall stack of pancakes every now and then <3
They kind of all equally provide for you, obv ur their god, and ur a literal cutie patootie child, they cant just leave you
(also u might like move a mountain or change the weather or smth if they don't watch you so most are a little paranoid of that too)
Lisa gets u all kinds of cute outfits, still stuff you'd like, but definitely snuck in some sumeru looking clothing lol
Fischl lends you all kinds of books to read, Bennett shows u all the cool views in the city and outside of it (when Jean lets him get away with taking u that far), and Razor…
Razor brings you to Andrius and the wolf pack for a wolf pack party and gives u all kinds of shiny trinkets he’d collected for you
Diluc/Jean/Noelle/Eula nearly had a heart attack when they found out
Amber lets you have all the piggyback rides you want lol
she even managed with her own crafting powers (and your probably editing the game code or smth) she somehow makes a reinforced glider with a small harness on the back for you to glide with her
(Venti has definitely helped for some fun flights by boosting the winds for you two)
ur absolutely spoiled rotten by him (and Dvalin, and Andrius, and the wind sprites)
if this god had money he’d spend it on wine and you lol
takes u flying all the time, any time, would drop everything to go to Mondstadt wilds and use his archon form wings to take you wherever you wanna go
tries to bring u to Angel’s Share but Diluc nearly hits him on the head with a wine bottle and brings you back home after kicking Venti out and giving you grape juice (yes you get all you want, within a healthy amount)
anyway the most important part abt you being a god and child is that you can now fulfill your childhood dreams of riding a dragon whenever you want
(one way to quickly get Mondstadt citizens to trust Dvalin again was just constantly seeing him flying overhead, occasionally seeing a small child on his back also helped lol)
(neither you nor Venti tell Jean you ride Dvalin and keep it an active secret from her.)
srry i took so long! i hope u liked my hot mess of writing (i think its even sloppier than usual bc of all the fic writing full sentences lately)
and if not, I'm sorrryyy 😭😭
I'm focusing on getting thru a haul of asks before getting around to posting that Eldritch AU Part 2 if anyone reads this :)
hope u guys are have a great weekend, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! :D
Safe Travels Anon,
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
This is a SAD story with no heartwarming happy end or moment of redemption. It's the middle of the night and I feel depressed, so why not write some sad fiction
You've loved Sanji for a while, but he doesn't even see you. When Nami asks to switch bodies for a day, you experience his devotion for a short while - before going back to being invisible for him
Part 2
Part 3 is actually a choose your own adventure type!
Part 3.1: Zoro or Sanji?
Part 3.2: Law or Sanji?
Also check out my stories and headcanon masterlists
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You weren't sure what she was planning, but Nami assured you that it was of the utmost importance that she borrow your body for a day. She also swore by her mother's trees that it wasn't anything illegal. And also all the money you owed her would be forgotten - so it seemed overall like an acceptable deal.
She somehow blackmailed your crews ally Trafalgar Law into this to make the switch. So when you anchored at an amusement island full of casinos and shopping opportunities, you found yourself in the thin, busty, long legged body of hers.
You looked down at her - in your body - and couldn't help but frown at the small, mousy girl looking up at you with Nami's glint in her eyes.
"Thanks Y/n, take good care of my body. See you tonight!" She saluted you and sprinted off the ship with determination.
Unsure what to do, you wobbled to Nami's closet on your much to long legs that were in much too high heels. Hopefully she had something like a shirt, you felt naked in her Jeans and Bikini Top combo.
Eventually, you found a simple shirt with a round neck and some flats and felt more like yourself immediately.
Getting out into the sun, you enjoyed the feeling of a cool breeze playing with her long hair and sighed.
"Oh Nami-swaaaaan how wonderful to see you this morning! I made extra tasty breakfast for you todaaayyyy!" Sanji screamed with his usual slurred voice. It took you a few seconds to make the connection that he, indeed, was talking to you. Or Nami, wich was gone for the day.
You turned and looked at Sanji who was prancing towards you with heart eyes and an excited expression.
"May I accompany you to the table mademoiselle?" He held out his arm.
You took it, and your heart already pounded like mad in your chest. He was gorgeous, smart and charming. He was strong and kind and had dominated your thoughts since you joined the crew.
Too bad you never lived up to the standard he had for women. Small, mousy, not at all shapely or beautiful. He treated you friendly, but way too often he seemed to overlook you. And he never, ever treated you like your female crewmates.
So this felt new and exciting, his blue eyes looked at you for the first time, really seeing, even if it was not you he really looked at.
Happily, you let him walk you to breakfast and push your chair to the table that was already loaded with all kinds of the crew's favorite food.
"Y/n not coming?" He asked when one seat remained empty.
"She left for the city just a few minutes ago" you answered.
"Very well" He said and absent mindedly took the plate and cutlery away to make place.
Usually, you ate and goofed around with Usopp and Chopper, but of course, you are not here, Nami is. You've barely taken a bite out of your toast when Sanji already inquired if it's to your liking, while simultaneously barking at Luffy and Zoro to remember their manners.
"Nami-swaaan, my sunshine, my diamond, do you need anything else?" He asked, totally in love.
"Uhm, maybe a tea?" You answered, still a little perplexed. He never asked you anything like that before.
"Tea? Of course, right away my angel!" He cooed and hurried back to the kitchen, preparing the tea.
The rest of the breakfast continued just like that - Sanji asking endlessly for your wishes and getting to work immediately when you so much as whispered an answer.
Afterwards, everyone was getting ready to explore the island. You were planning to look through a few bookstores and end the day reading at a cafe.
"Nami-swaaaan, may I accompany you to the city? I will carry all your shopping bags!" He begged you eagerly.
"I don't plan on doing so much shopping..." You said with your hands raised in defense of his onslaught of affection.
"I'll just look around a bit and maybe get a book" you explained as Sanji already sank to one knee, taking your hand.
"Than I will be your bodyguard, the city is dangerous!" He informed you and like that, it was settled that he would come with you.
He wore one of his more casual outfits - a brightly colored hawaian shirt, a fitting tie and short cargo pants - so you two looked more like cringey tourists and less like pirates together.
Going with Sanji to explore the city felt almost like a date, commenting on clothing in shop windows and what would look so nice on Nami's body. You didn't plan on buying clothes that day, you didn't exactly know what she would like anyway, but he was very, very insisting that you at least try on a few things.
Unsure what to do, you left the decision to Sanji and he immediately lead you into one of the store
You tried a few things, just basic shirts and a dress, and of course it looked gorgeous on Nami. She could have worn a potatoe sack and look like a million beri. Sanji was almost swooning and loving every bit of it.
"So beautiful!" He gushed. "Nice body!" He squealed in delight. "Why don't you try this bikini?" He asked as he held up a few shreds of fabric.
"Why don't you try on something?" You asked him, already thinking what kinds of shirts or jackets would suit him best, and trying to discourage him from suggesting more revealing outfits.
Meanwhile at the Casino
Nami wandered past the picture of herself with the fat letters "DO NOT BELIEVE THIS WOMAN" and chuckled to herself. The owner of that chain of casinos kind of had a grudge against her, but the new face she was wearing couldn't be more inconspicuous. And she didn't directly do anything illegal, so it will be absolute fine.
Soon, you flattered him into wearing some nice shirts that accentuated his bright eyes and slender frame. Much like Nami, he could wear pretty much anything and look fabulous, now it was your turn to gush about his looks and search for more outfits.
"Are you sure you don't want to try any more?" He asked insecurely as you handed him another suit to try. He didn't seem to be used to being on that side of the conversation, he talked softly and shyly all of a sudden.
"Do you really think this looks good on me?" He would ask again and again, revealing his sweet side even more.
"Of course, Sanji-kun! You look so handsome in that shirt." You said and saw his cheeks flush like he was a cute maiden.
"In fact, I like it so much that I'll buy it for you" eliciting an expression of pure shock from him.
"That is so nice, but what interest do you want?" He asked, already afraid that he was driven into debt. Of course, Zoro already was looking at an amount he would never pay off in his life, something Sanjin surely wanted to avoid.
"No, I really want to give you a gift. Promise!" You said and took out your purse.
"Really? A gift from my beautiful Nami-swan? I was never more happy!" He was almost crying from joy.
Leaving the store, he hummed and cuddled the fine dress shirt that you bought him, thinking it was a gift from his beloved. He looked so happy and sweet, you would love to shower him with gifts endlessly.
"How about we take a break, eat lunch at a restaurant?" You asked him, getting used to interacting with him in this new constellation. Of course he would say yes and of course he would be delighted at the chance.
"Yes, of absolutely! I'll find the best restaurant in town for you!" He promised and already started to walk towards the restaurant mile.
Like a researcher, he studied every restaurant meticulously, almost like his life depended on it. After what felt like an eternity, he finally decided for a small seaside bistro that looked not at all fancy or outstanding.
As he guided you to a table, he explained: "it may not look like much but their kitchen is filled with fresh herbs and they have few, but excellent dishes."
And he was right, it was fresh and delicious. You used the opportunity to get to know him better, since he usually didn't talk so lengthy to you.
"Tell me about yourself? A few stories from the baratie perhaps?" You asked, shamelessly nosy.
He looked like you had just gifted him the all blue on a pladder.
"You really want to know? About me?" He tentatively asked.
You nodded.
"Oh damn...where should I start? There's so many stories..." Once he started he almost couldn't stop, he seemed delighted by Nami's attention. She usually treated him politely, but held him at arms length if she didn't need anything. You felt a bit bad for changing the relationship somewhat, but you couldn't help but bask just for this one day in his company. Those blue eyes fixed on you, sparkling with joy and love, his pretty mouth telling you about his life. Moments that could be treasured long after this freak magic ended.
You hung on his lips and both of you forgot the time. He told you about the cooks that raised him, how Zeff trained him and how he went from a clueless kid to a master cook.
It felt like you got to know so many new sides to him and you fell in love with all of them. You knew that he was kind, but you didn't know that he loved animals as well. When a cute dog wandered by - telling by his round shape no doubt the villages favorite stray - Sanji absent mindedly scratched it behind the ears and gave it his leftovers.
It got late and the sun was already low in the sky.
"Time to head home, I don't want Luffy to starve tonight" He said with a chuckle.
Over already? He finally relaxed and opened up like never before, desperate to get just a few more moments with him you said: "come on, it's not that late. I bet they already bought something to eat in town. Let's search for a nice spot and watch the sunset!"
He looked speechless, the cigarette he just lit hung loosely from his lips.
"Uhm...sunset...watch...together???" He stammered in shock. "SO IT IS A DATE" he screamed and proceeded to bleed waterfalls from his nose.
No! You promised you wouldn't get Nami into trouble.
"No! No date! You know what, this is my fault, let's get back to the ship." You protested and tried to save the situation.
"What date? Who said something about a date? I just wanted to...uhm..buy some dates for dessert, yes. Let's watch the sunset as friends." He tried to save the situation.
Lucky for him, all you wanted was this moment with him, but without getting Nami into a situation she didn't want.
You found a spot on a low brick wall along the beach and watched the sun paint the sky in violet, pink and soft blue. It was calm and peaceful and you took deep breaths as you took in the beautiful scenery.
You turned to look at Sanji, but he was already staring at you, his mouth open.
"You're so God damn fucking beautiful" He whispered.
"You look like an angel..." he continued and leaned in to kiss you with heavy lidded eyes, competitively enchanted. You forgot who you were and why you were here, all that existed was this gorgeous, soft, wonderful man and you. Your eyes fluttered shut as your heart kicked into overdrive.
"Oh Nami-San" He whimpered when you could already feel his deep, nervous breaths on your face - slapping you back into reality.
This was not your kiss to have. This man didn't even want you. What you did there was deeply, deeply wrong on many levels. You jerked back, gasping, leaving Sanji to lose his balance and crash to the pavement below.
"Oh Nami-swan, your love is hitting me like a brick wall" he said, looking up at you with crossed eyes and a bleeding nose.
Panic rose inside of you - not only did you practically lie to your crewmate Sanji, you abused the body of your friend as well. You looked down her body, reminding you that none of this should be happening. You grabbed the cook at his collar and heaved him up. Emulating Nami's more demanding voice you say:
"NOTHING happened between us today, you hear me? NOTHING. We had a nice shopping tour, ate something AND THAT'S IT."
Baffled and with slightly wet eyes, Sanji nodded.
"And now we're going home." You said and dragged him to his feet. Ignoring his softly whispered questions, you stalked back to the ship on long legs that weren't yours, left a helpless and absolutely devastated Sanji on deck, and shut yourself in the girl's room
Meanwhile: Nami
A broad grin in her face and a big sack of money on her back, Nami left the casino. She won - fair and square. She didn't always need to revert to robbery to get what she wanted - give her a card table and a bit of time and she wins everything just like that.
Nami was banned from all major casinos, so she didn't get to play as much. It was so much fun, she may have overdone it with the beer a little...y/n would surely understand.
Finally, Nami came back, a very sour looking Law in her grasp. After putting everyone in the right body again, Nami gave him a brown paper envelope that he checked briefly, called her a witch, and left for good.
Crushed by guilt and feeling strangely dizzy, you confessed your guilt.
"I swear nothing really happened...I told him to forget it...I'M SO. SO. SORRY!" You collapsed at her feet as she turned in front of the mirror, admiring herself.
"Ah, thanks for the heads up. I'll deal with him, don't worry." She said, totally relaxed as she squeezed her boobs in both hands and pursed her lips, admiring the pose in the mirror.
"God, I missed these two!" She finally exclaimed and dressed in a bikini top and hotpants.
"So he'll be a little more annoying than usual. No biggie. Oh and...by the way? Maybe stay away from casinos for a few months" She said with a wink and ran down to the kitchen for dinner.
You felt like you couldn't show your face to Sanji ever again, when you remembered that you didn't spend the day with him. Nami has. And she would handle it.
You swayed down the stairs and sat down, there was no plate in front of you. Fair enough, you weren't really hungry. You watched Sanji as he carefully wooed Nami with special treats and compliments, all the while looking sad and small. When you finally decided to get up and get your own plate, he mumbled "oh sorry y/n, didn't think you were coming" barely glancing at you. "Just help yourself" He said as he pointed to the mountains of food on the table.
He stalked around Nami for the whole evening, ignoring you completely. Now that you've known how his attention and love felt, his indifference stung more than you could ever have imagined. And there was nothing you could do about it, you were just you. Not interesting.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you excused yourself hastily, fully crying before you could reach the relative privacy of the girls dorm.
You were crying over your own shortcomings, over perfect moments that would never come back, over blue eyes that would never look at you ever again, your pathetic weakness. Agitated, you threw yourself on your bed, bud were unable to fall asleep.
You decided to take a bath to feel better, and it helped, even just a little. Spending a long time relaxing in the hot water, you finally got tired and decided to give sleep another try.
As you walked back to the girls room, shriveled up like dried fruit and with ouffy eyes, you saw Sanji lean over the railing, smoking and looking out to the sea. He looked lost in thought, sad. You would have loved to comfort him, give him just the tiniest piece of happiness back, but it was pointless. He whispered something under his breath. Deciding against eavesdropping, you returned to bed and left him by himself.
"You did quite a number on that guy. He brought me flowers this morning, can you imagine?" Nami told you, chuckling.
"White roses. He's really lost" She added, looking at you for some reaction.
"Sorry..." You muttered, your voice trailing off.
"I shouldn't have..."
"Don't feel bad, I'll be alright. It doesn't matter anyway if I'm too nice to him or kick him in the face, he'll be into me no matter what. It's annoying but harmless, and sometimes useful" She winked at you, trying to lift the mood.
"You know, it's not your fault he made it into a date. Bet he just coerced you into it, you're too nice!" Nami went on, you looked away, flushing.
"It's not like you wanted it, right?" She asked.
"Right?" She added a bit more insecurely.
"Oh." Her eyes went wide at your pained expression.
"Oh, well, uhm. An idiot like that for a nice girl like you? Nah!" She grimaced as your face darkened more and more.
"You deserve so much better! Some day you'll find the one" She talked on, slowly realising that it was not exactly making you feel better.
"Haha...sorry" She pouted.
"It's okay, I'll get over it." You answered.
"You're strong, you will." Nami patted your back and finally left.
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
cullens with a drunk reader??
The Cullens with a Drunk Reader
Thank you for requesting and hopefully you like this!
Also quick disclaimer I have never been drunk before so this is just gonna be based on what I've seen in like movies or TV shows
Please tell me if I got something wrong <3
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He thinks you are hilarious
Whether you're a happy drunk, an angry drunk, or a sad drunk, he loves it all
When he hears your thoughts normally, he can hear all these things that you never say
Well when you're drunk it just sort of all comes out
Is more than happy to help you walk somewhere, get you more to drink, and hold your hair back (if it's long enough)
Eventually though he'll put a stop to it
If it gets to the point where he can't hear any more of your thoughts and knows that you are on the verge of blacking out, he is putting an end to the night
Will hold you close the rest of the night
And he is at your beck and call when you wake up the next morning
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Again, she thinks you're so funny
Every time that you trip, stumble, or slur your words she is laughing her ass off
Loves listening to whatever you have to say
She would love to take you places or have you try to do stuff
Of course, she wouldn't let you get hurt
But she would find endless amusement out of seeing you fall on the stairs
She's not one to stop your drinking
She has been able to see your future for the whole night
She sees that you are still gonna wake up with a hangover whether you have 5 or 10 drinks
So she just lets you have your fun
Again is preparing stuff for you in the morning though
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He gets just a little annoyed
Don't get him wrong he thinks you're amusing
But his idea of a fun Saturday night isn't making sure you don't break something or hurt yourself
So he mostly limits you to one room of the house + an activity
One time he got you to sit still for three hours while you were drunk just coloring in some old coloring book he found laying around
His favorite is karaoke night though
Will put a random sing-along song on the TV and watch you sing for hours
He'll stop you after a while though
With just a simple "okay enough fun go to bed"
Has something made for you to eat when you wake up
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Ok I have some thoughts about this one
We all know her backstory
A group of drunk men + her fiance violently and brutally SA'd her and killed her
So I don't think she would be too fond of alcohol
So you drinking around her would bring up those old memories
She tries not to take it out on you, though
Mostly would just leave the house
She'd be back in the morning though
If you drink excessively though, she would get angry and yell at you about it
But every once in a while she understands
Just don't drink around her
At least not for a while
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He loves it
He just finds it so funny
He can tease you endlessly and if you're too drunk all you'll be able to reply with is some slurred nonsense
He's an enabler though
Will challenge you to beer pong and other drinking games
Half of the drinks you take are from him
It's not that he means to get you blackout, it's just that he's having fun and forgets that you can't consume endless amounts of alcohol
He won't put a limit on you though
He would only notice that you need to stop if you pass out of throw up
And then he's in panic recovery mode
Is a little embarrassed and concerned the next morning that he let you get that out of hand
He repeats the cycle though
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I feel like she'd be a wine girly
Or like a brunch mimosa kinda girl
If she was alive, that is
I feel like that was her when she was alive, anyway
She wouldn't know what to do with someone who is fully drunk
Her past experiences have only been with people who were a little buzzed
She does think you're amusing though
But she'll be a lot more hover-y
Won't let you go anywhere on your own
You are in bed by 12 at the latest
You wake up to a feast and every single headache pill the local pharmacy had
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He's a little more concerned
He has people come into the clinic for alcohol related injuries (overconsumption, drunk driving, various accidents while intoxicated, etc.)
He knows the damage it can cause
Also if you are younger than 21 good try he is not letting you drink
But other than that he is a mama bear
Watching you very closely
Literally counting the ounces of alcohol you have to make sure you stay under a healthy limit
And don't even think about leaving the house
He's a bit too worried to find your shenanigans funny
But that's okay
He makes up for it by being there for you
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Bella Swan:
Another one who is just amused
She never got out much
She regrets never having drank alcohol while it could still affect her
Unfortunately that means she does live a little vicariously through you
Is playing bartender and giving you everything she makes
They're pretty bad
But you still drink them
Doesn't realize she's given you too much until you literally fall to the floor and pass out
Then she's like "oh shit"
Doesn't really know what to do though
So she has Carlisle take care of you
Apologizes profusely the next morning
Would still do it again though
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astrobolical · 1 year
Just out of reach
Can’t get this thought out of my head— Mammon’s too damn adorable. And the Kings’ relationships with one another and their antics is just aghhhhhh.
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Mammon and Satan, bickering endlessly as you look on, watching the spectacle unfold— knowing full well that even if you deigned to interfere, it wouldn’t stop the Kings from continuing. So you look back and forth as they go on, wholly embarrassed with each claim that you ‘owned’ them more thoroughly. That one was closer to you than the other. That you were theirs.
Mammon’s tone was playful and amused, a smirk on his face as he stood with utter confidence, arms crossed over his broad chest, while Satan grew more agitated by the moment, smaller frame practically vibrating as his teeth gnashed in frustration. At times the duo would look to you, but they would interrupt themselves before anything fruitful could come of it. As embarrassing as it was, it was also quite amusing— you knew that even if it did come to blows, it’s just how they were. Yet Mammon suddenly paused.
Satan’s complaints died off as Mammon smiled, tilting his head to the side as he seemed to contemplate, golden gaze drifting to you. It happened faster than you could comprehend it— large hands on either side of your middle, lifting you effortlessly, as if you weighed no more than a kitten. Protests died on your tongue as you found yourself settling atop his shoulders, seated behind his head with legs on either side of his neck, one hand grasping at his remaining horn for balance. “Mammon!” You squeaked, taken by surprise and unsure of what he could possibly be thinking.
Yet when you settled you found yourself staring down at Satan, still grinding his teeth and glaring up at the other King with narrowed, rage-filled eyes. And you realized it all at once:
Mammon had essentially done the equivalent of taking a toy from a toddler and putting it out of reach— and only by using his massive, intimidating stature.
And, similar to a toddler, there appeared to be an incoming tantrum, as well.
Yet Mammon seemed unbothered, his laugh bubbling up as he watched the other’s expressions twist— and then he simply walked away with you still atop his shoulders, ignoring the protests of Satan and all of his insults and threats. He knows Satan could reach you if he wanted, but he wouldn’t risk your safety by simply pulling you off, either.
Rather than give Satan attention, he simply asks you what you would like to do that day— after all, you’re his and he is yours, and he will give you everything. Yet all you can do is sigh, accepting that you wouldn’t be getting out of this anytime soon. Though, being carted around by Mammon himself really wasn’t such a bad thing.
Perhaps not the best way to end the bickering, though— you were sure it would only escalate later.
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floweycidal · 5 months
silly starlo hcs i believe in:
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- autistic
- pansexual
- his teal bits GLOW when he's feeling too much all at once (i love this one so much)
- his face is sprinkled with freckles that look like they've been arranged to mimic star constellations
- he's got killer core strength and it's from spending a whole week mastering staying on one of those mechanical bull rides u typically see at carnivals
- his laughs are one of those infectious laughs. the ones that are indubitably funnier than the joke itself. he also snorts
- he sports a tail that doubles as a lasso!!
- he's exhausted his repertoire of human facts ages ago. he's just inventing wild facts on the fly now. wdym humans dont shoot laser beams outta their fingertips?? starlo said so??
- his obviously put on southern accent is a tad bit off but since monsters have no point of reference, they all simply roll with it.
- babysat kanako but the gig didnt last long after ceroba walked in on a katana-wielding kanako and a spinning tied up starlo (it was just a good ol' fashioned *and harmless* game of make-believe! he insists)
- spinning his gun is a nervous tic of his
- is actually pretty talented with his hands. give him a coin and he'll have it dancing across his fingers, spinning, and somersaulting in the air like it's in the circus
- hates asking for help. makes him feel uncool. once disappeared for like 2 days because he got so caught up practicing new lasso tricks he ended up in a knot that seemed like it shouldn't even be possible to tie, let alone untangle (ceroba found him)
- an absolute shit whenever he wins any game against u. turns into the worst bragger. gloating endlessly, even in what could be his last moments, he'd choose to reminisce abt that one time he beat you at poker.
- surprisingly not a sore loser. he owns up to losing and is actually very impressed and congratulatory towards you whenever u best him at something
- i like to think his bad luck isnt constant but just seems to kick in at the worst possible moments. he could nail an awesome jaw-dropping backflip, but the moment he tries showing anybody, he ends up face-planting every single time.
- loves talking to himself in the mirror. sometimes, he'll even take off his hat to play both parts in the conversation until someone walks in on him and he has to scramble to play it cool. (he, of course, leans on the mirror, causing the hooks to give way and the mirror to shatter on the ground. yup. cool as a cucumber.)
- is a lightweight, but you can always count on him to jump into any drinking game nearby, eager to show what he's got (he's got absolutley nothing. just a dream) it's an amusing spectacle though, he's a very cute drunk.
- loves karaoke. has the voice for it too! they have him sing for them at the saloon every now and then. very calming and baritone voice this guy
ok that's all! (for now. theres more. too lazy to type them up rn though, soz)
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nurse-floyd · 1 month
The Right Spot - Chapter 1
Pairings: Bob Floyd x Reader 101 Dalmations AU
Warnings: some cursing and minor mentions of blood.
Taglist: @pretzelcat4-blog @adventuringblind (if you want to be added to my TGM or this masterlist please let me know)
Thank you @vivwritesfics for letting me endlessly bug you with this! As always please send me feedback, it fuels the writing!
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Bob was out for his morning job at his local park, a routine he loved before he had to drive to his day job. It also meant he got to spend more time with his girl Sassy, the Dalmation he’d adopted as a puppy. She locally trotted beside him, her shiny spotted coat glistening as the sun began to rise and filter through the trees. The pair certainly stood out, Bob with his big round metal rimmed glasses and her with her spotty coat and shiny red leather collar. The park was quiet at that time of morning, the only sound was their feet against the pavement as they ran through the winding paths and the birds as they began to chirp their morning tunes. There were a few other people, a few joggers crazy enough to be up at this time and a few of the regular dog walkers he usually met on most mornings.
You were there with your dog Jimmy, a beautiful dalmation you’d adopted as a puppy from your colleague; being a vet really was the best job and certainly had its perks. He was playing fetch, sprinting after his tennis ball as you threw it and waited for him to run back and drop it at your feet to go again.
Bob hadn’t noticed the woman throwing the ball, or her matching dog. Sassy however had noticed and was instantly infatuated with the dalmation. Intrigued and wanting to meet the other dog, she suddenly perked up and without warning lunged forward. Before he could react, the lead wrapped around his wrist tugged him forward with such a force he lost his footing, slamming into the ground face first. The lead slipped from his grip and before he could grab it, Sassy was gone.
“Sassy! Wait!” Bob called out with a groan as he got up and ran, well more limped, after her.
On the other side of the park, you were laughing and blissfully unaware of the chaos as you and Jimmy continued to play fetch. Your amusement turned into surprise as you threw the ball once more and a loud bark sounded from behind you. You spun around and found yourself staring at another dalmation; but this wasn’t Jimmy. “Hi, gorgeous. Who’re you?” You asked as you looked at the name tag, “Sassy…that’s a funny name. Where’s your owner, huh?”
You stroked her head and she nuzzled into your hand, she was very affectionate. Just as you were about to spin the tag around to see if there was a number to call, you heard another bark. Your eyes widened in shock as you saw a man you didn’t know trying to wrangle your dog.
“Gotcha, very clever running off like that Sassy,” he grumbled as he grabbed the collar of the dog.
You ran over, Sassy trotting behind you to see what her dad was doing. “Let go of that dog!” You yelled, as the man tried to get control.
“It’s fine ma’am, she’s my dog and just got away from me there for a minute,” Bob explained. He probably looked slightly deranged, glasses crooked and broken, his knees scraped and bleeding as he limped and attempted to wrestle the dog.
“Let go of that dog, or I’ll call the cops!”
“Listen, I’ve not had a great morning and I’m gonna be late for work as is,” he began to explain as he pulled the Dalmation behind him.
“She is a he, and that is my dog. I said let him go or I’ll…I’ll hit you,” you don’t know where that threat came from, call it mothers instincts but you had your backpack raised and ready to follow through with the threat as you moved closer to him.
“Really ma’am it’s fine, she’s-”
Before Bob could say anything else, you smacked your bag hard into his shoulder causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. “Now, let go of my dog or I’ll hit you again!”
Now Bob really was confused, “your dog?”
“Yes, that’s my dog, can you please let him go?” You asked once more, the bag still raised.
“He?” Bob looked at her confused before he turned to the dog attached to his lead, “excuse me.” Bob looked down in between the dog's legs, and confirmed in fact, this was not his dog.
“She’s a he?” Now he really was confused, but maybe that was the bump to his head.
You nodded your reply and turned to look at the dalmation that was hiding behind your legs, seeming to know what she’d done.
“Sassy Margaret Floyd, come here,” he grumbled. “I’m really sorry ma’am, it was my mistake,” he apologized, feeling pretty stupid as you knelt down beside him and attached your lead to Pongo’s collar and handed the stranger back his. “What have you got in that bag anyway? Bricks?” He asked, rubbing his shoulder as he got up and went to retrieve his own dalmation.
“Just a few textbooks,” you replied sheepishly, “I’m sorry, when I thought you were stealing my dog, I got a bit protective.”
Bob laughed awkwardly… “No worries, ma’am. Sorry again for the confusion. I’m Bob by the way, you’ve already met Sassy.”
“She is gorgeous, Sassy, that’s a strange name. This is Jimmy, I guess it is easy to confuse two Dalmatians!” you laughed a little, embarrassed about smacking him so hard.
“Shit,” you exclaimed as you got a good look at him. He was handsome, there was no denying that, but what caught your attention was his bloody knees and his cracked glasses. “Do you know your knees are bleeding?” you asked, “and your glasses are broken.” Now you really did feel guilty for hitting him.
“Seems as though Sassy got a bit excited at the thought of meeting another dalmation and dragged me to the floor in a rush to meet him. Hurt my shoulder too, but I think that was more your combat skills than the fall,” he teased.
Your cheeks blushed as you looked away, “I’m really sorry about that…is there anything I can do to help?”
“Uh, no. It’s okay ma’am, really.” He looked at his watch as he realized the time, “Shit, I need to get going. It was really nice to meet you-“ it was then he realized he didn’t even know your name.
“Y/N,” you supplied as you held your hand out for him, “and yours is Robert? I saw it on Sassy’s name tag.”
“Y/N,” he repeated, “well it was lovely being assaulted by you this morning. Hope I didn’t scare you too much, you know, trying to steal your dog and please call my Bob,” he chuckled as he held out his hand to shake yours.
“It’s an honest mistake, really,” you reassured him, “seems as though we both have a certain fondness for Dalmatians.”
You both shared a glance before looking down to Jimmy and Sassy who were curiously sniffing each other and bumping noses, as if they didn’t just get their parents into trouble.
“Well…they seem to have a certain fondness for each other, he mirrored your comment before realizing he really did have to go. “Come on Sass, you’ve gotten me in enough trouble this morning, I can’t be late for work too.” The pair of you untangled your leashes before Bob started walking away.
“It was lovely meeting you Bob.”
“You too,” he called back.
You stared at him, Jimmy barking a few times as Bob and Sassy started off on their run again. “What a nice man, hey Jimmy?” You sighed. You really hoped you’d bump into him again.
With Sassy safe and settled at home, Bob cleaned up his knees and begrudgingly put in his uncomfortable contact lenses, making a note to put in a new prescription for his glasses. He hated wearing them, but on this short notice he had no choice.
The first person he saw was Rooster, checking over his F/A-18E. “Hey Bob, loving the new look,” he called out when he noticed the WSO wasn’t wearing his usual wire rimmed glasses.
Bob made something of a grumble back and continued. He saw Phoenix next, who’d noticed his limp and lack of glasses. “Woah, rough night?”
Bob shot her a look, “rough morning more like.”
She looked at him confused, “what happened?”
He explained about Sassy running off and the fact she’d made him hit the deck so hard his glasses broke and he’d skinned both knees. He also told her about the beautiful woman he met, with her matching dog and the fact she could take him down with just one swing of her bag (he made it known to Phoenix it was totally because he was injured and already off guard).
“Did you get her number?”
“Did I get her number? When do you think would have been a good time, after I nearly stole her dog or after she assaulted me?” He laughed.
She shook her head with a laugh, “do I need to teach you everything?”
He wished he did get your number now. Wished he’d somehow run into you again, hopefully next time without the injuries, almost theft or assault. He went about the rest of his day as usual but he couldn’t help feeling just that little bit disappointed he hadn’t taken a leap and asked you.
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hiraethwa · 8 days
to be loved is to be known
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zero; i was made for loving you // from a distance
<the collection — to be loved is to be known>
pairing. kageyama x reader
cw. angst to fluff, timeskip, setter!reader, one-sided pining, blasphemy, soon to be married and then divorced!reader, not very canon timeline compliant if you squint
wc. ~600
lucky is to have you. lucky is something i am not.
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kageyama tobio thinks he must be born cursed. that or the gods just enjoy playing cruel pranks on him to see him flounder about and suffer as he flits around in the palm of their hands. 
because how else would one explain missing the person who he’s been waiting for by years, not just once, but twice? he swallows the feeling that is bubbling up in his throat as he watches you give him a thumbs up on the sidelines, eyes catching onto the glint of gold on your finger. 
yeah, he decides bitterly, they must be toying me for their own amusement. 
he remembers the first time he met you as clear as day, introduced by kuroo tetsuro—the gods-favored one who had been blessed not only to have the fortune of meeting you first, but also managing to claim your heart as his in the process. 
he had seen you in passing a handful of times, heard of your name on the same stage as him, your names endlessly intertwined together. as if you were two sides of the same coin despite never having properly interacted before. 
if he was being honest, he had been mildly irked at the constant comparison. the articles, doing their analysis of “genius setter kageyama tobio vs strategic setter oumae y/n”, goes on and on about your technical prowess (which is almost on par with him) and your strategic plays (purportedly better than his own), all concluding with a question—will you surpass him as japan’s best setter? 
not to mention, you are the people’s darling, all smiles and sunshine, even-tempered and ever so delightful to be around, unlike the storm that accompanies him whenever he is off court. 
though when kuroo-san personally requested for his help, he found his own curiosity piqued. considering that he is indebted to kuroo-san for all that he had done to help karasuno grow into their wings years ago, how could he reject his request?
besides, kageyama had his own questions for you. he found himself looking up replays of your games on youtube after going to one of your matches with hinata and his younger sister, mesmerized by your skills as a setter. despite the minor annoyance he had with the media, he quickly came to agree with their shallow assessment.
“oumae y/n, nice to meet you.” your words were polite, that dazzling smile that wins everyone over to your side making its first appearance. “i’ve been dying to meet you since i saw you play a couple of years ago. your precise sets are a work of art, and i’m sure you’ve been told this, your serves are godly.”
somehow you almost, almost remind him of oikawa tooru, if not for the sincerity behind your words, the stark contrast to oikawa-san’s habitual disingenuous tone. 
despite himself, a faint smile made its way onto his face—one of many, many more that you will pull out of him in time. 
“i’ve heard some things, but godly, that’s a first.” and you had fucking beamed at him like a bright sunny day, like a fan meeting their idol for the first time. he supposes that it was exactly that, if you had been following him for a while. 
you went on to pepper him with questions about his serve, showing him how you do it, and asking him to correct your form.
he wishes he could chalk it all up to falling in love at first sight. at least then he would have been able to blame it all on illogical emotions that do not have a basis for why he fell for someone who is taken. 
but the gods do not favor kageyama tobio, for they curse him so, bestowing the fate of koi no yokan upon him—what was supposed to be a magical feeling of knowing that you are meant to fall for them inevitably, with a cruel twist just for him. 
and he knows, fuck the gods, he knows more than senses the light flutter of his dormant heart awakening to you. 
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taglist. @hatsukeii @daisy-room @soulfullystarry @kitsune-kita @bakery-anon (open! ask for taglist)
a/n. might have lost my mind writing lovesick tobio but it was worth it <3
awaiting updates? browse the library while waiting
if you liked this, please consider leaving a like, comment, rb or ask <3 (perhaps i enjoy hearing about how i break hearts a little too much)
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 9
WC: 1431, Masterpost CW: blood, cannon typical violence, off screen civilian and first responder deaths, mentions of death
Danny and his Flash were both very busy people, there was no denying that. The good thing was that the worst of their busyness were the same events. Sure, they both had obligations outside of that. Danny had all of the other work with the outreach and now overseeing and even training other team members. Flash… well, Flash had whatever he did with the rest of his life. Danny assumed he worked, even if it was for the Justice League.
It was a little odd not knowing Flash past the mask. Danny understood, of course he did. A secret identity was important and, despite having been on several dates now, they still were getting to know each other. It wasn’t as if Danny didn’t know anything about his Flash. He knew Flash always comforted the kids first, was fiercely loyal, and couldn’t resist petting a dog. He knew Flash loved trying new foods, played video games with friends that Flash wished he saw more, and really did enjoy spoiling him. He knew a lot.
He just didn’t know Flash’s name or what family Flash had or if those freckles ran all the way across Flash’s nose.
Danny would be patient though, because he understood. It helped that he at least had Flash’s number. He didn’t know if it was a burner phone or an app or routed through a number of proxies; he hadn’t asked. The first thing Danny had done, in fact, was to send a Flash meme. It had gotten him shoved, but that had turned into a make out session on the couch, so Danny certainly wasn’t complaining.
And if Danny now kept a collection of gifs, memes, and other silly Flash things on hand to send? Well, who could blame him.
He rolled over to grab his phone from the coffee table and sent off another picture of a cat dressed up in Flash’s outfit. The amount of people dressing pets up as superheros was honestly shocking. He didn’t expect an answer right then, looking at the time, but he found it was… nice to be able to find things to send to Flash for him to find and respond to later. It made him feel connected to someone in a way that he hadn’t had in years.
Danny recognized, now, that he had been really hurting himself trying to stay so separate from everyone. One way or another, this is how things would be for the rest of his life. He couldn’t keep morning what had happened, what he had lost. Besides, he was just a civilian now, he wasn’t a danger to his friends and family anymore. So, along with Flash, Danny had started actually accepting the occasional invitation from some of his coworkers. He had even found a game store to go to and play at on the weekends.
It was harder than he thought, putting himself out there again, but his life was brighter for being around people outside of work every week or so. He had Flash to thank for that.
He also had Flash to thank for getting him addicted to the Percy Jackson books. He could personally do with less lightning, but the story had a real way of resonating with the halfa. Danny was three books in at this point and needed to know how it all finished up.
A few chapters further in a notification interrupted him.
Quick Boy: It’s not fair that a cat wears my uniform better than me!!
Danny laughed and tapped the message.
Danny: The cat is pretty cute. But I still think you wear it best. You have a better butt. 😏
The little dots wiggled as Flash typed. It was endlessly amusing to Danny that despite being, literally, super fast, Flash was slowed down by the physics of the world around him, like how fast a phone could accept input.
Quick Boy: 😳🫣🥵 Danny! Have you been checking out my butt?
Despite himself, Danny felt a blush heating up his cheeks. They hadn’t gotten any further than kissing, it didn’t feel right to go further when Danny didn’t know who Flash was, but that didn't mean Danny couldn't tease.
Danny: You run around in spandex, I can’t NOT check out your butt. Have to say, it’s a pretty good one. 10/10, would ogle again.
Quick Boy: How do you feel about ogling it in my most flattering sweatpants? Got a hold of that Japanese giant bug movie you were ranting about. I can grab food and be over to your place in about an hour?
Danny: Stop calling it that!!!You know the title! 😤
Quick Boy: I’m not typing out that title.
Danny grinned as he rolled off of the couch. If Flash was coming over, he should at least pick up a little. Danny knew Flash didn’t really care, but the pile of laundry that Danny had been avoiding folding was a bit much.
Danny: Thought you were supposed to be fast.
Quick Boy: 😒
Danny: Come on, quick boy, take the nanosecond and type it.
Quick Boy: I hate you.
Danny: No you don't~
(Danny sung along as he typed.)
Quick Boy: “Help I’ve Been Made a Holy Knight in a World of Giant Bugs and Need to Save the Prince”
Danny: Knew you could do it! Proud of you. 😘 See you in an hour! Bring Thai and ice cream!
Danny was just putting away the folded stack of laundry when an alarm on his phone screamed at him.
It was work.
Emergency alert.
All hands on deck.
Danny dashed for his door, shoving his feet in his work boots and grabbing the backup vest he kept at home. Someone would drive the trucks full of kits there, but Danny still took his little kit with him, just in case he ran into any wounded on the way.
So much for dinner and cuddling his boyfriend.
As soon as he stepped out onto the street, Danny could hear the sound of sirens and the acrid smell of smoke stung his eyes. Danny’s heart sank.
Whatever this was, it was big.
Danny flexed his hands. Flakes of dried blood broke off and scattered in the wind.
“Danny, babe.”
He would need more gloves for his kit. Was he out? He had to be out. He changed gloves so many times. There were so many people. He had to be out of gloves. He would need more for his kit.
Other hands entered his vision, covered in bright red. Not blood red, bright red. Blood red was mostly darker than people thought. Bright blood was worse. He watched as the hands gently rolled down the gloves.
He needed more gloves.
“Not for today, babe. You’re done for today.”
He needed more gloves, there were so many people.
“Everyone is accounted for. You and the others got everyone.”
Not everyone.
How many people died under his hands today?
Were already dead when he found them?
Wouldn’t last the night?
How many people did he fail?
Too many.
“Danny.” The voice was worried now. “Come on babe, look at me, please?”
Blood had gotten under his gloves, staining his wrists.
“Babe, please.”
Warm, fabric covered hands rested on Danny’s cheeks, tilting his gaze up and away from his hands.
Oh. “Flash?”
“Hey there, babe, you with me?”
Why did he look so worried?
“Because you’re scaring me a little. I think you’re in shock.”
“Do you have a shock blanket in your kit still?”
“No… used them all. Had to cover…”
How many people did he fail?
“Okay, that’s okay. I’m going to take you home, okay babe? Well, not my home, but where I used to live— right, that doesn’t matter now. We’re going to go and I’ll keep you safe.”
Danny motioned to a cluster of officials. “I have to—”
“I’ve already checked you out.”
“My team?”
Flash glanced down and away.
“Flash, my team?”
“They’re…. all accounted for. Larson…. He got caught in part of the building coming down. He didn’t make it. Patel was paired with him. She’s at the hospital, they think she’ll pull through.”
Danny tried to say something, but the words caught in his throat. He wanted to scream, to rage, to wail— it all caught up in his throat because he couldn’t. He let out a soundless sob.
Flash pulled Danny into his arms, holding him close. “I know. I know. I’m taking you home. You’ll be okay Danny. It will be okay.”
The colors of the world blurred together as Flash ran, but Danny hardly noticed.
AN: So this has been 95% written since before I got sick, but just now was the first time I could get my brain to deal with it. A darker part of the story, I know, but it felt needed. Danny's doing a very, very hard job and one made all the worse because Danny used to be able to do more and now he can't. (Though I have no doubt he pushed use of his powers further than was really safe in this.)
Stay safe and delightful, my darlings!
I no longer tag people for several reasons, you can subscribe to the masterpost instead to be notified! (May notify this part slightly later, I am queuing it.)
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jellyveesh · 7 months
Feel free to reject but can we get the Hazbin Crew with a Reader who’s sinner animal form is a fainting goat?
face first
fandom ## hazbin hotel (fainting goat-sinner reader)
characters ## charlie morningstar, alastor, angel-dust, husker, sir pentious
prompt ## the hazbin hotel is filled with unique characters, and amongst them is a little goat sinner with a habit of just... fainting? how will the residents of the hotel treat their newest addition, and how will they react to their disorder?
contains ## SHOW SPOILERS, gender-neutral reader, canon-typical character behaviours/habits, swearing, reader has a neuromuscular disorder, autistic coded lucifer
thank you for the request!! i hope i did it justice masterlist
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for some context, 'fainting goat' syndrome is actually called myotonia congenita - an inherited neuromuscular disorder characterised by the inability of muscles to quickly relax after a voluntary contraction, like flinching
the disorder is not only common in goats, but can be found in humans too!
so chances are your demon form was formed as a result of your disorder when you were alive, and so you became a goat featured sinner
and whilst yes, this may be hell, and yes, people have seen it all, you randomly just fainting is absolutely horrifying
and yes you've found yourself in many precarious situations and, as such, would have to be strong to fend for yourself in this dog-eat-dog world
so when the opportunity of a safe haven, poorly drawn on a flimsy piece of paper and stuck messily to a notice board, is presented to you... you, of course, go to check it out!
honestly, when charlie first met you, she was instantly drawn to your goat-like features
because like, you're clearly twins! she's goat themed, you're goat themed! what could make you less twin-like?!
so she wasn't really listening when you randomly and shortly mentioned you have a habit of your muscles seizing and you dropping to the floor during stressful situations as a result
and charlie was likely the person who first triggered your 'fainting' - simply with one cheerful outburst
she had been particularly excited to try out a new redemption activity that she squealed super loud, unsuspecting to everyone to everyone else who got equally startled
then you just kind of... dropped, to the ground, face first, with a sickening crack
charlie thought you were dead.
like actually
full blown panic attack whilst the others minorly panicked
after a few moments, you managed to break free from the tightness of your muscles and sit up - heaving a huge sigh in relief and rubbing at your bloodied nose
it was like you had been revived
charlie got up and immediately started apologising, hugging you and petting at your head in an attempt to comfort you
she also apologised for seemingly brushing past such an important detail
charlie then sets out on a mission to 'faint-proof' the entire hotel, or at least the areas you'd likely be in frequently
she also makes sure that either razzle or dazzle are with you whilst you're inside or outside of the hotel, so they can alert her if you do have a fall or need help
will never forgive herself for that one incident, and will still panic every time you fall but it's endearing - because it shows she cares a lot
she also scolds the others if they ever intentionally (some of them do, all the time) attempt to scare you so your disorder kicks in
charlie and vaggie are honestly the most accommodating to your disorder and help out wherever they can
oh, he finds it endlessly amusing
one of the sinners who will intentionally startle you just to watch the spectacle
at least has the decency to make sure you won't hurt yourself, he's gentlemanly enough to at least catch you before you hit the floor
but he does everything in his power to spook you
it's funny
and he finds it kind of cute, because he saw it happening to goats when he was alive
and you've reassured them multiple times that the disorder doesn't actually hurt, it's the act of hitting the floor that does
so what's the harm?
but he also gets extremely annoyed if someone else scares you and triggers your disorder - because like... why are they playing with HIS entertainment?
will accompany you outside of the hotel often, because, really, what's scarier than the radio demon? nothing, that's what!
he joins in on charlie's faint-proofing efforts, but only half-heartedly because he enjoys the excuse to hold you
did i mention alastor loves goats, because he REALLY loves goats
if your muscles seize for an extended period of time, alastor makes it his job to take care of you - ensuring you're comfortable and kept company
this is regardless of whether he's the cause or not (he probably is)
despite his endless teasing, he really does like you - you're a sweet addition to the hotel and you're polite, and honestly... that's a step above nearly everyone besides charlie, and is extremely rare for hell
if you also enjoy old jazz music? sold, you are now his favourite little sinner (sorry nif)
another resident who tests the limits of your disorder - but instead of scaring you, he enjoys teasing you in flirty ministrations
especially because it seems like being flirted with startles you
he will also catch you though because it's all harmless fun, but he'd kick his own ass if you got hurt over something stupid
much like alastor, he is also really protective of you if someone OUTSIDE of the hotel messes with you
got mad at cherry once for doing it and carried you home grumpily, ignoring cherry's texts until you convinced him that it didn't matter and she didn't mean any harm
she promised she wouldn't do it again
she did it again
i feel like angel enjoys tracing the grooves of your horns - it's like, really therapeutic for him
separately, sometimes angel gets really insecure and needs reassurance that what he's doing to you isn't too far because consent is key
you're fine with it, constantly reassuring him you don't mind and you actually find it kind of funny
and when you express that you find it funny because you trust him and know he wouldn't do anything to harm you, you best believe he will cry a little
only a little bit though (he cried a lot)
actively keeps you FAR away from valentino - because in a seized up state, you are undeniably vulnerable, and that momentary weakness could drag you into his line of business
absolutely adores you, coddles you, and he will protect you with newly found fierceness
you trust him and he will NEVER break that trust
honestly doesn't care that much
well, not at first anyways
after a while, once he realises that alastor has a sudden interest in messing with you, he becomes a little protective
and a huge worrywart, not that he shows it...
but he definitely sticks close to you throughout the day (where his job allows) and escorts you to places, hissing at passer-by's who look a little 'spooky'
another one who catches you frequently, and he also has a pillow behind the bar that he throws under your head if you go to collapse against the bar
uses your disorder to his advantage, but not often enough for it to become a predictable behaviour
he will just do something subtle to make your muscles contract so you'll seize up if you're being difficult so he can drag you there
like refusing to go to bed
you literally stomp your hooves against the ground
like, it's bed time, go!
has fought and will continue to fight people for treating you like you're less than them because of your disorder
if you want a drink, he will stay sober - so he's in a good frame of mind you make sure you get to bed safely without head bumps and bruises at the end of it
you're your own person and allowed to do at you please, so husk doesn't baby you or limit you - but he's pretty solid for good advice, so if he advises you NOT to do something... honestly, it's a smart idea to listen
but he will help you fix your messes if you still do the thing he told you not to
because he's a softie at heart
is truly your number one protector, him and angel have a mutual understanding that they'll defend you regardless of circumstance
the second most terrified of the consequences of your rough falls, just after charlie
ORDERED his eggbois to keep an eye on you, because like... what if you fell and died?
unlikely but not impossible, so every necessary action must be taken to ensure this incident does not occur!
he will be so soft spoken around you and never startles you, and is the ONLY one in the entire hotel who hasn't caused you to fall - the first time he saw it happen, he was determined to make sure it didn't happen again
i love sir pentious, please save me from this brainrot this is not okay...
he offers up his living space for you if you ever need a getaway from the others and is very pleased when you take him up on his offer
makes him feel super accomplished
also makes him feel like he's won against everyone else in the hotel
sir pentious is definitely the most 'domestic' aspect of living in the hotel, but he definitely also babies you - he'll plate up your food, fetch your belongings, get you a drink, etc. at the slightest mention of what you needed
i need a man like sir pentious
is so sweet too
if you're having a bad physical and mental day as a result of your disorder, or even for other things, he's immediately by your side - blankets and snacks in hand, and movie suggestions on the tip of his forked tongue
"ssssssshall we watch an action movie?"
he will also just hand you an eggboi to cuddle, since he himself is too shy to actually initiate a hug - so, unless you hug him first, don't expect him to do it
in this household, we LOVE sir pentious <3 and in this household, he loves you right back
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cowboyfromh3ll · 10 months
Maybe some headcannons for some of the Van der linde boys with a overlyhyper girlfriend, whos also REALLY nosy?
HC for VDL Boys With A Hyper/Nosy Girlfriend Ft. Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde
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Arthur Morgan
He'd be surprised by your energy but would try to keep up regardless
Very protective but once he sees just how well you're able to handle yourself he'll bring you on jobs with him. Nothing too crazy though
Always tries to find things you can do to tucker yourself out
And if a job is one of them, he'll certainly bring you
Will take you on very long walks until your entire lower half is hurting
Finds it amusing how almost every night you come back to the tent you have a new bit of gossip you discovered and want to share
Chastises you for being nosy but he's pretty into it
Starts asking questions and genuinely gets invested
Sometimes he'll be falling asleep and you'll still be gossiping and recapping your day in extreme detail and all he can say in return is "mhm?" In that sleepy voice while trying to pay attention
Jokingly tells you that if you're so nosy you should go and sniff out a lead
Did not expect you to actually come back with a decent roster of leads
Charles Smith
Contrasts his reserved and quiet nature greatly
People often see the two of you sitting together while you ramble endlessly about your day and what you did
You can talk his ear off, and he's going to listen to every single thing you say and pays attention to every detail
If you ever think he's not listening to you he'll bring up a really obscure detail later, and it'll have you surprised
Neither encourages nor chastises your gossiping, but he'll definitely listen to that too
Similarly to your talkativeness, your hyperactivity is starkly different to his chillness
Doesn't actively go out of his way to tire you out, sort of lets you do that on your own
I can imagine him just standing there while you climb him and hang off his arms
Sometimes he'll be talking to you in a crowd and he'll look away for a second and lose you
Frantically searches for you and finds you chatting with some random as if you've known each other for years
John Marston
He is absolutely baffled by your energy levels
And just how much you talk?
Sometimes, he just stares at you in disbelief and isn't even processing everything you're saying
If you give him a pop quiz about everything you just said, his ass is failing
Often has to ask you to slow down or backtrack, which you do until you start speeding up again
Gets dragged along like a dog on a leash
Though to be honest the two of you should probably keep each other on leashes. Him to keep track of you, and you to drag him along.
Says you shouldn't be so involved or interested in other people's business
But as soon as you gasp and go "John guess what I found out today" HE IS SAT
Preps for you every morning by chugging coffee
Has probably at some point before you two dated said "Do you always talk this much?"
Dutch Van Der Linde
He's impressed by your energy and in a good way
But also in the way where he's like "Hm, how can I make use of this."
Definitely has told you to go out and get leads with your energy and was more than satisfied when you did
Thinks you're the perfect partner in crime
Probably hesitant to send you on dangerous missions but he knows you won't get your energy out any other way
You're like his sniffing hound
But you're definitely his top dog when it comes to getting leads
The most encouraging of your eccentric and nosy personality
Rewards your behavior with gifts and praise
He's probably very easily influenced by you since you bring him so many leads and such
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
You Deserve It
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 & F2 Masterlist
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A Marvelous Surprise
I’d always thought that my life was pretty perfect. I had everything I could ever want: a supportive family, great friends, and a boyfriend who was not only incredibly talented but also genuinely kind. My boyfriend was none other than Oscar Piastri, the Formula 1 driver who had taken the world by storm. But, as I found out one sunny afternoon at the racetrack, sometimes even the perfect life has a few extraordinary surprises.
The day started like any other Grand Prix day. I was in the pit lane, surrounded by the clamor of engines and the frenetic energy of the race day preparations. Oscar had been busy with the team, and I was making my way through the paddock, trying to stay out of the way but still soaking in every moment of the high-octane atmosphere.
I had my usual race day ritual—cheering for Oscar from the best spot I could find and, if I had a moment, catching up on social media. My love for Marvel was well-known among my friends, and they had teased me about it endlessly. Every interview I did where I gushed about my favorite characters—Bucky Barnes, played by Sebastian Stan, and my all-time favorite actor, James McAvoy—was met with knowing smiles and playful jabs.
Oscar had heard it all, of course. He was always so patient with my endless Marvel monologues. I had even been lucky enough to attend a few fan events, where my excitement for superheroes could be fully unleashed. But nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen.
The race was in full swing, and Oscar was driving brilliantly. I was on the edge of my seat, my eyes locked on the track, when my phone buzzed with a new message. I glanced down to see a text from Oscar: “Meet me at the hospitality suite after the race. I have a surprise for you.”
My heart raced—not from the thrill of the race, but from the anticipation of Oscar’s surprise. The remainder of the race felt like it dragged on forever. When Oscar finally crossed the finish line, victorious as always, I couldn’t wait to see him.
After the post-race celebrations, I headed to the hospitality suite. The area was relatively quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos of the pit lane. I entered the suite, expecting to find Oscar waiting with a small token of his appreciation or perhaps just a sweet gesture to celebrate his win.
What I saw instead took my breath away.
The suite was filled with the unmistakable aura of Marvel’s finest. There, standing among the elegant furniture and decorations, were some of my absolute favorites—Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., James McAvoy, Evan Peters, and Anthony Mackie. They were chatting amongst themselves, their faces lit with amusement as they turned to see me enter.
My jaw dropped. My eyes darted between them, not quite believing what I was seeing. I stumbled into the room, feeling like I was walking through a dream.
Oscar stepped up beside me, his grin as wide as ever. “Surprise, YN!” he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief and affection. “I know how much you love Marvel and James McAvoy, so I thought I’d arrange a little meet-and-greet.”
I couldn’t form words. I just stared, blinking rapidly. Chris Evans noticed and chuckled. “I think we broke her,” he said, leaning toward the others.
Elizabeth Olsen came over, her smile warm and genuine. “Hi, YN! I’m Elizabeth. We’ve all heard so much about your love for Bucky Barnes. It’s great to finally meet you!”
Sebastian Stan, ever the charming Bucky, approached with a wink. “Hey there. I see you’re a fan of my alter ego. I have to say, it’s always amazing to meet someone who appreciates Bucky like you do.”
James McAvoy was next. My heart skipped a beat as he extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, YN. I’ve heard you’re quite the fan. Your enthusiasm is contagious.”
I shook his hand, barely able to contain my excitement. “James, I can’t believe it’s really you. You’ve been my favorite actor for as long as I can remember.”
Evan Peters and Anthony Mackie joined in, their smiles infectious. “So, YN, what’s it like having Oscar Piastri as your boyfriend?” Evan asked playfully. “Is he as impressive off the track as he is on it?”
I laughed, still trying to get my head around everything. “Oh, absolutely. He’s amazing.”
Scarlett Johansson then stepped forward, her presence commanding. “YN, I’ve heard so much about your passion for the Marvel universe. It’s wonderful to see such enthusiasm.”
We spent the next few hours in a whirlwind of conversation, photo ops, and laughter. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Oscar watched with a knowing smile, clearly enjoying the joy his surprise had brought me.
I chatted with each of them about their roles, my favorite scenes, and even got some behind-the-scenes stories. Chris Evans regaled me with tales from the set of the Captain America films, while Robert Downey Jr. shared funny anecdotes about his time as Iron Man.
When it was time to say goodbye, I was reluctant to leave. I hugged each of them, my heart full of gratitude and happiness. “Thank you all so much. This has been a dream come true.”
As I walked out with Oscar by my side, I felt like I was walking on air. “You really outdid yourself this time,” I said, leaning into him.
Oscar kissed my forehead. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. You deserve every bit of happiness.”
The ride back to our hotel was quiet, filled with comfortable silence and shared smiles. I knew I’d be reliving every moment of the day in my mind for a long time. The memories would be a cherished part of my life, thanks to Oscar and his incredible surprise.
As I finally settled into bed, I found myself replaying the day’s events. It felt like I was living in a Marvel movie, where everything came together perfectly in the end. I had my superhero dreams come true, and it was all thanks to the love of my life who knew me better than anyone else.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi i @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess s @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v @eddieharrington @hellowgoodbye
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severinapina · 2 months
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“About you and the arcades” — ONE SHOT
Another day, another dollar. Who cares? They're all the same. Breakfast, training, lunch, training, dinner, training, and bed.
“And don't even think about staying up reading manga, okay?” said his mom every night.
“And don’t even think about bla bla bla” mimicked an adult Satoru, remembering those times.
He hated them. Sure, his strict upbringing had made him who he was, but they were still bad memories. Formative years, they say. Every time he bought a Shonen Jump, his mind went to the pre-bedtime scolding or, worse, to the time his mom found his stash and burned them.
“And I had the whole first arc of Dragon Ball, for fuck’s sake” he said, dumping six sugar cubes into his tea.
“What about Dragon Ball? My husband was Vegeta” said Shoko, just entering the kitchen.
“That's like the hundredth time you've said that.”
“Wow, someone's in a bad mood. What's up? Did Megumi get suspended again for hitting his classmates?”
Gojo slumped into a chair with a sigh. Yep, Shoko was right. He was in a bad mood. Megumi had indeed hit his classmates, and he’d have to deal with the principal (an activity he despised), but more than anything, it was the day that bothered him. A beautiful spring morning, ready for the first cherry blossoms. Only he could be annoyed by such a scene. But it made sense. A lot of sense.
On a day like that, he met him.
He'd been feeling bored for weeks, no, months. The lessons were dizzying, the training exhausting, and nothing amused him anymore. Wandering endlessly through the forest surrounding the Gojo clan estate wasn't exactly thrilling either, at least not since he turned fourteen. He was anxious. Next year, he would start his studies at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, which meant not only perfecting his skills but also something he'd been denied his whole short life: meeting people his age. It wasn't far off, really. Nevertheless, Satoru couldn't wait. So, it only took a small slip-up with his mother to bolt.
It was the third time he'd run away from home. The first time, at six, he'd decided to play snail hunting in the forest, an activity he kept up until, at dusk, one of his hysterical guards dragged him back. The second time, at ten, he took the train to Tokyo. He wandered aimlessly, attentively observing the eccentric passersby, listening to the loud noises, and smelling the various food aromas only a big city like that could offer. Until he realized, disappointed, that he still drew the attention of minor sorcerers. And there were plenty. He returned home before they noticed he was gone, convinced that perhaps no one would ever understand what it felt like to be a freak.
But this time would be different. He knew exactly where to go. And not only that, but he'd discovered how to mask his cursed energy for a short time. That, plus a good cap, guaranteed him a few hours of forgetting his boring, routine life Gojo clan.
“Fuck the sorcerers” he muttered with a giggle as he boarded the train.
Upon arriving at his destination station, he ran up excited. He knew exactly where he wanted to go: the arcade with games from the late '80s and early '90s and, specifically, one game: Street Fighter.
He didn't expect a guy dressed in karate gear with a meter-wide back to be using it.
But Satoru wasn't one to give up. He knew he couldn't keep his disguise and low energy for long, so he had to make the most of it.
He approached the guy and patted him on the back.
“What do you want? I told you I'd help...” he said, turning around. “Oh, sorry. Thought you were someone else.”
Satoru, seeing him, could only think one thing: "bangs." He was facing a boy around his age, with violet eyes and dark, shiny hair, highlighted by a suspiciously untamed tuft.
He stared at him, mouth open. Not only did he have an intimidating demeanor, but he also emitted cursed energy. And strong energy at that.
“Well? Can I help you with something?”, the boy asked when Satoru didn't respond.
Gojo snapped back to reality.
“I want to use that machine”, he said, standing tall and speaking authoritatively. He'd grown a lot that year, probably about ten centimeters. He had to use that to his advantage.
“Good for you, but I'm using it. Feel free to wait over there”, he pointed to the door.
Confused, Satoru quickly glanced outside and then back at the boy. "What a rude jerk," he thought. Gojo wasn't used to being told no. And, although he hated himself for it and it contradicted his plans for the day, he played the clan card. After all, the boy with the ridiculous tuft was a sorcerer.
He removed his cap and glasses, locking his blue eyes on him.
“Do you even know who I am?”
The boy looked him up and down.
“An idol? Sorry, not into that stuff”, he said, turning back around.
Flabbergasted, Satoru stepped in front of him.
“I'm Gojo Satoru”, he said, indicating his eyes.
The boy, now annoyed, pushed him aside.
“What a rude introduction. Move, please.”
Satoru, even more perplexed, significantly increased the levels of cursed energy he was emitting. This caught the boy's attention. He widened his eyes and, after a few seconds, said:
“You have...that?”
“Yep. Told you I'm Gojo Satoru.”
“Your name still doesn't ring a bell, but”, he stood up and offered his hand. “...I'm Geto Suguru.”
Suguru had spent years unsure of what to make of his strange gift. He saw people and entities where there were none, heard horrible whispers in the dark, and smelled scents that would scare the vilest pirate. He'd intuitively learned to swallow curses, but he knew very little. He didn't even call it energy. To him, it was just "that." The only person he'd met with the same ability was the teacher from the Curse College who had come to recruit him. But he hadn't really explained anything. It would all come later, he'd said. So, meeting a boy his age with the same thing for the first time was incredibly intriguing.
He observed Satoru for a long time. He didn't want to forget his face.
“Are you gonna let me play or not?”, Gojo asked impatiently. He didn't want to be rude, but no one changes overnight.
“Wow, no manners," thought Suguru as he stared at Satoru, puzzled. Normally, if someone treated him like that, Suguru would either ignore them or tell them off. However, something told him it wasn't time to part ways with this strange albino and his frog-like eyes just yet. He felt their cursed energy made them, on a peculiarly intimate level, comrades.
After a few seconds, he said:
“There's another arcade two stations away with two Street Fighters. Want to go?”
“Why would I need two?”, Satoru asked, raising his eyebrows.
Suguru blushed.
“So we can both play.”
"Idiot," he added to himself.
Gojo stared at him for a moment, blinking as if he were being drenched by a thousand raindrops. This was new for him. Not only had he met a sorcerer who didn't know him, but one his age who was polite enough to invite him to play.
He stood up and walked to the door. Suguru looked at him questioningly, and Satoru turned his head.
“Aren't you gonna lead the way?”
Suguru nodded and hurried. They walked to the metro together in silence, but contrary to what one might expect from such a situation, they both felt strangely comfortable. As if they'd known each other forever.
At the next arcade, Gojo noticed he wasn't feeling so great anymore. He checked the time. He didn't have much freedom left. He had about fifty minutes before he’d collapse from the effort of hiding his energy. Plus, it was nearly time for his boring History of Clans and General Sorcery class.
“Ugh, school sucks”, he said, not realizing he’d spoken out loud.
Suguru pointed with a smile at the two Street Fighter machines. They were empty, almost waiting for them.
As they sat down, he said:
“School's not so bad if you focus on your studies and join a club. Which school do you go to?”
Gojo eyed him from under his glasses. Of course, this martial arts student had to be a star pupil. "The shoujo manga class rep stereotype," he thought, continuing to scrutinize him.
Taking his seat, he replied:
“I’m homeschooled.”
Now it was Suguru's turn to scrutinize. "So that's why he has no manners," he thought, watching Satoru pick his nose.
“Too bad. Thought we might run into each other in a tournament.”
Satoru eyed him suspiciously. Too bad? Why was this guy being so nice to him? He didn’t know who he was, so he couldn’t be a kiss-up. And Gojo couldn’t fathom that he was simply dealing with someone genuinely nice. He was too used to cold, sarcastic manners.
“I don’t like sports much”, he said curtly. “Don’t talk to me, I'm starting my game, okay?”
"Yeah, he's an idiot," thought Suguru as he stood up and walked over to Satoru. "I should go study and stop wasting time with this annoying brat, but..."
Suguru hit the button to cancel the albino’s game. Satoru looked at him like he had just heard a dog talk.
“What the...?”
“I brought you here so we could both play. You have...that thing, same as me, and I think...I don’t know. You intrigue me. Can you play with me for a bit?”
Suguru was surprised to say those words and blushed like never before.
Satoru didn’t know what to say. No one had ever asked to spend time with him. People were always around him just because of who he was. Asking for permission to share his time was unheard of.
He didn’t think about it. He was intrigued by this Geto Suguru too. And in a way he couldn’t explain, he wanted to spend time with him. But they were short on time. He checked the time and clicked his tongue.
“I have half an hour. Then I gotta go or I’ll be half-dead.”
Suguru laughed loudly. He had no idea what Satoru meant, but it was funny anyway. And not just anyone could make him laugh like that.
“Alright, Cinderella. I’ll beat you in five minutes.”
He had no idea that Satoru played, hidden under his covers, for four hours every night. That, plus his exceptional brain, made him a whiz at everything he did, including ‘80s fighting video games.
After losing three rounds embarrassingly, Suguru thought it was best to throw in the towel. Not only that, but looking at the time, he realized his parents expected him for dinner in fifteen minutes.
“I think it’s time for me to go”, said Geto, a bit hesitant. He didn’t want to leave. He was having a good time.
Satoru looked at the time and was surprised to feel sad. He had to leave too. Standing up from the machine, he said:
“I have to go too.”
The two boys stared at each other like they were seeing their reflection.
“Wanna walk together?” asked Suguru suddenly.
Satoru nodded. He’d walk to Kyoto with this stranger, honestly.
As they left, Suguru headed to a vending machine.
“What do you want to drink?”
The albino panicked. He’d never had any of those neon-colored drinks before. They were forbidden to him. The strongest had to follow a strict, low-sugar diet.
“The same as you”
“But I haven’t chosen anything yet”, said Geto, confused.
Satoru just looked away. He felt a bit ridiculous, which was new for him. He had been raised to never feel less than the rest of the simple mortals.
Guessing what was happening, Suguru got a Sprite for himself and a Coke for Satoru.
“Hey, heads up!”, said Suguru, tossing the soda to him.
Satoru instinctively activated his technique. Geto watched in amazement as the can was repelled from his body.
“How’d you do that? That was awesome!”
Gojo blushed. No one ever praised his achievements. Being the strongest was his duty. And no one gets praised for simply doing their duty.
“It’s...I was born this way”, he replied, scratching the back of his head. “It’s because of that...thing you have too.
“Can you teach me?”, asked Suguru, his violet eyes wide with hope.
“No. You’d have to be born in my clan and with these”. He took off his glasses and pointed to his eyes as he sat on the ground.
Noticing Suguru’s disappointed face, he added:
“But you’ll learn other things at the school.”
Suguru smiled resignedly, looking at the ground as he sat next to Gojo. He didn’t dare tell him the things he could already do with his technique. For some strange reason, swallowing curses felt dark and ugly, and not just because of their taste. Sometimes he felt something ominous came with keeping so many inside him. Satoru’s technique, on the other hand, seemed beautiful, bright, and natural, as if no one else in the entire universe could carry it with such grace.
Since Suguru wasn’t saying anything, Satoru, a bit nervous, asked:
“You know about the Curse School, right? If not, I can talk to them about you. Next year, I’m starting my first year.”
Geto smiled at him. There was something endearing about what he’d said. His words made him feel welcome at the famous school, even though he hadn’t set foot in it yet.
“Yeah, they came to recruit me a couple of weeks ago. I’m supposed to start my first year too, but...”. He hesitated. “...that day, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. I said I’d give them an answer by the end of the month.”
Gojo felt disappointed. He had really started to like him. He could get used to those violet eyes and that flamboyant hair. No, he knew he would get used to it.
Playing it cool and while looking at his nails, he asked:
“And now? What do you think?”
Geto smiled at him. Gojo Satoru had become annoyingly charming to him. Maybe leaving traditional education wouldn’t be so bad. At least that curious boy would be by his side. And something told him he wouldn’t regret sharing his teenage years with him.
“Now I’m sure I want to go.”
Satoru felt a smile spreading from the tips of his toes to the ends of his violet hair. He never expected to smile at someone he’d known for less than two hours; it just happened as naturally as breathing.
He took a sip of his Coke and, besides instantly getting addicted to the sugar, felt the familiar twinge in his head. He didn’t have much time left. He had to lie down, or he’d end up passing out. He sighed and glanced at Suguru. He never thought he’d have such a good time that afternoon. He wanted to stay there, not just that day, but all week, month, year. But it was impossible.
Although, he thought, they had four years ahead of them. And who knows how much fun they’d have then. He smiled again. He felt that it would be alright. Very alright.
He stood up and, before leaving, extended his hand.
“See you next year, Geto Suguru?”
Suguru took it and, without letting go, replied:
“See you, Gojo Satoru.”
And so it would be. Even when he was out of sight, out of reach, and out of his life, in the countless memories of their days together, Satoru would see him. He’d see the photographs, the books, and the hair ties he’d leave behind. He’d see his smile, his eyes, and the way he said his name. He’d see, in short, into the intricate and gray soul of that boy who, thanks to ironic fate, he’d come to love inexplicably.
And he’d keep seeing him, until his last breath.
Illustration by @ahresprite 🖤
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thecreaturecodex · 4 months
The Laughing Hand
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Image by Jolyne Garcia, © Hasbro and Critical Role. Accessed at the Critical Role Wiki here
[Sponsored by @tar-baphon. Critical Role is not something I ever got into. And despite two official D&D sourcebooks for Critical Role and a post-OGL fantasy heartbreaker RPG written for the setting, there's no official statblock for Ganix the Laughing Hand. There are, however, plenty of dedicated fans on the CR Wiki and on Reddit who made observations about his abilities and some guesswork onto their own statblocks, which I did reference. Some things that I noticed while working on this stat block are the persistence of D&D 4e design elements into what is nominally a 5e campaign (but of course is really an entertainment podcast first and foremost). In Critical Role, the Laughing Hand is a servitor of Torog, a god from the 4e "Points of Light" setting who does not officially appear in D&D 5e except in the Critical Role sourcebooks. He can also summon minions, and has absolutely no ranged capacity, which are both very 4e design elements. I made him a servitor of Yhidothrus, being PF's giant subterranean worm divinity, gave him unholy blight so he wasn't completely helpless against an army of flying PCs and... had to get creative with the minions.]
The Laughing Hand CR 17 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This hulking giant is twice as tall as a normal man. His skin is gray and splashed with red, and his eyes burn yellow beneath his thick hooded leather cloak. One of his hands is replaced with an oversized, double-edged blade, and the other has a fanged mouth in the palm. Similar fanged mouths open up over his body at odd angles, twisted into wry, mocking smiles.
The Laughing Hand was once a mortal general named Garix. Garix dared to challenge Yhidothrus, rallying an army to slay the Ravager Worm in a mad attempt to fight and kill the concept of entropy itself. Only Garix and his prized hunting hounds were even able to reach Yhidothrus directly, and the demon lord was amused by the hubris of his human adversary. After a century of torture, Garix was transformed into the Laughing Hand, a fiend that will come back from death endlessly to inflict suffering on the world of men.
Garix finds his own torment and transformation hilarious, and unless he is trying to be stealthy, he constantly laughs from his many mouths. This laughter causes creatures to freeze in terror, being unable to flee or fight back as the Laughing Hand tears them apart. If blades are raised against him, a new mouth opens up, adding to the horrible chorus. The Laughing Hand is often mobile in combat, leaping across the battlefield in order to target vulnerable targets. He can summon ghastly shadows of his beloved hounds, which he uses to block pursuit and set up flanking.
In order to slay Garix permanently, his heart must be found—this was cut from his chest and transformed into an oversized reliquary of sorts. This structure, called the Permaheart, is on a demiplane accessible only through a handful of portals. Finding this heart is a goal of both Yhidothrus’ enemies and cultists—his cultists in order to gain leverage over one of their god’s most powerful servants. If the Permaheart is ever destroyed, the Laughing Hand’s defenses weaken, but even then he is still a powerful melee combatant.
The Laughing Hand        CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Large outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +31, see invisibility Aura mocking laughter (15 ft., DC 25)
Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 29 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 armor, +15 natural) hp 264 (23d10+138) Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +18 DR 15/good; Immune poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 28 Defensive Abilities fortification (50%),rejuvenation
Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee armblade +30 (2d8+8/17-20), slam +30 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +30 (1d8+8) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks rake (bites +30, 1d8+8) Spell-like Abilities CL 17th, concentration +21 Constant—see invisibility At will—unholy blight (DC 18) 1/day—summon (8th level, 100%)
Statistics Str 27, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 18 Base Atk +23; CMB +32 (+36 grapple); CMD 47 Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (armblade), Improved Initiative, Great Cleave, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Outflank, Power Attack, Precise Strike, Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +30 (+34 when jumping), Climb +34, Intimidate +30, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Survival +31, Swim +34 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common SQ mighty leap, spawn maw
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure standard (+2 moderate fortification leather armor, other treasure)
Special Abilities Armblade (Ex) The Laughing Hand’s armblade is treated as a primary natural weapon that deals slashing damage and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Aura of Mocking Laughter (Su) All creatures within 15 feet of the Laughing Hand must succeed a DC 25 Will save or cower in fear for 1 round. The Laughing Hand can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. Demons are immune to this effect. This is a mind-influencing fear effect and the save DC is Charisma based. Mighty Leap (Ex) The Laughing Hand suffers no penalty from making a long jump without a running start. If he does get a running start, he doubles the distance traveled. Rake (Ex) When the Laughing Hand uses his rake attack, he normally has only one bite. He gains more bites by the use of the spawn maw ability. Rejuvenation (Su) If the Laughing Hand is slain, he reforms 24 hours later in the Spiral Paths. This can be disrupted if the Permaheart, hidden on a demiplane, is destroyed. If the Permaheart is destroyed and the Laughing Hand still lives, he loses his energy resistances, his DR is reduced to 5/good and his SR reduced to 18. Spawn Maw (Su) Whenever the Laughing Hand takes 10 or more damage from a piercing or slashing weapon, a new mouth opens up in the wound. This raises the save DC of the aura of mocking laughter by +1 for as long as the maw exists (to a maximum save DC of 35 for 10 maws), and gives the Laughing Hand another bite attack it can use when it uses its rake ability. Maws spawned this way last for 1 minute before they are resorbed into the Laughing Hand’s body. Summon (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, the Laughing Hand can summon four bleak hounds. Treat these as 10th level dog animal companions, only with spider climb as a constant supernatural ability and Precise Strike and Outflank as bonus feats. These hounds last for 1 hour or until slain.
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
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Coyote Head - Part 7 - Bloodied Kiss
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: The nightmares are finally catching up to Lucy.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death, Blood, Gore, Body Horror,Violence, Nightmares, Monsters, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
*Mind the tags
*This had been clawing at my mind for dayssssss I needed to post it early or I was going to explode
As the dust of the car faded, Lucy felt her shoulders drop, it was barely past mid-day and she was already feeling worn out. She was proud of herself, for not backing down and holding her ground. Max had been the first boy she’d really fallen for, and it sucked it had ended the way it did. It was time for her to move forward, to let that part of her life go. Move onto what was coming next for her, hopefully, something that won’t end as tragic.
Lucy turned to her two companions as they started to move, happy that they had stood at her back despite having no idea what was going on. She gave a weak smile at the two, trying to shake off the lingering feeling of dread.  
“Ya’doing okay?” Cooper asks as he moves towards her, the way the afternoon sun shone on his skin making her heart speed up. Her eyes unabashedly went over his body, the man was well-toned. The day-to-day work is evident on the hard lines of his muscles covering him; a crooked grin on his face when Lucy finally catches her eyes. 
Lucy glances away, as Dane grins at her, “Yeah, just, wasn’t expecting him to show up. Ever.”
“Well, shirtless. Could I get a hand movin’ some stuff around to get the mower.” Dane chuckles, Cooper smirking at the comment, the tips of his ears going pink. Lucy smiling at the two ribbing each other.
“Yeah, I can help the greasemonkey,” Cooper throws back, with raised eyebrows. “Shirt got wet. But pipes should be fine.” He said just loud enough for them to hear.
“Sure it did,” Dane rolls their eyes as turning to head to the other shed. Cooper gives them a sideways glance before following, a smile on his lips as he looks back at Lucy.
“I will go turn the water back on for the house,” Lucy chirps, her face was going to be stained beet red at this point. She was feeling happy that she had friends like these.
Lucy is once again sitting on the counter, the pipes are now running without leaks. Cooper had actually laid in water, which had given Lucy an excuse to toss his shirt into the dryer. She’d take any excuse to see the man move around her home and property shirtless. Dane had teased him endlessly about it much to Lucy’s amusement. Dane had taken off about an hour ago with the promise to come back on Monday to continue the work. Lucy had half a mind to figure out how to keep them on a more permanent basis. Something she’d run by Harris, see if it was worth doing, and if Dane wanted to stay of course. 
Cooper walks in, putting the caulking gun down beside the sink. He’d decide after finishing the pipe to fix up several issues around the sink. Lucy was positive she could have figured it out but Cooper was insistent. Really who was she to refuse the offer from a shirtless cowboy in her kitchen. She hands him a beer, he pops the top off with a ring on his middle finger. Lucy adds that to the list of things she found way too hot. 
“I can make up some dinner?” Lucy offers, she was pretty sure she could find something worth eating in the freezer. She also needed to make sure that she got Cooper some tallow too.
Cooper leans against the counter right beside her, taking a sip of the beer. Lucy can’t help but watch how he drinks it. “If ya don’t mind. Grandparents are taking the kidlets to d’pool and pizza after. Figured, we’re going to have a long day. ”
Lucy couldn’t help the smile that crosses her face, liking the idea of the two of them having an evening just for them. “Were you planning something, Cooper?”
Cooper’s sliding over so that he was leaning against Lucy, “Well, I was goin’ to ask ya out Ms. MacLean, but ya kinda jumped me.”
Lucy's head tipping back in a laugh, taking another sip of her beer. The two of them looked the other over, her eyes trying to memorize the way he looked out of his shirt.  “I don’t seem to remember you complaining,”
The man puts his beer down shifting so he is standing in front of Lucy, she swallows under his gaze. He leans forward putting a bare arm on either side of her, eyes wandering up her body, their face just inches from each other. Lucy’s breath catches in her chest as his hazel eyes stare into hers. 
“M’no, I certainly didn’t.” Cooper hushes, leaning forward to kiss her again. Lucy can’t help the little whine that escapes as she pushes back against him. Her hands ran up his arms, feeling his muscles twitch under the attention. He tastes so good, their tongues finding the other as they pull each other closer.
Her hands come up to cup his face, his hands resting on her thighs, fingers gripping against the flesh there. Lucy lets her legs open so that Cooper can move closer to her. He breaks the kiss, moving down along her jaw, small kisses down her neck. Lucy whimpers as he licks down her neck, his large hands rucking up her shirt. The callous on his fingers makes her body vibrate as he touches over her skin. 
“Cooper,” Lucy whimpers, her hands running up into his hair, as his hands cup her breast through her bra. “M’maybe we should-” His head ducks down, mouth going along her stomach. It feels so good, but it’s so fast. “Cooper, we shouldn’t-”
His teeth sink into her flesh, “Fuck- Ow- Cooper-” Lucy tries to pull him away but he bites in deeper, Lucy can feel her skin tearing. The sound of teeth in flesh, the wet sticky pop, her face twisting in a grimace. 
Lucy is scrambling, a scream finally leaving her throat at the pain, trying to get him off of her. “Stop. Stop-p it.” Lucy cries out, her hands finally pushing him off of her. The skin is not skin anymore, but rough and lizard-like under her hands. Cutting into her palm as she does her best to get it off of her. 
It’s not Cooper. Looking up at her, with blood painting its chin like a crimson river, is something that looks like Max. Its features are the same, but eyes instead of brown glow like orange flames, skin darker than shadows. Skin Covered in layers and layers of never-ending shifting scales that move in the light. A bloody grin spreads across its face. There are too many teeth, so sharp, in neverending rows, the pink spit glistening as it grinned up at her. Stomach oozing blood over her pants and dripping on the floor. 
“Just wanted a taste.” It growls at her, suddenly lunging forward to latch onto her neck.
Lucy is howling and fighting to get it off her struggling, as she falls to the floor. Her body protested as she hit the ground with a thud, the whole room going dark. She is pushing and struggling, but it’s soft now. Her hands are not grabbing at scales but material, eyes adjusting to the new surroundings. She was on the floor of her bedroom; chest heaving as she tries to make sense of where she was, and how she got there. 
Pushing the blanket off of her, she takes in the room around her. Her bedroom, she had fallen off the bed and landed on the floor. Lucy flips on the light and looks down, pulling up her shirt to look at her stomach. Hands running over where there should be torn tissue, before going up to her neck. Nothing. 
It had felt real, she could still feel the way it’s teeth had dug into her, the pain that had shot through her body. Looking at the bed Lucy expected to see blood, expected to see something. Throwing off the sheets there was nothing but sweat stains. 
Lucy collapsed onto the floor, her body trembling at the memory. It looked so much like Max, but it was all wrong. His face had been too round, eyes too far apart, hair too spiky, so many teeth. The eyes, orange fire-filled eyes, glowing like embers burning into her soul like hot ash on ice. Her hands scramble to the side of her table gabbing for her phone. 
For the first time, she doesn’t hesitate, hitting Cooper’s number. Pressing the phone to her ear, she hadn’t even looked at the time.
Cooper was there in a matter of minutes, Lucy opening the door for him, still in a state of shock. He had immediately gathered her up into his arms, hugging her tight against his chest, refusing to let her go until he got her over to the couch. He had her sit, covering her with several blankets, before moving into the kitchen. A hot cup of coffee with hot chocolate was put in front of her, along with some toast. He slid in beside her, bundling her up and tucking Lucy into his side. Her hands wrapping around him as she shivers, her whole body felt like it was frozen.
“You doing okay, sweetheart,” Cooper murmurs, his voice rumbling against the side of her head. Lucy could feel herself melting into his side, wanting to find some way to stay there forever.
Lucy swallows, nodding, “Just-” She wasn’t even sure how to put it all into words. It wasn’t exactly normal to have eighties horror movie dreams every night. “Nightmares have been really bad.” 
Cooper rubs his hand down her arm, Lucy lets her eyes close for a moment and enjoy the comfort.“How often have you been having them?”
Lucy snuggled in closer, reaching for the coffee mug and taking a sip. The warm caffeine and chocolate drink heating her insides. “Since the house got ransacked, it’s been nightly.”
Cooper’s chest grumbles at the words, arms somehow pulling her closer to him. “What was it about?”
“I don’t, I-” Lucy takes a sip of more coffee, before telling him what she’d dreamt about. Not skipping any details, the warmth of the coffee and his body made it easier to get it off her chest. 
Cooper hums, he takes his hat off, setting it beside him on the couch, hand running into his hair. He scratches at the stubble for a second. “Well, that wasn’t the dreams I’d hope you’d have of me.”
Lucy smacks his stomach at the joke, a small smile passing on her lips at the jest, “You think I like this? I’d much prefer no dreams, or well other dreams.”
Cooper grins, Lucy pouting a little, as he chuckles, “No, I don’t think that, I do worry about the nightmares. Can’t ‘member the last time I had a night-terror. Why you’re tired all the time?”
She nods, her eyelids weighing heavy despite the coffee and mind-bending visions.“I feel like I am losing my mind, Cooper.” 
“You’re not goin’ crazy, I think ya need sleep. Maybe some time away.” Cooper mumbles into her ear, pushing hair out of her face. “Why don’t ya let me take ya to my home.”
Lucy’s brows furrow, she didn’t want him to leave, but she also felt like she should stay. Why did she want to stay? The nightmares never stopped her, the shadows, the taping, the knocking? Yet the thought of leaving made her stomach turn, but when Lucy left she felt lighter. 
“You promise you don’t think I am going crazy?” Lucy whispers, wondering how much he would believe. How much did she even believe? None of this made sense, not really. 
He shifts so he can look right at her, eyebrows making his forehead wrinkle.“I promise I don’t think’ya’re goin’ crazy. Anymore than am goin’ crazy.”
“I feel like I am supposed to be here, even with all the nightmares, the shadows, the house being tossed. I keep comin’ back.” Lucy states, her fingers fiddling with the edge of the blanket. Saying it out loud made it seem even more ridiculous than it had in the confines of her mind.
Cooper nods, placing the mug on the coffee table, hand running up and down her arm more. “It’s not surprisin’, this place is your home. It’s where ya grew up.”
“It’s not just that,” Lucy said, sitting up a bit, clutching at the mug, trying to hold onto some shred of reality. “It’s like something is pulling me here. Like I can’t leave.”
“So, leavin’ would probably be wise,” Cooper replies, his hand finding hers. “You’re sleep-deprived, runnin’ on fumes, Lucy. We have a spare room ya can stay in. Until ya can catch up on sleep, have a better view on thin’s with a clear head.”
Lucy sat back, the thought of being off the farm made her stomach twist, but she also needed sleep. Actual sleep sounded amazing, to not feel like she was burning at both ends. 
She nods her head finally. “Yeah, maybe I do need to leave.” 
Lucy was sitting at her family's dinner table, watching the kids outside to play on the deck. She had slept most of the day away, her exhaustion not feeling nearly as pressing as it usually did. The spring air was warm today, the hints of summer shifting in the air. She’d slept most of the day, Cooper had brought her to his place at about three am, the two tiptoeing upstairs. Initially, he’d offered her the spare bedroom, but after opening the door and seeing a pile of laundry, his room was the next best. Cooper had insisted on sleeping downstairs, despite Lucy’s best attempt to get him to stay. Traumatizing the children wasn’t high on her list. She was a little peeved he hadn’t woken her up, but she was also grateful for the extended rest. 
Stephanie sat down across from her, glancing out at the kids. They were running back and forth across the deck, possibly paying tag. “How’s it going, Lucy.”
“I am doing okay,” Lucy lies, there was no reason anyone needed to know any more about her problems. “Did you ever talk to Betty?”
“Oh! Yes, Betty.” Stephanie smiled, digging through her phone. “I sent her the photos.” She lets out a sigh, “Unfortunately no dice. Seems like it’s still a mystery.”
“Dang was hopin’ we’d get somethin’ more,” Cooper said, sitting beside Lucy. She desperately wants to crawl onto his lap and fall asleep, but instead, she shuffles a little closer. Steph watching the two of them closely, one eyebrow up. 
“Yeah. probably something diggin’ like you said.” Steph says, shutting her phone off and leaning back into her chair. “Had any more weird stuff happen?” 
Lucy shook her head, not wanting to get into the details, “Nope, hoping it stays that way really.” 
Bert sat down beside Steph leaning in to give her a quick kiss, “Y’all heard about the Roths.”
Cooper and Lucy looking at each other, shaking their heads. It wasn’t like they had had a free moment lately.
“Last night something came and killed two calves. Did some damage to some of the cows too.” Bert sighs, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “Like we needed more loss this year.”
Lucy's mind ran over the property map. The Roth's had a section leased from her that was back half on parkland and half onto her farm. There was also the nightmare last night.
“Which section was it?” Lucy asks, already knowing the answer.
“The section southwest of your place, actually,” Reg's brows furrowing. “Weird huh.”
“Do you know what time?” Cooper asks, his hands taping at the table.
Lucy realizing that Cooper was also putting two and two together. 
“Not sure, I know it was overnight.” Reg replied, “Why? Something happened with you guys too?”
Lucy swallowed, her hands going to cover her stomach. The feeling of her flesh ripping out, the haunting image of its eyes, the sound of its voice. 
“Nothing of note, we did have a mummified calf. But Barry figures it was just a bad pregnancy.” Cooper shrugs, the action supposed to be of disinterest, but his shoulders stay tight. Lucy is happy that he didn't bring up her nightmares until she got some more sleep it wasn’t worth mentioning. Right? 
“Maybe it's the weird spring. Warming up too fast. Animals reacting to it,” Steph adds, her hand covering Reg's. Her eyes looking between the two of them. 
Cooper is up and moving as the sliding door opens, Mathias holding a frog in his hand. The little boy had a grin from ear to ear as he holds it up to show his Dad the little critter he'd found.
“Can't bring it in here, buddy. Why don't we go take it to the pond,” Cooper tells him with a smile, petting the little creature his son held up. Lucy smiling as the two wander out of sight.
“So how long you two-” Steph raises an eyebrow, with a cheshire smile,
“Been a thing?” 
Lucy’s cheeks burn at the words, not realizing how obvious she had been. “No. Well. Yes. But not that long. Didn’t realize I was that transparent..” 
The couple chuckle, Steph smiling at her cousin, as she squeezes Reg’s hand. Free hand waving at Lucy as if it was nothing.
“You both need a little light in your lives,” Reg states smiling at Lucy, before looking at his wife. 
“Keeping things quiet for now. Haven't really talked about it much.” Lusy confesses, Marge coming over to sit at the table.
“Keeping what quiet hon?” Marge questions, holding a cup of tea in her hands. Cooper comes back in through the sliding door, walking over and kissing Lucy on the cheek. Marge chuckles and makes an ahh sound, Lucy doing her damndest not to slide under the table. 
“As long as you're both happy,” Harris says, patting Lucy on the shoulder. Lucy having a hard time keeping her cool, it wasn’t as if they’d put a label on things. They’d kissed once for crying out loud.
“Could I speak to you for a moment, Lucy?” Harris asks, kissing Marge on the top of her head before moving towards the hallway.
“Absolutely,” Lucy smiles, looking back at Coope who nods before following her Uncle into the big house. 
Down past the bedrooms a door leads into a well-lit office, the far wall has three large windows that face out into the backyard and forest line. A large old desk sat in the middle, along with several large filing cabinets and bookshelves. The room was bright against the dark wood, space big enough for two large overstuffed chairs beside the bookcases. On a well-worn stool were three faded bankers' boxes. Lucy recognizes her Grandpa's handwriting on the front. Harris puts a big hand on top of one rotating so he is facing Lucy.
“Me and Margie have,” He pauses looking out the large windows towards the forest. “Debated about whether we should give you these. Tim asked me to burn them. But it didn't feel right.”
Lucy crossed her arms, hugging herself a little as she looked at her Uncle. His usual nonchalant demeanor now scrunched together in tight lines across his face. Pacing back and forth in front of the window as he spoke. 
“These are Tim’s journals. Going back to a month after your Dad and Uncle went missing.” Harris replies, Lucy, feels a wave of dread wash over her as he moves over to his filing cabinet.
“They didn't go missing- '' Lucy goes to reply, Harris placing a newspaper in front of her. Headline read Two men killed in farm accident. “Yeah, this is what Tim showed me.”
“Flip to page four,” Harris said, Lucy did as he asked, unable to get a read on his emotions. Page four has a smaller blurb, Search for brothers ends. Lucy reads through the blurb, a cold pool of dread weighing in her guts. 
“They went missing in the forest. In the forest around my house.” Lucy whispers, her hands shaking as she rereads the words. “They never found the bodies.”
Harris meets her eyes as she looks up at him, “What is going on?” Lucy demands dropping the paper on top of the boxes. “Why? Why? Did no one tell me?”
“Tim made us promise,” Harris said, placing his big bear paw-sized hands on her shoulder, it felt like the weight of the news pressing down on her. “He didn’t want you or Norm to know. He figured that if you thought they were dead you could move on. In ways he never let himself move on.” 
Lucy moves away from Harris, a deep sense of betrayal washing over her. “You’re telling me he didn’t think they were dead? It’s been decades since they went missing.”
Harris had sat himself down in one of the overstuffed chairs. “We searched and searched for weeks. Even after search and rescue stopped, stuf-,” He rubs one of his big mitts across a day's worth of stubble. “Stuff happened during the search. Stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
Lucy sighs, flopping into the chair beside her Uncle, “Could we not be vague, please? I can handle whatever happened then.”
“While we were searching, people heard things.” Harris’s face went pale.
“They kept hearing Hank call out, or Shaun. It sounded like they were close, but we could never find them. It would go quiet for days, then Me and Tim would go out and hear them again.”
Lucy swallows, “Like it was calling you there.”
Harris looks at her, a knowing look passing over his face. “It scared some of the volunteers. Hearing them, but never finding them. Then a week before your Mom checked out it stopped. These journals are the first time I even had any idea that it had continued after you both got there.” 
“We spent our entire childhood in and out of those woods.” Lucy’s voice was raised, her heart thudding in her chest. “Why would he let us in there if he thought it was dangerous?”
Harris looking older than his year. “Lucy. If I thought you were in any danger I would have taken you and Norm out of there.” Lucy stands there staring at him, anger subsiding at the honesty in his words. “No one. Not one of us. Thought you were in any danger there.”
Lucy swallows, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. “Once you kids arrived, Tim didn’t share anything. I thought. I thought he was dealing with the loss of his sons. In his own way, never finding the bodies made him want to hold on to hope. So I let him. Then when he got the cancer diagnosis he brought me these boxes. Telling me to burn them once he was dead. That it would all be over, I didn’t know what he meant. But it was like a weight had finally been lifted off of him. ” Lucy shifts in her chair, unsure how to feel. “When your place got tossed I pulled them out, I read a few.” Harris shifts in his chair, staring at the boxes. “I don’t know what I was expecting but you should read them.”
“What is in them?” Lucy pushes, feeling like she is waiting for a bomb to go off. Her hold on the world was sliding, and she wasn’t sure if she would make it.
“Memories, stuff about your childhood. But also. Other stuff. Stuff I don’t know if I can believe.” Harris’s voice going soft. “I should have told you a long time ago and I am sorry for that. But maybe this will help, maybe put things to rest finally.”
Tag list: @toogaytofunctiondangit , @hiddlebatchedloki , @whatsorceressisthis @dichromaniac @autumncryptids
*I am gonna say we are onto act 2... it's only gonna get darker from here < 3
**As always likes, comments, shares are soooo appreciated, you can find me Ao3 as well
** Want to be on the tag list let me know
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 10 months
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
smau + written (2.0k words)
❥・• episode 31 — the name above me
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tw! y/n’s mom
The two-week break flies by rather quickly, and you find yourself back in your school uniform on a Monday morning, realising that nothing has really changed. You had already half-convinced yourself that post-midterm would be different for you, you had hoped for clarity regarding your plans after high school. Alas, uncertainty clings to you like an unwelcome companion.
Walking onto campus, you encounter a throng of students gathered in front of the ranking boards. Right, your results are released today.
Oddly, though, the weight of your grades hasn't been preoccupying your thoughts these past two weeks like it would in the past, marking the first time in your life that you haven't been consumed by overthinking your grades or endlessly reviewing test questions, as if every time you did it you didn’t get the same exact answer.
No, you actually enjoyed your break. You allowed yourself to breathe, to embrace the carefree spirit of a high school teenager.
You went café hopping with Bora and Jungwon again, only this time you ensured a mango juice mishap did not befall you. The girls, including yourself, enjoyed a truly relaxing girls' day where everyone dressed up just for the joy of it. Then there was that unforgettable excursion to the amusement park; you rode the Ferris wheel for the first time as it had been a long-standing prohibition from your mother. Though fairly insignificant, you record as it as a ‘win’ in your books.
Before you knew it, your final term at Decelis Academy had already begun. The documentary is in its concluding stages, with tasks remaining on the itinerary, including capturing your and Jungwon's reactions to your grades, the student council's senior farewell party, Jungwon's upcoming competition, and then the final confessional.
Arriving on campus, you initially worry about being way too early but lucky for you, the camera crew had arrived hours in advance and established their vantage point on the left side of the ranking boards—the higher-scoring side. Despite their meticulous preparation, you inadvertently squeeze yourself into a group of students gathered in the middle, unintentionally defying their plans for the perfect front-row view of your reaction from every angle.
Your eyes scan the list.
74 ***
75 ***
76 ***
77 Yang Jungwon
Found it.
You let your fingers glide over the paper, seeking out his Mathematics scores. 105 out of 150. Relief floods through you, a broad smile gracing your face at his passing grade. Not just barely but with a decent score, just enough to pull him up to a C, securing his spot in the competition just 15 days from now. You’re smiling so wide, the joy evident without even knowing how you did for your own papers.
And as if you were sharing the same brain cell, you find Jungwon standing at the front of the board, his expression tense as he gazes at a name at the top. Concern brushes your thoughts, but you manage to conceal it from the cameras as you cheerfully call out, "Wonnie! You passed your Math paper, you’re going to compete in the Asian Championships!"
"I-I’m so sorry, Y/N," he stammers, a heavy silence lingering between you. Reluctantly, you follow his gaze, and there it is.
1 Lee Haerin
2 Park Y/N.
Your name, usually perched at the top, now finding itself below another.
You know Lee Haerin, she’s a familiar face from the book club, and you know this having seen her in the library more times than you could count. And you were there almost every day. You also recognise her name as someone who was consistently ranking below you, but how the tables have turned.
You don’t loathe her; surely, it isn’t her fault that your English Literature scores fell short, causing you to drop in overall rankings. Besides, it's only mid-terms, and you still have your preliminary exams to pull your grades up before the CSAT… Right?
You sense someone settling down beside you on the ledge you've chosen to occupy on the roof. You had chosen to forgo lunch, knowing you can barely keep anything down your throat at the moment. Shifting your gaze from the clusters of shops just outside the school gates, where the popular takoyaki stand beckons memories of post-school visits with your friends, you turn your attention to the person you had already half-expected to be Jungwon.
“You should eat something, even if just a little.” Jungwon places a piece of custard bread, banana milk, and a packet of your favourite gummies on your lap, almost pleading with you to eat.
“You didn’t have to.”
“Not when you look like as if the world is ending tomorrow.” Jungwon jokes, only to cough awkwardly when he realises you didn’t respond to his jokes, even with an eye-roll like you usually would.
“It might as well be. I just know my mother is going to KILL me.” You make sure to emphasise the word ‘kill.’ Because you aren’t wrong; if the world isn’t going to kill you tomorrow, your birth-giver will.
Unbeknownst to you, tears well up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. Witnessing you in such a vulnerable state tugs at Jungwon's heart; the girl he likes is breaking down in front of him and he doesn’t even know what to do. As he battles his inner thoughts, contemplating the best way to console you, he senses you clutching onto the sleeves of his uniform blazer. Pouting and fighting back tears, you say, “I’m going to be okay, right?”
“Yes, crybaby, everything is going to be okay.” You feel him begin to gently stroke your hair down to your neck, rubbing circles into the back of your ears as he makes another crybaby joke in an attempt to cheer you up.
“I’m not a crybaby,” you manage to say between hiccups and sobs, prompting Jungwon to emit a small snicker. The irony strikes you—a few weeks ago, you were in Jay’s garden comforting Jungwon as he held back tears, and now he's here comforting you in your most vulnerable state. The situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungwon, as he also recognises the irony of it, judging by the bittersweet way he smiles.
“Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything.” Jungwon holds your cheek and tilts your head to face him, his thumbs swiping away fresh tears staining your cheeks.
“I don’t know… the one thing I’m good at, and I just flunked it-“
“Shh! Believe in yourself because if you don't, then who will? Life’s beautiful, and there's so much more to it than numbers on a piece of paper, Y/N. I hope you see that.”
In that moment, you realise you never really did look at your scores for the papers. Then you realise it wasn’t the scores that had you feeling worthless. Thinking back, you had already forgone looking at your scores a long time ago, as long as you stayed in that number one spot, as long as you didn’t disappoint your mother. You wanted to satisfy her, try to get her to praise you, but as your heartless mother has once said: “Why would I praise something that is supposed to be a given?”
You've spent your entire life routinely studying, evolving yourself into the machine your mother probably wished she had instead of a breathing human child—you.
In the echo of your academic routine, the fear of losing her approval looms larger than the tangible rankings you've held. The relentless pursuit of excellence, though driven by an inner desire for acknowledgment, is entangled in the web of your mother's expectations. So, what scares you isn’t the fact you no longer retained the number one spot; what scares you is disappointing the one person you craved validation from. What were you expecting? Because when the given is taken away from you, will she praise you then?
No. She’ll criticise you, blame your father, blame the documentary, and undoubtedly, she’ll gun after Jungwon. Because nothing is ever really her fault, and you knew sometime along the way that nothing will ever satisfy her, but you still try anyway. You try because you don’t know what else to do other than sticking to the status quo. Until, at least, the documentary featuring Jungwon happened.
What was initially supposed to be a pawn in your masterful plan to build your portfolio for University becomes the very documentary that breaks you out of your shell, as the looming prospect of your mother’s disapproval, like an oppressive cloud, pushes you to strive for success, even when you know it may never be enough for her.
“Eat.” You come back to your senses to find Jungwon has opened the packet of bread and shoved it into your mouth. He then watches you bite into it before he lets go to open the bottle of banana milk, handing them to you between bites of the bread.
Again, Jungwon with his overly friendly gestures that graze the delicate line between friends and something more than that. Jungwon, who once again, manages to empty your mind by babying you and treating you like a princess who needs rescuing.
“You’re confusing me.” The words fly out of your mouth before you even get the chance to rethink
“Doesn’t mean I’m feeding you like a baby that you are actually one.” He teases, and you watch him as he takes a sip out of the banana milk, from the same straw you used. Pushing away the thought that you’ve just indirectly kissed him, you're just glad he didn’t catch onto the intention behind your statement.
“I feel bad that you’re here comforting me, when you should be celebrating having passed a certain Math paper after all that hard work.”
“It was your hard work as much as it was mine, Y/N.” Jungwon takes his thumb, wiping at the corner of your lips where custard from the bread had oozed out and stayed. He then brings it up to his own lips, eating it off his finger. You just indirectly kissed him, again.
Your heartbeat quickens, a symphony of excitement drowning out any lingering worries about exams or your mother. Your mind is a canvas painted with thoughts of Jungwon and his unexpected gestures that got you contemplating the possibility of him being interested in you. Surely, Yang Jungwon isn’t known for being a romantic guy, but once again, you're proven wrong; he is that guy.
This certainty solidifies as he opens the packet of gummies, deliberately picking out the red-coloured ones first, knowing that you ate them in the colour of the rainbow; a subtle detail that shows he pays attention to your preferences.
At first, they were really subtle gestures that made you realise how horribly you have misjudged him. Then came the heartfelt actions, revealing a caring side that made you question if he had always been this way. The tipping point was realising these gestures were exclusively reserved for you, unveiling sides of Jungwon that remained hidden from everyone else. While others perceived him as mundane, cold, and mysterious, you alone saw a different Yang Jungwon.
And when you see the scoreboard, someone else’s name above yours for the very first time, it shocks you to the core that you, in fact, did not care. That the first thing you sought was Jungwon’s rankings on the board, eager to know if your efforts in tutoring him paid off, if he can participate in the competition that has become crucial to him and, by extension, vital to you.
For the first time, someone else's grades mattered more than your own. This epiphany stretches beyond academic priorities, signifying that Jungwon holds a place in your life beyond the confines of friendship; that he is more than just a friend that you make him out to be.
You like him, more than you let yourself on.
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authors note: i kept my promise yall 😁😁🤟 and yes yn mom needs a whole ass tw. i’d say we are a good 10 chapters away from the finale and i’m currently considering next projects but we’ll see 👀 also do expect more written chapters, i rlly tried to reduce them as much as possible but it’s so hard to write without going into detail… BUT i’ll defo make it up with super fluffy and sweet chapters 🤭
perm taglist. @hajimelvr @s00buwu @urmomssneakylink @grayscorner @bubblytaetae @mrchweeee @artstaeh @sleeping-demons @yuviqik @junsflow
taglist open! @uuzhanggggggg @jayhoonvroom @missingemobeomgyu @jiawji @ocyeanicc @s7noo @asterizee @nwjws @noascats @yunwonie @saturnmooonxx @enhaz1 @jiaant11 @clairecottenheart @i2lain @miumiuoi @zhounauts @hoey2k @neocockthotology @nanuer @yenqa @ahnneyong @chanhee-hee @yanqiiuver @yujmelon @beomsbeanie @sloobydooburmomjungwon @keiisu @jaeyunniesimp @jiamini @jihanniee @lilriswife4life
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