#also he has never kissed anyone and would very much like to but is unclear on how one might broach this topic
astaroth1357 · 1 year
Witchy Requests: The Reality of Summoning a Demon Lord
Contents: Violence and demons being demonic
Summoning Lucifer
First off, this is not even remotely easy to do.
Lucifer does not get summoned away very often because it takes a witch at least comparable to Solomon's skill to pull it off. Of the small handful of people who can, only a couple are crazy enough to try (so he already knows them all by name).
Not only is this hard to do logistically, Lucifer also HATES being summoned with a burning passion. It messes up his schedule, gives him a pounding headache, and it's pretty humiliating to be ordered about like a dog on a lead.
Anyone summoning Lucifer has put some seriously strong spells in place to keep him in check. It'll take more than a salt circle to stay protected because he'll just blow that crap away with his wings.
It's well known that he will attack the second that the caster gives him the opportunity. Even so much as looking away could leave enough of an opening for him to fry them to a crisp. Extra potent magic chains and bindings are about the only things that ensure safety....
Deals with Lucifer are extremely costly due to how pissed he is just being there. He doesn't stop at their soul. Depending on the day, he could ask for any number of other sacrifices before he so much as lifts a finger. A person summoning Lucifer must be prepared to lose almost everything...
That said, he always fulfills his contracts to the letter and employs very little trickery. If the agreement was unclear, then that's on the summoner. Not him. They get exactly what they asked for.
There was a rumor going around for a time that if Lucifer was summoned with classical music in background, he'd be easier to deal with. Unfortunately, a naive young witch gave it a try and found out that "easier to deal with" Lucifer is still willing take off a hand or two no matter how sophisticated the room sounds.
Solomon has only managed to summon him twice. The first time was in a bid for a pact (which ended in a very wrecked office) and the second was an attempt to ask the questions about Michael that Simeon refused to answer (he let him go pretty quickly after receiving a death glare that would have turned his hair white if it weren't so silvery already).
Summoning Mammon
So like. It's pretty easy to do, but it ain't cheap.
Mammon only shows up if the caster can offer up some serious wealth in return. We're talking sprinkling the summoning circle in gold coins and Rolex watches to make it happen. They don't get to keep any of it, either. He's taking that as the "entrance fee."
Though he's generally a pretty safe summon, Mammon's motivations are directly tied to how much wealth he's gonna make off of their time together. Bribes aren't just encouraged, they're expected, and he gets pissed off if they think he'll do any work for free.
Since he encompasses the sphere of Greed, he sees a lot of witches and the like who summon him for a bit of luck or to increase their chances of acquiring ill-gotten gains. He usually demands a cut of whatever they manage to get from his help, on top of what it already took for him to play ball to begin with.
The only witches who get to skip his exorbitant prices are, unfortunately, the ones whom he already owes money to and it is degrading to say the least... He tries to keep MC out of that as much as possible and he'll straight up toss anyone who brings it up.
There's an urban legend around witching circles that of you can get Mammon to kiss a Grimm and give it to you, you'll have good fortune for an entire year. He doesn't really believe it himself but he still gave one to MC, just in case.
Solomon hasn't ever tried to summon Mammon, though he knows that he could very easily. He's not too tied to wealth or material possessions, so he's never needed his assistance to start with. If he ever summons him now, it's usually just to ask how MC is doing since the two are so close.
Summoning Levi
Often more trouble than it's worth...
Summoning Levi is really only useful for a VERY small handful of problems, nearly all of which concerning the Devil's Sea in some way. He's the only brother with any jurisdiction over it, much less the ability to talk to fish.
The issue is that Levi hates being summoned just as much as Lucifer. It drags him right out of his comfort zone and puts him a space where he feels like he's being judged for how useless he is... Thus, he'll spend the whole time sulking, irritated, and hissing to be left alone.
Levi has to be spoken to with extreme care because setting him off could result in the caster getting crushed by all 200 tons of Lotan then swept away in the flood that comes after.
Those who can appease him with video games and anime fair better, not by much because he gets even more irritated if they get details the wrong or seem like a "fake fan" (yes, unfortunately he gatekeeps 🥲). Only the most otaku of witches are safe from his temper.
In truth, main reason that anyone summons Levi anymore is for nautical travel through the Devil's Sea. The dude is like a living compass with precise latitude and longitudinal coordinates built into his DNA. But asking for that is also a one way ticket to meet Admiral Levi who is even WORSE to be around than the Otaku version...
The first time Solomon summoned Levi, they actually got along pretty well (largely thanks to Solomon's equally copious knowledge of TSL). He was only looking for the scales of a specific sea monster, but the two ended up chatting for a while. He thought that he could have made a pact with him right then and there, but Levi asked if he liked The Magical Ruri Hana and his answer to THAT shut things down instantly...
Summoning Satan
Practically the OG demon to summon despite being around for the least amount of time.
Satan is one of the easier brothers to summon because he spent a few centuries spreading around just how to do so in the human world. He wanted an excuse to leave the House and piss off Lucifer by fucking with humanity. Architect of the Satanic Panic right here.
I suppose you could say that in his younger years, Satan was something akin to a rockstar in witching terms. Even non-witches knew of him, just not a lot of the accurate details.
Satan was really the "ground zero" for humanity's pop culture surrounding demons. He used to use it as a chance to let loose from Lucifer's constant pressure, so he played up the persona of the "charming, charismatic bad boy with a homicidal mean-streak" beautifully.
You would also have to be a lawyer if you wanted to make a solid contract with him. He was wicked smart even back then and put it good use by tormenting the humans more. That classic phrase, "Deal with the Devil" came from the amount of times he'd gleefully screw someone over.
Since then, he's calmed down considerably and is even a little embarrassed about his old persona if anyone brings it up. He's much more refined in his modern day dealings, though he'll still make a nasty deal or two just to keep the humans on their toes.
Satan's fondness for cats is the reason why cats got tied to witchcraft in media. It was common knowledge that if you summoned him with a cat present, then he would be too distracted to give you a bad deal. Ever since then, it just stuck.
Solomon's true first interaction with Satan was when he summoned him one day to get some advice about making a pact with Lucifer... It was one of his worst ideas to date and he still has the mended ribs to show for it.
Summoning Asmo
Very easy with low risk... for the most part.
Asmo LOVES getting summoned out by witches. It feeds his ego something fierce. So he never makes it all that hard to do, however...
Those who summon Asmo quickly learn that it cannot be a one-time thing. Or if it is, it better fucking stay that way.
Asmo ties a lot of self-worth to how "in demand" he is, so after a witch summons him, he'll keep a tally on how long it takes for them to summon him again.
If they do so quickly and regularly? No issues. He couldn’t be happier! If they take too long between summons though...?
Fury. He'll come at them laying curse after curse because how DARE they forget about him like that!! And after, uh... whatever he did to help them out, no less!
Most witches just preemptively make a pact with him since they know that calling on Asmo is more like an ongoing relationship than a simple business transaction.
Ironically, despite the fact that Asmo wants to be summoned so badly, he is incredibly picky about the kinds of work he'll do. He won't do anything that could ruin his manicures, mess up his hair, strain his muscles, dirty his skin, cause a breakout, make him frown-
All of this absolutely stems from that time he was summoned by Solomon and tricked into doing hard labor to build his Temple. You live and learn, then throw the people who treat you poorly into the desert as punishment. Or something like that.
Summoning Beel
A very unwise decision unless you have the resources of a sultan.
Beel isn't exactly hostile by default, if anything he's very easy going all things considered. It's just that his stomach does a lot of the talking in contract arrangements...
After summoning Beel, the caster has to try and keep him fed at all costs. If he's eating, he's docile and easily negotiable. If he's hungry, he will eat them without hesitation. He's just going to go for the most filling thing in the room and, unfortunately, that tends to be the human in front of him.
As long as they have ten or so caterers on speed dial, deals with Beel are very straightforward. He's refreshingly forthright compared to the rest.
Sure, the first thing he usually asks for is permission to eat them, but he can be easily dissuaded by offering up something else to fill his stomach in their place. He's not bloodthirsty, just hungry.
For a short time, it was theorized that summoning both twins at the same time would make their interactions more safe, but that was quickly canned when it was discovered that Belphie would encourage Beel to eat whomever brought them there... He was not a good influence at all.
Solomon did actually try to summon Beel once thinking that he made enough food to keep him satisfied for a talk. Beel didn't even get three bites into his tuna salad before he lost consciousness... When he woke back up in HoL, he didn't have any memory of it and Solomon tactically decided to never mention it again so he could avoid future arguments.
Summoning Belphie
Blacklisted. Not allowed.
For centuries before MC showed up, Belphie was considered one of the most dangerous demons for a human witch to summon. Full stop. Even worse than Lucifer. The guy's bloodlust was unreal.
How exactly was the weakest brother considered the most deadly to interact with, you ask? Cold, hard manipulation.
Belphegor knows he's considered the weakest. He knows that he doesn't look like much of a threat. He even knows how to play into that "sleepy and harmless baby brother" image that he's spent so damn long building up.
Belphie is even better at persuasion than Satan. He can make whoever summons him feel silly, no, embarrassed for ever thinking he was a threat, then attack them when their guard was down.
Even if they keep him contained, his contracts are notoriously filled with wordplay and deceit. At best, he'll twist the terms around so he doesn't actually have to do anything. At worst, it'll become a death warrant with more than just their life on the line...
All of this, of course, was Belphie back when he still hated humans. But even after settling down with MC, he's in no rush to go correcting any records. He quite likes having his nap days uninterrupted, thank you.
One of the most horrifying rumors about summoning Belphegor is that if you sleep afterwards without fully sanctifying the room, he'll possess you in your sleep. There are still witches to this day who travel to the Devildom with sage in their pockets just in case they see him and need to start cleansing the area immediately.
Much like Mammon, Solomon has also never tried to summon Belphie. Sure, he can be somewhat unscrupulous, but even the witty sorcerer knows when the risk outweighs the reward.
Summoning Diavolo
Really only possible in theory because there has never been a successful attempt.
No one is very sure why all attempts to summon the Demon Prince crash and burn so easily. Solomon himself as spent centuries trying to work out the logistics.
Is there just no sacrifice comparable enough to bring out a being of his magnitude?
Are the sigils and chants required so ancient and esoteric that they've long been forgotten by mortal minds?
Do the summoning circles work but Diavolo, by the nature of his power and authority, just "opts out" of showing up if he feels like it?
Solomon has tried summoning Dia numerous times and every attempt has left him with nothing but wasted materials and broken dreams. This is basically his white whale. Don't bring it up or he'll get pouty.
Summoning Barbatos
Another unwise decision that leaves many with nightmares years later.
Barbatos is an... interesting case to summon. Like Lucifer, the caster has to be incredibly talented. Though unlike Lucifer, Barbatos doesn't react with such upfront vitriol.
To be clear, he is NOT happy. He is NEVER happy to be called away so suddenly from his lord. But it comes across more like a frigid aura of contempt and malice than the white hot hostility of all the others.
Put simply, it just feels like you royally fucked up in ways you can't even process.
The most unnerving thing about accepting a contract with Barbatos is that he will always agree to whatever is asked for with no complaint, but he'll never say what he wants in return.
The terms of all demonic contracts are that whatever is asked must be balanced by an equal sacrifice, but since Barbs NEVER identifies what he plans on taking, it leaves the caster to wonder what they've loss...
Every bad event from then on gets overanalyzed to the point of paranoia where the caster victim tries to identify if their debt has finally been paid or if he may still come to them one day and demand what he's owed...
Solomon doesn't know it, but a popular theory among his peers is that what Barbs took in exchange for their pact was his mortality in hopes that the centuries of loss and isolation would make him go insane. It's a silly little rumor, but it does still make Barbs chuckle whenever he hears it...
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Can we get some stuff recharging adult Lucky and Kaku? … asking for a friend.
anon I am gently kissing you on the forehead, thank you so much I have been wanting to talk about them since finishing Enies Lobby
under the cut because I am mentally ill about this man
When they meet, it's in the kitchen of the Going Merry when he comes to check out the ship. Lucky was already a little rattled from the Franky Family trying to jump them, so a strange man suddenly appearing on the ship definitely scares her a bit.
That, and the whole Enel situation happened like not even a week ago.
She freezes and stares at him when he walks in, and he isn't doing any better. He just came to do an evaluation on a ship and now he's finding this poor, battered woman cowering in one of the rooms.
He snaps out of it and is quick to explain who he is and why he's there. Once she's calmed down and realized she isn't about to be attacked again, he steps closer and asks in a hushed tone if she needs help. Rescuing people being held hostage on a pirate ship is hardly a first for Galley-La.
Her attempts to convince him that she is actually fine aren't particularly successful, but he doesn't force her to come with. He does talk her into showing him around the ship "just in case he misses something", but really he's just worried Zoro is going to do something to Lucky when he isn't looking.
Just as he's leaving, he slips a piece of paper into her pocket. It's hastily jotted down directions to Dock 1 if she changes her mind. Lucky is somewhat charmed. While his concern was ultimately unnecessary, it was very sweet of him.
Kaku, meanwhile, is having a crisis. Being able to shut down and disregard emotions is something he had to get good at in his line of work, so why could he not get Lucky out of his head? Why does he feel like he needs to go back and save her? He puts it aside, but just barely.
It keeps building as the arc progresses and further encounters make him feel even more hot under the collar. He went out of his way to bring her some lunch while also covertly doing CP9 stuff because she mentioned wishing she could've tried this one particular food Water 7 was known for. He's down bad and has no idea what to do.
Ultimately, he leaves her behind when their cover is blown and they all head to Enies Lobby, but when she comes there... His resolve breaks. Clearly this is meant to be, why else would she have come here despite the danger? She was meant to be his. She wants this as bad as he does.
After being defeated by Zoro, he uses the last of his strength to find and bring her with him. He's 100% ready to leave everything behind just to be with her. This doesn't work out thanks to Lucky having an impact dial on her, but even after taking such a vicious blow, he's still attempting to reach out to her.
Kaku hates who and what he is. He never asked to be an assassin, none of them did, but he could never fully settle into the roll. A part of him always resented the people who did this to him. Who forced him to live such a horrible life when he could have been normal if they'd laid eyes on anyone but him.
Lucky is his second chance. She's an opportunity to run away and restart his disaster of a life. To experience the normalcy he had up until now thought would only ever be a fantasy.
All he wants is to walk away from all this and be a normal, happy couple living a refreshingly mundane life. Sure, it wouldn't be completely normal, they would have to move around constantly to evade detection from the world government that would absolutely be looking for him, but it's nothing they can't persevere through together.
The thing he wants most is a family. The memories of his own family from his childhood are so far away and unclear that he isn't even entirely sure they're real or just something he came up with to make himself feel better. But now, with Lucky, he could have something indisputably real. Their children would be as adorable as they would be loved, that's what he tells her when he's trying to force convince her to come with him.
Kaku is delusional to an extreme. He only ever sees Lucky as a victim of circumstance that is so traumatized from her past that she can't be trusted to make good decisions for herself. That's why she needs a little push, he tells himself.
Please ask me more about him, I'm obsessed as you can probably tell.
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
Hi, actually, I've asked a few Dicktim au ideas at you as anon, but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone a little, so I didn't hide myself this time... Anyway, here's a batcest au that goes a little too far
"Probably everyone knows about the most popular video game of recent times. The game, which was suddenly released and the producer of which was unclear, had appeared with the promise of a reward to the person who managed to complete all its parts. However, despite the attempts of almost everyone in the world, no one has succeeded so far. 'Batfamily' is a yandere otome game that hosts four possible partners. And there's only about a week left for the award to be given, so all the game lovers spread it around, who knows, maybe someone we never expected will be the lucky winner of completing."
Tim grunted as he connected the virtual reality glasses in his hand to the TV. He couldn't stand Steph's endless insistence again and became forced to do something he didn't want to.
Which he wasn't going to lie, the game actually had very interesting features. It had a high-level technology that allowed the formation of personalized characters by uploading all the characteristics of the player to the database, and according to what he had heard, the game's male leads also had remarkable features.
It's just that Tim wasn't good with romantic or dating simulation-style situations. He was happy with the war games himself, thanks Steph, but it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?
The character formed depending on his own personality was a little strange. As time went on, he was doing photo shoots by walking on rooftops after the main characters, all of whom were vigilantes. It all started just like watching a movie, without even having a choice until he reached the age of about 12. After learning about the ground knowledge of the Tim's own character, he began the personal stories of the male leads.
He was officially turned into a caged bird with Bruce. He had taken away his freedom along with a tool that built a room inside the bat cave that could not be found by anyone and made Tim stay small forever. He had planted seeds of doubt in his mind for everyone he knew, had only tried to make him trust Bruce and only him.
Even when he tries to escape, he points out the presence of bad examples around him and said 'Let daddy protect you my little boy, everything is going to be alright. I will not going to let someone take you away. No, you are going to be with me forever...'
Together with Dick, there was an initial situation similar to the scenario of Bruce not letting Tim go again, but as time progressed, it turned out to be much different.
Dick had transformed Tim into a baby in every sense. He fed him with drugs that would make him lose control of his body, brought back his hairstyle from the first moment they met at the circus, dressed him in dresses with a diaper attached underneath
He also started acting like a kind of mother, and when Tim tried to run away, he slapped his butt and even his baby pussy with a very sad expression on his face saying 'How mommy is so sad to hurt his baby but Timmy is starting to become a bad boy so he has to do it... Is it starting to hurt baby, I am so sorry, why don't you come to mommy's lap and take mommy's cock in your baby pussy. It will make pain go away baby and if it not helps mommy will kiss your precious parts, don't worry...'
With Damian, he become a pet. He has to take obedience training because his owner is so kind to him even when he is nothing more than a bitch in heat. Make Tim swallow everything he gives to him, breed him and make him pregnant with puppies
'Are you going to be a good mama for your babies or are you going to try pumping on my legs like a desperate slut? Oh, I see now. Then I think we need a few more lessons for your traning...'
And with Jason, everything was a little more violent. He cut off all the limbs that could help Tim move, smiling every second, and then began to walk around holding his bandaged body by the waist. He made him sit on his lap and eat, and at some times stroked his hair, and at other times, because he knew he couldn't move, he filled him with sperm and left the room to do his own things
'You know little bird, if you can't move you can't try to do drugs. If you can't move you won't leave me all alone by myself. And if you can't move then I am going to be the only one who can kill you...'
He was sure that he didn't want to continue the game after all four of these episodes, but there was only the general part where everyone was together, and no one had ever made so much progress before. And it wasn't like Tim didn't start wondering how much more dependent they could be for no reason. So he waited for the introduction music of the last episode to play and continued the game
The result was a complete disappointment...
Everything was actually developing quite nicely. There was even a scenario that he could call normal, except for threats of being killed and having his throat slit and left for dead covered in blood. But what really made Tim happy was the fact that everyone could start getting along with each other. This has never happened in any personal story, and Tim even began to believe that the concept of 'Batfamily' in the title of the game was real
But then his character died suddenly. He died on a mission that he went with his team, not even by the main characters in the game
What was the point of everything then? That's why Tim didn't like anything other than war games, okay... So stupid, not even a real ending... As he grunted, he noticed how sleepy he was starting to get... Oh, maybe he should have gone to bed, because there's school tomorrow, right?
And then he woke up on a different bed(different how, why is everything is so not right) to a smiling Dick on his bedside. Ah, he probably slept in the manor instead of his own nest then. But he is still sleepy so maybe he should lie down a little bit more, right?
He didn't see the promising dark glint in the normally happy eyes...
And cut... It would probably be nice for me to explain a little bit in order to fully reflect what's in my head. Tim really died on a mission with his team without any way of salvation. Just before his death, everyone in the family had really started to get along with each other, but Tim's funeral left everyone devastated.
Everything I've mentioned as a personal story is fantasies that the characters start to create in their own dreams in order to prevent Tim from leaving. The main general part is what is really done. The game contained magic, which was also the reason why no one who played it except in a different world that was most similar to their own Tim was successful. As soon as Tim finished all the episodes, he was teleported to the other world along with the memories of his dead version. They'll probably start implementing their dreams in the personal story on him now, but that's all I have. It's been a little long, but I hope I didn't bore you
hello!!!!! great to hear from you!!!! don't worry no one sharing their ideas with me will ever be boring!! i'm always so excited to read about all the different au's and ideas everyone comes up with!!!
and the trope of 'otome isekai' is one i've seen growing lately and thinking about along with tim is sooooo interesting 👀👀👀👀👀 it's definitely much rarer to see- combined with my favorite kind of genre in fic 'alternate universes clashing or interacting with each other'!!!!!!!
the concept of losing tim and how it drove the bats a little bit insane is so good because it results in them being insane enough to come up with this plan to drop a 'game' into various universes to find their perfect tim and take them home and make him their little wife/the mother of their children. the alternate universe tim clearly doesn't have any 'bats' in his universe which of course makes him an ideal target because the last thing the bats would want is to tick off another bat family. but the almost horror movie scenario with tim slowly getting more and more sucked into the game because of an innocent determination to beat it and win and then getting tangled up in this plot is so good!!! especially at the end where there's a clear cut between him in his normal world and him in the new one where he dismisses the fact that he's in the manor rather than his nest.
the only way tim would suspect anything amiss would be working backwards from people's reaction to him to figuring out he had died....but then if he were dead...how was he still alive....
a dark batfam going to any lengths necessary to their tim back and manipulating things behind the scenes to the point that tim doesn't even realize he's being lured until they already have him is so perfect!!!
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queersouthasian · 9 months
Boston x Nick and the concept of Obsession
Everything about this dynamic is making me feral, I have been pretty much fixated on them since the first time they appeared on screen. I don't know what jojo has in store for them and if there is a possibility of a ship leading to a dead end, let's be honest, it would be them. YET my biased self wants them to have atleast a hopeful conclusion.
Nick and his obsession:
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Nick's fascination with Boston has never been subtle. Initially, in the store when he first came across Boston, it was mostly him being sexually interested, being horny for this hot dude who happened to be his customer. Nick's interest in boston was pretty much initiated by sex thus leading to the fwb. BUT the more Nick spend time with boston, the more he grew "fond" of him. How? tbh most of their interactions was them banging, right? Well boston and sex go beyond just that. Sex for him has been a matter of pride, he goes around topping almost every hot dude he meets, he makes sure he is infact the best they will ever have. His performance on bed fuels his superiority complex and thus makes him want to fuck up everyone's sex life forever. Nick who allows him to ravage him, welcomes anything ton offers and takes him so well makes nick his "favourite" leading to more "intimacy" during sex. When you are in a fwb relationship with someone, you would care about just having sex, anything that triggers your orgasm and most don't even care about the other's "pleasure" other than the orgasmic one. Boston just didn't had sex with nick, he was intimate with him, he made sure nick felt all sorts of physical pleasure including orgasmic. Not only that, he ensures aftercare, compliments, intimate touches like ear nibbling/kissing, neck kissing, or running his hand down nick's arm, waist holding, grabbing nick's face or holding his body gently while making out. Which fwb takes so much "care" of each other? Boston had been very clear about his relationship with nick from the beginning yet nick couldn't help but want more of boston and his touches. For nick, those touches meant love, trust and care making him hopelessly fall for ton and for ton it was just about being a good sex partner.
Nick's background is still pretty unclear, we don't know a lot about him, yet he gives me the vibe of someone who has been neglected or cast aside his whole life, someone who always has been the second option thus nothing for him was genuine. How can I say that? Well, ton gives him attention, all to him, all for himself, while nick in return leaches onto him and subtlety or not begs for more. Here comes the obsession. Obsession with what? Boston? Sex? or attention? What if I say all of them? Everything he wanted, boston gave him. Boston for the sake of being the best sex partner gave all the dates, intimacy, attention to nick for him to drown in, and that's exactly what happened. Nick in my opinion, doesn't consider himself worthy of anyone's time, someone who is not worth to be with SO ton treating him well made him feel special, made him think he finally had someone to himself. But that delusion breaks the moment he discovers top and ton. Nick knew that ton never considered him to be anything beyond a fuck buddy yet he lets himself get drawn towards ton. Ton didn't mislead him, he mislead himself and that too quite intentionally.
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Nick couldn't seperate his own delusions and reality, he wanted to be ton's "no.1" and wanted him all for himself, he couldn't convince himself enough that ton doesn't love him for him to let go. Unfortunately he just held onto the false hope he has build for himself tighter making it dreadful for him to actually let go. He feared the consequences but ton getting mad at him and never talking to him genuinely scared him. He was not worried about filming people having sex illegally rather terrified of ton finding out that it was him who recorded it. He was scared of ton abandoning him. He was scared of boston, more specifically, hating him. He begs ton to not shrove him away, his want to be 24/7 around ton was beyond his control now.
Boston and his fascination with nick's Obsession:
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Boston is pretty straightforward, if I had to make a list of the most to least complicated characters in this show, his name would to be towards the end. Ton knows he is sexually appealing to people, he knows he is great in bed and KNOWS that people mostly reach out to him for sex. His mentality goes "yeah i am a slut and a jerk, what about it", he is so unapologetically evil, it drives everyone from the audience to the characters nuts 'cause you can't confront him, he would just go "yeah and?" *shrugs*, and that's EXACTLY why everyone hates him. Ton thinks he can offer only his body, no one would be with him 'cause of how he is. He knows that and thus doesn't care about sleeping around 'cause that's the only way people would talk about him and that fuels his god complex. BUT his confusion sets in, when Nicks offers to spend time with him. The sole fact that someone is trying to get to know him as a person rather than a sex toy fascinated ton. He is like "me? Are u sure?". Even Nick's obsession with him fascinates him. He is genuinely questioning why would anyone like him, let alone love. Nick desperately begging boston to not leave him, Nick asking for a "date", playing with him, asking him about anything but sex made him curious. Curious about what makes nick love him so much. His curosity made him take better care of nick thus slowly having a soft spot for that boy. Even when he leaves nick, he looks at their picture, he thinks his fascination and curosity made him weak, made him a fool yet he can't help but feel the absense of that genuine love and interest nick has for him. Nick's obsessive love made him feel subconsciously safe and wanted knowing that everyone can and does leave him but that idiot wouldn't even if he can't offer anything.
"you just can't get enough of me" you too sweetheart, you too.
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anikab-31 · 10 months
I don’t think Jere had any right to be annoyed at Conrad for kissing belly. They weren’t significant others in any definition of the term, they had only kissed a few times, which he had done with several other people that summer. Jere hadn’t been hinting at all how he felt. In fact he had many opportunities to, at the bonfire before she met cam, but some other girl called him away and he went to flirt with her instead.
Conrad didn’t break up with belly at her prom, she broke up with him. He just wanted to go home to his mum and kept saying how bad he felt for letting her down on that night, he even asked her “don’t do this” but she left him. Conrad went home to his mum as much as he could, and we saw in season one how much he took care of her. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to spend time with belly or that he should of spent that time with his mum instead, seeing belly and being supported by her was one of the only happy things he had in his life.
I do think that Jere needed permission to kiss belly after she broke up with Conrad. Sorry but, kissing your brothers ex, two months after they broke up and one month after your mum died isn’t something I believe is okay to do. Jere also does talk badly of Conrad, he tells belly that Conrad will break her heart, he also insults Conrad to his face and says he’s not someone he would ever want to know which is horrible.
He’s constantly telling people to grow up because that’s what he’s been forced to do, so he finds it difficult that others don’t have to do the same. He’s always been told by his dad and both mums that he has to look after everyone because he’s the oldest, even though it’s only by one year. That kind of pressure is insane for an 18 year old.
Him and Nicole were never exclusive or in a relationship, he does apologise for leading her on, and accepts accountability for that. But they were never exclusive, and Nicole even says that her feelings aren’t hurt, he just wasted her time. He shuts everybody out BECAUSE he puts them first, he doesn’t want to burden them with his problems. Which is why he doesn’t tell anyone about his mums cancer. I’m not saying it’s healthy or good, but it is coming from a place of care for others over himself. He’s been told he has to take care of them all, so he shields them from his problems.
His reaction and response to them kissing I feel was justified, they were kissing on his car, and campus, when they only broke up two months ago. And were together for at least six months and slept together. If you feel that you can rationalise Jeres reaction and say it’s normal for him to be pissed, when he had only shared a couple of kisses with belly. Then surely you can see why Conrad would be upset that his brother kissed his ACTUAL ex girlfriend. Who he had a serious relationship with.
No I very much see how Conrad being pissed that Jeremiah and Belly were kissing on his car is rational. I just feel that everything he said wasn’t justified. He slut shamed Jeremiah which is not okay. And I never said I don’t like Conrad. I understand Conrad. I just think that Jeremiah is better for Belly. Also the fact that the two of them slept together should have any impact on their other relationships. It was a special moment for them but does not mean they owe each other anything.
And I do think Jere being upset at Belly and Conrad kissing is valid too. Both boys have feelings for Belly so it’s going to be upsetting no matter who it is.
Jeremiah was very subtle with how he felt but if you remember the pool scene when Jeremiah is saying that he’s been waiting for his time. He had stepped back when she went after Cam and he stood back because he knew that Belly had been crushing on Conrad for years. But he felt that it was his chance to be something more.
The prom break up I do admit was very messy and unclear. Belly felt Conrad pulling away from her and thought he was breaking up with her. And Conrad wasn’t being very clear about the situation and he was walking people out because he was going through a lot. It was a bunch of miscommunication which is what I was saying in the first place. They communicated with each other poorly.
And I wasn’t saying that Conrad shouldn’t have spent any time with Belly, they were dating and I love that he went out of his way to be with her. But Jeremiah’s frustration of having to go through it (Susannah’s death) alone while Conrad was at school is also valid. And I know Conrad loved and cared for his mom but school took a toll on that. I’m not saying that he never went to visit his mom and brother but it was definitely rough on all of them.
Yes Jere does tell Belly that Conrad is going to break her heart, and we’ll be did. He was pissed that he was losing Belly to Conrad and that his mom was dying. But he never talks bad about him to other people besides that. And yes Jeremiah says some really cruel things to Conrad this season and I’m not trying to excuse him for this but Conrad did belittle Jeremiah’s emotions. When Belly told Conrad that Jeremiah had told Belly that he had feeling for them and that they had kissed, Conrad says that Jeremiah won’t care because he doesn’t take anything seriously and flirts with everybody. But when Jeremiah was “with” Belly he was very loyal to her.
And yes while Nicole and Conrad were never really official or exclusive they were still “seeing” each other. And being led on by someone for them to text somebody else you’ve become close to that what they said earlier was a lie and he really wanted to ask her. Also after telling Nicole that he was going to ask Belly ONLY because his mom was making him.
On the aspect of him telling people to grow up though, I don’t entirely agree with you there. Conrad might of had to grow up sooner than he should have but so did Jeremiah. Jere was literally handling Susannah’s medical bills and the insurance. Which no kid should have to do. But as somebody who went through something “similar” in a way where I had to grow up before I should of had to at 9 I can’t understand fully Conrad’s behavior.
And I do agree that the parents are way too hard on him but sometimes that comes with being the oldest, which doesn’t make it okay. But Adam (the boys dad) was also never so easy on Jeremiah either. He constantly compared them to each other and made Jere feel bad that he wasn’t athletic and that he wasn’t playing football.
Conrad walling people off was not entirely him trying to protect them. I do think it was his own coping mechanism though. And I mean a lot of people do it. But I understand how the people around him felt hurt by him when he did it. He should have told his mom that he knew about the cancer, that way Susannah not Conrad had to go through all that alone. And I do think that Conrad should have told Jeremiah about it as well but I also see how it’s not his place to tell him. But again I’m not saying Conrad is doing it to be mean but that’s how a lot of people first hand may end of viewing it.
Also I never said nor will I ever say that Conrad doesn’t put other people first it’s just in a very different way and people may not know it.
All I’m saying is that Jeremiah and Belly are the better couple. All three of them have their issues and flaws that they need to work on but they also have beautiful things about them.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 1 month
Tbh, I never bought the realism” or “accuracy” argument. The Game of Thrones writers claimed that the explicit rape/sex scenes scenes were there for “realism” but if they were truly concerned with realism they would’ve shown women with body hair. 
In an interview, Sydney, the actress who plays Cassie, said she was supposed to have more sex scenes but turned some of them down (she was trying to assure the viewers that she doesn’t do nude scenes unless she feels it’s necessary) . That’s just crazy to me, her character is already objectified so much and the network/producers wanted there to be even more nudity. I’m not really surprised though as this is HBO and their whole thing is gratuitous nudity.
When I watch, I wonder, who the show is for, and what message they’re trying to get across. The show is about teens but it’s for ages 18+. Teens can’t even watch a show that claims to represent their experiences (though I know for a fact that many teens watch the show). So either the show runners intended to appeal to a younger audience (teens) or they wanted adults to watch a show about teens being sexualized. Either way it’s problematic.
I also find almost all of the characters on Euphoria unlikable, and have a hard time rooting for them despite their sad backstories. I know people loved Maddy back in S1 but she acted like a typical mean girl, there weren’t many layers to her character. Unlike Alexa who plays Maddy, Zendaya is a good actress, and her character seems to be the most developed, yet I still find it hard to root for Rue. Why did she even become a drug dealer? Her motivations are unclear. One of my biggest problems with the show is that relies too much on telling instead of showing. The narrations and voice overs are tiresome. This is unrelated, but how can anyone take Astray seriously? He reminds me of Carl from Shameless.
As far as Drake goes, the man has a history of dating underage girls. He texted Millie Bobby Brown, the actress from Stranger Things, “I miss you” and gave her “boy advice” when she was about 14/15 (typical grooming behavior). There is a YouTube video of him kissing and hugging an underage fabulous on stage https://youtu.be/Fp5b9dW1nrA
Again, I had this in my inbox for two years so not sure what this is responding to but I agree. Yes, it's realistic that teens have sex and take showers naked, that doesn't mean we have to see it in a very detailed graphic way. Guess what teens also go to the toilet so if these directors were so concerned with "realism" they would also show that lol. And these characters should not be teens I agree 100%. Like was it so hard to make them 19-20? Would it change the story THAT much? The only thing it would change is that it wouldn't be so shocking anymore and shock value is all this show is running on. I didn't even know the thing about Drake but that's gross omg, it makes the whole thing even ickier.
Don't insult my boy Carl 😭 at least he has a personality.
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risingsouls · 2 years
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@likesguyskakarot​ asked: 2, 9, 14, 24 (for Nabs and Geets pls)
Romantic Relationship Asks || Open!
2. Is your muse monogamous?
[WELL. That’s actually a tough question for both of them. In a general sense, I guess it would be the preference but not the rule for both of them? Neither has really given it much thought, but I don’t think they’re against the idea. Whether it would ever happen since they’re both incredibly picky and not impressed by most people around them is another question, but I would never write it off as impossible? It would just also depend on a bunch of other variables as well that are hard to really put pegs in because they fluctuate and depend on the situation.
Now, in the more specific case of their relationship, it’s, again, unclear. The beauty of their relationship is that it just kind of happened. Their bond grows without any real like...effort on their parts? So, a lot is unspoken and neither have ever really sat down like, “hey what are we?” And they’ve definitely said or heavily inferred that they love each other so THEY don’t question it of course. But again, even with this in mind, I struggle to call them fully monogamous. Like it’s not INCREDIBLY likely either would find anyone they feel is worth their time to like...bring into the relationship, have as a second, etc., but I can’t say with 100% certainty that it would never happen/never be allowed.]
9. How physically affectionate is your muse with their partner?
[Once she’s comfortable, Nabooru can be pretty touchy feely and long as her partner is fine with it. She’s careful to respect their boundaries, but if they let her, she’s gonna give them plenty of touches, hugs, kisses, and cuddles.
Vegeta on the other hand is very much the opposite. He is almost just not physically affectionate. It’s not how he was raised and he can find it awkward and uncomfortable for him. With a steady partner he cares about, tends to show a little more physical affection, but it’s often times very subtle and his own brand of it. And while it may not be super often, he does tend to learn what sort of affection his partners like and prefer and will try to do those once he feels comfortable enough with them to.]
14. What is your muse most likely to notice first about a potential partner?
[I feel like I can’t REALLY say fighting ability because it’s probably rare that they actually first meet people in a fight (sort of) but on like a surface, physical level? For Nabs, it’s probably eyes and/or physique. Vegeta it’s likely about the same and maybe also hair. He has a soft spot for pretty, typically long hair but you’ll never get him to admit it.] 
24. Does your muse tend to get jealous when in a relationship? Do they like it when their partner gets jealous over them?
[I saw this and had to refrain from including it in the first ask since it is related. In a relationship specifically, neither of them are particularly prone to being too jealous. They’re not going to bar their partners from having relationships outside of them necessarily. They’re both in the camp of allowing their partners to living their life because they want to have their own freedoms despite being in a relationship. That’s not to say it CAN’T happen, but it’s just really unlikely, and it would just depend on what sort of relationship they agreed upon. Thing is, taking a strictly monogamous relationship as the example, if their partner was doing some shady shit that they didn’t think was part of the agreement or was going too far, they’re not going to dwell on being jealous and doing that whole schtick. If they see something they don’t like, chances are they’re just going to end the relationship since neither are very relationship-motivated or feel they NEED one. Vegeta especially has a very narrow understanding of a relationship, and once a partner breaks his trust in any way or continually exhibits behaviors he doesn’t care for, he’s just not going to stick around for it. To him, it’s a waste of energy.
I don’t know. That all feels rambly and I’m not sure it’s clear lmao. But it’s complicated. Once again, it’s basically a yes and no kind of answer because relationships are just...not big for either of them? So I guess it would just depend on the behavior and situation, but it would never present itself for long because, if they don’t like it, they just won’t really put up with it. Nabooru is more likely to TRY and address it if she’s into the person enough, but Vegeta? He’d probably just be like lol ok then and bail.]
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countlessrealities · 3 months
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The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss || Rick: 1/5
@hclluvahctel sent: 💋 Ozzie and Rick?
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Yet another night, yet another visit to Asmodeus' club. Rick would never admit it out loud, but it is becoming a habit. If asked, he'd say that he keeps going back because he can score free great drinks more often than not, as the owner's close acquaintance, but in truth there's a lot more than just that.
He likes the place, enjoys the shows, vibes with the general atmosphere. And, if he has to be fully honest, he loves the company.
The embodiment of Lust is hilarious, witty, delightful. He lets Rick say whatever shit passes through his mouth, no matter how bad, and not only he acknowledges it, but he also doesn't judge him. He has even laughed at some of the scientist's worst jokes ever.
Not to mention that he's hot. Rick has fucked his way across the multiverse and back but, while he's open to fucking anyone and anything that can consent, he does have a bit of a type. Asmodeus happens to check all those boxes.
Rick knows that the demon has a partner. They have never mentioned it, but he has picked up that piece of information pretty quickly (and he might have checked the local social medias too). He has never made a habit of getting in the way of others' relationships and he doesn't want to start now, or ever, but they are also in an area of Hell dedicated to lustful transgressions.
A small indulgence won't get him in trouble, will it? Not to mention that he has hardly ever been accused of being wise.
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"H-Hey, buddy, you have a little something...Eh, l-let me get it for you."
It's clichéd as hell, or at least it would sound like that to someone who can catch up with his true intentions quickly enough, but he hopes that Asmodeus won't. The element of surprise is very much crucial for his little scheme.
Without waiting for an answer, he reaches out for the sin's face, as to use his fingers to wipe off the stain that it's not there, but at the last moment his whole body leans forward, following the movement of his his arm.
He doesn't go for the demon's main face. As tempting as it is and as bold as the alcohol in his system is making him, he is aware that he's still testing the waters here. So, the best course of action is to go for a less impactful target.
And those how his mouth finds one of Asmodeus' side heads, delivering a kiss that it's just slightly more than a chaste pet, but that still dares to linger for too long to be a tease or a mistake. Long enough to be clearly purposeful.
As he moves away, a sly smirk opens on his lips, like a cat who got the cream. Or something close enough to it.
"T-There you go, baby," he hums in satisfaction, as if he has done nothing that pushing a crumble off the other's face. "S-So, how can a guy get another round out of you?"
Whether he's talking about his currently empty glass or something much more intimate, it's unclear, and it's on purpose. He's letting the sin choose whether he wants to take an out and ignore the kiss, or address it and divulge the rules.
Rick is hoping for the former, but he isn't too high maintenance. He has learnt that, on the long term, it's better to get a hint, especially when allowed to wash it down with strong, good booze, and keep a precious friendship, than cutting ties over something as stupid as rejection.
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blackhorrorstudies · 4 months
Blog Post #4
Eve’s Bayou by Kasi Lemmons was very different from the horror film that we have seen in the class. The film left it unclear whether the daughter, Cisely, or her father initiated the kiss. I genuinely felt that the father was the one who started it because he was drunk. I felt really bad for both Cisely and Eve because at the beginning, especially Eve, she seemed very happy, she was making jokes and seemed like a very playful girl. However, once she saw her father cheating, I am sure that must have been very traumatic for her. A little girl should not have to see that and on top of that, be kind of forced to keep it a secret. I felt for Eve because she’s only ten and now she has this trauma that ruins the image in her head of her perfect family. In Eve’s mind she always saw her father being a great husband and she loves him, but she obviously does not want to hurt her mother because if she confesses what is going on, it will probably destroy her family. I am sure that what she saw probably ruins everything for her because she knows that her father is not good and lies to see Mrs. Mereaux. I was very mad when the father goes to the Mereaux house and cheats on his wife when his daughter is literally on the other side of the door. Even though Eve is young, she is very smart and knows what is going on, she tries to pretend like everything is fine, but she knows that her father is not always working and just uses that excuse to see his lover. I felt that it was unfair that as a child, she has to keep it a secret from her mother, but I am sure she is tired and that is why she tells her aunt, only to be told to not tell anyone. 
I saw this film as also telling the story of how much trauma cheating brings to a family because I saw how the father’s actions were affecting everyone. I was disgusted by the father because he is an adult and he seems to not care about his family. I know he loves his children, but the fact that he does not spend or make time for them shows otherwise. I also felt bad for Cisely because although she did not see her father cheating, she knows about it and I think gaslights Eve since she also doesn’t want her family to be destroyed. I also think she is trying to be the older sister role of protecting her siblings and keeping her family together. I saw Cisely being jealous of Eve because she wishes she was young again and that her father would carry her or she could sit in his lap, but she knows that she is older and certain things are not acceptable anymore. I feel like I resonated the most with Cisely because as the second oldest, my older sister was always distanced from us and once she went to college, I have been the oldest at home and it forces you to grow up. My parents never received any kind of education and cannot speak or read English, so I have been the one in charge of filling out government forms, reading important papers, translating/ interpreting, and sometimes I feel jealous that my little siblings do not have to worry about that. I have had a completely different childhood than them and I was never able to enjoy being a kid because of certain circumstances, so to a certain extent, I understood what Cisely was going through.
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Do you ship Woz with anyone? What's you hc, 19, about Woz?
I absolutely do! I ship him with Sougo, with Geiz, with both of them at once, with any additional Woz conveniently available assuming they don’t hate each other (so for like five minutes mid-series). I also of course acknowledge that he’s clearly in love with Oma Zi-O, at least at the beginning of the show, although that’s not necessarily something I’d want to. Like. Write about.
I mentioned one Woz headcanon in a previous ask (blushes easily, will hide in scarf to conceal this), but here are a few others. These are all generally about Black Woz, although some can be applied to any Woz currently present.
Apart from being the strange time-traveling book man that he is, he does actually read for fun. Mostly he reads histories and classic literature, but he’s also quietly very into science fiction, for I think obvious reasons.
He has never cursed in his entire life and would immediately blush if induced to say “fuck.”
The book is an integrated part of his being, but didn’t start that way. While he does have some inherent powers, like everyone else on the main cast, the book thing is something that was done to him.
He can sew--not necessarily enough to make an especially complex garment, but enough to make and maintain his own clothes when necessary.
He has no idea how old he is. Like, he’s probably 20 or 21, but he couldn’t possibly tell you when his birthday is or how many of them he’s had. This doesn’t bother him, although it tends to bother other people when they find out.
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lantsovsupremacist · 3 years
i saw that you asked for requests and i also saw that you wrote some nikolai stories based on taylor's songs (i loved). so you could write something based on wilders dreams or you are in love or call it what you want, you choose pls
MY BRAND yes of course i can.
nikolai lantsov: you are in love
and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars...
“marry me.”
you shook your head. while any other girl would likely collapse onto the cobblestones had they the pleasure of hearing those words from the king, you would not. you could not. the possibility of accepting his proposal was a lie you no longer could afford.
“i have a certain inclination to your use of words, darling,” nikolai caught up to your strides easily, “without them, you answers are so very unclear.”
you stopped your pace, shutting your eyes. obviously, nikolai only meant to try and persuade you of his reasoning. he was unaware of how the repetition further shattered the pieces of your heart.
“stop asking,” you requested unevenly, “i cannot marry you because i cannot be a queen.”
“cannot or will not?” nikolai dropped his calm disposition. his words now swam through endless seas of exasperation.
eyes widening at his assumption, you glared, “your people will not accept a grisha on the throne. they will not make an exception for love because they cannot understand how such a thing between you and i could exist.”
albeit offended, nikokai softened, “and i wish i could do more to protect you but even i am unable to offer you reprieve from your own doubts.”
however bold or brash his words seemed, you took them because there was no other conceivable explanation. you refused to argue with him further, not when your remaining moments were already beginning to slip away.
“you have too much hope in the world.”
nikolai scoffed, knocking his shoulder into yours. you saw through his sly smirk and glowing grin, and he knew it. the fox could hide away from just about anybody but never you—not that he ever wanted to.
so, he would pretend for a minute or two, rile you up with his plethora of personalities. then, he would sober up, resounded to your ability to penetrate his defenses. your keen awareness of every notch in his armor, every foothold to climb his fortress, both aggravated and comforted him simultaneously.
“somebody has to,” he chided you, content to snake an arm around your waist and pull you flush against his side, “i don’t want to forget.”
“forget what?” you questioned, turning to face him more fully as a soft pout formed on your features.
“that i have this,” he motioned to your entwined limbs, “you,” he kissed your forehead, “to come back to. i only ever hoped my heart would find its home.”
you stilled. surely, an artist from above could have captured the moment perfectly because of it. they would have to gently shade your individual silhouettes into one, execute the softness of his gaze, and reproduce the muted lighting with watercolor.
you liked to organize your life into two categories; there was the before nikolai lantsov and the after him. before saltwater became the first thing to invade your senses in the mornings, you would have set fire to the bridge of any desperate man’s creation. after you learned to never assume anything impossible, you willingly gave up a piece of your heart to the most lovesick of them all. the one you simply could not have.
gingerly grabbing ahold of his fingers, you aimed to kiss the tip of each one. as always, he pulled away before allowing you to complete your objective. with a frown, you ran your thumb over his cheek.
“i only got to six. none of that,” you minded him with a calm look, “sobachka,” you began to warn him. 
“it’s more than five,” he commented with a reference to the day before. quickly, he kissed you to remove any possibility of a retort. you could not escape his lips even if you intended to try, which you did not.
the need for air ultimately pulled you away from nikolai. you frowned discontentedly his way, still frustrated by his actions. you understood his insecurities and accepted the validity of his feelings, but it did not ease the pain of watching him crumble before your eyes.
“my love,” you urged, “i have never understood many things and ended up running,” you held him off with a look, “but i want to stay and learn every part of you.”
bashful, he tucked his head into your neck.
“you have to spare some hope for yourself,” you said softly, leaning your head onto his.
he groaned, indicative of him sourly acknowledging your truth. you turned to kiss his temple, giving your lips the respite to linger just beneath his curls. you sucked in a breath when he responded with one of his own, planted upon the column of your throat. tender yet unexpected.
“but i want you to have it,” he responded, careful to inject the appropriate dose of his personality to make you smile without doubt of his sincerity being a means of withdrawal from the subject.
rolling your lips into your mouth, you melted under his gaze and into his arms, “okay.”
he smiled as radiantly as the sun, with a blush to match the artistry of it setting. you thought you could stay in that moment with him, that not even he could carry you to the next quite yet. you should have known better to predict his unpredictable behavior.
“so,” he drew out, “marry me, then.”
“nik-,” you breathed, fighting a losing battle with a smile of your own. his persistence did not force you to agree, rather charmed you to.
“no!” he cut off deliberately, “no,” the delivery of his words now intentionally softer.
“nikolai,” you enunciated, “if i’m a queen,” you caught the exact second light filtered back into his eyes, “i will never have you again in the same way—not how i do now, at least.”
“i don’t understand,” he frowned between his mumble of the phrase.
“we will be closer than ever before,” you voiced, “but i fear that could push us further apart than we have ever been,” you expressed with a sunken tone.
not letting you pull away either emotionally or physically, he took you into his arms. already feeling more grounded, you breathed in his scent of sea and pine. he was all around you, and it was enough.
“i could never not love you,” he countered.
“that’s not what i’m saying,” you refuted, “but what if you don’t like me anymore? after we are stressed and overwhelmed and stubbornly disagreeing?”
nikolai giggled, kissing every inch of your face, “i like every single piece of you,” his thumbs slipped down your cheeks and onto your throat, pushing your head back for further access, “i like you more than any travel i have been on, any adventure i have sought, and more than any squabble we might face.”
looking up at him under a thick set of eyelashes, you quirked a crooked smile, “really?”
“oh, yes,” he divulged, “i like you more than anyone else—even myself,” he began to taunt you, “and i happen to like myself quite a bit.”
“fine,” you relented with a light sigh, “let me show you just how much i like you and i’ll be your queen.”
a smirk stretched across his face but before he could dip his head to yours, you grabbed his hands away from your neck.
“i like you,” you began with a breath, leaning forward to kiss each of his fingertips, “one, two, three,” you continued as he watched you delicately, “eight, nine, ten.”
blinking rapidly, his gaze softened, “don’t be my queen,” nikolai mouthed, a single breath away from your lips, “continue to be my best friend, the woman i look for in every room, the reason time moves way too fast.”
“thank you for sharing your hope with me,” you spoke and drew your lips in a straight line, “thank you for letting me be in love with you.”
“i never let you do anything,” he began to sway, “could only hope you would keep coming back.”
“i’m in love with you,” you insisted, “and i happen to like that very much.”
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zhongli, albedo, diluc and xiao with an s.o who is clingy, but also is closed off and has a hard time showing affection and just their emotions in general, and also isn’t generally well liked by their peers?
our affection is different
Warning -> SFW 
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc
For someone so reserved and universally liked, people find the contrast between his demeanor and your own clashing - while he is pleasant, greeting others with a steady bow, a kind expression, you look uncomfortable to even be there. You avoid all eye contact unless it comes from Zhongli, you turn your head, fiddle with your thumbs if they aren’t already holding onto the fabric of his jacket, and practice short, quick conversations 
Most try not to talk to you for very long - which you don’t mind; small talk isn’t really your thing and it’s hard to connect with others when they are displaying the emotions that you find hard to grasp 
You find comfort in the repetitious actions of your day. The few things that always come up and need attending to, there is no stress there and so you can get it done quickly. Luckily, your profession doesn’t give you many opportunities to communicate with others. You show up, do what you need to, and leave. It’s proficient, the work that you can accomplish so no one complains, other than to suggest you be a bit warmer (a comment which sets your bones on fire). 
The benefit of your personality means that if anyone needs to hear the truth, you are the best person for the job. You state what needs to be said and move on, resolute like the mountain you tell people what you see. It's the way you’ve always been, and the way you always will be. 
There is one person who perpetually seemed to appreciate your honesty, telling you stories and listening to your earnest reaction to them: Zhongli. His patience and interest in you was a shock to everyone, including yourself, and as he started to share his feelings for you - it took you a while to reciprocate them. Though, when you did he felt the happiest man in all of Teyvat. 
It was hard for you to tell him how you felt, to ease his mind that you held feelings for him - so you found yourself getting closer to him. Standing at his side, holding onto his clothes, or resting your hand in his. Placing a hand against his arm - lingering longer than you would with anyone else and at times forgetting that you were doing it in the first place 
He thought it was endearing, the way you hung around him. If he went on a walk, you were sure to be there, if he read a book, you were following close behind, if he was anywhere he knew you’d be there too - at this point, you were a fixture in his life - a fixture he would treasure for all eternity 
Zhongli wandered through the streets of Liyue, a checklist in hand and yours in the other. You had found him earlier in the day and decided to tag along; even though you weren’t sure how much you could help other than carrying a few items for him. He had several things to collect for a funeral ceremony: incense, flowers, tapestries, and the like. It kept his whole afternoon busy, and, even though he was told to keep the expenses to a minimum, he was choosing rather costly options which he explained, “best suited the life which was to be celebrated.” 
When he made it back to the parlor and settled all the items down in their proper place. He assists you with the ones in your hand.
“Your assistance today was invaluable.” He commented, reaching for the items and placing them on the table in front of him. When he finished, he leaned in and placed a kiss against your cheek and admired the way you reacted. Confused, unsure, and perhaps a bit embarrassed. 
“It was nothing …” You mumble, for a person who already had a hard time finding the right words, he had a knack for making that skill fall to the bottom of the ocean. 
It didn’t matter what others thought about you, Zhongli’s opinion was always the most important and he loved you, every day, every night, through all lifetime: he loved you 
There isn’t a day that goes by when you aren’t around, whatever is happening in the Knights of Favonius, out in the field, you’re there - ready to go 
Even though most find it hard to talk with you, considering your natural facial expression is off-putting: the way your mouth turns into a frown when it’s at rest, the disinterested eyes and generally bored features as you go about your day - you still seem to offer support in whatever way you can, so they do their best to let you be 
Shifting through the papers in front of you, your jaw moving as you focus gives the impression that you are upset to even be here. Still, you diligently organize the papers where they need to go, jot down notes and requests which still need to be fulfilled. You’ll probably hand those requests to Sucrose when you’re done, she seems to always be okay with your disposition and doesn’t get the wrong impression. 
It’s warm, the summer sun is beating down onto the building and making the rooms get a bit toastier than normal. So, you run your hands over your neck and fan yourself to cool down which gives you a moment to look around. Though there is only one thing that catches your attention, and that’s the Chief Alchemist who is busy with his work in the corner. It’s the only spot he will gravitate back to, and if you could, you’d invade it every chance you could get. 
Instead, to keep yourself together, you sigh and return to the work in front of you. 
You loved Albedo, you had for so long that to be on the receiving end of his attention was stronger than the heat from the sun, more overwhelming than standing in a crowded room, and as rejuvenating as much needed sleep
It was the last thing that you imagined - him falling for you - because most people have a hard time conversing with you, so the fact that he was able to get to know you, the real you, was a miracle 
Albedo never once looked at you with eyes other than compassion and kindness and he seems to know that your intense affections - when they do slip from your grasp - are stronger than the words that seem to come across as unclear 
The day was coming to a close and even though most everyone had left, you stayed in the room. It was some of the only times you could have a moment alone with the alchemist, and since he was bound to continue working late into the evenings, it was the perfect opportunity. 
Setting your items down onto the counter, you moved toward him. His hands moved quickly over the blackboard as he jotted down notes and drew small diagrams. Watching him as he drew was an activity you rather enjoyed, he was unbelievably talented in more ways than one. 
Slowly, you slid your arms around his waist and rested your head on his back. He's short, but you don’t mind, he’s the perfect size to hold for you. You feel his hand move your own, his thumb slipping to rest against the inner side of your wrist. The only sound that fills the room is his scribbles as the chalk scrapes across the board in a steady rhythm. 
He has never once pushed you away. This physical contact that you sometimes drown him in is always welcome, plus it’s gotten better and if it means he can continue to work while you get what you need, he’s onboard. 
You hear him whisper to himself, mouthing out the words he’s just written and thinking out loud what the next steps will be. There is a lull in the movements of his writing, his arm hovers in front of the board and you shift to rest your head on his shoulder to watch what he is doing. When he finally figures out the answer, your head rocks as he continues his notation. 
The level of intimidation that seeped from the two of you as you walked through the streets was incredible - people already felt the disinterested and irritated eyes of the bachelor of Mondstadt was enough, but to add yours to the mix - archons … 
Since both of you were naturally closed off, stunted in your ability to show affection, emotion, it was a wonder how you were able to come to terms with your feelings
Diluc started to notice how you were around more than before, how you would offer to help around the winery or the bar, and if it were possible, how you stood right at his side --- you started to notice how his touch lingered, when he thanked you with a pat on the shoulder but kept his hand there, or when he stepped behind you, resting his hand against your back to let you know that he was there and taking his time removing it when he was done
The two of you had it bad, even if you couldn’t see it - the rest of the town did 
You were lost in thought, as you normally were. It had rained recently and the smell still lingered on the stones which passed under your feet. That subtle musky smell mixing with the flowers that climbed the building walls made you feel at home. Mondstadt became your home years ago, even if it took a while for others to accept you and the guards to leave you alone. Especially that Cavalry Captain, he seemed to be the most curious to your arrival but after seeing that your disposition had nothing to do with potential devious actions, he left you be. 
Though, he still seemed to be around since most nights you found him at the bar of Angel’s Share. He explained how entertaining it was to have two unhappy-looking bartenders tend to his whims. His goal was to make you smile, to make you crack, and to see just what type of expression you could make. He’d have to wait a long time because the only person who could flip the corners of your mouth was the red-headed pyro user whose expression was a mirror of your own. 
Citizens spread rumors about the moment under the streetlights where Diluc and Y/N smiled. They make jokes about how the action was so powerful it birthed a thousand stars in the sky. You sigh every time you hear these stories and continue as if it’s not happening. 
Diluc was a private person, and so were you - so it was fortunate that the two of you shared your interest in one another by just being in the same space 
Tied at the hip they would say, tethered by fate
You hated being away from him for longer than a few hours and he couldn’t stand the thought of not being at your side - so, for the most part, that’s where you two always were
It was a busy day, the patrons were more hectic than normal and it was likely due to the new drink Diluc developed a few days earlier. He didn’t expect it to be so popular, especially since it was a non-alcoholic beverage, but the sales spoke for themselves. 
You made your way down the stairs and he tracked you. Placing a cup back on its wrung before turning his attention back to you. The way you dried your hands with your apron as you - with almost an irritated expression, though he knew you better than that - walked up to check on the rowdy party near the back. Luckily, their inebriated states distracted them from the movement of your hand to press the bridge of your nose. You’d been working for hours now and he was sure you were starting to get tired. 
When you made your way behind the bar, you got to work on the drinks and he watched how diligently you worked. Setting the glasses on the counter, pouring the alcohol and mixers, the way the liquid made its way through the ice cubes and changed colors as they combined. You’d picked up this skill so quickly, he found it hard to believe that you had never done this before. 
You dropped the drinks off at the table and returned, jotting down notes on the order sheet before closing it and slipping it inside your apron. Stopping on the other side of him, you leaned against the bar, your hand gripping onto the edge and eyes trailing up to the second floor. 
Words didn’t need to be shared between the two of you. He knew ...you knew, it was the way you communicated and through your glances, your body language, your closeness, nothing was ever left unsaid. He took a few steps toward you and placed his hand over yours. The heat that spread over your skin eased the ache in your legs, relieved the weight on your eyes, and made your chest warm. You closed your eyes, sighed, and smiled slightly. 
As the sounds from the patrons filled the bar, Diluc’s hand covered your own and for as long as time allowed, the two of you took a breath in each other's company. 
tag list: @star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @goat-mama-breezie @angel-melt @lucacandy @shesleire @marianadi @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @anatthesavage @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @theresapancakes
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tojiot · 3 years
ooh have about the main three with the fake dating trope :D
fake dating the main three
gn!reader, cursing here and there, typos and grammatical errors to be edited, past tense - present tense swerving to be fixed.
note: i was on vacation for 2 days without internet and i have bakugo's done in my notes but my phone died before i can even save it :D this will be kinda long because i went ahead of myself and detailed it exactly how i want. this is not betaed. please do tell me if there's a non they/them pronouns in here. hope you'll enjoy this!
requests are: open!
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ㅡ bakugo
i spent the whole day thinking about how he'll agree to fake date. let's just say he's the one in need.
his mom has been bothering him for a long time now. she wants to see katsuki bring home a partner for them to meet.
it's a pain in the ears and he's very TIRED so he decided to just fake date somebody.
the only person he can tolerate in class a aside from kirishima is you. he doesn't care about the other extras.
he'll search for you in the heights' lounge area and ask to talk.
"hey, can we talk?" he grumbles, "uhh, sure? do you want to talk here or somewhere private?" "somewhere private."
when you guys are in a more private area, he'd glare at you for a minute, it'll make you wonder if you did something wrong, before finally speaking.
"date me for a fucking day."
you'll snort at what he said and laugh thinking it was a joke but the annoyed and impatient look on his face says otherwise.
"wait.. are you for real?" "what do you think, shithead?"
bakugo trusts you so much that you have this significant role to play in his life.
you agreed, of course. it's the bakugo katsuki asking for your help. a once in a lifetime chance. (you just like him, stop making things up)
he brings you to the bakugo household the day after and his house is BIG big.
mitsuki, his mom, welcomes you with a big smile and a hug. he then glares at his son, "WHY ARE YOU ONLY BRINGING THIS PRETTY LITTLE CREATURE NOW, YOU BRAT?" "SHUT UP, OLD HAG! BE NICE OR I AIN'T BRINGING THEM HERE NO MORE."
masaru, who's just sitting there at the couch like nothing's happening, gives you a wave.
the dinner was good. his mom's a great cook, his father's a chatterbox. what surprised you the most was how quiet katsuki is. you're not sure why. maybe he's like this at home? quiet, calm, just serene.
"it's not everyday i see a person who can tame my brat of a son. i can see why he likes you, (y/n)." his mom beams at you, "you're pretty, a kind little one too. take care of my son, will ya?"
not knowing what to say, you smiled at her and said what's currently inside your mind, "if he'll let me, i'll take care of him for the rest of my life." you looked down, "but knowing katsuki, he doesn't need anyone to take care of him. he's strong and independent and he knows it. it'll hurt his pride if someone helps him without him asking them to." you smiled to yourself, "i just hope he knows that when he needs me, i'll always be here for him."
mitsuki smiled at you in awe. you have the mother's approval, congrats!
katsuki just stared at you with furrowed eyebrows, masaru pats his back, "good job, son. i'm happy for you."
he then murmured a protest before drinking his water.
time passed by and it's eventually your time to say goodbye to the bakugos.
mitsuki hugs you for the last time and ask you to come have dinner with them again, masaru pats your head and thanks you for being there for his son.
both of you were in a car provided by the school for safety protocols when he spoke, "did you mean it?"
you looked at him, confused, "mean what?" "what you said earlier to my mom, shithead. did you mean it?" "well, yeah. i mean it when i say i'll always be here for you."
he wore this unreadable and unclear expression on his face. he looks mad? confused? no one knows.
he chuckled bitterly, "a friend. that's fucking funny. i literally though you also like me for a second."
huh.. what does he mean? also? you laughed nervously, "hey, did i hear you right? thought i heard 'also' there."
"you're fucking dense, aren't you? do you want me to scream it straight at your face? i fucking like you."
you froze. yes, but embarrassment caught up and you covered your reddened face, "WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY CONFESSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY?"
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ㅡ todoroki
i was contemplating whether to have him help fake date or have him need help. it's fitting if he's the one in need so i decided just that.
he might seem dense and clueless most of the time but he's the epitome of evilness.
he talks about you all the time that's why fuyumi has taken a liking to you and asked shoto to invite you to dinner with them.
shoto sees this as a chance. he'll take advantage of the situation because he knows you won't say no.
he goes to where you are sitting, "i apologize but my sister, fuyumi, she thinks we're dating. she wants to invite you to dinner at our house later." he said that with a straight face but this mf is smirking on the inside.
"uhhh, okay? sure? but uhm, why would she think we're dating?" "she thinks everyone close to me is dating me. she's like that.. yes. fuyumi likes you the most, i think. that's.. uh, that's why she's inviting you to dinner." (I HC HIM AS A BAD LIAR)
sounds suspicious and weird, but okay? you have a lot of question in mind.
"i would go. but how should i act? why didn't you tell her we aren't dating though?" "i don't want to disappoint my sister. you can act like you're dating me, if it's fine with you. just for a day."
"sure, sure! just tell me where and what time. i'll be there." "no, you can come with me. we'll go there together."
he brings you to the todoroki household after class. their house is soooo pretty. it's a traditional japanese house.
fuyumi was the first one to greet you, with her sparkling eyes and bright smile, she held both your hands gently and said, "i'm so glad you came! i've been wanting to ask shoto to have you come eat with us. thank you for coming!"
natsuo jogged from the back and gave you a cool wave, "hey, (y/n). how was it dealing with shoto?"
you faked sighed, "awful. how did you deal with him for the last 16 years?" "we never did." "oh.... OH NO I'M SORRY!" "HAHAHA. it's fine, i'm just kidding. no biggie."
enji won't be home for the day. he's busy doing number 1 hero works.
the dinner was fun. it was the funniest dinner you have ever had.
shoto's quietness is the exact opposite of natsuo's talkativeness. that man is talkative and funny as fuck. throwing jokes everywhere. it was entertaining.
all shoto did was take care of you. he serves you all the food you point at, gets you water, he even went too close for comfort and wiped a stain just above your lips. it made you blush, yes. you don't know why but it left you lightheaded. (you're in love with him, that's why)
fuyumi.. our beautiful and beloved fuyumi.
she exposed his brother's ass.
"aww. you guys are so cute together. ah! (y/n), do you remember that time when.. uhm, kaminari was it? i forgot his name but do you remember that time where he told you, midoriya, and the girls to wear a maid costume for the festival because your class is having a maid cafe booth? shoto told me you were so pretty that time! he hated how the boys in your class looked at you like you were some sweet treat, isn't that right, shoto?"
"and do you remember when you fought bakugo at the sports festival? where it was a close fight and you gave him a hard time? shoto said you won if the decision was up to him and that you were so cool!"
and she went on and on.
shoto was red as a tomato (or even redder) beside you. he was clutching his pants as if he was asking the floor to just eat him up.
you decided to ask him about this later to not uncover the fake dating plan.
dinner ended after a little talking, fuyumi gave you leftovers to take home which you will not reject because her cooking is divine, and asked you to come again after giving you a big and warm hug.
natsuo gave you a high five and thanked you for coming. he also thanked you for laughing at his jokes. he feels like he's very funny now.
both said goodbye to shoto.
the journey back to the heights was quiet but not awkward. it seems like shoto knew you have a lot in mind.
you spoke when he's about to open the main door. "what was that?" he looked at you with a confused expression, "the one at dinner."
"ah, if it isn't obvious yet after my sister opened her mouth, i like you. i have been for a long time now." he said that with a deadpan expression, "it annoyed me at first, it annoyed me that you're in my mind whenever i try to sleep, you're in my mind everytime i wake up. it annoyed me that i want nothing more than to hold you near me, hold your hands, warm you up with my fire everytime you feel cold, hug you, kiss you." he sighed frustratedly, "i just want to do everything with you... i'm sorry. i'm not good with words."
but again, this is todoroki shoto.
"..what? shoto... i didn't know you felt that way. why didn't you tell me?" you asked him concernedly, you lifted your hand to hold his face but stopped halfway thinking maybe he doesn't want to be touched.
but then he held your hand and guided it to hold his face, "i didn't actually plan to confess but when people started talking about how good of a hero you'd become in the future and when everyone started saying they all want to date you, that's when i decided it's now or never." he looked at your eyes, "i don't want to lose this chance. that's why i started telling fuyumi stories about you and asking her what to do."
"is that why your sister thought we were dating?" "yes. she knows about how i feel for you. she told me to confess and i told her i did and that it went well. i lied to her. i don't know why."
you coughed, "so, she doesn't really think everyone close to you is dating you?" "yes." "you lied to me?" "yes, i apologize."
"you could have told me you like me too!?" "it's not that easy to confess. plus, i really wanted to know how everything will go. it went well, i'm satisfied. you like me too, right?" "i do, shoto. i like you so much." he smiled at you, that rare fucking smile he knows is pretty, "that's enough for me."
"BUT YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF EVERYTHING?" "yes. yes, i did." "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU!!?" "date me, (y/n)" "OKAY!"
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ㅡ midoriya
a lot of guys from the other class have been bothering you. they kept on asking for your number and stuff. one even sent you flowers and a box of chocolates.
you appreciate it if you're being honest. what you don't appreciate is them sticking to you the whole lunch.
you told mina what's happening and she told you that the best shot of getting off those admirers of yours is to date somebody.
you don't wanna to that though. aside from focusing on studies, you have feelings for this certain someone with green messy hair and freckles. you don't want to date someone just to use them and lie to them.
"you know, what if you just get your shit together and confess to midoriya?" "MINA, BE QUIET! SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR YOU!" "confess to midoriya!" she whispired.
"or just ask him to date you until your followers stop following you around?" kaminari interjects, "what, you mean like, fake date him?" "yeah. something like that." "you're really useful sometimes, aren't you?" "shut up, mina."
you've thought about it all night. would izuku think i'm using him? would he reject the idea? would he be mad about it?
after contemplating, you finally went out of your room and walked straight at his door. he opened it with a smile after 3 knocks.
"hey, (y/n)! how can i help you?"
you looked at him nervously. what you were about to ask is a big part to act. "i will get straight to the point. some people from the other classes have been bothering me for a while now. they keep on following me and asking for my number even though i rejected them all the time. i want to ask you if you could date me? IT'S FAKE! OF COURSE. will you please fake date me until they get off me? i, uh, i'm not taking advantage of your kindness. i promise. right?" you said with a shaking voice.
he laughed at your rambling, "no need to be nervous, (y/n)! i would love to do the honors and fake date you! it's like an undercover hero mission. it's so cool! when do we start?"
you smiled at his enthusiasms. izuku is really the kindest person here on earth. you told him what to do, who those people are, etc. your fake dating starts tomorrow.
izuku was waiting outside your door when you opened it, he has his usual beaming smile when you saw him, "hi, (y/n)! ready to start our mission?" he's surely so into this whole thing.
you both walked down the lounge area holding each other's hand. everyone was gaping at the sight except todoroki who remained munching on his sandwich and bakugo who, well, "fucking finally you idiots." he said.
izuku let go of your hand and held both his hands up while shaking his head in a panicky manner, "no, no! we're just fake dating. i'm helping (y/n) get rid of their admirers! they said it was bothering them!"
"okay. but (y/n), why deku?" the motherfucker was smirking at you. todoroki, bless him, caught the panic in your eyes and called bakugo off. "that's enough, bakugo. leave them alone." "tsk! fucking icyhot a fucking killjoy."
most of your admirers stopped following you after they saw you holding hands with izuku. he's been doing a lot for you. he tried to tie your hair at training and brought you water. nothing much happened inside the classroom because everyone knows it's just a show. lots of outsiders believe you're dating izuku. some still bothers you from time to time especially at lunch.
you were sitting with bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, and of course, izuku, when a group of 3 went to your table (they're brave. no one would come bother bakugo's table because everyone's terrified of him.)
"hey, (y/n). can you give me your number now? i just wanted to get to know you better." "(y/n) give me your number! i'll send you lots of chocolates. i promise!" "they're liars but i'm not. i'd take you to your favorite movie this sunday of you'll give me your number?"
you pursed your lips in an annoyed manner, your friends are here and they're embarrassing you. you were about to speak when izuku beats you to it, "please stop bothering (y/n). it's obvious that my partner doesn't want to give you their number."
the group stared at each other with bewildered expressions on their faces, one looked at izuki and asked, "partner? you mean, combat partner or boyfriend? (y/n)'s dating someone?"
izuku wore a prideful expression on his face, "yes, i am their boyfriend and they're dating someone. that's why with all due respect, please leave them alone."
the 3 backed out and apologized. not everyone has the same personality as mineta. the person who seemed like their leader walked forward and bowed, "we're so sorry. we should've stopped when they rejected us the first time. they're just so intriguing that's why we wanted to know more about them. we're really sorry." with that, they left.
you faced izuku and thanked him. it was nice to finally walk and look around without seeing unfamiliar faces follow you. "thank you so much, izuku! you saved me. really."
he smilled at you, "it's nothing! i'd do anything for (y/n)." izuku froze at what he said and started chuckling anxiously, "i.. i didn't mean it like that! hahaha! but if you need anything, i, uhm, i'd always be glad to help." you stared at him and said, "me too, izuku. i'd always be glad to help you! you can come to me everytime you need something." he blushed at what you said.
izuku coughed tensely, "(y/n), can i talk to you outside? i just need to tell you something." you nodded, "of course!" you both stood up and left the table of wild animals.
when the two of you got outside, izuku's hands were obviously shaking so without a thought, you held it. "are you okay?" "I AM... i am." "why are you acting like this? did something happen?" you asked worriedly.
"no, everything's fine. i just.. i don't know how it started but i just woke up one day thinking how i'd love you to be mine. i want to walk you to school, i want to tell everyone i'm your boyfriend, i want to kiss you good night. haha, is it to much to ask, (y/n)? i like you a lot." he told you that nervously, the boy was shaking and sweating.
"i can't believe it... izuku, i like you too. oh god, are you serious?" "i am, haha! i didn't know you feel the same. i'm really happy!" "i didn't know you feel the same too! half of our classmates knew that i like you. katsuki's just too noisy. he literally told everyone when you did extra training." "(y/n).. kacchan also knows about my feelings for you! he told todoroki and kirishima. is that why he's so persistent in getting us together?" "i don't know. that's just how he is."
you both were awkward as fuck but izuku asked if you'd like to date for real and you said yes.
when you came back to the table, it was bakugo who spoke first, "are you idiots finally together?" you replied to him with a middle finger which aggravated the blondie, "YOU FUCKER!"
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fleursroses · 3 years
Wedding Dress AU
I’ve been watching a lot Say Yes to the Dress lately and I just can’t stop thinking about Daminette.
Marinette becomes a wedding dress designer/seller because she likes the challenge and from the show we already know she is a positive encouraging force so I think she would be fantastic at it. Also, her dresses would be absolutely stunning I just know it. 
Everyone loves her and not once has a customer left her store unsatisfied (she’s kind of like Gok from Say Yes to the Dress Lancashire!)
Until one day she gets a less... typical customer. 
(It’s Damian who got dared by Stephanie to go to their next gala in a wedding dress and he refuses to settle anything less than perfect)
(I just did a bunch of research but unfortunately it’s really unclear what nationality Damian is exactly, ‘arabian’ is about as specific as it gets. I think he would want to honour his heritage though, so in this AU I am making him of Egyptian descent. If anyone has problems with this, or has a better suggestion, please let me know!!)
He meets Marinette and they immediately hit it off. She is completely into his plan and together they design a huge dress (Damian wanted to have ‘full leg mobility’) that will be embroidered with lots of beautiful intracate details. To top it all off she makes him a gorgeous veil, to make sure he will completely outshine any other guest. Marinette even arranges some proper shoes for him. 
It’s a lot of work to make, but if Marinette weren’t up for a challenge she wouldn’t have gone into the wedding business. She’s mostly just glad that Damian approached her with a few months to spare, because she would need all the time she could get. 
The making requires a lot of fittings and Damian grows to appreciate her cheerful and positive presence over time. 
At some point he notices he is even looking forward to their next meetings and that he has started to make excuses to come by her shop more often than is strictly necessary. 
Marinette doesn’t mind though, and finds she actually likes his more down to earth attitude and dry humour. 
Before they know it the gala is in a week but both refuse to tell the other their feelings, believing that the other will never like them That. 
That is, until Stephanie sneaks herself into their final fitting to ‘approve the dress’ and decides this tension will absolutely not do. 
She ends up inviting Marinette as Damians’s plus one, because according to her he could use the company, whatever that was supposed to mean. 
Marinette agrees though, so it’s all good.
They meet up in front of the entrance and are both absolutely stunned by the other. Of course Marinette had made his dress herself, but to see it in a proper setting with romantic lightning was a completely different experience. 
This is what I imagine Damian’s dress to more or less look like by the way:
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(Dress by Hany El Behairy)
As for Marinette, well, she decided to wear a suit to with the dress. She already had that ready waiting for a suitable occasion, so the only thing she had had to do about it was some gold touches. She looked absolutely showstopping too, with the way it was perfectly tailored for her. Damian could barely keep his eyes of her the whole evening. 
They got stares and whispers the whole evening but they couldn’t be bothered to pay those any attention, too enraptured by the other. 
When they go dancing a romantic waltz starts playing, so they go with it. 
Damian uses it as a way to show off his dress even more.
After that he takes her to the gardens for some fresh air and privacy.
They both confess their feelings and kiss, it’s very romantic. 
The next morning the newspapers are filled with their photos, with people all over Gotham mourning their newfound relationship.
(They had both looked extremely hot okay)
Marinette and Damian don’t even notice though, until Steph calls them to congratulate them and also to tell Damian ‘I told you so’. 
They are both slightly baffled, as they had thought they were alone, but after talking it over they agree they don’t mind it that much.
‘Well, would you look at that angel, looks like you’re stuck with me forever now.’ 
And just like that, Gotham has a new powercouple. 
I hope you liked it! 
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bunnyywritings · 3 years
a shy, goth s/o who goes by they/them pronouns
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requested by anon; HIII!! I recently started watching soul eater and i finallyyy found someone who writes for them so im reallllly exited!! So i wanted to request something!! Can you do like how Crona, Kid, Soul and Stein would be like in a relationship with a shy goth s/o who uses they/tem prounons (sometimes she). Also when they talk about the things they like they get superrr extroverted and could talk for hourss about it! Also would it heart to ask if you could make cronas a lil longer, they are my comfort character🤧Also wanted to ask if you did emergency requests! If you dont that’s totally fine!!
[a/n: thank you for this request, my lovely anon! It gave me the way to get back into a writing flow again. I quite enjoyed writing for these characters since I don’t get very many Soul Eater requests, as for emergency requests...go ahead and send them in but I apologize if I don’t get it done quickly, seeing as I’m not quite that active on here like I was before. for now, enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-] 
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- truthfully, i think he'd be a little confused at first
- about the whole pronouns thing
- despite being friends with Crona
- so, he'd approach Maka, Crona, and Subaki about it
- he'd be a little embarrassed because he mistakenly exposed his HUGE crush on you
- Subaki coos at him and thinks it's sweet
- Crona is glad to help, knowing that using they/them pronouns is still a foreign concept for some people
- Maka would definitely tease him but ultimately, she's glad he had asked for help
- after realizing that it was a rather simple concept to understand
- he'd get SOOO cocky
- he absolutely loves your style
- obviously thinks you're the coolest person to ever exist
- now the only thing in his way??
- your shyness
- he's only interacted with you a few times but because he tends to be a bit abrasive, you usually keep your distance
- the few times that Stein had called on you in class to answer a question was the most he's really heard you talk
- you were good friends with Kid though
- so you ended up hanging out with the group a lot
- he's seen how passionate you could get whilst talking about your hobbies or about things you liked to Kid or Liz
and Patty
- it made him a gajillion times more attracted to you
- after FINALLY gaining the courage to ask you out (you can thank Black Star for telling him that it wasn't cool to be such
a wimp)
- he'd be on cloud nine
- being in a relationship with Soul would be fun
- he'd be a little awkward at first but he'd soon ease into it
- he's really good at respecting your pronouns
- in the case that he slips up, which i don't really think he would, but if he does he'd feel absolutely terrible
- like he'd beat himself up so hard
- he would do anything to make it up to you
- 100% would cook you a super nice dinner as an apology
- if anybody ever made fun of your style or your pronouns, it's over for that person
- they'd have, not only Soul and Maka on their ass, but they'd have Black Star and Tsubaki, AND the literal son of the grim
reaper and his twin pistols
- overall, Soul would be such a sweetheart
- you make him so, so soft
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- gosh i love him so much
- okay
- Kid is definitely somebody who would be up front with his feelings
- he knows about your use of different pronouns and he really admires your bravery to be so open about it
- i feel like he's definitely thought about going by he/they pronouns
- thinks it's absolutely adorable how shy you are
- despite being shy and closed off, he never overlooked you like some students or other staff
- he knows how clever you are
- don't even get me started on your style
- he love love loves your goth style
- especially when you wear anything with skulls on it
- when it comes to his feelings, Liz gets fed up with how ridiculous he's being
- she's watched him break down crying because the stripes on his head aren't symmetrical and someone as precious as you
would think he's trash
- which obviously isn't true
- he sees you out on the balcony, sat on the ledge and book in hand
- he's noticed you with it a lot but it's only the 1st book of a series
- he figures that maybe you just haven't had the chance to find the rest of them
- after some research, he finds that the series had been completed but because of the lack of readers, it was put out of
production and copies were pulled out of libraries and bookstores
- but alas, he had found one of the only complete series in existence in somewhat excellent condition
- it was quite expensive but that was really no problem
- he had wrapped up the set and had gifted them to you with a note and as you read the note, your cheeks burned
- he confessed his feelings
- the next day, you had approached him and thanked him for the gift as well as confessing your own feelings for him
- he thought the stuttering and flushed cheeks was adorable
- 100% the power couple at the DWMA
- sorry i don't make the rules
- Liz and Patty are definitely in love with you, especially with how versatile your fashion is
- Patty has definitely volunteered to paint your nails before
- Kid definitely gets you a et of skull rings, just like his
- will go beast mode on anyone who makes fun of your style and/or use of pronouns
he's be such a gentleman and he practically worships the ground you walk on
- as he should  
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- Stein would be quite used to the use of they/them pronouns since he has students who go by them
- when there's word of a new teacher at DWMA who goes by they/them, he's quite intrigued
- so much so that he would volunteer to show you around the enormous school
- 10/10 falls in love with you instantly
- your shy demeanor is such a contrast to your style
- definitely lives for teasing you
- anything to make you stutter
- but he'd be very blunt about his feelings
- he makes sure that you're being respected by students and staff alike
- threatens anybody who doesn't
- he gets you some screw earrings or a necklace (if you don't have piercings)
- it's his way of making sure people know that you're his
- Stein would be an excellent significant other
- he's a bit more on the playful side so just always be prepared for cheeky remarks
- he doesn't mind your shyness at all
- since he doesn't really favor going out too much so most of your dates are in doors, his place or yours
- probably with a cup of coffee and a book
- he can be sweet when he wants to
- isn't really into pda but i wouldn't be too surprised if he had a moment of spontaneity and pull you into his arms and
kiss you passionately  
- some students think it's romantic and others definitely tease the both of you
- since your social battery probably runs out pretty quick, he loves that it gives him an out from tiring staff get
- Death Scythe thinks it's absolutely HYSTERICAL to make fun of Stein's moments of softness
- but ultimately, he thinks the way Stein looks at you is sweet and makes him happy that his friend has found someone like
- cause you're the best
- duh
- his wardrobe has infinitely improved since the both of you got together
- all thanks to you
- overall 15/10 a good significant other
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- ahh Crona, sweet sweet Crona
- they're the freaking cutest
- now i know that in the anime and manga, it's written that he uses he/him pronouns but it seem like on tumblr everyone has
just settled on using they/them instead because of Crona's androgynous style and frankly it's a bit of an unclear area
- so uhhh yeah, let's get started
- Crona would have trouble admitting that they had feelings for you, so they tries to hide it but alas, Maka had caught on
- it took Soul a bit longer to realize but he eventually did
- the group had caught on and thought it was adorable
- all of them had tried to help in any way they could
- but Crona just couldn't muster up the courage to tell you
- the both of you were quite shy so it was nearly impossible to get some type of interaction between the two of you
- Crona also really loved your style
- the both of you were similar in so many ways
- Black Star had actually been the one to let it slip that Crona had harbored some kind of affection for you
- Tsubaki had smacked him upside the head and chastised him since it wasn't his place to say anything
- but now that it was out in the open, it had given you the slight confidence boost you needed to confess
- but when you did, Crona just stood frozen, almost mortified by your words
- you took it as rejection and ran off into the woods surrounding the school campus
- Ragnarok had then made an appearance and started tugging at Crona's cheeks and telling them that they should go after you
- but of course, they hadn't
- instead, turning to Maka and Tsubaki for help
- the two had taken it upon themselves to look for you and clear up any misunderstandings
- the next day, Crona had approached you and apologized
- even though they're words were stuttered, you appreciated the gesture and asked Crona on a proper date
- they accepted before panicking because it had dawned on them that they had never been on a date before
- overall, Crona is such a sweet partner
- sure, a bit unexperienced but sweet nonetheless
- they try their best
- both of you have similar styles and everyone thinks the both of you are just the most adorable couple on campus
- Crona loved hearing you talk about the things you loved
- your eyes would sparkle and you'd move your hands so animatedly
- it's almost like you're a different person in that moment
- they just adored you
- they'd get upset if someone had disrespected your pronouns
- Ragnorak would definitely rage if someone disrespected you
- as much as he hated to admit it, he really really liked you
- mainly because you always carried sweets around for him
- ugh I just love Crona
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highladyluck · 3 years
Wheel of Time 01x05 liveblog
offerings! to ward off the Forsaken!!! FORSAKEN DEMON STATUES!!!!! I love this so much I need the entire set please sell them to me [ok so what is the funniest instrument for Asmodean's statue to have and what is the funniest placement for it in relation to him? I vote him crawling out of a tuba but I will also accept that his stomach is bagpipes or he is riding on a demonic accordian]
[from the recap] I love Mat's liquid grace when he's dagger vibing.
White for funerals (I like the music too!)
Nyneave holding her braid like it's a stuffed animal
That is a lot of people. The king's army too, or just the Tar Valon losses?
Timeskip one month!
Nyneave worried about Stepin... lotta subtext there re: the warder bond and what the loss of Moiraine might do to Lan, etc etc
Mat does NOT look well. This is gonna break my fucking heart.
Rand "I've seen that mountain before" al'Thor, when the fuck would you have seen that mountain before, pray tell?
Tar Valon theme!!! Are those the dulcet tones of Al'Natio or is it something else?
awwww Mat looked briefly excited for what I assume is the the first time in a month
Mat like full-body eyerolls when Rand implies he needs a bath, love that Mat can still convey utter disdain basically entirely through body language
Fuck y'all got me Cauthoring, I was like "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED???!?" until the camera panned over to the other bed. Is this disappointment sufficient grounds to sue Rafe for queerbaiting? Please discuss
...wait ok wtf happened, Rand was not this grimy a second ago. These are some very dirty boys.
Mat is haunted by his unclear memory already, this poor boy
Nyneave thesis statement: "I don't care about the Amyrlin or your Tower politics. I care about my people."
"But will you tell me?" ooooooooh fight fight fight
Moiraine trying to warn; Nyneave bluffing
"Can you ever go back to being who you were? No, but it's a gift" is the attitude Mat “It’s not a gift if I steal it” Cauthon should have, but absolutely does not, and it is right that Nyneave is also being given this advice since they are both the ones who cling most tightly to their roots and are also the unreliablest narrators
You can tell Moiraine likes Nyneave, and you can also tell that Nyneave does not believe that Moiraine likes her
Perrin is so cute omggggggggggg his haiiiiiiir (but also still dressed very drably, pointing out that he hasn't acclimated like Egg has)
Ugh *now* it is time for Egg to fall afoul of Whitecloaks, I see how it is
ooooooof this is gonna fuck up everybody
I appreciate Aram's lived experience but I am pretty sure Valda specifically would kill anyone
Rand you fucking nerd, running straight for the Prophecies of the Dragon
Loial! Great voice :)
Rand is so defensive about being a ginger
I just realized Loial gives me Worf vibes and I'm here for it
Egwene as Jain Farstrider's reincarnation... *ponders* ...WAIT is he dead? Or do people just think he's dead?
oh my god Mat (well, at least he's still ok if he can look at girls)
Logain: cackles | Me: cackles
Mat: "I won't be like that" Oh honey, baby, my precious horrible gremlin child, I'm crying T_T Rand: "I promise" Me: “KISS”
Rand: "You'd do the same for me?" Mat, utterly unconvincingly: "You bet" [omfg 'you bet' it's never just a colloquialism with Mr. Gambling Addiction over here]
"Young boy with a death wish" lord how many of those does this series have?
uuuugh I love the RITUALS [during the candle-lighting]
...literally never seen a purification ritual that also felt so degrading (but thankfully, in an impersonal, not-really-sexualized way). I suspect this is a taste of things to come, both in a way I won't go into for spoilers reasons and also more generally in that if there is more onscreen violence in combination with nudity in this show, I expect it to continue be desexualized, especially if it involves women. This is the contract that Robert Jordan (mostly) upheld with book readers and I'm going to be extremely upset if the show follows GoT cues on violence against women instead. So far, so good.
Thank god Egwene is smart. I love Eggy. She's like 'fuck you'
oooooh golden eyes
Valda. ooooooooof.
"The pain is the only thing I have left of her and I'm not ready to let go of it yet" / "Don't worry, the pain will never go away" ooooof, this was a lovely exchange though
I love how after he leaves and Nyneave is alone, she eyes the ajar door almost like, flirtatiously. Like "mmmm I know I shouldn't but I'm totally gonna go exploring"
Liandrin trying to be friendly is so goddamn patronizing
I'm so scared [of dagger!Mat meeting Nyneave] phew at least he didn't hurt Nyneave
Life and death is the theme of this episode
Is breakbone fever tetanus? *squirrels this information away for fic reasons*
"The fever had broken, not her"
Is Perrin gonna confess?
I think you should light Valda's head on fire (my brain: "You must have got one of them / combustable heads" )
It's werewolf Perrin! At last at last
*cackles delightedly as Egwene stabs a bitch*
Wolfies :)
...ok is that a lie from Liandrin about Nyneave, or can she say it because she's cloaking it as an assumption?
I support The Gay Shit but I do not like Liandrin hitting on Moiraine
offerings! to ward off the Forsaken!!! FORSAKEN DEMON STATUES!!!!! I love this so much I need the entire set please sell them to me [ok so what is the funniest instrument for Asmodean's statue to have and what is the funniest placement for it in relation to him? I vote him crawling out of a tuba but I will also accept that his stomach is bagpipes or he is riding on a demonic accordian]
oh hai it's our buddy Ishamael, Father of Lies :)
Moiraine looks like she's gonna cry :(
persimmons from Tar Valon! (These are hachiya persimmons, which are only edible out of hand when they’ve matured enough, which makes them a bit of a symbolic fruit for the long-lived Aes Sedai. It’s not in the books but it’s a very lovely little worldbuilding detail they added for the show!)
"Look, I'm nervous about my first gay sex, pls comfort me Daddy Lan"
out of the mouths of warders comes wisdom about the Wisdom
Ok that position can not be comfortable, how tf do you sleep like that? ...I mean I guess you can if you're drugged, that's obviously the point, but still
oh dear.
Oh I love the droning. ooooooof. That was very powerful.
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