#also heads up I will be out of town for new years but I’ll hopefully have chapter 5 written before I leave.
transbrucewayne · 6 months
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Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz Jr
Characters: Carlos Sainz Jr, Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, Alexander Albon, George Russell (Formula 1 RPF), Max Verstappen, Ana Sainz, Blanca Sainz
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Fluff, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, New York City, Christmas, Sharing a Bed, no beta we die like that one drain cover in vegas, carlos is stupid as fuck, actually charles is stupid as fuck too, theyre in love and totally blind, Rating May Change, more like rating WILL change, by god these men will fuck!!!, chapter 2: now with even more pining, the twitch quartet makes an apperance!, as does max, gratuitous emoji usage, Christmas Romance, Christmas Fluff, Getting Together, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Fluff and Angst
Chapter summary:
“I hope this isn’t overstepping, but you two are very cute together. Congratulations,” she smiled. Charles made a bewildered little noise in the back of his throat as Carlos’ brain also short circuited.
“Uh, thank you,” he had the presence of mind to respond.
Apparently, she wasn’t done. She turned to Carlos. “Seriously, the way you look at him is just beautiful.”
The boys go shopping, and Carlos gets too lost in his own head.
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mrsevans90 · 1 month
Puppy Love-Epilogue
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 19
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: Flash forward, fluff, smut, handjob, fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, oral (f), creampie, innuendos, language, pregnancy romantic love making.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading!
Part 18
Flash Forward in Time:
I wake up with a gentle bump against my side and hazily blink my eyes to allow them to adjust to the darkened room. Emma is still blissfully unconscious as her head rests against my chest and her nude body is draped against mine. I tend to get warm but this woman somehow always seems to be cold. I don’t mind one bit as I’ve spent the majority of my life sleeping alone and I sleep so much better with her body against my own. I smile at my perfect woman and gently move her disheveled hair from her face before I feel another gentle nudge against my side. Our baby boy seems to have woken up and it won’t be long until he wakes his mother up too. Luckily, she’s a heavy sleeper but I’d imagine having a human being rolling around in your abdomen could wake up most anyone. I reach down and caress her swollen belly to acknowledge my little boy and hopefully soothe him back to sleep by rubbing her tummy. Emma is almost eight months along now, and needs every bit of sleep she can get. As I touch her tummy, I think about what life will be like once our little guy finally makes his appearance. We haven’t nailed down a name for him yet, but Emma keeps admitting she likes the idea of naming him after me and calling him AJ, for Austin Junior. I’m pushing for him to have his own name and identity, certainly not wanting him to feel like he has to follow in my shadow. I like the names Luke, Hudson, Grant, and Bradley, but ultimately, I’m going to leave it up to Emma to choose her favorite. She’s doing all of the hard work after all. After a bit of gentle caressing on her belly, our son seemed to calm and Emma messily rolled over and wrapped herself around the giant pregnancy pillow that’s taking over her entire side of the bed. I won’t complain because I’ll give her anything to help her be more comfortable. I decide to ease out of the bed and get the day started because somehow in all my years I can’t shake the early wake up times that the military instilled in me. I quietly corral Mills and let him out in the backyard to use the bathroom. Aika passed away early last year and I’ll be honest, I took it hard. My nightmares started coming back more frequently and Emma convinced me to talk to my therapist at the VA about it. I still miss that sweet girl but know that she had such a fulfilling life here with us. She’s buried out in the backyard under a large oak tree so that we still feel her spirit close by. Mills also really struggled in the first month after her passing, constantly looking around the house for her. He always adored her and was used to following her lead but he’s doing well as he’s matured from the puppy stage. I spent some time training him after our wedding and now he knows all of the commands that I had taught Aika which is helpful, especially now with a growing family.
I start up the coffee pot and know I’ve only got a short window of time before responsibilities call, so I sip on a cup of coffee while I start making breakfast. As I’m plating the pancakes at the table, I hear movement upstairs and know I need to intercept quickly. I bound up the stairs and open the bedroom door to our three-and-a-half-year-old twin girl’s bedroom. Molly Grace and Maggie Kate are out of their toddler beds and already digging in their princess box regardless of the fact that it’s not even half past six on a Saturday morning. They squeal when I scoop them up and place kisses along each of their cheeks.
“Da Da! Ouch!” They giggle as my beard scratches against their cheeks. 
“Sorry little darlins” I respond before tickling their tummies. 
“Now what do we have here, already getting into the princess box?” 
“I want to be Tiana!” MG says followed by MK who declares she is going to be Ariel. “Well, if I get you girls dressed in your princess gowns, y’all gotta promise to be quiet on the way downstairs so we can let Mama sleep in. Is that a deal?” I ask.
Both curly headed girls nod their heads fervently. I’m certain that won’t last long as my daughters tend to be a bit exuberant, but I’ll take what I can get.
“Alright then, bring me the dresses and then we have to brush your teeth before your dragon breath knocks me out.” I joke. 
A somewhat endless feeling half hour later, I successfully have both girls dressed and with clean teeth. Their hair is still a disaster but I’m working on learning. God, if the old me could see myself now. Googling videos of how to braid hair or make a ponytail. Emma usually does their hair and tries to show me a thing or two when she has time. The girls have dirty blonde hair, not quite as light as Emma’s, but they both got my wild curls which Emma adores. 
I’ve got them set up with chocolate chip pancakes, fruit and milk cups as they tell me about what movie they want to watch later and constantly interrupt each other as they ask for this and that. 
“Nana and PawPaw want y’all to come over today to help Nana bake a cake. Does that sound good?” I ask knowing that the girls are over the moon anytime they get to go to my grandparents’ house. It’s hard to tell who loves it more, the girls or my grandparents. I’m grateful for a potentially quiet afternoon with Emma, since we won’t have too many of those in the future anytime soon.
“Oh yeah! I want to do that! Can we make cupcakes?” 
“That’s all up to Nana. Y’all just remember that she’s old and y’all don’t want to wear her out.”
“Yeah, Nana’s real old but PawPaw is even older. He’s like 104.” Maggie says.
“No he’s not! He’s only like 23 I think.” Molly retorts. 
“Y’all really have no idea about numbers yet and I find that adorable.” I chuckle to myself as I hear Emma making her way down the hall.
“Good morning, Sugar. Hope we didn’t wake you, I was trying to let you rest.” I kiss my girl sweetly while rubbing her swollen belly.
“Wasn’t you, your son decided to dance on my bladder.” She grumbles and I chuckle. Even all this time later, she still isn’t a morning person. She shuffles further into the kitchen and the girls jump up and give her what I’m sure are sticky syrup covered good morning hugs and kisses. I pour Em a cup of coffee, adding her creamer and she holds it with both hands with a grateful sleepy smile.
“So Ariel and Tiana, what are we talking about this morning?”
“How Nana’s old.” Molly announces and Emma almost chokes on her coffee.
“Who told you that?” Emma asks and both girls point directly to me. Little narcs.
“Well, she is! I was just telling the girls to take it easy on her today.” Emma rolls her eyes at me before walking to the table
“Don’t tell Nana that she’s old.” Emma tells the girls.
“But she is old, mama.” Maggie refutes.
“Yes, but it’s still not nice to say. We don’t want to hurt Nana’s feelings.”
“Does Nana not know that she’s old?” Molly asks inquisitively.
“I’m sure she does baby, but spending time with you girls helps her feel young. Now, how about you girls work on making Nana and PawPaw some more drawings for their refrigerator? You know how much they love those!” Emma directs.
“I want to draw Mills chasing chickens!” Molly shouts.
“I’m going to draw PawPaw riding a cow!” Maggie exclaims.
I chuckle as I watch them scurry over to the little kiddie table off of the kitchen that Emma has made as their art station and get to work.
Emma has shifted to working part time and it’s been great. She stayed home with the girls at first, taking an extended maternity leave after they were born but found that she missed the vet clinic and working with animals. We decided on sending the girls to a “Mother’s Day Out” program where they attend half days so that Emma and I can both work. Our jobs give us the flexibility to be able for one of us to pick them up at 1pm each day and have them home in time for an afternoon nap.
Emma relaxes back at her chair at the table and starts eating some breakfast.
“Little man let you get decent rest last night?” I ask her and she shrugs while chewing her food.
“I felt like I got up more times to pee or roll over than I actually got rest, but I suppose that’s just going to prepare me for the newborn stage of having him up every two hours.”
“Hell, just think about how much easier it’ll be with only one baby this time.” I think back to how exhausted Em and I both were in the first few months home with the girls. We struggled to get them on the same feeding and sleeping schedules. It felt like as soon as we got one to sleep, the other was screaming and waking everyone up. Em and I were so tired we basically just roamed about the house like zombies during the night. I feel like I coped a little bit better than Emma since I was used to insomnia, but she was determined to breastfeed and didn’t want to mess up her supply. After a few months, I finally convinced her to pump some milk for night feeds so I could help more with a bottle feed during the night and let her rest. 
“Gosh, I hope so. They were worth it all, but damn I hope this baby sleeps.” Emma sighs.
“Given any more thoughts on what you’d like to name this handsome fella?” I ask. 
“I still like AJ, but I’ve been thinking about it and I also really like the name Grant ever since you brought it up. Grant Syverson just sounds like a future star quarterback.” She says and I smirk as I munch on a few berries.
“I like that a lot, Sugar. It’s a very strong name. One he can be proud of. Perfect for our boy.” 
“I was thinking the middle name could be Joseph after PawPaw?” She suggests and I have to take a moment to just awe at this woman. PawPaw was always a taciturn man with a steely exterior but when Emma became part of the family he opened up to her more than I ever imagined. Always imparting words of advice and stopping by to check on her when she was pregnant with the girls and I was working. Nothing could have prepared us for the absolute mush that man turned into when the girls were born. PawPaw seemed to get a new lease on life as he dropped everything to spend time with his “grandbabies”. He wanted to teach them all about the farm and loved showing them all the animals. He was wrapped around their fingers and we all joked about it. 
“I don’t think anything could make him prouder. I love that idea, baby girl.”
“Let’s wait until he’s born before we tell him.” She suggests and I agree.
“Walt doing okay now that he’s back at work?” Emma asks.
“He’s having a hard time focusing, which is understandable. He’s itching to get home every night to Cassie and baby Carter.”
“Yeah, Cass mentioned he’s got terrible FOMO when I was over there last week. He’s afraid he’s going to miss something.” Emma responds.
Walt and Cassie really hit it off at the wedding and before long were in a serious relationship. She moved to Texas with him about eight months into dating. They got married a little over a year ago and just had a little boy, Carter, who made Walt light up in a way he hasn’t since Faye was little. Emma loved having Cassie close and it was nice having Walter so happy and working more reasonable hours. Faye came to visit as often as she could which was also good for Walt. They only lived about ten minutes from us and Emma had been over every day last week to help Cassie since Walt was on his first week back to work from paternity leave. I remember how hard it was to leave Emma and the girls to go back to work.
“It’s tough to leave your wife and new baby and go back to work but I’m sure he’ll adjust. I remember facetiming you like every hour that first week just to check in.” I reminisce.
“I remember.” Emma giggles. “My big strong army man was a nervous wreck about missing any moment with his girls. It took some time but I think we found a good family/work balance that keeps us fulfilled.” 
“I keep you filled.” I mutter with a smirk.
“Austin!” Emma feigns shock. “Clearly you have.” She murmurs as she pats her round belly and I look at her with smug pride. 
“Think Nana and PawPaw would keep the girls for a night?” She wonders aloud even though we both know that they jump at the chance to keep the kids.
“You know they would. Got something in mind?”
“An impromptu night alone with my handsome man sounds pretty perfect to me.” Emma bites her lip and I feel the surge run through my body as I quickly grab my phone to call Nana and confirm that the girls can sleepover with them tonight. Emma heads upstairs to pack the girls an overnight bag and before we know it, we’re loading them up in the truck and headed to Nana and PawPaw’s.
After a lively drop-off and quick visit with Nana and PawPaw, Emma and I were back in the truck and driving out of their long driveway. 
“I feel like we’re teenagers who just got permission to go out for the night.” Emma joked. 
“That mean I get to cop a feel? I ask as I pull Emma closer to me and run my big hand across her exposed thigh gently dragging her sundress higher.
“Thanks to these pregnancy hormones, you’ll be feeling more than that.” Emma smirks and I groan. Our sex life has always been incredible, but having two toddlers that seemingly always want something, and a very heavily pregnant wife who struggled with morning sickness longer than expected made us slow down a bit. Emma finally got to feeling better and the hormones lately had been keeping her extra needy which I was more than happy to accommodate. 
“Lunch date at Gia’s?” I asked and she nodded enthusiastically. Baby boy had Emma craving pasta all the time so I knew she’d be excited. 
After eating a nice meal, we made our way home and smiled at the rarity of quietness inside our home. Even Mill’s seemed excited about staying with my grandparents for a night of chicken chasing and homemade treats from Nana. The house was all to ourselves and I was ready to get Emma naked and spend the rest of the day in the bed.
I reached for Emma and pulled her into a kiss. 
“I love you, beautiful darlin’.” I told her between kisses. Her swollen tummy had me leaning a little further than I usually do for these types of kisses, and I couldn’t help but lean down and place a soft kiss on her belly too. 
“I love you too, baby.” She replied as she pawed at my abs in an attempt to take off my shirt.
I pulled my shirt over my head and Emma’s nails immediately sunk into my chest hair as she gently scratched up and down my torso.
“Let’s get to our bedroom so I can properly get you naked, Sugar.”
I led her upstairs to our bedroom and took my time undressing her slowly before laying her down on the bed. She has been feeling a bit self-conscious lately as her body stretches and swells to accommodate our growing son, but I do my best to reassure her.
“You’re so pretty, Darlin’. Every bit about you is perfect.”
“Sy, I’m huge. Be truthful.” She sasses.
“No, you’re pregnant and growing my kid. That I put into you. Something about that turns me on even more. Plus, your tits are huge and I can’t wait to sneak a taste of them when your milk comes in again.” I smirk at her devilishly.
“Austin, you are downright depraved.” She giggles as my hands paw all over her body.
“Only for you, Sugar. Now, let me finally make love to my bride without any interruptions.” I say as I plant kisses along her collar bone, sliding down to her belly and then the juncture of her thighs where her perfect pussy is already glistening in anticipation. I rub my calloused hands along her thighs and spread her open for me as I lick a long stripe up her folds. Emma is extra sensitive lately and jumps at the sensation with a loud moan before her hands find the short strands of my hair and grab on. I lick, kiss, and suck on her delicate pearl before sliding two fingers gently inside her and curling them. A few minutes after I began my ministrations, Emma screams her release as she squirts and her fluids coat my chin and forearm. I drink down everything she gives me so I don’t waste a single drop of her honey. I begin to place gentle kisses on her thighs as I work her through her high before I kiss up her body to check on her. I’m greedily tempted to work her to another orgasm, but know that she’s extra sensitive right now and it might be too much for her. I make my way up to her neck and place soft kisses under her ear as she reaches and grabs on to the scruff of my beard.
“Fuck, Austin. That was amazing.” She mewls with her eyes still closed as I place gentle kisses on her eyelids.
“Yeah? Feel good, Sugar?” I ask as she catches her breath.
“The best. Now I need your cock.” Emma almost whispers as her fingertips trail down my abs before wrapping around my raging erection. She squeezes just like I like before running her thumb across my slit to collect the bead of precum that’s already dribbling out in anticipation and I thrust myself further into her grasp with a groan. I watch as Emma removes her hand, spits into her palm before grabbing me again and jerking me. Between deep kisses, I glance down at her delicate little hand working my large member and can’t help but thrust against her. If she keeps going, I’m going to blow my load before I even get inside her warm cunt.
“Darlin’, I need to be inside you.” 
“Fuck me, Austin. Please baby.” I grunt as I manhandle her onto her side, conscious that this may be the best position to keep any pressure off of her growing womb and slide up behind her before lifting her thigh around me. I gently ease the tip of my cock into her warm channel and Emma pushes down against me, sucking my cock inside her wet heat in the best way. When my pelvis is fully seated against her ass cheeks, I groan and Emma arches her back which gives me the perfect angle to her g-spot. I start thrusting slowly as I suck and lick against the spot under Emma’s ear and she wraps an arm around my neck thrusting her fingers into my hair and tugging. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. So wet and tight. Just like the first time I ever fucked you, baby girl.” I grunt against her neck.
“Mmm, Austin! You feel so good inside me. So big and full.” She mumbles as I thrust into her.
“God, we fit together so good. You were made to be mine.” I murmur as I appreciate the tight, wet heat surrounding me.
“Harder, baby.” She moans and I’m so tempted to start jack hammering into her perfect cunt but am worried about hurting her more than my desire to fuck hard.
“I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, Sugar.”  “You won’t, I promise. Fuck me please!” She moans and I can’t help but pound into her a bit harder as she claws down my arm that’s holding across her perfect tits. I have the perfect view to watch them bounce over her shoulder as I fuck her from behind and can’t help but start gently tugging at her nipples which earns me a louder moan from her.
I remove my arm from her breasts before I shove two of my fingers in her mouth. She sucks fervently before I reach down past her tummy and start rubbing them against her swollen clit. She’s so easily stimulated that I have her cumming in a matter of moments. Her tight pussy clenched me so hard that I couldn’t hold back my own orgasm and found myself releasing deep inside her before I had intended too. I stilled my hips and shoved my cock as deep as I possibly could as I finished before collapsing back down onto the sheets, not caring how sweaty we were. Emma and I laid perfectly still basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking as the ceiling fan whirled above us before I slid my softening cock from her body and she whined at the loss.
Emma clumsily rolled over to face me and laid her head against my chest, her fingers combing through my chest hair as my fingertips trailed up against her spine.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked her as we basked in the silence.
“I’m thinking that I want you to fuck me like that again before the night is over… and I want to take a bath with you… and I might also be thinking about the chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator.” Emma replied as I croaked out a hearty laugh at how her thoughts were all over the place.
“Why, what are you thinking?” She asked.
“I was honestly just thinking about how grateful I am for you. I never thought I could have any of this. I was just this broken, shell of a person who went through the motions of everyday life. I swear, I never really thought I’d find love like my grandparents and then I met you. I’ve always been so independent and now, I swear to God, I can’t imagine being away from you for a single day. You completely changed me for the better and gave me so much love and passion. It’s like you woke me up and I started finally living life. Oh, and not to mention our babies. God, I love them so much even when they are being little brats. You and our kids just complete me. I can’t wait to see how our son joins in the mix with our baby girls. I’m just so glad I found you. I’ve never been this happy in my life.” I tell her honestly as I think about how my life has changed in just the past 5 years before I hear her sniffle.
“Now I feel like an ass for thinking about eating cookie dough when you were making this big declaration of love.” She sobs as the tears flow down her cheeks and I can’t help but laugh out loud.
“It’s not funny, Austin! That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard and you know I feel the same way.” She laugh/cries as I bite my lip to keep from chuckling at the absurdity of her pregnancy hormones. She looks up at me with tears still in her eyes and can’t help but start laughing herself. I finally allow my laughter out and we spend the next few minutes laughing so hard that Emma has to get up and waddle to the bathroom to pee which just makes me laugh even harder.
I head to the bathroom after her and start filling the bathtub and lighting candles before helping Emma step in. I make a quick run downstairs to the kitchen and get us some waters and the entire roll of cookie dough with a spoon before I head back up and present the princess with her snack. 
Her eyes fill with tears of gratefulness that her beloved craving is about to be satisfied which has us laughing all over again as I join her in the tub to what we jokingly still call marinating in our ‘body juice soup.’
Emma rests her back against my chest as she feeds me bites of her dessert and I can’t help but feel more fulfilled than I ever have before. My future now is not some bleak possibility, but filled with excitement and joy. I owe it all to a bit of puppy love that became the love of my life.
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Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly, @ashbrat488
A/N: Y'all, it's finally here! I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get this written and posted but #lifehappened and I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I wanted it to be right. Thank you all so much for following along on Sy and Emma's love story. Your support and encouragement has lifted me up more than you realize. I'm so grateful to everyone that's followed along! I'm super sad that it's over but there may be a one-shot or two in our future for them! Love you all!
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Prologue
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None for this chapter [this also isn’t beta’d so bear with me]
Notes: it took me so long to work up the courage to actually post my first work, so enjoy! I’ll be over here anxiously awaiting your thoughts.
Word Count: 705
Series Masterlist
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A clear horizon. An orange sunset fading into vivid pinks and purples as the atmosphere darkens in preparation for the night. Evening sun warming your face, the space around you drifting into silence as calm settles into your bones, time halting its ever constant forward march, no thoughts or worries.
That’s what it felt like, the moment my eyes met Jasper Hale’s. Like I was done searching for what my heart was in need of as soon as I glanced into those golden pools of his.
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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •
Based on the non-stop gossip floating around this microscopic high school, I’m the newest kid on the block. Dethroning the most recent to wear the title, Bella Swan, the Police Chief’s daughter.
Now, I’m not opposed to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, but Forks could strive to be a little more than a one-stoplight town and add a few more amenities. This big city Texas girl needs a little more than Forks Outfitters - the one stop shop for food, basic clothing, and hardware.
I left Dallas because my mom needed me here, my dad didn’t want to trade sunshine and big ranches for rain and freezing temperatures. They’re happily divorced, but I can tell that over time it’s worn her down. I’m just a junior in high school, but I guess she and I can navigate this together.
God, let there be cute boys at this high school, I’m begging you.
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I was almost immediately accosted by what I deemed the welcoming committee the moment I locked the door to my car and began the dreaded ‘new kid’ trek to the front office of Forks High School. Stares came from anyone loitering in the parking lot before class while this overly-excited kid, who introduced himself as Eric Yorkie, began what had to be a well rehearsed ‘anything you need’ spiel.
All hopes of flying under the radar halfway through junior year vanished into thin air and I hadn’t even made it to the sidewalk yet.
“Eric? I really appreciate your help and concern, but I was hoping to kinda just glide in on my first day and blend in.” I said as we walked together through the wet parking lot, dodging the bigger puddles so I wouldn't soak my shoes before I got to my first class of the day.
“Oh that’s pretty much impossible here, newcomers are always the only thing everyone talks about. Don’t be scared to hit me up with questions later though, good luck!” Shouting that last part as he dashed off to class, turning the heads of a few close students.
A deep sigh passed my lips as I trudged on, pulling open the heavy door to the administration office. It’s nice to have someone offer help on my first day, I just wish this town was big enough so that I could get lost on everyone’s list of priorities to gossip about or stare at.
Today is going to be a long day.
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“Good morning dear!” A sweet older woman announced from behind the central desk in the front office. The name plate in front of her reading ‘Administrative Secretary Shelly Cope’.
“Good morning Miss Cope. I’m Y/n Y/l/n, here to pick up my class schedule and hopefully a map of the place?” I said, cutting to the chase. The front office is a giant fish bowl to the students walking by outside, no one wants to spend more time than necessary here on their first day.
“Oh yes! I’ve got it all printed out and ready to go for ya dear, along with your locker assignment.” She says with a smile, passing the papers across her desk. “Let me know if you have any questions or if you need help with anything!”
“Yes ma’am, thank you!” I responded, half reading my new schedule - half aware of where I was going as I press a shoulder to the exit.
First period Biology
Second period English
Third period Spanish
Fourth period Trigonom-
The front office door smacks straight into an unsuspecting, gorgeous, golden-eyed fellow student, sending the papers clutched in my hands to the ground.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Best support friend; Rocket raccoon x gn reader
*Author’s note*
A double update? No get out of town! Truthfully I was gonna save posting this fic up once I got a Jack Kline request that has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for almost a year or however long ago it was but I decided idk when I’ll post it up so I decided to just go ahead and post this fic up and hopefully I’ll do the Jack Kline one in the next week or so (it’s like 75% done).
So @itsscromp​ here is your new Rocket raccoon request.
Warnings: abuse, fluff, panic attacks, angst, protective Rocket, swearing, clueless ravagers. 
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“Well excuse me for not letting the man with the robotic eyes take the wheel.” Another voice snarked sarcastically.  I was passing through Knowhere trying to organize some supplies when I heard the sound of arguing.  I followed the voices and there were Ezekiel and Torath.
“Oh no what now?” I muttered as I walked towards them.  The two of them continued to argue as I spoke up. “Hey guys.”
“You have any idea what that shrimp Quill is gonna do to us the minute we tell you lost the cargo?” Torath said.
“I lost the cargo? Need I remind you that it was because of your glitchy eyes that you hit the ejector button sending the cargo out into the depths of space!” Ezekiel snapped again at Torath.
“And need I remind you that you are literally the worst pilot in the entire galaxy! I’ve seen beasts with half a brain fly advance ships better than you!”
“Okay guys can we please just….” I tried to cease the argument but the two stubborn, pig-headed men got into a squabble.  Fists were flying and swears were spat out.  “hey! Hey! Hey! Hey guys stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” suddenly I caught an elbow to the nose which not only sent me to the ground but also in a flashback.
I fell to the ground as a punch came across my face and I whimpered as I spat out blood.
“Quit being weak Terran! How will you ever grow a backbone if you keep behaving like a sniveling coward!”
“But sir it—” I was kicked in the stomach this time and I let out a soft but painful grunt.
“You tell me it hurts and I swear I will make your next test more painful than the last!” I whimpered and gave him a nod as he forced me to stand back up and told me to stand my ground as he kept punching and kicking me.
~End of flashback~
My chest tightened and my heart pounded against my ears.  No I-I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there anymore! I-I have to get out of here! I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. Even when I had ran into someone I didn’t stop, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.
*Rocket’s POV*
I felt someone shove pass me but just before I could snap at them telling them to watch where they were going, I saw the familiar shape of (Y/n).  Normally they don’t just run like that unless there’s something wrong or their in a hurry. And they’re usually not in a hurry.
That’s when I heard the sound of Torath and Ezekiel screaming and rolling all over each other in a brawl.  I went over to them and called out to them.
“OI SHITS FOR BRAINS!!” but not even my voice could deter them from arguing.  I nodded nonchalantly as I took out my electro-shocker gun and activated it.  I first aimed it at Ezekiel and fired one shot before firing at Torath.  And just like when Groot, (Y/n) and I first hunted down Quill, they both exclaimed as the electro-shock balls stuck to them and they were given a good shock.  “Have I got your attention now shitbags?”
“What was that for rodent?” snapped Ezekiel.
“First of all don’t call me a rodent, not when I can give you a second dosage of shocks. Maybe this time I’ll crank it up a notch.” That got him to shut up.  “Second of all, why was (Y/n) racing out from your general direction looking upset?”
“(Y/n) was here?” Torath asked as his robotic eyes moved around.
“Yeah she was now answer my question nimrods! What happened?!”
“I didn’t even know that she had even came here.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“How do you not notice them? They’re the only Terran besides Quill!”
“Wait, is that why my elbow hurts so much?” asked Ezekiel. My ears twitched and I slowly turned towards him, my tail twitching in anger.
“What. Was that. You said?!” I sneered lowly.
“In our squabble, I—I felt my elbow hit something but I—” I didn’t even let him finish as I launched at him and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.  Blinded by pure rage.
How dare this son of a bitch hit (Y/n)! She had to live her entire life abused and tortured just to prove that she could enhance her skin into a hard-carbon shield.  Had it not been for Groot and I, she would’ve had to spend the rest of her miserable life with that sick, cowardly bastard.
I was deep in my rage that I hadn’t even felt myself being pulled forced away from Ezekiel and Quill’s voice exclaimed.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Rocket cool it man! Now I don’t know what the hell brought this on but you need to chill out right now!”
“This spineless rat hurt (Y/n)!” I yelled.
“I didn’t know they were even here! We didn’t know they were there!” Ezekiel tried to reason as Torath helped him up.
“With the way you two were bitching at each other you couldn’t see your own noses at the end of your faces!” I managed to wriggle my way out of Quill’s hold and without another word raced off to find (Y/n).
Being reminded of any form of abuse whether it’s done to themselves or they see if, they get triggered by it and let me tell you it gets bad.  So bad that they sometimes forget where they are or whose friend of foe.  All they see is that damned doctor.
I was asking around hoping that anyone had seen them but they all proved to be a bunch of negligent losers.  That was until Mantis had said that she felt their emotions coming from my ship.  I raced back to the Milano and soon enough in the main cockpit I found them huddled up, their chest rising up and down at an erratic pace.
I could also hear just how bad their heart was racing and could smell the panicked sweat from not only their brow but also their clammy hands. I walked towards them but didn’t speak, at this point they wouldn’t be able to hear me.  But there was one way to pull them out of this…..and Quill or Drax better not be spying on me otherwise I’ll blast them halfway across the quadrant.
I sat as close as I could beside them and first gave their bicep a gentle and affectionate nuzzle.  I then placed my paw onto their forearm and using my claws I very gently stroked down the skin of their forearm.  Then going back up to the same place where I started before going back down again.
“C’mon (N/n). Come back to me. You can do this.” I muttered before their breathing slowed and they seemed to be coming back down to reality.
*My POV*
It had been forever since I had a panic attack.  If I didn’t know what they were, I swear I thought I was dying.  My vision was so blurry, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face.  There was this high-pitch ringing that was constantly piercing my ears and my body felt paralyzed after I had collapsed into god knows where.
That’s when I felt something furry against my arm.  I also felt sharp nails (or claws) gently stroke down my arm.  They didn’t hurt but they did send tingles up from my arm to my spine.  Slowly the claws kept stroking down my forearm until I lifted it up and found my hand being placed on something soft.
I opened my eyes and after blinking away some of the tears as well as the haze that my vision was making, it began to focus and there I saw Rocket sitting right beside me.  His ears slightly bent backward as his eyes were looking at me assuringly and I also saw that my hand was now resting just on top of his head.
He gave me a soft nod and allowed me to stroke through his fur (knowing that it helped calm me down in the past).  After petting his head for a few minutes, I was able to unfold my legs from my chest so that they now were fully extended in front of me and I felt the tingling sensation of them falling asleep.
Rocket then rested his upperbody on top of my right thigh and allowed me to continue stroking his fur until I felt a vibration on my thigh. I looked down and as I stroked down Rocket’s neck, I could feel him purring, like actually purring.  I didn’t even know he could purr (kinda made me think back to the cats back on Earth).
“I….didn’t know you could purr like a cat.”
“This is a once in a lifetime thing. You speak of this to anyone, especially that stupid mutt Cosmo, I’ll rip your head off.”
“Thank you Rocket. This……means a lot.”
“Been a long time since you had one, figured you’d need something to help calm you down.” Rocket can be gruff and hard on the outside but when he wants to, if you look deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, you’ll find that he’s just a sweet, caring, intuitive creature who will do anything to help you out.
Even if it’s purring like a cat and having someone pet you constantly until they feel centered again.  But I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way.
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in-my-feels-probably · 8 months
Hey it’s me with the sick dog, but I was hoping to request like a super fluffy fic like established relationship, super domestic and just fluffy. Maybe watching a new horror movie or something. I don’t mind who but i’m partial to Remus, Sirius and Theo Nott
Request: I was hoping to request like a super fluffy fic like established relationship, super domestic and just fluffy. Maybe watching a new horror movie or something. I don’t mind who but i’m partial to Remus, Sirius and Theo Nott
Hi! I hope this makes your day a little better, I tried making this pretty fluffy. I’m happy to write you something else if this isn’t what you were looking for, but hopefully you like this! I hope you have a good day, and thank you for the request :)
(Warnings: none? let me know if i missed anything)
Sirius had always loved the simple things.
He had grown up around magic all his life. As he got older, he realized just how much he relied on it. But he also knew just how much it had hurt him over the years, often being way more trouble than it was worth. When he met you, you were like a breath of fresh air. He loved how differently you had grown up compared to him. When you graduated from Hogwarts, you moved into a flat together on the outskirts of London. 
It was a community far enough from the city that you could safely still use your magic without being seen, but you also didn’t have to rely on it. Anything you needed wasn’t hard to get—all you had to do was take a short walk into town. It took Sirius some getting used to, but he eventually fell in love with your little home away from the life he had always known. 
He relished in the domesticity and simplicity of the life you had together, and it eventually felt natural to him.
One of his favorite muggle inventions you showed him was the TV. He sat on the couch for nearly a week after you moved in, cycling through all the movies and shows you had mentioned to him over the years. He also loved the movie theater, and it became a staple on your date nights in town. When you were too lazy to go out and do something, but you still wanted to spend time together, you’d have a movie night. Sirius would go around the corner to the little diner run by a sweet old couple and pick up food for you to eat while you watched your movie. 
It was your night to pick the movie this time, and Sirius came in the door just as you had put it on.
“Etta and George say hello,” Sirius said, tossing his keys on the counter before placing the food on the coffee table, taking a seat next to you. “And Etta wanted me to tell you that she thought you looked really pretty last week when we came by the diner.”
You could feel your heart warm as you leaned into his side. “That’s so sweet.”
“So, what are we watching?” He asked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, settling into the couch. 
“It’s called Halloween. Remus knew I've been wanting to watch it, so he came by earlier and let me borrow his copy—remind me to bring it back to him sometime by the way. Anyway, it’s supposed to be pretty scary. Is that alright with you?”
“Think I can’t handle it, darling?” Sirius asked, a grin on his face. “You don’t think I’m brave?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I think you’re very brave. I also think you’re very prone to screaming like a child when something surprises you. Remember when James was over last week and you didn’t know he was here? You nearly jumped out of your skin when he came out of the bathroom.”
“I just wasn’t prepared for another man to be in my flat, let alone waltzing out of my bathroom like he owns it. You can understand my surprise, darling. It wouldn’t have happened under any other circumstances.”
“I see,” you mused, pressing play as you turned your attention to the TV. “So, you aren’t gonna be hiding your face in my arm by the end of the film?”
Sirius smirked, shaking his head at your teasing. “I think I’ll make it without resorting to that. But thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“My pleasure.”
Sirius barely made it twenty minutes in before he was already shifting uncomfortably next to you, a grimace on his face. You hid your smirk behind your sleeve, keeping your eyes on the screen. 
“I’m gonna kick Moony’s ass,” he muttered under his breath, so quiet you could barely hear him. “Masochistic bastard.”
“Want me to turn it off?” You asked, reaching for his hand.
Sirius gladly accepted, squeezing your hand tight. He just shook his head, continuing to watch the movie. At every intense scene or flashes of gore, you could feel him squeezing your hand tighter. By the time you made it halfway in, you couldn’t feel your fingers. When the movie was finally over, he let out a sigh of relief. He relaxed into the couch, his grip on your hand easing. 
“Never again,” he said as he turned to face you. “We’re watching Grease next time. I don’t have to worry about my heart bursting out of my chest watching Grease.”
You chuckled, running your hand up and down his forearm. “You made it, though. And you didn’t cry, not even once.”
“Very funny,” he pouted, but he made no move to pull his arm away from your touch. 
“I’m just teasing,” you smiled, leaning into his side. “I’m proud of you. You watched the whole thing, even though you weren’t enjoying it. It was very brave. Thank you for indulging me.”
“Thank you for letting me nearly break your hand. Are you alright, by the way? I didn’t mean to squeeze that hard.”
You chuckled, nodding. “It’s fine, love. It doesn’t even hurt.”
You talked as you finished your food, a random shitty soap opera playing on the TV in the background. It was one you both pretended not to be interested in, even though you both secretly had become quite invested in the plot more than a few episodes ago. 
“How long do you think Etta and George have been together?” Sirius asked, finishing what was left of his fries.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, leaning over to steal a fry. “The diner has been there since I was a kid. There used to be a little record store on the corner, and I’d always pass the diner on my way. They’ve been together for quite a long time, I think.”
“Do you ever wonder what we’re gonna be like when we’re their age?”
You smiled, nodding. “Sometimes. Hopefully we’re still in love, and not sick of each other. That would be a shame—you’re too pretty for frown lines.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, and Sirius let out a chuckle. He playfully nudged his elbow into your side, feigning offense. Suddenly, he yawned, reaching a hand up to rub at tired eyes. 
“Sleepy, love?” You asked, motioning for him to lay down. 
Sirius pivoted to swing his legs over the arm of the couch, resting his head in your lap. You ran your fingers through his hair, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.
“I wouldn’t mind ending up like Etta and George. Running their business, still together and in love. That’s years and years of happiness. We could have that. Our little flat and our diner on the corner. It's simple. Peaceful. I could get used to it—couldn’t you?
Sirius smiled, nodding. “Yeah…yeah, I could.”
It was quiet for a moment as you continued running your fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his forehead. Sirius kept his eyes closed, a content smile on his face. A warmth spread through your chest as he nuzzled his head into your lap, his cheek pressed against your thigh.
“I bet Etta doesn’t make George watch scary movies,” Sirius said unexpectedly, pulling you from your thoughts. 
You rolled your eyes, trying and failing to fight a grin. “I bet Etta has never heard George scream like a little girl.”
“Fair play, darling. Fair play.”
A/N - Hi! Thank you again for the request, I hope you liked this :)
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sarahsartedits · 1 year
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Riding on a dream with you
“Looks like I finally win, Red”-Roxas
Firstly I’d like to thank my mom for helping me pay for my art commission so that this exists visually! 🥰
Big thanks to @ultyso for this amazing beautiful artwork🌳🍃of one of the scenes in the story below❤️‍🔥 ⬇️
Also thanks to the roxiri server for listening to my ideas for this god knows this was all I talked about lol thanks to supportive roxiri friends & others who have inspired me @starrattlerofprydain @skytsunrose @roxaskairi @alphascorpiixx @whatsupfluff @dogoncabrera @eradicatetehnormal @twfated @twilight-blaze @paopubell @rxcketrvcer @yume127 @incorrectroxiriquotes2
Roxiri motocross au reimagined one shot set in the year 2000
Written for Roxiri from an idea I had earlier last summer mostly constructed from my imagination & decided to expand by a lot lol I’m not a writer & is only my second time writing anything similar to fanfics so forgive mistakes & grammatically errors. also this softly implies namixi & soriku going on in the background but doesn’t take center stage. Sora & Riku is briefly necessary adversaries for Kairi’s motivations it’s not meant to be bashing we like them over here. also don’t know shit about motocross I made shit up to fit my narrative
Warning smoking & language heavy angst & on with the story
Todays the day she thinks as she prepares for her challenge, Kairi is an inspiring motor biker determined to join the destiny islands motocross team, to put her skills to the test in competition & hopefully build back friendships with childhood friends Sora & Riku. she goes through tough impossible obstacles each time to join the team on purpose to vote no on her joining. Sora cheerfully laughs afterwards saying “oh hey that’s too bad, Kairi I’ll make it up to ya I’ll take you to the movies, my treat!” Kairi huffs “when i crawl up & die, I knew you’d do this, jerk” after walking over to blow smoke into Sora’s face as she stocks off as Sora gasps for air “fine be ungrateful! Man, what a hag!’’ Kairi rolls her eyes & balled up her fists what did she expect Sora & his team is full of guys who seem to have a negative attitude towards her in general with joining up. “Oh it’s too dangerous, you’d just get hurt.” As he continually keeps her off the team & from competing. She hears Riku comfort Sora telling him “don’t worry he did the right thing’’ & that she’s “baggage” to the team. It’s was his usual prep talk to Sora & the team that she was too delicate to be even riding a motor bike much less allow her on the team, use the trails & gear? Kairi frowned she couldn’t believe these were the same boys she’d hung out with most of her life?
Kairi lost in thought arrives home & finds boxes all over the house because kairi’s single & crazy indecisive mom Kayla decides to move them to twilight town in with her new boyfriend Nathan & his daughter Namine. At this point Kairi is up for anything to get away from obnoxious sexist boys & being blackballed by the other girls. She had met Namine a few times before moving to their apartment. To her surprise the blonde girl was very friendly & at the same time withdrawn & quite, mentioned by her father for her love for art & painting. Kairi was super intrigued by the girl & was hopeful that they’d be like sisters. Meanwhile Kayla brags on Namines art & mannerisms wishing kairi was more like her instead of having nasty habits like smoking & “dirt biking”. Such a nasty sport for young girls it was bad enough for your father look where it got him. Kairi rolls her eyes sure mom whatever as she puts out a cigarette. Namine looks like she wants to say something to Kayla but doesn’t just bows her head & looks away. Kairi doesn’t notice she can just tell her moms gonna ruin this relationship too of course.
When they finally get moved in, Namine enters Kairi’s room with a welcome home gift art piece as she was hesitant to, from Kairi defensive attitude towards Kayla for the most part. As they had a disagreement on taking her bike as Kayla wasn’t wanting it brought since she wanted Kairi to start over in a new town with new hobbies kairi was livid at the thought that bike was hers. It’s was gift from her dad a fellow rider who died in a biking accident. Kairi looks up with a small smile as she removes her headphones, ‘hello Namine. Sorry about earlier. Mother just doesn’t get me.” Namine hands kairi the rolled up artwork returning a smile, “you know, you could try out for twilight town’s motocross team you mentioned earlier of the hard time they gave you over on Destiny islands?” Kairi examines it as she puts in on the wall & ponders “i… just don’t know Namine… I mean what would be the difference?” Namine, “ well you said you think they don’t let girls on the team? Well that’s definitely not the case here, my girlfriend Xion is on the team & our friend Olette, it’s based on your talent not gender.” Kairi does a double take, what!? Why didn’t you tell me!? Namine looks down shhh I’m not out to father yet. Kairi whispers I’m sorry but that’s great you know you have my support. Namine nodded ‘promise me you’ll think about it?’ Kairi “I will”
Later that night as she’s having her nightly cigarette on her windowsill she spots a blond boy across the street in a neighboring building out on the deck porch noticing her as he paused from playing his guitar she puts out the cigarette & says to herself “sorry blondie no distractions this time.”
In The next few days kairi heard voices outside her bedroom door then a knock & in walks a raven haired girl with a bob hair cut & Namine trailing behind her. So you’re Kairi. Yes & you must be Xion? Namine’s Girl who also doesnt wait for permission to enter rooms? What? I so knocked & im impatient. Xion winked Nami says you’re interested in joining motocross? I saw your bike on the way in. You any good? Kairi sighed the answer your first question yeah sure second question it’s my life why wouldn’t I be any good? Xion smirked yeah? But are you motocross good? Kairi returns xion’s wink from earlier we shall see won’t we? Xion sure meet me at the ‘pit’ tomorrow for tryouts & meeting the team”.
The next day kairi & her bike walks with Namine to meet Xion at the ‘’pit’’ in the twilight town forest. The sort of twilight town’s motor bikers hang out for the team to practice. Kairi was nervous to say the least. Firstly noticing Xion & another girl fitted up in gear she assumed was Olette. This was a good sign she thought “there’s other girls on the team, if I don’t make it it’s my own fault” soon Kairi was startled out of her thoughts when xion led them over closer to the rest of the team. Kairi noticed that a blond boy who everyone seemed to be talking with, couldn’t take his eyes off her as soon as she enter the “pit” it seemed. Oh god it’s the boy across the street that was staring at me from his deck porch. Soon Xion yelled at him “yo Rox come here” “Rox” walked over with a smirk hey Xi so who’s your friend? Xion rolled her eyes ; this is Kairi, Kairi this is Roxas team captain leader blah blah totally hammy thinks he’s all that with fancy bike & skateboard tricks & his damn hair, for the love of God let me trim it it’s in your eyes, Roxas sighs shakes his head hell no, give me a break “MOM” let me do my own damn introduction, Kairi laughed Roxas’s eyes brightened & smile widened. Hey Kairi. Girl across the street who lives with Namine it’s a pleasure meeting you even if you’re friends with this one before Xi went nuts I was gonna say the only thing true about that is that I’m an amazing team captain who happens to be a skilled rider that’s it. Kairi chuckled softly ok I believe you you don’t seem like a ham to me as she played rolled her eyes Roxas oh ho ho ho this one got jokes? Haha well miss Kairi I wanna wish you good luck out there tryouts here can be as brutal as motocross is. Kairi nodded she could do this. As she walked his bike over to the starting line. Roxas called for everyone’s attention “okay my dudes & dudettes tryouts are about to start roll on over to the starting line & please let’s try to keep it clean & not to have a smash up out there….
Kairi couldn’t believe the competition as she smoked them all as she turned corners & made all her jumps which the pit made much better jumps & more room to freestyle than Sora & Riku’s trails around the island. (It seemed like she’d would be at a disadvantage since she had snuck out to ride the trails every chance she got when Sora & Riku would take trips away from the island to stay in top shape since Sora or riku would try to police her from riding their trails.) as she finished her run with a long drift into the finish line & remove her helmet she noticed all the stunned faces of Namine & Xion but Roxas had a different expression, resembling resentment. Kairi walked her bike out of the way of the others.
Roxas couldn’t believe this girl & her princess style bike not only beat the competition but she had sick freestyle moves thrown in to the mix. He just couldn’t let her join his team, not while showing out like that using freestyle supercross wasn’t allowed & was separate from motocross itself. Roxas quickly got everyone’s attention “okay okay chill out guys listen up that’s a wrap better luck next time.” Kairi Xion & Namine gasped as kairi turned away mortified & angry. “What the fuck happened?’’ she wondered. She started to walk away when she heard Xion blasting at Roxas. Kairi decided to walk back she felt she needed an explanation. Roxas “Xion I don’t have to explain how I run this team.” Xion “what the hell is wrong with you?” Kairi interrupts “no I have the right to an explanation I fucking demand it” she yelled hoarsely Roxas rolled his eyes, ok red here’s the deal I have no room for big shots or princesses that demands shit handed to them. That rely on freestyle to win motocross not only that, this is a simple tryout for a local team all you had to do way beat those guys in the race”!!! kairi I DID THAT! Roxas yeah but you still relied on freestyle. I can’t have that. I’m sorry. Kairi gritted her teeth “ fine blondie you should’ve made that in the rules beforehand! Roxas folded his arms my team my tryouts my rules rookies who don’t understand that don’t get to be on my team. Kairi exploded EXCUSE YOU IM NOT A ROOKIE! Shoving Roxas to the ground as she stormed off. Roxas chuckled to himself as he got up. “Reds got fire” as he smirked.
The next day Xion shows up to tell Kairi with much team discussion Roxas has had a change of heart that he will in fact let her on his team on the grounds she trains under him for the coming weeks before the local motocross against several of the local towns Destiny Islands included. Kairi sighing as she’d been annoyed as hell the whole night. Ok but why cause all that shit with me yesterday? xion sucked in air wellll I think he’s just being a jealous little bitch but you didnt hear that from me. Kairi ‘’he’s a what now?!’’ Jealous of me? Why he’s captain leader guy he doesn’t have to constantly prove himself that’s he’s good you can tell he is without him jumping on a bike & he’s seemed laid back & chill & people give him respect so freely. Xion dumbfounded Namine who walked into the room giggled “Kairi if I didn’t know better I’d say you like Roxas!” Kairi & Xion ‘what?’ Kairi well I might of if he hadn’t treated me like shit for riding good??? Kairi questions Xion again whys is he jealous? xion “right well he’s not use to anyone besting him is all. Kairi gawks what!? You think I bested him? Xion “again you didn’t hear it from me I think he thinks that. But he doesn’t have the right to act that way. Kairi nodded Namine so what are you going to do? Still join the team anyways? Kairi rubbed her chin thoughtfully hmm I think I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine I’ll make it my life’s mission to test his skills to the point he’s made to feel as insecure about his as he’s made me feel about mine yesterday. Ending with Xion & Namine give each other a nervous look.. this could end badly.
Fast forward a few weeks, Kairi had been meeting Roxas several times a week & once on weekends to train which was more like Kairi & Roxas racing & betting each other would beat the other. Roxas had to teach this girl who was the best on this team if it kills him he thought miserably he’d win & she’d win back to back. Roxas “you’ve had enough,Red?” “Not on your life blondie” “fine, just don’t cry when you lose” Roxas snapped Kairi exhausted don’t you get it I don’t lose, hold on a minute I need a smoke as she lights up a cigarette. ‘’I don’t suppose you would like to join me?’’Roxas looks mildly disgusted & curious “maybe if you answer a question you smoke often?” Kairi hands Roxas a smoke & lights it, Roxas coughs a bit but overall he’s fine. Kairi giggles “about a few years now & only when I’m anxious & angry.” & more often since my father passed,Roxas bowed his head shit I’m sorry, Red hate to hear that. Kairi waved him off softly ‘’thanks but it happened a few years ago from a biking accident, everything I know about motor bikes I learned from him.” Roxas nodded solemnly “so who are you outside of riding & competitions with me?” Roxas & Kairi chuckled she sighed im not much really I use to be cheerleader & wrote poetry typically girly shit” Roxas howled with laughter you’re joshing me! I can’t see it! Kairi mmmhhhmm I really did I tried to please mom, sora & riku, to try to fit in with other girls. Roxas interrupts “wait one minute you don’t mean trying to please Destiny Island’s motocross team’s own Sora & Riku? I mean are you even sure they even pay attention to anything of than each other. They seem, I don’t know, self absorbed in each other at meets are they a couple?” kairi oh them? I wouldn’t know they wouldn’t let me join their dumb ol team to notice, I guess they had fun together policing me from riding their tracks on the play island. Making it their life’s mission to keep me from riding my own bike, a gift from my father by the way much less keep me off the team. Roxas ducked his head blushed, well I guess I fucked up as well, I’m sorry my ego gets the better of me sometimes. Kairi pats Roxas thigh, no problem Xion explained. Roxas ‘’what’d she… ‘’
Kairi kept talking so what’s your sad story who is Roxas Strife? Roxas sighed “motocross rider, motorcycle rider, when his older brother cloud allows him to ride his. Roxas frowns solemnly is raised by his big brother Cloud since his parents both died of overdoses. Kairi gasps reaches out to hug Roxas I’m so sorry. Roxas so stunned & surprised at the sudden need to touch her back. She smelled of coconut & some scent he couldn’t place. Kairi released him, he suddenly missed her warmth but continued no problem red its been years my brother is keeping out of a home upstate so I could grow up here. I had a twin brother Ventus who didn’t make it to be a teenager. He died when he was ten hit by a car case of negligence of parents who couldn’t careless.” Kairi holds his hand & doesn’t let go. “Sorry death seems to be my life story.” Kairi “hey it’s ok if anything my father’s death taught me not to let anyone tell you no, chase all your dream or in our case riding on a dream.” Kairi laughed Roxas smirked “what’s else do you wanna know Red?” Kairi blows smoke “ oh your hobbies, ambitions likes dislikes Roxas well you’re looking at my hobby when I’m not playing struggle in the sandlot as a plan b to my ambitions to go pro at both likes sunsets sea salt ice cream hanging out on the clock tower dislikes drama authority figures big shots….Kairi interrupted “let me guess princesses” Roxas smiled shyly no princesses can stay he whispered. Kairi asked softly, still holding his hand from earlier ok blondie I noticed you playing guitar on your deck that night I first seen you, I like seeing that side of you, will you play for me sometime? Roxas blushed fiercely chuckled as he noticed she was at his lips, as he bend over to her sitting on her bike, he whispered back sure red whatever you’re into. Their lips met as they kept their footing on each side of their bikes tongues collided competing over dominance. Kairi fell powerless over this kiss letting Roxas take control as she hopes she’ll win if they do this again. Roxas feels his legs shake & letting his bike roll closer to hers. They lifted their lips apart slowly with Roxas smirking as he whispers “looks like I finally win”
In coming days, Kairi & Roxas were still just as competitive & bantering with each other as ever but with more kissy faces, which bewildered Namine & disgusted Xion as Roxas was her brother figure & wasn’t sure what to make of Roxas & Kairi’s new found relationship? Or if it was the best thing for the team? What if they break up? She worried. She decided to must confront kairi first she knew Roxas was vulnerable after the life he had she had to protect him.
Kairi meets up with Roxas on twilight town’s clock tower which seems to be another hangout for wayward teens on the edge. She met Roxas holding two blue ice creams which must of been the sea salt ice cream he mentioned. She sat next to him on the edge she also noticed his guitar, she heart warmed he’d remembered. He handed her an ice cream, ‘’I thought we’d have some ice cream then Ill play for you?” Kairi smiled “is this a date blondie?’’ She teased. Roxas blushed “it’s whatever you want it to be Red.” Kairi giggled “im teasing you of course it’s a date a first date in fact. I think it’s sweet like this ice cream oh boy it’s salty.” Roxas ‘’but you like it though right?’’ Kairi “it’s delicious thank you!’’ It’s beautiful up here you come up here often don’t you?” Roxas “yup since I was eight years old thanks to deadbeat parents I & Ven both came up here sometimes & I met some of guys from the team up here Hayner pence olette & Xion, an older cool guy Axel he use to be on the team when Cloud was captain, who decided to move away,” Kairi listened with great interest what a history of people she wondered a lot about his brother where was everyone at when he died? Roxas place his hand on her thigh what is it you’re a million miles away what’s up? Kairi looked uneasy “about ventus? Where were you when it happened?’’ Roxas balled up his fist on kairi’s thigh she quickly covered his hand with hers. Roxas continued not around I was here laughing in up with the guys & Xion. He was on his way here to tell me mom was “sick” again. What else was new? I guess she was worst than usual because she died a few days after him, double funeral. I found him you know? The car musta been flying he was unrecognizable for years I kept thinking how it could’ve been me we played out in traffic all the time…” Kairi said nothing just squeezed his hand. Roxas looked curious ‘’this must be a bad 1st date so far I’ll start playing if you want?’’ Kairi laughed out some tears sure Roxas smiled oh look you got a winner stick red kairi oh! What does it mean? Roxas smirked “it means you’re the winner of my affections haha” Kairi rolled her eyes “seriously that’s it” she winked . Roxas chuckled “I should’ve gotten the winner stick. I feel like a winner every day with you Red.” Kairi pulled him in for a side kiss. “ shut up Just play for me, beautiful” Roxas starts playing as Kairi starts humming with the tune before she starts singing surprising Roxas
🎶The dawn is breaking a light shining through you barely wake
and tangled up in you yeah.
I’m open you’re close where I follow you’ll go
I worry I won’t see your face light up again
Even the best fall sometimes, even the wrong words seem to rhyme
and out of the doubt that fills your mind
I somehow find that you and I collide
I quite you know you make a first impression
I found Im scared to know I’m always on your mind.
Even the stars refuse to shine & out of the doubt that fills your mind
you finally find you & I collide🎶
-collide by Howie Day
“Woah” Roxas exclaimed ‘’where did that come from?” You didn’t say you could sing! Kairi blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. “Oh I did short stint in the school choir but it boring & tedious so I quit I prefer being active.” Roxas laughs “maybe we should do a duet next year in the talent show or something? Kairi giggles ‘’now you’re joshing me because you’re not serious?’’ Roxas kinda as I’m not into school functions but with you? Anything can happen.” Kairi playfully rolled her eyes “ok mister too cool for school functions” Ill hold you to that Blondie..
Kairi did well keeping Xion & Namine’s relationship a secret with their folks. when Xion came over to spend time with Namine, they’d just tell them Kairi wasn’t up for hanging out so Xion could hang out Namine in her room alone. Kairi spent the time to revive her poetry. She’d been inspired since meeting Roxas & everything Roxas is Roxas Roxas Roxas she thought dreamily as she overheard Namine & Xion’s giggling in the next room, it must have been nice to get to have your significant other in your room even in secret, Kayla toke one look at Roxas & decided they were never to be alone in the house even with Nathan swearing Roxas was a good kid known him for years he’s the boy next door hell if it wasn’t for Nathan & Namine she would’ve not be allowed to see him, Kayla was a social snob & thought Roxas was a hood & was surely doing drugs like his parents had after being raised by his wayward older brother. Kairi was so distant in her thoughts she didn’t hear a knock at her bedroom door & it opening revealing Xion, “oh I knocked I need to talk with you about something that been just on my mind” “please don’t take this the wrong way but what is your intentions with Roxas?” Kairi eyes widened & frowned “what do you mean?” Xion “I mean what’s the deal with you & my brother?” Do you love him, care him? Or are you just having fun what!?’’ Kairi was heated & confused “I don’t think that’s any of your business Xion!” Xion sighed “look, you don’t really know him Kai.” His past comes with a lot of baggage & needs better treatment around here than by your ice queen of a mom who barely lets him in the door… Kairi defensively “no you look, I don’t know what your problem with me is? He explained to me his past I know about Ven ok? Xion looked down whispering what he doesn’t talk about what happened to Ven why you why open up to you an outsider?” Kairi shrugged im pretty easy to talk to Id like to think. Xion huffed “ sure is having that nice figure & gorgeous red hair in his face now.” Kairi was just so confused with Xion. “Why are you complimenting me? You don’t think I’m good enough for Roxas?” Xion looked off out the window I don’t know maybe he’s actually not good enough for the princess & I don’t want him hurt? Xion’s eyes looked wet with tears Kairi sighed feeling her eyes with tears as well. “Look if things south with us I’ll let him break up with me, he has my heart anyways might as well break it if he wants to” Xion gasped Kai! I’m sure he’d never do that! Kairi smiled & walked towards to Xion “then do we have your blessing” hugging her from behind “do I have another sister like I have in Namine? Kairi winked as she saw Namine standing at her door which could’ve been a huge misunderstanding if she hadn’t listened to the whole conversation at the door & knew of the Roxas & Kairi drama with Kayla around the house. Xion laughed as tears were still flowing “oh my god Yessss as long as people don’t think Nami is also my sister blah!” Namine walked over to hug them as all three had a group hug until Kairi removed herself for Namine & xion to hug alone as so heard Namine whispering “im sorry Xi I didn’t realize it was so hard on you I’ll come out to father” Xion slowly slipped her lips over the other girl’s “im proud of you baby” as kairi closes her door leaving the girls in her room. As she ran out of the house to jump on her bike to meet Roxas.
Today was the day the final motocross meet up against Destiny island was finally upon them as the team sat up on Destiny Islands turf. It had been around six months since Kairi had lived here she hung close to Roxas Xion & Namine who’d come as a supportive girlfriend who had new found freedom with Xion after telling her father. Kairi was a proud sister for them both. As they readied their bikes, Kairi couldn’t help but feel nervous here the last time she was here she fumbled her chance with this same team that was now her competition. Since being back she had noticed a certain brunette & sliver head had become more touchy- feely than she remembered or maybe she spent so much time resenting them of her joining their team to notice. Sora kissed Riku on the cheek as it was Riku’s match against Xion who smirked knowingly at the fellow gays who seemed out & proud as ever as Namine come over to hug & kiss Xion’s forehead. Riku was like a speeding bullet thought Kairi as he beat Xion. Next kairi beat tidus. Now all the cards lay with Roxas & Sora’s match as the teams were tied. As they readied their bikes kairi walked up to Roxas with a hug from behind with a kiss to his neck Roxas smirked hello red what will you do when I beat him? “Congratulate you & kiss your beautiful face again?” She said nonchalantly “well that’ll work but maybe a tour of the whole island both of these islands?’’ He gave her a winning smile Kairi “you got it blondie” while the happy couple was canoodling they didn’t notice the happy curious look Sora was giving them as Kairi walked away when the race was ready to start. Roxas in all his glory made a spectacular show for a show off ham that he was & beating Sora leading the team to victory.
kairi had promised Roxas to show him the main & the play islands respectfully she was learning Roxas had such a fascination for the beach as did Namine & xion with shells as the two girls stayed on the beach looking at the shells they found. she & Roxas walked around the treehouse bridge around the paopu fruit tree. “What’s the deal with the star shaped fruit, red?” Roxas pointed out as Kairi started to explain the legend to Roxas. he became intrigued & exclaimed they must share one immediately. “How about we share one so that our destinies can be intertwined forever” kairi said softly “you already have my heart.” Roxas reached out to take her hand “you have mine too so we should partake in this famous island custom cement our love & devotion.” Kairi laughed “it’s just a legend relax blondie didn’t know you were superstitious?’’ as she reached up for one & handed it to him holding it to his lips, Roxas whispered “I just want you forever with me Red” “Ride or die” they counted one. two. three. & they bit down in in sync. They laughed as it squirted juice out both ends.
Kairi noticed spiked brunette & sliver headed boys approaching them she tensed the hand she was hold Roxas with. Sora was the first to speak, “heya! Nice match Roxas & they shook hands. I knew you were a good rider but wow you’re amazing.” Roxas hey Thanks dude it’s good someone takes the time to compliment me on my skills instead of calling me a show off ham. Kairi rolls her eyes “Xion started that remember.” Roxas laughed playfully im joshing you. They looked over at sora who just looked happy to be there in all they banter-y fun Riku who looked bored. Roxas to Riku ‘’hey you, you wanna show me this neat thing I seen way over there? Riku puzzled huh you mean the raft we built when we were 12? Sora suddenly caught on to Roxas ‘’yeah Riku walk over there with Roxas I need to talk with Kairi.” Riku “sure” as Roxas & him departs to the raft area. Sora looks puzzled over Kairi so how long have you & Riku been out? Sora blushed “not long & his parents were not happy but he lives with me & my family now. So how long have you been with twilight town’s own motocross team captain Roxas Strife.” Kairi’s turn to blush, “a few months I guess you have noticed him he was sure you & Riku never noticed anyone else at meets” kairi teased Sora frowned ‘’of course I noticed all that blonde hair & smirking. I just notice Riku more. You’ve got a great looking guy there Kairi. Sora winked Kairi giggled thank you Sora, anyways Sora continued im sorry if riku & I made your life miserable here after your dad’s passing we wanted to keep you off bikes. Kairi frowned looking down “you all had no right. My dad wanted me to bike” it’s in my blood despite everything I deserve it I might of been a shithead to you for demanding that I be on a team that doesn’t want me.” I’m sorry… Sora interrupted “no Kairi we’re still wrong for that we didn’t let you on the team because we didn’t want girls on the team…..”and his voice got quiet, “Riku thought it would be a good idea to push you away into doing something girly with your time instead.” ‘Wow you know how to pick boyfriends, Sora.’Kairi rolled her eyes annoyed sora “no kairi I agreed with him” kairi huffed and said ‘’you know what sora? you two deserve each other.’’ Sora “no please don’t go away angry” Kairi sighed “im not mad, sora I just don’t care I don’t live here anymore remember.” Sora pouted “you could still visit” Kairi ‘’of course & you & Riku can visit us in twilight town & triple date with Namine Xion Roxas & I. Sora smiled it’s a date.
Kairi walked with Sora to found Roxas & Riku hanging out around the raft. Laughing. Sora & Kairi gave each other a look. Roxas & Riku was in a good natured competitive talk about a match for them since they didn’t get to race. Kairi told them that Sora agreed to have a triple date with the girls in twilight town. And with that the couples departed Kairi grabbed Roxas’s hand, as they walked along the beach back to where Namine & Xion were last seen. Roxas questioned Kairi ‘’what’s up Red you’ve been quiet since talking to Sora anything wrong?’’ Kairi said softly “ I realized while talking to Sora that I don’t really care about this island anymore’’ when I was little I never wanted to leave Sora & Riku or this island it was home they were comfortable friends & I didn’t want to grow up but in a way they pushed me to grow up. We can’t stay the same & my mom as much as a ice queen she is she had a hand in getting me away from here.” Roxas said thoughtfully “ yeah I should thank her for bringing you to me” as he laughed kairi punched Roxas in the arm’’you do that she’ll make sure I’ll never see you again” Roxas “ouch Red geez” but I don’t think that’s true, that you don’t care, you wanted to make up & be friends again sometimes people just aren’t cool enough, but I think Sora & Riku have potential though.” Kairi ‘’ yeah I always thought so too, blondie.” “So what about us?” “Are we forever?’’ Roxas looked out into the ocean. “Until the end, Red” he looked over to Kairi with a quick kiss & a mischievous smirk & pick her up bridal style & carried her out to the ocean as she shrieked with laughter as dropped her in the water as she pulled him under with her for an underwater kiss.
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wintercoatkiszka · 9 months
Drops of Gold
howdy howdy all! this is my first foray into writing (good) fan fic and also writing to a prompt (flufftober) hopefully i can keep up but i hope yall enjoy this fluffy little drabble regardless :) wc: about 1.9k
You put the finishing layer of lipgloss on, smacking your lips together for good measure and turn around to face your roommate and best friend, who’s been waiting ever so patiently on the edge of the bathtub for you to acknowledge her.
“How do I look?” You ask, a slight panic underlying the simple question. “You look hot, I’m not going to lie,” She responds with a slow nod of her head. You do, to be fair, in a pair of thrifted, well worn jeans that you’ve cuffed along the ankles and a brown, velvet halter top that hugs your figure. You let out a huff and lean back against the vanity, tucking a stray piece of curled hair behind your ear.
“Yeah, bu-” Your protest is interrupted by a buzz from your phone, the screen lighting up with his name and a simple message reading ‘Here for you love’. A blush crosses your cheeks immediately and you shoot an apologetic glance back at your roommate who is looking at you expectantly. “I guess it doesn’t matter now. I’ll see you tonight?” You offer, half jogging out of the small bathroom and to the front door of your apartment where a pair of Doc Martins, a corduroy jacket and your small purse are waiting.
“Remember, don’t add to the population, take away from the population or end up in jail! Be safe, I love you!” Your roommate shouts from the bathroom and you can’t help but laugh as you hurry out the door to meet your date’s warm, running car.
Fall seemed to come early to town this year; the trees are already turning beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow, the weather refuses to bump any higher than seventy degrees and the neighbors have already begun to put out their harvest and Halloween decorations. It’s your favorite time of year and, over a pair of steaming mugs of seasonal coffee, you learned it’s also your new partner’s favorite season as well. Jake, beautiful Jake, with his shaggy brown hair and eyes that seem like they’ve seen much more than his twenty-seven years of life could have allowed him to see. He quickly enchanted you with his deep and profound comments and his sharp sense of humor and this is now the third unofficial date that the pair of you have been on.
Each starts just like this, you hustling to his car, still pulling on you jacket, the stupid grin on your face that you can’t ever seem to wipe off in time and him, looking, no observing, straight ahead, tapping his fingers in time to an ever changing classic rock song. You’ll get in the car and he’ll look over at you, a shy smile crossing his lips briefly before he turns down the music and shifts to face you.
“How is it that every time I see you, you manage to get even more beautiful than the last time we were together?” He asks, causing the blush to return to your cheeks and leaving you speechless. This time he’s dressed in a white buttoned shirt that has only been done up to about mid chest, the top two or three buttons undone and resting comfortably against his tan skin, and a pair of dark brown slacks. You smile at him, unable to come up with anything witty or clever to say back and he’ll just laugh softly to himself and put the car into drive.
Jake drives in a comfortable silence for about fifteen minutes before you begin to wonder where your date will be taking you this evening, the quaint buildings of the downtown area slowly giving way to trees as you enter the small forest that borders the town. “What have you got in mind for tonight?” You ask, tearing your eyes away from the picture-perfect trees all in different stages of turning colors to look at Jake, who just smiles and says, “You’ll see in but a moment, love.”
A few miles later, Jake guides the car into a pull-off on the side of the small highway and you look around for any clues that might tell you what is in store for this evening. He gets out of the driver’s seat and does a little half-run over to open the door for you, a quirk of his that you don’t mind too much. As you breathe in the crisp, fresh mountain air, Jake opens the trunk of his car, russles around for a few moments and then creeps around the opposite side of where you’re standing with a mischievous grin on his face. “I bet I can beat you in a race to the top of that hill,” He says, gesturing to a small hill a few hundred feet from the side of the road. “Ready go!”
With that, he takes off, trying to hide the items in his hands as he leaves you in the dust. Too stunned to speak, all you manage is an incredulous laugh before taking off after Jake, determined not to let him win. He seems to know his way around these woods, however, and, where you get stuck on thorny berry bushes and have to duck under branches, he seems to disappear up to the crest of the hill.
Once you arrive, out of breath and all the curl fallen out of your hair, he looks up from the ground, having set up a plaid blanket to sit on. “Oh, what took you so long? I was about to call out the search and rescue team.” He says, voice full of false concern.
“Whatever,” You reply, panting and taking a seat on the blanket next to him. “You are a piece of work Jake Kiszka.” Just then it hits you what Jake set up for the date. Sitting on the other end of the blanket is a picnic basket, a guitar you presume to be Jake’s and a bouquet of seasonally colored flowers. A small gasp leaves your lips and you look back over at him, that shy smile you love so much taking over his face. “Jake, you really didn’t have to do all of this! It’s beautiful!”
“No more beautiful than you darling,” He says, pulling the basket closer and taking out two glasses and a bottle of wine. After stuffing yourselves with premade sandwiches and grocery store sides, you lay your head on Jake’s lap as the two of you watch the trees blow in the wind below you. “You are truly incredible,” You mutter, locking eyes with him for just a moment. He lets out a huff of a laugh and leans forward to grab his guitar. “You play?” You ask, realizing how dumb of a question it was almost immediately after the words left your mouth. “Just a little,” Jake responds, not missing a beat as he begins strumming chords absentmindedly.
Turns out, ‘just a little’ means that Jake is probably the best guitar player you have ever heard and his singing voice is just as incredible, though he doesn’t do it in a boastful way. He sings soft and low and begins to get a far off look in his eyes, almost like he forgets that you’re even there. It’s amazing to witness and you can’t help but watch as his lips twitch along with the guitar when he isn’t singing and his eyebrows come together just enough to create one wrinkle of concentration. This man is a work of art, you realize slowly, reaching one hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. This seems to ease him out of his trance and he looks down at you, still strumming the guitar.
“Have I ever told you how ethereal you are?” He asks, setting the guitar to the side and reaching down to hold your hand with one of his own. “You remind me of the trees when they turn, actually. Though we marvel at their beauty year round, something about the way the sun hits their leaves in the autumn makes them even more awe inspiring.” You look out and realize that the sun is setting as he makes the comment and you do see what he means. The yellow leaves are becoming golden and, when a slight breeze causes them to rain down, it looks like golden drops are falling from the skies.
Jake shifts down so that you are laying on his chest and his brown eyes meet yours for a second as you watch a thought cross his mind. He leans in a little closer and smiles at you. “How lucky am I to have met you?” He muttered, taking in every feature of your face and running the backside of his fingers along your jawline. The sensation causes a wave of warmth to run through your body and a stream of electricity to run from where his perfect fingers touch your skin right to your brain.
“I could say the same thing about you Jake,” You respond quietly, taking his hand in yours and examining it. It looks soft from far away, but up close you can see where the callouses from guitar strings create texture and his bitten cuticles remind you that he is, after all, human as well. “That’s a bad habit, you know,” you say, running your fingers over the bitten nail beds. He just chuckles and looks down at your fingers which have similar marks. “Oh really?”
For a little while longer this continues, exploring the quirks of each other’s hands and any bit of skin that isn’t covered on this chilly afternoon. Eventually, his hand goes back to your jawline and you can see another thought cross his deep brown eyes. “Y/N…” He begins and then trails off, a blush covering his cheeks.
“Yes Jake?” You ask, focused on committing the shape of his nose to memory because there has never been such a perfect nose as this one.
“Can… Can I kiss you?” He asks quietly, nothing but sincerity and hope in his eyes when yours flash to meet them.
“Yes Jake, absolutely,” You say, propping yourself up and leaning in close. Your lips press together gently but firmly in a brief, chaste kiss. Each of you pull back and realize that something like that simply wouldn’t cut it and you lean in again with an eagerness that only real love can bring and it’s as if fireworks are going off in your brain. That feeling of warmth from earlier comes back in floods and you are no longer chilly in the autumn air.
Eventually, you both have to pull back for a breath and you look up at him, blushing like a schoolgirl. His cheeks are just as red as he looks down at you and a laugh erupts from his throat, suddenly, startling you both. You let out a similar laugh and it’s infectious for a few moments, neither of you quite believing what just happened. Jake clears his throat after the laughter has died down and looks at you, the grin on his face still a mile wide. “I’d like to do that again some time.”
“I would too.”
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a-lanterninthenight · 8 months
Shrike - Part 1
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Hi there! This story has been sitting in my Google Docs for quite a bit, and I had honestly forgotten about it until I found it in when I was going through them. I really hope you like it. I feel like there aren't enough Danny fics out there, so hopefully this one will be able to aid all my fellow Danny laners out there. The title was inspired by the gorgeous song Shrike by Hozier, which I'll link here: Hozier - Shrike (Official Audio) - YouTube I'd greatly appreciate any feedback you have, so don't be afraid to drop something in the comments or message me. My deepest thanks to @kaedepo for helping make the moodboard and reading the draft as I wrote it. Now, without further ado, let's get started...
Reader x Danny
TW: none
Word Count: ~2.7k
Sunlight streamed through your gauzy white curtains as you opened your eyes. As they adjusted to the bright summer sunshine, you sat up, taking in the view of your small but cozy bedroom. You had just moved to Nashville last week, and this small apartment was your first real place of your own. It had taken several years of waitressing, pet sitting, and other odd jobs to pay your way through school, but you had finally done it. Nashville was your dream home ever since you were little, and to your elation, a small bookstore in town had offered you a position as a marketing manager. Graduation was three weeks ago, and after a short but much needed vacation, you had packed your things and moved in. 
The soft meows of your cat Stevie greeted you as you walked down the hall from your room into the kitchen. Stevie rubbed up against your legs, purring loudly and leaving some of her ginger colored fur on the pant legs of your black sweatpants. “Good morning, Stevie girl, today’s a big day,” you said to her. Today you started working, and you were eagerly but also a little nervously looking forward to it. “Let’s hope that everything goes ok.” After feeding Stevie, you went back into your room to get dressed and ready for the day. Opting for a comfy but dressy enough pair of jeans and a flowy blouse, you applied a light dusting of makeup and curled your hair in loose waves. Right as you were putting away your curling iron, your phone buzzed. Looking at it, you saw a text from your best friend from school, Stella. “Hey! Big day today, but you’ve got this! Good luck and let me know how it goes.” 
You and Stella had been best friends since your freshman year of college, where you had been in the same freshman seminar. She was heading off to medical school to become a cardiologist in the fall, and despite the big difference in majors, you had been inseparable since you first met. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I have to be in at 9, so I’m going to be leaving soon. I’ll keep you posted.” Once you clicked send, you slipped into your comfy white Vans, grabbed your keys and small purse, and walked to the front door. “Bye Stevie,” you said to the cat as you walked out the door and down the stairs to your car. The drive to work was only 15 minutes, and after a quick stop at a local Starbucks to buy your usual iced latte and a croissant, you were pulling into the parking lot behind the bookstore. 
The bells on the door rang as you stepped foot inside. You took in the rows of bookshelves and the comfy reading nook in the back corner. You could definitely get used to working in a place like this. 
“Hello! You must be y/n,” a cheery voice called from behind the cash register. A woman with beautiful auburn curls smiled at you, and you immediately recognized her as your new boss, Rosalind. “Hi, you’ve got that right,” you said as you walked and shook hands with her. “We’re so happy to have you here with us! I promise I’m not the only other person working here right now, the others are back in the breakroom.” She led you to a small door in the back that said employees only, which opened onto a tiny but nicely furnished room with three people in it. Rosalind introduced them as Emma, Owen, and Allie. Emma was the store’s resident children’s book expert, while Owen and Allie handled the other genres. Along with being a marketing manager in charge of publicity for the store, you had accepted a part time role as a salesperson, which you were more than happy to do. Sharing your love of books with others was a passion of yours, and you were excited to interact with the customers. Rosalind gave you a quick crash course in how to deal with certain situations, and soon you were out amongst the shelves in the store. Today was going to be entirely about selling books, and you were going to meet and discuss marketing tomorrow.
The store was fairly busy throughout the morning, and you patrolled the floors of the store, ready to be of assistance to any customer who needed it. Around noon, you had stopped to look at the back cover of a new book when you glanced up and saw a young woman with light brown hair staring at a bookshelf. Sensing that this was your cue to sweep in, you strolled over and asked if she needed any help. “Actually, I would love that. I came here for some new books to get while I’m here on vacation and I’ve read pretty much every book on my tbr list,” the young woman said to you. “Well, I can definitely help with that. What genres do you enjoy reading?” you prompted. She listed off several ones, and you immediately got a few ideas. Walking over to the fantasy section, you grabbed a few that you thought she might enjoy. “I think these should be perfect for you. They’re quite popular right now.” 
“These sound great! Thank you so much for the recommendations.” She smiled at you, and you walked over to the cash register to ring up her purchases. While you scanned barcodes and completed the transaction, you made small talk. “So, you’re here for vacation?” you asked. “Yes! I usually come here a few times a year, but mostly for weekend trips. I’m staying for two weeks this time though.” “Wow, you must really love Nashville.” The girl laughed, “You could say that. My brother lives here, so I’ve learned to love the city. How about you?”
“Oh, I’m brand new to this place. I just moved here last week. This is my first place post-grad,” you explained. “I’ve wanted to live here since I was very little though.” The girl smiled, and she explained that she had just graduated college too. She had come down from Michigan to stay with her brother as a vacation to celebrate her graduation, and after her visit she would be heading back home to work as a real estate agent outside of Detroit. The more you two chatted, the more you realized how much you had in common. You were both younger siblings, and reading had been one of your favorite hobbies since you were little. Your birthdays were only a week apart, and you both had pet cats that you loved dearly. You were amazed at how in a few short minutes, a complete stranger had become as close to you as a friend you’d had since grade school. 
“My name’s Josie by the way,” the girl smiled as she put her credit card back in her wallet and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Unfortunately, I should really let you get back to work, so how would you like to meet me for dinner tonight? I’d love to chat more with you.” You enthusiastically agreed, and she gave you the name of a bar within a short distance from the heart of the city and your apartment. She headed toward the door, and waved goodbye as she walked out. The bells jingled, and you smiled to yourself. It felt good to make a new friend. 
The bright lights of the neon signs on the wall and the familiar smell of alcohol greeted you as you walked into the bar that Josie had suggested. The place was the perfect mix of old and new, and the vibes matched yours to a T. Josie was sitting on a stool at the bar and she waved as you headed towards her. “Hey there! So glad to see you again.” She gave you a hug before you sat down next to her. The bartender turned to face you, asking for your order, to which you responded with your old faithful, Jack and coke. The drink was quickly placed in front of you, and you sipped it as Josie began to speak. “Since you’re new to Nashville, I had an idea. Why don’t I introduce you to my brother? You can never have too many friends in a new city.” “That does sound nice. To be honest I don’t really know anyone else here besides people from work, and you,” you replied. “Perfect, I’ll text him now,” Josie pulled out her phone and began typing. Shortly after she hit send and put the phone down, her lock screen lit up with a notification from a contact named Danny. “Ah, that was fast,” she exclaimed as she read the message. “I’ve got even better news. Danny said he’s actually in the neighborhood right now and he’d be more than happy to swing by and say hello. This is great!” You weren’t sure what to think about this news, as you could be a bit shy when meeting new people, but you happily responded with “Wonderful, I can’t wait!” 
About fifteen minutes had passed by, and suddenly you were broken out of your conversation by Josie calling someone’s name. You turned around, and realized someone was walking through the door of the bar. Not someone, it was a group of 4 men. The first one to walk in was short, with hair that could only be described as a cross between a mullet and a mohawk. He was wearing a brown linen jumpsuit and white sneakers, and he had a big grin on his mustached face. Following right behind him was another man who looked very similar, though he had wavy brown hair cut in a bob and no facial hair. His outfit reminded you of a rockstar, as he was wearing sunglasses and a shirt with only the bottom few buttons done. He oozed confidence, and you found yourself wondering just who he was. Next to walk in was a man who looked like he could be related to the first two, except for the fact that he had a few inches on them. This one was tall and lanky, with long brown hair and facial hair in a look that was very George Harrison-esque. He wore a button-down shirt in a blue paisley pattern, and he had navy pants with a shoestring belt. Finishing out the group was a man who you could only describe as looking like a Greek god. He was tall, taller than even the long haired one, with dark curly hair with a few faded blonde highlights. He had an angular face and tanned skin, and he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt with the top buttons undone. The tiniest bit of chest hair peeked out, and you had to quickly stop yourself from staring. Given that the other three men looked like they were siblings and Josie had only ever mentioned having one brother, you deduced that this man must be her brother. 
“Hey guys!” Josie exclaimed as the four men approached you. The lanky one wrapped Josie in a hug as the mustached man greeted her with a “Hello sunshine!” Hugs were shared all around as each of the other men gave Josie a hug. “Hello there!” the mustached man said to you. “Y/n, right? Danny said his sister would be introducing us to you. My name is Josh.” He flashed you a smile as you confirmed your name. Josie leaned in, saying “Y/n, meet the Kiszkas and my brother, Danny.” You quickly learned that the other short man was named Jake, while the taller brunette was Sam. Your hunch proved correct, and the curly haired one was identified as Josie’s brother, Danny. 
The six of you moved from the bar to a big table towards the back, and the boys ordered their drinks while you and Josie chit chatted. Once they returned, they took their seats and conversation resumed. “So, how are you liking Nashville so far?” Sam asked you as you finished your drink. “I love it! I’ve wanted to live here my whole life, and it’s everything I could have wanted it to be. Granted, I’ve only been here for a week, but I’m very happy with it.” 
“That’s great! It’s honestly kind of impossible to not fall in love with the city. I know it was love at first sight for me.” Sam confessed. “Well, anything beats Frankenmuth.” Jacob joked, and Sam shrugged in acknowledgement. “Frankenmuth? I’m assuming that’s your hometown?”
Josh nodded, and Danny quipped “It’s not exactly the most… cosmopolitan place. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wonderful place to grow up, but you can only live in a tiny town for so long before the walls close in on you.” Josie raised her glass in agreement. You pondered this, agreeing with their points. You had grown up in a small town in upstate New York, and you were all too familiar with the remote, rural life. Escape was necessary, and college had provided that for you. Like them, you loved your home, but you knew how stifling it was to be in a town where everyone knew everything about you. You had yearned for your independence, and Nashville was the place where you could finally strike out on your own. 
The rest of the evening was spent playing darts, pool, and taking shots with the boys and Josie. You learned that Danny was VERY good at darts, and Sam was a sore loser when it came to it. He complained that “Daniel’s hand-eye coordination is unfairly good because he’s a drummer,” to which Danny retorted that Sam should have just as good coordination from playing the keys. Sam was silenced by this remark, and he returned to the booth where Josh was sitting and sulked for a short while before Jake was able to drag him and Josh over to play pool. The dynamic between the four men was very entertaining, and you eventually learned that Josh and Jake were twins, while Sam was their younger brother. Danny and Josie were unrelated to them, but they were equally family, with Jake emphasizing that Danny was just as much a brother to him as Sam and Josh were. You smiled at this. You could clearly see the bond they had, and it warmed your heart. 
Once the clock struck 12:00, you all agreed that it was time to start going your separate ways. You hadn’t been able to figure out what the guys did for a living, though they did mention instruments, so you wondered if they were involved in Nashville’s vibrant music scene. You tucked that question away in your mind, hoping to ask Josie in the future. Without a doubt, you knew you’d be seeing her again before she returned to Michigan. The June air was warm as you stepped outside the bar to wait for the Uber you had called. Soon after a car pulled up, and you gave Josie a hug and waved goodbye to the boys before climbing in.  
As you got into your Uber, you couldn’t stop seeing Danny’s face in your mind. Though he hadn’t spoken much, you were drawn to him. It wasn’t just his good looks though. He had an energy that oozed comfort. You felt like you had known him forever, and you found yourself wondering how you might see him again. 
The front door creaked as you let yourself into your apartment, and you smiled as you heard the soft tinkle of Stevie’s bell. You went into your room and put on your pajamas, taking off your makeup shortly after. Once you were all ready for bed, you climbed under the blankets, and you decided to put on a playlist of quiet music to help you drift off to sleep. The last thing you heard before you succumbed to sleep was the gentle acoustic guitar and quiet tenor of Hozier singing “Remember me, love, when I’m reborn, as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn…”
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queer-irritator · 1 year
A New Neighbor | Kratos x GN! Reader | Chapter 2
Content Warnings: Mention of alcohol
Word Count: 1,199
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
(Reader’s POV)
You could start to see a fence as you were walking up a hill, it was Atreus’ home. Atreus started to slow down, stopping just outside the gate. 
He turned to you and gave you a warning, “So, my dad can be kind of… intimidating, but he’s really not as scary as he acts.” 
You nodded at the boy, “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” 
Atreus gave you a nervous smile and then opened the gate, he held the door open for you as you walked in. You could see the small cabin, a pile of wood on the side of the house. It looked cozy. You followed Atreus to the front door, he held up a finger to you as to say ‘Wait here’. He exhaled and opened the door and took a step in. You heard a booming voice,
“Where have you been? I told you to always be home before the sun sets.”
Atreus spoke up, “I know, I’m sorry… But I was looking for deer and…” He stuck his head out the door and motioned for you to come inside. 
“I met our neighbor..!” 
You took a small step inside the cabin. It seemed even smaller on the inside. Kratos stood up from where he was sitting and pulled Atreus to the side.
“First you run off, and then you bring a stranger into our home? What were you thinking?” He had a hand on Atreus’ shoulder, shaking him slightly with his last words, like he was literally trying to shake some sense into him. 
“I know, but- Please… trust me.” Atreus looked into his fathers eyes, silently pleading with him. 
“They’re really nice. And they brought us food!” He turned his head toward you.
Kratos’ head also turned toward you as he stood up straighter.Atreus was right, he was intimidating. “But he’s really not as scary as he acts.” Atreus’ words echoed in your head.
You spoke up, “Hello, my name is (y/n). I live just east of here-“ 
Your words were cut off by the giant of a man, “I have seen no other houses around here.”
“I use a spell to keep my home concealed, I just moved in two winters ago.” You explained. 
The man grunted in response.
“Oye, brother, let me get a look at our guest!” A familiar voice filled your ears. It couldn’t be…
Kratos walked over to a table and lifted a severed head and held it out so it could see you. 
It was him… “Mimir?” you questioned. Your eyes started to well up, it was your childhood friend. You never thought you would see him again. 
“(Y/n)! Boy, its bloody great to see you!” Mimir exclaimed.
“I…,” you set down the basket, “Can I hug you?? Why are you just a head?” 
“Aye, toss me over brother.” Mimir instructed Kratos. Kratos complied and tossed the head to you.
You, luckily, caught Mimir and held him up in front of you. “What in hel happened to you?”
“I was saved, believe it or not. By that big brute over there and the little lad… It was Odin, he-“
You were already rolling your eyes, “I told you not to associate with him.” You cut him off. 
“Aye…” Mimir replied sadly.
You held his head to your chest and gave him the best hug you could manage to give a severed head. 
“What path of life are you walking?” You questioned him.
Last time you had seen Mimir, you were both young adults. Mimir was hel-bent on impressing Odin, heading in with the wrong crowd, truly evil people. You gave him many lectures and warnings, but he assured you he would be careful, that he wouldn’t become like Odin. That was right before…
Your thoughts were cut off by Mimir’s vocie, “Hopefully one of redemption.”
You held his head back up so you could look at him fully. You saw sadness and regret in his eyes. 
“Good.” You stated, “I’m glad to hear it.”
“So… you know Mimir?” Atreus spoke up, incredibly confused. 
“Yes, he is an old friend.” You answered his question, looking at the boy you could tell he wasn’t any less confused. 
“We grew up in the same town,” you further explained, setting Mimir on the table. “Mimir was a few years older than me, but we became close friends quite young.”
“Some good times we had!” Mimir chimed in. “Actually… I should be more surprised to see you! If I’m not mistaken, you’re a mortal, aye?” 
“Yes, but- “Your words were cut short by a growl coming from Atreus’ stomach. 
“Sorry!” Atreus apologized, his face turned a light shade of pink as he placed a hand over his stomach. 
“No, don’t apologize.” You hadn’t realized how long you’ve been standing around catching up with Mimir. “Please, come eat!” You motioned for Atreus and Kratos to join you at some seating and began to unwrap what was in your basket. 
Atreus happily walked over to you and and sat down to your left. Kratos made his way towards you, keeping his eyes on you as he sat down with a grunt across from you. Your heart rate increased as his amber eyes made contact with yours. You broke eye contact with him and began unpacking the basket, you didn’t realize how truly large the man was earlier, or how handsome he was… 
“So, I brought some dried deer meat,” you started to explain as you laid out all the food on a cloth, your hands shaking slightly, something Mimir made a mental note of. 
You continued, “There’s some flavored with peppers and herbs, and some flavored with dried blueberries and thyme.” 
Atreus had wide eyes, patiently waiting for you to finish taking out the food before he could dive in.
“There’s also some fruit, bread, cheese, and uhm, some wine, made with strawberries and blueberries.” You took out a bottle and set it down in between yourself and Kratos. 
You shifted your gaze to Kratos and he was still staring at you, not saying a word.
  “I only brought the wine when Atreus had mentioned you, by the way. I would never give a child alcohol.” You over-explained. The last thing you wanted was for this man to think you would get his child drunk.
Kratos grunted, then he decided to speak up, “I will get cups.” He stood up and walked over to a cabinet to get two cups.
“This looks so good!” Atreus praised your generosity as he tore off a piece of bread and grabbed a piece of dried meat.
“I do miss your cooking.” Mimir chimed in. “Too bad it wouldn’t do me any good now!” he joked. 
His humor made you smile, “You can still taste, can’t you?” you questioned, tearing off a bite-sized piece of dried meat and fed it to Mimir. At the same time Kratos returned to his seat and set down a cup in front of you and one in front of himself.
“Oh, it’s as delicious as ever, (y/n)!” Mimir was delighted to just have a little taste.
“Thank you.” Kratos spoke, he reached out to get some food and began to eat.
“Oh, you’re welcome.” You smiled at him and then at Mimir.
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lynzishell · 11 months
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~*~New Year's Eve~*~ Part 1 of 3
Phoenix arrives late to Morgan’s house. As he walks inside, he runs into Aurelio and Wolfgang who are on their way outside. Wolfgang: Heeyy Penis! Phoenix:  Hey Wolfy He says playfully as he greets Aurelio with a quick hug.
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Phoenix: How’s it going, man? Aurelio: Not bad. How was your exam today? Last one, right? Phoenix: Yep, last one. I think it went okay. Aurelio: Damn, I can’t believe you might actually get out of here early! Phoenix: Yeah, me either. Aurelio: You seem less enthusiastic than I thought you’d be. Phoenix: I guess I’m just not in as big a rush to get outta this town as I used to be. Aurelio: Greta? Phoenix: Well yeah, but not just her. Aurelio: Aw you’re gonna miss me, aren’t you? Phoenix: So, what if I am?
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Aurelio:  Well, then you’ll be happy to hear I’ve decided to apply to SMMI. Phoenix: Aha! Hell yeah! What changed your mind? Aurelio: Lots of things. Sophia badgering me, for one. Phoenix: Of course. Aurelio: But also, I’ve been playing a lot more lately and I finished this song last week that I think is pretty good. And I just realized that I don’t want to do anything else. And then there’s you. Phoenix: Me? Aurelio: Yeah, I mean you just decide what you’re going to do, and you do it. Kind of inspired me to get out of my own head and do the same thing. Phoenix: Well, I’m glad! It’ll be nice to have a friend in San Myshuno. Aurelio: Let’s not jinx it, I don’t even know if I’ll get in. Phoenix/Wolfgang: You’ll get in. Aurelio: Oh shit, something you two agree on? That’s a first! Wolfgang: Eh, when he’s right, he’s right. I’m gonna step outside, you coming? Aurelio: Yeah, I’m coming. I’ll see ya ‘round, man. There’s drinks and stuff in the kitchen. Greta and the others are in there, I think. Phoenix: Sounds good, you two kids have fun.
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Phoenix: Hey beautiful! Greta: Haha hi! Phoenix: Where’s Luna? Did she end up coming? Greta: Yeah, she’s over there with Morgan, waiting for the bathroom. Phoenix: Cool. How are you feeling? Greta: Okay. Better now that you’re here. Phoenix: Aw I’m glad. Greta: Oh, did your exam go okay today? Phoenix: Yeah, it was good. Greta: Yay! Oh, that’s exciting! I know how hard you’ve worked for this. How long before you find out? Phoenix: I’m not sure. Hopefully not long. I’ll be happy to never step foot in another classroom as long as I live. Greta: So, I can’t convince you to apply to Britechester with me? Phoenix: Sorry babe, college is not for me. Greta: Fair enough.
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Morgan: You know, when I planned this party, I did not realize I’d be waiting in line to use my own toilet. Luna: Don’t you have another bathroom upstairs? Morgan: Technically yes. But I don’t want to encourage anyone else to go up there. I’d rather keep the chaos as contained as possible. Luna: Good luck with that. Morgan: I know right? So how are you doing? Luna: A little anxious, but it feels good to be out again. Who knew sitting at home all the time could be so exhausting. Morgan: I thought you introverts were supposed to love that. Luna: No! I mean, I need a fair amount of alone time, but I still need time with my friends.
The bathroom door finally opens as someone walks out. Morgan: Ah! Finally! You wanna come in with me? Luna: Yeah, let’s stick together.
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nena-96 · 6 months
A Stolen Bag and a Confession
Written for @constitutionalweasleymonarchy ( RonsGirlFriday on AO3) as a gift for the HP Romione Discord 2023 Secret Santa Gift Exchange. I hope you have a great end of the year and an even better year to come. ❤️
Also, I wanted to thank @adenei again, with helping beta this fic for me ❤️
Summary: Crookshanks causes mischief by stealing Hermione’s beaded bag. Will Ron and Hermione manage to retrieve the bag before Bill and Fleur’s wedding ceremony begins?
Feel free to read Part 1 of 6, down below OR over on A03 (while you’re over there check out the brilliant fics of both of these wonderful people)
The Burrow was chaotic, which wasn’t anything new, except today was his oldest brother’s Bill’s wedding. All week his mum had been pestering everyone to help prepare for this special day, which if Ron was honest he just didn’t understand the huge deal with wedding preparations. Not just that, but what was the point of inviting the entire family?
He’d thought that his brother’s wedding would only consist of close friends and family, and a nice spread of mum’s delicious homemade food. Yet, Ron realized that would be too good to be true. Knowing his mum, she would have invited the whole town if it meant they’d witness her precious Bill getting married.
The Weasley-Prewett clan was fairly large, and Ron wondered if the tent that he had helped set up would be able to contain all the guests. Plus, the Delacours and Har- “Barny” and Hermione. Bloody hell, how could he forget she was here? It wasn’t that he forgot she was staying over, they had stayed up well past midnight down by the tent.
Ron had woken up and went down for a bit of tea, what he didn’t expect was to see Hermione in the kitchen. She looked beautiful, the light from the gap of the open window had casted a magical glow around the bushy-haired witch and for a moment Ron felt as if he had been stunned. It wasn’t until Hermione had walked up to him and placed a warm mug into his hands that he managed to be pulled from his reverie.
He quietly thanked her, and took a sip of tea, the warm liquid sent warmth throughout his body. He indulged in the richness of the flavor for a bit, before he noticed her deep brown eyes filled with confusion and a hint of sadness. He didn’t have to ask why she was up so late, because he knew the answer, she was worried for her parents. The guilt of removing their memories of her and sending them to Australia was gnawing at her mind and heart. If only she knew how smart she was for doing whatever it takes to ensure the safety of her parents.
Ron knew he wanted to do whatever it took to see her smile again, which was why he bravely took her soft hand in his freckled one. He willed himself not to marvel at the electricity that he felt the moment their hands touched, as it flowed through his entire body.
Ron had believed at that moment he would be able to conjure his Patronus without a worry. His ears were burning, and without needing a mirror, Ron knew that his face was red. Yet, that didn’t stop him from walking Hermione outside and into the cool air. The millions of stars above them had created a soothing feeling of tranquility, which was ironic considering all of the atrocities that were happening in the wizarding world.
Ron wanted to permanently engrave that moment with Hermione underneath the stars, not only into his head but also into his heart. Just in case he needed a fond memory to comfort him when they were on the run, who knew how long it would take until all the Hocruxes were destroyed. It could take weeks, months… hopefully it wouldn’t take them years. Maybe, if they were lucky-
“Ron, hurry up! The guests are almost here and I need you to help them get seated!” his mum’s voice had pulled him away from his thoughts.
“I’ll be right there, I was just finishing up tidying up my room… you know for the guests to mingle in before the ceremony begins.” Ron had muttered the last few words quietly before finishing dusting off his collection of Quidditch figures, and possibly kicking a certain Bulgarian figure underneath his bed.
“Time to get the show on the road,” Ron mumbled to himself. He walked to his bedroom mirror and fixed his tie before heading out of his room. As he went down the creaky old steps, he took them two at a time. It was crazy how he didn’t notice how the steps had become even more squeaky in the middle. The saying must be true, “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone”, Ron shook his head.
Before he made it halfway down, his mum stopped him. Her brown eyes were welling in tears as she gave him a once over.
“Oh, my baby… you’ve grown so much.” She cried and pulled him into a hug, “I can’t believe how tall you’ve gotten, and now you’re all dressed up for your brother’s wedding. It feels like it was yesterday that you were napping and playing with your little toy broom all around the house.”
“Mum.” Ron groaned irritably, his face turning a bit pink. He hoped nobody was around to hear his mum reminisce on his babyhood. Especially not Fred and George-
“Seems as Ronniekins still plays with his broom.” Fred teased from behind.
Fucking Hell.
“Shut it, Fred!” Ron yelled as he removed himself from his mum’s embrace. He hated how his brother could always rile him up.
“Oh, Freddie, you shouldn’t tease Ronniekins. Can’t you see he’s all dressed up and wanting to impress a certain bookworm, but I believe I forgot her name. Can you tell me who this lucky girl’s name is Ronniekins?” George teased.
“Boys, please-” Ron heard his mother say beside him on the stairs.
“Oh, I know her name,” Fred answered before Ron could risk telling them to sod off in front of their mum.
“I believe her name is Hermione,” Fred added in an overly posh manner. “Not sure if you remember when Ronniekins sent mum his first owl and he wrote only about a girl that frustrated him during class.”
“Ah, yes… as a matter of fact, I do remember,” His brother replied with a light chuckle, which caused Ron to clench his jaw and keep quiet.
“That’s enough boys, leave your brother alone. I don’t want to hear another word from either of you at this moment. Now run along and go find your father and help him with whatever he needs,” their mum ordered as she pointed for the twins to go outside.
“Alright, alright,” they replied in unison as they walked away, their hands in mock surrender.
Bloody gits, Ron thought to himself, couldn’t they leave him alone just for once?
“Just ignore them,” his mum said, as she straightened the collar of his dress shirt.Giving him a gentle pat, he noticed her trying to hold back tears. “I can’t believe how handsome you’ve become” she said as she smiled up at him, not before something caught her attention, “Isn’t that right, Hermione?”
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Happy anniversary and 1000+ followers!!! I would love to hear more about what it was like for Shinji and Hinamori settling into/creating a new version of the 5th Division together, after over a year of post-Aizen interim. (Maybe bonus Genji reference??) **Also, if you would like to do a trade I would be happy to see what I can do with a prompt, too! :D
As Months Go By, As Seasons Change - Part I
Rating: K+/Teen
Setting: the 17 months between the end of the Fake Karakura Town arc and the beginning of the Lost Agent arc.
Synopsis: Momo resumes her duties as lieutenant, Shinji returns to a role he was forced out of long ago.  Both of them are not who they used to be, and neither is the division they must work together to rebuild.
AN: I finally get to write a fic for this brotp, and it shows! I didn't realise I had a lot to write about them until I started and just kept going and going and going, and now I have one of the longest fics I've ever written. Because of this, I decided this needed to be split in two, so here's part one with part two hopefully coming soon.
I decided to skip retelling their first meeting and other parts involving them from Death Save the Strawberry, but for context’s sake you can go read about it over at BLEACH’s wiki if you’re not familiar with it. Also, a some notes before we begin:
Genji, the Fifth Division’s third seat, only appears in ‘We do KNOT Always Love You’, so there isn’t much to go off about his character in terms of personality and how long he’s been with Fifth Division. We do know he graduated the same year as Izuru and was not in the same class as he, Renji, and Hinamori. In this fic, I’ll be writing him as someone who has served in Fifth for about five decades and he and Hinamori are good work-friends.
While Shinji kept his distance from Aizen 110 years ago, I don’t think this was the case for the rest of the division. He wasn’t friends with everyone or anything, but he got on well with his subordinates and had a genuine care for them and wanted the division to be a friendly place.
If you’re curious, the vinyl Genji pulls out is here (middle bottom row) and you can take a listen to it here. I imagine Shinji would be into a wide range of jazz music (from blues to fusion to soul) across the decades and not just from Japanese musicians and artists.
The plants talked about are Japanese maple trees (momiji), lily of the valley (suzuran), Japanese buttercups (Umanoahigata) and irises (Ayame). The meaning Aizen spouts for the latter I got from my [limited] research into Hanakotoba, the Japanese flower language.
This ended up feeling like three one-shots and a bunch of random moments all rolled into one, so sorry if the pacing is off.
With all of that out of the way, @whipplefilter, I hope this was worth the wait, that I did these two justice, and that you enjoy this!
Edit: you can read part 2 here.
Hinamori looks at the folded shihakusho on her bedside table. After a pause, she runs her hand over the obi that lay on top. She remembers how to tie it around her waist, like a reflex and without a second thought. It's irrational, but she's relieved she can still recall how to put on her uniform.
However, looking at her reflection in the window, dressed in the hospital robes with her hair tied over one shoulder, doubt creeps in again. She can put on a uniform just fine, but that didn’t mean she could do everything else. How can she wonder around the barracks and act as if nothing happened? What if she’s only reminded of Captain Aizen?
She cringes at the thought of him. Maybe this really was a mistake after all.
She shakes her head. No, everyone’s waiting for me. I can’t let them down.
It’s this thought that motivates her to dress out of her hospital robes and into her uniform. She thinks about Genji and the rest of the Fifth Division, about the other lieutenants and her friends in other divisions, about the Junrinan, and, with some hesitation, Hitsugaya. Finally, after she has completely changed into the shihakusho, she thinks about the new captain.
The chat they had a few days ago, it sparked something in her. Even if she had tried to, nothing she or anyone else could have said or done would have put the flames out. Shinji Hirako spoke of those waiting for her – correcting her in saying they hadn’t left or abandoned her, that they were waiting – and of how highly regarded she is among every Fifth Division members and other lieutenants.
She tries to imagine the reaction his appointment to captain must have gotten amongst the division. The older members probably knew him from over a hundred years ago. What must have they thought when they realised he hadn’t died or abandoned the Gotei Thirteen? The newer ones must have been irked or worried, some probably not even having heard of this man. As far as they’re concerned he’s new, someone who hadn’t been in touch with the Fifth Division let alone the Soul Society for decades. He’d come from the World of Living and didn’t have to do much to become a captain again.
And he was becoming their captain in a time when they’re all reeling from the lies they’ve been living under. Regardless of whether they were old or new, she imagined almost everyone in his division wouldn’t be too trusting of him right away. He would’ve had to earn just the most basic trust in the last week, who knew how long it would take before they could all trust him completely.
But then, did she trust him?
She is not her old self and never would be. She is not so far gone that she distrusts every new person she meets, and she was never so naïve as to believe everyone was good to their core; but now she knew just how cruel people could be, especially those who never showed their true weaknesses. Her life before Aizen’s betrayal had felt like a fantasy, carefully crafted for her to always be content and not question a thing about the world she lived in. She’d been blinded by him, and even now she criticizes herself, tries to understand how she never once thought to look for a fault in him.
Even so, with a longing that made her want to get back into her hospital bed and pretend she never recovered, she wanted to go back to that life. To live under an illusion she was familiar with, where life seemed so idyllic.
She bites the inside of her mouth, hard. Again she needs to remind herself: that life is gone now, and she’ll try to face whatever life she lives in now.
“Hinamori-san, are you ready?”
The question from behind the door startles her. “Oh, um…”
She quickly resumes folding up her hospital robes and then gathering the few things she has on the bedside table. “Yes, Kotetsu-san!” she says without stopping.
The door slides open, and when she looks over her shoulder, there stands Isane, her smile now not one of pity or sympathy. The lieutenant steps in and then to the side of the door. “If you’re ready to go, Captain Hirako is here.”
Before Hinamori can say anything and as if on cue, the new captain walks in. His smile is toothy and wide, and she gets the distinct impression it’s how he naturally smiles despite how strange it seems.
But that isn’t what gives her pause. Up until now she’d only seen him in two outfits: the World of the Living clothing when they first met, and then a few days later in a shihakusho before he went to his captain ceremony. She stares at his haori for longer than the necessary; it’s almost alien to her, as if it were one of the articles of clothing from the World of the Living he wore.
“Why do you look so surprised?” he asks, then gestures to the doorway. “You ready to go?”
Hinamori straightens and tilts her head to one side. She’d thought she would pack her things and make her own way back, getting a send-off from Isane at the Fourth Division’s entrance at most, but otherwise just slowly making her way back to the division.
But here Shinji is, ready to walk her back, to accompany her on what felt like a long road back. Of course he is, all the captains generally do so when their lieutenants are about to be discharged from Fourth Division.
Somehow though, she gets the sense this isn’t just out of obligation either. He seems genuinely happy to see her, and now it’s infectious because she’s a little happy to see him too. He's a little rough around the edges, but he’d been kind to her.
“Yes,” she says when she realises he’s waiting for a response. “I’m ready to go, Captain.”
It takes her far too much effort to get the title out, and if the way his smile falls is any indication, he can tell. She’s told herself repeatedly that this man will be her new captain, but somehow the title still hasn’t stuck to him in her mind yet.
However, his smile hadn’t gone entirely; it’s close-lipped and smaller, but no less genuine. As he closes the gap between them, he reaches into his left sleeve. “Well, actually, you’re almost ready to go.”
She frowns at that. “What do you mean?” She looks to Isane, who still stands at the door. “Did I forget something?”
Isane shakes her head with a knowing look. “You’ve signed all the paperwork you needed to.”
When she turns back to the captain, he pulls out something from his sleeve and holds it out to her. “Here.”
Hinamori blinks down at the lieutenant’s badge, as it’s the first time she’s ever been presented with it. Swallowing against the tightness building in her throat, she slowly takes it in both hands. She can’t look up, her head suddenly too heavy to lift. She presses her lips together and blinks against the threat of tears.
She’s really going back to the Fifth Division. Not just as a subordinate, but as it’s lieutenant.
It’s been months since she last walked in the hallways she knew like the back of her hand or slept in her quarters or tended the gardens in the courtyards or ate with her subordinates in the mess hall or sat on one of the verandas and did her paperwork on sunny days. None of it would be the same. She wasn’t the same.
She thinks to ask Shinji if he’s truly certain about this, that he really wanted her back on as lieutenant of the Fifth Division, but what she holds in her hands is answer enough. “Thank you.”
Shinji watches her from the other side of the rambunctious hall. She gives everyone around her a startled smile, trying to talk to all of them at once while colour rushes up into her cheeks. She’d been stunned when he slid the door open for her and a chorus of cheers erupted from within. For a moment he thought she’d faint – it was probably too much considering she’d only just recovered – but she surprised him when tears welled up again and she smiled widely and bowed, thanking everyone.
Everyone wanted to see her, to quickly speak with her before she went to her quarters, but they also knew to give her space and wait for her to come to them.
He hates how it reminds him of Aizen. Was it the way his subordinates just gravitated to her? He got the impression that even if this wasn’t a welcome back celebration they’d still go to her, smile at her and greet her as she walked by.
No, it wasn’t just that. Maybe he still can’t get over what the other lieutenants and his division members had said about her. She was a hard worker, punctual, kind, compassionate, and she’d eventually gotten the moniker of ‘Tiger of Paperwork’. The latter brought the slightest smile back, but the other things, they hit a bit too close to home. She isn’t Aizen, he knows that, but he knows just how influential he was one her. Had he changed her from how she used to be? Was it a result of that blinding admiration she and others spoke about, or was she always like this?
Shinji turns to Genji Isawa, his third seat. “Ah, sorry, spaced out there. You need something, Isawa?”
Genji shakes his head. “Nothing major. Just letting you know I’ve got everything ready for tomorrow.”
Shinji steps away from the wall he'd been leaning back on. “Good. My meeting shouldn’t take too long, but if you finish early, don't feel the need to wait for me. You should get to the training afterwards.”
“Of course.” Genji watches his lieutenant talk with everyone, his smile widening. “It’s good to see her in high spirits. While I visited her in the Fourth Division, I could tell she was trying to save face. There was a time when…” His smile falters. He looks back to Shinji, who’s a little caught off guard by how candid his third seat was being. “Sir, I’ve never thanked you for helping Lieutenant Hinamori.”
Shinji tries to wave it off. “Nah, it was nothing. She’s a strong one, you know?”
“She is, but it was because of you she got out of Fourth Division and is still our lieutenant. Whatever you said to her, it’s brought her back here.” As if realizing how impassioned he sounds, Genji pauses and bows his head. “Forgive me, Captain. I’ve known the Lieutenant for decades, and I and everyone else have been concerned for her. As you’re aware, when Captain Ai…When Aizen betrayed us, she took it the hardest out of all of us.” He raises his head. “We didn’t want to lose her, so thank you for choosing to reappoint her as our lieutenant.”
Shinji watches her again. Yes, in small aspects she reminds him of Aizen, but…
“I understand. Fifth Division’s always been a pretty chummy place, hasn’t it?” His smile gets a little wider. “At least she kept that going while I was gone.”
Stepping back into her old room had been one thing, but stepping back into the office is something else entirely. At least in her room, Hinamori knew nothing was likely to be moved or touched, and if she cried no one would see her get emotional. Even though she returned to it far different than who she was before, she could call it her own space and knew what to expect. She knew to avoid looking at the upper shelves of her bookcase where she kept her sketchbooks and the few novels Aizen had gifted her, and she knew that she wouldn’t sleep well on her first night back, even surrounded by the things that had no memories attached to him.
This office, changed or no, it will surely make her remember the times before. She’ll either long for the way the office used to be, or wish the new captain had changed the setup, or maybe she’ll react in a way that even she can’t predict. She wishes she had Renji’s resilience, that attitude he used to exude at the Academy: sometimes you’ve got to do it, even if it’s painful. But isn't that what she's trying to do now?
With a trembling hand, she reaches out and clutches the handle.
Hinamori twists to her right. Genji approaches, his strides purposeful and wide as his smile. Despite the nerves thrumming through her, she can’t help but smile back. “Good morning, Isawa-kun.”
“I thought you’d still be in the mess hall,” he says, coming to a stop in front of the office doors. “I was going to set everything up before you came.”
“Ah, well, I didn’t think I should stay too long.” She gestures to the stack of documents he carries under his arm. “You must have a lot to update me on.”
His smile falls and a concerned frown takes its place. “It would have been fine if you wanted to talk with everyone for a little while longer.”
Hinamori raises her hands defensively. “Oh, don’t get me wrong! It was great to eat breakfast with everyone, I really enjoyed talking with them and finding out what’s been happening around here.” She sighs, lowering her hands. “But while talking with everyone, it just made me want to get back to my duties all the more. Our division…it’s going to be different from now on, whether we like it or not, and I need to know where things stand for us.”
Genji nods. “It’s true. Must admit, it’s taken some getting used to with Captain Hirako.”
Hinamori chews on the inside of her lip. Then, after some hesitation. “How do you find him?”
“The Captain?” Genji raises a brow and his gaze in thought. “I think he’s a good man. He’s not like Capt – Aizen.” The effect the name has passes between for a moment before the third seat continues. “He’s got some interesting…interests. I think that’s mainly a result of his time in the World of the Living. This morning he was wearing something called a 'tie' around his neck, you’ll probably see him wearing it when he comes back.
“I’m sure you’ve seen while speaking him that he gets to the point. It might come across as blunt, but he means well. It also helps he already knows what the role entails, so he doesn’t have to brought up to speed.” He chuckles weakly. “Must admit, I thought because of how long he had been in the World of the Living, he’d have forgotten. He showed me, that's for sure.”
Hinamori only nods in response, unsure how to react to Genji’s observations. So far, it matched with her own experiences with him, right down to his strange choice in clothes from the World of the Living.
He grins. “I knew for sure he was a good person when he reinstated you as lieutenant. There’s no one else who can do this job better than you.”
That tugs at her heart. “A-And you thought I could? Even when I was bedridden?”
“We all did. We just knew you had to take your time, but whenever you came around, we’d all be there to help you and each other. It’s the Fifth Division way, right?”
She looks at her third seat, really looks at him for the first time in a while. She’s worked with him for decades; no one is as fast as he is in combat and he’s a diligent worker when it comes to the desk job side of things. She knew only bits and pieces of his personal life: he came from one of the higher districts in the south, has two adoptive parents and a younger brother he looks after and visits on days off, and he likes spicy foods. She knows he took over her duties – writing reports, going to lieutenant meetings, overseeing training – but he would have had to take over some captain duties too. A lot had been put on his shoulders, and despite the faintest bags under his eyes and his shoulders not being as pushed back as they normally are, he still manages to smile and carry on like his usual optimistic self.
Hinamori fixes him with a solemn gaze. “You’ve done a lot for the division, Isawa-kun. More than a third seat should ever do.” She bows her head. “I’ll never forget it, and I will make it up to you and everyone else. I promise I will work hard to show your belief in me wasn’t wasted.”
“Ah, that’s not necessary!”
She straightens. “Things are going to be different from now on, but you’ve kept the division’s spirit going through this time. You made sure that didn’t change.” She thinks to apologies, but somehow, despite the guilt welled up in her, it doesn’t feel right. No, instead she finds herself saying, “Thank you, Isawa-kun.”
Genji stands a little taller; then after a beat, he bows. “Welcome back, Lieutenant. It is truly good to have you back with us.”
She smiles in return, and somehow manages to stop yet another barrage of emotions from surfacing as tears. “And it’s good to be back.” She glances back at the office door. “We should get started with the updates you need to give me.”
“Yes, of course. It won’t take too long I hope. I need to oversee the flash-step training.”
Her smile widens at that. “Still the fastest in the division, then?”
“I have a reputation to keep!” he says with a laugh, and Hinamori join ins. If there was anyone who could keep the division buoyant during these troubling times without leadership, it’s Genji with his infectious smiles and laughs.
But the laughter dies down and there’s a pause. Hinamori realises he’s waiting for her to open the door. She takes in a breath, holds it for a second longer, and as she breathes out as quietly and naturally as she can, slides the door aside.
Genji walks past her while she is stunned, unable to move.
“I probably should have warned you,” he says ruefully, back still turned to her as he goes to the captain’s desk. “Captain Hirako rearranging the office a little. I made your desk stay where it was, I wasn’t sure if you wanted it changed or not.”
Hinamori stares into the office not with anxiety or dread or guilt, but in bewilderment.
As Genji had said, her desk remained - save for the fresh flowers in the small vase she kept in the right-hand corner – but the captain’s desk was no longer opposite hers on the left side of the room. It’s now close to the back wall with all sorts of strange accoutrements and objects along the front, and next it is a strange box on a stand with a wheel at the end of each leg. Behind the desk are the two bookcases which are mostly stocked with tomes of Soul Society laws and division records.
She points to the glossy, colourful assortment of whatever lines the middle shelf of one bookcase. “What…are those?” But before Genji could provide an answer, she also points at the box next to the captain’s desk. “And what’s that?”
“Those are Captain Hirako’s.” Genji sets the documents aside on the captain’s desk, goes to the closest bookcase, and pulls out one of the things from a shelf. “He calls them 'vinyls', or 'records' sometimes. They have music on them.” From what Hinamori realises is a cover, Genji pulls out a large disc. “Apparently the older members remember these from when he was captain a century years ago. I don’t really know how to set it up, but he plays it using the record player over there. You’ll see him do it at some point. He brought all of these with him from the World of the Living.”
Hinamori looks between the vinyl record and its cover. The latter had a strange red and blue visual, it almost reminds her of the inside of the Twelfth Division’s labs. On the left side it reads ‘Made Up City - Casiopea’. She purses her lips. “He plays music while he works?”
Genji slips the vinyl record back into its cover and puts it back on the shelf. “Not all the time, but he does seem to like it every now then.” Genji chuckles. “It’s strange music if you ask me, I don’t really understand it. You can talk to him if you don’t want to have music playing, he seems to be relaxed about it.” He throws an arm around the room. “I think he’d even be open to changing anything here if you wanted.”
Hinamori nods slowly. He didn’t sound like he was strict or wanted things a certain way without argument. Even when she talked with him for the first time, she got that sense about him. Even so, perhaps this was going to be harder than she thought. She prefers quiet while working, but it seems the new captain liked background noise – or music, in his case.
“I’ll talk with him when he’s done with his meeting.” She conjures up what she hopes is a convincing smile. “In the meantime, we should get to your updates and notes.”
They sit at her desk and Genji shows her everything he wrote at the lieutenants meetings he attended, the updates from the districts they oversaw in the Rukongai and the regions in the World of the Living under their protection, and the finances and admin of the division.
At some point, Hinamori’s mind, and eventually her gaze drift to the bookcases. Aizen never kept many things in the office, but he did have three things on the shelf the vinyls currently occupy: a small stack of the latest books he was planning to read, a digital clock from the Twelfth Division, and a vase, identical to the one she has. The latter had been a gift from her back in the early days of being appointed a lieutenant. She’d had some girlish hope that he’d put on his desk, just as she was going to do with hers. She pushed down and denied her disappointment when she saw him put it on the shelf instead. After that, he only ever looked at it when she was putting new flowers in it.
Who had removed his things? When had they removed them? Were they in storage? Thrown away? Broken to pieces or burned to ashes?
Maybe serving under Aizen all these decade has given her enough practice on how to bury things that would harm her gilded image of him, or maybe she was sick and a tired of receiving pity when she was emotional. Regardless, when she focuses back on Genji, she doesn’t know how she manages to keep the smile in place when the familiar ache in her chest flares to life and the backs of her eyes burn with the threat of tears, but she does.
After Genji had left to oversee flash-step training, Hinamori decides to wait for Shinj in the courtyard outside the office. It’s one of the smaller courtyards on their premises, meant for division members to come and rest for a little while amongst the trees and flowers, or for them to wait in before they’re called into the office.
Hinamori comes down the steps and slows to a stop on the path that winds through most of the garden. She can’t quite put her finger on what had changed at first. The shrubs are just as she remembered, rounded and trimmed, as are the momiji, one taller than the other and casting shade over a corner of the veranda that surrounded the courtyard. The patches of suzuran that are scattered on either side of the path sway to and fro in the spring breeze. The other flowers do too, and that’s when it hits her.
There had only been small lines of them dotted along one side of the path, but the ayame is gone.
Footsteps stop her train of thought, and she looks up in time to see Shinji walking around the corner on the second-floor balcony of the smaller barracks. He was studying something she couldn’t see, and he wore something white - perhaps the 'tie' Genji mentioned - around his neck.
Taking a breath to settle herself, she waves at him and forces out, “Captain!”
Shinji raises his head and tucks whatever he holds into his sleeve. “Hey!" he shouts with a wave. "Stay there.”
He gives the balcony railing a look that Hinamori knows all too well, but then steps away and heads to the stairs in the corridor between the two barracks. It doesn’t surprise her that Shinji is someone who would contemplate whether he should take the long way down or just jump over the railing and get to the ground floor quicker. She’d seen Renji, Hisagi, and many others have the same expression, and many of them jumped if there wasn’t a captain or lieutenant around to catch them.
She keeps to the unspoken rule: unless it’s an emergency, while in combat, or it’s wartime, all Shinigami must refrain from jumping from balconies, on to or from rooftops, and from the walls that surrounded the Seireitei when the gates were brought down. It didn’t mean she hadn’t done it herself though – a small memory of her rushing to meeting, jumping from balcony to balcony, just to make it a few minutes early. The fact such a rule had been created and is quietly enforced was a little funny to her now that she thought about it.
“What’re you smiling about?”
Hinamori blinks at the approaching captain, not realising he’d already made it down. “Nothing, Captain.”
Shinji steps down into the garden and crosses over to her. “Sorry to keep you waiting, I was chatting with the new captains. How did it go with Isawa? He bring you up to date with everything?”
He doesn’t stop, instead going past her and up the steps. Was she to follow him? “Yes, I think I’, across everything ,” she says, taking a few tentative steps after him.
“Good.” He stops on the veranda and turns to her, causing her to stop in her tracks. “Anything you want to go over right now or can it wait until later?”
Hinamori cocks her head to one side. “Was there something else you needed to do?”
“Nah, just wondering if you wanted to talk about it after lunch.”
He’s quite causal, she realises, not just in how he speaks but his approach to work too. He's not strict, but he doesn't seem to have a structured approach either. She tries to breathe out the unease that jitters through her. How can she make this work? “Not everything, but…could we go over the finances and concerning district reports after a short break?”
He nods. “Yeah, they’re good places to start.” She thinks he's about to turn back into the office, but instead he looks out into the courtyard. Something she can’t name passes through his eyes, and after a beat he sits on the veranda’s edge. “Must admit, it’s different from how I remember. Used to be a lot less plants and those trees were a lot shorter. It’s not bad though.”
She too turns back to the garden. “When I started, there were a few plants, like the suzuran. Over time we just kept adding more plants.” Then before she can stop herself. “There used to be ayame too.”
She heard the melancholy in her own voice, and she knows Shinji did too when he turns to her with a frown. “Yeah? What happened to them?”
She shrugs stiffly. “I’m not sure. I think someone dug them up because… they were Captain Aizen’s favourite.”
She expects a silence to hang over the garden, and for her and Shinji to quietly contemplate, but the captain sniffs as his frown deepens. “That bastard had a favourite flower?”
Hinamori whips around, her mouth agape, but Shinji isn’t facing her to see it.
“If that even was his favourite,” he continues with a snort. “Thought he’d go for something more regal or something with a double meaning, knowing the way he worked.” He finally sees her reaction and chuckles nervously. “Hey, what’s with the look?”
“I-I, uh…” How is able to talk about him like that? Without an ounce of sorrow or anger. He’s nonchalant, calm, even able to insult him without an ounce of misery or vitriol. She turns away from him and sits on the steps. “I guess I just didn’t expect you to say that.”
The awkward silence she’d expected before now passes between them. Was he able to speak about Aizen like this because it’d been over a hundred years ago? He had time to think about it, to let it pass. But then she remembers what she was told about the battle, about how the captain almost lost one of his friends – Hiyori, she remembers - to Aizen. Although Hiyori is still alive, she wouldn’t blame him for holding some anger towards Aizen, but the way he spoke just now, it's as if he feels only slightly annoyed.
She tries to look at the captain, but struggles to even lift her gaze from the ground. She can’t just keep sitting here like this, she needs to go over those updates with him and to make this new partnership work. How can she make the latter work though? It feels like they’re from different worlds.
“Hey, listen, if you’re not a fan of the office the way it is, we can discuss it, you know?”
Hinamori’s eyes widen. “Huh?”
“Isawa came to me before. He left training for a bit and told me you were shocked when you saw it.” Shinji sighs. “Look, I probably shouldn’t have just changed it all on you like that before you came back. I got carried away with it. It’s your workspace too, so you obviously get a say in how it should be.”
“It’s not that,” she's too quick to answer. She sighs through her nose. “More than that, I was just surprised. I thought everything would be the same as before.” She looks out into the gardens. “That was a silly of me. Time passed while I was in Fourth Division, but I think it’s only hitting me now just how much. Besides, it’s…It’s your desk. Why would I have say over where it goes?”
Shinji shrugs. “Maybe you have a point, it’s the captain’s desk. I arranged it that way because it’s what I’m used to, back when I was doing my first stint at this job.” He grins. “Maybe I could use a change too, you know? Like I said, you’re working in there too, so if you wanted your desk where mine is or somewhere else, do it. We’ll arrange it whatever way works.”
Why is he going out of his way to be accommodating? Is he always this relaxed? Did he pity her?
No, he doesn’t. From the moment she met him, he never pitied her. Somehow, he believes in her.
He didn’t choose one of his friends from the World of the Living to be his lieutenant or one of the other seated officer in Fifth Division; after just one conversation, he wanted her to come back as his lieutenant.
It’s then a few memories surface, of times when Aizen gave her choices, more smaller ones with no consequence to the division. It was while recovering she thought back on such memories, on how he presented her with choices. He always had a way with words:
“What do you think we should plant, Hinamori-kun?”
“Oh, um…maybe umanoahigata? I’ve seen them in the Junrinan forests and they’re a really sweet. They’d look nice next to the suzuran”
“Ah, I think I know which flower you’re talking about. They are beautiful…I was thinking ayame would be a good choice too. Correct me if I’m wrong, but they can convey ‘good tidings’ and ‘loyalty’, can they not? I think it’s something we’d want for the division, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course. If that’s the case, then…let’s plant those!”
No, she realises, Shinji isn’t going out of his way at all.
She swallows against the tightness in her throat and manages a tepid smile. “I don’t mind the layout of the office, really. I-I must admit, I like to work in silence, but…The music you listen to, what’s it like?”
The captain grins widely and stands. “Come on, I’ll show ya!”
Her new haircut caught Shinji off guard at first. They’d only known each other for nearly two weeks now, but he was used to seeing her with her hair in a ponytail and resting on her shoulder.
His surprise must have shown because Hinamori had brought a hand up tentatively touches the ends of her much shorter hair, explaining, “My hair was getting too long, and I thought it would be a nice change to have something shorter.”
He couldn’t help himself; he’d turned his head up and to the side and flicked his hair. “Did I provide you with some inspiration?” he’d teased.
She gave a nervous laugh and dismissed his question. He could see the indignation that wanted to bubble up from her, but she kept it in. She’s polite and someone who doesn’t want to offend others. However, he got the feeling she wasn’t always like this, that she had a more expressive side to her. He’d already seen some of it, if her reaction to him asking if Aizen really had a favourite flower was any indication.
His only concern was whether this politeness was something she’d always had or was something Aizen fostered in her. He shakes his head, leaving that train of thought for later.
Now they walk from the mess hall to the main office. It’d become a small routine for them. He’s a late riser, always waking up after hitting the snooze button several times. It meant he had to rush breakfast – if he even remembered to have it in the first place - and then saunter his way down to the mess hall, where Hinamori – an early riser he understood very quickly – would eat with their subordinates. He’d stroll in, usually when she was done, and then they’d head to the office.
“So today I’m thinking we could do a bit of cleaning,” he says when he slides the office door open. “Think we need a bit more space and not as much old stuff.”
“What do you mean?” she asks.
He gestures to the bookcases. “I’m thinking we don’t need records dating back to a hundred years ago. I thought stuff from forty years ago onwards should suffice. Besides, most things have basically been the same for the last hundred years.”
“What? Surprised that I actually read through these?” he teases with a grin. “They’re dry as wallpaper but a captain’s gotta get up to date with everything.”
Hinamori shakes her head vigorously. “No, that’s not it.” She lightly steps into the room, as if afraid she will make the floorboard creak. “What exactly are you referring to when you say ‘most things’?”
He walks around his desk to the tomes. “Standard lower rank orientation and schedules, procedures for dealing with Hollows attacks in the different districts, rotations for seated officers patrolling the districts and World of the Living, basically everything. Must admit, I didn’t read every volume, but that’s only because it was all pretty standard and the same for several decades.” He scoffs. “Hardly surprising it’s barely changed through, Seireitei is always slow to change things…unless Twelfth Division comes up with some new gizmo that gets the higher ups all huffed up, or someone really crosses Central Forty-Six. Every division has the same protocols with some variation or flair of their own, right? Well, except for Fourth and Twelfth…maybe Eleventh, if those guys even know what the word ‘protocol’ means.”
“Is there something wrong with what’s been set in place?”
The question practically burst out of her, as if she’d been struggling to keep it in as he spoke. He can’t tell if she’s nervous about either him critiquing something she came up with or if he wants to dramatically change something that’s set in place.
He takes out a tome, one dated from twenty years ago and opens it, skimming through. “I ain’t saying there is or that we need to upend everything. What you did wasn’t bad. In fact, it’s been effective, especially when it comes to subordinates’ morale and our relations with Souls in the Rukongai.” He stops when a heading catches his eye. “However, sometimes things need a bit of shake up. You strike me as someone who’s a stickler for the rules and the established, but doing the same thing for a while can become stale, yeah?”
He turns to her, watches as a frown catches in her brow and she considers his words. She hooks her hair on the left side of her face behind her ear. “I agree change is needed, but only when something is not being as effective as it used to be.” She goes over to him. “You’ll see we’ve made smaller changes along the way, particularly in the rotations of officers on duty and how barracks duties are designated. Captain Aizen thought…”
Not for the first time, Shinji has to resist the urge to apologise to her - for not seeing through Aizen and stopping him when he could, for using Sakanade on her at the battle, and for being partly responsible for how the division is now. Her eyes and shoulders are downcast, and the tone of her voice when she says his name and former title, with melancholy and a longing for what was, it reminds him of why he hates that bastard as much as he does. He shirks the emotions to deal with later.
“Yeah, I did notice, and those were good changes too.” He lays the tome on his desk and points to a section. “Like I said, I’m not looking to undo your good work or change everything. A change in certain protocols and routines is something subordinates expect when a new captain takes charge. While I was a seated officer, I went through two different captains. They each changed things up when they started, and then when I became captain for the first time, I changed things too. Now granted, you’ve only worked for the same captain this whole time, so not much was gonna change and it shows in the records.
"Then there was your concerns from the other day about reorientating yourself and realising time had passed while you were recovering. I can understand being apprehensive to change what you’ve known for that long of a time.” He doesn’t say it aloud, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Aizen having more or less the same routines in place the whole time he was captain was somehow part of his plan too. It made everyone comfortable, make them think nothing needed to be changed and that Aizen knew best. He’d done well in picking Hinamori as lieutenant; she’d work hard to maintain things as he wanted and keep the harmony in the division.
Hinamori looks down at the tome. “I think I understand.”
Shinji waits as different emotions war across her face: uncertainty, longing, regret, acceptance. She keeps her head bowed as she speaks. “When Captain Shiiba went missing and Hitsu – I mean, Captain Hitsugaya was appointed, Rangiku-san told me about changes that were going to be made in their division. It was based on things they both saw needed to be changed, things that Captain Shiiba didn’t see or didn’t work on changing at the time. They were small things mostly, tweaks I guess you could say. There were a few big changes though too, like the conversion of a courtyard into a training ground.”
She looks at him, and he’s almost taken aback by the determination set in her eyes. “We’re not the same division we used to be, and you think we need to show this through changing things in certain areas. If that’s the case and you’re not looking to rewrite every protocol and I can have a say in it, then…I agree. We can’t do it all at once though, it might not sit well with the others.”
He’d only known for less than two weeks, had met her when she was at her most vulnerable, and she’d only been back at the job for just over a week. He doesn’t know where this sense of pride in her comes from, but he allows it make him grin. “You got it. Glad we’re on the same page.” Then, half-jokingly. “And what’d take me for? I wasn’t going to make all the changes at once, of course. With the way things are, it’d be a bad move.”
Her knowing gaze tells him the way their subordinates regard and treat him hasn’t escaped her either. Like this morning when they were on their way to the office, he didn’t miss the way others greet them, some smiling and bowing as they pass by, other only focusing on Hinamori and barely casting their eyes to meet his.
Trust is always the hardest part, especially after what Aizen did. He knows the distrust doesn’t come from a fear of betrayal or deceit, but from suddenly showing up again, the rumors that had spread about his Hollow powers, and the cynicism of some who think things can’t go back to how they were.
“So, I’m thinking big speeches and good sentiments can only get me so far. I’m going to have to do this the old-fashioned way and do a bit of showing off. It’ll be the same with Captain Otoribashi. You reckon you could write up a training proposal to Third Division?”
It takes a moment, but it dawns on Hinamori what he means. “Yes, I can do that.”
Hinamori knows people have different ways of expressing themselves. The first to come to mind are Rangiku with her scarf and necklace, then Renji with the bandanas and goggles. She did it herself, with the new clip keeping the hair off the left side of her face.
However, when it comes to her captain’s new fringe, she can’t tell.
Had he tried to cut it himself and failed? Had he gone to the barber and suddenly moved, resulting in the scissors chopping off his hair at an awkward angle? If that were the case, she can understand why he wouldn't want to correct it; one side was so short cutting the rest to match that length would make his hair look even stranger.
Hinamori leaves the office and heads over to Fifth Division’s main entrance, where Shinji is waiting for her. Just like before, she tries not to stare at his hair - what if it had been an accident? She knows she wouldn’t want everyone staring at her. “I have the proposal, sir.”
Shinji nods and brushes his forehead, his asymmetrical fringe slowly falling over hand. “It’s starting to get hot out here. Let’s head over.”
Hinamori almost lets her mouth fall open as the realisation hits her. It’s been three weeks since they first started working together, she knows his sense of style can be eccentric, but this haircut was by choice…
What she can’t tell if he wants her to comment on it or tease her because he knows she thinks it was an accident. Instead, she spins on her heel and starts to walk away. “Yes, let’s go!”
She says nothing, and Shinji continues to grin all the way to Third Division.
Shinji doesn’t let go of Genji until he’s sitting on the ground. “It really does a whammy on you, huh?”
“You did warn me,” the third seat chuckles. “I think it went well though.”
Judging from the stunned looks of some of the subordinates from the Third and Fifth Divisions, he’d have to agree. He’d used the majority of Sakanade’s abilities on Genji, but he’d also used his zanpakuto on everyone to invert his words – that one really made all their eyes widen and he couldn’t help but grin in response. However, the officers he knew from his first stint as captain must have seen it coming, because most of them laughed when it happened.
Several look at Sakanade, still in released state, half in wonder and the other in confusion. Above all though, some look him in the eye for the first time. As usual, when one shows their ability, it’s like baring a part of themselves for all to see, and from there trust starts to develop.
“Look after our third seat,” he calls out to Hinamori, who he knows without looking is already rushing to them. Then, to Genji, “Thanks for agreeing to this.”
“It’s not a problem, sir.”
Shinji straightens as Hinamori kneels at Genji’s side. She offers him a smile, but there’s a nervous edge to it.
Without having to watch him use Sakanade’s shikai on Genji, she already knows what it’s like to be under his zanapukto’s influence. She knows that attack wasn’t meant for her, but even so, he can understand her unease; it's still too fresh in her mind.
He walks back to the training square, where he’s joined by Rose. “You ready?” he asks, voice only loud enough him to hear.
The fellow captain smiles as he unsheathes his zanpakuto. “I’ll try to not correct your fringe.”
Shinji smirks. “It’s called having style, idiot.”
Rose turns to the Third and Fifth’s subordinates, raises Kinshara, and begins explaining his zanpakuto’s abilities. Shinji backs away a few steps and puts Sakanade into the sealed state.
Eyeing the onlookers, he wonders how many of them want to see their Hollow abilities. He knows if he were them he’d be curious, suspicious even. So long as desperate times didn't called for desperate measures, they’d never see them. One of the conditions for he, Rose, and Kensei to all get reappointed was they could never, under any circumstances, use their Hollow abilities. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, considering all they had to do to harness and control those abilities, but he understands.
When Rose turns to him, Shinji raises his zanpakuto. As discussed, they engage in a fight, swords clashing or dodging each other. Now the officers will know how the other fights in combat, from their footwork to the weight they put behind attacks. They’ll see their weaknesses and strengths, what they avoid and what they take head on.
After a few minutes of sparring, Rose calls out Kinshara’s release command, and the zanpakuto transforms into the golden whip. Shinji almost snorts when Rose pauses to allow the onlookers to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at his zanpakuto’s shikai. He gives Shinji a knowing smile.
Show off. Though he likely thought the same when Shinji showed off Sakanade’s released state before using his powers.
Shinji uses this as a chance to flash step to the edge of the training square. Done with everyone admiring his zanpakuto, Rose whips Kinshara towards Shinji, who dodges the attack with ease. Rose speaks while attacking Shinji, explaining the extension capability of his zanpakuto and then, without warning, the whip wraps around Sakanade and is forced out of Shinji’s hands with a forceful tug.
Shinji allows a few seconds to pass after his sword clattered on the ground before going to his zanpakuto and unwrapping the whip from the blade, internally apologising when he senses the seething coming from Sakanade. Rose turns his attention to the log set up in the middle of the training square.
Knowing what is coming next, Shinji flash-steps back to Hinamori and Genji on the sidelines. Rose demonstrates Kinshara Sokyoku Dai Juichiban - Izayoi Bara, obliterating the log and sending a shockwave through the area. The nearby trees bend  slightly and their leaves rustle or break off, and the onlookers all make a commotion as their sleeves and hair is forced back.
In the wake of the dying shockwave, the upturned dirt, and the lack of a demonstration log, claps and cheers erupted from everyone.
Rose nods to Shinji, who nods back. It worked.
Rain pelts over the Fifth Division, thrumming on the rooftop and windows. Hinamori takes cover under the awning of the veranda as she walks speedily to the training halls. The humid air reminds her that spring is well and truly coming to an end. Some things had changed in a month and a half, but there were still things that needed to be done.
Such as the documents tucked under her arm, which Shinji needs sign off on. That had been one of several new things she had noticed about her captain's work ethic in the past month: he hated paperwork. He was slow to complete it, reluctant to get to work on it, and when he could, he’d do it at the last minute. She huffs, speeding up her walk even more.
Once at the training hall, she looks in to see her captain and a large group of their subordinates gathered around a blackboard. Shinji points to the diagram - which she had drawn up earlier this morning - explaining how they were going to patrol a section of the forty-third west district. Hinamori forgets her exasperation after a few of the officers nod to what their captain says.
Ever since he demonstrated his abilities, things had been slowly changing on the trust front. There was still a ways to go, but at least subordinates who previously didn’t even look their captain in the eye now greeted him on his way to the office or when he ate with them in the mess hall.
That was another thing she noticed about her new captain while working with him: he made an effort to engage with everyone. In one of the several times she had to go looking for him for seemingly skipping on his duties, she found him putting out laundry with some of the officers, talking with them and finding out about their lives. It got to a point where they were joking about and laughing. He gave the impression he always had time for them, that he wanted them to know who he was, with a roughened honesty that she was starting to find refreshing.
Even now, when one of the officers, seventeenth seat Tomoko Suzuki, speaks up and ask why they aren’t patrolling another area nearby in case Hollows attack there, she can see he’s listening.
“Suppose it’s a fair point,” Shinji replies to Suzuki. “Hollows could decide to try out the surrounding area once they get bored here or realize Shinigami are there.” He gestures back to the board. “However, why do you think they’re attacking this area rather than the others?”
Suzuki thinks for a moment before she answers. “There’s less infrastructure compared to surrounding areas, and maybe because of the concentration of Souls in the area? It’s the most densely populated part of that district.”
He grins. “It’s what I’m thinking too.”
“So, you think the higher concentration is distracting them from other areas? And that even with us there, they would continue to lurk there?”
“Mostly, but also…”He taps a finger on where Hinamori had drawn the forest that surrounded half of the area. “I think they’re using this to conceal themselves. It’s a classic Hollow tactic, especially for Hollows who don’t have much power or who hunt in groups.”
Suzuki nods, and Hinamori sees something shift in her subordinate. Her shoulders lower a few centimeters, and there’s the faintest hint of a smile. It’s something she’d seen most of the officer do at some point or another while speaking with their new captain. Others she could see the corners of their eyes loosen, the posture get straighter, and their voice became stronger when speaking to him.
An unseated officer, Kobe Abiko, raises his hand. “Sir?”
Shinji’s response is half a tease and half an order. “Geez, what’ve I told you? No need to raise your hand, just speak up. I’m not the formal type.”
“Uh, right, apologises, Captain!”
“No need to. What’d want to say?”
“Just, um… when will this new deployment take place?”
“Well, I was thinking tonight.” Shinji looks to Suzuki. “Reckon you can manage that?”
“Yes, Captain.”
They go on to discuss another topic related to the case of the Hollow activity in the area, but Hinamori finds herself stuck on Abiko. He’d had always been a nervous officer, ever since he came to the division almost a year ago. She suspects his nerves stemmed from a lack of confidence, and compared to the peers he’d come to the Fifth Division with, he was among the youngest of the then-new recruits. He reminded Hinamori of herself when she first started, particularly with how she acted around Aizen. All the nervous energy she had pent up while speaking to him, and wondering how, with all her fumbling and stumbling, she managed to make him smile.
It’d been an act, all of it.
The only one who felt anything in those encounters was herself, and she’d worked hard to become the lieutenant to a façade. He felt nothing towards her rise in the ranks. There was only ever that smile, almost always present on his face, and she’d thought she had provoked it out of him. It was a prepared response, one to make her feel one way or another about whatever they spoke about. At least for Abiko she can see his nerves were from a lack of confidence, but herself, it was because of something that never existed. She was still getting to know her new captain, but she already knew Abiko would not go through what she did, not with an honest captain like Shinji.
“All right. Suzuki, stay behind for a moment. Rest of you, I suggest you all get ready. You’ll meet Suzuki at the main gates at five this evening.” Shinji jerks his chin towards the exit without looking away from the group. “You’re free to go.”
All the officers stand and bow before turning the exit. Hinamori throws back the darker thoughts threatening to cloud her mind and smiles at her officers, who greet her as they pass by. “Good luck tonight,” she says to them in response. “I know you’ll do well.”
By the time she comes over, Shinji hands Suzuki a document. “Here’s my suggestions for who does which patrol rotations, but feel free to alter them how you like. You know your team better than I do.”
Suzuki raises a brow. However, after reading the first few lines of the document, she nods with a determined frown. “Thank you, Captain.”
Shinji looks to Hinamori, acting as if she had been there the whole time. “It was Hinamori’s idea in the first place.”
Suzuki blinks at Hinamori, who is just as surprised. “Oh, Lieutenant.”
Hinamori comes to stand next to Shinji. “Good luck with the patrol tonight, Suzuki-san. I know you’ll do well.”
She bows to both of them. “Thank you both. I’ll report back tomorrow morning.”
Shinji doesn’t speak until their seventeenth seat has left the hall. “Sensed your reiatsu all the way from the main entrance, you need to work on concealing if you wanna surprise me.”
Hinamori ignores the comment, instead saying, “Letting Suzuki-san decide was mainly your idea, sir.”
He smiles. “You’re the one who said ‘Suzuki-san knows her team, she can arrange them however she sees fit.’ So, it was basically your idea. All I did was change the routes, which’ll hopefully either get those Hollows to come out because they’re feeling daring or for our officers to find them.” He turns to the board. “It’s shame I gotta get rid of this. Don’t usually care about art or drawing, but this is good.”
She waves her hand, dismissive. “It’s just a diagram.” She shuffles the papers to hold in both arms, hoping he will notice. “It sounds like that went well.”
“I thought so too.” He takes the eraser and starts wiping away the chalk. “Next order of business though, we gotta talk about the training scheduled for next week.”
Hinamori blinks. She presses her lips together and has to force herself to not thrust the papers at him. “You mean the kido training?”
“Yeah. How do you wanna run it?”
“I…What do you mean?”
“I haven’t seen you in action yet, but I know you’re good at kido, and I need a refresher. I figured I ain’t in a position to organise training I don’t have a good skillset in. So, if you’re up for it, do want to organise what should be taught? Or do you have any suggestions?” Diagram now gone, he twists to her. “Only if you want to, though. I’m not gonna pressure you.”
She’s never been given the lead for a training schedule, or at least, not to the degree he is suggesting. Aizen would say she can schedule it, but he always had to be over her shoulder to change certain things, and by the end only a few of her suggestions made it to the final draft.
“I’d have to think about it,” she says demurely. “But if I had to make a suggestion…I think the officers need to be taught about binding kido.”
He raises a brow. “Why’s that? Academy usually covers that pretty well.”
“Yes, but there’s more to learn.” An old frustration builds up in her, one she hadn’t felt for many decades. If she could, she’d show just exactly why more needed to be taught about binding spells by casting a few right here and now. Instead, she takes up a piece of chalk and write the names of a few kido: Bakudo 4: Hainawa, Bakudo 9: Horin, and Hado 11: Tsuzuri Raiden. Then, as she speaks, she write her keys points under each spell name.
“In the Academy, we’re taught to use binding kido as a way of detaining an opponent or stopping them from attacking. There’s more to it though. Hainawa is used opponents that are strong or have multiple limbs, but because it’s one of the first recruits learn, they often use it at the cost of their energy. It also has a slight weakness, in that most Shinigami require both hands to activate it, leaving them defenseless while casting it.
“Horin can be a good substitute depending on how good a Shinigami is at kido. It’s better for opponents who are far away, but also who aren’t too heavy so they can be pull towards you if need be. However, that can be dangerous, especially for unseated officers. Horin can be more effective when combining it with certain spells.” She draws a line from Horin to Tsuzuri Raiden. “I’ve been working on it for a while now, but I found a way to combine these two. While using one hand for Horin, and with Tobiume in my other hand, I can use my zanpakuto as a conductor while casting Tsuzuri Raiden. When you strike Horin while using Tsuzuri Raiden on the zanpakuto, it can electrocute the opponent, thus hopefully weakening them enough to neutralise them.
“I wished I’d know about this as an unseated officer when I first joined. It took me years to figure out how to properly use binding spells on opponents effectively, and also to discover it’s other uses. If I can impart some knowledge about kido to new recruits and all of the officers, this would be a part of it.”
It’s not until she stops that she takes in her captain’s surprised expression, or the thumping of her heart. The eagerness drains from her; she’d let her emotions get the better of her. How could she have been so rude? Embarrassment flushes through her, and she almost apologises, but stops at her captain’s grin and then his chuckle.
“Look at you lecturing me and writing on the board. You should’ve been an instructor at the Academy!”
Her cheeks flush when she glances over at her writing. “I-I meant no -”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about! Sounds like this has been a point of contention for you for a while.” He gives a firm nod to the board. “All right, done. We’ll set the lesson to be on binding kido.” His grin widens. “Heck, why don’t you lead it? You sound like you’ve got a lot to teach. I’ll even join in at the back!”
Hinamori is caught between gaping and laughing, and in the end, she makes a strange sound that’s like a strangled laugh. “What?”
“You’ve taught training lessons before, right?”
“Yes, of course, I’ve taught several. It’s just…you’d join in?”
There’s a small ‘crack’ when he rolls his wrists for emphasis. “Like I said, I’m rusty. I need a refresher. Although, I suspect not many will be able to get the Horin combined with Tsuzuri Raiden on their first try. Might take them a few times, but everything else should be accessible for them.” Then, teasingly. “How lucky am I to have a lieutenant who’s one of the best at kido to teach me? It’s only time you get to order me around, it’ll be a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
She laughs, out of confusion and mirth. He didn’t think it rude of her to assert how she thought the lesson should be ran? No, he’d asked for her opinion, and now to lead the training. She hadn't been rude, she realises.
Now she notices something else about her new captain: she didn’t hold back with him. It was as if she were with Renji or Kira, both of whom she rarely hid her annoyance or exasperation from when they brought it up in her. His lacking punctuality is a slight annoyance, and his honesty is still taking some getting used to, but he never expected her to be anyone she wasn’t. He allows her to express herself freely, perhaps with some argument, but never for the way she felt or thought.
And it’s not just her. Perhaps it’s his casual demeanour or his relaxed work ethic, but their subordinates were friendly with him in a way that they weren’t with Aizen. Like her, the they held their previous captain as something above reproach, as something to aspire to. With Shinji, they’re more relaxed. She recalls the jokes he made and how he deliberately hung the washing in an obscure manner, with most of them unsure if they were allowed until he encouraged them to. And just now, he didn’t already have a prepared answer or will immediately dismiss their subordinates insight. None of them feel the need to be hesitant with something they’ve observed or think that whatever they have to say is childish or naïve. They’re encouraged to speak their mind, and any debate doesn’t get gently swept away with carefully laden words.
Using the burst of confidence in her, Hinamori raises her chin slightly. “All right, I will lead the lesson.” But before Shinji can say anything, she holds up the papers with a smile. “But speaking of pressing matters. Sir, if you would approve these, please.”
Continues in part 2
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stevesaxetogrind · 1 year
I have a plot bunny, it’s been done before but Stephanie Harrington is in my head. Consider, Season 4, trying to convince Robin that Vickie is also a tits girl:
“I feel it! Vickie likes boobies, she’s like me!”
“I’m not taking my ex’s advice on which girls like-”
“Ew stop saying it!”
“What? I’m a girl. You’re a girl. Vickie’s a girl. We all have boobies. We all like boobies Robin! Boobies, boo-”
“Shut up!”
“Don’t say that to your favourite ex.”
“You’re my only ex.”
“Well then as your ex turned bff- which Robin we didn’t even date- I say I have a great feeling. Fast Times doesn’t lie!”
“Fast Times isn’t even that good a film.”
“Don’t let Vickie hear you say that. Phoebe Cates would never. Take it back!”
“Nope.” Robin grinned that stupid smile of hers.
“How can you ever touch Vickie’s boobies is you don’t even take an interest in her interests?”
“Oh my god, stop saying boobies!”
“You said it too this time.” Steph smirked, “its funnier this way.”
“I give up on you.” Robin sighed, leaning against the door as they rolled into the school parking lot.
People milled about, completely uninterested in former Queen Bee Steph Harrington dropping off band geek Robin Buckley. Which was good. Robin liked it better that way.
She turned to Steph, tentative. “I’ll see you tonight. Are you going to take a date?”
Steph shrugged noncommittedly. “I’m giving Nance a life, she’s covering it for the paper so hopefully I don’t have to look like a total loner. But I got to support my best friend and her future girlfriend.”
Robing could only laugh when Steph started nudging her, enthusiastic to the end.
“High school is so last year for you, stop caring about popularity. Who cares if you go alone?”
Steph shook her head, “You can take the popularity out of the girl- violently and with monster goo from another dimension, but is it a crime to care what other people think? I’ve got to live in this town, shop here, talk to people- I’m not like you Robin, I’m not going to go to college… do you think I like little old lady Paulson giving me pitying looks about ‘ruining my face’ in the mall fire?”
Robin gave her a withering look. It didn’t stop her.
“Also Rob, I’m taking a break from men. Most girls think I’m some kind of disabled skank, and any girl who used to be able to tolerate me is either away at college or is caught between cheer loyalty and social suicide. I’m the one who couldn’t even make it into Tech as Head Cheerleader- you think they’d want supports but no-”
“Steffie honey, I don’t know your weird sports terms.”
“Okay point. Emily and Chrissy, maybe Tina S, are the only tolerable members of the Hawkins student body left and they’re all cheering tonight. I’m going to sit behind the band with you and cheer on Lucas. It’ll be fine.” She sounded like she was assuring herself more than Robin.
“Okay loser, you’re allowed to make new friends.”
“Or I could focus on the ones I already have. I don’t want Lucas to think the only reason I’m there is because some guy dragged me there to get laid.:
“Oh yeah. Huh, maybe you could sit with the kids. Everyone knows you babysat Henderson.”
“Yeah maybe. I know they don’t like sports, but it’s the Championship. I’m sure they’d grab some good seats at least.” Steph looks considering at which might be worse. At least she’d have someone to talk to, even if they were her freshmen friends. Especially since Nancy would be busy for most of the game.
“Maybe they’ll even let Lucas play. It’d be good for you all to cheer together! Little supporters’ section.” Robin suggested.
“God, I hope so, he’s been practicing a lot. I know he’ll do so well if they just give him a chance.” Steph smiled. She’d have played basketball for the school team if they’d scraped together enough girls for an inter-murals league, but it was just her and Laura C. No one else wanted to do anything that close to tomboy material. So, it’d been a lot of fun playing with Lucas when she’d drop Dustin off to their little summer game nights.
Robin gestured up at the school, bell about to ring. “Well, this is me dingus. Love you Steph. Wave to me tonight.”
“Love you too, see you Robbie.”
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meiissblog · 1 year
(Repost) kaeya x fem Y/N Chilly 🥶
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⚠️STORY SPOILERS for Genshin ⚠️
• Your character is related to Kokomi sangonomiya. (Her older sister to be exact). Your character is a water vision user that uses a bow.
Scenario: Y/N was good friends with both kayea and the others in mondstadt but after the restrictions of travel in and out of Inazuma she wasn’t able to see Kaeya and the others for years Until now.
Today she’s traveled to mondstadt on official business to start trade agreements now that the travel restrictions have lightened.
~ Chilly 🥶 -
NSFW 18+ only
•Love confession• childhood friends• •oral (female receiving)•Slight temperature play•
I walk up to the entrance of Mondstadt everything feeling nostalgic. As I walk up to the guards at the front gate. “Hello, I’m Y/N sangonomiya from Inazuma. I’m here to talk to grandmaster jean of the Knights of Favonius”.
The guard nods and motions for me to follow him. I look around I look all around completely distracted by some of the new architecture. when a familiar voice brings me out of my distraction. “Hello y/n it’s been a long time”. I look over to see kaeya he bows to me. I blush slightly.
“kaeya?!”. Whoa, he’s changed, he was always attractive. but I wasn’t expecting this! he’s so muscular and tall now. As He sits up I immediately hug him tearing up a bit. “Kaeya I’ve missed you”. He pats my head and hugs me back. we stand there for a moment when he separates from me slightly looking me in the eyes. “I’ll take you to the grandmaster so please follow me”. he smiles. I follow beside him through the city as the sun starts to set. “So you’re the Cavalry Captain of the of the Knights of Favonius?”. “Yes, how did you know that?”. “The traveler, they talked about all of you highly. They were shocked when I told them I already knew all of you from before the travel restrictions”. Really? How was your trip here by the way? “Believe it or not, My travel here wasn’t too difficult. But I first had to stop in liyue to talk to a man named Zhongli and then after those arrangements. I rested there for two days and then I made my way here”. “I’m surprised you made it here in one piece and all by yourself”. I roll my eyes at him As We make it up the stairs I look back at the city as the sunsets and the lights in the town turn on. “Wow… I missed it here”. I stand there for a moment admiring the city when kaeya knocks me out of my thoughts. “You know I just noticed Y/N you’ve hardly changed at all you’re still quite the runt”. I glare at him as he starts laughing. I lightly punch him in the arm. “Yeah, so what! From what I remember you were also a runt when we were kids. But now you’re quite the opposite you’re more like a tree now”. “Well now, how rude”. “You started it”. we continue to walk up the steps as We continue walking and chatting.
When we finally get to jeans office I immediately hug her as she welcomes me back. We set up some of the trade agreements while catching up but unfortunately we run out of time. “While you are here you are concerned as an honorary guest please stay in our guest room in the castle for the time being. I know you’re probably tired from all this traveling”. “Thank you! I’ll be staying here for the next two weeks, hopefully, next time Kokomi can get some time off and join me here as well. I don’t think she’s ever been off of Inazuma”. We all talk for a bit longer until Jean has to get back to work so I and Kaeya leave her office together. I plead with Kaeya so he’ll help me carry my stuff up into the castle. And after a bit of nagging, he hesitantly agrees. And helps me carry my stuff inside the castle. He sighs. “is this all?”. “Yes! I brought something for you. That’s particularly why I wanted you to help me”. I dig through my bags when I pull out a wine bottle. “The traveler told me you’re really into drinking wine so I brought some. It’s sakura wine My friend Yae Miko makes it”. He takes the bottle from my hands. “How sweet of you Y/N. How about this I’ll go grab us some dinner and we can both try it together”. I nod. “sure! I’d love to”. “Alright, I’ll be back” I watch kaeya leave, since he left I take the opportunity to organize my stuff and grab some dish wear from the dining hall. I set up the table nicely as kaeya walks back into my room food in one hand and another bottle of wine in the other. He sets the different wine in my hands I look at it curiously. “oh is this Mondstadt’s specialty wine? I’ve heard of this stuff but I’ve never tried it”. “Well now you can this kind is my favorite”. We both sit down eating with each other catching up on each other’s lives as we both get a little buzzed from the alcohol. “So have you finally found that husband you’ve been craving for so long?”.
“No… sadly there was one man I dated for a long time in Inazuma but he cheated on me. How about you?”. “Psh..no”. “Oh… what about diluc you two still aren’t on good terms I assume”. Kaeya’s eye looks away I can almost see the pain and guilt in his eyes. “No, we aren’t...”. “I’m sorry forget I said anything!”. Just then I decide to take my hair down because it’s starting to annoy me. As I pull my hair down rubbing my fingers through it. When I notice kaeya staring at me with a different kind of look it’s almost lustful. I look away blushing slightly pretending not to notice. When his hand reaches over the table stroking my hair gently behind my ear. “I’ve always liked your hair the color is gorgeous and so is the length”. “S-shut up you don’t mean that we both know you used to make fun of me for my hair remember?”. I pout slightly remembering back to how he used to make fun of my hair. He laughs. “I lied I only teased you about it back then because I liked it”. “Yeah right…”. I turn my back towards him crossing my arms.
I hear him get up from his chair when his arms unexpectedly hug me from behind. his warm lips touching my ear. “I’m not lying this time Y/N you’re so beautiful I’ve always thought so I was just too young and cowardly to admit it all those years ago”. I blush again as his teeth nibble my ear slightly I shiver the alcohol adding to my slight arousal. “I won’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to if you want me to stop right now I will”.
- smut warning-
I sit there for a moment contemplating when I ultimately decide to lean into his embrace. “It’s fine”. I mutter, as my face turns towards his. His lips connecting with mine. I take the side of his face as he slides his tongue into my mouth, the taste of wine still on his lips. Our tongues glade against each other my body almost trembling from the passion. He picks me from my chair taking me over to the edge of the bed. I take out his hair out from his hair tie watching as his long beautiful blue hair falls free. He takes off my outfit tossing almost everything to the floor when he stops, Looking at the light purple lingerie I always wear under my outfit. “Fuck baby you look so beautiful”. I slide off my gloves. When he takes off his clothes as well, stripping himself down to his briefs. I watch as He sits in the bed picking me up once again setting me directly on his lap right on top of his hard cock. He immediately grabs my ass groping it as he grinds himself onto me making sure to hit my clit. My hands grasping his chest while I moan. “You’re such a cutie Y/N you like being teased don’t you?”. He smirks at me in his usual fashion. “I-I don’t mind it if it’s from you”. “Oh really? Good to know”. He immediately flips is us over putting me underneath him.
He lifts my bra revealing my breasts as he leans down sucking on my breasts. “kaeya”. He slowly kisses me all over. After a while of teasing He then sits up removing the rest of my clothes. kissing in-between my naked thighs separating them. “So wet just from this? It’s almost dripping onto your thighs how erotic”. He gently strokes my slit with his fingers before he reveals my clit and starts to lick and suck on it. “F-fuck… kaeya”. I run my fingers through his hair. As He continues to pay attention to my clit while he spreads me open with his fingers as he drags his tongue down to my vagina entering his tongue inside of me as his fingers rub my clit harshly.
Nobody has ever done this to me his tongue and his fingers are going to make me cum. I moan loudly as my eyes tear from the sensation. He removes his tongue from inside of me licking his lips as he continues to play with my clit with his fingers as my hips twitch. “You’re already so wrecked for me? I wonder what would happen if I did this”. I feel his fingers getting colder as his chilled fingers rub my clit in circles. “Kaeya- … it feels so good”. “So cutie tell me what would you like me to do? Y/N and be specific”. “M-make me cum.. with your mouth please…”. “As you wish cutie”. He removes his chill fingers from my clit as his warm mouth replaces them. I jump slightly as He looks up at me sucking harshly on my clit I cum immediately moaning his name. After a few moments, I cover my mouth closing my eyes and blushing. I sounded so lewd how embarrassing I think to myself. When Kaeya climbs on top of me, kissing and nibbling the side of my neck as his clothed bulge rubs against my overly sensitive pussy. When he gently takes my face in his hands. “Such a cutie do you want me to make you feel even better?”. I nod kissing him on the lips this time as he pulls off his underwear as well. He puts his cock on my entrance rubbing his head against it and teasing me before he inserts it. Putting his forehead against mine as his big cock fills my tight walls. “Are you okay? Y/N? You’re not in pain, right?”. “I’m fine thank you kaeya. just sit here for a second”. “Hmm~ yes beautiful”. He kisses my forehead as he sits there while I adjust after a few moments when I look up at him. “I-I’m ready kaeya.. you can move”. He immediately starts moving shoving his large cock inside of me. “It feels good, your little hole is so tight”. I immediately hold his large hand as he continues to fuck me into the mattress. When his cock hits a particularly sensitive part of my pussy. My hand squeezing his. “Ah! There it is..”. He almost cheers as he moans slightly thrusting his cock against my g spot harshly. My legs wrapped around his waist. “N-not there- I’ll go insane! I can’t take it”. “Yes, you can baby you can do it I know you can”. He sits up slightly grabbing my breasts and playing with my nipples as he continues to fuck himself into my G spot. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I cum unexpectedly, Once again when Kaeya’s fingers go into my mouth that’s hanging open as he fucks me through my orgasm.
“So pretty, suck on my fingers like the good girl you are”. I nod my mind completely blank as I suck on his fingers lightly. I watch as he suddenly pulls out of me sitting up cumming all over my stomach. Stroking himself with his other hand as he finishes. I immediately sit up kissing him once again passionately as he greedily excepts.
“Lay back down beautiful, I’ll get stuff to clean us up”. I Nod smiling as he gets up from our bed waking into the bathroom. After a few moments, he returns with a rag cleaning us both before. He gets up throwing it into with what I assume to be the laundry.
- Smut ended -
I immediately get up from the bed hugging his arm. “Please stay with me for the night”. “Hmm? Fine by me I didn’t want to leave you alone anyways let’s go to sleep”. We both go back onto the bed holding each other as I lay on top of him. We cuddle in comfortable silence the both falling asleep in each other’s embrace.
~ 🥶 -
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the-void-writes · 6 months
"Its okay, you can let go"
I’m really sorry this one turned out so long lol, but I really wanted to develop Marius and his relationship to the Lockhart family, especially to Val. Hopefully, I’ll finally know which direction to take this story.
TW: There are brief mentions of child neglect and abandonment in the first paragraph. Nothing prolonged or violent, but it could still be bothersome.
SOLM - Home
The snow was Marius’ first home. Bright, slow, colorless flakes had graced his skin for longer than his own mother’s hand. The chill of the mountains held him in its embrace when his own father never dared to touch him. When they left him beside the hospital, the cold wind had carried his cries through the windows, to the ears of Doctor Carrol.
The harsh winter had saved his life, in a way. It loved him when his parents wouldn’t.
Now, Marius admired the snowfall from beside the fireplace in the library of his new family. The Lockharts had been exceptionally kind to him since he first arrived. They never kept secrets from him, not even about his parents, or of the town’s “immortal” state. Their curse didn’t matter to Marius— they had shown him more kindness than his first family had.
Even with their love, though, Marius still felt like an outsider. He had no interest in the games that the other children played, but he was also too young to understand some of the adults around him, some of whom were nearly two centuries old. The Hawthorn Curse didn’t leave many children his age, either. Most of them were either stuck in their more youthful years, or had already grown up.
Marius lowered his book with a sigh and watched the grandfather clock in the corner. The rhythmic ticking of the hands nearly pulled him to sleep.
He didn’t really need friends his age, he thought. His family was fine enough. Nanny Freya and Kristine could have suffocated him with their hugs, but they were kind and eager to answer any of his questions. Viktor was a wonderful source of conversation, even with his silliness. Even the detective, Mister Haywood, was a kind and knowledgeable man.
After Rosalind was born, the manor became even more lively. Her voice reached every hallway, and she nearly tumbled down each staircase in her rush to see something exciting. She was a pain to wrangle, but the comfort she brought to Marius with her presence made it all worth it.
Then, there was the master of the house: Cyrus Lockhart, his new father. Marius had struggled for years to figure him out. He was an imposing figure, who was followed by a cold aura everywhere he went. Perhaps it was the curse’s effect on him, but there seemed to be something more to it. Marius didn’t believe in ghosts, but always felt that whenever Cyrus entered a room, he was never alone.
His eyes fell to the portrait of his father on the wall. For a moment, the painting seemed to stare back at him, following his head as he tucked himself further into the armchair.
The portrait bewildered Marius, as he didn’t think his father was capable of vanity. He only ever thought of others, often going into town to help those in need. People would rarely refer to him as “Mister Lockhart,” only Cyrus. Everyone loved him, laughed with him, as though they were family. Their love was near obsession, practically worshiping the man.
Perhaps that was why his portrait covered the wall. It wasn’t an act of vanity, but rather a gift to a god from his disciples. The idea made him uncomfortable— not out of hate for Cyrus, but for the fear of having to live up to that image.
The library doors creaked open softly. Marius turned his head slowly, ready to hear his sister scold him for skipping dinner. Instead, he watched as his “mapa” emerged from the dim hallway, into the warm firelight. They smiled at Marius, and never in his life did he ever doubt its sincerity.
“Not hungry?” they asked.
“Not right now,” Marius said.
Val walked across the grand yet cluttered library. Their long, red skirt ruffled and flowed like a ruby sea, and the curls of their hair bounced limply as they moved. Even when they were clearly exhausted, they looked as though they had leapt out of a classical painting.
According to Doctor Carrol, Marius had latched onto Val as soon as they held his little hand. The theory was that Val still retained some of their human warmth, since they had only accepted the curse recently, so a human child like Marius would be more drawn to them.
That wasn’t the only reason to appreciate Val, though. They were calm and quiet, unlike most people in Hawthorn. It wasn’t that everyone around Marius was bad, of course. It just happened to be that Val’s presence was the most comforting in the manor.
Marius shifted in the armchair so Val could sit next to him. They adjusted their glasses to read the print on his book, and their smile got brighter.
“The Tale of Prince Marius,” they said. “How fitting.”
“Did you really name me after this book?”
Val chuckled. “Actually, I named you after a ballet I used to love. I’ll show you one day, if I can find it again.”
Marius nodded. “That sounds much better than this prince. He’s just a pompous fool looking for money around the world.”
“Ah, that’s a shame.” They brushed his hair. “I’m glad we’ve got a better Marius here.”
He smiled slightly. “Thank you.”
Val’s smile faltered. “Are you okay with the name? Because if you’re not, we can always change it—”
“I like Marius, don’t worry. No matter what, it’s better than whatever name I had before— Not that I’d ever want to know it.”
He realized the hem of his shirt was tightly wound in his fist, and he quickly let go. Val’s sigh made the warm air feel heavy.
“If it makes you feel better,” they said, “I don’t know my birth name, either.”
“You don’t?”
“I don’t think I was around my parents long enough to get a name. They gave me up pretty quickly.”
It wasn’t often that Marius felt the deep burn of anger in his soul, especially since he was just a boy— but whenever he heard about his mapa’s past life, it filled his mind with fury. Someone as kind as them should never have been treated so cruelly.
“My adopted parents named me after someone they used to know, and that’s where I got Val from… and some people wouldn’t even use that.”
A tear fell from under their glasses. Marius leaned over, pressing his head against their arm and taking their hand.
“Thank you, dear.” Val tried to smile again. “I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“I know, Mapa,” Marius said. “You’re here with us, and we’ll take care of you. You’re allowed to let go now. They were never worth the time.”
Val kissed the top of his head. “You’re such a smart kid, you know?”
“Smarter than Rosalind?”
They chuckled. “We’re not starting this again.”
Marius hopped up and put his book back on the shelf. Then, he grabbed his mapa’s hand and helped them out of the armchair.
“Do you think the kitchen is still open?” he asked.
“Oh yes, Freya always has something cooking, just in case. I used to hide out with her whenever the show crew—”
Their words trailed off, halted by a memory that tightened around their throat. Their eyes darted across the room, looking from shelf to shelf, as though they were watching someone walk around them. Marius patted their hand. It hurt terribly to see them in such a state so often.
“It’s okay, Mapa.”
Val squeezed his hand and released their breath. “Thank you.”
“We’ll help each other move on, okay? There are no more bad families, it’s just us.”
“You’re right… It’s just us.”
They left the library and walked down the hall hand-in-hand. Val’s mood lifted significantly as soon as they heard Cyrus and Rosalind talking in the parlor, a reminder that they weren’t alone anymore. When they were fully smiling again, Marius smiled, too. As strange and foreboding as the Lockhart Manor was, he was so glad to have a real home, with people who loved him.
In time, he was sure, his past would be nothing but a hazy dream. His first and only home would be with the Lockharts.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hellfire’s Mama fox; Eddie Munson x fem!oc Chap. 4
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LONG wait in the making but I have NOT forgotten this story. Life plus my Celestial story as well as playing catch up on some requests got in the way that I had to put something on hold but now I’m back with avengance for this part. And hopefully this weekend I can write up the next chapter and have that posted up soon (won’t make any promises but I’ll try not to keep you all in suspense about the next chapter).
Not really much warnings in this chapter just some trauma of post season 3, grief, Billy Hargrove. 
Chapter 4,
New neighbors
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It was Labor day weekend and thank god we managed to get at least a day off of school come Monday.  Also I’m hoping to maybe go around town to hopefully see if I can’t get some part-time work done.  Ever since my parents kicked me out and basically cut me off, I’ve had to live off of Eddie and Wayne’s money.
Now they both have assured me I wasn’t any burden on when they spend their money on me but I felt like now was the time to really step up and pay them back, especially after what happened this past year.
Along with the Saturday morning cereal and some apple juice, I was skimming through the want ads.
“Good morning my fair lady.” Eddie said as he came out from the bedroom and kissed the top of my head.
“Good morning sir knight.”
“Looking through the Want-ads?”
“Figure it was time I started pulling my own weight around here.” I told him.
“Sweetheart, what have I told you? You don’t have to worry about any financial shit with us.”
“I know, but I still wanna at least try to earn my own way of living. I mean after all once we get out of here, I’ll have to get a job somewhere. Might as well get the life experience now that I’m no longer ride on daddy’s money or a scholarship anymore.” Eddie looked down shamefully.
His bright eyes shining with nothing but self-hate and guilt. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.
“Hey,” I told him. “Eddie look at me.” His eyes soon looked down at me.  “I don’t regret losing any of that though. All they saw in me was a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but you—you saw me for me babe. And I will always choose you if I’m given the chance to go back and do it all over again.”
“I’m just sorry you don’t get to live in a castle like you did before.”
“Castles are overrated. Nowhere near as close to the comfort our little hobbit hole provides us.” He softly smiled and said as he leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine.
“Only you could make a trailer home into Bag-end.” He softly kissed me as Wayne’s voice soon spoke up.
“Hope you lovebirds are keeping it at least PG.” we separated from each other and I bashfully ducked my head into Eddie’s chest.
“Really old man? You gotta go and ruin it for us?”
“For you, absolutely. So long as you both live in this trailer home, you live by my rules. So when I say keep it PG, it better be PG.”
“Whatever old man.” Eddie muttered while I playfully flicked him under his chin.
“Behave yourself.” Soon we heard what sounded like a truck coming up the gravel driveway.  I ran to the living room and pulled down the blinds to see a small UHAUL truck coming up the driveway as well as a van pulling up behind it as the two vehicles parked in the trailer right across the street from us.  “The Graham’s finally moving?” I asked.
“They did, back in the spring. After Bobby passed away, Willy’s son decided it be best he come live with them for a while. Trailer’s been empty for the past few months.” Wayne explained to me.  I felt Eddie come up beside me as he looked out to and we saw a woman and a young girl get out of their van.
“Wait, I remember seeing that kid. Yeah that was Hargrove’s step-sister.” Eddie said.
Billy Hargrove.  That’s a name one never forgets.  When he and his family moved in from California just over a year ago, every girl in Hawkins wanted a piece of him, and he clearly wanted a piece of every single one of them (rumor has it he even flirted with someone’s mom).
But Billy was a dick.  He could never take the hint that just because I was a girl, didn’t mean I wanted another guy ‘to fill my needs’ (his exact words to me when I told him I was already taken by Eddie).
“So why are they here? And where’s the step-dad?” I asked.
“Must’ve skipped out. After Hargrove died in that mall fire, he must’ve taken it hard and left them two with hardly nothing.” Now I wasn’t no stranger to what had happened on the 4th of July.
Even up at Indianapolis, news had spread about the tragic Starcourt Mall fire that not only killed a bunch of teens, but also our beloved Sheriff Jim Hopper.  He may have been gruff and scary like a bear, but he was a good man.  
He was also good to me when I was going through—well that time in my life that I don’t like to talk about.  I was devastated to hear that he was one of the victims that died, but he died a hero.
My eyes stayed focused on the young teen girl who had a look that I knew all too well.  That dazed, distant look that had a harsh exterior as she looked around at her new home before shutting herself into her Walkman while her mom told the workers where to take the boxes at.
“Maybe we should head over there and see if they’d like any help getting set up?” I suggested.
“No.” Eddie immediately said.
“And why not?” I asked as I turned to him dropping my blind shade.  Eddie did the same as he turned to me.
“No one who comes to Forest Park trailers is looking to be neighborly. Plus they came from Cherry street and you know that everyone who lives on Cherry street already has an opinion of me.”
“I lived on Cherry street. Am I just as shallow as they are?”
“No! No babe you-I mean they just….” Eddie started to stammer as I crossed my arms over my chest and raise my brow at him.  He turned to Wayne who merely told him.
“You’re digging your own grave son, get yourself out of it.” Before going to the kitchen and making himself some breakfast.
“Eddie, all I’m asking is for you to not be so quick to judge anymore. These ladies lost everything, and I know what that’s like.” Eddie looked at me with those sad eyes again.  “Well I’m going to get changed and then go over there and see if they want any help. You do whatever you want Eddie.” I said going into our room and putting on a Queen t-shirt I got from one of their concerts ten years ago, some jeans and put some pins in my hair to push some hair out of the way.
I left the trailer without saying another word to the Munson men. As the U-Haul guys drove off after the last box had been brought out, I got the mother’s attention.
“Hello. I hope I’m not intruding but I couldn’t help but notice all these boxes and I was wondering if you two needed some help.” The mother looked at me and said.
“Thank you it’s—been a stressful transition and my jobs kept pushing us back until we had no choice but to just pack up what we could and get the cheapest U-Haul that would take us.” This poor woman looked utterly exhausted and drained.
“I can empathize with that. Took me a bit to adjust from home to mobile trailer home life.” I said thinking back to the day I first came here to Eddie and Wayne’s after getting the boot.
“I hope this isn’t because of this cluttered mess bothering you or that we’re taking time out of your day.” She told me but I interrupted her telling her as I grabbed a box that was labeled KITCHEN PLATES.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no absolutely not. Besides I’m just right across there.” I said pointing to the Munson trailer.  “Besides slow morning anyways, got the homework done early so not really much going on right now. Plus just wanted to be a friendly neighbor.”
“Thank you……”
“Roxxi Murdock.” I introduced myself.
“Susan Mayfield, and that’s my daughter Max. Max, sweetie say hi to Roxxi.” Max looked up at me with those dead, broken eyes before she said to me.
“Didn’t you have to repeat your senior year like three times or something?” wow girl’s got spunk. I laughed nervously.
“Maxine!” her mother scolded.
“Uhhh yes this is my third repeat of my senior year. But it’s not because of what most people think it is.” Max just took her box of stuff and went inside the trailer.
“I apologize for her, it’s just—ever since the mall fire she’s been acting……distant. I try to be there for her but with our financial situation all in the drain I can’t really be there for her as much as I used to and……”
“I get it. Being a teenager is tough already without sudden drastic changes suddenly being thrusted into your life. I’ve…..been where she’s been.” I told her as we began carrying the boxes into the trailer.
We continued to bring in box after box of stuff until everything was brought in.  I even stayed and helped them unpack their stuff and help them adjust the spacing of their trailer.  And since their trailer was bigger than the Munson’s the spacing was fairly easy to do.
Whatever they couldn’t store away in cabinets or closets, I told them about the crawlspace just beneath the trailer that the Graham’s used to have for their stuff.
By the time it was 1:30pm we had managed to get everything unpacked and set up or stored in the crawlspace below.  I had just came back with some lemonade that I managed to whip up from the groceries they managed to get before coming here.
“I—can’t thank you enough for all the help Roxxi.” Ms. Mayfield said.
“It was no trouble, and if you ever need anything, anything at all. All you have to do is ask. I’m only across the street.”
“Actually if you don’t mind, I—I have to pick up some extra shifts this whole week just to make up for this month’s rent. Could you watch over my daughter for me? I’m worried she won’t adjust to this new lifestyle and all that’s going on with whatever she won’t tell me. She was actually in the mall fire with her friends when my step-son was killed.”
Oh my god.  I know Hargrove was an asshole and he certainly made it clear he didn’t like Max (told me a time or two he’d try to get rid of his shitty step-sister so that we could have our fun), and I don’t know if Max even tried to be kind or make friends with him, but no one should see something like that family or not.
“Don’t worry Ms. Mayfield, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“You-you are an angel Roxxi. And I swear I don’t have much money now but I’ll pay you later once I get the rent and other things cleared off.”
“You don’t have to worry about that for now. I know this is a big adjustment not only the move but your life. From what I heard, losing a family member plus a divorce it—it’s a shit show. Pardon my French.”
“No it is. It was a real shitshow.” She told me as she fell to the back of her couch.  I came around and sat on the chair in front of her and said.
“Could you maybe tell me a little more about Max? Just so that I can understand her a bit more.” She then began to explain to me all the things she believed Max liked.  Reading comic books, but listening to her Walkman seemed to be the big thing especially ever since the mall fire back in July.  She told me her favorite meals and when she’d like for Max to be in bed on a school night.
After getting all the information about Max, I waved goodbye to Ms. Mayfield and told her I’d take care of Max come Tuesday.  I walked back through the Munson trailer and went back to Eddie’s room to see him on his bed re-reading Return of the King.  Once he saw me, he got off his bed, came over to me and immediately embraced me.
“I’m sorry about this morning sweetheart. I know you were just trying to be neighborly, but—you know how hard it is for me to try and re-write myself when this town has already made its opinion of me.”
“Just because it’s those people’s opinions doesn’t mean it has to be everyone’s.” I said as I hugged him back.  “But I should also apologize for how I said what I said to you this morning. I wasn’t trying to guilt you into anything, I just figure maybe there could be one family besides us who could see you the way Wayne and I see you. The way the guys at Hellfire see you.”
“I know. You really do have such a golden heart. That’s why you are Lúthien the Golden-heart Elf-witch.”
“And you are as loyal and loving as Beren the benevolent. The Ranger-bard man.” He smiled down at me and we softly kissed each other.
Labor day came and went and soon it was back to the real world of Hawkin’s high (what joy).  And as I began to walk around, I would start to notice Max a lot more often than I did before.  Even at school she seemed closed off and would try to make herself as invisible as possible, a girl lost in her music.
At lunch as our freshmen cubs sat down, I noticed how Lucas and Dustin took notice of Max walking by our table and they offered her a seat with them but she just looked at them before walking off.
“How do you guys know Red?” asked Eddie.
“Red?” questioned Dustin.
“That’s been his nickname for Max Dustin.” I replied.
“How do you guys know Max?” asked Lucas.
“Her and her mom are our next door neighbors.”
“She lives at the trailer park?” asked Lucas.
“And what’s wrong with living in the trailer park Sinclair?” challenged Eddie as he raised his brow at the young freshman.
“No-nothing! I swear Eddie nothing’s wrong with living there. I-I was only just saying—”
“What Lucas was trying to say is that. We’ve been trying to reach Max since the 4th of July and she never even told us she was moving houses.” Dustin said.
“Guys, people go through trauma in many different ways. Maybe with all the things going on in her life, Max just forgot or didn’t want to say anything. After all, being in high school and finding out you live in a trailer home doesn’t bode well to most, especially the jocks and the preps.” I told them.
“But we don’t care whether she lives in a big house or a trailer home. She’s still are friend, we still want her apart of our lives. We only want to help her out.” I placed a comforting hand onto Henderson’s shoulder.
“I’m sure you do. Maybe I can mention it to her, her mom asked me to look after her for this week while she’s working late. Perhaps I can get through to her, woman to woman.”
“Good luck, these guys have tried everything the whole summer since the mall burnt down.” Mike said taking a sip of his milk.
“Trust me boys, I’ve got a different approach when it comes to dealing with trauma.”
“What kind of trauma did you have to deal with?” Wheeler asked almost challengingly.  That’s when he got a pretzel flung at him curtesy of Eddie.
“Don’t ever question your Dungeon Mistress and the Queen of Hellfire Wheeler. If she says she’s got this, she’s got it. Nothing you need to get nosey about!” I stroked Eddie’s arm trying to get him to relax. I felt just how tense he was so I kissed just below his ear and whispered to him.
“Relax babe, don’t go into papa wolf mode yet. Mama fox has got it handled meleth nin.”
“Consider that your warning Mike.” Jeff warned him.
“Yeah last time someone spoke against her, Eddie pounded them to a pulp.” Gareth said.
“Not exactly a pulp. But he couldn’t see out of his left eye for a full week.” Eddie nonchalantly said as he went back to eating his Chex-mix.
“Don’t listen to them Mike, they’re just trying to make you piss yourself.” I told him as Wheeler’s face was like a deer in headlights. The lunch bell soon rang which meant it was time to throw our shit away and get back to class.
After school let out, I packed my homework up and I said to Eddie.
“There’s some fish fingers in the microwave in case you get hungry. Make sure you do your homework and don’t stay up too late. I should be back by 11 tonight.”
“But why can’t I come with you? Or better yet why not bring the kid here?”
“You really don’t want me to answer that question.” I told him with a raised brow.
“I’ll behave, I swear. You know I’ve toned down the PDA around our new sheepies.”
“A bit but not nearly enough. Henderson still gags everytime he sees you bury your face into my neck like a vampire.”
“Hey not my fault you’ve got…such a succulent neck.” He started saying before his tone turned into his Dracula impersonation all the while as he came closer to me and buried his face into my neck.  I giggled as I tried to push him away as he continued to say in his Dracula voice, “My sweet, beautiful blood.”
“Knock it off you big goober!” I laughed.  He chuckled darkly as he kept kissing and nibbling my neck before I managed to twist myself out from his grasp.
“Damn your acrobatic flexibility.”
“I’ll see you tonight Teddy bear. Be good.”
“No promises.” He said as I went out the door and walked across the street before knocking at the Mayfield’s door.  I knew Max was already home because I had seen her walk up the road from where the bus-stop was about ten minutes ago.  I waited for a few minutes before she finally opened the door.
“I still can’t believe my mom asked for a babysitter. I’m not a baby anymore.”
“You don’t have to call me your babysitter. Just consider me a watchful guardian.” I told her.
“I’m still way too old for someone to watch over me.”
“Look Max, I know this whole adjustment is—a lot. Your mom just wanted to make sure you would be okay. You have to understand where she’s coming from.”
“Oh yeah like when she overworks herself to the point of passing out drunk after her shifts.” My eyes slightly widened. “Yeah bet she didn’t tell you that, did she?”
“I’m not one to judge. Even for as unhealthy as it is, be thankful she’s still trying to be a part of your life. Most of the kids here that have drunk parents are either abused or neglected.” That got her to freeze before she squirmed in her spot.
“You’re not gonna leave until I let you in, are you?”
“We don’t even have to talk after this if you don’t want to. But I promised your mom I’d keep an eye on you, and when I make a promise. I never break it.” She looked around at anywhere she could but me until she finally got the courage to look me in the eye.  Without another word, she opened the door and allowed me inside her trailer home.
I set my bag down and pulled out my own D&D folder and took out my pencil.
“Mind if I use your dining room table to take some notes?” she gestured toward it, allowing me access to use it.  I put away all the magazines down in the little basket where I saw the phonebook.
“So you play that—nerdy game too?”
“Is this you wanting to talk to me?” I teased.
“Just answer the dumb question.” She snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Yes. Along with my boyfriend Eddie. We’re the DM’s of Hellfire club. Don’t let the name dissuade you, all we are is a bunch of nerds you love to roleplay a fantasy game. We don’t do ritual sacrifices or do demon summoning’s.”
“I know that. So then……you know Dustin, Mike and Lucas then.”
“Yes I do as a matter of fact. Lovely boys they are, Henderson’s got a bit of an ego, Wheeler could work on his attitude and Sinclair—he’s torn. High school tends to do that to most freshmen but I think he’ll find his way soon.” At the mention of Lucas, I noticed how Max’s jaw tensed.
So—this was the mystery girl Lucas he was in love with. And it seems she still loves him but is holding back due to her trauma.
“They really do care about you Max.” I told her softly hoping to tread the water lightly instead of forcing it to stir.
“They should just mind their own damn business!” she snapped.
“I understand—”
“No you don’t understand! Nobody understands what I’m going through and I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to make me feel better about it!” she then stormed towards her room and slammed the door.  I sighed heavily.
“Give her time, she doesn’t need confrontation right now. I know I didn’t need that.” I muttered to myself as I went back to planning the last few details of my future campaign that I want to start hopefully in the next couple of weeks.
The rest of the week went by pretty much the same way. As soon as I was allowed in by Max, she’d lock herself in her room allowing me to do some homework or plan out my campaign.  My heart really went out to Max, I don’t know what she saw in that fire, but she must have some serious survivor’s guilt (I believe is what they called it at the rehab center I went to).
It was Friday night and I knew Eddie was with the boys hosting Hellfire tonight so I knew I’d probably have the trailer to myself after I got done here.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit no, no, no, no, no, no!” I heard Max say as she came storming out of her room and into the kitchen with her Walkman.
“What is it? You okay?”
“Goddamn it shit! Don’t you die out on me don’t you fuckin die on me!” she tried to get a tape out of her Walkman but as soon as she did, the magnetic tape just shot out an endless tangle of black ribbons. “Fucking shit!”
“Here Max let me see it.” I told her as I came up to her.
“What’s the use, it’s broken! There’s no way it can be fixed now.” She said brokenly as she slumped down onto one of the chairs.
“Think you can find me some tweezers and a pencil?” I asked her.
“I told you, it’s beyond fixing. Both my Walkman and my tape are trashy pieces of shit.”
“I wouldn’t say that just yet. Just go get me the things I asked for and I’ll see what I can do. Also go get me another one of your tapes and we’ll do a quick test.” She sighed annoyed but got up and got the things I had asked for.
It was a careful procedure like stitching up Eddie after a bar fight at The Hideout, but I successfully managed to get the entire tape out of the Walkman.  After testing another tape and found it successfully played that one, I told her.
“See, your Walkman’s fine. It’s the tape that was messed up, been listening to it a lot recently?”
“It was my Kate Bush tape.”
“What album was it?” I asked her.
“Hounds of Love, running up that hill single.” At hearing that, an idea clicked in my brain.
“Come with me.”
“Just trust me Max now come on.” I urged her as she followed behind me.  We walked across the street over to the Munson household and I used my key to get us inside and allowed her to walk in first.  “I’m not gonna kill you if that’s what you’re thinking. I just don’t feel comfortable leaving you out here all on your own. It could take me awhile to find what I’m looking for.”
She slowly walked inside the trailer and I followed in after her. She looked around and I could see the perplexed look on her face.
“This is seriously where you and Eddie live?”
“With his uncle. He works late night shifts at the plant, bringing in the big bucks. Make yourself comfortable on the couch, I gotta check out in our room to see if it’s still there.” I jogged over to our room and began piddling around through all the boxes and totes Eddie had scattered in his room.
I put away another one of his drug totes and muttered to myself as I kept looking around the room.
“I swear that boy just fucks up everytime I try and organize our shit. Now I know my mixtape box has to be somewhere.” I peeked under the bed and pulled out a couple more totes before letting out a growl of annoyance. “I’m gonna kill him, I swear I’m gonna kill him. I know I brought that box in last week to reorganize my mixtapes for the truck!”
I looked into the dresser right by his bed before finally exclaiming.
“Oh ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! There you are!” I pulled out the box and dug through the middle row before I came across it.  “Gotcha.” I grabbed the tape before putting the box on the bed and jogged back over to Max.  “Found it!” I stood in front of her and handed her my own copy of Kate Bush’s ‘Hounds of Love’ tape.  “Here you go.”
“You like Kate Bush?”
“My boyfriend may be a hardcore metalhead but he can’t suade this classic rock girl from her true love of music. This song definitely got me through some hard times, especially after this past year. But I think it’s time I bequeathed it to you Max.”
“You—you’re willingly giving me this? Why?” she asked confused.
“Like I said, I know what you’re going through. Not in the same circumstances but I know what it’s like to have no control in who you lose. And like Kate Bush says ‘I’d make a deal with God and get him to swap our places’. Which in this case means, I’m giving my Kate Bush tape to you because you deserve her more than me.” I held the tape out to her.
She looked between me and the tape before she slowly reached out, looked at me again almost as if she were expecting me to fool her.  But when I gave her a soft nod, she took the tape from my hand and held it in hers.
“Thank you Roxxi.” At that moment the door opened and in came Eddie.
“Oh well this is a surprise. I thought you’d be over at her place?”
“Her Kate Bush tape tried to overstuff her Walkman. So I was just giving her mine.” I told him.
“I see. Well be thankful it wasn’t the other way around there Red. Luckily Roxxi here knows how to spot the difference.”
“Yeah, I got lucky. Well I better be getting home. And you don’t have to stay any longer Roxxi, you’ve practically stayed over this whole week.”
“You sure Max?” I asked her.
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. I can just order pizza or something, mom left some money for me to use.”
“Okay, but mind if I walk you back just so I can also pick up my stuff?”
“Sure whatever.”
“Back in a flash babe.” I told Eddie as I pecked his lips before walking Max out of the trailer and back to hers.  I grabbed my stuff and bid her goodbye and told her that if she needed anything, just knock next door.  To which she merely waved me off but told me she got it.  I closed her door and I heard her lock it as I walked down the steps before jogging back over to our trailer.
Eddie kept watch at the door as he held it open for me, he bowed as I came up the steps and allowed me inside first.  I thanked him in a posh tone before entering back inside and he followed shortly behind.
“So how was the campaign tonight?”
“Oh you should’ve seen them sweetheart, I had them—” that’s when he took notice of my private folder and journals.  “Hang on, are you—you’re planning a Halloween campaign this year?” he knew this particular folder and journal meant only one of two things.
The Halloween or Yule Time campaign.  During the holidays; I tend to make a campaign that lasts pretty much the entire month up until said holiday of either Halloween or Christmas. And just before or on the day of the holiday, I have the campaign end in a glorious finale.
I’ve built quite a reputation with the stories I come up with around the holiday season, especially Halloween.
“Yeah. Over the summer when I was…..well away, with my head clear I was able to draw some inspiration for a Halloween campaign. This whole week while looking after Max, I’ve been trying to put the last finishing touches to the story.”
“That is fucking awesome sweetheart!” Eddie said as he picked me up and spun me around, making me drop my stuff.
“Eddie! My stuff!”
“Shit sorry! Sorry not looking! I didn’t see anything!” he said as he put me down and turned away as I quickly gathered up the papers and journals.  
“Okay you can look.” He uncovered his face.
“So……” he drawled out, “any chance I—”
“Not on your life Munson.”
“C’mon the first Halloween campaign in 2 years I deserve to know at least something!” he whined.  “Do you need help editing the story? Or how about the big bad’s physical appearance?”
“I’ve got it all under control Teddy bear, I don’t need any help.”
“Aww.” He whined.
“But there is one thing I do need to ask.” I said as I set my things down.
“What’s that?” he asked perking up.
“Do you still have your character folder for Beren?” Eddie pondered.
“I think so, somewhere.”
“See if you didn’t always mess with my organization, you’d find things a lot quicker!”
“Oh god don’t start that again.” He said walking away.
“Oh you bet your ass I’m gonna get started with you Mister man! First of all I had to—” Eddie then picked me up and hurled me over his shoulders as he walked back to his room.  “Eddie put me down! Don’t think you’re gonna get out of this that easily you AHH! OI!!” I squealed at the end as he gave my butt a hard smack.
He then tossed me down onto the bed before he crawled on top of me pinning me down as he hovered over me.
“Maybe there’s a way we can both compromise this situation.” I raised my brow skeptically.
“What do you mean?”
“I promise to help you reorganize this room, if you allow Beren to worship his Lúthien. You have kept me waiting all week after all.”
“I have been neglecting you, haven’t I?” I said as I reached up and stroked through his curls, gently pulling on them as he let out a groan.
“Shit you’re killing me woman.”
“Alright, first thing in the morning you help me reorganize everything in this room to how I had it before.”
“Deal, but first…..” he leaned down and captured my lips with his.  His tongue immediately asking for entrance and I gave it to him.  As we pulled each other closer, our tongues met in a dance for dominance (of course Eddie won that), and the rest of the night was nothing but pure, unadulterated, passionate love making between Beren the Bard and his Elven wife Lúthien.
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