#also his mum would get sad if he didn't try to have normal job
kukurykunapatyku · 4 months
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[I.D.: Drawing of Usopp and Vinsmoke Niji from One Piece. They're both seen from the side, circling around each other, Usopp is aiming his slingshot and Niji is brandishing an electrified sword. Usopp wears sniper king mask, red cape, green pants, brown shoes and blue-white arm warmers. Niji wears black cape with blue '2' on it, blue costiume and yellow-blue boots, he's smirking. /End I.D.]
Vinsmoke shipping week day 4: Red string / Hero x Villain
The neferious Germa group is terrorizing the streets, but fear not, because the great Sniper King is here to save you!
Strawhats are semi-superhero team. Luffy doesn't care about crime, it just happens that bad guys usually target his friends for some reason. Nami somehow convinced him to at least cover his face when they beat up guys on live television.
Niji gets a crush on two people at once and tries to deal with it in completly normal matter - by proving they're actually the same person (he's right).
⬇️Fanfic under readmore⬇️ also on Ao3
Niji carefully pinned the photo next to the others. He frowned, adjusted two more to fit the rest better and stepped back to admire his work. Photos, bus schedules, discarded papers, shard broken off the Sniper King mask, piece of fabric - all gathered together. There was just one thing to do and his board would be complete. He grinned, pulled out a ball of red yarn and began connecting the pins until they formed one massive web of evidence. And like a spider ready for dinner, he finally found that one fly that was pulling at its strings, and come to the single possible conclusion.
"And why, pray tell, do you think one of your regular customers is part of the superhero team? The one that always thwarts father's plans no less?"
"Don't you see?" Niji slammed the board. "It's all here!"
"All I see is an, admittingly ambitious, art project made of coincidences and stalking tendencies."
"Listen, it's too much to just be a coincidence, at this point it's proof."
Ichiji sighed and closed the book he was reading.
"Fine, lets indulge you. What proof?"
"First of, they drink the same coffee - both take exactly two sugar cubes, one puff of cream and two pumps of caramel syrup."
"Why do you know how Sniper King takes his coffee?"
Niji looked at him like he was stupid
"Because I asked him? He's my nemesis, I need to know those things."
"Your nemesis?" Ichiji stuttered. "Since when??"
"About two months ago; we were picking them, don't you remember? You took the witch."
Ichiji tapped his fingers on the table. That didn't sound right, he was sure if something like this happened he would have remembered. If they did it there must have been a purpose, but what? Battle strategies? Did father know? Was Ichiji supposed to tell him? And he picked the Weather Witch? What on earth could Niji be talking about-
Suddenly very tired, Ichiji put his hand on his face and slowly pulled it down.
"Niji. We played 'Fuck, Marry, Kill' about the Strawhats. How did this turn into nemesis thing?"
"Ain't that the same thing? Anyway, we're getting off track." He pointed at the blurry photo of a dark alleyway. "See?"
"See what?"
"Argh, do I have to do everything here? Look, here, it's Sniper's cape!"
Ichiji leaned forward and squinted. True, in the left corner, near the bins, there was something that could be a fragment of red fabric. Or an unlucky rat.
"I followed Usopp one evening and I lost him somewhere here," his finger followed one of the red lines until it reached a cutout of city's map, with big circle drawn in the middle of it. "But I'm sure he didn't walk much further, because he was carrying four of those babies." He tapped on the stock picture of an ice-cream package. "There were other shops on his way and he only stopped to buy them here." Next map had a red cross slapped on it. "Which means he was probably coming closer to home. Other stores in the neighborhood are over there, there, there and there. Since he didn't visit those, he must live somewhere before the road could reach any of them, or he would have just buy ice-cream there."
Niji looked at his brother expectantly. "See now?"
Ichiji blinked a few times. That was impressive recon work, and he could probably agree with him... If he knew what point he was even trying to make.
"So... you think the coffee guy lives somewhere between these streets." He pointed at the marked portion of the map. "But what does it have to do with your theory?"
"Everything! I just showed you, I found a piece of Sniper's cape next to the houses there, it's evidence!"
Ichiji massaged his temples and counted to ten. Did he have to do this? He could just leave. Maybe call Yonji so Niji could bother someone else.
But then, a voice in his head said, you have no excuse if father suddenly decides he wants an audience to hear about another freaking death ray.
If he had to listen to his family's ramblings...
"It's just red fabric, it doesn't necessary mean anything. Plus, your guy could be going to his friends house, or a party. Four boxes of ice-cream is a lot for one person."
Niji waved him away.
"Oh no, I know Usopp will eat it. He once told me he can do even five if he puts his mind to it. Calls it his 'depression repression' meal. And!" He pulled a clipped cloth Ichiji failed to notice before. "Sniper doesn't use any shabby materials! His cape is waterproof, fireproof, really hard to rip and can even withstand acid for a while. And guess what? This piece I took from the alley is exactly that!"
Ichiji sincerely hated that he actually started to consider this. "Still, you can't be sure. A lot of people live there. Plus, if I was trying to hide my identity, I wouldn't throw damming evidence with my garbage. It's more likely, if it even is the same material, that it was thrown there by somebody passing by."
Niji sneered, annoyed that the argument actually made sense.
"We all are hiding our identity; why 'if'?"
"Father's hightech company is one letter away from just spelling his evil codename, we lost a member around the same time Sanji, very publicly, left the family and we barely cover our faces when we go out. Are we hiding our identities?"
"It's different, we're rich. We can do whatever we want and so one will accuse us."
"That just proves my point. I doubt Sniper can afford being find out, so he's probably more cautious handling his leftovers."
"Maybe he's rich too, you don't know that. I mean, he's not since I know it's Usopp, but. Well. Doesn't matter, because I have even more evidence!"
He gestured at another portion of the board, with two papers on it. One seemed to be a photo of Sniper taken in the middle of battle, even more unfocused than the others. The other was a printed selfie of darkskinned guy around 20 years old, with long curly hair and wide smile. But the first thing that caught attention was his- Oh no.
"As you can see," Niji gloated, "they have the same nose!"
Ichiji slammed his forehead on the table.
The twin bang could be heard across the city, in an unkempt apartment (that on paper was shared by five people, which really downplayed how many actually passed by it).
"For the last time Usopp, your favourite barista is not Dengeki Blue just because the hair match!
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#4 with lots of angst but a happy ending!😭
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Warning: Mentions of car accident, pregnancy complications, 4pre-term birth, hospitals.
Harry had been a bit hesitant to schedule any shows for when you made it to your 6 month of pregnancy. However, you assured him that you wouldn't even start your maternity leave until the 7 month mark because you wanted more time after the baby was born; you didn't want to feel rushed to say goodbye to her. You had a desk job, so you weren't doing anything strenuous and your job also wasn't all that stressful. So during a break in his tour he came home and after a few checks ups where Harry asked a bajillion questions, your doctor assured him that everything was perfectly normal and looking really great.
It's not that Harry didn't want to tour, he actually really did because after your baby came he intended to take at least a year or two to just be there with you both. But he also didn't want to be away from you just in case you needed him during this time. But you reminded him that your mom would be coming in from LA to help out soon and well, his mom was constantly around, doting on you, and other friends of yours and Harry's in town, so you had many people around who would surely lend a hand if you ever needed it. So with that information, plus your doctor's confirmation he gave Jeffrey the green light to add one more month of shows to his tour. After all, it would be the last one for a bit.
He was having a blast, he was making the most of these last few shows because he knew he'd miss it a lot down the line. And right now he was in the huddle with the band, pep talking them all right before they got on stage. They were just about to do their chant when he heard someone call his name loudly.
"Harry!" he turned around to see Brad running over with his phone to his ear looking absolutely panicked and scared and worried all mixed into one. He'd never seen him looking that scared and it made him start to worry. As soon as he was closer to the huddle he lowered his voice, "H, Y/N's been in a serious car accident. It's not good." He said and his stomach immediately sank. Everyone's cheerful and excited expressions shifted into those of concern and sadness, "Your mum just called Jeff, she just got to the hospital, they won't give her any details." he said as he said whatever Jeffrey was telling him on the line.
Harry was frozen though, he wasn't sure what to do. He just knew he needed to get there as soon as possible. People always overthink and ponder about bizarre or worst case scenarios to maybe know how to handle them when they arise, but this is not something that Harry would have ever even considered. He was in shock, he had no control, he had no idea what was going on. He couldn't even cry. His ears were just ringing as he heard the crowd cheering and roaring maniacally as the screens darkened, indicating he was about to go on.
"The show." he finally said flatly as he swallowed the lump in his throat, "I can't do the show."
"Yeah, Tommy's already taking care of that." Brad assured him, "Let's just get your things, we're trying to get you there as soon as possible. Jeff is on the other line with Kris. I guess Kim is in town for work, she flew on her jet." he said and Harry nodded, "C'mon". Brad said and guided Harry back to his dressing room. The band rushed after them and followed Harry to his dressing room. He needed to get changed out of his crazy costume... he was trying to get his shoes off, but his shaking hands were making the simple task almost impossible.
"H, I've got it." Mitch said to him softly as he stooped down and Harry nodded. Once his shoes were off he hurried to get changed into his casual clothes. The rest of the band started gathering his things, getting them into his duffle bag so that he could head out as soon he was done changing. They all frowned when they heard him start to vomit in the bathroom but it was understandable, there are just somethings in life that cause a visceral reaction.
Harry just couldn't believe that this was rally happening. He felt like he was outside of his body in a way, just disconnected. But all that came crashing when he realized that no one had any idea of your condition. No one knew if your baby girl was alright...or maybe they wouldn't tell his mom anything because neither of you had made it...the thought of that just made him feel sick to his stomach. He dropped to his knees and just started to hurl up everything in his stomach. He was coughing through his tears and he exhaled shakily as he wiped off his mouth. He then flushed the toilet and rinsed out his mouth before he finished changing.
"Here, H." Sarah said handing over his toothbrush when he opened the door.
"Thank you." he mumbled as he took it and quickly brushed his teeth.
"Yes! We got the jet!" Brad said to everyone as soon as Kim confirmed to Jeffrey that her flight crew was heading to the airfield as they spoke. Everyone sighed in relief at this news, "She told Jeff that they can get you there in 2 hours." he told Harry and he nodded. He wished he could teleport, but 2 hours was better than nearly three hours of flight, not counting the entire process he'd have to go through at the airport. He'd make it there after midnight if that were the case, so the fact that she was in town and was just letting him take her jet was a heaven ordained miracle, and he hoped it wouldn't be the last of the night. Not even ten minutes later they were off to the airfield.
True to her word, Kim's crew was ready to go as soon as his car pulled up. He and Brad hurried out and they had taken off not even five minutes later.
Back at the hospital Anne was in a complete panic because no one was telling her anything. No one was giving her any information or just brushing her off. She knew that you were on your way to get your mother from the airport, so she sent Michal and Gemma to go get her and bring her over.
She was more than relieved when Jeffrey called her to let her know that Harry had been able to borrow a jet and was in the air now. But as she hung up with Jeffrey she started getting a lot of text messages from friends and family asking if Y/N was alright. One person sent her a video that someone had taken of the paramedics wheeling her into the ambulance. She immediately called Jeffrey back and he got to work on making sure that those videos got taken down. But obviously, the internet spreads information like a wildfire and half an hour later there were even news reports on the television. People started to recognize her and come ask her questions and so eventually the hospital staff just let her stay in a private room while she waited for your mum, Gem, and Michal to arrive.
Obviously, Harry saw the videos. He didn't think he'd be riddled with messages about this; people were asking him questions that he didn't even have the answers to. The not knowing was the worst part. There was already news that he had cancelled his show and speculation that the rest of the tour was cancelled, which he hadn't even spoken to anyone about but that was true. Even if it was a good outcome, he didn't want to be apart from you after this.
He was afraid though because in the videos he saw your pants had blood on them and you didn't appear to be fully conscious as you were wheeled away. The accident had been bad; your car had been t-boned on the driver's side, so you surely had taken the impact, which he knew couldn't be good. He didn't want to think anymore, he just wanted to get there and do whatever he could to help.
Once your mother got there the hospital staff were far more collaborative as they shared information on your condition. And thankfully Harry had arrived shortly after everyone else. He asked to speak to the doctors straight away before anything else, he needed to know what was going on before he faced anyone else.
"Good evening, Mr. Styles-"
"Just tell me what happened please." he cut the woman off and she nodded.
"For now your wife is stable, we're just closing her up from the c-section. In terms of your daughter, she's in the NICU. Unfortunately we're not too sure if she'll make it on her own yet." she explained to him and Harry just felt his heart tighten up in his chest as his throat bobbed. "The impact caused very serious abdominal trauma to your wife. First responders determined that the placenta was moderately detached from the uterus because of the bleeding she had." she explained, "When we opened her up though it was completely detached." she said and he shook his head.
"OK, but what does that mean for my baby?" he asked, slightly aggravated. He didn't understand why these people just never said what they meant. He understood it could be hard to give people bad news, but beating around the bush was far more harmful in his opinion.
"When the placenta detaches it means the baby has no oxygen or nutrients. And in severe cases like this it's standard to perform an emergency c-section as quickly as possible to ensure that damage to the baby is minimal." she explained to him and his tears started to fall, "Unfortunately, we don't know long it was fully detached for...if it happened upon impact or on the way to the hospital. But this can lead to several complications for the baby, but given that your wife is just shy of 31 weeks the baby still has some growing to do and my biggest concern is brain injury, which can cause a lot of developmental delays. We just won't know until later down the line." she explained and he nodded, "We've got her on some oxygen for now since her lungs are not fully developed yet. But in normal, pre-term birth circumstances babies born between 31 to 34 week have a 95% survival rate, which is very good." she said and he sighed.
"But this is not a normal, pre-term circumstance." he said to her.
"No, but we're doing everything we can. Your baby seems to have developed really well from what I was able to see. These next couple of hours are critical though and if she makes it through the night I’ll be very optimistic about her recovery.”
"Can I see them?" he asked.
"I can certainly arrange for that. You might be able to see the baby first, but she's in the incubator and it'll be a bit frightening to see her hooked up to several things, but that's just what we need to do to keep her stable." she informed and he nodded, "Your wife had to have a blood transfusion, so she's out. And I believe they are also treating to her fractures. She may also be out for a few more hours since she also suffered a concussion."
"Jesus..." he sighed shakily.
"Your wife will pull through though. She's in great health, Mr. Styles." she assured him and he nodded.
"Alright, thank you Dr. Mehta." he said and she nodded, "I'll escort you to the room your relatives have been given and someone will come get you shortly to see your baby." she said.
It was about 15 minutes before a nurse came in to take Harry over to the NICU. He had to get into a full body paper suit, hairnet, mask, and gloves before he could get in. Once that was squared away he was led to the little incubating carriage that had your little girl in it. When Harry saw her he was shocked at just how tiny she was, he swore she'd fit in in his hand, she couldn't be bigger than his forearm. He was happy to see her, but like the doctor had said it was also scary to see her so tiny and defenseless hooked up to all those things. It was hard to know that she was fighting for her life.
“Can I touch her?” He asked the nurse.
“Of course. You just put your arm through the hole there.” She explained and he nodded, “Just mind the tubes and monitoring pads.” She said and he nodded, “I’ll give you a few minutes, I’ll be right out there if you need anything.”
“Thank you.” Harry hummed and then he was left alone. As soon as she was gone he started to cry. You two hadn’t even agreed on her name yet; but he was glad you hadn't because it might be more painful to name her and lose her. It pained him so much to think that she might not make it through the night and that maybe you'd never even get to see her. He hesitated before his gloved hand made contact with her through the hand opening, but he shook off his concern and just touched the top of her tiny hand. He saw the faintest little twitch in her fingers and he chuckled happily at her response as his tears fell even harder, "Hi princess!" he smiled through his tears, "It's me, your dad." he sniffled, "Please, just...just hang on for me, princess. We already love you so much, we can't say goodbye." he cried quietly. He prayed silently to the heavens that his little girl would make it. She had to make it.
It was about two hours later that he was told he could go see you. You were still unconscious but at least he got to see that you were alive. Your right shoulder, arm, hip, and leg were in a cast. He was glad that at least your mom was with him so that they could hold each other while they cried. She wanted to stay a while longer so Harry gave her some privacy as he stepped outside of the room. Letting out a sigh of relief that you were alive. A little torn up, but still with him.
It was undoubtedly a sleepless night. He couldn't risk missing anything. It was around 8:30am the next morning when Dr. Mehta came by the waiting room. He hurriedly woke everyone else up as she stepped into the room.
"Good morning, Mr. Styles and family." Dr. Mehta smiled. If she was saying that it meant that it was good news, right?
"Any updates?" he asked and she nodded.
"Your baby is stable. She remained stable all night." she shared happily and every let out a sigh of relief. He felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders, "now this doesn't mean she's out of the NICU, her stay will be a bit longer, I'm afraid, but she is out of immediate danger." she informed him and he nodded, "Your wife should be waking up in the next couple of hours."
"Thank you, thank you so much." he sighed and she nodded.
"I did want to show you something though."
"Of course." he stood and followed after her.
"I was reviewing your wife's chart and I noticed something interesting." she said and he nodded. Harry followed her down the hall and she let him into an empty room with an x-ray projector. She set the file in her hand down and pulled out your x-rays and powered on the projector before she placed them on the screen. "Look at the fractures. They're here on the shoulder, elbow, hip and femur." she said and Harry nodded, "That's why your baby's alive." she said and he turned to her.
"I don't understand." he said.
"I think your wife had enough time to react before she was hit. It looks like she tried to turn her body away was much as possible, which explains the way her shoulder fractured and she probably used her arm and leg to try to shield her stomach so that they took the brunt of the impact."
"That's...so incredible. Thank you for showing this to me." he nodded with tearful eyes and she nodded.
"Of course. My shift is over, but I'll be back again tonight. Your nurses from last night are still on shift."
"Thank you." he said before he headed back to the waiting room and shared with his family what the doctor had told him. He was so proud of you and he couldn't wait to tell you.
When you woke up a few hours later he immediately went over to see you. It all tears for the first few minutes before you asked about your baby. He squeezed your hand gently and sniffled.
"She's alright. I get to see her again later." he explained and you nodded in relief, "She's just a tiny little thing, this big, I swear." he smiled through his tears as he demonstrated her length to you with his hands, "Your doctor said you saved her life. S'why you're all broken, baby." he said and you smiled at him as you cleared your throat to speak.
"I just wanted to protect her as much as I could." you sniffled and he nodded.
"You did, my love. She's here because of you." he sobbed and kissed your forehead and you felt a weight lifted off of your shoulders, "I told you adding more shows was a bad idea..." he said and you chuckled before you winced, "Oh, I'm sorry, not making you laugh's gonna be hard."
"It might be if you were actually funny, baby." you croaked out and he pouted playfully as you smiled at him. "What're we gonna name our baby? We haven't even discussed it properly."
"S'cause we knew it'll get us in a tiff. But considering you're handicapped and all, I supposed your opinion bears more weight." he said and you chuckled again and he grinned, "And you said I'm not that funny..." he hummed as he ran his thumb over your knuckles.
"I'm concussed." you reminded and he chuckled and shook his head.
"Well, I told her that she was so loved...and well, she's our little love. So I think I want to call her Love." he said and you smiled.
"Love Styles sounds like a cheap lingerie brand." you wheezed as you tried to adjusted yourself a bit and he burst our laughing before reaching up and fluffing your pillow up a bit.
"Yeah...that's...definitely not what I'm going for." he smiled and you smiled back.
"We don't have to decide yet." you said and he nodded.
"I'm just so happy that you're still here with me." he said softly and you sniffled and nodded.
"Me too."
It had been a few days and Harry just needed to get home and get showered and changed. It felt good to be home and when he walked past the nursery he smiled, he couldn't wait to have you and your baby home. When Harry got into your shared bedroom he haphazardly dumped his bag out on the bed in search of his toothbrush before heading in for a shower. He took his time under the hot and soothing water. After he stepped out and dried off a bit he just dropped onto your bed and before he knew he passed out. He had maybe slept six hours in the the last 2 days.
"Harry." he heard faintly, "Hang on, he's passed out." he heard as he gained consciousness and slowly blinked his eyes open to see Brad hovering over him and he immediately sat up.
"Is everything OK?"
"Yeah, mate. Y/N wanted to ask you something." he said and he grabbed Brad's phone.
"I've been calling you." you said and he sighed.
"Sorry baby, phone's dead. What is it?" he asked groggily.
"Let's name her Violet." You said and Harry smiled.
"I like that a lot." he said with a grin.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"Yeah, it's perfect." he agreed.
"OK. That's all. Get some rest."
"I'll be back soon though, OK? I love you." he said and you nodded.
"I love you." you hummed back and he blew a kiss at the screen before you hung up.
"Love Styles? Really?" Brad asked him and he scoffed.
"Oh, shut up..." Harry huffed before draping his arm over his eyes.
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cygnusdoesthings · 2 years
Storytime with Cyg!
So, my cat's a darling. All cat owners who have two cats know that one of them will be literally demon spawn and the other will be. As normal as a cat can be.
Now! People say that 'oh, cats aren't loyal like dogs, if you like play dead in front of them they won't care like a dog does'.
People are wrong xoxo
I got my cat when he was a kitten, at a pet store. He was the second one 7-year old me looked at, and the last one I looked at.
The shop assistant said 'he's never bonded with anyone like that', and I was just. My baby <333
Mum basically looked at us and went "okay, yeah." But it wasn't 'set in stone' (even though it kinda was) until my bro chose his demon cat (which is an entirely different story).
In the meantime, this lady and her kid comes up to my cat's display, and she says 'aww the cat' and I just glare at her. A seven year old glaring at you with the force of a million suns.
Anyway so we adopted him, got the paperwork sorted, and we still have the towel he came in.
On the first night he was too scared to go on the blanket on my bed, he slept in his little carrier but he grew closer to me very quickly and we were insufferable.
Like. For a long time he didn't really care about anyone but me and I'm genuinely not being biased on this one. Like. My family was the ones who said it.
So, like, when I went away for long periods of time, I would come back and he would be wanting so much attention. Usually I got updates from family members about how sooky he was and how he was frequenting my places and it was adorable.
Anyway. So.
My cat comes when I call him. I know, weird, right? He's a darling. When I also stand up too quickly and fall down, he trots up to me and nudges my face, head butting me.
When I just don't get up, he tries to make me move before trying to get someone else's attention??? He's? So? Lovely?
He also somehow knows when I'm sad and will just come keep me company and did you know that a cats purr actually helps physically? Yeah very cool
And also when I had a nose bleed on a jacket my cat was pawing at it in the washing pile and sniffing it and for the longest time I was like wth is he doing but. He's a baby <3
the reason I'm bringing this up rn is because my cat doesn't usually, like, step on my keyboard and shit. That's usually Evvie's (demon cat) job.
Buuuut today he made me laugh incredibly much and made someone else's day a bit better by fucking up what I was trying to say.
I love my cat.
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theghostus · 1 year
Day 95
By now y'all know this is my personal blog. Putting all my feelings and thoughts down.
Still no income. Brightside...I will probably start my new job at a school after Eid. Y'all think, hey, that's good news. Dude, not to my savings account, it ain't. Borrowing money and moving money for the past 5 months. Each month the bills take a HUGE bite into my savings. Not counting the necessities like food and feminine products. So yeah. I'm hella worried. Last December really took a toll on my mental health when the insurance companies asked for their yearly payment. That sucks eggs, man. Oh another thing, my phone has that infamous green line in the middle of my screen. It will cost me a new phone just to get it repaired. Even after repair, it has only a 1-month warranty. FML.
Another thing that weighs heavily on my mind is that bitch of my aunt, aka Dad's sis. She still hasn't sold the Devil's home. I mean, how can she? The damn place it's as old as me (not telling you how old I am; I'm a millennial that's the only clue I'm giving). No one wants to buy that home for the price she's selling, even though it's 'convenient' etc etc. When I released it to her, it was cleaned and manageable (also, it was after GP passed) Her son is now 30; if I recall correctly, he doesn't need babysitting. So it's her and her husband now. I mean she could downsize her 2-storey flat to save cost. Whatever I digress. Without that money from the sale, I can't do my kitchen. I had 2 quotes from 2 different contractors. Each will cost me almost 6k. Including the changing of the toilet doors. sigh.
My mum's condition is stable and no change over the years. With the "occasionally" and 'normal' sounds of her being strangled by an invisible hand. The sounds coming from her I can only describe would be the sounds if I were to strangle someone.
Mdm Sunflower finally got her goal. She and her husband have a daughter. She came home to them on my birthday. Will need to find out if her girl is a Pisces - they are emotional balls of energy which Mr and Mdm Sunflower are not. Her girl has already proven to be the Lil Diva already, haha. Luckily her girl is a Rabbit - they are kind and social creatures. She will make a great mum. That has been her goal since she got married almost 20 years ago. It seems like yesterday we were talking about our goals and what we wanted to achieve in our life.
Le Bf celebrated our 2nd Vday at a proper restaurant. We didn't celebrate my birthday much coz was trying to balance my mum and him. We ate at a hawker centre (it's a Singaporean eating centre) because his workplace is 1.5 hours away from my flat. He was doing sales, so he couldn't really go anywhere. Plus, I sus he just lazy to plan shit. So he just manages with whatever. Also, I was supposed to meet him early, but I went marketing with Mum in the afternoon and took a nap thinking he could only leave later when he didn't tell me that he had someone at the shop with him to cover. sigh. men.
Then I was thinking of surprising him and celebrating his birthday by bringing him to Gardens by the Bay at night to watch the light show since he had never seen it before. First, he didn't this week tell me he took 3 days off and planned to spend his whole 3 days with his mates and for his social work. I got to know this only yesterday. Secondly, he told me, I think a couple of weeks ago, that he's travelling to Bangkok this week, and his flight is tomorrow at 5am and will be returning to SG on the 10th (again I was told this yesterday when he came over). So he will be in Bangkok from 6 to 10 (for duty and play his words not mine), including on his birthday. So I'm a mix of sad and angry at the moment. Sad I couldn't celebrate his birthday again. Angry, he spends his birthday overseas again. the first time, his friend treated him to a seafood dinner in Malaysia. While I thought he was working when he sent his seafood dinner pics to me. I don't blame him for wanting to have fun with his mates, but sometimes I wonder am I the fool trying to create memories? I'm in two minds of just throwing his present in his face and telling him next time I just wish you HPB. I won't be celebrating his birthday anymore anything since he prefers to spend it with his friends overseas.
Am I being brainwashed by socials with picture-perfect relationships? Am I expecting too much?
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chanandlersstuff · 3 years
Summer isn't the only thing that breaks
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader.
Summary: Sometimes loving the other person it's not enough.
Word count: 2.545.
Author’s note: I don't take charge or pay psychologists for what you may feel reading this. I was in my feelings and needed to write something to get all out of my system. English is my second language so sorry for the misspellings. Sorry if the title doesnt make sence but its the only things that comes to my mind.
Part two
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You were walking through the airport suitcase in one hand and phone in the other. His number appears on the screen and a smile on your lips. His raspy voice telling you that he was waiting for you in the parking lot, just like you agree, even without seeing him you can sense his smile while he was talking. You hop on the passenger seat and he didn't let you close the door that he was already kissing you like his life deppen of it. His hands on your neck bringing you imposible close to him.
-Hi to you too.- Your voice sounds happy and your eyes close in case this was a dream, again.
-I miss you so fucking much.- Your breath mixing with each other and your noses touching.
-Me too, Charles.- No pet names were needed, that was the deal.
-Come on, the summer break await for us.- A little peck on your lips and the car was moving.
The ride to your destination was full of low music, your hand in his while Charles was driving and now and then he leaves kisses in your knuckles. No work related talk, it was too painful that way. In a moment of your relationship, even when you were friends, the two of us could talk about everything. Even a look could say all that was on your mind and the other would knew exactly what to do.
You two met so many years ago that you lost count. The chemistry was undeniable, the same silly jokes and pranks, the way you move in sync when you were together and even when you weren't together but in the same place, the fond smiles and shiny eyes. It was a matter of time for you two to end up together, or a matter of putting everything on the table. Either way you confess your love for each other the same day, even in that you were connected.
The memories bring a bittersweet smile to your face. In another time those exact memories would make you the most happy person on the planet but right now, after all those years, it didn't. From the corner of his eye Charles could see you and he could bet he knew what was on your mind, because of the look on your face. Because he had the same look when he thought of the two of you.
Everyone knows that you two love each other. Your familys, your common friends and the ones that were not common, even his fans kwen it. But sometimes love isn't enough, sometimes loving the other person so much that it doesn't fit in your body isn't enough. A whole year of relationship where you only saw him in his summer break, in his home grand prix and two other races where it. That was how long the relationship lasted.
You try to make those memories leave your head and live the moment. Your hand in his, Levitating from Dua Lipa playing in the background, your head moving side to side in sync to the rhythm of the song, his hair moving thanks to the breeze and the summer in the air. It was he and you for a couple of weeks. Nothing else, nothing more. You tell yourself that everything was going to be alright.
The first days were amazing, like always. Traveling from here to there in Europe, days with his family that love you like you were their own, nights with your mutual friends clubbing and having the time of your lifes. Dancing glue to each other, drunk kisses and hot sex all night in every sourfaces that you were capable making up for all those days that you weren’t in his arms.
His mum love you, love both of you and was the first one to be over the moon when you were together, but also was the first one to knew that this agreement or this kind of relationship, if you could call it like that, wasn't healthy and it will end bad.
Maybe it was that the two of you were growing up, becoming more mature persons or maybe you were more nostalgic than normal. But seeing him driving the boat with that bandana in his head, that one time it was yours, made you walk down memory lane and end up on the day that the two of you called it quits.
Your relationship was based on constant facetimes, calls and that was it. It was like you were 13 again and it was a virtual boyfriend. His busy schedule and your first year in the job of your dreams didn't let you see him often. You knew he needed someone that was free to be with him travelling the world, encouraging him, giving him a shoulder to cry in his bad days and to be there applauding him in his best days. In a few words he needed someone that was capable of being there for him all the way in his career, not on the other side of the word in a 4 walls office 24/7. You knew that person he needed wasn't you. But the blame, if there was someone to blame, wasn't all yours. Charles also knew that you need someone to be there for you when the days in the office weren't the best, when you arrive at your house exhausted and not on the other side of the phone, traveling across the world, when you cried your eyes out from stress. When you belittle yourself thinking you weren't enough and capable for your job. He knew that you deserved some better, someone who could be there for you.
When the words “I think that we should take a time apart.” were said and the other nodded . When the moment was so fucking sad, so fucking heart breaking, because the two of you came to the same conclusion. Sad tears running in your faces and salty kisses. A whole day to make the mourning of the love that wasn't enough holding each other in your arms agreeing to be friends and love each other no matter what. Only to find you in his sheets a couple of months later agreeing to be together only in the summer break and love you all those days and when the summer ends the two of you would go to their worlds with the memories of the summer. Because the thought of not being together at all hurt much more than being together only a season of the year.
A little peck on your lips brought you back to the present and his smiley face melted your heart. Out of impulse you cup his face and kiss him love and tenderly. From outside that scene appear to be two people who love the other wholeheartedly and were happy and it was true but at the same time you were two persons who had to accept the fact to love the other only in summer time.
Charles knew you were a clingy person when the two of you were alone, but not in public. So it came to his surprise that you were holding his hand all the time and stolen kisses here and there but he didn't complain about it. Moreover he was happy and a little sparkle ignite in his interior.
Days pass like leaves falling from trees in autumn. One day he took you for a ride on his bike, because he knew how much you like it, and to have a picnic to see the sunset. Cute date nights and walks on the beach. Breakfast in bed and coffee spilled on the white sheets thanks to a hot kissing session that ends in sex. Everything was like a fairytale but those only exist in books and movies. Real life hurts like hell and not everything could be like we want.
You made up your mind two days before when you woke up and his arms were hugging your naked body to his firm chest. You couldn't put it into words the feeling that ran through your body and that was when you knew what you had to do. This day was the last one before you had to leave for the real one, it was always bittersweet.
For some reason Charles woke up feeling the most lucky man in the world, he was happy. Walking from here to there in the yacht humming songs and loving the way the sun kisses his skin. A complete breakfast on the table and kisses all over your face to wake up. Sex before and after breakfast, swimming in the cristal water and photos of the other in their galleries that would never leave your phones. You walk around with your hair wet in his favorite t-shirt and a red bandana in your ankle, nothing else nothing more.
After lunch you were sleeping in the front of the yacht with that red bikini that made him lose his mind and he was by your side. His legs flexed, his arm in your waist and his face hid in your neck. Your legs on top of his, your arms on top of his and your head lean on his. The two of you were like a puzzle that fit perfectly, but that didn't mean anything. Hour passes and you wake up, his left hand in your boob and yours on top of it, his face in your chest and your legs tangled. His face is clear of concern, smooth features a little sunburned, and you run your fingers tracing paths with his moles. The same feeling of two days ago appeared again and the only thing you could do was swallow the lump in your throat.
Charles seems to wake up and get you closer to his body, so close that you end up on top of him. Talking in his native language and raspy voice almost made you break into tears. He senses it and looks at you concern. -Il y a un problème, ma belle?
You shake your head with your eyes closed. -Don’t do that Charles, no pet names. We promise.- If you were with your eyes oppended you could see how he rolled his.
-Tell me what's wrong, please.- His seat up with you on his lap. His hands on your back and your chest close. The worry in his voice breaks your heart.
-We can't keep doing this. It's breaking us inside. Is breaking me inside.- Your words make him move away and frown his brows.
-What are you talking about?- You tried to get up from his lap and he grabbed your waist so you stayed still. -Don't do this for a second time, please.
-You need to let me go emotionally and physically, Charles.- He put his hands up and you started walking around, something you do when you are nervous.
-Why?- His eyes burning your figure.
-Because it's the healthiest thing to do. We can't keep doing this to each other. We can't keep fooling ourselves and you know it. You mean everything to me but I can't keep doing this. Every time I leave you after summer, I rip my heart out and I don't think I can keep suffering it.- Your eyes full of tears and your hands shaking a little.
-You think that it's easy for me? That all this it's easy?- You shake your head. -It 's not! Sometimes I dream about us and it seems so real, and when I fucking wake up I see the harsh reality THAT I DONT HAVE YOU COMPLETLY.- He was standing up and looking at you with red eyes.
-That is what I’m saying. Don't you see? This fucking situation is killing us. I know what you want from me and you know what I want from you but wanting something and having something it's not the same thing.- He looks at you without saying anything.
-Do you still love me?- You almost laugh at his question.
-How could you ask me that?- Charles looked at you in disbelieve.
-Because you are standing there, breaking my heart all over again that's why I’m asking you that.- You were trying so hard not to cry.
-Of course I still love you, just like the first day. But sometimes that's not enough. We agreed something years ago hoping that that way it didn't hurt that much but the only thing we agreed on was to prolong the heart break and make it bigger.- You took little steps towards him.
-I know you are right but don't want you out of my life. I dont think I’m capable of that.- His voice was so low and the look in his eyes was like a lost puppy.
-Its for the best Charles. I don't want to keep hurting you and me. It's not fair that we can only love each other for a couple of days out of 365 days a year.
-There’s nothing we can do?- His and your eyes were full of tears and his words broke you and seeing you cry made him cry.
-I won't let you give up your career to be with me and you won't let me give up my career to be with you. We love each other that much and we are fools for thinking that this would end well.- He closes the gap between the two of you.
-I can't believe I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Will you let me love you the time we have left?- Charles put his hands in your face and you nod.
The hours left of that day were spent with salty kisses, tears in each others body and sad and slow sex where not even an inch of distance could be beetween you two, your skins touching trying to became one or trying to remember the other for the rest of your lives, hands running through your bodies to remember it even with the eyes closed. You kiss his tears away and his kiss yours. The ride to the airport was in silence and fast but Charles held your hand in his glued to his chest, he was lost in his thoughts and you in yours. Getting used to the idea of not seeing or being with the other anymore, just the couple of minutes that you got together in the car and then that was it, all over again.
He parked the car, took your suitcase out and without saying anything you started walking to the airport door. He watches you walk away from his life but his brain screams to kiss you just one more time. Just like an addict, one more fix and that was it. Charles grabs your wrist and stamps a kiss on your lips like he did at the start of the summer break in his car, all those days ago, but this time it was full of sadness and love. He holds you close, but not too close. Just enough for you to count his slowing breaths, but not too much so that you’ll hear the slow cracking of his heart.
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pbjamas · 3 years
Please, thinking about how much neglect Hawks went through makes me so sad :( like not only does mans probably not know how to read or write but he was probably so far behind with EVERYTHING.
I am sure 100% his parents didn't teach him anything and the only resource he had of the world outside of his little shack was the TV (which his mum was practically glued to and it clearly didn't work well) so he wasn't going to learn much from that.
Like he probably couldn't even count past like 12, didn't know what most things were, didn't understand phrases (like in mean girls the "omg shut up" "I didn't say anything?" type of deal) and I know this child didn't know how to use chopsticks, like imagine when he gets taken in by the commission and he has to sit there for like an hour every meal cos he can't pick up his food without dropping it :( like I really think being so behind as a child is why he's so fast as an adult, he had to go really fast and cram to get to the normal level of a 7 year old and when he got there he just continued that speed, you know ?
Also, when we see him saving the people in the car crash he's got a little shopping bag, I like to imagine him paying for that if he couldn't read or count like the shopkeeper says its 300 yen and he thinks 1 note = 1 yen and he doesn't know how much 300 yen is but its clearly a Big Number and he definitely only has 4 yen so he starts freaking out like how is he going to get his mother money if things cost this much? But it turns out he actually DOES have enough money and now he's so confused because he now has 0 clue how money works so everytime after that he just prays that he has enough money for what he's picked up.
I also have a head canon that the reason why his boots are Like That is cos the first time he ever wore shoes was when he was on the streets with his mum and after 7 years of bare feet, walking in proper shoes was terrible so he preferred boots with hardly any sole that were so big they could barley fit his feet cos that felt most similar to walking bare foot and although he could walk fine in any shoe as an adult the boots were just never changed.
I also have this sad thought that like what if no one actually knows Hawks' real birthday ? Like I genuinely don't think Tomie was in a state of mind that allowed her to know or remember exact dates, not even the date that her son was born so when the commission asks when he was born she's just like "around Christmas? Maybe after?" So they just give him a birthday that matches that vague description :'(
THIS WAS SO LONG IM SO SORRY I just have many Thoughts about child Hawks :(
This one gets a readmore bc I rambled <3
aaaaaa ;_; that is so sad ;_;
yeah i remember talking with a friend and we about like.....what if baby keigo wrote in a diary! and since this was abt the ghost fic i was writing the ua kids were going to find his old diary and read it and probably cry. But then we realized......he wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Definitely did not go to school. Very much doubt that either tomie or his father taught him to read or write. If he knew any words at all, he would have learned them when his parents left him alone in the house and he could switch the TV to kids shows where they try to be educational.
Agreed that he probably couldn’t count that high either :/ slfkjsdkj what if....he made up words for the higher numbers so he could count higher ;_; AGAIN me thinking of the ghost fic (i poured my heart and soul into it okay!?) I had lil keigo just find a bunch of coins on the ground and hand it to the lady at the store and just hope it was enough bc he couldn’t count high :/
DO NOT give the boots a tragic backstory, I’ll start feeling bad about hating them!!!!
Aaaa that would be really sad if they didn’t even know his birthday ;_; my personal headcanon is that when he was younger his mom was more....there. It’s hard to take care of a baby, you have to be extremely careful because they can get hurt so easily. I like to think that until he could walk well, tomie actually did a pretty good job! she held him and fed him and maybe even sang to him. They were pals, he was her only friend. And then as soon as he could survive without her constant attention.....she just kind of.......withered, without that urgency. so tldr i think she would have remembered his birthday, and maybe even remembers newborn keigo with some fondness. and then let herself slip back into helplessness as soon as she could ;_;
The hpsc planned to immediately start hero training, but instead, they have to teach him how to count, how to read basic characters, how to hold a pencil, how to tie his shoes (UGH you have me considering the tragic boots backstory how dare you.....) .maybe bc he couldn’t tie his shoes he just preferred zipper to save himself the embarrassment (I STILL HATE THE BOOTS, TO BE CLEAR).
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Being Pollys Long Lost Child Would Include: (Part #1)
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Showing up the Small Heath with nothing but a suitcase and a vague idea of where to go
You actually run into your cousins/brother before you even know who they are on the way there
Breaking through their group right down the middle, unaware of who the Peaky Blinders are
A few yell or tease, but you don't care, not when it's this important
Telling Michael to fuck off when he makes a comment about how rude you are, unaware he's actually your brother
Still, you won't let those assholes ruin your big day
Staring down the front door
What does someone say in a situation like this?
Sorry I didn't visit sooner, I never knew you existed? Did you ever give up a child so many years ago looks like you? Do you have any kids?
You barely knocked twice before the door swung open
You weren't sure who to picture. . . . the woman all those people described seemed like a million women. . . Sometimes she was a mastermind, other times a drunk, she could be feared or admired, smart or stupid. . .
Instead all you saw were her big brown eyes and look of distrust
"Are you, uh. . . did you. . . I'm y/n, I think you might be my mother."
The statement comes out stuttered and flunky, but it's strikes her none of the less, leaving her quiet for a moment
Anna was dead, Michael had come home, but they never found her baby
She couldn't let herself get her hopes up, knowing anyone could have set you up to this now that business was growing and so was their list of enemies, but she couldn't deny you if it really was true
Against her own judgement, she let's you in before anyone sees you
She knew she shouldn't have, but when you're sitting there, before her, she can picture all the times you were a baby
How your features matched, though of course that had been a long time ago, maybe she was just making it up to match for her own good
She thought about you every day, about the life you could have lead, the person you would have become, it made her sad, but hopeful, the same way she felt when she thought about Anna
You let her look, and after a while, she spoke up
"What did you say your name was?"
It's not the name her baby had, but you were so young, she figured they could have renamed you the way Michael's parents had
You found yourself telling her everything, talking before you could stop yourself or even realize what you were saying, wanting to unveil something that would convince her you were hers
From your parents, to your siblings, your grades in school and all the detentions you'd gotten, the friends you made and the hobbies you had
You never told anyone about all the times you felt different, strange, like you didn't quite fit in, and yet you were telling a complete stranger all of it and more
It wasn't until you mentioned your baby blanket, the one you'd actually brought with you, did it catch her attention
That was one thing your parents neglected to change
Polly was the one to sew the holes in it, passing it down from your siblings to you, she recognized her own stitching
Suddenly you're in her arms, being called another name
You found her, you found your mother
If Polly could have kept you for herself, she would have, knowing the kind of world you were walking into, the dangers you would face by associating yourself with her
In return, she tells you about your brother and sister, stories about you as a baby, memories coming back before she can stop them
The time your sister dressed you up and pretended you were one of her dolls, when your brother thought he could trade you in for a puppy
Like Michael, you're thrown into the family before you know what's going on
The boys burst through the door, all of them talking at once, interrupting your time together
"What are you doing here?" You question, recognizing Michael
"Me? Who the fuck are you?" The two of you look to your mother and Polly knows, just by your fighting, you're her baby
Being introduced to an army of relatives all at once
Your cousins are welcoming, friendly, the oldest ones laughing, teasing about how chubby you were as a baby
Your attitude towards your brother doesn't change, he's a pain in the ass already, but you'd never had an older sibling before, you figured he wasn't the worst of the worst, right?
Besides, you barely know one another, you hope it'll get better the more you get to know one another
It doesn't take her long to explain the business
You're curious, and observant, two things that work in your favor and against your mothers
You're not naive either
Sure, you didn't grow up with any of this, and though your parents tried to shelter you, you always knew where to find trouble
The way they cling to one another, how the crowds disperse, the mere mention of your family name, the gleam from their caps, this was not the kind of business one would brag about being part of, at least not in the company of others
You weren't stupid
Still, Polly tries to keep you away, at a distance, as do the rest of your family
You're still a kid in their eyes, but you make that pretty hard
It becomes clear what your parents were trying to hide from you, protect you from, but you weren't scared like they were, you were fascinated
It also becomes clear how easy you fit into it all, becoming a shadow to your mother, your brother, anyone who will let you follow and watch until you show them just how much you've learned
This lifestyle was dangerous and addictive, and like the rest of your family, you understand the appeal, much to your mother's dismay
Eventually she lets you in, let's you practice shooting a gun with your brother, go to the bar with your cousins, sit in on family meetings
Her one rule is that you are never, under any circumstances, alone
You take to the lifestyle quite easy despite her fears
The feeling you've always had where you never could quite fit in with your family, your siblings, even the kids around you, it all went away
Being paired up with Finn a lot since you two are the youngest
You don't mind all the time though
He teaches you a lot of tricks with his brothers, the other blinders, ways to get people to listen to what he has to say, share all their secrets
You prove yourself not only worthy of the Gray name, but also your place in the business as well
You don't quite idolize Thomas as much as your brother does, and when you can't bite your tongue any longer, it can get you into trouble
Luckily, your mother is always ready to stick up for you
She catches herself calling you by the name she gave you, and though you're not quite ready to take it, you know she means well
"Fuck off, Michael."
"I'm telling mum you said that."
Fighting with your brother becomes normal, not all out of hatred anymore, but a constant, dull annoyance
You begin to find your place here, in the job, the family, everything
Part of you hates to admit that you don't miss who you used to be, who you thought you were going to be
Your parents knew you were smart, but they always assumed you'd live a life like theirs, one of safety, predictability, a life that was boring
Here, you had a life of excitement, danger, one that kept you on your toes, where moving up in the world was something to work towards, not just dream of
Polly knew what you were leaving behind, and she wouldn't have stopped you or blamed you if you decided to turn back, but it was the happiest day of her life when you knocked on that door
You were giving her the second chance she always wanted
Your parents, on the other hand, are anything but happy
You call home a few times, assuring them you miss them, you're thinking of them, you might visit, and that you're happier than ever, but your parents know something is up
Word spreads quick in a small place like yours
Rumor spread you'd run off with a secret partner, skipped town after getting into trouble again, joined the circus
The more time that passed, the crazier they became
But your parents knew
They should have suspected you were lying from the beginning, that you were after the one thing you' d always asked about, that you figured out all along what they'd kept secret. . . . .
Now they regretted not seeing it before
It takes a little while for them to figure out where you went, where Polly ended up, but they found you again, and they were coming to bring you home once and for all
A/N: Ahhh okay I know I kinda left it on a cliffhanger!!! I hope this part was as good as the first!!! There might be a third idk yet :P
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 4
 a/n: Finally i am posting this in a normal hour😂 Re-editing the chapters are taking way more time than i expected but i think it’s worth it. If you have any questions about the characters or the storyline, don’t hesitate to ask me!
Ps: are we wondering when we will get lighter and happy themed moodboards😂
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    Couple of days have passed since the divorce suit. As expected, everyone in the Ministry has found out what happened between Scarlett, Sirius and Arabelle. Because Arabelle couldn't stop talking about it like it was her victory. But her victory didn’t live long; since she was just a secretary at Auror's Department and Sirius was being the head of the department, he fired her without a second thought. Nobody could disrespect his Scarlett the way Arabelle did. Though Arabelle didn’t seem very upset by this act which made Sirius even more annoyed with her. Already Sirius has become very furious at work after the divorce and he was making it hell for everybody around him. It was very unlikely of him though; he was the funniest around, but now he was just shouting and cursing at everyone.
    Scarlett was in the other hand. She was diagnosed with depression at St. Mungo’s, she was not doing very well but she was harming herself rather than the people around her. Leo had to turn back to New York for work after his one week leave even he didn’t want to leave his mother, so Carina took Scarlett with her to Hogwarts. Because when she was alone, she was not taking her pills but having alcohol almost every day which actually she shouldn’t have. Because of that someone had to keep a close watch on her for her own safety and health. Staying Hogwarts seemed like a good idea to the twins because when Carina was too busy, Remus was taking care of Scarlett since he was working at Hogwarts too. This whole cheating and divorce situation was really hard for Remus as well because he was close friends with both Scarlett and Sirius for years and he has never seen them like that before.
"Mum after the dinner i and Professor Snape will work, we need to make some potions and rearrange the shelves. Come and help us huh?"
"He won't want me there, i will stay here."
"I asked him earlier, he accepted. And mum you can't stay in the room forever, it is not helping you."
"Apparently we changed the roles, you are the mum now Carina."
"I am trying to help mum..."
Scarlett nodded unwillingly; she didn’t want to upset Carina. "Okay fine i will come but if I feel uncomfortable, I will leave."
Carina smiled happily. "Deal! But first we should eat dinner, you passed the lunch but you have to eat now."
    Half an hour later they were heading to the potion’s classroom in the dungeons. Scarlett was quite nervous but trying to keep it cool. Carina opened the door for her and invited Scarlett in then followed her.
"Hello professor." Carina smiled to the black-haired man who was already making a potion.
"Hi." He said looking up at them while stirring the potion.
Severus was nervous as well. He hasn't seen Scarlett for almost 30 years except that one time, like a week ago, when she has come to see Carina. They have made a good job about avoiding each other for so long.
"You two didn't meet properly yet. That's my mum Scarlett and th-"
Scarlett cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "We know each other Carina."
Carina was confused, she has always talked about Professor Snape and her mum hasn’t said a word. "From where? You haven't told me that."
"We were… We were classmates." She mumbled, all the memories were coming back slowly and she wasn’t ready for them.
Severus Snape nodded without giving any further information and put a chair next to his desk for Scarlett to sit since she was trying to lean onto the desk tiredly.
"Thanks." Scarlett sat down and started to watch the two potioneers.
"Okay then, that's cool. Was mum good at potions class, Professor?" Carina asked while preparing ingredients for the potion that she was about to make.
"She was good, she was a very good student overall. She was one of the bests of our time."
"Potions wasn't my brightest class but i had Severus as my partner." Scarlett smiled ever so slightly for the first time in weeks, she has remembered the class where she has turned his hair rainbow colours in an accident.
Carina was very happy to see that tiniest smile on her face. "We learnt that you are good at potions mum, you can stir the potion while i am cutting those herbs."
Scarlett stood up to stir it but her hands were shaky and she got quite dizzy after she stood up which Carina noticed.
"Mum did you take your pills? You were supposed to take them after the dinner, I have handed them to you…"
"No... I will go and take them before you scold me." She walked out of the classroom before Carina could say anything.
Carina sighed at her mother’s behaviour.
"Is she alright…?" Snape asked trying to hide the worried tone of his voice.
"Not really. Actually, in the worst condition i have ever seen her... But i think seeing an old friend was good to her, she talked a little bit even i saw a glimpse of a smile. Maybe you can spend some time together?"
Snape paused for a moment, he wasn’t expecting a question like this at all.
"It was just an idea; you don't have to do it..."
"I... I would like to help." Snape mumbled unsurely; he would like to spend some time with Scarlett but he was also very nervous about it.
"Thank you so much professor, I really appreciate it." Carina was smiling happily when Scarlett came back silently and sat on the chair once again.
"Took the pills?"
Scarlett nodded as yes and started to look around. The classroom hasn’t changed much, only there were many more shelves now. Then a candle tin caught her eyes on Snape's desk. She took the red tin that has a rose drawing on it. Snape has noticed what she was doing and kept watching her carefully. Scarlett took the lid off and saw the fully burnt candle. That moment they caught each other’s eyes for the first time in years and had the same flashback.
"Sev, i made this candle for you! There are rose petals in it and i added couple drops of my perfume. Whenever you are away and miss me just burn the candle; it will smell just like me." 20 years old Scarlett giggled cutely.
"Thanks love. You've even drawn a rose on the lid, a scarlet rose." Severus said while hugging her tightly and inhaled her rosy scent in, how much he loved that scent.
"My first thought was putting my own photo on it but then ended up with the rose so it wouldn’t be as creepy." She laughed.
"I'd love your photo too." He kissed her lips softly. "I hope I will never have to burn this candle, ever."
"Why are you still keeping this?" Scarlett asked suddenly.
Carina was surprised by her mother's bold question; she was not the kind of woman who likes to involve things that are none of her business so that question was very unlikely of her. Also Carina was afraid of her professor’s reaction, he truly hated when someone touches his stuff without asking but she hoped her mum could get the friend pass.
"It has a memory that I would like to keep." Snape answered casually and walked to the potion shelves while trying to ignore her eyes.
Scarlett didn't say anything else and put the tin back on his desk. She was surprised that he still had it, why would he want to keep that yet alone burnt it even though he didn’t want her in his life. While she was thinking about these, Severus was lost in his own thoughts. Scarlett's presence had brought all the emotions that he was craving for years. And here she was sitting right there but he was scared to talk or even look at her. He kept arranging the shelves to distract himself from her while Carina made some potions to renew the old ones for a while.
"Professor i finished the potions you asked for, do you need any help there?"
Carina's voice brought him back to reality from his mind. "No, no thank you. If you are all done, you can leave. That’s all for tonight."
"Okay professor, have a good night." Carina smiled and packed her stuff.
"Good night." Severus said silently while still avoiding Scarlett’s gaze.
 Carina and Scarlett went back to their room and started to get ready for the bed.
"Mummy why did you ask him that question about the candle? It was so random."
Scarlett just shrugged her shoulders while brushing her copper coloured locks.
"It made him, i dunno, kind of sad? Probably it was a gift from a loved one. But to be honest it always caught my eye too because the look of it screams -you-."
Scarlett didn't answer to that as well and just laid down on the bed.
"Mum you are so talkative tonight..." Carina sighed while getting into the bed with her.
"I have a headache Carrie, i just want to sleep." Scarlett lied, she was not in the mood of talking about this at all.
"Okay, sweet dreams mama." Carina kissed her cheek.
"Sweet dreams baby."
Scarlett closed her eyes but the memories didn't let her to fall asleep, it would be a long night.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Hey Rio: Hiya babe Rio: what's good? Nancy: I need to like Nancy: ugh idk it's such a bad idea, like I already know Rio: You wanna Thelma and Louise? Nancy: Who wouldn't want that much gay subtext Rio: Susan Saradon is a babe Rio: what's the actual drama then, shitty husbands and creeps at bars assumedly ain't it Nancy: Okay so you know how I have the misfortune of having to share a birthday, well, now he also wants me to do a joint party Nancy: except not Nancy: he wants my share of the guestlist cos he's gone over his own Rio: Seriously Rio: 🙄 Rio: Well that sounds like a nightmare Nancy: Right? Like I don't have to see enough of all his fuckboy friends already Rio: So you've actually got to be there Rio: that's so rude on so many levels Nancy: I might just leave once mum and dad do, it's not like they're gonna stay and chaperone all night Nancy: That's where you come in Nancy: Save my birthday from total ruin, yeah? Rio: They should, last party I went to the house was basically a write-off after Rio: What can I do, obviously I'll do it but catch me up Nancy: Oh Nancy: maybe they will and I will have to stay Nancy: But my original idea was more Thelma & Louise, naturally Nancy: You're the most fun person I know Nancy: and it is Halloween, there's gotta be something else on offer Rio: Yeah, you do live in one of the most exciting places in the world, nbd Rio: of course there's something more fun to do! Rio: I'll start looking now Nancy: You're actually the best ever Rio: N'awh, you're so cute 💖 Rio: see how quick you are with the compliments after I've saved you 😘 Nancy: 😉 Nancy: Who's immune to such blatant heroics? Nancy: If you save me from having to spend a minute at this party you can have anything you want Rio: 😳 Rio: Steady on Rio: I'm good, might not be THAT good Nancy: I was more thinking from my wardrobe Nancy: You're not really my type, cos of the whole related and straight thing Rio: Sure Rio: that whole thing Rio: not gonna turn down a tour of your latest purchases obvs Nancy: That sounds really flirty still but I'll go with the less awkward version of events Nancy: Things are weird enough with this party, like Rio: I can't help being this irresistible, babe Rio: but I won't say it's a date, just a plan Nancy: You're flirting with me but sure, we can both be irresistible, I guess Rio: I am not Rio: Straight and sharing DNA, remember Rio: you only got 1/2 so you're more suss Nancy: A lesbian remember? One convo and you're moving in Rio: 😂 Rio: Won't just do carry on then Rio: tah for the warning Nancy: You're so welcome Rio: Already gonna look so underdressed without being caught without 😱 Nancy: Um with full access to my wardrobe, not for long Nancy: Anything less than utter perfection is not an option if I have to show my face at the party for even half a second Nancy: I'm beyond prepared, and in case you can't tell, beyond STRESSED Rio: I caught that Rio: gurl you're gonna get stress spots if you don't tone it down Rio: you'll look 🔥 Rio: assume it's a costume party? Nancy: God, don't, the girls he invited would love that to happen to me Nancy: especially cos no, it's not Nancy: 🙄 Rio: Honestly, you had one job Rio: such an easy cop-out Nancy: He says no costume could make him look as hot as his labels, that's a paraphrase, I wasn't listening well enough to deliver a direct quote, sadly Rio: 🤢 Rio: Please don't try any harder to remember that was upsetting enough Rio: definitely find something better to do Nancy: Right? I literally get gayer every time he opens his mouth Rio: 😂 Rio: Not a choice but if it was, I get it Nancy: God was like, with him as a brother you've suffered enough Rio: Though it would be funny if you can find a man more unbearable Rio: he'd be fuming Nancy: My dad too Rio: Oh, the male posturing Rio: let me down, if no one else Rio: such a laugh Nancy: Maybe I should have turned this plan on its head and come to you to celebrate Nancy: Get away from it all Nancy: his friends are like clones and nobody thinks that's bizarre Nancy: like the girls are just 😍💘💋 Rio: Match their boys to their bags Rio: weird Rio: we should still do something special for you though Rio: it's your birthday as well, after-all Nancy: Yeah but I'm the weird one, okay then Nancy: It is but I don't feel as if I need to be all 🎉🎂👑 Nancy: He's got that covered Rio: Don't worry, I know your style Rio: and that it ain't his Nancy: He doesn't have any Rio: 🔥 Rio: ice that on the cake, babe Nancy: If ANYTHING was allowed to be homemade I would Rio: Can't imagine your Ma in a pinny, like Nancy: If my dad asked, then maybe Nancy: They are so gross but that's a convo to have in therapy one day Rio: Yeah, that is NOT my present to you Rio: lemme get qualified Nancy: What ARE you getting me though? Rio: No spoilers! Nancy: 😞😞😞 Rio: Surprises are fun Rio: don't be sad Nancy: Never in this house Nancy: But I trust in your gifting abilities Nancy: 🧡 Rio: And I'll bring over all the kids...interesting homemade attempts Rio: what more could you ask for? Nancy: Tell Junior he's so rude for refusing to get on a plane Nancy: It's not a phobia if you just don't want to Rio: Real talk Rio: ride or die until he's scared he'll end up at this party too Rio: bless Nancy: Like, I get it, I don't want to be in Chelsea either but I'd do it for him Rio: I ain't getting in the middle of gay drama Rio: I know better Rio: I could beg on your behalf but we both know, unlikely Nancy: Oh my god, you're not allowed to out him, even to me Nancy: It's a secret that we all know, okay Rio: 🤐 Rio: I do forget he's younger than us, like actually no pressure but also you know NONE of us are gonna be mad so Nancy: So problematic, you'd fit right in at the party actually Nancy: He's an adorable little old man Rio: 😱 Rio: 'Scuse me Rio: don't be starting beef with me, I'm coming Nancy: 😂 Rio: Literally so rude Rio: don't make me flip my hair at you Nancy: Babe please, I can do it better Nancy: Mine's so long now Rio: Alright showoff 😉 Rio: mine would be too if I straightened it Nancy: [sends a show offy hair flip clip but cute like look] Rio: Awh, you look so cute 🧡 Nancy: I look so 🥕 but I make it work Rio: straight 🔥 I swear Nancy: Okay but never use straight to refer to me, thanks Rio: Such a hater Nancy: Of men, exactly Nancy: You would be too if you went to our school though Rio: I can imagine Rio: tory central Nancy: Lord, it's like a timewarp of values but the levels of privilege have kept sky rocketing Nancy: The party's gonna be like Gatsby's except if the green light was shots and nudes Rio: Ahh the irony Rio: How do you stay even slightly sane/normal Nancy: I don't Nancy: They are the 'normal' ones and I'm obviously insane with grief about it Nancy: Oh please let me in your oh so exclusive club so I don't have to hang my head in shame Rio: nah, fuck that Rio: just the lunatics running the asylum Nancy: I hate it here so much Rio: Is there anyone vaguely decent you hang with? Nancy: No Rio: That's so crap Nancy: I'd rather have no friends than fake ones cos there's nobody real around Rio: I feel that too Rio: but its hard having to spend, what, 7 hours a day alone and surrounded by dickheads Rio: hope you're making your weekends worth it, yeah Nancy: I'd love it if they left me alone Nancy: That's what weekends are for, definitely Rio: Enough about those boring bitches anyway Rio: my mum wants to talk to yours, the usual, but they're cool with it so Rio: 👍 Nancy: I'll let her know when she comes in Rio: 🤞 she doesn't talk her ear off so hard she won't let me come like hell no, this fucking family Nancy: I can't even let that be a possibility Nancy: Do you want me to have a birthday breakdown, mum? Nancy: I don't think you have time in the schedule for that Rio: Hit her up with those birthday demands Rio: it's my party and I WILL cry if you don't do what I want, like Nancy: I don't wanna go there but if I have to, I will Rio: 👑 Rio: if there's ever a time to be a tiny bit of a diva Rio: I have to make a fuss or bitches will be tryna skip to Christmas like nah Nancy: That's so rude Nancy: To you and your dad Nancy: Also who in the hell wants to skip to Christmas? It's so stressful oh my god Nancy: Give me all the shopping days, thanks Rio: Seriously Rio: not a grinch or anything, gimme presents then too but come on Rio: attention is the best 🎁 for the eldest of 10, duh Nancy: Do you wanna be the joint guest of honor at this party instead of me? Nancy: As far as attention goes, you wouldn't get more unless you lock Buster in his room or something beforehand Rio: 😂 I know you're not identical but I don't think your ma would appreciate the insinuation that me and him are in any way twinning Nancy: You could wear a costume Nancy: He'd hate that as much as he'd hate sharing the spotlight even a little Rio: No shade but 0 lack of desire to white face Rio: but that's tempting, have I even got time to think of a decent costume though Rio: hmm Nancy: I can't lie, I'd be tempted if I was staying Rio: We so should Rio: maybe we'll need one for wherever we're going once you've made your joint wish or whatever the fuck Nancy: I'm with you on everything except I'm never blowing out candles with him for as long as I live Rio: Jokes, you definitely have enough 💸 for separate wishes Nancy: 🙏 Rio: This will be fun Rio: I'll send you details of anything that sounds good then Nancy: I'll send you any costume ideas I have, obvously Nancy: Thanks Ri Nancy: You seriously are the best Rio: Definitely Rio: and don't mention it, I had nothing good on anyway, this'll be way more fun than whatever lame party I was gonna be at Nancy: I feel like I definitely just complained about my life this entire convo Nancy: Which needs to be mentioned since I didn't even ask how you are or anything Nancy: Like, yeah that's gay culture but you know Rio: Nah, it's your bday, soon Rio: fully in support of that diva ish remember 👑 Rio: and same old same old here Rio: all good Nancy: Yeah? Nancy: Feels like forever since we've had a real life interaction Nancy: I'm glad you're coming Rio: It has been a while Rio: always feels like that since Schools in full swing and sucking the life outta us all like summer never happened Nancy: Unless you're Buster and school's your playground Nancy: I'm honestly surprised he isn't breaking in to have the party there since he loves it so much Rio: When you're gonna peak, gotta make the most, I guess 🤷 Nancy: I wish, you know he's just gonna keep doing better and better Nancy: Failure's not an option, like Rio: Not an option but a reality Rio: all well and good living that mantra and letting it take you as far as it can but I swear, real life is gonna hit him so hard, it won't be good Nancy: Maybe I took his share and mine, that'd be about right Nancy: I'll throw him a party for his mid life crisis though, of course Nancy: What are sister's for Rio: 😂 Can't wait to meet his hilariously age-inappropriate bae and pretend to give a shit about his sports car, like Nancy: I'll show up in mine like hey bro, older, hotter girlfriend in toe Rio: 🙌 Rio: Power moves Nancy: She can drive so I just get to pose even more extra when we turn up Rio: and you just want a driver, lbr 😜 Nancy: You'll thank me for not driving Nancy: The girlfriend who doesn't exist won't when I'm that distracting, though Rio: 😏 Rio: go off boo Nancy: If only that saying was true Nancy: about quiet ones Rio: can be Nancy: I can't even remember how it goes Rio: it's always yous, basically Rio: bit ominous Nancy: Oh Rio: Init Rio: Junie can't be convinced Rio: spent a solid 30 there trying Nancy: He's no longer my best friend, you are Nancy: Next time he wants to know how to let a girl down gently I'm not helping Rio: 💔 Rio: cold, I'll break that news to him gentle tho Rio: old times sake Nancy: My mum's just text me so I'll gently persuade her that you need to like, stay forever Nancy: Easy, obviously Rio: Obviously Rio: with your persuasion skills and her laidback attitude Rio: 😉 Nancy: She's in such a great mood too after another meeting with my form teacher who is himself convinced that Dyslexia only affects working class children Nancy: I tried to tell him that's the stock I'm bred from but he also believes that girls should be seen and not heard, like Rio: Ugh Rio: What a prick Rio: though not that surprised Rio: any issues and the royals hide their kids in asylums so Nancy: They only let girls in during the last century or whatever so he's far to old to have ever interacted with one Rio: Yeah, probs far too invested in the boys if the stereotypes keep ringing true Nancy: Gross but probably true Rio: Someone has to rub 'em down after rugger, babe Rio: 🤷 Nancy: Stop trying to trigger PTSD in me Rio: 😂 soz Rio: jus' sayin' silver lining you don't have to deal with the predatory masters, even if they at best tolerate your existens Nancy: Thank god, since I came out more lads have told me they fancy me than ever before, I'm already inundated and wanna die Rio: Nothing sexier than unavailability Nancy: Nothing sexy about how they show their 'interest' though Nancy: If that's how they approach straight girls I don't know how we've survived as a species Rio: Go on, wow me with their chat Rio: need a laugh Nancy: Most of them don't even bother to speak, their love language is clearly touch Rio: 😬 Rio: Rapey Nancy: It's scary, like Nancy: I thought posh boys were meant to be repressed Rio: Nah, they're THE worst Rio: untouchable in return for all the grabbing they're into Rio: and SO many mommy/daddy issues Nancy: Gross Rio: Fun if you're feeling it for the weekend but yeah Rio: not a mood you wanna marry into really Nancy: If I wasn't gay before I definitely am now you tried to force your tongue down my throat in the middle of the school hallway, thanks so much  🙄 Rio: That's so grim Rio: hope you smacked him Nancy: My brother has essentially one use to me Rio: It's something Rio: don't discount it Nancy: I can't unless I also wanna take up boxing myself Nancy: Not really my thing so Rio: Least you know he gives some shits, yeah Nancy: He likes to hit stuff Nancy: I've always known that Rio: Yeah Nancy: Anyway, I have to go Nancy: If I ignore this deadline it won't Nancy: and the essay won't write itself either Rio: Oh no Rio: lame Rio: but good 🍀 Nancy: Thanks, I need it Nancy: At least until my mum gets back and I can ask her about romantic classicism Rio: I'm too dumb and poor for this shit, sorry xoxo Nancy: I do have the money to buy myself an essay where my brain has failed me Nancy: but I'd have to make it look Dyslexic enough so I might as well just write it Rio: 💔 Rio: Sad times, princess, sad times Nancy: ikr 👑💧 that's my crown of tears not like Nancy: any other liquids Nancy: I'm definitely not putting any sweat into it Rio: 💪 you got this Nancy: I've got 🍀 because of you Nancy: I'll make it work Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Nancy: xxx
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funniesandboxes · 7 years
Judy is a Death god, and she goes to get Nick's mum's sol, she sees Nick crying, and what she didn't expect was, Nick's mum, hinting Nick is single, it's normal for mums to talk about their kits, but not try to get her to date said kit,Nick's mum won't stop trying till Judy agrees, Judy knows that she won't enjoy it, there is no way she would fall in love, she's 1000s years old, and even if Nick is hot he's to young, she's a death god, it could never work, but why is she so happy with him
OH MY GOODNESS!  YES!  Judy is being the god of death is amazing.
Judy’s been around since like the beginning of time, and as a young god she thought it was great, she gets to meet every mammal that ever exist.  But over the years it’s lost its luster, and she disillusion by mammalkind in general.  She still does her job however, but she only acts sweet, caring, and happy when she encounters good innocent mammal.  (Mostly young kits or mammals that fought disease their whole life.)
That’s who Judy meets Nick’s mother.  She’s in the hospital, like so many souls Judy comes for, and the fox just kind expects Judy.  And she’s okay with dying and moving on to after life, but she has to stay to see her soon.  Judy agrees because Nick’s mother is a good mammal, and not some dickwad.  
A few minutes later Nick bursts in with like a cup of coffee and a snack, and looking really worse for wear.  He loses it instantly at seeing his mother dead and just sobs.  His mother’s soul comforts him, unnoticed of course, and Judy is like about to give Nick’s mother a moment, but his mother just turns and tells Judy, Nick is all lone.
And the vixen’s soul goes on and on about how Nick really has no one left now.  And how she worries about him, and how it would be nice is Judy like just checked in on him.  You know, for her, so she knows Nick is okay and has someone.  Judy tries to tell Nick’s mom, that that is not her job, like at all, that’s like a whole other god department.  But his mother keeps asking and insisting, that is just has to be her and only her.
So against her better judgement Judy agrees.  Which is a terrible idea, because Nick is not like the greatest of mammals, but he’s also like no where near the worst.  
Judy meet’s Nick face to face a few years later and like a bar.  And she snaps at him that if he keeps drinking he’ll die, and Nick is like “that would be lovely.”  Judy rolls he eyes, and crawls onto the stool next to him, and they kind of get up talk.  Nick is mostly too drunk to really be completely coherent, but it’s just enough for Judy to get that he buried his mother and it’s all hard and sad, and everything.
Judy stays with him till the bar closes and takes him home, which Nick thankfully doesn’t find it weird she knows where he lives.  She leaves him to sleep it off, and from then runs into him a few days later.  Then again and again.
For the life of her Judy can’t figure out why see keeps going back to Nick and seeing him or talking.  But she does.  Part of her thinks he just slowly restoring her faith in mammalkind again, because Nick is very sweet, caring, and sensitive, and like it doesn’t hurt that he’s cute.  And they have nice talks and Nick’s funny.
But it’s not going to last.  Because Nick will grow old and die and she’ll take him to his afterlife.  Because that’s her job.  And at some point she is going to have to stop interacting with him.  But she can’t bring herself quiet Nick cold turkey.
And then like one day, some other gods are just like “Judy you’re in love, with a mortal.”  Judy is all in denial, while also being like ‘oh shit I am’ in her head.  She gets all kind of panicky because she doesn’t know what do to do, it’s the first mortal she ever loved.  And then another god of death, Nick technically never has to die or age.
So now Judy just has to like tell Nick she’s the god of death and in love with him.  Which, you know, is easier said than done.
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philanddanxreader · 7 years
Two lines means yes.
Hello, Love bugs. 
Dan X Reader.  Fluff!
Warnings- swears.
can you please make a fan fiction where you find out you're pregnant and you break the news to dan and he is like a bit shocked and he doesn't know how to act? so you get upset and go for a walk and when you come back he breaks down?
“I don’t want to lose him. Not that I think I ever would but the possibility of it happening was scary enough.” Your mother was on the other end of the phone listening to the same conversation she had been listening to for the last week. The moment you found out you had called her to let her know the good news. Then immediately you started to worry.You had Dan had discussed children many times. The thing was that everytime you mentioned children it was also had the addition that the talk of children was for the future.
“As I have told you time and time again. Daniel is not going to leave you. Daniel is a sweet boy and you are both deeply in love. Sure you wanted to wait for a little bit more time to pass before you started you family but you are an engaged couple.” Your mother was right and it was annoying that she was.
“Listen I have to go mum. I will talk to you later. Love you.” Your mother gave a goodbye as you both hung up. It was quiet in the flat.Even with the sound of your music playing in the background all you could hear was your heartbeat. Your tummy was filled with butterflies. You knew you had to tell Dan today but you just didn't want to hear the rejection. You were in the perfect situation before finding out you were pregnant. You decided that you needed to do something to keep busy. You decided on working on your photo album. It was a bit of a pet project for you. You had started back when Dan and yourself started dating. You had forgotten about the photos for a little bit but when you and Dan had moved you found the albums and decided to get back into it again. You were just putting in some photos from the engagement party when you heard the front door open and close. Just when you thought you had calmed your nerves you felt them rise up again.
You could hear Dan calling out for you as he made his way up the stairs to try and find you. “Up in our room love.” Your voice was shaky, You were sure it would have given you away if he wasn't still coming up the stairs.
“Hello, love. Look at you surrounded with pictures of my face. Just how I like it.” You rolled your eyes as Dan sat beside you giving a quick kiss to your cheek.
“How was your day today?” Dan picked up some photos as he recounted his meeting with YouTube people. You honestly wanted to listen but your brain was buzzing with the thoughts of finding the right words to tell Dan the big news.
“Y/n. Love, were you listening?” You gave Dan the best sorry look feeling honestly bad that you were so consumed with your thoughts you couldn't even hear Dan.
“Sorry, just have a lot on my mind today. I umm have something to tell you.” Dan nodded along waiting for you to continue. “We need to talk about family. When do you think we should start you know trying to have one?” Dan paused trying to read your facial expressions trying to figure out where you were going with this.
“Well, we had discussed not being ready to start just yet. I would like to have the wedding first before we stop any form of birth control. I mean I just don't think were in the right place now. We're both busy at our jobs and were still unpacking. I think we should revisit this in a year.” You could feel your heart break a little from his words. He didn't want this. He wasn't ready for this. 
“What if there was an accident?” Dan continued to look through photos not realising that the two of you were not playing just a what if game. 
“Then we will take it day by day. But for now, I love it just being with you. You're all the family I need right now.” You couldn't hide the sadness as you felt the sting of hurt in the back of your throat letting you know tears were about to spill.
“Dan. I’m pregnant. Almost a month. I didn't know how to say it. I’m sorry.” Dan dropped the photos in his hand as he looked at you with the tears on your cheeks.
“Oh god. Love, no.” You didn't have the heart to listen any longer. Getting up from your spot you let your feet lead you to the front door. Dan was right behind you calling your name. It didn't matter Nothing mattered right now. 
“I just need some air. Alone.” You made your way out the familiar door out on the street letting the cold air hit you. It consumed you. It felt wonderful and awful at the same time. A breath of fresh air that stung your lungs every time you took a breath. You didn't know where to go and in honestly you didn't want to. You decided the only place you wanted to be was on the front steps. 
It was fifteen minutes later when you finally felt like your heartbeat was returning back to normal. That and the bitter wind was starting to chill you to the bone. Opening the front door you immediately found Dan sitting on the floor in the doorway twisting his thumbs.He looked up when he heard the door creak open. Standing immediately he pulled you into a hug as he ran his hands up and down your back as you felt the tears that you had though dried come back to dampen your face. It was quiet in the flat with only the sounds of your little sobs and Dan’s sniffles filling the room. It felt like an eternity with the two of you standing there entwined as one. Dan was the first to break the silence. 
“I never wanted you to think that I didn't want a child with you. It honestly doesn't matter when. I just know that I forever want to be with you. I am over the fucking moon that we are going to have a baby.” Dan pressed little kisses to your head as you wiped away the last of the tears with the back of your hand. 
“But you said we should wait. We're not in a good place right now.” 
“I don't think there is ever a perfect time to have a baby. I said those things because honestly scared. We’re bringing another life into the world. You’re the only person who I would ever want to have a family with. I love you.” You gave Dan a smile as he placed a kiss to the side of it. 
“So you’re happy?” Dan gave a small chuckle as he pulled you in for another tight hug. 
“Over the fucking moon.”
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