#also i do watch shows about obsessive people who stop at nothing
Being an undercover queer fanfiction writer is so amusing. The other day this guy was telling me about the show You (he asked me if I'd watched it and I said I heard about it, purely thanks to Miss Swift) and how it was about this obsessive psychotic guy, and it was clear he didn't think I wouldn't watch something like that. Like. My boy, I WRITE that shit. Whatever the MC of You is on, it can't be worse than smniyb!Alec
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yandere-sins · 26 days
A Camgirl's Happiness
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a/n: To be fair, I know very little about actually streaming or cammodeling, and it's not as easy to read up on, so take my descriptions with a grain of salt. Also, I know that most people doing that job are really into it and I'm very happy for them, but I needed the drama for the story, hope you can understand! I hope you guys enjoy it regardless, it was fun to write!
Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Reader is a camgirl, mentioning of stripping, fulfilling sexual favors for viewers), Fem!Reader, Life struggles (Debts, Mental health problems), Mention of stalking, Obsessive Behavior
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You knew exactly what you were doing, pulling your legs up on your chair, squeezing your breasts just a bit more prominently towards the camera.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
"Hi SweetsMaster! Longtime no read! We're just talking today, but I'm so glad you made it to the stream!"
Ding! Ding!
Smiling, you watched the crushing waves of messages, your fanbase as active as ever as they flooded you with their adoration. Even when you had an image to uphold, you couldn't help but be pampered by their compliments, giggling and telling them to stop calling you adorable and their "dream girl".
Still, you played along to their fantasies, hid your face behind your palm coyly, and kept them believing that you were this cute internet star they loved so much. Life was hard, but getting an end to your means barely needed more than an hour or two talking about all the cute things you'd do if you had one of these lonely, unhappy people behind the screen as your partner. You didn't complain that they invested their savings into spending time with you instead of therapy.
Not like you ever considered going to therapy yourself, too ashamed of the truths you'd have to share.
You sighed inwardly, forcing yourself to smile a bit more convincingly at the camera as you took a sip of water, letting some drops fall into your cleavage. "Oopsie!" you giggled, forced to appear bashful, hoping no one clipped that. But what were you thinking? Of course, they did.
"Stop that, guys! How embarrassing! People will think I can't even drink!"
Sometimes you didn't recognize your own voice as you put on a show. The pitch was too high, your words made you cringe. As if you were in a sketch, rather than a life performance. You quickly wiped away the droplets sitting on top of your skin, threatening to run down the curve of your breasts as many of your viewers hoped before continuing to chat with the rapidly growing crowd. Being a camgirl had been fun once—unforced.
When you started doing it, you enjoyed the time with every new follower you got. Some were creeps, but some were genuinely nice people who paid you to do things you enjoyed. You didn't feel strange being yourself back then; people supported you just as you were. Taking off your clothes and doing favors was a fun little side hustle to get you through college. You didn't plan on doing this forever.
But even with your degree, your real job, and all the possibilities you had now, you couldn't stop streaming. You tried countless of times! But every time you said goodbye for good, your life was thrown into chaos, your bills left unpaid. You lost your job, lost your home, lost all the friends that couldn't watch your life being ruined.
And now, you were tired. So, so tired.
You got back on your feet, thanks to streaming. You found a new job, a new home. More and more people joined your shows; they bought you gifts and sent you money. Even if there was no one to share your earnings with, at least you didn't have to worry about your debts anymore. You'd stream after work, on the weekends, vacations. You organized photoshoots and sold your pictures and merch on the side, even though no one ever wanted to get hired by you to help with all the packaging and work it took.
> you're nothing like you were when you first started
Someone typed in chat, and your fake voice began to crack as you read it out loud. Quickly, you composed yourself, but it stung.
"Yeah, well, aren't we all someone different than, let's say, three years ago? I've grown a lot as a person since I first started! And thanks to you guys, I was able to afford better equipment, too!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
You laughed at the incoming donations, forming a heart with your hands as you thanked your patrons. "That's going to be a new mic soon!"
> that's not what i meant
The same person from before wrote into the chat, their name—DarlingLover—highlighted in baby pink, revealing they were a superfan. You couldn't ignore them, even though you wished nothing more than for this conversation to end.
> you looked much happier back then
"That's not true!" you chimed up, using all your strength to press down the tears you felt shooting into your eyes. It was bittersweet to be seen in this industry. To not be objectified and idolized, but to have someone truly notice the person behind the on-camera persona.
"I love hanging out with you guys! I made so many new friends, and I'm grateful for all the support and love you guys have shown me! I would never have had the chance otherwise!"
Blowing some kisses towards the camera, your donations went wild, reassuring you that your cover hadn't been blown. You had to keep yourself together, you couldn't risk one perceptive fan to showcase how miserable you were. But perhaps you had to take it as a sign. A sign that it was enough for today. You needed to eat something, and the clock on your monitor—10:47 pm—reminded you that you skipped dinner long enough. And once you had some substance, you'd need the five hours of sleep before you'd have to drag yourself out of bed and to your real work.
"Okay, guys, that's it for tonight! Thank you all for joining our talking stream! I hope you had as much fun as I did!"
Slipping your hand beneath the spaghetti strap of your tank, you pushed it off your shoulder teasingly. "And just as a little reminder," you mumbled seductively, winking at your audience. "Join us tomorrow for a very fun night!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
You grinned cheekily, waving at the people and blowing them a few more kisses while the donations kept pinging in. Just two more clicks and you had closed the stream, watching it on your second monitor to see if your 'stream ended' notice got displayed properly. The animation had been damn expensive, and you wanted to use it to its fullest until it would be too outdated that you needed a new one.
Watching it for a while, you noticed that amongst the countless messages notifying you that someone left the stream, a few people still had a very eager conversation even after it ended. Immediately, the baby pink name of the superfan who had chatted with you before stood out, the user vehemently defending their standpoint against some newer fans. You clicked their names and checked them out, seeing the varying times from a few months to a few days of subscription to you, as well as the very sparse donation they made.
> i've been here longer, i'd know if she was truly happy
DarlingLover wrote, and you gulped, feeling the anxiety brewing inside your stomach. You couldn't believe they'd go out of their way to try and pull others on their side. Were they trying to ruin your career on purpose?
>> what an idiot lol >> srsly she wouldn't do it if she didn't want to >> yeah what the hell lol
A sigh of relief escaped you, seeing how the others didn't believe DarlingLover. Once again, your reputation was upheld even if it might cost you this superfan. It was expected in this industry to lose and gain followers. Some could withstand changes with their devotion, and others couldn't. You watched as the number of current visitors to your stream continued to drop relentlessly, the sight calming your mind.
You should have gotten up and made dinner, hit the hay before you could pity yourself any more than you had all evening. Your mood was already down the drain, but you were too exhausted to get up, thinking of just dropping into bed and sleeping until morning instead of doing anything else. You couldn't afford to not care for yourself, but it all felt so meaningless.
> Darling, you there?
A stray message popping up in chat caught your attention. You had three more visitors. Two must have just left it open on the side, but the third one was still chatting. With who? you wondered, waiting for someone to respond. But no one answered, DarlingLover, and a whole minute passed by.
> if you read this, can you message me privately? i want to book a private session
You inhaled deeply.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," you groaned, letting your head fall back against the gaming chair you had bought for your desktop setup. Pink and cute and so expensive. Private Sessions were the only reason you could afford a 500$ chair in the first place. But you really, really didn't want to. Really didn't want to entertain someone who had ruined your evening enough.
< Hi! :) You wanted a private session? Thank you so much, I look forward to it! Do you have a date in mind? I'll check with my bookings, but I'm sure we can find some time this week!
Yes, you hated yourself. But this user was a superfan, and you never let anyone down before. For the right price, you could do anything—or so you told yourself repeatedly. Trying to make yourself believe you could do it, burned out and exhausted as you were. It was just one more private session; you'd get through it, just like you always had.
> i've noticed how unhappy you are lately. you don't smile like you used to, don't tell us about what is happening in your life. you're like a pretty doll that sits and entertains us out of habit. i hate it. i want the real you back
That again. You scowled at the screen, your stomach grumbling in agreement (and hunger). "What do you even say to that?" you mumbled into the silence surrounding you. It was pitiful that you still lived in the same two-room flat since college, all your money going into debt and equipment rather than buying nice things for yourself. It made the dark, quiet loneliness so much more derisive. It was your life, but even so you could do nothing but entertain others to live in a way you didn't want to. You were so lost, your whole life purpose seemingly meaningless as the streams and viewers demanded more and more from you.
< I'm sorry you feel that way! :( I'm always trying my best to be myself and kind. I hope it didn't seem like I'm just faking it for the others! Please give me a chance to prove that I'm still me, and I'll do my best to meet your expectations!
Tears stung in your eyes as you typed out the words. You didn't want to grovel or apologize for how the world had ruined you. You couldn't push the blame on everyone else forever, but you truly felt wronged by your own life. Apologizing for being forced into a role you didn't want to have was way worse than when you made an actual mistake, but if you wanted to keep up the image, it was what you had to do.
> it's okay. i know you work so hard, i'm so proud of you for that
Your supporter's sudden shift in attitude made you lean back in your chair, your breath escaping you as you felt the tension being lifted. Perhaps he wasn't as weird as you assumed by his insistence on ruining the little composure you had in your stream. Maybe he was truly just concerned for you.
> that's why i'm going to help you!
Raising an eyebrow, you couldn't help but cringe. Nothing good ever came from someone saying they would "help" you. They were merely justifying themselves for wanting something unhinged from you, mostly something you weren't comfortable with. You relented to them in the past, but did you really have to put up with it still?
< Thank you so much for giving me a chance! ♥ Have you decided on a day then for our session?
> tomorrow night, 8pm, hotel loveline. i'll book the room, just mention my name to the receptionist, and they'll give you a key
You felt all goodwill shatter into a million pieces as you read the line. Bringing your hands to your face, you rubbed over the wrinkles and tension you held in the grimace of an expression you were making, wishing you could just drop the conversation and go to bed. It wasn't the first time someone asked to meet up personally. You had never done it before and wouldn't break your boundary for that guy now.
< I'm so sorry, but I don't do personal meet-ups! If you want a private cam session, please let me know, and I will arrange it! :)
"Please, god, let him get the hint," you prayed under your breath, but you should have known better. He was a persistent one.
> i'll make sure you gain thrice the followers than you do in one month just from our collaboration. surely people will send lots of donations, too. the only thing i want is you, natural, real. mine for the night
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Mister," you grumbled, slowly getting angry at this guy. Why did he lie through his teeth? How in the world would someone get you thrice the subscribers from a private session? Why make big promises that were impossible to keep? And he was paying for it, so there would be no donations for you. But even so, with your teeth grinding in frustration, you typed out the nicest rejection you possibly could.
< Sorry, but I'm really not comfortable with personal meet-ups! And charging you for a whole night also makes me feel bad; my rates aren't cheap, after all. It wouldn't be fair to you. Let me know if you are still interested in a cam session, I'll give you a discount since you've been a fan for so long! :) ♥
There was an eery silence in the chatroom, and you glimpsed towards the bathroom, wondering if you had time to get ready for bed until he replied. Ultimately, you decided to wait it out, just to be polite, while you scolded yourself for offering a discount. This interaction alone should have warranted an extra charge on top of your regular rates.
> you like your current day job, don't you?
This statement caught you off-guard. You hadn't spoken much about your new employment on stream, not wanting to bore your viewers with such trivial things when they were there to be entertained.
> wouldn't you be sad if you were fired again?
"What do you mean?" you typed back, the confusion growing.
> i take good care of my darling, and you'll enjoy what i have prepared for you. if you can no longer pretend to be happy, i will help you find that happiness again, help you choose the right path
< you scare me
You typed the words before thinking them through. This was the real you, not the persona he knew and wanted to see, and she just messed up big time.
< I'm sorry, I meant to say your comments can be interpreted weirdly, and it's a little scary to read them right now. I'd still be up for the cam session if you're interested, though?
Anything, you thought, anything to stop him from saying more weird shit.
Does he... does he know you? You pondered the thought for a while. Trying to find a weird interaction you might have had before in your real life. One where someone spoke to you like he did. But you couldn't recall it. How did you know about your job though? Was he perhaps a colleague? But even they knew very little of you, and definitely not about your other job.
"Do I know you?" you asked when he didn't reply anytime quick.
Immediately, you regretted showing vulnerability in front of this stranger. From the moment he joined your stream, DarlingLover had seen through your charades, the online persona you had kept up so carefully. They were laying you bare in an uncomfortable, personal way. You've always been so careful with information about your personal life, keeping all your stories vague and unidentifiable, never naming brands of the stores you visited, or talking about the companies you were part of. How did he know where you lived and about your work?
You wished he'd just stop and disappear to where he came from.
> not yet :)   > but you will get to know me—all of me—when we see each other tomorrow. i'll make you smile again, i'll make you happy. you'll be my darling star again, just like before! my reason to live, my beloved. i can't wait for tomorrow, see you soon!
DarlingLover left the chat.
You stared at the message for a while, perplexed and dumbfounded as you tried to make sense of it. You replayed the interaction over and over but could find no logic or reason behind it. You didn't know this guy, he didn't know you. At least, not personally. But he did know more about you than any of your subscribers should.
Part of you hated him, but the rest of you was scared. Scared of what would happen if you scorned him, the havoc he'd unleash on your life. You were scared of the embarrassment he could cause you if he revealed your secret sidehustle to your work, feared how the opinion of you would change now that you finally found work that you liked and coworkers that you could have fun with. You were finally one leg into having a normal life, only for some stranger on the internet to come and ruin it again. It made you mad and drove you downright crazy.
Clicking his username over and over, it stated he was offline. You couldn't open a new chat again, couldn't scream at him how you weren't going to do that! How you wouldn't meet him for real because he could very well be a psycho or murderer! Surely, he'd not give you back the time you lost streaming, the friends you pushed away to earn money, or your happiness in exchange for success!
"What do I do?" you sighed, rubbing your face once more. You were so tired, you had to go to bed. Soon, you'd have to get up, get to work, and decide whether you wanted to attend the meet-up.
Why was that even a decision?
Of course, you wouldn't go! He couldn't force you! He couldn't—
Did you really have a choice?
Flopping into your bed, you groaned. In a fit of anger, you punched your fists into the mattress a few times before the strength left you. Of course, it was your choice. You had started over before. If the worst came to fruition, you'd just do it again. Nothing was lost. You could do it! You could refuse the offer and live a happy life away from streaming and the judgment of other people! It would be hard. So very hard. But you could do it!
Sleep overtook you before you could prepare yourself for bed. You didn't hear the ping of a chat message. All your body had left in it was to sleep away the exhaustion, even if it meant knocking you out for good and without having an alarm set for the next morning. Big decisions would have to be made the next day, but you were asleep, unaware of the weight resting on your shoulders.
And you didn't notice the red light on your webcam, saying it was still on even though your screen had long closed down.
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< sleep well, darling :) ♥
His lips curled into a wicked, lovestruck grin as he moved the window with the video live feed of your bedroom to the second monitor. Finally. Finally, he'd get to meet you. His idol, his darling, his beloved streamer. He adored and worshipped you since the day you started. Watched every one of your streams since the day you joined his life.
Without you, his channel wouldn't exist. People wouldn't adore him, wouldn't watch him. The masses of fans enjoying his lengthy cock-stroking sessions, buying his ASMR audios to masturbate to—they all wouldn't exist without you. Even when he was down when he just started, seeing you smile and do your best for the few followers you had was what made him continue working hard for you.
And now that he had long surpassed you, it was time he gave back the gratitude he felt towards you.
The thought alone of meeting you was getting his cock rock hard, ready to burst. He wasn't even sure if he could look into your eyes without cumming instantly like a pathetic loser. But he wouldn't mind being a loser again if it meant he got to meet you.
"I love her streams," he hummed blissfully, closing the connection to your stream as he palmed himself over his sweatpants. Thanks to your lovely end of stream announcement, showing all your best moments, no one even noticed he'd be off chatting with you. "She's my favorite streamer ever."
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Donations went off as he pulled down the waistband, revealing the girthy mass that his followers loved so much. He'd been so ashamed as a teenager for having this monster of a cock, but on the internet, he found solace. People loved imagining riding him, giving him BJs, the whole nine yards, but he saved himself. For you. You'd be the first, and if he did his job well, you'd be his last.
"Before we get to the main part of tonight," he teased, gripping his length in his hand, squeezing and caressing it for the whole community to see. Head rolling back, he imagined your warmth spread around him, his cock pulsing eagerly as he wished to know what it would feel like to pop the tip into your tight pussy.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
He grinned. They loved him so much. Everyone loved the former loser now turned into a hot, sexy internet sensation. And you would, too. Very soon.
"I want to announce that we're going to have the collaboration of the year right here, on this channel, tomorrow. Starting at 8:30pm! Make sure you're here to witness it, Darling."
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
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ningvory · 9 months
may i ask what’s your thought about mean girls! ningrina?
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parings: meangirls!ningrina x quiet!fem!reader
synopsis: you never spared a glance at them, always walking away to get to your wherever you needed to go, never stopping to glance at them. so they decided to host a sleepover and fuck you so hard that you look at them!
warnings: strap-ons, vibrator, tit suckin, rimming, double stuffing, pussy eating, face sitting, oral, blackmail, recording
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the famous duo, ningrina were notorious for being the mean girls at school. judging people’s outfits right in their faces and laughing at them. they would step out of karina’s pink ferrari, always wearing expensive heels paired with stylish outfits, sometimes being a little too over the top causing everyone to stare and stepping to the side admiring them, either wanting to be them or fuck them except for you.
you never batted an eye to them, walking right pass them with your headphones in your ears. they wanted to change that so bad, wanting to make you obsessed with them, but they had a reputation to hold up and they would definitely not go outta their way to make you look at them, so they had came up with a plan!
karina was quietly thinking while ningning was laying down on rina’s bed staring at nothing in particular.
“what if we hold a sleepover at my place?” karina asked the younger with a smirk knowing ningning would definitely like that idea.
which is how you led to being invited to their sleep over held at karina’s house. it wasn’t just the three of you though, the two also invited aeri and minjeong, not telling them her and ning’s whole reason of putting this sleepover together because where’s the fun in that!? when they asked ning and rina they would just say they felt like it!
you were the last to arrive at karina’s sleepover and rina nearly squealed when she saw you. you were wearing a fuzzy pink top and matching shorts along with your black glasses that were definitely to big for your face, she thought you were so cute!
you were shocked to see what rina was wearing, she was wearing a low v cut crop top, exposing her tits to you paired with some skimpy shorts. she pulled you into a hug, her tits pressing against your body as you hugged her back because you really didn’t have a choice!
she began to pull you to where everyone else was, you greeted them all. minjeong and aeri were the only ones who actually looked like they ready for a regular sleep over. ningning was wearing the exact same outfit rina had on.
you interacted with aeri and minjeong really the whole night, lowkey avoiding any communication with the other two, but that’s okay! they just observed you and noticing little habits you do like scrunching your nose up so your glasses don’t fall off which they thought was so cute!!
you were very chill and this is the most they heard you talk, making them think about how cute your moans and whines would be when the fuck you! they watched how you would crawl over to minjeong or aeri to show them something, getting a full view of your ass. at this point they couldn’t give a shit about you avoiding them, they just wanted to hear that pretty voice of yours moan out their names! that outta get you to look at them!
it was getting quite late and you all decided to go to your rooms to sleep. aeri and minjeong saying goodnight to you and going to their rooms down the hall as you told them goodnight as well, heading to your own room, the duo following right behind you saying how aeri and minjeong said they needed more pillows, which was a lie. thinking nothing of it, you just nodded, back turned to them thinking they would just get the pillows and leave. until you felt someone push your upper body to the bed, pressing down on your back so you don’t move.
“you were so mean to us y’know? you didn’t even bother to try to talk to us!” ningning said sadly as she began to hump your ass.
“what the- ningning! what are you doing? let me go!” you yelled out as she raised you up, holding your hands behind you so you don’t run away. and let karina get infront of you, fully naked with a smirk on her face, “be a good girl and shut up.” karina told you.
this is how you ended up in this position, your shorts and panties were pushed down and ningning was behind you on her knees, pushing her green 10 inched dildo in and out of your ass and fingering your cunt with her fingers, pulling whiny moans out of you! some of them were muffled by karina, making you suck on her tits until you came on ningning’s fingers with a whiny moan.
the way that they would tag team you so hard!! they would have your legs spread so wide so they can fits both of their heads and they would be lapping up at your cunt! karina using her tongue to tongue fuck you and ningning would be sucking at your clit, pulling high pitched moans out of you because they’ve been at it for what felt like hours! overstimulation was hitting you hard :((
they would even double stuff you with their biggest strap-ons! ningning wearing her 13 inched black one and karina wearing her 12 inched pink one! the would push in and out of you in a fast pase! not letting you catch a break at all! ningning would push in when karina would push out, making you cry out mumbling apologies to them about how you were ignoring them all the time hoping they would stop!! :(
the way the would make you wear one of the strap on’s and pushing a vibrator into you. ningning would be pinning you to the bed, on top of you riding the strap-on and karina would be riding your face making you eat her out because if you didn’t, she was gonna record this and post it everywhere! :(
after this day, they made you their cute plaything! they would make you eat them out while they recorded you and stuffing your cunt with their biggest and thickest dildo’s or a vibrator, and if you don’t do what they say, they’ll post all the videos they’ve got of you getting fucked silly or lapping at their cunny’s :((
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kaiser1ns · 6 months
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𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: it doesn't take much to say or show you love someone even with the simplest of actions.
╹contents :: can be read as fem/gn reader; characters from blue lock, jjk and honkai star rail, FLUFF, ooc maybe?
╹notes :: as i was walking to go home at like 10pm i thought of this, hope you enjoy! added hsr specially for @okkalo ♡
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ITOSHI SAE immediately takes you out to visit the sea when he gets some days off. The sounds of the waves, the relaxing atmosphere and you in his arms calm him down causing him to flashback to his childhood memories of when he was just a small and carefree child wanting nothing more but to play football with his little brother and personal cheerleader.
Not only he is known as the strongest but GOJO SATORU is also known for having a very strong sweet tooth. So what does he do to reduce the sugar? He shares it with you because there is nothing better than sharing his favourite thing with his lover, so let's say he gets a double dose of chocolate and candy from just seeing you and that's enough.
AVENTURINE is not afraid to take the risk and his constant smile makes it difficult for people to guess his true intentions. Not with you though, he lets his guard down, your voice soothing him to help him relax and as he gets lost in your touch. He is not Aventurine of the IPC or the Ten Stonehearts, he is just Kakavasha the little boy who once dreamed of love and now he won the biggest treasure in his life — you.
ITOSHI RIN knows how much you don't like scary movies, and that's why when you come over for the weekends you watch movies or series of your choice, be it Barbie or The Lion King. He will swallow his ego and stop watching the weekly uploads of his favourite scary games just so you can't fall asleep on purpose because of the horror films.
GETO SUGURU can't stop talking about how beautiful, amazing, and kind you are. Mimiko and Nanako are tired because they are the only ones who get to hear all his murmuring when you are away even for only 5 minutes. But they know how much he loves you and how you breathe life into him, and he wishes that someday they will become like you — strong and good-hearted.
ARGENTI thanks and prays to Idrila every moment of his life for obtaining the biggest blessing to ever exist and that is meeting you. The Knight of Beauty makes sure to give you one red rose every day to express his profound love and admiration, it's a small gesture that symbolizes his devotion to the relationship. He should protect his lover and like flowers, the tender petals are directed to you, with the thorns to the cosmic and its danger protecting you
It may seem that he is spoiled, but in fact, NAGI SEISHIRO is not, well not that much. Sometimes he takes charge of the household chores, giving you, a well-deserved break. He washed the dishes, cooked you a meal (instant noodles), and even tried to fold the laundry. And you, pleasantly surprised, sank into the couch, embracing the rare luxury of relaxation as familiar songs from your shared playlist were playing on the TV. Even if it doesn't happen often you are forever grateful for your lazy boyfriend to do something like that.
ITADORI YUJI shows genuine interest and actively listens to you talking about your current obsession be it a series, celebrity, book, food, or anything. He loves your voice, seeing your beautiful smile, and how your eyes seem to sparkle as you talk, he is so lovestruck that he sometimes just stares at you with the most soft and genuine look. Just don't be surprised when you find some merchandise on your desk with a little love note, okay?
Engaging in meaningful conversations and connecting on a deeper level with DR. RATIO seems like every other normal day for him. He approaches every interaction with a thirst for knowledge. And you take him by surprise every time and he doesn't know what to do, the great genius suddenly stops functioning. The way you hold his hand, kiss his cheek, make him stutter — he goes crazy and questions himself about how there is no logical explanation for this, but there is, it is called love.
SHIDOU RYUSEI doesn't like to share his material possessions with anyone, he worked so hard to get the last volumes of Chainsaw Man as they are now put on the shelf in his bedroom. And imagine his reaction when he sees you reading volume 10 which has Makina on the cover, cuddled nicely with his blanket on the bed. How dare you read it without him? And so he jumps onto the mattress, squishing you because that's your punishment for not telling him. You apologized to him of course but for him to fully forgive you, next time you will be on anicon cosplaying Makima and Denji.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI remembers the small details about you and your preferences. If you don't like a certain ingredient in the food, he will order the dish without it. You like to sleep on this side of the bed, no problem he will sleep on the other side as you both cuddle and drift to Dreamland. He will immediately notice the change in your mood and even if he is not so good with words, he will always be there for you offering his warm embrace.
As a Galaxy Ranger BOOTHILL tends to travel around the cosmos a lot and sadly he can't spend time with you. But when he's with you, one of the things you do is his hair and to put cute stickers on his metal hands or guns. The scary cyborg cowboy is now a pretty princess with pigtails, heart stickers and with a very happy lover. He watches you having fun with his makeover — and will do everything possible to spend more time with you.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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this has always been one of my favorite lines in this scene it’s so striking to me. i think debating over callum’s level of lucidity and what can or cannot “fix” him is deeply antithecal to what the story is trying to express with him - but the idea that callum is still there and still a person who does have the capacity to love mingus, just not in a way she can ever comprehend or accept, because she can't comprehend or accept anything outside her narrow worldview, is sooooo good.
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there is no way of actually knowing if callum is proud of mingus, much less recognizes her at all - but it's added to by the fact there's only so much of that she would accept even if he could. ultimately, she wants validation and power, his prestige, from him, she wants a supportive parental figure she never had - there's only so much of that callum is able to provide even in a world where her stint to fix his memory actually worked. he's like a hundred. he never even MET her. to say nothing of all he's missed in the past fifty-odd years. to say nothing of how his age may have messed with his mind deteriorating even without the pre-existing brain damage.
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and mingus' phrasing here implies he doesn't even look at her when she visits - which brings me to the visit that radicalized her: the one after her surgery, where he was watching gingi out the window.
obviously, callum watching gingi is mostly for the thematics of it all, how similar the two of them are in ways mingus refuses to recognize, but theres also the thought of... callum's been sitting alone in that room for over half his life, barely lucid if at all. of course he's going to be drawn to a brightly-colored thing making noises and knocking stuff over outside. if he can't respond to stimuli of the people around him he's at the very least going to latch onto something more visually interesting than Brown Wall and Brown Figure.
but it's not like mingus can think of it like that, because she's internalized so much about her grandfather and built up such a specific, personalized vision of him - she doesn't see him as an elderly man with (a fictional equivalent to) dementia, she sees him as President Callum Crown™, the man she personally has to please and live up to the legacy of and make proud, disregarding the fact that's not something he has the mental capacity to even do - because she's so obsessed with validation and complete control that the only way she can get it is by either subjugating others and forcing it out of them (what she does with her townsfolk), or just completely projecting on someone who, for her purposes, is basically a blank slate.
which is maddening to her in its own way, see how crazy she drives herself trying to restore callum's memory in the first place - but also, would she be happy even if callum could see her for who she is? post-game, when she's working on herself, that's an irrelevant question as she's pushed past that need, but as we know her? absolutely not.
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i love the ch3 standoff between norm and mingus as a show of "Okay guys let’s see who can dehumanize this disabled guy harder (via pedestal-putting) and justify themselves for it better" and why i think it is so important that it’s gingi who reads the postcard and ultimately speaks for callum instead of either of them, or even the narrator. they can’t read, and they struggle to, but they manage to get it right even when people are telling them to stop. and the fact they’re able to do it at all, are given the chance to do so, and are ultimately the one to wind down this conflict shows that the world of dialtown, while not perfect, really is how callum would have wanted it.
both gingi and callum are some of the most altruistic and human characters ever, and the crux of their parallels is that they are denied this by close-minded people because they happen to Behave Strangely. it's why seeing mingus act the way she does hits so hard - she loves her paw-paw, yes, but if she were to see him in a vacuum, a one-limbed man who can hardly think, much less speak for himself: or even his younger self, who was struggling to make ends meet with his odd inventions...
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...well, the feeling norm's imagining here would probably be mutual. mingus' relationship with bigotry is a very fascinating one, she's very close-minded but views certain oddities (ie her flesh-head) as having earned their place and thus being fine - she's a freak too, by her own admission, but she's doing it for a just and wider purpose, so it's fine. which is, ironically, the ideology callum forced upon himself.
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callum was obsessed with helping people, pushing himself to do more and more, because it was the only way he ever found respect. if he didn't help people and have grand visions for the world and make himself "useful" to society at large, then what would he be, if not a freak?
mingus and her paw-paw are very similar people, from their well-intentioned extremism, to their stubbornness and paranoia, to their inability to view themselves as anything more than a vessel for that grand cause they believe in (callum in the dialup, mingus in restoring her paw-paw's memory) - which is funny, because if mingus was able to view callum, and herself, as a flawed human person, she would come to understand how similar they really are.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Rahu & Ketu: Abuse & Addiction
TW: drug overdose, death, suicide, abuse, childhood abuse
Nodal influence can be very destabilising and intoxicating. They're opposites but as they say the extremes of anything is a meeting point for it's opposite, so Rahu & Ketu share many similarities.
Rahu & Ketu are both shadow planets, Rahu is the head whereas Ketu is the tail. This in itself reveals much about the nature of the two. Rahu is over immersed in the world whereas Ketu is completely cut off from it.
When I say Rahu is over immersed/over stimulated, I don't mean they're profoundly connected to reality, I mean the opposite, they're deeply immersed in Maya/illusion that they often have no sense of reality. Rahu is the head, imagine if you lived in your head all the time? You'd be in your own la la land, disconnected from what is actually happening around you. This is Rahu energy. Without your body, you cannot use your senses, you cannot fully feel alive or experience reality. Rahu being the head means you're cut off from what is "real". You only live in your head and what happens in your head is very subjective and completely illusory.
They are so deeply immersed in an illusory world. This can manifest as substance addiction, video gaming, fame, material success, internet addiction, overly obsessed with "binging" content, maladaptive daydreaming etc, any experience that disconnects you from what is "real" and immerses you in something that feels very real but isn't real. Both Rahu and Ketu people suffer from addiction, Claire had mentioned that Nodal influence can make someone prone to addiction but why Rahu and Ketu are addicted tend to be very different. Rahu is overstimulated, they always need more of everything. There are people who spend 10 hours a day just watching YouTube videos or IG reels or whatever, that's because they need that much stimulation, since they live in their heads. Their minds need that kind of fodder to thrive off of. Once you start using any kind of substance, your brain builds a tolerance for it and you have to start using higher and higher doses to get the same high. When a Rahu native accumulates wealth, they start indulging in it but nothing is ever enough. They never feel "full", they don't have that fuse in their brain that flares up and says "this is enough". Basically they never know when to stop, they just keep going and going and going with anything they immerse themselves in. People play video games for 3-4 days straight without leaving their game set up. They don't ever feel satisfied. This is scary because "feeling full" is our brain's way of asking us to stop. Without that mechanism, we would overindulge and overdo everything which is what these natives do.
This is also why relationships are so tricky for Nodal people. They give too much and immerse themselves to the point where it's detrimental to the relationship. You either feel like you're losing part of yourself to it or the other person feels like you're consuming their energy too much (which makes them feel drained). Moderation does not exist for Nodal people either they're completely detached or they're completely obsessed.
Its similar to Jupiter energy in the sense that Jupiter is also very expansive and has the ability to immerse itself in everything and give so much but Jupiter has other principles that firmly ground it in reality as it is not a shadow planet like Rahu. It is not suspended in an illusion, Jupiter natives give so much or do so much because they have the internal space to do so, not out of a tendency to immerse themselves in Maya/illusion. Jupiter is the opposite, they see through Maya and find it hard to consciously part take in it.
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Taylor Swift- Ardra Moon
She works harder than anybody in the biz. Her concerts are like 3 hours long and she does like 40-50 shows on average. She's ALWAYS doing THE most. She releases a new album every 2 years or so, has other projects etc this is a positive manifestation of Rahu energy because it allows you to be deeply immersed in your craft and your world but it also means you live in a bubble and you are cut off from "real life".
Ketu is the tail, it is cut off from reality and feels profoundly disconnected to reality. It is hard for these natives to feel like they relate to anything. This is why Ketuvians struggle with addiction. They use substances because they want to feel something, want to feel tethered, want to feel connected. They have to use higher doses because it helps them feel heightened emotions when they usually don't feel anything at all.
Ketu is connected to spirituality because natives who feel disconnected from the real world to this extent find it easier to immerse themselves in the occult and in esoterica. It is more abstract and requires you to think non-logically, i.e, experientially, but this is something Ketuvians have a hard time with, they themselves feel very "abstract" or like they aren't real or don't exist, so while they're intrinsically drawn to the esoteric, they feel untethered/ungrounded by immersing themselves in it too much. They need something they can cling to, they need something solid that they can attach themselves to.
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All Rahuvian nakshatras belong to the Shudra caste, specifically the Butcher caste, this is very interesting because Shudra is the lowest caste (Mleccha is "outcaste" which means it exists outside the system entirely), to be Rahuvian means to operate on the lowest level. Butchers have to slaughter meat to make a living, that is unpleasant and brutal work, and only if they are disconnected from it can they keep doing it. They cannot be too focused on what they actually do because then it will be hard for them to do their tasks. They're not repulsed by it because they're disconnected from it.
2/3 Ketuvian naks are also Shudra caste whereas Ashwini is the only Ketu nak that is upper caste as it is a Vaishya nak.
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(table by me hehe)
Rahuvian naks are found in all 3 ganas (Swati is deva gana, Ardra is manushya gana, Shatabhisha is rakshasa gana)
2/3 Ketuvian naks are Rakshasa gana (Mula, Magha) with only Ashwini being a Deva gana nak
I feel like Ketuvians are always made to feel like the bad guy / people villainize them a lot. They're the "ugly ducklings" who have to "win" approval as they're never accepted for who they are.
Rahu needs to immerse itself in something because its sensory perception is limited and they need to really indulge to grasp what is "real". Its very common for people with heavy Rahuvian or Rahu in a malefic placement to experience hallucinations or feel like their grip on reality is very thin.
Ketu has nothing perceive with at all. Its like being completely lost in the shadows or the dark. There's no perception taking place at all, it makes the natives inwardly drawn because its truly hard for them to absorb from their surroundings unlike Rahu which absorbs easily and fully. Rahu is over immersed whereas Ketu lacks immersion at all.
Lets look at the yoni animals of Rahu & Ketu naks respectively
Rahu: Ardra -dog yoni, Shatabhisha- horse yoni, Swati-buffalo yoni
Ketu: Magha-rat yoni, Mula- dog yoni, Ashwini-horse yoni
one common theme is that all these animals are abused, mistreated and exploited
(rats are the go to animal for lab testing, dogs are valued for their loyalty and are at the mercy of their owners, horses are made to endure so much labour, buffalos are farm animals)
all of these animals are also associated with dirt/filth in some way or another which is perhaps why people with Nodal influence often have a dishevelled appearance. They're bad at taking care of themselves.
Both horse yoni & dog yoni are divided among Rahu & Ketu naks whereas the yoni consort for Swati is Hasta (Moon ruled) and Magha is Purvaphalguni (Venus ruled).
Horses are very strong but very fragile animals. They start walking almost immediately after birth, they sleep standing up but they require a lot of attention and care as their health tends to be very fragile. Even though horses are associated with working hard, its not exactly innately part of their nature, it's just that they've been domesticated into being that way. It represents a very powerful active energy, as horses can be highly temperamental and unpredictable.
Dog yoni on the other hand, makes a person very needy and eager to please others. Dogs depend on the affection of their owners and without it they feel unhappy. Both these nakshatras have obsessive tendencies and a people pleasing nature. They're also two nakshatras who endure abuse the most.
I've noticed that a lot of people tend to have both nodes in their chart and I wonder what its like to house such contradictions. On one hand you're extremely involved, on the other, you're supremely detached.
The entertainment industry is one where people with Nodal influence really thrive but also often, self-destruct themselves. Its immensely hard to balance these energies since Rahu heightens whatever is in it, the way Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Both planets make you feel manic but in different ways.
Addiction is the result of an overactive nervous system and a coping mechanism. Ketu feels cut off from society/life/the world so in order to feel connected, it over indulges. Rahu needs something that will help them fully lose themselves, idk if I'm explaining it properly but you know how the best movies you've watched are the ones where you feel like you were in them experiencing those things with the characters? Its like that
There is an unhappy pattern of Rahu & Ketu influenced people being abused, I have especially noted this among child actors but also others.
Taylor Momsen- Swati Moon
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Her parents signed her up with Ford Modeling when she was just 2 years old. "No 2-year-old wants to be working, but I had no choice. My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."
This theme of not experiencing "real life" or reality is very prominent in the lives of Rahuvian and Ketuvian people. It can be interpreted in many ways according to the context but there is always a sense of being deprived of what was "normal" or "real" as a result of which these natives had to live in their imagination or indulge in other things.
Like the child star who worked their whole life playing other people (acting is very Rahuvian) or the loner kid who spends all their time immersed in movies or video games because that feels more "real" to them.
Fame is also an inherently Rahuvian experience bc it's an illusion & a prison.
Judy Garland- Ardra Rising, Mula Moon
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She was emotionally abused and controlled by her mother who got her addicted to drugs by the time she was a teenager. She was also sexually abused by the studio executives she worked with. Judy had a very tough life.
Aaron Carter, Ardra Moon, Mula Rising
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Aaron Carter claimed that as a teen musician, his family spent $500 million of his money on 15 houses and 30 cars. He claimed that when his parents sold the houses, he didn't get a cut of the profits. He also alleged that his dad shot a .44 magnum near his ear — which resulted in him going 70% deaf in one ear — to force him into signing a $256,000 check.
Being heavily tattooed (more examples at the end of this post) is also a very Nodal thing to do.
He unfortunately passed away in 2022 from an accidental drug overdose. This is also a very unfortunate pattern among Nodal celebrities.
Macaulay Culkin- Shatabhisha Moon, Magha Sun & Mercury
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 Macaulay Culkin's father Kit managed him during his childhood career. Macaulay has shared that his father was controlling and had him on a very busy filming schedule in the early '90s. He added his father made him stay up every night to study the lines he would have to say the next day. Macaulay asserted that his father was "such a crazy person" that he forced him to do SNL without cue cards when he hosted the show at 11 years old. Macaulay has explained that he felt his father was jealous of him because “everything he tried to do in his life I excelled at before I was 10 years old.”When Macaulay stopped acting after his 1994 movie Richie Rich, he told his parents, “I’m done, guys — hope you all made your money because there is no more coming from me.”His parents were never married and after he stopped acting, his mother filed for custody. Macaulay ended up taking his parents to court to stop them from controlling his $17 million in earnings. Since then, he and his father have been estranged.
I feel like the "child star gone wild" is a trope meant specifically for Nodal people
Keke Palmer, Magha Sun & Mercury, Mula Moon
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Palmer shared on IG:
"Due to traveling and scheduling both of my parents had to stop working to support my career and be present for my three siblings, leaving me with the financial responsibility around age 12. Which I took great pride in because I knew what it would do for generations to come and a huge blessing that I could even help out. However it caused me a lot of pain because I essentially had to abandon my childhood feelings and desires, becoming like a parentalized child, which is something some of you can probably relate to in your own way. This was something that I have had to continuously work through because I am grateful but often feel like.. I missed “IT”. Life can be such a tragic comedy because how funny is it.. that now becoming an actual parent, and the responsibility I’ve always carried being more valid now than ever, has in fact given me the chance to feel what it’s like to be a kid again, I get a chance to explore a lot of the things I missed out on with my son, His freedom is like, the most priceless gift to me. He is already teaching me so much, it’s like he awakened the little me inside that I thought was long gone."
Ketu dominance = being your own parent, being neglected by your family or having to be your parent's parent.
Michael Jackson, Magha Sun & Mercury, Shatabhisha Rising
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From a young age Jackson was physically and mentally abused by his father, enduring incessant rehearsals, whippings and name-calling. Jackson's abuse as a child affected him throughout his grown life. reading about the lives of the Jackson siblings and how severely they were all abused is very perspective altering and sad
Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen, Magha Moon, Ashlesha Rising (inc the ashlesha placement bc its another nak often subject to control and abuse)
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“With what we were doing in business when we were younger, I don’t think it ever felt like we were actresses,” Mary-Kate “Because we spend so much more of our time not in front of the cameras, building a brand. Ashley agreed, saying: “I always looked at myself, even as a kid, as a business woman.” Mary-Kate said she wouldn't wish her childhood on anyone, and said she felt like a "monkey performer." 
they quit acting in the mid 2000s and rarely make public appearances and god only knows what they endured in the business bc neither of them will talk about it.
Sarah Michelle Geller, Ashwini Sun conjunct Ketu, Shatabhisha Moon
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Sarah herself enjoyed the path she'd ended up on, she has rules in place for her own daughter. Recalling the "industry abuses" she experienced as a teenager in Hollywood, she said she hoped she'd "set up a safety net for these actors that I didn't have," but that she and husband Freddie Prinze Jr. have "rules in place" that mean daughter Charlotte "can't be in front of a camera until she graduates high school."
Kylie Jenner, Swati Moon
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Kylie started appearing on her family's reality show when she was 10
In 2016, she told her sister Kim in an episode of the show: "I feel like I've had anxiety for too long. I feel too much, I care too much, I read too much. Some people are born for this life and some people aren’t. I just know I’m not supposed to be famous.” in an old IG post she said: "I’m proud of myself, my heart, and my strength. Growing up in the light with a million eyes on you just isn’t normal. I’ve lost friends along the way and I’ve lost myself too sometimes. My first tattoo was 'sanity' to remind myself everyday to keep it. I’ve struggled with anxiety my whole young adult life." "I know I don't want to be famous forever. There's gonna be a time where I feel comfortable, I'm at a good place in my life, and I just stop."
Natalie Wood, Ashwini Moon
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The late Natalie Wood was forced into acting by her mother, Maria, who missed her chance to become a performer and instead focussed her efforts on pushing her daughters to stardom.
While young Natalie had a natural talent for performing, it seemed that her reason for going to movie sets was more to please her mother than to quench any desire of her own. 
Bella Thorne, Mula Moon
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"I was sexually abused and physically growing up from the day I can remember till I was 14. When I finally had the courage to lock my door at night and sit by it. All damn night." She has also stated that she only started acting as a child to support her family.
Drew Barrymore, Shatabhisha Sun
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 Drew's mother took her to clubs and allowed her access to drugs and alcohol, ultimately leading to her institutionalization at the age of 13, and emancipating herself at 14. Drew described fame at such a young age as "a recipe for disaster."
Edith Piaf, Mula Sun & Mercury, Magha Mars
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Born in Paris practically on the streets, she struggled from day one, the daughter of street performers. The mother, a singer, eventually abandoned both Edith and her father for a solo career. Piaf spent her youth entertaining passers-by, receiving little formal education in the process. She often accompanied her father's acrobat street act with her singing and at various times was forced to live with various relatives, in alleys or in cheap hotels. An aborted love affair left her with a baby girl at age 17, but little Marcelle died of meningitis at 2 years old. Devastated, Piaf returned to the streets she knew, now performing solo. Her fortunes finally changed when an impresario, Louis Leplee, mesmerized by what he heard, offered the starving but talented urchin a contract. He alone was responsible for taking her off the streets at age 20 and changing her name from Edith Gassion to "La Mome Piaf" (or "Kid Sparrow"). Piaf grew in status entertaining in elegant cafés and cabarets and became a singing sensation amid the chic French society with her throbbing vocals and raw, emotional power. From 1936, Piaf recorded many albums and eventually became one of the highest paid stars in the world.
Later in life she became an addict and died in poverty at the age of 47.
Brittany Murphy, Swati Moon & Venus
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she was a child star who was managed by her controlling mom. she battled with eating disorders and drug addiction. rip britt.
Justin Bieber, Shatabhisha Sun conjunct Saturn
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Justin shot to fame at a very young age and was severely exploited by his management/everybody around him
Now here are some heavily tatted celebs and their placements
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L to R
Rihanna- Shatabhisha Sun
Paris Jackson- Ardra Moon
Cheryl Cole- Ardra Sun & Mars, Shatabhisha Moon
Demi Lovato- Magha Sun
Jungkook- Magha Moon, Mula Rising
Ruby Rose- Swati Rising
Machine Gun Kelly- Ashwini Sun
The 27 club refers to a phenomenon where several musicians have died by age 27, many from an overdose. Unfortunately many of them have Nodal influence.
Brian Jones- Shatabhisha Sun
Jimi Hendrix- Mula Rising
Amy Winehouse- Mula Moon
Kurt Cobain- Shatabhisha Sun, Ardra Moon,
Janis Joplin- Ardra Moon, Mula Mars, Asc conjunct Ketu (in Dhanishta)
Jim Morrison- Ketu conjunct Rising (in Shravana)
several other celebrities who have died from overdoses also tend to have prominent Nodal influence
John Belushi- Mula Rising
Phillip Seymour Hoffman- Mercury in Ardra 2h, Mars conjunct Ketu in Swati
Prince- Shatabhisha Moon, Ketu in Ashwini
Whitney Houston- Shatabhisha Rising
River Phoenix- Magha Sun conjunct Ketu, Swati Ascendant conjunct Jupiter
Elvis Presley- Shatabhisha Moon
Margaux Hemingway- Ashwini Rising
Nodal planets are shadow planets and it can be very difficult for these natives to manage this energy as it is energy without a source, Rahu & Ketu don't have physical form or existence, that is a lot of uncontrolled energy to possess within yourself. Many people turn to spirituality and other esoteric sources and good Rahu & Ketu influence is vital and necessary to study or gain access to gnosis, study astrology or other occult matters but when this energy is imbalanced in their chart, these natives are more prone to self-destruction than any other planetary dominance simply because the unbridled energy is impossible to contain and requires some kind of coping mechanism. I have dated several Nodal men and they all dealt with varying degrees of addiction to varying substances and they all spoke about "wanting to feel more real" or how "nothing feels solid". I will try to focus on the positive manifestations of the Nodes on a future post.
thanks for reading<333
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crushmeeren · 8 months
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♡ Master List Link
➳ Warnings; Mentions of injuries, Cursing, Kissing, Marijuana Use, Vaginal Sex, Dirty Talk, Squirting, Fem Reader
➳ Or: You just want to spend one more easy night with Dabi before the entirety of Japan goes to hell.
♡ Note; this is a completely re-edited, revised, reworked version of my previous Dabi/Reader — I deleted the previous one.
♡ Touya / Fem Reader
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It’s almost funny, you think, as you lean against the wall of the Leagues newest hideout. The reason you were convinced to join the A team in the first place—to go a long with Shigaraki’s convoluted plans.
It wasn’t Stain. Hell, it wasn’t even Shigaraki himself. It sure as fuck wasn’t All for One.
No, it was the scarred, absolutely deranged, blue eyed psycho that has daddy issues. The man who creates flames that burn over 2500 degrees celsius at their hottest, higher than Endeavors. The bastard.
To be fair, you didn’t know he had daddy issues when you saw him on TV for the first time. Yet, you saw the emotion in his eyes. Rage.
It flared, crackling brightly—hotter than the flames he produces himself.
It forced something to melt and seep into your bones, making your skin feel too tight, itchy, in an all too familiar way. You recognized another emotion on his face, one you were well acquainted with. Revenge.
You stopped at nothing to seek him out after that. Inevitably, you found him.
Now here you are, watching Dabi make, what equates to, a self-introduction video.

You’ve heard the story from him multiple times, you’ve seen him make the video over and over again. He’s shared his past and you’ve shared yours. You know people say Dabi may not feel much, hell even he says that. They say he’s heartless, cold, insane.
And—he is, but he’s also much more than that to you.
He’s kind to you, in his own twisted way, but he loves you, as much as he’s able to.
Which compared to “normal people” is actually quite a lot. Some would place him on the level of obsessed, unhealthy.
Although, who are you to judge? You act the exact same way towards him. Both of you would incinerate the world for each other, literally.
You also know he wants this video to be his own version of Dantes Inferno, about his journey navigating through hell since he was a kid.
You’ve had many conversations with Dabi about how much of a toll this takes on him. As if he’s weighted down by concrete tied to his ankles. Usually he gets so worked up that smoke ends up seeping through the seams of his staples by the end of it.
Nevertheless, he’s releasing the video tomorrow—whether it’s time for Shiagaraki to wake the hell up or not. No matter what, it’s going to rock the hero society. It’ll crumble the facade they have worked so hard to maintain. You’re lucky enough to know who he really is, the rest of the league, and the world, doesn’t. Yet.
You’re here for support, to make sure he actually gets the video fucking done, before you’re heading off for the day. Doing some sort of asinine errand for the Doc to help keep Shigaraki’s ass alive while he soaks in that vat.
You already decided that later tonight, you’re going make sure Dabi remembers he’s got you to come home too. No matter what happens after the world sees behind the veil.
After some time, you’re still leaning against the wall on the side of the room. Letting little flames ignite from your fingertips, just playing around, having one flame dance from finger to finger.
It’s another thing that had attracted you to Dabi. Even though flame quirks are a dime a dozen, and his flames burn hotter, it made you feel like you were similar, in a way.
Noticing that he’s stopped talking you look up, putting out the flame with a wave of your hand. You watch him walk to the camera to turn it off.
He was shirtless for the video. It shows off how lean he is, but it also shows all the burn scars that cross his chest and torso, up his neck and under his eyes. His hair is white right now and the staples holding him together shine under the light from overhead.
For a beat you remember how cool they feel pressing against your skin when Dabi pins you face down on the bed.
Your body flushes, warmth churning in your belly.
Being in love with a man like Dabi means he takes up most of the space in your brain, running wildly through your thoughts constantly.
To add on it’s not just Dabi you love, it’s Touya too.
You’re desperately aware of the fact that you’re not doing a very decent job of hiding the way your eyes trail his body when he speaks up. His smooth, smoky voice rumbling from his chest.
“You know, it’s rude to stare baby,” Dabi murmurs, inclining his head slightly to look at you. His gaze is sharp but his lips are pulled into a lazy catlike grin.
Embarrassment shoots through you, burrowing into your cheeks. A swarm of butterflies ravages you.
Using your hands, you set them behind you and you push off the wall, trying to form a response. Nobody else but Dabi makes you act like you’ve swallowed your tongue whole.
“Maybe I just like what I see,” you tease, trying to ignore the obvious flush of your chest and neck. Dabi turns to face you as you walk up to him.
You can’t get over the way he looms over you, forcing you to crane your neck to look up at him. The grin never leaves his face. He tugs playfully at a lock of hair that had fallen from your bun, making it seem as if you’ve swallowed cotton balls.
“Oh? You’re one to talk. I could fuck you where you stand and you’d let me,” he flirts, looking oh so casual the whole time.
Dabi twirls the same strand of hair around his finger tightly, before letting it go.
The man radiates fucking heat and it’s a bit like standing too close to a bonfire. It toes the line of too hot, as if your skin would start to melt if you got too close.
Your eyes flutter shut from the familiar warmth, and you taking a deep, steadying breath — willing away the lust that threatens to turn your insides to ash.
You desperately try to remember that now is not the time to let Dabi fuck you silly.
You reluctantly take a step back, only now realizing how close the two of you had gotten. Later, you remind yourself, trying to cool down.
Dabi pushes out his lower lip, pretending to pout.
“Dabi, c’mon, you know I’ve got to go soon. I just wanted to make sure you got this finished today,” you say with hesitation.
Dabi rolls his eyes, no doubt irritated they have you doing bullshit errands. You get it, you feel the same, but you know it’s just less of a hassle to get it done.
It’s not like you don’t want Shigaraki to wake up soon. The crazy, itchy fucker has grown on you.
Besides, you want to get the plan moving and all. Dabi knows this, yet it still pisses him off. He waves a hand dismissively, before turning back to the camera.
“Whatever, go on then,” he bites coldly. Your lips press into a line, the sting of hurt pulsing in your chest briefly.
You shove your hands in your pockets and turn to leave without saying much else. You’re not willing to get into it with him right now, the video has clearly already got him riled up.
Before you can take a step, a blistering palm grabs your forearm, turning you back around. You raise an eyebrow as you meet his intense gaze.
“Yes?” you bite back. Dabi stares down at you, hand trailing down to grip your wrist, wrapping his fingers around as a bracelet. His expression stays sharp, blue eyes piercing.
“Just come back to me tonight, okay?” Dabi demands, an underlying note of concern lacing his tone.
You can’t hold back the smile that pulls at your lips, previous hurt washed away by your adoration for the deranged man in front of you. You nod.
“I will Touya,” you whisper softly.
You tend not to use his real name often, only when you need him to know you’re serious.
It makes his eye twitch, his stomach more often than not twisting in fury when he hears it.
Not with you though. The way his name falls from your lips—he’d be remiss if he didn’t admit it soothes the open wound it’s left behind.
Without another word, Dabi bends down, brushing a kiss over your cheek, letting your wrist go. Your skin tingles where his lips were, the rough texture of his lower one always tickles. You smile softly.
Swiftly you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth in return.
“Love you too, dickhead!” You call out playfully, letting the door swing shut behind you. Dabi scoffs watching you go, but he wears, a small, loving smile at your jab.
He already wishes for the night. As long as can be with you again.
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You’re covered in soot and ashes. Smelling like a fucking bonfire gone wrong. The flesh of your hands is singed, stinging, and you curse internally when you curl them into fists.
Generally, it happens when you overuse your quirk. The skin sizzles, steam rising from the reddened flesh. You shake your hands out as you walk, thanking God that it looks worse than it is. It’ll heal relatively quickly.
You’ve managed to procure only a couple bruises though, so you count yourself even luckier. You know Dabi will be fucking pissed either way.
You always have to talk him down from eviscerating the Doc when you wind up coming home banged up from one of his errands.
To top it off, it’s way later than when you normally return from these idiotic missions. It’s well past midnight and you’re sure Dabi is close to committing arson.
The job was a waste of your time. Granted, you admit you may have been a little distracted. You couldn’t stop thinking about the night that lay ahead of you and Dabi.
It’s hard to burn down that many buildings, discreetly, when you’re not focused 100%. You almost got caught at the last building.
Hence the new dark purple splotches covering your left bicep. They throb slightly when you accidentally brush your fingers over them. It’s a miracle you made it out, but you’re not telling Dabi that.
Walking into the front door of the, more or less mansion that is the hideout, you notice it’s quiet in the living room.
None of the usuals that hang out are down here. You look around quickly, thinking maybe you’d catch a glance of Dabi. You scowl when you don’t see his spiky white hair anywhere. You swiped something on the way home, an item that will help the two of you relax. It sits heavy in your back pocket.
You desperately want the two of you to enjoy the night before the world explodes into chaos tomorrow.
You slip your hand into your pocket, just to make sure it’s still there. Your finger tips trace the pre-rolled joints you snagged. You smile coyly to yourself, feeling your heart beat harshly against your rib cage.
A pleasant shiver rolls down your spine as you recall the last time you and Dabi had sex higher than a kite.
Smoking weed isn’t necessarily something you and Dabi do often, but when you get the chance you certainly take advantage of it.
How could you say no? Your body feels relaxed and warm, like your joints are made of butter. The pleasure is always dialed to a 10.
You know Dabi fucking loves it, the one chance he gets to truly relax. You make your way to the stairs as you chew on your bottom lip, mulling over your thoughts.
You’re hoping that once Dabi sees you’re okay, and that you have joints, he won’t be too tempted to set the mansion on fire.
You walk swiftly to your room. You pass by Mr. Compress on the way, the two of you wave in greeting. The sound of your combat boots echo on the wooden floor as you round the corner, stopping at your door.
The door is closed but that’s not unusual. Eagerly, you turn the handle and push open the door. It’s pitch black inside. That…is odd actually. Your grin quickly fades as you step inside, curious, you flip on the low light to the room.
Dabi’s not here. You feel an unwarranted flash of irritation at the realization.
As cliche as it sounds, recently you’ve been finding him playing some sort of game on his desk top computer. You’re not sure he’s ever played one before now and he seems to thoroughly enjoy it. Your chest warms as you think about him getting to experience some sort of normalcy.
However, he’s not at the desk. He’s not anywhere in your room. You shut the door behind you and walk in further. Shoving the feeling of annoyance down your throat, you remind yourself that the villain has got to be somewhere around the hideout.
Hoping he’ll pop up soon you decide it’s best to take a shower. To wash off the layer of disgusting ash you’re covered in.
Setting the joints on your dresser, you strip your nasty clothes off and throw them to the side. You grab one of Dabi’s shirts, one with a skull on it and nothing else before making your way into the en-suite bathroom.
As you stand under the spray of the scalding water, it feels unbelievable. The water acting as a much needed massage for your sore muscles.
You scrub yourself clean, hissing as the soap causes a burning sensation in your hands. You examine the newly pink, sensitive skin of your palms and flex your sore fingers.
The curtain suddenly rips open halfway and you scream loudly, arms flailing wildly. Your head whips to the side, heart in your throat as you see a smug looking Dabi. You place a hand on your chest, pulse thundering.
“You fucking jack ass! You scared the shit out of me! Where the hell have you been?” you shout, angrily flinging water at his face.
Dabi laughs as he brings his hand up in surrender, covering his face from your retaliation. You let out a frustrated noise, quickly turning the water off to face him. You push roughly at his chest, wetting his shirt and he grips the shower curtain with one hand for balance. He’s still fucking laughing.
“I got restless waiting for you. I was with Spinner, who wouldn’t stop yapping about some new video game. I saw Compress and he told me he saw you on your way up. I wanted to fuck with you.” He grins wolfishly, pretending to wipe a fake tear of amusement from his eye. The staples near the corner of his mouth tug at his skin.
You scowl, glaring at him playfully.
“You’re the biggest dick I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting, ya know that?” you chastise him, unable to stop yourself from grinning widely at his relaxed demeanor.
Truthfully, you know nobody else sees this playful side of Dabi. The fact that you’re privy to it, it’s like knowing the world’s greatest secret. You want to put it in a box and keep it safe forever.
“Is that right? And yet, you’re the one who continues to stay with me, princess. I’ve just got you that cock drunk for me, don’t I sweetheart?” You blush violently at his teasing, but there’s absolutely no denying it.
Dabi smirks, taking the chance to let his gaze lazily trail up and down your wet, naked body. Slowly appreciating your form, and biting the tip of his tongue.
You wiggle your eyebrows playfully, popping your hip out, placing your hand there. It pulls an amused laugh from him and he winks at you. The sound of it sets your nerves alight.
Suddenly, you feel Dabi go stock still. The air raises a few degrees as his expression distorts into something feral, his happy mood vanishing.
Your stomach knots up and you shift your weight from foot to foot. You know he’s found the new, rather large, bruises peppering your left bicep. Delicately, he trails his fingers over them with his free hand. You wince.
The sickening scent of burning plastic starts to flood your nose. You glance over, panicking slightly when you see Dabi’s melting the shower curtain in a death grip.
“Touya!” You gasp. “I’m okay, really, I’m fine. Please, look at me baby,” you soothe, gripping his wrist to try and yank him free, but he doesn’t loosen his hold. You place your free hand on his cheek, forcing his manic gaze to meet yours. “It was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention,” you continue in a gentle voice, running your thumb over the scarred flesh under his left eye.
His snowy white eyebrows pinch together, and he lets out a pained sound, hesitantly letting go of the curtain. You swiftly take the opportunity to lace your fingers with his.
You take a peak at the curtain again, noticing a hand print has been permanently melted into it. Touya tugs on your hand harshly, asking for your attention.
He stares intensely at your face, pupils tracking back and forth rapidly, looking wild. When he speaks, it’s as if he’d swallowed a handful of gravel.
“Those goddamn idiots!” He snarls. “Sending you out, letting you get fucked up. If I fucking see that Doc again before Shigaraki wakes up, I’m incinerating him,” he manages to get out through clenched teeth. He’s furious, tone low and menacing.
It definitely does not turn you on.
Touya tangles his fingers through the wet hair at the nape of your neck, squeezing painfully. Your breath catches, scalp tingling.
A torrent of warmth rushes through you, pussy clenching eagerly around air.
It never fails to turn your brain to mush when he’s like this. Protective, possessive. It makes syrupy heat drip down your spine.
You shiver, not just from the chill of being naked, when you realize you’re still dripping wet. Unfortunately, you need a towel.
“I know Touya,” You laugh shakily , wanting to redirect his anger. “ I won’t stop you, promise. Let’s not allow those dumbasses to ruin our night, okay?” You squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I brought a surprise for us to share! So can you be a good boyfriend and please hand me a towel?” You plead, looking at him through your lashes.
Touya doesn’t move for a moment, narrowing his eyes slightly as considers your words, before his expression mellows out. He sighs heavily.
Touya releases his grip on your hair, trailing his rough fingers over your jaw and patting your cheek twice softly. He frees your other hand and turns to grab a towel from the cabinet.
You lift up your arms, very relieved, and wiggle your fingers happily as you wait. Touya sweetly wraps the cloth around your back and crosses it over your chest, tucking it into itself so it stays in place. You beam at him, letting your arms fall to hold it in place.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me not to commit murder tonight. Show me the surprise,” Touya concedes, catlike grin settling into his expression once again. You breathe another sigh of relief, stepping out of the shower. You balance with a hand on his arm.
“I got us joints! I figured some good weed would help us relax and,” you trail your finger over his jaw, biting your lip coyly. You lean in, whispering sensually to him. “I was hoping we could have some fun later, if you know what I mean.”
Standing up straight, you smile smugly, wrapping the towel tighter around yourself, watching his reaction. His head tilts back in delighted laughter.
“That’s the best idea you could’ve had. Let’s go get high out of our minds baby, and then I’ll fuck you into the mattress,” he purrs, grabbing the shirt you left to change into and tugging you along out of the bathroom.
You watch his lean frame from behind, admiring him as he walks. Your man is stupid hot, and you don’t just mean literally.
Once you’re near the bed the two of you release each other. He hands you your shirt and you let your towel unwind, tossing it to the side.
Touya’s hand comes out of nowhere to roughly smack your bare ass. The pain flares, making you yelp.
“Touya!” You scold. “Fuck off for a second will you?” you joke. “Let me at least put my shirt on.” You slip the clothing over your head as you speak, gathering your wet hair into a braid.
Touya snorts. You look at him with a raised brow as he’s taking his own clothes off. Your eyes linger for a moment on the V shape that disappears into his underwear. He winks at you in return when he catches your stare, but you just roll your eyes.
“Why are you even putting clothes on? You know I’m just going to get you naked later,” Touya complains as he crawls onto your shared bed. He leans his back against the headboard. Touya looks at you expectantly, patting the spot next to him as he shoves his long, pale legs under the blanket.
“Yes I know, but I still get cold sometimes, plus I like this shirt, it’s soft,” you reply, picking up the joints from your dresser, turning the overhead light off, and shimmying up the bed to him.
You make it a point to sit so your thigh and arm are squished against his as you recline next him. You use a pillow to support your lower back.
“You know I can keep you just as warm baby,” Touya coos, pulling up the soft fuzzy blanket that covers your bed so you can get your own legs underneath. He lets it rest at your waist.
Touya gently warms the space beneath and you swallow a moan. It feels amazing. Turning your head to look at him, you smile lazily. He wiggles his eyebrows as you hold up a joint to him, urging him to light it.
“I know, and later on you’re gonna make me sweat,” you tease, watching as he smirks.
He doesn’t even pay attention as he uses his finger to light the joint. A little blue flame that instantly eats the paper, setting it alight.
You kiss his cheek in thanks, selfishly taking the first drag. Fuck, it tastes like heaven. A twisted version of lemon flavor bursts across your tongue. It’s sweet, but also bitter.
You let the smoke swirl in your lungs while you hold your breath. Letting it out in a long exhale, the smoke ghosts across Touya’s face. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, groaning as he breathes out.
After a joint and a half in, you’re feeling the perfect level of high. You’re leaning your head on Touya’s shoulder, studying your fingertips.
You’re something akin to the warm butter that melts on top of pancakes. Your head feels fuzzy and you know Touya is in the clouds.
”Baby,” Touya softly calls for you, smooth like whiskey. His honeyed voice sends a shiver down your spine. Your head feels heavy when you lift it, looking at him with a dopey grin.
“Hmm?” you try to ask. Managing to giggle in response. He tilts his head down towards you. He’s wearing a matching lazy grin, his eyes half-lidded.
“Let me shot gun that pretty mouth,” he murmurs, taking the last large inhale from the joint. He holds his breath and puts out the joint on his palm, laying the roach on the bedside table.
You nod happily, stomach unbearably warm as you lean towards him. You let your mouth fall open obediently.
Touya looks sly, meeting you halfway. His different textured lips pressing to yours easily, slightly opened as he slowly pushes the smoke out of his lungs and into your mouth.
Your eyes flutter closed as the tendrils of smoke roll into your mouth. It makes you feel a bit feverish and everything feels like it’s rolling in slow motion.
You inhale equally as slow, taking your time, pulling it into your lungs. It makes you feel dizzy. You hold it for a moment, until your chest starts to burn and then you break from the kiss.
Turning your head minutely, you let it all out in one breath. Your tongue slips out to lick your lower lip, the aftertaste from the joint making your mouth water.
You slide your gaze to Touya’s. He brings his hand up, letting his fingers rest on your jaw as he runs a thumb over the lip you just licked. His eyes burn with a low heat, like embers.
“Feeling high princess?” he whispers, leaning a bit closer, lips only a couple centimeters from yours. He’s gentle, holding your jaw, fingers pressing in on both sides now.
Your eyes are lidded and it feels like his rich voice physically melts through your skin, into your veins. You admire how pretty his face is, feeling your pussy throb. You bite your lip and nod, tickling a hand over his collarbone. He shivers.
“So high,” you giggle and whisper your next sentence, as if you’re telling him a secret. “Will you fuck me now Touya?”
Touya’s fingers twitch before they slide down to wrap around your throat, squeezing lightly. The staples on his wrist scratch at your neck. He’s studying your face, letting his lips pull into a wicked grin as he inches forward, brushing his mouth against yours.
“With pleasure baby girl,” he rumbles, pressing the words into your lips. You moan into his mouth, kissing him slowly over and over.
You’re just starting to lick into his mouth when he puts pressure on your windpipe and you get the message, breaking the kiss with a whine.
He laughs softly as he releases your neck and you shift until you’re lying down flat on the bed, head resting on the pillow.
The change in position makes the room spin and you blink your eyes slowly. You’ve planted your feet on the bed, letting your legs fall open. Moving around makes your shirt rise up to your hips, slick pussy on display for Touya.
You’re vaguely aware of how wet you already are, and it’s too hot in the room, your face heats again and sweat trails down your temple.
The only light in the room is from the TV you had turned on absently. Yet, you can still see Touya’s chest. He has his own light sheen of sweat covering his skin, nipples stiff and perky.
The white haired man maneuvers to get in between your thighs. He sits back on his calves, palms resting on the tops of your knees as he takes a look at your soft pussy.
The sight makes his cock ache, straining to be free from his briefs. He feels his tip positively leaking, sticking to the soft material.
“C‘mere Touya,” you whine softly, reaching your arms out for him. His expression is relaxed, loving as he bends to your will, resting his forearms on either side of your head.
You wind your arms around his neck, pulling him down into another kiss. Your lips slide together eagerly, the heat between you blazing.
His bottom lip is rough but the texture makes you moan every time. He easily slips his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them together, and you bite the delicate muscle briefly.
A husky moan pushes past his lips, causing him to break the kiss.
“Goddammit baby, I wanna fuck you so bad,” he groans, voice wrecked as he sucks dark marks in a line up your neck, gripping the hem of your shirt.
“Please,” you beg, the word sticking to the roof of your mouth. Touya doesn’t hesitate, sitting back momentarily to free you of your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him.
The air brings a slight chill, making your nipples harden. Goosebumps erupt along your chest and you whine. Touya rests his hands on your soft belly, dick jumping, drooling as he takes in your naked body. His large, warm palms cover most of the skin there, fingers splayed on your ribs.
His eyes are red and glossy as they trail over your tits, noticing your nipples are pretty little pebbles. God, he’s so hard he could cut diamonds.
He quickly shoves his underwear off, the urge to be naked swallowing him whole. His cock bobs free as it catches on the waistband of his briefs. You watch, catching sight of the curly white hair resting just above the base.
He settles again between your legs, gripping his shaft and squeezing briefly for some relief. His own touch feels electric and he moans through his teeth. He knows you’ll feel a thousand times better than his hand.
He’s quick to swipe his thumb between your pussy lips, parting them as he drags it up to your clit, starting to massage slow circles there.
You choke on an inhale, head feeling heavy. Your limbs feel like jello, warmth flowing through you. You hum, reaching out to wrap a hand around the silky smooth skin of his shaft. He lets out a broken moan when you pump his cock, letting his foreskin pull back.
“Touya, c’mon, pretty please? Don’t wanna wait,” you say with breathy sigh. You keep stroking his cock, twisting your wrist upwards and he groans again, sounding breathless.
“You don’t have to ask me twice baby, you know how much I love fucking you,” he purrs, looking exactly like the Cheshire Cat.
He places a hand on each of your inner thighs, spreading you open a little more. You tilt your hips up a little, so you can guide his thick cock inside of you. You tease yourself, sliding his tip over your swollen clit. You let out a low curse as it sends electricity up your spine.
A short whine slips through Touya’s lips as the head of his cock presses in smoothly. Removing your hand, you give him the reigns to do the rest as he stretches your pussy completely. You tilt your head back on the pillow as you start clenching around him.
“Oh,” you say as if you’ve been sucker punched. “Touya, you feel so good!” you cry out, thoughts disjointed. You tremble at the overwhelming pleasure, white knuckling the pillow under you.
You’re sure you could cum just from the stretch of his cock alone, your sensitivity at an all time high. You chance a look at your boyfriend, panting.
His eyebrows are scrunched and he’s gritting his teeth, eyes locked on where he’s disappeared inside you. Warm pussy wrapped around him perfectly.
“Shit,” he curses lowly. “You’re so fucking tight,” he laughs incredulously rocking his hips shallowly.
His own mind is fuzzy, body high so intense he could sob. You lay there and take it beautifully as he starts to fuck you for real, slow and deep.
Your limbs are like lead, and you’ve all but become one with the mattress, the pleasure all you can focus on. The sound of your skin smacking together makes your ears burn. You’re watching the way his fingers grip your thighs, the way the muscles in his lower abdomen flex with every thrust.
“You’re so fucking hot Touya, God - I can’t,” you all but sob. You can’t focus on anything else but the way his cock drags in and out of your pussy. Touya hums softly and leans forward, bracing his hands on the bed, caging you between. You look up at him through your lashes.
“What do you want baby? Hmm? Tell me,” he pants, voice smoldering. Your entire body flushes even hotter. Quirk raising up just below your skin and you keep your hands from the sheets for fear of turning them to ash.
Letting out a low moan, you grip his forearms, he can take the heat of your quirk. He sucks in a breath through his teeth when your scalding palms make contact with his skin.
You’re able to keep it under control for now. You take note of the way your tits bounce with each of his thrusts. He watches them, eyes almost unfocused, unfazed by the blistering heat of your palms, before his gaze locks with yours when you start to speak.
“Want you to fuck me from behind, please,” you mumble, words blending together as you try to keep your eyes open. The pleasure is making your brain feel thick.
“Fuck yes, turn that pretty ass around,” he agrees, leaning back and pulling his cock free. It bounces slightly and you notice he’s glistening from your slick, notching your arousal up by a few degrees.
You don’t waste a second, rolling over onto your belly. The sensation of moving underwater is what you would compare it to.
You raise up on your knees, showing off the curve of your spine as you rest your cheek on the mattress below. The sheets are soft, caressing your skin as you nuzzle against it, distractedly.
You’re gripping the sheets by your head when you feel Touya’s palm crack harshly against your ass,forcing you to jolt forward.
“Ah!” You whine into the sheets. He must’ve heated his hand, because you can feel your ass almost blistering from where he spanked you.
You assume that’s some sort of revenge from what you did to his forearms earlier. Not that it matters, the pain and pleasure mix together even better.
“Look at you, so obedient. You want me to fuck you like a dog, don’t you?” He teases, words sitting heavy on his tongue.
He grips the base of his cock and rubs the head between your lips, parting them easily.
You open your mouth to answer but you’re cut off. He’s already bullying his way back into you without abandon.
Touya grips your hips tight enough you worry he’s gripping the bone. His cock throbs, your pussy feels tighter this way.
It’s making his head spin, watching himself pull out, cock shiny and slick, before filling you once again. His heart thumps hard in his rib cage, thinking about just how much he fucking loves you.
“Oh god.” You shove your face into the mattress as Touya starts to move hard and fast. His cock filling you out perfectly with each thrust.
The friction is blistering, pleasure burning through your limbs. He presses his hands into your lower back, pushing the arch in your spine to its breaking point and he uses his weight to fuck you.
His cock bullies your sweet spot again and again, ripping muffled screams from your throat and into the mattress.
You’re starting to squirm under him, overly sensitive while he pushes you closer to your peak. You unconsciously try to crawl away from him, but he notices. You’ve started to fist the sheets again, for any kind of leverage.
“That’s the spot, isn’t baby? You’re so cute, trying to crawl away from me. You’re not fucking going anywhere. Be good, baby girl,” he demands, huffing lightly. He leans forward to brace one hand on the back of your neck, pinning you down.
He lets his other hand rest on the middle of your lower back, pressing down there too. How you’re able to keep your knees under you is beyond you. The first heavy thrust after that has you wailing, eyes stinging with tears.
“Fuck! Touya, right there, don’t stop,” you beg, feeling small underneath him. The pleasure is overwhelming. It’s not long at all before a knot starts to wind up taught in your lower abdomen, and you struggle to try and warn him.
“Go ahead princess, I’ve got you. Cum for me, I want to feel it,” Touya purrs, bending forward to brace one hand by your head. The other still pining you down by the back of the neck.
The staples adorning his wrist feel cold against your overheated flesh. Oddly enough, the difference in temperature is what pushes you over the edge.
You cum, brutally. Pussy fluttering, gripping Touya so tight you can’t believe he’s still sliding in and out of you. Heat gushes through you in waves, curling your toes.
“Oh!” you gasp, a pressure building in your bladder. “You’re gonna make me squirt,” you say in surprise. Fingernails bite into your skin, warm breath is against your ear.
“Then fucking do it baby,” he breathes, never slowing his pace. A thrill runs through you, fingers curling in the sheets.
Pleasure ripples through you as you squirt. Soaking the sheets and Touya’s inner thighs. Your mouth stays open in a silent scream.
Touya moans in your ear, whispering words of encouragement as he works you through it. You notice his cock start to twitch inside you as you come down from your high.
Touya murmurs sweet nothings against your ear, letting you know he’s about to cum.
You tell him just how much you want it, how much you need to him to fill you up—and he does just that. Pressing all the way in until his balls fit snugly against your pussy. 

Touya cums with a noise that sounds like it’s been punched from his chest. Panting as he nudges your knees out from you, so you both collapse to the mattress.
You both catch you breath for a moment, Touya letting himself go soft before he makes a move to pull out. 

Touya rolls off you gently, onto his back. You breathe a sigh of relief, turning your head to see if his face.
“Are you okay?” he asks, cheeks flushed from the strenuous movements.
“I’m great,” you laugh, poking his ribs. He chuckles, giving you a half smile. “Can you get me a towel? Seeing as it’s your fault I’m a mess now,” you tease. Touya rolls his eyes playfully.
You flip over onto your back as retreats to get a towel, returning swiftly.
”Thank you,” you hum, cleaning yourself the best you can, not bothering to put clothes back on as you get under the blankets.
You sigh happily, turning on your side as the bed dips. Touya settles down facing you, snaking an arm around your waist to tug you closer.
“I love you,” you whisper, trailing your fingers down the side of his face, stopping to press on one of his staples under his eye. 

“I love you,” he replies, just as softly.
”I’ll follow you to hell, you know that, right?” You say, raising an eyebrow. He sighs, leaning forward to brush a kiss over your forehead.
“I know. I’ll incinerate the world for you, you know that, right?” He teases, placing his forehead on yours. You laugh gently, nodding as you kiss him once more.
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solarlunarsstuff · 6 months
hello 👀👀👀 may i request an alastor trying to woo lucifer's oldest daughter while the big boss of hell and charlie are watching 👀👀👀
thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
YIPPEE !! A hazbin Hotel req ! I only watched around 4-5 episodes of the newest show so it might not be accurate ! Enjoy :) !
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Alastor x Fem!Reader (FANFIC)
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A/n: He might be a little bit obsessed with you, but don't worry, he'll make you quiet if he has to force it. (HUSKERDUST 4 LIFEEEEE)
TW: Fingering, READER IS A HOOKER !!!, semi-public, getting caught, his horn thingies grow, tongue fucking, getting eaten out, dry humping, pet names (slut, whore, baby, doll, ect), you look a little bit like Charlie, dirty talk, nipple play, messy make-outs, overestimating, and edging. Lmk if I missed anything ! 😙
Synopsis: Alastor, the 7'3 radio demon, the overlord of a lot of land in hell. Even though he's shown no sign of wanting to experience intimacy, he can change that rule...
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The first daughter of the big boss of hell.
That was your title, ever since you were born. Later on though, you had gotten a little sister.
Charlie Morningstar.
She was a big ray of sunshine despite being born in this hellish place. You loved her, you really did.
The both of you nearly look the same. You did dye your hair to (F/c) so there is quite a difference. You're about 6'9, a few inches taller than her.
You also held that wicked smile from your father, typical.
Anyway, you were in the middle of cleaning your apartment when you heard a knock on your door and the sound of paper falling onto the floor.
You thought it was those stupid kids on floor 4 playing games again, but it wasn't. Turned out to be a letter, signed by... your younger sister?
Of course, having nothing else to do, you ripped it open with your nails and unfolded the neat paper.
It read,
'My dear sister, I know we don't talk much anymore, but I would love it if you paid a visit to the hotel! I also know you probably don't have a job, but dad wanted to see you too. He had just come to the hotel about an hour ago. He was basically pleading to see your pretty face again! So, please, think of this and get back to me as soon as possible.
XOXO, Charlie'
You always loved the way that she signed letters. She's been sending you letters with her sign off like that for years now.
Either way, you sat on your couch, contemplating if you should just go or not.
"Fuck it..." You thought out loud
Choosing something comfortable and not something you wore while hooking up.
Oh, right... You're a hooker. It's a job that's actually nicely paid, paid enough for food and your bills. That's it, that's what you were worried about.
What if one of your clients worked there? What of your dad and sister find out?
One client stood out to you though, what was his name? Did it start with an 'A'? Either way, he was one of those people who would choose a hooker and later on be actually interested.
You? Never, it would ruin your job reputation, not wanting to let your job go, you kindly refused, and he went on with his life.
Until you have gotten various notes from someone, some of them were wholesome? In a way, like, "I miss you" or "Just give me a chance".
Others... others were sort of... sexual... For example, "My cock aches for you" and they even sent a paper that had been covered in lipstick kisses.
But it wasn't lips. It was, uhm, you get the idea. He might have been a little bit crazy for you, but it stopped a couple of years ago.
Maybe he realized that I wasn't interested in something serious? You still thought about it as you took the taxi to the front street of the hotel.
You thanked the driver, but instead of him saying your welcome...
"How about I give you a ten? You know, for your pretty body?" He grinned
"No thanks, you don't seem like the type that I would bother with. Plus, that 10 won't even cover 20 minutes.." You snarled back
He whispered some slur under his breath but drove off anyway.
"People think they can just ask me for -" you stumbled back as you ran into something, more like someone...
Red vest, big deer ears, a staff...
'Oh shit..' You thought to yourself
Maybe he won't remember you?
"Back for round two, love?" He grinned maliciously
'God fucking dammit..' you looked up seeing that stupid radio demon overlord.
"No, I'm not, you sick fuck. I'm here to see my little sister.." You moved around him and continued to walk towards the hotel.
"Ahh, that's why I thought you looked familiar.." his voice had a hint of static to it.
You stayed silent and opened the doors, your sister turned around to see who it was.
"Alastor, I said that you -" she stopped once she saw you.
'That's what his name was...' You smiled a little at how your sister nearly knocked you over as she came and wrapped her arms around you.
"OH MY GOD, Y/N, YOU CAMEE!!!" She jumped up and down while hugging the shit out of you.
"Hah, yep, it's me!" You awkwardly hugged her back, noticing your father talking to the other workers on the lobby couches.
Lucifer turned from the sound of your voice and did the same thing as Charlie.
"MY SWEET GIRL!" He squealed
"Hey, dad." I sighed as he also hugged me
Charlie's personality was mostly taken by your father's side while you to your mother's.
Not really knowing your mom, but you knew you had almost the same personality. The little family bonding was broken by the voice of presumed 'Alastor'.
"Y/n, was it? Pleasure to meet you!~" As if... This fucker is acting as if you've never met before.
"Right..." You went along with it, about to shake his hand, but almost forgot that he is an overlord of souls.
You just smiled lightly at him, seemed like it was the safest option.
[1 hour later]
Nifty was off somewhere cleaning, Angeldust was flirting with Husk, Lucifer and Charlie were laughing at something stupid. And you, you were just sitting on the end of the couch, sipping on your (F/d).
Everything was going lovely until you heard a little bit of static start to form behind you. Everybody else didn't seem to notice, but you did. While turning around, you saw that dumb fucks face.
"Darling, tell me.. Do you like me for the money? Or for how your pretty walls wrapped around my d-" you instantly cut him off, not wanting anybody to hear.
"Shut the fuck up..." You glared at him
He smuggly smiled and sat next to you, squishing you between the armrest and him.
"Could you move-" Your voice stopped in your throat when his hand landed on your thigh.
Alastor kept his hand there, slightly rubbing his hand closer to your cunt.
He paid no mind to your silent pleas. Instead, he started talking with Husk and Angeldust. Thank the gods you were in a blindspot, or everybody would've seen Alastor touching you up.
His hand swiftly slipped into your shorts, rubbing your dampened panties from the outside.
You started to softly buck your hips into his fingers, wanting to gain friction. As if it was obvious, he stopped, grinning from you silently whining.
"Are you okay?" Your father, Lucifer, asked. He noticed how you were twitching.
"Mhm!" Was all you could muster as Alastor started to pump his fingers again.
Your arm flared out, gripping his shoulder. "A-alastor... You..." You couldn't speak for shit.
"Please let me and Miss Y/N excuse ourselves!" Alastor announced to the group.
Before you could speak up, he dragged you a few feet around the corner. "What the fuck-" he cut you off by forcing his lips onto yours.
"You're going to shut the fuck up and take me right here..." He pulled away slightly before diving back in.
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A/N: I'm gonna edge yall since I want this to be done before school starts tm!! :3
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hello exhaslo! I was wondering if you could write something for me🥺
I had this idea in my head for a while. ( Don't mind my English, it's my second language-) Soo can you write about Psycho Miguelx shyreader? I want to see miguel stalk reader, obsessed over reader, steal her clothes or panties for "whatever" purpose.. watching her sleep like a psycho- you know-
Until one point he kidnap and locked her up. Torture her but he still love her like a crazy obsession (dark scene maybe). He would try to be good to her (like try to bath and feed her) but she's just doesn't cooperate and miguel piss off easily.
If you do write it pls tag mee? This is my first ever request in thumbler. (I don't know how this app works) 🕴️
Hello! Hello!! Gotta love me some crazy Miguel. I'd feel like after a while a shy reader would give into the psycho bc they'd be too scared to escape. Maybe like Stockholm Syndrome?
I believe you will already receive a notification since I'm replying to your request, not quite sure how it works either, haha.
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, stalking, kidnapping, p in v, Stockholm syndrome, abuse, will try and make this as not concerning as possible, but if you remotely are not comfortable with any of these topics then I highly suggest avoiding
Spiderman is a hero! Spiderman does nothing wrong! Spiderman will help the citizens of Nueva York! Spiderman! Spiderman! Spiderman!
"Silence." Miguel hissed lowly.
It was a quiet night aside from the constant voices that reminded Miguel of his responsibility. The annoyance that he had to burden himself with and live to those standards. So many people treated him like a God. Everyone worshiped him, but none of them were willing to give him what he wanted.
At least, until you came along.
Miguel sat against a building, watching you leave work. It was only a short while ago that you started to work for Alchemax. You were a ray of sunshine in Miguel's life. He had to have you for himself. A beautiful, shy angel who just moved into the city.
His angel.
Miguel had already approached you at work, revealing to be the kind coworker to help you with anything. He wanted to start off well, at least the side that he was going to show you. Afterwards, he was going to find out everything about you as Spiderman.
"She lives so close to me," Miguel whispered, watching you enter a building.
His eyes sparkled as he followed your sweet scent up the floors. Once you stopped and entered your apartment, Miguel nearly groaned at the sight. He watched from the window as you stripped and prepared for a shower. Such a clueless beauty.
"She left her window unlocked for me," He whispered, entering your apartment.
You were humming quietly to yourself as you showered. Such a soft and low voice that should only be for him. Miguel would listen to you forever, but he didn't want you to catch onto him, yet. Grabbing your panties, Miguel inhaled towards you scent, groaning lowly.
"H-H-Hello?! I-Is...Is anyone there?!" You squeaked, turning the water off.
Miguel cussed to himself, quickly fleeing the scene. He stuffed your panties in his pocket and watched as you hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel and a bottle of shampoo. How cute. Like that was going to stop him.
"P-Please...I-If anyone is...is there...I-I don't have anything." You cried, shaking in fear.
Miguel resisted a chuckle. You had everything. You were everything. Miguel was going to have you for himself. He just needed to wait for the right time.
"I-It was so scary! I-I really thought someone broke in!" You cried your eyes out at work towards Miguel.
"Don't cry, amor (love)." Miguel whispered, wiping your tears away with his thumb. You sniffed, staring at your wonderful coworker,
"S-Sorry...I...I just...I didn't expect this...I'm new to the city...and...and I just..." You felt your lips quiver as you tried to think, "A-Also, my underwear disappeared...m-maybe my apartment is haunted!"
"I'm sure you just misplaced them," Miguel lied knowing full well that your panties were now covered in his cum, "It could be the stress of moving to a large city. It will take some time to...adapt," He whispered, patting your head.
You rubbed your eyes, smiling brightly towards Miguel. He was just a nice coworker and good looking too. You were happy to have gotten close to him during your stay here. Thanking Miguel again for letting you vent, you pecked his cheek before hurrying off to work.
Miguel just smiled wickedly as he watched your scurry off. Those hips of yours just begging to be grabbed by him. Your soft voice just waiting to cry his name out. Miguel needed more of you. He had to have more of you.
There he was again, outside your window, watching you walk around your place half naked. Oh, how tempting you were. His shy little angel just walking around in nothing but your panties. You were just asking him to go in there and fuck you.
Miguel decided to leave your clothes alone today, for he had something else in plan. He waited for you to fall into a deep slumber before entering the apartment. His eyes sparkled brightly as he saw you clearly in the dark.
"Oh, my lovely (Y/N)," Miguel whispered, stroking your naked body, "I know you must be dreaming of me,"
"Mhm~" You shifted slightly in your sleep.
Miguel hummed quietly as he started to stroke his dick beside your bed. He wanted to touch you, but he was afraid of waking you. Miguel had to be patient. Resisting a moan, Miguel kept pumping his dick to the sight of you sleeping. Oh how he wanted to see you wrapped around him.
"Fuck," Miguel whispered as he cummed over your body.
He sighed softly in relief before cleaning you up. He didn't want you getting anymore scared and locking your windows. Once you were cleaned, Miguel swiped the panties you were wearing and left to finish relieving himself at home.
"I-I don't know what to...to do. I-I've never been asked out before," You whispered, hiding in Miguel's lab.
It had been another week of your panties going missing and you were officially scared. The last two nights you had stayed at a coworker's place, wanting to sleep easy. This made Miguel angry. He couldn't find you and now someone had the nerve to confess to you?
"M-Miguel? A-Are you okay? I...I can come ba-"
"I'm fine, just haven't slept well these past two nights." He told you. You slowly approached him, stroking the bags under his eyes,
"Oh, Miggy. I'm sorry! I-I've been ranting this whole time while y-you're this tired!" You whined softly. Miguel grabbed your hands, kissing them softly,
"Dios Mio (My god), you make me want to steal you away, (Y/N)." Miguel whispered, watching you grow flustered, "Will you let me do that?"
You squeaked, feeling your cheeks grow hot. Honestly, you weren't expecting that from Miguel. Yes, you liked him a lot, but this was straight up flirting. Trying to hide your face from embarrassment, you just smiled, wanting to play along.
"S-Sure," You said sweetly.
You whimpered lowly as you slowly felt yourself come to your senses. You vaguely recalled what happened before you lost consciousness. It was time for you to clock out and you saw Miguel waiting for you. He offered you a ride and then you knocked out.
Rubbing your eyes, you looked around and noticed that you were in an unfamiliar bedroom. Tears started to form as your heart raced in fear. Even your clothes were changed. You were wearing a long night gown.
"M-Miguel...A-Are you there?" You cried softly.
Crawling off the bed, you gasped as you felt something tied to your foot. You whimpered, spotting the cozy chains that held your ankles in place with a long chain connected to the bed.
"(Y/N), you're awake." Miguel hummed as he entered the room with a tray of food, "I brought you dinner."
"M-Miguel...I-I'm scared..."
"Shh, it's okay, baby. I know, but it's all going to be okay now. You did give me permission to take you away after all." He said with a sadistic smirk. You trembled slightly,
"I-I thought...y-you were just...just flirting..." You tried your best not to cry, "M-Miggy, p-please...I'm scared."
"I'm going to take good care of you, (Y/N)"
Miguel placed the tray to the side and crawled onto the bed. He pulled you closer to him and captured your lips into a forceful and deep kiss. You were shaking as you tried to push him away, but he was too strong for you.
You whimpered as Miguel's tongue ravished the inside of your mouth. His hands holding your wrists in place as his body pinned you to the bed. You were terrified. The man you thought who cared for you was a psychopath.
"You taste just as sweet as your panties," Miguel whispered, pulling you onto his lap and grabbed the tray.
"W-Wait...y-you took...h-how?"
"Ah, since you're going to be my wife, I suppose you should know. I'm Spiderman. I've been watching you, making sure no harm came to my beautiful wife,"
Your face turned bright red at the thought. This whole time it was Miguel who snuck into your place and stole your underwear. Now, he had stolen you. Trying to free yourself, you whimpered as Miguel forced you back into his lap. You cried, feeling his bulge press into your ass.
"Don't cry, eat. You need your energy."
"N-No! I want...I want to go home!"
"You are home!" Miguel yelled.
Sighing heavily, Miguel watched as you shook in fear and covered your ears. He moved the tray away and turned you around to face him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head in the crook of your neck. You were crying. Shaking in his arms.
"I won't ever hurt you, (Y/N). I promise to take care of you." He whispered.
It had been a week since you were held hostage by Miguel. Each day he brought more of your stuff to his place, wanting you to feel comfortable. You couldn't forgive him though, but you were too scared to disobey him.
You poked your head out of your room, spotting the front door open. Miguel had placed an ankle bracelet on you, but that couldn't stop you from trying to escape and getting someone to break the device. You just needed to be fast.
Hurrying towards the door, you yelped as you got yanked back. You cried as webs locked your arms behind your back. Miguel approached you, bending you over the living room table,
"Oh, (Y/N), why are you trying to leave?" He asked, pretending to sound hurt.
"M-Miguel...I...I..." You knew better than to lie.
"I'm going to have to give you a punishment."
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt Miguel tear your panties off. You begged him to forgive you, but Miguel had already started to grope your ass. You trembled and whimpered as you felt his fingers rub your folds.
"I know you love me, (Y/N), you're just confused right now." Miguel whispered in your ear as he started to pump his fingers into your pussy.
You gasped and whimpered, trying to distract your brain. Miguel's thick fingers were stretching your pussy out, making your body grow hotter with each pump. You cried out a moan as his fingers curled and rubbed your gummy walls.
"See, look how wet you are. Just stop trying to lie to yourself."
"M-Miguel," You whimpered, your face pressed against the table, "I-I'm scared."
"Shh, you'll feel so much better after this. Honestly, it isn't even a punishment, baby."
Miguel chuckled darkly as he pumped his fingers faster into you. Your juices spilling against his fingers and onto the table. You cried, arching you back as you cam against his fingers. Miguel hummed to the sound of your moans and your throbbing pussy.
"Good girl,"
You panted heavily, shaking from your high. You yelped as you felt Miguel grab your hips and something thick poke your hole. You tried to raise your head, but Miguel pushed you back down. He lifted your hips and shoved his dick inside you.
"Ah! M-Miguel! S-Stop!" You cried, taken back from the pain.
Miguel slapped your ass as he pounded your poor cunt. Groans and moans escaped his throat as he finally enjoyed the feeling of his dick inside you. Your tight gummy walls sucking him in so much. The sounds of your bodies slapping against each other. Everything about his moment made him horny.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I've been waiting for this. You feel so fucking good. Your pussy just loves my dick. You're doing so good." He rambled, slapping his hips into yours harsher.
"A-Ah~ M-Mig~ W-Wait...I-I'm d-dizzy~" You moaned out.
"You're doing so well, baby. Just relax for me,"
You whimpered lowly as you felt your mind grow hazy. His dick was thrusting so deep inside you that you swore his tip kissed your cervix. Your body shook and trembled as it grew hotter. Another knot forming as you felt the pain turn into pleasure.
"Mhm~ M-Miggy~" You cried out, feeling your orgasm approaching.
You wanted to hate this. You wanted to, but you couldn't deny that deep down before he kidnaped you, you wanted this. Before Miguel showed his true colors, you liked him a lot. You weren't sure if it was your past emotions and feelings, but you were giving into him.
"Good girl, such a fucking good girl," Miguel groaned as you cam against his dick, "See? Already used to me."
Miguel inhaled to the sound of your moans and sobs. He grunted as he slapped his dick deeper into you, filling your womb. He let out a sigh of relief before removing the webbing from your hands. He flipped you over, enjoying your fucked out expression.
"I'm not done with you, baby. I'm going to show you how much I love you."
It had been a year since Miguel kidnapped you. You weren't sure when, but eventually you gave in to him. Miguel was only trying to protect you after all. You were just being unreasonable. He loved you so much and you finally shared that love.
"M-Miguel, W-Welcome home...I...I made you dinner." You whispered shyly, gripping the bottom of your new night gown he bought you.
"(Y/N), how was my beautiful wife today?" Miguel hummed, taking off his mask and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist,
"I missed you," You whispered, kissing him sweetly, "Miggy, can you stay home tomorrow? I...I'm a little lonely."
"Of course. I know just how to spend the day tomorrow."
Miguel smirked as you cheered, hugging him. He stole your lips in a passionate kiss, enjoying your submissiveness. It took some time, but he was glad that you finally saw what he was trying to do. Miguel knew that you loved him.
You were just too shy to admit it yet.
"Why don't we start tomorrow's plan now?"
You squeaked, covering your face as Miguel tore your panties again. Miguel chuckled lowly as he spent no time abusing your cunt with his dick. He was going to make sure that you weren't lonely anymore. What better way than to impregnate you?
"C'mon baby, tell me what you want." Miguel hummed as he slapped his hips into yours.
"Y-You! M-Miguel, I want you!!"
"That's right. You're mine."
And Miguel was never going to let you go.
Haha, kind of got a little worried with how dark I was going to make this. I hope this met your expectations!!
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flos-obsessivus · 24 days
This is the full post for the 250 follower milestone! Thank you so much for those who participated! I had to cut it off early because it's nearing 500 followers and I'll be busy these next few days. Please enjoy!
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Honestly, he has all 5 love languages, words of affirmation – he needs to know that you love him, and he himself will declare everyday, every hour, every minute, how much he loves you. Quality time and Physical touch, both go hand in hand as cuddling is a big part of both of your routines. And as an Isolating type, it’s inevitable that he would always stay by your side if you’re locked up in the castle.
Acts of service, another one that’s important to him, if he serves you well, that means he’s a good husband and lover right? Worshippers are usually this way so that’s understandable. And finally, gift giving, he’s a prince, money is not a problem to him, so anything that your heart desires, be it jewelry, another kingdom, or the horns of the great fae, nothing will stop him if you ask for it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He himself will not spill blood, but everyone knows he is the crown prince of a whole kingdom, and that kingdom has many people that adore him. Ordering the guards to kill those who are a threat to you and him is easy to do, having people accept the murders is even easier.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He’s actually a very good host, he’s very attentive and makes sure that all your needs are met, be it food or entertainment, he’ll be happy to serve you well.
He would never do anything that would mock you, for it shows how much of a bad lover he is. It’s supposed to be a happy ending, so why would he say anything negative to you? Both of you should be happy and his heart can’t take it if he does anything bad to you, outside locking you up that is.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Nope, he's too much of a good boy for that. He's more of a worshipper, obsessive type. So to him, you are more important than he would ever be. Anything that is outside of your comfort zone is a big no.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
VERY VULNERABLE! He could never, ever, manage to hide his love for you, from his words to his body language, it’s obvious how much love is packed in that body of his. He is, and always will be honest, he just has a way to word it so people will not think ill of his person. As a prince, clear communication and flowery words are important, to you though, both of those are thrown out the window. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Incredibly sad, the only reason why you would fight back is because you still haven't learned to love him! That's why you're very irritable, right? He just needs to understand you, as your true love it is important to know everything about you.
So, of course he'll do anything! W-well except letting you go of course...
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not a game to him, it’s a life or death situation, literally. His curse makes him desperate to find his true love, but also, he’d rather die than not have you, or in this case, stay in eternal sleep because he knows the only way he’d wake up is from your kiss.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst thing that he'll do is isolate you until you love him, he wouldn't hurt you, he wouldn't force you to love him. Instead he will wait... Wait by your side as he takes care of you, wait on his knees as he looks at you like you hung the moon, wait until you finally love him.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Marriage and children! Also ruling over the rosen kingdom. It’s a royal’s duty to create heirs for the throne, and as his true love, marriage is inevitable right? 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He definitely does, it’s incredibly obvious too considering it shows so expressively on his face, how his cheeks puffs up in jealousy, mouth turned down into a pout, and how he grips your sleeve so tightly. He never blames you for it though, rather, it’s always going to be the other person’s fault for trying to seduce you. His way of coping is believing that the other person is just a toy of yours, one day you’ll get sick of them and finally go back to him.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
So in love, it’s actually harder for him to mask his emotions when he’s around you. Yes, he manages to keep his face still but there are other parts of him that are harder to control. The redness of his cheeks, the trembling of his hands, the weakening of his knees, and the growing love for you in between his legs. If you are good at reading people, you’ll realise there's so many parts of him that sing a different song.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Oh he’s very sweet, usually courtship is very straightforward during his time, often just straight up asking if they wish to be wed during a ball, even arranged marriage is part of it. Lilian however, has the right to choose who and how he’ll court someone. I can see him courting you with gifts and such, and though he rarely sings, he is willing to woo you with his amazing voice. Every chance where he gets to sing in front of you, he’ll take it. He’ll even dedicate a whole song just for you. (Idol! Lilian everyone? Also Once upon a dream by Lana del Rey)
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes and no. He still acts the same with you and with the other people, his kindness and beauty is for all. However, the only difference is that with other people he is calm, even with uncomfortable situations he is still as level headed as the crown prince should be.
On the other hand, when he's with you, it gets harder to control his emotions. Even if he looks calm on the outside, just know he is so close to losing control of his affection for you. It becomes obvious when part of his routine is to find you to talk to you or just stalk you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Isolation, and more bonding time with him! If you tried to escape or managed to actually escape, he'd just try harder to make you love him so you wouldn't escape. Physically hurting you is a big no no. To him, how he treats you reflects on what kind of person he is. If he hurts you, he's no more less than a brute.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Only being able to get out of the room. However, he’ll make it so all of the things you need are available to you. Entertainment, books, anything that you need he’ll bring it to you. He’ll do anything, as long as it’s not letting you go outside until you fall in love with him.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient, he is not blessed with kindness for nothing. To be fair, he never sees anything as your fault, it’ll always be him or someone else. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Never. As his only true love, his heart will always be with you. If you die, his heart is buried with you. If you escape, he will do anything to find you, if you manage to escape to a neighbouring kingdom... Menelaus started a war to bring Helen of Troy back, do you think he will not do the same?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Yes he does feel incredibly guilty, but he wouldn’t let you go. It’s more of a risk for the whole kingdom if he lets you go, because everybody knows it's only time before he regrets letting you go. War is not off the table if he knows one of the kingdoms is harbouring you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Since his birth, he has been revered for being the beloved prince of the Rosen Kingdom. From childhood to adulthood, he is expected to be lovely and kind to everyone, though it comes naturally to him, it still tires him at times. Due to his curse, his parents become overprotective, fearing that the great fae will find him and hurt him before the cursed day comes. He rarely gets to go out of the castle due to this, instead he would stay in the library when he has free time. He discovers books through this where there is always a happy ending in every fairytale.
He thinks of himself as a damsel in distress, being stuck in the castle guarded because of his status. Since then he always tries to seek out his prince charming, or his knight in shining armour, or just his true love. Because if he finds his true love, the person who loves him for him and not his charm, the person who will save him from his curse... He'll be able to finally live normally...
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Devastated! He’ll cry with you, for his heart is yours, and when you cry, his heart will cry. He already basically isolates you so, it’s not as odd, however if it extends to you refusing to touch him, he’s very pouty and sad. He needs his daily affection or he’ll be heartbroken.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
For this one, I don’t know, what classifies a classic yandere? Is it the dominant abusive type that seems to be most popular today? Or the ‘I will kill everybody who even looks at you’ type? There are many definitions of a classic yandere, these two are what I’ve seen a lot in other stories.
In that case, he’s the type to never hurt you, he’s mainly a submissive and worshipper type, with other types mixed in (Obsessive type as I said in Darling). He truly, truly loves you, and he refuses to even harm a single strand of your hair. Killing people is too much for him, oftentimes letting servants do it for him. He is still kind at heart, as is the blessing given by his fairy godmother. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His love for you! As I said for Darling, he is the worshipper type, so your word is law. If it means making you happy, he's willing to do anything, as long as you make sure not to make him aware of your plans to escape. If you do manage to escape though, you can barely get anywhere before you get caught by the guards. 
You can escape Lilian yes, but you cannot escape the kingdom itself, especially from his influence.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Nope! Hurting you also hurts him, how he treats you reflects on how he is as a person. Please refer to Unique and Naughty for more info!
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
So, so much. You are more important than anything in his life, after all, you are the one who would dictate whether he lives past 21 or not. Well, you and the great fae but! He only wants you. Money, fame, and power and one of the few things he can give. His entire being is also not off the table.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honestly, until the day before his 21st birthday. However, the closer that day comes, the more desperate he becomes. Of course, he’ll want his curse to break and you are the only one who could, so before that happens he makes sure that you fall in love with him. If you still reject him, he’ll lose the will to keep going and accept his inevitable eternal sleep. At least then he will be dreaming of you forever.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Only by accident, one person can only stay in one place for so long before they go crazy. Yes, Lilian is there with you, but talking to only one person everyday can cause so many issues. Desperation can make you do things you’ll regret, breaking you is one of them. Let’s just hope it’s Stockholm syndrome and not your will to live. 
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year
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warnings: gay ppl (ewwww omg 🙄🙄)
authors note: im a sucker for a barista au, what can i say 😕 also im obsessed w this song rn
you started prepping the coffee beans, pouring them into a large class container while you moved your head back and forth, music blasting through your headphones.
you loved working the opening shift. most people definitely would not, but giving that you had an insane sleep schedule and were already awake at 4am, you decided to take it.
your favorite part? you worked by yourself.
you had always loved doing weird shit in your room. acting out fake scenarios, having fake concerts, dancing around to music, girly shit!!! but having a roommate, a very reserved quiet girl named amy who went to sleep at 9pm every night (weirdoooo…) you didn’t have very much…freedom.
but the opening shift? you could be as weird as you wanted to. it was basically like your room, if your room was a coffee shop.
you walked into the supply room, still dancing around to your music. you were grabbing random milks and flavorings to bring back to the front, when you started singing into one of the milk containers as you walked back.
you set it down in its proper place, now spinning yourself around and checking that everything was in its place. you bounced on your feet, music still blaring in your ears.
you suddenly had a background in cheer, singing along to the chant in the song and shaping your arms into the letters, adding in your own random choreography you made up.
you look at the clock, reading [4:45 AM], indicating you’ll be opening soon.
most people didn’t show up til at least 5:30, so you knew you had nothing to worry about, deciding to make yourself a drink.
well, what you cant see cant hurt you, right?
a girl approached the glass entrance of the coffee shop, stopping to read the hours.
you were still lost in your own world, mixing your chai latte while dancing and singing behind the counter. you were very into it, committing to the fake choreo you made yourself for the chorus. you mixed your chai and oat milk together, shaking them in the mixing cup while moving your hips back and forth and switching sides with the cup you were shaking.
the girl quickly noticed you, and a smile crept onto her face as she watched you move around. you didn’t notice her at all, still lost in your musical barista-ing.
you effortlessly scooped some ice into your cup, pouring the latte over it and putting a cap on. you’re moving in an almost perfect rhythm, your movements matching the beats of the song. a cheesy smile is plastered as you finish, drawing a smiley-face on your cup before taking a sip.
you look up to the clock, seeing its now 5:00, and you have to move the “open” sign. you take a sip of your drink first, closing your eyes in contentment as you taste it.
the girl is still looking at you through the glass, enamored by how happy you are at 5 in the morning. you completely contrasted her. your bright sweater under your overalls, curls pulled up into a high ponytail, and glasses now sitting low on your nose seemed to fit your personality (or her rough impression of it from staring at you for five minutes) perfectly. she almost wishes you don’t notice her, you seem so in your element.
her wishes are not obeyed, as you look over at the door and lock eyes with her almost immediately, slightly jumping at her sudden presence and the fact that she was most definitely staring at you.
how long has she been there….
you lower your headphones onto your neck, music still leaking through.
you look at the girl for a second, taking in her features (or what you can see from across the cafe), and the main note you got was gay.
and kinda hot.
she had redish-brown hair, cut into a mullet stopping at the bottom of her neck. her jade-green eyes were staring right at you, and they perfectly complimented the brown freckles adorning her face. she had layered a dark grey long sleeve with a black band tee, with a pair of greyish-blue jeans and some seriously fucked up converse.
you quickly snap out of your daze, setting your drink down and walking over to the door. you flip the open sign over so it reveals the “open” side to the people entering, and unlock the door for the girl.
“sorry for the uh…wait? i dunno how long you were out there.”
she lightly giggles before walking into the store.
“yeah, you seemed like you were having a good time.”
you offer a laugh in response, walking behind the order counter.
she definitely saw me.
“you know what you want?”
you slightly wince at your words, feeling not very customer-service-y. your nerves were getting the best of you.
“hm…i dunno, whats that?”
ellie gestures towards your drink.
“my favorite! its just a chai latte, but i put oat milk and brown sugar syrup!”
you smile, content with your reply. it clearly rubs off on the brunette, as she smiles back at you.
“does it come with a performance?”
you roll your eyes at her response, laughing slightly.
“nah, gotta pay extra for that.”
you type her order into the cashier, still smiling.
“how much?” she jokingly asks, making the both of you giggle.
you look down at her hands on the counter , fingers slightly tapping it, the sound of her silver rings hitting it quietly repeating.
those are some homosexual hands.
“can i get that hot though? my professors classroom’s fuckin freezing.”
you laugh again, giving her a nod and changing the order in the system.
“is that it, window stalker?”
she chuckles at you.
“should be, twinkle toes.”
you roll your eyes at her, grabbing a cup and your pen.
“you got a real name, or should i just put that?”
“ellie. do you have a real name?”
you give her your name, writing hers down on the cup, along with a heart and some sparkles.
she repeats your name, nodding before paying and leaning on the counter of the pickup area.
you make her drink, still moving around a bit as you make it. you cant help it!!! you’re happyyyy :))
ellies really taking the stalker thing to heart, trying her hardest not to stare. but she CANT, you just look too perfect to not admire. shes never seen someone this giddy at work.
you decide to make a simple heart design with the milk, expertly pouring it into a perfect shape.
you proudly walk over to the pickup area, setting the drink down in front of you.
you slide the drink in front of her, a proud smile plastered on your face.
she stares at the drink, face practically lighting up.
“wow, all this for me?”
she says, fake shocked.
a heart? is this how baristas flirt?
“cute drink for a cute girl.”
you look back at her, and see her features overcome by a slight red tint.
she smiles back at you, taking the cup into her hands and turning it over to see her name on the side, adorned with hearts and sparkles. adorable.
without a second thought you walk over to your cashier station. ellies shocked by your sudden disappearance, and slightly disappointed. but she cheers up when she sees you’re writing something down.
you walk back over to her, number in hand, and a cheesy grin on your face.
“here. so you don’t have to sit outside and stare at me anymore.”
she graciously accepts the paper, putting it in her pocket.
“who said this is gonna stop me? i enjoyed the show.”
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i keep thinking about bad's vacation outfit. mostly, i keep thinking about him not wearing armour.
bad is, fundamentally, not okay rn. his son got kidnapped. the code attacks are starting again. people keep going missing left and right and skeppy isn't here but he's been missing him from the start. he lost the election by a single islander vote. there's been a lot of pressure on him for a long time, and he's finally starting to crack.
the thing about bad is that he does NOTT talk about his emotions. he's silly about it. he plays games about it. he will never answer a straightforward question with a yes or a no, not unless he's lying. when forever asked him he was okay, he said yes.
i think... there's really something about him, repeatedly, saying he's on vacation. sure, yeah, take a break, but he keeps throwing himself into danger anyway, he's still taking care of the eggs. he's silly with it, but i don't think his "vacation" explicitly means "i'm taking a break." I think it means "i'm not someone you can rely on right now." what? not being at the top of the island/egg defence squad because he's falling apart at the seams? :D nahhh he's just on that vacation grind! look at him! he's so silly! he's building skeppies and he's being so silly !
and. god. the way he's absolutely clinging to skeppy right now. i get the sense that he takes a lot of comfort from skeppy, just from the existence of him. can you imagine being alive has long as bad has? losing and losing and losing and losing, and then you finally find someone you can't lose? skeppy is bad's emotional support diamond and he is Not There to emotionally support him. bad keeps throwing tantrums when people ignore him, and he keeps building skeppies.
he's never going to say he needs help. he's never going to say he's not okay. he's going to say "i'm not crazy" and "i don't have an obsession" and "yes i'm fine" and "i'm on vacation" and not wear his most protective armour. the ARMOUR. bad boy halo the most paranoid parent on the island keeps running around with several eggs at his heels when he's wearing only enchanted sunglasses and boots. WHEN THERE ARE ACTUAL CODE ATTACKS. WHEN THE CODE HAS THE ! SWORD. if "i'm on vacation" means "i can't help" then the lack of armour is a physical, visible reminder. it's the closest he can get to saying "no, i'm not okay."
and man.manm an man. the whole thing with dapper right now. dapper is the only one who really knows the extent of bad Being Weird right now. pomme has a good idea of it, but when she asked about bad "is he going insane again?" dapper's response was "he never stopped." i've seen lots of talk about bad needing dapper more than dapper needs him (and its TRUE. god. it's so true.) but dapper is also! not doing okay! kiddo was very recently kidnapped! he takes after his dad and doesn't overtly express his distress, but the way he was scared of getting too close to elquackity at the talent show... the way he and pomme huddled together when bad left them alone for an hour... he's watching his dad fall apart in front of him, and there's nothing he can do about it.
from a roleplaying perspective too i LOVEE how bad is slowly, slowly ramping up the skeppy obsession. he's clinging to sanity so he can be a good dad to his kids, but his kids are so mortal. so fragile. bad isn't; bad isn't wearing all of his armour. and skeppy isn't; bad is placing more skeppies around the island. i adore this man's roleplay i hope he gets WORSE
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seungrem · 1 month
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tomie!enhypen (sunghoon) x no pronoun!reader
The Curse of Sunghoon
masterlist ~*+ - part 1 ~*+ - part 2 of ??
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summary: It seemed everyone had become lost in their flawed tendencies since the arrival of the new student. His enigmatic spirit and flawless features made him impossible to miss- enchanting students and teachers alike. Uncanny in many ways, the boy’s name was Sunghoon, and for reader, it seemed his presence was nothing other than ill-fated.
( overview: please see warnings. no pronouns mentioned excluding occasional ‘em’s, student!sunghoon & reader & jungwon & heeseung, part 2 but it’s kinda just part 1.5 )
( warnings: mentions of blood, weapons, threats, fighting/physical aggression, death, not gross & not detailed gore, arrests/police, gangs/mob groups, manipulation, and stalkerish/obsessive behavior )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story/series )
🧸 ( fluff crumbs )
🪐 ( Junji Ito - Tomie AU )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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“Your absence has been problematic..”
Rough gusts of wind brushed against ☁️’s skin. The sky was still cloudy from the morning’s rain.
“..Even more than your presence had been. Why’d your curse only now come around?”
Looking over the bridge’s stone guardrail, the student rested heavy arms down. The stream’s water rushed steadily under the structure, though not nearly as harsh as it had been a week prior.
“Why’re you over here sulking? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
☁️ turned to see Heeseung, his mahogany hair floating lightly as he stepped onto the bridge. Approaching ☁️, he stopped a few feet away and leaned against the guardrail as well.
“The school day ended four hours ago. Why’re you here and still in your school uniform?”
“I had a feeling that you’d be here.”
Eyebrows furrowed, ☁️ remained with a forward gaze. “So.. what do you want?”
“Now that Sunghoon’s gone and this place is “problematic” as you say, somebody needs to watch over you.”
“Oh.. I’ll be fine. I know who to look out for.”
“This a lot different than you think it is, ☁️.”
“I need to be alone right now, Heeseung. You can watch me from a distance, can’t you?”
“Well, people are usually dying to be this close to me-“
☁️ looked over to the boy to see a grin slowly growing along his face.
“Oh.. sorry. Too soon..?”
“Why aren’t you drawn to me? Don’t you think I’m everything you want and more? Am I not handsome?”
“Are you serious?” ☁️ responded in an aggressive tone.
“You can’t reject me.. and I don’t take rejection very well.” Heeseung muttered between gritting teeth. He was shaking, which worried ☁️ slightly. “Wait.. you must still like Sunghoon. It can’t be a me problem..”
“Clearly.. I’m just not in the position to be interested in anyone. Now, I would like to sulk in peace, please.”
Heeseung stopped shaking, and took a deep breath. “Mhm. I’ll see you Monday.”
“I hope not.” ☁️ muttered, earning a scoff from Heeseung as he walked away.
I can’t believe that guy. He’s such a weirdo.. and his ego problems are a lot worse than Sunghoon’s.
Returning a gaze to the trees and flowing stream, ☁️ continued his thoughts out loud.
Now where was I?
After school, ☁️ would go over to the bridge and talk about all that went on throughout the day. Like how rumors of the archery teacher going insane were spread rampant after he didn’t show up to class the entire week. Other students stated that they’ve seen him creeping around on campus, but who knew of that was true. Rika also didn’t show up for the first half of the week. It seemed she hadn’t been sleeping, as she had bags under her eyes and didn’t say a word to anyone. ☁️ recalled that she still only had one bow in her hair. Both her and Hoshino have been on edge, but in contrast to Rika, Hoshino became meaner. As ☁️ would stand on the bridge every evening, one or two of Hoshino’s goons would pass by. It became so frequent that ☁️ would greet them on a first-name basis. On Thursday, accusations against Hoshino came about, with more rumors saying that he was the cause of Sunghoon’s disappearance. That was also the day that the young teacher (whose name ☁️ still didn’t know), confronted ☁️ in private. The teacher explained that he couldn’t remember when or how, but he remembers ☁️ being associated with missing items from his classroom. After pretending not to understand, ☁️ was on borrowed time. It obviously wasn’t good that the teacher’s memories were coming back, and ☁️ could tell that he was thoroughly investigating Sunghoon’s situation, which made the student anxious.
☁️’s trance was broken as footsteps echoed from the left side of the bridge. It was an older man, who looked at ☁️ and nodded.
“Be careful around here. The kids are reporting stories of ghosts.” The man muttered as he passed the student.
“Really? I’ve visited this bridge everyday and haven’t seen anything.” ☁️ responded.
The old man looked over the edge and pointed at the water below. Then, he turned, continuing his trudge down the bridge and onto the dirt path. ☁️ struggled it off.
Today was Friday, and rumors of Rika framing Hoshino for Sunghoon’s disappearance were passed around in ☁️’s first class. Both had been the subjects of much discussion, aside from one of the new students- Jungwon. Hours later, as ☁️ sat alone at lunch, police officers entered the cafeteria. Hoshino was apparently taken into police custody, but released later that day for unknown reasons.
After lunch, ☁️ attended the archery course, expecting to sit around as the students had been doing since Monday. To their surprise, the teacher was back, and extremely disoriented. His short, gray hair basically stood upright, and he stood hunched over with a cane. He, too, had noticeable eyebags and a disturbed expression. The old teacher was silent for a while before asking the students to turn themselves in for the murder of Sunghoon, as he was planning to do. You’ve could’ve guessed that the students, Hoshino especially, didn’t like this request. ☁️ felt the group’s hostility rise as the students shouted and eventually chased the old man out of the gym and into the forested area. For a man with a cane, it seemed he was perfectly capable of moving without it as he bolted out the back doors. ☁️ understood what they might do, and why they would do it- fear, anger, states of craze or madness, desensitization. ☁️ didn’t participate this time, and instead watched everyone run out of the room, with four or five students having been left behind. One student asked if they were actually going to turn themselves in, which everyone agreed not to.
☁️ heard that Rika had skipped this archery class to target the young teacher. She seemed to mistakenly think that the man was framing her, and he was the reason she was being accused of Hoshino’s arrest. ☁️ recalled Sunghoon’s interaction with Rika the week prior, when he was still alive. He handed Rika a bag full of papers and files, and then she was on her way. Sunghoon had never clarified what his scheme consisted of, and part of ☁️ wish that he had. From what ☁️ heard from teachers’ gossip, the young teacher had a few stab wounds but was still alive.
☁️ flinched at the sound of footsteps once again. It was Hoshino- who looked as if he was ready to fall asleep standing up.
☁️ took a step back.. expecting the worst. “Y-yes?”
“Have you seen Smiley? It’s been hours since he’s came through here.”
Smiley was one of Hoshino’s goons who ☁️ saw regularly, and earlier today, ☁️ walked from the school to the bridge with him. ☁️ remembered waving goodbye before Smily walked deeper into the forested area. Ironically, Smiley wasn’t very amiable- or smiley. He was nice to ☁️, though, thus the two interacted often.
“Yes, but it’s been a while since he walked down that path. I haven’t seen him walk back.”
“Shit.” Hoshino muttered as he hurried past ☁️ across the bridge.
“Let me come with you. It’s getting dark.” ☁️ blurted out impulsively. Hoshino appeared confused, but nodded hesitantly in agreement.
The two walked side by side off of the dirt path and into the forest.
“Where are we going?” ☁️ asked, looking around.
“To where we.. scattered.. Sunghoon.”
☁️ exhaled.
“Sorry. How have you been holding up?”
Baffled, ☁️ looked over to Hoshino. “I’ve been okay. I have my thoughts, but I’m sure you have yours, too.”
Hoshino nodded.
“Can I ask you a question, though?” ☁️ continued.
Hoshino nodded again. The sky was fading into an orange hue as the two walked.
“What happened today? How’d you end up in police custody, and how’d you get out?”
“I don’t know who said what, but that crazy bitch Rika was how I got out. One of my guys caught her burning clothes and documents in this forest yesterday. She wasn’t burning evidence for me, though. She was doing it for herself. I don’t think she anticipated sparing me. I’m confused about it all myself. I don’t know what she’s doing- I don’t know anything. It’s really pissing me off.”
☁️ raised an eyebrow. Hoshino had eyes and ears everywhere, so to hear that he was clueless was scary in itself. ☁️ still didn’t understand how he ended up becoming accused, though. The two stopped upon seeing a body lying on the floor in the distance.
“That’s gotta be Smiley.” Hoshino ran over to the body with ☁️ close behind. “Shit, shit, shit. That’s him.”
☁️ leaned down to feel the boy’s pulse. Placing two fingers under his jawline, ☁️ felt Smiley’s cold skin touch his own.
“He’s dead, Hoshino. What happened?”
“It’s getting dark, I’ll take you home.”
“I really wish we met under better circumstances. I’m sorry for putting you through all this.” Hoshino shook his head, and then ran a hand through his fluffy black hair.
“Don’t worry about me. What happened to Smiley?”
“I think- no, I know it’s the old teacher. Everybody’s been saying that he’s been lurking in the woods since what happened last week. It only makes sense.”
“How’s that old man gonna take Smiley out, though? I thought you guys took care of him when you chased him.”
“The others beat him pretty bad. I didn’t think anything of it.. He’s unpredictable right now.”
“An old person said that there were ghosts in the area. Maybe that has some correlation?”
“You haven’t seen what’s under the bridge yet?”
With a head tilted to the side, ☁️ squinted.
“What do you mean?”
“Make sure you have no plans tomorrow. I’ll pick you up here.”
☁️ remained silent and nodded.
“Are you okay being here alone tonight? If you need me to, I can stay.” Avoiding eye contact, Hoshino gestured to ☁️’s home- which they stood right in front of. It was a tiny apartment complex ☁️ was renting out while attending school in the countryside.
“I have someone watching over me, so I’ll be okay. But.. are you gonna be okay? You don’t look good. At all.”
“It’s been a rough week... I never wanted any of this.”
“I know. But it’s still going to be here tomorrow. Go home and get some rest.”
Hoshino nodded. “Does twelve-thirty work?”
☁️ sighed and nodded.
“Have a goodnight.” Hoshino muttered before turning around and walking home in the darkness. ☁️ waited until Hoshino was out of sight to turn around.
Walking to the front door, ☁️ heard a familiar voice whisper out. Heeseung was nearby.
☁️ carefully turned around and walked back over to the sidewalk, where Heeseung now stood.
“How do you know where I live?”
“I watch over you, remember?”
“Right.. what do you want?”
“I’m going to join you two tomorrow. Also, no more of this walking through the forest when it’s nighttime. Not with everything going on.”
☁️ nodded. “I’ll see you at twelve-thirty.”
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“Who’s this?” Hoshino muttered, pointing to the tall boy waving from across the stream. Another boy accompanied him, though ☁️ very faintly recognized him.
“His name is Heeseung. I don’t know who the other guy is.”
“Why’s he wearing a school uniform on a Saturday?”
“I don’t know. It’s kinda his thing.”
The two approached Hoshino and ☁️ with flashy smiles.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Heeseung nodded to ☁️ and then looked at Hoshino. “This is my friend Jungwon. He’ll be joining us today.”
“Uh, I’m sorry?” Hoshino grimaced. “What do you mean “joining us?” Neither of you were invited.”
“Now, now. Let’s not get worked up. We’re all here for the same thing.” Jungwon spoke, rather irregularly. His tone was crisp and elegant, as if he wasn’t from this century. Unlike Heeseung, he wore normal clothing- a black hoodie and grey corduroy straight pants.
“What.. thing?” ☁️ asked, raising an eyebrow.
Heeseung gestured to Hoshino, who walked off of the bridge and down the tiny hill in which its side stood exposed- it was where ☁️ had left Sunghoon’s organs. The stream’s water continued its pace as ☁️ shuffled behind the others. ☁️’s stomach dropped upon seeing a skeletal structure growing from the stone abutment. Short pieces of skin draped off each bone and fluttered in the wind as if it were cloth. The body’s brain could be seen through the eye sockets, and the ribcage pierced through the heart. There were no legs, and the pelvis bones seemed to grow straight out of the stone structure. Whatever it was, it still had parts of organs and muscle along the body.
Feeling queasy, ☁️ sat on the ground and looked away.
“What the fuck is that.”
“The ghost everyone has been talking about.” Hoshino replied, sitting next down beside ‘em.
“This is where you left Sunghoon’s heart. Is it not?” Heeseung asked, looked down at ☁️.
“Yes… Is this him?” ☁️ asked, feeling even more sick.
“Somewhat. Do you know what he is?” Jungwon replied. Heeseung shot the boy beside him a concerned look.
“What do you mean?” Hoshino asked.
“It’s okay. I need to speak with Heeseung.” Jungwon replied, walking back up to the bridge’s path with Heeseung following behind him.
“How long have you known about this?” ☁️ looked over to Hoshino.
“A few days. I didn’t know it was of Sunghoon’s body parts, though. Only weird ass person would do some shit like this… I still think it’s that teacher.”
“If those two know about this, do you think they could help us figure out what happened to Smiley?” ☁️ whispered, pointing at the bridge above.
“They know. Heeseung.. brought Smiley back to life. I don’t know how, but that guy said he saved Smiley’s life the night that we found him. He’s recovering at home.”
“Oh, that’s great.” ☁️ sighed, relieved. Quickly glancing at the ghostly figure in front of the two, the student wrapped an arm around the knee. “Why are his organs in such good condition after a week? His heart is still.. beating. There’s no blood pumping through it.”
“I don’t know. This is really weird, though.”
Hoshino muttered before ☁️ nodded in agreement. “Let’s get outta here.”
Hoshino stood up first, him then helping ☁️ up. It was then that ☁️ noticed the scar along the side of Hoshino’s face- it stretched from his left ear to the end of his eyebrow. The two made their way to where Heeseung and Jungwon stood, them seemingly bickering.
“Everything okay?” Hoshino interrupted before they turned their attention to ☁️.
“Yes. That’s all I’ve needed. I’ll see you two in class.” Jungwon nodded to Hoshino and ☁️, and then turned around after glancing at Heeseung.
“Ready to head home?” Heeseung smiled, motioning ☁️ forward.
“Actually, I was going to take ☁️ home.” Hoshino responded, looking from ☁️ to Heeseung.
“There’s no need if I’m around. We should get going. It’s not safe around here-“ Heeseung took a step forward and lightly grasped ☁️’s arm, leading the student away from Hoshino. ☁️ turned around to face the boy.
“I’ll see you on Monday.” ☁️ called out, attempting a smile before practically being dragged by Heeseung.
“Yeah. Right.” ☁️ heard Hoshino mutter.
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“I didn’t know that you were off of the market.” Hoshino teased after catching up to ☁️. The two walked to school under the trees’ pink archway- them only four or five blocks away.
“What do you mean?” ☁️ responded, half surprised to see the boy next to him.
“Heeseung… You know, you could’ve just told me.”
“We’re not dating.”
“Does he know that?”
“I think so.”
The walk was quiet for a minute before Hoshino cleared his throat.
“So..” He began. “I told you that I owe you for what happened. You need anything?”
☁️ sighed. “I.. don’t need anything. But, I do think it’s a good idea for you to lay low for a while.”
“As in keep to yourself. Don’t talk to teachers or other students. And don’t pick on other people.”
“I don’t pick on other people.”
☁️ looked over at Hoshino with rolled eyes.
“I just need to keep everyone in line.”
“Just a suggestion.”
“And I’ll take your suggestion seriously.”
☁️ looked over to Hoshino again.
“I never see you talk to anybody like this. Not even your goons..”
“And you’re going to ask why I’m talking to you, right?”
☁️ nodded.
“Well, I’m not sure. You have such a genuineness to you. You’re always so.. calm and composed and grounded. It’s intriguing.”
Unsure of the compliment, ☁️ nodded.
“You probably just haven’t spent much time around me, in honesty.”
“Well, I’ve been trying. Your friends seem to plot against me, though.”
☁️ nodded again, seeming to grasp what Hoshino was trying to say.
“I don’t need more rumors, so I’ll see you later.” Hoshino whispered, him then walking away from ☁️ as the two approached the campus.
☁️ walked into the building to find there wasn’t much traffic in the hallways. Checking the time, the student had a few seconds to get to class.
The teacher walked into the classroom later than she usually had- a few minutes after the bell had rung. ☁️ slouched against the wall, awaiting her usual spiel. As she opened her mouth to speak, she was interrupted by the sliding door’s abrupt opening. Jungwon walked in with straight shoulders and a pair of clear-framed glasses. He turned his attention to ☁️, and then to the teacher as he ran a hand through his straight, black hair.
“Hello, I believe my schedule has been changed.”
“Oh right, please come and introduce yourself.”
“Hello, everyone. I’m Jungwon. I just moved here earlier this week.” Jungwon’s voice was much more bubbly than ☁️ remembered.
“Very nice to have you join us. You can choose any seat that isn’t currently taken.” The teacher responded, with an obvious uninterested tone.
Jungwon scanned the room, eventually locking eyes with ☁️. He walked over to the empty seat beside ☁️, the one Sunghoon used to sit in, and gently placed himself in it. The teacher opened her mouth to speak again, but the sliding door slammed open once more. This time, Sunghoon walked in. He looked as he usually did- black hair neat while still swaying as he moved, shoulders straight, and skin fair and flawless. The only difference were the sunglasses he wore on the tip of his nose. Upon his entrance, the entirety of the class had a reaction.
“Su-Sunghoon?” The teacher asked after freezing in place. She shook slightly, eyes locked on the boy before falling to the ground. ☁️ gasped and held a hand over the mouth at the sight of him. A student in the back of the classroom threw up beside their desk. It seemed everyone else was wide-eyed or frozen in place. Sunghoon smiled at the students’ response and approached Jungwon.
“I’d like my seat back.” Sunghoon teased, his eyes (despite them being blocking by the sunglasses) seeming to pierce through Jungwon.
“This one’s taken. There’s another over there.” Jungwon replied with a far different tone, his eyes not leaving Sunghoon’s.
“Then why don’t you go sit in it?” Sunghoon instructed, gripping Jungwon’s shoulder as he spoke. Jungwon smiled- probably out of anger, and nodded slowly while pursing his lips. He reluctantly stood up and threw his bag around his shoulder, walking to the other side of the classroom and sitting in an empty seat. The class then sat in silence, aside from the one student who began crying softly as the teacher remained on the ground.
Sitting across from Sunghoon and beside Jungwon, ☁️‘s stomach was left in the first classroom. The cafeteria wasn’t nearly as loud as it would be any other day, and ☁️ couldn’t eat anything. ☁️ also couldn’t tell if Sunghoon was staring at ‘em, or if it was just the sunglasses. Eventually, Sunghoon broke silence between the three.
“So, ☁️.”
☁️ froze, slowly raising his gaze from the table to Sunghoon’s face.
“I heard that the old archery teacher was still stalking students on campus. Is that true?”
A lump in ☁️’s throat, the student struggled to get words out. “I’m not sure..”
“So he hasn’t overstepped his bounds with you?”
“I haven’t actually seen him.. I’m not sure if that rumor is true.”
Sunghoon nodded after licking his lips.
“So, Jungwon.” He continued, though his next words were nothing less than pure audacity and snide. “What’re you doing here?”
Jungwon slammed his fists onto the table and slowly looked at Sunghoon.
“Well, you see. There’s this thing that continuously causes problems in this specific area. I have to make sure that every problem is resolved before I can finally get rid of that thing. Sound familiar?”
“I truly wish you the best of luck with that. You’ll really need it.”
If ☁️ didn’t know any better, ☁️ would say that they were threatening each other. Deciding it was best not to get involved, the student remained silent for the rest of the period.
As the three stood from their table upon hearing their bell, Sunghoon motioned ☁️ to follow him.
“I have to pay someone another visit.”
Despite wanting to say no, and wanting to stay away from the dead boy standing in front of him, ☁️ was too scared to oppose.
The two walked side by side away from the crowd of other students, down a separate hallway and then up a staircase. Eventually, Sunghoon and ☁️ stood outside of a classroom. After knocking lightly, Sunghoon swung the door open. The lights were off and a small lamp on the teacher’s desk was on, illuminating a corner of the dim room. ☁️ recognized the young teacher- though today, he had bandages wrapped around his neck and arms. The sleeves of his white button up were rolled up above his elbows, displaying the white wraps. He seemed to be talking to another woman, presumably another teacher.
“Could you excuse us, please?” Sunghoon asked, stepping inside of the room.
“Oh, h-hello.”
“Do you have a moment?”
“Sure..” The two teachers glanced at each other, the man clearing his throat shortly after. “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind conversing in front of another teacher, right?”
Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. “I do mind. We need to speak in private, Mr. Achigai.”
Exhaling, Mr. Achigai pursued his lips and nodded, signaling the woman to leave the room.
“☁️, why don’t you keep her some company?” Sunghoon looked over his shoulder, his eyes directing ☁️ out of the room as well. The student nodded and stepped out after the teacher, sliding the door shut. ☁️ eventually turned to the woman- who seemed to be middle aged. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before the woman cleared her throat.
“Have you heard the rumors surrounding that boy in there? About why he was missing?” She whispered, it almost sounding like a croak. ☁️ nodded.
“A boy doesn’t just come back to life after getting killed. You should be really careful around him.”
☁️ grimaced at her words, whispering back, “How do you know that he died?”
“When the kids talk, the staff hears about it. An accidental death in the gym isn’t something that can be covered up.”
☁️ took a few second to ponder. “If you knew about it, why hasn’t anybody reported it?”
The woman looked around. “It isn’t in our authority. We can’t just accuse an entire class, and with no evidence but what others are saying.” She paused, looking at the closed door beside the two of them. “We got lucky when someone was able to get the ringleader “arrested,” but something weird happened.”
“It was a lack of evidence, right?” ☁️ interrupted.
“Well, technically. Mr. Achigai knew a student stole some personal documents from him a week or two ago. He thinks that this student was trying to plant evidence on that ringleader, which led to the arrest.”
“And did he mention who did this to him..” Pointing to the neck and arms, ☁️ awaited a response.
“I’m sorry, it’d be inappropriate for me to name names.. but-“
“Rika, right?”
The teacher looked around and shook her head. “I’ve already told you too much.. and you’re a student. Our classes are coming back soon and I need to-”
“Wait, wait.” Holding a hand up to stop the teacher from leaving, ☁️ continued. “Rika was caught burning paper and clothes in the woods. She was trying to remove herself from the situation she was put in, but saved the ringleader in the process.”
“What situation?”
The door was abruptly swung open, and Sunghoon gazed expectantly at ☁️ and the teacher.
“Excuse the intrusion.” Sunghoon said as he faced the woman. The woman nodded, stepping aside to let Sunghoon walk out of the classroom. ☁️ turned around to see Mr. Achigai leaning against his desk, arms folded. Sunghoon motioned ☁️ to walk beside him as the woman slipped back into the classroom. As she did, her eyes met ☁️'s in a silent exchange, the two conveying a message to the other: "Use this information wisely." ☁️ caught up to Sunghoon as a bell rung.
“What did you and Mr…”
“..Mr. Achigai talk about?” ☁️ looked up at Sunghoon as students began walking down the hallway in the opposite direction. The crowd split into two as they passed ☁️ and Sunghoon, the two receiving nervous glances as they moved.
“I asked him if he knew the whereabouts of the archery teacher. I also asked if he was aware of what he was doing.”
“What’s he doing?”
Sunghoon didn’t answer until they reached the stairwell, and all of the children had passed.
“Killing students in the forest. Collecting body parts. Following me wherever I go.”
“Hoshino was right, then.”
“Speaking of. What’s your relationship with him? Seems you two have gotten awfully close.” Sunghoon looked over at ☁️ with an expressionless glare.
“I wouldn’t consider him a friend.. more of an acquaintance. Seems I’m on his good side.”
“Yeah, well. He’s not on mine.” Sunghoon mumbled as he began descending the stairs.
“Hey, Sunghoon.” ☁️ called out, making the boy stop in his tracks. He turned around, and locked eyes with ☁️. “Are we going to talk about.. you. And why you’re here?”
“I’m a gift, and you’re luck enough to have received me twice. Lucky you!” Sunghoon laughed manically as he began walking into the hallway. ☁️ flew down the steps and jogged to catch up to him, but he was nowhere to be found.
☁️ lightly jogged to catch Sunghoon down the school’s stone driveway. The boy looked over his shoulder and began walking a bit slower, allowing ☁️ to catch up.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you since you disappeared.”
“Oh, sorry. I forgot that I agreed to meet someone around that time.”
☁️ nodded.
“Ready to talk now?” Sunghoon turned his head to face ☁️, an eyebrow raised.
Stepping onto pink petals scattered across the stone beneath them, Sunghoon and ☁️ entered the cherry blossom archway- reviving their daily routine.
“Last week, Rika told us that she was following us home. The wind blew one of the bows in her hair over to our direction, and I picked it up before she could retrieve it. Later that week, I left the bow in Mr. Achigai’s room so that he suspected her of stealing from him. From what we’ve both gathered, my plan was successful. Only one person wears those bows daily, so I knew that Mr. Achigai would figure it out. I told Rika to plant the documents on Hoshino somehow, and I’m sure she would have if I didn’t get impaled by arrows. From what you’ve told me, I think she got scared, and decided to discard everything.”
“I didn’t tell you that..” ☁️ faltered.
“I’ll get to that. But last week, on my phone, I had a message to the local authorities scheduled to be sent. It was targeting Hoshino, and with the planted evidence, and the information I was providing them, he would’ve been taken care of. He’d be in despair instead of having his blood shed.”
“That’s.. a lot.”
“I thought you’d be proud of me for doing such an ethical thing.”
“I am.. but can you get to how you’re here right now?” ☁️ huffed, still curious and confused.
“All that glitters is not gold, but perhaps it’s diamond. Think of me as the diamond.“
“I’m.. still not following.”
“I won’t say anything more, but I will say that I heard everything. When I was gone and you stood on the bridge. I heard it all. That’s the only reason I can actually relay this information to you.”
“So that ghost skeleton was actually you?”
“You didn’t have ears when I spoke, though. And I’m still confused.”
“You’re going to be, and that’s okay. I’m back now. That’s all you have to worry about.”
The two remained silent for a moment.
“Oh, I recall hearing that you’ve met Heeseung and Jungwon, correct?”
“Okay, you’re not allowed to be near them anymore. No matter the situation.”
☁️ stopped walking with furrowed eyebrows. “What? Why?”
“They’re not normal, and they’re not friendly.” Sunghoon explained, stopping as well.
“Heeseung said he watched over me while you were gone. How’s that not friendly?”
“He only did so because you didn’t pay him mind. Also because he knew I was coming back, and if anything happened to you, then there’d be a lot for him to clean up. Jungwon isn’t friendly, no matter how bubbly his voice or how much he smiles.”
☁️ nodded, and the two continued their stroll.
“So you three know each other? Where from?”
“We’re pretty much brothers. Not literally but figuratively and.. biologically.”
“I think that statement is a bit conflicting..” ☁️ mumbled.
“All you have to know is that they’re not nice. They’re biologically not capable of sympathy or compassion. You cannot be near them.”
“So are you capable of that?”
“I’m not sure.”
“So why can I be near you and not them?”
“Because you’re apart of my purpose, now. I moved here to see what would happen. And then I met you.”
“Oh..” ☁️ sighed with rolled eyes. The two began walking again. “.. And why am I apart of your purpose?”
“Well, you’re the first person who hasn’t fallen for me upon my pursuit. You can’t be manipulated or forced to do anything you don’t want to. It’s intriguing. And I want to know why.”
“That’s how it normally goes.. you can’t force-“
“That’s not what I mean. It’s okay, you won’t understand. You’ll know one day. Or you won’t.”
The two remained silent again as ☁️’s turn came about, causing the duo to slow down to a halt. The student turned to face Sunghoon, but heard the nearby bushes rustling. Noticing ☁️’s change in gaze, Sunghoon quickly turned around and scanned the area.
“I’m taking you home.”
“I’m also spending the night.”
“Who said you could?”
“I have a stalker now. That means you have a stalker, too. It’ll be taken care of soon, though.”
“The way you talk is so insane.. and scary.”
With pajamas on, ☁️ walked over from the bathroom to the bed and sat down. Sunghoon pulled the curtains shut as the sky became darker.
“I’m simply being honest. It’s not like anything would happen to you, though.” Sunghoon stated, pointing to himself as a way to say “I’m right here!”
“Right..” ☁️ nodded. “I have a couch you can sleep on. I’ll give you one of my pillows and blankets, too.”
“I’ll take the bed, actually.”
“Um.. no? Go over to the living room. I’ll bring the stuff out.”
“Either I sleep in the bed or we both sleep in the bed.”
☁️ stared at Sunghoon, who was unwaveringly dead set on sleeping on the bed. Sunghoon walked over to where ☁️ sat and crossed his arms.
“Fine dead boy, it’s all yours.”
“The point was to get you to lay down with me.”
Grabbing a blanket and pillow from the bed, ☁️ walked past Sunghoon.
“I know. Have a good night.”
☁️ awoke to being lifted from the couch bridal style. With the blanket still wrapped around ‘em, ☁️ rubbed the eyes and opened them to see Sunghoon.
“What’re you doing?” ☁️ mumbled.
“Taking you to your bed.” Sunghoon whispered back as he softly laid ☁️ onto the bed and draped the covers over ‘em. “Goodnight.”
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a/n: 2 months late don’t kill me pls :,)
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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so uhhhhh long post ahead
(cw: emotional manipulation, toxic relationship, survivor's guilt, if there's anything more please tell me)
underverse-adjacent, so it's cross being in the same team as nightmare and killer only. xchara is there too but his presence does nothing to comfort cross.
cross is touch-starved because he was stuck in the empty world for such a long time, and he also craves interaction with another person. and ink used to be that for him until cross realized he could not depend on ink for his goal (restoring xtale) and he felt somewhat betrayed by that notion. this man has trust issues now, not only with other people but also with himself. can he trust himself to be attached to another person? can he trust his decisions, when his past actions only brought him more grief than they're worth?
enter nightmare and killer, who do not care about the morality of his idea to steal and hack the codes of other universes to create his own. in fact, they're enabling him and xchara, only because their goals intersect. but that is more than anything he could hope for. after xtale, after the situation with ink, finally someone is on his side, silently assuring him that what he's done is for the greater good.
killer… does not like cross, mostly because of the whole xchara thing. but someone has to teach the newbie on how things work around here, and it's not going to be nightmare for sure. so he takes cross under his wings, pointing out how things are done. his teaching leaves a lot to be desired though, mostly because he's a cryptic asshole who just won't say directly what he means.
but as cross gets to slowly hang around killer, being mentored by him, he starts to observe how killer carries himself and feels a nagging thought probing at his mind, a thought definitely not from xchara at all. killer is the only source of affection cross can have in this situation - killer is free with his physical affection, always touching cross like patting cross' head, glomping on him, or resting his arm over cross' shoulders. cross likes these gestures from killer, but he cannot show it because he knows what killer will do upon seeing a weakness. his morality and killer's are different - they shouldn't be compatible.
and yet, that nagging thought gets louder and louder in his head. why does he look at killer too much? why does he anticipate any form of praise from killer? why does he hate it when killer contradicts him? one day, xchara will bluntly tell cross that he has an obsession with that guy. it's exhausting watching cross acting like a complete middle schooler with a crush who adamantly denies it. and like, there's no freaking way, right? there's no way a person like cross can have a crush on a sadistic multiversal terrorist. he has better tastes than that!
and like, cross is partially right. he has better morals than that, but it doesn't stop his soul from latching onto the first person who can offer him some physical and emotion comfort, however little there is. but also... cross likes the idea of killer, because he doesn't really know killer. he's in that queer phase of "do i like that person - or do i want to be them". killer is, for all his flaws, a good soldier. he's dutiful by nightmare's side and an excellent fighter. he's decisive, witty, and scarily smart. everything cross aspires to be, his ideal self. he doesn't want to be unsure, he doesn't want to be scared, he doesn't want to be weak. cross' conflicts within himself are multiple, and no doubt nightmare and killer take notice of that.
cross wants to be decisive and self-assured, but he also wants to be told what to do, to follow someone's will. because he's scared of himself - he's still not processed the guilt over his decisions and actions in xtale. he wants control but he also craves guidance, so if he's wrong, at least it's not his fault this time, right?
and killer would play with his head like that. "it's ok, i can show you", "it's ok, it's up to you", "i'll take responsibility for this". if cross listens to killer, then every mistake is on killer's shoulders and not his. "you don't have to feel guilty, because i will be your sacrificial lamb" type of situation. but also, cross will feel he owes killer for this, and he'll stay, over and over and again and again, despite all the horrible things they've done, despite all the times killer guilt-trips him into doing something not in his morality. but it's okay, because it's killer's hands guiding him to do it, and cross will do it if only to make killer happy with him.
and i think sometimes killer will use his wiles to get cross to agree to be his lab subject. cross has such a fascinating soul, and killer won't mind tormenting xchara for a bit. killer will assure cross that this is just something to strengthen cross, to make him a better soldier. a little bit of praises and surefire conviction will get cross relax in his presence. nightmare sure has found a perfect toy for his bloodhound, something that will keep his interests up and boredom away in the down time.
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dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
Could you do a yandere Adam x fem reader? Let your imagination run free, I JUST NEED SOMETHING. also, love your writing! You write Adam super accurate :)
(Sorry this took so long, I wanted to space out my stories a bit. Admittedly had this done before Angel Massages >w<
I'm so touched you liked my work and think I write this moron well, I hope this is good enough for you; I found myself thinking about yandere!Adam and deciding that that fool could hurt everything from a fly to a dragon but he sure as hell wouldn't want to hurt you. Hence this.)
It wasn't that the first man was obsessed with you; it was that you had made the first mistake of catching his eye, the second of agreeing to that first date and the final one of saying “I love you”.
The progression was slow enough that in real time you had never even noticed. Adam was always the type who was everywhere you looked anyway, he was the kind of person who drew attention by being there, by being loud and vulgar and all around an annoyance. But you'd made the mistake of smiling a few too many times and something in his head had switched; suddenly it wasn't just that he was everywhere you looked but you were everywhere he did. He watched you, curious at first then intrigued and finally attracted. You were cute and sweet and you smiled when he did something stupid and he took that how he wanted. He took that as interest.
When he asked you out it had partially been with an intention to defuse whatever it was causing him to watch you as much as he did. The fact you said yes definitely didn't cause butterflies, that feeling was hunger. Yeah. Hunger. But he couldn't help but think you looked nice in the dress you put on for the date and your hair was very nice the way you'd styled it and your makeup made your already pretty face all the prettier. He had grinned like he always did and boasted aloud of how lucky you were to have him, the first man, the Dick Master himself, going out with you. The fact that his pride quickly internally turned to irritation when he noted the eyes looking you over, looking over his date, well that was nothing; it was normal wasn't? Any man would glare at someone staring at their date the way they stared at you, be upset that anyone would even think they had a chance with you when he was there.
He kept telling himself that. He'd keep telling himself that. You were sweet to him and you didn't know, it was hard to really know what you were doing to him when he didn't even fully understand it; he was obnoxious and narcissistic and you were aware of that much but you liked that about him, and how sweet he could be sometimes. So you made a mistake: you told him you loved him and that switch that had already been flipped broke.
Suddenly you found yourself rarely having a moment to yourself. Or honestly much personal space; the angel, despite his own duty to complete, spent more time hovering over you than anything else, following close. At first it was pretty benign in public at least, he was always close by but never too close, angels were weird about PDA and Adam for all of his attitude was good at playing games. But before you knew it people started to avoid you; friends stopped talking to you as much, acquaintances stayed away. You didn't really notice it much, or pay it much mind, people got busy, even heaven had stuff to do, but then the Incident happened.
The angel had been a newer arrival and he was as shaky and uncertain as a lamb. He stuttered and stammered and fumbled his way through heaven with the confidence of prey thrown into the lion's den. You were good and sweet and how could you resist a person needing help? That would be wrong, this was heaven and you were an angel; helping was what angels did.
You smiled and approached, offering a hand to the shaking angel to help him. “I can show you the way if you want, I know this building like the back of my hand.”
He looked at you with wide blue eyes and a smile that was just starting to creep onto his features; he reminded you of the kids who sometimes showed up. You hated to see kids come to heaven but better there than Down Below. He took your hand and started to open his mouth but a dark shadow cast over you both and you could only blink for a second before seeing the new angel's expression change. What you saw in his eyes was something deep; it was fear, primal and true, and his hand slipped from yours, tears pooling quickly in terrified eyes. You tried to ask what was wrong; he ran away before a single sound left your lips, leaving behind a trail of feathers shed in terror. You were confused and turned around to see what cast the shadow.
Adam stood behind you and at first everything seemed normal. His mask showed that giant toothy grin of his, that glow of electric gold that hid the real face of the first man, of your man. But you noticed the glitch, the crackle in the mask that you'd never seen before, and something in the back of your mind felt something was very much Not Right. He always loomed over you, it was a matter of fact and of height, he slouched a lot as it was and still he was taller than you.
Maybe it was the wings; you decided that had to be it. Usually, when he was out and about, his wings were tucked under his arms, almost inconspicuous despite their glowing hue. Yet they were out now and spread, beautiful in their glory. Terrifying to that primal sense within your mind; for a second you felt you weren't looking at the same man who liked to play you songs on his guitar or hold you in his lap while he worked in his office or steal bites of your food no matter what you decided to buy. He wasn't silly or annoying or even that sweetness that you came to love in him; something was frightening in that grin and those narrowed pure gold eyes. You thought to yourself that the face underneath was likely far more frightening than the electronic features of his mask.
That was the moment and you got the sense you were aware but he wasn't. He never let you out of his sight, save for when you needed to go to the bathroom or such. Constantly he was by your side and while in public still he managed to hold onto some level of decorum, privately he seemed unwilling to let go. He held you, he touched you, and there was something mad in the way his fingers pressed into your skin, never harming you, not to that degree. You knew he was an exterminator, the leader of the exterminators, and you knew he was dangerous and violent and capable of so much pain, but the first time you realized he wasn't aware of what he was truly doing was when his grip had gotten too tight and left a bruise. The look he gave you was nothing short of heartbreaking; who knew he could even make such a face.
The only thing that never seemed to change was the sex. Before he was intense, hungry and active; now he was just as much in every factor, in every way. He fed upon you, your body, your passions, and some days your head was left spinning with the sensation of bliss that came with being at his mercy. The only real difference was how often he drew those three little words from you, seemed driven further by them; whispering them against his skin made him crazy, to the point he'd taken you in any way he could, filling you up and leaving you shaking. Crying them out in passion made him hold you closer and dig those teeth of his into your neck, your shoulder, the flesh of your breasts; marks were getting harder and harder to hide when he left them wherever he could. You had to be careful speaking them aloud after the fact; sometimes it spurned him to new life and your body sometimes needed a day or two to recover if that happened. Sometimes it made him beg for it, actually beg. It was the same as that day he'd accidentally hurt you; the depth of the breaks inside him made you want to hold him and never let go as well.
You never saw that scared little angel again but you did see the one who had made the mistake of whistling at you. Only once though, before your constant shadow made sure that they didn't whistle again; Sera wasn't very happy about it but Adam's status was dangerously safe and you came to understand that he was starting to become comfortable doing things he very much shouldn't. And you became aware you may be a little mad yourself when you barely flinched as he cupped your chin in his bloodied hand, claws leaving streaks of red against your skin as he smiled down at you.
“I should have plucked out his eyes as well as his tongue,” he said in a tone far too low for the boastful first man.
Should you have told him not to have done either? You mulled over that question only later when you washed your face and settled into your usual place on his lap.
Telling him you loved him had been the straw but it became the solution. New people came every day, they couldn't possibly know immediately what was going on, that heaven had a very dangerous problem. But the sweetness of those three words distracted him like nothing else and the laugh he'd give, “I know, how could you not”, and the souls got to live to enjoy heaven in safety, away from the monster you'd fed.
No, Adam was not obsessed with you. It simply was that once he had you, he couldn't, wouldn't, refused to continue his eternal existence without you. And no one, not in heaven, not in hell, was going to take you away from him.
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nottsangel · 4 months
hi guys. I’ve thought long about doing this post, especially since I’m trying to stay away from drama as much as I can, but this is going too far and i can’t ignore it any longer. I want to warn people and stop her, because this person’s behaviour is unacceptable and it has gotten to a point where people feel unsafe. besides my experiences with this person, there are many other people who i’ve talked to that have similar experiences, some even worse than others. this needs to stop.
the person I’m talking about is @/vampyshlut (formerly known as rafesbimbo).
this person has been harassing people, ignoring boundaries and not showing any respect whatsoever. she is manipulative, becomes obsessive real fast and will start love bombing. an example of this is intense clinginess; she gets upset and angry when you don’t respond in a certain amount of time and will spam you with many, many messages (e.g. saying that you hate her just because you weren’t online). another example is jealousy; she gets jealous when you interact with other people and will continuously push you (e.g. to commit) and make you feel guilty for not replying.
this was the case with one of my friends. she started acting like she owned them, and got mad when my friend would drink or smoke. after a while, my friend got fed up with this behaviour and blocked her, but even then she’d still send anon asks. when they texted her to stop sending asks, she said “i don’t want to, i miss you.”, and continued harassing them.
with one of my other friends ( @drudyslut ), she found out her real name, which she had never once mentioned on her blog before. when she asked her about it, she said “i did my research.” this is very scary and not okay.
to give another example, in my case, besides the fact that she was two separate emoji anons of mine and continuesly spammed me and asked me for attention with both, she also began degrading me at one point and called me names. it was very triggering and when i was evidently uncomfortable, she kept going and going. she never once asked if it was okay. she has zero respect.
mind you, these are just a few examples of the many things she has done to different people on here.
however, when people are fed up with her disrespectful behaviour and block her, she continues to contact them through many anon asks. and even when you block the anons, she somehow still finds a way to send anon asks from many different accounts and continue to harass.
and even though she claims that she has certain people blocked (and vice versa), when those people post something, she would post an indirect response on her own blog, meaning that she was/is still secretly lurking on blogs that have her blocked. not only that, for some weird reason she also wants them to know that she is watching them.
this kind of behaviour is NOT okay and being blocked means that that person wants nothing to do with you anymore. leave them alone and respect their boundaries.
the reason i decided to write this post is because this is still ongoing and it sucks that me and others don’t feel safe anymore on our own blog. with every anon ask we get, we fear that it could be her. it sucks that we can’t freely interact with other anons anymore because of this. it sucks that even though you block someone, they still find ways to harass you and you can’t do anything about it. i hope that this post will stop her and make her realise that she can’t keep going like this any longer. we all just want to feel safe on our own blogs.
to her: all we’re asking is that you leave everyone alone. if someone has you blocked, they have done it for a reason and do not want anything to do with you anymore. don’t try to get into contact again, don’t try to send anon asks through different accounts, don’t dm their side blog, don’t send texts to their phone number. move on with your life. and no, no one is ‘ganging up against you’, we’re standing up for ourselves and our friends because your behaviour is simply unacceptable and we are fed up. the way you treat people is not okay and it’s getting to a point where it’s really, really scary. i hope you can reflect on your own actions and will heal.
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