#also i keep hearing fucking gunshots in the woods
anomalous-health · 1 year
Okay but like
What the actual fuck
0 notes
samandcolbyownme · 11 months
Tumblr media
Summary: anon request - "can you do one where y/n likes Colby and he likes her but they don't really do anything about it but flirt until they're at the spot and a ghost/demon thing (you can completely make up the scenario), torments and targets y/n to the point she's crying and runs out with Colby chasing after her? Pleaseeeee"
Warning: This one shot will start out kinda funny and flirty between reader and Colby, but it will get dark and contain the reader being targeted by the spirits and some actions include; being touched, pushed, choked, scratched, spoken to, and other things some readers might find a bit creepy. There will also be mentions of murder at the place of exploration and other bad things some readers may be triggered by.
Read with care my lovelies!
Word count: 10.3k
Disclaimer: I completely made this story up!
"We're going to explore the Hellriegel Manor in a few days.. you in?" Colby says on the other end of the phone. You smile to yourself and sigh, "I suppose I can make time in my very busy schedule for you."
You are always up for doing a video with them, even hanging out with them off camera. You've known them for a while, so sleeping over at their place or in the same tent while in the middle of some haunted woods wasn't that big of a deal, or so you thought.
"You better, y/l/n. We need you on this one." Colby chuckles to myself, "Plus, we kinda miss you out here."
You liked Colby, a lot actually. Sam is always teasing you guys, mainly because he knows he likes you too, but you both always shoot it down for stupid reasons.
You thought that maybe it would be best if you just kept him as a close friend, but the light flirting and how comfortable you are with each other makes it incredibly hard, not to mention, you and Colby are always thinking about each other though, especially when you crash at their place, and when you're asleep in a tent within in an arms reach away from each other.
You laugh as you hear Sam in the background yelling, "Don't let him lie to you y/n. He's been crying like a baby every night since you've been gone."
Point proven.
"Shut up, dude, my god. She can hear you." Coby says with a groan and you can tell that he's getting shy, "Fuck." You picture his big smile as you grab your laptop, listening to them bicker back and forth like usual.
You had to admit, you missed them, too. Even though you're visiting your family on the east coast, you honestly felt homesick.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow." You bite your lip, waiting for a response but it's quiet, "Um, hello?"
You hear muffled yelling, and you already know that it's Colby trying to get Sam to keep his mouth shut, "That's great, y/n! See you tomorrow!" Colby yells over Sam trying to yell out.
"Stop it. Please." You can hear Colby laugh, and Sam yells, still slightly muffled, "Bye!"
You hang up and shake your head laughing as you click open a new tab and type in the place Colby said you're going.
"Hellriegel Manor." You repeat to out loud after reading one do the old newspaper headlines. You scroll down as your eyes scan over the screen,
Multiple prostitutes brutally murdered in Hellriegel Manor
Callum Hellriegel is the devil himself
The ruthless murder of Hellriegel Manor revealed
Callum Hellriegel, killer found dead by self inflicted gunshot wound to head
The town thinks workers at the manor were involved
You blink a few times, shaking your head as you let out a sigh. You reach for your phone and FaceTime Colby.
He picks up fast, "Hey."
"So a possible demon. That's nice." You look into the camera and tilt your head. He takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh, "I was trying to wait until you got here to tell you, but I guess cats out of the bag."
You nod, "Yeah, yeah." You laugh slightly and squint, "Oh no." Colby looks behind him then back to you, "What?"
"It's quiet... did you finally kill Sam?" You smile slowly and he laughs, "No, no. He's upstairs editing."
"So I called at the right time then, huh?" You tease and he nods with a smile, "Yeah, yeah, you did."
You move back onto your bed, continuing to look up the manor, "Colby."
"Yes?" He asks staring at you through his phone, but he looks away when you look, "This place looks fucking creepy, and it sounds even worse."
You know what he's about right say next, so you cut him off by speaking, "I'm still going." You bite your lip as you read, "I think with having a girl there, it might help us figure out what really happened."
He nods, "I was taking to Sam about that, too, actually. It also might be the worse because of how bad that Callum dude is made out to be."
"Yeah, but.." You nod slowly as you read more, and your eyes widen, "Colby."
"Do you know what Hellriegel means?" Your eyes move over to your phone that's propped up against your computer screen and he shakes his head, "Probably something not good."
"It means the Devil, in German." You swallow slowly, "Fuck I have the chills now."
"Again.. if you do-"
"I'm going." You smirk, "My flight is already booked and.." just as you were about to say something really sweet, you hear Colby groan and Sam appears on the screen, "Ayo!"
You laugh and wave, "Hi again Sam."
"She's looking up Hellriegel Manor." Colby looks up at him and he sighs, "Does that mean you cancelled your flight?"
You scoff, "Please. Do you not have any faith in me, Golbach?" He smirks and rolls his eyes, "You right. Plus you'll have this guys, Mr intimidator here, to protect you." He grabs Colby's shoulders and shakes him slightly.
Colby's face is turning red, but so were your cheeks. You had to admit, it's getting a lot harder for you to resist each other, especially when he is making sure you're okay in the middle of an investigation.
He was and is the one you run to when you're jumping out of your skin scared.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay. I gotta go tell my parents that I'm leaving tomorrow." You pick up your phone and set your laptop down before you get up.
"Text us your landing time and we'll be here." Sam says and you give him a thumbs up. He walks away and Colby points the phone back to him, "Tell them we said hey and I'll see you tomorrow."
You smile and nod, "I will, and I'll see you tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You couldn't stop thinking about what Colby said, about this possibly being a bad idea about you going, but you never turned away an adventure with Sam and Colby.
You're not going to start now.
As you walk through the airport, you hear your name being called. You jump slightly and turn, seeing Sam and Colby walking up to you.
"How was your flight?" Sam asks bringing you in for a hug. You hug him back, "It was alright, boring but alright." You look over at Colby who can't wait to have you in his arms, as you lean back from Sam.
"Glad you made it here safe." Colby wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close to him. You close your eyes, happy to be back with them until Sam clears his throat, "Maybe get a room or something?"
"Dude." Colby says loosening his arms from your waist as he turns to him trying not to laugh. You roll your eyes, "You'll never quit will you?"
He shrugs and holds his hands up, "Maybe if you guys would just admit that you like each other.."
"Oh my god." You try to hide your smile, but ayour cheeks regaining that blush of pink like normal doesn't help matters at all, "Can we just go please? I'm hungry."
Colby laughs slightly and wheels your suitcase behind him, "Yes. Please." He glares over at Sam who can't help but smirk at him.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Back at the house, they give you the rundown on what they know about Hellriegel.
"So as you already know, Callum Hellriegel was a very.." Sam trials off as he tilts his head and you raise your eyebrows, "Devil of a man?"
Sam nods, "Exactly."
Colby speaks up, "There's been a mix of good and bad investigations, so it's really hard to tell what exactly we'll be dealing with."
You nod, "Hmm. Well I mean, if it gets too bad we can always high tail it out of there."
Colby nods, "Yeah, exactly. did you read up on anything else after our call or no?" You shake your head, "Since you said you wanted to fill me in, I figured I'd wait. Hear what you have to say." You smirk slightly and he nods.
"How nice of you." Sam says laughing, "But on a serious note guys.." he looks to Colby and back at you, "we truly have no idea what we're going to walk into."
"That's the exciting part though, right?" You shrug and smile, trying to stay positive because you were actually shitting your pants about going to this place.
"Bingo." Sam points and looks at his phone when it goes off, "That's the owner of the manor.." he answers, "Hello?"
You and Colby exchange smiles as you look back to Sam who is nodding, "Alright sick, yeah thank you." He hangs up and looks between you and Sam, "Tomorrow night."
You're kinda shocked but then again, kinda not surprised that it's happening this soon, "Oh great."
"What? Getting scared are we?" Sam teases and you side eye him, "Where is your faith in me, Sam? We talked about this." You laugh and he shakes his head, "I honestly didn't expect him to let us in that easy. It's always been a fight for other investigators to go there."
You smile, "You guys are changing the world, how could they not?"
"You're a part of this team too, y/n.." Colby smiles and looks from you to Sam, "So we are changing the world." He looks back to you, "You sure you're up for this?"
"I'm sure."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It wasn't until two am when you stared up at the ceiling, wondering if you really are sure about this. The more you thought about it the more it scared you but this is what you do, you remind yourself over and over again.
This is what you do.
Luckily, this isn't the first time you've been in this situation, and each time you are, both Sam and Colby make sure you're okay, along with each other of course.
You let out a sigh, rolling over to face the tv and your phone lights up. You reach out, grabbing it to pull back over to you and you see it's a message from Colby, I know you're nervous about this place and honestly.. we are too, but if things do turn bad, we'll get out of there.
You turn onto your back and a smile rests on your lips and your thumbs quickly tap the keyboard on your screen, I was actually needing that reassurance right now. I can't sleep because I am very nervous about tomorrow, but we've probably been through worse, right?
As you're waiting for a reply, you see a twitter notification pop up at the top of your screen and you laugh slightly, "Fucking Sam."
You click on the notification,
@/SamGolbach: New video popping up soon! @/Colbybrock, @/yourtwittername, and myself are going to be spending the night in the Hellriegel Manor. Stay tuned!!
You like the tweet and retweet it with a bunch of nervous face emojis and Colby instantly likes it.
You click on your group chat with both Sam and Colby, So we're all just up huh?
Sam texts back, Um, no. Only losers who won't confess their love for each other are awake at 2 in the morning
Same texts back again, talking about you Brock
Colby sends you a text separately then replies into the group chat, I'm not up what are you talking about?
You laugh as you type, bring the party down here, I'm kinda freaking myself out
Sam instantly replies, Take it to Colby's room
"Sam!" You hear Colby yell from upstairs and then a door opens, "Only trying to help." Sam says as he comes down the stairs, a shirtless Colby behind him, "Only making it worse, brother."
You sit up, looking back at them, "Can you turn the light on, please?"
Colby nods, flipping the light on and Sam instantly yells, "Oh my god, behind you."
You jump up off the couch, running backwards towards them and you push Sam when you turn to him, "Asshole."
"That wasn't cool, man." Colby shakes his head at Sam and you look up at Colby, "You can laugh." He fights it, and shakes his head, "No.. no.. it's alright."
You roll your eyes and make your way back to the couch, turning on a YouTube video about the manor, "Let's learn all we can shall we?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You don't even know when you fell asleep, you just know that when you woke up, you weren't alone. You look up at a still sleeping Colby, smiling slightly as you listen to him snore softly.
Your attention is ripped away when you hear Sam coming down the steps carrying his backpack, "Mornin' sleepy heads.. or head.. I'll let you wake the beast."
You smirk and shake your head, looking back at Colby, staring at him for a few seconds before tapping his chest, "Hey, Colbs."
He doesn't budge so you tap harder and lean in, "Colby." He jumps slightly and looks at you with an immediate smile taking over his face, "oh hey." He stretches his arm slightly, "What time is it?"
You tilt your head back, "Sam what time is it?"
"Almost time to leave."
"That doesn't give me a-"
"It's nine." He smirks when you look at him, raising his eyebrows as he motions to you and Colby, making a heart with his hands. You wave him off and look back at Colby, "It's nine."
He sighs and sits up, "Okay. So we have an hour until Sam wants to leave."
"You know me so well." Sam says walking over and grabbing stuff off the coffee table. You tilt your head, "More like you drilled it into our heads repeatedly last night."
He mocks you before sighing, "Do you have to fight me on everything?"
You stand up and stretch, "Would I be one of your friend if I didn't?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After getting everything around, you finally make your way to the car.
"I figured we could film the intro once we got there?" Sam says playing around with the camera. Colby nods, "Works for me."
You lean back in the seat, clicking on the message Colby sent you before they came downstairs last night, I really didn't expect you to be awake so this is awkward, but you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, right? And I don't just mean that with the ghost hunting.
You smile to yourself, but snap out of it when Sam starts talking and you know he's recording, "We are on our way to Hellriegel Manor, we just left a little bit ago so we should be there in like two hours or so. How are you guys feeling?"
He turns the camera to Colby, "Colby. How are we feeling, buddy?"
Colby shrugs and laughs, "I am ready to try and get answers on whether this is truly a demon or not."
Sam turns the camera back to you, "Y/n. You shaking in your boots back there?"
"No but I will be once we hit that final stretch towards it." You laugh, "I'm excited."
Sam turns the camera around so it's on all of you, "We will keep you guys updated along the way. So far it'll be driving but you guys, luckily get to skip that part." He cuts the camera off and you can't help but laugh.
"What?" Sam asks turning and Colby laughs with you, "I'm laughing because she's laughing."
You sigh, "I don't even know why I'm laughing. I think I'm nervous now."
"Well, we can drop you off here. It's not a long walk back." Sam teases and you know he can feel your glare through the back of his seat, Colby's too.
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding." Sam laughs and it's pretty much just joking back and forth the whole way there because let's face it, you were scared to go there and you were all worried about each other.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sam clicks the camera on as you drive through the rusted old gate, "We have arrived at our destination." He points the camera to Colby and he gives a big smile as he laughs, "I think I just shit my pants. This place is fucking creepy even in the day time, man." He leans forward, looking at the huge, visibly old house.
"Look at those pillars." Sam says with a sigh, "I have a feeling we underestimated this guys."
You nod, "Mhm." Sam puts the camera on you as Colby parks the car and you purse your lips together, "I just got cold."
Both of them turn back to look at you, "Really?" Colby asks and looks at Sam, "That's not good."
Sam turns the camera around and makes a face, "We literally just pulled up and already one of us is feeling something. If that doesn't say anything about this place.."
"You guys didn't feel that? I mean maybe it was a freak thing, but as soon as we went through the gate, I felt something and then the closer we got to the house I got a chill."
"Wow." Sam is shocked, "Alright, well on that note, we'll see you guys in a second." He ends it and turns back to you, "Are you good?"
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Colby looks back at you, giving you an are you actually look and you nod again, "Let's go."
As you get out of the car, Sam starts rolling again, "Alright guys, we are here at the Hellriegel Manor." He shows the old building, "This place is just.. I don't know."
"I'll tell you what it is, insane." Colby says while straining his voice as he leans into the camera.
You knew tonight wasn't going to be a good night, for you at least. You have continuously felt energy since the moment you crossed through the gate, and some of it wasn't good.
"Y/n?" Colby says walking over to you, "You good? You just like zoned out for a minute there."
You blink a few times and look up at him, "We might not be spending the whole night here."
Sam moves up to you, "Really? Why do you-"
"Something just moved in that very top-right window." You point and Sam moves the camera up to it, "Shit, are you serious? Colby did you see that?"
Colby shakes his head, "Shit. No."
"You Sam and Colby?" An older guy who's followed by two more guys, yells out.
"Hey, yes sir.." Colby says walking over and you and Sam follow him, "I'm Colby, this is Sam, and y/n."
You all shake hands and the guy sighs, "I'm Dean, these are my two sons, Riley and Luke. What all have you heard about this place?"
"Callum Hellreigel is a big name attached to this place, right? He was the one who caused all of the prostitutes to go missing?" Sam asks as he hands the camera to Colby.
Dean nods, "Yeah, in or around 1927, it was rumored that the reason he was killing these women, was for sacrifices, but people who have worked in the house swore up and down he didn't but who knows.." as Dean goes on explaining more about the manor, you suddenly feel a wave of dizziness was over you and you close your eye.
"No shit." Colby nods, "Do you know why he was doing that or .. anything?"
"Whoa. Hey, y/n." Sam moves to your other side and taps your arm, "You with us?"
You slowly open your eyes, "He doesn't like us talking about him." You can tell everyone around you tenses, "Sam once you said his name, I got dizzy."
"He likes you." Dean says wagging his finger at you, "He always likes the pretty ones."
Colby shifts towards you and you look over at him. He hands the camera to Sam and looks back up at Dean who sighs, "You might have the best of luck tonight, y/n."
"Great." You laugh slightly, "We also heard that it's hit or miss with how good or bad it can be."
Dean nods, "Oh yeah. Very much so. We've had people come in who didn't get anything but a few knocks and we've had people who were so overwhelmed within two hours they had to leave."
"That's crazy, dude." Sam says and looks at you and Colby. Colby shakes his head and laughs slightly, "Well we mean no harm, we just want to try and figure out if those old news articles were right."
"There's another figure in the window." You point to the same window and they all look up but it disappears.
"Are you talking about the far window on the right?" Dean slowly turns towards you and you nod, "Mhm."
He nods, "That's where his room is."
"Am I seeing him?" Your heart starts to race and Dean shrugs, "Very well could be." He nods towards the house, "Come on, we'll give you the tour."
"Are you okay?" Colby asks holding onto your arm. You nod, "This is going to be a very good video for you guys.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"You know. During the day it's not as scary." Sam says with a nervous laugh, "Right?"
One of Dean's sons laughs, "Wait for sundown."
"I don't wanna wait for sun down.. sun please stay up." Sam laughs along with the rest of you.
"Now this room is the room where he held about five woman at a time. They'd come in here and basically wait for their turn with Callum." Dean opens the door and you guys walk into a small room, "There was always a guard, or whatever you want to call them, in here with them at all times."
"Oh wow." You shake your head, "This is.." you look around, "They were scared." Right after you say that, there's a thud and you all look towards the door.
"that sounded like it came from downstairs." Sam whispers, and soon after there's another thud, but closer. Colby walks over and looks, "There's no one out here dude. That was so loud, though."
"I'd say they were more than scared, sweetheart." Dean walks over and lifts up the loose wallpaper, revealing names that were scratched into the wall behind it, "Even the guards would mistreat the women who were held here."
"And he never got caught? How many years did he do this for?" Colby asks slightly confused, "like no one ever thought of check on the missing women from the town that's right down over the hill?" He laughs and looks at Sam who nods, "Right like you'd think that."
As they talk, you think for few moments quietly before tilting your head, "When we walk in, I could have swore I heard a whisper and now that I see this.." you walk over and bend down, "It was definitely Izzie."
"No fucking way." Sam says and walks over, showing the wall to the camera, "so like right when you walked in it was like bam someone whispering Izzie?"
You stand up and look at him, "I swear to god. I thought maybe I brushed against something like my jacket did.." you scratch your jacket off the wall, "but no. It was clearly a whisper."
"Oh my god." Colby says dragging it out slightly, "This is crazy."
"There's two more rooms you need to see, one of them being the basement." Dean motions for you guys to follow him and you make your way to the master bedroom.
"So this is where he stayed most of the time?" Sam asks, "With these prostitutes or whatever?"
Dean nods, "Yep, yeah he basically lived in here and right.." he pauses and walks over to the window and points on the ground, "..over here. Is where he shot himself."
"So wait.." you point to the window and walk over, looking out with a gasp, "oh my god." You look out at the spot you stood in when you seen the apparition in the window.
"Correct." Dean says and turns, "He would bring the women in here one at a time, do what he promised them lots of money to do and then they'd just never leave."
"That's dark, man. Sad too." Colby frowns and shakes his head. Dean nods, "So the other girls caught on pretty quick as to what was happening."
"I can't imagine the fear that was brought onto them as they waited to just die basically." Sam looks around amd Dean points to you, "If you want to try contacting him. You'll probably have the best luck. Lay on the bed if you feel brave enough."
Your heart sinks, "Oh shit, I don't think-" you look at the door quickly, but whatever was there vanishes, "the door way. Someone is watching us."
You walk over, looking out but nothing else is there. You turn back towards them, camera on you, "It's really cold right here."
"You're the first to honestly say they saw something in this room." Dean says and you raise your eyebrows, "Really?"
"Does he move around a lot or does he mainly stay in this room?" Colby asks but jumps when there's footsteps in the hallway. You lean back and shake your head, "Nothing."
"I've had people come in and say there's many, many spirits here." Dean points, "but the one I get feedback on most on the time is the basement. Lots say it's the worst, and I'll show you why." He motions for you to follow him.
Sam cuts the camera off, "I think you may be right, y/n." You walk with him and Colby as you follow the others, "We definitely underestimated this place." You look between them and walks down the steps.
As you approach the slightly skinny basement door, Sam starts recording as Dean turns to you, "You might not like it down here." He looks the door and he reveals a, very unsettling, dark stair well.
You turn and give the camera a fake crying face, "Oh no."
"There are no lights, we did put lights in, but they must not like them, so you have to use flashlights so be careful coming down." Dean says and everyone pulls their phones out and switches the flash on.
Dean and his sons go down first and you and the boys follow, "Hold on, I just want to see how dark it is." Sam switches off the light and everyone covers their lights, "Oh fucking hell."
You immediately grab onto Colby's jacket and his hand immediately goes to the side of your leg, both keeping a hold of each other until Sam turns the light back on. Colby laughs, "that's the, you can't see your hand in front of your face dark."
"Now, keep that in mind because down here.." Dean pauses, "They only had candles for light down here I'm pretty sure.."
You reach the bottom and your heart feels like it's working overtime. You feel dizzy, grabbing onto the first thing you could, Colby's arm, to not fall back.
"Whoa." He wraps an arm around your waist and you nod, "Dean.. let me tell you something.." you laugh slightly and point at him.
He nods, "You don't like it down here do you?" You shake your head, "Not at all." Your eyes scan over what you can see of the old jail cells.
You felt pain and sadness, and just flat out awful.
"Down here, they kept at least twenty more women at a time, five to a cell." Riley points, "Right above the last cell over there, is where the five upstairs were, so that cell you could hear almost everything, because there's a vent, for whatever reason."
"Did they make that vent so they could hear the screams and shit on purpose or?" Sam asks looking over towards the cell.
Dean nods, "I mean, it's very possible because it's literally just a straight shot, so. I wouldn't have put it past him, he was-"
A bottle rolls down the steps and you close your eyes, "No, no, no." You laugh nervously, "There's no fucking way."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Sam turns to Colby, "We didn't even start the investigation yet and a fucking bottle.. rolls down the steps?"
Colby's eyes are wide and his mouth is open, "Did you catch that?" Sam nods, "then sound and then maybe the end of it coming down." He sighs, "Oh what the hell did we get ourselves into?"
"I don't know but I'm scared." You admit, "This isn't going to be easy." You say into the camera and Colby crosses his arms, "What would they do down here exactly? To these women that were just held here waiting?"
Dean shrugs, "All of it.. and right over there around the wall of the stairs." He points and walks you guys over, "He had the women who, in the words of what I read and was told, couldn't please him like he wanted, tortured for hours on hours I guess."
"What did they do with the bodies? Do you know if they buried them or.." Sam asks and Dean shifts around slightly, "I just got a chill, but um.."
"Wait you just got a chill?" Colby steps forward, "It doesn't feel any different to me so that's creepy."
Dean chuckles, "Yeah, so anyway.. it was rumored they tried to cremate them theirselves, but I don't think it worked out, but when we were trying to clear some stuff out around the house, there was a well that was discovered and it had human bones in it, but no one really knows what happened to them they just vanished one day and no one asked questions."
"So there is a lot of pent up negative energy surrounding this manor." One of the guys says, but you're not focused on who. You shake your head, "Some just want to be free." You look at Sam and Colby, "Something is keeping them here and I think I know who it is."
"Oh god." Sam yells and jumps forward, spinning around really quick, "Something just grabbed my shoulder, swear to god."
"You good, man?" Colby walks up to him, and Sam nods, "Yes, yes. That just scared the shit out of me. Like I was just standing here and it felt like someone did this to me. But lightly." He demonstrates by grabbing Colby's shoulder.
"That may happen a lot more when we leave." Dean says and motions with his light to go back up.
Once you make it back outside, he turns towards the house, "Just keep reminding them why you are here and that you're the ones in control."
"Will that actually work?" Sam looks at Dean and he nods, "It'll definitely work for him." He points to Colby and you smile as you remember someone else telling Colby he's intimidating.
"I have been told that I intimidate spirits so.. that's my house now." He makes his voice strained, "No, im kidding. He laughs and Dean shakes his head, "No that's exactly it. Show you're in control and you should be fine."
"Should be, that's not too selling there, Dean." Sam says and looks at Colby. He shrugs, "I mean, it works for me."
"Well, good luck and if you're still here, I'll see you in the morning."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After getting the equipment from the car and talking for a little bit, it's almost dark so the three of you agree it's best to just start since you were already getting so much activity already.
"You good?" Colby asks as he sets up some stuff, getting it ready. You look up, "Yeah." You let out breathy laugh, "I'm nervous, but otherwise good."
"Oh shit." You hear Sam yell from outside, "No fucking way." You and Colby look at each other and run out, "What? what?" Colby asks going over to him.
You follow behind and he points, "I think I saw what you saw earlier, y/n. I turned the camera on but by the time I looked up, it was gone."
"Yeah, like it only wants you to see it, if it lets you." You run your hands over your face, "Okay so I think we should try and get something before we're basically chased out of here."
You come to regret saying those words, later on.
"Okay, yeah. So the living room area? See if we can get in touch with someone who worked here?" Colby says and Sam nods, "Let's do it."
As you walk up to the door, you turn around and look at Colby, "Did you just whistle?" He shakes his head, "No that wasn't me, was it you?" He points to Sam and he shakes his head, "No."
"There's a light whistle, but it sounded like it was right behind me." You close your eyes and shake your head, "Oh god."
"It's alright. Come on." Colby leads you into the living area and you stand over to the coffee table and set down the EMF, waiting for Sam and Colby to come in.
"Okay. Ill put a flashlight on the mantle here and-"
A loud knock cuts Sam off, "Did you hear that?" His eyes move between you and Colby and you both nod. He lets out a sigh, "Alright."
He starts rolling, "So we are here in the living room area of the Hellriegel Manor, and we've been hearing knocks.."
"A bottle rolled down the basement stairs, this place is absolutely insane already, but now we're here and we're going to start by asking some simple questions." Colby takes the camera from Sam so he can lay a flashlight on the mantle like he said, "We have just a regular flashlight here and then we have the EMF over there by y/n."
You switch it on and move away from it, "Do you want me to start?"
Immediately both the flashlight and the EMF lights up green. Sam and Colby both yell out, "Oh fuck dude."
You freeze, "Um. Okay. My name is y/n. I come with peace and just wanting to find out the truth about what happened here. Is there just one of you talking to us right now?"
You wait a few moments and as soon as you look at Colby it lights up red and the flashlight switches off.
Your eyes go wide as you look at Sam. His eyes search the floor as he thinks, "My name is Sam, I too come with peace, I just want to ask, are you trapped here?"
Colby moves the camera from the EMF to the flashlight, "Y/n. Repeat what Sam asked."
"Are you trapped here?" You ask and it's an immediate green light, no flashlight, "Am I speaking to one person now?"
Red light. Flashlight turns on making all of you gasp and yell. Colby shakes his head, "Dean was right, they must be drawn to her more than us."
Switches green and the flashlight stays on.
"That wasn't even a ques-" something falling from a shelf makes you jump and you bolt in between them, "Oh Jesus Christ."
"I'm Colby. I also come with peace. Was that you that just knocked that stuff over?" A few moments go by and nothing.
"If that was you, can you do it again, please?" You grip Colby's arm, "the hairs on the back of my neck just stood up." He looks down at you, "really?" You nod and Sam brings his hand up behind you, "It's literally only cold right here."
Suddenly you're pushed away from Colby, not hard, but enough to make you lean back.
"Did you just get pushed?" Colby asks, "You pulled me with you tha-"
What sounds like empty tin cans, hit the floor and roll, stopping in the entry way of the living room.
"Thank you." You say, "Am I speaking to the original owner of this house?" You let go of Colby and walk over to the doorway.
"Y/n, stay close please. This house is too un-" Colby gets cut off by the EMF lighting up red.
"Are you saying no to y/n's question?" Sam asks quickly and it flashes red. Your eyes go wide and you make your way back over to them, "Do you want me to stay close to Sam and Colby?"
Flashes red and the flash light turns on.
"Fuck me." You lay a hand on your face and the emf lifts up green.
"No." Colby says almost immediately, "You can't have her."
Flashes green and the flash light stays on.
You look at them, "I have to ask if it's him."
Flashes green again and the flash light goes off.
"Dude this is fucking wild, oh my god." Sam runs a hand through his hair, "Are you okay?" He looks at you and you nod, "Yeah, I'm good."
"I have a very important question for you." You move over and sit in the one chair, "Am I speaking to Callum Hellreigel?"
Lights up red and you feel kind of relieved until you see a shadow move on the stairs, "Fuck, the stairs. Something just went up."
"Are you going upstairs?" Colby asks and waits patiently. The EMF goes off and it's red, "Are you one of the women who were lured here and promised money?"
Lights up green.
"Is anyone else with you?" Sam asks and rests his hand against his chin.
Lights up green.
Just as Colby is getting ready to ask something you stand up, "Something just.." you point up and shake your head, "I just heard come on. Like something said come on."
"Is that you Callum? Are you trying to lure y/n up stairs?" Colby hands the camera back to Sam and looks over at you, no response.
"Okay, so they definitely move around." Sam sighs, "Fuck man. Y/n. How are you feeling?" You look over at them slowly, "Oh I'm great." You stand up, "Maybe we should move.."
"Where to next?" Sam asks and you walk over to them, "Upstairs. I don't think he killed himself."
They're both taken aback by what you said and Colby shakes his head, "Do you feel something towards that?"
You nod, "I have this.. uneasy feeling in my stomach and I get chills thinking about it. I don't think he shot himself."
The EMF reader lights up green and you jump slightly, "Fuck." Sam looks around, "Did you kill your self Callum?"
Colby repeats Sam's question exactly, nothing.
They both look at you, along with the camera and you take a deep breath and shake your head, "get the spirit box."
Sam stops recording, "That's a good idea. Where do you want to set up?"
Colby walks over to you and lays his hands on your arms, "You good to keep going?" You nod, "Yeah I need to find out what happened, I'm nosey." You laugh slightly and lean around to look at Sam, "Maybe top of the steps?"
He nods and you grab the equipment and look at the steps. Your eyes move up and down, getting a weird feeling about it, "Wait." You stop Sam and point to the floor at the bottom of the steps.
Colby starts recording and Sam sets it down, "let me just turn it on." He turns it on and a soft white noise fills the area.
Sam motions to you and you bite your lip, debating on which question to ask.
".. Up .."
"Yo, no." Sam covers his mouth and Colby laughs nervously, "No fucking way."
"Do you want us to go up the stairs?" You ask and chew on your nail.
".. Wall .. name.."
"Are you asking about the names on the wall in the room where the women were held?" Colby asks, "Did you whisper Izzie to y/n when we went in there earlier?"
A soft, 'y/n' is whispered behind you and you let out a slight yell, "Fuck, no. Someone just said my name."
"Callum was that you?" You close your eyes and shake it, letting out quiet, high toned "oh shit."
"Do you want us to go to the bedroom? Callum's room?" Colby asks rubbing his eyebrow and pulls you to him when you all clear as day hear,
"Just... her.."
"You can't have her." Sam says looking around, "You can't have any one anymore, do you hear me?"
".. Blood.. shed .."
"Doesn't mean blood shed, like bleeding or?" Colby asks Sam and he shakes his head, "I don't know, man."
"So scared."
"I know you're scared." You say and nothing else comes through.
"Why do you want y/n?" Colby asks moving the camera around, "Are you scared of us? I promise we mean no harm to any of you."
".. Pretty... girl .."
"do you guys feel okay?" You fan yourself, "I just got really hot all of a sudden." Colby hands the camera to Sam and feels your forehead, "You feel cold to me."
You're suddenly pushed backwards away from Colby's touch, "Fuck." He says pulling you over to Sam. He turns from recording the stairs, "What happened? What?"
Colby sighs, "She just got pushed again, dude."
"Maybe we should just go up." You close your eyes as Colby instantly disagrees, "Mm. No."
Sam cuts the camera off, "Colby. If she thinks she can-"
"We don't know what we're dealing with here, Sam. I'm not going to send her into a room alone." Colby argues.
".. Stop .."
"Stop what?" You ask and Sam turns the camera on, "So.. Colby felt y/n's head because she said she was hot and when he did that, y/n got pu-" a loud thud is heard from up stairs and Sam quickly turns the spirit box off and turns the camera to you guys, "Did you hear that?"
You nod, "Almost like.. a body falling onto the floor."
"That's what I was thinking." Coby says nodding.
Sam waits a few seconds more before picking up where he left off in a whisper, "So basically, whatever is here doesn't like us being close to y/n."
"Dean did say that she might be the target for tonight, just because of all the history with this place." Colby says.
"I think we should just do it because it's either his room or the basement and I'll tell you right now I'm not ready to go back down there yet." You chew on your cheek, "So let's just go up there and hit those rooms up there."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
There was a sudden decrease in activity in the other rooms but it quickly picked up when you moved back towards the bedroom.
"I think we should put the REM pod where Dean said he was shot." Sam suggests and you nod, "Yeah. That's good."
You have this feelings that something is watching you, and no it's not just Colby.
"Sam." Colby says, "You don't think.."
Sam stands up after checking the pod, "What?" Colby nods towards me, lowing his voice, "You don't think he's.. targeting her because of me do you?"
Sam glances at you and shrugs, "So you're admitting to liking her then?"
Colby sighs, "Yes, Sam. I'm admitting to it finally." He smiles but shakes his head, "That's not the point, how are we going to do this without any danger coming to her?"
"Why don't we just ask him?" You step forward, "You can be right outside the door."
Colby shakes his head, "No."
There's a loud bang and you jump, "Colbs. I got this. If anything happens, you'll be right outside." Sam starts rolling the camera, "So we are now in the room where Callum supposedly shot himself and y/n has decided to lay in Callum Hellreigel's very own bed. Alone."
Sam turns the camera to you, "How are you feeling?" You take a deep breath, "it is what it is right?" You shrug, but Colby didn't like that answer.
"I'll be fine." You hold two thumbs up and Sam points the camera at Colby, "Wanna tell them what we're doing?"
Colby clears his throat as he holds up the EMF, "We are going to set up y/n with the EMF as well, and she'll ask yes or no questions and hopefully we can get some answers.."
"Then we'll come back in after a little while and set up the spirit box, maybe catch something on that? I don't know how you guys feel about that.." Sam trails off and you nod, "Sounds good."
Colby's whole demeanor changed since you said you'll stay in the room by yourself. You keep looking at him, and he looks at you, but he has worry in his eyes.
"Alight so we're just going to put this in the corner here.." Sam says as he sets up the camera on the one stand, angled towards the bed and window.
Colby walks up to you, cupping your cheeks, "Anything, and I mean anything happens, yell, scream and we'll be here."
You nod, laying a hand on his, "I can handle this." You jump and Sam yells as something falls outside of the room, "What the fuck. That sounded like something massive."
"Shit." Colby says taking his hands away, "Sorry. Sorry." He holds his hands up and steps back from you. Your eyes move around the room as you make your way over to the bed, sitting criss cross, "See you soon."
"You're sure?" Sam asks one last time. You take a deep breath, "Yes." Colby's eyes are on you until Sam fully shuts the door, leaving you in the darkened silence, alone.
"Callum Hellriegel." You call out, "If you're here, can you go over and touch that little box that's on the floor for me?"
The red light flashes, indicating no on the EMF.
"Am I talking to someone else?" Your eyes scan around the room, taking slow deep breathes as you try to get used to the dark, no answer, "I should’ve stayed home." You joke quietly to yourself,  "Is this where you wanted me?"
Instant green light.
You chew on your cheek as a chill washes over your body, "Fuck." You rest your hands on your head, "Did you kill all those women, Callum?"
Instant green light and the REM pod goes off.
"Did you kill them because they couldn't please you?" You rest your hand on your cheek and jump slightly when the EMF goes red.
"Did you kill them beca-" The EMF flashes red over and over again, "Stop!" You say loudly and it's soon followed by a loud bang on the window.
"Holy fuck." You sigh and place a hand on your chest, "Do you want us to bring the spirit box in so you can talk?"
Instant green light.
"Callum Hellreigel.. did you kill your self?" Your eyes move from the REM pod to the EMF, waiting for something, "Did someone else do it?"
Instant green light.
"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Okay, okay. Was it someone who worked for you?"
Instant red light.
"Was it one of the prostitutes?"
Instant green light.
"Is there anyone else here?"
Instant green light and you suddenly feel like you're being choked. You try to yell out as loud as you can, "C-Colby!" You feel the pressure on your neck vanish and you start coughing as soon as the boys bust through the door.
Colby is right next to you, "What? What? Y/n. Talk to me."
You're gasping for air still as you try to comprehend what just happened.
Sam brings the camera over, almost dropping it when he sees the finger marks on your neck.
"Holy fuck- Colby." Sam moves your hair to show the camera, "Oh my god. Are you okay? Oh fuck."
Colby's eyes are glued to your neck, "Can you breathe? Are you okay?"
"I-I.." you clear your throat, rubbing your hand over the prints, "I believe.. I was talking to Callum, and then I asked if anyone else was here and it went to yes and then i just suddenly felt like I was being choked."
"What the fuck, okay let's just get out of this room, I don't.." Sam sighs and shakes his head, "I don't like this."
As you're gathering the equipment and getting ready to walk out, you're pushed into Sam causing him to stumble a step forward, "That wasn't me." You say quickly as he turns around, "are you okay?"
Colby shuts the door with a slam and sighs, "This is fucking insane.. I can't believe this happened."
"Did you hear that?" You look down the steps, "Something just moved into the living room."
Sam points the camera, the light shining down and there's nothing there, "What the fuck, what the fuck?!"
"Shh. Shh." You shush Sam and look around, "I thought I heard whispering."
Colby lays a hand on your back, "Let's go outside, talk about what happened and then we can figure out what we wanna do."
Colby was just worried about getting you out without anymore damage.
You make your way outside, camera still rolling, bending down to the ground, "Oh my god."
"Okay. So y/n.. she got attacked basically and we're trying to figure out why. She's okay. She's okay.. it's just.. " Sam keeps the camera off of you until you stand back up, "Fuck."
"So." You walk over to them, using your hand to hide your neck from the camera, "As soon as you guys left, it was.. weird, it was fucking weird." You laugh slightly and shake your head, "I asked if it was him. Said no. Then I asked if it was someone else, no answer and then I asked if I was where they wanted me and that was an instant green light."
"What if.. what if it's not Callum?" Colby looks between you and Sam and Sam gasps, "One of the women?"
You hold your hand up, "Oh just wait. So then I asked if he killed all those women. Instant green light. I then asked if it was because they couldn't please him and it said no."
"Wait, y/n.. Did you tell stop at one point?" Sam asks and you nod, "The red light kept flashing over and over, so then I told it to stop and then it sounded like something hit the window. Hard. It was loud."
"Wait what?" Colby looks to Sam, "Did you hear anything?" Sam shakes his head, "I thought I heard her yell stop but it was much quieter than she says she yelled."
"Do you think.. wait.." Colby looks at you, "Izzie. That's what was whispered to you right?" You nod and he shrugs, "What if she killed him?"
"That's actually something that very well could have happened.. He favorited her maybe and she developed this jealously? Oh my god, the story just keeps unraveling." Sam points the camera back to you and you continue, "I asked if they wanted us to bring the sprit box in and it said yes. It also said yes to me asking if someone else killed him.." you look between them, "..and to if it was one of the prositutes."
"Yo, no. Are you fucking serious!?" Sam's mouth drops, "Is said yes to that?"
You nod, "Sure did."
"Izzie probably is intimidated by you." Colby says, "I think we have this all wrong." You run your hand over your head, "Mhm. But it was like not even a second after the light went green I felt this pressure around my neck and I couldn't move. I wasn't even sure if you guys heard me calling."
"I heard you scream Colby, a lot louder than when you yelled stop." Sam shakes his head, "If I would have known we would have came in.." he looks at Colby, "They said about the spirit box.."
Colby shakes his head and looks at you as Sam moves the camera onto you, "I think we should just take a break, give them time to settle, if they will." You suggest and Sam nods, "That's a good idea."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The whole time you guys took a break, Colby hasn't left your side as you guys discussed and agreed on what you were doing.
He found himself glancing at your neck every so often, wondering if him putting up more of a fight would have kept you safe.
"Colby.." you whisper, "Colbs." You finally get his attention, "Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"Not your fault. I chose to go in there." You lay a hand on his cheek, "Okay?"
He nods, not really convincing you but you go with it as Sam walks over, "Are you ready?" He looks at you and you nod, taking Colby's hand in yours, "Yeah. We're ready."
"Anything else happens and I'm throwing you over my shoulder and taking you out of there myself." He whispers low into your ear as sam walks towards the house.
You smile slightly, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
He keeps his arm around you until you reach the front door. He walks in but you stop, staring up the steps, "Sam. Don't move."
Colby looks between you, Sam and the steps, "What?" He whispers quietly and you point slightly, "There's a woman.." you raise your voice, "Izzie?"
The figure you see turns from the top of the steps and goes into Callum's room.
"We need to do the spirit box."
You make your way up to the room and Colby walks in first. Then you, then Sam. The REM pod gets put on the floor, and turned on. Sam backs away from it and you take a deep breath.
"We mean no harm to anyone that is here." You say and look around, "Izzie. If you were the one that choked me, can you touch that box on the floor over by the window?"
You close your eyes as soon as it lights up.
"Fucking shit dude." Sam says pointing the camera to you. You open your eyes and step towards the bed, "Did you get jealous of the other girls? Make that light up for me if you were."
You look over at Sam and Colby, who are whispering stuff to each other, and back to the pod as it lights up.
"one more time if you want us to turn on the spirit box." You run a hand through your hair and turn back to them as it lights up a few times in a row.
Colby takes the camera and Sam grabs the box, walking over and setting it on the window sill, "You will be able to talk to us using this box here."
Colby moves over closer to you and Sam and as soon as Sam flips it on, "Why did you choke y/n?"
".. doesn't... belong.."
"She doesn't belong here in general or doesn't belong to Callum?" Colby continues and you chew on your nail as you wait patiently.
".. not.. his..."
"Can you tell us who isn't his? Are you talking about Callum?" Sam interjects, "Y/n doesn't belong to Callum."
"..Mine.. my doing.."
"Are we talking to Izzie or Callum?" You rest your hand on your cheek, "Can you please tell me who we are talking to?"
".. Colby.." 
"What the hell?" Colby groans and laughs slightly, "Can you tell me who I'm talking to?" He asks giving the camera to Sam, "I'm right here."
".. not.. yours.."
You look at Sam then go to Colby.
"..out.. out.. Izzie.."
"Did you kill Callum, Izzie?" Sam asks, "Was it you who shot him in front of the window?"
" .. y/n.. stay .."
You let out a quick scream as something grabs your arm, "No. I'm not staying. You cannot have me." The same bang on the window that happened while you were alone, happens again.
Colby aims the camera to the window, "fuck, what was th-"
".. keep her safe .."
"We are keeping her safe." Colby says as he pulls you in between him and Sam, "Do not touch her. Do not touch us."
You look around, "Shit." You jump, "Izzie. Leave."
" .. Sam .. "
"Okay no. No that's.. no.." Sam laughs nervously, "Do you want us to leave?"
" .. Colby ... and Sam .. "
"Alright we're done." Colby hands the camera back to Sam and turns off the box, "I don't think Callum is a demon. I think Izzie has some jealousy to figure out and she won't be doing that with you." He looks at you and you nod, "Fine."
"That was fucking insane, dude. What the actual fuck was that?" Sam shakes his head, unable to comprehend what just happened.
You hear another whisper as you turn towards the door, "did you hear that?" Sam and Colby stop talking and go quiet as they listen.
You turn towards them, "Please don't go is what I just heard.."
"We're going." Sam and Colby say in unison which makes you all kinda laugh, fear still in overdrive. You spin in a slow circle, "Whatever is in this room, this house, who ever you are, you cannot follow us out of this house. You cannot follow us home. You can not come with us."
As Sam bends down to pick up the REM, Colby lays his hand on your back but you wince and gasp, "What the fuck?"
"What?" Colby asks looking over you, "What happened?"
"Lift my shirt." You turn back around and Sam comes over with the camera, the light on top shining onto your back.
Colby slides your shirt up, "We're done. That's two fucking scratches l, Sam." He looks at Sam and you turn around, "Two?!"
As soon as you stand all the way up, you get dizzy and stumble back slightly into the wall. You suddenly feel like your emotions aren't yours anymore and you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
Flashes of a woman in a long dress and a man undressing her appear in your mind. 
She's screaming. Crying. There's two more guys, but they're standing in the corners, watching it happen.
You feel like you're seeing someone else's vision until everything goes black and you start to regain the imagine of Colby and Sam standing in front of you.
"Y/n.. hey." You hear Colby say as he shakes you gently, "Y/n. Hey where'd you go?"
Your head snaps up to him, "What?" You look around, shaking your head, "I don't.. what just.."
"You weren't you." Sam says, "You went back into the wall and then you were in a stare, Colby tried for like two minutes to get you to look up."
"We.." your chest rises and falls quickly, "I'm so scared right now." A loud thump on the wall behind you rattles the room and you high tail it out of there.
Down the steps and out the door as Sam and Colby follow you.
"Y/n. Hey, hey wait." Colby yells, "Y/n." He walks up to you and takes you into his arms. You freak out for a second until you realize it's him and you let your body fall into his.
"Is she okay?" Sam asks running up, "What the fuck just happened?"
Colby shrugs, "I have no idea. But I see why they don't just let anyone in here."
He looks down at you, arms still tightly around you, "Hey. You're okay. I got you." You tilt your head up, slowly looking back at the building.
You let out a slight laugh, "Did I.. just.. did I just get possessed or something?"
They're both looking at you worried, "I saw a woman.. screaming as a man was taking off her dress and two other men in the corners were watching.. I don't.. was that.."
"We don't have an answer for that, but what I do know is that we're getting far from this place as possible." Colby lets you go as you stand up straight.
You look at Colby and point your finger at him, "Remember what I said to you last night, about us probably having been through worse?"
Colby nods as his hands move up and down your arm.
"Well, this is worse." You laugh anxiously, tears welling up into your eyes again, "What the fuck was that?"
"We're going home. It's okay." Colby wraps his arms around you, "Sam, can you drive home?" Sam yells out a quick 'yeah' as he packs the trunk back up.
"Come on. We're going home."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thinking of maybe doing a part 2? Not sure yet, maybe like the aftermath of the Hellriegel Manor?
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millersdjarin · 2 years
Some Invisible String
Chapter I: High Tide
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Rating: E (eventually)
Summary: Ten years after Reader left Joel for reasons he still doesn't know, they find themselves together again in a town called Jackson. Joel has questions he's too afraid to ask; and Reader dreads having to give the answers.
Tags/Warnings: eventual smut, post tlou part I, jackson era joel <3, emotion!!!
Chapter length: 3.3k
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notes: my first multi-chapter joel fic! overall title is from taylor swift's "invisible string", chapter I title also from taylor, "this love" ♥︎ eventual smut will be here too! so far it's going to be 5 chapters :) enjoy! ps. i recently switched to writing in second person but when i wrote this fic i was still writing in first person, hope u don't mind! will be posting updates regularly
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I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea. Really, I don’t. 
But, then again, nothing has been a good idea in twenty years, and I’m still here. So, there’s that. 
One minute I was out hunting in the snow, tracking a deer that made itself vulnerable in the woods beside a half-frozen creek. If I could get him, I thought, it’d keep me going with food for a week at least. Best thing about winter: food stays fresh in the cold. 
Worst thing: everything else. Literally everything else. 
Because now, what started as a quick hunt with an almost-guaranteed prize at the end, has ended in me literally fighting for my fucking life, rolling around in foot-deep snow as runners try to rip the shit out of me. 
It doesn’t help that the commotion has led a bunch of local hunters—who clearly had the same idea as me—to my location. They’ve got the deer, they’ve shot me in the leg, and I’m either going to bleed out, get bitten, or get eaten by infected. 
So, this is great. 
Blood rushing in my ears, I seize the moment a hunter shoots one of the nearby runners and use it to take shelter behind a rock for a minute, surrounded by the groans and screams of infected who are still searching for me or attacking the hunters. Gunshots ring loud throughout the air, along with the smashing of a few molotovs as the bottles hit the snow, the roaring of flames as they engulf bodies. 
My leg is bleeding into the snow. Actually, it’s damn near gushing, pulsing out with each beat of my heart. 
Footsteps are getting closer to me. I try to put pressure on the wound, but the bullet is still there, and it fucking hurts, and my vision is going blurry. The screams of infected are getting less and less as, presumably, the men take them out. 
I’m not bitten. Not yet. But that’s the least of my worries, if the pool of red snow I’m creating below me is anything to go by. 
It’s starting to leech into the snow surrounding the rock, easily giving away my location. As the last infected screams with a squelch of a blade into one of its body parts, one of the men shouts, “Hey! She’s over there! Flank her!” 
Ha. As if they even need to flank me. 
My head is spinning. Blood, shiny and thick, coats my hands. It’s all over me. It’s fucking everywhere. It won’t stop bleeding. 
I’m going to fucking die. 
These men are going to kill me, or do worse while they wait for me to die. Surviving the apocalypse as a woman is a fucking joke. 
I reach for my gun, but there are spots in my vision now. Dark red and black. It’s a mixture of real blood in my eyes and blood loss making me dizzy. I can feel it fading. All of it. The cold, the feeling in my body, the sound around me, everything…
It’s fading. 
There are heavy, men’s footsteps getting closer. 
I’m just debating whether I have the strength to fight back, or even to just end it all myself before they get chance, when I hear it. 
A new gun. A new set of voices. The hunters’ attention is turned away from me once more as their footsteps crunching in the snow turn away and head for whoever else has decided to grace us with their presence. 
It doesn’t matter. I’m out anyway. After all this time, all this fighting, after everything I’ve lost—I’m going to die here in the snow, in the middle of nowhere in Jackson County, after being shot by a fucking hunter. 
Then, I hear a voice. 
It could be a southern accent. I could swear that it is - that it’s real.
But I always knew that in my last moments I’d hear him, real or not. It’s been ten years, but I still hear him in the night sometimes, as I’m falling asleep or jolting awake. Sometimes when I get injured, I hear him tutting, I feel his fingers on my skin, patching me up. 
Now, sitting here dying in the snow, I could swear that it’s him.
It’s not. It can’t be. 
But as the last of my consciousness fades, as I feel the final thread of me begin to fray, I let myself believe that it is. 
I hold onto the sound. So clear, like he’s right there next to me. 
I never wanted to die alone. I’m going to pretend that I won’t. 
“Joel…” I feel his name slip through my lips for the first time in years. 
His name, and his voice saying my name in return, are the last things I hear before I go. 
Well, goddamn. 
If this is hell, there is no fire, so it could be worse; but if it’s heaven, Jesus, I don’t want it.
I can’t even wake up. My eyes feel heavy. It’s like I’m clawing back to consciousness after a bad fever. After a surgery that went wrong. Before I can even think or begin to open my eyes or listen for sounds, I can feel that every inch of me hurts. Like I’ve been cut open, rearranged, and sewn back together again. 
So, it’s not heaven. Cool. Fine. I’m going to suffer for eternity, then? 
Except, when I hear it, I freeze. (Metaphorically speaking. I’m already frozen in whatever spot I’ve been cursed to.) 
“She’s waking up.” That isn’t Joel. But it’s similar, and familiar. It sounds like...
Why the hell is Tommy here?
Then, it’s his voice again. My name, in Joel’s voice. 
If nothing else, the confusion gets me to force my eyes open. 
And the first thing I see is him. 
“Hey,” Joel says, “can you hear me? Wake up…you’re safe…” 
I blink a few times. Then, beneath the pain in my body, I realise that I’m warm. I’m under something soft and cosy; a wool blanket, it feels like, if the scratching against my bare arms is anything to go by. 
Any other sensation doesn’t really matter right now, though, because I can’t take my eyes off of Joel. He’s just there, hovering above me with even more creases on his forehead than I remember, an especially big one sitting between his eyebrows right now that looks like someone’s drawn it there. 
“You’re alright, you’re alright,” he sounds distant but close all at once, and soft and gruff just like he used to. 
“I…” I manage to stammer while I vaguely register that there is daylight around us, though it’s fading into shades of amber and pink. Approaching sunset. Last I remember, it had only just risen.
Not without struggle, I get my body to move, but the second I shift in my place, a blinding pain shoots from my leg to all angles, hitting my head and my toes. 
Well. I’m starting to think I’m not actually dead. 
“Hey, don’t try to move, you’re hurt,” Joel says again. 
“J—Joel?” As I start to realise that it seems I am very much alive, somehow that fact just makes for more confusion. I look around, and Tommy is there, too, standing by the room’s window, leaning on the butt of his rifle where it sits at his chest, the barrel facing the floor. He looks older, too. Much older. He’s got almost as many wrinkles and greys as Joel does now. 
Someone else enters the picture after a minute. A woman with a frown of concern pushes Joel away—in my delirium I almost forget that he’s probably real, and that it wouldn’t be appropriate to reach out and pull him back—and then her face is above mine, shining a torch in my eyes. 
I squint against it but she holds my eyes open and inspects them. “How are you feeling?” She asks. Her voice is husky but kind, the faintest trace of a Brooklyn accent making itself known. 
“I—confused,” is all I can say, dumbly. Joel is standing behind her, looking over her shoulder with a frown that reaches new depths. (He frowned a lot back in the day, but geez, he’s got even better at it.) “Where am I? Who—who are you?” 
“I’m Angela,” she answers, removing the blinding torch from my eyes, instead pressing two firm fingers into the pulse point on my wrist. “You’re in a town called Jackson. It seems you already know these two fellas.” 
“I—yeah,” I manage to laugh a little in disbelief. Tommy is still there on the opposite side of the room, smiling just a little, fond and nostalgic. It’s then that Angela’s words hit me. A town? “I…is this…am I…the hunters…you…?” My words aren’t coherent or related enough to count as a sentence, or even a completed question. 
“It’s our town,” Tommy says with a small smile. “You got nothin’ to worry about. No one here’s a hunter, and you’re in good hands.” He nods to Angela. 
I look back to her and frown at the way she’s wrapping a blood pressure cuff around my arm. “Are you…a doctor?” 
“I am,” she answers. “You got shot. Lost a lot of blood. These two found you just outside town with barely enough time—or blood—to spare.” 
I can’t stop glancing between Angela, Joel, and Tommy. It’s like I’m watching a tennis match between three people. 
I’m still not entirely sure this is real. In a fever dream, or even in my last moments, my brain would definitely conjure up something like this. A safe town, where I’m under a warm blanket, on a soft bed, and being looked after by two people who used to be the most important people in my life. 
“I…” I’m interrupted by the door swinging open. It lets in a brief shock of cold wind, but Joel quickly reaches out to close it behind whoever has just come in. 
“Ellie, I told you to wait outside,” Joel says lowly, so quiet I can barely hear him. 
“It’s freezing out there! And I’m worried. Is she awake—?” The girl—Ellie, apparently—pushes past Joel to look over Angela’s shoulder at me. Her concerned frown relaxes when she sees me. She’s just a kid; probably barely fifteen. I’ve never seen her before, but she’s looking at me like she was terrified I was going to die. “Oh, you’re awake!” 
Joel puts his hand on Ellie’s shoulder and gently pulls her back a little. “Give her some space. Angela’s still working.” 
“You know, she’s the best. Last month Joel dislocated his shoulder and she reset it before he could even scream—”
“Alright,” Joel interrupts her, “Ellie. Why don’t you get our guest some food, alright?” 
“Something hot,” Angela requests. 
A hot meal and a comfortable bed. This has to be some kind of pre-death dream.
“It’s almost dinner time at the kitchen,” Tommy offers with a knowing smile, “see what you can rustle up.” 
Ellie sighs, but nods. Before turning to leave, she looks at me again and says, “I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll get you the good stuff.” 
The door lets in another whoosh of cold air, but Joel closes it as soon as possible. It’s then that I realise there’s a fireplace on the wall behind the bed; the flames crackle in the light breeze before settling down again. 
“I need to check your wound,” Angela says. “Don’t suppose one of you boys can help me out? I need someone to distract her.” 
“Distract me? From what?” 
“I’m gonna take off your bandage and check the stitches. Then I’m gonna clean it. It’s going to hurt.” 
“I don’t need distracting,” I say, meaning it. I’ve dealt with worse. Hell, somehow I survived this. But Joel is still gazing at me, his eyes roaming over me from head to toe, like he’s scanning for even the slightest inkling that something else is wrong they haven’t noticed yet. (Seems unlikely—I’m wearing different clothes than I was before.)
Mentally squirming under his gaze for the first time in a long time, when I never thought I would again, I realise that I might not need distracting, but I do need answers. 
Or something close to it. 
“I’ll stay,” Joel offers, as if reading my mind. He was always so good at that. It’s weird. Someone so emotionally unavailable shouldn’t be good at that. 
Tommy pushes off from the wall, stopping at the foot of my bed. “Don’t be afraid to break his hand,” he offers, grinning lopsidedly, “man needs an excuse to stop for one goddamn minute.” He grins at Joel when he grumbles in response. “I’ll be outside. Need anythin’, give me a holler.” And with that, he’s out the door. 
Angela carefully pulls the blanket up and away from my leg, revealing the side of my thigh where the bullet went in. It hurts for something to even be moving in close proximity to it, like my skin is on red alert. 
I wish I could say I’ve gotten good at hiding my pain, after all these years of surviving it; but I haven’t. It still shows on my face like it did the day the outbreak happened; like it did when I was barely an adult.
Joel knows. He pulls up a wooden chair beside my bed, offers up his scarred, calloused hand. There’s an expression on his face I can’t quite read. The faintest hints of a sheepish smile, maybe, crows feet deepening around his eyes. It looks like he’s saying, Funny seein’ you here, and I can hear that in his voice, gruff and sarcastic, so I just imagine that that’s what he’s trying to say. 
I glance down at his hand, then back up. For a moment I consider not taking it. 
It’s been ten years. 
I left for a reason. 
But then Angela starts pulling at the bandage wrapped tight around my leg, and the pain is fucking horrific. It’s a stabbing, a pulling, and an aching all at once. It starts at the bullet wound and pulses out like cracks of lightning, through my bones, my nerves, up my hips and to my neck. 
A sharp inhale through my teeth, a blinding flash of pain that whites out my vision for a second, and I’m reaching for Joel’s hand before I can even think any more about it.
“Why don’t you tell me what the hell you’re doin’ here?” Joel’s voice comes through the blood rushing through my ears. “Last I saw you, we were in Texas.”
“What—what am I doing here?” I laugh, incredulous, and gasp as another wave of pain comes. “I don’t even—know—where I am.” Angela is working away and it hurts, it fucking hurts. But I think, at least, this is the final piece of proof I needed to confirm that I am not actually dead.
That, and the way Joel’s thumb is smoothing over the top of my hand, even though I’m squeezing his so hard that it must hurt like fuck. He’s doing it like he’s not even thinking about it. Like it’s second nature. 
I left for a reason. 
“You’re in Jackson,” he says. 
“I know that. I just—don’t—” I grunt in between words as Angela takes alcohol to the wound. “I don’t know how far—how far you took me—”
“You were barely outside the town. The hunters that got you were bandits on their way to us."
"Right," I say, still not really understanding.
"So it’s just coincidence we found ourselves together again?” 
Yes! I left for a fucking reason! 
I’m realising I’m not saying it out loud. 
I’m not saying it out loud because I never even told Joel there was a reason, let alone what that reason actually was. 
“I—guess so,” I grit out. “Sometimes the Universe likes to laugh at us. I—oh, Jesus!” A particularly intense stab of pain comes as Angela starts dabbing at the wound. It’s a bruise, a gash, a cut, all at once. 
“It’s alright, hey, just look at me,” Joel’s voice comes, so familiar that it hurts, so soft that it hurts—“Look right at me. That’s it. Do you remember where you were when this happened?” 
“I—in the snow,” I answer, staring into his eyes like they’re a lifeline. Angela has started wrapping a new bandage around it now, tight and secure. It hurts. It just fucking hurts. Everything fucking hurts. “The forest. I was—hunting for food. Then…infected. Infected came and—then—hunters…” 
Joel nods, encouraging me to continue. 
I can’t, though. The pain is too much. Looking at him is too much. 
I screw my eyes shut, and a traitorous, humiliating tear spills from one of them. In frustration, a groan splits past my lips, and I reach up my other hand to wipe away the tear. 
“Nearly done,” Angela promises.
My teeth are biting down on my lip so hard that I can taste blood; but the pain of that is paling in comparison to everything else, so it doesn’t bother me. 
“God fucking dammit,” I grunt as another tear falls. 
Down to my very core, it is humiliating. 
To be here, writhing in pain, and crying in front of Joel, of all people. Crying during the apocalypse. Crying because he’s there. Because his eyes are still the same.
I’ve always been too soft. I was never as hard as Joel. Or as anyone else around me. 
As a kid, books always said that being soft was a strength in its own way. That it was a quality to be proud of. But in this world, all it’s ever brought me is close to death.
“All done,” Angela says. 
Though the pain is still very much alive and well, I breathe out a sigh of relief, waiting eagerly for it to ebb. Realising I’m still holding onto Joel’s hand so tight that my knuckles have gone white, I release him, and take a deep breath. 
“Good job,” he says. Whether he’s saying it to me or Angela, I’m not sure. He observes his hand, lifting it up to look at as he stretches his fingers out. “Jesus, woman. Gonna need a new hand after that.” 
I laugh, breathy. “I had permission.” 
“From Tommy,” Joel counters with a grumble. 
“I knew you wouldn’t mind.” I say it before I can give it permission. And the softness in my voice—well. That’s just downright not fair. 
Joel’s eyes meet mine again. He holds them there for a moment too long. Looks like he might want to say something, but then doesn’t, and stands up. His green flannel shirt stretches so nicely over his shoulders, even broader now than they were back then. His hair is flecked with grey, as is his beard, which is longer now. 
I used to lie awake at night and imagine running my fingers over it. I used to cherish the way my hands fit over his shoulders when he boosted me up onto a ledge. The way the muscles in his arms flexed and showed veins when I hoisted him up behind me. 
We used to be a team, me, him, and Tommy. 
Now, staring at him as he leans against the doorframe, folding his arms over his chest, I think about those times. I can’t help it. There are dark and grey hairs on his chest, peeking up above the top button. I remember how his heart feels under there from the time I had to stitch up a gash there. I remember his pulse, from keeping my finger on it all night when he was feverish from an infected knife wound. 
Tommy and I nursed him back, but I thought we’d lost him. 
I thought a lot of things.
And, well. There was no other choice. 
I left.
♥︎chapter 1/5♥︎
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notes: if u wanna be on the taglist, let me know however you'd like: in a reblog, reply, message, or an ask :) all interactions are appreciated, but comments and reblogs especially make my heart go brrr♡ happy tlou show day btw :D
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 9 months
Tharn, babes, the man was full on seizing. That was not just a dream!
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Lol, Phaya is all "faen speed-mode engaged!" already.
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Goddamn, Gap!
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Lol, y'all were right about Yai's "Tharn got nailed" radar.
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This move always always makes me weak.
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I knew Slow Motion was making Phaya see things!
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I assume he also messes with Tharn's mind as well? So he didn't notice Phaya leaving? Otherwise, after all of Tharn's concern about Phaya, it makes him seem awfully careless.
Aww, this is really sweet.
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This whole flashback is both ridiculous and amazingly awesome. I love how seriously everyone is taking it.
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Yesss, put Heng & Billy in costumes and make them scream at each other in the middle of the woods. Brilliant!
Also the CGI is hysterical, but I am loving it so much!
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Oh god, the feels...
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Oh, this is unexpected...
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Um, how are the other police not hearing the million gunshots going off here?!
Dammit. We all knew this episode would end here, but still...waaaaaah.
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I do still have some questions after the flashbacks though.
Because in earlier episodes they keep talking about the "wrong" that Tharn & Phaya did to others? What wrong? Was it just them being together despite being from different worlds? Or Tharn being technically promised to Slow Motion?
If it's just either of those things, then I'm a bit annoyed about them being told they did wrong. Love isn't wrong, and not wanting to marry an abusive partner you've been promised to is not remotely wrong.
And what about Slow Motion murdering two people? Where is his comeuppance?! I mean, yes, we got the tease that he's destined for hell. But he's still managing to fuck over Phaya & Tharn life after life, and yet they're the ones told to make sure they're good?
My poor babies.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
Can I request something where Tess is in love with Reader ,who is Joel's friend (younger ) and they're all a trio team,nobody dies. Reader is a daredevil ,also in love with Tess but self conscious with all the battle scars. It can be anything you want :)
pairing: tess servopoulos x reader
word count: 2669
notes and warnings: ok so i accidentally wrote it as fem!reader bc i thought for whatever reason that that was part of the request,,, but if that’s not what u wanted feel free to imagine smthn else lol 😅 TW blood, gunshot wounds, scars, stitches, fire <3 title from “hold me” by fleetwood mac. ty anon for the request i love it
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“We’re gonna get fucking bit or infected or some shit,” you grumbled, checking behind you for infected for what must have been the millionth time.
“We’ve talked about this,” Joel said, his patience obviously running out. “It’s not worth the risk after what happened last time.”
The last time he’d been referring to took place a few weeks ago. You’d been accompanying Tess and Joel for a trip to Bill and Frank’s, as you had a thousand times before. The route was clear and practiced, frequently traveled by the three of you. You were the only ones in the area, or so you had thought, but out of the shadows had come raiders. The three of you had been outnumbered, out-armed, and despite the astounding skill each of you had in fighting and shooting, you’d barely made it out.
“We killed all of the raiders,” you argued. “There were a few who got away but what the fuck could they do? We just shoot them and move on.”
“You’re just upset because this route takes longer,” Tess accused, a small smirk playing at her lips.
You shrugged. “Cutting through a bunch of abandoned buildings after spending three hours walking through the woods really fucking sucks.”
“At least there haven’t been as many infected as we thought.”
You nodded, though at the reminder you felt a bit unsettled. It had been uncanny how little clickers you’d encountered on your way to Bill and Frank’s. Even on the established path you always took there were always a few stragglers that migrated to the area that you hadn’t yet had the chance to take out. It was strange how empty and silent your travels had been.
You were dipping into the residential area of the city, and though you were still a few blocks away from your destination, it flooded you with relief. You knew that once you made it onto Bill and Frank’s street, you would be safe, secure with the abundance of traps, fences, and constant patrol Bill ensured was consistently present.
A rustling from inside a small white house across the street stopped you in your tracks. You were in the middle of the road, Tess and Joel still continuing forward, unaware of your pause.
After a moment you kept walking, dismissing it as your imagination. You’d already been unsettled with the new path, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you’d tricked yourself into hearing something that wasn’t there.
Again, a movement, a shifting noise, a soft click. Too brief and insubstantial to be clickers, especially with the lack of infected in the area.
“Stop,” you ordered quietly.
The two of them paused, Tess moving to eliminate the slight distance between you before you reached a hand out to stop her.
“Someone’s here,” you breathed. The three of you exchanged quick glances, and slowly you reached for your gun–
The sound of a gunshot set you in motion.
The three of you fled across the street – you lost sight of Joel, he went in the opposite direction – but Tess was at your side, the two of you breaking open the door of a house across the street.
“I knew something was going to happen,” you huffed, positioning a chair in front of the broken front door to keep out your attackers. “We should’ve taken the other fucking path, we knew it better, and–”
A bullet flew through the window of the living room, sending shards of glass towards the two of you.
“Shit,” Tess hissed, maneuvering her way through the glass to you. “You okay?”
You nodded. With every gunshot that sounded outside your breathing quickened ever so slightly, nerves tightening in your chest and sending a nauseous discomfort to your stomach. “Did you see how many raiders there are?”
“Where’s Joel?”
“I don’t know!” you shouted over a series of gunshots. Gingerly you peeked out one of the still-intact windows. Joel was crouched in the grass at the side of the house next door. The raiders attacking you had come out of their occupied house, shooting from behind an old truck. “It looks like there’s five of them,” you said. Turning around, you saw Tess crouching behind the blown-out window, loading one of her guns. “Tess, what the fuck are you doing?”
She looked at you as if it were obvious. “I’m gonna shoot them, what else?”
“You’re gonna get shot at that angle, they’re directly across from us,” you argued.
“Better than getting bit.”
“Either way you’ll be fucking gone, so no, it’s not better. Not to me.”
She gave you a rather questioning look, and then you realized what you’d said, the sentimentality of it. You had not meant to say it, not really, and though it was true, it hadn’t been the best moment for it.
You cleared your throat, recovering. “I think if I go through the back of the house, I can sneak around the side. I’ll cover Joel and he can do that weirdo shit he does where he sneaks up and chokes people or shoots them or whatever the fuck.”
She stood, tossing her backpack onto the ground furiously. “What do you expect me to do?”
“Just stay here.”
“Fuck that!”
You sighed, silently wishing for once she wouldn’t be so stubborn. “Do we have any more Molotovs?”
“What, are you gonna have me set Joel on fire when he gets up there?”
“You know what? Just fucking figure it out then. But don’t get killed, I can’t be bothered to carry your backpack too from now on,” you said, and rushed through the kitchen and out the back door of the house.
You crouched, taking careful steps, crossing quickly from the side of the house to the side of the next door house where Joel was stationed.
He heard you before he saw you, and quicker than you could stop him he had pointed his gun at you.
“It’s me,” you snapped, and he pointed it away with a rather grumpy shake of his head.
“Where’s Tess?”
Before you could answer, screams erupted from around the truck a few yards away. You weren’t surprised to see the vehicle covered in fire, and that Tess took your advice after all had you shaking your head with a small smile.
“Let’s go,” Joel said, beginning to move towards the truck.
“Think she’ll throw any more?”
“She’ll see us.”
You didn’t take time to doubt his assurances, following him in his rush towards the truck. The two of you crept up to the vehicle, traveling as quickly as you could without being noticed.
You looked back, attempting to see Tess through the window, for if you were being honest you were actually quite averse to being blown up by a Molotov cocktail, and—
A sharp pain struck your shoulder, and you staggered back. It felt like the joint was being ripped apart, something searing through your skin, burning your muscles like fire.
Looking down slowly, your mind went completely blank — a bullet was lodged a few inches under the end of your right collarbone, and blood had already begun to seep into your shirt, trailing down your skin.
In looking back, you realized, you had paused just long enough. Your attackers had recovered mostly from the Molotov, and were back to shooting.
Joel stood crouched behind the bed of the truck, completely oblivious to your condition.
It’s fine, you attempted to convince yourself. It doesn’t look that bad.
It looked pretty fucking bad, and you knew it.
Nevertheless you dove to the bed of the truck beside Joel, using your other arm to handle your gun.
“There’s two left,” Joel shouted, not sparing a look back at you. He rose with his gun, taking a shot, and you heard someone fall to the ground on the other side of the truck.
One left.
Determined to ignore the pain in your shoulder that had your head spinning, you crept towards the front of the truck. The shooter came in to view — he was still occupied with trying to take out Joel.
You didn’t waste a moment. At the pull of the trigger of your gun the man went tumbling to the ground.
Finally you allowed yourself to slump down, sitting with your back against the side of the truck. The cool metal against your back distracted you from the pain for a moment, and you forced yourself again to look down at the gunshot. The bloodied area had grown in size, and almost half of the front of your shirt was now covered. You supposed you ought to put pressure on it, but you didn’t really want to touch it, and you didn’t know if pushing against the wound would only drive the bullet in further.
“Joel,” you half-shouted, and he came around the truck to meet you. “I think I got shot.”
“Shit,” he cursed, allowing himself a moment to take in your state before moving away again. You vaguely registered that he was calling for Tess, and after a moment you could hear both of them jogging up the driveway.
You couldn’t bring yourself to stand just yet. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, you knew, and you needed a moment to recover from finding a bullet under your collarbone.
“Fuck!” She shouted, and as you met her gaze you saw the fear that was present, the single fleeting moment of helplessness that crossed her features. You’d never seen such distress from her, and instantly it startled you, more so than it had startled you to be shot even in the first place.
Tess kneeled down beside you, touching your shoulder, and you flinched.
“It’s not that bad,” you attempted, your voice slightly strained, and she looked at you as if you were insane. “Just don’t freak out, it’s not a big deal.”
“You’re bleeding out!”
“Okay, yes, but don’t put it like that, you’re making me nervous!”
She didn’t respond to you, turning to where Joel loomed rather awkwardly above the two of you. “We need to get her inside.”
“I can get myself inside, it’s my shoulder not my legs!”
This time, she only gave you a look that implied her patience was quickly running out, and if you hadn’t been in so much pain it would’ve made you laugh.
Irritably, you allowed the two of them to pull you to your feet, Tess leading you back into the house you’d broken into earlier with one hand on your waist and the other forcing your hand to your shoulder to apply pressure to it.
Once inside, she dragged you into the dining room, clearing the table and sitting you on top of it. You would never admit it, but you felt your face heat up slightly, and even if she hadn’t disappeared with Joel to find alcohol and needle and thread, you wouldn’t have been able to look at her without turning completely red.
After a moment she came back, opening a bottle of rum and setting it on the table. She gestured to your shirt. “Take this off.”
The picture of the scars littering your body flashed briefly through your mind, and you hesitated.
Tess sighed. “Look, I’m not wanting a fuckimg strip show, I'm trying to stop you from bleeding out.”
You smiled slightly, shaking your head at her comment before doing the best you could to lift your shirt over your head, Tess helping you to remove your injured arm from its sleeve. You hoped desperately that she wouldn’t notice the scar over your right bicep, or the one just above your ribs, or the one trailing your sternum.
She gently moved the strap of your bra, and before you could give too much thought to the subtle action she was digging into your skin to dig the bullet out with tweezers.
Pain like fire shot through your shoulders, blinding you to anything else but the searing agony under your collarbone.
“It’s out,” Tess muttered, grabbing the bottle of rum. “On the count of three, alright?”
“I don’t trust you to count all the way to three without pouring it on me, so just go ahead and—”
You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before the terrible sting of the alcohol in the bullet wound overtook all of your senses. It felt like she had lit a match and shoved it into your skin, the pain unbearable.
“Almost done,” she assured you, though as you watched her thread her needle, you began to doubt her reassurances.
You didn’t have the energy to respond, so you just watched silently, dreading what was to come.
“Did you kill him?” Tess asked, briefly meeting your gaze. “The one who shot you?”
You nodded, your voice hoarse as you spoke. “Of course.”
She turned back to the needle and thread as she spoke. “Good girl.”
After a moment, and without warning, she shoved the needle through your skin. You hissed in pain, instinctively grabbing onto her wrist to ground yourself. Softly she reassured you, but you couldn’t hear her exact words, too overcome by the sensation of the needle poking through your skin again and again as she stitched up your wound.
To your great relief, it didn’t take nearly as long as you’d thought it would for her to finish sewing the wound, and soon she was tying and cutting the thread.
“Thank you,” you breathed, and she nodded, taking a drink of what remained of the rum before passing it to you.
For a while the two of you remained like that, passing the bottle of rum back and forth as you sat on the table and she stood at your side, cleaning your blood from her hands with a rag she’d found in the kitchen. A strange sense of peace enveloped you, for although your situation was extremely uncanny, the aftermath seemed oddly domestic, as if this had happened so many times before.
You’d been lost in thought when you felt her finger trace the scar on your bicep, and for a moment you froze before meeting her gaze, a thousand awful conclusions coming to pass in your mind’s eye.
“Is it from before?” She asked, meaning before the outbreak, and you shook your head.
“Will you tell me how it happened?”
She seemed content with that answer, and after a moment you found her even closer to you, this time trailing her hand over the scar above your ribs.
“I hate them,” you whispered quietly, “the scars.”
Maybe it was the rum, but you felt like you could tell her anything without consequence, a thousand possibilities rolling out before you.
Tess shook her head, seemingly almost in awe with the scars, now moving to gaze at the one on your sternum. “They mean you survived.”
Your hands had drifted to her shoulders, and she had come a bit closer, so that mere inches separated you.
You moved one of your hands to the back of her neck, pulling her in, and in a moment your lips met hers, and the throbbing pain in your shoulder dissipated, leaving you with nothing but her, her to overcome every sense. You could’ve stayed like that forever, nothing else existing but Tess.
She was the first to pull away, the ghost of a smile playing at her lips. “Rum really goes to your head, doesn’t it?”
You laughed breathily, shaking your head. “Actually I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”
“Good,” she nodded, “because I have, too.”
“Oh, fuck!” You heard, and the two of you turned to see Joel at the entrance to the kitchen, his face turning a bit red. Quickly he turned around, walking back into the kitchen. “I knew all along, I mean, but shit!”
“Oh fuck off,” Tess shouted back to him, handing you your shirt. “I was just, you know, stitching her shit up.”
“Uh huh…” you heard him grumble, and after a moment the back door slammed shut.
Taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @christies-fleur @traumatisedfangirl @goodeday2u
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random-german-cat · 8 months
A MW3 fanfic bc why the hell not
Warnings: Nudity but no smut, fluff, hypothermia scare, lil bit of angst
Soap and Ghost were running from the Shadows and ran into the woods. The blizzard was picking up and helped them lose Graves' team. The sounds of chatter and gunshots slowly faded and got lost in the wind. The pair ducked under trees and hopped over stumps before eventually stopping to catch their breath. Ghost panted a bit and looked around, trying to figure out where they were. Their breath came out in short puffs, visible to both of them due to the cold.
"LT.. where are we?" Soap huffed. Ghost sighed and kept looking around
"I dunno, Johnny. But we better find out soon..." Ghost started walking north and Soap followed suit, watching their 6. They weren't dressed for the cold and the wind was sharp and col against their uniform's layers and exposed skin.
"There should be a safehouse somewhere around here" Ghost yelled back, it was the only way the two could hear each other against the wind.
"Got- Fuck!!" Soap yelled out as he slipped on a snowbank and fell down the hill and towards the river. Ghost quickly turned around and tried to grab Johnny, managing to grab his wrist before he made it to the river. Ghost sighed in relief and pulled his partner back up the hill. Soap dusted himself off and looked down, freezing in a horrible realization as sharp col pierced through his calves and feet
"Ghost... my legs-" Soap panicked and grabbed Ghost's arm "We're lost in a blizzard and now my legs are fuckin' soaked!" he became a bit hysterical, and frankly, Ghost was equally terrified for the sergeant.
"Soap- Johnny!- The worst thing you can do is panic" he tried to stay calm, hoping Soap would also calm down. He scooped up Soap in his arms "We're gonna find the bloody safehouse and get you warmed up" he reassured, letting Soap rest his head in the crook of Ghost's neck.
Ghost had been carrying Soap through the woods for about 10 minutes before Ghost saw the outline of the cabin. Soap was shivering in his arms and clinging to Ghost like his life depended on it
"Johnny.." Ghost spoke lowly to Soap
"Yea-yeah, LT?.." Soap's voice was even shaking
"We're almost there.. Jesus christ, Johnny-" Ghost was shocked and terrified as he saw Johnny's lips turning a faint blue.
"Huh?.. What's the matter?..." Soap asked
"Nothing nothing- Let's get inside and get you warmed up" Ghost ran to the cabin and locked the door behind them
"Ghost.. I'm really cold" Johnny tried to pull himself closer to Ghost, shivering and cursing under his breath
"I know, Johnny.. I'm gonna get you some blankets and a heater. Take off your soaked clothes" Ghost ordered, laying Soap on the couch in the main room. He didn't have time to hear Johnny's embarrassed reply as he ran around the entire cabinet, turning on the heater and grabbing everything that could possibly warm up his freezing Scottish partner. He had never been so scared before, if Soap died what would he do? He quickly shook the thoughts out of his head as he walked back to the living room.
"Johnny I got you some blankets" Ghost said, wrapping up Johnny's legs and body, but there wasn't a response
"Johnny?" Ghost looked at Soap, his eyes were close and he was limp. But Ghost could hear shallow breathing coming from him, which was the only thing keeping him from freaking out any further.
"Shit.." Ghost quickly stripped down to his boxers, thankful that Johnny was out for this part as he took off Johnny's vest and shirt. Ghost crawled under the blankets and held Soap close like their lives depended on it. He curled Johnny's freezing legs around his own and rested Johnny's head in the crook of his neck
"You're alright, Johnny... you're gonna be alright.." Ghost mumbled "You better be.. you're not allowed to die on me you bloody bastard..." he choked up a bit, "You're a damn good soldier.. and you're my best friend..." Ghost played with Soap's hair and held him close. The wind howled outside, but Ghost didn't hear it, all he could think, feel, and hear was Soap. He closed his eyes and just focused on warming up Soap.
Should I do a pt. 2?? *vine boom*
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leeannsparksauthor · 1 year
Are You Lonesome Tonight
A/N: So this is a little angsty one-shot that I wrote a while back because I mean come on look at that man! Also this is still a Joel x Reader but it’s in first-person.
Warnings: Brief mentionsof depression and suicide.
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“What the fuck were you thinking!?” Joel’s voice echoed around the room, ringing in my ears. I could feel his anger like a punch at the center of my bruised chest. He had every right to be angry with what happened, I could have gotten us all killed, I almost did. Ellie was trying to calm him down, but he wasn’t listening, sometimes he never does. 
She had brought over a half full bottle of water which I took sips of in between Joel’s beratement and resting my head between my knees. Trying to regain the breath that I’d lost earlier. “Come on Joel, lay off her…”
“No, Ellie, you stay out of this!” He said with a finger pointing in her direction. It wasn’t fair to her, she shouldn’t be getting blamed for my mistake. Even though it wasn’t a mistake, not really, I mean we’re all alive aren't we? “I want you to tell me right now just what the fuck were you thinking?!” His focus was back on me again, needless to say he was attractive even when he was yelling at me. 
I took one more sip from the water bottle before closing the lid on it, “I guess I wasn’t thinking.” I figured that would be a reasonable enough answer for him, for now at least. Exhaustion was practically stewing in the room we were in. One of the safe houses along the path we were taking, it was nice considering the less than safe area we were in before. I picked up my bag off the floor and made my way upstairs, taking two at a time, anything to get me away from this conversation. 
Even though I had the desire to slam the door like I was a teenager again I resisted, I’m not that fucking stupid apparantly. Once the door was shut my body seemed to deplete every last bit of energy it had, making me slide along the rotten wood until I was on the ground. Eerily similar to a position I found myself in not even two hours earlier. 
It was meant to be an easy trip, a familiar one, one that Joel and I had taken so many times. Only difference was Ellie tagging along for this one, she insisted, saying she ‘needed to know about it anyway.’ Everyone was skeptical, including Tommy and Maria, ultimately Joel was the deciding factor and what he says goes. 
We never meant for it to get out of hand. We also never expected five clickers to be waiting in the caved-in structure beside the building. Everything just happened so fast, the shelf that we were moving broke apart. Which sent dust flying everywhere, specifically over to me and my weak asthmatic lungs. No one ever tells you how shitty survival in the apocolypse can be when your own body works against you. 
My coughing is what brought them to us. What caused us to be pushed to opposite ends of the room, in struggling silence, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew what I had to do, it was simple, the moment that Ellie’s foot shuffled and the clicker roared over at the noise she made, I knew. 
I called out to them from my corner causing all five of them to turn towards me before I took off towards the staircase. I didn’t get the chance to see Joel or Ellie’s reaction. I could only hear the sound of gunshots following me up the four flights of stairs. On the last flight my foot had slipped causing me to ram into the handrail directly into the center of my chest. I thought that was it for me, my lungs were already working at max capacity, they didn’t have anything left in them. 
The only thing I could hope for was that the door I slammed shut behind me would be enough, it had to be enough. My body struggled to keep the door closed, my feet dug into the ground as best as I could against the clicker who pounded against the metal. It seemed like everything I had left gave up in a single split second. The soles of my shoes slid against tile, the door swung open and the clicker stood in the center of it above me. 
Then it was over, a gunshot rang out and the infected dropped in the doorway. I was heaving on the ground, each breath felt like inhaling shards of glass. My lungs constricted, and my vision was blurring around the edges. I could barely make out what Joel and Ellie were saying, too desperate to get some fucking air back in my body. It only got better when Joel pressed his fingers to the center of my chest and spine, a trick that my doctor back in the day had given me. One which Joel learned when he saw me through the first asthma attack I had around him. 
Now I’m here, desperately wishing that I wasn’t. 
Joel found me an hour later, looking through the window of our safe house. “Come on pack your bag, we're scouting out a location for the next few days before winter sets in.” His tone left no room for arguing, he’s always been gruff even more so now given what happened. I’ve learned to walk beside him and the burdens he carries and I’ll keep doing so until I can’t anymore. Until he doesn’t want me to anymore.
Our supplies were gathered in silence, Ellie handed me another bottle of water which I tried to give back to her. “You need it more than I do right now, I’m good.” She was a good kid, I just wish she didn’t have to go through this shit. Joel said she was going to stay behind, code for I’m about to get my ass chewed out on the ride to the other location.
You could cut the tension inside the car with a knife, usually Joel is eager to sit in silence, not tonight though. “Do you wanna tell me what’s been going on?” That question threw me off, I was expecting him to yell at me some more. I secretly craved it, I wanted to be reminded of my fuck up, give me a reason to feel something, anything. “Can you at least tell me what you were thinking?” Yeah what was I fucking thinking huh?
I didn’t look over at him, the thing about Joel is that behind every rough jagged piece of him are his eyes. His eyes feel like they know everything, every small imperfect part of a person. Like they’re reflecting back every sin you can think of. “I guess I was thinking that we had to get out of there and there was an immediate solution so I took it.” 
He scoffed at my statement, “that’s fucking bullshit, we could have gotten out of there…”
I didn’t want to hear it, I didn’t want to hear about how my almost death could have been avoided. About how stupid it was, how reckless, how selfish. “Look, it happened, it’s done, I won’t try to be the hero anymore now can we move on?” Even at the end of the world you still want to try an be a hero, fucking pathetic.
“No we can’t, cause you almost got yourself killed.”
“I didn’t though, I’m right here, I’m still fucking here.” I don’t want to be, I really don’t want to be here anymore.
There was silence for a few more brief perfect moments, “what were you thinking?”
Fine, he wants to know, fine.“I was thinking…I was thinking that the whole world ended twenty years ago…and now I’m just waiting for it to take effect. But I’m just…I’m just tired of waiting now I guess. Fuck Joel you don’t know how many times I’ve thought about just going out there, alone. Maybe stepping on a patch of cordyceps and just waiting.” The waiting would be the scariest part I think.
“Why haven’t you?” If it were anyone else I would’ve thought they asked the question as a ‘well what are you waiting for’ type of situation. Not Joel though, no he wants to know so he can fix it. He can’t though, he’ll never be able to.  
My shoulders shrugged despite all of the weight I’ve put on them. “I don’t know, maybe I’m just too chicken shit. Maybe I’m still too scared of what comes after. Maybe I should have just put a bullet in my brain when all of this shit started, I don’t know why I didn’t.” I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes and it just made me angrier. Fuck now you’re crying, in front of Joel Miller of all people. 
“Don’t say shit like that.”
It was my turn to scoff at him, “you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it Joel.” Just about everyone I’ve met has thought about it at some point. Some were just more committed than others I guess. 
“Oh I have,” I know he has, it’s written on his face, in every line, every scar. Joel’s a survivor though, he always has been. If I had to put money on anyone making it to one hundred in this world it would be him. 
“So why haven’t you done it?”
It was his turn to contemplate that question, it’s not such an easy one to answer. “Fuck, I don’t know darlin’, I guess you stick around for family at this point.” The way he says darlin’, like every bad thing in the world magically vanishes when he says it.
I thought about everyone that I’ve lost, every single one of them. It fucking hurts, I keep waiting for the day that it stops. I don’t know what to do with the memories, with the love I had for them. “I don’t have that Joel, I haven’t had that in a long time.” I’ll probably never have it at this point. 
“Look at me…hey look at me,” I shook my head no, part of me knew what he was going to say. 
The soft sounds of the Elvis cassette playing seemed to bring even more sadness to our environment. Like a memory trying to resurface through pain. “Don’t do that to me Joel, please don’t,”
He stopped the car now, turning off the battery which was a stupid thing to do since there was a chance it might not start again. “Do what darlin’?”
I finally looked over at him and I was right, he sees me, and every faulty part. “Make me think that I matter, I don’t, I know don’t, nothing does.” Things lost meaning when the world stopped turning and they haven’t mattered since. 
“You matter to me, you’ve always mattered to me…I don’t want you to not be here. I want you right here, next to me.” I couldn’t help the ridiculous sobbing laughter that left me at his words. They meant more than he could ever know but in the end it’s not enough. Maybe I can be content with the life I still have to live in this world that was desperate to start over. Maybe I can even have brief moments of happiness. Or maybe I could step outside, maybe it might be the only choice I get in the end. 
“You gettin’ sentimental in your old age Joel?”
“Shut up and get over here.” He pulled me closer to him crashing his mouth against mine and we stayed like that until my lungs protested the lack of air. Every kiss we shared felt like the first time as cliche as it sounds. I think it’s just knowing the fact that it could always be the last one that makes me want to hold on tighter. 
This life isn’t worth living, but maybe it’s worth fighting for. For a little bit longer anyway. 
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ammoniteflesh · 1 year
fuckit, my pitch for how I would fix the present day segments of the Yellowjackets finale.
Keep the earliest scenes mostly unchanged except instead of going straight to the hunt idea we go to the ritual with the masks and the cards BUT whoever draws the queen just drinks the phenobarbital.
Lottie didn't actually poison any of the drinks - she's trying to find out if the Wilderness As A Force is real or just her psychosis by inducing a fake near-death experience in one of the other teammates.
Misty figures this out somehow and confronts Lottie, who explains her plan. Misty is down! She suggests that drinking not!poison won't be enough and convinces Lottie to go with the hunt plan.
In true Misty fashion, she also finds a way to non-lethally drug everyone except herself and Natalie (bc that would fuck with her sobriety!) to try and speed things along.
Van is the one to volunteer to shuffle the cards. She rigs the draw such that she draws the queen card - she's going to die in two months anyway.
When Van draws the queen, she chooses to submit. This throws Lottie and Misty - they weren't expecting anyone to choose that option! Their plan is off the rails!
Van admits to Lottie that there is still a part of her that believes and she is grateful to Lottie for letting her access that again. They get as far as putting a knife to Van's throat when Tai suddenly kicks off - except it's partially Not Tai, who has now broken into Tai's waking self.
There is a scuffle. Shauna is one of the first to turn on Lottie, to which Lottie bitterly reminds her of that time Shauna beat her to a pulp. The fake hunt swiftly turns into a very real one. Shauna, Tai/Not Tai, and Van are chasing down Lottie. Meanwhile, Misty and Nat are working together to try to put a stop to this.
Callie, Jeff, and the cops arriving happens more or less as it does in the episode, except Kevyn and Walter aren't here. Idk why and frankly I don't care enough to come up with something.
Callie and Jeff get separated. Jeff gets waylaid by Lottie's cult and winds up having a chat with Lisa while Callie wanders the woods looking for Shauna.
Callie's confrontation with shitbag cop guy happens. Except she's been hearing sounds from the hunt, so she's far more panicked. They get into an altercation. He shoots her in the leg, but she manages to steal his gun and kill him - the noise of the gunshots draws Shauna, Tai/Not Tai, Lottie, Misty, and Nat to their location.
Lottie jumps on this as an excuse to stop the hunt and save her skin: the Wilderness chose. In their drugged-up state, and out of a desire to dispose of the body, Shauna, Tai/Not Tai, Van, and Lottie cook and eat the cop's body - following the same rituals from the Wilderness.
Misty and Nat, meanwhile, attempt to get Callie away from all this. Nat out of concern for her safety and Misty out of a desire to remove her from the scene of the crime as quickly as possible. Callie is in shock and losing quite a bit of blood. In her weakened state, stumbling through the darkened woods, she makes contact with the Wilderness. Episode ends.
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10x14 of chicago pd
aww domestic burzek
aw shes so cute
im not even kidding
it hasn't even been a full minute since the episode started
and its already pain
poor kim
my poor girl
aw adam taking charge
stop it
this is too much
god no these flashbacks
‘ive dealt with it. ive been fine.’
that's a fuckin lie
such a fuckin lie
dont lie kim
god this is so much pain
kim referring to makayla as her daughter is just amazing
i love to hear it
god this therapist is just BRICKING all of the symptoms
so nice to hear
kim be honest
this will help you
please i want them back together
god my heart is racing
somethings gonna go wrong
something is so gonna go wrong
oh no
he gon die
he so gon die
try to help
i fuckin knew something would happen
we can't have ONE episode
not one
he dead
lights out
just great
oh this lovely man.
hes great
I barely even know him
but hes great
dont do something stupid
dont get hurt
i can't handle it
this guy is gonna die
before kim gets any info
and shes gonna feel guilty
he gon die
ik it
god im too weak for this
i can't handle it
im dying
save your girl
kim and adam
my babies
my loves
oh poor girl
my poor baby
god shes COVERED in blood
just fuckin take care of yourself
dont do something stupid
nobody believes you kim
nobody believes that youre okay
cuz youre not
no torres?
kim why would you do this
why must you hurt yourself like this
chicago pd writers pay for my therapy challenge
yay dead body
im feeling sorry for the dead guy
oh joy
bloody clothes and the look on kim’s face
why do you do this to yourself??
oop she found something
what is it??
ayyy the team’s here
jamie’s uncle???
bruh what???
where's the explanation
im scared
please let them be okay
‘chicago pd. get up.’
so nice of him
if someone were to wake me up in the middle of the night like that
id either slap them
or scream
dont lie
kim looks close to crying
and im right along with her
ayyy minnesota
kim what did you find
oh my god
this is so interesting
im very invested
something about the way kev says ‘no ma’am’ does something to me
ayyy its the patrol buddies
kev and cruz just looking at Kim while shes moving the thing
peak comedy honestly
kim’s just connecting all of the dots today
oh lovely
this is fucking great
yknow what's funny to me?
in like, the first three seasons
voight didn't give a damn about whether someone asked for their lawyers or not
but season 10 voight
suddenly has a goddamn moral compass
and while its great character development
i also find it funny when he deems someone ‘immoral’
when he used to be
the fucking DEFINITION 
of immoral
moving on
hailey looks so good oh my god
oh poor jamie
burzek my loves
do they ever get their happy ending??
scary woods yay
they can't ever go investigating in a park??
or at like disneyland??
it has to be scary woords
but that view is actually really nice
so pretty
with the waterfalls and everything
i like it
god this scene is causing me so much anxiety
this poor kid
this poor poor kid
officer kim burgess telling the kid to breathe when she can't even breathe
stop hurting me dammit
kinda irrelevant
kim is great with kids
oh joy
no wait
is it?
its therapy
my poor girl
be patient
‘not for my daughter... not for adam’
chicago pd writers
oh my god wait
pls tell me she isn't leaving the show
i love you so much
dont leave
i really hope youre not leaving
marina is such a good fucking actress
shes amazing
y’know, i can't actually believe that chicago pd writers are actually ACKNOWLEDGING the trauma that kim went through
i dont believe that they are actually showing the consequences of what happened to kim
why do i feel like it won't last tho?
like for a few episodes
and then
0 notes
shae-la-hyene · 3 years
Top 5 villains that are truly scaring me
They're here, they're queer. I am human and I have fears and the writers that created those villains just struck right on them.
5 The hunters from Bambi
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I HATE hunting and hunters more than life. Which says a lot.
I grew up next to a forest, with pets, and I remember hearing the gunshots when the hunting season started, and be terrified, keeping my cats close in fear of them being a 'casualty'. Hunters here are all old bigoted assholes who drink half their weight in cheap wine and go in their merry way to kill everything that moves in the woods. I hate them and I have always had the deep sated fear of one day being killed by one, and be called a hunting accident that people don't care about. I don't live near that forest anymore so the likelihood of that has dropped, but the sight and mention of hunters or hunting still prompts that fight or flight response.
4 The judge and jury from Paranorman
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Laika knows how to make their villains, there's no doubt in that. The trial members, judge and jury, condemning a little girl, they terrified me. Being different is a crime. Being just different enough to make people uncomfortable could very well end up with your murdered, and the law that was meant to protect you will wipe your murderers' hands clean. It's not a new concept, but I've always been the weird one everywhere I went, especially in childhood and adolescence in a small village then town. I've always carried with it the knowledge that anytime the majority is against me, rules will change and bent to give their reason when they assault and hurt me. The world is unfair, and if I understood it early, I was never fully able to accept it...
3 Monstro (the whale) from Pinocchio
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I always wanted to be a mermaid. Went to biology uni in the great plan to make a live tail that could allow a human to be adapted to underwater life. But one thing was never going to work out. I have a deep, instinctual fear of deep waters and whatever giants they contain. Being faced to face with a monster like that whale, I would freeze and be killed instantly. I could never swim fast enough to escape it. I couldn't run, I'd be powerless against a giant. Also the animation of it in Pinocchio (which was pretty fucking scary all on its own) was great and violent and powerful, which accentuated that fear in me.
2 The Other Mother from Coraline
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Again, Laika is gooooood at making villains that scare the crap out of me. But as awesome as Laika's version is, it's surprisingly soft compared to the orginal book. Having loved the movie, I made the mistake of reading the book. I was scared shitless for weeks. No offense, Neil, but DON'T READ IT AS AN ADULT ! Apparently it passes better when you're a kid, even if it's not, you know, not scary. But as an adult it's blood-curdling. Still have nightmares. Which, weirdly enough, have nothing to do with the 'spider' aesthetic the Other Mother has in the movie. I'm violently arachnophobic yet this one didn't trigger it.
Honorable mentions :
The Aunt and cats from Lady and the Tramp : once again, unfairness has a face. They are the good ones, and no matter the crap they do behind closed curtains, they look all good and proper and that's all that matters, right ? You, imperfect and unproper as you are, must be the one responsible. You'll be the one punished.
Rasputin from Anastasia : I love him, don't get me wrong. He's fabulous and awesome. But first I really, really don't like corpses of any kind. And second, Anastasia may be extremely lucky but I am extremely unlucky. If Rasputin decided to kill me, I'd be dead by the end of the day.
1 Gaston from Beauty and the Beast
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Society, people, they love him. (Also why the live action sucks)
I get it. He's beautiful, successful, strong, rich, he's perfect in any way. All you can hope for in a man and husband.
That man can never do wrong, and they'll follow his lead. He's brave, it must be a worthy fight he'd asking of them.
How can that man not be right, after all ?
I know Gaston. I met him before. I'll meet him again. And each time I have the terrifying thought "if he assaults me, nobody will side with me." If Gaston forces himself on someone, and it turns sour, it's the victim's fault. One way or another.
After all, how can that man not be right ?
Also see : Top ten Villain songs, Top ten sad songs, Top ten romantic songs, Top ten intros that slap, Top ten pretty songs, Top ten not-that-bad sequel, Top ten worse sequels
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walkerwords · 3 years
"Share Your Burden" Daryl Dixon & Daughter!Reader
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Request From Anonymous: "Your writing is the best! You probably have a lot of requests, but if you wouldn't mind I'd like to request some more dad Daryl fics where he basically adopts the reader. Those are just always so good. Not sure I have a specific story in mind, just more dad Daryl and Daughter reader in general please. You're the best! 💖"
Summary: The reader is like a daughter to Daryl. When she sees him taken by the saviors, she will get him back and keep him safe even if it means losing some of her humanity.
Word Count: 4933
Warning: Violence, Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “Carry You" by Fleurie and Ruelle
Note: Figured considering our show is coming back this month, I should get some stories in, huh? There are parts in this that are lightly inspired by Ellie in TLOU2.
It had taken every ounce of strength not to move as you watched the man known as Negan brutally murder two members of your family.
Abraham’s blood was ingrained into your mind and Maggie’s screams echoed through your skull like bats in a cave. You wanted to scream, cry, and launch yourself at your new enemy to save those who you loved but you remained in the shadows of the tree you had climbed and waited. The group known as the Saviors milled around the clearing as Negan hauled your leader into the RV and drove off.
From your vantage point, you could see Daryl fading as he stared at the bodies of his brothers. Blood was dripping down his arm from the gunshot wound he had sustained from the blonde man above him. Looking at the way the sneering man held Daryl’s bow made you so angry it was hard not to drop down and plunge a blade into his pale neck.
Carl was with Michonne, trying not to look anywhere but the enemies that surrounded them. Carl was your age and he was also the person who you trusted the most to keep it together in situations such as this. You pulled your strength from your friend’s resolve and continued to wait.
Maggie was getting worse and that was why you had ventured out of Alexandria in the first place. Spencer had spotted you heading for the gate when he had tried to stop you. Ignoring him as always, you pushed past him and began the trek to Hilltop. It was on that journey that you came across the first roadblock and so you followed it.
You had never imagined that it would have led to the gruesome scene below you. Your knuckles strained around the handles of your knives, a pair that Daryl had given to you himself when you had settled at the prison. It was only after Terminus that he began to properly train you to use them. Right then, they had never felt more useless.
Daryl was your protector and he was the closest thing you had to a father. He had found you running from Walkers when the group was settled on the Greene farm. You had been alone for weeks and from then on, it was the two of you.
Daryl had been the one to protect you from Shane’s scrutiny, the piercing gaze of the Governor, and the cannibals of Terminus. In turn, you became his shadow, having his back wherever he went, always ready to defend him while also learning everything you could. Now, you felt as powerless as he looked. It had been a long while since the group had been this broken-looking.
It was heartbreaking.
It wasn’t long before Negan returned with Rick and after almost making your leader cut his own son’s hand off. Negan ordered his men to leave not without making demands of your family and hauling Daryl along with him.
Staring after the caravan of murderers, you weighed what you were going to do next. A weight was heavy in your pack’s front packet and while you knew it was risky, a plan began to form. One that would either get you or Daryl killed or perhaps even both. Still, you had to try.
Dropping to the forest floor, you took one last look at your people through the trees before taking off in the opposite direction and towards the main road, pushing your legs as fast as they would go.
“Hold on, Daryl,” you whispered in between haggard breaths, “I’ll be there soon."
Daryl was in the back of the truck trying not to grimace every time the vehicle rolled over an uneven section of road.
Everything hurt and nothing felt right. He felt sick and above everything, he felt guilty.
The shock was still coursing through his veins as he heard Negan laughing in the cab upfront but he tried to tune it out as he thought of Glenn. It was instinct to go after Negan. Daryl hadn’t even thought about the repercussions that might happen as he got to his feet and charged the larger man.
It hadn’t occurred to Daryl to take a breath and think about what would happen next. They had never faced a menace like Negan before. Daryl thought he had seen the last of the bloodshed when they had escaped Terminus. At least, escaped the violence for a while before it caught back up to them again.
It wasn’t long till Daryl’s pain began to increase as the adrenaline wore off. Dwight was sitting across from him, holding his crossbow and Daryl wanted to strangle the man.
He had helped Dwight with Sherry and Tina. He had tried to keep Tina alive when he returned the insulin. Daryl couldn’t help but be enraged while looking at him, but he understood the betrayal in a way. He knew what people became in the new world and according to Dwight, Negan was the lesser evil of trying to survive on his own.
Daryl then only wondered what happened to Sherry.
They were going down another road as Daryl leaned to the left as the truck turned sharply. He blinked away the sudden twinge in his shoulder and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning in discomfort. He wouldn’t give these bastards the satisfaction.
Suddenly, from the front of the cab, Negan shouted, causing Dwight to jump in his seat. “Shit!” Negan swore and then there was a flash of light, a loud bang, and then they were airborne. Daryl had barely a second to brace his hands on the roof of the truck before it slammed into the road, the metal exterior shredding sparks along the neglected asphalt.
Smoke and dust filled the air as Daryl tried to get his bearings. He could hear the muffled shouts of Negan and his men followed by a few gunshots but his ears were still ringing.
Across from him, Dwight was groaning in pain as blood dripped from his brow. His hands had let go of the bow and in a sudden surge of energy, Daryl dove for his loaded weapon.
Clutching his hands around the crossbow, Daryl scrambled for the back door, trying to get to his feet. A hand then circled around his ankle as Dwight realized what was happening. Turning around, Daryl blindly fired a bolt and it struck Dwight in the shoulder, mirroring Daryl’s own wound for good measure.
Dwight went down in pain and Daryl continued to move. As he fumbled for the door that was hanging half open due to the crash, he could hear yells of pain out in the warm air followed by the sound of someone choking as if they were drowning. Even half-aware of what was going on, Daryl could recognize the sound of someone choking on their own blood.
Daryl slammed his good shoulder against the broken door with a frustrated yell and finally felt the sun on his face. “Don’t kill her!” Daryl heard Negan scream. “Jesus fucking Christ, Arat!” Daryl tried to get back on his feet but everything was too bright and he was still trying to figure out what had happened and who Negan was talking about.
It wasn’t until he felt a hand around his arm that he seemed to snap back into his body. Aware that he hadn’t reloaded a new bolt into his bow, he swung his arm, trying to clip his assailant in the head with the bow. “Fuck! Daryl!” a familiar voice exclaimed to his right. The arm around him tightened as Daryl’s eyes finally focused on the person at his side.
“(Y/N)?” he breathed as he took in your face that was covered in blood and a wild look echoed from your eyes.
“We have to move,” you said earnestly. “Now!” Not questioning your demands, Daryl nodded and allowed you to take his bow as you grabbed for it. Slinging the bow onto your back, you grabbed the lighter Daryl had given you and he watched as you took a breath, no doubt sending some kind of prayer to the universe before you threw it into a pool of gasoline, igniting it and sending Saviors diving for cover.
Bullets flew by you as you hauled Daryl to the woods. “Don’t fucking shoot her! She’s a goddamn kid!” Negan screamed at his men.
Daryl leaned heavily on you as you dragged him towards the treeline. He didn’t hear much of what you said after that as his feet blindly followed you. “Negan,” Daryl choked out, trying to get you to understand.
“Leave him,” you said, trying to carry both of your weights. “Come on, Daryl, I can’t carry us both,” you pleaded, trying to get his mind to catch up with his body. It took another minute or so before the ringing subsided in his ears and the world got back into focus. Taking a few deep breaths, he got back into his normal gait and began speeding up his steps as he followed you through the woods.
You kept the crossbow on your back but he was soon able to walk on his own. “What did ya do?” Daryl asked as you stumbled down an embankment and carefully crossed a stream.
“What I had to to get you away from them,” you said as you helped him over the slippery rocks. “We can talk about this later. Right now, I need you to keep moving. There’s a town just through these trees, we can hide there for the night.”
“They’ll find us, (Y/N),” Daryl said as he pressed his hand against the bullet wound that was bleeding again. You looked at him, your eyes still wide from the fight.
“Then I’ll handle it,” you said. “It's my turn to keep you safe.”
The heat was horrid by the time you and Daryl arrived in the abandoned town.
Even with Daryl still in pain, you made the two of you circle back three times in order to cover your tracks. However, eventually, you knew he couldn’t take more before he finally keeled over. Keeping the crossbow loaded, you moved silently through the back alleys of the small town, looking for both Saviors and Walkers alike.
After the quarry horde had been redirected, the larger groups of the dead had been far and few between but that didn’t mean Walkers were gone altogether. Silently, you took down four Walkers before you found the destination you had in mind.
The old town library was something you and Sasha had found when you had accompanied her on a hunt one day. The latches on the doors still worked and it had enough blindspots inside to hide from the Living and the Dead.
You stood watch as Daryl wrestled with the doors. The Southern heat warped the frames a bit but eventually, Daryl was able to push one open and slip inside. You followed quickly and shut it behind you. Placing down the bow, you shoved a fallen bookcase in front of the double doors before collapsing against it for a second.
“Okay, this should hold,” you said with another breath. Daryl was swaying on his feet when you looked back at him. “Come on,” you said, picking up the bow and leading him into the main area of the library.
For such a small town, the library was a decent size. You figured that it was probably the main community hub for the neighborhood. It made its untouched books and abandoned keycards that much more sorrowful. Depositing Daryl on one of the lumpy couches, you grabbed your flashlight from your pack and clicked it on.
“I’m going to go make sure there’s no Dead in here,” you said. “Stay here and I’ll be back to take a look at that shoulder.”
“(Y/N),” Daryl said, grabbing your hand before you could move.
“I’ll be fine,” you promised. Daryl seemed to be wary but he was also exhausted so he relented and let go. You gave him your canteen, ordered him to drink, and then you began your search.
The dried blood on your skin was driving you crazy as it itched with every second. When you had set out after the Saviors, clutching the grenade you had stolen from Spencer’s stash a few days before, it hadn’t occurred to you that there would be a before and an after.
Before you managed to get to Daryl and after you got him.
Now, it was all about survival. You knew what you had done. Negan was pissed and if you knew anything about his temper solely based on the clearing, then you knew he wasn’t going to let this go.
You feared for your family back in Alexandria. If he wanted to, Negan could go and terrorize your family, perhaps kill more of them. None of that had been on your mind when you began your rescue operation. You weren’t thinking about anyone but Daryl. You had to save him and you were willing to risk your life. Though, now, you realized it wasn’t just your life you were risking.
Shaking the thoughts out of your mind, you finished your rounds through the two stories of the library. You were surprised to only find two Walkers who were less than “alive”. Both were barely hanging on and you figured one of them had been the librarian at some point. You took them both out to end their suffering and then headed back to Daryl.
Daryl was still awake when you joined him on the couch and helped him out of his shirt. The gunshot wound was getting worse and you could tell he was trying to put on a brave face for you. “You don’t have to do that, you know?” you said as you dug through your bag for the alcohol and bandages you always had with you.
“Do what?” he asked.
“Act as if nothing is hurting,” you said, pouring some of the alcohol on a rag. Not giving him a warning, you pressed it against his shoulder and Daryl swore as it burned the wound. “See,” you said with a smirk.
“Ya shouldn’t have done it,” Daryl said after a second.
“If I hadn’t, then you would be dead or worse,” you said. “I wasn’t going to let Negan take anyone else from me. Not after Glenn and Abraham.”
“You saw,” Daryl said and it wasn’t a question. You began cleaning the excess blood off before finding your suturing kit.
“I was in a tree,” you whispered, threading the needle, suddenly very grateful for the lessons Herschel had given you. “I thought he was going to kill you.”
“Maybe he should have,” Daryl said and your hands froze. Looking up at him with wide eyes, you could see the emotions that were raging in him.
“He said not to move, kid,” Daryl said. “I lost it after he killed Abraham. If I hadn’t… Glenn would still be alive.”
“You don’t know that. We slaughtered that outpost, hell, I’m surprised he didn’t take more people out. I know you and the others think I’m just some kid but I notice more than you think and I have learned to read people. Negan is… I don’t think he’s some kind of deranged maniac but he’s ruthless and he’s not going to stop until he feels as if he has all the power again. At least I can see that he’s not willing to kill kids. Guess that means Carl and I are gonna be on the front lines this time,” you finished with an attempt at humor.
“Not funny,” he said.
“Daryl, you and I both know that this isn’t going to end without a fight.”
“You ain’t fighting,” Daryl said sternly. You ignored him and began stitching up his wound, careful not to pull too much.
“Considering the way Rick was looking at Negan before I left, it doesn’t look like he had much fight left in him. Someone has to do it.”
“Rick has a lot of pressure on his shoulders,” Daryl defended but you just shook your head.
“I watched him tear a man’s throat out with his teeth, Daryl,” you said. “This was different. I warned you about his pride and how it was going to be his downfall. He just needs to be reminded of the leader he is.”
“Since when are ya so mature?”
“Since I watched the people I love get killed again and again,” you said as you tied off the last stitch.
“You blame Rick,” Daryl said.
“I blame all of us,” you said, picking up the clean bandages. “We believed that moron at Hilltop… We never should have gone after the Satellite Station, Daryl. We keep doing this, getting involved in fights that aren’t ours.”
“We have to help people,” Daryl said. “It’s what we do.”
“Why? Why do we have to? Why is it our responsibility? Why can’t we just survive like everyone else?”
“Someone has to be the good guys,” he said, though it didn’t sound like he believed it.
“I’m sick of being them,” you admitted, finally sitting back.
“Ya really mean that?” Daryl asked as he shrugged his shirt back onto his shoulder. You sat there for a minute before sighing.
“No,” you whispered. “I’m just sick of the death.”
Daryl was asleep finally and you became the sole protector.
It was odd, the role reversal. So many times you had been the one hurt and cowering as Daryl protected you. Now, after seeing all the horrors you had since Terminus, your skin was stronger than stone. It was going to take a lot more than a bastard with a bat to break you.
You could hear Daryl’s soft snore from the lounge as you scanned the darkness. You stayed there, watching until the soft rumbles of a truck echoed through the night. Ducking down, you watched as a pickup truck drove slowly through the town, a spotlight scanning the empty storefronts.
"Fuck," you whispered. Glancing at the bow by your side, you made a quick decision as the truck came to a stop and three men, Saviors, jumped out.
Sneaking back towards Daryl, you left his bow, loaded, by his side. Taking one last look at him, you slipped your jacket over your shoulders and headed to the second floor. An open window welcomed you near the back exit. Being an avid climber it was easy to maneuver out onto the slanted roof and grab onto the drainage pipe to take you to the ground.
Muffled voices reached your ears as you kept to the shadows. "Spread out, kill the man, take the girl," a man said, a voice you didn't recognize.
"That girl nearly killed Negan," another said.
"We are Negan," the third said. "And we do what he orders. Saviors don't kill kids. Find her." While it was a bold statement, you knew it was false. Hilltop had said, a boy was murdered. None of that fit.
Trying not to overanalyze anything, you focused on the task at hand. Picking up a large rock, you threw it as far as you could. The sound of breaking glass shattered the air and a set of boots took off in that direction.
As the second man went West, you focused on the solo scout who headed towards the abandoned police station. As you got closer, groans reached your ears. Spotting the Walker first, you snuck up behind it and slit its throat with a single slice. The gargling of Dead blood and empty lungs perforated your surroundings but it was enough to call attention to the Savior.
"Ugly motherfucker," the Savior said, not yet spotting you as you stood behind it. As the Savior drew his blade to silently end the creature, you shoved the Walker forward onto the man.
Stunned by the sudden momentum, he cried out as the Walker bit into the face before it. The Savior’s scream was cut off short as the Walker found its next meal. As soon as the damage was done, you finished off both, making sure to stifle the sounds that would pull your other two targets closer. Dragging both bodies out of sight, you slipped back into the shadows.
Moving West, you avoided any other Walkers who were wandering.
Not looking to be tracked by the Walker equivalent of breadcrumbs, you made sure to stay hidden for the most part. Finally spotting your next target, you began wishing you had grabbed Carl’s gun with his silencer before you had followed after the caravan. Only armed with knives now, you had to make do.
The Savior was looking through a desolate pet shop as you snuck in through a broken window, careful not to make too much noise with the shattered glass.
Picking up a tennis ball that had been neglected, you rolled it towards the aisle the Savior was looking in. Just like a curious golden retriever, the man followed the little ball right into your path. He barely had time to shout a warning before your knife was embedded into his carotid.
His eyes were wide as blood poured onto your hand. Keeping your nerve, you twisted the knife and fully severed the artery. The man fell to his knees as you pulled the blade free. Clutching his throat, he tried to speak but no sound came. “You’re not going to find him,” you whispered as he fell back and his eyes rolled back into his head.
Quickly, you shoved your blade into his brain before grabbing his weapon. It wasn’t silenced but it would have to do if it came down to a firefight. Turning back towards the main street, you ran from the store in hopes of catching the final Savior before he sounded the alarm.
The truck was still there but its driver was nowhere to be seen.
Noticing the keys were still in the ignition, you rolled your eyes. Pocketing them, you waited in the cab, hoping the final man would return soon.
Fatigue was starting to set in as you waited and you began to think of when the last time you slept was. Before the turn, you had imagined your teen years to be full of parties and late nights studying for tests in high school. You did not envision you would be waiting in the dark of a truck, ready to get more blood on your hands.
Unlike Carl, it hadn’t been at the prison when you first killed someone. It had been before you had even met Daryl. Before you wandered onto the Greene farm and Daryl and Carol had found you, you had been traveling with your aunt and uncle when bandits had attacked you and killed both before turning their sights on you. Not knowing how to use a gun, only ever seeing your uncle use it and of course, in films, you blindly fired and killed one and then the other. The third, who was just a teenager, had runoff.
After that, you felt ashamed at how you didn’t feel bad about doing it. Shane had explained that it was okay because you did it out of self-defense and Daryl and Maggie had agreed.
Now, as fresh blood joined the flaking blood on your hands, you tried to rationalize that what you were doing now was in defense of another. If the Saviors got Daryl back or killed him, you would not have been able to handle it.
“Focus,” you whispered to yourself. “Handle this and get back to Daryl. He needs you.”
It didn’t take long for the man to return. The man was speaking into his radio and it had never occurred to you to take the other walkies off the other bodies. However, now you knew you weren’t leaving without this one. If Rick wanted to fight and you were hoping that he was, then having a Savior’s radio, attuned to Negan’s base of operations would be a great start to gather intel.
Angling yourself in the front seat, you waited for him to open the door. Steadying your hand, you took a deep breath in, leveled the stolen gun, and just as the driver’s side door pulled open and the overhead light clicked on, you fired one bullet, hitting the man in the head.
Surprised by your own accuracy, you shuffled out of the cab, grabbed the radio, and shoved the body underneath the car. You waited then, for either more Walkers or the cavalry but when none came, you ran back to the library, hoping the shot didn’t wake Daryl. You weren’t in the mood for a lecture.
“Are ya really that reckless?” Daryl said as soon as you snuck back into the library.
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” you said, nonchalantly.
“Bullshit, I can practically smell all the blood on you,” he said, folding his arms. His bow was still by his side and after the small amount of rest, he was clearly not in the mood for your aloofness.
“I told you I would protect you,” you said as you moved to your pack and grabbed the discarded canteen, and poured some water on your hands in hopes of ridding yourself of the sick smell of iron. "Now, we need to figure out what to do," you said.
"We need to get home," he argued.
"We're going to Hilltop," you said. "They'll be looking for you at Alexandria and you know it."
"Both of us," he pointed out with a slight glare.
"Negan doesn't scare me," you said to him.
"He should."
"We've seen worse," you countered.
"You're too young for all this shit," he said, running a hand through his hair.
"So you've said before," you reminded him.
"If you're about to say that I need to distance myself from you. You'd be a moron. I'm not leaving you. If you don’t like it, any of it, then you never should have taught me to fight.”
“That’s right, I taught you to fight, not to kill,” he argued. Throwing the water bottle down, you turned on him.
“What is this about? I’ve seen you kill people. I’ve seen you do worse than taking a few people out to protect someone in our family. What is actually going on here and don’t say that it’s because you’re feeling guilty. It's more than that.”
“Ever think I don’t like seeing you like this," he gestured to your bloody clothes. "Do ya think I want ya to become someone like Negan? Ya act like taking a life ain’t that big of a deal!”
“Will you stop shouting,” you hissed, moving closer to him. “Daryl, I did what I had to. I am so sorry that you think you are the only one who is allowed to cross lines to protect us. I think you forget all the times we have had to save you.”
“That’s not fair.”
“No, what’s not fair is you getting mad at me for saving your life. Do you not realize how much you mean to me? I lost my parents before the turn and then my aunt and uncle and I had nobody. Nobody until you found me in that field. You are the closest thing I have to a father, Daryl and I don’t care what I have to do to make sure I don't lose another parent. I can’t handle it, okay? Please, just let me protect you for once!"
The emotions were taking you over then and it was hard to control them. “I don’t mean to cry and all that,” you said, sniffing back the tears, “but you can’t expect me to just sit back and do nothing when people keep trying to take you away from me.”
Daryl’s stern look dissipated then and it made you feel a bit worse. Wiping at the tears on your face, you turned away from him. Soon, you felt his arms around you as he pulled you into his chest just as he had earlier.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “You’re right, you were just tryin’ to help. Okay, I ain’t mad.”
“Doesn’t sound like it,” you said into his chest.
“I just worry about ya,” he said. “Ya know why?” Shaking your head, he tightened his hold. “Cause I see ya as my kid, too and I would do anythin’ to keep ya safe. I guess I gotta accept you’re going to do the same." Stepping back, he wiped the tears off your cheeks. “Just no more sneaking out, alright?”
“Alright,” you agreed. "Daryl, just know you don't have to carry it all. You can share your burden."
"I thought I was the parent here," he said.
"Family works both ways."
"Yes it does," he said.
Then with a bit more of a smile, you produced the keys you had stolen from the car. “I got us a ride cause you're still stuck with me."
"You're so stubborn," he said.
"I got it from you," you said with a gesture to the street. "You're going to have to drive."
"Right, no need to almost die twice in twenty-four hours," he said and you offered him a small smile. Daryl then took your hand in his as he gathered your pack. "I ain't leavin' you. You're stuck with me, too. I got you, kid,” he said. "And thanks for comin’ to get me.” You looked up at him and nodded.
TAGS: @thanossexual @felicisimor @agent-laufeyson @lucillethings
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Another long one. This one doesn't have so much of the worried reaction, cause I wrote it to fit the Mafia! Jungkook character. It's still fun though ^-^ Thanks again for the request. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: When a loose end breaks into Jungkooks house with guns drawn, you get a first-hand lesson that maybe Jungkook isn't as invulnerable as you had thought.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic violence, gun usage, blood, murder.
Mafia! Jungkook
Fighting to get free, you're kicking your legs. Squirming. Squealing as you shove your hands against Jungkook's chest, pushing him back as hard as you can. Tears starting to fill your eye line.
"Stop, stop, stop," you shout, with no effect. Struggling harder.
"Admit it!" He yells back, a smile on his face.
"Never," You scream. Not able to hold it back anymore. Your screech morphs into forceful laughter as Jungkook continues to tickle you. Your cheeks aching from how widely you're smiling. Your sides hurting as you keep thrashing for release.
"Admit I could beat up the Hulk, and I'll let you go." He insists again, pressing you down with a massive grin.
"Okay, okay!" You squeal, finally conceding. Groaning in relief, when his fingers stop tickling your stomach. Your limbs dropping down to rest. "You could totally kick the Hulk's ass." You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
"Damn right I could!" He bursts into laughter also. Easing back with a sigh now that he no longer has to hold you still. Neither of you phased by the movie that started the debate still blaring in the background.
Roughly you punch your fist into his chest, intentionally knocking the air out of him. Taking advantage while he is caught off guard to push him flat onto the carpet beside you. Straddling his lap, you lean over him pinning his arms to the floor before he has a chance to argue. Not that you think he would. The fun-filled smile doesn't leave his face for a moment. Completely amused by you, while you try your best to put on an intimidating act. Trying to stop yourself from smiling again.
"Jeon Jungkook. You cheated." You playfully scold, "And if you can't have a grown-up discussion, then you can't do other grown-up things either." You accentuate your point by grinding down. Feeling his hips push up as you tease him. Lifting up right away, shaking your head as you remove the contact. "Nah uh. Cheaters don't get that." You smirk.
"Don't be mean just cause I won." He runs his tongue inside his cheek. His gaze showing desire and a want for you to continue. But you're not done toying with him.
"You didn't win." You poke your tongue out, rocking your hips a single time more, "Confessions under duress are not admissible anyway."
"No, but it's good leverage to have." He answers a little too honestly and without thinking. Not entirely talking about your play fight anymore.
Chuckling awkwardly, you shake off the train of thought that wants to evaluate what he just said. Not wanting to let your mind remember that part of him right now. Trying instead, to return to your spirited banter. But he gets in before you.
"Nope," He easily breaks out and overpowers your hold wrapping his arm around your waist, carrying you as he stands up. "you admitted I'm stronger than the Hulk, and I'm never gonna let that go." Bending down, he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass to tease you back.
His shoulder digging into your gut stops you from taking a full breath or making a snippy comeback. So you slap his ass in retaliation instead.
"Come on Kitten, you have to give me a prize for winning." He purs suggestively, carrying you out of the living room into the foyer.
He's going to take you upstairs, but you don't make it to them before both of your heads snap towards the entrance. A flurry of gunshots exploding just beyond the front door. The commotion silencing as quickly as it started.
Jungkook slings you off his shoulder. Becoming another person in an instant. Purely focused. Opening the coat closet, he pulls a Glock from his jacket.
"Get upstairs, now." He barks.
You don't have to be asked twice, running to the stairs. Gasping as the garage door next to the steps opens, two hooded men storming in with guns drawn. Jungkook reacts quickly, firing past you. Shooting one of them, missing the second who ducks instead of firing back.
At the same time, blowing open to the left of you, the front door is kicked in. Swinging wide, four more masked men rush the house. Firing rapidly and wildly. Scarcely missing Jungkook who is moving preemptively and is 3 steps ahead. Running forward he shoots the second man in front of you. Grabbing your arm, dragging you over their dead bodies into the garage with him.
Shutting you in just as bullets explode through the wood door at your back.
Jungkook forces you to keep up, throwing you behind the car. The automatic shots continuing to decimate. The four-wheel-drive being the only thing that keeps either of you from getting shot.
Panting and on the verge of tears, you're crouched beside Jungkook. Watching him, waiting to react to anything he says. Knowing he is all that stands between you and death. But also knowing that with him in this mindset he could do just as much damage to you as one of those other men might.
The gunfire stops. Distorted voices shouting behind the door's remains. Jungkook cautiously raises up, leaning over the hood. He lines up a shot as the door opens warily, taking down another of them. Slouching behind the car as a new wave of bullets comes in response.
In front of you, the shelves covered in storage boxes and the workbench full of tools is ripped to shreds. Things erupting in every direction. Covering you in debris.
Pulling his phone from his pocket he shoves it in your lap.
"Call the first number!"
Your brain is stalling, your hands are shaking, but you follow the order as best as you can. The way your fingers are vibrating making it so much harder.
"What's up Boss?" You can hear the faint sound of his first lieutenant, as the firing ceasing again. Jungkook snatches the phone, speaking lowly and calmly.
"My house is breached and we're under fire. At least 3 guys. Semi-autos. We're held up in the garage and I've got maybe 15 rounds left." He passes the information over precisely. Remaining organized and in control.
"We're 10 out," the first confirms back, yelling orders to people on his end of the phone.
Your head jolts towards the garage door as it heavily clunks, starting to lift along the tracks. Exposing you on two sides.
"Fuck," Jungkook exclaims. "We don't have 10 minutes."
He stands, staying low. Opening the car door, tossing the phone in, followed by you. Your limbs hitting everything as you try to keep up with his pace. Making it onto the seat in an awkward heap.
"Stay down," he growls, slamming it, sealing you in. You're ahead of him this time, already kneeling under the steering wheel. Pressing your chest and head into the seat as flat as possible.
Inside the car, you can only hear the sounds of blasts for a few moments. Heavy things being thrown in every direction amid tense silences.
Outside the car, Jungkook fires off 3 shots, aiming for the legs he sees as the garage opens. The angle is wrong, and he doesn't hit them. Having to retreat back. Throwing the workbench down, using it as a meagre form of barricade. Blocking himself into the corner, hunched behind it. It's barely wide enough to protect him at the front and on the side. The height of the desk only just covering his head. He aims over the bench, hoping to keep the front two from coming in with suppression fire.
However, his attempt is unsuccessful. As he raises up, a bullet wings his right arm. Involuntarily dropping his gun, he shouts in pain. The Glock falling on the wrong side of the table.
It only takes him a second to compose himself, lunging over to pick up the weapon. But it's a second too late.
One of the men charges from inside the house. Booting the table into Jungkook, throwing him off balance. Holding him at gunpoint as he hits the floor.
Briefly, you see the other two men through the window as they pass the car. You're too terrified to move. Your hand cupped over your mouth, muffling the panicked breathes and whimpers that you can't hold in.
Working as a unit, one of the men clears the table out of the way, another picks up Jungkook's gun, while the third ushers him out of the corner and onto his feet, keeping the sights tightly fixed on him.
Getting in his face, the lead man removes his balaclava. Seething hate filling his expression. "You remember me?"
While he isn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Jungkook is certainly perturbed by the reveal.
It was nearly 5 months ago that he had ordered this man and his family killed. It drew far too much attention when he refused a deal Jungkook made him. So an example has to be set. The man's wife, two children and his visiting brother were murdered in the gruesome display. And Jungkook was told that the man standing in front of him now was also killed. But it seems the men charged with the hit got complacent. They didn't confirm the kill.
Mentally, Jungkook was already recalling the four men on task. If he made it out of this they were going to suffer greatly for their mistake.
Seeming infuriated by Jungkook's lack of fear and stoic glowering, the unmasked man slams his fist into the Mafia King's face. Shouting as he does.
Methodically, the three intruders begin to tear Jungkook apart. He put's up a fight as best as he can, but the men are trained and three against one isn't fair odds in this situation. Knocking him between them, they strike with their knees, fists, feet, hurting him in any way they can manage. Beating him into the ground. Pulling him back onto his knees whenever he drops back or falls forward.
Biting your palm you're trying to stop yourself from crying out as you sob into your hand. You can hear the hits. The thumps from him being tossed around. His groans of pain. The slough of abuse they spit at him while they work him over. Cursing him. Mocking him.
Suddenly, the car door jerks open. One of the masked men dragging you out by your hair. Making you produce an ear-shattering scream. One he silences with a fist to the face. Your body collapsing, slapping into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, your sobs can no longer be restrained. Loudly bawling, tear stream your face, hardly able to breathe as you panic.
Your heart aching as you see Jungkook across from you. Hunched over on his knees, he's gushing blood. It's running down his face. Matting his hair to his forehead with the sheer volume of it. He's splitting it up, his mouth dripping with it. His shirt soaked in it. Flowing down his arm from the bullet wound also.
You'd never have thought you would see your Boyfriend in such a state. You've witnessed first-hand the power he has when he's the one responsible for this kind of damage. In your mind, you saw him as invincible. Unbeatable. A cruel monster driven by hubris that could never be stopped.
The times you'd seen him beat people like this, the times he hit you like this, you had privately desired for him to suffer the same fate one day. For karma to return everything he had dished out.
But now that he was, now that he was the one being treated without mercy, even with it being justified, you can't feel anything but fear and sadness. Regretting ever having wished this upon him.
"Jungkook," you gently call.
He's disoriented. Too many headshots having made him dizzy and unfocused. But your soft voice cuts through all of that. Looking up from the ground to you, his eyes go wide seeing you in harm's way again.
"Y/-" he starts to get up, only to be interrupted and held down. The unmasked man's hand coming down on his shoulder. The barrel of Jungkook's own gun being aimed at his chest as the man hovers over him.
"You know, your guys didn't kill my wife right away." He digs the gun tip into the bullet wound on his arm. Twisting and stabbing into the raw flesh making him grit his teeth to bear the pain. "They shot her where he knew it wouldn't kill her. Then they let her bleed out. While I could only watch. While my kids watched." The pure rage in the man's voice is finally softened. Instead, sounding horribly grieved and agonized over the memory. "Someone like you, you're probably not capable of love," he spits, pushing off Jungkook to stand straight. "But whether you love her or not, I still want you to watch her die."
The words register, but you can't absorb them. You can't react.
"Wait. Wait!" Jungkook yells after him.
Your body is throbbing in terror. Watching him advance on you. Watching him raise the gun at you.
The shot hits you in the stomach.
"No!" Jungkook howls. The two men punting him back down as he climbs to his feet. Extending the barrage of hits to impress upon him that he shouldn't try to get up again.
In shock, you delicately dab at the hole in your side. Blood pulsing out of you. The pain is more than you could have imagined. You can't pull in a full breath. Short gasps are all you can manage. Doubling over onto your hands and knees, you weakly shriek unable to deliver a solid scream.
They drag you by your arm, hurling you at Jungkook, your torso landing in his lap. He clings to you, drawing you in tight. His face twisted in anger.
"Y/n." He growls. "Don't you dare-" he can't bring himself to finish that thought.
"Don't worry darling. It won't take long." The leader says above you, sounding genuinely sympathetic. "You though," he redirects, snarling at Jungkook. "you're gonna die slow."
Not able to breathe and the blood loss is making your head light. The room feels like it's spinning. Your eyes rolling back as they close. The reprieve of rest calling you into unconsciousness. And you can't resist.
With his hand held to your heart and his chest tight, Jungkook feels for a beat. The irregular rhythm assuring him you're still alive at least.
"I hope you really did love her. Like how I loved my girl and my boy. My wife. I hope you can feel that type of pain."
Jungkook is shaking. Unfiltered loathing ravaging his thoughts. A murderous expression concealing his heartache as he feels your pulse gradually start to slow.
Moving begrudgingly like it's his duty, the leader pulls one of the few remaining tools from its place on the wall. Wringing the handle of a large Philips Head screwdriver.
Working together, the three of them rip your unconscious body apart from Jungkook. His efforts to keep you close having little impact. Numerous injuries having sapped his strength.
Stretching him out, holding him down, they pin him with their weight. One of them securing his legs. Another holding his arm and torso, the majority of his heft used to force Jungkook's face into the cement. The leader kneeling all of his weight on his left arm to keep it flat.
As the tip of the screwdriver is pressed into his palm, Jungkook grapples to keep his hand closed to no avail. The shank piercing the meat of his palm. Screaming as the length is stabbed in and yanked out. Hissing through his teeth while the sharp point trails up. Reaching about halfway up his forearm it digs into the muscle. The blade slowly forcing its way into the skin, causing him to roar again.
All at once, a shot rings out. One of the intruders taking a bullet in the back. An assault of gunfire spreading across the height of the garage, sending the other two into a panic. Scrambling for their guns. Releasing Jungkook in the frenzy, who cradles his wounded hand for a moment before jumping on the attack. Finally having sufficient reinforcement to fight back.
Picking up the screwdriver with his good hand, he lunges at the surviving masked man. Dragging him off balance. Straddling his side. Stabbing down and around to drive the tool into his chest over and over. Burying the metal in the man's throat as a final strike. His damaged hand slamming down on the top of the screwdriver, forcing it through the other side of the man's neck.
Some of Jungkook's rage having been vented, he falls away panting watching the man, satisfied as he quickly bleeds to death.
The leader of the assailants, the source of all of this woe, is completely unmatched by the dozen men who suddenly surround him. They don't grant him the opportunity to even raise his weapon, shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him down. Incapacitating him and restraining him swiftly as he tries desperately to get loose.
There are a few seconds when the dust settles, where everything is quiet again. Only the sounds of wheezed breathing and footsteps taking any space.
Apart from the few men busy with securing the house and the area, all of them are at attention looking to assist their battered leader. Wanting to help. Waiting on an order.
"Her," he signals in your direction. "Get her to a hospital."
"You too, Boss." His second lieutenant leans down, helping Jungkook stand. Getting him to solid footing.
"I'm not dying in the next 20 minutes. Let's wrap this shit up first." He dismisses the gesture. Shirking off the pain at risk of appearing weak.
"And this one?" His first aims a gun at the intruders head.
"Patch him up. He's gonna die slowly," Jungkook's voice deepens as he repeats the man's own threat back at him.
His eyes following as he gets picked up and thrown into the trunk of one of the cars. The Mafia leader in him already, concocting ruthless plans in specific detail over all the ways he is going to torture him. And how he's going to silence any doubts about his strength that this attack may have caused.
Carried in another man's arms, you're taken to the back seat of a car. The movement string you awake. The pain keeping you immobilized and dazed.
Jungkook limping slightly follows after you. He presses his hand to your chest again, relieved as he feels your heart still beating, as he sees your eyes fluttering.
Your head laying on the seat, he leans over resting his forehead upside down on yours. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispers. His hands bunch tightly around your arms, pulling at your skin. The war of both sides of him crashing together. His eyes going cold, his breath becoming ragged.
Struggling to remain conscious, your eyes close again. Jungkook's bloody hand slapping down on your face, shocking your eyes back open. Tears instantly returning to your cheeks.
"Don't you dare die!" He hisses. His hand curls around your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks. "I'm not going to let other people think they can come at me. Take my things. Try to hurt me." He growls, speaking just loud enough for only you and him. "So you're gonna keep living Y/n. Cause until I give you permission, you don't have the right to die."
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Hey! Can you write something with Chishiya and Y/N when she almost died in game beacuse of Niragi but didn't tell anyone about this (he tripped her on purpouse or smth). Chishiya finds her up on the roof few days later really anxious+crying beacuse her visa is ending and she is scared that Niragi will come and play the same game as her and will try to do something bad. Chishiya becames really protective over her especially when he sees her bruised knees.
Here you go!
Comfort Zone | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya (ft. Niragi, OC’s, Hatter)
Summary: You came close to dying due to being attacked by Niragi, and you fear it will happen again during the next game. Chishiya notices your anxiety and tries his best to prevent it from happening.
Warnings: mention of murder, swearing, blood, violence (punching)
Word Count: 3.9k
*reader is female
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“Just my luck,” you groaned out, lifting yourself to your feet by using a chair nearby for leverage. “Not only am I clumsy as fuck, I’m also stuck with a group of murderers.”
Hatter had suggested you go with a few of the militants for the next game, as he wished for them to test you to see if you were capable enough to join them.
It was a hearts game called Capture The Flag. It was very self explanatory. You had to capture the opposite team’s flag and bring it back to your base without getting killed by them. The game would continue until a flag was captured, and the losing team would have their small bomb strapped to their chest explode as soon as the flag was returned to the team’s base. So theoretically, you could die at any second. And if that wasn’t stressful enough, everyone carried weapons, ranging from machete’s to revolvers, so you were on high alert.
You were on the same team as a muscular militant woman named Ren and a much younger kid (he looked around fifteen years old) called Minato. But of course, Niragi had to be placed on your team, bringing you nothing but more trouble.
The room you stood in was dark and ominous. You managed to trip over a few shards of glass and impact on the ground heavily, causing your hip to throb in pain as you attempt to recover from the fall.
You had been separated from your group. You managed to sneak off without them noticing, just rather being on your own than with others. You thought you had a better chance by yourself anyway, as no one was there to betray you.
In the Borderland, you didn’t know who to trust, so you kept to yourself.
The brightness of your game phone flashed a light green, reminding you of what colour team you were on. You had to search for a base that was illuminated by a blue light and take the flag that was supposedly meant to be there. But so far, you hadn’t seen any indication of the other team. You hadn’t even seen any of the other players now that you thought about it.
You made your way out of the empty room you had just checked, peeking around the corner down the hall before stepping out of the doorframe. The small  bomb strapped to your chest over your shirt felt heavy on your frame, especially knowing that it held your life in its hands.
You sighed loudly and rubbed your hands together to relieve the tension in your muscles slightly. You had to be close, surely. You had been walking around the abandoned hospital for ages, as if you hadn’t at least walked past the enemy’s base and missed it somehow.
Just as you were about to turn the corner to the main corridor, a whispered grunt made you stop in your tracks. You held your breath and pressed yourself against the cold wall next to you, trying to listen to any movements they make.
The sounds of rustling met your ears, making you frown. It sounded like someone was trying to find something in their pocket, moving around the objects until they’ve found what they need.
You slowly peeked one eye around the corner, making sure not to accidentally hit the wall or fall forwards in fear of the person being an enemy player. Good news, it wasn’t. But seeing someone on your team wasn’t much reassurance either, as all three of them seemed to be clinically insane.
Niragi was crouching over a dead body. A game phone was thrown to the side on the ground a few feet away, emitting a bright blue light. The dead person must have been on the blue team.
The blood pooled around the body, Niragi’s boot being in one of the puddles.
‘Why didn’t I hear the gunshots?’ you asked yourself, watching as Niragi rummaged through the pockets of the guy’s jacket. He was probably looking for another weapon or perhaps something to assist him in the game.
Your eyebrows furrowed when you noticed a slight blue tinge on the fabric of Niragi’s shirt. You turned your head the other way down the hall, eyes lighting up at the sight of a bright fluorescent blue light coming from around the corner. That must’ve been the enemies base.
You glanced back quickly to Niragi, noting he was busy with the corpse, still searching through their pockets. Perhaps you could make it if you were quiet enough.
You slowly lifted a foot while keeping your eyes pinned to the man down the hall, ready to dive back behind the wall if he decided to turn around. When your whole body had left the comfort of the darkened hallway you came from, you turned and quickly shuffled down the hall towards the light, looking over your shoulder every now and then.
When you had turned the corner, you let out a sigh in relief. “Fuck,” you rasped out, wiping your sweating brow with the back of your wrist. “If only I came with Chishiya, I wouldn’t be so cautious.”
You entered a room a few steps in front of you that had a door slightly ajar with the blue light pushing through. You squinted your eyes as you opened the door at the brightness of the light, covering your eyes and hissing lightly.
When your eyes adjusted, you felt a euphoric feeling fill your body when you caught sight of the blue flag resting against the wall. You immediately scrambled over and gripped the wood, feeling the sweet ecstasy of victory and being able to live another few days.
You walked out of the room flag in hand. But as soon as you exited the door, your game phone rang loudly, making you freeze in your spot.
“Green Team has now obtained Blue Flag.”
Your breath became lodged in your throat and you felt your fist tighten on the flag pole. If the game announced it to the rest of the players, they were going to come after you.
Your fear was proven correct when you heard loud footsteps down the hall, making its way to your position. You knew it was Niragi, but the fact that he was on your team gave you slight reassurance. He wouldn’t hurt someone he’s meant to be working with, right?
You couldn’t be so sure, so you pulled out the fairly sized knife that you had sneaked into your pocket before leaving for the game. There was nowhere you could run. Down the hall was the only exit you had.
Before you knew it, the angered face of Niragi turned the corner and you locked eyes. He glanced down at the large knife you held at your side, then at the flag. A smirk painted on his face and he chuckled cockily.
“You think you can defend yourself with that piece of shit?” he asked you, taking a few threatening steps towards your frame. Your feet remained planted on the ground, trying not to appear as panicked as you actually were. “Everyone’s going to come here, and you’re going to fend them off with a kitchen knife?”
You felt belittled from his mocking, eyebrows furrowing in frustration. “The fuck else am I supposed to do?” you asked, pointing the tip of the knife in his direction.
Silence filled the air as you and Niragi had a stare down. The grip he held on his rifle tightened whenever you shifted, never failing to make your heart skip a fearful beat.
“Princess,” he started with a sickening pet name, “why don’t you give the flag to me? I’ll protect you.” His sudden change in mood gave you whiplash and you took a step back in confusion, still holding your weapon towards him.
“What?” you muttered out, a bamboozled expression on your face. “I said, pass the flag to me. I’ll make sure we’ll be okay,” he answered while slinging his gun to his side a bit too casually for your comfort.
You watched as he fiddled with the bullet compartments of his rifle. He seemed to have been checking the ammo, making you realise what he was intending.
You shook your head, trying to sound normal, but the slight shakiness in your voice made you quite obvious. “It’s fine Niragi,” you insisted, “I can get it to our base myself.”
He glanced up at your frame as he closed the bullet compartment to his rifle. His serious expression made your adrenaline kick in and your hands began to shake, becoming obvious from the way the tip of the knife was quivering.
“Fine,” he muttered out, basically snarling at you. “I’ll do this the hard way.”
His words made your expression drop and before you could even think, Niragi swung the butt of his rifle and socked you across the side of your head, making you fall to the ground abruptly and drop the blue flag. You groaned in pain, and yet you didn’t even get a second to recover before Niragi blew another hit to your shoulder, kicking you harshly in the stomach at the same time.
You suffocated on nothing, becoming winded from his kick. Gasping for air, you attempted to crawl away from the violent man, shuffling on your hands and knees. Another hit to your lower back brought you to your stomach and you gagged at the sudden feeling.
Luckily, Niragi had quit abusing you and reached down next to your bruised body to pick up the blue flag. “Maybe next time, be careful what you say to me,” he hissed into your ear before standing up and walking away from you.
You laid on the floor for a short moment, trying to compose yourself and control your breathing once again. When you finally came to your senses, you lifted yourself up from the ground while groaning in pain. You had to find a hiding spot, otherwise the Blue Team would find you at their base and kill you.
You used the wall for support as you stood up, bones cracking and blood dripping down the side of your face. You lifted your hand and pressed against your throbbing head, wincing as the pain rocketed from your action.
‘At least he didn’t kill me,’ you thought to yourself. A bright shimmer caught your eye and you turned your head to see your weapon laying on the ground. A grumble left your body as you leant down to pick it up, admiring the way the blue light reflected off it.
You leant against the wall and slowly made your way down the hall, searching for a small cabinet or anywhere that you could hide for the next ten minutes or so. You got a wave of relief when you spotted a cleaner’s cupboard just down the corridor, stumbling towards it.
When you pulled yourself inside the dark cupboard and closed the door, you allowed yourself to slide down against the cold wall, feeling a few tears slip from your eyes.
All you had to do was wait for Niragi to get the flag back to the Green Base and you would be fine, hopefully.
You dragged your exhausted body towards your hotel room, your legs throbbing in pain at every step you climbed. You had decided against going back to the hotel in the car with the other militants, as you didn’t want to deal with the tension of sitting next to the man who almost killed you. Plus, the car would hold half the amount of people it left the hotel with, probably making the atmosphere more eerie.
The door of your hotel room felt heavy as you pushed it open, stumbling into the cold room. You groaned in frustration at your past self. Why didn’t you leave your heater on before you left?
You let out a deep sigh before falling backwards onto your bed, spreading your arms out wide to feel the comforting blankets underneath you. Your eyes closed in content, trying so hard to ignore the pain on the side of your head and your knees.
The blankets shifted underneath your tired frame as you rolled over, pulling the duvet over yourself in the process. You didn’t even have the energy to turn your body so you could place your head on the pillow, so you simply slipped into unconsciousness in the position you laid in, hoping for a better day to come tomorrow.
Whilst you travelled to dreamland in your mind, a short blonde man stood outside your door, knocking lightly on the wood. When Chishiya received no response, he lightly turned the silver door knob and peaked his head into the room. A soft sigh of relief left him when you saw you safe and sound, asleep on your bed. He had been worried from how you were acting as you slumped to your room, noticing that you seemed more tired than usual.
Chishiya walked into the room and quickly shut the door behind him, holding the doorknob until it was completely shut to avoid the clicking noise. He tip-toed towards your frame and admired your sleeping self, his lips curling up at the sight.
“Get some sleep love,” he whispered, running the back of his hand softly down your cheek to sooth you. “You need it.”
Before Chishiya left the room, he tucked the blanket tighter around your body so you stayed warm and gave you a soft peck on your forehead. He glanced back once more before stepping out of the room. He headed back to his own hotel room to get some sleep, feeling content that the person he cares for most was okay.
As the days of your visa grew fewer, your dread grew bigger. Thoughts from your last game bounced around your head, continuing to come back to you in the most random of times. Sometimes you would feel an imaginary harsh kick to your back in your dreams, causing you to wake up abruptly, covered in sweat. You couldn’t escape the fear of Niragi attempting to kill you again. If you managed to run into him again like in the last game, it would be a guarantee that he wouldn’t let you off the hook again.
Just the thought of Niragi blasting a few bullets from his sniper through your head brought you the irrational belief that that was your future. No matter how hard you attempted to shake it, it found its way back into your mind.
The stars shone in the sky, glistening against the endless ceiling of darkness and winking at you from above. It felt foreign to see such sights in the world you lived in, where everything seemed to hold some kind of darkness behind it. Even the label of ‘Utopia’ on The Beach was a complete lie.
You huffed in a stressful tone, hanging your head low and rubbing your eyes with your hands as you leaned your elbows on the railing. The minutes before the next game were becoming less and less. If only you had one more day on your visa, you could potentially avoid all the bullshit that Niragi brought with him everywhere he went.
Hatter had informed you that Niragi was taking you to another game, as he didn’t get to properly assess your skills last time. He was making you go because that night was the night your visa ended. You didn’t have a choice.
Before you knew it, small droplets of tears escaped your eyes, cascading down your face and dripping off your chin. You felt helpless and scared. You could do nothing but wait for the fire alarms to ring to indicate Hatter’s speech before everyone left for their own games. It felt like your time on the roof was lasting forever, so you tried to drag out your time there as long as you could.
You closed your eyes and lifted your head high, letting the cold air swim around your face and bring you comfort. “This isn’t fucking fair,” you stated bluntly to yourself.
It wasn’t. Why did the world think you deserved this kind of stress? You never asked to be in the Borderland. You never asked to be involved with these people. Why did you have to be thrown into this mess?
The sound of light footsteps ripped you from your thoughts, causing you to whip your head around and lock eyes with Chishiya, who froze a few metres away. Your face visibly relaxed at the sight of your boyfriend, smiling weakly as he lifted his hands in defence from your paranoid actions.
“Hey Chishiya,” you greeted him, turning your back and wiping your tears from your eyes. “Sorry, I’ll be down soon. Just give me a minute.”
Chishiya frowned at your shaky voice, approaching your frame and placing a soft hand on your shoulder. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You turned your face to him and his eyes displayed concern as soon as they met with your teary ones. “Wait, baby why are you crying?” he asked, placing a hand on the small of your back and another cupping your cheek to make you look at him.
You shook your head and gave a fake smile, not wanting to tell Chishiya what had happened. “It’s fine. I’m just getting a bit stressed for tonight.”
Chishiya eyebrows furrowed at your answer, noticing how you bit your lip after your sentence. You only ever did that when you were lying.
His eyes glanced up towards the small gash on the side of your head. “How did this happen?” he questioned you, lifted his hand to run a gentle thumb over the injury. You glanced at him nervously as he waited for an answer.
“Oh that? It’s nothing. I just managed to trip over and smack my head on the wall during the last game. You know me, such a clumsy idiot,” you tried to laugh it off.
Chishiya didn’t buy it for a second. He moved his gaze to the rest of your body, searching for any more injuries. He had had enough of your lying when he saw your bruised knees, dried blood around the edges of small cuts from earlier when you accidentally reopened them.
“Y/N, what happened the other day? Who did this to you?” Chishiya asked in a serious tone, wrapping his hands around your neck and holding you protectively. “These look bad Y/N. I’ll have to treat them for you.”
You nodded, looking down at the ground. Chishiya lifted your chin with his finger to make you have eye contact. “You going to tell me what happened?”
You let out a big sigh, accepting the fact that you can’t hide literally anything from Chishiya. He knew you too well.
“Look, it’s fine Chishiya. Niragi just got mad at me during a game. You know how he is. I’m honestly glad that he didn’t do anything else,” you explained, watching as Chishiya’s face contorted into anger at your confession.
He fell silent, making you more tense. You knew Chishiya was really aggravated when he went completely silent.
“Niragi did this to you?” he asked scarily calmly, running a soft hand over the gash on your head again. You nodded, leaning against his touch.
“Alright. You stay with me tonight. I don’t care what Hatter has asked from you. You stick by my side and don’t let go of my hand,” Chishiya demanded you, pulling you into a comforting hug. You tucked your face into his neck, breathing in his scent.
“I love you,” he whispered out, giving you a soft smooch on your cheek. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
You shook your head in denial. “Don’t be baby. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
Chishiya smiled happily at your words, pulling back from the hug and giving you a loving kiss on your lips. You both held each other close, moving your mouths against one another’s intimately.
You felt safe in Chishiya’s arms and he felt safe in yours. And that’s where both of you were intending to stay as long as possible.
You sat on Chishiya’s small bed, admiring as the young man wiped carefully over the dried blood on your knees. He was being so careful, holding you by the underneath of your knee and making sure not to press too hard on your bruises.
You had returned from the game you attended with Chishiya. Before the game commenced, you both hid on the roof so Niragi or Hatter wouldn’t come looking for you, wanting to take you to the game. You waited until most cars had left before making your way down to the bottom floor, climbing into the last car together that only held two other people you didn’t know.
Chishiya made sure to keep you by his side the entire game, not letting go of your hand once. At some point you were afraid he was going to sacrifice himself for you, as he wasn’t acting too far from it. His protective side had kicked in and he wasn’t taking your situation lightly.
At some point you both had to hide from an attacker. Chishiya had shoved you both into the corner of a small room, shielding your entire body with his with both of his hands against the walls, keeping you trapped in and hidden. The action alone was enough to make you realise how much Chishiya actually cared, how afraid he actually was of losing you.
“All done,” the blonde announced, breaking you from your thoughts. You grinned as he glanced up at you, giving you a cheeky wink. He shifted up the bed and leant against the headboard beside you. “Are you okay?” he asked once again, his fingers lightly running along your thigh soothingly. You nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about Niragi,” Chishiya reassured you after a short moment of silence. You looked up at him from his shoulder. “Why not?” you asked.
Chishiya gave a cocky smirk and ruffled your hair playfully. “I’ll make sure to give him a piece of my mind,” he said in a monotone voice as usual.
You chuckled at his words before placing a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw. “I’m sure you will,” you laughed.
Chishiya smiled happily and turned his body. He picked you up slightly and made you lie down before placing himself next to your frame. You rolled over to face him, not even getting a chance to breath before his lips were on yours.
His kiss was passionate, running his tongue along your lips to ask for you to open them. You obliged, letting him have his way with you. You ran your fingers up underneath his shirt, feeling his warm skin shiver underneath you touch. He groaned at the feeling, pushing himself closer to you and placing one hand on the back of your neck while the other dragged lazy patterns along your bare hip.
You two held each other close, getting lost and drunk on the thoughts and feelings of one another. No one could make each of you feel the way you made each other feel. In Chishiya’s arms you felt safe and content, making all the terrible things around you disappear. And for Chishiya, you made him feel sane again. You made him remember that he was human, he was allowed to have human emotions and make mistakes.
You brought a sense of comfort to one another, and clearly Chishiya wasn’t willing to let anything come between you both.
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sxnnimoon · 3 years
Little One pt. 6
Part 6 is here babies! I hope you all love it and I hope you all have a great weekend! (also if anyone knows to do those text and social media posts of artists and celebs please let me know!)
“Park seo joon… WHY?!” you glared at him.
“Oh come on princess,” he smirked. “You should know me better than anyone else.”
You tried to move away from his hand that came to your face.
“You were mine before theirs.” he grabbed your face.
“You’re crazy.” you said, barely above a whisper.
“It was only a matter of time before I could have you all for myself.” he smirked leaning in.
You whispered out a no before he let go of your face. He took a few steps away from you before he turned around and hit you, instantly apologizing.
You spit out a bit of blood, you wanted nothing more than to cry out but tried keeping yourself together.
“What will you gain from this?” you looked up at him with disgust.
“What aren’t you getting?” he tilted his head. “I finally have what's mine. You would be mine if they didn’t come into the picture. They always took away what was mine.”
You were confused on what he meant but you could see the sadness in his eyes for a split second, but it soon switched to anger.
He rushed towards you. Fear setting in, not knowing what he was going to do. He untied you from the chair leaving your feet and hands bound. He picked you up, carrying you out of the empty room. You tried looking at where you were, all you could see was a carpeted floor and paintings scattered on the wall. It felt familiar, like you had been here before but you couldn’t think of where. Before you knew it you were thrown on to a bed. You clutched the shirt that covered your body tight feeling the sleeves slip down your shoulders. Looking around the room you could finally piece together where you were.
“The villa…” you whispered.
He chuckled darkly, he knew you figured it out.
“Why bring me here?” you looked at him confused. “They will find me. It’s only a matter of ti-“
He slapped you.
“ENOUGH!” he yelled, making you jump back. “Let them come. It won’t end well for them.”
He left the room soon after. You couldn’t believe he would bring you to the one place they would find you, the villa your family owned, it was where you met Seo Joon in your high school days, it also had been a place you would bring the boys when you wanted a few days away in the woods for peace and quiet. You both were best friends up until you married. His behavior changed once you started seeing any of the boys, it had become clingy and possessive. You never knew him like that, he was always the sweet, shy and smart Park Seo Joon. you couldn’t grasp where it all went wrong. It saddened you but you had to remain strong, you couldn’t let your guard down.
A few hours passed and he finally returned, this time with food and water. He walked towards you, making you tense up and move away. He pulled you by your ankles. You tried fighting back.
“I’m untying you, chill the fuck out.” he hissed. “Now don’t try anything.” he pointed at you before sitting in the chair across from where you were.
“Now eat,” he grumbled.
You stared at the food, not having the strength to move.
“I may have taken you but i can assure you it’s not poisoned.” he said rolling his eyes.
You ate slowly.
“Now that you have me, what will you do to me?” you ask him.
He liked that you wanted to ‘talk’ to him, you knew he wouldn’t shut up once you got him going. As he went on listing all the things he was gonna do you were getting uncomfortable and disgusted. You also could sense and hear commotion from outside. He obviously didn’t notice. It wasn’t until you could see movement under the door that you changed up your plan.
“You are insane.” you said with disgust. “You really think I would have been with you back then let alone now? We made out once, ONE time seo joon. You really think I would fuck someone like you?” you decided to get him riled up which would get him off guard.
You could see the fiery expression in his eyes at your words.
“Honestly, you aren’t even man enough for this. You are nothing but a scared little boy who is just pissed that the one thing he wants isn’t his and doesn’t want him back.” you fake pouted.
“Keep it up,” he said lowly pointing a finger at you.
“Or what? You are nothing compared to my men. Unlike you, they know the difference between protectiveness and borderline crazy.” you knew it was working, you could see the feet stop in front of the door.
“THAT'S IT!” he yelled before charging at you.
He was stopped in his tracks when the door was bussed down.
“WHAT TH-” he was cut off by a gunshot.
You screamed. You looked up seeing Yeonjun. He was one of Hoseok’s best men.
“IS HE DEAD.” you shouted, looking at him passed out on the floor.
“He’s still alive, just wounded.” Beomgyu said, checking his pulse.
“Death would be too easy.” Yoongi said walking in.
“YOU'RE HERE!” you jumped into his arms.
He held you tight against him.
“ARE YOU REAL?!” You said, frantically running your hands all over his face.
“Yes we’re real little one.” Jin said coming into the room.
“Get him out of here. I’ll deal with him later.” Hoseok said, coming into view, The others, not too far behind.
“Why would he do this?” You looked down pouting.
“We found files he kept hidden with nothing but pictures of you Miss.” Beomgyu said.
“And a few of the bosses with holes through their heads.” Taehyun said. “Not to mention the nude ones…”
He looked at you with sympathy.
You shook your head.
“I want to see them.” You said, wiping tears off your face.
“..baby..” Joon said, coming towards you.
You put a hand up for him to stop.
“I want to see EVERYTHING. No arguments” You said sternly.
They nodded.
You all began walking out to the SUV’s ready to head home.
“Everything you need is already at the hotel.” Yeonjun said.
“Thank you.” You gave a small smile.
“We’re staying at one of the hotels while everything gets moved into the new house.” Taehyung said.
You nodded.
A new place meant new beginnings, but also much more hidden and higher security.
Arriving at the hotel you walked ahead of them instantly going to your room not wanting to be bothered.
Once in your room you noticed two huge boxes filled with files. You were an hour and a half into the first box barely making a dent. You cried here and there, You couldn’t believe how much he had stalked you. All the trips you went on, all the meetings, you in your restaurant, club. He was everywhere. It wasn’t until you got to the second box that you felt disgusted. The entire second box was nothing but you nude. You cried harder. This man was supposed to be like a brother to you, but he was too good to be true. He was at your wedding for god sake. You all let him in and this is how things ended up. You were sitting there with your head in your hands when your phone went off.
It was Taehyung.
Tae Baby🐾✨
T- are you okay?
T- I can hear you through the walls :(
Y- that doesn’t begin to cover it….
Y- cuddles?
T- omw
You soon heard a knock. You walked over to the door and opened it seeing him made you smile. You hugged him, his scent instantly making you forget everything. You get safe. Though the line of work he does he was definitely one of the softer ones out of the seven but also one the most feared along with Jimin. You stood there for a while before going to lay down.
Tae went to clear the bed taking notice of the photos left out. He covered his mouth, he was hurt and disgusted.
“Let’s just lay down.” You say taking the boxes away.
“How could we let him do this to you?” He whispered.
“We won’t be seeing him anytime soon, he’s done for baby.” You reassured him.
“We could have prevented this.” He said, trying not to cry.
“We didn’t know love,” you rested a hand on his cheek. “No one knew he could do this. Now let’s go to bed.” You kissed him.
He pulled you tight, he didn’t want you out of his sight. He thought he lost you.
As much as any of them didn’t want to admit it, you were their weakness. And it hit them hard thinking you were gone.
As you lay there in the dark, Tae wrapped in your arms you couldn’t help being wide awake. The images of the previous events running through your mind on repeat. The glow of your phone lit up the room. You were curious about who would be texting you at 3am. Eyes squinting you read the name.
JM- are you awake?
Y- i am
JM- can I come in?
Y- you can :)
You locked your phone before trying your best to slip out of Taehyung's grasp. You put a pillow between you so he could still have something to hold on to for the time being. You walked to the door just before he knocked.
He smiled as you opened the door. He went to talk but you put a finger to your lips and pointed in the direction of a sleepy Taehyung.
He nodded and closed the door behind him.
He pulled you in close.
“Let’s just lay down.” You whispered, a yawn following.
Laying down in the middle of the two, your back facing Tae who immediately wrapped his body around you making you and Jimin giggle.
You played with eachothers hands neither one speaking. You could feel your eyes getting heavy.
“Sleep my love.” He said. “We’ll be here to protect you.”
He kissed your head and you were soon deep in sleep. You woke up to the sun in your face and tangled in arms and legs. You tried your best to wiggle out but Jimin’s hold on you tightened. You tapped his cheek earning a groan from him.
“I need to pee.” You said struggling to sit up.
“Don’t leave.” Taehyung whined.
“Do you really wanna sleep in a wet bed?” You smirked down at him.
“I am up.” He shot up.
Jimin slowly got up at the sudden movement.
You giggled and shook your head before going to the bathroom.
Walking out you hear the boys on the phone.
“Alright, we’ll pack everything up and head on out.” Tae said into the phone. “Okay bye.”
“What was that about?” You asked.
“Everything is moved into the house.” He smiled.
“We can head over once you are ready.” Jimin said.
It didn’t take long to gather everything. Down at the lobby you only saw one vehicle.
“Where are the others?” You raised a brow.
“They are already there making sure the security is set right.” Jimin said.
Upon arrival they put in a code to open the gates which wasn’t new but the long driveway was. It definitely had its similarities and differences. Walking into the house you could hear Hoseok and Joon giving demands about bodyguards for each of you. You walked in and all eyes were on you.
“Come meet your guard's love.” Joon said.
“I want to choose my own.” You demanded.
They both gave you a look. After the last two you wanted to make sure you were protected at all costs.
“I want Yeonjun and Soobin.” You said. “Don’t fight me on this Hoseok. Them plus Beomgyu have gone above and beyond for our family and I trust them with my life.”
“Okay.” He said.
“I can assure you all will do your absolute best to protect me and my family.” Joon said. “You’re dismissed.”
They stood there just looking at you.
“What?” you said, raising your brows.
“You…” Hoseok said, “amaze me.”
He smiled, running a hand through his hair.
“And here I thought you were too sweet to give out demands.” Jungkook said, smirking.
You stuck your tongue out at him.
“You guys must be rubbing off on me.” you shrugged walking away.
You walked around the house and property, making yourself acquainted with it all. Yeonjun and Soobin not too far behind keeping watch.
You walked to the balcony overlooking the trees, it was beautiful and the sunset added a nice touch.
“We could live here.” you said to yourself. “We could start a family here.”
You were too in thought to realize Soobin was calling you.
“Miss. The bosses need you back at the house, they say it’s time for dinner.” he said.
You nodded leading the way.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Waking Up Confused in Both Hotel Rooms and Forests [Jay Merrick X F!Reader X Masky/Tim Wright]
[Jay Merrick X F!Reader X (kinda) Masky]
[Warnings: firearms, slight language, slight blood]
[AN: I originally had Masky in the spotlight but couldn't like, directly fit him in like that. Also big thanks to Entry 32 and slight Entry 76.]
You could hardly breathe as you ran further and further through the trees. Panic seeped through your veins. Your only guiding light was the light of the moon. You weren’t supposed to be here - why the hell did you agree to begin with? You had no time to regret your actions as you continued to run. Where was Jay? Was he okay? No time to think of that either, Alex was catching up. But you had to find him. You just had to.
A few weeks ago, you woke up in a hotel. You had no recollection of even leaving your apartment. Strange, very strange. Confused, and unsure of how you even got there, you attempted to leave and get back to your life only to find you were hopelessly lost with practically nothing to support yourself. All you could do was remain.
The first few days were awkward. You managed to find some food and stock up the minifridge but other than that, your days were a little lonely, and mostly confusing. The longer you stayed, the hazier your memories and thoughts became. What have you been doing for the past year? Huge chunks of time, gone in an instant. Where even were you? None of your questions were answered and the days began to blur together.
Things only grew more confusing when you were given a neighbor. You had woken up, decided to get some fresh air and passed by a man wielding a camera in the hallway. Your eyes had quickly scanned over his features - it almost felt alien to look at another person. The entire time you’d been at this odd hotel, you hadn’t seen a single soul here but yourself. And it went on like that for a few days, just passing by each other in the hallways, politely nodding, sometimes saying hello, but nothing further. It didn’t take long for you to realize your rooms were conjoined - the only conjoined rooms in the hotel. Strange, how strange.
Feeling bold, you plucked up your courage to speak with him, albeit awkwardly.
“What’s the camera for?” You asked, a small smile on your face to set him at ease.
The man shifted a little uncomfortably but smiled back. “A documentary on, uh, hotels. Y’know?” He said in a more than awkward tone. He shifted slightly after a painfully pregnant pause took place. “I’m Jay and you-”
“Oh! I’m Reader,” you answered back, more than caught off guard he asked you a question. “I’ll see you around?” You said in a slightly unsure tone.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll see you around.”
And the two of you parted ways.
That’s certainly not the last you’d ever seen of Jay though. If it had been, you wouldn’t be running from a maniac with a gun at this moment.
You and Jay continued to cross paths, awkwardly saying hi, sometimes commenting on the weather until you had finally reached a head. The previous day, you’d tried to prod him to see if he had any inkling as to what was going on when he sloughed it off as if your concerns meant nothing. Deep down, you knew he was going through the same mess as you. Frustrated, confused, you got up in the middle of the night to interrogate Jay. You lept out, slipped on your shoes, and knocked on his door. Immediately, you were greeted to his camera.
“Can I uh, ask you something?” You began, eyes dark and desolate due to the haze that swarmed in your mind.
“Sure?” Jay sounded confused. His eyes darted down to the camera and back up to you as you scratched at the back of your neck.
“Why… Why did you answer the door with a camera?” A slight frustration began to come to your tone.
“Well, I mean, I had it in my hand already-”
“Look, Jay,” you said in an increasingly exasperated tone. “I know you’re lying. First you tell me some stupid thing about a hotel documentary and then you tell me your house is being renovated, but then! But then you tell me your job was being relocated. What is going on?” You questioned, voice strained and harsh.
“It’s- It’s complicated I-”
“You’re not acting like a normal person-”
“W-What’s it matter to you? You’re just some stranger,” he tried to shake off. He looked at you like you were crazy, but his eyes conveyed something deeper.
“I think… I think something is going on,” you said, brows now furrowed together. “I know something is going on,” you took a pause and breathed in deeply. “I don’t know how I got here. You’re the only person I’ve seen in this hotel other than the staff and we have adjoining rooms. I don’t even know you. You said it yourself! I’m a stranger! Haven’t had any kind of memory loss at all?” You raise your hands and dragged your fingers across your scalp. “I-I think I’m going crazy,” you said with a small laugh, unsure of what could be considered real and what couldn’t. “Jay, I’m losing HUGE chunks of time. I’m having pounding headaches and coughing fits and I can’t even sleep, but when I do sleep, I feel like I’m still moving, like I’m sleepwalking.” You were pretty much shouting at this point and allowed all your anger, frustration and fear to bubble over.
“And the worst part? I keep having these dreams back when I was a kid and I feel like something’s watching me-”
“Stop,” Jay sighed, his hand reaching out to hold your shoulder. “Let’s… Get your shit together. I’ll tell you everything, I promise, I just need to get some of my own things together.”
You nodded with shot nerves and let him go as you went off to your room, quickly getting everything together. From your room, you could what Jay rummaging around in a safe. What a mess everything had become. With a heavy heart still rife with confusion, you had begun to pack.
You never really completed packing, as the moment you touched the drawers, hands were wrapping around your face. A quick breath was all it took to black out.
Later, you woke up confused in the forest. Jay was by your side. Twilight had fallen over the land, you were unsure of how you got here, and all you knew is that you both had to get out. You were the one to wake up Jay, your hand nudging him.
“Where… Where are we?” He asked groggily, slowly sitting up before his hands pat at his chest. The camera was still attached.
“Was hoping you could tell me,” you mumbled, trying to make heads or tails of the place you were in. It looked like the two of you were laid in the middle of a burnt clearing.
“It’s a park, I think,” Jay said as he slowly began to stand up before helping you up as well. “We should make it back to the parking lot or something. Not safe to be here.”
“Not safe?”
Jay shook his head as he checked his pockets for his keys and nodded for you to follow him once he confirmed they were there. The two of you passed through the trees and greenery of all kinds before finally coming to an uneasy stretch of woods. Here, tunnels lined the sides of the paths, making your hair stand up. Every part of your body told you to run.
You did so and remained walking beside him in a tense silence before finally opening your mouth. “So, what were you gonna tell me back at the hotel?” You asked softly.
“I have some thoughts,” Jay began. “Like-”
Before he can say anything, a gun shot rang out, making you scream and jolt as Jay ducked, hand immediately gripping at your wrist.
“Don’t run, you coward!”
That voice sounded familiar, oh so familiar. When he stepped out from the dark recesses of the tunnel, you knew him. You felt it deep down inside, but you couldn’t but a name to his face - not even when the remaining sunlight stopped obscuring his eyes when the light glare subsided from his glasses. But how could you forget him? You knew him - you knew him.
“Let her go, Jay,” the man said as his eyes narrowed. The barrel of his gun was pointed directly at you two, barring you from running past him to get to the parking lot.
“Alex, please,” Jay said in a strained voice, refusing to let go of your wrist.
“No, you know what has to be done,” Alex growled as his steps got closer and closer to the two of you.
“Come on man, you know her,” Jay attempted to reason. “She was Amy’s roommate, you can’t hurt Amy like that.”
A pause.
“All the more reason to shoot you dead where you stand.”
“Alex please,” you whimpered, eyes looking at him with a light that pained him to even consider snuffing.
“I’m sorry,” Alex apologized as his eyebrows furrowed. “It has to be done - there’s no other way. I have to stop it.” Alex sounded absolutely at war with himself as he continued closer and closer to the two of you. “I’m sorry, Reader. I’ve been sorry.”
His finger rested on the trigger.
The sun set; the park is bathed in darkness.
Before the trigger can get pulled, Jay momentarily let go of your wrist and punched Alex with all his might, sending the gun flying in one direction, and Alex careening to the floor.
“Stay down!” He shouted, moving to keep him on the floor.
Your eyes struggled to adjust to the dark, but you could hear something. Something growing closer and closer until it was practically on top of you. You let out a slight screech as a man in a tanned coat came zipping past you, shoving aside Jay (with an odd about of care) before pummeling Alex back into the earth.
“Stop staring and get the fuck out of here!” The man’s voice boomed as he continued to wrestle an invigorated Alex.
Jay reached for you again in the darkness, and you reached back. The two of you ran.
Somewhere in the confusion, you’d managed to get separated from Jay right around the time more gunshots rang out throughout the forest. You could almost hear Alex in the back of your head after they’d ripped through the silent night.
And that led to now. Running scared through the never ending, godsforsaken forest where static seemed to invade your head every other minute. You could feel Alex on your specific trail. Where had Jay gone? No idea. Who was that guy that tried to fight Alex? Possibly dead. There were a lot of gunshots.
You continued to run until your lungs burned, stumbling through the trees, praying he hadn’t caught up with you. Whenever the static grew louder in your head, so too did the feeling that Alex was close. Too close.
“Reader!” You heard Alex shout out into the night after a particularly rough patch of static that left your eyeballs feeling like barbells in your skull. He kept calling out for your name.
Your lungs and your legs burned. You couldn’t possibly go on for much longer like this - he’d find you. He’d kill you. You felt tears prick your eyes as the sound of crunching sticks and grass invaded your ears. He was closer still.
In your haste of running, you had slammed into what felt like a tree, knocking it off balance as well as yourself before recognizing, no, that was not a tree.
“What the fu-”
“Shh,” the voice said. You recognized it immediately as the man from earlier. “Come on, this way.”
Not even waiting for an answer, he took your hand into his and began to guide you through the trees, pulling you along at a speed you didn’t think was human.
You held your other arm out as you pushed away branches and brambles. “Who are you?” You ask as quietly as you could, the sound of Alex’s running steps growing faster.
“Unimportant,” the man replies, barely looking over his shoulder as he continued to pull you along. “You need to get out.”
“What about Jay?”
“He’s in the parking lot waiting for you.” The man sounded a little out of breath, or perhaps he was just restricted due to the mask he wore (you could make out its outline in the moonlight). “He’s okay.”
A relief floods your system as you attempt to match pace with him on your own accord. It’s gone when you hear more gunshots ring out through the trees followed by flashes of light from the muzzle when you turn your head around.
“Fucking reckless,” the man mumbled under his breath.
“Why is he doing this?” You asked in a panic.
The sound of Alex’s laughter echoes through the trees.
“He’s insane.”
You believe him.
Eventually, the two of you reach the same tunnel where it all began. How far had you run out? No time to ruminate on that thought, the masked man pauses, his hands resting on your shoulders.
“Keep running straight. You’ll hit the parking lot in no time.Jay is waiting for you.”
“But I-”
He hushes you as the sound of Alex grows closer and closer still. You can hear him taunting you as he realizes where you are.
“Go.” He pushes you in the direction you need to run before turning around and facing Alex, who’s finally caught up.
Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, you run.
You’re almost certain you’re going to throw up or something to that effect when you finally make it back to the parking lot. Your lungs have expanded much too much, your muscles ache, and you feel light headed and dizzy. By the time you reach the asphalt, you don’t even recognize the sound of Jay rushing over to you. His words sound like a blur in your head as he grips your shoulders.
“Reader!” His grip tightens. “Are you okay?” He keeps asking but you feel so faint.
“Hey, hey, stay up.: He holds you up as you sway. “Let’s get outta here,” he says, eyes looking at you with great concern.
You take in a deep breath as you nod along to his words, hardly able to even comprehend anything. You feel your body move on autopilot as he brings you to the car, and you act on autopilot as you buckle yourself up. The car begins to leave the parking lot, your eyes able to scan the tree line once more.
And there he is, the masked man, watching the two of you leave.
Red bloomed on his chest.
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But what if PC did manage to save Bailey, Eden, and Whitney? (Maybe they found his gun/knife/etc or somethin) How would he feel waking up in the hospital to them sleeping in a chair nearby? I simp for these 3 and seeing them hurt, hurts me.
Writing angst hurts so bad man, I love when the LI hurts the PC, but when the LI gets hurt or others are added to the equation I want to cry.
Under cut for mentions of violence and length
Was working hard all day, half asleep as they make some soup before bed. They take a quick toilet break, not being there to notice someone sneaking in and drugging it.
They're sat in their office, reviewing what they've been up to when you waltz in, pyjamas covering your body.
Let's you come sit in their lap while they finish up, knowing you'll want to stay in their bed due to nightmares you've been having.
They really shouldn't indulge you so much, but they can't really help it.
When your stomach rumbles they let you taste the soup, only for you to spit it straight out.
"That's drugged. Someone tried to give me that when I worked at the stripclub, Bailey, I promise," you turn to them, alert and panicked but they can only smile a little, the haze settling in properly.
Cursing, you run to their bedroom, pulling the handgun out from under the pillow and sitting back in their lap, grabbing for their phone and asking them to unlock it.
Constantly checking their temperature and lucidity as you do so.
It takes a little, but you manage to get it open and go straight to a contact you'd heard them speaking to regularly, asking them to send someone over to guard them and that there was a possibility people might try to break in.
The next morning, Bailey finds you still awake, sat next to their bed with the gun in hand, eyes trained on the door until their shuffling draws you eyes. Looking over Baikey is a private doctor they trust.
"Oh thank fuck, you okay?" You sit next to them, placing the gun down and grasping their cheeks, much to the annoyance of the Doc, who steps back a little.
Confused they'll ask what happened, immediately getting angry and jumping out of bed despite both of you telling them to lay down.
You'll have to convince them to slow down as they spends the rest of the day ordering their people to start asking questions, but ultimately they just let you follow them around worrying all day.
Needs to be working immediately because they don't want to show weakness.
Starts painting the windows shut in the orphanage so it's harder for people to sneak in.
Never ever leaves their food alone again.
Is very impressed you managed to remember the name of the person who works for them, thankful that you were so quick thinking.
Theres no telling who could have drugged them, hospital staff, police, Quinn. Good job on sticking to the inner circle.
When you come home the next day, you find a box on your bed. It's full of new, expensive clothes and you know it's from Bailey. A thank you for looking out for them.
Panic starts to encompass them as they fall to the ground, surrounded by hunters they'd threatened weeks ago.
Where were you, were you safe? They can hurt them, but not you.
Drifting out of consciousness a little as they hear a gunshot and a scream.
You stand at the door, Eden's forgotten rifle in hand after shooting one of the intruders in the foot. You shoot again, aiming for another when they start to scatter, not anticipating another person to be here, let alone armed.
You're silently thanking Eden for teaching you how to shoot, as you advance down the stairs, shooting into the trees hoping you hit another one of the fuckers you'd seen beating your spouse.
You can still hear them yelling as you run over to Eden's collapsed body, seeing them struggling to open their eyes.
You grab the water bottle they strap to their belt, dripping it over them and lightly slapping at their cheek, looking up and around every few seconds to check noone was sneaking up on you.
It takes a few minutes, but Eden starts being cohesive again, working with you as you get them up and bring them inside, locking the door behind you after ensuring you fetch anything that could be used as a weapon from outside.
You get the salve you made and start treating wounds, gently talking the entire time to remind Eden that it was you, they're safe, it's all okay.
Eden is just glad you aren't hurt, wrapping their arms around your waist and pressing their face into your chest, breathing in your scent.
So clingy for the next little while.
"I shouldn't have let my guard down, what if they'd been here to hurt you-"
"Eden for gods sake I'm alright, let me help you now okay? What if you have a concussion?"
Let's you fiddle with them to help calm you down. They feel fine, just come here.
Wants to cuddle, kissing you every so often.
"We should start building a perimeter tomorrow," they'll suggest, and you agree, eager to give them something that'll bring back their sense of control.
You can tell its hard for Eden, to have been beaten like that. You let them be more controlling for a little while so they can get their confidence back.
"And I'm proud of you. You can really shoot well," they'll mumble into your neck as they drift off, a little unsure of themselves. They aren't really sure how to praise others, how to show affection that isn't physical.
Makes you breakfast and gives you a massage the next day, a silent thank you for saving them.
Might also use their wood-carving skills to carve you a little figurine of you holding the rifle, letting you put it above the hearth to remember your brave moment.
The good mood is interrupted, when the teens in tracksuits grab at you, separating you from Whitney and trying to subdue both of you.
You're not sure how many times you see Whitney get hit before you manage to rip your mouth free of whatever keeps it covered, drawing in a full breath as you scream "FIRE!" at the top of your lungs.
You'd read somewhere it was more affective than 'help' or 'rape', and sure enough, some adults run over to the alley and begin yelling at and chasing after the delinquents who run.
You fall to your knees and hold Whitney close as someone calls an ambulance, asking if anyone knows their parents so they can go tell them what happened. No one does, and you can't unlock their phone, so you just stay with them when the ambulance comes, trying to cover them with your body so people couldn't see how badly hurt they were.
With no way to contact the family, you're asked to accompany Whitney to the hospital, staying over night so the police can take a statement about what happened and so that Whit can have someone take them home the next day.
When they wake up, you're resting with your head on the hospital bed, right next to their hand, which they use to pet you till you wake up.
Whitney tries not to cry when you throw yourself over them and tell them how thankful you are that they're okay.
It's been a long time since anyones been so openly concerned. Since anyone has given a shit about how Whitney was doing. Most of the time people just wanted to be friends with them for the social perks.
Leans on you when they walk, limping along. This is after they've spent half an hour stumbling alone on their own, finally giving in and letting you hold them up.
At school, Whitney is a little quieter while they recover. River glances over to them in class, seeing them rest their head on the desk while you play with their hair. They're being quiet, and everyone can see the wounds, so they let you be.
Feels a little lost without you around for a bit, using you as a safety blanket. Walks home alone one night and end up flinching at every shadow.
Never actually says "Thank you." Just gets more and more kind, stops tieing you up on Mer Street, pulls you away from dogs trying to get at you, is slightly more gentle when you fuck.
Might get you a personalised lighter one day. Just in case noone believes you next time you need to yell fire.
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