#also in like any sort of chemical involved work you do
ejacutastic · 11 months
honestly that asbestos post is why proper labeling of dangerous things in collections is so important
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cumaeansibyl · 27 days
okay this is my biggest conspiracy theory except it's not really a Conspiracy Theory because I am not actually positing a shadowy prime mover who planned the whole thing from the start. that always ends up in wildly antisemitic places where I do not go, and also I don't think anyone in history has had their shit together enough to mastermind Schemes of this type. my theories are always more like "this happened serendipitously and at some point maybe someone noticed and took advantage but there's certainly no central figure in charge."
so we start with the normalization of overwork in our society, since roughly forever. in modern times this led to abuse of medical and recreational stimulants -- everyone was on speed in the 50s and coke in the 80s -- but we all kind of figured out that was a bad idea, for the most part. what we still had after the white powder settled, though, was caffeine. totally legal, totally normalized.
but people were still overworked, and they also still wanted to have energy after work, to do fun things with the little free time left to them.
enter energy drinks.
unlike coffee, which still has the feeling of a daytime beverage and also to some extent a workplace beverage, energy drinks are an anytime food! you can even get them in mixed drinks for a night out. they're for work AND play. they come in a wide range of dose strengths, including a shooter for when you're in really dire straits. after all, taking caffeine pills feels like "pill-popping," but having a little beverage is fine, right?
at the same time, there is increasing interest in remedies for a variety of unspecific ailments caused by "toxins," the new buzzword in a very old industry of patent nostrums and dubious cure-alls. the theory is that some sort of unspecified substance has entered your body, and in order to feel well again you need to detox and cleanse -- which in practice involves a lot of induced defecation. And this is supposed to be good for feelings of fatigue, muscle soreness, anxiety, stomach upset, and difficulty sleeping.
See where I'm going with this?
The "toxins" that make you feel terrible all the time are caffeine. Not heavy metals, or refined sugar, or vaccines, or yeast. It's just fucking caffeine.
Well, caffeine and chronic overwork/sleep deprivation, which is not entirely a direct result of the caffeine but is certainly enabled/exacerbated by it. Everyone is working too much and taking stimulants to get through the day and in fact experiencing mild overdose symptoms on a fairly regular basis (irritable? jittery? that's caffeine toxicity) and it's no wonder we all feel like shit.
And then! When you come home from your day of pushing your mind and body too hard! It is ALSO normalized to take downers to level out! Alcohol is also a toxin, and it takes a lot less of it to start doing systemic damage than most people realize. When you wake up in the morning feeling foggy and achy, it may not be enough to register as a proper hangover, but it's almost certainly the combined effect of alcohol and caffeine withdrawal. Both mild! Both nearly harmless and easily recovered from! If you're not doing it on a regular basis and if you're getting enough rest, which you're not, as we previously established.
It's the chronicity that's the issue, the neverending grind of it all. You can't recover from chronic sleep deprivation or overwork with an extra few hours of rest on the weekends. You can't recover from long-term chemical dependence with a 24-hour tolerance break. If you're a wage earner in late-stage capitalism your options for reversing the damage are pretty limited and they all look like deprivation: prioritizing an unbroken 8-9 hours of sleep per night may well mean giving up most if not all of your social life and leisure activities. Fuck that.
And to be clear, I don't consider choosing to stay out late with a vodka Red Bull to be a personal failure of any kind, just like I don't think poor people should never buy themselves anything nice. If work keeps trying to take more and more of your time, you gotta carve out time for yourself somewhere. But... y'all know me. I want people to know the risks.
I think a lot of people don't realize that their bodies are under this much strain. They don't know that we are better suited for a 4-6 hour work day, that 6-7 hours of sleep is genuinely not enough for most people, that as little as 2 cups of coffee might be enough to put them over the recommended maximum caffeine intake. They don't know that they're drinking enough alcohol to cause health problems.
If you know and you decide to do it anyway that's fine, it's your right. I do inadvisable shit all the time. But people don't know, they're not being told, because they can't be allowed to question the material conditions they're being forced to endure -- and then they're being sold a bunch of useless or even harmful bullshit to "cure" the inevitable consequences of those conditions.
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Out in the desert, no one can find you... (Hex Tiles 1)
A sharp wind whistles through the desert dunes, bringing no reprieve to the travelers following the thin paths left out in the sand. Don't drink from the river — the plants that grow along its shores contain toxins that could leave a grown man coughing up blood, and chemical spills float through the current. A faraway road carries the rare drone-tank, long abandoned from any sort of human use.
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My newest hobby, to distract myself on months when the purse is a bit too tight to be buying plastic crack from Games Workshop, is to build modular hex tiles! It's super easy — I pick up a hundred of these wooden MDF tiles from Amazon for $10 (they're advertised as 2", but they're 1.75" from tip to tip, and each side is 1"), grab any spare craft supplies I have lying around, and get to work! They're super quick (this first batch of one hundred took me around a week) and they open the door to a lot of cool experimentation. A lot of this is inspired by the work of u/Marcus_Machiavelli over on Reddit, who makes these fantastic modular hive city components that I hope to someday be able to emulate. 
I'm making these for two purposes, neither of which I've put in practice yet but I'm hoping to get to do at some point. They're for:
Any mass-battle games played at 6mm. This could also work for Adeptus Titanicus or the upcoming Epic reboot that Games Workshop is working on. 
Tactical TTRPGs like Lancer that are played with large beings, who can operate on a 6mm scale.
Once I get some games in with them, I'm sure I'll encounter future problems and reassess how I approach them. But for now, this is what I've got!
I Hate Sand
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The first set of tiles I made, to serve as the backdrop for the rest of them, are these sand tiles. I chose to make this a desert (and thus make a bunch of sand tiles) because I already had some sand lying around, and because it's really cheap and easy to work with. Be careful though! Anakin was right; sand sucks. Try and pick up a finer grain than what I went with, apply the sand in a more-controlled location than I did, and secure it better than I did too. But here's how I did them:
Coat the surface of the hex with a mix of PVA glue and water.
Sprinkle on a light dusting of gravel or small rocks.
Apply a thick coat of sand on top of the gravel.
Knock off excess sand and recycle it for next time.
Spray with 1-2 layers of varnish. (I would recommend a sealant instead, but I didn't have any at the time)
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For the ones with little paths on them, I painted the path on with White before applying the gravel or sand, and it shows through well enough! The paths are unnecessary — they're a fun experiment, but I don't think I'll be making more of them in the future.
The Gurgling Creek
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Making the river tiles was a bit more involved, but still pretty easy. The method I came up with I think looks a lot better than just painting on water, and is a lot easier to work with than resin or water effects. 
Use some kind of texture gel to build up the riverbanks, trying to have them end around 1/4" on the sides of the tiles where you want your river to connect.
Paint a strip Black where you want the river to flow, running from one edge to another.
Apply sand as before, everywhere except where you painted the black. (If you're worried about fucking this up, you can swap the order)
Varnish (or use sealant) as before. 
Take some gloss mod podge and mix it with a light blue paint, and apply in large goopy quantities everywhere you want water to be. Leave overnight to dry. (If you want the river to be less cloudy, apply many thin coats of mod podge instead, letting each layer dry before applying the next)
As an extra, stipple green along the edges of the water and use a dark green wash to create patches of vegetation.
The river pieces are my favorites, and I'm the most proud of them. The tiny bridge was a thin strip of balsa wood, painted white and then washed black. It turned out fine.
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I did a solid mix of straight river pieces and curving river pieces. If I was going to do it again I'd make more curving pieces than straight river pieces, because the curving ones make more sense for how rivers work.
The Road To Nowhere
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These road tiles turned out really well, perfect for a run-down highway in the middle of nowhere. Here's how I made them:
Take a piece of corkboard and cut it down to be 1.75" long and 1" wide.
Glue it on a hex with the two edges of the corkboard touching two sides of the hex.
Go at the edges with a knife, making it all worn down and busted up.
In some of these spots, I fucked up and glued the corkboard on wrong. To fix that, break off a chunk and reposition it so it'll connect correctly. This will look like a big fat crack in the middle of the road, which is perfect.
Coat in a layer of mod podge or PVA glue. Leave to dry.
Once dry, paint the cork entirely Gray.
Drybrush White onto the corkboard, focusing on the edges and exposed spots.
Paint two thin yellow lines along the middle of the road. (These are optional, but they do a lot to make the 6mm scale convincing)
Apply sand, as before, onto the ground and up the sides of the road, so it looks like the road is emerging from the sand. Maybe apply some sand in a couple spots in the cracks to make it look like the sand has gotten in there.
Varnish and/or sealant, as before.
Apply a Black wash to the road. (There's a lot of tricks here! If you want the yellow stripes to be more vibrant, you can only paint them on after the first black wash. You can also target spots of sand on the road to make it look like it's asphalt runoff, soaking black into the cracks.)
Apply a second Black wash to the road. 
The bridge was a bit more complicated, and took some finicky positioning and a trip to Kung-Fu Tea.
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Take a boba tea straw and cut it into 1" segments, then cut them in half, gluing them to the middle of the hex as culverts.
Take corkboard and glue it over the culverts, bending it so it meets the two edges you want the bridge to run along. If it breaks, that's okay — this is a crumbling, middle-of-nowhere bridge.
Use texture gel and spare corkboard to fill in the gaps.
Use texture gel to define the steep edges of the river. Apply a little bit in between the culverts.
Do all the road steps to the road part of the bridge, and all the river steps to the river part of the bridge.
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I'm exceedingly proud of the bridge hex. It turned out perfectly, and feels very emblematic of what I want this project to be like.
Why You, Too, Should Make 6mm Terrain
6mm terrain is amazing to make. Mistakes look like part of the landscape or the brain smudges them over due to the small size, and small changes look like fascinating little details. It really opens the imaginative space and I absolutely adore working at this scale. Plus I'm developing a ton of experience with various materials I've never worked with before, so I get to enjoy the triumph of carving foam or corkboard. It rules! I might even try to make a 28mm bridge after the success I had making a 6mm one.
My future plans for this project include cliffs, craters, 3D-printed shantytowns, and overpasses. But all that is for a later date — for now I'm gonna rest on my laurels, and spend the rest of the evening reconfiguring various tile combinations and cackling like a mad scientist.
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bugeyedfreaks · 11 months
I saw this being sold online, you all wanted me to buy it, so I did, and now you can all see what horrors you’ve wrought upon me.
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The first thing that I noticed when I opened this package up is that it smelled terrible. I didn’t even have to open up the envelope you see in the picture: the actual shipping envelope smelled bad. It was definitely a soap smell gone very wrong. Needless to say, this wasn’t a good sign of what was to come.
… well, spoiler alert, it really doesn’t get any worse. In fact it’s a little underwhelming. 😆 But read on anyway because I do suffer a little while doing this, and I know if you all love at least one thing about me… it’s my suffering. 💖
I opened it up, and the first thing I looked at was the instruction manual that seems to be written in the perspective of the Professor. That’s kind of cute and on brand. I also chuckled because both of the soaps in this kit are named after Buttercup, the Powerpuff Girl who hates bathing the most. Whoever made this knew what they were doing and I love them for it. I hope putting this together made working at the Delta Education company a bit more fun for them.
Here are the instructions for people who like to read 20-year-old instructions of crafts for babbies:
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After I looked through all of the instructions, I found some PPG stickers (not shown because I’m already pushing my photo limit for this post) as well as all of the ingredients for our experiments. Oooooh~.
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I was actually a little bit disappointed, because I thought there would be more ingredients involved to make these things (you know, like an actual educational science kit would normally have), but this is all it came with. The shampoo base was just premade shampoo without the (apple!) scent in it. The green soap was just premade soap, cut into chunks that you would melt and pour into little heart shaped molds. The little glitter stickers in this picture weren’t PPG themed, and the “PPG trinkets” were straight up just erasers.
So, yeah, it was… underwhelming. From what I can gather from the other kits I saw being sold online, I suppose these were “educational” in the sense that they were used in educational settings. They were probably just little craft kits for kids in classrooms rather than kits that were going to teach them anything substantial (I think the other kits I saw were for making jewelry and door hangers… just fun projects for kids to have fun and learn how to put things together 🤷‍♀️).
Still, I purchased this kit, and I’d be damned if I didn’t actually get some shampoo and soap makin’ out of some of these ingredients. …and I say some because I had to find out whether I should even USE these products, given the warning on the front of the bag that said the contents warranted adult supervision. I mean, I’m an adult and I felt like I needed another adult.
There was absolutely no way that I was going to use the shampoo base, because I am pretty sure that it would make my hair fall out or disintegrate my scalp if I tried using it (or even if I touched it). It looked really slimy, and had a weird, translucent stringy texture to it, so I tossed it. I snipped open the apple scent packet because I was curious to find out if it still had a scent to it… and it was actually sort of pleasant! It had a bit of a chemical after-scent to it, but it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever smelled. Still, I don’t think I should be putting a 20-year-old scent anywhere near my body (I probably shouldn’t have even smelled it, come to think of it… my chemistry teachers would have been so ashamed of me) so I decided I would not be using it in the final product either.
I opened up the green soap, hoping that that would actually be okay or at least smell normal, and… I actually gagged. BLEEEEECH. That’s where the awful smell had been coming from. Immediately tossed it in the trash. It was AWFUL, and there’s absolutely no way, not even for the sake of comedy, that I would willingly put it in my microwave or even let it come in contact with my skin (although yet again, like an idiot, I smelled it… oh well, my idiocy has its limits, I guess). I looked online later and also found out that, apparently, glycerin soap can produce mold and ferment after 4-5 years… so yeah, it was probably a good call for me to trash it.
That means I now didn’t have any of the actual soap products I was going to use to make these! However, I had a trick up my sleeve (at least for the solid soap) and that trick was called… buying new soap to use. 🤣 I got some dye, grabbed some apple scent to add to the soap, and voila! BUTTERCUP SOAP!
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Beautiful! 💚
They’re actually kind of cute, and I’m using them as little dish soaps right now (I’ll probably toss the erasers later though… I don’t think they’ll work after being in glycerin soap that long). The new apple smell I bought is, weirdly enough, not as great as the 20-year-old one, but it’s still something I totally think Buttercup wouldn’t mind using, even if bathtime was still torture for her. I also ended up making some blue soap themed for Bubbles (aka the original Soap). As for the shampoo, I basically just added the apple scent to some shampoo I already had and decorated the bottle that came with the kit accordingly.
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…and that’s all she wrote! There it is! Soap and soap for your hair made with help from a kit no one else but me would, in their right mind, ever purchase! I hope you are all now fulfilled, free to live enriched lives knowing what mysteries were enclosed in the kit, and that I successfully made something with it for your enjoyment. It was all… for you! 💖🫵💖
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 7 months
ADHD information for fanfic writers:
Diagnostic Process:
the diagnostic process is different in every country, but this is a basic overview
- an ADHD referral can come from any type of doctor, unlike referrals for other neurodivergences
- the wait list depends on where you live and how old you are. typically the younger you are, the shorter the wait
- ADHD has to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist or by a doctor who has taken a specialized course to be certified in diagnosing and handling ADHD
- most doctors will make you fill out a questionnaire about your mental health. these questionnaires involves sections about family history, personal history, and statements that you have to agree or disagree with
- a good psychiatrist won’t diagnose you with ADHD during your first visit. they will instead spend the first few visits getting to know you and the state of your mental health
- most people are assessed for depression when being assessed for ADHD. this is because depression can present itself in similar ways. if diagnosed with depression and open to medication, the psychiatrist will first prescribe antidepressants and see how those affect you before moving on with the ADHD assessment
- most ADHD meds are taken in the morning since they normally wear off after 8-12 hours
- when meds wear off we go through what’s known as a “crash” or “medication rebound”
- ADHD crashes are pure hell which is why some people with ADHD choose to only take meds during the week or they do nothing on the weekend as a reset of sorts
- basically, when our meds wear off all of our symptoms come back at the same time and we get overstimulated to the point of exhaustion
- some people have smaller doses of their meds that they take at the beginning of the crash. this means they can prolong the crash by a couple hours
- for some people, the first time taking meds is hell. the change is very noticeable and abrupt. i wouldn’t stop talking because it was “too quiet” (it being my mind)
- your dosage is not based on body type or weight and just because you take a high dose in one drug doesn’t mean you take a high dose in all others (my ADHD meds are 10mg higher than the highest prescribed amount but my antipsychotics are .5mg lower than the lowest prescribed dose)
- vyvanse is most often prescribed to people with combo ADHD, ritalin to those with hyperactive ADHD (especially those with impulsivity issues), and adderall for inattentive (no, this is not something that is typically disclosed or well-known but if you’ve talked to enough people w/ ADHD you begin to see a pattern) other ADHD meds are available but less likely to be prescribed
- other meds are also taken into account when getting a prescription for ADHD. vyvanse is the most versatile and is usually the one prescribed if you’re on other medications
- ADHD meds are stimulants which means doctors will never give you refills (if they do, they could lose their license)
- since they’re stimulants, for the first year you have to go to the psychiatrist’s bi-weekly for the first few months, then monthly after that so they can see how you are doing
- ADHD meds are known for lowering sex drives and increasing hunger (sometimes the opposite may happen, as with most drugs, but these are most common)
- it takes about 1/2 hour to an hour for meds to kick in and many of us are able to tell the exact moment they start working
Other Substances:
- the neurons and chemicals in the body of an ADHD person are fucked. this means that many substances and medications have either no effect on us, or the opposite effect of what they are intended for
speaking from personal experience:
- caffeine makes me tired
- melatonin and other sleeping aids like dextromethorphan, which can be found in many cough syrups, make me hyper
- weed makes me feel lighter, but it never affects me more than that. i never get a “proper high” like other people (ie; i find no more joy or fascination in bright colours or moving objects than i usually do)
- while “sugar highs” in general are a myth, they’re real for people with ADHD! they stimulate our dopamine and opioid receptors which gives us a burst of energy
- additionally, people with ADHD are more likely to be addicted to illegal stimulants like cocaine because it calms them down (yup, you read that right. when someone with ADHD does cocaine their mind quiets and they mellow down instead of the usual hyper-active high that neurotypicals get)
Additional Information:
- we’re lacking some of the neurotransmitters in our brains so it takes us longer to process information, and we have “more” thoughts than neurotypicals since our additional thoughts aren’t processed out
- we get what’s called “executive dysfunction” or “ADHD paralysis” where we are physically unable to do things despite no real physical limitations (for non-ADHD folks: try putting your hand in fire. you’ll notice that you are either physically unable to or that your body somewhat restrains you from doing it. this is what executive dysfunction is like. for ADHD folks: do not try this since we’re also less likely to have self-preservation instincts)
- basically, i can sit for hours thinking about doing the dishes, screaming at myself in my head to just do them, but i’m still unable to
- we leave trails! we have so many thoughts going through our head that we forget them all the time, so when we get a thought like “i think the printer is low on paper, i should check” we abandon all tasks in favour of the new thought. however, the remains of those tasks stay where we left them, and thus, an ADHD trail is made
- we have both the worst and best memory of anyone you will ever meet. i might be able to tell you the exact outfit you wore on a specific day five years ago but i won’t remember what i ate for breakfast
- when we get bored, we get depressed. like, life is meaningless and i want to curl up in a ball and die depressed. sometimes we need someone to physically force us out of bed to get us out of our funk (and sometimes all it takes to get out of the funk is doing something fun which makes us feel ridiculous when we think about how depressed we were prior)
- since boredom is detrimental to us, we have to constantly be having fun which, in and of itself, is not fun. this is also why a lot of us end up doing shift work or working dangerous jobs
- we’re adrenaline junkies. this isn’t even a “most of us” situation, it’s all of us. the only difference is how we get that adrenaline. (some get it by jumping out of a plane, others get it by working on assignments in a time crunch)
- we’re social beings. even if we’re introverts, we thrive on social interactions. without them our dopamine plummets and we, once again, get depressed
- all silences are awkward to us. it doesn’t matter if you’re the person we’re most comfortable with in the world, silence is always awkward. or, more specifically, we feel like we need to fill it which is why we often ramble
obviously there’s far more to ADHD than just this and everything can change person by person but i hope this helps to gain a bit more of a general understanding on ADHD
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We know our prince of dark passions embodies hedonism, debauchery, and revelry, but Sanguine also happens to be the Prince of Not Giving a Fuck. While other daedric circles talk smack about his laziness and mingling with mortals, those dedicating their loyalty to Sanguine share his view on self expression being kind of cool, actually.
Dremora serving him tend to have a broader range of variation in physical appearance, with the only “uniform” being blood-red markings that include painted lips with a stripe going through the middle of the chin and down to the chest, a split and/or pierced tongue (a common modification amidst mortal followers as well), and of course the inclusion of a rose motif.
Sanguine seldom crafts his own dremora, and majority you see serving him are originally from other realms. Given his general ambivalent nature, he welcomes the more eccentric dremora that don’t quite fit the mold for one reason or another with open arms. Diversity and self-expression make the Myriads more prismatic! When he does craft his own, he’s a meticulous perfectionist and takes his time coming up with something he finds pleasing.
As for himself, Sanguine is a shapeshifter at heart. To him, beauty has no standards, and his appearance at any given moment is as fluid as what he’s attracted to. Drag might not exist and he may not have been birthed, but “we’re all born naked and the rest is drag” is a core part of him and his view on the mortal concept of gender. To me.
For mortals, he’s attracted to radiant souls and interesting stories. He’s a sucker for a good tragic background, loves a challenge and chase, and can sniff out a rose bud waiting to bloom. Of course, having a daedric prince as your gardener involves being used for their entertainment, but Sanguine’s amount of bullshit is equally proportional to the amount he’ll spoil you for loyalty, and his intimate understanding of how mortals work makes him a surprisingly good therapist.
I like taking an incubus/succubus approach to my Sanguine, so him and his mortal-appreciating dremora feed off of the emotional energy of mortals. Physiologically, I hc that daedra don’t produce oxytocin during climax like mortals do since, y’know, they can’t reproduce so having that chemical bond isn’t necessary. But when they get it on with mortals they connect to, they get a certain high off of it by proxy. Most daedra can’t resist the addiction of being worshiped and revered by a mortal once they get a taste. Catharsis is another mortal emotion that I hc is foreign to daedra, and that sort of emotional release is one of Sanguine’s favorite flavors.
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blondiest · 26 days
HI so there's this common trope? belief? both in sci fi and irl exobiology that goes along the lines of "if there are aliens with an advanced civilization, their math would be the same as our math as it would be based on the same principles of reality" that is very hard for me to wrap my head around. similar to the more basic "why must life be made of carbon? why not like, idk, silicone?" (which my understanding is that carbon is just the one that is easiest to find/recognize as life, not that scientists are unimaginative). anyway as a mathematician and person who works at [REDACTED idk if that's common knowledge around here] do you have any insights 🎤 why can't aliens interpret the principles of time and space with a different language than numbers? please my whole family is dying. ok bye <3
hi omg. excellent question. i have both good news and bad news! the good news is that you are far from the only person who feels ill at ease with the idea that mathematics is 100% innate / inherent-- the bad news is that, despite being a long-running debate within mathematics, we actually don't have a very satisfying or solid answer for whether math is discovered or invented. this link has like a brief explanation of the debate, i'm surprisingly kind of struggling to come up with good online sources for more info on this -- but this at least covers what the three basic attitudes on the matter are!
i honestly don't think i have any really solid insights into this one, because i can see merits to several arguments and sort of feel like the truth has GOT to be a mixture of things, but i'm also aware that's a non-answer. i'm going to say my gut instinct is that, because mathematics is so fundamental to the way we explain and understand the world around us, it's very challenging to imagine another framework for explaining and understanding the universe, but that does not necessarily mean that it really is innate / inherent imo.
it's been a while since i read it, but i actually want to recommend the sci-fi novel project hail mary, because i believe this comes up at least in passing, and in a way i seem to remember finding interesting! it's also surprisingly solid at depicting the minutiae of planning involved in the quest for scientific discovery / achievement, which is overall not so important to sci-fi but which i personally enjoyed reading :D
[also re: silicon!! i thiiiink the reason people ask this is because silicon can hypothetically form the same number of covalent bonds as carbon does, meaning it makes for a somewhat chemically similar base atom for life. i think whether or not it's worth searching for silicon-based life depends on what your views are on the origin of life in the universe & whether you believe it likely that silicon-based life forms have independently evolved -- my own instinct is that this isn't impossible, but if it's happened, it doesn't seem likely to be found within our solar system, so perhaps not worth investigating until we're less ass at interstellar travel T__T you're absolutely right that we have much more sophisticated / reliable means of looking for carbon in terms of scientific instrumentation, so far as i'm aware -- i'm actually not 100% sure if that's due to some inherent quality of carbon, or (far more likely) because of the heavy focus on carbon detection since that's the basis for life on earth. sorry this isn't actually related i just have more actual insight on this one ahgdsjsdg]
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sleepis4theweak · 1 year
Hi Sleepy!! Do you by chance have any tips for studying for a test with ADHD? I've been trying to study all day but I've gotten next to nothing done :c
I do actually!
Well... at least I do based on how I study... here are some of them!
1- I really love to study with friends because they can keep me on track! Either we go through the content together or we take turns teaching each other.
2- I like to separate up tasks (in this case it would be things like: go through the study guide, relearn what ___ is, etc etc) and then rank them in terms of important or what order I should go in. Then I write down time slots (often ill do 30 min study, 10 min break, but whatever works best for you!) and then before I start my slot of 30 min study I'll pick a couple of those tasks I want to get done in that time. That usually works pretty well for me...
3- Recently I've been doing my notes right before the test. A couple of nights before I comb through literally all of the content that's going to be on the test and write down every definition, equation or thing I need to remember. Then usually I remember it okay! And also I'm able to refresh my memory right before the test by looking at the sheet. (This one does involve staying up hella late sometimes tho...)
4- Create fun little tricks to help remember stuff!! When I was doing AP Psych, for example, I had to memorize all of the different chemicals in the brain like serotonin and dopamine. I created little characters for them. I still remember some of them. Like Serotonin (or Sero for sort) is moody and has a good memory (because Serotonin helps with that- moods and memory). Or for one of my most recent tests I used "AP CJ" - like an AP class about Casey Jones to remember the first letter for different parts of a digitalized customer journey!
Those are just what I do though! Some general stuff I also use is:
1- Reward myself! It can be food, or a walk. Recently I got a bunch of Cars stickers and I give myself those. I used to write down all my tasks on postit notes and then the reward was ripping up the postit note at the end haha.
2- Take breaks. ... oh my gosh please take breaks. I study so much worse without breaks.
3- Go to bed on time!!! (Yes I know how this sounds coming from me. But sleep improves memory, and we, as people with adhd already struggle with that. No sleep makes it so much worse- and then you can't remember anything the day of the test...)
GOOD LUCK!!!! <3 <3 <3
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rpgchoices · 6 months
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from SUNDAY GOLD
Adventure, point-and-click, exploration and turn based combat game
You mainly play as Frank, a sort of ex-criminal who gets contacted by his old partner in crime Sally
Through the game you control Frank (whose main abilities are lockpicking, leadership-morale boosting and analysis), Sally (whose main abilities are mainly physical, plus healing) and Gavin (hacker, chemical, explosives)
Set in a futuristic dystopian London, you will need to explore a company and finds their dangerous secrets (I won't add any spoilers)
The game is linear, choices are mainly just ways to solve puzzles but the final result is the same
The game involves exploration, picking items, solving puzzles and problems with items combinations and investigation
There are three mini games for lockpicking, hacking and using strength to move stuff
The accessibility function is really strange, it makes lockpicking marginally easier and it makes the strength mini game far too easy, but at least there is an accessibility function for these three mini games
The game works with AP and turn based, even during exploration. Each character will have about 7 action points, doing actions spend a point, finishing the points ends the turn which might result in a fight (given you are a criminal and infiltrating, guards might catch you)
Fighting is also turn based and I found it pretty hard (there is no change of difficulty for fighting). You will also gain special attacks with levelling up
Dialogue is mainly visual-novel like, and there are no choices, you mainly follow the dialogue to find out about plot information
The whole game is voiced
Each of the three characters has a health bar and a morale bar, anxious-inducing situations will make you lose morale
The characters are pretty interesting, and interact a lot, I'd say their relationship is my favorite thing even if it is more explored in the first part of the game
The whole game is 3 chapters
I did find a lot of the fights quite frustrating, not because particularly hard but because long and frequent, especially in chapter 3
plot? Gavin has been recently fired from his job at a powerful company and he hires Sally and Frank to investigate what is going on in the company behind experimentally modified dogs for dogs fighting. gameplay? point-and-click adventure with exploration and puzzle, fighting but also exploration are turn-based with limited AP and fights can arise at every turn ending characters? Frank, Sally and Gavin are basically the only characters in the game, the rest are two villains who are pretty flat sadness level? low
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thenightlymirror · 2 months
So, I went on a plausible deniability non-date with the new receptionist.
She asked if I wanted to go to some expo at McCorporate Plaza, I said sure. It’s one of those things where they have all these shops with two-headed lambs in jars and stuff like that. That does sound cool. Fine.
I had already gotten to the point where I just wasn’t that interested anymore. She’s sort of bad at her job. I’ve done it. It’s supposed to be lot more than answering the phone, you do a lot of burial paperwork and preparations. But she’s not. Because she’s really just kind of flighty and forgetful and doesn’t really wrap her head around things and self-direct. Now, this could be any one of my friends. Haha. This would not, probably should not disqualify anyone from friendship or romance. If anything, it’s like, oh ok I’ve dated this completely useless person before. I am this useless person, but for the grace of the Void.
But it’s other things too. I’m not a My Chemical Romance fan. The difference in an obsession with mall goth Freddie Mercury and plain old Freddie Mercury is lost on me. If you need that many notes and that much talent to appreciate something, haha you probably lack some sensitivity for anything real or actually good. I understand you’re all looking at me now like you want to kill me. I’m 42. So is she. I don’t care. I am right.
So she’s been grieving her ex with my name. She made a big thing about being demisexual, not looking to date for a whole year, never “cavorting” with coworkers. The usual bullshit. Haha. There’s a lot of cool things about her though. She circuit bends. She’s knows a million languages. She studied anthropology. (Another one.)
She talks about being demisexual like she’s had some kind of deep revelation about her essential identity. She’s like, “I just don’t feel sexual attraction unless I’m really comfortable with someone.” And I’m like, “Yeah, that’s called normal?” And I thought about it, and I guess she’s really saying that she’s asexual in daily life. She is not in the habitual practice of objectifying and sexualizing strangers. I… honestly, that’s just how I feel. And I guess people find that strange, but I’m just used to people being hyped up about bullshit and me just feeling much more muted about it all. Being unconventionally horrifying to look naked at has something to do with it. I’m not on the market in the same way. Would I identify as that? Seems irrelevant. You shouldn’t have to have some label on yourself to make people slow down and wonder what turns you on. But, for others it’s a pretty quick transaction and god bless I guess.
So many of these labels are just for quick sorting in the online dating meat grinder.
So, part of me was just like, ok, this girl is interested in a date, doesn’t really know what she wants to do, that’s fair. Then she says she can’t go because her mom is pissed and doesn’t want to babysit her kids. Ok. Fine. Then she says her mom will do it, but her 12 year old daughter would like to come. She made a huge thing about how the relationship with her ex that committed suicide didn’t work because she involved him with her kids too quickly and I thought, well, there it is. Haha. But also, I mean, it’s fine. Of course it’s fine.
That morning she texts me that her daughter decided not to come. Ok. I’m driving down to pick her up. About five minutes away, her daughter wants to come again. I pull up. Marla runs out of her apartment complex in a tight black outfit and black lipstick on, scooping her 4 year old into her arms while the little girl is waving hi to me and being folded into her older brother’s vehicle down the street. Ashley is sort of gangly and world-weary, shielding her eyes from the sun to see what the hell is going on.
I meet Seymour briefly enough to shake his hand through the window. Ashley climbs in the back, her mom in the passenger seat.
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shadowsong26fic · 8 months
Coming Attractions!
Yes, I'm aware it's Tuesday not Monday but shhhhh XD
Just a quick one this month. Not even going to split it up by fandom as I usually do, just kinda blitz through.
So I ended up...essentially taking January off from writing, apart from a scattered few sentences here and there. Which on the one hand was probably good for me but on the other hand I'm behind on projects lol. Ah well.
Priorities for this month: 1. SWBB I'm picking up the project I had to step away from last year. Anakin was not found at age nine and never became a Jedi; we're handwaving that TPM ended roughly the same way anyway because Padme and Obi-Wan are very good at what they do and one of the other pilots got lucky on the droid control ship. Fast-forward to like a year and a half/two years into the Clone Wars, Ahsoka ends up briefly stranded on a planet that's neutral mostly because it's a black market hub. They click pretty quickly, hang out for a while, stumble into a Separatist plot to test a chemical weapon and blame a limnic eruption for the deaths, and Deal With It. Hondo and Bo-Katan are briefly involved because I said so XD 2. P&J We're getting to the part where Ari actually finds stuff out, lol. Getting to Europe and talking with other researchers, etc. There's some interesting stuff in Marseille, and Calais is important. And Ari and Phil continue to be cute in the background. 3. The Other Battlestar Baltar ends up on Pegasus; there's a bunch of stuff built up around the two OCs who fill the plotholes he left behind...I need to get more text down in general, lol. And also figure out how I want to structure it? Like...I do need to establish the new people (including a few on Pegasus, like the senior medical officer, a marine officer, there will also be a Four who gets pulled from the civilian fleet...) and also clarify why Baltar ends up in a different position (and why Helo doesn't because he and Athena still need to meet). And it would probably make the most sense to just go linearly and handle all the miniseries exposition in order. But then again would that actually be Interesting; or would it be better to pick up later and jump back and forth in time...yeah, you see my problem lol. 4. Acheron Javert Groundhog Day fic; looping the last 36ish hours of his life. (from right before he heads to the barricade to his death). 5. Maybe get back into Precipice or write some origfic if I have time/brain.
Longer-range projects: 1. Percussive Maintenance is still hanging out in my head, so I'm tentatively planning on that for GBB (aka the one where the at least two concussions Sam gets during Downloaded unlock Enough of his memories) 2. Or maybe I'll jump back to The Blood of Angry Men, we'll see. (aka a Zarek character study; looking back on his life (and the allies/friends/tools that he's led to their deaths) from the night before his execution) 3. What I'm definitely not doing is any of the crossovers floating around in my head; either the Star Wars ones or the WoT ones. (the one I talked about the other night; and a fusion is actually sort of building in my head because of course it is. Mostly because of the Kara-as-Mat thing I pinged onto the other night; but also Baltar would be an interesting Logain; possibly Zarek as Taim? I think I'd leave Rand as Rand and just fill in the roles around him. Lee also lines up really well with Perrin...and since this would derail pretty early on I feel a little more Flexible about love interests/etc. lol. For reasons of Tuon, Moiraine, and Lan, mostly. Also Faile. Also I'd still want Caprica as a sul'dam, I think, but Logain doesn't have a canon love interest IIRC sooooo that's easier to sort out XD ...although now that I think about it, Athena as Nynaeve and Helo as Lan could work...) 4. Incinctus/other Castlevania things. 5. I'm doing pod_together again once signups open. I need to refine my fandoms list, haha. Not that I haven't had interesting times the last couple years, but it'd be nice to get matched based on something that Isn't a very secondary/tertiary fandom for me again. 6. AtLA may come floating back into my head enough to pick up some of the projects I wandered away from there, we'll see.
Not writing, strictly speaking, but there's some admin/modding stuff for this year's GBB that I should get a move on, especially since the event is moving to May-October, plus helping out with SWBB the way I do every year.
...yeah, that's pretty much where things stand. Hopefully I'll hit a nice groove this month!
What about you guys, what are you working on?
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yaymeeko · 8 months
Glycogenesis, embroidery and a need for the absolute
After some inner turmoil resurfaces, Ruan Mei relaxes by studying a creature in her laboratory while listening to a studio arrangement of classical music. She finds herself thinking about her purpose as a scientist and her ambition to reach Aeonhood. A dwarf then barges in her lab.
Herta stutters when she finds the words to speak. “Ar- Are you heartless, a monster or both? I presume both.” Herta asks, still trembling.
“I’m just conducting research. You’ve seen death before, stop trembling.”
“This is not death, this is a cruel murder scene I am not getting involved with. It had such an adorable face too- how can you dissect something so pretty and cute while listening to Vivaldi?” Herta asks, beyond dumbfounded.
“I can, apparently.” Ruan Mei answers blankly, uninterested. When Herta still looks shook, she genuinely gets worried. “Are you ok?”
“No. I’m going now. Have a great day and keep up the good work.” 
The puppet jumps off the table to leave, but is swiftly halted by hand that catches her mid-air.
“Small.” Ruan Mei remarks with a blank face.
“I am perfectly fine for a girl my age.”
Ruan Mei struggles to stifle her laughter. “A geriatric woman in the body of a little girl… that's an oxymoron.” 
“An elegant and poised woman who keeps her laboratory with a splattered dead animal inside. That's an oxymoron too, if you ask me.” Herta looks smug, still held in the air but Ruan Mei's tight grip.
“I get carried away when doing research, you should know it by now, but it's probably your narcissism that makes you forget things about others.” Ruan Mei states the truth plainly.
“Doesn't change the fact this place is a biohazard dumpster with all kinds of dead creatures and the walls could melt if you splashed one of these concoctions at them.” Herta swiftly points at the beakers, filled with all kinds of chemicals and the like, all resting on the table in a long straight line right in front of many petri dishes harboring who knows what bacterias inside.
“...I usually tidy up at the end. Don't worry.” The biologist smiles softly, finally dropping the puppet to the ground. 
Herta lands perfectly. “I'm not worried- ok, fine. I don’t want to know what ‘tidying up’ even is.” She inhales sharply. “What were you doing to this poor creature?”
Ruan Mei looks down at the creature again, her hand caressing its lifeless squishy body. “I’m creating glucose-based living beings. They will be geniuses, more intelligent than any living being. Yet, many problems have risen during my experimentations. Case in point.” She pulls at the skin and it stretches immediately. “The dermis is not consistent enough yet and peels off easily. Luckily they don't feel pain. I think. They don't scream or shout so I presume they don't have pain receptors.” She then peels the skin off, uninterested. It spreads thin on her fingers: it’s sugary and glittery.
“That is very twisted and cruel, also the way you’re holding that critter's skin is weirdly morbid.” Herta backs off a step, her stance in a fight or flight mode.
“Is it?” Ruan Mei tilts her head, looking puzzled at Herta.
“I keep forgetting I work with a sociopath.”
“Now, now… I have a mirror in my bedroom if you want to look at one.”
After some silent awe, Herta asks “... You rarely joke. Did something good happen?”
Ruan Mei halts in place.
Has something good happened? She mentally retraces her inconspicuous day in the span of five seconds.
It has.
Hello!! :D I've been writing this for a month and only now I'm publishing it because I'm sort of happy with how it turned out. It's a window of life, an auto-conclusive small story that focuses on Herta and Ruan Mei hanging out on Ruan Mei's planet. I love Ruan Mei, so I simply had to dedicate something to her. I am not originally English, so sorry in advance for any mistake you could stumble across. Have a nice read!
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trivia tidbits from the Reanimator novelization
‘so I’m not usually one for movie novelizations, but I heard pretty decent things about Jeff Rovin’s Re-Animator: The Novelization! and I wanted to find more Re-Animator content that doesn’t involve me actually having to watch Beyond Re-Animator. 
and it was pretty good! some of the expansions of lore in the novel were fun, especially with the side characters. it also included a few bits of trivia that made me laugh and/or feel, and thought it’d be cool to include them all in a little post! obviously these aren’t Canon Canon, but some of them are fun to play around with.
- Herbert West was raised in Canada - at least until a chemical fire (implied to be caused by him) burned down his home and killed his parents, upon which he was placed in a foster home. At some unspecified point, he made a serum that turned his foster home roommate’s semen green.
- He went to NYU before going over to work with Dr. Gruber in Switzerland.
- Speaking of Dr. Gruber, Herbert explicitly refers to him as being like a father to him. Dr. Gruber returns the sentiment. He willingly kills himself so that Herbert can test the formula on him, but the dosage is too high.
- Some fun hospital lore: it was created as an endowment by a chemical company as apologies/ass-covering for poisoning the river, it gets the overflow from a Springfield hospital, and they’re understaffed themselves.
- Dr. Hill has a Jaguar car. 
- Dan doesn’t drink milk because the first time he touched a corpse, the skin texture reminded him of a milk carton.
- Dan’s former roommate, Eddie Grimley, had a wealthy father and Eddie spent lots of money on both of them. Eddie dropped out of med school to become a dancer.
- Herbert is straight up like ‘you have a basement? cool. I’m turning it into a lab’
- Before Dan moved in, the owner died in the basement. His name was Phillips, a horror writer, and his family let Dan sign a four month lease so long as he didn’t get rid of Phillips’ junk.
- Dan and Meg have been exclusively dating for six months.
- West is 24. With 4 years in New York and 3 years in Zurich, that makes West 17 when he enrolled in NYU.
- Very odd interlude where Dan admires Dr. Hill’s hands (during the famous pencil-breaking scene). He concludes that Dr. Hill must be a doting lover with those hands.
- A test subject (a student) died in Dr. Hill’s study while he worked with Dr. Gruber. He was cleared of any wrongdoing, but had to leave because professors were not allowed to date students.
- Herbert left money for whatever he uses - a buck in the toilet paper and two bucks in the Meow Mix. 
- Both of Cain’s parents died in a car crash when he was little, leaving him to be raised by an aunt.
- Dan used to have a bat problem in the house. He poisoned some in the attic and nailed their bodies outside the house.
- Meg is 20.
- It’s heavily implied that Meg’s Dad would actually be thrilled if she and Dr. Hill started dating, and that he brings professors around as ‘suitors’ of sort for her.
- After the talk where Herbert gets kicked out and Dan gets his loans rescinded, all he wants to do is go home and smoke weed.
- They’re both questioned after the first reanimation (where Halsey died). The officer asks if they’re lovers. Dan snickers and says he’s engaged to be married, Herbert’s gaze falls to the floor.
- West used to balance encyclopedias on his head as a child to make up for the neck strain from looking through a microscope.
- There’s a funny line where Herbert remarks that Dan would make a good husband. It’s clearly meant to be ‘a good husband in general’, but, y’know. 
- Apparently, there hasn’t been a murder in Arkham in six years. 
- When West and Cain go to the hospital to stop Dr. Hill, they’re stopped by the same officer who questioned them again. Cain says he thinks he has AIDS and that he’s going to be tested.
- When Herbert is about to be lobotomized, he begs Hill to not to. ‘Leave me my brain!’
- He claims that his stated goal with Gruber was to end suffering.
- Herbert does explicitly die at the end [they find his body]. Dan and Meg (or Meg’s body, it isn’t made clear) escape, nowhere to be found.
Overall the book takes a very middle-of-the-ground road with Herbert’s characterization. They show him having a lot of heart with Gruber, thinking that he’s a father figure, but tend to phrase any bonding moments with Dan as pure manipulation. 
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valerieismss · 1 year
Thinking about Domini…Domini, whose main character struggle is her obsession with moral pureness. She sees it as unattainable because of her scrupulosity ocd—she believes that by definition, any acts of goodness are just attempts at self preservation. She is blind to any sort of altruistic characteristic she may possess because she believes in her condition qualifies it, and thus ruins its integrity.
As such, Domini is on a lot of medication. Like, A Lot. She’s on a dose of zoloft that surpasses the legal maximum. She’s on antipsychotics, because her ocd borders on delusion—it’s severe, and diagnostically she’s documented as having poor insight. She is an unwavering believer of her mediocrity, and has lost faith in her ability to improve without medical aid. To be fair, from her perspective, it would make sense. Her health continues to decline even as she does what she believes is the purest moral act that she can do, which is anonymous and traumatizing volunteering at citrus.
Why doesn’t it work? She wonders often if there is an inherent filth to her character. Her life is a desperate attempt at a shower during a drought. Her motifs have a lot to do with Catholic imagery, since she’s basically martyring herself (specifically, her sanity) on a daily by volunteering. But literally. Unbeknownst to her, she is literally destroying her neural health by taking the medication that all volunteers are required to take in order to enter mindscapes. She is decaying.
I’m not quite sure what the effects of this medication are just yet. I’m thinking they speed up the process of myelin sheath decay—as in, they cause VERY early onset dementia. Or maybe somehow episodes of it.
Essentially, Domini’s brain is currently as medicated as it gets. She’s unwashable and unrinseable. Her motifs, up until now, have consistently just been…Catholicism. Angel wings but no halo. Crosses everywhere. Bleeding heart dove. Harsh judgement, staunch criticism, and an unforgiving mind.
But I think it would be really fun to give her a decay motif. Specifically, I think that her corruption should not only be mental but physical.
Domini is based on me but worse, and my worst fears involve corruption. Moreover, they involve a strong fear of filth. This is probably because I grew up in a hoarder house. It’s not a severe hoard by any means, but it is…diagnosable. I’m not germaphobic, my ocd is mostly pure obsessional—those are the grounds of my diagnosis. But Domini isn’t a one to one replica of me…she could be a little different.
Emery also has ocd, theirs is moral scrupulosity while Domini’s is kind of a mix between moral and religious scrupulosity. Emery, however, also has mental contamination ocd. This is when obessions of impurity are followed by compulsions of physical cleanliness. I incorporated this into their design—Emery’s office is usually extremely—and almost hauntingly—clean. Their hands are scarred from excessive hand washing, which is their main compulsion. They probably also have chemical burns on them from excessive use of chemical cleaning materials.
Domini isn’t really like that. Her exhaustion comes through in her appearance. She tries to look put together, yes, but she’s got heavy eyebags and VERY grown out roots. (Emery also has heavy eyebags, but they’re 43). While her clothes aren’t dirty, it should be noted that she has very oily skin and hair. She hides it well enough, but upon close inspection, she has poor hygiene habits.
There’s a point where we get to see Domini’s inner landscape and her corrupted form. Filth may be a good motif here. It would be interesting, and not difficult to pair with her already existing motifs—rusty rosaries, expired wine, moldy bread…and also. I find this motif extremely underused…but what about her menstrual cycle?
We know she has poor hygiene, a product of self neglect due to depression due to a feeling of incurable inadequacy. She is a perfectionist, and with perfectionists, sometimes you simply don’t give something a solid attempt because you believe failure is certain. Blood is a strong motif within Christianity. Periods are a source of shame for many afab people. Again, Domini is somewhat put together—she brushes her teeth, she wears deodorant, she tries to not appear disagreeable which includes making sure that she doesn’t bleed through her clothing. However, poor period hygiene is relatively easy to hide aside from making sure you don’t bleed through your clothing.
I don’t think periods are an inherently dirty thing. I don’t want my writing to portray them as such. But Domini? Domini DOES think this—she’s been raised by image obsessed people who shamed her on the daily, who were never satisfied no matter how clean she tried to be (eventually, she mostly gave up on these pursuits, hence her poor hygiene). I want players to understand that Domini subconsciously believes periods are filthy, but I don’t. That said, something about dirty pads and tampons left for days on end is absolutely horrific, I think those things are for most people. It’s not something I see utilized in horror often, but it’s the reality of a lot of depressed afab people. I just think this motif is so poignant. It’s the most jarring visual representation of Domini’s shame that I can think of.
Domini believes she is filthy. Her mental landscape is littered with expired Catholic food and used period products to represent her deep sense of shame. I think grease would also add to that.
Grease scares me a lot. I hate the feeling of it, and to me, it’s one of the most dirty things imaginable—a product of gluttony. For Domini, a character who deprives herself of any indulgences, grease is symbolically diametrically opposed to who she desperately tries to be. But how would I incorporate that…? I’m not sure. Where exactly would I put it…greasy pads don’t exist. That would really suck if they did. I guess I could make them greasy. Ugh. That’s so gross. Oh! I guess I could do that. But it doesn’t feel like enough, and I’m not sure the symbolism would come through.
I should mention that another one of Domini’s motifs is candles. I can’t think of anything interesting to do with them. With everything else I’ve thought up, I’d probably also include some fleas. Duh. I think Domini and Emery are very similar people, but I like being able to delineate this difference between them. Emery’s feelings of inadequacy manifest into a fixation on cleanliness, Domini’s manifest into self neglect. I quite enjoy this foil.
I’ll be thinking on this more. Thank you for reading if you did. I lastly want to mention that I am much normaler than these two and thankfully due to my years of therapy and medication I do take care of myself.
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im-a-chunky-potato · 1 year
I think you're
A kid
chuuya coded /j. you're very sigma + atsushi coded. plus a little dab of chemical X (nikolai humor as per your own words)
very nice. I saw you reblogging someone's post and leaving rlly kind/encouraging words in the tags.
fun to talk to, funny, kind, genuine potato 🥔
I think you really like mashed potatoes 🤭
You remind me of my other friend named Julienne 😭 (I swear if it turns out you're her, im gonna kms /j)
You've got artistic potential ✨
Kinda scared that you're the type to keep it to yourself if something bothers you (its cause of my other friend, sorry 😭) <<< if something bothers you, let them know, ayt? Your feelings matter lmao. Your feelings COME FIRST.
I hope you have fun and good friends at school/work cause you deserve it 💅💖
you've carry the group projects 💅 (usually the vice leader if not the actual leader. That OR you're a really helpful member who makes sure to contribute)
go finish that sigma rabbit analysis lmao. 🐰🐰🐰 /j
I think you're very rabbit coded too (in a way. Not going to elaborate lol.)
I'll never get over the fact that you compared yourself to a kid with a leash 😭😭
your secret admirer 😏
(̶J̶K̶ P̶L̶S̶ D̶O̶N̶T̶ C̶A̶L̶L̶ T̶H̶E̶ C̶O̶P̶S̶)̶
...WHY ON EARTH DID YOU WRITE AN ENTIRE ESSAY'S WORTH OF THINGS ABOUT ME. Actually, I'm flattered but also confused about the amount of effort you put into this.
Technically you are correct, but I will still fight you on this >:(
Htgsgs how dare you say that🐕.Yeah, I'm the Atsushi type heh!
You'd be right! To quote the wonderful Vash the Stampede- love and peace ✌️! I just like knowing I made someone smile or a bit happier<3
...I swear you're trying to kill me. But thank you! I'm surprised this name has stuck and just became my thing but it's kind of cool🥔 I hope all of my mutuals can never see potatoes the same again.
Htgsgs mashed potatoes are really good. But in all actuality my favorite food is Alfredo or any sort of pasta!
Your friend sounds awesome then. I hope she torments you irl as much as I do online! (Ooh hold on is that the same friend who thought you were texting a crush and you had to explain tumblr to?)
Aw ty! That was the first sketch I've done since forever. Hair is hard. And eyes. And faces. And... you get the point. I do want to improve though, so I'll keep trying.
I'll keep that in mind! And no worries, honestly the fact that you care about me enough to say that is really comforting. (Hah I'm attached to you now, it's all going downhill from here)
Thanks! I hope the same for you. My friends are awesome! They're the ones who also get to see my Nikolai side so it's fortunate they stay/j. Fun fact: I'm one of the giggliest people alive, so it's way to easy for them to make me laugh.
I could never be the leader lol, I don't have the confidence to tell other people what to do. But I'd say I'm the vice leader.
But that involves work... and effort... Actually I plan to get to it at some point. I'm impressed people are actually curious (aka I didn't plan for people to actually want to see my reasons, woops)
...Yeah I can see it.
THAT WAS ONE JOKE! Hstgs actually I'm glad you liked it. But if that's how you envision me now I will be sure to invoke all sorts of pain upon you🥰
I'll see you in court wakanai🫵 (I'm joking I would never do that to my fedya. If we go to jail we're doing it together!❤️ )
Xoxo, you're favorite potato<3
Sorry this took so long to write! And thanks a lot for all of the kind words, you have no clue how much I was smiling while making this.
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@vilisus asked:
How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst? What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time? How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden? Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this? -For Errol U uU
How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
(Not you giving me weird teacher AU ideas because of this) Errol would probably teach high school or college literature/English/writing. Classes of that nature. He wouldn't be bad at teaching at all, but he'd probably be one of those chill teachers that's friends with the students and lets certain ones coast by with good grades despite the fact that they probably don't deserve them. He's not a fair teacher, but he makes sure to teach well. As for what subject they'd be worst at teaching, Errol would be bad at Chemistry. He may know computer math, but as soon as chemicals get involved, he is clueless. He'd probably burn the school down.
What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Errol definitely prefers night time, when everything is dark and he can admire the city lights, or the starlight if he's not in the city. He's always been a nocturnal sort of person and a night owl. It's when he feels most awake and alive. He doesn't have a set routine any time, but night time is when he's most active, either hacking or out mingling and partying with strangers... or doing other things in his apartment with strangers.
How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
Errol is very good at keeping secrets, but he's also good at using them as leverage against others. He's not afraid to use them as black mail if it will gain him something or protect him. That being said, he's also not going to just go blurt them out to people for funsies. He will keep a secret safe unless he has a reason not to. He's more careful with his own secrets though, because he doesn't trust others not to do the same thing he does with secrets and use them against him. Especially in his fae verse, he goes to extreme lengths to keep his true name a secret, because if it gets out, he could be magically bound to do the will of someone else and essentially become a slave to them. He'd kill to keep that secret.
Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
Errol tends to be a little early to things that are important, but if it's not important, like meeting up with friends at a club or something, he'll probably be fashionably late, just by a little bit. Not enough that he's really late, but enough that he's the last one there. Mostly because he's vain and has to look nice, which means spending extra time getting ready. But if it's a doctor appointment or something for work, he'll always be on time.
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