#also in the dream i was low key jealous and trying hard not to be because i had feelings for spencer
bipunkharrington · 2 months
I don't ship real life people but the Shourntey wedding has clearly put smosh weirdness in my brain because last night I had a dream I met Spencer's family.
His mum was super upper class and intimidating, and quizzing me about Amanda (who was his girlfriend??) and specifically whether she wanted kids (I confirmed that she wanted 3/4 kids, which in my dream is something Amanda had actually told me 😂).
I was conflicted because I felt like I was betraying Amanda by telling Spencer's mum that.
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Imagine chopper unlocking conquerers haki after someone makes him angry beyond belief.
Okay I’ve been trying to write this for a couple days but always got sidetracked 😭 I really like this idea! I hope you don’t mind reaction headcanons for this!
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What if what happened to the children on Punk Hazard happened to someone he cared about, and it was worse treatment? That’s probably what triggered it.
Poor guy is SHOOKETH
Gets kinda scared of his own power, and cries to Zoro for comfort
Then once he’s calmed, he’ll be so happy
He’ll protect the “weak” members so much more confidently
Forgets he has it, much like he forgets he’s a doctor (at least pre-time skip. I haven’t seen him do that post ts yet but I’m only at Dressrosa when I’m writing this)
Asks Luffy to help him control it
Does so much research on it. My little baby scholar.
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^ his reaction when he first finds out
He’s so happy though to have such a strong crew
Can he explain how he uses it? Maybe. It’s 50/50. He taught the Kung Fu Dugongs to punch so…. Maybe?
Would help Chopper as best as he could
Eventually would end up getting them dumped on an uninhabited island after crew members kept passing out
Zoro would join them tho because he never passes up a training opportunity. Definitely not to watch his son get stronger
Would probably try to train Chopper with the incentive of food
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He’s literally so happy for Chopper
Might even hug him
Calms Chopper down when he’s crying and overwhelmed about the new power he has
Tells chopper that it’s going to be okay, because Luffy has it too, and they’re both going to help him get a handle on it.
Helps Chopper train his Haki along with Luffy, also training to deal with opponents who might have conquers haki.
Notices when the baby needs a break because he can’t constantly keep up with the monstrous stamina of Luffy and Zoro
Yells at Luffy when he pushes Chopper too hard
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^^his face when he finds out
Low key jealous at first
But actually so happy for Chopper
Cooks chopper special foods he learned during the ts to help with stamina and recovery
Fawns over Nami when she faints while Chopper is learning to control it
Makes sure Luffy and Zoro aren’t being idiots about Chopper’s training with regular check ins.
Will join the training sometimes
Nami & Usopp
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These besties would react the same
Would end up passing out
Once they wake up, will screech in shock once they remember or find out what happened
Maybe be a little scared of poor Chopper
Feed off each other’s anxieties for ideas of the worst outcome
Accidentally freak Chopper out, and they get scolded by Zoro
Keep passing out when Chopper is learning and eventually kick them off at an uninhabited island
Take their training time as a vacation
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Would be shocked when it happens
Then a sort of “oh look at that” attitude
So proud tho
Helps with research and tells Chopper all she knows about it.
Might watch a few training sessions to learn more about it
Casually makes Nami and Usopp’s fears so much worse
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After yelling and kinda freaking out (in his usual manner)
He is sobbing. Crying. Absolutely leaking tears and snot.
Literally so happy for chopper
So much encouragement from this man
Like an overwhelming amount
So happy to have a crew so strong on his dream ship
Anything they need for training that he can build, they’ll get.
Anyways that’s all I got for this. Sorry it took so long!
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leonaluv · 10 months
What they want to do to you /💬
18+ Their thoughts before the relationship/situationship
Choose a flower or any of the 3 piles
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Someone just follow me with flowers profile picture 🫴🏾🥀
Pile 1
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You really excite this person , you make them want to do new things with their own appearance, mindset and work body . They want to new sexual activities with you. You bring them out of their element and they can't stop thinking what it would it be like to see you naked and fuck you. You may think at first this person is trying to make you jealous ,by wearing sexy outfits all of sudden and posting sexy pictures on social media . Actually at first , your person didn't want to have any sexual thoughts about you ,or would realize now how much feeling they have for you. This person wanted to repressed their sexual urges or feelings of romance. They also assume you are wanted by others , so they think that they need to meet you soon. They would want to just have raw sex with you . They know right now, they arent available for you and it's killing them inside but they hope for know things can still be low-key between the two of you . They want you to come over and spend the night . They fantasize about dominate you in bed. They want to stay up night hearing you call their name as well. They also are intuitive so they knew you were for them when they first saw you. For some , you always get interrupted or plans suddenly so haven't have the chance to begin a sexual relationship. They had wet dream about you already , in with the sex being so good gave them an orgasm. So it you woke up feeling all of sudden sexual energy its because of how they feel about you. They been drinking a lot or getting high to not think about this connection. For others even trying to see new people but you always just show up in their mind. They imagine putting you in missionary position and getting you to be on your knees. They want to finger you or jerk off while your in that position to. Have an exchange between you and them. They feel you on them even though your far apart . They like to kiss your neck . Leave marks on you . bite marks , scratches on your back , lipstick , Hickeys.
Cards: king of wands , death reverse ,protect urself , dreams
Pile 2
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They want you to step on them , as they have foot fetish and want your foot on their private part. They like seeing you in stockings , high heels or boots . They would want to make sure you are please first and make sure your either have a huge hard on or just soak. They want to try out many different things with you and for some with other people. They will seem standoffish and ignoring you but they have all these thoughts about you. This person thinks of your doing something to them , even casting a spell but they,caught feelings although it is not of sexual attraction. They know if they were with you , everything will be change and be bought up in the spotlight. That everyone will be paying attention to both of you. They want to embrace you and kiss you , even have public sex with you.Your person assumes you are teasing them on purpose , and trying to get them arouse. They would like to watch you sleep. They want to have phone or video calls of watching you get undress and playing with yourself . They like you facing them , they want to shoot their shot all over your face or ride your face .
Number 444 / sexual healing
Cards: seven cups , 9 wands. , Page swords reverse . Moon
Pile 3
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The last one, it seems that the situationship is coming to end or has already ended . They plan to walk away and go toward someone else . So I just switch the reading to more in general sense what your next lover will want to do to you or turn ons. They want to watch you masturbate , and want you to have their kids . They like to see your d or kitty . They think you will look beautiful pregnant with their kids. Or don't mind that you have kids already. They like seeing you and for some they do want it to be a long term relationship. They know that your someone that they will be able to grow with ,having that legacy , generation wealth , and they love your spiritual side. They have random thoughts about you throughout the day. They want to be able to make love to you so good that they put you to sleep. They are good with their hands and fingers. They love your beauty or handsomeness.  They like to do it from behind, They want to have risky sex  feel like their on edge , at work , or public the chance of being caught they love your butt ,and they like when you , seeing you show yourself, but half naked . Either top is on and  bottom is pull off of you .( Vice verses) 
Cards : the star reverse , ten swords,  8 cups , the empress , 8 of pentacles, high priestess, and page of pentacles reverse. 
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Hey, I was off tumblr for a bit. Came back to an amazing chapter put out by you!!! No joke, when you mentioned the bunny slippers, I snapped my head to glance at mine. The glance turned to a flustered stare quick though lol.
I can’t begin to say how much change this piece bring to the plot and the change in your way of writing. We can see the genuine thoughts of jk, and boy, oh boy, he’s absolutely smitten and in low-key disappointment. I can’t wait to see what’s next for these characters. The texts between the oc and jk is so adorable and puts a warm feeling that I think many people can understand.
Jk, well I guess you, really made me search up these artist nicknames and try to piece together if the had meaning to the plot. And the nicknames are original in terms of concept and that makes it cuter. I really like the study aspect or the studious side of oc that you put out, it’s refreshing as a trait and didn’t fully stereotype her, it added more to her. Her tendencies to pack her life with studying and forget about herself, I relate real hard. Jungkook is doing such a boyfriend move by checking up on her and making her eat well.
Even Yuri, my gosh, I absolutely love her. Her realization, her coming back to the oc and their friendship is great. I also love her bounce back. Honestly speaking, this might be my favorite chapter cause it left me wanting more. Jungkook good luck man. Cornelius, don’t break my bae’s heart, I will attack you!!! I feel protective okay, she’s my friend…
As always Yoon, you improved-amazing transitions, numerous different ways to describe details, and more visual invoking statements. The story is coming into life in a wispy way. I hope that’s what you intended (the wispy, foggy, dream like way). You have a certain tone or feeling you try to envoke with each scene and it comes through to the readers. I loved it, it was such a treat to come back on tumblr to this!
By the way these are my slippers! 😉🥴
Love you boo,
Bubbles 🫧
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Bubbles!!???!!??!!!? Oh???? MY GOD!????
Okay the way I literally screamed when I got this. My partner was like “what do keep squealing about?” Because we’re in bed and he’s trying to sleep and my ass is keeping him awake with my absolute glee.
Bubbles. My love. My wholehearted DARLING. i have so so SO many words for you, and as a always, they will be under the cut.
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I LOVE YOU SO FKING MUCH!!!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Okay, now that I’ve gotten that screaming out of my system, onto:
Hey, I was off tumblr for a bit. Came back to an amazing chapter put out by you!!! No joke, when you mentioned the bunny slippers, I snapped my head to glance at mine.
I’m so so SO happy you liked the chapter!! It’s one of my favourites because you get to see them blossoming and it makes my heart so soft.
YOU HAVE BUNNY SLIPPERS!??? I’m jealous but also, growing up I had piggy slippers! So I consider us fraternal slipper twins now.
The glance turned to a flustered stare quick though lol.
—Oop 😂😂
I can't begin to say how much change this piece bring to the plot and the change in your way of writing.
This right here. Is (one of many reasons) why I do it. To know that people can see me improving as I go is so wonderfully insane to me. And not only that but then you let me KNOW you can see me improving!??? Thank you for that!!
We can see the genuine thoughts of jk, and boy, oh boy, he's absolutely smitten and in low-key disappointment. I can't wait to see what's next for these characters. The texts between the oc and jk is so adorable and puts a warm feeling that l think many people can understand.
His POV is my favourite to write. Because he’s so unlike me. I’m so goofy and silly and not prim and proper—even when I try! The only things we have in common are our love of the arts and the ability to hide our emotions. So it’s so fun to step into his shoes and pretend for a little while.
I love their texts. Coming up with them and phrasing them. Seeing how they write and send in different ways. I just. I love them so much.
I’m so glad there’s a warm feeling. That’s what I get when I write them.
Jk, well I guess you, really made me search up these artist nicknames and try to piece together if the had meaning to the plot. And the nicknames are original in terms of concept and that makes it cuter.
Sorry I made you do homework! I don’t personally put a meaning on the nicknames into the plot. But if you’d like to them by all means!!! I actually did like a two hour google session of a bunch of famous artists just to make sure I would have enough of them 😅😅.
I really like the study aspect or the studious side of oc that you put out, it's refreshing as a trait and didn't fully stereotype her, it added more to her. Her tendencies to pack her life with studying and forget about herself, I relate real hard.
I love how dedicated reader is to her studies. I love that she has this drive that comes from somewhere inside and doesn’t let anyone get in her way, and even better, that those who are closest to her know this, and support her through it because they see how important it is to her.
I’m glad it’s relatable. As always I’m trying to strive for realism and I know I sure as hell forget to take care of myself when I’m so absorbed into an important task.
And as a personal note, low key a tiny self insert as ya girl was a straight A arts student. But the point of making her an arts student was to show that it’s not just STEM and other such subjects that can require years of work and dedication to succeed in. The arts are what keep humanity alive in my opinion, so for this particular story it was important for me to have her be so dedicated to her studies in art because they’re also important <3
Jungkook is doing such a boyfriend move by checking up on her and making her eat well.
He’s the best. And the best part about him being the best is he’s doing it because he cares for her and not because he wants anything from her. He truly just wants to make sure she’s okay. Prince JK bestest boy.
Even Yuri, my gosh, I absolutely love her. Her realization, her coming back to the oc and their friendship is great. I also love her bounce back.
You’re the first person (in my immediate memory) who’s said they love Yuri so thank you for that. I know she’s a.. difficult character but I have so much love for her, so the fact that’s she finally getting it from you makes me so so happy.
She’s such a go get what you want because you want it girl. Her bounce back makes me so proud of her.
Honestly speaking, this might be my favorite chapter cause it left me wanting more. Jungkook good luck man. Cornelius, don't break my bae's heart, I will attack you!!! I feel protective okay, she's my friend…
STOPPIT 😭😭♥️♥️ I said it earlier but it’s one of my favourites too!!
I love how protective everyone is for reader! Nel’s got something coming to him if he hurts her and it’s from you guys!! She’s so loved and I love that for her because she deserves it.
As always Yoon, you improved-amazing transitions, numerous different ways to describe details, and more visual invoking statements.
I’m so so so so so thrilled for this particular statement because it’s something I’m actively working hard on trying to improve. I’m constantly looking for areas that I can tweak and fix and make better. So the fact that it’s something that’s noticeable and is a good noticeable, I just. I can’t thank you enough for that validation.
The story is coming into life in a wispy way. I hope that's what you intended (the wispy, foggy, dream like way). You have a certain tone or feeling you try to envoke with each scene and it comes through to the readers. I loved it, it was such a treat to come back on tumblr to this.
The story came from a literal dream so that makes total sense to me! I’m happy it comes off that way! And holy shit! I really do try to do the tone and feelings through each scene so the fact that it comes through!??? Practice really does make improvement!
[⬇️ Sidebar ⬇️]
I’ve said it a couple times throughout the blog but TWWWBAATTA is the third thing I’ve ever written for pleasure (aka outside of academics) in my life so I’m always worried that my inexperience just shouts at you guys when reading when I want it to be an immersive experience.
And I don’t say this as a means to compliment grab, truly I don’t. I say it to really try and cement into meaning how much your words mean to me. I’m a BABY writer, I’ve barely even crawled into the writing world, yet you and several others have taken the time out of their days to not only read my little story, but leave these wonderful, constructive, encouraging comments and reviews. You let me know that what I’m trying to do and to achieve IS what’s happening, and that I’m improving with each publishing.
I can never ever thank you enough for your kind and generous words/reviews. I really wish I could put into words (ironic) how much they do. I know I can say they’re a big reason I can keep going even when the material is fighting me tooth and nail. I remember there are lovely folks like yourself who are looking forward to the next chapter.
[⬆️ End Sidebar ⬆️]
By the way these are my slippers! 😉🥴
I can’t copy the picture for some reason BUT THOSE ARE LITERALLY SO CUTE OHMYGODDDDD. They remind me of Easter!! (I was born the day before Easter!)
Love you boo,
Bubbles 🫧
Have I mentioned that I love you? Because I love you literally so much.
I have no words other than thank you, I love you, 10000000 kisses for Bubbles and *unhinged loving screaming*. I hope that gives off the vibes I’m intending it too.
Thank you Bubbles, love you too, Boo ♥️
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baddiedaddy7 · 3 years
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀🥀🖤
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲😎
strong presence. can be charismatic. minds their own business lmao. their mysteriousness makes them sexy. might be pale. observant. can come off as cold or moody. might get tattoos and piercings. might like to “redesign” themselves every now and then. has good intuition. can be too secretive. doesn’t trust easily. can come off sinister. likes it rough. since first rules the head they might be into hair pulling.
celebrities:Beyoncé,Keanu Reeves,Britney Spears,Ryan Reynolds
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🤑
probably great with money. ambitious. practical. can be stingy. hard headed. might be motivated by 💵 lol. good at making plans. try not to indulge excessively. likes sensual and strong scents. dark colored perfumes. sensual ppl in general. might have a thing for ppl with a “dark” style. likes someone they can’t easily read. desires oral sex, and hickeys.
celebrities:Cher,Heidi Klum,Harry Styles,Robert De Niro
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🗣
charming in speech. might be a fan of murder mystery’s. likes to talk abt sex related things a lot. can be manipulative w/words. might have a deep or “sexy” voice. might’ve fought a lot/been bullied a lot in school. witty. over protective when it comes to siblings. the sibling that has mood swings lol. might even have jealousy issues with their siblings. siblings probably have scorpio in personal placements or a prominent pluto in their chart. doesn’t trust ppl easily. might have a knack for psychology. dirty talk, and sweet nothings gets these individuals aroused. anything that deals with hands are also a turn on. might not like sessions to be long, and into nudes lol.
celebrities:Céline Dion,Bella Hadid,Drake,Michael Jordan
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲❤️‍🩹
honest. strong-willed. mature, esp emotionally. loyal, and most likely reliable. can be jealous of family members, or just clash with them. mother might keep big secrets away or be abusive. mother might’ve been overly attached or obsessed with you. these ppl might’ve been an unexpected pregnancy. probably quiet and mysterious as a child, kept to themselves. the kid that probably just sat by themselves during recess/could’ve been a loner. moms death can take a great toll on you. parents might’ve been controlling but wanted the best for you. trauma stems from childhood. could’ve went through sexual abuse. mother that’s probably passionate, and can be caring. she might also have a lot of pluto/scorpio energy in her chart. these ppl might be hard to get to know. pragmatic. shouldn’t do one night stands, they might get too attached, so they’re most likely to sleep w/someone they have an intense connection with. touch boobies lmao. might like positions where you stare into eachothers eyes, and have access to hugging lol.
celebrities:Sandra Bullock,Selena Gomez,Kanye West,Ben Affleck
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲☀️
can be romantic, yet intense. probably spiritual. might like rock n roll music, or music that talks abt dark subjects like death, drugs, etc. enjoys horror movies, conspiracy theories, and true crime stuff. probably into witchcraft tbh, also probably really likes astrology. your flings might end up becoming very serious or intense. children, esp the first child might be a scorpio or have a lot of scorpio/pluto influence. try to avoid being judgmental. might also be childish. children may be intimidated by you at first, but get too attached later on. sex will be full of passion. positions like the anvil, or doggy, any deep penetration positions might work best for you.
celebrities:Mariah Carey,Lady Gaga,Gordon Ramsey,Will Smith
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🫐
can be open minded. might be obsessed with health, and get freaked out over the littlest things. cats would make a great pet for these placements. they also might own unusual pets like spiders, reptiles, etc. workaholic. might have health issues with genitals, so be careful. might have surgery done on genitals at some point. might crave being in control. probably wants to be their own boss. always trying to improve or reinvent themselves. you probably have sex, or masturbate every day. might have sexual relations with co-workers. the shower or bath might be a good setting for sex to these ppl. might like anal lol.
celebrities:Shakira,Demi Moore,Snoop Dogg,Michael Jackson
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🤍
loving. extremely passionate. can be empathetic. might attract scorpio/pluto placements a lot. lovers may be overzealous, overprotective, and/or envious or you might be this way. relationships can be life changing. can be low key aggressive. love, and being vulnerable can terrify these ppl. might keep their personal relationships private. selfless in the bedroom. all abt pleasing their partner. might be into spanking, or butt rubs lmao. face to face positions are a turn on for these folks too.
celebrities:Rihanna,Kourtney Kardashian,Barack Obama,Orlando Bloom
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🪐
the ultimate lol. great intuition, has a knack for conspiracy theories, psychology, astrology, and probably taboo things. likes getting in trouble😈. sensual, and has major sexual appeal. people smart. thinks about sex, mortality, the unknown, and just general dark themes a lot. either fears or embraces death, maybe both. ambitious, and usually actually lives for a long time. experience makes these ppl wise. goes through a lot of transformations in life. understanding. a lot of ppl envy ppl of this placement, mostly bc of their sex appeal/attractiveness. powerful in some way lol. likes that moneyyy. can be possessive, either with possessions or ppl or both lol. sex can be life changing and intense. into or open to bondage, d/s, rough sex, etc but might like it romantic, erotic and sensual too.has an amazing sex drive.
celebrities:Princess Diana,Brigitte Bardot,Marlon Brando,Bruce Lee
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🌺
full of curiosity. analyzes. deep rooted. might be emotionally invested when it comes to the beliefs/beliefs may take over their life lol. when in college, might major in psychology, solving, investigating, etc. justice is important to these individuals. judgement also, and self obsessed. likes big butts w/a side of thighs. sex is fun to these ppl, and they’re probably up to trying new things. lube is your friend. probably has a big penis/fat cat lmao.
celebrities:Nicki Minaj,Winona Ryder,Robin Williams,Frank Sinatra
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🥂
charming, and creative. might come off as standoffish or just disrespectful lol. private reputation, and keeps things in the dark. might be known for being inappropriate. controversial reputation. known for being passionate among peers. may be feared by some lol. can manipulate their way to the top. i can see someone with this screwing their boss/authority lol. into domination and bdsm. leash and whips.
celebrities:Bjork,Taylor Swift,Prince,Eminem
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲👩‍🎤
friendship is a priority. friends are really enemies so watch out. friends might have scorpio/pluto energy in chart. kind. probably a good listener. the mysterious or quiet friend. you might not like when your friends bring around other ppl lmao. you don’t give your trust away easily, and prefer a small circle of friends. can be dismissive. might lose virginity to friends tbh or have sex w/their friends. experimental. group sex maybe. might get piercings on genitals
celebrities:Scarlett Johansson,Kylie Jenner,Chris Evans, Albert Einstein
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗳𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🧜‍♀️
selfless. intuitive. past life was full of intensity. might’ve had a public death in the past life. past life could’ve been filled with crime. these individuals can be distracted and very sensitive. wild imagination. dreams can seem so real, and dark. dreams might predict things. may take secrets to the grave. gotta have a strong and emotional connection to want to have sex. won’t sleep with just anyone, unless they need to cope with something. might try to please too much during sex but you should focus on your wants and needs too. foot play is also big here.
celebrities:Marilyn Monroe,Madonna,Steve Jobs,Tom Hanks
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Can I request reader going to meet mob! tom's friends and when tom gets there, everyone tells him about the hot girl who just walked in and how they wanna fuck her tonight and when he tells them it's his gf they are like 😳 oh and you know tom being the most fearless mobster has trouble controlling his rage and maybe both y/n and tom have some jealous sex. pls I hope this doesn't trigger you and only write this if you want to and stay safe
I literally listened to where you belong by the weeknd while writing this the whole time lol. Hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : 18 +, SMUT, mature content, dom/sub dynamics, light bondage, language, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Where you belong
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It was like any other night where Tom had to attend one of those lavish parties thrown by the biggest crime families in the country after all he's the mob boss but this time it was little different as you were going to join him tonight. After dating for six months Tom finally thought to introduce you to his underworld friends. Tom was dressed as usual in his business clothes which was a nice ensemble from Prada looking dashingly handsome as always. On the other hand you chose to wear the skin tight dress which Tom liked the most according to him it brings out the best of you. 
Reaching the venue you stepped out of the car as Tom hands the valet the car keys to park his car. Just when you were about to go inside together Tom remembers that he had an important phone call to make.
"Love, you go inside I'll be right behind you" He says to you.
"Okay come fast" you give a smile.
"Yeah I will" after making the call Tom goes inside the hall to find you when he heard some of his friends call out to him.
‘‘Hey Tom!’’ He momentarily forgot about you and made his way towards them.
"So what's up boys?" He pats Michael’s shoulder taking a drink from the ushers. 
"Tom, mate, you have no idea what you just missed’’ he informs all excitedly. 
‘‘Oh really? What was it?’’ he asked, amused.
‘‘Ask who was it, she was a fucking bombshell man, who just walked right through that door!" 
"You should have looked at her ass mate god I just want to fuck her so bad" Charles added.
"Keep dreaming you suckers because Roy is already at it, look over there" Liam chuckles pointing out to them. Tom followed their gaze and his jaw clenched as soon as he saw you, smiling and talking to one of his friends, he inhaled sharply in anger at the fact that all this time his friends were just talking about fucking you in front of him. 
‘‘Damn Roy is gonna get lucky tonight just look at those tits’’ Michael remarks as everyone chuckles except Tom who was fuming with rage.
‘‘You say another fucking word about her and I’m gonna cut that filthy tongue of yours!’’ He spat at him.
‘‘Woah man, relax. What got you so riled up?’’ Tom turned to them with a death glare.
"Listen you morons I want to make this loud and clear, she’s my girl’’ everyone’s eyes went wide in shock as they gulped hard in fear because the last thing anyone would want is to piss off Tom ‘‘and if anyone of you even dare to have improper thoughts about her I’m gonna put a fucking bullet in your heads! Do you fucking get that?!’’ He growled as everyone hung their heads low in fear agreeing to him. He then strides his way towards you.
‘‘So all by yourself?’’ Roy asks with suave in his voice.
‘‘Oh no, I’m with my boyfriend, Tom Holland you might know him’’
‘‘You- you are Holland’s girl?’’ He stutters in fear knowing that he is good as dead if Tom comes to know that he was trying to bed his girl.
‘‘Yeah’’ you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear smiling.
"Hey darling" you felt a familiar pair of hands wrap around your waist possessively.
"There he is!" you chirped as Tom knelt down to plant a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Where were you?" you pouted.
"Sorry darling was just catching up with some friends" 
"Hey Tom" Roy says awkwardly trying to act friendly
"Hey Roy" Tom gives him a hard glare and turns to you.
"I think it's time for us to leave" He says pressing his lips in a thin line.
"But Tom we just arrived won't you have a couple of drinks" you frowned at the sudden change of plans.
"I think I actually had enough darling, let's go now" He says sternly, you noticed his hard gaze and stopped yourself from questioning him further.
"Okay" He literally dragged you out of the place to the parking area. You got inside the car and sat on the passenger seat as Tom sat on the driver's seat slamming the door shut with such force that startled you. 
The whole ride back was completely silent; you occasionally saw him gripping on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. You knew your boyfriend as the most feared mob boss who was also known for his short temper. And by the look on his face he seemed angry for some reason which you are unable to figure out. Surprisingly his angry demeanor was turning you on, you shifted on your seat uncomfortably as you felt heat pool between your legs which didn't go unnoticed by Tom. 
Tom didn't want the night to end like this but here he was furious and raging from inside. He was very well aware of his anger management issues and since the day you walked into his life he has tried to be the better man for you including keeping his anger in check because he would do anything for you. He was never the kind of man to be triggered with such petty things but when it comes to you he just can't control himself he couldn't get over the thought of his friends were literally eye fucking you in front him. It wasn't your fault though you were no doubt beautiful and he feels extremely lucky that he gets to call you his. But seeing you talking and laughing with Roy just lighted up his fuse. He knew you were just being nice to him but when he knows what Roy's actual intentions were with you just makes him see red. 
He just wants to be reassured again that you belonged to him and only him which he is going to make sure tonight. And seeing you getting all fidgety he knew that you were soaking with arousal making him smirk internally at the effect he has on you. 
You finally reached the driveway of your mansion as Tom pulled over the car. You couldn't take the silence anymore and finally spoke up. 
"Tom are you OK?" your voice was full of concern reaching out a hand to his forehead "You are sweating" He grabs your hand with a death grip making you swallow hard as your gaze shifted to his brown orbs which were now swirling with rage and pure lust, yes he was angry and you know exactly what is going to happen next you found yourself getting even more wet just at the thought of it. 
"Bedroom. Strip and wait for me" his voice sharp and dominating. You nodded and let out a small "Yes" 
"Yes what?" He demands. 
"Yes sir" you say submissively, the corner of his lips curl up to a smirk as he brushes your cheekbone with his knuckles gently. 
"Good girl" 
You got out of the car and immediately went to your bedroom. Without wasting any time you did just as you were told, taking off your dress, you sat on the bed on your knees in just your lace panties with palms laying flat on your thighs as you waited for him in anticipation. Every passing minute felt like an hour as you felt your nipples harden in the cool air and arousal pool between your legs, you rubbed your thighs to get some relief from the growing ache. 
He finally arrives after some agonizing moments later the tux he was wearing already discarded and some of the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned giving a nice peak to the solid abs underneath. 
"Such a good girl, aren't you princess?" he cooes as he walks in and sits in front of you. 
"Only for you Tommy" you say sweetly. He knelt down and grabbed your jaw roughly to capture your lips hungrily his tongue prys open your mouth exploring your mouth. He gently sucks on your bottom lip tugging it lightly before pulling away you look at him through your lashes gasping. He brushes his thumb against your swollen bottom lip which you eagerly wrapped your lips onto, sucking and swirling your tongue around it as you hold onto his arm.
"Now don't be so greedy" he purrs as you release his thumb with a pop. 
"Give me your hands" He demands as you reluctantly extend your hands to him. Tom knows how you hate your hands being tied up with how much you love to run your hands through his hair and hold him close to you making you feel safe in his arms but today he had to establish that you were only his, he takes out his tie that was stuffed in his back pocket and ties up your hands with intricate knots. 
"Is this OK?" he asks tugging on it.
"Yes" you affirm, he pushes you onto the bed as you fall back on the soft mattress with him hovering over you as he unbuttons the rest of the buttons of his shirt and takes it off in a swift move. 
"So beautiful and just for me" he says with hooded eyes while his hands trailed down your inner thigh as the coolness of the gold rings on his finger sent shivers right up your core. He pinned your tied hands above your head when you tried to raise them.
‘‘Uh uh princess I thought you were my good girl’’ He patronizes
‘‘I am’’ you whimper in his strong hold.
‘‘Then behave if you don’t want me to leave you like this’’ he says kissing down your throat. You let out a gasp when you felt his warm mouth latch on to your hardened nipple. He smirked and continued sucking, teeth grazing on your soft mounds making you moan. 
"How dare those bastards look at what is mine?!" he growls in between littering your skin with wet kisses and marking you.
You were so helpless and completely at his mercy. Writhing under him and craving him so badly, snaking a hand inside your soaked panties, "so fucking wet" he observed as he spread your slick around your folds, pulling a desperate whimper from you. He brings his fingers to his mouth. 
"Tastes so sweet every time angel" he hums sucking them clean. He then trailed kisses down your stomach, on your navel, before he found home between your legs as he hooks his fingers to the waistband of your panties and simply rips it off you. He stared at your bare, glistening pussy hungrily as if you were his last meal. He dives down right into it sloppily licking through your folds making you arch your back but he holds you down placing a hand on your stomach as he continues his assault. 
You felt dizzy, your brain barely able to comprehend your surroundings. The only sensation you felt was Tom and his calloused fingers which he expertly worked up your dripping cunt and threw you over the edge. When he pushed three of his fingers inside you, you felt delirious and came all around his fingers. 
Tom quickly gets rid of the rest of his clothes and holds himself above you resting his forearm on the side of your head one hand reaches down to grab his throbbing member as he swipes his tip through your slick folds coating it with your arousal before pushing it in your aching hole. You gasp as you feel his tip slide past your entrance and fills you entirely, the stretch making you close your eyes in pleasure. 
‘‘Always so fucking tight!’’ He grunts feeling your walls warm and snug around him. Your eyes shoot wide open as he pulls his hips back and slams right into you without even letting you adjust to him, drawing out a loud moan from you. 
You were writhing underneath him wriggling your hands desperately wanting to feel him and hold on to him. Tom finally took mercy on you as he snakes a hand to your wrists and unties your restraints. As soon as your hands were free you flung them to his back pulling him closer as possible, one hand went to tug on to the roots of his hair. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hooking them behind his back. You could never get enough of him, you needed him deep inside you exploring parts of you that no one could ever reach. He nips at your neck sucking on your skin harshly, making sure for everyone to see who you belong to.
"Who is making you feel this good princess?" His voice raspy and breathless.
"You…" your voice trailed off as he pounds into you mercilessly. 
"Didn't hear you princess" he reaches down to rub where your bodies were connected. 
"You Tom! You!" you shrieked out at the added stimulation.
"That's right baby, I’m the only one who can make you feel like this, no one can make you scream the way I do, no one knows where to touch you like I do" he rubs harsher circles on your sensitive bud and moves his hips to thrust into you deeper, your moans growing louder and louder boosting his ego as your walls clasp around him.
"Fuck! I need to make sure everyone knows who you belong to eh? Maybe put a baby in you, what do you say?" He reckons while he continued to rut his hips
"Yes Tom fill me up, fill me up with your babies" you nod your head furiously as the sound of skin slapping against each other fills the room along with your grunts and moans.
"You will look so pretty baby, all round and beautiful with our child" He brushes your hair gently from your sweat covered face, you were a babbling mess by now unable to form any proper words except his name, his words only spurring you on to your impending climax. He keeps pounding into you even harder than before as you feel your body tense up, toes curling as the coil inside your stomach tightened.
"C'mon baby cum all over my cock, make me fill you up and mark you as mine" He urges and you screamed out when you felt the coil inside you finally snap your walls tightening around him as you came undone raking your nails down his back while his lips captured your swollen ones swallowing your moans as he finally cums inside you filling you up with his warm release and collapses on top of you.
"Mine" he mumbles into your skin between ragged breaths. 
"All yours" you say reassuringly running your fingers through his hair soothingly catching your breath. 
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howisavedtheworld · 3 years
enough | hanamaki takahiro
genre: heavy angst to fluff, a *lil* bittersweet lmao, timeskip!hanamaki takahiro x fem!reader/gn!reader, established relationship
warnings pls pls read: money problems, cursing littered in a lot of places, mentions of feelings like depression, exhaustion, loneliness, crying, etc., blood mentioned *once* (it’s from a callus, it is nothing extreme but i want to state it explicitly anyways) if there’s anything else brought to my attention ill fix accordingly
a/n: hi!!!! it’s been like two weeks since i’ve posted, i’ve been in a slump, but i’m going to genuinely try to be more consistent and kind to myself abt wat i create! also every thing i’ve ever written on here is ib my personal experiences
heads up tho, i havent read the manga and this is just my dramatized take on his life post-time skip and certain things may be inaccurate 
also proofread at 4 am lol
wc: 1385
if hanamaki takahiro were to say he’s “tired,” one would deem it a grave understatement.
he’s not just tired.
he’s drained.
for starters, he’s worked three back to back shifts and it was barely reaching wednesday. monday at the deli was tough, considering he spent twelve straight hours packaging and stocking prosciutto and mozzarella sandwiches and arranging bags of kettle-cooked chips by flavor across the aisles of the store.
tuesday was even harder, the double shift at the restaurant hitting his already fatigued body like a brick. it was tiring enough to run around speedily clearing dishes and wiping down tables for six hours but it was absolute overkill to then spend the entire night cleaning the restaurant and prepping it for the morning crew.
6:39 am.
that was when takahiro finally left the restaurant, forcing his sluggish sore limbs to make the trek to the train station for the long ride back home.
in truth, the word “tired” barely even scratched the surface.
but he needed the money.
he needed it badly.
bills were always lingering on the brim of takahiro’s mind: the rent, the light bill, the water, the electricity. it left with him the constant urge to move, to work, to always be on the lookout for his next paycheck.
and of course, this wasn’t the best arrangement nor was it the life he’d hoped for.
of course, regret encompassed him, bound itself to his very being.
he wished he went pro after his glory days at aoba johsai, that he’d tried a little harder to be something. maybe then he’d have the opportunity to play in argentina, to travel the world, or to get signed by a sports brand just for the sake of it.
of course, he always felt a pang of jealousy for the ones that made it big.
even the ones who didn’t.
the ones with stable incomes, who could sustain themselves with only one job, who owned compact sized cars, who could actually save a single dime with hopes of eventually going on vacation.
deep down, he was jealous of them, too.
and he wondered, as he finally stepped foot on the train heading north, feeling the ache in his heels settle, if this would ever feel like enough.
if working two jobs back to back would ever amount to any feeling of satisfaction, if it was okay that he would only ever be remembered as the guy who didn’t go pro, who never got his degree, who was barely getting by.
he really didn’t think so.
because how could it be enough?
how could he have nothing to show for the life he lived?
sometimes, takahiro felt almost as if he was cursed. that life had dealt him the worst of cards just to see him crack underneath the pressure.
a lot of times, he did.
he had his fair share of low moments: the time he found himself shedding tears in the back of the deli, hiding behind loaves of rye bread and cold cuts hoping nobody would catch him.
or the time he bandaged his own bleeding foot by himself at the restaurant because his calluses broke open and everyone else was simply too busy to help.
in these moments, hanamaki felt so alone.
as if the world had forgotten him, had continued to spin on its axis, leaving him alone to figure out its rotation.
in these moments, he really just wanted to run away from it all.
to quit his jobs and just disappear for some time.
but he couldn’t.
because hanamaki takahiro had also learned that in every shitty day or moment, there was a flip side.
there had to be a sliver of hope in the midst of darkness.
7:32 am. 
that was when hanamaki got home.
he stood for a moment, fumbling with various receipts and trinkets in his pocket before he finding his keys and opening the door.
it was quiet. 
he could only hear the whirr of the shaky air conditioner and the hum of morning birds outside the bay windows of the living room. he took one step inside, wincing at the ache in his legs and sharp jab of pain up his spine.
locking the door behind him, he slipped off his shoes before the silence was broken.
“baby?” your soft sleepy voice rang through the apartment, making his body jump.
he was sure you’d be sleeping by now.
“hey, babe.” he let out a exhale of relief that you were the source of noise. “sorry if i woke you.” 
you sat up from your position laying on the couch, shaking your head incessantly while wiping the grog from your eyes.
“no,” you quickly spoke. “i was waiting for you.”
his heart skipped a beat looking at you, your eyes half-lidded from exhaustion with dark circles underneath them, your hair completely disheveled from your awkward sleeping position on the couch, and you wore his old seijoh jersey that was too large and slipped down your shoulders, the hem falling just above your knees.
you looked at him, offering a soft smile before beckoning him over to you. “work must’ve fucking sucked, c’mere.”
and you were so right.
it was awful.
he took lengthy strides over to you before dropping onto the couch, his head finding its way to your lap.
your fingers instinctively reached to stroke his soft locks and he sighed, leaning into your touch.
“are you hungry?” you murmured. “i made udon earlier. it’s cold now so you’ll have to warm it up.”
he was hungry, desperately so after not having a moment to get even a small snack in at work, but he wanted to stay here for just a little longer, pressed into you, feeling the pads of your fingers against his scalp, smelling your conditioner and listening to the softness of your voice.
he shook his head, and you laughed, knowingly nodding. “okay, you can eat it later.”
“how was work for you?” he questioned, eyes fluttering closed at serenity of the moment.
you hummed, fingers still locked into his hair. “shitty. you know, usual bullshit with customers. but i think with my next paycheck, we’ll make the rent.”
his eyes snapped open to look up at you, and you were staring down at him, an excited smile on your face when you locked eyes.
and takahiro knew you had hopes and dreams, that you wanted to go back to school and get your degree and have a normal job, and eventually buy a house and car, and maybe have kids, but you always said that part wearily, claiming you both should start off the family off with a pet first.
he knew you wanted something different. you’d told him.
but even now, in this moment as he stared up at you, saddened by the fact that the future you hoped for was nowhere in sight, there was no inkling of disappointment in your eyes, no what-if, no questioning of if it was enough.
you looked at him like the life you had was all you’d ever asked for.
as if of course it was enough.
before he knew it, a single tear rolled down his cheek.
your eyes widened and you moved a hand to his cheek, wiping the tear away.
“i love you.” he stated, a few more lone tears sliding down his face.
your face softened before you squeezed his cheek with your hand.
“hey.” you beckoned him to sit up.
he followed, sitting up to face your frame on the couch. “don’t cry ‘cus we made the rent. there’s always other bills you can pay. if that’s what you’re worried about.”
and he laughed, nodding while tears spilled over his irises and he watched you through bleary eyes, wipe each one away and pull him into an embrace.
“i love you. you know that, right? i’ll always love you.”
hanamaki takahiro realized that in this lifetime, he doesn’t need a sports deal, or a compact car, or trips to argentina. even if life were to always be this hard, if he was always teetering on the in-between, if this was all the universe had to offer him, that was okay.
because it had granted him you.
and you, alone, were more than enough.
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daisies-write · 4 years
Tomioka Giyuu Dating headcanons
Tomioka Giyuu x reader
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- I’m dying. Our first headcanons, I’m kinda scared tbh. It’s not the best since it’s the first time we do that type of stuff but we really hope you guys will enjoy it !!! :’)
Requested by: No one
TW: None
Word count: 1292
Writer: Both of us!!
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At first, he can’t believe it. He’s dating you and you’re dating him. He’d be so surprised that you like him that way. Like, wow.
No seriously, whenever you announce to someone that you’re dating him, he’s as shocked as the person processing the information.
You’re probably the one who asked him out in the first place. That baby boy could never bring up the courage to do it; he’s way too insecure. Why would someone like him ?
During your confession, he’ll deny all the good things you said about him with the most heart breaking expression on his face. He can’t believe it; he doesn’t want to believe anyway.
He’s persuaded that every compliment you gave him is a lie and it just breaks your heart to see him think so poorly of himself.
You decide to do your best to prove him that you genuinely care about him, that you genuinely like him. So you try and do absolutely anything to make him believe you; from the big things like presents, fancy dates, obnoxious love declarations, etc… to the small things like holding and squeezing his hand, complimenting him…
It’d take a while but he’d finally accept it. He’s still as insecure but he believes you a little more.
He’s completely terrified at the idea of losing you. Just the thought of it makes him sick.
Prepare yourself to be wrapped in bubble wrap more than one time.
He’ll do anything in his power to protect you and make you the happiest person alive.
He’s an awkward man with little to zero experience at socializing so you guess that he knows absolutely nothing about dating. The first few months will probably just be you dying in laughter because of all the things he did wrong.
(He thinks you’re mocking him but you’re actually just smitten by how cute he is with all the efforts he puts in your relationship.)
After a while, he’d try and take you on a surprise date that he planned entirely by himself and he’s absolutely terrified; he’s just so scared you’d hate it.
But you’d be really happy and probably give him a big bear hug while telling him you’re really lucky to have him.
(Needless to say, he’d blush-)
He also start getting a few cute habits when you give him surprise attention; he starts fidgeting his fingers and try to look away from you. Just cup his face and peck his lips and you got a puddle Giyuu !
He’d start opening up to you at night, when you both can’t sleep. You two sit somewhere in the garden of his estate and he talks to you about his past, his intrusive thoughts, his guilt…
Please, be supportive and hold him tight. The next morning his eyes might be red and swollen but believe me, he’d never felt so peaceful.
If you’re sad, he’ll listen to you and try and make all your worried go away the best he can; he doesn’t want you to feel what he feels on a daily basis.
Giyuu will probably complain to you about Shinobu and her endless teasing but you always notice the very slight smirk he gets when he talks about her. She might not see him as a friend and he might be cold with her but she holds a special part in his heart (he might admit, one day, if faith accepts it, that he kinda sees her as a friend. Not sure when)
Shinobu probably took you apart one time and told him that you don’t have to date Giyuu out of pity (as a joke ofc).
You low-key scolded her for saying something like that but you both kinda made a silent alliance to make Giyuu go crazy.
Let’s say he might as well go bury his hopes and dreams of not being teased already.
He low-key cherish your teasing though. He’ll never admit it, of course. But even if you two spend so much time annoying him, you still decided to spend time on HIM. And it just warm his heart…
Until you decided to make him choke on chocolate cake. He really don’t know how you thought it was a good idea.
Giyuu’ll cough up the remains of the chocolate. He’ll gulp some water and look at you with a very shocked face. “Why?!?”
“Ara, ara, Tomioka-san~ it’s not like it’s the first time we make a bad     joke !”
“I’m…so sorry, honey-“ and you two just die laughing while Giyuu silently judges you.
He forgives you eventually.
He always does.
If you guys are walking together and you suddenly feel him freeze and grab your arm, a dog is probably nearby. Try and take a different route or move the puppy far enough from him.
DON’T, DO NOT, NEVER kiss Giyuu in public. Especially if the other Pillars are there. He might die on the spot.
Giyuu.EXE has stopped working. Error 404.
He’s really not comfortable with PDA. Maybe hand holding, and maybe, maybe, an occasional peck on the cheek.
Pinky holding please. You’d never think he’d like it but he just loves the intimacy it brings.
Giyuu’s kisses are soft, you can’t tell me otherwise.
He can’t help it. He just loves kissing you gently, delicately. And it’s LONG. God, if he kisses you, he won’t stop to save his life; he doesn’t want to stop at ALL. 
Breathing ? Air? Don’t know them.
If he stops, it’s only cause you need to.
If you tell him you want another kiss, he’d turn bright red but will do it nonetheless.
Ever since this relationship started, he’s probably beet red half the time.
You’ll make Giyuu come out of his shell with the Kamado boy, it’s almost a certainty. He’s gonna have friends with you two around, there’s no way he’s staying alone.
Because of you, he’d try so hard to befriend the Pillars; you never seen him stick to Sanemi and Obanai much. He just wants them to stop hating him. He’ll probably try bringing Sanemi some ohagi with Tanjiro but you’ll stop them cause you don’t want them to get killed.
You eventually end up trying to talk to Sanemi about NOT killing your boyfriend because he’s actually really sweet and is far from believing himself above the other pillars (like hell Sanemi, you don’t know how much an insecure baby Giyuu actually is)
Giyuu is low-key never jealous. If you gained his trust, you gained it in every way possible and he will never think of you as possibly cheating or anything.
Sometimes you guys train together. At first, he’d go easy, but not so easy on you, if you get what I mean? Like, he wants you to be able to protect yourself from demons so he won’t lose another person he cherishes but at the same time he really doesn’t want to hurt you.
After a while, he made up his mind and decided to go hard on you and since that day he has NO MERCY-
You’re not going to die on him. Never. He wouldn’t be able to take it.
When you guys finish, you’ll just sit there exhausted but you’re glad he’s training you well, and spending time with him is a big plus.
He’s a big cuddler behind closed doors and a 100% little spoon, fight me.
He likes feeling safe in your arms, and he buries his head in your neck. Hold him tight. Play with his hair and pamper his face with kisses. He loves it 
He’ll do his best to give you as much love as you need. Don’t ever doubt about it. He’d go to hell and endure it just for your pretty smile.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Jeongsu is very affectionate with you, always with tinted cheeks as he gets so shy. He’s very cuddly, especially late at night when he’s tired. He loves to make sure that you feel loved and taken care of whether that means pulling you into a tight hug or simply holding your hand.
He talks to anyone, and you were no different, so it didn’t take long before the two of you got to know each other. You weren’t sure if he was just being friendly, as he was to everyone, or if he really did like you, but he was more than sure. The boys couldn’t shut him up from the moment he started to tell them all about you, from then, they knew you were the one for him.
Surprisingly, he became very shy when it came to confessing to you. He tried to avoid the topic a few times by making himself busy with work, but eventually he realised that this wasn’t something he could put off forever. He was surprised to see how relieved you were when he confessed to you, all your worries about whether the feeling was mutual finally disappeared. As soon as you confessed your feelings too, he pulled you into the tightest hug to hide his red cheeks.
Your dates typically ended up at his apartment to give you both plenty of privacy, not to mention how much Jeongsu loved to cook for you. People of all generations know exactly who he is which makes dates in public quite a challenge, so if you do go out for dates, he’ll tend to take you to a restaurant where you can sit somewhere secluded and out of the way. Luckily for him, your favourite dates were at his house too, just the two of you with a good meal, and then cuddling up on the sofa at the end of the night. They never stayed the two of you for long however, Koongie was well known to interrupt you both at the worst moments.
At his age, it’s only natural that Jeongsu has been on a few dates and had a couple of short relationships, but never anything long term. He’d never found someone that was able to work alongside his career, until he met you. As the leader, he felt a duty to conduct himself in the right way as an idol should, but he wasn’t getting any younger and he was desperate to find love. Finding someone like you, he couldn’t bring himself to let you go, unlike any other girl he had dated he was determined to make it work with you so that he could look more to the future.
There are very few arguments between you both, usually you’ll end up squabbling like children and then quickly making up, he’d had enough arguments with his members over the years to add you to the list. Sometimes he tends to keep his feelings bottled up to try and protect you, but they end up blowing up and he’ll eventually shout at you, but quickly apologise. No arguments ever blew up like the Incheon Battle, he’d matured a lot since those times, and the two of you were much more similar than he and Heechul were. If the two of you did ever argue, he’d tend to walk away from the situation, using time as a healer for you both.
The issues his family has had over the years have been well publicised, so Jeongsu will be desperate for you to get on with his family. You could never fill the hole his family had left but you tried hard to impress them all. Seeing how happy you made Jeongsu though after a lot of pain, they loved you and soon warmed to you and welcomed you into the family.
It didn’t take long before the idea of moving you into his home came to Jeongsu. He was quite keen on having someone around to listen to him rather than walking around and talking to himself. Whilst he knew that for most people his mysophobia would be difficult to deal with, he was more than willing to try and find a compromise in order to make you happy at his home. Only a few months into your relationship he was ready to hand over a key.
Jeongsu was the first to say, ‘I love you,’ when you surprised him at a taping one day. He’d had the day from hell, but seeing your face just made everything better. As soon as the take was over, he was straight over to you and pulling you into a giant hug, whispering the words into your ear, still making the effort to hide his face so that you couldn’t see his blush.
He didn’t tend to get jealous too often, even if he did struggle with his insecurities at times. He likes attention, which everyone knows, so if he doesn’t have your attention then he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he has it. He tries hard to mask his jealousy, but everyone can tell whenever he’s feeling envious just by the look on his face. Out of the two of you, you tend to get more jealous. Seeing how social he is and how loved he is can be a little hard on you at times, any event that the two of you go to people want to speak to him, but you try hard to be a supportive girlfriend, and Jeongsu will always make you feel better when you’re alone again.
All of the boys have expressed a desire to have children, but none of them are more desperate than Jeongsu. Most nights he’ll find himself dreaming of what the house will be like with children running around and what they’d look like. He’s very open with you that he wants children, and he’s more than willing to wait a year or too, but after that, he’ll be desperate to start a family with you and finally become a father.
He tends to make you laugh when he least realises he is doing out. You’ll always tune into him talking away to himself around the house which makes you smile, shaking your head in disbelief at him. When he does want to make you laugh, he knows exactly what to do, he’s well known for his dad jokes and wordplay, and he knows it works on you too. Your laughter really can brighten up his days, coming home and hearing your giggles solves everything, even just for a few moments. He knows exactly how to cheer you up, as you do with him.
Jeongsu is used to putting on a brave face whenever the group is away from home, but that all changed when he met you. Video calls and texts just weren’t the same for him, he liked to have the physical contact with you. You’d try and contact him as much as you can, but time zones never worked in your favours. If you took too long to reply or answer he tended to get quite agitated and worried, and that would definitely show onstage. His members, especially Siwon, tried hard to comfort him, but when he was really missing you it was hard for anyone to know exactly how to make him feel better, especially when you still weren’t around.
You always remembered on your second date how Jeongsu told you how he liked to be called, ‘bub,’ which stuck throughout your relationship. He was very traditional with his nicknames for you, more often than not he’d refer to you as, ‘bub.’
He was obsessed with your smile; it was his favourite sight in the world. He loved seeing you happy, especially when he was the reason for it. He’d spend all day making you smile if he had to, he just loved to see it.
Whilst he’s very protective and private of your relationship, that doesn’t stop Jeongsu from being affectionate with you in public. His hand can usually be found holding onto yours to make sure that you’re close to him, or if he has a small break he’ll try and cuddle up to you for a while to keep himself calm. He’ll try to private in interviews too, but as everyone knows, once you get him talking, he doesn’t stop.
Being so talkative, he’ll ask you a question about literally anything. Sometimes it will just be to make sure you’ve eaten, other times he’ll ask your opinion on flat earth theory or something just to initiate a conversation.
One thing he’s learnt to love recently is his YouTube channel, and so for any special occasions in your relationship, he’ll always upload a little video of videos he’s taken of you, without you even knowing. It’s the only real time the fans get to see any part of your relationship too, but he also loves to look back on all your memories whilst also showing off how good his editing skills are getting too.
He likes to dominate during sex and show off his tones body to you. He’s very protective and loving and will tend to hold you in his arms to keep you close to him. He’s a busy guy, but he’ll always make time for you. Sex is never rushed with Jeongsu, he likes to take his time with you, and also make sure he can absorb as much of your attention as he possibly can for a while. He takes great care of you and will only ever do what you’re comfortable doing.
If he wants you, he tends to call you so he can carry on with work whilst talking to you, but if he’s on tour, he’ll always text you. Anything that comes to mind he’ll send you a text so he can remember to talk to you about it on your next call.
Everything good in his life felt like it came from you. Over the years he’d began to feel quite lonely and disconnected, but you brought him back into the real world and picked him up every time he felt himself experiencing a low point.
Jeongsu very rarely had time to go on vacations, so when he went overseas with the band or an individual, he tried hard to make sure that you could go to. Whenever he had free time, he’d find something for the two of you to do or explore. If he did have time to take you on holiday, he’d make sure to pull out of all of the stops as a thank you for putting up with him and his incredibly busy schedule.
Again, if he doesn’t have your attention, he’ll definitely whine. He won’t stop at anything to make sure that he has your attention and you’re listening to him.
He absolutely loves to kiss you when he’s got you close to him, but as with any affection, it always makes him shy around you. He’s very loving with his kisses, always lingering for a little longer than he needs to, to make sure that the emotion is felt in his kiss. When he wants a little more from you too, he’ll always make sure to tell you with a kiss.
You were his best friend, the light that he needed to really feel like Jeongsu.
At the end of a long day, he loves for nothing more than to hold you in his arms as he falls asleep. He refuses to let you go all night when he’s got you, he always sleeps peacefully when he’s close to you, especially if Koongie is there too.
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straykidsreactions · 4 years
Reaction To: NCT Dream Flirting With Their S/O
STRAY KIDS REACTION TO : You, their significant other, being hit on backstage by a member of NCT Dream.
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A/N: This was a popular request! Sorry for the delay, hopefully this makes up for it, (I added gifs for skz and dream bc yall deserve it) also I had to use 1 dream member twice so I picked Jeno bc that’s who was mentioned in the request      (+ he’s my dream bias oops)
Genre: jealous/possessive!skz ( I wouldn't call it angst, it's cute I promise )
When you'd agreed to accompany Chan to the award show and watch his performance live from backstage he'd been so excited and filled with pride.Taking you anywhere, especially when he'd be performing, gave him a huge boost of confidence- so knowing that you'd be right there by his side cheering him on from backstage made the whole evening more enjoyable for him. He had to admit there was also a small part of him that felt pretty cool introducing you to other idol friends of his after the show- since your relationship wasn't public amongst the fans and idol industry it always took people by surprise to see the two of you together and so comfortable with one another.While generally liked that your relationship was private and low-key,there were definitely times when the unspoken status of your dating life would drive him absolutely insane.That, when other guys tried to flirt with you. 
In a way he could understand it, you had an infectious personality and you certainly were stunning, especially all dressed up for the award show you looked like you belonged on a runway, but that didn't change the fact that Chan's blood would begin to boil whenever he noticed someone being a little too friendly towards you.
When Chan originally noticed you in the hallway outside Stray Kid's designated backstage room having a casual conversation with a few idols he'd felt an immense sense of pride, not wanting to interrupt your conversation he'd leave you to make new friends on your own .It wouldn't be until a handful of minutes later, just before they were getting ready to take the stage, that he noticed the other idols surrounding you had now disappeared- and you were alone with none other than Mark Lee.Mark was a generally sweet and personable guy and, though Chan wasn't particularly close with the younger man, he'd heard only positive things about him.
At a glance the conversation seemed simple enough, but just as Chan was about to call you over he noticed Mark's arm press against the wall behind him,leaning over you slightly as he laughed and adjusted his mic set- clearly having just finished his stage performance with the rest of NCT. Chan's jaw would tighten; on one hand as the eldest and the leader he has a responsibility to be diplomatic and polite to other people in the industry, but on the other hand Mark's body was hovering a little too close to yours and your demeanor had quickly shifted into one of slight discomfort.Before could overthink his decision, Chan had calmly walked up beside the two of you, placing a firm hand on Mark's shoulder and easily pulling him away to create distance between him and you .Sliding his hand around your waist, he'd give Mark a small smile that let him know he was anything but pleased to see him.
“Ahh, it's Mark, right? I'm Chan, I don't think we've formally met before.” 
*extending his free hand for mark to shake, which he reluctantly did- looking between the two of you in slight confusion*
“Uhh, y-yeah it's nice to meet you too, man.”
*Chan retorted coolly, correcting the younger idol who was already slightly flustered that he'd clearly misread the situation*
“Uh, oh sorry- Hyung. Uhm, sorry...are the two of you-?”
*Chan's gaze never wavering from Mark's as he nodded, looking over at you and flashing you a cheeky smile that let you know he had everything under control*
“Oh, my bad mate, I didn't properly introduce you- this is my ( girlfriend/ boyfriend ), Y/N. ( She/He ) was just going though, isn't that right love? Our performance is about to start, you wouldn't wanna miss it, hmm?”
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Bonus gif, Mark:
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When you'd agreed to go with him and the other members to the award show, he'd honestly hadn't even thought twice about the possibility of other idols coming up to you.It wasn't that he'd never seen someone hit on you before, but it had never happened with a fellow idol and Minho had assumed that because you'd arrived together everyone would've known that you were clearly together.His thoughts were clearly mistaken, however, when he saw Renjun approach you backstage. 
Out of all the members, Minho is easily one of the most confrontational and because of this there was very little doubt in his mind when it came to handling situations like this in an upfront manner.He becomes possessive over you quickly, even between his other members there are times when he'd feel the need to pull you away and keep you to himself (though he was usually able to restrain himself on those occasions because he fully trusted his members not to step out of line).When it came to other guys outside of his close group of friends, however, there was absolutely no way that Minho would hold back.So when he saw Renjun talking to you alone, smiling at you sweetly as he asked you for help touching up his makeup, Minho's entire body would grow tense. 
*walking over to wear you were standing, reluctantly adding a facial jewel to the stranger's cheek as he tried to make conversation*
“Baby, that's enough. Why don't you head back to our dressing room- I'll be there in a few minutes.”
His voice was stern and unwavering as you quickly stood, giving him a look that warned him not to go overboard on the man who had clearly been trying his luck with you.Minho patted your head reassuringly before gesturing for you to leave, to which you obliged.Once you were out of sight, he turned his attention back to the man in front of him, who's expression was nothing short of utter confusion.
“Hyung, II don't think that's really an appropriate way to talk to a stylist.”
*Minho scoffed lowly, willing to play along for a minute as he gestured in your direction*
"Who, Y/N?"
*watching at the younger man nodded, running a hand through his hair*
“Mhm. I get it though, ( she's/he’s ) pretty...did Y/N do your makeup too?”
*Minho's eyes darkened slightly at this as he took a step closer to the younger man, who at this point was getting a strong feeling that he was missing something*
“Since you're slow, I'll spell it out for you- Y/N isn't my stylist, ( she's/he’s ) my date. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't make comments about ( her/ his ) appearance. Actually, I'd rather not see you around Y/N again unless ( she/he ) wants you there.”
*pausing as he watched Renjun's face become cautious, leaning in slightly to finish the conversation in a low voice before heading back towards the dressing room*
“Let's not have this conversation again, ok?”
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Bonus gif, Renjun:
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While Changbin was usually the first to invite you to music video shoots, livestage tapings and plenty of other events, he wasn’t a big fan of bringing you along to award shows- for exactly this reason. There were so many idols in close quarters for the entire night, many of whom he didn’t fully trust around you considering the two of you weren’t publicly out as a couple. As long as you were with him and his members he was fine, but he’d be quickly grow tense and become on edge whenever you were out of his sight, and when him and the other members had to.get ready for their performance it wasn’t hard to tell that he wasn’t fully comfortable leaving you alone. Of course you tried to assure him that you were fine, but he also knew you didn’t always have the best gauge for knowing when people were flirting with you. 
For the most part no issues arose, that is, until all of you were moved into the large waiting room for upcoming performers. Several groups of idols were finishing up last minute practices and mingling with one another before their respective performances- Changbin had opted for sitting down and quickly going over the difficult lyrics for his part in the new song they were going to perform. You hadn’t wanted to disturb him or the other guys while they prepped for their performance, so you’d quietly placed yourself in the corner to take in your surroundings- but it didn’t take long for a certain somebody to take an interest in you and Changbin could tell.
The instant he noticed Donghyuck walk up to you he had a gut feeling that it wasn’t just to say ‘hello’. He had a reputation for being harmlessly flirty, and though Changbin isn’t the type to get up and step in over-protectively he’d certainly hoped that you would leave the stranger and come sit beside him instead. Mostly he’d just become frustrated, completely unable to focus on his lyric sheet as his eyes kept drifting upward to watch as Donghyuck laughed at something funny you’d said, slowly edging himself closer to you- something you hadn’t yet picked up on. In all honesty he’d probably observe the situation from a distance for a while, letting his frustrations build the longer Donghyuck monopolized your time. Changbin might talk a big game and have the on-stage persona of a tough and confrontational guy- but when it comes to your relationship he’s actually very soft and mild mannered so getting him to the point where he’d say something in a bothersome situation took a lot. That being said, after 15+ minutes of watching his dongsaeng flirt with you- he’d had enough. He wasn’t one for a lot of words, you knew the tones of his voice well enough to understand that when he spoke it was something important.
*clearly his throat as the looked up from his paper, having a better view of the two of you now that the room had emptied some*
“Yah, baby, come over here and sit with your boyfriend, ok?”
*not waiting for you to respond before dropping his gaze back to his lyric sheet, preserving the face of an unbothered man despite his inner feelings*
“I don’t like you talking to strangers.”
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Bonus gif, Donghyuck: 
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As shy as Hyunjin can be sometimes when it comes to be complimented himself, there’s definitely a part of him that loves showing you off and receiving compliments from others on how good the two of you look together. He takes a lot of pride in you, so when he’d invited you to come with him and the members to the upcoming award show there hadn’t been a shadow of a doubt in his mind. He loved the way you were dressed to the 9′s just to watch their rehearsal and performances from backstage, so much so that he insisted you come out into the mostly empty arena to watch them do soundcheck before they went into hair and makeup to prepare for the show. There were only a few other groups there that early to do soundcheck and no media had arrived yet, so he felt comfortable bringing you out, knowing that it gave him a boost of confidence to make eye contact with you while he practiced. What didn’t boost his confidence, however, was glancing over into the rows of mostly empty seats to see that you were no longer alone- someone had approached you and was sitting a little too close for Hyunjin’s liking.
Hyunjin didn’t know Jaemin well, they’d only met in passing at a few other shows, but it wasn’t hard to tell that his outwardly charismatic personality and flirtacious attitude were translating into his conversation with you. Your boyfriend wasn’t one to stop group practice in the middle of a routine, he’d continue with the choreography but his eyes would never leave you as he watched the NCT member shamelessly flirt with you- though perhaps it wasn’t entirely his fault since you and Hyunjin weren’t publicly dating. It wouldn’t take long for the other members to catch on to the fact that you’d been semi-cornered by the overly-friendly idol, unsure of what you were supposed to do. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy meeting new people, but you couldn’t be sure if he was just an overly-friendly person or if he was genuinely flirting- and Hyunjin was clearly not happy about it. He watched from the stage, putting his hands on his hips as the other members gave him a look of confusion. Hyunjin wouldn’t say anything in the moment, he knew Jaemin was harmless but it didn’t mean he was comfortable with the situation- it was more the fact that he didn’t want to embarrass you or make you feel as though he was being too over-protective. In the moment he’d try to shake his frustrated feelings- but he’d only truly feel comfortable after you’d excused yourself from the conversation with Jaemin, quickly walking up to your boyfriend and cutely wrapping your arms around him as you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
*blushing profusely as a wide grin spread across his face*
“What was that for, Jagi?”
*smiling sweetly as you let go of him, making your way back towards the viewing room backstage to let him finish practicing*
“Just because...Hyunjinnie?”
*smiling as he put his arms on his hips, noticing Jaemin’s confused look out of the corner of his gaze as he watched your interactions with Hyunjin from a distance- clearly beginning to connect the dots*
*blowing him a reassuring kiss to make sure he knew that you were his and his alone*
“I love you! Fighting!”
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Bonus gif, Jaemin: 
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Jisung is easily one of the more possessive members of the group, his general demeanor is of course very sociable and sweet but there are certain things that set this boy off and because he has a little bit of a hot temper he wouldn’t always be the best at keeping those possessive feelings at bay. 
He’d had a few reservations about inviting you to the award show, he loves when you come and support him at events and knowing that you’re by his side gives him endless confidence, but he didn’t like exposing you to any kind of potential harm or unwanted attention- whether that be from publicity or other guys. Nevertheless, your excitement regarding the upcoming show and his love for seeing you by his side won over and in the end he’d happily invited you to join him and the other members. The first half of the evening had been everything he’d hoped for- you watched them rehearse and kept him company through hair and makeup- you’d even met a few other idols who had been so friendly and understanding when it came to keeping your relationship with Jisung low-profile. The issue arose when Jisung and the other members stepped into another room to take some promotional photos, leaving you alone backstage amidst a hoard of strangers and celebrities who you didn’t know all that well. 
it wasn’t that you minded, you were perfectly content to find a comfortable seat out of the way and just observe, but Jisung would be a little on edge from the moment he let you out of his sight. This was his world, he was used to how things worked here, but you weren’t and that alone was enough to worry him. 
He’d only been gone from the backstage room where you were seated around 15 minutes when he came back to grab his phone, but it didn’t take him long to spot you- or the person who was talking to you a little too closely. 
He hadn’t noticed the members of NCT Dream when he’d left earlier, but they were all there going through hair and makeup now and it wasn’t hard to tell that one of them had taken a particular interest in you- Jeno. He was sitting beside you, having what could’ve been a perfectly normal conversation- but Jisung knew better than that. Though he wasn’t particularly close with Jeno, it wasn’t hard to tell by his body language that he was a little too interested in you. The way he leaned closer every time you spoke and laughed so effortlessly at the things you said would make Jisung furious, his usual effortlessly fun-loving persona completely gone as he walked towards you without hesitation. Unlike some of the other members, Jisung wasn’t the kind to hesitate, even if it was slightly rash. You hadn’t spotted him until he was directly in front of you, but once your gaze found his it didn’t take you long to realize that he was angry.
*giving the two of you a stern look as Jeno smiled up at your boyfriend from his seated position*
“Hey man, you’re Han Jisung, right? I’m Lee Jeno, from Dream..it’s nice to meet you.”
*Jisung’s firm gaze never wavering as he rejected Jeno’s extended hand, instead helping you up from the sofa and guiding you to stand beside him*
“Were you hitting on my (girlfriend/boyfriend)?”
*his straightforward question took the other man by surprise, giving him a confused look before his gaze fell on you and your cautious face as you glanced between the two of them*
“Oh, I- you mean Y/N? I didn’t realize you two were dating.”
*glancing between you and Jisung with a slight smile*
Maybe it was the fact that it had been a long night and he was tired, maybe it was the fact that he’d just seen one too many guys hit on you under the assumption that you were single, but whatever it was Jisung was suddenly very over the entire “low-profile relationship” situation. Scoffing lowly under his breath, he picked up his phone from out of his nearby bag, opening Instagram and pulling up a photo the two of you had taken on a recent date night. You were both dressed well, standing outside near a cherry blossom tree with his arm around your waist as you stared at each other lovingly. Your face was mostly covered by a mask and your boyfriend’s baseball cap so people would have a difficult time discovering your identity, but the message was clear- Han Jisung was in a relationship. Without much more thought, he added a straight forward and to-the-point caption, “Happy With You.❤️” before quickly uploading the photo to their official Stray Kids instagram account. Your eyes widened in shock as you gave him a worried look, knowing that the post would inevitably cause some backlash for him at the company. Without hesitation, Jisung leaned over towards Jeno who was still looking slightly confused, showing him the uploaded photo. 
*tilting his head slightly and giving him the same unwavering stern glare as Jeno’s face fell slightly into shock at the bold move*
“Well it’s official now, got that? So I wouldn’t get involved with (her/him) unless you’re ready for one hell of a scandal.”
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Bonus gif, Jeno:
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Felix: jeno
Felix loves, and I mean loves, bringing you along to events, concerts and award shows. If he was performing- hell even if he was just going to practice at the studio, he wanted you to be there. Obviously you couldn’t come to every single practice and performance because you were busy yourself- but you did your best to be there for the big moments, and this award show was one of them. Not only were Stray Kids performing their latest comeback, they were also up for a couple big awards this year- and more than anything he wanted you to be by his side. 
As far as jealousy goes, Felix isn’t one to get possessive and upset over the little things. He wouldn’t say something unless he felt like he needed to, but he also has an innate inability to hide his emotions. If he was hurt or frustrated, it was apparent on his face. That being said, he’d honestly never expected to leave you alone that night in the first place. Aside from the actual performance and award ceremony where you’d watch from the viewing room with the other idol’s guests, Felix hadn’t planned on leaving you alone backstage with a sea of strangers. It wasn’t until their manager announced that they’d been asked to do some additional promotional recordings prior to the show that Felix realized you’d have to wait backstage on your own. It put him on edge a bit, but another idol hitting on you wasn’t his main concern- more than anything he just felt bad for leaving you alone when you didn’t know many people around. Nevertheless, you assured him that you’d be fine and reluctantly he left you backstage- swearing that he’d try to finish as quickly as possible. 
He’d only been gone around 20 minutes, but he still made a point to get back to you as quickly as possible. It wouldn’t take him long to find you and when he first noticed a couple other idols talking with you he’d feel excited and proud to see you making friends so easily- that is until he saw the person standing closest to you, handing you a bottle of water and making comments on how cute you looked. He knew he shouldn’t let it get to him, of course it was possible the NCT Dream member was being nothing more than polite, but something inside him didn’t like the way he was smiling at you and it must’ve been obvious in the way his generally happy and loving expression shifted into something darker. The other idols who were talking with you had excused themselves at this point, leaving only you and Jeno who didn’t seem to have any intention of leaving your side- that is until Felix walked up to you, doing his absolute best to keep his breathing steady and voice calm. 
*Jeno smiling at him cluelessly, giving him a nod of introduction*
“Oh, hey man how are you? I’m Jeno, I don’t think we’ve met before- oh! And this is (Y/N)-”
*scoffing slightly as his patience began to wear thin, glancing in your direction as you gave him an apologetic frown*
“I know who (she/he) is..but yeah, um..it’s nice to meet you- I’m Felix.”
His deep voice felt calming, even when he himself was anything but relaxed. He shook Jeno’s hand begrudgingly, giving him a small smile as his gaze never wavered from you. 
“Oh really? Don’t tell me you came over here to ask (her/him) out too! Wahh, you must be so popular tonight, (Y/N)...”
*Jeno laughing playfully as he teased you, your face going flustered and eyes widening at his bold statement, your shock nothing in comparison to the look of absolute rage in Felix’s eyes as he scrunched his eyebrows momentarily, trying to maintain composure*
“Nah, actually I came over here to get my (girlfriend/boyfriend)...Jagi?”
*turning to you with the slightest hint of a smirk playing on his lips as you blushed, not daring to glance in Jeno’s direction as his face fell into slight shock and embarrassment*
“We should get going now, it was nice to meet you though.”
*taking your hand in his and effortlessly guiding you out of the room*
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Bonus gif, Jeno: 
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Some people would find it slightly odd how close the two of you were, because despite being in a relationship with Seungmin the two of you were also like best friends. You shared everything with each other and though your relationship was, of course, different from the kind of friendships he had with his members, he’d worked hard to make you feel as close and comfortable as possible. In all honesty he got a little nervous performing in front of you, mostly because he felt an added pressure to do well and show you his best side- but it fueled him to do better on stage so he was happy to hear that you’d agreed to accompany him and the other members to the upcoming award show. 
Seungmin isn’t naturally an overly jealous person, if instances did arise where someone was flirting with you it’d certainly bother him- but he isn’t one to step in unless he feels like it’s absolutely necessary. He trusted you and didn’t want to make a situation confrontational if it didn’t need to be, but he wouldn’t mind saying something if he thought you were at all uncomfortable. 
The guys had just finished going through hair and makeup, where you spent the majority of the time talking with your boyfriend, and they were getting ready to do a last minute sound check before getting ready for their performance. He didn’t think it’d be a big deal to leave you backstage for half an hour or so, flashing you his signature smile and giving your hand a reassuring squeeze before letting you know that he’d be back soon and to make yourself comfortable. He’d suggested you get a bite to eat from the food stations backstage, but after he’d left you quickly realized you had no idea where any of that was located. After searching and maneuvering through the crowded and hectic backstage green rooms for what seemed like an eternity, not only were you discouraged and hungry- you were a little bit lost. Stray Kids’ designated room was no where in sight- and at this point you were wandering aimlessly. Aimlessly, that is, until a helpful stranger approached you with a smile and a sandwich in hand. 
Seungmin did his best to get back to the dressing room as quickly as possible after finishing sound check, eager to see you again and tell you about all the funny little mishaps that had happened since he’d last seen you- but he’d quickly realize you were nowhere to be found. He tried calling you, but after getting your voicemail a couple times he started to grow concerned. It wasn’t until he’d been looking around for a few minutes that he happened to find you near the sandwich station talking to someone. Not just someone- another idol. 
You couldn’t be sure if Chenle had just happened to have a sandwich in hand when he found you or if he’d noticed you earlier searching for something to eat, but he was quick to offer you the packaged snack which you had politely accepted- striking up a conversation about the event. You weren’t sure how long the two of you had been talking, but after a while you’d noticed your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye- and he didn’t seem pleased. 
Maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t answerd his calls, a mixture of worry and sudden frustration seeing that you were perfectly fine and otherwise engaged in a conversation with NCT Dream’s Chenle, but Seungmin could feel the annoyance bubbling inside him. Walking over to the two of you, he politely introduced himself to Chenle, before turning his attention back towards you. 
“(Y/N), we should get going, our performance is coming up soon, ok?”
*nodding as you turned towards the man you’d just met, preparing to say goodbye and thank him for the food*
“It was nice meeting you! Thanks again for the sandwich.”
*smiling cheekily as he nodded, waving in your direction*
“It was nice meeting you too, and hey- if you’re free after the show, call me.”
*smirking as he pointed towards the wrapper of the sandwich, before turning and walking away*
A confused look was exchanged between you and Seungmin as you glanced at the underside of the wrapper, noticing that he’d written his phone number in small, neat handwriting. Seungmin just rolled his eyes, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek in frustration to keep himself from calling out to the other man who was already walking away. Instead, he’d take the sandwich wrapper from your hands, balling it up and throwing it in the nearest garbage can before turning to you with his usual smiling face. You could tell he was frustrated, but he wasn’t going to let it bother him. 
*taking your hand in his and pulling you closer to him as he smiled at you sweetly*
“You ok, baby? Did you get lost?”
*nodding as you blushed, feeling apologetic for making him frustrated even if it wasn’t your doing*
“I’m glad I found you, should we head back now? I wouldn’t want my pretty (girlfriend/boyfriend) to miss our big performance.”
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Bonus gif, Chenle: 
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Jeongin would easily be the most giddy and excited to hear that you’d agreed to come to the award show- having you by his side would make him light up like nothing else and knowing that you’d be cheering him and his members on from backstage would make him fill with pride and confidence. He knew it was difficult for the two of you sometimes since your relationship wasn’t out in the open, but for the most part the two of you kept to yourselves and there weren’t too many instances that either of you had experienced firsthand of another person coming up to you and shamelessly flirting. You spent so much of your time together that he wouldn’t really know how to react- Jeongin is generally a very lighthearted and goofy person, but he also has a habit for letting his quippy comments and fiery attitude shine when something is comical or annoying to him. That being said, he isn’t a terribly possessive person, but he doesn’t mind a little confrontation if he feels like it’s necessary. 
You’d been at the award show venue for a while at this point, watching as more and more famous groups were guided through the backstage area into various dressing rooms while you stayed beside Jeongin before he had to go through hair and makeup. A few other idol groups were mingling about and a few had started conversing around a fairly empty lounge space with a few of the other members of Stray Kids. Jeongin had walked over to take a seat beside his hyungs and introduce himself to several other idols talking with them, and though he’d encouraged you to come with him you felt a little awkward butting into the conversation so you chose to stay seated a little ways a way- not wanting to encroach on his time with other friends and colleagues. It wasn’t until a handful of minutes later that you got a text from your boyfriend, asking if you could bring him a coffee. You smiled, knowing it was just a small excuse to bring you over to where he was sitting, but happily taking the bait nevertheless as you rolled your eyes teasingly in his direction. 
You brought over a few cups of coffee, not wanting to look conspicuous by only bringing one, handing them to the other members of stray kids who gave you a questioning but grateful look. You were just about to step away when another voice from the group stopped you.
“Wahh, you’re so helpful- would it be alright if I got a coffee as well? Only if it isn’t too much trouble.”
You turned towards the voice, recognizing it as Jisung from NCT Dream, who was among the idols sitting and talking with one another casually. While it hadn’t been your intention to come across as an assistant, you had to give him credit for asking so politely- so you just smiled in return. 
“Actually (Y/N)’s not-”
“Sure, of course. What would you like?”
Jeongin gave you a confused look, but you silently reassured him that it was ok. Neither of you wanted to come out as being in a relationship, and it was just a simple coffee. Jisung kindly asked you for an Americano and thanked you despite being clueless to the fact that assisting idols backstage was, in fact, not your job. This alone was enough to put Jeongin on edge, of course he knew Jisung didn’t know better, but he still didn’t like the idea of you fetching things for people you weren’t even friends with. He didn’t plan on saying anything, though, since he knew you were only putting up with it to save your relationship’s private image. 
You returned with the coffee, smiling softly as you handed it to the stylish and beaming Dream member. You were just about to walk away, however, when he did something that took you by surprise. Without a second thought, Jisung lightly took your wrist in his hand, smiling as you turned to face him and patting the seat beside him with his free hand. 
“No, please! Have a seat!” You glanced cautiously towards Jeongin who’s face was blank, but he didn’t say anything so reluctantly you sat beside the perfect stranger. 
“So your name’s (Y/N), is that right?”
*nodding as you asked for his name, to which he introduced himself*
“I’m sorry if I startled you- I just thought maybe it’d be nice to sit down, I’m sure you’re very busy...”
*laughing slightly as you tried to find a way to explain that you weren’t an assistant, without outing yourself as being in a relationship with Jeongin*
“Uhm, well actually-”
“Are you a model by chance?”
*your eyes widening as you gave him a confused look*
“W-why do you ask that?”
*Jeongin’s face growing stern as he listened intently to your side conversation with the overly friendly man beside you*
“I just, I’ve never seen anyone with your kind of beauty before...I like it.”
Jeongin’s face quickly went from intent listening to one of extreme confusion as his brows raised and head tilted, giving the man a look of obvious judgement and disapproval. Before you had a chance to respond to the forward compliment, however, Jeongin was quick to speak up. 
“Are you serious?”
*Jisung turning towards him with a look of slight perplexity as why he’d been listening in on your conversation*
“Oh, um- sorry I was just-”
*Jisung’s cheeks growing flushed as Jeongin laughed slightly, trying his best to hold back from sharing anything regarding your relationship while still telling him off for flirting with you*
“Yah, don’t be so cringey- you don’t even know (her/him)! And...don’t ask strangers to get you coffee, ok? (She/He) isn’t your assistant.”
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Bonus gif, Jisung: 
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nothingbutimagines · 4 years
Elizabeths (Chapter I)
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Pairing: Bad boy!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, death, mentions of suicide
Summary: Y/n is part of her high school’s most powerful and most popular clique, but she disapproves of the other girls’ behavior. When Y/n meets the new boy in school, Peter Parker, and begins dating him, what she has known to be her clique begins to unravel. Starting with the death of the clique leader, Liz Allan, one by one, people Y/n doesn’t like begin to die by her and Peter’s hands. Soon, she realizes that Peter is killing students he hates and begins to try to foil his plans, all while clashing with the new clique leader, Elizabeth “Betty” Brant.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: This is a Peter Parker AU I thought of doing. It’s a Heathers AU!!! This is going to follow a similar plot to Heathers, but of course, I won’t keep everything the exact same. Here, we meet our protaganist, Y/n, and our love interest, JD Peter.
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
Dear Diary, 
Today, Liz told me she teaches people about “real life”. 
She said, “Real life sucks losers dry. If you wanna fuck with the eagles, you gotta learn to fly.” 
I asked, “So you teach people how to fly?” 
She said, yes. 
I said, “You’re beautiful.”
“Y/n,” a voice pulled you away from your writing as they kicked your side. 
You pulled your glasses off and looked up at the owner of the yellow skirt and white tights that kicked you. 
“What the fuck, Lizzie?” You snapped, pushing Lizzie Jones’ foot away from you. 
“Sorry, Y/n. Liz needs you in the commons. She said it’s urgent. Back me up, Betty.” 
“Yeah, Y/n, Liz said you have to hit the commons pronto.” Betty stammered, her arms tight around her books.
“Fine. I’m coming.” You rose from your spot on the stairs and followed the other girls. “Do you know what it’s about?”
Lizzie looked back at you. “How the hell am I supposed to know? She just said to get you.”
As you turned the corner and into the madhouse that was the common area, you caught sight of the brown hair that was tied back with a red scrunchie.
“Hello, Liz.” You spoke softly, almost submissive to the girl. 
“Y/n, there you are.” Liz smiled, her voice sickly sweet which made you think she’d want something from you.
If you knew anything about Liz Allan, it was that she always, always was nice when she wanted something from you. 
“What is it you need, Liz?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I need you to help me get into Brad’s email to send Ass-trid Dumptruck. I want you to help me write a hot and heavy but realistically low-key essay that Astrid can’t help but read right now.”
“Liz, I don’t have anything against Astrid Dunstock.” 
“You don’t have anything for her, either.” Liz replied, shoving the laptop into your hands. “Just get into the email so I can write her a sexy letter to fuel her shower nozzle masturbation for weeks.”
“Let me think about it.”
“Don’t think.” Liz scoffed. “Just do it.”
You groaned as the other girls giggled, holding the laptop in one arm and attempting to type with the other. You furrowed your brow as you took in a deep breath, annoyed at your own inability to fight against peer pressure. 
“Betty, Y/n can’t possibly type with one hand. Bend over so she can work.” Liz smirk.
Betty gave you a look as you mouthed that you were sorry before the girl bent over in front of you and you began to type on the laptop, finding your way to Brad’s email. 
This wasn’t the first time Liz was having you send emails from Brad’s account, so you already knew the password, mumbling to yourself about how ignorant Liz could be as you pulled up the draft email page. 
“Alright, Liz. You’re in.” 
“Why don’t you type it up, Y/n? My nails just got done and it’s hard to type with them.” Liz said, wiggling her fingers in front of you, her nails long and sharp like claws and done in her signature red color. 
You knew she was lying, as she could never tell the truth. She just didn’t want to have the evidence trailed back to her. 
“Come on, Liz. I don’t want to do this.” You said, throwing your arms down and turning to the other girl.
“Do you think I give a shit?” Liz snapped back. “Just write the fucking email and then we can move on with our lives. Besides, you’re the only one who could possibly get down Brad’s diction.”
“Go fuck yourself.” You mumbled as you turned around, feeling Betty giggle from beneath you. 
“Would you like to speak up, Y/n?” Liz asked, moving to look at you from the side.
You gave her a smirk. “No, Liz. Now, why don’t you tell me what to write?”
Liz cleared her throat before speaking softly, her lips brushing against the hair by your ear, her breath hot and her voice soft, sending shivers down your spine. 
“Okay, Y/n, why don’t we keep it short and simple? Get in and get out, just like Brad would.” Liz said. 
“And you know that all too well.” 
You could feel Liz press her sharp nail into your cheek, the pressure so sharp you thought she was about to draw blood. Your proud attitude quickly diminished as she huffed, taking her nail off your face as you sighed and quickly typed up the email. 
“Alright. I’m done writing.” You announced, straightened up as you picked the laptop off of Betty’s back, and handed the laptop to Liz. “Just hit send and Astrid will get it right away.” 
“Come on people, let’s give that leftover lunch money to people without lunches! Those tater tots you threw away are a delicacy in Africa! Their Thanksgiving dinner!” You could hear Ned scream into the crowd of students in the common area as you took a seat beside LIz at your regular lunch table. 
“God, aren’t they fed yet?” Lizzie asked, taking a bite out of a french fry she took off your plate before flinging it back down on the plate, the ketchup splattering on the rest of your food. “Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa?”
“Oh, yeah. Pilgrims, Indians, tater tots.” You replied as you ate the other half of the french fry, “I heard it’s a real party continent.”
Liz rustled in her bag beside you, gaining your attention as you watched her pull out a clipboard and slam it down on the table. She gave you a smile as she proudly flipped her hair over her shoulder while she watched your face fall and you internally groaned. 
“Y/n, guess what time it is?” 
“Ouch, lunchtime poll.” You guessed, setting down the milk carton in your hand as you turned to her. “So, what’s the question?”
“Yeah, what’s the question?” Betty asked, earning a swift kick from Liz.
“Goddamn, Betty, you were on FaceTime with me when I thought of it.”
“Oh, right. I forgot.”
“Such a pillowcase.” Liz scoffed, pulling you up with her as she stood up and began leading you through the crowded tables and into the large aisle of the common room. 
“This wouldn’t be about that bizarre dream you had the other night that were blabbing about on the phone would-”
“Oh, shut up. It is.” Liz cut you off. “I told Ned if he gave me another political topic, I would spit on him and he said if I didn’t want to do that, I’d have to think of my own poll.” 
You shook your head, looking away from her as you scanned the large room. Your eyes landed on a boy you’ve never seen before, and being in a small town, a guy that looked like him, you would’ve recognized. 
He caught your gaze, the boy who reminded you of James Dean as he slouched in his blue plastic chair, his leather jacket puffing out to the side to reveal the simple t-shirt he was wearing underneath. You couldn’t tell if it was the swooped dark brown hair or the Rebel Without a Cause lunchbox sat in front of him that made you think of the long dead actor, but the boy certainly knew how to get anyone’s attention. 
Transfixed on the boy across the room, you felt a sharp pain in your knee as you crashed into the blue chair of one Cindy Moon. You grunted softly, your hand reaching towards your knee as you bent down to rub it soothingly. 
Cindy turned, pulling her cardigan sweater tightly around her as the rest of her less stylish friends also turned as well, causing you to blush as you straighten up slightly, still a bit bent over as Cindy studied you for a moment. 
“Oh gosh, sorry, Y/n.”
“Oh, Cindy…” You replied softly, the embarrassment hinting in your tone. “I’m, uh, sorry I didn’t make it to your birthday party last month.”
“That’s okay,” Cindy shook her head, “Your mom said you had a big date. Hell, I’d miss my own birthday party for a date.” 
You laughed lightly with her for a moment, glancing over at Liz who was growing impatient as she watched the interaction.
“Don’t say that.” You playfully hit Cindy’s shoulder. 
“Oh, Y/n/n, while you’re here, I found this the other day.” Cindy beamed, picking up her purse and rummaging through it until she pulled out a photo and handed it to you. “I think it's Halloween in second grade.”
“Oh, where we got so sick from the candy that a single spin on that carousel at the Halloween fair-”
“-had us throwing up uncontrollably.” Cindy laughed as she finished your sentence, the warm interaction between you two cut prematurely by Liz’s swift swing pulling you away and causing you to drop the photo.
“Hey, I was talking to someone!” You snapped, tearing away from her. 
“Color me impressed. I thought you were finished playing Barbies with Cindy Moon.” Liz snapped. 
If you didn’t know her any better, you’d have thought Liz was somehow jealous of your interaction with Cindy. 
You followed her like a duckling, almost prancing to keep up with her as you approached the Country Club. You hated them just as much as the next, the daddy’s money boys and girls who were so pretentious they dressed as if they were always at the country club, hence their name. 
“Oh, great, here comes Liz.” You could hear Brittany say as you and Liz approached.
You could feel Liz’s unabashed false pleasantness radiating off of her. You hated the Country Club as much as the next guy, but never as much as Liz Allan did. 
“Hi, Brittany, love the blouse. Oh, let me steal a tater.” Liz greeted, her tone the same sickly sweet as the one she had had with you earlier in the lunch period. 
Brittany watched with a similar fake smile plastered on her face as Liz turned her back to her, now facing you as she pushed the tater tot into her mouth with a single finger, doing a vomiting gesture before chewing and swallowing the tater tot and turning to Brittany and her group. 
“Thanks. I got it at H&M.” Brittany smiled, turning to her group and back at Liz. “I totally blew my allowance.”
“That’s pretty very. Now check this out, David Dobrik gives you a Tesla and $2 million dollars and the same day you get to be on his channel, aliens come to earth and say they’ll blow up the planet in two days. What are you going to do?”
The table looked stunned for a moment and you watched as Flash chuckled, leaned back in his chair and put his sunglasses on. You rolled your eyes at the dramatic action as he started to speak. 
“That’s easy. I’d just hand the wad over to my father. He has the best stock broker in the state. And then I would take that Tesla out for a joyride. Just me, babes, and a car to drive while I fuck a chick in the passanger’s seat.”
“How charming.” You rolled your eyes. “The world will be Pompeii in two days and you’re going to invest your money?”
“Man, my father’s broker could triple it, double it in two days.”
“If I had that money,” Brittany cut in, “I’d give it all to the poor.”
“Wow. You’re beautiful.” You smiled with a nod as Liz jerked you by the arm, pulling you away from the flabbergasted Brittany.
“If you’re openly going to be a bitch…”
“I’m sorry, it’s just why can’t we talk to other kinds of people?” Your voice coming out whinier than you anticipated. 
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa to you?” Liz asked, her tongue sharp as you walked alongside her. “If I did, I wouldn't mind talking to the Geek Squad.”
Your gaze followed along the extended arm and pointer finger of Liz’s body as you both made eye contact with one of the boys at the table, causing him to spill his milk all over himself in shock. 
“Oh my god, Elizabeth Number One just made eye contact with me.” He blurted out, stumbling over his words as another boy chuckled.
“It must be love.” The other one replied before you tore your gaze away from them and looked up at Liz, who always seemed to tower over you with her bright red high heeled boots. 
“Doesn’t it bother you that everyone at school thinks you’re a piranha?” You confront her, her eye roll in response making you feel like back peddling what you said.
“Like I give a shit.” She snapped so matter-of-factly. “They all want me as a friend or a fuck. I’m worshipped at Midtown and I’m only a junior.” 
You groaned. “Just pretend you’re doing charity work. Like saving a couple of oiled up penguins in the Dawn commercials. Like this shit will look good on college essays.” 
Liz looked at you in surprise, returning your statement with an eye roll as you had her convinced and she knew it. “Whatever. I don’t believe this shit. We’re going to a Columbia University party and I’m brushing up my conversational skills with the scum of the school.”
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I want to kill Liz Allan. She’s such a bitch saying, “I’m tall, dark, and beautiful. I’m such an individual because I look like a girl in a toothpaste commercial. I’m so hot Post Malone wanted to see my tits for backstage passes.” Damn, you Liz. You’re not special or a princess. All teenagers are the same. Didn’t you see Breakfast Club? 
You pull the clipboard from Liz’s arms as you guide her to the Geek Squad with your hand on her lower back, in a similar way to how your father would push you along in lines at the grocery store. You two stood there awkwardly for a moment before elbowing Liz, causing her to jump. 
“Alright. This is called a lunchtime poll. We ask you a question, you answer honestly. Now, David, whatever his name is, gives you a Tesla and 2 million dollars. When you go to do the big youtube thing, aliens come to the earth and say they’re going to blow it up in two days. What do you do?” Liz muttered, her attitude more sour than it was only moments before. 
“I’d go to the Pyramids.” Brian replied, the bony head of the Geek Squad. “With a girl.”
“Where are you going to get the girl?” the boy beside him asked. “Amazon?”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile as you looked at another boy. “What about you, Lucas?”
“I told you she knew my name.” He muttered to Brian, who in turn, elbowed him in the side. “I’d change my life. Get a new haircut, new clothes, revamp like in She’s All That.” 
“How sad!” Liz exclaimed. “Blowing all your cash to make up for a lack of popularity. And the reference to a chick flick! Did you see it with your mom? Or your new boyfriend?” 
You grabbed Liz by the arm and yanked her from the table and into the large aisle again, right where she had scolded you only minutes before. 
“If you’re openly going to be a bitch…” You trailed off, your tone harsh as Lizzie approached. 
“Ass-trid’s reading the email, you’re going to want to see this.” Lizzie laughed, grabbing you both by the wrists and dragging you behind her as she beelined to where Betty stood, back up against a pillar. 
“Oh god, here we go!” Betty giggled as you four began to watch. 
You suddenly felt sick. You wanted nothing to do with what was about to happen as Astrid rose from her seat at her empty lunch table and made her way towards the Jocks, where Brad sat, munching on his tater tots. You couldn’t understand what Astrid was saying as she pointed to her phone screen, allowing Brad to read it. You flinched as the boy erupted in laughter, food and spit flying from their mouths as they howled, leaving Astrid to run away in horror, leaving you with a pit in your stomach as you jumped away from your friends and into Ned’s table. 
“A penny for your thoughts! But, a dollar could save a life! Hi, Y/n. A five keeps the neighborhood alive! But, a ten will bring back the dead!” Ned shouted, the little chant ringing in your ears as you made eye contact with the James Dean boy again, his look as horrified as your own. 
Liz shoves a twenty dollar bill into Ned’s hand as she approaches you. 
“Shut up.” She orders as the boy grows quiet. “You wanted to be part of the most powerful clique in school and if I wasn’t already the head of it, I’d want the same thing.” 
“I’m sorry, what are you going on about?” You snapped, turning to her. 
“You heard me. That episode with the email back there was for us all to enjoy, but for some reason you are determined to ruin my day.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, let me fix that.” You replied before laughing mockingly. “We made a girl consider suicide! What a laugh! What a scream! I’ve never seen something so funny!”
“Come on, you jerk. You used to have a sense of humor.”
You let Liz guide you back to where Lizzie and Betty stood, talking about whatever book Betty had begun reading as your eyes landed back on the boy you’d found yourself so infatuated with. 
“God, Y/n, drool much?” Lizzie asked, as Liz groaned. “His name’s Peter Parker. He’s in my American History class.”
“Give me back the clipboard.” You ordered, pulling the clipboard from Liz’s hands. 
You sauntered away from the girls, scoffing as Lizzie began making oinking and sexual sounds in your direction and by how fast they were cut off, you knew Liz had probably slapped the other girl to get her to stop. 
“Well, hello, Peter Parker.” You greeted, stopping at a halt on the other side of his table. 
Now standing in front of the boy, you realized he looked less like James Dean and more like a young Jaime Bell.
“Greetings and Salutation. Call me Peter. Are you an Elizabeth?” He asked, the smile on his face a bit cocky. 
You chuckled, a light blush dusting your cheeks. “No, I’m a Y/n. L/n. This may sound like a stupid question…”
“There are no stupid questions.”
“Okay. Get this, David Dobrik gives you 2 million dollars and a Tesla and on the same day he’s supposed to give it to you in a youtube video, aliens invade earth and say they’re going to blow up the planet in two days. What do you do?”
Peter chuckles, his laugh light and airy as he runs a hand through his hair. 
“That’s the stupidest question I’ve ever heard.” He replies, his brow rising as he answers the question curiously. “Probably would just row a boat out into the middle of the lake. Bring along my sax, a bottle of tequila, and some Bach.” 
“How very.” 
“Come on, Y/n!” Lizzie calls from behind you. 
“I’ll be right there! God!” You roll your eyes as you yell, turning your attention back to Peter. “Duty calls. Bye.”
Dear Diary, 
I take back what I said about killing Liz Allan. I don’t think I’m ready for jail just yet, not with a boy like Peter Parker around. Maybe we’re not all the same after all. 
Tagged: @thewinchesterchronicles @spookyanairwin @audreylovespidey706
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niallercanons · 4 years
Being a ballerina and dating Niall Horan
I used to do ballet from when I was 4-16 and I had this dream of being a successful, beautiful principal dancer with a perfect guy to love and support me but things didn’t work out that way and now I’m barely making my way through uni, not that great-looking, a business major and leaning more towards girls so now I’ll just project all of that in my writing :,)
(TW: little bit of swearing and mentions of going on pointe and injuries if that makes you squeamish)
(Word count: 595)
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Niall is without a doubt your biggest fan.
Although he’s got a super busy schedule, he always makes time to come to as many performances of yours as he can.
Homeboy got the most expensive season pass to see all your shows whenever he wants.
While waiting for the show to start, he’ll be bragging to the people around him that his girlfriend is the principal dancer and lead in the show.
When the curtains open, Niall’s ready to begin ‘silently’ cheering.
In reality it’s just him cheering his head off and clearly disturbing the audience with his cheers.
He got thrown out of the theatre once for doing it a little too loudly.
You saw Niall get escorted out by ushers during one of your solos and died of embarrassment on the inside.
Your fellow dancers teased you so much about it during intermission.
“Damn Y/N that’s one supportive man you got cheering you on ;)”
He still cheers you on, but just a little quieter as to not get kicked out again.
He also always without fail, gets you a bouquet of flowers for your performance.
It’s like his little tradition whenever he comes to see you perform.
All your fellow dancers and crew find it so sweet and adorable.
You do too :))
Whenever you have Pas de Deux (duets), Niall always gets a tiny bit jealous.
In all fairness, male ballet dancers are the hottest with their toned legs and arms so you can’t exactly blame him.
You always do your best to reassure that you’re his little ballerina though.
Since you’re usually tired after coming home from rehearsal, he’ll always try to have a bath running for you.
Niall will put in some drops of essential oil and maybe a bath bomb to make it extra soothing. 
He’s the sweetest omg.
If you hurt yourself, he’d be the first to run and take care of you and picks up the slack at home like chores when you need to rest.
Him being worried about you sometimes due to the strain that comes with being a ballerina.
He’s up and ready to go when you need some ice-packs for your feet.
Going on pointe looks like it HURTS like hell and can be a major strain.
Niall low-key (high-key tbh) freaks out when he sees it.
He questions how you’ve been able to do all this kind of shit since you were a kid to now as a professional.
“Petal, HOW is your foot able to do that?”
Niall probably couldn’t do it, he sucks at dancing.
He’s also got that busted knee from when a phone got thrown at it during a 1D concert.
You get chills when you think about his knee, especially if that were to ever happen to you.
Instantaneous career-killer it’d be for you.
He’s also super fascinated with the process you have to prep your pointe shoes.
When you run out of thread or sticky toe pads, he’s ready to buy more for you without you having to ask.
Honestly Niall could just sit and watch you prep them for hours.
You gotta warn him when you’re banging your shoe against the wall to wear them in though.
Cutie gets kinda scared when that happens.
He admires and respects you a lot for the effort you put into what you do.
Niall knows how much that takes and praises you for it whenever he can.
He just loves you and your hard work so much and wants to show you how amazing and talented you are.
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
cheaters never prosper || ch. 1
summary || Steve told you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you but he sure has a funny way of showing it. 
author’s note || Based on the song “Sorry” by Beyonce. For the storyline to make sense. Also, I’m sorry to Sharon fans. She’s the only character I can recall with blonde hair. Hope you all enjoy it!
warning || angst, cheating, mentions of sex, asshole Steve, swearing
m.list // ch. 2
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Looking at my watch he should’ve been home
Today I regret the night I put that ring on 
He always got them fucking excuses 
I pray the Lord you reveal what his truth is
You knew that Tony didn’t keep him in the compound offices until 4 AM. Bucky had even told you that Steve was going to head out around 5:00 pm when everyone else does because all he had was paperwork from the last mission. You twirled the wedding ring that clenched around your finger. It almost felt suffocating. You looked back at all those moments he canceled dates or forgot important ones. 
Stevie: Sorry, babe. I got caught up with work. I can take you out next Tuesday?
Stevie: Happy Birthday! Sorry, it’s so late. Work kept me up.
Stevie: Happy anniversary! I can’t make dinner tonight but I ordered you flowers.
Stevie: Won’t be home for dinner. Sorry.
Stevie: Don’t wait up. Work.
You weren’t an idiot. You knew about her. Another woman.
You’ve never felt so lonely.  It’s hard to even remember the last time he made love to you. But you still remembered. With the memories still engrained, your body burned with the feeling of him. When he would fuck you, it would be so good. Headboard banging against the wall as he pounded straight into you. He used to love the whimpers that came out of your mouth. He used to love the way your skin felt, slapping against his. He used to love aftercare, cleaning you both up then cuddling up into you, legs intertwined. He’d whisper how much he loved you and how he wanted a life with you, a family with you. That’s what he would tell you, anyway.
You shook your head, tears falling down your face making the sheets soaked. This wasn’t how your life was supposed to go. You wanted to stay married, have kids, settle down near the compound. But that’s just a dream. You knew you weren’t the most perfect person. You were stubborn and sometimes hard to deal with but you thought he loved that about you. 
Middle fingers up, put ‘em hands high
Wave it in his face, tell him, boy bye
Tell him, boy, bye, middle fingers up
I ain’t thinking ‘bout you
“You’re being ridiculous! I’m not cheating on you! How can you not trust me?!” You stopped vigorously washing the dishes and turned your body towards him. “Not trust you? Steve! How can I trust you when you leave the compound at 5:00 pm and not come back until 4:00 am. How can I trust you when you’re never even here?! How can I trust you when Bucky says you’re in one place but you give an excuse of somewhere different. Then, you come home, smelling like perfume! I’m not stupid, you asshole.” 
His facade faltered as he knew you were right. He was a cheater. He broke your heart. He knew you would find out eventually. He was such a horrible person. The one thing he didn’t want to do is hurt you but he can see he’s already done that. He messed up and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to fix his mistake this time. “Y/N...Babe, I’m so sorry-”
“You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you, you lying cheating ass.” You lifted up your middle fingers straight into his face. “I didn’t mean to hurt you like this, I’m so sorry.” He tried to get you to stay, to talk to you about all of this, to fix his mistakes. You waved him off, it’s too late for that. “I never meant for it to last this long.” You were just getting more indignant as he kept talking. You didn’t want to break down in front of him either. “I’m leaving. Don’t wait up, asshole.” You grabbed your jacket and your keys and slammed the door behind you. He started to weep, head deep into his hands as he thinks about his choices. Was a little fling really worth destroying his whole marriage?
Now I’m the one that’s lying
And I don’t feel bad about it
It’s exactly what you get
Stop interrupting my grindin’
You were never home as much as he wasn’t before you confronted him. Steve would come home to see the couch, bed, and guest bed empty. He knew he deserved it but he couldn’t help but feel his mistakes weigh in on him. His heart crushed in on itself but he couldn’t even imagine what you felt. What if the roles had been switched?
- - 
Most nights you would go to a club near the Upper West Side. Far away from Brooklyn as possible. Far away from him. You had lied to Steve telling him that you and Nat were hanging out. He knew it was a lie. Your tell was an eyebrow twitch and it had, in fact, twitched. 
You were grinding on a guy you just met, music pounding into your ears. It had felt nice to not be engulfed by him for once. The guy had told you his name was Sam. He had offered you a drink but you declined, needing to drive home at some point. “Driving? In New York City?” You laughed and explained your situation, having the pleasure of knowing Tony Stark. Sam was very charming, teasing you left and right. He was such a kind person, soft even, and oh so handsome. He stopped dancing and froze, seeing your hands. “You um... Married?” You looked down, your fingers grazed the band. You shook your head, tears springing to your eyes but not falling. 
He frowned. He pulled you aside to give you some space from all the dancers. He wrapped an arm around you, shushing you as you cried. “I’m so sorry. I completely ruined your night.” He shook his head and told you how much fun he was having. He told you that you hadn’t ruined anything. As you explained, more tears ran down your face. “He cheated… I know I still have the ring on but part of me… is still attached, you know? I came here to forget about him but... All I can think about is him. It’s silly, I know.” Sam stopped you. “Hey, it’s not silly. It’s not to the same extent, I know, but I had a girlfriend that cheated on me in high school.” “Yeah?” He rubbed his hand up and down your shoulder.
“Yeah, She cheated on me with Brad. She didn’t even tell the guy we were dating.” You both laughed together all night about stories of exes and eventually about each other. You were both getting a little too drunk (you gave in and had a couple of drinks with him) so you decided to leave. “Hey, whenever you drop that dickwad and are ready to date again? Give me a call.” He winked at you and you giggled before you left. You called an Uber, deciding to leave your car at the club for now.
Steve had ended up tracking you from his phone. He told himself that it was for your safety, that he was just checking to see if you were okay. In reality, he was nosy and wanted to see if he if his suspicions were right. (They were).
You walked out of the club with a light smile, Sam’s phone number clutched in your hand. Steve stood in front of you, tapping his feet. “What are you doing here, Y/N? Especially rubbing your ass all over other guys. We’re married!” He knew it was a low blow but he couldn’t help but be angry. He was jealous. “Oh, you don’t get to do that shit. Not with me. I will grind on every single person in there if I want to. As far as I’m concerned, you never have had control over me. And you will never!” He stared at you, wide eyed. “And for the record, you cheated! Not me! Maybe think of that the next time you try and ridicule somebody.” You paused, taking your ring off of your finger. “You know what? Here, I’ll make it easier for you.” You shoved the ring into his hand and sauntered off, not missing the sad guilty look on Steve’s face. “See you at home, Steve.”
I left a note in the hallway
By the time you read it, I’ll be far away
I’m far away
“I’m leaving him.” Bucky sighed as you handed him the note you wrote. He started to read it as a tear rolled down your face. What was Steve thinking? You were fun, smart, kind, and fuck, so beautiful. Hell, Bucky was the first one to hit on you when you introduced yourself to the team. But he knew it wasn’t those attributes. It was Steve. He was insecure that you would leave him for someone who doesn’t go on missions or put your life in danger. He wanted you to leave him for those reasons. He wanted you to be with someone who wasn’t PTSD ridden with nightmares from his past. It was his own insecurities that clouded his mind and made him act out on them. It had nothing to do with you. Both him and Bucky knew that. Bucky just wished he would have talked to you instead of putting his dick in another woman.
Bucky nodded. “Good. I think leaving him is the right choice. Nat and I have agreed to offer you to stay here as long as you need it. Never think you’re alone in this, Sugar.” You hugged him and thanked him greatly. You knew without Bucky and Nat, you would be struggling even more. The thought of support made your heart soar. Why couldn’t he have just talked to you? Tell you after the first time that it was just a mistake. But it’s too far now. You didn’t even know how long this has been going on. Honestly? You didn’t really want to know. Too long, was the answer. 
Tears flowed down your eyes and down your chin. “Oh... Honey… It’s alright.” You barely heard Bucky, too engrossed in your thoughts. “Why me? Why did he do this to me? What’s so wrong with me that he-” Bucky enveloped you into a big hug, Nat came into the room once she heard crying. She and Bucky share a knowing look. She knelt down in front of you and spoke softly. “Honey, you know it’s not you. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve anything that puts you in harm’s way, you’re too pure. You shine brighter than anyone, Y/N. Always remember that.” Nat wiggled her eyebrows. “And who knows? Maybe that Sam guy will be the one!” You rolled your eyes at her but nevertheless giggled.
You laid in Bucky and Nat’s guest bedroom, you couldn’t sleep with all of the thoughts running through your head. You didn’t want to leave Steve. Especially after three years of marriage but you knew it was time. It was time to move on with your life. Time to let go of a life you can’t have. Of a person, you can’t have. 
He only want me when I’m not there
He better call Becky with the good hair 
“Do you love her?” “I-I.. I don’t know. I love you, Y/N.” Your face immediately turned into a scowl. “No. You don’t get to fucking do that. I will not sit here and let you say you love me when you don’t. Maybe you did at one point but you cannot truly love someone if you fucked another person. You’re despicable, Rogers.”
That hit him like a train. You hadn’t called him Rogers since you met him at the compound. It felt like his heart had stopped beating. “Y/N, please… Can we talk about this?”
“I hope she treats you well, Rogers. Better call Sharon now so she can pick your sorry ass up. In your eyes? Nobody can beat a Carter.” You picked up the last bit of your boxes and left the room, shutting the front door with your foot. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you drove away, looking at that house just one more time. 
Steve had the note clutched in his hand, getting tears all over the paper. He didn’t care though. All Steve can hear is the sound of his heart pounding in his ears and your car driving away. He cursed himself for being so stupid. He didn’t know what he had until it was gone. But he should know that cheaters never prosper. 
chapter two
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starkeristheendgame · 4 years
College au prompt where Peter becomes good friends with a new kid on campus named Harry and invites him over one night to study and tony come home to Harry on peters bed while peter takes a shower and thinks the worst. (Peter and tony are roommates btw) and when peter comes out Harry tells peter that tony came in and saw him and stormed out and peter goes out to find him and tony tells him that he thought peter cheated and he was jealous. And they spend the rest of the night curled in Tony’s bed
I hope I did this justice! Thank you sm for the prompt, and I hope that you enjoy it :’) 
TW: Miscommunication | Suspected (no actual) cheating | Moderate angst | Slight hurt 
The figure sprawled on their bed is immediately evident as not Peter. Tony stops short in the doorway, taking in the sight of the boy draped over the bed like he owns it. 
At a passing glance or at a distance he could pass for Peter, but closer inspection tells all the differences. This boy’s hair is lighter, a little straighter. His jaw is sharper, mouth wider, eye brighter. Classically and softly handsome, not too dissimilar to Peter.
He’s shirtless, head lifting from the pillow in surprise. 
“Oh! Peter didn’t tell me he was expecting-”
“I’m sure he didn’t,” Tony cut in icily, ears picking up on the sound of the shower. Peter was one of those ‘must shower after sex’ kinds of people, though now and then he could be persuaded to snuggle for a while before the tackiness and drying sweat became unbearable. 
It was crystal, nuclear level clear what was going on here. He didn’t need more than two braincells to rub together to take in the scene and know what he’d walked in on.
“Uh.” The other boy looked confused and a little apprehensive, brows furrowing as he pushed himself up onto his elbows. Glancing at the closed doorway of the en -uite. Tony forced himself to breathe out, forced himself to move under the leaden, cold weight of his heart. 
He’d thought Peter was different. 
Peter had promised him he was different. Had promised his friendliness with everyone was truly just who he was, that the only person who had his heart and body was Tony. He’d been a fucking fool for believing it, clearly. 
Peter was beautiful, vibrant, insatiable. How could Tony have any singular claim to that? How could Tony have thought he could ever hoard such a treasure? 
He turns away. 
Barely hears the slamming of the door over the roaring in his ears. He felt sick, nausea and hurt twisting an writhing in his stomach like a live beast, ugly and wounded. 
He kept replaying every moment with Peter over and over in his mind, the last texts they’d sent to each other, the last kiss, the first time they fucked, every time Peter had promised Tony, there’s nobody else but you. 
He laughed, because if he didn’t laugh he’d cry. How fucking stupid had he been? Nobody was as sweet as Peter, as wholesome without using it as a smokescreen. 
Peter had well and truly reeled him in, hook, line and sinker. He clutched his car keys in his palm so tightly that it began to hurt, metal ridges biting into his skin as he stalked across the campus towards the residential parking lot. 
Ripping open the door to his car, he’d barely got inside and shut the door when it was yanked open again, a breathless Peter almost falling straight into his lap. Tony jerked in his seat, heart squeezing so painfully at the sight of Peter’s wild, dark eyes that for a moment he almost forgot about the rest of the hurt. 
Peter was laughing. 
“You’re an idiot, Anthony Edward Stark,” Peter managed, hair sopping wet and wearing nothing but a sodden shirt, boxers and unlaced sneakers. Fury coiled low and vicious in his stomach as Peter crawled into his lap, panting and red cheeked. 
“Get the fuck off me, Parker,” he snapped once he’d come back to himself, once he’d reminded himself of why Peter was wet. Hurt flashed across Peter’s pretty face, lips parted and the light in his eyes flickering like a candle in the breeze for a moment, before cold hands clutched at his jaw, forcing his head up where he ducked it away, teeth grinding.
“Tony. Please, I know what you’re thinking, but if the last few months have meant anything, give me a moment to explain.”
He wanted to laugh, to shove Peter off him, but he couldn’t move. It was a cruel card to be dealt; if the last few months have meant anything to you. 
They’d meant everything to him. 
“You’ve got ten fucking seconds before I tip you ass-first into the dirt and leave you there,” he choked out, wrenching his jaw from Peter’s gentle touch as tears blurred his vision. He kept his hands fisted at his sides, terrified that if he let himself touch, he’d find himself either hurting or holding. 
Peter let out a breath above him, teeth catching his lower lip for a moment. He was still awkwardly hunched over, crammed into the bare space between Tony and the steering wheel. 
“Tony, baby. I know what it looked like, okay? But I can promise you, I swear to you, it wasn’t that. I meant to call you on my back to the dorm, but we ran into Steve and I forgot. That boy? That’s Harry.”
The name was familiar, immediately so. It dredged up past conversations of the new kid in Peter’s chemistry class, friendly and nerdy, crushing hard on Peter’s friend MJ. 
Something must’ve crossed his face because Peter looked encouraged, gripping at his shirt like Tony might still throw him out of the car at any moment. 
“He’s my study partner for this assignment, Tones. That’s it, nothing else, I swear. He came to our dorm because we’re working on a project - I can even show you, and I can show you the lecturer’s list that shows us as partners. I had a glass of orange juice and we were trying to juggle the folders and the laptop and he knocked it from my hand.”
Peter looked like he might cry now, curling towards Tony like a flower towards the sun. 
“Baby, please. We tipped the orange juice, and because we were sat back it went all over us. His shirt got soaked and it was in my hair, Tony, and I told him he could take one of my shirts while I showered but he just said he didn’t want to go poking around without me there and, and--” Peter’s words trailed off on a hitch, his eyes glossy as he pawed at Tony helplessly. 
“Please. I could never do that, Tony. Not to you, not to anyone.”
And fuck, but if Tony wasn’t a weak man. Even as ridiculous as the story sounded he could feel himself thawing, drawn to Peter like they were tied by red string. 
He could feel the hurt and the anger draining away, the jealousy at the mental image of two pretty, slender boys together fading like an old memory. Peter was staring down at him imploringly, braced like he still expected to be hit, wearing Tony’s shirt and Tony…
He let out a breath, a sound somewhere between a sob, a laugh and a growl, and dragged Peter down to his chest, sucking in a ragged breath and inhaling the scent of Peter’s coconut body wash. 
Peter slumped against him, arms wrapping around his head as best he could in the cramped space, body shuddering with his own exhale. 
“You’re being honest?” he whispered into the damp fabric pressed against his face and Peter shifted, reached for him against to tip his head back so they were looking each other in the eye. 
“Always, Tones. Fuck, when Harry said you sounded pissed, and you’d walked away, I... I thought you were leaving me. I can’t... I know how it looked, and I’m so sorry. I should have-” 
Peter’s words are cut off by Tony catching his mouth, licking into him and kissing him with enough force to bruise, pressing closer and closer until the car horn startled them both. 
“We-- We should go back. I told Harry to wait while I went after you,” Peter murmured, biting at his lip, hands roaming Tony restlessly like he was afraid this was just a dream and he was about to open his eyes to Tony having driven away. 
He doesn’t even know where he’d have gone. Home was a set of sparkling brown eyes and a laugh that made his heart soft and warm. 
He let Peter pull him from the car, the cool air hitting the wetness on his chest and thighs from where Peter had leapt straight out of the shower, straight into clothes and straight onto him. Peter refused to let go of his hand, glancing up at him on every other step like he might change his mind. 
He counted his breaths, counted his steps, tried to blink away the sight of Harry sprawled half naked on the bed, the way his gut had risen up like a tidal wave. If Peter said they hadn’t done anything…
He had no choice but to trust him. 
Harry was standing upright when Peter pushed the door open, looking across at them warily like Peter had brought Tony back just to let him lay into him. 
Tony drank in the sight of him again, the vague nervous-horrified expression, the empty cup on the desk behind him and the one important factor he hadn’t noticed before - the fact that one pillow case and the top cover of the bedding had been removed. 
“I swear, nothing ha-” Harry begun, and Tony held up a hand, squeezing Peter’s with his other. Harry’s jaw snapped shut and his expression pinched, like he was bracing himself. 
“If Peter says nothing happened...Then nothing happened,” Tony breathed out, glancing to the side at the sunny, joyful expression that Peter levelled him with. He offered a tiny, weak smile in response, still too wrung out to really comprehend the entire situation. 
He still felt vaguely sick and he could feel a headache brewing behind his temples, but relief shook through him like an earthquake. 
“That’s really good relationship trust right there,” Harry huffed out, wringing the hem of one of Peter’s shirts. Peter must’ve given it to him before running out.
“But also, for future reference, I’m straight. Not that Peter’s ugly! Just... Lacking. In what I like,” Harry clarified, shooting Peter an apologetic glance when the boy made a sound like he might actually be dying. 
“Great?” Tony replied in puzzlement, brows lifting. 
As it turns out, Harry was actually not such a bad guy. He’d recently transferred from Canada and had met Peter through their Chemistry class. He looked horrified when Tony apologised for getting the wrong idea, shaking it off with his own apology for how it looked, for not thinking about what Peter’s boyfriend might presume upon walking in. 
Peter hugged Harry before he left, and Tony shook his hand, gritting out a heartfelt but reluctant sentiment that he was happy Harry had a friend in Peter, and that he hoped this hadn’t put Harry off hanging out with Peter or Tony in the future. 
No sooner had he shut the door did he find a set of hands tugging at his hips, pulling him backwards until he bumped into a warm, solid body and they both toppled, landing on the bed together, entangled. 
“You know I’d never cheat on you, right?” Peter mumbled against the back of his neck, arms wrapped around him. Tony gave a soft sound and shifted, rolling them so they were laying side by side now, playing little spoon as Peter wormed closer. 
He’d dried off in the time they’d sat talking to Harry, but his fingertips were still cool as he slid them under Tony’s shirt collar. 
“I know,” he replied gently, holding onto Peter’s arms with one hand, dropping the other to his thigh where he rubbed slow, soothing circles. 
They lay there together for a while on the unmade bed, Peter breathing warm puffs of air against the back of his neck and Tony losing himself in the motion of sliding his thumb along the side of Peter’s wrist until the latter’s stomach grumbled loudly. 
They reluctantly hauled themselves up and made ramen, remade the bed, then fell straight back into it. Peter wrapped himself back up around Tony as they settled, fingers entwined and the room around them quiet, content. 
“Invite him back over on Friday,” Tony murmured as Peter tucked his head under his chin. 
“Really?” Peter sounded dubious. 
“Mm. We can invite the others too if you want, but I don’t want to scare away your new, straight friend.”
“And you won’t get jealous?” he could feel Peter’s smile against his shoulder. 
“Mm, no,” he replied, tucking Peter closer. “Because before he gets here, I’m going to fuck you so full of cum it’ll be dripping out of your for hours, reminding you who you belong with.”
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hi sweetheart !! may i please req an ateez and bts personality ship ?? my description was SUPER long (I GOT CARRIED AWAY </3) so you can cut my request at the personality part when posting my ship! tysm in advance <3
I’m an ‘03 liner that’s 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark near the inside of my bottom lip!), my long legs (they’re 40.5 inches long and look so good in dresses and skirts <33), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with but i love cancers and virgos <33) ! i’m also an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy/quiet when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a goofy (heavy on the goofy im never not laughing) bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up. also, lots of people say i’m mature and carry myself well, but around my friends i’m one of the most goofiest people ever (probably bc my face will literally be 😐 one sec and then 🥰 the next second when someone makes me laugh <3)
tysm in advance!!! Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening!
@anpanseok DARLING! I hope you love your ship <3 I'm actually really proud of this one, you'll have to let me know what you think! <3
In ATEEZ, I ship you with one and only demon San!
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(I thought you'd like that gif ;) )
Okay, when you were describing all of the things that you would want in the relationship, I thought of San due to how clingy and affectionate he is with the other members of ATEEZ. He is a Cancer, which is good because that is one of the star signs that are compatible with yours. I don't believe that the age difference of four years would be that much of an issue, especially since San acts younger than he is most of the time anyway. I feel like most men are intimidated when their female significant other is tall themselves, but he is tall himself and I feel like the fact that you are taller is kind of one of his favorite things about you? One of his other favorite things about you are your curves, he always puts his hand on your thighs during movie night at the boys' dorm or in the back pocket of your jeans when you two are walking into KQ Entertainment together. When you wear dresses when all of you go out to fancy dinners together, he has to hold himself back because he ADORES you when you wear dresses! You said you're am ambivert, I feel like he relates to that in some form of way, like I feel like there are certain situations where he feels a bit more introverted about. Sometimes Hongjoong has to scold him because he texts you so much, but he can't stay mad at you when you pop into the building with their favorite Starbucks drinks and hand-made lunch boxes for them. Just as you always support his creative endeavors, he always returns it for you tenfold and when you are talking about issues you care deeply about, he gives you his full attention and stares at you lovingly. Not just San, but all of the boys, come to you whenever they are dealing with stress and they just want someone to talk to because you are so amazing at giving advice and supporting them. There was a time when a sasaeng approached you, San, Wooyoung and Jongho when you were doing some late night grocery shopping when another ATINY stopped her, causing an argument and nasty words to be exchanged. Let's just say, you shut that sasaeng down REAL quick when you heard some of the things she said. One day you woke up and found a present that San made for you, a mixtape of all of your favorite songs from all your favorite genres of music, along with a little keychain that had tokens of all of the states you had visited. He wholeheartedly loves you and he makes every effort to support all of your dreams. When he has days off from work, the two of you make a blanket fort in your living room and watch old episodes of Forensic Files and Law & Order: SVU, whilst surrounded by fluffy blankets and a couple of his favorite plushies. His life an idol doesn't afford him much down time, unfortunately, but he always makes time for you and you always have the craziest adventures with not only each other, but all of the other boys as well. Squishy San will want all of the cuddles, have you SEEN how affectionate he is with the other members?! Also, him in all black outfits.... YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. One day he was visiting your apartment and he surprised you with matching beaded pearl bracelets and he never takes it off, not even for performances. The boys don't really think nothing of walking into the bathroom to brush their teeth whilst one of the others is showering, that just comes with their busy schedules and their dorm life. Let's just say this: Mingi wasn't able to look you in the eyes for two weeks because he did just that, not realize that you had snuck in and stayed the night, and were currently going to the bathroom whilst San was in the shower. Your camera roll is not only filled with silly pictures of San that you've captured, but of the most magazine worthy, model pictures you have ever been lucky enough to take. He accepts you for all of your flaws, and helps you to try to work on them, however that may be and you do the same for him.
In summary: You both are simps for each other and I AM HERE FOR IT.
In BTS, I ship you with Namjoon!
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Another tall boy for you, I got you! You both are Virgos, but I looked it up worried that two Virgos would clash, and it said that they would be very intuitive with each other and would understand each other! The age gap is quite large, I don't know how okay you are with that? I know everyone has different preferences. He approached you first when he saw you at the mom & pop coffee shop/cafe around the corner from your apartment, and he thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Another man who I don't think would be bothered by your curves (men can be shallow dicks), I think that is his favorite thing (same as San) about you. Not even in a sexual way, I feel like his hands would always end up on your butt without him even noticing. Most of the time, one of the other boys will point it out when all of you are hanging out together, and he will be proud that he has a significant other like you, but he almost might become a shy mess about it I feel like. I feel like he can get jealous, just because you are closest to Jungkook in the group and you often pull pranks on the other members together. There is never a shortage of laughs when all of you are together, pure crackhead energy if I've ever seen it, just non stop jokes and banter between all of you. You were able to get time off from work and were actually able to join them (their managers were surprisingly chill about you tagging along? CONFUSION?) on their tour around Europe and you had so many memories. You actually brought along a Polaroid camera that you found in a little store one day when the two of you were shopping, and you ended up having to buy an extra suitcase on the trip because you took LITERAL hundreds of pictures of all of your adventures and the tour shenanigans. He has childish tendencies, I feel like he would love to play Roblox with you? I feel like he would take a very mathematical approach to building things, that's just the vibe I get from him. He often stares at you when you're doing your makeup in the morning, he finds it fascinating and he even asked you to do his makeup for some of his shows. His makeup artists weren't angry, luckily, all of their staffs absolutely adore you two together. He is all up for adventures, I feel like he would chicken out at the idea of skydiving, though lol. You keep stealing his sweaters, which he low-key highkey is SO happy about because he loves the way that you look in them. The size difference is only three or four inches (I've seen people say he's 6 feet, but then others say he's 6 foot 2, WHICH IS IT?!), so it's pretty easy to sneak kisses from him whenever you want them when you're together. If he sees you struggling to stay awake whilst studying, he'll softly close your book and drag you over to your bed for a couple hours so you can take a quick nap to regain the energy. I don't really know his temperament that well, he has to be rather even-tempered to deal with those hooligans he calls the rest of BTS, so I feel like you wouldn't have that many fights. You both are always striving to help each other to be the best versions of each other you can be. You joined the boys on vacation at a lake house and one night you were having dinner and he blushed after you said something cheeky to him, causing you to say to him, "You look like a cute tomato when you blush, my cutie pie." in front of the other members. Needless to say, he turned even more red and the boys teased him mercilessly for the rest of the night. Don't know how the cooking would go (this boy is a DISASTER in the kitchen), but you would have fun learning new dishes. He would brag about getting a dish right, and you quickly praise him but also say, " and that's why you a big ass head.", causing him to die laughing. He is the very definition of a hard worker, and I feel like he would love being praised and doing the same for his significant other, so I'm glad that you said that you liked the words of affirmation love language, because GET READY. He's definitely been buffing up (I SCREAM WHENEVER I SEE PICTURES OF HIM NOWADAYS), so
his hugs would always be the best things, so warm and comforting. Don't know how you feel about children? We've all seen that VLive where this idiot literally bought baby shoes because he thought they were cute, so I think he would definitely want children down the road in your relationship if you were both comfortable with it. Best father and husband award goes to him.
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megabees · 4 years
no need for proclamation | a beauyasha fic
a what-if look at what would have happened if Beau and Yasha began dating during the harp scene in episode 98
alternate title: 5 times the Mighty Nein didn't know Beau and Yasha were dating, and one time it was literally spelled out for them
find it on ao3 or read below
They have a conversation, out there on the beach. 
Yasha with her harp, and Beau, muscles unfurled, feeling at peace for the first time in a while. 
The ocean brings clarity for them. They who were not raised by the sea find their anxieties pulled out and caught in a riptide, their bodies returned to them smoothed and polished like a piece of glass swept out into the waves. In the dry plains of Kamordah, Beau had never seen the ocean. Its vast blue stares back at her, forcing her to appreciate how big it is, how she is miniscule in comparison. Beau: big and brash, loud and bold, a born leader, finds herself taking peace in the vastness. In the grand scheme of things, the ocean remains the same. She means nothing to the waves. There is peace in this. If nothing matters, she can do what she wants. 
 Similarly, Yasha grows up in the Moorlands, surrounded by hills and grasses, but the rocks don’t best the constance of the waves, crashing and settling on the shore. For her, someone who struggles so much with desire, with understanding that her mind is her own, the waves show an unstoppable force. A small child can try to stop the waves from their end, but they always come to the shore anyway. Her path may deviate, like the waves occasionally fade, but she comes back to the same place. Her harp, calming. The waves, swelling and settling. Her mind is her own, she takes fate by the hand. 
In front of the ocean, two women come to similar conclusions, and they have a conversation. 
They leave the beach holding hands, a new relationship formed. 
The Nein catch on far slower than they realistically should. Yasha and Beau aren’t hiding it, per say. They’re just not making a grand announcement. 
That’s how the Nein does things. You keep a secret until someone weasels it out of you, and then it’s known. There’s no need for a proclamation.
Or so Beau and Yasha thought. After the past three weeks, full of longing glances and not hiding the way they act around each other, they’re beginning to doubt the obviousness of their actions. 
They tried to hint to Jester, that day on the boat making statues for the Traveler, through subtle flirting and glances, but she never noticed.
“You have really good legs, Yasha”, Jester remarked. 
Beau catches Yasha’s eye as she says it, gives her a little up and down look. Calculating, as if she wants to know each and every inch of Yasha’s legs. 
Heat flashes up Yasha’s face. 
“Yeah, the slit was very, uh, high. Helped with moving around.” 
Another knowing glance from Beau to Yasha. When Beau thinks of that night, she thinks of two things. Firstly, the Ruby’s singing and the hypnotic way the fish moved around her. Secondly, she thinks of the way Yasha looked in that dress, shades of grey, black and white illuminating her eyes and her lips. 
As the conversation gets more intense, Beau can’t help her hand from drifting behind Yasha, using it partly to steady herself on the slow rocking of the boat and partly to just get closer. 
Yasha makes a similar move, placing her hand on Beau’s lower thigh, as she once again apologizes for running Beau through with Skingorger. 
“It just adds to my aesthetic. Makes me look more interesting.” Beau is so focused on the hand, slowly and comfortingly rubbing her thigh that she almost misses Yasha’s flustered compliment towards. 
“You’re already very interesting….You’re both very interesting.” 
It’s Beau’s turn to flush. Don’t think she hasn’t noticed Yasha’s propensity to hide a compliment to her within a compliment to everyone. It’s cute. 
It’s fun to be in those stages of a relationship, learning those new things about each other. 
Jester’s probably too busy thinking of Travelercon, they can keep it lowkey for a little longer. 
It turns out though, that neither of them is *great* at keeping things low key. 
If you ask Beau, it’s Yasha’s fault. Yasha’s too beautiful and talented, and she keeps showing it off. That harp haunts a few of Beau’s dreams. 
(Harps require some deft finger skills, if you catch the drift.) 
Yasha gets up to perform for the village of Vo, and she’s surrounded by all these people. Beau watches the way her hands shake, how she searches the crowd for a familiar face, and yells out “Freebird!” so that Yasha can find her. 
For Yasha, Beau’s a grounding face in the crowd of people. Someone who doesn’t care how she does, who just is there to support her. All of the Nein is, but this song is for Beau. 
Caleb lights Yasha up with silent bolts of lightning, mesmerizing the entire village of Vo, illuminating Yasha with her own personal spotlight.
It’s funny, you know. Prior to meeting Yasha, Beau had always hated storms. In the winery, grapes that got too much rain produced thin and watery wine, and when there was a thunderstorm, the workers couldn’t harvest the grapes. It meant her dad was always angry when there was a storm. Loss of profit, and all that. 
Once she met Yasha though, a storm signified Yasha for her. Thunder became part of the comforting rumble of sleeping with the Nein, and lightning illuminated how different her life looked from five years ago. 
Even when Yasha was gone, Beau hoped every night to hear a storm. Maybe it meant Yasha was returning to them. 
So it’s not her fault she’s put in a stupor by Yasha’s performance. That’s her girl. 
It unlocks a deluge of feelings in her chest. Beau’s shell-shocked, as the Nein discusses the performance absent of Yasha. 
She can’t help but allow herself to chime in. 
“That was amazing.” 
She makes sure to tell Yasha how amazing it is later that night, in hushed tones wrapped up together. 
After that, they begin to find their stride in how they act around their friends. 
In battle, Yasha has a free pass to be as protective as she wants. Beau’s more fragile than she, and is somehow easily swallowed? Yasha’s confused on how the beasts they keep fighting manage to find Beau in their mouths more than anyone else. 
Either way, Beau usually ends up taking more damage than anyone else notices. 
Nothing against Jester or Cad as healers, but they tend to focus on the group’s overall health levels, and Beau likes to play off her injuries. 
Vulnerability isn’t easy for Beau, so Yasha keeps a watchful eye. 
She’s already lost one partner, she doesn’t need to lose another. 
They’re traipsing through the forest, and Yasha looks away for one moment, and suddenly Beau is on the ground unconscious. 
Nosy Expositor can’t keep her hands to herself, Yasha supposes.
She gets Beau back up, taking lightning damage and healing her.
For Yasha, her healing hands are a way of showing Beau her affection. They symbolize forgiveness, and they symbolize hope. It’s just a way of showing how she cares. Yasha’s not great with words, she speaks through her actions, and she hopes Beau understands. 
That being said, as if she’s gonna let her girlfriend get healed by just Fjord. 
“It’s not a competition, okay!” 
“It’s a competition.” 
Fjord’s got nothing on her. She’s there for Beau. 
This is re-enforced, of course, when Beau asks Yasha to carry her following the fight. There was a time, when Yasha was just regaining her mind, where Beau asked Caleb to carry her following the fight with Obann instead of Yasha, and while Yasha would never admit it to Beau, it hurt a little. 
Carrying Beau is Yasha’s thing. They’ve had this joke running through the time they’ve spent together, and Yasha isn’t a fan of other people trying to butt in on that. 
Perhaps she’s a bit protective, a bit jealous of Beau. How is she to not be, though, when she was gone for so long and Beau got so much closer with everyone else. For Yasha, post-Obann was a new fear. The Nein had pursued her for so long, but they also made new friends, and what if the Nein had liked them more than they liked Yasha? It’s hard to feel like part of a group when you’re never there. Plus, she was helping someone raise a terrible god, and killing Beau’s co-workers, and while none of it was in her control, she did it. 
The fact that the Nein forgave her? That Beau forgave her and still wants to be with her? 
Yasha’s still not sure how she got so lucky. 
This thought is reinforced with Beau in her arms as they walk through the forest to face a false god. Yasha loves to be able to help. Jester and Cad might be the healers, but Yasha loves the feeling of Beau’s small, lithe body in her arms. 
She just wants to hold Beau forever, shelter her from any oncoming attacks. 
It’s with this thought that she misses Beau giving Jester a thumbs up as they venture further into the forest. 
Who needs subtlety? 
When Yasha catches Beau in the air with her new wings, part of her is sure it’s gonna tip off the rest of the group. 
It’s so romantic. It was probably a beautiful visual. 
Unfortunately, it seems like the rest of the Nein is either being incredibly dense or incredibly respectful, and Yasha’s too held up in her brand new wings to decide which they are. 
She flies up and over the mountain with Beau swooning in her arms, and it’s perfect. The sun casts a beautiful golden haze over the island, and Beau’s skin shines in the sunlight. 
Yasha might have the wings, but Beau is her angel. 
Then the wings disappear and they plummet into a shallow pond. 
Yasha’s not thrilled the wings last for such little time, but at least she gets to see Beau soaking wet from the pond, giggly and delighted at the flight. 
In that moment, Yasha is overwhelmed with love. It’s too early to say, but she’s been in love before. She knows what that rush feels like, that off balance feeling of “oh shit I’m in deep”. 
A small secret, then. Something to unpack on her own time. There’s no need to speed it up, to burden Beau with this until she’s ready. 
This love, it can be just hers to have for a bit. She’s allowed to want that. 
Beau brings her back to herself, pulling her out of the pond and her own thoughts in one fell swoop. 
Holding hands and giggling, they make their way to the edge of the cliffside, overlooking the mountain awash in sunlight. Looking out, Yasha is overcome and she leans over to give Beau a quick peck on the lips. 
“I’m happy to have you here with me.” 
“Oh? That true, sap?” 
Yasha laughs, nodding her head and breaking eye contact, and leads Beau to the edge to point the way down back to their friends. 
“We should probably head back, they’re gonna think we’re dead.”
They take a little extra time on the way down though since the Nein hasn’t noticed their other hints. It’s put to good use. 
The day they visit Molly’s grave is when they give up any attempt to be subtle at all. Throughout Rumblecusp and the days after, their relationship has switched from being a complete secret to being something that they could easily explain if asked, but no one has outright asked them if they’re dating, so it just hasn’t happened. 
Either the Mighty Nein is very dense or very respectful. Yasha’s sensing it might be half and half, because Caduceus had a very meaningful conversation with her about wanting things and patience, but Jester and Veth keep giving Beau looks when they think she should make a move. 
Yasha and Beau talk about it at night. It’s funny to them that everyone keeps dancing around the topic. Neither of them is sure about where they got the idea that they can’t just ask, but it’s fun to just have this to themselves. 
Until they go to visit Molly’s...no..Lucien’s? grave. 
Yasha has a lot of feelings around Molly and his grave, and she’s not exactly thrilled by Caleb’s suggestion that they dig him up to get some answers to questions they don’t even know yet. Feels almost rude, to take a friend out of the ground to inquire about his personal life. 
She mentions it to Beau, in a hushed whisper, and Beau attempts to stop Caleb’s focused energy by hinting heavily at it, but his focus is so intense that he brushes her, and Jester, who picks up on both Beau and Yasha’s discomfort, off. 
He gets like that sometimes. 
They teleport there, and Yasha is struck by how normal it looks. His coat is still there, though it’s blown off the stake they put in to mark his grave, and for a moment, she lets herself hope that he’s still there. 
Beau’s hand finds its way into hers as they watch Veth and Cad dig up the grave, a thread of reality keeping Yasha tethered there, eyes locked onto the now empty grave. 
She removes her hand from Beau’s, and instead moves it to the small of Beau’s back, pulling Beau closer to her for comfort. Beau’s body is tiny, but it’s something to grasp as they both figure out what this means for their future. 
At  one of the lowest moments since she regained her mind, Beau is there with her. 
She squeezes Beau’s hand once. Beau squeezes back. They’re ready to tell everyone now. 
They tell everyone in Caleb’s fancy tower, after Yasha decides to throw caution to the wind and make a joke about Beau’s fancy sex mirror above her bed. 
Jester and Veth are overjoyed, Fjord and Caleb both want to make sure they’re taking care of each other and won’t mess up the group, and Caduceus just nods happily, though they’re sure he knew all along. 
As they sit around the fire, Yasha and Beau link pinkies and bask in the laughter and joy of their family. 
Things will be okay. 
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