#also it slightly hurts me that i was immediately able to recognize that shot of all running backwards with the stick...
𝐌𝐮𝐳𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭
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Recently, you have noticed your husband, Muzan, was extremely stressed and snappy the last couple of days. You knew he had things to do since he was the King of Demons, some of it you could not understand but you still felt bad for him. He was also being a little harsh to you recently but you knew that he did not mean a lot of it.
 Your anniversary was coming up and you wanted to get him something extra special to cheer him up, the bad news was that you didn’t know what he would want. You attempted to brainstorm ideas but when you finally got one, another thought or fact would immediately shoot it down and you would return back to square one. Some of the gifts you wanted to get for him were things he wouldn’t be able to use since he was a demon and not allowed in the sun.
You deeply sighed and laid your head onto your desk, what were you going to do now? You didn’t know if there was anything Muzan even wanted or if he already had what he wanted. All this brainstorming was beginning to hurt your head greatly and it did not feel great. You decided to take a walk around the Infinity Castle to ease your pounding headache, maybe something will inspire you. 
You walked through the long halls while slightly dragging your hand across the walls and humming. You were familiar with the layout of the Infinity Castle but there was always another hallway or set of rooms that you never knew existed. After walking for a couple of minutes, you then heard light chatter and easily recognized your husband's voice.
“What do you mean you haven’t found it?!”
“S-sorry master but there is no sign of it anywhere! We’ve checked far and wide in every forest and garden but they are nowhere!”
You were curious about what they were talking about, what was he trying to find?
“I need that blue spider lily!”
Again with those flowers? You always heard him attempting to locate the flowers but you never told him where they are due to his recent behavior but since they were the only thing you could think of for a gift, you decided to get them for him.
You sneaked away quietly and left the Infinity Castle to go look for the flowers. After almost two hours of walking, you were exhausted but you did not stop walking until you reached the cemetery where they grew.
The sun was falling which meant you had to grab them quickly before the wilt, they only grew during the daylight so this meant that you only had one chance. The familiar setting of the cemetery brought back memories of your childhood.
You remember your mother bringing you here to grieve lost loved ones and you would always see these blue spider lilies everywhere, that’s how you knew about this place. You picked the best ones and began walking back with exhilaration flowing through you.
 The sun had just fallen and you smiled to yourself, just in time. Once you made it back, you placed the bouquet of blue spider lilies in your kimono and went to search for Muzan.
You walked around, poked your head in a couple rooms but still no sign of Muzan. All of a sudden, you saw a tall shadow towering over you which caused you to turn around. You met two of six red and yellow eyes and saw Kokoshibo standing right behind you staring at you. Muzan introduced you to the UpperMoons to inform them that if they see you around not to harm you so you weren’t worried about Kokoshibo hurting you.
“Oh you scared me, uhm hello Kokoshibo, do you know where Muzan is?”
“He is in his office and apologies for scaring you.”
You shot him a reassuring smile before thanking him and walking to Muzan’s office. Once you arrived at his office, you took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Come in.”
You opened the door and when his piercing red eyes met yours, they softened and he smiled at you.
“Hello love, happy anniversary, I’m sorry I couldn’t spend a lot of time with you and that I’ve not been a great lover to you recently.”
You smiled and shook your head before replying.
“Don’t worry, I understand you have duties to take care of, I’m just glad you remember our anniversary.”
“How did I get so lucky with you? But yes it is our anniversary and I have a gift for you.”
He then took out a little box and handed it to you, you opened it and saw a diamond necklace with a small picture of you and Muzan on a heart pendant.
“Wow it’s beautiful, thank you so much!”
You gushed and he chuckled, you dug in your kimono and took out the bouquet of blue spider lilies and held them out to Muzan.
“I got these for you, I overheard you needed them so I went and picked some for you, I hope you like them.”
His mouth was wide open in shock as he took them and stared at them for several seconds. He turned back to you and hugged you tightly.
“Thank you Y/n…thank you so much, I have been searching for these for many years, you really are the best thing that has happened to me.”
He placed a kiss on your forehead and held your hand before looking at you with loving eyes.
“With these, I will be able to conquer the sun and after taking care of necessary business, we can go to that beach you’ve always wanted to go to. Thank you again my love.”
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[Transmission Received ]
[ The video clicks on to a long shot of a hallway, before it zooms in close to focus on the recognized form of Jasprix leaning against the wall beside a door. The windows that remain from the original storefront are completely blacked out, with other entrances to rooms farther away looking abandoned and currently disused, but otherwise the area could be considered clean. ] 
[ The area is relatively normal looking for the mall, though much quieter than it would normally would be, with Jasprix himself looking nervous and as though he is also stopping himself from making any noise, the only part of him moving is his tail swinging side to side with obvious nerves at being there. ]
[ This scene remains unchanged for a long time, at least half an hour goes by before there is any significant change. It comes in the form of a muffled banging from within the room. Jasprix twitches, glancing back towards the door, head cocked in confusion as he turns to face the door and step back a bit from it. ]
J: “I um, maybe I’m too early. Can’t really... leave now though, they’d probably get pissed and say I was late…”
[ Jasprix is cut off as the door is suddenly slammed open, casting a sudden glare of harsh artificial light into the dim hallway, making Jasprix squint as he takes a few more alarmed steps back. A set of shadows cut across the light, any features unintelligible from the harsh lighting, before a figure dressed in horribly bloodstained clothes stumbles out and falls to the floor with such force it's almost as if they’ve been shoved. They skid a few inches before coming to a halt. The lump on the floor barely makes an effort to stand before accepting their fate and laying still. ]
[ Jasprix blinks, glancing at the open door hesitantly, before he moves over to the fallen lump. He leans over, tail swinging idly in curiosity, before he gasps and immediately drops to his knees, pulling the person up into his arms, seeming frantic, with a distressed whine escaping his throat unbidden. ]
J: “Marvin?! What did, what...”
[ Marvin says nothing in return, only looking up at Jasprix with cloudy eyes. The slashes across his face are immediately noticeable, but it’s far from the worst injury he’s gained. His neck is a thornbush of wires. They circle the skin and dart in and out of it, twist together and rake through like barbed wire fencing. The skin is angry and red, so violently opposed to being the tapestry on which this horrible electric collar has been woven. ]
[ As soon as Marvin recognizes Jasprix, a choked and raw sob rips from his throat. He uses whatever reserves of energy that remain to push himself closer to Jasprix in order to cling onto him like a lifeline. Desperation and fear and exhaustion, all plaguing his bruised and broken body. ]
J: “Oh shit, that's...don’t worry, never mind. It’s Ok, I got you. I do, I won’t let you go.”
[ Jasprix holds on tightly, though he’s being careful not to press too hard and hurt Marvin more, unsure if there are injuries under his clothes where he touches him. A wise decision considering the horrible gash spanning from his hips to the bottom of his ribcage. He just holds him, rocking slightly where they are on the floor, seeming not to care they are doing this in the middle of the previously quiet hallway. The man just whines, lacking the strength for anything greater. Every noise, every action is painful for him. ]
J: “I’m sorry, I... know it must hurt, I’m just. You’re here, just stay with me, I can... I have stuff in my room, that I don’t need, but I took it anyway. I can... I can help you, we just gotta leave. After my uh... meeting, I guess. Shit, how do I- I can’t just leave you here?”
[ The camera refocuses against the harsh lighting, and after a moment, a distinct set of silhouettes is able to be made out past the doorway; a cluster of figures, and one standing slightly away from them, gesturing as if explaining something. ] 
[ Jasprix looks up, round pupils going into needle pinpricks when he notices the people standing in the doorway, mortification on his face turning immediately to fear when his eyes catch on one of the silhouettes in the doorway. He stops talking, his tail freezing in place where it's half curled around Marvin, and he’s frozen aside from the occasionally shaking of the two person huddle, unknown who the cause of the movement could be in this moment. ]
[ After a minute or so, the separated silhouette pauses in their movements, and their head perks up and turns to look directly out the doorway. Directly at the huddled two on the tile floor. ] 
[ There is a moment of pause, before the figure drops their arms and moves. The tapping of the shoe heels off the tile echo in the now-eerie silence, and as they approach they break up the light, casting a long shadow across the floor, and casting the two in darkness. ]
[ Marvin shifts to look at the figure. Horror draws across his face like a bowstring. He immediately begins trembling. ]
[ They stop, just in front and slightly to the side of them. They do not look down at Marvin at all, their masked gaze seems to be locked on Jasprix, head tilted slightly. ]
[ Voice recognition activated. Recognized as: Elizabeth of HR. ]
E: “You seem rather attached to this one, aren’t you?” 
[ Jasprix stares, mouth open but barely able to do much more than squeak and hold Marvin a little closer, before he twitches and nods once, needing to give an answer even if it’s lacking his usual tone and vocal pattern. ]
J: “Y-yes.”
[ Elizabeth does not move a muscle, seemingly locked in an unnatural stillness. With their mask, it is even difficult to see their jaw moving to speak. ]
E: “Interesting. Very, very, interesting. I would hope you have at least taken notice of my handiwork, I would be so dearly disappointed if that work went to waste.”
[ Jasprix keeps his head turned to them, but glances down at Marvin, at the twisting ring of wires in his neck and around it, and the large gash left in his skin from hip to ribs, among the rest of the injuries. He looks back up at them, the fear stronger in his eyes then before, and gives a tiny nod, unable to speak. ]
E: “I hope you have gathered why you are here, it should be at the very least painfully obvious, however you were never the most observant, so do correct me if I assumed wrong.”
[ He winces, curling in slightly on himself, licking his lips as he shifts nervously. When he speaks, it’s quick, and disjointed. ]
J: “You-you’re giving him to me? To-to- as a-a warning? I-if I- if I keep-keep fighting every m-meeting?”
[ They make a clicking sound with their tongue, and shake their head in mock pity. ]
E: “Tch tch tch. I do suppose my assumption was an incorrect one. You are wrong. Not all I do is about you, little salamander. You may think yourself special, but you are far from the only thing that demands my attention. Try again.” 
[ Jasprix whines slightly, ears drooping down as he shakes, glancing from them to Marvin as he tries to speak before he finally manages it, managing to look hopeful in between the fear and mild anger forming from the idea he’d come to. ]
J: “Wall Rat? Escaped, but-but they. They left him. I-I’m here, because of them?”
[ They tilt their head to the side, not dissimilar to a bird. ]
E: “They did leave him, yes, and what a great service they provided in doing so. And while yes, they are a part of this, they are not what concerns me now, nor does their particular situation at all pertain to you. I am uncertain of how observant you have been since this clumsy bird stumbled out the door, however, I would inform you if you have neglected to notice that you are not the only one who was called.”
[ Jasprix stares, then slowly takes his eyes off Elizabeth to look around again, nervously turning his head away from them to see what they are talking about. Back in the bright room, presumably a part of the HR department, the crowd of stark silhouettes remains, seemingly talking amongst themselves in lue of the person who was presumably leading the meeting. ]
J: “...HR? This... was-wasn’t a-an actual meeting for me. I don’t... know w-why I-I’m actually here. S-sorry, sir.”
E: “You never were the smartest of your group, not quite. You have neglected to notice the thing you are holding so closely in your arms, or notice, remarkably, against what I could not help but notice you had assumed, is alive.”
[ Jasprix looks down at Marvin again, moving a hand from his shoulder to instead hold onto his arm with it, confused expression even as he concernedly watches his pained breathing and slow blinking. ]
J: “He-he is. I...he-he was called too? For-for what, why-why di-did. I w-was called, to meet, w-with him an-and you?”
E: “You are quite the odd one, and not very bright in any meaningful manner, it does seem.”
[ Elizabeth tips their head the other way, never removing their gaze from him. It is almost as if Marvin is nothing more than an uninteresting plant to them, with how little attention to him they pay. ]
E: “Ye of so little faith, assumed that he would die. Well, die permanently. Have you so little faith in me? Did you really think I would let an opportunity such as this pass me by?”
J: “I- I thought-thought he was want-wanted dead, before-before H-Hetch stopped caring, even-even though everything else. Was still-still a threat to him. What, um, what op-opportunity? I’m-I’m sorry, I don’t, see. What you mean.”
E: “You are so very chatty today, terribly unlike you. Even more so uncharacteristic when every word that falls out of your mouth seems to completely lack awareness or logic.”
[ They bring a hand from behind their back and put it on their chin, tipping their head. ]
E: “The specifics of which I speak, you are not privy to. It is above your station, and you should by this point know better than to question what is not yours to know.” 
[ Jasprix ducks his head, still looking at them respectfully from that position, and nods quickly instead of speaking. Looking chastised and afraid to say anything for the moment after they had brought attention to it. ]
E: “The reason that you are here, since it seems it must be spelled out clearly to you as if you were a child, is involving what will become of him now. He is no longer a threat to the company, I have made thoroughly sure that is the case, and so now something must be done with him. Since you do not seem to recognize them, the other individuals who have been spoken to are his superiors, informed of his new position. Do I need to clarify more, or has it finally sunk in in the hollow space between your ears?”
[ Jasprix frowns, glancing from the doorway to Elizabeth then back down to Marvin quickly before returning his attention to the person in front of him. Seeming to remember he had been called here, he clears his throat and speaks again. ]
J: “His...superiors. D-does that, is he, meant to work, under me?”
E: “In a sort of way, yes, as you seem to finally have caught on, and I no longer need to talk in circles until my words are finally understood as a language you speak. He will not return to his prior position, in my personal opinion it was a ludicrous idea to make him an actor to begin with, thus he will go to what he was initially selected for at this company, and has proven to be best suited for. That is where he is useful, and out of the way, and can cause minimal harm.”
[ Jasprix nods again, shifting slightly to better look at them from where he sits on the floor, wincing when his movement causes Marvin pain. The broken man can only sob at this information. Despite the pitiful sight below him, Jasprix keeps his eyes on Elizabeth for now. All he manages is a quiet squeak and only a single word as a response to show his understanding. ]
J: “Okay.”
[ Elizabeth takes a step closer, and leans down slightly, uncomfortably close to him. ]
E: “I feel it necessary to state, and state so clearly as it seems you do not understand what I have been saying in this conversation, the stipulations with which this deal comes.”
[ They reach a hand down and put it on his shoulder. Jasprix freezes completely, and stares at their face, not even blinking as he breathes slowly enough it looks like he isn’t at all. ]
E: “Due to the.. Foolishness, and recklessness, that accompanies the sort of attachment you have formed, you are the one I have to be concerned about most in regards to this man. I want you to listen to what I say very closely, as I will not repeat it.”
[ They tip their head, and even though the white plastic hides their eyes, it feels as if their gaze is boring into him. Jasprix just manages to nod stiffly, before he locks up again. ]
E: “You will not, not under a single circumstance, aid him in his endeavors of insubordination. I know the moment you are alone with him you will wish to free him, this will not happen. Not once, will it be allowed. There will be no mercy, in the event of transgression of this. You know full-well what occurs when you disobey orders. This is the most vital to not violate.”
[ Jasprix blinks, nodding immediately his understanding, fear clear on his face, obvious to anyone looking that he does know exactly what they mean, and has experienced enough to fear the punishment for disobeying. He shifts slightly subconsciously, still close to Marvin as much as he can be but his body giving some space to not touch the wires like they had been previously to his shoulder. He keeps his eyes on the mask, where the eyes would be, and just nods again more slowly. ]
[ They put a finger under his chin and tip his head up so he is forced to look at them directly. ]
E: “You have grown rather fond of your newly acquired freedom, that much is easy to parse. Understand, that if there is even a whisper of you violating my orders, and assisting the little pinned bird regardless, it will be taken away swiftly and without even the slightest sliver of a chance of getting it granted again. Do you understand me? I will not repeat myself.”
[ Jasprix whimpers at the contact, but doesn’t pull away, fear still playing on his face and stopping him from nodding when being made to look deliberately. He opens his mouth, for a moment unable to speak, before he lets out a shaky breath and tries again, more successfully. ]
J: “I understand, yes sir. I’ll-I’ll behave, and-and make sure he does. I understand.”
[ They drop his head, and stand up to their full height, towering over him and once again casting a harsh shadow across them. They fold their arms behind their back, and when they speak it is clear without even needing to see their face that they are smiling. ]
E: “Good. So very good of you. Wise, wise choice.”
[ They take a step back from him, resuming the almost unnatural-looking rim-rod posture. ]
E: “There will be certain measures in place at the hands of his proper authorities that should, if all goes as it should, keep him in line proper this time. So, I sincerely hope you have listened, and that it will not be necessary to begin with.”
[ They turn on their heel, as if to begin walking back into the room. Jasprix watches them go, not moving from the spot on the floor.  They pause, and look back at him from over their shoulder. ]
E: “And, Jasprix, you should know better, by this point, than to assume anything I say is a lie. I make good on my word. For now, before he joins productions, what happens to him is none of my concern, but do not think for even a moment that I will not be watching. You cannot hide, not from me.”
[ Jasprix stares at them, openmouthed and speechless, and nods again in resigned understanding. He is shaking, and looks ready to fall over, now that their proximity has gotten farther, but keeps himself steady braced against Marvin. ]
[ After a moment more, they seem satisfied, and turn away. Their footsteps on the tile might as well be loud as gunshots in the silence as they fade away, back into the room. The door shuts behind them, once again casting the two in darkness. ]
[ Jasprix sits there for a few minutes, watching the door just in case, before he lets out a loud exhale that ends in a whimpered sob. He looks back at Marvin properly, squeezing the arm he was holding gently. ]
J: “Marvin, M-s-Songbird. I need to lift you up, can you hear me, I need you to- to tell me you're still awake.” 
[ It takes him a second, but he manages to give Jasprix a shaky thumbs up. He isn’t able to hold his hand up for long before it falls to his side, limp. ] 
J: “Okay, um. I’m going to assume you heard that, because I also don’t want to repeat that. Just... I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’re like this, it isn't anyone's fault except the person who chose to abandon you. I’m... also sorry that this will fucking hurt, but I need to get you to my room.”
[ Jasprix carefully scoots away, keeping his hand holding onto Marvin’s arm to stop him from falling over without him holding him fully again, and stands up hesitantly. He’s shaky, struggling to stand for a few moments, before he looks down and pulls Marvin up by his arm quickly. Marvin immediately hisses in pain, his knees buckling. Jasprix freezes, wincing in sympathy from Marvin’s pained sounds, and hesitates for a moment in the action he was taking.]
[ Jasprix moves around him instead, and leans down to grab hold of Marvin's legs, hoisting him off his feet quickly with a grunt of exertion. Holding him under the knees and at his shoulders in a bridal carry as he tries to shift it to be as comfortable as he can make it. Marvin grunts in pain at first but as soon as the movement stops, he relaxes. Or, more accurately, he practically melts into Jasprix’s arms. Jasprix huffs, looking concerned but also relieved, that he’s managed to keep a grip. ]
J: “You are a lot lighter than I thought you were. Um, time to go, before someone comes out again. God, at least it isn’t a fuckton of floors to get back to my room. Sorry if it gets bumpy, I’ll- I’ll kiss it better maybe, after I... help bandage you up. Um...Are you ready to move?”
[ Marvin tucks his head against Jasprix’s chest and nods. He looks so small. ]
[ Jasprix squeezes him gently in a return hug, then looks back over at the door for a second just to make sure one more time. The glass being dark makes it hard to know if he’s being watched, and for a moment he lingers, before he quickly shakes his head and moves as fast as he can away from the room with someone in his arms. His tail flicks rapidly behind him as he leaves and disappears past a wall with a final flick of the tail. Quiet words of apology fading as they get farther away from the HR meeting room. ] 
[ The video stays on another minute more, recording the eerie quiet left behind, a final zoom on the door as the video fades out, and clicks off. ]
[ Transmission end. ]
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stjarnaloki · 2 years
Hiii so I’m this is a 3am idea but could you do a Loki x reader one shot based off green green dress from Tick Tick boom? I LOVE YOUR WORK
Hiii Amelia! i looooooved this idea, I was so excited when I read it. I hope you like what I came up with!
Green (Green) Dress (Loki x f. reader)
warnings: 18+ tags: prince Loki, reader is from Vanaheim, dress ripping, thor has a wife, also he's king, this is the dress I was picturing
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Can I tie you up love? If you tell me yes I'll unbutton every button down your green, green dress
The Bifrost spit you out as usual, in an overwhelming blur of colors and the sensation of being hit in the chest by an iron fist. 
You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut, cursing the shimmering gold buildings in the distance that caught the sun. Asgard was far too bright at 8 a.m. 
Heimdall looked down from his pedestal at you, offering nothing but a respectful nod of his head. You smiled back meekly, trying to resist the urge to hurl on the glittering floor. 
When you got your bearings, you adjusted your grip on your overnight bag and hiked up your skirts, beginning the long journey down the rainbow bridge. Early morning mist curled its tendrils around the edges of the walkway. It smelled of salt and olive trees as you drew closer to the castle, reminders of early fall. 
You had a few hours before the luncheon that morning celebrating King Thor’s first treaty, and unfortunately you knew exactly what to expect. A dreadfully dull morning full of speeches, toasts, and not enough alcohol. The niceties would fade as the sun went down, the old people would go to bed, and then a party, raucous and full of too much mead would take its place. You’d been invited as a guest of honor, and you couldn’t exactly decline the invitation as a powerful woman from the other Realm in the treaty. 
It’s just one night, you said, sighing. Hopefully you could sneak off early to the library. 
One thing held your spirits slightly higher than normal, however. A formal event always got your heart racing, not for the political bullshit but for the dress-up. You loved the process, laying down tints and glitter on your eyes and cheeks, sliding into high heels and silk skirts that brushed your ankles whenever you moved. Nothing was more fun to you than a transformation. Tonight’s dress was going to turn heads, if you had any say in it. 
You knew it was provocative to wear one of the Prince’s colors, even more so as a guest of honor. It was an unspoken tradition, and Asgardian girls that made the mistake of wearing red to a ball rarely ever made that mistake again after experiencing a glowering stare from Thor’s queen. 
But the green dress had been practically molded to your body, and there was no way in Hel you would be prevented from wearing it. 
You took the long way to the palace, winding your way through groves of olive trees and stopping for deep breaths at rose bushes taller than your head. As you rounded a corner you were suddenly stopped in your tracks, drawing a quiet gasp as you recognized the raven curls that were sprawled under an orange tree, bent over a book. You backtracked immediately, trying to escape without being seen, but a severe brow suddenly looked up from his book and sat up a little straighter. 
“My apologies, Prince Loki,” you said with a respectful bow. “I didn’t realize you’d be here, I-”
“Thought you’d be able to trespass in the gardens alone?” said Loki in a soft but terrifying voice. You kept your face set in stone, but your stomach flipped. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you, but his gaze sent little jolts of panic into your limbs. 
“Well, yeah,” you said, deciding that coming clean was your safest bet. 
“I see,” said Loki, and he stood, stretching his long limbs. “Here to facilitate my brother’s peacocking, I assume?” he continued, sounding bored. 
“Against my will,” you said with a smirk. The constant quarreling of the Asgardian brothers was well-known, even as far away as Midgard, and you might as well play into it. 
Loki raised an eyebrow at this, the smallest sign that you had intrigued him. 
“Likewise…” he murmured, his nose wrinkling with the thought of the fast-approaching afternoon. 
“I should leave you,” you said, anxious about other unexpected eyes in the garden. 
“Find me, tonight,” Loki said as you turned to walk away. You looked back, raising an eyebrow at his request. 
‘It won’t be hard, I’ll be right next to the king, on that same stupid pedestal,” said Loki, smirking. “I only mean that if you’d wish to escape drunken warriors, I’m quite familiar with this place…”
“I’ll be in green,” you replied with a nod. “You come find me.” With a turn of your heel, you left the garden. 
The fabric felt like water on your skin as you slid it over your head. Hours had gone by since you’d unexpectedly run into the exact Prince whose color you'd be stealing tonight. The luncheon passed with nothing of note, although you had stolen a few more glances than normal at the mop of black hair at the royal table, and been shocked to find green eyes staring back on every occasion. You’d managed to excuse yourself for your outfit change, and you were nearly running late. Voices were beginning to drift up the stairs from the party that was well underway. 
At last, your earrings were on and your shoes were buckled. You painted your lips a pale shade of pink and stepped into view of the full-length mirror. If you were honest, you’d outdone yourself. 
It was the most vibrant shade of emerald green, cinched at the waist and cascading in gentle strips down your legs. A slit nearly as high as your hip let bits of your glowing skin peek through when you walked, and it had mesh sleeves with bits of golden thread woven through into tiny stars. 
You felt a million pairs of eyes on you as you crossed the grand threshold into the ballroom. 
The God of Mischief didn’t even know your name, but there you were, dark green fabric draping over your hips as if he had picked it out himself. The eldest Asgardians audibly expressed laments of your insolence, while the younger ones stole glances and turned back to their friends and whispered did you see?  
Having no group of friends to retreat to, you walked with your head held high to the bar, where you ordered a very strong drink from a bartender who looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You downed it in one gulp and quickly ordered another, begging it to replenish the courage that was failing you. Thankfully, Thor had begun drinking hours before, and after a few minutes was drawing every pair of eyes in the room as he was hoisted by six warriors in the middle of a large dance circle.  
One pair of eyes in particular, however, couldn’t be bothered by the commotion. 
Loki was looking at you intently, and even from your perch at the bar you could see how bright his eyes were and the smirk that curled his lips. 
Your mouth went dry at the intensity of his gaze. He seemed to be either incredibly mad or incredibly pleased; it was hard to tell with a man who thrived in chaos. 
He came down off the raised royal platform in slow, methodical steps, your gazes locked on each other’s. A drop of condensation dribbled from your cold glass down your wrist and you shuddered. 
Then he was crossing the room, his absence gone unnoticed thanks to Thor’s incredible distraction. 
Loki bowed deeply when he was in front of you, a man of tradition only amongst the eyes of his kingdom. 
“If it was attention you wanted, my lady, you most certainly have succeeded,” he said, his eyes flitting down to the curve of your breasts and back to your face. 
Heat rose in your chest. Even in your heels, he towered inches over you. His finest banquet attire didn’t help, either; the golden pauldron on his shoulders adding so much to his regalness that you were tempted to look down at your shoes. Still, you persisted.
“Oh, I know, I doubt I’ll ever be invited back,” you sighed. “What a shame.” 
Loki flashed his teeth at your sarcasm. 
“Are you mad at me?” you asked innocently. “I know this is yours and all,” you motioned to the dress.
“Far from it,” Loki said. “I’m thrilled, actually. The drunk antics of my brother are old news. All anyone will be talking about tomorrow will be the mystery girl who dared to wear a green dress and how the prince just couldn’t keep his eyes off her…”
Your drink stopped halfway to your lips. “...is that so?” 
“How can I repay you for taking my brother down a peg?” asked Loki, ignoring your question. The curl in his lip persisted. 
“You could get me out of here,” you half-laughed, not expecting what came next. 
Loki looked at you for a beat, took the glass from your hand and proceeded to down the rest of it. He placed it on the counter and offered you his arm, raising his eyebrows expectantly when you didn’t take it immediately. 
“You asked,” he prodded, and then grabbed your arm himself. “Let’s go.” You weren’t quite sure what you were getting into, but you hooked your arm around his bicep, the leather of his armor softer than you’d imagined. He walked you at a brisk pace towards the door.
“Loki, people are watching us leave,” you hissed through your teeth. No answer. He nearly dragged you away from the party, walking swiftly with an energy you’d never quite thought him capable of. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” you said once you reached a vacant hallway deep within the castle. You were all too aware of the quiet that had replaced the noise of the party. 
“Fuck them,” he said, a glint in his eye. You gripped his arm tighter and smiled, heat spreading to your cheeks. “You obviously have a taste for causing mischief, therefore you’re the most interesting person at that fucking party and therefore the only one worth my time now…any more complaints?” Loki said all in one breath. He’d stopped walking, shifted his grip up to grasp your forearm. The fingers that dug into the skin made your heart speed up. 
“No,” you whispered, letting him take a step closer. His eyes raked over your body and it took everything in you not to quiver under him. 
“Now…” Loki said, licking his lips. “What to do about this dress?” 
His hand reached down to the slit in your dress and let the shimmering fabric slide over two fingertips. The pads of them gently brushed your thigh, and goosebumps erupted in their wake.
“Stunning…” Loki whispered, staring only at your lips. His other hand found the small of your back, pressing on the line of buttons one by one up your spine. Your eyes closed in spite of yourself, and when you opened them again you found lust in Loki’s eyes. 
“We shouldn’t…” you murmured. If Loki looked at you like that again you weren’t sure if you’d be able to say no.
“No, we shouldn’t,” murmured Loki back. “But you never were one for playing by the rules, were you…?”
Your mouth fell open and Loki caught it with his own, pressing you against the wall until the weight of him left you gasping. 
Flamed licked your body when he kissed you again. 
“Touch me,” you breathed against his mouth, and Loki drew back, his pupils blown and lips red and shining. His hands raked up the shimmering green fabric until they met your skin and you gasped, feeling the way his body moved on yours as he tugged at your hips desperately. A groan escaped his lips as your fingers tangled in his hair.
“Please…” Loki whispered against your cheek, breathless already from your lips. “Let me unwrap you from this exquisite thing…” his fingers ran over the pleats on your breasts, making your nipples harden.  His lips were sweet with red wine and pillowy soft; you wanted to drown in them. 
“Why don’t you rip it off?” you replied in an equally sultry voice. The effect was instantaneous. Loki growled deep in his throat, hiking your skirt up even higher until his hands caressed the soft flesh of your hip bone. In an instant, he was carrying you into the next room as his tongue tangled with yours. He kicked the door closed as you crossed the threshold and set you down again, only to pin you face-first towards the door. 
“Say it again,” he said, breathing into your neck. His hands toyed with the buttons, like his fingers were itching to destroy. 
“Tear it off of me,” your moan muffled by the weight of him against you. 
With an obscene ripping sound, Loki split all 20 buttons down the back of the gown with a casual yank. The gauzy fabric gave nearly instantly, and it fell in a heap at your feet. You turned to face him, completely bare, and found a self-satisfied grin on his face. With a snap of his fingers, his clothes vanished as well.
“Come here, you little minx,” he grumbled, his hands grasping your hips to hoist you easily from the ground. Your legs wrapped around his waist and he pressed you into the mattress, his cock trapped between you as his body encompassed yours. 
“Oh, sweet girl…” he groaned. His tip was already leaking clear fluid onto your stomach. You swiped some up with your finger and sucked it off while he watched you, tasting delicious salt dance on your tongue. 
“Let me taste you…” Loki murmured between the kisses he lay on your collarbones. “Let me dive into your thighs and never come up…” 
You nodded desperately, eyes wide with want. He kissed all the way down your body, leaving wet marks on each breast and down your pelvic bone. He looked at you as he spread your folds apart, piercing you with his green eyes as he took a long, flat lick along your slit. 
“Fuck…” you cried, your hips twitching at the sudden rush of pleasure. “Fuck, Loki, oh my god…” 
Loki was laving at your clit with the tip of his tongue, holding your hips to his face when you tried to squirm. Heat built in your core and you clapped a hand to your mouth to stifle your moans. 
“No, be loud for me, babygirl…” Loki said. “I want to hear you.” 
“Ah-fuck,” you obeyed, and Loki dove back in between your legs, adding two fingers that slid in easily through your wetness. You clenched around them with every swirl of his tongue on your clit, your moans becoming short and unstable. The energy building in your core made you feel electric.
“Augh…mmm…Loki…” you whined as his tongue plunged into your entrance, slurping at your juices until they dribbled down his chin. “I’m gonna come if you don’t stop…” 
“Then I’m doing something right, babygirl,” Loki said, his mouth not leaving your clit. The vibrations from his voice made your hips buck and you bit down hard on your lip to keep from coming undone. 
“N-no,” you whimpered, grasping at his dark curls to yank him up to your face. His mouth was smeared with your juices and you kissed him messily, tasting yourself all over his tongue. It made you feel absolutely animal. You wanted to be filled with every possible inch of him, and you told him so.
“I need to come on your cock, Loki, please,” you whined, grasping his leaking cock until he shuddered. You pumped him a few times until he was straining in your hand. 
“Greedy little thing,” Loki teased, but he was lining himself up with your dripping entrance the moment the words left your lips. With a hiss, he pressed himself into your cunt, overwhelmed by how tight and warm you felt around him. 
“Fuck, you’re exquisite…” he half-cried when he bottomed out inside of you. 
“Yes…” you said, feeling filled to the brim. He began to pump his hips achingly slow. Your nails grazed the pale skin of his back as you adjusted to his length, feeling every vein of his shaft as he moved in and out. 
“Yes, just like that, oh-” he began to move faster, the ridge of his head rubbing your g-spot and making your back arch. 
“You like that?” Loki goaded. “Want me to fill you up?” 
“Oh, Loki…”  you cried, imagining yourself leaking his essence all over his sheets, tainted and marked by the prince of another realm. 
“That’s right babygirl, oh, look at you, taking my cock so well,” Loki said, his voice hitching as he thrust up into you. His cock felt so big you could nearly see it stretching the skin of your stomach with every snap of his hips. 
Hot, wet liquid was flowing down your thighs from your cunt, gushing forward with every movement of Loki inside of you. 
“Listen to yourself…you’re so wet,” Loki said in a strangled voice. “You’re gonna fucking drain me, darling.” 
You nodded and whimpered, pulling the bulk of him impossibly closer and licking into his mouth. You loved being filled by him in every hole, so much that you never wanted to leave that sensation. 
Loki swallowed your moans, his hips rocking more desperately now. One hand trailed down to circle your clit, and he cried out as your cunt clamped down in a rhythmic pattern. 
“You’re gonna come, aren’t you, babygirl?” Loki said, trying unsuccessfully to keep his voice steady. 
“Y-yes,” you groaned, circling your clit faster and faster, feeling warmth spread from your core to your limbs and growing ever-tighter around his cock. “Loki, I’m gonna come, fuck…come with me…” 
Your command was cut off with a guttural moan and Loki’s cock sent you over the edge. Your cunt gripped him, your body wracked with an orgasm that felt like white-hot light. You clutched the sides of his face and moaned his name into his mouth, one last shallow thrust sending him tumbling over the cliff with you. He groaned deep and wet in your mouth, spilling himself inside you. It was warm and sticky, coating every surface of your slit and seeping deeper inside of you with every pulse of your core. 
“Hah–” you both said, breathing the same breath as the last drops of his release dripped inside of you.  Loki’s arms gave out and he collapsed on your chest, kissing your sweaty collarbones lazily as you slowly returned to your bodies. 
After a long time, Loki reluctantly slid out of you with a groan, drawing you closer to his chest. 
“I don’t have anything else to wear,” you mused, motioning to the heap of green fabric that lay next to the door. 
“I could fix it,” Loki offered, stroking your temple.
“Or you could keep me in your bed all night.”
have I left you craving more?
here is my masterlist and my twitter
until next time!!!
@mad4marvelloki @lokiprompts @littlepupthoughs
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aalbedo · 3 years
tartaglia x injured!reader
request: Hello! How about scenario where character offers help to injured!gn!reader, who is very mistrustful of and reluctant to accept it? I smh love the dynamic "no I don't want your help or anything to do with you but I don't really have a choice". And yeah, I feel like Tartaglia fits it well though you may choose whoever you feel like T v T
format: two-parter (part two here)
ship: tartaglia x reader
tags: reader is the traveler-ish (a completely separate character from aether and lumine, but still the traveler, does that make sense?)
warnings: blood, mildly graphic depiction of injury, stitches and needles
words: 1951
notes: this request awoke something in me, i feel like i could’ve written an entire 70k words fic on this if i had the energy. im sorry anon but i kinda went off the rails with this one hfjdkhfd i hope you still enjoy it. also yeah the header is mildly fucked up because i don’t have the energy to find a better png ok.
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You fell to the ground, placing your hands right in a small puddle of your own blood, while a ruin hunter laid on the ground, defeated. Your legs had given in, as a sharp pain hit you through your entire left thigh. There was a large cut on your pants, through which you could see a long, bloody, wound on your skin left by the mechanical monstrosity. It wasn’t too deep, but damn if it hurt.
You squeezed your eyes closed, and let out a loud groan. Reaching a hand into your bag, you pulled out the antiseptic solution you always brought with you, and found out that the bottle was empty. You rummaged more through the bag, looking for a numbing cream, an analgesic potion, even just a remnant of a bandage, anything that could help. Nothing.
Panic started settling in your chest, you were completely alone, in the middle of Lisha, where Hilichurls could attack you at any moment, and you were injured just enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, let alone run away or even fight. You laid down with your back to the ground and covered your face with your hands, as your palms suffocated another loud groan.
You would have to crawl all the way back to the city, or until you found someone willing to help you before fainting from the slow, but consistent, loss of blood. Or worse, dying from shock.
Suddenly, you heard a voice in the distance yell “hey!” Then a second time, with a clearly worried tone in their voice. The pain in your leg made it almost impossible for you to focus on recognizing who that voice belonged to, but it didn’t matter - you were about to finally get some help. You kept your eyes closed as you raised a hand and waved it, showing whoever your savior was where you were.
As you didn’t move from the ground, you heard steps, quickly getting closer to you, until you could feel the presence of someone right above you.
“Oh thank the Archons, I’m completely out of-” you opened your eyes and were met with two bright blue irises staring into yours, and all of the sudden you recognized the voice from before.
“Did that ruin hunter hit you?” Tartaglia was perched right next to your injured leg, already starting to open a backpack that you didn’t recognize as his. He moved his eyes to your thigh and reached out a hand towards it. You swiftly moved the leg away from him, forgetting that it would make it hurt even more, and whimpered when the pain grew.
“I don’t want help from a Harbinger, least of all you” you spat out as you slowly sat up and used your hands to back away from him.
“Stop moving, or you’ll make it worse,” he said plainly as he stood up and followed you, while you kept backing away ignoring the pain through your leg.
“I’ll lose a leg before I let the fatui help me.”
“Alright then, I guess I’ll just watch you crawl all the way back to the Harbor.” He crossed his arms. Oh, he thought he was being funny?
You kept backing away with your arms, until you felt something hard hit your back. A rather large rock was blocking your way, and you would have to crawl around it, and the young man laughed, slowly walking towards you as he took his gloves off and put them in a pocket. You tried moving sideways, but he was quick to crouch down and grab you by the ankle, the one on the injured side, right when you moved.
You inhaled and closed your eyes as a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Are you out of your mind? That hurt!”
He kept your ankle pinned to the ground. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He used his free hand to carefully move the ripped fabric of your clothes out of the way, and get a better look of your wound. You started to feel lightheaded as you saw him tear the fabric further.
You felt some sort of damp cloth on your skin,figuring it was being used to clean the blood off your injury. Tartaglia was being so careful that you could barely feel it, it seemed like he had done this a million times before. You closed your eyes, placing a hand over them, and tilted your head forward, suddenly feeling overcome with dizziness.
“You’re losing a lot of blood. If you hadn’t moved, it would not be this bad right n-” he interrupted himself and he called your name. “You still with me?”
“Mh- huh-uh” you started feeling uneasy. You opened your eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the wound and immediately looked away. So much blood.
“Stay awake, don’t close your eyes again.” You heard a ruffling of fabric, the damp cloth wasn’t on your skin anymore. “Tell me about the Archons.”
“Tell me all of the Archons’ names and their elements,” he repeated. You couldn’t figure out why he wanted you to tell him, but you followed his order, keeping your eyes away from your wound, and instead fixating on the grass beneath you. You were feeling too dizzy to protest, your only choice was to trust him, despite all of your instincts yelling at you to get away from him.
“Okay, there’s... Barbatos, god of Anemo.” You heard more fabric rustling coming from him, but you refused to look at what he was doing.
“Yes, then?”
The dizziness was still overwhelming, but you managed to keep talking, “Morax, god of Geo.” Clinking of glass, probably bottles. “Tsaritsa, goddess of Cryo.”
“Mh-mh.” He sounded… focused. What was he doing?
“Baal, goddess of- Fuck!” The skin around the wound started burning, and so did the wound itself. You bit your lip hard and groaned as the burning kept going on and on, your skin was itching and for a split second it was almost unbearable. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Antiseptic potion,” he replied plainly. “I had to find a way to distract you or you wouldn’t have let me use it.”
“Bastard.” Your skin kept burning, but you slowly got used to the pain as you watched the clear potion sizzling over your still open wound.
He barked a laugh, “I’m trying to help you over here, you’re very welcome.”
You looked at his hands as he skillfully kept cleaning your wound, now there was way less blood coming out and you were starting to feel slightly more at easy. He lifted his head and looked right into your eyes.
“It’s not too deep, but it would probably be better if I stitched it.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Of course I have, you think these healed themselves?” he asked, pointing at the seemingly long scar that started from the base of his neck and went down under his shirt. “At some point you have to learn how to stitch them up yourself.”
You exhaled deeply, still keeping your eyes on his. You realized that his irises resembled the starconches you had seen laid in the sand of Yaoguang Shoal’s beaches.
“Do you have an anaesthetic something to make the stitching hurt less, at least?”
He looked into the bag, moving things around, as if he had no idea what was actually inside the backpack. So it definitely wasn’t his.
He shook his head, pursing his lips slightly. “No, sorry.”
“It’s…” you pondered over it. You would probably have to go all the way to Bubu pharmacy to get an anaesthetic, and on the way there you might lose even more blood. “It’s okay.”
From his backpack, that you hadn’t realized was laid on the ground by your feet, he pulled out a small tin box, and from the box he took out an interestingly shaped needle, recurved like a crescent moon, then a pair of tweezers and a thread so thin you could barely see it.
Just by looking at the needle, you felt uneasy again. “Are you sure we can’t go to the Harbour and get help there?”
“We can do that, if that’s what you prefer, but I would have to carry you - I doubt you could walk at all right now.”
Somehow, the embarrassment of other people seeing you being carried, bridal style, by Tartaglia was stronger than any pain you might have to go through to get these stitches done.
“Fuck it, do it. But be quick.”
“I will try my best,” he said, and his tone sounded genuine to you. You still couldn’t believe you were trusting him like this, after everything he had done to you. “Try to think about something else, focus on anything but the stitches, it’ll hurt less.” He passed the thread through the needle’s hole with surprising skill.
“Okay, uh-” you watched him hover the needle over your skin, probably thinking about the fastest and least painful way to do the job. You moved your gaze from the open would to look at his face, and his expression seemed calm enough to put you somewhat at ease.
His lips were slightly parted and you noticed that he was biting his own tongue, the amount of focus he was putting into helping you was so intriguing to you, you could have never had imagined that he would be so… caring. At least not to you.
You suddenly felt the needle prick through your skin and you whimpered slightly. “Sorry,” he quickly said, before using the tweezers to make the needle pass through your skin and grab it again on the other end.
He repeated the process a few times, slowly pulling the thread every now and then to make the stitch tighter. You observed him the entire time, his eyes quickly darting from one spot to the other, his nose and mouth breathing at a steady pace. You saw him scrunch up his nose a few times, probably to release tension.
Each stitch hurt, you could feel the entire needle pass through your skin and come out again every single time, but you didn’t protest at all, and instead focused on counting the freckles on Tartaglia’s nose bridge, watching the muscles under his skin move every time he swallowed, and carding your fingers through the grass, accidentally ripping some every now and then.
“Done,” you heard him say in an unexpectedly cheerful tone. “I have some bandages, but I don’t think they’re enough for this large of a cut. Though, now that it’s stitched up, it’s probably safe for you to move, and I can help you get to the Harbor where you can buy some numbing potion and bandages.”
You looked down at the wound, and to your relief the stitches looked like they would hold together pretty well. “Sure, I think I can hop for a while, if you hold me.”
He picked up both his and your bag, putting them over his shoulder, then reached out a hand towards you and you realized just how bloody his hands were, as well as his clothes. You grabbed it with your own bloody hand and slowly stood up, placing your weight on the healthy leg. He placed your arm around his shoulders and put his own behind your back, holding you up.
“Ready to go?”
“Mh-mh.” You started walking in the direction of the Harbor, hopping on one leg while Tartaglia held you up.
“Whose backpack is that?” you tried asking.
“Honestly? No idea.”
“What were you doing here in Lisha, anyway?”
“Just some Fatui business, don’t worry about it,” he quickly dismissed your question.
“Always so secretive.”
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bt-writing · 3 years
Windblume Confession
Diluc x gn!Reader
A/N: i feel so bad posting this with inazuma and all the new content... no one cares abt the windblume festival rn its 2.0 lolol. i wrote this during the windblume festival and thought i’d also share it on here. windblume plot doesn’t really have that much to do with the story itself so its whatever
warnings: cringe... but none
word count: 1.3k
summary: You fall victim to venti's schemes and are now on your way to confess to Diluc.
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"Oh, Barbatos, I can't do this. This was stupid to begin with."
Your heart felt tight in your chest as you walked. Clammy hands fiddled around a bouquet of freshly picked small lamp grass. The blue petals were illuminated in the moonlight that shined down on Mondstadt. Small lamp grass always had a gentle, refreshing floral scent when it was picked, but you did not feel refreshed in the slightest. In fact, you were more than ready to throw up.
The Windblume Festival in Mondstadt was the designated time of year for romantic endeavors and confessions to occur. It was a time of independence, freedom, and love for the city. You planned to spend this year enjoying the culture and activities offered, but the Archons seemed to have other divine plans for you instead. The Archon, Barbatos, to be specific.
In order to make some quick cash for alcohol, Venti had been offering romantic poetry lessons to the citizens wishing to convey their feelings to their sweetheart or lover-to-be. You had no intentions of partaking in the romantic side of the festival, but a certain Cavalry Captain had managed to get you involved. Venti wanted wine from Kaeya, who would procure it from Diluc. Kaeya was unsure if he would actually be able to get the "payment" from Diluc, so he snitched on your feelings for the bartender to Venti.
Venti saw your struggle as potential—for more wine, that is. He decided to kill two birds with one stone, and now you were on your way to confess your love to the Dawn Winery's tycoon himself. Of course, part of you was doing this willingly.
It's become almost painful to be around Diluc lately. Your thoughts always became distracted when you were around him, and you're unable to focus during work and commissions at times due to thinking about him. He sent butterflies swarming into your stomach just from meeting his eyes, and his fire wasn't needed to make your cheeks flare red from heat. It was embarrassing how much of a wreck he made you.
You figured that finally confessing your feelings to Diluc was for the best, and maybe this push from Venti was exactly what you needed to get over him. There really was no harm in confessing. Having a crush on someone was akin to complimenting them. It meant you respected and admired them as a person. The only down side to confessing was the chance of rejection, which could put a strain on your relationship with Diluc and make things tense. Diluc was known to have antisocial tendencies, so maybe he would feel too awkward every time he saw you and end up avoiding you entirely.
But, it was too late to let that wonderful pep talk steer you away from your destination himself. Diluc had walked out of the Angel's Share bar and locked the door. He turned around and found your eyes staring at his. It had obviously been a busy night at the bar, as Diluc only ever put his beautiful hair in a high ponytail on busy nights. The moon's soft luminescence served to highlight the light flush on his cheeks. Diluc's smile was gentle and warm as he raised a gloved hand to greet you.
That kind smile felt like an arrow being shot into your stomach, causing you to inhale sharply. There was no turning back now. You softly cradled the bouquet to your chest with one arm, and raised the other arm to return his greeting. Reluctantly, your legs slowly began to make their way towards him.
"What are you doing out this late, (Y/N)?" Diluc questioned. His eyes glanced over the bouquet you carried, but refrained from asking anything about it. You bit the inside of your cheek for a second, thinking about the words you would use to end your favorite friendship. You took in a deep breath.
"I came to talk to you about something, actually. Do you have a few minutes to spare? I know it's pretty late."
"I do. What do you need?" He stood looking down at you. Your body was hot and fidgety under his gaze. It wasn't even an option to continue looking at his expecting eyes, so you settled on giving your speech to his boots.
"Diluc... I know you're a busy man with a large burden put on your shoulders. I see how hard you work for the winery, and you're always so diligent." You nervously played with the parchment wrapping around the bouquet you held. "You take care of everything almost effortlessly, but I know you probably put a lot of stress on yourself to make it seem that way, and I really respect you for it. I respect how you treat your workers with kindness and put their needs above yours... You have such a kind heart to everyone, including me. For as long as I've known you, I've always seen you put others before yourself, like staying out late and putting yourself at risk for the sake of Mondstadt." You paused for a second to breathe deeply, the heavy silence quickly scaring you back into talking.
"I really do...think very highly of you." Your cheeks hurt from how hot they were. "But, the more I got to know you, I recognized other things about you. You have every reason to be cold and spiteful, yet you continue to have the most loving heart out of anyone I've met. You're selfless and brave, and you never expect anyone to thank you. Lately, I'm unable to focus around you anymore. Whenever I'm with you, I feel so giddy that I don't know what to do with myself. You make me feel so safe and happy, no matter where we are or what we're doing. With every moment I spend with you, Diluc, I just...
"I realize how in love with you I am!"
It was terribly quiet now, and your heart was beating so fast that you expected to start seeing dots any second. You had said your feelings to Diluc, and there was no going back. You expected an awkward cutoff at some point to save you from the embarrassment of an unreciprocating rejection, or at least a quick, curt response, but neither seemed to come. Some time had passed after your confession, so you decided to look up at Diluc's face.
When you met Diluc's scarlet eyes, you immediately saw the dark red blush that covered the poor man's surprised face. If you didn't feel that exact same heat on your own face, you probably would have thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world. Your own eyes stared into his bright red ones for what felt like an eternity, until he finally opened his mouth to respond. "You sure know how to catch me off-guard, (Y/N)." He chuckled softly, his words doing nothing to dismiss the rocks settling in your stomach. It felt like you would die if he didn't give you a proper response soon.
Diluc stepped towards you, quickly closing the distance between your bodies. He leaned down and brought his hand up to your hair, brushing it back. Soft lips pressed gently against your forehead and another hand moved to cup the side of your jaw. Your eyes went wide and your mouth opened slightly in surprise. Diluc removed his lips and stood up straight, taking your hand in his and tracing your knuckles with his thumb.
"I'm sorry I made you confess first, (Y/N)… I've shared your feelings for a long time. Hearing you say those words—I genuinely thought I was in a dream." His sweet laugh fell out of from his lips once again. This time, instead of making you feel heavy, you decided it was your new favorite sound—one that made you feel light and free. His laugh was the perfect sound for the Windblume Festival.
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allisonbaelfire · 3 years
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Nyx was a legend, others referred to her as a myth of a bygone era, but so was the Winter Soldier once. The two shared a common past and now a common mission. However, their feelings for one another could danger their goal.
Word Count: 4,403
Authors Note: This story is inspired by the Marvel Comics with Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff and Falcon and the Winter Soldier Series.
+ nyx =  /Nýx/ - the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure.
“I was their secret weapon...or at least I was one of them. She was another. Something about her touched what was left of my humanity. Buried under all that programming.” Bucky touched the back of his neck. “A long time ago, Y/N made me remember what it was to feel human.” 
After several weeks of looking for clues to the "Flag Smashers", your way brought you to Madripoor. One of the most criminal cities in the world. If you didn't want to be robbed or even die here immediately, you had to be someone and have made a name for yourself. It's good that you already had that.
“Nyx”, Your informant greeted you. “Where’s my money?”
You smirked. “Do I have to remind you what happens, if you keep talking to me in that tone?” 
You wanted to take a sip of the bourbon you had just ordered, but your informant knocked it out of your hand and the glass broke on the floor. Before the glass hit the floor, you grabbed him by his throat and pushed him down on the counter.
The bar owner, Jerry, wanted to interfere. His bar was the only one in Madripoor with zero tolerance against violence, if you wanted to fight you should do it outside.
You raised your finger and showed the owner that he should wait, he also knew who you were, which was why he repected you. 
“Do you know how hard it is to find a good bar with my favorite bourbon in Madripoor?” The guy shook his head while you gripped tighter. “No? now let me tell you - it's as hard as really doing anything with your expensive information.” You let go of him.
“I-I told you everything, I know.”
“I-I” You laughed. “Remembered who I am, huh?” You ordered another Bourbon. “So, first of all, this drink, you’ll pay for it.” You took a sip and smiled. “Next, you’re going to tell me all you know about Kali and then I’ll pay you.”
You didn't get an answer, but you realized he still knew something when he nervously looked at his phone. You rolled your eyes, stood up, and turned around. "Jerry, I'm really sorry but I tried the nice way." You slightly pulled your dress up and took out your gun, turned to the informant and released the fuse. 
“Phone,” You winded your eyes, “now!” 
You rolled your eyes, still pointing at the guy. “Zemo - High Town, you’ve got to be kidding me.”  You put your gun back and broke his phone. “I’m very disappointed and our Deal is over, don’t make a mistake - don’t follow me.” You spoke serious. “Or it's the last thing you'll ever do.”
MADRIPOOR - High Town - Brass Monkey Saloon:
High Town in Madripoor was way different than Low Town. More drugs, weapons sex, rich people and power. The petty criminals were no longer represented here; criminal elite were gathered here.
“Nyx,” The Bartender greeted you. “Long time no see even though you look stunning in that dress (X), thought you were done with this life.”
“Well, a girl has to eat,” You smirked. “And to drink.”
The bartender smiled and brought you your favorite bourbon. “Did you hear the rumors about Zemo?”
“Heard he’s back in town.” You took a sip of your glas.
He raised his eybrow. “This Bastard is accompanied by the Winter Soldier.”
You choked. He patted you on the shoulder. After you were sure you hadn't misheard, you inspected the club more closely.
You looked at the Bartender, “You never saw me.” he nodded.
You nervously went to the ladies' room. You’ve heard that James was still alive and that he now had a part of his memory back, so you thought he had stopped being the Winter Soldier and started a life of his own outside of H.Y.D.R.A.. But now that he was Zemo's company you thought about following them and finding out what that their Partnership was about.
You checked whether there was anyone else in the toilet besides you and when you were sure that you were alone, you took a deep breath and turned on the water. You suddenly got a slight headache and grabbed your head, when you looked at yourself in the mirror, your flashbacks started. 
Ages ago - Red Room:
You were one of the best and yet you always had to prove it. After you had defeated each of your fellow campaigners, your leaders were still not satisfied and they let you fight the Winter Soldier - again
“AGAIN!” The Winter Soldier shouted and you fell you arm would break if you’d hit him again.
“James, I-I need a break.”
“What did you just call me?” He asked as he noticed the penetrating looks of the other woman and you remembered that nobody should now.
The Winter Soldier knocked you out.
After James knocked you out, you were brought to your room, you woke up hours later. You touched your head and noticed the bump he gave you. 
"Stupid, bastard." You mumbled.
“I’m sorry, you know I had to.” You recognized his voice.
You looked around and saw his silhouette sitting in the corner, presumably he came through the window into your room again, like so many times before.
You shook your head, “No, I am sorry. I've put both of us in danger”
Bucky got up and went to you. He let his right hand slowly slide up over your arm to your neck and finally to your head, he too felt the bump. You felt his guilt, but you knew he would never really hurt you.
“Stop it.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “James, you know I could’ve easily taken you down.” You smirked.
Because of him, you could endure the whole ordeal at all. If he just looked at you, you lost yourself in his blue eyes and if he held you in his arms he gave you a warm home. He was your anchor to carry on every day and you were his.
“I told you to call me Bucky.”
You pulled him closer to you, “I’m glad that you start to remember who you’re.”
He put his hands gently around your waist and pulled you closer as he slowly leaned in to kiss you.
After cooling your wrists and neck, your pulse calmed down and the flashbacks were gone.
“Thankfully I have often had to look out from above in this God-forsaken place.” 
You jumped on one of the sinks and pushed a panel of the roof aside. You pulled yourself up and crawled back to the dance floor so that no one could see you but you could see everyone.
You spotted Zemo, so it wasn't a rumor and he really was back, but you haven't been able to locate Bucky yet. But it was strange for Zemo that his companion was smiling Tiger.
You were a little rusty in lip reading but you understood that he wanted to talk to Shelby. This would have been your next step too. The mood in the club began to turn. People started staring at Zemo as one of Powerbroker's bodyguards made himself known.
“Зимний солдат атака” Zemo ordered.
“No” You covered your mouth with your hands.
Bucky stepped out of the shadows and was now clearly in your field of vision. He didn't see you, it seemed as if he only saw what he always saw first - an order and his mission. He was ready to comply. He attacked the men who were trying to get Zemo.
Elegant and graceful like a cat, you glide silently along the steel girders,  and watched every movement of James, did Zemo really manage to turn him into his personal puppet?
Bucky knocked down man after man as if they were nothing. Your pulse went faster and your movements on the steel beams became more uncontrolled as you followed his fight. Your heart felt the urge to intervene, you reminded Bucky so many times who he was - not any ones weapon, that you stopped counting and seeing him like this again felt like you had failed him. 
When you were almost about to fall, people simultaneously pulled out their guns. James stopped fighting and was called back by Zemo. You regained control of your heartbeat and your body relaxed, which helped you to find your balance again.
The bartender informed Zemo that the three would now be welcomed by Shelby. 
You couldn't follow them any further without getting into the line of fire. You waited until they left and slowly made your way down from the steel girders and landed on the floor. People looked at you questioningly.
“What? Lady’s stay out of meaningless fights.” And with that you left the bar.
After a few minutes outside the club you got a message, but it seemed you weren't the only one. Cell phones all around you started chiming, people were chatting and looking around. Shelby placed a pretty high bounty and now everyone would be looking for James
You heard gunshots, “Great.” 
Of course, instead of being smart and running away from the gunshots like every other person, you couldn't help but run to exactly where they came from. You hadn't seen Bucky in a long time, but everything in your body demanded to find him before someone could place a bullet between his beautiful ocean eyes.
You saw the bikers who drove behind Bucky and smiling Tiger, you pulled out your gun and fired at them. Two fell, thanks to you, the last one was taken out by a sniper.
“You seem to have a guardian Angel.” Zemo spoke breathless.
“Not quite.” 
Bucky recognized this voice, but couldn't place it exactly on a face. He was just sure she wasn't a threat.
A blond woman showed up, “Nice shot. I take it from here,” she looked behind the man. “and you can crawl back into the darkness.” You smirked and nodded. 
Before the men could turn around you had already disappeared into the shadows.
Within seconds you were on the roofs of Madripoor and on the way to your hotel. Being so close to Bucky clouded your mind and made you lose sight of your goal. 
It helped you to walk over the rooftops in the middle of the night, it was like a release for you. In the night, in the deepest darkness, it was easier to order your thoughts, this is how you had been taught, how he had taught you to focus in case you should lose your way - switch everything dark and only listen to your inner voice.
You remembered him saying those words to you, “Your voice is what makes me lose my focus.” you held your neck and climbed into your Hotelroom through an open window.
After you were in your room, you inspected every inch for cameras, microphones or intruders of any kind, after this you closed every window, every door and every curtain.
“Finally.” You sighed as you pulled of your dress.
You looked even more threatening under your dress. There were small knives on both sides of your ribs and two different guns on your legs. You took everything off and put your weapons aside, all but your favorite gun (X).
“Your place is here.” You spoke soft and placed it under your pillow.
You went to bed and closed your eyes. The room was dark and absolutely silent while your thoughts and memories yelled at you.
“Can we just stay here forever?” You asked while laying in Buckys arms on top of the roof the Academy.
You looked up, the stars merged with the dark night and they seemed to be in perfect harmony.
“Whenever we’re separated, I look at the stars and I think of you. You are my night and I'm your star, he looked at his metal arm,” He tried to make the gun on his body positive. “even if we are often apart from each other, I cannot be without you-” 
You lifted yourself up to look at him. “And I cannot be without you.”
MADRIPOOR - High Town - Unknown Place
It was already very late when Bucky, Sam and Zemo arrived at Sharon's apartment. They all wouldn’t have expected that Sharon had such a beautiful and safe hiding place in the middle of Madripoor, plus a successful business.
“How’s the new Cap?” She asked curious.
Bucky sat down on the couch, "Don’t get me started" he said with an annoyed voice.
Sharon scoffed. “Please. You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit.” She sat next to him. “Before you were his pet psychopath, you were Mr. America!” Sharon chuckled as she noticed Zemo questioning look. “Cap’s best friend.”
Bucky was suprised by Sharon's words, none of them knew this side of her before.
“Wow. She’s kind of awful now.” Bucky mumbled.
Sam gave them an side eye, “Kali Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the super soldier serum.” He sat down. “We won’t leave until we find the one who cracked the code.”
Sharon turned and stared out her window, “That’d explain her appearance. Either she wants to take it or destroy it.”
“Who?” Zemo asked.
“Nyx” Sharon stood up and got herself a drink.
Bucky stood up and he looked petrified. It was as if he had forgotten how to move or even show any kind of reaction within seconds. As he thought more and more about the day, he had felt her penetrating gaze, even though she was nowwhere to be seen. His heart was racing. Bucky’s eyes ran through the room, every dark corner was inspected, but she wasn’t called NYX for nothing.
Sam noticed Bucky's tense body, everything about him seemed like he was hopelessly overwhelmed with something that piercing his head.
“Hey man. You okay?” Sam gently touched his shoulder.
Zemo looked worried like Bucky would snap again any minute. “What is going on with him?” 
Bucky went to Sharon and got worryingly close in her space. “What do you know about her and how can I contact her?”
Bucky's posture was tense. For someone who didn't know him, they might have thought, he would attack Sharon at any moment. But Sharon didn’t step back. She recognized something in his eyes, that she had once seen before, as she looked in Steve Roger’s after her Aunts dead - pain and a broken heart.
“This can’t be.” Sharon raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. “You’re her-”
“What the hell is going on?” Sam interrupted.
Bucky's eyes blurred, his head started to ache, and he held on to the wall to keep from falling.
“I know you’ll always be with me!” You chuckled and looked into the dark blue night. “You’re my star, you watch out for me.”
He remembered a feminine and warm voice.
“What if they catch us?” You asked him worried. 
Bucky gently touched your cheek, “Then I’ll fight them all.” he kissed you.
He remembered the texture of her soft skin and her gently touch.
“You’re not a Monster, no matter how many times they try to convince you - you’re not.”
He remembered how you tried to protect him.
“If you want him, you’ve to kill me first.”
He remembered how you fought for him...
...and how you lost the fight.
Bucky took a deep breath. He came back to himself. He remembered a part of his past that H.Y.D.R.A. left buried deep. A part that made him turn off the Winter Soldier again and again. 
His guilt grew. “I need to go.” He mumbled.
Sam came in his way, “Wait!” he sighed. “Talk to me, Buck.”
Sharon scoffed. “One Weapon wants to find the other. NYX is a Myth all around the world, like the Winter Soldier was.” She winked at him. “She’s as strong as an Army, fast like a cheetah, she knows the most diverse fighting techniques and speaks multiple languages-”
“-Okay and?” Zemo rolled his eyes.
“I was the secret weapon of H.Y.D.R.A. ...or at least I was one of them. She was another. Something about her touched what was left of my humanity. Buried under all that programming.” Bucky touched the back of his neck. “A long time ago, Y/N made me remember what it was to feel human.”
Sam held his head. “She saved us today. Well, saved you but-” he shrug with his shoulders. 
“And now she has become a shadow. She works alone, always clean leaving no hints behind. I don’t know how to find her but maybe I can contact some people who might know what her next mission is.”
MADRIPOOR - Next Morning:
Your alarm clock rang but you had been awake and still lying in bed for hours. That you would wake up before your alarm clock was nothing special, but it was unusual that you were lying there instead of going to work immediately.
Your heart beat irregularly, and a slight nausea came over you every now and then. Seeing Bucky again without him recognizing you hit your psyche more than you wanted to admit to yourself.
Your phone rang, a new hint for the super soldier serum.
You sighed. “Ohhh f*ck this.” you put your pillow on your face.
But a mission was a mission. You took the pillow from your face, sat up straight, and took a deep breath. Even before you knew that Bucky was back, the mission was important to you personally and Bucky wouldn't be able to prevent you from destroying the serum - no matter what.
Your cell phone rang again and one of your informants wrote you where you could find the scientist who had recreated the serum. Buccaneer Bay.
You looked at your gun. “Hopefully I won’t need you for him...” You spoke and put on your weapons.
MADRIPOOR -  Buccaneer Bay
Your body was still tense because of Bucky, but it was also he who learned to suppress your own emotions. When you arrived in Buccaneer Bay, your way led you to the top of the container. A better view and you wouldn't be noticed right away.
“With that bounty on your head, the longer you’re in Madripoor the less likely you’re ever leaving.” 
You rolled your eyes as you recognized a female voice. “I should’ve known.”
You leaned a little over the container you were standing on and noticed Sharon, Sam Wilson, Zemo and of course Bucky.
The four of them ran through the individual containers and it seemed as if they were looking for the same thing as you. Slowly and silently you went after them until-
Sharon stopped. “-Container four-two-six-one.” 
Bucky looked uncomfortable. He looked around in every direction. It was as if you could literally feel that someone was watching him.
“I’ll watch while you guys talk to Nagel.” Sharon handed them some earpods. “But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.”
“What’re you up to?” You asked yourself as you looked at her.
The container door cracked open, you waited until Sharon was far enough away to get to the next container and on to your destination.
The men went in and you heard them open another door inside. You waited 2 minutes, after all, Zemo and Sam were accompanied by the Winter Soldier, who would double-check everything. When you were sure that they were gone you went into the container.
As you followed them you heard how they drew their weapons. That wasn’t your way, while they first thought of pulling out their weapons, you thought of securing the container and waiting until the men thought they had nothing to worry about and were alone with the doctor.
“Doctor Nagel?” You heard Sam.
The doctor turned and went pale in the face. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“We know you created the super-soldier serum.”
You walked slowly into the room and decided to hide yourself first.
Nagel walked past them, “Get out of my lap.” until he noticed Bucky.
“You know who he is right?”
Nagel didn’t dare to move any further than looked deep into Bucky’s eyes and didn’t grimace. Sam grabbed Nagel by his jacket and pushed him at a wall.
“How about a counter proposal?” The Doctor grinned. “Make me a better offer and I talk.”
Bucky's body language spoke for him. He must have heard something, they weren't alone anymore. He pulled his gone and pointed at Nagel. You got nervous, was this Bucky Barnes or was it the Winter Soldier? Whoever he was, nothing should happen to Nagel.
Nagel began to explain how he managed to reproduce and modify the Super-Soldier serum. In your opinion, he was a bit arrogant.
“I was god.” He smiled and you rolled your eyes.
Zemo started walking around, you couldn't tell what he was going to do so you decided to get closer. He found a gun under a desk and went near Sam and Bucky. You heard the container door open again and you were ready to fight, but Sharon stormed in and for a second you couldn't keep an eye on Zemo, a shot went off - Nagel was dead.
You had to act immediately, you came out from behind Sharon and hit her hard on the head, she fell over like a stone. Sam held Zemo tight, his gun fell to the ground. You ran up to Sam, he was so surprised that it was easy for you to ram your elbow in his face and make him fall to the ground too. You pulled out your two guns, one aimed at Zemo and the other at Bucky.
“Y/N?” Bucky sounded confused.
“Its been a long time since I heard that Name,” She sighed. “Did you miss me, Soldier?” You gasped.
“Do you want the serum for yourself, my dear?” Zemo asked hands up.
Bucky shook his head, “She already has it.” He came closer to you.
“Ah-Ah-Ah, don’t make another move.” You were still aiming at Bucky. “I need the serums, I’ll destroy them so that no one can ever use it again, can use us like they please.”
Bucky's gaze softened. The whole time he was wondering what had become of you, but even if H.Y.D.R.A. or the KGB wanted to make you monsters, you were one of the monsters who worked for, instead of against, people.
He came closer and even without touching you he could feel how much your heart was beating. But what he didn't know, would you shoot him to get to your goal? 
He put his hand on yours with he gun, “Y/N...”
Before you could react to Bucky or even think about your next step, you were hit by a bomb that destroyed half the container and knocked you and the others to the ground.
“Y/N,” Bucky groans.
You heard heard the alarm blaring and glasses clicking, everything was shaking but you seemed unharmed as you could stand up on your own. But your eyes couldn't see that much, everything looked blurry. You could barely stand on your feet. 
“Did anyone see Zemo?”
Bucky helped the others up. You shook your head and slowly came to yourself. Bucky came and took your hand when another explosion destroyed the container, you all were lucky and made it out just in time.
“All right! Wait for my signal!” Bucky ordered.
You heard gunfire and placed yourself in front of him to take a shouter out. 
“Too slow old man.” You came out from behind the container and started shooting the other shooters. Sharon and Sam followed your example and helped.
“Damn it, Y/N!”
You could hear how one after the other fell to the ground but it seemed to get more and more.
“Hey?!” You looked at Bucky. “Do you remember Budapest?” You yelled.
Bucky did remember Budapest and shook his head. “Its too dangerous!”
Another explosion happened and smoke came up, it was perfect to cover you. You got out of your protection and Bucky ran behind you. You were standing back to back and started shooting around you and taking one by one until there was no one left.
Sam and Sharon were speechless after what they just witnessed. A super soldier and a spy who killed 20 people at once without even blinking. But it wasn't over yet, Madripoor was not known for criminals who would give up so easily.
“Okay come on!” Sharon spoke and you followed her into another container.
“So you two?” Sam started and Bucky and you gave him a death stare. “Okay, okay.” He grinned.
Bucky rammed open the door on the other side of the container and you could hear car tires screeching.
“Supercharged.” Zemo smiled.
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam replied.
“Do you want to find Karli or not?”
Bucky crossed his arms, “He’s right, we need him.” he opened the car door.
“Fine.” Sam clenched his teeth. “But if you try that shit again.” He placed himself on the backseat.
You looked at Bucky and he realized you weren't going to come with him. He took your hand and pulled you closer to himself. 
Everything in Bucky demanded to stroke you, kiss you and just feel you but he couldn't even find a word.
“I’ll find you.” You looked into his eyes and smiled soft. “even in the darkest nights.”
He placed a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t do anything stupid.” Then he went inside the car.
You nodded to Sam to show you trusted him to fight by Bucky's side. Then you turned around and walked past Sharon while you rammed her shoulder hard, once around the corner and you were gone.
Bucky put his head in his hands, wondering if he should have stayed with you or persuaded you to come with him. But it didn't seem to be the time for it yet. Sam touched his shoulder to comfort him. Zemo started the car and Bucky felt your gaze on him, he turned around and this time you allowed him to see you. 
He knew you’d see each other again, he still hoped for a better reason but the Serum was still out there - and your mission wasn't over yet.
Thank you for reading - Please share and leave some love here <3
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Flirting with the intern (1)
Series masterlist
Word count: 1263
Genre: idk, probably a mix of angst of fluff
Pairing: Natasha x fem!reader
Warnings: None (let me know if I need to add any)
Summary: You’re Tony’s new intern and Natasha seems to take an interest in you when you’re bartending at a party.
A/n: Hi so this wasn't a request but a lot of you seemed to like this blurb I wrote and I was bored and had writer's block so I came up with this series, hopefully you like it! I will try to update fairly often but no promises (I also have no idea where I’m going with this so feel free to give me ideas). Also if you aren’t on my regular taglist but would like to be tagged in this series, or you are on my regular taglist but wouldn’t like to be tagged in this series let me know, I will not be offended. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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She gets bored of the conversation, eyes wandering around the huge room until she spots you serving drinks to some of the older gentlemen over by the bar. You’re pretty and she admires the dress you’re wearing, noticing with disdain that the men at the bar are doing the same, not at all subtle in the way they leer. You look uncomfortable but handle the situation gracefully, handing over their drinks before walking away, rolling your eyes.
She doesn’t recognize you which is odd. She makes a point to be able to match everybody’s face to their name, a habit formed by years of not trusting others, and there’s no way she missed anyone, much less a cute girl.
“Who’s that?” she asks Steve suddenly, only noticing after she speaks that she interrupted his conversation with Bruce. Oh well, she muses, it’s not like talking about the differences of desserts now and when Steve was born is a particularly important topic over conversation.
Steve doesn’t frown but his forehead wrinkles a little. “I don’t know. You should ask Tony, he probably knows.” Steve pauses, thinking a second. “Or he has absolutely no clue. Either way you should ask him.”
Natasha nods and looks around the room to find Tony. Luckily he seems sober and is pretty close by, talking to Pepper and Rhodney.
“Hey,” she greets as she walks up.
“Hi red,” Tony responds and Natasha gives him a slight glare at the unwanted nickname, being slightly more lenient than usual because she needs something from him.
“Who is the girl working at the bar?” she asks, getting straight to the point.
Tony waggles his eyebrows. “Why? Do you think she’s cute?”
“No,” Natasha half lies (she does but that’s not the only reason she’s asking), “I like to know the names of everybody so if something goes wrong I know exactly who did it. She is obviously an employee of yours but I’ve never seen her before so I would like to know who she is.”
“Spies,” Tony mutters under his breath before speaking louder. “Her name is Y/n and she’s my new intern.”
“What happened to Sarah?” Natasha asks. Sarah wasn’t extraordinary in any sense but she worked hard and Natasha could admire that.
“Couldn’t handle the pressure and started crying in the labs a few days ago saying it was too hard and she wanted to quit, so I told her she no longer had an internship.” Tony explains.
“Which is why you are going to be more understanding and less hard on Y/n.” Pepper interjects, giving Tony a look. “This is your fourth intern in three months. It doesn’t look good for the press if none of your interns like the program or pass it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tony waves his hand around. Natasha has no doubt that if he is unsatisfied with your work he’ll take away your internship as well, without considering Pepper’s words.
“Well thank you for your help Tony, I’m going to go talk to her and see what I can find out now,” she tells him, starting to walk away.
“Spies,” Tony mutters again, shaking his head fondly as he watches her go.
“I’ll take a shot of vodka, neat,” a sultry voice says and you spin around to find yourself face to face with the feared assassin and possibly most beautiful woman to ever exist, Natasha Romanoff.
“I-um, er-” She lifts an eyebrow delicately and you fall silent.
“You do know how to do that right?” she asks sarcastically.
“Of course,” you tell her, more confident after taking a breath. You busy yourself with making the drink which doesn’t take long at all.
“Here you go, um-” you flounder, unsure of what to address her as.
“Agent Romanoff,” she says, sticking out her hand for you to shake.
You lean over the counter and shake it. “Y/n.”
She hums thoughtfully. The view as you leaned over the counter was not bad and she wonders if you were showing off on purpose before brushing that idea out of your head. You seemed nervous early and your body language didn’t suggest anything flirty. Still, she couldn’t help but try her luck.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you,” she says and you feel heat rise in your cheeks and turn your head away so she can’t see your reaction. It’s useless of course and barely hides you at all but she finds it adorable that you tried and also adorable how flustered you get at one generic pick up line.
“Um, thank you,” you tell her, trying not to stutter. She bites back a smile. Just when she thought you couldn't get any more adorable you do, all cute and shy.
She winks. “Just the truth sweetheart.”
You nearly choke on your own spit when you hear her words. If you didn’t know any better you’d think she was flirting with you. But that is impossible because she is so much better than you that the thought alone is completely ridiculous.
“So how are you finding Stark industries so far?” she asks, switching the subject. As much fun as it’s been flirting with you she can tell she needs to tone it down a little if she doesn’t want you to combust.
You blink a few times at the sudden change before speaking. “It’s been quite an experience so far even though I’ve only been here a few days. Tony is definitely as brilliant and eccentric as everyone says and I think I’ve learned a lot and I’m excited to learn more.”
She laughs, a sound that makes you want to hear more. “Tony definitely is eccentric, but as long as you go along with it he’ll love you. And if you get on Pepper’s good side Tony will be scared to fire you.”
“Thanks for the tips,” you say surprised, “Pepper is definitely scarier than Tony.”
“Oh for sure,” Natasha- Agent Romanoff agrees, “but don’t let him hear you say that.”
“Don’t let who let you say what?” Tony asks, standing beside Natasha and throwing his arm around her. She immediately steps away, brushing him off.
“I was just warning your intern about how utterly stupid you can be sometimes,” she tells him, “I want to prepare her properly so she doesn’t leave or get fired like the others.”
She walks off and you watch her go, not noticing how entranced you are until Tony clears his throat.
“So Natasha huh?” he asks and you look at him wide eyed.
“I’m sorry Mister Stark, I don’t know what you mean.” you play dumb.
He shakes his head. “You’re not the first and you definitely won’t be the last, I can’t say I don’t blame you.”
“Mister Stark?”
He sighs. “Just be careful around her kid, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
You nod as he leaves the bar as well. The rest of the night you think about the weird exchanges you had with both Tony and Natasha. Everything you had heard about the Black Widow was that she was cold and unfriendly but she seemed pretty nice to you, especially with the weird almost flirting thing she was doing. You know it wasn’t real, you watch as she makes the rounds of the room and has everyone practically falling over her feet, but it felt real and when she smiles in your direction from across the room and makes eye contact you know that you are way too close from catching feelings, which is always a bad idea.
next part >>>
Taglist: @fayhar@xxxtwilightaxelxxx@acertainredhead@madamevirgo@megaqueenmaeve@cherryblossomskye@aaron-despair@chickenhavewisdom@emril-osvigne@nyankitty987@agathaharkness-simp@midnight-lestrange@thewidowsghost@nyx-aira@stephanieromanoff@satxnsupreme@likefirenrain@wlwlovesreading@natashadeservedbetter@stop-drop-and-drumroll@peggycarter-steverogers@casperlikej@redswing@mochamoff@king-star@blackbat2020
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asmo-ds · 3 years
I've seen alot of headcanons about Simeon turning into a demon, but how would everyone react if Luke managed to turn himself into a demon 🤔 Like maybe he didn't amount up to Celestial Standards (I headcanon the Celestial realm is kinda weird due to the events of the anelic event) and then he made some type of minor violation and they kicked him out of heaven to avoid the possibility of him growing up to be undesirable in the Celestial Realm
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When a Child Falls
Luke-centric ANGST & FLUFF
Warnings: Pain, falling from heaven, Luke hurting :(
Summary: After failing to live up to the standards of his superiors Luke is kicked out of the Celestial Realm and becomes a demon. Luckily for him the exchange program had given him so many new and old friends who wanted nothing but to help the poor child despite any bitter past they may have had with him
a/n: i was gonna do headcanons but then i was like what if i make a whole one shot about him falling and everyone helping him adjust to his new life and uh yea <3
Also this didn’t come out as angsty as I wanted it to but demon brothers comforting a fallen Luke >>>>>>>
He tugged on his own arm, begging for the elder angel to release him and give him a second chance, his once hopeful blue eyes filled with tears and terror. 
“Stop, I swear I just need more time, PLEASE!” Luke cried, punching the elder’s arm and attempting to pry his wrinkly hands from Luke’s small forearm. The elder yanked Luke’s arm harder, resulting in a distressed cry from the short blond.
Luke tried to steady his breathing as they approached the boundaries of the Celestial realm, where he was to be pushed off for his failure to earn his wings in a timely manner. The Celestial realm saw him as useless and decided they would be better off discarding a weak angel like himself.
“LET HIM GO, PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS!” Luke could hear Simeon’s breaking voice screaming at the elders who held him back from Luke to prevent any interference, “JUST LET ME SAY GOODBYE PLEASE,” he begged to which the elder finally agreed and the two embraced tightly. “Luke you listen to me, you get to the Devildom you go STRAIGHT to Lucifer, he helped his brothers and himself through his fall he can help you, please, trust him with at least getting you through the transition then you can hate them again or whatever you want, pl-”
“I get it, Simeon, I promise I won’t let you down,” Luke interrupted, tears falling from his eyes onto Simeon’s broad shoulders. 
“Times up. Luke come to the edge, stand here,” an elder guides him into position. 
Luke’s hearing starts ringing as his adrenaline kicks in, the fear of death and disappearing from existing overwhelming him. His breathing grew fast, and before he knew it, he felt a push and wind pounding against his skin as he fell, and fell, and fell, until he saw the Devildom soil and he tensed, preparing for the worst.
Instead of hitting the ground he hears a fwoosh and finds himself caught in strong arms.
“Luke! What happened, where is Simeon? A young angel like you shouldn’t be down here all al-” Lucifer starts questioning the angel, concerned to see the small boy falling from so high. He was interrupted by a cry of agony, Luke pushed away from Lucifer, doubling over and screaming as the pain began to set in.
Lucifer recognized the transition immediately and how badly it hurt his brothers, so he gently approached the young boy, who glared at him with teary pained eyes, and he murmured a spell, before darkness washed over Luke.
His innocent blue eyes fluttered open, not recognizing his surroundings, he sat up quickly, wincing and hissing as his back was suddenly filled with unbearable pain. 
Oh that’s right, I fell. They pushed me and now…His eyes snap open, remembering the feeling of falling, but nothing that happened afterward.
“I have… to find… Lucifer..” Luke spoke to himself, taking short breaks between every few words to take a painful breath, feeling his ribcage expand and contract as his wheezing continued.
“I’ve already found you, Luke, you’re in one of the bedrooms of the Demon Lord’s Castle. Please lay back and take off your shirt, your back is bound to be in a lot of pain, this serum will help.” The blond flinches as Lucifer rises from a chair next to the bed where he laid. 
Luke raises his arms and let Lucifer take off the shirt before laying on his stomach.
He hears Lucifer’s breath catch in his throat as he stares in horror at Luke’s back, where wings were starting to form, dark and mangled with feathers tangled and in need of a cleaning.
So like that, Lucifer kept Luke safe and took care of him whilst the other brothers prepared a room at the House of Lamentation for him to stay.
“Luke, I’ve brought you some tea and cake,” Barbatos walks into the bedroom carrying some snacks and drinks for the injured boy.
“Thank you Barbatos, I missed your cooking,” Luke smiles slightly before taking a big bite of cake and groaning. “Like, I really missed it-”
“Yes, Barbatos makes splendid food, which is why I keep him around!” Diavolo winks, nudging Barbatos with his elbow a bit.
“Actually sir, you only keep me around because no other demon has been able to keep up with your antics-”
“ANYWAY, Luke your wings look like they’re growing in nicely, and so do your horns,” Diavolo walks over to examine Luke’s new form. “You’ll probably be in a lot of pain for at least a few more days, but if you want to get situated into your new home we can let you go and just check in on you everyday.”
“Uh… I don’t want to intrude at the House of Lamentation, if it’s going to be any sort of burden to them-”
“Nonsense, my brothers and I are glad to take care of you and take you in, you experienced the same fate as us, albeit for different reasons, but still, we know your pain and we want to guide you so please, Luke, let us help you,” Lucifer places a reassuring hand on Luke’s shoulder as he says this.
“...Okay, BUT no calling me a chihuahua- GOT IT?!” Luke pokes Lucifer’s chest aggressively and earns a hearty chuckle from him.
“I agree not to call you a dog anymore,” Lucifer laughs out, “though I cannot speak for my brothers.”
“I can’t believe the chihuahua of all people got kicked out…” Mammon says, still in shock that the angel who had been so determined to make people smile just a year before during the exchange program had somehow managed to get himself thrown out of heaven.
“I remember when I almost didn’t earn my wings in time,” Asmodeus shudders at the memories of being threatened with exile and constantly pushing himself way too hard, “I got so many wrinkles from the stress.”
“Luke makes good food, I’m glad he’s staying with us.” Beel’s mouth was watering as he and Mammon moved a dresser, finally finishing getting Luke’s new room in order.
“Oi, try to be sympathetic when he gets here Beel. He may be a little annoying kid but he’s going through what we went through,” Mammon scolded his younger brother, an uncomfortable silence taking over the room as each and every one of them remembers the pain they were in as their bodies morphed into those of demons.
“God is such an asshole…” Belphegor mutters, getting extremely angry the more he thinks about it.
Luke had done nothing wrong, Lilith had done nothing wrong, so why? Why would he keep getting rid of the most determined of his angels over such insignificant things?
Suddenly all their phones go off with a text from Lucifer saying he and the boy would be arriving soon. They all gathered in the entrance hall, waiting for Luke to arrive. The front door creaked open, all of the brothers standing up straighter and nervous as Lucifer stepped through the entrance with Luke just behind him. 
The brothers all gasped quietly in shock at the state of Luke. He was pale and thin and the look of complete and utter despair in his formerly innocent eyes filling the room with a depressing atmosphere.
“H-hey there Fido- I mean- Luke, how’re you feeling?” Mammon tries to start up a welcoming conversation, getting a nasty look from Lucifer, who Luke was clinging to for dear life.
“Luke! As soon as you’re feeling able to, what do you say we bake something together?” Beel smiles sweetly, most of them getting nothing but nervous looks from Luke in response to their questions.
“I’m just going to help him get settled in. Satan you’re in charge of everything else around the house while I take care of Luke and my own paperwork.” Lucifer guides Luke up the stairs.
Satan rolls his eyes but mutters a small “fine,” before the two head upstairs to the attic, where they’d set up the room to look just like the dorm he stayed in at Purgatory Hall.
“Oh wow, it feels like I’m back in the exchange program,” Luke chuckles a little, clearly faking any sort of joy.
“Luke,” Lucifer kneels down, “you are one of my brothers now, you have nothing to fear, and Simeon will be able to visit at some point-” His attempt to ease Luke’s worries is interrupted by a loud sob.
“Don’t you get it?! Michael and Simeon will never look at me the same, ever again!” Luke wails, using his sleeves to wipe the tears that streamed down his face. “All I ever wanted was to impress them! To impress God and make humans happy and protect them! But now my natural instinct to hurt humans ruins any chance of me becoming the person I’d always thought I’d be!” Luke falls to his knees, sobbing and wheezing, his vision becoming blurry as a panic attack hits him like a truck. He can barely hear anything except for Lucifer calling out a name, and all he could make out was that it wasn’t his own name. A dark figure walks into the room and Luke hears muffled voices for a minute before he is suddenly extremely calm, his eyelids growing a bit heavy and he feels exhausted.
He then realizes someone was holding him and murmuring some sort of spell, causing him to panic once more, but this time he was perfectly aware and just jumped up ready to fight.
“Hey you dirty demon! Don’t use your dark magic on me or else I’ll-”
“Pfft hahaha,” Belphegor laughs hard, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “you still look like a chihuahua when you get annoyed!” Belphie teases and Luke blushes, before running at Belphie and tackling him, leading to a wrestling match on the floor as Lucifer stands by and watches the two of them closely, to ensure nobody got hurt under his watch. 
Dinner was the worst, to be honest. Luke had asked Lucifer if he could cook to say thanks for taking him in, but now he sat awkwardly and all of the brothers remained quiet, watching his every move and watching him like he was an injured little puppy.
“I-is the food not good?” Luke questions looking around nervously.
“AH- no its great Fido- LUKE, ah jeez I’m getting a headache this is so hard to adjust to,” Mammon slams his head on the table, earning a glare from Asmo and Satan who he sat between.
“Anyways, I know you’ve been to the Devildom before and don’t really need a tour BUT you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more places to go!” Asmo smiles widely at Luke, “So let’s go together soon, okay?”
“Ooooh Luke, you have to tell me what Celestial Realm video games are like, GAH I wish we had waited to start a war until after the invention of video games. Anyway I got a new one so I can show you a Devildom game and-”
“Shut yer trap Levi,” Mammon leans over the table to attempt to cover Levi’s mouth.
“But let the GREAT Mammon show ya all the best spots in town~”
“NO-no do not take the child Gambling, Mammon,” Asmo smacks him.
“Asmo for all we know you’re gonna scar him and take him to a strip club,” Belphegor smirks, knowing he just started a war.
“I WOULD NEVER, COME HERE YOU BRAT,” both of them in demon forms chasing each other around the house and screaming.
Suddenly everyone hears a child’s laughter and looks at the blond who had barely even smiled since arriving.
“We can try to do everything you guys want to show me,” Luke smiles. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief seeing that Luke was feeling more comfortable around them. “Um, question though… how do I go in and out of my… demon form?” 
“HAH that’s easy, just relax and let the GREAT Mammon teach ya!”
“Mammon, not yet. Luke, I will teach you, but we need to wait a bit longer or else the pain of transforming will be unbearable for you,” Lucifer looked down at the disappointed boy.
“Oh, ok.”
“Don’t look so gloomy Fid-LUKE JEEZ LOUISE- there's a lot the GREAT Mammon can teach ya in the mean time!” Mammon stands up with a cocky smile, hands on his hips. “Think of me as ya new master and you are my apprentice!”
“NO do not think of him like that he will make you do his dirty work,” Satan says, hitting Mammon in the stomach.
“Thank you,” Luke looks at Lucifer, “thank you for taking me in, I-I know we don’t have the best past and I was super rude towards demons during the exchange program but-but I’m trying to change for you guys! Thank you!” Luke bows his head, tears falling down his cheeks. The knowledge that he can never go back to the way he was bringing on more tears, but they didn’t mind. They’d been through the same process. So silently they all comforted him and welcomed him into their home with  open arms.
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tea-and-la · 3 years
“Katara is Hot-Headed”
.... okay, so i’ve seen this ICE cold take enough time to warrant a formal post. i’ve seen and strongly agree with the posts i’ve seen that refute this, like @shewhotellsstories post here. but unfortunately, this sentiment is still something that’s widely accepted in the atla fandom. it’s no surprise that “katara is hotheaded” is the common argument for “why zutara doesn't work.” and while it’s more than irritating that zutara antis love to align them in ways that are only negative in nature, i’m not going to get into that. i’m going to focus on katara. 
one of the key defining aspects of katara’s personality is her patience. she is unwavering in her faith of aang (through their numerous supportive talks), as well as her encouragement of her friends when they need it (ex. toph in the runaway and sokka in sokka’s master.) but most notably? let’s talk about the desert episode because this is where katara’s patience really shines. 
there are a lot of things going on in that episode. aang is dealing with grief from the loss of appa and lashes out at both toph and katara while also intermittently flying away from the group. what would a “hot headed” or quick-tempered person do in this situation? let’s look at some of the dialogue: 
aang: [Enraged.] How could you let them take Appa?! ‌ Why didn't you stop them‌?!
toph: [Defensively.] I couldn't! The library was sinking! You guys were still inside and-
aang: [Snaps at Toph in a harsh way.] You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone!
aang looks extremely furious at Toph as Katara walks over to him. She puts her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.
katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now.
in that dialogue, katara inserts herself in to mediate. she recognizes that he’s in a dark place, and she sees past the harshness of his words to see that they come from a place of hurt, not malice. she reacts with empathy and understanding. 
a quick-tempered person would not have responded in this way.
the majority of this episode, katara is essentially the leader of the group. it’s swelteringly hot, which is enough for any hot headed person to get irritated, but she doesn’t. 
toph: Katara, can I have some more water?
katara: Okay, but we've got to try to conserve it.
sokka: [As he points to his mouth.] We're drinking your bending water. [He tries to define the taste of the water, smacking his lips. Disgustedly he exclaims.] You used this on the swamp guy! Urch!
toph: It does taste swampy.
katara: [Sad tone.] I'm sorry, it's all we have.
in this scene, even momo complains about the taste of the water, the only water they have. and katara’s response was to apologize for something she can’t control. 
after this point, she has to lead toph through the sand, while sokka is high on cactus juice and aang is upset. instead of getting frustrated, she tries to inspire hope into them all: 
aang: [Hopelessly.] What's the difference? We won't survive without Appa. We all know it.
katara: [Encouraging.] Come on, Aang. We can do this if we work together. Right Toph?
toph: As far as I can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. I got nothin'.
katara: [Hopeful.] Sokka? Any ideas how to find Ba Sing Se?
Sokka and Momo lie side by side on their backs, arms and legs stretched out. Sokka smiles blissfully.
she does get annoyed, but she doesn’t direct that frustration at any of them, unlike a quick tempered person would do.
katara: [Grabs her head in annoyance.] Ugh ... We're getting out of this desert, and we're going to do it together! Aang, get up. Everybody, hold hands. We can do this. We have to.
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the point of these excerpts isn’t to say that anyone else in the gaang is horrible. i just wanted to point out the moments when she could’ve gotten frustrated and lashed out, but didn’t. not once. 
patience and quick temperedness are antonyms of each other. and imo, the fact that so much of katara’s character is defined by her patience (even outside of this specific episode) and nurturing (for over 80% of the show)  is enough to refute her “hotheadedness.” especially, when the other members of the gaang are allowed to be upset and/or angry on occasion and their dispositions/temperaments are not immediately associated with hotheadedness. maybe unpack why that is. 
let’s take the instance when she and toph argue in the chase. first of all, this episode is characterized by all of the members of the gaang being sleep deprived (i.e. not in their normal states), so their attitudes should be taken with a grain of salt. (what humans do you know that are happy-go-lucky when they haven’t slept enough?)
 anyway, the episode starts with katara attempting to lightly hint to toph about  group dynamics. 
katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
toph: [Shrugging casually.] Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
katara: Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, [Holds arms out in gesture.] some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent. [Momo flies over to her, dropping several berries he had collected into her hands.] Even Momo does his fair share.
toph: [Breezily.] Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, [Pats bag.] I've already collected my own food and look, [Earthbends a rock tent over her.] my tent's all set up.
katara: [Slightly irritated.] Well, that's great for you, but we still need to finish 
toph: [Angered.] I don't understand what's the problem here!
katara: Waves her hand dismissively and walks away.] Never mind.
from the above excerpt, she drops the issue and doesn’t lash out. later, she even goes back and tries to make amends with toph. she even tries smiling before she heads over there.
Cuts to Katara, who sets down a jug of water. She looks over at Toph, sitting comfortably beneath her earth tent. Her dull expression changes to one of slight happiness. She approaches Toph who is eating some sort of food item.
katara: [Rubs back of head sheepishly.] Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.
toph: [Casually.] Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.
katara: [Growing disgusted.] I meant all of us.
Cuts to shot of inside Toph's earth tent as she lazily tosses the food item onto the ground and lays her head down to rest.
toph: Well, good night.
katara: [Slightly irked.] Good night.
none of her mannerisms and word choices are characteristic of someone with a temper. despite toph’s slight unintentional antagonistic remarks, katara doesn’t react. 
later, after they managed to evade the azula’s tank train for the night, they land appa. and katara tries, again:
toph: [Leaping off Appa and lying on the ground, relieved.] Ah, land sweet land! [Rises and says cheerfully.] See you guys in the morning!
katara: Actually, can you help us unload?
toph: [Points a finger at Katara in irritation.] Look! I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff! [Turns and begins walking away.] I'm carrying my own weight.
katara: [Angrily.] That's not the point. [Approaches Toph.] Ever since you joined us, you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful!
toph: [Enraged.] What? Look here, sugar queen, [Points finger at Katara.] I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang earthbending. So don't you talk to me about being selfish!
the only times when katara reacts in anger that could be perceived as impulsive, is when she is insulted by Pakku and when Sokka suggests that she leave the Fire Nation town without helping. Both of these are hardly instances of hotheadedness, and moreso a reflection of who she is as a character: someone who doesn’t turn her back on people who needs her and someone who fights injustice. 
why would we call katara hotheaded for not settling for being antagonized by a misogynistic asshole? she was a trailblazer in that scene and it meant so much to the little girls of the Northern Water Tribe. similarly, why would we call her hotheaded for not being able to turn away from people who are in need? after all, that’s a core part of her character’s trauma: feeling of survivor’s guilt that there was something she could’ve done to save her mom. it’s part of why she has to act to help others. her passion isn’t synonymous with hotheadedness. 
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter Ten
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chapter nine - Chapter Ten: Heroes - chapter eleven
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n, Sam and Bucky make one final effort to stop the Flag Smashers.
Warnings: spoilers for episode.6, violence, character death (major), wounds, blood, ANGST ANGST ANGST, Bucky and Y/n are a badass couple, Sam and Y/n are a badass sibling duo, everybody’s a badass, inaccurate medical care (unless you consider google legit then it’s for real lol)
Word Count: 8.6k
A/N: GUYS. SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER. HOW DID WE GET HERE?!?! This one was challenging to write because I wanted to still make it mainly focus on Sam and not detract from his story while incorporating another one, hopefully I did it justice. Smaller amount of Bucky Y/n fluff purely because of plot. Imma shut up now and let you guys judge it for yourselves, hopefully you enjoy ☺️
I’d always wanted to visit New York, I just never thought that the circumstances in which I’d come would be so dire.
Surprisingly, flying from Delacroix to the city hadn’t been as draining as I’d thought, the adrenaline rushing through me was enough to keep my stamina up. Once I got into the state I shot up higher, the only way to pinpoint the city’s location was by sight alone. The mass of flashing red, white and blue lights served as a literal guiding light and I followed it till my feet made contact with the ground. I landed in between two buildings, a safe distance away from the commotion but close enough that I could intervene if needed. Sam had told me to go ahead of him and meet up with Bucky, the two of us would be on the ground while Sam took care of business with the senators. “Something’s different…” the voice I’d gone days without hearing announced from behind me, “New haircut?” I smirked and turned to face Bucky, “Do you get bulletproof suits for all the girls that catch your eye?” “Only the ones I really like,” he smiled, cradling my cheek in his hand and giving me an overdue kiss before pulling back to admire the suit, “Looks good on you.” The suit that Bucky had the Wakandans design for me was made almost entirely of Vibranium. It was sapphire blue, the same color of my energy with accent lines of silver running through it to define the shape. It clung tight to my body without showing off too much, the v neckline ended just below my collarbone. Hidden behind Bucky’s note in the case had also been a note from Shuri, the princess of Wakanda, listing that the suit was bullet proof and should I choose to channel my energy through a specific part of my body, the Vibranium would absorb and redistribute it to amplify my strike. The whole ensemble made me feel an official member of whatever club I’d decided to join.
I opened my fingerless glove adorned palm out to Bucky, offering him one of the comms Sam had given me and placing the other in my ear. “Ready?” he asked.
For once, I could answer feeling fully confidant in my capabilities. I reached out and squeezed Bucky’s hand, giving a single nod, “Ready.”
The two of us made our way out from between the buildings and headed into the heart of the chaos. There were news crews, police officers, soldiers and SWAT teams while innocent bystanders quickly fled the scene. 
“Sam, where you at?” I said into my comm.
“I’m almost there,” he replied.
“What’s the plan?” Bucky asked from beside me.
“Karli’s gotta be close, keep your eyes open.” “Well, it could be anybody…” Bucky said quietly as we passed by a group of officers.
We headed for the building in which the senators were being held, the SWAT team immediately parting to allow Sergeant Barnes and myself to enter. Whether or not he was paying attention to anything other than finding Karli, I wasn’t sure, but I smiled internally at the fact that they’d recognized him for what he should have been recognized for all this time.
“Oh, we also called in some backup,” I relayed to Bucky.
“Excuse me, sir, ma’am,” we turned to see a man in a beanie following us, “Are you supposed to be here?” Bucky looked stunned and slightly concerned while I stayed calm, recognizing the signal. Immediately, Sharon ripped off the technologically advanced mask that concealed her identity. “It’s me.” “Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?” Bucky asked.
I gestured to the woman, “Backing us up…” “Relax, no one’s looking for me here,” she said, pulling on Bucky’s arm in an effort to get us away from the crowd. “Is that Sharon?” Sam asked over the comms.
“Unfortunately,” Bucky answered, earning a light, disapproving smack from me to his chest.
“Hey, Sam, I thought I’d get the band back together,” Sharon said into her earpiece.
“Thank you, you’re risking a lot coming here.” I took a step forward towards the blonde, “If you want me to fly you out of here, now’s the time.”
She gave a little shrug, “I hear pardons aren’t all they’re cracked up to be anyway.”
“Depends on the therapist,” Bucky grumbled.
“They’re gonna move on the building soon. Be ready,” Sam’s voice flowed into my ear.
“Same goes for you,” I replied, trying to compartmentalize the constant anxiety that ran through me in regards to my brother’s safety. Though knowing he wore vibranium wings now did help ease my fears a little. I turned my attention back to Sharon and Bucky, “Let’s split up and do a perimeter check. Front’s clear so I’ll take the back, you two take the sides.” “Wow,” Sharon smirked, “Give you a suit and suddenly you’re Miss Take Charge.” I shot her smirk right back at her as she headed down her side of the building while Bucky and I went around the other way. “Somethin’ changed while I was gone,” he observed as we walked. “You made amends,” I replied, flashing back to my visit to the graveyard, “I made peace.” I expelled energy from my fingertips to float above him and fly to the back of the building, not a soul in sight.
“Y/n, Sharon, Bucky, what’s going on on your end?” Sam asked.
“Nothing, all quiet,” Bucky answered. “Same here,” I said, taking another look around me to be sure,
“No one’s moving toward the building,” Sharon added. 
“Karli’s not coming in. She’s trying to force everybody out,” Sam said, “It’s a misdirect, we gotta keep everybody inside.” 
I levitated once again and headed to the front of the building, finding Bucky and Sharon waiting for me. Once I landed, we entered through the glass doors. “You guys are gonna have to do something,” Sam panted through the comm, “Don’t let ‘em out of the building.”
We passed through the building’s metal detectors one by one with no issue, till the alarm sounded off on Sharon. “Oops,” she muttered unconvincingly. “Here’s one of them,” Bucky said, gesturing towards a man in a security uniform, a Flag Smasher, “We’ll get the evac.” Bucky and I winded around the halls but didn’t get far before a woman came walking towards us with a phone extended out in her palm, “Mr. Barnes, Miss. Y/l/n, it’s Karli.” How she knew my name baffled me, Bucky reached for the phone regardless and took note of the orange handprint projected on the screen. He placed the call on speaker, “Karli?”
“Aren’t you two tired of fighting for the wrong side?” the young girl asked.
Bucky scoffed as we stepped down a staircase, “I’ve done this before, kid. I know how it ends.”
“It doesn’t matter if I don’t survive this,” she replied, “I’m fighting for something bigger than myself. With all the bodies you’ve collected, have you been able to say the same?”
“You don’t think I ever fought for something bigger than myself?” Bucky asked, “That’s all I ever tried to do. And I failed twice.” I tugged Bucky’s arm so the phone was in front of me, “Karli, all I’ve ever wanted was to use my powers for good. I respect the fight you’re fighting but this isn’t the way to win it.” “Believe me, I know all about your father’s crimes,” she spoke back, “I looked you up after meeting you in Riga, and trust me, the side you’re on is no better than the one your dad was one.” My heart clenched at her words, I knew that she was a black and white person who only dealt in absolutes, but it didn’t mean hearing it didn’t hurt. “If you wanted to do any real good, you’d have joined us,” Karli continued, “You’d have needed to get your hands dirty, but you’d have made an actual difference.” “You think your cause justifies all this death,” Bucky stepped in and took the wheel, “But in the end, the nightmares won’t go away. You’re gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me. Don’t do this. Don’t go down this path.”
There was a hopeful pause over the line, followed by a disappointing response. “If that’s how the both of you feel, you should sit this one out.” I glanced over at Bucky, sharing the same tired, yet determined look I was displaying. “That’s not gonna happen.” “Well, thank you,” Karlie replied, “I’m glad you took my call, you’ve been a big help.” She hung up then, the realization hitting me immediately as to why she’d called us. “The evac,” I breathed, “It was a deterrence.”
“Damn it,” Bucky growled with a clenched jaw, “Come on!”
We raced through across the floor of the building, making for the winding staircase lit up with flashing emergency lights that would lead us to the parking lot. Since we were the only two fleeing the building that particular way, it was a safe bet to make that the hostages had already been evacuated. Once we were in the parking lot, Bucky took the lead and led me to a parked row of motorcycles, quickly hot-wiring one.
“Seriously, guys, you had one job,” Sharon popped out from behind a pillar to critique us.
“You worry about your guy,” Bucky grumbled as he swung his leg over to straddle the vehicle, I promptly did the same, “Good?” Locking my arms around his torso and scooching forward so my Vibranium chest was pressed against his back, I nodded. “Good.” Bucky floored the gas pedal and we rode off with an echoing screech, finding our way through the garage’s exit. A blockade of soldiers yelled at us as we quickly approached them, shooting through the gap between barriers and whipping around the street corner. On any other occasion I’d have enjoyed clinging tight to Bucky’s body as we rode through the cool New York evening air. Sadly, there was no time to savor the moment.
“That’s one down,” Sharon’s voice came through my comm. “How’d you manage that?” Sam joined in. “Mercury vapor, amongst other things.” Bucky made a sharp turn down one of the streets causing me to clutch his middle tighter, “Any idea where they’ll be headed?” “I thought you were the one in charge,” Bucky retorted over the engine’s noise. “You better speed things up, Sam,” Sharon said, “The chopper’s about to take off.” “Bucky, Y/n,” Sam called, grunts following directly after. Bucky halted at a light, determining the rest of our course. “I don’t fly, man, that’s your guys’ thing.” He revved the bike and turned down a different street.
I pressed a hand to my ear, “Meet you there.” Placing a reassuring hand on Bucky’s shoulder, I levitated off the motorcycle and watched him continue on his path while I turned in the opposite direction and headed back through the city. From across the way, I could see the silhouette of Sam’s wings as he jumped off of the building after the helicopter. The chopper had taken a nose dive and was headed for the street, pulling up just before it hit the overpass. I quickened the speed in which I was flying over the bay, catching up to Sam soon enough. He flew lower than me, his new wings dipping into the waters before he shot back up.
“Plan?” I called into the comms as I kept close to the rear of the chopper. “We gotta take out the pilot,” Sam answered, “Take the left side.” I flew to my designated spot and reached out a hand to grasp onto one of the bars of the plane. Reabsorbing my energy, I put full faith in my grip as I dangled off of the helicopter in mid flight. I poked my head out to the window on the pilot’s side only to be given a front row seat to his attempt to kill Sam, firing a machine gun till my brother was forced to pull back and off the chopper. The pilot whipped his head around to lay eyes on me, aiming his gun. Lightning fast, I let go of the bar and narrowly escaped the shots fired, throwing my hands out and expelling energy to resume my flight. Sam wasn’t far behind, we took off in tandem with one another with him sending Redwing ahead to see if any of the hostages had flight training. As the chopper plunged towards the water, we moved in synch with it, just a few hundred feet behind in a dance of sorts. In the distance, I could barely make out the shape of an almost identical vehicle headed towards the one we were tailing, this one bearing the logo of the NYPD. Our chopper rammed itself into the front of the police copter, sending it spinning in a spiral of smoke and fire. If we didn’t get there in time, it would crash into one of the skyscrapers or worse. Sam and I changed course and made a beeline for it. “Get the co-pilot,” Sam yelled as he swerved to my left. 
I flew up to the side window and shot an energy blast towards it, smashing the glass and startling the co-pilot. I then levitated him out of the chopper and flew the two of us down to the bridge below us, Sam was right behind me with the pilot. The plane was losing altitude fast and was headed straight for our rescue party. Before I could even think to build a force field, Sam shoved me and the pilots down and shielded us with his wings. I felt the Vibranium shake as the plane bounced off of us and over the edge of the bridge. Sam retracted his wings and the two of us rose to our full heights, him in all his red, white and blue glory.
“Go, I got this,” he instructed, taking off into the skies before I could put up a fight. 
I levitated high above the bridge to get a birds eye view of the city, “Bucky, where are you?”
“42nd Street, heading west,” he answered
“I’m a tourist, those words mean nothing to me.”
“I’m passing a building with white and red lights,” he modified his answer. My eyes searched for the building he was talking about, spotting it quickly and taking off toward it. I looked below me to see two humvees and multiple bodies running around them. “Found them, they’re trying to build a-“ “I see ‘em, coming in hot,” Bucky interrupted, I could see his motorcycle speeding down the street and toward the barricade the Flag Smashers had arranged. Taking a leap, or rather a fall of faith, I absorbed my energy and free fell, throwing my hands out and releasing it just before my feet hit the ground. Bucky wasn’t far behind, leaping off his motorcycle and diving forward to tackle one of the Flag Smashers. The man jumped to his feet and Bucky engaged him in combat, the two exchanging punches with Bucky having more favor. In a split second of separation between the two I shot a blast of energy at the man that sent him flying backwards into the side of a truck, creating a super soldier shaped dent in the car. A sudden explosion sounded off nearby, I turned to see that one of the humvees had been set ablaze. Bucky and I ran to the vehicle, I sent an energy blast towards the high tech lock that had been placed on the back doors. It did absolutely nothing.
“Hold on,” Bucky shouted to the screaming hostages as he used his Vibranium arm to pull on the door handle. Even he couldn’t get it open. “Help me!”
I focused all my energy on the lock, sending unsuccessful blast after unsuccessful blast. Letting out a frustrated cry, I backed away giving Bucky another chance to try. He began throwing a stream of relentless punches, his determination growing with each hit. Eventually he’d done enough damage that he switched to pulling at the door’s bar. The pain on his face as he pulled was heartbreaking, the tendons and muscles where his prosthetic met his flesh stretching to too great a length. Making one last ditch effort, I extended my energy towards the handle to help him in his efforts. Together, we strained and struggled until the lock finally broke and the doors opened. While Bucky kept his footing, I fell backwards doing a very ungraceful somersault and landed on my side. What I saw happening in front of me was almost too shocking to believe, and yet not at all. 
John Walker was getting his ass kicked by the Flag Smashers. 
With a replica of the iconic shield that was definitely not made of Vibranium and his suit, he was lying on the ground being pummeled by the super soldiers. With the vigor in which they were attacking him, I knew that the metal wouldn’t protect him forever. The man that I hated, who had tried to kill me, Sam and Bucky, who had shed innocent blood on Steve’s legacy…I could have let them kill him and I should have wanted to.
But even in my hatred, I couldn’t let a man die.
I rose to my feet and sent a stream of energy towards two of them, knocking them a few feet away from Walker. The third who I deduced to be Karli, came charging at me. I threw up a force field to act as a shield and met each one of her punches with the energy. She let out grunts of frustration, going for a roundhouse kick but giving me just enough time to drop the field and levitate her into the air. I held her there a second, watching her flail about trying to escape before tossing her several hundred feet away from us towards the end of the street. The two Flag Smashers that I’d knocked over came charging back toward me, it was time to test out just what the suit could do…
I focused my energy out through my elbow and hit one of them square in the jaw, the energy sending him rolling down the road far greater a distance that I’d have been able to cause without the Vibranium amplifying it. I turned around to the other one, dodging a quick punch before sending my energy down to my foot, landing a kick my attacker’s stomach that caused him to go airborne and land on top of one of the trucks. Unfortunately, the first guy didn’t stay down as long as I needed him to and came up from behind me and landed a kick to my back. I fell to the road with a groan, felt the burn of the asphalt as it shredded my cheek. I heard the man rip something metal followed by the sound of his thick boots coming my way, undoubtably he’d grabbed something to use as a weapon. As I rose to take another stand, I saw Bucky come running past me and turned to watch him knock the Flag Smasher over, the man dropping the toll meter he’d been holding as a bat over me. Bucky strode forward and they began fighting one another with punches and kicks while I looked around to see Karli welding the unattended meter. She swung it towards Bucky, his avoidance of the hit and my creation of a force field around him totally in synch. Karli took another swing at him and met resistance, unable to move the weapon as I froze it in place with my energy.
“You don’t have to do this,” I urged her.
With a yell she let go of the weapon and dove for me, being hit in the face with a chain that Bucky had picked up. Before I could stop it, the Flag Smasher who had originally intended to hit me with the toll meter landed a kick that sent Bucky flying backwards. His metal hand scraping the asphalt as he desperately tried to hold on before going over the edge of the nearby construction site. “BUCKY!” I cried as he screamed into the night air just before Karli kicked me down herself, and landed a punch to my abdomen. The Vibranium, while giving me protection, still allowed some of the blow to reach me and I was in just enough pain that I couldn’t go after the Flag Smasher that leapt down into the construction hole Bucky had landed in. I sent a blast of energy at Karli, throwing her back and allowing me the time to stand up and regain my footing. At the same time I rose, so did Walker, the two of us sharing eye contact that was oceans away from the last time we’d met on the battlefield. Separating once again, he turned to lift one of the Flag Smashers up by her throat while I landed a punch on one that was coming for me. The second van of hostages was brimming with horrified screams, both my and Walker’s attention being redirected to them. Karli, who stood a few feet away from us, made a run for the humvee and Walker and I chased after her. Walker braced himself with the shield and the two of them came face to face with one another. Giving another insignificant try, I sent a stream of energy towards the lock in an attempt to break it but couldn’t without Bucky’s brute strength. Behind me, I could hear the grunts and groans of Walker and Karli moving around as they fought one another. When the noises got too distant to still be close by, I knew I needed to go back Walker up.
I looked through the everything-proof glass window to the terrified faces of the senators. “We’ll get you out, I promise,” I yelled, taking off towards the fight. 
Karli came running out from where they’d disappeared behind, I sent another blast her way that she dodged. She leapt into the air with a cry and raised a fist, I threw up a force field that she bounced off of and rolled to the ground. “This isn’t change, Karli,” I spoke up over the noise of the fire, “It’s murder.” The only response I got was another yell, Karli came charging towards me forcing me to throw up another shield to deflect her punches and kicks. I didn’t want to hurt her, I didn’t even want to fight her. It was different than with Walker where there was a mutual disliking of one another since almost the very beginning, she was just a kid looking to fight anyone who got in her way. Her cause was even something I agreed with, but I couldn’t stand by her taking innocent lives in the process.
Karli caught my exposed neck, gripping my neck tightly and holding me in the air. The bruises from Walker’s assault hadn’t fully healed and Karli was squeezing far tighter than he had. Thinking quickly, I swung my legs around to the back of her knees and forced my energy out of my feet as I slammed into her legs. The two of us fell in a heap, Karli on top of me with her grip loose enough on my throat that I could get out of it and flip her over. I pinned her hands to the asphalt on either side of her head using my energy, “You can stop all of this right now,” I urged over her furious cries, “Karli, please.”
Karli snarled at me before moving her knees to hit me in my back, throwing me off balance and giving her the perfect opportunity to launch me down the same hole Bucky had fallen down. I caught myself mid air and looked down to see Bucky and one of the Flag Smashers fighting with a metal beam, Bucky gaining the upper hand. I dropped to the ground and ran to him as he landed a final strike against the man, knocking him to the ground. As my hand reached out for his arm, there was a violent crash above us. We looked up to see that the humvee filled with the hostages had been driven off the road and was balancing on top of the construction. It teetered on the edge, ready to slip at any moment and finish Karli’s plan. I extended my energy to steady the vehicle, I wasn’t sure what made me think I could keep a couple thousand pound vehicle suspended in midair but the fact that I’d never used my powers like this didn’t matter. I had to try. As it rocked back and forth against my energy, I took a stance and dug my heels in the ground, sending up the steady streams I’d recently discovered I could produce. They curved around the front of the vehicle, protecting it from falling any further. The screams of terror from the hostages were my motivation to keep going, to do everything in my power that I could do save who I could.
After a few seconds of bearing my teeth and groaning in struggle, the load lessened slightly. I opened one of my eyes that had been squeezed shut in concentration to see Walker’s homemade shield near my feet, the decommissioned captain above me pulling the truck from the back. For once, we were working as a cohesive unit. Who would have thought…
All was short lived though as the second we were making progress on getting the humvee away from the edge, Karli and two other Flag Smashers jumped Walker and attacked him. Unable to hold them off, they toppled over and fell into the pit alongside Bucky and I. I cried out as the full weight of the humvee became mine to bear once again, fighting harder than ever to keep it from falling. Every muscle in my body clenched as I kept the streams flowing while also slowly rising off the ground, wondering if it was possible for my body to run out of energy with how much I was throwing into my stand. I had to save them, so long as I was able to fight, I wouldn’t allow any more innocent bloodshed. My hands shook, causing my streams to shake and I groaned as my body sent every signal that it couldn’t continue on.
As I started to falter, I felt something come up beside me and some of the heaviness was taken away. Looking to my left, Sam was in the air bracing the weight of the truck alongside me. I felt renewed with his help to rise with him as we used our combined strength to steadily raise the humvee back onto the beams of the construction site. Once it was secured, Sam and I both landed on either side of the truck and faced the crowd. I made the easy decision to fly back down into the pit, the moment belonged to Sam and no one else. Bucky was at my side at once, his hands on my arms and a careful set of eyes watching to make sure I was okay. I rested my forehead on his shoulder for a too brief second and nodded through my heavy breathing. 
From in front of us, Karli launched a spear towards Bucky’s head that he easily got throwing it to the side as he stared her down. Sam’s shield came flying out of nowhere, hitting Karli and rebounding off of the other Flag Smasher before landing back on Sam’s wrist. Karli shed her mask, looking at him with disgust and shock. “You of all people bought into that bullshit?” she asked, examining his patriotic suit from a distance.
“I’m trying something different,” Sam answered, his voice steely, “Maybe you should do the same.”
A sudden explosion was set off, a grenade landing at our feet setting off smoke that blinded us. I quickly covered Sam, Walker, Bucky and myself in a large force field, as my eyes tried to make out Karli’s figure. “This way,” Sam directed, using the tech in his goggles to spot them. I dropped the shield and followed him, the only person I could make out semi-clearly in the haze. We ran down and through a nearby tunnel, weaving down underground hallways in search of the remainders of the group. “Hey Sharon,” Bucky said into his comm, “We’re underground. We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south.”
“Looks like they split up,” Sam announced, he pointed down a corridor, “Here.” Walker took off without a second thought, while Bucky paused in front of Sam and I. “I got it,” he pointed to my brother, brushing his fingers against mine before heading down the hall. Sam and I both watched them leave, my anxiety rising with each step Bucky took away from me. Shaking myself out of the spiral I knew I’d go down if I gave it any more thought, I followed Sam’s lead as we continued on our way. The sound of the Flag Smasher’s signature whistle echoed off the walls causing Sam and I to freeze, he determined where it may have come from and motioned for me to come forward. 
“If something happens, you get the hell out of here, got it?” Sam whispered. “Nice try,” I replied, having flashbacks to the various times in the past week or so that we’d had conversations like this, “I’m not leaving you.” Suddenly, two shots were fired nearby. Sam and I bolted in the general direction that the sound had come from, fear flooding my body at the thought of Bucky being on the receiving end of one of the bullets. The worry caused me to run faster. We made it into a wider room, Karli standing in the middle with a gun aimed at a helpless Sharon, laying on the ground with a hand over her abdomen. I spotted the blood staining her shirt and threw a force field around her as Sam clipped his shield to his back. “Sam, stay back,” Karli warned, her eyes flicking to him briefly before landing back on Sharon.
“So, what’s next, huh?” Sam asked, taking careful steps toward her, “You kill ten this time, then, what, a hundred? Where does it end? Please,” he lowered his tone, “Let me help you.” “Don’t try and manipulate me,” Karli replied, looking between the blue barrier I shielded Sharon with and me. She twisted her body to aimed her gun at me, my resolve to protect Sharon stronger than protecting myself. 
“Karli, don’t!” Sharon cried.
Sam dove forward and tackled the girl to the floor, somersaulting away from her as Karli raised a piece of cinderblock. She launched it at Sam who deflected the makeshift weapon with his shield. Karli swung at him and Sam jumped on top of a small staircase, his shield in front of him at all times. “I’m not gonna fight you!” he yelled, leaping off the stairs. 
Karli continued her attack, Sam dug the tips of his wings into the concrete and met her fist with the shield. “Karli…” he urged just before she ripped the shield away and walked him backwards, Sam completing a series of jumps and flips. Karli grabbed a metal pipe and swung it at Sam, knocking him to the ground. “Stay down!” she growled.
Every instinct I had told me to go after the person who was endangering Sam’s life, anybody’s would be. But I knew that it was pointless to fight her, it was only giving her what she wanted. The serum enhanced people’s personalities, Karli had always been a fighter but now, she was looking to fight anything and anyone and would do it ruthlessly. I couldn’t buy into it.
I retracted the shield I’d built around Sharon and flew around Karli, placing myself between her and Sam. “Karli, the fight is over,” I breathed. 
“No!” she shrieked, barely giving me enough time to throw up an energy shield before she threw a punch. Her fist bouncing off of it only angered her more and she began a relentless attack, banging her hands against the force field, taking swipes anywhere she could. I levitated over her head and landed a few feet away, luring her away from Sam. Karli was furious at the fact that she couldn’t touch me or get me to try and battle her. It didn’t take long for Sam to spring to his feet, throwing his shield out in between Karli and I. Karli focused her efforts on Sam then, punching the shield relentlessly as Sam walked her away from me. “Fight back!” she screamed in my brother’s face.
I extended my energy and pulled her away from Sam, throwing her a few feet away from us. Karli let out a battle cry and leapt forward, Sam and I coming side by side and holding up our respective shields. Karli’s fist rebounded off of my energy and spun around to hit Sam’s shield, he then grabbed her by the waist and turned on his thrusters, flying them across to room to slam Karli into a beam. “Stop it,” he ordered, gripping her by the lapels of her jacket. Karli replied by throwing him above her head into the ceiling, I used my energy to yank her away from Sam and in front of me. 
“Listen to me, Karli,” I urged, earning a super-soldier shiner to my cheek, “We’re not your enemies.” Karli dropped me to the ground like I weighed nothing, the vibranium suit creating a dent in the flooring. I let out a groan at the shock and she ran off to deal with Sam. “Fight me!” she screamed as she clawed at the shield, “Fight back!” She flipped him over.
He fell.
The shield fell out of his reach.
Karli picked up the gun and aimed it at Sam.
He rose, accepting his fate.
Gathering the strength I had left, I got to my feet.
With trembling hands, knowing what I was about to do, I levitated and landed in front of Sam.
Karli’s face shifted, though I couldn’t read it as my emotions overwhelmed me. 
A supercut ran through my mind.
AJ and Cass.
My mom.
My father.
A legacy rewritten.
Would he forgive me for what I was about to do? I hoped so.
“Go ahead,” I whispered, staring Karli down and blinking away the tears before she could see them, “Do it.” Karli’s face scrunched up as her finger prepared to pull the trigger when suddenly, three gunshots went off from nearby, hitting her. The gun fell to the ground and so did she. My eyes flew to where the bullets had come from, the sight of Sharon holding the smoking gun awaiting me. Sam dropped to his knees to cradle Karli’s head, the young girl staring up at him wide eyed and afraid. I knelt down on the other side of her, slipping her still warm hand into mine and giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered, staring up at Sam before looking to me. The only thought that ran through my mind was she’s just a girl, she’s just a girl…As I watched the tears well in her eyes before the life drained from them and they shut, the sudden innocence overwhelmed me. She was just a girl…
I didn’t let go of her hand even when it went limp, holding it to my heart as I wept over her. Sam cradled her cheek as we sat quietly, the only sounds were my soft sobs and Sharon’s labored breathing. I couldn’t face her right now, my feelings were too mixed about the way she had saved my life.
Eventually, once an undetermined amount of minutes had passed, Sam lifted Karli into his arms and the two of us rose to leave. When I turned to tell Sharon to come with us, she was already gone, probably having slipped out a back hallway. Sam carried Karli’s body the entire way out of the building, I hardly registered when we made it outside in the night air.
“I’ll clear the way for you,” I mumbled, extending my energy and shooting into the air, Sam not far behind me. The wind blowing against my dried my tears off of my cheeks as I flew toward the glow of ambulance lights outside the building we’d started the night at. There were crowds of news crews, there were the senators we’d saved and officers cleaning up the wreckage that had been left behind. They all noticed as I flew up, landing in the midst of it all and scanning the crowd for Bucky. Once I spotted him and Walker towards the very back near the ambulances, I ignored the reporters asking me questions as I weaved through the chaos. Bucky strode forward as I neared and wrapped me in his arms, I let go of the breath I’d been holding in my chest as soon as our bodies met. He was okay. My hands held the back of his neck as I dug my face into his shoulder. He tapped my waist and I turned to see Sam flying in, resembling the an angel with his outstretched wings as he landed. He carefully passed off Karli’s body to the paramedics who placed the girl on a stretcher, carrying her off to who knows where. 
Sam walked towards the crowd, doing the same as me and ignoring the reporters flooding him with unimportant questions. He had flown in carrying the dead body of a kid and here they were, asking him if they should refer to him as Captain Falcon. He stopped in front of the senators who were busy thanking him for dealing with what I heard one refer to as ‘terrorists.’
“Are you still going forward with resetting the borders?” Sam asked.
They answered, and while I couldn’t hear their words, I could read Sam’s face well enough to know it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“You have to stop calling them terrorists…” “What else would we call them?” one of the senators asked. “Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the word, right?” Sam continued, “What do you think those people are going to call you? These labels, terrorists, refugees, thug. They’re often used to get around the question ‘why.’
“Those settlements that happened five years ago, do you think it is fair for governments to have to support them?” another senator asked. “Yes,” Sam said plainly. 
“And the people who reappeared only to find someone else living in their family home, they just end up homeless?” the bearded senator pushed back, “Look, I get it. But you have no idea how complicated this situation is.”
Just as he prepared to walk away, Sam spoke up. “You know what, you’re right, and that’s a good thing. We finally have a common struggle now. Think about that. For once, all the people who’ve been begging and, I mean, literally begging for you to feel how hard any given day is, now you know. How did it feel to be helpless? Now if you can remember what it was like to be helpless and face a force so powerful, it could erase half the planet. You would know that you were about to have the exact same impact. This isn’t about easy decisions. Senator.”
“You just don’t understand,” the senator replied, probably the most ignorant response I’d ever heard.
Sam scoffed, “I’m a black man, carrying the stars and strips. What don’t I understand? Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are going to hate me for it. Even now, here. I feel it. The stares, the judgment, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. Yet I’m still here. No super serum. No blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.”
Holding onto Bucky a little tighter, the tears that I shed had morphed to those of joy. There my brother stood, in front of the government and the entire country saying what we all needed to hear. He spoke without reserve, unapologetic in his stance, and I had never been prouder of him.
“We can’t demand that people step up if we don’t meet them halfway,” Sam’s voice rose with passion, “Look, you control the banks. Shit, You can move borders. You can knock down a forest with an email. You can feed a million people with a phone call. But the question is, who’s in the room with you when you’re making those decisions? Hmm? Is it the people you’re gonna impact? Or is it just more people like you?” he paused, collecting himself before gesturing to where Karli’s body lay in the ambulance, “I mean, this girl died trying to stop you. And no one has stopped for one second to ask why. You’ve got to do better, Senator, you’ve got to step up because if you don’t, the next Karli will. And you don’t want to see 2.0. People believed in her cause so much that they helped her defy the strongest governments in the world. Why do you think that is? Look, you people have just as much power as an insane god,” Sam’s voice broke for only a second, “Or a misguided teenager. The question you have to ask yourself is how are you going to use it?”
With that, he walked away from the crowd that had been watching him so intently and made his way towards us. He stopped in front of Walker, the two of them sharing a look before nodding to one another, a non-verbal truce being declared. Walker also turned to me, in the end he had stepped up and done the right thing, but I knew that the two of us would never be on good terms. I’d never forget his tightening grip around my throat, nor would he forget that I wasn’t afraid of him and would tear him apart if he ever tried anything like he had in the warehouse again. But I had saved the guy’s life and because of that, his stare softened for only a second as he nodded his thanks to me. I watched as he disappeared into the crowd, off to whatever his next mission may be…
“Sorry, I was, uh, I was texting and so, all I heard was, um, “a black guy in stars and stripes,” Bucky broke the tension of the moment as Sam approached us.
The three of us shared a chuckle before Sam and I locked eyes, not having spoken a word yet about what had happened underground. I threw my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my shoulders, sharing probably the best hug we’d ever had. Our shared goal of keeping one another alive had been achieved. “Love you,” I whispered in his ear. “Love you too,” he replied, a hint of emotion choking him up. He squeezed a little tighter before releasing me, the three of us walking off together.
“Nice job, Cap,” Bucky said, patting Sam’s back that displayed the shield before sliding his hand back around my waist. A few feet away, hidden behind one of the ambulances and leaned up against the car was a familiar blonde figure.
“Sharon?” Sam called.
“Blocking my light,” she retorted, holding a gauze pad to the gunshot wound on her abdomen. “We need to get you to a hospital,” I strode forward, examining her injury as best I could.
“She’s not gonna listen,” Bucky grumbled as he looked over his shoulder to make sure nobody was following us. Sharon panted as she shrugged, “Hey, it’s not the worst thing that’s happened to me all week.”
“Told you…” Bucky said at my side. “Yeah, I don’t care,” I shook my head, “We’re take care of this.” “Uh, Cap?” an interruption came, the senator that had been on the receiving end of most of Sam’s impassioned speech. “I think he’s talking to you,” Sharon said before turning to both Sam and I, “Look, I’m sorry for how things ended down there. For what it’s worth,” she looked Sam up and down and genuinely smiled, “Suit looks good on you.”
Sam chuckled, “Thanks.”
Bucky nodded along, humoring the conversation for as long as he could. “All right, look, can we get out of here, please?” he asked, placing a hand on Sharon’s back to urge her forward. Giving up, she allowed him to lead her away. 
“I didn’t forget my promise,” Sam called to Sharon, referring to the pardon I hoped he could secure for her. 
I turned to my brother, “Meet you back home?” 
He gave a long sigh, his eyes flitting between Bucky’s departing figure and me, “Why don’t you stay here a couple days?” I knew what he was offering and how hard it was for him to say the words, he was trying to give me time with Bucky. I did my best to conceal my smile, “Are you sure?” “You risked your life all week, you almost died trying to protect us,” he stated with a scoff, “I think you deserve a little time off. Now go,” he looked back to Bucky and scrunched his face up a little, “Before I change my mind.” Unable to hide my grin any longer, I reached out and clasped hands with him, bringing each other in for another hug. “Go get ‘em, Cap.”
The two of us let each other go, off to tend to our business before eventually reuniting back in the house we’d grown up in. It was crazy to think that I owed almost every great thing in my life to the boy who’d sat next to the lonely girl in first grade. Now here we were, dressed in Vibranium off saving the world, or at least doing what we could to make it a better one.
“Superhero, nurse…you’re full of surprises, Y/l/n,” Sharon commented before sucking in a sharp breath as I placed another suture.
I laughed softly, concentrating on my work, “I took a first aid class a couple years ago. When you’re living with two boys, trust me, it comes in handy a little too often. But I’ve never had to remove a bullet.” We were seated on the floor of Bucky’s Brooklyn apartment with me tending to Sharon’s wound using his first aid kit. Bucky was waiting in his bedroom to give us privacy, Sharon had her shirt pulled up and her pants unbuttoned to give me full access to her stomach. I’d had to place sutures once when Sarah had accidentally sliced her finger open with a knife, pulling out a lodged bullet was entirely new to me.
“I saw you tonight, with the truck,” she said as she watched me work, “You did good.” 
I supposed now that I had shown my powers to the world, I’d have to get used to people paying me compliments but for now, I still didn’t know how to take them. “So are you gonna stick with it? The hero thing?” Sharon asked.
I tied another suture, closing the sterilized hole in her abdomen. “I think so. Captain America needs a right hand man, why not have it be his sister?” Sharon hummed in agreement, a beat of silence passing. “You don’t think you’ll strike out on your own? You seem a little too independent to follow orders.” “Yeah, well,” I started working on the last stitch, “Sam and I work better together than I would with anyone else. Maybe one day I’ll do my own thing but for now, I’m fine where I’m at.” “Well, I guess you’re finally in a position to do all that good you said you wanted to,” she sighed, “Just don’t forget to keep your eyes open, opportunity’s everywhere.” “Alright, Miss Madripoor,” I chuckled, sterilizing the wound one more time with an alcohol wipe, “Your hustler side is showing.” 
Sharon shrugged and gave a little smirk, “All I’m saying is there’s a lot of ways to effect change, but I’m sure you’ll find that out.” Storing her advice away in my head for a later time, I placed a gauze pad on her abdomen and secured it. “Alright, you should be good. Just promise me that you’ll actually get checked by an actual doctor or whatever you have in High Town?” “Sure thing, Doc,” she replied with a smile as she adjusted her clothes again and rose to her feet, “You’re good, Barnes!” Bucky stepped back out into the room, peering around the corner carefully before entering fully. Despite the fact that he was in his own apartment, he still hadn’t changed out of what he’d worn to the fight. “What happens now?” I asked, looking to Sharon, “Hotel? Hidden apartment in some dodgy part of the city?” Sharon chortled at my suggestions, “I’ve got a plane waiting to take me back to Madripoor. The longer I stay here, the more of a chance they’ll find me,” she gave a small smile, “It was good seeing you guys again.” “It won’t be the last,” I confirmed, placing a hand on her shoulder, “Sam’ll get that pardon, you’ll be back before you know it.” “That’d be nice,” she sighed longingly, clearly thinking about all the freedom that would come with coming back home. Coming back to the conversation, she patted my arm and regained her full voice, “But until then, keep them in check. God knows they need it.” “The hell does that mean?” Bucky grumbled from his position outside his bedroom, leaving Sharon and I to share a laugh before she walked to the front door. “I’ll do my best, and hey, thank you for what you did for me...” I called out just before she shot us one last knowing smile and left, the door shutting behind her. While I wanted to worry about her walking the streets of New York and possibly getting caught, I’d seen enough of her in action to know that she could handle whatever came her way. 
Bucky slowly made his way to the door, locking it and turning around to face me. It was the first time of the night we’d been completely alone. Our eyes met, tired and traumatized but still alert and seeking one another out. Bucky crossed the room in a few long strides, taking his time in approaching me as if he was savoring the moment. I reached out once he was close enough and interlocked my hand with his, tugging him close to me. He dragged two featherlight fingers over the nasty bruise that Karli had given me, his brow furrowing as he examined the side of my face. I ran my thumb over the long red bruise across the side of his forehead, the pressure increasing when he leaned into my touch.
The night could have ended so differently. If Karli had pulled the trigger, if Bucky hadn’t fought on such high alert, we could have ended in tragedy. Such thoughts were better buried away and not thought of, but I couldn’t help it. Lucky, blessed, whatever word you wanted to use…we were it. With no battles on the horizon to fight, we could focus on figuring out just what spark there was between us. 
No words needed to be spoken, not for now at least. Tonight, all I needed was to hold Bucky in my arms and remember that despite every odd and every trouble thrown our way, we were alive. And as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a tender but still passionate kiss, I had never felt more alive.
A/N: Oh, but we’re not done yet...We still have some time off and a cookout to attend 😉 I really can’t thank you all enough for sticking with this series the past few weeks, it means the world to me that I’ve been able to bring a little joy to people’s days. Let me know what you thought and if you’d like to be tagged for the LAST CHAPTER. 
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale​ @wanniiieeee​ @asoftie4bucky​ @edencherries​ @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ @ttalisa​ @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess​ @rinaispunk @weirdowithnobeardo​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @godlyhufflepuff​ @eternalharry​ @voguesir​ @mizz-kraziii​ @okayline​ @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories​ @nicklet94 @intricate-melody​ @aesthethickks​ @stumbleonmywords​ @simplybarnes​ @21bruhs​ @lostinwonderland314​ @superbookishhufflepuff​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @zozebo​ @fandomxreaders @kittengirl998​ @sarai-ibn-la-ahad​ @i-know-i-can​ @x-judyjude-x​ @thebi-valkyrieofvalhalla​ @buckverse​ @living-that-best-life​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @citlalireedus @lindseyrae20​ @missstef23​ @qhbr2013​ @sebby-stann​ @bluemoon-icecream​ @iixbella​ @lets-love-little-me​ @abitofeverythinggg @itsnottilly​ @sltwins​ @mads-weasley​ @hart-failure @natdrunk​ @nctma15​ @obsessedwithjustaboutanything @patdsinner33​
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pascalslittlebrat · 3 years
Drunk Dial
Rating: T
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count: 4223
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, tiny bit of language, other than that this is just some soft shit with a bit of angst
Summary: Javier left you broken years ago. Now he’s back and after a little too many drinks with friends, you can’t help the draw to call him and let the liquid courage try to give him a piece of your mind.
A/N: big thanks to @autumnleaves1991-blog for Writer’s Wednesday, I saw the picture last night and immediately started writing this. Forgive any mistakes I wrote this around 1am and honestly fell asleep at some point. May this make up for the more deep angst I’ve put out😂 Big thanks to @mothandpidgeon for keeping me from overthinking! Enjoy me once again trying to write a drabble and ending up with a One Shot and me being slightly self indulgent in wanting someone to keep my ass grounded during hard shit.
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“Hello?” the familiar deep voice answered hoarsely on the other line. God, how many years had it been since you had heard that grumpy tone?
Your heart races at the sound of Javier’s voice and you couldn’t help but be thankful for the liquid courage flowing through your veins or you’d be kicking yourself for obviously waking him up or even calling him in the first place. “Javiiiii,” you giggle leaning against the phone booth, the coolness of the glass feeling good against your warm skin. “I can’t believe you’re awake.”
“It’s two in the morning I wasn-Y/N?! Are you drunk?” Javier asked and you can hear the frown in his tone. He sits up in his bed the moment he recognizes your voice, of all the calls he expected tonight, he wasn’t expecting one from you. Not after what he did.
You shrug as if he could see you, playing with the cord, “I’m not drunkk, I’m just tipsy and it’s your fault. I had 5 shots because I couldn’t get your stupid big head out of mind.” You pout, your emotions starting to shift, the hurt mixing into your tone. You didn’t drink often for this reason, you always felt so cheery and happy at first but then sadness seemed to always creep up once the drinks started to fade out of your system.
Javier gulps at your answer, he runs a hands over his eyes, wiping away any exhaustion he was feeling. He had been known you long enough to know that tipsy meant you were drunk and you being drunk meant you would definitely need someone soon. “Where are you? Are you at home?” he asks as he gets up, holding the handset between his cheek and shoulder as he grabs his pants off the floor pulling them over his naked form.
“Umm…” you purse your lips looking around, trying to remember which bar your friends had dragged you to for the night. They had forced a girls night on you to keep you from doing exactly what you were doing now, looking for Javier Peña. What had started as just a margaritas at your favorite Tex-Mex restaurant had turned into bar hopping over Laredo.
You mumble a fuck as you turn to face the bar and almost run into the glass of the booth. Javi silently curses whoever had decided to let you drink as much as you had without keeping an eye on you. “Lonestar Bruisers,” you mumble out as you look at the flashing bar sign, watching as the words shift. “What a weird name...I got a bruise though, I hit my knee on the dummy bar stool.” You then gasp the touch of sadness you had been feeling slipping into the emotion of shock, clutching the receiver closer as if you had just discovered some secret and didn’t want anyone to hear, “Javiii! That’s why they call it Lonestar Bruisers, because I got a bruise!”
Javier tries not to smile, you were definitely always something when you were drunk. So giggly and smiley, you always lit up the room even more when you had a little bit of alcohol in you. But he also knew the edge he had heard to your tone earlier, the one that he had learned signaled the courage of the alcohol starting to slip and soon you’d be feeling something worse if someone didn’t get you home and in bed. He always hated to see the way your mind would get the best of you. “Mariposa, it’s Lonestar Brewers. I’m right down the road, are you alone? Tell me you’re not alone,” he asks, pulling a shirt over his head, hoping the image of you standing in a phone booth alone in the middle of the night was wrong.
You almost drop the phone out of your hand when you hear him use his old nickname for you. You feel the tears well in your eyes, the memory of years of friendship and love running through your head, the reason you had even called Javier in the first place, “Y-You can’t call me that. I don’t need you to come, you didn’t even tell me you were back.” Your voice cracks at the last sentence, the old wounds from years passed, open up, the night that caused this all. “And I’m not alone, Kelli and Rebecca and…I think her name is Cassie...I don’t know but I’m not alone… Well I’m alone outside cause duh I’m in a phonebooth but they’re inside, I bet they have shots...I need more shots.”
Javier sighs, he knew he had been wrong to not contact you. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to come back quietly, everyone in town knew everything. So of course word would get around to you that he was back, he had just hoped he had prepared enough to be the one to go see you. He had planned to see you, to discuss the night he threw everything to shit, he just hadn’t found the courage, or the will, not after he was still processing the reason he had even been sent back to Laredo. “Marip-Y/N, I need you to go inside. You shouldn’t be out there alone, someone could hurt you,” Javi says gently, trying to mask his worry, he had seen too many women hurt over the past few years.
He might not have been in Colombia but that didn’t mean that there weren't bastards around waiting for a chance to take advantage of an innocent woman. “No more shots, ask for water, I’m on my way. If you all have been drinking, you’re not getting in the car with any of those girls,” he grits out, just as he knew you, he knew your friend group and Kelli hadn’t always been the best influence on you. He could feel the old irritation towards your oldest friend already flaring knowing she wasn’t watching over you.
“You can’t tell me what to do Javier,” you snap at him as you look out the booth wiping your eyes. It was a dark night, the only glow of light came from the bar’s sign and the street lamps across the street of North Central Park, fog filled the outside air, almost as thick as the Texas humidity. You frowned, hating the shiver that ran up your spine, maybe he was right to go inside, “I’m going to hang up now, I shouldn’t have called you. It’s almost out of time, I’m out of coins, and I just don’t want to talk to you meanie pants.”
“Y/N just sit st-” Javi starts before the line cuts off. He groans running his hands over his face before grabbing his keys and knowing you were definitely going to be a joy when he picked you up.
He expected more of a scene from you when he had walked into the bar. You were indeed nursing another glass of alcohol and you had told the bartender how he was the meanie head that you had been complaining about. Javier had rolled his eyes and told you it was time to go home. You had glared at him and made sure to down the rest of your drink out of spite before telling him you wouldn’t leave without your friends.
He dealt with the glares that each one gave him, raising his hand to stop Kelli from chewing him out and refrained from telling her off himself too. You were his sole focus and he wasn’t going to waste any time arguing with someone he never saw eye to eye with in the first place.
You definitely had way too many drinks and she should have known better than to let you get this far gone. For your sake, he would take care of both you and them. He knew that would be the only way you’d let him drag you off anyways, if you knew your friends would be okay. He had called a cab and gave them money to pay for it, before throwing your arm over his shoulder and helping you out as you tried and failed to keep the world from wobbling underneath you.
You argued with him that you could go home with your friends the whole way out of the bar. He silenced you with his narrowed eyes. There was no way he wouldn’t make sure you got straight to bed and not to another place where they might hand you more drinks or be too inebriated to make sure you didn’t get sick or help you if your anxiety starts to hit. He wouldn’t fail you, not in this at least. He always took care of you then and nothing could stop him from doing it now. It didn’t make up for what he did, but it was the least he could do for you after years of leaving you alone, hurt.
“I don’t want to go home yettt! I’m having fun,” you whine as Javi tries to help you into his truck, catching you as you stumble. You’re glaring at him and pouting, arms crossed over your chest as he gets you settled into the seat and buckling you in, “I’m not a child Javier.”
Javier can’t help the chuckle that escapes his lips at your words, especially with just how much of a child you looked like in that moment. He knew if you had been standing outside of the truck still, you’d stomp your foot. “Could have fooled me, mariposa,” he gestures to your crossed arms and you stick the tongue out at him as he closes the door.
He decides he’ll just let you crash in his bed, the ranch was closer than your home and he could still feel how exhausted he was. He hadn’t exactly been sleeping well since he had arrived back in Laredo.
He practically jumps out of his skin when he feels your hand on his arm. He hadn’t expected your touch, at least not out of your own free will. “Javi, you’re not holding my hand, you always held my hand,” you pout out, as you take his hand in yours.
Javi hates it, almost finds it cruel actually,how much your hand still fits perfectly in his hand. How soft and small it was under his calloused and larger one. He hates how much he has missed it, how much he enjoys it. He had always been a man that depended on touch, you had always told him just a single touch from him could tell you how he felt. You had always been good at reading him, knowing that sometimes the simplest touch was just what he needed to keep him grounded to what was in front of him and not spiraling into whatever chaos was going through his head.
He felt the ache in his heart as he remembered the way you would smile at him and call out each touch. “That’s your ‘I love you’ touch.” “That’s your ‘it’s been a bad day’ touch’” “That’s your ‘I just felt like grabbing you ass because I can’ touch” You were silent next to him and he wondered if maybe you were dozing off already, smiling a bit to himself at the old memories. He could only hope that maybe this would be a time you could avoid your sad side effects of drinking.
He gave your hand a squeeze as he pulled into the ranch. “That’s your ‘I’ve needed this, I missed you’ touch” you breathed out and Javier froze, he glanced over at you. You weren’t wrong, as always. You were staring at him intently, gazing at him in the dark, trying to read him. You gave him a small smile and he felt his heart drop at how broken it looked, lacking the complete joy it used to.
He parks in front of the guest house where he stayed, glad that he wouldn’t have to worry about waking Chucho. “Why did you bring me here?” you ask, frowning and pulling your hand from his. Javier misses it the moment you do, hating how he could feel the hurt resonating off of you now. He had caused this.
“We were closer to the ranch. I don’t think you’d make it up the stairs to your apartment either,” he say softly and watches as you just nod before he gets out of the truck to help you out. He opens your door and takes your hand, putting the other on your hip to keep you steady as he helps you down.
The world still feels like it’s spinning and you grab Javi’s shoulders as you lay your head on his chest. He still smells the same as he had years before, woodsy, musk, minty, and something else that was just pure Javier that you could never put your finger on. You can’t help but laugh in his chest as another realization hits you, “You don’t smell like cigarettes.”
“I’m trying the nicotine gum to stop” Javier answers, wrapping his arms around you, he knew at any moment you could push him away again, so he wanted to enjoy the feeling of you holding him close. He couldn’t deny the need he had to be held after everything that had gone on, to just feel the comfort of someone’s arms around him and to be lucky enough to be having you doing the honors? It took everything in him to break the dam of emotions he had going on. The emotions of everything in Colombia with losing Carrillo, chasing after Escobar, working with Los Pepes to still holding onto everything that had happened the night he left and hurt you came to head and it was overwhelming how much he had been choking down.
He holds you tighter, clinging onto you, to keep centered. He focuses on the sense of you pressed against him, the sweet scent of you mixed with alcohol, the way you were holding him just as tight. Then he notices the now wetness against his stomach and his heart clenches realizing you were now softly crying against him, “Mariposa, what’s wrong?”
You hated it, hated that you were now crying against him. How could he still cause you such an easy comfort for you even after he had left you behind with no explanation? It wasn’t fair that after all these years, just his scent and being in his arms still made you feel the safest and at home. You look up at him, tears flowing, moving your hands to grasp his shirt, “Why did you leave Javi? H-how could you just leave me like that?”
Javier gulped,a hand coming back to rub the back of his neck. He wanted to feel like he had been prepared for this conversation but he wasn’t. He breathes out a sigh, wiping your tears off gently with his thumbs, he presses a kiss to your forehead, “Let’s not talk about that right now, let’s get you to bed, we’ll talk tomorrow when you’re not drunk.”
You shake your head, frowning at him. You tug on his shirt to let him know you weren’t going anywhere. You needed the answers, you had spent too long needing them. “No, I want to know now Javi. I deserve to know...I woke up and you were gone...then I have to have Chucho tell me that you had left? That my boyfriend had joined the DEA and left me a note, a-a fucking note Javi! You literally broke up with me through a note!”
Javi’s teeth clench, he always hated seeing you cry, he always tried to do everything to make sure he was never the cause of your tears. Yet he knew it, knew the pain he caused you when he left, the tears you had shed, and seeing it now hurt him, hurt him more than leaving you did. He holds you close to him, rubbing you back as you sob, “I...Let’s get you inside and I’ll answer you.”
You look at him through blurred vision, gently releasing the hold you had on his shirt, leaving it wrinkled from your touch. “You promise?” you ask weakly and Javier feels the pull in his heart, a line formed between his brows and he nodded at you before taking your hand in his and helping you inside.
He sat you down on his couch, helping you out of your shoes, before leaving you to grab you a glass of water. When he returned to your hand on your head, eyes closed. “Drink some water, we need to get you hydrated,” he tells you softly. You open your eyes and look at him, he could tell the sobering up was starting to happen and he hated that he was going to have to have this conversation with you like this. He sits down next to you and hands you the glass of water.
You mumble a thank you to him as you drink before laying your head on his shoulder, shifting closer to him. Javier sighs as he wraps an arm around you, rubbing circles on you shoulder, hoping you’ll doze off. Luck, however, was no on his side, “Javi...why did you leave..”
He sucks in a breath, you were looking up at him expectantly, eyes puffy and red from your tears. “You deserved better than me…” he answers out, admitting what had gone through his head the moment he had signed up to join the DEA.
“Bullshit Javi, I loved you, we were happy...at least I thought… I thought we were,” you trail off in the last part, you had spent years wondering if you had made everything up in you head.
Javier tilted your head up to look at him, he could sense it, you starting to get in your head. “I was happy with you baby, so fucking happy. But I was holding you back, do you think you would have finished your pharmacy degree if I had stayed? You were always so worried about me on the job, I felt like I wasn’t getting anything done here, I wasn’t helping enough people. You remember me complaining about how routine the job felt. I was making you worry and I just...I felt like if I left, then you would be better off. No worrying something would happen to me, you could focus on school, on bettering yourself. I also had found the letter, you got into the best pharmacy school in Texas, and your sister told me you were waiting to see if you got something closer to here because you didn’t want to leave me...One of the guys mentioned the DEA hiring in Austin and I honestly didn’t think they’d accept me but they did.”
You can feel the tears streaming down your face again as you listen to his words. Javi fights back his own, as he remembers how much he beat himself for making decisions without you. “I tried to figure out how to tell you. I just didn’t know how. I was a coward Y/N, here I was trying to go out and do something bigger, yet I couldn’t tell my girl how I was feeling like I was holding her back. I knew there was more danger in joining, how could I worry you more? If I left then I figured you’d leave, go to Houston, become the best pharmacist this damn state has ever seen,” his mouth quirks at the last part and you can’t help the chuckle that comes out. Javier had always been your number one fan in everything you did, as you had always been his.
His face becomes serious again, “I tried to figure out how to tell you...but I knew you’d either try to go with me. I couldn’t let you hold yourself back for me, to change your plans for me. I couldn’t keep you from reaching your dreams… that night...it was different… holding you the last time, I barely slept. I wanted to wake you and tell you everything but I couldn’t find the words. Pops, lectured me, I’m surprised he even gave you the note, he was so angry with me. He thought I had told you, then for me to just leave you that note. I think he was ready to beat my ass. He was disappointed in me for the longest time, could barely forgive me for doing that to you…”
You reach out to touch Javi’s cheek, he closes his eyes leaning into your touch. Every word he said was sobering you up more and more. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m really fucking sorry. I shouldn’t have left like that. I should have been more honest, I was an idiot. I just selfishly decided for myself and left, I shouldn’t have left you like that, you always treated me right, you always watched out for me, you always took care of me. We grew up together and you never got tired of my shit….I just…I thought it was the right thing to do.” He chuckles humorlessly, “You did become the best pharmacist though. Pops made sure to brag about how great you were doing in pharmacy school. He made sure to tell me about you, to keep me updated and to make me feel bad that I wasn’t here to see you doing as good as I knew you’d do. He called me a dumbass for not being here to see you graduate or to watch you open your own pharmacy. I’m proud of you, I was so proud of you, just know even away I was so proud of you every step of the way even though I know I shattered you first.”
You roll your eyes at Javier, you wanted to punch him in his pretty face if you were being honest with yourself. “You’re such a big dummy,” you scoff out rolling your eyes. Your head was starting to pound but you were thankful that your mind felt numbed still, so you could give him a piece of your mind. “You’re lucky I’ve had all these years to accept you leaving. It hasn’t stopped the ache or pain, obviously.” You bitterly think about the amount of drinks you had just tonight. “Because I would punch you right now but of course, you just left because Javier decided to be selfishly unselfish. You should have talked to me Javier, I never felt like you were holding me back. Yes, I worried about you, but so did all the other sheriff wives and girlfriends. I didn’t tell you about Houston, not just because I didn’t want to leave you, but because I was feeling unsure of myself and being a pharmacist too. I didn’t want to disappoint you if I decided to change careers! I would have been so proud of you being accepted, would I have gone with you? Probably. But it would have been MY choice Javier. I would have never tried to stop you from going and even if I didn’t go with you, we could have made it work. I loved you, I loved you so much and you just left me a note saying you were sorry and it was for the best that you left. It felt anything but the best!”
Javier flinches at your words and you sigh before placing both hands on his cheeks making him look at you, “How could someone as intelligent as you be such an idiot?”
You watch as his mouth twitches under your gaze, “Hell if I know, I seem to get in my head too much, don’t I?”
You give him a look letting him know that you can’t argue with him on that and he reaches out to caress your cheek. “I lost myself then, just like I lost myself now,” he mumbles out bitterly and you press your forehead against his, taking him in as you close your eyes.
“Sometimes we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves again,” you whisper out as you meet his eyes.
Javier takes you in, your gentle gaze, the soft touch of your hand going through his hair. It’s the first time since he had touched down in Laredo that he felt at home. “I still love you,” he says before he can stop himself. He had never stopped thinking about you and now with you in front of him, making him feel the calmest he has in years, he knows it’s true.
You freeze and he wants to apologize, tell you that you don’t have to say anything. But you smile at him as a tear falls from your right eye, “I still love you too, big meanie head.”
Javier smiles and it feels the most real it has in days, the first time he feels like he’s not forcing one out. It makes your heart soar seeing it, how you had missed seeing his bright smile.
You don’t know what the future holds, knowing the whispers around town that he would be leaving again soon. But in that moment, wrapped in his arms, his lips softly pressing against yours for the first time in years, it was just you and him and nothing else mattered.
permanent tags: @sleepylunarwolf @greeneyedblondie44
Those who may be interested: @mothandpidgeon @metalarmsandmanbuns @221bshrlocked @wyn-dixie @starlightmornings @waywardimpalawriter @mouthymandalorian @danniburgh @purplepascal042
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Hiya, I was wondering if I could please request 3 (Echo) with B+O (Injury/sickness recovery + first kiss)? I don’t really mind who’s in recovery or whether it’s 501st echo/bad batch echo, I just thought these prompts would lead nicely into a confession between our two main characters; also I just want to say I love your writing!! ❤️
Aww, thank you so much for the request and for being so kind, Anon! Sorry this took forever, but I’ve been stuck in an idea block for a week or two, and I ended up writing about four different versions of this. You’re very sweet, but you probably shouldn’t be nice to me, because apparently, it makes me write one-shots that are way too long. So here’s a 2700 word one-shot...
Also! It ended up being a tad spicy toward the end. Nothing anywhere close to M-rating, but more than I usually write in one-shots.
Echo + Injury/Sickness Recovery + First Kiss
The first time you met Echo, you didn't like him very much.
You were in the medbay for a sickness that was taking Coruscant by storm, hitting nat-born GAR members especially hard. As a nat-born intelligence officer, you had been ordered to the GAR's main medbay, which had been sub-divided into large bays full of cots. Almost every cot was filled with GAR personnel who needed treatment for the same sickness.
It wouldn't have been bad if you had been able to take the meds right away and start the healing process, but you had been on a dangerous mission and fought the sickness off for longer than you should have. It had worked and you had survived your mission, but you were severely dehydrated. The medics - all clone troopers, by that point - had ordered you to stay until you were fully healed and they could get your fluid levels back where they should have been. Faced with no other options, you had agreed.
And then the 501st had arrived. 
Through your IV, you had gotten through half a bag of a liquid you preferred not to think too hard about. The medics promised that your meds would be kicking in soon, and you would feel much better before the day was over. For the moment, you felt nauseated and every part of your body ached, especially your head.
When the troopers came in, their white armor painted with blue accents in various styles, they were so loud that the rest of the medbay went quiet. 
One of the medics, his hair shaved short to show off a set of intricate tattoos, hurried up to them as he pulled off his gloves. You could hear his hissed question from your bed on the other side of the large room. "What are you idiots doing here?"
One of the men beamed at him. "We're in trouble!"
You scoffed to yourself. You had no difficulty believing they had gotten on someone's bad side. 
The tattooed medic rubbed his temples. "Hardcase… what did you guys do now?"
You had heard stories about the rowdy 501st from other operatives. They were supposed to be a nightmare to work alongside, all explosions and heroics without any grasp of subtlety. 
One of the other men stepped forward and seemed to be offering an explanation, but he did it in a voice pitched low enough that you couldn't hear him. You were grateful for that, and did your best to fall asleep.
It wasn't to be, however, as one of the 501st made his way down the row of beds in your direction. He chatted with some of the other patients, laughing loudly at their responses. By the time he reached you, you could have cheerfully put a blaster to the 5 tattooed on his temple.
"And how are you doing today?" the trooper belted out. 
"In a lot of pain, actually," you snapped at him, a visceral response to the effect his voice had on your roiling stomach. "Can you please talk more quietly?"
There. A please. You were being polite.
"If I'm quiet, does that mean I can stay over here with you, pretty lady?" he asked with a wink, settling onto the foot of your bed.
You eyed him stonily. You felt revolting from the effects of the sickness, and you were wearing a GAR-issued medical gown besides. ‘Pretty’ was an attempt at flattery, and not even a believable one.
"Fives," the medic with the head tattoos admonished, stepping up to your bedside as well. "Stop. She doesn't feel well and she doesn't need you hanging around, making it worse."
"Me?" Fives asked, sounding both shocked and offended. "We both know I only make things better, Kix."
You sighed and wished with your whole soul that they would both go away. You just wanted to sleep.
"Besides," Fives continued, "We were ordered to help in the medbay. You wouldn't want me to disobey orders, would you?"
From the look on Kix's face, he had lined up a scathing retort that you were dying to hear, but you needed to make a brief announcement. "If this conversation continues right here, I am going to vomit."
You had never seen two grown men move so quickly. You would have smiled if you didn't feel so rotten. 
"Echo," Kix called softly with a worried glance in your direction, beckoning yet another trooper over.
This one had no tattoos, but you vaguely recognized him as the only trooper you hadn't been able to overhear earlier.
"Get Fives away from here," Kix ordered. "Keep him productive and occupied, but don't let him talk."
Echo nodded and gave you an apologetic nod. "I'm sorry about him," he said, indicating Fives, who looked deeply offended.
"Please," was the only response you could muster, cradling your head delicately in your hands. From the bit of your peripheral vision that wasn’t blocked by your palms, you watched his shoulders slump slightly as he towed his brother away. When you finally fell asleep, your dreams were full of Echo’s disappointed face along with strong feelings of guilt.
The second time you met him was only a few hours later. You were having fever dreams. The medication had apparently worn off and no one had noticed. In your dreams, you had called a medic over a dozen times, but you always woke to find that you hadn’t said a thing, and fell asleep again before you could.
It was one of these shallow, fitful dreams that Echo interrupted. “Hey. Hey! Shhh, you’re having a nightmare. Wake up.”
Thoroughly confused by the world of the surrounding medbay, you squinted up at him. “Echo?” He nodded and you launched right into the speech you had prepared in your sleep. “I’m sorry I was rude earlier. I just… my head hurt, and you guys are loud, and-”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” Echo assured you, crouching by your bedside to put himself on your level. “The 501st - and Fives in particular - is very loud. It’s our best quality.”
You snorted at that and Echo’s kind face broke into a warm smile. “You should get back to sleep. It’s really late. Or early. I’m not sure which, but everyone else is asleep, and you should be, too.”
“I think I need some meds, actually,” you admitted. “I feel like death.”
Echo frowned and reached up to brush his fingers over your forehead, flinching back almost immediately. “Kriff, you’re burning up! Hang on, let me grab a medic for you.”
You nodded, but grabbed his wrist before he could leave, “If you bring me some water, I’ll love you forever.”
It was just a childish hyperbole, something you and your family had said whenever you had asked for a favor, particularly a minor one. Echo didn’t seem to have the same connection with it, based on the way he had frozen in place and was staring at you with wide eyes that flashed between your face and your grip on his wrist.
Clearing your throat, you released him and corrected yourself. “I mean, please? I’m very thirsty.”
Echo turned around a moment later and you sighed, hoping your hot face looked like the flush of a fever.
You were half-drowsing when Echo came back with Kix in tow. You jumped a bit when Kix said your name, and Echo was quick to soothe you. “Easy, easy. It’s just us.”
He handed you the biggest glass of water you had ever seen and retreated halfway across the medbay before you had chugged half of it.
The next day, you were actually feeling better. Granted, ‘better’ was a relative term, but you didn’t actively want to die any more, and that was something. The only thing messing up your day was the lingering awkwardness between you and Echo. Every time his circuit around the room took him past your cot, he would avoid your eyes. 
From your calculations, he looped around the gigantic medbay room every six minutes or so. On his next lap past, you softly asked, “Echo?”
You had meant to be subtle and quiet, but you were still a bit less hydrated than you should have been, and it came out as a horrifying croak. If someone had called your name in that voice, you would have immediately run away, but Echo just turned slightly and looked your direction.
“I’m sorry for last night,” you apologized.
“You already said that,” Echo reminded you gently. “The 501st is loud. I understand why you weren’t happy with us.”
“Not about that,” you forced out, half-wishing you could just let him think you had been delirious with fever and thus not responsible for anything you had said or done. “I mean that I’m sorry for saying the whole love you forever thing. It was a joke, but I feel like it landed poorly.”
“There’s no need, really,” Echo told you. He smiled then, a small sad smile. “We clones don’t get to see much good in the universe. Not with this war going on. Even though you were joking, it was nice to hear something like that.”
You stared at him, trying to keep the poker face the GAR had hired you for.
“Besides,” Echo said with a laugh, “if you want to see how a bad joke really sounds, hang out with Fives for a few minutes. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to see the difference!”
You chuckled at that and the smile he gave lit his whole face as he continued his patrol. You watched Echo leave, thinking hard. It was ironic that this was the conversation where your heart had melted just a touch. It wasn’t love, not yet, but this third exchange left feelings that were inappropriate considering that you had known him for less than a day.
That night, you couldn’t sleep, betrayed by all of the napping you had done during the day. Echo was patrolling the room again and noticed you on his fourth lap.
He crouched by your bedside once again. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nope,” you admitted with a sigh. “Can you?”
Echo frowned. “I can, but I’m on watch right now.”
“On watch,” you repeated skeptically. “For what?”
“Someone has to make sure the patients are doing okay while the medics sleep,” he explained. “It’s a very important job.”
“Your brothers are all playing sabacc in the corner,” you pointed out. “Go join them. Or, better yet, get some sleep. I haven’t seen you take a break yet.”
“You were unconscious for over half of the day,” Echo reminded you. “I could have been on break then.”
“You weren’t,” you told him confidently. “Because you wouldn’t have known that I slept the whole time.”
Echo frowned. “You’re too smart to work for the army.”
“Intelligence officer,” you explained simply. 
Lifting his eyebrows in exaggerated shock, Echo leapt to his feet and gave a dramatic salute. You pretended to aim a kick in his direction and you both dissolved into muffled giggles in an attempt not to wake any of the other patients.
“If you won’t try to sleep, at least sit down?” you requested, indicating the foot of your cot as you struggled to sit up so you could move out of his way. “You’re stressing me out. I can’t be expected to get better if I’m stressed.”
“We can’t have that,” Echo teased. He helped you sit up before he did anything else, but the awkwardness of the position left him hauling you up by your armpits. You were thankful that you had found the strength to walk to the sonic shower that day, at least. “Not like I can get sick from you, anyway.”
Echo sat talking with you for hours, even after his brothers had all drifted off at their sabacc table. Before you fell asleep again, he brought you another giant glass of water. You accepted it with a smile. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
He nodded and left so you could get some sleep. By the time you had finished the glass, he was on the other side of the medbay and couldn’t hear you mutter, “Love you forever.”
For the next few days, Echo lived by your bedside. The conversations you had made you laugh so hard that you went into the occasional coughing fit and got the evil eye from Kix. So, you were less pleased than you had expected to be when Kix told you that you could be discharged the following day.
That night, you couldn’t sleep. Getting your sleep pattern back under control was going to be the biggest struggle, you reflected, staring at the massive beams supporting the ceiling.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” Echo teased, walking up. “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
You waved a hand around dramatically. “I’m trying to commit these beautiful surroundings to memory. If I’m leaving tomorrow, I’ll need to remember the enchanting way the dust clings to that wall over there.”
Suddenly serious, Echo asked, “You’re leaving tomorrow?”
You nodded, and couldn’t tell if it was your imagination, or if he really looked disappointed. Still, he mustered a smile. “I’m glad.”
With a falsely offended gasp, you replied, “You’re glad I’m leaving? That’s rude!”
“No, I mean-!” Echo sputtered, grimacing at you when you started to laugh. “I’m glad you’re getting better. Even if you’re just as mean as the day I met you.”
“Yeah, I’m terrible,” you agreed with a grin. 
“You are not,” he countered immediately. “You’re sweet and funny and- I’ll miss you. Selfish, huh?”
“I’ll miss you, too,” you admitted. “I guess we’re both selfish. But, hey, you’ll finally get some sleep now!”
“I suppose I will,” Echo said with the ghost of his usual smile. “At least we can have one last overnight conversation. Unless you’re too tired?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Sit down, Echo.”
The two of you talked for hours that night. The medbay steadily got more silent and your eyes began to ache. Try as you might, you were still recovering from your illness and the point came when you couldn’t fight it off any longer. You fell into a light doze as Echo was talking.
You were dimly aware as he finished his sentence and waited for a response, but you couldn’t make yourself say anything. Echo gave an amused sounding hum and stood from your cot. You immediately missed his warmth, but felt like he was still standing by you.
Soft lips pressed against your forehead and left as Echo started to move away. “What was that cop-out bantha dung?” you asked blearily. 
Echo jumped a bit and stared down at you, but you were half-asleep, impulsive, and you knew what you wanted. You sat up to grab his shoulders and brought him back down to you, kissing him with as much fervor as an extremely tired person could muster.
He kissed you back, opening his mouth to release an almost-soundless groan, and you were suddenly wide awake. With both of you actively participating in your embrace, it didn’t take long for the pair of you to get carried away. 
When you finally broke apart, it was only because someone had cleared their throat sharply. 
Echo pulled back, bracing on his forearms to look up at Kix while you peered at the medic from under Echo’s chest. When had he gotten on top of you? His hip brushed against your upper thigh and you abruptly didn’t care anymore.
“I take it you’re well enough to be released from here?” Kix asked, a raised brow accentuating his smirk. 
You glanced around to find that half of the medbay was awake and staring at you and Echo with expressions ranging from bleary bewilderment to amused approval. Some of Echo’s brothers were awake as well, though their faces ran heavily to outright shock.
“Uh, yeah. I’m ready to go home,” you agreed, glancing up at Echo. “Wanna come with me?”
Echo nodded and glanced up at Kix. The medic shrugged and looked at the ceiling. “No, I have no idea where Echo went. He worked several around the chrono shifts and then he disappeared. I assume he went to get some well-deserved rest. Sign here.”
The last part was directed at you and you obligingly scrawled your name on the datapad he was holding out in your direction. 
“Your personal effects are in the front room,” Kix informed you. “Drink some water now and then, would you?”
“Of course, thanks,” you said absently, attention already stolen away by the fascinating blush creeping up Echo’s cheeks. You slipped out from under him and grabbed his hand to tow him behind you. “C’mon. You’re gonna love my apartment.”
A/N - ahh, why did this end up being such a novel? Sorry about that! If you want to read similar works, check out my masterlist or make a request based on this post (or make something up and I’ll do my best!). Thanks for reading!
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch.10
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Summary: scary moms are scary
Nicole stilled.
Well this just got a million times worse.
Surprisingly enough, Nicole could count on her fingers the times she had crossed paths with either of the Ladies. Lady Dimitrescu was often busy and not bothering with the staff. Most things that needed communicated went through the Steward. Mistress Esteria was, as some would call her, a ghost. She preferred her solitude or time with family so it wasn't unheard of for new staff members to take months before they even see her around the castle. Paired with Nicole's job that had her in the dungeons almost all the time, she never got an actual introduction to either of them.
Not that she complained. It didn't take a genius to realize that both women were to be feared.
I think I'd like to bleed out now.
"What about?" Her voice was barely audible, due to fear or pain was anyone's guess.
"... I don't know." Cassandra's quiet voice mimicked her own.
"Should I assume it is about your um… choice of partners?"
The realization that, to anyone outside Cassandra, she was little more than a maid turned butcher hit Nicole almost as much as the bullet that until not long ago was wedged into her flesh. Would they forbid Cassandra from seeing her? Or perhaps decide that Nicole has committed an unspeakable offense to their family and punish her? She gulped and Cassandra's reply wasn't of much help either.
"I don't know," she repeated.
Nicole sighed, a slow drawn out exhale, all too aware of the pain it would cause otherwise. "When?"
"Soon. They told me to let them know when you wake up."
Nicole just nodded and laid back into the cushions. May as well be comfortable before facing death. But Cassandra didn't move. Instead, she interlocked their fingers and brought Nicole's hand to her lips, leaving a kiss on bony knuckles. They stayed like that, silently, for a full minute before Cassandra got up and, with a be right back, exited the room.
Left alone, Nicole looked down at herself once more. To say she looked awful was an understatement. Definitely not going to rely on appearance to make a good impression. The painkiller was also yet to do its job and any movement still shot jolts of pain through her body. Wonderful.
It wasn't long before the door opened again and Cassandra came in followed by Lady Dimitrescu, her trademark hat making her look even taller and more intimidating than she already was. Immediately behind, Mistress Esteria took light steps, her long white hair flowing behind her like a silky mantle.
They looked so in contrast with each other, and it went beyond the almost opposite color schemes. While the Lady had the expression of a mother about to scold her child for carelessly running up the stairs and scraping a knee, the Mistress looked about to take out the bandaids. Her eyes, blue and gray, looked at her with something akin to kindness.
"What's your name dear?"
God her voice sounded like rivers deep in the forest. Flowing and ancient and just as powerful as she probably was.
"Nicole," she gulped.
The Mistress came to a stop right by the bed, tall frame bending down and grabbing Nicole's chin between two fingers. She moved her head from one side to the other and hummed.
"My my, what a pretty face. You've always had quite the taste in women, love." She looked at Cassandra who only nodded stiffly.
Then, she was up again and moving towards the other matriarch, who by now was sitting in an armchair. The Mistress leaned on the armrest, opting to ignore the many other places to sit and Nicole had to wonder for a moment if they were the clingy type. What an oddly human trait.
A long drag of a cigarette was drawn out before golden eyes finally fell on Nicole and the Lady spoke.
"I was actually surprised to learn about how… deeply Cassandra cares about you. To actually come to me and ask for help saving your life." She narrowed her eyes slightly, just enough for it to be a clear warning. "I sure hope such kindness was not wasted on you."
Sensing where this conversation was going, Nicole groaned internally. Of all things, she would rather not have the break my daughter's heart and I'll break your legs conversation with Cassandra's mothers while a damn hole in her abdomen was still sending waves of pain through her body if she didn't move just right. In her defense, the painkiller was yet to kick in and there's only so much holding her tongue she can do while in pain.
"With all due respect my Ladies, I'd rather throw myself off the highest tower in this castle than pretend to love Cassandra. Have you met her."
That got a snort from the brunette, who quickly masked it with a cough. The Mistress however laughed. A melodic laugh that, in another situation, would be the most soothing thing.
"Oh dear. While the reassurance is appreciated, we do trust Cassandra's judgement."
"For the most part," Lady Dimitrescu added, eyes still narrowed.
"And we would love to have you for dinner soon," the Mistress went on, ignoring the small glare from her wife.
Another drag of the cigarette. "Well anyways. We didn't come here for a welcoming party. We'd like to make you a proposal."
Judging by Cassandra's furrowed brows, she probably knew as little about this as Nicole did. A proposal from Lady Dimitrescu could either be wonderful news or a death sentence. She couldn't help a gulp when the Lady continued.
"Contrary to popular belief, I do care about my staff. At least those who prove themselves useful." The cigarette was finally done and now Nicole had the luck of having her full attention. "And, as you may have guessed, medical training is not particularly common around here. I do happen to want a castle physician, a position that could be filled by someone skilled that also has a good reason to do a good job and be loyal to my family."
Wait what-
Nicole blinked in confusion, an expression mimicked by Cassandra. Did she mean…?
Lady Dimitrescu raised an eyebrow. "Do you accept?"
"Y- yes." The words spilled from her mouth without a second thought. And why would she have second thoughts after all?
Lady Dimitrescu watched her for a long moment. Then, when she seemed pleased with her findings, she rose to her feet.
"Very well. We will discuss the technicalities once you're in a better state. Now try not to bleed out before you even start your job. And," she sighed, "you are expected at dinner as soon as you're able to join us."
The last part caused her wife's lips to turn into a warm smile. The Lady simply turned around and ducked out of the room while Mistress Esteria lingered by Cassandra. She whispered something only the brunette could hear and then leaned in to kiss her forehead. The Mistress had a couple inches on Cassandra, which meant she was towering over Nicole. Then, with a smile in her direction, she too was out of the room, leaving only the two of them to stare at the door in disbelief.
"Well that went… well."
"Oh for the love of Mother Miranda," Cassandra sighed in relief, hands running through her hair.
Her shoulders lost their tension when she came to sit by Nicole's side, a smile now present on thin black lips.
"Your mothers seem… lovely women."
"Shut up you were scared shitless."
There goes Nicole's attempt at being polite. Not that Cassandra was wrong by all means, but part of her wanted to be on good terms with her lover's family. Maybe it was simply due to her relationship with the brunette, maybe it was due to how her own family never seemed to care much for each other. Not the way the Dimitrescus did, despite how they were seen as monsters by most outside eyes. She didn't let herself dwell on it, instead she took one of Cassandra's hands and started to play with slender fingers.
"Are you hungry? I can ask Cynthia to fix something for you."
Nicole smiled at the effort to make her feel better. She would never get tired of seeing Cassandra's caring and gentle side, especially when she knew how ruthless she could be otherwise.
"In a bit. I'm waiting for the painkiller to fully kick in so I can actually sit up."
Cassandra nodded and looked to the side, seemingly lost in some kind of thought. Nicole wanted to ask what got the brunette pensive all of a sudden, but before she could, golden eyes snapped back to her.
"Also. Don't you dare jump in front of a bullet for me ever again. It wouldn't have hurt me anywhere near as much as it hurt you."
There was a subtle growl in her voice that would have scared any other person. But Nicole recognized how the anger was just veiled worry at how much worse their situation could’ve gotten.
"Sorry. I just saw him with the gun and panicked." There was a reason she didn't pursue her father's idea of becoming a surgeon after all, and pissing him off was only part of it. "And I'm glad you didn't get hurt at all."
Cassandra narrowed her eyes, but her expression quickly softened. The big bad sadist couldn’t stay mad at her lover and Nicole almost teased her about it, but a gloved hand slowly caressing her cheek stopped her.
“I’m just happy you’re alive.”
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 years
For the sentences prompt; a slightly spicy, slightly funny one: What's a safeword and why is yours Weasley? (dramione please if possible since they're OTP, but also I would read anything you write. Thank you!)
“What’s a safeword, and why is yours ‘Weasley?’”
Neville’s quill paused over the report form. He looked across his desk at Draco with that absurd frank naivete that had somehow managed to keep Pansy’s boat vigorously afloat through eight years of marriage and three children.
“Well, Longbottom, when a man enjoys being tied up from time to time, and would like to be able to say, for example, ‘Don’t you dare suck that fucking—’”
Without dropping the guileless Boy Scout look, the dawn of understanding broke across Neville’s face.
“I see. That’s...usually it’s...” His brow furrowed. “Is that something that…”
Draco desperately wanted both a cup of coffee and for the interview to be over.
“Your wife’s a sex therapist who won’t stop banging on about how the two of you won’t stop banging, you’re doing fine.”
A blur of brown curls and barely contained frenzy burst through the Auror’s Office door.
“Are you alright?” Hermione’s hair was tied up on top of her head, and she’d thrown a trenchcoat over joggers and a ratty sweatshirt which Draco immediately recognized as his own from DMLE training. She looked at Neville. “He’s been hit by the Somerset Seductress?”
“I still maintain that’s the worst criminal pseudonym you’ve ever come up with.” Draco rubbed at his aching eyes. When he opened them, Hermione was standing very close, right in front of him, clenching and unclenching her fists, her jaw visibly straining.
“Are you alright?” she asked. “Did she hurt you? If she hurt you, so help me God I will—”
“Granger, I went to a bar, became very drunk there, I brought a woman home, against my own fucking Auror’s instincts I let her tie me to my bed, and then she stole some jewelry I don’t give a shit about. I’m embarrassed, exhausted, and I have a headache.” He looked down at his hands.
And no, I am not alright, as my entire chest remains a gaping, festering fucking wound, he didn’t add. Thank you for asking.
“Do you need someplace to stay tonight?” she asked.
Draco’s head shot up. She had one arm crossed over her chest, and was biting her thumbnail.
“Do you mean yours?”
Hermione nodded.
“Won’t Davies mind?”
Hermione kept biting at her thumb. “I’m not seeing Roger anymore.”
Draco sat up taller in his chair. “Since when?”
She released a long, juddering breath. “The call came in on the comms, and I thought—”
Tentatively, she stroked her fingertips along Draco’s jaw.
“If you’ll sign, Malfoy, I think I’m done here.” Neville finished scrawling his own signature across the bottom of the Auror report. “And if it’s all the same to the both of you, I’d very much like to go home to my wife.”
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carelesscreativity · 3 years
NightKiller Broken Bones w/ Uncorrupted!Nightmare for LateNightBarista: Commission For Ko-Fi
(SFW, Blood[?], Angst, Fluff)
It was worse than usual. Usually, when Nightmare had a bad day, the castle would feel electrified and tense. Going out into the hallway or to the kitchen was a risk. Nightmare would be near delirious and attacking anything that seemed even remotely threatening. The gang knew that Nightmare couldn't help it. When he was having a bad day, Nightmare's past memories were kicked into full gear and he would be drowning in old pain. Trying to talk to him was out of the question and trying to touch him was a suicide mission. They usually all just hid. But today seemed different.
The castle held the same charged feeling, but none of them had heard anything. There was no screaming. No breaking of furniture. No feverish rambling about not wanting to be touched or seen. Nightmare hadn't even left his room. It was quiet and there was a heavy aura of pain surrounding the castle like a thick smog, slightly choking each of them. Killer couldn't even focus on sharpening his knife in his own room. His hand wasn't steady enough and he had to give up before he permanently fucked up the blade.
It had been almost four hours since the feeling had settled over the castle. Nightmare usually started his reign of destruction and terror as soon as he woke up. Killer knew that, if he was wrong, he would be risking quite possibly all of his limbs. But he was the boss' right hand. So that meant he had to look out for him. Or something like that. He hopped down and teleported before his feet even hit the floor. He landed in the hallway right outside Nightmare's room. He paused. He couldn't hear anything from inside and it was still eerily quiet. He slipped his knife back up his sleeve and paused. He raised his hand and for once in his life, Killer actually knocked.
He waited a few moments. The aura wasn't becoming any more charged. His target soul gave an uneasy waver. Killer's brow furrowed and he knocked again, a little louder. "Boss??" He called, knowing he had a strong enough voice to carry through the door. There. He heard a small shuffle and the faintest hint of a sharp inhale. Killer furrowed his brow and moved a little closer to the door, listening. He could just barely hear raspy breathing. "Boss, I'm coming in." It was more of a warning than anything. It was also Killer signing off on his death wish if Nightmare decided to freak out.
He turned the knob, only to find it locked. He sighed and teleported inside, disregarding the door completely. The aura of pain was thick in the room. Every negative feeling was swirling around like fumes and Killer gave a momentary tremble. The breathing was louder. It was practically a death rattle, but it kept going and for a split second, Killer felt a small pinprick of fear that Nightmare really was dying. The thought made him ache in a way he couldn't describe. He had yet to turn around and face the bed, where he could hear the breathing coming from. "Boss. I'm gonna turn." He said, bracing himself.
He wasn't even sure what he was bracing himself for. He turned and the first thing he became aware of was the staining. Black stains were spattered across the walls and leaked into the carpet around the bed. And good stars, the bed. The bed was bleached black, all hints of the dark purple sheets gone. The thing on the bed caught Killer's attention and it shook him to his skeletal core. He managed to actually focus. The monster in the middle of the corruption was unmistakably a skeleton.
But the only parts that seemed to be connected were the head and the torso. The lower half had been broken off at the spine and all of their limbs were completely shattered off as well. The remains of a shredded purple tunic somewhat covered their upper half, but not enough since Killer could still see what was left of the ribcage. Any ribs that were still there were cracked or dangling. Regardless, the ribcage still moved up and down with each breath. There was a dented, stained and lopsided crown on their head that looked like it might've once been gold.
Black liquid was freely pouring out of every crack and orifice on their body, Killer able to tell how much of a struggle it was for them to breathe around it. The limbs were splayed around them and Killer could tell that some pieces were missing. A couple fingers and toes. He finally focused on their head. The entire left side of it was busted open in a wound that would put Horror's to shame. An eyelight was fixed on him in the other socket, muddled violet and cyan. The second Killer met their gaze, he felt a shockwave straight through his body to his soul.
His soul snapped into an inverted heart and his vision became crystal clear as his eyelights flared to life. He vaguely recalled hearing something about this form. Everyone knew the story of Dreamtale. He could still see bruises on those stained bones. He was snapped back out of his thought by a wheezing, violent cough. He winced as something snapped and he saw one of the other's ribs break off and fall, becoming dust against the bedsheets. Based on why he could barely see underneath the taters of the tunic, Killer didn't want to guess what the other's back looked like.
His eyelights moved up to the meet the other skeleton's once again. The corruption looked like it had unpeeled and melted around them. Killer didn't say anything at first because he needed a moment to piece everything together. It was a given that Nightmare was blind on his left side, but he hadn't quite realized the extent. Sometimes, he'd catch Nightmare stumble randomly while walking or in the middle of battle and, seeing his broken legs, it made sense to Killer.
The black-eyed skeleton could also see the way Nightmare's palms were cracked and he was simply missing quite a few fingers and the boss' occasional difficulty with physically grasping and holding things was so much clearer. Everything was so much clearer. Killer started to slowly move over. "Boss." The word alone seemed to make Nightmare flinch. He wasn't. He wasn't Boss. He couldn’t be. Not like this. Never like this. Everything hurt and his pain had amplified six times over once Killer had seen him. He hadn't wanted anyone to ever see him in this form. He could only breathe though, completely useless to speak. Killer's shoes squished along the carpet as he got closer, finally stopping next to the bed.
He was on his blind side, the bastard. Nightmare still remembered the origin of that wound like it was yesterday. He recalled vaguely the goop beginning to spill out of his eyesocket at a frightening rate. It hadn’t been too alarming at first. He hadn't been ready for the corruption to literally explode out the side of his skull in a way that felt like he'd been shot from the inside out. He was yanked out of his memories with a sharp inhale as he felt the slightest shift in the bed. He managed to turn his head, his neck creaking a little to see that Killer had picked and begun to fuse the broken pieces of his left arm back together. What was he doing??
Nightmare managed to make a questioning noises and Killer, forever on the same page as him, glanced up. "What's it look like? Putting you back together." He replied to Nightmare's unspoken question. Nightmare stared at him for another few moments. Killer kept glancing up at him before sighing. "No, I don't think any less of you, okay? You don't have to keep looking at me like that. I won't tell a soul." Killer was always so hard to read. His emotions were always so faded and while it helped in battle against Dream, it didn't help with complicated conversations like this.
But Killer's soul was inverted right now, which meant... Hesitantly and painfully, Nightmare probed at Killer's emotions. The slight brow raise signaled that Killer could tell was he was doing, but he wasn't going to stop him. Nightmare could sense truth. He could sense truth and trust and devotion and... Nightmare didn't realize he was shaking until he felt Killer's hand give the lightest touch over his sternum to still him. Nightmare was crying. It would be difficult to see his tears through the black liquid running down his face, but Killer had always been a perceptive son of a bitch.
Nightmare continued to stare at Killer as he worked on fusing his broken, battered body back together. Where was it? Where was the amusement? The disappointment?? The pity??? Every emotion Nightmare would've expected from Killer simply wasn't there and all he could sense was his devotion, his respect and his admiration for him. There was another feeling. One that Nightmare could barely recognize, but didn't want to acknowledge. Not yet, at least. He furrowed his brow, twitching slightly at the pain that it sent through his skull. He continued to stare before Killer glanced up. "Deep breath." Nightmare did so, but still whimpered as Killer popped his arm back into the socket. "There we go..." Nightmare could feel soft pulses as Killer sent soothing magic through it. "Boss."
The title made the invisible smog of pain in the room worse, so Killer took a breath and tried again. "Nightmare." The broken skeleton opened his eye and looked at him. "I don't know how you do it..." He moved to his other side and Nightmare felt a little more relaxed since he could see him better. He watched Killer pick up the other arm and get to work on it. "You... live like this... and still manage to be everything I admire. I've seen you fight amazing battles and this was the kind of body you were working with underneath?" He gave a soft scoff of amazement. "Unbelievable... You’re truly amazing.”
Nightmare really didn't know what to do for a moment. All he could sense was truth and it was overwhelming him. He wanted to cover his face and he managed to shift his reattached arm just a little. Killer seemed to notice immediately and reached over him, gently placing a hand on his arm as a gesture to keep it still. "You don't need to hide from me." He said softly. Nightmare made a weak noise. If he could blush, he would've. Killer finished with his other arm and stood up. "Deep breath." Nightmare did so, still unable to stop the sharp cry of pain as Killer reattached it.
Once again, he relaxed into the soothing pulses Killer gave. After another moment, Killer reached out and flicked the tatters of his tunic. “Probably can’t take this off of you all the way without fucking something up, but you mind if I start working on your ribs?” Nightmare didn’t answer for a moment and Killer blinked. “I could also start on your legs, but that would mean cutting open what’s left of your pants.” Nightmare gave a weak huff and Killer nodded. “Ribs it is, then.”
He pushed the fabric out of the way and Nightmare nearly started crying as he felt the pain slowly beginning to lift away into dull aching as Killer’s magic began to spread through him. He screwed his eye shut and kept his head turned away. He inhaled shakily as he felt a hand slip under his cheek and he managed to look back at the other. Killer had his other hand on his sternum. “I’ll fix you up. Nightmare... if you were able to do what you do with a broken body, imagine what you could do with a mended one? Stars, you’d be unstoppable.” Nightmare blinked before managing a very small, weak smile. He wanted to laugh, but he was sure that would fuck up whatever Killer was doing.
Killer chuckled, rubbing his thumb over his cheek bone at the sight of that little grin. “You can relax a little. It’ll be a while.” He watched as Nightmare closed his eye and tipped his head into his hand. Killer’s grin had already returned in response. He kept soothing and healing. It would take a bit, but for Nightmare, he had magic to spare and all the patience in the world.
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
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[ malt whiskey on ice ] 
pairing: chuuya nakahara x gn!reader (there’s an error in the header but i’m too lazy to edit it now i’m sorry)
word count: 2k words
@ah-kaashi​: dinooo im having chuuya brainrot hours right now ಥ⌣ಥ can i request a short fic of chuuya meeting bartender!reader at a bar and eventually starts pining for them? and he only goes to the bar to see them (ahh my heart) he probably would confess to the reader whilst drunk, thanks to his low alcohol tolerance :"
summary: chuuya has a crush on the cute bartender and tries to ask her out. unfortunately, drinking alcohol calms his nerves way too much
a/n: i’m--- i’ll just have a really long list of works under ‘chuuya nakahara’ at this point. also ahhh i hope you like this kei and sorry it took too long but i had so much fun writin this !!
chuuya could never get tired of hearing your bright, cheery voice greeting him as soon as he entered the bar, especially after a long and hard day. he smiles at you, fold his coat and leaves it on the counter beside him along with his hat.
“a good evening to you too, y/n,” he says.
“having your usual?” you asked, already getting out a glass.
“yes please.” 
chuuya knows it’s rude to stare, but he can’t help but do so as you prepare his drink. the fact that your humming easily puts a smile on his face reminds chuuya how much he has fallen for you.
“here you go,” you serve his drink up with a warm smile. “malt whiskey with ice.”
“expect some refills as usual later in the night,” chuuya joked.
“as long as i get to make sure you’re still able to drive home,” you chuckled. the bar was less than half-full tonight, something that chuuya was very much thankful for. you were an amazing bartender and you always interacted with your customers. chuuya was even amazed at how you could hold a conversation with anyone and remember all the stories that people would tell you.
but sometimes, he kind of wanted you all to himself. 
chuuya had been mulling that thought over for quite a long time: asking you out on an actual date instead of coming here every single night and looking at you longingly from across the counter. he did think he had a bit of a chance and you looked like you genuinely enjoyed talking to him and seeing him. but you were like that with everybody too.
“so, what’s been going on with you lately? finally finish that mission you’ve been stressing out on?” you asked while drying glasses behind the counter. chuuya smiled, dragging a gloved finger through the rim of his glass.
“well, if you’d really like to know...”
“you look like you’ve seen better days.” 
“huh?” chuuya blinked out of his thoughts to see the new bartender regarding him with a concerned expression. 
“you’ve been staring at your drink for the past... ten minutes...give or take,” you explained. “people do tend to stare at their drinks quite a bit but when it hits ten minutes that’s kind of raises an alarm for me,” you chuckled. “the ice even melted in your drink. want me to fix you a fresh one?” 
“ah, no. but thanks for the offer though,” chuuya smiled. “shame to waste good alcohol.”
“i hear you,” you shrugged with a smile. “so, wanna tell me what’s been going on?” you asked. “bartenders do make good listeners.”
chuuya raised an eyebrow up at you as he thought about what you said. “um, it’s kind of a long story and i don’t think i’m ready to get into it now,” he confessed.
“that’s fair,” you nodded your head. chuuya was grateful to you for giving him some space. actually, now that he thought about it, he was grateful to you for always greeting him with a smile and asking how he was, even when he came in with the sourest of moods. he knew it wasn’t easy to be a bartender, especially one whose clients were from the mafia.
“how about you though?” chuuya asked. “um, anything special happen to you recently?”
you looked genuinely surprised at the question which made chuuya think that people never really asked about you. “you know, no one’s ever really asked me that,” you chuckled. “but... it’s nice. thanks, nakahara-san.”
chuuya doesn’t know why, but his stomach was practically doing backflips when you said that. have you always looked this cute when you laughed? how come chuuya never noticed that?
“please,” he says. “you can call me chuuya.”
“you never chicken out of anything. come on, you can do this,” chuuya grits his teeth, remembering not to accidentally crush the bouquet in his hands. right after finishing his mission early, he headed to the nearest flower shop to buy some flowers for you. as much as he wanted to give you red roses, he thought it would be a bit too much and didn’t want to accidentally scare you. instead, he settled on some pink peonies that he dearly hoped you would like.
chuuya decided on going to the bar before your shift just to give himself some time to relax. except, when he sits down on the counter, the bartender, an old man who chuuya knows very well, eyes the bouquet in his hands and flashes chuuya a knowing smile.
“do you think they’ll say yes?” chuuya asks, very aware at how nervous he sounds.
“i think it’ll be very interesting,” the bartender says. chuuya groans at how ambiguous that sounds.
“can i have my regular? please?” he asks. the bartender raises an eyebrow at him. “it’s just for the nerves,” chuuya reasons.
he was right in thinking that the alcohol would help with his nerves. except, it works a bit too much.
you always give your reflection a once-over before leaving for your shift at the bartender. the bartender’s uniform isn’t exactly your nicest outfit but you try your best to spruce things up by putting on some lip tint and brushing your hair. you’re not even sure if chuuya will be coming in, he is a busy man, but you apply your lip tint carefully in the mirror and wish for luck.
when you finally leave the employee’s changing room to start your shift, your heart jumps up in your chest when you recognize the familiar hat. except, when you come closer, you find that chuuya is slumped over the counter with an empty glass and a bouquet of flowers at his side.
the sight of the flowers brings a lump in your throat but you push that aside momentarily as you tap on chuuya’s shoulder to check on him.
“hrrrmmm,” he groans but doesn’t move an inch. you tap him on the shoulder again and call out his name, much louder this time, until chuuya finally raises his head. 
his cheeks are flushed pink, no doubt from the alcohol, and his eyes clearly look as if he’s straining to focus as he squints at you. it’s unbelievably cute and you let out a chuckle. 
“it’s not like you to get wasted on a thursday evening,” you smile before your gaze lands on the bouquet of flowers again. “i... see you were planning to ask someone out.”
“huh? yeah,” chuuya drawls, nodding his head slowly. “s’pposed to ask this person out... was waiting for them.”
“and then you ended up drinking too much,” you sigh. “i mean, i keep telling you your alcohol tolerance isn’t that great.”
“wanted to be less nervous,” chuuya whines slightly as his head drops back again. you reach your hand out to hold him back from pitching forward and slamming his face onto the table.
“oh my god, let’s get you sobered up at least before you meet them,” you sigh. it was a thursday night and no one else was at the bar. it probably wouldn’t hurt to step out for a while, wouldn’t it?
you’re practically dragging chuuya behind you to the employee’s room and sitting him on the couch you have there. except, once he sits down he immediately flops on the couch and curls up on his side. you’ve rarely seen the mafia executive look as vulnerable as this with his hat barely even on his head, his red locks framing his sleeping face, and his curled hands under his cheek. chuuya looks just like a little kid and you smile to yourself as you brush a lock of hair out of his face.
you already knew he was a mafia executive when you first met him here, at the bar, and was understandably quite scared of him at first. ‘he’s just a paying customer, like everyone else,’ you reminded yourself before putting on a winning smile to serve him. 
little did you know, you were going to absolutely fall for him. chuuya was always kind and courteous, even tipping more than generously whenever he came in. but what struck you about him was that no matter what, even if he was having the worst of days, he would always ask how you are. as a bartender, you were used to being the one listening instead of being listened to. the fact that chuuya always asked about you and even remembered your ramblings made you smile.
part of you wondered if you had a chance with someone like chuuya. ‘but i guess not,’ you thought sadly, gently laying the bouquet of flowers on the side table. as soon as you did, chuuya shot up from the couch.
“ch-chuuya-san!” you yelped slightly in surprise. 
“flowers... where are they?” he slurred, blinking around at his surroundings.
“here,” you smiled, placing the bouquet on his lap. “that person’s lucky, you know? to receive flowers from you.” 
“yeah...” chuuya smiled. “y/n sure is.” and before you could fully process what he said, chuuya flopped back down on the couch.
“wait, what?” you squeaked. you turned to chuuya and shook him awake. “did you just say y/n?”
“yeah... you know them? works here, always smiley, looks hella cute,” chuuya chuckled before looking at you with the tiniest pout on his lips. “do you think they’d go out with me?” 
you’re astounded and let out a small laugh. “i... i think they would chuuya. just ask them, alright?” 
“alright,”  chuuya nods and yawns before curling up on the couch again. you, on the other hand, are beside yourself with giddiness and it’s taking you all of your self-control not to wake him up. instead, you leave a glass of water and some headache medicine that you keep in your bag and return to your shift.
chuuya wakes up a few hours later with one of the worst headaches he’s ever had and his mouth feeling like sandpaper. also, he has no idea where he is. 
he sits up, blinking at his surroundings as he struggles to remember what happened before he practically blacked out. ‘i was in the bar. i got a drink, and then...’  
chuuya’s gaze lands on you, curled up on a nearby chair with your jacket draped across your torso and suddenly he remembers what exactly he was doing at the bar in the first place. “shit, shit, shit,” chuuya curses and sits up. he actually got blackout drunk before even getting the chance to talk to you and now you had to take care of him. chuuya hated to admit that his alcohol tolerance was low and now it seems he’s suffering the consequences for it.
his luck takes a turn for the worst when the noise stirs you awake.
“chuuya-san? you’re awake,” you yawn sleepily.
“fuck, i... blacked out, didn’t i? y/n, i’m so sorry it must have been so troubling for you,” chuuya immediately apologizes.
“it’s alright--” 
“like, i came in before your shift and i thought drinking would settle my nerves a bit before asking you out and--” chuuya abruptly stops when he realizes what he accidentally blurted out loud. the look on your face says it all though.
“i... “ he starts and stops again. then, he realizes that the flowers he bought are still on the table. so, he picks it up and hands them to you. “i, i really like you, y/n. if you don’t hate me after all this, would you consider going out with me?” 
there’s a smile on your face when you take the flowers for him and chuuya takes it as a good sign. and then you say, “you know, you said a lot of things while you were drunk.” 
chuuya feels his face flush and lets out a groan. “oh god, like what?” 
“we can talk about it if you like,” you shrug. “i’m... i’m free on saturdays, after my five pm shift.” 
chuuya feels his heart leap in his chest and says “i’m free this saturday too,” a bit too enthusiastically, earning another laugh from you. he’s still feeling that euphoria when you stand up and plant a kiss on his cheek.
“also, you’re really cute when you’re drunk.” 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​ @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel​​ @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll
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