#also it's all silly and jokingly; but just to be safe:
14dayswithyou · 1 year
hi. /homosexually 🥺❤️ i couldnt pick one so just do your favourite !! ♡♡ also lowkey half of these are angst fuel LMFAO?
for Leon.
"feelings change, but mine about you wont" / "i am so exhausted, but i'd sleep so much better with your arms around me"
for Jae
"I'm always going to support you. without even a second thought, I'll be there when you need me. I want what's best for you." / "let's sleep together under the stars."
for You <3
"hey, guess what? i love you" ♡♡♡♡
Soft spot prompts | No longer accepting !!
Omgggg Puppy hiiiii >:3 <- with homosexual rizz <3 I did them all because you are my favourite + I love being Silly teehee
Under a "read more" because it got long!!
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"Just like old times, yeah?"
It was probably illegal to camp out in the woods near the lake you used to frequent as kids, but Leon was adamant on holding onto your childhood tradition ever since he returned from overseas. The Davis family always enjoyed camping with you — even as kids — but the fact that Leon had you all to himself this time made the moment even better.
This time, his dad wasn't around to ask if you wanted to go fishing. This time, his mum wasn't popping in every 10 minutes to see if you wanted any snacks. It was just you and Leon; with your limbs tangled together inside of a swag that felt far too big for just two people.
A beat passes as you both stare at each other, before the soft pitter patter of rain bounces off the the tent roof and breaks the silence. And just like how the sky opened up, Leon finds himself wanting to speak what's on his mind as well.
"My feelings for you never changed either. Even when I was back in Australia, all I ever thought about was you." He shuffles closer, "But we're reunited again, aren't we? This time, I'm not going anywhere. I belong by your side."
Your matching bracelets intertwine once Leon reaches out for your hand — much like your feelings for each other.
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"Haha! That one kinda looks like Teo and his pointy nose!"
It was certainly uncomfortable laying in the back of Jae's beat-up truck, but his company made it all worth it. He'd thrown in a couple of pillows and a wooly blanket over the both of you earlier, but it was only now that you started to feel the biting sting of Colrand Bay's Autumn breeze.
But the stars were pretty and the cityscape view made it all better.
"Y'know, we are sooo going to get kidnapped later..." Jae cracks a joke from beside you, "But I'll have you to support me, right? I'll offer our kidnapper my left kidney and you'll offer to pay ransom?"
Support. That's all he's ever wanted from his friends. Someone who'd be there to love and accept him for all that he was — flaws and all. Jae didn't know if he truly felt like himself yet, but he was grateful to have you by his side for every step of the way. And he was determined to do the same for you.
"Thank you, Nate. I mean it."
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"Omgggg wait, really? That's sooooo crazy!!"
Deciding that your words were truthful, Saint puts the unused bone saw away and unchains your arms from the table. You finally get a moment to stretch out your tired limbs, as she casually skips her way to the mod cell door to unlock it and let the light in.
The rest of the mods are waiting for you upstairs, obviously used to seeing this kind of behaviour already.
"It only took like, two days for the Stockholm syndrome to kick in! That cute doctor said it'd take at least five..." You can hear her ponder from the staircase, "But aaaa it doesn't matter!! I love you too!! ^^ Wanna go to the beach to celebrate? Maybe Jae and Leon will be there!!"
Firstly, how the fuck did they say "^^" out loud... And secondly, why is Emile in her basement as well.......
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
m'starting to get my groove back no emperor so here's a lil valentines day piece i wrote, hope yall enjoy ♡ ! ( a lil bit more love for the hopeless romantic singles like me, ppl in a relationship yall can get that from your s/o's..still love yall tho ♡)
fem reader, katsuki is a nervous lil thing, his friends don't help( they do end up helping him out tho), just pure fluffyness, bksquad boys are sassy towards each other but all in good fun, bkg is a softie, kirimina kinda hinted but eiji shuts it down take it how u wanna, food n takeout mentions,dude talk written by a girl trying her best, kirishima's sheets smell bad lemme know if i missed sum else ♡ !! (no friends to lovers mentioned in this one btw..starting to feel myself goin thru withdrawal already..), not rlly reader oriented like usual but i thought this was cute lol i like the idea of katsuki caring about us so much he goes out his way to ask for help from others (despite hating doing so)teehee (also i like the idea of these silly guys interacting and i like hc-ing them okay okay i'll stop rambling okay-)
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the last thing kirishima expected at 9.34 pm was someone basically busting down his door with how hard they were knocking on it.
eijirou opens the door urgently and is even more suprised to see his foul mouthed best friend on the other side of the door.
"woah, bakugou, man !" he exclaims seeing the state his friend was in. his eyes looked droopy and his clothes were wrinkled up like he had done a lot of moving around. usually, he would've assumed his friend had just awoken from a good nap, but his restless expression said otherwise. "what happened to you ? you look—"
" 'm fine." bakugou gruffs hoarsely, taking a deep breath at his friends widened eyes, softening up his demeanor just slightly " i'm good," he rephrased "just—you gonna let me in or what ?"
eijirou sputters out an "of course, of course" only for his friend let himself in before he could even move aside. though he immediately freezes when he sees-
"woah, kacchan's gone nutso ! " denki exclaims, face turning red from laying upside down on kirishima's bean bag for way too long.
"and he's up past 8 ? must be the apocalypse or somethin' " sero chuckles from his place on the floor near the dresser.
bakugou groans has he flops onto eijirou’s bed "of course you losers are here" his complaint is muffled against the pillows, but not muffled enough to where the rest of the boys can't hear.
"hey ! we were here before you ! 'f anythin', you're the one intruding—!" denki gulps, eyebrows furrowed. he quickly spins around to lay right when he feels the blood rushing to his head, taking a deep breath afterwards. sero chuckles and bakugou deadpans at kaminari for a good fourty seconds before slamming his head back down and groans even louder.
kirishima decides he's at a safe enough distance to sit down on his own bed, without making any sudden moves so as not to anger the beast that is an angry, sleepy bakugou. he places a hand near his friends leg, where he deems he's at safe to ask "what's up man ? you're usually in bed by this time.." he hears sero make a noise in agreement.
"yeah, or he's havin' kissy-kissy time with his giiiirrrlffrrieeeend.." kaminari sings, kicking his feet in the air jokingly. bakugou, to everyones suprise, flinches at the mention of you, then slams his head against kirishima's pillow harder and groaning even louder.
all three friends share a curious-somewhat worried look. kirishima nudges his head in bakugou's direction, silently begging his friends to say something. said friends adamantly shake their heads, as if synchronized, making a cross motion with their arms. kirishima sighs to himself, some friends.
yet again, he is the first one to speak up " did..did something happen between you two, didja fight or something ?" he asks carefully, his entire body is strained and the air in the room is so heavy, everybody present ready to get a big portion of the great lord explodo-bomberkill's anger.
only to be met with bakugou turning around to lay on his back eyebrows strained slightly and eyes absent, thinking about something they don't know "what ? course we didn't fuckin fight, idiot." he answers simply.
the three friends all let out an obnoxious sigh of relief, to katsuki's slight confusion.
"hoo, okay." kirishima answered relieved. he knows you and bakugou don't fight very much (which he thinks is super manly) but he knows that when it happens bakugou get's extremely—EXTREMELY—irritable, so it's best to stay away from him while he has his heart broken for a little bit, unless he reaches out by himself, but that only happens when he feels really bad and came to ask for advice on how to get his boyfriend priviledges back. "soo.." eijirou sings "what happened then ?"
bakugou's face hardens and the group stiffens again, preparing for a latent explosion--perhaps the volcano was still dormant and was about to be set off. the three boys hold their breaths.
bakugou takes a deep breath, a sour expression on his face.
bakugou huffs out a sigh.
he opens his mouth to speak and—his cheeks are turning pink ?
"valentine's day's after tomorrow and i don't know what the fuck to get her."
the three boys slump over and kaminari does so so hard his face bangs against the floor. kirishima feels like he's in a sitcom or some gag anime.
" that's it ?" sero chuckles to himself "what ? you're worried for valentine's day ?" sero mocks, gladly taking the opportunity to mess with the blond "that shit's easy man." he cackles, leaning against the dresser more comfortably.
"yeah dude, all you gotta do is get her some chocolates and like—a teddy bear or somethin' girls love that typa stuff !" kaminari piped up, having lifted his head up from the floor. sero nods and bakugou lifts himself up to scoff at them. it feels like it comes from the deepest depth of his very being and kirishima feels a little hurt, despite not being the target of the attack.
"this is why you losers don't have girlfriends yourselves, so i don't wanna hear anythin' from you." kaminari chokes out an "ouch, dude !" " sides, i'm not just gonna settle for that boring ass shit for my girl. no chance in hell." bakugou concludes gruffly.
"yeah, yeah we get it you're the perfect boyfriend" sero quips bitterly, rolling his eyes. " why'd you come here to ask us if, according to you, we get none ?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.
"i came here for shitty hair, not you bastards." the blond spits, rolling his eyes as well before turning to kirishima, who jumps a little at his friends slightly desperate eyes on him.
"woah, i don't have—what makes you think i would be any help ?" the redhead splutters, waving his hands around.
"don't you have something goin' on with alien chick ?"
"what ?! no dude, we're just friends !"
at that, bakugou's eyes widen the slightest bit before he groans for what feels like the 5Oth time tonight, and flops back onto the bed dramatically, turning his head away from his friend " your fuckin' useless too, then." his friend grumbles angrily.
"hey !" kirishima exclaims "mean ! i help you with your girlfriend troubles all the time without having one !"
bakugou turns to face his friend again with narrowed eyes, before exhaling a frustrated sigh and lifting himself up again, eyebrows furrowed. "your sheets smell like ass by the way." he chides, nose scrunched slightly.
"h-hey !" kirishima reiterates " i was gonna wash 'em !"
bakugou gives him an incredulous look, before shaking his head, sighing.
"well look, how about you just get her something you know she likes, isn't that good enough ?" sero offers, shrugging to himself.
"ou ! i saw a guy on tiktok ask his girlfriend out with wingstop, you could like-" kaminari, despite getting lightheaded before has apparently not learned his lesson as he flips around on his back again "—ask her to be your valentines with some fast food chain she likes, and those cute pink heart balloons they sell at the mall, y'know !"
the boys all hum at kaminari's suprisingly helpful idea. kirishima doesn't wanna say it out loud but he really hadn't expected such a cute idea from his electric friend.
"y'know, i was gonna say you were just hungry with the wingstop thing, but that's actually not a bad idea kaminari." sero hums absentmindedly with an impressed expression on his face. kirishima sweatdrops at his lack of tact but isn't really suprised.
"fuck you, man ! you guys never trust me with this stuff." kaminari whines mostly to himself. "yer track record isn't really the best when it comes to scoring girls, is it ?" sero retorts.
kirishima shakes his head seeing his friends start to bicker. he decides to ignore them and turn to his spiky haired friend, who seems deep in thought "well, what about it ? that sound like a good idea ?" he asks.
"s'not half bad.." his friend mutters in response " it's a good start, i guess."i if he notices how kaminari presses a hand to his chest with a heartfelt look on his face, he doesn't comment on it.
"oh, maybe try the take-out and a movie, i'm assuming you're not trynna have a whole celebration, yeah ?" bakugou grunts in response, his nose scrunches as he cringes thinking about the idea. he shakes his head "no, want it to be..about just the two of us, y'know ?" he utters honestly, in a way that sounds way too out of character from him.
a symphony of awwwss resonates around the room and katsuki feels his cheeks heat up hard as he harshly tells his friends to shut up.
" but seriously i'm curious, you guys are already together right ? why would you need to ask her to be your valentine anyway—shouldn’t that be a given ? " sero wonders.
"i don’t fuckin know, my old hag says it’s about the principal or some shit like that." bakugou sighs, flopping back onto the bed and throwing an arm up over his eyes, it seemed like being up so late was affecting him.
"no way dude, you called your mom ?" kaminari asks, jaw practically reaching the floor (or the ceiling..?) in shock. bakugou flushes and splutters as he hears his friends reaction to this apparently shocking news.
“shut up.” he growls “she says it’s important to show i care.. my old man does it an' they're still together right now so he must be doin' something right.
"woah man.." kirishima uttered in awe " you're goin so far to make your girlfriend happy.." he clenches his fist "s-so manly !" bakugou simply grumbles to himself in response.
"honestly..i didn't expect that from you..like at all."
"fuck off !"
"like genuinely, at all. or maybe like, 0.00003 percent cha-"
" i'll fuckin' kill you tape arms !" bakugou barked, small sparks shooting out of his palms as he kneeled at the foot of kirishima's bed in pursuit of the black haired boy. kirishima swiftly swoops in and grabs his friends arm, quickly putting his finger over his mouth
"shhhh, man !" kirishima shushes. " if we're loud, class rep's gonna hear us !" he hisses.
"or worse, mr. aizawa..." kaminari whimpered.
all four boys share a shiver.
afterwards, bakugou sighs, acting as if him almost literally blowing up at his friend a minute ago hadn't happened and gets up to sit on the side of the bed.
"well whatever, i'm satisfied." he says, a little yawn leaving him "my folks gave me some ideas so i'll use those too." his eyes zip around the room and back to the floor, then he closes his eyes and speaks so quietly kirishima barely catches it
"you guys' idea isn't horrible either so i'll keep it in mind..thanks." he utters a quick " 'r whatever." before suddenly getting up and practically sprinting to the door.
it's quiet in the room as everyone sits stunned and kirishima is the first to speak again "o-oh yeah, no problem man, anytime !" he beamed, though still slightly shocked.
"yeah, no problem..!" kaminari can't seemed to decide if he wants to smile or be stunned. his mouth stuck in an awkward half-smile-half- '°O°-' face.
" course." sero raises a thumbs up and a small smile.
bakugou grunts to himself, graces his friends with a simple "night." then pulling the door open quietly, looking around the hallway quickly before swiftly creeping out the room, closing the door behind him. the boys quickly reciprocate the goodnight quietly before he can fully close it. he stutters at the door for a second longer and kirishima knows he heard them then, so he's satisfied.
it's quiet in the room for about 5 seconds after bakugou's left.
"dude, for some reason that made me feel all warm inside..is that just me ?" kaminari hummed, pressing a hand to his chest.
"nope, me too" sero admits, sighing to himself.
"yeah, same here" kirishima says as well, smiling to himself " he really cares about yn, huh ?"
"i can give him that, yeah" sero stretches, getting up so he can jump onto kirishima's bed.
"dude" he lifts his head up "your sheets do smell like ass." sero snickers.
afterwards valentines day comes around. the boys don't have valentines of their own but when they see you and katsuki hand in hand, with you holding onto those cute pink heart balloons from the mall, wearing a sweater a little too big for you and a valentines day gift bag in your one hand, with bakugou holding onto a bag of take-out and offering them a single side glance and a nod with a half smirk on his lips, they feel extremely proud of themselves. bakugou reminds himself to tell his friends he owes them one.
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noemilivv · 7 months
I love your writing! Can we get Hazbin cast hcs of a tickle fight with their S/o? If not, just Vox and Sir Pentious is great as well 😊
hello!! there’s a lot of characters in the hazbin cast that i’m unsure of their responses to a tickle fight, so i only did a few, hope that’s okay!!
Including: Charlie, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Vox
Warnings: Mentions of Sex (No Smut)
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Charlie has a silly side, no doubt, with or without her partners presence. But that silly side definitely comes out more often when your around.
While rough housing in bed, Charlie brushes over a spot on your bare leg, causing you to let out a giggle. She lets an out an excited gasp. “Are you ticklish?”
Before you can respond, your girlfriend immediately goes to test this theory, waving her fingers across your sides as you both let out endless fits of laughter.
“Char!-” You let out, almost unable to breath, “Stop stop stop!!” You manage through giggles,
“What’s the magic word?” Your girlfriend asks, giggling as well, “Please?” You guess your breath getting shorter, “IT WAS RAINBOWS!!”
It’s safe to say after this encounter, tickle fights became a lot more frequent, to your dismay :’)
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Angel Dust
Your boyfriend, mostly thanks to his spider-like features, is extremely ticklish on his sides, and the discovery of that was, well, quite a ride literally
You laid down on top of your boyfriend, his hands playing with your hair, as your arms hugged around his sides.
Eventually, your hands found his sides and just started brushing through them, as your boyfriend tried to hold back his giggles.
Immediately, your head shoots up, “Ange? Are you ticklish…?”
“Pfff, no.” He says, brushing off the topic, although you choose to ignore it. “Okay.”
You kept rubbing your hands up and down his sides and eventually his giggles got more and more noticeable, you took this opportunity and a small tickle fight turned into an all-night sesh of even bigger ‘tickle fights’…
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Sir Pentious
Tickle Fights weren’t even something that crossed his mind, but boy, he enjoys them!!
Even if it was a total accidental one XD
You stood in front of the mirror in your shared hotel room with Pentious, admiring your new PJ set, as unbeknownst to you, your slithery boyfriend came up to you, putting his hand inside you shirt, resting them on your waist. “Pen, that tickles!” You giggled.
Your boyfriend looked at you, confused, “What? This?” He asked, running his claws on your sides. “Pfff!- Yes!”
After that, tickle fights became real tickle fights, but the first few times he would be too scared of offending or hurting you xD
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Due to the wiring and outlets at the back off Vox’s head, he’s very ticklish, and boy, do you love it XD
Your boyfriend’s screen laid comfortably against your chest, your hands trickling against the back of his screen, muffled noises came from your boyfriend, was he crying?
“Vox, are you okay?” You ask, at first, concerned. “That’s where my wires are, it’s sensitive back there.” He answered, face still deep into the realm of your warm chest.
“Like, sensitive how?” You ask, curiosity spiking within you, “Like ticklish, sensitive.” You smirk at that.
“Oh? Like this?” You ask innocently, running your fingers down the back of your boyfriends screen, as he erupted into a fight of giggles, “Fuck you!” He said, jokingly, even though it’ll probably happen later…
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nrdmssgs · 5 months
Masterlist Fluff mostly Pairing: PriceXReaderXNikolai Summary: Cuddles and make out session. AN: My periods wrote this.
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“It's alright.” Johns fingers graze lightly down your shoulder.
“We are fine. We are here, together. You are safe, little star.” Nik's warm breath tickles the back of your neck.
But you can't stop the tears. A wet spot on Price's pillow grows wider under your cheek. John cups your face and guides you to look up at him. His gaze meets your tired red eyes and he sighs ruefully. John brings you closer in kisses your forehead, glancing at Nikolai.
There are many things in your decade long friendship that could have made others uncomfortable in your place. Others, but not you, John and Nikolai. You wouldn't let anything ruin the most treasured thing you have - this friendship. So forehead kisses are fine, ‘this reminds me of you’ photos of beautiful things are fine, dancing in the kitchen while you three are cooking is fine. Letters, that you receive from them from all over the world, ‘just because’ flowers, surprise hugs from behind - it's all fine. These things won't ever hurt your friendship. 
Even falling for both of them slowly and inevitably won't do so. As long as you keep it to yourself. Which is not the easiest thing to hide, when you find out, John came back from a deployment injured.
A friend might have made sure, Price is actually doing fine and just needs a few days of bed rest, and visited him with a care package. A girl, who was desperately in love, came to him as soon as her working day was over and cried ugly, curled up next to him. You started calming down only when Nikolai came, climbed on his friend's bed and scooped you in a tight hug.
And so you three are lying: Nik's arms around your waist, your face in Price's hands. Time to time, one of them half whispers something soft to you. And with each ‘we are fine’, ‘you are safe’, ‘It's going to be alright’ you return to normal little by little. 
It's their voices working their magic on you. Husky, low, rich and warm tones. If only these men knew, what can they do to you just with a short whisper. Sure they calm you down now, but they can drive you crazy as well, lead your mind to the places, you're too ashamed to acknowledge.
John wipes away your tears with his wide warm thumbs, Nikolai hums a melody over your ear. You remember it vaguely. Something in Russian. Something about a star, that he begs to shine on no matter what. It's not a lullaby, but always brings you peace and he remembers it.
They distract you: telling you little silly stories about their deployments, arguing, jokingly grumbling at each other. You even start laughing. Then Nikolai brings tea for you and meds for John. Price immediately puts on his most suffering and dissatisfied expression, and you with Nik barely hold back the laughter.
You try a good dozen of ways to convince Price to behave like a grown up and just swallow all his pills finally. Everything from plain flattery to threats is thrown at the grumpy man. And then you resort to bargaining.
“Eat your meds now, and I will kiss you.” You laugh. Nikolai chuckles. 
But John looks serious.
He scoops all the remaining meds and throws them into his mouth, topping it up with the remaining water. All not breaking an eye contact with you. 
“Done.” After one Price's word, the room falls silent. 
It's only then, when your own word sink in. You promised him what once again? Unable to bear his gaze, you hide your eyes, looking down his wide neck, to the concave, the point, where the outlines of his muscular chest begin to show. 
This neck is made for grabbing onto it in search for a stabilizing point, while this man is…
Your face is burning. It's hot, suffocating hot in here. Not just because the man, you've been dreaming to kiss, waits for your touch, but also because the other man, you've been dreaming to kiss is burning your back with his gaze. 
John doesn't move closer, since the distance between you two is already almost non-existent. He would never force you. But he doesn't move away either. 
And your wildest hopes and dreams are screaming, that's because he wants this. But you would rather die than do anything stupid and lose Johns and Nikolai's friendship.
You stretch your arm and touch his cheek, moving to his eye level. It's not that easy, giving the fact, that you have to balance on a pile of soft bed covers between two men, pushing the mattress down to both sides around you just with their weight. 
You frantically plan how to turn this all into a joke, when you feel it. Very soft, but absolutely intentional. A push right between your shoulder blades. You lose your balance and fall forward.
The world around you cuts out, when your lips meet. First you feel his warmth engulfing and penetrating you at the same time. Then you hear him breathing you in. You don't move - it is enough for you just lay like this next to him, lips pressed to his as he takes another deep breath in, steadying himself. 
You drown in a mix of scents: Johns aftershave, a hint of Niks cologne, cigar smoke and a light musk, almost disappearing, but still daring, seducing. It takes you some time to force yourself to move back. Not far - just a few centimeters, so that when John speaks again - his hot breath rolls down your lips.
“Wait.” John's hands gather your small frame and bring you back.
The second kiss is so much more. There is a lot of holding back, but behind it all you feel a need, a borderline desperation in every motion. Every time his lips catch yours in another intoxicating touch - you feel a promise.
A promise of so much more to come, if you just let him closer, if you trust him enough. But when his tongue leaves a short warm wet trail between your lips - you forget even about the promises, his body gives you. John Price doesn't taste like a black tea, smoke and meds - he tastes like the end of you. And such a beverage is better savored in little sips, so it doesn't go out in a second.
You make an incredible effort to stifle the groan that is tearing out. Your breathing is labored, your cheeks are burning with heat. But all that matters right now: John's lips on yours, his hands pulling you closer by your waist... and another hand gently brushing the hair off your shoulder, exposing the back of your neck.
This feeling paralyzes you, like a lightning, rolling down your spine, echoing in every single nerve. Nikolai. The one to turn you into an absolute mess with just one touch. You are afraid to admit, how good his touch feels, when you're kissing John. It simultaneously soothes and provokes you. John touches your lips once again, and you open your mouth wide enough to let his tongue slip deeper.
This time you both can't hold back your quiet moan and his velvety growl. But your mind slowly comes back to the point, where you can draw a connection between kissing one of your best friends and losing both of your best friends.
You pull away. Panting, you manage to muster only one word. For John, for Nikolai, for yourself.
“I'm sorry.”
“What's wrong, little star?” Nik presses his broad chest against your back, and you immediately feel small and helpless.
“We overstepped?” John lets go of your waist, giving you full freedom of movement.
Did he just say ‘we’?
You look him in the eyes, the most beautiful blue eyes, the universe could ever create, and feel so deeply ashamed, it makes you want to die right here and now. You love John, deeply and dearly, but…
“Talk to me, little star.” 
There it is. The “but”. It's not Nikolai's fault, you love him as madly as John. There must be something wrong with you, because this kiss, you've been dreaming of for so long, still feels incomplete. And it won't feel complete until you feel Niks lips just as you felt Johns.
“I'm sorry, I should have…” You can't even muster a coherent answer as you feel a heavy lump, coming up your throat and stinging your eyes. You can't even explain to them, how deeply fucked are you.
 “No-no-no, what's with the horrified eyes, zvezdochka*?” Nikolai cups your face gently, and you turn fully to him. “No, don't worry. You see, John is already much better. I think, he will take his meds religiously from now on. Don't you, Price?”
“I will.” John's voice is still breathy and gruff.
“I just… Can we forget-”
Nik cuts you off by planting a soft, caring kiss on your forehead. He had this habit of kissing your face innocently for ages, but right now his touch means so much more than ever before.
Forgiveness. Maybe even approval.
He doesn't move away, and you hide in a shadow under his chin.
“Talk to me, little star. What brought you down? What made you cut off such a beautiful kiss?”
You feel Nikolais deep voice reverberating in his chest, you relax under Johns palm, resting on your back. And then you find a courage to speak.
“I didn't want you to feel left out. This must sound disgusting, it's so complicated to tell it in a way, it would sound  normal.”
“Mind if I help you?” You feel his lips forming every syllable as he still presses them against your skin. 
You nod and feel his smile.
His lips travel down your left cheek, leaving a trail of feather kisses. You didn't even think, that this man can be so tender. You close your eyes, letting him take away all your doubts one by one.
There's only his breath hitching with little chuckles between the kisses, the cradle of his palms, bringing you closer, the comfort of his voice, when his lips hover over yours.
“May I kiss you?”
You're too deep in the embrace of his grace to remember, that it's supposed to be wrong. Another nod, a subtle one, but it's enough. Nikolai doesn't just kiss - he tastes, explores your lips, while the easy caress of his fingers is mapping over the places where you’re tense and knotted. Every touch is intoxicating, it lures you even further until you give in and relax completely. Your hand snakes to the back of his head, fingers drown in his dark hair, and Nikolai purrs into your mouth. He's so attentive to your desires, that he parts his lips right away, when he feels the touch of your tongue.
Go on. Try him. Have him the way you wanted for so long.
As you indulge yourself in this lasting kiss, a wave of heat awakes on the back oh your shoulder and runs in every direction of your body. John was so quiet, so soft, that you didn't even notice him, until he tugged the collar of your shirt down and placed a long kiss against your exposed skin.
But when you realize what is happening, your brain refuses to keep functioning. You're trapped between their warm figures dwarfing your body, but you feel free for the first time around them. You catch John's head blindly in a silent plead to not leave you and to your joy, he only closes the gap between you two. You feel lightheaded as their lips leave wet trails on your face, neck and shoulders. 
“A wildly beautiful little star. So gentle, so generous for us.” You practically feel Nikolai's content smile before he nips your skin lightly, drawing a sharp inhale from you.
“I don't want to leave this bed. Ever.” John's husky rumble echoes inside your chest.
Each time you turn your head to either of them and your lips meet yet again - you hear their low hums, growing into nearly moans. They don't mind sharing. Quite the opposite, to be precise: they welcome the idea. But each of them is just so hungry for more of you - their voices give them away. 
“You smell bloody delicious, darling.” Price's beard tingles your jaw, as he speaks.
“You taste delicious,” tops up Nikolai.
As if their lips weren't enough to drive you to the edge - their hands become more demanding with every next little squeeze, every brush of fingertips against the exposed skin. You barely control yourself, trying to hold on to both of them. But they make sure, you're being taken care off carried away from the world in their arms. 
It feels so good - it's almost too much. You can't even remember yourself, when a long moan escapes you. And they both stop. Still holding you gently, still stroking your hair, they both give time and space to find yourself in this very moment. But instead of that, your mind in being swarmed with a million of questions immediately.
Do they hate you now? Think you're insane? Is this the end of your friendship?
“I need to stop.” You freeze in horror, thinking that they will let go of you right there.
But they don't. They still hold you, just don't try to kiss you again.
“I'm sorry, I-”
“Don't be.” John brushes a strand of hair from your forehead.
“Little star is absolutely right to put this on pause, John. We need to take things slow, if we don't want to fuck any of this up.” Nikolai looks from Price back to you and smiles. “Both me and John been waiting for a long time, zvezdochka. Seems like forever. Just for a single touch. For a single minute spent this close.”
You turn to John with eyes full of disbelief. And he speaks to you.
“A last thing, I would want, is to rush into this, and push, and… bloody lose this.” He runs his fingers down your cheekbone and touches the very corner of your shy smile. “So how about we call this a goodnight kiss? You can stay here, I'll go crash on a couch.”
“Or I can drive you home, if you feel like you need time alone to let things settle in, little one,” adds Nik, pressing you against his chest.
You freeze in uncertainty for a moment. And then a question emerges from the deepest layers of your uncertainty.
“Was it a good kiss?”
Price smiles, bringing his face once again closer to yours. 
“The first thing I do tomorrow - I write Nikolai, asking if today wasn't my feverish dream. That's how good it was. Then we will start to figure out, how to ask you for a date. Not a friend date - a real one. I will be eating my meds like a happy idiot, smiling to the memory of you here. And I will count hours to that date, should you say yes. That's how good it was.”
You close your eyes to his lips touching against your cheeks.
Later that evening Nik will drive you home and you will ask him, if hes not disappointed by everything, that happened, or not happened.
“Disappointed?” He will chuckle. “I've had the best nights I have had in… cant remember, how long.”
He will keep things sweet and relatively soft on your threshold: just a few lingering, but not too long kisses.
“Give us just a little time, my star, let us believe in our own luck, realise, that you do indeed want the same thing as we two - and we will take you on the best date, you ever had.”
*zvezdochka - little star
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mwoolf-art · 2 months
Kabru x Reader
Part 1
CW: NSFW/Soft Smut, MDNI
Notes: This started out as a ramble, sent it to a friend so I could get her opinions and this is technically the first fic I post anywhere that isn't a Discord server with my friends, so enjoy.
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You two are friends, not really close at the beginning at least until you accidentally caught him stressing about something when he was alone and he thought nobody would see him unmasking and he was mortified when he saw you there and he would try really hard to both make you change your mind on that slip up he had and make sure you wouldn't go around talking about how you saw him losing it over him losing control over a situation he had planned out until you took him to a secluded place to talk things out and laugh about how silly it is for him to believe that you would think any less of him for catching him like that (not like it didn't make you feel more interested seeing more to him than just the perfectly nice pretty boy facade he puts up daily,) naturally he starts feeling more safe around you and you started to see more of him in your life.
And then you essentially had him move into your place with the intention of looking out for him after noticing his bad habits of not taking proper care of himself and it gradually made you worry about him and his own health, even if he tried to refuse at first but he gave in upon seeing how serious you were about it, you helped him move his own things and very verbally said "Damn, you live like this?" Upon seeing the disaster that is his place, he was definitely not staring daggers at you after hearing that.
From then on it's difficult for him to not be a part of your life and become acquainted with every single one of your friends or him taking you to hang out with his friends more frequently than before, and with the two of you naturally coexisting under the same roof also meant you arguing with him about his tendency to not pick up after himself and making sure he remembers to eat, while he scolds you over your bad sleeping patterns which ends with you laughing over how stupid the argument is because that's the reason you two are now roommates after all.
Just friends and roommates, nothing more, nothing less. With the two of you occasionally having silly little brawls that usually end with him pinning you down on the couch, but never go far from that and always end with the two of you just having a hearty laugh. (Not like Kabru has thought about just flat out taking you right then and there and make you writhe under him and memorize every single reaction you have over every little touch and tease.)
And the two of you will more often than not cuddle while watching movies or just enjoying a silent moment together. (Not like you have fantasized about having his mouth against yours and have his curls under your hands only to separate from the kiss and see him completely dazed and breathing heavily.)
Nope, absolutely nothing more than pure platonic friendship, there's nothing going on between the two of you.
Neither of you would get upset seeing someone else flirt with the other; Neither of you wanted to possessively get close to the other to keep that third person away from what you both thought was a simple good friend. You were just close friends who happened to know each other's weaker sides, darker thoughts and less appealing traits.
This was just another moment where the two of you were just jokingly wrestling each other after a small discussion over Kabru forgetting to have breakfast again and you not getting enough rest again, with the result being one of the occasions where you ended up being the one pinning him on the couch.
"Not fair, the back of my knee bumped against the couch." He complained while you laughed triumphantly on top of him.
"If it makes you feel better, you managed to drag me down with you... But I'm still the one on top and the victor!" You laughed again.
Which proved to be the wrong move since he now had entangled one of your legs with his and was firmly holding you against his chest,  "which still shows that without a slight disadvantage you would have lost, like always."
You writhed against him trying to free yourself from his tight snake like hold. "Hey! You sore loser let me go!" "You're not getting away without getting some rest first I can get something to eat later."
Yep, there was no getting away from this even if you tried to complain he would refuse to move unless you took a nap on top of him... not like you minded being this close to him and being held by him like this. The only thing to do was accept your defeat and close your eyes and before you knew it you were completely out with him following not long after.
The sun had already started to set when Kabru opened his eyes, your weight on top of him reminded him of what had transpired before he had fallen asleep, his eyes lazily traversing the structure of your sleeping face while one of the hands he was using to keep you in a tight embrace lifts up to gently caress the top your head.
It was much easier to have you like this while he did his best denying anything he may or may not feel for you, the person who took a single glance to his real self and didn't think any less of him, even if he thought it was funny how you thought he was being silly for trying to hide his more unpleasant side while you would obviously hold back your very own frustrated reactions. Like when you lost in a game against one of your friends, he could tell how much you wanted to stomp and roll around and cry tears of blood but you pretended to be happy for them winning, "sore loser" he chuckled to himself. Sure he was familiar with your reactions he still had a lot to figure out when it came to you in specific, which it's why he specifically memorized how you would act when you were genuinely upset or overwhelmingly happy, how you would kick your feet while reading your favorite books, how you would look like a scared deer when you were caught of guard, or how you would move around while deep in thought, or how you would look at him when he talked about a new person you had never even heard of.
He was in too deep when it came to you.
His mind kept going until it was abruptly stopped by soft noises and slight movement coming from you. Were you awake? No, you were still deep in slumber. He moved the leg he had tangled up against yours.
A soft moan.
His eyes widened as realization set in.
His leg was pressing against you...
More specifically his leg was pressing against your crotch and you were moving against it in your sleep. You were getting off on him in your sleep and he didn't know what to do, he could just let you continue and revel in the sweet noises you were making while occasionally moving his leg so you could get what your asleep self was seeking and take care of himself in the bathroom after waking you up. But he fears that would mean he was taking advantage of you in your sleep and it might lead to you breaking up your ties with him and not feeling safe around him.
He couldn't let that happen, he would hate himself for that. He had to wake you up and take the brunt of the embarrassment later.
"Hey," he shook you gently trying to wake you up, but your soft moans and whimpers continued to sound and dance in his ears while the friction of your body against his was making him start to get aroused.
"Hey, y/n wake up" he said a bit louder while still trying to get you to wake up. Your movements were starting to get a bit more erratic.
"Hey seriously, wake up!" your eyes slightly open fighting off sleep in a complete dazed with a blushed aroused face.
Gods he wanted to have that face immortalized in his brain just to be able to recall it later for himself.
The flushed darkening look on his face was slow to register in your mind, why was he embarrassed? No, worried? You two were getting a lot closer just a moment ago...
The feeling of drowsy sleepiness slowly letting you go while your mind was starting to take in what was going on. He's worried about something... This is not a dream?
Your body finally came to a halt as you finally registered what was going on.
You were getting off to him in your sleep and having less than friendly dreams involving him and he was trying to wake you up.
Your face doesn't fail to show how mortified you were over the things your asleep self was doing just a moment ago becoming a raging red as you got off from him.
"Kabru-! I'm-"
You could not muster up the words you needed to apologize to him, what could you say to make up for this?
The only thing that you could do was to get up and run away to your room and try to hide from the embarrassment you were feeling in that moment.
This was it, the friendship you held so dear to your heart completely destroyed by your own stupid horny fantasies, while all Kabru could do was to lay on the couch and hide his face with his own hands trying to process everything that just happened and miss the weight of your body against his.
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
A/N: Reader dislikes Embry. When he imprinted on her, she got pissed off. Ofc she thinks he's attractive, but he annoys her. Also, this is after they all graduate. Embry is 19.
Embry call x fem reader
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"Y/n, Victoria is after you too." Alice looks at you. You observe the faces of all the vampires in the room. Jacob and Embry stand beside you. "Jesus christ. We're in." Jake steps forward.
"No way." Bella objects. "This is what you want. Us working together." Jacob smirks at her. You look over to Embry who has his arms crossed and is in deep thought.
After the talk, you guys go to Emily's house. Quil made a joke about your hairline. "Burn!!!" Embry laughs. You roll your eyes at him and pinch his arm. "Aye!" He glares at you. "Shut up." You spit. "Dude, chill the fuck out." He argues like a child. "Mom and dad don't fight over me, please!" Quil jokingly cries. "Whatever." You get up to leave Emily's. Embry grabs your wrist. "You're not leaving here without me. Victoria will kill you." You jerk your arm away. "You're not my boss. Why did you imprint on me? I didn't like you when you were regular human and now that we have this stupid ass bond, you're up my ass." He backs away from you. "Move." He warns you. "What? You gonna hurt me?" You taunt.
He phases and howls, running into the woods. Quil runs out and looks at you. "You know, he may be a bit childlike but he's a good guy. He loves you. Cut him some slack." Quil says.
---- the tent scene ----
Bella and Edward are in one tent while you and Embry are in the other. You shiver and hold onto the thick blanket. Embry stares at you, feeling guilty. "Stop staring, Call." You grit. "Let me help-"
"Don't." You hold your hand out to stop him from moving to you. "This is all my fault." He sighs and looks down. "I let you around Bella. I should've step my foot down." He puts his head in his hands. "You didn't LET me do anything. You're not in charge of me." You hiss.
He looks up at you. Your lips are turning blue and your teeth are chattering. He rolls his eyes and sits next to you. You groan and he looks at you with a stern face. "I'm not going to touch you. Just trying to give you some relief." You give in feeling how warm he is. You lean against him, putting your hands on his waist.
"We aren't talking about this after." You mumble against his shoulder. He chuckles and shakes his head. "You need sleep." He lays back, pulling you down with him. "No I don't." You try to argue to make sure he knows that he annoys you.
The longer you hold onto him, the more you realize you can't deny the feelings you have for him any more. Right now, you feel safe. He keeps you safe. He cares about you.
You get lost in thought about everything he does for you that you forget that he even annoys you. He's two years younger than you, he likes to be rowdy and rough house, but you're his. You think about how you can find it cute and enjoy the immaturity.
"I'm sorry." You break the silence. He looks down at you, confused. "I'm sorry for treating you badly. I'm just not used to being around silly guys. I'm a serious person, but the more I think of it, you can even me out. We even each other out. I really do love you, Embry. I have this whole time. I was just scared of getting into this forever when we are opposites." You admit.
He grabs your face and makes you look at him. "Are you going to regret this?" He asks quietly. "No."
You lean in and kiss him. His lips are fire on yours. The first kiss has you melting into his arms.
He pulls away and places his forehead on yours. "I love you, doll."
"I love you, my everything." You whisper the last part. He smiles and giggles, pulling you on his chest and laying down.
---- after the battle at Emily's----
You sit at the table with Jared, Quil, and Paul. Jacob, Embry, and Sam walk in. Embry kisses your cheek and sits next to you. "Hey baby." He puts his hand on your knee. "Hey, my love." You smile at him and give him a quick peck on the lips.
Paul turns to Jared and holds out his hand, "twenty bucks, cough it up." He smirks.
"Bro!" Jared rolls his eyes and hands it to him. Quil smiles at you guys and gives you a thumbs up.
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AT au where instead of Betty, it's actually FINN who sacrifices himself and makes the wish with the crown.
I've seen some au's about Simon doing this, but we're forgetting the secret third option I guess?
now obviously, the loss of Finn will have an impact on most, if not all of the citizens of Ooo. but I'd like to think that Finn's intention is to make this wish, not just for the safety of one person, but to keep all of Ooo safe and free from any more chaos. I've seen some shows where the hero "dies" on the end (though in this case, there'd be the idea that he IS still conscious and able to watch over everyone), and honestly it can be a great ending if played right.
here's how it would go down: Finn, Simon, and Betty are being digested by Golb. they're at the point where Betty and Simon have both returned to their sane, pre-Mushroom War selves and are having their reunion. Finn notices that the crown has reset, and also taking notice that he's not being "digested" because he hasn't changed all that much. he realizes that he has the chance to make a wish, make a true difference in Ooo and ensure the peace and safety of all his friends, something that he's clearly wanted through the whole series. he sees how happy Betty and Simon are now that they're reunited, and begins to put on the crown. when the tunnel opens up, he tells Betty and Simon to leave. he gives them some brief things to tell his friends and family on his behalf. he also tells them to finally get married, and to go on with their lives together. (I'd like to think he also, in Finn fashion, jokingly tells them to name their first kid after him :) )
after some coaxing, and tears, they finally give in and leave Golb. Finn makes his wish, which is "I wish for the power to keep Ooo safe", and merges with Golb in the same style Betry did (idk what he'd be called- maybe "Golbfinn"? a silly name kinda like goldfish lol). Jake would be torn, but I feel like he would also be a bit proud of Finn after a bit of grieving. as Finn said in the episode before (in canon), he used to be all about violence. and now, he's keeping the peace.
Gunther still gets the crown in this universe bc that's just funny
in the little Come Along With Me montage, we'd see the other characters rebuilding the tree house, along with the rest of Ooo that had gotten destroyed. I think they would start to worship Finn actually, he would become the hero that everyone would tell stories about, the stuff of legends. we'd also get to see the Petrigrof wedding! it also flashes forward to about a year or so later, we see that they do, in fact have a kid. a little girl named Fionna, who grows into her namesake and becomes hero- material herself.
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veenxys · 2 years
「JJK Characters at the start of the relationship vs when they’re comfortable」
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⤷ Gojou
he doesn’t change much; he is always unabashedly himself, and very into you, and he makes it very clear how attractive and interesting you are to him. he likes to share everything with you (even the smallest things, like a birthmark he recently discovered and what it reminds him of), and he won’t shut up. something about you makes him come alive. it makes him so comfortable, so clingy, so happy, he just can’t contain himself. the only change is how serious he gets with you; buys an engagement ring, wants to live with you, wants to be a pet parent, wants his friends to refer to you (jokingly but also semi-seriously) as his wife/husband because he can’t see a future without you, and he wants them to see you as the permanent fixture in his life as he sees you.
⤷  Itadori
he is can be the typical perfect boyfriend at first; lively, seductive, cheesy, and with a little ego. he has cliché encounters and jokes with a bright smile, and he never fails to make you laugh (or cringe, which makes him laugh, and you can’t help but laugh along). it has homemade dinners and fluffy candles and all the romance you could wish for. when he is more comfortable, he is more true to himself. he shares secret jokes and smiles, stolen kisses that take your breath away, secrets and fears shared with love and compassion. and he spends his nights at home, wrapped in each other’s arms as he opens up to you, and only to you. when he’s comfortable, he considers you his home, plans a future with you, and makes sure you always know how serious he is about you, and how completely in love he is.
⤷  Fushiguro
at first, he’s softspoken, and you would think you’re not dating him with how nervous he gets around you, it’s like he still has an unrequited crush on you. asks if he can kiss you, or hold your hand, slurs and mumbles his words when he asks for a hug or you to cuddle him. when he gets more comfortable, he still asks for consent with everything intimate, but more confidently, and you know it’s just out of respect for you and your autonomy. and as he gets to learn you better, he becomes your rock and you become his. hugs whenever he can wrap his arms around you, a soft smile on his face the whole time. cooking dinner for you, doing your laundry, and acts of service as a love language until he’s brave enough to say it out loud. never shuts up, tells you anything and everything on his mind.
⤷  Nobara
at first she may seem fearless, courageous and strong-willed. she always knows how to handle situations no matter what, and always makes you feel safe as she threatens anyone who dares to look at you strangely. everyone who knows her thinks she’s strong all the time and she’s proud of it, but after a while, you get to see her differently. she’ll try to keep up the facade for a long time, but you’d catch her crying in the bathroom or when she thinks you’re already asleep; she doesn’t admit it at first, but you know when she needs help. and after consoling her, she realizes that you are her home and that she doesn’t need to lie to you. she then becomes more considerate, sensitive, and loving. she’s not good at showing love through big things, but just hugs, holding hands and even the way she looks at you is enough to realize how silly and in love she is with you.
⤷  Maki
like nobara, she maintains a facade for everyone around her; but with you she becomes different. after seeing you being you with her, without fear and without lies, she feels comfortable enough to be herself with you as well. she is funnier, cute, and loving; always showing how much she loves and appreciates you through words or small gestures that mean the world to both of you. she is a great listener and is always ready to help you face any situation; she is your safe haven and is very happy to know that, and even happier to know that you are hers.
⤷ Geto
he doesn’t change much, he just opens up a little more for you. at first, he flirts with you a lot, looking at you with heart in his eyes, sighing when you pass by him, and doing everything possible and impossible for you to fall in love with him too. after you guys start dating, he remains the same; fun and loving, friendly but also sarcastic, and above all; completely in love with you. he lets you discover every little universe inside him as he lays on your lap and tells you everything that comes to his mind while you stroke his hair. he lets you into his life with the intention of making you stay forever. he tells you about his past knowing you are his future.
⤷ Nanami
in the beginning he is very perfect; so perfect it makes you believe he’s not real. he doesn’t show it, but he cares a lot about whether or not you’ll like him; he is quiet and tends to listen more, and always gives the best advice and answers. he also can be a bit harsh at first, afraid of saying something wrong or embarrassing; so at first, you might think that maybe he doesn’t have a sense of humor or doesn’t understand your jokes. even though he looks serious, his palms are sweaty as he intertwines his fingers with yours, and he grimaces if you comment. the more comfortable he is, the more perfect he is, but in his own way; letting you see him in his goofy, playful, tired states where he laughs at everything and gets hysterical. he likes to take care of you, always taking you out to eat or shopping, and absolutely spoils you. the more comfortable he is, the more clingy he will be, and the happier he is when he is held in your arms, making him feel loved and cared for. he’s a lot more open, too, and he tells you things he thought he’d never feel comfortable enough to say to anyone.
⤷  Toji
he doesn’t change much, to be honest. starts off arrogant and confident, and hides his vulnerability. takes you on perfect dates to impress you; says everything he thinks about as a way to bond and learn your opinions and ideas on everything. as he gets more comfortable, he’s more open, sweet, and honest than he was at first, and he allows himself to relax, to stop from trying to be so perfect and cocky. dates are more staying at home in his arms, and he allows for a comfortable silence where you savor each other’s presence. the biggest change as he gets more comfortable is the way he introduces you to those who are important to him - instead of “this is my partner”, it’s “this is the person i love”, and the silent implication of a future together is always there.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
Are You Sure?
Episodes 1 and 2 thoughts
I've had a chance to watch them properly now.
My main takeaway is absolute bafflement at the characterisation in that weird W article?! It's not even that they misinterpreted the show, it's almost like they didn't even watch it? JK is his sweet and soft silly self. Jimin is full big brother.
I have thoroughly and genuinely enjoyed it. I must confess, in the first episode they do seem awkward with contrasting energies. As they say, they haven't met up and I think it does feel like it for almost all of first ep. So I was worried how I'd handle 8 hours of that considering I get severe second hand emotions.
The shift seemed to take place at the meal prep at the camp site. I guess this is terra firma for them, a safe space reminiscent of ITS and the dorms etc.
I don't know if anyone will agree but the phone calls at the table seemed to put a lid on the awkwardness entirely. The switch to super comfortable besties was complete after those. I found that very interesting.
Did you notice the matched energies in the calls too? We've talked about Taekook's call a lot but we can't ignore how natural Jimin's voice was with Yoongi. I'm wondering maybe if they needed those moments with their closest members to put a line in the sand almost? I don't think I mean they were planned and forced as such but getting to be real in that moment must have been like a sigh of relief after such a long time dancing around the truth. Maybe this is delulu but I'd love your thoughts on it.
As for Taekook's call, I am now convinced Tae said something sweet or rude or otherwise disallowed that was muted when he first answered. Mainly because of how he then made clear they were filming. I also think that JK hung up because he was about to get a lecture about the bike and that his texts to Tae were jokingly apologetic like "sorry sorry I like you so much I love you forgive me that was just too funny"
I felt awful for Jimin and his tummy issues. On a BOAT?! And a HIKE? guys what the hell. Let him sleep.
I cannot with JK eating his way through Connecticut. Relatable king. Food is the only thing that will get me out of the house too actually.
I loved their dynamic in the second episode. It made me kind of peak mad at the Jikook ship- actually no. Not at the shipping. At the characterisation that goes with it. Because they're such great brothers, it does a disservice to the best bits of their dynamic to put them into gross alpha-omega dynamic when they're prototypical siblings. It's so enjoyable to watch.
I've gone from wondering why they bothered to thinking it's for the better that they did this. Getting to show what they really are to each other finally actually makes for much more interesting TV than I thought.
In conclusion: never seen a better representation of my ADHD than going for a sponge but getting distracted by guacamole.
💜💜💜 let's hope next week doesn't absolutely destroy it with editing nonsense 😂
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kittynomore · 8 months
Can you tell me more about your snapper AU
It's an au of an au of an au. It's teb @debb987 au with nini (their version of ghost @amevello-blue ) but also an au coz i made lou an alligator snapper. It's basically a fix it fic with all the bells and whistles. Lou just eats whoever tries to hurt them. Kraang? Tum tum-ed. Draxum? Tum tum-ed. Big mama? Tum tum-ed. Foot clan? Tum tum-ed (dw about cassey she gets adopted by 03 casey and april)
The babies have mystic powers hence angelo floating. The silly idea is angelo stayed tiny coz all the food and energy goes to his mystic powers. And coz tiny angelo with his kaiju family will never not be funny to me.
All the babies have their ninpo. Raph has his shield. Dee can create weapons once he learns their construction. Lee can teleport (kinda on will) when he is gassy :D. That's actually how they yoinked nini's family. (Im not lying when i said it was a fix-it fic) but that's a story for another time
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Lou is basically a mobile home. That's why they dont need to leave anything and raph can have all the plushies he deserves. Dee gets to pull apart and pick thru all the broken appliances they find. Lee gets all the books he can read thru his heart's desires (also how he can speak so many languages). Angelo gets to have all the cooking books and they even found a old easy bake oven for him to play with!
Oh and lou is ftm trans. I dont make the rules. And he is himbo af. The true himbo the trifecta of dumb of ass, body of steel, and heart of gold. He doesnt know what he is doing most of the time. But he will try his best. And nini is there to help explain anything. They also yoinked the teleporting sword so they're just living everywhere. But the idea is they found a mystic area where they'll be unbothered and are settled happily (coz that's really my goal with this au. Them all to be happy)
Lou is basically is that one vers from love like you
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love
Lou is just a simple guy. He just wants his newly found family safe and happy and will do anything to make sure they are safe and very loved. He is a sad old man that hates himself, but he very much puts his family first and learns to love himself thru kids showing him how much they love him.
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This actually how they found nini. Lou just thought he accidentally dropped one of the kids and shell pocketed nini (hence me jokingly calling this au nini in the shell pocket)
And the on going joke of lou just adopting all the turtle babies he finds
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matthewswifeee · 28 days
Truth or Dare
When a game of truth or dare turns into round two for you and Matt...
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It was a typical night here in Boston for you and your group of friends which consisted of the five of you getting food, watching movies, playing games and having fun silly conversations. Tonight you guys picked some random movie that just came out on Netflix and it was really not good at all.
"This shit is so boring" Chris states and we all agree. "Lets watch something else" Nick suggests picking up the TV remote. "No" Matt says grabbing the remote from Nick and causing a mini argument. "How about we play a game or something" Nate says trying to get the two of them to stop.
"What do yall wanna play" Nick asks looking at Chris, Nate and myself. Chris and I both turn our heads to Nathan since he's the one who suggested we play a game in the first place. "Mmm... truth or dare" Nate says and we all agree. We have a box of truth or dare cards since every time we play we tend to ask each other the same things over and over.
"Nick you start" I say placing the two decks of cards in front of the five of us who are circled around the table. "Truth" he says and Chris picks up the card and reads it. "What is you biggest regret" Chris reads and we all kinds laugh given that that's the first question. "Probably being a triplet" he states jokingly making Matt and Chris bot roll their eyes as Nate and I laugh with Nick. "You're an idiot" Matt says shaking his head at Nick.
"(Y/n) truth or dare" Nate asks. "Dare". "Ok um- oh" Nate says not reading the card aloud. "What" Matt says taking the card out of his hand the he chuckles and reads the card. "Share a spicy photo with the group" Matt reads showing the rest of us the card. I shrug my shoulders and pull out my phone looking for a photo that wasn't to much to show them. I show them a picture of me in a pink lace set then we move on with our game, I mean what's the big deal they see me in a bikini all the time.
We play for a while with some pretty crazy questions coming out of the truth deck with some questionable dares as well.
"Ok ok I pick truth this time" I say trying to get the boys to stop complaining about the fact that I've picked dare this entire time and haven't answered any questions. "What was the best and worst part about losing your virginity" Nick reads off the card, I was a little hesitant at first since the guy I lost it to is sitting directly across the table from me. "Hello" Chris says as I just sit there blank faced.
"Hmm best part was that he made me feel like safe and as comfortable as I could've been.... and worst probably the sex in general but it was also his first time too" I answer and my eyes quickly dart across the table to Matt whos face is a bit red, probably because I just answered that about him. Nate knew about Matt and I hooking up but Chris and Nick had no clue.
We eventually stopped playing truth or dare and all went up into Chris' room to play fortnite. We all were taking turns playing the game with each other and Matt slips out without any of the other boys noticing. I decide that its best if I go and check on him just to make sure he isn't mad about earlier.
"Hey are you ok" I ask stepping into the open door way across the hall from Chris' room. "All good" Matt responds with a light smile. "Can I sit down" I ask and he nods his head so I shut the door and sit down on his bed. "You ok" Matt asks looking up from his phone. "Yea...yea im good, I just um.. I wanted to make sure you weren't upset about what I said earlier" I say trying my best not to make things weird. "Its fine, I know I could make you scream now" He say nonchalantly making my eyes go wide, shocked at the words that just came out of his mouth. "What" he says turning off his phone and tossing it on the bed somewhere as he places his hands on my thighs.
We both lean in and share a long hungry kiss, "Well lets see" I say as Matt pushes me back on to his bed. He quickly gets up and locks the door before hovering over me and reconnecting our lips. He slowly starts to trail rough kisses down my neck to my boobs. He starts lightly sucking on one of my breasts while holding down my hips with his hands and my hands find their way to his dark messy hair.
"M-matt" I moan slightly and feel him smirk against me and start sucking a little harder. "Let's get this off" Matt says before pulling the tight black tank top over my head and tossing it somewhere but keeping my bra on. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of my blue fresh love sweatpants and slides them down then starts rubbing me through my panties.
"Look at you soaked already and I didn't even do anything" he huffs while looking down at me. I look up at him and see nothing but lust in his big blue eyes. He kisses me one more time before moving back between my legs. "I cant wait to taste you again" Matt says as he takes me underwear off and throws the somewhere. He spreads my legs far enough apart to shove his face between them and start licking my pussy. He shakes his head in an attempt to get further in between my legs which makes me arch my back pushing myself closer to him. Unlike the last time Matt ate me out he is so confident in his movements and knows exactly what he doing making me a moaning mess. I continue to moan loudly until Matt pulls away.
"You have to be a good girl and stay quiet unless you want everyone to hear you" he says looking up at me, I try my best to keep quiet but I literally can not I've never felt this good before. "That's it" Matt says as he pulls away away from my heat. "Get up" he says helping me stand before pushing me on to the edge of the bed on all fours. "Since you cant shut the fuck up" Matt says grabbing a pillow and putting in beneath my head. "Ass up" he says making me arch my back and he pushes my face into the pillow as he slowly slides into me.
He begins to slowly thrust into me with his hands gripping my waist. With every thrust and starts going faster and faster hitting my g-spot every single time causing me to moan in extreme pleasure. He grabs a handful of my hair pulling me toward him so that now my back is almost resting on the front of his body, he then wraps his other arm around me and starts rubbing my clit. "Fuck Matt" I continue to moan loudly. "I-I'm I'm gonna cum" I yell barely getting out the words. "Not yet baby" Matt grunts in my ear.
He then flips me over and pushes me onto the bed on my back before lining himself up at my entrance and quickly thrusting back into me feeling even better then before. "Fuck (y/n) you feel so good" he moans in my ear making me want to cum even more. "Look at me" Matt says pressing his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes as I continue to almost scream underneath of him. "Cum all over my dick" he says giving me permission. "OHHH MATT" I moan loudly. "Come on baby cum for me" he says pressing down on my lower stomach making me finish feeling different then I ever have before. He thrusts a few more times making my entire body shake from how overstimulated I am. He continues to stare into my eyes before I hear him let out a loud moan and I feel him fill me up with his cum.
"Well you definitely weren't screaming my name last time" He says out of breath. "And you definitely didn't sound like that last time" I say covering myself with the blanket on his unmade bed. "Didn't know you were a squirter.. that wat hot" he says pulling my leg over top of his naked torso as I feel my cheeks heat up." You were so good (y/n)" Matt says as I lay my head on his chest.
Next Morning**
I wake up still naked in Matt's bed cuddled up with him, I grab my phone to look at the time and see that its almost 2pm. "Matt wake up" I say shaking him a bit before I see his eyes open. "Its the middle of the day" I say as he rubs his eyes. I get up and find all the my clothes then I get dressed and wait for Matt to get dressed before going downstairs with him.
"Yall really couldn't shut the fuck up last night" Chris says and I feel nothing but embarrassment knowing that they all heard me literally screaming Matt's name. "Had to redeem myself" Matt says shrugging his shoulders and opening the refrigerator.
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inchidentally · 9 months
ok it's been a while since I did a big weird dumb emotional parasocial Lando post - this tangent being based on this photoset by Audrey/landoom
bc we have a perfect comparison for all three of Lando's teammates and oh yes I've got a lot of thoughts in my big dumb head !!
okay so
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the carlando one is perfect bc this is what they do between race weekend duties, chatter away about this and that like they always have. but their dynamic is also always the same in the way they sit: Carlos is The Man with his manspreading and taking up space and he always leads their conversation, even doing that mock reprimanding when Lando is just plain wrong or too silly etc. of course Lando will always be The Boy bc Carlos got to know him before Lando's voice had changed and before Lando's body had even finished growing. their entire season spent together was Lando latching onto Carlos to cope with being too young for F1 and looking endlessly grateful that Carlos is a natural dab hand at media duties and the interminable periods of waiting on Thursdays, Fridays and even Saturdays. Carlos had also just been looking after another F1 baby in Max so playing the role of big brother and guardian was hardly new. but that's why Lando always has to squirm into whatever space is left (which fortunately he's very skilled at doing) when he's spending time with Carlos. even when they walk together, Carlos is striding and facing forward while Lando skitters at his side and twists himself to talk at him. Lando doesn't quite behave like the jittery toddler that he was with Carlos at first but he's also never going to be an equal to Carlos in that social way that Charles is. Carlos and Charles move in and around each other's space and are close enough in age for there to be nothing in it - Charles is another Man. Lando will always be baby brother wanting to hang with big brother with Carlos. big brother will always put his big arm out and keep little brother safe.
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then the dando of it all that for me is equal parts hahahaaaaaaaa Daniel Ricciardo you got got at your own silly game - but also angsty as hell. bc Lando had to go through a very uncomfortable realization that Daniel was repeating the same kind of bromance dynamic with him that Daniel does with everyone, especially with his teammates… right at the same time that Daniel realized that for all his gay joking he'd caught some kind of baffling feelings for this strange little scrap of boy with the beautiful face and an intense charisma that came entirely from being vulnerable and sincere. I have a love/hate relationship with bromance content in general so I was like partly enjoying Daniel's Lando content suddenly becoming obsessive and transparently adoring, but also feeling (kind of) bad for him bc his idiot straight man bro-brain suffered a little bruise of queer longing in the shape of Lando that he'll never be rid of. because while Lando already knew he could make any man love him in a protective/guardian way, it was right during Daniel's tenure when Lando realized he could make any man actually fall in love with him - even without trying to. so there's DannyRic, playing up a fake version of the big brother thing Carlos has with Lando because he's too old to consider Lando one of his usual buddies, but then his trademark smile falters because he's jokingly getting Lando to wear his clothing line and jokingly tucking a flower behind Lando's ear and jokingly zooming in on Lando's glowing face again for a video... except he has to remind himself to force a bro-y laugh because it seems as if the sunlight is always shining out of Lando's face instead of the sky. and that's where their dynamic has lived ever since. Daniel wants to feel the sun again and forces out laughs to remind everyone, including himself and Lando, that it's cool and nothing serious. sometimes Lando laughs until it hurts and sometimes he feels out of it and can't bring himself to laugh back.
and like, knowing that that's been Lando's experience with teammates so far it's why we've all had this ??? !!! along with him when Oscar arrived packaged all alone, neat and tidy with a placid small smile on his face and half his career under professional management already. he's inscrutable but also so easygoing. he's friendly but he hardly ever touches another human being. he's polite but also firm in his feelings. he refuses to be anyone but himself but also gives absolutely nothing away. he must have shades and colors beneath all that pale skin because his eyes ignore everyone but the people he chooses as worthy of his time. with most people he's so ambivalent that he's barely even present but then Lando comes into his view and the fresh coffee color of Oscar's eyes fills back in. he doesn't blink enough around Lando and doesn't pay attention to much else when Lando is around. but he also won't capitulate and just be a bro or a bromance or some other easy entity. sometimes he takes a downright firm hand with Lando which is startling, but he just as suddenly will capitulate to whatever Lando wants which of course is delightful. and then he never takes away the attention that Lando lives off of like food and water. Lando realized at some point that he has to disappear so far from Oscar's field of vision for Oscar to not follow him or watch him. so why isn't Oscar being a big stupid simp like Daniel or a warm strong guardian like Carlos? why won't he just play ball during challenges and why won't he just let Lando know once and for all how exactly Oscar fits in with all the men who adore Lando because dammit he's the only one he can't categorize. he can't seem to find his footing and he can't even be mad about that because Oscar is so faithful and kind and unselfish and downright respectful and admiring in ways that other men and teammates never have been. how can you get mad at a boy for not easily defining what you are to him when he stays one step behind you at all times because you're the number one driver and he has no problem showing it - who hangs so far back at your home race fan stage that the host actually looks confused for a moment because she doesn't expect even the number two driver to look so happy about letting his teammate soak in all the glory on his own. why should it hurt that Oscar doesn't seem to view himself as a significant part of Lando's life when Oscar is so comfortable with that idea and so happy to just have Lando while he has him and not expect anything more?
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and that's why we get Oscar as an unexpectedly intimate part of Lando's cameras. cameras are his creative expression - a cringe free space where he's safe to show the world he sees when he's the observer and not the observed. of course the little black heart under the photoset that starts with Oscar just stands for black and white photos of McLaren and the place he calls home. but Lando also agonizes over those posts and when you look at how he looks at Oscar and what they've been through and how steady and strong Oscar has been for Lando even in his rookie season, it felt a little prescient that Oscar would sign a contract immediately for as long as McLaren would give him. Oscar who has proven that he will determine his own future and that he will not let his time or his fate be in the hands of anyone else. that Oscar looked at McLaren and looked at Lando and said this is what he wants. McLaren has been Lando's home for so long and with that kind of proof from someone like Oscar, shouldn't it make sense that Oscar feels a lot like home. so he gets to be the first picture and the little heart sits directly beneath.
that's the thing for me about landoscar - we know so little about who Oscar is as a person on any deeper level apart from the people and things his eyes turn coffee colored for. we already all love Lando and the fact that Oscar's eyes open up around him is like a little window into who Oscar is down deep. firm but fair, faithful but not blind, adores too intensely to show it, effortlessly funny but controlled, withdrawn but not cold. we know Oscar is lovable and there's something so intensely upright about him.
so the one landoscar moment in this photoset is one of many times we see Lando taking a photo of Oscar's face. because he may not have an easy, handy way of defining what kind of friend/presence Oscar is in his life, he knows what Oscar has given him and Lando's camera is how Lando can reciprocate. he can grab Oscar in that moment, put him in his camera and look at him where he can understand him. sometimes post him publicly but most of the time will not.
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A Cure for Boredom
Potions shop owner!Garreth x fiancée female!reader
Description: The shop has been boring today, so Garreth and you decide to do something more fun. Aka Garreth rails you but with love.
TW: NSFW, fluff, mentions of him wanting children (but it's brief), semi-public sex, swearing, consensual wandering hands/groping, praise and degradation combined, p in v sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, body worship, possessive Garreth, pet names ( darling, dearest, my heart, love), dom Garreth, hair pulling, name calling (slut), cum eating, begging
Garreth Weasley had always been popular. So when sometime in the seventh year your then boyfriend became very popular for his potions, it was insane. He had so many orders that he was able to get a flat straight out of school. This is where he worked out of for about two years, placing ads in papers all over Scotland, Ireland, and Britain. After around two years he was able to have not only his own shop but his own home not to far from it. You had moved in just recently after his proposal to you.
You two had been dating since 6th year and the whole time you had been by his side. You helped him research ingredients and sometimes tried his potions, but only after he tried it on himself and found it safe. He wanted to see how other people reacted to it and you were more than willing to help. Also, people were more willing to trust you when you said it was safe. You helped him brew potions when he had too many orders, though he constantly reminded you that you didn't have too. Sometimes your dates would include ingredient hunting. How his face lit up as he thanked you profusely had you swooning. The overwhelming amount of praise would sent you into a heated mess.
But even very popular shops had slow days, you had only had two people come in this morning and it was now around 2 PM. It was a few days after the big rush of last minute parents and student getting all their school supplies. You both had closed early yesterday and the day before to collect any missing ingredients and to double check your stocks. This weekend you both would work on the few potions that you had orders for and send them out. So for now you were just seated in a tall stool, leaning against the counter as you blankly stared at an open book, not taking in a single word and sometimes droning. It felt like being in Binn's class all over again.
Garreth came in from the back of the store, returning from your shared home where he had slipped away to tend to his garden for the few plants he could keep. You both had woken up late and forgotten to do it. So you shooed him away pointing out how dead it was and that you could handle the shop for an hour. He approached you loud enough to hear, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and gave you a kiss on your temple. "Thank you for covering the shop dearest. Nothing too crazy I hope." He buried his face in the crook of your neck to nuzzle and give it a few kisses.
Smiling you slipped off the stool and side stepped while still in his arms so he could be even closer. He happily took the chance to press closer to you, his feet on either side of yours and his front fully pressed against your back. You laid your arms on top of his as he swayed you both gently, his closed mouth still on your neck as he took slow and deep breaths. You made a small hum of content before answering jokingly "Oh my darling, it was so terrible! The place was in shambles without you. Never leave my side again!"
Normally he would be dramatically silly back, but today he lifted his mouth to your ear. "I don't plan on it my heart. You are stuck with me until you cast me aside. But even then my heart will remain yours." It was a whisper that sent a shiver down your body and heat to your face. He pressed a kiss on the tip of your jaw bone just under your ear. "Do you love the the fact that I'm utterly head over heels for you? Well I'm more than that, I'm practically obsessed with you. Every part of you is my favorite, I can't believe I somehow got you. I hope to make you laugh everyday and I'll make sure you feel all my love for the rest of our lives. One day I hope to have little versions of us running around. By that point, you won't even have to help run the shop. I'll hire someone so you can stay home all comfortable." You knew he could do that now, but you loved helping around the shop, so you weren't gonna point it out. "I want to have every part of you as often as you'll let me. To show you how much I love your body as often as I show you how much I love your mind." His hands had started to wonder both going to your hips at first before the left one went to your thigh and the right just under your right breast.
His words were going straight to your core. You bit your lip and glanced at the windows. "Garreth, we can't do that here. Someone will see us." But Merlin did his touch make you want it here. Bent over the counter, dress pushed up as he took you for anyone passing by to know that you belonged to each other. Those thoughts only served to make you more wet. You were brought back to the situation with a long lick to the side of your neck before he placed an open mouth kiss there. You were quickly succumbing to his touch but you tried to hold firm. "Darling you wouldn't want everyone to see my body right? That's all just for you to see." Your words came out as a purr. You knew you had him there, playing right into his possessive side.
He gave a disgruntled hum to your neck. Returning his hands to your hips, he spun you around, pinning your hips with his against the counter. This brought his hard length to your attention as it pressed against your front. His eyes roamed your body before looking directly into your eyes. "True. We could always go to the back, it's been dead all day. We wouldn't even have to close the shop. Most likely no one will show up." There was a devilish glint in his eyes. You couldn't deny how hot that idea sounded. Being taken by his just out of sight but where anyone could walk in and hear? You could feel your thighs quickly becoming more wet. Thanks to the newest fashion, women's undergarments were just two leg sections tied together leaving the middle open so it was easy to go when wearing a dress. This had proven helpful in many moments when Garreth and you had very little time but just needed to feel each other, and now seemed like one of those times.
You ran your hands up and down his arms as you looked at him appraisingly, making him wait for your answer. His arms had gotten slightly thick and muscular from all the foraging, gardening, and potion stirring. Who knew that was such a work out when you did it as often as him? It wasn't long before he let out a little whine and started peppering kisses all over your face. He knew you wanted to and that you wanted to hear how much he wanted it. "Please beautiful, you know I will make you feel amazing. I want to worship your beautiful body and make that amazing brain of your go blank from pleasure."
Smiling you grabbed his face softly and nodded before giving him a heated kiss. That was all he needed, still kissing you he lifted you up and quickly went around the corner and to the back room that was used for safe potion brewing and where the most important ingredients were kept. He let you down so he could open the door behind him and pull you in with the other. Your kiss quickly deepened, tongues sliding along each other's, both of you taking turns nipping and sucking on each other's bottom lip. You didn't even realize he had your back to an empty part of the potions table until he lifted you up to sit you on the edge of it.
He kissed you feverishly and quickly pushed your skirt up to your waist. He trailed kisses down your neck while he massaged your thighs, slowly parting them to have you spread wide. "Unfortunately love, I can't fully undress you here, but I promise I will be more thorough later tonight in our home." Finally he pulled away looking deep into your eyes before glancing down at you. He groaned longingly at the site of your wet pussy spread out on display for him.
Diving right in he started lapping at your hole while moaning. You gasped arching your back at the sudden contact, doing this also caused you to grind down on his face. You could feel his grin as he used one arm to lay across your waist and pin you down. "Such a needy little thing, grinding down on my face and I only just touched you." He started using his thumb on his free hand to rub slow gentle circles on your clit, simultaneously slowly licking up and down the length of your pussy with a flat tongue. When you couldn't help but wiggle to try to get him to do more his grin only widened. "Sooooo impatient, you need me to put something in your cute little pussy? Do you feel so empty without something deep in you? Stop moving and I'll give it to you." It was a light mocking tone that brought heat to your cheeks and you stopped moving your hips. All high and mighty for someone who almost took you on the front counter of his store. But before you could point that out he had switched his hand and mouth.
Now his hand was slipping two fingers into you while his mouth sucked and licked at your clit. The sudden stretch from his fingers felt delicious. You couldn't help but whine and moan tilting your head back in pleasure. His tongue made those quick little circles that drove you crazy. You were turing into a moaning mess quickly as he kept going back and forth between scissoring to prep you and curling his fingers to hit your g-spot, keeping you right on that edge of an orgasm. Whenever he curled his fingers you were bucking to get him to start finger fucking you. He growled looking up at you, "I said. Stop. Moving." You let out a whine before pulling on his hair and rolling your hips again. "Hmm. You're being very naughty. Maybe I should leave you like this till we get home, if you're going to keep misbehaving." You whimpered and shook your head in response. "No? Then beg for me. Start being a good girl and beg for me to fill your tight hole. You're already dripping down my arm and your all prepped. But until I hear you beg properly, I'm not gonna give you my cock."
You didn't want to wait any longer, "Please Garreth! Please please please I need your cock. I need you to bend me over this table and fuck me. Please, I want you to fill my tight pussy with your cum." Your desperate begging was music to his ears, slowly he slipped his fingers out before tugging you off the table. He quickly spun you around and slightly bent you over.
"What a good girl begging for me, now lift up your skirt and hold it for me." You could hear him undoing his belt and pants before pushing them down. Quickly you hiked up your skirt, pushing your ass out more and wiggling it teasingly. He teased your opening with the tip of his cock a bit before slowly sinking into you. Both of you moaned loudly. Once he he was in you to the hilt, he stayed still, waiting for you to be ready. "Fuck, you're so tight, just let me know when you're ready. I'm going to make you feel so good darling." His voice was soft he then kissed the top of your head. It didn't take long for you to start slowly rocking back and forth to signal you were ready. He moaned loudly, dropping his head to your shoulder.
He wasted no time and started a quick and brutal pace. "What a good little slut, bouncing on my cock. You love my cock huh? Well it's all for you. Every. Last. Inch!" He punctuated the last three words with an even harder thrust each. You braced your hands on the table and threw your head back moaning loudly, not caring anymore if someone heard you. With one hand he grabbed you by your hair and pulled you until were mostly standing up, with your back deeply arched. He used his other hand to rub your clit in quick tight circles. The new angle had him rubbing right up against your g-spot with the underside of his cock. "This pussy it mine." He groaned. "And I'm going to claim it by filling it up." He started thrusting faster, he was biting your shoulder through your shirt, knowing it wouldn't be proper for you to walk around with a huge bruise on your neck. But part of him longed to mark your pretty neck up. For you to walk around with bites marks for everyone to see that you were taken. His hands were on your hips guiding you to bounce on his cock as he thrust to meet them.
Your thoughts were quickly turning blank, slowly all you could think about became about cumming and having him cum in you. You could feel your orgasm fast approaching and your pussy started tightening. "Such a good little slut. You gonna come for me? Cum for me good girl, I wanna feel you cum all over my cock." With a loud moan you were sent over the edge. He moaned and whispered a few "good girl"s to you before he bend you over the table again. But this time he covered your body with his as he rut into you as fast as he could. "Merlin, your pussy is addicting. Fluttering around me trying to milk me. I'm yours and your mine. You understand me?" All you could do was nod in agreement only half taking in what he said. He kept repeating "Mine" in your ear until he came in you with a long groan of pleasure. He kept thrusting but his hips slowed as he came down from his orgasm.
When he finally stopped you were both panting. He slowly pulled out of you, chuckling softly at you whining from the loss. But just as you were going drop your skirt back down he dropped to his knees. Turning around he slipped under your skirt between your legs. He licked from the bottom of your pussy all the way up to your clit. You whimpered and tried wiggling away, still a bit sensitive. He did it one more time before crawling out from under you. Once he was standing he pulled on his pants and got them situated as you dropped your skirt. He slowly turned you to face him and buried his face in your neck as he held you close. "I'm sorry my dearest. I just had to taste the results of our love making."
You hummed rubbing his back and slowly playing with his bright orange hair, it was always so soft. He rubbed small circles on your back and traced little shapes with the tips of his fingers. "Well that was one way to cure boredom." You said with a light laugh.
He laughed as well. "Sure was! My favorite way to cure our boredom." He pulled his head back before resting his forehead against yours looking into your eyes. "I love you darling. More than I can put into words." You swear that his smile could light up the whole country.
"I love you too dearest," was your reply before kissing him soft and slow. He returned it, both of you lost in each other, completely forgetting about the front of the store. But that could wait a few minutes longer.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
more miles x filo reader plz hshsjsjdns but this time can it be that they are not dating yet and hes still crushing 💗
miles morales x filipino reader
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i'd like to think miles would've fallen for you the minute he saw you, actually. like, his heart would beat just a little faster when he saw you, but he brushed it off as excitement to meet a new friend or see a new face at his school.
he was drawn to your beauty, your noticeable features as someone of filipino descent. you could say you rizzed him up by just being who you are, you super magandang individual o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
when he met you, he instantly found himself drawn to you and your little traits and habits. how you might point with your lips, say, "ah, ano..." when you start a conversation, how you use the "mano po" culture towards his parents (THEY FUCKING LOVE YOU FOR THAT) and just every little thing about you, be it related to your heritage or culture or just anything about you, he fell--and he fell hard.
he stumbled across this song, and he vibed to it (he felt a little sad, maybe a little strange after learning the meaning of the lyrics, it was a feeling he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it danced on the tip of his tongue when he thought of you, iykyk what i mean)
he'd try to impress you by speaking to you in tagalog after hearing you speak it sometimes, but he used the mas malalim na tagalog and ended up confusing you 😭😭😭
"ang iyong kagandahan ay ubod ng... how do you say that word? wait, wait, uh... " (looks through the script he made to rizz you up, MOST OF IT IS IN INCORRECT TAGALOG TBH 😭😭😭)
he loves going over to your house whenever he can, he feels nice and at home with you, what more at your place where he feels so safe and comfortable?
i also like to think you two would walk outside together, play outdoors a lot, maybe visit a sari-sari store together or a store run by a local filipino nearby and show him some local filipino snacks and drinks you loved :>
you loved feeding him piattos, like omg. and he jokingly bites your fingers when you do it, and he loves when you scream at him with a wide smile, "ANUBA" when he playfully bites your fingers as you feed him, he chuckles a lot about it and points out how someone's gotta watch their fingers when they eat this.
you two would definitely share a straw from those soft drinks in a plastic bag, LIKEEE one bag, one straw, two of you 🫶🫶🫶
"oh yo it's kirby" him at the potchi mascot
he also jokes about how you look exactly like the potchi mascot when you're blushing and pouting, AND IT MAKES YOU EVEN MORE FLUSTERED MAN
he'd also learn dancing with you if you were into it, even if you meant it as a platonic gesture, he'd savor every moment of it :>> AND IF YOU TWO DANCED THE EL BIMBO (iykyk) HE'D BE CHUCKLING AND GIGGLING AT HOW SILLY YOU TWO WOULD SHAKE Y'ALL'S HIPS AND YOU BOTH WOULD JUST ERUPT IN PEALS OF LAUGHTER AT HOW FUNNY YOU TWO LOOK WHEN DANCING IT
but deep inside, he'd already be falling deeper and deeper in love with you, wishing every day could just be like this. he wants to come over to your place all the time and just spend the day doing everything you wanna do or just nothing at all.
he loves the way your hair falls when you turn you head to look at him, he loves your sass and quips, he loves how you never take anyone's bullshit and he... he loves dancing with you. he loves holding you close and watching as the music takes you away into a freeing feeling, a feeling that only you two are in the world right now.
a/n: he listens to "ang huling el bimbo" on the way home.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @q2ie @binibinileonara
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rowlfthedog · 1 year
Okay, Hi, so. By nature of this being a blog that makes a lot of lighthearted humorous posts about The Muppets, a lot of aforementioned posts breach the containment of my mutual circle, which results in me having a lot of followers on here and multiple posts with 15k+ notes. It's not the biggest deal, but...in case you're doing it and you didn't know it was harmful, or you're a muppet blog in a similar place as me and want to brace yourself, can I just say? That the amount of graphic not safe for work comments and tags under my Puppet Posts have ramped up in both frequency and intensity lately? It makes me uncomfortable! I don't want to know about the vile things you want to do to Fozzie Bear, jokingly or otherwise. Real easy way to get blocked from my silly hobbyist sideblog! And I really don't want to keep blocking people on here. The thing is, it's not even just under my popular posts. People keep finding me from those and saying these things underneath my stuff with only a couple dozen or hundred notes. I don't THINK it's any of my actual followers, but...once again: If you're doing this and reading this post, I beg of you to cut it out. And if you're mutuals with me or also have popular posts about the muppets in circulation, I'd recommend keeping an eye out. Thank you all who've stuck around for keeping rowlfthedog dot tumblr dot com a nice and friendly environment...!
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(^ These are the things I say to people making unfunny graphic jokes in my tags)
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seas1mping · 1 month
Haha my phone auto corrects Candy and Pop to be capitalized because I talk about him so much isn't that so funny
Anyway time to talk about him in relation to Reena because they're my sillies but it's under a cut womp womp there's also art uh cw for like minor blood (it's in pen so it just looks like goop)
I know Candy Pop grown is absolutely hideous but I was rushed for time at the end of 3rd period so I did what I could :(
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Anyways time to talk about them hehe
First of all, Candy Pop is such a damn crybaby I cannot deny it
Bro gets a cut on his leg and CRIES so hard
"Oh no, Candy, looks really bad."
"Yeah we might have to amputate, I should get Mom."
That's okay because when they get old, since NT has regenerative powers (my hc I don't know if it's canon) he can stroll in with broken bones (tears still in his eyes, the crybaby part never goes away)
"Hey, Reena, I broke my arm."
"yeah we might have to amputate"
"... I said I was sorry for that.."
He's definitely thrown Reena before both jokingly and not
AuDHD / AuDHD duo supremacy
Good lord they bounce off each other with behaviors and stims it's insane.
One time Reena would have a snapping stim and she eventually stopped, only for Candy to start doing it two days later
He still has it.
Imagine if you met your best friend and then you guys found out you would have a sleepover for the foreseeable future
After Candy's parents were murdered mysteriously vanished when he was little, he and Reena got to hang out all the time because he lived at the castle with her.
So they had the same schedule basically just different stuff filling it
Reena would have her princess classes
Candy would research jester tricks and learn how to juggle (his special interest to me <3 his PB for juggling is 10 balls and a sword, yes he did end up stabbing through his hand)
Candy would go to school and learn cool historical events about Down Below
Reena would write down recipes over and over again until she could recite it to her mom that night at dinner and then make it with (almost) no mistakes (her special interest to me <3)
When they reunited when they were both adults after everything that happened to both of them (Reena with her ex husband, Candy with NT) they were basically inseparable
Even thought Candy Pop was a married man now, with a daughter no less, when they first got back to each other, he can't deny he hadn't felt that happy to see someone since he left the castle in the first place.
Reena remembers looking up at the sky from her bedroom window and praying to any of the deities out there that he was safe and okay, and that one day he would come back to her.
There's no romantic feelings between them anymore, they used to be really close like that and they definitely stole each other's first kisses or first dance, etc, but that's behind them now and all they want to do is enjoy each other's company after almost 300 years apart.
Anyways tldr I love them sm
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