#also kinda sucks to have people i was writing with on other blogs not follow this one
just-miru · 2 years
me when
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me when my shit post i put absolutely no effort into is getting more notes than my silly doodles in which i do put some effort
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defiantlywhole · 2 years
idk it feels more like rp blogs are more meant to be places you dump info abt characters and less places to interact with others anymore. I mean I do write exclusively female ocs or heavily canon divergent they may as well be ocs, which we all know is at the very bottom of the barrel, no matter how many positivity posts go around, which colors my experience. I'm just tired of doing all the reaching, yk? Sending a million memes and getting none sent back. Writing opens that get ignored, writing starters that get less than 10 notes, posting plot and starter calls and getting crickets. It's exhausting, and my cocktail of mental illness makes it particularly draining.
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writingwithciara · 11 months
Safe & Sound ~Rafe Cameron~
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summary: at a boneyard party, rafe catches a random touron drugging y/n’s drink when she’s not looking. they aren’t friends and they’ve never said a word to each other so why would he decide to save her? 🤷🏻‍♀️
word count:3.6k
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warning: mention of drugs, fluff
a/n:  kinda sorta canon rafe, but also sorta not. idk. had this saved in my drafts since i started this writing blog & thought it was about time to finally get it out on the site
"We're throwing a party at the Boneyard tonight & JJ is insisting that you come." Kiara followed y/n around her dad's store as she continued stocking shelves.
"I wish I could, Kie. But I'm swamped here. My dad's got me closing up tonight & I can't ditch my responsibilities again. Not after what happened last time." y/n narrowed her eyes at her best friend.
"It's not my fault you fucked JJ in the storage room and didn't lock the doors. That was your mistake."
"You said you'd cover the counter for me."
"Oh, shit. You're right. I'm sorry." Kiara stopped her friend. "I'm sure your dad will make an exception for this. It's a big night. It's your best friends birthday."
"It's not your birthday." y/n chuckled.
"Okay, you're right. But we can tell him it's JJ's birthday. I don't think he knows when that is."
"My dad is not the biggest fan of JJ. Hasn't been since that night, you know. But maybe we can use Pope. He loves Pope." y/n placed the final can on the shelf. "I'll call him right now."
After conversing with her father for less than a minute, y/n and Kiara were closing up the store and heading to the Boneyard.
"Hey, you made it. I was starting to think Kiara had failed to get you here when she texted me earlier. Glad your dad let you go early." JJ smiled when y/n approached him. He handed her a drink and she took it quickly.
"He only let me go because I told him it was Pope's birthday." she smiled. "I'm quite surprised he fell for it. You'd think since he loves Pope that'd he know when his actual birthday is."
"Guess you were wrong." JJ took a sip of his drink. "Why didn't you just tell him it was my birthday?"
"He's not a big fan of you right now. Especially not after the other night."
"That was a fun night."
"It really was, wasn't it?" y/n looked around the boneyard and only recognized 4 people. "Geez, did you only invite tourons or something?"
"No. We invited pretty much all the teenagers on the island, even the kooks." JJ looked at her. "It was Sarah's idea."
"Oh that's just fantastic. One more group of people I don't want to see right now."
"What do you mean?"
"Tourons have been bugging me all week at the store. Stupid fucking rich brats." she shook her head. "All I want to do this weekend is hang out with you, Kie & Pope." y/n tipped her head back and finished her drink. "I need another one."
JJ handed her another cup of alcohol before the words were even out of her mouth. Y/n accepted it and continued to suck down the beverage.
An hour later, she had lost track of JJ and was dancing by herself. On her 5th beer, she looked around the party, noticing the kooks were already filling in the empty spaces, making the party more occupied than it was before.
On the other side of the party, Rafe stood alone with a drink in his hand. Aside from his friends, he only saw 2 others he recognized at the party. The rest of the partygoers were tourons.
He saw JJ with some random girl and then he spotted y/n dancing by herself. The girl looked like she was having the time of her life and that put Rafe at ease. He's never said a word to her and their separate groups never got along but he's seen her around the island before and he thought she was cute for a pogue.
While he watched her dance to the beat of her own drum, he also watched all the male tourons gather around her. Most of them were just there to watch her but while her head was turned to talk to one of them, another one hovered his hand over her drink and dropped something in. Rafe noticed this but didn't want to make a scene around y/n so he watched the touron very closely. When he was alone, Rafe approached him.
"What did you put in y/n's drink?"
"Excuse me?"
"What did you put in that girls drink back there? Did you drug her?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, bro. I don't know who you're referring to either. I'm just here to have a good time."
"You think spiking the drink of some girl counts as having a good time? If so, you're just pathetic." Rafe stepped closer to the guy, only now realizing how big the dude was. He took a quick look around but couldn't find y/n anywhere. "Where is she? Did one of your friends take her somewhere, huh?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You put something in y/n's drink and now she's gone. So are some of your friends. I swear, if anything happens to her, I'm going to find you and it's not going to be good for you."
"Like I'm afraid of you." the touron chuckled and went to walk away, but Rafe beat him to it. Adrenaline took over all of his instincts and he punched the guy in the face and when he doubled over, Rafe kneed him in the face. Luckily they weren't around a whole lot of people around so if he wanted to, he could make an easy escape.
Unfortunately for him, the touron called for his friends. They gathered around Rafe and one of them held him back while the main touron began throwing punches. The crowd began to grow and the remaining tourons were keeping Kelce and Topper from helping their friend. It wasn't until a gunshot rang throughout the air that the tourons let Rafe go and ran off. Kelce ran to help his friend off the ground and Topper looked to see who had fired the gun. He was not expecting to see JJ lowering it.
"JJ, what the hell is wrong with you, man?"
"Are you seriously getting mad at me for saving Rafe? I didn't have to fire the gun, you know."
"I know. Sorry." Topper helped Kelce with Rafe and looked at his friend. "What the hell happened, dude?"
"The guy...tried to...drug..."Rafe closed his eyes.
"Who did he try to drug?"
"Y/n....he tried to drug y/n."
JJ stormed off and Topper assumed he was going after the touron. Kelce put Rafe in the back of his truck and took the keys from him before climbing in the driver's seat. Topper got in the passenger side & looked back at Rafe.
"So, why did you try to beat up a guy who was so much bigger than you, just because of y/n?"
"It's not right that he tried to drug her." he shook his head. "She's kind of cute though, isn't she?"
"How much did you have to drink, man?" Kelce questioned.
"A few beers. Why?"
"You just called a pogue cute." Topper chuckled. "You're clearly drunk."
"So what if I am?" Rafe looked out the window and wiped the blood from his cheek. "Maybe she's not so bad."
On the other side of the island, JJ was at y/n's window. He had shown up at her place a few minutes ago with blood dripping from his lip and a bruised cheek. After he heard Rafe say that the touron drugged y/n's drink, he found the guy and tried fighting him.
He was lucky enough to walk away with only a few marks and he made it all the way to y/n's bedroom. She was in the bathroom getting the first-aid kit so she could clean him up.
"So, are you going to tell me what kook did this?" y/n smiled as she re-entered the bedroom. She set the kit down, pulled out the rag and poured alcohol on it.
"It wasn't a kook. It was a touron." he winced when she wiped the blood off his lip. "He was huge and had like 4 friends with him."
"Why did you think that fighting them would be a good idea? Are you an idiot?"
"Not entirely." he looked up at her. "After he and his friends beat up Rafe, Topper asked why it happened & Rafe mentioned that the big guy drugged your drink. So I went after him."
"Rafe fought him too? Why would he do that?"
"Something about seeing the guy put something in your drink. I guess it set him off and he thought he could handle 5 guys at once."
Although it sounded strange to her, y/n couldn't help but smile a little. "Is he stupid? Why would a kook risk his life for me? Especially one that has never said a word to me. That's ridiculous."
"I don't know. Maybe he thinks you're hot or something." JJ just shrugged and leaned against the pillow on y/n's bed. She put the kit back in the bathroom and laid beside him. "He wouldn't be wrong to think that though. You really are hot."
"Thanks, JJ." she looked at him and smiled. "I need you to promise me something."
"What's that?"
"Never get in a fight with someone who's bigger than you, just to protect me."
"Okay, fine." he chuckled. "I just really care about you."
"And I care about you, JJ." she smiled and cuddled up next to him. "Thank you for being you."
"No problem, y/n." he smiled as they both drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, y/n woke up and JJ was already gone. She thought back to what JJ said last night and her mind couldn't help but picture what Rafe must've looked like after the fight.
After her shift at the store, y/n headed to Figure 8. She was hoping to find Rafe and talk to him but she had no idea which house was his so she walked to the country club where JJ worked. He wasn't on the schedule today so he would not be helpful, so y/n decided to wait for a little bit.
After an hour of waiting and not seeing Rafe or his friends, y/n was about to give up and go home. That is, until she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair.
"Hey, it's Topper, right?" she called out to him. He was with his mom but he stopped to look at y/n anyway, ignoring the look he was receiving from his mother.
"Yeah, that's me." he excused himself from his moms company and walked over to y/n. "What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you could tell me where Rafe was. I need to talk to him."
"I'm not sure he would like for me to divulge that information to just anyone." Topper looked her over. "But you're not just anyone, are you?"
"No, I guess I'm not." she looked down at her feet.
"He's under the docks. Likes to go there to look at the water & to be alone. It's kind of the only place his dad doesnt know about." Topper went to walk away but turned back. "If he asks, I did not say a single word to you. Got it?"
"Yes sir." y/n smiled as she parted ways with the Kook. She went down to the docks and sure enough, Rafe was exactly where Topper said he'd be. As she approached him, the shaking of his voice caught her off guard. He was talking to himself.
"Are you kidding? You're never gonna be good enough. Not for your dad. Not for your friends. Not even for any girl. Especially not her." he muttered. y/n looked at his back and sighed. Rafe must've been having a struggle with his own mind.
"Rafe?" her voice startled him, causing him to jump & almost land in the water.
"Jesus! Didn't your mother ever tell you not to sneak up on someone?"
"As a matter of fact, no. My dad did mention it once or twice though." she looked out at the water just as his gaze fell on her.
"So, what brings you to Figure 8?"
"Had to come talk to the guy who supposedly saved me last night."
"Oh. You heard about that?"
"Of course I did. JJ came to my house all beat up, talking about how he had to kick the crap out of the guy who tried to drug my drink. Then he told me that you were the one who initially tried."
"Yeah. I tried and failed to kick his ass. He called in his friends."
"Well, that's just not fair, is it?" she turned to him with a smile. "So why did you do it? Why would you go after a guy who spiked my drink?
"To be honest, I don't even know. Something just came over me, I guess." he shrugged and kicked at a can that the waves had washed up. "I mean, we've never even talked before right now. It was weird."
"Weird indeed." she bit her lip and looked around. A few moments of silence passed before Rafe decided to speak again.
"I was, uh," Rafe paused for a moment. "I was wrong about you."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought that since you were a pogue & such good friends with JJ that you'd be so much like him. But you're not. Maybe you're crazy, but the good kind of crazy." Rafe's frown turned into a small smile. But it vanished quickly when y/n looked at him. He thought she didn't see it but she definitely caught him.
"Rafe Cameron, are you trying to compliment me?"
"Yeah. Maybe." he chuckled. "Yeah. I was."
"Well then, how did it feel to compliment a pogue?" y/n raised an eyebrow and gave him a look.
"It was definitely a different feeling." he looked at her. "But honestly, I liked it. Especially because someone like you definitely deserves to be complimented."
"Okay. Truth time." she crossed her arms and leaned against one of the beams supporting the docks. "Did you try to beat up some touron last night for spiking my drink because you thought it was the right thing to do, or did you do it because maybe there's a part of you that thinks that everything your dad has told you your entire life is a lie?"
"I did it because," he took a deep breath and leaned next to her. "I felt some kind of strange feeling, kinda like I had to protect you & only you."
"Rafe, that's actually kinda sweet. Especially coming from you." y/n smirked and looked at him. The moonlight was reflecting off the water and for the first time that night, she could actually see the damage the tourons did to him. "Oh my goodness. Your face looks like shit. Did you even try to clean it up?"
"Kind of." he shook his head. "Kelce tried but apparently I wouldn't let him. So I tried to do it myself and as you can clearly see, it didn't work out so well."
"If you want, I can do it. I'm really good at patching people up. I am friends with JJ, after all."
"Okay. But can we do it at your place? My dad will kill me if I show up with a pogue." he immediately looked at her, thinking his words might've offended her. "Not that it's a bad thing. But you know how my father thinks."
"I get it. I understand." she looked at her watch. "My dad should be out right now. Let's go to my place." y/n walked away and waited for Rafe to follow her. When she felt his presence next to her, she continued her way to her house.
"Let's take my truck. It's a lot safer." he opened the door for her and she gave him a quizzical expression. "Just get in."
"Yes sir." y/n looked at him and got in. "I'll give you directions when we get onto that side of the island."
Minutes later, y/n was sneaking Rafe into her bedroom & sitting him down on her bed. She left him alone to go get the first aid kit from the bathroom & he glanced around her room. Everything was neat and organized, totally against what a pogue really was. When y/n returned to her room, Rafe was standing with his back to her, a picture in his hand.
"Is this you?" he turned to her and let her take a look.
"No. That's, um, my mom when she was my age. I found it when I was going through her old stuff." y/n set the photo & box down. Rafe instictively sat back on the edge of her bed as she pulled a chair up to work on him.
"What happened to her? Did she leave you?"
"In a way, yes." y/n dabbed the cloth on the dried blood around Rafe's lip, causing him to wince a little.
"What does that mean?"
"She didn't leave us by choice. I barely knew her though because she died when I was 3. Cancer." she reached behind her with her free hand to grab the anti-biotic ointment, applying some to another cloth, and rubbed it on his neck.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." he looked up. "I barely knew my mom too. But she didn't die. Just decided to leave us. And for a pogue who only wanted the money she had."
"That's horrible." y/n looked over the bruises and shook her head. "No wonder your dad hates pogues."
"He's the only one who really does. Sarah has John B & Wheezie just doesn't like to judge people on their economic or social class. Neither does Rose, sorta."
"And what about you? What do you think of pogues?"
"I think I was totally wrong about you guys. Here you are, fixing me up, even though the kooks have been horrible to you your entire life. And then there's JJ, who I thought was a total prick, who fired a gun to scare off the tourons who were kicking my ass last night. You're really not that bad."
"Neither are you, Country Club." y/n smiled to herself as she remembered the nickname Barry gave Rafe once. When Rafe chuckled at the name, it made y/n smile even more as she rubbed the last of the dried blood from his face. "There. Feeling any better?"
"Yeah. Thank you." he stood up and walked slowly to the door. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped himself. "This may sound weird but would it be at all possible to stay a little longer? I-I'm not ready to go home just yet."
"Of course. Make yourself at home." she walked over to him and smiled. "I'll go get us something to drink & maybe I'll get some food. Any preferences on either?"
"Just a beer, if you can get one. And if you have any kind of snack, I'd appreciate it. I don't care what it is."
"Got it. I'll be right back." she grabbed the first aid kit and walked out of the room.
Rafe took another look around the fairly large bedroom, taking in everything he didn't notice before. There were fairy lights hanging from her ceiling and another string of lights were on her wall with little polaroid pictures attached at every clip.
He looked at all of them and it unknowingly brought a smile to his face when he gazed upon one of her and JJ smiling like idiots. They looked like they were having fun, the type of fun Rafe wished he had the freedom to have.
Y/n returned a few minutes later with 2 beers and a bowl of chips. She handed him a bottle and he accepted it gratefully. "Do you wanna do something or do you want to sit here in silence while we eat and drink?"
"You ever play Never Have I Ever?"
"Yeah. JJ & I play it all the time." she smiled. "You wanna play?"
"Sure." he took a sip of his beer and started the game. For the next hour, Rafe & y/n went back and forth, slowly getting to know each other better. The rounds started out normal and innocent but the longer they played, the more the questions got personal. "Okay. Last one. Never Have I Ever....wanted to hook up with someone in this very room at one point in time."
y/n looked at him and took the last sip of her beer while Rafe finished his drink as well. They stared at each other for about 10 seconds. It was like each one of them was daring the other to do something they could possibly regret later.
To y/n's surprise, it was Rafe who took the initiative and made the first move. His lips collided with hers and the kiss was everything y/n was definitely not expecting.
Soft, sweet & gentle. Loving, even.
 When they pulled away from each other, Rafe had a smile. It was genuine and it was probably the happiest he'd been in a while. Y/n smirked at the boy in front of her.
"Damn, Cameron. Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"
"I have no idea." he chuckled. "I could ask you the same thing."
"Well, if you really like me, I'm sure you wouldn't like the answer."
"I think I know the answer." he looked back at her lips and it took all of his willpower to not kiss her again so soon. "You're lucky I really do like you, y/n."
"I really like you too, Rafe Cameron." she smiled and went against what her brain was thinking, following her heart instead as she pulled Rafe back into a very tender kiss.
It was everything both of them had subconsciously wanted for so long. They were both safe & sound as long as they were together.
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chiyoso · 7 months
original pin
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hi pookie. to those who read this the first time, welcome back, this is a re-write. an update. i kinda found the initial update i did rushed, not clearly descriptive of my situation outside this writing hobby of mine. also for the ones that i tagged, i have notes for you <3 (sorry for the tag 🫶🏻)
alright. hello hello. i'm chiyo, a jjk-focused/sporadic genshin and hsr fanfic writer, and you've caught me, and this blog in such bad time, and im so, so very fucking burnt out.
writing for me should be fun, stress relieving, and that goes for any other hobby i have. i have been told and supported countless of times to take a rest, to take a break from this, but my stubborn ass continues to try and get something out, anything to keep my blog alive, hells, it feels like a toxic relationship where i keep coming back, because i remember all the fun, happy and fond times i had in this app, only then to return to why it becomes draining, exhausting.
just sat there, occasionally laid on my back, using my phone, but with unmoving thumbs, with a brain lacking the world that needs the narrative to make a story, fuck, where has it gone?
that innocent, startup of mine, the newfound love and interest for that world of fiction that you all create. dude, i remember being so happy discovering that this brain of mine can conjure up so many shit, all because of your words, it's fucking amazing. hence, the start of the era of my honkai star rail writing journey. (hsr/hi3rd fans who followed me, i let you down with my jujutsu kaisen brainrot obsession im sorry lmao)
“take a break hira,” “take a break chiyo,” “please, take a break.”
i've heard it all, and with utmost love and respect, thank you.
thank you for everything, every word, every action, and every peep of interest you all had for me. small and big creators, who, stopped by because of my small percent chance drop in on their feed, because of the stories i created that you shared, i've met so many wonderful, inspring and motivating people in tumblr, fuck, i didn't expect to crrate a little community all by myself, with my grit alone, it's so rewarding for someone who strives for perfection, for someone who struggles with her mental health daily, for someone who deluded themselves in a world of fiction, I can't express my genuine gratitude enough.
i'm not quitting. maybe i should've mentionrd that earlier to prevent you from getting rattled, but continuing off, i don't find myself quitting this writing journey, maybe i'm just not in the right mental headspace for it at this time. damn, my ex really fucked me up LMAO.
right, i'm aware of the less and lessening interactions i've had with the people i've encountered throughout tumblr, i feel sick of myself for not being able to catch up, nor interact with any of you as much as i could anymore, it really, really fucking sucks, i hate it, i hate it, i do.
i still have leftover projects to go over and publish, because i still want MY ideas, MY thoughts, MY worlds of fictional prowess to all of you. i'm not done, but i will say, that i'm- i'm so incredibly, so very sorry to the ones that were highly, to the heavens, expecting greatness from me, to the ones who were anticipating my unfinished stories, fuck, there's so much to do, yet my body, my mind, they do not respond, as if i'm losing my sense of time, literally.
all i can say to those sticking with me because of their plain interest for me, i wish, i pray, i'll beg, beg for me, my soul, my mind, my body, my spirit to heal, and heal faster, so i can love you all at my 100%, not with my trying 20%, and lower.
thank you. to the old, and to the recent supporters that got me to 3k followers and counting, fuckin' wild. actually insane.
i'll continue to write. i'll continue to create. i don't want to quit.
i don't want to leave the only thing that gave me freedom, and the genuine happiness the first time, making me discover shit about myself, and there's that.
p.s. apologies for my jjk brainrot everyone who followed for genshin and hsr <3 also that one popular otome game, love & deepspace? yeah, that shit's also fucking me up so good.
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HONORABLE MENTIONS: (lawd i feel bad for tagging)
@ainescribe @wanderingconstellations @teapartyspilled @v3lv3tf0x @ciarchivez ⸻ you fucking OGS. literally five pillars of my life, the cheerleaders, my absolute undying support of this blog, you saw me at my noob tumblr handling form, the lows, the highs, and the absolute peaks, i consider all of you special, i do, you all made tumblr and the writing community such a fun place for me. thank you, thank you, i just can't spam that voiceline enough.
@peachdues @screampied @chuluoyi @blkkizzat @jabamin @flametrashira @meowzfordayz ⸻ you superstar mutuals of mine. we've only interacted sporadically, PLEASE BLAME MY BURNOUT AND COLLEGE SCHEDULE FOR THAT, but all of you invoked so much burning hope, and motivation for me through your stories, AND your interests for me, whether it'd be something about my themes, edits, stories, it doesn't matter, you all took interest in lil' ol me, despite what, being such big content creators? FUCK??? that's insane. thank you.
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god, i seriously wish my schedule would just clear up by a fuckton, and then again, i was the one who took psychology and performing arts 💤 i hope, hope HOPE i get to interact with you all again once i take a leave/break from college.
⸻ with all my love, chiyo.
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epickiya722 · 18 days
You are so right. For the first time ever, I block quite a lot of my moots in twitter and tumblr. I can't believe all the things they said about BNHA (especially Izuku). Personally, I love all the events until now. Do I have complain here and there for a certain characters? Yes, of course I do, but that does not made me hate BNHA. Izuku is a great character and one of my favorite protagonist from all media....Also, as BKDK shipper, I love all the canon moments between Izuku and Katsuki (sorry if maybe you're a fan of Izuku but dislike bakudeku ship).
You know I don't hate IzuOcha ship (I think it's kinda cute) but I do dislike most of their fan right now. One of my ex moots said, "Damn with this events in BNHA. F*ck, at least Midoriya will end up with Uraraka. If somehow Midoriya don't end up with her and only thinking of Bakugou, damn I don't follow this series for the gay sh*ts...."
Like, I'm mad and sad when reading that... For me, I wish Izuku don't end up with anyone at the end of the series (as much as I love BKDK ship, I know it's impossible to be canon). Don't you think it will be funny if there is plot twist and somehow Ochaco end up with Shoto?
That very last bit right there. "... I wish Izuku don't end up with anyone at the end of the series", that?
I've felt that exact feeling since I got into BNHA.
You and I mostly do have the exact same feelings.
Starting with the ships, neither I have a problem with. I have ships just as much as the next problem, but the past year or so has taught me that when it comes to ships, some people don't actually see the characters as individuals and only seem to care about that characters for the sake of their ship.
Which sucks because I feel that takes away a lot of understanding the story. When you don't understand the character's story from their personality to their backstory to their growth, most likely you're not going to understand the overall story.
I hate seeing things like "Well, at least Uraraka will end up with Midoriya" because that just tells me that the person is maybe here for the shipping and that's it and don't care about either character.
Like, why are people so eager to see Uraraka become a wife and have kids? She is a, what, 16 year old girl who wants to be a hero! I want to see her be a hero!
And look, I know BakuDeku got some amazing moments together and some really would make someone go "I ship it". I don't hate it, some of you who followed me long enough know I don't. But at the same time, let's acknowledge they are separate characters. Yes, they're almost like a package deal because they've been in each other's lives since forever. They're going to be intertwined like that.
But come on! How about individually?? Midoriya became my favorite easily and not because of Bakugou.
Like, again, I'm for shipping. I got my ships. But it's not the ships that annoy me (unless otherwise like... *shivers*), it be the shippers.
And yeah, sometimes for any story I read I may have a complaint or two, but I will never understand people who built their whole blogs around "critiquing" and nothing else. Like, damn, how fucking perfect you want the story to be?
In fact, write a story that doesn't get anyone coming at you with something they don't like about it. Impossible. Because someone is going to have something they don't like about it.
Those people will have "takes" and then I just know they have read the story at all. They would miss details or misinterpret the characters how they want them to be looked at and still have no idea what they're talking about.
This fandom, some of the people can be fuckong switch ups, I swear.
So first, Midoriya is too emotional and a crybaby and it's obvious that his flaw was just emotional driven he can be. But now it's a fucking problem he's expressing his emotions at an appropriate time? It's a damn issue he isn't crying for a gag?
Y'all got to be fucking kidding me. This is the same fandom who at a time didn't give a damn about the villains. Who were like "they don't deserve redemption, they should die" even after learning their backstories. And now y'all want to advocate for them? Actually mad even though the story is not even completely done yet?!
I wouldn't say I'm an expert on BNHA or any story I read up. At the end of the day, I am just a fan who happens to be very entertained. I'm here to have fun. But the way this fandom, that fandom and every other fandom be acting makes me feel like I'm reading some whole other manga, watching some different copy of an anime.
[Note: okay, I did giggle at the thought of Horikoshi doing that with Uraraka and Todoroki. I doubt it would happen and I'm not saying it should... it's just funny to me because just yesterday I was thinking something similar with two different characters.]
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
Hiya! I just recently saw and followed your blog and I'm honestly intrigued about what you write, specifically analyzing Vertin and stuff. It made me realize what those "head to torso" voicelines actually means! It also inspires me to do a leisure analysis on the voicelines and I thought of something interesting that I'd like to share. BEWARE English isn't my main language so I hope this doesn't sound a little confusing :'D What if Insight II garments are when the characters are closer to Vertin, so that they changed their clothing after a certain amount of time being with her. What I mean is that they trusted her enough to show their true colors/acts more casual with Vertin? I'm using characters I have so: - Horropedia: He changes to a more casual clothing. Like what you would wear when you're at home. And I think the sweetest detail is him using hairclips like Blonney's, implying he's imitating her (can't forget how he also talks about Blonney/a blondie trope in one of his voicelines). It's as if he hung out with Vertin, Blonney, and the others for a long time that he felt a sense of belonging, hence he felt that it's ok for him to be a little more casual... - Eternity: THIS LADY IS WEARING A SLEEPING DRESS. Does that mean she's going around in Vertin's suitcase wearing that IDK BUT IT'S FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT. It kinda make senses because she likes watching Night Shows before bed so there's that- - A more depressing example, Cristallo: She's actually the reason why I got made this analysis. In her usual design, she's sitting with a book. Her insight II garment however, it was replaced by flowers, she has a lot of patches, more blood bags hanging, and the sad kicker is her expression is more weak specifically her eyes are more droopy. I have a theory that Vertin had hopes that Cristallo would heal under her care, but fate was cruel as Cristallo is on the verge of dying or is actually dead as time goes on. Man this sucks. /lh I wish I could analyze more but my brain juice is drying. As I'm typing this, my analysis may be flawed and more than just "changing clothes cuz we homies now" typa stuff. What do you think? :D
This is a wonderful idea! I'd HC this for sure because the idea of the crew getting more comfortable and settling into their new home gives me life. Idc if it's Canon or not, this perspective makes me happy 😤
That being said, I do think you're onto something! Even if it's not every character, we can see this in quite a few of them. Like Bkornblume showing her face ☺️
Good luck with your analysis! I can't wait to read more of others people's ideas since I'm too busy to write much these days (but I'll find a way 🧐)
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kinaesthetiqueer · 9 days
You've more or less single-handedly altered my entire perception of Nora as a character, and I mean that in the best way possible, making me enjoy her so much more every time I rewatch RWBY (which I gotta do again at some point, but that's neither here nor there)
However! This leads to my question :3 I noticed you had a few fics about her, and that she's also a very present character in your brain space, I kinda wanna know more about Satya Vaswani (which I now know her name is!!! Which is so cool!!!) and specifically your thoughts about her, what about her appeals to you, basically sharing as much as you want to!
I had a mild overwatch phase some years ago, so I know some Basic lore, but I always love learning and hearing about people's favorite characters :3
Oki thank you byeeee!~
quick psa below for anyone who follows me for overwatch; otherwise, you can skip to the blue text & read more for sym gushing
im gonna preface this by saying my knowledge of overwatch ends in about mid to late 2019, which is right around the time i finally and miserably acknowledged that i could no longer play sym in the game because i could not adjust to sym 3.0. (for context, when blizz announced her 3.0 rework in 2018, i crawled under my desk and cried; there are pictures). while i also played rein and lucio, my real joy was playing sym and once i could no longer do that, i basically stopped playing. i'm not good at fps. there's a lot going on. i scream a lot. i cannot aim. overwatch remains my first and only fps. i just couldn't handle letting my friends down as a bad support-turned-dps as i cannot aim (even though they insisted i did not let them down) plus eventually a lot of other folks stopped playing, i got busy, blizzard continued to suck ass, etc. sym 3.0 was a personal death knell for my SI in overwatch
SO the last thing i read was the bastet short story and the last new chara i cared about was baptiste. i got soured on the fandom and the shipping base and crawled out of it into a perfectly happy ot3 isolation bubble. i say all this NOT to sound unhappy about this question, but to set up for the single boundary that i MUST enforce when it comes to overwatch:
i do not want to know anything about ovw post 2019!
this may sound harsh but i don't care about overwatch lore anymore!this is simply to prevent my brain from just absolutely self-imploding. i have a clear and complete outline for the take to the skies series and i only care about that series (and the demons/witch au) and a few other things that ive written; i do not want to corrupt that. i've heard whispers about sym lore updates and im simply not engaging with that. i don't need to know nor do i want to! thank you, good night! i'm content to willingly live in denial.
you see, my satya "symmetra" vaswani lives safe and sound in my brain. blizz can't touch her.
satya vaswani, also known as symmetra to her teammates and also her enemies, is a character near and dear to my heart! i knew nothing about her until i stumbled upon the fact that she was intentionally written as autistic. this was at a time in my life where i had recently discovered i was too, in a fun (not) series of events, and so i latched on immediately, not to mention when i started playing her, i found a niche and became a rather successful sym (which to me means being helpful, getting kills, STAYING ON THE FUCKING POINT, and not getting in the way). i don't remember what my hours ended up being on her but im pretty sure it was well over 100 and since the servers are gone??? i'll never know? im not downloading ovw 2 to find out. it's probably on my old blog. GAH. im not here to be be salty about blizz.
satya, much like nora, is a side[ish] character that i have taken every scrap of canon lore and extrapolated to the stratosphere. i acknowledge that i have surpassed canon and inserted my own, especially when it comes to her childhood.
that being said
here's canon:
After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, young Satya Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar's architech academy, never to return home. Isolated and lonely in her new life, Satya immersed herself in her education and training. She quickly grasped the applications of the technology and was one of the top students in her class. Satya approached hard-light manipulation differently than her peers, with their more procedural, mechanical constructions, instead weaving her constructs in the motions of the traditional dance of her homeland.
and then i, to recap practical ghosts to some extent, made it worse. she was singled out for a scholarship by the vishkar academies who intentionally sought out young kids with high compatibility with hard light tech. she has an older brother aditya and a younger brother krishna and her mom karishma. her father died when she was three; she is, at the time of pick up, eight.
she's taken away to the fledgling vishkar town of utopaea where she atends the prestigious vishkar dawn academy boarding school. fairly quickly she takes to HL. it just makes sense to her and she loves it! never mind that she's without her support net for the first time ever. higher up staff order her teachers to excuse her 'problematic' behaviour because they don't wan to damage the prodigy in the making. her mother fights to have satya come home regularly and succeeds in making sure she gets to visit. the higher up staff even court these wishes, hoping that karishma will see the good in vishkar's training and ABA therapy but satya's mom sees her daughter's personality changes and misery and the way she talks about her autism now, the bullying she receives from both adults and students, the way she only seems to focus on architecture. she doesn't like it one bit. and after four years of this back and forth fight between vishkar execs and karishma over the 'budding jewel' of vishkar, karishma finally finds another school closer to home and begins to make moves to take satya out of vishkar academy at the end of the school year.
in response, vishkar ensures that satya has no family left to go home to. they also make sure that not only it looks like an accident but a specific architectural failure that galvanizes satya's single track minded drive to make the world a better place in which no one ever loses their family to a building collapse again. she becomes a ward of vishkar through a series of legal dominos vishkar had in place; she's only twelve. she never finds out that vishkar is the one who killed her family (except for in this little riff i did on twitter that may or may not load). ALSO funny that i named it indomitable, bc i didn't know what rwby was when i wrote that XD. anyways i have all my tweets downloaded but it's not that important.
practical ghosts is a fun narrative because it's told completely outside of satya through documents about her (with the exception of three little chapters at the end, only one of which is from her POV) it's my fave of my satya vent fics. PG is in line with on the run from tomorrow and thursday's daughter's genre of 'no one asked me to go this deep with canon plausible backstory but i did anyway!'
satya NOW though. she comes to the watchpoint, essentially surrendering her vishkar insider info in return for asylum, and proceeds to have the meltdown of a lifetime the second no eyes are on her. she throws herself into discovering how much of her life is a lie (her first comic, where she begins wondering, inspires much of this, as it obvs happens before; while i have read her 2020 comic, i don't use it at all except to smile because it did not contradict my HCs or if it did i ignored it; i was made vaguely aware against my will that she has history with LW but again, i don't care)
she's sassy, she's deadpan, she's devoted, she's practical. she loves dance and cooking and all forms of gymnastics, skating, and ribbon arts. she'll take you to task for doing stupid shit and explain how you should fix it in the same breath. she's ruthless when it comes to making other's take care of themselves. she's harder on herself than anyone else dares to be. she likes birds. she likes making new ways to stim that aren't obvious. she has reclaimed her arm and her relationship with it. she's done an absolutely stellar job of reinventing herself in the wake of everything she's done and been involved with. she's taken all of vishkar's tech and made it better and more accessible. she prefers rebuilding missions more than combat ones. she loves drinking tea with ana. mei was her first human friend outside of vishkar; athena was her first friend at the watchpoint. her and lucio actually get along fine eventually. she is fearlessly devoted to those she loves. she's an early riser and early sleeper. she still cries sometimes when she allows herself to stim unhindered. she is a huge fucking demiace lesbian. she doesn't give a fuck about gender. she wears heels so she can discretely toe-walk and dresses because they're easy to move in. she can and will talk your ear off about her special interests but only if she loves you.
last i checked in canon, and based on voicelines, satya hasn't even LEFT vishkar. she's just doubting. she's still there under their thumb and i mean sure yeah that's fine but that was the great of overwatch HUGE sandbox, no plot, WOMEN, and oh my gods an autistic woman of color with the most wonderful voice and voice actor ever (hi ms bhimani i hope you're having a LOVELY day)
i took to sym because i wanted a more hopeful future for myself and i am awaaaaaaaare ive projected on her very hard but i gotta admit the fact that i turn 28 (her age) this year might have actually just made me grin like an idiot because oh my god i could NOT imagine that when i first got into overwatch in early 2017. jesus fuck i was twenty, i could barely see past my own nose. i REMEMBER tho, being like heeheehoohoo one day i'll be satya's age that'll be wild. complete hypothetical. ANYWAYS
i don't think im really answering the question here.
haven't even got to my favorite fuckin head canon. i SCREAAAAAAMED SO LOUD when i realized this. fuckiing rip to my friends bc i was in game and i was playing with a skin i had just unlocked and i noticed something incredible-
satya has a prosthetic left arm. she has two skins though where she looks more like she's wearing a school uniform. i think they're called architech and utopaea? but hey. hey. hey you know what she doesn't have in those skins?
her prosthetic.
SO. my second saddest and most favorite headcanon is that as an 18th birthday gift, when satya technically became an adult and thus could leave vishkar, vishkar offered her a choice. to quote 'nothing here to run from':
Just shy of her Academy graduation ceremony, an offer was made to officially cement her place in the Vishkar Corporation. “We only offer to the best and the brightest, Satya,” Sanjay had said, grasping her left hand in his right. “Wouldn’t you love to be the perfect architech, ready to change the world at a moment’s notice?” By the time she was eighteen, Symmetra only had room for perfection.
i heavily headcanon vishkar to be just as bad as talon, since they are heavily intertwined. i would not put it past them.
so yeah, heavy heavy heavy disclaimer that i love satya 'symmetra' vaswani a normal amount but due to the inherent need to extrapolate a million things from a game that initially had three rubber bands and a paper clip worth of lore for her, i humbly recognize that the version of her that i love does only live in my head. and im okay with that!!!! but i love her canon self too, otherwise i would have never gone so feral about her to write over like 100k of her being loved, growing, living and learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gods i need to write her again.
also she has the best skins in the fucking gaaaaaaame she's so pretty and i am GAY
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redjaybathood · 3 months
I expect Putin did the math and is just shoving men at Ukraine. Same as Stalin. Ukraine has better weapons and tactics, though.
I don't know how to respond to you, anon, without depressing the hell out of you. Yes, he is just using people to fill in a hole on a giant sinking ship.
Thing is, he can afford it. 140 million people.
I won't go into the weapons and tactics - I have no idea besides the basics, only that they also are learning. And there is still what some European countries sold him since 2014, and what other dictatorships sell him now, like Iran's Shaheeds. Some countries still not-so-secretly playing on their team, sabotaging weapons supply to Ukraine, or helping Russia to circumvent sanctions. Some people continue to spread their propaganda, both far left and far right. West and East and Global South. Nobody is immune.
So Ukraine still needs the support of the world. Both in regards to weapons and ammunition, and with sanctions, and with battling Russian propaganda in any form it comes, and with refugees. And we are deeply thankful to countries and people who are doing the right thing.
This was in my drafts for a while. Like a year, for a while. I guess I wrote it and didn't want to post it. Too depressing for a foreign reader, I thought. And I am sorry. It probably is. Don't lose hope in Ukraine though. We can do it. We can win. If we have the means to do so.
Unfortunately, there is that thing that Ukraine isn't a hot conversational topic anymore, and the West doesn't give a shit. Even your regular people, outside of the pretty small pro-Ukrainian bubble, don't give a shit anymore - if they ever had. Like, I see so many reblogs on Gaza going around from any kind of blogs, a fandom-only blog too, and you go there, and you search Ukraine, and you come up with nothing or like, one Feb 2022 post.
And it's good that people support Palestine (if it's done without the usual antisemitism, spreading misinformation, and veiled calls to genocide - of Jews, this time (again)). But it kinda sucks that they never did the same with Ukraine, or did once and stopped. What sucks more is that posts badmouthing Ukraine and calling to deprioritize it still get a lot more hits than posts calling to support Ukraine. Now, though, it's coated in things like "western hypocrisy" (water's wet; how come you throw us under the bus for it? although it's not even particularly true in relation to Ukraine but, doesn't matter) or "they get aid as it is" (i wish). and that's not tankies even. It's like. the normies.
Anyway. If you donate to Come Back Alive and any other fund in my bio, it would be cool of you. Subscribe to Ukrainian newspapers like Kyiv Independent or online resources such as Ukrainer and Crimean Platform, or tik-tok creators who talk about news in Ukraine. For example, yeewleva is a Ukrainian who's commenting on news, what's going on in Ukraine and the world in relations to Ukraine. karistocracy is not Ukrainian but she is a journalist that lived in Ukraine for a while, and she gets most of the things right, and can simplify complicated concepts for general western/english-speaking public pretty good.
on youtube, I recommend Ukrainian Toronto Television (despite the name, 100% Ukrainian). especially a hard rec for Americans, Beau of the Fifth Column is a commentator who - now posting mostly about Gaza and US election - still has some good insights into Ukraine.
on twitter, I would give a follow to @cybersoroka, @maksymeristavi, who are Ukrainians but write a lot in English. among non-Ukrainians, @terrelljstarr as a reporter who lived in Ukraine prior to the invasion, and @TimothyDSnyder, he studied Ukraine - and russian imperialism - academically.
I'm adding non-Ukrainians so you will not be like - oh no, you're recommending biased Ukrainian sources only! so yeah.
If you hear about a pro-Ukrainian rally in your city, go, it will be much appreciated. We need weapons and we need more sanctions on Russia/stricter control over them. Be wary of anyone who asks for Ukraine to capitulate like Code Pink, Grayzone, etc. Those are not Ukrainian friends. (i mean, it's obvious who knows even a bit of Ukrainian context, but I'm adding this in case the post leaves the bubble; which - unlikely, things being what they are).
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faggotstump · 4 months
alright let's play a game of catch up:
Whats up new followers? I'm Olli/Skylar "fuckass" Liam Blvd Sys, or Olli faggotstump ! I am autistic, and plural (headmates are here on occasion, tags list and whatnot linked in pinned) and I have BPD which kinda fucking sucks for everyone involved sometimes
Um. I post art very rarely. And I plan to post more writing soon I guess?.
Fair warning this is a fall out boy blog for faggots dykes and trannies (I do not censor/tag those words as I use them to describe my identity. I do not tag for swearing either.) and I post a lot about them + other bands sometimes but especially Patrick Stump, who I am ggods worst faggot about. Therefore I get post limited so often there's a trinity of people in my inbox about it.I also post peterick stuff on occasion because who give a shit anymore. "RPF is fine" or whatever Pete Wentz said.
Another fair warning I do have a more personal blog (@cork-tree-mp3) where I am much more significantly disordered and gayer. I talk about fucking Patrick Stump over there too. Sorry. Preferably mutuals only follow but I don't really care at this point just please read pinned . thanks!
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breezy-cheezy · 7 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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My headcanons for the girls’ careers are:
Sayori: I’m thinking she’d be a paediatrician or something. Her childhood sort of sucked ass, and she seems like the sort of person to take that as a reason to help others through stuff like that
Natsuki: something art related, but she can never really stick to one thing. She’d go into manga illustration, and realize she FAR prefers reading it over making it.
Yuri: probably a writer. That just seems like her thing.
Monika: psychologist. I don’t think I need to explain that one
I adore these ideas! Seriously, I love it!
I was thinking about this since I'm planning a slow burn fic that follows the girls thru high school and beyond, so here's what I got:
Sayori: I actually paint her as the most poetry-brained of the lot! She inspires them to start writing and sharing poetry in the first place, and after high school she tries to make it as a writer/poet! I think the fact that she's so in touch with her positive and negative emotions gives her some pretty great insight for poetry.
Monika: Computer Science! As a sort of reference to her role programming in the original game, I think it's just kinda funny to have her be a CompSci major. I also feel like I've seen this used elsewhere?
Natsuki: I've seen her shown as a baker a lot, like, working in a bakery, and I'm not one to break that streak! I think that's very fitting as a day job, at least. I think she'd also run some sort of blog or online group that makes fan translations of manga and fan subtitles for anime!
Yuri: A lot of people paint her as the writer type, but I think she'd be far too nervous to write to be published. She might write for fun, or for her friends, but I don't think she'd be willing to go public. She probably works in a library or some similar place. (can anyone spell "hot librarian"?)
Those are just my thoughts, obviously! Thanks for sharing yours! I love it a lot :D
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bthump · 10 months
This isn’t specifically about you and more about the anons, because I’ve noticed that you sometimes get requests to respond to meta posts other people make and something about that makes me a bit uncomfortable. Since your meta posts are widely liked by a big part of this community, it sometimes feels like you’re being kinda requested to „debunk“ other meta posts. Diversity in opinions is so important for a good fandom atmosphere and some of the anons you get seem to wanna stir up hostility and I don’t like it. Since I like some of your meta posts, but also find myself agreeing with other people, I just feel weird about this dynamic, you know? How do you feel about it?
I think that's a fair concern but honestly, I don't see it as inherently a problem. This might be my 00s internet bias here lol, but I tend to view meta on a public platform as fair game for response or external commentary - which includes my own posts. My meta is here to be read by anyone who wants to, and to provoke thought and discussion, and that's generally what I assume of others' meta as well.
Like I recognize that attitudes have changed in the era of mostly unmoderated spaces and reblogs and the lack of diverse comms with their own norms and discourse running rampant lol, and so it's often considered automatically rude to disagree with people now, but I think that can only extend so far. Like, I don't reblog posts just to disagree with them (unless they're a friend and I know they're cool with discussion) because I know it sucks when you keep getting notes from people who are liking or reblogging the take you disagree with, but I don't think that should mean not discussing other people's meta at all, as long as it's done respectfully of course.
And I understand why someone might want a second opinion on something they read. I think everyone should think for themselves and form their own opinions, and I completely agree that diversity of opinion is important in any fandom. But not everyone has confidence in their own analysis, or the learned skills for criticism, and I think it's reasonable to seek out other viewpoints and decide which seems most correct to you, or use them as boucing off points to figure out what you believe. I definitely don't want to be the only Berserk meta blog out there, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree with most people. I'm not an authority on the story lol and people are free to agree or disagree with me however they see fit.
That said, I'm always a little wary about tone and intent, especially in Berserk fandom, because I'm not here to get into arguments and I try to make that clear. But I take most asks in good faith. Sometimes I might go a little too far with that lol, but honestly I'd rather come across as naive than hostile. If I found out that someone was trying to start a fight between me and someone else, or was using my posts to dunk on someone else, or if followers of mine took it as a cue to harass someone, I'd absolutely say something and stop answering those asks. (Hopefully we're all chill enough over here that this doesn't happen, btw. As far as I'm aware I've never incited anything like that and I've personally only ever seen fandom arguments started by people mad about Griffith fans existing, but tbf I also don't pay attention to whatever's happening outside of my dash.)
But yeah I don't think that's what's happening here, and I don't want to assume someone's trying to start shit unless there's clear evidence for that. Like in the last ask I got like this, the anon did specify that they agreed with the post they wanted me to comment on, and were just seeking more opinions/wondering what my own take was, and I think that's reasonable.
Idk, this is definitely one of those things where I know there are different valid opinions about etiquette. But I generally abide by the 'do unto others' rule, including here. I blog with the expectation that anyone can read what I write and agree or disagree, and that I might inspire other discussion. Sometimes I get nervous about being linked to notably hostile fan spaces, like the berserk reddit, but it has happened with virtually the same motivation as those anons (what do you guys think of this person's take?) and ultimately I'm fine with it, and even a little flattered.
All that said, at the end of the day I do think that it would be best for anyone who sends an ask referencing someone else's analysis to be specific about what they want to know, rather than a general 'what do you think of this?' question. Both because it shows why you're asking and what you're interested in and leaves less room for doubting your motivation, and because it makes it easier to answer.
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salubriousbean · 4 months
salutations and bonvenon! thanks for dropping by, I am the salubrious bean. I suck at interacting with people so if I seem weird maybe that's why. Also yea I usually mostly type how I speak stuff irl
"Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
my pinterest account: https://pin.it/1NNV9VU3T
star wars rp blog with a clone trooper oc, go check it out! : @ct-7045 🫡
writing ask game thing! (with Screw!) ✨ (trying something new, send in something if it pleases ya!)
25 follower "celebration" thing! 🫶🏼🤟🏼
The 495th Division!
fandoms I am in: STAR WARS, EPIC: The Musical, LOTR, about every Brandon Sanderson book, Urinetown (the musical), also been revisiting my childhood with Roald Dahl recently, Moon Knight, Bluey!, Curious George? (one of my fave childhood shows), Gravity Falls, Ranger's Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles, Carmen Sandiego (2019), Wild Kratts, Octonauts, Amphibia, other assorted fandoms
While asks/messages are always welcome (I love asks! send 'em in!), please keep them appropriate. I will do my best not to follow/interact with any NotSFW & explicit, etc. blogs. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone (like minors) and I'll do my best to keep it that way! I'd rather not say my age but I will say that I always feel older than I actually am (and a lot of the time I'm reminded of my actual age and am like what the actual heck how am I still x years old)(so yeah mentally I feel a lot older).
A post/reblog chain I found if you're having a bad day: https://www.tumblr.com/fiddlepickdouglas/644601820180840448/in-case-anyone-is-having-a-bad-night?source=share
other stuff under the cut so this post isn't too kriffing long:
I like getting tagged in things so feel free to tag me in (appropriate ofc) things (like those get-to-know-you reblog things or those picrew things)
Apparently I really like the words "thing" and "things" hehe
Yea also I'd love to post more of my art but 1) I don't always have access to a device where I can upload the pictures of my art, since I'm a traditional artist (but would really really love to get into digital art), and the device I use for tumblr won't let me upload a pic for some reason, and 2) I have wack schedule so I don't always have time to draw and then I stay up late to draw anyways so maybe that's not very good but whatever
✨MY PERSONAL TAGS✨ (I added colors bc I was bored) (they're all at the bottom of this post so you can click on them) (yea they are kinda redundant) (i just wanted tags that were uniquely mine) :
art: #salubriousbean art
writing: #salubriousbean writes
answering asks: #salubriousbean answers
posts I had in my queue: #salubriousbean queue (my queue is very random and extremely backed up oops)
polls: #salubriousbean poll
tags I might use again?:
music rambling: #salubriousbean talks about music
rambling posts about other stuff: #salubriousbean rambles
things I declare Salubrious (which in this case means I really really really love it): #IT HAS BEEN DECLARED SALUBRIOUS
25 followers: #salubriousbean 25 follower celebration
talking about the Star Wars series The Acolyte: #salubriousbean talks about the Acolyte
other/random: #salubriousbean random
huh, pretty self-explanatory tags I guess, I'll try an tag all of the posts I make
i use star wars swears but not actual real life ones 👍 those might be in reblogs tho so sorry bout that
when I use omg it equals "oh my grapes" or "oh my goodness"
other information about me: music nerd, I play piano and double bass. I also dance but that doesn't mean I have balance lol. I'm in my second year of pointe. also I like hoarding the cardboard tab thingies you rip off of tissue boxes. I also like trying to balance those Cadbury chocolate eggs so they're standing up.
languages I am currently learning: ASL (American Sign Language), Esperanto (on Duolingo), and Italian (also on Duolingo)
lol the capitalization on literally everything original except my writing is so wack, sorry but also not sorry. also sometimes I forget to tag all my original posts and then they disappear into the void so I'll try and tag all of them with one of my tags at least.
I'll edit this masterpost as needed.
God is good. May the Force be with you. Always.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Hello!! Just wanted to say thank you for your absolutely refreshing takes. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one which is so nice. I love checking your blog and reading through your responses, they're always so insightful!! Especially about Steve, Robin and Nancy
One thing ive been thinking about lately  that ive been wondering if you have thoughts on (but no pressure if you dont!) - is Nancy's plan to take down Vecna in s4. She saw the vision , she's ambitious and determined to take Vecna down, but she's also unempathetic, doesn't think about consequences and always needs to be right. She bulldozes over everyone and a part of me wonders how differently it could have gone if they didn't follow her plan. Or adjusted it. I mean, Steve has severe road rash up his whole back and arms, has been bitten, strangled, and is breathing in the toxic Upside Down air - and she still wants to go back into the Upside down relying on him. She dismisses his concerns about the bats and then the bats kill Eddie. A lot of this is probably just the Duffers writing decisions but get this boy some medical attention please oh my god take his injuries seriously. Nancy gets herself another gun even though they don't work on Upside Down creatures.
Sorry this isn't more coherent! Nancy is just so complicated and fucked up and interesting to think about!
thank you so much! i love compliments <3
thanks for calling my responses insightful! i try not to get too lost in what i want for characters and my interpretations and stick to what canon presents us with. obviously my opinions will always seep through, but i’m glad you like them!
i think the thing with nancy’s plan is that the duffers don’t want to make nancy look like an idiot, but her plan was designed to fail.
so everything that goes wrong is kind of outside of her control. there’s an earthquake, and they get caught by vines. eddie chooses to run back into the horde of bats. jason shows up and breaks max’s walkman.
the duffers didn’t want the audience to look at the plan and blame nancy for how it went wrong, because she’s their girlboss.
the thing is, when you look deeper into the plan, it’s just kinda stupid. she has someone majorly injured on the main vecna hunting team (and god someone please help this boy, he’s bled through his bandages nearly the second they’re on), she’s using a gun against an upside down creature when she’s never seen that work (steve has an axe that he just doesn’t use against vecna?), eddie and dustin aren’t given any kind of firepower to defend themselves, and everyone completely forgot that jason was after them.
i think if we’re going within the realm of canon, no plan they came up with was ever going to work because the vecna defeat has to wait for s5.
but within fanon, i do think if they’d waited a little more, if nancy had been a little more willing to listen to the others, planned a little better, this much shit wouldn’t have gone wrong. nancy finds it difficult to consider other people, she can’t always see the big picture when she’s focused on saving people, she’s not super emotionally in tune with others, and as a result the boy that’s seen two people get horrifically killed in the last few days gets put on the suicide mission.
though we also have to remember nancy is traumatised by what vecna showed her, so i don’t know if she ever would’ve been able to think clearly. she’s feeling guilty, and desperate, and so she reasons out max putting herself in danger as for the greater good.
sorry this didn’t end up being more about nancy! nancy is very fun to dive into, and her role in the plan is super interesting, especially because i don’t think she’s a particularly good leader figure, but i think the plan sucked because the duffers needed it to suck. and if the duffers wanted vecna defeated in s4, her plan would’ve worked, and nancy wouldn’t have girlbossed her way too close to the sun.
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quick-catton · 4 months
Hi quick-catton!! First of all I love your page and I love your personality💕💕💕 I also LOVE Saturn and Felix and Oliver just-😫😫😫 I love it every time you post, it makes my day!! Right now I just really need your help. Today I had to go on another account just to send something to my ask box because since I started my account last year, I’ve gotten nothing and it really hurts.
I love how open and freaky you are in your posts and I’m honestly the same way with Saltburn and an anime fandom that I’ve shaped my blog around. I used to be a little calm and collected but you’re inspiring to just let go and let my freak flag fly but the problem is, with my fandom, I don’t think people are going to be very inviting. Like literally the only thing I wanna do right now is babygirl code my favorite anime character sooo badly but I’m afraid I’ll lose all my followers and when I try to I get no engagement.
Like I wrote three freaking paragraphs about how good he’d look with a navel piercing! That was this morning and I got nothing all day but four likes. No reblogs, no comments, I literally had to make another account and send myself some praise for that post just so I could post it to show people that at least someone else agrees with me.
And I know I should give it time but that’s the problem. Some of my other posts like that don’t grow. They just get five likes and that’s it and it sucks because all I wanna do is engage with people that want to see this boy in lingerie or a skirt or goddamn pregnant (told you I was a freak)
I just don’t know what to do. How do you deal that? I’m honestly this close to deleting my account coz it seems like I’m posting to a blank wall and it’s so embarrassing coz everyone can see it. Sorry this is so long! Thank you for quickcatton 💕💕
WAH ANON ur so sweet omg, thank you?? <33 honestly i feel like i don't have good advice because i only made a tumblr for the first time EVER at the beginning of january!!! i am 23 and had never set foot on this app, but i saw that most of the saltburn fandom was here, so i gave it a shot and i've just been learning as i go.
i think that's half of my 'luck' with having a good experience on this app, is that because this fandom is so fresh, it's super active, but it's also a very small fandom (relative to some others) so we're all kinda like a hivemind here LOL, and because of the source material of the movie itself being weird/freaky/psychosexual, we all know that anything goes and the more freaky the brainrot, the better! i'm in other fandoms where if i said half of the shit i say here, i'd be ostracized, so it's really a case by case basis unfortunately </3
ik i yap a lot here but i also hold back sooo much because even tho ik we're all weirdos here, i still get nervous about putting out my writing or not having people vibe with an idea– you're not alone in that, i promise. it helps forming friendships in your fandoms so you know that there'll always be people who you can get hype over ideas with, but i know that's easier said than done sometimes <3
i don't have advice on engagement because i honestly don't look at that stuff (which i know is so annoying to say lol but it's true); i made this account purely to have a place to dump brainrot/art etc and view other people's saltburn content and i didn't care about engagement, i just got lucky to meet some cool people and make close friends through it.
i think if people can tell you're having fun through your posts, they'll vibe with you! it does take time with the good ol' algorithm, i'm sure, but as long as your page brings YOU joy, that's what matters most. people don't have to agree with your takes, life is too short to be vanilla and water urself down for others :^) making fandom friends and gaining interactions will come along with being yourself, but if posting here and running the account feels more stressful to you than it is fun, it's okay to step away too!
if you're on ao3 and sites like that, leaving comments on your fave works can be a great way to get conversations going as well. i met my closest friend on here bc she stumbled across my fic on ao3 and then sent me a message; it was purely up to chance, but branching out and being brave starting conversations with your fave accounts can be a great way to feel more included in the fandoms you're in and maybe you'll meet cool people along the way!! <33
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bookofmirth · 1 year
I recently read a comment where an El/riel said that Az could never end up with Gwyn just because she is an “irrelevant nobody”, while he in one of “the main and most important characters”. And they go on saying things like ���she is unworthy of him”, “he deserves someone insanely great” and bla bla bla…
Beside the fact that the whole post sounded pretty, uhm… aggressive and anti-feminist I guess? It made me realise that maybe some people ship Elucien or El/riel because being Elain’s partner means… more “screen time”?
We know that the ACOTAR series follows the journey of the Archeron sisters, and the only one left is Elain, whose journey basically still have to begin and find a properly conclusion. So, it’s logically implied that, as Nesta’s book became a Nessian book, Elain’s one will also become her LI’s ones (but SJM looooves feminism, at least as Rhysand does ;) ).
Sincerely, I’m pretty sure that, deep down in our unconscious, this is the reason why we all stan a ship or another, and I know it’s kinda a cynical though and not so feminist, since it implies Elain being a sort of “prize” for more screen time and more fangirl internal screams (yeah, because we all are fangirl who just want more hot-fae material at the end ahahah).
The point is, if only we were a little more conscious of it, we could understand each other better and, in an idillic word, maybe stop writing insults each other for supporting a ship we don’t like. We are all on the same boat, thirsty for our best men in fictional books, so there’s no point on being mean or writing a poem about how a character sucks for this or that reason, especially if it could only hurt someone else who feels a strong connection with that character…
Sorry for this looong rant ahaha, but I really like your blog. In your post you’re always polite so I though you where the right one to share my cynical vision of the ship war with. 😊
Hello! Just to be clear, the main reason I am posting this is because you were talking about the fandom in general, rather than being a butt about anyone in particular (other than whoever posted about Gwyn being a nobody, RIP because sjm is going to do what she wants with whatever character she wants. Chaol was just an annoying ass royal guard at first, too.)
I do agree with you about screen time. And that yeah, when we get Elain's book, it will not just be hers but also her love interest's book. I kept insisting on calling acosf the Nesta book before it came out, but... idk, I could go either way. We definitely didn't learn as much about Cassian as I think people had hoped to, but Nesta's issues were at the forefront and more pressing, anyway. The narration did follow Cassian at times, and we got to know some of his inner thoughts. So yeah, I assume that whenever we get Elain's book (and whoever else's we are going to get) then the narration will likely follow her love interest and we will get his (let's be real, it won't be a her) inner thoughts, and probably learn a bit more about him.
(This has made me start thinking about perspective and how people are struggling to understand the difference between first and third person and being unreliable, hang on let me grab a drink 😭)
And I definitely agree that if we could just accept that we are generally here for the same reason - obsessed over acotar - then maybe we might possibly, potentially, not be at each other's throats all the time? People just gotta make this their whole personality though, like if someone on the internet, who they will never meet irl and who otherwise has absolutely no bearing on their lives, disagrees with them, then *pearl clutch* omfg call the police their whole identity has now been put into question.
Calm. Down.
The most annoying thing about all of it to me is that it's all over MEN. People shit on Elain and Gwyn for a DUDE. And maybe it's not because of the ship war but people also shit on Mor for a DUDE. How about we just don't?
I'll be out here, doing my level best to tip the scales all by my lonesome by shitting on the dudes for the sake of Elain, and Gwyn, and Mor :)
Okay but back to your point, that people are actually invested in whoever the secondary character is going to be, I can see that. I've seen plenty of people say they don't like Elain, but will read elucien/elriel. It makes me sad tbh. I always see one of sjm's strengths - or at least one of the things I enjoy the most - being that she centers women in her stories. I used to assume that that's something that other readers enjoyed as well, but I guess not. People can like what they want for whatever reasons they want, but some of these discussions make it very, very clear how they feel about women, queer people, and people of color! Even if they won't say it out loud.
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