#also like I know I talk their hair and fidgets a bit but like...idk one of the most “intimate things” you can do TO ME is do someone's hair
sgtpeppers · 2 days
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Okay so the quick version of this is: saw Two Of Us today, adored it even more than I adore the film, the choice to keep them in John's building worked really well to further highlight the mental health message the director talks about in his little note in the programme, the rooftop scene is somehow even more intimate and lovely in this version and the ending is even more painful! I'm gonna write down more under the cut about it all:
Playlist: The playlist before the show/during the interval is everything you would want it to be and it includes Monkberry Moon Delight which I feel like I never hear in public! 
The overall experience was also just super wholesome, one thing I always love about Beatles events is the range of people there it just makes you feel like your part of such a special thing, so shout out to all the old women talking about Paul near me, the middle aged men in their Beatles shirts, and the girl behind me who was sooo excited to be there and I hope she got to meet the cast after like she wanted to! ALSO the Beatles drinks are so funny, idk why Ringo’s is just earl grey tea 😭
Performances: OKAY let’s get into it. So one of my only real complaints about the film is that although I think overall Jared Harris and Aiden Quinn do an amazing job but I do find the quality a little inconsistent (especially the accents) but Richard Short and Barry Sloane are soooo so good, the accents, the little verbal quirks (which also, kudos to the writer as well) and the physicalities are jarringly good at points, especially Barry Sloane’s John. I also feel like a lot of Get Back was watched in preparation because there were so many little things, like the way John plays with his hair that just took me right back to that. Sometimes with fictional Beatles things I’m constantly thinking about how you’re watching two people try to portray these real people, but I definitely found that they were convincing enough that I wasn’t thinking about it too much. 
Outfits: I did find it kinda weird they went for the Get Back looks rather than how they looked in 76, I feel robbed of the New York City vest tbh but they did look great 
Changes from the film: basically they cut out them going for the walk to the park and to Luigi’s and instead John sets up the table for them like they’re in a restaurant in his kitchen. I think it works really well because they play into John not wanting to leave the building, which just adds into that whole mental health thing, and I think it actually makes the rooftop scene more poignant when they get there, because it feels more like Paul has broken through a bit and coaxed him outside, even if it’s baby steps. Anyway, they still have all the same conversations really the script is just chopped up a bit. 
One interesting thing is that the conversation that happens with the fan in Luigi’s still happens, but John sort of pesters Paul about whether he really thinks silly love songs should be number one, and it’s a nice extra layer to Paul’s insecurity which I enjoyed 
Mental health conversations: I think going into it knowing that the director wanted to make this because of the mental health themes, specifically men’s mental health and how having someone to reach out to is so important, is really interesting. They definitely amped up John’s anxiety from the film, his fidgeting and little moments to himself where he’s trying to get himself together were just so palpable, and Paul talking about his depression after the Beatles broke up was even more raw and upsetting seeing it in front of you. My absolute favourite line in the film is ‘I’m thirty-five years old and I still feel like I’ve done something wrong’ and god, my heart just broke seeing it on stage, I think that’s such a common feeling, just that sense that you’re in trouble for something but you’re not really sure what? Anyway, I just loved Sloane’s delivery of it. 
The Kiss: Okay, look I actually don’t care that much about the kiss in the film, I’m glad it’s in there as a little nod to John’s queerness but it really isn’t anything imo, but I liked it a lot more in this! For one thing rather than coming after a little play fight (which is still cute, don’t get me wrong) they do one of their silly dances where they’re spinning each other round etc, so the scene already feels more tender, and then John just kinda grabs him and it goes on a little longer than in the film. I still think it’s far from one of the most intimate moments in the show, but I do think they made it into something more here. 
Rooftop scene: It’s just. It’s everything. They sit right at the front of the stage, facing each other, cross legged and Paul gives him the whole ‘I see a beautiful baby boy speech’ and it’s PERFECT, this was the moment I was most worried about them screwing up and it was perfectly delivered and they have this lovely big hug after it and it made my heart ache in the best way. And idk, if seeing some guy dressed up as Paul McCartney saying that we should focus on fun and get out our own heads and how we don’t have to stay stuck as the kids who were just scared and trying to survive, doesn’t do something for you, then we’re just very different people. 
SNL scene: okay it’s pretty much the same but the way John is sleeping on Paul was everything, it wasn’t just a head on the shoulder he was fully laying back against Paul!! 
The ending: this is just so brutal because Paul doesn’t leave the flat to get his guitar, he borrows one of John’s and so when Yoko calls and John starts doing the whole ‘I wish you were here, you’re the only one who stops me disappearing’ it’s literally…. In Paul’s face. And it hurts. Then at the very end they cut between John on the phone to Yoko and Paul on the phone to Linda, and so Paul says ‘I love you’ to Linda, then John says ‘I love you too’ to Yoko but it sounds like they said it to each other, and then Here Today plays. The fact most people didn’t appear to be crying baffled me quite frankly. 
Yoko: They decided to have Yoko be the one who actually invited Paul, which felt like an odd choice and didn’t really add anything for me, but there we go 
Okay I’m gonna shut up there because this is way too long and I doubt anyone’s read it but ahhhhhhhhh it was so good and you’re just all lucky I can’t text you because my friends have had much more incoherent versions of all this
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dootznbootz · 8 months
I know I write about how wild Penelope is (she is) but OdyPen is very likeminded. Odysseus is just as wild and out of pocket. It's just that we already KNOW that from the epics. He's a reckless idiotic genius, same with her. It's just that Penelope was under a lot of stress and was missing her other half and that's why only a lil bit of her crazy slipped out with her sneeze omen of death. Also, Homer trying to keep her "mysterious" even to the narrator as she's the only one who can "trick the trickster".
They're both fucking crazy in the best way. It's just that in the beginning this man was just head over heels so even when she was purposely saying and doing out-of-pocket shit to try and "freak him out" he thought nothing of it and just thought "Fuck yeah, that's hot wife shit." They're both fucking weird. Both have ADHD and are reckless and silly
Odysseus: Once me and my sister went off to the cliffs when we weren't supposed to, and we messed around too much and so a big rock in the side fell off. It freaked everyone out. We never told anyone. Soothsayer said it meant no one could fish on the sea for 2 days because of how it now has two points and the boulder landed in the ocean... Penelope: ... 😧 Odysseus,😅: Haha, I don't know why I said that. It sounded cooler in my head... shit Penelope: No,no, that's fucking cool. I've fucked around with some things but I don't think I've ever done that much damage. Did you see the big splash??? Odysseus:
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I can't emphasize enough how weird they BOTH are. They're both menaces together. With the whole "A joy to Friends, and a disaster for their enemies." Except it's not just to their enemies. They just DO shit.
They'll literally screw someone over with a devious plan turning away laughing and then immediately walk into a rake like some sort of loony toons show. They'd fall for the ICUP trick and then go on a rant on how that's so stupid and not a real trick and then try and pull it on someone else. THAT SHIT
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torasplanet · 3 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; going out to ice cream with your little family couldn't be more wholesome especially with a surprise guest who maybe should not be out of his dorms...
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ; soul-crushing fluff, bd!dabi is so cuteeee, i luv kaede sm, idk what else, oh i didn't even know the header kinda looked like kaede 😭
tags ; @kokosclown
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“Daddy, wake up…” Kaede muttered continuously poking his father’s cheek while hovering over the sleeping male with you by his side blankly staring at Dabi who continued to sleep. Your face twisted into one of irritation and you grabbed his bare thigh and dug into his skin with your nails which was unknown to your son who sat there on his knees looking upset because his daddy was still sleeping.
Well, he was sad until Dabi’s eyes snapped open at the pain in his legs “Ow–” Dabi was quick to cut himself off when he caught your gaze and your son’s. He just sighed and looked at you both. Dabi loved his family but did not like how often he was being awoken to the sight of his girlfriend and son looking down at him with the same eyes ready to beg him for something. He wondered what it was this time and if it was your idea or your son’s.
A wide grin formed on Kaede’s face “Can we go get iced cream?” He asked bouncing a bit on his knees making the mattress move and earning a laugh from you. Kaede’s full head of hair was all over the place, he already had his hoodie on with his pajama shorts, and next to you, you were dressed in the same attire. “Ugh, what time is it…?” Dabi asked sitting up on his elbows and looking at you specifically but Kaede began to count on his fingers.
“One in the morning.” Dabi let out another groan at your answer while Kaede hummed and nodded in agreement with you “Please, we’re hungry.” You begged.
“Yeah, you gotta give food!” The younger boy shouted in addition making your boyfriend groan even louder than before allowing himself to fall back onto the bed. He threw his arm over his eyes “Fine, go wait in the living room…” He said and less than a second later, you and your son yelped in joy while throwing your hands up. You both listened to his orders and hopped out of the bedroom and to the living room to squeal with each other about getting ice cream.
It was a coincidence that you and your son met in the kitchen looking for the same thing. Kaede had walked in on you staring at the freezer with a pout looking for ice cream and he had asked you if there was any, when you said no, he came up with the greatest idea to wake up his daddy and make him take you two to get ice cream. “Mommy, I wanna get new iced cream now!” Kaede said and you smiled at his mispronunciation of that phrase but just tilted your head in confusion “Why? I thought Rocky Road was your favorite.” You asked the smaller boy. Kaede fidgeted in place, using the tip of his croc to move the backstrap up and down on his other croc “When me and Uncle Shoto were outside, he gave me iced cream ‘nd it was…really crunchy but like it was…uhm still cream.” Kaede said squeezing his eyes shut and frowning. A habit he had when he wanted to say something but didn’t know how to phrase it.
Dabi did that too. Sometimes they’d both just outright stop talking because of it “Did he tell you the flavor? So I can get it for you.” You said picking him up and rubbing your hand along his back to comfort him as you saw he was getting frustrated. Kaede immediately put his face in the crook of your neck and wrapped his arms around you, he was just like his dad. Going to you when he was frustrated. “Erm…P…Pimustache I think.” The dark-haired boy replied as you spotted your boyfriend coming out of the room also wearing Crocs and his hoodie.
“All good?” Dabi asked grabbing the keys from the counter and walking closer, his other hand went to his son’s fit of black hair and he messed it up even more “Y’know how he is with his words.” You replied as you two made your way out of the apartment, closing and locking the door behind you before making your way down the stairs. Dabi looked at you and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth “What’s bad about that?” He asked with a roll of his eyes feeling a bit targeted as he had the same problem.
You shrugged nonchalantly “Nothing for him but if we’re talking about you…” You click your tongue against your teeth suppressing a laugh “I don’t know…” You felt and heard Kaede laugh a bit at your words and once again, Dabi rolled his eyes already fed up with your shenanigans. “Yeah, Yeah, how about we talk about those temper tantrums he gets from you?” Dabi immediately regretted his words once he saw the look you were giving him.
“Walked straight into that one…” He murmured and you didn’t say anything but chuckled in agreement. God forbid if the father and son had superpowers, they’d probably blow up an entire house with both of their temper tantrums over pointless things…(hehe just wanted to throw that in there). “Down…” Kaede muttered beginning to kick his feet so you’d put him down and you did. He immediately went between you and Dabi grabbing hold of your pajama pants and Dabi’s basketball shorts as the three of you stepped out of the building and into the cold night. Dabi immediately regretted agreeing to take the two of you to get ice cream when the cold wind hit his face.
“Cold!” Kaede hissed putting his face into Dabi’s shorts, while you all tried to hurry to the car that was parked on the street “Yeah well thank Mommy for that.” Dabi said sending an annoyed look to you as you stifled a laugh at how quickly his nose turned bright red. You gently pushed your hand against his temple “If daddy hurried, we would’ve been to the car already.” You said and after catching the look Dabi gave you, you sighed and began speed-walking to the car and Kaede peeked out at the lack of your presence.
“Why you running, Mommy!?” The boy asked loudly and childishly and you turned back to them already at the passenger door “B’cause Touya is being nasty.” You replied confusing your child who instinctively looked up at his dad as they finally made their way to the car to join you. Dabi leaned down as he placed his hand on Kaede’s hair “She means daddy kid.” Kaede let out a little “ohh!” sound as he nodded his head.
Dabi grinned lustfully at you while unlocking the car but you just ignored him and began to put Kaede in the backseat and his car seat “Don’t you think he’s too big for that thing?” Dabi asked peering from the driver’s seat and you shook your head “No, he has to stay here until the seatbelt can fit him.” You said closing the door before hopping into the passenger seat while Kaede looked around the car for some of the toys he left there. The white-haired man snorted “Did my mom tell you that?” He asked as he watched you get comfortable in your seat.
Dabi reached over and began to put the seatbelt on you. He could care less about him wearing the seatbelt, he found it stupid but he needed you and Kaede to wear a seatbelt; he couldn’t risk anything happening to the two of you even if he thought Kaede was too old to have a car seat. “Of course she did.” You replied and Dabi said nothing but only shook his head and started the car.
You are very much closer to his family than Dabi is, that is no secret but he can’t help but laugh every time you tell him that his mother or his sister told you something about parenting, and don’t even get him started on when Shoto would say something! Dabi doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to how that kid randomly drops information that he shouldn’t know about. When you were busy delivering Kaede, shoto asked him how many centimeters you were dilated and Dabi had no idea what he was talking about…that being said, sometimes he asked his little brother things when he had no clue about something.
Shoto was the best uncle ever and everyone in your little family could agree with that. Especially Kaede.
“Daddy, where you going? The p-place is back there.” Kaede asked peeking out of the tinted windows at the road he was so familiar with when getting ice cream. You looked back also confused before looking at the older male “I’m going to a different one, it’s good I promise.” Dabi responded and Kaede began to whine while gently kicking his feet.
You looked back at him as tears began to bubble in his eyes. Why on earth would Dabi do this knowing how his kid was? “Hey, hey, you trust me right?” Dabi asked looking back at his kid and extending his hand. You looked ahead and grabbed hold of the steering wheel grumbling about how he needed to stop doing this. Kaede looked at his dad’s hand and then his face before nodding.
The boy grabbed hold of Dabi’s hand as he tried to stop crying “So stop crying, yeah?” Kaede nodded as he began to knuckle at his eyes making Dabi smile. The blue-eyed man turned his head back ahead to take control of the wheel again, he glanced at you and gave a thumbs-up that seemed like it was questioning.
You chuckled at his slight nervousness and gave him a thumbs-up back. Dabi had always been scared of having a kid, especially a son because of how he was raised, he constantly needed your approval of whether he was doing a good job or not and that was still present even now when he seemed to get the hang of this stuff. I mean he’d even started to come with you when you took Kaede to visit Dabi’s family when he was very much against it to the point it even caused one of your breakups. You were still working on getting him to actually talk to his dad when he went but he was progressing amazingly as a father and he kept progressing even when you two were on one of your ‘breaks’.
You were really proud of him. “Touya, are you seriously this corny?” You asked observing the area you were in, immediately recognizing it. Dabi has never been a romantic so him taking you to the place you two went on your first date after having a kid was very shocking. “I saw it in a movie, okay? You said you like that movie shit right?” Dabi said a bit flustered as he pulled in front of the small ice cream parlor that was conveniently a 24-hour place. “You’re not s’posed to curse!” Kaede yelled at his dad from the backseat as you took off your seatbelt.
“When you’re old enough to curse, you’ll understand why I can’t stop,” Dabi said climbing out of the car and going to get Kaede out of the backseat. “How old am I when I can?” Kaede asked as he was lifted from his car seat and into his father’s arms. Dabi huffed and turned Kaede so his stomach was resting on Dabi’s shoulder with his large hand on the small of the little boy’s back to support him.
“When you’re still tired after having a full night's sleep.”
“Boy! Stop telling Kei depressing things and put him down.” 
Dabi rolled his eyes as he sat on the hood of the car while Kaede giggled childishly as he acted as if he was a superhero “He’s fine, go get the ice cream.” Dabi said as he grabbed his wallet from his pocket and then handed it to you. “You already know what we want baby.” He said leaning forward to press a peck to the side of your lips that were formed into a frown. You sighed loudly before stomping over to order the three cones.
The older man placed his son down on his lap and just stared at him with identical eyes staring back “What is special about this? There’s not even ‘nywhere to sit…” Kaede asked looking around the empty place, it looked familiar to him but he just couldn’t put his finger on what was so familiar…
“Well, me and Mommy used to come here all the time when I first met her,” Dabi said and Kaede giggled and placed his hands over his mouth as air released from his nostrils into the cold. “Did you give money for all of it too?” The child asked putting his hands back onto his knees and Dabi looked away nervously. Maybe when Kaede was older he’d tell him all about how mean you were when the two of you first met (you still are…) but for now, he’d just get a simple response. “Not all the time, mommy was so stubborn that she barely let me pay, I had to force her to let me sometimes.” Kaede’s giggles were released into the air once more. He loved to hear stories about his parents.
Uncle Shoto told him all the time like about how the two of you were meanies to each other sometimes but Uncle Shoto told him not to tell the two of you that he knew that. “We stopped coming because I was being a meanie to her. A bit too mean.” Dabi said rubbing the back of his neck and Kaede nodded “But we’re learning to be nice.” Dabi finished and before his son could respond, his name was called by you who was struggling to hold three cones.
“Oh, oh! Coming!” The little boy muttered climbing down from his dad’s lap and running over to you as fast as his stubby legs could carry with Dabi watching carefully to make sure Kaede didn’t fall. His eyebrow raised at the color of the ice cream that you handed to the child “What’s that?” The tall man asked as the two of you came back over. “Kei wanted to try pistachio this time.” You responded by giving your lover his cookie dough cone and sitting down next to him on the hood of the car. You assisted Kaede to sit on the hood once again in between you and Dabi who stuck his tongue out in disgust “Gross, why would you get that?” He asked playfully looking down at his mini-me who fanned his hand in front of his mouth because he bit into the ice cream by accident.
“Uncle Shoto gave me some and ‘s good!” Kaede said as he began to deliver kitten licks to the green ice cream with a wide grin on his face humming at the taste “Of course, he’s always been weird like that…” The turquoise-eyed adult said with a sigh as he began to lick at his ice cream. You grunted and elbowed him from behind your toddler’s back and he hissed in response and sent a small glare your way.
Kaede kicked his feet in enjoyment “Do…uhm, do you wanna know how I taste this?” He asked in his usual toddler format looking up at the two of you who conversed with your eyes “Is it some big adventure like that little show you watch?” Dabi asked with a laugh and Kaede wiped around his mouth as he hummed “No but it was really cool!” The toddler said obviously excited to talk about his first interaction with this flavor of ice cream. You nodded to give him the go-ahead and he began to look up in the air to remember the incident.
“So…I was with Uncle Shoto and his friends were there too because they live together y’know? And he had iced cream but this big angry guy pushed it over and it hit my face!” Kaede said slapping a palm on his nose and Dabi hummed at this raising an eyebrow. You hoped that wasn’t the end because Dabi was 100% on board for beating up a teenager. “B-But I really like the uhm…taste! Yeah, that and the big angry guy bought me one to be sorry.” Kaede said and Dabi’s nerves seemed to visibly calm at that.
You draped an arm over your son’s shoulder “Well that was nice of him.” Kaede hummed in response to your statement before something caught his eye, a fit of red and white hair. It was Uncle Shoto! “Ah, Ah! Get me down!” He yelled as he tried to scurry off the hood of the car. After getting down, he waddled quickly over to the teenage boy “Uncle Shoto!” Shoto turned his head at his name being called while you and Dabi finally understood what was going on.
The teenager picked up the toddler before he could hug him “Watch it.” Shoto said looking at the ice cream cone and Kaede apologized. Dabi visibly seemed to be annoyed at the appearance of his youngest brother “Mommy gave me that iced cream!” Kaede said holding the cone to his uncle’s lips so he could get a taste “It’s ice cream.” Shoto corrected as he walked over to the two of you and it’s when you noticed that he was still in his pajamas, not even a hoodie.
“What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be at your dorm?” You asked as he placed Kaede down to his feet “Wanted to walk and it’s not far from here.” Shoto said hugging you as a greeting and you smiled at him which Dabi grimaced at while he continued to lick his ice cream. “We were just talking about you. You appeared like the devil you are.” The white-haired man said glaring harshly at his younger brother who was unphased by the harsh treatment.
Shoto only gave his brother a blank stare “Nice to see you too brother.” Dabi gave him the fakest smile ever making you elbow him once again. You gave him a look that told him to be nice as Kaede told his uncle to seat the both of them on the hood of the car “What? I’m being nice.” Dabi said shrugging his shoulders while taking another lick of his ice cream and you only rolled your eyes.
“How has school been?” Shoto asked your son as he began to take small licks of the ice cream that Kaede was not paying attention to. “Uhm…Daddy, what did Miss Kusou tell you?” The boy asked looking back at his father but Dabi only laughed a bit at how his hair was covering his eyes. “Ahem…she said you were doing really good,” Dabi said trying to stop laughing and Kaede nodded along with Shoto. 
“Your speech does seem clearer…sentences getting better too.” The high-schooler said running his hand down Kaede’s head and patting his head as if he was a pet. The kid shivered at a cold gust of wind “Cold!” He yelled and Shoto looked at you “Can we go inside the car? It is pretty cold.” You chuckled at how red his cheeks and nose were just like Dabi’s, they were really alike no matter how much they loved to deny it.
“No.” “Yes.”
Dabi looked at you as you looked at him, he didn’t even last more than a second before sighing and rolling his eyes to look away from you “Yeah, unlock the car baby.” You said looking back at Shoto who was already standing and holding your son(well it might as well have been his by the way they cling to each other). Dabi grumbled something under his breath before reaching into his pocket and unlocking the car. Shoto bowed his head as a silent thanks before going to sit inside the car with Kaede.
“You’re not gonna get in there with ‘em?” Dabi asked looking at you who shrugged at his question “I want to but I’m not leaving you out here by yourself.” You replied leaning onto his side while continuing to eat your ice cream and he merely hummed while continuing to look into the distance while eating his ice cream. There was something on his mind, you could tell from how quiet he was being.
Your hand slithered down to grab his free one “Are you okay?” Dabi let out a sigh as he looked at you silent and just staring before he looked away again and stared into the dark night “I need a cigarette.” His response made you frustrated. Dabi had a hard time telling you verbally when something was bothering him and telling his feelings and it made you so upset because when he was in a bad mood, he made it everyone’s problem but didn’t say anything about it.
Dabi began to walk away and to the driver’s side to probably go in and get his cigarettes but you pulled at his hand and stopped him. “No, c’mon tell me. Stop being like that.” You said pulling him closer and making him smack his teeth. Ugh, you made him say his feelings and shit…he hated that but he was still going to do it.
“I was just thinking about you, y’know…” The turquoise-eyed man said feeling embarrassed at telling you his feelings but you just rubbed your thumb against the back of his hand which made it a bit more easier for him. “I just remembered how much I missed this when I wasn’t with you and it’s like…you made me better than I was before,” Dabi said shrugging his shoulders once again just showing how nervous he was.
It was true, like I said before, you made Dabi a better person along with having a kid. When he first met you, he was alone, with no one, and was the worst he’s ever been in his life but then you came and you made him better. You comforted him about his family even to the point he stopped dying his hair, you made him feel good about himself. Dabi doesn’t want to break up with you again and so far, he’s been pretty good at that but no matter how good he gets, he’s always going to be him. 
But you’re always going to be you and you cancel him out. Well…to a certain extent. “Aw, touya. I love you too.” You cooed gently pecking his lips and he smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth “I ain’t say that and you taste good.” Dabi said looking away with a flushed face. His eyes were locked on your ice cream cone and he took a huge chunk out of the nearly-melted ice cream. You pressed your hand against his face as you gasped loudly “Touya!” He only laughed at your complaints and kissed you.
The kiss which you thought was going to be innocent turned deep and open-mouthed but of course, nothing could stay innocent with Dabi. “Okay, Okay, tomorrow.” You said backing away from the man who let out a small whine at your words “Why not tonight?” Dabi asked and you rolled your eyes while you began to make your way to the passenger seat of the car.
“Because you have a son and a brother that are staying the night.” You said opening the car door and hoping in the seat while Dabi leaned against the window like he didn’t own the car. The boys were fast asleep in the back, shoto’s phone was set up still playing some cartoon and the only thing left of the ice cream cone was a small piece of the waffle cone left on the seat “Sho can go back to his dorms…” Dabi said and you smiled at him using the nickname for his brother, he never called him anything other than ‘shitface’ until you gave him a nickname.
You leaned closer and kissed him lightly “Kei’s still here, now drive us home.” You said giving him the sweetest smile that made him obey and walk over to his side. You licked your ice cream again as you looked back at the teenager and the toddler who slept soundly together, they were so adorable lying there together! But maybe Shoto needs to stay in school instead of trying to spend every minute with his nephew.
ps. no au!!
you were just relaxing in your bedroom with dabi watching some stupid movie who was not paying attention at all when the small smell of smoke filled your nostrils. of course dabi didn't notice, he was used to it and all so you were the one that got up.
but you did not expect the smell to come from your child's room and you certainly did not expect to find him glaring at his wooden toy that was in flames. it was one of those toys where you had to put the correct shaped block into the rightful hole and kaede hated it! but you said he had to learn. well, it seems like he's had enough of it.
kaede's palms still had sky blue (a bit lighter than dabi's)flames coming from them only adding to the fire "uh...bae?" you shouted keeping your eyes on the kid. you had no idea what to do. kaede wasn't even supposed to get his quirk yet! he wasn't even seven...and it was dabi's so he would know what to do.
by now there was a cloud of smoke and dabi had to notice it "whatever is on fire is not my fault! i swear this time!" you rolled your eyes at his comment as kaede turned his head to you, his gaze softening. dabi appeared by your side and took in the scene and loudly sighed.
"oh my fu–freaking...I said freaking." dabi said correcting himself before you could even scold him. he pushed past you and grabbed kaede by his underarms with his arms facing outward "alright keep your arms up like a statue while mommy cleans up your mess." dabi said as he left the room and headed to the kitchen. he smiled at how you grumbled annoyingly while beginning to put out the fire.
kaede glanced behind him at his room "did i make mommy mad?" he asked as dabi set him down in the kitchen to turn on the sink. kaede climbed onto his little stool and let dabi guide his hands under the water "no, more like I did." dabi said knowing you were annoyed that kaede got his quirk for a various of reasons. I mean he already looked liked him and now he has his quirk that may I add, causes HELL for you.
"ohh...sorry you made her mad." kaede said rubbing his palms together as if he was washing his hands and dabi shrugged "whatever, do your hands hurt?" he asked and smiled when kaede shook his head no. that was his biggest fear. kaede getting his quirk and everything bad that came with it, he didn't need him ending up a villain like him. it was already bad enough he was associated with it.
"if it hurts when it happens again tell me okay?" dabi said and kaede nodded cheerfully as he bit on his lip while beginning to play in the water. at least there was a guarantee that kaede wouldn't grow up so painful like he did.
"touya! you better be teaching him how to use that quirk!"
"yes ma'am."
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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youresodarkbabe · 6 months
love like an ache in the jaw (a. turner x reader)
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warnings: oral (m recieving), sub!al, reader gets called momma a bit, idk man
word count: 1.3k
fetus al <3 happy easter 🫶
it was a random sunday, around eleven. alex had drank his little heart out the night before and did not enjoy being woken up by erratic knocking on his apartment door. furious, he got out of bed and swung his door open, ready to scream at whoever that decided to interrupt his beauty sleep, but he certainly didn't expect to see what he saw.
every ounce of tiredness left alex's body as he saw you standing at the door, wrapped up in his black coat, holding a little bag. you laugh at his silence and walk in, sitting on the stained sofa in the middle of the flat.
"it's easter, al." you say, fidgeting with the sleeves of the coat. alex's eyes are fixated on you as he shuts the door and sits down next to you, hyperfocused on the fact that you're in his clothes.
"oh, is it? didn't know, you look lovely by the way, should wear my clothes more often. y'know, only if you, um, want to—" alex trails off, mentally slapping himself in the face for acting the way he is.
you take note of how your cheeks heat up at his flustered manner and decide it's time to show him what you were actually wearing.
you stand up and shrug off the coat, revealing a bunny costume, of sorts, complete with a little tail at the back of the bodysuit. it was a soft baby pink, but you're sure alex wouldn't be able to tell you that. all he was focused on were your tits and how they looked in the confines of the material.
"ooh, wait!" you bend down and dig through the bag, alex marvelling at your ass, and turn back to face him, putting on bunny ears.
you also pull out a box and hand it to him.
"i got you an egg. happy easter, baby."
alex smiles at the thought, a warm feeling pooling in his chest. he wasn't sure if it was due to how loved he was feeling or if it was because of how strong the need was to fuck you on the spot. maybe both?
"thank you, god, you look so good," alex stops mid sentence. "i mean the egg. looks lovely. can't wait."
alex hops onto his feet with the egg and leaves it somewhere in his tiny bedroom, hoping you didn't get a look at the massive hard on he was trying to hide.
he comes back into the room and sits down next to you again, you sit on your knees and play with his hair as you speak, one of your hands trailing down his chest, to his waist, before settling above his throbbing cock.
"so, how was last night? seemed fun."
alex opens his mouth to reply, moaning instead as you slowly start palming him through his sweats.
you kiss his shoulder, and stop moving your hand, making him whine.
"'m not gonna help you out unless you talk to me, lovey."
alex clamps his eyes shut and scrunches up his nose before letting his head rest against the back of the sofa. "last night was fun, yeah. me and nick drank a fuck ton." you smile against his neck and mumble a quick 'good boy' as your hand resumes its movements.
"i can't imagine you feel too good now, do you, honey?" you give him a fake pout as you speed up the movements of your hand. he shakes his head, his messy hair growing even messier.
"no— fuck," alex whimpers slightly, grabbing your wrist. "need your mouth."
you give alex an expectant look.
you pretend to be offended and pull your hand off of him fully.
alex swears under his breath, his face and ears completely red.
"i need your mouth. please, momma."
his shaky voice goes straight to your pussy, you're sure you've soaked through your panties completely at this point. you flick at his belt and let him take his sweats and t-shirt off and sit back down, you settle in between his knees after.
"say please again, i liked it."
alex's hips roll into the air, you have to hold them down as the blush on his face only spreads further. alex's voice comes out as a strained whisper. how cute, you think. such a big ego for such a little man. you'd crumble those high walls eventually.
"go on, pup."
you kiss his cock through his boxers, looking up at him with doe eyes as you do so.
"please, momma, i need it."
alex looks completely defeated, and you love every second of it. you mutter another 'good boy' as you pull the waistband of his boxers and let his cock free. his tip was almost fully pink and leaking with pre-cum, practically begging for you to take him in your mouth— and you happily oblige.
you wrap your lips around the tip, moaning as you savor the familiar taste, your tongue swirling around it, flicking at the slit. alex's hips buck wildly, accidentally ramming his dick down your throat. you pull off instantly, eyes watering.
"fuck, 'm sorry, i didn't mean to— fuck."
his back arches as you take him in your mouth once more, taking as much of him as you comfortably can, stroking the rest with your hand. your head bobs up and down his length, your tongue spiraling around his thick cock as his hands come up to hold your hair as makeshift way to keep it out of your face. you try not to gag as his tip grazes the back of your throat, your nose brushing against the coarse hair that was littered around his cock.
you pull off almost completely, looking up at alex with those doe eyes again, sucking on his tip innocently as your hands continued stroking him. he was being very loud now, the thin walls of his flat meaning that his neighbors would definitely know what you two were up to. you take your mouth off of his cock, a string of spit attaching your lips to him.
"no, momma, please, 'm so close, don't stop," alex's mouth ran as if he was reciting a prayer. you keep stroking him til his cock twitches once more, cum spurting out and you try catching as much of it as you can in your mouth, just to tease him. you swallow and hold your tongue out, proving that you've swallowed every last drop that you managed to catch.
you lick his stomach and thighs clean before undoing the back of the pink bodysuit, taking off your tights, leaving yourself in your panties alone. you straddle alex, grinding against his soft, sensitive cock that you feel hardening against you.
"you think you can give me another one, hm?"
alex nods eagerly, his mouth hanging open in awe. you take the opportunity to push your finger past his lips and he sucked on it eagerly as you push your panties to the side with your free hand and let him align himself with your drenched pussy. you sink down on alex slowly, taking your time with it, letting yourself feel every vein on his cock throb against your warm walls. by the time he bottoms out, you've already attached your lips to his neck, kissing and biting wherever you can.
alex's large hands find your ass and he tries moving you, but you refuse to budge.
"momma, please," he murmured into your ear, and you comply. you bounce up and down on him, starting off slow, soon transitioning to going brutally fast. alex's eyes focus on your tits and how they move, he looks at you, practically begging, and you hum in approval, his mouth instantly going to leave sloppy kisses all over your chest as you feel that familiar knot in your stomach tighten even further. you yank on alex's hair slightly as you moan obscenely loud as his cum paints your walls. alex's rough fingers rub against your clit violently and you cum soon after he does, grabbing his neck and forcing him into a kiss so that your sounds would be muffled, even if barely.
alex pulls away and buries his head in your neck due to sheer embarrassment.
"that's a good way to start the day, hm?"
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yaostars · 11 months
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𝖫𝖮𝖲𝖳 𝖱𝖤𝖢𝖮𝖱𝖣𝖲 ౨ৎ : vlog one
about: lost records of the past and even past friendships lie between small little films from a certain camera. 2006 was a year of laughs, smiles and even more that turned most of them over. who knew going back into the past would help cause a bit of deja vu but also some memories that shouldn't of been shown. note: this is taken during 2006 where everyone gets ptsd lolz!!! but the point of you is basically yk watching the film. reader pronouns are she/her and is a female reader!! the readers personality maybe a little different to yours (sorry) i wrote this all in one go so tell me if theres any spelling mistakes
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"nobara we shouldnt be doing this..!!" the pink head nervously fidgeted infront of the tv. "its fine its not like anyone will know if we put it back in the same spot!" she claimed smiling.
opening the small box of tapes with names on the side such as 'beach day ♡' or 'vlog with toru' and other ones with colourful dried out gel pen writing. itadori grabbed one from the box with the name 'vlog one yay ★'.
a certain sea urchin haired walked in with a towel around his neck pausing seeing the familiar pinkish box gojo kept in his wardrobe. "why are you looking through that?" he walked over seeing all the little nick nacks laid out. megumi hadnt seen any of it ever since he was younger when she was around. crouching down and grabbing the tape out of itadoris hands while placing it into the dvd player.
all three of them sat in front of the tv waiting for the tape to work. little speckles were on the screen before showing gojo in the distant talking to someone. they could hear laughter and it was like deja vu all over again for a certain one.
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"stop tryna flirt with n/n shes not gonna answer" a tall guy stood next to the white haired one. the camera then turned to a 180 degree angle focusing on a h/c girl with her knees tucked to her chest smiling at the guys away from them. the breeze gently waving there way through her hair with a little smile adoring her plumped lips. she looked to the camera smiling and waving. "do i need to say anything to this vlog?" she rested her head on the top of her knees staring. "just say your name, age, and whatever you want" from the camera person who was oodly familiar.
"uhm! well my name is y/n, im 15 turning 16 in a few days and well i want to help people" smiling at the camera before turning her head to the guys after hearing them quiet down. the camera turned to where she was staring seeing the albino haired man stare back at her before turning away. the other male had bursted out laughing at him before jogging to the camera. "oi geto do an intro to the camera" the camera person claimed at the male who looked confused but grabbed the camera so it was facing him.
"the names geto suguru, im 16 and i love watching gojo fail at confessing and also i really like kfc so if you have it hit me up babygirl" he chuckled before flipping the camera to the two girl showing a brown haired girl. "now you shoko" he claimed while hearing a bunch of footsteps in the background.
"shoko leri, 16 and i hate everyone here except n/n" she smirked before lighting her ciggarette while you could see y/n scrunch up her nose before turning away from the puff of smoke. "bleh" she exclaimed while resting her head on the albino who randomly sat next to her. "well satoru its time for you to do an intro to the camera" geto had placed the camera in his hands before sitting in front of all three of them.
"UHM what do i say n/n?" he turned to her who she was already looking at the camera with curiosity. "just say your name, age and idk a comment..?" she sweat-dropped at the question before grabbing a few daises from the ground making a bracelet.
"well so my name is gojo satoru and im 16 and uh and uh really hate kfc and thats directed at someone here" he looked around for an answer to pop up. it had taken him that long to think until feeling a small amount of weight on top of his head. softly tapping his white locks feeling flowers realising y/n had made a flower crown which could be seen on the camera while she had one of her own. "you like?" she rested her head back on his shoulder staring at the camera dozing off. "of course i do if its from you" he wiggled his eyebrows at her while geto was choking from laughing.
"okay thats enough of flirting on this vlog so say bye" shoko exclaimed grabbing the camera back facing it towards the two males and girl. they looked to the camera and waved.
"geto is a bum-"
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the tape had finished and pop out from the dvd player. a cough rang out the dorm seeing the albino male standing there with a small smile leaning against the door frame. "we are so sorry sensei we didnt mean to go through your stuff!! we were just confused why you have a pink flowery box!!" itadori kept bowing up and down praying.
megumi looked away showing small amount of guilt but completely out of it. he missed the sound of one of the girls voice and seeing her again.
nobara just sat still staring at her sensei before getting up while grabbing the box to give back. "were sorry .. it was my idea i was just curious" she bowed while having the box in the air infront of the male.
gojo only chuckled at them before standing back while sighing. "its fine tell me when you watch the second one.. i havent had the time to watch them" he rubbed the back of his neck while keeping eyes on the sea urchin.
"who was the woman that you sat next to gojo?" itadori asked the taller one without a filter. "her name was y/n and she went here" megumi said before gojo knowing he would blurt something out.
"she was so pretty can we meet her one day" nobara and itadori asked gojo with imaginary tails like little golden retrievers. gojo smiled and turned around keeping his back away from them. "yeah i'll take you sometime soon" he walked off making the first years confused.
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srslyscary · 6 months
heyyy, do u do x black reader if so could you do a fluffy lee know fic. where him and reader are just apart of a silly friend group with lots of mutuals and lee knows always kinda just had a lil thing for reader.
but then reader is kinda just noticing lee know is there and then just boom. fell in love immediately idk…
lowkey like mutuals to lovers if that makes any sense?…
a lover’s eye
| Contents: SFW , reader is written as she/her but can be considered gn, friends to lovers, made up friend names, black!reader, lee know is referred to as his biological name
tysm for the request anon!! I love this idea so so much. I’m not all that sure if you wanted me to add reader & Lee Know in a SKZ friend group or a random one so I just stuck with the random one! i hope this is okay! I had the idea of them both having feelings for each other but not realizing it till “now”.
I also hope you’re well and taking care of yourself! much love <3
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“minho, dude… you’ve been staring at her for the past 10 minutes.” a voice spoke, pulling the male out of his small trance.
“…huh? staring at who?” He said, looking over to his friend. “YN— who else? you’ve been giving her googly eyes ever since she first arrived-“
Minho shushed him loudly with a glare on his face, looking as if he would smack the other male. “Ya- Injae! How many times do I have to tell you to keep it down? Loud mouth.” He sighed, looking back over to the female he was previously eyeing. “I wasn’t staring. I was just— admiring her!”
“Yeah— Kay. Dude If you have a thing for her It’s no biggie, I mean the whole friend group can kind of tell. Besides YN of course— I wouldn’t say she’s oblivious but.. it’s also obvious she doesn’t have a clue.” Injae stood up from where he was sitting, looking for the other members of the group. YN was currently talking to Jia, one of the girls of their friend group.
Their little group consisted of the silliest kids around the block. Jia, Injae, YN, Eunji, Rae, and of course Minho. They were all very close with one another, sharing memorable experiences with each other. YN was rather unique, some would say. Although all were Korean, YN was the only black female who could speak fluent Korean. To Minho… that’s what made her so special. Just her presence made his body and chest feel weird.
“Ya, Injae. Do you think the weird feeling I get when I look at YN.. relates to me having a ‘thing’ for her?” Minho tilts his head slightly, looking at the girl’s features as he waited for his other friend to talk. “Well yeah, I mean it’s just normal to feel that way when you’re crushing on someone.”
“You idiot. i know It’s normal. I just— i wanted to make sure. That’s all.” He looked down at his lap from where he was sitting, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers. Injae looked down at his friend, and chuckled. He looked back to YN, and all the friends that were surrounding them. They were all gathered around waiting for the Rae to arrive since they planned to have an ‘out day’ today.
“Just tell her how you feel man. I’m sure she’ll—“ “Don’t even finish that. It’s not that simple.” Minho leaned his head back , running his fingers through his hair. “And why not? It’s not like you guys aren’t friends. You talk to her everyday, and you’re both in the same friend group.” Injae sighed irritably, checking his phone. “Goddamnit.. where the hell is Rae? He was supposed to be here an hour ago..”
Minho took this time to think, to really think about what decisions he should make. YN was beautiful, stunning even. She had the face and voice of a goddess, she was funny, and never failed to make him smile at least a tiny bit.. even if the jokes weren’t directly to him. It wasn’t like YN hadn’t noticed him, part of what Injae said was true— he talked to her everyday, trying to spark up some conversations.
“Yo, Minho.” A finger tapped him, yet again bringing him out of his own little world. Looking up, he saw that exact goddess. She eyed him down with a blank look, her shadow against the sun made her look like a real angel. “Whatcha still doin’ sittin’ down? Rae jus’ got here. Cmon.” YN chuckled, smiling at the male with the softest eyes. Oh how he loved those eyes..
“Sorry. Got lost in thought.” He said, getting up from his place of rest. YN waved her hand as if dismissing him, looking at him one last time before walking ahead. Minho caught up to the girl, as the rest of the friend group walked together. “Soo..”
“Got sum to say say?” She said, taking her phone out to look at herself. “No, it’s fine.” “Aight.” Minho watched her trinket with the small features on her face adjusting whatever she needed. God, she was so beautiful. Her brown skin that shone in the sun, her perfect curves, her pretty face, she was simply so divine to him. “Minho, you’re staring.” YN was finished checking herself out, looking at him again as she noticed his looks a while ago. “What?— I wasn’t staring, there was just something on your shoulder.“
“Yeah right. You’re dog shit at lying. I caught yo ass in the act. Y’know you can’t hide shit from me, Min.” She shook her head, looking forward. In truth, she herself wanted him to keep looking. Everytime she looked at him, she felt a little spark go off somewhere in her. She enjoyed his presence as much as he did her, even if both didn’t know of it.
Soon the friend group arrived to their little destination, a small carnival next to a bridge. Water laid low under the bridge, the sun setting only slightly. “Hell yeah! The carnival! Let’s go!” Rae yelled as he ran ahead inside. “Rae wait for us!” Eunji yelled right after as she dragged Jia along. Injae laughed as he turned to Minho and YN. “You two coming?”
YN turned to the bridge with a blank face, “Nah. I think imma go over there. Take a look at the view.” She pointed back to the bridge, with a small smile and a hand on one hip. “Sure— Minho?” Injae turned his head slightly to the male, who looked quite conflicted. “I uh— I think I’ll stay with YN.”
Injae looked surprised but chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright cool. I’ll save some snacks for ya!” He waved, running ahead to catch up with the others. YN waved, turning back to the bridge with a smile. Minho turned with her, but kept his eyes on the girl. The sunset made her look as if she was in a movie, the wind blowing against her hair.
“Yo, Minho— cmon. I wanna go see the view.” She grabbed his hand, walking ahead with quick speed. Minho simply let her, realizing they were basically holding hands. His heart quickened— he was actually holding her hand? He was almost ecstatic, even if his face said otherwise. YN continued to pull his hand until they reached the bars of the bridge, keeping their hands held together and looking down to see the water.
“Ain’t it pretty Min?” He only looked at her, not giving her an answer as his hand tightened with hers. “Mmh— what was the question?” He looked out into the view, watching the sun set. “The view, dumbass. You’re supposed to agree that the view is fye.” She said shaking her head. “Fye?”
YN looked at him, laughing. Her pretty lip gloss on her plump lips, her skin that was nearly sunkissed, her smile— he noticed it all. The girl stopped laughing, looking at him with a soft smile. Her heartbeat quickened at that moment, swallowing with the little shallow breaths she let out. “Min—“
“I love you.” He interrupted quickly, eyes widening as he realized what he just said. “Wait wait I- i didn’t mean to say that—“ he quickly said, letting go of her hand to back up slightly. He looked down at his shoes, frowning as he looked flabbergasted. And so did she, shocked that those 3 words even came out of his mouth. Minho didn’t even know why he said that, it was just the spur of the moment and he felt like he should say something, but not THAT. She shook her head again, looking at his head.
“Funny.” She grabbed his hand again, intertwining them. “That’s real funny coming from yo ass. Never thought you wouldeva say that to me.” She said smiling at him, as she waited for him to look up. Minho looked up, his eyes met with YN’s. And there that feeling was again, his heart was racing— the world seemed to slow down for that slight moment.
“Love you too Minho.” She tilted her head, her hair blowing in the wind once again. “wait really?” She nodded, smiling even brighter. “Thought it was obvious? I liked you for a while. You’re just my type I guess. You’re fine as hell, and I’m always smiling with you. I thought maybe you didn’t like me like that, ‘s why i’m kinda iffy on having conversations with you.” Minho held her hand tight, looking at the view. “So.. you’re saying you wanna.. be together?”
“If YOU wanna. I’m aight with whateva—“ “I want to.” She looked at his side profile, watching him gaze out at the last rays of the sunlight. She chuckled, or really giggled. “Now i can officially call you my man.”
“…hm. I guess I can call you my girl now.”
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
Hey, I’m the anon that requested the last Crimson one shot! Ty for taking my request! I will gladly ask for more, as I’m still obsessing over him atm! Could you do some hcs of him with a socially awkward/anxious reader? It may be a bit weird but it would mean a lot! And pwease make him nice (to us) :3. Thanks! ❤️ 😈
Crimson Knolastname x GN!Reader Headcanonss
Also this reader is anxious, there is references to pulling your own hair, chewing your nails, biting your knuckles
TW because this us an 18+ show I'm writing about. It may include cussing, sexual themes, and more.
Y/N sat on the floor underneath Crimson's desk, back pressed against the side where the drawers lay, writing in their journal to make scenarios and possible reactions. Most of them were either too obscure or made Y/N sound more confident, but it helped a lot. They glanced up at Crimson silently, watching him type on the computer, face unnaturally calm. Y/N scoot around so the side of their head rest against his leg, continuing to write as the typing slowed because one hand rest on
Y/N's head.
- Crimson doesn't entirely understand the concept of deep-rooted anxiety or any reason for being shy other than lying
- it takes some time for him to understand but when he does he becomes very protective
- Y/N: live laugh love
crimson: bite maim kill
- he trues to make you laugh if he notices you getting tense, but sometimes it doesn't help
- he doesn't know what to do when you won't talk to him, sitting in silence and bouncing your leg
Crimson gave up on trying to actually communicate and slid down the wall to sit next to Y/N with a sigh, taking his hat off and leaning his head against the wall. Y/N was messing with their hair, tugging and detailing the strands until they came out between their fingers. Crimson watched silently for a moment.
"You can't do that anymore, honey. You'll go bald."
"Maybe that's the point."
"It's not."
He reached over and took Y/N's hands away carefully. Y/N was prone to yank away violently when they were acting like this. There was a bandaid over several of Y/N's fingertips where they had chewed the nails down too far before Crim could stop them. He sighed, pulling Y/N closer, resting Y/N's hands on his knee.
"Where's your journal?"
- he definetly learns little breathing techniques with you because Chaz used to make fun of you
- of course he can't anymore-
- but he likes it and catches himself using them when he gets over-angry at a stupid worker when shooting them doesn't help
- he notices you biting your knuckles one day when you're talking with a few of his colleagues
Y/N nods absently, not really paying attention to the conversation as it happened. The attention was directed directly to them, since the conversation was about their bosses new lover, but Y/N felt more like an object then a person. They bit down particularly hard after a question about their sex life and winced, pulling their knuckle away in suprise. Crimson appeared immediately, wrapping a damp paper towel around it and glaring at the loan sharks.
"That's not a real appropriate question, is it fellas?"
A chorus of apologies and excuses were made, but Crimson paid them no mind. He shot the question asker and Y/N smiled faintly as the others scrambled quickly.
Crim applied more pressure to the bleeding knuckle and Y/N pulled away, recoiling.
"No, it's okay. I was a little too late to get that stupid finger out of your mouth."
"It's okay. I didn't even realize."
"You have a million little fidget things, you don't even use them."
The question was surly, but Y/N simply ignored it. They held Crimson's hand, using their thumb to play with his.
"I guess I just like your hands better."
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reluctanttrabbit · 1 month
vanessa goes and also smuggles Freddy to one of Gregory's soccer games
vanessa or gregory has a nightmare and the other is there for them
vanessa had a bad day yesterday and Gregory with the help of freddys head attempts to make her breakfast in bed the next morning
vanessa and Freddy help Gregory out when he gets freaked out about his amnesia again
tony ellis and Gregory hang at the fazcade but it drags back old memories
YAY THESE R SO CUTE AUGHHHH thank you... for saving me! i was so thirsty!!! /ref
will definitely do more of these prompts buttttt i want to go to bed lmao so this is all u get for now :3 idk idk let me know if you want me to tag you when i update this!!
Fluttering in and out of consciousness, a very comfortable Vanessa hears commotion from somewhere inside the apartment.
Her eyes were heavier than Freddy's head, and her mountain of blankets weighed her down. Why was she awake, again?
I think.... I heard something. Maybe it was Gregory.
That works like a charm. She can slowly feel herself gain more energy to shift out of bed and sit up. Nail polish and clutter fall off of her side table as she reaches for her phone. Vanessa groans.
Fine, I can just walk without a light. I should know where all my furniture is from memory.
Her feet immediately catch on a pile of laundry she'd been neglecting. "Shit," she whispers as she hops until she regains balance. Vanessa steps more carefully this time, successfully feeling for the door frame and switching the light on.
There's a faint.. sniffing kind of noise. Then it goes quiet.
Her heart beats faster as she jogs to Gregory's room, feeling for the walls. It's right at the end of the hall.
Gregory's 'room' (a room she once used for art and sewing crafting, now containing just a makeshift bed and spare furniture) was pitch black; save for Freddy charging on the desk beside his bed. The beam of his eyes allowed her to see just half of Gregory's face.
"Are you okay? Did anything happen?" she runs a hand through her untamed bedhead.
"Oh. Um, I just heard.. you walking around, so I wanted to make sure, uh, it was you. I'm a light sleeper, sorry." Vanessa noticed how Gregory sniffed in between some of his words. Her limited view of him appeared as if he was on edge. Scared.
"..You sure?"
He fidgets with his sweater sleeves.
It had only been a week since Vanessa took in this stubborn, brave, creative kid. After five days of going through hell together in that mega mall. A hell that she took part in, god, maybe even orchestrated--
That wasn't me. It was never me. I got him out. We're safe.
She couldn't blame him for being so guarded. Especially towards her.
Ness leans on his doorframe. "Look, I um.." she pauses, unsure of where shes going with this.
"I would never want to discount how brave you are. You have ten times the courage I did at your age. But that doesn't mean... you're never scared."
Isn't that kind of contradictory?? She thinks. Gregory's eyebrows furrow; he's just as lost as Vanessa.
"Okay, I'm really sleep deprived. Crap." she mumbles. "What I mean to say is that I don't want you to be scared of being scared. You can.. talk to me about nightmares and stuff. You don't have to push down your fears anymore."
He doesn't respond, looking at the wall for a bit. Vanessa fidgets with her hair.
"It was about the animatronics," Gregory breathes out. "but y- Vanny wasn't there. I don't remember.. seeing her." He motions for Vanessa to come closer. She doesn't hesitate, sitting at the edge of the mattress.
"They chased me out of the pizzaplex doors, and then we were on that hill. But Roxy dragged me back and then I was in some kind of.. mirror maze? It was on fire, and I had to get low to the ground."
Vanessa listens intently. "But Monty started crawling after me, and he got my leg. Then they all started... Um. And then I saw that other rabbit in the mirror right before I woke up."
They both freeze.
"I don't know, the locations didn't make that much sense. But I could see every single detail of the characters. I could feel everything." His voice shakes, right before tears start to form.
Vanessa felt a pang in her heart. She had no idea whether to comfort him or let him come to that decision himself.
"...Could you stay in here for the night? Like, bring an extra mattress maybe.." he trailed off, wiping his eyes.
"Uh- of course. Yeah, I have a sleeping bag somewhere." she takes off to the hallway closet, leaving Gregory to sit and wait.
He stares into the corner of the room. Into the shadows. Something looks like it's there, but his brain knows it's nothing.
With nothing to do with his hands, he hugs one of his pillows. I wish Freddy didn't weigh a million pounds. He glances at the Glamrock Freddy plush sitting on the floor.
Gregory sighs, leaning over to grab it and fitting it into his arms.
"Is this good now?" Vanessa asks, sitting up in her sleeping bag and attempting to read Gregory's face in the darkness. He nods, seemingly content and burrowing back into his blanket.
Vanessa smiles and makes herself comfortable.
"Tomorrow I could go out shopping for your room, if you want." She stares up at the ceiling, envisioning where she would go. "Maybe some glow in the dark stars? My ceiling was full of 'em when I was younger."
Gregory made a sound that seemed like "mhm." He sounded ready to fall asleep right there and then. Vanessa wondered if her being here made him feel more safe.
"Night, Nessa." he mumbled
"Night, Greg."
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youreirrelevant · 2 years
I'd Love To Take You Down And Leave You There
pairing: kendall roy/reader
summary: You feel kind of stupid for asking him to coach you, cause, like. Who doesn’t know how to do this? Still, he sounds pretty while he does, voice deep, enunciating and hitting the consonants in this really satisfying way. And, unbeknownst to you, he’s getting a very sick feeling of glee talking you through it. Heart hammering against his chest, too excited to see what you’ll do.
“Then you just inhale. Quickly.”
words: 9506
tags: EXPLICIT, angst and a little fluff? weird power play stuff, coerced drug use, and therefore dubcon, choking, slapping, hair-pulling, manhandling in general, SUPER unhealthy relationship, emotional manipulation, friends to lovers ig, unprotected sex, drug and alcohol use, suicide and death mentions, degradation, corruption kink?? sadism and masochism and also sadomasochism, spitting in someone's mouth, references to sexual acts like shining a shoe with your tongue, face-fucking, and water breathplay, non-negotiated kink
a/n: idk i watched prague and saw how Kendall could be a manipulative sadist (along with his established masochistic tendencies) and decided to go with it.
35 Hudson Yards. Limestone and glass; eight sleek tiers. Wealth, abundance. An eighth of an ounce. Crazy. Some things slotted into place so easily for Kendall Roy, and others, not so much.
You have to tip your head back to look up at it. So far back your mouth has to fall open.
You’d been to the old apartment, or at least, the old building. Dragged to Greg’s party, though if it was even his to begin with was debatable. He seemed worn out about halfway through, slumped above his guests. You felt deep empathy for him then-all the people and the noise, it was exhausting. And if it had been where you lived, well, you’d probably be a little more than tired. Angry, really. The friend who had brought you there had gone off somewhere, with someone, else, and you felt practically paralyzed by the intensity of it. Flush with one of the pillars between the windows, trying not to look as overwhelmed as you felt. The lively atmosphere had been fun at first, but now you’re alone among a bunch of bodies-people you don’t know, a place far out of your reach.
The edge of your phone hit against your palm in a slow, steady tempo, your other hand swinging it, needing something to fidget with. You could’ve looked at it, scrolled through Twitter or something to pass the time, but you felt the need to watch, see where everyone was and what they were doing. Hypervigilant. Which is how you saw him, headed your way from your left. His eyes looked dark in the low lighting, lingering on some of the faces he passed, some of their bodies. But he kept moving forward, seemingly your way, so, your eyes didn’t leave him.
A woman passed him as he emerged into your little bubble by the windows, and his head swiveled to check her out, too. Your eyes swept over his profile quickly, pouty lips and prominent nose, thick lashes and the gentle slope of the back of his head. Baby hairs neat at the nape of his neck. A little rush of heat ran over your skin, and you bit the very inside of your bottom lip. Your hand had stilled, phone heavy where it lay. Finally, he looked at you, first his head and then his eyes soon after, gave you what seemed to be the required once over as he sipped some drink from a can. Like something you’d see at a frat party, juxtaposed against the high ceilings of the apartment, and the dark sweater he wore that just looked expensive.
“Hey, you, uh, tweaking over here? Take something too strong?”
Words slurred on a deep voice, and he sounded more curious than concerned. Did you look that nervous? There was an urge to try and hide your phone out of embarrassment, still poised as it had been when you had checked him out yourself, but you instead clung on to it tighter. You must’ve taken too long to answer, because he took another sip, eyebrows raised inquisitively.
“Uh, no. I’m just… not big on parties,” as if to illustrate, or to make sure that’s actually where you were, you glanced to the crowd. Your stomach turned at the sight of it, at the knowledge that there was so much space and it was all filled up.
“Uh-huh,” he sounded condescending, dismissive. His eyes scraped down your body, slower this time, and you couldn’t tell if he liked what he saw or was judging you deeply. You tried not to squirm under the scrutiny, only allowing yourself to press the toe of your right shoe into the top of your left. There was just a small gap between his eyelids, the length of those lashes almost touching his cheeks, and you hated how you were annoyed with him but felt a weird, compelling force drawing you toward him. Gravity.
Somehow, over the music and voices, you heard him click his tongue against the roof of his mouth, as if he’d made up his mind. Not that you could tell what his decision was from it.
“So,” he looked back up to you, put his free hand in his pocket, and you saw him sway a bit on his feet, “did you come here with someone?”
You rotated your phone in your grasp, the screen now pressed into your left palm, fingers and thumb wrapped around the edges.
“Yeah, just my friend. She ran off with someone earlier.” To do who knows what.
He stepped closer to you, narrowed his eyes a bit like he was trying to remember, see if he knew you. How he wouldn’t know by then-
“What’s your name?” You felt like you were being interrogated, like you weren’t allowed to be there or something. Brows pinched and rose in the middle, imploringly, lips pursed just a bit. Still, you gave it to him, with what you hoped was a normal and not at all suspicious amount of hesitation.
Dude didn’t even have the decency to give his back.
“Do you have her number- your, uh, friend? Like, could you text her to tell her where you are?”
Okay, you were really confused. She already knew where you were-
“You know, if you wanted to leave? With me?” There was an edge of annoyance, like you should’ve known that’s what he was getting at, where all the questions were headed. And maybe you should’ve? You looked off into the middle distance, frustrated and looking for answers. Pressed your fingertips into the bridge of your nose.
“You’re kind of rude. I’m clearly anxious and you come over here and ask me a million questions, and you don’t even give me your name, and aren’t you drunk?”
His face split in a big, toothy grin, filled with way too much mirth and incredulity. Corners of his eyes crinkled up prettily, and despite your glaring you’re charmed by it.
“I’m Kendall,” he says it like its so fucking obvious. How would you not know? Your eyes flickered around again, as if you were searching your brain for actual clues. He stood there, watching, and you felt stupid.
“Oh.” He nods his head exaggeratedly at your realization, eyes closed, eyebrows raised again in a superior way that pissed you off but made your stomach flip. It was surprising. Flattering, in a way, that he’d shown interest in you. It wasn’t supposed to be, as if he deigned you, a mere peasant, worthy of his time. (And he probably knew you were one, too, with that heavy appraisal he had given you earlier. Just from the material of your clothes, the way you held yourself.) You tried to put aside the other reasons that it was flattering-that you found him attractive. And charming. Somehow.
“You’re drunk,” you reiterated.
Kendall smiled again, like he knew something he shouldn’t. Then, he sighed, through his nose.
“One more question. It’s the last one. Promise,” you gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he meant to cross over his heart, but instead he crossed his fingers. Drunk.
“Sure,” the disbelief in your tone was clear.
“Can I at least get your number?”
Surprised again, written all over your face in the way it slackened, eyes widened. You really thought he’d just move on, (and he would, afterwards, for the night.) Blinking it away-unaware of the way his sluggish mind tried to figure out the length of your lashes as you did it-you moved your phone into your back pocket, and held your hand out for his.
“Yeah, sure,” pressed your lips together to stop from smiling bashfully, your mood turning on a dime from the question.
Kendall handed it over-you wondered if he had more than one, if he carried them both? Or all? With him everywhere, and what he used for his business phone, since this was an iPhone-and you entered your number and name into his contacts. He watched as you did it, noted the way you didn’t give yourself a cute little nickname, or use emojis. It’s your full, government name. He also watched the way you went into the notes section, and stop-started several, embarrassing times, on putting in where you both met. The implication-that he’s so drunk he wouldn’t remember-made you reconsider, but the fact that he actually might not had you eventually doing it.
You gave it back with a nervous smile, and his index finger brushed yours as he took it. It was so, so stupid how you had to stop yourself from reacting, like this was Pride & Prejudice or something.
“Well, I’ll… see you around.”
“Uh, yeah,” hopefully.
When Kendall turned from you, you made the decision to find the friend who dragged you here in the first place.
And he, well. He could feel all that weight settled on his shoulders again, on his chest. Seemed like it could pull him through the floor, through all of them, and down into the molten earth where he belonged. Where he’d burst into a cloud of red steam, the pressure finally released.
Until then, a little thought kept him above, like a bobber on the water, half submerged-
You were really easy.
It’s dark out; a little late. A chill in the air, a little more than what one would expect for an April night. You’re trying your damnedest to see the top of this building, where he is. Like you would see him looking down, down the length of his nose, and almost all 92 stories of this thing, to your minuscule-insignificant- form at the bottom. The idea makes you tingle all over.
You run the pad of your thumb over the freshly filed-short edge of your nail, the one on your index finger. It wasn’t for him-your irregular, at-home manicure just happened to have… happened, the day before. He messaged today, a few hours ago. At dusk, the shadows long outside your apartment window. Asking you to come over, very nonchalant. Said he hasn’t seen you in a while, which is true. You didn’t get to see him often before, but after his press conference, you were lucky to get even a text. Not that you expected it, thought that he would- or wanted him- to prioritize you. He had kids and a divorce and this legal battle and his family.
No, definitely didn’t feel that pull in your chest, that need to see whatever he felt you deserved to. Cracking him open, like a door pulled apart by a crowbar. When you relaxed, the shards would almost fall right back into place.
Walking through the lobby, up to a desk, (that you found out was for the hotel in the building,) asking where the elevator for the penthouse was, (there were four,) you feel so out of place. Worried that you’re somehow going to put chips or scratches in the marble floor as you move across it. The elevator itself is spacious and luxurious, which you’re thankful for because it’s a long ride. Polished, mirror finish walls, so you can watch yourself anxiously pick at the sleeve of your jacket. Watch the numbers climb as you did, a sleek digital readout above the doors.
You’d heard he was unraveling. Confident and self-assured before, but now he’s backsliding. It made sense; there were awful, shameful, things being said, that hurt his credibility. Some of them by his own sister. (And you felt so fucking ridiculous, because this stuff would come out and you’d cringe, but you still felt bad for him. Remembered that vacant gaze that threatened to suck your very heart from your chest; a black hole.)
A crisp, modern ‘ding!’ and the doors slide open. You knew it would open right into his apartment, but it was still weird. Like you were intruding. You step into it, look down at the dark wood floors-those are definitely actual wood, not the cheap laminate (duh!)-and decide to take off your shoes. Straight off the elevators is a hallway, to the right. It opens up to a massive… living room? That feels insufficient, but you can’t think of the proper word for it.
Everything is cream, gray-blue, pops of dark wood. It’s not as sterile as other places, but it still doesn’t feel much like a home. The room is divided into four: a couple seating areas, a bar. A dining room, hidden by an obnoxiously large fireplace. You find him in on the L-shaped couch. Hunched over a round, glass-top coffee table from his seat on it. (It was clearly dragged closer, rug bunched up beneath it.) A scene from a movie; a rolled bill, a vehicle to bring the coke from the table into his nose. The hand on the opposite side is plugging that nostril, pushing the outside against his septum with his index finger. Kendall audibly sniffs, his brows furrowing a little bit as he does it.
You’re frozen in place. Mesmerized by it, by the way he sits up straight and looks up to the ceiling, savoring however it's making him feel. Intruding- you shouldn’t be here. You’ve come around after the drugs have been done, when he’s already chatty and touchy, pupils eating pretty hazel eyes. But it's on the table, and he cut the lines himself, and he’s wiping away whatever fell to his philtrum with his knuckle. It feels way too intimate, and you feel like you should leave, but another part of you wants to see more.
Kendall’s dragging the proximal section of his index finger under his nose, all of his fingers curling as his hand tilts back, and he looks at you without an ounce of surprise. If anything, he looks at you like you’re doing exactly what he wanted, standing just at the entrance of some room that was too damn big, holding your shoes in one hand, not sure where to put them. You look sweet, like you always do. Unfamiliar with it all, the skyscrapers and the money and the people.
And, of course, the drugs.
If you had to guess, you’d say there’s fourteen feet between you. He doesn’t stand to greet you, and you don’t move, either.
“Hey. How was the, uh, the ride here?” Perfunctory; he asked that every time you met him somewhere, every time he sent a car for you. Sometimes he seemed to care more than others. The words jumped off his tongue, rushed, for him. But it felt more like he was just trying to get it out of the way.
You bring your shoes over to rest in front of your thighs, laying them lengthwise, slipping as many fingers of your right hand into the collars as will fit beside your left. You try not to spend too long studying him, try not to find weird patterns in it all. He’s wearing all black, a thick sweater with the sleeves pulled halfway up his forearms, (lean and spotted with the occasional mole or freckle,) slacks that pull taut over his thighs, and hang perfectly creased from his knees. Dressed dark, like when you first met. Big hands hang loosely between his parted legs, and you make it a point to not linger there, eyes darting back up to his.
“Yeah, it was… okay. Y’know. Pretty normal.”
He’s looking up at you from where he’s still perched on the edge of the couch, the only real giveaway that he’d just done something being the way he taps his finger against the back of the opposite hand. Incessant, maybe a little faster than he meant to. That- as you thought of it, privately, stupid, not at all attractive- pinky ring he wears sometimes feels heavy and cool on his skin.
“So, did I, like, come here too early, or…?”
There’s that smile again, a mischievous little v. A secret.
“No, you, uh, got here right on time, actually.”
Kendall always said some shit that sent you reeling. Something weird. He either thought very hard about what he was going to say, or not at all. You scratch the skin just behind your right ear, leaning your head into it, eyes narrowed as you think.
He moves to cut the cocaine into smaller, shorter lines, and you watch, mouth falling open, arm relaxing to allow your hand to curl into a loose fist in front of your throat. The cogs were turning, and you didn’t like how the teeth were fitting together.
“I want you to try this.”
A little tug, not even a full rotation on the handle of the fishing reel.
“The coke?”
Stops dead in his tracks, the heavy, metal card coming to a halt midway through dividing the aforementioned drug. He looks at you like you’re fucking stupid, a nasty habit of his, and you scoff, looking at him like he’s fucking insane.
“Kendall-“ you never call him Ken, not even when you’re being soft with him. You’d never admit to it, but it was deferential. And he’d never admit to it, but it hurt.
“What? I know you want to,” he’s being playful about it, singing the words, like he’s asking you to do something benign, like fucking- Skinny dipping. Smoking weed. Drinking some liquor out of a parents’ cabinet. You try to ignore the almost tactile, magnetic feeling, bringing you toward him. Toward what he’s asking of you. Toward what you sadly want.
“No, you don’t know, actually.”
He rotates slightly to face you better. His eyes are hard. Knowing.
“Yes, I do. Come on. Fucking, get over here and snort this. I wanna see how big your pupils get.”
Butterflies, heat seeping downward, you tuck your bottom lip beneath your teeth. Skimming just beneath the water's surface; trembling with the effort to stay submerged. To say no.
“They’re small lines. It’ll be fine. I promise.”
He promises. You guessed he would know, how much was too much, when to stop. He could be a dick, but he’d never let you get hurt. (Right?) Rationalizing it; just once would be fine. Lots of people did it casually. It might be fun. It could be a bonding experience. You might understand him more. It might impress him. You’re gripping your shoes so tight that the fabric squeaks. Looking everywhere but him, brows furrowed in thought, knowing that the only thing that would sway you is the way he looks.
Fuck. It's painful. It literally hurts. The curiosity is pulling at your chest. Despite yourself, you look to him, like he could give you the answer, (though it really wasn’t a question.) You see the way he’s still watching you, his breathing a little heavy from the way his heart is surely racing, chest rising and falling, pressing against the confines of his shirt just enough to be seen.
It all crumbles. Your resolve, your posture, literally slumping in defeat.
You move to close the distance, and it feels so much wider than it looked. Kendall looks downright victorious, eyes glittering with pride and excitement. Sitting next to him, placing your shoes on the floor and flexing your hand from its tense hold, and trying not to touch his knee with yours. As if all your thoughts would transfer through diffusion, and he’d jump away. Really know.
Nervously, you wipe your hands on your thighs, attempting to still the shaking. The proximity lets you smell him; a spicy, woodsy cologne, the crispness of his soap, the sweetness of cigarette smoke. Familiar, and sorely missed.
“So, uh-“ a breathless, stunted laugh, “how do I-“
Long fingers reach out to pick up the rolled bill-you see the familiar orange and blue of the 100- holding it delicately as he hands it to you. Looking to him with an anxious little smile, and he gives you a patronizing one back. It’s almost soothing.
“You just hold one end up to your nose,” you lean forward over the table, thick clear glass, that reflects the image of the powder back at you. “Its easier if you plug the other nostril,” he supplies, and you feel kind of stupid for asking him to coach you, cause, like. Who doesn’t know how to do this? Still, he sounds pretty while he does, voice deep, enunciating and hitting the consonants in this really satisfying way. And, unbeknownst to you, he’s getting a very sick feeling of glee talking you through it. Heart hammering against his chest, too excited to see what you’ll do.
“Then you just inhale. Quickly.”
Nodding, trying to look confident, but your hearts going so fast you wonder if any amount would kill you. You bring the hundred up to your right nostril, plug the left, line up- then pull away, sitting up straight. Roll your shoulders back, take a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Okay. Yeah, okay.”
Like jumping straight into the pool to get the shock of the cold over with, you do it. Fast. And then recoil, face scrunching up at the sting, a floral scent leaking through the pain. Kendall claps you on the back, like you’re bros or something, says something to the effect of ‘atta girl,’ but you’re just trying to right yourself. Wondering why your heart is still racing, when you did the thing that scared you.
Duh. Fucking, duh. That’s how it's supposed to feel, dumbass.
In a way similar to what he did earlier, you look at the ceiling, eyes fluttering as they make their way. Not out of appreciation, though. Just trying to feel it. His hand rubs over your upper back in wide swipes, and the touch is searing. You definitely got what you wanted, ‘cause he is impressed. Beaming, eyes all over you, taking in the way you shake, the quickening of your breathing, the way you wet your lips and swallow hard.
Up in the air, dangling on his hook.
You practically toss the money onto the coffee table, needing to get your jacket off. Now. Fastened with big metal buttons that feel like ice against your fingertips. He watches you fumble with them, and without a thought reaches out to help, scoffing, like you fucking asked. Like he doesn’t know the way it cuts through the drugs to almost stop your heart. Your hands just sort of hang in the air as he does it, as you watch him, fingers nimble as they break each button’s hold. Nauseous, self-conscious at your ragged breathing when he makes quick work of the fastenings over your chest, holding your breath so you might not push into him.
“You don’t have to- you don’t have to fucking-“
But you don’t move to stop him, and he grabs the fabric under your bust, bunching it up to lift the hem away from your hips so his hands don’t have to be in the junction of your thighs to undo the last one.
Oh. Okay.
Mercifully, he doesn’t push it off your shoulders, too. You do it yourself, feeling infantilized, letting it pool on the cushion behind you. You realize you still have a sweater on beneath it, an itchy wool mix, and you feel a little flash of anger. Short nails scratch deep through the material on your arm, and you turn a bit to face him better.
“Well? How does it feel?”
It's like everything bubbles to the surface when you see his face up close, the lights catching his eyes in this perfect way that makes the golden brown and flecks of green shine in a thin line around his pupils. Unabashed, your own pupils like saucers, letting in more light, more him. Sweeping over the straight line of his nose, the five o’clock shadow, and where it's darker above his upper lip. Pink lips, (pinker than normal, surely flushed from the drugs,) that look absurdly soft and plush, that you’ve seen stick together just a bit when he goes to speak.
“Uh, it, uh, it feels-“
Those very lips pull upward smugly, and your eyes flit to his, caught. But he doesn’t seem phased, just makes sure you’re still watching, turns his head, and wets the tip of his finger before dipping it in one of the lines, making a little crater in the soft powder. You squeeze your wrist tightly, and try not to think of the way his tongue glistened, how soft it’d feel. Or how firm it could.
Fingers then curl around your chin, pulling down softly, and you hesitate, but offer little resistance as he tugs a little harder, tells you to open your mouth, his voice low and raspy.
His finger slips under your upper lip, the delicate skin catching on it, lifting to reveal your teeth, and presses against the hard ridge of your gums. Warm and slimy beneath the broad, squared pad of his fingertip. Kendall rubs the coke in, tingly numbness left in his wake. You’re looking at each other so intently, his eyes half-lidded as he watches what he’s doing, thick lashes creating a dark band. You lean into his touch, eager for more, for something else, fingers inside other places, wetter and more forgiving.
The air is humid between you as he pulls his finger from your mouth, and you can’t help but look down at it, see the shine of spit. Literally biting your tongue, to stop yourself from asking him to force as many digits into you as he can. He takes in your pensive face, wonders what you’re keeping from him. He has ideas, obviously. Suggestions, even.
"Do you want more?”
Didn’t you just have more? You chew on your lip, take stock of how you feel. There’s a bitter taste in your mouth; you can barely feel your teeth where they dig into soft skin. Everything else is still very much there, the heat and thrum of your heart all over. The anxiety. This itchy need.
And want. Greediness, for him, and more. Just to see. Seeking knowledge.
“Is that… safe?”
One of Kendall’s broad hands rests on your arm, a firm and reassuring press. You look up at him with big, glossy eyes, and he feels his own need that he needs to scratch. The other side of the coin from yours.
“If you do just a, fucking, little bit, then, yeah.”
He drops his hand so he can turn away, towards the coffee table, and you miss his touch and full attention so much you could cry. The credit card clacks against the polished surface, and you lock your fingers to stop from touching him. You wished you had no inhibitions. You wished you could cross the threshold that he had, touch him in ways friends shouldn’t. That’s what this was supposed to be, getting over whatever childish bullshit kept you from honesty. Get it out, get it over with. Maybe the drugs will smooth it over, mixed with water into a paste to fill the cracks.
Kendall cuts bigger lines, and smaller. Thinks of the weight of that, what it means. What he was doing to you. What you were letting him do. A touch, a look, a change in tone. He’d sat at the water's edge, hook beneath the surface. A novice; everyone else’s coolers were full. Plenty of fish to be eaten, but he was about to starve. Weeks since a catch. The sun was low on the horizon, glittering red and orange against the water between the shadows of the trees.
A fish on the end of his line, hungry for the bait. A fight so weak the pole barely bows. Then, he has you, the tiniest, saddest, most-insignificant little thing he’d ever seen.
Gasping and wriggling in his palm. He has all the power, to let you have the water. To eat you.
Learned behaviors.
He inhales a long line for himself, thinking too damn much. Burns throughout his nose and sinuses, but he doesn’t do much to show it, just scrunches his nose, licks along his upper incisors. He feels hot and reckless again, heart racing against his breastbone to propel him forward, into action. Pushes his sleeves back up around his elbows, and you watch, see the way his fingers grip the fabric, the way muscles tense under tanned skin. He unrolls the hundred deftly, folds it over lengthwise to try and stop it rolling back in on itself. Then, he scoops some of the cocaine up in the valley created by the crease. Turns to you again, and you bring your knee up on the couch to face him better. With his left hand he makes a loose fist, thumb resting on top of his index finger, creating a nice flat surface to sprinkle some of the drug onto.
You’re looking at him with those fucking eyes again. He’s almost overcome with jealousy; the boldness of it.
“Um, off your-“
“Uh-huh,” drawn out, a little impatient, wondering why you were acting weird when his finger had just been in your mouth.
No big deal. Totally normal. What was snorting some coke off each other’s hands between friends? You lean down a little, maintaining eye contact to see if he’s joking. Kendall raises his hand a bit to make it easier, thinks thoughts that are only natural when you’re high, and him. The upper ridge of your cupid's bow touches the back of his hand, first, and you jump back, readjusting the angle. He wonders if you’ll reach out and grab his arm, maneuver it down so you can be above a little more, but instead you just sit a little straighter, and he knows then that you aren’t high enough to be fucking honest with him. (Maybe after this you would be.) The hard tip of your nose presses into that delicate skin, right next to where the webbing between his thumb and index finger begins. Like last time, you do it fast; your lips brush his wrist, you don’t get it all.
It hurts worse this time. It's all worse. Your ears ring, your heart beats so fast you wondered if there was any equation in the world that could calculate just how fast. Your hand reaches out to grasp his upper arm, holding on tight in an attempt to bring you back to earth. Eyes squeezed shut, feeling like you can’t breathe for a second before the heavy, panting breaths come. When you’re finally convinced you won’t die, you open your eyes and look at him again. Take him in as a whole, from widow’s peak to slightly dimpled chin. Freckles, shine on his face. Nothing in the way; the wall is gone.
You kiss him so hard your noses crush. It hurts, and you pull away with a huff of laughter before going back in. Hand cradling his jaw, index finger resting over his ear. Rain after a long and humid day; it felt like a release. Relieving to do it, and to know that he wants it, too. Kissing you back just as feverishly, hand sliding along the side of your neck to slip his fingers into the hair at the base of your skull. Gripping tight, pulling your lips from his just long enough for you to gasp in excitement, repositioning you so that he has control. Little puffs of air from your nose against his cheek, while he slips his tongue into your mouth.
Every sensation is intensified, brand new. Sends a fresh bolt of anticipation through you. The taste of his mouth and breath, pulling back just to feel each other’s lips again. Wanting to savor it but wanting to go forward and see more. His nose is tucked into your cheek; he can smell your skin, feel the warmth of your flush. It's messy and sloppy but it feels a little sweet to him, because it's you. An air of tenderness, a care that he did not deserve.
Kendall pulls you by your hair to lay you back on the couch cushions, torso following yours, lips still pressed together, perfect pressure. Legs are pulled up to be level with bodies. One of his thighs slips between yours, and the barest amount of friction makes you sigh. You’re so wet, the muscle of his leg pushes sticky cool fabric against your cunt. You don’t miss how hard he is against your hip, and the further confirmation of reciprocation makes you feel weak, makes your heart flutter even more. Somehow.
It feels too cute. Too virginal- innocent. Like the heavy breathing and hurried pulses are from nerves, from inexperience. You feel empty. You want everything he can possibly give you. You want him to take his shirt off so you can see the chest that will sometimes strain against buttons on crisp white dress shirts; you want him to keep it on so it feels even more hurried. You want him to touch your clit, with his fingers or his tongue or his fucking nose. You want him to slap you, your face, your pussy. You want him to say something so fucking mean it makes you cry.
He slips a hand under your sweater, presses against the soft skin of your stomach just enough for it to dimple. It's hot; he can feel your pulse against his palm, rapid and hard. The little gap created by his wrist lets cool air in, and it feels so fucking good. You arch your back just enough to push against his hand, pulling your hand away so you can grab his. Kendall’s eyebrows raise in surprise as your fingers dig into his wrist, as you use the grip to rotate his hand and push his fingertips below the waist of your jeans.
And he doesn’t move. Let’s it rest, pulls his head back so he can look down at you with a restrained smile. That was audacious, honest, real.
“Kendall, fucking-“
He applies pressure to that sensitive portion of lower stomach, letting his closed-mouth grin spread across his face. Playful; Duchenne. Boyish.
“Come on. Please?”
Using both hands to unbutton, unzip, just to be faster. Because, despite the teasing, he really did want you wrapped around him. Wondered just how wet you’d be, how tight you’d be, how soft. Once his hand is beneath the soft fabric (not expensive or lacy or mesh; he’s kind of shocked at the idea that you didn’t wear anything special on the off chance something might happen,) he doesn’t mess around. Sinks his middle finger between your lips to press against your clit.
There isn’t much room, between his thigh and the jeans, so you scoot away a bit, part your legs to make some. His hand follows, uses the spread to press his index and ring fingers into your vulva on either side of his middle finger. Swirls them; they glide so easily you feel a little pang of embarrassment. It’s already so much, senses heightened. Feels like he’d been doing it for a while, halfway there. He presses harder, and you let out a startled little moan.
Then, he’s slipping lower. His inclination is to tease, to dip his fingertip in and see how you react. But he sees the way you’re getting so excited at just the prospect, lip bitten white, eyes looking down to see whatever you can of his hand in your pants, willing him to do it. So, he does. Two fingers, all at once, until his knuckles are flush with your skin. You make a shocked sound, like a scoff, wiggling your hips at the stretch. He seeks out, and finds too fast, that rough spot inside you. Curls his fingers and presses deep against it, so precise that your knees wobble, you groan.
He starts to fuck you with them, slow but rough. Exacting. Your head tips back; it’s perfect. You wanted this so bad, for so long. Thought about it all the time. Stared at his hands and studied the width of his fingers and tried to imagine just how much it’d ache.
“I still can’t believe you actually fucking did that.”
Dragging your eyes up to his, trying not to think of the fact that the oft-mentioned coil is already beginning to tighten.
Right. The coke.
Another breathless chuckle. Anxiety surges in your chest. He sees it- quickens his pace to make your eyes flutter.
“Um, well-“
“But you would do anything I told you to.”
It was like you were trying to hide behind a piece of straw. Of fucking course he could see you, see through you. He pressed a little and you gave. He pulled, and you followed, on a leash. Anything, he could say anything and you’d do it. Let him fuck your face. Polish his shoes with your tongue. See how long you could hold your breath underwater, (because he’s holding you there.) If he gave an ounce of affection in return, that’s all you would need. This, well this was almost too generous.
Slower now, more sensual, long drags against your g-spot that made you whimper. You kinda hope his sleeve will fall down his arm, and rub your pubic mound raw.
“Is it too much?” It’s not sweet by any means. Either way, he plans on giving more.
“N-no. It’s-“ He doesn’t even let you finish, just starts fingering you almost viciously, digits hooking over and over to pull and pull it out of you. Kendall couldn’t remember the last time he wanted to make someone cum this much. He thought that, maybe, if he gave you something, if he gave you a few things, it’d make up for all the taking.
You’re so close- he can tell. Your hips jump up to try and meet his fingers, and he has to pin them down so he can be more precise. It practically makes you melt- the manhandling. Every ounce of heat, all the buzzing, itching want, pooled in one spot, ready to pop. Quick bursts of moans, every exhale, thighs shaking and hands grasping. At his shoulder, feeling the flex of his trapezius as he holds you down.
You get so tense you forget the need for air, big pauses between these tiny breaths.
“Breathe,” honey? Baby? Girl? Just a little something, to bridge the gap.
He sounds strained, like he’s fighting against you. It tightens more, impossibly. Then finally, finally, clamps down and holds, and as it lets go-
Slides into pulsing, almost gripping so tight he can’t move his fingers. Frantic breaths, patchy moans. Kendall feels you soften further around his digits, thinks about how perfect you’d feel around his cock. And Christ, do you want it. You hadn’t even fully come down from your orgasm before you were thinking of the next, of cumming around something more substantial. It’d be so easy, too- always so quick to after the first one, and even quicker after the next. A dam breaking. Raining harder.
His fingers slip from you, watery strings of wetness between them. And before you can tell him not to, tell him to wipe it on you so it could be dirty and messy and dry down flaky on your skin, he’s sucking it off them. Inhaling deeply. Groaning a little. Really enjoying it. It makes your mouth water; it makes you want to reciprocate. Some other time, hopefully.
You sit up a bit, reach forward and grab the waistband of his slacks, pulling him forward. They feel crisp and starched (do they starch them?) He almost wants to stop you. Is this too far? Is this unfair? You were both high, but there was a clear imbalance here. And he was afraid, that if they kept going, he might lean into it. He’s sat up on his knees above you, and you straighten further, slipping your fingers deeper into his pants to get a better grip on them, nails smooth and scorching against his skin. They slide to meet in the center, grab the flaps of the fly, and you look up at him through your lashes. Eyes dark. Demanding.
“Fuck me?”
Looking down his nose, a strange mix of emotions. You’re too good for him; he shouldn’t even be bothering with you. He knows what you want, and he always has. Pushing each other, but he does a little harder and you fall back. Scramble to be at his feet, and stay there. It feels good to do it. To see a flash of hurt across your face, and the knowledge that your blood runs hot from it is incidental.
He grabs your face, pinky ring digging into the ridge of your jaw, unforgiving. His index finger and thumb press deep into your cheeks; he can feel the upward sweep of your cheekbones. His palm squishes your lips back against your teeth. Your eyelids droop a bit, savoring the pressure. Slowly, you work the button through the hole, testing him.
Kendall slaps you. Really fucking hard. No build-up to it or anything. It’s loud, the metal on his finger feels like it burst blood vessels. He kept his fingers spread a bit, messily, for extra coverage. A thick thumb hits your nose so hard your septum aches. He follows through, too, doesn’t let his hand bounce back once it makes contact. It's a miracle you don't moan.
Just as you’re about turn your head to face him again, working your jaw, his fingers are digging into your cheeks again, so much rougher than last time. Pushing your head back, eliciting a pained noise from you.
“Lay back, if you want me so fucking bad.”
He shoves so hard your neck hurts from the force. You blink up at him, but do as he says, hands pulling away and moving to the place where the cushions meet, tucking your fingers in nervously.
“No,” grabbing a wrist roughly, jerking upward. Awash with shame, hurting for the pride you inspired in him earlier.
“Take your pants off.”
Nodding hurriedly, hands shaking and unstable like they were before. But this time he doesn’t help, backs off the couch so he can do the same. He can feel your eyes all over him; you wanted to do it, but he looks pretty doing it himself. Trying to take it all in, in case this was it. A drug-fueled fuck. You’re distracted, going slow, and he glances your way reproachfully, from where his head is tucked down to watch himself. So, you rush, finally getting the zipper down, hooking your thumbs beneath everything, jeans and underwear. Pushing it down your thighs, watching as he does the same, takes himself into his hand.
You could die. You could burst into flames right then and would be no hotter. Surface of the sun; lightning, even. Paradoxically, you’re frozen, fabric around your knees. Your mouth hung open slightly as he strokes himself a couple times. Remembering the shitty estimates of the size of his hands, and trying to figure out how big he is. Not huge; he didn’t look impossible. But it’d be tight.
The utter lack you felt, (inside, physically,) had you returning to the task at hand, even more eager. Pushing your clothes off your feet, tossing them maybe a little dramatically. Kendall is stepping out of his own to move toward you, and he does hear where the fabric hits the floor a little too far away. And it softens him a little, endears you to him, hurts his heart knowing that you want him that bad. (He, also, feels a little cocky about it.)
Part of him wants to take his time, get a good look at you. Use his fingers to spread you, see parts of you he knows you never thought he would. It was only a matter of time. Galaxies on a collision course; irrevocable changes. Parts of you sent careening into outer space. Was there anyone in the andromeda galaxy to know it would happen? He barely even has to nudge your legs apart, hand just sort of resting atop your thigh as you do it yourself.
He leans over you, and yeah, it’s on a couch, and there are stimulants coursing through both of your veins, but it’s missionary. It’s too intimate, you’re looking up at him with so much want and affection, as if you can’t see what’s wrong with him. That he’s an addict, a fuck-up. That he hurts everyone around him. That he killed someone. He was so sure, that anyone could look into his eyes and read his thoughts and know.
Things keep moving, despite it. He reaches down with a hand to line himself up. He can’t see, but his head just happens to press against your clit in a way that makes you jump. You feel like you’re too excited, and it was probably a mixture of the coke and months of nursing a pathetic crush on him. So hurt by his cruelty, but so enamored with his praise.
Finally, he’s pressing into you, and the stretch makes you whimper, makes your legs part further, hands moving to clutch at his sides. (And your hands are met with fabric, again, and you feel that same anger go through you, slipping away just as fast as it had come on.) His hand rests at the juncture of your hip and thigh, gripping tight, trying to steady himself because it’s always a lot when you’re high like this.
Hips meet, and your head falls back at the feeling, letting out a groan of relief. His lower stomach presses against your clit in a way that makes your skin buzz. You can feel him in your chest; it almost makes you anxious. It’s so much. You open your eyes up to look at him, and his lips are flattened together slightly, he’s almost glaring at you. It feels like your heart is inflating in your chest. He sees you capitulating and it pisses him off.
His hand presses against your sternum to push you further into the couch. Uses his other hand to tilt your hips up, gets up on his knees to rest your ass against the tops of his thighs. No preamble, no easing into it. A rough, unrelenting pace, that has you wincing and gasping in surprise.
The noises you make are almost shameful. Choked sounds of impact, moaning like you’ve been deprived of it for years. You’ll keep realizing what you’re doing, and biting your lip to stifle some of them. You look up to him and see the way his face is pinched in concentration, his eyes watching where your hips meet, the way his mouth will fall open and his brows will wobble like he’s restraining himself, and you feel the need to, too. Clapping your hand over your mouth, hurried breaths making noise over your fingers. And it kind of does it for you. Makes it feel wrong. (As if it wasn’t already.)
Kendall glances up to see you doing it, and he gets a fistful of hair at the scalp, pulls so hard you yelp.
“You were so fucking desperate, and now you’re, what? Embarrassed?”
Your hand is gripping the back of the couch. You want to touch him to appease him, but feel like you aren’t allowed.
“No, I-“ You really are trying to sound serious, but it just sounds breathless and needy.
“Not getting what you want? Am I not being mean enough for you?”
God. You really were transparent. Glass, with all your thoughts printed out in neat script and pressed between the panes. Him knowing hurt; him indulging it made you want him forever.
He’s stunned, honestly. That you would want more. Less, so, that he did too. Wanted to see how far until you’d break. If you even would. What all you would give to him. His hand slides up your chest, wraps around your throat, and you sigh like it’s perfect. Your knees shake and you clench around him. He makes his own muffled sound, lets out a huff of air, and it makes you ache for him.
“Why do you want me so bad, huh? Is it the money? Need someone powerful to put you in your place?”
So heavy. A whirlwind of emotions; you want to kiss him, you want to tell him he’s so pretty and perceptive and smart, but he’s wrong. That he’s everything. You don’t want him to stop.
“You’d let me do anything,” like you needed reminded, “let me drag you down, let me ruin your life. Because you’re so fucking needy.”
Jesus. You wanted to look away; he was right, being proven so every second. Because you were right there, shaking and electric and scorched. It was wrong. He needed you, and you were being selfish. Taking.
Jam-packed with so much emotion it filled him, made him sick with it. Needing him to be nicer to himself, but meaner to you. Like that made any fucking sense. He needs you to cum, to see, to give it to you. The world served up on a platter, if he could get it off his fucking back.
Your lips are already parted, so it’s easy enough for him to slip his fingers inside, press your tongue down. It’s the hand that was in you earlier, and there’s still a lingering taste of yourself, of his spit, the salt of his skin. You do reach out to touch him, then, hand slipping underneath the hem of his sweater. Fingers resting in the groove of his spine. His skin is so soft, hot. Maybe you’re asking too much. Maybe you’re hurting him. He had rubbed your back earlier, in this casual way, like it was nothing. He probably didn’t have some stupid epiphany, then, like you were now. Didn’t feel the life thrumming in your body, and realize that you were just a person.
He spits in your mouth, so disdainfully, and it’s almost tragic how fast you come apart. Clenching over him, so tight he can’t help but groan, (which makes it more intense, makes it all so much worse,) fingers digging into his back, crying out with each wave. Feeling the electricity spark along your nerves.
And as it goes, it feels like something’s pulling behind your ribs. Tugging on your heart, or poking at a bubble, trying to puncture it. Behind your closed eyelids, your eyes sting. Your throat feels tight. He pulls his fingers from your mouth just as it pops, too much. Every sense too alive, brain too wired, emotions too high. Tears slip over your cheeks, your lip wobbles as you let out this pathetic noise, mouth now closed to try and muffle it.
Kendall sees it. There’s no mistaking the way your face falls. He rests his hand on your cheek, goes to stop, and you huff wetly.
It was petulant. Okay? He complies, regains a steady, (but slower,) pace.
You slump into the couch. Liquefying, pooling into the creases of the fabric, slipping between the cushions, dripping onto the floor. Still so sensitive, crying out like you’re right there again, but softer, milder. He’s not sure what to think. He finds you so pretty like this it’s unbearable. The beginnings of a bruise along your jaw, from his ring. Lashes stuck together and glossy. Skin flushed. Pink and wet. So pliant. Completely vulnerable.
And honest. Giving him everything.
“I love you,” painfully heartfelt.
Water over him. God. He didn’t deserve it. He should have to die of thirst. Of hunger. In the desert, vultures circling overhead. Should’ve never been able to sit down by the water and wait.
Your hands are on him, cradling his face, pulling him down to kiss you. It should be slow, it should be tender and gentle. But he won’t let it be. Like you were, earlier. Forceful, desperate. As if, if he pulled away, took a breath, you’d rescind. You’d take it all back. Selfish. If you were going to give it to him, he wanted it all.
Now he’s losing his composure. Brow crumpled, moaning behind his lips. Slipping his hand beneath that stupid shitty cheap sweater to work its way under your (stupid, shitty, cheap,) bra, to feel your pebbled nipple, to see how soft the skin of your breast was. You jolt and arch into the touch, and he bites your lip. He’s getting close; he kind of wants you to cum again. It’d probably be easy, it doesn’t seem like you ever went back down to the base of the hill. Moves his hand down to find your clit so swollen, and you jump at that, too, trying to clutch at the short hair on the back of his head. You cried from the last one and he’s still giving you more.
Kendall’s right. It doesn’t take much, he could probably (probably,) count on both hands how many times he circled his fingers before you were falling again. So sweet, fingers slipping down the back of his neck, molding to him, yielding. You look up to him with so much heat in your eyes it burns. It could go on forever.
It can’t, really. It really is a lot. He looks down where his hips press to yours again. Sees himself disappear; sees you take him. A hand finds your waist, trying to steady himself. You still want him so badly. It’s like each time you see him is the first. He’s shaking; you’re flattered. Grinning like an idiot, and hoping he doesn’t notice. Watching the way his chest heaves, the way his bottom lip hangs to reveal his teeth. Eyes closed, hips going slower like he really wants it to last. You can’t help but tighten around him at the sight, and he gasps, spits out a startled ‘fuck,’ before he’s pulling you down over him, fucking you so harshly you’re stunned.
“Jesus,” it comes out of you so shakily, you almost laugh.
Clutching the armrest behind you, riding it out. Eyes glued to him cause you just have to see. His scrape over you, taking in every inch of you, too, the way you’re still breathing heavily. Can hear over the pounding of his heart in his ears, the way you’re still making eager, hurried sounds. Your eyes meet and his immediately fall closed. Finished. The heel of his hand presses into your lower ribs. Black sleeves have fallen down his arms, and you miss the sight of all his scattered moles. Slow again, moaning softly, and you’re practically giddy that he’s doing it. His hips stutter, press against yours in ways that make you see stars. And then, he stops.
“God. Fuck.” Weak, low, broken. He feels light-headed, all the air from his lungs.
It’s bittersweet. He lays his head on your chest and almost forgets. What he’s done, what he did to you. Drugs, dragging people down. Metaphorically. Literally. He doesn’t say a word, lies there motionless. Listens to your heartbeat, slower than it was before. Studies the fibers in the couch. He can’t say it back. He wants to so badly and he can’t.
You can feel it. The mood shift. It’s a mix for you, too. You know that what Kendall did was wrong. But, you feel fulfilled. (Encompassed; eaten.) You kind of don’t regret it. Know you should, at least the cocaine, but you don’t. It was fun. You did bond with him. Understanding him, though? Another good yank, almost making a hole in the door. (In a house, engulfed in flames; you’re trying to get a door open to go deeper.)
“That was, uh. That was a lot,” it’s a little playful, but he doesn’t laugh.
Muffled. You can hear how his cheek is pressed against your clothes. It hurts and warms your heart all at once.
“I think the coke was too much.”
It’s not dismissive. Just distant. He almost sounds sleepy, if you didn’t know any better. You run your fingers through his hair, and he can hear the way your heart races a little at it. He huffs through his nose, the corners of his lips turn up a bit, just enough for him to feel.
You press your lips to the top of his head, not kissing, just resting there. Breathe deeply, smell the powdery, masculine scent of his hair product.
“I’m not naïve, you know.”
He tenses, not sure what you’re getting at.
“You don’t have to tell me everything, but I do want to help you.”
Murmured into his hair- he feels your breath against his scalp. He wants to melt. Downward, swallowed into the earth, every part of him recycled.
“I don’t think you can.”
Beneath them was an art structure, 150 feet tall, closed from the public because too many people jumped off of it. Sometimes, Kendall would stand in the elevator, on the way up to his penthouse, and think that someone should close that off, too.
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Armand and Marius discuss monogamy. Fic by me. Unfinished, unpolished (obviously). If anyone is interested in beta or co-writing let me know !!! I have a bunch of related drabbles written. Idk if I wanna write the explicit bits cuz I've never done that before. :) constructive criticism welcome, I haven't posted on AO3 (yet)
"I have a terrible idea that you're going to hate.”
“But I think it will be good for us.” Armand fidgeted, hoping his dear Master would at least entertain the idea.
“Tell me, my love.”
Armand bit his lip, slid his hands gently along Marius’s chest. Making himself look irresistibly adorable, as if such a look could make his words more agreeable. “I think we should be exclusive.”
Marius's brows pulled together in confusion. When he didn't speak, Armand clarified quietly, “monogamous.”
Marius had to stifle a laugh. It was, indeed, a terrible idea. Monogamous vampires? And with Armand having a veritable bench of lovers lined up behind him.
“Funny how this idea pops up only when I find myself entangled with another.” Marius thought his child was being transparently jealous.
Armand frowned gently, frustrated with being called out so clearly. “I don't like your fling with Yousef,” he admitted, the familiar pang of jealousy twitching to life in his gut. “But it's more than that, Master. We're trying to rebuild. Everything feels so… raw. And I don't know, I think it would help us focus on each other. Without all the other distractions.” Without Yousef, he didn't say.
Marius thought on this. His thumb stroked softly at Armand's hip. Going exclusive could be very helpful in eliminating some very obvious barriers to their slow rekindling. But it would also be a great way to end up getting cheated on. “Would you forsake your other lovers, Amadeo, truely?” Marius leaned down to brush his lips gently against Armand’s neck, lingering with a kiss at his jaw. “Will you be satisfied with just me?”
Armand turned to meet Marius’s lips for a proper kiss, desire clear in his eyes as he pulled back. “I'm always satisfied by you, Master.” Truely. Armand grinned cheekily, “I may be a bit more demanding though.”
Marius could imagine. He chuckled and kissed his young lover again. “You've always been demanding.” Remember the ax. “my insatiable lover.”
Armand returned the kiss passionately now, feeling very much the demanding lover. His hands slid up over Marius's shoulders, tugging gently for him to lay more fully over him. Marius obliged, settling between Armand’s legs. Pressed flush together now, their tongues met. Armand felt the familiar thrill rush through him. Surrounded by his Master, feeling the hard press of his body atop him. Marius had one hand at his hair, playfully tangling to hold Armand in place. His other caressed his boy’s throat, teasing touch where he knew Armand liked to be choked. Armand made a small sound in the back of his throat, and pressed his hips up just an inch. Marius’s hands came down from where they were and quickly pinned his hips down. Fuck, he was so strong. Armand tried to press against his hold, knowing it was futile. He grew harder at the thrill of being overpowered like this. Marius broke off their kiss to look down at his fledgling. Armand’s hands came up to hold around his neck.
“Exclusive.” Marius pondered. “I'm not against it.” He pulled back to lay at Armand's side again. “We should discuss it more though, Amadeo. If we're going to do this we need to work out the details.”
Armand was equal parts elated and frustrated. Elated that Marius had basically just agreed to his stupid, ridiculous idea. Frustrated that it meant they would now be talking instead of fucking.
Armand pulled himself up to sit against the headboard. “Really?” His face lit up that Marius didn't seem to even need more convincing about this. “So, you'll end it with Yousef?”
Marius looked up at his beauty from where he half-lay, propped on the pillows. His lips hardened into a firm line, suspicions confirmed that the root of this idea was truely his fledgling’s jealousy. “What do you envision this monogamy entails? No sex? No kissing? Or am I meant not to interact with him at all? Surely he and I can remain friends even if I'm to break off any physical part of our relationship.”
Armand hated that. “Are you friends? Would you be friends with him if he wasnt your lover?”
“Marius.” Armand chastened him, pissed off at the lack of answer. Armand knew the real answer. Marius didn't make friends with pretty boys like that, not platonically. The idea of Marius keeping up some false pretense of friendship with the boy while playing faithful husband to Armand made his stomach flip.
“Armand.” Marius said firmly, placing a hand over Armand’s knee to soften his words. “I'm not trying to be pandantic, my love. I need to know what you want from me with this arrangement. We have to have clear rules.”
“I want you to break up with him.” Armand said simply. “No sex, no kissing or blood sharing or touching or flirting.”
“No flirting?” Marius raised his brows in surprise. “You realize that whatever rules I have to abide by, you do as well, right?”
Armand huffed. He knew the conversation would come back around to him eventually anyways. But he couldn't help the sinking feeling that Marius simply didn't want to stop flirting with Yousef. “Okay fine, yes. We can flirt.” He rationalized. “In general, with people. Like, just casually. But I don't want you flirting with Yousef.”
“That hardly sounds fair.”
“Well I'm just being honest.”
“And you, my child? You will break up with Louis?”
“Louis and I are lovers yes, but friends and companions first. And he's sorting out his own stuff with Lestat. Louis and I can take a break from the physical aspects of our relationship for a while.”
“For a while?”
“Yes, well. I mean. We're going to live forever. I think, I don't know, that we should be monogamous for now. Until we've figured out our own relationship. I'm sure in the future we can open ourselves up to others again, when the time is right.”
Marius considered this. “Temporary monogamy.” He hummed. “That sounds more reasonable.” He did like the idea of having his Amadeo all to himself. “And what of Lestat?”
Armand had the gall to look surprised. “Lestat is not my lover.”
“No. But you wish him to be.” Marius could tolerate the thing with Louis. He understood the bond Armand and Louis had together, after so many years of companionship and such similar despair in both of them. But Armand's deep infatuation with Lestat made Marius feel dreadfully frustrated. He hated it. “If I'm not allowed to flirt with Yousef then I don't want you flirting with Lestat.”
“I don't flirt with Lestat,” Armand said, affronted.
Marius resisted the urge to scoff at that. Flirting, fighting, mooning over the Prince like a lovesick puppy. He didn't want Armand doing any of it. “I’m just being honest.” He parroted Armand's words back to him.
“Nothing is going to happen between Lestat and me.” Armand said.
True, because Lestat won't allow it. Marius didn't say.
“And what of our dear Daniel?”
Armand perked up. Daniel is family, lover, child, fledgling. And Marius had his own intimacies with Daniel as well. “Daniel is an exception. If you're alright with that? I don't think either of us should sacrifice any part of our intimacy with him.”
That sounded reasonable to Marius. “I agree. He is family. I should like to keep him as a love as much as I'd like you to keep him. We've both built so much with him.”
“Maybe we can have threesomes.” Armand joked, but he meant it. If Marius wanted to.
Marius gave a soft laugh, “we could.” He pulled Armand's hand to his mouth, kissing his wrist where the veins were blue. “If we're going to do this, it's all built on honesty. No keeping secrets. No lying. If I ask you about something, Armand, you have to be truthful about it.”
Armand's eyes narrowed and he pulled his hand back, “we both need to honest, Marius.” If anything, Marius is the one between them who's always keeping secrets.
“Of course,” Marius allowed, not wanting to turn his fledgling's mood for the worst. “That's what I meant, love.” Marius wrapped his arms around Armand, pulling him down and closer to him. “I agree this will be good for us” I would do anything for you.
Armand wrapped his legs around his master's waist, pressing naturally against him. His favorite spot. “You're all mine now.” he hummed, kissing at Marius's throat.
“You want to taste?”
Yes, Armand's body screamed at him. His master's blood, right there for him. Yes. It was the most addicting blood, the most satisfying. YES.
Armand shook his head, ‘no.’
He moved up to Marius lips, kissing him slowly. Marius obliged, didn't push on the matter. Armand was cautious about blood sharing with him still, and it broke Marius heart. His boy didn't trust him, no fully, not yet. Maybe this monogamy would help.
Marius deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue gently past Armand’s lips. His hands held Armand at the hips, guiding him to grind up against Marius’ abdomen. Armand groaned at the pressure against his hard cock. He wanted more.
“Yes, love?”
“Tell me when you break up with Yousef.”
What a terrible thing to say. Armand thought to himself, before falling into the death sleep.
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frozenlight-gvf · 1 year
Strawberry Wine: Part Three
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pairing: barn au: danny × fem!reader enemies to lovers)
summary: after a terrible accident, y/n finds herself hurting in more ways than one.
word count: 2.6k
warnings (for this part): talk of injury, a small bit of angst… not many warnings tbh
a/n: this is the final part… for now! who knows, in the future i might find myself needing to write more for this series so idk we shall see i suppose!! also, i listened to “need you now” by lady a while writing the beginning of this part so maybe give it a good listen if you have the desire to do so
The afternoon sun spilled onto the worn carpet of your bedroom, creating a bright, warm spot for your cat to curl up in. She was snoozing blissfully as you stared up at the ceiling, your fingers fidgeting with the old cotton quilt on your bed. The breakfast your mother brought you sat untouched on your bedside table. It had been two days of being bedridden, and you were just about ready to claw your own eyes out. 
Doctor’s orders were no reading, no TV, no physical activity of any kind, and no horses until you were feeling better. To make matters worse, Susannah canceled all lessons for the rest of the month to make sure you had plenty of time to heal, which meant that the ranch was devastatingly quiet and still. You missed hearing the giggles of little girls and the laughter between friends that would ring through the trees and dance through the tall grass. But for the rest of July, the only people at Nightingale Ranch would be you, Susannah, and Daniel.
Out your bedroom window, you had a good view of the barn. You spent most of your time staring through the glass, watching the breeze make waves over the fields and the sun inch slowly across the sky. But you also watched Daniel work. Even without lessons being held, someone still had to take care of the horses. 
He had a job to do, and you understood that. 
But you didn’t understand why he hadn’t come to visit you even once. 
The last time you two spoke was when you were discharged from the ER the night of your fall. Your mother on one side of the bed, Daniel on the other, the nurse looked between the two as he shared instructions for taking care of you over the next few days. And Daniel had been nodding along and listening intently. 
They rolled you out in a wheelchair. You knew you were fully capable of walking, but when you tried to protest, the nurse, your mother, and Daniel shut you down. Daniel’s hands were loose on the handlebars as he pushed you through the sliding doors of the hospital exit out into the darkened parking lot, your mother walking beside Danny and poring over the stapled packet the nurse had handed her detailing a daily schedule for grade two concussion aftercare. She mumbled through it, occasionally making her words clear so Daniel could hear. The three of you approached Susannah’s dusty, decades-old silver SUV.
“She should take Tylenol instead of Advil if she’s hurting. Something about ‘risk of bleeding?’”
Daniel nodded. Like he’d personally be the one handing you the pills and holding a bottle of water to your lips. 
“Rest up, Y/N,” Daniel said, pressing one of his hands to your shoulder. “I, uh… just– let me know if you need anything.”
You smiled as you watched him cross the parking lot, heading towards his pickup. The red glow of his tail lights slowly pulled away as your mother helped you into the passenger seat of her car. You wished he was the one driving you home. You wished he would squeeze your hand tight and press kisses on the tops of your cheeks and tell you how much he loved you. 
Soft knocks at your bedroom door brought you back to reality.
“Honey? You hungry for lunch?” Susannah pushed the door open and leaned on the doorknob. Her greying hair was twisted up in a claw clip, and a light button-up hung from her narrow frame.
You shook your head, quickly wiping a tear. But not before your mother could notice. 
“Oh, sweetie…” she said, moving to sit on the edge of your bed. Her gentle hands stroked your hair. “I know you’re frustrated. And I know you miss your students and the horses. But you gotta give your brain time to heal up.”
You only nodded, your throat squeezed up tight, knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak without crying. A small swell of relief washed through you at the thought that your mother perhaps didn’t know the exact reason for your tears.
Susannah clucked her tongue in sympathy, her eyebrows knitting together. 
“Is there anything I can do?” she asked quietly, still petting your head. 
She then paused, noticing how you wouldn’t meet her eyes. She followed your gaze out the window and towards the barn, where Daniel was outside, walking Guinevere back from the pasture. 
A moment of knowing silence between a mother and her lonely daughter.
“Do you want me to bring him up to see you?”
Your heart froze. You knew she had seen the way Daniel had rescued you. How he had cared for you and sat by your bed in the emergency room, making sure you never once woke up from your fitful bursts of sleep alone. 
“No, mama,” you responded, your voice slightly hoarse. Truthfully, you wanted to see him more than anything. But you wanted him to want to, not to do so at the order of his boss.
“Are you sure? I know I’m not the best company,” she said with a little laugh.
She sighed, pressing her lips into a thin line, searching for her words.
“He cares about you, baby.”
“No, he doesn’t—“
She put up a hand, stopping you.
“But you have to let him care.”
With that, she gave you a few pats on your leg and stood up to leave. You watched her close the door, leaving you with her words hanging in the air like swords about to drop and slice you into pieces.
How were you supposed to just let Daniel care about you? Especially since he hasn’t made any effort to convince you to do so?
You wouldn’t let yourself get hurt again. You hadn’t always had claws. But after getting used and heartbroken by one too many careless men, you had decided to stop being soft. You couldn’t afford it anymore.
The sun had finished its journey across the sky, sending the landscape outside your window into a deep blue darkness. The warm lamp beside your bed kept the night at bay, and with the loss of the sunshine, your cat decided your lap was a more preferable place to sleep.
More soft knocks at your door.
“I’m not hungry, mama.”
The figure that appeared behind the opening door was much taller and broader than your mother.
Daniel looked out of place in your bedroom— too rugged for such a soft place.
You shot up, sitting against the headboard of the bed, your jaw slightly clenched. Daniel gave a timid wave. He stalled in the doorway, looking around your room with gentle eyes. His gaze roamed, catching on framed pictures, stuffed animals, and glow-in-the-dark stars somehow still stuck on the ceiling above your bed. Your cat chirped and hopped off your lap, purring as she wove between Daniel’s ankles.
He cleared his throat softly and spoke in a quiet voice. “How are you feeling?”
You swallowed, trying to find your voice after hardly speaking in a couple days. “I’m fine.”
There were countless unspoken words in the way he was looking at you. You waited for him to explain his behavior in the emergency room, why he hasn’t come to see you, why he was here now, why he could be so intimate with you and then pretend it never happened, why he never stopped teasing you—
“Are you?”
“Are you fine?” he said, clearing his throat again and looking down.
You stared at him, then your eyes fell to your fidgeting fingers, your tongue darting out to relieve your dry lips. You found yourself shaking your head. Your jaw was clenched tight.
He nodded, still standing awkwardly in the doorway. “Um. Is there… anything I can do?”
You couldn’t help it. You let out a bitter chuckle. How did he not know that all you wanted was to be held by him? Or maybe he did know, and this whole thing was just another cruel torment.
“Did my mom tell you to come up here?” Your eyes flicked back up to study his face. 
“My mom. Did she tell you to check on me?”
He sighed, his head falling slightly. He took a deep breath, and released it as he spoke. His shoulders slumped as he gently, nervously tapped his fist on the doorknob.
“She, uhh… she suggested it, yeah.”
You nodded sharply, your suspicions confirmed. You ground your teeth. 
“You can go.”
Daniel’s head shot up, his eyes confused, bordering on pathetic.
“I said, you can go. You obviously don’t want to be here. You’ve checked me off your chore list, so you can go home now, Daniel.”
Your words came out sour, bursting off your tongue like scorching sparks. The anger within you was simmering, and it made your fragile head hurt. 
“You’re not a chore, Y/N.”
The softness of his voice gave you pause for just a moment, but you were growing tired of his extremes— you either got the caring gentleman or the quippy rogue. You just wanted the truth.
“I clearly am. Anything your boss tells you to take care of is a chore.”
“She didn’t force me to do anything, Y/N—“
“I don’t want you here.”
Daniel scoffed, his hand flying up in a gesture of frustration. His voice was raspy with quiet irritation.
“Alright. I’ll go.”
As he turned to leave, you raised your voice, and he stopped.
“Why didn’t you come to see me?”
He turned back around, one of his hands rubbing his forehead, as if he was the one with the concussion. His voice was sharp.
“I’m here now, and you just told me to leave. I feel like that’s a good enough explanation.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I thought you wouldn’t want me here!” He took a breath to compose himself, shrugging. “Turns out I was right.”
You ground your teeth. For the thousandth time, you found yourself at an impasse with Daniel. You two just stared at each other for a moment. More unspoken words were exchanged that neither of you wanted to give life to.
“Do you want me to go?” Daniel asked softly, his eyes darting up from the floor. His gaze almost looked vulnerable.
He nodded. Daniel walked into your bedroom, stepping carefully, like the floor was made of porcelain. He sat softly on the edge of your bed, being mindful of his work jeans on your covers. He put his hand over yours, stilling your fidgeting fingers.
Your eyes met. The moment felt quiet. The tension had eased slightly now that he was touching you.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve been checking on you.”
“It’s alright. I… I should’ve made it more clear that I wanted you to check on me.”
“No, this is on me, heiress,” he said, chuckling lightly. “Don’t fight me on this. Let me take this one.”
You smiled in spite of yourself, your head dropping. One of his fingers touched your chin to make you face him. Your breath caught, your eyes wide. His touch trailed along your jaw, then he tucked your hair behind your ear, as if to see your face better. His hand settled gently on the back of your neck.
His eyes darted over your every feature, like he was drinking in your visage. You saw Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. He took a deep breath. 
He started to lean in, but stopped when you flinched a bit in surprise. His voice was desperate and raspy, laced with apology.
“Are you gonna fight me on this?”
You shook your head, bringing one of your hands up to where his shoulder met with his neck. “No.”
You leaned in the rest of the way and let your lips meet. As opposed to every other time you found yourself this close to Daniel, the energy now was peaceful. Your mouths moved in tandem, the usual fevered vigor replaced with tender softness. His hand on the back of your neck brought you close to him, his other hand on your quilt-covered thigh. You couldn’t help the feeling of hope that rose within you– the hope that maybe you’d share more kisses like this with Daniel, rather than always being nothing but fire and poison with him.
He pulled away after a minute or two— not because he wanted the kiss to end, but because he wanted to look at your face again. A soft smile graced his lips, and it spread up to his eyes, making them sparkle in the dim light. 
“My mom will kill you if she finds you up here kissing me,” you whispered with a blushing smile. 
“Then she’ll just have to kill me.”
He leaned back in for another quick kiss, and you giggled against your will. You felt lighter, barely noticing the night outside your window.
Susannah opened your bedroom door the next morning, carrying a little knowing smile rather than a breakfast plate. 
“How’d you sleep last night?”
You froze for a moment, hoping that Danny’s escape out your window last night after making out for hours and his subsequent climb down the trellis didn’t wake your mother. 
“Good. You?”
She still hasn’t lost her smirk. Your hope was fading.
“Someone has a little surprise for you.”
Your hope was suddenly back, and it was back in spades.
“What?” you asked, unable to keep the smile out of your voice.
Susannah came to your bedside, helping you out of bed. You decided not to push her supportive hand out from under your arm like you have done the past couple days. You let her accompany you down the stairs and out onto the front porch, the fresh air and the warmth on your skin feeling euphoric after being caged up.
Daniel stood at the bottom of the wooden porch steps, holding a picnic basket in one of his hands and a blanket over his arm.
He looked endearingly shy as he shrugged slightly and spoke.
“I figured you might want to spend some time outside.”
You heard him leave off “with me” from the end of that sentence.
Susannah took her hand off of you, letting you go to Daniel. You were surprised she was even allowing you to be outside; she kept saying that the sun in your eyes might hurt your head. But right now, the sunshine felt like a balm to your soul. Or maybe it was Daniel smiling at you.
You descended the few steps towards him, wobbling only once. Daniel reached out his free hand, offering you his help. You took it. 
Strawberry juice dripped down your chin. Daniel leaned forward and wiped it off with his thumb. He smirked as he brought the finger to his mouth, letting the sweetness spread over his tongue.
He had laid the blanket out in the back pasture, and Guinevere was grazing lazily nearby. You didn’t learn until later that Daniel had led her out earlier that morning so that you could be near her. A small gesture, but one that meant the world to you.
Daniel suddenly laid down on the blanket, pulling you on top of him. He was warm and solid, something wonderful to hold onto. 
He tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled up at you. 
Words of “what are we?” and “where do we go from here?” threatened to drip from the tip of your tongue and splash onto his cheerful face. But you held them back.
Right now, you didn’t care what the two of you were. Or what you might someday turn out to be, or not to be. All you knew was that this felt good. This felt good for you right now. And that was enough. 
Kisses like strawberry wine in the sunshine were enough.
@sunandthemoontwinflames @brujamagick @lightsofthe-living-gvf @hellowgoodbye @spark-my-nature @dem0litiondan @literal-dead-leaf @mama-likes72 @malany-gvf
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i'd love to have a consistent taglist for my fics, so i decided to make a lil post! all you have to do to be added to my taglist is like, reblog, or comment on this post! this taglist won't change from series to series. so if you're on this taglist and want to be on my permanent taglist, just go drop a like on that post so i know that you want to stay! if you're just here for strawberry wine, i totally get it and i'm glad you were here and enjoyed :)
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hello! I don't know whether matchups are open and if not you can delete this request. But...
Can you please give me a MW2 matchup? 🙂
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Appearance: 5'7', Slim thick, dark brown eyes (looks black tbh), Curly black medium length hair, fair skinned, wears glasses (cuz I can't see shit without them)
About Me: I'm Indian and I come from a conservative family, and so my upbringing was a bit weird and made me into a weird mess. I would consider myself an introvert. But definitely not someone who sits in a corner of a room and stares. I do enjoy having conversations with people, but my social battery is low and so I get tired pretty quickly. But if I'm speaking to someone who I am really interested in, like my longtime best friend, I would talk for HOURS!!!. When it comes to friendships, I'm a very selective person. I'm not someone who gets close with people as it's very hard for me to open up, as I'm quite reserved. I also don't get along with a lot of people so 🤷🏻. Also, people have pointed out that I look unapproachable and Intimidating as I have a resting bitch face. I maybe having the best time of my life but my face does not show it, at all 💀. Or sometimes, I get really stoic and people can't tell whether I'm sad, happy, or angry lol.
I'm a level headed person, but sometimes people get on my nerves and I'm the type to bottle all of those emotions. Then when a minor inconvenience happens, BOOM! I will literally turn into a demon and my whole day just got ruined.
I'm someone who really cares about my loved ones. I will protect them from anything and I will help them out in any way I can. I'm a good listener and love to empathise with people who are hurt or would let people rant so they can feel better. I'm the therapist and the mom friend of my friends group so.... Yeah, I care about the ones I love wayyy too much. My love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and gift giving. Also, as much as I love giving love and care to others, I hate receiving it as I have mentioned before, have a hard time opening up. It takes a lot of trust and a lot of time for me to do so. So basically I give therapy to others meanwhile my mental health is blown to shit.
When it comes to work, I'm very organised and hard working. I don't like procrastination as it drives me nuts (Even though I still do it sometimes, idk why). I'm logical, focused and very passionate on the things I love. My favourite subjects are Math and Physics as I do fairly well in them. I'm not the best but I work hard and it pays off. That's why I'm opting for Aerospace Engineering in college. I take my work very seriously and definately not the type to fuck around.
Outdoors, I come off very cold and serious, but indoors I am very goofy, silly, pretty stubborn and bossy (sometimes stupid). I love doing small pranks and doing weird things that crosses my mind. I'm very loud and laugh at the stupidest things that I see or hear. Also love to play around with my pet cats. I'm a huge geek/nerd and love to talk about my hyper-fixations. Also, I'm a huge animal person and I love to feed strays and sometimes, I take them home with me. 😄
I'm very loyal but I can cut ties with people who have done me wrong. 100% has no problem in confronting people. I also suffer from ADHD, PTSD and mild depression. I also have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek or fidget my fingers or shake my legs.
Likes/Interests/hobbies: video games, reading books, writing, drawing, cooking, baking, watching murder documentaries, taking care of animals, horror, sci fi and action movies, tea, spicy food, rain, gardening, math, science, literature, history, travelling, listening to music.
My type in a partner:
Should be very passionate
Hard working, wise, mature and adventurous
Someone whom I can banter with and make me feel secure
Can be extroverted, introverted or ambiverted.
Can be on the playful side.
Alejandro Vargas (a/n @queenof-spades WE LOVE WOMEN IN STEM!! also girl I relate so hard to the conservative parents who push you to be the best :') good luck with all your studies!)
How you met: A trip to an aerospace engineering company was not on Alejandro's bucket list for the year. Especially after the last contracted company they dealt with (he's still getting his base in order after the fiasco of Graves and the Shadows). However, another joint mission with the 141 required a preview of some new satellites and other multimillion dollar technologies. After going through rigorous amounts of security, him and Rudy finally met up with the 141. "Nice to see you again, hermanos," he said as he shook hands with his British counterparts. They were making small conversation when you walked in. Your shoes echoed in the facility and a long lab coat hung around your shoulders. "Gentleman, welcome to Boeing. I'm the lead scientist here and you can follow me on a tour of the facilities," you said confidently and quickly turned to lead them through the expansive company. As you introduced them to the team of engineers and showed them the technologies of your newest satellites, they stood in awe. "This satellite is equipped with the best monitoring technologies and can withstand the temperatures of exiting and entering the atmosphere," you described as you jokingly pounded on the hard metal shell of the satellite. "She does not fuck around," you heard Alejandro whisper and the group laughed in response. "That's right Colonel Vargas, there's a reason I'm working here at Boeing and worked my ass off for a doctorate," you smirked at him. As you continued on, the blush was evident on his face as he felt like he was struck by cupid's arrow.
A peek into your relationship: It was no denying your relationship with Alejandro was difficult. Between his position as Colonel and yours as the head scientist at Boeing, you both wracked up thousands of miles on business flights. However you made it work and were now comfortably settled in a comfortable south western mansion that offered you excellent wifi for meetings. You signed off from a consulting meeting with a new company that wanted to contract your planes and sighed as you shut your laptop. The last few days you were on edge and your husband took notice as you declined his offer for wine and gently pushed your food around. "Mi corazon, what's going on?" he asked as he got up from the table and kissed your head gently. "Just work things," you sighed as you melted into his touch. "You love work through, there's something else going on," he said and carried you to the couch, "you even turned down a glass of our favorite wine." As he studied your face intently, you asked him a surprising question. "Ale, do you love me?" you asked. It took him 0.2 seconds to respond. "Are you joking? Of course I love you, you are my moon and stars. You are like if the heavens sent me a goddess to walk on earth. You are Persephone, Aphrodite, and Athena all rolled into one," he exclaimed as he peppered you with kisses. You smiled slightly and nervously held his hands. "I, um didn't know how to say this but I'm pregnant," you said quickly and looked at his face for any sign of anger or disappointment. You had kept this from him so long as you didn't want it to affect his opinion on your work and traveling so often. You weren't about to be confined to a house wife position after all this time. Instead of a negative reaction, he scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. He held you stomach as he kissed it gently and whispered, "my own child, you're going to have the best parents." As he pulled you in a tight hug and kissed you softly, he was already designing plans for their nursery and how to encompass everything you both loved into it. (Just know that this child will be absolutely spoiled by you too, especially if Ale became a girl dad HAHA)
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wow me thinking about dick Greyson? more likely than you think!
Disclaimer I am just a guy on the internet having a self indulgence time for fun, my grasp on canon vs Fanon is shakier than when I tried rope climbing in P.E also I am not a trained medical professional all things related to adhd I talk about come from Personal Experience or further research FOOD AND TEXTURE: fun fact, people with adhd can hyper fixate on foods, found that out from my mom’s doctor. so I think dick definitely has foods that he fixates on and will prefer to eat over other foods. also he would have foods he just can't fucking eat because of taste or texture, like for example when I was younger I refused to eat fried eggs but I would eat boiled eggs, even better example jellies and puddings are things I can eat bc it activates my gag reflex and I hate the way they feel, physically can't swallow them without feeling sick. so ya know ya boy is gonna project that onto the dickster lol. I think he would probably hyperfixate on foods that fall into a similar category of each other I know I do lol. my food hyperfication has been crushed up instant ramen. and has been for a while but specially a certain kind. think dick would hyperfixate on certain brands of cereal because ive seen the “dick likes sugar cereal” thing floating around, and because this the projection corner I think he prefers to eat it a certain way, probably dry because of easy transporting and he can bring as a quick snack for when hes on the go, but I think he also would like the crunchy texture and mouth feel. again projection corner I think he would fucking hate gelatinous foods with a passion. but also like gritty foods would probably be a no go. like he can eat them if he needs too because bat training and all that doesn't mean he would enjoy it lol. and like I feel like when hes knighting hes just in a consent state of near discomfort bc hes masking so hard(lol)  so when hes dick Greyson he sorta lets lose a bit and his symptoms are worse or hes allowed to be particular about things like food when hes a civilian.  and I think he probably likes the texture of the nightwing suit otherwise he would peel his skin off. projecting is fun so I think he would hate rough and scratchy clothes and bed sheets are the bane of his existence so he kicks them off before going to bed other wise he can't sleep. he probably fidgets with his gadgets quite a bit especially when on patrol and hes looking around and nothing much is happening. I think dick would do the leg bounce tm as a civilian a lot maybe play with his hair if its long, or just generally messing with with when hes nervous or fidgeting. idk I guess im making nightwing his “nooo guys dw im super normal im just like everyone I am a functional put together adult haha” which its funny bc masking. I think this dude would have so many built in work arounds like (projecting) audio processing problems, so he probably has people either reapet or smth to like record and play back that or hes just really smooth about (smile and nod and hope to god that was the correct answer) anyway sorry back on topic, i  have dick having a stuffed animal named zitka (?) that an elephant and like hell yeah, but also I think his thing is very much a “ive had a bad time today and I just need to destress for a bit and hold something soft/familiar in a dark room for a bit” as you can tell I am projecting onto dick Greyson a lot lol. anyway I think he would also struggle to like, eat consistently, like eating too much or eating too little bc he gets distracted with a case then over compensates or he gets bored and then eats to get some form of stimulation(I do this lol) I just think dick would chew on things but be embarrassed about it(projection) but yeah I just think this asshole would have a system tm that no one else gets bc his room just looks dirty as hell but hes like Nono guys I set my bag and wallet in the same spot in the corner of the room because if I dont I will spend 30 minutes looking for it and it will be in the freezer. that and I think he would either do really well with cold foods or really badly. I think dick is the kinda guy that would leave his sodas out overnight so they stop being fizzy bc he hates the feeling of the fizz(projecting) but yeah overall I think he prefer sweeter foods as like his comfort/perfered foods. I also like the hc that he can cook he just doesn't have a lot of time too, so he snacks a lot bc he needs the energy. adding my own shit onto it, executive dysfunction got his ass like “I could get up and make a sandwich I know what I need to do I have the ingredients and im hungry but I can't fucking get up to do it” anyway funtimes in hyperfixation with grem thanks for reading the insane rambles <3
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koofishy · 1 year
I Wake You from the Nightmare
aka taekook au where Taehyung has a nightmare involving his neighbor and wants to make sure he's okay
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Idk if I need to warn, but hospitals and injuries are mentioned for half a sentence as part of Tae's nightmare. No details or anything, idk, you might not even notice it, but I just wanted to be sure :) Title from 낙원 (Paradise) by bts
Jungkook had just finished showering, wet towel still hanging around his neck, when the knocking started up.
He was confused for a second, because why would anyone be at his door at half past three on a Wednesday morning, especially when Jungkook wasn't doing anything loud. He thought about ignoring the person and going to sleep, but the knocking was insistent and getting louder by the second.
He huffed, annoyed, and after putting up his towel to dry, he pulled on a shirt and made his way to the door.
He looked through the peephole but it was too dark in the corridor outside to see anything.
Jungkook inhaled through his teeth.
He was a guy stacked with muscles who boxed in his free time, had a tattoo sleeve and piercings all over him, and owned a huge Doberman (who couldn't hurt a fly, and at the moment was staying at his parents' house, but the attackers didn't need to know that).
In conclusion, he was probably not in danger.
He pulled the door open.
And then blinked in surprise.
Standing in front of him, nearly swallowed up by the corridor's shadows, was none other than Jungkook's handsome neighbor of six months, Kim Taehyung.
They'd only met a handful of times before and talked even less, so Jungkook could only stare at him, mouth open in shock and confusion.
Taehyung looked like he awoke only a few minutes ago. His hair was mussed up, a bird's nest, night shirt askew, shorts wrinkled. He still looked unfairly pretty, though.
He was also barefoot, but Jungkook had seen him like that before. The guy wasn't a fan of shoes in general.
"Uh," Taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hi."
"Hi," Jungkook shook his head a little to get out of his reverie. He leaned against the doorframe, eyebrows raised. "What's up?"
Taehyung swallowed audibly, hands coming up to ruffle his unruly locks.
"Sorry for bothering you so late… Or early, I guess," he chuckled nervously.
"No problem, I wasn't sleeping yet," Jungkook assured him.
Taehyung sent him a hesitant smile at that, and Jungkook found himself reciprocating without a thought. But then it slipped from his face, a more serious expression taking its place.
"Is something wrong?"
"Oh, no!," Taehyung said quickly, but then backtracked. "Well, not really."
He bit his lip, which would've been slightly distracting if Jungkook wasn't worrying about him.
"This is gonna sound weird," Taehyung started, making Jungkook's puzzled frown deepen as he watched him shift his weight from one foot to the other. "The case is that I, well. I had a dream about you."
Jungkook's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
"You had a dream about me?," he repeated, mind conjuring up all kinds of images without his permission. "What- uh, what kind of dream?"
Taehyung looked at him dead in the eye, gaze deep.
"A nightmare."
Jungkook's cheeks heated up and he quickly got rid of his stupid thoughts, focusing fully on Taehyung.
As he looked closely, his neighbor seemed a bit distraught. The circles around his eyes were noticeable even in the dark, his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt and he was kind of curling into himself, like the nightmare was still pressing down heavily on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry," Jungkook said honestly. He stepped back from the door, motioning for Taehyung to come in. "Wanna talk about it?"
Taehyung's already big eyes widened.
"Oh no, thank you but I wouldn't want to bother," he said quickly. "And I don't really like talking about them, to be honest. But this one just felt so real and I just…"
He took a breath.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Jungkook blinked once, twice. Then his concern melted into something akin to fondness, a smile curling on his lips. He tilted his head to the side, catching Taehyung's gaze.
"Well, I am okay, I promise. There's no need to worry," he said gently.
A sigh escaped Taehyung and his shoulders lifted a little in relief.
"Okay. I'm glad," he said, mirroring Jungkook's expression shyly.
They stared at each other for a long moment, gazes locked. Taehyung's eyes were deep and captivating and Jungkook was quickly losing himself in them.
A gust of wind from his open window was what pulled them back to reality. It sent a shiver down their spine, snapping them out of… whatever they’d been doing, making them look away quickly.
Taehyung cleared his throat and took a step back.
"Well, thank you."
He still seemed hesitant though.
"Is there anything else?," Jungkook's voice held no annoyance or urgency and Taehyung paused, uncertain.
"There is, but… It's the weird part," he confessed. Jungkook leaned forward curiously.
"I won't judge."
Taehyung looked at him, regarding Jungkook with caution. When he only found honest kindness in his eyes, he let out a small laugh, slightly self-deprecating.
"I was wondering if I could give you a hug."
Jungkook's lips parted in surprise and Taehyung was quick to correct himself.
"Of course, you don't have to, we don't know each other that well! But even if we did, I know that not everyone is as touchy as me, so please don't feel pressured at all! You should just forget I asked, actually, it's-"
"Taehyung," Jungkook interrupted his rambling, biting down on his lip to stop his smile. "I'd be happy to hug you. Come here."
He let go of the doorframe and opened his arms wide, fighting the blush forming on his cheeks.
Taehyung gaped at him for a moment, astonished, but then he swallowed and took a step forward. Then another one, until he was right in front of Jungkook.
They were almost exactly the same height, Jungkook noticed. This way, he had a perfect view of Taehyung's fluttering lashes and nervously creasing forehead as he reached out tentatively and curled his arms around Jungkook's torso.
It made Jungkook's smile widen for some reason, feeling tingly where Taehyung's hands touched him. He put his arms around the man's shoulders and pulled him closer, until the other's chin was resting on his shoulder.
Surprisingly, it was not awkward at all.
Taehyung sighed and melted into the hug almost instantly, anxiousness flowing out his body gradually. Jungkook felt Taehyung's tensed muscles ease up, breathing even out, and his arms grew tighter around the man, protective.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?," he asked quietly. "I don't mean to pry, but they say that it helps if you tell it to someone."
Taehyung was silent for a moment, but then he sighed again.
"I've been having nightmares for a while now," he admitted, hands fisting Jungkook's shirt without him noticing. "Probably because I got a new job recently and it's making me anxious."
Jungkook hummed to let him know he was listening.
"The nightmares are usually not very concrete," Taehyung continued. "They jump around locations and times, and they have monsters and stuff, so it's easier to ignore them after I wake up because I know they weren't real."
Th paused. When he started talking again, his voice was a whisper Jungkook wouldn't have heard if it wasn't right next to his ear.
"But tonight I dreamed that I got a call out of the blue. They were telling me how you were brutally attacked. And when I reached the hospital, you were…"
Taehyung let out a shaky breath.
"You were just lying on that bed, as pale as the sheets, with these horrible scars and bruises, and the machines were beeping so loudly-"
Taehyung pressed his face into Jungkook's neck.
"It was so realistic!"
Jungkook's heart broke.
"Oh, Taehyung," he breathed. He pulled the man impossibly closer, one hand reaching up to stroke his hair, the other caressing his back. "I'm so sorry."
His own eyes were welling up as he nuzzled his head against Taehyung's.
"I'm okay, I'm perfectly well. You don't have to worry about it now, it was just a dream."
Taehyung made a small noise in the back of his throat.
"Sorry for bothering you with it."
"No, no," Jungkook said firmly. "No need to feel sorry, I'm glad you came over and told me. I wouldn't want you to suffer alone."
His fingers brushed through Taehyung's locks, massaging his scalp gently.
"You're okay now. Both of us are. We're safe," he muttered, voice calming. “You can relax now, Tae, I’m here.”
Taehyung's fists slowly curled out, letting go of Jungkook's shirt, hands flattening against his back. His exhales were warm against Jungkook's neck, and his hair felt ticklish on his skin.
They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, Jungkook whispering sweet, comforting words and caressing Taehyung soothingly. The man seemed to grow softer in his embrace, finally letting go of the nerves and anxiety completely.
When he eventually tried to pull back, Jungkook's arms remained on his shoulders, not letting him move far.
Their eyes found each other again.
"Thank you so much, Jungkook," Taehyung said, looking a lot calmer now. He pressed a hand to his own heart. "I can't express how grateful I am."
Jungkook shook his head, a small smile on his lips.
"I'm happy to help. Please, never be afraid to come over. I'll give you my number and you can call me whenever."
"Oh, that's not-," Taehyung tried, cheeks reddening, but Jungkook interrupted him.
"I insist."
Taehyung bit his lip, but then sighed.
"Okay. Thank you. But you should call me too if you have a problem!," he pointed at Jungkook, face serious. "I'm here for you, too, whenever you need me!"
Jungkook smiled, eyes crinkling and squeezed Taehyung's shoulder.
"Thank you."
The other man's smile was sweeter than honey.
Suddenly another breeze passed them, a little colder this time, and Taehyung shuddered, crossing his arms in front of his chest to warm himself.
Jungkook took a step back without a second thought and gestured invitingly.
"Would you like to come in and have some tea with me? It's good for the nerves," he said a little shyly.
Taehyung's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to decline, but then halted.
"Are you sure?," he asked.
"Hundred percent," Jungkook nodded. His hand was still on Taehyung's shoulder.
The man considered for a second, but then gave in.
"That'd be nice, thank you."
Jungkook's hand slipped down his arm and reached for Taehyung's, their fingers intertwining easily as if they were made to fit together. It made both of them turn a deep shade of red.
Taehyung quickly locked his own front door, then followed Jungkook inside his flat, where they kept holding hands even when it was unnecessary, even when it made pouring tea into mugs a lot more difficult.
And Taehyung stayed until all the tea was finished, and after that, too, until the birds started chirping with the first light. Until they weren't talking anymore, just cuddling quietly on Jungkook's sofa, getting lost in the warm comfort of each other.
And when they finally dozed off in each other's arms, Taehyung had the best sleep he'd had in months, without anything bothering him.
When he woke up, it was to Jungkook’s sparkling eyes as he asked Taehyung out on a date, turning his nightmare into the most wonderful reality he could’ve dreamed of.
And they fell in love and Tete never had a bad dream after that. :) Idk I'm still figuring tumblr out. I think I make more sense on twitter but the muskrat is making it worse by the day so I need another space for my shit (besides ao3 )
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verdantmoontruther · 3 years
why every member of team 7 is absolutely intolerable, outside of the obvious: part 3
u guys are gobbling up my word vomit like it’s candy. that’s not healthy. in follow up to this post, here’s part 3.
- trauma dumps, but what’s worse is that he doesn’t REALISE he’s trauma dumping (”yeah, one time i spent the night in the gutter with some guy with a tin-foil hat on, ya know. he kept talking about aliens. i think he was dead in the morning so i stole his coat. maybe we should have listened to him haha”)
- puts his feet up on everything
- has two chairs in his house: one he has put a plant on; the other is The Chair that everybody that does laundry and is too lazy to put it away has. Therefore, he doesn’t actually have any available chairs, BUT you are not allowed to sit on his bed. (the first thing he says to you when you come inside his apart is “the floor or the door”)
- uses “this guy i know” when talking about someone that tried to kill him
- believes every superstition
- does that thing where he flips his top eyelids inside out
- leg shaker (ugh he’s so me)
- has thankfully somewhat moved on from “but iruka-sensei SAID --”
- has instead become a big fan of “but shikamaru SAID --”
- fucking ALWAYS leaves cupboard doors open. ALWAYS
- plays her music annoyingly loud
- was one of the kids that would scream when the lights turned off
- big time “i told you so” sayer
- ridiculously nosy
- desperately wants to be the mom friend, acts like the mom friend, nobody considers her the mom friend
- still considers pinky promises to be above reproach
- imagines arguments she might have with people and then gets pissed at them in real life
- doesn’t blow his nose even when he’s been sniffling for the past five hours
- after a katon, a fire user will usually have a mouthful of smoke. sasuke will blow it in the nearest person’s face
- practices low level genjutsus on people without telling them
- is always cold, refuses to put on a coat. his lips are blue half the time
- has hayfever in springtime, which doesn’t necessarily make him insufferable, but it is very funny
- has flawless skin even though he washes his face at most 2 times a month
- likes fidgeting with, like, dust bunnies and lint and shit. just anything in front of him at the moment, even if it’s year old gum that’s covered in dirt and solidified into a brick that he found on the ground
- is the kind of person that everyone can tell needs a few hours in a rage room
- enters a room and stands in the corner silently until whoever he is waiting for notices him and has an acute heart attack
- also ridiculously nosy, and he doesn’t realise it’s something that normal people tend to conceal about themselves
- never takes cues. what’s a cue? he doesn’t know. oh someone said “oh would you look at the time!” and he does. he looks at the clock. he’s not sure what he’s looking for but god damn it he’s looking
- has staring contests with cats
- refuses to sleep in/generally be in rooms without an open window, needs the temperature to be below zero. the door handles in his room are growing icicles and that’s how he likes it
- doesn’t think sunscreen is ‘worth the hassle’, is always covered in first degree burns
- fanfic writers are right, he never uses the door when a window will suffice
- has little inside jokes with himself and will sometimes laugh to himself out of nowhere
- ALSO ridiculously nosy, but he’s better at hiding it
- defends reading icha icha for the plot to the death (”if you haven’t read it you can’t have an opinion” “yes i read the porny bits, for the EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY”)
- gives people little electric shocks when shaking hands sometimes, extra points if he makes their hair go staticky
- tends not to look people in the eyes when he’s talking to them. not out of fear or trauma or whatever, he just doesn’t do it. i dont do it either, idk why, which is how i know it’s fucking annoying to other people, but i find it kind of funny
- frowns at toddlers. he doesn’t realise he’s doing it, but he is
- his skin is always ice cold its kinda freaky
- dares kakashi to give people little electric shocks when shaking hands sometimes, extra points if he makes their hair go staticky
- likes talking in big words about his very niche interests to people that neither know what he’s saying nor give a shit
- very big on pretending to know what’s going on at all times; has a very strong need to be the smartest person in every room he’s in
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weebswrites · 3 years
hiii I’m really sorry to add on if you have a lot of requests to tend to so please feel free to ignore this if it’s too much! May I ask for some headcanons with the obey me brothers helping mc with very bad social anxiety please?
Idk why but my anxiety has gotten worse lately and it really sucks :( i hope you have a nice day! :)
- 🍓
The Demon Bros Comforting You with Social Anxiety
A/N: Hello 🍓, apologies for making you wait a bit for this, my mental health has taken a dive but I'm dyeing my hair to look like Xiao from genshin impact tonight to try to cheer myself up lol. Sending you all the best vibes and if you need to talk or anything ever you know where to find me ♥
SEE MORE: comforting MC from a nightmare , acting like your big brother , helping MC on a traumaversary
I also feel it'd be very similar to how they react when MC has asthma
• Surprisingly, he has a bit of social anxiety himself
• This makes it much easier for you to talk to him about certain situations that make you uneasy
• Whatever you need, a hand to hold or an excuse to leave early, he'll do it
• He's big on noticing little things about you, so he studies your breathing and learns your habits. If he notices you start to breathe heavier or breaths getting shallow? You're outta there. He's holding your hands in his and taking deep breaths with you
• Will do whatever you ask of him to help you feel better
• Sometimes he even takes things into his own hands, if he notices you fidgeting more than usual
• Just wants you to be okay, whatever that means
• Will buy you LOADS of fidget toys / jewelry / etc to help you
• Definitely has social anxiety as well
• The two of you work together, only going to the events you had to and the occasional one you wanted to
• When there would be a dance or event put on by Diavolo, the two of you would devise a plan to check in with each other and make sure you were feeling okay
• Lucifer knew Levi sometimes had panic attacks too, so if either of you needed to step away for a minute he understood, which definitely helped
• Bitch if you don't take care of yourself 😤😡👊
• No matter how tall, heavy, or hesitant you are, he will pick your ass up and bring you to your safe space if you need it
• Sits you down, wraps you in a blanket (or his arms), and kneels in front of you
• Takes you through breathing exercises he's found most useful and stays with you as long as you need
• My initial thought was that he'd draw you a warm bath and surround you in warmth until you felt better
• Which he'd definitely do post the event, but during the time when you were out and about he'd have a plan too
• He'd take your hand in his, letting you squeeze as hard as you could to release some of your anxiety
• A fantastic liar, too, so if you needed to leave he'd get you out of there immediately
• The type to hug you just tight enough it calmed your shaking nerves
• He was never very physical with his brothers, but with you it's normal for him to walk over to you and wrap an arm around you
• So when you needed him to be there for you, his brothers didn't think twice (perfect because they can't make a big deal about you feeling anxious if they don't pick up on it)
• His brothers don't really argue with him much either, so if he walks up and says he wants some MC time, sure they'll complain a bit, but won't put up a fight
• Your mutual love for naps was lovely
• He'd say he wanted a nap, and wanted you to take it with him
• Who's gonna say no to that?
• He also holds your hand when needed, and whispers words of affirmation in your ears
• Will trace little patterns on your hand when you need something external to focus on
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