#also maybe don’t be shitty to people online ??
dear-ao3 · 9 months
listen up kids, if you feel as though you are being stalked/threatened/whatever unsafe thing on this platform or any platform it is perfectly ok to disable your account, stop posting, make a new blog, get off the internet, etc. just cause tumblr is a piece of crap social media doesn’t mean that you still can’t get stalked here. or ao3 or wherever. you owe toxic people, stalkers and groomers nothing. if it’s ever a question of your own safety remove yourself entirely from the situation, stop posting, report their accounts and come back only when you think it’s safe, even if you have to create a whole new blog. you’ll find your people again and they will treat you better than the ones who are stalking you.
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
ever few months something happens that makes me want to remind southern ppl that we’re not like a joke or bad or stupid or whatever else ppl like to paint southern folks as being
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floral-hex · 1 year
Constantly regretting not joining a local Cyberpunk Red game when I had the chance.
#I’m bored! I’m boring!#I need to get out of the house more#so anyway months ago someone advertised online that they were going to start a game in town#which would be awesome. cool. I even applied (filled out a cute little survey)#buuuuut I never responded when they tried to get back to me#I still have so much anxiety about my hearing loss#I’m afraid to join a group of strangers and just feel awkward and humiliated the whole time if I can’t hear them#big scaredy cat#of course my therapist would say (and has said many many times) not to reject myself before someone else has a chance to#or whatever. you get what I’m saying?#I should have at least tried to talk about it with the person#TO BE FAIR! tbf tho I was going through a big move and my mother’s health issues so it probably would have been so shitty keeping up#BUT who knows. maybe it could have worked out. we’ll never know bc I didn’t try#so I guess the moral is… I dunno. shit MIGHT be shitty in the end but it could also be great… so… do it… I guess…🤷🏻‍♂️#that sounds so fun tho. joining a ttrpg group#I used to play homebrews with my friends in high school and it was so fun#just hanging out in the garage. lots of snacks. playing d&d. good times.#I tried to play d&d (dnd?) with my brothers before but they were pretty young back then#anyway… yeah… might look into finding a group to play with#I don’t have a laptop that can really use for online play but who knows. there are a few game stores in the area. gotta be people out there#don’t let your dreams be dreams#anybody play ttrpgs in central arkansas?#that’s not a weird creep I mean#is that mean? I mean I’m weird and maybe kind of creepy. who am I to judge.#I just don’t want to play with a group of assholes or whatever#okay okay sorry I will play with you creeps and weirdos. I’m sorry.#ok I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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beneathashadytree · 3 months
I am genuinely appalled by the discourse ongoing in the LNDS fandom these past few days—but above all, I am severely disappointed in what had started out as one of the most inclusive and sweet fandoms I’ve ever been in. I have a few things to say, so in this post I’m trying to put all my thoughts to words. Apologies if I sound harsh, but I’m genuinely livid. Also, please ignore any typos. I’m not wearing my glasses while word-vomiting.
First off, for a fandom that is composed of mostly adults, you guys have been acting terribly childishly. It’s 2024, and yet people are still unironically shaming others for “switching up on their favs” as if a person owes 2D characters any loyalty. Let people enjoy things. The novelty of Sylus and how he’s quite literally 6 months behind the other 3 love interests makes people want to catch up on the enjoyment of him all at once. He’s still such a brand new character and concept, so there’s no wonder everyone’s hyped up over him.
I’ve seen people get genuinely mad at other players and writing whole think-pieces about this. I promise you guys, the company making this game is still benefiting whether you’re pouring your money into Sylus or any one of the previous 3. We’re all happy to have an interesting character pop up among the roster now, and we’re taking our time getting to know him. Doesn’t make any of the first 3 any less loved. I genuinely don’t remember this amount of nastiness when solo events for each of the guys used to drop.
In fact, if the popularity thing is worrying you, going off MLQC (the company’s past game) the character who was last added was—eventually, after the initial hype died down—kicked off to the sidelines in most major events and was given the least content, and was the least favorite of fans.
Secondly, and this has my blood boiling, there is an insane amount of entitlement and rudeness I’ve seen on my timeline concerning how people characterize the men—particularly Rafayel.
Absolutely nothing warrants this shitty attitude towards other creators for how they depict characters in their fics. It seems you guys feel protected behind a screen and think it gives you the right to bully strangers online. Fanfiction is for fantasizing about your favs; for letting your imagination run wild. If this were a character analysis, then yes, maybe I’d agree that inaccuracies are aggravating. However, in fanfiction, there are zero rules, especially when it comes to smut.
Sexual preferences are not equivalent to a person’s whole personality—so whether he’s written as a dom, a sub, a switch, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, this has nothing to do with his kindness, gentlemanliness, passion, power, ruthlessness, snark, or whatever minuscule aspect of his character makes up his lovely whole and matters to you.
I think this circles back to a lack of ability to separate sexual matters and personality, because how else do people interpret fics depicting him in a certain manner as them erasing his character? They might overlap, but they can very well be mutually exclusive. I’ve seen incredibly sweet and gentle men irl who were absolute doms in bed, and I’ve seen powerful and passionate men who were reduced to tears between the sheets. There is barely any correlation whatsoever, and if anything, claiming otherwise is what I consider piss-poor media literacy and reading-comprehension.
My third point is that for some reason, there have been many, many posts and replies on here where I’ve seen people just straight-up spread pure hate for the characters. Maybe this bothered me in particular because I’m an OT3 (OT4 now!) and absolutely adore all of them, but I find no logical reason for “yucking someone’s yum” when we’re talking about liking the characters of an Otome game—a genre of video games which is made to literally cater to the tastes of as many people as possible.
It’s especially disheartening to see when it’s at a time like this, when new content is about to drop, and you find in the replies of every other post/discussion at least a few people spewing hate and disgust at Sylus. Again, so many people are incredibly excited about him. Why is there a need to rain on everyone’s parade, especially in such an unsolicited manner?
This fandom originally started as a safe space for people of all races, backgrounds, genders, sexualities, and personalities to bond over our mutual love for characters. All I’ve seen on my TL lately (in terms of discussion) is negativity, and it’s such a fucking let-down. I hope whatever the fuck has happened to this fandom cools down after a bit. It’s probably exaggerated and very in-your-face rn, cause more and more people are downloading LNDS, so the probabilities of finding people being nasty are increasing. But I seriously don’t want to grow to resent this fandom and find myself distancing myself from it to protect my peace.
Let’s all remember to be kind towards other players, to not act entitled or bratty about the characters, and to try and mind our own business if we see content that doesn’t suit our tastes.
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modelbus · 7 months
i just typed a long ass message and it all deleted itself-
question, do you think you want to do another part on cut chaos? No pressure ofc, but I’d be cool! (I have a bunch of ideas for it I’ll send seperate (maybe) feel free to ignore them but like free crappy inspo man)
Request: Y/N is a part of SBI but they aren’t treated that great by the fandom or really the rest of the group. Its not like SBI MEANS to disregard the ‘hate’ towards Y/N like its nothing but they tend to dismiss or just ignore it, of course, they are still really close and care about Y/N, it still just hurts a little that they ignore it. But where the creators don’t realise they’re neglecting their friends emotions, the fans? They are fully aware they constantly joke about Y/N being the worst member of SBI. They are fully aware they also always ‘joke’ about forgetting Y/N exists. They are fully aware that despite Y/N being in as many if not more ‘SBI’ streams or videos than the other creators, they act as if they’re not actually a part of SBI. They are fully aware many of them aren’t joking when they say Y/N is not a member of SBI, or when they say they wish Y/N would stop showing up to streams. They are fully aware that the main ‘joke’ people think of when they think SBI is something along the lines of; “Whos Y/N?” or “Y/N is SO the middle child of the SBI, we all forget them!” or “Y/N? Ohhh you mean the one that’s annoying but its not funny!” .. When the SBI are streaming bedwars 2v2v2’s with a random viewer each game and that viewer happens to end up on Y/N’s team (and be an asshole) they, of course, decide to complain that out of every member they could be teamed with, they got the worst member of SBI! (Even though Y/N and techno practice pvp together regularly and the only person in SBI Y/N can’t kill is techno) While Y/N does what they always do and laughs it off with a SICK comeback (despite how much it hurts when they realise they expected that kind of reaction to being teamed with them), the rest of the SBI seems to snap as though that was their final straw (starting with tommy yelling ‘THATS BULLSHIT’ or smth) and all collectively go on a rant about how shitty most(?) fans treat Y/N, to Y/N’s surprise most of all of the fives chats are agreeing..? Y/N starts to realise maybe they aren’t as hated as they thought.. and maybe, just maybe, they are a lot more loved then they realised.
Its funny how I’m not motivated to write actual fics but I can write 800 word requests-
✨🌌🌙 Annon-
I’d love to write more for Cut Chaos! My writing has been all over the place lately because I’ve been really busy (school stuff :/) but I do enjoy writing for that (not-so) little series
Pairing: Gn!Reader X CC!SBI (Tommy, Techno, Phil, Wilbur)
Found Fury
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You aren’t unfamiliar with the term unwanted. If anything, you’ve burrowed yourself a home in the word, splitting it in two. Accepted yourself for what you are.
Quite honestly, if there was a record for ‘most hated SBI member’ it’d go to you. Actually, it wouldn’t, considering how most people don’t even see you as a member of SBI. The forgettable middle child, adrift alone.
There wasn’t much you could do except accept it.
Bothering the others with it was unfathomable. Besides, they’ve surely seen some hint of it. They aren’t quite that blind, even if Wilbur and Techno do wear glasses. And, seeing as how they haven’t said a word… maybe it’s best if you didn’t nag about it.
It’s not that you’re partial to the so-called ‘suffering in silence,’ because you really aren’t. But you’re uniquely acquainted with brushing things off, pretending that your friends’ continued silence doesn’t sting and that being excluded from the group isn’t heart-wrenching. In the end, who really cares what strangers online think?
You can ignore the messages in your inboxes. The emails to your professional email asking if you’re really a part of SBI. All the replies to all your posts. Every fucking comment on every video you’re in.
Sometimes, it piles around you so high that you can’t see past it. Words strung together to form sentences that rephrase ‘Who even are you’ a thousand times. Or the more creative, ‘How do you manage to be unfunny AND annoying’ mixed with a side of scorn. It’s worse when it trends on Twitter after a stream, but who are you to complain?
After all, you’re just lucky to be following SBI around according to Twitter. Blessed to be in their fucking presence.
For the most part, you just hire more mods. And they’re pretty strict with bans, so your chat tends to err on the positive side. Everyone else’s? Well, let’s just say there’s a reason you don’t have their chats open.
Today is no exception.
Bedwars with viewers, everyone being randomly set into 2v2v2. Tommy’s idea, although he’s lost every round that Techno wasn’t on his team. That was mostly due to you sneak attacking him while he targeted Techno, but still.
“POTATOMAN!” Tommy shouts, practically bursting your eardrums. “YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!”
“Christ, mate.” Phil laughs.
“…my ears…” Techno mourns quietly, making both you and Wilbur laugh.
“We’re getting in! We’re getting in!” Tommy says excitedly, and everyone spawns into their teams.
Your heart sinks when you realize you’re with the viewer on white team. Their character, a potato in a suit, stares at you as you walk backward to collect iron and gold from the generator.
You’ve been lucky up until this far, always getting placed with one of the others. Logically, you knew you’d eventually be placed with the random, but part of you still hoped. Still dared to relax into the game.
Potatoman’s character stands there for a few minutes, and you buy wool with your iron.
“Funnel me the gold, Tommy.” Techno says calmly.
“No! Fuck off! This is my gold!”
“You’re just going to walk off the edge with it!”
“No I won’t! When have I ever?!”
“Last game.” Wilbur inputs.
“Wha— I was pushed! That’s different!”
A message pops up in game chat, and your eyes flick to it for a moment, too busy with building a bed defense. When you realize it isn’t Tommy’s death message (it would’ve been really funny, let’s be honest), you do a double take to read it.
<Potatoman> My luck omg
Your eyebrows raise. For a split second, you dare to hope that the viewer is a fan of yours. That they want to be on a team with you. Hope is a dangerous thing; it just makes things worse when it dies.
<Potatoman> Stuck with the worst member &lt;Potatoman> Not even a member fr lmaooo
Ah. And there it is.
Seeing the messages doesn't hurt; it's the fact that you knew to expect it right from the start.
That's not to say you're even the worst member, because in PvP you're a God. Hell, you and Techno train it all the time for fun! Even Tommy cheers when he gets teamed with you in PvP games like this. Being teamed with you for Bedwars was a pretty good thing, in theory.
Always in theory.
Because somehow, someway, you're never liked enough. Never enough for the viewers in general, even. Too annoying, too loud, too imperfect, too showy, too quiet, too anything. And you know to expect that feedback rather than to expect any semblance of compliments.
"At least the so-called 'worst member' didn't walk off the edge, unlike someone on my team." You quip, targeting your words at the viewer.
"Heh?" Techno asks.
"Oh, uh, nothing-"
"Look in chat." Wilbur interrupts.
There's a pause, then:
"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Tommy screams into his mic. "WHAT THE HELL?!"
"I'm agreeing with the kid here." Techno sighs.
"Actually, we really should talk about how the fans have been online. It's not even a recent thing." Phil says, his calm a stark contrast to Tommy.
"I've seen it a lot too. Let's be clear; everyone here is part of the Sleepy Bois. I made it, I make the rules." Wilbur declares.
"You did not make it!" Tommy protests, but Wilbur doesn't stop for him.
"To make it clear, we won't tolerate any hate of anyone in this group, especially not to the extent that we've been seeing recently."
Your eyes glance over at your chat, already stunned, only to have your jaw slacken when you see that your chat is spamming hearts and "YESYESYES."
"Guys, you don't have to... do this." You try.
"I'm pretty sure we do." Techno deadpans, and you can practically imagine the optifine zoom on his character's face he's probably doing/
"The fans treat you like shit, and we're all tired of it." Wilbur agrees. "It's stupid."
"They're all internet assholes." Tommy chimes in, this time at a reasonable volume.
"So from here on out, anyone who says mean shit to you gets banned. From all of our chats." Your eyes go wide at Phil's words, and you quickly pull up his and Tommy's streams to see what their chats are saying.
But... that can't be right. The outpouring of agreement can't be right. The fans all hate you, you know this. There's no way they're agreeing with Phil, Tommy, Techno, and Wil.
So you open Wilbur's chat, then pull up a YouTube tab for Techno's stream too.
Agreement floods every chat, and for just a moment you can't breathe. You were the supposed forgotten middle child, the one nobody cares to stand up for. But that was wrong, wasn't it?
You are part of the Sleepy Bois, and you're just as deserving as everyone else. Of the fans, of the support, of being able to open chat and not see overwhelming hate.
Of being loved.
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
Part 3 - Refreshing
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“oh my god tell me EVERYTHING”
angela runs up to you as she hears your keys in the door, practically tackling you for information.
“okay! okay! so, well, we were editing, and then we streamed, and then i drove him to his apartment, and we kissed, and i dont know!” you retort, flopping down on the couch. “also wheres that ice-cream?” you ask her with puppy dog eyes.
“oh shoot yeah! ill grab it,” she scurries off for a minute, and returns with two bowls of vanilla ice-cream topped with strawberry slices. “here you are m’lady”
you hiss as your skin touches the cold bowl
“okay, so, how did it happen? was it good? do you think he likes you?” she begins to spew questions at you.
“one at a time jelly, jeez! okay so , it happened when we were outside his apartment, yes it was good, and i think so? maybe? i hope so at least.”
“well,” she says with a huf “if he doesn't like you he’s missing out!”
you giggle at her, and turn on tangled for the hundredth time this month, it’s your guys’ favourite. you curl up together under a blanket, and drift off.
the weekend goes on pretty smoothly, you and angela just hanging out. then monday comes around.
“cmon (y/n/n) wake up! we’re gonna be late!” you feel the mattress dipping, and rub your eyes.
“huh-“ you reply groggily, and then you realise whats happening
“ANGELA STOP JUMPING ON MY BED!” you laugh at her energy, as she flops down beside you. managing to hoist yourself out if bed, you throw on a sweatshirt and linen pants. on the way to the office, you guys stop at coffee bean for smoothies, which angela almost spills everywhere.
walking into the office, you spot spencer and give him a sweet smile. but he freezes up and just walks away.
you shrug it off, and continue on through the day.
at around 2, you’re about to start shooting an aitah video with spencer and, obviously, shayne. but spencer is being really avoidant, not looking at you while kiana tells you about the shoot. so you chase him up just before the shoot, because you don’t want that tension on screen
“spencer hey,” you jog up to him in the kitchen as he grabs a mt dew kickstart. “whats up? why are you being weird with me? have i done something?” you look into his eyes as you ask him, and you can see his sadness.
“no, i just, i don't know…” he starts to trail off “i just feel like i forced you to kiss me when you didnt want to and i feel really shitty about it and i-”
“hey,” you gently grab his hands “it’s okay, it was nice. i liked it” you smile, and kiss him on the cheek, turning away to go get ready for the shoot. you feel the heat in your cheeks.
during the shoot, you and spencer share the chunky knit blanket as shayne reads you some of the most outrageous stories you’ve ever heard, and you wonder how people online are comfortable enough to say this kind of stuff
afterwards, as you begin to leave, spencer catches up with you.
“(y/n)!” he shouts, catching up with you at your desk while you pack your bag “so um, i was wondering, and obviously feel free to say no, um, if you’d want to go to the fair with me on friday night?” he looks nervous, almost as if he feels he shouldn't ask you.
“yeah, yeah that’d be nice” you smile at him, and his eyes light up at your statement. he thanks you, and says he’ll text you about it later. walking outside, you meet angela and hop in the car.
“what’s got you in a good mood? you’re only ever this quiet when you’re happy. what happened? DID SPENCER-” she begins to interrogate you as you pull out of the lot
“yes, it’s to do with spencer. he asked me on a date.”
angela gasps so loud you swear she could break glass.
“OHMYGOD FINALLY!! I THOUGHT HE WAS IGNORING YOU THIS MORNING BUT HE WAS PROBABLY JUST NERVOUS OH MY GOSH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” she bounces in her seat, rattling the car. you laugh, leaning away from the hyperactive puppy of a best friend you have.
over the next few days, you and spencer start hanging out a lot more and get a lot closer. you find yourselves sharing longing gazes across rooms, staying up late into the night just talking about life, and discovering things about each other you didn't know. each moment you spend together feels like a lifetime, the bond between you two deepening with every laugh. and then you realise something. you wanted to spend all you time with him.
friday evening rolls around, and you’re sat at your desk finishing an edit, and waiting for arasha to bring you a coffee, when spencer walks over to you. his hair is messy, and he’s wearing a plaid shirt tucked in his worn in dickies, with a denim jacket over the top. he looks beautiful.
“you ready to go?” he says, cocking his head slightly
“just give me a minute, im just finishing up this edit and arasha’s bringing me coffee. but feel free to hang out here while i finish up!” you say looking up at him with a smile.
you finish the edit, and arasha walks over with courtney and shayne, and coffee in her hand.
“sup lovers! (y/n) here’s your overly sweet coffee,” she sets it down on your desk, then taking a sip of her own “so, big plans tonight spencer? you’re dressed up…” arasha says slyly, raising an eyebrow
“i mean if taking (y/n) on a date is big plans then, i guess so” spencer smiles at her
“HA! I KNEW IT! IAN AND YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS EACH” courtney fist pumps the air, and shoves shayne in the shoulder
“ugh why do you always have to be right! you suck!” he dejectedly pulls a 10 dollar note out of his back pocket, and she pinches it with a “thank-you!”. you just look at them all, mouth agape.
“you placed bets on this!?” you look at courtney in shock.
“i mean, obviously. i knew you liked him, but we placed bets on how long it would take for anything to happen. my guess was a month and a week and hey, here we are”
“huh, weirdly specific but… go you!” you smirk at her, standing up to slide your jacket on.
“well, if you’ll exuse us, we have oversized bears to win” spencer smirks and holds his hand out for you to take, as you walk out the office together.
“awh,” tommy says, walking up to the three of them who were lingering near your desk “they’re so cute together!”
“sup nerds, what are we talking about?” ian jumps in
“ian give me my 10 dollars, spencer and (y/n) are going on a date as we speak” she grins at him
“ughhhhhh, fineeeeeeeee. you’re the worst court”
you and spencer hop in the car, and drive off to the fair, and as soon as you arrive, you run and buy a tub of cotton candy.
as you walk around, arms linked with spencer, you drag him to all the shitty games that you’re convinced are rigged.
“what!! no i definitely hit that one!” you stomp your feet like an upset child at the coconut shy, frowning because you didn’t get the giant giraffe teddy.
“watch this” spencer says confidently, and you gawk at him as he hits all the targets perfectly.
“how the hell did you manage that!” you say in amazement
he just laughs and passes you the giraffe “years of playing video games sometimes pays off”
you take the giraffe, and decide to call it amanda. so obviously, you send her a picture
amanderp 😚
you: [picture of you and the giraffe]
you: guess what i named it
amanderp 😚: giraffey?
you: nope, meet amanda ;)
amanderp 😚: omg i love you!! can she live at your desk? i want to meet her 😆😆
you: of course! i’ll bring her in on monday :))
you and spencer continue to sort of just walk around, giggling with eachother. as the night comes to a close, you get on the ferris wheel.
“its so pretty up here” you look out across the fair, the lights dancing over peoples faces as you sit at the top.
“yeah, makes you realise how pretty other things are” you turn to look at him, and he’s already looking at you. he looks at your lips, then back into your eyes. you close the distance between you both, pressing your lips together sofly, bringing your hand up to his hair and gently running your fingers through his curls. you break it apart, foreheads presses together, and he giggles
“hey whats funny!” you pout, sitting up and looking him in the eyes
“you taste like cotton candy. you taste like you. just overly sweet.”
you cant help but smile, leaning on his shoulder and lacing your fingers together. he looks down at you, and in that moment, you became his sunshine.
a/n: AHHH ITS FINISHED!! thank you all so much for the love on this series, it was so fun to write and it’s been so nice seeing your guys’ comments 💛💛 requests are open <3
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thorne1435 · 2 years
(1st off, i am a trans man) personally, it makes me slightly uncomfortable when other trans men center their own experiences. don’t get me wrong, we have a right to talk about our issues, but i can’t help but feel like there’s a victim complex going on when some guys say that TERFs are “just as dangerous” to trans men or that baeddelism is a relevant issue (while brushing the misogyny and toxic masculinity in the ftm community under the rug). the fact that you made a post about trans unity and the first ask you got was about how trans men aren’t supported enough by trans women? but like, is that true? is it not ALSO an issue that trans women aren’t supported enough by trans men?
Okay, I hear you, and I acknowledge that I (unfortunately) have fairly limited experience with trans men but I don't know if I like the idea of discounting what they have to say as "a victim complex."
They just want to be heard. And I think they have a right to be upset, given how little representation trans men are given in media. I never saw any discussions on transmasc issues until I came to Tumblr. Never saw it on YouTube or Reddit. Online leftist circles--and even online trans circles!--don't talk about trans men! So, y'know what? If they're being a little melodramatic about their issues, maybe it'll off-set the lack of any knowledge of their issues in the first place.
And also, I think toxic masculinity and misogyny are sort of part of being a man, right now? Which certainly isn't to say it's inherent to men, but society does encourage it. That's what I think should change about being a man. This goes back to societal misandry, I think. Toxic Masculinity is just a manifestation of societal forces that encourage men to behave in unhuman ways, and I think it would be immature of me to expect trans men to perfectly avoid that, in their pursuit of masculinity.
Gender is a performance. We are all looking for the role that makes us most comfortable, but the baggage attached to the roles isn't something you can side-step so easily. Cis people have an advantage on this front, in that they are capable of proving their masculinity or femininity via means other than pure performance. Society *expects* them to be men or women and that means they can gesticulate towards genitalia whenever they're called into question. (They don't always do that, and it's sort of transphobic when they do, but the ones who are comfortable with themselves might say something like that, all the same)
A trans man will uphold toxic masculinity the same way that a trans woman will submit herself to misogyny: it is in pursuit of the perfect encapsulation of the role. Unless we feel like we adequately perform the role inherently, we are inclined to tolerate--and ergo embody, to an extent--the negativity present in the roles we desire.
I believe that lowering the standards for who can be seen as valid in masculinity will alleviate quite a bit of misogyny, whether that misogyny be among transmascs or cis men. So, in saying that, I hope I also illustrate why I'm quick to jump to their defense while also tacking on my ideas about societal misandry and its toll on men.
On the subject of whether or not transfems actually don't support transmascs...I guess I wouldn't really know. I'm not in trans communities because I don't live in a place where that kind of community could show up. I imagine this problem is being blown out of proportion a little bit, but the ask I think you're talking about did say that it was sort of a Tumblr thing? And internet discourse is just...fuckin...so unbelievably shitty. So I'm not too worried about it.
I mean, I'm not going to immediately assume any transfem I meet is inherently misandristic or otherwise bigoted towards transmascs, but I'm still gonna go to bat for transmascs if they get shit-talked, y'know?
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 16 days
Ted Talk number 2 already. This one is about Evan and Natalie discourse again.
I’ve been seeing a LOT of smack about Evan at NYC fashion week related to Natalie because she’s a model and works for Karlie Kloss and I’d like to put in some RATIONAL thought about that topic.
Ok, let’s indulge the thought that maybe Natalie is suggesting and trying to convince Evan to change his style and go to fashion shows.
Evan is a GROWN MAN. He can make his own decisions. If Natalie is asking him to do something, he can say no. As far as I can see, he is not obligated to do anything she says, nor stay in the relationship.
Another thing, he cannot just show up. He is paid to be there by the brand. Otherwise he wouldn’t have any reason to attend unless his girlfriend was working there, but he was at the Loewe’s men’s show, obviously Natalie is not the one working at the show—he is. And he accepted to be there. Loewe nor Natalie cannot force him to accept the job or show up. He did that because obviously he wanted to. Crazy concept, I know.
He is working. May Natalie have had some influence or connection? Maybe. But to discredit Evan’s popularity and give her all the credit for him booking a job with Loewe is disrespectful to his integrity, especially as people who claim to be his fans.
He has every right and autonomy to have just been picked out by Loewe with no influence of Natalie whatsoever. And even if she is changing his style, genuinely she’s doing a good job. He looks fresh. It’s really refreshing to see him done up nicely after how shitty he looked in his previous relationships (Emma Snoberts).
I’ve also seen complaints about the outfit he’s wearing in the photoshoot, but he’s a model for the show and was obviously done-up by an artist/ designer. Natalie did not pick the outfit he’s wearing. So if you don’t like it, blame his stylist or Evan himself, because Natalie doesn’t change his clothes for him like he’s a toddler.
Yes, I loved his lazy hobo style just like anyone else. But to see him looking clean in his daily getup is so nice.
Why does everything Evan does now have to be related to Natalie? Can he not just change and mature as a person, and also make his own decisions? I can assure you, she’s not holding him at gunpoint to do something. Just because you don’t like his decisions and the changes he’s making doesn’t mean Natalie is abusive like Emma. If anything, I think it’s the healthiest relationship he’s been in for a while now and it’s obvious. Which is clearly why so many of you are jealous and are nitpicking anything to tear her down.
I’d also want to add some discussion on Natalie and her public politics.
There has been a photo resurfacing of her aparently being a Trump supporter, but the “badges” aren’t really clear enough. If anything they look like generic “I voted” stickers. Which usually have no affiliation to politcal party as far as I know.
Adding the photo and evidence here that people are using to claim she’s a “Trump supporter”:
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Ladies and gents, the “Trump” badge:
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I actually even looked online for an oval shaped Trump sticker like this and there was nothing. This is literally the sticker she’s wearing that people are using to claim she voted for Trump.
But, again, let’s indulge the thought that maybe she was a Trump supporter. She has every right to flip her political stance.
She is clearly extremely for abortion rights and female autonomy, which was taken away. And as we know, Trump isn’t the best candidate to regain those rights. At least not when he’s on the far right spectrum. That’s my opinion and observation, and it’s clearly Natalie’s too.
You are not obligated to stick to one political party or candidate forever. So maybe in 2016 she voted for Trump, boo fucking hoo. She’s not a hypocrite for changing her mind or her stance like any normal fucking human being.
There is literally nothing perfect Natalie can do for anyone, just like any normal human. And even if she was somehow this conventionally perfect figure head, you guys would some how still find ways to discredit her.
If you want Evan to be in a good relationship with someone (which obviously you believe is you, but with the way you treat him and Natalie he would never.) shitting on every single girlfriend he has because you don’t like the public appearance of their relationship and how it doesn’t suit your standards (or just because it’s not you, which at this rate it will never be) is not going to get anyone anywhere.
Your harassment of Natalie is harassment towards Evan as well, because he chose her. That is his decision. If you shit on Natalie and she finds it, and in any shape or form it affects her—mentally, emotionally, physically—it is going to hurt Evan too because obviously, he cares about her and is a caring person. Whether you like that fact or not, it is at the end of the day—a fact. They are dating, so whatever the other person is feeling will reflect onto the other, and I’m sure Evan wouldn’t want to see Natalie hurt in any sort of way. We know she sees at least some of the hate, and we have no idea how she really reacts to it. But I’m sure it’s not positively or happily.
He’s not a bird locked in a cage to be gawked at. He’s a human being who is doing something at this very moment, living, breathing, talking, having thoughts and feelings. And so is Natalie. And I’m sure both of them have seen your neurotic behavior.
News flash, Evan most likely does not like you if you act that way, and he most definitely doesn’t want you.
So sit down and grow the fuck up. Most of you are grown adults saying this as well. Act like one.
Thanks for listening to another rant again, I’m genuinely so tired of this. No, I am not defending Natalie. But so far, you guys have no real evidence she has done or is doing anything you claim, and it’s not even that bad regardless. Until Natalie does something actually wrong, I will call out this stupid shitty behavior. The real person I’m defending at the end of the day is Evan, because all of it circles back to him, and it is an extremely disrespectful painting of his character that I’m sure no one is hoping for. I’m sure at this rate most of the actual Natalie haters will have stopped reading long before and stormed away fuming out their ears, but regardless, if I can share this info so other people can have an argument back against their bullshit then it’s worth it.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
tbh i agree with you about the hate against the word transandrophobia rly just being people not wanting to admit that they might have been acting kinda of shitty when they bullied and excluded and gaslit us about our oppression (tbh i think with some chronically online transfems it's just an I Am Upset When Is Not About Me situation. but i also think they have that pov after being legitimately traumatized and jaded by the transmisogyny that *is* rampant in queer and feminist spaces so there's nuance or whatever ig) but at this point ive had to just start ignoring it when people i follow start ranting against the word as long as its just the word they have issues with 😭😭 like the bar is so low ive had to set it at "anyone who accepts that we might suffer from sexism and systemic misogyny like women do" because otherwise it's like the only trans people i can follow are those who are *specifically* transandrophobia bloggers or those who just never post about community issues- which is often a breath of fresh air, except half the time i end up having to unfollow those people after they start reblogging posts like "trans men need to admit they have male privilege and really yknow what they can pass so easily they basically have cis privilege too and clearly they're all skinny and white and able-bodied so actually they're just The Enemy but also they're all lame and cringe and The Reason Cis People Hate Us because they're so lame and cringe and they should all just detransition and be good normal quiet pretty cis girls tbh." (:
quietly praying contrapoints or jessiegender (heard contra explicitly say that terfs and society at large oppress us in a unique way that can be just as harmful as transmisogyny on a podcast, and jessie has explicitly talked about transandrophobia and used the word on her second channel) does even the slightest gesture of support towards us in a more public-facing way so that maybe the delusional idea that patriarchy respects our gender enough to give us more than the flimsiest, conditional male privilege stops being quite so dominant.
I’m so sorry you’ve had to settle for interacting with people who don’t respect you or recognize your oppression. I get what you mean, I’ve been willing to settle for people who use tme/tma and think transmascs see privileged above transfems, I’m just so desperate for people who discuss trans issues but understand that transmascs experience gendered oppression. I hope popular non-transmascs discussing our issues will help increase acceptance of our discussions.
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chamerionwrites · 6 months
Also can someone please explain to me what is up with the sudden rash of people online arguing, “Actually consent is a bad framework for talking about sexual ethics because some people push and cajole their partners into agreeing to participate in [XYZ kink] that they don’t actually want to do!” ? Like are you being disingenuous on purpose or did we all just collectively forget that we have a word for this, and that word is coercion, and that we’ve had pretty extensive societal discussions about how coercion ≠ consent. I mean I’m sure we could always use more, because of course we still live in a culture that is astonishingly bad with the concept of consent and I am in no way denying this, but. We did very much did have those societal discussions!
Additionally you do recognize that the kink isn’t actually the heart of the problem in this scenario you’re proposing, right? You do recognize that it would also be very bad to coerce someone into receiving perfectly unremarkable oral sex. Right. You do recognize that quite a lot of people are coerced into things specifically BECAUSE those things are seen as “normal” or “vanilla” and thus non-optional, RIGHT. Do you really think kink is the root of all (or even the majority of) sexual abuse, or do we also need to revisit the discussion about how the majority of rapists are not in fact The Scary Non-Normative Other and maybe also while we’re at it the discussion about how Not All Assault Involves Physical Force (and all the shitty attendant victim-blaming)? Are you poorly articulating a fear that any act viewed as even halfway “normal” will come to be considered non-optional (totally understandable but you’re still misidentifying the problem) or are you all actually this confused about the concept of consent? In which case please excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
Online & Anonymous 10/16
Hangster. Explicit. Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
Odd year = Bradley's POV and Even year = Jake's POV
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
2005/2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 – Bradley
                He doesn’t have the location feature in Grindr turned on by default. He can’t and won’t pick up while he’s deployed, not considering the fact that they have all sort of security hoops and communication blackouts, the location hasn’t ever been important. Except when he’s on leave and he’s looking at it now and Jas is in the same state as him. Not close by any means, but holy shit he’ll travel if he has to. Jas is meant to be deployed, however Texas is a huge state, and Jas has no reason to lie about being deployed. Unless their luck has changed, and Jas is somehow on leave and they’re in the same state. There’s a chance that Jas is on base, and if that’s the case it rules out the Marines and Coast Guard, but not Army, Navy or Air Force.
                He wonders if it’s even possible for them to meet. He would totally fly a couple of hours to finally meet Jas.
>>Not to creep on you, but I can see you’re in Texas.
>>You here long?
>>You have got to be fucking kidding me.
>>I’m here for two days. Just here to attend my grandma’s funeral.
>>And avoid my family as much as possible.
>>Okay. Not exactly ideal meeting conditions.
>>I’m almost tempted to just ditch the funeral.
>>But I can’t.
>>Of course not.
>>God I hate this entire state.
>>Special leave to attend.
>>Turn around is tight.
>>I’m sorry for your loss.
                Bradley isn’t sure what else to say, because he hadn’t even realized that Jas spoke to any of his family members, had left them all behind when he joined up whatever service it is he’s in. 
>>Thanks. She was the last decent family member I had.
>>Not that I was the best grandson.
>>Another thing to feel shitty and guilty about I guess.
>>But I don’t think I’ll be coming back here unless it’s for work.
…            …            …
                He studies his calendar and the dates Jas has sent through of when he’s on leave. There’s not more than twenty-four hours of overlap with his own leave and he gets that people come and go and in a twelve-month period it’s fine, however this has been going on for several years now. The world feels like it’s going crazy and he doesn’t know if it actually is, or if he’s just paying more attention now, as he gets older and aware how world events will impact where he might be sent next. Where Jas might be sent next.
                Foreign airstrikes.
                And that’s just the first two months of the year. God, no wonder they can’t seem to catch a break. He scrolls back up to the pictures Jas had sent through last night and studies the tan lines, wonders where he might be to develop them. It’s not a comms blackout, but it’s close. They’re time zones apart now and it makes him regret not appreciating all the times when they were only hours apart.
                “Is that your guy?”
                “Jesus Christ! Natasha!” Bradley presses his phone to his chest and squirms away from where she’s trying to sit on his thighs in an attempt to pin him.
                “I mean, I’d be distracted too if someone sent me pictures like that. Maybe worth the money you paid for that ridiculous phone,” she says, poking him in the thigh.
                “He’s not my guy. Just… okay. Yeah. I guess it is my guy. He’s also a friend. He doesn’t need you drooling over him.”
                “A friend you have pretty regular sex with… And I’m sure you drool over him enough for the both of us.”
                “Yeah. But we’ve never met and it feels like we’re never going to. And we don’t even know each other’s names. It’s not a romance for the ages.”
                “And yet you admitted it’s one of your most important relationships. And not just because of the sex. That does sound pretty romantic to me.”
                “This is why people think we’re sleeping together, all you talk about is sex.”
                “I just said it was romantic! But I talk about sex because it winds you up.”
                Bradley groans.
                “Is it phone sex, when your still just sending messages? Isn’t phone sex when you’re actually on the phone with each other? Have you tried that? Does he have an accent?”
                “Why are you so interested?” Bradley replies, because he’s wondering now, and he hadn’t really thought about it before and he’s annoyed at himself. Wonders if they could talk on the phone, hear each other’s voices. Wonders if Jas has an accent, because he is Texan.
                “Because I’m bored.”
                “What do I have to do to make you leave me alone?”
                “There’s nothing you can do. You need to entertain me. Can I talk to your friend?”
                “I could find him and talk to him. You’ve given me enough details to find him I think…”
                “Why would you want to do that?”
                “The entertainment value alone would make it worth it.”
                He rolls his eyes but pulls a deck of cards from his pocket, because while he doesn’t think she would go through with it he also wouldn’t be entirely surprised if she did.
…            …            …
                His next deployment once again finds him on a carrier with Jake Seresin. Carriers are huge, there are thousands of people on board and yet Seresin seems to be there every time he turns around. Fortunately Seresin’s squadron are meant to leave in two months so at least that’s only one-third of his deployment he has to suffer through, and another squadron is cycling through in one-month, so between them he can at least try and avoid him. It works better in theory than in practice. Their downtime in the rec room nearly always seems to coincide and he’s not really listening to what the others are talking about until he hears Seresin mention going home to Texas.
                “You’re Texan?” Bradley asks, eyes shooting up to meet his and Seresin raises an eyebrow.
                “Born and bred. How did you miss that fact Rooster? It’s not like you haven’t heard my gorgeous dulcet tones.”
                “I guess I just never thought of it before, about where you’re from.”
                He doesn’t mean it as an insult, he just really hadn’t thought about it, because he was in Corpus Christi where everyone seemed to sound Texan. And Seresin sometimes doesn’t sound as Texan as he does right now. He’s pretty sure that’s the case anyway.
                “Proud Texan through and through, go back every chance I get.”
                “Of course you do.”
…            …            …           
                Bambi arrives like a breath of fresh air with five others, and he grabs her and swings her around and then brings her in for a tight hug.
                “God it’s good to see you.”
                “Good to see you too BB!”
                “Congrats on the promotion.”
                “Yeah, now you can stop being an asshole about it.”
                “Only with you. And Natasha.”
                “Yeah yeah. It really is good to see you. Come on, think we can get a party started up in here and do some dancing?”
                “I’m certain you can achieve anything you want.”
                “And don’t you forget it! You can play the piano for me later!”
                “As you wish…” Bradley says, and she cackles madly and he grins, glad that she’s here.
…            …            …
                Things get a lot less fun for a while, they’re in the air dropping bombs, patrolling airspace and this is what he’s trained for, years of training paying off, and it’s necessary, and he loves flying, and when it comes down to an enemy plane or Seresin being shot down he’s glad that Seresin made the shot. As much as he might find him arrogant and annoying he doesn’t want him dead. He does wish the guy would learn a little humility though, and he definitely snaps when he hears him re-telling the kill.
                “Judge, jury and executioner… You’re just a modern-day hangman now aren’t you?”
                The nickname of Hangman sticks to him, and he can tell it grates him a little, but then he starts leaning into it and somehow becomes even more arrogant and Bradley didn’t think it was possible but he’s been wrong before. Two weeks later Seresin and the rest of his squadron leave and he lets out a mental sigh of relief.
                Four months to go.
…            …            …
>>You ever kill anyone?
>>You okay?
>>Probably not. Good enough to fake it.
>>You shouldn’t have to fake it.
>>I’m assuming this isn’t a hypothetical?
>>No. Not hypothetical.
>>I’ve probably been responsible for people dying before.
>>Just never seen faces before.
>>I’m having nightmares.
>>Shit. I’m sorry. Wish I could give you a hug.
>>Thanks. I’ve got J helping me out.
>>They aren’t going to keep me down.
>>I’ll be fine.
>>Jas. Take some time. Talk to someone.
>>And say what?
>>I throw up every time I think about it too much?
>>It’s okay to feel upset about it.
>>Yeah? Then why is everyone congratulating me like what I did was a good thing?
>>War on terror… fucking hell.
>>You’re on leave right now right?
>>Go and get laid?
>>If I could be guaranteed a good lay, I would take that advice.
>>You know what I feel like?
>>Just… pinned down and fucked until I can’t think about anything except how I’m feeling physically. Nothing in my head.
>>I mentioned once about tying you up… would you let me?
>>Yeah. Of course.
>>No. Not of course. We can talk about anything and everything, but actually doing it is another matter.
>>You know what I want the most?
>>Giving you what you need.
>>If that’s tying you to a bed that’s all well and good, but I can pin you with my body, hold you down while I just rub against you. Get you hard and desperate for it, just rubbing up against each other like horny teenagers.
>>Would be an interesting experiment to try out.
>>Yeah, especially if I was already stretched and lubed up, that potential for more just there on the edge for both of us…
>>But you’d have to figure out how to keep me pinned and get you dick in me.
>>God you’ve gotten so good at this.
>>All the practice with you baby.
…            …            …
                He’s back in a squadron with Natasha and for the first time also Hangman, and it’s a learning curve and a half because he remember Seresin and how he was at Top Gun a few years ago. He seems to have embraced the title of the only naval aviator in active duty to have an air to air kill, and all it does is make him wonder what has happened to Maverick, because surely he’s still active. The idea that he might have died and he wouldn’t know about it scares him, so he sends a carefully worded email to Ice and asks about them both. The response he gets back isn’t overly open or encouraging, but it is still a response and Bradley takes it as the small stepping stone it is. He’s still angry, but not angry enough to not want to know that Mav is alive and well. Ice too. It’s been over fifteen years and what he really wants now is answers. So he sends another email back, shares a funny story about something that happened and hopes for the best.
…            …            …
                “Every turn he assumes I think the worst of him.”
                “Don’t you?”
                “No! He’s an asshole, but I think he maybe uses that to cover up stuff.”
                “Hmm. Deep.”
                “Shut up,” Bradley mutters.
                “Maybe the two of you have more in common than you think.”
                Bradley looks at her sharply.
                “What do you mean by that?”
                “I can’t say. Just… keep an open mind I guess?”
                “Oh my god Nat. I don’t need an open mind,” Bradley says with an eye roll, putting sarcastic quotation marks in the air when he says open mind. “He made a pass at me.”
                “Oh, so you know he’s gay.”
                “And so do you…” Bradley observes.
                “Yeah well, best friend privilege I guess? I haven’t said anything about you though. Other than you being in a long-distance relationship.”
                “Oh, great, thanks for that.”
                “If I go and hook up people are going to think I’m cheating.”
                “Oh. Sorry. Didn’t think about that. Wait, how long have you known Seresin’s gay?”
                “Uh. Few years. When I was at Top Gun for the year.”
                “When you spent a large chunk of time bitching to me about how annoying he was?”
                “He asked me out for a drink after that. After most of that…”
                “Did he?! Really?” Natasha sits up and leans forward, eyes wide and excited.
                “I turned him down obviously.”
                “Why obviously?”
                “I was sort of an instructor at the time. Didn’t want a reputation of sleeping with people anymore than I want one as a cheater,” he says, poking his toes into her thigh in annoyance, although all she does back is pinch the delicate skin of his ankle and he yelps in pain.
                “So… you haven’t slept with him.”
                “Thinking about it now though right?”
                He groans and she laughs. It’s annoying because they both know she’s right.
…            …            …
                It wasn’t him. That’s the only thing he can think of when he hears the news. Who ever it was got the target wrong and hit a hospital. He hears all the talk about collateral damage but he still thinks he’s going to be sick. He didn’t sign up to kill injured people and doctors. He sends another email to Ice, wonders if he’ll have any magical words that will help him sleep at night.
…            …            …
                It hits him over dinner one night that Seresin’s first name is Jake. He has the same initials as Jas, is maybe born the same year and is also from Texas. That’s quite a few coincidences. He starts paying a little more attention. He knows Natasha thinks it’s because he wants to maybe fuck him, and okay, she’s not wrong, but it’s not the only reason he’s looking. Then he hears Hangman on the phone talking to someone, his sister he tells Natasha later when she asks (at Bradley’s not so gentle request). It’s that that makes him realize that’s all they are; coincidences. Jas doesn’t talk to his family and hates Texas, Seresin is the opposite. Seems about right.
…            …            …
>>How are you going?
>>Good. Didn’t need to vomit when a nightmare woke me up this time.
>>That’s what I call winning.
>>You and I have very different definitions of winning.
                Bradley walks into the rec room and Hangman is there on his phone, thumbs flying over the screen and he wonders who he’s talking to. He looks happy, clearly not as troubled as Jas is feeling, and he guesses they’re different people and have very different experiences.
                “Hey Hangman, you okay?”
                “Would you care if I wasn’t?” Hangman says back, and he’s smiling, but his eyes are glinting with a challenge. Bradley shrugs, because he can extend an olive branch, but shoving it down Hangman’s throat pretty much defeats the purpose.
                “I just thought I’d check in on you. Some people… struggle, when they’ve killed someone,” he doesn’t mean for it to sound accusatory, or detached, but they’re not friends. Maybe he should be checking in with Coyote instead, asking him if he thinks Hangman is okay. He’d definitely get a more honest answer, that’s certain.
                “I’m in the wrong profession if that’s something I’d allow to bother me.”
                “Okay. Just thought I’d ask.”
                God, he’s such an asshole.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 9 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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softle0 · 2 months
After your twitter rant people are now getting threats, even death threats. Just because you got sensitive over some trees. GROW UP. You should be grateful that the sims even did a pack that represents your culture. Womp Womp, people changed the color of the trees. People changed the taxis WHO CARESSSSSSSSSSS. I hope people keep changing things just to piss you off. I also hope you receive the same death threats these poor creators have been getting because of YOU.This is a game. If you can’t handle different opinions maybe sims is not for you.I hope people make many villas and plop them right into the new pack. Your nasty little rant on twitter was so passive aggressive I hope more people come out with more overrides I hope people keep coloring those ugly ass taxis I hope people keep making builds you hate. Have the day you deserve.
lmao honestly is easier for you to say that you don’t know how to read 😂😂😂 because if you only take the time to use your brain a little you would be able to understand Idgaf about overrides or builds but well, I’m not wasting my time with a little bitch who need to hide itself because is not brave enough to let people know you’re as stupid as the people who is threatening the other creators 🤷🏻‍♀️ and if you think you’re morally better than them you should better touch some grass and think about your actions because you’re as brainless as people sending death threats.
If you think I condone people sending death threats to others you’re insane, because of course I don’t. I’m as upset as the rest because one of my mutuals is getting this shitty messages, but of course you can’t know that because it’s easier for you to judge than using your brain for a moment. I never mentioned in my posts, I never mentioned anything about the trees overrides, so blaming me for what other people do and says online is crazy. So next time you want to be morally correct and send hate as well I highly recommend you to leave your phone alone, take a glass of water and calm yourself down because trust me, nobody gives a single fuck about your hate discourse 😂
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buddiesmutslut · 4 months
Do we really think Buck went straight to Tommy after leaving Eddie’s house after their talk about Kim? Like, this man is WORRIED about his best friend, and we think he really skipped to the dude he’s been on a few almost-dates with and couldn’t WAIT to gossip about it?
Like, first of all, that’s definitely not Buck’s story to tell. Even if it was, that’s a long ass history to share for any of it to make sense?? & sure, maybe Tommy is a mutual friend, but he’s a NEW mutual friend. If Buck’s worried about Eddie, there are several other people he could call if he thought outside help was needed, including Bobby, who he has called for Eddie before, (& even then! He didn’t give Bobby the full story bc it’s not his place). This all took place before everything with the house happened, so I’m fully convinced that he would have called Bobby for help before we went gossiping to his new boy toy about it.
And even if it Buck & Tommy are to the place of “pillow talk” (which idk, Buck moves fast, but this is a whole new ballgame, so who knows), this REALLY doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you mention to someone who you haven’t even called your boyfriend yet.
I’m trying to keep my Tommy opinions to myself bc I really don’t want to get into a whole ass argument online, but this is making it seem like Tommy is anywhere near the level of friendship that Buck & Eddie & the 118 have together, & it also paints Buck as a shitty friend, and while he can be a bit self-centered at times (bc of the trauma) I don’t think he’s this type of shitty friend.
Eddie is so closed off, & plays so much close to the chest, even now. If Buck went blabbing about something that Eddie himself is also worried about, I think that would break some of the trust between them.
Maybe that’s the point, maybe they’re trying to show Buck rushing into yet another relationship & not considering the consequences & Eddie finds out and that’s why they’re not as close going into next season, but idk. I feel like that would have to be a deliberate choice on the writers side bc it doesn’t feel in character for Buck at this point.
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topguncortez · 7 months
its been a couple of days since i made the tough choice to cut ties and temporarily walk away from a place that i love really really deeply.
but i’ve had some time to reflect and come to some conclusions about myself.
now excuse me while i vent out loud:
1) the phrase “once an addict, always an addict” is true. just because i don’t take pills anymore doesn’t mean i haven’t found a way to feed the craving of being addicted to something. im not 100% sure what that addiction is; maybe it’s that im a sucker for pain, maybe it’s i can’t walk away when i know i should, maybe it’s fucking caffeine (it’s 97% caffeine).
2) everyone heals and handles things differently. again, back to my past with addiction; some addicts can heal with still being able to be around the thing they are addicted to. i learned a long time ago, i am not that person. i have a hard time knowing when to walk away, but once i do… its like breathing fresh air. it hurts like a bitch sometimes but its also one of the best things for you. sometimes we get so blind with those rose colored glasses on, that we truly can’t see our own faults until we step back and reflect
3) i’m an angry person. i always have been and probably always will be. i’ve dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life. i’ve lost people who didn’t deserve to be taken away. i’ve watched some of the most vile humans get away with horrible offenses. i have been abused and assaulted. i’m angry. and there’s little i can do to shake that anger. however, i can control it. i can lock it away and deal with it in a healthy manner than just let it explode all over the place.
4). God knows what’s best for you. now, i don’t mean to get all religious on yall. i have struggled with my faith for years. I went through a period of time of questioning who God is and what his intentions are. If this great and almighty God sent his son to die to end our suffering… why are people still suffering? I still struggle with my faith, but i am relearning to put my trust in him and know that He is putting things in my life he knows I can overcome.
And finally,
5) never feel bad for doing things for yourself. i have been so well trained to put other peoples feelings above my own. for years, i have bit my tongue and told myself “i can’t say that, that’ll hurt their feelings” and let people continue to roll over me. believe it or not… i hate conflict. i hate awkward situations. i hate feeling like im being suffocated and i can’t breathe. i have become more vocal (good and bad thing) in speaking up when i have been hurt. it’s a slow learning process and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass cause i’m thrust into another situation i don’t know how to handle and the anxiety builds and then there’s tears and all that shit. but i have learned i should never feel bad for doing things for myself.
anyway, i know this is just a long ass vent that nobody is gonna read, but i hope maybe, just maybe this reaches someone who has been feeling the same way i have these past couple months.
i know not everyone has a great support system in real life that they can rely on when things get hard. i can honestly tell you that without some of the people in my everyday life and online life being there and helping me and offering me an ear to listen while i vent and scream at the world… i don’t think i’d still be here. but i want yall to know, if you need a place to vent and scream at the world, i am here for you. and i’ll do whatever i can to get you the help and resources if you need it. or if you just wanna get shit off your chest.
i’m here for you.
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matrixsss · 1 month
I have some thoughts and since this is my blog I will lay them out. 
If you like side characters more than the main cast, that is fine. 
If you like the main cast more than the side characters, that is also fine. 
If you like certain ships but hate others, that is also fine. 
If you like fanon ship (of canon couples) more than the canon, that is also fine. 
If you like fanon characters more than canon, that is also fine
It is all fine, you can like and hate whatever you want, you can say whatever you want about said characters, BECAUSE these are all fictional characters. You can hate them or love them or you can be indifferent, these characters do not care. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REAL! Why is that so hard to grasp for some of you? 
Everyone has different opinions, which AGAIN is fine. Everyone interprets things differently, which again is FINE. 
Where I draw the line is when some start becoming condescending, mean, childish and toxic. You can have a respectful discussion and if you can’t then do not interact with said stuff. What you can however do is simply go to a friend on private and rant all you want, say whatever you want. But for the love of everything pretty on this godforsaken planet, realise that there are real people behind blogs. People who have emotions, have their own hardships in life, have some fucking respect for people even if you disagree with them. 
When I see something I disagree with, I don’t think the person behind the opinion is bad or a shitty person or whatever apologist you spew, I simply ignore that post and maybe sometimes rant to people about said opinion. I don’t bash them online or start a fight with them. I simply ignore and move on with my day.
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