#also mc's personality's more crude here
gaiuskamilah · 4 months
It just occurred to me that I don't even know your Blades MC's name. This is unacceptable. Care to share the name and lore? 🌹
hi caro!! i actually have... six mcs. one for each LI, because i like them all so much HAHGJFHDJSGHFDJG
i have a post for here for marya moonglory (nia-romancing), probably my favorite blades mc because i'm most invested in her. i also have one here for eva, but it's super outdated and i've switched her from tyril to valax.
the one i've posted about lately is lawod nagoni (he/him), my new(er) tyril-mancing mc! same backstory as with canon orc mc, except that he's a butcher. he likes to make crude jokes ("come to my shop and watch me BEAT MY MEAT!!" kind of stuff) and it makes kade want to die, but he loves lawod anyway lol. generally very outgoing, loves to tease tyril. he's really interested about his heritage and orc culture so finding imtura and knowing which clan he's from meant a lot!
he got his tattoos done at flotilla just before the battle with the ash empress, as a symbol of his achievements and experience (:
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next is elyon (she/her), my imtura-mancing mc. i'm not a big fan of the parnassus backstory for the human!mc so in my mind she's just another person from riverbend. i don't have much for her yet but one thing is that she is extremely talented with magic, just right below nia in terms of strength. also enjoys sailing a lot more than she expected to, which makes her imtura's perfect companion lol.
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there's also lakan nagoni (he/they), romancing mal. mostly kept the canon background for them with the exception that they're a performer, kind of like whatever equivalent of a drag artist is in morella lol. i like the canon idea that while orcs are less likely to have magical affinity, those who do are way more powerful than humans and elves, so lakan is also a proficient magic user. he's principled and has a bit of a temper sometimes.
they're also more feminine!! second pic is an abandoned wip - he's wearing the fem version of the port parnassus outfit. he's besties with nia and they do each other's hair and makeup a lot. imtura doesn't really understand it.
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finally i have varda rainbearer (she/her) - romancing aerin, but in a version where aerin's a woman because i like the idea of aerin being a girl LOL. still working on her story but the gist is that she's the last surviving member of house rainbearer, a house that was exiled from undermount (post-elven empire) because of an interest in learning what the hell is going on with shadow magic and the whole light-shadow divide. following canon mc backstory, she ended up in riverbend.
she prefers to utilize magic the way orcs do - in communion with the elements and focused on weather manipulation. tends to use her magic to keep her hair in place and tyril's like :/
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...and that was long af. HAHJFGDHSGJFDHGJ
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otakween · 1 month
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Digimon Data Squad (Savers) - Episode 4
It's good to see what a "day in the life" of the Data Squad (DATS) is like. They're pretty similar to Hypnos in Tamers goal-wise. It feels a little sad that digimon are "delinquent" just by entering the human world. They've already sort of touched on the mixed feelings of that, but I hope they go deeper into it.
Guess Numemon ain't throwing poop anymore lol. You would think a digimon with older characters would get more crude, not less! (Not that I'm complainin')
We see a Numemon-specific egg so I guess the stylized digieggs are here to stay
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(It just weirds me out because the origins of digimon are all about not knowing what kind of digimon you're going to end up with).
Masaru telling his sister not to flirt with Tohma made me laugh. That was censored for the dub.
So in the previous episode we saw a Kunemon grant a kid's wish and now Drimogemon is following the orders of two bank robbers? Do digimon just imprint on the first person they encounter or something? What's going on here? Also, are these digimon just stumbling into the human world by accident?
A new development (I think?) Instead of digivolving Drimogemon gets bigger? Kinda like Cherubimon in Frontier but not quite. He was also all glowy when he grew...wonder if this will become a thing.
Lalamon singing to put people to sleep felt verrrrry familiar if you know what I mean
I wish the digimon interacted more with each other. GeoGreymon and Gaogamon were kinda just snarling at each other and I was thinking it would be cool if they got into a verbal argument instead.
Side note: but GeoGreymon looks...bad in some shots. Very anemic looking
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Tohma going after Drimogemon seemed kinda crazy to me at first because "you're mad at them for coming to the human world but when they go back to the digital world you're still mad at them?" but I guess the logic might be that they'll reoffend and come back eventually...
It feels a little weird that, in the case of the bank robbers, the MCs use their digimon to fight humans. I guess they wouldn't go full offensive mode, but still
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slowd1ving · 13 days
Hi! Swanon here 🦢
I loved reading your yapping to my question. I feel like i understand your Moze much better now ! I love that he feels so much yet doesn't know what or why. Im so excited to get him in 3 days.
I also casually think about your dan heng fic that was the prologue to the blade one. And i had another question ! Hopefully, you dont mind. I was wondering if things would have gone Dan Hengs way if only he had confessed in that closet. I remember the protag was like annoyed at the thought of Dan Heng asking someone else to teach him the game, but then was ok with the friends with benefits arrangement.
Like would the protag have accepted, or had to have some time to think about it. Would the protag be more or less willing to move in with him. Also, would the Astral express ever tell the protag about Dan Heng's feelings, or do they respect his privacy that much. Would Kafka get in the way, or would she let things happen, however that goes.
I dont know if it's noticeable, but i love thinking about all the possibilities and timelines. Im also sorry for yapping. Take your time. I 6 read Ratios' fic yet, but im sure it will be a great read again. I just need to get in a Ratio mood, haha.
I'm glad I was somewhat coherent in that longass Moze analysis since I have so many damn thoughts about this man. (I caved and used my pity for feixiao and got both of them; her playstyle is genuinely so fun?? sorry ratio lmao)
Speaking of that Dan Heng fic I was actually reading it today to just deconstruct how I write... crazy.. Honestly it would've absolutely gone his way had he confessed; when I tend to write an MC I usually lean to a somewhat blunt personality (that occasionally comes of as quite crude), so MC is someone who values communication. Alas, Dan Heng is nothing of the sort... alas. Sorrows and prayers. You're right, I did try to hint at MC's jealousy when thinking of Dan Heng pulling someone else into that closet, because both of them were sort of tiptoeing into 'feelings' territory. Dan Heng knew but was in verbose denial; MC just felt irritated about it and likely just blamed it on the drinks lmao.
Anyways with both the Dan Heng and Blade series, their lack of voicing how they feel about something makes them both veryyy entertaining to write for. Like quiet, simmering jealousy? Elite. MC's also written to be quite an intense and adaptable character to complement theirs, which is also why he doesn't mind being fwbs with both. (WENCH!!! VILLAGE WENCH!)
But again, the MCs I write tend to value dialogue more, while also brushing off any advances of characters. Therefore any feelings he had for either would've been pushed down subconsciously since both Dan Heng and Blade are SHIT at having heart to hearts.
Genuinely, in terms of a relationship, whoever confessed first would've had a better chance. Like MC has chemistry with both of them so it would've been quite easy to form a relationship with either, or at least I hope it reads that way. Yes, MC would've moved in with Dan Heng 100% (even in that one blade one he was READY to jump ship lmao).
To answer the Astral Express part, I feel like they wouldn't outright tell reader. Like they'd absolutely make fun of Dan Heng for it (and for his lack of game tbh.. because how is shitcommunication #2 confessing first... bro... one job.. you've got a chest in your mouth instead of WORDS). And Kafka... she's just there for the entertainment tbh; that one section where I included her just terrorising Dan Heng by being all touchy with MC... lmao she's fully using the best friend privileges just to kick this emotionally constipated doofus into action
But honestly, she's rooting for Blade 100%. It's just a consequence of being closer with him naturally (she'll support MC either way tbh); like the poor guy's smiling for once he no longer looks like a wet cat... please date this man... he has not smiled once since starting his engineering degree (joke) (not really) (this will be me next year)
Which is why she's helping him more proactively by essentially dragging the two of you together; like she's still kicking Dan Heng into realising his feelings by dragging you away from him, but that's away from him, unlike with Blade.
speaking of both of them there's actually a little both of them fic idea festering in my mind.... gosh... anyways...
for the alternate timelines, same. Not just because there's a grillion different ways for a scene to play out, but it's so intriguing to think what MC might've done differently. Bro MC getting caught with Blade by Dan Heng would be MAD icel. (...anyways)
ratio mentioned ratio mentioned
For the fic you're referring to there will be some slight aventurine / reader so... but honestly it's more focused on worldbuilding initially rather than romance
anyways slowd1ving yap has concluded I'm currently working on an inbox request and on chapter 4 of lament of ouroboros hell yeah
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adventuringalchemy · 11 months
Heya! P:
I read through some of your asks answers during work and it gave me an idea. [Your blog gets more questions/is more active than other MC ask blogs I follow atm, so I stalk ya a lil' bit hhhh don't mind me]
I am not the anon who sent the AU ask, I am not knowledgable enough of MCSM to ask big questions, -wheeze- but some ungodly possession gave me an image in my mind and is now bothering me. I gotta write it down somewhere, so my first choice is to pester you with it. /hj
For some reason when it got mentioned that Jesse would spawn a monster, or some other threat, that then blew out of proportion [haphazardly so], I just saw an image in my head of them drawing a summonig circle/building a shrine Herobrine style. Crudely, but alas. A terribly bad idea but also "This ain't ever gonna work,"-like so it wouldn't hurt, surely!
What if they mistakenly summoned Crona, glitchy admin lad, with that. Pulling them from their own broken, shifting server over to theirs. The spiky beasty is so nonchalant, floating about, chill and unbothered but the MCSM world isn't acustomed to a glitchy mess like Crona, so things around them just break, glitch, shift, affected by weird effects, physics break in a radius and spread. Posing as practically a bug in the system.
Ah- It doesn't fit timeline-wise since none of the main cast actually ever met an admin at that time probably in the AU [I don't know how tightly woven the MCSM timeline is, I just know the admin shenanigans come after the witherstorm, after the portals, when Jesse is already aknowledged as a hero, and Beacontown got built? Romeo wouldn't really have his eyes on Jesse if none of that ever happened, I guess?], therefore they wouldn't have reference or concections what a big deal this is and big confrontations later interactions could pose are practically nullified in that case, but the image won't leave my brain. -wheeze-
Soooo! Maybe that idea doesn't really fit into the mentioned AU [and the timeline shifts give me a headache, since I have poor understanding of the characters/timeline in the first place. My diligent mind wouldn't give me a rest unless I study MCSM history if I were to attempt to play a part in that AU /hj]
-But I feel the idea itself is worth savekeeping since you expressed interest in RPing with me and that character. I think I'd absolutely attempt to trial run through. Just wanted to share. Thinking what big of a deal it would actually be- and the idea of basically summoning Herobrine is such a nostalgia trip for myself! -wheeze-
[I actually considered whether to DM you rather, but I gotta stop lingering in the shades, so here goes this gköwkflfük]
[I enjoy how you answer asks in detail and share your thoughts, bet other people like to read though those too, so let me indulge. P:]
@sollyraptor sent an ask .
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no but i adore the idea of them trying to summon herobrine. i can TOTALLY see the vibes fitting into mcsm! a lot of the story has little, niche topics that bring back the nostalgia of minecraft itself. going to defeat the ender dragon being a huge part of it.
i don't necessarily see jesse making the mistake personally because i feel like they would have a little more brains than axel. they would do the research to summon herobrine. they would make sure that everything made perfect sense and fit together to ensure that that would be the outcome. jesse isn't impulsive ( unless you hurt their friends / they're angry ) , but axel most certainly is. i can totally see axel just wanting to get it done and over with and messing up the structure that summons herobrine. he'd put the wrong block, put the wrong flowers, do something. and in comes crona, who is probably much, much more destructive and would cause much more havoc.
i love the idea of crona bringing in glitching to their world. just because they haven't met admins yet doesn't mean they can't meet one sooner. it's an au so anything goes. and the lore of mcsm is a little different than minecraft lore to begin with so mixing in some of our touches wouldn't hurt at all.
i imagine that if this were to happen, ivor would want to use to command block to get rid of crona. something with powers that the command block has, they could very much use the command block to get rid of it. that would be his biggest idea at least, very much like how he thought of the way to truly get rid of the witherstorm; destroying the very thing that made it.
but he would have no idea how to get rid of the glitches. he would try magic, he would try enchantments, but i imagine nothing would really work. glitches don't just go away. they are made because there is flaw. and crona is flawed. meaning that nothing can really save it. ivor would spend years trying to figure out how to get rid of it, only to never find the answer. poor man would work himself to death.
honestly this sounds like it could turn into a fully plotted epic, which are my absolute things to write. i adore long threads that have a huge story from start to finish. i stay the most in character with them, i get the most excited for, and keep the most in my brain. i think about it. i want art for it. i make headcanons for it.
please do this with me.
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WIP Intro: Beast Among Men
I was wondering how to do these and realised: i already made one as part of my writing process, just written to future me who was writing it. Behold:
Okay, fucko:
Martial artsy resistance leader and his girlfriend in a fight with the government (sort out later). She’s a double agent playing both sides, he’s crazy powerful and has a super-powered evil side.
MC gets backstabbed, literally and metaphorically, and is nearly killed. Survives on grit alone. Resistance loses while he’s out of action, and comes back extra angry on the warpath. Kills his way through the government, getting higher and higher, then gets to his ex gf in the high-ups. He can’t do it. of course he can’t, how could he? Gets fucked up again and unleashes his beast. Beast rampages through the country during an internal (and sometimes external) battle for control, before reigning it in when it threatens his ex gf, who he still loves, somehow. Walk off into sunset, roll act 3. MC goes to find legendary hero of legend to seek guidance to deal with loss and betrayal. Hero accepts and teaches him over a long series of training things, exercises and lectures, and then tells him to complete training on his own. MC goes off to his old house and fixes the place up a bit, and learns over the time skip about how to deal with grief, but becomes numb from it. Ex gf finds him on a nostalgia trip a different man than the one she stabbed. A man who put himself back together again.
How 2:
Act 1 as it’s own story, ~15k words, with lots of time spent on scenery and environment, with some leeway for the audience.  
Act 2 as it’s own story, etc, etc Act 3 the same.
Theme: Controlling emotion
Perspectives: good thing, neutral, don’t care, good in moderation, emotions exist to be exploited
Main Characters:
Red: (neutral)
living in the future in act 1, always about what will be, “it’ll be great when it’s finished.” “He will be a great warrior.” “When we win, the world will be at peace.” kinda deal. Never paying much mind to the now and the present before him. Act 2, stuck in the past, “I should’ve…” “why didn’t they…” etc. Act 3, finally returned to the present by training with his brother in arms.
Gimmicks: Kyokushin (lots of spinny kicks and swings), and the Beast (smokey, edgy Revenant looking deal. More Dark frost blade powerup tho)
Flaws: often rash, too emotionally-driven, super hard-headed
Avarice: (emotions exist to be exploited)
2 faced. Sometimes cheeky and joking, sometimes cold and callous, changing on a dime. Very manipulative, gaslighting, being tricksy, etc.
Spectre: (overkill)
Flitting back and forth between flashes of PTSD. Eg edgy mw2 ghost quotes, cynical, “people you know can hurt you the most.” Q: “You have a heart left in there?” A: “A cold, dead, rotting one.” Clearly lots of lore here, but minimise “back in my day” exposition dumps,
Gimmicks: Wrestling/C.Q.C., Runemaster. A million tattoos of runes all over him that serve different purposes and combine together.
Flaws: fears betrayal and connection
Maia: (don’t care)
Out of control loose cannon, a la Juri Han, with thiccness and fighting to match. Total party animal, often horny, acts on emotion all the time, no coordination, few shits given unless it directly concerns her. Gimmicks: Muy Thai, (lots of hard, fast impacts), immune to mind-reading and foresight because she doesn’t think, ever.
Flaws: fears connection 
“Kez” Kerrigan: (the middle way)
Flat, not so horny lady, with minimal acting on emotion, but a good bit because oestrogen and plot convenience. Also, justified by being hereditary as Maia is her sister. Gimmicks: jiujitsu/judo/aikido, mind-reading
Flaws: too strong-willed and stubborn
Now, the all-important
Plot! (But blocked out pretty crudely)
No plot, no story
Act 1:
Introduce mc and gf being cute for a half-chapter, then cut to training scene with Spectre
Introduce supporting cast through the fight scene, showing off their personalities and tricks + beast
Whole chapter of talking about and strategising over a battle to come
The battle +a bit of the beast
Feast and seeds of doubt about gf
Big surprise counterattack from enemies + lots of beast
Standoff and backstab, beast unleashed
Act 2: sprinkle in snippets of the beast vs Red internal struggle at the end of each chapter
Beast and Spectre talk
Following gf now, introduce politicians over dinner
Start doing “snake trying to get ahead” things
Reported murders start coming in
Murders get more brutal, and resistance emblem on wall
Pattern found, gf and new toy next on the hit-list
He can’t kill her, how could he?
Act 3: cut back to miserable gf resigning and going off to find red
Spectre and sad beast go to find the old resistance squad
Find maia fucking everything, resume search. Find Kez in temple near old base
Training begins, trying to build a perfect surfboard
Training 2: electric boogaloo, trying to climb a waterfall
Training 3: return of the king, trying to carve stone with water
Training almost done, kez gives lecture, sends off each to confront their demons
Spectre sent to gladiator ring from his past with maia, told to let them die
Red sent to his old house, told to rebuild it
Drawings of the characters:
All of them bar gf’s face, some dynamic poses, to hell with realistic proportions, don’t draw the fucking noses every time, don’t try too hard with hands ‘cause fists yeeeaaaah. 
To draw: (ongoing list)
Spectre and Red fighting
Naomi stretch
Kez and naomi still
Spectre brooding (still)
Red and beast still
————————————————————- And that’s the end of the intro. I could do one for my other WIP, the 32k word one, post my shorts that i did for school? Up to you losers.
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Get some sleep child pls! I hope you're doing better anxiety is a bitch.
I still see you as the same cryptic vibes. Though I think I underestimated how chaotic of a little frog you are😂. And I see even more why you are Mammon's type and probs the reason Lucifer would have snow white hair after year one lol.
I hope you have a better day today and good sleep!
I actually kinda fixed my sleep schedule! Now instead of sleeping at 3/4am i sleep early and wake up at 3/4am which is kinda better?
also thank you🥺
Lucifer would hate my fucking guts godbless😔
See see here's the thing.... whenever I'm writing fics I always project on to Mammon rather than on to MC and I think I do manage to keep him fairly in character so........
I'm actually a lot nicer of a person online? Like I don't properly know y'all so I don't know how far to push yknow? So I try my best to be not-an-annoying-dick just incase I accidentally piss someone off/hurt someone - the way I am with acquaintances or friends I'm not really close with. (And a lot more emotionally open/truthful tbh - can't let irl people know i have feelings beyond Loud & Hyper & Crude™)
With really close irl friends though...😬 me seeing Mammon's personality in OM! was literally that spiderman meme
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I don't think I can emphasis how bad it is other than to say I've had my own version of 'The Great Mammon' thing, for only slightly different reasons, from before Mammon was even a twinkle in the devs' eyes - and yes that's absolutely mortifying to admit but as far as everyone here (myself included) is concerned I'm just a tiny talking frog so I can say that
All this to say is that my url is a LIE and I need to find an MC to fall in love with, not a Mammon
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whelmed16 · 2 years
9. Plot Graph
Plotting the Short Story
STORY [working] TITLE:  A Realm Not my Own
Setting:   My story is in the:        past      present      future    
Point of View:   1st person             3rd person
Topic:   My characters are going to have to deal with:  external journey to gain an item to save the world.
Theme:   My character ends up transforming by realizing: they gained something more valuable on said journey.
MICE: My story/conflict is rooted in milieu, idea,  character, event ← also events drives the plot 
( Writing scenes that apply)
1. Introduction/Exposition:
*Must introduce the hero, the villain, and the world of the story, as well as the story’s dramatic question, and it must do this with enough energy to grab your reader’s interest right away
“In the beginning, the world had no light and no sand. roaring rivers and lush forests covered the lands. All was well and good until a being made of cold frost and bitter ice known as Shita’ (she-ta-un) covered the healthy forests with ice and snow.”
“Mother, why would they do that?” “
“Shh, little sweet flower, I'm not done.” the woman cleared her throat and spoke again.” The grounds of this once beautiful flourishing paradise become hard and crude with the years of endless winter. all hope might have been lost if not for a brave little Deeryid(deer-id), the little Deeryid found a mirror of great beauty and power.” “With this mirror I shall trap Shita’ and free the land at last.” “ The little Deeryid spoke loud and true. with the mirror the little Deeryid rose to the highest mountain in the lands where Shita’ ruled. with the mirror the little Deeryid defeated Shita’, and all lived happily ever after.”
“That story was amazing, mama do you think I’ll ever be that brave?”
“Of course sweet flower, and if you ever need help, I’ll always be here.”
17 years later.
I had that dream again, or was it a memory? “If you ever need help, I’ll always be here.”
What a beautiful lie that was mother.
Notes: this story is the explanation for the plot and a way to ground the Mc’s feelings towards the mother.
2. Inciting (complicating) incident:
*Beginning of the conflict/threat/trouble, essentially this sparks or begins the plot
The market is always busy, as long as I keep my head down and voice sweet I’ll get through the day.
“Excuse me, how many of these do you have in the shop?” an older woman with a shal and bright patterned dress spoke in a raspy voice.
“ We have about 50 in the back, its 5 bits a piece.”
“ Oh wonderful, I’ll take them all!” her eyes light up as if she were a child given cold ice in the middle of the sweltering summer.
“ give me a moment, will you, it will take awhile to pack it all.”
The back of the shop is always on the chilly side, it's quite pleasant compared to the endless heat outside.
I bend down to grab the first batch when a gust of cold wind crawls up my bare back, how is that even possible?
I look down to see..ICE? my breath is now visible and my hand start to cover in frost, screams and shocked gasped can be heard out the store.
What is going on?
Notes: giving a “simple” slice of life to the Mc, before introducing the conflict
( I also added the intro to the love interest in the story itself here in editing )
3. Rising Action: 
*Once the story has begun, it is important to create tension by raising the stakes. You must raise the stakes along the way and create obstacles of ever-increasing intensity while keeping your eye firmly fixed on your conclusion
“so your telling me that, that stupid story my mother told me as a child was real?:”
“yup, any other questions love?”
“Just a few, who the hell are you? how did you get into my house, what the hell are you wearing? and what's with your accent I've never heard someone speak so odd”
“ My name's Maraline Fox, your..cloth isn’t exactly a sturdy door, this is my uniform, and I reside up in the north.”
“Well that's wonderful, I have a pirate in my home.”
“ I'm more of a captain, but well..” my glare could have frozen her in place better compared to the storm outside.
Maraline clears her throat, “Ghaba, I need your help, your a Deeryid, Deeryids can gain access to the mirror.”
“ Oh for the love of god, listen pirate, sorry captainnn, but if you looked around you, there is a village full of Deeryids.”
“ yes but none of them are related to your mother.”
“What could you possibly know of my mother? she left me years ago!”
“ She was a mentor of sorts, your family has a special connection to the mirror since your ancestor was the one to trap Shita’ in the first place.”
This can’t be real, it isn’t real. my mother abandoned me because she didn’t see me as useful, why now? and why mentor some pirate in the north.  
“ I’ll pay you!”
“ If you help me, I’ll pay you, more than enough to well..afford a door.”
This is insane, surely I’ll get myself killed if what she's saying is true. I look outside to see the raging storm. The only thing keeping me warm is Maralines device. I have nothing else.
“ Alright Fox, You have a deal.”
Notes: establish Mc internal conflict (feelings towards mother)
*The pinnacle of your plot…this is where the protagonist either succeeds or fails i.e. the “boiling point”
I'm face to face with a figure made of ice tall and slim, an angular face and sharp clothing, Shita’. No, No, No, not now please not now. We don't have mirror. Maraline draws her blade and charges for Shita’ head on. “Come at me, you big popsicle” Maraline yells as she runs.
“MARALINE DON'T!” Shita’ shifts slightly and Maraline is sent flying into a wall of ice.
I try to run over to Maraline to see if she alright when a cold chill grabs my body. “ Well, well” Shita’ giggles “So, your the little Deeryid that's going to stop me?”
Shita’ conjures a blade made of nice, “ then take a stab at it.” they giggle menacingly once more “pun intended.”
My body trembles in place, what do I do? Shita’ gazes at me with anticipation and amusement. There is nothing else I can do. I charge at Shita’ just as Maraline once did. The blade stabs Shita’ in the gut and they fall to the ground.
Is it done?!?
Shita’ cackles and rises once more. “Now that was a good laugh, I haven’t had this much fun in eons. Now.” Shita’ slowly glances towards me. “it's your turn.”
I look over to Maraline who is finally conscious, I can only think of one thing left to tell her.
my body tenses, my vision blurs and everything is so  cold, I look down, I’ve been impaled with a spike of Ice. Now I feel nothing, its dark.
Notes: meeting/facing the external conflict
5. Falling action:
6. Resolution: 
she dies so, no ending :)
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thezestyone · 2 years
Okay, random thoughts here. My 3D hubby just shaved my legs for me as I am still having a hard time with bending because of my surgery. It's one of those oddly romantic and very sweet things. So, now I am thinking about our warlords.
Which guys do you think would be willing to do such a task or what other tasks can you see them doing to care for their SO who is in a similar state in temporarily needing more help?
I feel like Shingen and Hideyoshi would totally be willing to shave legs and rub lotion on them afterwards (Hideyoshi in such a sweet and caring way and Shingen also sweet and caring, but also showering with compliments to his goddess). I could also see Motonari doing it, but making some crude comments as he does so...and shaving all the way up the thighs.
Aw, that’s nice.
I can totally see those three doing all that, they are just so caring ❤️
I feel like all the guys would do something to help out their SO, especially shave their legs if they have trouble bending, though they would go about it in different ways. I feel like they are super nice to MC in general, before any romancing goes on, helping her take it easy, etc. When they get romantic with her, that niceness just becomes more evident.
As a result, I will rank them on the kind of caretakers they are:
The Warlords Handling a Recovering MC:
Will literally do everything, and I mean everything. Do not even attempt to fight them on this, they will not hear any of it. They are cooking the meals, they are cleaning the house, grocery shopping, the whole nine yards. The ones who will give you a whole bonafide spa treatment just because. You are not moving a muscle to strain yourself until you are a hundred percent, and even then they still might fight you over it: Hideyoshi, Motonari, Kanetsugu, Kenshin
Here we have what I perceive as the perfectionists and the extremely devoted. If you are the kind of person who likes to do some things yourself even while still recovering, beware, because they will not let you. Then again, in general they wouldn’t fancy you doing anything; they love spoiling you rotten.
The one who spoils you with your favorite things and has no qualms giving you the most relaxing shave ever, but also does not mind you doing a bit of your thing just as long as you are not doing anything too strenuous. The one who urges you to take it easy and take it nice and slow, not wanting you to overwork yourself. Prepare yourself for a relaxing time, because they are going to make you forget you were even in pain: Shingen, Yoshimoto, Nobunaga, Kennyo, Masamune
Here we have the less extreme devotees. If you want to go out for a walk, they will not stop you, though they will insist on being around you just to keep an eye on you. Tries to give you your space while still being oh so generous. They also love spoiling you rotten, but tries not to overdo it.
Does everything as tactically as possible. Will read up on everything pertaining to getting the best recovery, what is specifically bothering MC, all that. You may have a mini doctor on your hands, who gives you the best at home care possible. They will give you the best foods that just eases you all over. You will have no worries under their intensive care: Ieyasu, Sasuke, Kicho, Mitsuhide
The go by the book and beyond types. These are the types that will have no problem taking care of you. They can come across a bit like…. Themselves, but they mean well, and would give you a great shave. No need to worry about those troublesome nicks with them, that’s for sure. Their care is top-notch. Also spoiling you, of course.
Heh heh, they are trying their best. They are completely out of their element, they have no idea what they are doing, but they do have spirit and are willing to learn how to get it right. They would practice shaving on themselves before daring to try on you, and would look for advice from fellow friends. They would get you your favorite soup, help you with tasks you struggle to do with yourself, be your best cheerleader: Yukimura, Mitsunari, Keiji, Ranmaru
And just like with the rest, they will spoil you as well. These are the spirited types that due to their love, they will try their absolute best to become the best caretakers they can be, which I find very endearing and sweet.
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
I saw an interesting discussion on the CoG forum on RO/RO or RO/NPC romance, and how a lot of people prefer that to be explicitly stated beforehand to the readers
So here is my (kind of warning):
Slightly spoilery perhaps
There is no RO on RO romance in the game, but Adler is a flirty character and might flirt. Especially with Lestrade as Adler really likes to fluster/annoy them.
There might be a small NPC “matchmaking” thing, but not between ROs (though you might be able to flirt with them a little).
The most important one I wanted to warn about: Adler is a flirty character. It’s not always anything more than passing the time or it being a part of their personality, but it can be. They will hit on the MC, you can obviously turn them down, or tell them off. And that might lower the intensity. But it might not completely stop. Flirting / crude jokes, it’s a character flaw—I actually want them to be a little unbearable at times, as that is how I see the character.
Adler will instigate things. They will flirt, with everyone, possible even when in a relationship (Tho might tone it down). You will absolutely be able to tell them that you despise this behaviour, but that does not automatically mean they will change. Probably. Not all the way anyway.
And, on the topic this started with, as I have it planned right now, if Adler is not treated like an exclusive partner (either stating it explicitly words or betraying it with actions), they will find other partners. It will be purely sexual or flirting, but it could happen, and the MC might see or hear of this. This might also be implied before the MC has entered into a relations of sorts, but I would prefer for them not to go too far before the MC has decided the direction of the relationship. But they could do things like flirt with people in front of the MC, if the MC plays too hard to get or something—and if that happened I suppose the MC would get the choice to flirt in front of them too. (And yes, I know this sounds pretty toxic, it probably is. But, ✨fiction✨?)
I’m up to hear your thoughts on the matter. And I Might be able to tone down somethings, but Adele’s personality is probably not up for debate, only the levels the MC has to be faced with them, is.
Have some anime food after listening to my ramble 💖 (why does it look so good?!??)
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maleyanderecafe · 3 years
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Infatuation (Otome)
Created by: PlantMama
Original by: MaskCover
Tumblr mobile screwed over my post again, so here I am writing this review for the second time.
Infatuation is a free game that was actually recommended to me by @infatuationvisualnovel when the demo was out, and I gave some feedback on it that hopefully improved the game. The full game is out now and it's free to play with 17 different endings! This game is basically the question, "What if six yanderes try to share you?" and has a lot of content in it. I really love the writing and characters in the game. I'm sorry again for how long it took me to do this review.
Bako, the supposedly dumbest amongst the yanderes, but also the strongest. He has a passion for art and in parts of the route breaks into your room to kidnap you. He's the artist type yandere (the type that wants to paint all parts of you).
Bako, the supposedly dumbest amongst the yanderes, but also the strongest. He has a passion for art and in parts of the route breaks into your room to kidnap you. He's the artist type yandere (the type that wants to paint all parts of you).
Kaito, the smartest of the yanderes and the one who seems to plan out everything for the group. He loves to read books and has a crude mouth. He's the most sadistic (?) out of all of them, though its mostly through insults and he seems more bratty than anything.
Alex, the quietest out of the yanderes who has a soft spot for animals. We see his mom later in the game and how he was raised as a child. Loves dogs and adopts one with you. He's the protective type of yandere.
Jin, the softest but also the most physically weakest out of all the yanderes. He's a quiet person that can go an entire 180 if pushed. He's the most emotional yandere and probably the one who is the hardest to predict in terms of mood.
Ren, the kindest out of all the yanderes but has a twisted outlook. He tends to any wounds you have and constantly calls the MC his muse. While he is probably the easiest to talk to, he's also very philosophical and you might not agree with his ideals.
Ryo, the delusional playboy of the bunch. He calls you his angel and he's not quite all together. A delusional yandere, in parts of the route he's the one that drugs you. The main yandere that tries to keep peace with all the others.
The story has variations depending on what route you're aiming for, so I'll start out by going on the basic yandere route and then talk more about other routes. The MC can be male, female or non-binary so I'll just refer to them with they/them pronouns.
The story starts with the MC going to school to meet their twin friends Sako and Lala. As the group goes to school, they meet six rich boys who have transferred to the school. The twins are both interested in the boys, wanting to get one of them, and convinces the MC to talk to them. The MC talks to each of them in some way or another but starts to realize that they're not quite as kind as they seem. The MC later talks to the twin's older brother Kenzen, whom they have a crush on, and plan a trip together to the Netherlands. Soon after though, the MC is kidnapped, either by Bako breaking into their room to chloroform them or by Ryo drugging the MC's drink. Either way, the MC is soon found in a house where the yandere boys room together and have a plan of action, framing the MC as a runaway and tipping off a nearby bus driver (which is very smart on their parts). The MC is then shared amongst the six boys, giving them two hours each. The MC is extremely angry and agitated due to the boy's actions (which, you know, I would be too if I were kidnapped against my will) and tries to escape multiple times with multiple means, whether through manipulation, threats, or sending an SOS letter. The boys realize that the MC is trying to escape and kidnaps Sako as a punishment. Sako is then killed as a punishment for the MC's escape plans and the MC, still angry and saddened by their friend's death, is forced to be civil with the boys. However, after watching on the news that their crush Kenzen has suddenly disappeared, the MC snaps and tries to escape. Depending on the choices made, the MC gets captured by the yandere of their choosing.
Of course, there are a lot of different endings besides just the yandere ending. In some endings, Sako is not the one kidnapped, and instead, Kenzen is kidnapped. In some routes, the MC is only kidnapped for a couple of days instead of a couple months. In some routes, she is killed by the boys, whether on accident or on purpose, and sometimes the MC kills the boys as revenge, but there are quite a lot of different endings for these games.
In terms of the yandere endings, my favorite ones have got to go to Jin and Ryo. Jin initially is my favorite character because he was so shy, but after being manipulated by the MC, becomes extremely angry and violent at times. This complete 180 was rather shocking to me and the ending displays this very well with him chopping off the MC's ring finger. Ryo would probably be on my lower tier of yanderes (he's initially shown as a playboy, which is probably my one of least favorite otome troupe) but his yandere ending is really satisfying (to me, at least) as he ends up killing one of his friends and desperately begging the MC to forgive him. Besides my love for begging, Ryo has probably the most emotional yandere ending because unlike the other yandere routes which seem to have little remorse for what happens with the other yanderes or the MC, it really shows that he's just afraid and really wants the MC. It's also a bit cathartic watching someone who has kidnapped you break down in front of you.
Besides the yandere routes, my favorite routes are probably the ones where the MC kills the yanderes, specifically the Black Widow route. In this route, the MC almost kills themself before being knocked out and is isolated in the backroom where their friend Sako was killed. They're able to manipulate Jin into killing the rest of the group by promising that they'd leave together if he got rid of them. The MC tricks the other yanderes into the backroom where Jin kills them. After killing them, Jin realizes what he's done and tries to get help for them, only for the MC to backstab him and kill him once and for all. Throughout the route, the MC is constantly angered by the yandere's actions, so watching them kill off all of the other yanderes is extremely satisfying, especially considering what they've done to them.
One thing I can really appreciate is how proactive the MC is. The MC is depicted as playful, but firm in their actions. They often tease or prank other characters (for instance, they drew a dick on one of the twins which I found to be funny) but also refuse to be pushed down or talked down to (also for some reason they're really good at insulting people. Kaito is constantly berating and insulting the MC, and the MC insults them back as a result. My favorite line of bickering between them is when the MC shuts down Kaito for looking down on rich people by saying "Don't look down on those who are poorer just because your mom didn't hold you enough." and I was like "Oooh, got em!" ) After being kidnapped, the MC is understandably furious over the yanderes and refuses to be manipulated into thinking that what they did is okay. They're pretty hostile towards them initially and never justifies their actions as anything but wrong. It's nice to see that this MC doesn't fall into Stockholm syndrome like a lot of other MCs. The MC is also very tactical and smart, constantly trying to find a way to escape the yanderes, even if it means that they have to act civil towards them. Although the MC is very clearly angry at the yanderes for kidnapping them, they also have a soft side and are able to know when they've gone too far. Also, the MC is really good at cooking and often cooks with the other yandere's , since they're not good at cooking themselves, and is really knowledgable about food in general.
I also really appreciate the behavior of the yanderes towards the MC. In a lot of scenarios I've read, the yandere is often really dominating over the MC, to the point where they barely even respect the MC as a person. It's great that in this game the yanderes respect the MC as long as they respect them. In fact, for the most part, the yanderes are kind towards the MC, if not a bit obsessive and really only go more unhinged if the MC disrespects them in some way (which happens a lot considering what they're going through.) Besides when the yandere is disrespected, feels jealous, or is a bit too forceful in trying to help the MC, the yanderes only really use force to make sure the MC doesn't escape, having precautions like tying the MC up or preventing them from using a knife in the kitchen. While the yanderes are certainly threatening in their own way, kidnapping a friend, manipulating the MC, and generally being unstable, it never felt like the yanderes were really trying to hurt them. It's really nice to see since, in most stories I read, the yandere is just extremely overbearing and suffocating to the point where sometimes I wonder if they even love the MC at all.
While overall I love this game, I still have a couple of qualms about it. There are still a lot of errors in the text, mostly missing commas and a couple of grammatical errors. There's also a bit of mislabeling for the folders since I had an error with a folder called "heart" because the folder was instead named "hearts". My biggest complaint, which I feel is probably unfair considering that this is a free game and a good game at that, is the artwork for the sprites. While the sprites have gotten a lot better from the first game, I feel like the sprite's anatomy is a bit off. It's not the best artwork I've seen in some of these free games, though I completely understand that it's not easy making sprites or artwork in general for games like these. What will probably happen is that I'll end up redrawing some of the sprites for my pleasure, but we'll see how it goes.
Overall, the story, plot and characters of this game are really intriguing and I loved playing it. It has its own custom OST which is nice as well, and it's seven yandere boys, so what's not to like. I'm waiting eagerly for plantmama's new games, hopefully with more male yanderes in them. Again, I'm sorry it took so long for me to play.
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[Ikemen Vampire Scenario/Imagine] Bedridden (part 2) 💊
Imagine: You live in the mansion, and you’re feeling very ill. Your illness keeps you in bed for days, if not weeks. What will the guys do?
Category: Reader insert - forget about little miss snack, you are the MC.
Characters: Dazai, Isaac, Jean, Shakespeare, Comte and Sebastian.
Warnings: Some fluff? 
First part here.
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Goes to your room and offers you a couple of books that he believed could be of use to you-- books that could distract you, yes.
He goes just to have chats with you; it doesn't matter if you respond in monosyllables, or don’t respond at all. He will still talk, softly, with a silky voice that sometimes he seems to use on purpose to make you feel sleepy and rest.
He acts as natural and relaxed as always, instead of showing the concern many of the others show.
This is surprisingly reassuring.  
However, he still tells you, every once in a while, something along the lines of: “You have to recover soon, Toshiko-san. You have all of these renowned personalities in disarray, and it’s kinda hard to make them be fun this way.”
Also, sometimes he brings you an apple, saying that “it was supposed to be for Ai-kun, but you need it more.”
His eyes are calm, and they soften whenever they observe you. Concerned or not, he hopes you’ll get better, and that’s good enough for you.
He is firstly shocked. And after the shock has happened, almost everyone has already reacted, and he finds himself looking around in annoyance and embarrassment.
He does NOT enjoy crowded spaces, and it takes a while before he goes to see you.
When he does, he mutters something that sounds like he’s wishing you well; that he wishes you to get better. But it might as well have been a hallucination.
He is not sure of what to do with a sick person…? So he considers that the best thing is to leave her some space… and space for the people that actually do know what to do.
What to do, what to do…?
He sees Leonardo bringing Lumiere to your room, and has the subsequent millionaire idea, that brings a smile to your face. “Harry!”
“You shouldn’t extenuate yourself so much…” he says, awkwardly. “He doesn’t even really recognise his name.”
Unfortunately, after accidentally scaring Harry, the little creature attempts to make an escape, and runs to hide beneath the sheets.
“Harry!” Isaac’s hands move towards the hedgehog before remembering that you are beneath the sheets too, and his face turns red, even his ears reddening before his hands jerk back.
(He has no idea how clothed you are, given that the sheets cover you right above your neck)
You laugh weakly, and he sputters an explanation, about the urgency of grabbing Harry.
Harry’s shape is visible through the sheets, a small mound fidgeting, and that combined with Isaac’s expression make you laugh out loud, even though doing so hurts.
Isaac, alarmed, scolds you, with a fierce frown, but your hands find Harry and hold him before he can complain anymore.
The hedgehog doesn’t harm you, too busy curling up in a ball, and Isaac takes it back, deflated.
“That was a horrible idea. I am-- I am sorry... I’ll take my leave now”, he mutters.  
But you shake your head slowly. “I haven’t laughed like that in a while... Thank you.”
(He doesn’t seem to believe you, but it is true)
Who knows from where did he find a rose... ? Clearly not from the flower shop, considering that it seems to have been crudely cut.
In the gardens now there’s one less rose, plus a massive hole in the rose bushes that leaves Sebastian both baffled and horrified, wondering if a wild animal has broken out in the gardens.
Meanwhile, Jean realizes that he should have used his sword to cut the thorns, not the rose.
So he does, with an appalling lack of expertise, for someone that is indeed an experienced swordsman.
Later, he offers you the rose, with a blank expression, that doesn’t manage to tear your attention from the gashes on his gloves.
Sitting on the bed and leaving the rose aside, you try to reach for his hands, before he moves away; you’re successful, and he stares at you, with an almost startled expression.
You gently touch the places where the cuts are, making him take off his gloves.
You thank him heartfeltly-- before recommending him to go to the flower shop next time. Or, you know, just asking for help.
He freezes, his two hands being held by both of yours. Once you let him go, he quickly retreats, and you’re not entirely sure he bids you farewell before leaving hurriedly.
You lower your gaze, and smile.
He left his gloves on your lap.  
He takes the carriage just to see you, as soon as he receives the news that you’re quite ill.
He stays a long while by your bedside; doing what? Well, writing, for starters. He finds you quite inspiring right now (oh-oh)
But don’t worry, he also reads to you. Your favorite plays, your favorite books, or anything he thinks it might interest you.
In fact, he creates stories for you; stories in which you are the protagonist, and -after a fair dose of tragedy, after all, that is completely necessary in any story- he sometimes rewards you with something akin to a happy ending.
In some of those, you are sick, too; but it usually ends up with you getting better (most of the times…)
You are surprised when he touches your forehead, to make sure you don’t have a lot of fever.
If you attempt to leave the bed, he’ll smile… and then you’ll feel compelled to immediately crawl back to your bed, and hide beneath the bed sheets, shivering.
He doesn’t even have to talk, his eyes are enough.
Sometimes if he sees you anxious to get up, he does comment, in a dangerously amiable tone, “Fair one, at this rate I might be forced to tie you. Or art thou willing to face the consequences, of getting up before time has come...?”  
And talking about when ‘time has come’... When the time comes for him to leave, he always bids you farewell by kissing the back of your hand.  
You are not entirely sure if he’s enjoying this situation or not… Would it be more disturbing if he did, or if he didn’t?
What were you expecting? Of course he’s one of the firsts in line to go see you.
He behaves as gentlemanly as always, offering absolutely (and I mean absolutely) anything you need. Medicines? Checked. A doctor? Checked. Cachemira scarf? Checked. Fluffy angora socks? Checked. What else...? Ah, yes...
You have to ask him to stop at some point, jesus christ.
He takes your hand between his, emphasizing his interest in your well being.
He touches your face gently, to check your temperature.
His hand feels comfortably cold, and you close your eyes, muscles relaxing with his touch.
You’re not entirely sure, but you swear he sometimes visits you while you sleep, to check up on you. You feel his eyes for a few moments, before he leaves.
His presence is actually comforting, and his calm smile always reassures you, saying you’ll get better, with no problem.
In a few words, he pampers you non stop, asleep or awake.
You promise to make it up to him, but he just chuckles lightly.
He orders you to stay in bed, and goes back to you every once in a while, to make sure you are doing okay.
If you ever try to get up, he admonishes you; and if you insist too much, he gives you a light flick on the forehead, waaay more softer than what you ever thought him capable of doing.
He brings food to your bed (Comte would have insisted anyway, tbh), and makes some spare moments to share with you.
He religiously gives you every medicine at the exact same hour you are supposed to take them.
Precise as a walking clock, you can’t help but admire his dedication to you, even when he has so much to do, especially now that you are not helping him.
You offer to give him the new info you obtained from the other residents-- of how they behave when someone in their house is sick (and when said someone is a girl)...
You are not entirely sure it’s a proper thing to do, but it seems harmless enough. Sebastian accepts your offer, with that sparkle in his eyes you know so well.
So you spend an afternoon exchanging information; because in return for your words, you receive new information, from when the other residents have been sick.
(Now that is more questionable, you think...)
And yet, you keep chatting happily, basking in Sebastian’s reliability, even when it comes to make you feel better.
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ac3id · 4 years
Plaything | 18+ | part i
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plaything 1/ ?? | part 0
pairings: yandere! bully bakugou katsuki x fem! reader
warnings: [series] blackmail, bullying, dubcon/ noncon, filming w/o consent, yandere themes, no quirks au. ALL CHARACTERS ARE ABOVE 18 YEARS OF AGE.
↪ for chapter 1: dubcon, blackmail, humiliation, masturbation, filming w/o consent, boot grinding, a little bit of bakusquad + reader....this is filthy :D 
summary: by luck you get enrolled into u.a high the best school in your town. the only catch is that the school is filled with rich, spoilt and powerful brats who just seem to hate you and among them, a certain red eyed blonde dreads you the most
↪ for chapter 1: you bump into bakugou by accident, dropping your vanilla ice cream all over him, you try to apologize and run away but wants more...oh wait why are his friends standing there recording everything too? 
wordcount. 4k+
a/n: sooooo, it’s finally out! huge thanks to @sawamooora for proof reading this! helped me out a lot <3 sorry for making u sit through that mess x[
 this scene was inspired by that one episode of boys over flowers where the mc’s best friend drops ice cream on the main guy’s shoe and he asks the mc to lick it off...obviously that didn’t happen in the show but it really got me thinking...... 
alsO the netflix show elite,,, i just saw it and knew,,,,
taglist: @mocha-focha​, @erenyeagersbasement​ , @haribo-pop, @sunshine-fangs​, @kuremis​, @amazing-fandoms​,
dm/ inbox/ comment to be added/ removed. 
It was a great opportunity. Never in your life would you have thought you’d manage to land a scholarship at the prestigious U.A Private Academy. 
The school was a dream, the best in your city, and only affordable for the rich. Graduating from such a school could have helped you with life in so many different ways. Not only would it open doors you could never touch before, but it would help you to form connections which would make your life undoubtedly easier.
Graduating from U.A. was a blessing, but obviously, it did not come easy. It was rather unfortunate. After your previous school building had collapsed, due to some accident, the board announced its year-long closure.
At the time, you were beyond lost and understandably frustrated - it was your last year before college and you simply couldn't risk waiting the year out. The whole situation was nerve-wracking, looking for decent schools which would allow you in. 
Honestly, you had no idea what you would’ve done if U.A. hadn’t called you that night. 
It was the last day of the summer holidays, a week after your school building had collapsed. Luckily, no one was hurt - but the damage on the campus was severe. 
You had been talking to your friends when your mother rushed into your room with exciting news. Apparently, the chairman of U.A was feeling generous. He had decided to offer four excellent students from your school a scholarship to U.A. 
You were overjoyed being one of the students along with your two other friends; Shinso Hitoshi and Izuku Midoriya. 
At first, the thought was a little scary - going into a completely different world than you were accustomed to. The kids there would be much different than you, you didn't want to be the   laughing stock, you didn’t want to be their silly little entertainment... The thought made you nervous, but when your best friend, Izuku, called you the next night explaining how he also won the scholarship; followed by Shinso, you were relieved. 
Yes, you were stepping into a whole different world but you at least had your two friends with you. 
And that brought you to the first day of school. 
You stood outside the huge gates of the even enormous academy all alone shaking in your little, expensive skirt they forced you to wear as the uniform waiting for your friends. You promised the two boys you’d wait for them, and besides, you weren’t planning on entering the building all alone. 
Your friends, Shinso and Midoriya, lived close to each other. They were supposed to meet you at the gates of the school that morning, but they were running late. Your anxiety grew the longer you stayed there, with students filling the place- arriving in their fancy cars with their expensive bags and accessories. It easily made you feel out of place.
“Hey,” you heard someone before someone tapped on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to greet the voice. Staring back at you was Uraraka Ochaco.
You remembered she was in your school too, Midoriya has a huge crush on her. 
“Yes, Uraraka? Right?” You weren’t close to her, nothing but mere acquaintances. But seeing her face - right here, right now - it made your day. 
Uraraka was dressed in the same uniform as you, there was no doubt that she was one of the four kids who won the scholarship. Both of you talked while you implored her to wait for Midoriya and Shinso. You didn’t fail to notice the way her cheeks turned pink when you mentioned Midoriya. The two of them were so obvious. 
Your friends arrived, they were late, but they came. 
Apparently, there was an accident that forced them to stay back a little longer, but they managed to make it before the first bell. 
“I actually have an old friend who goes there now,” Midoriya confesses out of the blue as the four of you enter the gates. You look at him in awe. 
During the three years in high school that both of you had spent together, he had never mentioned any friend of his going to the U.A. academy ever. 
“Why did you never tell us?” Uraraka asks. 
“well, we’re not on good terms. He used to live in the same neighborhood before his parent’s business took off. He left after middle school.” Midoriya says, a slight frown forming on his face.
“Who is he?” Shinso asks. 
Midoriya pauses briefly before explaining his entire history with a temperamental and rude blonde. Bakugou Katsuki, he calls him. His childhood friend. But from what you managed to gather, Bakugou was anything but a friend to Midoriya. 
Bakugo was once just a simple boy, living a simple life, destined to do great things - but once his parent’s clothing line ‘Dynamite’ blew up and became mainstream, he started drowning in wealth. Bakugo moved out of his old neighborhood at the starting of high school before enrolling in U.A., just like all his rich friends.
“Maybe you should say hi,” Uraraka suggests. Midoriya’s expressions turned sheepish.
“About that…” he started. “I called him yesterday, got his number from mom, and-” he stopped. 
“What did he say?” Shinso asked.
“He told me to get lost and die,” Midoriya said with a slight frown on his face, looking down. 
That was your first impression of Katsuki Bakugou. For a man you had not even met, you sure loathed him. 
School went smoothly for a week, everything was going great. The four of you kept your profile low, didn’t talk until spoken to, kept your distance, and everything was okay. 
People often starred and whispered amongst each other when they saw you in the hallways, but that was about it. Everyone seemed to be decent but… there’s always a but. 
Everything took a turn for the worse when you managed to piss off the wrong person, Bakugo Katsuki himself. 
It was an honest mistake, not even that big of a deal - especially for his standards Yet, for some reason, Bakugo wanted to get under your skin. 
It happened after your lunch break, you were on your way back to your classroom with an ice-cream cone fasted tightly in your hands. You mindlessly dashed through the hallways, trying your best to get back to class as fast as possible - you don’t want to be late. It’d earn you a bad reputation. You don’t need that- you don't want anything which could jeopardize your scholarship. 
You walked straight and took a turn. Just by fate, you bumped into a stiff, hard chest making you wobble on your feet and sending your ice cream from your hand flying straight to the ground.
“Shit,” you cursed, looking down seeing what you had to work with. 
The ice-cream cone splattered on the floor, the white creamy liquid flushed all over the floor along with staining an expensive-looking, black leather boot. A snarl comes from above you along with a group of chuckles. More expensive shoes come into your line of view as you realize you’re not alone. 
You slowly bring your gaze up, ogling at who you just pissed off. 
Staring back at you is a furious blonde, glaring at you with such intensity that it makes your stomach drop. It’s the infamous Bakugou Katsuki, you don’t want to deal with him. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you don’t give him a chance to complain as you take your flight. Quickly, you try running away but a large hand grabs your forearm, stopping you dead in your tracks. 
You look to the side, deep red eyes stare right back at you. 
“Where are you running off to? Don’t you think you owe my friend here a proper apology?” Kirishima says, his grip on your arm growing tighter. He towers over you, his huge body trapping you with intimidation.
Going to U.A for over a week there’s a thing or two that you’ve learned about the rich, snobby brats who own the school. Not everyone is bad, a few of them are actually but the rest are just bad. 
Bakugou was the worst. From how Midoriya described him, you knew for a fact he’d be a horrible person. But hell, he managed to prove himself even worse. 
He was crude, mean, downright arrogant, and ignorant. Always screaming unasked opinions on top of his lungs, and gets mad whenever someone disagrees. He acts like the world revolves around him.
 Bakugo had a bunch of friends who he called his “followers” and they weren’t any better.
They just watched while Bakugou ruined everything, they were there to support him. 
Kirishima Eijirou the redhead, he was captain of the football team. He was a jock, brawns over brains kind of person. Girls cooed over him and his overly attractive, hot body. It looked as if he was sculpted by God himself. 
Next was Kaminari Denki. He was in the school band, dating the lead singer. And yet, he managed to find time to flirt with other girls. He was the goofball of the group, dumb and stupid But he always knew what he was doing. Even though it was barely noticeable, you could always see a devious glint in those amber eyes of his. 
Sero Hanta was famous for a lot of reasons. Most notably for having brought illegal drugs on the campus and skipping classes to go down to his junkie hangout spot to smoke weed. The man had no shame. Sometimes, he’d walk into the classrooms high as fuck. The teachers couldn’t do anything even if they tried, his parents practically owned the school; he owned the school. There was no going against the tall, lanky man who looked like he couldn’t even smash a bug. He held the most power and his friends sure knew how to abuse it. 
Last but not least was Mina Ashido. The one and only girl member of the self-proclaimed ‘bakusquad’. Sometimes, Jirou Kyouka, the lead singer of the school, would hang out with the boys and her boyfriend, but she wasn’t a permanent member. Mina was. 
In your opinion, Mina was a nightmare dressed like a daydream. With her short, pink hair and bright smile, she seemed like an angel. But she was the devil. Worse than even Bakugou, perhaps. 
She knew everything about everyone, she had leverage galore: screenshots ready to leak, videos ready to ruin lives. She had them all, and frankly- she scared you the most. 
Kirishima pushed you back, and Bakugo caught you by your shoulders. 
“That was fucking rude,” he growled, biting his fingers into your shoulder blades tight and hard making you squeal. “Are you fucking blind or something? Fucking extra.” 
“I said I’m sorry, let me go will you?” Even in such a terrifying situation, you try to remain calm.
“What do you think, Sero?” Kaminari began. Your heart sank, including Sero into anything was never a good sign. 
“She ruined Bakugou’s new shoes,” he continued. Bakugou’s hold on you tightened and you winced, turning back to him and returning his glare. 
“Okay, what do you want?” you give in, finally. A mischievous spark lights up in his crimson eyes as flashes a cocky smirk to his friends before turning back to you with a frown. He pushes you towards Mina and she catches you with an arm around your shoulder. 
“Those were expensive, right?” she looks at you and then back at Bakugou. He grunts, nodding. 
“Fuck yes, I’m pissed as hell. Some fucking extra managed to ruin it.” 
You look back down to steal a glance at his heavy, leather boot. The small, white stain melted away. 
“What will you do to make up for it?” Mina whispers your name and you cringe. They were teasing you. For their fun, they were making fun of you. 
“What can I do?” you say, sarcastically. Prying yourself away from her hold. The crowd goes dead silent before speaking. Sero is the first one to talk. 
“Lick it off.”
There’s a pause, no one speaks. Your stomach drops and your face pales at the look the five of them are giving you- it’s serious. Dead serious. 
Kaminari bursts out laughing followed by Sero and the others. The four of them get a great laugh but Bakugou stares at you head-on with his grave expressions burning through your soul. 
“Whatcha looking at? Do it,” he commands. 
The laughing dies down and Kaminari speaks, “are you serious? You want her to lick your shoe,” he can’t control his laughter, a chuckle breaks with every word. 
“Yes, I’m fucking serious. Besides, Sero recommended it,” he smirks. “Do you really want to say no to him? I don’t know so much about this but-“ he leans down close to your face, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear, “it might complicate your scholarship.” 
There’s a twisted rhythm in his voice. He’s enjoying tormenting you. You still want to believe that they’re just messing around. That they’ll have their laughs and let you go, but the way Sero stares at you says otherwise. 
“You don’t wanna do it?” Bakugou asks. 
“Of course she doesn’t! That’s gross, oh my god.” Mina exclaims, earning a chuckle from the rest of the boys. 
“Hey, let’s hear it from Sero himself.” Kirishima pats Sero’s back, pushing him forward. The five of them have circled around you, coiling you inside their venomous nest with you in the center. You turn to Sero with pleading eyes, looking up at his huge form, begging. 
He smirks looking down at you, you look so tiny beneath bim. He wants to mess with you, even more, you look like a nice toy to him. He wants to play with it until he can’t. 
“I guess, I did say that-” your blood runs cold, heartbeat picking up in nervousness. “-but you don’t need to do it.” He finishes. Your face lights up while the others groan in disappointment. Bakugou looks livid. 
“Just know that, you’re the one who dropped the ice cream on Bakugou’s shoe and now you’re not even helping him out. That’s not very noble, is it? I don’t know if I even by mistake slipped that info back home- my parents might reconsider whether you truly deserve to be here or not. They don’t really like disrespectful kids who comprise the school’s name.” 
Sero ends his speech with a wide, ear-to-ear grin, followed by a pat to your head. 
“The choice is yours.”  
You pause for a moment and think. Where they were really going to make you do it, where they were really going to humiliate you like this. They were. But were you willing to do it? 
From Sero’s threat, you could tell he was serious, this was legit. 
It wouldn’t have been the first time the school expelled someone who had beef with Sero, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. They don’t care about anyone but their loving son. They wouldn’t even think once before expelling you.
“What’s your answer, princess?” Kirishima teases.
 Mina and Kaminari once again break into fits of laughter.
“What do you mean? She doesn’t have a choice here, kneel you extra.” Your heart hammers in your chest as Bakugou gestures you to kneel. You stop for a second, breathing unevenly- thinking. After a long, thoughtful sigh, you answer. 
“No, I am not going to do it.” Your voice is meek yet clear. Even though you’re trembling under the heavy gazes of five snakes, you choose to stand your ground. 
Bakugou glaring at you while the others boo. 
“Aw, c’mon you don’t mean that.” 
“Don’t be a little brat.” 
Bakugou stays silent while the others continue to throw insults at you -  calling you names and trying to make you regret your decision. You look straight forward into Bakugou’s cold, red eyes, searching for his next move. Your heart beats even harder in your chest with increased anxiety. After watching your torment for more than a few minutes, Bakugo decides he’s had enough of this game.
“Hey, shitty hair,” Bakugo starts. “Punch me.” 
“What?” Kirishima asks, vividly shaken. “Why do you want me to hit you, Bakubro?” 
“Punch me real hard, give me a black eye.” The confusion grows greater on everyone’s faces. You stare at him in awe, wondering what angle was trying to play. 
Kirishima raises his hands in defense. “Woah, dude slow down there. I’m not just going to punch you.” 
Bakugou clicks the roof of his tongue, letting out a sound of irritation. “You all are just dumb,” he starts.
“Imagine if this punny, little,” he leans down closer to you till his lips touch your ears and whispers your name with a crude chuckle. “Were to drop all her food over me, not apologize, punch and me then run away, that’d bring her into a whole world of trouble. Wouldn’t it?” 
Bakugo’s words are calculated and sly, he knows exactly what he’s getting at when he starts. His voice fills you up with dread as he makes his accusations public.
“She would be expelled on spot and Kacchan could also raise charges,” Kaminari adds. 
Your eyes widen in fear. 
“Yeah, I’ll fucking do that.” Mina giggles. “That would succck,” she cheers. Your lower lip quivers as you stare at them in disbelief, your eyes open wide only to be covered with fear. 
“Hey, c’mon, why are you doing this to me?” You feel them inch closer to you, their warmth leeching onto you the longer you stay surrounded by them. 
“Because you have no fucking manners.” Bakugou snarls. 
“Kiri, punch him. What are you waiting for? If you don’t wanna do it I will!” Kaminari cries, growing impatient. 
Kirishima laughs before he charges Bakugou. Your heart hammers in your chest. 
You think about your family, your future, and how disappointed everyone would be with you. Your dreams and aspirations, all were rooted in this school. 
It was honestly sad, pathetic even. Your entire future was just a joke to these spoiled kids. These kids who could control you, and everyone else,  with just a flick of their fingers. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the price to pay for a piece of the beautiful cake known as U.A... You resign yourself to your fate.
A piece of your mind. 
“N-no, don’t do that. I-I’ll do it,” you murmured, your voice timid and weak. The five paused looking at each other with an ominous glint in their eyes. Bakugou was the first to speak. 
“Well, then fucking get on with it. On your knees.” Obediently like a trained puppy, you got down onto your knees, not letting your eyes fall from Bakugou’s face. His red, fierce eyes barked at you with an unknown look, keeping you lost. 
“Holy shit, she’s actually doing this,” Mina squealed watching you lean forward, bringing your face next to Bakugou’s expensive boots.
“Kaminari, record this.” Sero taps at the energetic blonde, forcing him to take his phone out and hit ‘record’. As you lean further to the ground, your short skirt rides up behind you, giving the audience a clear view of your round ass and pastel panties. The sight brings a smile to Bakugou’s face as he scoffs. 
“Cute panties,” he remarks. 
You jerk, trying desperately to sit back, but Bakugo stops you. Smashing his other foot on top of your shoulder, he holds you there facing the ground.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” he growls.
You squirm, almost falling under his weight and as much you hate to admit it, a tingle of excitement runs down your spine. This was turning you on.
 A row of whistles flood in, the boys start teasing you and praising Bakugou. 
“Lick it off,”  he commands. 
You look down at his leather boot, the ice cream almost melted. There’s still a bright white spot of the sweet now liquid splayed out. Even though it’s not a lot, it still makes you cringe. You peek your shy, little tongue out timidly, forcing yourself to do the heinous deed. 
Bakugou watches you hesitate and pushes on your shoulder harder making you reach towards him. 
You give in after a final attempt, diving into his wishes. Your wet tongue touches the rough, cold leather. You cringe after a single touch, closing your eyes and scrunching your nose at the salty taste. “Clean it all off,” he commands.
You dive back in, this time letting your tongue glide across a larger portion. The humiliation burns through your body. It makes you uncomfortably hot, mostly from anger and but a little bit of arousal.
“Nice ass.” 
There it is. The excitement comes back the moment they start making suggestive comments, the attention riles you up and it’s horrible. 
“Kaminari are you even supposed to be here? Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Mina asks at the blonde pervert who was currently zooming on your ass. 
“Oh? We’re cool as long as I don’t stick my dick her,” he points to you. “That’s hella fucking tempting but I’m in love, dude.” He chuckles to himself, thinking about his girlfriend. 
They treat you like an object, talking about you like you were some sort of a toy. 
“Bet her pussy is tight,” Sero says. 
Kirishima turns to Bakugou, looking at him with pleading eyes. “Yo, Bakubro, can we touch her?” 
Bakugou looks on from watching you lick his boot and turns to Kirishima. A dark, unsettling gaze falls across his eyes as he speaks, “No. This one is mine.” he stares down at you. 
You stop lapping on his shoe and stand back on your knees, buckling your knees you try to get up but Bakugou harshly kicks your shoulder, throwing you back and making you cry. 
“Why did you do that?” you squeal, holding onto your bruised shoulder, glaring at him intently. 
The rest of the group goes quiet at the display of Bakugou’s sudden violence. 
He stands between your thighs, lazily resting his foot atop of your soft thighs. 
“You’re fucking pathetic, you know that?” the angle you were spread out in had your skirt flipped over hips, displaying your pretty, pastel panties to everyone in the room. 
Even though it’s subtle, masked by everyone’s fear of what Bakugou was planning, you still feel everyone’s gaze focused right on you and more specifically at your clothed cunt. Bakugou presses hard on your thigh making you cry. 
“Useless Deku’s friends are just like him. The fucking second you walked in here, I knew you were just another useless insect for me to stomp on.” He pauses, smirking, pressing his foot onto you even harder, twisting his ankle to increase the burning sting surging across your right thigh. “And I’m doing just that.” 
He steps off you for a moment, letting you catch your breath and recover from the burn. His eyesight travels lower down to your panties. He admires the cute pair you had on. Normally when he’d see girls naked, they’d dress themselves up the most luxurious to match his standards. But that’s not you, that could never be you. 
He rejoices at the thought of seeing your flushed, tear-stained face breaking down under him. You’ll never be like those girls, always a step behind. He can build you up and break you however he likes, you’d have no say in it. 
The power trip drives him crazy. 
He presses the tip of his boot over your clothed clothed cunt, pushing the hard material right over your sensitive clit. 
You gasp at the feeling, looking up at him with terrified eyes. He smirks down at you, moving his foot in a steady rhythm, rubbing the fabric of your cotton panties against your little pearl. 
“This turning you on? What a freak.” The rest of his group basks in shock. They watch intently as the scene spiraled out for them, too captivated to make any comments. They just keep quiet and stare. 
The way you squirm under Bakugou as he plays with your cute clit so unforgivingly makes them hot with excitement. Kaminari feels a little guilty but he blames it on his nature as a man.
Sero feels a little bad for you, they all do. But then again they wouldn’t waste the opportunity to be in Bakugou’s footsteps- literally. 
“You’re a little slut, you know that?” Bakugou sneers. 
Your gasps turn into whimpers as his simulation becomes harder. You clench your fists, desperately wishing it to be over. Tears brim in your eyes at the sheer humiliation of your corrupted form. This was just too much, too much for you to handle. 
“Please, stop,” you beg, knowing he wouldn't listen. “I’ll report you,” you cry.  A roar of laughter starts, shutting you up. 
“Go for it, you do that.” Mina comments. Kaminari walks closer to you, bringing the camera down to your face recording your horrified expressions. 
“We’ll just go ahead and post this online.” he threatens. 
A drop of tear falls down your waterline following a waterfall. You cry, leave all of your dignity behind and cry. You beg them to stop but as your pleas mix with your moans, it’s hard for anyone to understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they don’t know what you’re asking them for, they just turn deaf, simply because they can. 
Bakugou stops, he takes a step back, leaving you alone. You let out the tiniest cry when he leaves, ditching you just when you need his touch the most. 
“Feels like I’m doing too much of the work, if you want it so bad, do this yourself.” He says. Your body still burns with desire, your clit still hard and cunt salivating, you are nowhere close to being done... 
It’s as if something takes over and you are possessed by the dire need to cum, you do exactly as he says. 
You snake your fingers down your panties, deliberately rubbing on your swollen little clit before pushing your finger into your drenched cunt. You cry out as you clench around your finger, the pleasure becoming unbearable. Your legs shake and you close your eyes shut. 
You stay there on the floor, fingering yourself in the corridor, without any shame, while Kaminari records all of it. 
“She’s gonna give me a hard-on,” Kirishima says and you moan.
“She really is a slut, huh?” Sero comments. 
“She’s cute,” Mina adds with a smile. 
Bakugou scoffs, “does Deku know how much of a whore you are?” He asks. 
You don’t pay any attention to what he says, too busy bringing yourself to your climax.
“You’re getting all this right?” Mina looks over Kaminari’s shoulder and onto the phone screen which captures you beautifully losing yourself for everyone to see. 
“You close?” Bakugou asks as you feel yourself clench around fingers tightly, he bends down on his and pulls your panties down your hips, admiring your precious cunt. 
“Cute pussy,” he remarks before flicking your sensitive, hardened clit.
A rush of pleasure washes down your body as you cry while cumming. Bakugou pushes you right over the edge, a nasty grin screaming atop his face as he watches you. You curse at yourself for letting him see you like this, but there’s not much you can do but cry while you feel your juices gush around you before sliding down your thighs and onto the dirty floor. 
It takes a second for you to calm down and when you do come to your senses, dread fills you up. Tears shamelessly fall down your face as you realize what you just did. The others laugh at you, without feeling any remorse. 
Bakugou continues to stare at you with an unsettling look, while the others discuss the heinous crime you’ve just committed. 
Sero looks down at you and you catch his dark eyes staring at you. A toothy grin scavenges his face as he speaks. 
“Awesome,” he says as if he just finished some mediocre movie. 
Finally, you find the courage to get up and run. 
This was totally not awesome. 
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winterandwords · 3 years
WIP Summary
@thegreatobsesso asked for this and I'm pretty sure I haven't posted one before, or if I did it was absolutely ages ago, so here we go...
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PROJECT STORM (working title)
No conscience, no problem
Noah kills for money. Brett hides criminal activity behind a successful career. Officially, they both protect people from people like themselves. Unofficially, everything is falling apart. Until they meet. And it all gets worse...
Genre: Transgressive
Audience: Adult
Tense: Present
POV: First-person, transitioning to first-person referral (each MC still refers to themselves as I, but to the other MC as you in internal monologue)
Vibe: Crime, drugs and weather symbolism. Hurt me, I need to feel alive. This is a love story like crude oil is a tea. #ThatShouldNotBeHot. Nothing's real anyway.
First draft complete @ approx 54k words
October 2021: Let sleeping drafts lie
November 2021: Major editing pass
December 2021: Rest, then minor editing pass
January 2021: Beginning of editing-involving-other-people
I'm not scheduling further than this yet for reasons of sanity preservation.
Brett Archer
mid-30s, aesthetic ref. Ken Bek
Brett is chaos, wildfire, and the sweetest deception. His freezer is full of vodka and his head is full of everything all the time. He has an impressive collection of scars and the kind of smile that makes things happen. He is a predatory masochist, manipulative, vicious, and eloquent. He frequently dreams about the end of the world and wakes up curious. His moral standing is lying down and buried in a shallow grave. Death before drudgery and experience before everything.
Noah Thurston
mid-40s, aesthetic ref. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Noah is shadow, the tidal wave, and the unbreakable rock. He habitually gives up giving up smoking, and he takes coffee very seriously. He kills for money, but also because he needs to and because he can. He attaches no moral value to ending lives, but he leaves generous tips for the people behind the bar. He is always in control, even when he isn’t, and he’s done with everyone’s shit, including his own. His coat cost more than your car.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 1-19 NIGHT: 命运的拐点 Destiny’s Turning Point Translation
“Destiny is like a gust of wind… Red leaves flutter, flying away in the face of it.  And it is when the winds pick up ― That you meet once more…”
“I know… Who would’ve thought that such coincidences exist in this world?“
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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By the time I returned backstage, everyone was discussing where they should go to celebrate later.
MC: You guys go on without me. I’ll catch up once I’m done packing up here.
Gao Cheng nodded before leaving with Wu Yue and the others.
I headed back to the preparation room alone. It was definitely way more empty now, compared to all the hustle and bustle that had been going on during the contest.
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I folded all of the clothes into neat little piles before placing them into the box. The last coat hangs upon the highest hanger. I stretched upwards as far as I could on tiptoes, but alas, that didn’t quite make the cut.
MC: I should go find a stool.
Stepping atop the stool, I finally managed to retrieve the heavy coat. I held it with both hands, carefully using my foot to feel around for the ground.
However, I suddenly missed my footing just as my foot finally brushed the floor—
MC: Crap!
I hurriedly gathered the clothes into my protective grasp and brace for impact. Yet, all I felt was the feeling of someone firmly supporting my shoulders from behind, catching me as I fell.
???: Careful.
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I whipped around in surprise, only to be faced with a pair of familiar eyes.
MC: Evan!?
He nodded, but he didn’t look the slightest bit surprised about it at all. He smoothly took the clothes in my hands and hung them inside the closet.
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Evan: Are you okay?
MC: I’m okay. Thank you, but what are you doing here?
He was dressed in a respectable suit, just like when we first met.
Given his tall stature, I’d have no doubt thought him either a model or one of the guests that had been invited for the contest, had I never seen him before.
Evan: Work reasons. I never thought that I’d be meeting you here again, of all places.
MC: Work?
But all the staff members of this event don uniforms, and he didn’t have a media badge pinned to his chest either.
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MC: Wait, you work for Warson?
Evan hesitated, his lips curling into an arc, yet he made no move to refute it.
MC: I can’t believe such coincidences actually exist in this world…
Evan: I’ve seen your work. I love it.
MC: You don’t have to comfort me. I’m fine.
Evan: I’m not trying to comfort you.
Evan: Aesthetics is something very personal and fickle. While there may be people who don’t accept your work, there will naturally always be others who will acknowledge it.
Evan: And it just so happens that I’m one of those who do.
Evan: Can you tell me why you decided to use the strongest Black Chiffon to make the hat?
MC: It’s because I feel that it is striking despite how ordinary it looks.
MC: I like how tough it looks despite being so ordinary.
Evan: What a coincidence. This material is also what the lining of my first suit was made of.
Evan: It does look very ordinary.
Evan: Unfortunately, I accidentally got it snagged onto something and it ripped. That was when I realized that the lining was still intact with little damage.
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Evan: So, see? There will always come a time where the strength masked beneath all the ordinariness has a chance to shine.
Evan: Plus, if you look at things in the long run, it is more often than not the ordinary things that bring about the most pleasant surprises.
Saying so, he faced me with a smile. His eyes were filled with emboldened certainty.
I suddenly felt as if a warm and gentle breeze had come and blown all the complex feelings I harboured within my heart, along with all the embarrassment I felt.
Turns out that I am not as alone on this creative path to design as I’d initially thought. There was still someone out there who’s expecting great things for my future, at least.
MC: Yeah, thank you.
Evan’s smile turned a little exasperated at that.
Evan: Why are we back to square one again just like the night when we first met?
Evan: You’ve already said “thank you” to me a good many times now.
I awkwardly fiddled with my bangs, looking away in hopes of changing the topic.
MC: Right, speaking of that day… Could you wait for me for a bit? I’ve got something I want to give you.
I reopened the box that I’d just sealed up and rummaged around inside until I finally found the jewellery box housed at the very bottom of it, where a smoky-grey pin was kept.
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MC: It’s a gift for you.
Evan was stunned, seemingly quite surprised.
Evan: You made this?
MC: Yup. I couldn’t sleep due to all the adrenaline I felt when I got home that day, so I made this.
MC: I want to give this to you as thanks for the coffee that day.
MC: I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again, so I just carried it around with me just in case luck decides to be on my side.
MC: I honestly never thought that I’d be seeing you again this soon. This tie pin might look a little crude, but I hope you don’t mind it.
Evan looked at the tie clip in his hand, the light in his eyes dulling a little.
MC: I can still make changes to it if you think it doesn’t look good enough. This was honestly something I made in a jiffy.
Evan: Thank you. I really like it.
He shook his head, fastening it securely onto his tie with a look of utter seriousness.
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He didn’t look quite the same as I’d imagined him to with the tie pin on, but it suited him surprisingly well. Much better, in fact.
His tie was now decorated with a sliver of smokey grey. It was just like a beam of light that penetrated through the fog: Bright, but not blinding.
MC: Great! It really suits you.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. It was then that my phone started vibrating in my pocket.
It was a message from Gao Cheng asking me if I’d finished packing up all the stuff on my end, and when I’d reach the celebration.
Evan: You have plans after this?
MC: Yeah.
Evan: I won’t hold you up any longer then. Thank you for your gift, I’ll make sure to treasure it well.
MC: You’re welcome. I’ll be leaving first then.
I packed the rest of the stuff into the box, lifted it into my arms, and left the preparation room.
He took out a jewellery box from his pocket where a smokey grey tie clip lay within.
It was much more sophisticated than the one he currently had on. Whether it be the materials it was made of, or the level of craftsmanship it was made with, it was still superior by many leaps and bounds.
Seeing the girl’s gradually disappearing figure, Evan lowered his eyes,
Something peculiar flickered in his eyes for a moment as he suddenly thought of the words that the girl had said earlier.
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Evan: I know… Who would’ve thought that such coincidences exist in this world?
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-16) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-19 Light) / Chapter 1-20
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silvanable · 4 years
If request are open, could I ask for Theo, Vincent, Leo, Arthur and Dazai finding out that MC is a manga artist/writer? Thank you so much!!
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this is such a cute idea. as an artist and writer myself i take enormous pleasure it writing this and their reactions.
i switched these up a little bit, where the mc is an artist for one, a writer for another, and maybe both for yet another! i hope you enjoy~
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arthur just happens to find out on accident.
he knew that they had their hobbies and never really pried into that, it was something they did in their pastime just like how he was with his writing.
it just so happened to be that he was passing by the parlor when he noticed them inside with... was that his manuscript? and what were those other papers there?
nosiness curiosity got the best of him as he slips into the room to see what the mansion’s little visitor is up to.
he is, for once in his life, quite surprised to find the dear hunched over a pad of paper with a pencil in their hand.
he was quiet for a moment, examining what they were doing— which was clearly not writing— as their instrument moved over the page.
they shifted to look up at his manuscript, flipped a page, and was about to go back to their work when the noticed something from the corner of their eye.
arthur had leaned over the each of the seat, gaze fixed on the drawings in their lap and strewn about the table and seat.
the poor dear practically jumped out of their skin.
“arthur! don’t scare me like that!” they scolded him, face flush as they quickly tried to scramble and cover up their work.
“ah, was just curious to what you were doing, love,” he would flash them a grin and snatch up one of their papers before they could grab it.
“arthur, give it back!” they yelled in protest but he was far too quick for them.
his eyes scanned over the page, taking in the delicate lines of each character’s face and their expression, the texture and the design of the scenery and then his eyes fell to the dialogue...
“is this... holmes?” the genuine curiosity in his voice as he holds the paper out to them.
they try to snatch the page back but he jerks it up out of their reach before they can.
“yes okay! i’m sorry— i just saw your manuscript and i started reading it and... well, i just got inspired.”
now it has him curious and when arthur sets his mind to something, whether it be to unravel a mystery or get his questions answered, he’s going to get those answers.
after some encouragement, they finally admit to being a manga artist from their time— which as arthur understood was a unique artist who creates art to tell a story instead of words.
he is actually quite proud about the fact that his story is what motivated and drew out this creativity in them to the point they wanted to draw a ‘manga’ of his stories.
he absolutely keeps the page and a few other of their drawings he snatched up, every now and then when he’s working he finds himself drifting off to stare at it with a small smile.
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dazai was a writer and it seemed that the newest guest at the mansion was too.
of course, he never seemed to bring that up, as it seemed the writers of the mansion kept to themselves and wrote privately.
that was until the little darling had come stumbling up the stairs with an armful of paper.
of course they had not been looking where they were going, being rather preoccupied with trying to scribble down god-knows-what onto one of the pages, and walked straight into dazai as he was coming down.
he had acted fast, grabbing their wrist before they could tumble down the stairs, but the paper in their arms was less fortunate and thrown into the air.
“if you wanted to see me, ume-san, you could have just said so,” he greeted with his usual light and teasing voice.
the poor dear was flustered and apologizing profusely as they ducked around him, desperately trying to collect all of their paperwork.
well he was not just about to leave them like that, so dazai stooped to help them, only to find when he tried to reach for something they were quick to snatch it away.
the two made eye contact, both a look of surprise, as they stuttered out, “you don’t have to help— i dropped them.”
the reaction was rather cute but also he felt partially responsible, and because of this it became a game of who could snatch up what before the other.
“i— just— thanks, i’ll take those now!” the dear tried to take the papers from his hands once they were all collected, but the vampire danced around them breezily.
“why is toshiko-san so eager to get these back, hm?” he teased, flitting through what he had collected.
at first it was merely to poke fun, as he and arthur were known to do to people like poor isaac, but as he glanced over the notes and what looked like crude drawings he became intrigued.
those piercing golden eyes came up to a rather flustered person across from him, clearly embarrassed at having their work looked at.
“these are quite interesting,” his tone took on a strange seriousness as he handed them back, “what are they?”
even as flustered as the dear is, they take back their papers and shuffle them protectively in their arms, mutter a, “manga scripts and design ideas...”
of course the term was somewhat familiar to him, briefly recalling it being a rising trend before he died.
would become rather curious and invested in hearing about what the dear did in their time, finding it quite interesting that not only were they a writer but worked with artists to translate their stories visually.
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leonardo found it quite cute when he came across their little guest in their free time, seemingly distracted by whatever papers they had in their lap and strewn about them.
it was a reoccurring thing to find them like this as he wandered through the mansion on his way to his next nap.
this time though, that building curiosity of what they were doing finally seemed to reach the max and flood over as he approached them.
they did not seem to notice him from their seat on the floor until he was about a hairsbreadth from the side of their face.
“cara mia?” curse love languages not having gender neutral terms in their ear, causing the poor dear to jump out of their skin.
it was a wonder they didn’t headbutt in him the process and they all but threw themself across the floor to create some distance.
leonardo’s laughter was rather helpful to quell their panic, only for it to swift to a soft rage.
“leo— don’t ever do that again!” they scolded but by now the man had been distracted by the papers that had been haphazardly thrown in the dear’s attempt to flee danger.
golden eyes flickered over the pages as he gathered them up, some written over while other seemed to have sketches of what looked like persons.
they were quick to scramble back up to their feet and snatch the papers from leonardo, their face an uncharacteristically bright shade of red as they mumbled out, “they’re not ready yet...”
though their reaction and expression only seemed to encourage the vampire, after all, things that intrigued him he always pursued to understand investigate.
a soft hum escaped his lips as he looked down at them, only to snatch up another set up papers, ignoring the squeaks and protests to ‘don’t read it yet!’.
there was no getting them back at this point, as he used his height to his advantage against them, holding the pages high as he examined him.
and it suddenly made sense, it looked like a script and these little doodles were scenes from the scripts.
“quite creative, your story here,” leonardo handed back the pages to their flustered creator, “what is it?”
they hesitated as them shuffled the papers, hesitating for a moment before quietly, “a manga idea, something from my time, like a visual story.”
if he had not been intrigued before leonardo most certainly was now and he wanted to know exactly what sort of story they were making.
of course, he doesn’t push but he is more than willing to lend an ear for them to listen to the passionate and eager descriptions of their characters and, if needed, offer a suggest or two when they’re stuck.
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having the lost pup new guest at the mansion following him while he worked was just a way to keep them out of trouble and help him out.
of course, he had never expected them to take such an interest in art as they had, marveling at every little detail, asking questions when they weren’t with a customer, and practically hanging onto every detail theo would spare.
he would never have guessed that everything they had picked up and learned from him on the job they were translating into their own work.
theo was never one particularly nosy and whatever they did in their spare time was their business as long as it didn’t mess with anything or anyone.
so imagine his irritation when they are late for breakfast and sebastian asks for him to go get them?
he walks in, ready to grab them by the arm and drag them out of their room so he might get the chance to enjoy his pancakes for a few moments of peace.
instead, he waltzes into their room finding them pouring over their desk with numerous pages scattered over the surface and stuck against the wall... and most any available space it seemed.
at first he was ready to ask them what sort of mess they were making but stopped as he began to draw closer and examine what they were doing.
it looked like they were... drawing? not that he would judge their strange style, as he was a promoter of the arts that were outside of the norm.
“oi, hondje,” he calls out to them, placing a hand on their head in a familiar way.
the squeak they make is almost laughable but he doesn’t have the chance before they recover and looking up at him quizzically.
“why are you awake so late?” it was a genuine question.
“late? it’s morning already, did you stay up all night?” theo is quick to shoot back, only to receive an even more confused expression.
that answered his question.
“what are you even working on that you would forget to sleep? i can’t have you dozing off at work you know,” he leans down over their desk and they suddenly get shy.
they are subtle, or at least try to be, as they shuffle papers and cross their arms over them, mumbling a soft ‘nothing’.
theo doesn’t take it though and instead turns his gaze up to the art displayed literally all over the room.
before they can even think to snatch drawings away he’s already asking questions, “did you draw these?” 
it takes a moment for them to respond, as they mull over a way to answer, but finally cave in to an explanation.
“yeah, i did,” they paused, expectantly staring but theo only waved his hand for them to continue.
“for a manga—something from my time, they, um, tell stories through pictures,” they explained, spreading out the papers on the desk again, “and i got an idea last night so...”
theo is thoroughly impressed, of course they have to explain further about the detailing and techniques— he’s going to ask after all.
there are times where theo will actually watch them draw, he likes to see artists in their element and this is something entirely new he wants to learn more of.
expect that he will have a sketch or two from them, would deny it, but he keeps it in the breast pocket of his coat.
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vincent found it quite enjoyable having another person at the mansion, especially with how they spent time with him.
of course he knew they were an artist too, it had come up one day when they were together, while he was painting and they seemed to be doing something in their notebook.
he had asked about their work and if they would let him see but they seemed to get flustered, so he let it rest, after all he wasn’t going to force them.
but still they came around to spend afternoons together, drawing or painting, in silence with the occasional conversation.
one day that they had stayed out rather late in the garden, vincent hadn’t noticed the time passing until it was too dark to continue.
as he packed up his things, he was talking, but got no response back from his friend, and when he turned around to check if they were gone, he found them asleep on the ground.
he felt rather back for not noticing earlier, seeing as the ground probably wasn’t all that comfort and that they hadn’t said how tired they were— he wouldn’t have asked them to spend time outside if they needed rest!
vincent was quiet as he approached their sleeping form, ready to gently rouse them as he outstretched his hand, but stopped as something caught his eye.
in the evening sun, the pages from their notebook were illuminated by the fading sun.
he didn’t mean to pry, truly, but he couldn’t help curiously picking up the book and examining the pages.
some were full of notes, others these beautiful drawings, and more still with a combination of both.
one drawing in particular had caught his eye, a series of scenes it seemed, of someone who looked a lot like him making his way to the gardens and painting...
“mhmm... vincent?” they peeked an eye open groggily, rubbing their face as they looked up at him sitting beside them.
“is it dark already? i’m sorry i didn’t mean to fall asleep—” they sat up, stretching, only to stop halfway through the motion when they saw their notebook in his hand.
they flushed red but vincent only smiled sweetly as he offered them the book back.
“i like your drawings,” he said softly, “they’re very beautiful.”
they were hesitant but took back their notebook, redder if it were possible, as they mumbled a ‘thank you’.
“who were the other people in your drawings?” vincent asked as he stood, holding out a hand towards them.
“uh, well,” they accepted and were pulled to their feet as they explained, “they’re fictional—not real—for a story i was doing...”
vincent cocked his head cutely to the side as he listened, “what kind of story?”
“a visual on, a manga from my time,” they explained as the both of them began to gather up their supplies.
on the way back to the mansion, vincent listened as they explained, he found it quite interesting that someone would paint out a story, but enjoyed the idea.
vincent finds the whole idea quite fascinating and often asks them about their stories afterwards.
they are still flustered to show him many of their drawings, but vincent is sweet about it each time, and has invited them to try painting their ideas on a canvas saying he would love to see how their style reflects.
definitely adores all their drawings, his favorite ones are when they do simple doodles of the members of the mansion, often claiming they’re not great, but he loves them.
absolutely reads their manga stories, whatever they’re willing to let vincent read and he is enthralled by the stories and characters.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Xia Yan Personal Story 4-1 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Video
Chapter 4: 4-1 / 4-2 / 4-4 / 4-5 / 4-6 / 4-7 / 4-9 / 4-10 / 4-11 / 4-12 / 4-13 / 4-14 / 4-16
Xia Yan’s Home
Our interactions after I moved into Xia Yan’s house had a long-lost familiarity to them, but also… a strange unfamiliarity.
When I walked up to the washroom door, the door suddenly opened from inside – Xia Yan had just finished showering and was just in the middle of wiping off his hair when he pushed the door open.
Just like in the past, he didn’t try very hard to dry it off, such that the white T-shirt that he was wearing was slightly damp, clinging onto his firm body.
Xia Yan: Why are you up so early?
MC: Sphinx said that he was going to contact us about collaborating on the case, right? I was afraid that he’d come over really early…
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Xia Yan: Don’t worry, he won’t.
MC: How do you know? Did he contact you alone?
Xia Yan: Oh, he didn’t. I’m just speculating.
Xia Yan: Sphinx has always preferred operating alone in the dark. Even if he needed to work with us right now, he still probably wouldn’t want to reveal his identity.
Xia Yan: Plus, even if he doesn’t mind that, right now isn’t a good time.
Xia Yan: The two of us just appeared in front of Meng Qishan. Even though I’ve already threatened him to not reveal any info on us to Oedipus…
Xia Yan: It’s always best to take every possibility in consideration. If Sphinx seeks us out right now, he just might send himself to Oedipus for nothing.
Xia Yan: If I were him, I’d also opt to work underground. We’re out in the open while he’s hidden, which is more beneficial for the investigation.
MC: Makes sense.
MC: Right, why did you shower so early?
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Xia Yan: Uh… I just finished up my morning run, so I took a quick cold shower.
Xia Yan: Right, are you also going to wash your face?
Xia Yan: Wait a bit, I just noticed that there’s no more toothpaste. I’ll get you a new tube.
MC: No need, I brought some.
MC: If you also haven’t washed your face yet, we can just use my toothpaste.
I helped Xia Yan squeeze out the toothpaste. Then, we stood side-by-side in front of the mirror to wash up.
Because we had grown up, and because Xia Yan’s home washroom was comparatively smaller, Xia Yan and I kept bumping into each other.
The steam that hadn’t dispersed yet in the washroom filled the air with the scent of shower gel. This was just a typical scent, but because Xia Yan was beside me, it felt… somewhat different.
Right now, the past commonplace occurrence of us washing our faces and brushing our teeth together… made me feel somewhat nervous.
The mirror in front of us candidly revealed all my emotions with complete clarity. I shifted away my gaze as if in escape, not daring to look at the mirror again.
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MC: Xia Yan, are you still using this brand of shampoo?
The items on the shelves, the shampoo, the shower gel… were still the brands we used at home, eight years ago.
Xia Yan: Yeah. I had to buy new daily necessities after getting back, but I’m no good at picking them out…
Xia Yan: So I chose them based on our old habits – easy and saves me from worrying, haha.
In all these years, he still hadn’t forgotten those little habits. I suddenly felt a little happy.
But Xia Yan’s and my mouth-rinsing cups were a pair in the past, while they were now two completely different ones.
MC: What about your mouth-rinsing cup?
Xia Yan: There’s no one who sells that cup model anymore.
The small happiness that had just surged in my heart suddenly turned into a bit of disappointment.
MC: Is that so…
MC: Uh… about that, Xia Yan…
Xia Yan: Huh? What?
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MC: A few days ago, I saw a pair of mouth-rinsing cups that look really nice online, and your cup just happens to be kinda worn… how about we change them together?
Xia Yan: Sure.
Xia Yan’s Home, Second Floor
After washing my face with Xia Yan, Sphinx called us, describing his action plan.
Just as Xia Yan had said, Sphinx was planning to continue hiding his identity. We would work out in the open while he remained hidden as we investigated together.
Sphinx: That’s what our plan is.
Sphinx: For these few days, I’ll first confirm whether there are other victims that corrupt detectives are harassing, and deal with their issues.
Sphinx: After confirming that those corrupt detectives have to do with Oedipus, you two can use other methods to investigate while hidden.
Xia Yan: Okay. Then we’ll wait for you to contact us.
Sphinx: Alright, that’s all-
MC: Wait, Sphinx.
The moment before Sphinx hung up, I called out to him.
Sphinx: Does Miss Lawyer have any other questions to bring up?
MC: I have some questions regarding our approaches towards cooperation. Sphinx, I acknowledge the reasons why you do not want to reveal your true identity right now.
MC: But we’ve already started investigating with you. You should at least display your sincerity, should you not?
Sphinx: …
Sphinx: Then how do you want me to display my sincerity, Miss Lawyer?
MC: Return Xia Yan’s box.
I heard a faint chuckle on the other side of the call.
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MC: (What’s so funny about that?)
Xia Yan: Sphinx.
Perhaps because the pressure in Xia Yan’s voice, Sphinx’s brazen laughter stopped.
But there was a still faint layer of mischief in his voice.
Sphinx: Of course. I will get in touch with same-city speed delivery right after. You’ll be able to get your box today.
Sphinx: But after receiving it, I’d like to trouble both of you to examine it carefully.
Sphinx: Though you can consider me as a rogue, the point of stealing the box was to develop a cooperative relationship with you…
Sphinx: Logically, I wouldn’t play any tricks on these little things, but the two of you should still personally, carefully confirm it all.
Sphinx: For example, what if something happens with the delivery company and they break the box… then won’t I end up getting a really unfair accusation?
MC: Don’t worry, we will carefully look over the delivery.
Sphinx: If you say so, Miss Lawyer, then I can be at peace.
Sphinx: Although, Detective Xia Yan, why aren’t you speaking? You’re the most important involved party here. You, of all people, have got to be there to look over the delivery.
After Sphinx mentioned his name, Xia Yan’s face twisted very visibly.
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Xia Yan: I… will.
MC: (Why does Sphinx sound like he���s messing with him…)
MC: (He hasn’t put something weird in the box to prank us, has he?)
These doubts continued until that afternoon, when we received the delivery Sphinx had sent.
I looked at the delivery box with severe caution.
MC: Xia Yan, could Sphinx have messed with something in the delivery box?
MC: I felt like there was something suspicious about his tone in the call.
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Xia Yan: That guy definitely isn’t acting out of the goodness of his heart.
MC: No surprises there, you also feel the same…
Xia Yan: Mhmm… I messaged him after, asking what his goal was, but he just deliberately rambled on without saying anything important.
Xia Yan: How about I open it myself first, then call you over to see after confirming that there’s nothing wrong with it?
MC: That won’t do. No matter what happens, we’ve got to face it all together.
MC: Plus, didn’t you say before that Sphinx is an alright person? I bet that, at most, he’s just pranking us somewhere.
Xia Yan: … But I want to rescind that evaluation on him now.
Xia Yan sighed, then opened the package.
That box with the Sherlock Holmes pipe printed on it was wrapped in layers of bubble wrap, looking like it hadn’t suffered any bumps on the way here.
MC: He sure did give it enough protection. Just based on that, I’m willing to forgive him even if there is a prank somewhere.
Xia Yan: Well, that’s something he should be doing.
Xia Yan scoffed and opened the wooden box. The inside was filled to the brim with various little items.
His biology competition gold medals, the models he made himself… as well as many familiar objects. And what was piled at the very top of everything was a ring.
A ring with very crude worksmanship. The ring had been wound from copper into a circular shape, and a laminated four-leaf clover was sitting on the top.
This was the first thing that Xia Yan had personally made for me.
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MC: Isn’t this the ring you made for me during kindergarten?
When we were still in kindergarten, we “played house” often, that popular child’s game.
One time, we got too into the game and thought that the ring braided from dog’s tail grass didn’t look nice enough, so we secretly took mom’s ring.
And then… we were both reprimanded severely.
Back then, I didn’t know how valuable the ring was or what its special meaning was, so I really didn’t understand why mom was unhappy.
MC: Back then, dad explained that the ring was one that he gave to mom, so only mom could wear it.
MC: But in the end, you hollered—
Back then, Xia Yan had earnestly yelled “Then I’ll just give her a ring”…
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MC: …!
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Xia Yan: …
We were long past those times when children’s words held no weight.
MC: (Does Xia Yan… still remember what he said back then…)
I lowered my head in a fluster, rubbing the ring in embarrassment.
When we were little, Xia Yan accidentally made the clover ring too big, so we comforted each other, saying that it would be just right if I wore it after we grew up.
And right now… I couldn’t help attempting to fit the ring on my middle finger.
MC: It’s on. The size is perfect…
Xia Yan: Yeah… perfect.
Xia Yan repeated the words in a whisper, then stared quietly at the four-leaf clover ring.
I stroked the ring on my hand. Suddenly…
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MC: Xia Yan…
Xia Yan: Huh? What’s the matter?
MC: It seems like I can’t take off the ring…
Xia Yan: Huh?
Xia Yan held up my hand, trying to shift the ring, but the ring didn’t move in the slightest.
His brow wrinkled as he snatched a small plier from the toolbox on the table.
MC: What are you doing!
Alarmed, I stared at Xia Yan.
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Xia Yan: I’ve got to hurry and cut off the ring, or else your finger will end up swollen.
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MC: I refuse!
Xia Yan: Don’t fuss, this is just a toy ring. Your finger’s more important.
As he spoke, Xia Yan had already grabbed my hand. I rushed to cover the ring with my other hand, resisting desperately.
MC: No way! You gave this ring to me, so it’s mine! I refuse to let you break it!
Xia Yan: Jeez, I’ll make you another one in the future, okay? Be good.
MC: The one in the future is for the future, but you can’t break this ring either!
We traded fast verbal shots without realizing anything. Only after coming back to my senses did I notice… something wasn’t quite right.
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MC: !!!
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: Sit tight, I’ll find some lubricating oil to see if it’ll work.
Xia Yan soon brought the lubricating oil. He applied some to my middle finger first, then tried to rotate the ring gently, trying to push it off.
MC: Ugh…!
Xia Yan immediately stopped.
Xia Yan: It hurts?
Xia Yan: Looks like this really won’t work.
Xia Yan sighed helplessly, then took a small plier from the toolbox.
MC: You’re…
Xia Yan: Don’t worry, I’ll be really careful. I’ll do my best to not break the ring.
Xia Yan: Don’t fidget, I don’t want to hurt you by accident.
To make working on it easier, Xia Yan half-knelt in front of me, holding up the hand with the ring gently.
His actions right now lent a particular ambiguity to the scene all of a sudden.
MC: …!
Xia Yan: What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?
MC: No… keep going.
How exactly… does Xia Yan see me?
Bit by bit, each scene after my reunion flooded my mind.
MC: (Xia Yan’s always carefully held onto this ring for so long…)
MC: (To me… does Xia Yan also…?)
As soon as this thought popped into my head, my heart started to beat wildly.
Although, why didn’t Xia Yan make it clear with me?
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⊳ Out of caution ⊳ Because I didn’t give a response
MC: (Speaking of which, there’s often a lot online about long-time friends who are too scared to confess.)
MC: (They were afraid that if the romance failed, they’d lose an important friend.)
MC: (Xia Yan… probably also wanted to be cautious, so he didn’t say anything.)
MC: (If I do a little something, would he… understand?)
  ⊳ Out of caution ⊳ Because I didn’t give a response
MC: (If I think about it carefully, I think I’ve done a lot of low-EQ stuff…)
MC: (It’s all my fault…)
MC: (I should be able to make changes in time right now… what should I do to get Xia Yan to understand my emotions?)
I was just in the middle of my messy thoughts when I heard Xia Yan’s light voice.
Xia Yan: Alright, it’s off!
Xia Yan: Great Lawyer, hurry and inspect it to see if it’s perfectly fine.
MC: Absolutely perfect! Great Detective Xia, you’re way too amazing!
MC: (Either way… since I’m living at Xia Yan’s house now, I’ve got lots of time to figure something out.)
Xia Yan: What’s the matter? You seem a little absentminded.
MC: Not at all, just wondering about what we should eat for breakfast.
Xia Yan: I know several decent breakfast restaurants. Let’s go, I’ll take you over to try them!
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