#also my mother showed me where that doctor's office is where i have to go on friday (like she drove me there)
muirmarie · 9 months
spock with memory loss but not emotional memory loss. he can't remember anything since he left vulcan, but he looks at jim's and leonard's faces and he's like. hmm. i appear to be in love with both of these men. fascinating.
except. y'know. they are absolutely NOT together.
[hi hey have some absolute crack underneath the readmore]
mccoy being a ridiculous mother hen in sickbay and kirk running down from the bridge every hour on the hour all "UPDATE, BONES????" is not. is not helping spock's assumptions.
mccoy GRUDGINGLY allowing spock out of sickbay because lord knows there's some big thing happening and they need the beds, and spock doesn't need immediate medical attention, he just needs, y'know, a cure for the weird memory loss disease he's picked up. you heard me, this isn't amnesia, this is a weird space memory loss disease that mccoy is going to CURE, thank you very much.
he only allows spock out of sickbay if kirk keeps an eye on him. spock's like =/ when will you be joining us, doctor? and mccoy, not nearly as suspicious as he should be because he's so delighted that there's for ONCE a version of spock who actually appears to not be running away from medical, is like !!!!! once i'm sure everyone in sickbay is stable i'll come down to check on you!!!! i'll check on jim too!!! i'll run my scanner over everyone who will allow me to make sure they're okay!!!!! (jim: >=| i did not consent to this. bones: shut up idc i'm already scanning you.)
kirk takes spock back to kirk's quarters figuring they'll bunk together so he can keep an eye on him/make sure the space forgetfulness disease doesn't make him forget anything else.
spock's like. hmm. is this where we live? why don't we keep it warmer for me =/
kirk, oblivious doll that he is, is like yeah, all the quarters are like this, this is indeed where we live! isn't the enterprise the most beautiful ship there is!! also i am so sorry let's crank this place up to a sauna asap
meanwhile spock is sleepy what with the space forgetty sickness but he's like. determined to wait until their bf joins them so they can sleep in a cuddle pile. it seems polite. he's pretty sure he'd be a polite bf. amanda would definitely want him to be a polite bf. plus he feels certain that he needs to make sure the doctor gets some sleep after working non-stop in sickbay. like. that feels like that should somehow be his and jim's responsibility. that feels right.
bones shows up two hours later with his tricorder and even darker circles under his eyes than normal, and is like all right, time to check on my favorite patient <3 (he's still not used to spock not snarking back at him, and is more than a little =/ when spock just sparkles a bit instead of slamming him with an insult, tbh)
spock and jim get a clean bill of health (beyond, y'know, the space-nesia), and mccoy's like, all rightie, i'll be back in the morning to check on you!!! tell me immediately if anything changes!! i should go back to sickbay and check on things
spock: =( what.
mccoy: i need to keep an eye on everything in sickbay
kirk: no he's right you need to get some rest, bones. the on-duty staff will keep an eye on everything, but you've been going non-stop between spock and this new thing
mccoy: i'll grab a nap in my office don't worry
spock: =(((((((
mccoy: ...spock why are you holding onto my wrist. spock why are you - spock why are you dragging me over to the bed. spock - jim why are you laughing
kirk: i mean it is an effective solution
spock: i have the space forgetties and i can't even sleep with my boyfriends????? illogical.
mccoy: ......
kirk: hmm.
mccoy: ????? hmm???? HMMM???? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT????
kirk: i mean, it does sound illogical when he puts it like that
mccoy: ????? i don't know what the two of you have going on on the downlow, but i'm not dating spock. spock, i'm not dating you.
spock: no, no i definitely love you both, so it would be extremely illogical for us not to be dating, and i am, above all else, logical, so ipso facto we must be dating. it's far more likely you just don't want to say we're dating because you'd feel like it would be a shock to my blank slate brain. occam's razor.
mccoy: we're - we're definitely not dating
spock: hmmm jim i am worried that leonard may also have the space forgetty disease.
kirk: bones, just sleep here tonight, it's not a big deal
mccoy, slightly strangled, because he is extremely in love with these two men and this is a bizarre situation even for them: JIM, I -
spock, aggressively laying in the center of the bed and then trapping mccoy next to him by sheer strength and mccoy's surprise, and unfortunately, having pegged mccoy within 5 minutes of meeting him again, saying: what if the space forgetty disease makes me worse during the night and my doctor bf isn't even here to help me =/
kirk: [unhelpfully giggling]
mccoy: gdi why would you say that now you know i can't leave - this isn't you winning this is me GRACEFULLY changing my mind and we are NOT dating and if you use this forced snuggling against me when i ONCE MORE SAVE THE DAY and figure out a CURE to FIX your STUPID VULCAN MIND then i will -
kirk: [leaning over and kissing bones' forehead to shut him up and then walking around the other side of the bed and getting in next to spock] you forgot the key word, there, bones
mccoy, visibly restraining himself from frothing with rage: what.
kirk: yet, bones. we're not dating yet.
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
I'll Always Have Your Back
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Karen Shetty x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Trigger Warnings: cursing, bullying (mental & physical)- calling the reader a nothing and a slur & the football jock breaks her nose, insecure Reader
hey could you do a karen shetty x reader fic where the reader is valedictorian or like super smart and that leads people to making fun of her because they just assume karen won’t do anything about it and when one of the football players takes it too far karen shows just how protective she can be
Mean Girls requests are open.
"What's up loser?" The boy asked, having just stuck his foot out, successfully tripping (Y/n). It was something that happened often. (Y/n) assumed it was because she was much smarter than them. Their GPAs were so bad, that a football scholarship couldn't save them in college. Still, this way of thinking did not cure the pain that shot through her leg when her knees came crashing onto linoleum floors. The sound of their immature laughter filled (Y/n)'s ears, but she was determined to just ignore how cruel they were by standing up and attempting to escape their torment. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't be rude, (L/n). I asked you what's up. You need to answer me."
Another football jock's hands landed on her shoulders, causing (Y/n) to tense as she knew that they were going to keep her there. "Hasn't your parents ever taught you to never touch a girl? Or are you guys just undisciplined pigs?" (Y/n) inquired in an attempt to stand up for herself. The look on their faces caused her to realize she had just made a mistake. Everyone surrounding her now looked even angrier, and (Y/n) felt herself grow frightened.
The main jock that had tripped her rolled up his sleeves as he approached her. He always looked menacing, but her comment must've made him hate her more. "I don't see what Karen sees in you. You're nothing but a weird dyke. My mother might've told me not to hit a girl, but she never said not to hit a worthless know-it-all." And with that, his fist collided with her nose. With the sound of cracking, a look of satisfaction floods his features. "You don't deserve Karen Shetty, (L/n). Drop her, Jake." He said as his friend let go of her shoulders. (Y/n), having been in so much pain, fell to her knees as she held her nose.
As the football jocks stalked away to lunch, footsteps approached (Y/n), causing her to wince until she looked up to see Janis Imi'ike with a concerned look on her features. "Hey, it's okay. Let's get you to the nurse." She spoke comfortingly. (Y/n) didn't even notice Damian until she assisted in helping her up as Janis gathered (Y/n)'s school supplies, despite them being covered in blood. (Y/n) felt grateful for their assistance, but she also felt embarrassed and hoped they didn't witness anything that happened. But neither of them commented on anything as they instead took her to the nurse, who had to call an ambulance for a doctor to look at her nose.
"Please don't tell Karen. They're right, I don't deserve her. She deserves someone better." (Y/n) pleaded tearfully. She was embarrassed about the entire altercation. She allowed the football jocks to get in her head, but this time she couldn't shake their words. Janis and Damian eyed each other, silently agreeing that they had to tell someone. No matter how they felt about any of the Plastics, it was evident that (Y/n) and Karen were one of the school's favorite couples. They were an unlikely duo and it was so evident that they were incredibly in love with each other. "I just want to go home."
The nurse comfortingly put a hand on her shoulder as she dismissed Janis and Damian from her office. "We have to tell someone, Damian. We saw what happened, and (Y/n) deserves better. She's never treated anyone badly, despite her status with the Plastics. And she is a good friend." Janis reasoned, not necessarily wanting to approach the Plastics table. She almost wanted to find a negative about (Y/n) so she didn't have to overcome her fears of approaching Regina and the others.
"You've got this, Janis. You know this is the right thing to do." Damian encouraged, as they walked down the hall. He knew it was hard for Janis to approach them, and he wasn't going to let her do it alone. He also wasn't going to let her fear get in the way of doing what was right. Besides, Cady was at that table, and surely she would calm whatever negative nerves Janis was festering up and she would be able to gain some sense of calm. "I can't believe those dumb jocks did that to her. She didn't deserve any of that."
Janis nodded in agreement as they entered the cafeteria and made their way to the Plastics table. When they approached, Cady's eyes lit up for a moment before realizing where she was. Karen, who was evidently looking around the cafeteria for (Y/n) continued her search while Gretchen turned her attention to them in confusion. Regina, on the other hand, just flat-out ignored their presence as she scrolled through her phone, eating her cheese fries. "Karen, I just wanted to let you know that (Y/n) is in the nurse's office because some of the football jocks decided it was okay to hold her in one place and then break her nose." Janis blurted.
Everyone's attention was now on Janis, including Regina before she turned to narrow her eyes at the jocks across the room. Karen's brows furrowed worriedly before she excused herself momentarily. Automatically, Karen went to the nurse's office to see the nurse replacing a napkin to help with the nosebleed. (Y/n)'s eyes widened, making her cringe with pain as she looked at Karen. "Oh, baby," Karen whispered softly, coming close to her and examining her with care. "Do they bully you often?" Karen questioned softly making (Y/n) nod hesitantly. "Why didn't you tell me?" She inquired, her voice still calm and soft.
(Y/n) sighed softly, looking away from Karen. "I guess I was just embarrassed. I also didn't want to make my problems yours. Besides, I deserved it. They reminded me that I didn't deserve someone like you. They're right, too. You're so amazing, Karen, and you're so kind and beautiful." (Y/n) said softly, but before she could, Karen interrupted her.
"So are you, (Y/n). You do deserve happiness, and if you find that with me, then you deserve to experience that." It was moments like these where (Y/n) was reminded how smart Karen actually was. Not many people gave her enough credit. "I love you, (Y/n). What they did to you, and what they said to you, is not okay. And, I'm going to do something about it. You don't deserve to be hurt by them or anyone else. You deserve the world, and I'm going to make sure you get it."
(Y/n) smiled softly, muttering a soft 'I love you, too,' as a paramedic came in. The nurse couldn't allow Karen to go with (Y/n) because of the school rules, so Karen did what she needed to. She turned swiftly on her heels after she parted from (Y/n), promising to visit later, and marched to the cafeteria. Regina and Gretchen looked over at Karen, noting how pissed she looked, and they both smirked. They knew that those jocks were about to get absolutely ripped into. Everyone's attention was now on the tall girl as she approached their table with narrowed eyes. The one who punched (Y/n) only greeted Karen with a smirk before swiftly getting snatched by the shirt.
The boy's smirk dropped as he realized how scary Karen looked when she was mad. "I dare you to ever try that again. If you do, I will not hesitate to find you and show you how strong a girl can be. Tomorrow, you will be apologizing, and if you don't I'll make sure the rest of high school is hell for you." As she let go, she went to sit next to Gretchen, the boy standing there in fear for a good, long moment. Regina gave her a thumbs-up across the table as Gretchen patted her back softly as Cady sat there with amazed shock on her face.
Later that day, Karen visited (Y/n), who was a bit loopy on pain medication. "You are so cool. Thank you for standing up for me, babe." She slurred out, smiling a crooked smile as she leaned into Karen. "I love you, so much." She muttered happily, threatening sleep as her eyes fluttered closed.
"I love you, too, so much," Karen promised softly, kissing her temple. "And I'll always have your back."
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avatar-anna · 4 months
would you ever write about harry and y/n finding out that they’re pregnant again with charlie 🥺
(for context: in a recent oneshot in this universe, it is revealed that harry and reader have a seventh and final child when they're in their thirties)
It would definitely be that cliche of Y/n and Harry going to some red carpet event, and Harry sees Y/n all dressed up and is just like...
"Fuck, Mama, must be the luckiest man in the world."
Y/n blushed and looked down at the gown she and Harry Lambert picked out some time ago. Being a mother of six, she didn't dress up much, but when she did, she tended to go all out. Perhaps part of her wanted to relive all the proms, homecomings, and formals she never got to go to, but she appreciated the art in a beautiful garment too.
The one she wore now fit her like a glove, the lace, almost handkerchief-like bodice draping over her shoulders beautifully, and the rest of the black-as-night velvet hugging her hips perfectly.
Harry was never one to shy away from paying his wife compliments, but each time he did, she felt it right down to her core. Every sweep of his gaze over her body, every earnest word, every searing touch, it all lit her up from the inside out.
This time was no different, so when Harry tried to unzip Y/n from her dress, she didn't notice at first, too caught up in his touch. Once she did, she tried to make lame attempts to ward him off to at least claim that she tried later on.
It was safe to say they were on each other all night. Whenever he could, Harry pulled Y/n away, desperate to get his mouth on her. It was no easy feat with the considerable length of the dress, but he never seemed to care or mind. All night, they whispered back and forth to each other, toying with jacket lapels and bare arms.
"You need me again, Mama?"
"Where's the zipper on this thing?"
"Quickly, while no one's looking."
"Keep your hands away from my tits, H."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
All night they went back and forth. Teasing and giving into each other and sharing stolen kisses when the cameras weren't pointed in their direction—though the next morning they found out they weren't as discreet as they originally thought, with photos of them in the background kissing and Harry's hands all over Y/n cropping up online.
At some point during the night, a friend even asked where Harry and his wife kept disappearing to, another if that was a hickey on his neck, and both of them stumbled through a lie as they blushed furiously.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when Y/n's period was late, but it does. She thought she had put her pregnancy days behind her, so she went to the doctor thinking she had some kind of stomach bug, only to find out that she was pregnant. Y/n wasn't upset by the news, just caught off guard, though she couldn't help but daydream about having a little baby in the house again now that her other babies were growing up.
Harry found out on accident. Y/n missed a phone call from the doctor's office, and they called Harry's number, which was also listed in her information. Thinking someone got hurt, Harry picked up in a panic, only to hear, "Hi there, Mr. Styles! We're trying to get a hold of your wife to reschedule her ultrasound. Will the following week work?"
Harry answered in a daze, agreeing to an appointment time and date without really listening. Part of him knew he should be excited, but all he could think about was why Y/n hadn'told him yet.
"Anything you wanna tell me?" he asked later that night. They were both watching TV, a show they'd been watching every night before bed the last few weeks. He'd been itching to get Y/n alone all day so he could finally ask what the phone call, and after picking up and dropping off at friends' houses and volleyball practice and study groups and one big family dinner, now was finally his chance.
Y/n hadn't caught on yet, so she just shrugged. "Collette is convinced she's going to Paris Fashion Week by herself, and I don't have the heart to tell her she's not going without one of us."
This was news to Harry, but he tabled that conversation for later. "I got a call from the OBGYN's office. They asked to reschedule your ultrasound."
Harry could feel Y/n stiffen beneath him as she sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, though, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to," she promised, kissing away the furrow in her husband's brow. "I wanted to tell you and the kids at the same time. And you know how hard it is to wrangle everyone up. Maeve wasn't even at dinner tonight."
"Oh." Harry had spun a number of different answers Y/n might've come up with, but that hadn't been one of them. "Do you...want to keep it?"
Y/n could tell Harry was asking for her sake, not his. He'd been dying for another baby for years, slowly giving up hope every time she turned him down. Now that they faced the prospect of actually having another baby, though, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He never had, but he wanted to make extra sure.
"Honestly? Yeah, I do," Y/n said, resting her and Harry's hands over her belly. "I'm just...kind of shocked."
"Really?" Harry asked. Now that he'd had time to think about it, about which night in question could've been the one, he wasn't that surprised at all.
"Yeah, I—I guess I thought that part of my life was over. But... I'm glad it isn't. I'm excited about this."
"Me too."
Y/n gave him an amused look as if to say, you finally got your wish. But all she said was, "You just like that I get super horny when I'm pregnant."
Harry gasped dramatically, which made Y/n toss her head back and laugh. "That is not even remotely true. Maybe. Sort of. It's perhaps in the top ten things I'm excited for, but not the first."
"You're ridiculous," Y/n said, shaking her head at her husband. "And I love you."
"I love you too." Harry leaned in to kiss Y/n, the feel of his lips on hers more familiar than anything else in the world. He knew every part of her, every inch of her body and soul, and she knew his. It was comforting, it was home.
"Any chance those hormones have kicked in yet?" Harry murmured jokingly as he kissed her neck.
Y/n held her husband by the back of his hair so she could look him in the eye. "Absolutely not. I love you, and I love the twins, but we're not doing that again."
"What? Come on! We're way past that window," Harry reasoned. "And the doctor said it was rare."
"Yeah, so is getting pregnant at my age, but here we are."
"At your age?" Harry asked incredulously, looking down at Y/n through heavy lidded eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes were lit as she watched him, the way they always were when they joked around. He was pretty sure no one amused her more than he did, and that was saying something considering the collective craziness their children engaged in regularly. "You're just winding me up, aren't you? You want me to remind you how young and fun we are."
"I don't know if that's—Harry!"
"Shh!" Harry said as a laugh bubbled out of Y/n as he yanked her down until she was lying flat on the bed, her arms pinned high above her. "Do you want them to hear you, Mama?"
That sobered her up a little, her laughter subsiding. Then, she smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. "We're having a baby."
Harry's grin was immediate, excitement filling his whole body from those four words alone. "We're having a baby."
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
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papermatisse · 2 years
inquiring minds || B.BH
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♔ pairing: professor!byun baekhyun x f!professor!reader
♔ genre: fluff
♔ word count: 2.7k
♔ warnings: none
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♔ synopsis: the students of sm university have their attention on the popular history professor and his secretive lifestyle. student beomgyu finds a person who may hold the answers on everyone's minds.
♔ (a/n): happy birthday, @biaswreckingfics! can't believe this is my second year writing you a bday fanfic! im so happy to call you my friend! I tried making this a drabble to show my growth to you, but failed miserably. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
main masterlist
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Byun Baekhyun was an enigma.
A history professor with an impressive academic history to coincide with his doctorate. Young, handsome, intelligent. Though also a gifted professor, delving into each and every subject of his with such unadulterated enthusiasm of his own that his students couldn't help but feel just as invested themselves.
He was hyper, dashing across his lecture hall, hands raised in the air, so entirely devoted to his craft. His teachings were practically performances as he embodied the era he spoke of. He was a professor many would yearn to have, someone who was incapable of ever losing the attention of his students. He held to the firm belief of not taking life seriously, lest you not make it out alive, and he stood there as a triumphant example of what splendor life could offer if you merely enjoyed it.
All of these characteristics that had made him so utterly popular, yet the student body knew little to nothing about the man. Because although he was the human personification of a puppy with his bright eyed wonderment and neverending infectious joy, he was extremely reclusive. Everything about his life was kept to himself, to the point that there were more speculated rumors about the man than actual truths.
So far what was known of Baekhyun was his age, his degree, his dissertation, and his eternal battle with his cat. The man was an undeniable dog person, and often accepted late work from students if they even so much as sent him a blurry photo of a dog, let alone bring the actual dog into class for him to dote upon whilst he taught. He'd come into the lecture hall at times, a scratch or two on his arm from where his cat had bitten him, though the ongoing battle between his feline and himself was a series that many found themselves subscribing to with gusto.
There was no discernible moment in time that the tides seemed to shift, but the populous had unanimously and without debate began pestering the man for more information about his life.
It had begun as simple questions, merely asking what he'd eaten that day, what his cat looked like, even where he got his sweater from at some point. At times, he'd give a wry answer, barely even acknowledging whoever asked such a minuscule question in the first place. Occasionally he'd stay quiet, or perhaps even reflect the question back to the student in his usual comedic manner.
Though the questions soon escalated.
Do you have a social media?
"Do you not see enough of me at school already?"
Are you allergic to any foods?
"I don't trust anyone with that type of knowledge."
What's your mother's maiden name?
"Isn't that a security question?"
One day, one of those personal questions had garnered an intriguing response from the man.
"Are you dating anyone?"
A subtle smirk crossed his face for the briefest of moments, followed with an amused puff of air expelled from his nose as he remained where he sat, typing at his computer while his class wrapped up for the day. This insighted much enthusiasm from the masses, everyone gasping and talking over one another ecstatically at the newfound information.
"Mr. Byun, you never told us you were dating someone!"
"Who are they?"
"How long have you been together?"
"Enough, enough," Baekhyun waved off the curious undergrads, rolling his eyes with a smile. "I'm not dating anyone. Now go to your next class, I'm in office hours mode from this point on."
"Does that mean we can stay and ask more questions?"
"History related."
Although they had all vacated the classroom, the events hadn't left the minds of some students, one specifically being Choi Beomgyu, an English major who was on his way to his TA class. Professor Byun was someone he had grown to highly respect, with his kind and funny nature, willing to help his students no matter the assignment. Although the class was a requirement for him, Beomgyu found himself enjoying it far too much, to the extent that he was even deliberating minoring in history alone.
Though he knew Baekhyun was a rarity of a professor, and walking into his English class served as a reminder of that fact as he looked towards his English professor.
Professor (l/n) was the personification of the stereotypical English professor, or at least the ones commonly depicted in media. Oversized knitted cardigans with loose stitchings, hair tied back and away from her face in a messy and carefree manner, a tired scowl resting on her face as her eyes roved over endless stacks of papers, darkness lingering beneath her gaze as a consequence to her exhaustion.
Beomgyu sat beside her desk, waiting patiently for her to glance over at him, though by the looks of it, she was far too preoccupied with grading to even acknowledge his presence. Though he was used to this by now, often greeted by her well after he'd arrive. It also granted him some more time to stew over Professor Byun before he'd have to delve into grading.
Although it was expected, he hadn't really expected Baekhyun to actually be dating someone. It had him considering who could possibly handle someone like him. Was the man as energetic at home as he was in the classroom? Was it someone interested in history as well? Could it even be a professor at the university? Perhaps someone even in the humanities department like him?
"Professor (l/n)?" He spoke breaking the silence and causing her to shoot her head up in surprise, sighing upon just seeing her TA.
"Good morning, Beomgyu, how are you holding up today?"
"It's… Well into the afternoon." He laughed as she reached for her phone, humming in understanding at his words as she verified the time of day. "My day has been okay. I just had Professor Byun's class, so I'm kind of tired."
"Makes sense." She responded, this intrinsic understanding tone laced in her voice as she returned to her grading pile, marking things as she read through them. "You can take a few more minutes to yourself."
"Do you know Professor Byun?" Beomgyu asked absentmindedly, not expecting much else other than a mere shrug or an uncommitted confirmation, though instead she nodded to him, not turning away from her work for even a moment. "Well, I mean, do you like… know him, know him. More than just a work colleague."
Another nod.
This stunned Beomgyu, not really expecting someone as cloistered as Professor (l/n) to have acquainted herself with someone as sociable and outgoing as Professor Byun. Though at the same time, it wasn't so far-fetched. The two are just a few doors away from each other, both housed under the humanities department. Perhaps she just tolerated him, because Professor (l/n) was not someone who accepted tomfoolery in class, rather strict when it came down to someone disturbing her class with laughter or audio from their phones. It didn't seem like they'd be necessarily close when taking their countenances into consideration.
"I'm assuming if I ask you questions about his life, you wouldn't really say much?"
"Not without his explicit permission, no." She confirmed with a huff, backing away to take another sip of her (likely cold) coffee.
"Do you need me to get you a refill from the backroom?"
Glancing down at her cup and then to her TA, she shook her head.
"It's fine. I'll get some in a few minutes." Beomgyu reached for one of the essay piles, pen in hand ready to grade alongside her, unaware of the curious gaze now directed towards him. "What's with the sudden intrigue in Professor Byun?"
"Not really sudden." Beomgyu chuckled, fiddling with his writing implement while recounting his time in the general history course. "My class has been pretty annoying lately with him, trying to get him to spill as much information about his personal life as we can, but he's really reserved. Surprisingly." This earned Beomgyu a snicker from his professor, encouraging him to continue. "Today, we almost got him to spill about a potential relationship of his. We asked if he was dating someone and he didn't outright deny it immediately like the other questions." Beomgyu reconsidered Baekhyun's reaction—definitely intriguing and definitely suspicious. It warranted Beomgyu's otherwise peculiar intrigue in the matter, he had insisted. The natural desire of people to sate their curios no matter what. "He denied it eventually though. Said he wasn't dating anyone."
"He's not." Professor (l/n) responded, causing Beomgyu to look at her with wide eyes. She went back to her papers though, seemingly no longer interested in the conversation, but ever the determined student, he persisted.
"You know a lot about his personal life?"
"As much as he's willing to tell."
How could Beomgyu concentrate on grading when the answers to everyone's questions reside in the stoic English professor before him? Such an unexpected source of information, yet also so obvious. Someone who keeps to herself, therefore someone who won't blab about Baekhyun to others. Someone close to him, physically so in the case of their similar departments. Quiet and somber, a guaranteed good listener. Attentive and keen, given her English background and analyzing capabilities. The more Beomgyu thought about it, the more fitting it all seemed.
"Since I can't ask about Professor Byun, could I ask about you?"
She glanced over at him, eyebrow raised momentarily, though shrugging nevertheless, casting her gaze back down to her papers.
Much like history class, he started with simple surface level questions, ice breakers to warm her up to his interrogation.
"When did you graduate?"
"Few years ago."
"What did you last eat?"
"A blueberry muffin."
"What do you do in your free time?"
And again, much like Professor Byun's class, his questions gradually escalated.
"When was the last time you lied?"
"I don't remember."
"Was that a lie?"
"Probably not."
"Have you lied any time throughout our talk?"
"Not really."
Though it was one question that struck a chord in Beomgyu, causing him to narrow his eyes at his professor upon her answer.
"Are you a dog person or cat person?"
"Cat person." She answered immediately, shaking her head at the mere prospect of the former option. "Dogs are very active and loving, and it's just something I'm not necessarily comfortable with. So I have a cat back at home."
"What's this cat like?"
"Hmm… She loves me… That's the most I can say about that." She laughed to herself, and unbeknownst to her, her student sat there putting pieces together. Pieces he hadn't even considered to even go together in the first place.
"Do you have a social media?"
"Are you allergic to any foods?"
"What's your mother's maiden name?"
"No comment."
Suddenly, with the similarly ambiguous answers swirling in his thoughts, his eyes strayed down to her hands, busy scribbling feedback into papers, still far too preoccupied with her grading to notice his suspicions.
"Are you dating someone?"
"No." The answer came smoothly, no hesitance or deliberation in her voice. And when she spoke her answer, he saw her hand twitch. Her hand tucked away in the long sleeves of her sweater. Beomgyu had to bite back a smile as his next words arose in his head.
"Are you married?" She paused writing, a sly smile of her own sprouting forth as she turned to face the young boy. Her eyes narrowed much like his own investigative gaze, but she nevertheless accepted his inquiry.
"So you've discovered the loophole." She stated, lifting her left hand and letting the sleeve slide down, revealing her fingers, one of which held a diamond ring, glistening under the fluorescent lights of the classroom. His jaw dropped, staring at her in disbelief as she laughed at his reaction. His eyes darted between her face to her ring, silenced at the sudden turn of events in their little game.
And the questions seemed endless at this point, buzzing in his head and begging to be asked. How long have you been married? Why are you hiding it? Who exactly are you hiding it with? But instead, his mind opted for two alternative questions.
"Your maiden name?"
"Your current legal surname?"
Beomgyu hadn't even a moment to stir in his unabashed shock, because as if on cue, the doors of the classroom burst open, and in marched Professor Byun in all of his enthusiastic glory, a coffee tray and a paper bag in hand as he smiled at the woman seated at her desk.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Byun," Baekhyun placed the food items on the stack of papers she had been engrossed in, coercing an indifferent scowl from her while he unpacked the brown bag.
"That's Professor (l/n) to you." Beomgyu watched with bated breath as Baekhyun tongued the inside of his cheek cockily, leaning forward onto her desk in as suave a manner as he could muster.
"That's not what you were saying last night."
She stared at him for another second, her eye momentarily twitching in her futile attempts to keep to her somber expression, though eventually her facade slipped away from her, the English professor lowering her head in defeat as she laughed at his response.
"What's that even supposed to insinuate?" She asked between giggles, hand raising to cover her mouth. Baekhyun shrugged, spewing out his own chuckles alongside with her.
"I don't know, but it got you to laugh, so I consider it a win for me." He rested half his weight on the end of her desk, eyes trailing over to Beomgyu who still sat there with widened eyes darting between the two. "Good afternoon to you again, Mr. Choi."
"Professor Byun," he replied, voice strained and wary, the boy wholly unaware of what to make of the situation though also struggling in his attempt to not merely combust where he sat, whether it be from surprise or excitement.
Baekhyun glanced back at his wife, who was now taking sips from her new warm coffee.
"What's up with him?" He asked her, head nodding towards her now silent TA.
"He found out who you're married to."
"Ah, I thought he already knew." Baekhyun snickered, turning back to Beomgyu with an amused smile. "I thought I was secretive, but how could you not even tell your own TA you're married?"
"It never came up." She went back to grading papers, one hand holding her pen while the other held the pastry Baekhyun brought her.
"So newfound information. You must have many questions." At Baekhyun's inquiry, Beomgyu finally relinquished his restraint, the questions that were all but culminating in his head finally spilling forth like a flood. His words slurred together as he spoke in almost a rushed manner, as if to say everything on his mind before he forgot, though with how impactful of a discovery this was, he highly doubted he'd ever forget even the most minute of details of this very moment.
Baekhyun laughed at the boy's enthusiasm, barely even taking in any of his questions, though still trying to appease him as much as he could. For the first time since Beomgyu became his student, he finally had a first seat preview of Professor Byun's personal life of mundanity, and his uneventful day to day that consisted of work, grading, and spending time with his wife and cat. An ever domestic livelihood, but if the smiles on both of their faces as he discussed their daily routines were any indicator, it was a calming, fulfilling peace. A tranquility rarely ever attained, though one that's often strove for.
(y/n) flicked Baekhyun's arm with the tip of her pen, earning a whine from the man who retracted his arm from where he leant it in front of her.
"Get out, you're distracting my grading assistant."
"But I brought you sustenance." He nudged the bag which once held her midday snack as took another meaningful bite of her pastry, nodding at his words at the end of it all.
"I guess you could stay for a few minutes more."
"I brought you sustenance, and my love."
"That's not as important as the sustenance."
Though with that warm, fond smile on Baekhyun's face, and the way she paused her incessant grading to drink the coffee he brought her while responding to his commentary and jokes, it was obvious that the love was just as, if not more, important than the sustenance.
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ryo-kaikura · 9 months
Yandere male crown prince x top male knight reader
Tw: yandere, abuse of power, reincarnation
Crown prince name: akaru
Don't expect much since both of the are sorta trash
"The fiance I want is my knight"
Later that night
You drag the prince back to his bedroom and help him change his outfit since all the maids and Butlers are cleaning up in the ballroom
"What the f*ck are you doing, u know I already have a fiancee and I don't f*cking love you"
"You will in due time but as your prince you can't say no to me if you don't want your fiAnCeE to rot on the city square"
You were speechless, he never used his authority on you even when you were first appointed to him "fine, give me a year to finalize all of this" "Ok, but you will stay in the palace and sleep with me every day" "Every month" "Every two days" "Every 3 weeks" "Ugh fine, every week" With a heavy heart you accepted it because you know he won't go any higher "Very well I shall pack my stuff and move in to the servant quarters"
He looked shocked you even suggested that "No! you will stay in my room and sleep beside me every day and once a week f*ck me till dawn" How does he know all this even you don't even know "Very well, I shall move in with you" "My prince" Huh? "That's what you will call me starting today" "Why" "Because I said so silly now go and pack you stuff I want you back here in three hours"
With a nod I left, truthfully I was reincarnated the day before being appointed as the prince personal guard, this world is in a novel called "my shining lover" Which is why the crown prince name can mean bright, tho this and that is never bright, my character was the cold but loyal knight, the one who kidnapped the FL, the one who murdered under his orders but in the end as a scapegoat to look heavenly in the FL's eyes the crown prince killed him.
That's why I try to be nice and not cold to other people and even the prince, but I think that's why he became obsessed with me. But I will wait for the FL to come so he's gonna be obsessed with her not me and she will show up in 6 months
A few days later
"My love, I think tonight is the night we f*ck" He remember this but not where is books and paper are "Very well my prince"
That night
"My love~, I'm ready for you 8 inch, uncut, slightly to left, 6 inch girth dick" HOW THE F*CK DOES HE KNOW THIS. "My love~, come one don't be so surprised your soul mate knows this"
A few minutes later (I don't know how to start this so bear with me)
"OoOh hi youroO dick issumuch" "More more more Aahhh" F*cking hell His keeps me to fully get out and it's like a vice, I can't get enough it sooo f*cking good I can fuck this till tomorrow
F*cking hell he's still tight after filling him up till he looks pregnant but good does he look eternal. With the nth time I come and him barely awake I bring him to the bathroom and clean all the cum from inside him and he still tries to keep them all in just like I ask him to last night but o well
A few month later
Crown prince POV
Where is my love, it's been a week and I want to fuck tonight.
Normal POV
You brought back the FL that was injured at the woods where you hunt for food as the prince wanted boar tonight.
After putting the FL in the Royal doctor's office
You bring the prince back to the bedroom
"Who the f*ck is that" "It's a she not that and her name is Saku" "Do i give a fuck who her name is I want to know why you hold her soo gently" "My prince I think you should stop that" You grab roughly at the Blackish purple magic in the air "Oouhh" He is on his knees now cumming and pissing at the same time "ho-how do you now" he said while trying to look seductive and it's working "my mother is a witch, the red witch, and I know you 'mother' was the Royal sorcerer"
"I also know you won't like Saku at all so I decided that we will get married in a month and I already gave my annulment letter(you put in a Temporary annulment at first) to my fiancee. Now get on the bed and accept your punishment for thinking you could get away with using magic to harm people"
With that the crown prince tried to remove his clothing as fast as possible and ripping almost all his clothing but he didn't care all he cared about is the marriage and the punishment. You thought of something bad enough he'll be satisfied for the whole month
"you are taking too long slut" "I-I'm sorry I won't ask for a safe word" "Use the old safe word, got it?" "hmm~, yesh" (I know this is a bit cringe but I did this a few weeks days ago so not really the same)
In the end I decide so spank him with a broom full of splinters he forced a maid to use such a beautiful red color. The rest was just edging till he came so hard he passed out but oh well
200 years later
You can't believe in the end you had 50 children but that doesn't matter when you have a beautiful wife and a strong kingdom but your time has come
You wonder what will happen when you treated him differently
With that you draw your last breath and closed your eyes
You awoke in the past the same as before but how will you treat him?
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zannenilsson · 1 month
AITA for using a lookalike of my son's activist girlfriend to incite a small uprising so I could stop my employees from organizing?
I (53M) am a hardworking business executive and single father. I had to raise my son (21M) alone after his mother died giving birth to him. Admittedly I kind of threw myself into work after my wife died so I wasn't there a lot when he was growing up, but I used the money I made to make sure he got everything he needed to thrive. I take care of all his expenses so he doesn't have to work all the time the way I do, so he just hangs out with his friends all day.
Now, my son never asks questions about how I actually make all this money; he's well-educated but has never been really curious. So I was very confused when he burst into my office the other day totally freaking out and crying and asking about my employees' working conditions. Once he calmed down I found out that he saw an industrial accident - which I hadn't even been told about - caused by one of my workers' negligence.
Naturally I was confused because he's never been to the machine rooms where my low-level employees work, and when I pressed him he said he was looking for "this cute activist worker girl" who he saw while hanging out with his friends. And I don't know what she said to him that made such a big impression - knowing him she was probably just very attractive - but he kept talking about how he had to find her and help her make things better for my workers because they were really just like him.
I tried to explain that no, he was not "just like" one of the unwashed and uneducated workers in my machine rooms, and that they were where they belonged, just like him. For some reason this upset him even more and he ran out of my office again. He disappeared for a while after that.
Meanwhile, I finally got more details about the accident and found out a bunch of the dead workers had these weird identical sketches on pieces of paper in their pockets. My foreman had no idea what they were, so I consulted my Former Close Friend (51M) about it. (We had a falling out over my late wife before my son was born, long story, but I pay his bills because he's the smartest person I know and in exchange he helps me out with unsolvable problems.)
Long story short, turns out the sketches were maps of the city's old catacombs system. FCF showed me that my workers have been using them to illegally gather there after their shifts and listen to the same activist girl my son was obsessed with (19?F) give these weird sermons about how some rich person will help them peacefully organize and improve their living and working conditions.
As I've already said, I provide the best working conditions I can for my employees. I also provide them all with free housing. Yes, the housing is underground, but it's safe, clean, and easily accessible - in other words, much better than the upper-city slums they and their families would probably live in otherwise. So not only was this girl making them ungrateful for everything I'd given them, but she was clearly manipulating my son to help her do it.
Admittedly I'm not proud of what happened next, but I was angry and scared for my son. So I asked FCF to help me swap the girl with an advanced lifelike robot he'd built (long story, don't ask), show my son how duplicitous she really was, and lead the workers into the violent uprising they clearly wanted so I could remove that element from my workforce once and for all. FCF agreed and took care of everything.
Once we got the robot girl in place everything started going downhill for some reason. My son suddenly reappeared, saw me with her, had a nervous breakdown which I hired doctors to see him through, then he disappeared again. I tried to follow up with FCF to see what the robot's progress has been but he seems to be avoiding me. The uprising seems to be going as planned since the power in the whole city just went out, but without any intel I can't stop it. And now suddenly the man I hired to find my son turned up to say my son's been sucked into the uprising somehow and it's spiralling out of control. When I asked if my son was okay, he said a lot of people will be asking me the same question about their sons tomorrow, implying that this whole thing is MY fault.
So I have to know: AITA?
UPDATE: I finally tracked down FCF and overheard him telling the activist girl (who he kidnapped, for some reason?) that the robot is actually carrying out some secret revenge plan he had against me, which apparently involves DESTROYING THE ENTIRE CITY and KILLING MY SON. So I broke in, let the girl out, and beat him to death. I'm going to fix this.
UPDATE 2: The robot has been neutralized, but the workers' city flooded in the uprising and the workers are pissed.
UPDATE 3: The good news is, I found my son. The bad news is, FCF isn't dead and is now FIGHTING MY SON ON TOP OF THE CATHEDRAL. HELP.
FINAL UPDATE: FCF is dead. My son is okay and helped me reconcile with the workers, who seem to think it was all the robot's fault. Thank you to everyone who responded to this and helped me realize I'm NTA, and it was in fact FCF who was TA.
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angelst4re · 2 years
Hello lovely! I love your writing!! I was wondering if you could do a 001 fic where the reader is another one of Brenner’s subjects at Hawkins Lab with Henry/001. They mutually have a crush on each other but of course they can’t really act on their feelings, besides quick interactions in the dark corners of the hallway out of camera view. BUT then they get called into Brenner’s office one day and told that the lab is going to conduct an experimental program, to breed the most powerful subjects for the next generation, and they will be the first to begin it since they’re the oldest (obviously both would be like 18 or 19 years old!) and they finally get to get it on 🤭 but definitely starts out kind of awkward since this would be both of their first time hehe.
ugh this idea>>> also i barely ever get Henry/001/Peter requests and it makes me kinda sad becasue he's literally my favourite jamie character (jace, i am sorry.)
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002- Henry/001/Peter x Reader
summary: in the request :)
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut, this was also written at like 3am
notes: this is 4.5k words?? i feel like it could've been better though haha, BUT ALSO JAMIE SHAVED?? THE BEARD IS GONE??!!?!?! (but never forgotten <3)
You’ve known Henry for the majority of your life, or at least the half of your life that you remember. You had both been taken from your homes, your deaths faked while you were put under the care and control of a certain doctor and given new names, although they weren’t names. They were numbers. Yours was 002, Henry’s was 001. 
When you first arrived at the lab, you were shaken up, you refused to talk to anybody or even interact with the other boy. However, you soon learnt that you had a lot more in common than you had hoped. You had powers, it explained why you could see glimpses into the future, predict things and guess what someone was thinking- although you knew now that it wasn’t guessing. It was all true. You had believed that in the first 9 years of your life that these things were all ‘in your head’, as your father told you when you asked him if he was seeing other women, cheating on your mother. You refused to believe there was something unique or special about you. 
As the years passed, your powers grew stronger, and you also began to form a friendship with the other boy in the Lab, Henry. He was a year or 2 older than you, you never knew for sure. The first time he ever spoke to you was when he warned you about the Doctor tattooing you, he showed you his sore, red arm with 001 written in black ink. He told you to try to stay calm, he got punished for moving about in his seat when the pain got too much. You thanked him, and from that day he made a promise to himself- he promised he would keep you safe and that one day he would escape with you, so you could both live the life you deserved. 
As more years went by, you and Henry continued to grow closer. More children also began to arrive at the lab, none of them were over the age of 6. Doctor Brenner ordered them to call him Papa, you and Henry had quite rightly refused to call him this. He began lessons, helping these children to use and build their powers, to grow them stronger. You and Henry would also attend these lessons, Brenner would often ask one of you to help the children, to give them advice- but most of them were only 5, they struggled to understand. This resulted in punishments, which you and Henry had to leave the room for. 
As you got older, you realised your feelings towards Henry were more than what you should feel for friends. You had a crush on him. Upon realising this, you started to behave differently around him. You would blush when he felt the cut on your cheek, wishing his soft fingers would caress your cheek to pull you in for a kiss instead, or when you be alone with him in the Rainbow Room you would try to keep a little distance and appear engaged in an activity so he wouldn’t try talking to you, you would only stumble on your words as you spoke back. 
He picked up pretty quickly that you liked him in this way, he couldn’t help it with his powers, could he? He could use and control his better than you could, meaning he could read your thoughts, whilst you struggled to read his. However, you liked it better like this, you knew that you and Henry would probably die in the lab before you could leave, meaning you’d rather spend your in-between years as friends and not risk the shame of rejection. 
However, you needed to tell someone about this crush- it was driving you insane. Martha, the nurse, was the only person in this place you could trust, besides Henry, so you opened up to her one day when she was treating your most recent wounds before performing an overall health and wellness check as it was leading up to your 18th birthday. For your 16th birthday, you and Nurse Martha spent an afternoon in a sex education lesson, so you wondered what was in store for your 18th. Peter said nothing special happens, that it’s just like any other. 
However, your 18th birthday was one to remember, it seemed even better than your 7th (which you could only vaguely remember, you received a dollhouse that you had been begging for all year). You spent the majority of the day in lessons with Brenner and other doctors and scientists, but the evening made up for the last 9 years you had spent in the Lab. 
There was a knock on your door, you expected it to be Nurse Martha, but when you opened it you were met with…
“Henry?” You gasped, poking your head out the door to check the halls before grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room, “what are you doing? If you get caught you’ll-”
“If I get caught then at least it was for a good reason,” he smiles, pulling something out from under his black jumper, what had he been hiding? “Happy birthday.” 
He handed it over to you, it was wrapped up in some tissue? A napkin?
“Cake?!” Your eyes widen, and then soften as you look up at Henry. You remembered from your years before the Lab that birthdays were usually celebrated with cake, yet Brenner never allowed it on birthdays. “Where did you get this from?” You ask, sitting down on your bed. 
“Stole it from the kitchens, one of the ‘children’ caused a fire on the south side of the building today and the staff were made to evacuate.” He said, yet (for the first time) you knew what he was thinking, you knew he was lying. 
“You started a fire? To get me some cake?” You chuckled in disbelief. 
“Well, you deserved something to make you happy. I wish I could’ve gotten you a gift.” He said, looking down at his lap, you could tell he was thinking about something else, you couldn’t quite work out what it was. 
“You can think of the cake as a gift!” You said, smiling as you picked at a bit of it before taking a bite, it was delicious. “Anyway I like spending time with you, and we don’t get to see each other as much as we used to.” 
“That’s because we’re at different levels, y/n. I’ve known about my powers and how to use them since I was young, you only discovered them in there. Brenner doesn’t believe you’re as… powerful as I am, but I know you can prove him wrong, can’t you?” Henry’s eyes fell on you as he asked the question, you nodded your head, telling him you will prove him wrong, that you’ll make him feel stupid for ever thinking that way about you, to which Henry whispered a small “that’s my girl.” 
“What did you say?” You asked, feeling the heat rush to your face. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he smirked. You must have read his mind again. “Can I tell you something?” Henry asked. 
“Of course.” You said, finishing the last bit of cake, folding the piece of tissue up and placing it on your drawers. 
“Do you remember when you first arrived at this place? I was finally happy to have someone else with me, but you were too afraid to even talk to me. I spent years trying to get you to trust me, you may not have realised that, but I wanted to be your friend. Before I was brought here, I didn’t have any friends, I spent most of my time by myself and that’s how I wanted it to be, but it was just so lonely and cold here, I wished I spent my time differently. I knew it was too late by then, but then you arrived. I knew, given the situation, that you would most likely shy away from me, attempt to escape, but I wanted to try. I wanted to know that I at least tried to make a friend, but I feel like I’ve done more than that,” he said, placing his hand on your knee, “I’ve realised in these last months that I… like you. More than a friend should like a friend. And I won’t lie to you, I know you feel like this about me too, but I wished I would have heard it from your mouth rather than your thoughts,” he chuckled, his eyes coming up to meet yours. 
“C-can you kiss me?” You ask, stupidly stumbling on your words as the feeling of his hand on your bare skin and his eyes looking into yours became too much. 
“It would be my pleasure.” He smiled softly, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. 
You were the first to lean in, needing to know if Henry’s lips were as soft as you imagined- and they were. Your breath was snatched from your lungs as his lips pressed into yours. He could taste cake from your lips, causing him to smile into the kiss before carefully pulling back. You didn’t want to stop, it took everything inside you not to pull him back. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, watching as he quickly stood up, adjusting his clothes before grabbing the door handle. 
“I should go now, so I don’t get in any more trouble with Brenner. But I hope we can do this again… soon.” 
“Me too,” you smiled, still trying to process the fact that Henry had admitted he liked you back and kissed you in the space of 5 minutes, “I hope you get back safely. Good night, Henry.”
“Good night, love.” 
“002?” A knock at your door distracted you from the drawing you were working on, you placed the pencil down on your desk and made your way to your door, opening to be greeted with Nurse Martha, who had Henry by her side. 
“Hello.” You chuckled nervously, “is everything okay?”
“Yes! I was asked by Doctor Brenner to collect you and 001 and to take you to his office, he would like to tell you both about his newest… project.” 
“I’ll be two seconds,” you say, rushing over to your bed to grab your jumper, throwing it on to cover your tank top before returning the door, shutting it as you follow Martha and Henry down the halls. 
You gave Henry a glance and in your mind you asked him ‘do you know what this is about?’, he then looked back over at you and shook his head, ‘no, he hasn’t said anything about a project.’
“Here we are,” Nurse Martha smiled as she knocked on the door to Brenner’s office, “don’t be nervous, sweetheart.” She said to you, patting your shoulder. 
“Ah, thank you, Martha, I can take it from here.” Brenner said with a cold smile as he held his office door open, inviting you and Henry inside as the nurse turned around and headed back down the halls. 
You and Henry sit down when instructed, on the chairs opposite the Doctor’s desk. He opened a cabinet, pulling out a folder and placing it in front of you and Henry as he sat at his desk. 
“You’re probably wondering why you’re here,” Brenner mused, opening up the folder, looking at the two of you as if you were supposed to know, but you both shook your head. “Over the years, I have worked with several doctors and scientists to try to find a way of combining both of your powers, seeing as the children here have only inherited percentages of your abilities from the testing we have done. But there may be a way to go about this that could potentially be successful, as you two are the oldest and possess the the most unique abilities-”
“What are you trying to say?” Henry asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “Do you need to take more blood samples?”
Doctor Brenner thought about his next words carefully, not wanting to scare either of you off with his proposal. He folded his arms in front of him on the desk and leaned forward. 
“To put it simply, we want you two to begin the next generation, to reproduce, to-”
You interrupted him by choking on air as you finally realised what he meant. He wanted you and Henry to have a child together, in hopes that this child will inherit both of your powers and abilities. 
“And when do you want this to happen?” Henry asked, his voice avoiding any signs of emotion as he looked into the eyes of the Doctor. 
“Nurse Martha has been tracking 002’s menstrual cycle, and this week would be perfect for successful conception. Maybe even today?” Brenner said with a joyous smile. Of course he’d be happy, he won’t be the one to carry this damned baby for nine months. “So, is that okay with you?” He asked, as if you and Henry had a choice. 
“Yes, Doctor.” You replied in unison. 
“Wonderful!” He clasped his hands together, “you may do… it… in either of your rooms, we haven’t got any spare rooms at the moment- and I believe it may be helpful to have some sort of comfort.” He said before walking over to the office door, holding it open for the two of you. 
You and Henry walked in silence, you had non-verbally decided to go to your room- or at least that is where you were both heading. The silence between the two of you was unbearable, you needed to say something-
“So, you are definitely comfortable with this, right?” Henry asked, his fingertips brushing against yours as you walked side by side. 
“I guess so, we can’t risk saying no-”
“If you don’t want to do this then we won’t.” Henry stated, confidently. 
You thought for a moment, you wanted to do it, you wanted to feel Henry close to you like this, it’s what your body has been aching for for the last month- when he would send a small smirk your way when he caught your eye you would feel your lower half tingling, when he would place his hands on your waist as he moved past you when you were sent to retrieve something from the cramped storage cupboard you wanted nothing more than to push yourself up against him, when he-
“I’ll take that as you being okay with this then?” He smirked, wiping the small drip of blood from his nose. Bastard. Your thoughts were private!
“Yeah,” you smiled, finally arriving at your room. You took a deep breath before opening your door. Henry followed you in and carefully shut the door behind him. “So, how do you want to do this?”
Henry gave you a gentle smile as he slowly moved closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek like it had done a few weeks ago, when he had kissed you on your birthday. He leaned down slowly, your noses brushing as your lips touched. You run your fingers through his hair before pulling him closer, catching his lips in a sloppy, clearly inexperienced kiss. 
His free hand rested on your hip, pulling your body closer to his, so close you could feel heat radiating from him. He kissed you hungrily, like this was his last chance to show you how much you mean to him, even if he can’t properly tell you. 
He moved his hands to the bottom of your jumper, tugging on it, ‘let me take it off’. 
And you allowed him, breaking free from the kiss for a mere 5 seconds made you feel empty, cold, like a piece of a puzzle was missing, but when Henry had taken your jumper off and let it drop to the floor, his lips crashed into yours once more. 
‘Your turn’, you told him. You loved how you could communicate with his like this, not having to take your lips off of each other to speak. 
Your hands fumbled about as you found the bottom of his jumper, beginning to lift it up. He took over, breaking the kiss once more as he dropped it to the floor, now lying in a pile with yours. His hands now played with the waistband of your grey joggers as he gave you a puzzling look- a look full of lust, desire, want, but also love. He slipped his fingers into the waistband and began to drag them down your hips. 
“Henry,” you whispered. He stopped immediately and looked at you, scanning your face for any signs of fear. “I just… I wanted to tell you… I don’t know how to do this.” You admit, your face flushing a deep red. 
“Neither do I,” he tells you, “why don’t we figure it out together, hm?” He raises his eyebrows, continuing to pull your joggers down, slowly revealing your underwear. 
“Okay.” You say, smiling as you stand awkwardly, not knowing what to do with your hands as he undresses you. 
When the material pools at your feet, you step out it, now left in your underwear, bra and a thin tank top. Henry was still fully dressed. He caught on quickly and rid himself of his t-shirt, letting that fall on to the pile of discarded clothes that lay on the floor. His hands moved down to push his joggers down his legs, leaving him in just his white boxers. You took that as a sign and removed your top, leaving you in your white bra and panties. 
“You’re beautiful.” Henry said, looking at your body, “I never thought something could be so beautiful.” 
“So are you.” You said, placing your hand on his chest, noticing the scars on his skin that were undoubtedly caused by a certain doctor. “What do we do next?” 
“...we get naked.” Henry said, his hand coming up to play with your bra strap, “is that okay?”
“That’s okay.” You tell him. 
‘Can I take this off?’ he asks you, his eyes finding yours as you nod your head. His hands slide around you, to your back to find the clasp of your bra. He immediately notices that this would be more difficult than expected, so he gets you to turn around, with your back facing him. 
He easily unclasped your bra, carefully sliding the straps off of your arms before taking the material and letting it fall on the floor. 
He could feel his blood rushing down to his cock as he thinks about how you’re standing braless in front of him. He tells himself not to worry about what you would think as you turn back around to see him hard through his boxers, that was meant to happen, that’s what needs to happen, right?
“You can turn around now.” Henry says, swallowing thickly. 
Your hands cover your boobs as you turn back around to face him, but he quickly removes them, telling you not to be shy. Then your eyes finally catch what was between his thighs. 
“Henry… is that…?” Your eyes were full of curiosity as you stared at his erection. 
“Yes, I expect you’ve never seen one like this before.” He says, you shake your head. 
“I’ve only seen what was in t-the anatomy books.” You tell him, and he smiles softly. He feels like he has a slight advantage here, having heard his classmates at school talk about sex all the time, he felt repulsed by it- but that was before he met you. 
He finally takes off his boxers, you watch carefully as his cock leaks precum, your hand unexpectedly reaching to wipe it off with a finger, causing Henry’s breath to hitch. 
“Can I?” You ask him, ‘can I make you feel good?’
Henry nods his head, taking your hand in his and wrapping your fingers around his length before guiding it up and down at an achingly slow pace. He bites his lip, holding back a groan from escaping his lips as you quicken the pace. 
“S-stop,” he warns you, “I want the first time I cum to be with you.”
You nod your head and remove your hand, not knowing what his words meant. 
“Can I make you feel good?” He asks, hooking a finger into the waistband of your underwear. 
“Please…” You whimper, “when I’m with you I feel things down there, what does that mean, Henry?” You ask. 
“It means you need my fingers, darling.” He whispers, pushing your last remaining garment down and off of your body, revealing your cunt to him. “Fuck…” he groans, getting down on to his knees to look at you closer, he had never seen this part of the female body up close before. 
He dips a finger into you, delighted to find you were already wet for him. He moved his finger up along your slit, searching for your clit. He knew that would make you feel good, and he was desperate to hear you moan for him. 
“Oh my-” Your knees buckle when his finger grazes over the nub, he smirks, replacing his finger with his thumb as he rubs circles where you needed him. 
He continues to examine you, two fingers from his other hand spread your folds apart and he watches you pulse, a sign that you wanted more. 
He stands back up and removes his hands from you, placing one on your waist. 
“Lie down,” he tells you, guiding you backwards towards the bed. 
You lay down, your head against the pillows, your arms by your head and your legs spread slightly. He was happy to see you were comfortable around him. 
He follows you, kneeling between your legs, spreading them a tiny bit further. He brings his hand back to your heat, teasing your entrance with his fingertip. 
“Tell me if it’s too much.” He says, sliding his index finger into you slowly, earning a pleasured gasp from you. “Does that feel good?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he eases it back out before pushing back in. He believes you were ready for a second one to follow, so his thumb rubs your clit as he slides his middle finger in too. 
“Feels too good, Henry.” You moan, a lazy smile on your lips as you look up at him. 
He replies with a satisfied ‘hm’ as he continues his actions. He feels the way your walls pulse around his fingers, and basically hears your heart pounding in your chest, he knows you’re close. 
Slowly, he stops what he was doing, leaning down to pepper kisses on your thighs, even placing a delicate kiss over your clit. 
“I think you’re ready now, sweetheart.” He says, moving up a little on the bed so your hips were in line with his. 
“Okay.” You say, not knowing what he thought you were ready for, but agreeing anyway. 
He took his cock and swiped off the precum that had leaked from the tip and swiped it over your clit, making your hips shuffle as he lined himself up with you, slowly inching his cock inside of you. 
The pain was hot and red, it took you by surprise and you found yourself clawing at the bedsheets. Henry noticed this and took your hands in his, moving them to his back. You didn’t want to hurt him but as he pushed in further,  your nails began to dig into his skin, sure to draw blood. 
“You’re doing so well.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Does it hurt?” He asked, although he knew the answer before you nodded your head. 
When he was fully inside you, you let out a whimper. You had never realised you could feel this way before, so full. You loved it. 
He didn’t move for a few moments, until he felt you were ready, when you caught your breath and your walls stopped clamping around him. That was when he began to gently rock his hips, thrusting in and out of you. 
Sweat beaded on Henry’s forehead as he tried his best to hold himself back from rutting into you at a faster pace, but as your legs wrapped around his waist, he began to quicken his pace. 
“Oh my… Henry, faster!” You panted. 
He did as you said, not holding back anymore. After weeks of wanting nothing more than this moment, Henry couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely this wasn’t real- but as your nails clawed at his back, he knew it most definitely was real. 
“I love you.” The words slipped from Henry’s lips and caught you by surprise. You didn’t say anything, not knowing what to say. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, your lips crashing into his. 
You suddenly became aware of how he felt inside you, the spots he hit deep inside your body that you would have never known were there, but especially how good it felt. 
“Henry… I feel something… In my tummy-”
“Let it go, darling.” He said, his hand sliding to your lower stomach, just below your belly button, and pushing down. The pressure resulted in even more pleasure, you felt so good, you never wanted this feeling to leave. 
Suddenly, a white wave of ecstasy crashed over you, spreading through your whole body. You almost felt euphoric. 
“Gonna… gonna cum inside you- fuck!” He groaned, his thrusts growing slower and sloppier, and then you felt something hot rush inside of you. 
Henry remained above you, his arms placed either side of your body to support him. He was trying to catch his breath before he stood back up and continued with his day- but you pulled him down, making him put all his weight onto you. 
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you as you both came down from your highs, worried that if you let go of him, he would leave and you would never speak about this again. 
When you realised he was still inside of you, your walls involuntarily clenched around him again, causing him to groan into the crook of your neck. You whispered a soft apology before you ran your fingers through his soft hair. 
“I love you too.” You finally confessed. 
He lifted his head up, giving you a smile before kissing the corner of your mouth. 
“Our baby isn’t going to grow up inside this place,” Henry told you, “I have a plan, I’m going to escape- and I’m going to take you with me.”
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insanetvgirl · 7 months
|| Sick of love!||
Yandere Roti X Mikan Tsumuki/Nurse!Darling
Theme song: Bruno is orange!
" Yes! We are sick! Of love,and you are the reason. "
" You only have yourself to blame. "
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Prologue: Gosh,i need money!
Y/n L/n!💉
Kazuichi screams while I bandage his wound, he cut himself while fixing a car, well, I think he was fixing a car
" Do-Do-Don't worry Kazuichi! Is just a little cut,you are going to be fine! "
I finish bandaging Kazuichi's wound, he looks relieved and a little embarrassed
"Ah, I think I was a little dramatic, man-"
he says looking at the bandaged part of his arm, where the cut was
"Thanks Miss Y/n!"
He said happily and relieved and leaving the nurse's office
"N-No need to thank me!"
I answered stuttering... again
I help the school nurse every day whenever I can! I've been told that this is my natural habitat, my biggest interest is medicine, I want to be a nurse or doctor, but college is very expensive...VERY EXPENSIVE! I could try for college scholarships, but what if I don't get it? If I fail? I don't have much courage to take a test for a scholarship and tests like this aren't easy, especially the 100% ones
And I can't afford a medical course, my aunt doesn't have money, maybe I should give up I stayed at the nurse's office doing nothing, I even looked at the clock, the school day was over! I ran to my classroom and grabbed my backpack, since I had it in the room, everyone had already left, only myself to be so distracted!
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I was watching curiosities videos about medicine on the computer, my aunt hasn't come home from work yet, maybe she's working overtime
In other words, another night alone
I love watching these types of videos! Studying this subject is very important to me, after all, someone can get hurt at any time.
But I still think about going to medical school, but how would I pay for it? Even if I tested for a scholarship, I don't know if I could do it, but I don't just want money to pay for college, but here at home we also have our problems... what a thing. I've now decided to stay on social media, see if people in my class have posted something or whatever, something to distract me, then I come across
announcement for a new season of Total Drama, with a new cast?
I know this show! I saw it with my aunt, the winner gets 1 million! Maybe...what if i
No, Y/n l/n you're not thinking about making an audition video to participate, are you? I wouldn't be accepted! Who would accept someone like me? There are more interesting people, MUCH MORE INTERESTING Maybe I should ask my aunt for advice when she arrives?
I will think better.
- 💉 -
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" Did you hear about that, mother?
Broke her daughter's legs in two
And said, "It's too dangerous out there to walk, so I had to save you" "
- 💉 -
Who missed me?
This is so bad help
So,i am going to say that some dangaronpa ocs can appear at the story!
Maybe i am going to delete/rewrite that
I love u all! Remember of take care and drink some water
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gnashingwailing · 6 months
Kept notes on a reread I was doing of The Art of Love and War because I am so obsessed with the gay little borrower darkfic... sharing with u @fireflywritesgt
it falls apart at ch12 because that is where i consistently turn into a puddle under my covers kicking my legs and making sounds only audible to shrimps.
There is soooo muuuuch I want to saaaay. I did a reread and excuse my being verbose but.
Ch10 where Harry reads about how tinies don’t ask for things and prefer to do favors for them — how extra insulting that makes his message in Ch1!! “Just ask” no wonder Joe was so pissed!!
ALSO him feeling “dirty, somehow” about accepting chocolate that didn’t kill him… was he having a little bit of feelings for “the kind man” and it got transmuted into self-loathing… 😭 oh internalized homophobia tag we’re really in it now…
Re: ch2 I would kill for Joe’s pov of this… I’m also so fascinated to pick up the detail that Joe apparently talked to himself regularly, for Harry to hear him through the radiator pipes… one assumes Joe doesn’t have guests. Poor guy! He’s really smart! He likes talking! The assistant job is perfect for himmmm.
Re: ch3, i wonder how much Captain Calloway’s “if you die it’s your own damn fault” has influenced Joe’s life ethos of fucking around and finding out (btw… Harry would be sooo horrified to know Joe had been poisoned 3 times and still tried that chocolate 😭 yet another fun! anecdote of his) … im also kinda curious about Gutters. What’s that guy’s deal. And OF. COURSE. How Captain got all his injuries. It’s also so very sad he feels this tension with the guys, what they’d do to him if they knew more about who he really was. I love this as a metaphor for homophobia…
Ch5 I’m still fixated on the giants who are guarding the place. Hundreds of tinies going there every day… you’d think there’d be snatchers all over the place 👀 and the other great worldbuilding… lab tinies… “they were corralling everyone everywhere and the women and kids went one way…” GOD. also them building tiny capitalism plus tiny race science is just 😭😭😭 noooo… the way Harry reinforces their shared dignity and humanity by showing genuine interest in Joe’s art.. ouuuugh it hits every time.
ALSO I WAS SO SUSPICIOUS OF HILL WHEN I FIRST READ CH6 BUT NOW THST I KNOW HE IS A BONA FIDE WIFEGUY ALL IS REDEEMED. I AM so curious as to why he keeps tiny town schematics in his office if he dislikes it…
Ch7 profoundly funny to me how Hill is like “miniature is the academic term” and Joe is like what. Tinies.
I really appreciate how Harry started off having some uh. Idk. Colonizer savior complex stuff + noble savage ideas about Joe? Like “oh it’s in mother nature’s hands whether he survives then… I see…” as if the tinies social constructs about Pets are some immutable fact of nature instead of. A social construct !! It’s really well-done, how you show him gradually understanding that he needs to listen to Joe, not assume he knows what’s best for him just because he read a 50yr old anthropology book!! It makes me love Harry all the more that he managed to grow through it out of fondness for Joe 🥺
AND OF COURSE. THE G/T GOODNESS. My god. I loooooove that Joe is so creeped out by giants that he has to keep his eyes closed to stomach it… just feels. Hmm. Realistic?? It would be so overwhelming. I love that his trust gets rewarded with the doctor not hurting him…
The rapport they establish being based on talking to one another… it’s just suuuuch a perfect central theme for this story… Joe being able to tame Harry’s anger by reminding him of Joe’s own humanity. “Please don’t do that, doc. This is mean. You’re being mean.” And “you’re treating me like I’m not even… not even…” UGH. RENT FREE IN MY HEAD, WARREN. “Maybe he could do it; maybe he could sit in the same room as a giant for five minutes. He would only have to do it once, and then he would never have to do it again, he reasoned.” Bitch u thought… get loved and cared for idiot…
Joe asking him “why not”, echoing Harry’s words that stuck with him…
And then him being sooo pissed at the phone it’s just absolutely amazing stuff. Wagging his finger at it/Dr Hill lmaooo. I was hootin and hollerin when I realized this foreshadows him being the assistant!!! He can talk on the phone just fine!!!!
His legs threatening to give way from the prospect of Harry seeing him at ground level after he escapes using the phone receiver… ouuugh. It’s SO GOOD. He’s come such a long way…
“Touching every wooden beam he passed for good luck” is INCREDIBLY cute mental imagery.., he’s happy… poor guy has awful luck tho so Harry is just pissed 😭 HIM NEARLY DESTROYING THE PLATES BECSUSE HARRY SCARED HIM SO BAD HAD ME FEELING.. SOME KIND OF WAY…
Ch8 also has the first mention of Joe’s books… I’m sooo curious where he got these.. did he perhaps make them…? 👀 YEAH HARRY SHOULD FEEL LIKE A MONSTER THO. YOU TERRORIZED A LIL MOVIE STAR!!! HE ONLY BROKE A FEW THINGS… Making him hide under his covers like he saw a monster… 😭
I love their first god awful handshake lmao. Incredible subversion of the usual g/t first meetings… Joe’s just like OK 👋 NOW GET THAT THANG OUTTA HERE
And then Joe going “I know about that!” Joe protested, his voice growing stronger. “It’s up to me, doc. If it happens, it happens and it’ll be my own damn fault.” … something tells me when Harry finally comes to understand Joe’s recklessness with his own life and what feelings about its worth may be underpinning that, he will be so sad 😔
Joe losing his toes to frostbite… realizing that could very likely be from when he was kidnapped and enslaved with O’Grady… uuuugh he’s so brave to want to connect with anybody at all let alone with Harry!!
Ch9 professor wifeguy moments… yesss… I love that he wants to hang out with another tiny too 😭 Joe is making friends!! I can’t wait to find out about Lorraine and what “other place” she knows about!!! Lmfao I can tell she’s going to be incredible just from the little bit Joe hears of her. I wonder too if she’s been marked… aahhh I’m so excited to learn more about these two. How interesting of a parallel, too, that Harry noted Dr Hill might also be a former soldier… something-something folks unable to fully integrate into society finding and building community with each other…
Also PROFOUNDLY interested to note on a reread that the tiny town on his wall says “a SAFE place to be” and the one in Riverdale said “a CIVILIZED place to be” 😬 a damn prison indeed… I also really wonder just HOW the tinies are paying their rent(?) to stay there, if they’re all as disdainful of “borrowing” as a career as O’Grady seems to be…
MAY I JUST NOTE that Joe stimming around is sooo charming to me. He’s kickin’ his legs. He’s pacing back and forth. He’s doing something like that in the walls when Harry was first listening to him. I LOVE HIM.. aND I love how this chapter we see him going from “that tall bastard (derogatory)” to “that tall bastard (amused)”
AND POOR JOE ON THE MOST CURSED FIELD TRIP IMAGINABLE. There is much to love here but I absolutely adore this imagery: “Joe buried himself in the curtain as the doctor, dressed to the nines in his work clothes and vaguely resembling a horse in a brown suit, sidled over to him and towered there and seethed.” HE’S TERRIFIED 😭 and Joe learns that other people value his wellbeing more than he does… wow Joe no need to ponder that any further until Ch15!!!
There’s SO much incredible prose in this chapter… the haaaaands oh my god the hands. The tinies are on the order of 2-3 inches tall, right? You really get a vivid sense of how big and dangerous everything is to them… absolutely A+ stuff.
This part also slays me everytime I think about it: “Joe was hidden inside [the pocket], and the thought of how unhinged his dear neighbour must look to his fellow giants as he walked and talked gave him no small amount of delight.” HE WOUUUULD.
The mystery of just what Joe created as a boy… what he can’t find it in himself to articulate… why he can hardly fathom talking about himself and his inner world to anyone …
PART 10… the difference in the way Joe confronts Harry here vs with the assistant in part 16 is somehow heartbreaking to me. I think the anger must just be displacement for how he’s really feeling (worried, uncomfortable…) and he’s more able to show his feelings to Harry with the assistants than he is now… but Joeeeee. I don’t ever want him to feel hopeless with Harry, like he just has to accept whatever he wants 😭 I love him in this chapter… Arms crossed, eyes narrowed… red faced… clawing at the air as he ranted Jdhdhdj GOD HE’S SO ICONIC: ““Nope. Not gonna happen! Veto!” Joe leapt up from the box, strode all the way to the edge of the table, and jabbed a finger at him. “I don’t know what kind of sick, twisted doctor things you intend to do to people but whatever it is, it’s not happening in my house!”” I guess I want him to still be comfortable with yelling veto at Harry lmao!!
ALSO: the way he words this, I have a strong suspicion he does not know the word “patients”?! “”Let’s make a deal in exchange for patients. Give me something in exchange for patients.” Joe stammered. “You do that and I won’t make any trouble.””
Harry thinking of Joe as “the little bastard” in counterpoint to Joe’s “the tall bastard” really makes me smile too, hahahah.
AND THE FURTHER G/T TROPE INVERSION… just because he was willing to get in the giant’s hands one time doesn’t mean he’s suddenly fine with it!! I love how pissed they are at each other over this misunderstanding lmfao. He’s 👏 a 👏 wild 👏 tiny 👏 ‼️
And it’s so meaningful to me that the two of them bond more over sharing art with one another… Harry wants to introduce Joe to an amazing piano player… and Joe is so happy!!! The idea for a Charlie Chaplin bit with a rich miniature woman is SO inspired btw, I was as delighted as Joe was 😭 Harry being like “oh shit wait is this offensive” and then Joe just being like “THIS FUCKS SO HARD LMAO IT REALLY DO BE LIKE THAT”
And then the tragic aftermath… Harry NOTICING that he didn’t even know that he was doing anything wrong by bringing Joe there, it just FELT so dreadfully taboo (enough that Hill, who is MARRIED TO A TINY, also seems like he’s been caught doing something wrong when Harry first meets him)…. and then of course society reinforces that fear in a terrible way. Only a shared humanity regarding love of art saves poor Joe.. how lucky he’s gotten enough exposure to be able to speak in the presence of giants. You have to ponder how many tinies just as wonderfully complex as him have died for not having that skill. It’s so very sad!!! THE IMAGERY OF HIM ON THE LAMP LIKE IT’S A STREETCORNER JUST TWISTED THE KNIFE. Your writing really is so excellent, the way you can carry us through so many different emotions… Joe my belovedddd. I’m simply obsessed with the implications of him NAMING HARRY. WHAT IS /THAT/?? And the way that the narration in the story from this point on swaps to using Harry as his name… it speaks VOLUMES without you needing to elaborate on it at all. Joe has changed him! He’s becoming someone he likes better than Herman! A day we had good luck… Harry is good luck… Luck as a concept very different from what giants think of… I am absolutely enamored with how clearly he has a whole other world, another culture, that Harry can only guess at and be grateful to be included in.
JOE GETTING A NICE BATH AND A COMFORTABLE BED IN THIS CHAPTER IS JUST SO WHOLESOME (even if it will torment his Calvinist sensibilities later…) I am also so charmed to imagine how Joe must have woken up and been like “what the FUCK did I do last night. Where the HELL am I 🤨”
And then in Ch11 he’s like I WILL PROCEED NOT TO THINK OF THAT AT ALL. <- clueless
Ch11 is one of my favorites I think… we really get a good glimpse into how much heavy-duty rationalizing Joe is doing LMAO. “Taking food is fine, because I’m just using this tall bastard.” “It’s fine if I have leisure time.” “It’s fine if I like Harry and his company and I miss him when he’s gone and I want to give him a name.” “AS LONG AS I DON’T GET COMFORTABLE ALL OF THIS IS FINE.” This line is such a banger lol: “Joe Piccoli was many things as he went to sleep that night, but he was not a pet, and he was not comfortable.” And then the mouse!!! That Joe decides to draw rather than kill!!! Look at his needs being met!!!!!
And then. Good god. The arm scene… it’s just. Soooo. 👌👌👌👌 I’m so … 😵‍💫💖❤️‍🔥…
“I’m a wild tiny!” “You’re going to be a dead tiny if that gets infected.” Their dynamic is so fucking funny. AND THE TENDERNESS OF HARRY TOUCHING JOE… Joe being so overwhelmed not exactly with fear but HMMM I WONDER WHAT EMOTION AND WHY HE MIGHT FEEL SO OVERWHELMED HE STILL NEEDS TO CLOSE HIS EYES AND PRETEND HE’S HIDDEN UNDER THE FLOOR AGAIN… 🤔🤔🤔 whyever would the touch of this kind giant make his hair stand on end and make him contemplate the reverence he’s being touched with and leave his cheeks burning… it is a mystery
And then Joe being so afraid the mouse would be hurt because in contrast to the kindness he’s been shown, he still has this long history of awful experiences with giants.. this part in particular made my heart hurt:
“Don’t kill the mouse, Harry, please don’t kill it. It’s just like me. It hasn’t done anything to you.” Joe begged.
Followed by him remembering that this is /Harry, his friend, who he knows/:
“The words hit Joe like the breaking of a spell, and he stood in the kitchen windowsill feeling downright foolish. Of course Harry wouldn’t kill the mouse, Joe realized - of course he wouldn’t do that.”
OUGH. This story is SO delicious I’m beyond obsessed…
The two of them having a much less Charged encounter after Joe has resolved some of his internal conflicts, at least for the moment… chatting away like they’re two normal friends while Harry touches him… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH‼️
Their motorcycle shenanigans… Harry showing Joe his precious Contraption and Joe absolutely hating it omg it was so peak 😭 PLAYING “WHO’S-MORE-BORING CHICKEN”… the way Joe is like “I would rather Die than have to listen to this guy talk about how he’s more exciting than me. Absolutely not.”
I also very much appreciate the foreshadowing of the street car on this re-read…
AND may I say I really love that they went on a little nature trip together!!! I have thought often of the potential of a g/t story set outdoors, where the normal sized person and the tiny are both made small by how all-encompassing the wilderness is. Something to do with camping or backpacking! Maybe something I want to write one day! This gave me a delightful taste of that.
And then ch12… Harry’s realization that Joe won’t ever bring up anything if it’s just for his own benefit. Which by the way, on a re-read I can appreciate how cleverly you’ve set this up, if I didn’t write that clearly enough before! There’s something cultural there but also, I think, something uniquely Joe that Harry maybe can’t fully see yet. Harry’s watch from his parents breaking down at the same moment he’s trying to change his relationship with Joe, the new most important person in his life (at least I presume! He doesn’t seem to have other close friends/family) … very very good. This sentence is so evocative. Simultaneously funny and sad: “With the way Joe’s eyes shifted from side to side one would think the doctor had suggested they go rob a bank.” It’s very good angst realizing how much Harry is asking of Joe without him even knowing it…
BTW this part is so delightful. They’re so interested in each other!!! “When his footsteps announced his arrival, he could see the tiny’s movements through the missing floorboards as his neighbour crossed the floor and climbed back up to the windowsill above the counter.” <- guy who absolutely has NOT been gotten
“Joe smiling. A rare sight indeed.” JUST…. My heaaaart ‼️‼️
Also hilarious how Joe and now Harry have both had “mmm I do NOT like the way this guy is smiling right now” moments 🤣
GOD tho, Joe’s opening up about getting snatched… much like Harry, it made me feel absolutely beside myself.
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lyledebeast · 6 months
Captain Vidal vs Colonel Tavington
Long ago, I rewatched Pan's Labyrinth (2006) with the intention of comparing its villain with from The Patriot's. Then and also in last week's rewatch, I was surprised to find even more similarities than I expected. In no particular order, some things these two men have in common: rooting out rebel forces, child-killing, torturing, speech-making, and shaving. So, why is it that Vidal is the most terrifying movie villain I've encountered in my adult life while Tavington is my babygirl? There are three reasons.
Vidal is crueler to his enemies than Tavington.
Captain Vidal (Sergi Lopez) sees the rebels as vermin to be exterminated. Within about ten minutes of his first appearance he brutally and unexpectedly murders a young man with a wine bottle in front of his father for having Communist propaganda, and then murders the father. He seems to relish torturing rebels and attempts to do so on two occasions. In the first scene, Vidal addresses the man in a conversational tone while showing him the implements of torture he plans to use to get him to talk and explaining the effects he believe they will have. He taunts the man, who suffers from a speech impediment, that he will let him go if he can count to three without stuttering. He also makes a speech to Mercedes, but it is interrupted when she attacks him with the knife we saw her sew into her apron earlier. Although Vidal views the rebel man with contempt, he faces him during his speech. Mercedes is only able to escape because Vidal is so little concerned about her as a threat that he makes the whole speech with his back to her. Like Tavington, running his mouth gets him into trouble.
Colonel Tavington (Jason Isaacs), in spite of claiming to find "real pleasure" in his victim's suffering, is prepared to ride away from his first encounter with the Martin family without killing anyone. He metes out Martin's punishment for having aided rebel soldiers, threatens him and his children with his pistol, and seems content until Thomas ignores the warning and rushes to free his brother. After one rebel dies under torture, Tavington offers his companion a chance at more riches to add to his stolen ones if he gives up the information. I think Tavington is lying here and would kill this man even if he had accepted the offer, but that he is trying to get out of torturing him too provides a sharp contrast to Vidal, who is clearly mixing business with pleasure.
2. Vidal is crueler to those close to him than Tavington.
Vidal's men are as rattled by his murder of the farmer and his son as the audience, and yet he lays the blame for his actions at their door: "Let this teach you to search these fools before you come bothering me." He berates them similarly throughout other scenes. Tavington is clearly annoyed that the lieutenant he replaces as the highest ranking officer at the Martin farm does not know who carried the dispatches handed directly to Tavington in spite of having arrived two whole minutes before him, but he does not reprimand him. Tavington's second in command shows signs of being afraid of him both during his interview with the wounded soldier and after the first tortured militaman dies, but Tavington never behaves towards Bordon in ways that justify that fear. After Tavington's men follow him into Martin's trap, he does make some attempt to stop the charge and mitigate the damage he caused.
The sharpest contrast, though, lies in Vidal, unlike Tavington, having members of his own family on hand to mistreat. Initially, he seems to show some concern for Carmen, his wife and Ofelia's mother, but it quickly becomes clear that this is only a facade. When Dr. Ferreiro tells him that Carmen should not have traveled so near her due date, Vidal responds, "a son should be born where his father is," and when she falls dangerously ill, he tells the doctor to save his son, even at the expense of his mother. Vidal is indirectly responsible for Carmen's death, and, of course, very directly responsible for Ofelia's, but one particular incident of cruelty really resonated with me on this last rewatch. At the dinner party Vidal hosts, one of the officers' wives asks Carmen how she and Vidal met, and she explains that her late husband had made his uniforms. Vidal apologizes for her and says, "My wife is uneducated, and she believes these kinds of silly stories are interesting to people." If he is embarrassed at having married is deceased tailor's wife, perhaps he should not have married his deceased tailor's wife? Embarrassed or not, he saw a polite exchange between two women and said, "What in the fuck is that? I hate it!" Carmen is not a wife to him but a broodmare, and Ofelia is simply a nuisance. The only person he really cares for is his son, though even that care is questionable.
3. Vidal's evil actions are backed by evil principles
While Guillermo del Toro's heroes in this film are communists, the film is so much presenting communism in a favorable light as it is absolutely skewering fascism and the kind of masculinity that goes with it. Tavington and Vidal's attention to personal grooming initially appears to be a similarity, but closer inspection reveals the differences. The scene where Tavington shaves in the creek sets him apart from his own men, who are socializing with each other, but also the more rugged militiamen who cannot be bothered with such superficial concerns (and yet remain barefaced nonetheless . . . somehow). Vidal, though, is shown shaving on several occasions. And shining his boots. And cleaning his watch. As any second wave feminist can tell you, it's not about the final effect but the work it takes to produce it. Vidal is reproducing a rigid, militaristic masculinity like it's his job, which in some respects it certainly is. It is also a family legacy.
Both films provide stories about the villain's fathers, but while Tavington's is told by him in a scene of surprising emotional honesty given his usual propensity for lying his ass off, Vidal's is told by an unnamed man at the aforementioned dinner party. When he describes General Vidal breaking his watch in battle so his son would know at what time he died, Vidal replies, "That's ridiculous. My father never owned a watch." If you want to dispel a rumor, telling an even more ridiculous lie is not the way to do it. It is not a rumor, though, and Vidal confirms that when he hands his son to Mercedes at the end of the film and holds up his watch, saying, "Tell my son when his father died." In his eyes, this child is less a child than a replica.
Vidal's masculinity is one rooted in violent domination of both women and men that he sees as less than himself. He wants to pass these traits on to his son. As he explains to Ferreiro, "That boy will carry my name and my father's." Tavington also seeks to subjugate the local population, but like his shaving, this does not set him apart from the film's heroes in the ways the filmmakers intended. Vidal is evil because he's a patriarchal fascist in a feminist fantasy/drama. Tavington is evil because he's British in an American nationalist propaganda piece. I would argue that Vidal "works" better as a villain simply because Pan's Labyrinth is a better-written, smarter story than The Patriot. Of all the insights comparing these films has brought me, my favorite has to do with fatherhood. While Roland Emmerich sets it up as a virtue in and of itself. del Toro reminds the audience that being a father does not necessarily have to do with being selfless and caring. On the contrary, it can be narcissistic. Caring for one's own children carries little weight if it does not also entail caring for other people's children, as Mercedes does when she takes Vidal's son from his arms and when she tries to protect Ofelia from him. She breaks the patriarchal cycle when she responds to Vidal's final demand with, "No. [Your son] won't even know your name."
Indeed, it has been a real struggle to write this post without digressing onto the topic of how well-written and amazing the heroes of Pan's Labyrinth are in comparison to The Patriot's, but that's another post!
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5 Amazing K-drama’s you might not have seen (kdrama recommendations)
These are all from the past few years and are all relatively recent.
#1: Flower Of Evil
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Flower of Evil: 2020, 16 episodes
crime, romance
main leads: Lee Joon Gi & Moon Chae Won
summary: Although Baek Hee Sung is hiding a dark secret surrounding his true identity, he has established a happy family life and a successful career. He is a loving husband and doting father to his young daughter. But his perfect façade begins to crumble when his wife, Cha Ji Won, a homicide detective, begins investigating a string of serial murders from 15 years ago. Ji Won notices changes in Hee Sung’s behavior and begins to wonder if he could possibly be hiding something from her
Why i love it: I’ve been watching K-dramas for years and this drama is probably my favorite that I’ve ever seen. From the acting to the cinematography to the amazing plot twists. A female lead that isn’t annoying and dumb, a plot that isn’t unnecessarily dragged out and side characters as fleshed out and interesting as the main characters. Anyone with an interest in crime or action dramas has to have seen this masterpiece.
#2: Her Private Life
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Her Private Life: 2019, 16 episodes
office romance, comedy
main leads: Park Min Young & Kim Jae Wook
summary:  A dedicated professional, Sung Deok Mi lives for her work as an art gallery curator. Devoting herself to her work, she is exceptional in every way, save one. Beneath that cool, professional facade, Deok Mi carries a dark secret. A secret she desperately wants to keep from the world. A secret that has driven lovers away. A secret that rules every moment of her personal life... 
Sung Deok Mi is the ultimate Cha Shi An fangirl. The devoted manager of a Shi An fansite, Deok Mi eats, breathes, and sleeps for Shi An. He is her sun, her moon. Her entire universe revolves around him. This is the secret Deok Mi must hide from the world. And hide it she does. At least until Ryan Gold, the art gallery’s new director, saunters into her life. A once famous painter, the former artist turned director considers himself an indifferent being, unconcerned with the lives of others. But when he uncovers Deok Mi’s secret, everything changes.
Why i love it: I HATE love triangles with a burning passion and haven’t seen popular dramas like ‘Love Alarm’ or ‘True Beauty’ purely because I feel like the love triangle is going to drive me insane. But ‘Her private life’ did the impossible and not only managed to make me still love the show despite the love triangle. But they also showed me how, if done right, a love triangle can be really fun! I genuinely like all the characters in this and I love how mature they go about the dynamics between the characters. And seeing a plot where the female lead is a fangirl and it’s not portrayed in a way that I feel like is offensive, makes the little fangirl inside of me really happy. All around this is a cute drama with just the right amount of angst. Every fangirl deserves a partner like Ryan Gold.
#3: Ghost doctor
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Ghost doctor: 2022, 16 episodes
medical, fantasy, comedy
main leads: Jung Ji Hoon (Rain) & Kim Bum
summary: Cha Young Min is a genius doctor, with excelling skills at surgery, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an accident and due to this, his spirit possesses another doctor's body, Seung Tak. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities. 
Young Min is arrogant and cold-blooded, only cares about his career and doesn't care about any of his patient's personal stories. Seung Tak is the luckiest and richest resident doctor whose grandfather is the founder of Myung-shin hospital and whose mother is the chairman of the hospital. Never wanting to be a good doctor, he becomes possessed by a ghost doctor.
Why I love it: I’ve always liked both Rain and Kim Bum as actors and I closely followed all their projects. So you can imagine my excitement when I discovered they were going to do a drama together. I mostly just love the concept of this drama. It pulls off the buddy comedy and fantasy elements perfectly. And even the emotional heartfelt moments and plot twists hit home the way they should. At the core of this story is the bromance between Rain and Kim Bum and I think the drama does a good job at making sure that the love-plotline doesn’t steal the attention away from it. All around, it’s a cute and funny drama that I have rewatched a few times and enjoyed every time.
#4: Under the Queen’s Umbrella
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Under the Queen’s Umbrella: 2022, 16 episodes
historical, comedy, political
main lead: Im Hwa Ryung
summary: Within the palace exist troublemaking princes who cause nothing but headaches for the royal family and are about to be turned into proper crown princes. Their mother, Im Hwa Ryeong, is the wife of a great king. But instead of having an aura of elegance and grace, she is a prickly, sensitive, and hot-tempered queen. Once more serene, she changed since people kept pushing her buttons. She is a queen who sometimes abandons her pride and is even known to swear! Every day of her life is full of trials, but she withstands them all, for the sake of her children.
Why I love it: This is one of those dramas that I find difficult to describe. I intially scrolled past this on Netflix every time because the summary just didn’t appeal to me even though I love historical dramas. But then I saw someone on twitter talk about how underrated the show was and I decided to check it out. OMG, I can’t tell you happy I am that this person tweeted about it. The relationship between the queen and all her son’s and the way she steps up for them is just so *chef’s kiss*. Acting, cinematography, plot, this drama isn’t missing anything in my book.
#5: Weak Hero class 1
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Weak Hero Class 1: 2022, 8 episodes
Action, school
main lead: Park Ji Hoon & Choi Hyun Wook & Hong Kyung
summary: Yeon Shi Eun is a model student who ranks at the top of his high school. Physically, Yeon Shi Eun appears weak, but by using his wits and psychology, he fights against the violence that takes place inside and outside of his school.
Why I love it: I’m not a very emotional person and don’t cry easily at things. But when I tell you that this drama BROKE ME. Omg, my sister and I were in shock for like three days after watching it. This drama is based on a webtoon and the show was so memorable that for the first time in my life I started reading a webtoon. This show centers around the friendship of the three main leads and how they deal with bullies, gangs and abuse. It’s been months since I first saw it and it’s still often on my mind. Definitelly recommended but maybe not to the faint of heart lol.
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raptorsaurusmelain · 6 months
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 30
I am really trying to be better but it is hard to forget my baby kitty...
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Victoria was curious about the brain map in front of her. It was colorful, going from blue to white. Most of her right brain and about a third of her left brain were bright white. From what she remembered from anatomy class, the left brain is logic and the right is about creativity.
The doctor pointed to the right blob. “This explains your voices. Basically your brain is creating them and your left brain is not able to differentiate from reality. The over activity of your brain is unable to shut down and create your sleepless nights. What is your usual treatment ?”
Victoria thought hard to remember. “Uuuuh. A thymo-regulator, two antipsychotics in small doses and a relaxing pill to help induce sleep.”
The doctor pondered hard. “I see… Can you tell me a bit more about the molecules ? It would help me avoid creating a chemical shock.”
The young woman explained the dosage and the name of the molecules to the man in white robe. He nodded multiple times and took notes on his computer.
After what felt like an eternity, he prescribed her a stronger antipsychotic, some sleeping pills and asked her to increase the thymo-regulator. He also gave her a 2 week rest at home notice for Crowley, advising her to do the bare minimum and sleep through it.
She paid what seemed to be an enormous price and left the office.
Once outside, she bought a sandwich to eat while waiting for the bus. The prospect of climbing the mountain that leads to NRC wasn’t enjoyable for her. She clearly wasn’t a part of the mountain lovers club.
When she was done with her sandwich, the bus came and took her back to the academy. In front of it, she sighted. [How am I going to explain this to Yuu ? I should tell the truth, I know it but would they even be able to understand it ? It is a lot for a teenager to handle. “Hello, I am mentally ill but no worries I don’t go to the psych ward this often !”. She face-palmed herself way to go girl… If it is difficult for a child, what will it be when I will explain it to Grim ? The poor guy is going to ask me if he can eat it…].
She opened the door of the rundown dorm and was welcomed by the sight of the duo watching the TV, both with their mouths opened.
She had a small smile “Hey everyone…”.
They turned their heads and both had big smiles plastered on it. “Victoriaaaa !!!! We missed you !”.
Grim added “Yuu is not good at cooking.” while Yuu asked “Where were you ? We were a bit worried.”.
She had a small laugh and shut down the TV. Mustering her courage, she said “We need to talk about something serious.”
She sat on a sofa and inhaled slowly. “Yuu, Grim, I hide it, but I am a bit sick. Like I am constantly sick but by periods. And right now is one of those periods. Like you said Yuu, I am missing a lot of sleep and can’t really focus. And Grim, no I am not faking it to not go to the academy and work. I have 2 weeks off, so normally I should be better in a few days. Just that I will sleep a lot during the day and won’t be able to accompany you to school. Sorry…”.
Right on the dot, Grim asked “Can’t you eat it ?”.
The woman felt her soul leaving her body. [Super…]
Yuu hushed Grim. “You can’t chew off illnesses, Grim ! You need self-care and medications, even if it is just a cold. It can become worse if you don’t do anything.” They faced Victoria. “I understand, I… We will do our best to not hinder you in your recovery ! We will be calm and not mess around.”.
She pinched her nose “It is not a question of hindering of not, it is a question of understanding.” The woman smiled a bit. “I take your word for it, be calm and study hard, the exams are in 2 weeks.”
Yuu mumbled something. Victoria raised an eyebrow. “Yes Yuu ?”
They bite their lips. “Will you give us a group math class ? Ace, Deuce, Grim and I are behind.”.
The brunette frowned. “What ? But you both study it a lot. What happened ? Show me your notes”.
Yuu reappeared in the living room with their notes and showed it. The woman flipped through the pages. [Mhm… They are still studying the integrals but… This is not the level asked for a first year student.].
She looked at the last page where could see an attempt to resolve an equation with variable substitution. She blurted “Is this guy… Incompetent ?”.
Yuu lowered their head. Victoria hurried “Not you, Yuu. The teacher !! I think he is inapt to teach.”
The Child was surprised and Grim gasped. Grim asked “Why ?”.
[The racoon loves drama ?].
The eldest answered frankly. “What you are studying is far too high-level for you. It is outside program. You should be beginning to study about irreal planes and their reasoning. Not integrals with variable substitutions.”.
Grim had a wide smile and threw his paws in the air. “So it is normal that we understand nothing !! Nya ha ha, I knew it !”.
The woman massaged her temples while giving back  to Yuu their notes. “Alright, I will teach you. But it doesn’t mean it will be now, I need to rest first. Maybe in a week.”.
Tagged : @hipsterteller @1-randomized @boba-tea-fish
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hypnotisedfireflies · 11 months
I was just wondering if you had any more delegated scenes from The Legend of Charro?
I am rabid from some Western AU!
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Oh! I was going to share more of these and clean forgot. Thank you for reminding me. Yes, I do have some more cutting room floor bits. (And thank you for wanting to read more!!!)
I honestly don't know now where this one originally fit, but it was likely a middle chapter since the relationship is established. I actually have three cut versions of this scene but this is the better one. I wanted to include how they got engaged, but I couldn't make it work. I think I wrote they were engaged for around 18 months?? (because he was away, and her mother passed, etc) so they're about 17-odd here, and it's around?? a 18 months?? before the trouble started. (I think??) Anyway, it stops abruptly when I realised it wasn't working.
I also wanted to hint at the postmaster and Isobel colluding early by reading their mail, but it didn't seem that important to include when the rest came together.
Anyway, here's another outtake from The Legend of Charro, my Tessjoel Western AU:
Tess stepped up on the long wooden walkway connecting the general store, the doctor’s clinic and the post office.  She pulled her shawl a little closer and tried to keep her steps even and slow, but it was hard when she knew there might be another letter waiting for her.  She had a little stack of them in her pocket, tied together with string.  Joel was writing whenever he could.  He was somewhere west now with Sheriff Hocking, getting all that good experience for when it was his turn to keep the law of the land.  She was so proud.
She turned into the building and went right up to the counter.  The postmaster sure took his time getting up from his desk, but he smiled behind his half-moon glasses.
“Good afternoon, Miss Carradine.”
“Good morning,” she answered, wanting to leap over the counter herself and check the pigeon holes.  She knew which one was theirs, and she could see a letter sitting there.  “My ma sent me, she’s hopin’ for a letter from her sister in Boston?”
“Just this one,” he answered, plucking the envelope from it place.  It looked pretty beat-up, but had been pressed flat for her.  “Don’t think it’s from Boston, and it’s for you,” he looked like he knew exactly what she’d come for.
“Thank you, sir,” she answered, and tried not to snatch the letter from his fingers.  “Give my best to Isobel,” she added.
Tess hurried out, opening the letter as she went.  The seal gave easily beneath her trembling fingers and she tugged out the page inside.  She sat down on the side of the walkway to read, heedless of being in anyone’s way, uncaring of being found.  Everyone knew they were writing.  Why, her mother was even reading the letters, just to make sure there was nothing untoward. 
She smiled as she read through his brief descriptions of where he was and what he was learning, the things he saw and wished he could show her.  He always wrote that – some version of carrying her with him so that, in a way, she really could see what he saw.  The idea that he could be out there amongst so much and still thinking of her dazzled Tess.  And then she came to the last line and –
“In a minute, Nathaniel.  I’m readin’.”
She leaned closer to the letter.  Had she really read that last bit right?
“Can you give me a goddamn minute, I am tryin’ to read!”  She looked up in a fury, pulling her letter close in case he tried to take it away from her.
Nathaniel scoffed and held out his hand.  “Come on.”
“It’s for me!”
“He’s back, Tess.  He’s over at the jailhouse right now.”
“He’s back?  But I just got a letter.”
“Well, he beat it home.”  He shook his hand in the air.  “Come on.”
Tess took her brother’s hand with a slow grin and dexterously folded up the letter with her free hand.  She was still holding it when he escorted her into the sheriff's office, where the sheriff himself was sitting on the edge of his desk and chatting to his oldest son, standing before him with hands on hips.
What polite conversation took place for Nathaniel and Sheriff Miller to leave them alone was utterly lost on Tess.  She and Joel beamed at one another as the dust danced in the sunlight between them, too charged to settle on the boards. 
“When’d you get back?”
“This mornin’.  You look nice.”
Tess shook her head quickly and looked down, still smiling away.  “No, I’m all dirty.  I rode in with Nathaniel and – and we only just got in.”
“I’m all dirty, too,” he explained, passing through the sunlight to reach her.  “Only just come on back.”
He stopped when they were toe-to-toe.  Tess felt a little thrill loop around her stomach.  He glanced past her to the closed door.  Soft voices out there, hoof beats on a dusty street.  He was going to kiss her and that excitement, that moment right before they did it, never waned.  She especially liked the way he kissed her after he’d been gone a little while.  Tess curled her fingers around his necktie and he tugged her to him by the waist.  They kissed as long and deeply as they dared when the door could open any minute.
“You all right?”  Joel asked, short of breath and a little dazed when they broke for air.  “You been good while I was gone?”
She shook her head.  “No.  I’ve been bored and lonely.”
“You poor little thing,”  he grinned and kissed her some more.  “I missed you.”
The way his hands swept her back and skirt was nothing short of indecent.  Tess made the mistake of moaning and he broke the kiss, lifting his hands from her body to her hair instead.  He rested his head against hers and watched it pool and overflow in his fingers. 
“I’ll ride out to you tomorrow.”
He chuckled and lifted her to sit on the edge of his desk.  “Can’t you wait?”
“Can’t you?  Or you been callin’ on all those pretty girls out there?”
“No.” He shook his head slightly.  “Don’t talk like that.  Had all them others laughin’ at me while I stayed back to write you while they did all their whorin’.”
“… kept all your letters.”  Tess held up the one still crumpled in her hand.
“What you got there?” 
“That’s one of yours.”
“It only just come?”
“Mm hm.”
Joel leaned in to look at it.  She saw his confidence careen sideways when he realised which one it was.  His eyes flitted between hers and the ink.
“So … so what do you think?”
“I think … I think maybe I’d like that.”
“You’d like that?”  He broke out into a grin, shy and relieved, like he couldn’t quite believe it either.  Then he straightened up, all business.  “You know it can’t be right away.”
“That’s all right.  I can wait,” she eagerly replied.
“I have to ride away again.  Even as soon as next week. Don't look at me like that."
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rapha-reads · 10 months
The Star Beast
So. DoctorDonna is BACK. With a trans daughter, an absolutely wholesome husband, and a mellowed out mother!!!! What a BLAST that was, seeing her on screen again! It's what she deserves! FIFTEEN YEARS we've been asking justice for Donna Noble, and RTD delivered!!!!
(Also, is it me, or has Catherine Tate NOT aged at all?)
I'm super excited, that first special episode was awesome.
The Meep was terrifying and hilarious, even when they were being all cute, my very first reaction was "yeah, no, don't trust". Shoutout to Miriam Margolyes for the voice acting, that was perfect!
I loved that the Wrarth Warriors were so polite and official posh, with their look, it was super funny and interesting to watch and hear.
Oh, shoutout to our new UNIT liaison officer, Science Advisor 56 Shirley Anne Bingham! She sounds like the life of the party. I hope we get more of her (and her badass wheelchair).
I hope we get to see Wilf, it's so good that he's still alive, Bernard Cribbins is missed.
"Something that a male-presenting Time Lord wouldn't know to do" sent me OFF, lmao, also thank you RTD for all the references to Thirteenth, she WAS amazing and she deserves to be remembered.
Rose Noble is amazing and precious. She's going to grow up and be a brilliant, badass, amazing woman. That moment when she tells the Meep she feels lonely because she feels different hit right in the feels. Also her face when the stupid schoolboys bully her and call her deadname. [Personal aside: I argued with my mother today in amongst other things because she insists on calling me my full name version, which I don't like, instead of the diminutive, which is my chosen name - and she said "I named you Raphaelle, with the 'elle' ('she' in French, which, nope) at the end, very important", and that made me flinch so hard; please don't gender me, it's Rapha and that's it. Anyway, I'm glad to see more trans and nonbinary rep, especially in Doctor Who.]
Moving on.
If I had a nickel for every time the Doctor questioned "why this face", I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
DAVID TENNANT. Welcome back, Sir! I have to admit something: when everyone and especially people who kept shitting on Twelfth and Thirteenth got all excited about David Tennant coming back, I got a bit disheartened, because I felt (and a lot of people explicitly said) that it would overshadow and discard Capaldi's excellent work and Jodie's run, and I wasn't as excited about David as most people. BUT I gotta admit it: it is AMAZING to see David back in action as the Doctor, with the added weight of the Doctor's past three regenerations! He knows the character, he knows the history, he knows the universe, and it SHOWS. I love that he's older, wiser, grizzlier, more prudent, they got burn so many times, and yet still ridiculous, goofy, prone to fondness and kind to his bones... Yeah, that's the Doctor again.
And now onto the real star, the one true MVP... DONNA NOBLE. Most important woman in the universe. Brilliant, sassy Donna!!!! I looooove that amnesiac Donna gave away the money, and that it's the first thing she rails against when she gets all her memories back. It's just. Prime Donna stuff. All at once incredibly kind and driven to help, but also down to earth and practical. Yeah, yeah, helping others, of course, that's the priority, but also, damn it, take care of myself too, ya know? She's SO relatable!! Love that she adores her daughter and that's her calling. Remember when she felt so lost and aimless? Now she's got her objective: being a mother to an amazing daughter. Oh, and, uuuh.... Wrecking the Tardis every time she sets foot in it. Oops! Can't wait to see where they land!
Oh, oh, the Tardis! Not sure I'm a fan of the new design, tbh. Too white, too empty. I hope she's not going to stay like this too long. Pretty sure it won't, given that she's already on fire.
And on the last thing for this first episode: I do hope we're getting actual ties-in with the 60 years history...
Onto Wild Blue Yonder!
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matt-erialgirl · 1 year
A lot’s changed
I’m about to talk about cancer, so if this is something you can’t handle reading about, steer clear.
It’s just strange and terrifying when it happens in your own home. You know it’s as common as ever now; almost every family has experienced one form or the other of the disease, but you never expect it to enter your life. My mother was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in January 2023, it had already spread to her lymph nodes and a mastectomy was the immediate solution the doctors proposed. Albeit these news were the worst I had ever had to take in a doctor’s office, we were reassured constantly that her prognosis shows promise. That the biopsy results show that her body will respond to treatment. That she can have a full recovery.
While I’m thankful that she had a fighting chance, I’m inexplicably angry. They don’t tell you just how bad things can get with and after chemo. They touch on it, but it’s nowhere near as bad as the way my mother had to experience it. They don’t tell you she’ll cry because she can’t take the aches in her body, they don’t tell you how you can take away from her pain when her hair starts to fall out, they don’t tell you she might not be able to stand on her own anymore, they don’t tell you about the loosening of the nails, the numbness that runs all the way up to her ankles and wrists, the stiffness. And then she’ll show symptoms of rare side effects that no one would take seriously and we end up in the ICU for three nights. She’s the strongest woman I know - to give up her caregiving status as a mother so we can take care of her instead is, by itself, one of the most difficult things she had to do. She fought and is still fighting like no one else I know. But no one prepares you for how taxing it is to see a loved one like this. It’s painful to see them go from powerful and constantly on their feet and busy, to weak and needing help to get up, to not being able to walk into the doctor’s office and need a wheelchair, to not being able to sleep. They keep telling me that the hardest part is over, the Chemo and the surgery are done. No one really understands how hard it is, when she looked at me after the dressing was off with tears in her eyes and her lips quivering to ask me “how bad is it?”. No one really gets how furious it makes me that I can’t take her pain away. That I don’t know if she’ll ever accept herself the way she is now. That I don’t know if she’ll ever be the same. It changed her. It changed me. It changed all of us as a family. When cancer enters a home, it changes everyone around it. It tests you, it pushes you, it takes away from you, it exhausts you, drains you. Even while we’re trying to kill it, it’s still taking. Constantly fucking taking. And even when it’s gone, it’s still in the back of your head. Biannual screening. Tablets for years to come. Having to get screened yourself consistently. Some people will also have the audacity to tell you “Oh breast cancer isn’t difficult. It’s like getting the flu.” The fuck it is. Yes it’s easy to remove and yes it doesn’t affect bodily functions like other types of cancers, but it’s still a shit show. It’s still cancer. It’s still 16 chemotherapy cycles. It’s still a surgery with major physical impact. It’s still 25 radiotherapy sessions. It’s still fucking cancer. It’s still a life altering experience. It’s still one of the most difficult life lessons anyone has to learn.
All I want now is to get my mother back. The way she used to be. I miss her. I want to hug her and not hear “careful careful careful!”, I want to take her out and not think twice about where I’m going to park to make sure she doesn’t have to walk any more than she needs to. I want her to check up on me in the night rather than the other way round. I want her back.
At this point, you start to accept that all you can do is be there for them and hold their hand through it. Reassure them when it gets tough, love them when they can’t love themselves, take care of them when they can’t do it themselves, and hope they come out of it stronger than they ever were.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Ordior Arma
tagged by @dirty-bosmer tyty❤️ tagging @nientedenada and @tallmatcha, @thana-topsy, @gilgamish
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: T Category: gen Main Character: Hadvar of Riverwood Genre(s): Coming of Age, Fish out of Water, Special Interest: The works of Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Summary: Hadvar of Riverwood arrives in Cyrodiil as an Imperial Legion officer candidate recruit with very lofty ideas about what exactly being a soldier is all about. Those ideals are tested as he goes through the rigorous Legion training school and tries to acclimate to the much more "civilized" Imperial way of life in the Heartland Province. This is scene happens near the mid point of the fic. Zelmog gra-Morkul is an orc recruit in his training cohort. Immunis (pl. Immunes) was a rank in the Roman military that was given to those who instructed recruits in the art of warfare. (It was also given to specialists like engineers, doctors, etc, those who were immune from regular duty like digging latrines.)
Hadvar's eyes widened at the exquisite blade that was revealed as the wrappings fell away. The sword was beautifully balanced, with a dull olive sheen that flashed when the light struck it just right, marking it as made from an orichalcum alloy. Rather than the curved single-edged swords that had sometimes come through Uncle Alvor's workshop for repair, it was double-edged and straight, the broad blade perfect for the stabbing motions the Legion had drilled into them.The handle was wrapped in black and red leather, and the delicate metalwork of the hilt marked the smith as a master craftsman. A large black stone was set into the pommel.
"Zel, it's beautiful!"
"I suppose it is," Zelmog said, her voice quiet. "My mother made it, her mark is here." She ran her thumb over part of the hilt, where a flaming hammer was seamlessly contained in the scrollwork.
"See, you didn't have to worry about your family being disappointed," he said, grinning. "This sword is better than half the weapons I've seen actual Tribunes wearing! I guess you have to use the weapons they say during training but just think of how impressive it will look when we've got our own commands!"
"Yes...proud." Zelmog smiled at Hadvar, but it didn't seem to reach her eyes. Something was bothering her, and Hadvar could not work out what. "That's what this means. She's proud of me." Zelmog sighed and looked out the doorway. "I'm going to go work on that maneuver Master Graccus was showing us. You'd better get back to-"
"Recruits!" Immunis Siccia's voice rang out behind them, Hadvar and Zelmog immediately snapped to attention and saluted, their fists hitting their chests in unison. "At ease." They both relaxed marginally as Siccia approached.
She held out her hands, and Zelmog dutifully placed the sword and its wrappings in her open palms.
"I thought that might be what was in that package, recruit. It's beautiful work."
"Yes, ma'am."
For a few long moments Siccia looked over the sword, testing its balance and inspecting the careful stitching on the leather. Finally she spoke.
"Many of our most distinguished officers wear weapons they received from their strongholds instead of the weapons the Legion issued them. You may do so if and when you wish."
Hadvar was surprised - he had never heard of a recruit being allowed to have their own weapon during training! He shot a happy look at Zelmog, but she was still staring at the sword in Siccia's hands.
"I- I'd like it to be placed with my personal belongings, ma'am." Her voice was flat.
"Of course recruit. I will personally see that it is secured appropriately." Siccia started to turn away, then paused. "You are well on your way to being an exemplary Legion officer, Zelmog."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"As you were."
When Siccia had disappeared around the corner, Hadvar turned to Zelmog with a wide grin. "I bet that's the first time Siccia has ever given a recruit a compliment! I can't-"
"I'm going to go to the weapons yard," Zelmog interrupted him. "I need to be alone."
Before Hadvar could say anything, Zelmog was stalking quickly down the path to the training yard, and he was left with the uncomfortable feeling that he had missed something very important.
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