#also perhaps like a breakdown is incoming but i don’t ?? know why????
dykeninthdoctor · 2 years
literally in the weirdest mental state of my life rn. what is going on
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georgeshutcheson · 11 months
Unraveling the Mysteries of PAYE: A Comprehensive Guide
New Post has been published on https://www.fastaccountant.co.uk/paye-a-comprehensive-guide/
Unraveling the Mysteries of PAYE: A Comprehensive Guide
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The article today is all about a very important, yet often misunderstood concept – Pay As You Earn, or for short. Understanding how PAYE works can save you quite a bit of stress come tax time, and it can even help you plan your finances better. So, let’s jump right in!
The Basics of PAYE
PAYE, or Pay As You Earn, is a method of tax collection used by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). It’s pretty straightforward – as you earn income, tax is automatically deducted and sent to HMRC. This happens each time you’re paid, whether that’s weekly, monthly, or otherwise. PAYE is applied to most types of income from employment, including wages from your job and most pensions.
But why should you care about PAYE? Simple. It’s the system that determines how much income tax is deducted from your pay. The better you understand it, the better you can manage your financial planning.
How It Works: Step-by-Step Breakdown
At its core, PAYE is about calculating the correct amount of income tax to deduct from your earnings. Your employer plays a big role in this. They use your tax code to figure out how much to deduct from your wages before they hand over the net pay.
The tax code itself is issued by HMRC, and it’s designed to reflect your tax-free personal allowance – the amount you can earn before you start paying tax. If your tax code changes, your PAYE deductions will likely change too.
PAYE and Self-Assessment
It’s a common misconception that if you’re self-employed, PAYE doesn’t apply to you. This is not strictly true! Even if you’re your own boss, you might need to send a Self-Assessment tax return, and PAYE could still be relevant to your other income from employment related activities where tax is deducted at source.
PAYE and Self-Assessment may seem like strange bedfellows, but they do intersect. If you’re both employed and self-employed, for example, you may become subject to both. In this case, your PAYE income and deductions will be important details for your Self-Assessment return.
The Role of HMRC in PAYE
HMRC is like the conductor of the PAYE orchestra. They oversee the system, issue tax codes, and collect the tax that’s been deducted by employers. Your interactions with HMRC might include checking your tax code or making sure deductions from you pay are correct.
Remember, your PAYE history forms part of your tax record. So if something doesn’t look right, or you have any questions about Pay as you earn, it’s a good idea to contact your employer or HMRC. They’re there to help you understand and resolve any issues.
Potential Issues and How to Resolve Them
Even with the best-laid plans, issues can arise with PAYE. For example, you might have the wrong tax code, leading to incorrect PAYE deductions. Or perhaps you’ve started a new job, and there’s a delay in applying the correct tax code.
In most cases, these issues can be resolved by contacting HMRC directly. They can help you confirm your tax code, understand your deductions, and resolve any discrepancies. If things get complex, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a tax professional.
Optimizing Your Financial Planning
Understanding PAYE is more than just knowing what chunk of your wage goes to the taxman. It’s a key tool in your financial planning toolkit. Once you know how your deductions from your salary or wages are calculated, you can budget more accurately, because you’ll know what your take-home pay will be.
PAYE is also a big player in retirement planning. Your pension contributions may be made through a PAYE scheme, so it’s worth understanding how this will affect your income now and in retirement.
We’ve covered quite a bit of ground, haven’t we? From the basics of PAYE to its impact on your finances, I hope this guide has shed some light on the mysteries of PAYE. Remember, understanding PAYE isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing journey, just like your financial planning.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What is a tax code? A: A tax code is used by HMRC to your employer or pension provider to work out how much Income Tax to take from your pay or pension.
Q: How is PAYE calculated? A: It is calculated based on your income, using your tax code and official tax rates in operation.
Q: What if I have the wrong tax code? A: If you believe your tax code is wrong, you should contact HMRC. They can help you to resolve this issue.
Remember, when in doubt, ask! If you have any questions or experiences with that you’d like to share, pop them in the comments.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
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Chapter Four
“Dang it!” I bellow eight days later, as my body gives way and topples over, having used too great of force to yank a now dead primrose from the ground.
Yesterday morning I had come outside to discover the yellow evening primroses, the flowers Peeta had planted upon his arrival back in Twelve, had all but died.
And I didn’t even notice. I’ve been so distracted with everything else going on in my life—namely Peeta and his blonde companion—that I entirely forgot about the flowers. The flowers that my sister was named for. The flowers meant to represent her when she was no longer alive to represent herself.
The idea that I could forget the plant, that I let myself lag on the simple duty of keeping them alive and watered and healthy, felt as if I had let my little sister down all over again. It felt as if I’d failed Prim a second time.
And it’s more than I can handle. I can’t even endure the thought. The very implication that I am, in any way, dishonoring my sister’s memory is entirely unbearable. Even if it is just me implying it, inside my head.
But in any case, it looks like the primroses are too far gone and I don’t have even a chance at resurrecting them back to life. I took too long to notice their wilting, I was too caught up in other things, that I let the plants die and now there’s no going back.
For a split second I consider returning one of my mother’s many calls to ask for gardening advice. She has always had a green thumb and been able to grow whatever she set her mind to. I never had any of those skills. I was a hunter by nature, not a nurturer.
No, that was Prim. The soft and gentle one, who loved animals, who could heal any wound she could identify, who could garden and grow herbs just as well as our mother.
And I miss her so much. I miss my little sister so very much that I almost breakdown into tears right then and there, right in front of the dead primrose bush outside my house.
“Katniss?” I hear someone call in the distance. I recognize the voice instantly.
And rapidly get up and make a beeline towards my front door.
Unfortunately he’s determined to catch me. After eight solid days of evasion, Peeta is dead set on catching me at any given opportunity before him.
It’s almost funny how once upon a time it was him who wished to avoid me. It was him who craved distance between us, who acted icy and detached at every encounter, whether forced or by chance.
Now it’s him trying to force an encounter between us, trying desperately to make up for hurting me, trying to still be a part of my life, even after I pronounced our relationship finished.
The bread he left on my doorstep—that I immediately tossed in the garbage—is proof of that. The cheesebuns he left on my counter who met their demise to a flock of birds on my back porch is proof of that. The cookies he baked and passed through Greasy Sae when I went to trade at the new, rebuilt Hob is glaring proof of his efforts.
I did actually eat those but I made sure to do it in private, where Peeta would never know if his token was accepted or not.
Because I don’t want him to think we’re okay. I don’t want Peeta to believe me and him can still be friends, with Bailey Robyn, the uptight, controlling blonde still lingering over his every move.
Okay, maybe I’m being a bit overdramatic. Bailey isn’t residing over Peeta’s every action. She probably doesn’t even know he’s made all these treats for me. And she surely wasn’t sitting by his side in the corner of Greasy Sae’s booth when our eyes briefly met before I stubbornly stormed out.
But I feel like she is. I feel her presence overcast in every one of Peeta’s actions, in every deed he partakes in, in every moment I run into him. Maybe it’s only inside my head but it’s enough reason for me to avoid Peeta. It’s enough reason that I wish to stand by my words eight days ago and cut him directly out of my life. With a chainsaw if necessary, I wish to cut the invisible cord that has tied me and him together for so long now.
“Katniss!” Peeta calls again, his arms grasping my waist just in time to prevent my escape into the house.
“Go away,” I mutter under my breath, ire and ache still seeping off me even after a week separating this moment here with our last interaction.
“Why are you upset?” He asks, a little breathless now from the race to my front door. But even tired, concern still manages to leak into his tone. His blue eyes still show anxiety for my well-being.
And it’s still not enough to thaw me.
“You know why,” I say rigidly, pulling my front door open and shoving his hands away from me.
“No, no, I mean,” he quickly tries to correct his question. “I meant, what’s happened out here that has you upset?”
I audibly huff, my eyes about as warm as a popsicle in a snowstorm. The last thing I want to do is stand here and recount just about anything to Peeta, especially in regards to the way I’m currently feeling.
Especially after the last time we spoke about our feelings, when I chose to let him in and allowed him to see the vulnerable parts of me that I never trust anyone with.
Only for him to turn around and side with Bailey over me.
But knowing how persistent Peeta can be when properly determined—his intensity to train like a Career, Brutus’ murder and him warning District Thirteen about Snow’s incoming attack all fly to the top of that list—I merely gesture widely to my backyard, where the dead flowers lie.
It only takes Peeta a moment to click it all together, to his credit. Though I’m hesitant to even offer him that right now.
“I’ll replant them,” he instantly offers, like a dog begging to fetch his owner a carcass bone.
“Don’t bother,” I say, about as rude and uninviting as humanly possible. “It’s not your responsibility.”
I’m just stepping into the house when Peeta’s hand shoves on the door, hard enough to keep it open. For a split second, I contemplate putting all my strength behind it and slamming his fingers in the door. But even as mad as I am—even as wounded as I am—I won’t physically harm Peeta.
After all, he already lost his leg once about I tied it in a tourniquet. I may have saved his life but I also cost him half a limb and that thought alone stops me from nearly taking his fingers off too.
“Katniss, I want to,” he pleads and his eyes are so big and blue and I feel my heart involuntarily melt a bit upon at the sight. “I want to replant them.”
I release an unconscious breath, for the first time in over a week not completely hostile towards the boy with the bread, who in my eyes, completely turned his back on me. Or so it feels. “I’ll just end up killing them again, Peeta. I’m serious. Don’t even bother.”
“Then I’ll tend to them,” Peeta throws out, getting more and more desperate the more I refuse, it seems.
I’m about to brush off his offer once again when another voice joins us. “Oh, let him do it, sweetheart. The boy needs a hobby besides baking,” Haymitch chimes in, standing at the bottom of my porch, looking drunk as ever.
“You love that baking is his only hobby,” I shoot back at the paunchy, old man.
“Well, not anymore. Since you two started fighting he’s been making me fat. I need a break.”
I’m about to come back with another comment, probably one to suggest Haymitch doesn’t have to eat everything Peeta brings, when we’re joined by a third presence.
Of course, she has to join us. Bailey can’t seem to let Peeta go anywhere without her nowadays.
“What’s going on?” She murmurs, looking around at all our tense body language. Well, at mine and Peeta’s tense body language. Haymitch is currently sitting on the bottom step of my porch now, as relaxed as Buttercup is in the window.
Peeta opens his mouth to respond but then shuts it again, glancing back at me. I don’t know if it’s the fact that he doesn’t wish to discuss his offer to help me with his girlfriend or if it’s the fact that he clearly knows I dislike the notion of Bailey in my business, but either way I’m a little pleased when he closes his mouth and adverts eye contact away from the blonde.
Instead it’s my drunken mentor who elaborates. “The girl’s flowers died. Your boyfriend just wants to replant them.”
To my utter astonishment, Bailey seems amendable to the idea. “The flowers for your sister?” She inquires, looking right at me. I shoot her a quizzical—and perhaps slightly unfriendly—look out of the corner of my eye but she continues on anyway. “Peeta, you should help her plant them again. Especially since you let them die-“
But I’ve heard enough from her—and everyone else here, for that matter—and I turn to Peeta, my hand still holding the doorknob tightly, ready to slam it shut. “Fine,” I cave, my tone anything but grateful. “Go ahead and replant the primroses. If that’s going to help you, then go for it.”
I don’t wait to hear a response from any of the parties now camped out on my property. Instead I shove Peeta’s fingers off my door—first time I’ve touched him in eight days—and throw it shut with such a force I feel the walls in my entryway shake.
“She’s always been a spitfire,” I hear Haymitch mumble as three sets of footsteps make their way further from my porch.
I barely catch Peeta’s response. If I hadn’t been standing by the door, unintentionally listening to hear what they may be saying, I would have missed it altogether.
“That’s the best thing about her.”
It’s just mere hours later before I’m disturbed once again. This time not by a crew of three but by one solo intruder.
“Sweetheart?” Haymitch barks, evidently not too keen on the fact that I decided to turn every light in my house off after returning home from the Hob.
“Go away,” I mumble out, knowing well and clear that he can’t hear me from upstairs. I’m in my bedroom, lying in the safety of my own bed, in my own private sanctuary, where I do not wish to be disturbed by anyone at any cost.
Of course, it only takes a few minutes of bumping into things and cursing for Haymitch to track me down. “Girl, it’s six at night?” He says incredulously.
“So?” I snap, as he turns my light on, effectively blinding me.
“Did you just forget about dinner tonight?” He asks, his voice neither kind nor hostile. In all honesty, he just sounds puzzled.
“Why are you in my room, Haymitch?” I murmur, rubbing my eyes until they adjust to the beaming brightness and pulling myself upwards now. Off his dismissive glance, I let out a deep sigh. “I wasn’t hungry.”
Of course, we’re not really talking about me skipping a meal. I highly doubt Haymitch truly cares if I miss dinner by my own accord. He surely wasn’t too interested in my meal intake when he brought me home from the Capitol and dropped me off on my doorstep.
No, we’re referring to the weekly dinners me, Peeta and Haymitch have at the old man’s pig sty. The same dinners I’ve brought Delly along to, that Haymitch is constantly passing out drunk during, that Bailey has been crashing nonstop since arriving here in Twelve.
When I came home from trading at the Hob tonight, I decided I was done with those dinners. I don’t need to subject myself to bossy Bailey any longer, and my resolve to keep Peeta out of my life as much as humanly possible is still strong. Despite the fact that I agreed to let him plant the primroses in my garden again and tend to their growth, I still don’t wish for us to be friends. I still don’t want to subject myself any further to him and Bailey’s exhibits.
And I figured no one would mind my absence anyways. At least not for a few dinners. I knew eventually Haymitch would try to push me to come back and Peeta would probably ask me very sweetly to join again, but I didn’t think the first night I skipped would be a huge production.
And okay, maybe there is a small part of me who deep down hopes if I refuse to come, Bailey may be disinvited in order to make me feel welcome again. It’s a long shot and not one I’d consciously admit to counting on, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a small, minuscule part of me wishing for that to happen just the same.
Haymitch glances at me suspiciously now. “You’re always hungry, kid.”
“I am not.”
“Yes, you are. You’re the most enthusiastic eater I know.”
Okay, he is blatantly confused apparently. His drunken goggles are blurring his perspective of reality, it would seem.
In any case, I flop backwards on my bed and roll away, hoping if I ignore my mentor long enough he’ll just evaporate into thin air.
But for some reason, Haymitch is weirdly dogged tonight. “Come on,” he urges, shaking my shoulder a bit too roughly. “I know the boy always says you’re just like me, but this little display is over the top, Katniss.”
I roll my eyes. “Why do you even want me at those dinners, Haymitch? You have Peeta and Bailey there.” I can’t stop myself from throwing the extra emphasis on Bailey, as immature as it may be.
However, the old man isn’t interested in dignifying me with a response. “And Delly. And Johanna. And Annie Cresta.”
That catches me completely off-guard. “What?”
In the time since the war ended and I returned to Twelve—or rather, was exiled to Twelve—no one from the other districts have visited. I have barely seen anyone I know in the last few months, outside Haymitch, Peeta and Delly.
“Some of which are anxious to see you at dinner,” he adds, gesturing for me to get up.
I shoot him a mordant glance. “Johanna’s anxious to see me?”
“I said some. Meaning Delly and Annie,” he clarifies. Off my still hesitant expression, he reaches down and tugs on my wrist, trying to get me out of bed.
“Fine!” I exclaim, feeling strangely embarrassed now as I realize that our roles are suddenly being reversed. I’m the one who always forced him out of bed, who made him come to meals, who fought with him to hurry up and get moving.
In the end, I don’t bother cleaning myself up or trying to appear presentable. Johanna and Annie won’t care and Peeta doesn’t get to care anymore.
And it wouldn’t matter anyway. Even if Effie Trinket or my entire prep team were here, I’d never stand a chance of looking anything but plain next to Bailey.
It’s not that I care that she’s so blatantly pretty. It’s just that her looks are one more thing about her presence to be bothered by, and that list is getting long and extensive. Even after her apparent approval of Peeta gardening my primroses, even after no negative interactions in eight days, I still sense hostility with her. And I still can’t stare at her without feeling my stomach churn.
Because every time she’s around, I know I’m about to be the odd one out. For whatever reason, outside of Delly, the people I care for, hold a deep affinity for Bailey Robyn.
And it bothers me above anything I can express. It bothers me beyond words, beyond measure, beyond any sense of feeling.
“Look who I found,” Haymitch announces as we enter through the threshold of his filthy residence.
“Katniss!” Annie exclaims and tosses her arms around my neck, despite the fact that we’ve never been too close. I can’t even remember the last time we had a conversation in person. The only true communication between me and Annie is the letters she sends, the ones filled with details of her life in Four and Finnick’s son. The ones I rarely respond to, but always read just the same.
Still, despite the fact that Annie might as well be a glorified stranger to me, I return the embrace, instinctively at first and then, simply because I want to. Because no one besides Peeta has given me any sort of affection in months and I miss it. Now that Peeta has put conditions on our relationship, I am hungry for any physical touch at all.
It shocks me to realize, in that moment, just how completely starved I am, for closeness.
I hug Annie for far longer than I think anyone watching anticipated but she doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seems to welcome it too.
Then again, her husband died and left her with seemingly no family at all to help raise their baby. So perhaps she’s just as desperate for a human touch—I suppose besides her son—as I am.
I don’t receive the same welcome from Johanna, unsurprisingly, but as soon as me and Annie break apart, she shoots me a satirical glance and pulls on a piece of my hair.
“Ow!” I exclaim, my thick brows furrowing in confusion. “What was that for?”
“It was sticking up,” she explains with a shrug and then smirks. “Did you just roll out of bed and come here?”
“Did you?” Her outfit is just denim pants and a low cut t-shirt. Not that different from my attire.
“Yes. And I’m not ashamed of it.” She runs a hand over her hair which has grown out to about length with her shoulders. “But I know how to use a hairbrush, at least.”
I roll my eyes as she nudges me. “This is dinner,” Haymitch deadpans as he makes his way to the table. “Not a Capitol Beauty Contest.”
Jo examines the unwashed table as we follow the grumpy man’s lead. As of right now, the table is completely void of substance. “Doesn’t dinner imply food?” She asks and Annie laughs lightly, suggesting she was thinking along the same lines.
“Haymitch doesn’t believe in cooking himself,” I retort, earning a look from the old man. “He’s waiting for Peeta to arrive with food.”
“You’re more than welcome to provide the meal, sweetheart.”
“And what are you providing?”
“The residence the meal is served at.”
“And what a residence it is!” Exclaims a completely different voice, a higher pitched soprano.
And like clockwork, three blonde heads round the corner of the dining room, abruptly joining the party.
Delly looks as enthusiastic to be walking with Peeta and Bailey as I am to be in their company right now. Which she further evidences by hurrying to the seat at my right.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a grin,” Haymitch remarks as he pulls out a bottle of white liquor and pours it into a half-clean glass.
“Wonder why that is,” I murmur out loud before thinking better of it. After all, Haymitch seems to care for Bailey more than me nowadays. I should probably not stir the pot before the food is even presented before me.
But he doesn’t reply back. Even if he did, I doubt I’d notice anyway.
Because, in the flash of a second, the attention of the room is completely shifted.
I knew Bailey was coming with Peeta. She’s practically glued to his hip at all times of day, almost as if she’s afraid to let him out of her sight. But it would seem that Haymitch did not inform Johanna or Annie about Peeta’s new relationship, effectively catching them both by surprise at the additional dinner guest.
And there’s little room for doubt to anyone with eyes that they’re together. Their hands are practically singed as one, in an airtight grasp, her manicured nails intertwined with his long fingers.
For a split second I wonder if that’s what my hand looked like inside Peeta’s last week. I wonder if this is what Bailey saw before her, when she caught us roaming through town at the crack of dawn.
“Barley?” Johanna says in a shocked voice.
It takes a moment for her comment to compute in my brain. “Bailey,” I correct, trying to be helpful. Though I’m unsure where she even managed to get the name Barley at all. Especially if Haymitch didn’t warn her about the girl Peeta was bringing and I strongly suspect he didn’t.
Jo looks at me like I’m insane for the amendment before turning back to Bailey and Peeta. “You’re dating Bailey Barley?” She say incredulously.
Bailey Barley? Is that a nickname? Now I’m the one who’s completely lost at sea, feeling like there was a good chunk of time I somehow missed.
Bailey’s blue eyes stare into Jo’s now, not exactly friendly but not as belligerent as I’ve seen her before. As I saw her last week.
I don’t know nor do I understand what they’re silently communicating, but I do comprehend one thing without a doubt.
Johanna knows Bailey. Somehow, someway, Johanna knows Bailey even more than I do.
Peeta doesn’t seem too confused though. He doesn’t even seem fazed by the exchange at all. Instead he drops Bailey’s hand—not soon enough, in my opinion—and moves to set some kind of meat and potato meal down on the table.
“Where did you get the meat?” I ask abruptly, recognizing it as deer. I just shot my first in a long time only the other day. How on Earth did Peeta get deer meat around the same time I did.
“I traded a cake for it. At the Hob,” he explains nonchalantly, avoiding my bewildered eyes now.
I just stare at him for a second, debating on even further commenting.
The Hob is where I traded the deer after killing it. Peeta literally baked a cake and traded it for meat, just because I wouldn’t speak to him.
He literally traded a cake so I could eat the meat that I hunted myself.
Something about that scenario vindicates me slightly. And I have to wonder if I’ve become sadistic with time and solitude.
My attention though is pulled back to Johanna and Bailey now. “What’re you doing in Twelve?”
Bailey takes her seat, between Haymitch and Peeta, with grace. “Peeta and I met in the Capitol,” she states simply. “I decided to come here and spend some more time with him. Get to know him a little better.”
As if to punctuate her words, she places one dainty hand on top of Peeta’s and gives it a squeeze.
I can’t even fight my eye roll.
“I see,” Jo murmurs, casting a sideway glance at me, none too subtle. “Well, it looks like you did... that.”
Delly snickers into her water glass and I don’t miss the way Bailey shoots her an irritated glance. Peeta seemingly does though. Haymitch is already too tipsy to care if an actual fight breaks out among us, his white liquor kicking in quick.
Annie on the other hand, who I’ve always believed to often be oblivious to all those around her, decidedly cuts the tension here. “Well, I’m hungry. Peeta, pass me a plate.”
And just like that, we’re having one of the most awkward meals I’ve ever had to endure.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
I love your art, it is very detailed in a neat way. Was wondering how you got started making it as a source of income? How did you get your first paid work, I'd love some advice on how to get started, if that's ok
Thank you. Of course it's okay, although I doubt I have enough work experience in art to really delve into this. I only went full freelance this year, and had been juggling art as a side hobby until then. If you're still interested in my somewhat narrow perspective, and are okay with my long-winded rambles, I'll give it a shot:
So to answer your question fully, I'll describe how I started and move into personal advice and learnings later on. As a disclaimer, I am a white cishet dude in my late twenties with a moderate cocktail of mental illnesses, but overall I can pass for a functioning adult so a lot I have to say may come laced with privilege I cannot fully identify.
So uhh I began drawing in around 2012? I think? Maybe halfway through 2011? And I mostly made fanart for things I enjoyed and tried to branch out in communities that felt nourishing to my style and interests (I caught a bug for alt posters and enjoyed mainstream movies so I spent a long time on posterspy early on). There were a handful of opportunities that came from there but I could only accept a couple because of primary workplace commitments. Still, it showed that networking in a focused community was definitely a good place to start; I myself have huge trouble committing to social networks and really staying socially active, but I knew it was an essential ingredient in succeeding so I tried to make myself be involved in challenges and art support trains etc. as much as I could.
In parallel to all that I also ran a few third party online stores (redbubble, teepublic) for disposable income and would sometimes, if rarely, hit around $100-150 a month from those sources combined. It is a sort of thing that requires helper accounts on other social media sites to promote it on, because the stores themselves have a huge volume of content that translates into low organic discoverability. Obviously it was never gonna be the way towards financial independence through art, and with community projects being few and far between, I opened private commissions in around uhhh 2017 I think, focusing on offering a few styles I knew I could do well, and sometimes operating in individual fandoms (it was mostly a bioware thing to be frank). But I had to close them back down after a year or so, again because of work-life conflict and how badly it was burning me out. The reason I kept trying to monetize this hobby is because I honestly hated what I did for my main job and wanted to see a way out in some shape or form in the future.
And then in 2020 I had to quit my main job altogether because of *gestures at pandemic* and deal with a mental breakdown from all the wonderful things it did to us and me specifically. I took a short break and decided to give art a shot full-time, and that was around May this year. I was planning on opening up commissions again (and I still am), but a few sudden opportunities that fell in my lap moved that timetable down and now I'm grateful to even be doing something I am getting adequately paid for.
So, with that somewhat limited perspective, here's what I've learned that I'd tell myself if I was just starting out:
1. Being a fan of something can be a shortcut towards effective networking kickoffs. Which are important evidently. If you love something and enjoy making content for it, join communities, settle into a combination of social media websites that feel right for those interests + your body of work + your inner rhythm, and try to play to content discovery as much as your mental health allows you to. Like I said, I know that I myself am incredibly bad at self-motivating to talk to people, so I found that synergizing common interests into fanart - which I enjoyed making anyway - could be a way to give myself a gentle nudge forward and build those bridges leading to community activities, which then net experience and coverage. Sometimes even freelance projects from official avenues. Again; picking the right spaces for what you're after is key. Companies roam twitter, concept art recruiters scour artstation or linkedin etc, instagram can land you private commissions and collab opportunities, so on and so forth. Find your niche and try to kick up dust. However...
2. I do not believe that any social profile can replace a good portfolio. The thing that made an immediate difference to me this year was building a coherent, simple website with my best work front and center and a contact form on top. Every single opportunity I got came from that form (maybe via twitter or instagram initially, but always sealing the decision after going through the website), so I firmly believe that showcasing your skills and portfolio in a visually arresting and user-friendly way is a big priority. I had some reservations about tackling that task but fortunately I had help from a savvy life partner and we slapped it together via wordpress in less than a day. Twitter/whatever social media is prevalent in your target groups is definitely important to get the right eyes on your shit, yes, but those eyes will then look for a second stop where your work and rates are more clear and concise. Simplicity is key imo, I cannot overstate this. So make a cute, simple portfolio!
3. Your skills and rates will grow and change as you do. Let them. Over the years I built several lasting professional relationships from my obsession over mass effect and kept getting opportunities both from bioware and their partner companies, some small and some a bit bigger. A one-off job earlier this year opened an unexpected door to another much larger commitment, and then the work I did there brought some attention from small businesses looking for commercial commissions. These were all incredibly different projects in terms of scope and budget, and I've been tackling them all on a case-by-case basis and slowly coming into my own irt my needs, rates, and SOW thresholds. It is still a work in progress (and a LOT of literal work as well), and very much a thing I struggle with in publicly marketing, which is why I felt a tad underqualified to answer your question in the first place (obviously I did not let that stop me). But what it means for me now is that I am rapidly developing into whatever my "version" of a functioning freelance artist is, and when the conditions for that guy are met, I need to be able to confidently plant myself and operate from that space despite past precedents. Do not let anyone bully you into downpricing what you yourself perceive as legitimate products of personal growth and development. Speaking of which...
4. The shitty challenge of turning envy into inspiration, and paddling outside your comfort zones in full riot gear. it is hard, but realizing that being a miserable, self-hating artist in my early days got me nothing but more misery back was the first real step I took and what truly blew the hinges off. I was just not pleasant to be around, I would badmouth my work all the time, and it all somehow made sense in my broken mind because the validation I sought was purely external and the way I sought it was through eliciting sympathy via self-victimization (even when I made something objectively nice). It all led fucking nowhere. Except perhaps to my own narcissism that I one day managed to identify and start managing. So I started looking at things that made me seethe with envy and calmly deconstruct and figure out their inner workings instead, do studies, and find nuggets of inspiration or discover new ways to approach rendering or building up specific elements. It was an application of analytical diligence to what I wanted to be a purely emotional, esoteric workflow, but that I deep down knew wasn't. Art is a discipline and a skill, and maybe it isn't a straight line, but you gotta find some line to thread nevertheless. Being self-hating was almost an identity I had to break out of, and despite it still being like, 4-5% there? I realize its cause and effect on me, my work, and those around me, so it is with a conscious choice that I gently set it aside when I work and especially when I learn. It won't always stay quiet, but the effort is the difference. Your doors towards accepting true growth and venturing into uncharted territories, art styles, and networking will really open from there. But there's a huge caveat...
5. Toolsets, accessibility, privilege, and all the good things that enable artistic expression and profitability are not given equal to all. you might do all the mental work I mentioned to be ready to rock and roll and learn and draw your way out of anything, but digital art is a fucking money pit that asks almost too much at times. I don't got a good case study here but identifying and ensuring accessibility to the tools you need to do your best work is, like, super important. The ergonomics can improve as you make money and settle into the job, but the basics have to be made available to you. And some of that might not even be under your direct control. That can be anything from pen tablets to software subscriptions to opportunities in hiring sullied by sexism or what have you. You gotta navigate all that through careful networking and money/time management. I don't do a good job of devoting specific slices of time to work/study, and my primary clutch is iPad software which went from a good deal to a nightmare scenario over the years. So all I can say here is do what I didn't; network, invest in a PC/tablet, and pick a software you'll learn that won't burn a hole in your pocket.
6. Be nice to work with? This one is hard to articulate and has landed my own ass in hot water in my early years because of how socially inept I am, but nothing is more worthwhile than being.. like. a good person to work with. That can be anything like meeting deadlines, or sometimes missing them but eloquently articulating why, being generous in early stages, being communicable and not too wordy in your emails, having a good grasp on abstract artistic concepts and how to describe them in simple terms, having a clear, laid out framework of your working rates in commercial and non-commercial projects and sticking to those guns with grace, understanding when you need to say no and saying it well, the works. Just being nice. Sometimes that might mean going headstrong with something you believe in, or simmering down and sucking up to the big man, all relative and adaptive. Part and parcel of the service provision dance that we all have to do in order to make bank. Know your lines here, obviously, and don't like. work for nazis. or uh.. *shudders* exposure. but be nice and empathetic and communicable and word will travel eventually. Skill may be in abundance these days, but good people are most certainly not, and capitalism has a way of bubbling up scarcity. Grim, but uh, them's the breaks.
I know I'm ultimately telling you to like. Have a body of work, make a portfolio, grow, and network. But that's really how I see it for now. And being nice can be a cherry on top that sets you apart, along with the inherent irreplaceable voice of your artwork. I think I rambled on enough, but if there is something specific you need my help with, even if you want to come off anon and talk in private, please feel free.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi hannah! i may have a request 🥺 i've been watching too much tiktok and this two made me want some jungkook skater au 😳 like the reader saw him and went like love at first sight so she purposely buys a skate and goes everyday to the skatepark and start learning just to impress that hot tattooed skater that kinda looks like a bad boy but he's actually a softie. ♡
late skate
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 7k
glimpse: jungkook would rather wash down his grip tape than spend another hour seeing you land on yOUR ass, a smitten y/n and love at first sight, and tae almost losing his bearings (in all aspects) <3 // gif is from pinterest :D
note: thank you so much for the request babie!!! also i’m sorry since i’ve done this a month late hee-hee bUT but it’s here now!!! fun fact: i used to skate but one time i fell on my ass so hard doing an ollie that i quit ( ˙-˙ )
there is nothing
there is absolutely nothing you hate more than walking home alone and at-
wait u need to shudder
times like these make you both angry and scared because fIRST of all
you’re angry because if oNLY (you’re still hoping that u win the lottery soon) you were born to wealth and ease (if you see park jimin one more time in a billboard you’re about to lose it), you wouldn’t have to worry!! or even work for that matter!!!!
you could have a car by now!!!
but you don’t have a car and you’re still saving up for that because you have to keep up with your bills and this nice and decent apartment that you’re living in right now
well if you’re being honest, you are splitting it with yoongi and that cuts back your expenses significantly but that’s besides the point
which is why you’re being extra thrifty!! save up all the money that you could so you could by yourself a car amongst other financial decisions and nOT be scared shitless when walking home
you’re working at the animal shelter most of the time and it’s very fulfilling because of cOURSE!! your job is to care for animals and give them a better chance at everything :D
the pay is more than decent but it’s not the highest sO what you do on your spare time is pick up any job you could!!
and the income that you need is more and more than decent because taking care of chimmy is not an easy feat
chimmy, your alaskan malamute!!! he’s the first puppy you’ve properly taken care of in the shelter and you’ve fallen head over heels for him
he kept bumping into the wall when he scrambles after you call for him but eH you love the clumsy giant still!!
so much so that you file your adoption form for him and run over to mr. kim’s office hurriedly :D
your boss seokjin’s pretty sweet after all but at the same time he’s intimidating!! too sweet and intimidating at the same time that when he approves your form without much question, you almost kiss his cheek
.... hehe
jin beat you to it and instead he gave you a side-hug with a very strict warning to take care of chimmy and provide everything that he needs
he eats 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 dog food and you could only assume the amount that he needs because of how he towers
the treats?? one time yoongi got overly-excited to take a picture of him and accidentally left the bag on the ground, and when he came back?? chimmy’s managed to inhale all of them
thankfully he’s only loyal to one (1) toy and it’s to this brown angry... entity..? with one tooth that yoongi’s made by himself
but he constantly has to replace the stuffing because chimmy nOTICES when it’s flat and unstuffed from his own doings
hehehe the grooming.....
you thank your lucky stars that jin gives you a discount to have chimmy groomed!! 
one time you were about to have a breakdown because a $100 grooming session simply didn’t click well with your ongoing budget and you decided to do it yourself :D
spoiler alert: chimmy kept barking at you when you held up the mirror to his face because wOOF did you just... d-did you give him bangs.... how was that possible....
and then sECOND of all is that well.,.,.,
you’re scared and that’s it
there is every possible reason for you to be scared :D
you get off from work at 5!! but now it’s quarter to 8 and you totally should’ve booked an uber but it completely slipped your mind
normally, you wouldn’t walk home alone though because chimmy comes with you to the shelter, and then he serves as a therapy dog of sorts to help ease and calm down the new rescues!!
he even has his own little ID oh my god :’)
but he doesn’t come in everyday and well you remember,.,.
no actually, yoongi REMINDS you that today is his day-off at work and explictly implied that he’d very much love to cuddle with a giant alaskan malamute as he gets his well-deserved rest
and yoongs has been the reason to why you don’t unravel every single day and you owe him for your life so yea okay you can have chimmy whenever you need this giant pillow of support <3
but no
you don’t have chimmy with you and you don’t have anyone to bark and be willing to growl n intimidate any creepy dudes you could possibly encounter on this twenty-minute walk home
the extra coffee you’ve drank at 6 in lieu of dinner does not help at ALL
what if you just... run
that way you get home faster and you won’t have to be that antsy!!!
ok maybe just a light jog would do
you wanna go home so badly and take a shower and be sandwiched between your warm sheets and sleep all the way
you miss chimmy and yoongi and you just hOPE that he’d already cooked dinner and you won’t have processed food again for the third time in a week
and after dinner maybE you could treat yourself to online shopping because yoongs has also been pestering you to let yourself indulge once in a while
your thoughts are jumbled once panicked and it reminds you that yes you should definitely get a car and you know what??? you probably should-
wait fUCK
hold on a second
did you just manage to narrowly dodge what seems to be a skateboard in mid-air??????
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
said taehyung is jumping down and crouching to pick up the deck at your feet and squeaks an “oop sorry ‘bout that!!” before going back and
mr. “taehyung, you dumbass!!” is who you presume to be the speaker,, because well no one eLSE is in this skatepark at 9 in the evening,,,, is standing RIGHT underneath the light and is right at your line of sight
it’s as if the clouds are opening up and chimmy’s barking could be heard and everything you deem perfect is ringing right in your ears because god.... holy shit.....
he looks and probably feels like a warm-sized bed that smells of baby powder and fresh linen
he has a hoodie on with the sleeves scrunched up and you tHANK yourself that you’ve saved up enough to get lasik eye surgery because those tattoos...,.,. you r positive that they would be your demise
mr. TYD has a loose bucket hat on yet you could still see his features clearly and you aren’t lying when you say he is perhaps the most breathtaking thing you’d ever seen
even more breathtaking than seeing chimmy in the laundry room and having fished for your one good perfect bra in his mouth
you’re pretty sure this is what love at first sight must feel like
suddenly, you aren’t anxious at all and you’re instantly gravitating towards the ramp without much complaint
there’s a bench conveniently placed in which you could see him but he won’t see you
you find yourself sticking around and smiling when you see him goofing around in all good fun
hopefully you don’t look like a cREEP because you swear you aren’t!!!! and hopefully they don’t notice you either and find out then and there that you’re here in a skatepark withOut a skateboard,,, just sitting,,, to see him
this may not be your best idea yet lmao yes you’re gonna admit that
but it’s probably the first and last time that you’re ever gonna see him so might as well watch him for awhile!! that’s all!!!!
ok wait
this is definitely a bad idea because yoongi calls you and you forgOt to put it on silent and it’s his voice that greets you very rudely as soon as you pick up
“y/n where the FUCK are you???”
oh lmao it’s quarter to 10 already
“jeez, i’m coming home!! calm down!!”
“yeah tell that to chimmy who’s been worried sick with me and won’t stop hOWLING!!!”
you’re scrambling to gather your duffel and sneak oNE last look at him and ur practically pouting as you say goodbye to him under your breath 
“... aw, you worry about me?”
you resume back to jogging on your way home and this time for rEAL
you’re gonna miss him
he’s like one of the random dudes you see in the mall that are sO breathtaking and you know you’re never gonna see them again
you didn’t even manage to catch his name :((
but whoever he is, he feels a little more different than a dude in a mall because this time, you feel like you’re gonna cRY at the thought of it
little did you know that jungkook could see you all this time and he’s sad to see you go 
chimmy is the first to leap at you as soon as you come through the door
and if you didn’t anticipate the giant, then you’d probably be toppled over by now
yoongi finds it weird that there’s this lingering gentle smile on your face
well he shouldn’t be so shOcked because he sees you talking to yourself when you’re watching documentaries and cooking
(( he always checks if there’s a camera hidden somewhere in the kitchen and you were vlogging or something but nO!!! ))
it’s like you’re a third-grader again that goes fERAL at just the thought of their crush
you hope mr. tyd has already eaten breakfast and hasn’t had any injuries with his skateboarding
you’re trying to rationalize with yourself that it’s just a stOOpid and pathetic crush to harbor in less than a day and stop thinking about him
the universe must seem to hate aND love you at the same time because well would you look at tHAT
it’s 5 in the afternoon and you have chimmy beside you and you’re walking home
and that’s practically your routine ever since you’ve gotten this job
it would only differ if a situation like last night happens or when you’re too tired to walk home oR when it’s raining
but right now it’s your normal workday, and you’re walking home, and it’s sunny, aND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU’VE SEEN HIM
this is also the first time that you’ve seen him in such a situation that you didn’t expect :O
the fact that you’ve mayhaps watched kimi no nawa last night with yoongi and perhaps 98 times before that, does not help at all
“you uh, y-you wanna go for a run on the grass, chim??”
there’s this mini field besides the skatepark and chimmy happily jUMPS at the mention of grass :D
aha oh well :D would you look at that :D your dog wants to go run on the grass that’s a couple feet away from the skatepark :D who are you to stop him anyways?? :D
chimmy’s more than happy to comply with your wish and vice versa because he’s having the time of his life clearly
he’s your pawman and the perfect variable so you wouldn’t seem like a third-grader with a helpless crush on anOther third-grader
it seems that hE’S more excited than you though because chimmy runs to the ramp instead of the grass!!!
and in the process he goes UP to greet a guy like he does with you whenever you come home!!! it’s harmless pouncing per se
but it’s not entirely harmless because it feels like chimmy knows EXACTLY what’s in your mind and what he’s doing
...... of course
chimmy has to of cOurse pounce on him
jungkook wasn’t surely expecting a giant and overly-friendly alaskan malamute to pounce on him right when he was about to drop-in
it’s a pleasant surprise either because it’s-
oh my god
is this yOU?????
jungkook was in the skatepark last night with taehyung and they took advantage of it because they were the only ones there!!
tae surely wasn’t kidding when he said that he was a novice because holy sHIT how was it possible that he sent a skateboard flying mid-air after a failed trick??
kook flinches when he follows it in his line of sight and notices that there’s someone down there who might be literally dECKED out of tae’s stupidity
he’s about to yell for this passer-by to dodge and-
time seems to move quicker because you’re already stopping yourself and flinching in place and then looking up
you’re rIGHT underneath this street lamp and jungkook sighs a breath of relief when he realized that you weren’t hit
but at the same time he’s gasping again because wow
t-that’s uhm-
wHEW he has never felt this pressure in his chest ever since he joined a quizbee in 8th grade
would it be-
ok nevermind
you’re really beautiful??? and frankly he has to look away for a second because you’re tOO beautiful that he doesn’t know what to do with himself
that’s it u are under arrest for being too pretty >:(
jungkook’s flustered because there’s just these types of people that put a knot on his chest unknowingly and he doesn’t know how to act normally
you are the equivalent of him not being able to look at the screen because the kdrama was that good and he feels unworthy to even watch it
it’s goosebumps all over his skin and he’d be lying when he says his cheeks are not heating up at aLL
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
his first instinct is to scold taehyung because what iF he ended up hurting you with his skateboard, hmm?? and tHEN what
he expected you to leave after that close-call and if everyone must know, jungkook has an incredible talent at being able to scope out things in his peripheral vision
he could look straight ahead and be able to see what you were also doing at the side
he doesn’t know if that’s a talent or uH everyone has it but whatever he can do that!!!
and you were clearly still there and in fact, even sIT down on the bench
he could see you smiling and giggling and a ginormous part of him assumes that it’s because of him
he prays to god that it’s NOT the guy who almost decked you with a skateboard ://
jungkook was acting weird and he kept smiling and laughing mORE than necessary and taehyung can see right through him
“bro all i did was walk towards you wtf are you laughing,,.,”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHA tae you’re so silly XD”
alrighty then,, maybe jungkook just binge-ate his vitamin gummies which is why he keeps beaming for an unknown reason
koo was so grumpy literally just before he had his skateboard flying and now he’s ???? weird
jungkook was ultimately sad to see you get up and he knows he’s probably never gonna see you again ok alright time to mope
but this
he’s beyond surprised to see that said owner of giant dog happens to be yOU!! of all the people!!!!
it’s you!
“i’m so so sorry about him!! he’s just excited to make friends with everyone and i don’t have the sLIGHTEST clue why he came to you!!”
you pointedly look at chimmy and he has the audacity to howl before looking away
it hasn’t dawned on you that you’re talking and apologizing to him but it certainly did on jungkook which is why he’s charmingly laughing already
“no, no. it’s okay, i don’t mind!! his name’s chimmy, then?”
you’re blinking profusely because yes.. right.. HE is talking to you
“yeah, uh, correct!! his name’s chimmy :)”
“that’s cute. anyways, i’m jungkook :)”
aha :D
koo would like to think that he is smooth
and yes you agree
you immediately shake his hand tOO eagerly with a smile on your face as you’re trying to take this all in
“i’m y/n :)”
jungkook’s hand is bigger than yours and your hand fits sNUGLY right into his hold
he has some tattoos on his hands and there’s some peaking from underneath his hoodie
but even with ur lasik vision you cAN’T focus because omg are you seriously holding jungkook’s hand.,.,
jungkook as in THEE jungkook that you’ve immediately clocked and crushed on last night in an instant
your lil moment of just holding each other’s hands is interrupted when taehyung pops out of nOwhere
(( actually he’s been there for the past two minutes and he kept switching between cooing and laughing ))
“yO i’m taehyung!!! you must be y/n, i didn’t nick you last night, did i?”
he takes it upon himself to hug you right then and there
well he’s warm and he passes the internal vibe check yoongi’s hotwired into your brain so you reciprocate!! you like hugs anyway and taehyung’s just like chimmy but in human form
jungkook practically squawks and stammers in his place because w-why.. w-what...... no
chimmy bARKS at taehyung and koo is tempted to do the same too because no man you simply do nOt hug my crush that you know absolutely nothing about
“he’s asking for you.”
kook points to chimmy who’s obviously pouncing on you to come run with him
you excuse yourself so you could go satisfy the giant and jungkook felt like his heart was gonna fall out of his aSS
tae wiggles his eyebrows and has his lips pursed and it’s the shit-eating grin that he immediately flips off as soon as he sees it
“what was that all about?”
you are convinced
you are 100% convinced
your head is fully-set into the game and in no way are you gonna back out
“min yoongi!!”
ah there it is
yoongi’s having the time of his life playing fetch with chimmy! what could possibly be any more important in this world than that
“what did i do now?”
you only call out his full name when a) you’re agitated and when b) he’s ignoring you and you’ve had enough of it
he really doesn’t recall giving you the cold shoulder recently
and he certainly didn’t agitated you when all he’s done is play with chimmy and sleep!!!
“please click this for me pls. click. please. pls click.”
aH yoongi should’ve brought his glasses instead of leaving them on the couch
you’re holding out your laptop to him with your arms outstretched and he has to come really close to decipher and-
... huh
“a skateboard?”
pardon him but he’s really lost on this one ok
he is as lost as he was when walmart decided to completely rearrange the whole store
“... and what do you need a skateboard for? y/n when i said that you should get yourself a four-wheeler, i didn’t mean a skateboard-”
in what part does a skateboard look like an SUV
whY are you like this
“it’s for uh... it’s for fun purposes!!”
you’re trying not to raise any more questions in yoongi’s mind but his head is miles miles away now lol
???? you hate trying new things though ???
one time you traded in your beef ramen for pork ramen because the first one was out of stock and throughout the whole meal you kept thinking how much you regretted it
and besides, skateboarding would be the last thing you’d get into!!!
yoongi distinctly remembers that you’d rather choke on chewing gum rather than get your knees scraped
why was that?? because when your knees get scraped, walking and doing everything else?? impossible 
nice try sherlock but the moment you do so much as to not stand up straight?? sIT down?? yeah your knees would give out 
what has got to be something so special that you’d wanna get into skateboarding and risk yourself into getting your knees scraped??
omg is that what he thinks it is
“... it’s a crush, isn’t it?”
the way you instantly shut him down and practically have to beg him just to press the check out button.,..
yeah yoongi’s gotten his answer alright :D
whatever this is
or whatever that’s going on
you’re sure that you’ve never felt this content for a long time
you now bring a change of clothes so you wouldn’t go skating in your uniform because that just honestly sucks
you may be too tired to walk to the skatepark which is why sometimes you’d book a ride, but no you’re never tOO tired to skate and see jungkook :D
it’s frustrating enough as it is
yoongi used to skate and that’s the reason why you’ve found this shortcut in the first place because this was where the park was!! you’d always think at the back of your head on wHY was yoongi struggling!!!
smh that’s so easy yoongs </3
joke’s on you now though because trying to balance on the board in the first place scared you shitless because hOW were you supposed to do this??
you can ride a bike and that has tWO wheels and this has fOUR bearings!!! how come you can’t balance yourself??
even managing to stand up on the board without panicking for more than ten seconds AND managing to shift from left to right even if it’s albeit shaky at first, took you a wHOLE evening
but you’re so proud of yourself and so is jungkook :D
jungkook finds it the highlight of his night when you’d hold onto him
yes he knOws you have it under control now and you barely hold onto him for support
“just so you won’t fall, that’s all.”
he always evades your eyes when you go look up at him dreamily like that because how could he not???
you’ve covered the basics of pushing yourself then simultaneously riding the skateboard!!
you do that for one WHOLE week and both jungkook and tae (and yoongi) think it’s time that you do something else besides skate in one straight line and occasionally to a left and a right
ok you’re kind of scared shitless because you already fell a couple of times but y’know what?? it’s time!!
society has progressed past the need of you skating in a straight path
the society NEEDS you to do tricks now
confession time:
dear diary the kickflip is simply not kicking the board in an attempt to flip it by itself. it is not. it is not as easy as it sounds. it is the bane of my existence
it’s evident that you’re stalling out of your way with this one but you just need oNE success and that’s it!!! one win to woo jungkook from his feet and then you’d stop
tae has already shut you up too because you keep talking about how your day went when you already is set four times before that
and it must’ve been a lucky first time because you absolutely nAIL it on the first try!!!
you honestly thought you’d land square on your ass and see bruises on it later in the shower but N-O!! you’ve done it perfectly and-
jungkook’s not looking
he didn’t see your feat!!
or maybe he didn’t see it because he chosE not to!!!
maybe doing a kickflip is nothing impressive and it’s obvious that he’s a pro at this compared to you who’s even more of a novice that makes taehyung look like a god
you can’t have that :((
ok ok hOW can you impress jungkook
there must be something you could do to impress him!!
that’s it
this is practically perfect!!
you’re gonna do your first drop-in at a pipe that is nowhere gOOD for a beginner like you :D
one, two, th-
“easy, doll.”
jungkook materializes out of nowhere and you expected him to be skating at the far end!! not mere inches away from your face holding your hANDS
this is the first time you’ve seen jungkook actually this close and you just have this urge to kiss his cheek
he has you whipped for him and he hasn’t even done anything to you!!!
“not the best idea to go down an eight-foot tall half-pipe for your first time, hm?”
he scrunches his nose at your absurd thoughts because absolutely wHY would you do that??
how could you fall in love with him even mORE
“do the two-feet tall one first. go have taehyung teach you.”
the grin in your face goes as fast as it came
no offense to taehyung but he’s not the one your head-over-heels for :((
practically everyone knows about your crush on jungkook BESIDES jungkook himself
you’re tapping tae on the shoulder to come and teach you while you just watch kook shred it at the other side of the park by himself
it’s okay!! progress is progress and you’re gonna get far with jungkook!!
going to the skatepark right after work is now your new routine
sometimes you even come with yoongi when he’s free and he takes all his time to gloat on how you used to make fun of him when he was skating avidly back then
that gives you a grand total of three (3) people teaching you how to skate and giving you pointers
jungkook also now holds conversation from time to time :D
he’d ask you how your day went and you’d have to pretend that you didn’t wait for him to ask so you’re not spilling detail after detail
he now does this thing of pinching your cHEEK when you get something right 
your heart after doing an ollie goes bEEP when he pinches your cheek and tells you eagerly that you did such a good job
yoongi’s laid off his teasing for you and jungkook but god he can’t deny that he gets these weird vibes from him
eh it’s probably nothing
today you’re especially excited because it was an outfit that you just bought and you feel gREAT in it!!!
tbh your day was the absolute worst but jungkook is always a great pick-me-up to whatever day you could have :)
a tennis skirt with shorts already built underneath is the greatest save of ur life
it’s a little on the more expensive side because it IS a name-brand and those don’t come cheap but it’s ok :D it’s gonna be worth it :D it better be :D
oh uhm
jungkook seems different today.... ?
you were used to him looking intimidating and mad even if he wasn’t, but this time it just felt emphasized even more
taehyung’s here but he’s not the only one!!! there’s two guys with jungkook on the other side of the ramp
“those are his friends, i guess?? i don’t know, he hasn’t introduced them to me.”
so you’re nOT the only one who’s lost
jungkook will probably come around later and you could all hang out again :))
chimmy happily chuffs at your side and that just gives taehyung the most wonderful idea he’s ever had this day
“hEY which one of us do you think could out-skate chimmy???”
jungkook is utterly and without a doubt stressed 
he knew that hoseok and namjoon would come over, but he didn’t expect that they’d visit him while he was in the park!!!!
and he already knows what they’re here for and that just makes him grimace :((
“why don’t you want to go pro?”
koo’s ears feel like bleeding when hobi asks him that for the nth time
god it’s always just the sAME question!! he could practically sniff the air on what they’re gonna say next
“jungkook, i think we all know that you’re more than qualified to be a pro!! look at you!!”
it’s the same conversation over and over again
the next things they’d say are that he’s a natural and he’s wasting all his talent doing this thing cASUALLY
he’s not the next tony hawk or anything like that!!! he’s not gonna book a sponsorship and a collaboration with vans!!! but hobi and joon kEEP insisting that he’s that good
“hyung, i think we’ve already talked about this-...”
“yes and you refusE to listen!! why can’t you just accept the fact that you have a much better future in this??”
jungkook’s currently a freelance graphic designer which means he works from home and he’s in charge of his oWN schedule
but it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single day he gets a new commission or anything grand like that
he’s gonna be honest and say that yES he has thought of being a pro skater!! but he’s trying to be as rational as possible about it
because not every competition would be a win and not competitions don’t happen as frequent as a typical job is!!
and what iF jungkook gets injured?? something of an injury that would lay him off from skating 
and being unable to skate??? = he basically gets nOTHING
he feels pressures because hobi and joon are pro skaters already!! and that gives them all the more reason to make jungkook into one
not to flex but uh they’re both quite already kNOWN
and jungkook hasn’t even started his pro career but he’s already known!!! both by his skills and the fact that he’s friends with these two champions
“i literally do not care if you beat me!! just come take the leap and be a pRO already, jungkook!!! it’s a loss as it is that you still consider yourself an amateur.”
their words, not his 
ok uhm what if
what if jungkook opens a skate clinic?? he can do what he loves and in the same time, earn money!!
... yeah
that could work!! and if he feels extra prepared, then yeah maybe he’d be a pro
or would a skate clinic be useless if he isn’t a pro by then???
oh my god
jungkook’s so frustrated with all this sudden bombarding and it makes him want to tug at his hair
as much as he loves his hyungs, sometimes they just can’t seem to know when to back oFF and realize that their nudging is more like shoving
“do something productive and worth your time, jungkook. stop babysitting.”
namjoon says with an edge and that tames jungkook
what makes it worse was what they were implying in the first place
hoseok doesn’t make it discreet to look at taehyung and you
“tae, tae, look!! i’m doing it, i’m doing it!!”
you’re saying over your shoulder because omg you’re getting the lead and chimmy’s slowed down for some reason
well actually taehyung’s took it upon himself to stop behind you
you get an immediate answer when you feel someone effectively hALT you still and you almost fall on your ass just by the sheer strength of someone holding you up
jungkook’s holding you down and his hands are quite heAVy on your arms
there’s this unexplainable look on his face but you’re positive that it’s not one of happiness
“you should probably stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”
to be honest you’re unsure of how to react
but the way that jungkook looks like he’s mad at you and retreats back to those two guys with a scoff in his step -- 
it’s enough
it’s truly enough for you to reevaluate every decision you’ve ever made
maybe it’s simply not just a bad day for you and a case of overthinking thigs,, and it’s perhaps the fact that he want you to stop
stop whatever that is happening
you probably must be frozen in place because chimmy bounds and pounces at you
you probably must’ve looked like an utter fool,, skating in a tennis skirt and trying to outrace a damn dog in a fucking skatepark,, right in front of jungkook and his friends
“y/n, you uh, y’okay?”
tae’s worried because there’s an instant shift to your mood and he could only assume what you were feeling
tears prick at the back of your eyes and that’s the signal for you to gather your things in a flash because the last thing you’d want is to cRY in front of him
“y-yeah! i’m gonna go home, tae. chimmy’s looking for yoongi.”
the dog in question tilts his head because w hat now,,,.,., wha t,.,. he is???
you learned that dogs could smell emotions and that makes you even sadder
chimmy was behaved the whole time; didn’t even try straying you around when he keeps seeing umbrellas on the street even if he loves them
you’re okay
you should be okay
there’s something definitely off
yoongi’s cleaned everything and did his share of chores
the tv is still mounted and the microwave’s clean!!
chimmy didn’t have a toilet accident because if he did, he would’ve already picked it up
there’s definitely something off with yOU
because first of all, why are you here???
“not coming to the park?”
if he can recall correctly, no matter how knackered you were after work, you’d still go to the skatepark!!
... not unless you were injured??
nah because if you were injured then you’d be whining to him now
“nope :)”
you’re lying on the couch where he usually lies nowadays because you weren’t around!!
and you’re drinking from your mug that he’s claimed as his mug
and chimmy’s squished in between the tiny gap of you and the far edge of the couch
“and why?”
he’s always had answers for everything but his mind’s bLANK for this
“wanna spend time with you guys :)”
that’s gotta be the answer, right???
this is definitely weird
for starters, it’s already 11 PM and jungkook’s still in the skatepark and he’s not even skating anymore
he’s just waiting
weird... you aren’t here.......
aH it’s nothing :D you’re probably just tired and didn’t want to go skate
oh and.. you’re not here the next day
or the next
or the nEXT
jungkook spends almost the entirety of his time in the park
he goes there at 3 in the afternoon and comes home at 11 in the evening
no big deal
half of the time is just spent him actually skating and the other is figuring out wHERE you are
uh maybe you’ve started to take ubers now every time you come home??
you’re not walking home anymore and the car would pass by the skatepark and jungkook wouldn’t have a single clue where you are
it’s also this time that it dawns on him that he has no means whatsoever to contact you
he didn’t ask for your number and didn’t exchange socials so he could only gUESS
he can’t come over to your apartment either because he hasn’t walked you home and therefore he wouldn’t know your address
holy shit he’s so dumb and jungkook misses you a lot
like a whole whole lot
he misses you holding onto his shoulders for support and misses your excited grin whenever you nail a trick and had a perfect run
there’s nothing that jungkook could dO besides wait
and miss you so much
and mope
kook doesn’t want to give up and miss a day because what iF you pass by when he’s not there???
he can’t have that and he wON’t have that
he’s just so antsy and he hasn’t had his fix of chimmy bounding towards him and the malamute intentionally pouncing on him whenever he’d drop-in so he could lose his balance
he just needs to see you and your duffel bag and the precious yet beat-up wristwatch you have and-
jungkook’s brought his perfume the past few days because he wouldn’t want to be aND smell sweaty when he sees you again
he’s wearing a shirt this time and nOT a hoodie and it’s actually a nice shirt!! the pale orange makes his tattoos pop
he’s also wearing a watch so he could look business-ish and composed and he kinda hATES watches because uhhhh you ever heard of a phone, buddy??
you’re walking striaght and paying no mind at all and to your surrounding and-
there’s suddenly this cRASH in front of you and it makes you recall in response because that came out of nowhere
... and this feels oddly familiar
only this time though, it’s intentional and it’s jungkook who literally tHREW his skateboard down on the spot in front of you
“y/n? wow, what a coincidence!”
you didn’t expect to see jungkook as soOn as you anticipated that he wouldn’t be here
he laughs nervously and he tries not to overanalyze the fact that your face is blank
“yup. totally.”
you’re avoiding his gaze and meanwhile he’s searching desperately for yours 
what is he feeling and why is it hurt and longing at the same time
“can i walk you home?”
the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even ponder over them longer
“i uh, i rEALLY can’t believe i never asked to walk you home!! or even ask for your number!!! but uHhhh it’s late at night and to be honest i don’t have your number and i just need to know that you’re safe and-”
he stops his rambling right there because he realizes that he’s a stuttering nervous mess
you’re a bit speechless because normally you’re the chatty one but this one.,.,,. this one’s a pleasant surprise
“yeah, yeah. okay :)”
he can’t believe either that you agreed to it but he’s immediately gathering himself and swoops your duffel for him to hold
he’s not gonna entertain a single complaint <3
it’s not exactly the most tensioned silence ever but it’s definitely nOT comfortable
“why didn’t you come to the park?”
okay well sHIT you didn’t expect him to be this straightforward
wait no 
you shouldn’t be surprised!! after all, he probably did mean what he said the last time you’ve seen him
what are u gonna say now
well you coulD say that you’re busy and he’d probably fall for it!!
or reiterate the truth that he’s implied and say it with a straight face
“oh. i started intentionally falling on my ass because i missed you,” jungkook spills out of nowhere while waiting for your answer and he now realizes that might’ve been a little awkward
after all he dID admit that he missed you
“did i uhm... did i say something?”
he rephrases his question and he knows that this was the more appropriate one
your coping mechanism is to kick on the ground as if there were leaves and there are absolutely nO leaves <3
“jungkook, you told me to stop.”
he blinks rapidly at that as he tries to digest your words
he’s trying to backtrack as much as possible and it wasn’t that!!
he simply doesn’t wanna see you hurt
“i can’t explain it but holy shiT i can’t see you hurt!! a-and i know that being hurt in skating is normal but for sOME reason i can’t stand it when i see you in pain o-or-...”
jungkook just can’t explaiN what he feels
“i just -- i just don’t gEt why you’d want to be hurt?? whY are you doing this to yourself??”
you find him ridiculous and this whole situation is just rIDICULOUS
“jesus christ jungkook i did it to try and impress a guy!!”
that earns you a snort and you immediately go defensive
he seems irked and his eyes are just beGGING to be rolled
“who?? taehyung?? the guy who would’ve wiped you out if he did end up hitting you on the head with the deck just a little harder??”
“what? taehyung???” you’re so confused and jungkook hates it even more, “yeah, taehyung!!”
“i like you, jungkook!”
he points to himself to which you eagerly nod your head to
“can you excuse me for one second?”
he barely gives you the time to respond because he’s already walking away and biting his arm
he’s actually sCREAMING
you throw your head back because omg did the two of you just basically admit that you liked each other
jungkook jogs back to where you stand a presses a hefty kISS right on your cheek
he’s on too much of a high that he holds your hand and practically drags you along with him because he’s almost skIPPING from how happy he is
“okay. good. nice. very good!!!” he could now sigh in relief because whEW that robbed him off his breath
“because i fell for you when i first saw you.”
jungkook basically has nO filter now and it’s adorable because god he’s just so soft and you now know what’s going and this wouldn’t be just whatever
“huh. imagine if yOU fell for me too at the same time,,,, that would make me piss my pants.”
he cackles because wow he dO be funny :D
he’s turning to look at you to gauge at your reaction and the waY that you’re holding your eye contact with him is all-telling for your answer
oh my god
jungkook is wrapped around your pinky :’)
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artxyra · 4 years
Healing Gotham | Part 1
Tim was having an off day. At first he had thought it was due to him surviving off of weeks’ worth of caffeine, but that was not it—not it at all. When Tim had first arrived at Wayne Enterprise, all of its employees were having a rush. Paperwork was thrown around, gather, shredded within seconds of each other. The young co-CEO couldn’t find it in him to care enough until it was lunchtime. An older employee was going around collecting NDA’s from all the new employees—like that wasn’t an everyday experience. Tim had half the brain capacity to contact Bruce for information, and yet he doesn’t do it.
Then Tim returns to the manor, cars from his extended siblings, and family members parked within the gates. Once again, this was not an unusual sight for the coffee addict. Well, it wasn’t an unusual sight until he stepped into the manor.
On one of the couches sat Steph, Cass, and Damian all looking to the people on the other side of the room. Kate stands leaning against the window waiting for the shoe to drop. Tim didn’t know where to sit. He only had two options: sit beside the mess of his older brothers or sit where there was the least amount of space next to his other siblings.
Finally taking in his environment, he notices something scary. Jason and Dick weren’t in their usual moods aka brooding and dramatic but on the verge of a massive mental breakdown. Jason was clutching his hair staring down at his lap repeating the words, “She’s going to kill me” as if it was the end of the world. Dick was mimicking the words with “Not if she kills me first, I’m too young to die”. This was such a shock, that Tim had to take a long sip of coffee to make sure it was true, and even then he had to pinch himself as a reminder that he was awake.
“Master Tim, the amount of caffeine you are consuming is terrible. Perhaps taking a rest would help.” Alfred offers with little room to negotiate, but Tim swears he is fine to which the family butler did not believe. “Uh-huh…” Taking the thermos out of Tim’s hand, the young co-CEO is left with nothing.
“You’re seeing this too, right? Tim asks his siblings that weren’t in the Wayne family as long as the older two. Steph is simply recording the nature of their situation—probably blackmail material for her and Barbara. Cass simply examines her older siblings wondering what has gotten into their heads. She was sure that Bruce was internally panicking based on his fingers tapping against his suit jacket and constant inching to the couch. Looking beside her, it was obvious that Damian hates being out of the loop and was moments away from exploding. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to sit beside Damian for this family meeting.
“What has gotten you three so worked up?” Kate asks from the safety of her position. Watching the three break down may be fun and all, but she had a life to live also outside of her cousin’s BS.
“Master Bruce now would be the best time to explain our situation,” Alfred suggests coming back into the room with a tray of teacups and a pot of tea. The butler knows the family is going to need it after dropping a bomb like this to the newest Waynes.
As much as Alfred was right, Bruce knew he couldn’t keep this hidden. He can already tell that Damian was seconds away from stabbing Dick or Jason for being in such an off-putting mood. Tim would be forever confused until he gets a good rest, Cass may like having someone other then him to talk to, and Steph—well Steph will just be Steph.
Bruce was so deep in thought that he didn’t acknowledge the peak of Jason’s and Dick’s mental break down.
“She’s going to kill me…I would rather face the Joker than be on the receiving end of her anger.” Jason finally speaks something than the mantra he has been chanting for the past hour.
“Here’s how she’ll do it, kill Bruce, then me, and then you. Alfred’s safe because it’s Alfred.” Dick adds pointing to each person he has mentioned, furthering the family’s confusion.  Kate, on the other hand, received the message loud and clear and end up bursting into laughter.
“Good to know you find humor in our incoming deaths, Katie,” Dick says pouting with arms crossed against his chest.
“What is Kane laughing about, Father?” Damian asks with a dangerous intent beneath his words.
“In just a couple of days, the Manor Wayne is welcoming an old visitor…my sister… your aunt.” Bruce finally speaks with a heavy sigh. It was if he was preparing for the mental battle this family is about to go through.
“Sister?” “Aunt?” “What?” Various amounts of reactions echo across the room. Every one of his children that had no clue about the oldest Wayne’s sister was just given a wake-up call.
“Yes, I have a sister. She’s my younger sister, and she’ll be staying at the Manor until she finds herself her own place, and this is if she decides to move to Gotham permanently.” Bruce then adds.
“You mean she’s staying here?” Damian cries out, he already hates the fact that most his siblings typically stay in and out of the manor, but to have a new resident just screams trouble.
“Yes, which also means we all need to keep our nightly activities on the down-low. Marin Etta has no idea that I am Batman or that Dick and Jason were Robin, and I like to keep it that way. This means Jason, no bringing anything related to the Gotham Underground, Dick you do what you’ve always done. The rest you better be on your best behavior.”
“Well this is the best news; I haven’t seen Mars since the wedding and that was five years ago.” Kate pushes herself off the wall and goes to hug Bruce. “Call me when she arrives, it will be nice to have a girls’ trip or something.”
“Katie…” Bruce sighs but the look on his cousin’s face says otherwise and it was best to leave this alone. “I will.”
Once Kate was out of the room, Damian loudly growls. “I don’t like this.”
“For once I agree with the Demon Spawn,” Tim says, though in Tim’s mind he wasn’t sure what was happening. His brain acknowledges Kate leaving but the moments before seem like a dazed.
“Tim, you okay?” Steph asks as the person in question sway. “Better yet when was the last time you slept?” She receives no answer from the in and out of the conscious male.
“Why are we just now hearing about this so-called sister.” Damian questions as if he was the only person sane in the household—which he’s not. It’s not like he’s trying to gain as much information about this aunt of his so that he could look her up and do a background check. That is totally what he will be doing.
Bruce, seeming to ignore Damian’s underlying intent, sighs and reply with, “She and I had a fall out when Jason died, and we barely speak. This is the first time in a while that she’ll be back.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” Cass murmurs under her breath evading all the glances her way. It’ll be nice to have seen someone other than her adopted family, but at the same time just how will this new person fit into their family.
“Better yet why do Grayson and Todd know about her while the rest of us don’t?” Damian asks gesturing to his other siblings. “You have no photos of the woman, so why must I believe that you have a sister.” From this Bruce could feel a migraine coming in the longer this goes on.
“Look, Little D, Mari is like a sister or a mother figure to Jason and I. There are reasons outside of this room as to why she is so well hidden. You know that room that Bruce forbids anyone from going into?” Dick replies instead of Bruce. Both he and Jason need to wrap up this conversation to prep for their incoming deaths by Mari. He was definitely sure that Bruce was about to do the same and Mari-proof the manor’s access to the Batcave.
“Na’am,” Damian says begrudgingly.
“That’s Mari’s room and will forever be her wing until she no longer needs it.” Dick finishes off his statement, which clearly did not do anything for the youngest Wayne. He then turns to Jason who was in less of a panic but in more of a defensive planning stage. “C’mon Jaybird, we have lots of pre-death planning before Sunshine returns to the Gotham.”
“Once again, I rather die by the Joker than by her, B-man you owe us so much for this,” Jason states before walking out the living room with Dick following behind.
Bruce sighs heavily and returns to his remaining children, well those that are still awake. Tim had passed out and will most likely be for the time being.
“Not now Damian. I will answer the rest of your questions later. I have a sister-proofing mission to handle.” With that Bruce takes his leave.
“This family can never be normal could it?” Steph wonders as she picks up Tim and places him over her shoulder.
“I agree with you on that. Need a hand?” Cass responds looking at the failing form of Steph’s body as she lugs Tim over to the entranceway.
“Nope, I’m fine,” Steph replies before she and Tim disappear into the shadows of the manor.
“I still think this is a bad idea,” Damian states crossing his arms and taking his leave also.
Cass stares at the leaving figure of her younger brother and shakes her head. She knows that Damian would not leave this alone until he hits rock bottom. Let that be her mysterious aunt herself or Bruce making his word-final.
A couple days later at the Gotham City Airport, a woman with a concave bob hairstyle stands outside the pickup area with her three suitcases next to her. Bing. She looks down to see the name Alfred popping up against the screen.
“Yes Alfred, I’m here… I’m still at the airport. No, you don’t need to give me a—” She pauses allowing the Wayne family butler to reply. “Alright, I’ll see you in a few.”  With that, she ends the conversation and places the phone in her back pocket.
This person is nonother than Marin Etta Martha Wayne or as the people in Paris, France calls her Marinette Martha Dupain-Cheng Couffaine.
Part 2 >>
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jjpmoans · 4 years
pleasurable temptation | cyj [m]
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word counts : 2.9k+
warnings : cosplaying kink, a hint of exhibitionism, pure smut (it’s bad lmao)
summary :  What did he do to be under this kind of situation? What did he ever trigger you with? Why is he helplessly moaning while you take him in your mouth without sparing him any mercy? While he is playing with his friends even? What did Youngjae even do to deserve such a torturous pleasure? 
“Wait, baby, I can’t. Please don’t do this to me.”
a/n : sooo for october, we decided to join together for a writing collab between the members or @got7creators​! It is called All Sins Week since we are posting a week straight at the end of October. Do check other writer’s kinktober fic as well! Also I am fourth in the order and please forgive me for this absolutely no filth fic. I have no idea what I wrote and I am open for critics bcs I know it’s bad wkkwkwkkwkw and sorrryy if you feel like it’s bland. But i hope you enjoy reading and please give a lot of love to other writers of this collaboration!
[ All Sins Week Masterlist ]
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“If you’re Tatsumi,” you ask, breaking Youngjae’s attention from the anime he’s watching. You’re sitting next to him, as usual as he binges watching his anime. “Who would you choose? Akame or Esdeath?”
Youngjae’s eyebrow raises, looking at you questioningly. It’s not new, you’re always asking random questions about the anime he’s watching out of nowhere but this time it’s different. You’re asking him to choose between the protagonist and the antagonist if he’s Tatsumi, the main character. “Choose as in what? As in my comrade?”
“As in your lover?” you scoop your ice cream into your mouth, waiting patiently for his answer as he’s having a breakdown over whom to choose. Youngjae always has a hard time choosing between the protagonist and the side characters, saying that of course people always like the main protagonist but the side characters are also precious.
Which is why now you only want him to choose between the two sexy female characters but you can see smoke coming out of his head.
“Do I really need to choose?” he looks at you with a painfully desperate face, wanting a way out of the question. “I like both though!”
“Nope.” you tut, placing down your bowl on the side table. “You need to choose one. Like if Akame and Esdeath offer to have a one night stand with you, who will you choose?”
You can see Youngjae shifts uncomfortably, avoiding your gaze by keeping his eyes on the tv screen. It’s not long before you spot the growing tent under his pants that makes him shift a couple more times and whines, “Baby, you’re making it sound weird.”
“Well,” it’s not that weird but it does feel weird when your boyfriend is turned on by a 2D character. “Choose one, big boy.”
“Why would any of them wants to have sex with me?”
“I don’t know.” you laugh. You know it sounds kind of weird but who cares? “Maybe they think you’re hot.”
“Nonsense.” He inhales a deep breath, biting his lower lips in an attempt of rethinking his decision, before turning to you like he has made a decision. “Alright, background aside okay?”
You raise your shoulders, agreeing with whatever his condition is. You don’t really care about their backgrounds, you just want to see which one of the female characters that got your man hard. 
“I personally think Esdeath is sexier.” he confesses, grimacing when he sees your serious listening face. However you keep him going, no attempt to cut him off. “Her outfit is always on point, but she looks very sexy in this one episode. So-” Youngjae scrambles to shake himself out of the narration, ending his answer with a simple statement. “I’d choose Esdeath.”
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Tonight is the second night of the weekend and as you both had agreed to, it’s Youngjae’s gaming slash anime night. Usually he would be watching anime up until midnight and then continue by playing games with his friends. However tonight he chose to start playing the game earlier than usual, claiming that none of the animes have uploaded a new episode.
This is where you come in.
You stare into the mirror, looking directly to the satin robe that hugs your curves nicely. It’s light but it’s thick and it’s new. You received it yesterday, just in time for you to wear it on the weekend. 
“I must be insane.” you ruffle your hair, watching it slowly turning into a mess, a beautiful mess. You almost can’t believe that it’s you in the mirror, you look insanely a hot mess. It’s crazy how simple the outfit is but absolutely sexy and alluring.
It’s nothing much. You just want to see his reaction, rile him up and see if you can have him a moaning mess under you.
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“Mark, Mark.” Youngjae taps on the shift button repeatedly, moving his cursor to hide his character from the opponents. “They’re just behind the truck.”
“Jaebeom hyung, can you sit down for once?” Yugyeom whines into the microphone, annoyed by the fact that Jaebeom is going to expose their location.
Jaebeom on the other hand is hiding behind a tree, reloading his bullets into the weapon. “Shut up, Yugyeom. I’ve been playing this game longer than you’re born.”
“Shut the crap. You are still learning how to write when I was born.”
“That doesn’t mean anything.”
“It does.”
“Okay I see someone moving.” Youngjae interrupts their bickering, moving out of his hideout to a safe place. He wants a chicken dinner tonight and he’s not going to let anyone ruin the fun for him. “I can see his head….”
A shot is fired and Youngjae screams in triumph, successfully eliminating the annoying opponent that has been trying to kill his teammates. As usual, Youngjae being the expert one among them and Mark comes second while Yugyeom and Jaebeom casually got killed and left both of them alone to carry the team. Youngjae had to be satisfied with the squad because at least, they know how to play. If he asked Bambam or Jinyoung to play with him, nevermind. Oh Jackson? Not even a chance. That man doesn’t know how to stop once he starts working.
“Have anyone heard from Jackson hyung?” Youngjae asks, moving his character to steal the weapons and other things from the dead bodies. “It’s been a month since I heard about him.”
“Yeah.” Jaebeom answers distractedly, still trying to load his weapon. “Last time I heard, he’s still in China.”
The door creaks open and if Youngjae doesn’t have one of his ears free from the headphone, he might not have heard the sound. It’s very discreet, very soft as if someone is sneaking into the room. Not that Youngjae knows anyone that is able to sneak into his gaming room without his permission.
Ah yes. Except this one.
“What are you-- what?” Youngjae’s jaw hangs open by the time he tears his vision from the screen to you, standing in your glory right a meter away from him. 
“Why? What happened? Is y/n there?” jaebeom.
“Not really a problem though. Can I say hi to y/n?” yugyeom.
“I can see someone coming, guys.” Mark.
Youngjae doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or to cry. You’re standing about a few feet away from him, in an attire that is foreign to his eyes but absolutely gorgeous, sexy, deathly- did he say deathly? -- and fuck you look so fucking sexy. Your satin gown is modest yet slutty, exposing your chest and only covers half of your breast, the only thing that probably holds the placket of your robe is the three little buttons on your navel which threatens to burst.
Something comes to his mind and right when he recognises your outfit, a certain name slips through his lips. “Esdeath.”
“Es- what?” Jaebeom asks, still distracted by the incoming attack from the enemies. 
“Esdeath?” Yugyeom on the other hand, successfully shot the new incomer and went into hiding while still focusing on the topic. “Esdeath as in the Esdeath in Akame Ga Kill?”
“Esdeath visited you?” Jaebeom mutters incredulously through the microphone. Youngjae can see that he’s squinting at the screen, probably trying to see the ‘Esdeath’ he mentioned. “You’re talking nonsense.”
“What- what are you doing?” this time Youngjae totally feels like crying. He forgot that he’s video conferencing to play PUBG and the possibility of his friends watching this through their screen frightened him. Muting the microphone, he looks at you again with mixed expression. “Baby, what are you doing?”
His voice sounds desperate and you haven’t even started anything yet. Yet. 
You let Youngjae’s eyes wander from your collarbone, down to the valley of your breast and to the buttons on your navel and further until his eyes fly to meet yours again, lust clouding his mind. You can see his pupils dilate, eye blown and breathless. 
It’s fun to see him affected. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you feel extremely satisfied.
Perhaps this is what Youngjae has always been feeling whenever he dominates you during sex.
“Baby?” he calls out again, desperate to know what you had in mind. 
Your eyes zeroed on the growing tent under his pants, it’s evident that Youngjae is already half-hard.
“I just want to ruin your mind tonight.” the immediate satisfaction fuels your desire to make Youngjae bend for you after watching his reaction. Youngjae is, what you can make out right now, utterly speechless. 
“I- I don’t understand- wait-,” as Youngjae stutters with his words, you’re already kneeling on the floor, pulling his gaming chair facing the pc again, slotting yourself between the table and Youngjae’s inviting man spread. 
“There is nothing for you to understand.” you utter while the tip of your fingers play with the string of his sweatpants. Youngjae’s eyes follow your hand down, his breath hitches as you press your palm on his hardening cock, giving him a firm grip. His moan almost comes out as a whimper, grimacing at the slightest contact as he tries not to show it on his face. 
“Youngjae?” Mark calls, snapping Youngjae out of his trance. He scrambles to switch the microphone on, just in time you pull down his pants, exposing his cock to your eager eyes.
The coolness of your palm wraps around his cock and the way you grip him makes Youngjae hisses in pain and pleasure, enough to elicit a curse out of him. “Fuck.”
Yugyeom quickly detects the change in Youngjae’s mood, asking him if he is fine and able to continue the game. And in all honesty, Youngjae wanted to leave the game the moment you walk in with the outfit, the fucking sexy outfit. He can’t describe how turned on he was, seeing you almost naked with that Esdeath cosplay.
“One moment, Gyeom-ah.” Youngjae is about to reply when you tug on his shirt, wanting to say something to him. “What is it, sweetheart?”
For the third time of the night, Youngjae wants to cry out loud. You are sitting under his table in that robe, your breast threatening to burst out of the tight material and fuck- Youngjae is so fucking hard. 
“Let’s make a deal. If you can finish the game quietly while I suck you,” your aura is absolutely different tonight, Youngjae realises that. You’re more dominating and goodness gracious, Youngjae have no problem with that. You’re so hot and Youngjae would give anything for you to suck him. “I’ll let you rip this robe off me and fuck me senseless.” 
Youngjae’s eyes widen at your suggestion. You’re making a deal with him? For what?
“And what if I can’t?”
“Well, if you can’t,” you drag your nail along his shaft, sending shivers up his spine. “Then you’ll let me ride you. Let me fuck myself on your cock.” you challenge him, holding his cock towards your lips, sucking his head lightly. Saltiness of his pre-cum invades your taste bud and you’re now addicted, wanting more of his cock. 
Youngjae inhales a deep breath, shifting in his place before unmuting his microphone, resuming his attention to the game.
Oh, bring it on.
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“Youngjae, why are you so slow?” Jaebeom asks, running towards the unidentified dead bodies. He starts collecting the weapon and life stock while Youngjae’s game character stops in the middle of the track as if it’s malfunctioning. Technically, the owner of that character is, indeed, malfunctioning.
Youngjae’s breath labored as you continued to bob up and down his length, fisting his cock from the base and stroking his scrotum. It’s hard not to moan. Youngjae has been enduring your teasing quite good so far, only occasional hiccups and soft whines escapes from him and went unnoticed by other members. 
Youngjae has long given up to switch his microphone from mute to unmute then to mute again, he now resorts to detaching his headphone away from his head after muting the microphone so he won’t have to hear anything.
“Baby.” he whines, hips thrusting upwards as you kitten licks his head and slots your tongue on his slit, collecting his pre-cums. Youngjae’s cock is dangerously red, as if if you try to lick him one more time, you’ll see blood. His veins pop up and paint his length angrily. “Please baby. I don’t want to play the game anymore.”
“Hm?” you ask, not quite hearing his pleas. You take him in your mouth again, going down on him until he’s deep in your throat, humming to your satisfaction. His cock isn’t exactly big but he definitely makes up for the girth with his length and his stroke. “You’re saying?”
“I just-” a loud moan escapes him after you deep throat him once again, hitting your gag reflex. Youngjae trashes in his seat, holding the back of your head gently but firmly. It’s too much pleasure for him you guess. “Fuck. fuck. Fuck. please baby. Don’t do this to me.”
You release him with a pop and watch his cock curves backward, smearing the mixture of his precums and your saliva against his shirt. You don’t care about the video conferencing at the moment, you just push him further from the table so you can stand up and straddle him on his chair. They can watch if they want to.
You tug on the string of your underwear, revealing your nicely trimmed pussy to his eyes. At the sight of your drenched core, Youngjae mutters curses under his breath, reaching a finger to your fold.
“Fuck.” he caress your fold with his middle finger, occasionally dipping it inside only to let a gush of wetness out of your pussy. “Fuck, you’re drenched.”
“Mmhm.” you agree. You’re wet from all the thoughts while you suck his cock, thinking of how good it would feel when you ride him. “Can I ride you now?”
“Fuck.” Youngjae’s hand grips your hip as he guides you, slowly sheathing his cock inside you at your speed. “Ride my cock, use my cock. Do whatever you want.”
“Oh-” you let out a long moan to the stretch of your pussy is extremely good, the feeling of being filled with Youngjae’s cock takes you to another level of ecstasy. Even though you have been fucked a lot, however, riding Youngjae’s cock is always, undefeated pleasure. 
“Are you being filled well, princess?” Youngjae asks as he’s balls deep inside you. 
“So, so full, Youngjae.”
“Goodness.” Youngjae’s hands roam all over your ass, then up to your navel, pinching your nipples through the satin robe. “You dressed up like Esdeath to have sex with me?”
“I just wanted to try a new thing.” You shift in your place and Youngjae’s tip nudges a certain spot in you, causing you to throw your head back, gripping on his shoulder tightly. Your eyes shut close as you start to ride his cock, feeling the bliss of his veins against your walls. 
Youngjae on the other hand is dazed with your breast, bouncing right in front of him. He reaches down and a quick flick of his thumb, your robe is open and you’re absolutely naked to him, at least. Your robe stays on your body but the upper part of the robe has slid down and exposed your shoulder, probably a good view for the boys.
“Look at these breasts.” he tuts, sticking his tongue to graze one of your nipples. It’s not a secret that Youngjae loves your breast and he probably has a fetish for your twin peaks. He always gives extra attention and he can go on for hours, licking and sucking your nipples.
“Want me to feed you?” you ask, hips moving up and down his length but you can always multitask, cupping your breasts and bringing them together, putting the nipples close. “Suck them, please?”
“Fuck. Yes fuck. Fuck.” he holds you by your waist, sucking your peaks alternately. Whenever the tip of his tongue grazes one of your nipples, your walls tighten around his cock, causing him to hiss in return. “You’re really enjoying this, huh?”
You nod, impaling yourself on his cock. You’re getting tired and you don’t really feel your legs so your movement starts to falter, slowing down after a few while. “Jae…”
“Tired?” he chuckles, tapping your ass as you nod to his question. As much as you enjoy riding him, you have to admit that your stamina would never surpass Youngjae’s. 
Youngjae lifts you in his arms and just like that, his dominant side appears again. Bringing you to the bed, Youngjae manages to press his cock deeper inside you, making you moan all the way. 
“Look at you.” he tuts when you’re spread on the bed, half naked in your Esdeath cosplay. “So beautiful.”
“So fucking sexy.”
“The death of me.” Youngjae’s hand trails up your leg, past your navel and cups your breast, pinching and rolling your taut bud. You actually shiver at the change of his emotion, retracting to become the submissive partner like you always did.
“Fuck me.” you plead, whispering as if someone will hear you. Ironic, you thought. Youngjae’s friends have probably disconnected the video conferencing because of your lewd moans and now you dare to whisper? “Please,”
“Oh yeah, of course my Esdeath. I’d fuck you hard and raw.” he promises, lining his cock at your entrance. “Be my guest.”
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Copyright © 2020 jjpmoans. All rights reserved
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99 notes · View notes
dmcfsstory · 4 years
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Also available on Ao3: [link]
Proofreaded a bit by @wikimb​
Partner Artist: @wikimb​
Word count: 13143
Trigger Warning: Graphic depictions of heavy violence/gore, depression cases, PTSD breakdowns(abandoment/bullying/death), severe illness, physical torture(due illness) and emotinal breakdown.
Note: I’m not a native english speaker, fell free to point out via DM any mistakes.
Void Realm(aka Human World) - Same Day 11:30 PM
Victor decided to tell his three visitors everything he knew about the Sparda's twins; Sparda's story, the day Eva was killed, the mess of Temen-ni-gru, and at the end what happened in Mallet Island.
During dinner, Nero, among Kyrie and Nico, told Victor all what they knew and remembered about the Fortuna Incident and the Qliphoth Event.
"And now they're probably stuck in Hell", Nero finished.
"I see…" Victor said, quite thoughtful. "The problem is… the Qliphoth fruit helped Vergil to recover his heavily wounded magic and not make him overpowered like he thought it would happen. But I can't be sure if it also helped with his synchronization. Either way, you two doing Sync will be of great benefit for both."
Nero didn't say a thing. Just the slight idea of having to interact with Vergil, his so called blood father, again was making his nerves itch.
"But…" Victor kept saying. "How could you live this long? Without one of your parents to sync with, you should have died at a very young age, like… two years old."
Nero continued quiet, trying to understand why Victor was insisting so much about that.
Initially, he thought about the day he met Shooting Star Man; he was two years old, the "death age" Victor mentioned. But he’d rather not talk about that with a new person just like that, not even Nico knew about it yet.
"Don't you remember Sync with some woman?" Victor tried to help Nero recall some memory.
"I don't even know how's the sensation of being in Sync, dude." Nero contested, a bit annoyed.
Before continuing to speak, Victor had to adjust his glasses. "Well… as what my mother could briefly study about the twins, Sync in hybrids have some sort of 'bonuses'. Both parts can somehow connect mentally; they can feel what the other is feeling and as well share memories and theoretical knowledge. As for the magic, the twins described it as something very relaxing and peaceful - they didn't know it was a demon magic thing back then, but you got it."
"The peace thing makes sense since the magic energy is calming down," Nico added to Victor's explanation.
After the brief explanation, Nero couldn't hold but make a surprised face.
"Oh. Have you just remembered something?" Victor asked when he noticed Nero's reaction.
Nero was able to recall something, but just the fact of having to tell them that was making him sweat cold. He had a feeling it wasn't a good idea.
Hell - “Same moment”
Vergil and Dante were able to find a shelter to protect themselves from the fire rain: in the middle of the decaying remains of the Qliphoth tree they both sat inside a small cavern inside a massive root.
Dante was quite relaxed, he was laying his back in a small root, calmly waiting for the end of the rain.
Vergil sat a bit in front of his brother, he seemed to be tense for no apparent reason; he was tapping his feet nervously and rubbing his hands as if they were itching or something.
Once Dante couldn't stand his brother's silence anymore he got out of his place walking on his knees, when he got closer he said, "Bro, relax a little. You're too tense" and he gave a small tap on Vergil's right shoulder, unexpectedly making him do a little hop like a cat.
"Geez! Chill it." Dante said, quite surprised. "I'm not gonna attack you." and he moved a few steps backwards when his brother stared at him with eyes wide open scared.
Vergil couldn't think of something to reply to his brother, he was too surprised by how calm he was at that hostile place, such behavior didn't make sense to him; they could be attacked at any moment by some wild demon, but even so Dante was very chill.
Vergil then returned his gaze to outside, leaving his brother in an awkward silence.
The atmosphere was starting to make Dante feel uncomfortable; he recently had made up with his brother, thus regaining their brotherly rivalry, but that was the first time since their childhood they weren't fighting or discussing, instead, they were just in silence sitting close to each other.
Vergil could feel Dante's restless energy coming from behind him, but he had no idea what to say either.
Deep down their hearts, both had a lot of questions to ask each other, but none of them had a single clue in how to start a conversation that wasn't about who's with the highest score.
After long minutes of watching a literal fire rain, Dante was the one who finally took courage to break the ice: "Soooooo… Brother… Who was that 'Baby' you whispered about earlier? I swore you were talking about Nero's mom… Also! How was sh-?"
Vergil quickly interrupted him, rolling his eyes in annoyance, "I told you already, you will learn more about her when I tell Nero about it, he deserves to know that first."
Dante got annoyed by his brother's supposed etiquette, but regardless, he continued in his attempt to create a conversation: "Okay… but, what about the 'Baby'... person…? I guess? You got me curious, man! Especially about the part: 'this wouldn't be happening' thing," he said as he was getting a bit closer to Vergil again.
Vergil's normally stoic expression drastically changed to an uncomfortable one, he looked at the sky, took a deep breath, and let out a very sad sigh,"'Baby' was… a child… That wasn't his name, just how I used to call him. I never knew his name or how he truly looked like…"
Dante highly doubted Vergil's words. "What?! How? That doesn't make any sense yet. You gotta work on those explanations, bro"
"You remember what happened on Mallet Island? After you… -sigh- beat me?" Vergil replied with a bit of annoyance in the end.
"Uhh… yeah, you disappeared in a light…" Dante said a bit confused.
Vergil took a few seconds of silence, mentally gathering all the information he felt necessary to tell his brother before starting his explanation: "I honestly don't know how I did that… probably had something to do with Mundus' magic… I got teleported to somewhere else."
Surprisingly, Dante got quiet and Vergil had his full attention. Vergil didn't look behind him, but he could tell that Dante was staring at him like a curious child waiting for a new bedtime story.
Vergil cleaned his throat before continuing - "Thanks to you, I started to be able to have myself under my control again. I then began to try to fight Mundus' corruption over me, although the more I tried, the more it tormented me. Until I had an idea that would cost much more than I expected…"
Dante's eyes wide opened with curiosity but also of worry about the incoming words.
"Under all that pain...I truly panicked… and tried to Devil Trigger in an attempt to fight the corruption… " Vergil said low, recalling the pain of the said moment.
Dante gasped silently, even not knowing what happened, he was sure that terrible things had happened.
Vergil's voice started to get low and crumbling as those memories were like a living nightmare. "I could feel all my muscles and bones being crushed and twisted by the fight of the magic energies inside me. I couldn't scream, I could barely breathe and move either… I have no idea how much time has passed too."
Dante noticed that his brother started to feel apprehensive about that subject; Vergil was slightly sweating cold and pressing his hands against each other strongly.
But before Dante thought of something to say, Vergi continued to tell the story: "I can remember some very random and quick things that happened… I fought other demons… even humans and perhaps Devil Hunters too? I don't know, but I swore I was destined to feel that pain for eternity, until…"
Void Realm - “at the same moment”
“So, Nero” Victor called his attention. “Have you just remembered something?”
But Nero didn't respond, he was being reluctant to speak, they couldn't tell if it was because of his health state or something else. Kyrie tried to call him back to the conversation, “It’s about Monster, dear?” she said in a soft voice.
He raised his head a bit to look at her, with a visible sad face he replied low and insecure: “Yeah... “
He stayed quiet once again, staring at the void for a few seconds and avoiding eye-contact; Nico was getting anxious to know what was passing through Nero's mind, but Victor kept patiently waiting.
Finally, he looked at Victor and said, "I think… there was someone I connected with this way… but… he was a human that turned into a demon."
Victor raised his eyebrows in surprise, that didn't make much sense but he decided to not question, Nero was already emotionally unstable, it was better not provoke.
"Let's see then. If you don't mind telling the story," he asked politely.
Nero took a deep breath before starting, that subject wasn't that comfortable for him to talk about freely: "I was around six to seven years old, the de-sync started to happen with a higher frequency day by day… The other kids from the orphanage, especially the older ones, never liked me, and one day they were chasing me down in the woods on the outskirts of the city. Even not wanting to fight they still kept hunting me, they weren't satisfied until I passed out." Nero explained.
"Why?" Nico asked confused.
A bit uncomfortable with the subject, he tried to avoid, "I'd rather not talk about…"
He then continued, without making eye contact with Victor, he just continued to look at his own hands and sometimes to the void or away. "I couldn't run anymore, that's when they got me. The oldest was ready to punch me, but suddenly, a horrendous deformed… giant demon appeared from behind the trees. He was like what? four meters(13ft) high? He didn't need much to scare the shit out of them and send them back to the city, just a roar was enough."
Kyrie was the only one that already knew the story and how Nero would feel about it. She honestly wanted to speak in his place, but she felt better letting him put his feelings out by himself.
"I was the only one that didn't run. I was too tired already… and I didn’t want to return to the orphanage either." Nero said in a depressing tone.
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"Have you attacked?" Dante asked curiously, yet worried.
"No" Vergil responded. "The others fled away very quickly and the one that left didn't do anything either. I wasn't going to waste my energy and feel more pain for no danger at all."
"But the motherfucker didn't do shit", Nero added. "He left me hanging and just turned away!"
"When I saw him turning away, I yelled: "What are you doing?" But he completely ignored me"
"I yelled again, 'What's wrong with you?'."
"The kid came after me, but I didn't want to waste my energy. When I felt him touching my arm and yelling something - that I can't remember - I instinctively just waved my arm and threw him away."
"I flew into a tree and all the stuff I was carrying in my small backpack got scattered around," Nero continued, his voice slowing down.
"You will need more than that to get rid of me!' I shouted to provoke him… but…"
He made a pause.
"But when I looked at him…"
"He was staring at one of the books I borrowed from the public library. He simply stayed there, kinda hypnotized by the thing, you know?"
"With the only hand he had entirely -the right one- he tried to pick up the book. His hand was huge and he knew that… but I think… he had terrible eyesight. The first few times he tried to hold the book, he let it fall because he didn't want to… 'hurt' it."
"He tried, over and over again. That scene was pitiful, to be honest. At a certain point, he started to wimp… kinda like a dog's painful crying: 'wimp wimp wimp'."
"and he tried... again and again, and again... the more he tried the louder the wimps we're getting."
"He was clearly in a panic… until then… he let out a very long and painful scream. It was when I noticed… he wasn't supposed to be like that...."
Victor interrupts, "why? What made you think that?"
Nero responded with sadness in his voice as he looked at Victor, "He was crying… Only through the right eye, but he was truly crying."
"'Do Devils cry?' I asked myself."
"During the screeching, he suddenly lost support on his left arm - the most severe and disproportionate one - and fell to the ground. The arm started to bleed around.. where I think it was the pulse… I couldn't tell, but the broken bone pierced through his skin. I noticed that the rest of his body he had various open wounds, that shit surely was hurting him badly. He then started to wimp uncontrollably while he was spitting blood out of the month, he was insanely trying to get up again but he barely could move his body."
"I don't know what the hell happened with me at that moment, but seeing and hearing all that suffering from him was starting to hurt me. I could feel my heart being pressed. My body moved by itself, I took off my jacket and went to try to... somehow help with the wound on his left pulse."
"I don't clearly remember how I got into that situation," Vergil continued. "I only remember very blurry images and immeasurable pain all over my body, especially at my left arm."
"In the middle of all that pain, I somehow could notice the kid getting closer to me. I tried to move away from him but that only was making the pain worse… I was unable to move."
"I couldn't see him clearly, but I heard: 'you weren't supposed to be like that, right?' from him."
"I remember… my heart and breath stopped when I heard he saying: 'Let me help you, stay quiet.'"
Vergil started to get visibly shaken from that point in front.
"Why? He could just have run away… but instead… he came to help me?! Why?! WHY?!"
"I guess... he did some bandages on my left hand… I couldn't move or see it anyway…"
Dante, a bit shocked by his brother's confusion, asked "Why are you so incredulous?"
Vergil turned at him quickly, his face of both anger and sadness. "WHY?! Because never in my entire life someone had lent a hand to me like that! Not even if I asked!"
Vergil recalled for a moment the difficult time he had after his mother's death; food shop owners didn't want to spare not even the smallest thing for him, some even shout him out, with the excuse he was acting. He couldn't find a good place to sleep and winter was a pain. He had to fight demons all alone. He had to manage to steal sustenance and clothes or get from the trash as the last resort.
"I didn't have the same luck as you, brother…" Vergil said harshly.
All those memories were starting to make Nero more emotional, recall the monster's pain was very hurtful even to himself.
"I never discovered what turned him into that… but he was destroyed…" he added.
Victor then questioned, "And you just decided to help him? Just like that?"
"Yes… something told me he needed help… a feeling of he didn't deserve that…" Nero said quite sad.
But even being visibly shaken, he continued the story either way, "through the next days I decided to start stealing everything I thought could be the use of help with his open wounds."
Nico interrupted, "steal, man? why?"
"Who would believe in a six years old saying it needs help with a dying demon?!" Nero replied annoyed. "I had to do that myself. Blankets, towels, curtains, all those kinds of stuff I could get around the city, not just in the orphanage…"
-a pause-
"Also food… and the medicine I knew helped with such changes wounds, the one I remember the caretakers using on me."
Nero's tone slowly began to sound grievous, "He didn't leave the place I first saw him… he just waited for me there every day…"
“He couldn’t move, every time he tried he had to do so much strength. He was also… so cold... I tried to cover him the most I could… but even so… he couldn’t stop shivering. I could see that even those smallest moves hurt a lot… even breathing...”
“His wounds weren’t fresh. It was very difficult for me to make some bandages and mostly use the medicine… because whenever I tried he would start panicking and wimping all over again.”
“I used to say things like: ‘Stop, please! I can’t help you like this!’ or ‘collaborate, please!’ to try to keep him calm, but his pain also made me nervous as well.”
“The food was most difficult, the merchants got sharp eyes. The ones that knew me even got so mad that they started to throw stones at me."
Nico quickly stopped Nero's talk, "What the hell?! Fucking stones?!"
He stared at her, his eyes were blank, and then he said, with a low and grievous voice, everyone could sense the pain in the words, "When you are the... 'bastard, son of a whore, demon magnetic child' people just don't care about you…"
Nico didn't expect that, her face was of utter shock, which made her dead silent.
“I didn’t care about my wounds, tho… I just wanted to bring him food and water too. He needed help to eat and drink nonetheless. He used to eat and drink desperately, getting himself dirtier than he already was… he was definitely on his limit…”
Nero let out a desolate sigh while his eyes were getting teary.
Vergil's voice started to sound more painful the more he talked about the child: "The kid kept bringing new things everyday… cover sheets, bandages, food… even water and… medicine...I think? I barely could move anymore either way… I could only stay in the same place and watch…"
Dante started to feel his brother slowly getting more emotional with the subject; Vergil’s voice got low and he was also starting to discreetly sniff, his body was tense and his expression was of sadness: "He… he wasn't bringing all that stuff for himself… he brought blankets for covering me, to help me not suffer that much from the cold nights in the woods…“
“His voice… I’m sure I was hearing every pitch wrongly… but he sounded so… soft anyway: ‘here’s some food’, ‘come on, try to drink this’, ‘I hope you don’t feel so cold now’... and some many others.”
“My vision was a total mess, the colors were switched, the forms were distorted, I never got to know how he truly was or how he sounded… or even if the scent I remember was his true smell…” Vergil vented, as he remembered every single sensation of the kid taking care of him; the way the child had to hold his huge head up for him to drink water, how he had to pick every single food into tiny pieces because Vergil couldn’t chew. The child trying to cover his gigantic deformed body with small cover sheets or even towels.
Breaking Vergil's recall to the past, Dante asked him, “So… you never actually got to ‘know him for real’?”
“I think…” - a pause - “yeah… you’re right…” Vergil told him but looking away to the dark sky and the raining fire in Hell.
"I don't know how he did that… but there were times he used to hug me, or even just touch, and the pain almost got away completely… it was when I was able to breathe without pain for a few minutes..."
He closed his eyes, deep recalling those moments of calm and inner peace. Those were some of the memories he holded dearest, the sensation of being hugged by the child, or at least he thought it was. The kid stroking his head and singing lullabies to calm him down. Such gentle touch from his tiny hands on his wounded head and skin was something he could never forget, even if that used to hurt as well.
Before opening his eyes, Vergil let out a deep sigh, that made Dante get an idea of how much that unknown kid meant to his brother and he was starting to connect the dots with what Vergil said earlier.
"Why?" Vergil said in an indignant tone. "Why did he do all that to me?!"
He turned to Dante, he was very confused and incredulous, "What I did to that kid?! Why did he help me not wanting anything in return?! He never requested something back!"
Dante's eyes wide-opened surprised about his brother's confusion and he asked himself: 'He didn't understand what happened?'
Vergil's voice became louder as he was letting out old thoughts of painful memories, "Why, brother?! WHY!? There were even some days he appeared with wounds; he said it was the people that didn't like him, they hurt him to push him away because they didn't want to give the stuff to him. I could smell the blood, his wounds...he…-inhales- Why was he sacrificing himself?! He was doing all that to me… TO MEEEE! A PITIFUL WEAK USELESS THING I WAS!"
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Dante even leaned back scared after Vergil's last scream, that behavior was quite unexpected coming from such a person that is always composed.
"I was weak! I was dying! No one cares for a weakened demon, they just let them die! He could have called hunters to finish me… BUT NO! He did the total opposite!" Vergil kept yelling extremely confused.
"I remember the stories he told me… and sometimes, during moments of physical contact, I saw some of his...memories? -I guess they were - he was an orphan! No one wanted him, everyone else hated him for no reason and the older kids used to hurt him for fun! HE WAS JUST A LITTLE KID! Why didn't he request me to pay back those people in return for the favors he was doing to me?! That's not how it was supposed to work?!” Vergil yelled while huffing out of breath.
Dante gently touched Vergil's shoulder and just gave a calm look at him, like telling him to take easy on his nerves; Understanding his brother's signals, Vergil took an incredibly deep breath in an attempt to calm down, but his disturbed face and stiff body remained.
"That's called empathy, bro…" Dante said softly.
Vergil took a moment to process what Dante said, but he kept looking at him confused. "What?!" he yelled.
Dante hardly believed that his brother never experienced an act of empathy before and stared at him confused as well.
"Empathy. You know… that thing of being able to understand what the other is feeling? To put yourself in the place of the other?" Dante tried to explain, but that only made Vergil more confused. His silence and as well doubtful face made the situation more awkward for Dante - making him visibly worried.
"Well… it's a human heart thing… Empathy generates compassion and that's what moved the kid to help you. He understood your suffering and decided to help you out. He didn't see you like what you described, he saw you as a living being." Dante tried again.
Vergil was slowly starting to understand; it didn't need much for him to recall Nero helping him when he was V and also the people himself helped when he was V during the Qliphoth roots' rampage.
"That's what moves humans to help others? That's how it's called?" Vergil asked confused.
"Yes!" Dante replied happily and a bit relieved. "Such strong empathy like that kid is incredibly rare to be witnessed, especially nowadays. People like that must be protected at all costs, not just because of their kind heart, but also because they can kill themselves because of it. Humans like that are worth fighting for."
Dante's words made Vergil a bit uneasy as if he did something wrong with the kid during a part of the story he hasn't told yet.
And Dante kept talking: "That's what is amazing about humans. But... demons think that's a weakness… well, that's, in fact, a weakness, it's incredibly dangerous but it's also their strongest point! For demons, self-preservation is more important than anything, meanwhile, some humans don't give a shit about that if it's necessary to protect what is important. They rather die sacrificing themselves, and for demons that's a shame, especially coming from a species that's magically and physically inferior…"
*Unfortunately…" Dante's enthusiasm vanished away very quickly. "The own mankind created such a society through the past decades where that kind of stuff is being suppressed...by themselves! And apathy is going apeshit everywhere… This is another reason why that kind of person should be safeguarded… otherwise, mankind will only keep hurting itself."
"I think… 'Apathy' should be considered a Deadly Sin… since the current seven are all based on it…" he said scratching his head.
They stayed in silence for a few seconds, hence Vergil had no idea about what Dante said at the end. They both returned to gaze at the fire raining (supposedly)night sky for a few minutes until Vergil broke the silence: "These kind people you said… It's pretty much like Baby and… Nero…"
"Yeah, you're right…" Dante said calmly without looking at Vergil.
"This thing of sacrifice itself…" Vergil then continued the story, but talking at a more slow pace, "There was one day… Baby didn't come… I was like 'I was abandoned again?'
"Aah…About that..." Dante interrupted a bit unnerved.
But Vergil responded quickly "I know! But back then I didn't! -ahem- I was finally able to get up a bit and worried something may have happened, I decided to pursue his scent…"
Nero continued his side of the story, even with the feeling of his throat closing because of the incoming subject: "It was very difficult to take care of him… He didn't have the strength to lift his head or to chew some food… gosh… he smelled so bad, such a strong scent of dry blood and… other disgusting stuff -if you know what I mean- but eventually, I learned how to ignore that awful scent. He used to shiver so much… his extremity members were cold like ice…"
-a pause for a deep breath-
He then continued: "every little movement he tried to do he whimpered in pain… he barely could leave the place we first met. I was getting used to calming him down with some gentle physical contact like strokes on his head… but even so…"
"There were some moments I hugged or when I just touched him and I could feel what he was feeling… it was an immeasurable pain… Other moments… -It's very confusing, to be honest- But I think I was able to see his memories? I guess...?"
"How did they look?" Victor asked, interrupting Nero.
"Aah… well… a huge old man, long-ass beard and with feathery wings… hmmm.. aaaaand... aaaa... red third eye…? He was all white as if he was a statue and had a huge hole in his chest. He always appeared to be torturing him…" Nero said a bit uneasy, he remembered that as if it was his memories.
Victor closed his eyes and let out a concerned sigh, he knew Nero was talking about Mundus, but that wasn't the moment to tell him.
Nero looked at him worried, not understanding what was going on, although he suspected it wasn't something good.
"Just… keep going," Victor said apprehensively.
"The ones that most scared me was when the old man was taking off his members, like, literally. He used them to create monsters…" Nero shivered just with the slightly recalling his eyes even got teary from thinking about that.
He quickly passed his hand on his eyes to clean up the tears, before someone could notice them, "that always made me jump off the place, those images and some others were always storming his thoughts… I guess it was his thoughts… He cried every time I saw them…"
"Considering his reactions about those images and the state he was… I think he didn't deserve to be like that… he wasn't like that because he wanted… I think that old man did that to him…  -sigh- ...he was so needy… he hanged his head in my lap every time I used to sit closer..."
Nero's eyes got more watery than before, he tried once again to hold his emotions and clean his eyes.
Before continuing, he took a deep breath to focus back and keep posture. "Well… there was one day I was trying to stealthily leave the orphanage… but the older kids got me. They were so pissed at me because they discovered it was me that had stolen some of their things… Pfft! They used to destroy and also steal my stuff… so fuck them. But I couldn't escape that time… and I was missing the hour to go meet with Monster…"
"I followed his trail with a bit of difficulty, mostly because of the pain all over my body, but I could find him," Vergil continued.
"Somehow I could hear more people around… so, I stayed behind some trees… or was it a wall? well..." but he hesitated to continue.
"What was happening?" Dante asked curiously.
"Some other kids… I guess… they were not so taller than him and were apparently fighting him. They had the advantage in numbers, he couldn't handle them all." Vergil said low.
"How did you know who he was?" Dante questioned.
"I learned how to recognize him… somehow… his shape and colors we're different from the others and as well his scent…" Vergil answered.
"I remember the other ones saying 'you freak! you're not just the son of a whore but also a thief?', 'what are you doing with our stuff?' I could feel his tiredness of the fight, he then replied: 'I needed them for a…" Vergil suddenly paused as if something got stuck on his throat.
"I needed them for a…?" Dante repeated, anxious for the end of the phrase.
Vergil kept quiet for almost a minute, holding back his next word. He was visibly tense, but Dante attempted to incentive him to continue with the story: "Brother? What happened then?"
No answers, although Vergil had closed his eyes and was biting his lips in tension, he was holding his emotions the maximum he could.
"Bro… listen…" Dante said softly while he put his hand on Vergil's shoulder. "Don't hold back your feelings like this… Put it out, let then go…"
But his brother continued immobile.
"I'm not gonna judge or mock you… I promise." Dante continued to try to convince Vergil. "Look, you can even stab me as much as your heart desires if I do something I shouldn't."
Vergil let out air since he was also holding his breath a little and something Dante never expected happened, not even when they were kids: Vergil's eyes started to become teary.
Yes, tears. Dante couldn't believe what he was witnessing.
"Friend," Vergil said low and with grief.
"He said… 'I needed them for a friend' -sniff- 'I have a friend that needs help, but you wouldn't help me anyway," Vergil said with agony in his voice.
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"Friend… friend… friend...FRIEND!" He then looked at Dante with a quick turn and shouted in pain, "HE CALLED ME HIS FRIEND!" and a few tears rolled out in his face.
"Why do you think you didn't deserve that?" Dante nearly broke Vergil's sanity with that question.
Vergil suddenly got an empty look, as he never thought about that, he could only stutter trying to come up with an answer.
"T-T-That's not how it works… That never happened before… Y-Yo-you got to do something to receive such a thing… right?! RIGHT?!" Vergil was on the edge of freaking out.
Dante took a long breath, to not absorb his brother's messed up aura. He kept his voice calm and low for don't provoke him more: "No, bro… Kindness is not an award, it is a gift. The kid saw something in you and thought you deserved that… What was it? I don't know."
Vergil's face turned blank, he'd never thought like that before… the way he lived didn't let it anyway, he had no idea about why and how that happened with him.
"So… what did you do to help the child?" Dante asked rather calmly.
"The kids were beating the shit out of me… but I didn't give up on trying to flee from them. I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to return to my… friend." Nero continued, his voice getting low while sadness was taking over him.
"I even tried to explain to them that I was doing that for someone that needed more than them, but that only made them madder…"
-a pause-
"I don't know where he came from, but Monster just suddenly jumped off in the middle of the orphanage's backyard. He roared so loud that he even let a huge blue fire column go out of his mouth. He came straight to the bullies and swinging only his right hand he tossed all of them away in a single move! POF! ...He then stayed over me as if he was trying to shield me or something."
"His wounds were bleeding all over again, he must have made a shit ton of strength to reach the orphanage."
"The other kids recognized him from that day… the oldest even shouted: 'I knew it you were a freak, but this is too much!' That only made Monster angrier, he wanted to go for the kill."
"He started to prepare another fire breath, but I couldn't let him do that. I jumped in front of him and shouted 'NO! Don't kill them! It will only make it worse for you!' hoping that he would understand me…"
"And that worked?" Nico asked nervously with the story.
"Yes," Nero responded. "He stopped at the same moment and looked at me very confused. I also could hear the adults screaming to call the Order's knights at the same moment."
"'You have to get out of here' I yelled. 'They will kill you!'"
"I don't think he understood what I meant at first because he suddenly grabbed me by my shirt's collar using his mouth and threw me on his back. He got away from the place very quickly into the woods, I don't know how he was able to stand the pain… he was going relatively fast… and when already far from the orphanage, he tripped on his own legs and arms."
"I was launched out of his back and surprisingly I didn't blacken out when I crashed over a tree. I got up in a rush and the moment I spotted him I saw he was all bleeding… all again, he was back to zero. He was whimpering in pain again, but even so, he was trying to get up."
"I ran to help him out, I didn't know how I would help him, but I went to try anyway."
"I don't remember exactly what happened… The next thing that's more clear in my memory is both of us in the woods. I was trying to get up, but my weakened body and the extreme pain weren't letting me." Vergil explained with a bit of confusion on his face.
"'You have to go! The Order's Knights will kill you!' he yelled at me"
"Hold up!" Dante interrupted. "’Order’? The Order of the Sword?!”
"Yes…" Vergil replied low and slow.
"You were in Fortuna?!” Dante yelled at him quite stunned.
"Yes… Don't ask me how…" Vergil said with a bit of embarrassment.
"I was trying to make him get up… but like… he was countless times bigger than me," Nero said with a sarcastic smile.
"I was starting to hear the Knights' yelling and running around the woods looking for him. That only made me more nervous… The only thing I had in mind was: 'they will kill him'."
"Out of nowhere, blue light strips appeared around us and I could make one hell of strength to make him get up. And when I looked at my arms and hands… there were my spectral arms, helping him to stand and move away, they were rather proportional to his size."
"I thought out loud: 'What is this? Your magic?! Thanks! That's gonna help a lot!'"
"Wait!" Victor stopped the story. "Through years you thought your demon magic was a gift from him?"
Nero kept staring at Victor with a surprised, yet embarrassed face. "Oh, well… -scratches his head- I could only use my spectral arms while in contact with him…so..."
"Hmm… makes sense...I would also expect such thoughts from a six years old that grew up thinking it was a human… well, part human in this case." Victor said calmly.
"Sorry for interrupting, continue, please." He asked politely.
Already thinking about what was coming along the story, Nero was already getting nervous and more shaken once more.
The sadness in his voice we're getting apparently the more he spoke: "We ran… and ran… and ran… and like everything can get worse, it started to rain, at least it helped clean his wounds a little. It was so dark, but my 'magical arms' could illuminate the way. At some point, we were able to find a small cave. Monster's absurd size and disproportion nearly didn't let him get in, but he could lay down to rest."
"I could make my spectral arms disappear, but there were the blue strings there yet...They weren't making any illumination tho." Nero said it was a bit uncertain.
"That's because isn't something 'material', it's like...infrared and ultraviolet rays, and only demons and half-demons can see it," Victor explained. "although, it can be seen with special cameras," he added.
Immediately, Kyrie made a worrisome face and Nico looked at her scared as well. The lights that only she could see and apparently, Trish as well, was an actual demon thing and not demon-magic related. That would also explain why Nico couldn't see them. What could that mean? Haven't Kyrie only obtained demon magic but it also turned into one… or she was still turning? After Nero's case, she was the next one to talk with Victor but the feeling of uncertainty we're only making her anxious.
"Ah… that would explain how they didn't find us…" Nero continued, without noticing the girls' reaction. Unfortunately, Victor did and he was already preparing questions for them.
"When the rain stopped I went back to the first place I was taking care of him and got our stuff back. Monster had fainted from tiredness and only woke up the next day."
"I haven't returned to the orphanage either."
"I don't remember too much of how we got in that cave, but the kid didn't return to the city, it was the first time he passed the night with me," Vergil said.
"That night was also the first time I had dreams in a long time… but I don't think they were mine, they were memories from the kid…" Vergil then made a pause, he remembered the child's memories as if they were his.
Dante was getting nervous since he discovered that little kid was from Fortuna; he had a feeling that 'Baby' could actually be 'Nero' since he was aware about the Sync's traits and many of what his brother described matched with.
Vergil had let out a depressing sigh before continuing to speak: "I could see more clearly than before how his life was… It also reminded me of mine… loneliness, pain, and sorrow… But that child didn't have a special sword or demonic powers to take care of himself alone… he was dependent on people that didn't care about him."
"When Monster woke up I was outside the cave, wondering what I would do about my little life… the people from the orphanage definitely wouldn't want me back and I was one hundred percent sure I wouldn't be adopted after what happened. I had nowhere to go." Nero said quite sad, his eyes were getting teary again.
"He was just sitting right in front of the cave entrance." Vergil continued. "The pain on my body had returned, I could barely move again."
"'What I will do?' he asked me. 'No one will ever adopt me now… not after they discovered I have a demon friend…' and he started to cry… it was a quiet cry."
"…and ...I still can't understand what happened to me... His painful crying made my heart hurt… psychologically hurt… not literally. I didn't want to see him like that… I knew how much that was painful…"
Dante made an embarrassed smile without his brother noticing; Vergil just had described a moment of empathy, a thing that a few minutes ago he had no idea even how it was called.
Dante then thought: "You have so much to learn about your humanity, bro…"
"He then turned to me and said, 'I don't want to come back…' his voice was more trembling than before." Vergil continued with sadness in his voice. "His face was a big distorted blur to me, but somehow I could identify his tears dripping down his face."
"I honestly didn't think rationally at that moment, I just wanted his welfare. That child… he's been doing so much for me without me saying a thing and for nothing in exchange… I couldn't leave him hanging in the wind like that."
Dante, even having an idea about what was coming, became so hyped to know what would happen next that he got very close to his brother, nearly starting to invade his personal space. Vergil didn't like all that proximity, but he hasn't complained… yet.
"I extended my right hand to him, inviting him to get closer to me, hoping that he would understand what I meant with that."
"He did?" Dante asked curiously.
"He hasn't understood the first few times I made the signal, he kept staring at me for a brief moment, until he said 'Do you want to adopt me?'" Vergil explained.
Nero was already in tears without even finishing to tell that part of the story. He was sobbing and crying as if he was living that moment all again. He began to desperately try to stop crying and to clean his tears, Kyrie even got closer and handed a soft tissue to him.
"It's okay to cry, Nero. No need to be ashamed of your tears." Victor said in an attempt to tranquilize Nero.
"Yeah, man," Nico said worriedly. "No one will judge you, I promise."
Nero tried to take his breath back between many hiccups and sobbings in an attempt to regain his posture, but that was impossible, that moment was too shocking for him.
"H-He.. he.. -sob- He wanted me -sniff- he was the only o-one… tha-that… -sniff-  aaa-accepted me… that didn't see me as a… -sob sob- freak… a-a-a problem…-sniff sob sob-"
"I just waved my head confirming what he asked and he suddenly broke. He began to cry out loud like a newborn baby."
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That "sniff" totally surprised Dante; Vergil was unexpectedly once again shaken and teary with the story. That kid surely meant a lot to him after everything they passed together.
"He came at me running for a hug… and kept crying like that for so long that he nearly lost his voice. He hugged me tight around my neck -sniff- as if I just had saved him from. death..."
Vergil stopped to take a breath and, surprisingly, he tried to clean a few tears. "And then... -sniff-...after that we began to live together… but I have no idea for how long… I just remember that he grew up a lot."
"We then lived together for… six years…" Nero said between sobbings.
"He was my best friend… almost like a father… still… -sniff-... we had to take care of each other. But through the years his condition was getting better -sob- his body was getting more proportional and looking 'human-ish', he didn't have more pain like before… almost none to be more exact -sob- the pieces of the some short of armor he had started to fall off his body too."
"What do you mean?" Nico asked. "He was like… 'healing' or something?"
"I think?" Nero replied a bit confused as he scratched his head.
"Most of the time his actions weren't like a demon's, he mostly looked like a human in a demon body." Nero tried to explain.
"One day I asked him if he was a human once, he took a long time to answer, like five minutes almost, but he said 'yes'. Although… It took him hours to explain to me that he was half-human. He tried to explain other things but he couldn't because of his condition; he couldn't write or draw and much less speak. He gave up on the explanation and we never talked about it again."
"So, you never asked him how he was when human?" Victor asked with a bit of suspicion.
"No…I was waiting for him to speak and move better..." Nero answered quickly. "But I would be lying if I say I never tried to imagine…"
-a brief pause-
Nero giggled when he remembered about a silly thing.
"We.. we made up a 'special handshake' if he returned to be human when I wasn't looking…" he said with an embarrassed smile. "I never forgot how it was -sigh"
"It was very difficult to live around a demon-infested forest with a dependent child, a debilitated body and the Order of the Sword hunting us down," Vergil said sadly.
His face became sadder and more tears started to form as he continued to speak
"But he was someone I swore to myself I would protect", he said fiercely but still with a sad tone in the voice.
Vergil quickly cleaned his tears, expecting that his brother hadn't noticed them. But even sitting a bit behind him, Dante could tell by his movements what was happening.
"I tried to teach him what I knew of sword and fist fighting, fortunately whenever we touched each other and some kind of...lights...? I guess, appeared around us, I only had to think about the theory and he would learn right away, he just had to practice."
"While the time was passing I could feel Mundus' magic fading away veeeeeery slowly... as if I was being purified somehow. My body was getting back to normal, I wasn't feeling that much pain anymore, sometimes I even felt nothing wrong… but I was still a mess."
Dante dry swallowed a bit audible; that was more proof of Sync, a Parent and Child or Siblings of same parents exclusive stuff. A little brother of them the kid couldn't be, so the only possible conclusion was a child from Vergil.
Confused, Vergil turned back after hearing his brother's nervous noises. Dante couldn't hide his anxious face, that gave to Vergil a very suspicious feeling.
Dante then giggled nervously, "sorry, keep going…"
Vergil stared at him with skepticism, but he continued the story either way. "There were some moments I… I just wanted to hold him closer… comfort him with gentle strokes and give him kisses in the head."
He then wrapped his arms around his chest, like demonstrating a hug, while he made a face of joy and he said with a tender voice: "I wanted to tickle him to make him laugh… Play silly children activities like hide-and-seek…I wanted to read bed-time stories for him, cooking him food… and so many other things…sigh..."
His face was of pure happiness, that kid was very precious to him; thinking about the good times they passed together was one of the few ways for Vergil to be able to smile, a discreet but honest and pure smile of happiness.
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Dante finally came to a concrete realization and interrupted Vergil: "You mean… The things mom used to do for us?" he asked, expecting a certain reaction.
Vergil stopped to think for a brief moment; his brother was right. Everything he wished to be able to do was everything he remembered what their mother did for them.
He turned to look at Dante, his face was of surprise, he never related the things like that before. It was when Dante knew that his brother had some parenting instincts and love hidden somewhere inside him. He just needed a chance to put them into practice.
But the problem was: what if Baby is Nero? Vergil had hurt the most precious person in his life for his "more-power-quest"? And how both parts would react when they discover they already knew each other?
Should he tell Vergil his thoughts? Tell him the deep details about Sync, since he seemed to not know them? Dante saw himself in a very complicated and delicate crossroads.
"I think...I understood why you called him 'baby'" Dante said calmly, trying to keep his anxiety away.
"Ahn?" Vergil blurted. "That was a misunderstanding, to be honest: a few days after I invited him to stay with me, he asked if I would give him a name. My debilitated mouth and tongue didn't let me speak a single comprehensive word. I tried to say 'maybe', but he understood 'baby', and no matter what I tried there was no way I could either speak or he understood me. So, we stuck with 'Baby'".
Dante surely wasn't expecting that; the disappointment had hit him like a truck, he was expecting something cute, something special… but no, it was just a misunderstanding.
"But… Why… "wanted"? You weren't able to do a single thing of that?" Dante asked, even already knowing the answer.
Vergil's joy quickly vanished, as if Dante just had stabbed him on his back. "How could I? In that state?! Even after all that time, we passed together, in the end, I could not even speak or see him clearly. The maximum I could do was hold him closer and nothing else."
They passed a few seconds in silence until Dante came with the worst question he could have done about that subject: "Well… what happened with the kid then?”
Vergil's soul left his body at that moment. Only to think about it made him visibly depressed. He started to stare at the void, his eyes had no shine anymore as if he just died that moment.
"He used to teach me how to sword fight and also how to fight bare hands. I learned all the basics with him… although… I don't know how, but when that lights appeared, I used to instantly know about whatever he wanted to teach me." Nero explained, with a bit of confusion on his tone.
“Sometimes I had those… ‘de-sync breakdowns’… but being with him helped me endure the pain… I don’t know how that happened…but somehow it hurt him a bit as well. With time that stopped to happen and only came back a few weeks ago nowadays."
Now even Nico and Kyrie were with the feeling that Monster was in fact, Vergil. Everything Nero was describing matched with the description of Sync Victor gave to then early.
Nero giggled remembering every good moment he passed with his best friend. "When he was feeling good, we used to go to the city late at night and steal stuff. Clothes for me, food, cover sheets, and so on. Hehe. When he was in a good mood, rare times, we used to steal food from delivery guys, especially the ones from pizzerias. Or even watch TV from the windows of some houses… I could watch something, I don't know about him. I remember he loved to hear me reading books to him too… He always wanted to try to read them too, but he definitely couldn't because of his wounded eyes… - sigh."
"Why did you call him Monster?" Nico questioned, quite curious about.
"I don't know exactly, I just started to call him like that… Nowadays I think it's quite an ironic name… he only looked like a monster… but he was more human with me than every actual human I ever met…"
"He was so affectionate…" he said with a smile. "Not at the very beginning, he turned with time. He liked to hold me closer, especially during bedtime. He tried to do some gentle moves like… stroke or pat my head, but his size and lack of better control of his moments didn't let him do that so well…"
"... he even made up a clicking noise to pretend it was a kiss… sigh…"
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"But… what happened to him?" Victor asked, taking off Nero's happiness from his face. That was the worst question someone could make about the monster.
Then, both Nero(at Void) and Vergil(at Hell) started to recall and talk about that fateful day:
Fortuna - back to 13 years ago - 04:00 AM
Baby and Monster were sneaking their way through the city, going in the direction of the port area.
Monster was wearing a dirty cloak, he was almost the size of a tall human by that time, although his large horns made a weird shape on the cloak’s hood. Since his body was almost proportional now, he was able to walk on his legs, only needing an improvised cane Baby made using hardwood to support himself standing.
Baby was at the end of his childhood, around twelve years old. He was wearing some humble clothing that he stole from a shop and on his backpack, also stolen, he was carrying the few material things they had. On his waist, it had a badly forged iron sword, a failed attempt to recreate a katana that he made among Monster.
When the Port got on sight, Baby whispered, "Finally! We need to get into one of those big commercial ships and we will finally get out of this hell.
They both went slow and silent through the darker areas of the place, contouring every lamp post and the one or two workers they spotted. Until they reached a medium-sized cargo ship; an uncommon kind of commerce ship that docks on Fortuna's Port bringing special products from the continent.
"Now we just need to get in thought the anchor" Baby whispered excitedly.
But before he gave the next step, Monster gently touched his shoulder calling his attention to him. Baby turned at him visibly confused but when he saw the gesture Monster was doing he understood what it was: he was calling him for a hug.
Baby could tell that his friend was trying to smile, Monster had to kneel to look at him eye to eye and his arms were stretched toward him, calling him closer.
Nero didn't get why that right now, but he didn't question, he went straight to the hug. They hugged tightly and tenderly and the time seemed to have stopped, they were enjoying every second of that comforting hug. Monster felt his heart warming, that feeling of seeing Baby happy was indescribable. While Baby was immeasurable happy about how much his friend got better.
They didn't want that moment to end, it was the first time they were able to do a decent hug, even if Monster's arms weren't totally recovered. Monster was even purring like a big cat for much of Baby's fun.
"Thank you...I love you Monster, you're my hero." Baby said from the bottom of his heart.
Those words were going to get stuck on Monster's mind forever, but it was him that wanted to say that most.
'No… you that saved me, my baby… I love you too' Monster thought. But he was so desperate to say such words that he tried to talk, unfortunately his vocal cords and tongue haven't healed enough and he could only mumble mostly random demonic noises and a syllable or two.
"it's okay…" Baby said when he noticed his friend's despair. "I can't wait for your mouth and neck to get better so we can have actual talks" he giggled.
"Let's go" he called him, gesturing for them to keep walking.
Once they were side by side with the anchor's huge chains, Baby said quite confidently:  "Are you rea-?" he suddenly was interrupted by a loud painful screaming from Monster.
When he turned, he couldn't believe his eyes, Monster got stabbed on his back by a silver sword that pierced through his chest. It wasn't the same sword type the Order's Knights used.
The sword slightly opened its blade in the middle like a jaw and quickly drained Monster's energy, making him scream in pain again.
"MONSTER!" Baby shouted with all his strength.
He sprinted to help his friend, but twenty or more Order's Knights jumped out from inside the crates that were closer to the ship.  
"The Order?! How?!" Baby yelled in panic. All those years living hidden from them, how they finally found the double?
The silver sword got out of Monster's body quickly; the fatigue caused by the energy drain made his -already unstable- body fall to the ground. Behind him, it had a woman in the Order's Knight uniform, the hood and low light were hiding her face and she was holding another sword, of the same look, on her other hand.
"Finally found you, you brainless beast," she muttered. "What's your problem in dying?"
Baby ran towards his friend's body on the cold metal floor of the dock, he was bleeding tremendously. He didn't have time to think about what that sword did to him. The moment he got closer Monster was still conscious, but he was weak once again.
Baby was on the edge of freak out: "No. No. No. No. No! You just got so much better! Why?!"
He tried to help him get up, but two Knights rapidly dragged him away from Monster. They quickly turned his hands to his back and wrapped his pulses together with a silver rope that had some strange runes written on it - immediately he felt his strength being drained and he kneeled tired as if he had just trained for the entire day.
"NO! Monster!" He shouted, feeling even his breath getting heavier.
Monster was feeling weak because of the energy drain, he felt the same tiredness he had years ago. But this time there wasn't pain aside from the stabbing on his chest, he could do that, he MUST and he WILL protect his child.
He started to concentrate strength on his arms to get up, his almost fully regenerated wings opened wide to intimidate the Knights, revealing his demonic body under the cloak, they also now had a blue glow inside that helped to illuminate just a little the place.
The woman with the pair of odd swords rolled her eyes before going straight to stab Monster's left hand against the floor. He didn’t scream but his face was of real pain.
She stabbed his hand so strong that the sword got stuck on the metal floor, with the strength he had left he couldn’t take his hand out of the place so quick and easy, dragging him into the beginning of insanity.
He roared scared, kinda telling Baby to run away.
Baby tried to untangle from the Knights' tight grips: He jumps and shakes his body, fighting to get free… But the ropes had cut off all of his strength and the Knights were being able to hold him like a normal kid. All that effort only made him more breathlessly.
Under all that stress he could only think: "What's going on with me?! If I don't do something they will kill him! He's not one hundred percent yet!”
Monster realized that Baby wouldn't get out on his own, he tried to get his hand out of the sword trapping, with no results. The only way would let the sword cut its way through his hand for he can get out, leaving his left hand useless for the moment.
"Spare me of this shit…" the woman said, annoyed by the attempts of the double to get out of that situation through the last minute.
"Listen, you piece of shit!" She called Monster's attention. "If you come with us in peace, we won't do anything with the kid."
She gets very close to him and whispers, for only him to hear it: "I know you can understand me… Nelo Angelo."
Her last two words made his blood boil.
Hear that name again triggered nightmares and traumas that he already had suppressed years ago thanks to his life with Baby.
Monster roared loudly and in despair, just for the fact that the woman had that information, she was surely dangerous and probably somehow knew Mundus.
He goes fully charged with his right arm at her, his claws ready to slaughter, but she could easily dodge by kneeling.
Monster barely could move his chest to turn around because of his stuck hand.
He threw his body forward, his mouth was wide open to get her.
Unfortunately, the woman was countless times faster than him.
He got close enough to take a piece out of her, but he had bitten the air. She did a high jump over his head and landed on his back, going down with everything she got and smacking his chest against the metal floor.
For some reason, she hated Monster and that could easily be seen in her vicious eyes.
With the other sword she had in her hands, she began a quick yet cruel multiple stabbing on his back.
The sword had not just pierced him, but it also drained his energy and magic at every stab.
Baby screamed in pain so loud that he almost lost his voice. Monster could do nothing either except shout in pain.
"STOP! STOOOOOOOP!" Baby screamed in panic and started to cry uncontrollably, that was the only thing he could do in that situation.
The woman jumped off from Monster's back, her sword dripping his blood as well her leggings and cape dirty with it as well. She took off the sword from his left hand and stabbed in his right hand, but he couldn't move anymore, he returned to zero all over again.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! YOU ARE THE MONSTER HERE, YOU SCUM!" Baby shouted with his most honest anger and panic towards the unknown woman.
Baby couldn't see her face but could feel her stare at him. The pressure was immeasurable, but it hasn't shaken him anyway.
She made a hand signal to one of the Knights to let the kid go. At the moment they had taken off the rope from his pulses, he ran away towards his friend - his face was completely wet with his desperate tears.
"Monster! Monster please… no… you have to get out of here!" Baby cried in panic, trying to help him get up.
But he was so weak… again. He tried to give his arms some strength the maximum he could, but the energy-draining made that an impossible task.
The woman pulled Baby, holding on the neck collar of his jacket, with ease away from Monster.
Very close to losing his conscience, Monster kept trying to get up and even charge some magic to help Baby. Unfortunately, all of his efforts were useless, he was already out of battle.
Baby couldn't speak, he only could stare at the image of his best friend dying in front of him and he couldn't do a thing about it.
Mentally, Monster was in a total panic, his body and magic weren't responding to his commands anymore, but he kept trying to get up anyway.
Monster had a bad vision, but he could see and understand what happened right in front of him: Baby was stabbed in the chest by the woman and a few blood drops had fallen on Monster's face.
The sword then electrocuted him with a deadly high voltage: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"
Monster's heart and soul slowly started to die together with Baby.
"You two can't stay together, that's not how it's supposed to work," she told him drily and dreadfully while she threw Baby's dead body in the ocean.
Monster died inside together with the sound of the “splash” of Baby’s body in the water.
The Knights could easily chain him up and take him to a big vehicle, transporting him to the Order's Headquarters after that.
Through a few years, the Order used him and the pieces they found of his armor to create their Angelos. They thought they were draining his magic, although, somehow he managed to hold the most he could his own magic and he made them drain all of Mundus' corruption out of him.
That nearly had the cost of his life, but he was able to regain his full consciousness and "original form" at a high cost.
One day we faked his death and was able to flee from the facility in a killing spree. That happened a few weeks before the Fortuna incident.
Through the next years, he lived that moment of Baby's death over and over, corrupting him from inside out; making him realize once again how weak he was, that he didn't deserve a human life or either love. His human side was only responsible for his and his loved ones suffering and that he had to return for his search of power because of his weakness and this time… no matter what, even if that meant discarding a part of himself.
Meanwhile, Baby survived the stab of that day and found himself on a shore later, still at Fortuna.
He went to live around the outskirts of Fortuna for a long time, attacking and sometimes even killing by accident every Knight he spotted on the path between the city and the Order's headquarters. He questioned every single one of them about Monster, but none of them knew what he was talking about.
Until he attacked Credo, that had an idea about what he was looking for.
Credo and Kyrie's parents accepted Baby to live among them since he had white hair and some connection with demons, very similar to the description of the figure they worshipped: Sparda.
Unfortunately, a few weeks later they got killed by a demon, thus, bringing the "demon magnet curse" back to haunt Baby.
He then joined the Order with the only intention of getting good equipment and to get inside the HQ to look for Monster.
A few weeks before the incident with the Savior, Credo was able to bring for Baby, in secret, a copy of documents talking about Monster… only for him to discover that his best friend had died.
Void Realm - Pitch Black City: Back to the present
Kyrie had to finish the story from Nero's "death" in front since she knew it as well, all because Nero was sobbing and sniffing uncontrollably, his tears were too much for he could clean it and he was too shaken to be able to speak.
Nico never expected to feel so sorry for Nero, she was aware he had a tough life, but not that much… Victor was also feeling bad for him, but he had to tell him the truth, the only possible truth. What he didn’t expect was the reaction that was about to come.
They waited in silence nearly an hour for Nero to calm down, it was already very late in the night.
“Nero...” Victor started slowly, breaking the silence. “I don’t think Monster really died…”
Nero raised his head to look at him, he couldn’t understand how Victor got to that conclusion.
“Have you payed attention… on the things you described?” Victor continued calmly. “Be able to feel what the other is feeling… see memories… receive the knowledge from the other…”
Victor’s words weren’t clicking Nero’s memory, he was still a bit shaken with the story.
Noticing that, he decided to be more direct: “You described every characteristic of Sync”
Nero’s brain gears began to work again, Sync was a recent subject Victor explained to him: an exclusive ability of Siblings of the same parents and… Parent and Children exclusive thing.
“No! Wait!” Nero blurted confused. “Ar-Are you… Are you trying to tell me that Monster… - a pause- was Vergil?!”
“I’m sure about that,” Victor said quite seriously, staring at Nero’s eyes.
Nero immediately got up from the seat, scaring Kyrie that was closer to him. His face had changed so quickly as if someone had pressed a switch. He began to yell angrily at Victor for no apparent reason: “VERGIL ISN’T MONSTER! No way that cold-blooded motherfucker is Monster!” he screamed between tears, but this time tears of anger.
“Dude! Chill! What’s up?!” Nico yelled scared with his reaction.
“Why are you in denial?!” Victor questioned, keeping his calm and serious posture. “Can’t you see that everything you said described Sync perfectly?”
“NO!” Nero shouted angrily.
Kyrie could see some sparks starting to blink around Nero, but before she was able to say anything Victor went first: “Why then?!” he yelled confused.
Nero took a deep breath and concentrated all his anger and depression on his next words and tears: “I’M NOT THE BASTARD CHILD OF A DEMON!”
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And immediately after those words of sorrow, he started to bleed through his eyes, nose and mount at an alarming quantity. He lost control of his body and fell off the ground, shaking so much as if he was having a convulsion.
Only Kyrie could see the mess of blue and red bolts circling around Nero: “Oh my God! He’s desyncing again!” she shouted scared and instinctively rushed to help him out.
“Kyrie! Wait!” Nico shouted, but it was too late.
The moment she touched him, purple and white energy strings came out of her and touched his energy streams. At exactly the same moment, his energies repealed hers away, sending Kyrie a few steps backward.
“Are you a demon?!” Victor shouted quite surprised. “Or a half demon?! - he quickly turned to Nico - “You said she was human!”
Hell - at same moment
The situation got quite awkward between Dante and Vergil.
Vergil was holding his feelings the maximum he could, he was even holding his breath to do so, his body was shaking of so much tension and a tear or other was going down his cheeks, his face was red of stress.
“Ah… That’s why you did that then…” Date said low, finally understanding what initially motivated his brother to go after the Qliporth and throw away his human half.
There was no way Vergil’s uneasy and tension could pass unnoticed. Dante started to feel sorry for his brother like he never thought he would; Vergil lost the most precious person in his entire life. Baby was his savior and he barely could do something to help him in return.
The way Vergil was holding himself made Dante recall how he felt that day; Yeah, that fateful day he couldn't hold Vergil to destroy his own life. That killing sensation of feeling useless and powerless. The thought of 'everything could be different IF...'
“Bro…” Dante said soft and low, trying to call Vergil’s attention. “Listen… even a Devil may cry when they lose a loved one.”
When Dante thought he couldn’t see his brother more shaken, the inevitable happened: Vergil couldn’t hold anymore, not after his brother’s last words; he started to sobbing and crying in grief. Baby's death was too painful for him: he hugged himself trying to endure the pain and he stuttered uncontrollably many incomprehensive words, he brought his legs closer and assumed a fetal position.
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Dante got closer and in an attempt to comfort the desolated man he laid his left hand on his left shoulder. Vergil couldn’t resist and laid his head on his brother’s shoulder; he was crying and sobbing as if Baby just had died that moment and even being a silent crying, he was in pure pain. His chest and shoulders were giving small jumps because of his strong sobbing and hiccups, his lips and jaw were trembling as if he was shivering and his nose was very runny.
“I-I-It-t-t w-as just like… just like that day… - sob- just like… -sob sob- just like that day…! -hic hic!” Vergil cried. “I-I-I I couldn’t protect him! I WAS WEAK! t-t-THE SA-ME SHIiiiT-T! ALL OVER AGAIN! -sob sob... hic- aaaaahh...!”
Dante tried to stroke Vergil’s shoulder to comfort him more, it wasn’t helping that much, but he was trying. He had no idea what to do, he’d never been in a situation like that before. Now… should he tell his thoughts to him? He was more than certain now that Baby is Nero. But how would his brother react? That would help? Would it make it worse? There was only one way to know.
Dante waited for a long time in silence, for his brother to catch his breath back before he could say something again.
For several minutes, if not an hour, Vergil's crying was the only sound around, echoing in their hideout.
“Vergil… Do you remember… that thing… we used to be able to do it when we were kids?” Dante tried to start slow, touching the wound with a bit of care.
“Sob - W-What… - hic - thi-thing…?” Vergil asked, very lost.
Dante got a bit nervous, he didn’t want to go to the point so quick. “You know… that when we touched… we could see each other’s memories, learn what the other learned… and so on…”
“Sob- Th-That thi-ing... -hic- Rose was studying about us - sob - ?” Vergil tried to remember but it was a bit blurry at that moment. “Sob sob - that later I dis-dis-covered -hic- with Vi-Victor that it was… -sob- a demon thing?”
“Yeeeeaaaah…” Dante said a bit awkwardly.
There’s a moment of silence before Dante gets the courage to continue: “Sooo… Have Victor told you everything about that?”
“No -sob- why?” Vergil replied as he raised his head to look at his brother.
Dante let go of him and gave a small distance, afraid of his reaction.  “Well then… Victor explained to me… that’s a demon thing like you said… BUT it’s a thing… exclusive to siblings of the same parents… and...”
“And?!” Vergil started to notice Dante’s reluctancy on the subject.
“And a parent and children thing too… and a lot of you described about what used to happen between you and Baby matches with what Victor explained to me....” we said very slowly. “So… I’m afraid that… maybe... Baby…”
“NO!” Vergil understood very fast. “No no no no no no no no no no no! NO!”
“I’m afraid that maybe… Baby was your child all this time… He’s...Nero.” Dante finally said.
Vergil’s soul left his body and returned for a brief moment. Had he hurt Baby for real? Someone that only deserved love and care met his worst? His face became full of total despair and panic, he brought his hands to his head, pressing his fingers against his scalp. The more and more he recalled what he did wrong with Nero the thoughts started to storm his mind like a hurricane. Until he let all the panic concentrated on his gut explode away in a loud despair scream, that even called the attention of nearby demons.
Vergil began to freak out in tears, he was insanely crying in pain that he started to hurt his head with his nails, digging them on his scalp. Dante quickly grabbed him by his arms to hold him still, for he didn't get himself hurt in the middle of his panic.
“Bro! BROTHER!” Dante tried to call. “Easy Vergil!”
Between the heavy sobbing, he could split out a few words. “No no no! -sob sob-  I would ne-never -sob- hu-hu-hurt him! - Sob sob”
“You can’t blame yourself for that, man!” Dante attempted to help him get in control. “You thought he was dead, you saw him being killed in front of you and you didn’t know he was a hybrid like us!”
Vergil looked at him, a desperate face and eyes red of so much crying, but he was listening to his brother.
“If you explain to him what really happened I think he will understand.” Dante said, very worried with Vergil.
It was very hard for Vergil to believe that he would be forgiven for such doing, especially the arm literal take off. He couldn’t think clearly about that now, he was too worried that it was very likely he had hurt the most important person of his life.
By now, he laid his head on Dante’s shoulder once more and let go all the tears as possible.
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Inside Vergil (figuratively)
The place was close to being dead for real, the sun was hidden behind very heavy dark clouds, the ground was totally dry and crackly and there was a small pool of water at the center of the place. A loud painful crying was echoing very high around that infinite desolated place.
It was V, crying uncontrollably as he stared at a very small dying flower, smaller than his fingers, with another one starting to blooming at the side. He got his arms, legs and neck chained to a dead tree stump in front of the pool that had scorched marks at the roots. Although the chains were heavy, he could move his members. He was wearing the same clothes as Vergil and his hair and facial hair was purely white now.
Urizen was sitting behind the stump, he was quiet, only listening to V’s painful crying.
V kneeled to the little flowers that were at his side, with the point of his fingers he gently touched the dying flower, and raised it a little.
“My little one.. -sob- my little little one…. - sob - I’m so sorry… -sob sob- I’m so sorry for having hurt you… - sob - my baby…!”
To be continued...
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
How would the the dorm leaders react to a mc having a mental breakdown from stress? Please.🙇‍♀️💕
So, for convenience I divide this request into two parts (I will do it for all requests concerning all leaders), so this is the first part with the first three leaders! 🌸
Furthermore, as far as mental breakdown is concerned, in reality reactions and symptoms can be manifold, I remained on something light (if we mean the same thing). I hope you like it anyway! ❤️
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13- Twisted Wonderland- Dorm Leaders x down!s/o pt. 1
Riddle Rosehearts
· Riddle is basically used to being under stress and is used to keeping people around him under stress, so he doesn't immediately notice the problem of s/o, or at least he doesn't connect to the fact that maybe they are too stressed.
· He perhaps notes that the body of s/o becomes thinner and at the same time tense. He wonders if s/o is following a proper diet and every now and then he might even scold them for not eating properly.
·It may be disadvantageous to have relationships with him in a similar situation. Just because he loves and appreciates s/o, Riddle could expect a lot from them, and between the study, the school responsibilities and also the orders and rules of the leader, life cannot be simple at all.
· In recent times, Riddle's heart may have become a little more worried when he sees s/o's eyes more dull than usual, and with heavy dark circles under their lower eyelids. But since it is the tests period he can imagine that it is because of the night study. Still, s/o should close the books at night.
All of Riddle's rigidity, however, collapses when he glimpses the figure of s/o in the library, curled up on itself, trembling and shaken by violent sobs that apparently cannot hold back. He hasn't figured out what's going on yet, but he rushes to them with concern.
"S/o, what happens?"
The question naturally comes from his lips, immediate, perhaps too hasty to show empathy, but still, he feels as if that tears were his fault even if he doesn't know the cause.
"I can’t."
The trembling voice of s/o responds as soon as it reaches them, and Riddle suddenly hears it the world collapsing on him. Even if they replied they don't seem to really realize that he is there, they seem destroyed.
"I can't do it anymore. I can't pass the tests, I can't meet all deadlines. They will reject me, they will hate me ..."
The crying does not end, and what worries Riddle the most is that they are on the book of their favorite subject! It is certain that they could not fail the test even if they wanted to! How much did they have to endure to break where the problem isn't there?
He is ashamed of himself. Has he never noticed this situation? What kind of leader is he? He doesn't really know what to do, but he knows he has to do something.
A little hesitant, he puts a reassuring hand on their shoulder, and he is amazed at how violent their tremor is.
"You will make it. You have always been strong ... here ... it is a difficult time for everyone."
He certainly can't be convincing, Trey would be much better than he is. But he can't let himself go with s/o, he doesn't want them to be ruined. So, he try to think of the words that would have made him feel better if he had found himself so alone, as it seems to be s/o.
"I am proud of you and I am proud even if you sometimes fail."
It's probably the most beautiful and profound thing Riddle can say to someone in need.
Carefully squeezes the shoulder of s/o. Slowly their eyes land on him, moist but somehow raised.
"Sorry ..." they murmur, sitting down on the chair again.
Riddle does not get too upset, but remains there with them until they have finished studying, leaning against the back of their chair, pretending to absently read a book that does not interest him at all.
Leona Kingscholar
· Ok the relaxation with which Leona seems (seems) to take everything that happens stresses practically everyone around him. He does not show that it has really big requests despite continuous orders, but the simple fact that he is present - even if he sleeps - requires that everything goes exactly as he wants.
· Well, there are people who know how to bear it, like Ruggie, but while s/o suffer the weight of the tests on their shoulders the simple presence of the prince (however much they may love him) becomes unbearable for them. But obviously they would never dare to tell him or deny him something
·The way out of that period seems increasingly distant, almost non-existent. Also a little problem becomes giant for s/o and more and more often they lack their breath for no reason, nor are they able to sleep without having nightmares. Some nightmares concern the Savanaclaw leader. Although they have never been reprimanded by Leona, the anxiety that came from his presence has now turned into fear.
· S/o cannot please Leona, they cannot pass the tests, they cannot perform the tasks of Professor Crewel or those of Professor Trein. They don't feel the strength to do all this, nor do they feel the skills. They feel as if every second someone is looking at them and judging them. Their muscles are always tense and they can't help being alert.
· Obviously Leona doesn't notice anything. S/o have always done everything alone, he doesn't really see the problem. In short, everyone is stressed during the tests.
S/o hope that the fresh solitary air of that point in the garden and the music in the ears can erase a possible failure from their mind, while the book of ancient curses lies open on their legs.
But as sweet and relaxing the music can be, it has the effect of isolating them even more from the world, a world that now scares them too much. When something touches their shoulder it is as if everything breaks: their mind and body are shattered.
S/o screams.
No, it's not a simple scream. This is a scream of pure terror, which makes them jump on their feet and then curls them on the ground. Not even Leona can predict a similar reaction to his touch. For a moment he thought his hand had burned them.
“Calm down, herbivore!” He exclaims reflexively. He didn't even understand that he was the cause. He remains there, still staring at the curled up figure of s/o with his heart beating fast in his chest and his ears flat against his head.
"I can't do it, ok ?!" The voice of s/o is high and distressed as they hold their hair in their hands "I can't do what you ask me! I can't pass this stupid test and I can't get out of this school ever again! Don't get angry! It doesn't matter how much I try, I will never be able to do all this ... "
Leona's ears barely move. Damn, why don't people talk from the start? He barely growls as he rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
"I'm not angry, stupid herbivore."
The words are not so kind, but his voice is softer than usual. It's not that he doesn't understand that feeling at all. He met it long ago.
"Listen to me, nobody ever died from failing a test, so please get your little head in order."
With those words he bends slightly to carefully take the arms of s/o, to help them get up. It's a gentle touch to be Leona's touch.
He gently drives s/o back lean against the tree trunk and then, as if he always does, sits next to them, leaning over the study book to see the topic addressed.
"What are your problems? It seems to me that you answer the questions well ..." he doesn't wait for the sobs of s/o to subside completely, he let them explain their problems to him with a broken voice, but he remains patient, even if he can't help yawning occasionally or nodding boredly.
But on the other hand, at the end of the day he heard over thirty pages of ancient curses repeated aloud, he is not to blame. In truth, his job is to take care of the puppies, isn't it?
"You will pass it for sure, and you will pass the rest too, so stop worrying."
With one last big yawn Leona gets up, and after having playfully stroked s/o's head he goes towards the school.
It is strange, even if the tests have not passed yet, s/o feel more calm, right?
They smile, and before Leona disappears from view they turn to him with a new charge of energy: "Tomorrow I will buy you lunch for you!"
Azul Ashengrotto
· S/o spend a lot of time at the Monster Lounge during the testing period. The tension they feel about this is such a lot that they do everything to try to relieve it a little.
· The local staff don't mind; they are a polite and kind person. Even if they spend a lot of time there, it's not a problem. In addition, they never forget to bring a good income to the club, whether they are there with friends or in solitude.
· But the closer the test time approaches, the more problems in the s/o's head begin to weigh and their insecurities surface. They feel a total nullity. They will never be able to overcome everything. Never. All the commitments accumulate in a single suffocating week that will never end. They hate it, they can never do it.
· S/o don't know, but their long visits have not left Octavinelle's dorm leader indifferent. He always has an eye for them, they are loyal customers after all.
· Although he will not admit it, but Azul also has a certain eye for certain attitudes. He knows the insecurity and perceives it in the gaze of s/o and in their tired body, of those who cannot rest well at night because of a thousand thoughts.
Is the day before the test most hated by s/o. They studied a lot, but their mind refused to learn. They have faced a thousand chores in the last few days, Grim more than once had put them in trouble, and now they no longer feel the strength. And everything has yet to begin.
There is no way that they can pass tomorrow's test, nor the others, nor that they can satisfy everyone and fulfill all their duties. How can one person do everything? They are nothing but a failure.
In the Monster Lounge s/o hoped to forget this fear that lurked in their stomach, but it was useless.
Even sitting at the table in front of a glass and two empty cups their lips continue to try to repeat what they need to know, and every time the words are missing panic increases dramatically.
At the last block s/o they can no longer bear themselves, and covering their faces with their hands they collapse into a silent cry. If they could, they would like to disappear from there.
"We're going to close." The voice of the founder of the place only worsens the situation.
Oh no, what are they up to? Raising their faces in terror, they realize that they are the only ones left in there.
They would like to apologize and rush out, but terror and tears prevent them.
The arms return to cover the face while they curl up on the table, unable to do anything else. They would like to scream, but they cannot, they are already pathetic like this.
"Oh dear, I can't let a customer react like this in my cafe." His voice is quiet, perhaps even a little amused as he sits next to the sad trembling figure.
His proximity makes s/o feel even more oppressed. Being under the eyes of others is the worst thing that could have happened at that time, yet the crying only becomes louder.
What will happen? He will propose them a kind of deal? Will he blackmail them? Or will he just laugh at them?
"Please don't say anything! Pretend I don't exist! I beg you ... I can't do it! I can't do it!"
The words from their lips come out like a prayer, but Azul smiles as if nothing had happened.
"Come on, why don't you explain to me what reduced you to such a pitiful state? I'm not bad at helping people."
He has already heard them, he knows what was whispering coming out of their lips. So even if they don't answer his question, he kindly hands them the handkerchief.
"Let's make a deal between us. I will help you study, so that at the end of this horrendous session you have passed all the written tests."
The eyes of s/o open in panic. No no no, they can't stand it. What will he ever ask? To work there? They could never! They are not capable enough.
But before s/o can open his mouth to refuse Azul laughs, simply messing up their hair. His face seems decidedly amused, even pleased.
"Don't make that scared face, you don't need it. I wouldn't mind if you just sat a little near the counter. You know, I'm sure you would bring more money than you already do."
Before s/o can even accept, the hated test subject book is already open on the table in front of them. Azul holds the sign with his finger.
"Obviously this if you pass the test, but believe me, you just need not to panic. I know you can do it."
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noassallclass · 4 years
So my roommate spent all of today writing up a report for Critical Role as a company and I really don't know much about business stuff but I think it is fascinating. Read to the end for a wild ride.
"Okay here is my idea of how Critical Role is actually structured based on what public information exists:
At Geek and Sundry, “Critical Role” as an entity was essentially a partnership between all cast members. The only asset this partnership had was the intellectual property of CR and the only Revenue it took in was licensing that IP to Geek and Sundry. This is because Critical Role Partnership was adamant about maintaining ownership of the IP. This license then pays out between the partners. Percentage
ownership of Critical Role Partnership is divided based on money put in, and previous work done. I would be very surprised if Mercer did not own at least 25% but probably not more than 50%, and the others are probably more or less even. At this point, the cast members both draw a salary from geek and sundry as employees (or contractors), and collect drawings from the licensing of the IP and also royalties as actors. When Orion leaves, the others almost certainly force him to sell out his ownership portion and he probably gets royalties from Geek and Sundry (and later CRPLLC). At this point, this licensing agreement is the only transaction that the entity “Critical Role” actually conducts.
Geek and Sundry pays to produce, distribute, and market the show, and takes all profit. It also takes some aspects of creative control, but probably not that much, though this is listed as the reason to leave Geek and Sundry. At this point, Critical Role continues to license with Geek and Sundry’s parent company Legendary Digital Networks and incorporates their partnership into a Limited Liability Corporation “Critical Role Productions”.
The ownership split is probably kept mostly the same, unless someone decides to sell portions of their shares, but I don’t see why they would. The shareholders (or owners) at this point hire a bunch of employees. Some roles they hire themselves, like Willingham as CEO and Mercer as CCO, and some they hire outsiders like COO Ed Lopez, SVP of Marketing Rachel Romero, and VP of Business Development Ben Van Der Fluit. Those who take additional roles will take salaries for those roles, as well as a salary for acting and writing, and dividends from profits. It is likely that Lopez got a certain amount of shares because C-Suite Executives often do as bonuses because it’s non-taxed income until he sells it and it incentivizes maximizing profits because that would increase his dividends. The other employees probably did not receive shares, so as not to dilute the percentage ownership further.
Critical Role seemingly has no board of directors (it’s possible they have one which is not public), which only happens when there are so few shareholders that they can all convene and take votes (Usually less than 20 owners), implying they don’t use investors to raise cash, which is consistent with a desire to retain creative control. This also means that it is up to all of the shareholders to vote on decisions about the managers of the company instead of a board. That means the only way they could fire Willingham as Chief Executive Officer is if all of the shareholders convene and vote for his firing. Without a board of directors, which often has independent outsiders, this is typically seen as bad for the company’s interests, but is legal in this case because it’s a limited liability corporation and they do not trade on an exchange .
Over the next year or so, CRPLLC makes a new studio and Geek and Sundry gradually relinquishes the distribution rights to older episodes. At this point everyone who works towards the function of the production and distribution of shows is an employee of CRPLLC and not Legendary or Geek and Sundry. For the past couple of years, Critical Role has licensed various brand crossover products like Funko Pops and The Darkhorse Comics. Funko Pop pays CRPLLC for the character likenesses and keeps all profits. CRPLLC also produces its own merchandise like t shirts and that sexy calendar that they pay manufacturers to produce and CRPLLC makes the profit in that scenario. They also have advertising revenue, which is a straightforward revenue stream.
Throwing back to two paragraphs ago, if they don’t use investors to raise cash, how can they afford to embark on a new expensive project that wouldn’t pay out until the future? Well, they could take out a loan (ew interest), save more money in retained earnings forgoing development in other areas (what do you mean we can’t afford to redo our website?) OR
They could do an 11 million dollar kickstarter! This would allow them to retain ownership of both the company and the product, because kickstarter is essentially just buying really expensive merchandise! People will buy a 30 dollar mug if it also comes with the promise that if enough people do it, they’ll make a tv show. Kickstarter money is revenue, not financing and it’s actually against kickstarter’s rules to promise equity for backers. Instead, kickstarter backers assume the risk that investors take (albeit on a smaller individual scale) with none of the benefit besides knowing that they helped make something exist. Compare this to if I, Callie invested $11 million into CRPLLC.
If the Legend of Vox Machina completely bombs and bankrupts CRPLLC which was kickstarted: CRPLLC would have to sell off all of its assets, resolve its liabilities (pay people for work done before laying them off, pay off bank loans) and whatever is left over would be split between the owners. Do they owe you, the kickstarter backer, for not making the show? Legally no. You chose to give us that money and had to trust we would spend the money well to make a good show and we spent all our money making sure our tree leaf animation looked good and could only afford to make 2 episodes.
If the Legend of Vox Machina completely bombs and bankrupts CRPLLC and it was Calliestarted: It would still be the same, except now Callie, the person who put in a lot of money for this show, is also an owner, and at least gets a slice of that money after the debts are paid off.
If the Legend of Vox Machina is really successful and it’s kickstarted: Good job, you did it! You got a fun tv show and like a t shirt! Fun!
If the Legend of Vox Machina is really successful and it’s Calliestarted: Not only do I get my fun tv show and probably also every piece of merch that exists, I got mad paid as an owner, not just from the show itself, but as we sell more and more merchandise because I’m a part owner of the company. I then continue to make money from literally everything else the company does until I decide to sell my shares or the company goes bankrupt.
And even better news! Amazon Prime bought the streaming rights for two seasons, so now I, Callie, have even more money from that sweet sweet licensing money.
Speaking of which, it is likely that the Amazon Deal is structured as follows: Amazon pays CRPLLC to license LoVM, with the stipulation that kickstarter backers can access the first 10 episodes legally. CRPLLC pays, with Kickstarter and Amazon money, Titmouse Inc. to produce LoVM. CRPLLC makes the difference between what they paid Titmouse (variable cost, depending on ultimate cost of animating) and what Amazon paid them. Amazon makes the difference of what they paid CRPLLC and what they make at market with LoVM. Amazon is the only company that stands to profit directly from the actual product of LoVM doing well. If it does poorly, there’s the possibility it gets cancelled, meaning that CRPLLC (and maybe Titmouse if CRPLLC already commissioned the work from them) will still get paid by Amazon, but never released. It’s possible that other companies could buy the license from Amazon in this scenario. This is the risk of selling your show to another company.
CRPLLC also has one subsidiary and one associated foundation: Darrington Press LLC and The Critical Role Foundation
Darrington Press LLC is an imprint of CRPLLC created to design and produce card and board games with the Critical Role IP. DP has 3 listed employees, Ivan Van Norman as Head of Darrington Press, Darcy L. Ross as Marketing Manager, and Mercer as Creative Advisor. As a subsidiary, it is wholly owned by CRPLLC. DP pays manufacturers and contractors to design and manufacturers games and pays for its own advertising, as a separate entity from CRPLLC. DP will likely sell its products to games distributers and the Critical Role Store. If the Critical Role Store sells DP games it’s because CRPLLC bought them from DP. The relationship between DP and CPRLLC is that when DP makes a profit and pays dividends, the recipient is CPRLLC. If DP goes bankrupt and cannot pay its debts, CPRLLC is not required to pay them. CPRLLC also chooses DP’s Board of Directors, which is probably just the owners of CPRLLC. This is all very ordinary. DP has four announced games set to release in 2021, but as of yet has not released any products or made any revenue.
The Critical Role Foundation is a registered non-profit and legally distinct from CRPLLC with seemingly no employees, with Johnson as President, and 4 other Board Members: Mercer, Lopez, Romero and another person named Mark Koro, who is a figure very closely tied to critical role I will outline later. Lopez and Romero are also in a long-term relationship or perhaps marriage. It is usually considered a bad idea to have two partners on a board of directors, as a conflict of interest can arise easily. As a registered non-profit CRF’s projected breakdown of donations is 85% grants to other non-profits, 10% emergency fund allocation, and 5% admin costs (this would be where possible future employees’ salaries would come from). Board Members on non-profits traditionally don’t take salaries, but can use their role as a board member to calculate donated time as a charitable donation for tax purposes. This all seems pretty normal. It’s not stated if or how much CRPLLC itself donates to CRF, including its initial endowment, besides the donation of free advertising, as no donation matching or any other programs seem to be advertised. In terms of an initial endowment, it seems that the only money put in was immediately spent on filing fees and legal fees, meaning the initial endowment was less than $5000. As a result, CRF operates from donors and possibly is not funded at all by CRPLLC. Any money that is donated from CRPLLC’s profits to CRF would be a charitable donation and lower CRPLLC’s taxable income amount. CRF began collecting non-taxable donations in May 2019, and as of December 8, 2020 CRF has yet to publish their 2019 financial statements, so not much is publicly known of how much money is raised by CRF and if they achieved their desired breakdown.
Now to talk about Mark Koro. Koro is an executive of Governmental Affairs (some places list director and others list VP) at Qualcomm, a telecommunications technology company with an annual profit of $7.67 Billion, and is estimated to make $20 per smartphone sold. Every smartphone. Qualcomm has been sued by China, South Korea, Taiwan, the EU, and the USA for anti-competitive behaviour. Koro’s department of Governmental affairs is responsible for negotiating and bidding with governments for contracts and rights to airwave frequencies, and also lobby and develop proposals for telecommunications legislation and policy. Before this, Koro worked at the National Security Agency in their corporate relations department liaising with defence and intelligence contractors. Before this, he worked in the George H.W. Bush administration as The National Security Advance Representative. This entails preparing logistics and security for Presidential events and dispatching Secret Service Agents to respond to Presidential Threats and continued in this capacity under following administrations until 2008. Koro was also an advisor to The Deputy Director of the NSA (the second highest position in the Intelligence Agency), and was a consultant to The Lawrence Livermore National Library, which is
“self-described as a ‘premier research and development institution for science and technology applied to national security.’ Its principal responsibility is ensuring the safety, security and reliability of the nation’s nuclear weapons through the application of advanced science, engineering, and technology.”
These positions are all listed on Koro’s biography on the The United Nations website for the International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunication Sector (accessed Dec. 8, 2020). Mark Koro has no public associations with Charitable Work.
There is little online about Koro’s association with Critical Role, besides an article stating that Koro, as a fan of the show, in 2016 matched $50,000 worth of donations to 826LA. Koro’s associations with a monopolistic technology company, the NSA, Nuclear Weaponry, and multiple presidential administrations would be cause for alarm for many of CR’s fans, but if it were a purely professional relationship, it could be excused as including him for his business accumen, but Mark Koro is mutuals on twitter with all of the cast members and Brian W Foster, Britney Walloch-Key. This might seem like normal professional courtesy, but there is a lot of interaction between Koro’s account and Critical Role Employees’ personal accounts that reflect at least a close personal relationship between people that he would not interact with regularly just as a board member of a legally distinct organization."
P.S. 100% of Critical Role's Chief Officers are men in relationships with female subordinates.
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the-updog-academy · 4 years
The Siblings as the 7 Sins and Virtues
I actually have no idea if the reblog for the ask was showing up in the notes or not, so I decided to just do a separate post with these again. It was acting weird so I had to reformat to be more legible and a few slight edits from the original post. Apologies for the clutter! Anyways here we go.
First of all, I don’t think they actually go into the sins completely, but more so reference a bit of them. So all traits and symptoms may not be present. With that said, here are my reasoning on these alignments. Sin first and Virtue second.
Gluttony - He eats when he’s anxious, which we see at least twice throughout season 1 with the space food. Once after he talks to Allison and once right before he and Allison dance. He was also lacking in food on the moon which could also further symbolize this. When he has his first breakdown, he decides to overindulge in alcohol first and then drugs at the rave. The second time, he goes to the bar to get drunk after he finds out about Reginald’s big secret from Pogo. (A note that he shows this sin even more in the comics, together with Sloth.)
Temperance - He seems to show more self control until later, so I think he actually took an opposite turn here and gradually fell into the gluttonous phase and only got worse, before he got better again.
Wrath - Pretty self explanatory here, this boy has a lot of anger and bitterness towards his siblings as well as his father (bar Klaus and probably Ben). He’s prone to holding grudges. He’s seen taking his anger out on Vanya’s in his room at the gym. He takes his anger out on criminals when he goes out doing his vigilante runs. He’s just always angry and he has one hell of a temper. I wonder if the raw eggs fuel his anger?
Forgiveness - This one is also pretty straight forward. He actually accepts that Luther had been right about staying together, starts defending Vanya, therefore forgiving her for the book, AND he spares Cha-Cha at the theatre. A pretty big step for someone who’s always angry and bitter.
Greed - She used her powers to get whatever she wanted, when she wanted and made the perfect life for herself, until it wasn’t. She took too much and it ended up coming back to bite her in the ass later. The life she built up, she ended up losing through divorce and losing custody of her daughter Claire.
Charity - Later, Allison starts giving rather than taking. After all that’s said and done, she goes out of her way to lend a helping hand to Vanya as much as she can, especially with Leonard. She goes as far as lying to an officer despite the possible risks and consequences just to find her sister. She knows from experience how bad things can get if one is not careful and doesn’t want her sister to make the same mistakes, especially with Leonard.
Lust - This one also probably speaks for itself, but Klaus has a sexual nature, mainly implied by things he’s said aloud to others. And his drug addiction should be enough implication as to what he may have to go through to get said drugs, or even just to distract himself. Sex, drugs, and alcohol tend to go hand in hand. I can understand the drug use falling under Gluttony here, but it’s not really out of self indulgence that he has the addiction. It’s more out of desperation of drowning out the ghosts and dampening his power. However, he does crave love and affection, which may cause him to become lustful, the drugs becoming an excuse to get said love and affection…even if it’s the wrong kind.
Chastity - He stopped his junkie life style and quit cold turkey. Although the moment he went sober may indicate this, I think the real transition happened when he threw the pill on impulse at the rave and couldn’t even understand himself as to why he did in the first place. He cast aside the vices he used to have and it was all to stop his brother from making the same mistakes he himself made.
Pride - Although he didn’t enjoy killing people as an assassin/hitman, he even stated himself that he took pride in it. He’s narcissistic and always looks down on others, especially his siblings. He claims that he’s better and far more skilled at pretty much everything, going as far as to running off and doing things on his own rather than asking for help because “You’re all useless!”
Humility - To me, his “So what if Dad messed us up. We gonna let that define us?” monologue really reflects humility. He acknowledges he can’t stop the apocalypse alone and also tries to raise his siblings up rather than putting them down. There have been a few times where he actually put trust into his other siblings and let them come along to help. Five also turned his pride into humility when he told Luther not to waste his life. By using his own experiences, he gives Luther some positive advice compared to before when he was putting him down.
Sloth - This one actually may go into a bit of depth here. So we don’t know a lot about Ben but from what little we have seen so far, it is clear he wasn’t really enthusiastic about missions and possibly training when he was a kid. He did what he was supposed to, but he showed he wasn’t thrilled about it at all, like his other siblings so casually seemed to. “I didn’t sign up for this” shows that he’d rather just not do anything and sit idly. But at the same time he makes no effort to change or protest, instead he goes with the flow since that’s the easiest thing to do. He doesn’t take control of the situation when he could attempt to. Sloths tends to be associated with suicide and one of the many headcanons revolving around Ben’s death is just that: suicide. He seems depressed and not really all that happy. Having no wounds as a ghost could also indicate that it was internal, so perhaps an overdose?
Diligence - After death, he starts trying to take control of the situation by helping Klaus to the best of his ability since he can no longer take control of his own life…he’s dead. As a ghost he’s more enthusiastic, and takes more action even if he can’t actually can’t change anything physically. But that doesn’t stop him from trying anyway. It is a complete contrast to how he was in life.
Envy - Vanya had been jealous of her siblings for most of her life and was led to believe that she was ordinary and unlike them. As a possible coping mechanism, she wrote a book about their lives and publicly revealed some not-so-good things about herself and her siblings, despite them never giving her permission to share that information in the first place. And she goes into adulthood still unable to really make a name for herself. She’s never invited to any of the family meetings, she’s always left out of everything. Despite Allison’s helping hand, she pushed her away. Eventually she lashed out, hurt her own sister when she learns she’s beyond ordinary, and even causes the world’s destruction. The jealously blinded her and she took it out on not only her siblings, but the world as a whole. The irony is, she lived the most normal life out of all of them.
Kindness - When not having violent mood swings, she’s one of the most understanding and sympathetic people, Klaus probably only second to her. She listened to Five , about the apocalypse when he came to her and showed sympathy when she learned what happened to him and even offered him a place to sleep after serving him coffee. Vanya even let him have alcohol without question, despite him appearing 13 years old. She went as far as trying to understand the situation rather than judge him. Five coming to her in the first place implies that he trusts her the most out of their siblings. Vanya even went out of her way to talk to and compliment Helen Cho, who put her down in the end. But even then, she still tries to make friends and she is very compassionate when it comes to other people’s mental well being as well, as implied when she suggested a therapist to Five.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Pandemonium XII
(Author’s note; so I owe everyone an apology.  I haven’t written for this story in a long ass time and tbh it shows.  I’m sorry but I lost inspo for this story and that’s why this story had been dead for so long.  I’m trying to get back into the flow of this plot, so please just have a little more patience with me.  I have no right to ask for that but I really need it.  But anyway, this chapter is more of a buildup for the next big event I want to happen in this story, please enjoy.)
Words; 3.6k
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“Your mom’s chest hair!”- Janis Ian, Mean Girls
You were having a Lindsay Lohan moment in a bathroom stall….except the ‘Regina George’ in this situation was God fucking with you in a form of a shitty day.  
Okay…*record scratch* you’re probably wondering how you got yourself into this mess.  
You gasped after the dreaded ‘D’ word left your mouth and before you could give Namjoon a chance to respond over the phone, you hastily pressed the ‘end call’ button to return to your pitiful sobs.
Except these sobs were harder than the ones before because like...what the fuck??  You called Namjoon daddy….. Why?
The taboo word slipped past your lips as if it was nothing, as if your brain didn’t send signals to your mouth to form the name and release it.  You didn’t give your mouth permission to utter it, but it was said into the receiver of your phone before you could even process why the fuck you would say it.
“‘Word vomit”, some might say.  
Two ‘Mean Girls’ themes in one day...you were on a role.
How could you face him after that?  Knowing you accidentally fed into his dumbass daddy kink just because you were having a meltdown and needed someone to call on.  The fucker probably thought he ‘snapped you into submission’ or something. His pathetic male ego was most likely purring right now.  
And your timing couldn’t possibly be any worse.  
You JUST had this conversation with him and told him that you would never play into his weird little bdsm game, yet here you were.  You couldn’t comprehend your own stupidity.
Hastily, you pulled out your laptop from your bag.  While sitting on the toilet with little regard for hygiene in favor of your record-breaking distress; you quickly opened your gmail to send a message to your professors that you would be missing class for the rest of the day.  
After doing so, you slammed the device shut and exited the stall.  
The mirror reflected the tiredness and annoyance you felt.  Your skin was blotchy and drained of color whilst your nose and eyes were red with evidence of your crying.  The swelling of your eyelids was enough to make you head to the sink in attempt to splash some cold water onto them.  
While hunched over the sink, you heard your phone buzz from its’ place in your pocket.  You reached around to grab it but when you saw whom it was, you felt the need to throw it out the window before jumping out yourself.  
However the person calling was not to be put off by the decline to talk, given they only tried again and again.  When the device began buzzing for the fifth time, you groaned but answered it in hopes to give them a piece of your mind and end the line of future communication for good.  
“What do you want?!”  You growled, sure to let the bitchiness overlap your tone.
“Y/n!  Thank god you picked up!  Where are you? I saw you looked really down and just ran away.  Do you want me to take you home?” You heard a rustle over the phone which told you that he was indeed looking for you.  His heavy footsteps and background noise of student chatter hinted that he was still wandering campus in search of you.
“No Jungkook, I really rather not talk to you right now.”  You bluntly responded.
“Why?  did I do something wrong?  At least let me talk to you~”  He whined pathetically, the sound more annoying than what you originally recalled it to be.  
“I don’t know.  Maybe ask your bros why I feel like trash.”  You couldn’t help but be passive aggressive, not caring if you were giving in to the stereotypical women trope of being petty without reason and emotional without logic.  
“My ‘bros’?  What does that mean?  Did one of them say anything to you?  Because if they did then I will kill them I swear-”  You cut him off with a bitter laugh.
“Listen, I don’t think I can have a sugar daddy who goes to the same school as me.  It’s too….” you struggled to find the perfect word. “...problematic.” You said, the words surprising even you for the solution to the problem was staring at you right in the face.  
With the other brothers, there was a clear line of personal life and professional.  You never had to worry about running into them on campus or having your classes and peers interfered with given that all of them were older.  All except Jungkook. And although he was closer to age with you, he still was a man. And you rarely trusted men that age, much less men in general.  You would live in constant fear that he would spill the truth to your classmates about what you’ve degraded yourself to in the name of money. Today was a slap in the face of just how much power Jungkook held over you in this arena, the paranoia now unveiled by seeing him laugh and talk to other college guys.
It was too risky.  
“W-what?  Where is this coming from?”  His footsteps became more hurried as his voice began to tremble.  “Where are you? Let’s talk about this. We all have bad days, Y/n.  I’m sure tomorrow you’ll think differently. Just tell me where you are so-”
You ended the call.  
What followed was a nervous pacing driven by your frenzied exhaustion of the drastic turn of the day.  Perhaps when this day was over you would look back and realize that this was an extreme over reaction on your part.  But at this very moment, in the midst of a nervous breakdown, all you felt was an insufferable itch to abandon anything and everything that seemed to complicate matters.  And at the moment, Jungkook was very much complicating an already complex situation.
Your head pounded due to the sudden stress it had to endure in the last few hours.  With a deep sigh, you paused your pacing to rest against the wall and catch your breath...or rather hyperventilate.  Over the sound of your haggard gasps for air, your phone continued it’s onslaught of ringing. It was a mixture of calls and texts that only succeeded in making your brain ache more.  
There was no ignoring for the disturbance of peace was persistent.  You felt annoyance in its’ purest form and was determined to yell at the fuckboy to never contact you again.  This was your goal when you picked up the device to answer the incoming call.
“Leave me alone!!”  You barked into the speaker after pressing the phone to your ear, no time wasted on greetings.
“.....I don’t recall asking for that attitude so I strongly recommend that you drop it.”  A baritone voice rumbled right in your ear.
You spluttered for a moment as you were met with Namjoon over the line and not the expected manchild.
“Listen, I’m in your campus parking lot if you need a ride home.”  
This statement made you gather your senses.
“I-I don’t recall asking you to come.”  You bit back, startled at his sheer boldness.
He chuckled.  “Yeah, because you’re obviously doing so well where you’re at right now.”  
“Sometimes I can’t help but wonder who you think you are.”  You said this through gritted teeth.
“Don’t worry about who I think I am and just focus on what you think I am; daddy.”
You choked on your own salavia.  “I’ll drop you just like I did your brother, don’t fucking try me I swear.”
“Dropped?  My brother?  You must tell me more when you get in the car.”  He sighed, voice as casual as someone discussing the weekend weather.  
“You still have yet to tell me why I should leave with you.”  You rolled your eyes while saying this. You noticed something within the brothers, they all only paid attention to what they wanted to and never what they didn’t.  It was selective focus that you suspected was inherited from the breastmilk because they all had it.
“Let me break down your options.  You can ignore my ride and continue your hellish day at school whilst trying to avoid crying again.  You can ignore my ride and insist that you go home on your own, relying on some public transport given it’s pouring rain out here.  Or you can save yourself the trouble and take a free ride home.”
Perhaps you were just too tired and drained to even muster another retort.  You felt your stance slump as you released another sigh of defeat (you seemed to be doing this a lot lately),  
You were a prideful person.  
But you also weren’t stupid.  
Why bite the hand that feeds you?  
Even if that hand was attached to an insufferable and egotistical man….it was still feeding you.  
“I’ll be out in a sec.”  
How many unlucky events could occur within the same 24 hours?  
You seemed to be the runner up for that record breaking given you just tumbled up yet another unfortunate conclusion.  
Namjoon’s car was quiet except the pattering of the rain against the vehicle.  You had not said a word and neither had he. Perhaps it was your stiff posture and miserable expression that told him to back off.  Thankfully, it was a short ride to your dorm.
But a doomful emptiness welcomed you when you reached into your pocket for the usual key to said dorm.  
It was missing.  
And Kat was at school and wouldn’t be back till hours later.
Namjoon watched carefully as your face dropped and hand frantically grasp around your (empty) pocket.  
“Oh no~” He whined in a fake tone of concern that barely masked his grin of delight.  “Did you lose something?”
You glared at him but huffed, “I don’t have my key.”  
“Whatever shall you do?”  Namjoon was really bad at acting, even his dimples were on display as he tried his best to pull off looking sorry.  
“I’ll wait until my roommate comes back.”  It was unrealistic as Kat wouldn’t be back until much later and that’s a lot of time to spend just sitting outside your front door, but he didn’t have to know that.  
“Y/n, don’t be stupid.”  he chuckled and before you could reach over to open your door, you felt him pull out of the parking lot.  
“Hey!  What the fuck?!  Stop this car right now!”  You growled and watched in horror as he crruised into the main road.  
“No, you’re coming to my place.”  
Namjoon’s apartment was far too big for one single person.
It was yet another high-rise penthouse that was doused in expensive furniture and decor that somehow managed to be brutally pricey while also being overly minimalistic.  Blacks and greys seemed be colors fond to Namjoon’s heart and you briefly got flashbacks of a certain bunny-smiled fuckboy…
Just what did the brothers have against color?
Did it come with the territory of being rich?
Were dark colors the only thing allowed in their aesthetic?
The layout of the apartment was a bit more complex than Jungkook’s home.  When one entered the apartment, you were in a small corridor that eventually lead to a living area (complimented with a bar and fireplace) while next to it was an open kitchen area.  You spotted a smaller hallway beside the kitchen but you didn’t bother asking what the other rooms were, though you counted three. Before one could get into the hallway, one would have to pass a staircase that lead to an upper level of the residence.  
Your time of inspecting the space was cut short as Namjoon gestured for you to follow him.  
He lead you up the stairs, and you noted with small surprise that the whole second floor was just his massive bedroom.  
He began talking and walked around the area comfortably, lazily unclasping his rolex watch and tossing it onto one of the bedside tables.  
“I have some extra sweats in the third drawer down over there.  You can wear those and I’m sure you can find an extra t-shirt in the drawer above it.  I have netflix and hulu and whatever the fuck you kids watch these days. Not that youtube red bullshit though.”  he explained before he began pulling his tie off.
You made your way over to the drawer that he had refenced, pride being easily outweighed by the alluring comfort of over-sized sweats and a t-shirt.  You spotted a doorway leading to a connected bathroom, so after you gathered the clothes you made way to dress there.
When you returned back to the bedroom, Namjoon was nowhere to be seen.  
You didn’t quite care.  Instead you hopped into the bed and climbed under the covers, moaning as you did so due to the cloud-like softness of the matress and the gentle threading of the expensive sheets.  
You rolled over but felt the hardness of a remote halt your movement.  
You grasped at the object and used it to light the giant flat screen across from the bed to life.   It didn’t take long until you found a movie to entertain you.
You were about 10 minutes into Ratatouille (cheering the old hag on as she shot up some rats) when you heard weighted foot steps approach up the stairs.  
Stubbornly you kept your gaze on the film, not addressing the male as he climbed into the other side of the bed with you.  
“So, are you going to talk about what happened today?”
“I think I finally snapped.”  You deadpanned, purposely avoiding further details.  
“I’m going to take the freedom to assume that you’re meerely referencing a bad day and not a murder or something.”  He rumbled, causing you to shoot him a glare.
Namjoon had a way of speaking that was amazingly condescending, yet it was not the tangible type of rude (as in the type that you could call out).  It was very clever, as if he was explaining something to a child and not a grown woman, it was amicable enough to slip under the radar but the symboliminal passive aggressiveness was also evident to anyone willing to pay attention.  
You huffed and flipped to your side, curling up and closing your eyes as you let the stressful weight on your eyelids win its’ battle.  
“Are you going to tell me about the brother you ‘dropped’?”  He pushed, not at all affected by your show of bratiness.
“Your toddler asshole brother was talking about me to his other fuck boy allies.”  You informed him, eyes still closed and ignoring the sting in your heart at the foul memory.  
“I’m not the one to say ‘I told you so’ but I’m pretty sure I expressed that you needed a man and not a boy.”  After saying this, you felt his larger and warm form curl behind you. One of his lengthy arms circled around your waist and pulled you into his firm chest.  
“I need money.”  you said, strategically not favoring the ‘man’ or the ‘boy’ as it was not a relationship so much as a business transaction.  You then instinctively breathed in his foriegn cologne that somehow smelled aristocratic. You found his smell to be very soothing, and very ‘Namjoon’.  Is it possible for certain scents to just scream money?
“I make my own wealth while Kook has to rely on his trust fund.”  
You snorted at this and allowed your body to melt into his, exhaustion being harder to keep at bay.  
Silence spilled onto the bed after that, the only sound being the french music of the Ratatouille movie sounding from the high-tech speakers.  The world became flooded in darkness and the only stimulation you were able to experience was the feeling of Namjoon’s nose running up and down your neck, his breath ghosting the skin and leaving goosebumps in its’ wake.  
A warm glow of vulnerability blossomed from your stomach as you curled closer to Namjoon’s side, a touch starved mammal was all you could bring yourself to identify with in that moment. You didn’t quite care that cuddling was a tad too intimate for your tastes, you were far too tired and simply appreciated the protective hold he had you in.  It lulled you to sleep and calmed the nerves that had been abusing you all day.
You just hoped he wouldn’t read too into it or bring it up to the others.  
It would be a shame if another Jungkook situation happened again.
With that though, you fell into a deep sleep.  
Dreaming of baguettes and cold hard cash.  
“What the fuck do you mean he found out?”  
“How should hell should I know?”  
“Joon, you’re the closest to him.  You can talk him out of this.”
“It’s out of my hands.  Once he’s made his mind up, nothing could change it.”  
These were the words you heard pull you out of your slumber.  
The voices started out muffled but became more coherent as you became more aware.  You pulled yourself from the dark comfort of sleep and opened your eyes to investigate the intrusive sounds.
You groggily sat up and glanced around the bedroom, only to discover it was completely empty and dark; the television no longer on and Namjoon no longer present.  This meant that the voices were coming from downstairs, you could see the light from below and the sounds of pacing occuring in the living room.
You yawned and stretched before slowly getting up from the bed to lean over the railing.
Namjoon was pacing beside the wall-sized glass while three other people were sat on the enormous sofas, faces not clear due to the sky-view that only allowed you to make out the tops of their heads.  
“Well, it’s not for us to decide really.  Y/n would have to make up her own mind about it.  We can’t force anything.”
The light-hearted and soft spoken tone was easily deduced to be Hoseok.  
And at the mention of your name you decided to waltz down the steps, all too eager to involve yourself in the phantom conflict you were somehow associated with.  
At your approaching figure, all their heads snapped towards you.  
Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok all widened their eyes at the sight of you.  
“What the fuck is she doing here?”  Yoongi growled, glaring at Namjoon with his piercing black eyes.  
“Princess, did Joon force you here or something?”  Jin favored to focus on you, eyes roaming up and down your figure in search of any evidence of harm.  
You shook your head in response to Jin and directed your attention to Namjoon, who was furiously shaking his head in decline to the foul implication of him trapping you here.  
“Okay so...what were you guys talking about? Who found out what and how do I have anything to do with it?”  You asked while casually plopping yourself between Yoongi and Hoseok, noticing the way they grimaced at the clothes you were wearing (belonging to their brother).  
“Nevermind that honey.  Have you eaten yet? Do you want us to uber eats you something?”  Hoseok’s attempt to divert the subject matter was laughable enough to make you roll your eyes.  
“I’m fine thank you.  Now onto the decision I supposedly have to make.”  You watched as the brothers awkwardly exchanged glances, obviously caught off guard and not knowing how to dampen your interest in the clearly sensitive issue.
“Babe why don’t you tell them about the Kook situation.”  Namjoon prompted, causing the three brothers to raise eyebrows at you.  You scoffed at Joon and shook your head.
“I’d rather address the ordeal you guys were talking about before I came down.”  
“Yn, it’s not often that I give a shit so please don’t take my words lightly; you’re gonna wanna stay out of this shit-show.”  Yoongi told you with that deep voice of his, face unusually somber in contrast to his usual aloof expression.
“Well now I have to know.”  You groaned. If it was enough to make Yoongi on edge then it must’ve been a serious matter.  Your interest was peaked and you couldn’t help the need to know what the fuck was going on.
“Y/n, why don’t we wait ‘til later to talk about it?  We still have to tell our other brothers and figure out the details.  I wouldn’t want to give you half the story.” Jin said this with a kind smile, a dazzling show that he must frequently use on women to make them bend to his wishes.  
You huffed a breathless chuckle and stood up.  
“Tell me now or I will walk home and never speak to any of you, I swear on everything holy!”
“Being a brat won’t get you anywhere.”  Namjoon frowned, as he always did when any disobedience was shown on your side.  
“How long are you going to use that threat?”  Yoongi drawled.
“Guys, lets just tell her.”  Hoseok pleaded with the others, always one to submit to any demands.  
“Fine, but don’t force her into anything.  This isn’t the only option. We could always work around this.”  Jin sighed.
“Yn….our dad was informed by various employees that we had an altercation during your job interview.”  Namjoon ran a hand through his hair and plastered on a look of despair (an expression that didn’t fit his powerful aura).  “He has requested that he meets with all of us.”
“What does that have to do with me?  Is he an evil mob boss or something?”  
“.....Our dad is a very….terrifying man.”  Hoseok said, face also downcast.
Yoongi took it upon himself to finish your unanswered question.  
“And it includes you because he told us to bring you along.”
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sawdustandgin · 3 years
A Year of Happiness, Joy and Sarcasm: My 2020 in Review
Absolutely nothing needs to be said about the year of our lord 2020 that hasn’t already been shouted from every social media platform like a shrieking alarm alerting us that the ship is sinking. We know. We’re all wet. 
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I will not remember 2020 as mask-clad because I didn’t take any photos while wearing one. 
Every December, I reflect on the year through a short essay, allowing myself many opportunities to gush about the music that I didn’t include on my best-of lists but that I still loved dearly. (Though I guess I skipped last year. I found an abandoned draft the other day…) And consistently, I have regarded each year as one of transition. 
I don’t have clear career aspirations outside of wanting to engage with music as deeply and personally as I can; my only concrete life plan is to profile small towns across the country through the lens of its local music scene. So, with this nebulous image of a future endeavor, I have had a tumultuous time with money since losing my job two years ago. I realized fairly quickly, after only a few months of foundering at it, that I was unable to freelance my way to a liveable income. And in all honesty, this was for the best—nothing hurts worse than realizing the activity you are most passionate about has become a chore. I stopped worrying about pitching editors and trying to rub elbows, and I got to work applying for jobs. I, incredibly luckily, secured one after a few more months. The adjustment to being unemployed was a leap for me and my deep desire for a routine, but the adjustment to being employed and trying to maintain a balance between day job and side gig was even harder. 
Then I loosened up a bit. Toward the end of last year, I tried to make a vow to be more consistent with the blog, but instead, I prioritized sleep. At the time, I didn’t realize that it was an either/or scenario and probably would have made a greater effort to avoid my television if I had. But ultimately, I had to accept that my relationship with music journalism was on my terms. And regardless of how [in]frequently I ‘discovered’ new artists (for myself), I wasn’t ‘missing out’ on anything. 
And let’s be real, I wasn’t overly eager to listen to new stuff starting around April. I put so much energy into not losing myself in quarantine that I tuckered myself out before shit really hit the ceiling. When I began thinking toward my year-end lists in November, I began to worry that this would be my most deflated best-of season in recent memory. 
That’s ok, Zoë, no one really cares about top ten lists, I can hear you thinking, colored by a fascination with my determination. But as a double cancer and pisces moon, I like to cling to the art that moves my soul (read: ~nostalgia~). And so I take great joy in spending all of December and most of January repeatedly listening to my favorite music until I conjure a partially arbitrary ranking system and create playlists galore. It really is the best time of the year. 
Of course, there are always a few titles that need no additional spins, whether due to automatic disqualification or simply because I listened so much that I know it intimately. The automatic disqualifications this year were particularly striking. 
A few easy omissions were Chromatica, Positions, and Fetch the Bolt Cutters. Lady Gaga delivered her skip-less album around the time when it became clear that the pandemic was not even somewhat close to containment; my roommate and I cooked to Chromatica every night, singing along to every word. With each new record, Ariana Grande becomes a more graceful songwriter, and it also helps that Positions is a plain ol', boot-knockin’ good time. And the raw power Fiona Apple wields in Fetch the Bolt Cutters would be frightening were she not the perfect vessel to deliver it to us. 
Then there is the category of albums that simply didn’t need my (albeit dim) spotlight: Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, græ, and KicK i are each masterpieces in their own right. They each move purposefully through diverse landscapes, each song a new adventure not bound by genre or expectation. Interestingly, Perfume Genius and Moses Sumney were never mainstays in my music rotation, while my love for Arca is unquestioned. 
That leads us to Re-Animator, I’m Your Empress Of and The Mosaic of Transformation, all of which I actively feel bad for disqualifying. I’m too much of a fan of Everything Everything to impartially write about their new album, though it was one of my most frequently played. I have been writing best-of lists for six years now and I would prefer to write about a constantly expanding, diverse group of artists. That means I can’t keep doting on Empress Of, despite her status as one of our best contemporary artists. Me and Us were truly just prelude to her 2020 record, whose title is a formal introduction. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith is also the most talented analog synth musician that I personally have ever engaged with, and her latest album is everything I could have wanted.  
It took some self-control (aka strict time management) to not write a few thousand words about The Ascension. Let’s recall my massive thesis on Carrie & Lowell… Yes, I am a former Catholic who thrives in the ambiguous invocation of Scripture, especially from a songwriter who quite literally shaped my taste in music. Luckily, I’m not nearly as pent up with anger and existential dread as in 2015 when I was, for the first time, processing the physical and emotional distance from my family. This elongated emotional breakdown was spurred by drama between my parents, but was also due to an irrational fear I held about my own mother’s death. Listening to Sufjan Stevens forgive his mother on her figurative deathbed has stayed with me. 
The anxiety I felt about 2020 was almost entirely external, so the gorge formed from the current of The Ascension was not nearly as deep a canyon in my heart as C&L, though it is still an affecting 80-minute journey. Stevens’ production, when coupled with his lyricism, is a breakthrough, though I do hear murmurs of folktronica from earlier in the decade. (I’m begging everyone to listen to Under Our Beds by Consilience.) And for perhaps the first time, there were songs that I occasionally skip. If I still had to commute to work, I bet they would have grown on me. In fact, this would have been a perfect driving album—one that wouldn’t cause me to weep while on the interstate. (oh Carrie. oh Lowell.)
Then there was VOL.II by my dear friend Lauren Ruth Ward. She gave me an opportunity to write a unique interview with her about the record to be printed on the inside of the gatefold, making it a permanent fixture on this most exciting of sophomore albums. I could not justify writing anything more about it, if only to preserve the sanctity of that interview, which I gave more effort and attention than any other piece of writing I had done. It was a wonderful and inspiring experience that I hope to replicate. The most heartbreaking part of the pandemic’s onset, from a social perspective, was not being able to visit Lauren after the record was released. 
With all that said, 2020 was about so much more than the music I listened to. All the digital replacements for physical intimacy during lockdown made me realize that my legacy (aka all my music writing) is fragile, locked into the impermanence of the internet. So I took it upon myself to build a physical archive; in the fall, I finalized a zine template, and the first eight issues are in the can. (So far, I have 19 zines planned. Email me if you are interested in having one!) 
I’ve also been living without a front tooth since mid-March. On one hand, it’s been convenient to wear a mask to hide the hole in my mouth, but on the other hand, all I want to do is bite into an apple. (For almost two years before I even knew I had to have my tooth removed, I had been forced to slice apples before being able to eat them. The abject humiliation.) The journey with my dentists and oral surgeon has been excruciating, to say the least. Who knew three people in the same medical practice could have such mightily different styles of care? [Author’s note: I got my crown after writing this essay! :grinning-emoji:]
In sum, it was my image of myself that I was able to see a bit clearer this year. Each year I think that I’ve figured something else out about myself, which had always led me to believe that I am a most-complex, divine being. But I think a more accurate interpretation is that, put simply, I am not static. My thoughts and emotions adapt to life and life doesn’t seem to stop throwing me around like sneakers in a tumbling dryer. My pronouns are now they/them and while I don’t have many specifics as to why, I just know that this feels right. 
I hope your year was at least acceptable; 2021 promises a host of new challenges, but I think we can take ‘em. 
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rowanfoster · 4 years
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{ odeya rush ♔ twenty-three ♔ she/her } well, well, well if it isn’t rowan foster running around peach hollow. legend has it, she comes from tangerine towers and has lived here her entire life. if you’re wondering what she’s been up to, i hear she’s a make up artist / freelance musician for a living. she has been known to be impulsive yet insightful. a word of advice to her, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching.
why yes, it is i, admin kim, with another character that should’ve been kept in the drafts of my mind. if you’ve not met daysia or serenity, here’s a lil low down on me. i’m 26, i use she/her pronouns, and live on the east coast. i thrive on writing angst and my animal crossing villagers being happy. also caffeine. i luv chris klemens. most likely to have a mental breakdown on twitter. meet rowan! trigger warnings for mental illness, bipolar disorder specifically, and inpatient treatment
have a playlist and a pinterest board dedicated to her
rowan celeste foster was born may 27th, 1996. she’s the oldest of two, a baby sister coming to the scene in 1999.
her family is extremely close. they’ve been in peach hollow their whole lives. she grew up in a crowded house on blueberry boulevard, crammed in with her mother, father, sister, maternal grandmother and maternal grandfather. rowan never knew peace or privacy growing up – it just wasn’t possible with that many people which has really contributed to her somewhat isolated adulthood
her mother is a charge nurse at peach hollow general, working on the emergency room floor. her father is a retired car salesman. her grandparents moved into the house when her sister was born in order to help take care of the girls while their parents worked full time. rowan is especially grateful for their care, because she feels like she’d be a little more sour had she been raised by absent parents.
growing up, she shared a room with her younger sister. they told each other everything because they had no choice not to. they both developed an interest in make up and music at very young ages, but rowan particularly took to those things while maci took more interest in sports. when rowan was gifted her first ukulele at age 6, maci got her first basketball. they are polar opposites, but maci was the only person rowan really confided in as a child and an adolescent.
she’d always been rather moody. tantrums and fits were nearly unavoidable. her self esteem lacked before she even had a chance to develop any confidence. she was always the try hard, the girl who stood out because she was just a little different, the emotional one, the one the other kids didn’t want to mess with, not because she’d fight back, but because she would absolutely lose it. there were countless times where rowan ended up in the guidance counselor’s office, waiting on her grandmother to show up and bring her home. that was the beginning of their problems.
her mental health really started to decline in her mid teenage years. she spent hours upon hours in her room, writing songs, playing guitar, practicing make up looks – she’d go days without sleeping and snap at anyone who crossed her path. she got into screaming matches with everyone in the house, only to find herself crying in her bed for the next few days. she started missing days at a time from school, while her artistry thrive, the rest of her crumbled. her grades, all of it.
eventually, this resulted in her parents yanking her out of peach hollow high and putting her in counseling, which lead her to a psychiatrist and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder at the age of 17. while it made sense, she dreaded taking the medications. they numbed everything. her writing suffered, and while her moods weren’t swinging from the trees anymore, she feared that this empty feeling was worse.
she finished her high school diploma in homeschooling with her grandmother while maci went on to thrive in school. the attention shifted to her, and rowan couldn’t really blame them. she turned 18 and started performing in clubs, bars, and anywhere she could get in. ps her voice is a mix of bishop briggs & mary lambert. the thrill of performing to small crowds sucked her in. she began to gain an even smaller following on social media, mainly the locals following her. every once in a while she’ll book a show in atlanta and she’ll make the long drive just to sing in front of a bit of a larger crowd. she’ll gain a few followers from those shows, but this still isn’t her main source of income.
most of her money comes from the make up artistry she does through pop of peach. she doesn’t go in every day, but when someone has an event scheduled or needs their make up done for a dance or something, she’s there. she tries to spread things out bc she’s always late lmao and finds it hard to stick to a schedule
she was doing so well for a few years, even moved out of her parents’ house and into an apartment at the towers. that’s where she really found herself, made some real friends and built relationships that were good for her. however, she missed a few doctor’s appointments and was discharged from her psychiatrist’s office. she went off meds, and for a few weeks it was fine. when she ran out of meds, the next few weeks were okay as well. it was when every single drop of medication had drained from her body that things got bad.
rowan was missing appointments she scheduled at pop of peach. she was spending far too much time out at nights, giving in to alcohol for the most part. she tried not to touch any drugs, but drinking became a nightly thing. she’d perform, then spend the rest of the night partying with whoever she could find at the venue.
one night in atlanta after a particularly shaky performance, rowan found herself in a dark place and simply went into the women’s bathroom to calm down, but police say they found her laying flat on the ground, refusing to respond to anyone. she vaguely remembers the end of the manic episode, but it did land her in the emergency room for a change in mental status.
much to her chagrin, they admitted her overnight before transporting her to skyland trail, a mental health facility in atlanta. she spend about two and a half months there getting medications regulated and learning new coping mechanisms. she was discharged about two weeks ago and finally made it back to peach hollow and her apartment.
she’d lead everyone other than her family and maybe one or two other people that she was away on a musician’s retreat, but really, was in inpatient treatment.
she’s currently working full time as a make up artist at pop of peach and performing when she can, but doesn’t really go outside of peach hollow
fun facts & personality
rowan despises small talk. conversations about the weather or political climate don’t stimulate her and she gets snarky pretty easily. it isn’t that she wants to come off rude or unapproachable, but nine times out of ten, small talk is fake and she feels as though she doesn’t have the time or energy to indulge in it. ask her about the sky or some shit. she won’t shut up
she has a tendency to overshare,  aside from what’s been going on in the past few months. her lips are sealed tight about that. however, she’s open to talking about her mental health and is a big advocate for erasing the stigma. this makes rowan a very good listener and a huge supportive presence for anyone struggling. she’s the mom friend, and no matter what time of day or night, if someone says they need an ear, she’ll go to them. she knows what it’s like to be alone.
despite her past and her demons, rowan finds a way to put on a smile. it might often be snarky or sarcastic, but rarely is it insincere. she’s an empath and feels everything so very deeply, but can easily put it away when necessarily.
her apartment is her safe haven. she rarely has company. it isn’t really her thing. she prefers to go to other people’s places. she has her record collection proudly displayed on her living room wall, all the plants you can imagine, incense burning whenever she’s home, and a scottish fold munchkin cat named loonette after her favorite childhood tv show, the big comfy couch. she has hopes to get another cat named molly to match. you know, because we’re all clowns !
she takes great pride in her instagram. it sounds superficial, but often times, rowan will post a good picture and then link to her next show in hopes that somebody will come based on that. while she does have a passion for make up and a second instagram for it, ultimately, she’d like for there to come a time where she can live solely on the money she makes through music
catch her driving her old ass ford focus blaring 00s alternative, mainly fuckin paramore bc she’s heart eyes for hayley williams
wanted connections if ya made it this far!!!!
childhood friends – those who she’s known since elementary school. they’ve most likely watched her go through her many trials and tribulations in class. these could be acquaintances, close friends, or even a ride or die or two.
bullies – people who fucked with her through school. it’s essential that they’re on bad terms currently, but perhaps an enemy turned friend or romantic could be fun??
group therapy pal – this would be super fun and might entail the person finding out about her secret…. msg me for deets
exes – there will be a couple of these, gender does not matter. i’d like to find one that she was dating when she went into treatment and maybe hasn’t seen/spoken to them since they’ve been back, first love, high school sweetheart?? omg possibilities are endless
flirtationship – self explanatory, gender doesn’t matter she’s pan
any other ideas literally lmk!! thanks for reading ♥
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booksandgalore · 5 years
Mirrors of Pride [Yandere!BTS]
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Taehyung’s company is enjoyable when he isn’t contemplating about the different shades of black-and-white filters. Sure, he cares too much about the number of likes he has on social media.
And, yes, maybe you have to reject taking pictures of him everytime he hands you his phone, but true friends stay with each other no matter what. You just need to overlook his growing vanity, and ignore all the warning signs when he starts talking about someone non-existent.
Author’s Note:
It’s my first time posting (cross-posting) a story on Tumblr! Bear with me as I navigate how to link, edit my layout, etc. Though if you do have an tips and/or pointers on how I can make my blog look more appealing, haha, then I’ll take them. Do leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
[previous chapter]
The professor was changing the PowerPoint slides way too quickly, and even though you had been smashing the keys on your laptop as fast as your muscles could allow, you were left with unfinished bullet points on the topics you’d be tested on.
It seemed like your classmates shared the same sentiment as you. Looking at each other, they pursed their lips yet continued scribbling furiously in their notebooks and typing away.
However, Taehyung, who was sitting next to you, merely had his brow raised before he shook his head, his pencil moving ever so slowly.
You glanced over at his notes. He had hardly written anything! The only thing he had going for him was his outfit, you supposed. He wore a black cross earring on his right ear, and he donned this sort of sweatband on his forehead that pushed his hair out of his face. A plaid shirt was also tied around his waist even though he was sporting a jean jacket. The things he did for fashion.
Wait. You weren’t supposed to be that critical to a friend. Did you just insult him? So what if Taehyung preferred to focus on his clothing choices over something the professor lectured about? It was no big deal. For all you knew, Taehyung could be booking private rooms in the library to study in later, or he could be a photographic memory prodigy in disguise.
Gah, you really just insulted your friend, huh? Rolling your eyes at yourself, you reverted your attention back to the professor.
“And that’s all I’ll be discussing about today. Any questions?” Professor Smith said, scanning the room for any raised hands. “No? Well, that’s all, folks. You’ve got ten minutes left if you want to stay in this class, but I’ll get going now. I will post the slides by tonight.”
This was your karma seeking you out. You deserved this.
Yet shamelessly you grabbed Taehyung’s hand in order to stop him from closing his notebook. You released your grip on him when you saw his widened eyes, the dangling of his cross earring occupying your thoughts for a brief second. It suited him. Scooting closer to him nevertheless, you brought your head down to the paper and reviewed what he copied from the slides, but it wasn’t that much and Professor Smith was notorious for uploading his files a week later.
”Why does this class always make me so nervous?” you exclaimed, handing his notebook back to him. “How do you study, hmm?”
”I book a room in the library, but I usually stay late. Do you need help?”
Wow. How could you have undermined Taehyung’s intelligence just minutes before? You needed to work not on suppressing the materialistic tendencies you had left, but on being a good friend. Feeling the guilt creep up on you, you lowered your gaze while rubbing the nape of your neck. Was this why you had five close friends instead of the twenty diverse friends people seemed to have? You should buy Taehyung a surprise lunch during free hour to make it up to him...though he didn’t need to know the why.
”I’ll just wait for him to post the slides.” You had turned your head in such a way where you couldn’t see him through your peripheral vision as you shoved your laptop into your backpack. “Where are you going to be at free hour?” When your shame deemed that you had enough, you were able to face him once more.
”I’ll be at the Bio building,” Taehyung replied, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Just have to turn in this paper and then I’m done. Want to come with me?”
He smiled at you and suddenly your spirits brightened up a little. You would have to buy him those tacos he liked so much.
You returned his smile back at him. “I’ll just meet up with you at the Commons.”
Taehyung’s smile faltered slightly. “You’re not coming with me? Who will you be with?”
You weren’t sure who you’d be hanging out with in the Commons. Maybe you’d see Jimin and sit next to him if there was an empty spot, considering that the Commons was literally a common campus building where students bought and ate lunch, but then again Jimin was usually with Hoseok and that other friend group. You could always move away once Taehyung texted you, though.
“I’ll be with you,” you assured him. Knowing the words that would soothe his mind, you stated, “Who else would I be with, Taehyung? I don’t have that much friends.” You crossed your arms and sighed dramatically for effect, placating Taehyung’s irrational worries. The amount of times you had to do this....but friendship was different with him.
With everyone.
With Jimin even.
People were people, and people had different personalities, thoughts, aspirations, goals and fears, so it wasn’t wrong to act like this with Taehyung...right?
“Okay,” Taehyung winked, his smile retreating back to its fullest potential, “big brother will take care of you.”  
“Dude, shut up. I’m older than you by one month!” You stood up and walked to the door; holding it open for him, you said, “Ladies first.”
“...Jimin,” you whispered harshly, stupefied. “Is that soju I smell from your water bottle?”
“No, it’s vodka.” Jimin sipped a bit of his alcohol before offering it to you, his hand outstretched and eyes glinting with mischief. He was bold but a reckless type of bold and you were still in disbelief from the randomness of it all. Sure, Jimin could down seven shots of whatever mixture you could give him no matter how strong and still come out sober an hour later, but, damn, did the stress of finals week get to him?
You grabbed his “water bottle” and confiscated it inside your backpack. “You’re not getting this back.”
”(Name), it’s Friday. I only had one class today, and I’m done for the rest of the day. Let me live a little!” he whined, stomping his feet which was unlike him to do so. God. How much of these water bottles did he drink?
“Yes, but not on campus. You’re doing this in broad daylight and you could have gotten expelled, Jimin. Expelled!” You frowned at him and raised the level of your voice to convey the gravity of the situation. “What’s gotten into your head?”
Jimin remained silent. Then, he rested his head on your shoulder. Voice quivering, he confessed, “Eve broke up with me and I...I guess I...I mean I—“
”...Jimin,” you whispered, softly this time. “Come on, we know a girl can’t affect you that much.”
“You’re right.” Jimin removed his head from your shoulder and leaned against the wall. “I think it’s the alcohol, but why...why do I miss her so much?”
It was a miracle you guys were in a secluded area inside the Commons where people didn’t frequent as often. You wondered if on-lookers would simply walk away if they saw someone having a mental breakdown, but you speculated that college students were sympathetic with each other, and thus they would help Jimin. This thought comforted you. Jimin wasn’t alone, but Taehyung? Oh, Taehyung kept an arm’s distance from anyone he didn’t personally know. Would he be willing to receive the warmth of a stranger?
It was funny how despite Jimin’s silent tears rolling down his cheeks, you still thought of Taehyung. Perhaps it was because you knew Jimin could handle the hurt, and perhaps because you had witnessed the depth of hurt that Taehyung couldn’t handle. Likewise, the incessant vibrating of the phone in your pocket only served to remind you who needed you more. It had never stopped buzzing from when you first found Jimin in his depressed state. You couldn’t ignore him much longer.
”I’ll text Hoseok to come and get you,” you said, holding his hand. Jimin placed another hand on top of yours, though his eyes were still transfixed on the wall. You pulled away reluctantly to unlock your phone; you had ten messages from Taehyung, and half of his messages were sent on different apps. Ignoring an incoming call, you told Jimin, “Forget about Eve, okay?”
”Who’s Eve?” Jimin laughed, shoulders shaking with each chuckle. The tears on his face hadn’t stopped. “Eve who? Christmas Eve?”
”On second thought, how about I take you back to your dorm?”
“Will you carry me?”
Sighing, you sent a quick text to Hoseok telling him to come to your location. He had responded fairly fast, telling you that he was already near you guys and would be arriving in two minutes.
“You really risked it all and drank on school grounds for a girl?” You rubbed the temples of your forehead, a slight headache starting to form. “Really?”
Jimin continued staring at the wall. There was no response.
“You know better than that,” you said, hoping that this tough love would get through his head. “You’re better than this.”
He started to cry, and he didn’t stop crying even when your heart softened and you gave him a hug he desperately needed. You kept stroking his hair, rubbing his back, and murmuring sweet cheer-me-ups until Hoseok came and assessed the situation. Hoseok had hugged Jimin, and engulfed you in the process. The three of you were in this position for who knew how long, but Jimin’s tears had stopped flowing at one point, his body settling into quiet hiccups before remaining still.
“You should go, (Name). I’ll take care of him,” Hoseok urged you, voice close to your ear. If it were another scenario, you would have blushed.
You nodded, squeezing both Hoseok and Jimin’s shoulders, before heading away, to the person who needed you more.
But why did it feel like you only touched the surface level of Jimin’s troubles? Was it alright to leave? Should you have stayed? Should you have interrogated Jimin and seen if there was an underlying root cause about his sudden impulsivity to drink? Were you a bad friend?
These questions plagued your mind as you spotted Taehyung near an empty table, which was close to your university’s convenience store.
”What took you so long?” Taehyung asked, lips curved downwards. He ruffled his hair, an agitated sigh escaping his lungs. “I was waiting for you.”
”Sorry I was with Jimin. He was having a rough time.” You pulled your chair closer to him. He looked at you from the corner of his eye before resting his arm on the back of your chair. His brows remained furrowed. You figured out a long time ago that Taehyung liked it when you were next to him whenever he was in a bad mood, and since you left him hanging for thirty minutes, especially when you understood the type of person Taehyung was, he was, undoubtedly, in an unpleasant mood.
“Was it that bad?”
“Yes, it was.”
Taehyung scoffed. You glared at him. Even though he had issues which he told you about, what he did was still rude!
”How can it be that bad? Did he cry?” Crossing his leg, he clicked his tongue. “You should have at least texted me about it.”
You should breathe deeply. Friendships differed from person to person.
Understand Taehyung and where he’s coming from, you thought, because he helped you during times when you needed it the most.
“I’m sorry about that, Taehyung,” you said, looking at him in the eyes so he could feel the sincerity of your words. “I mean it.”
Taehyung’s posture appeared to relax, his tight-lipped frown dissolving. “It’s okay. Did you eat yet?”
”Not yet. Did you?”
”No,” He shook his head, “I didn’t.”
”Well, why don’t we buy some tacos from the food trucks outside Greenhill Hall? It’ll be my treat.” You bumped his shoulder in a lighthearted manner.
As you both headed towards your destination, you couldn’t help but stifle a heavy truth weighing inside your mind. You could think about it later. For now, Taehyung was the focus.
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meditativeyoga · 4 years
Tranquilo! Tranquilo!
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Man's means of life in the modern-day age is just one of the major sources of stress. Somehow modern life as well as anxiety appear to fit. The means we live, the means we work, the means we chat and also the method we operate daily, add to the building up of tension. People rush regarding all the time, as though they were bring the whole worry of the globe upon their shoulders. Individuals hurry around, accumulating what they think they require-- just to know that they do not require it in all. They look like squirrels in a cage-- running, running at all times-- however getting nowhere.
We appear to be quickly regularly. It is not only when we are on our feet that we are hurrying, when we are sittinged, at remainder, our minds are rushing somewhere or the other too. We perhaps waiting in an external office, waiting on a visit with a doctor, waiting on a meeting telephone call-- however we are hurrying, hurrying in our ideas. This mental thrill, this psychological hurry is among the primary causes of tension.
We have to relax. Rest, my sibling! Take it simple, sister! There is a word, which Spanish people use typically. Whenever 2 Spaniards meet, they claim to each other, "Tranquilo! Tranquilo!" Tranquilo implies-- rest! This is the message which everyone need today-- Relax! Take it easy!
Tom was loosening up under a tree when one more male that recognized him, came there. The 2nd man disapproved Tom's relaxing as he believed Tom was losing time.
" What are you doing Tom?" the man asked him sternly.
" Why sir, I'm just appreciating myself," Tom replied.
" Why don't you stand up as well as job, Tom?" the man claimed to him in a tone of disapproval.
" Just what for?" Tom wanted to know.
" If you strive, you will have the ability to earn money!" explained the guy patiently.
" Yet exactly what for, sir?" Tom persisted.
" If you generate income, you could save some of it."
“What for?”
" If you conserve loan, you can have a lot of recreation."
“What for?”
" If you have leisure you can go out on a vacation."
“What for?”
" If you go out on a holiday you will certainly have the ability to take pleasure in life."
" Yet sir," said loudly Tom, "that's exactly what I'm doing currently!"
We do not need to slouch like the guy in the tale-- however at the very least, we need to avoid needless hurry. As the adage informs us, "Rush makes waste."
Why do we get stressed?
Haste and also rashness resemble storms and also tempests, which break and also wreck people's lives as well as their organisations. Just how much we shed out on the little joys of life when we can not stroll, talk or pay attention slowly. The excellent sports fitness instructor, William Muldoon observed: "People do not pass away of illness, they pass away of interior burning." As we rush about our life, anxiety continues structure within, until it leads us to a worried breakdown or a cardiovascular disease-- interior combustion.
Another reason for anxiety is inflammation. We provide in to inflammation once again and also once again. We may not constantly reveal it-- but the irritation inside burns up our psychological power uselessly. Whenever you are irritated, you are burning up valuable emotional energy, which could be utilized constructively.
We must create the perseverance to suppress inflammation. A Dutch proverb tells us: "A handful of perseverance deserves even more than a bushel of brains." Wise men like Benjamin Franklin would certainly agree: "He that can have patience can have exactly what he will."
Yet one more reason for stress is that we are overwhelmed by the issues we face. I always claim that problems are wonderful presents that are tossed at us by Divine superintendence-- just, we stop working to acknowledge the gift because it comes covered up in a stained plan. The word 'trouble' is originated from the Latin word "pro balo"-- that which is purposely included our way. It is since we react to problems adversely that we produce panic as well as stress within us.
It has been stated that a problem is like a pebble. If you hold it near to your eye, it appears multiplied, and also it obstructs your entire vision. Hold it at an arm's length as well as you can see its shape, its colour and its dimension. Drop it at your feet and you can effortlessly stroll over it!
Another reason we react negatively to anxiety situations is psychological fatigue and exhaustion. We are commonly appropriate to ignore the demands of intellectual or mental job, as versus hard physical work. Psychoanalysts say that individuals who deal with their minds require more sleep and rest than hands-on employees. When psychological fatigue embed in, we could not think clearly or react reasonably.
Picture a guy sitting slouched on a couch. His shoulders are drooping. His head is down, as well as he is holding his chin in both his hands. His whole body seems to be drooping. Is this not the number of us are at the end of a day's work? Just what a weary problem we have made from a day, which had been God's new present to us just a couple of hrs ago?
A man went to his Guru, suffering utter fatigue and also exhaustion. "Swamiji, I simply could not cope any longer," he whined. "Please aid me!"
The Guru took him to an inner chamber, where there were 2 clocks on the table. Both were ticking away happily. One was a freestanding clock, the other was attached to the keys with a power cable.
" This clock will certainly keep opting for less compared to 24 Hr," stated the Master, indicating the first one. "After just someday, it will decrease and also start to waste time slowly. I need to can be found in every morning as well as wind it up to keep it going, otherwise it will quickly come to a quit."
He indicated the electrical clock. "This you can see, is connected to a source of high power, and also with the energy from that resource, it maintains continuing. It does not require to be ended up each day. It simply goes on, ticking merrily."
The guy stared at the two clocks, not able to recognize exactly what the Expert was saying.
" You need to attach on your own to God-- the Source of the greatest, purest and ideal power in deep space," claimed the Master. "Then you will not need to wind your self, or give your self a boost. You will attract all the energy and also knowledge of the Cosmos via your link with God, as well as nothing could stop you!"
The globe looks bleak and also miserable to those that are tired out. Provide the body enough sleep, reenergize your body and soul by linking on your own to God continuously. After that, your soul could work to alleviate your anxiety and also recover your diminished energy.
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