#also sometimes he says you’re not fit to wear that watch uniform
kg-clark-inthedark · 10 months
my roman empire is when in dh2 you take out the first guard you encounter after you leave the tower in a long day in dunwall and if you’re playing as Corvo he says “traitorous dog” or “disloyal dog”
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following up on the Alastor during different points of his life, how would he be in high school with the reader? given his time period I feel like things would be really difficult especially if the reader is white coded y’know, so what would that be like for him? and the reader too? also maybe the reader could be on the wealthier side, while Alastor isn’t?
A/N: I love detailed requests like this <33, so thank you so much! But this is a really messy concept, for everyone involved, but i love it.
No title for this one since I can’t think of anything :(
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Alastor goes to a completely different school than you do
Almost every day you have great lunch, bus is on time, you’re books are brand new, everything is pristine down to the uniforms
For Alastor, the bus is late or breaks down on the way there, the students don’t have proper uniforms, some either wear the uniform or have a passed down uniform that most likely doesn’t fit them. The books are worn and torn, sometimes pages are missing, and the lunch is most times anything other than edible.
Your schools are only a few yards apart, however your bus always gets there quicker while his sometimes takes two hours to get there, and most times he needs to walk mid way while the bus is getting fixed
Your schools are in a secluded part of the town, with a lot of trees and forest behind it.
During your free period you sneak out of your school and over to his, thankfully your free period is his lunch period and you always have left overs
You two talk a lot, either about what your working on or just anything in general
During this time Alastor really fancies going to the north, he wants to get out of louisiana and start a new life
“If that’s what you want to do then I support you.” You always say and while he appreciates it, he’s always thought about asking you to go with him
By the time the year comes to a close you two see less and less of each other
You pick up a summer job at a boutique, he ends up working with his mother in a supermarket
on one of your days off, you stop by, not knowing he works there of course, and begin to get things off your list
You’ve never gone around his part of town much, your father forbid it, but he didn’t need to know you were there, as long as you went home with groceries you were fine right?
so when you began to ask his mother for help, he almost died of a heart attack watching the two of you talk
“Potatos are on isle seven dear, and cinnamon is on three with the rest of the spices.” His mother says kindly, and you smile finally having some sense of direction in the store
Alastor is quick to work the register, hoping to catch a glimpse of you and it works
Along with a lot of other customers giving you strange looks, what’s a white girl doing in a colored store? cant she get fined for that? is she crazy? lost?
“Oh! Hello Alastor.” You say with a smile as he grins back at you.
“Hello my dear, I see you’ve met my mother.” He says as he begins to total the things you’ve picked out.
“Oh that’s her? She’s such a sweet woman, really.” You say back, pulling out a few dollars and some quarters go pay him.
“That she is, though I must ask what brings you to this part of town?” He questions, and at this your face heats up quickly before you brush it off.
“Well, I’ve just gotten off of my shift, and father mentioned he needed to go grocery shopping so I figured i’d do it for him.” You say as Alastor writes your total down. You don’t wait for him to give it to you, instead you hand him all the cash and quarters you have in your pocket.
“This is well over what you owe.” He says grinning, he knows what you’ll say next, but it’s fun to watch you become so proud of yourself.
“Yes, however I don’t have any use for the rest, so I believe you can keep it. Good day Alastor.” You say smiling and grabbing the bagged items. He smiles and just puts the money away, his mind is already running on how to make it up to you.
your father never notices where you got the groceries, he only cares he didn’t need to drop more money to get it
When the next school year rolls around this time you both are in the eleventh grade, this is your most important year
You’re stressed with papers and exams every other week, Alastor is swamped with having to help other students as a tutor, his lunch period now being the only time he can see you
However, your schedule isn’t the same, now your free period is during a class of his and now he’s sneaking out more than once to see you, most of the kids in his grade have stopped showing up, most did after the eighth grade
You rant and complain about how stressed you are, and how you can’t wait for the year to be over so you can finally breathe
Alastor laughs and for the first time in his life he can truly feel how fake it is, he’s never been more stressed in his life and though your books might be better the work is just the same especially since he’s in the gifted program
you ask about his mother time to time and he appreciates you thinking of her, no one really asks
he tells you of his plan to go to New York, how excited he is and how much he’s saving, how his mother has been picking up extra shifts to bring in enough
this is when he asks you to come with him, but you tell him you can’t, that you can’t leave your family, your parents or siblings, how your life is here
he understands, it hurts him to leave his mother, she’s the only family he’s ever known, ever had, he hates leaving her behind
but he promises to come back, that he will come back to Louisiana, and you smile because you believe him
when graduation comes he waits until your parents retire for the night before knocking at your front door, he’s risking a lot for this, but he needs to see you before he goes
When you answer the door hes overjoyed, and you wrap him in the tightest hug he’s ever felt before, even though he doesn’t feel many
He hands you flowers with a small congratulations, and you smile and tell him the same, before you remember something
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You say, before you stop and turn to him, opening your front door. “ I’ll be right back, don’t move.” You say, and take off into the house. He smiles and waits, taking in your neighborhood. It’s clean, large houses, perfect sidewalks and a nicely paved street
you come back with an envelope in hand, and when you hand it to him he shoots you a look. What is this?
He opens it to find a large sum of cash, he can’t even begin to imagine how much your handing him. He shakes his head and hands it back.
“I cant accept this.” He says, his smile tightening. He’s upset. Do you think he needs this? But you smile wider and insist.
“For new york silly, everything is crazy in this big apple. If not for you then for your mother, please. I saved it for you.” You say, and he sighs, lightly flipping through it.
“How much is it?” He asks, almost afraid of what you’ll say.
“Seven Hundred.” You reply, and his eyes widen, and his smile drops finally. This is the first time you’ve seen him without one.
“I cant possibly-“
“You must. Please. It’s not my parents if that’s what your thinking. I earned it, and I wanted to give it to you.” You say, before he’s silent
“I don’t need your charity dear.” He says, his smile returning. Clearly he’s annoyed by this point, but you don’t seem to care, if you can even tell
“It isn’t charity. It’s a gift. No one is ever too good for a gift.” You say crossing your arms, now he laughs. Your stubborn, you refuse to take it back. You’re not asking him to take it, your not giving him a choice.
“Alright, fine. However I’m not using this. I’ll give it to my mother.” He says, and you smile contently at that.
“I’m okay with that.”
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unlicensedmortician · 2 months
bad movies with j&j: divergent part two electric boogaloo.
- they have multiple personality traits. which means they are the worst people ever.
- i can’t even go “this is such obvious propaganda how is anyone falling for it” bc ive been on twitter recently
- oh girl that haircut is really bad
- that haircut is “this is the first time i’m asking for a masc haircut and the hairdresser my mom took me to just goes with fuckass pixie cut” bad
- “only a divergent can open this box” be so fucking for real. what are you talking about. it’s a magic box? that only a divergent can open? because they’re so special? because they’re acoustic? what are you saying
- hey . what? “i need to kill jeanine” didn’t a large chunk of the plot of the last movie revolve around how tris doesn’t want to kill people. what’s happening
- “tris you can’t just go around killing people”
- caleb. shut up
- “hey how do these people know you? why are they looking for you?” “:)” hey king that’s not? an answer?
- this man’s mother looks like. 28. he looks older than her. what the fuck
- she and tris look the same age?
- four looks like he’s 36. he looks like he has a mortgage. he looks like he doesn’t pay child support. his mother looks 29 at MOST
- tris rocking up in a forever 21 ass outfit
- hey caleb are you wearing a white tshirt a denim flannel and a suit jacket made by carhartt?
- ah yes the ya dystopian female lead uniform: extremely fitted utility vest with 25% of ur back exposed and nothing underneath
- christina girl what was she supposed to do
- “i’ve been assuming all divergents are the same” and you’re supposed to be the smartest bitch alive?
- oh i wonder who could be the most specialist special one of them all
- “sometimes i think i see lights out beyond the wall” wow that’s crazy girl
- jester said she runs like a sim and they’re right oh my god
- i can’t tell if i keep zoning out or if this movie just makes no sense
- this fucking guy again?
- summary execution. average good guy behavior
- wow she’s 100% divergent? she’s who they’ve been looking for? that’s fucking crazy. who could have seen this coming.
- oh shit girl you fucking kilt him
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- is this nonbinary representation
- girl how did you get a full beat and a blowout in this economy
- can’t get over how much jeanine looks like a pastors wife
- yeah ok that was a pretty effective way to send a message. also, what the fuck
- i feel like. this whole divergent problem could be solved if you just didn’t mention that they exist and let them pick a faction and stick to it. like they would probably just do that.
- please don’t make me watch them bone on screen i can’t do it
- oh yep she’s turning herself in. thought so
- i feel like most people would be pretty willing to try to stop innocent people from being forced to kill themselves no matter what their dominant personality trait is but ok
- peter is kinda serving cunt tho
- “it’s ok u can kill him if you want we have plenty of guards” “… WHAT” ok. that was funny
- damn they acupunctured her
- i love watching actors do a muscle up that engages absolutely none of their muscles
- unfortunately i just think these trial sims are kinda dumb as hell and i don’t really care that much
- standing in the shower really normally tris
- this movie is almost completely relying on tris being a pretty skinny blonde white girl in order for you to care about what’s happening
- this is giving me a migraine
- tris you look really stupid unfortunately
- hello?? is she fucking dead??? there’s a whole other movie with her in it ??
- also like. what the fuck is in the box
- imagine if it’s just like. a piece of paper that says “i fucked ur mom”
- ok slay go off peter. i guess. sure.
- he’s the realest bitch here
- tris vs tris with an even worse haircut somehow
- honestly couldn’t tell you what happened in that last simulation
- plot twist! the entire base concept of this worldbuilding is fake and made up and contrived!
- so she’s the savior of humanity? with that haircut?
- yeah that’s p average dictator behavior
- do you guys think the milf is gonna end up being the new dictator
- and there’s a whole other movie after this ¿? this sort of feels like. the conclusion.
- she’s soooooo special. oh my god. what ever
- oh fours mom shot jeanine. ok
final thoughts: hm? huh? what? this has to be one of the stupidest things i’ve ever seen. sorry to everyone who was really into this in 2014 i will not be changing my opinion. how do i get @ghostcasket back for showing this to me i genuinely can’t think of anything
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saintodo · 3 years
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NOTE. the manga panel is me when i see gojo’s tits
PAIRING. gojo satoru x gender neutral reader
WARNINGS. dom reader, sub gojo, male titty sucking/fondling, slight feminization (calling pecs tits), grinding, cumming in pants
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You walk into the living room of your apartment with all your attention on the phone clasped in your hand. You’re scrolling through social media, half-heartedly paying attention to the images and text popping up in your feed. You harshly exhale in a silent laugh when a particularly funny post pops up.
“Satoru, what do you think we should do—”
Slowly, your hand lowers to your side. Your grip on your phone loosens, causing it to nearly drop out of your grasp. The question of what your plans should be for this upcoming weekend dies out on your tongue as soon as you gain a glimpse of your boyfriend.
As usual, Gojo is sprawled out on your large, comfortable couch, long limbs thrown in every direction. It looks like he’s trying to take up as much space as possible, which could very well be the case. He’s not wearing his modified uniform for a change, dressed in casual at-home pants and…
“What are you wearing?” The question falls from your lips before you can really think about how it could come across. Your boyfriend knows you well enough to know you don’t mean any offense by it. You stand in the hallway near the entrance of the living room, unblinking.
Gojo’s attention shifts from the flatscreen tv, playing one of his favorite movies (one of those films where it’s so fucking bad that it’s good) onto you. His sky-blue eyes shine brightly over the tops of his sunglasses.
“Hm?” he hums, processing your question. He tilts his head at an angle to showcase his faux confusion. You ignore the way his sharp jawline flexes.
“Oh, this,” Gojo says like it’s just dawned on him what you meant by your very direct question. With his pointer finger and thumb, he pulls on the cotton material of the t-shirt he’s wearing. “I tried to do laundry the other day and accidentally shrunk all of my shirts.”
You can see that.
The shirt is beyond tight. Hugging every curve and dip of Gojo’s upper body, the once loose t-shirt is now obscenely form-fitting. His pecs are fucking bulging. The material is suffocating them, and they look like they’re about ready to spill out of the top that has his collarbones on full display.
The bottom of the faded black t-shirt is also a good few inches shorter than it used to be, exposing a lot more of Gojo’s torso. The darkness of the top contrasts greatly with the revealed paleness of Gojo’s skin. You watch, mesmerized, as his abdominal muscles flex as he shifts around a little bit.
You would jump Gojo’s bones if he attempted to leave the house looking like that. You already have to deal with people openly ogling him when you go out together. You don’t even want to imagine how many more people would shamelessly stare or flirt with him if he wore a fitted cropped top.
“Oh, you like it.”
Gojo’s comment knocks you right out of your reverie. The amusement in his tone, the knowingness of his voice, immediately makes a scowl form on your lips. Your gaze drifts from Gojo’s chest, which you were not checking out, to meet his eyes. The Cheshire-like grin he’s donning makes your eye twitch.
“Shut up, no I don’t,” you instantly respond.
It’s not that you don’t think your boyfriend is hot shit, he is. He 100% is. But, there is no way in fuck you’re going to admit to your boyfriend you think he looks fucking hot right now. You absolutely cannot and will not inflate his ego like that.
His crystal-blue eyes gleam, and you know you have lost already. Sometimes, you forget that your partner is the single most powerful sorcerer there is on Earth and that his powers are unparalleled by any other being. Truly and honestly, screw him and his stupid ability to know when you’re being untruthful.
“Liar,” Gojo says in a sing-songy manner. He wags his pointer finger side to side to emphasize his statement.
You groan, taking long strides across the room. Haphazardly, you toss your phone onto the coffee table and hope that the screen doesn’t shatter from your rough behavior. A loud huff escapes Gojo when you flop down onto the couch with a loud, exaggerated sigh. You maneuver around until your lower back is resting against the armrest and your legs are parallel to Gojo’s.
You’re smart enough to know when you’ve been defeated.
“What do you want me to say, ‘Toru?” You huff, glaring at the man facing you from the opposite end of the couch. There’s no real heat behind your apparent harsh look. “Wow, you look so fucking hot or something?” you sarcastically say. You gesture by waving a hand around in the air. “I tell you that shit like every day already.” 
“I haven’t heard you tell me that today,” Gojo innocently says.
You groan, realizing that you have not in fact told Gojo today how attractive you find him. Then again, you didn’t mean it literally, but of course, your boyfriend would take your words at face value if playing dumb benefited him. Oh well. Guess you’ll indulge him.
The movie’s audio buzzes at a low volume as you crawl over Gojo’s stupidly long legs, careful not to hurt him or yourself. You place your hands on either side of Gojo’s head, balancing yourself as you hover over your boyfriend.
Gently, you move aside Gojo’s sunglasses to rest on top of his head. His light blue eyes, now revealed to you, swim with mischief and amusement. Underneath all of that, you can see the beginnings of arousal swirling in his pretty hues.
“You look hot, ‘Toru.” You lean in closer. Your nose brushes against Gojo’s and your lips nearly touch. You can feel the upward curve of a smile on Gojo’s lips. Soft exhales fill the little space between you. “Really hot.”
Gojo is the one to close the space separating you. The translucent gloss coating his lips glides onto yours. You find the minty taste of it not unpleasant on your tongue when you lick the seam of his mouth.
Shifting your body, you ease yourself over Gojo’s lap and lay your knees on either side of his torso to support the majority of your weight. His hands on your hips help guide you into a comfortable position for both of you.
“I do look hot, don’t I?” Gojo teases when you pull away from his lips to trail kisses along the column of his neck. The playfulness in his voice dies down a little bit, replaced with a moan when you harshly nip at his fragile skin.
“Shut up,” you mutter between the love bites you’re decorating Gojo’s neck with. His skin is so sensitive in this area, it’s almost comical. Even if you just licked a line down the curve of his neck, it would prompt a slight shiver to travel throughout Gojo’s entire body.
In his daily life, he’s so good at masking his true feelings, but in the bedroom, there is nowhere left for Gojo to hide. The way he’s receptive to your every touch is obvious, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your hands move from their place by Gojo’s head to his abdomen, pushing his shrunken t-shirt all the way up until it’s bunched up above his pecs.
You grab a handful of the mound of flesh presented before you and delight in the way Gojo’s eyes go lidded and his mouth parts to form a slight o.
“You have such pretty tits, Satoru,” you sigh reverently. With one hand, you continue to palm at the muscle, feeling his heartbeat thrum beneath your touch. You dip your head over his other pec and wrap your mouth around his nipple.
He tastes like skin, which is not exactly earth-shattering. Swirling your tongue around the hardening bud, you can make out the faint audio of the movie that’s still playing on the screen. But, your quiet hums and Gojo’s loud, breathy whines quickly drown out the noise.
“O-oh, fuck,” Gojo curses, dropping his head back over the edge of the sofa.
Internally, you smile and relish how you’ve made him stutter over his words. The fact that you are the only person who gets to see the great Gojo Satoru like this fuels your ego. But, you are also filled with an overabundance of affection for the white-haired sorcerer. The trust and vulnerability shown through his actions of allowing you to see him like this, of allowing you to bring him such pleasure is not lost on you.
Even if Gojo Satoru is a menace, you love him all the same.
He wraps a large hand around the back of your neck- the heat of his palm bleeds into your skin- and urges you closer, even if you are already as close as possible.
You run your tongue over Gojo’s nipple and tug it between your teeth over and over until it’s all puffy and aching from your continued abuse. After you’re satisfied with the pretty shade of pink it is, you mouth at the rest of his tit.
Distantly, you’re aware of how much of a mess you’re making. Saliva and sweat now coat Gojo’s skin as your tongue glides over the firm muscle of his pec. Saltiness infiltrates your tastebuds as you nip his skin, leaving reddening love bites in your wake.
Your fingers tweak his other nipple, gently pulling and rolling it between your forefinger and thumb until it’s a hardened peak. Once you’re content, you switch your focus and wrap your lips around the pulsing bud.
Beneath you, you can feel the outline of Gojo’s hardness through his pants. With the thought of getting your partner back for teasing you so often, you shift the majority of your weight off of your knees to your center. An unabashed moan leaves Gojo’s lips when you settle more into his lap and grind down against his erection. His large hand tightens around the back of your neck: his grip is a little uncomfortable, but not painful.
“You make really cute noises, ‘Toru,” you exhale into his skin, barely lifting your lips from their place around the swollen bud you were running your tongue over. Your fingers toy with his other nipple, which you just had your mouth on. “So lewd of you to get off by having your tits played with,” you comment.
His face reddens, a stark contrast to his usually pale skin. 
“They’re not—ah, fuck—they’re not tits,” Gojo whines in weak protest. Snow-white strands fall onto his forehead as he lifts his head off of the edge of the armrest. You hum unconvinced.
Gojo can say all he wants and deny your statements as much as he likes, but at the end of the day, he has a fat pair of titties. And going off of how he instinctively ruts his hips up when you call his pecs tits, you know he fucking likes it.
You opt to keep quiet and continue playing with his pretty tits. Alternating between laving long strokes over Gojo’s nipple with your tongue and lightly sucking on the hardened peak, you’re pleased when you manage to draw another high-pitched moan from him.
The friction from grinding down on Gojo’s clothed cock sends sparks up your spine. The action feels good, but you’re more focused on having Gojo come undone for you. When your gaze drifts upward to the white-haired man, you can tell you’re nearly there.
His face is flushed a deep scarlet down to his chest. You’re slightly surprised to see his sunglasses are missing from the top of his head: they must have fallen without your notice. His hair- let down from its typical spiked-up style- is messy and disheveled with many loose strands falling over his forehead. It's Gojo's eyes that catch you a little off guard. The bright blue hue of his irises is overtaken by the dark inkiness of his pupils. His eyes dilate even more when he catches your gaze.
His chest heaves under your tongue, and you know that Gojo is about ready to fall off the precipice. 
With a harsh pinch to his nipple and a rock of your hips, you send Gojo hurtling over the edge. His eyes immediately flutter shut, rolling to the back of his head. A stream of curses interrupted by whines flows from his mouth as his hips jerk up against you in search of prolonging the friction.
You can feel the wet patch growing beneath you as Gojo cums in his pants. You drink in his reactions, stoking the flames of arousal that lie deep in your gut.
You release your mouth from where it's latched to Gojo's pec and sit up a little when he's recovered from his orgasm. You admire how pretty he looks when wrecked: a complete mess with his shirt still bunched up just above his pecs.
Gojo should wear crop tops more often. Only around the house, though. He should never wear them out.
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sagechanoafterdark · 2 years
To Love and To Hold
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Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Wife!Reader
Synopsis: Sheriff Lee Bodecker has a perfect life and you are his perfect wife. With his eyes on higher political aspirations, he won't let anything stand in his way. And neither will you.
Word Count: 2,161
Warnings: canon violence, hinted at sexual assault, murder, sexual themes, a little bit of cock warming at the end
A/N: This fic has been sitting in my drafts for over a year now. It's a one-shot fic and the first time I've written for Lee Bodecker. It's also an entry for @plaid-shirtsandvibranium-arms ongoing Make It Badass Challenge. We all know I love a strong female reader. Hope you guys love it too. Thank you so much to @iwantutobehapppier for looking it over and the confidence boost and all the fellow Hodeckers for the inspiration along the way.
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The night was dragging by. Sitting in his cruiser outside the bar, Lee watched with a sharpened gaze as a group of boys sauntered out the front door. Hooting and hollering as they stumbled into the cool June air, the trio shit-faced as they stumbled towards the waiting car.
With his window cracked he could faintly hear the sound of a woman's voice, the driver, greeting one of the three. “Hey baby,” the man replied leaning heavily on the roof. “Thanks for coming to pick us up. Bodecker’s been sitting cross the street all damn ni-”
Lee tisked as the rest of his commentary was cut off, shifting in his cruiser. Mouthy little shit. As if he wanted to be here, sitting outside in a cold June rain waiting to pop a DUI. Maybe get a little puke on his shoes? As if this was his dream night.
Soon enough he’d be wearing that monkey suit, waving at constituents; maybe holding a couple of babies and making some promises he couldn’t keep. At least he could have you by his side for that. He’d set his sights small, make a run for state representative. Get a taste of real politics and see if it stuck.
As a matter of fact, he was damn sure his little dream would have never gotten off the ground if it hadn’t been for you. You, his darling and doting wife. You’d become a shining star in the community, running his campaign, talking to all the right people, steering him with all the mastery of a Capitan steering a ship.
The only reason he was up in the poles was because of you.
Sighing he rubbed a hand over his face, the day's stubble scraping over his fingers. He’d have to shave before tomorrow's planned speech and meet and greet. Though he was pretty sure you’d love the stubble the moment he walked in the door after his shift tonight.
Sometimes it felt just like yesterday when he’d first met you. Fresh-faced out of the academy and wearing the uniform felt good, the fit had been right back then. Of course, that was before he’d gotten a taste for the pies at Flo’s and before you’d simultaneously stole his soul and cut him to ribbons with that silver tongue of yours.
Sure people gave him a hard time for mooning over a woman who wouldn’t even give him the time of day. But that’s why he loved you even more. You knew he could be more and believed in him more than anyone.
Fuck, Lee loved you more than anything.
The radio in his car crackled to life, “Base, calling Car Twelve-Twenty-three.”
Picking up the mic from the hold on the dash Lee held down the button, “Twelve-Twenty-three, go ahead.”
“Sheriff you’re wife called just now,” came the overly bored voice of his night dispatcher, Roz.
A grin pulled at Lee's lips as he pressed the button on the walkie again, “And what did the Missus have to say?”
The radio crackled again before Roz’s voice came back, “Said, “The pot roast is getting cold and that you better hurry home if you want any.”
Pot roast? It’s not Sunday. You don't cook…
Lee's blood ran cold, blue eyes widened as the private code between you set off warning bells in his head. With a trembling hand, he pressed down on the CB once more. “Looks like I should be heading home then,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice even. “Twelve-Twenty-three signing out.”
“Have a good night Sheriff,” Roz echoed over the radio.
Starting up his cruiser Lee tore out of the gravel driveway. Kicking up rocks as he joined the pavement, tires screeching as he sped towards home. The leather squeaked under his iron-fisted grip as he turned corners and passed houses in a blur. 
The cruiser came to a screeching halt a the end of the driveway, Lee's feet hit the pavement as the vehicle jerked into park. He drew his gun the moment he exited, pulling back the hammer on the pistol and ready. Taking the front porch steps two at a time his keen eye-catching the pitcher of lemonade and glass with your lipstick still on the rim in the darkness.
Something was wrong.
Entering the house Lee was careful. Putting enough pressure on the squeaky door hinge he’d not gotten around to fixing and dodging the floor creaks in the old home. Dipping through the dark living room and down the hall towards the bright kitchen. It was deathly quiet and his heart beat wildly against his ribs as he drew in a breath before ducking around the corner.
Pistol pointed at the man he vaguely recognized seated at your kitchen table.
Lee slowly realized the horror of what he’d walked into.
The man sat slumped in the chair at the dining table was Samuel Kent, a reporter for the downstate paper who he’d had the displeasure of meeting in person two days ago. His blue leisure suit was rumpled and now stained crimson as blood slowly oozed from the gaping gash on his neck. Dark eyes glazed over and horn-rimmed glasses askew on his face, blood dripped from his parted and gasping lips.
Holstering his weapon Lee’s shoes skirted the pool of blood forming off the pristine white lace table cloth as he looked at you. Still as a statue sitting across from the corpse.
Your crystal clear eyes staring, unblinking, at the man opposite. Clutched in your hand was the sandwich knife, the tip glimmering with blood as you sat frozen over the fine china tea set. “Kitten,” Lee tested, voice gentile but strained as he slowly approached you. “Kitty, what happened?”
You were still. Unblinking and unable to look away from the whey-faced man, “He was going to talk.” The harsh whisper fell from your lips as tears began to fill your crystal-clear eyes. “He was going to expose us. I couldn’t… I couldn’t let him muddy our name. Not now.”
“Kitty,” he asked again, his breath catching the moment your eyes flicked over to him with a coldness he recognized. “Tell me what happened.”
Your mouth opened and closed a couple of times, your sorrow and shock-filled eyes drifting back to Kent before hardening again. Lee felt a stone sinking in his stomach with that look.
“He knew about the Williams boys,” the words whispered from your lips, so quiet in the silence of the kitchen Lee was unsure he’d even heard you. “Said he was going to expose you for covering up what happened to them. That it wasn’t a wild animal. That he had enough to prove that you covered it up when you were a deputy still. That there might have been others who disappeared around town. He was going to tell everyone.”
The Williams boys.
Lee should have known the spector of those three men would appear in your lives again. It had been like this then too. The blood. The carnage. He can still remember you standing holding the knife in your hand. Dress tore your lip fat and cut open with that sinister gleeful smile spreading on your perfect lips.
Perfect lips he’d fallen in love with.
Swallowing hard, Lee crouched beside you. His knees hit the linoleum floor before reaching up and swiping away the few tears that managed to fall. Inwardly cursing himself for not taking action sooner. Like the fool, he was he’d thought that there would be time to handle this. 
“I’m so sorry Kitten,” he comforted, before recalling the bristling conversation he’d had with the man two days ago.
Kent sat in his office, a smug grin on his face and a cocky tilt to his head. “I wonder how Mrs. Bodecker would react to that kind of news,” he smirked, pushing his horn-rimmed glasses further up his nose. “Knowing her husband is nothing more than a dirty cop and a dirty politician.”
That struck an immediate chord with him, “Stay the hell away from my wife!”
Spittle flew from Lee's mouth as he stood from his desk, the office nowhere near soundproof as his secretary looked up from her paperwork to the red-faced sheriff.
Samuel Kent still looked as cool and composed as ever, a sly smile forming on his lips as he dusted off his pants before standing. “Well, now that’s not quite the reaction I was expecting. You’ll be hearing from me again Sheriff.”
“I mean it Kent,” Lee warned, his expression menacing as the man left his office. “Stay away from my wife.”
Looking up into your glistening eyes, Lee tried his best to comfort you. “I warned him, Kitty. I really did.”
Swallowing hard his gaze drifted over to your hand still clutching the bloody knife, wrapping his fingers around yours before the knife clattered to the table. With a broken sob, you fell into his arms and cried, burying your face into his neck as he began soothing you with soft whispers.
His focus was solely on getting you out of this, he’d done it before. Comforted you after the Williams boys. After that drifter, Harold Britt came to town and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then the farmer Samuel Holster disappeared after pinching you in the diner one too many times and you’d come to him covered with blood and dirt. 
Lee had done this many times before. Sat on his knees before you, giving you the comfort you needed. Soothing your fragmented soul and frayed nerves with his own stained and blackened heart.
“Lee,” you whispered wetly against his ear after your crying had slowed. Your tongue licked over the shell, teeth catching the lobe as a groan caught in his throat. He could feel your hand slipping down over his tummy and cupping his already hard cock through his pants.
“Kitty,” he rumbled, stubble scraping against your cheek before your lips caught his in a sloppy and messy kiss.
Your tongue thrust into his mouth just as your body surged against his and Lee returned it in full force. Tasting your lipstick and the tang of the rose tea you only served to guests you hated, his hand slipped up to your cheek. Trying in vain to wrestle control back as your mouth plundered his. Tongue stroking, biting at his lips one second before pressing a sweet as sin kiss against him.
Breath fanning over his face you whimpered, “Help me. Please, Sheriff.”
“Yeah,” he agreed against your mouth with a grunt. “I’ll help you, Kitty.”
His dick was rock hard and the way you were grinding on his hips made his knees ache against the floor, but he didn’t care. His large warm hands slid up over your back as he laid you down onto the spotless kitchen floor, pushing away the chair you’d been sitting in with a squeak.
Shedding his jacket and loosening his tie, Lee's blue eyes looked down on you as your fingers began unsnapping the buttons on your dress. Exposing your breasts, nestled perfectly in the lace trim bra. He couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight, ready to bury his face into your cleavage as his own hands started fumbling with the belt and zip on his slacks.
Freeing his cock the head leaked against the soft floral print of your dress before his hands slipped up your bare thighs. Fingers warm and caressing the soft flesh of your thighs before pulling them off along with your shoes, one hand gripped your calf, pressing a soft kiss to your ankle before you wrapped it around his waist.
Lee was absolutely gone for you.
The way you’d sigh as he gripped his fat cock in one hand, rubbing the head against your damp pussy before raising your hips for him. Eagar to take him, Lee licked his fingers briefly before pressing the spit-soaked digits against you earning a soft moan. Slipping and sliding against your entrance he drew a shuddering breath as he pressed forward at the same time.
A moan rattled out of your lungs as Lee covered your body with his own, one hand on your hip to hold you still as he loomed over you braced on his forearm. Kissing you deeply, tongue stroking against yours as your arms pulled him in. 
“No more Pepsi cups,” you whispered against his lips.
The sure baritone in your voice made Lee's dick jump inside of you. Looking down into your eyes you looked vulnerable, innocent, and naive when you were anything but. There was a reason that he’d helped you cover up the Williams boys and all the others. It was the same reason he’d help you cover up this one too.
“No more Pepsi cups,” he vowed, thrusting into you roughly on the kitchen floor as a deep moan spilled from your lips.
Lee loved you more than he did himself.
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nishayuro · 2 years
My Hero Academia Class 1-A with a Gojo!Reader
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A/N: I was scrolling through tumblr searching for a jjk x mha type headcanon like this but can't find any sfw ones T-T so as a writer I opened my laptop and made one >< I mighttttt make this into a bit of a series type?? idk but I definitely love this idea so pls give me more scenario ideas, my requests are open!
Genre: Fluff
part 2
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You’re the child of Gojo Satoru, the number 2 international hero, fame only 2nd to All Might himself. Though your father is of Japanese descent, He decided to be more of an international hero rather than staying put in one country. 
He’d have either his other pro hero friends Suguru or Shoko to babysit you during his busy days where he is needed somewhere else, or to his sidekick Nanami Kento.
You inherited his quirks, Six eyes and Limitless which are highly sought after quirks due to how immensely strong they are (Let’s pretend that six eyes also allows us energy manipulation in the MHA world because writing Gojo’s technique is hard af) of course your father trained you seeing that you also wanted to become a pro hero like him. 
Due to spending time with your father growing up, you had picked up on his personality but you were more on the calmer side (thanks to your babysitters) 
When you told Satoru that you wanted to enroll into UA highschool, he fully supported you and asked if you wanted to be known as a Gojo, to which you said yes.
The public never knew that the Gojo Satoru actually had a child, he kept it a secret in fear that villains would use you against him, especially when you were young and he couldn’t always be with you.
So when he made a public appearance with you, announcing you were his child, the people went insane!!
Not only did one of the strongest heroes have a kid who was practically a teenager by now, that also meant that he was off of the bachelor’s list (F to them, Satoru loves your mom a lot) 
You looked a lot like him too, blue eyes and white hair and all.
You went to UA on the 2nd day because of a few things you had to fix first with your dad.
Surprise surprise! You got into 1- A. You came into the room with Aizawa sensei who introduced you to the class.
Your presence, along with your quite laid back personality made your classmates a little intimidated, even the spiky haired blonde much to his dismay. 
When you introduced yourself to the class, you took off your blindfold for formalities, showing your beautiful blue eyes.
Congrats! You got the class blushing from how attractive you look.
During your quirk assessment tests, everyone watched your moves as you showcase your skills. Midoriya was both astonished and scared of how well you knew your quirk. Which made sense since your father would sometimes bring you to missions as a form of training.
Not much was known by the public about the quirk you and your father possessed, so Midoriya took this opportunity to observe further. 
You used your teleportation for the running and jumping ones and you manipulated your energy to strengthen you during the grip test one.
During the ball throwing tests, you decided to use black flash, which sent the ball flying very far, shocking your classmates.
During break, Midoriya approached you and asked about your quirk while also fanboying about your father. 
He asked why you were wearing a blindfold and you explained that six eyes makes you more sensitive and can fry your brain if overused, The scared look on his face after you said that made you laugh. 
After getting to know you more, the class found out you weren’t that intimidating, you just had the confident aura your father has.
You got along well with everyone! With your playful personality and all, you fit right in!
Your hero costume is like Satoru’s jujutsu uniform and your blindfold is also like his, He says you both are twins lmao. 
Being one of the stronger ones, Bakugou and Todoroki definitely made it a goal to overpass you. But you’d look at the two which a mischievous glint and deck them during training lmao.
You don’t use your dangerous techniques, knowing how easy they can kill if used wrong, you definitely ask your father for help on that one. 
You became a sort of teacher to the class in a way, with you having more experience in the field, you like helping them out. 
Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou being the ones who come to you more, well in Bakugou’s case asks to spar with you more. 
Overall, despite how overpowered you may seem, you still fit right in with the class and they treat you like normal despite being the kid of a well known pro hero.
Satoru definitely comes to UA just to annoy you and sometimes teach when he’s in the mood.
He’d spar with you in front of the class and that's the only time they see you losing so bad lmao
Midoriya definitely bombarded Satoru with questions which inflate his ego more. 
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Okay so can I ask for some general headcanons for a Fem!MC in twst? The game has gender-neutral pronouns for the MC so far and it's an all boys school. How do you think the characters reaction/interactions would change if the MC was female? (if all are too much you can just pick your faves, maybe just include the octa and Savannahclaw dorm?) Just your thoughts and some brainrot💖
I think the boys would definitely be a lot more flirtatious to fem!MC!!! (I just wanna call her FeMC so I could say… fem… with a c at the end LOL). This is an all boys school, what do you expect?!
These are mostly short I’m sorry! I wanted to try to fit everyone in!
Grim would lay at night curled up beside you. On days when your period hit, Grim would sense you in pain and get near your abdomen and purr. He feels like it’s an instinctual thing to do and if if helps out his minion, he’ll do it! Plus there’s tuna in it for him, right? Pet his ears too!
Riddle would definitely blush when you are around, but not too heavily! Sure he finds you attractive but it won’t stop him from fulfilling his duties as a dorm leader! He can’t help himself when he gets flustered talking to you since the only woman he grew up around was his strict mother. Since you’re different compared to her, he can’t tell but feel warmth from you which he wants to keep in his heart.
Ace and Deuce would make jokes at each other’s expense, both of them sorta going neck and neck trying to compete for your attention! They know you guys are just friends… unless..? 😳 Ace would make the snarky remarks while Deuce would threaten to beat Ace up.
Trey would act the same towards you, knowing he has to be a respectful upperclassman! You ALMOST can’t tell he sets aside the cupcake with more fruits or decoration on it for you at the Unbirthday party. Trey would give his signature smirk and wink as he sets it down in front of you.
Cater would take you on shopping sprees and outings to have so many photo opportunities with NRC’s only female student! Girls would flood his comments asking if you were his girlfriend, but he never answered. He secretly hopes you like him back so you could do cute couple things together like match outfits!
Leona would still call you herbivore and treat you the same as always. Still as lazy as before. However he can’t help but show off when he plays Magift and you happen to be watching. He lowkey stares at your features and shape of your body when you’re not looking 👀
Ruggie would also mostly act the same towards you, but he would bump into you on purpose so he can have an excuse to touch or smell you! His body tingles when he can smell your scent on the blazer he accidentally knocked into you with! Still treats you the same as ever though!
Jack would be gentler towards you, he knows how rough and big his body is, he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you! His personality is still the same, don’t think he’ll treat you any differently because you’re a girl!
Azul would try to make shady deals with you to offer you protection against students who may be too forward with you since you’re a girl. In exchange? For you to work at the lounge! and spend time with him. He secretly likes you but would never tell you to uphold his reputation and he is also afraid of rejection ;w; Azul would also not mind seeing you wearing the lounge uniform, fufufu…
Jade would would act more like a butler type! You also find him nearby sometimes, feeling his striking gaze looking at you. He’s always there when someone is trying to confess to you and you look uncomfortable. “Oya oya, do you need some help, miss?” His voice teasingly echoes through the halls, scaring off the guy who was trying to hit on you. Jade would stretch out his hand and escort you to wherever you needed to go.
Honestly? Unless you had a super “girly” appearance, Floyd wouldn’t have noticed until he gave you a hug to squeeze you, noticing your body was different… more squishy... and your bone structure is different. Shrimpy is so squeezable!!! Huh? He has to be wary of your chest? He’ll just lift you up by your tummy! You being a girl doesn’t stop the hug train!
Kalim wouldn’t treat you any differently! He would still definitely invite you over as often as possible, not realizing his sweetness may come off as flirtatious! Might develop a small crush on you :) imagines all the pretty outfits he could buy you from his homeland
Jamil would at first be wary of you but once he realizes you aren’t a threat to Kalim or the school, he stops doubting you. Definitely isn’t the type to judge you differently based on your gender!
Vil would smirk and think he finally has someone else to practice makeup on! He definitely uses you as a model to show off his products, whether it be makeup, skincare, clothing, etc!
Rook would be… protective. He likes you because you’re different, and he would subtly follow and stake you out to see what things you’re doing differently at NRC as a girl. Rook offers silent protection against those he sees as a threat to you before you can even notice.
Epel would definitely try to prove his manliness in front of you if Vil isn’t in the vicinity! Going out of his way to carry heavy items, be tough, etc. If YOU tell him he’s manly, it’s certainly gotta mean something right?!
Idia thinks it’s like some sort of anime trope, you’re the female protagonist and it’s like a reverse harem because the whole school is full of boys! Cough cough breaking the fourth wall here! He would probably be more… nervous around you, not like he would ever get close anyways, but still! The idea of the only girl at school actually being friends with you and maybe becoming more makes his heart beat faster.
Ortho would not. Perceive you any differently LOL. He’d be intrigued would say like “A girl? Cool! The body analyses I’ve done from everyone around you reads their body temperatures higher and their hearts are all beating faste- MMPH!” He would be silenced by ADeuce…
Malleus…. Once he knows how you don’t fear him and how you like him even without knowing who he is. All he can think of is how beautiful you would be as his queen. Who can blame him? He has priorities and he needs to think of these things! I can also imagine him picking petals off flowers and saying “She loves me… she loves me not…” because he’s romantic like that… my heart
Lilia would use his experience in his vast years of dating to his advantage, knowing what ways to talk to a woman best. He swears he is only flirting with you for fun! The way your cheeks puff up in embarrassment is just too cute to resist! He certainly doesn’t mind a gender neutral MC, but Lilia can appreciate the beauty in every gender and he certainly appreciates your beauty!
Silver said 😪😴 . You notice Silver has more of a knightly approach to you, offering to protect you when you need it. He understands how a situation between one girl and hundreds of male students could provide a sense of fear, so Silver would always be there to protect you if you need!
Sebek would blush when you’re around, but he thinks you’re trying to use feminine charm and wiles to seduce the young master, even though all you did was make a yawn noise, flip your hair, or put on a bit of makeup! You have to explain to him that you aren’t doing anything to try to seduce anybody. You just wanted to go to school. He is doubtful but finally agrees. Maybe he was becoming victim to your charm instead?
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Gifts Them a Handmade Bracelet
“Luci, I made you something for fun but I’m not sure whether you’ll like it or not.”
He looked up from the stack of papers on his desk he was trying to get through. “As long as it’s not another bill like the one Mammon just racked up, I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is. Especially if it’s something you made.”
Blushing, you got up from your chair and quickly slipped the item onto Lucifer’s wrist.
He looked down to see a bracelet made out of elastic and chunky plastic beads. Among the red and black ones, the words “My Light” were spelled out.
“That’s just the way I feel about you sometimes. Whenever it seems like there’s nothing but darkness around me, you’re always there to guide me toward the light, toward better and happier times. You’ve saved me so many times.”
You looked at the bracelet on his wrist and suddenly felt self-conscious at how cheap it looked against the elegance of his RAD uniform. Lucifer seemed to be frozen in shock as well; he sat at his desk silent and unmoving.
“If...If you want I can take it back! Sorry, I just thought-”
Your sentence was interrupted by the full force of Lucifer crushing you into a hug. He tucked your head underneath his chin and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“I love it. I love you. You make my every day brighter by being with me. I can’t express how much I care-” He cut himself off, feeling his throat tighten with sudden emotion.
You hugged him back just as tightly. “Love you always, my light.”
You were cuddling together on the couch, watching a movie. Mammon had his arms around you, one hand holding yours and the other tracing patterns on your thigh.
With your free hand you reached into your pocket to pull out the bracelet you had made earlier in the day. Bright yellow smiley face beads surrounded the word "Priceless".
"What's that babe?"
"I made it for you! Sorry it's not super fancy or anything. But I saw these beads today at the craft store and they reminded me of you. You make me smile all the time because you're such a goober."
Mammon grinned and acted mock-offended. "Hey! Is that any way to treat your first man?"
You continued, "And also, you're priceless to me Mammon. You know that right? I wouldn't trade you for anything. Not even all the Grimm in the world. You make me feel so happy and loved."
You heard Mammon's sudden intake of breath. "Y-You really have no problem saying such embarrassing things, huh." His ears and cheeks were bright red.
You thought that was the end of the conversation but a few minutes later you heard Mammon whispering into your hair. "My treasure, I love ya so much. What did I ever do to deserve ya."
"You deserve to be happy Mammon, you deserve all the good in the world. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. I love you."
You were in his room, him playing a game and you putting the finishing touches on the bracelet you were making. Shiny blue beads with wave patterns on them surrounded the words “My Rock”. 
Quietly, so you wouldn’t interrupt his game, you placed the finished bracelet on his desk and moved to sit back down in your chair. Suddenly, his arm shot out to grab your wrist. He had paused his game and slid his headset slightly aside to ask: “MC, what is this?”
“Oh, I finished making this for you. Y-You don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it! But... I just wanted to give you a small present.”
Hand still holding your wrist, Levi wordlessly picked up the bracelet and examined it in the light. 
“Um... you know how my favorite animal is the otter? Well otters sometimes have a favorite rock that they keep in their pocket. And you’re my favorite, you know? Also you’re my rock because you keep me grounded a lot. Like when I get all anxious and stressed out you help calm me down. Whether it’s just cuddling or playing a game together, being with you is so peaceful.”
As you continued to ramble nervously, Levi’s cheeks began to grow redder and redder. “You really made this for me? This isn’t like a pity gift is it? Are you sure you want to give this to a-an otaku like me?”
You sighed and moved to wrap your arms around his neck. “Levi, you know I would never gift you something because I ‘pity you’. And also, I don’t understand what being an otaku has to do with anything. I’m giving you this because I love you, all parts of you.”
Levi looked at the bracelet for a moment longer before quickly slipping it onto his wrist. “I-I really like it. Thanks, MC.” He seemed to be gathering up his courage for something and letting out a deep breath he turned around to give you a quick kiss.
“S-Sorry! Sorry, I just... I’ve never received anything like this. I like you a lot, you know?”
You returned his kiss with one of your own. “I know.”
You had finished a light lunch together and now were browsing Satan’s favorite bookstore. He was looking at the history section while you were pretending to look at the bookmarks, gathering up your courage to give him his gift.
You were worried a bit that he wouldn’t like it. The bracelet itself was made out of inexpensive materials, emerald color beads and beads that spelled out “Beloved”. It didn’t seem like the type of thing Satan would wear.
He interrupted your thoughts with a tap on your shoulder. “Everything okay, MC?”
“Yeah, I was just...” With a sigh you held out the bracelet to him, there was really no point in stalling. “I made this for you. I understand if it’s not really your thing but just know the message is genuine.”
He pinched the bracelet between two fingers and began to examine it. "Beloved, huh?” His lips were quirked in a smug smile.
“Don’t tease me. But y-yeah, you’re my beloved. I never thought I’d meet someone like you here, you know? You feel like you fit right against my heart, like you’re my soulmate. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
All of the amusement was wiped off of Satan’s face and his eyes seemed to burn into you, the way he was staring at you. He deliberately rolled up the cuff of his RAD uniform slowly and made sure you were watching as he put on the bracelet, turning it this way and that to examine it. 
“It’s a good thing you don’t have to think about that, pet. Because trust me when I say that I’m never going to leave you. You’re stuck with me forever.”
With a wet laugh you rushed to hug him, burying your face into his chest. “That doesn’t sound bad to me at all.”
You were in Asmo’s room, helping him paint his nails. His left hand was already finished and you watched him blow on the nails, trying to dry them. He held out his other hand for you and you pretended to fiddle with the nail polish before quickly slipping on the bracelet you had made for him earlier.
“MC, what is this?” Asmo looked at the bracelet, soft pink heart-shaped crystals surrounded beads that spelled out “Jewel Of My Heart”.
“Well, I know it’s nothing much compared to the jewelry you already have” you said, nodding toward Asmo’s vanity which held a variety of sparkling necklaces and earrings. “But I wanted to give you something handmade.”
“Oh, it’s so cute darling! I love it!” Asmo pulled out his cellphone and started trying to take pictures of his wrist from different angles. “Can you help me, MC? My nails are still a bit wet and I don’t want to ruin them. But I also want to post a picture to Devilgram immediately!”
You chuckled and took Asmo’s phone from him, trying to move his wrist to get it in frame. 
“I know you’re not the Jewel of the Heavens anymore. But I think of you as the jewel to my heart. You’re beautiful, Asmo. Not just the way you look but the way you’re able to find beauty in everything. Even in me, no matter how terrible I feel sometimes.”
Asmo had gone silent and you looked up to see him biting his lips, his eyes widened. “MC, that’s cheating. You can’t say things like that when I can’t even give you a proper hug right now. Ugh, you’re too adorable.”
Smiling, you held up his hand and pressed a gentle kiss against it. Asmo inhaled sharply.
“Darling, I think we can finish the other hand at a later time. Right now, there are other pressing matters I’d like to get to.” Asmo’s eyes had turned lustful and he quickly scooped you up and led you toward his bed.
You were in the kitchen together, Beel helping you test a new pie recipe. Well, he was doing more eating than testing, letting out small whines until you gave in and fed him spoonfuls of fruit filling. 
It was warm and peaceful, the smell of sugar and vanilla in the air as you mixed a pot on the stove and Beel leaned against the countertop.
“Oh Beel, before I forget.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out a bracelet made up of small orange beads and plastic teddy bear-shaped beads. In the middle were the words “My Strength”.
You helped him slide it on his wrist and smiled at his confused look. “I made this for you today. I saw these beads and thought instantly of you, ‘cause I always call you my giant teddy bear.” For emphasis you gave him a hug and laughed at how small you felt in his arms.
“And also, I think of you as my strength. You’re super strong, yeah, but not just physically. You’ve always been there for me, whenever I felt down or scared or sad. You give me strength when I need it most. And I hope that I can lend you some of my strength too for whenever you need it.”
As Beel looked down at the bracelet, a slow smile spread across his face. “You’re cute, MC. Thank you for the gift. And you make me stronger every day by just being with me. I hope we can be together forever.”
You reached up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek and he returned it with a sudden passionate one on your lips.
The two of you stood kissing for a few moments longer until you broke away from him, smelling burning sugar. “Oh god, the filling is burning! Quick, turn off the stove!”
Beel looked into the pot, which had turned from a deep red cherry color to almost black, and shrugged. “Eh, I’ll still eat it.”
You don’t know how long you had been napping for, but you woke up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You were warm and comfortable, one of Belphie’s legs wrapped around your own and his arm across your stomach. 
Looking down at his wrist you realized it was the perfect opportunity and slipped the bracelet out from your pajama pocket. The square lilac-colored beads looked cute against his wrist and you made sure the words “My Comfort” were facing the right way up so that Belphie would spot them when he woke up. 
You thought it would have been easy to give him his gift undetected, considering how much of a deep-sleeper he was, but at your movement Belphie scrunched up his nose and slowly opened his eyes.
“MC?” His voice was bleary from sleep. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing babe, go back to sleep.” He nodded and turned to face the other way but must have felt the beads pressing into his wrist. Confused he lifted his arm up and squinted at the bracelet. “What is this?”
You sighed, a bit nervous at how he would react. “I made it for you. It’s nothing fancy but I’ve been wanting to give you something for a while now. Something to remind you of me.”
He ran his fingers along the beads and mouthed the words “My Comfort”.
“That’s what you are to me. Comfort. When the world is too loud and my thoughts are too jumbled, you help make things quiet. You’re like a warm blanket that can muffle out the bad and the scary. I just hope that you’re as comfortable with me as I am with you.”
He remained silent for a while, rolling one of the beads between his fingers. Finally, he moved to bring your wrist to his mouth and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your wrist and then the center of your palm.
“I never thought I would get to have this, you know. A kind of love like this.” He rolled over so that you were face to face and tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t ever leave me, okay?”
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violettduchess · 2 years
...me running into your Box: plz give me Leon with daisies 🥰...me running out again😘😘😘😘😘...
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A/N: Part of my 500 Follower Celebration🎉
Leon x f!Reader
Word Count: 838
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“What time is it?” Your voice is syrup-thick with sleep and the fading remnants of whatever you were dreaming of. 
“Sun’s just coming up.” Leon’s voice is also gravelly with night, soft as the lavender-colored clouds drifting across the early morning sky. He’s curled around you from behind, your body tucked into his. You two are a perfect fit and sometimes you wonder if you were fashioned just for this purpose.
A groan escapes you as you burrow deeper under the soft sheets and heavy blanket. Tiny embroidered golden lions dance repeatedly across red velvet, a sight that never fails to make you smile.
“I’m not getting up. You can’t make me.” Your petulant comment is muffled by the way your head is tucked into your satin pillow, determined to push the demands of the day away for just a little while longer.
He huffs a laugh against the back of your neck and you feel it course through you, a rush of warmth that spreads through your limbs like liquid sunshine. When he presses his lips to the same spot, the sunshine bursts into tiny sparks. 
“You can sleep as long as you want, beautiful. I just wish I could stay.” There is genuine regret in his voice, something soft and gray, like morning fog. Your fingers squeeze his forearm which is comfortably wrapped around your middle.
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown, my love.” You twist as much as you can, looking over your shoulder at his face and he leans forward, curling himself around you to meet your lips, his kiss gentle and tasting of longing. When you break contact, you offer him an affectionate smile. He sighs, his golden eyes running over your face.
“Keep smiling at me like that and I will never leave this bed.”
You put on an exaggerated scowl, narrowing your eyes to angry slits and scrunching up your nose, doing your best impression of Yves when someone interrupts his baking.
“Is this better?” You try to make your voice sound rough, like a growl. It doesn’t quite get there because you’re already fighting a smile.
Leon bursts into laughter. “You’re terrifying,” he manages as he pulls you close, his arms tightening around you as he covers your face in kisses, light as snowflakes, sweet as spun sugar.
Suddenly he jumps, his arms immediately loosening their hold on you. 
“Uh oh. I think I may have squeezed too hard.”
You grin, placing your hand on the swell of your midsection.
“Don’t worry, little one. Papa was just playing.”
Leon places his hand next to yours, his smile soft and almost sheepish. He leans over you carefully.
“You were just protecting your mama. As you should, Wiggles.”
“I really do not think the future prince or princess appreciates you calling them Wiggles.” Your smile is wry, but gentle. The first time your husband felt the way the little one inside you would twist and kick, he crowned it with that moniker.
“Nonsense. Wiggles loves it.” He leans down, kissing the spot next to his hand and says in a loud, mock whisper. “Don’t you, Wiggles?”
In response, you feel a sharp kick directly under where Leon has his hand. He grins, his face blooming with joy. 
You rub your stomach, one brow raised in mock offense. “Traitor,” you mutter to your baby as Leon rolls out of bed with a laugh.
Pushing your heavy body up against the mountain of pillows, you watch as he dresses for the day, marveling at the fact that his wonderful man is yours to call husband. And soon to be called Papa by a very lucky child.
When the last button is done and his uniform in place, he makes his way over to the bedside once more. Leaning down, he says quietly, “I love you, truly, little one.” He drops a kiss onto your belly before moving up closer to you. He cups your chin with tender fingers, brushing his lips against yours in a kiss, soft as silk. Once. Twice. Three times before pulling away, his reluctance almost tangible. 
“I’ll see you at lunch?”
You nod, your gaze locked once more with his, lost in the golden treasure of his eyes.
He leans forward. He can't help it. One last kiss. One last touch of his lips to yours. One last reminder of the endless sea of love he has for you and the miracle you two have made together.
You watch as he strides from the room, shoulders set, ready to face whatever challenges are in store for the King of Rhodolite today.
You have made so many decisions around Leon Dompteur. You chose to give him the crown. You chose to give him your heart. You chose to give him a lifetime together. And together, you made a choice to give life to the love you have for each other.
As if sensing your thoughts, you feel the baby shift position, rolling from one side to the other and you laugh softly, placing your hands on your belly.
“Alright Wiggles. Shall we get up and see what the day brings?”
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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kkusuka · 4 years
Love your writing and I adored your thick af gf head cannons. I was hoping that you could do a part two with the following characters; Ushijima, Semi, Akaashi, Oikawa, Sugawara and Futakuchi? Thank you!
part one
part 3
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Just the fact that ushijima had a girlfriend set some people off
But the fact he had a girlfriend like you??
No way
No possible way
How did that even happen?
I’ll tell you
It was not the most romantic by any means
It was a totally normal day at Shiratorizawa, classes were fine, but on his way back to his last class he was in a crowded staircase
And you just happened to be wearing shoes that didn't fit and somehow were coming undone every five seconds
What i am trying to say is you fell backwards onto him and he you a hand full off ass and another hand of boob
you apologized, he was shell shocked (and kinda turned on)
And you two just moved along, until tendou got word of what happened
Which led to him getting the full story from the man himself then forcing ushijima to ask you out two days later.
You agreed, duh, and thus began the “ushijima gets everything” mantras
He's not that protective with what you wear considering either everyone knows you’re his girlfriend or he's standing next to you the entire time you're wearing it.
But, he does take notice of a lot of your clothes, uncaring or not, he’ll try to talk you out of wearing some things
like tight dresses, which is pretty much every dress
With the exception of sundresses!
If you wear a sundress he’s putty in your hands, just slip on the dress and you can literally just walk on him, and he’ll let you
Also sundresses are the reason you know his horny language
Considering he is not a man of words, he takes a more physically approach
As in he will grab you by the waist, pick you up and just walk away
Maybe uttering a “we have to go”
Or there are times that he’ll just put you on his lap or have you straddle his thigh
No words, no thoughts, just thinking about how soft you are.
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Semi Eita
Semi is a cuddle bug, and you can’t tell me he isn't 
So seeing you at one of their games, specifically the one that he was playing and doing great, he knew it was you
Once he slithered his way into your life he asked you on a date!
That night was th efist day he realized that he wasn't the only one who thought you were the hottest person on the planet 
Que the beginning of protective Semi!
He's the “I trust you, but i don't trust them” linda guy
But the good way 
He lets your wear all the dresses and leggings (bc they usually don't stay on for too long) 
But when he does, he's on you, shoulder to shoulder walking, hand in hand, arm around the shoulder 
Just to let all those creeps know your his <3
(it is also not below him to buy you a choker (aka a collar) with his name on it) 
He is the handsy king 
He’s a good mix of groping you to heavan, and telling you how beautiful you are 
He’ll pry his hands into your thighs and press you into him 
He shoves his face into the crook of your neck 
He also doesn't really care if anyone sees, he’ll do it during parties, in his dorm with his roommate, during practice breaks 
Or he ruts into you in the hallway 
Everyone sees it, you know it he knows it, you guys just don't really care 
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Akaashi Keiji
you knew him as Bokuto's friend and he was content with that 
but eventually you guys caught feelings and bokuto just decided to play god
Akaashi, as much as he tries, is not completely rid of emotions 
And all the pretending makes it really hard for him to see you in more than a few outfits 
The uniform, how have you not been dress coded yet? 
One time it seemed especially short and he just turned around and faced the wall until the bell rang
or when you were rushing and just wore spandex and his old jersey to one of his games 
he had to get taken out so he could catch his breath
aka just looking at you made him a mess
and that time you wore leggings and a crop top to a movie date 
and he had a hard on the entire night
(but it was below him to ask for a handjob in public even though he desperately wanted to ask) 
considering he’s turned on when you do literally anything 
He has formed a “i have to tell her i'm turned on, but i don't want to say it out loud” system
First is the staring 
He just looks at you from wherever you are and he follows you with his eyes. Hell look down your body and think out your previous bedroom activities 
Second is the touching
He’ll come up behind you and just stand there. Rest his head on your shoulder and rub up and down your sides 
Third, and finally, is the whispers 
He has his head there for a reason, if you just ignore him (which is hard) he just starts telling you all the things he wants to do to you. And he’ll remind you about how you begged for him last time and how easily you cu for him
Basically he just makes it impossible to ignore
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Oikawa Tooru
Imma just say: the reason you got with this guy is because he practically begged on his knees for it 
Everyday, everytime you passed him he would tell you how amazing you looked and how you would be such a good couple
Y’know, pretty + sexiest girl on the planet = power couple! 
It's basic math! 
And eventually you gave in and he was ecstatic! 
You were his!!! Him him him his!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, i think he’s the type to match outfits
So he doesn't care what your wearing because he always looks like you belong to him anyways 
But that being said, if he doesnt have something to match, you can't wear it 
What a diva 
There is one exception to this
A royal blue, v-neck, off the shoulder, skin tight, mid-thigh dress
You didn't have that thing on for two minutes before he was ripping it off. 
You guys were a no-show to whatever event you were supposed to be at 
He’s far more vocal about when he wants to have sex 
Sometimes he’ll just yell across the room that he wants head
But you have Iwaizumi to hit him in the back of the head and put him in his place 
He will bend you over something and fake bang you
Or he’ll pull you onto his lap and have you ride him
He’s just really horny and somehow seems to get what he wants when he wants by just being a persistent bastard
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Sugawara Koshi
He’s your biggest hype man! 
You could be wearing a potato sack and hes be smiling as clapping telling you how great you like 
He’s like a facebook mom, he takes pictures of you all the time and just brags about you to everyone 
He also takes the best instagram photos 
He ever so slightly makes you wear more modest stuff (not that it matters) 
But it does help with some of the rando’s who try to get with you  literally every time you go out 
You also seem to be a catcall magnet
And HE barks back at them 
Like “bark” “woof woof” kinda bark 
Every time, he has not let anyone pass
Now a horny Koishi is just like regular Koshi but every so slightly more snappy
But he mostly just attaches himself to your rear and just sits 
He’ll stand behind you and grind or he’ll rock the both of you back and forth so it looks slightly less like he’s trying to bang you
But if you’re teasing him alot he’ll just grab you and take you to your room or another room and just bang 
Either way he’s getting what he wants 
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Futakuchi Kenji 
This guy shows you off!
He wanted everyone to know that you are his and his only! 
He’s a lucky guys and wants everyone to know it 
He isn’t to controlling of what you wear but that doesn't mean he doesn't get turned on
(he does, and fairly easily) 
Any kind of booty short
They frame your ass like the fuking Mona Lisa, it should be illegal. And how they accent your thighs and make them look so soft and cuddly 
Short-ish dresses
I'm talking mid-thigh, frilly, like the type that people take the panty shots from. It's just that they are always shorter in the back and sometimes he can see your panties under them. 
One time you were making something in the kitchen with one of them on and he just laid in between your legs and just started….from the floor…...up to your panities 
(like a creep)
Any many other random articles of clothing, but those two just seemed to set him off the most. 
He’s demanding horny boy 
He wastes no time in just grinding on you and telling you how much of a whore you are for getting turned on. 
He also has no shame in doing in while people watch
Waiting is such a hassle and if he could just fick you in an alley he’s going to
Let all those jerks see who you love <3
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Cruel Intentions - Anakin Skywalker x fem Reader (smut)
WC: 6.8k
Summary: It’s Life Day but Anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty fucking mouth
WARNINGS: 18+, some mean talk but it’s not really degrading, oral (m) receiving, p in v, holiday fun?
(a.n. plz, plz, pretty plz get Anakins voice in your head when you read this. watch a video of hayden stuttering his way through an interview or something, whatever, it just wont be the same unless you get his voice saying all this. anyway, continue. and merry christmas/happy holidays).
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(Gif from @madeleineengland )
You had always loved Life Day, but this one in particular was going to be something special. Anakin scored time off from the war, and through the help of Padme, you got one of her lakeside Naboo houses all to yourselves for the holiday. 
You arrived before Anakin, as he was finishing up a meeting with the Jedi Council, and passed the time by making cookies. You were having a pretty good time at it too— your hair was up, music blasting, candles lit, and half a glass of wine was slowly disappearing as you danced around the kitchen. Then you heard the door jiggle and open, and a gust of cold air from around the corner signaled that Anakin was here. 
Right away, you could tell he was mad. He walked through the door with a scowl, face drawn in irritation, yanking his robe off and shaking the snow out of his hair. He threw his robe up on the hanger and nudged the door shut with his elbow. He didn’t even take his boots off as he came into the kitchen, still in full uniform.
You considered asking him what the mood was for, but in all honesty, you were afraid of his reaction. Usually he either deflects or gets mad back, and you really don’t want to fight. 
But he was silent as he prowled around the kitchen, taking in your activities, and you wanted to know what was bothering him on Life Day’s Eve of all days. If you could make it better, you’d try. So you softened your voice, and in your warmest, most innocent tone, you tried, “Hi, Anakin, I miss you! I’m making cookies if you want to stay here and help. Or just sit and watch. I don’t mind.”
You thought you’d start off simple. Get him to relax a bit, and then dig into what the issue was. He stood by the doorway, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re not mad that I’m late?” 
He thought you were mad? You were too tipsy to be mad. Honestly, you hadn’t even been keeping track of the time.
“Of course not! You had a council meeting, that’s important. I’m just glad to have you now,” you shot him your brightest grin. “Besides, we have all week to ourselves.”
At that, his shoulders loosened and he smiled a little back at you. It disappeared quickly, but his affections were replaced with two strong arms winding around your waist, one warm and one metal. He huffed lightly and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you mix the icing in your bowl.
His demeanor was slightly better than you had previously perceived, so you decided to risk it.
“...Did something happen?”
“Just the same old,” he mumbled, nuzzling his face into your neck. It’s cold from the snowflakes still wetting his hair, and you shivered. “The council doesn’t trust me, they still won’t consider making me a master. Windu thinks I shouldn’t even be on the council.” 
You struggled to find words to this. You wanted to take his side, and tell him he deserved to have it all. At the same time, the council was full of old and wise members, and they knew what they’re doing. But you hated how much it was bothering Anakin, hated how under all that anger there was hurt, and a fear that he wasn’t good enough. The council was making him doubt himself, and it you wouldn’t have that.
“It’ll all come in due time, I’m sure of it,” you tell him. “Whether they like it or not, you’re on the council for a reason. You belong there, and I’m sure if you give it a littlest more time they’ll come around to seeing how you deserve the title of master. Besides,” you twist around in his arms enough to skim your lips across his jawbone, pressing a lingering kiss into his neck. “I can call you Master whenever you’d like.”  
This made Anakin freeze, and then begin to laugh. His low chuckles vibrated your body, and you couldn’t help but join in with him.
“I might have to take you up on that offer sometime.”
Your stomach clenched at the insinuation, heat pulsing through your veins. That was one of your goals for the night, admittedly— to be with Anakin. You had a little surprise for him as well, and you were just hoping he wouldn’t be too disgruntled or worked up to appreciate it. That being said... sometimes it was a good thing when he was frustrated.
Anakin sacrificed a hand to reach forward and dip into the bowl, scooping a dollop of blue icing out and placing it in his mouth. You heard him suck it off his finger, beating the dirty thoughts back with a stick. 
“Is it good?” You ask to distract yourself.
“Here, try.” 
You turn, expecting him to offer you a finger with some icing on it but instead he kisses you. Immediately your mouth is flooded with the sugary blue that stains his lips. You open your mouth, tongue tasting his, and he’s sweet. Your cheeks are burning bright as he kisses you, slow and deep and dirty, and it’s such a 360 from the lighthearted atmosphere you’ve created.
When you pulled back, you’re breathing hard, mouth tingling, licking your lips for the remnants of sweet icing. Anakin smiled down at you, eyes dark, and went back to resting his head on your neck, whispering in your ear in a low, rumbling voice. “Finish up. There’s other plans I want to get to.” 
Anakin ended up having to leave again as you were icing the cookies to take one last impromptu call from Obi-Wan, just some last minute tying-loose-ends before his short break. He also took the chance to get out of his Jedi clothes, trading the leather armor and robes for more comfortable sleep clothes— which included loose fitting pants that hung low on his hips, and that damned sleep robe he wears without a shirt.
He came back into the kitchen just as you were finishing up, and you almost choked when you saw him.
“Aren’t you cold? It’s snowing pretty heavily out there and you’re not even wearing a shirt.” 
“I’ve got a fire going in the master bedroom, it should warm the place up soon,” he took some of your dirty dishes to the sink. “Why, do you not like it?”
“No, I—“ you stutter. It’s just the opposite. He’s beautiful beyond words. “I just didn’t want you to be cold.”
“I’m alright,” he smiled at you teasingly, reaching around you to grab the last of the dishes. 
Once they’re in the sink, he found you climbing up onto the counter, putting the spices away that were, of course, in the highest cabinet out of reach. You stretched up to reach it, unashamedly putting on a little show for Anakin as you exaggerate the curve of your backside. 
The action caused the holiday shorts you’re wearing to ride up, exposing the fleshy underside of your behind. You turned around to find him watching you, not even trying to hide it. He leaned back on the counter, arms crossed over his bare chest, eyes thoughtful as he took in the sight.
“Help me down?” You asked him, and he immediately pushes himself off the counter to fit his hands around your waist, lowering you safely to the ground. He held onto you a little too tight for it to be innocent, and you could feel him gravitating toward you, leaning in to start something you wouldn’t be able to stop. You pull away— you're not done with him, in fact your teasing has just begun.
Anakin huffed quietly to himself as you moved around him to start the warm water, soaking the dishes in it so the batter won’t stick overnight. You purposefully shot some water onto your shirt so that you had to gather a wad of paper towels in your hand and dab at your chest, pulling your shirt down so you could get at the wet spots. Anakin rolled his eyes as you grumbled about how clumsy you were, but you could see he was discreetly trying to look.
His resolve was already thin when he walked through the door. He hadn’t been able to have you in far too long, and he was planning on doing something about that tonight. He wasn’t sure what page you were on, though…. You seemed pretty content with baking cookies and then watching movies all night like you had mentioned in the days leading up, so your little teasing games were doing nothing to quell his curious anticipation.
You didn’t even have to try to get him all worked up. The spice cabinet, the wet shirt, those weren’t needed. It was like you didn’t even realize the effect you had on him— every little move you made around the kitchen, every little sigh or gasp or giggle, even the way you bent down to take the damn cookies out of the oven had him yearning for you. 
The last straw was when you needed a rag to clean the countertop, so you reached across his lap where he was sitting to grab it. You placed a not-so-innocent hand on his thigh to steady yourself, brushing against his chest as you did so. He was immediately enveloped in your smell, and the feel of your soft hair against his chest, your hand on his thigh— he needed to have you, now. 
“Y/n, forget the cookies,” he demanded.
“Let’s go upstairs.”
Your tongues clashed, teeth nipping, breaths gasping for air as you struggled to get closer to one another. All of Anakin’s anger and frustration was pouring out him in bruising kisses, fast and wet and greedy. You were combatting it with your own dirty, lustful responses. It was one of your favorite things to feel so needed by him, even if he was projecting his emotions from the day onto you. You were his outlet, the only thing that could help him, and you would gladly take these punishing kisses for as long as he needed.
The hand that wasn’t threaded through your hair exploded the rest of your body, fitting into each and every curve, squeezing at certain places and pulling you closer, adjusting you on his lap. He slipped his fingers beneath the neckline of your shirt, pulling it to the side so he could suck at the pulse in your neck, when he caught a flash of red.
His eyes darkened, lips twisting into a smirk as he traced the lacey garment. Suddenly his hands were gone, and he was leaning back away from you. “Show it to me.”
 So you stood before him and undressed, feeling small under his steady gaze. It was loaded with heat, and you could practically read his mind as each new strip of skin and the lacy red underwear you had worn specially for this occasion was revealed. He was planning everything he wanted to do to you, drinking you in, and storing away the sight into his memory for later times, when he’s on the battlefield and it’s been months and he misses you. But for now though, his present was waiting for him.
The look of him illuminated by the firelight, eyes scorching as he studied every inch of you had you squirming under his gaze. He leaned back in the loveseat, arrogant posture annoyingly sexy with the way his broad shoulders filled out the chair, long legs spreading before him. 
You needed to touch him. He wasn’t saying anything, or doing anything, so you approached him and settled yourself back on his lap, meaning to restart where you had left off. You trailed your hand down the smooth, hard planes of his body, feeling the ridges of his abs, the soft skin smooth and warm. He kept his arms slung lazily over the armrests, refraining from touching you, but you could feel the steady pulse of his eyes as he watched your every move. 
Those deep, calculating eyes. They made you nervous, but you’d be lying if you said the intimidation didn’t turn you on. 
He let you tangle one of your hands in his hair, feeling the soft curls glide between your fingers as you looked over him. But just as your palm slid near the band of his pants, he caught your wrist in his metal hand and stopped you.
“Get on the bed,” he flicked his eyes behind you, a cocky, mischievous glint in them. He knew you’ll do anything he said, with that voice. 
Hesitantly, you stood from his lap and made your way over to the bed. Your skin was raised with goosebumps, as you knew he was studying your every move. You sat on the plush mattress of the bed, crossing your legs over the knee, and looked at him. He was blanketed in shadows, but stared right back. 
“Spread your legs.” 
Your face immediately heated up in flames. He had always been the one to do that to you, with his hands, and pressed right up close to you. Somehow, having him sit across from you on the armchair and watching you from a distance was even more intimate.
He was waiting, though, so you did as he said. You already felt exposed under his greedy gaze, mesmerized by his beauty and the way the flames flickered off the sharp line of his jaw, the peak of his cheekbone. This dark angel was toying with you, teasing you, and you just wanted him to come over here and touch you. But he remained in that seat, head cocked as he looked you up and down.
“Eyes on me,” he demanded softly, cruelly. You had downcast your eyes, afraid to look at him without losing your confidence. The low tone of his voice left no room for debate, so you did as he said. 
Your stomach churned, heart fluttering as he leveled his gaze at you. He was studying every inch of your lewd pose, smug with himself. He wasn’t even even near you, but he had all the control, and he knew it. 
“Now let me see that pretty pussy.” 
Your breathing stopped. His voice is quiet, yet commanding all the same, and you forgot how dirty his mouth could be. It shocked you more than anything, which is why you hesitated.
“What, are you getting shy on me? That’s not what it seemed like in the kitchen,” he mused. “You wanted me to see you. Now, let me see you.” 
The words rang out in the air, causing heat to build up in your core and leak out onto your underwear. Swallowing your slight embarrassment, you hooked your finger around the front of your panties and pulled them to the side, exposing yourself to him. 
Anakin’s gaze darkened, and he sat up. He rested his elbows on his knees, covering his mouth in his hands as he appreciated the view. You squirmed under his gaze, waiting for him to tell you what to do next as you felt cold air hit your glistening folds.
“Look at you,” he purred. “Already soaking wet, and I haven’t even touched you.” 
You shrank away from his eyes, not having anything to say to defend yourself. The fire crackled but you shivered, his shadow looming over you, and you just wanted his warmth pressed against you, his hands on you, pulling that pleasure from the depths of your body. He knew how to do it just right, and you’d never been able to make yourself feel as good as he does. And now he’s right here, but he’s holding himself away from you. Shifting your hips in desperation, you whined and pulled at your panties, rubbing some friction against your throbbing clit.
“Stop. Don’t touch yourself,” Anakin ordered. His eyes were still lidded, voice sharp. You let go of your panties and dropped your hands to the side, holding yourself up on your elbows. Your legs were still splayed open, the sight of your panties soaking through put on display before Anakin.
“Please, Anakin,” you shifted your hips again, hoping it would provide some relief but finding none. “I need you.”
Anakin tsked at this but stood to his full, domineering height. You craned your neck to watch him as he stood over you, capturing your chin between his metal fingers and forcing you to look him in the eye, the other fitting itself on the soft flesh of your thigh. You keened into the soft touch, nerves lighting off like fireworks. 
“You need me?” He taunted, blue eyes digging into yours. “Or does your greedy little cunt need me?” 
You gasped at his words. Never had he called you something degrading before, like greedy. You’re pretty sure you’ve never heard the word “cunt” leave his mouth before either, but it spilled from his lips like red wine, smooth and dark. Anakin had always been so soft with you, so loving, and his statement shocked you. 
“Hm?” He goaded. “Answer me, sweetheart.”
He shifted his hands up your thigh, sneaking over your pelvis and landing on your mound. He let his thumb graze over your clit, unmoving.
Sparks erupted behind your eyes, and you leaned into his touch. An invisible force held your hips to the bed, stopping you from chasing your own pleasure as he continued with his words.
“Do you want me to fuck you open slowly on my cock? You want me to fill your tight little pussy until you can’t take anymore?” 
The weight of his thumb on your clit was distracting. It throbbed under his touch with every measured, vulgar word, and his mouth twitched as he felt it. “I think I just got my answer.” 
At this, he got on his knees before you. He lowered his mouth to trace his lips against the inside of your thighs, and you squirmed between the tickling sensation and the need to have his mouth on you. He gripped your hips in his strong hold, hard, mumbling into the soft flesh of your inner thighs. “You can’t seem to sit still today....” he sucked a bruising kiss into your thigh, and when you roll your hips into the feeling, he looked at you sharply.
You flinched at his tone. It was deep, threatening, and pulsing with irritation. Was he angry at you? Your eyes stung, shrinking away from his narrowed gaze again, wandering if you did something to make him unhappy with you.
He lowered his head back to your thighs, purposefully skipping over the part that was throbbing for him, dripping for him. You held your breath, desperately trying to hold yourself back from moving or even making a sound, too afraid that you would anger him further. But his thumb pressed a little harder into your clit, and you fell back against the mattress, whimpering frustratedly. 
To your relief, he didn’t get mad at you. Instead he hooked his finger around your underwear, similar to how you did earlier so he could gage your response to his actions. The low hum he let out was pleased. “Such a pretty little pussy... dripping wet... is that all for me?” 
He was still toying with you, still teasing, and at this point it was getting painful. You would do anything to have his fingers on you, mouth on you, anything in you. So you nodded, and you told him it was all for him, everything was for him. He licked a single line up your slit, the tip of his tongue just barely grazing you. The sensation sent fully body shivers across your skin, and you melted into the bed, ready to lose yourself in the pleasure. He covered you again with the now drenched material.
Did you say something wrong?
“Show me how much you want me then.” 
You were shaking as he released his hold on you, head fuzzy with arousal, cheeks flushed with confusion. What game was he playing?
You swallow your nerves and stand from the bed, feeling so small even as you stood over him. He was kneeling, looking up at you under dark lids, daring you to do something. He was giving you some control, so you decided you’d try to get your sweet Ani back, to soften the energy in the room so he could be happy and playful like he usually was.
He sized you up quizzically as you wrapped your arms around his neck, one hand curling into his hair like before. You tilted his head up so you could lean down and plant a gentle kiss to his forehead, hugging his face into your chest. 
Your body shook as he laughed, dark and mocking underneath you. You pulled back to look at him. “Anakin?”
“If you want me to fuck you, sweetheart, you’re going to have to try harder than that.” 
That’s it. 
You just wanted to get fucked, and he just wanted to tease you. If he wanted you to come to him, then fine. So be it. 
Anger bloomed from the pit of your stomach and you pushed at his chest to get him onto the bed. He did so, at his own leisurely pace, pissing you off further with the smug smirk still on his face. You kissed it off of him, biting his lip in punishment and yanking his hair a little too hard in your fist. He groaned like he liked it, so release him and trail you kisses downward, biting and marking up his body until you get to his pants. You pulled back the waistband and revealed him to you, taking him in your grasp. Any normal man would be frightened of an angry girl with his dick in her hands, so you looked up at him, trying to see if he had been humbled by your anger yet. He was staring back at you, unimpressed.
You waste no time taking him into your mouth, sucking hard, maybe a little too hard. He sighed and leaned back, enjoying it far too much. You tried to convey your annoyance with the punishing pace you set on his cock, sliding up and down with your  mouth and hand. You grasped onto his thigh for stability, feeling the remnants of your saliva drip onto it as you gave him the sloppiest, dirtiest blowjob you’ve ever done. Halfway through, when you realize you’ve gotten little to no reaction, you peer up and see that he’s on his datapad. 
You pumped him up and down in your fist, gathering your breath as you studied him. Does it not feel good? Are you not doing a good enough job? He’s hard, so you must be doing something right. But it was like he didn’t even notice what you were doing anymore, or if he did, he didn’t care. You paused with your hand on the base of his cock, squeezing.
“Why’d you stop?” Anakin didnt’t even look up from his datapad. 
“Am… am I doing good?”
“Of course you are,” Anakin finally shifted his eyes to you, bringing a hand down to wipe some saliva off your bottom lip with his thumb. “Now finish the job.”
With this, he removed his hand and his gaze, going back to the data pad. Fueled by anger again, and a determination to make him react, you took him into your mouth harder, faster, sloppier, wetter. He didn’t even twitch, didn’t even moan or bury his hands in your hair or tell you how good it felt like he normally does.
You wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked extra hard, tongue probing into the skin there and swirling in a circle, over and over. There. He gave an appreciative hum. You thought you’ve finally got him where you wanted when he says, 
“That the best you can do?”
You whined around him frustratedly, just wanting him to feel something, wanting him to feel good, wanting him to feel that way because of you. But he was bored, you could tell by the way he didn’t even spare you a second glance as you took him all the way into the back of your throat, holding him there for longer than you ever have. You were trying your best for him, and usually he’d be writhing and moaning beneath you, but now...
He laughed, pulling you off of him with both hands to halt your frenzied movements. 
“Anakin,” your eyes shone with confused tears. 
“Shhh, baby, none of that,” his voice was sweet again, and he stroked the skin of your cheek as he brought your face to his for a gentle kiss. “Come, sit on my lap.”
You were giving up on trying to figure him out. One minute he was so sweet, the next he was uncharacteristically callous. Your eyes burned in embarrassment, feeling like you’ve failed him as you crawled onto his lap. He positioned you on his thighs, keeping yours spread with his. An arm wrapped around your shoulders, locking you to his hard chest as the other snuck down your body, touching you over your panties.
“Is this what you wanted?” goosebumps erupted all over your body as you felt his lips ghost over your ear. “You wanted me to make you feel good?”
He rubbed gentle circles into your clit with his fingers, allowing you to shift your hips in time with it. For a moment, you forgot about your problems and lost yourself in the way he was rubbing you. You moaned as he played with your clit, more slick gushing out and further drenching your panties. 
“Even though you couldn’t make me feel good?”
Your breath caught in your throat, embarrassment bubbling up in your chest. You were ashamed, accepting this pleasure from him when you gave him nothing in return.
“I can try again,” you offered, hips halting. You didn’t want anything else from him until you could give it back, but he slipped his hands beneath your underwear and touched you directly, rubbing you at a fast pace. Your head fell back against his shoulders, legs opening wider on their own accord as your orgasm built up in time with his hand. You couldn’t help but accept the pleasure, forced to feel it as he held you in his iron grasp.
“Anakin.. Anakin please,” you begged. “Let me make you feel good, too.”
“Baby, you already tried,” he nippd at your ear, voice cruel. 
“I can try harder, Ani— please!” Your voice came out in a shout as your orgasm approached. Before you could finish, he stopped rubbing and kept his fingers on your clit, pressing down, feeling you throb beneath him. 
You could feel your slick dripping down your thighs. Your panties were uncomfortably wet, but your arms were trapped under his and you couldn’t reach down to remove them. He seemed to read your mind.
“Let’s get these off you now, hm? You’re soaking through them, I can feel it on my leg.” 
Of course, he ignores your pleas and shifted the focus to drag your panties down your leg. He was right— you’ve made a mess of his leg, but now that you’re sitting directly on him, it’s even worse. He parted your folds with his hand, middle finger dragging up and down your slit, collecting the glistening fluid. A little hint of satisfaction soothed your worries as you felt his cock twitch beneath you at the sight. 
“You always knew how to take my fingers so well,” he whispered in your ear, pushing his finger into you as he does so. You accepted him readily, walls fluttering around his finger as it relieved some of the ache. You wanted to come, but you couldn’t— not without feeling guilty, for neglecting his needs. How could you be so selfish and take all the pleasure for yourself?
“Anakin,” you whined again, trying to get his attention. You purposefully shifted your hips in a way that would rub against him, but only succeeded in pushing his finger deeper into you. “Anakin please, let me… speak… hmng… I can’t focus…”
“Speak,” he kissed your neck, pushing another finger into you despite your warnings. “I’m listening.”
“I want to make you feel good,” you moaned. His fingers stroked into you slow, deep, and perfect. You gushed around his digits, the sound of it absolutely sinful. He kissed the back of your neck as his thumb began to rub your clit again, gently because he knew how close you were to cumming. “Anakin, please.”
“I know, baby.”
No, he didn’t. He wasn’t getting it. Your hands dug into his thighs, wanting him to stop, wanting him to continue—
“I love you. Please, let me—“
You gasped, bones turning to putty in his hands. He kept sliding his fingers into you, thumb grazing your clit, but you were so ashamed. He just yelled at you, he’s never done that before. And now you didn’t know how to act, how to feel. 
“Aw, baby, did I scare you?” He taunted, curling his fingers into you. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
The sting of his words brought tears to your eyes, but it was battled by your pleasured haze, vision spotting and feeling honing down to the push and pull of his fingers. There were too many emotions swirling inside you that you didn’t know what to say anymore. All you knew was that you were close to cumming again, you have been for a while, but you weren’t sure if you should accept it.
Your walls pulsed around him and he pulled his touch away, denying you of the orgasm as he spread the slick down your thigh. He reached for his dick, gliding it up and down your folds, covering it in your arousal. He was hot and wet and stiff against you, and you bore down, wanting him inside you. For once, he gave you what you wanted, and you both moaned as he began to sink into you.
The stretch was immediate, and you cried out as you took him inch by inch. He was so thick and the angle was so deep that he had to lift you up and bring you back down multiple times, opening you up gradually until he was fully buried inside you.
“Look at you, taking my cock so well,” he praised, kissing up your neck, along your cheek. He twisted a hand into your hair, tugging it back so he could suck at the sensitive skin of your neck. Your walls clenched around him at the pleasurable sensation, punching an unexpected moan from him.
“Fuck me,” he hissed, sounding like your Ani again for just a moment. 
Your chest swelled with pride. Finally, you were making him feel good. You clenched around him again, shifting your hips, searching for another reaction.
“Y/n, shit—“
“I know what your problem is,” you chanced, realizing you had the upper hand for now. “You’re still— fuck— you’re still mad about the Council.”
Anakin glared, thrusting into you harder. 
“That’s why you’re— hnng— that’s why you’re hate-fucking me.”
“I’m not hate-fucking you.”
“This certainly isn’t love-fucking.”
“Would you just shut up and take my cock already?”
He plunged into you hard and deep, stretching you open so good that you momentarily lost your train of thought. Did he just yell at you again?
“This isn’t— this isn’t fair,” you moaned, loving the feel of his length scraping against your walls . “You don’t get to boss me around like this.”
“Oh yeah?” He raised his eyebrows at you, fist tightening into your hair so that you couldn’t look away. “That’s not what it seemed like a few moments ago.”
“I just wanted to make you feel good,” you slammed down onto his cock, anger winning out against everything else. You had one goal in mind now— if you could make him cum before you, it would even out the playing field.
He caught on to what you were planning immediately, flipping you over so he was fully in control. He grasped your hips, lifting them off the bed so he could drill into you at an angle, hitting the spot that had you arching off the bed and calling his name in a moment of weakness. Your pleasure heightened as he rolled his pelvis against yours, your clit rubbing against him. 
“Fuck you,” you moaned, clawing at the bedsheets.
“Currently doing that,” he gasped.
Oh, he was so going to get it.
You reached up, grabbing at his shoulders to pull him down to your level. He was stronger than you and could have resisted, but he gave in, thinking you were about to cum and just needed him close. He wasn’t entirely wrong— with each roll of his hips, his length probed deep inside you, causing your vision to white out. You could barely keep track of your thoughts as you squirmed beneath him. He held you down, completely negating your ability to try and flip him over. 
What had you been thinking? You had just been trying to get the high ground, but now you were so close— so close— to cumming. Think of something gross. Wet socks? Burnt cookies? Jar-Jar? 
Nothing seemed to be working. Soon, you didn’t want it to work. You cried out with each thrust of his hips, eyes rolling back into your head from the pleasure. Your pussy drooled around his cock, slick making a mess of both of your thighs. The slide of him was so hot, so wet, so good— 
You couldn’t think of any other way. Anakin immediately stopped his thrusts, pulling back to study your face in a panic.
“What? What happened? Are you okay?”
You bit your lip hard, heart pounding and walls pulsing around his cock from your denied orgasm. You squeezed your eyes closed, waiting for the heat to dissipate from your stomach before you pushed yourself to a sitting position. 
He gave you room to do so, the worry still clear in his eyes. 
“I’m completely fine,” you kissed his cheek, laughing deviously. “I just wanted to be on top.”
Anakin frowned at you, but switched positions anyway. “That’s not funny. I thought I hurt you.” 
“So you do care.”
“Of course I care,” he grabbed the finger that you had been jabbing into his chest, kissing your palm before wrapping it around his neck. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”
“You yelled at me,” you lifted yourself off his lap slowly, relishing in the drag of his of cock inside you. You sunk down again, shivering at the sensation.
“I didn’t know you were that sensitive.” 
“Well… when it’s you…” you moaned suddenly, his dick pulsing into you at a delicious angle. “I just don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
“Then you should behave better next time,” he nipped the words into your collarbone, almost purring again.
“See, that’s not fair—“
“Do you need me to fuck some sense into you?” His gaze was firm, completely serious. Your knees weakened around his waist at the tone, wandering why you found that so damn attractive. He tilted his head at you when you didn’t answer. “Is that a yes?” 
“Anakin—“ your cries took you by surprise as he slid his hands down to your ass, clutching your flesh in each hand and spreading you open so he could fuck up into you, hard. Your nails dug into his shoulders, body bouncing as he bore into your aching hole. 
There was no way you were going to last now, not with the way he was making you feel. You had held your orgasm back for so long, and while it would have been nice to make Anakin cum before you, to give him a taste of his own medicine, you were completely at his mercy. 
“Cum for me, and then we’ll talk,” he appeased, voice dark. Why was that hot? Warmth blossomed in your stomach and you listened to his ragged breathing in your ear, body tingling, pussy tightening around him. He turned your face to him with a hand in your hair, holding you close as filthy words spilled from his mouth.
“Take my cock, baby. That’s it, fuck me, come on,” he chanted against your lips. Always so demanding. You couldn’t hold back your moans as he plunged into you over and over, right into that one spot, the heat in your belly expanding until it took over each of your senses. He fucked you at a rapid pace, hips slamming into yours, fingers bruising your ass. Your walls quivered around him, the ball in your stomach snapping. Suddenly, you were coming all over him, pussy throbbing as he massaged his dick into you in wave-like motions, working you through it. 
“Does that feel good?” He teased, lips tracing softly over your cheek, soothing hands rubbing your shaking thighs. He was being sweet again— another 360 change in demeanor. 
You responded with broken whimpers, muscles twitching as you rode out your high. When he finally stopped, you sucked in a deep breath, shivering from the aftershocks.
“Mmm, I fucked you good, didn’t I?” He planted soft kisses under your ear, down your neck, and over your shoulder. Now he was back to taunting you, his words cruel, but voice so sweet. “Your sweet little pussy just came all over my cock. So pretty. You wanted it so bad, didn’t you? Even though you don’t want to admit it?”
He was like a snake-charmer, hypnotizing you with every slow, filthy word. You knew what he was doing, but at the same time, you couldn’t stop your body’s reaction to it. Every syllable had you melting into his lap, his hands rubbing the flesh of your hips softly. 
“Are you blushing again?” He dragged his cock out of you, and you whimpered at the sensation of it against your overstimulated walls. “Don’t tell me you’re shy, now. Not after what we just did.” 
“I’m not shy—“ Force, you couldn’t focus when he looked at you like that, when he purred in your ear like that. 
“No?” He pushed back into you. “Then look at me when I’m speaking to you.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, eyelashes sticking together with moisture. His full lips pulled into a smirk, dewy skin glowing in the firelight. 
“Does this pretty little pussy want to cum on my cock again?” He pulled your hips flush against his, so deep, so thick inside of you. You mewled, blood heating up in your veins.
“Please,” you gave in, allowing him to massage his cock into your walls. 
“Please, what?”
You would get him back for this later. For now, the hot slide of his cock inside of you was too good, too overwhelming. 
“Please, make me cum,” you didn’t think your cheeks could get any redder, his eyes probing into yours as you said this. Never in a million years did he ever expect his shy little baby to say something so filthy. He immediately smirked, pressing a pleased kiss to your lips.
“Good girl.”
Your skin broke out into a hot sweat, hole pulsing around him as he began to rock back into you. His strokes were slower, deeper, pulling ecstasy from the depth of your bones. He kneaded your flesh between his fingers as he rolled his hips into you. You fell forward, moans being dragged out of your sore throat, watching his cock dissapear inside of you.
His thighs glistened with your juices, the sound of him sinking into your leaking hole humiliatingly sinful. He noticed you watching and brought a hand down, toying with your clit. He moaned into your ear as he did so, the drag of his cock becoming difficult as you squeezed around him. 
This time, your orgasm washed over you like a warm blanket, causing you to arch your body into his. You trembled as the waves of pleasure sapped you of energy, rocking your hips in time with Anakin as he spilled his warmth inside of you. The sounds of him cumming sparked a flame in your heart— you wished he had indulged you in his pleasure earlier. Now, all it left you with was a desire to hear him lose it over and over again, and you realized you had your plans all set for the rest of the night.
Anakin stroked his hand up and down your back, lips attaching to your neck as you came down from your highs. He positioned the two of you so that you were laying down, you on his chest, completely limp apart from the occasional post-orgasm shivers. He gave you time to recover before pulling out of you, kissing your quiet whimpers away as he tugged his length out of your aching hole. 
“I win,” he mumbled against your lips.
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Jjba characters switching bodies with their s/o
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Summary: Body swap with their s/o! Some freaky friday shit! :D, It’s basically a work of a stand! ;), yeah all my inspiration is from the movie ‘Your name’ I rlly love that movie sm made me cry huhu, if u haven’t watched it srsly watch it its gud Disclaimer: Body swapping, possible pervertness from characters lmao, all characters are aged up! gn! reader, and mentions of killing from Dio's headcanon Header photo:  Namaikizakari
Part 3 Characters body swapping with their s/o + DIO
Joseph Joestar ❀ “AAAAAAAH!” Joseph would screen and look at the mirror to see that he was in your body? What’s happening! Was it a stand user that did this? Eitherway he even tries summoning your stand but instead he ends up getting his same stand, hermit purple? Weird. ❀ He’ll probably blush at the fact he’s temptedt o look at your body but he has no time for that! He rushed out of his hotel room and quickly find you to see if you got in his body and his deductions were correct, you were also freaking out since you were in his body and Avdol was trying to calm you down. ❀ Once he steps in Avdol immediately widens his eyes and questions if he was Joseph and he managed to confirm that he was joseph and Avdol conclucded that both of you swap bodies because of a possible stand user. ❀ You two have to deal with it the whole day and Polnareff always reassured you two that it’s going to be fine, not a big deal though he does laugh and tease at the both of you sometimes. ❀ Since you’re in Joseph’s body you wear pretty fashionable clothes because ur cool and hot. ( ;) i love u reader -author) While Joseph wears more of your plain clothes just a shirt and pants, but he still wears his hat. ❀ You two eventually got separated from the group and found the stand user and managed to attack ther user and returned back to your bodies. Jotaro Kujo ❀ He’ll be staring at the mirror and let out a “tch”, he already knows this is a work of a stand user, he just stares at the mirror for a long time and then walks out of his hotel room, calmly but still wearing your pjs. ❀ Once he enters to the room he was in his hands would be in his pockets, Kakyoin would be helping you think on how this happened but looks at Jotaro who was in your body and his eyes widened and kakyoin was right you two did switch bodies. ❀ When you where in a hunt from the stand user who did this to you and Jotaro you wore his turtle neck only and with no jacket and no hat, he decided to wear his hat with your body and he wore one of your leather jackets since it fits him compared to his original jacket. ❀ Girls would circle around you and you would flirt with them back because it’s funny to see Jotaro annoyed that you’re having way too much fun being him, “It’s not that bad being you” You would say and he would just scoff and tell you to not enjoy it too much. ❀ He was having a hard time being you as well since you look like an approachable person compared to him so a lot of people advertised products to you or if not foreigners asking for him and other things like that and honestly you would answer it for him. ❀ You two eventually got attacked from the back from the same stand user that switch both of you, and good thing that it doesnt switch your stands so you two managed to beat the stand user and Jotaro had to change back to his uniform. Kakyoin Noriaki ❀ Honestly he wouldn’t notice it for a bit and then when he does he quickly looks at the mirror and then starts processing it all and quickly rushes to his shared room with Jotaro.  ❀ He wakes you up before you even freak out and you’d be freaking out back in your own room. You two start thinking what made you two switch your bodies and you both agreed and concluded that it was probably a stand user they met the night before, but who? They met so many people the night before. ❀ It was honestly fun that you two were trying to figure out the puzzles of this mystery, but after a few hours pass by you two went to the others to inform them a stand user switched both of your bodies, it was only 9 AM at this time so you all got breakfast and tried thinking of ways to find the stand user. ❀ You wore different clothes for Kakyoin, his uniform was too hot and you couldn’t handle the heat of the sun already so you wore more comfortable and thin clothing, just a long sleeves polo shirt but you folded the sleeves, he honestly didn’t have much different clothes, only his pajamas and his uniform then extra polos. ❀ He in the other hand actually dressed up pretty nice with your body, he had good taste in clothing. ❀ This whole experience got you two closer together honestly, before you two wouldn’t really talk that much so the fact that this whole freaky friday thing is the one that made you two close is kinda funny but it was alright since you two knew a lot of things from each other just by talking the whole time you two looked for the stand user who did this. ❀ When you two encountered the stand user everyone else in the group was behind so they help you two defeat the stand user and got swapped back to your bodies, and unlike Jotaro he wouldn’t really change out of the clothes you wore for him since he wanted to be polite and it actually suited him. Muhammad Avdol  ❀ he sweats and gulps as he looks at the mirror, he started thinking about how this happened? ❀He came to your room to see you in his body and talking to Joseph that you were you, and he confimed that the both of you seemed like you two switched bodies. ❀ Joseph went to call the others and everyone had a meeting in Joseph and Avdol’s room and you all tried recalling what happened yesterday or yesterday night and who you all encountered and spoke to. ❀ Polnareff would be teasing that Avdol is a lucky guy and jokes about weird things and Avdol would just defend you and say that this is serious even though Avdol is a bit flustered that he switched with you. He just doesn’t experess it my guy. ❀ You and Avdol got separated a lot from the group but you two manage to talk a lot, and just like Kakyoing you two learn a lot of things about each other. He wore simple clothes of yours and you wore clothes that were also simple because it was hot again and you still can’t handle too much heat since you might faint or something. ❀ You two struggled but managed to defeat the stand user which made you two switch back to your original bodies, you two would probably prank the others that you’ll be stuck with each other’s bodies forever and pretend to act like each other just to get a reaction from the rest. ❀ You and Avdol had fun picking on everyone making them think you’ll be switched forever, Polnareff kept comforting you two thinking that it’s actually real but you two are so good at acting that Polnareff got fooled. Jean-Pierre Polnareff ❀ This guy is a pervert honestly and would just be flustered if u are are girl he’d probably just stare at your boobs. ❀ Yeah but he’s a pervert, but he still doesn’t peak unless he obviously needs to change his clothes in your body. ❀ You would always remind him to have no funny business and Joseph would also wack him to not do anything weird and he’ll just say “Ow! I haven’t done anything!” or some other comments. ❀ You honestly just wore his clothes because it’s good enough for the heat, but he in another hand wore a tank top for you and shorts or if not shorts with jeans and there was nothing wrong with it just seems like you were going to go swimming or something but you shrugged it off. ❀ He would continue the constant teasing and how he actually likes being swapped with you and that you two are fated to be since out fo all the members you two were the chosen ones and you’d chuckle at his comments like this. ❀ He would flirt with other people even when he’s in your body which makes you wack his head sometimes and remind him that he was still in your body just in case he was forgetting. But despite this he’s been kind and polite to you and made you laugh a lot during the time you two switched bodies, this is where you two got closer than ever. Sure you knew him before but you two never had an actual conversation, usually you two would exchange just a few comments from and that’s all you two ever did, including the flirt. ❀ Once he finds the stand user he quickly chases them until he corners them and you do the finishing touch. You and Polnareff change back and he jokes about being upset that he isn’t you anymore and how he enjoyed the experience. You two would still talk about it in the future since you two found it funny. DIO ❀ This man is a tsundere for you, a good one though. Despite that he’ll still charge to his room where you were in, and you were in his body. He yells at you for doing this and you yell back that your stand doesn’t even have this specific ability. ❀ He tries to command Vanilla Ice to look for the one responsible for doing this to the both of you, but since Vanilla Ice just saw you and he didn’t notice that it was Dio in your body, thus he didn’t follow him and just looked at you instead and asked what you wanted to do to Dio. ❀ You have fun being him because you are in high power but he still had the world stand so he technically still has power to control you and you would scoff at this and Tell Vanilla Ice the whole story that the two of you switched bodies and even revealed that you two switched stands and Vanilla Ice was frustrated to hear that one of Dio’s followers did this to the two of you so he immediately got to work. ❀ This meant you two were stuck to wait with each other, he also forced you to tell every follower of his to not step into the room yet since he didn’t want to look like that in front of everyone it makes him look weak and you would roll your eyes. ❀ This man was still cocky though and comments that even though he is in your body he still has the power of the world, and that he can quickly just destroy all the Joestars and their team by pretending to be you and acting like a innocent person. Though he also stated he wanted to defeat the Joestars with HIS body because he kinda wanted the credit of killing the Joestars even though for some reason he sent his followers to kill them for him but you didn’t think too much of it. ❀ You secretly would walk out of his room and ask his own followers for a lot of things, like to get luxurious food or prepare a nice bath and they would find this weird since Dio was technically a vampire and this was out of character of him but you were so good at being Dio that you found so many excuses to their questions. ❀ You would actually put on some clothes while Dio just wears the same thing you wear earlier. ❀ After bantering each other for a long time Vanilla Ice finally defeated the stand user and you two switched back and Dio complained how being you is pathetic and you seriously cant take his comments seriously so you just insult him back, ilke I said this man was a tsundere but he kinda he enjoys being your body he found it really hot, he just doesn’t want to admit it, and he really thought this was an advantage to kill the Joestars immediately but sadly he already told you to request Vanilla ice to find the one responsible of all of this so  he couldn’t do much. ❀ You two continue your lives as a person who assist Dio because Dio forced you to, and with him bossing you around which makes you wanna kick his face but you still continue your duties  
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Thanks for reading hope you have a good day! -𝓣.
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your-nanas-house · 3 years
My dolly (part 2)
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painting: Jerome Valeska X Reader
warnings: swearing, smut, sexual fantasies, fluff ... I think that's all? I hope.
words: 2411
summary: Everything is written in the request.
note: I apologise for the English and if there are any mistakes, I didn't wanted to check it again because it was too long. I tried to write it the way Jerome might have written it by switching to different topics during the speech because I think he doesn't have a high concentration level. I tried to write smut, but it's the first time, I hope it didn't get too cringey.
Part 1, Part 3
Dear diary,
Today is a great day, I just found out that Y/n has been locked up here too, I found her sitting at a table watching me waiting for me to notice her.
Finally! someone fun in here who can brighten up my day. She seems more confident about herself though.... which makes her more attractive than she already was and shall we talk about the uniform she has to wear, that striped dress that fits all the right curves, that makes me horny again... how I hate, sometimes, the effect she has on me.
Oh, I almost forgot, it's a great day also because I managed to eat the pudding, it wasn't bad compared to the other crap they call food in here, but my dolly is better HAHAHAHA.
They're opening my cell now... it's only my angel, I'm curious to find out what she has in mind,
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Dear Diary,
I haven't been able to write for a while, so much has happened, a madman called Theo Galavan broke us out of that rathole by taking us into his house and explaining his plan.
Now I'm in a gang, the "Maniax", I'm the leader! HAHAHAHAHA.
My dolly is still with me...sometimes I wonder what exactly she sees in me, but I admit I have a certain charm.
We were always inseparable at the circus, we always did everything together and nothing has changed yet! amazing!
Our anniversary is in a week's time, who knows what my little doll has planned.
Later I'll have to go with the Maniax on a little trip to the GCPD, say hello to the commissioner. Too bad Jimbo will have to miss it HAHAHAHA.
Previous plans have come to fruition, I can't say that for everyone remembering that dear old Jimbo had managed to spoil the fun by saving those damn cheerleaders from becoming a barbecue...I think I'll go later to visit my dearest father.
There's a knock at the door, I'll keep writing later,
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Dear Diary,
it's been a satisfying day, I visited my dearest father who gave me a premonition, before I killed him, announcing that I will become the curse of Gotham and my legacy will be death and madness.
This got me thinking, especially about the legacy part and my little doll, a few days ago that stinky cannibal...Greenwood....who I took out when we were at GCPD...OOOH!!! what does that massacre remind me of, as a first thing I ended up on TV! as a second thing, I can confirm that my dolly in the police uniform is breathtaking, if there was more time I wouldn't have minded a role play in the interrogation room or maybe on old Jimbo's desk, oh yes, it would have been passionate but rough at the same time, mmh, how I miss seeing my dolly like that, recently we've only been cuddling or making out, which I don't mind, but I miss feeling her skin against mine and the noise they make when they slam into each other. BUT BUT BUT, I wasn't writing about that, I was thinking about heredity and that cannibal's joke about my kids being as crazy as I am...I'm not crazy, neither is my angel, we are JUST FREE THOUGHTS, WHO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET OUT OF THE PRISON, CALLED SANITY, which is just a prison in your minds that stops you from seeing that you’re just tiny little cogs in a giant absurd machine. Wake up! Why be a cog? Be free like me and my dolly! ....But it made me think anyway, especially the second time I heard about my children I could have with Y/n, also from Theo who said he didn't want mini Valeskas around his Penthouse...I wouldn't mind mini Valeskas around, I bet they'd be exactly like me, but with Y/n's beautiful eyes and they'd take both my character and hers...yeah, I don't mind the idea, I might propose it to Y/n in the future.
I still have to get ready for tonight's show, it's going to be a blast, I've seen the little dress my dolly is wearing...she's going to be my assistant and to think that at the circus it was the other way sometimes, where I was able to help her with her show...and also have a better and closer view. The dress makes me think of many, many more fantasies that I will write about after tonight's event is over.
I'm going to be a star!, a king! and Y/n is going to be my queen, we're going to be Gotham's nightmare together, I can already see us in all the newspapers creating chaos all over the city.
I think I might ask her to marry me after the show or maybe before, I'll improvise on the spot, I've never been serious about marriage, but I know for sure that I want my angel by my side for the rest of my life... cheesy... why do you always give me this effect, dolly?!
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Dear diary,
it's been far longer than I've ever let on, what can I say, I'm surprised you're still existing diary...I'm back to life, yes, back to life because that son of a bitch Galavan killed me in front of everyone, on stage, LIVE ON TV!!! IN FRONT OF MY DOLL!!!, Oh my doll, she's always the same, I thought she'd be disgusted to see my face reattached with a stapler, since it wasn't enough to kill me on live TV, they had to cut my face off too...some Dwith, Dwot...I don't remember, never mind, I killed him anyway.
Getting back to my dolly again, when I came back to life I discovered I had quite a few followers and that my dolly, yes, MY dolly carried on my kingdom of terror when I was gone...I'm so proud of her. Imagining her there in charge got me pretty horny and still does, I missed her so much, she was there when I first woke up at the GCPD and finally my fantasy of doing it there came true, she wasn't in a cop uniform in the interrogation room or on Jimbo's desk, but I can say we did it in a mortuary too.
We also fixed up our flat that we had gotten years ago, we wanted to escape the circus and go live there...never used it, well it's finally time to use it though,
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Dear Diary,
I'm locked up in this shithole again, this time at least with my dolly, we've created an empire in here, we're the king and queen HAHAHA and...I can see Y/n in her uniform again, I don't remember her being this sexy last time she wore it, seeing her walking around in my uniform jacket is *chef's kiss* spectacular, it continues to turn me on quite a bit seeing her in my clothes. ..uh, I can't wait to get back to our flat and persuade her to wear that red jacket of mine that I had put on the day I was going to kill Brucie Boy again, but dear old Jimbo had to ruin everything as usual by locking me up again. She'd only be wearing my jacket as she'd be on top of me riding me, so I can admire all her beauty and her face in her grimaces of pleasure that turn me on even more, hell, I just want to go back to our flat to get that damn jacket...but I'm afraid I'll have to just be content with our cell here at Arkham for now, yes..... they put us together in one cell.
But anyway...I've got a plan for tonight, to get Ozzy free.
I'm going to go find my angel, surely he'll be talking to potato face or that Alice in Wonderland obsessed lunatic,
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Dear Diary,
We managed to break out without too much trouble and I founded the Legion of Horribles, this is where we stand, for now, at a Falcone mansion...I think.
I explained in more detail today my final plan for Gotham to Y/n who was excited about it. Oh! how I love this woman, she gets more attractive with each passing day but I don't want to go back to writing cheesy stuff in my diary.
A few days ago was our anniversary...more and more years are passing and thinking about what we've become, we haven't talked about marriage yet though, but she keeps wearing the ring I gave her before the show...the night I died.
I found Jeremiah finally, I'm going to pay a quick visit to his proxy in a few days, I don't know if I want my angel to meet my twin brother again, what if she prefers him to me? My dolly would never do that, would she? She said she finds my scars attractive and that they make me more masculine, she also mentioned that I've put on more muscle, what can I say...anything for my dolly,
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Dear diary,
it's been a while again since I wrote anything, my dearest brother locked me in his bunker thinking he could contain me...but my dolly managed to find me....it was a family reunion...I can't find an adjective to describe it.
All I know is that I didn't like the way Mr. Perfect looked at Y/n, at that moment I really wish I could have picked her up and brought her into a passion-filled kiss and banged her right there, where we were, against the wall of the bunker...in front of Jeremiah, but now that I think about it...only I can see my dolly in that state...NO ONE ELSE!, especially not my dearest brother.
We're back at the Mansion...the next plan is the final one, where we're going to make the ENTIRE town go CRAZY! HAHAHAHA with the gas created by potato face.
I can't wait, but for now, I think I'll just enjoy my time off with Y/n, until THE DAY comes!!!
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Dear diary,
The plan didn't work, Jimbo managed to ruin everything AGAIN and I STILL got bullets.
Luckily my dolly was able to save me from that rooftop situation and carry me all the way back to our flat. She fixed all my wounds...just like all the other times and we had a longggg...talk...during a very heated session under the covers. Coming to the conclusion that...that...that we both take a break from the plans and the public chaos.
she managed to make the city believe that I was dead again....she's so clever my dolly...I'd love to see her with some reading glasses on....maybe another role play..uuuuh, it could be psychologist and patient..mh, not bad, why didn't we try that before??? Tonight we're going to watch a horror movie and eat some junk food while cuddling...and some more. Usually things always get heated during horror movies, always the same situation, no matter how hard my angel tries to hold back, she always ends up closer to me when she gets scared of something in the movie, things she's not like she hasn't done before, but I'm not complaining because we end up making out and then...you what....
I'm gonna go find some snacks for later,
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Dear diary,
here we are again... on the date of our engagement anniversary. My dolly is currently still sleeping.
I really knocked her out after our night of fireworks yesterday, it was crazy. how much I love my baby girl.
I have a plan in mind that I will carry out...before my angel wakes up...I hope, but I should get out of bed.... which is soooo comfy and warm right now...and I have my dolly next to me all undressed...I could wake her up properly.... this reminds me of the first time I woke up like this, just like I was dreaming of when we were still at the circus, with my angel in my south area taking care of the morning bone...mh...I could hug her from behind getting her ready for me first and then slip into her beautiful pussy waking her up like this...she always liked it.
But no!, I can't today, I have to carry out the plan, yesterday I told her I would have to go out for work, I think she believed it. My plan consists of
Y/n stopped reading, closing the diary and quickly putting it back in the box without managing to keep a radiant smile off her face, she got up from her sitting position and went to check on the tea, refusing to finish reading that page of the diary Jerome had written that morning so as not to spoil the surprise her man had in store for her.
It wasn't long before Jerome sneaked as quietly as possible into the flat to find his dolly in all her glory wearing only one of his shirts sipping the tea she had made herself.
He silently moved closer hugging her from behind pepering her neck with kisses biting her earlobe " well good morning gorgeous", Y/n turned pecking his lips returning the good morning letting her face be taken by her lover's large hands. The ginger continued to admire her face noticing the huge smile she had that made his own grow even though he was a bit confused "why are you smiling so much dolly?, what happened when I was away?" she shrugged putting down her cup hugging his waist without looking away "nothing, I just realised you're a horny bastard, love of my life" Jerome raised an eyebrow without taking the smile off his face as he pecked her lips again nodding making her backed up slowly pinning her against the kitchen counter "hmm, and what made you realise that?"
Y/n tried to talk through all of Jerome's kisses to answer his question, finally giving up and starting another make out session which was interrupted when the ginger pulled out a box from behind putting it between them before pecking her lips again "for you doll" she grabbed the box pecking his lips one last time opening the present being shocked to see......
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iwaslut · 4 years
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nanami’s going for that work look. you know i like the neutral suit, the coat and slacks match. he got the dress shoes too.
i don’t mind the color of his button up shirt but the tie though? i don’t know im not really a big fan of it. i just don’t think it goes well with his fit.
THE WATCH THOUGH!!!! respect i like it.
wait how the fuck do his glasses stay up???? huh?????
overall, his fit isn’t too bad. he looks best without the glasses, coat, or tie and the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone with his sleeves rolled up.
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king gojo looking very nice as always.
honestly although it’s simplistic i really like the way he dresses.
he has to wear the uniform so i don’t really have too much to say about that.
the shoes look nice and i like how it matches his blindfold.
speaking of which, THE BLINDFOLD IS MY FAV!!!!!
also my mans is versatile!!! trading out the blindfold for a pair of sunglasses sometimes??? the long-sleeve shirt he wears exposes his collarbones though so he’s a whore for that, but my favorite one <3333
overall, very nice!!! he’s so sexy!!!
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he deadass looks so comfy. the robe looks nice and loose so it’s breathable
and his tattoos are hot and i like his painted nails
socks and sandals are worn when you’re running out of the house to help your mom with groceries
he’s also kind of whore too
mf is always ripping off his clothes to show off his titties 🙄🙄
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sweet baby yuuji
god he’s so cute
i like how his uniform is modified (even if it was gojo who made that decision)
i like red as the accent color
I LOVE HOW BABY HAS PINK HAIR !!!!! it makes him even cuter
one drawback is how he’s wearing fucking high waters
i didn’t realize how short the boys’ uniform pants were until i was searching for images of yuuji
he’s so cute though so it doesn’t matter
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this is the love of my life. the prettiest boy in my eyes. i am so in love with him
his eyes???? beautiful!!!!! his eyelashes???? so long and pretty!!!! im in love with him
but let me just clown him a little bit
his hair is................certainly interesting
how does it stick up like that with no gel???? like how does it do that
the shoes are kind of boring too oopsie
his pants are SO short too i hate it
why couldn’t they make the boys’ uniform pants longer sigh
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she’s serving!!! nobara is mf snatched like do you see her waist??
i love the cropped long sleeve and the mid-length skirt combo it looks so good on her
i don’t really like the shoes all that much, but everything else looks good on her
anyways nobara is that pretty bitch, that’s it
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honklore · 3 years
would you consider doing an au where dream is a high school teacher (maybe a math teacher or english teacher or something?) and he has been crushing on his colleague, maybe an english teacher or an art teacher, and his friends have been teasing him quite a bit for it since he hasn’t had the courage to ask them out, which is quite weird considering he’s usually so confident, but it’s just a lot of flirting and shyness between the two until he final caves and asks them out? maybe even some of the students had begun to call him out on not acting on it? it’s perfectly okay if you don’t wanna do this but thank you for reading it :))
you + me = <3 | dreamwastaken
(math teacher!dream, gn!reader, dream likes u oooooh, cute kids, writer knows nothing about chess or how chess tournaments work, you requested high school but i can’t read so i chose middle school sorry!! this is literally nothing like you requested pls forgive me but i has fun, proceed with caution)
song to listen to: roadtrip by dream
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i am setting the scene to say that teacher!dream is hot!!!! like, rolled up sleeves and leather watch kind of hot !!!!!!!
dream with fluffy waves that he sometimes ties into a bun if it gets too hot,,, brown roots and blond hair, brown eyebrows, forest green eyes,,,,,, freckles,,,,,
teaches middle school math!! very patient w his kids!!! but also has been known to go on tangents so long that they last until the bell rings
he’s the teacher whose classroom the weird/shy kids sit in at lunch
reads up on his students special interests and tries to ask them about it and encourage them
doesn’t make kids write out their entire process during testing bc he understands some students work in their head and can’t <3
works with different methods to help each kid learn math in their own way
the sweetest ever omg i can’t imagine a nicer teacher than dream
has a open-policy snack cabinet in case some of the kids can’t buy their lunch
has rlly cheesy anti bullying posters on his wall but actually talks to his students about it and makes sure they know he is someone they can go to
okay this is supposed to be a love story not an i heart teacher dream story sorry
you’re the art teacher of the middle school!!! you are also one of the favorites when it comes to teachers
dream is sort of a practical logical comforter and you’re a more dreamy, imagination-based comforter
so the kids ofc have their favorites
you’re a wonderful teacher !!!!
you let the kids use art class as a sort of art therapy, giving them time to do whatever they want with colors and mediums of their choosing
and assignments are usually fun!! you make it fun by giving them good topics that encourage them to express their opinions and personalities !!!
dream has the FATTEST crush on you
it’s so big and he’s very bad at hiding it
literally buys an extra coffee friday morning
slips into your classroom like “oh? hey ___ ? didn’t expect you to be here!!”
you: “in my own classroom?”
dream: “ANYWHO!! they messed up my order AGAIN and gave me a caramel frappe instead of a matcha so you can have it”
he does this every week
new excuses sometimes but it’s always ur favorite flavor, sitting right beside his matcha in a lil cup holder
dream is the type of guy to make sure your fingertips touch when he hands you your cup
so he can blush about it later and pretend it means something
any time he needs supplies or something he goes to you first instead of the communal supply closet
during his break he’ll come in and try to talk to you while your kids are painting
you sometimes sit with him during lunch!! and the kids that all sit in his classroom love you, even if they don’t have art
and every time you do he stutters over his own words and his neck gets rlly red
the kids all give each other side eyes when he does this
math kids 🤝 art kids : tired of witnessing dream’s bad flirting skills
dream brings you a cupcake on your birthday and a little necklace w a crystal on it :/
“i googled crystals for protection!! because i want u safe always!! and i made sure it was sustainably sourced!! let me know if you don’t like it!!”
how could you not like it :(
his eyes are wide and almost worried and when you give him a big smile he gets so happy like :((
your students are just. super still behind their easels hoping this is the moment you’ll actually kiss him
but no
it isn’t until a few of your kids come up one day and ask about forming an official chess club
they need at least one teacher willing to supervise and go on tournament trips and stuff
half of the team asks you and the other asks dream
but they don’t communicate that to each other
so it’s a saturday when both you and dream show up to the school in your casual clothes, unlocking one of the rooms for the kids to practice in
you help some kids set up while dream takes a few to the side and begins to teach them the basics, since not everyone who joins is an actual player
some just wanted to be w their friends ^u^!!!
but dream keeps catching your eye over the sea of middle schoolers and it makes your cheeks heat up whether u want them to or not
the two of you becoming the unofficial parents of the middle school chess team; you take turns supervising but usually both go to trips for tournaments!!
there are six students who make up the chess team + a few who just come for the snacks and respite
and your team is actually so good they qualify for state
and it’s going to be an overnight trip !!
some parents have also agreed to come chaperone
the team is so excited!!! the entire team got to go even though only a few are competing
theres a lot of lovely support going around
your kids are expressive and bright, all wearing special t-shirts they made that count as “uniforms”
they are twelve and dgaf about what ANYONE has to say
puffy markers and all
and before the tournament they surprise u and dream with ur own shirts :(( they are so sweet omg
and ofc you and dream wear them!!! fashion be damned!!!!!
man they just look up to you guys so much
they really needed a place to fit in and your club gave them that
even the ones who are HORRIBLE at chess are sitting in the bleachers with you guys, cheering on their friends ><!!
it’s all so wholesome omg
and your team ends up qualifying !!!!!!!! it’s huge !!!!!!! you all go out for celebratory milkshakes sponsored by mr wastaken !!!!!
and everyone falls asleep with a big smile on their face that night
the next day is full of driving,, and you and dream share a lil seat at the back of the bus
all the kids are winding down, listening to music or playing games on their phones
and dream is so warm, shoulder pressed against yours when he hands you one of his earbuds and is like ,,,, do you want to listen to music with me?
and ofc you do
so the two of you take turns picking songs
dream adds them all later to a playlist called ___ and dream’s epic roadtrip playlist
now that interstate is paved with memories amirite?
once all the kids are picked up at the school, you are about to call your roommate to come pick you up
but dream is like. i can drive you home
dream is that guy who drives with one hand and keeps the other on top of the gear shift <3
you’re just excitedly recounting all the kid’s faces and all the silly stories you were told in the hotel when dream is finally at your apartment complex
and he just bursts
“i really like you”
and you’re just. stunned bc you knew he was fond of you but you never thought he’d be brave enough to SAY it
“i like you too dream!!”
“would it be too cheesy to walk you to your door and kiss you goodbye?”
“maybe... but i like cheesy.”
thank you for requesting!!!
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hi, may I request headcanons or drabble about gom when they find that their s/o is wearing their teiko’s jersey please? Sfw or nsfw is all okay
A/N: OOH I like that idea my dear anon! I tried to come up with as many different scenarios as I could, so I hope that I was succeesful... please enjoy! (*¯︶¯*)
Tags: GoM x reader ✅  fluff ✅  implied nsfw ✅
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ok so, you were sleeping over at his house today and you wanted to put something of his on, so you looked through his closet, and amidst his many shirts you found something you immediately recognized as his former basketball team’s jersey
you were simply curious how it would look on you so while Kuroko was in the other room preparing something, you went over to the big mirror in the hallway and looked at how surprisingly fitting his jersey was
“(Y/N), I finished prepa-“
“Tetsu, perfect timing! Look what I found!” you said happily and twirled around a few times, showing off your new find
he remained silent at first and just looked at you with his typical poker face, then he slowly walked up to you and gave you a back hug, burying his face in the crack of your neck
“God (Y/N)...how can you be so cute...?“ he silently asked and peppered your neck with soft kisses
you couldn’t help but giggle at that ticklish sensation which provided a great diversion for your boyfriend, who let his hands slowly slide down your body’s most prominent traits while his blue eyes stayed glued to how smooth your reflection looked like
his reaction was pretty cryptic and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was even happy or simply annoyed, so you asked him if you’d done something bad
Kuroko remained silent at first and then out of nowhere took your hand and began walking back to his own room
“T-Tetsu? What’s wrong?”
“In situations such as these it’s better for me to just show you the results of your little dress up instead of using words, don’t you think?”
with flushed cheeks you simply squeezed his hand and followed him back into his room, knowing that you’ll be in there for quite a while...
you two went on a small shopping trip together and before you knew it time had slipped past your hands and it was already dark outside
Kise, as the caring boyfriend he is, invited you to stay over at his apartment and you agreed
while you were sitting on his bed and checking your social media he sorted out his closet saying that if he continued buying so many clothes he’d have to buy a second and much bigger one
when he usually did this, he separated his garments into two piles: one was clothes he’d give away to charity organizations and the other one was for you and his friends to choose out of
just as he was about to throw another one of his shirts you noticed a very familiar-looking piece of fabric
He must be quite out of it to throw this away...
you secretly took his jersey out of the pile, got up from his bed, and sneaked out of his room (which wasn’t a challenge really, with him being overly concentrated on whether to give that blue jacket away or the black one)
you headed straight for his bathroom and changed into his Teiko jersey
it fitted you quite well, sure it was loose at some parts but that was to be expected
after looking at yourself in the mirror from any possible angle you decided to go back and surprise him with your getup
“Kise, I think I might’ve found the perfect one for me...what do you think?”
he glanced back at you and just as he was about to turn away he halted, mouth agape, his expression a mix of pleasant surprise and full of adoration
within a couple of seconds, his arms were wrapped around your body, lifting you by the hips and covering your entire face with kisses
“I didn’t know you loved your jersey this much.” you joked as you played with his yellow and soft strands of hair
“Who said I was this happy just because of the jersey, huh?”
he twirled the both of you a few times before lying you down on his bed and getting on top of you, both of his arms trapping you beneath him as he brought his face down to your exposed collarbone and began trailing it up with his soft lips
“Though I’d love to continue watching you have it on, it’d be quite a shame if we got it dirty with what’s about to come, right?”
living together with a strict man such as him proved to be quite the challenge at times, but you somehow managed
he was a very tidy and clean person (his behavior almost bordered in perfectionism) so having a multi-shelved closet where his clothes were sorted by color, their individual usage as well as his personal preference wasn’t surprising
you once wanted to take a shirt from him and after begging him for what felt like hours he finally gave in, but under the condition that he’d get to choose one for you
so to put it simply: you never properly saw how his closet looked like from the inside and now that he was taking a shower you couldn’t withstand the temptation to sneak into his room and finally take a peek
thanks to his pedantic ways you were quick to grasp the structure he’d used and there was one particular pile of clothes that caught your eye, namely one which consisted of nothing but his basketball uniforms, all of them neatly folded and judging by the smell they were freshly washed as well
you smiled to yourself as you remembered that your typical tsundere boyfriend also had some softer sides on him that brought such rare but heartwarming behaviors to light
with utmost carefulness you took the very first jersey from the pile and held it up, revealing the dark blue number 11
looking at it now you wondered if it’d still fit him and just before you stormed out of the room to ask him, you thought of a better idea: putting it on yourself
with that said and done you sneaked back out, sat on the couch in the living room, covered yourself with a blanket, and pretended to play something on your phone while you carefully watched your boyfriend from the corner of your eyes
the moment he entered your shared bedroom you decided to wait a couple minutes until he’d dressed up so that you could surprise him with a hug (but the main reason was that you were scared of how he’d react if you not only snuck up on him while he’s still drenched and naked but also had a jersey on that he’d spend so much time taking care of)
you softly knocked on the door and heard a muffled sound that most likely prompted you to come in, so you did
luckily his broad back was facing you as he was busy cleaning his glasses and you used that opportunity to wrap your arms around his tall figure
there was no reaction at first but after just a couple of seconds he silently asked you whether something was wrong
“I have a small surprise for you, so could you do me the favor and...look at me?” you whispered in a rather sheepish voice
Midorima didn’t answer, but you heard him placing his glasses down on the nightstand so you took that as a signal and loosened your grip around him
“(Y/N)...! That–“
your small surprise had shocked him quite a bit and even if he didn’t say anything clear about it, it was pretty obvious that underneath his big palm, which was covering his mouth, a small blush was forming
the two of you just stood there silently and after what felt like an eternity he just sighed and sat himself down on the bed, burying his face in his hands
Now that’s a reaction I didn’t expect...
you were disappointed and sad of course so you muttered a silent apology and made your way back to the door
“(Y/N)...who said that you could leave?”
with a surprised but confused expression on your face, you looked at his sitting figure
Midorima leaned himself back and gently pat a spot on his muscled thigh
“I want you to strip for me...but make sure to keep my jersey on and when you’re finished, get your cute ass over here.”
you woke up rather unpleasantly
your entire body was sore, some spots hurting more than others, and to top it all off you had fallen asleep naked, too tired from last night’s fun to even cover yourself with a shirt or something of that sort
while you were questioning yesterday’s events your boyfriend continued sleeping peacefully next to you and sometimes a silent snore escaped past his lips
watching someone who was either sulking or grinning like a madman on a daily basis sleep like a small child warmed your heart
you gently caressed his cheek, moved some of his hair strands away from his forehead, and let your fingertip gently glide across his most prominent facial features
if Aomine was awake he’d rarely let you do all of these blandishments, but luckily he slept as deep as a bear during hibernation
you could’ve continued forever, but your body was starting to get cold so you got up as carefully as you could and tiptoed over to your boyfriend's closet and began rummaging around for one of his shirts, which easily covered half of your body
while you searched every possible corner of his rather messy closet you stumbled upon something rather surprising
at the very back, you found his Teiko jersey which in comparison to the rest neatly folded and smelled of detergent
you couldn’t hold back a cheeky grin as you remembered how he’d told you he wasn’t the sentimental type of person and that there would be no reason for him to own any keepsakes from his junior high days and yet despite all that he’d taken such good care of it
just as you were about to put it back in, a brilliant idea crossed your mind
you put his jersey on and walked towards his sleeping figure, moved the blanket aside, and then got on top of him, carefully lying on top of his upper body
the sudden weight on his chest disrupted his peaceful sleep and in accordance with that a low groan resonated from him
“Mm babe....what’s wrong..?”
“Good morning Aomine my love...care to open your eyes for me, I got a small surprise prepared for you.”
he grunted as he wrapped his arms around your body, pressing you further towards him, and whispered: “Just give me five more minutes and I’ll look....promise”
you pouted but refused to give up nonetheless and continued with your caresses from earlier, though this time you also planted soft kisses along his collarbone and his neck
he enjoyed it at first and even hummed in satisfaction, but as your lips trailed down lower, his abdomen tensed up, and even if he wanted to keep his eyes closed his curiosity failed him rather quick
just as you were about to continue you felt his hands take a tight hold of your hips so you looked up to him and were met with a pair of wide deep ocean blue eyes
a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you showed him your little surprise
“Look what I found, mister I’m-not-a-sentimental-type-of-person.”
and he did look, Aomine was in fact so flabbergasted that his mouth stood agape for quite a while, but no sound whatsoever came from him
“Hey, what’s wrong? I thought you’d like a surprise of this caliber? Don’t all of your pinup girls have that boyfriend shirt segment?”
just as you were about to get off of him he suddenly took a hold of your shoulders and within a matter of seconds flipped the position the two of you were in
you now found yourself under him, exposed to his cheeky grin and a rather lewd gaze that caused him to lick his lips with relish while he let his hands run down your entire body
“You just know how to rail me up don’t you babe?” he cooed as he slowly pushed his knee between your legs, “sleep’s overrated when I have someone as perfect as you waking me up like this, right?”
Aomine kissed your lips and smiled down at you “Now...be a good girl and let me thank you properly”
wearing something out of this purple-haired giant’s closet was never an option for you, the main reason being the obvious body build difference between the two of you and the second was because of Murasakibara himself
every time you went over to his apartment and wanted to stay overnight he’d cling to you saying how warm and fluffy you were and continuously refused to let you go
the first few times you had tried to wiggle out of his grasp but unfortunately, he was the stronger out of the two of you so with no other choice left you remained enveloped in his arms until sleep caught up to you
as time went on you steadily gave up the fight and simply let him do what he wanted
and then one faithful night Lady Luck seemed to be on your side since Murasakibara fell asleep before you, the poor soul must’ve been quite tired that even his usual iron grip around you loosened quite a bit
at first, you couldn’t help but smile at his vulnerable yet cute expression but after just a short while your mind truly grasped the possibilities that had opened up to you
with a small smile, you carefully got up and walked over to his room
you silently closed the door behind you and couldn’t help but chuckle at the slightly ridiculous situation you found yourself in, regardless you continued with your task and opened his closet for the first time ever
it was surprisingly empty and clean (with some minor exceptions, but that was to be expected) so you found yourself questioning just why your boyfriend was trying to hide his small collection of clothes from you so desperately
at first, you simply looked through his differently sized shirts, and just then you saw a bright blue one and wondered why you had never seen him wear it
after pulling it out you finally realized just what you were holding
His Teiko jersey...?
you were quite surprised, to say the least since Murasakibara good to never talked about his junior high days let alone even mention them
he had a mirror right next to his closet so you stood in front of it and placed the jersey in front of yourself
it was quite large for your own measurements, but luckily his former build hadn’t been as muscular and tall as that of right now, so you seriously contemplated on putting it on
you removed the shirt you were wearing and replaced it with his jersey
the fabric reached the middle of your thighs and its v-neck was so low that you could see some of your cleavage
your cheeks reddened at the sight, your embarrassment prompting you to remove it as fast as possible, and just as you were about to do it a low and drowsy voice called out to you
“(Y/N)-chin...? What are you doing?”
as you turned around to the source of the voice, you looked directly into the purple eyes of your giant boyfriend who was towering in front of his bedroom’s doorframe
“A-Atsushi! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, I just wanted to-“ you stuttered as you tried to remove his shirt, but before you could even lift it his big hand took a grasp of your own and held it
that was all he said before pulling you into his broad chest and embracing you
he began kissing your neck and even after you reluctantly asked him what was wrong and if he’d been mad all he did was remain silent
after a while you felt his big and slightly rough hands wander underneath the jersey, exploring your naked skin and touching it carefully, afraid that you’d break if he got a little rougher
it felt good and you felt safe in his arms, but you didn’t mind if he didn’t hold back entirely
when you told him these exact words he immediately picked you up and wrapped your legs around his hips
“Atsushi, w-wait!”
“Sorry (Y/N)-chin, but you look way too sweet right now and you know me...whenever I see something yummy I just need to have a taste.”
and with that, you were carried back to the couch for a long and pretty busy night...
the first time you mentioned Teiko he actually smiled and offered to show you some of his keepsakes himself
you agreed of course and just some moments afterward he brought a medium-sized box to you and began showcasing all objects he kept from his junior high days
Akashi really had his way with words, he knew that disclosing as little as he could about everything would make you more curious than you already were...and he was absolutely right
you asked him about the photos with his teammates, about some of his gold medals, about some of the books he’d kept, and so on
in the end, he pulled out his jersey, looking at it with a nostalgic expression, and as soon as he’d noticed your wide eyes and seemingly interested demeanor a smile spread across his lips as he handed the piece of fabric to you
while he told you some funny stories about it you couldn’t help but wonder whether it still fitted him or not
“Would you like me to put it on for you?” he asked you, which made you realize that you’d accidentally spoken out loud
“N-No it’s fine, I was just...thinking aloud that’s all!”
he giggled and gently caressed your blushing cheek, leaning closer to it so that he could plant a soft kiss on it, but unfortunately for you, the two of you were interrupted by one of his butlers who apparently needed something from his red-haired young master
neither you nor he could hide the obvious disappointment from your expressions, but with no choice left but to step out for a bit, your boyfriend left the room
you sat there at first but when you looked at the jersey that was halfway in the box you got curious about whether it could fit you, so after making sure that the coast was clear you changed your top and looked at your reflection on the glassy door of one of his shelves
surprisingly it fit you almost to a T and it was just now that you realized just how different the two of you were built
this new realization is what took you so long to notice that the man you were thinking about had returned and was looking at you
“And here I thought you wanted me to put it on...”
hearing his voice made you immediately freeze up, as you felt the heat rise to your face you slowly turned around and saw his gentle yet mischievous smile
“I-It’s not what it looks like, I just...I just wanted to–” you stammered while your fingers entangled themselves in the hem of his jersey
Akashi began to close the distance between the two of you and with each step he took your embarrassment grew and grew until it reached the point where you just wanted to sink in a hole somewhere
meanwhile, your boyfriend had reached you and let his hands gently glide along your torso with a never-ending smile
he directed his eyes to the reflection of your back, pulling you into his chest, and was now doing the same he did beforehand
his gentle touch relieved some tension from your shoulders and you couldn’t help but whisper his name, an action that made him tense up now
“(Y/N), I need you to remain quiet for a bit, or else I might lose that last bit of control I have” he hissed out as you felt his grip on you getting stronger
“I-It’s ok Sei, just let me remove your jersey and we can go to your roo–”
your chin was suddenly jerked upwards, red eyes peering directly into your own as he answered in a low voice: “Who said that we’ll do any of it? I’ve already locked the door and removing the jersey would ruin most of the fun, don’t you think?”
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