#also sonny being dragged into his death
connie-taylor · 11 months
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Ronnie Hobbs, Creative Director at GUN, confirming the entire friend group dies and what order they die in.
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melis-writes · 1 year
I was wondering if I could and a request.
It’s sort of an add on off your Victoria x Sonny fake death.
While it’s Cool that Vic and Sonny got to fake their death and live happily ever after. (personally I’m a hardcore Vichael shipper) Maybe there would like a 15 or 20 years time jump, maybe the children of Sandra and Sonny’s learn for their fathers deception and track him down.
I could imagine they would feel very bitter that their father essentially chose to abandon them, perhaps they could confront him and Victoria about their actions.
It’s just an idea.
Oh, I see. I see… 😶 Very, very interesting. I guess we can definitely go ahead and say that the happily-ever-after Victoria and Sonny would get together is finally being able to flee to Venice and marry there. 😅 You know how it is. Roughly 15 years later from Victonny’s first appearance in 1954, that would bring us to 1969! Sonny is 53 and Victoria is 45! Frank and Francesca would be 29 and 32 upon finally confronting their father in Venice. 👀
The past fifteen years passing by didn’t happen in the blink of an eye nor did it drag on, rather you felt for the first time in your life that you could live every day to the fullest and feel the passage of time as a gift, not a curse.
From the first year that Sonny and you fled to Venice together, all you could do was think about the possibilities of being found, caught, recognized or even worse.
Despite the fact that the Corleone family virtually has no power in Venice, that may not be enough to stop a potential assassination should Michael have sent one if he suspected anything.
Neither you nor Sonny knew what came of the family ever since. Naturally, neither of you were in contact with anyone whatsoever and unlike you, Sonny had left all of his children behind without so much as a ‘goodbye’.
Just as Sonny wanted it and planned for back then, thinking his family to consider him dead for eternity is much better than them expecting closure or feeling bitter. Bitterness in the family always lead to grudges and deaths.
Three years in and you no longer cared. You stopped thinking, stopped imagining what anyone thought of you or how they mourned you—your own family included.
You know deep down in your heart that even if your own family discovered the nature of what had actually happened, they would not seek to harm nor kill you. Still, the thought of their everlasting disappointment, reactions and perhaps how they’d treat you is something you can no longer afford to think about for your own peace.
Neither Sandra nor Michael ever remarried, remaining widow and widower.
From the bloody mob war that ensued after you, Sonny and the twins’ “deaths” in seek of revenge, Michael had also become a hardened, cold man. He had lost his wife and his only children which in return robbed him of his own humanity.
Sandra on the other hand carried on as well as she could, taking care of all of her children and telling them the bitter truth regardless of how they needed to hear it. She knew it was a loss she would never recover from, but she couldn’t give up on the rest of her life or her children’s.
Life had to go on with or without you and Sonny, and as many years came by and went, what “happened” became a memory to all. A painful, heartbreaking memory and loss riddled with guilt, but nothing more.
You can no longer remember much of Michael. His gaze, his facial features and much of the sound of his voice you saw and heard everyday is lost to you; memories felt and imagined in a haze without clear details.
On the other hand however, everyday you wake up to the love of your life snuggled up next to you in bed. Everyday your hands run through Sonny’s soft curls, down his stubble as you caress his cheek and you’ve memorized every inch of your husband’s body as he has yours.
Neither you nor Sonny ever regretted what you both did to get away and finally be able to live a free life together in love. Neither of you lived that past life anymore and thinking of it didn’t provide you two anything either.
It was Frank, Sonny’s eldest, who lived in a constant state of denial. He refused to believe his father, let alone you or the twins were dead because no bodies were recovered.
Of course it made sense—to Michael especially—as to why there would be no bodies. The sight of two dead bodies and two bodies of infants would be a grisly, but highly wanted revelation in the media’s hands and the manner of which you, the twins and Sonny were “killed in” would be another direct message to Michael.
It was better off for everyone’s sakes not to find the bodies, as macabre as it seemed, but that was never a good enough reason for Frank.
For many years, Frank presumed his father might be living as an outcast in another state. Frank had suspicions since the twins were so young that they may have been raised elsewhere by another Sicilian family only for the Molinari family to take them once they reached of age. If that was a possibility, it would mean endless bloodshed to Michael.
Frank had also thought you may be with Sonny, whereever you are, but as far as he was concerned, he didn’t think either of you had left the United States and it took Frank another revelation to understand what truly happened.
Kathryn, Francesca’s twin, grieved quietly but questioned nothing more after hearing about the “deaths”. She wanted nothing to do with the bitter memory or reminder nor reminisce about it, but the same couldn’t be said for Francesca.
Just like Frank, curiosity boiled in Francesca to understand what had happened and how deeply it impacted the family with the aftermath lasting years to come.
It was when Francesca kept a keen ear to the wall, listening to her aunt Connie and Deanna’s drunken antics and gossip that she heard Connie mentioning Sonny and your name one late night.
“Knowing Michael, I thought it would be revenge,” Connie raised her wineglass to her lips, “it would make sense, you know. Especially after the New York incident.”
“The New York incident?” Deanna snorted, “is that what we’re calling it now? Nobody ever gives me any details on it. All I heard was that Victoria left for New York, then attended that—what’s her name—that American girl’s preliminary trial or something.”
“You’re not wrong,” Connie confirmed, “that is what happened, but nobody ever says a whisper of why Victoria left and why Sonny came after her, right?”
Francesca felt the color pale from her face, but she couldn’t stop herself from listening. Something inside of her urged her to sate her curiosity and understand that if there was anything between you and her father, that she must know everything.
“I warned her about my brother, I did,” Connie began, “and he just proved me right. Kept lying to Victoria like nobody’s business—breaking that poor girl’s heart. I think he hid something about her family to her and she ran off. She was pregnant and she went off to New York like that.”
“Huh, I do have to applaud her then,” Deanna hiccupped, covering her mouth. “Can’t just go to bed and call it a night next to a liar.”
Connie shrugged, continuing her story. “Definitely not. From there I already assumed it must have been really serious. Next thing you know, Michael and Tom are trying to cover up the reason why Victoria’s missing at the breakfast table the next morning. Went to see her sick mother, my ass. I mean, God bless Ludovica Ferrari’s soul but we all knew her condition then and she was doing fine. Michael barely spoke to any of us. I know my brother—he looked stressed. Whispering things to Sonny and Tom like nobody’s business and then Sonny’s off to see Victoria. He sure as hell didn’t make the trip just to ‘check up’ on Victoria.”
Francesca held her breath, remaining quiet and listening to the rest of the story.
“What makes you think that?” Deanna asked, taking a swig of liquor straight from the bottle.
“Because when Sonny got back, Michael almost broke his nose. Punched him bloody and I heard Victoria screaming for him to stop.” Connie revealed, “I know damn well something happened in New York. Sonny had his opportunity, didn’t he? Sandra supported his promiscuity—she always has, as you know, and there you have it. Victoria alone in New York and three months pregnant with twins. Then you wanna tell me it’s a coincidence they insist on sitting next to each other at dinner, the giggling, the conversations, how Sonny can’t get his eyes off of her?”
Francesca’s eyes stung with tears as she clasped a hand over her mouth, feeling sick to her stomach at the thought.
“Victoria, Sonny and Victoria’s babies all disappear without a trace. Now, I’m not saying anything, but the New York incident always had me thinkin’… It’s like they were just a couple not meant to be, and not like it could be fixed if Victoria and Michael divorced, but that if there’s something going on with Victoria and Sonny, Michael would make sure no matter what that they’d never have peace or each other.”
When confronting Frank who was the only other one in the family that cared and continued to think of and question what happened to you and Sonny, the two were both convinced Sonny and you were still out there alive and well.
Feeling deeply bitter and angry with the revelation Frank and Francesca put together, the two knew that if anything they suspected was true in any way, they could never tell Michael unless they saw you and Sonny face to face.
Michael and Sandra could never know of any suspicions out of fear they would lead to your deaths if you were both still alive.
Despite the fact neither Francesca or Frank would ever come to forgive you or Sonny for what you two did even if you had provided them every reason you could to justify your actions, neither wished for harm or death to come you or Sonny’s way.
There was no trace of you or Sonny in Sicily and such had been confirmed by your family years back and now again.
Giuseppe Ferrari was more than willing to hope that if you were hiding in Sicily, that you would rejoin the family and that no consequences would be held over you for faking your death but just as it was true, you weren’t in Sicily and you’d never be found there.
Francesca and Frank did not relent. Contact after contact in Sicily with questions unanswered, they were able to find someone who had connections and family all throughout Italy to search for anyone named ‘Victoria’ and ‘Santino’ or ‘Sonny’.
There were too many women named “Vittoria” in Italy to count, but only one named ‘Victoria’ residing in the town of Asolo admist many Santinos.
Francesca and Frank were dead set on finding the two of you there no matter what it took and cost them. They could not stop then with what they considered to be a strong lead and did it behind their families’ backs so nobody else could come to suspect anything.
Days of inquiring in the little town later did Francesca and Frank come upon an elderly woman confused by their request of finding a woman named ‘Victoria’ who under the presumption that Francesca and Frank’s intention on finding their ‘parents’ was pure, essentially gave it away.
“Non capisco cosa intendi. No, no... C'è solo una Victoria qui. Si chiama Vittoria. La chiamo Vittoria. Vive ai margini della città con il marito Santino.” (I don't understand what you mean. No, no... There is only one Victoria here. Her name is Vittoria. I call her Vittoria. She lives on the edge of town with her husband Santino.)
‘Her husband Santino.’ Frank would never forget the appalled look over Francesca’s face as she attempted to hide her shock.
The two had expected at this point for you and Sonny to be romantically involved, but hearing that you were both married after fleeing the United States and faking your deaths, fooling everyone involved and continuing your lives on like nothing killed any sympathy Francesca and Frank could ever have towards the both of you for good.
Francesca and Frank didn’t have to go knocking on door to door or ask anyone living towards the edge of town where to find you or for directions, because Sonny and you were already there.
Francesca and Frank were facing your garden when they walked down a beaten path towards the villas of the neighborhood, but froze in their tracks at the sight of the two of you from afar.
“The best ones,” Sonny chuckles, adding another orange to your basket. “Isabella would love these.”
“She already can’t get enough of the lemonade Verona made yesterday,” you let out a laugh, looking inside your fruit basket. “I’ve barely had to go down to the market at all!”
Sonny adds another three oranges to your basket, picking them off the tree. “I say we wash these up back inside and have another fruit bowl when the kids get back, eh?”
“Sounds perfect,” you smile back, leaning up for a kiss.
Francesca’s mouth runs dry, watching her father kiss you sweetly with a loving arm wrapped around your waist.
Just as stunned as his sister, Frank and Francesca slowly begin to approach the garden—staring, in shock, and attempting to process everything let alone how happy and head over heels the two of you appear to be with one another.
“Dad?” Francesca croaks out, standing in the midst of the garden.
Sonny and you both turn around abruptly at the sound of a familiar voice, spotting a dismayed Francesca and Frank standing before you.
“Dad,” Francesca repeated with a more forceful tone, on the verge of tears. “You’re…”
The sight of the two of you alive and well remains to be the most difficult one to process after years of believing you and Sonny were assassinated; a rush of emotions surrounding Francesca and Frank.
Sonny keeps his arm over your waist, holding you close to his side. The gaze you give your husband is one of exhaustion from your heart and defeat; you don’t even want to know how or why Francesca and Frank found you, knowing where they must be, Michael can’t be far.
“You’re—” But before Francesca can approach Sonny and rush into his arms, Frank grabs his sister’s arm and frowns at her.
Neither you nor Sonny appear bewildered, in fear or saddened. Rather it’s defeat that the two of you accept knowing if Michael or his men are here, everything else will be short-lived momentarily.
It matters very little to you and Sonny in terms of your own lives; having spent the past fifteen years in marital bliss, watching Niccolo and Verona grow up, welcoming Angelo and Luciana to the family and then your youngest—Isabella—was nothing short of perfect.
It’s no longer your own life or wellbeing you care about if its forfeit, but ten year old Isabella, and what would become of all your children too.
“You’re alive!” Francesca cries out, still in disbelief. “You’re alive, you’re here and youre—” She can hardly bring herself to say the words as Frank hugs her tightly. “You’re with auntie—”
“Where is he?” Sonny asks flat out, his mind over Michael and his men’s whereabouts than a confrontation with his own children. “I know he’s here, so tell him to come face me.”
“Who, dad?” Frank speaks out. “Who are you talking about? Expecting the rest of the family too? Only Francesca and I tracked you down!”
“I don’t believe that,” you say back, coldly.
“You…” Francesca hiccups, her eyes meeting yours. “Auntie, why—”
“Where is he?” Sonny asks more forcefully, raising his voice.
“Nobody’s here, dad,” Frank gestures around him. “Nobody but us. Everyone else still thinks the two of you are dead, remember? Or did you forget that like you forgot us?”
“No, I’m not having this,” Sonny holds up his hand, rolling his eyes. “Alright, so here you are. Here you two are. The big confrontation—the best day of your lives. Happy now? Huh? Is the part where you two run off crying and then your uncle’s men take care of the rest? Because if so, can we please get to the point? I’d rather take a bullet to the fucking head than listen to this.”
“Listen to this?!” Francesca’s eyes widen, “do you even hear yourself, dad? Frank and I spent years searching for you! Thinking of you! Crying and grieving over you! We came all the way down to Venice—you think any of this was easy for us?”
Before you can say anything, Sonny speaks up again. “I know there’s nothing I can say or do that would ever change your minds—not yours, not Frank’s, not Sandra’s and not Michael’s either. Nothing! So what the hell does it look like if I just stand here and listen to all of this? What do you two want? Why did you think Victoria and I left in the first place?! To get away from all of this—”
“To get away from your own children?” Frank interrupts.
“But you aren’t children anymore, are you?” You speak up, keeping your voice calm and collected. “And you weren’t when we left. You were already both adults. Don’t make this out to be something it’s not, please.”
“Then what is it Auntie? Huh?” Francesca bursts into tears, hiccupping through her words. “You and dad ran off together…just like that… Uncle Michael grieved for you, for Niccolo and Verona!”
“You don’t think we know that?” Sonny raises a brow. “You don’t think we thought about all of this? Continued to think about it? I’m not gonna have a pity party over a decision we made fifteen years ago. I don’t know why the two of you came here. Nothing I say is gonna redeem myself anyways, is it?”
“Maybe not,” Frank’s voice begins to tighten. “But seeing is believing, isn’t it? I just had to know, dad. And it wasn’t easy. You didn’t make it easy.”
“That was the point.” Sonny’s eyes harden. “And I hate to say this to the two of you but I have to. I let my old life go a long time ago. I was done with all of that. I was sick and tired of lying and pretending to be a man I’m not—stuck in a loveless marriage with your mother.”
“You could have divorced her then!” Francesca grits her teeth, “you could have made it easier on all of us.”
“Divorce her?” Sonny scoffs, “and then do what? Ask Victoria to do the same? Then you think your Uncle Michael will let us have our happily ever after?”
“You abandoned us!” Francesca shrieks. “You left us, dad! Auntie, you did the same! Both of you were selfish! You both went as far as to fake your own deaths! Do you know what that did to us? How it broke the family?!”
“We’re not gonna tell Uncle Michael,” Frank frowns at you and Sonny. “We’re not gonna tell anybody.”
“I don’t believe you,” you admit. “I’m sorry, but I don’t.”
“You don’t seem sorry,” Francesca swallows hard. “Both of you seem so happy, living out your lives here. It’s been almost twenty years and you didn’t even think of us? You two abandoned us to live out your fantasy here?”
“What fantasy?” Sonny crosses his arms. “She’s my wife. She has been for fifteen years—”
“Mama is your wife!” Frank exclaims.
“Don’t raise your voice at me, boy,” Sonny scowls. “You’re on my property and in my world now. I don’t care what you think. What the hell is it gonna change?! What have either of you gained by doing this?”
“Uncle Michael would at least want Niccolo and Verona—”
“Oh no, I don’t think so,” you stare back. “Niccolo and Verona are both nineteen years old now. They’re adults who can think and decide for themselves. You don’t think they know the truth?”
“You…you told them?” Francesca clasps a hand over her mouth.
“Daddy? Daddy!” Isabella’s voice rings out as she rushes into the garden with a beaming smile over her face, holding her favourite doll in her arms.
“Isabella,” Sonny turns to face her as both of your expressions soften.
Feeling heartache rack over her heart, Francesca watches as a ten year old—the spitting image of you and Sonny—snuggles her father’s arm shyly.
“Who are these people, daddy?” Isabella whispers.
In Isabella, Francesca practically sees herself. She too grew up in Sonny’s arms, being spoiled with Kathryn as daddy’s little princess and now Francesca faces her half-sister who doesn’t even know of her existence.
“It’s nobody, honey,” Sonny reassures her, “just some visitors who came in out of town. They’ll be leaving soon, won’t they?” He looks back up at Francesca and Frank.
“Yeah, we will,” Frank affirms.
“You don’t even regret it, do you? You’re happy with everything you’ve done despite all the pain you’ve caused,” Francesca’s voice croaks.
“If it meant securing my own happiness, I would do just about anything. I’m in love with her, Francesca. Can’t you see that?” Sonny gestures to you, holding your hand tightly.
“Uncle Michael’s in love with Auntie, he still is,” Frank points out.
“But I never was,” you confess, “my family made me marry Michael. It was a loveless marriage from the start and yet you all came to ignore it. I wasn’t happy. I was forced.”
“It’s best if you still pretend like…” Sonny pauses for a moment, peeking down at Isabella hugging him before continuing to speak. “Like we aren’t around anymore. There’s nothing we can say or do for you two.”
“Yeah… I know,” Francesca’s breath hitches as she forces herself to turn away—her back facing the both of you with Frank. “You’re not my father anymore. You haven’t been for a long time.”
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detectivejrdude583 · 1 year
Self defense
a rollisi family one shot
summery: Olivia, Sonny, and Amanda were not planning to spend their afternoon picking up their children from a holding cell- and yet, that's what they were doing.
words: 3735 rating: T
for the purpose of this chapter Noah and Jesse are the same age: 17, Billie is 14, and Rollisi baby-no-name is 9, but they don't appear in this chapter.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of non-consensual inappropriate touching, bullying, bruises, being arrested, asshole cops.
As soon as the phone started ringing Olivia knew who it was and what they wanted, she didn’t even check the caller ID before answering. “I’m going to assume you just got the same phone call as me”
“That I did” Amanda’s frustrated voice came from the other side of the line, along with the noise of her rustling around. “I’m heading over there now, bringing Sonny with me, but hopefully they don’t need a lawyer”
“They probably won’t, it sounded more like they were holding them to scare them” Olivia said standing in her office and gathering her things, it wasn’t how she planned to spend her afternoon, but the squad would survive without her for a little while.
“Look knowing our kids Jesse probably dragged him into something” Amanda said apologetically. Jesse was a good kid, but she was just like her mother- confrontational to say the least.
“Let’s wait and see what the officers have to say, and then we can figure out which of our children need to be killed”
“We’re going to die, this is the end, on my gravestone just put ‘death by mother’” Jesse stared at the wall in front of her shaking her head, accepting her fate.
“We’re not going to die we’re going to hope our parents give us enough time to explain before they ground us for life and leave us in a room with no a mattress and a bucket to pee in”
Noah was trying to keep his cool, he was rarely-if ever- at the receiving end of his mother’s wrath, but he had witnessed it more than once, and he did not want to know how his mother would react to this.
“I'm going to vouch for the both of you, hopefully save both of you from eternal punishment” Billie spun in the chair she had been placed in, she had insisted on coming along with her sister and Noah- her mother didn’t know that though, maybe the black eye would be a nice distraction.
“Thank you, Billie, but I don’t think you can save me from mom” Jesse said “I think I’ll take my chances with prison”
“First of all, you're not going to prison, that’s now how it works” Billie rolled her eyes at her sister’s dramatics “Second of all, you act like both of our parents are these terrifying beings”
“Well dad isn’t, but momma can be scary” Jesse said, much like Noah she had witnessed her mother’s anger, but it wasn’t directed towards her, she almost never got in trouble, and even when she did her mother managed to stay mostly calm and collected.
“It’s my mother we need to worry about,” Noah muttered, starting to realize the severity of the situation “Maybe we can talk them into letting us go and then our parents just won’t know”
“Noah, there is no world where that would work, first of all we’re minors so they can’t question us without a guardian present, and also they’ve already called them, my mom’s probably marching through the house like a mad woman” Jesse said picturing her mother trying to make arrangements for someone to pick up their little sister from school.
“You think they’ll give me as aspirin, my head hurts” Noah groaned, just wanted for this all to be over so he could go to sleep.
“Aren’t they supposed to provide medical care if we need it, pretend to pass out and we can sue them” Jesse figured that would get them out of the situation real’ quick.
“Stop conspiring against the cops” Billie said, despite being the youngest in the group she was currently the one holding it together.
Olivia, Amanda, and Sonny all arrived at the same time despite coming from different places, they really did not want to be picking their kids up from the police station in the middle of the day, but it was starting to look like that was how the afternoon was going to be going.
“Amanda, ya’ good?” Olivia said ducking her head to get a look at Amanda’s face.
“There’s a reasonable explanation for this right? My child didn’t just get herself arrested” Amanda said not even blinking.
“Well, she did get arrested, but there also might be a reasonable explanation. We both know our kids aren’t liars, so were going to talk to the arresting officers, and then we’re going to talk to our children, and we’ll go from there” truth be told Olivia wasn’t feeling much better than Amanda was.
Sonny was remaining mostly silent, he had very little idea what the situation really was- no one had much of an idea anyway.
Together they all made their way inside, they weren’t used to being on the parent side of the conversation, they were used to panicked and angry parents marching in and demanding to see their children, not being those parents.
Billie heard her parents before she saw them, and she saw Noah and Jesse visibly tense at their voices, but they seemed to be walking through a nearby hallway and not actually coming to where they were. “Y’all want me to get to the parents before they get to you?” Billie asked.
Noah and Jesse were in a holding cell, they weren’t going anywhere, but Billie was free to wander as she saw fit since someone had just dumped her in a chair with an ice pack and left her alone.
“If you can get to them, do it” Jesse said, maybe if her sister- who was probably the best person to explain what happened- was able to get the real story in her parents’ heads before the cops got in their version maybe things would go better for the rest of them.
“On it” Billie pushed herself up from the chair, a little dizzy since she hadn’t stop spinning since she sat down. she walked in the direction she heard her parents’ voices from, just hoping that she would be able to figure out where they actually were.
She found herself in a hallway with several interview rooms attached to it, and she just had to listen through each door until she found the one where she could hear the voice, she immediately knew was Olivia’s. She all but threw open the door, catching the attention of all the people in the room.
“Billie why are you- what happened to your face?” Amanda stood up from her chair, rushing over to Billie to get a good look at the bruise under her eye. “Who did this, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at school”
“Um Mrs. Rollins if you could sit back down, I will explain” one of the officers said “And miss Rollins, if you can stay if it’s alright with your parents” the officer indicated Billie who did not wait for her parents’ permission before plopping herself down in her mother’s lap.
Amanda would tell her 14-year-old child to get out of her lap since she wasn’t a toddler, but the black eye was almost startling, and clearly fresh, so she didn’t bother just put her arms around her daughter’s waist.
“Right, back to what happened” the officer did not like that he was interrupted. “By the time we arrived it was 2 one 2, and from what we heard Jesse Rollins was the instigator, and Mr. Noah had come in later in the fight”
“Right, we get all that, but what was the fight actually about?” Olivia had asked that twice already, but it had yet to be answered.
“Now like I said previously, that is not important, what is important is that your children instigated a fight that caused 4- well 5- minors to be injured” The officer said avoiding the question.
“I can tell you what the fight was about” Billie said without hesitation, there was no reason her sister and Noah needed to be arrested and she was going to make that clear “They were defending me”
There was a silence for a couple of moments “Defending you against what?” Sonny finally asked, concern evident in his voice.
Billie sighed and felt her mother’s arms tighten around her “One of the senior boys was getting a little too grabby, Jesse told him if he touched me again, she’d break his nose”
“And he touched you again” Olivia finished for her, the anger on her face almost made Billie a little nervous, but it obviously wasn’t directed towards her.
“He did, and was apparently very protective of his nose” Billie explained “It got worse from there, at first it was just Jesse and the senior, but then one of his friends got involved and Jesse can take one, but taking two is a lot harder, but Noah ran over, and he is deceivingly strong”
All the adults’ eyes were now on the officer.
“That sounds like self-defense to me, if Billie would have a right to use physical force against the boy, then Jesse did as she was defending her” Sonny could go into the legal logistics of it if he needed to.
The officer looked almost like he had been caught “From the statements we took at the scene that is not what happened, you're really going to believe your teenager over an officer” that was the wrong thing to say.
“If you're implying that my child is a liar you may want to rethink your choices” Amanda’s voice dropped and Billie held back a smirk.
“I have it on video, my friend sent it to me” Billie pulled her phone out of her pocket, pulling up the video and playing it for everyone to see. It showed everything from Jesse threatening the boy to when the cops pulled out cuffs.
The officer paused, hesitating “And why does that not line up with the statements taken, how do I know that’s not staged”
Billie stared at him blankly for a few moments “Were you dropping on your head as a baby, your head is kinda lopsided”
“Billie” Sonny said with only the slightest bit of warning in his voice “And whose statements exactly were taken”
“Well Mr. Carisi, was it? what you have to understand is that we get called to fights between teenagers all the time, we can’t exactly talk to everyone there. We spoke to everyone directly involved in the fight who we thought would have information on who instigated”
“So, you spoke to the two boys Noah and Jesse were fighting” Olivia knew if she said it out load the officer would realize he had been caught.
“Well, I suppose. However, I used my judgement, the two boys looked rather puny to me, Mr. Porter Benson and Miss Rollins could easily overpower them”
They had all seen the video; the boys were not puny in the slightest.
“I'm going to assume our children will be released and no charges filed” Olivia said, she could not use her rank to get her child out of trouble, but she would use her rank to get a douche-bag cop to act right. “And I'm going to need the name of your captain”
“Well, we can’t just release your children like that” The officer started getting a little nervous.
“You can as you have clear evidence of it being in defense of themselves or someone else” Sonny said.
“Why didn’t someone come forward with the video before” the officer tried to get ahead of them.
“A minimum of 4 people tried to show it to you before you left, you refused to look at it, I actually have a video of that as well if you want to see it” Billie said with a smile, beginning to scroll on her phone.
“No, no, that’s alright” The officer rushed out “I will go see about getting your children released” he was clearly very eager to get out of the room as he all but ran.
The adults- and Billie were now alone in the interview room, sitting in silence, processing everything that went down.
“Is Jesse in trouble?’ Billie finally asked, tilting her head back till it was rested on her mother shoulder.
Sonny and Amanda looked at each other in silent agreement before Amanda answered, hooking her chin over Billie’s shoulder. “No, she’s not in trouble. We obviously don’t like that she was fighting, but I feel like it may be a touch hypocritical for us to punish her considering what me and dad used to both do for a living”
“Noah isn’t in trouble either, is it bad I'm a little proud of him” Olivia also wasn’t very happy that her child had gotten himself arrested, but the story made sense.
“I wasn’t going to say it out loud” Sonny said with the slightest hint of a smile on his face, he couldn’t help the little bit of pride that came along with Jesse protecting her little sister.
“Alright Billie up you go, we need to go get your sister and cousin out of jail” Amanda said tapping her hip for her to get out of her lap.
Jesse and Noah froze when they saw their parents approaching, along with one of the officers that had arrested them.
“Alright, you two are free to go” the officer said opening up the cell, Jesse and Noah looking at each other in surprise, they were not expecting to be released so soon- and Jesse had fully convinced herself she was going to be spending time in jail.
“Come on” Olivia hurried them out, they didn’t want to spend anymore time in the station.
They rushed out of the cell, behind handed back the things they had taken away from them. Neither of them wanted to speak, they would rather just wait to see what their parents had to say.
There were a few papers to sign, but after that they were on their way, with promises to expunge the arrests from both Jesse and Noah’s records, the two teens still staying silent.
Once they were outside, they paused by the cars, Noah and Jesse expecting the worst. Billie though was not finding it amusing- like the adults were see the terror on their child’s faces- “Can we go get lunch, I'm hungry and I left before lunch”
Once the silence was broken it would not be back for a while. Noah starting speaking rapidly trying to tell his mother what had happened, and Jesse, well Jesse promptly burst into tears, startling everyone.
“I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to get arrested” she cried leaning against her mother “I'm a horrible person”
Amanda figured she should have expected that, this wasn’t unusual with Jesse, so she wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, you're not in trouble honey, Billie explained what happened, and showed us the video”
“Billie!” It was like Jesse had suddenly remembered she had a sister and she let go of her mother to pull her sister into a hug.
“You're getting snot on my shirt” Billie grimaced but allowed her sister to hug her- Jesse tended to get emotional after big things.
“Are we really not in trouble?” Noah asked his mom.
“No, Jesse was defending Billie and you were defending Jesse” Olivia said looking at the scene of Jesse holding her sister quite fondly.
Once Jesse had calmed down, they all went out to lunch, everyone a little frazzled by the day’s events, the teens had gotten a short speech about using physical force as a last resort, and to please not land themselves in jail, but that’s as far as the consequences went.
Now everyone was at their home, both the girls in their rooms working on homework that they had been sent since both of them missed a big chunk of the school day.
Amanda and Sonny were planning- along with Olivia- to go up to the school to take care of the suspension Noah and Jesse were both facing, along with making sure there were consequences for the boy who had touched Billie. As they were discussing it, Amanda realized something, but rewatched the video- which she had Billie send her- and after watching it through sped up several times Amanda drew an unfortunate conclusion. “Sonny”
“Billie isn’t in the fight, she’s not even the video after Jesse shoves her out of the way” Amanda furrowed her brow scrolling through the video for a third time to make sure she was right.
“Isn’t that a good thing” Sonny as confused as to why Amanda sounded so worried about it “You can hear her offscreen”
“I mean in theory it’s good, but you saw her eye, she didn’t have it this morning, and doesn’t have it at the start of this video, and there’s no footage of her getting hit”
Sonny waited a few moments before responding “So at some point between the fight starting and going to the station she got hit, but not in the fight”
“Billie! Get in here!” Amanda yelled knowing that as long as she didn’t have headphones in Billie would be able to hear her.
Only a few moments later Billie appeared in the doorway “Yes?”
“Come in and shut the door” Sonny instructed.
Billie knew that meant she was either in trouble or her parents wanted to have a serious discussion, and she couldn’t think of anything she had done wrong as of late- unless her parents found out she baked a cake in the middle of the night and currently had a cake container under her bed to eat on her own- but that wouldn’t warrant a door closed conversation. “Did I do something?”
“No, you did do anything” Amanda said indicating the couch that sat in their bedroom for Billie to sit, Sonny and Amanda moving to sit on the side of their bed so they were facing her. “We want to talk to you about the bruise on your face”
Billie’s eyes widened slightly, but she recovered quickly. “What about it, I don’t feel like this is the most shocking thing that’s happened today”
“Well, we’ve watched the video several times now, and there is no footage of you getting hit, you're not even in the fight” Amanda said.
“We just want to know what happened, we won’t be mad” Sonny assured her, he needed to know she was safe at school.
“It was- after the fight” Billie said hesitantly. “While Noah and Jesse were in the office”
“Okay, but what happened Billie, because that’s a pretty nasty bruise” Sonny said leaning forward a bit to get a better look.
“I was waiting outside the school, I know I should have gone back to class, but I knew of Jesse and Noah were going to have to go to the station then I was going to go with him. Someone was upset with me for being the cause of the whole fight, and they hit me, I'm fine though, they got one hit in and left me alone”
Amanda let out an intense sigh, this problem seemed to be a lot bigger than they thought “How long have you been having issues at school?”
“I mean, since the beginning of the year, it’s my first year of high school, I figured it would get better if I didn’t react, it’s not normally physical” Billie explained.
“Billie why didn’t you tell us, why didn’t you tell your teachers? We could have done something sooner” Sonny said.
“Well like I said I thought it would get better, it really isn’t that bad, things were just worse than normal today, the leader of the group was mad he got beat up by a girl”
“And that’s the boy who was touching you?” Amanda was angry, but was careful not to show it too much “Billie you know why can press charges, we him touching you on camera, I can make uncle Fin go and get him right now”
“No, I don’t want to press charges, it was nothing more than a few touches here and there, if it got any worse, I would tell you, I always push him away, and I kicked him in the balls once” Billie explained, she hated the look on her parents’ faces, it was an odd mix between anger and sympathy.
“You should have told us now Billie, not waited for things to get worse” Amanda said gently and scooted on the bed patting the spot between her and Sonny for Billie to sit. “Come here”
Billie sat in between her parents, resting her head on her mom’s shoulder, grabbing her dad’s arm, and pulling him into her side, feeling both her parents’ arms wrap around her. “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you”
“Oh, we’re not mad, we just want to make sure that you are and feel safe at school” Sonny whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Billie’s head feeling her burrow further into their hold.
“We’re going to talk to the school, and we’re going to get this taken care of, your aunt Liv can be very intimidating” Amanda said and ducked her head to see Billie’s, her words having generated a small smile on the young teens face.
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deuterosapiens · 1 year
So, finished Book V of The Godfather. Over the course of this, we've had the Don recover from his near fatal shooting, the Don attempt to establish peace with the other Families, the death of Sonny Corleone (complete with a line I was not exactly aware came from The Godfather "Look how they massacred my boy"), and other stuff.
It's actually this other stuff that prompted me to continue my write-up (I'll acknowledge that my original form of posting observations simultaneous to my reading has been a bit neglectful and really, it's not a particularly helpful way of looking at this book anyway).
For context however, I'll accept that the book was published in 1969, and it's main action is set between 1945 and '49, so far. Therefore it would be disingenuous to apply modern societal standards to a work such as this. I'll not claim however that there can be no academic value to viewing a book from the lens of a society that it was not intended to reflect.
So, to get it out there. These women, with very little exception, are more or less written for no reason other than to fawn over or be abused by its male characters. Kay Adams has a little personality going for her, and she has a bit of agency in this world, but all of that is in direct pursuit of Michael Corleone.
Connie, the Don's youngest child, marries the abusive Carlo and, while her frequent abuse is the crux that leads to Sonny's death, the Don basically excuses her treatment because of his belief that a wife's duty is exclusively to the fulfillment of her husband's wishes.
Violence in this book is prevalent. Male on male violence, male on female, and one instance of female on male comes to mind (the man in question is treated basically as a joke in this one, like allowing himself to be the victim of female abuse is a shortcoming og his that forms the basis of his character arc). That's sort of a thing to be expected. But it kind of reads like these men are actively benefiting from their poor treatment of women, and those who try to do something about kind of end up screwed. Dead, really.
Can we also talk about how we have a character whose whole arc so far is: her vagina is too big to satisfy the average man, so she starts an affair with the incredibly well-endowed Sonny Corleone, whose death causes her to shut off from love, attempt suicide. She meets a doctor whom she starts to fall in love with, but upon having sex, he realizes "oh, her vagina is too big!" He convices her to have it surgically corrected, they have sex, and basically the entire issue with Sonny is forgotten. This was just such a weird thing to drag the action to a stop for. I cannot imagine this being important later.
Then again, this book comes off as very episodic, so I cannot physically predict what may or may not be important, as every main story arc seems to be resolved almost immediately after it's set up, so who knows?
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Here’s my answers:
•First Impression:
•I felt really bad for him during his fight :( he was just an average guy who got dragged into Pucci’s conflict without his consent. I was just really glad Araki never outright confirmed his death (even if his body did mysteriously disappear from the stairs during the Dragon's Dream fight).
•Impression Now:
• Baby boy. Baby. I love him so much. I love how weird and extreme all the other Stone Ocean characters are, and then Viv is just. aggressively plain-looking. He’s still super duper duper hot tho, like holy shit, but just LOOK AT THIS FUCKING LINEUP
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POV you asked your straight brother to pick you up at the gay bar
Araki doesn't always make good writing choices, but having one of his villains just be Some Guy who has a regular 9-5 job and isn't a part of this conflict at all was great. Sad for Viviano that he got dragged into all this, but conceptually a very fun arc.
•Favourite Moment:
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•I just find it so funny that one of the ONLY things we know about Viv is that he's into some degree of CBT. I love the vague implications of this, like what other situation Mr. Westwood? Is he referring to a normal, out-of-work CBT session....or does he just legit get off to prisoners attempting to crush his genitals to escape being detained??
•Idea for a Story:
•Post-Survivor, "holy shit I have a magical ghost now and other people do as well". Not only is he recovering from being supernaturally forced to kill his coworker and friend :( he also has to deal with now having a stand, which must be absolutely terrifying for any adult who's gone their whole life without knowledge of this phenomenon. Especially considering his first experience with other stand users was so awful. Like, once he realizes he wasn't just hallucinating the whole thing, where do you start? He doesn't even know they're called "stands", how do you find information on them? IDK maybe I just like the worldbuilding aspect of this, but I wanna see stand user culture, how do new adult stand users (which aren't unheard of, like Tonio and Aya) find out about how stand stuff works?
• Unpopular Opinion:
•Favourite Relationship:
•The brief period where he was just hanging out with Sonny Likir was nice. I wish Stone Ocean showed us more antagonists interacting! That’s like, one of the best parts of jojo, when you have a villain duo or squad like Cioccolatta and Secco, La Squadra, Oingo and Boingo, or Sale and Zucchero, seeing how these characters act with the people they love/respect/tolerate before we see them trying to kill the protagonists adds so much depth and sympathy and investment. Seeing Sonny and Viviano just have some regular coworker banter before the fight was really fun and makes me wish we could see more of that in Stone Ocean.
•Favourite Headcanon:
•He's bisexual and literally the most closeted man to ever exist. He's the type to laugh at the homophobic comments his friends and coworkers make, and even make some of those comments himself, it's a learned defensive habit. I'm not trying to make him super angsty or anything, he just gives me mega bi energy. I don’t think he grew up in a particularly abusive or neglectful household, just the kind of environment where people in his family/community would make gay jokes because they honestly didn’t think anyone around them was gay. And I can’t see a prison in the early 2010’s as being the most accepting place either, so he’s just learned to keep certain things to himself, and hope those feelings he has about men sometimes just go away on their own.
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burned-lariat · 2 years
Sure, I would like to know the reasons why regarding jex
Putting aside the more "nitpicky" details of why I dislike them (age gap, lack of chem, etc), I can sum it up in three big reasons: their dynamic, their "big" moments, and their personalities.
I have never been a fan of good girl/bad boy pairs because, more often than not, the bad boy is an abusive tool dressed up as romantic and soulful. Now, while that is the trope at play here, Dex is not even close to being that kind of bad boy (I'd argue that, with his current writing, he isn't a "bad boy" at all). So trope-wise, not really a fan.
But when I say dynamic, I mean the "conflict." It's forced. Joss hates Sonny, and she hates the mob as an extension, while Dex works for Sonny. On its face, that can work. But we know Dex is a plant for Michael and also hates Sonny, so instead, the conflict is now Dex lying to Joss about who he actually works for while everyone tells him to stay away from her because reasons. What kind of conflict is that? He has to lie about something she likely would approve of anyway? He needs to stay away to protect Michael's ego? Where's the drama in that?
"Big" Moments
Let's be honest here - Joss likes Dex because he's hot. Their first two interactions showed her being genuinely against his behavior, what with beating Felty and threatening the foreman. But the second Joss saw him shirtless at the pool? Her mind changed real fast. And everything progressed from there. It’s been made nakedly obvious she’s physically attracted to him, and the show is trying to blow that up to be deeper than what it is. Then you have the dumpster diving scene. It’s been thoroughly dragged by the fandom, so not much else to say about it. Contrived as all get-out...much like a lot of their moments.
Then we come to a big crux of the problem: the Dex “trauma porn.” We watched him get kidnapped, hung on a hook in the Pozzulo’s freezer a la AJ Quartermaine, beaten and soaked with water (which can cause hypothermia). Joss and Michael came to save him, which was fine, but what wasn’t fine was her yelling at Dex because, he as the victim, didn’t want the PCPD involved. Then you have Dex getting shot helping Anna escape, and he stumbles onto the Quartermaine property, where Joss happens to be. 
She poorly stitches his wound, then takes him to her dorm when they pop. He develops a fever and infection, and she adamantly refuses to let him call Sonny on his phone when Sonny is the one person who could get him genuine help. Eventually, Carly gets involved and gives him antibiotics to break his 104-degree fever, and Dex manages to escape death. I’m being succinct with the whole gunshot fiasco, because in reality, it’s much worse than what I’m letting on. He gives this whole spiel about her being a warrior angel while delirious and dying from an infection she technically caused, and once he’s better, he kisses her. If that doesn’t spell “bad,” Idk what will. 
And then they kiss again. He initiates it, she kisses back, and then we get smacked with flashbacks of it. And that’s where we are now. Overall, their moments are either contrived, hinged on trauma porn, or both. It’s not organic and the fact that Dex has to constantly be subjected to something spells a major problem. 
Idk about you, but I would not find a couple whose communication is one negging the other “cute.” It’s not banter. I get Joss is opinionated and not afraid to express herself, but the language she uses and the tone she puts on screams more condescending than earnest. Once again, I don’t count her confronting Dex over Felty or the foreman because that doesn’t add to the romance.
A lot of her negging is based in her hate of Sonny. She constantly vocalizes her dislike of him to Dex, and then negs Dex for working for him. Idk what it is, but Joss’s first move is to hurt the person she feels inconvenienced by. When Dex didn’t want the cops involved after the torture, Joss belittles him. She somehow finds his apartment (which is why some of us have called her behavior “stalking”) and continues to belittle him over it, and tries to guilt-trip him with how she went out of her way to save him and to think of the “unlucky” guys that worked for Sonny. He doesn’t bite and she figuratively spits at him.
Next is the gunshot wound. He tells her to leave so he can stitch himself up, which he can probably do, but she insists that she does it for some reason. Then once he’s in her dorm room, her control issues jump out. When he loses his phone, he asks to use her so he can call Sonny. She adamantly refuses but grants him an email from her laptop, where there is a chance Sonny won’t see it. She puts the onus on herself to “take care” of Dex, but he literally almost dies under her care. She was too proud to let him call Sonny and get real help, and it’s only thanks to Carly that he pulled through. That is disturbing behavior from such a young girl.
She belittles Dex for his personal choices, stalked him, and played God with his life. And this show has been doing so much to make them a “supercouple” (what with the actors/staff working overtime to promote them) when they have barely bonded genuinely, Joss admitted to disliking a lot about him anyway, and Dex suffering a lot as a result. 
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Let’s Get Out Of Here (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
Warnings: I think it’s just unprotected sex
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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He knew what he was doing when he came strolling into the pub, straight from hitting the gym, wearing that tight shirt. He was playing a game and you were falling for it. Just like you did every single time but things never happened because one or both of you got far too drunk and ended up staggering back home. But not tonight, you were determined to get the taste of the golden boy.
So here you were leaning against the bar chatting to Jase, but got completely distracted as Clay walked in, with that god damn smirk on his face that always made you weak at the knees. And the bastard had the audacity to wink at you, sending your brain into a frenzy.
“Earth to Y/N” Jason laughed waving his hand in front of your face bringing you back to reality. “You back with us, we lost you there for a moment kiddo”
“Yeah, yeah I’m back” you nodded as you looked away from Clay and back to Jase.
That was another reason nothing had happened between you and Clay, you were deemed off limits. The first day you hung around with the guys he made it very clear you were off limits. Which sucked but you knew he was just following your dads wishes and protecting you, but it was a bit of a buzzkill with someone who you saw as an Uncle basically cock blocked you from the start.
“What were you staring at anyway?” He asked standing next to you following your gaze to a certain blonde. “Oh should have known, anything I should be worried about?”
“Nah” you laughed knocking the shot back “Well not yet anyway, just close your eyes, don’t watch me tonight or something. I’m done playing games.
“Wondered when you’d grow some balls kiddo” Jase laughed as he kissed the top of your head “Knew something would happen between you two, I’ve seen it bubbling away for the last few months now”
“So you aren’t gonna go into protective dad mode?” You asked, raising your brow at him.
“Like you said, I just won’t look, can’t do anything if I can’t see” he laughed “Go get him tiger”
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself as you grabbed the tray of shots and your beer before heading over to the pool table where the rest of the guys were.
“Fear not the life of the party has landed” you grinned, placing the shots down on the pool table.
“But I’m already here Princess” Clay smirked, winking at you again as he reached for his shot.
“Fuck you Blondie” you grinned, knocking the shot back.
“I mean you could but I don’t think you could handle me” he laughed making you roll your eyes.
“More like you couldn’t handle me pretty boy” you winked, slapping his chest before wandering over to Sonny.
You had a plan and it was going to work this time, you were going to tease the fuck out of him until he caved. So you purposely position yourself on the pool table as you racked the balls up, your ass in his eyeline. A small smirk appeared on your face as you heard Brock say something about him staring and having a death wish.
Looking up Sonny shook his head at you laughing. He knew what you were doing, he always knew and loved watching things play out as it meant he had more ammo to throw at Clay.
As the night went on, Clay didn’t take the bait anymore and it was starting to annoy you now so you upped your game as you learn forward to take your shot, looking up from the pool cue, you locked eyes with him, slowly running your tongue over your bottoms lip before pulling it between your teeth. You didn’t know if your eyes were playing tricks on you but you swore his eyes darkened with lust and he gulped but you couldn’t say for sure.
But you weren't giving up, all you had to do was keep giving him the look whilst biting your lip and he would be putty in your hands. It also helped the dirty thoughts you were thinking as you ran your eyes over his body.
Just like you thought, it didn’t take long for him to cave as the moment you had finished the game of pool, he grabbed your wrist pulling you into his body, backing you into the wall behind you. The moment your back hit the wall you heard Sonny wolf whistle but you blocked him out only focusing on the feeling of Clay’s body pressed against you making you bite your lip again.
Your whole body was tingling and felt like it was on fire as he pinned your arms above your head, dropping his face so his lips were only inches away from yours, he was so close you could smell the beer on his breath.
“You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour, time to tell me what exactly, was on your mind.” He said slowly whilst maintaining eye contact.
“Maybe you will never find out” you giggled.
“You and I both know that I will find out” he hummed as he moved his hips, slowly grinding against you, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, making him smirk.
Everything happened so fast, his hands moved from your wrists, running down your body until he was cupping your ass, you got the message loud and clear as you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, allowing him to get closer to you, his lips connected with yours as he pressed you against the wall.
The kiss was hot, heavy and full of lust. You know you were screwed as just one kiss left you feeling like you were floating so you had a feeling anything more would kill you off but it was a price you were willing to play, especially when he depended the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you said the unspoken words you both had, right there in the pub pinned against the wall.
If you could you would have ripped his clothes off him right then and there but unfortunately that wasn’t an option and neither was taking this any further, especially with Sonny around.
“Oooooh shit” he shouted slamming his hands on the pool table making you and Clay pull away from each other, but maintaining eye contact. “Some babies are being made tonight ladies and gentlemen”
Resting your forehead against Clay’s you let out a breathless laugh. You couldn’t help yourself as you got lost in his eyes. There was no going back now, the line had been crossed.
“Let’s get out of here” he whispered against your lips before stealing another kiss. “Before either of us get to drunk to carry this on”
“Your place is closer” you giggled as he gently set you down on the ground, the moment your feet touched the ground you stole his cap, it just had to be done, something you always did, placing the cap backwards on your head you ran your hand down his chest, linking your fingers with his, guiding him through the crowd with everyone whistling behind you.
The walk to his place didn’t take long but the air around you was different, the banter had turned a lot more flirty and you were both itching to get behind closed doors to finish what you had started.
The moment you walked into his apartment and the door was locked you were dragged to the bedroom, and pushed down onto the bed, and a topless Clay pinned you down with his body, you felt so happy to finally be able to roam his sculpted body with yours hands.
No words were spoken as Clay dipped his head down, brushing your hair off your shoulder, placing hot kisses down your neck, instantly making you feel weak especially when he nipped at your skin. You were under his spell and was loving it, soft moans left your lips as you bucked your hips up against him trying to get some friction.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of this moment” you breathed as he repositioned so he could get your shirt off.
“I think I can guess” he hummed as his eyes ran down your body. “Tell me something Y/N did you ever think of me whilst you got yourself off”
“All the damn time” you whispered as you fumbled with the button of his jeans. “I just hope you live up to dream Clay”
“Oh baby it’s gonna be so much better” he smirked as he unfastened your bra, throwing it across the room, taking one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue moving slowly making you moan.
“Please no more teasing Clay” you moaned “I need you, I need to feel you”
“Mmm now that I can do” he hummed against your skin before gently biting your nipple sending shockwaves through your body. “God you know how to drive me insane” he smirked as he undid your jeans, pulling them down your body before doing the same with your thong.
“Fuck why haven’t we done this sooner” he whispered against your skin, placing soft kisses over your body. “You know this won’t just be a one night thing, I know I’m going to get addicted to feeling you around my cock, hearing you moan my name”
“Oh god Clay please” you whimpered as he ran his finger over your core.
Within seconds he was now naked, and hovering over you, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clit making you dig your nails into his shoulders.
“Tell me if I’m too rough okay” he whispered against your lips before softly kissing you as he pushed himself inside.
A gasp left your lips as the feeling of his stretching you out, you knew he was packing but didn’t know it would feel this good, he started off slow letting you get used to him but soon got the hint by your moans and started to move his hips.
“Fuck Princess” he grunted in your ear “so fucking tight”
You knew you weren't going to last long, as your moans got louder with every thrust, every move sent shockwaves through your body making you claw at Clay’s back, no doubt leaving marks but in the heat of the moment neither of you cared.
“Clay fuck” you moaned burying your face in the crook of his neck as his thumb found your clit, finding the same pace as his hips and that familiar feeling was getting stronger in the pit of your stomach, you were close and knew he knew as he thrusted harder making you bite into his shoulder from the pleasure. “Shit, shit, shit” you panted as he pushed you over the edge of climax.
But he didn’t let off, he was chasing his own high, but he was close as his thrusts were getting slower and he pulled you as close to him as physically possible, you had no time to come down from your first high as another was building, his lips connected with yours as he pushed you down into the bed, both moaning into the kiss as you fell over the edge of ecstasy.
The feeling of him laying on top of you whilst you both came down from your high was one of the best feelings in the world.
“I normally last longer than that” he laughed, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
“I have no doubt in that” you giggled as you stared at the ceiling, “I mean if that was just a quickie then you are gonna put me in an early grave”
“Is that right?” He laughed, propping himself up on his elbow “wanna see how many more rounds we can go?”
“Is that a bet Clay Spenser?” You smirked wrapping yours around around his neck “because if so game on baby”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi
@everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713
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the-hopeless-haze · 4 years
I hope he’ll be a beautiful fool that takes my spot next to you
Pairing: Sonny Carisi/reader, past!Rafael Barba/reader
Warnings: lots of angst (I bring up Undiscovered Country.... soooo...) smut (it’s NSFW people lol)
Word Count: like 5k words? Idk it’s a long one folks but I deliver
Summary: Based on “exile” by Taylor Swift for @thatesqcrush​ ‘s Valentine’s Day Bingo! Basically the reader used to date Barba until she didn’t and ended up with Sonny. Rafael is less than pleased. This is a cliche pairing (for good reason! It’s so fun to write!) but I like to think I added a fun twist... Sonny is an absolute mess, Rafael is very jealous, reader is a tad bit vindictive. This can be read in conjunction with “Being Alive” but it’s really a detour and a very loose association... there are just references because it’s so hard for me to write for these characters outside of that lens since I’ve been writing it for so long. That being said this can absolutely be read by itself and this only works if Rafael and the reader didn’t progress as characters in BA anyway lol
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Murderous rage doesn’t even begin to describe what Rafael feels right now.
Behind the anger, there’s a sadness, cold and hard as stone, but he won’t touch that. It’s so much easier to be angry at Sonny than deal with anything that has to do with you. And that’s fair, isn’t it, anyway? Sonny swooped in the second things turned sour between you and Rafael and didn’t even give the two of you a chance to patch things up.
Or you went to Sonny of your own accord.
Maybe that’s more likely, but that hovers too close to the ache in his chest and he doesn’t allow himself to dwell there. Instead, he lets his ire build up until it consumes him, shooting daggers at the two of you across the bullpen office.
The two of you had always been touchy-feely - you were partners after all, very close, but you’d trained Rafael to swallow his jealousy. Told him you didn’t see Sonny like that. And for the most part, he learned to believe you. So now, he has to wonder how much of that was a lie, how much he didn’t see between the two of you, because there’s no way in hell you’d allow Sonny to touch you like this if it weren’t precedented.
Yes, at work, no less, you and Sonny are sitting at your adjoined desks, but you moved your chair to squeeze as close to him as possible. His arm is slung across your shoulder, a relaxed grip, because he knows there’s nothing Rafael can say or do that would make you leave him. Your head is resting on Sonny’s vested shoulder, and you’re laughing at something he said, no doubt a stupid joke that only you would find the humor in.
Death would be more welcome, Rafael thinks, then curses himself for being overdramatic. Still, when was the last time Rafael had been able to make you laugh?
Olivia had warned him of this new arrangement, but nothing could prepare him for this. Didn’t Rafael matter at all to you?
You lean up to kiss Sonny and Rafael thinks he might puke. —- Maybe Sonny should feel more guilty for kissing your mouth like you’ve been his this whole time, but he doesn’t. Because now he knows without a doubt in his mind this is where you belonged. He can feel the weight of Rafael’s gaze across the room, but he doesn’t mind carrying it, shielding you from it.
He did feel awful the day you came to him, your touch freezing and clammy from the inclement weather that you traveled through to get to his apartment, and then you practically pounced on him, told him you wanted him - and what was Sonny to do? Say no? No, after asking you a million times if you were sure, he gave into a temptation he’d be lying if he said he never thought about before. Of course, Sonny always imagined being between you and Rafael - he loved both of you in different ways, and the two of you seemed like a package deal at the time his original fantasies started to occur - but if you alone were going to come onto him, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to oblige.
Don’t sleep with your partner was probably the first unwritten rule in becoming a detective, but it’s not like Sonny was going to stay at the precinct, anyway. He’d take Rafael’s place in the courtroom, too.
Still, when you first came onto him, he did feel a twinge of guilt, like he was hurting Rafael and you at the same time, in different ways, but then you explained it all to Sonny. How you always felt insecure around Rafael, that you weren’t sure if he really loved you, that you weren’t sure if you really loved him, that both of you had so much pressure to make this work that it started to fall apart under the weight of all your expectations.
You didn’t have to wait for Sonny to say he loved you, and you didn’t have to doubt it, either. He said it for the first time that same night, and he said it so fervently that you pulled his body back into yours, moaning your own declaration of love back to him. Maybe it was too soon, but he’d spent over a year pining for you (and Barba) in secret, and... well... he wasn’t going to waste what would be his only shot with one of you. He wanted you to know you would be well-cared for in his arms.
If looks could kill, Sonny would be dead on the spot and he knows this. But he also knows that jealousy is a cross Rafael has no right to bear. He had his shot, and he blew it. He should’ve let you know what you meant to him instead of clouding everything in his anxieties, his anger, his burdens from his past he never could let go of. Whatever he did now was too little too late, and even if Sonny had feelings for the lawyer, you always came first, and those said feelings would now never be stated out loud unless he got enough liquor in him and he was feeling sentimental that day.
Sonny used to root for you and Rafael, but he was always an embittered cheerleader, standing on the sidelines wishing someone could love him the way he thought you two loved each other. Appearances meant nothing, though. Now that you’ve let him in, he knows what you had with Rafael was far from the heaven you deserved.
And Sonny is all too keen to give you what you deserved.
As you lean up to kiss him again, he stops you for a moment, smiles down at you in adoration, and you giggle, “What?”
“Nothing,” he grins. “You’re just so beautiful, doll. I love you.”
Rafael’s gaze strengthens in intensity, and you almost turn to look in his direction before Sonny kisses you firmly, a smirk playing against your lips. This has to be killing Rafael, and Sonny isn’t usually that vindictive, but it gave him some sort of sick satisfaction that he was hurting Rafael just like Rafael had hurt you. And, you know, show Rafael what he was missing.
Sonny’s kiss is so warm, so comforting, but it doesn’t stop the ice running through your veins - you know Rafael is here despite Sonny’s best efforts to distract you from him. And you meet his eyes across the room for the first time since the night the two of you fought with each other for what would be the last time, the night you found yourself in Sonny’s arms instead. Those eyes add insult to injury, because you still know Rafael, and even if he’s standing across the room you know what he’s feeling. There’s anger there, but deep down you know he’s crushed at having seen you move on so quickly, and with someone he suspected you might leave him for in the first place. And he’s trying to drag you down to his level, get you to sit here in his misery with him.
This could break you if you don’t steel yourself, so you squeeze Sonny’s hand for support.
Sonny’s in tune with your body language, having been your partner for so long, and he stands to full attention, asking you if you’re alright.
“I’m okay,” you tell him, staring down Rafael until he makes his way over to your desk. You swallow thickly. Rafael when he was angry was never pleasant.
“This is cute, hmm?” he says bitterly, nodding sharply at the two of you.
“I like to think so,” you reply coolly, smiling at him.
“Barba, I know you’re waiting for Sarge, but can you please go wait somewhere else? She’ll be out any minute and you’re bothering (y/n),” Sonny asks, forever trying to be the peacemaker.
“She can handle herself,” Rafael says, chuckling sardonically, rolling up his sleeves nonchalantly. “Clearly. She doesn’t need you to fight her battles. But if you’d like to...”
“Mm, please, Rafael, like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me?” you snap. “Grow up. Everybody moved on. It’s time you do too.”
Rafael’s visibly taken aback by your verbal assault but he only lets it faze him momentarily. “Right. Moved on. Only took you five whole minutes to pack us up and leave me with it and you’re out here spreading your legs for someone else,” Rafael hisses, and you can see the moment when he realizes he went too far, the moment the wrath in his green eyes fades into regret.
“Get out,” Sonny says firmly, raising his voice enough to turn Amanda’s and Nick’s heads. “Get the fuck out. I don’t care how hurt you are, get out. You don’t talk to women like that. I’m honestly... I’m disgusted.”
“I... I am sorry—“ Rafael fumbles.
“A bit too late for that. I’m not your problem anymore, Rafael, so who am I offending now?” You ask. You weren’t upset by his statement - you did move fast with Sonny, faster than even you were immediately comfortable with, and you know how it must look to Rafael, how it must feed the flame of his absolute deepest and darkest insecurities.
Rafael glances around the room and realizes he’s caused a scene. Without a word, he leaves out the side door, forgetting his meeting with Olivia. He’s seen this film before, and the ending? It’s not worth sticking around for.
Sonny could spend hours with his face between your legs, and he did. It was almost like the man never stopped talking because he wasn’t nose-deep in pussy - but you kind of chuckled at that thought because he wasn’t quiet even then. He’s always moaning, making obscene sucking sounds on your clit, talking to you, sending delicious vibrations straight to your core.
You come again, moaning and tugging at his hair, and Sonny adds to his total, grinning up at you, his face sinfully wet with your juices running down his chin. “That’s two down. Think you can give me one more before I fuck you?”
“Sonny, fuck,” you whine breathlessly as he runs his tongue over your now swollen and overstimulated clit. “I need a break.”
You love it. You’ve never had anyone this enthusiastic about pleasing you like this before, and you’ve never exactly been a pillow princess either, but Sonny protested if you even moved a muscle when he was going down on you, instead he’d chuckle and tell you to save your energy for when you ride him later. Not that he needed to be in you at all - you swear he could get off just eating you out. You never would’ve pegged giving oral as Sonny’s biggest kink, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
Sonny laughs heartily, crawling up the length of your body to kiss you deeply, the taste of you branded onto his lips and tongue. You moan as he rolls his hips against yours, the cloth from his boxers creating a tantalizing friction and you buck up against him on instinct.
“Ah-ah,” he tsks, moving off you to lay beside you. “I thought you needed a break, doll.”
You sigh, nodding, trying to catch your breath, but how could you, when he was still on the side of you, whispering dirty things in your ear? God, he really did never shut up.
“He ever fuck you like this?” Sonny asks, a devilish glint in his eye. For a second you think he’d take it back, apologize for asking such an intrusive question, but he doesn’t, and you know it’s because he’s just gone down on you for half an hour already and he’s got enough testosterone running through his veins he could kill anyone who glanced at you. Of course he was in competition with Barba, especially when he was this riled up.
“No,” you murmur, and you’re not lying. Sex with Barba was great, obviously, he’s very attractive and he knows what he’s doing. Rafael was a damn tease, but Sonny? Sonny was so much of a sap he couldn’t bear to hold anything back, couldn’t bear to see your lip tremble in want for even a second. And no one had time to fuck the way Sonny wanted to, drawing everything out and making you come so many times with his lips and tongue before he’d finally enter you. It’d always take a few hours, so this was usually saved for Monday mornings when the two of you didn’t go in until 3, or Friday nights when both of you were too wired to sleep anyway. Sure, there were days you were pressed for time and he needed to have you so more often than not he’d settle for making you come quickly on his face before pounding into you, but...
Rafael was a good, thorough lover, and god, you’d probably miss his hands for a long time to come, but Sonny’s tongue was such a good replacement.
“You just saying that, doll?” Sonny asks gruffly.
“No, honey, of course not,” you giggle. “No one’s as generous as you.”
“Generous? Huh. That’s a good one,” he laughs, and it seems like that comment brought out the underlying sap in him. His clear blue eyes soften and he smiles at you. “Nah, doll, I just love you so much, and making you feel good? What better way to show it, you know?”
This was a complete mess, you realized that, but you were blissfully happy in spite of it. How could you not be? It’d been an amazing three months. On nights the two of you didn’t work, you were treated to home-cooked dinners, bottles of wine, heated makeout sessions that always led to something more. If you worked, you’d take long showers together, massaging the knots out of each other’s muscles until you were both too dreary-eyed to stand.
Sonny was clingy, sure. You knew he would be, of course, and you weren’t used to that - sometimes you questioned if Rafael even wanted you in the same room - and it’s with a sudden realization that you come to terms with the fact that none of your relationships worked out because you needed that constant reassurance that Rafael and so many of your exes were reluctant to give.
It’s so easy to paint Rafael as a villain now that it was all over, but he wasn’t. You truly, truly loved him, even if he never took the time to learn your love language or make you dinner or marathon-fuck you. He showed his affection for you in other ways, but they weren’t as overt and it always left you questioning what he really wanted from you.
And anyway, it wasn’t enough to counteract the wrongs he’d done to you. Always making snide comments about how close you were to Sonny, to Amanda, to Nick, even... and it was in those moments you wish he didn’t love you so much, that he’d let you breathe instead of keeping such a constricting hold on you. You knew what he was scared of, he’d been cheated on before... but you hadn’t done anything.
He tried so hard to snare you down without taking into consideration that you already were his. Or, at least you had been.
When he got down on one knee you knew it was over. For him to be that insensitive, after you’d just gone through an accident and were barely coming back to life through damn near mandatory therapy and rehab... you couldn’t take it anymore. Didn’t he see the signs? You gave him so many, but he just never learned to read your mind after all that time.
And you didn’t want to be his, at least not in that regard. He wasn’t asking you for the right reasons. He was making up for lost time.
You never told Sonny that Rafael asked you to marry him, because that would wreck him and make you seem vindictive, but you have a feeling that Sonny knew anyway. Maybe Rafael mentioned it in passing. It doesn’t matter. You’d never be his wife now.
You didn’t intend this to be a long term thing with Sonny, but now you were used to him being in every facet of your life, and you supposed you did love him underneath everything. It was always Sonny who was there on those cold nights equipped with hot chocolate and cannolis, always him making you laugh when you were miserable about a spat you’d gotten in with Rafael, always him damn near reading your mind to give you what you needed.
Maybe it wouldn’t last. Maybe the two of you would go down in flames, too. Maybe he’s only being this amazing because he’s wanted you this long and he wants to show you what you’ve missed the time you wasted with Rafael, and it’ll fade once you’ve stuck around.
But you don’t think so, because you know he’s always loved you like this. The only things that have changed since you let him in is that he fucks you now and he’s practically moved into your apartment. He’s never quite kept his crush for you under wraps. On the off chance this is just a honeymoon phase... you’d still take it. It was bliss for now, and that’s what mattered.
“You ready for round three, doll?” Sonny asks. “Or you wanna sit there and daydream about Barba?”
“W-what?” you stutter, looking at him dumbfounded. “I wasn’t—“
“Don’t play dumb. I know you, (y/n).”
“Are you mad?” You ask, making your voice small.
“No. It’s only natural, right? I probably shouldn’t have brought him up in the first place,” he says, shrugging. “Still...”
“Don’t, Sonny,” you protest. “You’re not his understudy. I love you—“
“I know. That’s not why I’m saying that,” he says, kissing you gently. ——
Sonny would never tell you why he was saying that; why he brought up Barba in the first place. This was a fucked up mess, Sonny knows that, but he can’t help imagining you fucking him like Rafael used to fuck you. You and Rafael both have such dominant personalities, and it makes sense why you’d always be at each other’s throats in hindsight.
One of you had to be more dominant, though, and Sonny gets the sense that more often than not Rafael won your battles. But Sonny won’t even put up a fight against you, and for a woman who was so used to losing... maybe Sonny was doing you more of a favor than he realized. You’re an absolute tease, brutal, really... Sonny doesn’t know where you get the sadism because you’re so kind-hearted outside of the bedroom... but he’s never quite had orgasms like the ones you draw out of him either, so he’s not exactly complaining.
Okay, maybe he whines a little when you don’t let him come.
Or a lot. Whatever.
It’s so worth it, for both of you, even if Sonny can barely take the heat sometimes.
Sonny imagines Rafael doing that to you, too, getting you riled up and soaking wet just to say you can’t come until he said. Or teasing you while you were working (he’d seen that happen a couple of times) just to leave the precinct and leave you rubbing your thighs together in a vain attempt to relieve the ache between them.
Sonny could just never do that to you, lord knows. For one, he can’t stand to see you ache for him while he’s right there, while he can just give you what you need from him. For him he takes pride in the number of orgasms he can draw from you, not how explosive or mind-numbing they can be (although he likes to think he gives both in quantity and quality). Sex is all about giving to Sonny. It always has been. Besides, seeing you fall apart on his tongue? It drives him insane. Maybe most men don’t get as enthusiastic about going down on their girlfriends, but Sonny truly doesn’t think he could ever live without it.
Still... didn’t you take a little bit of your partner with you, even if it was over? In a way, Sonny realizes, he does have both you and Rafael now. Just like he always wanted. Because when you maneuver him where you want him, get bossy in bed, that’s Barba talking. When you drag his bottom lip between your teeth, fiery lust in your eyes, he can just imagine Rafael doing the same to you, you looking up at him with hooded eyes.
His favorite’s got to be when you speak to him in Spanish, whisper “te amo” to him under your breath, because that’s purely Rafael’s influence and nothing else.
Still, you’re mostly you- and that’s fine. Sonny always loved you more, anyway, he’s always been closer to you, always been head over heels for you the second he stepped foot in the precinct and Liv told him you were his new partner.
Sonny didn’t see a point in hiding your relationship from the squad. You were wary at first - everyone knew you just broke up with Barba, and making this public so soon would be a source of gossip. But he convinced you... through questionable means (make a girl come enough times and she’ll do anything you ask). At the end of the day, he doesn’t think anyone truly cared, even if Amanda made a comment; “Guess she’s a hot commodity around here. When’s my turn to date her?”
“I’m never letting her go now that I’ve got her,” Sonny had replied with a grin. “You missed your shot.”
“I was kidding,” she chuckled. “Good for you, though. You’ve been in love with her for a long time, puppy dog eyes and everything.”
Sonny just beamed back at her, but he wonders how obvious he truly was in his affection for you before the two of you started going out. Was it enough to make Barba jealous? Possibly. Maybe that’s why Barba was being so absolutely vile and hostile toward Sonny now, refusing to let him sit in on his closing argument rehearsals and making sure to send more snide remarks his way whenever possible. Sure, Sonny expected that, but if only Rafael knew Sonny loved him too.... Maybe the wound wouldn’t sting as badly as it did. There wasn’t a chance in hell Sonny would say anything now, especially with the way he talked to you the other day (you’d think a lawyer who handles mostly sex crimes would refrain from slut-shaming his ex-girlfriend, but, apparently his anger truly did get the best of him). Still, he’d always love Rafael just like you always would.
Sonny knew there was always a chance that he was just a rebound, that you’d leave him to go back to Rafael, but time goes on and you stay with him and Rafael stays bitter, barely looking at the two of you. Years pass and Sonny tries to extend an olive branch every couple of months, but Rafael would rather eat poison, it seems.
Fair enough. You couldn't say Sonny never tried. ----
Rafael spent a few years feeling like an exile every time he stepped foot into the precinct - and it wasn’t fair in the least. He was A.D.A. before you even got your badge. If anything, you should be feeling like the odd one out now that the two of you were over. This was his city.
But you’re not his homeland anymore. You haven’t been, not for a long time.
It was a new kind of torture every day, watching you and Sonny get closer, closer, closer… Rafael kept searching for reasons to leave New York City that wouldn’t have to do with you.
And then he found one.
Rafael’s standing outside the courthouse, where he just got acquitted for infanticide. It’s bitterly cold, he’s wearing his tan coat that you’d rarely see him out of this time of year. And you come up to talk to him.
It was rare that you did that, anyway, you did your best job to ignore him unless you absolutely needed to speak with him. But now he gets the feeling it’s time for confessions, words you always wanted to say to him all these years now that he was leaving out the side door of your life for good.
It’s a strange kind of sickness, watching you move on more and more, seeing your stomach swollen with Sonny’s child, your finger gleaming with Sonny’s ring, your last name changing to Carisi.
“You’re really leaving?” you ask, pulling your coat across your belly - it wouldn’t stay closed with the buttons anymore. You shiver, sip at your coffee.
“I can’t exactly stay now, can I?” he asks brusquely. “You really shouldn’t be drinking coffee while you’re pregnant.”
You snicker. “It’s not your baby, is it, Barba? Good thing, too. Wouldn’t want her to come out wrong. You might kill her.”
“Oh, fuck off. I don’t need this to be rehashed,” he snaps harshly, bitter tears leaving his eyes. “Did you have anything else to say?”
“It’s decaf coffee, anyway,” you mutter. “I really thought you’d have left a long time ago.”
“Why, because of you?” he asks, laughing bitterly. “Are you really that arrogant?”
“You still look at me like you want to kill me half the time.”
“Just… I still don’t understand what went wrong.”
“If you don’t know by now… I really don’t know what to tell you, Rafael. I gave so many signs. And Sonny… he treats me well. He gives me things you were never ready for, and I… The way things happened… they truly were for the best.”
“For who?” Rafael asks, fighting against his body’s overwhelming desire to break down and sob. Hadn’t he learned by now, though, that there was no amount of crying he could do for you? Still, when you left him, everything went to hell. He tried to pour himself into his work, and this… watching you get and stay happy was salt in the wound.
“I think leaving will be good for you,” you say, ignoring him. “You can move on. Meet someone new. Get a new job. New start. You know?”
“I think I’m too old for new starts,” he scoffs, shaking his head.
“Won’t know unless you try, hm?” you ask, nudging him in the side. “You’ll make it. You always have.”
“Not with you,” he murmurs.
“No. But you didn’t need me. You don’t need anyone.”
“Is that what you tell yourself, to make yourself feel better for what you did to me?” Rafael asks, his voice breaking a little. He was always so desperate not to show vulnerability, especially not around you… but what did it matter now?
“Rafael… we always walked a very thin line. You have to know that we weren’t going to stay together even if we tried to. And why should I have to be miserable just because you are?”
He stays silent because you have a point and he’ll be damned if he lets you know that.
“Sonny loves you, you know,” you say abruptly, and Rafael quirks up an eyebrow. You laugh. “Yeah. He’s very testy about it, but I’ve been with him long enough. I know he does. You should’ve jumped on him before I had the chance. He would’ve taken you. He would’ve taken both of us, but… you and I couldn’t share.”
“You can have him,” Rafael says, rolling his eyes. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“It’s just… you didn’t have to spend all these years hating us, feeling like a foreigner in your own city. We would’ve taken you back. You just didn’t want us.”
“I didn’t want the Carisi package deal. I wanted you. I dated you, not him. I loved you, not him.”
“First of all… I meant as friends. But also… Like you’ve never thought about it,” you tease, grinning at him.
Rafael rolls his eyes. “See, this is why we had problems. That’s not funny. Wandering eyes… that’s a problem.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” you say, shrugging. “Sonny’s surprisingly liberal. But that’s great that you were finally able to admit that your jealousy made me feel like I couldn’t breathe.”
“I’d argue my jealousy was warranted. I find it hard to believe that you didn’t fuck Sonny before you broke up with me,” Rafael scoffs.
“I didn’t!” you protest. “I’m not having this argument with you, because at this point, it doesn’t matter if I did or not, but I was nothing but faithful to you, Rafael.”
“Then how could you just move so fast?"
“It’s not like I just picked him up off the street. We’d been friends before.”
“Right. Friends.”
“Yeah. Friends,” you repeat sarcastically. “You see why we didn’t work out now?”
“Guess so.”
“You know, I do wish the best for you. Honestly. You deserve better than the cards you got dealt here.”
“You can say that again,” Rafael sighs. “I did really love you, you know.”
“Yeah. Sometimes that’s not enough. I loved you too.”
He takes a deep breath. “I wish you the best too. You’ll be a good mother.”
“Thank you, Rafi,” you whisper back, leaning over to hug him softly. There it is again; that cold bitter ache - when’s the last time you referred to him by that nickname? And now it would be the last. “Goodbye and good luck.”
"Yeah, you too," he says, rubbing your shoulder awkwardly, remembering a time when touching you was second nature. He watches you, your eyes make contact with Sonny's, and you turn back one last time to give Rafael a sympathetic smile... and that's the last time he ever sees you.
Taglist (lmk if you wanna be added!): @stormtrooperofficerbrowneyes @thatesqcrush @law-nerd105 @blackeyedangel9805 @moon-river-drifter @dianilaws @xecq @lv7867 @teddybluesclues @averyhotchner @houseofthirst @stardust-fray @lapaquerette @wanniiieeee​ @altsvu​
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Secret Santa
For @thatesqcrush​​​’s Holiday Bingo!
Warnings: MANY. NSFW. Sexual assault (explicit about the immediate aftermath), trauma, angst, insecurity, eventually fluff. 
Today my brain really wanted emotionally fragile traumatized Barba who has a crush on reader but doesn’t know if they’ll ever see him as anything but broken now. Also it’s Christmas. 
Follow-ups: Te Quiero, Just Hold Me
Rafael Barba x Reader
3,000 words
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Your ideal boyfriend would feed you chocolate like grapes in one of those ancient Greek paintings.
It was just an offhand remark you’d made at the bar one night in response to Rollins’s tipsy line of questioning about the perfect man. ADA Barba didn’t usually go out to socialize with the SVU squad, but he knew you were going to be there, so he went, too.
And not just any chocolate—no. Real, seventy-percent dark chocolate, single-origin beans. You preferred the fruity undertones of Madagascar cocoa, but were interested in exploring.
That was why Barba was carrying a box of expensive chocolate under his arm that night as he walked toward the 16th Precinct. He only agreed to participate in the SVU’s Secret Santa hoping he might get you, and was thrilled when he did. After a little trading. He knew Sonny would want Rollins, so it was easy to shuffle a few names around without making his own intentions obvious.
He bought a sampler box of fair-trade cocoas from around the world. The tag included a joke about feeding them to you, if you wanted. This year, Barba promised himself, he was going to admit his feelings for you.
Maybe it was foolish. You could have anyone. Why would you choose the cranky old lawyer? But he saw the approving way your eyes caught on him sometimes, when you didn’t think he was looking. The eternal pessimist in him said you just enjoyed his colorful ties, but it was enough to give him hope. The starved optimist whispered promises in his ear that this Christmas, he wouldn’t have to be alone.
Maybe this was the year he would fall asleep with a warm body tangled pleasantly around his as snow fell over the city.
That was what he was thinking about when it happened. The theoretical conversation with you distracted him from his surroundings, turning his cheeks pink from more than the early December chill. He didn’t hear the footsteps behind him until there was a sharp pain at the back of his head.
The box of chocolates slipped from his hands as he hit the ground, and rolled into the gutter. The flirtatious tag soaked with half-frozen slush until the ink blurred and ran.
When Barba didn’t make it to the Secret Santa exchange, you worried. But only a little. Olivia was sure he was just running late. Barba was always getting caught up with something or other, either being dragged into a meeting, or simply letting his social life slide in favor of working late.
When Liv’s call went to voicemail, you really started to worry. At least enough to call his office and find out he left for the night over an hour ago.
That nagging worry was confirmed the more you tried to find him, and turned into terror as it became an investigation. The ADA was missing. Security camera footage from a local bodega showed him being struck over the head with a bat and dragged into a van by three suspects.
One of them was identified as Jeremy Jones, a man whom Barba had tried to convict for a series of brutal rapes against closeted gay men. Ultimately, he was charged with manslaughter for the death of one of his victims. He served only half of a paltry six-year sentence and was released on good behavior that week. Apparently, Jones held a particular grudge against the openly bi prosecutor who tried to convict him of a hate crime. And he had made a few friends in prison.
The manhunt lasted three days, and the entire time you felt sick. Every hour—every minute—you didn’t find him was another minute god knows what was happening to Barba. If he was even still alive.
Only one of Jones’s victims had died, you tried to calm yourself. Of a heart attack. Barba was strong. But Jones wasn’t acting alone this time.
You felt sick.
After three days and a shootout with the NYPD, you found where Jones and his gang were hiding out.
You were the first one to discover the basement door, to kick it open.
You found Barba handcuffed to a bed, naked and beaten. His wrist was a horrible red-purple bruise where the metal dug in. His eyes were glassy and unfocused, though he seemed to be conscious. You radioed in for help and rushed to him, holding his head up, praying he was responsive. He yelped at the touch, recoiling from it. The cuffs rattled on the metal headboard.
“It’s OK. Shh. Rafael. It’s me,” you soothed, sitting at the corner of the bed beside him. “It’s the NYPD. We got them. You’re safe now. OK? They’re gone. The paramedics are already on the way.”
His eyes cleared, focused on you for just a moment. He seemed to recognize you—to understand what was happening. His mouth opened and almost made words, but only a dry rattle came out. His lips were swollen, and cracked with dehydration. Tears started rolling down his face, then. Dark, coppery dried blood covered the inside of his legs, pooled on the mattress, and bright red fresh blood streamed down over it.
He’d been missing for three days. Three whole days.
It was bad. He was in bad shape. You prayed the paramedics would get there soon. For the quick-witted prosecutor to be rendered unable to speak, his hair disheveled and plastered to his head with blood and fluids… For anyone to have done this to him… You tried to stay calm to help him be calm, but you were boiling over with rage and guilt.
It was your fault for not finding him sooner. For not being a better detective. For not worrying the second he was late.
Heavy footsteps pounded down the basement stairs and every muscle in his exhausted body went rigid. His free hand clung to you, nails digging into the skin of your palm.
“It’s just the paramedics.” You covered his hand with your own, squeezing. “They’re going to help you. I’ll be right here. You’re going to be OK, do you understand?”—his eyes were so blank and unfocused you weren’t sure that he did—“We found you, and… and you’re going to be OK now. We’re going to fix this.” Your voice was shaking.
It was a good thing the paramedics came in and took over before you started crying. The way his hand tightly held yours, not wanting to let go, wrenched your heart, and you needed to take a few minutes before you could be a detective again.
Barba was in the hospital for a week before being released. You went to see him, but were told he wasn’t taking visitors.
A week before Christmas, he reported to work.
A whole group from the 16th Precinct went down to 1 Hogan Place to welcome him back. He looked at home in his office, where he was supposed to be. His suit was as sharp (and loud) as ever. His hair was made without a strand out of place. You were relieved to see he was himself again. But his eyes were still haunted, and he flinched when Sonny knocked too loudly on the door frame.
He gave a weary smile, thanked everyone for their support, and sent everyone away except Liv.
Including you.
Your heart sank at the blow-off. You knew he’d weaseled half the precinct into trading Secret Santas until he got you. That had to mean you were special to him, the same way he was special to you.
Barba meant… more than you’d like to admit. It started so small you barely noticed it—that you were more inclined to go to events if Barba was also going. That you were always on his side during controversial cases, and even when you disagreed, you were more inclined to hear out his opinion than if he were anyone else. Then Rollins had a few tequila shots and started talking boys, and how the perfect man didn’t exist.
When you thought about the perfect man, only one person came to mind.
And you hadn’t had a chance to talk to him.
You knew he was going through something difficult, but that was why you wanted to be there for him. You wanted so badly to be part of his inner circle, like Liv—one of the people he leaned on instead of sending away.
You tried his office again the next day, by yourself. He avoided you, claiming he was busy with backlogged paperwork. The day after that, he legitimately wasn’t there—at the hospital for a follow-up—but never returned the message you left with Carmen.
On Christmas Eve, you tried again during lunch break. The lights were on in his office, but Carmen said he wasn’t there, sympathy in her eyes. He was there. You both knew it. He just didn’t want to see you. That night, you left him in peace. He would be spending Nochebuena with his mother, and you had plans of your own.
But on Christmas morning, you knew he wouldn’t be working all day. Neither were you.
You sent him a text and said you were coming over. He never responded, but an hour later, you knocked on his apartment door, anyway.
Footsteps slowly approached the door. A shadow fell over the peephole, and you grinned nervously, giving a little wave. The deadbolt slid open, then the door chain, and finally it opened to a tense lawyer, well dressed even on his day off in a cashmere sweater and chinos. Dark circles ringed his eyes from lack of sleep.
“Detective. H-hey. It’s not a good time. I’m… busy.” The flush in his cheeks rose, and he seemed eager to retreat back inside.
“You owe me a Christmas present!” you blurted out. It was juvenile. You knew the moment you opened your mouth it sounded like something a toddler would say, but at least it stopped him from closing the door on you.
He blinked. His chin tipped up just slightly in that haughty way that always preceded a cutting bit of sarcasm. “…Excuse me, I what?”
“It’s Christmas. You were my Secret Santa. So you owe me a gift.”
Realization dawned over him, along with the memory of everything that had happened the night he was meant to give you your present. His face fell.
“I… I’m sorry. I lost it.”
His eyes took on a dull, far away look, and you instantly regretted bringing it up. Of course that would be a painful memory. Fuck.
“It’s OK!” you took a step toward him, and he took one quickly back. Shit, you shouldn’t have done that, you scolded yourself. His face grew hotter, and he seemed humiliated with himself. “I-I mean… for the gift. All I want is to talk to you. For a minute. That would be plenty of a gift, if you could spare it. I just want to know how you’re doing.”
“I wish everyone would stop asking me that,” he snapped.
“Well, I haven’t had the chance yet. It feels like you’ve been avoiding me. I just wanted to know if… if we’re OK.”
He paused. He didn’t answer immediately, but his expression softened. “I… I haven’t been…” He sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. His jaw kept working, lips reshaping themselves of the cusp of words, as if he were trying to continue, but couldn’t find the right ones. The words that would make sense, and explain everything—that would click together like a jigsaw puzzle and make everything better.
“I just thought that we were… friends. And… I was worried about you… And now I’m worried you’re pushing me away. I know we’re not as close as you and Olivia… but…” Your head hung low. “Did I do something wrong?”
Barba turned away. He wrapped a hand over his face, fingers shielding his eyes from you. “I know you were the one who found me,” he groaned miserably. “I didn’t want you to see me like that. You of all people… Because now you’ll never be able to look at me without part of you always seeing me… like that. Like a victim.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is, and you know it!” he snarled, surprising you with the sudden rise in volume.
He was seething, hurting, and you wanted to reassure him that you would never see him as less because of what was done to him. You laid a hand on his arm to comfort him, and he jerked away.
“Stop that! See? You’re doing it. Treating me like I’m… broken.” His whole body seemed to deflate, to shrink into itself. “It’s too late,” he croaked, a wistful smile cruelly turning the corner of his lip. “I’m never going to be whole in your eyes now.”
“Of course you are,” you said gently.
He gave a sharp, nasal huff. “Not like—ugh, never mind.”
“Not like what?”
His eyes met yours—green and turbulent as the ocean. There was a harrowed desperation in the creases of his forehead, the little wrinkles under his eyes deepening. “Like someone you could… Forget it!” He looked away, blinking rapidly.
“Barba… did you want to… Do you like…?”
You had a hopeful spark, an idea of what he was trying to say, what was bothering him, but you were afraid to say it and be proven wrong. You searched his face, inching closer. He looked horrified, like you were calling him out rather than hoping for it to be true—rifling through the sock drawer of his emotions.
No. You had to be the open one. He had too much to worry about already. You had to take the risk with your feelings.
“What I mean is… Please stop me if I’m out of line, but, Barba… no, Rafael… I like you. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, but I kept hoping you’d say it first, in case I was imagining things and you didn’t feel the same way. Then you disappeared, and…” Your breath caught in a tightening throat. “I thought I’d lost you forever. When we found you alive… Whatever you think changed with how I see you, all I was thinking was how happy I was you were alive. And that I’d get another chance to tell you how much I care about you.” Tears were rolling down your cheeks by the end, drying your eyes on your sleeves to no avail.
He had turned completely toward you at some point during your confession, no longer half-hiding his face. Some of the remaining distance between you had disappeared, too. His hands softly came up to press your upper arms. Even through your puffy winter coat, you could feel how big and strong they were. His haunted green eyes searched you closely, looking for any sign you weren’t serious. That this wasn’t real. That maybe it was just pity. But you could swear there was a hint in them, too, of a stunned, timid sort of hope. 
You swallowed, meeting his deep gaze. “And I really want to kiss you now… if that would be alright.”
“I… I’d like that.”
Though he trembled slightly, his breathing was soft and steady as you leaned toward him. The kiss was gentle and easy, starting with foreheads touching, noses brushing against each other. Then lips, delicately ghosting over each other. His were still healing, tender where they were split. You let him close the final micron of distance, pressing the warm fullness of his lips against yours. His hand caressed the side of your face, and his thumb delicately brushed the hair at your temple.
“Can we go slow?” he breathed as he pulled away, though not far. He kept his hand on your face, the other about your waist. “I know I just said I’m not broken…”
“But you need time. I understand. Trust me.”
The corners of his eyes wrinkled in a melancholy smile as he stroked the side of your face longingly.
“I’m comfortable with whatever pace you want to set. Whether it’s holding hands, or… just talking. So long as I can keep spending time with you. I missed you. That’s all I need to be happy—just getting to be around my favorite counselor.”
He leaned in and kissed your forehead. “You know… you’re my favorite detective.”
“Oh yeah?” you challenged, grinning. “What about Liv?”
“She’s a lieutenant.”
“Ack! Got me on a technicality!”
“There’s no such thing as a technicality in law,” Barba smirked, playfully smug.
You snorted. Cheeky bastard.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Rafael, you can kiss me as many times as you like.”
His mouth melded against yours more confidently this time. More insistent, and yet more vulnerable, a soft groan reverberating in his throat. Just once, his lips parted yours, and his tongue darted out, tasting the opening of your lips before retreating shyly back. You let him lead, and didn’t push for more. You meant it when you said just being near him, part of his world, was enough.
He invited you inside.
If this was to make up for your gift, he owed you more than just a minute of conversation, he said, smiling. For the rest of the day, Barba turned his tidy, tiny Manhattan flat into a cozy winter refuge, complete with hot cocoa (spiked with spiced rum, of course), warm throw blankets, and an endless marathon of holiday movies to watch while snuggling on the couch.
It was the best Christmas you could remember, especially when, before the sun had even begun to set, Barba fell asleep holding you. The worry lines carved into his face smoothed out as he breathed steadily. He looked so peaceful, you didn’t mind being trapped on the couch until he woke up.
Maybe, you thought, those dark circles could start to fade.
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uswnt-keeper · 4 years
Holiday Surprise
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Requested by: @mari-victoria-13
Prompt: can you write lindsey x reader celebrating the holidays w readers family??
This is my SECOND TIME posting this cuz it won’t show up in tags which is very annoying. I hope it does this time. Went a little off the prompt, but that’s what you get if you leave me with little to no detail 😂. Hope you enjoy! Also if anyone knows how to make the post shorter so it says “keep reading” rather than have a whole ass paragraph on my page, please let me know. Thanks, enjoy! 💜Also this is NOT proof read, sorry...
“Finally, the adults turn to open presents,” my brother, Owen, complained standing up from his position on the couch to go search through the presents.
“Hey, you decided to have two cute kids,” I retorted as his wife laughed across from Lindsey and I.
It was Christmas of course and usually it was the cheeriest time of the year, and it still was, but this year I was nervous, very nervous. I had a plan, in fact a very elaborate one to propose to my girlfriend of 4 years, Lindsey.
Lindsey has been a shining light in my life since I met her all of those year ago. I remember being 16 when she was 18, hearing she went pro out of high school. I didn’t know it at the time, but we’d end up meeting for the first time four year later when I was 20. I got my first national team call up and we became attached at the hip. Of course, she had solid relationships with Tobin and Sonnett which 100% threw me off at first, especially because I thought Sonny and Linds were together. But after sometime, she expressed interest, and my oblivious brain didn’t read it right. I didn’t realize what was happening until I got shovel talk by the entire team, I was 21 by then, and confused as hell.
When I finally figure out what the hell they were talking about, it was clear I had no solid plan to ask Lindsey out, and so it became a game of what if’s, the whole team giving me ideas of what to do. I got so overwhelmed by the ideas and what could go wrong that when Lindsey walked in I just asked her... mostly by accident, and since that day we’ve been together.
Yeah, we’ve had some arguments and fights, like any normal relationship does, but we never go to bed angry at one another. We’ve helped each other through a lot, everything really. When my dad passed away 3 years ago, she was there, she lost the championship, I was there. Now, I want to promise her that I’ll be there forever, until death do us part and I can only hope she’ll agree.
We all stacked the presents in front of us which were ours and started to open them, collecting things of course from everyone. I got a nice watch, some jewelry, but I was most excited to see Lindsey’s reaction to the final gift.
“That’s it,” Lindsey said looking around at everyone’s wrapping paper on the floor, of course, everyone was in on this proposal except for Lindsey, I had something extravagant planned, and it would take a few days.
“No, there’s one last thing for you babe,” I said looking at her.
“Where? I don’t see it,” she looked around, unable to find it until she looked at me, holding a small box, wrapped in white and gold, “You’re sneaky, what is it?” She chuckled and I smiled.
“Open it,” I told her, she did, and found a small necklace in there, she seemed shocked, eventually finding the engraving on the back of important dates for us. When we met, our first kiss, when we both moved in together, etc.
“This is beautiful,” she said with a well of tears as she hugged me and I pecked her lips.
“There’s something else in there love,” I said, putting the necklace around her neck as she looked back in the box.
I watch on as she read it, everyone watching the exchange as I gave them a cheeky grin, “An I Owe You?” Lindsey asked and I nodded to the paper again as she started to read it, “Okay, ‘Mrs Lindsey Michelle Horan, I owe you a little trip up to the Delicate Arch’...” she looked at me with a confused face before looking at the paper again, “Oh, ‘You’re final present will be there, ready to pick up on December 31st’ New Years?” I nodded.
“Yep, I got one final thing for you, but it won’t be ready for some time,” I said, “Sorry, I really couldn’t get it in until later,” I smiled.
Obviously that was a complete lie, I had to organize everyone to be on the arch for New Years, which was hard convincing for some as it was gonna be cold. But the New Years fireworks would be perfect to help me out with this proposal, and it would be expensive, but totally worth it. Yeah, I had to get the whole team to fly out here, and Lindsey’s family who were fully on board, and get them up to the arch in time, literally just in time, for the fireworks.
It was a precarious plan, but I felt good about it.
“I have to wait for it?”
I nodded and she groaned, making the room laugh.
“I hate waiting,” she sighed and I chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“I know love, but I promise this is going to be the best present you’ve ever gotten... or at least I hope so.”
It was her time to kiss my cheek now, “I’m sure it’ll be great.”
The days passed by rather quickly, almost so quickly that I wasn’t ready when New Years rolled around. We’d spent a lot of time together, baking cookies with my family, splaying with my twin nephews, and honestly walking around Utah. A lot of that time was spent distracting Lindsey, and Im sure she got suspicious when I left her with my mom for a full day to make sure everything was in place. That was yesterday, December 30th, and that was also the day I picked up the ring.
When I got home that night, I didn’t think Lindsey was too happy with me. I’d gotten home and instead of greeting them rushed upstairs to my moms room where I knew the ring would be safely hidden. I felt bad though, as I’d literally been gone all day preparing, only coming hope around 10:30pm, to a grumpy looking Lindsey and my sleeping mother on the couch.
“Hey,” I said nervously and Lindsey gave me a look as if to tell me to meet her upstairs as she walked off, I sighed, waking my mom up.
“Huh what?” My mom always woke up startled, she always had since my dad died.
“You fell asleep,” I said, “Come on I think its bed time.”
“Where’s Lindsey?”
“Upstairs waiting for me so she can be angry I was gone all day,” I said with a small smile, my mom looked at me concerned, but so waved it off, “She’ll be happy when she get my present tomorrow.”
My mother smiled, “I’m so excited for it Y/N, you’re gonna do great,” She smiled and kissed my cheek as I helped her up. We walked upstairs together in silence, turning off the lights as we went, and I waved her goodbye when she went to her room and I went to mine.
When I walked in the bedroom, Lindsey was there, on the bed, looking at me with a stern face, looking down to her phone when I caught her eyes.
“Hey baby,” I said a little nervous, “You want to brush your teeth with me?”
“I already got ready for bed,” she replied, looking to her phone for a distraction and I sighed, going to get ready on my own.
When I did finally finish getting ready, it was already almost 11, and I slipped into bed next to Lindsey as she had turned away from me, I didn’t like the feeling, we’d always talked about our issues before bed.
“I’m sorry,” I sighed, softly placing my hand on her shoulder, she turned over and I couldn’t help but smile as her drowsy looking face, “I had to go out.”
“And leave me all day?” She pouted, “You’re mom is lovely, don’t get me wrong, I just missed you,” she sighed, turning fully to cuddle into my chest as we got comfortable, I wrapped my arms around her.
“If it’s any consolation, I did it because I needed to make sure your present for tomorrow was perfect, it has to be.”
She opened her eyes to look at me with her icy blues, “That’s what this is all about?” She had a slight smirk on her face and I nodded.
“Trust me, it has to be great.”
“Whatever you say,” she said, “I’m sorry for being mad, I really did just miss you.”
I chuckled, “I missed you too,” I said, a long pause after that before I said, “I could spent the rest of my life with you... like this.”
I could feel her smile against my chest, “I could too.”
And with that, we fell asleep.
The next morning had anxiety written all over it, I was nervous and scattered, but pulled myself together in the morning. We laid in of course until around 10, everyone getting out of the house before we got up as planned.
My mother would take the ring up to the mountain so I wouldn’t be caught with it. I got up first, leaving Lindsey to sleep a little longer, I went downstairs and made breakfast, avocado toast, eggs, coffee, her favorite.
“Whats all this?” I looked up to find Lindsey, already gotten ready for the day, standing at the bottom of the stairs, “Where is everyone?”
“Part of the gift,” I said, as she sat down at the dining table, “They all wanted to go shopping apparently and I didn’t want to get you up.”
“Thanks baby,” she said, pecking my lips before we did go to our food.
After breakfast Lindsey cleaned up while I got ready. When I came downstairs, I was excited to start dragging Lindsey into the day, almost overly excited.
“You ready?” I asked.
“For what?” She laughed as she looked up from her phone, her dazzling smile and cute laugh almost making me pass out completely.
“You really are so beautiful you know,” I said dopy, as she stood up, I pulled her into a tight hug, and she pulled back, scattering kisses on my face that made me laugh.
“Stop, it tickles!” I giggled and she laughed again as we embraced, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said head on my shoulder, “So... what are we doing today? This is the ist I’ve seen you plan for anything.”
“I know,” I laughed, “All you have to do is follow,” I smiled.
“Oh god,” she laughed, “Is this gonna be a mess?”
“I hope not,” I smiled, pulling her to the front door, “Now come on, let’s go!”
Our first stop was the ice rink at the mall, I hated ice skating, but Lindsey was a Colorado native who adored these winter sports. I didn’t want to rent the whole rink because I felt like that’d give the proposal away, and anyway, it was a good excuse to get to the next activity when it got crowded.
We skated for at least an hour and a half, and I never got use to it, fumbling and falling over my own feet as Lindsey skated right by, laughing as she watched me absolutely bomb.
“Okay, as much as I love skating, I love you more and cannot watch you face plant on the ice anymore,” she laughed as she hoisted me up from the ground.
“Thank god,” I mumbled as we got off the ice, thanking the front desk before leaving.
“What next muestro,” she asked and I chuckled.
“You’ll see,” I replied.
Our next stop was the Red Butte Garden, a beautiful garden with many types of evergreens and flowers, mostly inside greenhouses due to the cold weather. But it was beautiful, and after buying some hot chocolate, we were able to spent hours in there looking around. I found ways to sneak around a bit, going to the bathroom at one point just to check everyone was almost in place.
Lindsey and I spent hours in that garden, something she just adored. After that we went to go get churros before heading home to watch a movie or two before we’d head to the mountain trail.
By the time the second movie was over, I stood up, “One last thing babe.”
“It’s almost midnight, what else could you possibly have?” She asked with a laugh.
“I know your tired, but I need you to get on some really warm clothes and then put this blindfold on.
“A blindfold?” She asked as I tossed it at her, “That’s a little weird,” she smirked and I rolled my eyes.
“We’re going out Linds, don’t get any ideas, trust me okay.”
She sighed, “I’m tired, but now I’m interested, I’ll bite.”
“Okay, it’s literally a two minute walk, just trust me okay,” I said.
“I’ve been doing that up to this point so I might as well,” she laughed and I kissed her cheek, holding her hand as I guided her up the mountain, it was perfect, 10 to 12.
I was so happy to see the whole team on the mountain, both Lindsey’s family and mine standing there too in coats and warm clothing.
“You warm enough babe?” I asked as we got to the top, me waving at everyone with a huge smile, this was successful as far as I was concerned.
“Yeah, can I take it off now?” She asked.
“Yeah go ahead,” I said, and she did, of course she was facing the arch looming out to the moonlight.
“Wow,” she said breathlessly, “This is beautiful,” she said.
“Turn around,” I said next to her.
“Hmmm?” She asked confused.
“Look behind you,” I whispered, she did, gasping.
“OH MY GOD,” she yelled and everyone laughed.
She kissed my lips before running around to greet everyone, we managed to get around everyone until Ashlyn stood on a rock to count us down to midnight. We all had champagne in our hands, ready for the new year.
I stood there with Lindsey, my mother passing behind my back and dripping the ring in my back pocket. We looked out from the arch towards the night sky.
“3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!” We yelled, I pulled Lindsey in for a kiss, the fireworks sparking just at the right moment and as we pulled apart she smiled, I leaned in close.
“Look at the fireworks,” I said, backing up behind her and finally being able to do what I’d planned for weeks.
“Will,” she read with the first boom, cameras clicking and recording, “You,” she read next, still not getting it until the last boom, “marry me.”
“Linds,” I said and she spun around, eyes wide as she clasped her hand over her mouth in shock, “Lindsey Michelle Horan. Ive been with you for four years and in that time I’ve realized that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, through thick and thin, good times and bad. I want to watch us grow, I want to be with you and only you. And so now I’m asking, if you, Lindsey, will marry me?”
I looked at her waiting, and through tears and a gasps she managed to respond, “Yes,” she replied, coming over as I slipped the ring on her finger, standing up and wrapping her in a hug, pushing our lips together amongst the wolf whistles and cheers.
“This was the present?” She asked wiping tears away and I nodded, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” I smiled, tearing up myself.
“And you were all in on this?!” She yelled at them, gaining laughs from them as they nodded.
“Nice holiday surprise then huh?” I asked.
“The best,” she smiled.
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The Damn Door
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WC: 902  (thanks to my beta reader for checking this over)
Trent is Sick.
Trent knew a lot of things his teammates didn’t know about each other, they also all seemed to not know how to take themselves to a hospital and spent most nights with whatever illness or injury on his couch. 
He went from being the barely noticed medic, to being blown up and somehow successfully going through Green Team and SERE before being assigned to Bravo team, yet still not really noticed by the group. He remembers Nate not trusting his medical expertise and would rather wait to get treated by a medic at base. 
But somehow he befriended the crazy Alpha One leader, how it happened not even he knew, but he went from spending downtime alone, suffering from divorce and drowning his sorrows in booze to being dragged along on whatever crazy scheme Metal planned. 
Surprisingly, he found out Metal was a much more sane man outside of base, less intimidating, of course Metal would deny that until death. Trent had given his friend a key, thinking it was safe. 
He. Was. Wrong.
Metal found it funny to get the key cut and hand it out to Bravo. So his dates and personal time went right out the window, as almost every night he would have a member of the team in his home on his couch. 
However this time, this time he was sick, he had sent a message to everyone to stay away, that he had the flu and was recovering from it. He ate soup, kept his fluids up and took tablets, from here it was straight to bed to sleep the rest of this damned thing away. 
“Anyone heard from Trent?” Metal asked walking into the cage room. 
“He’s sick and doesn’t want to be disturbed” Clay shrugged. 
“He missed check in” Metal stated, oh yeah that got their attention. 
“He has the flu, he’s probably sleeping” Jason said, watching the Alpha leader, who was frowning more than usual. 
“Trent doesn’t miss check in. I mean he could be in distress” he reiterated. 
That got the reaction he was hoping for. The Team came to a stop, the cogs turning in their heads, then followed Jason out the room quickly, Metal following behind with a smirk. What type of Best Friend would he be if he let Trent get one peaceful sleep? 
Jason was talking, orders clear and precise, as they reached their vehicles. 
Metal kept his face neutral but on the inside he was grinning like an idiot, this was too easy. 
Trent was piled under blankets, sleeping peacefully, not hearing his  phone buzzing and ringing, as the team texted and called trying to get an answer. Whenever Trent was sick with the cold or flu, he’d always end up with a migraine. A good few solid hours of sleep, with plenty of food and liquids, always helped. He would be fine, he just needed some peace to himself. 
Outside a group had gathered, knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell “God damn it Trent answer your door!” Jason yelled irritated. 
Metal huffed, it wasn’t like they all had keys “What if he aint breathing” he suggested with feigned innocence. 
Everyone shared a look, Sonny moving forward, his boot connecting with the door, once, twice and the lock gave way. Door flying open, with the team flooding in, began their search, Cerb taking off to the bedroom, jumping on the bed, Brock checking for a pulse only to be swatted at.
 “The hell” Trent slurred, slowly sitting up, the rest of the team filing in. 
“You missed check in!” 
“We thought there was something seriously wrong” 
“You should get checked out at a hospital” Well that was rich coming from them, given that they refused to go themselves.
Trent winced, head pounding as everyone voiced their concern in typical parade ground volume, then he saw his friend, the older man smirking behind the group. “Will you all shut up” Trent ground out behind gritted teeth, “I have the flu, I let you all know that, I am a medic and can take care of myself” he grumbled, he just wanted to sleep, what was wrong with being left alone for 24 hours to recover? 
The team ignored his complaining, dragging him up, doing their own checks, making sure their medic wasn’t going to die dramatically on them. When they were satisfied Trent looked down the hall, his front door at an odd angle “You lot have a key, you ALL have keys, why did you kick my door in?”
“Sonny panicked,” Clay responded. 
Sonny spluttered “I did not panic, it was a tactical choice in a time of worry” he corrects. 
Jason ordered everyone to leave, looking at Trent one last time “We expect an update on your health” he stated, before following Ray out.
“Why am I friends with you?” Trent grumbles, crawling back into bed and hauling the covers back over himself. 
He glared at Metal who smirked, arms crossed over his chest, as he shrugged "Because I'm the only person who puts up with your stubborn ass” he said “See ya later T” and with that he left. 
Hearing Trent call out “Fix my damn door if you're staying!” Metal shook his head, he would fix the door and hang out on the couch just to make sure Trent actually followed his own medical rules. 
After all, what were friends for?
Tag List: @rebelwrites​ @disasterfandoms @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @chibsytelford​
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
vulnerable [s.c.]
summary: sonny comes home and you just listen
pairing: sonny carisi x female!reader
rating: g
warnings: mistakes here and there
type: self | requested: @m00sethemurderer | gift: | made:
requests: open | close
tagging: n/a
notes: probably one the fics that i actually like, as in. i had such a good time writing this despite the super little angst. i hope you like it! i don’t know if this is what you wanted but i hope it’s something! thank you!
As soon as you arrived home from work, right after securing the door, you immediately changed into more comfortable clothes, prepared a snack, and then rushed towards the living room to watch your favorite re-run sitcom. Sonny would be home in a few hours since you were able to leave a little earlier than usual. So you had the whole apartment to yourself for now. It was quiet, only your giggles and the recorded laughter from the show were heard.
At one point, you had fallen asleep and only woke up when you heard the door being unlocked. You looked at the time and saw that it was a little late, you had taken a longer nap than you thought. You peeked at the door and sighed in relief when you saw Sonny coming in.
You knew he had another terrible, long day at work today. He came home with his head down low, his feet dragging, and his shoulders slumped. His hair was all messy and the bag in his hand was going to fall any time soon if he didn’t keep clutching it tightly in a few seconds interval.
He greeted you with a grunt and kiss on the forehead before sighing and dropping himself on the couch beside you. His legs were spread and his head thrown back. His arms and hands slack on the seat.
You frowned and inched closer to him. You laid your head on his chest and your arms circled around his waist. You felt his hand on your shoulder before pulling you closer. You snuggled closer to him and sighed as you heard his heartbeat by your ear. It was thumping loud and beating fast, much more than usual. And you knew then, something had come up at work.
“Tell me,” you said softly.
He shook his head. “I can’t.”
You gave a nod. “Okay. If you wanna talk about it, I’m just here. I’ll be right here. Beside you. I promise.”
Silence, only his hand tightening on your shoulder. You respected that. You knew that he’d tell you at some point, maybe not now or the near future, but he will. And you’ll wait for that. For now, you were content just being with him.
Sonny made some clicking noises with his tongue. It annoyed you when he did that but by now, you were positive that something bad had happened. Maybe they lost a big case? Or perhaps he had screwed up. There were many possibilities. The worst you could think of was…
“He was aiming for me.”
“I ducked behind a car at the right moment before Amanda shot his leg.”
You stayed quiet.
“You know when you’re in a life and death situation and you just panic, no matter how much you think you’re prepared? I know that my job gives me a one hundred percent assurance that these kinds of things will happen from time to time, and I do try to make sure that I’m prepared but...it’s all different when you’re right there in that moment.”
You played with one of the buttons on his shirt.
“It shakes you up the first few times. And I can testify that even if it does happen more than a few times, it will always shake you up. Back when I still had my gun...everything wasn’t always fun and games. You learn to hide it when you’re with people, but when you get home…,” he paused. “When you get home...it’s just another day in the office.”
You sighed. You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t sure of what you wanted to say. You didn’t have the life of a detective or a lawyer, not even a cop. So you did the only thing you knew what to do at that moment.
“It’s just so frustrating sometimes,” Sonny continued. “You want to live a normal life but you also want to pursue your passion. I knew from the start that all the careers I wanted, ever since I was a kid, would either break me or make me.” He gave a dry chuckle. “I guess I got the best of both worlds.” He carried his head up a little to look at you closely. “Maybe three.” And he kissed the top of your head. You smiled and squeezed him a little tighter.
He continued to talk about the case that led to this scene. It was for some rich dude who didn’t want a bad reputation as he was running for a seat in the senate. Unfortunately, a victim had come forth, then a few more, and even two more victims of a different abuse. The man was sentenced to four lifetimes, but of course, people like him always come back to life.
“I can be so weak sometimes,” he muttered.
You disagreed and voiced it out with a firm “no”. “You are not weak, Sonny. You’re the strongest, bravest man I know. You’ve got such a gentle soul, a kind heart. I understand that we do and can have weaknesses but that’s not all we are. That’s not all you are.”
“I didn’t hear any ‘dashing’ or ‘debonair’ in that recital,” he joked. He lifted his head and placed his forehead against yours.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, you already said it. I’ll just add, irresistible, and I’m not surprised a lot of people are attracted to you.”
“What?” He scoffed. “Please.”
“Oh, don’t deny it!”
“Whether I do or I don’t, I only care about being attractive to one person. And that is….” He tapped your nose with his index finger. “You.”
“So is that why you take an hour and a half getting ready?” You shook your head. “Honestly, Sonny, you need to be more modest.”
“I want to show the world that someone as beautiful and amazing as you has a guy who knows how to take care of himself.”
You rolled your eyes. “Keep telling yourself that.”
You both laughed.
With your head tucked under his chin, him holding you close, and you hugging him tightly, you stayed that way for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s company, each other’s touch. He was still shaking and you knew it. It will always be hard recovering from an attempted assassination. You hummed a comforting tune, no specific song, just finding the right melody. You felt him sigh and then bury his head in your hair.
“I love you,” he murmured. “I love you so much, y/n.”
You smiled. “I love you, too, Sonny. I’m here. And I’ll always be here. I promise. I love you.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 268: Please Don’t Tap on the Glass
Previously on BnHA: Dabi revealed his true identity to Hawks! His real name is actually [sound of semi truck horns blaring]. What’s that? You didn’t hear me? I said it’s [sound of dolphins chattering]. You really need to listen better. Anyway, so Dabi set Hawks on fire a bunch of times, and Hawks had some flashbacks indicating that Endeavor saved him when he was a small child, and just when it was starting to look like we might get our second tragic death chapter in a row, Tokoyami showed up to defend his mentor! Meanwhile in Jakku, Miruko remembered that even though kicking ass is fun and she’s really good at it, she still had a job to do, so she sped off toward Ujiko’s little hideaway, getting stabbed and impaled a bunch of times along the way and losing an ear and shit (I very much look forward to the cyberpunk robot-limbed Miruko 2.0 that we had better fucking get once this arc is over). Fortunately Endeavor showed up to help her out! Anyway, so absolutely no one was talking about this last week, but the chapter totally ended with Miruko about to bust open Tomura’s bacta tank with a badass roundhouse kick, so, uh. Shit might be about to go down you guys.
Today on BnHA: Shit does indeed go down, but at a very languid pace. Ujiko apparently built Tomura’s holding tank out of Nokia phones and kevlar, so even though Miruko gets a few good kicks in, she ultimately doesn’t do more than just crack it. So now the tank is just standing there leaking ominously while Ujiko sobs for no reason and we all ponder whether or not a 75%-charged Tomura will be any less doom-harbinging than the full-fledged deal. In the meantime we’ve got Girl Noumu thinking strategic thoughts and chucking acid at peeps; Crust still doing absolutely nothing; Endeavor not doing that much better to be honest; and Mic and Aizawa ready and raring to go kill the old man who turned their dead buddy into a sentient Einstein-Rosen bridge. Obviously I’m all in favor of this last bit, but I’m also on team “Mic and Aizawa not dying horribly” though, so. I do have some concerns here.
full disclosure, I’m very sleep-deprived for various reasons related to various things which can be broadly summed up as Just 2020 In General. so anyway, I’m dealing with it, but I’ve noticed that my rate of typos and errors and such has shot waaaaay up in this past week or so, so I’m just putting that out there that you may find some weird shit in this post! maybe I will write the same sentence maybe I will write the same sentence multiple times, or or the same word twice in a row by mistake, or use the completely wrong word. you are more than welcome to point this out and I will not take any offense and will indeed be grateful because I’ve apparently gone blind to it all! anyway so how are you I hope everyone is well
anyway! the chapter is early (god for all I know it’s been out for hours already. HOW FAR BEHIND AM I) so I’m recapping it early so that I will have more time to play Animal Crossing and fish and craft all of my troubles away. speaking of which Horikoshi, you had better not bring me any troubles this week, I am not in the mood do you hear
good fucking lord
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is all of that Miruko’s blood??!? god, she’s even better at bleeding than everyone else. now hold up all you excited vampires, you all can get in line, I was here first
by the way Endeavor, I gave you a pass last week because your entrance was so fucking raw and you saved my girl’s life and that was really neat my man. but now that I’ve recovered from my shock and awe and am ready to be sarcastic once more, I just want to say... welcome to the party, guy. did you stop for drive-thru on your commute from the other side of the planet. were you simply not immune to the bizarre 5th dimensional time-stands-still effects of March 2020. are you curious at all how your son has changed during these past 20 years, and by “son” I am referring not to Dabi, but Shouto. are you looking forward to meeting all of Shouto’s children. are you excited to be a granddad. anyway thank you so fucking much for finally making your way down to this lair with all the speed and haste of a federal appeals process
and I see Crust is still fighting this guy after six decades
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(ETA: I would be more upset about the scan quality here, but let’s face it, nobody actually cares about seeing this in HD. I’m sorry Crust.)
and we’re really expected to believe this is the very next ranked hero below Miruko. could it be that the hero ranking system is actually flawed. don’t tell me. I’m just as shocked as you are
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are we really going to stop and chat with Geriatric Hero: Crust over here. really. far be it from me to tell you how to do your job, Number One. but I’m just saying, I’m pretty sure he does still have... let’s just check... one... two... yep, two arms. not that I’m saying your system for prioritizing which of your fellow heroes to help out should be based off of the number of arms they have. but also I am saying that
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is that a two-page panel of Aizawa Hatake Kakashi Shouta and his loyal husband Screaming Man leaping into the fray to take on some high end Noumus with their bad and sexy selves. I think that’s exactly what it is. are we blessed or are we blessed. Aizawa I’m pleased to see you haven’t aged a day and are looking just as fine as ever in this the year 2045
oh wow Endeavor I thought you had incinerated it
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why wouldn’t you incinerate it. please incinerate it. did you not learn your lesson. please don’t start taking your cues from Dilly Dally Hero: Crust over here
oh wow
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and yet Miruko was kicking all of their asses like they were made of plywood. really though guys. only number five. okay
Aizawa’s shouting that he wasn’t able to erase that last Noumu who was impaling Miruko because his vision was obstructed. that’s okay Aizawa, that’s why Endeavor is hopefully about to incinerate him
oh snap here we go
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again, one has to wonder what kinds of interactions with rabbits Horikoshi has had in his troubled young life so as to influence his writing of Miruko’s quirk in such a way. did you at some point get rabbits confused with... I don’t even know. polar bears?! not that I’m fucking complaining holy shit
anyway, so just a friendly reminder that if Miruko dies here I will in fact push the button which triggers the hidden ejector seat built into Horikoshi’s office chair. he will be missed. but he had a good run
ho lyyyyyyy shit
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so... Miruko I love you but... then why would you break the fucking vat apart with your moon-powered legs. Miruko. Miruko are you listening. oh shit she’s missing an ear I forgot. oh shit. oh shit
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well then. so this is happening. this is really happening. at least she saved us all from having to face the 100%-charged world-ending Tomura somewhere down the line. instead all we have to do is face the 74%-charged Tomura right fucking now. so that’s. ...I wonder how Tokoyami is doing
holy shit!
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leave it to Girl Noumu to be the smart one. for a minute I thought maybe Ujiko had given her Ragdoll’s long-lost quirk. but then I realized that this isn’t a quirk at all, this is just her being smart and using her Big Noumu Brain. anyway so I’m preemptively sorry for having to root against you, Girl Noumu
so now she’s pondering how to disable Aizawa’s quirk. meanwhile I just remembered that we haven’t seen her quirk yet I think. please let it be something good
oh snap she ran away and made it out of Aizawa’s sight range oh fuck
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the fuck is up with this thicc fucking Girl Noumu page I can’t tell wtf is going on
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NOT TO WORRY GUYS SHE’S JUST SHOOTING BIG GIANT GLOBS OF ACID AT EVERYONE. can anyone tell if Endeavor has incinerated this Noumu yet down in the middle panel on the left. what is the fucking holdup
and now there’s a big double page of Miruko shattering Tomura’s Noumu Vat, and I can’t quite tell, but it looks like her eyes might be rolling back in a way which I decidedly do not like
(ETA: nah on closer inspection we’re good.)
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didn’t she just do this like four pages ago. and how the hell did Tomura suddenly jump from 74% to 75% in like .2 seconds
Miruko if we make it out of this alive, I’m promoting you to number one. Fatgum will be number two. the only two pro heroes in this arc who have actually impressed me at all. shame on the rest of you. shame
so now somehow or some way Miruko is being flung into Endeavor at the speed of light
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I don’t understand this at all. did the Noumu retract those bone whips back into its body superfast while dragging Miruko back with them and somehow it managed to avoid being hit by her projectile body but Endeavor took the impact straight on. this doesn’t make any kind of sense to me with my admittedly rudimentary understanding of physics. but then again it is a fucking manga so I’m not about to call NASA and ask them if this could really happen. so this was a waste of a paragraph I guess!! my bad!!
swear to god this is like the fifth panel of Ujiko just screaming. please just stop. what do you have to be worried about anyway? although if Tomura suddenly went crazy upon awakening and just straight up killed you for no reason, that sure would be delightful! that wouldn’t happen, though. or would it
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though on the other hand it’s already too late to stop this inevitable tide, so maybe at this point they should all just get the fuck out of there instead. at least Miruko did her fucking job and saved you all from having to face the invincible unstoppable version. that’ll be a real comfort to everyone when he’s out laying waste to the countryside, I’m sure. but still
-- oh no
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the boys heard that. listen you guys, I want Ujiko to die as much as anyone, but I’m gonna need you to not go anywhere near Shigaraki fucking Tomura now or ever. please. do you hear me?? you two still have both of your ears goddammit I want some acknowledgement
-- NO!!!
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(ETA: is that. a fucking Tomura dialogue bubble. something stirs in the east. a sleepless malice. the eyes of the enemy are moving.)
THE MANGA GIVETH AND THE MANGA TAKETH AWAY nooooo from 20 pages last week back down to the usual 17. I got spoiled. I expected too much. sob
so now we settle in to wait two weeks to see if Mic’s piercing tones can shatter this fucking adamantium tank like a wine glass. I’m not sure I’m ready for the Noumuraki Tomuracalpse you guys. then again by this point I’m braced for just about anything though so bring it
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It Started with The Janela Zone
ICBeing The Elite Part 1
Pairings - Adam Page x OFC, Chuck Taylor x OC, Marq Quen x OFC
Catergory - VERY FLUFFY, LOTS OF COMEDY, with the TINIEST TINIEST bits of angst
Warnings/Promises - Lot’s of cussing lmao. Talk of FAKE, I’ll say it again, FAKE death. And talk of anxiety.
Word Count - 4,503
Summary/Desc - Gabby goes live the Joey Janela every week. But when Parker and Bri are with there this time, Joey makes a decision  to invite them to a show. And once they show up, they get two things they didn’t expect, being special guests on BTE, and finding potential love.
There beginning and end with be like “real life” and the middle with be like BTE (Intro and Outro is included)
N e ways,,,,creds to @westanaew​ , it’s not just her first collab its also MINE. We did this together <3
Also, Gabby is gonna be the main character in part one :) 
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(happy birthday Hangman)
“I don’t know what you want from me Joey.” She laughed. Gabby and Joey were live for Janela Zone, like they did every weekend. “What do you mean Gabby,” Joey chuckled, “I told you to chug the White Claw or listen to Barbie girl for 1. Hour.” Joey said. This was the normal for them, just two people going live for the entertainment of their fans. Joey Janela was, well Joey Janela. But Gabby was a fan that wanted to go live with her idol, which quickly turned into a friend when the people started liking on their lives.
One day Gabby was with her friends, Parker and Bri, that she met from being wrestling fans. They were together at a hotel, something they didn’t do often since they lived in different states.
“Bitch I know you’re not about to go live with us here!” Parker yelled. It was time for Gabby and Joey’s weekly stream, and she was doing it either way. “I mean I can go get food, I’m kind of hungry anyways.” Bri offered.
“Humans just be normal. It’s only for a few hours.” Gabby tried to explain, but Parker wasn’t having it. “I know you did not just saying a few fucking hours-“ Parker seemed fed up, but Gabby knew she would get over it.
“Guys let’s see if Gabby is in here.” Joey said. Gabby was ready while Parker and Bri sat in the back awkwardly. When Joey added her, he noticed Bri laying on one of the 2 beds in the background. “Who’s that in the background?” Joey questioned. “Oh them? Those are just my friends, Parker and Bri.” Gabby said then looking back at a surprised Parker. “Hi Joey, big fan” Parker stated. Eventually Parker and Bri joined in and the whole group had a lot of fun on live that night, so much fun that Joey would offer them something. “I swear, I got to fly y’all out for All Out next Saturday.” They didn’t think he was serious till Gabby got a dm after they got off of the live with Joey asking if they could actually come. Of course, they accepted and off to All Out they were in 2 weeks.
The Day of All Out
“Look how big it is!” Gabby said, pointing at the titantron, amazed. “That’s what she said.” Parker smirked. “Bitch be wholesome for 5 seconds, geez!” Gabby exclaimed. “I knew y’all would do this.” Bri laughed with her head down.
“Hey! Gabby over here!” Joey said waving towards them. Parker and Gabby waved back. “Omg y’all that’s like actually Joey Janela!” Gabby was excited, but really emotional about it. Before all the lives, Gabby was a huge fan of Joey, and his wrestling helped her through a lot of stuff. She dreamed about meeting him even though they were friends, today was the day her dream would come true. The group made their way towards Joey, Parker and Bri excited while Gabby was in shock it was really happening.
“Hey guys!” Joey said when we made our way over to him. “What’s up Joey, thank you for everything, we really appreciate it.” Gabby said, fighting back tears. She didn’t wanna get all emotional right now so she held it in. ”Sup Joey, nice meeting you” Parker said, trying not to burst out of excitement.
”Hi Joey, great meeting you.” Unlike the other two, Bri hugged Joey, then behind his back winking. Gabby caught this, “Not today Brianna.” Gabby whispered but loud enough Bri got the message.
Bri rolled her eyes at Gabby while letting go of Joey, Parker holding back laughter so Joey wouldn’t know what was happening. “Joey let's get a picture, this’ll be my biggest flex.” Gabby said, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram. All four of them took a group photo then all getting individual photos with Joey. “You guys wanna head to catering? I’m sure you’ll run into someone there.” Joey offered. “Sure why not!” Parker agreed, trying not to sound too nervous. They all headed backstage to the catering area.
“Ok guys, the food is over there against the wall and that’s about it. I’m 100% sure you’ll run into someone over here. I’m gonna head out to find Sonny, so have fun.” Joey said, he really invited them then left.
That’s when the group heard a very familiar voice. “What’s up guys,” He motioned towards one of them, “are you Gabby?” said Nick Jackson, coming over to sit with them. “Yes I am, are you Nick Jackson?” Gabby said in a sarcastic but funny way. Bri sat and smiled while Parker sat there like an idiot, mouth agape, starstruck by the man sitting across from them.
“I like your attitude,” Nick laughed at Gabby’s sarcasm, “and from what I’ve heard you guys are funny, so I’m inviting you on BTE. We needed some extra people this week and you guys seem to fit the spot.” Nick offered.
“Deadass?!” Parker questioned. “I'M DEADASS!” Nick shouted, then breaking a smile. “I’m down.” Bri said. “Yea me too, it’ll be fun.” Gabby said, checking her phone for a notification.
“Okay sounds great! Gabby I think we’ll have you working with Adam, Joey said you guys were pretty similar,” He pointed towards her, and she looked up from her phone surprised from what she was hearing. “Parker, from what I’ve heard? The Best Friends bit sounds perfect for you, and Bri, I think you’ll go best with Private Party.”
“Alright.” “Amazing.” “Sounds good to me.”
“Okay,” He clapped his hands together, “You’ll have a bit of time to pre plan before we start shooting in,” he checked his phone, “About an hour, so, see y’all in a little bit.”
Once Nick walked away Parker and Bri turned towards their friend, “Gabby and Adam sitting in a tree.” Bri sang, wanting to get on her nerves, “Not now, Brianna.” “She is c-h-o-k-i-n-g.” Parker finished, “Parker Lorin Jones!!!!” The three joked before breaking off, finding the groups for their bits on Being The Elite.
Gabby walked around Daily’s Place, until she found Adam, sitting, clearly waiting for something. She took a deep breath before approaching him, “Hi Adam, I’m-” “Gabby, working with me for Being The Elite?” Adam cut in, and she felt her cheeks get hot, “Uh, yeah.”
The blonde nodded, “I’ve watched you on Janela Zone before, you seem pretty chill. Shall we talk about the bit before we start?” He held out his arm for her to hook it. She was nervous at first but she inhaled, then exhaled, and hooked her arm through his, “We shall.”
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
Superkick PAAARRRR-
“I’m going to use the bathroom, don’t die while I’m gone.” Gabby said while getting up from her seat. “Bitch you know you dying first outta us.” Parker said, gazing over to the side avoiding to make eye connection with Gabby. “Go choke Parker.'' Gabby said, walking away to find the nearest bathroom, that’s when while walking down the hallway she spotted a lonely cowboy sitting at the bar by himself.
It was Adam Page, then she saw an angry Kenny Omega walking out of the bar. “Fuuck.” She saw the cowboy whisper, then taking a drink of his Jack Daniels. Gabby saw a look in his face that she didn’t really see on tv, a more sad than angry look in his eyes. So she took it upon herself to go sit with him at the bar.
“Excuse me can I uh, get 1 whiskey?” Gabby asked the bartender. “You must be Joey’s friend everyone’s been talking about.” Adam said, taking another sip of his drink. “Yup that’s me.” Gabby said, taking a sip of her whiskey. She followed that up with, “You didn’t look like you were doing well and-“ Adam cut Gabby off, “Gabby I don’t know you and you don’t know me so what’s up? If you want a one night ssand you can jusssay that.” Adam said, slurring his words and still drinking. “No it’s not that, I just saw the pain in your face. What happened with Kenny?” She asked, she let the one night stand comment slide since he was obviously drunk. ”Kenny’ssjust being complicated, he doesn’twant me drinking with Cash and Dax. And I know they have their problemssbut that has nothing to do with me.” Adam said, finishing off his drink.
“I feel you, but sometimes you just gotta let people be mad. And put yourself first.” Gabby said, then also finishing off her drink. “Nice talk, wesshould talk more. I like you.” A drunk Adam Page mumbled out, still slurring his words. “Yea I’m down.” Gabby got up, tipped her cup towards Adam and made her way out the bar. Adam tipped his glass right back at her before looking back towards the bartender.
LaTeR iN tHe EpIsOdE
Parker was walking backstage, minding her own business and looking at her phone. “I wonder where Gabby WEN-” Parker was grabbed by her arm and dragged into a room.
Parker held up their fist, when they put them down, “God, what do you guys want?” “Look, you gotta help us,” They looked up at Chuck Taylor, “We’re trying to kill Brandon.” “Excuse me, WHAT?”
Trent put his hands on their shoulders, “He’s been annoying us about a bit for weeks, so we’ve been planning to, y’know, take him out.” Parker sighed, “I don’t know, Orange what do you think?” They all looked towards Orange Cassidy who shrugged and gave them a lazy thumbs up. She looked back towards Chuck and Trent, “God, he’s persuasive.” She looked like she was weighing her options, before she blurted out, “Fine! But I swear to God,” They held up a finger to their faces, “If you even THINK about blaming all this on me, I will kill you guys next.” The pair just nodded their heads and looked towards the door.
Brandon walked in, looking peeved, “Do you guys have a bit?” Trent talked to Brandon while Chuck motioned Parker towards the bat in the corner. She picked it up, making that face you knew said, “Really bitch?” He made the motion of him just swinging the bat. Parker walked behind Brandon, Trent and Chuck made faces and mouthed at her to just do it.
The camera went black and the sound of the bat hitting a surface was heard.
The screen showed all them standing over the man, when they all started screaming, except Orange, who kept his cool. “What do we do what do we do?!?!” Parker yelled, freaking out. Trent looked around, “Uh, put him in the closet!”
Parker shook her head, “No, no being in the closet isn’t fun at all.” Everyone in the room, including the now dead Brandon put on a straight face and looked directly at the camera, “Get it?”
They all went back to their worried, chill and dead faces. Trent, Chuck and Parker all looked around the room when all their eyes fell on a suitcase. They all knew what they had to do, when the screen changed to a different place in a building, showing a different bit.
tImE sKiP
The same group of the Best Friends and Parker walked towards the EVPs office. “You tell them that you killed Brandon.” Chuck said, pointing at Parker. She looked at him, offended, “Listen here you Kentucky born idiot! It was YOUR idea!” “Okay but who hit him with the bat?” Trent added in. “Are you serious right now? I-” They all started arguing, so loud that Matt looked out the door, “Hey, can you guys keep it down?” Parker pushed the men back before pointing at them, “They killed him.”
“What the- killed who?” Trent stepped forward, “Oh please, Parker is the one who hit Brandon over the head. They’re the reason he’s dead.” Matt looked at them all confused, “Brandon is in here, he hit his head or something and we found him stuffed in a suitcase. Are you guys okay?” The three looked at each other before looking into the office, to see Brandon with ice on his head.
Parker shook her head, peeved looked on her face before walking away, “Man what the fu-”
This ain’t water
Private Party and Bri were walking backstage, laughing and joking around when they bumped into Nick Jackson. “Oh, Nick! This is our friend Bri.” Marq said in a happy tone. Bri held up her hand, “Hi, nice to meet you.” Nick looked awkward before shaking her hand. Isiah smacked his lips, “Man why you being rude? We’re just tryna introduce y’all.”
Nick put up his hand, “Look you seem nice and all, but I’m not interested.” “What are- why wouldn’t you hang with all this.” Marq said, motioning towards Brianna. “I don’t need to ‘hang’ with all that.” Isiah rolled his eyes and groaned, “Why you bein difficult?”
“I don’t need Bri. I’m fine.” Nick said, sounding annoyed. “Oh you don’t need Bri, that’s a funny joke. Come on.” “I already said no, I don’t need another girl in my life.” Marq laughed, “It’s not a big deal, just another friend you know?” “I’m not gonna say no again.”
Isiah laughed, “Yeah,” got close to the camera, “he actin like he don’t got other friends.” Bri laughed at Marq and Isiah overreacting when Nick was clearly getting angry, “You think I’m not being serious?” “Nah.” Bri said through her laughter.
“I’m DEADASS.” A loud noise played while the trio flew back, Isiah on the floor, Marq staying still and Bri trying to support herself on the wall.
Marq grabbed Brianna’s arm, “I guess people don’t like making friends nowadays.” They turned to walk away when they bumped into Matt Jackson, the trio shook their heads, scared of what's gonna happen next.
Their fears became a reality when Matt (does whatever he does ?????) and they all flew back again. Bri stomped her foot and turned away, “Man I can’t believe this!”
Join The Dark Order
The friends, talking about their day on BTE, sat at a table in catering, all with different expressions. “Gabby, I still don’t know how YOU ended up being Adam’s drinking buddy.” Bri questioned. Gabby shrugged, “Okay but at least Nick didn’t think that I was about to get set up with him.” The two went back and forth about it before they turned towards Parker, “What did you do today Parker?” Gab asked, curious why her friend was quiet for once.
Parker shuddered, “I don’t wanna talk about it.” “Why? Did-” The girl went silent when Alex Reynolds and John Silver approached, Kool-Aid and water in hand. “Ladies,” Alex motioned towards Bri and Gabby, “Non-Binary friend,” he motioned towards Parker, “how are you doing today?”  Parker and Gabby rolled their eyes and sighed while Bri spoke up, “What do you guys want?”
John clapped his hands once, “Let’s get things straight, we want you three in the Dark Order.”
“No.” “Nope.” “Absolutely not.”
“Just hear us out, hear us out.” “We’re not joining a cult.” Gabby spoke up. She looked towards Bri, who looked tempted to do so. “Bri!” “What? I mean, it’s grape Kool-Aid, right?” Parker slapped their hand against their forehead, “Bri I swear to God if you drink that mess I’m gonna smack the hoe outta you.”
The three started arguing when Alex and John calmed them down. “Look all you have to do,” Alex said, pouring Kool-Aid in the three cups of water, “is drink the Kool-Aid.”
The three friends looked disgusted, “What. The Fuck. Is this?” Gabby said, grabbing the cup and looking into it. Bri shot a glare at the two, “Are you trying to poison us?”
“No! We got Griff Garrison to drink it.” John spoke, trying to get the point across. “Who the hell is Griff Garrison?!” Parker questioned, confused.
Gabby put her hand up to calm down Parker, “Okay okay listen, there ain’t no way we’re joining your stupid cult.” “Cause one, there ain’t no sugar.” Bri said, adding on. “Too much water.” Parker said, attitude in their voice. “And you didn’t even mix it up.” Gabby said, sounding disappointed.
“Wait wait wait!” John and Alex yelled as Parker and Gabby got up and walked away. Bri looked behind her and sighed, grabbing her Kool-Aid anyway and walking with her friends. “Damnit Bri!” Parker said offscreen, throwing the cup back at Alex.
John slapped his hands against the table, “Goddamnit!” “This is why Brodie always throws paper at you!” The men walked off, arguing.
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“And where do you think you’re going?
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The Elite The The Elite
What Nick you’re not gonna sing it all with me this time?”
Gabby, Bri and Parker were hanging out in the hallway, laughing about their bits they filmed. It all stopped when Nick came up to them, congratulating them and telling them how great the bits turned out. He also told them that the people they had filmed with invited them out for drinks. They all agreed and got their stuff ready, waiting outside for the Uber the three of them ordered.
“Are you guys excited?” Parker asked, clearly nervous. Gabby nodded, shaking. “Oh you bet I’m excited.” Bri said, that certain tone in her voice. “Bri don’t scare Isiah and Marq off with your flirting.” Gabby said, a bit of a chuckle in her voice. “To be fair, Marq was flirting back earlier.”
Gabby and Parker started teasing Bri, who was already tired of it, when their Uber had pulled up, they pulled their masks over their face and climbed in the car, light conversation the whole way.
When everyone arrived they all broke off into groups, with the people they had filmed BTE with earlier today. “Let me get two Jack Daniels please.” Adam said, already a bit drunk from earlier. Gabby smiled at him, Adam with his hair pulled back and round glasses on was attractive to her. “So tell me about yourself, cowboy.” Gabby said, curious about his answer. “Have you not read my twitter bio? I’m an anxious millennial cowboy. That’s all anyone needs to know.” Adam said, swallowing down his drink faster than earlier.
“Anxious huh? I suffer from anxiety so I’m sure you have an understanding of it.” Gabby said, taking a sip of her drink, but not as big as Adam’s. The two started to talk about their anxiousness and anxiety, then speaking on their mental health issues. They were both drinking heavy and in about 40 minutes were drunk. They were like each other’s therapist in that moment.
That’s when out of nowhere Adam leaned in for a kiss. Gabby didn’t push away from it. Adam made his way to Gabby’s thighs, grabbing them then pulling her in closer. That’s when they both heard a voice, one that as soon as she heard it she knew who it was.
“Hey Gab-E, can I borrow a 20 so I don’t have to use my credit ca-.” Parker looked up from her phone and stopped when she saw the scene in front of her. “Oh my God Park-er what do you want?!” Parker stifled their laughter, “Well, I needed a 20, cause I didn’t want to use my credit card for a tip later, but it’s fine, I’ll uh, go to an ATM.” Gabby groaned and rolled her eyes dramatically, “Adam, this is my friend, Parker.” Adam just waved and Parker returned it, “I’ll uh, just go back to hanging out with Chuck and them.” “Yeah, you do that.” Gabby spat.
Parker turned and walked a few feet when she turned back around, “Oh, and make sure you use a condom.” “God Parker go!” Gabby yelled, and Parker walked away, laughing.
Gabby let out a sigh, “I can’t believe that bitch”. “It’s ok, now where were we again-” Adam said, licking his bottom lip, looking Gabby up and down. “I don’t know if I can continue after that, cowboy.” Gabby shook her head no, letting out a soft smile. “I love your smile, it’s cute.” Adam tilted her head up towards him, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “You know, I don’t know what it is Gabby, but something about you and me just click. And I know we’ve only known each other for less than a whole day but I really like you.” Adam looked down with a smile on his face, blushing at the fact that after one day he’d catch feeling.
“Me too Adam, fuck. It’s nice having someone that understands you and can drink with you. Plus you’re” she stopped herself in the middle of her words to let out a silent sigh. “You’re attractive, and nice, and I feel like this will be more than a one night thing”. Adam signaled his hands for Gabby to come closer, which she did. She sat on his lap, digging her face into his shoulder. “I’m gonna follow you on Instagram, you're more than Joey's friend now.” Adam whispered, hugging her tighter. Gabby laughed the comment off while still in Adam’s hold. She released her head from his shoulder, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“Well then cowboy, I’m already hooked to you so there’s no way out.” Gabby smiled. Adam smiled back at her, letting her go out of his hold.
Across the bar sat Parker and the Best Friends, laughing and acting stupid. “I’m serious! I didn’t actually expect you to retweet it James.” They were talking about one of Parker’s tweets, with them in Orange Cassidy cosplay and makeup. “We all thought it looked great, what do you mean?” Trent asked, genuinely curious. Parker took a swig of her drink before answering, it’s just, I try getting noticed by you guys a lot. I literally nicknamed myself ‘Chuck Taylor Thot’.”
Chuck, hearing that, spat out his drink with laughter, “What?!” She hid her face in her hands embarrassed, “It’s not funny.” “Sure, totally not, at all.” James said, stifling his laughter. “You guys wanna go play darts or something?” Trent asked. Parker shook their head, “You guys go ahead, I suck at that stuff.” James and Trent just shrugged and slid out the booth. Parker looked next to her, “You’re not going to play?” Chuck shook his head, “Last time I played darts with them I got one stuck in my foot.”
Parker laughed, imagining all them freaking out about it. “What’s so funny?” She put on a straight face, “Nothing, nothing.” He shrugged it off, “So I’m sure that you know a lot about me, so tell me about you.”
She rolled her eyes at that joke in the beginning before she thought for a second, “Well uh, I’m in my early twenties, I met Gabby and Bri a few years ago and uh, I don’t know what else is that important.” “That’s nice and all but I’ve been around you all day, c’mon, I know you aren’t lame.”
She sighed before really thinking what she could say about herself, “Umm, I’ve been a wrestling fan most of my life, I used to actually hate AEW, then it easily became one of the most important parts of my life and every time I see you wearing a Pacer’s shirt I freak out because you’re repping MY state.” Chuck looked towards Parker, “You’re from Indiana?” She nodded, “You were born in the wrong state.”
“No way, Kentucky for the win, plus Indiana Gentleman just sounds stupid.” “Kentucky Gentleman sounds like a douchebag.”
“Oh shut up!” The two just laughed. When they both stopped they just looked at each other, smiles on their faces. Out of nowhere he started looking closer at them. They started touching around their mouth, “What? Do I have something on my face?” He didn’t answer before he asked a question with an obvious answer, “You have freckles?”
Parker felt her face get hot when she just nodded, “Yeah, I realize they’re not as cute as other people’s but-” “I think they’re adorable.” Parker just sat there, mouth hanging open like an idiot. She shook her head when she realized she was just sitting there, “Um, uh...thank you.”
He just smiled before saying, “You’re really cool Parker. I think I might want to get to know you better.” She couldn’t even say anything and just sat there, smiling. He realized she was too awkward to say anything, so he just wrapped his arm around her shoulder, turning them towards Trent and James, arguing over who’s turn it was. She laid her head on his shoulder, watching the funny scene across from them.
A few tables over were Bri and Private Party, which despite all their energy, was pretty chill. “Okay Bri I see you with them nails.” Marq said, complimenting Bri’s nails which were blue and pink, just like Private Party’s merch. Bri smiled, modelling her hand. Isiah looked over towards the entrance when a girl walked in, he looked towards Bri and Marq, who were nodding for him to go. He jumped up out of the booth and over to the girl who walked in.
Bri and Marq turned towards each other, smiling. “I got a question.” Bri said, nervousness in her voice. He nodded his head, “Do you think I’m too, y’know, flirty?” Marq put his drink down and looked towards Brianna, like she just said something stupid. “Of course not, why you think I’ve been flirting back all day?” Bri smiled at his answer, when they started to move closer to each other, so close that their lips were almost touching, when Bri suddenly stopped and turned away, throwing up all over the floor.
“Oh shit!” Parker yelled, grabbing her jacket and sliding out the booth. She yelled for Gabby and motioned for her. They both ran towards Bri, Gabby grabbed Brianna’s purse and jacket while Parker kept her hair out her face. Parker turned towards Marq, “Sorry, this happens whenever we meet up.” Marq just nodded, “Alright, I’ll text you Bri, feel better.”
Parker turned towards Gabby, “Did you order the-” “It’ll be here in 2 minutes.” They walked towards the exit, they were halfway out the door when Chuck yelled, “Wait Parker I never I got your-” The door shut, “Number.”
Their ride was there quickly, and they climbed in the backseat, starting their ride to their hotel. “Bri I told you to stop drinking so much when you’re in a random place!” Gabby yelled. Bri just shrugged. Parker wanted to lecture Bri as well when she got a notification. The girls looked over at her, “Is it from Chuck?” Gabby asked.
“No...it’s from Nick. He wants us back next week.”
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Come back for part 2! Coming out soon!
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greatell · 4 years
I was wracking my brain for weeks wondering why they couldn’t just let Julian die and it turns out this was all for Sonny to get a new storyline???
I mean, can any of us really be surprised? Julian’s whole existence seemed to center around being Sonny’s punching bag. He came to town to take Sonny down and like everyone before him he failed. And then when he came back from prison and opened Charlie’s, Sonny was still using him as his whipping board. His death could’ve been great and climatic but nope the show had to drag it all out. And really if they wanted to do this Sonny amnesia they could’ve done it weeks ago. Have Sonny and Julian fight on the parapet, Jason holds on to Ava to stop her, then he and Julian go over. Sonny hits the rocks and into the water. Jason goes racing after him, Julian is also on the rocks dying slowly and have the ghosts of Duke and Connie come to him and he dies. Anything is better than this
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burned-lariat · 2 years
The way Carly pulled Josslyn into the house was how she needed to handle her & Michael after she divorced Sonny. Her marriage & divorce with Sonny has nothing to do with those kids & they need to stay out of grown folks business. Ofc Carly only backed off Nina cause she is holding DNA test secret which is totally going back fire once Willow is dying or dies & once again Carly kept Nina from her child. Excited to see her & Drew go to prison for insider trading.
Josslyn freaking out about Cameron is definitely her guilt of feelings for Dex. I’m worried about Spencer, he basically turned on Esme in the end & has the least amount of protection. I hope someone warns him or at least informs him. Looks like Valentin is back which means Laura & Kevin should be home as well.
It would be ironic if Portia had a mental breakdown once the truth comes out because Jordan is right she had 20+ years to tell Trina & Taggert the truth, yet she absolutely refuses. It doesn’t seem like she would tell even if Trina could become schizophrenic
I agree. What happened with CarSoNa has nothing to do with Michael and/or Josslyn. And every time they harp on the topic, it really boils down to them being mad their mommy isn’t married to the rich mob boss who gives them anything they want. Plus, you can see how their obsession with Sonny has actively impacted the people they claim to care about, and there’s no better example than with Dex. Michael allowed him to get literally fucking tortured and Josslyn is not only stalking him because she’s horny, but she’s actively belittling him and trying to control his life. I give kudos to Carly for actually trying to move on with her life and though it’s not nearly enough, I’m also glad she’s telling her children that shit happens and life goes on. 
Now, after this whole Jacksonville debacle, the only thing that’s changed about Carly is her last name. She was still the same person at the Halloween fair, she was still the same person when Drew told her she committed insider trading, and she’ll still be the same person when the truth about Nina and Willow finally comes out and Willow is seconds away from death. The dragging from Nina will be justified, especially since she did this same shit with Nelle! 
I find it ridiculous that she’s concerned out of guilt. She said she didn’t want to lose Cam as a friend - why couldn’t that be her reason? She does love Cam still, even if she’s falling out of love with him, but no, we have to sit here and accept this BS “romance” in Jex when it’s just Joss lusting after another man. I think Spencer will be fine until he’s released from Pentonville, where he’ll be less protected. And if the killer is ADA Arden and/or Rory, he’ll be the most in danger for sure. Maybe Sonny or Victor will actually care about their nephew and give him protection. 
I’ve gone on record as someone who is very much not a Portia fan, so if she has a meltdown over the truth coming out when it was on HER to be upfront about Trina’s paternity and potential health concerns, far be it from me to feel bad for her. You had 20 years to say something, now your secret-keeping is blowing up in your face. Oops 🤷🏻‍♀️
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