#also symbolic to my dumbass brain
butraura · 1 year
Bobby: I’m pretty sure the christening is the last scene in the Godfather
Buck and Eddie exchanging that look only an episode after Eddie tells Buck that he made him Chris’ godfather: 😏
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wildissylupus · 1 year
is the symbol on cassidy’s hat supposed to be a weird version of the overwatch logo?
Alright so I had to check this out and it is not the Overwatch logo, here's them side by side;
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However it is referencing something, my immediate thought was the fact that it does look like the OW logo, but reversed. So my dumbass was then "is it the Talon logo?";
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I though how that didn't make sense for his character, also the fact that though they look similar, there are too many differences for it to make sense.
Then my brain caught up and I realized;
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It's a simplified version of the Blackwatch logo.
Excuse me while I go cry-
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Fictionals' True Form anatomy sheet
Tw: Body horror galore
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This has already been done a while back, but I somehow didn't get around to posting it.
I've been considering fixing some things, but eh, I'm now lazy, so here's some artist notes instead as well as some close ups
↓↓Close ups and notes under the cut↓↓
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Notes: Yes, I didn't know that the female symbol only has one horizontal line and you'll be seeing this reoccurring mistake all over the sheet. Here, you'll see a familiar art work (assuming you've seen it, if not, here it is) of my adoptive mind children SpongeBob and Lusamine peeling themselves. Everyone looks practically the same regardless of their vessels' assigned sex. What only sets them apart is their "hair" styles or other aspects reflecting their vessels.
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Yep, these actor mofos are eldritch entities made entirely out of glowing white nerves and a kind of cancer or at least is based off of a kind of tumor called the teratoma. The typical rl teratoma aren't usually cancerous, but they can be at times. Let's say that these mfs are the cancerous types, I like to jokingly call them magical cancer nerve people who wear meat suits of the characters for our entertainment.
Yes, their true forms are a fuel for their magic/powers and allow them to live for a very long time as long as their game and animated series keep pumping out content and not meet the specific conditions for permanent death
When all or most of their true form is outside their vessel, the only organs that stay intact are the epidermal system and eyeballs. The eyes roll back and hide away the iris and pupils upon the peeling. Other internal organs get disintegrated
Here, we'll use Skinwalkermine's and SkinwalkerBob's skin removal art as reference.
(Yes, I did SpongeBob's stand alone True Form drawing too, he's the first Fictional to have his TF drawn and imagined when the concept was first introduced. It's just that I didn't post it because it's the second or third digital drawing I've drawn and I wasn't very good at it back then)
Do note that removing the meat suit and being outside of it is painful as shit. It's best to stay inside and play the part.
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(Ngl, this looks very... Uhhhh... Unfortunate and horrible out of context, please help)
Her eye rolls back and shows some nerve, just as seen in the sheet
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TW: Eyes everywhere (They represent the audience)
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As you can see here, both of their exterior flesh suits stay intact and just go limp from the lack of support.
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This is where the teratoma inspo comes in. When inside their vessels, they create other internal organs to make their vessels fully functional. Then they go organ mode and latch on to the brain stem and somewhere where the limbic system is located. This allows them to show their emotions in extraordinary ways.
Fictionals are very expressive creatures, they use their magic to enhance their expressions as a reflex. This makes it easier to convey their emotions and feelings on the screen. It also gives them a difficult time to lie to both their creators and their fellow actors.
(I want to make sense of why and how animated characters make wacky and exaggerated expressions or how game characters have emote signs above their heads. This is the world building explanation for it)
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Nipple privileges removed. Point and laugh.
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Note: This is the error I was talking about. The thinner, leaner waist is supposed to represent the male vessel, but my dumbass put "F" for female instead. There's also a typo, whoops.
But yes, both sexes get Barbie dolled. Mainly because of censorship laws and genitals aren't needed to begin with. Fictionals live long lives and the creators would just make more of their kind anyway. It also prevents them from reproducing unneeded extra babies and interfering series production should things like pregnancy, relationship complications, and child birth occur.
This resulted to a majorly aroace normative society and Fictionals see things like sex and marriage as foreign, non existent concepts. An act of fiction and another scene demanded by the director if you will. Though, marriage and romance are possible between Fictionals, but they're very rare and are seen as unnecessary and strange.
Both sexes sharing certain places such as the locker rooms and bathrooms have been normalised. There's nothing else to see between their legs.
The only bottom hole Fictionals have is the cloaca. Yes, they have chicken assholes and that's the only out for bodily waste like feces and urine.
"But Sea, how would they make NSFW content?"
Good question...
They have undergarments taking the resemblance of the nipples and genitals should they act out things like hentai. Think of them as stage props, it's like that. They look and act just like the real deal, but they're not functional. They're there for the looks only.
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Fictionals' true forms' heads or faces don't have noses, ears, and mouths. All they have are their own eyes and so called "hair". Their hair is not actually made of hair, they're just nerves, tumors, and muscles clumped up together to look like hair.
I'm considering replacing their feet with roots, I think it makes a lot more sense. Their feet aren't functional to begin with. They move around on their long hands should they tear off their vessels. It also adds a certain cryptic vibe when they're on their hands instead of being bipedal. While they can kneel on their legs, they'd struggle having their hands off the ground for a long time.
Bonus stuff in here
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
what does AFO love about Yoichi?
Everything! :D And I mean literally everything—All For One's love is all-encompassing. In my brain, he is (ironically) all or nothing. His love for Yoichi is so obsessive, so blinding, that every single thing about Yoichi is something he adores; to the point that if he sees someone else displaying traits Yoichi has/had, he'll grow fond of them. Though obviously not to the same degree lmao.
Does this mean that All For One never complains about his brother when Yoichi is being a dumbass? NO, it just means that at the end of the rant he'll sigh heavily and smile fondly and go "Oh my darling foolish Yoichi 💕" like this man is a SIMP. Which is,,,,interesting, considering that he's incredibly selfish and sees Yoichi as someone who should exist solely for him and his happiness. (Because he also sees himself as someone who exists solely for Yoichi and Yoichi's happiness even as he inadvertantly causes most of Yoichi's misery).
But yeah! Yoichi's golden morals and heroism are endearing and a symbol of his brother's purity. Yoichi's stubbornness and petty spiteful streak are a show of his strength and a bit of beautiful corruption 💖 Even the traits All For One finds exasperating are things he romanticizes and adores. Because, not in spite of ✨
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stormbreaker101 · 5 months
The Phantoms got the notable iconic skull ring, the symbol of the phantom. He lives in Skull Cave, he sits on the skull throne. In the movie canon we have the skulls of touganda. He likes skulls. The phantom is the guy they make all of those air brushed tshirts of a flaming skull for. We’ve found the only guy above 13 who sees an overpriced figurine of a skeleton riding a motorcycle that is also a skeleton and goes “woah. Goes hard.”
Ok so it's just for aesthetic and not real actual human skulls
That makes me feel a LOT safer about the phantom AND our dumbass
Dammit now i wanna draw bantam in one of those shirt i know exactly the type but i just drew like 6 ocs and my brain is tired of art'ing
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your-local-scene-emo · 9 months
all my marble hornets notes
alex is the guy who saw slenderman first, and made the bad decision to explore it, and he survived i think.
alex sees anxious in all of the clips in entry 3
entry 4 is alex in a park, running from slenderman, or an entity. whatever it is, alex does not seem to want to interact with it.
jay is the man recording in entry 5, and alex is doing a tour of the ground for marble hornets
it may be that slenderman followed him home after the encounter at the park or the road with his dog.
brian, alex, and a girl off camera entry 7, further notes here. alex is off camera and brian is now talking. they are in a car. also, brian is hoody.
the man confirms that someone is most definitely following alex
alex is seen drawing the slenderman poster thingys
sarah and tim are reading a script, and alex is pissed that they aren't doing it how he wants them to. alex seems to want to have the camera recording at all times, this may just be a minor detail only for the set, or it may be because he feels unsettled by the tall man stalking him. seth is the one recording right now.
alex is running away from the tall man in entry 10
in entry 11 alex is checking his house and outside for the entity, it also appears he has hanging the pictures of slenderman up.
in entry number 12, brain and alex are shooting a shot together with alex acting more like himself. the camera distorts, and then seth zooms in on the slenderman.
alex is in the woods all by himself, and finds a symbol that is an 'O' with an 'X' alex notices something and begins to run
it seems slenderman ha invaded his home, alex records for about 35 minutes and gets nothing, but next we see him bleeding from his head, but conscious.
jay and tim are meeting up entry 15. so tim mentions that at first, alex was a pretty good director until moving forward. so that would mean that an clips of alex being himself are the first clips he made, and then the ones of him acting off are the ones that are the result of being exposed to slenderman.brian and alex are good friends it seems, while tim was just along for the ride. someone was leaving dead animals on alex's front yard, so this can conclude that slenderman is most likely hostile if it is him. TICK TOCK
we are in the pov of jay, and he's looking for brian in entry 16 why are these mfs always in the woods at night??? anyway, jay is knocking on maybe brians door. jay attempts breaking and entering. jay succeeds at breaking and entering. oh damn their house is like what comes out of my ass when i eat too much mcdonalds jay i need you to get your shit together and leave immediately. i'm just saying i would know if i'm in a horror film somebody give this mans some cough medicine his coughing is freaking me out more than the spooky tall guy omfg jay don't go upstairs he went upstairs omfg oh boy blood splatters, lets go towards it! OMFG JAY TOUCHED THE SINK FULL OF BLOOD THIS DUMBASS it seems brian took pills, also this is brian's house i'm going to assume
alex is nice now in entry 17 so this is when they first started. slenderman is in the background, no has noticed him yet
maybe alex done did suicided himself
entry 18- more of my rants about this dumbass jay. he's knocking on the door like someone's gonna answer more breaking and entering EW DON"T TOUCH THE DOLL uh oh, you know what that looks like, naked slender man doll :0 also, was that masky or am i tripping? yep, i rewinded it. holy shit, top ten anime battles aw masky dropped him off
so jay is going insane too, great, entry 19 is starting off great. omg masky is sleeping with him, girls night!
totheark is masky's name? refuse to believe. i'm googling it rn uh uh his name is tim dumb ass
so jay is probably gone lol
stopping at entry 19.5 cus i'm tired.
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Just read your fic!!! ❤️💛❤️ here’s a meme ficlet. As a treat.
Meliodas technically earning his title of traitor the same way he technically earned his title of commandment of love is so funny to me
The Demon King: *cursing Meliodas and Elizabeth* this should teach you to defy ME your MAKER your KING and then double down on it when I show you the pointlessness and utter foolishness of your rebellion like some sort of slobbering lap dog
Meliodas, wandering the human kingdoms: *commits treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: wh. What.
Meliodas: *commits treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: no.
Meliodas: *commits an even more elaborate and audacious treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: you cannot keep this up. This coping mechanism of yours is not only straight bonkers but as hopeless as you standing against me
Meliodas: *commits treason by himself* *commits treason* *commits-*
The Demon King: I fucking. If I had made you piety instead would you have still done this. Do I even want to know what is going on in your brain
DK: at least I have one sane son. Zeldris?
Zeldris, who has been technically commiting treason by being his own person since childhood:
DK: ...Zeldris? What do you have there?
Zel: uh...
Gelda: :3
DK: that can be fixed.
DK: wait...
DK: child of mine. Faithful servant. Harbringer of death. what are THOSE
Zel: ... dreams of a peaceful demon realm..?
DK: ...
Zeldris: it's okay. Don't try to pretend you understand what autonomy and human rights are. We all know you don't. And yes I talked to my people about that.
DK: how dare you. I understand exactly. what I don't understand, is how you're so stupid you think your sleep habits have anything to do with this
DK: whatever you're going through that's making you...think... I'm sure it's all in your head. Just a little juvenile sickness. A bit more weakness to stamp out. Just explain and I can clear it all up for you.
Zeldris, exasperated: I was having ideas without your explicit permission. Something that norm-
DK: UNDER MY ROOF??? Well, I suppose I should have expected that from someone like you, but why are you disobeying me right now?
Zel: vague passive aggressive guesturing
DK: come now. You won't think your little rebellion could possibly be coming from some rational place in your mind, do you?
Zeldris: no father. We all know treason grows from the ass, not from deliberate choices influenced by past experiences. where the hell did you think Meliodas got his treasonous thoughts from. You, dumbass! FROM LIVING HERE WITH YOU!
Meliodas, actively commiting more treason: sup little bro
Zeldris: traITOR
Zeldris: omg why are you... w h y...Okay it doesn't matter just stay away from me we all know you only care about peace and Elizabeth
Zeldris: 👀...U...unless...?
The DK, watching them from hell: FORGIVENESS?? forgiveness is for chumps literally what are you doing. Treason this is so much treason
- Zeldris and Meliodas, drinking tea in the demon realm -
Meliodas: I like the new throne chairs you picked, very nice
Zeldris: I'm surprised you didn't throw yourself onto them the first time you saw them
Meliodas: that would be disrespectful. Now as for father’s throne I vote we throw it out into the wilderness and make it a tourist trap
Zeldris: a what
Meliodas: for lovers
Zeldris: whut
Meliodas: come on. The symbolism. You know what I'm talking about
Zeldris. Of course but I'm surprised you have the... The energy to conceive of that. What with the infant and all. I figured you would be... Half dead that's why I invited you over here for so long. You look very alive though
Zeldris: also the baby is right there
Tristian, who was of course brought along for the first couple hours of this visit bc yes and also it will be easier for Ellie to pry their son out of his arms this way: :D
Zeldris: aren't you going to like. Tone it down when you're around him
Meliodas: nah
Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!
Lmaooooooooooo this is great, I love it. As horrifying as it is to consider the possibility that just being your own person might be considered treason under the Demon King, it does make for some very funny jokes.
Also thanks to this I am actively coming up with possible ideas for a “Five Times Meliodas Committed Treason and One Time He Didn’t,” which is probably going to turn out angstier than the title would suggest.
So far I’ve got:
A Robin Hood-esque situation where Elizabeth Number ?? is the Robin Hood figure and Meliodas is the sidekick supporting her and her band of merry men rogues in her quest to overthrow the king and save the common folk (featuring Meliodas getting captured and almost hung before Elizabeth saves him, both of them getting captured and actually hung, or both)
Literally Just Dishonored (basically: Meliodas as the bodyguard of an empress and her daughter (Elizabeth); empress gets assassinated, her daughter kidnapped, and Meliodas gets accused of treason and thrown in prison. Eventually he escapes and proceeds to rescue little Elizabeth, bring down the people responsible for everything (thus debatably committing actual treason), and restore Elizabeth to the throne. Or she dies again for some reason.
…She’s probably going to die in most of these, isn’t she.
At least there would be cute platonic Melizabeth feat: baby Elizabeth?)
The story of Diarmuid and Grainne but it’s Meliodas and Elizabeth instead (iirc: Diarmuid was one of the greatest of an ancient Irish king’s warriors, but was too beautiful for his own good, as the king’s fiancée, Grainne, fell in love with him. Diarmuid and Grainne run away for the sake of love and go into hiding, pursued by the rest of the king’s warriors. Grainne gets pregnant only for Diarmuid to die protecting her from a wild boar and also because his friend and leader of the king’s warriors refuses to betray his king by helping Diarmuid). I’m not entirely sure this counts as treason, but like. It could. Also not sure how I feel about Elizabeth getting pregnant prior to her curse getting broken. Or how to avoid this ending in a demon-goddess hybrid baby several centuries too early.
OOH WHAT ABOUT PIRATE MELIZABETH! Okay, so Meliodas is a ship captain turned privateer, tasked by the queen of such and such kingdom with fighting off pirates. Meliodas goes after the most famous one of them all, only to discover it’s Elizabeth! He then betrays the kingdom to join her. This probably also ends in both of them getting executed, just for piracy this time.
…Okay, I’ve actually checked the definition of treason now, and I don’t think the Diarmuid and Grainne idea would count as treason, but the other three probably would.
You know what would be really funny? The Sins/Zeldris/both somehow hearing all these stories about ancient traitors, figuring out that they were all Meliodas/Meliodas+Elizabeth, and just going up to him and going “What the fuck”
Anyway if you have any ideas (that you would be willing to let me use) or thoughts on my ideas, please do let me know! This is fun hehe
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fungalleech · 3 months
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Hello everyone I was bored so I doodled up this silly concept thingimajig for a species(??) i guess. Here is some stuff about them. ((Note: The text in the images will be written out at the bottom of this. I know my handwriting sucks.))
they are quite large
they don't have eyes, those things that look like eyes are actually ears
their heat pits double as nostrils
their sense of smell is kinda wack because their masks don't have heat pit holes so they kinda gotta get all up in yo shit to check you out properly (which serves as context for the fifth image)
they like casting magic and being little silly dumbasses
as mentioned they paint their masks as a symbol of status, but so they can properly detect it for each other they use a specific kind of paint that repels heat like the PLAGUE so it stands out against their mask (so the painted spots are incredibly cold to the touch)
they're hexapods but are only quadrupeds. They technically could walk on all six limbs if they wanted to, but 90% of the time they use 2 of their arms (either set, it depends on what they're doing) to hold things or interact with their surroundings
their writing system has two branches- a similar method to the way they paint their masks but onto paper or clay, OR similar to braille
> They're also capable of verbal communication, and their voices sound pretty much like Beast Of Bermuda megaraptors (horrible frame of reference I know. shut up. I don't know what sounds they sample). It is quite difficult for them to speak verbally to humans due to this, and the fact that their tongues and teeth are shaped in a way that doesn't let them articulate a lot of sounds (such as 's', 'th', etc.)
their hands are INCREDIBLY sensitive to any kind of stimulation, be it vibrations through the air or the lightest of touches- which helps them both navigate their surroundings and do their silly magic spells. downside of this is papercuts are their worst fucking nightmare
> Due to this, they tend to show physical affection/communicate with those close to them by holding hands. They will make micromovements or tap with morse code. They're capable of verbal communication, but the silence and closeness of the handholding communication helps strengthen their bond.
If enough people claw at my ankles about these freaks I might flesh them out more.. shrug
((ok here's that transcript)) Capable of standing on back legs, NOT good at it Paint on their masks as a sign of status -- 'Mask'less* -- *Despite appearing to be a mask, their faces are simply covered in thick keratin. -- Hole in skull which exposes brain, thought to help channel magic -- Heat pits Herbivores -- Beaked mouth PRESS -- *sniff -- *sniff
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello to a bunch of my new followers! My name is Trinity and I'd like to run through some of what my blog supports, my opinions, and other stuff. Feel free to message me anytime or you can lurk like the little goblins you are >:)
I reblog a lot of art, comics, and memes. I like to interpret canon by analysing specific choices on a timeline based on the end outcome. Basically that means I believe a character is canonically horrible, nice, cute, a killer, a saviour, etc. all simutaneously. If you have a take, I probably have evidence to support it even if I don't like it LMAO
My favourite character is Connor because he (apart from Hank) is the only character with strong internal conflict (and I go feral over characters with internal conflict). I enjoy Rose and Adam's interpersonal conflicts with each other, I love Hank and Connor's interpersonal conflict (probably for the same reasons as everyone else: it's funny af), and I found the relationship development between North and Markus rushed and disappointing.
I don't really hardcore romantic-ship anything, but I enjoy a bit of simarkus, and mainly reed900. Reed900 is so, so horrible that it makes me laugh. Make android-racist kiss the upgraded version of the android he hates most. A well-deserved punishment lmaooooo 💀 Also I love the fanon dynamics it's too good.
I like to ship Hank and Connor as father and son because that's such a vibe to me!!! Most of the time, hankcon makes me uncomfortable because of this, but I'm vibing and it's okay if you like to interpret their relationship the romantic way. (Multiple timeline brain, after all^.) I keep the hankcon hashtag hidden but sometimes I sneak a peak hoping it's a funny comic alskdhskjdhd I used to get jumpscared by hankcon because I interpret them as father and son, but nowadays I look at it and go "ah yes, not My timeline" and travel back through the wormhole whence I came 🥴 I can still appreciate some of the art tho!! Btw I'm chill if you tag my some of my stuff as hankcon I don't care 💅
I like to see the RKs as brothers in one universe, but I don't mind the RK ships in another universe. These ships are like a true neutral for me, but the brothers is preferred :) I think I just like family dynamics lmao
I dislike the main fanon interpretations of Sixty, but I do love the memes of him being a dumbass. I like memes of any character being a dumbass. It makes my dumb ass feel less of a dumb. Also it's funny
I REALLY love meta and analysis. I soak that up like a sponge. I love when people throw essays at me or a ramble comes across my feed. I love it so much. Analyse the symbolism!!! Do it do it!!! I will lick the screen like an RK800 I don't care I am Normal about proper good analysis.
I don't really read much fic and if I say I'm going to read something, give me about 1 business month. (I'm not exaggerating I'm so sorry.) I'm more of a content creator than consumer, so I spend my free time making stuff and then I consume when my brain needs to chill out or the guilt gets too strong.
You can find all the stuff I create on my pinned content master post. <3
Once again, feel free to message me or throw me posts but if there is one thing that tops it all: If you find any content of Connor suffering, I require it to live. That's my oxygen. If Connor is reduced to nothing but his entrails on a table and a CPU propped up on a stand, I will be so happy LOL sorry Connor. Get shot homie
Bonus: The PM700 is cool as hell and I have a blondman crush on the WR600 who gave Kara directions to Zlatko's 💀👌
Bonus bonus: Mega crush on Connor too!!! Also I love Zlatko's monsters ok I'll shut up now
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setoronini · 4 months
Before making assumptions or stuff about me or what i like /gen
Would be appreciated!! ^.^
My name is Setoroni! He/Him + Neos that can be found in my Pronouns Page above
Actually all my info is in my Pronouns page. Well most of it
I talk too much. Or tyepe whateve
- Main Tags
#★ = Fav Posts, usually used for reblogs
#seto art = My art tag!
#seto translations = Mainly for @.expungedagalungagoo 's @.ask-unpleasant blog when I feel like being helpful
#backstage textposts = Explanatory. I talk.
#seto shitpost = similar to textpost but this is me doing whatever and acting like I'm talking to a close friend
#seto status = I update random people on the Internet on my wellbeing
- Misc Tags
#artfight creatives = Anything AF related
↓extra info under cut↓
My ssona..
His name is my name (seto) be nice
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Why do i use chat and type in blue and white?
Because ican (scratches an itch in my brain and nice to look at)
Only posting art on Artfight N Tumblr
↑ Yah if u see like 15 stars Thats Me Im Very Specific About It Being 15 Stars
I recommend good music trust. I have 1500 song playlist and their all vocaloid or old rock
Im mainly reposting on this becayse i post my art rarely.kinda. because im a BABY. But eh. usually repost infected art n stuff...
(friend list on tumblr in order of chaos or something)
(go follow them)
My rat child that i hate so much i have known them too long
I found them and now we are friends its called telekinesis i think or something like that its magic.
Translation stealer
Do not test me
TBA as i get to run around with free access to the world
some things to note ≈∞≈
I'm not diagnosed with anything but Anxiety due to my current situation, but I don't care if you make jokes toward me about (an)other disorder(s) (trust me I am way too used to it to gaf and find it a bit funny)
I will usually be online most of the time, and if I'm not I'm probably asleep or doing chores
I have a Disabled uncle with Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability (plus other issues) that I take care of, please take that into account
I take behaviors from people around me/i interact with
I cannot pay attention to multiple fandoms at once and stay heavily focused at one at a time (currently that'd be Regretevator)
I'm a Minor, mid-late teens
I have writing issues so I might use tonetags and misspell often!!
My brain physically starts crashing sometimes be patient with my dumbass
Ill make a card one day with Patience....be patient...
In reference to Ships :
I ship everything as long as it's legal and not weird as shit. If something exists i like it, if it doesn't i like it, most if not all ships will always be above "no opinion but i like it" or will be "never seen or havent thought much about it to have an opinion."
Plus im a really big polyam ship lover ← polyamorous person
I do enjoy ships with Infected more, but that's just because infected is my favorite and I project onto him too much.
^ any ship with the guys above this message is a win 4 me
In reference to my own Headcanons :
I dont push my hcs onto anyone, especially not with things like dynamics, sexualities, gender, etc. I'm the one who steals headcanons and projects onto my favs, and honestly a lot of people are super creative with their own headcanons.
Also I'm very fluid with my headcanons so I can't really state them? I do have genders and sexualities for some characters settled.
In reference to being Mutuals/Friends :
I literally classify anyone as a friend until proven otherwise*, If I am actually all friendly and comfy with you you are friend status. Which is everyone. Their mini-specifics in that but those aren't important everyone is a friend or higher if I interact/interacted with you
* proven otherwise in this situation meaning like basic dni criteria (?) (illegal stuff, in general being a weirdo /neg, not respecting other peoples boundaries). I am not good in agruments
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I stopped watching Naruto when I got to the 'Wave arc episode', Idk what was the reason (I forgot), this happened 6 years ago. It was on my 'watch later' list, but it took me three years to re-open it. It happened when I accidentally discovered a fan fiction about Naruto and Sasuke. Curiously, I opened it and it was full of names like 'Sasunaru' , but at the time Idk it had also 'Narusasu'. Idk it was about who was 'top' and who was 'bottom'. But my dumbass brain thought it was 'just' a name, nothing more. After reading it I don't understand why it felt like something was missing even though I hadn't seen (Naruto) in years (but don't forget that I never saw them in their teenage days eps). so I ended up not liking it. I'm extremely Sorry if my words offended any fanfic writers or DJ artists. I appreciate how much effort you all put in there. Then I wondered what made them 'ship' these two characters so much. Idk why I always accidentally find something about 'Naruto'. And that accident was this panel:
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And I was like, 'OMG! Whoever this fan artist of N&S they're so fucking talented! This ship has got very talented artists. Look at all those details, there's so much pain and longing in his eyes, like he can't be separated from him. Heartbreaking art!! I love it!!
Then I came to the shocking realization that it was actually drawn by the mangaka himself and was a panel from the manga. My jaw dropped in shock. After that I came to the conclusion, "If I got that much details just looking at that art then there's something big going on there, better read it ASAP." Man! I cried so ugly. The way he gives so much symbolism to his characters and the well-balanced chemistry between them but above all the poetic visualisations… overflowing emotions.... Cant express in words... When I got to ch.698 and Sasuke's monologue I choked up while crying. Naruto completely broke me mentally and emotionally. I still remember my mom asking me, "Why are you so depressed?? Did you read something you shouldn't ?? I think that 'book' is the reason you are like this, isn't it?" yes, 100% these two boys are the main reason. Then I looked for a place to express my love for these two gay ninjas. And I finally found Tumblr. I'm moved to see that a whole family is here, but a little sad that some of them are deactivated (I don't blame them, it's their life, it's their choice. I respect that.) I don't even know when I will deactivate hehe. The forgotten part accidentally reappeared, and that was the best blessing. SNS was my first ship. Even though they are fictional characters, tears well up in my eyes whenever I think about them. My love for these two will never end.
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herogers · 1 year
Top 5 fics you’ve read this year?
I was meant to answer this forever ago and now that ao3 is back I will celebrate by finally answering (ik you sent me this at the end of last year but forgive me I finally have a laptop now and getting the hang of links!) Also my dumbass has only recently started bookmarking and I was late af making an account so I'm in the trenches trying to find these rn, some ik by memory because brainrot anyway..
Endgame, Not Checkmate by @geekymoviemom I could write an essay on how much I LOVE this fic, this was a gift for moi for the 'a second chance' mini exchange and this fic is all I could've dreamed of I highly recommend, its beautiful well written my heart does flips just thinking of it, absolute FAV, this is my canon now, the healing I needed, God is real I know because this fic exists. Read this it's for your own good, ok?
this charming man by @imperialstark THIS FIC consumed my entire brain and everytime it gets updated it ramps it up again and I get mega stony brainrot, one might say I'm obsessed ANYWAY, its still being updated and its the highlight of my day week whatever when it does, very much recommend if you love a bratty young Tony Stark, hot as fuck, 90's, and just ugh the exploration of Steve's emotions, just the way both of them are written is chefs kiss dude just read it, this definitely tugs at my heart and is also a lot of fun chefs kiss 10/10 already, author makes me feel all the feelings.
this love came back to me by meidui a lot of feelings for this one as it was one of the first stony fics I read and probably the first one I truly fell in love with, massive soft spot for this one and ugh I just love it, they're so soft and AGH, big big sucker for the canon divergence endgame because yes this is just how it should've gone and yes this is how it did ok! Just beautiful I love them, I love THIS! READ IT
Love Bites by @cowboyhorsegirl oooooo I love this one, also a massive sucker for biting :)) ok sounded very vampiric of me anyway this is just beautifully written and aaaa I'm reading this again and its making me feral all of it just ALL OF IT its gorgeous intimate beautiful just fucking read it okay I am terrible at these summaries and if you've made it this far you already know but yeah, this is all the feelings i love packaged nicely in a fic 10/10 nice B)
choke on me by @imperialstark yes this author has ruined my life(in the best way) anyway last but definitely not least ho ly shit do I love this fic, again one of the first fics that made me fall in love with stony fics and here I am now! Writing is just magnificent I can FEEL these characters feelings man this is just so good, still being updated so more to come guys please just fucking read it its so beautiful, it gets me in my feelings so hard, Steve and Tony are written so well, this fic absolutely captivates me!! The dialogue, the BEAUTIFUL writing the gorgeousness of it all AGH PLEASE read this my silly summary gives absolutely no justice I swear this is one of the best things I've read chefs fucking kiss 1000/10 highly recommend
ok ik you only said 5 but I found some more favs on my journey of finding the fics I love so v quickly i recommend
Paradise Blue in 1872 by @cowboyhorsegirl beautifully written, love love, love. Religious symbolism and pining and ugh short sweet and beautiful. Brilliant relationship study! GOD I'm in my feels again.
speak novels like beat poetry by meidui MASSIVE MASSIVE sucker for Steve's brooklyn accent in fics holy shit yesyesyes and this is just perfect I'm in love, very sweet very AAAAA i love
This is my first reclist I hope I didn't fuck it up bc its so late here right now and- oh shit the sun's just come up, check out all these authors they are so talented and yes there is pattern here I love to be absolutely crushed knocked down and swaddled nicely, I love fics that make me feel so hard man and these writers are amazing, makes me love this fandom youre all very talented dude it inspires me sm
don't let my dumbass rambly summaries fool you these fics are genuine works of art pls I am so in love
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slowdripsunrise · 1 year
BOOK REVIEW AGAINNNNNNN yippee i have actually been reading... not a lot but well i am ! kinda forgot about this blog ok thats not true i was just lazy and didnt want to write a post. well anyways heres a big post for all the stories i read there are 4 - things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca, paradise rot by jenny hval, soft science by franny choi, and the country will bring us no peace by matthieu simard ! spoilers under the cut
ok first i read things have gotten worse since we last spoke because i wanted to go on a little kick of reading weird crazy people books at 3 am. and i did! chose this one because i saw it was very short so. anyways i thought this was.... okay. i think what made it a little worse off for me is that i already knew about the whole parasite thing from tiktok, so it wasnt that crazy to me when it actually happened. gonna be honest i do Not remember how the book ends at all so i dont even know if it was satisfying or not. was my experience worsened by it being 3am and me not having any thoughts at all? probably. would i do it again? yeah. i was a lil bit disappointed in the apple peeler part too... i thought it was going to be more relevant than it was unless there are some hidden symbolism meanings motifs going on that i didnt get... actually now that im thinking about it big long unbroken peels of apple + a big long probably worm-like parasite? next to each other thats kinda cool. other than that thought i literally just had now typing this out i didnt see anything else. omg speaking of seeing the tagline and also its mentioned in the book, "what did you do today to deserve your eyes?" crazy ass fuck sentence. i kinda love it actually and this is maybe where i would have like to see the apple peeler come in. she takes the apple peeler to her face and peels her eyes out of her head idk. also i feel like either on tiktok/goodreads they were supposed to be ballerinas? but that wasnt mentioned at ALL? i might be misremembering but that also could have been a cool little anecdote. anyways all this to say i thought the book was alright. i was entertained for like 2 hours. my favorite part of this experience was going on goodreads after and seeing a one star review of the book that just said "men stop writing trauma porn about lesbians." which is SO FUCKING FUNNY. because 1 im pretty sure the author is nonbinary, so hes not a man. 2. WHO IS GETTING OFF TO THIS. sorry i do absolutely not see any fetishization here, and also i think they write stories like this in like collections,, so there are probably people other than lesbians in them. idk i just thought that was funny. jesus christ this is getting long and i'm only 1/4 done. i pity anyone who opens this.
next i read paradise rot by jenny hval, which i had heard was dubbed the "bisexual piss book" intriguing and also a short little story i read at 3am. i did like this one, i thought it was fun and interesting and im a big fan of rot. just in general. vibes were on point. this book was moist. however, not as much piss as i expected. as in like quantities on page. they did talk about piss a lot and by they i mean the narrator. not as horror-esque as i thought it would be but i did like it! ohhh to simply rot away...... would not recommend this to normal people and i like that about it.
soft science by franny choi !!!! really liked this! im going to be honest i do not remember more than one poem from this collection. but i do remember liking them !!! sorry i think i need to train my brain to like and remember poetry more. and not just like the ones from tumblr webweaves even though all of them slay.
finally i read the country will bring us no peace by matthieu simard. i liked this, thought it was super interesting,,, ok i didnt think it was super interesting i thought it was good. god i am trying to program myself out of academic reviews of stupid dumbass books i was forced to read. this isn't like that at all. anyways i thought the whole grief aspect was done very well, the sadness at knowing literally nothing will work or come together to make your life go back to the way it was, go back to being whole again. and that deep deep sadness of not only losing their daughter but also the life they had before, the life they had with each other,,, losing all hope. it definitely got to me i did almost cry i think. i think i have more to say about this but i don't remember it. oh well. i thought the vibes of a hostile small mountain town were cool ! i think one of my favorite scenes was when the lavoie's kid falls from the antenna and they are just standing there doing nothing and simon has to go save him... idk the fact that they were shown as perfect parents for their perfect children and how not great they actually were <- this thought is dumb and obvious you get what im saying. one of my main issues is that the ending did feel rushed... and i was a bit confused,,,, the last line "a bird starts to sing" i couldn't tell if that was meant to be marie and simon hearing birds in the afterlife, in the woods by the bowling alley? or was that just the birds in the town finally starting to sing? because if its the latter i don't really get how simon and marie dying would bring the birds back.. the town is still dying and tragedies will still happen... idk its probably the birds in the afterlife but oh well. ok final thought i think but i think the title in french is interesting. it's called "ici, ailleurs" which means "here, elsewhere" or more like "here, something better. here, a new beginning." i like that, obviously it's what the book is about, and idk i think the translator did a good job at conveying the message. i think i would read this book again but in french, mostly to practice because my french is shit but i think since it only really stays in one setting, there's not a lot of characters, concepts are pretty easy to understand, i think it would be fun !!!! ok im done those are my reviews of all the books ive read in the past week or so thanks to anyone who reads this whole thing you are crazy. peace and love
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itlivesproject · 2 years
Ughhhhh you've found my biggest 'this is terrifying' button and brought down the sledgehammer on it. All this 'I'm not human', the real person being dead and other existential stuff is what haunts my deepest nightmares. (Screams into the pillow)
Great plot twist, and makes perfect sense but UGHHHH. Now I get the symbolism behind blood/shadow dichotomy... bruh is MC even corporeal? Ajvncidjvnvkfjb now that's a weird spin on the sexy times. Man I HOPE MC just got killed in that incident and insta-reincarnated into a being of pure Power because if it's anything else my brain will explode.
The art scenes in this chapter are GORGEOUS! Smoochin' your artists' cheeks. The scene with ilitw gang and adult Jane?? Man that was so bittersweet, loved it. Nobody bothered to bring a spare change of clothes to the ritual? Seriously? No one even for a second thought about that MAYBE the ressurrection doesn't include clothing? The gang are dumbasses and I love them all.
The story is moving to it's final act and I'm hyped beyond measure! Also nice cliffhanger before break, I hope y'all are happy *grumble grumble* (jk ily)
Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and words <3 glad you're enjoying the game... even when it's painful sdlkfjs can't wait to come back on Saturday!! SO CLOSE!! <3
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general--winter · 1 year
tenten x shisui
I think I'm too much of a Tenten x Neji shipper to feel any way about this other than nope, lol. The only "canon" ship (and I say this because there's no way these two characters ever interacted) that I like for Shisui is Sakura, and that is ENTIRELY due to A Quiet Thunder by Renaerys. Highly reccomended fic, btw. I love that Shisui is a little idiot and Sakura is Tired of His Shit, but they're also both super empathetic people that are hurting deeply and that makes the hurt/comfort part of my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrr
BUT, if I were to think of what Shisui and Tenten would be like. Oh God. Yeah they would be chaotic as shit. Two dumbasses in love. Shisui only knows how to flirt and Tenten is just happy to be there. They WOULD share one braincell and all it would do is bounce off of both of their brains like a Pong ball. Maybe they experience Thought when it hits the corner like the DVD symbol. I feel like they would continuously look like Douma in that one shot from the first episode of Demon Slayer S3. Douma is NOT a one braincell character and honestly I absolutely despise him, but even I cannot deny that he looks like a goddamn idiot in that frame.
I am also just now realizing that this may be a request for headcanons on these two together, if it is please send another ask that is a bit more detailed on what you want! If not, well this is my opinion on them lol.
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Omg I love animorphs, what animals do you think the Aquato's would be?
Okay okay so I know you're asking about morphs specifically but like. The human brain loves making connections and I love making symbolic and thematic connections between the characters I like and animals my brain decides to associate them with. There is not a single blorbo that is exempt from this.
Lucrecia is associated with both turtles and otters in my mind, particularly river otters. Turtles are neat and they're (generally, not every species is) aquatic. The otter association is more because I also associate Raz with otters, and it's a neat little connection between them.
Augustus is tough and enduring, leading me to compare him to wolverines. And I know trees aren't animals but they're tall, they provide support and shelter and food to various animals, and I don't think I could not associate Augustus with trees at this point.
I associate Donatella with butterflies and birds of paradise. The butterfly is more of an aesthetic thing, though there is something to be said about the monarch butterfly's ability to complete a 2,500 mile journey in about two months. And then male birds of paradise will maintain a performance space to do their little song and dance in and do you get my vision. Do you get where I'm coming from.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Dion is like a cat. He's graceful and capable of incredible feats but also a complete dumbass. He respects his parents a lot and it shows. He is 100% the kind of guy to faceplant and then get back up and act like nothing happened and you cannot convince me otherwise. Another animal I compare/represent him with is peacocks; look at his stupid hair and tell me I'm wrong.
(Another association is with spiders; this is definitely an aesthetic thing in that an acrobat hanging from a trapeze is visually similar to a spider hanging from its thread. That's it that's the whole reason I lowkey associate Dion with spiders.)
Frazie's a lot like a bird. You could say she's like a martin (agile), a red-tailed hawk (powerful, good vision, and if you buy into the headcanon that Frazie's specialty is bladestunts then there's talons and sharp beaks). You could compare her to a bluejay (clever & brightly colored corvid) or a hummingbird (brightly colored, agile). I also lowkey associate her with ermines (tough, agile, unstoppable energy). Another association I have for her is dragonflies; they live near water (in it during their larval and nymph stages), they're fast and agile, and her hair shape reminds me of them.
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(Image Description: a mouse-drawn image of the basic shape of Frazie's hair style—two wide pigtails out to the side, long ponytail in the back—next to an even worse scribble of a dragonfly. Frazie's hair shape is in red and the dragonfly is in green. End ID)
Raz reminds me of mountain goats; complete defiance of gravity, stubborn, strong. And as mentioned above, I associate him with otters (aquatic, agile, creates a nice little connection between him and Lucy). A third association I have for him is possums; he's a weird little dude with a weird little look that's still cute, and the general climbing ability fits well with Raz' background as an acrobat.
Mirtala is a lot like a chickadee. Small, adorable, incredibly tough and resilient, and much braver than I'd ever be at that size. She's also associated with ferrets in my mind (adorable, lanky, agile, hyperactive). She's just so funky neat and ferrets and chickadees are so funky neat and I aughhhhhh 🥺
This is more of a headcanon but Queepie reads to me as noticeably smarter than most kids his age. Maybe he's not really, and Dion just trusts him to be right about psychics because Dion is, well, Dion, but I still associate Queepie with owls anyway, because of the wisdom association, the big eyes, and the fact that baby owls (like most baby birds) look so very weird and Queepie is,,,, a weird-looking kid. I also associate him with ants because of his strength.
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