#also tell me how often you watch it before you realize it's looped :^)
ineffablecollision · 1 month
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Cowboys are the only thing on my mind rn. Like I am down BAD for cowboys. But I got this idea…
Any yandere spiderverse character x cowboy reader 🤭
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Warnings: yandere behavior and talks about cowboy shtuff
A/N: I love your thinking!! This is such a cute idea, istg. I added two characters totally, enjoy my love <3
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Hobie Brown:
He thinks you’re so badass and incredibly attractive. He finds your taste in style pretty unique and your western accent so fucking attractive.
If you wear a western hat, you can bet Hobie will tease you so much and often grab it off you, waving it above you to see how you’ll react. Nevertheless, he finds you cute with it on.
With your style of clothing, Hobie is the type to have something similar for the both of you to wear, so people know you two belong to each other. Hobie will likely give you a necklace, or a keychain to go around your belt loops.
Isn’t really all that interested in learning how to ride a horse, but he does enjoy seeing you ride – especially staring at your muscled thighs from behind. If you’re a Spider person, you can bet Hobie will jump on the back of your horse to check up on you before swinging off in the middle of combat.
If you have a ranch, he will try to help, but he ends up just messing with the cattle and making sure they do mischievous things; finding your annoyed state funny. But! He will help you groom the horses and feed the animals.
At your ranch, he’ll try to make a little competition with things – such as who can lift more hay barrels, feed the most animals, etc.
Will definitely go out of his way to buy sugar cubes or snacks for your horse(s), rubbing their chin and patting their neck. Probably has a superb relationship with them.
Loves to call you outlaw, (his) cowboy, dusty boots, and buckaroo.
Will sometimes poke at your accent, even though he loves it a lot. And yes, he will playfully correct your grammar when you say things a bit off.
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Miles Morales:
Thinks you’re the coolest person ever. Loves your style, your accent, and everything you do. He has a sketchbook dedicated to you, colored in pretty Western colors.
If you have a horse, you can bet Miles will be mouth wide and immediately run up to the horse, trying to pet them and ask you all sorts of questions about them. By the time his rambling shuffles down, Miles realizes he’s probably overwhelmed the horse and asks what he can do not to scare your best friend so much.
Absolutely asks if he can ride with you, or if you can teach him how to ride. He’s a slow learner, but, with your guidance and reassuring comforts, he becomes more comfortable riding. Although, he does whine about his body hurting afterward.
Your accent is so attractive to him. He’ll be looking at you like you’re the world’s best singer when you’re telling a funny story.
You can also bet he’ll be going with you to rodeos, being the few people in the crowd who’s cheering you on very loudly.
Watches you in awe when you lasso things, especially him. Again, will ask if you can teach him to how to use a lasso and make one.
Doesn’t really say a lot of nicknames, but at times Miles will say: boots, mustang, and hoss.
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Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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luxyue · 4 months
knife boots — part ii.
xiao x reader, figure skating au
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➥ NEW VOCAB ❝ salchow ❞ one of the easiest jumps; taking off from a backwards outside edge it's generally the first jump you learn as you add more rotations !
ii. zhongli plays matchmaker
"fuck this shit. i give up."
"yeah, well, you've given up at least twenty times this session alone."
since meeting chongyun, he's introduced you to his friends, xingqiu and xiangling. xiangling often spends her time helping her dad in the kitchens when she isn't skating, but xingqiu has no problem sticking around the rink making fun of you all day, and he's only known you for what, a week?
you vaguely remember his older brother, a talented ice dancer whom you've also met at international competitions. xingqiu seems eager to follow in his footsteps, as a blossoming skater in his own right. although, you would like him better if he didn't choose to bicker with everyone around him.
"it's also the twentieth time i've fallen on a triple toe. leave me alone," you groan. 
"fine, just because i feel bad. but hey, at least you've nailed triple sal!" he says, attempting to cheer you up. 
you can't help but roll your eyes. "in case you forgot, a triple salchow is worth basically nothing in singles."
"okay, fine. then just do loops!" xingqiu says, forgetting you can't do triple loops yet either. 
"i literally can't— okay you know what? fine."
xiao can't help but grimace on the inside every time he sees you land flat on your back. or your side. or your even your face. which is pretty often, considering you somehow keep choosing the same sessions to skate.
not that he cares that much, but he's fallen enough times to know how much it can hurt.
although he has to admit, your resolve is unwavering. he's not sure how you managed to fall on your 17th triple flip jump when you can't even land a triple toe. he's too caught up in watching you attempt your 18th when someone lightly taps his shoulder. he jumps.
"you know, it would not be above you to try and give her a hand," says zhongli.
"isn't that your job as a coach? besides, she seems more intent on trying every jump before she can actually land one."
"i've seen you standing here and watching more often than not. if you've noticed that, then why didn't you just tell her?" zhongli chides.
"i..." xiao doesn't have a good answer. 
"i'll leave you to it then." zhongli leaves with a smile on his face.
xiao's last straw is when you fall attempting a triple lutz. 
as you sit there with your butt on the cold ice, contemplating your life choices, he skids towards you.
he sighs. "how many times are you going to attempt things that you obviously can't do?" 
you look at him wide-eyed, since, you haven't really spoken to each other after that fucked up first impression.  
normally you would have something better to say, but your self esteem has been dwindling with each failed jump. each time you hit the ice feels as if you're proving him right. 
"not everyone can do things as effortlessly as you," is all you can utter out.
xiao scoffs. "yeah, well it's not like i didn't work as hard as everyone else to be here."
"i didn't mean it like that. but...i gave this sport my everything. look where it got me," you sigh.
"you mean winning nationals, grand prix, four continents, and worlds?" he says.
now that was a surprise. of course, you were still upset with xiao after what he had said....but regardless, this was still xiao alatus. the best figure skater of all time—the skater you had looked up to during your entire career. your younger self would've beamed with pride from the realization that xiao had noticed you.  "wow, i didn't know you were such a big fan of me," you can't help but tease, even if it was more like the other way around.
he gives you a glare, although the look in his eyes almost seemed....playful? perhaps your eyes were playing tricks on you. "yeah right. more like i was at most of those same competitions."
you nod, memories of being in the stands with your teammates washing over you. "i remember...and you won. all of them."
if only you knew that you had been cheering for him back then, too.
a sad smile takes over your face. "but the difference is that you kept winning. meanwhile, i, like you said, lasted for what? one season?" you say, quoting his harsh words.
he looks away briefly before shrugging. "i was under the impression that you would be competing this season," he replies.
what's with the sudden optimism? "i was under the impression that you thought i sucked," you reply back. 
"you do suck."
pfft, that's more like him.
you laugh, clutching your heart and feigning agony. "you wound me."
xiao rolls his eyes once again, scoffing at you. "i meant right now. but...you seem to forget you were doing quads and triple axels not too long ago." he says the last part quietly, stringing the words together as if afraid to compliment you. 
not sure what to say or think of it, you give him a look. "yeah, well i'm barely doing triples and double axels now. what's the use of competing like this?"
crossing his arms, he responds. "yeah, well, you have three months before the season starts. i'm sure the former world champion can recover at least a triple-triple combination before then." 
you open your mouth to speak. then frown. 
"what?" xiao questions.
"well...about that."
xiao is confused. "...yes?"
"what about it?"
shoot. you've backed yourself into a corner. "i don't know if i should tell you. i'm not saying their methods were good in any way, but sometimes i wonder whether i can actually skate the way i used to without them," you admit hesitantly, hoping he doesn't push for more.
"methods?" xiao's expression becomes a stern one.
shit. "um, yeah. training methods," you say, hoping for the best.
now, xiao just looks insulted. "i hope you aren't insulting zhongli's methods." oh thank baal. 
"of course not! he coached you after all. i wouldn't have come here otherwise. i just don't know if i have the...strength." 
"if you can survive whatever shit show snezhnaya has going on, i'm sure you'll be fine," he reassures. you know instantly that he's talking about the long-standing rumors of the grueling training that the snezhnayan coaches put their students through. 
.....they weren't all wrong, unfortunately. 
"that's not—actually, well....nevermind. but that's not exactly my issue."
"then what is it?"
you sigh. "i just....in snezhnaya, everything is so structured. our entire days—no, lives, are practically laid out in front of us. without that sort of supervision, i feel like i don't know what to do on my own."
xiao offers you no pity. "so, you're lazy, basically."
talk about brutally honest.
you can't even reject his claims. "umm...yeah. essentially i just...don't know how to practice," you embarrassedly admit. what kind of world class figure skater can't practice on their own?
surprisingly, he nods in understanding. "i can tell. i was wondering why you would go from triple salchow to triple lutz," he says.
"right. because we skate the same sessions..." an idea pops into your head. whether it's good or bad...well, you'll find out.
"you should help me practice." you blurt out. 
"what?" okay, maybe not a good idea.
"you...should help me practice. since we skate the same sessions. and since you're very obviously much better than me." if he doesn't say yes—
"are you sure? i've been told that people think i'm an ass. not exactly a ball of sunshine..." he quotes your words. 
you grimace, remembering what you said. "sorry, i might've gotten a little carried away there. but don't act as if you weren't the one being rude first."
"i suppose i was rather harsh too." his words shock you to the core. he almost looked sorry, too. how did he go from ignoring you all week to this?
"so....is that a yes?"
"i'll think about it." 
careful to hide your excitement, you offer him a smile. "i guess that's better than a no." 
on the inside, though, you're dying. xiao alatus might help train you. 
zhongli smiles, watching you two from the security footage in his office. 
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lotties-ashwagandha · 5 months
STILLED (nsfw)
moiraine sedai x fem!reader
moiraine has been ignoring you in her search for the source during your stay with verin and adeleas sedai, but she makes it up to you. word count 1.3k
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Moiraine had been ignoring you for weeks. 
Ever since she’d lost her connection to the Source she’d been distant. She hardly talked to you anymore, spent days locked up in her study and hardly came down. More often than not she would spend nights there as well, leaving you on your own. It felt like you were hardly together anymore. 
You tried being patient with her about it. You knew how hard it must have been for her, and you wanted to do whatever you could to help, but she wouldn’t let you. 
You’d tried talking to her about it in her office with her. She brushed you off, and you got upset, slamming the door behind you and leaving things between you in pieces, spending the rest of the day avoiding her as much as she seemed to be avoiding you. 
You laid in bed that night, trying to get to sleep but the memory of your confrontation earlier still haunted you. Only when you’d stormed out of her study had Moiraine really seemed to realize how upset you were with her, and while you were glad she finally understood it you were also victim to a thousand contemplations running through your mind arguing over if you’d been too harsh on her or not. You craved the mental silence of sleep, but it never came. 
The door to the bedroom opened, and you tensed. You were hardly awake anymore when Moiraine came to bed — if she came to bed. 
She slid into bed beside you. A fresh wave of hurt crashed over you, for you wished more than anything to turn over and curl into her embrace and never leave her arms, but still you had a point to prove and still you were upset with her — but it was hell to be mad at her. 
Moiraine looped an arm over your waist and sighed. You waited. For anything. 
“I know you’re awake,” she said. 
You were silent. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, and you rolled over to face her. “I haven’t been fair to you.” 
“I just want you to talk to me,” you said. “You don’t have to tell me everything, but tell me something. I’m worried about you.” 
“I know,” she said softly, her hand coming up to cup your cheek gently. Your eyes fell closed for a moment, and you allowed yourself the comfort of her touch. “It’s been so difficult,” she said, and you opened your eyes. “I’ve hardly ever been without the Source. I don’t know who I am without it.” 
You nodded in understanding, holding her hand in yours. You didn’t give advice, there was none you could give, and you would never understand her pain, however hard you tried. You’d heard of Aes Sedai severed from the Source, and of the bitter end they’d all suffered. It made you fearful that the prospect lingered of Moiraine serving the same fate. 
“What are you thinking about?” She asked, and you were silent for a moment before responding. 
“You,” you said quietly. “Always you.” 
She watched you for a moment, contemplating your state before gently pulling you into a kiss. You relaxed into her touch, but giddiness spread through you — it had been ages since she’d been this attentive to you. 
“I’ve missed you,” you said when she pulled away, and she blessed you with a small smile, a rarity you would tuck away in your memory and treasure in her absence. 
She began to kiss your neck, sucking and nipping marks in her wake. She kissed up to the base of your jaw, and then pulled you in for another kiss. She dominated it, taking control over you in every way and guiding your movements to her satisfaction. You were in euphoria under her command. 
“Let me make it up to you,” she said once she’d pulled away. Her hands slipped under the hem of your shirt, resting at your waist. “Let me show you how much I want you.” 
You nodded in approval and quickly she took your shirt off, your pants following, until you were completely bare before her. She looked over you with reverence, and shyly you averted your gaze. She was still fully clothed above you, and it made you feel impossibly more vulnerable. 
“So fucking gorgeous,” she breathed as she watched you, quietly as if any sudden sound, any sudden movement would cause you to break. 
You pulled her into a kiss and one of her hands slid up to your chest. Her thumb circled your nipple and you moaned into the kiss, pulling her closer. You were growing more desperate for her by the second, and even when you parted you could hardly breathe so long as she was touching you, manipulating your body in every way she’d perfected. 
“My perfect girl,” Moiraine said, and her other hand slid down your abdomen to rest at your hips. Slowly her hand slid between your legs as she began to kiss your chest, and in desperation you whined, a speechless plea for her touch. “Do you need mommy to take care of you, baby?” 
“Yes,” you breathed, holding back a moan as her hand finally trailed between your legs. As she ran a finger through your folds you gasped — her hands were cold against you, not unpleasantly but enough to reveal how sensitive you were to her touch. 
“Stay still for me, baby,” Moiraine whispered as you began to squirm when she started to circle your clit. “You can be my good girl, can’t you? I know you can be mommy’s good girl.” 
You whined, moaning when she kissed you. You tried your hardest to stay still but she was making it impossible with the way she was fucking you, the way she had just slid two fingers into you with impeccable ease. Your hips bucked into her hand and your back arched slightly off the bed as you whimpered, possessed by the pleasure only Moiraine could give you. 
“Still,” she reminded you sharply. You moaned, your only comprehensible thoughts all circling around her touch, her commands, how euphoric every moment of this felt. 
She began to kiss down your sternum and abdomen, and through the pleasure clouding your mind you could tell what she was working to as she kissed down your body, but you stopped her, pulling her back up to you. 
“I want you close to me,” you murmured, breathless. “Stay with me.” 
In response she pressed a kiss to your jaw, a smile ghosting over her lips as she quickened the pace of her hand, eliciting a moan from you. You were close, you could feel release building within you that made your mind go blank and your eyes fall closed with the intensity of anticipation. 
“Cum for me, my love,” she purred, and it washed over you immediately. Pleasure like fire swept through you, claiming your entire body until you were lost in it, all of eternity collapsed into a single moment. Moiraine kissed you, and for a second longer it was prolonged, perpetual, before all at once it was gone and you collapsed into her embrace. 
“You did so well, darling,” she praised, and something akin to pride rose in your chest. She held you close, pulling you over so that your head was laying on her chest as the two of you laid in the comfort of your bed. 
“Stay here with me,” you said, repeating your phrase from only minutes ago, but you meant it. You had missed her indescribably, and only her love could save the possibility of the future. 
“Always,” she promised, and you believed that she meant it with your same enthusiasm. And in her assurance, you allowed yourself to relax in her embrace, your breath evening to a steady rhythm as you succumbed to the gentle grasp of sleep.
wheel of time taglist: @thepotatoislost @madamevirgo
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Hey ! First of all I just wanted to say that your writtings are great and I love the way you describe Miguel, it's perfect ❤
Is it possible to request something for him ? The reader is a new recruit at the Spider-Society and since they met Miguel they try to help him with the spider society, support him, take care of him. Reader's presence brings him calm and Miguel realizes little by little that reader has become a sort of anchor for him, that he wants to keep the reader by his side. Scared to lose them, Miguel ends up telling them how he feels (and the feelings are reciprocal).
(This man need some kindness and love)
Thanks you in advance hun ❤
Gosh this was so sweet 😭😭😭.
If you let me
Word count: 1200
Had this song on loop as I wrote this haha
His eyes were burning, the yellow light from his screens were getting nauseating now. He needed another dose of his serum, that regulated his instinct and helped him not turn him into an animal once in a while.
But it was the soft sound of a coffee cup being placed next to his arm that startled him. The smell of a fresh brew wafting to his nose made him feel at ease and refreshed. Before he could thank the person, he turned to see you leave giving him a soft smile as you balanced another tray of cups in your hand.
You were the new recruit but that was months ago. Now you were a regular presence around his office and it struck him, how often he thought of you. He didn’t know you knew his order. He turned the cup, to see a sentence scribbled on it.
Everyone knows your order. Your face is on a burger, did you know that?
He laughed quietly as he rubbed his eyes before reclining in his seat for a break. His lips touching the edge of the cup to feel the warm drink seep through his system. It was the same way in which you had infiltrated into his life. Soft and slow. And now he was addicted to it.
The lab closed up for the day but he was still here. He didn’t particularly like going back home. Because what was the use? He couldn’t sleep and his mind would still be awake thinking about the work he needed to do the next day.
But in the silence and the hum of his computer, he drifted away to the nights you had kept him company. His secrets spilling out from him in soft murmurs, a hidden confidence in the comfort he felt around you, to let you in to where his wounds had left him dead. With you keeping watch, he slept blissfully, his dreams often in gardens as he lounged about to look at blue skies and orange trees with you by his side.
He inhaled deeply to stretch his arms to mask the irritance with having to be away from you for so long. But as he arched his back, he felt your hands trial up his shoulders. To slowly massage the tension away from his neck and his eyes fluttered to a close. To fall into your touch, humming with content.
You let him tilt his head back, to rest it on your abdomen. But when his eyes opened slowly, his soft gaze was on you. You looked down at him and paused because these moments felt too brief when you wanted them to stay this way forever.
You let your fingers pull back his hair gently to reveal his forehead, to then lean down to place a tender kiss.
He felt the shape of your lips mark his skin like a tattoo he would love to keep. But along with this feeling of bliss came a sense of fear. That as much as he wanted this, wanted you, he was sure that it also came with the possibility of losing you.
The uncertainty was killing him, more so because if he had a sliver of a chance to have a future with you, he would risk it all, again.
He groaned, why couldn’t he ever learn his lesson?
But you worried about him and if he only let you to share his burden, you would do it gladly.
“What’s the matter?”, you asked as he pulled away from your touch.
“You can’t help me with this one.”, he mumbled as he aimlessly clicked around his screens. Until, you were in his sight again.
“Why?”, he heard you ask, your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Because…”, he looked away, fear wrapping it’s wisps around his throat.
“I always want more than what I have.”, he sighed pressing the bridge of his nose.
“What do you want?”, you asked, your eyes briefly flitting to his lips. You wanted to kiss away that frown.
The answer on the tip of his tongue, he pursed his lips, afraid that it would slip out. And if it did, it might destroy this, this closeness you had with him.
“What if I told you I like someone?”, he approached the matter slowly.
“Oh.”, you sounded deflated. But for his sake you tried to make it sound like it didn’t bother you.
“Then I would tell you, I’m happy for you.”, you lied and watched as his focus pinned you down.
“Really?”, he asked, to which you nodded.
You wanted him to stop, so you could bow out gracefully, to not let him see your tears.
“What if…”, he began strongly, his voice holding an element of tension in it, like the way you were holding your breath.
But his fingers found yours, to softly pull you in, because if he held onto you, like a ship does to it’s anchor, maybe he would have the courage to finish that question.
You walked between his outstretched legs but your gaze was on his fingers intertwining with yours, afraid that your eyes will tell him the truth if you looked at him.
“...I told you that someone, was you?”, he whispered and your eyes shot to his. His face held tight in expectation. That whatever you said now held the power to either destroy or uplift him.
“Then”, you began and he held onto your every word.
“Then.”, he whispered along with you.
“I would say,”, you said as he hummed, pulling you closer as though you were his resting place.
“that I’ve harboured feelings for you too.”, you told him and heard him sigh with relief as he placed his forehead on your chest. As though merely waiting for your answer had been an ordeal.
The sadness disappeared and in it’s place was a joy you couldn’t quite explain. Because here, in the hidden cover of his lab, you were his and he was yours and nothing could break that.
You relaxed too, plunging your fingers into his hair as he breathed slowly as though he was preparing himself.
He lifted his head, to find your eyes because what he was about to do, he had only thought about it, dreamed about it.
His fingers crept up your back to hold the base of your neck steady, to guide you closer. Your heart began to beat rapidly but losing yourself in the feeling of this moment, what you had only seen in dreams was now a step away from being real. You followed his gentle pull, to when he finally placed his lips on yours.
You fell into his arms, climbing onto his chair to get closer as his arms rubbed the length of your back. His lips moving in sync with yours much like your thoughts manifesting themselves through your touch as you pulled him closer by his collar. His hands slipping into your hair to hold them back as he tugged on them softly, to get you to extend your neck so he could place a trail of kisses down it.
You didn’t want to leave him and he didn’t want to let you go, so in the hum of each other’s satisfaction and the soft laughter of joy, you stayed there, forgetting time as he mumbled in your ear, Spanish phrases filled with the depth of his love.
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
On my way to Getting into your ask Queue>:3
This might sound personal but I want Angst/Comfort Cyno, s/o Prefer to wacth rather to play Tcg, they knows how to play it, but Prefer not too because always loses and although it's just a card game, shouldn't be taking it personally, but it's been swallowing s/o alive, slowly they become less confident and have cruel thoughts about how bad they are, so they always just throw the game.
But Cyno insist on playing a game with him so finally S/o accept but while in the middle game, she just want to get over with it, but Cyno will notice if she just throw the game, Reader knew they were going to lose, just as Cyno about to Finish, a single teardrop on the table. Without Realizing Reader had tears up as they blankly stare at their cards, not realizing Cyno finished his round. And when Cyno ask about are they crying, Reader immediately tried to play it off. S/o afraid to tell why they are sad because it would sound pathetic and maybe sounds like a sore loser, doesn't feel like it's a valid reason to be sad about.
I'm sorry, I honestly don't know why I ask this, it's just random ask. Feel free to ignore this. This is just me wanting comfort from my fav character, I tend to get upset at the smallest thing...
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Cyno just wanted to enjoy a came of TCG with you. It's something you enjoy watching him play and he doesn't understand why you wouldn't enjoy actually playing with him. He knows you're aware of the rules as sometimes you'll help him out slightly or give him a suggestion.
When you finally agree he's happier than he shows you, shuffling and dealing the cards out with a speed you've never noticed before. You chalk that up to his excitement and you try to monitor yourself as he does so. There's a very slight chance you'd actually end up winning against him and you really hope that you won't end up getting upset when he does win because you don't want him to think any less of you.
It takes no time for you to realise that you've been backed into a corner pretty effectively by him and there's nothing you can do to redeem yourself. You can feel the way the anger and shame rise up in you, egging each other on in an awful loop. Your eyes drift down to the table you're playing on, not sure how you'll be able to speak to him.
Cyno's trying to draw your attention back to him, concerned about the way that you've gone totally silent You don't respond to him, barely looking up when he calls your name. He decides to come around the table, kneeling on the ground so he can get a better look at you without needing you to move. When he sees you're crying he brushes your tears away, trying to get you to talk to him again.
After some time and more tears you admit to him the reason for your sadness, shaking your head and telling him you know it sounds dumb and that he's going to make fun of you but thankfully he doesn't. Instead, he gives you a hug and tells you it's okay. He decides that the two of you should play together a little more often,. He'll help you deal with your feelings and also help you get better.
You aren't sure if it's a good idea but he's patient enough to give you the room to decide whether or not you want to continue playing w him. He's happy when you come up to him to ask if he wants to play with you, taking his time to make sure you're enjoying the game.
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havendance · 1 year
did you let me die in your arms in the time loop?
Since this isn't actually on the writing docket right now, you guys get the bullet point write up of what would've been this fic instead. (Someday I will learn my lesson about not making promises I can't keep while make tumblr fic polls)
(cw for time loop characteristic death, suffering, a brief mentions of suicide)
The Scenario: Dick, Tim, and Damian are investigating some funky magic happenings and end up fighting some magic user with a creepy basement
Dick gets knocked out by a magic spell and when he wakes up, he finds he’s stuck in the creepy basement. There’s a magic circle in the center radiating power; next to it are Tim and Damian, tied up.
The magic explains that since they interfered, the original spell became unstable. If it’s not stopped, it’ll collapse into a magic black hole that will eat all of Gotham. 
If Dick wants to stop the spell, he needs to kill one of his brothers.
There is a gun in his hand. (Why is there a gun in his hands? It’s dramatic)
Cue various emotional turmoil (gestures to the post that inspired this). In the end, there’s only one choice Dick can really make even though he hates it.
He shoots Tim, holds him as he bleeds out.
The spell dissipates, but then…
Dick wakes up. He is in the creepy basement. The spell in the center is going haywire. He needs to choose.
Dick kills Tim again, and again, and again.
(He is having a terrible time.)
He kills Damian exactly once. Watching him die is somehow worse than the familiar horror of killing Tim.
(Tim is also angry at him in this loop. In the loops where Tim dies, Damian is shocked and upset, but on a certain level, he also understands. In the loop where Damian dies, Tim feels betrayed.)
He kills the magic user out of frustration in one loop. He can feel the spell growing out of control, eating them up before he wakes up again.
Also, there’s the obligatory loop where Dick kills himself because he just wants it to end.
One loop, Dick doesn’t get up, he pretends to be unconscious. In that loop, the magic user makes Damian kill Tim.
There are more loops. Dick hates the way he’s becoming numb to the horror. The way that it’s getting easier and easier to kill Tim each time.
He kills Tim nearly every time. The thing about being a hero, the hard thing about the situation, is that he needs to make the right choice every time, or at least the least bad one. He doesn’t know what’s causing this loop. What if this loop is the last one? He can’t let Gotham be destroyed. He can’t let a moment of weakness make the last choice he makes the wrong one. So he keeps making the least bad choice even if he’s getting to the point that he’d let Gotham perish if it just meant it was over.
Dick wakes up, not in the creepy basement, but in Wayne manor, in his bed. Tim is sitting by his bedside.
It’s both a relief and terrible. Dick knows that when it counted, he made the wrong choice.
“Good,” Tim says, “You’re awake. Zatana said you’d be fine, but—”
Dick cuts him off. “Damian,” he says.
“He’s down in the cave.”
That’s where they must be keeping the body. “I’m sorry,” he says.
Tim realizes that something’s wrong. “No,” he says. “He’s okay. He’s fine.”
“Alive?” Dick asks.
Tim breathes. “Yes. I can call him. He’ll want to know you’re awake.”
“Please,” Dick says.
It turns out that the timeloop was the result of Dick getting hit by a “mental torture” spell of some sort when they were taking down the mage and it was all in his mind!
(It’s still all in his mind.)
Tim asks about it at some point, what happened. Dick tells him the basics, about how someone had to die. About how he had to choose.
“Did you pick me?” Tim asks.
When Dick looks at Tim, he sees him dead and dying more often than he sees him alive as he is. “Yes,” he says.
“Good,” Tim says.
And then they cuddle. The end.
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philologique · 10 months
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perpetually fascinated by how the thai series i've watched tend to translate vulgar intensifiers,¹ and specifically thinking about โคตร,² which i'm just gonna write as "kho:t" for the rest of this post (pronounced with an aspirated k or the 'ch' in 'loch' and an unreleased t at the end; the colon just makes the o long)
heads up that i don't actually speak thai and i'm not any kind of translator! just an english speaker with a pretty good ear who spends approximately two-thirds of all waking hours thinking about language. footnotes and stream of consciousness thoughts on ongoing phonological change(!!) in footnotes under the cut.
anyway! kho:t literally means ancestry, clan, descent, or lineage,⁷ but is used an intensifier that wiktionary describes as "slang, sometimes considered vulgar." ⁸
i think about thai intensifiers—and specifically kho:t—all the time in the context of episode 5 of bad buddy. pat's "it was so depressingly lonely for me" is the last pin you can hear drop before the dam breaks, but what he says is แม่งโคตรเหงาเลยเว่ย, (maeng kho:t ngao loey woey). which is a bit rawer? cruder? three of those five words (แม่ง,โคตร,เว่ย) are sometimes are translated as "damn," including just a few sentences earlier when pat says "while you were away, my life was so damn happy."
when i first watched bad buddy i didn't know a single sentence in thai, and i have no idea how any other choice might have hit me in that moment. but at least twice a week i wonder whether and how that translation choice might have affected the english-language bad buddy fandom. damn, it was so lonely. so damn lonely. so freaking lonely. so desperately lonely. so depressingly lonely.
of course, it was all of those things.
¹ Shout out to Methawee Yuttapongtada for their article, "Intensifier as Changed from the Impolite Word in Thai," without which it would have taken last-year-me months longer to tell what pat was saying. i was playing the audio of this scene on a loop in my brain and assumed that the velar fricative was a /kʰ/, but there are so many spelling options for word initial /kʰ/ and word final /t/ that i gave up experimenting with spellings and looked for english-language linguistic literature on thai intensifiers.
² Theoretically pronounced /kʰôːt/ but often (usually?) realized by young speakers in contemporary thai as [xôːt] or [χôːt], which is a whole other thing (that is vastly more interesting to me personally).³ ⁴ i feel like (at least gen z) speakers use a velar or uvular fricative in more or less free variation with an aspirated k, but i haven't come across any literature on it other than in descriptive studies of northern thai.⁴ ⁵ Either way kʰôːt rhymes with the "tô:t" in the thai word for sorry, which you'll probably recognize if you've watched anything in thai!
³ I know this is rough IPA lol. the unreleased diacritic looked weird on tumblr and struck me as unnecessary for phonemic transcription given that all word-final stops are unreleased. also i'm fine with just using the most commonly used latin-script tone diacritics for standard central thai. to me IPA's value is in precision and facilitating common understanding; i don't feel like any of that's lost by not using IPA tones here.
I kinda think [kʰ], [x], and [χ] are in more or less free variation phonologically among most speakers today in all environments except before close/high front vowels—คิด is pretty much always [kʰit], and from watching a bunch of cooking shows 'salty' (เค็ม) seems to be not-quite-invariably pronounced with a [kʰ].
...but then i think boom used a fricative (possibly [ç]) when saying คิดอะไร at one point in last weekend's hidden agenda?? and 'okay' (โอเค) seems to have a fricative at least half the time i hear it. i would hazard a guess that if you did several hours of (ideally) informal linguistic interviews with central thai speakers of different ages: (1) everyone would have some velar or uvular fricatives, (2) the fricative /kʰ/ would be more common among younger speakers (vs older speakers) in all (syllable-initial) phonetic environments, (3) individual speakers would be most likely to pronounce /kʰ/ as a fricative before more open/low and back vowels and in true consonant clusters, (4) individual speakers would be least likely to pronounce /kʰ/ as a fricative before closer/higher front vowels, particularly /i/, and (5) speakers would be more likely to pronounce /kʰ/ as [kʰ] when they're paying attention to their speech, e.g. reading off a list of words in isolation—which takes us to:
I know i just talked about the phonological constraints and possible ongoing sound change for the phoneme /kʰ/ but i think it's super NOT free variation in practice, even before a vowel like /a/. this is just based on observation from contemporary dramas/cooking shows/interviews/songs (which is another thing i have Thoughts about), but i feel like at the moment it's largely a register thing that maps imperfectly onto levels of formality (and also friendliness? one hyper-specific almost-baseless hypothesis i'd like to test is that you'll hear more fricative /kʰ/ in constructions with the particle 'na' (นะ)). i would also guess that if there are any attitudinal studies on the pronunciation, they would reveal that most speakers view an aspirated stop as the "proper" way to pronounce syllable-initial /kʰ/.
i would love to look at whether /kʰ/ is realized as a fricative more or less often in constructions with certain particles, as an easy proxy for certain kinds of register. (i would also want to look at this with different first- and second-person pronouns, although so many of them are roughly gendered or would correspond to the relative age of the speaker and listener that it would almost certainly skew the results and might just tell us more about the demographics that are leading this phonological change! which is also useful!) ANYWAY if i win the lottery maybe i'll go back to linguistics for real bc i miss it desperately and want an excuse to study this 😭
re attitudinal research, I would really want to poll and have linguistic interviews with thai speakers of central thai as well as bilingual speakers of central thai and northern thai, isan/lao, and other tai and non-tai minority languages in thailand. i'm interested in questions about possible interference from those languages vs the extent to which speakers might emphasize differences between their respective minority languages and central thai (even where they may not exist) for the sake of maintaining regional/cultural identity through language (or something?? this is really poorly articulated but as an example i'm thinking about how my dialect of swiss german uses the same construction as standard german for the verb "to hurt" (Weh tun/Weh tue), but swiss german speakers think of "Weh tue" as a uniquely alemannic construction and instead use the word "schmerzen" when speaking/writing swiss standard german, effectively inventing a "german" construction that the local language can be in opposition to. see also fn 5 and 6 on northern thai below.)
⁵ Those studies note (if i recall correctly, this is off the top of my head lmao) that kʰr- consonant clusters in northern thai effectively drop the r and realize the k as a fricative.⁶ which. i'm not convinced this is uniquely part of northern thai so much as a productive phenomenon across central and northern thai that's just highly register-dependent in the standard language. (i would argue that at least the dropping of 'r's and 'l's from consonant clusters absolutely is just part of central thai phonology at this point. if being able to pronounce a consonant cluster—or a rolled r, for that matter—is a sign of ~good education or ~elocution rather than something that any subset of speakers learns as part of the spoken language when acquiring the language as children (which is possible, i just have not observed it), then—apart from the extent to which it conveys social meaning—i don't really think of it as a fundamental part of the language itself. this is maybe kind of a hot take lmao)
⁶ There was also a clip i watched—i think it was from the 1000 stars bts of khaotung trying to speak northern thai—where someone basically articulated that same rule to him, like "for ครบ just say /xop/"
⁷ From sanskrit, hence the silent r in the thai script.
⁸ I don't know nearly enough abt thai language or culture to meaningfully analyze the implications of that etymology or how โคตร might best be translated with minimal context. i'm guessing "damn" might be at about the right level of intensity/vulgarity as an intensifier, but it carries such explicit religious implications that i'm hesitant to use it?? i'm happy to let the translators and subtitlers make the difficult decisions while i just ponder stuff about sound change
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snarkylinda · 11 months
I’m very glad you’re talking about spencer being parentified because it feels like people sometimes gloss over it a bit? or maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places. if this isn’t something you do in you’re blog feel free to just. not respond but do you have any more thoughts or. idk headcanons on how that might have affected him as an adult?
Hi anon! To be honest I have no idea what is essentially discussed alot on the fandom other that a tiny fraction of it I expose myself to because 1#I am too tired and old to deal with fandom discourse about my blorbo, and based on my previous experience with fandoms I KNOW that the most popular the character, the bigger the discourse so haha no- 2# I joined in late lmao literally a couple of months ago, so I am super out of the loop just screaming to the void in desperate needs for someone to scream back 🤲🏼 do this kind of asks actually made me so happy agahagaha 🥰🥰 Buckle up bois this is LONG-
Ok now to those that might come across this and ask themselves what the hell does being parentified means, it's a broad term used for the phenomenon of (at best) a child sharing parental responsibilities due to x circumstance, or (at worst) downright having the parent/child dynamic completely swapped, with the child being the caretaker for the parent and household. You don't have to know deep CM lore knowledge to realize the latter is Spencer Reid to a T. Hell, they aren't even subtle about it lmao:
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Btw parentification is often mixed in with abandonment and while they share the "child being forced to grown up" too quickly, the former is often distinguished by the fact that, more often that not as is this case, the parent still cares for them but are unable to do so how it should be (tho there are several cases where parentefication is an part of willing neglect, sadly) and added to the fact that they have to look after themselves- they have to look after another.
This is a really complicated, broad topic and I just mentioned this to go full disclaimer and that I don't blame Diana at all for how messed her son ended up since she can't help it- and to make a joke about how Spencer was abandoned and parentified. Also harassed. Guys he wasn't even 18-
Anyways but back to your question, how do I think that affected Spencer growing up....well in everything basically lmao
But I will take on two instances that had stood up to me the most: emotional management and hiding secrets.
The second one is easier: you would catch this man dead before he vents to you over something other than his shitty dad (that I find very funny tbh) and when he does is because he is at his limit and about to fucking cry.
Now don't get me wrong: we all are entiltde to our privacy. These are grown ass adults and they have lives outside of their working circle....
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Haha we have an problem-
So yeah, Spencer kind of actually needs to rely on his co-workers because he has literally nobody else to rely on-
And yet
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Oh here is the thing- Spencer is one polite boi but he is also blunt, if he doesn't want someone on his business he says so (look back when Alex discovered him and Maeve) this is literally "I wanted to tell you but I feel like I shouldn't"- this is not season 1 mind you, this is season 11, and yet here he was one of his oldest friends literally grabbing him by the arm and having to tell him it's never a bother- I am the only one fucking crying at this?
Excuses seems to come to Spencer like it's second nature- "sorry a tube on my apparment broke" "Oh I....I tripped!" "There was a lot of traffic so..." "I was watching an movie" and I am not am expert on USA's history or some shit, but Child Protection Services had been a thing since at least the 60s, so I don't think that a 10yo living alone with his mentally ill mother would have flown well- you get the idea.
I think this scene summarizes the whole thing perfectly
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Get it? it's irony. (I love how Spencer is about to say something like dismissive "thank you" but because this shit hit too close to home to comfort he just gave a polite smile and walked away. That silence was LOUD) Because Spencer had always had done the former but the latter er.... :D
And it's not only when it concern Diane btw, any problem whatsoever Spencer would rather lock himself up (literally lmao) that sit down and talk about it- it's only when his bs is exposed and he can't refutage (like that little scene after Gideon's death when Rossi asks him if he had been there all night- he points out the fact he is wearing the same cardigan as the day before) that he opens up....or he runs away, which leads me to the second big point that I think shows how much Parentification fucked him up:
Spencer has the emotional maturity of a teenager.
I talk about this literally all the time so I'll be shorter lmao basically Spencer... has an issue- ok he has lot of issues- and that is the way he dislikes direct confrontation, so whenever he is hurt or angry he would rather be dismissive and passive-agressive that talk it out with the person- even going as far as turning away and storming out of the room.
(Here is the part where I put the screencaps but him storming off would be out of focus so lmao er.... Elephant Memory, Memoriam, Proof, a little part in 15x2 and The Gathering)
Now... I do think that a grown-ass man doing this shit is hilarious, like I love Spencer's bratty side so much lmao but it's an clear sign of someone that never learned how to deal with his emotions on a healthy way, someone that 6 out of 7 days of the week had to interiorize everything in and because of that holds on so much....resement, so much repressed anger but also without an stable force on his life to help him manage that- so we are left with an teenager trapped in an adult's body, loss at how to handle shit like he always did.
....And want to know the worst part about an Parentified boy onto adulthood?
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That they don't know better.
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Why I Love Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
*kicks the door open*
So I said yesterday that I’d take a while to recover and I’d be back with a ramble on why I loved ORV in a few days? Well, that was a lie because I’m realizing that I will actually never be over ORV, so I’m bothering everyone who sees this and writing an incoherent ramble now. Beware heavy spoilers.
Where do I begin? Where do I begin to express why I LOVED this 1 million+ word novel with 551 chapters that features the wildest nonsense like octopus monsters and mythological and historical figures/creatures ascended to the status of a god (and proceeds to take our hearts and nearly rend it to shreds before walloping us from behind with more feels)?
Honestly? I think the reason why I personally loved ORV is because it’s just..it’s just a novel that understands this concept and idea of a story as related to the author, reader, and character. It GETS why people write, it gets why people read, it gets fanfic writers and readers, it gets its characters, and it truly just understands and respects the reader as an entity. Where characters and writers often last through ages with its story, the individual readers of that book rarely do - and this novel just...tells the reader how much they matter?
More than that, the LOOP...the time loop and cycle. It’s seriously some of the best time travel shenanigans I have EVER had the pleasure to read/watch/sit through. Because it tells us a story doesn’t really have a set beginning, does it? The writer wrote the story the reader wanted to read, the story that saved his life. The reader read the story because the author wrote it. The character lived the story because of the reader, who affected the character first and impacted the character so much that the latter wanted to MEET the former. And just so on...
And the EFFECT the story has on ALL the characters beyond the writer-reader-character duo? The way ORV makes us come to terms with the fact that we’re all a character, writer, reader, story of our own lives? The way it uses the image of a story to talk about too-big-to-know concepts and why they have such an impact - good and evil, why we must fail to see others succeed, relationships, economics (or so I think?), history, the individual, trauma, the inevitability of being forgotten - and then also turns that back around to show that the story can also be a trap.
Then we have that ending.
Actually, I kind of wonder if the Star Stream is, in essence, a presentation of what happens when you place too much importance in the story rather than the “thing“ or “being” it’s talking about, you know? How Dokja is presented as a commonplace tragedy, how he becomes a great story worthy of lasting, but how his friends just wanted him back...him, the regular, everyday reader who would have probably read the story and been forgotten faster than it. Not his stories but the being behind the stories.
It’s just a careful balance of saying everyone’s story matters, even if it’s forgotten, because it existed, that stories have a way of reaching people hiding behind walls, how they can help one fight against the world...and saying that people are GREATER than their stories nevertheless. (Like, the quote of us all being outer gods to each other messed me up like how did you make octopus monsters Like That, authors???)
That ending where...it’s just....there’s so much IN it. The cycle of sacrifice continuing on, how the Oldest Dream must live on for the story to continue. How Dokja TRIED - really did try - to reconcile the need for him to be sacrificed with the desire to make his friends happy and live with them. And how (again) his friends went through literal hell to get him back again (and how they used his failures to make a brighter future for 1865).
But in the end, what brought him back (if he was brought back, which he was) was a story. A story written by Sooyoung (but really written by everyone) about Dokja to tell him he’s not alone, to reach him (and isn’t it so FITTING that the one to connect the writer and reader was Joonghyuk, the protagonist?), but not to wipe away the past like they tried with the regression. They acknowledged his lonely past and then, through the story, reached out to tell him he wasn’t alone anymore; then, maybe then, they could bring back the Dokja (present) they knew without also erasing the Oldest Dream (past) and the worldines. Because they acknowledged the past and the present and let it exist together.
Finally, the ambiguous open ending was just so...fitting for this novel. Because it in essence both confirms and doesn’t confirm that Dokja came back. I kind of wonder if the ending - where we’re led to just hope (but not be confirmed) that Dokja came back fully back - implies that we became the Oldest Dream that sustains KimCom’s worldline. Just....ARGH, I don’t have enough thoughts on this to explain it well, but yeah...
I could go on and on about the individual arcs, specific quotes, relationships, the bonds formed between everyone (constellations and dokkaebis included). How utterly devastated EVERY sacrifice left me (not just Dokja’s) because it meant something so grand to the tale. AND STARS, WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH HOW MASTERFULLY THE WRITING WAS HANDLED?? (The use of first, third, and even occasional second person? The formatting? The...everything?)
But no...in the end, all I can say is...this is a story the reader wanted to read, the author wanted to write, and the characters wanted to live...right? It’s just a novel about novels that has such love and respect for all readers and writers of different genres and tastes...and it has a love for the characters as entities we as humans can relate to. And I think it just also has a love for people as people as well as it loves the way stories can connect us together.
So yeah. I liked ORV.
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onyxedskies · 1 year
Why are you limping for m!ashez for the injury prompts? You can't expect me to request anything else lmao
If not ashez, then maybe Ashelix?
you can't present me with the option of ashelix and expect me not to take it but also i want to adhere to your request and so i raise you: ashezlix
also im sleepy so this is either gonna be utterly incomprehensible, disgustingly soft, or both
word count: 654
Felix had never been one to openly admit when he was hurt. He tried his best to hide it from his comrades, tried his best to go to his tent and tend to it himself. His friends attempted to catch on to any of his injuries before he did so - the potential of him hurting himself further was too high for anyone to be at ease with his plan, especially to Mercedes - but it didn't work as often as they would like. Felix had plenty of practice hiding his injuries, and he only got better by the day.
So when Ashe saw Felix struggling to hide his limp, he knew something was very, very wrong.
"Felix, why are you limping?" Ashe tried not to let the panic seep into his voice, but he doubted it worked.
Felix looked up at him with wide eyes and grunted. "I'm fine."
Wordlessly, Ashe looped his arm around Felix's waist, trying to support him. His frown only deepened when Felix didn't protest.
"We're going to the med tent," Ashe said, gently turning Felix in the intended direction.
"I'm fine," Felix said. "I don't need-"
"Yes, you do," Ashe said, firm but still gentle. "I'll carry you there if I have to."
Felix was silent for a moment, but nodded stiffly. They walked in silence, Felix clearly struggling despite Ashe taking more and more of his weight with every step.
The moment they got into the tent, Ashe helped Felix sit down on one of the beds and went to get a damp cloth and a vulnerary. Felix shook his head when he saw the cloth, wincing.
"The cloth won't be necessary," he said, voice strained. "It's internal."
Ashe inhaled sharply through his nose but nodded. He heard footsteps approaching, relief flooding through him when he realized it was Shez, frowning as he saw Felix sitting on the bed.
"What happened?" He didn't bother concealing his worry, immediately taking Felix's hand. Usually, Felix would have blushed or looked away in such a public setting. Here, he just gripped Shez's hand tightly.
Shez looked up at Ashe, clearly thinking the same thing. Whatever happened, it was bad.
"Do you know where Mercedes is?" Ashe asked.
"She should be coming here now," Shez said.
"Alright. I don't want to do anything without her guidance," Ashe said. "If it's a break, a vulnerary could only damage it more if it's not set correctly."
"Good call," Shez said.
Ashe sat beside Felix, grabbing his other hand and letting his head fall on his shoulder. "Do you want to tell us what happened?"
"Not important," Felix said, closing his eyes against the pain. "It'll be fine."
Seemingly right on cue, Mercedes walked in, eyebrows immediately furrowing at the sight of Felix sitting on an infirmary bed without putting up a fight.
"Do you want us to leave?" Ashe asked quietly. Felix squeezed his hand but didn't let go. Ashe smiled lightly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Okay. We'll stay."
Mercedes was able to troubleshoot the problem fairly quickly - a fractured femur, however Felix had managed that - and healing it was somewhat trivial. She drew curtains around the bed to give the trio some privacy when she was done, smiling at them.
"Better?" Shez asked quietly, still rubbing circles into Felix's hand. Felix nodded, energy drained from the healing magic.
"Do you want to take a nap?" Ashe murmured. Felix hesitated before shifting, going to lay down. He pulled Shez and Ashe with him, and the two shared a smile before lying next to him.
It was slightly cramped in such a small bed, but as he watched Felix relax enough to fall asleep quickly, sandwiched between the two of them, Ashe knew it was worth it. And as he glanced up at Shez and saw how soft his eyes were as he looked down at Felix, he knew he agreed.
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I finished reading YAMQN 🧍‍♀️... It feels good but also not. Like you did it, you actually wrote it start to end and I was here witnessing it while unfolding. But at the same time there will be it no more (not counting the sequels). I will be re-reading it on loop, thanks
Let's go through the things I got right about the end then hihi
• oc shoving that dagger straight into gyu's heart
• oc bleeding in gyu's arms after getting pierced through the womb
• tyun watching her blood run while restrained by the neck and hands unable to do anything
• the general outline of that last conversation between oc and tyun
• wonyoung becoming a decent state leader
Aside from those things I must admit there were some scenes that came up quite unexpectedly. I did not expect oc to actually make friend, and it was actually quite interesting to see her realize that she was not the only woman with marital problems and also see the level of sacrifices those woman were making to keep their relationships standing socially while oc just impulsively threw it all to shit and made it everyone's problem - it really showed how sheltered and alienated she was her how life, how narrow and self-centered her world view has always been, and it was good to see her witness first hand her actions immediately bearing consequences to someone else. The smut scene following that happening was also interesting to read, but not in a joyful way... the way he just took it what she was doing to him despite not wanting and not enjoying it was truly sad (and served as very upfront reminder that he was also sexualy violated in the past), I felt genuinely bad for him and the fact that oc didn't pay it half a mind and just kept going as if it was nothing serious left me in indignation , specially considering how often she reminds him of the time she was violated by him. Another thing that struck me weirdly was tyun using the pearl necklace at his execution... you could say it's symbolic or poetic but it read as such a petty thing to me because, as far as he knew at that time, those was his last moments and he decided it was a good idea to spell it out to her and only her that "it's your fault I an gonna die here", wich is true but are you shure that's what you want your last breath to be dedicated to? Where was the honorable dignified man in you?Are you, tyun, really gonna use your last breath to provoke and guilt trip a woman you never had the courage to say you loved? Congrats, it worked, and now she is dead... happy now? Ugh
I must say however that Oc's reaction to Gyu saying he will get it right next time was quite funny... she was so done with everything, at this point she was preparing mentally to just die in peace, and there he comes announcing that was just the first chapter of the book. Poor thing was trash at some moments, yes, but i felt for her when she sounded pissed that she couldn't catch a break even in death.
i knooooow i can't believe i actually finished it and didn't abandon it at some point. the main reason i always felt in such a rush to write it is because i was afraid i'd lose the motivation and not finish it but here we are
you got so much stuff right babe i was so excited to tell you but couldn't (well except that one time lmao)
i mean she didn't impulsively throw it away. she had the right to since he raped her but yes it definitely showed her that the other women at least suffered a lot too and that's why everyone was telling her to shut up and take it. ofc it doesn't justify it but it explains it. funny thing is maybe if she had known this earlier she wouldn't have tried to run away lol
oc is very much a hypocrite when it comes to acknowledging what she's done to gyu and what he had done to him. like ofc she shouldn't just be glad he owns her but he did save her and her entire family and he gave her so much and treated her better than most other women (before it all went to shit--well even after that). he even offered to give up his title for her but she didn't want to give up the life she wanted (she had her reasons too and i sympathize with her but the point is she didn't really acknowledge it) and ofc gyu's rape. and here she is telling him to shut up and let her use him to make herself feel more in control and he just sits there and takes it and again she doesn't acknowledge it. yes she says that he'll do anything for her yadda yadda but she doesn't take into account the sacrifice of it
oh man the pearl necklace thing. i was in such a pickle about that. i was originally planning to have him wear the necklace like an eyepatch (like you suggested before) and for that to have pushed oc over the edge (i needed an extra nudge for her because she really really didn't want to kill gyu lmao) but i thought that with her being pregnant and married to gyu now, it just wouldn't make sense for tyun to wear the necklace in a way that would imply he has retains affection for her. so i thought about him wearing it around his neck to really drive home the point she's killing him. but i had the same reservation as you, in that it's not like him to be petty like that but i gave it some thought and i decided you know what, he can be petty. he threw a tantrum when he saw her wearing gyu's gifts and called them tacky (which, derserved, but you know), he sent her a message calling her a whore, implying he wouldn't have pursued her if he knew she was "ruined", he retaliated when she would confront him by belittling her and her emotions... so for that moment, as he was getting ready for his execution by his ex's lover, his ex that allowed herself to be impregnated by the man trying to kill him... yeah he was going to be petty. but yeah i definitely see where you're coming from.
oc was like "not this shit again" lol. i originally had oc being in favor of it and even her last words being "you better keep your promise" but as the chapters progressed i just felt oc's fatigue with all of it. she's tired of it all--tired of gyu's tricks, tired of fighting herself, tired of being made to feel like shit, tired of being used... she's just over it.
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jasperenthusiast · 2 years
Late Shift | Jasper X Chuck E. Cheese PART 5
Chapter 6
Jasper nervously tapped their finger on the brim of the wheel, as he stared into the rear-view mirror that showed the logo of his and his friends store. He left Chuck in the dust last night and admitting feelings still feels like a foreign concept to the dog.
It wasn’t till Jasper mustered the courage to step out that he realized the whole gang was outside the store making conversation with beach bear. When he did he threw on his hat and with a wagging tail he shouted out toward the group “BEACH BEAR???? What are you guys doing here??” And the white bear turned his head with a smile as he gave a laugh of excitement “Yooo! Jasper!”
As Jasper ran up to the group Helen explained with a hand on her hip “Chuck E called in sick, and apparently asked the rock-afire to help out for the day.” This melted Jaspers smile a little, as his heart was hit with a pang of guilt. ‘Chuck probably feels terrible right now’ Jasper thought.
The dog stared out the window, rain was splashing onto them as he was sat in his thoughts. He didn’t even realize Rolfe had been throwing popcorn into the dogs fur until Earl told him to stop. Right after beach bear nudged Jasper to a corner of the arcade that the kids didn’t really frequent often, it was a creepy clown game. Beach softly questioned “Hey…Jasper. Are you ok man? You usually are overjoyed when we visit. Are you worried about Chuck?” And jasper retorted with a sigh and a leaning against an arcade machine before he spoke, “…Beach I need to tell you a secret.” Beach met this with a look of concern. “Yesterday…Chuck…confessed to me.” “Like. ‘I love you’ confessed?” “Yeah…a-and I kinda. Panicked and ran away…Chuck probably thinks I’m homophobic and that I don’t like him a-and I’m worried that Chuck is depressed and eating ice cream while watching some sad movie on loop right now.” Jasper rambled as he squeezed his cowboy hat in his hands. That was until Beach Bear grabbed Jaspers shoulders. “Jasper. If you really like Chuck back, and you wanna fix it, you are gonna go in your car, and you are gonna drive yourself right to Chuck E’s right now.” Jasper tried to respond with a “But-“ but Beach just cut him off with “No But’s. There are 11 other people working here right now, you need to go.”
Jasper shoved the restaurant door open, immediately getting shoved with a gush of rain, he started to run to his car just like the night before, as he tried to use his sleeve to shield his face from the rain to no avail. He stumbled into his car and only took a single moment to shake himself of some of the rain, getting his car wet before turning the ignition and making a slippery speeding to the road.
Chuck E stayed curled in his blankets a spoon in his mouth. He stared at the television in-front of him, it was currently playing The Shining, for the 5th time, he didn’t have the energy to change the VHS right now…
‘ ‘-Knock Knock Knock-‘ ‘
Chuck E just turned to look tiredly stupid his front door. He resisted the urge to say ‘Go away. Nobody’s home’ and got up, shivering realizing how cold it is without a warm blanket, and also only being in boxers. He hastily chucked on a hoodie and boxers before opening the door and being met with confusion and a weird tightness in his heart. Jasper was in-front of the Rat with soaked fur, panting, and holding his hat in-front of his chest with both paws. They mumbled “…C-Chuck.” And then tears welled up in the dogs eyes as he spoke.
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shoezuki · 3 years
piglin techno confusing the fuck out of ranboo hcs
i jus be doin some shit sometimes n then my brain is like ‘hey think a this’ and i been tryin to type this out but my internet is so bad rn i couldnt even Open a new post what the fuck. anywayss. this ran so long. so fucking long
started with ‘i wonder how piglins act’ and now technoblade is doin some shit, ranboo is so confused, and philza is a delighted bystander who is having the time of his life
technoblade is 100% piglin. many people think he’s part human to some degree but hes Completely and Utterly piglin
most assume as much since he doesnt begin to rot in the overworld. but short answer; he’s Built Different
long answer is a blessing of the bloodgod but shhhhhh
techno never corrects anyone or talks about being piglin or Anything. he just doesnt care what other people think and assume. the only one who Knows is phil
phil had first thought it was out of some sort of shame or desire to Hide it but. yeah. no. techno jus doesnt care. build; different
although more Notable piglin traits come to like if he’s close to people
piglins are both social and anti social. kinda. they can be hugely independent, do well without ‘proper’ socialization for a Long while. but they group together for Lifetimes. once piglins find a family or friends and expend Full trust to them. its all or nothing you Cant break them up
how tommy betrayed and turned his back on techno just. its like a physical pain. once he trusted and respected him, the mere Idea of betrayal was nowhere in question. it never occurred to him
philza is now the only person that techno consciously and subconsciously considers him a part of his ‘pack’ (i cant figure out a better term but that one doesnt Fit)
techno never realizes when he acts piglin traits out towards those he trusts. he never does so in company outside of what he considers family. philza notices though.
phil tends to study and research other races and cultures a lot. he’s been around a long while, has met many people of all different backgrounds. he likes knowing and understanding what he can. its just fun too.
it mostly started when he first met techno because he wanted to figure out what the FUCK techno was doing without asking and therefore embarrassing him
but phil knows techno well. and he knows piglins well enough. and he Knows techno doesnt ever seem to be self aware of his more inhuman habits
but Phil knows. and he Notices when techno starts to consider ranboo a part of the pack
First, it’s gifts.
surprisingly, its ranboo giving techno the axe first
he wasnt there to see it. but phil might as well have been present, considering how Horrifically in depth techno ‘ranted’ to him bout it
but techno reciprocates it and Then he really starts to notice more and more
first, it was giving the enchanted apple to ranboo. sure it Technically had been swiped by techno out from under ranboo but it was still Something. techno wasnt one to give up valuables easily
then techno starts ‘complaining’ about ranboos living area. and his eating habits. phil looks away when techno smuggles golden carrots into ranboo’s shack 
eventually technoblade is crafting ranboo a cloak to match their own and he’s freaking out about ranboo’s height and his dimensions and how much cloth he’ll need but he refuses to ask ranboo and phil is holding his head in his hands
(phil forces techno to gift him the cloak in person rather than stash it under his pillow and run like he’d planned. techno bitched about it but after ranboo practically lit up, burying himself in the cloak and thanking techno so hard his throat mustve hurt, techno was so practically purring the rest of the day)
after gifts, its noises. 
techno is seemingly silent. he doesnt speak up much, moves so quietly people tend to jump when he appears. 
in reality, he talks to himself constantly. either when alone or when in phil’s company. philza knows that aspect is the ‘voices’, and also just technoblade’s tendency to fill the silence and wonder his own thoughts aloud
but the snorts, squeels, grumbles, and other sounds he makes without realizing are some phil knows are piglin
its often guttural, a noise he makes in the back of his throat that rumbles and reverberates through his bones. 
itd sound terrifying to anyone, but after years of techno trilling deep when phil enters a room, when he returns from some sort of journey, when he says hello or makes his presence known in anyway, phil realized its more like a greeting. excitement to see him. it became something sweet
long story short ranboo nearly jumped so high his head went through the ceiling when he’d first walked into the home, said hello, and some gruff purr sounded from the techno’s chest
theyd both jumped so hard, stared at each other as if they were trying to figure out what was wrong with the other 
phil was physically pained as he held back his laughter to the point he was crying. that changed the subject to him quickly
it didnt happen again for a while, but phil didnt say anything and just watched. it was too entertaining
techno would make his small squeals between breaths when he remembered something, muttered to himself, snorted and huffed even as ranboo was around
ranboo got used to it. he stopped jumping or even looking confused when techno trilled some sort of deep purr when ranboo would join them for dinner
lastly, techno was tactile
or, as tactile as he could be. techno wasnt touchy even on a great day. he was selective, reserved, would lean into phil or loop an arm over his shoulders but would never say anything about it
phil didnt question it and would just pat techno on the arm without saying a word
but. sometimes. when phil would be gone for a long time, techno would rest the entire weight of his head on phil’s shoulder, practically encapturing him, rumbling and grumbling so harsh it shook phil’s whole body
phil still wasnt certain on this one. he couldnt find much in the way of what it meant. piglin’s tended to stay with their own, and they never reunited after long periods of time because they never would dare to separate for long
 he was kind of guessing here, but the way techno would drop his shoulders and practically melt made phil think he was just missing him and wanted to confirm phil’s presence. 
it wasnt like he complained. it was sweet
ranboo had been gone a while. he was vague on why, or where. phil had a suspicion or two but ranboo kept a lot of secrets
neither techno or phil pried too far, but phil could tell it was disconcerting to techno. he was tense and kept himself almost deathly busy for two weeks
(piglin rarely if ever kept secrets from one another, phil had read once. omitting a few things here and there, maybe. but lying or deception was out of the question)
phil hadn’t been there when ranboo returned. he’d been gathering firewood after techno was insistent they completely top up all of ranboo’s stores
he’d heard the muffled growls techno made as he walked towards ranboos shack, before even seeing him. 
when phil found them techno had ranboo nearly completely obscured in his cape, and definitely he’d have been out of sight if he was any shorter. 
techno’s head was lofted heavy in the crook of ranboo’s neck, forcing ranboo to hunch with arms wrapped tight around ranboo. his arms were pinned. 
ranboo caught his eyes, looking so scattered and tired and confused and maybe even terrified. he might have spoken or maybe he just mouthed ‘help me’ but the gruff purr-like sound techno made was too loud to hear him anyways
philza shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing
later that night ranboo asked phil if techno was going to kill him. phil wanted to scream
even later then, techno had admitted to phil that, yeah, okay, maybe ranboo was growing on him. phil had never felt so violent
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
Okay so I heard you were looking for requests for short stuff so do you have any headcanons for getting just. Absolutely railed by Haikyuu team captains, please and thank you. (I really love your stuff and I hope you take this!)
Rough Captain Headcanons
sub captains edition here.
you heard correctly!! (though this did not end up being very short lmaoo) i am a whore for the haikyuu captains so you’ve come to the right place. and thank you so much! i’ll take any opportunity to talk about my boys.
i included literally every single captain i could think of, including the karasuno captains after daichi and our timeskip kings. have fun.
post-timeskip, obviously.
content warnings: mostly gn! reader (but occasional fem!), lots of pet names, lots of teasing and degradation, hair pulling, spanking, three (3) creampies god i hate that word, hickies, handcuffs, etc. all of these are established relationship.
so i don’t know how to describe what exactly these headcanons are? i don’t think all of the captains are the “railing” type. however, these are basically just headcanons for when they go their hardest and either accidentally or purposefully get carried away.
Sawamura Daichi
likes to cage you under him and just lose it. will loop an arm around your waist and lift you up into him, so your back arches and he can hit the perfect angle.
will. not. let you look away. grabs your chin. pulls your hair. will move you however he needs to so he can look you in the eyes while he’s pounding into you.
“Shy now, princess?” Daichi said, tipping your chin to look at him. “Don’t hide. You look so pretty like this.” A sharp breath left your lips as he pressed his hips farther forward, grinding into you and sending a shock of pleasure through your body. “That’s it, sweetheart. Taking it so well. Let me give you what you deserve.”
Ennoshita Chikara
he’s a hair puller. like he doesn’t think much about it but he really likes pulling you by your hair back against his chest so he can whisper dirty shit in your ear. sometimes he gets a little too aggressive with it, so if you’re into that kind of thing, he’s your man.
possessive as all hell. you’re going out for drinks with coworkers? he’s leaving a hickie right at the collar of your top so everyone can see that you’re taken. coming out to dinner with his old teammates? he’s going to have an arm on you all night. loves to pull you in and remind you of things you did the night before to get you flustered.
very particular about how you’re positioned. will pin your arms above your head and readjust his grip several times. pushes your legs out of the way. grabs your jaw and moves your face where he wants you. somehow he doesn’t realize how hot that is until you tell him to his face. he’s still confused about it but has learned to love that you love it.
Chikara ran a hand up your side and let it rest in your hair for a moment before tugging hard. You gasped as he pulled it back and to the side, exposing your neck so he could leave marks as he pushed deeper inside you. You let out a whimper and tried to loop an arm around his neck but he grabbed your wrist and pinned it down.
“Patience, love. I want everyone to be able to tell I fucked you senseless.”
Yamaguchi Tadashi
he tries to dirty talk, but it always turns into praise and repeating how much he loves you.
aggressive and whiny, begging for more even though he’s the one giving it to you.
prefers when you ride him, but will do anything you ask of him. loves being told what to do. thinks you directing him to go faster or slower or a little to the left is the sexiest thing on the planet. he will fuck the life out of you if you just ask nicely.
“Harder, Tadashi,” you gasped. He grunted and snapped his hips as fast and as hard as it seems his body would let him.
“God, you’re gonna make me come. How do you feel so fucking good?” You smiled at the praise and pulled him in for a kiss. His breath hissed against your face as he continued pushing into you. You wrapped your legs tight around him and he let out a whine, pressing his face against yours. “I’m so fucking glad you’re mine.”
Oikawa Tooru
he’s a biter
likes to be lazy and dirty talks while you ride him usually, but every so often he shifts and will fuck you until tears are running out of your eyes.
will lay on top of you while you’re on your stomach, an arm looped around your neck, and just fuck you into the bedsheets. he’s wrapped up in his own little world, choking on high pitched moans and gasping for breath. like i said, he’s a biter, so you end up with marks all over your neck and shoulders. he’s just a fucking baby. the sounds he makes are so whiny and breathy it sounds like he’s the one getting destroyed instead of you.
“Ngh, fuck,” Tooru gasped. His breath was hot in your ear as you panted into the mattress. “Feel so good around me. You’re just begging for my cum, aren’t you?” You wanted to laugh and tell him you weren’t the one begging, but you couldn’t. Your breath was being torn from your lungs with every thrust. Tooru sunk his teeth into your shoulder as he pounded into you harder, letting out a soft whimper against your skin. His voice raised in pitch until he was practically whining. “Hah—gonna come soon. You feel so good.” His voice trailed off as it reached a whimper and he buried his face back against your neck, body shaking in anticipation.
Kuroo Tetsuro
spanking spanking spanking
seriously, hits it from the back and is not nice about it.
kuroo likes pulling you closer by your hips or ankles, turning you over whenever he feels like it, whatever. he just likes being able to toss you around and position you so he hits you just right every time.
“What? Trying to get away? That’s not how you take it, is it?” Kuroo grabbed your hips and yanked you flush against him. You cried out and buried your face against the bed. “There we go.” He laid a slap on your ass and laughed at the small sound you let out. “I’m not done with you yet. You’re not going anywhere.”
Bokuto Koutarou
he fucks himself dumb. accidentally goes so hard he’s whining and can barely hear you if you ask him to speed up or slow down.
likes missionary because he likes being as close to you as humanly possible and it gives him the best leverage to just.....lose it. gasping against your face and babbling about how good you feel. going off of that, he has a very hard time pulling out. lord have mercy. use a condom or get on a reliable birth control because as much as he tries, he’s never going to have any self-control in the moment.
he forgets just how strong he is sometimes, which results in bruises and weak limbs and occasionally trouble walking. he always apologizes profusely and offers many kisses to make up for it even after you insist that you’re fine.
“Baby, please let me come inside you. Please. Oh my god,” Koutarou whined, tightening his grip on your thigh and snapping his hips harder.
“Yes, Kou. Please.” You brought him down into a kiss. You were both panting and Koutarou was moaning, practically vibrating against you as he got closer. He began moving erratically, pounding harder into you and making you cry out.
“M’sorry. Fuck. I’m gonna come.” His chest heaved as he thrust into you hard once, twice, and let out a long groan. You could feel him twitching inside you, hands clutching your skin so hard it was almost painful. He mumbled praise and curses and nonsense against your lips, slowing his movement until he collapsed on top of you. He pressed a sloppy kiss to your forehead and tucked his face into your neck. “Thank you. I love you. Oh my god.”
Futakuchi Kenji
likes holding your legs and moving them around to see what gets the biggest reaction from you. doesn’t care what position you’re in but loves when your legs are closed and lifted so you’re extra tight around him.
his goal is to see you as desperate as possible. he’ll do whatever it takes to get your eyes rolling back, your hands clutching at anything they can grab, mindless pleading, all of it. he just wants to watch you fall apart because of him, and i gotta say, he’s good at getting his way.
“Oh, that’s it. Look at you,” Kenji cooed. He gently wiped a tear from your face as he readjusted your legs with his other hand, holding them tightly to his chest. “Coming apart already. I’m just getting started. Are you going to be good for me?”
Daishou Suguru
finger sucking finger sucking finger sucking. loves watching you gag so he’ll shove two fingers deep into your mouth and strokes them over your tongue. he also just does it to shut you up whenever he feels like it.
likes edging and teasing a little too much. will hold off from fucking you until you’re genuinely angry at him, so wet that he can push in with no resistance. then he makes it up to you by fucking you until you’re sobbing or your eyes are rolling back in your head. you’ve never had an orgasm with him that didn’t feel like you might not live to see the end of it.
“You like that, don’t you?” Suguru said, thumbing over your bottom lip as his cock slid between your legs, not pushing in like you desperately wanted him to. “Like when I use you like this? Should I just come like this? I don’t even have to fuck you to get myself off.” You let out a pathetic noise in protest and he laughed. “Maybe another time. Today I’ll be nice and give you my cock.” He dragged between your legs again and stopped at your entrance, slowly sinking in and pulling a relieved sigh from your throat. “There we go. That’s my fuckin’ girl.” He slid two long fingers between your lips, pressing on the back of your tongue and nearly making you gag. “Now stay quiet while I use you.”
Terushima Yuuji
i.......i gotta mention the tongue piercing. i’m sorry. i know he gives the most enthusiastic, sloppiest head and FOR SURE owns a vibrating tongue ring. what a whore. i love him.
i feel like he’s messy. like he’s into spitting and really sloppy kissing and cum play and everything. will come in your mouth and tell you to hold it there while he fucks you stupid. sometimes kisses it out of your mouth. he’s a freak and i like it.
“Yuuji, fuck.” You could practically hear your body vibrating, past orgasms still lingering under your skin.
“Yeah? Tell me where you want me to come,” he said. You groaned as he abused the perfect angle inside of you and smirked down at your strained expression. “Not gonna talk to me?” You stayed silent as your head tipped back against your pillow. He chuckled and grabbed your face. “Open.” You blinked up at him and did as you were told, sticking out your tongue. He leaned forward and spat into your mouth. “I’m gonna come inside of you. Yeah? That what you want?” You nodded and swallowed, eyes pinched shut and voice frozen in your throat. He laughed and snapped his hips harder. “That’s right. Anything for you, princess.”
Ushijima Wakatoshi
so we’ve all agreed: horse cock ushijima, however, he usually uses those powers for good. very gentle, very eager to please, exactly what you’d want in a man.
he’s not a hard dom, but sometimes he gets so overwhelmed with how much he loves you that he forgets how strong he is. pounding into you with his whole heart and whispering in your ear how much he adores you between groans. very vocal. a little too rough. definitely feels very guilty when you’re sore the next day but if you kiss him and tell him you liked it....he may be willing to throw caution to the wind again sometime.
Wakatoshi didn’t speak much, but the room was far from silent. He made the prettiest sounds when he was lost in you, grunts turning to long moans, made even sweeter when they were hummed against your lips. The groan of the bed mixed with the strike of skin against skin, white noise behind your already muddled thoughts. Wakatoshi pushed your legs farther toward your chest and leaned down, laying his face right against your ear.
“You’re so beautiful.” His voice seemed to rumble through your entire body. “You’re so good to me, darling. I love you.”
Kita Shinsuke
very soft. y’all are never gonna catch me writing hard dom kita shinsuke. HOWEVER. he is so eager that sometimes it’s a little too much for either of you. like he doesn’t realize how aggressive he’s been until you’re both literally unable to catch your breath and have to just lay in silence for a while. will ask you very nicely if you’re okay and get you water and anything else you need, but he will have this little grin on his face the whole time because he’s so happy to be able to put you both in that state.
Kita’s face scrunched up into a tight wince as he came, as his hips slowing into hard, deep thrusts that made your vision go white. Your grip in his hair was so tight you were sure it hurt, but you couldn’t help it when he was scrambling your brain with every touch. He stopped moving and you realized just how hard both of you were breathing. It felt like you couldn’t fill your lungs, body so spent that it couldn’t even do what it needed to do to survive. His braced arms on either side of your head were shaking, and his eyes were still shut tight.
“Shin,” you said, as steadily as you could through your gasping breaths. He didn’t answer. “Shin, baby, you okay?”
He exhaled hard and smiled, then let himself fall on top of you.
“Perfect. I’m—you’re perfect. I love you.” You laughed and combed your fingers through his hair, then pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you too.”
Meian Shūgo
what to say about this man......
i feel like my opinions about what he likes and doesn’t like are kind of hot takes, because most of the stuff i see with him is hard dom. but. i raise you: overly excited switch meian shūgo.
captain meian shūgo likes to be teased and edged within an inch of his sanity. he likes when you talk shit and order him around and he’s DEFINITELY into handcuffs. however, he always pays you back for it. even if he’s still cuffed up and a little pink in the face from embarrassment, he will absolutely use you. very loud. loves when you leave scratch marks. loves leaving hickies everywhere.
You were almost shocked by the high moan that left Shūgo’s throat as he finally sunk into you. His face screwed up in pleasure and concentration as he withdrew his hips and drove them back against you.
“Fuck, I’ve been waiting for this. You tease me all that time but you can’t wait for me to fuck you like this, can you?”
“That’s some tough talk for someone whose wrists are still bound,” you said through a smile. He let out a breathy laugh and braced his hands on your stomach, still connected by leather and a short chain.
“Doesn’t keep me away from you.” He raised an eyebrow and pushed deeper inside you. “I can still use your body when I’m all tied up.”
Hirugami Fukurō
pulling a headcanon from his brother’s list and saying he likes getting his hair pulled, which means he loooooves going down on you.
will leave your legs feeling like jelly because he makes you come at least three times, and each one is hard. like, you forget where you are and can’t breathe for a few minutes afterward.
will cock warm you until you’re begging him to please, please move. proceeds to fuck you slowly, but so hard and so deep you’re feeling him between your legs the entire next day.
“Done already? That’s no fun,” Fukuro teased. You were still shaking from the last time he had pushed you over and he wasn’t helping the situation, thumb still circling your clit after already abusing it with his tongue.
“Come on. You know how to take me.” He continued easing his cock into you, dragging out all of the breath remaining in your body.
“Please,” you whispered. He smiled and leaned closer.
“Please what, love? Do you want me to stop? Use your words.”
“Then tell me what you want.”
“Want you to—“ You gasped. “—fuck me. Please.” Fukuro grinned and positioned himself so he had more leverage over you.
“Good girl.”
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miekasa · 4 years
call me (levi ackerman)
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↯ pairing: levi ackerman x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: fluff, humor? you can be the judge of that i suppose, levi is quiet and often practical, but you cannot convince that there’s not a small part of him that doesn’t enjoy having shit to hold over people lol
↯ notes: this is also cross-posted from another blog, but i tweaked it a bit to fit levi and rewrote/edited parts i wish the world had never seen </3 also i’m reposting bc i was an idiot who accidentally deleted it on mobile rip 
↯ word count: 1.3k
↯ summary: drunk you is not amused by the man who keeps trying to coerce you into his apartment; even if that man is your boyfriend and that apartment is his apartment.
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“Alright mister, I’m trusting you for now because you’re Erwinnie’s friend, and Erwinnie is my best friend,” you hiccup, wagging your pointer finger as threateningly as you can in your current state, “So if he says you’re a good person, you’re probably a good person. Or good enough.”
Levi holds back a knowing smirk, and loops his arm through yours to steady your balance. He doesn’t know how or why Erwin let you get this drunk, but he’s at least glad the blonde was sober enough to call him to pick you up instead of letting you get in a cab; or worse, attempt to take the bus.
“I’m so very glad you trust me,” he says, voice flat as your wrap your other arm around his bicep. You hum back, a little spacey and like you maybe didn’t hear what he said.
You’re honestly pretty cute when you’re drunk. It’s not something he gets to see often, as you don’t allow yourself to let go frequently; nor do you usually have the time to. And it’s not that he particularly wishes for you to be drunk to the point where you can barely stand, or remember his name, but all things considered, Levi is happy that your general drunk disposition is happy, too. 
He waves Mike goodbye as he wrangles Erwin into his car, not holding back his smile this time as you wave over-excitedly at the blonde in the passenger seat, calling his name loudly to tell him goodnight and that you’ll miss him, like you hadn’t already told him goodnight three minutes ago, or spent the last three hours with him drinking. Yeah, you’re cute. 
Thankfully, Levi doesn’t live too far from the restaurant you and Erwin were at, so the both of you are home after a twenty minute walk—what should have been fifteen minutes, but was prolonged by your drunken fascination with a squirrel on a public bench.
You start to wobble more when Levi unlaces your arms to get his keys out of his pocket, and he moves his right hand to rest against the small of your back so you don’t fall. However, drunk you is not so entertained by the idea of his hands anywhere near your waist as sober you would have been.
“Hey, hey, hey—hold it right there, mister!” you stutter, words a bit too loud for the confined space of Levi’s hallway at three in the morning, “I am not going in—into that suspicious apartment with you.”
You stumble as you try to remove Levi’s hand from your waist, and he tries to steady your balance again, but push him away more forcefully, staggering into the wall behind you.
“Ah, bitch,” you curse, holding your head and groaning. The pain clearly isn’t enough to stop your accusations against Levi, as you’re back to wagging your finger at him, even hunched over from your drunken stupor, “See, this is your fault.”
Levi sighs. He doesn’t know why you’re holding your head, because you hit your back, and from what he can tell, you shouldn’t have hurt yourself that badly. He’ll take a closer look at you once you’re inside. That’s if he could get you inside to begin with.
He can’t wrangle you and open the door at the same time, so he goes for the latter, finally pulling his keys from his pocket to unlock his apartment door, then attempts to move you inside. Keyword: attempts; because anytime he puts his hands remotely near you, you slap them away.
“Come on, we have to go inside,” he grunts, trying again to get a hold of your arm, but you whack him away harshly. For a drunk person, you seem to have the strength and dexterity of a pro-athlete all of a sudden. Where was all this coordination when he was trying to get you up the stairs five minutes ago?
“No!” you growl—once again, too loudly for the time and place. “Haven’t you heard of the saying no means no, mister? I might be drunk, but this is not my apartment, and I am not going in there to have sex with you!”
“I’m trying to help you go to bed. I’m not going to try and have sex with you.” Levi takes a deep breath. This could sound really bad if anyone else woke up and heard the two of you. 
But you’re not having it, crossing your arms and turning your body so that you’re now facing the wall, your back towards a less-than-impressed Levi. “Well, I don’t believe you. I’m going to call Erwinnie tell him you’re being a bad friend, and then Erwinnie is going to call my boyfriend and he’s going to come and pick me up.”
“Oh yeah?” Levi drawls, leaning against his door frame, watching your silhouette as you clumsily search for your phone in your pockets, “Why don’t you just call your boyfriend then?”
You turn on your heels as best you can, and muster up your most menacing glare. It’s not menacing in the slightest, and it actually makes Levi crack a smile, which you do not take lightly; but that only makes him smile further, because sober you doesn’t like it when he’s not fazed by your self-proclaimed intimidation tactics, either.
“Fine,” you huff, finally putting your phone to your ear, “But you’re going to be sorry, because Levi is going to come here and kick your ass.”
Levi chuckles, feeling his own phone ring in his back pocket, “I bet he is.”
“He is,” you insist, stomping your foot for dramatic effect, “He might not be that tall, but he’s strong as hell, plus he’s handsome, and he doesn’t let people fuck around with me, so say your prayers, mister.”
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The following afternoon is far less than pleasant. You feel groggy, tired, and like everything is moving in slow motion. Piece by piece, your memories of your night out with Erwin start to come back to you, but you can’t seem to recall anything beyond your fifth margarita.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Levi calls, sarcastically, upon entering the bedroom.
His voice and presence surprises you, but then the realization washes over you that you’re in his apartment and not your own. You’re not sure why yet, but you could probably take a guess.
“Did you take me home last night?”
Levi hums in acknowledgement, nodding his head towards the bedside table, where you find a bottle of water. Levi watches you as you move to hang your legs off the side of the bed and reach for the bottle, groaning in the process. He mentally notes that he should make you breakfast—or, well, at this point, brunch—after you go shower, so that you can take an Advil for the pain.
He moves across the room to sit beside you on the bed, careful to not disrupt too much as to make you spill the water on the sheets. “You know, for someone who’s so happy-go-lucky when they’re drunk, you put up quite the fight yesterday.”
“I did?” you turn to him, capping the bottle, eyes wide with surprise, “You were probably sleeping and you had wake up and come deal with me, I’m sorry, Levi.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he assures you, an almost uncharacteristic and sly smile playing on his lips, “You always say something interesting that keeps me entertained. It makes up for it.”
“Dear god, what was it this time?” you groan, throwing your head back, “I didn’t confess my feelings for you again did I? This is, what, like the sixth time since we’ve been dating? I’m such an embarrassing drunk.”
“Not a confession this time,” he chuckles, “The opposite. Maybe worse.”
Levi fishes his phone from his pocket, and pulls up his voicemails before handing it to you. Curious—and a little bit scared—to find out what could possibly be worse than confessing to your boyfriend of almost four years that you’re in love with him and sad that you’re not dating him? You’re not sure that it could get more embarrassing than that until you click on Levi’s most recent voicemail and hear your own voice crackling through the speaker of his phone.
“—What, hey, fuck off, mister! I don’t want to go into your scrubby apartment! I am happily dating Levi Ackerman, and when he gets here he is going to grand slam your sorry ass into the ground!”
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