#also that way if anyone wants to send another one they'll know which ones are already requested
terry-perry · 2 months
Questions About Hell’s Cutest Couple Answered:
Who was interested first?
Y/N. She had a crush on Alastor since she first saw him at an Overlord meeting. She found him charming and funny but never thought he’d give her the time of day. You can imagine her surprise when he approached her one day to ask her out for coffee. His feelings developed a little later, but when they came, they came strong! He didn’t even realize how bad he had it until it was too late.
Who said I love you first?
Surprisingly, Alastor did. It was for all to hear during a radio broadcast. They finally went public with their relationship, which meant the press trying their hardest to get a closer look at them as a couple. Both despised the unwanted attention (it was another reason they wanted to keep things hush-hush in the beginning), so when someone had the nerve to get a few shots of them on a date, Alastor used this as an opportunity to send a message:
“Before we get to our next song, I'd like to announce something: those who choose to involve themselves in my relationship will receive an exclusive look at the Radio Demon. Just ask this aspiring journalist who stopped by to not only take photos of our private outing but also ask very in-depth questions about our activities in the bedroom."
Cut to the guy’s pained screams pleading for forgiveness and for it all to end.
"Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this ballad to my beloved Y/N. I love you sugar, and I can't wait to see you tonight. It'll be just the two of us!"
Who's more protective?
Both are protective in their own ways. As we know, Alastor always wakes up and chooses violence, and ensuring no harm comes Y/N's way is no exception. If anyone says anything uncouth towards her, flirts with her, or threatens her, they'll have him to answer to.
Y/N, meanwhile, has inherited the Carmine composure and doesn't let too many things bother her. However, she doesn't mind whacking a few heads regarding people she cares about. In the past, she's done so for business purposes. She's more than willing to do the same for Alastor.
Who cleans more?
Definitely Y/N. Whether it's cleaning up after they've eaten or a body one of them needs to dispose of, she's the one who always jumps up to take care of things. Alastor will find a way to help if it means less work for her.
Who eats the most?
Alastor! We all saw the deer right? He might've taken his time with it, but it was still a lot! Y/N can have a big appetite, but it's nothing compared to her cannibal cutie's.
Who spends the most money?
Y/N. She comes from a rich family, which means spoiling her loved ones. She loves buying things for Alastor like vintage radios and instruments he can play. He does his fair share of gift-giving, but she's the shopaholic who tends to ship things to him.
Who is most likely to start an argument?
Whether intentional or not, Alastor is the one whose actions lead to the most arguments. Y/N knew he could be a handful before they became a couple, but that doesn't mean she has enough patience to put up with him. He does find ways to make it up to her, be it through gifts or sincere apologies. She forgives him eventually.
Who falls asleep first?
Y/N. Alastor doesn't sleep much, if at all, and mostly spends his time lurking around while occasionally watching her sleep.
Who is more annoying?
Definitely Alastor! We already know how much of a smartass he can be and how invasive he is with others' spaces. Y/N is no exception, especially when she's annoyed with him. Eventually, he'll drop the act to be sincere with her and either comfort her or apologize if he did something that resulted in him owing one.
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vermilionsun · 4 months
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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niobiumao3 · 5 months
I've been thinking about the whole Crosshair and CX-2 situation, and I am beginning to wonder if, should CX-2 prove to be Tech, Crosshair didn't, in fact, know.
In an interview before the premiere, Michelle Ang mentioned Crosshair getting to see forgiveness and real love in the face of a great betrayal. Now, Crosshair's great betrayals are long past. So, is this some NEW betrayal? Is it someone ELSE betraying and being forgiven? CX-Tech fits the later very neatly, however, there might be another option: that Crosshair DOES know CX-2 is Tech, and has been not telling everyone because he blames himself for it happening and is sure they'll all turn him out the second they discover it (Omega included).
I'm of two minds here.
Crosshair didn't know, because Tech was put straight into conversion from medical care, and so Crosshair never saw him.
Crosshair DOES know, and feels black-hole sized guilt about it to the point where he can't bring himself to tell anyone.
In the #2 bucket goes a few things:
We see, repeatedly, that Crosshair isn't saying everything about Tantiss. This is as true for Hunter (the person always mentioning this) as it is for us, as our POV on Tantiss was almost exclusively Omega. Hunter knows Crosshair hasn't told them everything, and isn't going to push him except in specific instances where it really woulda been nice to know.
We do know that the CX conditioning is bad. Like, really bad, bad enough that wiping out your identity--not just the chip but like, you, yourself--is part of it. Or, so Crosshair says (and Tech in S2), though of course the truth of that might be more complex. This is reason enough for him to not talk about things. Except...
When Rex and Howzer explain they have a CX in custody Crosshair is immediately spooked. Then he's even MORE upset when he sees who it is. Or is it because of who it isn't?
If he knew CX-2 was Tech, and sees CX-1, he knows there is only one other CX they're sending after them, and the absolute last thing he would want is for them to have to kill Tech to get away. Or worse, kill the person who used to be Tech and can't be reclaimed (from his POV). Either way, from his POV, it is all bad news that CX-2 is inbound.
And as much as I feel Cross just isn't a hand to hand badass, at the end of his one on one with CX-2, he is clearly giving up. Everything CX-2 is saying is battering him emotionally and dousing the fight in him. Which makes a lot of sense, if he knows it's Tech.
For #1, well, the explanation is much simpler: we, and Omega and Crosshair, never see Tech in CX conditioning because he was in a bacta tank for part of it and then into a pod for the rest. He might have even converted quickly if we're to assume he had amnesia from the fall. (I suspect, should he prove to be CX-2, we won't get an explanation for this.) This actually would give Omega AND Crosshair some severe guilt, realizing when they escaped they left Tech on Tantiss in Hemlock's not-so-stellar care. It makes sense Crosshair would never want to go back--the conditioning sounds pretty awful. But then his reaction to CX-1 is a little less clear; we know there aren't very many CXes at this point, so why is THIS one such a concern to him? He just appears to be a reg. And CX-1's use of 'brother' is also very pointed. Which would make sense if CX-2 is Tech, who would have referred to Crosshair as his brother...
Anyways. We'll see if this pans out. I'd considered this might be the case even as I was like 'are we really doing that', and while I'm not a fan of this plot in the overall, like a cat being dragged outside on a harness for some enrichment I can grudgingly accept it. Mostly.
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fire-lizard-ro · 9 months
AGHHHHHHH lately ive been thinking about sunday with a reader thats like him personality wise and their relationship is both trying to assert control over one another as a friendly rivalry but to other people its like gosh get a room
No mentioned gender for reader, so this is gn reader.
yyyEEESSSSS- I love that, hehe. It's always fun to talk about this sort of thing. A relationship where many cannot tell if the two of you hate each other or just have an odd way of flirting. Maybe it's both? Maybe it's neither~ They'll never know, and you'll never tell. But of course, even if you don't say it aloud the two of you understand each other and what the relationship is that you share. It's a delicate dance of attempting to perceive each other's intentions with every interaction and countering what plans the other may have come up with to try and get a one up on the other. While some may consider this exhausting to maintain, the two of you love it. It's something you two can't get from anyone else but each other. This battle of wits and skill is just for the two of you.
It’s a lot of veiled insults that sound like the two of you are just pleasantly conversing, but there’s almost an intimidating aura around the two of you that would likely suggest otherwise. And backhanded compliments. Plenty of those. The two of you sometimes try to have competitions, seeing which one of you can basically gaslight the most people at an event or will try to actively convince a “target” of the opposite idea whilst the other person is trying to convince them of theirs.
There’s also the fact that you two like to try and see who slips up first. The attempts to manipulate each other are always met with almost light-hearted laughter. “A good try, but not quite~” he would tease with that charming smile of his.
Despite all this… You two always seem to be together? If you want to find one, you have to find the other. Can’t find Sunday? They ask where you’re at. Can’t find you? They ask where Sunday is. And the two of you are always standing oddly close together, the two of you often leaning in as you speak. There is an undeniable tension there that everyone is incredibly confused about. Aeons above get a room already! Is what they would say if not for the fact that they aren’t sure if they want the two of you and your combined attention to be focused on them.
How you two interact away from the prying eyes of others is always up for questioning, but of course- No one actually asks. And so they are always left wondering every time they see the two of you together.
Sorry I couldn't come up with more! This sort of ask is a bit harder for me even though I love these concepts. OTL
And sorry if this isn't quite what you meant! I just wrote based on what I assumed you meant but if not, always feel free to send in another request~
Thank you for sending this in!
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orginllazyblog · 11 months
Where Are You?
Summary: Yuu stopped showing up in the HoM mainly because of the canon story still processing. This took place before and during Book 7.
Note: Gender-neutral Yuu (can use your Yuu oc for this)
It has been an exhausting day in school for Yuu. They just dealt with Idia's and Ortho's overblot a few weeks ago, and now Yuu has started to gain awareness. They notice how each overblot resembles the Great Seven's by the vivid dreams they are having, and now worrying for the next one. 
"*Sigh* I need to get ready for work. Just need to rest for a while before dinner." 
As minutes went by, Grim woke up Yuu to remind them that it's about to be dinner time, well, mainly to remind them of his tuna. Yuu couldn't blame Grim for this one, he did get kidnapped and probably never eaten his favorite food. 
"Sure, Grim. Let's go to Mr. Sam's shop. Maybe get more than three this time."
"Fnagh? You will?"
"Yes, I have been saving up from my job. Remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"Well then, let's go in a hurry as I have to go to work in about an hour."
In the House of Mouse, Yuu serves the food to the great sevens as they are the only waiter who wasn't afraid of them. Also the fact they can handle it. Yuu also knows about their evil deeds from their vivid dreams, but after dealing with the OB boys, they kind of got used to them and see the similarities between them. 
After their work hours, they are on their break so they went to the seven's table to chat with them.
"So Yuu, how's your day in Night Raven College?" (QoH)
"Busy as the upcoming exams are coming next month." 
"If you need help, you can ask one of your classmates. Why not ask Azul? I'm sure he'll help you without paying any debt." (Ursula)
"I'm pretty sure they'll ask Riddle as they are not what they call "shady" Ursula." (QoH)
"Aren't you forgetting that Leona is wiser than those two. He's even older than those brats." (Scar)
'Oh boy, here we go.' 
"Oh wait! I forgot to mention that I won't be able to come back to work."
"So when will you be back from your exams?" (EQ)
"I would say about a week or two. I'm not sure how long it'll take considering it's a different school system from my home world, but I know it won't take long."
During the conversation, Yuu didn't bring up another overblot incident, which happened to be the shroud brothers. They didn't want to make them worried, but Yuu still needs to tell them about their vivid dreams and know the truth about them. They just need to wait until the time is right. 
After hours pass, the clubhouse is about to close. Yuu farewell to the great sevens and the other disney characters as they left. Mickey congrat them and gave them their paycheck of 5,000 thuamarks. 
"Thank you, Mickey."
"No problem, Yuu."
"By the way Mickey, I won't be able to work in the next couple of weeks. I have an upcoming exam so I would need time to study and a small break as well."
"Oh okay, thank you for reminding me, Yuu. Remember to take it easy. I'll have to tell the other staff about it."
"No worries, I also told the great sevens about it. I'm sure the rest will understand my situation."
"Okie dokie! Good night, Yuu." 
Little does Yuu know this might be the last time they see the rest of the disney characters again.
After a couple of weeks, Mickey and the staff were able to work knowing Yuu is busy with their education. There was some mischief going around, but it was only from Pete, and one of the great seven's shows up one time only. So far, everything seems normal. Nothing can go wrong… right?
It's been about a month, and the whole House of Mouse Club was panicking. Yuu should have been done with the exams. Where are they? Did something happen to them? 
Of course it wouldn't make sense, Yuu wouldn't just quit their job as they need money to buy their needs or send a message to Mickey or anyone to let them know. 
Even the great seven's were wondering what happened to them. Someone like Maleficent, who has access to travel to Twisted Wonderland world only to find out she can't.
 As if there is a barrier that she can't enter. That's when things are going downhill.
Mickey and his friends try to calm everyone down, but nothing seems to work. Until the lights went dim, the front stage, the screen went black. Then the loading screen started, which is not just any loading screen but the twisted wonderland loading screen. Everyone then quieted down as they sat down at their table as they watched how book 7 started.
* half an hour later…
With all there is, the screen went black again. With half of them, questions to what just happened and the sleeping beauty cast, now know what's going to happen next. 
Then again, 2 months later, the theater screen went black and the twst loading screen play. Now playing Book 7, chapter 2. 
"Hey Mal, do you know what's going on?" (Hades)
"How I'm I supposed to know? I can't enter Twisted Wonderland because the canon story is happening so I can't interfere." (Maleficent) 
"But do you know what will happen? This is where he will began to overblot." (Jafar) 
"Let's just watch it. There's no way my descendant won't-" (Maleficent)
*Malleus OB by end*
"..." (Maleficent) 
"You were saying~?" (Scar)
"Shut up." (Maleficent)
Knowing there's like 5 chapters in Book 7, I have no clue for how long will I continue writing. So I just stop at where chpater 2
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Level Up Post: Mighty Nein: Echoes of the Solstice: The Speculation Version
So here's the deal: I don't know what level they'll be (18-20), I am frankly assuming they level up in the first place (but like. why wouldn't they) and I'm going to have to make a bunch of assumptions, but here is a manageable-ish, I hope, summary, to be refined once we know more. Also: I'm assuming we've got Caduceus rather than Kingsley (I DO NOT KNOW THIS FOR SURE DO NOT RELY ON THIS BEING THE TRUTH) but I will make a Kingsley post if that is not the case (short answer - I'd recommend solely leveling up in blood hunter). As always with level-ups: if there is a significant omission or an error, please let me know. If I simply did not choose the same spell or feat you did, feel free to reply with "ooh nice, what about [spell]" but do not send me asks or get weird and sanctimonious about having different thoughts on subjective assessments. Anyway, here's the pre-show version; I'll make a new post Friday if appropriate.
Fjord: Let's get Mr. Complicated Tusktooth Stone Lavorre out of the way. He is currently Warlock 12/Paladin 5. Warlocks get a mystic arcanum at level 13 (7th level spell once per day) as well as another known spell for regular casting, a subclass feature at 14 (Master of Hexes for Fjord, which allows him to move his hexblade's curse from creature to creature if the first dies), and a mystic arcanum (8th level) and another invocation and another spell at 15. Paladins, meanwhile, get Aura of Protection (+CHA mod, so 5, to all saving throws to himself and all allies within 10 feet) at level 6, a subclass feature at 7 (Aura of Liberation - he and allies within 10 feet cannot be grappled or restrained, can use 5 feet of movement to get out of prior restraints [THIS WOULD HELP BEAU IF SHE SHOWS UP CHAINED BTW], and ignore penalties to underwater attacks) as well as another L2 spell slot, and an ASI at 8; his lay on hands pool also scales up by 5 HP per level. My personal feeling is: for the next level, take paladin level 6, which gives him and anyone within the aura +5 to all saves so long as he is not incapacitated; paladin auras are ridiculously good and every day I wish someone would play paladin straight through in CR, for me, much as I adore Fjord and Vax's dips into it. For his 19th level, I'd either take paladin 7 for the aura of liberation, or take warlock 13, which grants the mystic arcanum of which I'd take Etherealness, probably, or possibly Forcecage; the clerics can handle Plane Shift, and Finger of Death seems off-brand. He also gets another regular spell of which there are many; Contact Other Plane might not work under these conditions so I'm leaning towards Dream, which is just a great weird spell few people take, but also he could take a low level spell given he has paladin spell slots. And for 20th, take the one he didn't take for 19, for a final 13 Warlock/7 Paladin split.
Beau: Much more straightforward in comparison...but let's talk about the leveling up process. Level 18 grants Empty Body, in which she can spend 4 ki to be invisible for 1 minute and resistant to all damage other than force damage, or she can spend 8 ki to cast astral projection on herself alone, which is just hilarious and great and I would like to see it. She also increases her speed to 60 feet. Level 19 is an ASI/Feat; her stats are great so I say take Mobile because it's funny to make her normal speed 70 feet/round, or mage slayer for obvious narrative and "Beau, don't you want to pull a Cerrit on Ludinus" reasons. The capstone monk level kind of sucks (4 ki points back if she's tapped when rolling for initiative) but I don't have a good multiclass for her in mind so may as well ride it out. And of course she gets a ki point per level.
Caleb: Perhaps the only person for whom level 18 is actually fun (other than the multiclassed characters), at level 18 he gets to pick a 1st and 2nd level wizard spell in his spell book that he can cast at will. He can exchange these, but it requires 8 hours of study, so probably what he has going in to this show is what he has for the show. 19 is again a Feat/ASI, and honestly a con or dex boost never hurts a wizard. Level 20 gives him two 3rd level spells in his spellbook that he can cast once per rest (long or short) without using a spell slot. Might I suggest counterspell as one of them? And both he and the clerics gain extra high level spell slots at each level (5th, 6th, and 7th at levels 18, 19, and 20 respectively).
Veth: So she is actually trickier than Fjord, as the multiclassed character, in that I'm less sure how to split it out, but we'll go through the options: Level 17 in rogue grants her the ability to temporarily steal spells from another spellcaster who attacks her (Spell Thief) which is GREAT and she should definitely take it. Level 18 is Elusive; as long as she is not incapacitated, attack rolls cannot have advantage on her. And Level 19 is an ASI/Feat and an increase in sneak attack dice and also grants her a fourth level spell slot and new spell to go with it, which must be enchantment or illusion; Greater Invisibility seems like the obvious choice. I'd take the ASI to INT. On the other hand, if she pursues more wizard levels, Level 2 would give her a subclass and its features and another 1st level spell slot (and 2 more spells), Level 3 would give her 2nd level wizard spells and corresponding spell slots (and again, 2 more spells in her spellbook), and Level 4 is an ASI/Feat, a cantrip, and another 2nd level spell slot. I say take L17 in rogue first, then get a wizard subclass (transmutation does seem obvious for a number of reasons though abjuration, illusion, and divination have better L2 features and illusion makes narrative sense - divination would simply be hilarious), then take her final level in rogue for Elusive; but with both Veth and Fjord I think there's an obvious level to take (L17 rogue for Veth, L6 paladin for Fjord) and after that I respect Sam and Travis to pick what feels right.
Jester and Caduceus: At level 18, they can channel divinity 3 times per rest rather than 2. At level 19, they take ASIs, which honestly are up in the air for me - I'm excited to see what they pick, though @captainofthetidesbreath suggested Eldritch Adept for Jester which I would enjoy, and we haven't seen Caduceus's feat from the final episode yet which means I'm not sure about what he might take as a new one, though I'm personally always a fan of Chef. And at L20 divine intervention is guaranteed (though you can only use it once per week)...but to be honest if they are level 20, I am expecting this to be nerfed for solstice reasons because it is kind of game-breaking.
Yasha: So here's the thing. Barbarian 18-19 is kind of eh and 20 is good but not amazing. She could take it; she'd get indomitable might at 18 (treat any strength check as her strength score, 18, if she rolls lower than that), an ASI/Feat at 19, and her strength and con jump up by 4 each (and can exceed 20) - this would put her at 18 CON and 22 STR, assuming she doesn't increase either with the ASI (and to be fair I would take the ASI to strength). This is solid and entirely valid as a choice. HOWEVER, might I suggest the Grog move of taking her final three levels in fighter, which would give her a fighting style and second wind at L1, action surge at L2, and an archetype and its 3rd level features at L3. I like how Battle Master feels for Yasha but really it's that action surge that makes this great; Rune Knight or Champion are also decent options.
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Hey! This is extremely late but I feel like you'd adore this prompt.
Character study: Ed's beard caused sensory issues, required tedious upkeep, and was a source of performative masculinity. Finally, he's shaving it, and seeing "Ed" for the first time in decades. Super healing, cute, positive 💜
You're right, I absolutely adored this prompt!! This took a minute because I wound up going in a completely different direction at first, wasn't satisfied with it, and it sat in my drafts, and now I actually fuckin' love it. This one's set in a modern AU with a trans Ed, because that's a delicious little wrinkle. Bon appétit.
(Never too late to send me prompts for 1k word fics, by the way! I can't promise they'll all get done but if they inspire me, I'll do 'em eventually. These are great for writer's block)
No one could accuse Ed Teach of disliking hair care.
That was something his mama had instilled in him from a young age. His hair was also his pride in his heritage, in where he came from, and taking care of it was an important way Ed could take care of himself and stay true to himself. His worst argument with Stede, to date, was over which of them was taking up too much space on their shared bathroom counter with all the hair care products (they’d wound up putting up more shelving). The first time he’d let Stede help him wash his hair, after Stede had listened through Ed’s explanations of his hair care, was probably one of the most intimate moments he’d ever shared with another man.
His beard, though. That was a different story.
Ed didn’t hate the beard, most days. It had started out as a band-aid solution when he’d been struggling to be taken seriously with his baby face, and he’d wanted to prove he was as much a man as anyone.
Then he’d grown up, and he’d stopped looking like he’d just glued a few random hairs to his chin, and it became…him. It was big and striking and masculine.
“You know,” he’d confided in Stede a few nights ago, cuddled up under the covers together, one thigh and an arm thrown over Stede’s middle while Stede traced little patterns over Ed’s bare hip with a forefinger, “I don’t even like the beard.”
Stede blinked down at him. “You don’t…like your beard?”
“Honestly?” Ed ran his fingers through it. He liked how soft it was, liked putting little bows in it, liked how everyone saw him and knew without a doubt he was a man. “It’s itchy, and it’s easy for things to get stuck in it, and it makes my face all hot, and hair gets in my mouth, and -”
“Hm,” Stede said, shifting his hand up to scritch his fingers along Ed’s jaw, and Ed leaned into the touch. “You don’t have to keep it.”
It was Ed’s turn to pause in surprise.
“But I’m Blackbeard,” he said, a bit lamely.
“You can be whoever you want to be, beard or no,” Stede shrugged. “I’ll love you just the same, with or without it.”
This morning, Ed woke up early, plugging in Stede’s electric razor and locking the bathroom door behind him. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted Stede to be part of this moment, but…he hadn’t seen his whole face in literal decades.
He wanted his reaction to be his and his alone.
Ed hesitated before he could touch the razor to his face for the first time. What would everyone think? He’d literally named his entire brand after this thing.
He took a deep breath. It didn’t matter what everyone else thought. It was about what Ed wanted. He could do what he wanted with his own body to help himself feel more himself and more comfortable.
At the very least, he told himself, it would save him time in the mornings. You don’t keep a beard that big looking that good without a very time-consuming beard care regimen. 
He used a hand mirror as he worked, looking at himself at too close an angle to be able to see his full face before he was ready for that. When he splashed water on his face, he shivered at the coolness of it against his sensitive skin.
He swept up all the clippings, taking care to avoid looking into the mirror over the sink. “Bye-bye, Blackbeard,” he whispered, tipping the clippings into the trash can.
Ed took a deep breath. Stede had said he’d love him, no matter what. He lifted his head, and he saw -
His first reaction was that he looked a lot like his mother. He’d started trying to grow his beard out right after he’d first started taking T, and he hadn’t even realized how scared he was that he’d shave his beard off and see his dad under there until he got to see the opposite was true. He had a sharper jawline, but the rest was all her.
And he’d been scared he wouldn’t look enough like a man without it, too, but he looked…pretty, actually, and literally fine. He’d probably want to keep at least some stubble, because he really did just like how affirming facial hair was, but this was proof that he didn’t need the full beard to look like a man. He was a man, no matter what he looked like - the beard had just been his way of daring anyone to tell him otherwise.
“Hey, Ed,” he whispered, watching in the mirror as he brought his hands up to feel, tracing new wrinkles, soft skin, birthmarks and little freckles he’d long forgotten.
It shocked a quiet giggle out of him when he realized how nice it would be, to eat food without worrying about something getting into his beard. How nice it would be to feel soft things against his cheek, to -
There was an idea!
Ed darted out of the bathroom and practically launched himself back into bed, grabbing Stede’s hand to hold it against his face. He shivered in delight - Stede had touched his face before, of course, but he’d never felt it so clearly, his soft palms and warm fingers against his cheek.
“Mmf,” Stede mumbled, burying his face in the pillows in protest against being woken up.
“Babe!” Ed collapsed down onto his side so he could snuggle close and rub his clean-shaven cheek against Stede’s.
“Wh-aah!” Stede yelped as he opened his eyes to see Ed like three inches away. “Your beard fell off!”
“Shaved it,” Ed corrected, looking away. He hadn’t expected Stede to fucking scream at him -
Stede reached out, gently, cupping Ed’s chin to tilt his face for a better look. “Oh, Ed,” he whispered. “Aren’t you beautiful?”
Yeah, Ed thought with satisfaction. He sure fuckin’ was.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 months
Ari AU - Part Four
The next segment in my Popstar Grian AU that I have been cooking up with @angeart . Sorry for the wait on this one, life has been getting in the way a bit and writing this AU down is exhausting!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Five
Feel free to send me asks about this AU! It makes me insane.
CONTENT WARNINGS for this part: suicide attempt, suicidal ideation, hospitals, serious medical conditions, discussion of seizures, discussion of psych wards, loss of personal autonomy
Hospital, Continued, OR: This is Likely Not An Accurate Representation of Seizure Related Disorders
Things calm down once Grian is stable again. It takes some work, lots of nurses and doctors hurrying around and running machines while Scar sits outside the room terrified. But eventually, she's deemed stable and Scar is given the go-ahead to re-enter the room.
The crew are finally allowed to sit in the room with her too, but it’s honestly kind of boring. Grian is unconscious, and there isn't much more to say. Talking about what happened - the suicide attempt, isn't something anyone really wants to do at the moment.
While they're waiting it turns to late morning. Impulse goes out and grabs some copies of the morning tabloids. They probably aren't the most pleasant thing in the world to read but the crew have to know what's being said about Grian.
Mumbo goes to get them all some breakfast from a vending machine (and comes back holding way too many packets of chocolate and crisps) while Pearl gets coffee and then stays with Scar, putting a hand on his shoulder as they sit together listening to the steady beeping of Grian’s heart monitor.
When Impulse gets back with the tabloids, it at least gives Scar a break from the silence. Everyone starts ranting about how insensitive the headlines are and how they’re going to have to do so much work to fix things when Grian is better and... Scar looks at them fondly, but doesn't really add to the conversation.
He's glad for the distraction. The hope they still carry that Grian will get better. Because Scar can't see that now. He really can't see it. She looks so fragile now, so drained of life, lying in the hospital bed.
It's another few hours before he wakes up.
As soon as they hear the muffled sounds of Grian trying to speak, Scar is right at her side. There had been mutterings between nurses about how worrying it’s getting, more nervous looks being shot her way with each passing hour, but Grian is waking up again. She’s incredibly hazy and out-of-it, but she’s awake.
And Scar is there this time. He's right at her side. Immediately ready to help her with anything she needs.
The oxygen mask is taken away and Grian tries to say Scar’s name, but it barely comes out as anything. Then he just sobs against Scar's chest, too tired to panic, too hurt to speak. Scar holds him as nurses very carefully flit around.
For a while, she’s kind of fading in and out of. When she’s awake and aware, she talks to Scar a little. Asks if she died. If she was kidnapped. Did she take too many pills? Why is everyone here? Is any of this real? Scar answers each question softly and gently with as much clarity as he can. Which isn’t much, because it’s still Scar.
As he gains more awareness, Grian keeps apologising to Scar. For attempting, but also for not succeeding. For burdening him. Scar never stops his reassurances, holding Grian as close as he can while whispering in her ear.
When a doctor comes in and talks about a psych eval, Grian panics. She's terrified, and guilty, knowing exactly what they're going to say. Of course she isn't mentally well. Everyone can see that. She attempted suicide, for goodness' sake.
More pressingly, she thinks she's going to be taken away. That they won't let her go home with Scar. They'll put her in some facility where she'll never get better. The horror stories she's heard from others who have been in the system like that shake her to her core, and that's what really frightens her. That's what makes her want to escape it all.
Attempt Two - Hospital
When the nurses leave, Grian asks Scar to loosen her wrist straps because she’s uncomfortable. The nurses said that they’re for Grian’s safety, but… what harm could it do? Scar doesn’t want Grian to be uncomfortable. The crew have gone home to sleep, while Scar chooses to stay overnight. 
But though Scar falls asleep on the chair next to her bed, Grian stays awake, mind full of loud and terrifying thoughts. She is so afraid, and guilty about what she's putting Scar through, and, honestly, feels like finishing what she started is the best way out. Even if it is scary, it’s less scary than the psych eval. Less scary than the thought of being taken away from Scar and analysed by doctors. Less scary than the thought of it all being leaked to the press.
With the wrist straps loosened, it’s easy for Grian to escape her room and slip out into a hallway. She finds medical scissors in the bathroom. Which is scarier than the pills. More physical and real. 
There is barely an attempt before she’s found by a nurse. She must have made a lot of noise getting out of bed and into the hallway. Even with scissors, there isn't even a scratch deep enough to bleed. Still, she’s told off and sent back to bed.
Scar is given a very stern talking-to by an angry nurse for letting Grian get free and wander off. He’s horrified that he let it happen, the looming ‘what if?’ playing in his head the whole time.
There are consequences. For some time - whatever the doctors decide - he isn’t allowed to see Grian. Which is torture, really. To distract himself, he takes a few much-needed trips between the hospital and home.
The psych eval goes badly the next day. The doctors confirm Grian's fears, wanting to send him to a facility of some kind. She begs not to be sent away, that it would kill her, even if not literally. She wouldn’t last long in a place away from Scar, especially not being observed and evaluated. Hearing her distress, Scar insists that Grian should be allowed to come home. 
It really hits Grian that it isn’t her choice. It’s Scar’s, as his partner and the closest thing she has to a legal spokesperson (aside from, what, her manager?). Ever since she cut her family off.
Grian has no control over his own autonomy. He supposes he forfeited the right to speak for himself after two suicide attempts, but still, it’s horrible. Or, a horrible thought. Grian is somewhat confident that, because of her status and wealth, she could reasonably convince them to listen to her and her alone, if she needed that to happen. Luckily, Scar’s on her side regardless.
He promises to read all the booklets the hospital gives him - especially the ones about what to do if Grian has another seizure - and to lock away all the sharp objects, pills, shoelaces, wires, and glass in the house. Which he does during the time they don't let him see Grian (the biggest chunk of time is when Grian’s therapist visits. That's something they're going to have to keep doing, of course).
But, before anyone can go anywhere, first priority is a brain scan. Because something happened to Grian when she first woke up, and they don’t know what yet. Which is also terrifying! Grian is getting tired of being terrified!
It’s remarkably fast, as procedures go. The doctor and nurses take Scar aside and start talking to him, which Grian sees and really really hates because hello? He's right here? If there's something wrong with him, he wants to know!
Afterwards, the doctor does come up to her and explain that he's been diagnosed with something-or-other (she isn’t really listening, which sort of defeats her previous point) and needs to stay away from flashing lights and high stress scenarios.
Flashing lights. High stress scenarios. Grian almost laughs, that's actually hilarious.
There is also medication. Scar’s been given pills for her to take daily, to prevent seizures.
Oh. Scar’s been given the pills so that Grian can't take them on his own. So she can’t overdose again. He feels like he's being treated like a child. He understands why - he deserves it - but it still hurts. 
Then, that’s it. Grian makes enough of a recovery to be discharged, and it’s time to go home. Prescribed with new pills, more therapy, and a lot of things to read. It feels anticlimactic. Impulse calls and says he’ll bring over a car, so… it’s another waiting game. 
While Scar and Grian sit in awkward silence, Scar runs over the guilt in his mind. The fact that Grian got out of his room and was going to attempt again. Grian being dragged back into the room, arms scratched up, crying as she’s restrained again. Scar pushed out of the room and listening to her cries, being told it’s his fault she escaped… it all hurts.
But it was a mistake. It is in the past. Scar quietly places his hand over Grian's, extending the olive branch to her while trying his best not to cry. It doesn't matter. He has to be there for her now. 
Leaving The Hospital
Impulse arrives with a baseball cap (which is too big) and sunglasses for Grian, to both hide her identity and keep the camera lights away. There are a lot of people outside still, with cameras and microphones. Cameras with flashing lights. Microphones that cause Grian so much stress. 
How lucky.
Heading out first, Impulse distracts the crowds. Then, Scar tells Grian to close her eyes entirely and just let him guide her to the car. Pay no attention to the reporters. It's okay. They don't matter.
Grian’s used to it. He doesn't even complain. He knows he's just a thing to them. An object to gawk at and capitalise off of. Maybe she'll write a suicide note and blame them in it. That'd be a good comeback, wouldn't it?
It’s not a comforting thought, though. She loops an arm around Scar’s shoulder and allows herself to be moved like a ragdoll, stepping cautiously out of the hospital doors with her eyes shut tight and head bowed to the floor.
The light of cameras flash behind her shielded eyes, but nothing happens. It’s overwhelmingly loud, after so many quiet days in the hospital, but she pushes through. As she always does. Within a few moments Scar gets her into a car, and they’re off with no incident.
No seizure. It's strange getting used to the thought. Seizures were something that happened to other people, not to Grian. But now they do. Now there's something else to watch out for.
During the ride, Grian stays quiet. He’s scared to find out what’s waiting at home. Whether their house will be swarmed with people, or if it will be safe. Terrible thoughts crawl into her head like parasites, eating away all hint of positivity and relief from being out of the hospital. Scar seems upset with her. It's uncomfortable.
And then, without warning, they’re home. Like time has slipped past her. The car engine stops running. Grian remembers to breathe.
There’s no one there. At least, no one visible. Once they get inside and close the front door, Grian stands in the hallway, unsure of what to do with himself. He asks Scar, half-dissociated, if she’s still a person. Scar responds: of course, Grian is his favourite person.
Grian thinks she’s a lot of people’s favourite person, and that’s basically the problem. Something bristles up her spine as she thinks about the bar, and that person, the one who drugged her. 
She's so terribly afraid of everything. Of herself. Of the press. Of the stalkers. She doesn't know how to explain that she still has nightmares about being drugged. And that the night he took those pills was both the calmest and most terrified he's felt in months. Because everything was going to go away. But everything was going to go away.
He tells Scar that he doesn't want to kill himself, but also yes, he does. She doesn't want to die but at the same time, how else will everything just stop? There's no other way out. He can't see it getting better. 
Scar doesn't have an answer either. But he asks Grian, quietly, if he could just... try to stay alive. Even if it's hard. Even if it hurts. Try to stay alive, because he doesn't know what he'll do without Grian. Without Grian being there. Experiencing the world with him. 
He can't - doesn't want to - imagine Grian never smiling again, never singing again, never getting another haircut or eating his favourite food or telling Scar she loves him, ever again. Never listening to Scar's Disney rambles or planning to pull little pranks on their friends. Never crying. Never coming up with song lyrics, or designing outfits. Never holding Scar again.
It's haunting, how Grian seems so far removed now from when Scar met her. Only a hint of her past self shining through, begging to be found and held onto. She's changed. They both have. But losing her altogether?
Scar can't think about that. It's maybe all Grian can think about. And they both feel very, very helpless.
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p-redux · 9 months
Didn’t take much to pull you out of retirement huh? Btw, you didn’t get a scoop - another blog best you to it. Also, you took a huge leap assuming Sam was flying with someone. His buddy Marina flew in today - possible he could have been picking her up and therefore didn’t have luggage? They have spent NYE together in the past, you know. you are a self-proclaimed truther - maybe do a little research before you suggest you know he’s with “a broad”? Thirsty, thirsty. Rest your eyes!
Didn't take much for you to crawl out of the woodwork to spew hate huh? Btw, I didn't say I got the scoop, I said this was a NEW pic of Sam--and I didn't see any blog beat me to it. Even BellaOutlander on IG, who gets everything right away, and many others, posted AFTER me. So, I was def one of the first blogs to post the new pic of Sam with a fan at Glasgow airport. Also, I NEVER said Sam was flying with anyone. I said he could be flying OUT of Glasgow go be with a lady friend because he has done that for New Year's Eve on more than one occasion. That's not me taking "a huge leap," that's me going on proven past behavior aka facts. Yes, I saw that his friend, Marina Campbell flew into Glasgow yesterday. Would Sam himself go to the airport to pick her up? At this stage in his career, I would think he would have sent a car service to pick her up. But who knows, Sam is down to earth, and a good friend, so he may have picked her up. The jury is still out on that one. Marina has since posted pics on her IG hanging out in Glasgow. It looks like she's with a group of friends...let's see if any pics come out of Sam being among them. As for them spending New Year's Eve together in the past, I don't think that's happened very often. On January 3, 2022, Marina posted from a Chargers American football game in Los Angeles with Sam and Alex, so I guess they could have spent that New Year's together. I've been here almost 10 years, and I don't remember that happening very often though. They've definitely hung out together a lot: worked out together, traveled together, climbed munros together, but I don't remember many New Year's Eve together, but it could have happened. And maybe this year, Sam felt like staying in Glasgow, and they'll hang out for New Year's Eve. No sweat off my back. Whatever Sam wants to do and whoever he wants to do it with is fine by me...and always has been. As for my play on words he's going abroad to be with a broad, it was OBVIOUSLY a joke, tongue-in-cheek, haha. Anon, maybe if you pulled the stick out of your ass, you might find a sense of humor. Bitter, bitter. Rest up, bitch! I'm here for the duration...
PS. For those "worried" about my eyes, I'm writing this on my desktop, which obviously strains them less than my cell phone does. There, I saved you the inevitable, "I thought you had eye pain, how are you writing such a looong post with eye pain?!" *eyeroll*
PPS. For the haters who were happy to see me semi retire, I never said completely retire, the fastest way to get me to post again is to piss me the f*ck off. So, keep sending me Anons like this, and you will ensure I will post more often. Besides getting the inside scoop, there's nothing I relish more than handing people their asses. Up to you...
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
“gets him fucking you harder, saying more and more in your ear about how they're never letting you even look at another person again, never letting you off their property.”
ugh this is just so 🫢 possessive serial killer ghoap and their pretty little innocent reader. They earned you the instant they killed your last friend.
Johnny is always growling in your ear about how you’re never going to look at another person again, constantly reminds you that it’s bad to look at anyone but him or Simon.
And then they use you as bait when they’re bored and want to kill again. As soon as you make eye contact with someone as they’re trying to figure out how to get you out safely (maybe you’re loose in the forest, but have chains between your ankles and wrists and connecting your wrists to your neck) and you’re trying to explain everything to them but it’s too late, johnny and Simon are already shooting, sending the group scattering while you’re left sobbing, begging them not to leave you. Your punishment after the victims are all dead is brutal that night because you don’t get it!! You’re supposed to participate in the game!! And you looked at every single one of those strangers, don’t you remember you’re not allowed to look at anyone but Simon or Johnny?
The next time they use you as bait, you cower and refuse to look anyone in the eye. Johnny praises you and lovingly bathes you that night for being such a good girl and doing as she was told.
🌚 anon (I have so many thoughts about serial killer ghoap and not enough brainpower to verbalize them all)
this is sick and twisted i love it
i also have so many thoughts about serial killer ghoap, it's a disease. will probably end up writing a most dangerous game au and plop some of these scenes/scenarios right in it
they EARNED YOU!!!!!
taking you into town, telling you anyone you look at is fair game for them to kill. makes you keep your head ducked real low, eyes wide and hands trembling as you fight every instinct screaming inside you to look up and beg for help. they tease you with it, too - you'll glance at something on a shelf and ghost will raise an eyebrow, go "him? whatever you say, doll." and it's a guy like 6 feet away who you barely saw in your peripheral. tortures him and turns to you, says "you picked a good one, don't you love the way he screams?" and relishes the way you sob. really helps beat it into your head that looking at anyone else ever is Bad.
sometimes they like to play the game with just you, no other distractions. if you try to avoid running, they'll force you. fuck with your flight instinct until you give into it and let them chase. shoot at the ground right near your feet, bit the air right near your ear, shout right behind you, all the kind of things that force you straight into adrenaline. you know they're making you run because they want to chase, know there's no universe in which you actually get away from them, but the fear drives you and you can't help but run.
being used as bait during the game and not tied up... oh my god
the chains are meant to hobble you, like you said. they're not risking you getting away under and circumstance. and maybe they lock the other prey into kink gear too (a la The Hunt, good movie pls go watch). you have to stay hunched a little bit not to hurt your joints, makes you real cautious and scared of everything like a real prey animal. any time anyone comes to help you you get so distressed, beg them to go and leave you alone. you try to tell them it's a trap, but they're dead/grabbed as soon as you manage to get the words out. get a nasty glare from johnny or simon in response, but they just wander back into the woods and leave you there to draw in more victims for them
"Your punishment after the victims are all dead is brutal that night because you don’t get it!! You’re supposed to participate in the game!! And you looked at every single one of those strangers, don’t you remember you’re not allowed to look at anyone but Simon or Johnny?" do you think it's funny to try and kill me, smirking moon???? you won't be laughing when im found dead from a heart attack after reading this i can tell you that!!!!
johnny in particular gets mad at you. he'll grab you by the shoulders, shake you and shout in your face. why are you being so fucking stupid? don't you get it? if you don't play along, the game isn't nearly as fun. why are you ruining this for them?
but simon gets it, he understands that your heart is near bursting from fear. uses that to his advantage, cows you into doing whatever he wants. it's easier when you're nearly pissing yourself in terror
johnny would be so happy once you finally gave in and played along, and simon would be horribly smug. johnny would be scooping you up with a big grin, telling you how proud he is of you, how glad he is you finally gave in, how hot it was to kill people with you watching. and simon is just right in your ear, purring about how good you are for doing what you're supposed to, for finally giving in to your urges (that you don't have, you don't, you hated seeing those people die, hated hearing their screams, feeling their blood-)
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jpitha · 8 months
Between the Black and Gray 10
First / Previous / Next
"Indeed. I suggest you take what you can in the next thirty seconds and proceed to Spyglass as quickly as you can."
Ma-ren didn't know how to process this information. She stood and dithered, hopping from one foot to the other and staring at the door. Fen meanwhile jumped into action. She grabbed the Stars, her and Ma-ren's backpacks, stuffed a few changes of clothes into them, their pads and chargers, the chamomile and her wine and threw the bag at Ma-ren. "Come on hon, we gotta go now."
That snapped Ma-ren back to reality. "But what about everyone else? My family?"
"We'll have to send them a message when we're safe" Fen opened the door and stuck her head out slowly. Nobody in the hall "Which we won't be unless you get moving!"
Fen grabbed Ma-ren's hand gently, but firmly and pulled her along. Instead of going to the elevators, she took Ma-ren over to the maintenance tunnels she had used just a few days ago. She grasped the handle, and as she touched it, the lock clicked. "Thanks Station."
"You're welcome Fen. I will attempt to delay them, but it won't last."
Fen led Ma-ren through the maintenance tunnels down to the docks. It was a more circuitous trip than normal, but at least they weren't being seen by everyone. Even if they made it to Gord, Fen didn't want anyone to get hassled by Tam'itarr's goons trying to figure out where they went. Fen was also thankful that slug throwers were banned on the station. Due to their physiology and other factors, the Gren never learned how to throw. That meant that a lot of weapons technology never occurred to them. They had spent all their technological energies into bladed weapons. Their knifes and swords were unparalleled, but they tended to have a blind spot about guns. Fen knew about guns from history and shows, but had never actually seen one in person.
Fen led Ma-ren out of the maintenance tunnels near the docks. As they walked out, there was a shout and they turned, and saw a Tylan point at them. They turned and took off towards the docks.
As they ran, Ma-ren's head turned and she grabbed Fen "This way!" and took off down the promenade. It wasn't a direct line to the docks, but the promenade was filled with people. A shift change had just occurred and everyone was going out to eat, be entertained, and spend stars.
They ran through the promenade, ducking around folks while Fen apologized as they bumped into people. Juking around tables, and diving around crates, they made it to the end of the promenade only to hear another shout as they exited. This time, it was a K'laxi with a notched ear who was shouting. Ma-ren stopped with her mouth open. "Kellem? What are you doing?"
Kellem just smiled and started to run towards them.
Fen grabbed Ma-ren again and they ran towards the docks. There wasn't anywhere to hide anymore, so they just had to hope they had enough of a head start. "Station!" Fen shouted in between gulps of air. "Does Gord know we're coming?"
"I told Spyglass. She said that they'll be ready."
As they rounded the last corner to the docks, the wall paneling exploded with a crack and splinters of plastic rained down behind them. Fen risked a look back and saw a Tylan with a slug thrower. "Holy shit. They have guns!"
At the docks, the two of them jumped over and slid under the gate to the docks as the dock workers yelled and shook their fists. Not wanting to risk a look back, Fen heard the roar of the gun firing again, and this time everyone in the docks dove towards the deck.
"Station! They have guns!"
"Confirmed Fen, they seem to be armed with slug throwers. I do not know anything further.
"Seem to be? Station we're the ones being shot at, it's pretty clear." Ma-ren had an even harder time talking to Station while they ran.
Fen nodded then realized that Station probably couldn't see that. "I thought slug throwers were forbidden!"
"They are, Fen. I do not know how they were able to get them past me. Even now, I only know that they are there from eyewitness accounts and the audio of their firing. I cannot see them when I scan."
Fen's lungs were like fire. The effort of running almost all the way from their apartment was taking its toll, but finally they could see Spyglass in the dock. The door was open, and Gord stood at the airlock holding something.
As they got closer, Fen could hear more shouts behind them but they started to get softer. Were they giving up? Fen risked a look back and saw that they had stopped running so hard, but one of them - the K'laxi Ma-ren called Kellem was down on one knee holding something long and black. He appeared to be aiming.
Suddenly, Gord snapped what he was holding to his shoulder and the world became light and noise. This wasn't the crack and boom of the gangster's weapons, this was on a whole different level. It sounded like a rotary hammer, a saw, and an explosion all at once. He was shooting up and over Ma-ren and Fen. Clearly he didn't want to hear them, but also wanted to make a point.
"Move it ladies! Bus is leaving!" Gord shouted as he slotted another magazine.
As they approached, their ears in pain from Gord's battle rifle, Fen noticed that Spyglass was blazing. Every running light was lit and over the airlock was her name bold and bright. Fen imagined she looked much as she did when she came here so long ago.
They were less than two meters from the airlock when it happened. At the time, Fen had almost no idea what was going on. There was another crack from the gangsters, and Ma-ren grunted.
That was the last sound she ever made.
Fen turned around, and Ma-ren's fur and clothes were matted with blood. She had been struck in the back by a high powered round. Fen turned and tried to help her up so she could drag her onto Spyglass, but she was too heavy. "Gord! GORD!" Fen didn't even try and hide the rising panic.
Gord looked down at them and swore in his original language. He said something to Spyglass and ran down the ramp towards them. As he did, his battle rifle roared again, this time towards the gangsters. When he got to them, he looked over at Ma-ren. "Fen, she's gone. You have to leave her."
"No! I can't leave Ma! We can get her aboard, we can do something!"
Gord grabbed her shoulder firmly. "Fen, Ma is dead. We have no technology that can stop that. If we don't leave now, we're dead too and then her sacrifice is worthless."
"Sacrifice? She was running!" Fen wailed. Her face was wet with tears.
Gord's expression hardened. "Fen, if you want to live, you have to do what I say. You have to mourn her later. Right now, pick up your bag and run."
Fen looked at Gord, then down at Ma-ren. She looked so small. Laying on her stomach, with her tail limp and blood pooling onto the deck. Fen swallowed a hiccupping cry and stood shakily.
Gord nodded. "Good. We'll get them, just not now."
"We had better."
Gord and Fen ran into Spyglass, and the airlock slammed shut.
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bisexualbard-writes · 10 months
Ella Enchanted AU where Kim has to do whatever he's told to do :)
OH SHIRLEY I LOVE YOU. Ella Enchanted MY BELOVED. So. I think Kim would Not Respond Well to being compelled to do whatever he's told. And by that I mean there are two Theerapanyakul recluse brothers in this story.
Kim hides away from everyone except his brothers. He's practically considered a ghost, most people who work in the compound think he's a ghost, the other half doesn't think he exists at all. Before his mother died, she told him not to tell anyone of his obedience affliction for fear it would be exploited.
It gets exploited anyway by Korn. His father commands him with a smile and a soft word and sends Kim on dangerous missions he's literally not allowed to refuse. Kim tries to hide from him, but then his father told him he wasn't allowed to avoid him. The best thing he can do is just try and avoid everyone else.
His brothers are the exception. They always try and make sure that they're asking him to do things, and if they accidentally give him a command Kim can yell at them and they'll change the command into a suggestion.
His only refuge is his music. He adopts the persona of WIK and releases his music on YouTube, but he never takes WIK beyond the four walls of his room. He can't even IMAGINE being a celebrity out in public. Fans scream the most ridiculous things, and even a single "wik, have my babies!" would ruin him. Thank goodness he doesn't have to obey the comments he sees written on his videos.
One day a new bodyguard starts, and Kim avoids him like the rest. But then the new bodyguard lures Tankhun out of the tower, and Kim is delighted for his brother and also kinda jealous and grumpy.
Then one day, a kid is allowed to just wander the compound and accidentally finds his way up to KIm's rooms. Kim doesn't have time to get his soundproof headphones or kick the kid out before he's flailing and saying, "hecking shit, I didn't know you lived here Wik, please be my guitar tutor!"
Which is a command, and Kim is really disgruntled by that, but he can't not obey.
So he tutors the kid, Chay, and he tries to keep it as short as possible, but then Chay tells him to stop and listen to his song. So Kim has to do that then. But then... Kim really shouldn't be spending time with this fan, but...but his music is lovely. And Kim isn't going to admit it anytime soon... but he might be lonely.
And Chay's not dumb, he realizes Kim's a shut in, or there's something clearly wrong with him. Sometimes Chay can't find him, and then when he reappears he's extra grouchy. Sometimes he's hurt. But he also seems happy to hang out with Chay. And when Chay suggests they go out into the world, Kim agrees! (because "please, P'Kim, let's go to the movies" is technically a command.)
But Kim is finding he doesn't mind being ordered around by Chay. He should probably avoid Chay, it's risky going out into the world, especially in public with other people and without someone who knows about his afflection. But oh no, it's the curse, he can't help but spend time with this cute boy.
But Korn takes notice that Kim has been distracted recently. He commands Kim to tell Chay he was just playing with him and that he never wants to see Chay again. Kim screams at his father, and is commanded to speak politely. He tries to attack Korn and is commanded to never let Korn come to harm. Kim tries to destroy his father's office but is commanded to stop throwing a tantrum and respect his father.
Kim has no choice but to obey.
He leaves Chay like he does in canon, walking away while Chay is on the ground crying.
He thinks that's it. Kim locks himself away again, not opening the door for the staff or his brothers or anyone. The only one who can get in his Korn, and that's because Kim is forced to pay him his respects. But then he gives Kim another command: A coup is happening soon. Find Chay, bring him as leverage.
Kim dreads this and resists as much as he can, but he's compelled to go. He finds Chay at hum bar. The only thing is, he also finds his uncle's men there. Part of brining Chay to his father means keeping Chay alive, right? So he fights off his uncle's men.
In this version Chay turns around and sees Kim fighting for him. After Kim wins, Chay throws himself into Kim's arms, which is a blessing and a curse because he gets to be close to Chay but also he's one step closer to bringing him to Korn. Kim draws out the conversation as long as he can.
Chay: You kept me safe? Kim: I wanted to. Chay: You broke my heart though Kim: I had no other choice.
But eventually the curse fights him and he slowly brings Chay back to the compound, trying to delay at every moment. Chay can tell something is wrong, Kim is physically fighting for something, but he doesn't understand what.
Kim brings Chay to Korn before Porsche and Kinn get there. His father has a different plan now, keep Chay locked up with his mother. It's leverage over both Porsche AND Kim.
Kim refuses to help. He's not going to let that happen, not under his watch. He's not allowed to resist though, and he feels like his body is going to tear itself apart. Chay holds him tight as Korn keeps giving orders and Kim screams and shakes and falls apart and builds himself anew. His determination and Chay's help break the curse. Finally, Kim rises, shakey on his feet but whole again. Korn: Don't hurt me Kim. You cannot hurt me. Kim: I do what I want
And then he kills Korn.
After that he and Chay have a lot to talk through, but it's much easier now that Kim's lips aren't magically sealed.
(send me a trope, maybe one you hate, and I'll attempt to kimchay it)
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separatist-apologist · 5 months
What do you see as the difference between fanon Lucien and canon Lucien?
Canon Lucien is an asshole and fanon Lucien has no flaws, is the perfect gentleman and also just really boring.
I was ranting about this to LB, maybe I'll just make it public but if you examine the facts:
To break the curse of Amarantha, Tamlin HAS to send his soldiers over the wall. Presumably, Lucien also went in the wolf form looking for a human woman. They ALL know what's at stake, they all volunteer knowing the risks. Feyre is a starving human and she sees a wolf which is a threat even if she wasn't starving. Its a threat to her newly acquired deer AND her life- it makes sense to kill it.
So when she sets the curse in motion and Tamlin brings her, this is a LITERAL last ditch attempt to break the curse in the final hour and Lucien KNOWS this. He KNOWS if they fail that they'll all be enslaved. He, better than anyone, KNOWS what he has to lose because Amarantha has already taken his eye and forced them all into masks.
And yet when Feyre shows up, skinny, starving, and scared, his first words to her are insults. It's not necessary but he's pissed off and resentful- he wants to fight knowing three other courts tried this and were all killed for their trouble. Fanon Lucien would treat her with kindness and help her but actually interesting Lucien does not.
Lucien is the one who sends Feyre to the suriel knowing the dangers and knowing she's ill equipped to take on a Fae monster. And when he hears her scream, he ADMITS he hesitated to help her and if you follow the logic, its because he doesn't like her.
And I see people all the time lamenting for book 1 Lucien to return but then turn around and DEMAND we all acknowledge that Lucien would NEVER be anything other than a PERFECT gentleman when Lucien's own monologue acknowledges that what he loved most about Jesminda was how unimpressed with him she was. How she'd called him on his bullshit- and you HAVE to assume he gives it as good as he gets. The minute Elain has shit to say to him, she's gonna hear something back.
I like Lucien- like OBVIOUSLY, you don't write 2 MILLION words about a character you don't like. But I resent the constant posts going around that erase everything interesting and declare you're not a "true" elucien/Lucien stan would never write him/head canon him as a dick when like.
Baby. He IS a dick.
He's also loyal and clever and willing to do what's right even when its hard. He gets retconned into a perfect gentleman and I think this is borne of the pushback a lot of Lucien stans get from other folks in the fandom that lean too hard on his early missteps and refuse to acknowledge all the ways he's grown, too. But the swing went too far in the opposite direction imo and now I've got people in my AO3 comments mad that Lucien isn't weeping over Elain's beauty and it annoys me.
I have a longer piece brewing in the drafts about Lucien and Feyre and the ways the love each other + their misunderstandings of one another that I just need to get out of my system. It's taking forever because I hate quoting these books.
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neyswxrld · 1 month
the odd one out
Hunter, no pairing
summary: Hunter has the biggest secret among them all. He spent his whole life with keeping his second form to himself, not telling anyone anything about it. But what if they still figure it out?
warnings: hunter has a "second form" of a wolf (yeah, i know it's a cliché but it fits so well xD), but nothing else really
words: ~1900
a/n: hello everyone! i heard it's halloween already? the werewolves are already here? no, i'm just kidding. :D i had the idea for this story when i found an old obsession with a book series (woodwalkers), in which people can switch their forms. then i tried to figure out how i might put this into a story, and remembered @isthereanechoinhere96 's fic hunter - sergeant, brother, dad, where she came up with the idea of how hunter got his enhaced senses, so i definitely want to credit her for this idea. theeeen i additionally figured i might add some @summer-of-bad-batch prompts ("get out of my room!", "don't avoid the question." and "just when were you planning on telling us that?") and tadaaa - here it is. i hope you enjoy!
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His paws pound against the forest floor.
Even though Pabu is a tropical and warm island, this particular night is cold, and his breath comes out of his snout in small clouds.
It's been such a long time since he had the freedom to really be in his second form like that.
Pabu finally gave him this opportunity again, and since they lived here, he tried to run some miles as a wolf as often as he could.
He takes a deep breath through his wet nose, and lets his senses reach out. He's able to feel practically everything around him in this forest.
When he is human, his senses are above average, of course. It was his enhancement.
But being out like this, in his second form as a wolf, is just incredible.
He smells the juicy moss, the wet dirt on the floor. Different kinds of trees, bushes and plants.
And of course the animals.
There are some birds in a nest right above him, the mother is just about to give them some worms.
He is pretty sure there is a small rodent cave somewhere on his right, and little does the small thing inside know that there is another predator lingering just in front of the entry.
He also notices that there is someone walking around in the woods, poking around with a stick, afflicted with the smell of fresh mushrooms.
Hunter takes it as a sign to go back home. He needs to make sure that nobody sees him like this, in his wolf body.
There aren't any local wolves on the island, so it would be very suspicious when somebody would suddenly see one.
He takes a shortcut to their house.
The wolf carefully avoids anyone, and when he finally makes it to their garden, he sneaks into his room.
Not even his brothers know of his second form.
The Kaminoans insisted that he should never tell anyone anything. Not even his brothers. They drilled him, told him the other's would think he's weird, and even threatened to decommission them when he told them. To put it... nicely.
He never knew why his second form was such a big secret, but he never, never ever, told anyone about it.
It was his biggest secret.
And even now, even after the fall of the Republic and the Kaminoans, he keeps his secret.
By now, he is sure the others will think he's... a defect. Just like the regs used to call them. But in his case it was just true - who else was able to change forms in such a strange way?
And besides - he knows them since they took his first breath. It would make no sense to spit it out now, after all those years.
First, they will feel betrayed that he kept this secret, then they'll reject him and send him away. They'll tell him how strange and disgusting he is - just like the Kaminoans prophesied over and over again.
Hunter sneaks over to the patio door of his room. He purposefully chose the one with the door to the garden and let the others take the rooms upstairs - wolves just weren't good climbers. And he didn't want to change his forms in the garden.
It would be weird if one of his family members found his clothes between bushes.
He looks around, crosses the garden and walks into his room.
He shakes his fur a last time, before beginning the fast process of changing forms.
His hair disappears into his skin, his teeth and claws shrink. His ears are suddenly back to their human form, his snout is a human nose again, and his tail is gone.
He gets up, stretches his hands into the air, bends his back and looks directly in the shocked eyes of Wrecker.
"Hunter?" his little brother asks.
"Get out of my room!" Hunter yells, almost jumping out of his skin.
From one second to the other, he's panicking.
He was just philosophizing about his secret and now it's just- gone.
"No- wait- what was that?"
"Nothing! What was what? Wrecker, get out!" Hunter comes over and starts to push Wrecker out of the room.
"Stop it! I know what I saw, I just don't know what it was! Tell me!" Wrecker insists, not even moving an inch. "You were a ball of fur with those big teeth and now- now you're Hunter again!" he almost accuses him.
"I don't even have clothes on!" Hunter still tries to move Wrecker around, but he's just like a solid wall. He lays a hand onto the door frame and holds on - Hunter doesn't have the slightest chance of moving him away.
Tears of despair form in his eyes.
Was this it? He kept it from his brothers for years, just to expose himself like that? Why the hell didn't he even smell or hear Wrecker?
"Don't avoid the question, Hunter! Just put on some pants!" the brawler says. He's not letting it go.
Hunter breathes heavily. For a short moment, he feels ready to cry.
Until he looks into Wrecker's eyes.
Immediately, he sees that he's confused. Scared.
Oh maker, Wrecker was scared. Of him.
He takes another deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
He doesn't want Wrecker to be scared - he needs to explain it to him, so Wrecker doesn't fear him anymore. Then he still could pack his things. They could still throw him out after explaining.
He takes some pants and puts them on, still not ready to say anything.
And if that wouldn't be enough already, Crosshair and Tech are suddenly standing behind Wrecker, alarmed by all the noise and screaming.
"What are you doing?" Crosshair asks.
Hunter looks at Wrecker, pleading, but the latter already starts talking: "Hunter has a secret! A big one even! He's a wolf!"
Crosshair and Tech look at each other, then at Hunter, then at Wrecker.
"You're crazy," Crosshair says, and Tech also just starts to walk away. "I knew this warm air isn't good for you. For the two of you, apparently," Crosshair shakes his head.
Wrecker huffs.
"No, it's true! One second ago there was this big dark wolf and in the next it starts to look like an alien, and BOOM! Then there's just Hunter," Wrecker starts to explain. Hunter shakes is head.
"Firstly, I'm not an alien! Secondly, it definitely didn't make boom!" Hunter growls and this time, Wrecker takes a step back.
"Please don't bite me," he cries out.
He's so scared, Hunter thinks. There's no way he can make amends ever again, he was sure of that.
"What? I would never-- Wrecker, what are you thinking of me?" Hunter still asks.
Wrecker swallows. "Well, there indeed was a wolf just a few seconds ago. I don't know what to think, but I'm sure I know what I saw, Hunter. Please, explain it to us."
Hunter sighs, already deflated. He doesn't exactly see a way out of this.
He takes another look at his brothers - Crosshair and Tech took a step back again - and shakes his head.
"I don't even know where to start," he says.
"So Wrecker isn't just saying things?" Tech asks.
Hunter shakes his head, "No, he's right- I- He- I didn't even know he was here."
"Why don't you start at the beginning? How did something like that happen?" Crosshair suggests.
Hunter shrugs again.
"I've been like this since I can remember. The first time I changed forms was when I was about three years old. Nala Se told me she almost decommissioned me, but she decided otherwise. I changed back after a few minutes, and because of that I was a too valuable specimen for her 'projects'," Hunter says, trying to shrug nonchalant.
He's standing in front of his brothers like a kicked dog, and they look at him like he was growing a second head.
Well, it wasn't that far off in the end, right?
"She... studied you?" Crosshair asks. Hunter nods.
"At some point, she explained that she experimented with different DNAs a lot. It obviously worked with mine. And it seemed like there was a mixture of different animal DNAs that went pretty well with mine. That's also how my senses work. I'm pretty sure there's some kind of shark in my genes, too," the oldest sibling explains. The others listen.
"Can you... turn into a shark, too?" Tech wants to know. Hunter declines: "Not that I know of, at least."
"So your senses work with the animal genes?" Tech asks another question, "How exactly does it work?"
"I'm not entirely sure myself. I just know that switching forms was more of an accident. If I'm right, not even Nala Se knows how it worked. It's just... odd," Hunter shrugs his shoulders.
Luckily, Wrecker doesn't look as scared anymore, but Crosshair just scoffs.
"Are you crazy? Why do you make up stuff like that? And you two - you just believe stuff like this?"
Hunter looks at him, not knowing what to say.
"Can't you show them? I want to see it again, too!" Wrecker says at this moment and even Tech looks interested.
Hunter rolls his eyes, but does as they want him to. The cat -or wolf- is out of the bag anyway.
"Wow!" Wrecker breathes as Hunter ends the process and shakes his pants off his furry butt again.
"This is very interesting, indeed," Tech agrees. He crouches down, rights his googles and inspects Hunter from different angles.
Crosshair looks at him with big eyes, unbelieving of what he sees.
Wrecker carefully pats Hunter's furry head, but he just shakes his body and changes forms again. Now isn't the time for pets or treats.
"Just when were you planning on telling us that?" Crosshair wants to know.
"Well... Not ever?" Hunter asks, before diving into an explanation.
"So- you tell us, the defect squad, that you never told us, even after the war, because we, the defect squad, might have thought you were weird?" Crosshair asks to clarify.
"Well, you were freaked out! You can't tell me I'm not weird!" Hunter tries to defend himself.
Wrecker just laughs and pats his back.
"I thought you were weird even before that," he laughs heartily.
Hunter is relieved. To some degree at least. Does that mean they won't abandon him?
"Could you still do me a favor and not tell Omega? I don't want to... scare her," he asks them. They look at him, uncomprehending.
"Just... give me some time, yeah?" he asks after a second. He didn't want to exclude their sister, but he felt like he wasn't ready for this step.
After his brothers agreed on that, the four of them made their way over to the living room.
Tech and Wrecker still ask many questions, and Hunter has to show his second form a few more times, let Tech inspect him and Wrecker pet him.
He doesn't actually mind: he is way too relieved about their relaxed reactions and if he is being honest, Wrecker's warm hands feel pretty nice against his fur.
It just leaves one question open: Why was Wrecker in his room, when he came back?
When he asks him, Wrecker just shrugs.
"Haven't seen you a lot lately. We've been so busy! I just thought I'd come and annoy you. Didn't turn out how I wanted it to."
It is at that moment that Hunter could hit himself with a bat: His siblings, his family, won't ever dislike him, just because he's different.
They were way too odd for that themselves.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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Oh i have a modern sihtric idea! Animal carer Sihtric where he's not the biggest fan of animals but all animals enjoy his company. He can handle grumpy cats and bratty birds while Finan only gets along with happy cheerful excited dogs. Uhtred gets hissed at all the time😂
Warnings: mention of an evil parrot.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see request and: You work in an animal shelter and, against your will, you're suddenly working with three new men.
Word count: 3,1k
Note: the ending is rather open. I felt this story would either have a rushed ending if I tried to wrap it up or it would become waaaay too long. And I guess I also left the option open to possibly return to this if anyone seems to enjoy it. This was just a little fun thing to write!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us
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'The parrot is right.'
'You want me to deal with that bunch?' you grimaced at the sight of two strange men on the other side of the room, 'why me?'
'You've been here the longest, apart from me, but I don't have the time to teach them. Nor the patience,' your boss, Thyra, admitted.
'Oh, and I have?'
'I hope so.'
'Who are they and why are they even here?'
You watched Thyra flip some papers on her clipboard.
'That guy on the left, his name is Uhtred. What a strange name. Anyway, the Irish man is called Finan and… there should be another guy named Sihtric, but he hasn't shown up yet. Big surprise,' she sighed, 'but they'll be here only a few days… for community service.'
'I know, I know! I didn't want them at first either, but it's nothing bad. I mean, nothing to be scared of.'
'What on earth did they do?'
'Apparently,' Thyra giggled, 'they stole a holy relic from a church and they got caught.'
'You're kidding?' you started to laugh.
'I knew you'd be amused at that,' she grinned.
'But how did they end up here? This is an animal shelter, shouldn't they volunteer at that church?'
'That was the plan, but the church doesn't want them. And since we need the help, I accepted the request. So,' Thyra patted you on the back, 'good luck!'
'Well, thanks,' you scoffed.
'Oh,' Thyra stopped at the door, 'they always show you a picture of the people who come to work, so they can't send someone else in their place, and,' she paused to give you a smile, 'I hope that other guy shows up. I think he's your type,' she winked, 'he has tattoos.'
'What? What is that supposed to mean?!' you called after her, but she only gave you another wink and left.
'Okay, so, now that you know who I am and what we do here, are you two ready?' you smiled.
Finan nodded and Uhtred gave you a hesitant smile.
'Okay, let's go. Uhtred, you can clean the enclosures. Finan, I think you'll do good helping my colleague, feeding the animals.'
You sent both men on their way and quickly noticed that Finan was good with overly excited dogs, and you chuckled when you figured that Finan actually had the same energy. As for Uhtred… well, let's just say Uhtred tried. Uhtred did his job well, it was just that the animals didn't seem to like him. You told Uhtred that animals can sense fear, to which Uhtred quickly said he wasn't scared. But you saw the terror in his eyes when he faced that one vile parrot that had been in the shelter for years already, and you expected Uhtred to gain a few more scars the next couple of days.
You let them do their job and went back to your own duty, walking a few dogs. But before you could leave, you were stopped as a handsome man entered the shelter, looking sleepy and a little lost. You saw his face had a couple of scars and soon your eyes spotted a tattoo in his neck, and you figured this was probably the guy Thyra told you about.
'H-hi,' you stammered when he looked at you, 'can I… can I help you?'
'Eh,' the man smiled and a rosy colour appeared on his cheeks, 'I- I'm here for my community service.'
'Oh!' you blushed too, 'yeah, I was told we, eh, were missing one guy.'
You held out your hand and introduced yourself, albeit with a lot of tripping over your words, and the blushing man seemed to have the same issue.
'Nice to - to meet y-you. I- I'm Sihtric, lady.'
'Sihtric,' you smiled, still holding his hand, which he didn't seem to realise either, and your eyes darted over his toned arms, 'you're like an animal, I mean, I mean… you, d-do you like animals?'
'I actually do not, lady, not really,' he chuckled lightly, still holding your hand, 'I apologise.'
'Well… maybe, maybe you'll learn to l-like them… or something,' you felt yourself get lost in his eyes once you noticed they were two different colours. You only snapped out of your trance when you heard Finan mimic the bark of a very happy golden retriever, and you finally let go of Sihtric's hand. You both looked away and cleared your throat while looking red in the face.
'S-so I was about to walk the dogs. M-maybe you could help with that? We have a-a great Dane, a lovely dog, but huge and doesn't really listen. He dragged me over the street once already, so maybe you,' you looked at Sihtric's muscular arms again and sighed when you thought about how he would have to flex those while walking the dog, 'y-you could…maybe, flex- I mean help! H-help with that dog.'
'I, eh, I suppose,' Sihtric chuckled.
When you just started your walk with the dogs, the great Dane was overly excited and Sihtric really had to showcase his strength to not let the dog escape, but he did it with grace. And it made you weak to your knees. Luckily, soon all dogs seemed to calm down, especially the great Dane, and the dog didn't seem to stray far from Sihtric, and if he did, Sihtric would whistle and the dog obeyed immediately. You didn't even know the dog could do that.
'I can't believe he's actually calm,' you smiled in disbelief, 'who are you, the dog whisperer? He really seems to like you.'
Sihtric chuckled and patted the great Dane on his head, 'I don't know,' he smiled, 'maybe it's because we're both Danes,' he joked.
'You're a Dane?'
'I am, lady. Maybe the dog knows,' he winked, 'and… I guess I might be a little fond of him as well.'
'Really?' you raised an eyebrow, 'and a few hours ago you told me you didn't like animals.'
Sihtric shrugged with a sly smile and continued to pet the dog. You looked at them and thought how Sihtric would be the perfect person to adopt this dog. They say dogs tend to resemble their owners, and that's exactly what you saw. The dog's fur was smooth and dark, he was well built, friendly but clumsy, shy at first but curious and simply won over your heart in no time. And Sihtric, with his dark, long hair tied together, his muscular body and his dazzling smile gave you the same energy.
'What's his name?' Sihtric asked, crouched down next to the dog.
'Oh, sorry, I never told you. It's Thor.'
'It is?' Sihtric's eyes grew big and looked up at you. Then he looked back at the dog and reached into his shirt. He pulled out his necklace and clutched it in his hand. You weren't sure why, it was only moments later when Sihtric got back up that you saw his pendant. Thor's hammer. And you couldn't help but smile.
When you and Sihtric got back to the shelter it was almost time for the men to leave already. You placed the dogs back in their enclosures and took out one of the recently brought in kittens. You had grown fond of the little thing and simply couldn't leave her alone. You held the cat in your arms while you thanked the men for doing their jobs today and looked forward to seeing them tomorrow, and unless they wished to stay longer today, they could go home now. Finan, with his thick accent, told you how he had loved the dogs and was excited to come back again. Uhtred, who was hissed and scratched at, gave you a polite but fake smile and mumbled that he'd see you again tomorrow. The two men left while Sihtric seemed to linger around a little longer before he awkwardly walked over to you.
'I, eh, I- I was wondering if, if maybe I could, eh,' he stammered, 'I- I just wonder how it would work if I were to, you know, want to look into … adopting a pet.'
'Really?' you smiled widely, 'eh, it requires some paperwork and rules, but, I-I can tell you some stuff about it tomorrow, if you like?
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric blushed, 'I-I'd like that.'
'Me too,' you felt your own cheeks reddened too, and you both quickly focused your attention on the kitten in your arms, 'would you like to hold her?' you blurted out.
'I-I don't think I'm good with animals,' Sihtric said.
'Are you sure?' you chuckled, 'you seemed great today. Here,' you said and handed him the young cat, 'try.'
Sihtric tensed up and awkwardly took the cat in his arms. The cat, however, seemed completely at ease rather fast and nestled against his chest as he held her. You almost squealed at the sight of Sihtric, the muscular "thief", with Freya, the white fluffy kitten, all cuddled up in his arms. And you saw Sihtric slowly relax and his face softened into a shy smile when he chuckled.
'I think animals just love you,' you said as you stepped closer to pet Freya.
'It seems,' Sihtric smiled, watching Freya while you petted her. As you petted the kitten, you accidentally brushed your fingers against Sihtric's arm.
'Oh, sorry,' you blushed and looked up at him, to find he was already looking at you, and you both stopped breathing for a moment when you locked eyes. You could just kiss him right there, and you felt he thought the same when you saw his eyes trail down to your lips. But then Thyra walked in and you both took a step back quickly.
'H-hey,' you greeted her and cleared your throat, pretending to look for something that wasn't there while you tried to hide your red cheeks. But you were lucky that Freya drew all the attention to her right away, so you didn't have to feel awkward much longer. 
Eventually Sihtric brought Freya to her enclosure, and you saw how he stopped by Thor, the great Dane, to pet him before walking back over to you.
'I was actually thinking,' Sihtric mumbled slightly, 'maybe… maybe you could, if-if you want, m-maybe explain the adopting procedure to me, eh, while y-you maybe get a-a, a drink with me?'
Sihtric quickly looked down at his feet and sighed, feeling he completely fucked that up.
'Oh,' you said softly and felt flustered again, 'I-I would actually… like that, but… I-I have to work here until later tonight.'
'Oh,' Sihtric said and shook his head, 'no, it's okay. I-I understand.'
'But,' you quickly said, 'maybe… I mean, if the offer is still standing tomorrow, then I-I'd like to, to get a drink with… you, yes.'
The next morning you were anxious to see Sihtric again. You had agreed to get a drink together after work, but you still felt he might cancel it. There was no way he could be interested in you, you thought. And as you arrived at the shelter, usually being the first to do so, you found Sihtric, smoking a cigarette, while waiting for you near the entrance.
'My type,' you muttered in your car as you studied his side profile, 'you're not wrong, Thyra, I just wish he didn't smoke,' you chuckled to yourself before you got out.
'Sihtric?' you smiled, 'you're early. And also you can't smoke here,' you grinned.
'Oh,' he chuckled, 'sorry, lady.' And he threw the cigarette away before he turned to face you.
'Oh, god!' you said when you saw his hair, 'what happened to you?' you snorted, 'I mean, oh, sorry, I don't mean it badly! I-I just… I didn't… expect this to…,' you coughed slightly.
'It's fine,' Sihtric chuckled and rolled his eyes, 'I actually only wanted to shave the sides, but I messed up. I either had to go completely bald or,' he shrugged, 'make the most of this.'
'Oh, god,' you snorted again and took a step closer, inspecting his half shaved head. You saw he had a small braid with beads in it, and on the other side of that braid he still had his longer curls, 'Actually,' you smiled with a blush, 'it's kinda cool.'
'You don't have to lie, lady,' Sihtric laughed.
'I would never,' you said and couldn't help but look away and bite down on your lip. Goddamnit, you thought, he looks really good.
After Finan and Uhtred arrived later, and had finally stopped laughing at Sihtric's haircut, you put them all to work again. Today Finan was to walk the dogs with a colleague, and because Uhtred had taunted Sihtric the most, you told Uhtred he was to feed the evil parrot again, much to his disgrace. 
You nudged Sihtric and told him to watch. You both stood at safe distance while Uhtred closed in on the parrot's cage.
'You're a good bird,' Uhtred kept saying, to which you and Sihtric already giggled. You watched Uhtred cautiously open the enclosure, and just as you expected, the parrot started screaming curse words to Uhtred.
'Did he just call me arseling?' Uhtred yelled back to you.
'The parrot is right,' Sihtric whispered to you, and you both couldn't stop laughing while Uhtred kept being cursed at by the hostile bird. After a few minutes you thought it was enough and told Sihtric you'd help Uhtred, but Sihtric was quick to offer his help too.
'Are you sure? The bird is pure evil,' you laughed, 'I'm serious.'
'I'm sure,' Sihtric smiled, and you beckoned him to follow you.
'Okay, try to get him out then. We need to clean the cage,' you told Sihtric.
Uhtred quickly stepped away and you told him he should go and feed the rest of the animals, you'd take care of the bird.
And to your surprise, and Sihtric's, the parrot grew rather quiet when he approached. Sihtric held his hand out, a little nervously, but you gave him an encouraging smile, and before you knew it the parrot calmly stepped onto Sihtric's hand.
'There is just no way,' you whispered, seeing the event unfold in front of you, 'that bird hates everyone. No one can get him out.'
Sihtric looked at you with a smirk and shrugged lightly.
'You're like… like Ace Ventura or something,' you laughed, and Sihtric definitely appreciated the joke and chuckled.
The rest of the day went by fast. Finan, once again, was completely in love with all the overly excited dogs, while Uhtred needed a few plasters after a cat named Brida had scratched him. Sihtric was given the task to clean the enclosures and every time you checked on him, you found him petting a different animal. And just like every animal at the shelter, you were also absolutely smitten by that man.
You wished the men a good evening again and like the day before, Uhtred and Finan left while Sihtric waited around, but this time he was waiting to take you out for a drink. You quickly got changed in some comfortable clothes and met up with him outside the shelter.
He took you to a quiet, local bar where you came to realise that Sihtric was just all kinds of interesting. And attractive. You explained him how the adoption process goes, and if he was really serious about it, you could help him get approved. Sihtric said he'd love that, and soon after that you both chatted about all kinds of other things.
'So,' you said after a while, 'I have to ask this.'
'Ask what?' Sihtric raised his eyebrow with a half smile.
'Your community service,' you tried to hide your smile as Sihtric looked at you while he took a sip of his drink, 'a holy relic? Why?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric sighed and chuckled, 'in my defence, it wasn't my idea. It was Uhtred's. But,' Sihtric sighed and clicked his tongue, 'look,' he said curtly and locked eyes with you, 'I am not a real thief or anything, I am not a criminal. We were drunk, we passed the church as we walked home and we just thought it was a good idea,' he shrugged.
'But what did you steal? Or, well, try to steal?'
'A comb.'
'An ivory comb.'
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'you got arrested for stealing a comb?'
'St Cuthbert's ivory comb, yes.'
'Still a comb.'
'Uhtred said it's worth a lot of money.'
'Is it?'
'I don't know, lady,' Sihtric hissed playfully, 'we never got to sell it.'
'Oh my god!' you laughed, 'this is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. I love it. But what were you going to do with the money? I mean, if it really was worth a lot?'
'I don't even know, I was drunk, okay,' Sihtric laughed.
'Who even is St Cuthbert?' you frowned.
'I have no idea, lady,' Sihtric snickered, 'I am a pagan.'
'You don't even know who you stole from? Jesus. Well, I hope it was worth it,' you smiled and shook your head.
'Yeah,' Sihtric smiled and looked at you, 'it was worth it.' 
You blushed and looked away when you understood he was flirting, and you didn't know what to do.
'Hey,' you finally said, 'I know you keep saying you don't like animals. But they clearly like you. Have you considered continuing working at the shelter after the community service? I mean, we could really use your help.'
'You know,' he sighed, 'I wouldn't mind. But, I need a paid job to live.'
'We have those too,' you said quickly, 'I get paid for example. It just depends on how many hours you can work. If you can work full time, you'll get a contract and a payment. But a lot of people only come in for one day a week, and those are the ones who volunteer.'
'Hm, I might consider that,' he nodded, 'but would you want me to work there?'
'Maybe,' you blushed, 'you're the only one who has been accepted by the evil parrot.'
'Oh,' Sihtric laughed, 'is that all I'm good for?'
'Well, that and… y-you're good on the eye,' you blurted out, 'I mean good on the…the,' you sighed and buried your face in your hands, 'I can't talk myself out of that one, can I?'
'Nope,' Sihtric smiled and sat back, watching you in amusement as you tried to regain your confidence.
'But if it helps,' Sihtric smiled as he leaned in, 'I think you're good on the eye too.'
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bettsfic · 11 months
Hi Betts, what was it like querying your novel? Do you have any advice on finding an agent?
querying agents...is not fun. it's the worst part of the publishing experience because you're on the precipice between "i've finished a manuscript" and "what if there's no one who sees the same merit in it that i do?" it's a very lonely time, and for me anyway, after a while it started to get kind of humiliating.
i initially queried with a novel that needed serious developmental revision that was beyond my capabilities at the time. there were several agents kind enough to give me feedback in that regard but i didn't really know how to implement their suggestions and ended up giving up on the project. i queried with my short story collection instead.
i found my agent through a twitter pitch event called DVpit. by that point i'd queried i think 60 agents and received 10 full MS requests on the novel. i'd queried 15 with the short story collection and didn't receive any response from anyone. i got one like on my DVpit tweet, followed up with that agent, and she read the MS and offered to sign me. i've been very happy with her. although we were unable to sell the short story collection, so we're working on first run revisions of a different novel right now.
i think getting started can be rough, because there's no cohesive database of agents yet, only pieces of databases. from my understanding, a lot of agencies are starting to use QueryTracker, so that might be a good place to start. there's also the #MSWL tag (manuscript wish list). what worked for me was finding one agent on twitter, then clicking through the recommended accounts, checking out agency websites, and finding which agent would be the best fit for my work at that agency. it was kind of a chaotic process and i didn't really know what i was doing.
my biggest tip is that somewhere on the spreadsheet or database where you track your queries, indicate whether a rejection is a rejection from the agent or the agency. for small agencies, they tell you a rejection from one of them is a rejection from all of them, because if you're a good fit for someone else, they'll send over your MS. however with bigger agencies where there are dozens of agents, a rejection from one means that you can query other agents at that agency.
another big tip is to make sure you're ready. i went in half-baked and i really regret that. make sure your manuscript is as far as you can get it, and you're confident enough to send it straight to print if you had to.
i can talk about query letters in a different post but the main things in your query are:
personalize the query to the agent
find good comp titles and use those titles to indicate a gap in the current market that your book fills
don't take risks
that last one may be controversial because i've heard people have had success with gimmicky queries, like writing the letter in the voice of the book's narrator. but unless you're a gimmicky writer, you're not going to sign the right agent with that method. it's important to show you understand the genre of the query letter and you've done your research. the agent you sign will have a huge stake in your work for years or maybe decades; they want to sign someone who is kind, patient, and professional.
once you get an offer, find a way to tactfully figure out the agent's likelihood they'll remain an agent for a long time. i know a lot of good writers who have lost representation because their agent retired, or became an editor, or just straight-up quit. ideally you want to find someone who is really passionate about putting good books in the world.
also, you'll want to find someone who loves the same things about your work that you do, and has the same vision for it. if you write what you feel is literary fiction but they want to market it as YA, that's not a good fit. if their critical feedback is hurtful and insulting instead of solution-oriented, that's also not a good fit.
and lastly, if you're young, say under 30, there are a lot of people who will try to exploit your youth and potential. they will try to overpower you and take your work in directions you don't want it to go. they'll make you feel powerless and bad about yourself. it may be hard, but if you get a big name agent who wants to sign you but they make you feel like shit (manipulation, backhanded compliments, judgments, etc.), it's better to walk away. from my experience this is a rarity, but it's still possible. look for someone who makes you feel understood and proud of your own work, who is excited to work with you, and whose critical feedback inspires your revision and doesn't hurt your feelings.
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