#also the kids witness D-Day!
regallibellbright · 2 years
It probably does affect my fondness for Henry V a bit that, on top of all other factors (including ‘once more into the breach’ being our first wifi password when the house got wifi, years and years ago,) I was introduced to it as a symbol of one man’s resistance against an alien brain slug controlling his body, because the brain slug couldn’t control his thoughts so he could at least run Henry V’s monologues at the brain slug on loop. This continued until the brain slug was so sick of hearing it that, when he got the ability to travel back in time to make a more Yeerk-friendly present day, one of his stops was the Battle of Agincourt specifically to make Henry V lose the battle so that Shakespeare wouldn’t write a play about it, just to spite his host.
The book ends with the man preventing his parents from meeting so that he will never be born and the alien brain slug that parasitized him can’t time travel. So you know, a typical Animorphs special.
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arklay · 2 years
sorry okay i can’t shut up. also. i am deciding to take like the vibes and kinda appearance but like tweaked of my hawke and throwing him into resi because um. brainrot. also ada simulator???
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AITA for taking pictures of my sister's house and not deleting them?
I (25f) and my adopted sister L (also 25) have grown up together since we were babies and are extremely close. I truly love her and want the best for her.
She has been married for 5 years to D (25m). They dated since they were 18 and got married at 20. I never had an issue with him except at times I thought he was immature. They have a kid together who is adorable and about to turn 3.
However, as they have been married i have an issue with him. I don't hate anyone, but he is highest on my shit list. Not an exhaustive list but he has (and I want to make this clear THESE ARE THINGS I HAVE WITNESSED I AM NOT LISTING THINGS SHE ONLY HAS TOLD ME ABOUT):
Whenever they argue yells at her. Even in front of guests (ahem me). She'll yell back and then he gets upset she is "raising her voice" at him, when he started it.
He won't let her get a job. He has canceled her applications for jobs before. She has sold some stuff online until he sold the materials she used to make things. Her only "income" is if he decides to give her an allowance and transfer money from his account to hers (please note they have BOTH their names on the accounts but one is considered hers one his). If she takes money from his account he gets mad. Bills, groceries, etc. Come from "her" account
Was always sweet but now uses her as jokes to his friends. Demeans her in front of them.
They move a state over after they got married, almost 5 hours away. Doable in one day, but many don't like to do it. Since being married, she has effectively not seen any of her friends except when they come into town to visit. I have went to visit her and one of her friends did, that friend confided they did not feel comfortable or welcome. That doesn't bother me cause personally I don't give a shit what D thinks and am there for my sister and nephew. But I have overheard D talk bad about all her friends, even me, snd encourage her not to talk to them.
The two friends she has made in the area D has told her to drop because they are "bad influences". The worst thing one has done was medical Marijuana that was prescribed to them. Not sure how they are bad except they've encouraged her to get a job and be more independent
D decided to get a cat, which my sister has a known allergy to. She didn't want the cat, but D brought it home. It has absolutely zero training and has destroyed their home. It pees everywhere, including my nephew's bed. It hates absolutely everyone except D, even attacking my sister for sitting on the couch next to D. D refuses to get rid of the thing even though it has scratched my sister and nephew multiple times and my nephew is afraid of it
Of course, there's more, but those are all things I have witnessed. The last part is what prompted me to take pictures of the bed that was peed on, the scratches on the kid and my sister. My sister showed me texts of her begging D to get rid of the cat and to me it seemed he threatened her, so I took a picture of that.
I personally believe D is an abusive prick. Definitely financially and emotionally, but not physically unless you consider neglect or him keeping the cat. He has never once hit my nephew or my sister that I have seen, and she has never stated he has. My sister has talked about leaving but then goes back to him, and I know on the outside it seems clear to me what to do but I know there is a cycle of abuse. When she is ready to leave him, she knows she can come to me and our parents.
However, D found out I took the photos. He called me drunk and extremely irate, but he didn't explicitly threaten me. It was implied. He called me an asshole, which is what made me think of this. He told me to delete the photos and that upon me doing so, he will get couples therapy.
On one hand I know they need therapy. On the other, what's to prove he will do this after I do that? My sister is begging me to delete the photos because she believes if they have therapy things will improve.
To be specific: D wants to be there when I delete them and make sure they are gone and to me that just proves how bad of a person he is because he doesn't want any evidence of any wrongdoing. My sister has sent me multiple texts and I know she has been trying to make a way for things in case it does go south, but she is afraid the inlaws will attempt for custody because apparently the inlaws have a bit of money and know the judge in our area. I dont want these photos to be used against her either...
AITA for not deleting them?
What are these acronyms?
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xanasaurusrex · 5 months
Hey! I really like your writing, you write and detail characters so well... I would like (if it wasn't a bother, of course) if you would write something about Clarisse X daughter of Athena, this has been taking over my mind for a few days, and honestly, I'm dying to read a dynamic like this! 🫠 (sorry if my writing is a little wrong, my first language is not English 🫤)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ clarisse la rue x daughter of athena ࿐ྂ
clarisse la rue x athena!daughter a/n: i'm working on a longer request fic and it's kinda stressing me out so i decided to do some nice little dynamic headcanons so that i have something to post! this was really fun, and honestly i'm in love with this pairing and this particular post. i hope you enjoy! warnings: not proofread! arguments, enemies to lovers, mentions of weapons wc: 1708k
it's important to mention that both ares kids and athena kids are very headstrong
they have strong opinions and are incredibly stubborn
this means that clarisse and an athena child partner probably started out as enemies
classic enemies to lovers
but honestly clarisse is the perfect character to do enemies to lovers with, like are you serious??
you and clarisse were enemies, sort of like academic rivals but more battle-y
obviously you were using your wits and stuff so it was somewhat academic on your part
but ares kids, specifically in battle, act purely on instinct
that was always sort of the battle between the two of you
whether to trust instinct or to think everything through
it wasn't until the two of you were cornered by monsters while on a rare day out from camp half blood, suddenly caught alone after the other kids from camp had wandered off somewhere else, that you two started looking at each other differently
there were times where both of you were certain you were going to die there, only to be narrowly saved by the other
almost dying at the hands of some crazy greek monster bonds people in weird sorts of ways
during the moments where one of you thought the other was going to die, you were both faced with the idea of living without the other
you realized that you weren't sure what you were going to do without clarisse constantly pushing you to trust your instincts, which had saved you many times, although you never before had wanted to admit it
you also came to the realization that you sort of liked your back and forth with her, and if she was gone, there would be no one for you to bicker with
clarisse was faced with the thought of not ever being forced to think things through again, and she was afraid of what would happen then
as much as she hated to admit it even to herself, clarisse couldn't deny the fact that you had gotten her out of trouble or kept her out of it multiple times just because you were able to think through the consequences of everything before clarisse could even think of anything bad coming from her actions
she also was forced to think about a life without your smiles, and your laughs whenever she said something dumb and you corrected her with glee evident on your face
neither of you liked the idea of life without the other
it was a strange revelation for the two of you to come to, and after you both came out of the fight with those particular monsters alive, things were awkward for a few weeks
everyone noticed, because you were both acting strange, not just around each other, but around everyone at camp
even chiron and mr. d noticed
and mr. d never notices anything
so that was kinda monumental
eventually, both athena kids and ares kids banded together to get the two of you together
they pulled an outer banks and locked the two of you in the weapons shed overnight
a few of the athena kids were worried about having their sibling locked in a shed full of weapons with an ares kid, but the ares kids weren't worried, considering they knew their sister would never hurt you, never in a million years
even when everyone was under the impression that you both hated each other, the ares kids knew that clarisse liked you on some level
also, she had just always held a sort of respect for you that she reserved just for you, not even for her siblings sometimes
so basically, super long story short-ish, you and clarisse are a thing now
you love each other, but you often butt heads
it usually has to do with the logic over instinct debate the two of you have been having since you were 13, but it's still going strong, the both of you still thinking that you're both right
clarisse usually lets you win the debate for the day, but the next she'll come back with another reason for why trusting your instincts is better than meticulously planning everything out, specifically in a battle sense
and realistically, clarisse is right
when you're standing there with a hellhound snarling in your face, you should probably just stab now and then worry about how bad your strategy was later
and she knows this
but she also knows that you like a good debate
you, as an athena kid, like using your intelligence and thinking through your argument to prove your girlfriend wrong
this whole spiel was to say that even though clarisse knows that she's right (and she freaking LOVES being right), she always secedes to you and then comes back the next day with a fresh new thing to debate with
just to entertain you
honestly, clarisse is obsessed with you
in a way that nobody thought she could be
even her
clarisse was surprised at how dependent she became on your presence in her life
she also brags about you all the time
when she's forced to go home to spend with her time, she always spends the whole time talking about you and bragging about you, and telling her relatives that you're the smartest person she's ever met, and how lucky she is that you would want to be with her
honestly, thinking of you is the only thing keeping her sane when she has to spend time with her mortal family
since the two of you are so headstrong, there are times when you get into legitimate arguments
capture the flag is always a very tense time in your relationship, partially because your two cabins are on different teams, which makes things awkward
the biggest thing is that clarisse always convinces herself that you need to be protected
she's tried a few times to get her team to take you "captive" and then just hold you in a remote place in the forest until the game is over and everything is "safe" again
clarisse is just so overly protective that it can feel a little strangling sometimes
you always have to tell her that you are able to protect yourself, and that you love playing capture the flag, so you don't want to be sequestered off into the forest, that you're not okay with that
you also sometimes have to remind her that you're not going to die playing capture the flag
it's literally against the rules
also, i know i've said this in other headcanon posts before, but clarisse is so cuddly
no matter what the pairing is with her, she always wants to either be folded around you, or have you folded around her
whipped!clarisse everyone
please applaud, because she deserves it
clarisse literally will do anything and everything for you
sometimes you'll just snap in her general direction and ask for something, and within seconds she's gently placed it in your hands with a kiss on the forehead
people get so shocked
it's hilarious
people hardly see clarisse as anything but the cold-blooded warrior on the battlefield, but you hardly ever see that side of her
you see her as your cuddly girlfriend that you occasionally have to pry off you just so you can go to the bathroom
another thing that is hardly ever talked about though, is how protective you get over clarisse
but not in the same way that clarisse gets over you
i feel like this applies to all clarisse pairings, but specifically athena pairings with clarisse
athena kids are not afraid to speak their mind, or tell others how they feel, or tell others how idiotic they're being
clarisse may be intimidating and scary, and nobody would ever say anything to her face, but people definitely say pretty mean things behind her back
granted, clarisse is a bit of a bully, but you know her under all that, and you do discourage her from her bullying
you know that it gets worse and more common when she's feeling stressed or anxious about something, so instead of running at her yelling, you try and find the root of the problem
you've seen how clarisse reacts when she accidentally overhears someone saying something mean about her
she looks akin to a balloon deflating, and you hate that
you just love her so much, you always want her to be happy no matter what
so there have been many times when you've stomped up to someone and given them a piece of their mind for talking shit behind people's backs
sometimes you add in something about how clarisse is one of the best people you've ever met, and that they should reevaluate their thoughts on her
you also occasionally add in (depending on the person) how they shouldn't be judging given their personality and how they treat others at camp
it always means to much to clarisse whenever you do this, because she's never had anyone to stand up for her before
she's never had anyone in her corner, and it means so much to her that you are
when she told you this, you practically burst into tears before pulling her into a tight embrace, telling her that you'll always be in her corner no matter what, and that you'll always be there for her
she then told you that she'd always be there to protect you, no matter what
you pulled away then and told her that the both of you will always protect each other, and clarisse almost cried when you said that
she's never experienced this all-encompassing and being-consuming type of love, and she isn't hating it, that's for sure
at the end of the day, you and clarisse are in love, and that's all that matters
yes, you have your ups and downs
you have your arguments
but what else can you expect? neither ares nor athena are really known for backing down, and you both got that stubborn trait from your godly parents
the two of you have no doubts that you'll be together forever and ever
honestly, if clarisse wasn't such a scary individual, your relationship would be a little bit gross
taglist: @asvterias @lvrue @thewritingbarbie @kroumi @ravisinghs-wife
message me or comment if you'd like to be added to my taglist!
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ashyllum · 2 months
𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 (#𝟏)
(Gn! Reader)
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Aventurine | Jing Yuan and Blade | Dan Feng | Veritas Ratio | Boothill
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CW: bullying duh, mild(?) exhibitionism, a bit of a power play, reader is sort of a wimp, tiny dub-con, high school au
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Aventurine was one of the cool boys in school, rich, popular, and damn attractive, but one of the sweeter one at that or that's what you thought, as your and his mom introduced you two, as new neighbors. You, one of the poor kids, the one labeled as a charity case.
God, the way he glared at you, like he wanted to kill you was enough to send you into a panic attack, as you immediately excused yourself. The next time you went out of your house, he cornered you, dragging you in on the building's rooftop, pinning you against the railings, half your back hanging in the air, threatening to cut your tongue off if you dared utter a word to this to anyone in school.
Since that day, your high school has been a living hell, as he made his goal to instill fear in you, after all he can't have you, spilling his secret out, the illusion of his power ruining.
You weren't dumb, it was all too obvious to see his mightier-than-thou persona, was a facade to fit in. Yet, you being the little wimp you are, you put up with his bullying, it only started as few teases, and remarks, which you didn't mind much.
After all, you were used to such treatment by his friends already but, this was also a surprise for them too, since you were the first one the Aventurine ever picked on.
All was just fine, till he started invading your safe space, your home after school, because, luck could never be on your side, as your mothers became besties, bonding over being single parents bonding of two teenagers. So you sat every weekend during dinner, in front of Aventurine, as he put on his good-boy act, and you had to witness, your damn mother coddling your bully, all too oblivious.
Holy mother Gaiathra, how tempted you were to tell your mom about all the bullying, but seeing how much she enjoyed the company of her new friend new friend, your bully's mom, you decided to suck it up, for the sake of her happiness.
But soon his actions started getting more and more invasive, as he started shoving you around the hallways, forcing you to sit beside him during lectures, throwing paper balls at you when you refused, and so on. But none compare to the times when he forced you to not attend your classes, dragging you to a random hide outs, making you sit beside him, as he hung out with his friends, bunking classes, as they sat somewhere playing poker or other stupid games.
And don't you dare utter a word when he's playing, 'cause then the hand that's been resting on your shoulder this whole time, will find it's way under your shirt, pinching your cute little nipples?
The first time this happened, was the first time you physically tried to fight back, only to get laughed at by his friend, as they coaxed you into accepting it, after all, it's Aventurine, everyone's dream boy, giving a loser like you his attention, 'you better learn to appreciate it'.
So you did, you learned to just stay there and take it, as his punishment soon turned into a normal occurrence, sometimes making you sit on his lap, as he played, absentmindedly playing with your chest, as you squealed and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, trying to save face, which surprisingly none of his friends found odd, sometimes the one closest to him taking the lead and making you join their little hangout, cause they "like seeing Aventurine happy".
And the worst of it all were, your friends, who teased and shipped you together. How sweet of them to ship you with your damn bully, who invades your personal space, and makes you feel so gushy-mushy inside.
This isn't a romance novel after all!
No, no he's not getting softer to you, giving you random trinkets, like some cute stationary or a toy he won in the arcade. And your heartbeat definitely didn't start rising up whenever you were sitting beside him in class, as he laid a hand on your thigh, before dozing to sleep.
You're just - just going crazy! That's it, crazy enough to let (help) him sneak into your room at night and let him hold you as you both drift to sleep, as he apologized for being mean to you, his hand under your shirt, your arm around his waist, only to wake up alone the next day.
It was supposed to be a one-time thing! When you let him in through because you saw him, crying, and drunk, on the same rooftop, he once threatened to throw you off.
But, you couldn't help it, Aventurine, no Kakavasha, as he made you call him, was just a lonely boy, who wanted fame and power, amongst others, just a boy insecure of not having the same status as his peers, and your heart softens at the fact, after all, you too were once insecure as a child, well not as crazy as Aventurine, going as far as using a different, fancier name in school, or doing reckless stuff to fit in, but everyone has their own story to tell, right?
Perhaps, you could be his friend, he's sweet enough when not in front of others and maybe you are fine with his little groping, right? His friends do call you his lucky charm. Just friends, sure.
Just two friends who sneak in kisses between classes in private, just two friends who found each other under each other sheets in the dead of night, just two friends who hung out randomly in cute little places like cafes, or arcades, but only the ones far away from school, as he still gave you the same treatment in school.
All until one usual day in the hallway, as you were busy stuffing your lockers, and one of his 'friends', a rando, who sometimes joins in, who you didn't know much about, except the fact that he's loaded decided you were the perfect punching bag, to release his anger on.
He pushed you against a wall, his fist up, as you cowered, trying to cover your face, but the punch never came, only a tiny cracking noise, and gasps from the students around you.
Slowly, you removed your arms that were blocking your vision, only to see the boy lying on the ground nose bloodied, and Aventurine glaring at him.
Before you could even say anything Aventurine grabbed your arms and dragged you into an empty classroom, pulling you in a big hug, apologizing profusely.
Thud* Thud* Thud*
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, as you nuzzled in his embrace.
"This would never happen again, I make sure of it," he promised, looking into your eyes with genuine care and sorrow. The same boy who was so desperate for others' approval, just broke someone's nose in front of so many people, to save a pathetic loser like you.
Your brain freezed at the thought, you didn't even think what you were doing and immediately got on your tip toes, grabbed his collar and smashed your lips together, you saw his eyes widen for a second, and then his gaze softened, as he grabbed your waist pulling you in, and closed his eyes.
After few seconds you both pulled away, and your eyes meet again, except both of your visions were blurry, due to the tears flooding in.
Maybe, you didn't want to be friends anymore, but you didn't get much chance to ponder on it, as in only few for the whole school now, you were already labeled his, something he took pride in (you too).
So as the night fell, you two found him in your bed again, nuzzling into you in his sleep, except this time you woke up next to his pretty face and got peppered with kisses first thing in the morning.
(After that you both got teased a lot by your mothers)
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imma post some yan! Aven soon, this was too sweet for me, but i can't see this boy being too mean, unlike some others (everyone else) on the roster
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sidekick-hero · 5 months
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(steddie | mature | written for the @steddiemicrofic prompt 'hole' | wc: 404 | tags: s3 au, scoops ahoi steve, the d-word makes one appareance)
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Eddie is used to life not working out the way he wants it to. In fact, he's come to expect it to.
His mom died when he was barely ten, his dad is a petty criminal who never cared for him beyond what Eddie could do for him.
And while he doesn't think there's anything wrong with living in the trailer park, being poor sucks. Dealing to help out with paying bills sucks. Having people make assumptions about him and call him names and treat him as less than just because of that sucks.
So Eddie tries to keep his head above water, trudge through life without making too many waves and hopefully one day reach the shore where he can get some goddamn rest.
He plays with his band, he DMs at Hellfire and gives the lost little sheep of Hawkins High a place to belong while he works his ass off to finally get that goddamn diploma that means he can leave this shithole town behind.
The last thing Eddie needs is a distraction.
The last thing Eddie needs is Steve fucking Harrington working in an ice cream parlor in a sailor's costume across from the record store he started helping out at during summer break.
The last thing Eddie needs is to see Harrington in that downright indecent outfit, with his pale, hairy thighs on display, begging to be bitten, and his fluffy hair fighting against the silly sailor hat, and his lips all shiny like he's wearing some kind of gloss, making Eddie think of those lips wrapped around his dick.
And the last thing he needs, like a hole in the head, is to find out that Steve Harrington? Is actually a good dude.
He never wanted to learn that, is the thing. But when he finally gives in to his animal brain and goes to the parlor to get some ice cream and ogle Harrington up close, he witnesses him greeting a nerdy kid with an imaginary lightsaber handshake.
Eddie is not proud of it, but after that, he starts coming to the parlor every day to get ice cream, always letting Harrington choose for him, only to see him blush a pretty shade of pink at Eddie's harmless flirting.
A crush on Steve Harrington is the last thing Eddie needs in his life, but it's also the best thing that's happened to him in a long time.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
what if miguel and y/n switched bodies for a day bc of sum villain that put a spell on them or smth imagine how weirded out the hq would be to see miguel smiling and all cheerful just not being his usual self 💀💀 and y/n being grumpy and petty
HFIREOGHRJTNVEIFBBREUFI BOO, I ... you have awoken my younger self's love for freaky friday (yeah i liked that movie as a kid BWAHHAHAHAHAH) anyway, I LOVE THAT
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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being in your shoes. — miguel o'hara x reader
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"wow... i'm a fucking statue come to life." said miguel's awestruck voice with a chuckle following his statement of disbelief. he admired his palms, then his knuckles and the backs of his hands and arms—every vein and every curve, groove, and bump of his muscular arms were just a sight to behold; and the way his fists looked when clenched, and the way his fingers unfolded like the blooming petals of a flower... it was too much for your heart to handle, which, in this case, was technically his heart—anatomically speaking. as he admired the beauty of, well, himself–you went up to him with widened eyes, which quickly morphed into a scowl. "this is... humiliating." your own voice muttered in a low voice, almost as a growl, but miguel chuckled and ruffled your hair. "ooh," the big man let out a soft sound of curiosity at the discovery that he was practically twice your size.
he pressed his elbow down onto your head, making you–rather, miguel–grumble at this act of degradation and disrespect upon shorter people. "wow, y'know, i wouldn't blame you for doing this to me if we ever got back to normal. hell, i don't even want to go back to normal! have you seen this body?" you asked him aloud with a chuckle, his own chuckle that was hardly ever heard, reverberating out into the atmosphere and making the you inside of his body swoon. "stop laughing, it's not funny, this is a cause for concern." he said with your voice as he folded your arms over your chest and glared at you, instinctively pouting despite his lips not appearing as pouty on purpose anymore.
"oh, shit, you do pout?" you asked him with a chuckle that made you giggle internally. miguel didn't appreciate how you abused his laugh so much that he grumbled and turned on his heel–in this scenario, it was your heel–and stormed out of his office as you remained there; admiring his wonderful body and flexing, asking lyla to take pictures of this rare moment when the photo shots of miguel are candid but also taken with such flare that you'd think he was crazy for agreeing to this–the miguel o'hara everyone knew was... nothing like this.
as you walked down the halls in a pink compression shirt and yoga volleyball shorts, as opposed to the usual spider suit miguel donned on every day–you smiled at everyone you met, even if they didn't greet you first–stunning and shocking everyone out of their minds. wide-eyed lenses and hung open mouths greeted you as you greeted them with a warm smile that nobody had ever witnessed before. it was like an silver lining had unexpectedly shown through as the eternal, dark and thunderous clouds tore the sky asunder and welcomed the first rays of sunshine that the spider society had sworn they saw before... on you. but that sunshine was replaced by a gray rainy day hovering over your head and furrowed eyebrows that didn't complement your soft, adorable, amicable face.
whenever anyone greeted you, with miguel in your body, he'd practically growl at them to a loud silence–he'd nod without even looking anybody's way, confusing everyone into thinking you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today or something really bad had happened to you. as everyone went over to you, patting your shoulder, asking you if you're okay–he's scream in your higher pitched voice that you were just peachy.
everyone was astonished at how boldly angry and furious you were being, and at how boldly sweet and darling miguel was being today–everyone kept referencing that a freaky friday situation must've happened to you two, with only miguel in your body explaining that was exactly the situation, but they all laughed it off as a joke, since it came out of your mouth. "yeah, pequeña–oh, fuck, that sounds sexy–yeah, uh, chiquita–you're acting out of your mind right now, darl." "darl?!" your voice snarled in an angry, squeaky voice, making miguel chuckle and ruffle your hair again. "so sweet for me, chiquita." you said in miguel's voice, teasing him in your body as he grumbled.
oh, this was not gonna be fun for him, at all... but it was gonna be way, way too much fun for you.
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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CM Family Fic Rec List
Hey everyone! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to write alongside you all, and I can’t wait to share everyone’s hard work. You are so appreciated, and you makes these events better.
Without further ado, here are all of the entries + recs for the CM Family Challenge!
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SFW S.R. Fics (Pregnancy/Parenting)
Growing Pains: Spencer finds unfamiliar lingerie in the laundry. When he confronts his wife, he learns it belongs to their teenage daughter.
One Last Chance? by @justanothercmblog: Spencer and his wife have decided to foster a teenager.
Little Genius by @c-m-stuff: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter, who is coming to work with you.
Somewhere to Belong by @fortheloveofwonderland: You and Spencer have only been dating a few months when he drops the bombshell that he wants to adopt a child and it throws you into turmoil.
Who's Your Daddy? by @justawritterwithideas: After a long day's work, the BAU returns to the head office where they find a stroller with a small baby sleeping and a child very determined to surprise his father. c
SFW S.R. Fics (Other Family Dynamics)
The Mother Wound by me: Spencer and Reader bond over the difficulty of an emotionally absent mother.
A Desert Bloom by me: Reader has never liked cacti. Spencer finally finds out why.
A Well-Kept Secret by @astrophileous: While working on a case in D.C., Spencer didn't expect to hear a familiar name being mentioned as the sole surviving witness. Or, in which the team discovers Spencer's well-kept secret.
Pet Parents by @junipers-archive: In which Spencer and Reader adopt a baby (dog).
Keep reading for other pairings, more of my S.R. fics, and another related Fic Rec Masterlist!
Other Pairings
Motherhood by @foxy-eva: Temily. Emily and Tara become mothers.
May by @gaelic-symphony: Temily. Tara and Emily babysit the Simmons kids.
Maternal Instinct by @gaelic-symphony: Emily/Alex Blake. Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange.
Keeping the Faith [AO3] by @masterwords: Hotchgan. Hotch and Derek take the kids to Easter Service.
Going Home Time [AO3] by @/masterwords: Hotchgan. Hotch and Jessica co-parent Jack
Home is Where the Heart Is by @prentiss-theorem: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Domesticity with Alex, Ethan, and Reader.
The Sound of (No) Silence [AO3] by @/ArwenLaLaith: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Reader and Alex have just welcomed their daughter into the world.
Home by @neuroprincess: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Alex finally returns home after one week.
Question of Timing by @codename-mom: [NSFW] Aaron/Haley. Aaron finally agreed to make Haley a mother and she realised that the d-day is now. The issue is: how to convinced a husband afraid AF to be a father to do the last step? 
Be sure to check out @darcyfangirlsfrequently's Masterlist of entries, which includes fics for Luke Alvez, Garvez, and Tara/Rebecca!
Be sure to also check out @the-guilty-writer's Masterlist of entries, which includes fics for Child!Readers of Spencer, Rossi, Derek, and Hotch, as well as Emily's sibling!
Gen Fics
Mothers and Daughters by @/gaelic-symphony: When Ambassador Prentiss brings the team a kidnapping case, it causes Emily to reflect back on her tumultuous relationship with her mother.
A Day At Work by @/codename-mom: Platonic. JJ arrived early in Hotch’s office to discover that he was not alone. A surprise guest was with him for the day.
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Looking for more?
Keep reading for the rest of my Spencer Reid fics associated with pregnancy and parenting!
SFW S.R./Mom!Reader
Impromptu: Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.
Painting by Numbers: Spencer is still a little worried about his pregnant wife painting the house.
Practice Run: Spencer and Reader take on Derek’s challenge to babysit.
The Prodigy Path: At a parent teacher conference, Spencer and Reader explain their seemingly unorthodox parenting style.
Fairytales: Spencer comes home to his very tired wife and even more tired child who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story from their dad.
Intentions: Spencer’s teenage daughter wants to have a conversation with you about your intentions with her father.
Defining Family: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
From the Tree: The kidnapping case becomes personal when Spencer and Reader get a call from their nanny.
S.R. & Child!Reader
Like Father, Like You: Child!Reader. Platonic. In which Spencer’s child comes out as not-straight.
NSFW S.R./Fem!Reader
Domesticity: Reader gets worked up watching Spencer with kids. He notices.
Different Kind of Daddy: After a rough day, Reader has good news for her husband.
Santa’s Gift: Reader asks her husband what he wants for Christmas.
To Have and To Hold: Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Stork Song: Spencer and Reader try to find intimacy again following a terrible loss.
Still not satisfied?!
Check out my extensive Father's Day Rec List!
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Thanks for reading.
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whoxeology · 4 months
can you write the sfw alphabet with percy? hihii i thought it was so cute and i really love ur writing style!!
- b 💖
A/N: AGHH OF COURSE I CAN. This is my first request and I’m so excited. I'm so happy you enjoyed my writing :3 Thank you so much for request B 🫶🏼
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⛧☾༺♰SFW Alphabet♰༻☽⛧
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PAIRING: Percy Jackson x Reader
WARNINGS: Established Relationship, Swear Words, Possible spoilers for TLT, Kissing, Making Out, OOC Percy.
W.C: 3.05k
A/N: I have not read the books only knowledge I have of Percy is from the movies, TV series, and multiple fics I have read. While making this I have Logan Lerman Percy Jackson in mind but feel free to imagine him as you wish. With that being said this is purely for fun and these are just my headcannons. You are more than welcome to disagree and leave feedback.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Percy is the personification of affection. Whenever he's around you (which is always) he has to have your attention directed towards him. His love language is obviously touch so numerous hugs and countless kisses throughout the day. He's not afraid of PDA hell he's proud to show you off as his. He'll kiss you like there's no tomorrow when he leaves. Only to be back an hour later. When he's with you he will always be touching you in some sort of way. Hand on the small of your back, holding your hand, arm wrapped around your waist any way for him to remind himself that you are not going anywhere.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You would be at camp before he was, it would be similar to his and Luke's dynamic (Minus the betrayal). You would be friends with Luke, meaning he would introduce Percy to you. Percy being Percy would go straight into his usual sassy self. Seeing as you and Percy were much closer in age you and him would hit it off. He found himself as protective, as loving, as sarcastic towards you as he was towards Grover.
After being told that someone he calls a friend would betray him he didn't think it would be you or Luke (He was definitely wrong about one of those) and when it was found out to be Luke he kinda ices you out. He thought that considering how close you and Luke were you had to know. When he finds out that you really didn't know about Luke he lets you back in. Slowly as if he's still on guard and worried about you suddenly also being with Kronos.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Percy is touchy in public when it's just the two of you he practically lives and breathes in you. If you are in his cabin (Which is always because he has his own cabin) then he'd love to lay on your chest, arms secured tightly around your waist, and your legs wrapped securely around his waist. Like a koala on a branch.
Sometimes when Percy has had a rough day he likes to cuddle with you in his lap. Having your hands tangled in his hair while his hands drift from tracing your spine to caressing your hips. Your legs are on either side of his thighs as his legs are slightly bent pushing you further into him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
When it comes down to settling, Percy would love to be with you for the rest of his life. However, the idea of having children with you would concern him a little. Not because he doesn't want kids with you more rather because he wouldn't want to put you or the children in danger. If you guys did have kids he would certainly wish for all boys but the second your baby girl was born he'd adore her with every fiber in his being. She'd so be spoiled and reign over her brothers.
Percy sucks at cooking but at least he's better than Luke. He knows how to cook the basics eggs, spaghetti, blue cookies, etc. He'd always try though. For you, he's willing to learn loving the way your eyes light up when you eat whatever concoction he made up with. Even when it's not edible.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
No. Percy would rather be dragged into the depths of Tartarus than break up with you. Oh lord and if you tried to break up with him. Good luck.
"Percy I think we should break up" "No" "No? What do you mean no this isn't your choice" "You're right it's OUR choice and I said no" "Percy this isn't up for negotiation" "I know I said no and that's it, sweetheart you are not getting rid of me that easy nice try tho" " I hate you" "You know you love me"
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
From the moment Percy saw you he knew you'd be the end of him. He'd be anything you'd want him to be. A friend, a best friend, ..... a lover. He knew that if you just wanted to be friends he would be by your side through everything, If you wanted him to be a lover he'd probably run through camp cheering then run back to you and twirl you around. He'd be yours from the moment you saw him.
The only marriage he saw growing up was his mother's and Gabe's. He knew he would be nothing like Gabe. He would want to marry you whenever you were ready. He would be the best husband he could possibly be.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically Percy is strong. Like really fucking strong he killed a minotaur by himself at age 12 During training sessions, he goes easy on you unless you tell him not to (Even then he's still holding back). Other times Percy would try his best to be softer around you in fear of hurting you.
Emotionally Percy is deflective. Percy isn't the type to sit down and talk about his feelings. When his feelings get too much he tries to ignore them. He asks about your day, he's overly active in camp activities, he's up and about. When it comes to your emotions Percy tries his best to comfort you. He is not entirely sure how to handle emotions too well but he tries.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Percy hugs you as if you are going to disappear. He hugs you any chance he gets. He'll come up to you and wrap his hands around your waist while yours go around his neck. Stupid grin on his face while you and him rock back and forth. Or sometimes when you're busy he'll come up and hug you from behind head resting on your shoulder watching you as you do whatever it is that you're doing. His hands always soothingly slip under your shirts the feel of your skin on his makes him feel at peace.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Percy knew he loved you since he first saw you so of course he would say it rather fast. Most of the time it was a quick "I love you" before he ran off to do gods know what but on your first date he looked into your eyes and practically bared his soul to you and said in the most hushed voice "I love you" as if this time he feared you would disappear or would suddenly realize you deserved better.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Percy wasn't the type to get jealous. Only because he didn't have a reason to be. Everyone in camp knew he was your boyfriend. No one dared to make a move on you especially when your boyfriend killed a minotaur at 12 and is the son of Posiden. However, when an old friend of yours showed up in camp things went a little sour. The newcomer was not only gorgeous with his wavy blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, and piercing honey-brown eyes but he was naturally funny, talented, and really fucking flirty. He'd always be with you and seeing as you were an old friend you felt obligated to show him around. When Percy found out that this hunk was an ex of your good gods was he beyond jealous. He immediately stuck to your side and made sure Mr. Supermodel knew that he was yours and was not going to be replaced.
He'd call you baby, love, and doll in literally everyyyyy sentence. He'd take your hand and interlace it with his and examine your hands together very visibly while you talked to your friend. He'd stare at your friend as he kissed your cheek. While you were mid-sentence he'd whisper something in your ear that would either make you lose focus by giggling or turning bright red while being speechless.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like?)
Percy can hold his breath for quite some time so his kisses are so long you feel as if you'd faint. Percy kisses with his all. Trying to get in your skin basically. He'll wrap his arms around you or pin you to a wall and push himself impossibly closer to you. He loves to kiss you anywhere he can. Your hands, your lips, your arms, your legs, as well as other places of course.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Percy can not be trusted around children. Swear if you left a child with Percy they would learn enough curse words to make Hades himself gasp in shock. If they're older and a bit more hardheaded leave it to Percy to knock em around. With the younger kids at camp, he'd definitely scare them a few times while training.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Percy is not a morning person. Most of the time you'd wake up, manage to get ready, have breakfast, and have at least 2 training sessions before he even stumbled out of bed. On the rare occasions when Mr. D dragged Percy out of bed and into the mess hall Percy would manage to say at least 2 sarcastic comments to and behind Mr. D's back and sneak in a least 3 cuss words before promptly falling asleep with his head smashed into the table.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Since Percy has his own cabin you and him often spend the nights together there. The two of you are entangled within each other grasp. Since your cabin was fuller than Percy's you would stash some of your belongings in his cabin per his request of course so that it felt more like your place too. You had a mushroom blanket that you crocheted years ago that Percy had draped over his bed. It wasn't at all symmetrical or pretty since it was the first one you ever made but Percy cherished it nonetheless. You'd often times sneak out of his cabin with him and go to the lake. He loved to be in the water and you loved to be with him. You'd stay out way past curfew and swim until your legs burned and your fingers were prunes.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Percy would unknowingly say things around you that made you wonder out loud about his past. It took him some time to open up but after you guys got together he'd tell you all about his life over a short span of being together. You'd be in the lake with his arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he told you about his mom. He told you about her smile, her hugs, her famous blue cookies. His eyes would sparkle brighter than the stars themselves as he talked about her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Percy is impulsive but he does not lack patience. If anything he has more patience than most. He knows this and he uses it to his advantage. Seeing as he makes everything around him into some kind of joke he loves to antagonize his enemies into attacking first so he can learn more about them. The only times when he'd lose his patience is when someone would talk about his mother. his friends, or you in a negative tone.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Percy's mind is all over the place. He doesn't remember which Disney princesses you were obsessed with in 4th grade but he does know the story behind your name. He seems to forget the bigger details and rather latches onto the smaller the ones that others seem to forget about. He doesn't remember your favorite artist but he does remember the beat of that one song you loved as a child but were never able to find the name of.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Percy's favorite memory in your relationship was the moment you said I love you back to him. Percy would always say "I love you" before running off. This time you had told him you were going to sword train with Annabeth and he said that he loved you and that he would find you later he had to see Grover. Percy was shocked when you pulled him back by his armor and kissed him deeply before almost breathlessly whispering that you "loved him too". He practically skipped his entire way to Grover and was blushing the whole time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Percy is extremely protective over you. Not in an overbearing way because gods know you can handle yourself but Percy would rather be there for you and keep you safe than find you in a position that would require you to protect yourself. In Capture the Flag when you are on the opposite team he finds ways to flirt with you instead of fighting. When he and his teammates stumble upon you and your teammate he tells him that he has you when in reality you most likely end up holding a sword at his throat while you straddle him playfully of course.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Percy will gift you the moon if he thinks it will make you happy. Every morning you'd wake to a single flower from him. Every day was a different flower. It surprised you how he even managed to find so many. Every time you'd receive a flower from him you'd book press them. Yes, it took a long time but they looked beautiful once they were done and framed.
On dates and anniversaries, Percy would tell you the night before to be at his cabin at 10 pm and to dress comfortably. The next day you'd wake up and he'd be gone. That whole day you wouldn't see or hear a single peep from him. The first time he did it you freaked kinda worried that something had happened to him. Grover told you he was doing Percy things and just to be at his cabin. Of course, Percy would be there and he'd take you for a stroll through the forest that led to a lighted picnic area. He'd leave camp to personally get you your favorite takeout, a new book to add to your forever-growing collection, and a new pack of Polaroids for your camera. How he got the money he'd never tell. All that mattered was that these were gifts that he knew you'd love. After the forest, he'd take you to the beach and you guys would swim till well past curfew. Having to run away soaking wet, clothes in hand, giggling manically as Mr. D almost catches y'all.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Swearing. Look swearing is fine we're young adults and there's nothing wrong with it. However, Percy has a really bad habit of dropping curse bombs all the time. Around your peers, the younger kids, hell even Chiron. The face he makes when he realizes he very loudly said "what the fuck" around Chiron is always funny.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Percy has some self-esteem issues deeply rooted in him from his childhood. He'd never consider himself to be jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Not like you of course. You'd tell him how gorgeous and he'd just blush your words making him feel prettier. Eventually, you'd have to knock him down a few pegs or else he'd turn into a bobblehead.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Percy is attached to you. Like deep-rooted attached. He wouldn't be able to focus on anything if you were gone for a long time. He'd constantly think about you and become worried the longer you were gone.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Once you and Percy start dating and he's more comfortable with you he's so gossipy. He will literally be so involved in the tea you tell him and vice versa. When he hears something really juicy from the other campers he practically runs to you to tell you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Dishonest and Disloyalty. Loyalty is Percy's biggest moral. If you were disloyal to him it would sever any friendship/relationship with him (Luke). Along with honesty. If you are loyal to someone, truly care for them, or even just mean well then why would you lie.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When Percy first joined camp he couldn't sleep too well the nightmare of his mother getting crushed replaying over and over in his head. Eventually with you by his side, he was able to have a better sleep schedule.
He tosses and turns a lot in his sleep oftentimes accidentally bruising you in the night. You'd have small bruises on your legs from where he'd kick you and smaller ones on your arms from where he would accidentally elbow you as he turned. He'd also have bruises from where'd you kicked him back of course he was such a heavy sleeper he'd never wake up and wouldn't notice till days later.
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periludic · 6 months
Ahhhh I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you until now I’ve been really sick 😭
But can I basically just request a OLN&F step two crushing scenario with both Tamarack and Qiu(separate), the gist of it is that MC has always been a physically affectionate person as a kid and kept up with that attitude even as a teen, but! is also very unaware of the fact that because they are so physically affectionate with Qiu/Tamarack people all the time think their dating 😭
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📌 Pairing: Step 2 Qiu/Tamarack x GN!MC (Separate)
📌 Thank you for the ask! Sorry it took a while :D and I hope you're feeling better <33
Qiu "Autumn" Lin
This jerk is so smug about it.
Whether they're 10 or 14, they love that you're clingy with them!
They're absolutely beaming as you hold onto their arm
And if you're being affectionate in public they'll look at the poor people surrounding the two of you, shit eating grin on their face as if they're saying "See this? They chose me and not you. Lol. Losers"
If there's a rumor going around that the two of you are dating, Qiu wouldn't deny it if someone asks them whether its true or not
"So are you two actually dating or..?" "Maybe, maybe not" "…So are you?" "Are we :]?"
Gosh they're insufferable
Makes those rumors worse by either flirting with you or subtly reciprocating your affection where people can witness the moment (the latter rarely happens)
If people start hating on you because of how affectionate you are towards Autumn, they'll start flirting with you even more just to spite them
And because they find your reactions adorable <3
Oh, and Qiu totally puffs out their chest proudly like a lion whenever someone mentions that you're more affectionate towards them than anybody else
Though they're overly smug and teasing about it, they absolutely melt inside. Especially if you're being affectionate in private
They love your little private moments so much. It makes them feel special that though you could've been with anyone else, you're there being affectionate with them instead
Qiu doesn't put in effort to be physically affectionate with anyone these days, but they're willing to do so if its for you
They got so used to your affection that anytime you're near each other and you don't start getting touchy with them after 2 seconds, they kinda get annoyed
Would always be searching for your warmth, it doesn't have to be much, just your pinkies intertwined or your shoulders brushing against each other is enough
You're their special someone
They'll never admit that out loud though! (Yet)
Tamarack Baumann
Flustered! Very very flustered
But is equally happy that you're being affectionate with them
Tamarack was a very affectionate kid, she hugged you anytime she was given the opportunity!! So even if she's more reserved as a teen, throwing her arms around you feels as natural as breathing
Would get a teeny tiny heart attack if you're really affectionate with her in public
But if you're doing it alone together, in the forest or either one of your houses, she'd be drowning in your affection
I think she's equally clingy in private if you have a good relationship with her to be honest
Now. Tamarack definitely always knows what's going on in town, and in school
So it doesn't take long for her to find out that people think you two are dating
As much as she denies this rumor whenever someone mentions it to her, she's absolutely giddy about the thought of the two of you being together like that
She honestly doesn't want people to stop believing in that rumor, but what would you think??
Tamarack doesn't mind, but what if you don't like the thought of you two dating? What if you grow distant because of it?? What if you're grossed out??? What if-
Okay yeah you get my point but she stresses over it a lot
So unless you confirm that you're okay with it, she'll absolutely deny it
She doesn't want you to be uncomfortable, and she doesn't want to ruin what the two of you have just because of a rumor
You're her safe place, she doesn't want to lose you
Tamarack may be doubting her place in the world but she knows she fits right in your arms perfectly
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goddessofmischief · 7 months
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A/N: This is part of this series, which requests are open for! These fics are all one-shots, so they can be read separately. Also, I highly recommend listening to the song linked in the title while you read.
It was the twilight eve of the execution of Gol D. Roger, and sadness ruled your heart, body and soul.
The crew had disbanded, scattering themselves to the seas with little more than fond good-byes. Roger had turned himself in three days earlier. There had been a trial - a rushed, convoluted sham of a trial that you hated every second of, but it didn't matter anymore. At least there would be an end to his suffering.
And at least Buggy and Shanks were with you. Small blessings. You knew that Garp had no real interest in persecuting a bunch of kids like yourselves, but hanging out on a pirate ship in the harbor seemed to be an unwise action all the same. So you'd booked three rooms at a nearby inn, close to the town square, and been disheartened to see that the inn was almost filled with out-of-towners thrilled to witness such a historical event.
Buggy got settled in his room, while Shanks sat down on the bed in yours.
"It's strange," he said. "All of this."
You nodded, unable to look at him.
"Hey, we're going to be fine. You know that, right?"
"I know," you said, and then there was a sudden banging at the door.
You and Shanks exchanged glances, and his hand rested on the sword at his side. The door thundered again.
Gripping your pistol, you approached the door, opening it the smallest crack, and trying not to show surprise at the face that greeted you.
"I heard that Roger would be executed," said Mihawk, out of breath. "I returned to witness. I had to see you."
"I don't care."
"Please let me come in. I know what I did was terrible. It was terrible. But you have to know that it's not because of lack of love for you, I do love-"
You swung the door all the way open, letting Mihawk in. As you did, you pressed your finger to his lips.
"I don't want to hear it," you said, shaking your head. "Roger dies tomorrow. I'm not interested in exploring what happened between us. It doesn't matter anymore."
Shanks appeared behind you, arm looped around your waist.
"Out, Hawk-Eye," Shanks cautioned, "Or I'll duel you for real this time."
Mihawk stared at you, lip trembling a bit. You had never seen him show so much emotion before.
"Please," he stated again. You were silent. Shanks stared him down.
After a moment, he nodded, did a small bow in your direction, and walked out.
Shanks groaned, turning back to his room.
After a moment of consideration, you stared at the hallway where Mihawk had left, and ran after him.
"Mihawk, wait," you called out, and he turned around immediately, a smile ghosting over his face. "Look, I... what you did hurt me. It did hurt me. But it doesn't matter now. All of this... has made me realize what's important."
"...I'm so glad," he said, trying to speak around the lump in his throat. "Truly."
You smiled, pulling something out of your pocket. He realized with a pang that it was your wedding ring, the one he'd designed for you. You handed it back to him, leaving it in the palm of his hand.
"We were much too young to be married anyway. You were right."
Mihawk nodded, closing his fingers around the ring.
"Would you accept my proposal, again, if we were older?"
"If you asked again... when we are older... I may consider it."
He nearly blushed.
"May we part as friends?" Mihawk offered, hopefully. "I know I do not deserve that much, but-"
"Yes," you agreed softly, reaching your hand out to him. "Friends."
You made your way back down the hallway, hesitating in front of two doors: yours, or Shanks. You twisted the doorknob on his, wondering if he had left it unlocked for you.
He had.
"Hey," he called out sleepily, sounding completely unsurprised. "You alright?"
You nodded, twisting your hands.
"I don't want to be alone. Do you?"
"No," he said, and the night faded to black.
When Shanks got up that morning, he thought of the last time he'd spoken to Roger. Just the two of them.
"It's yours," Roger said. "Our ship. You're the oldest. You're the one who has to look after them. Keep them from killing each other. Keep Buggy from killing you."
Shanks was at a loss for words, and could only bow his head in gratitude.
"One more thing," said Roger. "Another gift and a confession. I never married the woman I loved. I never will."
Shanks could see the toll this was taking on the older man, could see the grief drawn across his face. Roger took something out of a drawer and held it out to Shanks.
"This is Rouge's ring. Now it's yours."
"I don't understand."
"You don't have to, Shanks. All I'm saying is that if there is a girl, one day... and you don't want to let her slip through your fingers... you have this."
Roger held the ring out again, which was strung from a loose chain. Shanks bent his head, and Roger draped the ring over his shoulders. Shanks tucked it under his clothes, where it could lie unseen, and wait.
Shanks knew then that he had so much to say to Roger, too much, and there would not be enough time, not even if he had a thousand years. He wanted to tell him everything, and have Roger tell him what to do in return. But he couldn't.
"Thank you," Shanks managed, and then he felt he had said enough.
It was a warm day with clouds when the crowd huddled in to view the execution.
You clung to Shanks' arm, your hand shielding your eyes, while Buggy stood several paces behind you. Mihawk was somewhere in the crowd, too, watching, wearing a new coat - new, at least, to you - embroidered with amaryllis flowers. You had thought to go and stand beside him, but you realized this felt much more right. Shanks had never abandoned you. You were sure, in that moment, he never would.
"It's about to happen," Shanks murmured.
"Oh," you whispered, just 'oh.' You had seen people die, but never someone you loved.
You buried your face in Shanks' shoulder, unable to face these jeering, spectating people around you, gleefully witnessing the pain and destruction and ruination of your lives.
But wait, a pause. And it was then that Roger uttered those words, that speech, the thing that incited the Great Pirate Era. The thing that broke the world, and made you proud.
And then, as the previously laughing crowd stampeded away around you, desperately taking to the water like fish, the act was done.
Roger was gone. A sin had been committed by the world today that could not be forgiven. The sky had, fittingly, turned dark and rainy.
"Let's go home," Shanks said, quietly, and it was then you realized that your face was still buried in his shoulder. He didn't attempt to dislodge you.
"I don't know where home is."
"Course you do. It's in the harbor now."
The Oro Jackson, Roger's ship, the ship you had lived on for the past decade. Why didn't it feel like home, like it had before? Because everyone was gone?
Not everyone. Not Shanks, and not Buggy.
Mihawk, you realized, was still planted where he had stood before, unable to dislodge his gaze from you.
"Hey, Hawk-Eyes," Shanks called out, beginning to steer you towards the ship. "You heading out?"
"Yes," he said, clearing his throat. "Yes, I should be going."
Mihawk nodded to you as Shanks wrapped his coat around your shoulders.
"We'll see each other again," you whispered, tears pricking your eyes. "I believe that."
He gave you a rare smile, and then he was gone.
@sawendel @twinklesnake @literaturewithliz @sordidmusings @foggyturtleknightangel @toertchen @96jnie @lunanight1021
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Could I request for some Yoriichi fluffy headcanons and a little bit of NSFW ones?
I hope you have a nice day/night!
Coming right up! :D
Yoriichi Headcanons
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Fluffy with some NSFW!
Can be little spoon or big spoon depending on the situation, as long as you two are close he's happy
When it comes to days out as a couple, he likes to let you decide where you should go, and no matter how wild or implausible your suggestion is he'll make sure it happens
Absolutely loves, loves, loves giving oral. He cannot enjoy intimacy unless he knows you're pleasured and content, making him an extremely caring and sensual lover. He'll go down on you for hours with no complaints whatsoever, all he wants in the bedroom is for you to feel infinite pleasure
If you give him a blowjob, this is one of the few times you'll see him lose control. He's incredibly sensitive there and the moment your lips wrap around his cock, he bites his lip and proceeds to softly moan, gripping your hair firmly. It just blows his mind so much. He can certainly climax from a blowjob
If you have kids together, he'll be the best father. He will never lose his cool and will be extremely gentle, but still excellent at teaching your children everything they need to know. He also appreciates everything you do as a parent, and frequently makes time to show you how much he loves you be it through gifts, poetry, cuddles, lovemaking, or simply asking you what would help ease the stress of parenting and making that happen
He is a quality time sort of guy. He likes to spend almost every moment with you, as you're his whole heart; he loves you so much and, although he doesn't vocalize this often, he has no idea what he would do without you. He's very content even just sitting in silence with you, an arm protectively wrapped around you as he sharpens his sword, writes, or does something else
He has a secret talent for poetry. He writes various poems (mostly love ones) and enjoys reading them out to you with that dulcet tone of his. Understood tacitly, many of his poems are dedicated to you and inspired by his burning affection
People underestimate Yoriichi, given his unassuming disposition. This might lead to cocky assholes feeling like they can mess with you, but the second someone gives you so much as a mean glare, Yoriichi shows how formidable he is; not with violence, unless he has to, but by verbally making the person look stupid and humiliating them. He has a quick wit, and he brings it out especially to defend you
He compliments you at random times, in an endearing manner. You two will be sitting enjoying a tea, then he will stroke your cheek and say something sweet like, "You have such raw beauty, my love." The offbeat timing of his compliments shows he says these things with no premeditation, but just as he thinks of them, which is at least three times a day
I really hope you enjoyed these, anon, and that you have a wonderful day! Yoriichi loves and cares about you!
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vasyandii · 9 days
I have a question.
On Vernon, with the fact that we know she's a literal sadomasocist, (I think I said that right...) I'm just curious as to why or how this may have come up. Had she always been this "messed up in the head," as to say, or did she develop her morbid curiosity from an event that changed her?
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Howdy Howdy! Thank you so much for the ask!💞💞 My Laotian ocs always have some aspect on Lao culture and history. So 2 in 1, you also get a very brief history lesson!
Had Vernon always been like this?
I believe she was always like this, some people are born the way that they are, and the environment they were raised in can further encourage or discourage their behaviors. If it wasn't for the circumstances of her environment, she might've had the chance to change.
Vernon is born in 1952, A year before Laos gained its independence as a nation (before that, the French recolonized, and before THAT, the Japanese).
For the first six years of her life, Vernon was raised lucky by all means; Rich family, A loving mother and father, grandparents that doted on her, etc. she was well liked by her peers for being friendly, charismatic, and extremely intelligent.
Vernon always exhibited a certain cruelty in her play as a child. She would rip off limbs of insects and line them up, have lizards drop their tails to look at the inside of it, peel back the skin of hers/other's cuts and scrapes. Vernon's parents disciplined her of course, it's just what some kids did at the time and that was their job to fix that.
It wasn't until 1960, one year into the Lao Civil War, when she first witnessed devastation. It wasn't much, Vernon (8) didn't see anything but the rubble of homes and buildings. But there was a little urge in her that wanted to see if there was anything left in them she could keep.
She was caught digging through the rubble of a neighbor's house. Her parents, were furious. She wasn't allowed to leave their side now, they were worried sick, her behavior was subdued for the convenience of her parents.
Four years later, 1964 Americans were now dropping bombs to fight the communist uprising in Laos. A planeload of cluster bombs dropped every 8 minutes, 24 hours a day. Vernon (12) saw death, the smell of ashes, burning hair and skin, limbs strewn about. She was terrified, but fascinated. It was meat, it used to be a person but now it's nothing but flesh. She wished she could've held it for a little bit, poked it, dissect it.
Her parents were already planning to leave Laos due to the tension from the civil war over the years, but now? They had to move fast, gathering what money they had to go to Thailand and taking a boat to America. They got out within the first 4 months.
Vernon lived a relatively normal life in Sacramento. Excelling in school, having a good group of friends. It wasn't until she landed her job as an Archeologist that her behavior, subdued for years, went haywire. Her job was just an outlet for it.
If you got this far, thank you for reading :D I tend to ramble a lot so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify feel free to tell me!
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blu-oo · 9 months
Buggy was Roger’s good luck charm
So I’ve had a headcanon for a while now concerning Buggy and his place on Roger’s crew. It’s no secret that both fans and characters within the One Piece world will look at Buggy and go “How/Why the fuck were you on Roger’s crew?” Hard to say definitively whether or not Buggy actually has good luck considering the absolute hell he has to go through in order to face plant into his power/status, but you still can’t argue that he gains things he is 100% undeserving of lol. Oda’s trolling aside, let’s say that his failing upwards IS purely a result of him having his luck stats set to fucking max with a few buffs tacked on. We can even make this more fun and say the reason Buggy’s luck is so paradoxical is BECAUSE his luck goes to others instead of being reserved for himself (either that or the only reason “failure” is tacked onto this is because Buggy is a jackass and karma doesn’t sleep on her prettiest degenerates). I can see this going down a few different ways:
Maybe they were on an island along the grand line and came across a vendor selling good luck tokens. An ornate looking box catches Roger’s eye, and the vendor starts gushing about how it’s their most “luckiest item” and that it’s very VERY much worth the hefty price tag. It’s also most definitely “a worthwhile investment, trust me! It’ll all pay off in the end!” Whatever that means. Roger’s gut feeling doesn’t need to be told twice, so he buys it. This could be a moment similar to Shanks where they take the box back to the ship only for “SURPRISE! CHEST BABY!” :D to happen again. Roger is no longer allowed to go shopping/haul treasure back to the ship without Rayleigh’s stink eye supervision.
Maybe there’s something similar to the Sabaody slave market where he’s being explicitly advertised as a good luck charm. The person selling him shows off his luck by playing simple tricks (like using cards and gambling with onlookers. Look, if you’re gonna try to sell someone's luck, ya might as well make an extra buck while doing so. And hey, this just proves his good luck charm is working). While the seller is distracted, Roger easily sidels up and eyes Buggy’s mean mug. He asks if Buggy is actually lucky and gets a rudely gestured affirmative. “Great!” He says before yanking the kid up and running off laughing. Rayleigh: what the fuck is that. Roger, tankard in one hand, clown child in the other: a beer.
Maybe Roger just happens upon Buggy and and witnesses his luck in action. Sees how instant karma comes to collect after some pompous jerk spits and belittles little Buggy and immediately he’s shamed and humiliated in front of a bunch of people (in addition to Buggy pit pocketing him in retaliation). He witnesses a merchant make snide and haughty remarks and refuses to sell to Buggy because he’s a visible street rat and then immediately afterwards a flock of rabid seagulls dive bomb his stall and peck at his toupee (a piece of bread is flung and lands right before Buggy’s nose). A group of older teens beating the snot out of buggy and stealing whatever he gained that day only to then immediately run into Roger? Well. Etc. etc. etc. Roger sees all this and more and at this point he decides to take Buggy along just because of how hilarious this all is (Buggy’s eventual love for Roger and therefore his luck beginning to include Roger was just an added bonus).
And since this is such a loose concept (and ignoring that Roger was a D so the following woulda happened anyways lol) we can even say that his luck to Roger is the reason for all the success at the end of his career lol. Edd war? Buggy. Living past his initial expiration date? Buggy. Making it to laugh tale? Buggy, except wait- things didn’t go 100% to plan with that one, huh 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and guess who wasn’t there 🤨🤨🤨🤨 im playing or am i
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Once upon a time when employees are being interviewed at SI:
Interviewer: So what is it like working for Iron Man?
Employee A: Oh! Easy question. I like that. It is an honor, you know. It's what I thought when I joined, and it still is now. But also, I did not expect that SI is a place where we are allowed to prioritize things like family. Like last time, I left my phone on silent at my desk cause I had to go to a meeting. My kid at home was having an emergency and I couldn't be reached. But apparently, Friday, Mr. Stark's AI, keeps track of phone vibrations so she made the report and someone came to notify me. I didn't even know there was a protocol for that. Turns out my daughter was having her period for the first time! And I'm a single father so I had no idea what to do and I was panicking. Next thing I know, an SI nurse came and apparently she was sent by Mr. Stark to walk me through how to help. Apparently, Fri also caught my panic rumblings and triggered 'YOU ARE NOT ALONE PROTOCOL' or something. (*laughing*) The next week, we received an official email introducing a new department called Human Care. They encourage everyone to reach out if we ever find ourselves out of our depths on non company emergency matters.
Interviewer: How long have you been working here?
Employee B: Eight years, two months, six days and counting.
Interviewer: What's the weirdest thing you've witnessed here?
Employee B: (blanks out)
Employee B (struggling to think): Ahm. Really? Just one? Er- That's a tough one. Maybe that one time they set up a room for everyone to try lifting Thor's hammer? Or wait, no, maybe that time there when flying roombas were everywhere following Mr. Stark and reminding him to eat? Or when a villain came via the vents but before he could come down, Hawkeye accidentally hit him with pepper spray? I don't know, man. Weird things happen a lot. We're used to it by now.
Interviewer: Do you feel safe working here?
Employee C: Yeah. The avengers live here. But to tell you the truth, I think Happy Hogan and his black tux team of agents scare all the potential bad guys away. I heard rumors that Black Widow personally trains them. Like, I know two of them. Jake, for instance. He's like a giant, and he is intimidating but I saw him crying one time and when I asked him why, he just said Mr. Hogan.
Interviewer: Which avenger have you met?
Employee D: Oh, I've met two of them. Captain America and Thor. It was odd but one time, they were in the cafeteria and carrying trays of food and I do not mean just one each. Nope. Like, a ton! Like they're feeding an army. But it makes sense. Can you imagine the workout? With bodies like theirs? And the battles they go to? Man, if I have to save the world from aliens, I'll probably need the same nutrition.
Interviewer: Which avenger is the kindest?
Employee E: Ahm...We all know they're all badass. But kindest, I think Spider-Man. Last Thursday, it was raining, and then Spidey suddenly came all wet and holding a box and I'm gonna quote him now. He said, "Friday, can you please ask Mr. Sam Wilson Falcon sir to come down? The shelter is close and I have a box of puppies and I really, really want to bring them up but Mr. Stark is gonna ban me from the lab again."
Interviewer: Aww. So what happened next? What did they do with the puppies?
Employee E (grinning): Falcon came down, alright. But he came with Iron Man who zoomed past everyone to drag Spidey to the penthouse. I am not sure what I heard but he was muttering about oven toasters and frozen spiderlings? In the end, aome employees volunteered to take care of them. But I believe two of them are at the avengers' floor. We saw Mr. Stark ranting about puppy paw paint marks on his armani.
Interviewer (gasps): Oh my. Was he mad?
Employee E (ends up laughing): Mad? Try grunting fondly? Peter really likes those puppies. Mr. Stark tried to act like he hates them but really, he adores everything about the kid, puppies included. He even had custom made collars with avengers logo made for them.
Interviewer: I'm sorry? The Winter Soldier was asking directions to where?
Employee F: The Lego Store.
Interviewer: How would you describe the workload? Do you still get work life balance?
Employee G: I guess it depends. I work in R&D and we're all nerds there. So like, we're typically busy but it's play for us. Some days, we're really cramped with work, mostly when deadlines are nearing or sometimes, we're just really in the zone, we do not want to stop. Peter activated 'NIGHT NIGHT PROTOCOL' for that. Had Fri lock us out of the lab and we had no choice but to go home or nap at the sleep wing. And would you believe? After the product launch, we got emails on mandatory vacation leaves with bonus to spend! Like, who does that? So yeah, it's cool working here.
And then, there was this:
Interviewer: How does it feel to be the heir of a multibillion dollar top green tech company?
Peter (stares quizzically, dumb-founded): Uhhh-....Look, sorry, I think I'm in the wrong room. I'm not- Maybe you got the wrong questionnaire? I'm just an intern-
Interviewer: Oh. Wait. Is it top secret then? Sorry, I was told of your identity as Mr. Stark's kid so I thought I could ask. But if you're not comfortable-
Peter: WHAT!?? Who said that? They're probably just joking.
Interviewer (chuckles nervously): Ms. Potts did actually.
Peter (freezes): Oh.
Suddenly the door opens and Tony walks in.
Tony: Hey kid, and Ms. Carrenland. How's the interview going? Thought I'd drop by for moral support, you know.
Peter (looks torn, but excuses himself to go to Tony): Uhm, Mr. Stark, can I talk to you for a second? Look, sir, ahm, I think there's been a misunderstanding. The interviewer asks me how it feels to be your heir. Like that's real. I don't-
Tony (has his brows rising to his hairline): Kid. Peter. Breathe.
Peter (groans and sighs embarrassingly): I just didn't want to lie! They mistook me for someone else. It was a misunderstanding!
Tony (smirking): It's really not.
Peter: What?
Tony: Kiddo, I was the one who gave Pep the approval to sign the questions. And really, you've been managing the R&D department and shadowing Pep at management for a year now. You never wondered why I make you do that?
Peter: Oh.
Tony: Yup. Genius child here.
Peter: I just wanted to help. You seem stressed out with the Avengers' work and dealing with the government. I thought I could lend a hand. I didn't- I don't expect you to- I'm not worth that, Mr. Stark.
Tony (scoffs): I beg to differ. Look, I'll be honest with you. Even if you aren't interested in the company, it's still gonna be yours. Look around you, kid. Do you think I let just anyone go around with a free pass at my tower? You have a room at my home. This place is your home, as where as everywhere else that I own. Plus, it's another motivation for you to take care of yourself when you go out as Spidey. Imagine all our employees. They need you, kiddo.
Peter (mumbling softly): I'm just Peter Parker.
Tony (smiles and pats his shoulder): And that is why I chose you.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Heyyy could you do Din Djarin imagine where you make it a habit to kiss Grogu’s head before he goes to sleep and one night you accidentally kiss Din’s helmet? Xoxo
~𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓 Reacting To His Darling Kissing His Helmet~
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𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓
~He thinks it's so precious that you kiss the kid's head every night before he goes to sleep.
~The man's heart melts in his chest everytime he witnesses it, and the way Grogu reacts with a little happy coo at you makes Din want to laugh and cry at the same time, it's so adorable. He's so happy his helmet hides how overjoyed and emotional he looks.
~You'd have to be very tired and half asleep to mistake Din for Grogu, so let's say it's the type of tired where your eyes aren't even open and your jaw is practically slack, but you're still trying to function.
~Din's wondering why you're approaching him so closely, but he doesn't mind it. Might just give a little "hey-"
~But he stops short when you kiss his helmet.
~While he couldn't feel it on his skin, he could hear the small "mwah" of your lips against his helmet, and he freezes. It's confirmed to him that you kissed him, because you skipped Grogu's kiss that night, so he realizes you must've been so tired that you completely had mistaken him to be Grogu.
~He won't say anything about it, but he'll definitely be thinking about it for a while, feeling a bit flustered over it. He also thought it was pretty cute that you were so tired that you just walked over there with your eyes basically shut and kissed him while half asleep.
~Eventually if he gains the confidence to say this, he'll make a joke like "Where's mine?" when you kiss Grogu.
~Now you can kiss him goodnight, too :D
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