#also the librarian is so fantastic
Have I expressed how much I love the fact that the wonderful librarian is named "Sophie"??
Because the name is from the Greek meaning wisdom. Come on, how perfect is that? It fully delights me how much attention to detail is given to the names in this series, and I am over the moon that the really nice lady who works at the science museum library and dispenses knowledge is named after wisdom
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With volume 2 of Wayne Family Adventures freshly released, and as your local librarian and Batman nerd, I feel the need to let everyone know that Wayne Family Adventures has at least 2 more volumes set to come out!
So if you love this series as much as I do (and I mean, come on look at that family) go get volume 2 if you haven't, then pop volumes 3 and 4 on pre-order! It's a great way to let DC know just what content we love and want to see more of, especially in print! Also if you can't swing the books yourself, ask your local library to order them! It'll help share the amazing adventures with a whole new set of readers!
You can find all the associated pre-order links here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/2289628/crc-payne
Now go forth and enjoy some fantastic family times!
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burins · 2 months
Other Appalachias: A Booklist
As requested, the anti-Hillbilly Elegy booklist, plus annotations! When possible I tried to include books that were by Appalachians and got at lesser-known aspects of Appalachian life and identity, especially modern Appalachian life. When creating the original list I was also limited by books that were in the library network I work at, which is a) a public library and b) not actually located in Appalachia. Y’all get some bonus titles that weren’t in my library - hopefully they’ll be in yours.
A note: I have not read every single book on this list! This is the nature of creating booklists as a librarian. I trust the sources I used to find them, but if there’s something on here that you’re like “oh I read this and it sucks actually,” let me know. And if there’s a particular aspect you’d like more books on, also let me know!
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy (Anthony Harkins and Meredith McCarroll, eds)
What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia by Elizabeth Catte
If you read any two books on this list (especially if you aren’t from Appalachia!) make it these two. The first one is a collection of essays and photographs, the second by a single author, but both are fantastic for the basics of “hey was your entire idea of a huge stretch of the US defined by Deliverance and some NYT op-eds? perhaps it should not be” 
Appalachian Fall: Dispatches from Coal Country on What's Ailing America by Jeff Young
Leans a little more “plight of the white working class” than I absolutely love, but this talks a lot about contemporary workers’ rights and local activism in Appalachia and is a good counter to Vance’s narrative of “everybody sits on their ass all the time.”
Belonging: A Culture of Place by bell hooks
Hey did you know bell hooks was from Kentucky? bell hooks was from Kentucky! As always her writing is deeply insightful about who is allowed to claim a place and what it means to have roots. 
Rx Appalachia: Stories of Treatment and Survival in Rural Kentucky by Lesly-Marie Buer 
The opioid crisis has defined the region (much as alcoholism came to during Prohibition); unlike a lot of writing on the topic, this lets people tell their own stories. 
Race and Sexuality
Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place by Neema Avashia
Excellent counter to the narrative of Appalachia as unrelentingly white, and also painfully good writing on what happens when the folks you grew up counting on let you down. 
Loving Mountains, Loving Men: Memoirs of a Gay Appalachian by Jeff Mann
This 2005 memoir got a re-release in 2023, and thank god because it makes me cry. Really beautiful writing on what it means to come back to a place and carve out a space for yourself.
Y'all Means All: The Emerging Voices Queering Appalachia (Z. Zane McNeill, ed.) 
Another essay collection! There will be more; I like an essay collection for getting a sense of a subject beyond a single voice. Touches on everything from disability to race to Mothman. 
Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future, Zane McNeill and Rebecca Scott, eds. 
This wide-ranging collection of essays wasn’t on the original list because it’s pretty hard to come by (academic queer theory is not a bastion of your average public library collection.) Just based on the table of contents I am going to try and get my hands on a copy ASAP. 
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida L. Brown
Focuses specifically on Harlan County, Kentucky, drawing on a ton of oral history interviews of Black residents to talk about the Great Migration, Blackness in Appalachia, and identity formation in the region and beyond.
Beginning Again: Stories of Movement and Migration in Appalachia, Katrina M. Powell, ed. 
This just came out in June! In a place so often defined by how many generations of your family have lived there, it’s worth considering who gets removed from that story.  
Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community's Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina by Lance Greene
The history of Appalachia is pretty obviously incomplete without talking about the policies of Indian Removal. Greene tackles a tangled story of assimilation and cultural survival. 
Even As We Breathe by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle
The only fiction book on this list, but the main goal of the list was to let Appalachia speak for itself. Clapsaddle is a member of the Eastern band of Cherokee; the novel, set in western NC during the 1940s, talks about (in)justice, assimilation, and belonging. 
History, Labor, and Environment
You can’t talk about the history of Appalachia without talking about coal, and you can’t talk about coal without talking about labor, and you also can’t talk about coal without talking about the environment. 
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia by Steven Stoll 
An economic/environmental overview of Appalachia covering the shift from homesteading to resource extraction. To understand what’s happening economically in 2024 you need to understand what happened economically in 1750-1850, and this gives a general and fairly accessible throughline. 
The Battle of Blair Mountain: The Story of America's Largest Labor Uprising by Robert Shogan
An older book on the most famous event of the West Virginia Mine Wars, but is a very readable narrative that also touches on Blair Mountain’s wider context.  
Written in Blood: Courage and Corruption in the Appalachian War of Extraction, Wess Harris, ed. 
A much more in-depth look at specific aspects of the Mine Wars and labor history, rather than a general overview, but worth reading for its coverage of more recent events (it didn’t end with Blair!)
To Live Here, You Have to Fight: How Women Led Appalachian Movements for Social Justice by Jessica Wilkerson
Focusing on the 60s-70s and LBJ’s War on Poverty, a good discussion of historical grassroots organizing.
Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners & the Struggle Over Black Lung Disease by Barbara Allen Smith
Seminal text! First published in 1987, with an updated edition released in 2020. 
Soul Full of Coal Dust: A Fight for Breath and Justice in Appalachia by Chris Hamby
After being mad about black lung in the 80s, you can also be mad about black lung today, because it didn’t go anywhere. 
Desperate: An Epic Battle for Clean Water and Justice in Appalachia by Kris Maher
Very “legal thriller focused on one guy,” but extremely readable. A great book to get your liberal mom fired up.  
Mountains Piled upon Mountains: Appalachian Nature Writing in the Anthropocene, Jessica Cory, ed.
This list has been almost entirely nonfiction, so here is some lovely prose about what folks love about the region with both literary nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. It’s got a wide geographic focus to boot. 
Food and Culture
Appalachia on the Table: Representing Mountain Food and People by Erica Adams Locklear
Great deconstruction of how we talk about mountain food and culture (scandal! Sometimes great-grandmas used Bisquick.) Will make you hungry and also question what authenticity means and where your family recipes actually come from. 
Making Our Future: Visionary Folklore and Everyday Culture in Appalachia by Emily Hilliard
West Virginia state folklorist Emily Hilliard talks about pro wrestling, Fallout 76, songwriting, and coal camps. Appalachia in the 21st century. 
(Finally, a shoutout to the various bookstores whose lists I used as jumping-off points, especially Appalachian Mountain Books, City Lights Bookstore, Firestorm Books, and the Museum of the Cherokee People.)
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brandileigh2003 · 13 days
Raising Harry and/or teddy recs. I know I'm missing some so send me your faves or self rec ❤️❤️
-orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long) by raggedypond get back together ft Chronic Illness
-my love, take care of yourself by @littleoldrachel ft mental health and chronic
-Anything that msalexwp writes that includes the trope is fantastic
Let's Play Pretend muggle fake dating real feelings
Second Generation get back together
-the sea is a good place to think of the future by peachyybabe get back together ft Chronic Illness @lavenderhaze
-Like Real People Do by thirdcrow: coffee shop, great disability rep
-An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account muggle get together
-We’ll Make It Out Alive by wolfstar_addict417: muggle texting kidfic
-Blue Moon Café by @lazuli-moon raising teddy coffee shop
-Forever Is a State of Mind -orphaned account ft deaf remus
-Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot
-the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual older wolfstar get back together ft blind remus
-Till We Have Arrived Home Again by prouvairing divergent
-Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by @tracingpatternswrites
-Spare! by B1ackCatChatsBack muggle get together
-I didn’t sign up for this by Moonystoastandmarsbars get back together
-Of Protein Powders and PTAs by @squintclover and TracingPatterns magical divergent
-A Wolf, A Bear, A Dungeon Master, and Boy Wonder by @ratmom819 ft chronic illness
-Puppy Magic by @demonbanisher thefifthmarauder17 magical divergent
-what a wonder (what a waste) by peachyybabe mcd magical divergent ft trans remus, mental illness and
-Aging Gracelessly by orphan_account older wolfstar texting
-So I'll Take My) Good Fortune by orphan_account muggle uni
-The Molinete & the Media Luna by punkwolfstar ft disability
-beautiful boy (darling boy) by @impishtubist and roaming_the_greenwood1: magical divergent ft trans remus
-Multiplying Parents by @heartofspells harry wants to find Sirius a bf
-ten reasons (to go to michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 muggle au get together
-The Things I Did by Lolo_row divergent
-Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment older wolfstar get back together @mayescapade
-Basilisks, Boggarts and Boyfriends (oh my) by OptimisticDinosaur
-Of Caffeine Addictions and Nail Polish by BlueAzalea au pining and fluff
Check out my fandom wife lucigoo she has some wonderful ones
Common Woodbrown by @imochan
that’s the art of getting by sarewolf
----Self rec: parks and playdates ft disability plus trans and asexual remus
~~Others' recs ~~
-Wherever I am/ you will always be - BrigidFaye
(anon): Under Foot, Under Moon by sometimeswelose
-An unexpected reunion- r33sesPieces
Rhythm & Blues by lez_writes13
stealing harry by @copperbadge
-Blanket Fort by @samynnad102687 : Regulus, James, and Harry build a blanket fort.
-Trick-or-Treating by Samynnad102687: The Marauders, Regulus, and Lily take Harry Trick-or-Treating.
-Unbound by you by friendlyneighborhoodtrickster, TracingPatterns
-Moonless Nights by @sliebman10 Sirius is trying to rebuild his life after the fateful Halloween of 1981. He's struggling to come to terms with Remus's betrayal and his new role as Harry's guardian.
-Family Vacation by sliebman10: Sirius is skeptical that a family resort is where he wants to spend his first summer vacation with Harry there, but he comes to see its merits when he meets Remus and his family.
-All the soul and body scars by 1point21
-To build a family - secondsister
-Forever live and die - wolfpants
--feel free to check it my main rec list
Also - the wolfstar librarian has awesome collections for raising harry
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barbwritesstuff · 10 months
The Goodreads Choice awards has happened. It included a 'romantasy' category and no 'graphic novel' category. I take that as permission to make up my own ridiculous genres as I tell you about what I read in 2023.
Obviously, 2023 is not finished yet, but I'm doing a reading challenge at my library, so I don't think I'll be reading stuff I want to read for the rest of the year. Just stuff my librarian friend thinks its funny to make me read.
I've read 65ish books. Here are the highlights sorted into easy and normal groups.
Scifi books in which the main character spends 99% of the book wandering around a horrifying cave:
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I enjoyed both of these, but Piranesi was a joy to read.
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Empire of the Vampire was wild. House of Hunger was horny. Dowry of Blood was both of those things.
Ace books:
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Disclaimer: I didn't actually like Loveless or Let's Talk About Love very much but I know a lot of people did, so I thought I'd include them here.
Vanilla surprised me because I don't normally like poetry but it was really good. Heartbreaking, but good.
Memoirs by people way too young to write memoirs:
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All of which were funny!
Books about white people being shitty to Asian (specifically Chinese) people in the entertainment industry with ambiguous endings and a huge amount of research into the industry on blast:
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Yellowface is for you if you like Hbomberguy's latest video. Seriously, those two go together like a fine wine and a good cheese. The Whitewash was also fantastic and so under appreciated.
Books that made me want to quit my job and become a ridiculous but stylishly dressed criminal:
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Seriously. Rogues included a step by step guide on how to become a wine forger... and I was tempted.
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Okay, so Babel isn't really history, in that it's actually a magical dark academia, but it's tied into historical events, and made me look up some history, so I think it counts. The wager was the most exciting history book I've ever read. I was so invested in the lives and deaths of these silly scurvy-ridden seamen.
There are other books I read and enjoyed but I can't think of funny categories to put them into, so you don't get to hear about them.
Anyway. That's it. Read books.
Also, get a library card if you can. I practically live at my local library and have learnt so much from reading.
Here's last year's post if you want more books...
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Tippi Hedren (The Birds)— Those eyes are so expressive and sly, and her cheekbones are fantastic! I might adore Hitchcock’s work but I will NEVER forgive him for his treatment of her and his sabotaging of her career, when she should have been one of the premier leading ladies of the decade
Shirley Jones (The Music Man, Oklahoma, Carousel)— My genuine gay awakening was when she sings about swearing off men surrounded by women in their undergarments (in the musical Oklahoma). She has a sweet, wholesome face that makes me want to live out my cottagecore dreams with her.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Shirley Jones propaganda:
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Okay, yes, I'm nominating her purely for The Music Man. She can dance, her singing is incredible, and she's my favorite fictional librarian! And she was Miss Pittsburgh in 1952, which counts for something, right?
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Gorgeous and what a voice! the american Julie Andrews
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Just the most wholesome woman in show bizz, was in some of the best musicals of the 50s.
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Darling soprano of Golden Age movie musicals! She's charming in Oklahoma!, absolutely heartbreaking in Carousel, and such a wonderful Marion the librarian. She has such a lovely presence and a very sweet voice!
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Tippi Hedren propaganda:
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This beautiful lady was woman enough to ruin her career rebuffing advances by Hitchcock. Also the mother of Melanie Griffith and grandmother of Dakota Johnson.
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feyclowns · 18 days
a brief look at pixie biology
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goofy guys. i like these ones. sillies.
most pixies are very short and stocky, with square builds. they're the smallest of the seelie
body hair is infrequent, near non-existent
males are ever-so slightly larger than females on average, though it hardly matters
pixies function very similar to fairies, they have near identical anatomies and also get inebriated from sugar
primarily eat fantastical beasts along with magic supplements
pixies grow up a little faster due to less time needed maturing their core systems. takes them about 1300 years.
pixies take very few genes from their non-pixie parent- a hint of eye color here, a darker skin color there..
despite their funky core systems, pixies, once given the magic-using tools they need, are just as adept with magic as fairies
they all speak with the same flat tone, but tend to have difficulty masking their expressions
they have an inborn talent for numbers and repetitive behaviors- they flourish in a group where everyone has a set role that they do over and over again.
each pixie is given a set role after their rearing period has ended. some pixies show the rare ambition to climb some ranks but most are generally comfortable with where Head Pixie puts them.
all fairy-based seelie buzz their wings but pixies are especially guilty of buzzing when agitated
pixies used to be quite rare, with small mixed families, usually employed by fairy companies to deal with paperwork and other tasks- librarians, attorneys, secretaries, etc
honorable mention: the curious case of Head Pixie
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so many people cannot stand this guy.
this guy is weird. the council does not like weird. he is like, biologically, the biggest outlier for the pixie species ever
side note: my HP doesn't look as old as canon due to the way my fairies age (and pixies generally live longer anyway since they consume magic rather than produce it) but he is still, in fact, very old
fey dad, pixie mom. HP's pixie status was debated hotly for a long time due to the main factor that he had a functional central core- in fact, it was too functional; HP produces too much magic for his system to handle on a regular basis.
HP handles this in two ways; lots of offspring and lots of using his magic to power things. man, building a business empire is easy.
he's larger than the average pixie as well, by 7 inches (this makes him look huge)
all of HP's kids are normal pixies (barring the handful of fairy children)
HP is old. really old. he's about to hit a million. he's older than jorgen's nana. he's showing his age but he looks pretty good. his fey lineage and magic overproduction are the primary reasons for this, but he just likes to say he lives off black coffee and pure spite. he is staying around forever, baby.
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tryan-a-bex · 1 month
100 fics
Today I posted my 100th fic on Ao3!
My first was Pottery; or Function, Purpose and Heart on Mar 11, 2023. It was a retired Dreamling fic with Destruction (who I call Joe) as the main character.
I moved fairly quickly into my Spy x Family crossover series. Anya is so cute, and throwing her in with Dreamling and the Endless family led to a lot of fun shenanigans! (Generally you don't need to know Spy x Family canon to follow these.)
Next I started on my Sandman x Scooby Doo shenanigans! I really like the Scooby Gang, and there are definitely some mysteries to solve surrounding the Endless! (With awesome art by @sab-draws!)
Gaulcienne caught my eye next. Lucienne, my beloved librarian, and the shape-changing dream-fairy? Oh yes! A Quiet Love with Wings has most of my commissioned art, with pieces by @athymelyreply for Sometimes when You Fall, You Fly, @ibrithir-was-here for Fireflies and a Missing Person, and @designtheendless for The Dragon Rider!
King of Night and Prince of Day, for @nathanwonderwolf's wonderful art, has the second highest kudos of all my fics.
Then I invented an OC who is the preteen personification of the consciousness of humanity, aka Social Media. I thought this was pure crack but people liked it and now it's a series! Dinner and Play was created with @carnelianmeluha's food ideas in mind!
My Dreamling works tend to be short and sweet, often prompted by something on tumblr or discord, and are collected as Dreamling vignettes.
I have recently written (but not yet posted) my first honest to god smut, but early dabbles in the craft were mostly crack, like my Helm Fucking Crack series. I'm unreasonably proud of how cracked it is, and thank everyone who enabled me (notably @sleepsonfutons, @windsweptinred, @tickldpnk8, @zzoomacroom, read their fics!).
My obsession with Fuckboi Dream (mind the tags) is ongoing, and included creating a chapter index with notes so I can find things, a series about Murphy's childhood (somebody please read these, they are so cute), and others, fanart as well!
In The Dragon's Tongue, Lucienne takes on Titania! I commissioned @lostelfwriting to write the bdsm continuation of the scene, and she did a fantastic job!
A Reunion in the Dreaming (picnic recreated here) was the first fic in Walking with the Walkers, my series about Rose, Jed and Unity. It features Rose and Ara (Barbie transformed in Life is but a Dream), Rose and Jed meeting their Endless family members, Jed and Gault having adventures, and Unity throwing family parties in the Dreaming (with art by @ilya-halfelven).
Trials of a Shapeshifter in Love (in which Gault tries to surprise Lucienne with a romantic dinner) was my favourite fic from October 2023 -- Femslash weekend (by @sandmanfemslashfans ) and Monsterfucktober (by @seiya-starsniper and friends) made it a really fun month! I also wrote Chantal and Zelda, Johanna and Death, and zombie Lyta (my most angsty fic, I believe).
Just Get Me Off the Damn Mountain was written for designtheendless' contest and omg, I won! It is my most popular fic, at 185 kudos!
I also wrote an OG story for NaNoWriMo! At 23k, Wander Witch is by far my longest story (the next longest is under 9k).
After a bit of being stuck, I got started again by writing continuations of @gabessquishytum's asks! Thank you to Gabe and to all the anons and contributors who allowed me to post their parts of the story!
Asmi, @weirdly-specific-but-ok, argued that he does not have a fandom, so (with permission) I proved him wrong by writing fanfic where he meets Crowley and the Maggot Fam. I love you, Asmi and the maggots!
Heading on an Adventure, the story of Rose and Orpheus' road trip, led to a series of library adventures for Lucienne (often featuring Meowpheus), starting with The Library Cat and continuing in the Lucienne my Beloved series.
I wanted more Lucienne and Walkers content, so I started a side blog, @lucienne-my-beloved, and am open to prompts there! On ao3, the series is called ficlets for lucienne.
Hob Meets the Doctor June 7, 2389 and The line I will not cross and the line I will (Gaulcienne) are my space fics, and I am unreasonably happy about them!
I'm now writing for @augustwritingchallenge! (They got me over 100 in my wips a week or two ago!) I combined prompts so you'll see a fic every 2-5 days in various series and fandoms, including Good Omens (Aug 30) and Dead Boy Detectives (soon).
And my 100th fic! Why are you whispering? a Jed and Rose fic for the late night call prompts. Woohoo!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported my fandom journey! I'm the least depressed one in my long covid cohort, due to your support and friendship! I cherish every kudo and comment and bookmark and reblog, and the art and fics you all create as well!
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urhoneycombwitch · 4 months
Little thot for you...Steve getting into reading because of his gf's interests? Steve reading her to sleep?? T'is literally all I want pls let me know what you think he likes to read (English major here so it's a big part of my romantic fantasies I'm afraid)
okay as someone who desperately wanted to be a librarian at one point… 🤓👆 I think Steve could really get into a series that’s fantastical and engaging, like Lord of the Rings! Or Chronicles of Narnia! I think he’d also be into a good mystery or thriller, like a Stephen King, maybe Donna Tartt’s A Secret History…
he sits up against the headboard, looking so soft and cozy in his pjs and under the quilt. golden light from the bedside lamp. leg bumping into yours under the covers, glasses perched on his nose. he reads in a low voice, trying to lull you into sleep but still using different distinct voices for all the characters (this is a theatre kid at heart I truly believe 🫡)
my personal hc is Steve has ADHD, which made school harder for him than most- he’s really smart but he has a hard reading and studying bc of that disorder. sometimes, during your nightly reading ritual, his eyes will skip over the lines one times too many and he’ll get frustrated. whipping off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh.
you kiss him on the cheek in sympathy and wind your arms around his chest 💖 and he gets all huffy like “can’t even read my baby a bedtime story 😖” but he’s letting himself be coddled. and after you kiss him again on the neck you’re taking the book from his hands, pushing at his shoulder to get him lying down, soothing- “it’s okay. I wanna read tonight anyways.”
and in minutes he’s asleep middle-aged-father style, glasses still on, mouth open, snoring 😴 just by the sound of your voice 😇
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J.H. | The Duality of Jim Hopper
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee
Summary: Ever since Joyce introduced you to the local chief of police, Jim Hopper, you’ve thought maybe this town is a little too small. You’re certain that there is no truth behind the rumors until you take one hell of a beating and Hopper wants answers.
Pairing: Jim Hopper x Reader
Warnings: mentions of an injury, teenagers being punks, swearing, Hopper being Hopper
Word Count: 4.5k
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“How are you settling in?”
The voice tears your attention away from one of the books piled up on the table in front of you. You glance toward the sound and see Marissa, the librarian, standing beside you. A part of you wants to groan at her question because you are acutely aware that you don’t share the same history as most of your friends in Hawkins. 
You didn’t approach another child on the playground during your first day of kindergarten and establish a once in a lifetime kind of friendship -- like Mike and Will. You didn’t share cigarettes under the bleachers of your local high school while attempting to not get busted by administration -- like Joyce and Hopper. You didn’t attend new mother classes and bond over the newfound joy of motherhood -- like Karen and Marsha.
No. You haven’t lived in this small town your entire life. You moved to Hawkins after everyone your age had settled into their lives -- with jobs, and spouses, and children. Meanwhile, you came to Hawkins from Indianapolis in an attempt to have a quieter life. No children, no spouse, and no job -- that is until you had an interview with Donald Melvald.
And Melvald’s is where you met Joyce Byers, who quickly became your lifeline in Hawkins. You remember your first day at work, when she took all day just to train you. Little did you know, Joyce was just as excited as you were to have some company throughout the day. She easily took you under her wing and brought you up to date with the history of Hawkins. Eventually, she invited you into her life and home. Dinners at the Byers’ home became more frequent as you continued working together. The Byers slowly became your family in Hawkins.
“I’m doing well. Thank you for checking in.”
She gives you a polite smile. You were hoping she’d leave the conversation at that, but she asks you another question.
“Are you still working over at Melvald’s with Joyce?”
You give her a nod in response and turn your attention back to the stack of books that Will had recommended to you. It’s not that you don’t like Marissa. She’s fantastic at her job and you enjoyed the few conversations you have had with her, but you know she’s also a gossip -- or at least that’s what Joyce told you when you asked why the local librarian started asking you so many personal questions during your first visit. 
“How’s she doing?”
“She’s good. So are the boys. I’m actually going over there for dinner tonight.”
You hope you’ve given her enough information to quench her thirst for details.
“Oh. With the Chief?”
Apparently not. 
Your brow furrows at her question and you shake your head. Ever since Joyce introduced you to the local chief of police, Jim Hopper, you’ve thought maybe this town is a little too small. 
The two of you became quick friends, but you weren’t aware of his reputation in town until after you had dinner with him. It wasn’t even supposed to be just the two of you at Benny’s; Joyce was actually the one who had planned the little outing, but Will ended up coming home from school early that day with a fever, so Joyce had to cancel last minute. Hopper ended up wandering into Melvald’s later that day after Joyce had called the two of you about her predicament. 
“We can still go tonight. If you want?”
Hopper will never tell you that he wants to take you out to dinner. Instead, he leaves the decision to you; afraid of the rejection that could come if he were to just blatantly ask you out. 
You shrug before giving him a verbal answer.
“I don’t have anything else going on tonight.”
Hopper smiles as he leans against the counter, watching as you continue restocking the shelves. 
“Meet you at Benny’s? 7:00 o’clock?”
You stop restocking and glance up at him. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was intimidating. He’s a large man and his presence practically demands your attention. Hell, his broad frame is taking up half the counter. But then his hands are anxiously fiddling with an unlit cigarette as he waits for your response. It almost makes you laugh -- the duality of Jim Hopper.
“Actually, can you pick me up? My car has been acting up.”
“I’ll be there at 7:00 and maybe I can take a look at your car?”
Jim watches you stand up. As you walk past him to get behind the counter, you gently place your hand on his bicep. It’s nothing you haven’t done before, but for some reason, every single fucking time you touch him, Hopper has to fight off the shiver that begs to journey down his spine. He doesn’t give it a second thought though. He can’t. He’s had his heart locked up tight for years. He isn’t sure if he could find the key even if he tried.
“You’re a lifesaver, Hop.”
You enjoyed dinner and Jim did end up fixing your car that night. You repaid him for the ride and a free tune-up with a case of beer, which the two of you powered through in the span of a few hours. At some point, you stole the keys to Hopper’s truck and convinced him the crash on your couch for the night. The next day, you two were the talk of the town after your neighbor told everyone she knew that the chief of police was leaving your house awfully early in the morning.
Since then, you’ve gotten quite a few questions about Hopper from the local citizens who didn’t know you too well -- assuming you were just another one of his many flings.
It takes everything in you to not roll your eyes at Marissa. Still, you offer her a polite response.
“Hopper’s working tonight.”
Marissa seems to be content in your answer and leaves you with your stack of books. You let out a sigh of relief and glance out the window. A small smile pulls at your lips as you spot Jonathan and Nancy talking to a group of boys in the parking lot, until you see one of the boys throw a punch a Jonathan.
You hastily push out your chair, turn on your heels, burst through the doors and sprint through the parking lot. You can hear Nancy begging for the boys to stop, but her protests fall on deaf ears as the boys continue to pummel Jonathan. Nancy turns toward you and relief washes over her features -- she doesn’t know you well, but Jonathan has always spoke highly of you and right now she’ll take any help offered.
“Get off of him!” 
Your voice gets one of the boys’ attention for just a moment.
“This has nothing to do with you!”
You furrow your brow at the comment. Jonathan may not be your child; however, you care for him as if he was your own and you’re not going to let this teenager lay another hand on him. Quickly, you try to get inbetween the two boys. You think you have the upperhand until the boy on top of Jonathan throws his elbow back in an attempt to get you off of him. His elbow cracks you in the nose and immediately sends you crashing to the ground. The sound of your body hitting the gravel stops the boy’s assault on Jonathan. He turns to you and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he did not mean to hurt you; he had been blinded by anger and made a stupid decision.
However, those stupid decisions seem to continue as you watch red and blue lights reflect off of Jonathan’s car. You can vaguely hear the sound of a police siren and someone yelling your name, as you watch the boy who had been pummeling Jonathan into the pavement run in the other direction. You take a moment to take in details about the boy, knowing that you’ll end up at the station giving a description of the boy to Hopper. 
As you try to get up, you’re met with the face of Officer Callahan. 
“Woah, there. Seems like you took quite a beating.”
“No, no, no. Jonathan. You need to check on Jonathan.”
Officer Callahan puts a gentle, but firm hand on your shoulder to keep you in place as you frantically search for the boy.
“It’s okay. Powell’s with him right now. We’re going to get you both to the hospital. Chief is already on his way.”
You give Callahan a nod and lay back down on the rough gravel. As the adrenaline begins to leave your system, the pounding in your head starts to take precedence. In an attempt to ease the pain, you close your eyes. You only mean for it to be a minute, but as you hear Callahan’s voice begging for you to just hold on, you feel yourself slipping deeper and deeper into unconsciousness.
When you open your eyes again, the pounding in your head has dulled and your ears are met with the rhythmic sound of your heart beat on the monitor next to you. You’re about to call for a nurse to get some information when you hear a woman yell from down the hall. 
“Sir, you can’t smoke in here!”
You hear a string of grumbled expletives before a familiar figure leans against the doorframe of your hospital room. 
“Hey, Hop.”
He’s disheveled. His uniform shirt is fully unbuttoned and falling off one shoulder, leaving his henley to be on full display. It looks as though he threw on the shirt hastily as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. Somewhere in the chaos he’s lost his hat as well, allowing you a glimpse at his unusually tousled hair -- he’s been running his hands through it in frustration since he got the call from Callahan that you were on your way to the hospital.
His eyes rake over your body, checking for injuries, before they settle on your face. The hardened anger in his gaze quickly fades to a tender concern as he studies your broken nose and two black eyes. 
Eventually, he moves from the doorframe and takes large strides toward you. He towers over your body as he stands beside your hospital bed. His jaw is clenched so hard that you begin to worry that the man might crack a tooth. The anger in the pit of his stomach begins boiling over once more as he gets a better look at your injuries -- they’re much worse upon closer inspection. Callahan was right -- you took one hell of a beating.
Hopper lets out a solemn sigh as you slide your hand into his. Finally, he meets your gaze and his features soften. You swallow a string of emotions -- Hopper has never looked at you this tenderly before. It’s a lot to take in -- on one hand he’s got a warmth in his features that you’ve never witnessed before that only seemed to spark once he entered your hospital room and, on the otherhand, his body is so rigid that you fear he might snap if another goddamn thing happens today.
Keeping a tight grip on your hand, he takes a seat beside you on the small hospital bed. He reaches out and places his free hand on the side of your face. Your breath catches in your chest as his thumb gently traces over your wounds. His touch is careful, the softest whisper of contact. He’d stop if you asked him to, but you wouldn’t dare. You’d let him trace over the bridge of your nose over and over and over again, if it means that you’ll maintain Jim Hopper’s undivided attention. However, as he grazes over the area where the kid split your nose open, you flinch away from his touch. He pulls his hand back immediately and anger washes over his features once more. It was only for a second, but it was enough for you to recognize the festering rage stewing in the back of Hopper’s mind. 
“Who did this to you?”
His voice is low and he ducks his head down to your level, maintaining eye contact with you as he speaks. You open your mouth but no words come out. You’re entirely enamored in the duality of Jim Hopper once again -- fierce and rageful, while simultaneously gentle and kind. A protector in every sense of the word. He moves cautiously, placing his hands on either side of your face. He’s cradling your face like a coveted prize jewel. He takes a moment and then asks you again.
“Sweetheart, who hurt you?”
You finally let out the breath that got caught in your throat. His voice is somehow sweet as honey while simultaneously laced with venom. 
“It was just some punk kid that was giving Jonathan trouble.”
His brow furrows immediately at your response.
“What kid? I’ll make sure he never touches you again. And Jonathan.”
There’s a beat before he says the last two words. He rushes to add Jonathan into the equation in an attempt to make it seem like he’s sitting here with you because it’s his job, and not because his heart dropped into his stomach when he got the call from Callahan. He didn’t even both listening to the rest of Callahan’s message over the walkie. He knew someone hurt you and that you were being escorted by an ambulance -- that was more than enough to get him racing to his truck and speeding to the hospital. But now, in this moment, where it is just you and Hopper, he tries to cover up the fact that he’s here solely because he cares for you. 
“He didn’t mean to hurt me.”
He looks at you with an incredulous expression. Where Jim is harsh, you are forgiving. He’s always appreciated the ways you’ve challenged him since you moved to Hawkins. But, right now, he wishes you were as angry as he was. But, instead, you’re sitting here with your infinite grace and it’s just pissing him off more. He retracts his hands from your face and stands up, before raking a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Oh, he didn’t mean to hurt you? Sorry, sweetheart, Callahan didn’t relay that to me that in his message -- you know the one where he let me know you were unconscious! I should go find him then, right? So I can check in on him?”
The honey is long gone from his voice, it is all venom. And the way he says ‘sweetheart’ this time is almost condescending. You’ve heard Hopper raise his voice before, his anger is no stranger to you; however, this is the first time he has risen his voice at you. It startles you for a moment. You let out a frustrated breath and furrow your brow.
“Hey, don’t take this out on me. That isn’t fair.”
“You scared the shit out of me!”
And then there is a painful silence between the two of you. Hopper is practically panting as he tries to regain his composure. Against his better judgment, he glances in your direction. Guilt immediately blooms where anger had previously resided. Deciding he’s done enough damage, he turns and begins to walk toward the door in an attempt to find Jonathan’s room. 
“Hey, Hop. Wait.”
Hopper stops as he hears your voice. It sounds smaller than normal -- almost as if you were scared that he’d cast your plea aside and leave you in this room alone. Don’t you know by now he would do anything you asked of him? He lets out a sigh before turning back to you. 
“Please don’t go.”
Hopper nods at your request before slowly making his way back over to you. This time, instead of sitting beside you on the small hospital bed, he pulls a chair up to your bedside and slumps into it. He no longer looks angry or concerned or soft. No, he just looks exhausted and the sight causes a sharp pain in your heart. The two of you sit in silence for a few moment before Hopper notices your hands wringing anxiously. He decides then to break the silence.
“How did you even get caught up in this mess?”
You let out a laugh before answering, catching Hopper off guard.
“I was actually at the library.”
Hopper raises an eyebrow at your confession and looks at you in disbelief. 
“You’re joking.”
The two of you laugh together at your absolute dumb luck. You’re glad that the tension in the room has dissipated. Now, the silence is comfortable.
“You know Marissa?”
Hopper raises a brow at you once more.
“The librarian?”
“Yes, the librarian. I think she likes you.”
Hopper lets out a half-hearted laugh at your comment. A part of him wishes you were around when he was a younger man -- when he was less bitter. Before the war totured the boyish charmisa out of him. Yet another is glad that you weren’t there to witness his past. That unlike everyone else, you don’t assume that he’s already slept with the local librarian -- even if it’s true.
“Trust me. I know.”
You stare at him with a look of naive confusion. Eventually, you put the pieces together and your eyes light up. You roll your eyes and laugh before covering you face with your hands.
“This explains so much.”
Now it’s Hopper’s turn to be confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“She asks about you all the time.”
If Hopper were a few years younger, that comment would fuel his ego; however, those days are behind him.
“And that explains why she doesn’t like me.”
Hopper is taken aback by that comment. He can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t like you.
“Why wouldn’t she like you?”
“Because she believes what everyone else does.”
Hopper looks at you as if you’re speaking a different language. You let out a laugh at his oblivious nature which only seems to confuse him more. It makes sense that the comments were directed toward you and not the intimidating chief of police; however, you can’t believe he hasn’t overheard anyone talking about it at this point.
“People talked after you crashed on my couch that night.”
You don’t have to get into details about what they said. Hopper knows. He knows his reputation proceeds him. And he should have known that spending more time with you would raise a few eyebrows in town. Sometimes he hates this stupid small town and the fact that someone is always watching.
“Did you think about it?”
Hopper looks at you for a moment before he furrows his brow. God, this oblivious man is going to kill you. Deciding that it’s too late to back out now, you decide to double down. 
“Did you think about me that night like you thought about Marissa?”
“How hard did that kid hit you?”
He attempts to lighten the mood and brush off the question, but you won’t have it. He’s avoiding your eye contact, deciding instead to fiddle with the pack of cigarettes that he pulled out from his pocket.
It knocks the breath out of his lungs. You’ve only called him that one other time -- the same night you’re asking about. Hopper was already one too many beers in when you fell beside him, onto the couch. He let out a loud laugh while throwing an arm behind you, on the back of the couch. You laugh along with him and lean your head back into his arm. You turn your head to face him and you’re suddenly aware of how close you are to Hopper. He’s looking at you like you’re a goddamn dream. And you’re not sure what time it is but Hopper looks softer in the moonlight. And you know you’re not thinking straight; however, leaning into the sudden intimacy between you and Hopper doesn’t seem like a terrible idea.
And then you say his name. And it sounds like a goddamn prayer. His mind is fuzzy and he swears you’ve never looked as stunning as you do right now -- he takes a moment to capture this memory and file it away into the back of his subconscious.
He watches as you lean into him. You move slowly, allowing him room to back away if he wanted; however, he doesn’t pull back. Instead, he takes your lead and leans in as well. Before any drunken, heat of the moment decisions can be made, your phone rings, cutting through the thick silence. Hopper emits a low growl, but allows you to pull away and leave the room. You answer the phone and he can hear your voice from the other room. He sets his beer down on your coffee table, deciding that he’s definitely had enough to drink. By the time you return to your living room, Hopper is snoring and the moment has passed.
He may not be drunk now; however, he’s just as enamored as he was that night as you say his name. 
His answer hits you harder the elbow you took to the face. Your eyes fall to your hands and you nod. Hopper is immediately filled with regret. God, he’s an idiot. That’s not what he meant. Of course he’s thought about you. It’s just different and he’s not quite sure how to explain it to you, but he’s going to try because he cannot stand the sadness that has washed over your features.
“Sweetheart, you’re not Marissa. When I was with her, I wasn’t thinking about her; I was just thinking about me. Of course I thought about it that night -- you and I.  It’s just you could never be just a fling to me.”
Hopper avoids eye contact with you as he speaks, but it doesn’t matter. His honest words make your heart flutter and repair the heartbreak that his previous answer caused. A small smile spread across your face at the sudden realization that Hopper likes you. 
“I thought about it too, that night.”
Hopper’s head rises and he meets your gaze. 
“You know -- you and I.”
You repeat Hopper’s words back to him with a small smile on your face. Hopper can’t help the laugh that escapes him. The two of you have entered uncharted waters; however, Hopper has never felt more comfortable than he does right nwo, wading into the deep end with you. He moves his chair closer to your bedside and takes your hand in his once again. When he meets your eyes, your breath is once again trapped in your lungs. It’s like you’ve transported right back to that night and you’re Jim Hopper’s answered prayer. 
“You know, the kid hit you pretty fucking hard. Are you sure you’re thinking straight?”
You roll your eyes; however, Hopper still manages to get a good laugh out of you. Even when he’s flirting, he’s still a goddamn smartass.
“Just kiss me, Jim.”
You don’t need to tell him twice. In a moment, he’s out of his seat -- towering over you once again. If you were any other person in Hawkins, you would probably perceive Jim’s presence so close to you as formidable, but, right now, you just feel safe. And you can’t help but lost in the duality of Jim Hopper. 
He moves his hands and gently cradles your face. Your eyes close as you lean into his touch. You allow yourself to just enjoy the feeling of Jim’s skin on your own, until he traces his thumb over your bottom lip. As you open your eyes, you’re met with Jim only a breath away from you. You lean into him and then his lips meet yours and it just feels right - like everything has finally fallen into place; Hawkins, Melvald’s, the Byer’s family, Jim.
Jim’s movements are gentle and slow, until you grab a fistful of his open sheriff’s uniform and pull him closer. The guttural growl that reverberates in Jim’s chest as he moves his hands down your body, sends a shiver down your spine. The sweet, lazy kiss has now turned into something more passionate and desperate. Seemingly lost in the moment, Jim nudges his nose against yours which makes you involuntarily let out a pained hiss. Jim pulls away instantly and his eyes fill with panic, until he realizes what he’s done. A soft chuckle escapes him as he leans his forehead against yours. 
“Sorry. Got a little carried away.”
His voice is low and sultry. You’ve never heard anything so heavenly before. And then you're laughing with him. Today has been overwhelming, to say the least, and it’s comical to you. Jim leans back again and meets your eyes. There’s a new fierceness in his gaze that isn’t quite so rageful. He moves his hand to gently tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by footsteps stopping just outside your hospital room and a surprised gasp. Jim’s eyes close and he shakes his head. He should have known -- there is no such thing as privacy in this small town. He opens his eyes and you’re smiling at him. You’re fucking smiling at him and it takes everything in him to not kiss you again. 
“It’s Joyce isn’t it?”
You peek over his shoulder and spot Joyce standing in the doorway with both of her hands over her mouth. The sight makes your smile grow and you nod your head to answer Jim’s question. He lets out an annoyed sigh and finally moves away from you. Jim doesn’t go too far though, he simply sits on the edge of your hospital bed and keeps a protective hand on your thigh.
Jim’s voice is stern. The dramatic change in tone almost gives you whiplash. Joyce seems to be at a loss for words as she just moves her gaze between you both. Jim finally throws both of his hands up in front of him, exasperatedly. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Jim rolls his eyes at her apology, but there’s a small smile plastered on his face. He might be impatient and uncordial with almost everyone in this small town; however, Jim Hopper has always had a soft spot for Joyce Byers. And right now, Jim feels like he’s back in high school. Joyce has never been nonchalant, so every time Jim included her in his extracurricular activities, it always seemed to bite him in the ass; however, no amount of detentions ever stopped him from inviting her into his life. 
“It’s fine, Joyce. How’s Jonathan?”
Your nerves dissipate once Joyce lets you both know that Jonathan is perfectly fine -- a little bruised and battered, but ultimately okay. She attempts to make some awkward small talk with you both, before excusing herself from the conversation so that she can go check on Jonathan. 
With that, Jim’s attention is once again focused solely on you. He moves to kiss you again, but stops once his forehead meets yours.
“I swear to God, if a nurse barges in next.” 
“Shut up and kiss me, Hopper.”
A content smile spreads across his face at your words. He could get used to hearing those words -- he could get used to all of this. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
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missmoonfrost · 6 days
Wolfstar bingo wrap-up
This summer's wolfstar bingo is over. It was my first time participating and it was so fun! Thank you @wolfstarbingo2024 !
I have learned:
- Much better English! (still not perfect, I know)
- Some new AO3 features.
- Several fantastic authors that I look forward to reading more from!
I have apparently not learned:
- Time management and planning... (no bingo this year)
Together we have created 130+ new wolfstar fanfics (how cool is that?!) I have read all of them and if you have the time you totally should, they are all worth it. If not - here are some pearls to check out:
Easier - rated E - 1,5k - angsty smut, exes - by @theresthesnitch
Sex and the art of motorcycle maintenance - rated E - 1,5k - smut with a motorcycle - by @sliebman10
Remus Lupin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Book Signing - rated M - 3k librarian Remus meets author Sirius (there is also a part two rated E) - by @severedreamerfox
It's not goodbye, it's not forever, it's just not right now - rated T - 5k - super angsty, alcoholic Sirius - by @lucigoo
Leather and cinnamon - rated E - 13k - single dad Remus meets cool bar owner Sirius - by @tracingpatternswrites
Wisdom of the Oracle - rated E - 6k - King Remus meets Oracle Sirius - by @theresthesnitch
Down Dog - rated M - 7k - Remus has a crush on his yoga teacher - by @cannesavenue
The degree of betrayal - Graphic depictions of violence - rated M - 3k - Remus is undercover in Greyback's pack while they catch Sirius - by @mundrakan
Dancing with a stranger - Graphic depictions of violence - rated M - 2k - angsty, first wisarding war - by @theresthesnitch
Not Jealous - rated E - 2k - Remus is not jealous, not at all... - by @my-castles-crumbling
of jokes and "lost" jumpers - rated E - 2k - fluffy smut - by @my-castles-crumbling
Coincidental Abscenses - not rated (but I would say T) - 1k - teenage wolfstar getting together - by @fictionalsimp09
To Moony, With Love - rated E - 18k - spy AU, when Remus gets caught by the enemy Sirius realises he might be more than a friend to him - by @sliebman10
Uncomfortably Numb - rated M - 6k - super angsty, alcoholic Remus - by breathintime
Spilling Coffee on Strangers - not rated (but I would say T) - 1,5k - coffee shop meet-cute - by @fictionalsimp09
Memories of you - Major Character Death - rated M - 7k - Sirius grieving Remus - by @brandileigh2003
"welcome home, baby (we wish your parents had told us you were coming)" - rated T - 5k - wholesome wolfstar with all their friends - by @m00neroni
Collapsing - rated M - 18k - disabled Remus, hurt/comfort - by @brandileigh2003
Sirius Black's Tiny Little Gay Awakening - rated G - fluff - by Deya
Pretty please, with sugar on top - rated E - 6k smut, age gap, degradation kink - by @youprettythings
Scratch on the moon, like a familiar smile - rated E - 6k - cowboy AU, first meet - by @cannesavenue
To have and to hold - rated G - 13k - wolfstars wedding (but the main story is jegulus!) - by @her-smile-forges-galaxies
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alliekitaguchi · 1 year
i should've known the calamity crew would put on a helluva show, but holy shit candela obscura ch 2 was SO MUCH FUN
brennan is a menace. i'm obsessed with him. he's like ashley's character on crack. in fact, i need ashley to guest star as auggie so i can see sean and auggie together. just two new york newsie boys who kick ass and take names.
luis. my sweet, sweet boy. i would do anything for you. c'mere and lemme give you a hug, big man.
zehra was unfamiliar to me before this but she is 1) stunningly beautiful and 2) has the most haunting, enchanting voice i've ever heard. i feel like a sailor being drawn into tumultuous waters by a siren. i love her.
marisha, a wonderous kooky queen as always. bea, i love you, you crazy old lady.
travis i'm so proud of you for sticking through the spooky stuff after the opening scene was literally a floating head who attacked and killed a man. i also love that he's fjord, if fjord was a librarian. respect.
spenser. my man. oh boy. you are fantastic.
also one of the main characters of the mystery is named allison, so jot that down <3
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Image Prompts for the Signs
Aries / Taurus
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Gemini / Cancer
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Leo / Virgo
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Libra / Scorpio
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Sagittarius / Capricorn
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Aquarius / Pisces
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If this prompt inspires you in any way, do tag me or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
Artwork by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526 – 1593)
Born into a family of painters in the northern Italian city of Milan.
Remains best known for the highly original “portraits” he composed by imaginatively arranging objects, plants, animals, and other elements of nature.
The Seasons
In The Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter), created in 1563, Arcimboldo combined plants associated with a particular season to form a portrait of that time of year.
The series was extremely popular in the Habsburg court, and Arcimboldo reproduced it several times so the emperor could send versions to friends and important political figures.
The 4 Elements
Three years later he completed a series on the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water).
The Professions
Arcimboldo also made witty composite portraits of different professions, such as a librarian, jurist, cook, and vegetable gardener, using objects associated with each occupation.
In these innovative works, Arcimboldo fills the paintings with dense details that come together harmoniously to create a human form.
A Fusion of Art & Science
When Arcimboldo arrived at the court of Emperor Maximilian II, he found his new patron was passionately interested in the biological sciences of botany & zoology.
The study of flora and fauna grew as a result of the voyages of exploration and discovery that were undertaken to the New World, Africa, and Asia in the sixteenth century.
Explorers returned with exotic plants and animals that created an explosion of European interest in the study of nature.
Maximilian transformed his court into a center of scientific study, bringing together scientists and philosophers from all over Europe.
His botanical gardens and his zoological parks with elephants, lions, and tigers caused a sensation.
As court painter to the emperor, Arcimboldo had access to these vast collections of rare flora and fauna.
His nature studies show his skill and precision as an illustrator and his knowledge as a naturalist — but Arcimboldo went beyond illustration by building fantastic faces out of the natural specimens he observed.
His paintings not only demonstrate a unique fusion of art and science, but they also provide an encyclopedia of the plants and animals that Maximilian acquired for his botanical garden and menagerie.
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certifiedlibraryposts · 9 months
So I'm working towards marriage with my partners, and we're mulling over the idea of coming up with a new last name of our own instead of inheriting one from one side of the fam or another.
I proposed picking from last names based on our professions, which has a lot of potential given that it immediately brought "Lightsmith" to the table, but when it comes to figuring out what my own last name would be by that metric, I'm stumped.
What would be the profession-based last name you'd give a librarian?
(Genuinely I'm hoping someone out there has a cool sounding idea for me)
Woah, congratulations to you and your partners!!
Lightsmith IS a fantastic last name, and Bookherder made me laugh gsdfgs
I dunno, I suppose if you wanted to get a little fantasy-ish with it, Wordkeeper came to my mind? I totally understand if that's not what you're going for though lol
I suppose there's also something like Page/Paige?
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minniethemoocherda · 5 months
I love Bumblebee! He is one of my favourite Transformer characters! But even way back when this film was announced, I don’t think that he should have been in this particular movie. Hasbro said they were hoping to make a trilogy and I always thought it would’ve made more sense to introduce him in a sequel. I always thought it would have made more sense for Ratchet or Jazz or Dion to fill the role that he appears to be playing in this movie. And in general I feel Bumblebee is played a bit too OOC and kinda annoying. 
I am not a fan of the robot designs for the main four. I feel as though their silhouettes are all too similar. Remove the colours and I could not tell them apart. 
Also why is Elita-One a motorcycle? That’s Arcee’s vehicle! Why can’t see be truck like she usually is! 
The animation is definitely good quality, but after Spiderverse and Mutant Mayhem, I was hoping for something more stylised
I need to see more of Megatron before I form opinions of his portrayal here. 
I would prefer Orion to be a librarian but I’m interested to see him as a miner. At least they didn’t make him a fucking cop again. 
I was not expecting the Quintessons to show up. I like their designs but it makes me wonder what the overall plot of this film will be if it is going to be about the revolution at all? 
I hope we get a lot of cameos even if they don't get main roles!
Not sure how I feel about the lore changes of the Transformers not being able to transform until Alpha Trion gives them what looks like T-cogs (I hope they are not Matrixes).
But again a lot of the lore changes I can’t fully form opinions on until I see them fully explored in the movie.
 I liked what we saw of Orion and D-16’s dynamic so far but I can’t really have more of an opinion until we see more footage. 
I surprisingly really liked Chris Hemsworth as Orion both voice wise and what we’ve seen of his personality. 
Similarly I also really like ScarJo as Elita-One and her personality from what we have seen so far. And I love Elita so even having her here at all is fantastic!
I think the Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave designs are great, much more distinctive! 
It is also cool to see Arachnid get a spotlight in the trailer! It would be cool to see her play a main role in the plot! 
I am interested to see how they explore Cybertron here! Especially with it having more integrated organic life than i was expecting as well as the fact that our main four have never been to the surface 
Overall I am very excited for the movie! I am aware that I am probably being too nitpicky. I think I have to accept that how I personally would have told this story is probably not how they are going to tell it. And its probably not going to be as mature as I had hoped. 
But regardless of the trailers I will be seeing this on opening day anyway lol
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misty--nights · 3 months
Episode 5, here we go! This episode is a roller coaster. It has some of the funniest gags in the series, but also some of the most heartbreaking scenes. I'm surprised at how many thoughts I had about the characters with this one.
The editing of the recap has me dying! Who decided to cut from Niko asking if Edwin wanted to kiss Monty to that shot of Charles from when Edwin was enraptured by him and then back to Edwin saying "I don't know"? I gasped when I saw that. Fantastic
Charles is leaning in for a kiss when before Crystal says they need to talk. No, my boy, someone give him a hug
I said it before in episode 4, but it's wild to me that there was apparently like no real investigation done into Brad and Hunter's deaths
The envelope with Niko's letter has the same stickers as her envelope with rent from last episode. As someone who also finds every excuse to use cute stickers, I find this amazing
For all of Maxine's glaring problems, she actually makes a pretty good librarian. Love that she greets Niko by asking if she's done with her reading. Also love that apparently Niko borrows at least some of her manga from the library (we love supporting libraries in this house)
Charles looks genuinely intrigued when Niko mentions having her own case. I really wish we had gotten to see more scenes with these two because they'd make an amazing team. Just imagine the chaos and good vibes of the two of them combined
I know the eight ball is supposed to be predicting her imminent death, but the "outlook not so good" fits really well with the outlook of the date. And it shows right after she says she's feeling lucky about her case, so, I think it applies to that as well (in a way, you could say it's predicting Maxine's death in the episode? Maybe?)
When they go to the dragon's den, Brad says people don't go there anymore because they miss him and Hunter too much, which is an interesting way to put it. Like, I understand why he'd interpret it like that, given the kind of people the two of them are, but still. It didn't click until now that that is most likely not what other students think when they imagine going to the dragon's den
Edwin looks so concerned about what a hand job is. Especially after Charles reaction, I'm dying
There is a genuine record scratch after Maxine mentions the nightshirt thing. I rarely pay attention to the background music in shows and music, so this one took me by surprise. It works really well with the scene, though, I like it
I know part of the reason this case affects Charles so much is because he's trying to tell himself he's not this terrible person because of his trauma and anger. But do you also think Brad and Hunter remind him of the guys he used to hang out with when he was alive? The ones who killed him? He looks really hurt when he tells them "you were cruel just for the shits", and I think it would make sense for him to be remembering his own friends' cruelty. Towards that other boy they were kicking and that he tried to defend, and towards Charles himself when they killed him. I think maybe in that moment he's remembering the way they laughed as they hurt him, how they cheered as he froze in the lake and tried to avoid their blows
Did they put eyeliner on Charles just so that his eyes would look all smudged every time he cries? Because it's devastating seeing him like that each time. And that hopeful smile he gets right before hugging Edwin? Ugh, my heart
Also in that scene, the way Charles nuzzles against Edwin's face during the hug, I swear!! Someone needs to give this boy like a thousand hugs right now
"I could smooth everything out again." This line breaks me knowing Crystal's backstory. Can you imagine her, letting David posses her because he promised to dull out all of this rage and hurt that have festered inside of her for years? And he does, he takes all of that and the memories and everything, but she's left trapped inside of herself, unable to do anything but watch him do as he pleases with her body. I think she should also get like a thousand hugs right away
Is Monty's ring a bird skull? Because that's adorable and very on brand
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