#also they're having a science baby
fizzytoo · 1 year
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making preparations! 🍼
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lenle-g · 2 months
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unhinged observation - we all know their colours don't match the traditional ones, but I've never noticed before that on the portraits they put Jeff in red and Virgil in green, but then they swap them over when we actually see them. In fact, //pause while Len goes to look// when they're in TB3, they're all wearing red - like all the space-rated suits, specifically are red. //Goes to check again// and Gordon and Virg are in green with TB2 in the opening rescue to match Jeff as well.
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Does that mean, in 2004 verse, they wear whichever colour matches the 'bird they're currently flying because other than them needing 5 suits each... that's pretty cool can't lie good for them
ignoring the fact they look the same, I can be like ??? well yellow must be wetsuits, red is space rated?? Green is ?? tougher maybe, blue is for however many G's TB1 hits a body with when they're going crazy speeds, orange is a spacesuit for living in space etc etc
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obessivedork · 5 months
I took the perks because I loooove hacking myself, but make no mistake cannonically my Sole Survivor Chuck is only good with the physical part of getting computers to work. Actual programming? just the tiniest bit above what an average citizen of their time would know and only because they were actively working on learning it the last year or so before the bombs fell
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bruisedloverr · 6 months
I think that if Angel went a little more feral and lustful he would 100% believe he can get Sydney pregnant with a strap if he tried hard enough. He's already a divine being, he will defy biology and he will win 👊🏻
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evilminji · 1 year
Actually? You know what would be darkly hilarious?
If, when the GIW can't get ghosts declared both malicious AND non-sapient/sentient? They push for "dumb animals" instead.
Which is accepted. Ghosts are animals. Checks out, says scientists everywhere.
HOW "dumb"?
What? Says the GIW, mid-victory high fives. They did not expect a follow up question. They SHOULD have, as this is the SCIENTIFIC community and that is literally their job, but here we are.
How. "Dumb"? The scientists repeate slower. What methodology did you use? What is your sample size? Are their different sub-species? Is this dimension like ours? Is Ghost the equivalent to Mammal? It says here their are humanoid ones.
What IQ are we talking about here and HOW DID YOU TEST??
A goldfish, parrot, and dolphin are all animals. WILDLY different levels of intelligence. You can't treat them the same. Technically speaking, WE are animals.
The GIW does not like where this conversation is going. Tries to shut it down.
.......well NOW the scientists are both offended AND invested. How DARE you try to push faulty science and hide the Truth from them! They're gonna do their OWN studies! *picks up the phone and dials that one embarrassing spiritualist friend they had in college* Hey! You still think you can summon ghosts? I'll pay you to try it for Science!
And like? As a Ghost? It's degrading as hell. But ALSO these fuckos just Whoopsie'd you into having both protections under the law, since animal abuse IS illegal, AND just put the ENTIRE planets scientific community on their asses.... by accident.
So you take a deeeeeeep breath you don't even need. Remember you're doing this for the little ghost babies and fluffy ghost animals. And show up at a research facility like "yes, hello, I am Ghost. Here for you to poke and prod at. Please ask me to name the object on the flash card or whatever IQ tests do these days."
Should you HAVE to prove your own fucking sentience? No. But? You do it. You're even polite about it. Ask for a copy of the study they plan to publish so you can BEAT some mother fuckers with it. The scientists nod in understanding and use the BIG font for your copy so it'll hurt more.
They've been there.
And just? Shitty people getting what they wanted only to have it blow up in their faces?? I see all these angst "but what if they were declared ANIMALS" prompts and I just?? Are we talking PARROT or goldfish!? One has the average intelligence of about a human 4yr old and the other is a FISH! People get RIGHTFULLY furious when you treat INTELLIGENT animals badly.
And would, in fact, adapt pretty easy to discovering one of said animal has become HUMAN lvl intelligent. It's easy to grasp the idea of human intelligence lvl dolphin or monkeys. Maybe there was some mutated strain, maybe in uetro tampering. Who knows. But if I tried to sell you a human intelligent housefly? Gold fish? Lizard?
You wouldn't believe me. There is some kind of trick at play.
So if GHOSTS are seen as animals? Everyone nods and then later? Someone comes in TV and very excitedly informs you "we found INTELLIGENT LIFE amongst the ghosts!" You'd believe it. Probably be really excited by your conversation starter for the day. Get a taco and move on with your life.
But? Having to willing sit for a barrage of testing? Is going to suuuuuuck so bad. Poor Danny. SATs all over again. For HOURS. At multiple facilities, just to be CERTAIN it's not a one off. All because he not certain he can insure good behavior from other ghosts and This Is IMPORTANT. He ALSO can't be certain it's even SAFE.
Might be a trap.
But if he has to do it again and again and again? Mexico to Bavaria to China to the Maldives? If this is what it takes for the scientific community to bitchslap the GIW into ORBIT before the UN? Hand him that pencil.
He has no where more important to be.
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation @ailithnight @the-witchhunter
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bogleech · 1 year
Anyway while we're on the subject of public misconception towards living things (which is completely understandable because have you SEEN living things? There's like dozens of them!) here's a fresh rundown of some common mistakes about bugs!
Arachnids aren't just spiders! They're also scorpions, mites, ticks and some real weirdos out there
Insects with wings are always finished growing! Wings are the last new thing they ever develop! There can never be a "baby bee" that's just a smaller bee flying around.
That said, not all insects have larvae! Many older insect groups do look like little versions of adults....but the wings rule still applies.
Insects do have brains! Lobes and everything!
Only the Hymenoptera (bees, ants and wasps) have stingers like that.
Not all bees and wasps live in colonies with queens
The only non-hymenoptera with queens are termites, which is convergent evolution, because termites are a type of cockroach!
There are still other insects with colonial lifestyles to various degrees which can include special reproductive castes, just not the whole "queen" setup.
Even ants still deviate from that; there are multi-queen ant species, some species where the whole colony is just females who clone themselves and other outliers
There is no "hive mind;" social insects coordinate no differently from schools of fish, flocks of birds, or for that matter crowds of humans! They're just following the same signals together and communicating to each other!
Not all mosquito species carry disease, and not all of them bite people
Mosquitoes ARE ecologically very important and nobody in science ever actually said otherwise
The bite of a black widow is so rarely deadly that the United States doesn't bother stocking antivenin despite hundreds of reported bites per year. It just feels really really bad and they give you painkillers.
Recluse venom does damage skin, but only in the tiny area surrounding the bite. More serious cases are due to this dead skin inviting bacterial infection, and in fact our hospitals don't carry recluse antivenin either; they just prescribe powerful antibiotics, which has been fully effective at treating confirmed bites.
Bed bugs are real actual specific insects
"Cooties" basically are, too; it's old slang for lice
Crane flies aren't "mosquito hawks;" they actually don't eat at all!
Hobo spiders aren't really found to have a dangerous bite, leaving only widows and recluses as North America's "medically significant" spiders
Domestic honeybees actually kill far more people than hornets, including everywhere the giant "murder" hornet naturally occurs.
Wasps are only "less efficient" pollinators in that less pollen sticks to them per wasp. They are still absolutely critical pollinators and many flowers are pollinated by wasps exclusively.
Flies are also as important or more important to pollination than bees.
For "per insect" pollination efficiency it's now believed that moths also beat bees
Honeybees are non-native to most of the world and not great for the local ecosystem, they're just essential to us and our food industry
Getting a botfly is unpleasant and can become painful, but they aren't actually dangerous and they don't eat your flesh; they essentially push the flesh out of the way to create a chamber and they feed on fluids your immune system keeps making in response to the intrusion. They also keep this chamber free of bacterial infection because that would harm them too!
Botflies also exist in most parts of the world, but only one species specializes partially in humans (and primates in general, but can make do with a few other hosts)
"Kissing bugs" are a group of a couple unusual species of assassin bug. Only the kissing bugs evolved to feed on blood; other assassin bugs just eat other insects.
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
look at him. the motherfucker himself.
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(don’t get the wrong idea btw. he’s homophobic <3)
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starsinmylatte · 4 months
Saw your "Veritas with a baby" idea, and. I feel like he'd be the kind of guy to avoid baby-talk. Like when the baby throws their bottle, he'd just pick it up and tell them that "Yes, the bottle still exists. It may have left your line of sight, but it is still there." It makes for a great way of getting a baby to sleep, especially when he lectures them on some complicated science stuff.
Ooooh, yes! I don’t think Veri is ever the “true baby talk” kind of guy, but he would know that using some characteristics of baby talk would help his child learn faster. So, I could see him speaking in complete sentences but slower and with more enunciation (especially when alone with baby).
I also think that around 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, when infants can first hear and respond to sounds, Veritas would suggest to his partner that they spend time reading to their child. It’s a tradition that he makes time for every single night, tucking his partner into bed and softly pulling them in close, caressing their stomach gently as he reads to the baby in the low light of their bedroom. Even if he has to be away on Intelligentsia guild business, he calls every single night to read to his family.
This only feeds into his uncanny ability to calm the baby once they're born. If Veritas’s partner has to be away and can't take baby with them, he baby wears while teaching and the child just snoozes away while their daddy explains quantum physics to his class.
Bonus: His baby inherits Veri’s eye color and “stare of death”, so when a student says something dumb they get two pairs of reddish-pink eyes glaring in their direction.
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loquarocoeur · 19 days
btw do you notice the difference between charles's and max's hands or is it just me going insane over this
because charles' hands are so veiny and big (cue how he held baby leo) and max's are a bit small and delicate and soft compared to his whole stature AND did you see how their hands look clasping with each other
sorry im having some very intense feelings im sorry
HELLO omg no, I also have very intense feelings about this and I don't think we talk about it enough!!!
I was actually having a whole pinterest spiral about this the other day, but it was during my self imposed tumblr ban, so I had to suffer alone, but I can yap today, and let me use this ask to do so
Okay, okay, okay so:
Call me delusional, I don't care, but you can kind of see the difference here in this picture with how they're holding their hands, especially with the veins and fingers
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I'm telling you Charles' hand is bigger than Max's, I swear, I think Max just has longer fingers and it throws you off a bit
But Max just has these delicate, pretty little hands and I don't think this fandom talks about that enough, because it's not very top Max coded of him, and there aren't enough of us modern thinkers out there, but I'm here and I can and will talk about Max's pretty hands, and you will listen!!
Because LOOK
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Look at his long, thin fingers and the tendons on the back of his hands looking so thin, and somehow his knuckles are just so ridiculously dainty
He just has hands made for shiny things, and he never wears any rings or bracelets, he's always just walking around with them criminally naked like this
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But now look at Charles' hands, perpetually bedazzled as they should be of course, but oh my GOD
Because no just look at his palms are so much broader and he's got very noticeably thicker fingers that Max I'm telling you LOOK
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It's just asdfghjkl, the forearms, the wrists, the watches, the bracelets, the VEINS
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And I feel like we never get a good picture of them doing the handclap, but this one from Monza is so good.
Like look at how Max's hand is just swallowed by Charles'!!!
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Like okay, call me ridiculous and delusional, and maybe these specific pictures are a bit research biased, but I don't care, this kind of delusion is an essential practice in fandom shipping to me
But idk, there's just something about how every part of Charles is just a little bit smaller than Max except his hands, (unless we talk about shoulders, but that's a whole different spiral)
He's just one centimetre shorter, he's just a tiny bit leaner, no matter how ripped he gets, I think Max's biceps will always be just a bit bigger than Charles', but his HANDS.
And there's also just something about how Charles never gets his fists out for anything, but in the mad max era especially, but kind of now even, Max is always two seconds away from throwing a punch even if he has hands that just aren't made for that kind of thing
I don't know, in that last picture especially, it looks like Charles' hand just swallows Max's whole
I need them to compare hand sizes right now. For science. And gayness. Mostly gayness
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facts-i-just-made-up · 3 months
Literally why do we need google ai when we have you. They're taking your job
Not at all, Google AI boldly goes place I never would. I could not and would not ever suggest people cook spaghetti with gasoline or eat a mushroom based on unsupervised digital assessment. If I did and someone died, I would likely go to prison. But with Google's infinite army of lawyers, they can do all these and more without any accountability whatsoever.
Also, with politicians spreading misinformation designed to turn their followers violent against election workers, commit violent treason, undermine the systems on which what little justice can be found in this country are based, and distort public knowledge even to the point of medical science denial and support for genocide, I on this blog have not done much political humor since 2016 at all. Google AI however can simply tell you that yes, Hillary Clinton does eat babies and shoot random people with Kamino saberdarts. They can even have YouTube show neo-nazi propaganda to kids without warning so they can make a few extra bucks, all without any repercussions beyond their usual legal expenditures.
Yes, it's a bold new world of AI-made pleasures beyond our comprehension. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to escape this painful line of thought to seek the comparative relief of trying to pass a kidney stone. That's not even unreality, agony and pissing blood is preferable to thinking about the world right now.
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imababblekat · 8 months
Taking Care Of Baby Mutant Turtle W/ Donnie; Hc's
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@valen-yamyam16 ,"hello how are you? I hope you're well, for days I have the idea of ​​the f!reader with donatello taking care of a mutant baby turtle that they rescued from the TCRI or something like that donie and reader can be two fools in love who haven't confessed yet. Hehe(also I imagine the newborn baby maybe 2 weeks old,and I don't know if you want the others to interact with the baby?)"
first off, the tiny tike for a reason unknown to anyone, is that they only seem to stay calm when Donnie and you are in the same room, but you BOTH have to be there! No exceptions!
it's like they know on some cosmic level that you two like each other, and are trying to get you both to hook up by playing some pseudo game of house
Mikey once joked that they're like you're little cherub, and you couldn't have shoved a pillow fast enough over his face to stop him from blurting your crush on his brother to the world
Donnie on the other hand thinks it's some kind of taunting joke the universe is playing on him for all the endless pinning he's felt towards you
but if anyone ask, he uses science as an excuse, saying that the baby mutant most likely imprinted on you and him as you both were the first to find them in a TCRI lab
Whatever the case is, you two work as a team to care for the little one
Donnie does everything he can to make sure they’re at optimum health, and you help with that by providing nutritional foods
They might be mutant, but no way are they starting life off on just pizza!
You learn so much about turtle health from Donnie, and he ends up learning a lot about taking care of children from your own experiences with human kids
Donatello gets extremely excited about picking out clothes for them, and you find his excitement very adorable
Part of you wonders if it’s because he didn’t get to have much of that option growing up, and so have no qualm with indulging in buying cute articles of clothes that your closest friend picks out for your little one
Donnie nearly dies when you two show up in matching onesies, and just about ascended to a different realm entirely when you present him with one as well, hand crafted by your own hands!
that baby is the safest baby in the world you best believe!!
not only do they have three amazing uncles and super bad ass grandpa, but neither you or Donnie would ever let any harm come to that child
Since the baby turt is so attached to you, everyone thought it best you live with the brothers and Master Splinter for the time being
This leads to many nights falling asleep in the lab or Donnie’s room since the small bab really wants to be near him as well
Just like with the four brothers Master Splinter collects baby pictures of the newest addition to the family
His favorite by far is one he took of Donnie and you huddled together next to a makeshift crib with the baby being cradled by you both, each one of you fast asleep in the others embrace
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zweiginator · 2 months
What if divorced!art gets dragged to a club one weekend by his foundation-buddies and he obviously doesn’t want to but he forces himself and then it turns out that escort!reader is also there with her friends and they see each other outside of «work» for the first time… And her friends doesn’t know about her escorting so maybe they recognize him and maybe she goes to talk to him because her friends says she should «flirt more»🤭 And then ofc he fucks her in the dirty club bathroom
divorced!art upset because he hasn't seen you in weeks. everything has been busy since he hit the ground running with tennis again. practice after practice, signing sponsorship deals, galas and charity fundraising. and you had been busy too. art didn't know this, but you're a student as well. you didn't tell him not because you didn't want to share your life with him, but because it made you feel juvenile. of course, it's university and you're almost finished with your degree after five and a half years instead of the usual four--but you still feel dumb talking about that part of your life with him. for you to bitch about group projects and essays about political science while art is upset about custody battles and petty divorce politics--it feels trivial.
but your friends want to celebrate the semester being freshly over. just a few more summer classes for you and you will finally graduate. you'll finally get to hang up your hat and say goodbye to escorting. to that taboo little secret that's been dragging your eyes into sunken purple holes for the past fourteen months.
and your friends don't know, of course. it's impossible to explain to a group of girls whose parents pay for tuition and books and groceries. gas, clothes and even the designer heels they wear to the club they're standing in right now--that you need to do this. for money. to survive.
no, it isn't ideal. but this is the real fucking world and sex sells.
so they think you're prudish. they've never seen you have a boyfriend or flirt because that's your job every other day of the week. to pretend to be in love. to fuck lonely assholes and pretend to care about their lives. to believe them when they say they aren't a bad husband. that men have needs.
they urge you to flirt with men at the bar. but like always, you're just not interested. and all the men in this shitty tavern-bar-turned-college-club are all the same. middle-aged men who shoved their wedding bands in their back pockets to pick up pussy from a doe-eyed girl in her twenties.
none of them are remotely attractive. and you're thanking your lucky stars that you don't recognize a single one of them.
your friend taps on your shoulder. "there's one hot guy here. you may recognize him. he's kinda famous."
you down the rest of your drink. "oh really? i doubt i'd be interested."
but she points to a man leaning against the bar way off in the corner. sad eyes and salt and pepper hair that was once dirty blond; you've seen his baby pictures. he's tall and in love with you and you with him and you could strangle him right now because he hasn't returned your calls or texts in over five days.
"art donaldson." your other friend sighs. "he's a tennis player and i'd fuck him if i didnt have a boyfriend."
it's then that art turns around. likely feels the eyes of six girls burning into the back of his skull. he's holding a beer bottle and he looks forlorn, his typical woe is me demeanor that makes him so fucking attractive to you. lights up that neanderthal part of your brain that makes you want to fix the unfixable.
and then he smiles. it makes you blush and your friends, not knowing the tendrils of your history together that have now become rooted in the ground beneath you, tell you to go for it.
"he's staring right at you."
you know that. art knows not to make it clear he knows you; it would open up that whole can of worms.
so he waits for you to come to him and you pretend to be nervous which isn't that hard because you are already.
when you get to him, he whispers in your ear.
"they don't know about your job, im assuming?" he wants to wrap his arms around your waist but he refrains.
"they don't. but they know you, and they're very fond of you. they want me to flirt more."
art flags down the bartender. he gets you a gin and tonic, remembering how you liked the one he made for you that first night at his hotel room. you were just trying to make him feel better.
"well im glad im the lucky man." he sits down on a stool and hooks his leg around the stool next to him to bring it closer. he motions for you to sit and your friends are all staring at you but pretending they aren't.
"me too. although i don't know how much you deserve it." you take a sip. "given how you haven't responded to my calls in awhile."
art takes your drink from your hand, sets it down. he rests his hand on your lower back.
"im sorry honey. i haven't been meaning to be an asshole. there's a lot going on with tennis and everything."
you run a hand through his hair. "i get it." you feign a frown. "you just may have to make it up to me." and when you uncross your legs, art can see your thong. he tenses his jaw.
"i do need to make it up to you, don't i?" he takes a swig from his beer. "i'll tell you what." he glances around, at the bathroom door swinging open. "why don't i go to the bathroom to freshen up and you come check on me in a few minutes, yeah?"
he's so close you can smell the beer on his breath. you nod and he goes toward the bathroom.
your friends want to come over and ask you all about it, but then you're knocking on the bathroom door with your special knock. the one that only you and art know.
he pulls you inside, and the bathroom is dingy with a flickering light and graffiti on the walls. drawings of dicks and crude words but art sits on the toilet seat.
"c'mere." he reaches out to you and you go to him. a pavlovian response that makes you so fucking wet to be near him. to be on his lap like you're supposed to be. he kisses you like he missed you because he has. he's not supposed to. his lips trail wet, hot kisses up your throat and he's greedier than usual. dragging your pussy over his throbbing erection. he's only wearing his briefs on his bottom half and you tug at his shirt because you want to see all of him. feel all of him. he does the same to you. panting into your mouth because his cock rests between your folds. nudges against your clit as you grind on him.
"fuckin' ruined pussy for me." he throws his head back and you grab his jaw to kiss him. sloppy and disgusting but you love the taste of him. how your lipstick melds into his saliva. drips down his neck like you're a vampire taking him for everything he fucking has.
"yeah?" you rake your nails down his chest and take his cock out. it's bare against your pussy, your panties pushed to the side.
"nothing turns me on anymore. nothing gets me off. only you. that tight fucking cunt."
he never talks like this. so crude. but you love drawing it out of him. milking those dirty words as you stroke his heavy cock for him. people bang on the bathroom door but neither of you fucking care.
you sink down on him. you do it all at once. you're addicted to how his hips spasm and his eyes roll back and he lets a strangled moan-groan hybrid escape him. he holds onto the flesh of your ass as you fuck him.
the porcelain of the toilet creaks unsteady below you and you're completely on top of him, your feet behind you as you fuck him harder and harder. but he asks for more because he wants you more.
"fuck me--fuck me--" he repeats it over and over. guides you up and down and up and down his cock from base to tip. "your pussy was fucking made for me. i need it, i need it--"
his mouth hangs open and you can't believe he's yours like this. you want him to cum but then again you don't because then he can't be inside you anymore. and that's precisely where you want him.
his jaw is tense and his neck pulses with his heartbeat as he presses his forehead to yours.
"i want you--" a moan. "to hit me. i want you to fucking claim me."
so you smack him, and his arms wrap tight against your waist because he's cumming and he wants it to stay like this forever. but if it can only be a few more minutes, that will do too.
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hotchfiles · 3 months
Lari I got the cutest idea for a Hotch fic and wanted to share, you don't have to make this a thing you're just the first person I think of when it comes to anything Hotch related!! <3
So what if Hotch had a daughter and she's applying for colleges and she doesn't tell her dad that she applied for the college he went to and then she gets accepted and surprises him by getting a hoodie w the schools name on it, goes up to him and is all "surprise!" and then Hotch is the proudest and smiliest dad ever, the end x
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love, family & law
You don't enjoy hiding things from Aaron, and he is annoyingly good at figuring you out, you also don't like supporting Abbey lying to her father, but she has been excited to surprise him with her pre-law George Washington acceptance since before she had actually been accepted and the tenderness of it pulled you by your heart strings.
Jack had recently finished his EMT- Intermediate training and chosen your alma mater Virginia Commonwealth University for his Bachelor's in Emergency Medical Science, a proud to be paramedic. You were excited to see Aaron as happy as you are about sharing schools.
He was starting to get worried too, the family's youngest going radio silent about acceptances from colleges, to him, was beginning to seem like Abbey hadn't got any.
That possibility doesn't bother him, really, he just doesn't want his baby girl suffering alone.
He gets home late and tired, as usual. The two cats he was coerced into adopting years ago are the only ones to welcome him in, two balls of black and orange fur rubbing against his legs lightly and purring as he put his keys, phone and wallet on the table by the door.
"Honey? Abbey?" He scrunches down for a minute, giving Monday and Friday his full attention, and back rubs, "Do you know where mom and your sister are, huh, sneaky babies?" They meow in response. "Gonna need a translator for this interrogation." Aaron smiles to himself and stands up, his knees embarrassingly cracking at the action.
"We're cleaning your office!" His brows rose immediately in suspicion, your voice didn't sound like it was coming from the office, and cleaning it was definitely not your responsibility on the chores chart you both built over the years.
Still, he follows the direction, balls of fur by his side, and is met with the room empty, his old almost falling apart too big GW Law sweater that you usually wore to sleep neatly unfolded over his desk. "Whatー"
"SURPRISE!" He doesn't flinch, turning around in a second, a happy smile, showing a bit of teeth even, graces his face when he notices Abbey wearing a GWU sweater. "Pre-law, officially."
Aaron doesn't say anything, walking over to her and engulfing her in a bear-like hug. You watch from the sidelines, seeing tears watering his eyes lightly as you try to hold back your own.
"Baby, please, don't turn into a defense lawyer." He says half-jokingly after letting go of the hug, pride and joy written all over his face.
"What? I'm proud but we gotta be careful, don't want her taking people I put in jail out of there."
Abbey rolls her eyes (yours, completely) at him. "I will if they're innocent. Old people make mistakes." The tone and bite to her tongue are completely his. Strong, matter-of-factly, confident.
Smiling at you is his only reaction, love for what you two created together is clear in his eyes.
Love for the family you helped him build, for the fact you raised Jack and Abbey with values that made both want to help people.
Love for you, always love for you.
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lullabyes22-blog · 11 months
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Le Rite sacré de l'amour magique - The Sacred Ritual of Magical Love.
I feel so sad whenever I read about how this scene was 'cringe' and 'unnecessary' and 'awkward' - given it's visually and narratively a feast of subtext, and full of delicious tidbits about the essential nature of Hex-tech as a magical system.
It also wonderfully highlights the fusion of a pure source powered by the crystallization of celestial bodies with the viscerality of blood as a sacrificial link to esoteric knowledge - but at the cost of forfeiting one's 'tether' to humanity.
We have Viktor literally having a brush with death and nearly transcending the physical plane, while the Hex-gem takes away his life force and infuses it into its internal matrix - a literal melding between man and magic that, sadly, also requires the forfeiture of his fundamental humanity.
All while simultaneously, Jayce and Mel are making love, in a gorgeously animated sequence which is allllll about prioritizing female pleasure (and showing a female orgasm onscreen in a PG-13 kids' show - like, y'all, that takes balls, given if it were a mainstream Hollywood film, it'd earn an NC-17 rating or get slapped with a big ol' R for its trouble.)
And there's so many wonderful interpretive lenses we can apply to the juxtaposition between Viktor and Jayce - all while sex, death and magic are happening onscreen. On one level it represents Jayce's seduction, and by proxy corruption, at the hands of Mel - all while the Hex-core is corrupted by human blood that belongs to a man who has grown up in toxic environs and carries their lived legacy in his body to the point it's killing him from the inside out.
And on the other hand, we can see it as a divergence between the two routes of magical power as a means to channel transcendent knowledge - one through the brutal solitude of Viktor's path, which will ultimately set him in Machine Herald territory, and have him casting off his 'earthly ties' - right down to everything that makes him human. For him, the Hex-core is knowledge to be penetrated and absorbed, and its secrets require a sacrifice of the highest order. And on the other hand, we have Mel and Jayce literally melding together with astral imagery in the background, to show a different route that magic allows one to take, namely where two life-forces come together and engender something sublime between them (or possibly even make a baby? It's a popular fan theory and I can certainly see the potential.)
Magic, for Arcane, seems to be a means of interconnecting different facets into a unified whole (not unlike the way the series mirrors and makes parallels between a host of characters and circumstances, almost like they're different faces of a Hex-gem). And this scene sums up so powerfully what that system of science and magic is about - and the extreme highs and lows it can take you to.
And of course, right at the heels of this intense interplay between sex and death, two different types of la petite mort, we have the ultimate confluence between the two:
And who better to embody it than two characters who carry their dead selves behind them like corpses shackled to their heels, in different ways?
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Tbh I read these scenes as a trilogy for explaining Arcane's magic system - with Jinx being that final spark - literally the Powder - that blasts Hex-tech in all its destructive and yet empowering potential wide open.
Also a separate aside, I find this scene way more uncomfortable than the earlier two, simply because the interactions between Silco and Jinx are so fraught and charged. The first time you watch it, there's that almost-kiss Gotcha! that makes you spit-take, like: Wait are they...? And then the whiplash is so extreme because in a blink it goes from uncomfortably full of romantic undercurrents to strangely tender, verging on reverent. A moment of perfect and pure trust between two monsters whose entire conception of trust has been trampled into shards that they now use to cut others with.
But for me the pinnacle is this scene.
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Other fan theories have also stated that they see Jinx as sort of the unwitting embodiment of the Hex-crystal's power paired with the dark potency of Shimmer, and for me this is one of the biggest visual metaphors. This girl, caught in a blissful gyre of fulfillment and serene frenzy, unmade and then remade, as she deciphers the codes of the Hex-gem and feels, for the first time, at one with herself and with her potential to unlock secrets and usher in miracles.
And madness, too, but that's a whole 'nother analysis.
tl;dr - Please Fortiche. Release an art book. I will shell out the big bucks<3
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peaxhxhair · 3 months
Raising Kids with them - Overwatch Heroes
Featuring: Cassidy, Mercy, Moira, Roadhog, Junker Queen Warnings: Moira. A/n: this isn't exactly the official setting for each character - but this is fanfiction so we're gonna ignore it lol Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST Consider becoming a member! <3
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Odessa Stone (Junker Queen)
She wouldn't be into having kids at first - thinking that something so small would make her weak.
It does - but she refuses to admit it.
You both decided adoption was probably the best option - adopting a sweet baby girl.
I think Dez would be all about teaching her kids to fight.
Even before they've learnt to walk.
"C'mon kiddo! I was fighting at your age!"
Sometimes you would find her playing with your baby - making it look as if they were both boxing.
It was quite a funny sight.
You'll come home from work and find them watching wrestling or something.
Probably swears around your kid.
Your babies first word is probably 'cunt' or 'fuck'
You're usually the one to take your daughter to school, but on the off chance Dez does - the rest of the parents are scared of her.
The kids adore her though.
She'll struggle doing stuff like diaper changes at first - as anyone would
As your daughter gets older - she grows into a mini version of Dez.
She wont call her 'mom' - instead calling her something silly like 'cunt' or 'fuckwit'
Dez gets a real kick out of it - and does the same.
Dez would be a little disappointed if your kid didn't want to fight, though she'd still be supportive - even if she didn't really understand.
Cries on your daughters wedding day - but tries to hide it.
"I'm not crying cunt, you're crying"
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Mako Rutledge (Roadhog)
I think Mako would be really good with kids-
Big brooding dad & cute tiny daughter combo type vibe
Maybe she's really talkative, and he just listens.
He'd let her put clips in his hair and paint his nails.
It's giving Gru when his girls are doing ballet.
He's always the one to hold the kids when needed - since he barely has any issue.
His hands are just so big.
Even if you had like - 4 kids he would have no trouble carrying them all.
You were grateful that you could have some time alone sometimes, as Mako is a very competent father.
'crane's hand back while driving when kid opens snack' dad
Your kid might pretend to wear his shoes - and they can barely even stand properly in them, let alone walk.
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Moira O'Deorain 
Does not want kids.
Only agreed because you would make a face at her whenever you saw a baby.
test-tube baby fr
Literally will not go to another doctor about her kids health.
Does she know anything about kids? No.
Does she think she knows more than the QUALIFIED children's doctors? Absolutely she does.
MIGHT agree to taking your kid to see Angela - if you're not too keen on her doing science on your kid.
HATES being called mom.
She's fine with your kid just calling her by her name.
This was weird on the first day of school - most parents thinking your kids other parent wasn't in the picture.
She was fine with that idea - meaning that you 'left' your old partner for her. Narcissist.
Your babies first word was definitely her name.
but in the cute baby way.
When your kid gets a little older, maybe they'll ask about Moira's arm.
"This is what happens when you smoke"
Your kid will never even THINK about smoking ever again.
It isn't until they're 30 that they realise that wasn't true.
Prefers to keep her kids away from science - as much as it was important to her.
She'll barely talk to you about it either - which may be hard if you're also a part of Talon.
Having to bring your kids to work with you is definitely SOMETHING.
You'd prefer for them to be with you rather than with Moira, though.
Your kids are NOSY, so you have to bend the truth a little bit.
Just to make sure they don't view their mom as the ruthless geneticist that she ACTUALLY is.
"Why is miss Amelie blue?"
"She didn't eat her vegetables"
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Angela Ziegler (Mercy)
BIG on consistent check-ups.
Sometimes she'll do them herself, but she prefers the professionals.
She doesn't specialise in child care, but she does make sure that your child is going to the best doctor in the field.
Definitely enjoys shopping for baby clothes.
Works with baby on lap - letting the little guy play with her fingers.
Aeroplane noises while getting the baby to eat.
does NOT let the kid eat candy until they're like 10.
This was hard for you - because it meant you couldn't have candy in the house.
Secret stash of sweets hidden somewhere in your car.
One in Overwatch HQ too.
ALWAYS prepared.
Baby needs a snack? She's got cut up grapes in her bag.
Always has wipes and diapers.
"Hey babe? Where's their bottle?" She's already retrieved it from the drying rack.
Tiny first-aid kid in her bag at ALL times.
If your kid wants their ears pierced at Claire's. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Angela is panicked at any idea of infections - especially when it comes to your kid.
Your kiddo is made to wear clip on earrings until they qualify to be pierced by a professional.
Will always make sure places are baby safe before you take your kid there.
She's calm 90% of the time - she just cares about general safety and health.
Matching onesies with your kid.
Chilli and Bingo core :)
Angela would LOVE doing Halloween costumes for your kiddo.
They're always so CUTE.
If she has the time, she'll put together matching family ones.
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Cole Cassidy
Baby carrier dad.
Like he'll just carry your baby everywhere.
Gets upset when he has to put the little guy down.
"We're just fine over here. No need to pull us apart"
Your child definitely prefers him to you - which you're fine with.
It's just so cute seeing them play together.
I'd say he's a girl dad - the type to teach her how to shoot, or play football with.
9 times out of ten, he'll fall asleep while reading her a bedtime story, so he always just ends up sleeping in your daughters bed with her.
The two of them cuddled up on the tiny mattress - he's holding your little girl so protectively.
The moms at the nursery you take your daughter to all think Cole is hot.
Too right.
They just need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.
Your kid is very protective of him - and your relationship.
If you're married, she'll be like;
"Daddy, show her your wedding ring!! Isn't it nice?"
It makes Cole chuckle every time.
Cole didn't even need to shut the women down - your kid was doing all the work for him.
Definitely the dad that all of your kids friends like
"Your dad is so cool!"
He's always invited to their little tea parties and stuff.
Yes, he will put on the crown and princess dress.
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evilminji · 1 year
Ya'll know our BELOVED? Little Baby Man?
The noodliest ghosty boy?
What if he WAS Baby? It wouldn't be the first time Danny's enemies plotting gave him offspring. Only this time it's not a clone! It's a proper GHOST baby. Like Lunch Box.
Who's the other parent I hear you ask?
Pretty human-centric view point there buddy, to assume Ghosts NEED two participants to make an offspring. OR are limited to two! Just cause Lunch Lady And Boxie are a couple doesn't mean that's the standard!
We lack data here! ASSUME NOTHING. *sciences harder in your direction*
*awkward cough*
*shuffles notes*
ANYWAY! The child! All it would really take is one(1) VERY poorly timed ambush attack. Imagine if you will, a cell. How does it multiply? While not even close, the simplistic images ARE pretty good as an explanation!
But isn't that just an ecto-clone? You say?
But THOSE? Are hollow bags of GOO!
No CORE! *slaps the chalkboard behind me*
However! If you wanted, say, a precious bundle off joy? Well, nothing can come from perfect void! You must contribute the building blocks of LIFE! And what are those, my students, in ghost biology??!
Two vital pieces! The Ectoplasm aaaaaaand? That's RIGHT!
A critical and ever vital part of ghost biological function.
Which, like every OTHER part of the body, is malleable. One could, say, make it smaller. Create part of a proto core. OR, should one be ALONE in this process, a FULL protocol.
Upon which, ectoplasm latches, builds, develops and grows. Becomes its own soul.
Now! Do Not mistake me! There is a WILDLY vast difference between the formation of a core and a shattered core. Between willing life and untimely second death. It is not, and never WILL be, easy to create the soul of a child. Tampering with your core is PAINFUL, dangerous, and leaves you WILDLY vulnerable.
There is a REASON Neverborn are so precious.
Buuuuut..... *pulls out a book labeled "Curses Though The Ages"* we must ALSO consider the famed Fenton Luck(tm).
Consider! Where would be the "safest" place to practice making clones of yourself? A place that's wide open. No one wearing white likely to take pot shots at you while your attention is divided in multiple places at once. No parents blowing up the basement at a delicate moment and leaving you trying to hide that extra arm for a week...
Maybe you forget... oh yeah... OTHER GHOSTS.
So there Danny floats. In the Zone. DISTRACTED. His core HUGE from all that recently Royal business as it tries to digest it. Feeling bloated. Trying to work off some energy, as it were. Then who should come along? Why, the universes BEST HUNTER of course! To say *gun powering up noise* :) HI :)
Like buddies DO.
Danny doesn't see him.
Danny is mid-split.
At his limit, honestly. Already made as many copies as he usually can. Is trying for ooooone moooooore..... when...
PAIN. Something cracks.
He loses concentration. Tries to curl in on himself.
Both 1.5 of him tries. He loses hold of the "clone's" Ecto. Somethings free floating leaving his chest along with it. Behind him, Skulker is freaking out. That was MEANT to be on opening volley. A gentle little "hey, come fight me". That crack sounded SERIOUS.
Danny can't breathe. It's like the portal all over again. He curls tighter and tighter. Feels the crown, which was not THERE until this moment, press down tight and gripping onto his head. Thrumming. And then... something feels like a muscle releasing.
His core is... smaller? He'd been watching its progress, it couldn't have digest so fast... how did it lose so much... mass...
Danny feels all the blood drain from his face.
He nearly died.
His... his soul... WHERE IS HIS SOUL?? That's a piece of him! A part of his SOU-!
He spins around... only to meet the eyes off a blearly blinking, noodlish, cartoon like gremlin with his color scheme. Who's floating along like they're in zero-g. Just... drifting in a slow circle.
They yawn at him with a mouth full of teeny tiny baby fangs. Then chirp.
That's his Son. He doesn't know how, he doesn't know WHY, but he somehow instinctively... just... KNOWS?
They blep.
Danny looks a Skulker. His eyes hold MURDER.
"You're paying child support."
"......yes sir."
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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