#also thoughts ive been having earlier that were like. okay and all good about them are bad now so like. yeah
thecherrygod · 11 months
im not really that kind of person but sometimes i think i should use the blacklist options on this website
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blood-grove · 3 months
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unnatural bleeding
merfolk au!
previous <- part 5 -> WIP
parings: gaz x reader
chars: gaz, price , soap , ghost
tws: blood, injuries, violence, past abuse, language, slow burn.
a/n: hehehhehehe finally new update :3 got rid of the rude reader tw cuz reader is gonna be annoyed at the world at best angry at worst plus i dont think ive been writing them rudely so also forgive me if the writing pov changes weirdly idk i have a hard time staying focused and consistent ill try better
tags; @chickennn-soupp @cassiecasluciluce @sans-chara @lethargicluv  @kaoyamamegami
What the hell was this place.
It seems all they did was stare at you and when you would clearly get sick of the mumbles and looks you'd splash them and they'd fucking laugh.
They were weird and the Gaz guy was weirder.
You found later his name was actually Kyle and he meant to clarify earlier.
But you found the silly nickname funny.
But this wasn't fun.
Being propped up on a large mat next to the side of the pool the leather felt uncomfortable under you, You also felt way too exposed as a few humans looked over your stitches and wrappings.
It felt weird there hands weren't rough but no one besides a few have touched you like this they were talking about something you'd care less to pay attention too.
As they examined you, Gaz kept trying to pull your attention away from the other humans.
Was he jealous?.
Humans are so fickle it's funny.
Even working with merfolk in the past Gaz still never got used to the bigger ones like you.
Scarface as you've been suitably nicknamed for the moment been alright and cooperative so far no biting or thrashing.
He'd likely guess the wounds were causing you to be so irritable they didn't look good when they first arrived problem had a couple of parasites on them along with other infections that are still being treated.
Price was observing the whole check up process.
You didn't speak much at least not to any of the other staff.
There were a few problems though.
Firstly they found you solo but there was still likely you belonged to a pod but which is the question.
Secondly, they couldn't keep you in the medical pool forever you were wild to some extent it would be cruel to keep you from you family.
Thirdly during your surgery, they'd found a piece of metal that didn't look important it was kept to be looked over in case it helped discover why you were in such a state, Price already guessed territorial fighting but you clearly (no offense) couldn't pick your battles.
Some of these scars and bites could have been lethal.
He was pulled out of his thoughts as you shifted clicking in annoyance he was quick to reach over for another fish from the bucket nearby by offering it up in an attempt to distract you.
"Are all humans this pokey?"
"No Scarface we just..need to make sure your healing okay..Then we can release you."
Kyle huffed as he gave you an honest smile ignoring the glare and grumble he received in return, You still took the fish though idly crunching on it.
They eventually finished the examination without much fuss except for you not so subtly tripping the newest volunteer who honestly should have been starting off with a much smaller mer than you.
But you start off somewhere.
Speaking of which it's about lunch time for them now and his break time, Kyle oversaw you getting back into the pool without much struggle before he left your area visiting by Price to mention he was going on his break before grabbing his lunch and heading to the docks.
He'd usually not have to wait long before they'd show but it'd seemed they were late.
It wasn't long till a familiar face popped up flashing teeth and all.
"Hey, Soap!" Kyle grinned as he looked to see the shark mer propping up his elbows onto the dock.
"Ghost comin'..?"
"Ah in a bit he's still getting his bearings.."
Now he was confused the last time he'd seen the pair and given them there updated shots and tags they'd been great.
The pair were unusual a Shark and Orca together seemed unheard of but yet just a few years ago now when Kyle had fallen overboard during an solo observation trip Ghost saved him from drowning.
Both of them were odd in a good way, Simon having been outcasted by his pod but he doesn't like to talk about it.
He had lots of scars all telling of countless battles of either for his territory or from just fights.
As for Soap, Sharks were solitary regardless but Soap had his own set of scars from fights some he shouldn't have tried starting.
"Bearings? What happended?.."
"Another fuckin' Orca smaller not as experienced grabbed me a few days back, Si really fucked em' up till the bastard clocked him on the head with there tail-"
"Jesus , Where is he? I can get a team out and-"
"Ah ye know how he feels about humans..Plus he seemed to be swimming straight.."
"But Soap , He could have a concussion or maybe a facture-"
Soap sighed as he glanced back to the water before back at Kyle.
"Look..You can try convincing em'"
Soap frowned as Simon finally surfaced propping himself up onto the dock as well the wood creaking slightly under the weight of just Simons upper half.
Kyle huffed as he didnt even need to say anything as he went up to him giving him a look before he huffed grumbling quietly adjusting himself better so that Kyle could assess him.
Taking his time looking over the newer injuries they had healed well enough fishing out his little hand held flash light from his keychain in his pocket he checked Ghost's eyes.
After a bit of checking Kyle felt satisfied ignoring Ghost annoyed clicks.
"Mm..Now Soap you said it was another Orca right..? Did it come back?"
"Nah..Fucker swam off after bashing Ghost head..Pretty sure I could smell em' bleeding though for a bit till they got too far."
Right this was looking to be way too convenient and fitting to not match up with good ol' Scarface's condition.
"Mm..Alright..Anyway I brought some-"
"Treats?!" Before Kyle could even move his lunchbox away Soap had snatched it and Kyle let out a exasperated sigh not even fighting for it risk of being pulled into the water.
"Jesus Soap my lunch is still in there be careful- And dont eat the plastic!"
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shion-yu · 7 months
A Safe Place (part 3) [day 18]
A feverish Cliff is seen in the emergency room. For @monthofsick Day 18 “Unfamiliar surroundings”. 2,965 words, original work, TWs emeto, hospital content.
Part 1 | Part 2 - I swear this was supposed to be 2 parts but now it’s gonna be 4? Lol whoops.
Elliot supported Cliff into the busy ER. It was a Saturday, of course there were a lot of people there, Elliot thought regretfully. Silly to hope otherwise. Elliot eased Cliff into a seat as close to the reception desk as possible and then checked Cliff in, presenting Cliff’s ID and health insurance card. He was grateful Cliff’s wallet and phone were the two things his boyfriend had actually brought with him when he left his parents’ house, although a jacket and his inhaler would have been useful third and fourth choices.
“What’s this visit for?” The receptionist asked after scanning the cards and handing them back to Elliot.
“My boyfriend is having trouble breathing,” Elliot said, hoping this concerned her as much as it concerned him. “He has asthma, he’s wheezing, and he has a high fever. He didn’t know who I was earlier.”
The receptionist stood up a little to catch a glimpse of Cliff in his seat, who did look like he was struggling. “Okay, we’ll get him triaged as soon as possible,” the receptionist said. Elliot chose to believe her for his own sanity’s sake. “In the meantime, have him wear a mask.”
Cliff sagged against Elliot when Elliot sat next to him. He was in no shape to do paperwork, so Elliot tried to fill it out as much as he could. Fifteen minutes passed. Cliff was whimpering in pain and his wheeze had grown louder. “Just a few more minutes, Cliffy,” Elliot said, hoping it wasn’t a lie. Thirty minutes passed. Cliff was now insisting he was fine after all, and that they ought to go home. But that was when he was lucid, which would last only a minute before he’d follow up by saying something that made very little sense and reminded Elliot exactly why they couldn’t leave. Finally, about forty minutes after they’d checked in, a nurse called Cliff’s name and brought them to a small room between the waiting room and the actual ER. Elliot repeated the story he’d given the receptionist although more aggressively this time as the nurse nodded and took Cliff’s vitals.
Elliot never wanted Cliff to be so sick. However, his vitals did prompt some action and for that Elliot was grateful. Cliff’s fever was 103.5 now, his oxygen running lower than expected at 92%, and his heart rate and blood pressure were both high. The nurse led them to a stretcher in a curtained off bay and told Cliff to change into a gown. Elliot had to help Cliff climb up, his boyfriend’s coordination poor. His hands were shaking too hard to button his own gown up, so Elliot did it for him.
“Don’t feel good,” Cliff mumbled, swaying even as he sat up on the stretcher.
“I know, just lie back,” Elliot said. “They’re gonna help you.”
Thankfully, this time they only waited about ten minutes before a new nurse came in with a small bucket full of supplies. She introduced herself as Anna and said she was going to insert an IV, take some blood, and hook Cliff up to oxygen and fluids. She was also going to swab Cliff for flu and strep, but Elliot explained the urgent care had already done that. “Well, this tests for some other stuff too, it’s a full respiratory panel. I’d recommend we just do it anyways.” Elliot agreed on Cliff’s behalf; Cliff seemed to be communicating only in nods at this point.
Nurse Anna looped some oxygen tubing over Cliff’s ears first and plugged it into the wall. She also attached a blood pressure cuff and oxygen probe that she said would stay on for now for monitoring. Elliot felt like all the devices only made Cliff look sicker. Anna swabbed Cliff’s nose, which made him cough harshly to the point of gagging, and then got ready to insert an IV.
Cliff looked to Elliot in panic, swallowing rapidly. ‘Faint,’ he mouthed to Elliot helplessly. “Um, I think he passes out when there’s needles,” Elliot spoke up for him. Cliff nodded gratefully.
“Well you’re in the right place if you do,” Nurse Anna said. She lowered the head of the stretcher and told Elliot to hold Cliff’s hand as she looked for a vein in his other arm. “I’ll go super quick,” she reassured them, and she was right. It was quick. But Cliff turned sheet white and got really sweaty and by the time she’d collected enough tubes of blood, flushed and secured the hub and hooked him up to a bag of fluids, Cliff was barely conscious. “Don’t worry, it happens,” she said. She put a pillow under Cliff’s legs and told him to breathe deeply through his nose. Elliot found her calm demeanor the only thing keeping him calm, because it seemed terrifying even if it was normal. Cliff followed her directions and eventually gained some color back. Anna said his blood pressure was coming back up and that he should just lie there with his feet up for a few more minutes, then left the room.
“I’m sorry,” Cliff apologized miserably for the tenth time since they’d come back here.
“Baby, please, stop apologizing,” Elliot told him. “You’re here because you have to be and you’re not doing anything bad or wrong. Just rest.”
Cliff’s eyes filled with tears and he covered them with his forearm. “I suck,” he whimpered, Elliot’s words clearly not having reached him as intended. Elliot sighed and put one hand on Cliff’s head to stroke his sweaty hair. It wasn’t worth fighting Cliff on this right now. Elliot just had to be there for him.
Cliff fell asleep to Elliot’s relief. Elliot texted his mom what was going on and hoped this wasn’t as bad as it felt. Cliff snored quietly until a woman came with a huge portable x-ray machine. “Sorry to wake you up,” she said, “Cliff? I’m here to get your x-ray. I’ll go fast.”
Cliff opened his eyes and stared blankly at her. Elliot wasn’t sure if Cliff knew what was going on at this point so he stroked Cliff’s arms and explained, “Cliff? She’s gonna take the pictures of your lungs now.” He helped the x-ray tech manipulate Cliff’s torso so that he was lying on a hard board. Elliot stood in the doorway while they did the films.
“Alright, take a nice deep breath for me and hold it,” the x-ray tech said. “I know, good job, got it. You can cough.” And cough Cliff did, that same desperate wet cough that had made Elliot’s mind up to bring him here. He managed to catch his breath, but it wasn’t over. “One more,” the tech said, moving the boards and machine around to point at Cliff’s side now. “Again. Deep breath. One, two, and good. Let it out.”
This time Cliff didn’t seem able to stop coughing. He coughed until each gasp sounded like a Herculean struggle and Elliot wasn’t sure that any of that air he was gulping in was actually reaching his lungs. The machine that was measuring Cliff’s oxygen levels started to beep and the tech told Elliot she was going to find the nurse. Elliot held on to Cliff and tried to soothe him, but it didn’t seem to work. Cliff just kept coughing until suddenly his eyes flew open and he spewed a sharp wave of vomit from his mouth all the way to the end of the stretcher. Elliot winced, pulling back and trying not to look at the mess. Cliff spluttered and coughed between additional harsh gags that produced little besides a stream of thick brown saliva that pooled in his lap. Elliot prayed the nurse would come in soon and hesitantly rubbed Cliff’s back. He didn’t know what to do and Cliff seemed frozen, unable to lift his head or close his mouth.
Thankfully the nurse showed up then and said, “Oh no!” Oh no was right, Elliot thought anxiously. “Did we just get coughing too hard?” She glanced at Cliff's oxygen levels and turned a small green dial on the wall, which made a quiet hissing noise for a second as the flow of oxygen increased. “Don’t worry hun, we’re going to get you cleaned up.” She found a change of sheets in one of the cupboards behind the stretcher and changed the blankets and top sheet in record time. She checked Cliff’s fluids which were nearly done and then charted standing in the room for a few minutes on her rolling computer.
Cliff was silent, hunched over holding a pink plastic basin in his lap in case of another incident, and Elliot couldn’t tell if he was just out of it or humiliated. The room still smelled of putrid stomach acid; Elliot breathed through his mouth. His phone dinged in his pocket and he saw an alarmed text from his mother. He didn’t have time to reply though, as the doctor walked in at that moment.
“Doctor Jim,” Anna greeted him politely, scooting her computer farther away from the bedside. “He just threw up coughing and I turned up his oxygen.”
“I’m not surprised,” Dr. Jim said. He looked to be in about his forties, was mostly bald and had tiny round glasses that looked too small for his face. “Cliff? I’m Jim, I’m a physician here. How are you doing today?”
Elliot thought that was a stupid question. Cliff looked at Dr. Jim with hazy eyes and mumbled, “Sick.”
“Well, that makes sense. You’ve got yourself a nasty case of double pneumonia,” Dr. Jim said. Elliot’s heart sank. “Has this ever happened to you before?”
Cliff shook his head no. He moved his hand to the edge of the bed that Elliot understood as a silent signal to hold it, which he did. “Well, I think it’s best if we admit you for observation overnight with the vitals you have. I’m going to order two IV antibiotics and some steroids, try and get that swelling down in your lungs and hopefully you’ll be feeling better in no time. How’s that sound?”
Cliff didn’t answer. “That sounds fine,” Elliot said, squeezing Cliff’s hand. “Can I stay with him?”
“Once we move him to the floor, visiting hours are eight to eight,” Dr. Jim said. “But you can stay with him for as long as he’s in the ER.” He turned to Anna and gave a few other orders for Zofran, Tylenol, albuterol and budesonide treatments. It all seemed so casual to them, but Elliot was still disturbed by how sick Cliff looked and seemed to him.
Dr. Jim physically examined Cliff next. Cliff shuddered and Dr. Jim apologized for his cold hands, but Elliot knew that the temperature hadn’t had anything to do with it. He hummed a lot, wrote down some notes, and then left with a “Hope you feel better soon.” Elliot wondered if he told all his patients that, or just the ones who could actually get better soon. Nurse Anna also excused herself to get the ordered medications, leaving Elliot alone with Cliff once again.
“So… pneumonia. That sounds pretty bad,” Elliot said. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt so sick?”
“You were at work. I didn’t want to bother you,” Cliff said in a tiny voice. “And then I tried to text you but none of the letters in my phone made sense.”
Elliot felt his chest clench painfully hearing that. “Cliff, you wouldn’t have bothered me.”
“But I’m bothering you now,” Cliff whimpered.
Elliot frowned. “I didn’t say that.” Silence from Cliff. Elliot sighed and grasped Cliff’s hand in his own. “Cliff, Cliffy, can you look at me?” It took a second, but fever-bright, hazel eyes eventually focused on Elliot. “You’re my boyfriend. I want you to be okay. Can you at least try to trust me?”
“I do trust you,” Cliff whispered, voice hurt.
“Then let me care about you.”
Cliff fell quiet again and Elliot sat back but kept Cliff’s hand in his. Cliff had his eyes closed, but it didn’t do much to hide the tears that escaped from the corners of them. Elliot didn’t say anything, just brushed them off of Cliff’s cheeks with his sleeve. Once Cliff was asleep, Elliot finally allowed his own silent tears to fall.
Eventually a CNA came to bring Cliff down to the short-stay unit. She rolled Cliff’s stretcher down the hall and into an elevator. Cliff looked nervous and kept glancing at Elliot, making sure he was still right next to him. Elliot always was. They got to a small room that had a real hospital bed in it and the CNA and Elliot both helped Cliff take two steps from the stretcher onto the bed. It was painful for Elliot to see how difficult even this brief transfer was for Cliff, and Cliff started another one of his long coughing spasms afterwards. Elliot rubbed Cliff’s arm, unsure what else he could possibly do to help. “Water,” Cliff croaked hoarsely between deep, rattling coughs.
“Sure. Um…” Elliot looked around him but this room was barely more than an ER bay. It didn’t even have windows. “Let me go check,” he said, and went to go look for the nurse’s station. There were two tired and rather bored looking, middle aged women sitting at computers at the end of the hall. “Excuse me? My boyfriend just got here and he could use some water…”
“I’m almost there,” one of the nurses said, which Elliot thought was a weird thing to say when she very much wasn’t almost there. Regardless, they didn’t seem to like him hovering very much so Elliot went back to Cliff’s room. There was nowhere for him to sit, so he stood at the bedside. Cliff had managed to stop coughing at least.
The nurse, despite her indifferent demeanor, did show up with a little bin that contained hospital socks, meds and a large plastic jug of water. “Clifford Barrows, hmm? I’m Carey. And you are…?” She raised an eyebrow at Elliot.
Suddenly feeling extra protective, Elliot quickly said, “His boyfriend.”
“Alright. Mr. Barrows, are you okay to have Elliot in here?”
Cliff nodded a yes. Elliot thought it was so weird to hear Cliff called by his last name. They seemed too young for that.
“Well, your boyfriend will have to leave after I finish this admission paperwork as visiting hours are over soon, but remind me to get you a chair for tomorrow,” Carey said. She started a myriad of questions, which included Cliff’s emergency contact.
“Make it Elliot,” Cliff said quickly, looking at him. “Um, will my dad know I’m here?”
“You’re eighteen, right? Not unless you tell him,” Carey said. “But I see your dad is the primary insurance holder so he may see the invoice after you’re discharged. It shouldn’t show any details though.”
Cliff grimaced but nodded. At least there would be no confrontation in the actual hospital, Elliot thought to himself. Carey kept asking questions, which ranged from did Cliff smoke to could he walk up a flight of stairs to did he have any plans to hurt himself right now. They seemed a little ridiculous to Elliot, but Cliff was able to answer all of them with simple yes’s and no’s pretty quickly since he was for the most part entirely healthy.
“You’re easy,” Carey said, winking at Cliff. “Boyfriend? Visiting hours are over now honey, so you say your goodbyes and you can come back at 8am tomorrow morning.” Elliot thought she was kind of like those old ladies at diners who yelled at you for your order but called you honey so you couldn’t feel totally attacked.
He nodded and gave Cliff a quick hug. He thought about kissing him, but Cliff didn’t like to be kissed in front of other people so he just squeezed Cliff’s hand instead. “I’ll be back in the morning,” he promised. “Get some rest and tell them if you don’t feel good, okay?”
“Okay,” Cliff said. He looked scared, so Elliot hugged him again and kissed the top of his head this time.
“I love you,” Elliot said. “I know you can be strong for me. You’ve got your phone right here.”
Elliot didn’t look back as he left, because he could feel Cliff’s kicked puppy expression trailing him and knew if he did, it would be ten times harder to leave. He walked to the parking lot without thinking, got in his car, and drove home without Cliff beside him. He made it to the park a block away from his parents’ house before he pulled over and cried for a solid ten minutes.
Cliff was going to be okay, Elliot told himself. Cliff was stronger than he seemed, and realistically Elliot couldn’t be there for him every second of the way. But he’d promised Cliff they weren’t going to the hospital, and then he promised Cliff that he’d be right there next to him the whole time. He’d broken both of these promises and now Cliff was sleeping in a hospital bed, in a tiny room with no windows and only a crotchety old lady to keep an eye on him. Elliot felt just terrible and wondered if he’d made the wrong choice dragging Cliff to the ER. All he wanted was for Cliff to be okay, though, and he really hadn’t seemed okay today.
Elliot wiped his tears away and told himself he had to be strong. This seemed so intense and adult, but Elliot couldn’t let it overwhelm him. He tried to remember the coping mechanisms his therapist had taught him back in high school. Deep breaths. One second at a time. He could do it, and so could Cliff. Elliot turned on the car and returned home by himself.
[Part 4]
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kewpidity · 2 months
posting my loz au here cause its like the third time ive lost it and had to recall and retype my thoughts about it, dont mind me or the terrible typos if you read it i was on mobile lol
okay so firstly, this is not a completely solid idea yet, the way i have the triforce divvied up is subject to change and also i realize there actually isnt that much emphasis on the swamp anyway, moreso im swapping their settings around but for now the vague idea is zelda - power, ganondorf - courage, and link - wisdom (this also reflects a bit more in their personalities, so we get a wilier zelda and a calmer link for example)
zelda is a young shepardess living in a nowhere hamlet in hyrule, feeling she's wasting away on the farm and hoping for a great big somewhere else, you know Hero Stuff. she lives with her two aunts (gotta get in that old lesbian rep) who are sheikah women that are also literally not related to her, who are set on keeping zelda on the farm, insisting that the world is dangerous and onlyl fools go out of their way to find it- in fact one would think that they were keeping her hidden away on purpose.
meanwhile, ganondorf is a diplomat from the gerudo nation, and a powerful wizard besides that. a strange and terrible sickness that seems to be magic based has ravaged his people, and desperate for a cure he didnt have the knowledge to make, he sets on into the world to search for anything that could point him in the right direction, in particular places of great age and magic, old temples, castle ruins, etc. all the while trying to keep ignore the gnawing feeling that he might somehow be the cause of the sickness because of a darkness thats been building inside of him the past year, right before things got bad. he doesnt know what it is but it scares him.
and then there's link, who lives deep deep in a forest (probably the lost woods). he was raised by fairies in some old hylian ruins choked with vines and impossible to reach without his assistance. he doesnt get much interaction with the outside world, and locals from the nearest town sometimes tell stories about a ghost that lives there that might help you out or might lead you further astray, so most people are smart enough to steer clear. he's lonely. he doesnt know where he actually came from, and it mostly doesnt bother him, but sometimes he feels a pull in the back of his mind when he looks at the words painted on carved on the temple ruin walls that the fairies never taught him to read, he always feels a bit like he's forgotten something and its Just out of his reach
now the catalyst for all of them meeting is ganondorf traveling through hyrule and stopping at the village zelda lived nearby, and when she heard that a powerful wizard from a distant land was visiting, she snuck out in the middle of the night to meet him at the inn, demanding that he take her with him. he was absolutely gonna say Hell No, but he notices the triforce symbol on her hand (i'll likely have them be a kind blobby birthmark that isnt super obvious immediately what you're looking at) thats v similar to his own, and that pesky darkness welling up in him has a v weird and strong reaction to her presence, and he isnt sure its a good thing, but its Something that must mean Something so he agrees to it
their travels lead them to the forest that link is living in, and they get horribly terribly lost and tbqh link considers just leaving them to stay lost forever, but he also feels that weird pull to the travelers that he does from the temple walls, and figures its worth helping them out because obviously he's curious about the feeling, and v much longing for companionship, like mentioned earlier
the overall plot is basically them going to the various temples, etc that ganondorf travels too (he's kind of in change in the au, since he's the oldest and Obviously most well traveled)
if it wasnt already clear, the darkness he's dealing with is actually the demon demise literally starting to take hold of him so he's got to push on for his people despite it (courage)
zelda is going on a more typical hero's journey sort of thing, where her resolve and overall goodness is tested through the adventure, and she has to find the balance of being righteous and Self righteous (balancing power)
link is kind of unknowingly a vessel for a lot of ancient knowledge that he doesnt know how to unlock, and is literally illiterate, so his journey is a little more vague but basically when he's the key to knowing what exactly to do about demise, maybe the language of the temple is a dead one because thats how ancient it is, and he can unlock the knowledge with some spiritual exploration (so wisdom)
zelda and link are the keys to getting rid of demise here, but none of them realize it
also ganondorf and link fall in love Obviously
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ginalinettiofficial · 6 months
hey what’s up hello okay so i finally just finished s2 e52 of dndads (had a very crazy work week so was listening in bits and pieces) and here’s the thing is that im also currently relistening to the whole season and earlier in this week, the most recent episode i finished, was halt and catch fireball, and before that ya know was mrs. swallows oak garcia’s home for peculiar teens or whatever that one is called where they are just. at normal’s house and we got to actually get to know rebecca a little bit and i have got to say that i don’t know if i could’ve picked a more painful and wild older ep to listen to as a precursor to dood riddance i really don’t!!! literally half of the shit in dood riddance just circles back to that arc in the swallows oak garcia home and it’s CRAZY
like first of all. the red vines, which they called twizzlers the entirety of e52 which was MADDENING as a person who legit just finished e30/31 where the red vines were introduced
but then like. e31 is where taylor gets the anime sword from nick!!! that he loses in e52!!!
there were a few other things that i’ve forgotten in the half an hour since i finished the ep because my brain is a sieve on a good day and i’m just getting home from two back to back 13 hour shifts (with an extra 1hr10/20 each day for the commute) so the brain machine is so fucking broke rn
but mainly. i wasn’t loving e52 esp after dood left i just was not vibing with it, i feel like the vibes were off in the room in a way that translated into the ep for a bit there, but then anthony in those last like three minutes brought it back around and with the roll of rebecca??? after i legit JUST finished listening to the eps that feature her the most prominently and like truly showcase not only normal’s relationship w his mom but also, as is said several times in e30/31 and their teen talks, just how similar normal IS to his mom and how he really clearly is a total momma’s boy and very much so seemed to be a kid who sought solace with his mom more than anyone else in his family and just. having legit JUST reestablished that in my own, made the end of e52 DEVASTATING for me in a way that idk if it was for other ppl??? idk haven’t checked the fandom yet im very disconnected this season but just.
i think that okay so we have ten parents it could’ve been, right? and five of those are the kiddads, and none of us want to see them die, so in that moment when anthony was telling us what was gonna happen, obviously my instinct was like “oh god don’t do this don’t do terry jr again but truly permanent” and then my next instinct was that it would be potentially even MORE awful if it was scary’s dad because finally there he is and that’s ALL she wants and for willy to take that moment from her would be INSANE and then (mind you this was my thought process over the course of literally 10 seconds, my brain is ping ponging in my head and has been since the second i got in the car to head home i need to sleep) and THEN my next thought was, oh god, but how fucked up would it be if it were marco??? oh god, how fucked up would it be if it were cassandra?!?!?!?! and then it was time for the roll and truly in those brief seconds basically my brain flicked through every potential victim and said “oh god THAT one would be the WORST”, EXCEPT for veronica and rebecca, and it made the hit of it being rebecca who was low down on my instinctual list to think of but then the second he said her name i was immediately ricocheted back to earlier in the week when i was listening to halt and catch fireball and mrs. swallows oak garcias home and how many emotions i had about normal and his mom just relistening to those episodes and then the fact that i DIDNT think to worry about her just
all of that combined to make that a CRITICAL HIT FOR ME OKAY like i am SO fucked up over this truly that was WILD and i applaud anthony burch for it and now am excited for the finale even though ive spent the last three eps just dreading it for several reasons but now im excited and devastated and i love that
anyways. that was word vomit i just NEEDED to get this out because the connections between those two episodes really will not stop hitting me in the head and i need to impart that onto SOMEONE. if u read this. ur a real one. rip rebecca swallows oak garcia you were a legend and i am so sad about u
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Ooo I’ve missed you!!! This idea just came to me if it’s okay!!
Can I please request a Big brothers!Tangerine and Lemon x Younger sister!reader where when they’re on the Bullet Train, things of theirs keep disappearing, the case, their phones, wallets, etc… Turns out Y/n, a 15 year old girl had been pickpocketing the both of them, and she’s so good at it that the two expert assassins didn’t even notice until she took something bigger lol, the case hshs. Anyways, after they deal with the Prince, they come in guns blazing expecting the thief to be another assassin, not just a kid. They take her under their wing?
Y/n reminds them of a younger them? (Also she’s a foster kid like they were)
hii!! ive missed you !! and yes, ofc, always! love it, I did change the age to 17, hope that’s okay, just so it’s closer to be an adult (as I only really write adult readers) thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
sneaky findings
tangerine x fem!reader x lemon (platonic)
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word count: 740
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You haven't been dealt a good hand in life, so you've had to supplement it in other ways. Your ways just so happened to be dipping into the pockets of others- literally. 
Because you were a child in the foster system, you moved around a lot. You regularly met new kids, and so you'd pick up on tips and tricks from the others- granted, most of them were illegal, but better yet, they were tricks that became a habit and what would later become the reason for your survival. 
And this brings you to today: sitting patiently on the bullet train at Tokyo station with your ticket and last 200 yen. You were in desperate need of a little extra cash, so you were hoping and counting on some good finds on your trip to Kyoto.
When the train left the station, you got up as inconspicuously as possible, avoiding attention as you sneaked down the aisles, slipping your hand into the passenger's pockets and swiftly back into your own. When you were in the connecting carriage area and safe, you would assess your findings. 
Usually, you were pretty lucky: new makes of phones, fancy watches and sometimes genuine gold bangles. So far, it wasn't so good, just a couple packs of gum and mostly empty wallets. 
You try your luck in the next carriage, immediately spotting a couple of Englishmen in designer suits up ahead. They weren't your typical target, but you had a solid feeling about these two- they were bound to have some expensive things for you to pocket and sell. 
You slowly walk down the aisle, a brochure in hand as you pretend to read through it, skimming over the page to create the illusion. Once you are sure they're busy with the other guy at the table, you slip your hand into their pockets, pulling out their wallets and phones. 
You reach the end of the carriage and stop once more to assess your findings before spotting something in the luggage area, the silver briefcase you overheard. Grabbing it as quickly as possible, you hide it in your bag, covering it with the scarf you stole from earlier today. 
After a few more snatchings, you stroll to the lounge and instantly slump into the comfy seats, kicking your feet up on the opposite chair. The area was empty, so you could finally add up your profits from today in peace. You did a lot better than you thought, especially with that promising silver case. You just had to get in there first to calculate your total earnings.
"Oi, you!" a voice calls out from behind, startling you.
You sink lower in your chair, hiding the exposed back of your head.
"I can still see you."
"That’s the girl?" another one says. "She's a kid?" his voice getting closer.
"You stole all our shit," the first says, walking towards you. "Think it's funny?" He snarks, pushing your feet away to sit on the opposing seat. 
"No," you shrug, pulling your findings closer to you.
"Take it easy, mate. She's only a kid."
"A kid? Lem, she stole all our shit."
"It's pretty impressive if you think about it."
"My stop is coming up," you lie, adjusting yourself to stand.
"Hm, yeah, I don't think so," the first guy shakes his head, holding his hand up. "You're gonna tell us how you knicked our stuff, then give us our shit back."
The other guy stands beside him, crossing his arms, staring you down as if to intimate you. "Nah, I'm just kidding," he laughs. "Just tryna scare you, but didn't work," he grins, nodding to his partner as he mouths something, then turning back to you. "Lemon, and this is my brother, Tangerine."
"Like the fruit? I like it." 
"That's the first," Tangerine scoffs, shaking his head. "You're a bit young to be travelling alone, aren't ya?" He asks, glancing around the empty carriage. 
"No," you shrug.
"How old are ya?" Lemon asks.
"One sec," he says, pulling his brother aside. "We really could use the extra hands. Could you imagine how well we'd do? ... she sorta reminds me of us." 
"I can hear you," you interrupt. "Not being very quiet and assassiny."
"Zip it," Tangerine says over his shoulder. 
"What'd ya say? That a yeah?"
"Yeah, fine," Tangerine sighs, walking over to you and snatching back his phone and wallet. 
"Wanna join us?"
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @angel-of-new-orleans @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossom @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @honestly-who-even-is-this
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bbqfrank · 2 months
EggCatron SMP Log#23 PART1
Discussion with Magma.
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(V33 Is looking for blue creatures and is informed that magma owns one)
V33: Can I see him Im looking for someone right now and need all the leads I can get.
Magma: Uhh Sure..
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(Magma returns with his blue creature)
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((used the wrong sign in this screenshot))
V33: Well this is a blue creature can I borrow it?
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Magma: Why..
V33: it'll just be for a little bit I need to borrow it to see some things..
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Magma: but he's my son..
V33: Don't worry I promise I'll give it back to you.
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Magma: Can I come with you instead I get separation anxiety when I'm away from my son..
V33: I suppose I could take you.
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Vee: Magma I need to show you something just know I'm not being myself right now and I don't want to scare you but I need to bring you to that place I've been staying.
(magma agrees to go and they teleport to vee's faraway home)
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Vee: it's important I show you what's inside I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to think for myself so I left a book with instructions to get to the place below that now holds everyone's blue creatures.
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(they go down to the bunker here vee will show magma the new room she discovered while she was conscious)
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Vee: So.. this is where all of them have been kept..
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Vee: I don't remember making this room he must've made it.
Magma: He??
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Vee: Right.. so a short summary of why I've been acting strange, I'm not exactly sure how but I started going in and out of consciousness and I wasn't able to control what I said or did also I have something I need to show you...
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Vee: I didn't know if I should show anyone this but.. ever since I came out here there was these fumes being emitted from the sunflowers its almost like they were supposed to be near me or i guess corrupt me in some way?
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Vee: I think I have an idea on what happened, this person I had mentioned earlier "he" is actually my boss his name Is "Haku" he is a scientist from my original world.. I know this is really sudden to tell you all of this but I wanted you to at least have an idea on why your mom is acting different.
Magma: Does he Know about me?
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Vee: Soup mentioned to him while he was in control that I had a son but she didn't say much about you it was pretty vague
Magma" So is he okay with you having a son?
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Vee: I'm not exactly sure since he never directly told me I'm not allowed to but he isn't someone who was fond of being around people (maybe he wouldve want the same for me)
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Magma: I mean, I'm not people I'm a gator soo.
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Vee: That's true but it may be best he doesn't know your a gator for now at least because he's after bluebell and if he knows what a gator looks like it will be easier for him to track her down..
Magma: Why is he looking for Bluebell?
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Vee: well.. I may have sort off sent him valuable information for him to base his choice of taking a new subject off of
Magma: What will he do to her if he finds her?
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Vee: Well if he was capable of literal mind control I can only imagine the things he would do with her but if were being specific I do know exactly what he will do (vee overheard while being sent to this island)
Magma: and that is?
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Vee: He's going to test on her likely put her through tests to make her "stronger" he wants new subjects who wont die so easily and now that he knows gators have tough skin he's probably going to make "clones" or variations of her.
Magma: Will this hurt her?
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Vee: it's likely the tests he will put her through could kill her.. but I never before this thought it would actually impact anyone it was just supposed to be a simple mission.
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Vee: I'm sorry magma I never said I was a good person so I'm sorry if I disappointed you as well.
Magma: :(
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Vee: I really don't know what I'm going to do now this whole thing with my arm I didn't know how to get of it or if I ever will..
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Magma: Put flower poison on it or weed poison which ever you wanna call it
Vee: That's a thing?
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Vee: I guess trying it wouldn't hurt but magma your the Only person ive ever told about this And i think it'll stay that way maybe even forever I think its best I wait here and wait forever whatever this is to take its course you know where to find me.
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Vee: I'm not sure how much longer I will be myself but please don't be scared of me I never wanted that for you
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Magma: Well at least I know you aren't really yourself
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Husband!Reiner x Black!fem Reader
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this isnt as hunky dory as i initially thought this to be but i think its still a valid insight into life with rei. surprisingly ive been having a lot of news, convos and experiences with various people in my own life about marriage and children so i guess this post was a subconscious embodiment of that. either way, enjoy 🫶🏾
Husband!Reiner knows he lucked out in bagging you and he absolutely adores people coveting him. everytime he tells someone hes cuffed, he literally cannot wait to show them a picture of you
Husband!Reiner always spoils you when it comes to bringing home gifts. Its rare that he ever comes home empty handed. more times than less he’s entering in with your favourite snacks or maybe a bracelet he thought suited you whilst he was on break earlier in the day
Husband!Reiner isnt picky when it comes to food. that man would eat just about ANYTHING you feed him and say how its the best thing hes ever tasted. not that youre a bad cook, but he’d find a way to praise even the simplest of meals.
“god, baby, this so good!” reiner’s cheeks were bulging full of food whilst he gave his compliment.
with a sweet laugh, you shook your head whilst opening a beer for him by cocking the tin lid with an opener.
“its literally just rice and stew. you eat it all the time by now.” placing the bottle next to his plate, you bent down to kiss his forehead.
he made a grunt of disagreement.
“dont change the fact that it’s always so good!”
Husband!Reiner is quite reserved when it comes to intimacy and sex. the furthest he’d go in terms of public displays of attraction is hold your hand or a quick peck on the cheek. he’d occasionally lean his chin on your shoulder when in the presence of other company.
however, in the private presence of each other, his attitude towards public reservations has never stopped him from pulling you to the side for a quick fuck before you go out with the girls or letting you go down on him once parked outside his family home for a visit.
Husband!Reiner isnt the best with chores. He tried to help in the past, and has the utmost purest intentions when offering his help, but his standard of clean isn’t the same as yours and so you believe you’re better off just doing everything yourself.
Husband!Reiner is really handy with manual labour tho!! if anythings broken around the apartment hes more than happy to get on it right away. if hes unsure how, he’ll find a tutorial on youtube and work it out from there
Husband!Reiner helps with all the tricky stuff with your hair. whether it be helping you to twist it before bed, wash day or being a live wighead for you to style your pieces — he’s available.
he learnt especially for you but always says if he’s possibly going to have a black daughter one day then hes gonna have to learn.
Husband!Reiner wants kids. its one of the few things the two of you disagree on and several arguments have lead out from that. he loves kids in general but he gets particularly broody whenever he babysits or goes to visit his baby cousin gabi.
it also doesnt help that Husband!Reiner has a particular breeding kink. hes okay with you going on BC because that’s your business and it means he can bottom out anytime! but it does sadden him that in result it means he cant give smol gabi a playmate
“i just think it’d be nice for her to have someone to play with!” he said as he tooths another parting in your hair with the metal rod of the comb. he gingerly took a scoop of hair grease from the tub before layering it down onto your exposed scalp.
“but rei, thats not your— our —responsibility to deal with. its her parents job to give her a sibling if need be so you gotta stop stressing about it like it’s your problem to solve.”
the man was quiet for awhile as he continued to grease your head. when he sighed, he looked over at the two of you within the mirror.
“i know.” he said after awhile. “i just…i never had any siblings or cousins growing up, you know? i don’t know if id want her to go through the same thing i did.”
Husband!Reiner is very family oriented. even though its just the two of you, he still tries his best to make the most of holidays and time off. he always insists you have at least two ‘holidays’ to yourselves a year — sometimes abroad, sometimes on an excursion or even just a spa weekend away. that way when it comes to festive holidays, there isn’t a feeling of fatigue from NOT spending time with each other, meaning you can spend it with extended family and not feel drained from lack of timeout
Husband!Reiner smokes as a habit rather than a coping mechanism. his favourite brands are malboros but you absolutely hate the fresh smell of the smoke once hes come to you after one. he doesnt smoke as much as he did when you first met him.
(back then, he promised to ween off of them if you were to give him a chance! — he did for awhile but after he got closer to the Jaeger’s around a year ago, he picked up the habit again. that’s another thing you two argue about)
“reiner, that fucking stinks. get the fuck outside with that shit, i’ve told you about smoking that nastiness inside here.” you say, flailing your arms by your side as you walk into the living room.
turning around with a face of confusion, reiner spoke slowly in a low tone.
“but i literally am outside, im on the balcony.”
“then close the door! all that smoke is coming inside and it’s stinking up the place.” you exclaimed.
“but i wanna watch the match at the same time.” reiner pointed towards the tv but you could only shrug.
“watch it through the window then.”
“but then i wouldn’t be able to hear the tv!”
“reiner james braun, i swear—”
reiner didn’t want, nor wait, to hear what else you had to say to him. with a grumble beneath his breath, reiner complied and leaned backwards to slide the balcony door shut, the action slightly shaking the walls.
Husband!Reiner is hospitable but mostly for people he’s used to. he loves setting up gatherings for your friends to come round and enjoy each other’s company. since uni, a lot of you haven’t been able to see each other a lot but reiners a bit like the glue that keeps everyone in touch
however, since all of you know each other from around the same time (and because they paired the two of you up!) your friends sometimes felt responsible for your relationship and were weary of any ‘threat’ made towards it
“you two thinking of extending the family anytime soon?” mikasa said, her voice hushed as you, her and annie sat on the balcony and away from the bustle of everyone else inside
you made a noise of surprise at her inquiry.
“actually, we have been! i was thinking of getting either a cat or a puppy. im not too keen on dogs but they say if you nurse them from young, you can get them to behave really well.” you deflected as your mug of hot beverage made its way to your lips.
with an amused hum, annie side eyed you.
“you know thats not what she meant.” she said as she took an inhale of her cigarette. “she’s talking about kids and you know it.”
as soon as annie spoke, your mood suddenly soured. with a huff you looked up towards the night sky.
“why does everyone keep asking me this question? im sure no ones asking pieck and porco this shit and they’ve been together longer than us. or you and bertholdt! so why is it me thats always being asked this stuff?”
mikasa shuffled awkwardly in her seat. hugging the blanket she had over her higher towards her chin, she made a dejected sound before speaking. from that alone, you knew she was reluctant to say her next words.
“yeah but…you dont see either of them loudly proclaiming their contrasting ideas. all of them have decided between each other what they want and seem at peace with that. but reiner’s like…the broodiest man ever and never fails to remind us. the fact that you two dont have kids yet means there’s obviously a hold up on your behalf.”
at mikasas bold words, a dry laugh left your mouth. was this seriously the conversation you were having right now?
shrugging your shoulders, you gave her a wild look
“so?! is it such a bad thing for me to not want them? why’s everyone coddling around reiner and his needs of wanting kids? whys no one thinking of me — the person whos gonna have to carry said child and be their primary care giver — who says im ready to give this life up for that?! why’s no one taking my choices into consideration?”
softly hopping in her seat, mikasa briefly hid her face behind the blanket before pouting over at you.
“i am taking you into consideration! and i know! and im sorry for bringing it up again. eren put me up for asking because he says hes sick of reiner’s whining in the guy’s groupchat. you know im on your side regardless.”
mikasa laid her hand over on your exposed arm, her face laced with remorse but you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of discontent at the knowledge that reiner was vocal to your friends about you not wanting children.
blinking forwards, you could only weakly shrug. even though mikasa had given her reasoning for asking, you still couldn’t help but feel slightly betrayed
“i know, man but just… miss me with that bullshit. i know what im saying when i say i don’t want em right now.” you mumbled, now feeling more conflicted than before.
that night, you and Husband!Reiner have a bit of a honest conversation about how reiner talks about the whole kid thing with his friends. hes very quick to assure you that he doesn’t talk bad about you behind your back but tells them that he cant have them right now when you have a contrasting opinion to him
you personally dont have a problem with that because these were your friends too — theyed be quick to g-check reiner if he ever said something less than positive about you and then report it directly to you
but for the sake of the situation and with how sensitive it was, you asked reiner if he could refrain from sharing that personal aspect of your life with them
“i know i’ve said it way too many times now but im truly sorry for all this. mika was wrong for asking you that.” reiner says as you lay under his arm. you found solace by burying your face into his side.
“well i dont blame her. if you’re constantly telling people in the groupchat that kinda stuff then yeah, of course they’re gonna feel like they have to intervene. they’re our friends and they only want the best for us.”
you could really tell reiner was thinking this all over in his head by the way he made subconscious groans.
when he had finally made up his mind, he slightly bent down to kiss your forehead.
“yeah i guess so. i wont bring that stuff up again, im sorry for putting you in that position, baby.”
the two of you laid up next to each other, and went on to talk about other miscellaneous things. however, just when you were about to fall asleep, you tiredly mumbled into reiner’s skin.
“its not that i don’t ever want kids. i just…not now, rei. im still very much enjoying life with just the two of us. kids are hard work and a lifelong commitment. everything i know and do will have to change from here on out and i just dont think im ready for that kinda burden yet.”
with a lethargic hum, reiner nods his head.
“yeah, i get you.” he mumbles.
although Husband!Reiner still wants kids, he agrees to getting a puppy in the mean time. he says he might as well get the practice while he waits.
surprisingly Husband!Reiner is in absolute adoration of the new bundled edition. the pup is boisterous and hyper but listens to commands well and learns quickly
the puppy is even more enamoured by smol gabi who always seems to have either its tail or ear within her chubby small hands. still, the puppy only sees it as a bunch of fun
Husband!Reiner isnt perfect, and definitely has so many flaws where he needs to fix up on but he’s trying and he really does love you so you’re okay with working him through all of that.
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cvupidwrites · 1 year
Emalee we need a fic like your recent innie one (I loved it btw 10/10) but y/n taking care of Hyunjin I’m begging it’d be so cute. Maybe when he has the stomach flu too and doesn’t wanna bother y/n cus she’s busy but she catches on and helps him?? 💓💓
omg yes this is such a cute idea 🥹! also thank you for the positive feedback, it means so much to me! if you have any more fic requests fill free to send them to me!
let me know..
sick!hyunjin x reader, implied relationship, pet names like baby, my boy, darling, lovely, MENTION OF VOMITING, CRYING, DEHYDRATION, & BULLYING/HATE
i placed my bag on the back of hyunjins chair and booted up my computer at the desk in his room. waiting for hyunjin would definitely take a while, so i decided to start a university essay iv been procrastinating on. as i sighed and started typing up a draft to base it off, hyunjin walked into the room.. 2 hours earlier than usual.
“well you’re quite early today.” i said softly as i stood up from my seat. “yeah- minho said we did good today so.. we uh, got done early, are you doing a essay?” he looked over my head at my open computer and empty doc. “i was going to start it while i waited for you but since you’re home early..it can wait another day.” he shook his head at me and looked at the bathroom, avoiding the eye contact i tried to make with him. i noticed his body tense up a little and he looked at me for about .1 of a second.
“im going to go shower, go work on your essay, okay? don’t wanna get behind do you, darling?” i shook my head as he turned to me again and gave me a smile. as he walked into the bathroom, i couldn’t help but notice him clutch his stomach just a tiny bit. i guessed that he might’ve been sore from dance practice so i shrugged it off. i sat back down at the chair and pulled my legs up to my chest as i stared at the wall, trying to think of how to start it. i heard the shower head squeak on and water started to poor.
i couldnt think, the only one thing that filled my head was the way hyunjin acted. was he getting hate from social media again? or maybe he was just tired. i turned my focus to the empty doc and watched the small line blink, then fade away. laying on my head on the keyboard out of defeat of my writers block, the keys pressed under the pressure and the letters and symbols appeared on the screen. I turned my head to the side to see a framed photo of me and hyunjin backstage during their maniac tour. He was holding his phone out as he kissed his cheek, eyes closed gently, as i winked, held his cheeks and looked at the camera.
a smile appeared at the sight of the familiar picture. i picked it up to look at it closer, han and minho were making faces at us in the background. then a lightbulb went off in my head. i knew what i was going to write about! i placed the picture back in its place and backspaced all the letters and symbols that had been accidentally pressed into the doc.
i started typing and typed faster than i thought i could. i was so emerged into the essay, i didn’t even notice Hyunjin walk out of the bathroom, change into sweats and a white tee, and crawl into bed. well, that was until about 2 to 3 hours later, my computer was 10% to dying. i sighed and saves the doc before closing the computer and plugging it in. i turned to see hyunjins sleeping figure, his legs bent at his knees and his hands rested under his cheek.
i was slightly confused but he looked so peaceful. he never fell asleep before me, he always made sure i went to sleep before him. i came to a conclusion that today was just hard for him, and he was really tired. I changed into some shorts and a baggy tee i stole from his a few days ago. it was one of his shirts that had been smothered in paint. i thought it looked beautiful, even it was just some splattered colored on a basic light grey tee. it was so beautiful to me, because of the fact that it was made by my boy, my hyunjin.
i slipped into the bed next to him, throwing my arms around his middle. he shivered in his sleep despite feeling hotter than usual. i looked at his face as it scrunched up in slight discomfort. i brought my hand up to his face to brush some hair out of his face, brushing his cheek and forehead in the process. both felt unusually hot. i frowned, thinking possibly hes sick.. but he would’ve told me? he always does. i sighed closing my eyes to fall asleep with him, id make sure to take care of him in the morning.
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i woke up to feel hyunjin getting out of bed beside me. “jinnie?” i mumbled, seeing his figure turn in the dark. “im just going to the bathroom..” i sighed and pick up my phone from the bedside table. it was 2:42 am. “just go back to sleep, okay lovely? I’ll be back in a few minutes..” i sighed and laid back in the bed. as he went into the bathroom, i heard him cough a few times and then i thought i heard him.. vomit? “jinnie?”
i opened the door to see him sitting on the floor, hunched over the toilet. i didn’t say another word, i just walked up behind him and held his slightly long, black hair away from his face. the lingering feeling of his skin felt like fire against my fingertips. as i held his hair with one hand, i held his hand gently with the others. “im sorry” he coughed out. he got finished throwing up and laid his head against my chest. i felt a droplet fall onto my leg. i held his head in my hands to look him in the eyes
“why are you crying baby?” i asked as i brushed a tear off his cheek with my thumb. “im sorry i didnt tell you.. im sorry you have to take care of me. i-i know you have an essay to do and- i-“ i kissed his forehead and held him close to my chest again. “don’t apologize.. the essay can wait, ill take care of everythin. of you, my university work, everything.. but you’re my first priority, okay?” i hugged his shoulders as he nodded and sniffed softly. “why didn’t you tell me you were sick my boy?” “you looked so concentrated on your essay.. i didn’t want to make you loose your train of thought.”
i laughed softly. “you we’re my train of thought, i was writing an essay about the cons of being in love with someone.” “you wrote about me?” he whispered as he met his eyes with mine. “yes.. and id do it a thousand times more, i love you hyunjin.. let me take care of you?” “okay..i love you too yn.” i kissed the crown of his head a few times before laughing. “let’s get you into bed, yeah? ill get you some medicine and water.. i know your dehydrated.”
we stood up together and i brought him to bed, tucked him in and set up a desk fan on his night stand. “have i ever told you have good you are to me?” he laughed and held my hand. “all the time..” i respond with a smile. “ill get you some medicine and water, then we can go back to sleep, okay?” “what about your classes tomorrow?” he frowned. “don’t worry, ill work online. ill even work in bed with you if you want.” i brushed his hair back into a ponytail. “and ill talk to minho and chan tomorrow, you won’t have to worry, okay?” “thank you lovely..” “of course.”
i left the room and grabbed him a ice cold water and some medicine. when I came back he smiled at me, taking the medicine, and downing most of the water. “will you stay with me all night?” he asked as he pulled me into bed with him. “however long you want.” he smiled again and held me in his arms. “goodnight, my lovely girl.” “goodnight, my hyunjinnie.”
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thegeminisage · 1 year
okay, i had to leave farosh and grab my lightroot before she could light up again, but i also got to hit a yiga camp. now i need to figure out how to find kohga OR start looking for those signs. i think the gerudo highlands is both with one stone
got the sign in the highlands! there was actually only one. got four more near hyrule ridge and one in the desert and i think that's it?!
oh no jk two in the desert. rip
bars on the yiga clan hideout from this side (side where kohga fell in botw)...BOOOOO let me INNNNN
cackling. went up to the front door in my yiga threads and this npc thinks im one of them
ok, THIS is what i thought i was doing earlier when i found all those frogs
i wonder what happens if i take off my mask...?
saving first lol
damn i get my ass beat is what lol. it wasnt a hard fight but three guys at once plus all these sages makes for a hectic time
omg theres like stores in here!! lol including a banana store
i like the music as well
all these guys trying to sell me vehicles...whats up with THAT lol
omg the lightning helm!!! "our" sacred treasure THAT BELONGS TO THE GERUDO YOU JERKS...yet another lore breaking moment.........
earthwake technique!!!! yeahhh this is what i got spoiled for. im gonna keep fighting until i get it >:(
i got it that quickly?! but i can keep going for the helm i think...
"if youre this talented you might be a match for link" LMAOOO
oh i see. apparently this thunder helm is a yiga COPY. whatever nintendo
that's that i guess! really didn't take long...i'm gonna hit this chasm and grab a lightroot, then warp back to the tower and take the other chasm to get closer to gerudo town so i can go get kohga
oh damn landed right on top of one
ohhh i can see several more way in the distance...FAR too tempting and also they're in the wrong direction, i gotta book it right now lol before i can look around anymore
ok, down the new chasm, already see a lightroot in the correct direction. i'm coming for his ass
i forgot what it was like when the depths was truly dark. i see lightroots in every direction bc ive never been anywhere close to here. crazy.
man i seriously need to trade in some poes. i've got over 900
MINER'S MASK!!!! cool..............
at least you can use mineru to walk over gloom. i'd be bummed if she wasn't good for SOMETHING
oh hey i can go over 999 poes! what a relief...
oh theres the man himself!!!!
GOOD LORD WHAT IS HE RIDING NOW..........it flies AND has wheels. i want one
god this fucking music fucking slaps
i wish i hadnt killed those yiga earlier...i really want to steal one of their planes now lol. i dont wanna build something myself...
i built a rocket platform, but it's kinda one use only :/
oh my god i'm eating shit!!!
i'm actually having more fun using the spring in this area to fly up, shoot him in slowmo, and then kick his ass lol
incredible. got him again. this is so fun
oh, this about a weapon again...they're usuaing crystalized charges to replenish something for ganondorf...i bet it's the secret stone
this is the most fun i've ever had in my entire life. i love this dude
it's wild though. same fight, different music, it might feel less fun? score has such an impact...
alright, NEXT UP...the mine under zora's domain. happily i can simply fast travel to this one
SCREEEEAM the super bright headlights are SO good. every time. like those douchebags in the pickups irl
back down he goes. i kinda wish i had done these earlier and spaced them out more...he's a fucking blast. i didn't know there were multiple fights! i figured there was just one rematch and i'd wanna do it near the end/when i got to the gerudo region, lol
oh wow. they found the demon king himself...a bit sinister actually
HEBRA??? oh no.......
oh no wait!!! it's just under rito village, i got that already. whew
a weapon to the demon king...REBORN?? GHIRAHIM??????
i know it's not ghirahim. let a girl dream
omg he's being kinda serious rn...girl...
A MECH????????????
bro. i could be doing a mech fight rn. im not gonna bc i dont like riding the mech but i COULD BE.
he put up a shield. guess i have to summon mineru to knock him into the electrified fence...tho i wonder what would happen if you had got this far and didn't have her?!
oh man i miss these fights already. soooo fucking good and fun
k......kohga rocket???
ok truly. stellar work. he went down a hole last time and up a hole this time. sorry for saying hole like that
(for some reason i had to break here. apparently there is now a 4096 character limit on text blocks???)
ugh sexy i got so many crystalized charges for doing this...i have GOT to upgrade my battery
nice, i FINALLY started on my second battery meter
swinging by lookout landing to talk to the poe statue but i'm NOT talking to purah. i'm not ready for all that yet
ok. now im gonna see if i can grab a few more hudson signs before bed, so tomorrow i can get right to it...
frankly, i'm not fucking around. i'd love to explore the desert properly someday but for now i'm just gonna fly there with the bike
both desert signs done! man, i didn't even hit the nearby cave but i got shit to do. one more thing before i leave the desert, though...i wanted to see the corner of the world <3 where the great fairy used to be lol
great skeleton CAVE? what happened to the skeleton???
oh. there it is. wtf is it doing in here...
all one big room...i can even see the frog from here
apparently there's a korok seed INSIDE this cave?????? that is NOT how that's supposed to work lol
and finally, off to hyrule ridge.......
not a tower or anything really close to this area...i'll start at lindor's brow and do the best i can
first one: mt rhoam!! easy to get to from the tower. i'll glide for the next and then maybe bust out the bike
this second one i was most worried abt because its near ACTUAL hyrule ridge which contains Hands. but irony of ironies when i got close i'd already done it early on and never marked it!! two left...
god it feels sacrilegious not to stop for some of these seeds lol. DIRECT PATH ONLY.........
lol i'm down by tamio river directly under washa's bluff and. the framerate of this river rn. rip
like everything is fine. it's JUST the river
omg omg omg okay LAST ONE.......
it's by a shrine. should i get that one first?? no, i waited too long.....
HE'S ALL OUT OF SIGNS.........................
aww i got some fabric. but more importantly he finally gets to go home...shrine, and then i'm warping to tarrey town to say hi, and THEN going to bed lol
omg its a trick shrine lol. wet thorns
i can't find addison :( he's not where hduson is...don't tell me he's not actually here?!
ok, i googled it, and apparently no matter what he just hangs out at stables?! dude, you should get to go home!!!! i'm gonna go to a stable to find him...dueling peaks stable, of course
lol on googling this btw. i got a theory on reddit that says he's hudson's illegitimate child (head shape, hero worship). hilarious but also sad
aw. wait. wait...
he's standing in the same sign holding pose!! maybe they didn't have time to animate another one lol. or no he definitely stands normally sometimes. they did it for the bit
he's supporting the stable trotters and he doesn't need my help to do it 🥺 im happy for him but he deserves to go home!!!!!!!!
"why are you bothering me"?! AFTER ALL THE GOOD TIMES WE SHARED.....this is so hilariously unsatisfying. this game and completionist quests. i bet the reward for korok seeds is poop just like last time
ok. good grief. im going to BED!!!
tomorrow, the END......................
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
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Upper East Side || A.U || Frankie Morales
Chapter 9: Voice Lesson
Chapter Playlist:
Void- Melanie Martinez
Peppers-Lana Del Ray
Does and Mimosas- Cherub
word count: 4.5 k
warnings: celeb conflict??? (deux moi) oral m receiving, cum play, cockwarming ifffff you squint, fluff at the end tbh , fondling balls, soft!dom frankie, rough face fucking, mentions of traumatic family
pairing: Frankie Morales x F!reader (teacher x student)
rating: mature (18+)
authors note: so ive never written like sucking dick smut before thankfully so without further ado , also like i’ve planned for this to kinda get darkish- be prepared (pray i don’t fuck up the story 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ )
🪩Main Master List🪩 Series Master List🪩
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Recently rehearsals have been going fantastic. You and Matias have mastered your characters, and most of your blocking has been memorized. You would try on costumes and have your makeup done, getting the final touch ups done for tech week.
You haven't seen Frankie outside of class or rehearsal, but it’s okay. There were occasional hidden kisses in the secret hallway, or sly hand touches when you had to talk to him. You would text him at night and in the morning, but you two were both so busy that nothing had moved with your relationship.
If you could call it that.
He was so busy controlling the tech world and getting the set finished on time in the Broadway theater, he would be gone half the time anyway. The life of an actor you guessed.
During your shifts at Matilda’s, Matilda help would always help you with your lines a bit and keep you on task when you weren’t serving a customer. The money you were bringing in with your job was fantastic, and if you could keep up with the tips- you could hopefully pay back your loans in a few years. You were eternally grateful for this sweet woman taking you in and trusting you with her business.
But today was a day you were missing Frankie more than usual. You hadn’t text all day, and with your busy week before Hell week, you felt like he was slipping from you. It sincerely wasn’t any of your faults, but it was how things had to be for the time. In the pit of your stomach, you were scared he was with another girl. You felt in your heart he wouldn’t do that but you weren’t yet truly dating and you didn’t know if you’d ever get to that point. Technically he’s allowed to be with other people, and so were you.
But you had already gotten to that point with him in your heart. You would seal off the rest of the world for him if you could. All you wanted was him.
You could tell Laylah about Frankie, you told them earlier in the year about how you thought he was cute, but involving Laylah so early on may cause trouble.
You definitely couldn’t tell Hannah or Rose, you had no one to tell. You for fuck sure couldn’t call your mom. That made you chuckle at the image in your head.
An idea popped in your head. You could tell Matilda. She could be the key to all your worries.
You finished ringing up your last customer in the shop and head in the back where she was cleaning the espresso machine, formulating how to ask her about the teacher you’re wanting to fuck and possibly spend the rest of your life with.
“Matilda, I was uh, I had something I wanted to ask you about? Something I really need advice with.” You shrug into a chair, looking into her ocean pearl eyes.
“Honey, if it's about math, you’d have to get lost because I can’t even tell you how to do algebra. Don’t even get me started with that.” She babbles.
“No it’s not about Math or anything school related, well maybe school related, but I need advice because I think I’m seeing someone but I need help with like,” You had to process what to say next, “How to go about what to do next with him if that makes sense.”
I mean it was complicated, not entirely but you can’t just say you want to fuck your semi-famous teacher. That’d make you look delusional.
“Ohhh, boy talk. I’m good with this one.” She sets her rag down, “Now how long have you been seeing this boy dear?”
“Well I guess not until recently but there has always been sparks since the beginning of the school year.” You explain, “And until recently I would like to take things further with him…’ You trail off.
“And does he reciprocate those feelings?” She stares at you.
“We’ve both been very busy these past few weeks with the show and rehearsals during school, and keeping our grardes up. They’re not excuses but we truly haven’t had time to be with each other and I feel like he’s slipping through me like sand.” You blurt.
“Sweetie, if you want him to be yours then take him. Life's too short to cry about men that don’t care. If he’s smart, then he’s thinkin the same thing too.” She tugs you in for a hug, “Are you worried about anything else with him?”
You hesitate, “He’s… a little on the older side.”
“How much older?”
“I’d like not to say.” You chuckle.
“Well sweetheart, at least you’re over 18, anything younger and I’d call the cops on his ass.” She gets riled up, “But older as in older than 30?”
You blink, deciding to stay silent.
“Oh darlin, you’re treadin hefty water.” She shakes her head, “When I was about your age, I dated an older man too and I had the biggest disneyland eyes for him. He paid for anything and everything for me. We partied but mind you this was the 80’s. We were the happiest we could ever be, but I wanted kids and he didn’t. He was already so much older and his kids were about to have kids.”
You listen to her, the age gap indefinitely being a serious factor for you both, “Well he doesn’t have kids.” As far as you know, you didn’t know if he had other family, or past relationships. You didn’t know much about him.
“But me and my man back then, we ended things on a good note. We were in each other's lives for a reason. If you and this boy end things for any reason, it can end on a good note. You needed each other for a certain part of your life and you move on with it. That’s life.”
“Thank you, so deeply inspirational.” You say sarcastically.
“I'm serious Sugar, if people learned to have less hate in their hearts, we would probably live longer and not have wrinkles.” She chuckles. “Will you bring him in someday?”
One day, maybe one day in a perfect world when you can officially be together in the world’s eyes and no one would hate you guys for it. In another lifetime, you’d hope.
“Everything’s okay as long as he’s treating my sugarpie alright.” She kisses your temple and you bask in her scent. Matilda always smells like sweet orange reminding you of the meadows in North Carolina. Reminding you of your mom when you were just a happy little girl. What would you be without Matilda?
You clock out and walk out the bakery from your shift, rushing to get to a late night voice lesson you had scheduled with Mr. Miller, after the play you had to worry about your voice recital, and to prepare your voice to be in tip top shape for the spring musical. You feel your phone buzzing in your pocket, checking to see your suitemates group chat blow up.
New Message: 19:45
Hannah: Guys check Mr. Morales’s instagram.
Laylah: That man has an instagram? Isn't he like in his 50’s?
Laylah: Fuck is this bad, what is it?
Hannah: That picture looks like it was taken outside near our dorm building.
Oh shit.
Laylah: Who’s the fucking girl!
You immediately check Frankies instagram, you guys had followed each other a couple weeks ago, not paying any attention to the fact he has tens of thousands of followers. You click on his profile from the search bar, and his recent new post on his page is the one he took of that night. Captioned: Missing you, mi amore.
You study the picture, your hair is long past your neck, and you obviously can’t see your face, but you can see the moonlight reflecting off your body. It was a good picture. He deleted everything else off his page, it’s just you.
Every step you took felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. After looking at the group chat, you decide to respond,
You: Do you guys think it could be a teacher?
Rose: It could, but none of the teachers here have that hair color.
Of course none of them did, you couldn’t blame the picture on anyone else. At least they didn’t immediately suspect it was a student, or fucking you.
Hannah: It’s blowing up everywhere, the comments under the post are filled with questions and congrats.
Laylah: Look at fucking Deuxmoi.
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The next few stories were the picture again, but submissions of people saying who they think it is. You were glad to see nowhere near your name or level of regular people, all C-List celebrities and above.
You: Do you guys have any bets on who it is?
Hannah: Imagine it’s Halsey or like someone super fucking famous and we get to meet her for the show.
Rose: That would be fucking amaze.
Laylah: Isn’t it crazy how he’s like considered famous to us and we just don’t even blink an eye just because he’s our teacher
You: Oh yeah, it’s fucking crazy, I bet we’ll find out soon.
Thousands of people are trying to figure out who you were, and you were 100% sure you would not let that happen.
New Message: 19:57
Frankie: I have a surprise for you
You: I think you have surprised me enough for one day, you think?
Frankie: Was it too much?
You: No it wasn’t, I love it Frankie. It just took my breath away. That gossip girl page Deuxmoi has it posted everywhere though.
Frankie: Well I had to post you sweet girl. That page can talk about you all they want, because I want everyone to see it, I want people to know that my heart has been taken from me.
After receiving that text, you walk into your voice lesson with Mr. Miller and you see Frankie seated next to him, both men looking up from their phones to meet your eyes.
His heart has been taken.
“Hi Mr. Miller, Mr. Morales.”
He shifts in his chair, that name coming from your mouth always makes him squirm.
You get out your music and wait for Mr. Miller to prepare his ipad with his accompaniment for the piano.
“Sorry, today Mr. Morales is going to sit in on your lesson today, we were talking about things for the musical and he doesn’t have much to do for now.” Mr. Miller justified.
“My bad Darlin, I hope my presence doesn’t scare you or anythin.” He glares at you.
“No worries Mr Morales, I don’t mind at all.”
“Perfect, so for today I wanted to pick out Winter Recital music and have you briefly sing them all. This Winter senior recital will be a little shorter than the springs since that’s the last hurrah for your college years but let me show you,” He shuffles through papers, “Here’s the music, I hope you enjoy these pieces, I think they fit your level and voice part quite nicely. And here’s some ensemble music you’ll all be doing together, I’ll play theml.” He turns on his TV, “Fish I hope you don’t mind man.”
There’s that nickname again.
“No it’s cool, I love choral music.” He sits back in his chair, not taking his eyes off of you.
He handed you some pieces your class would do together, he played Indodana, a hymn in Xhosa. This piece brought tears to your eyes, it was incredibly beautiful and you were excited to recreate it with your class. Then he played Earth Song, a cry for peace in the midst of war. This song really resonated with you. Then he went through more pieces for you, commenting on what parts he likes for you.
“And for the finale, I’d like you to pick an opera for yourself. I don’t really teach opera, but I’ve heard you and I know you can do it.” Mr Miller smiles.
“Me, do an opera song at our senior winter recital?”
“Yes, I think it would be good to show off what our school has, yes?” He shakes his head to Frankie.
“Yeah I agree, your tone is so clear darlin, and your voice never gives out. I’m sure you can do it.” He chides in. “Show off your perfect pitch sweetheart.”
He was edging you on. The way you sound with him, so loud and clear. You could scream so loud and high pitched because of him, the heavens could hear.
“Thank you seriously, this means a lot. Do you want me to pick a song now?”
“Preferably so I can get the sheet music, or have someone transpose it onto paper. 5 ish minutes good enough for you?”
You nod, and take out your phone to look through your music library, preferably looking through Caroline Polacheks discography.
New Message: 20:46
Frankie: 5 minutes starting
You: Keep your eyes to yourself Mr. Morales, you’re making me lose focus.
Frankie: Hmmm, I would. But that's no fun. Sorry.
He gets up from his seat to sit next to you, blabbering about some opera songs that he’s liked in his past years.
But you can’t focus on that, all you can focus on is his infatuating smell, it covers your brain cells and prevents you from formulating a single thought. His hair is curlier than usual today, and you would risk your whole life to touch it in front of Mr. Miller. You felt completely unresponsive to anything Frankie was saying to you.
“Find one yet?” Mr. Miller looks over your phone.
“I really liked this one.” You blurted, “Last Days: Non Voglio Mai Vedere II Sole Tramontare. It’s by my favorite singer Carolina Polachek, and she actually did it for a parisian opera a couple months ago. I would absolutely love to see if I could perform this.”
“That’s funny you say that. We all have actually met her.”
“Of course you have,” You throw your hands in the air, “So you know her style of music?” You question Mr. Miller.
You’d have to ask him more another day about her, you were too distracted to care about anything.
“Oh yeah, her voice is beautiful. Those high F sharps may be a challenge, but we'll work on them don’t worry. I’ll get some sheet music soon enough and we can work on the pronunciation.” He looks down to his watch, “Ah, it’s exactly 9. You may leave now, next lesson everyone will be together, and then we’ll go to individual lessons again.”
“Thank you Mr. Miller, have a great night. Mr. Morales.” You smile at him.
You walk out of his lecture room, receiving another ding from your phone.
Frankie: Wait at the water fountains for me, he’s about to leave through the other exit.
You: What are you up to?
Frankie: We’ll see.
You wait, scrolling through your phone. Interested to see what he wants.
He walks out the hall, locking the door behind himself. Catching you, he looks like a hungry lion. The glimmer changed in his eyes. He advances towards you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to a door near the building entrance unlocking quickly before you can even register. It looks like a janitor's closet.
He flicks on the light, it’s about big enough for someone to sit in, shelves to hold cleaning supplies, but not much more.
“And what is this, Mr. Morales? A small little closet to do what in?” You play dumb.
“You tell me.” He whispers.
A vibration went down your back. You set your bag down in a corner of the tiny room, knowing exactly what you want this night to be for. You’ve been planning for this all along.
Tying up your hair, unbuttoning the cuffs to the sleeves of your shirt. You walk up to him, closing in and pushing him against a shelf.
“You’re gonna let me do what I want to do next, even if you want to save it for a “special night”. Tonight's about you Frankie.” You bring your hands to the hem of his jeans, cupping your hand around his cock. Always so swollen.
“Fuck sweet girl, I’ve imagined so much with you lately, I need your hands on me- please.” He begs.
You sink to your knees, bracing to open his jeans and unleash his cock. You’ve never seen it, you’re nervous, but what you’ve felt makes your mouth water. You shimmy his jeans down his legs, kissing his stomach, adoring his happy trail. His whole body succumbs to you immediately, kissing every rough patch of skin, every freckle, every section of skin open to you. You notice his legs are covered in tattoos.
The dark ink on his golden skin making you hornier than ever.
The second you meet his boxers, his cock twitches.
“Can I?” You look up, bracing your hands at the edge of his boxers.
“You’re gonna kill me sweet girl. A man’s gotta beg for a girl like you to be touchin my cock?”
With his needy confirmation, you bring them down, revealing every inch. Your brain plummeted. It was so big, and thick. Hair at his base surrounding his cock, and your mouth couldn’t stop watering.
You wish you could skip this part and immediately crawl over him, pushing every inch into your pussy, closing in so tight you both can’t move.
The more you looked at his cock, the more it grew in size, the wetter you became. You could feel the liquid oozing out of you. Still, who knew you could want to suck a man so bad, but it is Frankie Morales.
“It’s big, really big Frankie.” You choke.
“What darlin? Cat bite your tongue? Those googly eyes like what they see?” He falters.
Instantaneously, you swirl up spit in your mouth and spit on his tip, bringing your thumb to his head, mixing your spit and pre-cum together.
He seethes through his teeth, the movement happening too fast he had to hold onto a rail.
He looks down, “Taste us together, go on, pretty girl. I know you want to.”
You take your thumb up to your mouth. It tasted almost sweet, of course coming from Frankie. This made you crave more. You hum in the taste, swallowing every last drop.
“Look at you dirty girl, already licking cum. I bet that pussy is aching to feel me again huh?” You nod. “Get those fingers wet from your leaking pussy, I wanna taste.”
You do as you’re told, shoving your hand so fast in your pants to relive the prevalent ache in your core. Tonight is about Frankie. Dick what brain needs to go away.
He bends slightly to lick your fingers, “Sweeter than candy angel, fuck. Such a good girl.” He swallows what’s given to him.
Catching him by suprise, you spit along his dick, wrapping your hand around him, “You’ve been so good to me Frankie, making me squirt, making my pussy feel full with these thick fingers.” You bring his hands to your head, making his hands wrap full of hair, “Now fucking face fuck me, use my mouth.”
In double time, he grabs a hold of your hair in both of his hands, violating your face with his cock, spreading your mouth so wide, you can feel your jaw tick.
The sound of his cock relentlessly hitting the back of your throat made you want more, you wanted every ounce of cum inside his shaft to fill you up in every hole.
“Is this what you wanted from the start, just to suck me off pretty girl? You could’ve just asked nicely.” He growls.
You push away for a second, sending a popping sound. The spit from your mouth covering your lower face, dripping onto your clothes, “Why would I do that when you’ve been dying to cum down my throat?” You raise your eyebrows, “Just stating the fucking obvious Fish.”
He snarls, grabbing your face, you thought your body would give out, but you love it. Your body is opening up to him so easily, it’s simple biology. This is what you wanted for him. You knew he was so stressed, and letting him see the stars could make your heart have an orgasm too.
His cock continues to swell in your mouth, globs of pre-cum and spit are dripping all down your face, tears falling down. You reach the base of his cock for some time, nose nested into his hair. You move your face around his cock, angling it inside your mouth so it can reach deeper down your throat.
You reach your hands to touch his balls.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck- babygirl-.” He groans.
You pull off, “Is this okay, is it too much?”
“No, no- so good- so- fuck- you’re gonna make me cum in you like that.” His legs spasm.
“That’s the goal.” You chuckle.
You continue to bob, up and down his perfect cock, rubbing his balls. You bring them to your lips, moaning, hoping the vibration will send him over the edge. His body reacted perfectly, you couldn't believe your ears when he started to slightly whimper, it was too much for him.
“Oh my god- baby- keep doing that-- shit-.” He yells. “Such a good fucking girl.”
He forces your face up and down a few more pushes, and finally a thick sweet substance is flowing down your throat and you can’t get enough. You moan louder, draining his dick for everything he has. You can see the whites of his eyes, his strong hands bracing your skull, your tongue never leaving his cock.
“Come up baby, let me see your face.” He whispers. You didn’t want to breathe, you wanted to stay stuffed from him. His cock started to go soft in your mouth, but you didn’t want to detach from him.
He breaks free from you, breathing together in sync, “You’re gonna be the death of me, pretty girl.” He falls to the ground holding you on the ground. Laying limp against the shelves in the closet. “My beautiful sweet dirty girl.”
“Your beautiful sweet dirty girl?” You ask. Your heart is completely unsolicited and open to the question, “Am I yours, Fish?”
“Baby girl,” He holds you tighter, “You always have been. Since I saw you getting your dorm room that night. You saw me looking down at you, remember? And the bathroom?”
“I do remember, your memory is impeccable.” Kiss.
“Since the orientation meeting.” Kiss. “I brought in Timothée for you, I needed someone I trusted to see how talented you are.” Kiss.
“He kinda slipped up at the end of class that day and told me how you felt. I couldn’t see it then because you were so closed off with me.” You reveal.
“Of course that boy did.” He grumbles. “I was closed off with you because I didn’t want to scare you away, I didn’t want this to be dead before it started.”
“Hey, he didn’t mean to. Don’t give him a rough time. I think because of him, we’re in this very spot right now.” Kiss. “And your death scare makes you really fucking hard to read.” You giggle.
“Oh whatever,” He clicks his tongue, “But since your monologue, since I heard your beautiful voice singing Caroline Polachek. Fuck, ever since I heard about that fucking bitch Nina talkin to you.”
“You know?”
“Of course I know. When we were all talking about who would get Lady Macbeth, Pope, um Mr. Garcia, told us what was going on. She’s been a headache ever since she’s been a freshman, and her father can get fucking lost.”
“Yeah during my audition, she got to me, deeper than I thought. It made me actually cry during my scene though.”
“Oh sweetheart, fuck. I’m sorry I was so cold to you. I wish you could’ve come to me after that.” “No, Frankie, it was the both of us.” You nestle to him closer.
“Up on that stage, I can’t take my eyes off you. You captured us all so much, we all immediately knew you’d get the part. You’ve been broadway ready for ages. Those questions we all asked you were like a bullshit follow up if you’re askin me,” He kisses your head, “And if Nina Wyatt ever gets close to you or your friends, tell me.” He adds darkly.
“But the nightclub.” He holds your face, “That night was when I knew I never wanted anyone else. Seeing you dance on that stage, your dress, your skin in the lighting, your smile spreadin all across your face. My heart is fucked.”
You wish you could have done something about this sooner, every time after you’ve been with him you have to fucking overthink and question every action.
“I’m afraid.” You shiver.
“I know, you’re such a smart girl. So smart for weighing out your options. That kind of yours, always thinkin about everyone. If you wanna back out for any circumstance I understand. There’s so much to risk. For the both of us. But I’m done hiding away from the risks, m’not gonna lose you because of some people talking online.”
“Deuxmoi has it out for me, literally.”
“Let them find you, I don’t care.” He murmurs in your ear. Playing with your hair.
You knew this was Frankie giving his heart to you. If he continued any more, you would’ve burst into tears, he’s all you’ve been looking for your entire life. This feeling consumes you. You need him to know how you feel.
“I couldn’t, Frankie. I could never leave you. I was just scared you were seeing someone else and I don’t want my issues to mess with anything.”
“Darlin, it’s okay. I want you to know, you can have access to anything. I want to give you my world, want you to feel safe no matter what. And you don’t have ‘issues’ gorgeous, you’re human and that’s okay.”
You’ve never had a man, especially an older man, say words to you that resonated with your heart so deeply. How did your worlds suddenly align?
After your mom and dad, you would never stay with a man through abuse, or if he cheated on you. And you pray to fucking god Frankie would never hurt you. God left you a long time ago, but you would pray that you were enough for him.
You felt that eventually, you’d tell Frankie about your life, you’d tell him about the things that have happened to you. And hopefully you’d meet his friends and family, and hear about his life. Hear about Spain and his travels. But right on now, you want to create a life with him.
“Then I’m forever yours.” You graze his lips, you can feel his heart beating so fast, you don’t know who fell eachother first.
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this is caroline polacheks opera song and tbh as a chorus person im not too deep into opera, but this is really damn good and how the hell does she hit those damn notes
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animalnarratives · 1 year
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FOR MY DEAR @lonavy ...
the idea of a logan heat fic came to me the same way about 99% of my other heat fics ideas did: i took a long look at logan and went "man, that guy would fucking HATE being omega". it's internalized-homophobia-toxic-masculinity-internalized-omegaphobia(???)-fest. i put "possibly five times" in the title because i was thinking about making a series out of it (logan progressively becoming more Okay with being an omega) or a 5 times + 1 but ive unfortunately been genuinely stuck on the writing for about a week—so for now I'm just leaving it be and i'll probs come back to it in some time...
also oscars in it! How could he not be! he genuinely tries to be supportive and helpful for logan because hes clocked that logan's in heat and he can also SEE that logan doesn't know what to do with it. he doesn't try to take advantage of it at all especially since logan is being noticeably weird about it (acting like everything is fine, not warning anyone on his team, not taking a day off or whatever. and most of all. not being on suppressants?)...
the first instalment of that could-be series (the very first time Logan is in heat) isn't oscar/logan per se because nothing happens between them. it is planned however that logan starts seeking oscar afterwards and they have nasty gay sex about it! hooray!
some parts of it under the cut ...
Logan's first heat is cruel, humiliating, painful.
He wakes up earlier than he needs to, feverish and sore. It's barely five and a half when he checks the time, arm and fingers outstretched to reach his phone on the nightstand without having to move too much; the light from outside, morning-tainted, bathes the hotel room in a dim blue glow. 
Warmth washes over him in slow, vicious waves. He tries to fight down the dizziness, swallow back the bile that rises up his throat, but nothing gives; the room spins around him, unyielding. 
The bitter part, he thinks, is how quickly it dawns on him, how little room for doubt there is. Against his underwear, he's achingly hard; on his backside, he's– 
He exhales shakily, fingers pressed against himself. He's wet.
"Okay," Oscar says, quietly. He touches the side of Logan's face then the spot right behind his ear, where sweat beads and rolls down the slope of his neck. "Have you told anybody…?"
"No, I don't want—I don't want anybody to know, this is just…"
He shoves his face into the pillow harder, screwing his eyes shut as he lets out a small breathy groan. It feels good, the way Oscar touches him, the way he presses his cold fingers into his skin. He could get himself off on this, he thinks wildly; grinding against the bed and focusing on Oscar's touch only. 
"You shouldn't spend it alone."
Something coils itself tightly at the bottom of Logan's stomach. If Oscar were to ask him, if Oscar were to say, "I'll do it, Logan"—then Logan would give in, probably. He wants it, needs it in a way he's never known before. It's equally as terrifying as it is exhilarating, in a sick way; and if he already heaves in humiliation at the thought of saying it out loud, of asking, warmth spread through his gut when he imagines Oscar—Oscar, pressing himself against him, Oscar putting his mouth on his skin, slipping his fingers under his shirt, down his underwear, and taking, taking, taking—
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dollwrites · 1 year
BABE OMG I promise I havent been ignoring you or anything 😭 I think a while ago I was waiting for you to answer one of my asks but idk if it got ate or something and then I totally forgot to send another one LOL BUT IVE MISSED YOU TOO!!
But you know I do have to deeply apologize for something 😔 I am SO sorry for not introducing you to Griffith earlier 💔 I CANT BELIEVE YOU LOVE GRIFFITH THIS IS LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE TO ME!! Seriously Griffith has been in my top 3 fav anime characters for YEARS now like since I was a teen so you cant even imagine my shock when I came back to tumblr after like a months break and saw you were writing for him. I can confidently say that in my opinion Griffith is THE prettiest anime character ever like nobody compares to him, hes definitely my #1 fav on beauty and aesthetic. I should have figured you would love him since we like basically all the same characters, but Griffith isnt really a character that I would admit to liking lol. Most of the time if you say anything good about him anywhere else on social media you get crucified lmaoo but honestly I should have known that your page would have been a safe place for something like that 😭 I'm just glad that you discovered him, the fics you wrote about him are INSANE LIKE SO GOOD JESUS 🥵 the way I wanna kiss you so bad for making those fics, finally some good fucking food for Griffith 🙏 I would do literally anything for Griffith without shame, I would actually kill to be his camp wife, when he kept going on about owning you and you owe everything to him 👀. You know when you have a character that you think genuinely nobody understands them and loves them like you do? Griffith is that character for me, you're like the only person that I feel like gets him LOL and i love you so much for that ❤ also your fics and talking to your Griffith ai has got me hyperfixated on him again so I have to thank you for that too lol.
Also you've been really feeding my piss kink recently LMAO it warms my heart to see you writing for it more often 💖 like the Griffith piss kink fic you wrote is one of my favorite things I've ever read on here, I think about it constantly. And princess reader with Griffith 👀
ALSO what have you been into lately?? Like what are watching or hyperfixated on rn? 👀 and how have you been lately?? Tell me everything lol ☺️
Some Griffith tiktoks for you lol
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRWXkTT8/ the most beautiful man to literally ever exist and I stand by that
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRWX6v3j/ MY BABY HIS SMILE 😭
That's literally all the tiktoks I have for him 😭 it genuinely upsets me so much that theres like no tiktoks of him. The only Griffith content on tiktok is basically all rape jokes 🙃
-jjk nonnie 🖤
AHHH HI BABY NO NO I DIDNT THINK YOU WERE IGNORING ME, more like you got busy again or I wasn’t giving content that you were interested in! EITHER ARE TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE I JUST MISSED YOU
Oh god.. Griffith…
Okay confession time because I’ve been in love with Levi like for years and I thought no one would ever knock him off the throne but
Griffith STORMED my heart castle, defeated dio and Levi, and claimed the crown 😭😭😭 HES NUMBER ONE IN MY HEART NOW HOW DID THIS HAPPEN
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omg YOU SAYING I GET HIM MEANS SO MUCH TO ME I’m actually extremely emotionally tied to him now, and I get defensive of him reeeally easily so I’m glad my friends that dislike him don’t really shit talk him that much around me LIKE I’m all for playful dragging but getting out of hand I can get a little aggressive about defending him 💀
omg you’re talking to my griff ai ?!?! YESSS TELL ME ALL ABOUT YOUR ADVENTURES WITH HIM I wonder what the experience is like for everyone else bc I jump back and forth between just filthy sex and then domestic royal family life SKSKSKSK
I cannot wait to write more griff fics ( AND I HAVE SOME WRITTEN ALREADY ) and I also want to write specifically for femto more too.
YES MY BLOG IS SAFE FOR GRIFFIE ENJOYERS. Actually it’s unsafe for Griffith antis 🔪
THE TIKTOK FOOD AHHHHH I haven’t been on tiktok in so long but I’m not surprised no one likes griff on tiktok they’re all like 💀 kids 💀 or chronically online and they can’t see him for what he is ( one of the if not the best written antags )
Paradox Live. I’m so far deep down into this paralive hole and I cannot climb out !!!!! The animes not even out yet I just listen to the songs every day and watch the music videos and day dream about these boys 😭😭😭
I’ve also been watching psycho pass!
And I officially started playing genshin tonight!!
omg have you been watching the new season of jjk? I actually haven’t watched it yet I need to catch up but the toji content I’m seeing around 👀👀👀
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gayspock · 2 years
okay girlies trek movie marathon ahead go go go we're starting with the final frontier
so to set the mood its 10am and i have hot cocoa (fancy one i got for chrismas + marshmallows (vegan ones i got for chrismas)
goodness fucking gracious they really put the budget into this one again didnt they. i mean i know they do for the trek movies in general in comparison to the shows but fuck me this feels like a step up even from tvh
okay girlie pops lets do therapy in the desert . practice mindfulness with me really think about the sand on your feet ow hot hot hot
i wish someone would do this to me to be honest i take the piss but cant some beardy vulcan cunt come up to me and chat about starships and the whatnot
ISNT THIS SYBOK BTW. spocks first retroactively added sibling. btw i wont share how much i hate that fucking choice in so many ways and how theyve done it fucking twice n- sorry seeing red breathe deep. hesgot a good presence t-
i sometimes think theres no way ppl read these lbs but if theres one person there hi the credits are rolling
guys the hot cocoa is making my tummy hurt btw but that might also be okay so i got this vegan kebab meat and i didnt know you meant to cook it so i ate the whole pack raw and it was already expired but its like vegan so it cant like be like meat levels of insanity right..... right like im not getting worms am i its. uhm. whatever guys hesclimbing
wheres he going .
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okay ffucking hell the way william shatner still says "spock" i forgot it was like that
"1200 points of interest in yosemite and you pick me" right i forgot they were like that
his spoots.........
that made me laugh i wont even lie the way the cunt just feel
can we get a close up on the dancer cat woman please just for uhm my own . purposes interests i dont - OH HERE WE GO- THREE TITS?
CAITLYN KATELYN KAITLYN whichever its spelled- also romulan??? i assume that there's been some cultural mingling but imagine if you met a fucking cunt from mars called Sarah.
anyway shes beautiful as hell . for what reason.
seriously the dusty desert planet in scifi they all look the same its so funny
right the prblem is syboks actor is charming as all hell. fucking divert that smoldering gaze i feel fucking weird as hell
oh my god she looks so good she LOOKS SO GOOD ... ahh nichelle 3: ... shes got such a good onscreen presence though man HELL its a shame they didnt utilise her more earlier
okay so they decided to put them together i forgot about that im not mad i gues
sulu and chekov hi guys theyre just vibing in the woods HI GUYS SORRY IM NOT IMMUNE TO NOSTALGI AND SEEING MY FAVOURITE GUYS
"ive always known i'll die alone" ALRIGHT GIRL...
this is actually so cute i wont even lie im not endeared im not (is endeared) theyre on freaking holiday together
except for mineeeee that i have om nom nom
afterthe ritual camp sing along we all have insane freaky gay sex onscreen for the rest of the movie. its normal. it would also be less gay than them singng row row your boat like this
im absolutely ctazy for the sfx in this movie like it feels like half of them are pretty solid but theres just random bits that look so janky this is exactly how i want my star trek i wont even lie to you
also i cant tell if this klingon part is meant to have subtitles or not
ok i found the script online + im following along iwth that LOL ... i guess it makes SENSE why the actual subtitles arent like on the video itself but its still funny
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sorry to be crass but i know someone somewhere has edited this to say spock (goes off to do that)
the way it takes me 10 million years to watch a movie you have to understand theres sidequests in every movie for me to do
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i love it when the enterprise is busted to be honest its so good i hate functional ships i love it when theyre breaking- fuck me i wanna relisten to wolf 359
i already know the plot twist of that being his brother but its very fucking funny nonetheless that spock just sees his broth-
by the way ive actually heard a lot of bad things about this movie and im absolutely agreed that this is corny as fuck but frankly when it comes to tos movies... im actually on board if its corny, even if the story might suck in the end. i mean granted- im hardly into the meat-meat of the movie yet. i dont doubt people slate it for NOTHING, and i presume i'll understand the problems better the more i watch (after all i am already kind of irritated with syboks existence even if i do quite like the actors vibe) but its like... hm how do i put this...
im not actually ever against, like, "nostalgia bait" stuff , i guess, and having fun with things if its kinda a) self aware enough and b) well earned. does that make sense? if it isnt taking itself too seriously and bigging itself up in a dramatic way, AND there's a solid foundation to actually have fun with then im okay with a movie that kind of only spins on the funnier, more casual moments and is somewhat self-indulgent in terms of how it panders to fans with, like, showing them all having fun camping .
the issue for me is when its either, as i said, unearned or trying to take itself too seriously... or maybe, like, when it does veer too close to flanderisation or even just spinning the wheels on the characters. its why i think a lot of chibnall doctor who doesnt realyl work when its trying tobe "fun" or "goof off with the fam" like... you guys never really did the legwork to establish these characters well enough to have that, you know?
and im not saying tos has marvellous character work- we can be honest, and say that outside of the triumvirate theyre all over the place- but i do think theyre solid enough to crry and im well okay with that yeah?
and anyway thats all to say. ive known too many pretentious types disavow all sorts of media that does kind of act a bit self-indulgent or does something fun/stupid and i dont know man i do agree in many ways but also, like, entertainment is sometimes meant to be entertaining and its hardly the worst ever if a star trek movie just fucks about a bit instead of doing some epic space opera every single time, nor does it ruin the entire franchise or work that came before it. its why i really fucking rate the voyage home- because it lets itself take the time, take the breather after the other three movies. like i understand if it does purposefully undermine something else but like... i dont know i feel like some people ironically have such a shallow mindset sometimes where theyre likt, fucking hell, its the death of all media because they were silly 1 time and did something a bit funny/had fun (esp if it isnt just to their tasts)
(adnd yeah its also like... i dont know you know osme ppl who seem to have 0 media awareness in terms of like.. yeah man you can wax pretentious gobshite all you want but also its star trek man and thats not to belittle the franchise in any way but also manage expectations of what youre going to be consuming AND also realise that its not BAD that not everything is, like, you know some high calibre art and that actually that diversity in art is kinda better for your media diet tbh like they all serve a diff purpose like- you know so unrelated its also like im sorry it reminds me of all the discourse around knives out and the such and people not taking that movie into context and whatever the fuck or ALSO how im watching bsg lright now and i know im tempering my expectations interms of what that will deliver, what it will do and even further than that the actual politics)
( BC THAT ALSOOO is a whole other thing im so off topic here where its like im obbiously not talking about genuinely harmful media here but ive seen some ppl online kind of assume that media has to cater to their exact political alignment or else it isnt good and its like i absolutely agree you can analyse/dissect that and with bsg i do sort of like look at it and think well are we being serious with what we're doing here but also like eh shrug its kinda weird when you go in with the intention that apiece of art has to come to your exact own personal conclusions about the world by the end of it do you know what i mean . like i dont even mean tht in terms of like.. trying to defend things, but i mean that in terms of your own personal growth and open mindedness and appreciation for others' worldvew... anyways im so off topic im so so off topic this is literally the final fontirer 1989 here)
anyway im like
my point is i feel like what ive seen so faris kinda fun and the dialogue though corny and whatnot has made me smile enough that i feel like if this is gonna be sustained throughout im not gonna be mad if the overall plot does suck which idk is contrary to what i thought before i started bc ive heard such bad things about this one
which hey i guess theres other stuff behind that too because going back to that self-indulgent part.... it is obvious billy shits is, as i said, having a long self pleasure session . i also know theres other problems there tbh too-yeah...
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can someone edit in them kicking their legs and giggling 👆
also my god i eed to stop pausing ive been watching for almost 2 hours and im 40 minutes in thats so fucking funny
sybok: "ok but dude i didnt want anyone to dieeeee i was joking"DUDE PLEASE
the catgirl is feral i repeat the catgirl is feral
oh so it turns out the hostages are rather cheeky
WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEM OUT OF THEIR GOOD OUTFITS UGHHH BOOOOOO LOSERS BOOOO at least sybok is slaying does he have long hair? i do like that; i do appreciate that
"which will take...?" "exactly 15.5 seconds" "AN ETERNITY, DURING WHICH-"
can i also say i think i said this when watching bsg but i love how many scifi ships have a lets fuck off really fast mode. its so fuckinh funny.
can i also say . sarek is a right fucking whore. how many wives did he have . like after amanda how many human women did he go through exactly
okay so round about this point i got distracted for another half fucking hour guys its so ufnny how long it takes me to watxh movies
jim being tired climbing up when he literally beasted that mountain come on behave
the way they all got on together.... please... i will say BOTH times ive expected spock to straight up bridal carry kirk somehow
also i will say god . throwback to pk wars; im still laughing at how farscape presented the eidelons as, like, the answer to peace when its literally brainwashing just like this and its totally unacknowledged. anyways
its so funny with bones they just give some random horrors to him whenever the fuck you know and then its never brought up again god love god bless
sarek can be so....
sarek can be so funny im sorry i know this isnt the time im watching him reject infant spock but do you remember in tng when he and picard were... well... they were well acquainted pen pals werent they if you understand me . its like hes a whore . hes a terrible father. hes like the worst. but hes kinda funny sometimes.
igotdistractedgaian guys btw this is so bd its like 1pm i started this at 10am but do you know what i need some new shoesso i needed to go find some and research do you know what i mean
i focus now i focus
i always find it outrageously funny whenever they meet god or go to eden in sci fi . beyond hysterical. why not guys hes just been chilling somewhere why not babes .
thats funny as fuck
"but captain we're firing directly on your position" can you have a little fucking fun for once chekov light it up bitch
woah he said damn... he said damnnnn
are you about to say sorryyyyyyyyyy
"i lost a brother once. i was lucky i got him bakc" you guys remember when kirk actually lost his brother like hsi real life brother who died
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Jesus fucking christ.
We had TEN people at the bar tonight. TEN. And then a group from the theatre came over at like, 11pm, pianos stopped at 12, and THEY JUST WOULD NOT LEAVE. We had our entire cashouts done and printed and sealed, the bar torn completely down and a guy STILL tried to order a drink from me?!?!
Anyways. I’m FINALLY fucking home and it’s 2 am, but it’s “Thursday” so y’all know what that means!!!
Law & order (svu, oc/mothership maybe) spoilers under the cut!
Domestic snuggles.. imma miss this shit
Also why do people never plug their phones in overnight on tv!?
Grace that is a NICE coat, she looks great.
Noah being 12… someone remind me to do math on this later.
“I’ve been on 500 bumble dates, how different could these questions be?”
OKKKKAY now I understand more why Velasco was in the wedding shots, cause I lowkey thought it was weird he was there for the ceremony.
Nice plaid muncy… #bivibes
Jessie an billie have pink drinks (I assume Shirley temples) and it looks like Velasco just handed noah champagne… like I know it’s probs gingerale or apple juice but like… BRUH. It looked like Velasco was so distracted he just handed alcohol off without realizing it was a kid lololol
Is it REALLY that big of a surprise that johnny d has other kid out there? Also how long is it until noah asks about his dad? Like what has liv told him?
Noah knows he’s adopted, he knows his mom is dead and that he can’t see gramma Sheila anymore, he only has liv and she works so much that she definitely should let them meet.
OH okay so he knows his dad was a criminal… noted… noted….
liv…baby…. I know you’re concerned about him being johnny d’s kid, but like, so is noah… also bebe remember the time you left your kid with his “friends” and they locked him in a dog cage? Pls. let him play playstation.
Okay staying the night is a little much. Like first watching them look like a full happy family, but also FLASHBACKS TO SHIELA STEALING HIM.
FUCK Velasco in a suit… I forgot how good that looks.
Jfc. These rollins and liv grilling this guy in the hotel room?! Getting all super close power lady?! FUCK ME.
Grace m’am, you are on the stand, homegirl do up one more button pls.
Oh muncy…. You sweet summer child. I LOVE you but I hope sonny tears a STRIP off you because you deserve it. Like all im picturing rn is barba/alex/casey basically murdering you.
“on a scale of 1-10?”  “I’d say Vladmir putin.” FUCK FIN lololol
“remember I used to joke about you two in a hotel room? And now here *we* are” THAT’S GAY LADIES.
“You were a different person, you would’t let me in.” EXCUSE ME OLIVIA?!?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS A GIANT CUNT IN S13!! YOU were the one who kept brushing off amanda whenever she tried to talk to you or learn anything for like a year!
GOD this scene mustve been so fucking hard to film for these two….
Okay…. Okay… I said this to the discord earlier this week as I got to s8. Muncy does have some Dani Beck vibes…and her on the stand just enforces that. (minus the fact that I love grace and HATE dani)
Carisi saying “my wife” while looking all lovey dovey eyes. FUCK.
GOOD GOD. Im fucking bawling over the actual good bye scene. Fuck me. (also was that walk past then pull back into a hug a call back? Or is that just me?)
Okay. I am VERY glad honestly that Muncy was both not at the wedding and didn’t get a hug at the end (despite a random uni getting one). Not only have they only known each other 9 eps, it just wouldn’t be fucking fair to Kelli. I get it, Molly might not have known she was a replacement when she auditioned/got the job BUT, it just would’ve been a kick in the face to Kelli. Still and always love them both. But… yeah… it’s like when you have to train your own replacement right before getting fired kinda thing? Not cool. So im glad they were able to do that..
 Okay. Onto mothership… lets see how much I have to say lol.
Mechad is a fucking snack. Why must I be attracted to at least two people on every one of these shows? Three hours of tv after getting off work this late is TOO MUCH AND I still have a new criminal minds to watch. Fuck.
 Fuck…. That escalated quickly…. I mean….expected but…
Oh jesus christ…tonight really is about cops fucking up.
This is heartbreaking. The poor suspect is now gonna get extra charges because they were wrongfully arrested/sent to rikers. Fucking ouch. Why l&o gotta be like this tonight…
Okay… my stream cut out for the second time and fucked up and we ALL know Im not invested enough to care.
OC time here we go.
This purple looks great on bell!
Okay, new guy, cant remember his name rn, but him not only getting everyone gifts but having them wrapped that nicely? What do we think? Did he have the store do that or does he do it himself? The “I’ve always been that guy” makes me think he did it himself.
“merry Christmas everyone” jet’s way of saying “welp, mom and dad are fighting on xmas..”
Okay just kidding this stream died on me too… so…imma call it here, have my svu thoughts and some other tiny ramblings for tonight byyeee
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annoyedmothf4iry · 1 year
The point is I hate labels
I've been dealing with my sexuality/gender identity since I was preteen and it hasn't been pretty. I didn't know if the crushes I had on boys over the years were my true feelings or just a mask to hide how I truly felt for the same sex. I saw the beauty in all of the girls in my classes, most of them were mean and hetero so I stayed hetero as well. I didn't know how people would take it, I didn't know how my parents would take it! I was so scared for myself and for others, the way I was looking at them with hearts in my eyes... During high school, I learned more about the LGBT community and found out I was more than just bi-curious.. but that didn't stop me from still pretending that I was straight and forcing myself to reciprocate the feelings of my guy best friend who, I'll admit, was quite pushy and anxious at times. I thought if I ended up in a relationship with a boy that I'd be normal finally. But my feelings still haven't changed and the guy best friend that I was dragging along didn't understand what I was dealing with... He would hold my hand during class and I would feel nothing but his clammy palms against mine. He knew I was uncomfortable with this "relationship" and he knew I wasn't the type to speak my mind. I was a loner before I met him so I'm used to keeping to myself but he never asked if I was okay with anything.. I still hate him for that and I still hate myself for not speaking up and breaking it off with him earlier but I felt that would hurt his feelings more... We never even went out on a date! It also felt like a sham to me so I finally told him how I felt, a little ashamed for liking girls the same way I'm supposed to like boys and in return he broke it off with the words "Im sorry I confused you but I really hope I didn't make you gay.." :(
It took me 3 years to finally come out as bisexual. My mom embraced me and told me that she already knew for a while now. That she was proud of me... My dad died before I could tell him.
Now I'm 21 years old, genderfluid and trying my hardest to stay bisexual. I know that sounds bad but let me explain... I love being bi! Everything about it is so freeing yet confusing. lol Lately, though, I've been having withdrawals when it came to liking men/male figures. I just like seeing myself as bi and yet if I ever date a guy in the future, i'll still be seen as straight in his eyes or the eyes around me. I know I have a choice not to listen to people and I love that choice... it's just hard seeing myself with a man. With a woman; it's like finding a key to hidden locked door in a long hallway. I find it easier if I just stayed to only like women. But does that just make me lesbian?? if so, I would be more than happy to embrace that. it's just ive been so used to being bisexual. Everything has been so goddamned confusing, everything I know is now unorganized in my mind. I have no idea on what to do with this information. I just need insight but i'm not good at asking these types of questions with someone with experience... I just know for sure that labels are really starting to confine me of what I love most about myself. I'm starting to feel like I don't know who I truly am anymore.
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