#also we cant draw animals so had to use bases sobs
hcdidterms · 9 months
will you be able to make an epsilon flag specifically for canines/wolves? also, just want to say I love these so much, we're visually impaired & just genuinely have an issue typing stuff out so having a flag for it helps a lot :3
Of course, here you go!
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We went ahead and made some more
Dog programmed
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Cat/feline programmed
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Bunny/rabbit programmed
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Also, were so glad you find our flags helpful!!!
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 4 years
 2501 words. A little longer than I had planned but that’s ok I guess. I’d also wanted it to be a bit more “mind control” but it didn’t quite end up right. TW: Capture, choking, drugged, attacks, friendly fire, hospital.
 Adair followed Nyar as the captain pushed the door open, Thane keeping his gun trained on the door as the other two crossed the room to the figure lying on the floor. 
"Caelum, hey buddy it's me." Nyar had knelt to the ground, checking his pilot's pulse with one hand, the other still gripping his gun. Caelum let out a startled cry, wincing and recoiling from Nyar's hand. Adair felt his heart break a little for Caelum as he slug his own gun over his shoulder. The room was evidence enough that Caelum had been tortured and abused horribly during the month he'd been missing. The room was cold, with no padding anywhere in sight, meaning Caelum had likely spent most; if not all of his time here sleeping on the floor. Adair's nose wrinkled a little at the thought. It was also obvious that Caelum had been sick at some point in here, and the medic hoped that he didn't have any open wounds, any of which would absolutely be infected by now. 
          "Nyar, get the blindfold off him." Adair ordered gently, reaching over Caelum and cutting through the ropes that were holding his hands behind his back. 
         Once the blindfold had been removed and his bonds cut, Caelum's hands flew up in front of his face, his body curling up to protect his head. 
          "Caelum, it's ok, it's us. We're here to get you home." Adair said softly, trying to pull Caelum's hands away. "I just need to look you over real quick and then we can go, ok?"
         "No, stop!" Caelum wailed, slapping Adair's hands away, "Leave me alone!"
       Nyar grabbed Caelum's hands tightly, holding them out of Adair's way, "Hey man...hey hey, it's ok, we won't hurt-" he was cut off as Caelum broke free, scrambling into a sitting position and throwing a punch into Nyar's nose before he tried to back away. 
Nyar fell back a little, and Adair quickly grabbed Caelum’s arm. Caelum pried it out of his grip quickly, moving to back-hand Adair as he did so. Years of boxing in an underground ring and honing his reflexes were the only thing that kept Adair from getting hit. He leaned back quickly, Caelum’s fingers only just brushing against his nose. He took Caelum’s wrist again, loosely, as he called for Thane. 
“He’s in shock,” Adair explained quickly, “I just need him to calm down a little.” 
Thane nodded and knelt on the other side of the frightened young man, offering him a smile as well. “Cael, hey just look at me, ok? Just look…” 
Again, Caelum lunged to attack his friends and rescuers, letting out a pained scream as he clawed at Thane. Nyar had recovered by now, and wrapped an arm around Caelum’s chest, pulling him back away from Thane.
“GET OFF OF ME! LET GO! STOP IT, LET ME GO!” Caelum’s voice cracked as he struggled against Nyar’s grip. 
Thane frowned, looking to the door. “He’s making too much noise. They’re going to come investigate.”
“Snow him.” Nyar grunted, fighting to keep Cealum down, “Knock him out, MacClyde.”
Adair shook his head. “I don't think--”
“STOP! PLEASE, STOP! GET OFF ME!” Caelum was crying now, gasping and clawing as he kicked against Nyar. 
“I said knock him out!” Nyar shouted as Caelum threw an elbow into his side.
“I can’t! I don’t know if they’ve drugged him, I don’t want to risk overdosing him!” Adair shouted back as he and Thane fought to keep Caelum from hurting Nyar too much. 
Nyar let out an angry growl, shifting a little. “Sorry, buddy.” He grunted before wrapping his arm around Caelum’s neck, pressing his bicep tight against his throat. 
Adair felt a wave of horror crash over him, mixing with worry and guilt as he watched Caelum’s eyes widen and fill with panic. The mechanic tried desperately to free himself from Nyar’s grip, his fingernails digging into his arm and drawing blood in thin lines as his face went red. Adair met Nyar’s eyes, which were filled with question, and felt his jaw clench. It wasn’t long before Caelum stopped fighting, his hands falling limply to the ground, and his eyes rolling back as his head slumped to the side a little.
“He’s out.” Adair said, his voice flat.
Nyar nodded, his grip relaxing as he grabbed for the blindfold that had been discarded onto the floor. He tied it around Caelum’s mouth in a clumsy gag, then met Adair’s eyes. “We’ve already wasted enough time, we have to move, now. And we cant really do that again when he wakes up. We can argue in the car.”
Adiar’s teeth ground together so hard that the edges of his vision blurred a little as he helped Nyar haul Caelum up to drag him towards the getaway car. 
“Yes, Captain.”
Sometimes, he really did see exactly why Ewan hated Nyar as much as he did.
Caelum was warm. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt warm. He frowned a little as he shifted, trying to determine where he was. Nothing felt right. His brain was trapped in a fog and he had no memories past…
...Past Nyar trying to kill him.  
His eyes flicked open at the memory, and he blinked rapidly, a hand up to try to diffuse the light as his eyes adjusted. 
"Hey, look who's finally up!" He flinched away from the voice on his left. Thane. Thane had been there too. He'd held him down, kept his hands still while Nyar had wrapped his arm around Caelum's neck. If he was here now….
Caelum acted on instinct, gripped by an animal terror as he leapt out of the hospital bed. He ignored the shouting and the painful sting as the IVs and needles pulled against him, chaining him to the bed. He grabbed the front of Thane's shirt and slammed him against the wall, hard; once, twice, before shifting his grip so that both of his hands were wrapped firmly around the younger man's throat. Tears streamed down his face and he squeezed harder. 
"You're a lie!" He hissed, blinking through the tears, "You're a lie, you're a lie, you're a lie!"
Thane's fingers curled around Caelum's wrist and his mouth opened as he gasped, trying to force breath into his lungs. His face was red; eyes wide and full of terror and confusion. 
"You weren't there to save me." Caelum spat, "You were there to kill me."
The door burst open and Caelum's head spun around quickly to see Avanda burst in the room. He dropped Thane, who fell with a shuddering gasp and a fit of coughing to the floor. 
"Caelum, it's ok." Avanda said slowly stepping farther into the room now, "I'm not here to hurt you."
He almost believed her. 
It would have been much easier to trust her if he couldn't see the rest of them behind her, staring hungrily at him. 
"Do you know who I am?"
Caelum nodded, one fist raised to her, the other hand stretched out to shield himself from Thane, should he decide to get up and attack him again. 
"Good. That's good. Now I need to check on Thane, alright? I'm just going to lead him out of the room."
She waited until he nodded, then slowly helped Thane to his feet and ushered him out to the hallway before turning back to Caelum. 
"You're bleeding.  Can I fix that IV for you?"
"No." His voice was hard and his answer fast. "Stay back."
"Caelum, you're hurt. You need help. Please, let me-"
"I said stay back!"
He was on her in a heartbeat. She was pinned right where he'd had Thane trapped against the wall only moments before. 
"I said: stay back."
Avanda seemed calm. Especially for someone who's windpipe was being crushed by somebody a foot taller than them.
She reached a hand up to his arm, blinking hard and trying to form words. Her hand was trying to move his, but more patiently than Thane had been. 
"I'm...s-sorry…" She finally gasped. 
Caelum blinked in confusion as he felt something prick at his neck, and he released her to lift a hand to the needle that some one else had stuck him with while he was distracted. 
“I’m sorry,” She said again, stepping forward to catch him as he stumbled forward, “I’m so sorry, Cael.” 
Caelum let out a choked sob as he sank to the floor, staring at Avanda in terror.
“You lied...you lied too...no….”
“I’m sorry.”
Her face was the last thing he could see as the sedative pulled him away into the darkness.
"You lied."
"He's progressing well." Adair reported, flipping through Caelum’s file.
"And he's alone?"
"Good." Nyar nodded. “Good, I think he should stay isolated while he recovers.”
“You’re kidding.” Avanda scoffed, her arms crossed.
Nyar shook his head. “Not at all. He’s dangerous. It’s not forever, Av. He just needs some time to heal, that’s all the longer we’ll keep him on his own, I promise.”
“Nyar, that’s-” Avanda closed her eyes and shook her head, “That’s the last thing he needs right now, ok?”
Nyar scowled, shifting to face her better. “Oh yeah? Remind me, what happened when he woke up and saw Thane? Or what about both times he saw you?”
Avanda shook her head. “Nyar, he was still in shock, he’s been gone for a month, and who knows what kind of torture he’s been going through, of course he’d be scared!”
“Scared? That’s not scared, Av. That’s dangerous.” Nyar pointed towards the closed door separating them from the room where Caelum was, chained to his hospital bed.
“I hate to admit it, but I think Nyar may have a point.” Adair said slowly. “I mean look at how he’s been reacting to staff here during his recovery. Aislin can work with him fine, and he doesn’t fight Johnson at all. But he attacked you twice, and me once. I was there during the rescue, and he clearly misinterpreted some of the stuff that happened that night, so he thinks of me as a threat. As for you and Thane, I think it’s safe to say that whatever he went through, it was probably some sort of...conditioning based torture.”
The room fell silent. Avanda didn’t miss any of the quick glances that were tossed her way, or how Adair had paused before voicing his hypothesis. She sighed a little and chewed her lip, a scowl written across her face as she’s thought.
“He’s scared.”
“I know, Av but-”
“No.” She snapped, “No, you don’t know. You’ve never been through what he’s been through. You’ve never been where he is right now, you have no idea what it’s like to be terrified of the people you love for no reason.” She glared at everyone in the room, challenging them a little as she spoke. “So none of you know how scared he is right now. Or how lonely he is, or how desperately he just wants to feel safe.” She turned on her heel, heading for Caelum’s room as she rolled up the sleeves of her flannel. 
She pushed the door open slowly, stepping in and closing it behind her.
“Hello, Caelum.” It broke her heart to see him like this. He was one of her oldest friends, her brother. He was supposed to be cheerful and upbeat, never without a smile and a laugh. Not this traumatised shell with hollow eyes and a tear-stained face. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” His voice was rough as sandpaper as he shifted, pulling his knees closer to his chest as the short chains clinking slightly.
“I thought you might be lonely.” Avanda said gently. 
“I want to be alone.” Caelum whispered, “I can’t trust myself.”
Avanda nodded. “I know. But I trust you.” She stepped closer to him, moving towards the chair next to his bed.
Caelum fliched, pulling the chains away. “Don’t-don’t get too close to me.”
Avanda sat down slowly, resting her elbows on her knees. “I’m not afraid of you, Caelum.”
He looked up at her with sad, tormented eyes. “You should be.” He finally whispered.
Avanda smiled a little, sadly. “I’m so sorry, Caelum. I wish we’d found you earlier.” When he said nothing, she spoke again. “Do you mind if I touch you? I don’t think you need these chains.”
“No, please don’t.” He recoiled a little, holding his wrists out of her reach, “Please, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Ok. If they make you feel better, we can leave them on.” She waited for him to relax again. “Do you remember when I first got back from when He’d kidnapped me? How I couldn’t look you in the eyes or stand close enough for you to reach me?”
He nodded a little. “Yes.”
“Do you know why?”
“Because He’d--conditioned you to expect some sort of pain with me.” Avanda hated how guilty he sounded about it. Like he had been the one to hold the lighter to her skin or to blow the smoke in her eyes. How he blamed himself for details of her past that he didn’t even know everything about. She’d never told any of the crew exactly what had happened. Not the specifics anyway, just the basics.
“I wasn’t very easy to be around those first few weeks, was I? I think I may have even hit you when you tried to hug me.”
Caelum let out a huff of what may have been laughter. “No, you didn’t hit me. You just acted like a cat that didn’t want to get picked up.”
Avanda chuckled a little. “Maybe you’re right. But did you ever once think that I was dangerous? Or that I was going to hurt you? That I’d become another person completely?”
“What did you think?”
He licked his lips a little. “That you were scared. And that-that I wanted to help you.”
“That’s exactly how I feel right now. Caelum, I know exactly how you feel. I know how scared you are; how terrified you are of all of us, of yourself, I know. But I also know that you’re not going to hurt us. You’re still the same old giant, friendly, sweet, hungry, goofball that I grew up with. And I know that you would never dream of hurting me, or any of the rest of us. You’re still my friend. And I’m not about to just give up on you.”
Caelum looked up at her again, searching her face for any sign of a lie. “Thank you.”
Avanda smiled at him. “You’re welcome. Do you want me to take those off now?”
Caelum glanced at his wrists. “Are you sure you feel ok with that?”
“Positive. I can always put them back on for you if you start to feel worked up.”
Caelum swallowed hard, then nodded a little. “Ok. Ok, yeah. Let’s give it a try.”
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My Heart Got Hijacked By You
This story is a one-shot and it's based on a very nice drawing by a talented artist in deviantart. I'm so sorry I didn't get their names, but the credits for their works go to them. The original story can also be read on my Wattpad account here http://my.w.tt/UiNb/MJWkF3UBVz This story took place in the 70s, but it only happened in this fic, ok :D Roger, John and Brian don't belong to me. I wish they were though. English isn't my first language so forgive me for the grammatical errors. Pairings : John/Roger (Joger), Brian/Roger (Maylor) Well then, enjoy reading! *** "Jooohnnn!" "Yes?" "Briaaaan!" A sigh. "Jooohnnn!" "Yes?" "Briaaaan!" An eye-roll. "Jooohnnn!" "For God's sake stop calling our names in turn, Roger! You're not making any sense! " John snapped. "Briaaaaan!" John groaned loudly, throwing his head back thinking that he was going to have a long night. Roger and John were sitting on the couch in John's living room. Cans of beer were scattered on the coffee table. That evening after work Roger insisted to come to John's flat with a six pack and a bottle of whiskey in his hands pleading for John to drink with him. As expected, Roger drank a bit too much than usual, while John had a few, enough to make his head spin but still remain sober. And there they were, half drunk for John and completely drunk for Roger, sprawled on the couch, listening to the drummer's whining about a certain guitar player. Being the youngest in the band, John and Roger became the best of friends. They would spend a lot of time together for any kinds of reason that they grew to know each other very well to the point that they would share their secrets to one another. Roger's big secret was that he apparently had fallen in love with their guitar player, Brian. Tall, curly, skinny, soothing voice, clogs, brainy, love stars and everything in the galaxy, kind to animals, mature, brilliant guitarist with fast fingers. Roger had a big interest for anything that moved fast, like cars, and for this case, a guitar player as well. John remembered one night Roger confessed to his best friend that he had a huge crush for Brian which he kind of already knew long before the confession. Who wouldn't when everyday the blond would constantly openly flirt with the older man. It was somehow amusing to John to see his best friend trying hard to get Brian to notice his charm. He would find Roger fixing his hair when he entered a room where Brian was in, flashing his sweetest smile or grinned flirtatiously at the guitar player when they were mildly chatting and those big blue eyes were equally flirty as well. Not to mention all those tight pants he wore must had an important role to get Brian or everyone else to notice him. John's train of thoughts was interrupted by a sob coming from the drummer. "Oh, so you're going to cry now," John said rolling his eyes. "I th-thought I did everything r-right! Why!" "He's just not in to you, Rog, not in to guys, I guess." "Brian looks at me differently. I know it! He b-bought me lunch and we went to the movies too!" "Really? You never told me that." "What's the point! He only, only looked at me like an idiot when I told him I'm in love with him, and not with my car, and then I felt like an idiot!" Roger wiped his tears with the back of his hands. "Oh, Roger..." "I cant-, I can't face him tomorrow!" With that he grabbed the bottle of whiskey and downed the strong liquid feeling it burned his throat. "I think you've had enough drinking for tonight, Rog." John went to snatch the bottle from Roger, but the blond pulled away making John grab at the air. "No! I think I just wanna die!" "Don't be an idiot and give me the bottle!" "Fuck off, John!" "I fucking live here, you can't tell me to leave. Now give me the bottle!" The blond ignored him and instead downed the bottle of whiskey again. "Oh for the love of-! Give me the fucking bottle!" John lunged forward, hands shot out fast to snatch the bottle from Roger's hand. Not expecting for the bassist to push himself towards him, Roger fell on the couch, as he tried to keep the whiskey bottle away from John. Unfortunately for him, he dropped the bottle in the process. The heavy bottle landed with a thud, and bronze colored liquid poured out on the carpet. "You owe me a new carpet," John said, looking helplessly at the now soaked carpet. "And you owe me a bottle of whiskey." John rolled his eyes. Looking down he opened his mouth to respond but no words came out as he suddenly was very aware of the beautiful, flushed face that was staring at him with the biggest baby blues he had ever seen. Seconds later John was even more aware of the compromising position he was in. Kneeling between Roger's spread legs on the couch, hands on both side of the blond, having his best friend exposed vulnerably beneath him. Oddly, his heart started to beat faster. "Wow, John, you look beautiful from down here." A deliciously raspy voice stopped whatever John was thinking that moment and after realizing what Roger said he suddenly felt his cheeks grew warm. "I think your face just turned pink too," Roger giggled. John cleared his throat, a habit he would do when he was nervous. "I think I'm a bit drunk." Roger just smiled and tilted his head. "What are you thinking really?" All of the sudden John felt like he was loosing control. Feelings and words he didn't want to feel or say rushed out of him, and he was unable to stop it. "I, I think you're very beautiful." Roger bit a smile. "Thank you." "And Brian is a big idiot for wasting you." Roger didn't expect for John to say that last sentence, and before his mind could process what was going on he felt John's fingers caressing his cheek. The bassist would have to blame the alcohol for twisting his mind because normally he would never have a single thought of touching his friend the way he's doing now. Or maybe he did have it lurking in the deepest part of his soul waiting to be summoned. It was all confusing, but it also felt nice. Eager to explore more of whatever he was feeling, John slowly lowered his face until it was inches away from Roger and he could smell the mix of alcohol and cigarette from him it was intoxicating. Roger dared not to move, nor blink. He licked his lips out of being anxious at his best friend's odd behavior. Even in his drunken state he knew that John was not acting himself. John on the other hand took that sight as a sign to do the boldest thing he had ever done. He pressed his lips to Roger's, hearing a soft gasp escaped his mouth. With eyes closed he stayed like that until he felt Roger vaguely returning the kiss. John pulled away to look Roger in the eyes, studying his expression. He was expecting for the older man to hit him, push him or yell at him, but none of that happen. Roger only looked back at him. Sure there was a glint of shock flashing in his blue eyes, but there was no sign of rejection and that left John wanting more. He couldn't believe his best friend just kissed him! Roger was certain that he was in love with Brian, but somehow that didn't change the fact that he actually kissed the younger man back. He must be that drunk that he didn't have the ability to think whether or not he was doing something wrong, or was he that broken-hearted and frustrated over Brian that a touch on his lips from his friend felt right and that it was what he needed? John took Roger's silence as a permission to continue. So he brought his face down to press his lips on Roger's again, and to his surprise the drummer parted his lips welcoming John to nibble at it and gave him a proper kiss. John smirked when he looked up to see the blue eyes were closed, enjoying the kiss and was responding well to it too. Soft kisses slowly turned faster and hungrier. John's hands roamed over the body beneath him, moving them up to caress his hair and face then moved back down to the hem of Roger's shirt. As the kiss felt better and better Roger brought his hands to John's shoulders pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Not long after, he felt the bassist pushing his shirt up and his warm hands were exploring his torso and it felt really nice! John broke the kiss to let the both of them to breathe and to take his shirt off, having the urge to feel more skin. Roger sat up and took his own shirt off too, and as soon as the piece of fabric was tossed to the other side of the room, John pushed the blond down on the sofa again and continued their make out session. During that moment Roger forgot about Brian. Nobody spoke. Only sounds of kissing, heavy breathing, soft moans and gasps were heard, and both of them decided to keep it that way for the best. John's kisses started to become adventurous as he moved his lips down and all over Roger's body earning sounds of pleasure from the blond, while Roger's hands too started to grab at John's hair, feeling how smooth it was and how it tickled when those brown locks brushed against his naked chest. Then at one point his hands moved to his behind. Ten minutes passed and the kisses changed into a slower pace and rough grabbing turned into gentle touches. "We should stop now," John said, pressing his lips on Roger's for the last time before lifting his face to look at his best friend. Roger giggled after a while and John couldn't help a wide grin appearing on his own face. "Okay," the blond replied. *** The next morning Roger woke up on John's sofa with a blanket covering his body. He slowly got up, holding his head due to the awful headache he was having and carefully walked to the bathroom. John was preparing breakfast when Roger stepped into the kitchen. "Morning, Rog." "Is it still morning?" Roger replied, feeling awful as it showed in his voice. He sat on a stool at the counter taking the mug of coffee offered to him. "Thanks," he mumbled. John looked at the kitchen clock. "10.30. Yep, I think it's morning enough." "Freddie's gonna kill us." John chuckled. Nobody spoke for a while as they were sure the very first thing they remembered when they woke up was their make out session they had that night leaving an awkward atmosphere at the moment each other was aware of and still figuring out how to break the ice. John cleared his throat. He realized he was the first one who had kissed Roger last night so he thought that it would be fair enough for him to make the first move now. "Roger, last night-" "We had fun," Roger quickly interrupted. Looking John in the eyes and smiled weekly at him. The bassist didn't expect for Roger to give that response, which now left him confused with what to say next. "You're, um, you're not mad?" Roger shook his head, "Nah, we were drunk, John." "Right," John studied Roger's expression and saw nothing to be worried about. The blond drummer shrugged the matter off. "So, everything's good? I mean, we're still friends, right?" "Still friends," Roger casually replied sipping his coffee. John chuckled in relief, "Great. I don't want anything to change between us." *** However, something seemed to change. During the ride to the studio, in John's car,- since Roger still had a headache he chose not to drive his own car- he couldn't stop himself from stealing a glance at Roger who was sitting on the passenger's seat resting his chin in his hand, his long blond hair falling to his shoulders, big blue eyes staring outside the window most of the time when their conversation went to an end, and then his gaze fell on those lips. He quickly turned his attention back on the road blushing as the memory of their make out session came back to him. He remembered every detail of it, and something whispered in his mind saying that he wanted Roger in his arms again. John was confused with the changes that he was feeling, wondering where it was leading. Could it be that he was attracted to his friend? Was he into men now? What happened that night didn't feel wrong, he actually enjoyed it and strangely he didn't mind if he had to do it again. Maybe more sober this time. The more John thought about it the more he wanted to feel Roger again, and knowing that the drummer was not in a relationship with anyone and just got his heart broken by Brian, ... maybe he could fill in the empty space in his heart? John was so surprised with this new revelation he almost passed the studio building. *** John made sure he stayed close to Roger most of the time in order to distract his friend from Brian and also because he wanted Roger to notice his affection that he was determined to start showing from that moment. They were having a break that afternoon and everyone went out leaving the two of them in the room. John and Roger, both smoking, were sharing stories on which they'd occasionally laughed at. The younger man was happy to see Roger laughing and having his attention only on him. "I'm going to go get myself a cup of coffee and some M&Ms, do you want any?" John asked standing up. "Nah, I'm good," Roger said, putting out his cigarette. "Ok. I'll be right back." *** Work went well that day except for the few arguments and shouting between Freddie and Brian whenever they got into a disagreement on the sound of the songs they were working on, but at the end everything turned out well. It was just another normal day in their lives after all. Roger stopped flirting with Brian for the first time and never made eye contact with the guitar player the whole day. He would communicate everything and suggested some ideas to John or Freddie instead, completely ignoring the tallest man with the guitar in the room. Not that Brian himself was trying to start a conversation with him to begin with anyway, so why should he bother? Messing around with John that night was a nice distraction. He was drunk, and frustrated about Brian, and John was there keeping him company, being cute and curious about trying something new. Both were taking advantage out of another and neither of them felt being used, so there was nothing to worry about. However, Roger must admit that he enjoyed spending time with his best friend, and if it was possible, there could even be some hope to start a new "chapter" with the brown haired bassist. John may had said that he never wanted anything to change between them, but with a little flirting and sweet talk maybe he could change his mind. Roger shook the silly idea off his head as he took John's bass guitar and started playing random notes with it when he heard the door opened. "Hey, John, I think I just came out with some potential new material," he perked without turning. "I'm sure it would sound great." The voice stopped Roger from playing as he turned his head to the man speaking to him. His heart skipped a beat when their eyes met for the first time that day. "Hey, Rog," Brian slowly stepped in closing the distance between them smiling nervously. Roger stood up immediately, putting the bass guitar away and faced the tall man who was approaching him with small steps. Roger wanted to run away, but his feet seemed to be glued to the ground. So he just stood there embracing himself for the worst. "I wanted to talk to you." "You don't have to." Brian frowned, but continued, "You didn't give me a chance to speak yesterday." Roger looked away, "It wasn't necessary. I already knew." "I doubt that you do." "Can we not talk about this?" Roger felt like he was going to be sick as he closed his eyes, wishing for Brian to just leave him because really, the last thing he wanted to hear was Brian reminding him how he broke his heart. "Look at me, Roger," Brian said softly. The blond reluctantly turned his attention back at Brian. "I like you. I really, really like you. When you told me you love me I was-" Roger quickly shot his hand up, cutting Brian mid sentence. "Stop. I don't want to hear this. I know what you're going to say." "Do you know that I'm going to say I love you too?" Roger froze. His hand was still held up and for a few seconds he even forgot to breathe. "Do you know that I love you too, Rog?" Brian tried again after seeing the drummer not showing any reactions. "I, um, no I don't- I mean, what?" "I love you too," Brian repeated, smiling shyly as he took a step closer to Roger. When Roger still didn't make any move he walked closer and closer until he could take Roger's hand that was still held up and gently put it down, because it kind of looked ridiculous. Brian's confession was shocking. It took Roger a few moment to process the information and to confirm that he wasn't delusional. By the time he realized it Brian was already standing right in front of his nose! He wasn't prepared to have Brian that close to him he instinctively backed off like a frightened little badger. Brian felt hurt, but he understood why Roger reacted that way. "You ... Love me? Why all of the sudden- you didn't say anything yesterday." "You ran away before I had the chance to speak," Brian chuckled. Roger blushed, turning his head away. He felt stupid for chickening out. "It's okay, Roger. I'd freak out if I were you too." The blond turned his attention back at Brian. "It was getting too stressful when you just stared at me without saying a word." "I was shocked! I never thought I'd get that from you. I always thought you liked Deaky!" "Wait, what?" "You guys are always together. You'd laugh together, spend a lot of time together, and there's no doubt that you two would make a cute couple - Freddie said that - but I've always had this special feeling for you ever since you became our drummer in Smile and it just grew stronger!" Brian continued calmer this time, "So I thought I must do something to check whether or not I have any hope on this. I was really happy when you said yes when I asked you to have lunch and go to the movies with me. I thought I could win your heart. Then yesterday happened. I just couldn't believe it." Roger pressed his lips together. "You're an idiot, Brian." Brian frowned. "I've been fucking flirting with you all this time. Didn't you notice that?" Brian raised his eyebrows, utterly clueless. Roger laughed, rubbing his tensed face with his hands. "God, we're both idiots!" Brian chuckled as the humor hit him. Roger lifted his face and looked at Brian with a smile that made the guitar player's heart sang in harmony. "So, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Brian asked nervously. "Yes!" Roger squealed with joy, running to Brian's open arms. That felt so right. The younger man fit perfectly in Brian's strong arms. He sighed contently feeling Roger's warmth filling him. The blond looked up at him after a while and Brian could get lost in those big, shining blue eyes every time. A minute passed as things started to get awkward when they did nothing but stare into each others eyes. "Well?" Roger asked breaking the silence. "Well what?" "Don't you want to kiss me?" The blond asked carefully slightly worried that Brian would not be ready for that yet. "Kiss you. Right! Gosh, I am a fucking idiot," the tall man responded with obvious sign of nervousness in his voice. Roger chuckled. It was funny to see his crush trying to figure out how to do it. Brian looked like he was trying to solve a difficult math problem right now, and it was very enjoyable to see. "Okay, so, um," Brian chuckled nervously before he pulled himself together and slowly leaned down while his hands grabbed Roger's forearms gently. Roger closed his eyes and close the gap between them when he caught Brian's lips with his. Both gasped due to the different sensation they were equally feeling. The kiss was gentle, careful, not quick, lips slowly moved against each other it almost looked like two teenagers sharing their first kiss. Well, that was partly true, though. They broke the kiss and gazed at each other. Giggling with flushed cheeks after a while realizing what they just shared. "So, did you like it?" Roger grinned. "Hell yeah," Brian replied breathy. They giggled again, obviously being two idiots who are in love. Roger stopped giggling when he caught Brian staring at him with a new expression on his face. The hazel eyes held a different emotion Roger couldn't escape from them. Then he felt large hands holding his face and his heart beat faster. Brian tilted his head up and soon their lips met for the second time only this time the kiss got deeper. Roger parted his lips, inviting the older man to explore his mouth more. Brian felt Roger's tongue licking at his lips and instinctively he opened his mouth and touched Roger's tongue with his as he took the lure and inserted his tongue inside the younger man's mouth and explored it. The new sensation gave the brunette the power and confident as he kissed his new lover fervently. Roger felt the change and it was contagious, he returned the kiss with equal passion. Brian leaned even further to deepen the kiss more if that was possible causing the blond to arched his back. Afraid of loosing his balance he wrapped his arms around Brian's shoulders while the tall man moved his own arms around the drummer's slim waist holding him closer. They pulled away after a couple of minutes to catch their breath. "I like the second one better," Roger managed and flashed his cheeky grin. Brian chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Yeah, me too." Roger laughed as he pulled Brian in a tight embrace, feeling strong arms holding him around his waist and warm breath brushing his neck softly. Smiling, he opened his eyes and looked over Brian's shoulder. He saw John staring at him. The End A/N: Okay, so I'm leaving the end hanging that way because this story was based on a drawing after all, and no matter how much I wanted to continue it I just couldn't. I hope you still like the story, and sorry for Joger shippers for breaking John's heart. I was torn when I wrote this too (T^T) Anyway, I tried to insert the picture that inspired this story but it didn't work, so I really recommend you to see the picture and give credits to the artist by following the link below. Thanks for reading this story! I'd really appreciate responses from you guys. Until then, see you next time! Link of the picture: http://silverzzang.deviantart.com/art/Maylor-Joger-Maylor-288541714
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dingus-tea · 8 years
SCREAMs. so i the other night i had this dream with jinjin in it. i vaguely remember that one sobs.
but last night i had a dream that i was living in the rez again and my grandma was there and she was a TRUMP supporter of all things and you know, i love my grandmother so much. but in my dream she was so horrible and ignorant that i hated her so much, we were watching some debate on television and i couldn’t sit in the room with her because of how racist she was. 
for some reason there is this married guy named kong who i keep seeing in my dreams? ?? ? he and i went to school together, anyways he was there too and in a fit of anger i made him leave with me too and we went to school (high school, why am i always dreaming i’m still in high school?) and the thing about kong and i is that we’ve never been close. we’ve had like two classes in high school and we never talked. i’m pretty sure he hates me. i don’t know why i keep having dreams with him in it. anyways we sat down in class, we’re the first two there for some reason and i’m just still so PISSED at my grandmother and i want to ask kong what he thinks about the situation but i don’t for fear i might get pissed off at him too. 
time passes by and it’s 9 and kong is like uhh where’s the rest of the class. i’m like holy shit you’re right why are we the only ones in here. as soon as i say that, students pour in and i guess it’s a mixed class because kids a grade below us also join us. ONE OF WHICH IS JINWOO. he sits in the row behind me and i think he’s so cute sobs. i don’t particularly like boys younger than me, but jinwoo is a year younger than me and irl there have been three boys that were a year younger than me that i found cute, one of them i was even p friendly with. i think in this dream, jinwoo kind of takes his place. 
anyways a bunch of people sit at my table and kong turns into this other boy i never really spoke to during high school except for my junior year when we had chemistry together and his cousin (who is my friend) was also in that class and kind of was what made us talk and pair up for assignments. my friend chang sits next to me and i notice jinwoo talking with his friends and i tell chang about how kong (who has changed into a boy named cengleng) and i arrived so fucking early to class and chang’s like ha ha ha the teacher isn’t even here. (i think this was supposed to be my health and safety class because my teacher for that class was sometimes very late to class and it was also a mixed class that i took with kids younger than me). 
anyways, jinwoo suddenly comes up and sits at the same table as i, right on the other side of chang so i’m almost sitting right across from him (it’s a small, round table) and he starts talking to me sobs so cute and precious, he talks about his favorite bands which are all indie or small bands and i cANT HEAR HIM so i’m like huh? (which i think is based on a rl life event where a freshman was asking me something and i couldn’t hear him so i kept saying “huh?” then i said something dumb and he left) but jinwoo is so cute and pure that he keeps talking to me before he eventually has to go because his friends are calling him back. 
after that, chang leaves as well as kong and some girls come sit by me, one of which is another one of my old friends from high school, melina. she starts asking me to help her with her homework which i guess is for art or something because she needs to draw a panda and some kind of animal in a space suit. so i’m drawing it and we’re talking about old things and i ask her if i can see her 2013 yearbook from when we graduated because i’ve never seen my class yearbook before, but she tells me she has misplaced it so i’m p bummed. she ends up going outside to answer a phone call and i suddenly get one too. it’s embarrassing because my actual ringtone goes off in class. 
i’m outside on the phone with my dad who asks me where im at “at school wtf” and hes like whoops sorry, then says something in hmong that i don’t quite get so i just reply with “tell someone to come pick me up after school is over, which is at 11:45″ (usually in my dreams where i’m in high school again, no one ever fucking comes pick me up after school is done) and after that i’m walking in my old church parking lot and i’m hoping i’ll see jinwoo out here but he isn’t, so i’m like eh might as well go back to class and on my way there i see this girl named raquel that i also went to hs with. she hugs me so tight i think that’s what woke me up.
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