#also when I got back from my trip and had bought me a bunch of candy and surprised me with it at the airport
awkwardsonicphotos · 1 year
your husband sounds like the nicest person in the world. i dont even know him and i would take a bullet for him.
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DUDE ME TOO HONESTLY. Though I know he'd never let me lol. He really is the sweetest guy I know. He makes me always want to be a better person. When anyone in our family needs help or just even friends or neighbors he is the first to go and help out. He’s such a hard worker too. One of the sweetest things he ever did was right after my first hedgehog died. We had gone to visit my parents.
Poor Tumble had been sick for awhile and was on medicine to help her but she wasn’t getting any better and the vets were stumped as cancer and other issues were ruled out. It was something digestive that's all I know. She got super bad one morning and died on my lap on the way to the vet. I was honestly a sobbing mess and completely distraught with grief and guilt. Alex comforted me and just hugged me. As we started the drive back home he quietly asked my father who was driving to stop by a garden center. He bought the most beautiful summer flowers there and once we got home he immediately grabbed a shovel and started digging a grave for Tumble. My sweet brother had also just woken up and heard the news and without a word went out and helped my husband. I know that just seems like something most people do for others when stuff like that happens but it meant so much to me as Tumble was my first hedgehog and pet that was fully under my care.
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We buried her under those flowers and my parents have turned that whole area into a beautiful garden now and have a hedgehog statue there now. It's Tumble's little garden now. My husband also helps me care for little Thistle now and has to say good night to her every night and talks to her every morning before he goes to work. It's adorable.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU Headcannons Part 5 | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 592.
A/n: Focusing back on them before the apocalypse for now. And the last part personally had me giggling. Kids, huh? Anyways, I hope you like this!
Specially dedicated to my biggest supporter on this au, @ddamm.
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★ Daryl bought his own motorcycle shortly after the two of you moved into your final apartment.
★ He had spent years saving up for it, even hesitantly accepting any money you wanted to add to the savings for his motorcycle.
★ He was hesitant to take your money because he felt bad. He didn't want you to “waste” money on him, money that you could use to buy yourself something nice.
★ However, you were adamant, and your contribution to the savings helped him immensely.
★ The day he bought his own motorcycle, he was ecstatic. It wasn't anything fancy, but he loved it, and therefore, you loved it as well.
★ You'd been with him for over a decade at that point. You knew practically all the lore surrounding the motorcycling community. Daryl took great pleasure in teaching you everything he knew.
★ It made Daryl happy to know that you took interest in something he liked. He could go on for hours about motorcycles and you wouldn't mind. You'd actively ask questions and ask him to explain something you didn't understand.
★ Daryl was even teaching you how to ride one. It wasn't quite like teaching you how to ride a bicycle, like you had joked when he had suggested teaching you how to ride a motorcycle, but you got better with time.
★ Soon, you were able to ride one on your own, though you still preferred to have the professional—Daryl—ride it instead with you on the back, holding on to him.
★ Going away from motorcycles for a bit, Daryl was also the one that taught you how to drive a car.
★ Merle had essentially given his truck to Daryl way back when, and the old thing surprisingly still worked years later, all the way to the start of the apocalypse.
★ That was the first thing—apart from a bicycle—you ever learned to drive.
★ When Daryl bought his motorcycle, he basically gave you the truck to go to and from work, the supermarket, basically anywhere you wanted to go.
★ During the earlier stages before he bought the motorcycle, he'd go and pick you up from work with his truck.
★ He once picked you up a bit later than usual due to the field trip you had taken your class on, and when you had gotten off the bus to greet him with a cheek kiss, the kids all collectively commented on it, eliciting chuckles from you and your husband.
★ “Ew.”
★ That's also how your class had gotten introduced to your husband. After that, they never stopped asking about him.
★ “Mrs Dixon, how'd you meet Mr Dixon?”
“Mrs Dixon, have you and Mr Dixon ever kissed with your mouths like my mommy and daddy?”
“Mrs Dixon, do you love Mr Dixon?”
★ You had also once gotten a question from one of the kids that had you choking and blushing.
★ “Mrs Dixon, do you and Mr Dixon play with your clothes off?”
★ You changed that topic of discussion very quickly. Nope, you weren't gonna teach a bunch of five year olds about sex.
★ It did make for some good comedy when you got back home. Well, for Daryl at least. When you told him about that, he couldn't stop laughing. He found the question hilarious.
★ “Well, what'd ya tell him?”
“I didn't say anything. I changed the topic.”
“Ya could've said yes. We do “play with our clothes off” a bunch'a times.”
“Daryl, I'm not gonna say that! Do you know how many parents would be plotting my murder?”
“I know. M'jus' messin' with ya, Darlin'.”
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popponn · 1 year
a fool in love. [isagi yoichi x f!reader]
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notes: no listen downbad!yoichi is kind of a walking disaster because this is the kind of guy that goes 'oh making you happy makes me happy' and he is mister egoist who goes a bit unhinged whenever he wants something do you get it. it's kind of doomed in a very cute way. (aka this is a fit of madness pt three. the only thing im willing to examine with seriousness here are isagi yoichi's deep blue eyes.)
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You knew it wasn’t as if it was a bad thing. But, in a way, as happy as Yoichi makes you—you kind of wish he doesn’t turn off half of his brain when it came to you.
So far, the most often times he could do that was when soccer came up. And most of them ended up with longing stare and him turning his head back one last time as if saying 'sorry'. One time, you actually ended up throwing a snot soaked tissue because he felt bad leaving for practice when you were bedridden with a flu. It was adorable, but honestly a bit pathetic, in a cute way.
Though, those moments are indeed cute when you compared them to the others.
“I’m craving something salty and buttery,” you said at 2.34 am and you had to physically restrain him from cooking for you. Doing that to an athlete on his prime while being half asleep taught your backbone that it was a terrible idea. It made cracking noises for a week straight.
“Oh, that shirt is cute,” you once praised the white t-shirt he wore while lounging around with his friends in the living room. Suddenly, it was his favorite shirt. Last month, thankfully, that old, greying thing was replaced by another t-shirt you bought him before it had seven holes in them.
“God, I fucking hate him,” you would mindlessly comment about someone and Yoichi’s mouth went on a field trip. This happened around way too much already. One time happened when you said this half-jokingly after his match and high adrenaline Yoichi thinking someone genuinely did something to you was a sight. Hot, but unsuited for public consumption.
At this point, you really didn’t want to know what the line was for him outside of his soccer. It also didn’t help that it seems like most of his friends—especially Bachira—are a bunch of shit stirrers who supports him.
“You know, it’s sweet and stuffs,” you sighed, one day, deciding that being honest is the best way to go. “But, I really wonder, why you are like that sometimes?”
Yoichi, who walked beside you whilst pushing the shopping basket in one hand, smiled bashfully. “Uh, well—I got… carried away sometimes?”
“Definitely,” you sent him an unamused glance whilst showing him the shopping list written in his phone. “It’s not that I hate every time you do it. I just want to know why.”
Yoichi laughed nervously at that, averting his eyes away from you as he grabbed a pack of butter from his right. It took him sometime to answer, and as he did so Yoichi’s expression turned nostalgic and fond, “Remember when you said that you wouldn’t want me to lose my focus on soccer even if we are together?”
“Ah.” You did remember it. It was a long conversation that was both necessary and heavy back then. At this moment, though, it became just another chapter in your life with Yoichi.
“Well, I kind of swear to myself after that—” Yoichi stopped walking and turned towards you, looking at you through his blue eyes with many promises and softness. It took everything in you to not hide as he continued, “—that I will make you the happiest person on earth even with everything going on. So, yeah?”
And suddenly, you found yourself very lucky. “Oh.”
“And also, uh, I like how it feels when I spoil you and stuffs…? ” Yoichi murmured almost inaudibly, sounding unsure and embarrassed, before quickly laughing it off in the boyish manner you had came to known since long ago. A hand warped itself around yours and Yoichi smiled, a hint of red still coloring his cheeks, “So, uh. You know.”
Like a second nature, you intertwined your fingers along with him and gave him a smile just as shy and gentle in return, ”…seriously? You do it just because it makes you happy? Now, I’m sad.”
“And now you are just teasing me,” Yoichi replied easily. Then, he leaned his head, peering into his phone in your hand, “What else do we have to buy?”
“Hmm…” you hummed, eyes not turning away from him. “I think we got it all.”
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muekyn · 2 years
shy!armin headcanons
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a/n: ok so this was supposed to be shy!armin but i guess i just made him awkward??? so hope you like shy awkward armin fluff t/w: maybe slight suggestive at one point?
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meeting armin was, interesting, to say the least. you met him at a mutual friend's house party. he seemed out of place, a nice young man surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, boozed up people. he simply stood to the side, awkwardly speaking now and again while your mutual friend, eren, shotgunned a 16 oz tallboy. the night for you two ended once eren got too drunk and needed to be taken care of by armin.
you would definitely say he was polite, kind, and thoughtful. it just seemed as though he had little to say.
armin was admittingly, very shy. and when he saw you it just made it ten times worse. he was stammering and tripping over his sentences, running out of things to talk about. the mere sight of you made him beyond flustered. his mind was like a broken record, repeating the thought "oh my god they're so cute and they're talking to me what do i do what do i say oh my god"
he hoped he would see you again, just to make up for last time. he made sure that next time he saw you, he had things to talk about, even if they led no where. he even looked up some conversation starters online.
ever since your first meetup he's been crushing hard!!! at first it was really bad, he could barely let a sentence out. but as time goes on armin realizes you mesh with his temperament, and is more willing to talk to you about practically anything.
fidgets with his fingers. usually is standing like the "had to do it to em" guy. he just doesn't know what to do with his hands
mumbles!! trails off of his sentences bc he isn't sure if what he's saying is interesting
if he has something to say in a group setting, he usually waits until people are done talking to speak. most of the time this causes him to wait a little too long, and the group has already moved on with their conversation. because of this, he can be especially quiet with large amounts of people.
you think he's quiet with friends? just wait until you see him interacting with a stranger. that boy can't hold a conversation. usually says a grand total of three sentences to somebody before he can't come up with anything else to say. he'll quickly shuffle away before there's an awkward silence.
he also has a hard time making prolonged eye contact. (especially with you!!) doesn't know how long and when to make eye contact, so he usually is looking away from people when he speaks.
the more you're around armin the more he comes out of his shell, especially when it's just the two of you. he's even confided in you that he wishes he had more confidence so he could do the things he wants. (*hint hint* you)
touch starved!! usually pulls away instantly the second he feels someone's skin touching his. however, if you accidentally touch him, he reciprocates the affection instantly. if you brush your hand against his, he'll brush his hand back with a playful smile on his face. if you lean into him, he'll place his hands on your shoulders and pull you in closer.
wants to buy you gifts but isn't sure if that would be overstepping his boundaries. he has bought a few things here and there to give to you when if you two start dating. he keeps them wrapped up nice and neat in his closet, hidden from anyone just in case they were to ask.
armin talks to you the most out of everyone. despite this he's still rather quiet, choosing to spend his free time with you by writing or doing work. occasionally he'll ask you for tips. he loves the creative energy you two bounce off of each other.
definitely has looked up "how to get a person to like you" and "how to know if someone likes you" on google after meeting you
has written out a script for what to say when he confesses feelings for you. he's revised it three or four times at this point. (though, in reality, he's probably just going to accidentally admit he likes you)
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slu-tea-ftm · 6 months
I need a sugar mommy so bad. (A story)
NSFW, long imagine, md/lb, ftm lb, cis mommy
Terms used for lb: clit, cunt, and pussy; lb has had top surgery
Mommy gave me my allowance today. Even though I know Mommy would get anything I asked for in a heartbeat, I wanted to surprise her.
I told her I was going to hang out at the mall with a friend. That was kind of a lie. My friend was there to help me pick out the cutest lingerie!
I can never make up my mind.
My friend and I went to a handful of stores and looked at all kinds of sexy outfits, toys, lingerie, and more. Eventually I was able to decide on a few casual outfits, a cute new corset belt to go with them, and a lacy light green lingerie set with pink flowers on it. I wanted the white version, but my friend said green is more my color, so I trusted her.
I dropped my friend off, then went home to Mommy. I couldn't wait to surprise her.
When I walked in the door, I found Mommy in the living room, reading her most recent sex novels. She put her bookmark in as soon as she heard me coming, turning around to look at me.
"How was your shopping trip, baby? Did you have fun?" she asked, smiling pleasantly.
I could already feel my pussy aching at the sight of her sweet smile. I wanted her lips on my pulsing clit. But I steeled myself and smiled back.
"Yeah! I found a bunch of cute new outfits! Wanna see?" I clutched the big bag in my hand tightly.
"I'd love to see."
Without any other words exchanged, I grinned and ran off to dig through my clothes for a pair of leggings, jeans, and dress pants. All the new clothes I bought were tops, other than the corset belt and lingerie.
After grabbing those and a pair of scissors, I ran to the bathroom. "I'm gonna cut the tags off while I'm in here!"
"Okay! Just be careful with the scissors!" she called through the bathroom door.
I carefully snipped off all the tags and then picked my first outfit: a brightly-striped button-up with beige dress pants. My heart pounded wildly in my chest and I could feel my pussy's juices starting to slick up my boxers. I had to take a few deep breaths to prepare myself.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I went straight to Mommy, doing a little turn before stopping in front of her.
"Ooh," she exclaimed, "you look so handsome, baby! The bright colors look so good on you. Perfect for springtime."
I giggled. "Thank you, Mommy. I'm glad you like it!" The praise was going straight to my needy pussy. I wanted so badly to just kneel down and beg her to let me please her. As much as I loved having Mommy eat me out, I also loved doing the same for her. Sometimes I'd rather eat her out and just let my needy pussy drool and drool while I clench and rut against anything I can.
"Sweetheart?" Mommy's voice brought me back. "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, just daydreaming. Uhh, I have a few more outfits to show you! Hang on, I'll go get another one." I skittered back to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and hurriedly putting on the next outfit: a floral tie-top shirt with a plain white shirt underneath and some black leggings.
I came out again and hurried over to show off my new outfit.
"Oh wow, that one's so cute!" Mommy reached out and touched the fabric of the tie-top shirt. "I love the pattern on this one, too. You look so cute in it."
"Thank you, Mommy. I have one more to show you!"
"I can't wait to see it, honey."
As I ran back and closed the bathroom door behind me again, my heart really hammered in my chest. I was so excited and also so nervous. I stripped the latest outfit and pulled out the lingerie from my large bag. When I took off my boxers, there was clearly a wet spot left behind. I carefully slipped on the bralette and matching panties, which were already starting to soak up my slick. My curiosity got the better of me as I reached down and slipped a finger along my aching pussy. I was so wet I could've slipped my finger right in.
Immediately, I took my hand out, knowing that if I kept touching, I wouldn't be able to stop. I wiped my soaked finger on a piece of toilet paper and threw on the last outfit: a silvery, silk button-up with the top few buttons popped open, the corset belt, and black dress pants.
My stomach flip-flopped when I finally came out of the bathroom and I saw Mommy waiting for me on the couch.
"I was starting to get worried," she said. "You were taking a bit longer than usual." She looked me up and down, taking in the clothes. "Those look stunning, dear. Especially the corset. Mommy loves how it makes your waist stand out." She reached out and took my waist in her hands, proving her point.
I shivered when she put her hands on my waist. Mommy knows I'm sensitive and she loves to use that to her advantage.
I swallowed and tried to make my voice sound steady. "Mommy? I...I have a surprise for you."
"Oh really? And what would that be, sweet boy?" Mommy tilted her head.
"It's...under here." I pulled at the collar of the silk button-up.
Mommy's eyes lit up. She loves seeing me in lingerie and telling me how it accentuates my body, how pretty I look, how much she wants to tear it off me...Just thinking about all the praise made my brain start to go fuzzy.
"So that's what this was all about," Mommy said as she started undoing the buttons. "My dirty little boy...You wanted to surprise Mommy, huh? Were you saving up just for this? You wanted to buy some pretty new lingerie to show off?"
Mommy had unbuttoned the shirt enough to where she could push it off my shoulders, exposing the bralette while the shirt barely hung on my arms and the corset belt.
"Oh, sweetheart...You look so pretty," Mommy murmured.
The compliment sent heat rushing to my pussy. I could practically feel a gush of slick soaking my panties. "Thank you, Mo- Ah!!"
She brushed her fingers over my nipples through the thin fabric. I arched up into her touch as heat flooded my face and my pussy clenched on nothing.
"I think Mommy is becoming a bit of a bad influence on you, baby. You took so much time to plan this out behind my back, knowing it'd get me worked up, knowing that Mommy can't control her bad thoughts when you present such a pretty offering like this." She teased me relentlessly, and I loved every second of it. My face burned and my pussy ached. I squeezed my legs together, hoping for some kind of friction against my needy clit.
I whined and shifted my weight around. "Please, Mommy..."
"Aww, poor baby. Is your pussy wet? Are you needy from hearing Mommy tell you how naughty she's made you? Are you wearing panties to go with this cute bralette?"
"Yes, Mommy," I whimper.
Her other hand slid between my legs, parting them so she could cup my cunt in her palm. "Hmm, brand new panties, already ruined because you're such a needy slut."
I whined and pushed my hips down into her palm, seeking any kind of friction. "I'm sorry, Mommy...You just make me feel so good."
She hummed and removed both hands, much to my dismay. Mommy undid my corset belt and discarded it nearby, finally removing the whole shirt. I shivered when the cold hair hit me, making my nipples harden and poke through the fabric of the bralette.
Mommy quickly moved on to taking off the black dress pants and leaving me in nothing but the lingerie before her. She sat back for a moment just to look at me as a whole, admiring my perky nipples and the goosebumps on my skin. She reached out again to touch my pussy, through the panties this time, and when she did, she gave me a knowing look.
"You're absolutely soaked, honey."
I whined and pushed against her fingers. "Mommy...Please..."
"Please what, baby boy? You have to use your words...tell Mommy what you want." She stroked her fingers along my pussy, circling my clit lightly.
My whimpers dissolved into moans as I crumbled under her touches. "More! I want more, please. Please, Mommy. Touch me, fuck me, eat me out—something! Please..." My face burned with embarrassment, but Mommy quickly stood up and kissed me.
"Very good. Good boy, using your words. Such a good boy for me." She kissed my neck and lips while she praised me, reaching down to tease me some more.
I moaned into her mouth as she rubbed my clit, clinging onto her and grinding down into her palm. "Mommy," I whined, "please..."
"Okay, okay, sweetheart. You lay down, I'll be right back." Mommy chuckled and booped my nose, then headed to the bedroom.
When she came back, Mommy made sure to show me just how much she appreciated my surprise. She ate me out until I couldn't tell up from down, fucked me until my brain turned to liquid, praised me like it was the last chance she'd ever get to do it, and she even let me return the favor by tasting her delicious cunt.
Afterward, we got to relax in the shower, and I fell asleep in her arms, squished into her, warm, happy, and so glad to have Mommy in my life.
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samkat10423 · 6 months
Veronaville - sort of
Well, I just got back from a trip to New Orleans and was playing in Twinbrook, but then I saw something online about Veronaville, and figured "Why not?" Now, when I played the Sims 2, I mostly hung out in Pleasantview, with the occasional excursion into Strangetown. Never really did much with Veronaville, because to be truthful I didn't really care for the builds there. So, I am NOT a hardcore Veronaville player. Which is why, I plan on changing things. A lot.
Anyway, there are - to my knowledge - currently 2 versions of Veronaville for the Sims 3, and my personal favorite is the one done by danjaley. Mostly because she has a centralized downtown. She does warn you that hers is a "beta" version, created a long time ago, and that you may have issues.
So, I had planned to steal some lots from Monte Vista to use in this town, but they were all too big. But no matter. I just started editing the ones she had - mostly because I wanted to update the town to use later ep lots. But there wasn't a lot of space. So, what to do.
Today, I decided that since she had used an edited version of Riverview for her town, I'd just open Riverview and plunk her lots down in it - after I got the routing fixes from Mod the Sims. And that's what I did. It took me a week to come to that decision, but oh well.
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This first lot is called Pentameter Parkway. In her town, it's on a much smaller lot, so I made a few tiny changes to her build. In my town, I placed it where the military rabbithole was - a 44x44 lot. (That lot I put out where that crazy Cottneye sim has his bunker). The front of the lot is basically the same as she built it.
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But in the back of the lot, I placed a small, soccer field. I also widened the main building a tad and added some windows to this side. I think her original lot came to where that crosswalk is on the road.
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In her description, she says that this is "a good place for sims to get groceries and mags," so on the one end, I made it into a comic book store. None of this stuff was available when she created her town. Plus, I use CC in my game. Lots of CC.
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In the center of the build, I made a tiny grocery store. I thought about placing the rabbithole rug here, but she also created the Veronaville Market, where she placed the grocery RH. So, this store just has the general store register.
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Then on the end, I got rid of the bathrooms - I put them into that separate building you see in the 1st picture - and instead, made this into a tiny Asian cafe. I got most of the foods from Sandy over on Around the Sims 3. And viola! One lot finished! Go, me!
Then I went into the island part of town.
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This is the bistro lot she created. I did flip the build - mostly because I wanted it to face the street that runs past the city hall. And when I was reconfiguring it a bit, I decided to add that one parking space for the current owner - Antonio Monty. She called it Ristorante Montecci - named after the family who created it. But I figured they all died out and Antonio bought it. If you read his bio, he's having problems keeping it afloat. Sucks to be him.
I also placed a few more lots. But I'll show them to you later. I do want to thank danjaley for all her lovely builds And her commentary on the different lots. A lady after my own heart! She did an amazing job on all of this. I prefer her street and sidewalk surfaces and that she didn't clutter the town with a bunch of streetlights. I had replaced the lights with that one from Monte Vista, but when I switched worlds, I had to delete them. Oh well.
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writingkitten · 1 year
Ricardo Morales x Reader: Thunderbird Clearing I
Note: I’m posting this in two parts because I want to
Warnings: none
You had always wondered what that damn key was for.
Ricardo didn’t like a bunch of “junk” on his key ring. He kept it simple, minimal: his car key, house key, a handcuff key (for both work and pleasure), and a short leather keychain with a flat metal ring at the end, the phrase “My Brave Ruler” engraved on it. The keychain was a gift from you, something you’d bought and kept hidden from him until he needed a little pick-me-up. You had given it to him at the end of a particularly difficult week, one that involved a fist fight with a suspect and a prominent black eye. It was the only “non-essential” item he kept on the key ring.
And then there was that key. The one you found yourself staring at more times than you’d like to admit. He never would tell you what it unlocked, saying that you’d find out “when the time is right”, whatever that was supposed to mean. It wasn’t an unusual key; it looked nearly identical to the one that unlocked the front door, so much so that you could recall a few times when you both would come back home after hitching a ride from the bar, drunk and giggling, and he’d accidentally used that key on the lock. You always got a little more sober when that happened, the mystery of the key grounding you.
You glanced at it now, as it hung from the ignition of Ricardo’s truck, swaying as he drove down the open road. In the moment, however, the world outside of the truck was far more interesting, and your gaze quickly returned to the window. It was nearing dusk, and the late afternoon Sun was radiating warmly across the landscape. You and Ricardo had left your home in Los Angeles late that morning, the only pretext you had for the journey being a “camping trip”. Ricardo had surprised you with the vacation, taking a few days off from work (and pulling some strings at your job to get you the days off, too) to have a long weekend with you.
And so there you sat, six hours into a road trip that took you across the state line into south Nevada, currently surrounded by a landscape that was transitioning from dessert to forest. The appearance of pine trees surprised you as the dirt-orange mountains and dry terrain began to grow luscious. Music drifted from the stereo, a playlist Ricardo had put together just for this occasion filling your ears. The two of you had fallen into a content silence about two hours into the drive, Ricardo’s hand mindlessly rubbing your thigh as he focused on the road.
Ricardo had turned off of the main road awhile back, taking a path that was maintained but also seemed fairly unused. You hadn’t seen another vehicle in nearly an hour, aside from the occasional one or two parked outside of a desolate house. As the trees quickly took over and turned your surroundings into a forest, the truck pulled up to a small dirt path that forked off from the current road. Ricardo veered onto the path, flicking his headlights on. The Sun was still above the horizon, but low enough to be hidden by the trees, and the path was just a hint too dark to drive without them.
Another twenty or so minutes pass, the sky quickly turning from blue to a dusty lilac. Ahead of the truck, a tall cattle fence blocks the path. Ricardo pulls up to it, slowing to a stop. There’s a large metal sign attached to the gate, rusted but the words still clear: “Thunderbird Clearing”. Below that, in smaller lettering, was the phrase “Trespassers will be prosecuted”.
Ricardo turned off the truck and opened his door, taking the keys with him. You watch him curiously, getting a small but mischievous grin from him. He goes up to the gate, and you can’t help but admire how handsome he is. You loved his work outfits, the professional attire adding to his naturally dominant nature. However, seeing Ricardo like this, wearing a white t-shirt, bleach-stained jeans, hiking boots, and a thin brown fleece jacket… it made your mouth water. He looked almost as good in his relaxed clothes as he did naked.
The headlights of the truck were still on, shining on Ricardo like a set of spotlights in a theatre. It was fitting for the moment; he was making a grand reveal, after all.
Your eyes widened as you saw him take the mystery key and stick it in the giant padlock that kept the gate secured. He glanced back at you, smiling as he turned it. You saw the padlock click open, your mouth agape and eyebrows raised. Ricardo relished your look of surprise, and winked at you. Turning his attention back to the gate, he removed the padlock and shoved it open, the metal creaking under its own weight. Ricardo got back in the truck and drove through, stopping again on the other side to shut and re-lock the gate.
The two of you drove about another mile down the dirt road until the trees quickly thinned out, and a large clearing opened up. In the center of the clearing was a small campsite. There was a short but large wooden platform with several eye-hook screws drilled in to three of the edges. Next to that, a large fire pit made of old concrete was dug into the ground, sticking out just enough to prevent the flames from touching the grass. A few wooden poles, connected via a thick cord, encircled the platform and pit. Small metal hooks hung from the cord, swaying with the gentle wind.
The dirt road ended right next to the campsite, Ricardo parking his truck when he reached it. You sat there, looking at the campsite, taking in the area. You didn’t notice Ricardo walking around to your door until he opened it, carefully grabbing you by the waist and pulling you out of your seat. When your feet hit the ground, he quickly closed the door and pushed you against it, pinning you as he captured your lips. Your own hands go to his hips, resting on them, simply needing to hold him.
He pulled away, your lips chasing after his own. He smiled brightly at you, resting his forehead against your own, his hands gently stroking your sides.
“I’ve wanted to bring you here for awhile,” Ricardo said, his voice just above a whisper.
“What is this place?” you ask, your voice full of wonder and curiosity.
Ricardo straightens, looking down at you as he speaks, “This is my family’s secret getaway. We’ve owned it for a little over two hundred years.”
He steps away, his right hand sliding from your waist and across your stomach as he goes to the back of his truck. He starts to unload everything as he continues.
“In Mexico, near where a lot of tequila’s made, my family owns a blackberry grove. That’s where we got the name ‘Morales’.”
You try to take a bag from Ricky, but he pulls it away, not allowing you to help.
“My great grandfather would make the trek up here to sell the blackberries. He sold them to a bunch of people, but one guy who always bought pounds and pounds of blackberries was a Shoshone leader. Eventually, as the man got older, he gifted this land to my grandfather. Don’t know the whole story, but that’s what I was told by my mom.”
Ricardo put the last bag onto the platform, and started unpacking.
“It’s a special place for me,” Ricky said, “it’s an escape, one that I don’t share with anyone outside of my family.”
“Except for me,” you smirked.
Ricky looked at you, then closed the distance. He cupped your cheek, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“Only family,” he repeated.
Tag list: @sgt-petter @yesalwayswelles @eroticaplush @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @tritiumsun
Wanna listen to a Ricardo Morales playlist? Here ya go!
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I was not feeling to bad today but right at the end of the afternoon I absolutely fell apart and I feel horrible tonight. But I will go to sleep soon and hopefully it will fix me.
I didn't sleep amazing. I lost my phone over the side of the bed and wouldn't be able to find it until my alarm went off at 7. But I felt okay. I got up and got dressed and tried my best to be okay. But it was tough. Today would be tough even though I wasn't as actively nauseous for a lot of it. I would just be kind of bleh.
I really had to pull myself together to not be snippy. I was more quick to anger then I was proud of. But I was really trying my best.
I got to camp and set things up. I had my breakfast. I felt okay. It was a very very humid day. It was supposed to storm but it didn't rain? It was just oppressively humid.
The groups would be pretty good though. We did lose another hammock to tearing. Sad. But I am not even exactly sure how it happened. It just had a hole all of a sudden. And even though it wasn't actually torn all the way yet, I took it down in an abundance of caution. I didn't need a kid falling down.
I did a lot of knitting today. I made 4 more squares. I am making excellent progress.
I did have a fun day. I enjoyed talking to councilors and the kids. I just wasn't feeling very good.
I would bring Mac and cheese to lunch. They had waffle fries and cheese sauce so I also had a little plate of cheese fries. I said hello to the kitchen staff and had a nice time sitting with specialty staff for a bit. But pretty quickly I went to hang in my hammock.
I did stop to talk to Heather and got the camp credit card to buy plaster for next week. And collected a bunch of lost and found from outside the picnic grove. But mainly it was time to chill.
When I got back up to my building I found a few other counselors taking their break in some of my hammocks. Fine with me. It was nice to hear them chatting and laughing. I was just enjoying laying down. It was a nice day.
I was a little anxious about the afternoon. 4 groups in a row is a lot. But it would mainly be fine. It was. Just a lot of answering the same questions. And I was tired.
Day camp was fine. Bontkirchen was nice and fun. I enjoyed teaching them how to make bead lizards and just talking. And then horse camp came last and they smelled like horses which turned my stomach a bit but they were nice. Silly. Teasing eachother a ton but no one was actually upset. They have one little boy and he's a very good sport for how much they were teasing him, he was getting them right back. It was great.
Aaron texted me asking if I wanted some of the eggs from our chickens. And I said yes. So he would bring me 4 eggs (there has been 5 but one broke) and asked me to let him know if the difference eggs tasted different (we have two types of chickens). I promised I would.
I went to get dinner at Wawa. I am really glad I did that because the drive was miserable. While I had been mainly fine all day. Only a little nausea. During my drive I felt like I was going to throw up. It was terrible.
Eating did help. I got my sandwich and chips.sns sipped water in the car. Even the idea of soda made me queasy. I sucked on lemon candy and tried to be okay.
Home Depot was miserable. I circled and circled and circled. I thought I was doing good at first. Finding the ornamental grasses (I wanted the tallest plants I could find for under $20. These were $12) and the plaster. But I was struggling to find anything else on my list. I was not having a good time.
I would ask for help but nothing was working. I did get the brackets for the bathroom shelf at least. I would pay but I was disgusted by how poorly the trip went and was very upset.
I passed a Lowe's so I tried there too but no luck and the workers were very laissez-faire about what I was asking. So rather then crying in the garden center I just bought two planters for the grass I got at Home Depot and went home.
I melted down in the car after I parked. I was struggling to get my things inside. I called James but they weren't answering and I had to set off an alarm on their phone to get them to see my message and I hate doing that. And then the package with the replacement parts for our roomba was stolen off our steps. I didn't even mean to send it to the house. I meant to send it to camp. And I screamed into the couch and was just so upset. I wouldn't even let James sit with me. I couldnt take it.
I needed to just lay there on the couch for a long time.
James was making a little pizza. They would take a shower and then went on a little walk to give me some space while I was trying to calm down.
When they got back they would repot my grass for the backyard. I think it looks great and I'm excited for our backyard coming together.
I would try to make things better by buying the things I couldn't find at the store on Amazon. And I did some research and was able to find lattice to add to our fence so the gap at the bottom won't be an issue anymore. We had lattice under our deck when I was a kid and I always liked how it looked. James is going to order it so I can pick it up tomorrow. And hopefully it works out the way I am picturing it.
I took a bath and some Tylenol. And my head ache is going away I think. But I'm going to sip water and try and sleep. And hopefully tomorrow I feel a little better and less sad. Fingers crossed.
I love you all. Goodnight everybody.
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smurf4006 · 15 days
A long overdue concert review incoming!!
Finally watched Suede performance live for the first time in 2024. Never in my life like even once would I think it was possible. You could say I’m a casual listener. The 1st song that got us hooked was actually ‘Obsessions’ way, way back when they released the single. When we found out they were coming to our country via instagram, we were elated & excited that it was held at Zepp. It was gonna be an intimate gig with smaller crowd & great ambience. Right when they opened the ticket queue, I immediately surfed the website & bought a pair of electronic tickets with QR codes. Ah gone are the days when we had to physically line up to buy tickets. Well except BMTH, it was so easy to get it.
Historically like other veteran fans, our playlist was full of Suede songs during our university days before graduation. The only way we could get in touch with their fans >12 years ago was thru tumblr. (However it’s sad that f*ckyeahneilcodling was deactivated coz the Italian girl admin was so sweet & friendly!) Currently we subscribed to Apple Music, I’m sorry it sucks to get paid 0.000000001 cent for each stream but I ain’t got no place to store physical CDs no more :(
Back to the live performance, I came with an unfairly low expectation. Thought they're gonna play whole setlist of new songs that most of us hadn't heard of. Maybe Brett will get tired of us eventually & smash some of the front row's iPhones through Simon's cymbals? What if Neil pass out suddenly onstage coz he had MECFS? Will Mat's bass drown & ended up buried in all that noise? Richard's fine I guess, he's an impeccable guitar demigod who never seemed to make a mistake. At times during our short road trip, I joked with ageist nuance on how we were on our way to see a bunch of old men who thought they could still rock it.
Boy was I mistaken. They opened with Turn Off Your Brain & Yell & it was the most energetic performance I ever seen. I'm the most irregular concert-goer who had only attended to a few local artists, Muse, Placebo & MCR; so I might be a little biased towards Suede but they are so underrated it’s maddening.
Brett's thunderous vocals echoed through the hall & stunned us all. How did a 57-year-old bloke manage to sing with his whole heart & emotion like that? I was perplexed on how they always sound better live than a studio record. Anyway, they played a lot of classic oldies we were familiar with. I almost cried of happines ala fanatic Swiftie when they played Life is Golden coz it was sucha beautiful song. It was also the first time I saw a frontman would wade through the crowd & allowed them to hold the mic & sang? Dare you to point me at least one frontman who’d be so intimate with his crowd coz there’s no others like Brett Anderson. He’s special in his own way & is irreplaceable. The security was somewhat complacent or relaxed most likely coz the civilized crowd did return Brett’s mic after the song was finished.
It was a bit comedic seeing Neil switching instruments time to time but yet I can’t stop wondering how did he heal his MECFS? I have acquaintances with MECFS & they shared how debilitating the disease was. Made you feel more sympathetic coz decades ago most doctors would brush you off & their diagnosis would lean more towards psychiatric disorder.
Throughout the 20-track setlist, I was amazed at how the band literally came back from the dead. I’m pretty sure they were split once & I didn’t know they reunited in 2010. Maybe I was aware maybe I wasn’t ah who could remember when you were so busy with life.
Thanks again Brett, Mat, Simon, Richard & Neil, the crew, roadies whoever for making the gig a dream come true. The jetset touring lifestyle is exhausting but I knew you guys are enjoying this journey too. While I wished they play Heroine, The Power, By The Sea & The Chemistry Between Us, there’s also an array of songs that my brother had wishlisted too like Killing of a Flashboy. I did remind him that he could always drop a comment for song request on their social media like instagram? We both were never fond of Drowners, Animal Nitrate & Metal Mickey thus guessed we were the younger generation who didn’t dig the Bernard Butler era. Their hardcore fans loved it though as evidenced by the roaring crowd that night.
It was worth the half-days we took off from work. Will we go again if they ever come back? Absolutely. I’d even go as far as to suggest them to do a Vegas-esque residency .
P/s: my photos were all blurry coz I was quite afar away; we are in our 30s who preferred leatherette comfy seats on the pretentiously elitist balcony which dampened our concert spirit. At times we did wish that we were down there but I was petite like Sabrina Carpenter who could not see anything in the standing zone. Not uploading any video, there’s always youtube for those who wanted to check them out.
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trivialbob · 1 year
Today I didn't work. So I had time for a little motorcycle trip.
First I stopped at Minnesota's Largest Candy Store, a little south of the Twin Cities area in the city of Jordan. Not only does this place boast the state's largest selection of candy, it also claims giant selections of soda pop, puzzles, and chips. Oh, and as you will notice, the largest application of yellow paint in the state.
When I first got inside my ears were pelted with "Mom! Mom! Mom! Dad! Mom! Look at this! I want... I want... I want... Mom! Mom!"
Yet another store that needs an adult swim hour.
A big selection of pies, homemade sauces, pastas, and such, the sort of things you might give as gifts, lines shelves. There is plenty of beef jerky and sticks. All sorts of decorations and non-edible things are there to look at too.
Seeing all that candy gave me a sweet tooth. I bought a bunch, then ate as much as a 9-year-old on Halloween night would consume before coming home and paying the daddy tax. At my house the daddy tax used to be red (cherry, not strawberry or watermelon) flavored pieces of assorted candy of my choosing.
Today I wanted all the sour candy, like Zotz. My tongue hurts now from all the fizzy stuff I ate. Those Sour Smog Balls were tasty. I'm glad I later gave the box to Jack (after having a few samples), otherwise I surely would have finished it all today and made myself sick.
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After the candy store I went to Schmidt's Meat Market, in the small town of Nicollet (pop. 1200). The town is really small, the shop is really good.
I bought a NY strip steak for dinner tonight. That wasn't all. They have my favorite meat sticks, ones that have great flavors and the perfect ratio of moistness (little) to dryness (a bit more).
I also got a huge stick of summer sausage. The woman helping me asked if I wanted it sliced. I hemmed and hawed, trying to decide. Sliced would be convenient, but it's such a large stick I want to leave it whole to stay at peak freshness.
She smiled at my indecision and nicely offered, "You know what I can do, I'll cut in in half. I'll wrap the unsliced half in paper, and put the slices of the other half in a plastic bag."
From the meat shop it's a 20-25 minute drive to Jack's house. The route is mostly wide-open back roads, with no traffic and no cops. You do smell the "agriculture" though. My motorcycle stretched its legs, within reason. Its MPG average also decreased significantly too.
At Jack's house I hung out with him, Ali, and their dogs Lily and Luca. I gave Jack some of the meat sticks and also a gift box of cinnamon roll ingredients I picked up at the candy store. He also got the box of Sour Smog Balls and promptly offered me one of the cherry-flavored pieces!
Excuse me now. I need to go brush my teeth a few times.
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Road Trip
So I honestly just combined a bunch of ideas I had circulating around my head. My motivation went downhill, so I ended it early, I’m sorry. But I hope you enjoy! Also, I’m only keeping this up because it is fandom history. I do not support William gold and if you do, please leave and block me. Thank you
Warnings: there’s really nothing. If you’re uncomfy with tickles, don’t read :)
Lee! Tommy, Ranboo, Wilbur Ler! Tommy, Ranboo, Charlie, Wilbur
“Okay, do we have everything?” Wilbur was looking at his phone, probably at a checklist.
Ranboo, who was searching under pillows and in drawers, spoke up, “No, I can’t find the powdered donuts.”
“Oh I saw Tommy running off with them.”
Ranboo and Wilbur both shot their heads to Charlie in panic. “And you let him?”
“I didn’t see a problem with it?”
“Have you met him?!” Wilbur began flinging his arms around, “He is a sugar fanatic!”
“Oh. I’ll go find him.”
That’s how Charlie had the pleasure of looking for Tommy. He found said person hiding in the living room.
“Tommy, just let Wilbur put them in the car, then you can have some when we actually get on the road.”
“No! I don’t trust Wilbur.”
“He bought them. They’re technically his.”
“I’m not giving them up.”
Tommy turned away, hiding the bag in his arms. Charlie, having enough of his bullshit, walked over and started pulling at his side to flip him over. What he didn’t expect, was for Tommy to screech and start laughing.
“Oh?” Tommy’s eyes widened as he started to sputter in mock fear.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Why not?” Charlie set his hand on Tommy’s side, a smug smirk taking over his features when he flinched.
“Ihi don’t thihink it’s worth it.”
“And why would it not?”
“It won’t get me to give the bag to you. That’s why.”
“Let’s test that theory!”
“Wait NOHOHO!”
Charlie began squeezing up and down the youngers sides and ribs, laughing along at his reaction. When he got to the boys stomach, however, he stopped in his tracks. Why?
He snorted.
“Awe you snort? How cute.”
“Ihi doho nohot!”
“Hmmmm. I’m pretty sure you just did. Do I need to do it again?”
Many more snorts filled the room until tommy unlatched himself from the donuts and let Charlie take them to Wilbur.
“Here, I got them back!” Charlie smiled smugly as he walked into the room, donuts in hand.
“Wow. What did you have to do?”
“I think you know.”
“Yeah, we could hear it from across the house.”
“It would be endearing if he’d stop stealing the snacks,” Ranboo, who was now standing above the couch and looking through a bag, gave a glare to the blonde who just joined the others in the living room. He looked red in the cheeks, but otherwise composed.
“Shut up.” He shot a glare and a middle finger back.
Now that everyone was in the car and ready to leave, Tommy got to have the donuts. No one complained, though.
Just to get perspective - Phil was driving (he didn’t trust anyone else), Charlie was in the passenger seat (with much dislike from Wilbur), Tommy was behind the drivers seat (again, he fought Wilbur over this), Wilbur was in the middle, and Ranboo was in the seat behind Charlie (Wilbur felt bad kicking them out of the window seat, so he settled for the middle).
“You’re such a gremlin,” Wilbur sighed lightheartedly .
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said through a face full of powdered donut.
Ranboo, on the other hand, was staring out the window listening to his own music. Living in their own little world, as usual.
Wilbur, being the menace he is, has to disturb him.
“You don’t like my playlist?” He joked, sending a poke to the others side.
Ranboo slightly flinched (this was noticed by Wil), but retorted, “Maybe it’s because 2 thirds of the playlist is your own songs.”
“I thought you liked my songs!”
“They’re not exactly road-trip songs.”
“Ugh! You need to be nice!” Wilbur sent a squeeze to Ranboos ribs, the reaction much more noticeable this time.
Ranboo went a slight shade of red. “Yeah, whatever.”
They went to put his earbud back in, but Wilbur caught their wrist.
“What are you doing, Wilbur?”
“Oh, just teaching you some manners.”
With that, he started scribbling along their side, smiling at the small giggles it inflicted.
“Wihillbuhur! Nohoho!”
“When you say ‘Wilbur, my favorite friend, will you please stop?’ I’ll stop. Until then, you learn your manners!”
“Buhut yohoure nohot my favohorite friehend!”
“Huh? Well that won’t do.”
“Hey, hate to interrupt this… whatever this is, but Wil, you’re crushing me.” Tommy pushed at Wilbur’s ribs, hoping to get him away. It worked, but not by Tommy pushing him. Wilbur jumped as much as his seatbelt would allow, almost onto Ranboo. Tommy looked at him with stars in his eyes.
“Oh my god, are you ticklish?”
“What? No! Of course not!”
“Don’t bullshit me.”
The two started bickering, but Ranboo had enough. They tweaked Wilbur’s ribs, sending him flying off of them.
“Stohop doing that!”
“Well, you just did that to me, so it’s only fair.” Ranboo reached for him again, and failed. Only cause Tommy decided to take advantage of Wil being distracted.
“Will you lot stop trying to crash us?” Phil yelled halfheartedly.
“Fine. But when we get home, I’m actually gonna kill him.” Tommy have one last poke to Wil, then let up.
“Yup. You do that.”
“But Phil!” Wilbur whined
“No. I am not getting involved. You started it, though.”
“Can you shut up? I’m trying to take a nap!” Charlie screeched.
“Grumpy much?” Tommy rolled his eyes
“Fuck you!”
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well, my time off from work is coming to a close, sadly. it always goes by way too fast.
especially because this time it seems like i spent a lot of it doing stuff, like running errands and cleaning.
i took our dog to get his hair cut on tuesday and he was a real good boy the whole time. i bought him a toy for being such a trooper.
on wednesday my mom left for a work trip which she's still on but she'll be back tomorrow. she made it safely and says it's been a peaceful time so i'm glad, she deserves a break.
i spent most of wednesday running errands (mostly looking for a specific hair dye that i went to TWO sallys for and neither had it so i had to order it online but i think this time it's really gonna come out exactly how i want so fingers crossed !!; i also procured some snacks !!)
thursday i decided to do something i've wanted to for a long while and mom said i could if i wanted but she doesn't know so this will be a surprise for her when she gets back, but !!
i woke up early and got to work cleaning out the pantry and the fridge as well as our old fridge which we put on the back porch for extra storage
i knew i only had so much time because the dump closes at 5 and i really wanted to get all the frozen stuff out and be done with it rather than deal with it the next day because i guess if push comes to shove i could drive my dad's truck, but i'm more comfortable using my car and it was already a stink fest in there just doing what i was doing, so...yeah (also thank god for febreeze, jesus christ)
anyway, i uh....i guess i did some grief cleaning because it's almost like you could tell as i was pulling everything out and throwing it all away that it went to hell about the time my dad got sick
a lot of what i threw away was his food, but it's over a year old so it really needs to go, neither mom or i are eating it and it's just going bad, but goddammit it was hard.
throwing away all the prepared meals my mom made for him so we'd have something quick to warm up for him because when he'd get hungry he didn't really wanna wait, it was almost like a wave and he'd only take a few bites and then be done so it was great to have stuff we could put back up. we also just had plenty of his favorites on board like pudding cups, cereals (cap'n crunch the peanut butter kind, frosted wheats, cheerios), peanut butter crackers, fruit cups, graham crackers and peanut butter (are you sensing a theme? lol) and of course...little debbie snack cakes.
not all of what i ended up throwing out was his, a lot of it was mom's and some of it mine as well, but in total i took off 16 bags of trash.
it took me three trips to the dump and a bucket of sweat to do it, but i did it !!!! i almost threw up like three different times, cried a few different times (specifically when i had to dump out the last ice cream he ever had; it was butter pecan and he only took about three or four bites of it but god did he enjoy every bite) and i had to pretty much blow through my lunch because i literally made it with 10 minutes to spare before the dump closed by the time i was dropping the last two bags off, but it's done !!!!!!!!!
i cannot tell you how nice it is now to not have to play jenga every time i want to get something out of the pantry or the fridge, like...jesus christ
it was at the point where every time i'd grab something, even a package of tea or a can of soup it'd cause an avalanche and i'd already pulled out a bunch of stuff from the pantry floor a while ago, but i didn't do the full thing so i thought, fuck it, i have the house to myself, i can blast through this in one day and my mind can rest easy for the rest of the time and goddammit i was right !!
did i do a perfect job ?? no, i did not. i know i didn't get everything, but i'm going to leave some of it up to my mom to decide. my goal was to at least take one thing off her plate since i know that's something that's too overwhelming to even think about and given that it took me a full work day to do it....yeah, i get it.
i think i started around 8:30 and to be fair some of that time was also me cleaning my bathroom as i went and cleaning spills and messes as i went (i also got covered in.....so much garbage juice), but by the time i finally got home and was done it was a little after 5 so yeah !!
i dunked myself in the pool, ordered some food (i got the world's biggest goddamn black bean burgey and i inhaled every bite; i''ll post a picture of it at the end) and then i took a shower and settled in for the night and my god did i sleep solidly that night, i don't think i moved an inch
i was also........exhausted yesterday because of that, just properly, properly worn the hell out, but !!! i had to go to the pharmacy to get my medicine so i went to pick that up and while i was out i also swung by walgreens to see about getting a covid booster. they told me to check back sometime next month because that's when they'd be getting them in so i'll definitely be stopping in when that's available
i also had to get some proper groceries instead of just snacks so i picked some up as well as some food and headed back home to relax
today's been pretty much the same, i had to run out again because i forgot a few things and they were giving out free ice cream at publix so i got some free ice cream :3
they were really nice there, too, the person who took my order said my hair was really neat (i don't know if i've posted it on here, but it's green on top and blue towards the bottom; every time i wash it it looks different but whenever i dye it again i'll do a before and after). i also thanked them for being out there and they were like, "well, we're getting paid," and i said i know, but it's hot out here so i appreciate it and we wished each other a nice day and i scooted off to a secluded spot to enjoy some moose tracks and then headed off to my next stop which was waffle house.
i decided for lunch today and breakfast tomorrow i'd get a to go order of some of my favorites and the person taking my order was so sweet, i ordered a hash brown bowl with no meat, smothered and covered and they were like, "you know, if i double everything it'll actually be cheaper" and went on to explain and all i heard was more hashbrowns, more cheese and more onions so i said let's do that !!
i also got a chocolate chip waffle for the morning and i've got everything i need to make chai as well so that'll be my breakfast :3
tomorrow's going to be another rough one, it's my dad's birthday. second one since he's been gone. he would have been 78. that's wild to think about.
i got the waffle house because it reminds me of him so much. we used to go there so many times, all throughout my life and whether it was us as a family or just me and him it was always nice to sit down somewhere and both of us enjoy a comforting meal together.
he'd usually get the patty melt and liked his bacon well done ("burn it!" he'd always say) and he'd get a black coffee, no cream or sugar and always take his time eating and would tell me to enjoy my food as well.
i usually get hashbrowns (smothered and covered, of course) and sometimes if i'm feeling fancy a side of cheese grits, but here lately they've got this bowl that has the hashbrowns i like but it also comes with egg !! and i usually get an orange juice to go with it
the best part would be whenever my dad would give me some quarters and tell me to go play something on the jukebox and no matter what i chose he'd always nod his head and smile, bop his head along to the song
sometimes he'd get up and play some of his favorite songs (he was a country guy, but he liked the old stuff so any johnny cash or waylon jennings type of thing, but really he'd listen to it all)
he'd always pay and would tip well and we'd be on our way and now it's just forever linked in my mind being there and spending time with him.
it's kinda funny, too, because the one closest to our house actually got torn down not long after he died and i remember because i drove past it like, "i can't have SHIT in this house !!!!" but !!! my mom reminded me that he actually had stopped going to that one because he said it wasn't as good anymore so i almost wonder if he was like, "okay, let's do it again right this time !!" because now they're rebuilding it and i shit you not, it's about to be done right here around his birthday, like the lights are on in that bitch and i've seen employees outside smoking cigarettes, this ship is about it set sail !!!
oh and !! i think they're about to unionize ?? i saw a video about it the other day and one of their demands was security and when i was in there there was a lady that was in there with a shirt on that said "waffle house security" so !! that's neat. and good for them, goddamn. i know it's kind of a meme at this point, but that place really does stay open during goddamn everything and has seen and put up with goddamn everything so hat's off to the employees there, i hope they get everything they want and then some !!
anyway, enough of me rambling about the goddamn house made of waffles, but point is..................i have done a lot of work up until this point and now i'm going to settle in for the night, here in a few minutes i'm going to put our pupper to bed and then i'm going to have an absolute feast on some of the leftovers from yesterday and then probably stay up way later than i should doing whatever the fuck i feel like doing and tomorrow i'm just going to take it nice and easy and think about my dad a lot
i don't have anywhere i need to go, i've run all my errands, i'll probably be doing just a little more picking up and minor cleaning tonight so that in the morning and tomorrow i don't have to do a damn thing except take care of myself and the critters and my mom will be home at some point so we'll spend some time together in a nice clean house
oh, and !! yesterday i also tried my hand at making our dog's homemade food. (yes, he gets special food because he's a special boy and we love him very much)
my mom looked up a recipe for his breed and checked to make sure all the ingredients are doggo safe but it's mostly some type of meat (this time i used ground turkey but i think last time she used chicken), brown rice and vegetables like spinach, green beans, sweet potato, peas and carrots.
you throw all that in the crockpot with some unsalted chicken broth and a little bit of water and cook it for a few hours, stirring every few hours and bada boom, you've got enough food to fill up five containers that used to hold egg drop soup from a Chinese restaurant my mom likes. i think he liked it, too !! ( the food i made him, not the egg drop soup...)
but yeah, i think tomorrow's going to be okay. i'm sure i'll probably cry, i'm sure i'm going to miss him like hell, but i've also put in a lot of work to make this place really nice for all of us and i'm trying to pour as much good energy into this space as i possibly can so i'm going to get back to doing that and take it easy for the rest of my little vacation.
i hope if you're reading this you're doing well and also trying to take it easy. shit is....rough so you deserve a break and a little treat. be good to yourself if you can. love you <3
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also my free ice cream (with a color changing spoon !!)
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illwynd · 11 months
Tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Tagged by @gorgeousgalatea :DDDD! Ty!!
Last song: uhh the last one I was specifically intending to listen to, rather than just happened to hear in passing, was all of Dwarrowdelf's album Of Dying Lights, because I spotted it at the metal swap meet yesterday and was tempted to blind-buy it on a hunch but I always hesitate to do that with black metal (gotta at least do a cursory search for shadiness). However, nothing unsavory turned up and I liked the sound, and also I really appreciate when a band that has named themselves after something from Tolkien actually uses those themes in their music. Amon amarth I love you but why is a viking-themed melodeath band named that. Anyway, Dwarrowdelf. Pretty nice.
Last film: Last one i actually paid attention to was the rewatch of Pontypool the other night. I do really like that flick. I've watched a metric fuckton of horror movies in the last month or two and really good horror stands out all the more.
Current/last read: I bought JMS's Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer a while back and hadn't had time to get to it, but I threw it in my bag today and I'm really enjoying it so far. I despise most writing advice books, and there are only a handful of writers who I might trust enough to give it a chance. But his perspective feels actually helpful to me. I also have recognized a few anecdotes and thesis points from when i went to his panels last sdcc lol.
Currently watching: the moon outside the train as we roll into the desert. If you ever have a chance to get your own room on a multi-day train trip, it's so worth it. Even the tiny little budget room... so cozy. Imagine lying sprawled out on an actual bed, closed off by curtains in your own private nook, being lulled by the rocking of the rails. The romance of the train is still alive. I wonder how far we'll get before morning.
Current obsessions: I have a few things sort of orbiting in my head, sparking off each other. I've been studying some old interests again, historical linguistics, human prehistory, etc., and it's getting to be acorn season, and I picked up my bow for the first time in ages and found that I could shoot better than i remembered, somehow, and i acquired a bunch of old books on carding and spinning and dyeing wool, and I've also been realizing some parts of me that got worn away by tough times in my life, some of which I'd like to get back, and some things i never picked up on before, and... I don't know what it's all going to form, in the end, but I feel like something is going to arise and I'm just trying to leave it space to do so. I feel like Delirium: "what's the word for things not being the same always?"
Tagging (if you feel like it!): @rynfinity @hechizero-emplumado @morganeashton @philosopherking1887 @pyrebomb @actuallyvady @rabidfirefoxfan @rollychan @obligate-rebel @seamayweed and uhhh anyone else who wants to do a meme rn :]
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
Do you have Asa or any part 2 character's headcanons?
I loooooove the part 2 gang, and I've posted a bunch of hcs for them on Twitter a month ago! I'll copy and paste it all here
Warning, it's mostly Yoshida because my god I'm insane about him and I apologize
-Octopi are intelligent creatures so Yoshida's contract with the octopus devil is for him to get good grades because it doesnt want to work with a dumb human
-Yoshida ONLY drinks iced coffee, he can tolerate room temp but never hot
-Yoshida really likes cold food in general
-As a kid, Asa knew running while holding scissors is bad so she never did it because she knew she'd trip with them, but in grade school she probably tripped and got hurt anyway from a nearby classmate holding scissors
-Yoshida likes lemon lime sodas because I like lemon lime sodas no other reason it's just true
-Nayuta is a selective mute, but she and Denji click so well that he immediately knows if she needs anything even if she doesnt say or sign anything
-As reckless as he is sometimes, Denji is still very good at taking care of Nayuta, he learned a lot from Aki and from taking care of all the dogs. THIS I'm quite sure is basically canon, even just from the small glimpse of them together in ch97
-If CSM took place in modern times, Yoru is SHIT at video games and Asa is average (hi, not part of the original twt thread, I just remembered that csm doesn't take place THAT long ago and that Denji and Power literally bought a video game console with... Aki's money... So yeah the modern times part was a little dumb of me, but it still applies to some of the hcs ahead)
-Denji spams buttons in fighting games and Yoshida has combos memorized, but somehow he still loses to Denji sometimes
-Yuko is better than all of them and is probably a speedrunning champion
-If all four (five w yoru) of them played games together, Denji and Asa would be at each other's throats while Yoshida and Yuko silently keep playing and win in the end
-Remember the doom & acnh thing back then? Yeah Yoru is the one buying acnh and Yuko is the one buying doom
-Yoshida is a rhythm gamer and has spent hundreds of hours on his favs, BUT HE REFUSES TO TRY OSU.
-Denji unironically likes cbat
-Yuko would secretly be one of those popular vocaloid producers that make songs with really dark themes
-Asa listens to her songs a lot without knowing it's Yuko
-Oopsie I just made a fanfic prompt by accident lol feel free to steal the idea
That's the original thread! Here's a couple more hcs I have though, mostly just lgbtq hcs:
-Yuko is nonbinary (in the same way she can't understand people, she can't understand gender roles and all that dumb shit cishets push)
-Related to that last part, Yuko is autistic! It was genuinely my first thought when I read the "I don't understand people" line in 105, I love her so dearly (also I'm also a nonbinary autistic so I'm projecting a little)
-Yoshida is gay and grey aromantic (grayromantic?? Forgot the term) (Also projecting except I'm bi instead of gay, u can tell I love projecting onto my scrimblos)
-Yukoasa are bi4les! Asa is bi but is sapphic leaning after the interaction that is ch104 JSJSKFJDJ she really thought man, men aren't worth it and just visited yuko
-Asa is transfem!! Idk I just saw the flashbacks she had and how she had short hair at one point and I was like hmm and my transfem moots agreed (That post blew up a little actually and some people genuinely thought I was weird or that I was stereotyping cause of the short hair, so I don't talk about this hc that often. I genuinely would've headcanoned her as transfem before I even saw the short hair though, I love hitting csm characters with the transification beam.)
-Speaking of, Yoshida is transmasc! He's a reincarnation of Togata from Fire Punch that was able to successfully transition (socially at least), and he binds! This is one of my fav hcs cause god I love Togata and Yoshida's eerieness in part 1 is really EXTREMELY similar to Togata, and they both have really similar features like black eyes and hair, the fringe between their eyes, the mole under their lip, AND THE WAY THEY SMILE??? I genuinely no joke think Yoshida was meant to be a nod to Togata back when Fujimoto drew him in part 1
-Back to the videogames thing, Asa would be 1st in Mario Kart then fuck up last minute right before she reaches the finish line, and she ends up in last place. My girl trips at the worst time even in video games 💀
Okaaaay brain empty now, hope you enjoyed all these hcs!!
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fizzingwizard · 2 months
Reason I was not here much of this week/last weekend was because I was in Tokyo for a few days. We did a bunch of stuff, one of which was Moominvalley Park!
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I told bf he didn't have to come with (it's 3800yen a ticket) but he insisted, and helped out a lot by taking pictures I directed him to take x'D or holding my umbrella for me while I took them.
Because boy did it RAIN. Actually, it rained the entire trip. Did my best to plan in advance, but we had to book everything a month out and had no way of knowing it would rain right from the day we left to the day we came back. Literally just rain. On the upside, it kept things cool (it's now back to sauna level lol), and we were lucky with our timing most of the time. Although the weather was a constant stress, we hardly ever got rained out.
In fact, it was Moominvalley Park where the rain hurt the worst. Most everything is outside. The path to the Lonely Mountain was closed because slippery. The character actors were barely to be seen. And the park was like a ghost town. I felt like we were exploring an abandoned theme park lol.
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Despite that, visiting was soooo much fun for me. I didn't get to do everything (there's a lot more than I expected, especially with the Metsa park next door! So I'm already mentally planning my trip back, sometime when the weather will actually be nice!
I took a ton of pictures and bought a ton of merch. Bf totally enabled both lol. There's terrible videos too which Tumblr will only let me upload one by one so. Sorry about those rofl. There are much better pictures/videos out there, but what can I say, I like my own memories the best.
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First sightings of Moomins came long before the park. At Nakano broadway, there were these drawings, one of which is Little My saying "I'm not a naughty girl!" which I love. The other I found at Hanno station, which is part of the route to the park. It's a list of reasons to love Hanno, including Metsa and Moomins :)
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When we got to the park, it was drizzling, which mixed with the fog machines gave the path a really eerie vibe. Actually, there had been a lot of fog the previous day, when we were at Fuji Q, that it even obscured the roller coasters. So at first I was tricked and thought "Wow that is some low lying fog!" But I figured out it was machines quick enough >_> At night there are even lights making the faces in the trees even more mysterious. You can see it a little in this last pic with the tiny woodland elf guys:
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Also when you line up to get a ticket, these are the footprints you stand on. Not that there was a line in so much rain, LOL
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likeadevils · 1 year
2009 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Mar 17, 2009
Hi. It’s me, the girl who always forgets to write in her journal. Oh yea. Her. I just got back from Australia. It was there for 2 weeks and it was amazing. Gorgeous there. So… what else has happened since I wrote… I was on the cover of Rolling Stone. My tour has sold out every venue including Madison Square Garden (in 1 minute) and Staples Center (in 2). I somehow feel like it’s my destiny to roll my eyes at happy couples and resent Valentine’s Day. I also feel like I’m the girl before “the one.” I’m not he “the one.” I’m the girl you think is the one for you, and when it doesn’t work out with me, you meet the next girl and realize she IS the one. The one you’re gonna stay with. I might get married. But I think it’s ultimately my fate to light candles and pine away and roll my eyes at happy couples and resent Valentine’s Day. Taylor
Jul 11, 2009
I just got back from a trip to Canada that was absolutely refreshing and good for the soul. I never really knew what a good thing having no cell or internet could be. But it was a great thing. I did things a little differently up there, and I actually liked it. I started reading self-help books. It’s really uplifting knowing that you can change your life today, tomorrow … just by doing a few things you never thought of. Or doing things differently than you’ve done them before. New things I adopted from a self help book: Get up early. Keep your cool. Don’t tee off on people you love. Laugh more. You can control your moods. Create a love account and make deposits, in other words, show people that you love them. Another new hobby of mine is ….. antique stores. And not just neat, organized antique stores. I really like the ones where there’s so much crap to dig through, you can find absolute treasures for nothing. I went to 2 antique stores in Saskatchewan, and one today in Winnipeg. I bought all these old glass mason jars. I’m gonna use them for candle holders. I bought old scales and watch faces and chairs and old trunks and a bird cage and 2 lamps. This weekend, I gave everyone in the band raises. That was before the first show we played. Calgary. Then, before the show we played tonight, I called the whole crew in for a meeting, and bonused everybody. 72 people. Taylor [name tag "Taylor Swift - Fearless 2009 Tour. Taylor. Singer"} My tour name tag.
Jul 12, 2009
Today was a wonderful day. And not because of some massive career accomplishment or award show. It wasn’t about world domination or another number 1 song. Today was just … wonderful. Today was simple. And perfect. Because today was just me and my mom, driving around, looking at antiques in little antique shops, talking about what chandelier should go in the foyer and if this cabinet would look right in the guest room. We stopped for ice cream cones. It started raining hard while we were shopping, so we had to run back to the car, getting soaking and screaming. We met up with Dad and Austin for dinner at Kabuto. But the best part of the day was just driving around with my mom. Correction: riding around with my mom with a bunch on antiques clanking together in the trunk. I just keep thinking, when I’m 90 years old, reliving the good old days, I doubt I’ll look back on the number one parties as fondly and as frequently as I’ll look back on today. Wearing red lipstick for no reason, mom in her black t-shirt and wet hair, driving around talking about which chandelier should go in the foyer. Taylor
Sep 18, 2009
Ahh… the things that can change in a week… Let’s just say, if you had told me that Kanye West would have been the number one focus of my week, the media, and my part in the VMA’s, I would’ve looked at you cross-eyed. If you had told me that I would win the ward I was nominated for, I wouldn’t have believed you. And if you had told me that one of the biggest stars in music was going to jump up onstage and announce that he thought I shouldn’t have won on live television, I would’ve said “That stuff doesn’t really happen in real life.” Well… apparently… it does.
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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