#also wow my new manager at work is a bit sketch i just finished a shift and that guy is cheery
spaghett-onaplate · 5 months
today I finished my first term back at school in two years!! yay!!
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slashers x child!reader who likes to take apart their toys to make little inventions/new toys
*dies* I didn't add Billy and stu because I'm so tired and have no inspiration
Slashers x child! Reader who rips other toys to built new ones.
You probably got old dolls from a few decades ago from Judith's old toys she had when she was a child or his.
Michael didn't care that much that you were destroying the toys until he saw you either only ripped a limb or a head.
He then came and saw you with a toy he never saw before when he recognised some parts and realised you built a new toy out of different toys.
He'll admire it like how he'll admire his "art works" after killing someone. The more weirder and creepier the more he'll like it. although he'll like any kind of invention you make.
When you ran out of toys he broke in a toy shop once and got as many as he could and gave them to you.
You got a whole shelf of your little inventions and he stares at it whenever you're gone and he has nothing to do.
Sinclair brothers
They got you either old toys of theirs (I hv no idea if they had toys as children) or toys around the town.
Bo was like 'why??' when you took apart your toys parts but when he saw you building a new one he thought 'wait that's kinda cool actually' he thinks of it like repairing or building a car so when he actually is repairing a car he'd like it if you were also building something so that you can both look like father and daughter doing similar things. When you finished a piece and showed it to him he probably petted your head and said "good job", what he really wanted to say was 'oh my god, oh my god holy shit it's beautiful you built something in so proud of you'. Got one or two of yours as a gift to him and he keeps it extra safe.
Vincent was ecstatic when you showed him your new toy and told him your little hobby, now you both can make art! He could be painting or wax sculpturing and you could be building with him. He's so proud of you whenever you managed to fully make a toy he howls a bit in delight and gives you two thumbs up and he probably sketches your toys because he thinks they're so interesting. He'll be a bit sad when he sees his childhood toys broken though he thinks your new ones are totally worth it. He sometimes likes you watch you do your thing and helps you if you can't figure out what to make.
Lester was also whying when he saw you taking apart the toys, did you hate it that much? But he went wowing when he saw what you were actually doing and totally watches you make your new toys. He will say so many praises when you finish it, will talk about it to his brothers and bo acts annoyed but he secretly wants to hear all about it too. Wants to learn how to build too, it gets boring having nothing to do driving around all day you know. except when tourists are here but scratch that the twins will sometimes find you both together on Lester's trunk on a challenge to see who can build faster and better, its a tie everytime. Jonesy would be there to watch you two (everyone's watching) if you run out of toys then he'll bring you abandoned cheaper ones.
I think it all started when he brought you expensive nice ones and you took one look at it and then ripped it. He almost choked on air when he saw that.
"y/n.. Why did you do that if you didn't like it you could've just told me..."
When you told him about your intentions he replied with,
"I wish you could've told me that sooner, I could've brought cheaper ones." he pinches the bridge of his nose.
And he did. And he watches with great interest on how your little invention will turn out and smiles and praises you when you show him your art piece. Also like Michael he had shelf/shelves full of your works. Informs Will about this too this is how it goes.
Will, Will look what y/n made.
Hannibal it's 2 am.
He's a happy little cat when you talk to him about your toys and he's just glad he adopted you. Like Vincent you both can do your little art things.
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jaeminzie · 4 years
ignorance is bliss | h.rj
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↳ huang renjun x gender neutral!reader
synopsis: staying true to the courageous gryffindor persona, you secretly admire renjun using unusual tactics, forgetting that the fellow ravenclaw is fairly quick witted.
genre: fluff
word count: 2,339
part of ‘the dreamies in hogwarts’ series
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huang renjun, the ravenclaw wallflower who you’ve been stalking according to your best friends. indeed, it is odd to stay in the library until ungodly hours solely for the breathtaking view from a few tables in front of the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. though every view and every angle of huang renjun is breathtaking, it doesn’t take much work when you look like that. being as stubborn as ever, you would never admit to stalking the poor boy. you believed that that was an exaggeration, that your friends don’t understand how it feels to be so blinded by him and you are utterly confused on how they aren’t blinded by him. instead, you claim it as a way to get an understanding of the boy’s, who you do plan to interact with sometime in the future, mannerism — which you mentally admit sounds just as creepy as stalking, not helping your case at all.
so there you are, sitting alone in a table a bit further than usual from renjun using a book to cover your lower face to avoid any suspicion. not only are you stubborn, you are also unbelievably oblivious. so oblivious, in fact, that you aren’t aware that the boy who you’ve been “observing” has already noticed you staring at him the second week of your trips to the library. in your defense, you visit the library no more than four times a week as you loathed the smell of rotting book paper and dusty wooden furniture. unknowing of the boy’s acknowledgment of you, you continued to admire from a far. loving the way his plump lips pouted naturally while reading, his circular silver glasses sat perfectly on the bridge of his god-shaped nose, how careful his eyes scanned through the pages and the way his fingers absentmindedly tapped on the table as a way to keep himself sane from the amount of studying he chooses to do willingly which appalled you. but once in a while, he’d give himself a break by sketching on his notebook causing all the lines on his forehead and the pout on his lips to disappear. this is your favorite part. seeing him find his peace in drawing made you feel the same sense of warmth and tranquility that you suppose he feels when creating art, completely unaware of a gryffindor staring him down — or so you thought. ignorance really is bliss, or else, you wouldn’t be so shameless right now.
renjun means to speak to you one day as his confusion progresses each time he sees you walk through the ginormous library doors and choose a spot where you both have clear views of one another. when you look away, pretending to read the book in your hands, renjun looks your way with furrowed eyebrows trying to figure out what exactly do you want from him. why you still manage to fail your classes despite spending many hours “studying.” yes, you can say that he observes you as well since your houses share a couple classes with each other. from his observations, he’s learned that you’re quite the helper. renjun wonders how you weren’t sorted in hufflepuff. perhaps, a hufflepuff isn’t bold enough to stare at a stranger in a nearly empty library for many consecutive weeks. though, a gryffindor should have the courage to at least speak a single word to that person, a simple ‘hello’ would be a nice place to start.
it took him some time to admit it, but he found pleasure in staring at you as well. his slytherin friends practically had to force it out of him once they kept noticing that his gaze was almost always set on you since his group sat in the back of your classes, it was easy to admire without being caught unlike your questionable tactics. renjun admires how you keep trying and trying to answer a question correctly even when your raised hand is being blatantly ignored by the professor after getting a handful of questions incorrect. and don’t even get him started when he catches a glimpse of you laughing with your peers, then he can’t keep his eyes of off you. there’s been countless nights of him unintentionally going on about you and your character to his peers relaxing in their ravenclaw common room. at this point, the whole house of ravenclaw has heard your name come out of his mouth at least once.
from your clear view, you notice how focused renjun is with his hands seeming to move themselves while his mind continued to run on you. renjun straightened his back after finishing the last few strokes on his sketch. a sketch of you sitting on top of a table identical to the one you seated at right now with your legs swinging and your red robe nearly hitting the floor, eyes crinkled as your smile that he loves to look at reached up to your ears. his first drawing of you, he was proud of it and was sure it wouldn’t be the last drawing of you he’ll make.
you were taken back when you had noticed renjun was already gathering his belongings. he usually goes back to reading after finishing a drawing, you recalled back to the mental schedule you created in your mind. wow you really are a creep. you thought. too caught up with being offended by your inner self insulting your actions, you were completely unaware of the boy dressed in blue standing next to you.
renjun gaped as he thought you were ignoring him. having enough, he finally spoke, “can i help you?”
freezing in your seat when you heard his smooth voice laced with confusion, refusing to face the boy since you are definitely not prepared for this moment. fixing your posture and clearing your throat, you mustered your left over confidence as you chose to not further embarrass yourself in front huang renjun.
completely changing your body language to a more laid back manner and facing the boy, trying not to evidently show your breath being taken away from seeing him up close. his left eyebrow raised with his lips pursed slightly, fingers fiddling with the books by his side. he looked even better close in front of you, you had previously thought that was impossible. but you were so wrong, making you slightly mad at how perfect he seemed to be.
“nope” popping your ‘p.’ “do you?”
renjun’s facial expressions relaxed slightly. “no, i don’t.”
“why’d you come here then?” you mentally cursed and slapped and pinched and kicked yourself for accidentally not sounding the friendliest, your nervousness acting for you. “you sure you don’t need my help?”
renjun was taken back from your tone, oblivious to your feelings. there’s the gryffindor. they always have to be boasting. renjun huffed at his thoughts. he had not expected your first talk to be like this. your tone lightly hit his pride, so he automatically had to retaliate, “you’re the one to talk. you have an explanation for not being able to keep your eyes off me?” renjun laughed mockingly but not at you, at himself for being such a hypocrite.
defeated, you couldn’t keep up your relaxed attitude, “i. . . i just. . .” the eye contact you both shared was so intense you couldn’t even think straight, and neither could he. “s-sorry for bothering you. i’ll. . . leave you alone.”
before you could stand up from the chair, renjun pulled out the one beside you and sat facing your body. he sighed, “i’m sorry too. that didn’t come out as intended. but i need to know if i’m being too hopeful or not?”
hopeful? you remind yourself to pinch yourself later in case this a dream or some sort of spell. you hoped that your friends didn’t do anything without telling you since they’ve been suggesting that you use a love potion to “make everything easier,” but you profusely refused their incredibly stupid proposition each time they had brought it up to discuss.
“do you need tutoring, is that why?” he continued. his arms sat on his knees.
each and every one of his words entered one ear and went out the other as you wondered on what he was feeling hopeful for. “hopeful?”
his lifted his elbows off his knees and placed them on the table slowly, looking as if he was thinking. “i just thought that maybe you had reasons other than academic ones for coming here when i do.” he spoke very, very slowly that it was torturing. “am i right?”
you hated every second of this for the awful awkward tension, but this is the moment that you’ve been daydreaming of for weeks. though, you were shocked at how renjun noticed you despite trying to be as sneaky as possible — but your friends and renjun would say otherwise. “if i say yes. . .” your eyes wondered around his figure seated in front of you.
“i would be correct then.” he finished the sentence for you, not baring to wait longer. he moved his head towards your gaze on the floor behind him to try and get your eyes to focus on him.
and when you did, you saw the sparkle and hint of joy in his eyes making you feel truly confident. “then yes.”
it’s been nearly a month since your first interaction with one another, and renjun never misses a day of making fun of your past actions that you now admit were creepy. though after his friend, lee donghyuck, informed you in his own sneaky actions that you weren’t able to notice before, you have not let him live peacefully. renjun’s friend group was ecstatic when he told them about finally speaking to you and being with you. but renjun’s fully aware that they were more excited over the fact he can finally stop moping over not knowing how to approach you, achieving their peace since he can finally stop talking. though, he has a new topic to gush over — your relationship.
being together side by side and actually conversing with one another allowed renjun to see you in a deeper level, giving him more reasons to appreciate the special being that you are. he loved every second he spent with you. hearing you laugh at something that he had said or done makes renjun feel like he had reached the top of the highest mountain. holding your delicate hands while walking through the hallways made him feel like the most successful man on earth, and he proudly bragged over it. renjun loved how he felt so at ease and encouraged whenever he felt your presence around him. you don’t even need to be right by him to make him feel reassured. your presence alone was enough.
and you especially loved how he still chooses to love all those things despite your questionable actions in the past.
you loved being with him so much that you tolerate being in the library and actually reading beside him, or at least try to read. though, he has to hold your hand in order for you to fully commit yourself into studying with him. but both of you don’t complain.
you sat in a vacant table in the library, but this time, you sat next to the boy who you used to admire from a far. bouncing your leg out of boredom, “can we take a break?” you whispered in his ear.
renjun let out a small breathy laugh. “we just got here.” he whispered back, his gaze not leaving the thick book in front of you both.
your mouth slightly hanged open and you tightened your grip on his hand, “lies.” renjun squeezed your hand back playfully, still not looking at you. “please, jun, we’ve been here for an hour and you need to give yourself a break.”
you let go of his hand and puffed when he still didn’t spare a glance at you. defeated once again, you slid his notebook toward you and flipped through the pages, trying to entertain yourself by reading his notes. how fun.
widening your eyes in awe when you came across a page that showed a sketch of a person who looked exactly like you, with small hearts and tiny sparkles surrounding the figure sat on a table. your fingers lightly brushed the page, admiring how talented your boyfriend is.
“i drew that the day i came up to you.”
still strucked, you faced him and you were finally met with his beautiful eyes. “i think you need to update it. i look a bit different now.” you suggested with a smile that he cannot let down.
he hummed, “yeah, a tad bit huh?” you nodded eagerly which he laughed at. “i suppose i should work on it right now.” he reached for his notebook and flipped to an empty page, fixing his position so he can get a proper view of your face.
renjun did not hesitate to start drawing. he knew every detail of yours by heart, he honestly could draw a portrait of you relying solely on his memory. renjun has got every line, dot, and scar on your divine profile engraved in his mind since he thinks about you every second, literally. though, he still chooses to look up from his notebook to get a view of your face. not because he had forgotten a detail, but because he can’t refuse an opportunity to admire that face of yours. returning back to sketching with the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen on a person, with his pupils dilated. you definitely didn’t mind going to the library more often if you get to see renjun like this each time. you speak for both of you as renjun seems to be enjoying this moment just as much as you are. renjun’s hand that isn’t occupied reached for yours, with a grip that made it seemed like he’d never let go.
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dramatic-squirrel · 4 years
Damianette December Day 9- book
It may be confusing when the boys are speaking English and when they’re speaking French but, generally, they are speaking English unless they are addressing Marinette directly.
Considering how awful it had gone the last time the class had done this, it was surprising that Ms. Bustier’s class was once again at the Grand Paris to try the various jobs around the hotel. True to her previous actions, Chloe still did her utmost to drag Marinette down, this time, she was stuck cleaning the lobby.
The joke was on Chloe though, because Marinette wasn’t so spoiled that she didn’t appreciate what janitors and cleaning maids did. It was just cleaning, not like it was going to hurt her.
As she was vacuuming the couch, she found something between the cushions, a book. “Hey Tikki, what do you think this is?” she opened it up a bit and saw a sketch of a city skyline. The city was unfamiliar to her but it definitely helped her figure out that she was holding a sketchbook.
“D.a. G.W.,” that was the only thing that indicated who it might belong to. “Should we give this to the front desk, right Tikki? It’s probably a hotel guest’s if it was in the lobby, they’d probably be able to find them based on the initials or at least hold it until they came back.” She looked back to where Chloe was sitting, filing her nails, and groaned slightly. “Or maybe we try to find them ourselves?”
“Marinette. You know the right thing to do here would be to give Chloe the sketchbook and leave it to the lobby clerk.” the kwami understood Marinette’s frustration but, was also dedicated to guiding her partner on the right path.
“Yeah, I know you’re right. I just wish you weren’t,” she made her way to the front desk. “Someone left this behind Chloe.”
The blond glanced at her. “And? What do you want me to do about it? Just throw that dirty book away and be done with it. Do your job properly, Dupain-Cheng.” That was about how well Marinette expected the conversation to go. Instead of talking back and making the situation worse, she held herself back, Chloe would just make some snide comment or complain to her father.
Turning around, she decided to finish the job she had been given and then asked Ms. Bustier if she could try to find the owner of the sketchbook. As someone who frequently used one herself, she knew how important sketchbooks were to an artist, and based on the details of the first sketch she saw, the owner of the book was definitely an artist.
“It’s great that you got permission Marinette.”
“It is Tikki. Now we just need to get Chloe away from the computer. Luckily she’s easy to read.” Marinette walked up to the lobby desk again after she was sure the Lobby Clerk was still gone. “Hey, Chloe. Did you see all of those fans fawning over Adrien on the Hotel’s rooftop. He’s practically surrounded by them.” Rage instantly filled Chloe’s face when she heard those words.
“No one’s allowed close to my Adrikins except me.” And voila, the front desk was missing one Chloe Bourgeois. Marinette slipped behind the desk, once Chloe was safely in the elevator and went to search up the guest in the database. 
She looked up last names beginning with W first, to see if any fit the initials she found in the book. Unfortunately, she was out of luck there. On the bright side, it wasn’t a long list to go through, so she managed to finish quickly. 
It then occurred to her that perhaps, like her last name, this person also had two last names, so she looked through the names that began with A next. She still didn’t find anything. Checking the time, she noticed that Chloe might be back soon so she had to come up with a new plan.
“What if you looked for the person based on where they live?” It was Tikki’s suggestion. 
“That might work but, I don’t know where they’re from.”
“But, perhaps the sketchbook might give you some clues as to where they may be from. The cityscape at the beginning could be where this person lives, they may find inspiration from the things around them, kind of like you.”
“It’s worth a shot,” she hesitated a bit before she started turning the pages of the book. It felt kind of invasive to go through someone’s sketches without their permission but there was no telling if they would ever find their sketchbook otherwise.
“Oh, wow,” the pictures were genuinely breathtaking. It was like Tikki thought, most of the pictures were of a city, and based on the architecture, it seemed like it was the same city. A few pictures of animals appeared, and one of a fantasy creature but, mostly it was a city. 
It seemed that the owner liked to sketch more secluded or lesser-known spots since none of the places had any distinguishing features, especially none she could recognize, until she turned the page, and saw a building with the words “Wayne Enterprise” on the side of the building. There was no mistaking where that building was. “Gotham! Tikki, they’re from Gotham!”
She hurriedly looked up the location on the computer and saw a booking by a Richard Grayson for three rooms on the 5th floor. And they were still there, which was a relief because she wasn’t sure what she would do if they had left Paris already.
The name didn’t match the sketchbook, but it occurred to her just then, that perhaps the owner themselves didn’t make the booking and was traveling with friends or family. Slipping from behind the desk she made her way to the elevator just as it arrived. Out of it, Chloe dragging a reluctant Adrien exited. Adrien caught her eye and winked at her.
Being her superhero partner for the past 3 years, he knew when she was scheming something, and he knew just how to go along with her crazy plans. Sending him a grateful smile, she entered the elevator and made her way to the room number she had found.
Standing in front of the hotel room, she began to second guess herself. They might not even be there right now, or maybe she got the wrong room. Just as she was determined to leave and find one of the actual employees to take care of the situation, the door in front of her opened. She came face to face with a man, black hair and insanely blue eyes, who stared at her just as she stared at him.
“Oh god, Bruce found another one, didn’t he. Dick! Can you please tell Bruce to stop adopting children?” The man spoke in English so she couldn’t quite follow along with what he said only something about children and the fact that he was addressing someone else.
“Excuse me?” she hoped he understood French. “I found this sketchbook in the lobby and I think it might belong to someone staying in this hotel room.” The man’s eyes finally saw the book in her hands just as another almost identically looking man came to the door.
He seemed half asleep as he stood in the threshold holding a cup of coffee in his hand. “What’re going on about Jason. Bruce didn’t adopt anyone recently, Alfred already asked me to keep an eye on any adoption papers that might be processing with his name on it. I’d know if he was adopting someone.” the sleepy man’s eyes landed on her and the cup in his hand fell to the floor with a crash. “Shit. I didn’t think about foreign countries. I’ve got to go tell Alfred.”
The first man grabbed the other one before he could leave. “Relax, it was a false alarm, she’s just returning something for Damian.” He turned to her, “I’ll take it, I know who it belongs to.” Up to that point, Marinette didn’t quite get what was going on, but she was sure that she didn’t entirely trust these people. It was hard to follow their  English but their actions were weird.
“I’m sorry Monsieur, but I would feel more comfortable if I gave it to the actual owner of the book, instead of… his acquaintance.”
“Trust me, you don’t want to meet the brat. He’ll probably accuse you of stealing. It would be better to give it one of us to pass along.” The skepticism remained on her face. That was when a voice came from behind the two men in the doorway.
“Get out of the damn way, you morons. I can’t leave the room with you blocking the entrance.” 
The first man sighed in resignation when the voice came through and stepped aside. “Well, I guess it can’t be helped now. It’s this demon spawn’s sketchbook.” she turned to see the artist that she had been looking for.
He was about average height, although compared to the person who had initially opened the door, he was small. His skin was also more tanned than his acquaintances, and although they share the same black hair, his eyes were a brilliant green, more vibrant than even Adrien’s.
“Excuse me, Monsieur,” she called out to him. “I seemed to have found your sketchbook in the hotel lobby. Is this your book?” he stopped in his tracks when she started talking. 
Numbly, he nodded his head. Recognizing that he hadn’t properly answered, he cleared his throat. “Sorry. Yes, that’s my book.” his responses, while curt were far from insulting as the other man had suggested. Holding the book out to him, their fingers touched as he grabbed the book.
His touch was warm and gentle and it startled her enough that she accidentally let go of the book. Apparently, he was also startled for he too, let go of the sketchbook, and it fell to the floor with a resounding thud.
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to let go so soon,” Marinette bent down to pick up the book.
“It’s okay. I’m at fault as well.” He took the book from her outstretched hand. “Thank you, for finding my sketchbook and returning it to me.”
“No problem. I understand how devastating it might be to lose a sketchbook, I’m happy I could bring it back to you.” she smiled at him and then checked the watch she was wearing. It was almost time for her class to leave. “I need to head back but, it was wonderful meeting you.” she waved and turned around towards the elevator.
Damian stared at her back as she left. Only, when she had already been gone for a few minutes did he notice a book on the ground. Picking it up, he saw the name Marinette Dupain-Cheng written on the front, and, opening up the front page he saw that it was her sketchbook. 
It seemed that this time he was going to have to find her.
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 2 — Talk To Me
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a meanie
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You woke up the next day to your slightly annoying alarm, groaning as you stretched. You reached for your phone to snooze your alarm, yawning loudly as you opened your phone to see notifications. You checked your text messages first, seeing two unknown numbers that sent you a text.
(Sent September 23rd at 11:24 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Hey y/n! This is Shoyo!]
[From the volleyball club!]
(Sent September 23rd at 11:28 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Yo, this is noya!]
You smiled and responded to both of their texts before climbing out of bed, stretching your arms and legs. You grabbed your uniform to slip it on before remembering something. You haven't sent Kageyama a goodmorning text!
(Sent September 24th at 6:34 am)
Y/N: [good morning Tobio! Do you want to eat lunch together today?]
[Ill bring your favorite snacks!]
Kageyama: [can't, im busy today]
Y/N: [how about tomorrow?]
Kageyama: [busy.]
You sighed and brushed it off, thinking for a bit. You smiled, Tobio was so cool! He must be busy with something important, you thought as you dressed into your uniform. Your mom let you decide if you wanted to be driven again or walk, it was only a 15 minute walk. You knew sooner or later you'd be forced to walk so you decided to walk today.
It was chilly out of course, so you slipped on a scarf and slipped out the front door. You decided to stop at the convenience store on the way to the school, grabbing three meatbuns and purchasing them. When you continued on your walk, you noticed a familiar face.
"Hey Kageyama!" You called, causing the male to jump and look around until his eyes landed on you. His calm expression turned slightly sour, and you giggled, jogging over to him. "Good morning Tobio!" You huffed out, handing him a meat bun.
"Morning, and no thank you," he declined the meat bun, making you shrug and take a bite. "Do you always walk to school?" You ask, kicking some rocks, humming a light tune. He lightly hummed and didnt bother to look at you, making you pout. "You could give me a real answer Kageyama."
You cross your arms and notice the males ears turn slightly red and he nods. "Sorry," he mumbles and you guys arrive at the school, entering the door. You sighed lightly of relief, smiling at the slight warmth the inside of the school offered.
"Where are you going to Tobio?" You asked, turning to the male, leaning over and slapping your knee lightly. He took a glance at you and turned away, "im going to class. Bye." He walked off without another word from either of you two, and you huffed lightly.
(Sent September 24th at 6:51 am)
Y/N: [Shoyo! What does Kageyama do during lunch?]
Shoyo: [What? He doesnt do anything, what do you mean?]
Y/N: [He said he's busy today but i didnt get to ask him what he was doing :'/]
Shoyo: [Ah! Uhm.. ill ask him!]
You bit your lip and thought for a bit. You guessed maybe Hinata and Kageyama weren't as close as you thought. You stuffed your phone into your pocket and headed to your class, taking your seat behind the blonde, Tsukishima. "Hey, Tsukki," you tapped him.
"Hmm?" He hummed turning to face you. Class hasnt started yet, so you placed your plastic bag on the desk, smiling. "Want a meat bun?" His eyebrows went up before he glared at you, then nodded. You beamed at him as you handed him a bun, watching him take a bite.
"Thanks," he says and turns back to his seat. "Oh yeah, and don't call me Tsukki." He went back to working on some work that he had left to complete. You ate the last meat bun before placing the plastic bag into your backpack.
During lunch you decided that you would stay in the classroom, you didn't bother to go find another spot to sit or anyone to sit with. You slipped on some headphones and shuffled your favorite playlist, smiling at the tune. You ate your food that you had prepared as you doodled on some homework that you had finished.
You were so into your doodles that you almost didn't notice the freckled boy trying to get your attention. "Hello?" You looked up at him, smiling instantly at the cute boy. "W-wow, hey!" You slipped off your head phones and paused your playlist. "Im Tadashi, Tsukki's friend."
"Ah, you're from the volleyball club huh?" You smiled and took a quick bite of your food before turning your attention back to the male. He smiled and nodded his head, "yeah, you're kageyamas friend uh.. y/n?"
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," you said and he scooted close to you. "What are you drawing?" He took a peek at your sketches and then looked back up at you, smiling. "Ah, sorry this is unrelated but– your eyes are so pretty," you giggle, cupping the males face, making him giggle as well.
"You know, you're very open," Tsukishima adds, turning around in his desk to face both you and Tadashi. You took another bite of your food and then leaned back in your desk. "Well, what's wrong with that?" You ask, smirking, "it makes it easy to talk to people and make friends."
Yamaguchi giggles a bit at your comment, but you weren't sure why. "Maybe if you were more open Tsukki, you'd have more friends," yamaguchi laughed out, causing you to also burst out in laughter. Tsukishima tried hard to act offended, but couldn't help but crack a small grin at his friends comment.
After school you decided to go to the gym again with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You walked next to Yamaguchi and you two talked and laughed on the way there. "Volleyball is pretty fun! Have you ever played?" He asked and you smiled, nodding. "My old friends from Nekoma let me play with them sometimes," you blurted, bouncing with each step at the happy memory.
"N-nekoma?!" Yamaguchi gasped, jaw dropping. You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows. "Yeah, why?" You questioned, also noticing an intrigued glance from the taller male. "You moved from Tokyo? From Nekoma High?" He asked as you guys stepped into the gym.
"Yeah, I'm from Tokyo," you smiled, you and Tadashi following Tsukishima like puppy dogs, continuing the conversation. "Y/N!" A loud voice called and you turned to see Hinata running full speed at you. He stopped on his heels, infront of you with a big smile. "Hi!" He smiled widely and bounces.
You wave a small goodbye to Tadashi and Tsukishima as they go to set up and you turn back to the orange headed male. "Whats up Hinata?" Nishinoya and Tanaka trailed after Hinata, "you dont have friends here yet right?" Tanaka asked and you tilted your head.
"Ah, well its only my second day here. I only have Kageyama but hes so grumpy and busy all the time, but I think you guys are pretty cool," you giggled, swinging one of your legs to a random tune playing in that head of yours. "Do you want to walk home with us today? We're gonna stop by the coaches store after practice," Noya spoke up, hope in his eyes.
"Of course! As long as they have meatbuns," you closed your eyes, smiling at the thought of meatbuns. "Wow, you must really like meat buns. Kageyama said that you bought some this morning," Hinata jumped up and down in place to keep his legs warm.
"Yeah, theres a convenience store nearby my house on the way here, so I had to get meatbuns!" You heard Daichi calling the boys to huddle, so you took a seat near the side of the gym near where the managers were standing. You worked on some homework, once again letting your mind wander as you doodled on the page.
You decided to take a break and went on your phone. You were mindlessly scrolling through social media for the rest of the practice, not once noticing the time that passed by until you felt quick repeated taps on your shoulder. You jumped and saw Hinatas big goofy smile in your face.
"Lets go go go!" He jumped and rushed out the door, leaving you shocked and rushing to grab your stuff before running after him. You saw Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi waiting outside the door, watching you and hinata rush out the door. "Noya and Tanaka had to leave early so its just us!" Hinata informed you. You guys head to the store, kageyama standing on the opposite side of the group of you.
"Hey Kageyama look," you grabbed a bag of candy off one of the shelves and held it up for him to see. "You used to eat this all the time in first grade," you giggled and inspected the bag. You decided to purchase it and some meatbuns before you guys finished your walk home.
It was nice to talk to new people, new faces, but you really wanted to spend time with Kageyama.
"Kageyama, do you want my mom to give you a ride home, my house is right around the corner," you say, stuffing a meatbun in your mouth while shoulder bumping the male playfully. Hinatas expression was confused, but slightly worried. "Kageyama are you okay?"
Kageyama looks up at Hinata and nods his head "I'm fine." He said, completely ignoring what you had asked him. Thinking he was maybe being stubborn you poked his ankle with the toe of your shoe, "atleast give me an answer Tobio."
"I'll walk home by myself," he muttered and sped up his pace, leaving you behind. You slowed down until you were next to Tsukishima and continued to eat your meatbuns. "Why do you let him treat you like that?" Tsukishima asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Like what?" You asked, staring at the blonde with a look of utter confusion, making him nod. "He just ignores you or brushes you off half the time." He states before waving at Tadashi and Hinata that turned down different roads. "He's always been like that, even since we were children, hes just stubborn."
Tsukishima scoffs lightly. "Stubborn," he repeats softly, then turns to face you. "Ill see you tomorrow shorty," he says before slipping on his headphones and taking a right, leaving you to go left. You thought about what Tsukishima said, what did he mean? Kageyamas just like that, right?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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frogtanii · 4 years
Ah, it’s okay that the update is late. You’re cute www. Nice to know that you slept very very well! And it also gives time for me (wind anon) to comment on the last chapter :D
Anyway, Meiko...such...petulance... a complete utter brat. Worse than a child, because children are cuter. “You’re so evil”? My gosh, if you didn’t want them interacting with YN why did you even bother inviting YN? You’re the one who recommended YN to Iwaizumi to bring to management. Stop pushing the blame on top of YN. Everything has come from the result of your own actions and you are the one who needs to take credit for that.
The only person YN really interacted with was Atsumu. She was staying away from everyone else because they were literally antagonizing her because of what you said. YN is not a punching bag for you to blame all your problems on. The problems are you Meiko. You’re the problematic one. The reason the others started interacting with her is because you yourself drove them away.
Meiko is just a...(any words I come up with would be an insult to the words being associated with Meiko—) uh...she is a feral festering flob-goblin fleeing the ferocious flames of our combined wrath. Yes.
Okay... onto the next parts... Daichi and Akaashi questioning Suga’s choice. They literally saw him leaving the club upset right? They need to see an eye doc to get a new prescription...been blinded by so much of Meiko’s BS that they literally cannot see...
Meiko is uh...female dog...? (Wind anon very much trying not to swear/curse) anyway, first she goes all possessive like. She thinks she should be the most important thing always and it really really shows. Like with Oikawa wanting to take some time to get clothing for his channel. She literally has to make him go to the beach with her instead. And Akaashi being all timid with his request of wanting to stay and read like—in a respectable relationship, you are supportive of others’ time and hobbies and Meiko is literally a parasite that has ruined their self esteems. (Insert the “you’ve ruined a perfectly good child—he’s got anxiety” meme thing).
But moving on... ah...we love YN so so much. YN Supremacy banner be weathering wind and rain without any damage. Love to YN. Appreciation to fans for respecting privacy and knowing that while they are vlogging their life, they are still people and you should not go past their boundaries. (Cough cough, them noticing Suga’s low mood). And everyone being considerate is wonderful.
We love bantering. We love feeling included. I hope Suga feels much much better now. Maybe the YN fanclub could all stargaze together. Like, laying down on the beach and seeing the night sky... something calming, in open space, and not hectic or cramped. It would probably help Suga, I think.
Also matching bracelets wwwwww. It’s so cute and wholesome.
Okay, that’s it for my reaction! Onto my thoughts/ideas.
I just imagined YN and Oikawa painting each other’s nails. I myself am terrible at painting nails (I make the most uneven coats, aaaa) but I think it would be cute for them. Like, a diagonal design of sparkly nail polish (so once the nail grows out, it would still look pretty and stuff). Not sure if I’m explaining this well but I just think that them making selfies with their matching nail designs would be adorable.
But besides that... if Akaashi wishes, my offer to teach him how to write a decent poem is still open for a limited time! All it needs is remorse towards YN and limited contact with Meiko, and he will receive an entire 7 day lesson plan about poetry, it’s aspects, and how to compose a thoughtful, mannered poem, with an added bonus of a lesson on how you should recite poetry.
Okay, I think that’s where I’ll end off this one! Much thanks to you dear fr0ggy! I already sent you the sketch I was working on with Omi but chances are I’ll be finishing it next weekend (am a bit swamped with work rn ///). I greatly appreciate you and I wish you a pleasant day!
hey hey!! all ur compliments make me feel flustered but in a good way hehe <3 && yn supremacy!!!! she’s so lovely 🤩
&& yn n oikawa painting nails is so cute???????? wow i might have to include it ANDD I LOVE THE POETRY LESSONS FOR AKAASHI he needs it lol — ur so sweet and i hope you have a happy, laugh filled day!! <3
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httphopewrld · 4 years
I Don’t Know What to Call This | (f/m/a) sneak peek!!!
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Just Friends? Friends with benefits? Dating? Questions swarmed your mind when one of your dear friends, Allie, asked about you and Hoseok’s relationship. The truth was you didn’t know. You and Hoseok were close, knowing each other since elementary school, and considered each other friends. However, as you two grew older, maturing into separate professions—you a well-known fashion designer, and Hoseok a famous musician and dancer—you two had engaged in some intimate activities (sex—lots of it.) After Allie’s simple question, you had to confront your feelings. But were you and Hoseok ready to be more than close friends and fuck buddies?
Pairing: friend/lover/bfhoseok! x female reader
Genre: slow-burn fluff, some angst, and SMUT
Rating: 18+ because there’s swearing and pretty detailed smut
Warnings: swearing and SMUT (one of the most detailed smuts I’ve written, and there’s more than one sex scene.) Smut includes: switch!reader and switch!hoseok, grinding and thrusting, protective sex (USE CONDOMS, I cannot stress that enough), lots of kissing, ass-grabbing, dirty talk, a wee bit of choking on both sides, squirting, male and female oral, fingering and handjobs, vibrator use, cyber-sex, reader uses dildo, slight degradation, and just lots of filth—YOU’RE WELCOME FELLOW FILTHY ANIMALS.
Word Count: more than 10,000 (not finished yet)
A/N: Happy birthday J-Hope! Although the fic won’t be released today, or tomorrow, on his birthday, it will be out next Friday (February 26). Please let me know in the comments if you wanted to be included in the taglist, and what you think!
Taglist: @kirbykook @kleritata @taestannie @jenotation @hemmos-obrien​ @zeharilisharaban @speed-of-wind 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You can move those over there,” you gestured to the left corner of the windowed room, where a pile of boxes waited. The move was going to take longer than you expected because the movers arrived a week later than your assistant, Rachel, said. I really need to talk to her about this. You stressed in your mind, rubbing your temples. “Are you okay?” You looked up, vision resuming its focus on your friend, Allie. Allie, your friend for as long as you could remember, offered to help you move to your new building. She would help you manage everything, including the movers, tracking your company’s items, and the layout you gave to her for said things while you managed the company. “I’m just irritated at Rachel,” you noticed her confusion, “my new assistant.” She nodded, remembering, “Right. Why is she still employed?” “Because she’s new, and being an assistant is a tough feat. She’ll get it soon.” You reassured, “Rachel is a fast learner, and this is her first mistake. We’re prepared for the next show, though, because Westley helping me organize it.” “Remind me who Westley is?” Allie asked. You sighed. “West is like my second brain. He helps organize the fashion shows, hire the models, find the venues, and secure the guest list. He has other people help him too, but he’s the brains of that. I create the fashion, and he finds a way to present it.” Allie nodded, “Gotcha.” Your phone rang, and you answered. “Y/N.” “Y/N!” Rachel chimed on the other end. “It’s Rachel. I’m so sorry about the mix-up on dates. It won’t happen again, I—” “I know it won’t, Rachel. You’re new, so I expected to slip up. I’ve gotten it taken care of,” you nudged Allie’s arm, and she smiled. “We’re luckily prepared for the next show in Vancouver, so you don’t have to worry about the mess up. All I need you to do now is make sure that my fabrics are coming in.” “Yes! They’ve arrived at the studio.” Rachel replied. “Fantastic. Thank you. That’ll be all for now. Please check on West if he needs anything.” You requested. “Will do, Y/N. Talk to you soon.” You hung up. The Vancouver show was in five months, giving you and your team enough time to design the clothes for the production and move to the new building. The show’s theme was natural bodies of water and nature, a nod to Canada’s landscape. The clothing catalogue would include various icy blue shades to represent waterfalls and warm emerald tones like flora and fauna. These colours would be encapsulated in elegant gowns and suits, worn by different shapes, genders, and colours. The materials would be made from recycled fabrics from your previous shows and from your fellow artists. You were known for designing elegant attire, so it was best to keep to it. However, it was rare to see different sized, coloured, and gendered models on a runway; because of having to customize clothes to those models. Additionally, making clothes from recycled fabrics would be tough. “Okay,” you began, “I need to talk to my design team and plan out the gowns. Can I leave you here to deal with the movers?” Allie gave you a thumbs up. “Thank you,” you smiled, hugging her, “if you need anything, please call me or Rachel, or both. We’ll be back to help.” Before you left, a thought struck you. You turned around to face Allie. “I should just hire you.” She chuckled, “Why?” You scoffed, “Because you’re here all the time!” You backed back to her. “Listen, you’re the best manager I know. You can be my third brain. You already are, outside of work, so it would make sense.” Allie seemed unsure. “I already have my job at Youth and Hope.” You grasped her hands. “You would be given a great wage, not just because you’re my best friend, but because you’re going to be busy with lots of work. You would be handling the management tasks, like West. You’d be given a good amount of vacation, trips for shows and meetings would be paid for—you could get that loft you always wanted downtown.” You wiggled your eyebrows, and Allie laughed. “Don’t I have to go through an interview process?” You brushed a hand through the air. “I can get someone to interview you and officially hire you. Once that’s done, you’ll start getting paid.” You checked your watch, and a quick rush of panic ran through you. “Shit, I’m going to be late. Consider it, alright! Let me know your availability, and we’ll schedule an interview!” “Okay!” She shouted back as you left. . . The coffee had become bitter. You weren’t sure if it was the roast or the fact that this was your fourth cup of the night. It had been a month since the fabrics arrived. Thanks to Allie, your friend and now employee, your move to the new building was complete; however, your designs weren’t translating as smoothly as you wish. “Fuck,” you cursed, taking your head in your hands and rubbing your temples. The sketches waited in front of you. The measurements and ideas raking at your confidence. Your designs are redundant. You’ve done something similar last time.                                                                       Boring. Plain. You turned back to your mannequins, still bare. The theme was in your mind, and your design team reassured you that your sketches were fine, but it all felt fuzzy. “Y/N,” Rachel peered into the studio from the door, “there’s a gentleman here to see you.” “His name?” You asked, still looking at the mannequins. You heard footsteps retreat into the front lobby, then come back to the door. “Jung Hoseok?” You turned around, trying to contain your excitement. “Please send him in.” Rachel nodded, jogging back to the lobby. You heard a muffled “thank you” before heavy footsteps approaching your studio. Hoseok reached the doorway, beaming his signature smile. He wore acid-washed jeans, a baggy white sweater that matched his chunky light sneakers. His dark hair was slightly wavy and parted in the middle. A tote bag was slung over his shoulder. “Y/N!” He cheered, opening his arms wide. “Hoseok!” You replied, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. You couldn’t remember the last time you saw Hoseok—a year or two? “Fuck, how long has it been?” You asked him. He pulled away, thinking. “About six months?” Totally off. “Seriously, it felt longer than that.” You argued. Hoseok pulled out his phone and scrolled through his calenderer and photos. He made a ‘tsk’ sound. “Ah, see here,” he showed you a few photos of you two with his friends, who were also his bandmates, “six months ago, you joined us on tour for a couple days before coming back here. I have it also marked in my calendar.” He showed you the dates, which were marked with ‘💚Y/N’s visit💚.’ “Can Namjoon or Yoongi confirm this?” You crossed your arms. Hoseok mimicked your body language. “I can call them right now,” he challenged. You two stood in competitive tension. You succumbed. “You win this time, Jung Hoseok.” He playfully chuckled. You realized that Hoseok doesn’t live around here. “Wait, why are you in town. Shouldn’t you and the others be in Korea planning another album or something?” You speculated. “Our company gave us a month for vacation because we spent most of the year touring.” Hoseok sighed. “So, I decided to come to visit.” You hugged him again, happy to see someone who wasn’t your employee amidst this chaos of stress. “How long are you staying?” You asked, muffled against his chest. He paused. “Maybe a month?” You pulled away from him, shocked. “A month? Here? That’s all your vacation time.” “Yeah,” he replied, as if that wasn’t a big deal, “I didn’t want to travel to a bunch of places because the group and I have been doing that for almost a year—and it’s pretty chill in this area.” He sighed. “Besides, I don’t think many people would recognize me. The airport wasn’t busy, and I haven’t been swarmed by fans yet.” “Do you have a place to stay?” You asked. He nodded. “Yup! I’m staying at a fancy hotel. I got the suite at the top floor,” he made a gesture with his hand, indicating how high up his suite was. You playfully elbowed his side. “Wow look at you, Mr. Famous. You can afford a top suite now. Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me, though?” Hoseok dismissed your offer with a wave of his hand. “It’s alright, Y/N. Thank you, though.” He peered over your shoulder, “It looks like you’re busy anyway, so I think I’ll just stick to my suite.” He walked past you, over to the bare mannequins. “Are you preparing for that show in Vancouver that you told me about?” You nodded, relaying your theme and ideas to him. He smiled. “That sounds really cool,” he pointed to the mannequins, “but don’t you need some clothes for the show, then?” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at him for being a smart ass. “Yes, I do. I’m brainstorming some ideas right now, but I’m coming up with nothing. I have the design team coming in tomorrow with drafts, but I’d like to bring my own thing to the table, you know? I’m the main brain of this operation, and it’d be embarrassing if I come in with zilch.” You leaned against one of the tables, facing the mannequins. “The tough part is designing gowns that fit the right people, you know. Sure, you can make a collection of clothes, but they won’t look good if they don’t fit the models.” You shook your head. “Maybe it’s just tougher to design clothes for different bodies, genders, and colours. I should just stick to one type of person and leave it at that.” Hoseok walked up beside you, leaning against the same table and facing the figures. “Why don’t you find the models and then design the clothes?” You looked at him, surprised. “But wouldn’t that take a long time?” He crossed his arms, “Well, how many models would you need?” “We’re thinking around seventy. There’s going to be two changes within the show.” Hoseok nodded, and you could see him brainstorming. “Well, you have four months left, right? You and your team can make some drafts, cast the models, and then finalize the ideas with said models. Which would take about a couple of months? You could do that while planning the show?” He paused, appearing to notice your hesitant expression. “Think about it. You’ve trained your team well enough to work on its own, right? That’s what you did for your last show, which was a success. You came in every day for a couple hours to make sure everything was in order, then focused on other things.” Hoseok grasped your hands. “You’re great at multitasking, so do it. It’s scary, but you can check on people every day to make sure everything’s alright.” You bit your lip, “I-I don’t know, Hoseok. That sounds like a lot of work—” “You did it last time, and it worked out just fine,” he gently squeezed your hands, “and I’m here for a month. I can help out whenever you need me. I’ll simply clean things up and fetch coffee if that’s what you need.” You laughed, “Like my intern?” “Yeah! I don’t know how to design anything or plan a fashion show, but I’ll do what I can.” He smiled. “You’re so much more than you think, Y/N, and if you need reminders, I’ll be here.” You smiled back at him, so grateful to have him here. “My god, you’re fucking sweet,” you scoffed, taking your hands out of his. Hoseok laughed. You pushed yourself off the table and faced him. “How did we even become friends?” You questioned. He actually gave it a thought. “You joined by dance club in elementary school, when no one else would.” He laughed so hard that he teared up. “I think we actually took club photos, and it was only you and I posing.” You laughed with him, remembering those days spent trying to breakdance to hip hop and presenting dance routines to your parents. “Yeah, that was before you joined that Music Academy in grade four, right?” He nodded, and you sighed, surprised you still remembered. Your mind came back to the present. “So, you’re actually okay with helping out?” You checked. “Why would I ask if I didn’t want to?” Hoseok replied. You tapped your index finger against your temple, “true.” “So, how much do you want?” Hoseok looked offended at your question. You chuckled. “Well, you’re going to work for me, so I need to pay you.” “It’s only just a month, though.” “Yeah, but—” “What about we see how much you have me do before you pay me?” He interrupted. “I might just have to fetch coffee, so you can just give me money on the spot.” You thought about it for a minute. Hoseok yawned. “This work talk is making me tired. Do you want to go out for dinner?” He looked around you, “Unless you have more work to do. I can always wait in the lobby for you to finish.” You brushed your hand through the air, “Nah, it’s okay. I’m pretty brain dead anyway. I need to be energized for tomorrow’s draft review.” Hoseok pushed himself off the table and clapped. “Awesome! Where do you think I’m taking you for dinner?” You bit your lip, trying to guess. “Sushi?” “Sushi it is!” He beamed. You grabbed your things and followed him out of the studio.
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sadviper · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Succumbing to peer pressure, haha, thank you @rain-hat, @smylealong, @ibelongtomousse, @macgyver-sheriff, @avauntus for tagging me~
It seems the common refrain is that this was the year everyone exploded into massive creative productivity after years of nothing, which is the exact same story for myself. I had read all the strategies of course: write 5 min a day, 1 sketch a day, don’t think about quality, do *something* just to keep the spark alive, etc etc, but it just got worse and worse. Honestly, I had been feeling so dire about it that I had made up my mind to stop trying anymore, because it was so depressing to try and fail so many times that it was much better to not hope at all.
Buuuuut.....then quarantine and telework happened, and woooah, guess what, all I needed was LOTS of time and space to myself where I’m not wasting it in an office checking emails and doing random training to fill all the downtime!!!
Much thanks to the serendipity that had me stumbling into @rain-hat , reading her early JY/KSR fics, and her encouraging me to go ahead and write that office yearly budget oneshot for TKEM (who writes BUDGET fics?? Who reads them???? lol). That’s not in my list here because it was very new and awkward, it was definitely the ball that got everything rolling.
Cut for super long-winded rambling:
1) Before There Was Zero (TKEM)
This was my first big fanfic in my life, and my most popular, and it absolutely gushed out of me in this massive torrent of *I MUST WRITE* where I would walk around at lunchtime giggling to myself, and type on my phone as I went, or wake up at 1am to scrawl something in a notebook in the dark because I couldn’t stop the words from coming. (How I miss that feeling now! ;__;) Actually, it also is the 2nd fully complete long-form story I had ever completed as well, so...lots of milestones here.
Looking back, it clearly was the product of my years of bottled up silence, where I stewed and dragged myself to the office every day wondering if I was going to calcify in a bureaucracy for the rest of my life (yes). But even as an office drone, I learned a lot of valuable lessons in how to manage, what leadership actually is at the worker bee level, the types of games white-collar workers play, and how to be a decent co-worker (and by extension, a decent human being--I don’t believe it’s possible to separate work life and private life. All your personas are you). It wasn’t all a waste after all!
Somehow I connected my day-to-day to the faceless, long-suffering Royal guardsmen in TKEM, headed by the utterly gorgeous, devastating, thoroughly underutilized, comedic prop military action star Jo Yeong, and thought--yeah! :D
2) Nil Desperandum (TKEM)
My biggest fic by far, full novel length at this point, massive in scope, I don’t even know how I came up with it based on the 10 collective seconds of screen time that Jeong Tae-ra and tyrant Jin got as a joke, but I was clearly still on that dam-gushing-pent-up-creative-high because this idea was fighting me when I was in the middle of writing “Before There Was Zero”.
I actually figured out the title while watching “Call the Midwives” where one of the peppy, indefatigable British nurses said to never despair, and I thought, yes, that’s it. All the horrible things I put my tyrantverse characters through, it was only so that when I save them at the end, it will be completely worth it. It’s a bit more violent (nothing beyond My Country levels tho) and quite emotionally dark, but I also tried to inject a lot of friendship, humor, and love into it as well, because there must always be hope.
For My Country fandom friends who didn’t realize, the tyrant!Yeong in this fic is essentially modernAU!Seon-ho, and I lifted Sung-rok entirely from My Country to be tyrant!Yeong’s second-in-command and loyal-superstar-extraordinaire. Writing them in this modern AU, and seeing the positive reception to Sung-rok’s grouchy, dogged devotion was the start of my love spiral for Sung-rok. <3 <3
3) The Veritable Records of King Taejo (My Country)
Going to cheat and lump 3 fics (soon to be 4) into one link. I rested a little bit after “Nil Desperandum” because I had completely emptied myself out at that point, just a husk of an author shell. Then I started poking out oneshots! Each one got progressively harder to write, lol, the creative gas tank was running out of juice, so I had to really start figuring out new strategies as a writer to keep going. One magic tool was coercing recruiting @rain-hat to beta for me, and WOW, THE BEST???? Who would’ve thought it’d be FUN to be edited!!! <3 Due to her efforts, I could avoid the “no beta we die like Liaodong” tag, hahaha.
I grew up watching cop shows, lawyer shows, monster-of-the-day shows, endless procedurals-- so I was super miffed that the drama would imply that Seon-ho spent YEARS just single-mindedly chasing private armies??! No! I want more family and friends development for this sad, dramatic whump child! I want him to be smarter than the show, inherently brilliant despite the stupid he descends into, and be recognized as such by the people who do recognize his value! And I want them all to be happy with no pointless death!
Also, the 4th WIP is now a Sung-rok lovefest written as an ode to his awesomeness, has stretched to 47K+ words, and is being an absolute royal pain to finish. ;__; All the ease and creative fervor from earlier? GONE. I’m a lone salmon flopping upstream on a ladder. I might get eaten before I finish laying my eggs. Any one have tips to get over this?
4) First Translation of Woo Do Hwan Japanese Interviews
More firsts! So much thanks to @ibelongtomousse to inspiring and encouraging me to do some real translating after talking to her about her sublime TKEM fics and translations thereof, and @staidwaters from emerging from the Internet depths to boost/correct my neophyte efforts! I’m now chomping at the bit to do more, even though I may ultimately discover that these interviews have absolutely nothing interesting to say, lol. But my first priority is simply to get better at the language, and 2nd priority is to soak in the words (and photos) of Woo Do Hwan, hahahah. Also, as far as I can tell, no one is filling this niche, so I guess I’ll keep going??
5) Fanart!
I started drawing again! As a procrastination tactic from writing oneshots, but it still was really nice to see that I hadn’t lost the touch entirely. I feel like I’ve mentioned this here and there, but writing wasn’t my first interest--drawing was. Animals first, then people once I discovered anime/manga. I went all into drawing comics, only to face the hard reality that I didn’t know how to tell a story end-to-end. Hence how I started trying to write. Along the way, things happened--I got RSI and had to stop drawing/writing for awhile. I discovered that pictures are NOT worth a thousand words, esp when it comes to long-form comics; my preferred tools of trade (dip pens) ended up exacerbating my RSI problems; then once I got a handle on my RSI, I found I could type faster than I can ever draw, and so here I am. I saw what @convenientalias was doing with their My Country werewolf fic though, so I am excited to try that for my Sung-rok WIP? :D
I think I’m the last hold out among artist/writer friends in answering this wrap-up, hope you enjoyed reading!
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 15 - Forge
Hiccup has a new idea: flying UNDER a dragon. This needs a new harness. It also needs Gobber to know when to stop talking. Toothcup all but outright stated. (1722 words)
cw: Toothcup, sexual references (nothing explicit)
Hiccup looked at the night fury sprawled out on his floor, then back at the sketch he was working on. It showed Toothless, but with the addition of a new harness, sketched out to allow Hiccup to strap himself in underneath the dragon. It was an idea Hiccup had come up with after a long night of playing with Toothless and waking up in his scaly embrace, though what originally started as merely a few straps to keep him slung under his partner soon got the Hiccup Touch and bloomed into a full harness, designed to keep dragon and rider comfortable in a few different orientations, and even lock Hiccup in for Toothless to go flying with him. Hiccup sat back and appreciated his efforts; he had improved a lot since that very first saddle he had slipped onto Toothless so long ago.
"Alright, bud, what do you think of this?" He turned the paper towards Toothless, who rolled back onto his feet and plodded over. The night fury stared at his creation, occasionally turning his head to look at Hiccup or lifting a leg or wing to match himself against the drawing. After a minute or two, he thumped his tail on the floor, turned, and walked over to Hiccup's flight suit before pressing his snout against it and burbling.
Hiccup snapped his fingers and grinned brightly, scribbling a few more shapes on the plan. "Quick-release clasps to let me drop away and glide, great idea, Toothless." He tapped the end of his charcoal pencil to his mouth, searching for flaws they would introduce, but came up short. A good sign. "Oh, but I'll have to switch to your back after we use that; I don't think I'll be able to get back into the straps mid-air," he pointed out, then grinned and walked over to his dragon to scratch under his chin. "And I don't think this design supports a saddle. You don't mind me riding you bareback, do you, bud?" Toothless growled affectionately and nuzzled the human, pushing him back a bit.
Hiccup took a few steps backward, laughing, and picked up a measuring string. "That's what I thought. Alright, let's find out how big these things have to be. Could you rear back, bud?"
Toothless pushed back off his front legs, flapping his wings to stay steady. Hiccup walked up, string in hand, and pressed it against his scaly chest, then belly, taking note of how long each segment was. As he moved from one position to the next, he started to keep his hands on Toothless, enjoying the dragon's natural warmth and the pleasant texture of his scales. This drew out a low purr from the night fury, who placed his forepaws on Hiccup's shoulders. "Uh, Toothless? What are you doing?" the viking asked, only to be pushed down, a heavy dragon landing over him. Toothless felt him wince under his scaly body, and made sure to only lightly rest his belly on Hiccup's back, purring from the friendly contact. Hiccup laughed. "Oh, prototyping a use of the harness already, huh, bud?" Toothless growled in the affirmative, which got him a very pleasant rub from his rider. "Alright, then, but we're finishing up as soon as we're done with this."
Hiccup did finish the measurements after they were done. What he didn't count on, however, was the few hours between Toothless initiating and Hiccup getting his specs. They both fell into a satisfied, restful sleep at the end of the night, Hiccup in Toothless's hold, like when they fell into the demise of the Red Death.
"Mornin', Hiccup!" Gobber called into the forge, "yer up early. Oh, hello Toothless. Helped him start the fire, did ye?" He got a happy burble in response.
"Hey, Gobber," Hiccup called back, a little less enthusiastic. He had been hoping to be in and out before the experienced smith came in. Unfortunately, after an incident with a Deadly Nadder, two Gronkles, and Hookfang a week back, a lot of the pre-made inventory had become slag, at best. "I just figured I'd... help with the restocking a little!" Hiccup lied, "plus, there's just nothing like hammering a metal ring into place to work out some tension, am I right?"
The older viking waddled up to the workbench and eyed the work Hiccup had done. "No, ye didn't," he said bluntly, "and that means you have a project! Now come on, let ol' Gobber see what yer up tae."
There was a soft 'whoomf' from the furnace as Toothless reached in and stoked the fire some more. Hiccup sighed, and passed him the sketch from last night. "It's a harness for riding Toothless," he explained as his hammer fell on the softened metal, "it'll let me drop in my flight suit without having me jump off his back or Toothless invert." The young viking held the piece of metal he was working on up in his tongs, nodded, tapped a few more times, and then quenched it. "It uses my standard dual-controlled tailfin design to let Toothless fly along with me without risking losing control if my flight suit doesn't work quite right." Another batch of molten metal was poured into a mold.
Gobber picked up the design, turned it around a little, then put it back down. "And I notice you've put several places for the leg braces and stirrups," he mentioned.
Hiccup tensed. "Yeah, it's for... it lets me easily disengage and reengage if Toothless and I want him to steer solo for a while."
"Mm." The older blacksmith was not impressed. "And the one on the other side?"
"Uhh... for dropping off into a dive more easily?"
"Hiccup." Gobber took him by the shoulders and turned the young man to face him. "I'm not stupid. This isn't just for having fun with your flight suit, is it?"
Hiccup shook his head. Gobber picked up one of the finished pieces of metal, to be used to support the viking, and turned it over in his hands. "Well, for starters, you'll want two of these. One of them nice and sturdy, for flying over water in your flight suit, and the other to cover in something much more comfortable. Probably goat down. Ye won't get as haunted that way."
Hiccup gawked at him; Gobber shrugged. "Ye act like yer the first boy t'ever go through puberty. You should see what I made way back when I was a wee lad. Took me two days to assemble." He cringed and stared off at the memory, muttering, "nearly clean tore off me-"
"OKAY that's enough," Hiccup loudly interrupted, "that's... that's okay, I don't think I need to know that. Ever. Wow. Um..." he rambled, running his hand through his hair, "so, I think I'll just get one design done today and go flying with Toothless." He picked up the latest cooling metal and started to work it into shape.
The blacksmith laughed and clapped him on the back. Hiccup managed to keep a solid grip on the metal and also not burn himself on it, a skill he picked up during his years working with Gobber. "Well, good luck with yer 'project.' Before you two leave, could ye get Toothless to light up the rest o' the furnaces? We lost a lot of good axeheads and knives last week."
Hiccup looked over to Toothless, who was staring at a trio of Terrible Terrors across the street. "You okay with that, bud? Mind starting up the rest of the furnaces for Gobber?" he asked. The night fury turned towards him, nodded and rumbled, and then got up to spit a shot of plasma into each cold furnace as Gobber walked over to start melting down some buckets of metal in them. Hiccup finished shaping and cooling the last piece for the harness's basic configuration, then set the tools down to start sanding the metal. "So, uh, goat down?"
"Aye, goat down. Wool can be soft, but boy does it itch! And so hot, too; you should have seen the SIZE of the rash I got when I-"
"THANK YOU, Gobber, thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Hiccup said as he desperately tried to forget what Gobber had just said. "Do you do that on purpose?"
In between the clangs of Gobber's hammer-hand on metal, his laughter was clearly audible. "Ah, Hiccup, yer some o' the most fun I have around the smithy some days." This earned a groan from the dragon rider.
Once Hiccup had finished the metalwork, he and Toothless left the forge, confident that the leatherwork could be finished back at his workshop. Before they left, of course, Toothless helpfully batted at the coals burning in the furnaces, keeping the heat up for longer.
A few hours later, it was done. The harness had come together, Toothless had been fitted, and Hiccup verified he felt secure under Toothless's belly. With that, all that was left was to test it. Hiccup clung to his dragon's neck as the night fury flapped to carry them to the edge of the cove they had first met in. It was grassy, it had a pond... if something went wrong and Hiccup ended up face-down with a dragon on him, this was one of the safest places for it.
As Hiccup made one last check of the harness, Toothless playfully nipped at his shirt, tugging it up. Hiccup laughed and rubbed the night fury's snout. "Maybe next time, bud. Gotta make sure my outsides won't get rearranged as well." Toothless huffed, but his tail swished back and forth as he thought of a next time. Soon, Hiccup had strapped himself in, and dragon and rider approached the lip of the cove. Hiccup's heart was pounding, and he could feel Toothless's thundering against his back. All of a sudden, the grass below didn't look so soft. However, as he felt the night fury's body tense, ready to spring, he refocused on his feet against the tailfin pedals.
Toothless leapt, spread his wings, and dove for speed. His tailfin snapped out, and the pair pulled up. The dragon hugged his forelegs around his rider, and above the wind buffeting his face, Hiccup could feel and hear Toothless purring. He felt that, if he were able to, he'd be purring, too.
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marikaaajoy · 4 years
my relationship with digital art and how BNHA salvaged it
I just wanted to let out my thoughts but I can only do it here :>
This might be a downer for some people but I’d like to share it with people here. BNHA means the world to me and this is why.
I first started drawing when I was 7 years old in 2006
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I think it’s ugly now, but 7 year old me remembered being so proud of this because this is a drawing of my stepfather. This is the only drawing I have that was from my childhood. I think the aim here is to draw in anime style BUT I didn’t even watch anime back then. I had a classmate who loves anime and she taught me to draw in school. Drawing became a favorite hobby immediately after that.
Then it was 2013 and I was 14 years old. Drawing is still my favorite thing to do besides being on the computer. I love anime at this point too. My parents bought an iPad for the whole family, but I was almost always the one using it. I discovered an app called ArtStudio and thought “Wow, I can draw without making a mess and with only my fingers” because I was always too lazy to take out my drawing materials and clean up afterwards.
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These were my first digital drawings. The pirate one was the very first. I got obsessed real fast. I can color so easily, undo any mistake, layers are a blessing too. There was just so much more freedom. I always sucked at coloring in traditional art and I didn’t like the mess (idk my hands get so messy traditionally)
The next year, it was 2014, I was 15. My birthday is in a couple of months and I knew my parents were planning to buy me something pricey (I think it was a laptop) so I approached them and asked if they could just buy the Wacom Bamboo as a present which was cheaper anyway and I even explained how it works to them and how it would allow me to draw on the computer instead of the iPad. I tried really hard to be convincing. I would have prepared a powerpoint presentation if I had to.
They did give me the wacom as a present. They even gave it to me months before my birthday so I could use it already. I thought I was the luckiest teen in the world with my parents.
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These are a collection of my favorite works from 2014 to 2016. The middle one was my second drawing using wacom and Paint Tool SAI. I was a part of a lot of fandoms in those years lol
It gets downhill from there :/
April 2016, my mom and I moved to Japan, while my stepfather and siblings stay in my country. It was tough. For someone who is obsessed with anime, you’d think I’d be thrilled to live in Japan.
I was. Though only at the first few months. It’s not the same as it’s portrayed in anime (I should’ve known but I used to be blinded by anime). It was just lonely. The language barrier sucked and then lots of financial and family issues until my parents split. I got my first boyfriend too and I thought I was blessed by the nicest boy, but the relationship became extremely toxic but I didn’t have it in me to walk away.
All the shit that happened affected me mentally and emotionally. My biggest outlet which was digital drawing, was also out of the question because I did not have a computer/laptop when we moved to Japan. We left it in our home for my stepfather and siblings, even the iPad. I have my wacom with me, but no computer/laptop to use it with. I couldn’t draw.
I tried though. I used my phone to draw, but it wasn’t the same. Then the life problems got piled up, things got worse, and I just lost motivation in anything. Literally anything. From 2016 to 2019, I stopped watching anime, I dropped out of all the fandoms I’m in, I stopped watching my favorite TV series or movies, and I stopped drawing. I even got a bit disconnected with my friends who lived in my country (we talk regularly online). My family was broken so I gave all my attention to my toxic relationship as well which made everything worse too lol
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I didn’t draw besides from a few scribbles and the drawings above. I did try digital art on my phone a couple of times again and even posted them on my IG, but they weren’t any good. Eventually, I got mentally and emotionally drained and dropped out of senior high school. I just stayed home for almost a year, leeching off of my mom. I felt even more worthless and my life had no direction at this point. Nothing mattered anymore.
April 2019 or so I think, my (ex)bf bought me a laptop. He says it’s a gift, but I think the real reason was to make up for something horrible that he did (which is stupid because money /gifts won’t resolve anything). I have a laptop. I can draw again, but I didn’t. I didn’t care, I wasn’t interested in drawing anymore anyway.
Welp. June 2019, I went back to my country. My (ex) bf stayed in Japan. The distance helped me end the relationship and my friends were there (they always were) to help put me back together along with two trips to therapy. I went back to finish my senior high school in my own country this time. That said, I have to stay in my country for school (but I was happy because I didn’t wanna go back to Japan yet when the breakup was still fresh and with going back to school, my life has a direction again.)
It was weird. I remember just being sorta lost and confused because I used to put my time, effort and everything into my previous toxic relationship, which was now gone. I was free and I had so much free time that I didn’t know what to do with it. I got so used to doing nothing and being nothing.
This is where BNHA enters.
Dunno when it started, but I started seeing Bakugou frequently online. It’s usually just Bakugou. I knew who he was because my friend suggested BNHA to me back in late 2018 I think but I didn’t watch it since I’ve lost interest in everything at that point in my life.
But ye I thought he hot af but I still didn’t watch BNHA.
But then for some reason he REALLY kept appearing in my social medias and it was really frequent. The last straw was when I saw a pic of him in UA’s gym uniform and thought “damn boi aight imma watch bnha for u” (y’all gotta admit he looks good in those colors with his combat boots XD )
I watched BNHA. Fell in love with Iida along the way. Then I switched to Tokoyami (but Shoji was hot too so aaaaa), but then angry emotionally-constipated sea urchin head caught my heart again. But oof. BakuDeku moments really made me feel some type of way I haven’t felt since I moved to Japan. It felt new but nostalgic. I fell hard in that ship.
I started obsessing. From memes to posts to fanfictions to buying merch to filling my room with BNHA posters. I realized I was reverting to my old self from the time I was still happy and it was thanks to BNHA (and the good people who helped me through the worst too)
Shit I wanted to draw BNHA, I thought.
I mean, I have a laptop, I still have my wacom and drawing softwares. I could totally draw digitally again if I wanted to.
But guess what
I can’t :c
My hand physically cannot draw. My drawings don’t look the way I want them too. 3 years of not drawing really destroyed any skill I had. I was back to square one.
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September (yeah they’re ugly, I laughed at it). If you’re wondering why I drew on paper, it’s because, for some reason, I really CANNOT draw digitally. I mean it. I can barely sketch digitally at this point. The lines and shapes just doesn’t come to life. They’re just scribbles. But somehow, I can kinda draw on paper with a ballpoint pen. But yeah, that was the best I could do at this point in my life
After that, I still tried to draw, to regain my old art style, but it didn’t happen... It just doesn’t look or feel the same. Drawing used to be fun. But during this phase, it felt like my ugly drawings were just mocking me (probably was just too emo that time lol)
Weirdly, around a week or two I think, after my half-assed attempts at drawing, I managed to draw digitally somehow o.o
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I did a Midoriya and Todoroki drawing like this too. It was my first post here on Tumblr I think. The annoying part here is that I cannot draw digitally unless I draw on paper first, take a pic, and then trace the lineart. I couldn’t draw directly on the computer. Granted, drawing on paper and drawing on digital is very different for me in the first place anyway. But it was still a pain. And it still looked like shit. I can only draw stiff poses :/ it seems like my brain decided to delete all data about anatomy and posture and backgrounds. My lineart here is even messy af. It still really not the same as my old style.
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By 2020, I think I got my old art style back. On March, I made this. This took me 27 total of hrs to make.
Right now, I think it’s not bad, but back in March, I was disappointed with the result. This is when I finally broke down crying because it didn’t look good enough and I hated that it took me 27 hrs to draw “bullshit.” I was angry at myself for losing interest in drawing for 3 years when I could’ve used that time to improve. I had to start all over again and it still didn’t look good. (Current me thinks that the drawing above is alright. I was just a lot harsher to myself back then. Used to have a lot of issues but I’m doing great now)
I cried myself to sleep that night. Woke up wanting to cry again. I wallowed in sadness for a couple of days. Eventually told my friends what’s up. Got some pep talk. Even talked to my sister (she’s great, she always hypes me up with my stuff and sometimes I think she’s my biggest fan with how she appreciates my drawings and I’m really grateful for that).
My world turned a 180 and I was weirdly positive after all that crying because brain chemicals and shit. I had a revelation. If I hate how my art style looked so much, then I should have been putting effort in changing my art style, not trying to regain my old art style (that I don’t like anymore)
I researched a lot. I analyzed different art styles and anatomy again. I did everything I could think of to find a style that works for me. I might have even neglected school for a bit to focus on digital art lmao
After all that work, I posted a fanart of middle school BakuDeku in their classroom. I love that fanart so much even if I probably have better ones by now because that was the first fanart I made that I felt like I could be proud of and it was the first one I made in my new art style. It was a milestone for me.
March 2020, I moved back to Japan and without the toxic relationship, I’m a lot positive now. Happy. I’m myself again after the previous bad years. I’m still continuously learning though, trying to improve, but at least, now, I found my own art style :) I really suck at interacting with people online, but I’m always grateful for the support everyone has been giving my fanarts. I’m happy when my content makes people happy.
This is why BNHA is important to me. The series is great alone, but it’s not just that to me. BNHA is so much more. It’s what made me find the passion to create again, only this time, it’s focused on drawing (I used to write, but now I just draw, but maybe I’ll write again for BNHA).
My family is supportive with my love for BNHA, but I think they don’t know the deeper reason why I love it. Sure, I was fine living on with nothing much going on in my life. I’ll finish school, get a job, work until I die or something. It was okay. It was the way of life. But BNHA gave my life color again. I wasn’t just blindly going through life anymore. I have something to look forward to everyday now. BNHA even became a bridge to other things. Ever since then, I’m a lot more open to people, to try new things, to explore and not just live through life and waste away. I got better at leaving my comfort zone. I’ve never been happier in my life :D
Thank you for supporting my fanarts. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to express myself through BNHA. I hope to make more content in the future and improve even more :)
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literaryeagle · 4 years
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For my sixty-eighth Evangelion book review, here is Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo - Entry File 1 (Evangelion New Theatrical Edition: Prelude - Entry File 1), published by Kadokawa Shoten. This 128-page paperback is a guide to the Evangelion: 1.0 movie that contains images, information, and interviews. (By the way, just to avoid confusion, I would like to point out that even though this book has "Entry File 1" as part of its title, an "Entry File 2" was never released!)
This book is not available in English or French - although there are a few tiny bits of English text such as the chapter titles - but there are plenty of pictures. Most of the illustrations are in full color, and there are a few sketches as well. The dust jacket is also removable, revealing a silver cover underneath. Here is the art from one of the book's pages, showing Ritsuko, Misato, Shinji, and Pen Pen (drawn by Shunji Suzuki):
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Wow, that page has such pretty blue skies!
Keep reading for the rest of the book review, plus a few more pictures!
The title page uses the art from the movie poster (that famous picture of Shinji and the other kids on a staircase), then there are a few pages of introductory text and screenshots from the movie, and then the Table of Contents.
The first chapter of the book is "Dramatis Personae", which starts with a two-page spread showing the main characters for the movie. The page I showed earlier in this review with Ritsuko, Misato, Shinji, and Pen Pen is one half of that spread. The other half shows Gendo, Kaworu, and Rei. (Considering that part of the movie is about Shinji becoming friends with Toji and Kensuke, I think it's pretty weird that those two boys aren't included. I mean, Kaworu managed to make it into this section, even though he doesn’t appear in the movie until the final scene!) After that, the chapter has a couple of pages showing screenshots of Evangelion Unit-00 and Evangelion Unit-01, and a page with the Nerv logo.
Next is a chapter called "Stage: A", with the subtitle "4th Angel & 5th Angel". This part of the book is devoted to the beginning of the film, with several pages of vibrant screenshots and quotes from the movie, plus some explanatory notes. Although most of the art in this chapter consists of screenshots, there is also a two-page spread of Rei drawn by Shunji Suzuki. Here is a tiny sample of a few screenshots from this part:
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After that chapter is a two-page spread for the movie's English title, Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, and then a section called "Interview With" which has interviews with Megumi Ogata (voice of Shinji), Megumi Hayashibara (voice of Rei), Kotono Mitsuishi (voice of Misato), Shiro Sagisu (composer), and Utada Hikaru (singer of "Beautiful World").
The next chapter is "Stage: B", with the subtitle "Operation Yashima". This part covers most of the rest of the movie, and once again the majority of the pictures are screenshots. However, there are also some cool two-page spreads drawn by Kazuya Tsurumaki, Hidenori Matsubara, and Takeshi Honda. I'll show you the one drawn by Kazuya Tsurumaki, which depicts Kensuke, Toji, Shinji, and Rei at school. Unfortunately, a two-page spread like this is too large to fit into my scanner, so I had to hold the book open with some DVDs and try to take a photo instead. I apologize for how wonky this looks:
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Again, sorry for the bad quality of the photo. I assure you that the illustration looks much nicer in person!
Next, there is a short "Opinion" section written by an anime reviewer, a picture of Evangelion Unit-01, a page with the new Seele logo, and then a chapter called "High Light" which has interviews with various staff members to talk about how the movie was made. This chapter starts with a two-page spread of screenshots showing some of Tokyo-3's weapons and moving buildings, followed by an interview with Tatsuya Tanaka about architecture design for the movie. After that is a two-page spread of screenshots of Unit-01, and then an interview with Ikuto Yamashita about mecha design. Even though most of the pictures in this chapter are screenshots from the movie, there are also some other types of art, such as pre-production sketches and storyboards. Oh, and check out this cool illustration from the Yamashita interview:
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The rest of the chapter has interviews with Takeshi Honda (about the battle with Ramiel), Takeshi Takakura (about various equipment designs), okama (Central Dogma design), Shoichi Masuo (special effects), and Shinji Higuchi (Operation Yashima). By the way, this book was published in 2007. Sadly, Shoichi Masuo passed away in July of 2017. A book called Evangelion Irasutoshuu 2007-2017 has a hidden tribute to Masuo, which I described back in my sixty-fifth Evangelion book review.
Getting back to Entry File 1, the next chapter is called "Rebuild", and it contains many more interviews and pictures about the making of the movie. The people featured in this chapter are Tomoki Kyoda, Hiroshi Haraguchi, Susumu Fukushi, Hiroshi Katoh, Hidenori Matsubara, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Daisuke Onitsuka, Hiroyasu Kobayashi, and Kazuya Tsurumaki. Once again many of the images are screenshots from the movie, however there are also some other types such as sketches, storyboards, CG work, and photos from Studio Khara. Take a look at this lovely sketch of Rei:
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Afterwards is a short chapter called "Last Stage" with the subtitle "Kaworu Nagisa", and it has screenshots and dialogue from the movie's final scene, along with a two-page spread of Kaworu drawn by Atsushi Okuda. Here are screenshots from one of this chapter's pages:
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The book finishes with a few pages of credits, plus Misato's words from the Next Time Preview at the very end of the movie.
Overall, Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo - Entry File 1 is a nice book for fans of the Evangelion: 1.0 movie, however you probably won't get as much out of it if you can't read Japanese. Besides, if you're looking for screenshots and/or materials about the making of the movie, the Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone Complete Records Collection (which I covered back in my fifty-fourth Evangelion book review) is much more extensive, so you might prefer to get that instead. Or if you don't care about screenshots or "making of" pics and just want the original art from Entry File 1's two-page spreads, you can get Evangelion Irasutoshuu 2007-2017 for those and many other beautiful illustrations, although admittedly they will be smaller in size. (NOTE: The two "Dramatis Personae" pics are older, so they are in another book called Die Sterne Ver.2.0 which I discussed way, way back in my second Evangelion book review!)
If you do want to purchase Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo - Entry File 1, it seems that new copies are currently no longer in stock, so try searching on a website that specializes in used Japanese books (such as Mandarake).
Well, that’s it for my sixty-eighth Evangelion book review. I have plenty more Evangelion books to discuss, so keep checking my blog for new reviews!
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quickspinner · 5 years
My Heart Like a Firework Part 2
@livrever said: What about Luka drives through a puddle splashing/soaking Marinette and he stops to apologize/takes her home to change 
@justknitstuff said: Luka works in a music store and Marinette ducks into his shop to escape a downpour of rain, they start talking and while he’s showing her around to pass the time she starts getting hit with inspiration for guitar string jewelry 
Here’s part 2! Part 1 is here. Also, can I just say, mwah, I love you all. I packed as much fluff as I could in here.
Marinette was picking her sketchbook back up when there was a sudden twang and Luka yelped. She jumped, dropping her book, and turned wide eyes on him and he grinned back, clearly embarrassed. “Sorry. Popped a string,” he said. “Surprised me.”
Marinette giggled. “I didn’t know that could happen.”
“It can happen if your strings are worn out. Or if there’s something sharp on the guitar where the string’s rubbing, but mine are just old.” Luka shrugged. “I’m a bit later than usual replacing mine because I’ve been busy, so it’s not really a surprise.” He carried the guitar over to the counter, and then went to one of the displays. Thumbing through the packets hanging there, he selected one. “I guess I might as well heed the warning and replace all of them.”
Marinette slid down from her perch to come over and lean on the counter near him, watching with interest as Luka took the old strings off. He moved with confidence and efficiency, and she found herself watching his hands. He laid the old strings aside on the counter as they came free. “May I?” she asked, touching one of the old strings.
“Be my guest.” Luka smiled absently as he began putting the new strings on. Marinette watched him for a moment, feeling more able to look at him now that his rather intense gaze was focused elsewhere. The shaggy blue-tipped hairstyle suited him, kept him from being too sharp with his strong nose and cheekbones and pointed chin. The wide bracelets he wore accentuated the muscles of his forearms. She glanced at his shoulders for only a second before looking away with a blush. She’d gotten more than an eyeful of his bare back earlier, after all. His build might tend towards long and lean rather than broad and bulky but he was plenty athletic.
Luka didn’t look up from what he was doing, but Marinette caught the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth and was suddenly mortifyingly certain he knew she was checking him out. Blushing, she turned her attention to the discarded guitar strings. Well, she reflected with a little smile of her own, after the way he’d looked at her when she’d finished changing, maybe she didn’t have to be too embarrassed.
Marinette picked up the strings, examining the different thicknesses. An idea began to brew in the back of her mind as she twisted a couple of the strings together thoughtfully. Marinette grabbed her sketchbook and opened it, laying the strings across it as she began to sketch different woven patterns, using different colored pencils to represent the different strands.
“Could you do an infinity knot?”
Marinette gasped and jumped so high that she nearly lost her balance. Luka reached across the counter and grabbed her upper arms to steady her.
“Woah! Sorry, I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were quite that in the zone.”
“Oh,” Marinette sighed, putting a hand over her fluttering heart. “I’m sorry, I was—”
“Obviously,” Luka chuckled. “And I’m the one who’s sorry, I shouldn’t have interrupted you. I just saw what you were doing and I got really interested, and—well, my mom’s Scottish, and what you were doing makes me think of some of the Celtic jewelry she wears.”
“Of course,” Marinette said, tapping her pencil thoughtfully. She turned the page and picked up her phone. “Let me find some references.”
Luka pulled out his own phone and found some pictures of his mother.
“She looks like a fun lady,” Marinette giggled as he zoomed in on one of her bracelets.
“She’s a character,” Luka grinned. “I think you’d like her. She’d definitely like you,” he added absently, laying the phone on the counter and turning it so Marinette could see.
Unexpectedly flustered by that comment, Marinette put her own phone next to his with the examples of knotwork she’d found. For a moment they were silent as Marinette sketched. She glanced up at Luka once, and he immediately straightened. “Sorry, am I bothering you? I can find something else to do if you’d rather I didn’t watch.”
“It’s fine,” Marinette said, smiling at his thoughtfulness, “But you’re blocking the light.”
“Oh, sorry,” Luka hopped over the counter and leaned beside her instead. “Is this okay?”
Marinette made an affirmative noise, already deep in thought about the length of the strings and how to use the varying thicknesses and materials. Eventually, she sat back.
“Wow, that looks great,” Luka said, lightly touching one of the sketches. “My sister would love this one, with the kind of lacey look.”
“It’s just a sketch, though,” Marinette said, blushing. “I don’t know if it would actually work. If they aren’t stiff enough it might all just collapse on itself.”
“Let’s try it,” Luka said encouragingly, straightening up. “You probably need what, pliers and wire cutters?”
“Um,” Marinette blinked. “Yeah.”
“No problem, I’ll be right back.” Luka knocked on the counter twice and went into the back room.
Marinette took a moment to breathe and smooth her hands over her hair. It was almost dry, but when she looked toward the door she could see that the rain was still falling steadily. Still, it wasn’t so bad. She’d have preferred to be stuck somewhere with coffee and cozy chairs, but this wasn’t so bad, and Luka was...really nice.
Really nice. And really nice looking. He had the softest eyes when he looked at her, a clear cerulean rather than the baby blue of her own, and there was something in his slow smiles and easy grins that made her stomach flutter.
And he’d been so kind. Being both clumsy and frequently distracted, Marinette had a lot of experience with being run into, splashed, or knocked over. Usually the most she got was a hurried apology and a hand up, but Luka had done so much more. He hadn’t yelled or blamed her, just taken quiet control of the situation and done his best to make her comfortable. Even though she’d been stuck in here with him, he hadn’t made her uncomfortable at all. Any time she got the least bit fidgety with his presence, he backed off.
Marinette put her head down on the counter and covered her head with her arms with a quiet groan. She barely knew him, she reminded herself. She wasn’t going to do this crush thing again so soon. Just because he’d been kind and sweet and fun and seemed like he kinda liked her…
No, nope, not going there. She turned her head to check on the storm. The windows rattled as a sudden gust drove the rain against them. Marinette groaned again, pouting. She could just go home, she supposed, just suck it up and make a run for it even if it meant she would get soaked. But...
She shot upright as Luka came back, with the tools and a chair, and tried to look composed. “Here, come on back, you might as well sit down while you work,” he said, setting the chair down. He opened the wooden counter for her and, though she felt a little self-conscious, Marinette slipped through. “Here, there’s a spot over here we use for repairs, it’s all yours.”
“You really don’t have to do all this,” Marinette felt compelled to say as she sat down.
“Are you kidding?” Luka grinned. “I think this is amazing. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”
“It might not even work,” Marinette protested weakly.
“Hmm, we’ll see,” Luka replied in a tolerably non-committal tone, but Marinette could see from the look on his face as he turned away that he had complete faith in her. “I’ll try not to hover,” he added, when he noticed her looking at him. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“O-okay,” she said, smoothing her hair again self-consciously. He was really cute when he smiled like that, and the way he looked at her gave her butterflies. Marinette turned quickly to the table, telling herself to stop imagining things.
She picked up the tools and the strings, and soon she forgot about Luka altogether, snipping and twisting and problem-solving. She needed some jewelry fixtures though, she thought absently. She’d need clasps to make bracelets and necklaces, and she could make some nice earrings if she had the findings here, but for now...
“Luka,” she called absently, “Do you have any soldering equipment?”
He didn’t answer right away. Marinette looked up and to her surprise, he was looking right at her. He was on the other side of the counter, leaning with his chin on his hand, watching her with a soft, dreamy expression that made her face heat. “Luka?” she prompted.
“Hmm?” he blinked. “Oh, sorry, I was—you were just really into what you were doing and it was...uh, cute.” He gave her one of those warm smiles that made her stomach flutter. “You’re really cute. Sorry, what were you saying? Did you need something?”.
Marinette tried to contain her own smile. “Do you have a soldering iron or something like that?” she asked shyly.
“Sure, I’ll go get,” he said, sliding off the counter and heading for the door to the back room.
Marinette giggled softly to herself, both flattered and embarrassed by his apparent admiration. If only he wasn’t so cute himself she might be able to keep her cool, but he was simultaneously hot and adorable and she was maybe screaming a little bit on the inside, catching him giving her such a mushy look. She bit her lip and tried to focus on the two strings she was twisting together, one of the heavy gauge and one of the finer ones.
She darted a quick smile up at Luka as he brought her what she needed, but looked back to her work quickly. The safety glasses were a bit big, but she managed to get them balanced on her nose, ignoring Luka’s quiet chuckle from behind her.
Marinette paused, and bit her lip, wavering in indecision for a moment. Then she glanced up at Luka. “Can I, um, borrow your hand?” she asked, feeling her face warm at her own daring.
Luka grinned and leaned up against her workspace, holding his hand out. “As long as you need.”
Marinette took his hand and turned it over, wrapping the string around his finger to get an idea of the length she needed. “How’s that?” she asked, frowning. “Comfortable? Or too tight?”
“A little tight,” he said, and Marinette adjusted. “Better,” he agreed.
“Got it.” Marinette said, struggling to hold the strings while reaching for the sharpie in her art kit. With Luka’s help she managed to get the length marked. She smiled at him. “You can have your hand back now.”
“If you’re sure,” Luka said with a grin, and nope, she was not thinking about how warm and smooth his voice was or how he was very definitely flirting with her. He was a musician, after all, of course he had a nice voice. And just because she’d been feeling down on herself lately was no reason to go all gooey inside over the first boy who was nice to her. She definitely did not let her fingers trail over his palm as he pulled away, and she definitely did not see him swallow.
It took a little more trial and error, but finally, she had a successful finished product.
“There,” Marinette said, setting down the tools. She picked the ring up in the pliers and turned it, examining it critically. “I think that should work.” She grinned up at Luka, dropping the ring on her palm and holding it out to him. “Want to try it?”
Luka smiled at her, and he took the ring from her palm without moving his eyes from hers. He slid it on his finger and wiggled his fingers experimentally.
“Nice,” he grinned.
“Is it comfortable?” Marinette asked, leaning over and taking his hand in both of hers to look. “I might need to polish where I did the soldering so it’s not rough, but…”
“Yeah, but otherwise it feels good. A little different from the one I usually wear, but not bad.” He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“What?” Marinette asked, tilting her head as she looked up at him.
“It might sound stupid,” he said slowly, meeting her eyes. “But I played a lot of songs on these strings, you know? So I feel kind of...attached in a way I didn’t expect. Does that make sense or am I just crazy?”
Marinette hmmed thoughtfully. “No, I can see that. That makes sense.”
“I was thinking that if this worked out and you wanted to make more, we could sell them here in the store,” Luka mused. “But now I’m thinking people might be willing to buy something like this on commission as well. Bring in their old strings, ones they used for a special moment or whatever, and make them a special piece of jewelry from them. That’d be awesome.”
“You really think people would want that?” Marinette suddenly realized she was still holding onto his hand and let go quickly. Luka smiled, and his blue eyes flicked to hers in a way that said he wouldn’t have minded if she had held on a little longer.
“Hell, I’d commission a couple of pieces from you right now,” Luka said, leaning on the wall to look over her workspace. “I could swap Mom’s strings out for her and she’d think I was just doing her a favor until I brought her jewelry made out of her old strings. She’ll flip and my sister will be soooooo pissed that I found the perfect gift—and then she’d demand a set for herself.” He chuckled. “How’d it go with the knot ideas?”
“Oh,” Marinette turned back to the bench, motioning him closer, though she shivered a little when he leaned over her and his breath ghosted across her neck. “I think I made it work,” she said, pointing at several strings she had laid out and woven into designs similar to the ones she’d drawn. “I need some other pieces, though, like a crimp to put here and here to hold it together—I can solder the prototype but it won’t look as clean as it would with a proper jewelry crimp—and then it would need a clasp of some sort. And I thought these would make cute earrings—” she pointed to some strings she’d laid out in a shorter, rounder knot layout. “But again, I’d need crimps and findings to make it stay.”
“That’s fantastic,” Luka said admiringly. “You’re amazing, Marinette.”
Marinette giggled. “Oh, I’m—well. Thanks.”
“I know this wasn’t how you planned to spend your day,” Luka said, smiling down at her. “But...I’m glad we met, although I’m still sorry for drenching you.” They both laughed, and both turned in surprise as the bell on the shop door rang for the first time that day.
“Hi, welcome,” Luka said, straightening up. “How’s it doing out there?”
“Wet,” the man grunted, “But not as gnarly as it was. I’m here to pick up an order.”
“Sure, let me grab that for you and—”
Marinette tuned them out, picking up the soldering gun again. She carefully finished the connection points on the bracelet and earrings, doing as clean a job as she could manage. Then she stood up and stretched.
“Oh, hey, you got a new girl working?”
Marinette started, and turned wide eyes toward the counter where Luka was standing with the customer, who was eyeing her appreciatively. Luka glanced back at her and moved between her and the customer smoothly with a smile. “Not exactly. Marinette’s been working on some new merchandise for us.” He turned toward Marinette, gesturing to the bracelet. “May I?”
“Oh, yes, it should be okay now,” Marinette said quickly.
“Your skirt’s riding up,” Luka murmured as he leaned over to pick up the bracelet. Marinette gasped and tried to tug the hem of her improvised t-shirt dress down as discreetly as she could. Of course she would forget how short it was just as someone came in. Luka took his time leaning over in front of her to pick up the bracelet, blocking her from view for a long moment so she could get adjusted.
“Marinette’s working on a line of guitar-string jewelry for us,” Luka explained, laying the bracelet across his hands as he turned back to the customer. “Might be a cool gift for your wife, huh?” Luka said, still smiling but with a slight edge to his voice. “It’s almost your anniversary, right?”
“Oh, uh, right,” the big man said, shaking his head slightly and focusing on the bracelet in Luka’s hands. “Oh, hey, that’s pretty cool, actually.”
“We were just discussing the idea of offering them as custom pieces,” Luka continued. “You bring in your old strings, maybe ones you’ve used for some special moment? And Marinette turns them into something special for your loved one.”
“That’s probably the sappiest thing I’ve ever heard,” the customer chuckled. “My wife would love it. How much?”
“We’re still working out the details,” Luka smiled coolly. “It’s kind of experimental right now, but if you’d like I can give you a call when we’ve finalized things?”
“Sure, that’d be great. You guys have my number. Thanks.” The man grinned and gave a half-wave to Marinette. “Have a good day, Miss.”
Marinette managed a smile while Luka escorted the customer out. As soon as the door was closed, Luka turned back. “You okay?” he asked seriously.
“Yeah. A little embarrassed,” she tugged at the hem of her shirt again, “But I’ll live. Of course I forget right when there’s actually someone here to see.”
Luka put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable. Or if I did,” he added, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No, you were trying to help,” Marinette smiled. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he smiled back, and handed her back the bracelet. “So, what do you think? I have to talk to my mom, of course, but if she wanted to offer something like this, how would you feel about it?”
“Hmm,” Marinette frowned thoughtfully, checking the time. “They didn’t take that long to make. I don’t think I could make too many at once. If we limit the custom orders and set clear expectations for turnaround, it should be doable. For the other pieces, we could possibly agree on a minimum weekly delivery, and then—what?” Marinette narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she realized Luka was giving her That Smile again.
“Nothing, sorry. You’re just...very professional.”
Marinette glared at him. “I am a professional. And If you tell me it’s cute I will hit you.”
“I would never patronize you that way,” Luka promised, one hand over his heart. “And you are absolutely cute no matter what you’re doing.”
Marinette flushed, and smacked his arm. “Don’t you know better than to flirt while you’re trying to do business?”
“I do, I do,” Luka chuckled, raising his hands defensively. “I’m sorry. I promise, no more flirting on business time. So do you have a business card I can give my mom? In the meantime, maybe you could put us together an estimate for pricing and a proposal for that minimum number you were talking about?”
“Certainly, I can do that,” Marinette said briskly, and gave Luka a dark look when his mouth twitched.  She stepped over to her bag and dug out the small monogrammed sleeve that held her business cards. “How would you feel about me contracting out some of the actual assembly to local young people in need of employment?”
Luka coughed, and Marinette was sure he was trying not to laugh as he took the pink business card . “As long as quality still meets an acceptable minimum standard, I think we could live with that. What sort of quality control would you put in place if you went that route?”
“I’d inspect each piece prior to delivery,” Marinette replied, “If I determine any pieces to be substandard, I’ll replace them, and deduct the cost of the wasted materials from my next invoice. If you find any upon inspection that you feel aren’t up to standard, I’ll inspect it at the time of my next delivery and replace it if necessary.”
“What about the custom orders?” Luka asked. “We can’t replace the materials in that case.”
“I’ll do all of the custom orders myself, unless one of my apprentices reliably demonstrates consistent aptitude. If I think one of them is up to it, though, I’ll discuss it with you first and their first few attempts would be heavily supervised.”
Luka smiled. “Well, again, our owner Madame Couffaine will have to approve these terms, but that sounds reasonable to me. Please include it in the terms of your proposal. When should I tell her to expect it?”
“By the end of the week. If possible, I’d like Madame Couffaine to review it and set up a meeting by the end of the following week.”
“I think we can make that work.”
“Excellent. Happy to do business with you, Mr. Couffaine,” Marinette said, offering her hand.
“Likewise, Miss—” He checked her business card quickly. “Dupain-Cheng.”
They stood there for a moment, increasingly dopy smiles on their faces, and then Marinette looked out the window. “It looks like it’s let up, so...I should go.”
“Would it ruin everything if I kissed you right now?” Luka asked.
Marinette smiled slowly, trying not to show the way her heart was pounding. So much for all her resolutions. “It might. If you do it badly.”
Luka chuckled through his nose, shifting subtly closer. “So if I promise to do it well, can I kiss you?”
“Are we done talking business?” Marinette asked, tilting her head as she looked up at him, eyes twinkling with more bravado than she felt.
“I’m definitely done with business,” Luka told her seriously.
“Then you may,” she said, equally seriously, and the next thing she knew, she was pressed back against the counter and Luka was kissing her hungrily, one hand planted on the counter next to them and the other tangled in her hair. She slipped her arms up around his neck, closed her eyes, and kissed him back for all she was worth, and it definitely wasn’t bad.
Someone cleared their throat. Loudly. Luka bolted upright, staring into the smirking face of his sister.
“Juleka,” he said—nearly whined. “What the hell are you even doing here?”
“You haven’t answered your phone for the past two hours, dumbass,” Juleka told him dryly. “Mom sent me to check on you.” And of course she’d come through the back. Though he might not even have registered the bell if someone had come in through the front, honestly, so maybe it was just as well. “Who’s your friend?” Juleka asked pointedly.
“Um…” Luka glanced at Marinette, who glanced at him, and then suddenly she burst into slightly hysterical giggles, and he couldn’t help joining in. “That’s kind of a long story,” he managed, and they both giggled uncontrollably as Juleka raised her eyebrows. “Just—Just give me a minute, Jules, she was getting ready to leave anyway.”
“Hell of a goodbye kiss,” Juleka observed in her flat way, and then turned to go into the back.
“Hell yeah, it was,” Luka muttered, grinning at the floor, before turning to look at Marinette. “Sorry for my crappy timing. Maybe we could revisit this sometime when I’m not supposed to working? Maybe have dinner together first?”
“Maybe,” Marinette smiled, packing her things back in her bag. “We’ll see.”
Luka leaned on the counter and grinned. “It wasn’t bad, right?”
Marinette giggled, without looking at him. “Not bad at all. May I have my shoes and my clothes please?”
Luka went to get them, grinning like a fool. Marinette held onto his arm to steady herself as she put on her shoes, and then she took her bag and the bag containing her wet clothes.
“I really enjoyed spending time with you today,” Luka grinned. “If that wasn’t obvious.” He slipped a card out of his pocket and handed it to her, turning it so she could see the handwritten number on the back. “Here’s my number.”
Marinette paused and programmed it into her phone right then, sending him a message. “And now you have mine.” Luka bit back a shit-eating grin, staring at the floor as he opened the door for her to keep from giving himself away. As she passed, Marinette popped up on her toes to kiss him lightly, and gave him a sassy grin as she slipped out of the door.
He shut the door and turned his back to it, letting his stupid grin take over his face. Juleka must have heard the bell because she came out of the back.
“So,” Luka said conversationally, heading back to the long-abandoned pile of boxes he’d been shelving. “What’s it going to cost me for you to maybe not mention this to Mom?”
“How do you know I didn’t already tell her I found you about to ravish a girl on the store counter.”
Luka flushed. “One, I was not. Two, you’re my sister and I know you, and you know me, so you knew I was going to ask that question, so I know you haven’t told Mom before finding what you could get out of me. So. What’ll it take?”
“What are you offering?” Juleka folded her arms.
Luka grinned. “How about some new jewelry?”
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Forty-Four - Sunny takes an Interest
Once inside the caravan, the man who’d let them in introduced himself as Hugo. He woke up two other adults in there, telling them they had secret guests, wasn’t that exciting? They eventually got up, and a skinny girl approached first, swinging down from a hammock close to the ceiling. 
“My name is Colette,” she introduced, smiling sweetly. “And if you’re going to make fun of me, you might as well do it now.” 
“Why would we make fun of you?” Klaus asked. 
“Because I’m a contortionist.” Colette admitted sheepishly. Then she pulled her arms back, and they watched as she bent them into many unusual positions. “See? I’m a freak.” 
“Bravo.” Sunny said. 
“My sister thinks that’s very impressive,” Violet smiled, “And so do we.” 
“It’s kind of you to say so, but I’m ashamed of being a contortionist.” 
“Why?” Duncan asked, bewildered. “It’s so cool!” 
“It’s not… normal.” 
Isadora smiled a little. “Normal is an illusion, dear. What’s normal for the spider is a calamity for the fly.” 
“Stop being goth.” Duncan whispered. 
Colette hmmed, considering, and the other man approached, holding out both his hands and shaking Klaus and Violet’s hands at once. “I’m Kevin. As you can see, I’m an ambidextrous freak.” 
“Doesn’t ‘ambidextrous’ just mean you can use both hands equally well?” Klaus asked. 
“See? I bet that’s why they came. To laugh at Kevin the ambidextrous freak.” 
“Ambidexterity isn’t freakish.” Duncan said. “It’s not even that unusual, honestly, we have an uncle who’s ambidextrous, and he runs a secret library.” 
“A what?” Klaus whipped around. 
Isadora slapped her forehead. “Goddamnit, that was a VFD thing wasn’t it?” 
“Oh, son of a bitch!” Duncan stomped his foot and slapped his leg in frustration. 
“We’ll circle back around to that.” Violet said. She turned back to the carnival employees. “So, like we told Hugo, we need to stay here in secret for a little while and nobody can know, not even Madame Lulu. In exchange, we’re paying you. Think you can keep your mouths shut about us?” 
The employees glanced at each other. Hugo showed them the money and shrugged, and Colette said, “We can… certainly try. But Madame Lulu says we should always give the people what they want-” 
“And if someone asks about you-” Kevin began. 
“We’re people.” Klaus said. “So hiding us is giving us what we want.” 
Colette nodded as if he’d just told her the secrets of the universe. “That is true.” 
“And we’re getting paid. We’ve never been paid before.” Hugo said. 
“What would we even do with money?” Kevin asked. 
“We could save up for a farm.” 
“We can’t leave the carnival,” Colette shook her head. “Freaks like us can’t go anywhere.” 
“Again. Ambidextrous uncle.” Duncan said. 
“You don’t have to just accept being the punching bag of society, you know.” Violet said. “There’s tons of shit out there and tons of people who won’t care what you look or act like. And, honestly Hugo, a farm does not sound like a bad idea.” 
“Thank you!” 
“We can set up some hammocks for you.” Colette said. “Nobody ever enters our caravan, so if you’re in the corner you won’t be seen.” As Kevin moved to start setting up beds, she asked, “Oh, um, what are your names?” 
“Classified.” Violet said. 
“Wow, that’s easy.” Colette clapped her hands. “Okay, Classifieds, we’re happy you’re here!” 
They were awoken by a furious pounding on the door. Violet sat up immediately, swinging off the hammock and taking Sunny with her. Klaus, who’d been on watch, quickly ran to Duncan and shook him awake before yanking him down to the ground. Violet held Sunny up from their hiding spot to kick Isadora’s hammock until she awoke and slid beside them. This was all done in about the ten seconds it took Hugo to get to the door. He gave them a quizzical look, before finally opening it. 
They heard the rough voice of the Hook-Handed Man. “Took you long enough, freaks! Madame Lulu and Count Olaf are off fetching the new show, so I’m in charge, and you better put on a good performance-” 
“Don’t worry, sir,” Hugo said quickly, “We’re professionals.” 
“Let me finish. -or I’ll hit you with this tagliatelle grande!” 
“We’ll be right out, sir!” 
The door closed, and Hugo turned around. “I guess our guests can stay in the caravan until we’re done.” 
“Olaf and Lulu are gone.” Duncan pointed out, climbing up. 
“But the rest of the troupe is here.” Klaus added. 
Colette swung down from the rafters from her hammock, while Kevin grumpily got out, stretching both arms equally. “There’ll be a couple people here. Maybe… ten on a good day!” 
“Might not be worth it.” Klaus said. 
“Might be our best shot. We don’t know how long they intend on staying.” Violet said. 
“Well, whatever you choose,” Colette shrugged, “We’ll be in the House of Freaks. We have a break at lunch, so we’ll see you then.” 
The carnival employees left, and Violet placed Sunny on a counter before turning to the others. “Some of us could do some regular scouting around, while the others work as lookout. It’d probably be a bad idea to all be in one place in case he finds us… though, also, strength in numbers.” 
“We could split two-and-three.” Isadora said. “Sunny in the larger group, obviously.” 
“I dunno, Sunny’s a pretty good weapon on her own.” Klaus shrugged. 
“Normally, I’d be upset that you’re suggesting splitting up so soon after whatever the fuck just happened with that hospital,” Duncan said, “But Colette did say there’s not many visitors on a good day, so a group of five would attract attention. What henchpeople are still here?” 
“I think everyone but the Bald Man. I didn’t see him at the Hospital.” Violet shuddered slightly. 
“Some of them could’ve died in that hospital fire.” Klaus said. “But we didn’t hear many of them through the caravan.” 
Violet shook her head. “What we should do, first, is figure out where our parents are. When Hugo, Colette and Kevin get back, we can ask for a general layout- or we could do a quick lookout, someone get on the caravan’s roof. I could do that, I’m pretty good at sketching locations and blueprints. Then we figure out where our parents are most likely to be hidden, bust them out, and stab Olaf to death.” 
“Yeah, we can figure out splitting vs not splitting later.” Klaus nodded. “Sunny, we- what the hell are you doing?” 
They turned, to see that Sunny had stood on the counter, shaking only a little as she opened a cabinet and was taking jars and containers out, putting them down  beside her. 
“Help.” Sunny said. 
“I don’t get it.” Violet said. 
Sunny cocked her head. “Laem.” “I wanna cook lunch for Hugo, Colette and Kevin, for when they get back, as a thank you.” 
Violet put a hand over her mouth, and Isadora turned so Sunny wouldn’t see her mouth aaw to her brother, who was smiling and giggling a little. Klaus clasped his hands together and held them to his face a moment, a smile bursting across his face, until he finally could say, “That’s… that sounds wonderful, Sunny. But you’ll need to know what you’re making.” 
“Luddy. Greene.” Sunny said. “I’m making spaghetti. While you all were talking, I found olive oil, garlic, an anchovy can, some capers, a jar of olives, and some parsley.” 
“Holy shit.” Violet said. 
“Roberts,” Sunny waved a hand. “If you all could get me tomatoes, noodles, and a pot, I can get started on the sauce.” 
“Oh my…” Isadora sat down, hugging herself and burying her face in her knees so she wouldn’t squeal and make Sunny feel patronized. 
“That’s… very thoughtful, Sunny. Amazing.” Violet finally managed. 
“What recipe is this?” Klaus asked. 
“Puttanesca.” Sunny shrugged. “Remmis.” “I helped Father make it a few months ago, when we were by that lake and needed to cook quickly.” 
“You remember it?” 
“Duh.” Sunny gave them a quizzical look, then bit onto the jar of olives, trying to get the lid off. 
The children all shared bewildered, but enchanted looks, and finally Violet smiled a little and said, “Isadora, why don’t you come to the roof with me, then? The boys can help Sunny.” 
“I’m a shit cook, but I can gather ingredients and probably chop stuff.” Klaus said. 
“I can definitely help, I used to do the cooking with Mother because Isadora and Quigley weren’t allowed in the kitchen.” Duncan shrugged. 
“Good plan.” Violet smiled. Then she walked over and gave Sunny a tight hug. Sunny huffed, angered at the sudden gesture, but when Violet pulled away, she asked, “You’re growing up, baby girl.” 
Sunny shook her head. “Toddler. Not a baby.” 
“Not a baby.” Violet grinned and nodded. 
Violet and Isadora managed to get the carnival roughly sketched from the caravan roof, though they didn’t see any of the troupe moving around, which could be good or bad- they might be inside, unable to see them, or they might just be sneakier than they’d thought. They eventually swung down and helped Sunny complete the pasta, though Duncan had managed to help her with stirring and slicing, and Klaus had figured out how to use the stove without setting a fire. As they waited for the pasta to cook and the sauce to get warm enough, Sunny dug through to try and find dessert. Eventually, she found the materials to make hot cocoa, and as she and Duncan made enough for everyone, she started sprinkling cinnamon in. 
“There aren’t many large enough places to stash a person, and Lulu said they were both in different places.” Violet said, unrolling the paper while Duncan and Sunny worked. “We’ve got all the caravans and tents- five of each. I think we should check Lulu’s tent first, you’d think it’d be easier to hide someone in there than in another employee’s. We’ll need lookouts, though, in case she comes back. Quagmires, I’m thinking you could stand out by the opening- you’re noticeable to them, yeah, but not as much as us. I can send Sunny into small spaces, and Klaus and I-”
The door opened, and they heard Kevin talking to the others. “-utterly humiliating, just like every other day.” 
“It wasn’t that bad. We didn’t get tomatoes thrown at us like last week.” Colette said brightly, swinging in first as Kevin followed. 
“I can still smell the tomatoes, ugh.” Hugo said, walking in. Then he froze. “I- oh, no, there’s- what?” 
The employees looked over, as Sunny waved and had Duncan help her bring bowls out. As he started dishing things out, Violet rolled her map up, hanging it to Isadora, and said, “We made you lunch, as a thank you. It was Sunny’s idea, she seems to be taking an interest in cooking.” 
Hugo blinked confusedly, and Kevin said, “You made lunch? For us?” 
“Yeah, why not?” Klaus shrugged. 
“Pasta!” Sunny called, as Duncan started putting bowls by the chairs. 
Hugo looked amazed. “Nobody’s ever done that before.” 
“Well, get used to being human beings, friendos.” Isadora said. 
“And we made hot chocolate!” Duncan added, gesturing to the mugs. 
“Is this for real?” Colette asked, bending her body into a shape that looked similar to an S. “Are you for real?” 
“Course. We’ll have some lunch, and then we’ll move around the carnival a bit.” Violet said. “Now eat while it’s still warm. I might actually hide out behind the caravan with mine, keep watch.” 
“No, you’re eating with us.” Klaus shook his head. 
“Come on, bro-” 
They were interrupted, in their argument, by a loud screech of tires. They jumped, and Violet instantly started to head for the door. Klaus stopped her, grabbing her arm, and Isadora quickly said, “No, they’ll spot you immediately.” 
“Parva.” Sunny said, as Duncan helped to the floor from the counter. “I’m small. I’ll hide in a bush and see what’s up.” 
“Are you sure?” Violet asked shakily. 
Sunny didn’t respond, instead toddling straight for the door. Hugo gave them a concerned look, while Kevin quickly opened the door for her, before he and Colette went out themselves, curious. Hugo quickly went after them, and as the door slammed, the children quickly went to the wood, pressing their ears against it. 
Sunny, for her part, stayed behind Kevin’s legs for a while, peering around and hissing a little when she recognized that, indeed, the screech had come from Olaf’s car, where he and Lulu were getting out- at least, she assumed that was Lulu, she was hanging out with Olaf and didn’t look like the rest of the troupe. There was something attached to the back of the car, some large container with a blanket thrown over it. The few members of the Caligari crowd were moving closer, wondering what that low rumbling coming from inside was. Sunny crept along the ground, eventually finding a trash can to hide behind. She peered over as Olaf walked out, spreading his arms wide. 
“Guests and Employees! Freaks and normal people!” Olaf shouted, waving his arms. “Caligari Carnival is proud to announce the arrival of our newest, boldest attraction! Viola!” 
At his cue, Lulu took the edge of the cover, and threw it off. Sunny reeled back when they saw what was inside- lions. So many lions. Lions were packed in so tightly that Sunny couldn’t count them, and they were roaring loudly and fiercely, trying to push their way out of the large cage, about as big as the other caravans but with less walls and more metal bars. She instantly felt horrible, watching the large cats struggle for release, and then leap back as Olaf pulled a long, thick whip from his belt, throwing it out and striking against the lions through the bars. The frightened lions started yelping, pressing themselves back, and when they were finally quiet enough, he turned around again, and Sunny crept a bit forwards. 
“These wonderful lions are going to be the most exciting thing at Caligari Carnival!” Olaf announced, as the guests and few, sparse employees started paying very, very close attention. “As you all know, unless you are incredibly dim-witted, a stubborn mule will move toward the carrot, because it wants the reward of food, and away from the stick, because it does not want the punishment of pain. These lions will do the same. The whip is the stick, as they will avoid the punishment of the whip-” 
With a flourish, he flicked his whip at the lions again, who cowered behind the bars, causing some visitors to applaud. 
“But, my Olaf,” asked Lulu, leaning against the car and smirking, “If the whip is the stick, please, what is the carrot?” 
“The carrot?” Olaf let out a horrible laugh. “The reward for the lions who obey me will be a delicious meal. Lions are carnivorous, which means they eat meat, and here at Caligari Carnival, they’ll have the finest meat we have to offer.” 
At that, he gestured his whip at the small group of the employees of the freakshow. “These freaks you see before you aren’t normal people! They lead depressing lives, and will be happy to exhibit themselves in the name of entertainment.” 
“We do that every day.” Colette said. 
“Then you won’t mind being the most important part of the lion show.” Olaf replied. “We’re not going to feed these lions regular meals, so they’ll be very, very hungry by the time the show begins. Each day, instead of a show at the House of Freaks, we’ll randomly choose one freak and watch the lions devour them.” 
Everyone cheered again, except for Hugo, Colette, Kevin, and Sunny, who backed up behind the trashcan, breathing deeply and trying not to look at the panicked, hungry lions. 
She heard the crowd cheer and talk excitedly amongst themselves, while Hugo, Colette and Kevin quietly whispered worried words to each other. Lulu clapped her hands, and Sunny saw the troupe gather- the Hook-Handed Man, the White-Faced Women, Esme… that seemed to be about it. Sunny lowered herself and crept a bit closer, straining her ears. 
“-is brilliant for thinking of the lion show.” she finally caught Lulu saying. “He is brave man for hitting lions with whip, please. And he is generous man or giving lions to Lulu.” 
“He gave those to you?” came Esme’s sneering voice. “So what did you get me, darling?” 
“Darling, I got you our captives.” 
“We have to share those! I don’t want to share gifts. Sharing isn’t in.” 
“He gave lions to me, please, in exchange for fortune-telling tomorrow.” 
“Oh, and what sort of gifts will you ask for next?” 
“Be reasonable, my dear.” Count Olaf said to his girlfriend. “The lions will make Caligari Carnival much more popular, so Madame Lulu can devote her time to fortune telling and give us the information we finally need to kill the Baudelaires and steal that Quagmire fortune.” 
“Ugh, I am so tired of having to deal with those Quagmires. So annoying, so whiny-” 
“Esme, please, voice down.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do!” 
“Well, all of us are going to go dig the lion pit, by the old rollercoaster.” 
“Oh, I am not digging any pits. I might break a nail. Besides, I need to talk to Count Olaf alone.” 
“Alright, alright.” Sunny positioned herself behind a pole, and peered over just in time to see Olaf roll his eyes. “Let’s go to the guest caravan where we won’t be disturbed. The rest of you, get to work!” 
“Follow Lulu, please, and she will show you where we dig.” Lulu said. 
The henchpeople shrugged and followed after her. Olaf started towards the guest caravan, mumbling to himself, but as Esme started to follow, she stopped a moment, and then slowly started to turn. 
Sunny whipped back, squeezing herself behind the pole and trying to make herself small. She held her breath, trying to minimize noise, and shut her eyes, waiting. 
She thought she heard footsteps head towards her, and she steeled herself to start biting limbs off again, until there was a call. 
“Esme! I thought you wanted to talk, you’re going the wrong way!” 
“Ugh, fine! We need to have a long discussion about this…” 
She walked away, and once the door to the guest caravan slammed, Sunny took off back for the House of Freaks. When she reached the door, she kicked at it, and the it almost instantly swung open, and Klaus had her in his arms within a few seconds. 
Duncan shut the door, and Sunny looked over to see Violet was already gathering everyone together. She’d sat down the employees, and Duncan and Isadora were shoving the food into a box. 
“Sunny, does he actually have lions? Is that right?” Duncan asked. 
Sunny nodded, leaning against Klaus’s chest. 
“Then we’ve got to hurry.” Violet said. She turned to the employees, who looked to be in a nervous shock. “Hugo, you said something about a farm?” 
“Uh, yeah, I-” 
“You’re going there. Does Lulu have gas?” 
“Car gas. Stored anywhere.” 
“There’s some behind the guest caravan.” Kevin said. 
Sunny shook her head. “Tou!” “Esme and Olaf are there now.”
“One of you three needs to sneak by and grab all you can carry.” Violet said. “Probably Colette, feel like you’re the sneakiest. Get all the gas, and then- just outside the carnival, there’s a car we took here. You guys get into that and get the fuck outta here.” 
“What?” Hugo said. “But Madame Lulu-” 
“Fuck Madame Lulu, you are not getting fed to lions.” Violet said. She tied her hair back. “Sunny, where’s the rest of the troupe?” 
“Tippi.” “Digging a pit by the rollercoaster.” 
“So Lulu’s tent and caravan’ll be empty.” Violet said. “Quagmires, we’ll search in there, you stand guard. You three get the gas and pack whatever you need from here. I might need it.” 
“Need it?” Kevin asked. 
“There was something attached to the car, right?” 
“A cage.” Colette nodded. 
“How big?” 
“Esm.” Sunny said. “Caravan-size.” 
“And I heard him do a dramatic sheet pull-off, right?” 
“Tonight, when it’s dark and everyone’s asleep, we’re going to attach this caravan to Olaf’s car instead of that cage.” Violet said. “Hopefully we’ll have our parents by then, and we’ll have some people in the car and some in the caravan while we bust out.” 
“I think the car is close enough you might manage that.” Colette said hesitantly. “You’d have to push the caravan quite a bit, though.” 
“Doesn’t matter, we can do it.” Violet shrugged. “I can invent something if we don’t have the strength. If we don’t find our parents, then…” 
She took a deep breath, and pulled her ribbon out. “Then, well… we merge into the crowd, and make Olaf into cat food.”
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straykidsuniversal · 5 years
The Phoenix and The Fallen Star⭐️
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x Lee Felix
Genre: Angst x Fluff
Warning: Swearing
A/N: Shoutout to my friend for the inspiration and guidance ⭐️
Summary: Lee Felix (20) is a student studying at Yonsei Law School. He is a very intelligent and independent student who works mornings during the week to pay off his massive amount of debt at a local dance studio teaching kids aged 5-10 years old how to dance. After an unexpected death of not only a co-worker he’s been working with for years, but also a close companion of his; he decides that he has to keep their memories alive so, he does something quite unconventional for a law student and gets a tattoo in his best friend’s honor. Seo Changbin (22) works at the most popular tattoo parlor in Seoul, Korea. (Seoul Ink Tattoo Studio) Changbin has one of the biggest names in the industry; everyone wants this talented tattoo artist to tat them up. His name gets thrown around like the L o v e word. Everybody knows his name, except for Lee Felix. Will the two cross paths? Keep reading to find out.
As Felix walks down the narrow streets of Seoul in a bit of a haze; he somehow manages to focus on an older man who is puffing a cigarette outside the gas station. Felix is the most anxious he’s ever been in his life. He’s getting his first tattoo today. What would his family think of their son who is studying law? Is he now rebelling against the system? Will he ever get a job in the work force? Felix snaps out of these negative thoughts and decides to walk over to this man. “E-excuse me sir” he stumbles over his words. “Would you happen to have an extra cigarette and a light?” He’s never even taking a sip of beer in his life and now all of a sudden he’s giving into the nicotine. The man doesn’t say more than one word. “Yeah.” He pulls out the box of Marlboro and hands the shaky boy a cigarette. Felix thanks him and places the cigarette between his quivering lips. The generous man lights it up for him and he’s on his way; he has somewhere to be after all. He inhales the strong smoke and starts coughing like crazy and watches as all the smoke leaves his mouth and into the crisp air. Felix comes across every store you could ever imagine before finally making it to his destination. Felix reads the sign in bright neon lights and big bold letters SEOUL INK TATTOO STUDIO. #1 TATTOO STUDIO IN SEOUL.
Felix puts out his first cigarette and takes a deep breath before opening the door and entering this foreign place. This is all for you. He thinks to himself as he looks around at all the pictures and tattoo designs on the wall. The blond haired boy listens in on the heavy guitar based music which sounded so unfamiliar from his classical pieces he’d listen to while studying. He notices the people around him aren’t dressed in a white button down shirt and a pastel pink cardigan like himself. They are drowning in black clothes from head to toe. Just when he thought his heart couldn’t beat through his chest any faster it could. Just when he thought his sweaty palms couldn’t get any sweater they did just that. Felix gulped as his eyes landed on the handsome man working behind the counter and his eyes went into full focus. One of the first things Felix noticed about the dark haired tattoo artist was his smile that sparkled like sunrays on fresh powdered snow to every single customer he spoke with. His eyes were like a magnetic force. Felix wanted to follow his chestnut brown eyes wherever they wandered. His soft and lush raven like hair went along with his whole e boy look. He had an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, and his ears pierced with diamond studs. His tattoo collection was pretty impressive as well. He had a whole sleeve complete and who knows what else.
“Next in line please” the tattoo artist calls to Felix who seems to be in his own dream world. “Hello” he waves his hands in front of his face. Felix snaps out of his thoughts and makes eye contact with the man realizing he’s first in line now. “O-oh sorry” he stumbles across his words and bites down on his knuckles. “How can I help you today? Are you looking to get a tattoo?” He says in an excitable tone assuming he’s a newbie to the tattoo world. There he goes again flashing that charming smile; perhaps his heart melted right there. “Yes, actually I have an idea for a tattoo that I want.. to put on my body.” Felix scrunches his nose as he cringes at his choice of words. “May I have a look?” Changbin asks politely as he looks at the cutie before him. He looks into Felix’s pure Bambi like eyes and his blond locks that fall near his eyes. He also notices his bright appearance in choice of clothing and the dark piercings in his ear. He tries not to giggle at the boy attempting to be darker than he truly is. “Ah yeah sure.” Felix pulls up a picture of two stars and shows it to the professional. “It’s Peter Pan inspired. Second star to the right.” He smiles and waits for the raven haired guy’s response. “Easy enough I can take you back right away. I’m Changbin by the way.” Changbin starts leading him to the back. “You can sit right here. Is this your first time getting inked?” Changbin points to the seat. Felix takes a seat in the chair and shyly responds, “yes, this will be my first tattoo ever.” He looks closely at all of changbin’s dope tattoos. “You have quite the collection.” Felix smiles up at the older who is busy sketching out the stars with a pencil and paper. “Tattoos are like a gateway drug to me once I got this one it was never enough and now here I am covered in tattoos.” Changbin giggles as he points to his first tattoo that’s only partially showing. It strikes interest in felix and he stirs up another question for the artist. “May I ask what it is and what exactly it means to you?” Changbin puts down the sketch briefly and rolls up his sleeve revealing a Phoenix. “This was my first ever tat. I’m really into Greek Mythology and I love the Phoenix and what it symbolizes. It was at a time in my life when I had a rebirth. I wanted to start again. I didn’t have the easiest upbringing. My mom had me at seventeen and prioritized the party life and drugs over me and my dad you know how that story goes.” Changbin looks down to the ground. Changbin has never opened up so much to a stranger in his life. What has gotten into him? Felix listens intently to everything Changbin says and admires his monumental tattoo along with his muscular biceps. “Wow, I love that. I’m so glad you turned something negative into something positive.” Felix shakes his head.
Changbin shrugs his shoulders, “I guess so. So what’s the Peter Pan Star inspired tattoo about?” He asks curiously as he finishes up the sketch. Felix freezes as he flashes back to the recent traumatic event. “The one star is for my grandmother who passed away a few years ago and the..” Felix pauses for a moment since it’s still a very touchy subject for him. “The second star is for a good friend of mine who recently passed away.” Felix’s voice breaks as he spills the words out. “Oh my gosh.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to trigger you.” Changbin unconsciously places his hand on his arm to comfort him. “It’s alright. It’s not your fault. He was my best friend.” Felix can still hear his cries when he found out the news. “His name was Taemin. He had a seizure in his sleep and ah it killed him unexpectedly.” Changbin can see the pain in Felix’s eyes and caresses his arm. “Wow, this world can be so damn cruel! I’m so sorry for your loss. I know I’m just some random tattoo artist, but I’m here for you if you ever want to talk about it. What’s your name?” Changbin grabs some purple,blue, and yellow to add some color to the stars that mean the world to the Bambi eyed boy. “Thank you that really means a lot to me. So, overall the stars to me symbolize my siruis. They are the brightest stars in my night sky and they give me guidance when I feel alone and lost. Sorry I forgot to mention that my name is Felix” Felix smiles as he gets the words out. “Would you like to see what I’ve come up with?” Changbin sticks his tongue out slightly due to concentrating on final touches to the the beautiful sparkly purple, blue, and yellow stars he’s sketched out. Felix admires how cute the dark boy looks when he’s deep in thought and concentration. “I’d love to!” Felix claps his hands excitedly and tries to peek at the paper with the sketch on it not being able to contain his curiosity. Seo Changbin turns the paper around revealing his hard work to Felix. “What do ya think?” Changbin raises an eyebrow. Felix’s eyes water as soon as he sees what he imagined for himself come to life. “I-it’s absolutely beautiful. I love it. That’s exactly what I want.” Felix shakes his head and places his hand over his heart. “Really? I’m so glad that you love it.” Changbin feels euphoria overcoming him seeing how touched Felix was. “The next question is where would you like this tattoo? It could go on your hand, wrist, arm,leg wherever you desire.” Changbin brings the words to life by touching his hand gently; sliding his hand down his wrist onto his arm.
Felix feels butterflies in his tummy. What does this mean? He hasn’t felt butterflies in his stomach since Taemin. Does he really have a crush on some random tattoo artist he just met today? What’s not to like though? He’s one of the most handsome men he’s ever seen besides Taemin. He’s super sweet too for someone’s who attire could point to other darker directions. “Well, I was thinking in a place that’s kind of hidden.” He bites his lip nervously. “I’m a dance teacher I work with little kids.” Felix doesn’t want to reveal he’s a law student that might change changbin’s perspective of him completely. “Why not? What’s so bad about stars? You should show them off.” Changbin giggles. “But, if you really want to hide them.. I’d say your thigh or back.” Felix thinks for a moment. Yeah what’s so bad about a little tattoo for my grandmom and best friend. “Fuck it dude. L-let’s just do this. I want it on my left forearm.” Changbin is a bit shocked and his eyes widen. “Yes! I’m so excited to do this. You also must have done some research because your forearm is one of the least sensitive spots to get a tattoo, but it may still be a bit painful.” Changbin preps the area with things he will need and hands off his sketch for someone to put it onto a stencil transfer. He cleans the needles and rubs rubbing alcohol onto Felix’s forearm. “Are you nervous?” Changbin asks as he looks up to Felix. “Just a little bit.” Felix says only a little when in reality he’s actually extremely nervous. “You’ll be alright” Changbin takes the stencil transfer and places it in the middle of his left forearm. “Is this good? Where exactly do you want it?” Felix looks at the placement and approves, “that’s perfect.” He smiles as it sets in that it’s actually happening. He can’t believe he’s rebelling against his parents beliefs. Changbin places some soap on his arm. “This will help it to stick better to your skin and it will allow the image to appear a bit darker, so when I’m ready to actually come in with the tattoo gun I can trace it with ease.” Changbin explains thoroughly to the younger as he presses the stencil down. Felix listens in on every word, but can’t help to get distracted by how attractive he is. “Yeah? Okay.” Felix says with no emotion. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can still say no it’s not to late yet.” Changbin looks at Felix who seems uncertain. “Oh hell no. I want to do this.” Felix sounds determined this time around. Changbin grins as he pulls off the stencil transfer and places an ointment over the temporary like tattoo. He then gets his tattoo gun ready along with the ink and turns on the tattoo gun. “I’m now going to trace along these lines.” He gets closer to his skin. “Okay. I’m ready.” Felix closes his eyes and relaxes as he focuses on his breathing.”
Felix feels like he just closed his eyes when he hears the tattoo gun go silent and Changbin’s raspy voice. “It’s all done. It looks fantastic dude..You did great.” Changbin wipes off any remaining ink that wasn’t suppose to be there and smiles at Felix. Felix slowly opens up his eyes and looks down at the permanent ink on his forehead. It’s a masterpiece. Felix’s eyes become glossy at the sight. “Thank you thank you soooo much!! I love it.” Felix gets up and hugs Changbin carefully not to touch his tattoo. “You’re so welcome. It was my pleasure.” Changbin pats his back. “It has to be one of my favorite tattoos I’ve ever done.” Changbin tried not to get emotional himself. “Would you mind if I take a picture?” Changbin pulls out his phone. “I want to remember this one.”
“Of course, but ah first..” Felix bites his lip as he grows some confidence and takes Changbin’s phone and puts his phone number in. “Text me it.” Felix winks handing his phone back to Changbin. Changbin is a bit stocked by how bold his customer just was and tries not to reveal how flattered he is. “Ah sure no problem.” Changbin opens the camera and snaps a couple photos of Felix’s new tattoo. “Please, come back to me if you want more tattoos. It would be my honor to work with you again.” Changbin rings him up and Felix goes on about his day with a new crush and a brand new tattoo.
10:33 PM
Changbin got done his shift at 10:30 and hops in his car and curses to himself realizing he forgot to text Felix the pictures of his new tattoo from earlier. He searches for Felix’s name in his phone and texts him.
Changbin: Hey ✋ sorry I forgot to text you here’s that photo you wanted. *inserts photo of Felix’s stars tattoo* btw, I heard tonight is a full moon 🌕 you wanna come see it with me?
Felix notices his phone light up in his peripheral vision and groans into his massive law textbook. He opens the message and reads it knowing it’s changbin. He falls out of his chair and his classical music stops playing. Changbin wants to go out with me.. is this a date? No way. What do I say? Felix’s mind races. Changbin waits patiently and uses his steering wheel as his own custom made drum.
Felix: Thanks I really do love it. I think it would only be appropriate to see my Sirius in the night sky tonight along with the queen herself the full moon. 😁❤️ Pick me up at 0325 Daehangno Street. What are you wearing tonight? I have no clue what to wear.
Felix sends the text message and does a happy dance. Changbin receives the message and can’t wipe the smile off his face. Changbinnie puts the address into google maps.
Changbin: I’m only 15-20 minutes away from your apartment I’m leaving now. This is the outfit I’m wearing.
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15-20 minutes?! Felix starts panicking and looking through his roommates clothes for an edgier look like Changbin’s. He somehow manages to find something and snaps a selfie.
Felix: okay I’m ready and waiting outside. 😌 my look for tonight 🖤
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Changbin just about crashes the car when he sees Felix’s very attractive selfie and places his phone back down as he spots the edgy blond outside waiting for him. Felix looks in the car to make sure it’s Binnie before getting inside.
“You look quite ah” Felix tries to think of a word. “You look quite ravishing tonight.” Felix facepalms once again at his word choice. “Thanks that’s really sweet. I didn’t know you were a man who could pull off both a pastel pink cardigan cutesy look and a sexy dark look.” Changbin can’t hide his blush this time around and giggles. Felix immediately feels his ears burn up and his face turn a bright pink. “T-thank you for that compliment. I’m very unpredictable.” Felix notices the lion tattoo on Changbin’s hand. “Are you a Leo?” Felix asks out of no where. “Yeah how the hell did you know that? Are you a psychic or some shit?” Changbin glances over at him surprised. “Your tattoo.. it’s a lion which are Leos spirit animal.” Felix giggles at Changbin being clueless. “Oh yeah. I forgot I had that for a second. I also have the sun Leo’s ruling planet on my ankle. What’s your sign?” Changbin glances at him before pulling into an open field. “I’m a Virgo one with the bears. This is a really pretty spot.” Felix looks around him and hops out of the car before Changbin even has time to turn off the engine.
Felix immediately finds the perfect spot and lays down in the grass and looks up to the beautiful night sky. The stars looked like a mess in an art class; someone accidentally spilled a bottle of sparkles and glitter all over the table; except this beautiful mess was in the night sky. Nothing was one hundred percent perfect about the stars alignment, but that’s what made it so damn surreal. The moon was shimmering off in the distance letting everybody know that she’s still the starring role. Changbin looks up at the sky and takes in all it’s breathtaking features, but he gets completely lost in how stunning Felix looks in the moonlight. He lays down next to him. “Clearly, you know I’m a bad ass tattoo artist and I know that you teach dance to little kiddos. What is that like?” Changbin turns his body so he’s facing Felix. “I love dance and I love kids so putting those two things together is the best of both worlds. The kids are always so excited to learn something new and I’m always excited to teach them. It’s also where I met Taemin. He was one of the best dancers I had ever known in my life.” Felix glances over and notices changbin looking closely at him.
“I bet he was. I wish I could have met him. He sounds like he was a great guy. You gotta show me some of your moves sometime. I’d love to see your skills brought to life.” Felix looks back up to the stars. “Yeah, he really was one of a kind. The really crazy thing about all of this is that you remind me of him so much.” Changbin looks down at Felix’s shaking hand and holds it caressing it with his thumb. “Maybe it was destiny that we met. Every thing happens for a reason Lix and I strongly believe in my core that we met for a reason. I never ever talk about my past especially growing up parentless, but with you I felt so free.” Changbin squeezes Felix’s hand. “Yeah, I think you are right. I believe in destiny and I believe you’ve come to me at a point in my life I needed someone like you the most.” Felix caresses Changbin’s cheek having no clue on earth what in the hell has gotten into him. This boy does something to his heart and he can’t hold back anymore. He’s held back on so much in his life. It’s time for him to make a move. Changbin locks eyes with Felix in this moment. Felix finds himself briefly glancing down at Binnie’s kissable lips. Changbin wants this kiss just as bad. “How crazy would I be if I said I feel I’m destined to kiss you right now?” Felix inches himself closer to Changbin. “Just a little bit” Changbin plays with Felix’s fingers and leans in to Felix’s touch as he caresses his cheek. Felix takes this moment to go for what he wants and he leans in slowly and kisses Changbin’s lips gently like a delicate flower. The instant moment their lips touched they both envisioned fireworks going off like the Fourth of July. Sparks were flying. It was very magical to say the least. Felix pulled away remaining only a few inches from his face and leaned into Changbin’s cute nose and gave him an eskimo kiss before flopping down shyly into his chest. Changbin contently wrapped his arms around Felix and kissed his head.
“For the first time ever, I felt something when someone kissed me. You’re a special one Felix.” Changbin whispered softly as he played with Felix’s hair. “Only you and Taemin.” He replied and then covered his mouth realizing what he said. “No..no it’s cool I figured there was a romantic connection there. I’m honored that I can be on his level.” Changbin rubs his back. Felix looks at the time and realizes he has to wake up early tomorrow so he can study for an important test coming up. “Look, I really hate to cut this short, but I really have to get some sleep I have dance lessons early tomorrow morning.” Felix quickly sits up. “Ah okay it’s not a problem at all.” They arrive back outside of Felix’s apartment complex and they say their goodbyes and Changbin grabs Felix’s hand before he leaves. “Promise me that you will let me take you out on another date?” Changbin looks into his eyes sincerely. “I promise. I had so much fun.” Felix kisses his cheek before running off inside. “Goodnight Changbin.” Changbin mumbles, “Night” before taking off and heading home.
The next morning Felix dreads the sound of his alarm clock. “Shut up.. I know” he whines as he rolls out of bed and puts on his yellow hoodie and ripped blue jeans along with his vans and his glasses. He takes the fake earrings out and grabs his backpack with all his books to study and heads to the local coffee shop. Changbin gets up and goes about his daily routine and drives to the coffee shop to wake him up for his long shift at work. He spots Felix in the coffee shop and his eyes light up as he enters with confidence. “Oh hey! I didn’t know you like coffee and whatca reading there hmm?” changbin raises an eyebrow at Felix’s studious appearance. “Yeah yeah coffee is great” Felix slams his law book closed and stretches across the cover of the book letting out a big fake yawn. “Oh you know just a book about canines.” Changbin looks very confused at Felix’s odd behavior and notices the glasses and no piercings. “Nice earrings they suit you.” Changbin pinches Felix’s earlobe and walks up to order his coffee.
God damnit Lee Felix just tell him the truth. Do you really think he will care? Changbin walks back over and sits down. “I’m a law student at Yonsei Law School. I didn’t tell you because I thought you would lose interest in me because I’m some nerd and not this cool dude.” He spills it all out and looks down avoiding eye contact. “Felix, never and I repeat never ever change who you are for someone else. Stay true to who you are. I don’t give a shit that you are an intelligent individual who wants to have a successful career and that you are going to one of the top schools in Seoul. I think that’s awesome and I’m proud of you. You need to have more pride in who you are. You might be a nerd, but you’re a cool one. This doesn’t change the way I see you. I like you for you.” Changbin places his finger on Felix’s heart.
Felix shakes his head and wipes his tears. All his life his family never allowed him to truly express himself or show his true emotions. “T-thank you so much.” Felix hugged Changbin so tight in that coffee shop and for once in his life he didn’t give a shit who was looking or who the hell was judging him. This was who he was and no one would change him for a damn thing. This was Felix’s rebirth. It was the rise of the Phoenix and The rise of the Fallen Star.
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melonkooky · 5 years
the art of love [kim taehyung]
not requested
word count: 3576
genre: art school/college!au, taehyung x female reader (mainly 3rd person), fluff
warnings: no warnings 😊😊
author’s note: decided to enter into @btsboulangerie‘s september prompt contest. i’ve been working on this the past few weeks since september started. i know it’s early and there’s still a few weeks before the deadline but i just thought i’d put it out there (mainly because i might forget to post it). also, i’m apologizing in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes that i didn’t catch!! 
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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taehyung raised a soft, half-asleep hand up to his face in order to rub the sleep from his eyes. he yawned in the process, soft sigh falling past his pink lips. he was exhausted to say the least, but that was because he had stayed up majority of his night finishing his most recent project.
it was a painting. he was attempting to mimic vincent van gogh’s style of art and integrating it with his own style. it was a simple painting of some buildings that he took a picture of while he was vacationing with his family a year ago in the united kingdom.
the painting was being held in his other hand as it was due today. taehyung walked onto the school campus, not expecting a lot to happen. but he noticed a small crowd of his fellow art students. it was hard to see as they were forming an uneven semi-circle directly in front of a brick wall. it was near the entrance.
quite intrigued by the matter, the tired look in his eyes vanished and his curiosity was peaked. being extra cautious of his painting, taehyung maneuvered through the crowd of students, mumbling tiny “excuse me”s every so often. finally, he reached the front and got a good view of what every was gawking at.
taehyung had to crane his neck back in order to get the full picture of what he was looking at, literally. he was close to the wall. at first, he noticed the shade of purple that was used. obviously it was graffiti, judging by the unique style of letters. it was a statement, a quote, that had been spray painted onto the brick wall. it read: “be the change you want to see in the world.” taehyung shyly smiled. he believed strongly in that quote.
after admiring the artwork on the wall, one that he knew would for sure anger the professors, he was about to turn around when his ears caught wind of some conversations.
“i wonder who did this…”
“it’s so pretty.”
“imagine mr. khan’s face when he sees this.”
taehyung also wondered who had done this. he was intrigued, drawn to the unique style of art, and the choice of canvas. still, he had to get to class.
taehyung forced himself through the crowd once more, checking to make sure that his piece of art hadn’t been ruined or contaminated in any way. once he was sure that it was fine, he hurried into the building, excited to get to class. taehyung had always admired art, it was a passion of his. for as long as he could remember, he would use whatever writing utensil he could find and draw on whatever was in front of him. his mom would always get mad at him when it happened to be a black pen and a placemat at the dining table. sometimes it would even be crayon on the walls. but with all the practice, taehyung’s art majorly improved. he loved how beautiful art was, and he always admired the deep, hidden meaning that some of the pieces had.
taehyung walked into the classroom, the life-changing quote still in his mind. that’s how to start a good day, he thought.
upon walking to his seat, he noticed that the classroom was completely empty. he was a bit early, he noticed when he pulled out his phone to look at the time. but, as he glanced around the vacant classroom, he noticed that there was a girl over in the corner. a section of her hair fell onto the side of her face while she used a pencil to seemingly shade something in. her eyes were trained onto the paper, not even leaving her sketchbook as her free hand came up to brush the section of hair behind her ear. she looked beautiful.
suddenly, she glanced upward, nearly giving taehyung a heart attack. he gasped. strange noises left his mouth as his cheeks changed from their typical sunkissed, golden color to a deep, cherry red. the girl remained staring at him, looking at innocent as ever. “h-hey.” taehyung finally managed to say, hesitantly moving around a few tables to get closer to her table.
“hi.” she replied, eyebrows raised slightly.
taehyung’s hand moved to the back of his neck. “sorry for staring.”
she blushed, a shy smile coming to her face. “it’s okay. you probably were just surprised to find someone else in here.”
or because you were absolutely beautiful…
taehyung cleared his throat. “yeah.”
suddenly, she glanced downward. “is that your project?”
taehyung’s eyes widened, cheeks red once more. he smiled proudly and help up his painting to her. “yeah. my reference was a picture i took when i was in england.”
her eyes were wide with amazement. taehyung noticed a particular sparkle in her eye, and he couldn’t help but feel even prouder. she seemed genuinely amazed at his piece of artwork. “wow!” she said quietly while running the tips of her fingers along each stroke. “it’s beautiful. so unique.”
taehyung grinned. “thank you!” then he glanced around. “do you have your final project?”
she looked down at her sketchbook before gasping suddenly. before taehyung could even blink, she was flipping her sketchbook over, causing her pencil to fling off of the table and onto the floor. when taehyung looked at the pencil, then her sketchbook, and then back at her face, she was bright red in color. taehyung’s eyes widened. “are you okay?”
“uh… yeah.”
she flashed taehyung an unconvincing smile, but taehyung didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. then, he bent down, picking up the stray pencil, and then handed it back to her, a smile on his face as he did so. “well, then.” he laughed shyly. “i’ll see you around i guess.”
she was still blushing, and seemed extremely flustered, but she still managed to say, “see ya.”
you sighed in relief as you watched his back while he walked away from you. your heart was still pounding against your ribcage, and your face still felt hot. once he was sitting down in his seat and became distracted by his phone, you flipped over sketchbook and found that you had accidentally creased a corner of the paper. it wasn’t too bad, but it still made your pout slightly. after one glance at your fellow art student, you picked up your pencil and continued sketching.
taehyung was proud that the teacher liked his painting. every time he looked at it, he remembered the countless amount of minutes he had spent on it, how he painstakingly painted each stroke. careful not to make any mistakes. his hard work paid off, he got a 100%.
after class, taehyung was ready to go back to his dorm. he planned on calling his parents and asking them if he could visit on the weekend and give them his painting.
while standing up from his seat, just after the bell rang, taehyung glanced behind his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the girl he had met earlier. for a split second, he wondered why he had never seen her before. but his question was quickly answered. she sat in the very back corner of the classroom, an entire desk - that could fit four people total - all to herself. she was also extremely quiet and mainly kept to herself.
taehyung felt like he was very similar to her. he did have friends that attended this college, but they had completely different majors, therefore, he didn’t have any friends in his art class.
the young art student glanced back over in her direction, only he caught her looking at him. surprised by that, taehyung looked away, feeling all of his blood rush to his cheeks. his hands froze, being in the middle of packing his sketchbook into his backpack. he wanted to look at her again, to see if she was still looking. so he did, only she wasn’t there anymore. she disappeared, as if nobody was there to begin with.
his shoulders relaxed, but his heart sunk. a strange feeling.
the next day, taehyung showed up at the same time. he wondered if she would be there already, just like yesterday. he was actually really looking forward to seeing her again, and he was wondering if he should try talking to her again. as he walked towards the building, he noticed that a few janitors of the school were working on cleaning the purple graffitied wall, although they had hardly made any progress. he felt the corner of his mouth tug upwards as he walked by, just as he slipped into the building.
the door to the art classroom soon came into view. as he approached the entry to the classroom, taehyung grew nervous. there was nothing stopping him, he had no reason to turn away and come back later. and yet, here was was actually considering it. why was he so nervous? he loved meeting new people, he loved making friends. taehyung found it easy and enjoyable.
taehyung shook his head, as if to shake away all his anxiety. with a deep, calming inhale, he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. he looked around, finding the classroom empty once again, with the exception of the quiet, artistic girl sitting in the corner.
taehyung stopped, time seemingly to follow his en suite. the morning sun coming in through the tall windows was enough light for the classroom, and while it enveloped everything in a golden ray of light, taehyung easily took in the scene of her in front of him. how the sun gave her skin a mesmerizing golden hue, how he allowed him to see all of her. taehyung was falling in love.
the girl looked up, her beautiful eyes meeting his own. when she recognized who it was, she quickly turned a page in her sketchbook, attempting to hide her sketch. taehyung didn’t necessarily notice, his mind was far too occupied to think.
taehyung came out of his trance, his cheeks burning. he swallowed hard. “h-hi.” he spoke nervously.
the girl blushed as well, although it was hardly noticeable underneath the sun’s glow. “h-hey.” she replied.
taehyung walked closer to her desk. he kept his gaze away from her eyes, her face. he was too worried about how he had basically stared at her for a solid minute. “i noticed that you sit here by yourself.”
she nodded, a shy smile on her face. “yeah. i don’t have any friends in this class.”
taehyung felt himself smile. “yeah, me too.”
a silence fell between them, and it pained taehyung. what else should he say?
“um, do you mind if i sit with you? that way you won’t be alone.”
her eyes widened, her blush coming back. “yeah, yeah, go ahead.” she gestured to the seat across from her.
taehyung felt his heart skip a beat. she was so nice, and kind. it was hurting taehyung. he smiled as he pulled out the seat across from her, placing his backpack in the empty chair next to him. “so,” he said, pulling his sketchbook out of his backpack. “did you see the graffiti outside, by the entrance?”
she looked up, having started to doodle variations of flowers on the corner of the blank piece of paper. “o-oh, that. yeah, i did.”
“i wonder who did it.” he paused. “i liked the message, a lot actually. it’s always been my favorite quote.”
she smiled, “me too.”
“do you have an idea of who did it?”
the girl seemed to avoid his gaze. her eyes were trained on something outside the window now. taehyung stared at her, waiting patiently for an answer. she cleared her throat, “about that… that graffiti was actually me.”
taehyung’s eyes widened. “wait, that was you?”
she nodded.
a wide grin showed on taehyung’s face. “wow! you’re just good at all forms of art, aren’t you? graffiti, painting, sketching-”
she blushed as taehyung complimented her. “although, i wouldn’t say i can watercolor.”
taehyung laughed. “yeah, i have problems with watercolors too. it’s either too dry or too watery and then i can’t really blend or overlap or get the right color, so in the end, it’s just a mess.”
“exactly!” she agreed loudly.
“you know,” taehyung began, still laughing slightly, “i don’t know your name.”
“it’s y/n.”
taehyung smiled and reached his hand out. she gently took it, another blush coming to her cheeks. “taehyung.”
until the art professor arrived, taehyung and y/n talked about many other things, finding that they had a lot of things in common. and on the things that they didn’t agree with, they would playfully argue, and it only brought them closer together.
after class, before y/n could leave, taehyung called out to her. he quickly swung his around, reaching for her arm in order to stop her from walking away any further. she gasped in surprise, cheeks turning a bright red. taehyung himself was surprised. his cheeks gradually began to match hers. he coughed into his fist, releasing her arm. “sorry, i just had a question.”
she smiled at him. “yeah?”
“do you want to get lunch right now?”
she grinned widely. “that sounds nice. where do you want to go?”
“that’s a good question.” he replied, a shy laugh following after.
“how about…”
taehyung watched as her gaze moved around the room. she was thinking, trying to think of a place to eat at. the aspiring artist seemed to space out as he studied her, wondering how she managed to look so cute, because suddenly, she was waving her hand in front of his face. “taehyung?” the way she said his name caused his heart to skip a beat.
“i said what about [restaurant name]?”
“yeah, that sounds wonderful.”
“i have another question.” taehyung spoke, swallowing his bite of noodles.
y/n looked up at him, attempting to slurp her noodles faster so that she could give him her full attention. “hm?” she managed to say.
“why did you flip your sketchbook over so fast? you were so flustered by it.”
y/n almost choked on her noodles. she hurriedly swallowed her bite, sitting up straighter. she prayed silently that her cheeks weren’t as red as the booth they were currently sitting in. “why do you ask?”
taehyung shrugged. “i don’t mean to pry. i’m just curious.”
“are you sure you want to know?” she asked him.
a weird, fuzzy anticipating feeling erupted in taehyung’s stomach. “yeah.”
she seemed hesitant, and taehyung wondered if he was making her feel uncomfortable. he surely didn’t want that.
y/n reached next to her and opened her backpack. she pulled out the sketchbook that taehyung was talking about. after she pushed aside her half-empty bull of ramen and made room to set down her sketchbook, she looked at taehyung. “please don’t feel weirded out by my drawings.”
taehyung’s eyebrows furrowed. he started to picture what he was going to see, both appropriate and inappropriate. he felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of inappropriate sketches.
slowly, she turned over the cover, allowing taehyung to see the first page. the first page was not what he was imagining. instead of nude drawings, there were sketches of birds, ones that he’s seen many times on campus. “wow.” he whispered, a smile on his face.
she continued. the next page was of a few realistic faces, some of the students he’s also seen in classes and on campus. a few pages later, he saw the rough draft of the graffiti on the wall. he spotted the written note in the top corner, reminding y/n to use the color purple.
“this is where it gets weird.” she warned.
taehyung didn’t understand. why was she being so shy? she drew amazing sketches and pictures, so realistic that it almost looked like they were just simply black and white photos.
y/n turned over the page, revealing a sketch that shocked taehyung. it was a picture of him, talking to one of his friends from another class. he was surprised how much detail she drew; the box-shaped smile, squinted eyes as he grinned, the shading on his face, everything about it wasn’t able to be described in words.
another page was turned and he recognized himself again, this time sitting in his chair in the classroom, drawing in his sketchbook. taehyung was in awe.
he glanced up at y/n, finding that she wouldn’t meet his eyes. her cheeks were still red, now matching the red used on the booths. taehyung’s jaw was hanging open and his eyes were wide. he definitely was in love.
seeing his reaction, y/n felt shy. she felt the need to slam her sketchbook closed and run out of the restaurant, away from taehyung. but she also felt a burst of confidence in her work. he didn’t seem disgusted or weirded out from her drawings of him. she often times felt like a stalker, convinced that he would never notice her.
but taehyung, he was in love. “wow, these are amazing.” he managed to say.
she smiled, “really?”
he nodded. “i could never match this skill.”
“you’re not, like, disgusted by me watching you and drawing you in my sketchbook?”
taehyung blushed. “not at all. i’m just surprised, and amazed.”
“taehyung,” she spoke quietly, “i don’t know when it began, perhaps it started on the first day of school when you first walked into the classroom, but, i like you. a lot.”
taehyung’s jaw dropped again. his cheeks were bright red, looking like someone has attached two giant apples to his face.
she giggled in response, afterwards biting her lower lip.
“i must be dreaming.” taehyung whispered. “i like you too.”
y/n smiled happily. “that’s a relief.”
“can i have your number?” taehyung asked shyly.
y/n nodded. she grabbed her phone from her backpack and handed it to taehyung, who put his own number into his phone. “you should probably text me, so that i know it’s you.”
taehyung grabbed his phone, just as the screen lit up. it was a message from an unknown number, but he easily recognized who it was from. it was obvious given the moment. it was a simple heart emoji, and taehyung swore he stopped breathing when he looked at her again.
months later
y/n cursed to herself as she glared at the painting in front of her. she had managed to mix the wrong color and in return, it ruined part of her painting. she needed to fix it. the only issue was, she had mixed that color in the first place because the white acrylic paint bottle had gone missing. she thought that she wouldn’t need it, but boy did she thought wrong.
with a sigh, y/n stood up from her stool. taehyung glanced over from y/n’s bed, attention pulled away from his phone. he had a small, mischievous grin on his face. y/n hadn’t noticed.
“what’s wrong, babe?”
y/n glanced at her boyfriend. she gestured vaguely to her painting as she walked over to the shelf across the room where all her art supplies were located at. she wondered if she had left the white paint bottle there by accident. “i messed up.”
taehyung watched eagerly. you wandered over to your art shelf and began moving things around, taking a random box off the shelf, searching through it, and then putting it back with a huff. you would check the same spots again and again, until your gaze gradually traveled up the rather tall shelf. and there, as the only item on that shelf because you couldn’t reach it, was the white acrylic paint bottle.
you heard a stifled laugh from the opposite corner of the room. you didn’t even need that sound to tell you who had done this. you turned around, an angry glare on your face. “kim taehyung.”
he finally released his cackle. he definitely was not holding back, and he was clearly enjoying this. “what’s wrong?” he asked while feigning innocence.
“you know what’s wrong.”
taehyung hopped off the bed, doing a slight skip afterwards, and then walked over to your side. he glanced up, a grin still seen on his face. “did i do that?”
you rolled your eyes. you shifted all of your weight on one leg before crossing both of your arms over your chest. “can you please get that down?”
taehyung reached up, easily grabbing the bottle, only he didn’t give it to you. instead, he opted to hold it up on the air. you groaned, “taehyung!”
“i need a reward.” he suggested.
you blushed slightly. “for grabbing the bottle that you put up there…”
taehyung wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you closer into his side. his lips were puckered out, and you were feeling yourself slipping. why did he have to be so damn cute?
finally, you pressed your lips to his. immediately taehyung deepened the kiss, clearly wanting more. you obliged, only while he was distracted, his arm came down. in the blink of an eye, you grabbed the bottle and pulled away from taehyung, a loud smack resonating after the two pairs of lips parted. taehyung stood there, surprised, as he watched you skip towards your canvas, pretending as if nothing had happened.
he sighed in defeat, shoulders evidently relaxing. “gotta love her.”
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 13th-June 19th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 13th, 2020 to June 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is your physical and digital workspace like when you’re working on your story?
🌈ERROR404 🌈
LOL it really depends on what stage I'm in of the process - My storyboarding space is at home, as comfortable as I can be, a beer and some food at the ready and pure silence. The cats have to be freshly fed, otherwise I'll be harassed and lose my headspace entirely LOL. I usually work on my story boards digitally, just at a very small scale, with my script/outline on my computer and working on my ipad! The double screen helps a LOT, although i would just print out the script if I had access to a printer, haha. When I'm working on the actual page itself, it's a very different story. I usually just try and work on it in tiny little batches during the day when I'm stuck at home, and usually work around the animals as best i can, lmao. Truthfully, I really prefer to be in a coffee shop when I'm working on finishing pages, it makes me so much more productive than i am in this house with so many things to take care of right in front of me, but, obviously, that's a bit difficult to do these days. ;; I usually reserve food and drink until after I pass a milestone in inking/sketching to help motivate me to keep going for as much as I can before taking a break, and I need some kind of music or video playing in the background to keep myself from being absolutely bored out of my mind. My shading process, since it's in black and white, is very easy and i can finish it in one setting, easy, no matter what I'm working with. I also work digitally for my pages, of course, although I don't need more than my ipad and clip studio for it!
freshly fed cats
🌈ERROR404 🌈
They are BEASTS when hungry, the little bastards (love them)
I may only work in peace when they're post-food napping lmao
we only have one, but same
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I work almost entirely in the corner of my IKEA couch at home I used to work at a proper desk with a Cintiq, but when I switched to Procreate on an iPad, I migrated to the couch and surrounded myself with a nest of clothes and blankets and books and... here I am, bein' cozy. With terrible posture But when I was between jobs last year, I did rent a little coworking space down the street so I could get out of my pajamas and go get comic stuff done there. It was a godsend. I like drawing at my favorite coffee shop every so often too, but I tend to hide my work while I draw, and there, everyone can look over my shoulder The coworking space had a tall artist desk that was rarely used, so I often grabbed that one. Not cheap, but to stave off cabin fever, heck yes, worth it.
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ahhh I've been really thinking about getting a studio space one of these days I really shouldn't rn, with my finances as they are, but I could REALLY make use of one recently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I loved the space I used last year. They recently had to close for... current-event reasons... and are going to reopen with all sorts of plexiglass barriers between the desks I feel so bad for them. Good studio spaces are wonderful, I would support them again if I ever was out of a job!
🌈ERROR404 🌈
it's good they've found ways to make it safer, though!
My old workspace was in the basement of my home in canada and it was always perpetually freezing even in the summer and i was frequently visited by spiders so my current workspace is a huge improvement in that regard. I do miss my old ergonomic desk chair though. I'm definitely not the kind of person who can draw in bed or on the couch. I need to be in workmode and having a designated space just for that is necessary for me to get in the right headspace for that.
my workspace rn is just my desk with my laptop and my drawing tablet. my laptop is stacked on top of a pile of books so i can see the screen (otherwise my tablet blocks my line of sight). it's kinda simple
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Depends. I have a Cintiq Mobile Studio, so I can draw pretty much every where and sometimes in the oddest position, but most of the time I am on my desk with the cintiq hooked up to a second monitor so I don't have to look down so much.(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
For Wayfinders: Thumbnails are somewhere cozy and the only physical work. Me and Q sit and plan them out together. The rest of wayfinders are made on Photoshop, and flat colors in clip paint studio. In the world I would love a nice studio place in an office with others. During corentine I have been working from home, and I am not that good at it, being quite the extrovert. Before corentine I was in a artist residency where I worked on Wayfinders which had a workstation and all the programs we could need. It is so nice and me and Q are going to return there when it opens up again!
I have an iPad so usually on the couch, cozied up with coffee and pillows and blankets. But sometimes at the table. But usually on the couch like the gremlin I am
I have a large drafting table, a mini drafting table, and a lapdesk in my papasan when we ink/draw! Toning and letters are all done on the desktop in its own space
I need to get a good lap desk. But that sounds like a grand setup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
My first time hearing about a lapdesk
Omg I need one
They are the best things ever Mine has just the pencil holder !(some come with cup holders and its a waste of space imo)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Wow I like your setup of the drafting tables
I wanna show pics of them....if im allowed in this chat?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I hope so, I'm not sure which channel we can post studio photos at? I did see some did before?
Ill post in shop talk since creator babble gets archived
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my current space is uh.... a bit better than my last one. I used to work on an old writers desk for a decade and I did most of my comic work sitting there cramped up with my desktop taking most of the space. Now I have an L shaped desk where I have my desktop on the shorter end. The longer end it's my pen, pencils, and watercolor stuff. my display tablet occupy the space at times so switching from digital and traditional without worrying about setup hassle is a lot better than what I dealt with before lol.
I'm glad the days I had to curl up and draw with no privacy are long gone now
I’ve got a little drafting table where I draw all my comic pages. I’m messy with my pens so they’re kind of strewn about until I start to lose them. Then I put them back. I’m not particularly neat. I spend most of the comic process off the computer, so most of my digital work is just on an iPad where I can sit anywhere. I try to keep good lighting around my drafting table and there’s always loose eraser shavings all over.
Natasha Berlin (Pot of Gold)
I got myself a lil corner desk by the dining table. Not as well-lit as I'd like, but it's decently ergonomic and I started putting posters on my wall Plus I can leave work mindset easily by turning off my computer and forgetting about the dark corner in the dining room XD(edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My desk is really sloppy and covered in all kinds of junk. I have a harmonica, a ball of yarn, a bunch of ink bottles, etc on my desk. I have my sketchbook under my tablet and usually a notebook somewhere for writing. My tablet sits to the right of my laptop (on top of sketchbook) while I'm not using it and when I'm using it it goes over my computer keyboard. I sometimes have a glass of water or some food sitting to the lefthand side
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The only thing I wanna share about my workspace is this
once i spent over three hours looking for that damned pen
never again
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ajkdhfkjs the models for hte magazine im crying
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh my God
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
mad giggling
Deo101 [Millennium]
youre gonna manage to lose the string
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i know in my heart deo is right but still i hope
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
You should weld a metal chain to it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Watch me lose the whole tablet
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh nooo
I believe in you!
My workspace is a black table with a white, yellow, blue and green tablecloth with 3 black chairs. It's next to the kitchen. On it, is my laptop and the left side is my clipboard, 3 blue folders full of writing. Then above it, is 3 sketchbooks and another blue folder from a class that I took in community college.
June 16, 2020
I have one long desk at almost three meters. On the left side is all my coffee and tea supplies, in the middle is my work space and on the right is my dining table xD I get everything done from there, despite having a mobilestudio so I COULD sit anywhere and work, lol. It's a blessing during holiday seasons to be able to bring it everywhere, but at some I like my designated working space. Although I am moving in a few weeks, so who knows what my new workspace will be
My workspace is anywhere I can draw or write. It's more of a "Will I be interrupted over something petty or stupid" issue than space. Not that I don't want more space.
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
My workspace is a big, broken corner desk I managed to lug out of an old apartment when it was gonna be trashed. Before then, I'd just draw in bed. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure the folding chair I sit at is a similar affair. It's got a Dollar General throw pillow on it so I can at least say I'm trying to save my back. The top of the desk is a mess of mostly old bottles and cans, pencils, incense ash, and my old tarot deck. I love this setup dearly. This is the first time I've ever had my own desk space, much less a space I can decorate or leave as messy as I want. Got my own art up on the walls with sticky tack and all! Also the cat's scratching post is directly behind me, because we've learned the cat won't use it unless it's as in the way as possible. What can ya do, lol.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh cats...
I got spoiled with an adjustable desk. It is six feet long, and has a whiteboard top for noodling with dry erase markers
my main computer is set up on an adjustable stand so it floats over the desk, and then I have my cintiq, which we tried to mount on a similar stand but then it was just too heavy
I keep my dice collection nearby because fidgeting helps think things through sometimes
and rolling to make odd decisions never hurts
lately during the quarantine I've been sharing the office with my spouse so we've had to establish rules over when it's okay to bug each other(edited)
oh yeah and we also have a whiteboard installed in the office, and it rules!(edited)
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Mine is pretty simple: I have a laptop that's long stopped being portable and is now mostly just sitting at my desk at all times and a 19 inch Ugee as my display. I usually keep a lot of stuff on top of my desk, but it's mostly just a mess because I have been using it for work too for a while now
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I suppose I'll talk about my setup too :) My main setup is where I do digital art. I share an office with my SO, so we both have workspaces on opposite walls from each other. I work on a corner desk that holds my beefy computer, two monitors, and a Huion Kamvas GT-191. That's where I draw my comic and pretty much everything else done digitally. Ngl, it's a mess right now. I have comic notes and location floor plans in sketchbooks and DnD character sheets spread out all over the surface, and random pens and sticky notes. In the corner of the room, we have a nice large-format printer where I produce prints for conventions. I actually sketch my pages on an iPad pro in Procreate, so during the sketch phase, sometimes I'll just bundle up on my couch and do it, or before quarantine, sometimes I'd sketch on the go. My other workspace (which hasn't gotten much love as of late tbh) is a drafting table in the corner of our living room. I keep a tabletop easel on it and my Copic markers, as well as whatever I'm working on at the moment. (RN it's some ink washes.) The drawers hold all my ink, pencils, erasers, etc. Next to the drafting table is where I keep all my large charcoal, graphite, and oil pastel drawings (mostly school projects), and my large paintings. Other than that, I have a nifty little cart where I keep painting supplies :) I will say, this setup is by far an enormous improvement from my previous setups.
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