#also yeah I'll start putting the summary of future fics here too so no one goes in blind
luvevee · 2 years
I forgot this was in my drafts lol
Chapter 1/2 of One Last Riot!
Summary: Just before Team Skull's about to disband, Team Rainbow Rocket invades Alola. Plumeria thinks knocking some heads together one last time is just what Guzma needs to finally get his new life in gear, and Guzma thinks the rest of the gang deserves one last beatdown before they hang up their bandanas.
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
Told you
Part 9 (the end.. maybe)
Okay so.. this is the last part, for now, maybe in the future I'll write more, maybe one shots about their lives etc. But for now here's the last part. I'm so happy this story got so much support and I hope you're gonna like my ending. Let me know ❤️❤️❤️ also.. very soon I'll start posting my Dodge fic so... stay tuned if you're interested 😂❤️
Chapter summary: everything seems to be fine, but a visit disturbs a peaceful moment.
Warning: mention of abuse and rape, Riff being a cutie (it's a warning too yes)
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"I'm back!" We hear Tony enter the store, followed by the Jets.
Riff and I were sitting at the counter, me wearing Riff's shirt.
"Hey there!" Riff says grinning.
"Glad to see you're alive, man" Ice speaks first.
"Yeah" everyone else agrees. 
"And.. we wanted to apologise" Diesel starts.
Riff looks at them confused.
"To Y/n" Baby John says.
"Why?" I ask.
"For our behaviour, maybe.. trying to safe a life with us and the sharks fighting and shouting to each other wasn't so easy.. so we're sorry" Mouthpiece intervenes.
I look at Riff, who's triumphantly smirking, then back at the Jets.
"Thank you" I finally say, smiling sweetly.
"We're the one to thank you" Ice tells me. "You saved Riff.."
"It was my pleasure" I say.
"We both saw what pleasure" Riff whispers, but everyone heard it perfectly.
Most Jets send us a grinning smile, others an incredulous look and other couldn't understand.  I slightly punch Riff in the shoulder.
"What?" He exclaims rubbing the spot I punched "they should know, so they're aware if they flirt with my girl they're gonna end up bad"
"Ooh your girl" Balkan speaks up" so this is serious, I have no more chances then?"
"No" Riff quickly says.
"You won't share?" Big Deal jokes.
They're clearly teasing him now.
"Definitely not" Riff answers grabbing my hand in his.
"He won't but I will" I joke.
"What?" Riff exclaims.
I laugh at him, leaning in to kiss him while everyone else laughs.
After a while a few Sharks, with Maria, join us. Both Jets and Sharks still have some difficulties in talking to each other, even joke with each other, but they're putting some effort. Which is a big step. Big step. Huge.
When Bernardo and Anita come too, Riff and Bernardo talk about stopping the fights.
Maria and Tony sit by themselves talking, while me and Anita sit at the counter. Valentina got back too.
"So he say it first?" Anita smirks at me.
"Yap" I nod.
"If he hurts you... digamelo subito" Valentina warns.
"Sì, te lo prometo" I assure her.
We talk for a while longer. About anything.
Like a big family.
Valentina offered to cook something to eat together, but most of the Sharks has work in the morning so they went home.
Quique, Braulio and Flaco stay though.
Some jets got home too. Only Ice, Diesel, Mouthpiece, Balkan, Baby John and Big Deal stay.
We're all talking and enjoying the company, Riff sit by one of the table, me on his lap. He insisted. Maria and Tony with us holding hands, Anita and Bernardo sitting at the table next to us and the other are spread around the store.
Suddenly I tense up, looking out of the store window.
"Hey, hey.. what's wrong?" Riff asks worried.
Everyone looks at me.
"You're pale" Maria says.
Anita takes my hand, look me in the face and follow my line of sight.
"Don't tell me.." she starts.
"What?" Riff insists, looking out too. "Who is that?"
Everyone looks out too.
"The Bowers' son" I answer. Apparently I'm shaking because both Anita and Riff rub circles on my back.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Tony asks.
"What's going on? Who is that?" Baby John asks.
"Love?" Riff whispers.
Bower enters the store.
His big shoulders fill the door perfectly, always perfectly dressed, obsessively perfectly.
"Time to go home" he simply tells me.
Orders me.
I'm frozen. Riff holds my hand in a poor attempt of soothing me.
"Don't make me repeat myself, c'mon" Bower says exasperated.
"She's not going anywhere" Anita speaks up, standing up straight, Bernardo soon follow and so did Tony and everyone else.
"You shut up, I wasn't talking to you, bitch" he basically barks.
"What did you say?" Bernardo starts to walk towards Bower but Anita stops him.
She raises an eyebrow at Bower.
"I said: She's. Not. Going. Anywhere." She firmly repeat.
"Don't waste my time" Bower put his hands in his pocket "you better take your dirty hands off of my girl" he says, referring to Riff.
Riff raises his eyebrow surprised. He's still calm though, almost amused.
He makes me stand up so he can do the same. As soon as he's on his feet he makes me sit again, I feel Anita's hand on my shoulder so I put mine on hers.
"Your girl?" He asks mockingly "you think she's your girl? No, man, she's not your girl. She's not yours. Hell... she's not even mine, you don't own her. No one does, but herself. And she doesn't seems like wanting to come with you. So let me give you a piece of advice.. get out."
"Go away" I finally speak.
"You're coming with me" Bower look at me, tries to come to me but Riff blocks his way.
"Get out of my way"
"Not a chance asshole, you won't do that to her ever again, you won't even look at her again" Riff stands his ground.
"What happened?" Baby John asks again. He seems scared but keep a brave face.
Riff turns to look at me, looking for permission.
I look back at him, then at Bower, I take a deep breath and nod at Riff.
"This piece of shit hurt our Y/n, guys, it's not my story to tell, but just know he hurt her" Riff tells everyone.
"Did I? I remember it differently" Bower smirks.
"Then you remember it wrong" Bernardo comes to stand next to Riff.
That's what makes me feel protected I'm with them, Bernardo doesn't know what actually happened, but he defends me, just because this man hurt me. He doesn't need to know anything more, he just protects me because I'm part of his family.
"I don't talk to people like you" Bower says rolling his eyes almost disgusted.
"Watch it, asshole" Riff... defends Bernardo..?
Huge step.
"Get out of my way"
"You get out of here" Tony intervenes.
"Not until she comes with me" Bower insists.
"Get out" Ice speaks up. Everyone gathered around me.
"I'm here to save her from this... place. What can you offer her? Uh? You're all worthless shit."
"They can offer me more than you could ever. They're my family" I stand up coming between Tony and Riff.
"You're actual family is waiting. Move your ass" he tries to grab me, but Bernardo quickly grab him first stopping him.
"My family is here. Get out" I firmly say.
Bower frees himself from Bernardo's hold and takes a small step back.
"So this is what you want, uh? You'd lose everything you have for these..." he looks at everyone with disgust written all over his face "Ugh..they're not like us"
"Fucking thank god..." I say, I found the courage to step closer to him. Right in front of him. "Thank god, they're not like you. Like them. They love me, they care about me. Can't say the same thing about my 'parents', can I? Can't say the same about you, can I?"
"You're mine, or you don't remember our special time?" He's smirking, he thinks he's winning.
"Special? Asshole, you forced me! You and your fucking friends" I say. "How is it special?"
I feel everyone around me moving.
"Don't" I tell them.
"But" Ice tries but Riff send him a warning look before looking back to me proudly.
"You know.. I could easily ask them to beat you up, you wouldn't stand a chance. They would do it, because they love me and they want to protect me, but the thing is.."
I punch Bower right in the face, not hard enough make him fall to but enough to surprise him.
Throwing a punch is painful.. damn.
"The thing is I didn't want to leave them all the satisfaction" I finish.
"That was hot" Riff comments coming up next to me wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my temple.
"Get. The fuck. Out" I tell him again.
Bower stands up, nose bleeding, looks at me with anger.
"You wanna stay here? Fine.. fine. We'll see when you come back crying, you stupid who-"
He can't finish his sentence because this time it's Bernardo who punches him.
"Go cry home, pendejo" he says.
Bower stands up again and finally walks put of the store.
"Thanks" I say smiling at Bernardo.
"No one, I mean no one hurts my family" he smiles back at me "so you better keep her happy" he warns Riff.
"That's my only mission in life" Riff answers.
"Are you okay, querida?" Anita comes next to me.
"Yeah.. actually I'm great" I tell her "my hand hurts though" I laugh.
"You should come boxe with me" Bernardo jokes.
"Pass" I smile.
"You want us to chase him?" Mouthpiece interrupts.
"We would. Just ask" Diesel agrees.
I walk towards them, hugging them all.
"Nah it's fine. I think we won't see him again.. If he shows up again then you can do whatever you want to him" I tell them pulling away.
"Gladly" Balkan says "no one messes with our girl"
"Hey!" Riff takes my hand pulling me away from the Jets and to him.
"Aaww don't joke about it, he's jealous" I tease him.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just stating facts. Clarify, if they didn't get it the first time" Riff defends himself.
"Then keep her away from my girl too" Bernardo intervenes "or they'll leave us both"
Me and Anita look at each other laughing.
"Ay ay... boys" she sighs.
"Don't worry, I care about you so I let you be happy, I won't keep Anita all to myself" I tease Bernardo. 
"So generous" he smiles.
"I can't say the same for you, but she likes you so..  I let her keep you" Anita tells Riff.
"Thank you" he replies.
I turn around to kiss him.
"Jealous" I say against his lips.
"Oh shut up" he says kissing me.
We then eat all together, chatting enjoying each other's company. We share stories and experiences.
Jets and Sharks talking like actual friends is such a beautiful sight, it makes my eyes start to tear up a bit.
"What's wrong?" Riff whispers to me.
"Nothing.. it's just.. seeing everyone talking, eating together like this is nice. Very very nice" I tell him.
"You're just so cute" He says kissing my forehead.
"Oh shush" I shove him a little.
"Come with me" he asks.
We stand up and walk outside.
"Is something wrong?" I ask him.
"Not at all, I just wanted a moment alone with my girlfriend" he says holding my hand casually.
"Mh mh" I give hima sceptical look.
"And also...I wanted to tell you how fucking proud of you I am, you were amazing. And that punch..  made me fall for you all over again" he says tenderly.
"I... thank you, not only for this now, but also for defending me"
"Well, not that you need me to, but I'll always defend you" he's leaning closer to me now.
"And I will always patch you up" I kiss him.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I put my hands on his neck while his are on my waist holding me closer to him, if that's even possible.
He then breaks the kiss.
"Told you" he simply say. Smirking.
"We're meant to be" he answers "told you"
I kiss him again to make him shut up.
Tag list: @girlygirl-20 @random-shit-i-like-2 @dearest-world-of-obessision
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
The New Singer-Chapter 7 (Dilf! Damon Albarn X Reader)
Pairing: Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Smut (P in V sex, it's jealous sex guys), Maybe some spelling mistakes.
Words: 1794
Summary: You now live with Damon, and you feel good together. But one night on a private birthday party, you feel insecure and Jealous of Kali Uchis.
A/N: Hello everyone ! Sorry for being late, here's chapter 7, it's short, but it's a really smutty one. The fan fic is almost over, already, yes. This one is shorter than the first one(it's on a short time-lapse and I'm not a seer for the future lol). I received my dear anon and emo girl requests, I'll be working on it as soon as I passed my exams, I promise ! I'll also start working on the 90's Liam fan fic. To warn you, this fan fic will be a bit particular because I decided to add a touch in it. As I previously revealed, I suffer from Borderline Personality disorder and maybe some of you are diagnosed with the same mental illness. So I decided that in the 90's Liam fan fic, reader will have BPD as well. It'll probably be out in May, which is the BPD awareness month, and I hope it will raise awareness, to stop the stigma around our condition.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter !
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Living with Damon was a blessing. I was eating fine, him being a really good cook, I always had breakfast ready on the morning with a rose, and a cute word. Some mornings, I was awake by Damon going down on me, and oh God, how I loved these mornings. Some mornings, it was my turn. I had him for myself. Or so I thought, because I still had competition. Or so, I also thought.
During a private gig for a birthday, Kali Uchis was there to sing She’s my collar with Damon. I strictly have nothing against her, but I was still insecure. Let’s say she was wearing something… really sexy on this birthday.
What if I tell you an outfit made of lace and transparent, the only things hidden being her breasts and her womanhood? Yeah, that’s what she was wearing. It suited her really well indeed, what man would look the other way in such cases?
Not that I’m jealous when Damon looks at another woman, I’m not going to gouge his eyes out for this. But when the look is insistent, and he keeps putting himself on his knees when singing with her… Nah, made me feel insecure.
This was the night to start making him feel jealous as well, and to flirt with someone. And whom better than someone about your age like Sam Fender who was there?
Sam and I already met previously in an afterparty. We both sat together, and he was even the one starting to flirt with me. Damon had to taste his own medicine, even if I was doing worse. We didn’t kiss, certainly not, but a few times, Sam laid his hand on my thigh. And oh, Damon didn’t like this.
Damon approached us while I was laughing.
Y/N, we’re leaving.
What? Why? I’m having fun! seems like you do too with Kali! I answered, still smiling
Because it’s time to leave young woman.
And who said that? My dad?
Because I’m your ride.
Oi man, I can be her ride too if needed! Sam said
She already has one. Damon said, with a dark look
Sam had obviously made a sexual remark us three understood, and Damon made him understand that I was already “riding him”.
Oh okay, you should go then Y/N.
But I’m having fun!
You… really should go Y/N, we’ll see each other another time. Sam insisted
I sighed and got up.
Alright. See ya Sam.
See ya Y/N.
I followed Damon who took a quick walking pace that in fact… I couldn’t follow.
Damon! Damon wait for me!
Oh? And why so? Huh? He said, stopping in front of me
Oh come on, you started first!
I didn’t do anything!
Oh you sure about that? What about Kali, huh?
What the fuck are you talking about? I can’t understand anything! He said, lost
Your insistent look, getting on your knees in front of her… Isn’t it enough?
Damon laughed at me.
It’s purely stage acting Y/N, it means nothing!
Maybe for you! But to me… It was something else.
We got in front of his car.
Get in the fucking car, right now Y/N. He said, dryly
You don’t have to give me any orders. I answered
I won’t repeat myself Y/N. Get. In. The. Fucking. Car.
Less to say, I was literally shitting in my pants, because I was the one who got in trouble in all this.
I got in the car and no word was pronounced during the whole long but quick car ride. Damon was driving fast, I never saw him so angry, or driving this quick.
When we arrived, I didn’t even have the time to open the door that Damon was grabbing my wrist hardly, closing my car door behind him, and taking me to our place.
Damon, you’re hurting me.
Hurting you like you hurt me tonight?
You heard me Y/N.
He opened the door and slammed it behind him.
Can we talk calmly?
You want me to be calm? What the hell was it all about with Fender, huh? What game were you fucking playing at? He yelled
Don’t you dare shouting at me or I’ll leave.
I can’t be calm after what you did tonight!
You can’t be calm? Perfect! I’ll do the same then! The game I was playing was exactly the same as you on this fucking stage!
I told you it was just stage acting for fuck’s sake!
The way you acted and was looking at her was not stage acting Damon!
Fucking tell me the name of the song we’re singing with Kali. Say it out loud!
She’s my collar.
EXACTLY! So how do you want me to act, huh? As if I wasn’t singing the song for real? For me to stand still on the stage as if I was singing the fucking choirs of my own fucking song?
I didn’t say…
Leave it. I’m tired, I’m going to sleep.
I beg your pardon? We’re not done having this conversation Damon!
I am. But about you… I don’t know. Maybe you don’t love me enough.
Don’t you dare playing the one who’s insecure when the one who was on his knees for a woman this night wasn’t me you daft fuck!
And now you’re insulting me? Watch out Y/N, you don’t know the angry Damon.
I approached him and stood in front of him.
And what are you going to do then? Slap me? I dare you.
Our eyes looked at each other’s for a few seconds before Damon’s lips slammed on mine.
I melted in the kiss, his tongue asking for entrance. I let him. Our tongues danced together in a passionate and hot kiss.
You wanted me to be jealous huh ? You little brat. He said before latching his lips in my neck, making me moan
You deserved it. Y-You tasted your own medicine.
Damon pushed me against the wall, grabbing my arms and settling them in top of my head.
He was the one having me, he would be in charge tonight.
He kept kissing my neck, leaving some hickeys in the process, and came back to my lips. I felt his hands go under my dress and tug at the sides of my undies, sliding them off in a row. I wanted to unbuckle his belt.
Leave your arms where I put them. He said
I obeyed and he unbuckled them on his own, sliding his jeans along with his boxers.
He gave taps on my thighs, indicating me to jump so I could wrap my legs around his waist. I did and he slammed inside me without warning and didn’t leave me time to adjust to his size.
He started thrusting inside me mercilessly.
You’re mine, you’re hearing me ? Mine. Say it.
Say it !
I’m yours Damon, I’m only yours !
His rapid pace was almost unbearable, I could take it and at the same time it was hurting me. But that’s what you get when you make Damon Albarn jealous. And somehow, it’s not very unpleasant.
Soon, he started hitting my G-spot, which made me scream in pleasure.
What is it baby girl ? You can’t take it ? But you would have been able to take Sam huh ?
N-No !
Who does this pussy belongs to ?
Y-Y-You !
What ?
I-I-I-I love you !
Oh, do you ?
I fucking love you !
Prove it.
I kissed him and felt myself contract around him making him curse under his breath.
This man was my life and he would also be my death. He was fucking me into oblivion, making me his, showing me his love when I treated him like shit. But though, what he did pissed me off. I felt I wasn’t only his when he put himself on his knees in front of Kali as if he was worshipping her. I wanted to be the only one he worshipped. My insecurity was shit and I wished I could go over it. Damon must have felt so betrayed when I was with Sam and now, I was feeling guilty. I started crying while I was reaching my high, and Damon stopped his actions.
Hey, baby, I’m sorry, did I hurt you ?
No. But I did. I answered, out of breath
He passed his fingers through my hair.
It’s okay, you’re forgiven. I love you Y/N, I really do. But don’t you ever do this to me again, please.
I won’t.
He thrusted in me again, slower than before, showing me love.
Don’t feel insecure, you’re safe with me, and I love you Y/N. I love you so much, I’ll never hurt you. He said
He kissed me passionately again.
You are so beautiful, and you made me want you all night. God, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.
And now he was worshipping me. Everything I needed.
His pace quickened again, but not like before. It was passionate, also what I needed.
I felt the heat invade my body. Damon’s thrusts were becoming sloppier.
I know baby, me too. Let go.
I let this familiar heat invade my whole body, my insides clenching around him, my back arching against the wall and my legs trembling around his waist.
Damon pounded inside me a few times more before he let out a harsh grunt and a few moans, spilling his hot cum inside me, painting my walls.
I felt him tremble, trying to still hold my legs in his arms while he was kissing me and trying to catch his breath, just like I was doing.
He finally let go of my legs, putting me on my feet, my legs still shaking.
Don’t ever think that I don’t love you enough Damon, I love you too much. I just wanted you to react.
I know. I’m sorry too for making you feel bad. But please, just understand it is pure stage acting. I don’t feel anything for anybody else than you. I’ll soon be leaving to write Gorillaz’s new album. I want you to come with me. Will you ?
Of course I will.
And don’t ever think I don’t love you enough too.
I won’t.
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
Can you share your bookmarked momrry fics pls 🥺💖?
Yes indeed I can, here's some fics to fuel your desires of seeing Harry as a Mom (cause it's really just rude that they haven't found a way for H to get pregnant in this universe)
Another Constellation to Trace by screwstyles (T, 11k)
I love bets and competition, so this one was just right up my alley! It's such a cool take on the Soulmate AU trope, too! Definitely recommend you read it.
This chemistry like candy to me by CuckooTrooke/@larrydoinglaundry (E, 22k)
I'm gonna be honest, I started reading this one solely for the kinky smut, but then I got invested and just had to keep reading it. I love how the duality of Harry is portrayed in this one, how he can simultaneously be super confident but painfully shy, it's adorable. Also, I'm a sucker (ha!) for a well-written lactation kink, so this one ticked all my smut boxes.
Mother I'd Like to * by 28sunflowers/@vintageumbroshirt (G, 4k)
I'm pretty sure I've read this one a good ten times since I found it, it's so good! It's heavy on the comedy aspect, which I LOVE, and basically, just everyone thirsting for Harry, cause how could they not?
i'll put my future in you by lumineres (NR, 2k)
See, this is the fic I want to be real. Harry would indeed figure out a way to defy all laws of nature and become pregnant and he would also indeed make it everyone's problem. And I love him for it.
your laughter tastes so sweet by tumsa (4k, G)
There's nothing to add to the summary, this fic practically sells itself Anna said "GIVE HIM TOMLINSON JERSEY AND A BUNCH OF BABIES ON HIS HIPS" and you don't say no to Anna. So this is a future!fic where Harry and Louis are married, they have kids, Louis plays football, Harry is his biggest cheerleader and the whole world is envious of the awesomeness that is Tomlinson family.
Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic (E, 12k)
Okay, so footballer!Louis is the absolute love of my life, so put that and Momrry together and you have a fic that was pretty much tailor-made for me. This had me squealing into my pillow at 3AM so you know it's good.
We Were Made to Love by supernope (M, 16k)
It's Harry, Louis, and babies, what's not to love? I love how Louis just keeps making excuses to go see Harry instead of just, oh, I don't know, going to talk to him like a normal person, maybe. It's very entertaining.
I Think You're Already Home by jaerie (38k, E)
Last and most certainly not least: this fucking masterpiece. It's one of my comfort fics and I absolutely love it. I love how they touch on the subject of agoraphobia, and it's basically just pure Mpreg!Harry happiness, so yeah, I just love it a lot.
Have fun reading!
-Love, Miah <3
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
malam di bulan penuh.
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⊹summary; suna crashing into your house because he can't sleep
⊹pairing[s]; suna x f!reader
⊹genre; fluff, crack
⊹word count; 980 [not proofread]
⊹flight details; lmao, only the title is in malay, not the fic itself. Also, the title translates to 'night on a full moon' from malay. also, idk what ya'll expect from this fic, it's literally just them wrestling at the front door, talking about their future and fall asleep. enjoy ig
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it's almost perfect. he's cozily tucked in his blankets and the pillow is cold enough for him to sink in it. suna's currently scrolling through his phone, changing from one app to the other, ready to sleep. except he can't.
he doesn't have the feeling of closing his eyes yet even with the preparation nicely done. it's just doesn't feel right.
suna stopped his finger from scrolling as he stare up at the ceiling, a familiar and comforting image fade into his mind,
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"what the hell, you're coming this late?"
your boyfriend had called you a few minutes ago when you're about to tuck in, "then what're you doing up this late?"
"i have extra work, that's why. i already finished it tho, don't get worried about it," "well yeah, but i do know that you tend to overwork at times, just to make sure,"
a small smile graced your face at his words and just sigh. suna wasn't the most expressive but he still cares, and it shows by how many times he asked you questions. simple ones, such as,
'have you eaten?'
'are you feeling good?'
'do you need anything?'
and so on, "enough about that, back to my previous question- why're you even coming to my house,"
silence greeted you for at least a couple of seconds before a cough was first heard,
"my bed's all wonky," "what," "lemme just go to your house bye," "hey wait-!"
click. he literally just hung up on you after giving a horrible excuse, but it's pretty obvious on what intention he had. you look out from your window as the sight of the cloud covering half of the moon.
but it's pretty visible that it's a full moon tonight.
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"you actually came?"
"am i not suppose to?"
suna rose a brow, hands tucked in his jacket and the glimpse of his phone peeking out from his pant's pocket. just like always when he asked to stay at your house for the night,
"well no, but you've come more frequently than before," "wow, you could've just said no when i asked to come," "do you really think i would say no to you?? cause even if i did say no, your stubborn ass would still walk all the way here," "isn't that the point? if you say yes, i'll come. you say no, i'll still come,"
you try to hit playfully but he caught your hands and passive aggressively push forward.
now you two are pushing each other's hand in front of your doorway. you can already hear your neighbor's complaint about having your 'creep' of a boyfriend over and do shits with him. but it doesn't matter anyway.
you pushed his hand to the side and let go off your grip, almost making him trip over his feet, "just, come inside, i can't with you right now,"
he rubbed his wrist and followed after you, closing the door behind him, "thanks for having me in ma'am, and that was a warm invitation just now,"
"shut up before i kick you out again,"
"wait no, don't. i was freezing outside, you can't throw be back there,"
"this isn't your house, so you can't do whatever you want,"
"tch, harsh,"
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both of you are laying on the bed, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling. just a gap of silence between you two but it's nice. that, is, until suna started talking again,
"have you thought what our future would be?"
you made no move to look at him and instead, rose a brow, "as in?" "y'know, our life together under the same roof, kids, jobs, ho-honeymoon,"
he stuttered a little before continuing on, "and maybe vacation plans," "well, vacation plans sounds nice," "yep, i already planned not one, but TWO earlier this month," "two?? let's hear it then,"
suna cleared his throat, slowly turning his head towards you and as if in command, you did the same.
and as expected, a shy smile's evident on his face, "we can either, a) have a nice cottagecore life in new zealand, picking flowers, making bouquets for each other and falling asleep under a tree with the sun shining above use. and if you didn't know, i've actually got into cottagecore recently too,"
he proudly said with a lazy expression as the finger he's holding up falls down to your shoulder, rubbing it slightly. he doesn't seemed like a guy who would be into cottagecore to be honestly but would you look at that.
suna always managed to surprise you everytime, even if it's the dumbest thing he ever think of, it always put a smile on your face. how could you not,
"that's cool, didn't think you're the type to be interested in it but go on," a chuckle escaped from his lips as the gap between you two started closing in,
"or b) we have a vacation home at langkawi. tropical vibes and just us having a good time. watching the waves and sunsets while walking through the beach. we could also explore around the city using a bicycle, wouldn't that be romantic you think, and don't worry, i won't make you fall down from it,"
you let out a quiet laugh, tangling your fingers in his hair. running through it in a slow manner, "sounds like two good plans to me, but i think we should keep it in the book for the moment,"
"okay," it's quiet response, but enough to fill your stomach with butterflies. suna put a hand behind your head, touching foreheads with you,
"are you going to sleep now?" you asked, only a mere whisper while he just nodded. your smile widened, kissing the corner of his lips in a slow pace. and with that, both of his eyes are shut.
suna can always sleep better with you next to him,
"good night," "good night,"
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jimintopia · 3 years
prettiest of them all (1)
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genre: college!au, s2l!au, fluff, angst?
pairing: jimin x reader
summary: you're nothing special, just an ordinary girl who's just trying to get through college... but an angelic boy with honey colored eyes thinks you're the most beautiful flower he's ever laid his eyes on.
word count: 1.5k
chapter warnings: swearing (mostly jungkook lmao)
a/n: oh gosh i'm so nervous,, this started out as a tiny drabble i wrote out on the back of my bio notebook in january and two weeks ago i sorta revived the idea lmao. i hope you enjoy this little series of mine!
this fic was made possible by @latetaektalk (thank you so much for those helpful tips! i spent a lot of time formatting and reformatting this post and editing the fic, and your advice helped a lot with that!) and @chimchiekookie (thank you for your encouragement and kind words! you gave me the courage to post, tysm kira). also, to @yuvi-with-luv and @meiadore for just being! i love u crackheads; oKAY that was really long so i'll let you get to the fic oops haha
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(1) only time will tell.
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College is not easy. But sharing an apartment with Jeon Jungkook is an entirely new level of difficulty.
“Goodness,” you mutter, stepping around the books and pens scattered on the floor of the living room, your roommate’s half-asleep body slumped across the couch. You can’t even get to the kitchen without tripping over something of his. “Couldn’t you have cleaned up before dozing off? What an idiot.”
“I heard that,” he mumbles drowsily, yawning. “The idiot is clearly you, Y/N. Who the fuck signs up for an eight A.M. lecture on Mondays? Something’s obviously wrong with you.”
That earns him an apple to the head, before you remember it’s supposed to be your to-go breakfast and quickly scramble to retrieve it.
“It’s mandatory,” you tell him. “Can’t graduate without taking it, so I might as well suffer. Psychology majors go to hell anyway, so I signed up knowing what I was getting myself into.” You give your best friend a once-over as he stretches, still on the couch. “You have fun sleeping in, Jeon, but by the time I get back I want you showered and ready for a proper brunch. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he rolls his eyes, but you know he enjoys your routine outings as much as you do. Ever since you met in your second year of high school, it became a little tradition of yours to regularly meet up for lunch on the weekends — and that turned into basically each mealtime once you got to college. “Just go, you’re going to be late. Those tiny legs of yours are gonna have a hard time running all the way to 808. We’re not even on campus.”
“Excuse you?! I’m 5’6”!”
“Y/N,” he sighs, shaking his head pitifully. “That’s like, four inches shorter than me. But nice try.”
Both of you exchange an annoyed glare, but deep down, you’re having your fun bantering with him. It’s a trademark of your relationship, one of the many things you appreciate him for. No one you have met so far could match your sharp tongue as well as Jungkook.
“I do not have time to argue with you right now, Kook.” You glance at the clock, quickly slipping your feet into battered sneakers. “There are leftovers in the fridge — by the way, remember to lock the door if you don’t want Taehyung to visit unannounced again — and I left a carton of banana milk on the bottom shelf, right next to the ketchup. Oh! I did your laundry last night; there’s a pile in your room that you just need to fold and put away. Anything else I’m forgetting?”
“You just dumped my clothes in my room? On the floor?”
You narrow your eyes at him playfully. “Wrong answer, Jeon.”
“Oh, fine.” Jungkook rolls his eyes, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Thank you, Y/N. Now please just go already.”
“Dumbass,” you return, grinning. “I’ll be back soon. I'll bring Taehyung over if I run into him!”
He’s already closed your front door, but you can still hear his shout of protest from the other side, causing you to burst into incessant giggles: “Don’t you fucking dare!”
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By some kind of miracle, you actually get to the lecture hall approximately a minute early. You and Jungkook don’t live on campus, but your apartment is pretty close — walking gets you to class in ten minutes, and if you run, you’ll arrive much quicker.
“Yeoreum!” you greet your friend with a whisper as you walk in, tossing your apple core into the small trash can. “You’re actually early for once!”
“Blame Hoseok,” she grumbles as you sit down next to her. “Dumbass woke me up at five in the morning to go run with him, Y/N. Five o’clock. The asshole’s dead to me from now on.”
“That sucks,” you sympathize, but you know she’ll always give in to her twin brother — the two of them are inseparable, as much as she likes to complain about him. “But hey, at least you got your coffee fix!”
Yeoreum lifts the half-empty cup before taking a long sip, a small smile adorning her features. “Also courtesy of Hoseok,” she admits. “He causes a lot of arguments, but at least he knows how to solve them. I like to think I’ve trained him well.”
“I wish I had a sibling,” you sigh wistfully. “A brother, maybe. Or a sister, I wouldn’t really mind. It must be nice always having someone else who understands you.”
“Y/N, you live with Jungkook,” she points out. “He’s basically the brother you’ve wanted your entire life. He has been since we were fifteen.”
“I know, but it’s different. I didn’t grow up with him. Plus, he’s more annoying than a sibling could ever be.”
“And he’s hot as hell.”
“Yeoreum,” you scold quietly, bringing out your laptop for the start of the lecture. “You think everyone you meet is hot. Regardless of whether they’re actually a decent human being or not. That’s probably why you always end up dating assholes who don’t deserve you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she waves you off, not quite meeting your eyes. “Chill, Y/N, I’m not interested. The boy’s just insanely attractive. Can’t I call someone attractive without wanting to get with them?”
You lean over to say something to her, but the entire class quiets down suddenly, so silent that you could hear even the softest whisper.
Professor Ahn strides in with an authoritative air, several books in her arms, followed by a boy whom you’ve never seen in this class before. A new student, perhaps? Or maybe he just transferred departments. You never know — it’s certainly not too late to switch out.
The professor tells him something quickly and he nods, before jogging up the stairs and hastily sliding into the seat right next to you. In fact, it all happens so quickly that you’re still buffering, trying to process what just happened. Instinctively, you move a little closer to Yeoreum.
“Goddamn,” she breathes, eyes wide in surprise. “Y/N, he’s so fine.”
Okay, so that was a bad choice. But the thing is, she’s not wrong.
The guy doesn’t speak to or look at you once during the entire lecture, totally dedicated to typing up everything Professor Ahn is saying — but you can’t help but check him out from the corner of your eye every few minutes. The blond hair is, surprisingly, a very good look on him, and the way the corner of his mouth is always turned upward makes you incredibly curious. What the hell is there to be happy about such an early class?
Ten minutes before you can finally get out of that stuffy hall, there’s a light tap on your right shoulder, startling you. You turn your head around so fast your vision nearly blurs, taking a second to steady again. “Huh?”
The new guy is tentatively smiling at you, like he’s gauging your response. “Hi,” he says, a little hesitant. “Um — do you have a black pen I can borrow? Mine just gave up on me mid-word and I didn’t bring any extra.” You glance over to his side of the bench: sure enough, the last few letters of the word ‘extension’ are so faded out, you can barely see them.
All of your pens are either blue or red, but Yeoreum quickly passes you one of her black-ink fountain pens under the bench, nodding at you in silent understanding. “Here,” you offer it to him, watching the adorable way his face lights up when you hand it to him.
“Thank you! You’re a lifesaver,” he says, quickly scribbling something down. “I can’t fathom using any ink color other than black, it just… doesn’t make sense to me.”
Well, you could type up a whole argument against that, but you hold your tongue for the time being. Instead, you peek over at his notebook curiously, trying to see what he’s so engrossed in writing down. You catch sight of a name printed neatly on the top left corner of the page, and you squint so you can see it better.
Park Jimin. You let it rest in your mind for a moment. It’s a beautiful name, and though you don’t know exactly what it means, you’re sure it would roll right off your tongue if you were to say it aloud.
“I’m Jimin,” he says, right on cue as he returns the pen and you not-so-discreetly pass it to Yeoreum again. “What about you?”
“Y/N.” For some reason, you’re struggling both to find something to say and maintain some kind of calm. You don’t know why he’s making your heart beat faster, only that he is.
“That’s a nice name.” Jimin smiles, and it’s breathtaking. His eyes form little crescents as he beams at you — you! — and for just one second, you can’t think of anything else. A silly crush, you chide yourself, averting your gaze from his face. A few days and it’ll leave on its own.
You want to be right, and you might be wrong, but you have no idea, no way of knowing what the future holds. It’s like they always say — only time will tell.
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taglist [please send an ask if you would like to be added!] : @meiadore @chimchiekookie @eyecandy5644 @chubsjmin
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Wedding Shenanigans
A/N : Not me using my cousin's wedding as a plot for my fic. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while really didn’t have the nerve to post it. I’m still nervous tbh. Please don’t hate me if it’s bad my over dramatic ass just went a little overboard.
Pairing : Tom Holland x Indian! Reader
Summary : you are back home for your best friend’s wedding and Tom decides to accompany you.
Warnings : just over dramatic crap, sexual innuendos
Mini Playlist : Aa toh sahi, First kiss
(Note- As our country has a vast diversity of languages the italicized dialogues represents whatever native language you speak. I didn’t want to emphasize on a particular language.)
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"You sure you wanna tag along?" you try to confirm with him again.
"Yeah I have never attended an Indian wedding before. Moreover I should have an experience you know for future just like Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra our grand wedding" he chirped. 
"We will be staying at my parent’s house so no room sharing with me" 
"What? Not again! But why can't I share a room? I mean your parents do know that we live together" 
"Yeah but that's India honey, no sleeping together before marriage" 
"I have to sleep all alone at night without you that's not fair" He whined.
"You can share a room with my dad then" you suggested.
"What? No not your dad" he gave a mortified look. 
"Why what’s wrong?'' you let out an airy laugh.
"I’m really scared of him" you chuckled at his confession
"What? Don’t laugh at me, he really intimidates me" 
"Well he is the only person who will decide to give my hand to you or not, so man up baby" 
"And it's just for one night then we will go to the resort where the wedding will take place. And there hopefully we can share a room or you can share a room with Rahul or the other guys. I'll talk to them about it.
"Not that chump!" he immediately protested.
"What is with you and him?" you chuckle.
"When the person is a potential candidate to steal your girl you have to be a little defensive" 
"God how many times do I need to tell you that we never had anything between us, he’s just my childhood friend." 
"You may not have but I have noticed the last time we went to visit your parents he is always trying to woo you and moreover you parents like him too" he grumbled.
"Aww someone is jealous" 
"I’m spiderman. Why would I be jealous? He says defensively, you smirk.
"Ok spiderman pack your things quickly"
You flew back to India the next day, you stayed the night at your parents house before leaving for the resort to attend your best friend’s wedding.
''Y/N!!" Your best friend squealed in excitement as she eagerly hugged you.
"Missed you so much. 
"Me too babe. Can’t believe you’re getting married. When did we grow so big?" you pout.
"Hey Y/N" 
"Hi Rahul. Missed you so much bro" you hugged him.
"Hey darling let's go to our room shall we? You must be tired" Tom eavesdropped in your conversation.
''Yeah I'm a little"
"Hey man how are you?" Rahul asked.
"I’m good, mate. Will talk to you later."
"Yeah sure, go take some rest" Tom literally dragged you away from him.
"What was that?" you frowned.
"Nothing" He said. You chuckled, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s possessive attitude.
After settling down in your room you went to freshen up. You stepped out of the bathroom drying your with a towel as you informed Tom.
"Okay so tomorrow is haldi" 
"What’s that?" 
"Well it's a ritual where we apply turmeric paste to both bride and groom, it is said turmeric improves your skin tone. I know it sounds stupid but age old custom so can’t be changed" you continued. 
"So don’t wear something expensive as the turmeric stain will be hard to remove. You will be with the guys I have told Rahul everything so you will not have any problem'' he rolls his eyes. 
"And please don't end up killing him''
The next morning after the puja was completed your best friend was made to sit on a seat decorated with flowers. As all the married women applied turmeric to her blessing her for a happy married life. Then came all of your turn. And you guys didn't leave a spot, painting her completely yellow. 
"Y/N come here let me apply some turmeric so that next will be your turn" a woman offered.
"No thanks I'm fine" you dodged her somehow. 
You went back to your room to change, Tom returned as well.
"You guys played quite a holi I see" you comment seeing his face and kurta painted yellow.
"Yeah but why didn’t you put that?
"I'll only apply only when it has been touched by my husband on my wedding day"
"Well I can help you with that" he backed you up against the wall caging you and slowly leaned down. You felt butterflies in your stomach as his face inched closer to yours, you thought he was going for a kiss as you parted your lips instead he tilted to the side brushing his cheek to yours and he did the same thing with your other cheek. 
"There you go" he maneuvered you to face the mirror and you saw turmeric paste on your cheeks. 
"Tom! Seriously? I thought-" you huff
"What did you think darling?" He whispers with  a sultry voice.
"Someone is horny" He chuckles.
"Shut up you dickhead!" you snapped.
"But weren't you thinking about my dick in the first place?" He teases to annoy you even more.
"Ugh!! you know what Rahul is much better than you!" saying so you ran inside the bathroom shutting the door. 
"What? What did you say?" he heard your giggles from inside. 
Later in the day you were in the community hall of the resort with your friends discussing your dance performances.
"Guys we can’t let the groom’s side win do you get that?" you state.
"Chill Y/N we are gonna set the stage on fire" 
"So what songs are we gonna perform? And please no bole chudiyan" you quip.
"Dilli wali girlfriend?" one of them suggested.
"Yeah that will definitely be kept for the end other than that?" 
"Deedar de? Odhani? Sawan mein lag gayi aag?" Everyone suggested in a chorus, someone even suggested ooh la la.” you facepalmed at the chaos. 
"Guys are you planning to seduce those pot bellied bald uncles and middle aged judgemental aunties over there?" everyone went silent as you continued
"No right? So please something sober and fun. These songs can be played in the after party when the main event is over" 
"Morni banke?" someone suggested.
"See now you’re getting it" After a lot of discussion finally you all agreed on some songs and started to choreograph the dance steps. Your eyes went to your boyfriend whom you had completely forgotten in the middle of this.
"You’re getting bored right? I’m so sorry babe this why I said you should pass this one out" 
"Hey no I’m fine plus I kind of figured out a little of your conversation, you are talking of some kind of dance competition" 
"Wow you are improving I’m so proud of you. And yes you’re right tomorrow we have sangeet at night and it’s a dance off bride vs groom and we are gonna smash them" 
"Oh you will, darling. How much of an aggressive competitor you’re no one knows better than me" He chuckles.
"Hey! I’m not aggressive" you protest.
"Do I need to remind you of the one time you were literally about to throw the controller at the tv screen after you lost a match of fortnite?" 
"Okay in my defense you cheated" you narrowed your eyes.
"No I didn't," He says haughtily.
"Yes you did, you distracted me-" you argue back.
"What did I do baby?" His voice was low as you remembered about the distraction he caused.
"Uh never mind" you stutter all flustered.
"Hey Y/N c’mon let’s practise" Rahul called you.
"What’s he gonna do?" Tom frowned.
"He’s my dance partner, I would have asked you but you don’t understand the lyrics well so"
"Yeah yeah I get it, now go" He said rolling his eyes.
You began to practice the dance for the sangeet it went on for sometime. But later everyone got bored to dancing to the same song so random songs were played
Sun baby deadly hai teri walk ni
Tere thumke bhi karte hai talk ni 
Ho dil kare dekhi jaun teri ore
Tu nazre mila toh sahi
Dil diya hai jaan bhi tujhe denge
Tu ik vaari aa toh sahi
Dil diya hai jaan bhi tujhe denge
Tu nazre mila toh sahi
Tu ik vari aa to sahi
You started to move your hips sensually as Rahul joined you too. His hands went to wrap around your waist which made Tom uncomfortable as his face tensed up. You were laughing and giggling unaware of Tom watching you with a pointed look as you both were getting too close to his liking. You looked over your shoulder to find a very displeased Tom. An idea crossed your mind as you waltzed your way to him.
Kab mummy daddy mere tu patayega
Leke band baja ghar mere aayegaKab tak mujhe aise hi ghumayega
Tu baat badha to sahi
Dil diya hai jaan bhi tujhe denge
Tu ik vaari aa toh sahi
Dil diya hai jaan bhi tujhe denge
Tu nazre mila toh sahi
Tu ik vari aa to sahi
Grabbing his hand you pulled him to the center your friends hooted and whistled. You began to dance around him and nudge his shoulder playfully before lacing your hands around his neck pulling him closer to you. You turn around your back pressed against his broad chest as you take his hands and place them around your waist and continue to sway against each other.
Next day your best friend was sitting in the courtyard surrounded by all the ladies. The mehendi artist drew beautiful and intricate patterns on her hand with the henna.
You and your girl gang got ready to perform for the occasion as the song ‘mehndi hai rachne wali’ started to play in the background. You all danced to the song gracefully. After the performance you all also got your mehendi done.
"Tom! Tom! Where is my food?!" You yell sitting on your bed with wet henna on your hands.
"Wait a minute my hungry devil" Tom comes with your plate of food.
"Seriously you just can’t wait for a few minutes" He huffs sitting next to you.
"I’m so lucky to have such a sweet and caring boyfriend" you gush. 
"Yeah yeah, now open your mouth" You do as he says. He brings the spoon near your mouth to pull it away immediately and eat the food himself.
"Tom!" You protest, he stifles a laugh. This is a nice punishment for you now cannot work your hands.
"Yeah very funny, don’t talk to me" You turn your face away from him annoyed.
"Hey I’m sorry, here take" He holds the spoon in front of you as you open your mouth to eat but that little fucker does it again going into a fit of laughter.
"You!!" You lift your hands to hit him.
"Ah, ah love don’t think of it or your artwork will only get ruined" He chuckles as you huff in defeat.
"Okay now c’mon, this time no pranks I promise" You frowned at him still dubious but this time he finally fed you. 
"You know they write the name or initial of your husband in this. I made the lady write your initial, think you can find it?" you looked at him with a  playful expression. 
"Is that a challenge, love?" 
"Well maybe" you shrug. 
"Then I fucking accept it!" He gets on to search through the intricate patterns drawn on your hand but soon he realized it was hard than he thought as he frowned.
"Don’t worry baby you have the whole day, you’ll find it eventually I suppose" You snicker.
Later in the evening the sangeet ceremony took place and as expected you guys won the dance off. After all the elders and children were done having their dinner and retreated to their rooms, the younger lot of you as decided earlier had your own kind of mini bachelor’s party with everyone ending up drunk. The boys were dancing on to some peppy bollywood item number, later you and your girlfriends took the stage as the music continued to play.
Ae Yo, Ae Yo
Seene Se Laga Ke Baahon Mein
Mujhe Le Lo
Jaldi Hai Kaisi
I Like It Nice And Slow
Your body swayed sensually as the guys hollered and cheered you girls with a few whistles.
Meri Heart Beat Fast
Aur Sab Lage Mujhe Slo-mo
Mujhe Slow-mo
I Want You Right Now
I Need You Right Now Come
You stretched your hand pointing your finger directly to your boyfriend motioning him to get up and come to you. He obliged with a smirk plastered on his face and strided towards you.
Hassa Hassa Ke Gaya Fasa
Tu Toh Dil Mera
Nasha Nasha Tera Chadha Nasha
Jab Dekha Chehra Tera
Meri Life Mein Yun Kar Gaya Kyun
Har Din Love Wala Season Tu
What You Gonna Do?
Jo Main Keh Du
Meri Heart Beat Ka Reason Tu
His hands rested on your hips as he knelt down to ear and whispered
"You really do like it nice and slow don’t you love?" you elbowed him playfully.
‘‘Fuck off!!’’
‘‘Ow!’’ He groaned chuckling.
It was your bestie's big day as you were getting ready for it putting on your saree.
"Tom can you help me with the pleats of my saree please" 
"Sure darling" He squats down to gather the silky material of your saree, you smoothen the pleats as he holds them in place.
"Thanks hun" You tuck in the pleats inside your underskirt securing them with a pin.
"Anytime sweetheart" He stands up on his feet smiling.
You went on to do your makeup and were busy putting on your jhumkas when Tom’s eyes went to your reflection in the mirror. And boy he was mesmerised, you looked unearthly. He slowly walked to you resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms wrapping around your waist, the sweet scent of the jasmine flowers pinned to your hair intoxicating his senses.
"You look so gorgeous, darling." 
"Well thank you, love. You look no less handsome either" And it was so true he actually looked like a snack in that designer kurta. You turned to face him gazing into his soft brown eyes. There was a certain kind of flicker in his eyes which you knew all too well though you were tempted to give in but attending your best friend’s wedding was also important so you brought your hands in front of his face and shook your bangles the jingling  sound broke him out of his trance as he shook his head, blinking his eyes owlishly.
"Now who’s horny huh?" You teased.
"Shut up!" His face turned red all flustered.
"Aww it’s ok baby boy" You tease him even more.
"You’re so in for it later, Y/N" He warns playfully.
"Will see" You winked mischievously "Now c’mon let’s go" you walked out hand in hand towards the dias where the wedding nuptials were to be performed but had to stop on your tracks when you saw a group of aunties coming your way.
"Oh no! Aunties incoming just smile and greet them" You direct Tom warily.
"Do I need to touch their feet?" He asks nervously as you frown.
"No! That’s too much respect they deserve" 
"Y/N how are you?" One of them asked. "You’ve grown so big! You remember me right?" Another lady badgered you with more questions.
"I’m fine, how are you all?" You gave a broad smile as you yourself were confused who the hell they are.
"Everything is going fine for us. So happy Y/F/N is finally going to happily settle in her life, so when is your turn huh?" You gave a tight lipped smile having no clue what to answer.
"You know my sister’s son is in the government sector, a really nice boy and earns a very handsome salary you know if you want-" you cut her off immediately.
"Umm aunty, meet my boyfriend Tom" 
"Hello'' Tom greets them timidly.
"Oh hello-’’ she looked at him with a judgy face okay you kids enjoy then, let me see if anything is needed there or not" 
"Yeah sure" 
"What was she saying?" Tom asked curiously.
"Nothing just trying to set me up with one of her relative’s weird nerdy son" 
"What the-!!" 
"Relax she got her answer which is a clear no. Now let’s go and see the wedding" You went near the dais and observed all the rituals take place one by one. It was the time for walking around the fire for seven times as your best friend and her husband stood up and started revolving around the fire while you showered flowers on them along with everyone.
"Why are they circling around the fire?" 
"It’s quite similar to exchanging vows you see, the bride and groom promise each other to be together for seven lifetimes with the sacred fire as witness" you explained, Tom nods his head in understanding when something went through his mind.
"Y/N let’s get married" Tom says out of nowhere taking you by surprise.
"What?" You chuckle lightly.
"I'm serious Y/N, let's just get married like right now. I mean everything is set, you are dressed no less than a bride and I’m looking handsome as hell and we have a priest right there" 
"Ok Tom, I totally get what you’re saying. But honey, I don’t see a ring" you showed him your empty ring finger scrunching your face.
Tagging some desi peeps I know here
@peaches-parker​ @parkerpeterparker2004​  @lokibuckylove6​ @calltothewild​
@mischiefmanaged011​ @parker--peter​ @starlight-starks
sorry if I bothered you.
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 5 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, an angry Nesta and a heart-broken Cassian
2094 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Nesta had never been one for small talk but in his presence she spoke as if she was excellent in small talk. They spoke of all unimportant things and ended up forgetting the important stuff; their names. Again.
Feyre sent an invitation for her first anniversary party as she did for every other occasion. The only thing different was that Nesta never bothered to pay heed to her invitations before. After the day in the alley, however, she decided she was going to turn over a new leaf. This was her first step.
She checked her reflection on the side-mirror. She tried to keep her outfit and make-up as simple as possible. She only wore a white ruffled-sleeved blouse with a black pencil skirt. Her hair was braided into a coronet. She looked good, but not as good as she’ll look if she took her own time to do a detailed make-over. She let out a breath and braced herself for the inevitable little chat with her sisters.
“Nesta?” a bewildered voice breathed. She whirled around to face her younger sister, Elain, looking up at her, a small smile playing about her lips. “You’re here,” she said and flung her arms around Nesta. Nesta automatically wrapped her arms around Elain’s smaller frame. Eventually, Elain pulled back.
“No offense, but I really thought you wouldn’t be coming,” Elain said.
Nesta felt as if the smile on her face couldn't be wiped out for the next few hours. “Honestly, I didn't think I'd come either. But here I am.”
She nodded and pulled Nesta to the garden the party was held at.
“I did this,” Elain said. “This garden, I planted and groomed all this.”
“No wonder why it looks so beautiful,” Nesta replied.
She flushed and said contemplatively, “You're so different now, Nesta.”
“I hope in a good way. Where's Feyre?”
“Let's go meet everyone first.”
Nesta shook her head. “I— I need to talk to both of you before I meet everyone else. ”
Elain hesitated then said, “Can you wait in that room? I'll fetch Feyre and come.”
Nesta nodded and headed to the door at the end of the garden Elain pointed at. The room was classy, much like the exterior of the house. She was struck by the simple yet grand theme of Feyre's house. She knew he and his brothers were rich but she just didn't understand the extent of their wealth. Till now.
“What are you thinking?” Feyre wasn't the type to blindly trust people. It took more than coming for her anniversary to persuade her that Nesta's intentions were good.
Nesta faced Feyre, her youngest sister, who stood before her, gorgeous yet fierce in a simple but elegant blue gown. She shrugged, “Just thinking that I'm glad my sisters were well-provided when I couldn't take care of them.”
Feyre’s face didn’t change, she just gestured towards the couches. “Have a seat,” she said.
Nesta sat down, “You both look splendid,” she said. Feyre said that the gown was a gift, Elain thanked Nesta and offered the same.
Nesta cleared her throat. “I need to tell the both of you something. Many things, actually.”
Elain nodded encouragingly. Feyre said, “Go on.”
So Nesta spoke. She apologised. For how she wasn't there to fulfill the role of an elder sister. For how she failed to attend Feyre's marriage and many other occasions. For all the rude words she spoke to them. For shunning them. She apologised for being self consumed. For everything else.
She also promised. To try harder. To become better. To be a good sister and sister-in-law. To be with them at all times, especially when they needed her. And they listened.
“I know these words aren't enough, but I'll try to make it so,” she finished, her hands clasped with both her sisters on her sides.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. We will too,” Feyre said.
“I see a very bright future ahead of us,” Elain said.
Nesta couldn't help the tears anymore. She folded her arms around her sisters and tucked them close. Her sisters. Her beloved sisters she now knew she'd do anything to protect.
“I see a very bright future too,” Nesta said.
Nesta pulled back after what felt like an hour and looked at her sisters' tear-streaked faces.
“I love you,” the three of them said simultaneously. Nesta giggled. Elain laughed. Feyre stared.
Nesta gently brushed the tears from both of their cheeks. “I don't want to see any of you crying.”
She hugged them again, willing the hug to convey everything she didn't say out loud.
“Now, now, enough snuggling. We've got a party to attend and people to meet, remember?” Feyre said.
Cassian was anxious. He had always hoped Nesta, his sister-in-law, would come for the gatherings they had; be it family dinners, or birthday parties, or the random meetings they had when they just got tipsy and played games. He hadn't seen her face-to-face before. All he knows about Nesta are from the descriptions from Feyre and Elain. That, too, was minimal. One of them would quickly change the topic to something pleasant the moment traces of an emotional breakdown were visible. Every time he hoped, he was let down. She never came. He vowed he would stop hoping and instead just go about and act as if she didn't exist. But that never happened. Every time his family met, his treacherous heart would start hoping only to have a chunk of it fall off when she failed to attend. Today was no different.
Then there’s the woman who he’d been talking to the whole afternoon. He was a tangled up mess of emotions and doubt and confusion. He had been sort-of pining after Nesta. She was exactly the person he’d like. Apparently she was drop-dead gorgeous, witty and… feral. Feyre said that. Feral. She’d be someone worth seeing. She was totally a worthy opponent. It’d be fun. But the other woman? Mother above, she was ethereal. More than ethereal, in fact. Words can't contain what he had to say about her.
He was damn near killing Az for calling him right when they were about to exchange names. He really can't believe he was a hairsbreadth away from knowing her before it was all ripped away. Now they were back to square one. He didn't know anything about her.
Azriel clapped him on his back so hard that he almost stumbled and fell. Or probably that was because he was too distracted. “All good Somm?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he replied noncommittally. He busied his hands with re-rinsing the champagne flutes and wiping them clean again. He did this two times already. Still.
“Mood is sour today, Cass?” Az teased, mock-frowning.
“Nah,” Cassian said wryly, “it's as sweet as honeydew. Especially today, when my chat got interrupted.” He glared at Azriel.
“Now, now, that is a story for another day. For now though, I think I've got something that can cheer up your brooding self.”
“What is it?” he mumbled.
Az grinned. “Nesta is here.”
Feyre and Elain took Nesta on a quick tour around the house. Feyre’s paintings were hung on the walls throughout the whole house. Nesta grimly noticed that there wasn't a single picture of her. There were even paintings of their father whose heart had long stopped beating. But none of hers. If only she didn’t push herself away, Nesta would’ve been a happy part of her sisters’ lives.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Feyre took her hand in hers. Elain tucked herself to Nesta’s side, wrapping her arms over her slender shoulders.
Nesta already met Mor, a stunning blonde woman, and Amren, a slightly intimidating and short person. Now she only had to meet her brother-in-laws.
“Let’s go meet the boys!” Elain said brightly.
We walked back to the garden. Feyre seemed to get more and more elated the closer we got to the garden. Huh. Probably falling in love would do that to someone. Anyway, as long as her sisters were happy.
They stepped through the doorway. The garden was decorated with more banners and streamers hung on the back of chairs and on the low branches. Again, it looked opulent in a simple way.
There were three men in the centre of the garden, gathered around a table. They all were slightly similar, broad shouldered, tapered waists, muscular limbs. Three of them wore formal shirts and pants clinging to their frames. The one in the middle was Rhysand, she supposed. She smirked internally. Of course Feyre ended up with this guy. She's got a good taste. Must've gotten it from the oldest sister.
The one on the right, though. His figure felt familiar. Very, very familiar. She couldn't quite put a finger on it yet.
“The one on the left is Azriel, the one on the right is Cassian,” Feyre said, and Nesta nodded.
The boys must be really engrossed with their conversation. They hadn't noticed the three of them yet.
The guy she thought was familiar threw his head back and laughed. She gasped. That laugh. She'd know the laugh anywhere. Indeed, when he angled his face so that she could get a glimpse, she knew she was done for. She swallowed with much difficulty.
“I need to go,” she said quickly.
“Go? But— but we haven't cut the cake yet. It's still early. We've got lots more fun stuff,” Elain said.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. Only, this doesn't feel like 'trying',” Feyre said.
They sounded… hurt.
Mother above, I'm doing this wrong.
“Nesta?” Elain asked. “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah,” Feyre added, “you look pale.”
“Y-yeah it's f-fine. Kinda. My head hurts,” she said, accidentally clutching her stomach. “I-I mean, yeah my head hurts. Very badly. I gotta go.” She looked helplessly at both of them. “I'm so sorry. I really am. It's just— I think I need rest. I'll recompense. Probably dinner in three days?” They both shared a look and agreed.
Nesta was already walking away. “Love you both,” she threw over her shoulder.
“Feyre!” Rhys called. He beckoned Feyre and Elain to the table. He didn't see Nesta.
Cassian lightly kissed Feyre on her cheek once they made their way to the table and said, “Gorgeous as always. Happy anniversary!”
Feyre grinned, but it showed traces of disappointment.
He frowned. “Hey, what's wrong?”
She just shook her head and mumbled, “Nesta.” Rhys's face hardened. His brother was never fond of Nesta. He said that she was why Feyre was always worried.
“Where's Nesta?” Az asked, craning his neck to see behind farther.
“She… left,” Elain pointed, revealing a figure disappearing behind the gates. A figure he knew all too well. Shitshitshitshit.
His head snapped back to his brothers. “That is Nesta?” he damn near shouted.
Rhys scowled, “Yeah.”
No wonder why she's so beautiful, he thought dumbly before running after her with a quick “I'll be back.”
Nesta was wrong. In all her happiness of being reunited with her sisters, she completely forgot how even a small thing can break one's smile. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She kept her calm demeanour, but inside, she was a raging storm of emotions.
One step in front of the other, she kept reminding herself.
She kept walking. Even when she heard footsteps. Even when the steps got louder. Even as he got close enough to cease running.
But not when he called her name. She halted. Locked up her emotions. She knew she shouldn't but she turned around anyway.
“What do you want?” she snapped.
“Nesta,” he breathed. She tried to hold back her shudder. It was from the night air, she told herself.
“If you have nothing to say, do let me know. I'm not going to wait forever,” she said. Harsher than she intended to. But she didn't care, at least, that's what she told herself.
Cassian winked, “I'm honored you came, sweetheart. I'll pass the credit to my influence on you. ”
She ground her teeth against the truth threatening to fall off her lips. Yes, I came here because you made me happy. And I thought that if I tried, as I did with you, I can rebuild my relationship with my sisters.
Cassian did something stupid. He grabbed her hand. Her eyes snapped to his, burning with anger. Like the day they first met.
He gave her a crooked grin that he knew would drive her mad. Well, more than she already was. He tilted his head to the garden, “The party is that way, love.”
She snatched back her hand at continued walking. Like a fool, he followed. “I spoke to my sisters. Told them I won't be staying tonight. And that we'll have dinner in three day's time. Does that satisfy you? Now, can you stop following me?”
“Something's wrong. What's wrong, Nes?”
“One,” she ground out, “don't call me that. Two, I'm a grown-ass woman; I know how to take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter.”
“You did. That day,” he said quietly.
She whirled on him, “Is this you taking back favours? Because I'm not interested. You want money? Take it. Tell me your price and fucking take it! Don't tread on my heels because you helped me, okay? I've got way better things to do.” She paused, “And don't follow me, Cassian.”
She turned and stalked away.
You want money? Take it. 'Take it.' As if he were a beggar, asking for alms. As if they weren't laughing at each other's jokes not more than an hour ago. As if he didn't spend a week taking care of her as if she were a part of his soul. Maybe she was.
But that was before, Cassian thought as his heart cleaved into two perfect halves. No— it smashed to a million tiny pieces.
He waited till Nesta was out of his line of sight. He turned and walked back to the garden, leaving his heart behind.
taglist: @shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @ladygabrielli1997 @nehemikkele @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @ddsworldofbooks @irenethaleia @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
Flamboyantly Worked it Out
(Tengen Uzui)
Summary: Your son is sick right in Kodomo no Hi festival, he wanted to spend it so badly with his family and friends, not wanting to make him unhappy you, Tengen, and the rest of his wives decided to make an "indoor festival" for him
Admin's Note: My first fic about Tengen and reader, this is all for you my dearest fellow Tengen stans, But I'm fully aware that you mostly spend time with his wives too
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"I have renewed my clear and flamboyant priority..."
"First the four of you..."
"Then respectable humans"
"Then myself"
"Even if we're no longer in the corps, we're still going to protect the plain and carefree people, of course since we're still demon hunters till the end of the day"
"Hehehe! Papa!!"
"Ah.. How could I forget?"
"I mean the five of you..."
"and frankly speaking, you guys are all so precious to me, so remember..."
"... Don't die"
"ACCHOO!!!" a high pitched sneeze enacted out from your son's bedroom, lately he's been sneezing a lot "Mom/Dad...what happened? My nose feel stuffy" you compared your body temperature with his "Oh my, Ginjiro, you catch a cold"
"Is it bad? Can I still participate in children's day?" He say as he break into another sneeze, you had a sinking feeling inside your stomach, your son, Ginjiro had been looking forward to spend children's day with his moms and dad/dads, you gulped, trying to be as gentle as possible to say that he can't participate in the festival he's been looking forward to.
"Ginjiro, I'm sorry, but you had to rest... Can you please do that for us?"
Ginjiro's (E/C) eyes start to tear up, you feel guilty to see your seven year old son can't do much for now "B-but...I have been looking forward to this day... I even made my own Kabuto helmet..." You sighed and gently stroke his white hair "I'm so sorry, but chin up... there's always next year..."
Little Ginjiro just sighed and lay back down to his futon, dejectedly, "... It's okay mom/dad... You're just looking out for me...If that's the case, I'll just take a rest..., Love you Mom/dad..." You sighed and pat his head "We love you too, son..." Ginjiro smiled and close his eyes as you came out of his bedroom, sighing.
"I know that sigh quite well, (Name), is everything alright?" Hinatsuru asked you, visibly concerned "It's Ginjiro... he's got a fever and..." You sighed for the second time "...Do you remember that he wanted to go to children's day festival together with all of us this year? Well I'm afraid he can't..."
Hinatsuru then pouted sadly as she heard that her son is sick, with a sigh, she put a comforting hand on you "Oh, I'm so sorry, dear (name), I can't imagine how sad our son is" you sighed softly but smiled at her "It's okay, Hina... It's not even your fault" Hinatsuru hugged you and stroked your (H/C) hair to console you, you lean in to her motherly touch.
"Oh! But I just have a good idea!" Hinatsuru say beaming up, you looked up to her, slightly tilting your head "What is it, Hina?"
"What if we just "bring the festival in"?" She smiled at you, as you tilt your head again "How can we do that, Hina? She just smiled at you until you get what she meant by that.
"Oh, I see how it is" you say smiling at her "Well all and all, we're going to make a koinobori, each carp represent us as his parents, the biggest and black carp, Magoi, symbolize Tengen-sama/and me as his father(s), the red and smaller carp banner, higoi, represent us/all of you as his mothers, Ginjiro is our only son, and frankly speaking he's also our first son, so he's going to have blue carp banner"
Hinatsuru listened closely and nodded as she did, "I see, very well then, what about the food?"
"Hmm, if I recall correctly, we make sweets for him is chimaki (bamboo dumpling) along with Mochi and various array of rice cakes, I don't remember much, but we could always ask Suma, she and Ginjiro had a lot of fun on last year's festival, so she might knew"
"Ah, okay then! Suma and I will handle the sweets, you and Makio can make the carp banners, and that leave Tengen-sama to watch over Ginjiro, and... Maybe stall him for a bit so he won't know what surprise we store for him" you smiled at her and nodded "Great idea! Well then, chop chop! We can't waste the sunlight!"
Hinatsuru smiled as she see how hyped you are, she chuckled and kissed your cheek "Well let's get to work, dear wife/husband" you giggled and do the same gesture to her as you scurry off to find Makio.
"You need me to help make a carp banner? Well, no problem, (name)! I have plenty of free time to make those!" Makio said, grinning at you "That's good to hear, Makio, well let's gather up the items we need!"
"Alright, what do we need?"
You recall what items are required to make the carp banner "Let's see, we need a ryudama, yaguruma, and fukiganashi, I'm sure the general store had those for us and we could make the carp banner ourselves" Makio nodded as she memorized the items you said "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get them now!" She said as she headed out and you follow her.
You and her then bumped into Tengen "Whoa there, what brings my wives/my wife and husband today? You both look agitated"
"Ah, Tengen-sama! Well...we..."
"No, let me guess, you both are going to get item for the carp banners, right?"
"Actually, yes, has Hinatsuru told you what to do?"
He nodded with (unusually) gentle smile on his face "Yeah, she did, don't you worry, my girls/and boy, I will get him busy with my flamboyant tales" he said, slightly flipping his hair as you and Makio giggled at him "But on one condition"
"What is it, Tengen-sama?" You and Makio said in unison "You should let me help you both so this impromptu festival will goes flamboyantly" you and Makio share a look and then nods "Only when Ginjiro is asleep"
"Deal, well now godspeed, you two, time's a wastin'!" He said as he gave you both a "flamboyant" hug as you and Makio headed out from Uzui estate.
"Well! Isn't it just nice! It's been quite a while since I came to the town aside from taking Ginjiro to children festival all those years ago" Makio said taking in the bustling town, people are passing by, vendors selling so many stuff and even food and array of unique shop, "Well since we're both are kunoichi/we're a shinobi we don't have much time to act like normal people"
Makio grinned and elbow your side, slightly chuckling "Hey, I take an offense, I can be normal too, you know?!" You giggled at her "I dunno, you looked angry and hungry 24/7 so basically you're hangry, get it?"
"Oh, I show you hangry!" She said laughing as she chases you as you run while giggling like a kid.
You and Makio had cat and dog chasing game around the town, you were at your advantage at least until Makio use her ninja trick and got you.
"Gotcha, you cute girl/guy!"
"Aaahh!! Noo!! Spare me mercy, Divine Makio!!"
You and Makio burst out laughing before you remember why you're in the town now "Oh dear, we better get those items now!"
"You're right, I'm having fun chasing you around though" she said giggling as you both headed to the general store, a kind old lady greet you both with a smile
"Well, hello, hello! What a pair of beauties/cute couples you are, is there anything I can help with?"
"Well, old lady, do you have...umm...what was it again, (name)?"
"A Ryudama, yaguruma and fukiganashi"
"Yeah, those things"
"Ahh, I see you're going to celebrate the children day, give me a moment, dearies, I'll be right back" the old lady said as she got the item you both required.
"You know, it's a good idea to have the festival in the estate so little Ginjiro can have a good time with all of us, last year we take him to the festival separately, you on his first year, then Hinatsuru, me, Tengen-sama then lastly with Suma"
"Hehe, well it's Hinatsuru's idea, I'm just doing what I need to do" Makio smiled warmly at you and put her hand on your shoulder "Still, it's good to know that you both find a way so we can cheer our son and let him enjoy the festival even though he's under the weather"
"Well, anything for our only kid, and maybe...if Tengen-sama agrees, our future kids too" you say wiggling your eyebrows as Makio laughed and playfully smacked your shoulder "(name)! You naughty girl/boy!" You both burst out laughing again as the old lady bring the required items "Here we go, dearies"
"Thank you, ma'am!" You took out a pouch of money, but the old lady stopped you "Oh, it's free for you, dearie, I may be old but I can't help hearing your conversation with this lady, I take it you made a koinobori for your sick son?"
"Yeah, we are, he's been looking forward to this and there's no way we make him sad just because he can't enjoy it with other kids" Makio said, huffing a bit "Well, you both are certainly are good parents for him! I wish that he'll get well soon so he can enjoy the festival"
You and Makio smiled at her and bowed your head a bit "Thank you very much, old lady! Sorry for the trouble!"
"Think nothing of it, dearies"
You thanked her once again before you and Makio headed home.
"Hina, Suma, how's the food?" You said as you checked the other wives at the kitchen "Oh, (name)! We're doing great! We're just going to make the kashiwa mochi and the Kabuto namagashi, how's the carp banner doing?" Suma asked you as she made the pickled oak leaf for the mochi "Oh we're going to make it now, if you're finished why don't you join us on drawing the carp banner?"
"Oh! I don't know...I mean! I would love to but what if the carp banner turned out to be a mess because of me??"
Hinatsuru shakes her head at Suma "Oh, Suma, it's okay, you're going to do well, and (name) we will join you later, alright?"
"Alright! We're at the genkan if you looked for us!" You said as you headed to the entrance area to join Makio making the carp banner, and to see Tengen already sit next to her
"Oh, Tengen! You're here, I take it that Ginjiro is asleep?" You said as you sit down, joining them "Yup, I figured out I'm going to help you and Makio making this carp banner, we're going to make it, flamboyantly!"
You chuckled at him as you took the fabric "Well in that case, we better get going before our son is awake"
The three of you worked on the banners in peaceful silence, sometimes though, you're being cheeky by smearing the fabric paint on your wife and husband's face "Whoops, my hand slipped" you said nonchalantly while drawing the higoi, trying your best to hide your smirk, unfortunately, Tengen saw that and smeared some on your cheek "Oh, the God of Festivies didn't mean to smear a paint on his wife/husband's face" he said jokingly, as you retaliate him "You were saying?"
You and Tengen keep smearing each other faces with the paint, Makio who made the banner for Ginjiro just laughed and shake her head at her wife and husband/husbands antics, "Now, you guys are going to wake Ginjiro and the banner won't be finished!"
You and Tengen share looks before you both smirk at her and smeared a red paint on her face "Ohh, so this is how we're going to finish the banners huh! It's on!"
The three of you basically chasing around trying to "paint each other faces" while laughing
"Ha! In your face, Makio!"
"You're not getting away with that, (name)!"
"Eat my Flamboyant Surprise attack!!"
Tengen manage to get the paint on your and Makio's nose, you gasped with her "The audacity!" You both then tackled Tengen and smear paint all over his face "Aahh!! Betrayed by my wives/my wife and husband!! I have fallen!!"
The three of you burst out laughing, you hear a giggle and to see Hinatsuru and Suma on the doorway smiling at both of you "Well it looks like you both have fun with making the banners"
You, Tengen and Makio sheepishly get up "Hehe, umm...sorry, we got carried away" Hinatsuru just smiled and sit down "Well let's not waste our time"
Suma joined her with a napkin on her hand, wiping the paint off your face "Hehe, you're actually cute with paint on your face, (name)" you smiled at her and kissed her cheek as a thank you gesture "Thank you, Suma-chan" she smiled and clean Tengen's face then Makio as you all continue making the banners and it pole.
"How's the Magoi banner, Tengen-sama?" Hinatsuru said as she helped you paint the higoi banner "I have made the most flamboyant banner the people ever seen!" Tengen said as he flaunt the black carp banner with jewels that similar to his eye patch he had, you and the other wives smiled at him.
"That is a flamboyant banner, alright" you chuckled "Now then, Tengen, if you don't mind can you attach it on the pole along with the fukiganashi?"
He nodded and start to attach the banner and wind bag on the pole,
"Suma!! You got the color mixed up!!"
You and Hinatsuru look over Makio and Suma's banner, the white paint smeared on the blue paint
"Ahhh!! I'm so sorry, Makio-san!! I knew I would mess it up"
"Quit talking like a coward, Suma!"
You, Tengen and Hinatsuru can only sigh as you approach them "It's okay Suma-chan, I will salvage this, you help Hinatsuru on attaching the ring in the carp's mouth"
"O-okay..." She then went to help Hinatsuru as you help Makio salvage the banner, she sighed "We don't have much time to salvage this" you shook your head and smiled at her "We still can, just leave it to me"
You dip the brush in the bowl of water to clean it and cover the white smudges on the carp's body with blue paint and carefully draw it's scales "See, we're almost finished so don't worry about it, Makio"
Makio sighed and smiled at you "Well, I shouldn't doubt you then" you all continue make the banner together and only few hours later, it's finished.
"Well, looks like we flamboyantly worked it out!" Tengen said as all of you all see how the wind fluttered the carp banners "Not really, Tengen-sama, Ginjiro haven't seen this yet so it's not finished yet, besides I have another thing I got for him" Hinatsuru say smiling at him.
"Hmm, yeah you're right, I wonder if he's awake now"
"I'll go check on him then"
His wives smiled at both of you "We'll get the tea and sweets ready then"
"Thanks for doing this, (name), it was a flamboyant idea to celebrate children's day like this" Tengen said as you both head to Ginjiro's bedroom, you smiled and shook your head "It was all Hinatsuru's idea, so you'll have to thank her instead"
Tengen smiled at you and ruffled your (H/C) hair "Hey don't sweat it, you both did amazingly and flamboyantly, Suma and Makio too, you don't know how lucky I am that I married to four amazing women/three amazing women and a flamboyant man and I have even more flamboyant son, too"
You chuckled and playfully punched his chest "save your sappy words for later, Tengen" he just smirked and slid open the shoji door and to see your son, huddled in blanket hugging his self made Kabuto helmet.
"Hey there kiddo" Tengen smiled and sit next to him "Hey Dad, sniff, and hey Mom/father" he say smiling weakly "what's up?"
"We know you're feeling under the weather, but do you want to get some fresh air for a bit? Spring wind is never that cold so don't worry" he thought of it for a while then smiled "Yeah, okay"
Tengen smiled and carried him on his shoulders as you both lead him outside "We're sorry that you couldn't celebrated the festival at the town, we knew how much you want to"
Ginjiro only smiled and shook his head "It's okay Mom/dad, I know you're worried about me..."
"Damn right we are so we decided to have a little festivies here and now" Tengen said as you both stepped out of the estate "Huh? What do you mean, da...-" he then looked up at the carp banner and his (E/C) eyes sparkled in happiness "Waahh!! A koinobori!! It looks so cool!! Did you guys made this??"
You and Tengen nodded as he pointed out at the banners "That black one is me/and your dad, the red ones are your moms, and the blue one on the bottom? It's you kid, you look awesomely flamboyant"
"Cool" the little boy marveled the carp banner and bounce up excitedly "This is the first time I saw this up close!! It's so cool!"
You and Tengen share a smile before back to Ginjiro "Hey kid, I know you're supposed to eat something warm like soup, but for today, it's an exception"
If it's possible, Ginjiro's eyes sparkled even more "Really?? What is it??"
"You'll see, your moms prepared something for you"
"Ah! You're awake, Ginjiro! Come, come! Sit down and enjoy the food!" Suma said as she excitedly usher Ginjiro to sit, his eyes widen in surprise when he saw array of sweets in front of him
"Wow!! A Kashiwa Mochi!! I got this with Suma kaa-chan last year! Can I eat it? Can I eat it pleeaasee??"
Makio laughed and ruffled his white hair "help yourself! It's all yours!"
"Yay!!" He happily gobbled up the mochi as you, Tengen and the other wives watch him as you all are the rice cakes Hinatsuru made and sipping green tea, you notice once your sullen and sad son became happier as he gobbled up the mochi happily.
"Oh and I have one more thing" Hinatsuru then walked away get something and come back with Kabuto helmet "Here! This is an actual Kabuto helmet to commemorate this day" she said as she displayed it in the middle of the room, Ginjiro excitedly approach it and look at it in awe "Would that mean it's mine too now?" He said looking up at Hinatsuru with his wide and sparkling eyes, she smiled and gently stroked his hair "Yes Ginjiro, We had hope that you will grow into a strong and healthy man just like...-"
"Just like dad/and father!! I will grow up into a strong shinobi and save people..."
The boy strike a dramatic pose
"... Flamboyantly!"
You all laughed at him as if he forget that he's sick, apple really did not fall far from its tree...
"Well, how about it? What's your thoughts on this "in home festival"?" Suma asked him with a smile, Ginjiro smiled brightly that it melt all of everyone's heart.
"This is the best children's day festival EVER!!" he said jumping up and down and hugged all of you "You guys are the best!! I love you all!!"
You share smile with your husband and wives as you both huddled up in a warm hug
"We love you too, Uzui Ginjiro"
Admin 15: Oh whoa, that's the longest story I have ever made, I'm actually quite proud of the outcome, I'm terribly sorry if this story made no sense
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properweirdparker · 5 years
Someone Cool (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
a/n: aight this is my first fic so it's gonna be booty butt cheek no doubt. let me know what you think and I do take constructive criticism *sobbing intensifies*. but lemme know if you wanna be tagged for future fics n shit. The song in this fic is called fallingforyou by The 1975 which you can listen to here:
Summary: The daily life of Peter Parker is not as easy as it seems. With being a part time hero and part time awkward nerd trying to finish his last year of high school, he can't help but feel as if the world is weighing down on him. As if he is expected to be on top of things in his double life. Luckily he has someone who helps as a distraction from his chaotic life and reminds him he is more than the suit and powers.
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Peter couldn't help but feel as if he was gonna explode. There was no way anyone could take on the responsibilities he had without going insane, and Peter was pretty sure he was about to lose it - assuming he hasn't already. Not only does he have a physics test at the end of the week that he did not begin to study for yet, he also needs to stay out longer than his usual hours in the night to patrol the area. The latter of the two leaves him feeling exhausted to even study for the former.
Lately, Peter has been feeling as if he has a heavy weight on his shoulders wherever he goes. As Spider-Man, he is expected to always be there whenever he was needed. It was a service he should never turn away from, not that he ever would, but he can't help but feel that being Spider-Man is starting to become a huge burden on his part. He feels horrible for thinking that since there are people out there that really needed his help, but this job has been taking away from his normal life as Peter Parker. Nevertheless he keeps those thoughts to himself, not wanting to come off as selfish.
Despite the chaos he attracts being Spider-Man and the add on stress he accumulates from trying to keep up with his normal life, Peter always knows who exactly to turn to whenever it gets too much for him. His best friend Y/n Y/l/n, who he met at the start of their freshman year, was always able to take his mind off from reality and just allow him to exist peacefully. Of course she didn't know he was Spider-Man at first but eventually she found out - Peter isn't exactly a master of subterfuge - and she was completely understanding as too why he kept it a secret.
What Peter loved most about his friendship with Y/n is that she leaves him alone without actually leaving him. She never strings up a conversation about anything to do with him being Spider-Man or about different assignments he forgot to finish for various classes. He appreciates it, he appreciates her for it. She was just what he needed, a distraction from everything.
Y/n would always strike up conversations about different things whenever Peter comes to her. If he is tired from his patroling duties and needs to rest a bit, he swings by Y/n's house and she tells him about this new book she is reading that has a character with the same name as him but differs in personality. If he is upset because a teacher of his randomly gives out a pop quiz for which he, well, no one was prepared for, Peter would find Y/n after school so he could walk her home all the while she brings up the topic of alien existence and how she feels it is selfish of people to think we are the only living creatures in the galaxy. He would have to introduce her to Thor one day, they'd hit it off immediately.
"Like are you kidding me? There is more to all of this and you have the nerve to say I'll believe it when I see it!? Imbeciles!!" She huffs as Peter laughs at her outburst, seeming to have forgotten why he was so upset in the first place.
Or if he just wants to hang out with someone he finds cool Peter would invite Y/n over to his house and she would talk about the two ladybugs that landed on her right shoulder earlier that day. Trying to figure out what it could mean and she would ask Peter what he thinks off it, genuinely wanting to hear his thoughts on this - another thing he loved about their friendship.
All these things are a part of the many reasons as to why he started to gain feelings for the y/h/c haired girl. She is so absorbed in knowing he is more than just Spider-Man. She reminds him that he is not the center of the world just because he saved it a couple times and he never chose to be either. To Y/n he was just Pete, her kind friend who helps to carry her many books she borrows from the library home so she won't struggle with it. Her amazing friend who she always asks for his input on certain things so she can have more perspective. He never found her irritating or weird whenever she would ramble on about anything she deemed interesting and she appreciated that. For Peter she was just Y/n, the girl that needs him to hold her things from time to time as she tells him about the latest updates on the many conspiracy theories she finds interesting. He wanted her to be more than just what they are to each other though he didn't know if she felt the same way at all.
It took Peter a while to come to terms with the fact that he had feelings for Y/n. It started off with him noticing small little details about the girl like the little strands of hair that were left out when she would put her hair up in a bun or ponytail. Or whenever she would be doing anything like making a snack or doing other small things, she would make a little song out of it and sing it to herself while completing these tasks, which he found absolutely adorable. He caught her singing about making soup one time while she was putting said soup on the stove to heat up once, he really wished he had brought his phone with him so he could record it. Even smaller details he notices like how her eyes would sparkle a bit whenever she talked about her favorite books or movies. At first Peter mistaked all of this as just his admiration for the y/h/c haired girl but it never stopped with the observations.
Peter found himself missings his best friend's presence a lot. Even after only a few hours of seeing her, he wanted to be with her again and listen to her talk for hours on end. He didn't know why at first but he just blew it off as nothing.
As time went on, Peter knew he couldn't deny it any longer. He knew why he was feeling these things but he just didn't want to believe it because then it would change everything. If she didn't feel the same way then it would totally ruin their friendship, everything would just be awkward and he would not be able to go to her when things ever get hard for him because he would be too embarrassed. He didn't want to jeopordize their friendship so he kept his feelings to himself. Thinking it would be for the best because these feelings were only one sided. He couldn't be more wrong.
Y/n invited Peter over after school so they could study together for their upcoming physics test, god knows Peter absolutely needed it. His duties as Spider-Man barley left him any time to study at all. Luckily for him, Happy let him have a couple of days off to prepare for it, after much persuasion.
They were both sitting on her bed looking through their notes and quizzing each other from time to time. An hour had passed and Y/n, bored out of her mind, decides that they should take a little break.
"Alright I'm beat, lets take a break yeah?" She looks to Peter and he agrees.
"Yeah a break sounds good, I'll go get those cookies your mom made from the fridge. Be right back." He then got off her bed to go to the kitchen.
Y/n then decided to play some music so she connects her phone to her speaker and puts her music on shuffle. She smiles when fallingforyou by The 1975 starts playing and she softly sings along to it.
What time you coming home?
We started losing light
I'll never get it right
If you don't want me 'round
I'm so excited for the night
All we need's my bike
And your enormous house
Peter came back with the cookies and stopped by the doorway when he heard Y/n’s voice. He just stood there in awe while she sung softly with her eyes closed. He smiled and his heart swelled at the sight. He knew she liked to sing but he never really got to hear her voice until now. Peter honestly couldn't be more infatuated with her than in this moment.
Y/n opened her eyes when she felt a presence and blushed when she saw Peter standing by the door smiling at her.
"Your voice is beautiful Y/n." Peter walked towards the bed and placed the cookies down then looked at the her and smiled when he saw her blush more.
"Thanks Pete." She bashfully smiled back and they stared at each other for a bit until she finally worked up the courage to say this next thing.
"Um, do you wanna dance with me? I mean you don't have to but I just love this song and I've always wanted to dance to it but-"
Peter cut her off with a smile "I'd love to."
They both stood up and faced each other in the middle of the room. Y/n moved closer and placed her hands on Peter's shoulders and Peter hesitantly put his hands on her waist. They then started to sway as the music softly played in the background.
Don't you see me I
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And don't you need me I
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And on this night
And in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And maybe you will change your mind
Y/n moved closer to lean her head on Peter's chest and he hoped that she wouldn't notice how fast his heart was beating in that moment. He wanted to tell the girl how he felt about her so badly but he just didn't want to risk losing their friendship. She just made him feel so many things that he couldn't help but want more than this.
According to your heart
My place is not deliberate
The feeling of your arms
"I can hear the gears in your head turning rapidly Pete. Penny for your thoughts?" The girl on his mind chuckled and looked up at him smiling. God he loved her smile.
"It's-It's nothing I just-" he sighed and she tilted her head in confusion, waiting for him to finish.
I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your neck
Screw it he thought and leaned in until his lips connected with hers. Y/n's eyes widened for just a split second before she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Her hands tangling into his soft brown locks while his hands gripped her waist and pulled her closer.
They both pull back when air was needed and Y/n leaned her forehead against Peter's. They both were smiling at each other and the latter spoke up.
"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time you know." He chuckled softly and she giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Me too Peter." They both shared a laugh and with that they leaned in to kiss once more as the song was finishing it's course.
Don't you see me I
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And don't you need me I
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And on this night
And in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm fallingforyou
And maybe you will change your mind
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echoes-of-realities · 6 years
be my fire in the cold (and I'll be waiting by the mistletoe) - 1/25
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[Fanfiction] // [ao3]
[Next Chapter]
Summary: When the production stage manager for George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker, starring one Brittany S. Pierce, is fired seven shows into its run, Santana is hired and thrown into the production with barely any preparation.
Notes: So remember that little something for Christmas I mentioned back in November? Yeah, this is that. And by “little” I actually mean a 25 chapter fic I’ve been working on since October. This is why I haven’t posted anything for so long, because I’ve been working on this since then. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for sure that I’d be able to finish it, but here it is! I’ll be posting one chapter a day until Christmas, hopefully around the same time everyday but I can’t guarantee that for sure lol.
If you have any questions about the technical terms in the theatre just ask and I’ll try my best to answer! Obviously not everything will be perfect since most of my theatre experience is from the pit band and what I’ve learned from Broadway videos, but artistic liberties and all that. I’ll also be adding links to each chapter for the ones before and after once I post them too! So hopefully it will be easy to navigate on tumblr, and if not just go to ao3 or fanfiction lmao.
All chapter titles are from “Smile at Snow” by dodie.
Chapter 1: how were we to know
“Simpatico, it’s Italian for ‘sympathetic.’ Hearts beating to the same pulse. That’s what music does for one, you know—I mean, for two. For more. It trains hearts to lean in the same direction. Sympathetically.” ― Gregory Maguire, Hiddensee: A Tale of the Once and Future Nutcracker
When Santana accepted the job offer as production stage manager for The Nutcracker, a prestigious and professional production, she didn’t really think that she was going to be thrown right in the deep end; she assumed that the old production stage manager was taking a leave of absence and she would be able to shadow him for a couple days, not that he had been unexpectedly fired on Friday morning and that she would be shadowing the assistant stage manager for two shows on Saturday and running her first one by the Sunday matinee.
And yet, here she is, dodging half dressed dancers and props bigger than she is, only two hours before the matinee, trailing after two blonde women who are frantically talking on their phones, occasionally exchanging them before resuming their frantic conversations. Usually Santana thrives on the organized chaos of a production, but she can do little more than duck under stretching limbs and just try to keep track of the flashes of blonde ahead of her.
It’s not that she’s overwhelmed, per se, she’s done other ballets and she’s done Broadway, she’s done community theatre and she’s done a short stint for an opera, she’s done touring companies and she’s done Off-Broadway, she’s even done a couple other productions of The Nutcracker itself; she’s been working as a stage manager for years, and she’s damn good at her job. It’s just, usually she has weeks or months of rehearsals before a show begins; at the very least, she usually gets to meet the rest of the stage management team before she’s thrown in the deep-end for the first show.
Holly and Quinn, the director and the assistant stage manager, eventually make it to the call desk, a tiny little alcove just off stage right, with monitors on the front of the stage and the pit. There’s a man in a wheelchair already squished in the tiny space, his glasses slipping down his nose, staring intently at the screen and muttering into his headset.
“Artie,” Quinn greets, and the man offers her a half-hearted salute. “Artie,” Quinn repeats, waiting until the man finally glances up before she gestures to Santana, “This is Santana Lopez, the new production stage manager.”
Artie blinks and offers her a grin, reaching over to shake Santana’s hand, almost running over Holly’s foot in the tiny space. “Nice to meet you,” he says, “Your resume is a mile long.”
Santana shrugs as she shakes his hand; it’s a little clammy and she wipes her hand on her black jeans as subtly as she can as leans back. “It kinda has to be to land this job.”
Artie laughs and nods as Holly finally hangs up the phone. “I forgot how frantic this place is outside of rehearsals,” she groans. She rummages around on the tiny desk, much to Artie’s poorly-concealed annoyance as she displaces knickknacks and rearranges papers, until she produces Santana’s new prompt book. She passes it to Santana, who’s fingers are already itching to crack the spine of the binder and start writing her own notes in; Artie hands her a spare pen with a knowing grin. “Today’s show is going to be a little insane,” Holly explains, “But you’ll do fine, sweet cheeks. You have a steep learning curve.” Santana’s not really sure how Holly could possibly know that, seeing as the last time they worked together Santana was still in college and barely an assistant to the assistant stage manager, but she nods anyways. “I’m going to get Quinn to give you the tour while I get ready for the matinee, and then we’ll hole up in the stage manager’s office and go through the show from the screens in there. For the evening show—” Holly’s phone phone rings and cuts her off, and she groans as she answers it, waving Quinn and Santana off towards the vague direction of the rest of the theatre, and they take their cue to leave just as Holly starts getting heated with whatever poor soul is on the other end of the line.
Santana flips through the book as she trails after Quinn, half-listening to her explanations and introductions; it’s second nature to dodge props and racks of costumes and stretching dancers by this point, even in the dimmed lights of backstage, so she keeps most of her attention focused on reading through the calls even though she’s never actually seen the blocking. She inwardly groans, the next couple shows really are going to be absolutely insane.
When Quinn takes a breath in her explanation of the Christmas tree prop and the mechanical issues they’ve been having lately, Santana finally glances up from the prompt book. “So why didn’t they just promote you?” she asks, “Seems like it would have been easier that way.”
Quinn’s head whips around to glare at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she snaps. Santana glances up at Quinn and frowns at the look on her face. “Wow, cool the fires there, Beelzebub. I meant why would they hire someone new when you obviously know the show already.”
“Oh,” Quinn says, and she has the grace to look a little sheepish, “This is only the second production I’ve worked on, and it’s my first big one too. They offered, since I’ve been working with the show since the very beginning, but I’m nowhere near ready to run a production myself, especially something as big as this.”
Santana nods and returns to flipping through the prompt book while Quinn returns to narrate what seems to be the entire history of the theatre. It’s not like Santana’s uninterested in learning about how old this production is, or how they use the original props, or what famous person happened to sneeze right where they’re standing, it’s just priorities; Santana’s supposed to be running this production by tomorrow and she hasn’t even skimmed through the second act in the prompt book. Holly warned her that it would be crazy during her interview, because Holly had to be across the country for a mandated meeting tomorrow morning and would be leaving Santana, who only knew the names of about five people in the entire building, to fend for herself.
It’s not that she doesn’t love a good challenge, it’s just frustrating when her pay-check and reputation hinges on said challenge.
She ducks under a large candy cane swinging towards her head and groans at the thought.
Quinn leads her to the principal hallway, squeezing between stray dancers wandering the tiny hallway. The walls are lined with racks of costumes and wigs, and Santana takes a moment to admire the care put into the costumes; Quinn said that this production has been reusing their costumes from the very first performance, all the way back in 1954, and despite the slightly musty smell clinging to the fabric, they’ve obviously been well cared for. Quinn knocks on a door halfway down the hallway, and Santana quickly snaps out of her admiration to catch up to her. The name on the door reads The Nutcracker/The Prince, and a man Santana already knows well opens the door.
“Santana!” he exclaims, “I didn’t realize you were actually starting already!” Quinn blinks and glances between them, her face a picture of confusion, as Mike pulls Santana into a tight hug.
“You two know each other?” she asks slowly.
Santana rolls her eyes and halfheartedly struggles to escape from Mike’s embrace. “Unfortunately he’s been dating my best friend since college,” she complains as Mike finally releases her, but not before giving her an obnoxious kiss on the crown of her head. Santana swats at him a little but he just continues to grin at her; dating my best friend is an understatement of their relationship, because Santana counts him as one of two people she truly trusts with everything and anything, but it’s not like she’s going to acknowledge that when he’s being irritatingly affectionate just to annoy her.
Quinn’s hazel eyes glow with amusement. “Oh, so you’re the infamous Santana that Tina’s always talking about.”
“All bad things, I promise,” Tina calls from the couch.
“Oh, shut up,” Santana snipes as she turns a withering glare on her. Tina just rolls her eyes, as unfazed by Santana’s snark as she was their first day of college, and continues reading her magazine, her feet propped up on the coffee table.
“Alright,” Quinn says slowly, “Uh, I guess we should go meet Brittany then.”
“She’s not in yet,” Mike says. “She had that appointment, remember?”
“She said she’d be here in time for half hour,” Tina adds.
“Right,” Quinn shrugs and glances at Santana, “I guess you’ll meet her between shows then.”
“I mean, I still don’t know half the stage management team,” Santana says dryly, “One more person won’t make a difference.”
Tina chuckles. “Brittany’s just lucky that she doesn’t have to see your annoying face for a couple hours yet.”
“Get me out of here before we have to send the understudy on,” Santana comments mildly, Quinn grins and leads them out the door.
“Love you, Santana,” Tina and Mike chorus.
“Yeah, whatever,” she grumbles as she pulls the door shut firmly so they don’t see her begrudgingly fond smile; of course, being her best friends, they don’t need to see it to know it’s there.
Quinn weaves through the theatre and points out people that Santana’s sure she’s going to forget about in roughly three seconds. Usually by this point Santana has all the company and crew members memorized, but she’s starting to realize that this entire experience is going to be one stumbling improvisation after another for the first little bit. She meets the conductor, Will Schuester, who Quinn introduces as Schue; Kurt Hummel is the head of costumes and he talks rapid fire as he explains some important quick changes while Santana scribbles down notes in her prompt book; Finn Hudson and Noah “Puck” Puckerman, who leers at her and Quinn while Santana resists the urge to make fun of his nickname, work in props and are running the department while the head, Emma Pillsbury, is out sick; Quinn rolls her eyes when she introduces her to the sound crew and its head, Blaine Anderson, and the sound his voice already sets Santana’s teeth on edge; Unique Adams explains some of the more complicated lighting calls from her booth and Santana adds some more notes into her prompt book; Quinn points out the head of the automaton department, Dave Karofsky, who is busy wrestling with some of the ropes on a fly; Lauren Zizes is the fourth and final member of the stage management team, and she gives Santana a wide smirk and a good luck before turning back to talking to Artie over her headset.
Quinn also introduces her to some of the corps dancers and kids, but she doesn’t pay much attention because she has more important people to memorize before the show starts, like the name of every department head that she’s pretty sure she’s already forgotten.
Quinn hands her a headset with an apologetic glance. “I know it’s pretty overwhelming—”
“I’m not overwhelmed,” Santana protests automatically. Quinn just keeps staring at her blankly. “I’m a little bit whelmed at the most,” Santana finally concedes, and Quinn snorts in amusement.
“This is going to be interesting,” she says as the announcement booms throughout the theatre for half hour.
Santana settles the headset over her ears, and it eases her instantly; there’s a crackle of static as Quinn stands too close, but she quickly takes a couple steps away and then she grins at Santana, her teeth flashing eerie blue in the dim backstage lights. “I usually run stage right while Zizes does stage left, and Artie runs the call desk,” she explains. “I’m not sure where Holly is but—”
“In the stage manager’s office, sweet cheeks,” drawls through their headsets.
Quinn glances at Santana to point her in the right direction, but Santana is already heading that way.
Holly barely pauses in her near constant stream of phone calls to talk to her. It’s been years since Santana last worked with Holly as a director, back when Santana was just an overtired and overworked college student, but if she knows one thing about the older woman it’s that Holly’s practically a professional at improvising on the fly.
Which means she’s barely surprised when Holly explains that her flight got moved up and that Santana will have to learn the entire show from backstage with Quinn instead of from the comfort of the office where Holly could teach her the blocking over the screen pointed at centre stage. Santana’s done The Nutcracker three different times in three different cities, so she knows the show, which only marginally helps her out because every single production has its quirks, and she has absolutely no clue what to expect with this one.
But she tries not to think of that, and instead nods at Holly and adjusts her headset, clutching her prompt book like it’s a life preserver that’s going to keep her from drowning, which, she realizes, is actually fairly apt. She heads out of the hallway of theatre offices to find Quinn backstage, absently listening to her have an argument with that Blaine guy from sound over the headsets until Zizes interrupts with a particularly harsh quip regarding Blaine’s mother and where, exactly, he can stick it, and the argument dies pretty quickly after that. Quinn is pinching her nose when Santana arrives, only a couple minutes before the five minute call. She seems grateful that Santana’s there and pushes her headset off her ear for a brief moment, tugging the mic away from her mouth and waiting until Santana does the same. “The dance captain for the flower corps just called and she’s stuck on the subway in Brooklyn.”
Santana glances around. “Okay?” she says slowly.
“What do we do?”
Santana blinks at Quinn. “I barely know who the fuck any of these people are, what exactly do you expect me to do?”
Quinn rolls her eyes. “This is a you problem, you’re the production stage manager.”
“For like a three minutes,” Santana mutters but flips through the prompt book anyways. “The flower corps don’t come in until the end of the second act,” Santana says slowly, “If she’s not here by intermission we’ll deal with it then.”
Quinn nods and pushes her headset back into place so she can relay the order to Zizes and Artie. Dancers have already started to gather in the wings, doing last minute stretches, and the team of stagehands Santana still hasn’t met yet dart between them for last minute checks. She spots the two lumbering guys from props heading towards the Christmas tree before they’re hidden behind the fly being lowered to the floor, and then the lights are dimming and the announcement to put cellphones away is booming, and the curtain rises as the first strains of the orchestra fill the theatre.
Santana’s thankful that she already has some experience with the show, because otherwise she would be making even less sense of the chaos backstage than she currently is. Santana mostly ignores Quinn, instead focusing on the blocking and comparing it to her prompt book in the dim, but somehow still harsh blue light backstage. Santana finds herself slipping easily into her position, and soon enough she’s adding her own voice to Quinn’s on the headset. Santana’s always had an instinct for stage management from her very first experience in a theatre, for the mechanical, repetitive, and yet still unpredictable nature of the job, and the instinct has served her well over the years, and before she knows it, intermission is starting and Quinn is clapping her on the shoulder with a grin.
Despite the chaos around them and the too warm weight of Quinn’s hand, Santana has a feeling she’s going to really like the challenge of this production; it will keep her busy and distracted, at the very least, which is something she always needs during the month of December.
Santana’s always found the second act of The Nutcracker to be a little boring without the frantic energy of the party and then the battle in the first act, and she feels almost lazy as Quinn helps herd children into place in the wings; they may be tiny professionals, but it’s only the eighth show so far, and the chaos of backstage can be a little overwhelming, especially for the younger dancers. It’s not until Quinn nudges her and points out the Sugar Plum Fairy, giggling and whispering with some kids, that Santana finally notices the presence of third principal. The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy is always the most interesting to Santana in the second act because the energy of the audience always changes and perks up as soon as that first pluck of the string section drifts through the theatre. Santana creeps closer to the front of the stage as the Sugar Plum Fairy, Brittany, leaves the safe darkness of backstage and emerges into the harsh onstage lights.
The strings pluck the first chord as Brittany enters the stage en pointe, her limbs long and poised with an easy grace, her stiff classic tutu moving easily with her waist as she makes her way to centre stage. On the first note of the celesta, Santana can see the exhilarated smile on Brittany’s face for a split second before she blinks and falls into character even before the second note is ringing out. She moves with the music as if the conductor is pulling on her puppet strings and Santana forgets to concentrate on the blocking and the musical cues in favour of just watching Brittany.
She looks like something off of a ballerina music box, beautiful and delicate, but as she spins across the stage Santana can see the strength and power in her legs, the certain grace and ease in her movements, the concentration and glow in her eyes. Santana’s seen a lot of dancers through her years of stage managing, enough to recognize that spark that differentiates people who dance for a living and for those who live to dance, and Santana can’t help the wide smile spreading across her face as Brittany draws to a stop and the crowd bursts into applause; having that spark in one of the principals is rare, and more than Santana could ever hope for in any production.
She manages to survive both shows with only a little bit of nausea at the thought that she’s supposed to be in charge of the entire production tomorrow; Holly left during intermission of the first show, but Quinn, Zizes, and Artie already work well together, and Santana just needs to find a way to fit herself among them without causing too much friction.
She wanders down the principal hallway, on her way to meet up with Tina before leaving the theatre, when she hears a persistent, loud banging against the wall right beside her. Santana jumps but manages to bite down on her shriek and glances wildly at the wall. The banging pauses for a second before resuming and Santana makes her way to the closest door, poking her head in without knocking; it’s not like anyone would hear her knock over the banging anyways.
She finds the Sugar Plum Fairy, her blonde hair still pinned up but dressed in loose sweats and a baggy sweater, smacking her ballet shoes against the wall with a focus Santana’s rarely seen in anyone, least of all in someone banging their shoe against a wall. Santana clears her throat and Brittany starts a little and quickly glances up.
“Hi,” she grins, giving the shoe one more firm smack against the wall, “You must be Santana.”
Santana swallows the retort on the tip of her tongue when the bluest eyes she’s ever seen land on hers, somehow sparkling even in the poor lighting of the dressing room. She manages a nod as Brittany bends her shoe a little before tossing it onto the coffee table where another shoe, a tiny sewing kit, a hot glue gun, an x-acto knife, and a small pile of resin are scattered. Santana glances at the wall, littered with tiny smudges of pink from Brittany’s banging, and laughs a little, finally realizing why Brittany’s beating the wall with her shoes so violently. “Who knew the Sugar Plum Fairy bangs her own shoes,” she says.
Brittany’s face creases in a smile, thin lips curling up a little lopsided on one side, her cheeks scrunching her blue eyes until they’re catlike and sparkling, and Santana’s chest does this weird spasming, fluttering thing that she tries to ignore. “Well, the Land of Sweets is pretty low on funds,” she says easily.
Santana laughs a little before she steps forward, holding out her hand. “Santana Lopez,” she formally introduces, “Mostly confused, new production stage manager.”
Brittany takes her hand, her fingers sure and strong as they wrap around Santana’s. “Brittany S. Pierce,” she says, “Sugar Plum Fairy and professional shoe banger.” Brittany’s nose wrinkles adorably as she realizes what she just said. “Ew, not like that.”
Santana giggles and only briefly wonders at how easily Brittany coaxed that sound out of her; usually it’s only Tina and Mike that make her comfortable enough to giggle instead of smirk, and that’s mostly because she’s known them for far too long, but there’s something easy about Brittany’s smile that already makes her drop her guard a little bit. “That wouldn’t even be the weirdest thing I’ve seen someone in the company bang,” Santana whispers.
Brittany’s eyes widen comically and she leans forwards eagerly. “Seen?” she exclaims.
Santana shudders, suddenly regretting that she brought it up when the image burned into her memory starts replaying for her. “Unfortunately.”
Brittany giggles and clasps her hands together, rocking backwards on her heels. “Like a train wreck, right?” she asks knowingly.
Santana blinks out of the memory, focusing on the much more pleasing image of Brittany’s sparkling eyes. “Definitely.”
Brittany laughs a little, relaxing again, and there’s a small lull that would normally make Santana fidget with her hands, but Brittany just smiles softly at her and Santana finds herself smiling in return. “So, are you ready for the shows tomorrow?” Brittany finally asks, her voice quiet and warm.
Santana shrugs. “They’re going to be,” she pauses and glances up at the ceiling as she thinks of the right word, “interesting, to say the least.”
The fingers of Brittany’s right hand twitch towards her arm, but freeze a moment later and drop back to her side. Santana wonders what it would feel like to have those clever fingers grazing over her skin, but manages to snap out of her daydreaming with only a little bit of heat in her checks when Brittany speaks again. “I’m sure you’ll do great,” she says easily, “I was talking to Quinn after the show and she was saying that you were a quick study.”
Santana blinks. “Really?” she wonders. It’s not that she thought Quinn would hate her or anything, but, in Santana’s experience, shoving a new person into the production this late always ends up having issues; when sometimes she covers for other stage managers there’s almost always a little bit of tension as everyone tries to adjust to each other.
Brittany nods easily, a small smile curling her lips. “She said that you fit in really well.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I was so worried that everyone would hate me or something,” Santana says, before blinking in surprise. She hadn’t meant to admit that, she’s barely talked about her reservations regarding this job with Tina or Mike, yet somehow Brittany is on the receiving end of Santana’s sudden lack of a filter. “Um, you were amazing tonight, by the way,” she redirects quickly.
Pink blooms in splotches across the peak of Brittany’s cheeks despite the fact that Santana knows that this can’t be the first compliment that Brittany’s ever got. “Thanks,” she mumbles bashfully, and something in Santana’s chest twists when she realizes she really wants to see that blush again, and she’s about to go about doing just that when a voice interrupts them from the door.
Brittany and Santana both turn to the door, finding Tina smirking from the doorway. Santana feels her face heat up for absolutely no reason as Tina’s eyes dart between her and Brittany. “I thought I heard you in here,” she explains, “I see you’ve finally met Brittany.”
Brittany brightens a little. “Your battle scene was great today,” she greets, “Sam said you actually nailed him in the eye.”
Tina laughs, her face opening and brightening at the compliment. “I threw it weird and didn’t even think I would hit him, but he slipped on his turn and instead of missing him I got him right in the face.”
Brittany grins. “Mike said it was glorious.”
Tina chuckles before glancing at Santana. “You coming? Mike’s already impatiently opened a bottle of wine at home to celebrate your first day.”
Santana hesitates. “There’s two shows tomorrow,” she protests weakly, “And I’ve gotta go through the prompt book a couple more times.”
“The matinee’s not until one,” Tina says easily, more than used to having to drag Santana away from her work.
Brittany glances back and forth between the two friends before settling her eyes on Santana, and the warmth in Brittany’s gaze makes that thing spasm in her chest again. “You only have one first day,” she says wisely.
Santana sighs and glances between the two. “Fine,” she mutters. Tina cheers from the doorway, but Brittany just gives her a quiet smile.
“Have fun,” Brittany says.
Santana sucks in a sharp breath through her nose before offering Brittany a small smile in return. “Thanks,” she murmurs, “See you tomorrow.”
Brittany waves her goodbyes to them as Tina drags her out of the dressing room, marching Santana to the stage manager’s office so they can collect Santana’s jacket and prompt book before she can change her mind and insist on going back to her apartment without celebratory drinks. Tina’s lucky enough to have a good parking space in the building’s parkade, being a principal and all, and they head to the elevators that will take them to the parking level in comfortable silence.
“So what do you think?” Tina says as she starts her car and backs out of her parking space. “How do you think it will go?”
“It’s going to be challenging,” Santana admits, “But, interesting, I think.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Santana bites her lip but once she realizes Tina is sufficiently distracted by watching traffic for her chance to pull out of the parkade her reluctance fades, “I have a good feeling about this show.”
Tina apparently wasn’t distracted as Santana thought she was and glances at Santana out of the corner of her eyes, her eyes curious and intrigued in the brightness of the streetlights and taillights around them. “Really? I haven’t heard you say that about a show in years,” she says carefully.
Blue eyes and a soft smile come unbidden to her mind, and Santana’s thankful for the darkness because it hides the blush she can feel creeping along her cheeks and the back of her neck. “Yeah,” she finally says, “I have a really good feeling about it.”
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