#also yeah Lizzy cut her hair for this she's short hair for a while now 😭
blondeaxolotl ¡ 4 months
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The butler, gaining admittance 💖💚
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atherix ¡ 2 years
Soo, A few more characters description questions
In midnight what do Scott and Jimmy look like (like what do they normally wear)
And. What do the watcher gods look like or are they just kinda shadowy thjngs?
Also, could you give some character descriptions of Joe, lizzy, bdubs, doc and cleo, if you don't mind. And heights of the characters?
*I know I'm probably forgetting g someone and I need to reread midnight but I've been super busy
Hmmmmmmm this is a long post so I'll put it below the cut <3
Jimmy is "from a farm in Tumble Town" (supposedly) so likes to dress the part... though he does it, uh. Badly. Think button up, bluejean jacket and bluejeans that clash horribly, brown cowboy boots with the stirrups removed, a ten gallon hat that Scott is constantly hiding so he won't wear it in front of people, a red handkershief around his throat- he's an absolute mess, not a shred of fashion sense to him. Scott, on the other hand, is absolutely fabulous. He wears colorful clothes, semi-formal style. Think suit without the jacket in shades of purple, and black dress shoes that are always shined to perfection. He also has his pale blue hair (ofc, he's Scott Smajor <3) and heterochromia, with an amber eye and a blue eye. They have matching wedding rings, gold <3 Jimmy is, of course, short as most Avians are- he's a few inches taller than Grian, at least. Meanwhile, Scott is around the same height as Scar, maybe just slightly shorter than him.
Watcher gods are.... in a way they're shapeshifters. We haven't seen their true forms but we will one day, but there's a reason in Grian's POV I describe him as "feeling like his skin is turning to molten glass." Watcher gods typically wear purple cloaks that completely hide their features, and will often hide in a humanoid facade (just as Grian is doing now), but their true forms are... unfathomable. I actually described one in Midnight Alley as;
" He doesn’t really know what he’s seeing. It’s unexplainable- incomprehensible, even. It’s not human though it wears long, flowing robes, and its four, six, nine wings are made of feathers that are both fire and ice, sharp yet flickering. They drip like liquid- like ichor- and are black and white and gold and violet all at once yet not at all. Crowns, many crowns, dance around and eyes- eyes, so many eyes- stare back at him, so many eyes he can’t figure out where the eyes end and the being begins.
It has two, four, seven arms yet none, shifting and malleable as it moves closer. It reaches out a hand, slowly- a hand that melts into a human-like shape, like spun glass and flowing magma. "
Joe... how to even describe Joe. He's Joe. I mean- like. Yeah. Joe is Joe. I don't even know how to describe him. He's the most human human to have ever human'd while somehow being so completely not human. Like. He's just a Dude™ but like. To the left. He's pretty average height, a bit shorter than Scar I'd think- so about Scott's height.
Lizzie has a few different forms, as a shapeshifter, but her human form is just... Lizzie. She has pink hair and more often than not her ears are cat ears, hidden under her hair. She likes to experiment with her style, though she likes Cute styles. As a humanoid-cat she's a pink, black and white calico! Of course she's also a pink, black and white calico in straight-up cat form but still. She's also pretty short, being a cat shapeshifter, somewhere between Jimmy and Scott's height. Bonus Joel, Lizzie's changeling husband. He's tall. Like not quite Mumbo tall but pretty close. He's a button-up and dress pants type man, wanting to look good for his wife and all that. He sometimes has a beard, sometimes he shaves it off.
BDubs is, again... he's BDubs. His style changes day to day, shifting between traditional Elven and traditional Vampire and then sometimes he's a T-shirt and jeans type of guy, but he always- ALWAYS, no exceptions- has his moss-woven cloak. Oh! He also has semi-long hair, nowhere near as long as Scar's but definitely around his shoulders, but even so he generally keeps his hood up when not at home. He's short, which is EXTREMELY abnormal for an Elf. No one knows what happened (that's a lie, I know and Belle knows if they remember). BDubs is just as short as Grian, if not an inch or two shorter.
Doc is Doc! He's a creeper hybrid (I may also allow him to be a goat hybrid as well, so maybe a creeper-goat hybrid) with prosthetics. While he was in his coven he was forced to dress in traditional Vampire clothes- like basically mourning suit, pretty much. Once he's out of there and recovering (in Xisuma's Coven, btw) and finding his own style again, he experiments but is almost always found with an open lab coat. Because I love him for that. He's around the same height as Scott, I believe.
Cleo... Cleo my queen... she's a Zombie hybrid Vampire so she has her classic green skin and red eyes, with fiery red hair that may or may not change into snakes when her Vampire magic starts to take over and changes her into her less human, more monstrous form :) But they definitely have a super classy classic Vampire style; beautiful, stunning gowns (some ripped almost to shreds in very aesthetically pleasing locations, some sleek, all beautiful) and stunning, absolutely gender-envy-inducing suits.... I am love they. Also, they are tall. Like. I mean tall. They're taller than Mumbo, in fact. Not by much, mind you, she's maybe got two inches at best on him but by god I fucking love tall Cleo and y'all can pry them from my cold fingers <3
That is perfectly understandable, hope you get through everything you need to do!! <3
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bratshaws ¡ 2 years
goodness gracious 6. brb x oc
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a/n: * violent screaming* god they pain me with how CUTE they are. anyway, WHEW, can't believe this is mostly fluff isntead of angst...............but there's still time :)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
Saturday morning was like the storm from yesterday never happened, clear skies with birds chirping, soft winds fluttering leaves, a complete opposite from the reenactment of Noah’s ark.
Bea woke up happy, she had her lunch with a smile on her face and cleaned her house while How Will I Know played in the background.
She also accepted Shells’ apology, much to the blonde’s relief, but she didn’t tell her what prompted the acceptance.She wanted to keep that all to herself, “There’s a boy, I know,” she sang with Whitney, sweeping her floor “He’s the one I dream of. Looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above, mm-hmm.”
Her hips moved along to the beat,  her smile unfaltering as she hummed the song. Jolene settled herself on the couch, following her owner with her eyes as she twirled around with the broom close to her chest. She couldn’t help herself really, even if there was…well, nothing between the two, Rooster was just so…so special to her. She stopped humming once Whitney hit the chorus “How will I know if he really loves me? I say a prayer with every heartbeat!”
Beatrice held the end of the broom to her lips as if it was a mic “I fall in love whenever we meet,” her cheeks warmed up with the words “I’m asking you what you know about these things! How will I know if he’s thinking of me? I try to phone but–” her singing was cut short by a sudden knock on her door, Jolene sitting up on the couch while the brunette stares. She looks back at her phone to check the time, it was just past lunchtime? Who could it be?
She frowns a bit, but lowers the volume of her little speaker, tapping her thighs as she fixes the shirt on her body, slipping on the flip flops to march to the door. She peeked through the windows to see who’d be, widening her eyes at a familiar body outside. Unlocking the door,  she looks up at the face of no one else but her older brother Leo.
“Little Bitty! Hey!” he grins, his dark brown mutton chops were now peppered with streaks of silver just like his hair - that once was long to his shoulders - that rested below his ears where a couple earrings remained. He was tall and athletic, covered in tattoos he got in his surfing days, but with a boyish smile hidden under his facial whiskers. “I got you a present!”
“Hi auntie!”
Her little niece Bianca rested on his crooked arm, her blonde hair pulled into two tiny pigtails while a denim bucket hat was on her head. Her baby yellow overall had tiny ducks sewn onto it, while a striped pink and blue shirt under it. She stretched her little body forward so Beatrice picked her up from her father, the little girl hugging her neck. “Hi sweetie! What a surprise!” she looks from her niece to her older brother, “What’s going on?”
“Yeah so…” he claps his hands once, wincing a bit, “Can you stay with Bibi for a few hours?” Beatrice recoiled in surprise so her brother quickly lifted his hands, “I’ll pick her up before you go to work! I promise! I need someone to stay with her.”
“What? Why me? Isn’t Cynthia home?” 
“Cynthia is visiting her sister, you know the one I say is insane and likes to drink essential oils to prevent diseases? Yeah well, she��s getting her stomach pumped because of it.” he says it with a casual shrug, “Soooo…it was either you or Marina, who is a three hours ride for me.”
“But…where are you going then?”
“My friend Eddie, remember him? Shaggy blonde hair, had a crush on Marina when we were kids, ate a dragonfly once and showed it to you and you punched him in the nose.”
Realization flashes over her eyes, “Oh, oh I remember him.”
“Yeah, the storm yesterday? Destroyed his deck. He gave me a call in tears asking me to help him out.” he pressed his hand together in a prayer position, “I promise I won’t take longer than three hours. But pretty please, with a cherry on top?”
She furrowed her eyebrows, looking from her brother to her niece clung to her neck…well she didn’t have anything planned today, so she just shrugged, “Okay,” his brother pumped his fist in the air, hissing out a ‘yess’ “But you better be back before I go to work. I won’t take Bibi to the Hard Deck.”
“Oh, I promise.” she watched him go to his truck, opening the passenger door to grab a colorful unicorn bag, rushing back to her door, “There you go, her little purse. She wants to go to Mr.Scoops today.”
“Mr.Scoops– Leonardo! You didn’t say–” 
“It’s just twenty minutes from you!” he defended himself meekly, “You can get an Uber! It’ll be fun! You love that place! We’ve been going there since we were kids!”
“But–” he pressed a kiss to his daughter’s head and another one on his little sister’s cheek, “Leonardo– don’t you walk off! Leonardo!” he was already back inside the truck, blowing the two of them kisses before the truck sped away from her street. Beatrice groaned, clenching the neon pink strap of the kiddie purse only to heave out a sigh. She turned to her niece, who was looking up at her already, “Sometimes your dad can be worse than a child.”
She turned herself around to walk both of them inside, Jolene whimpering and whining when she saw Bianca there “Jojo!!” Bianca wriggled on her aunt’s arms, eventually being put down to hug the pitbull’s neck. The little girl shrieked with joy when Jolene licked her cherub-like face, Bianca falling on her butt while laughing, letting the dog kiss her in her own way.
Beatrice sighed, rubbing her forehead with her free hand. The playlist was still going, this time it changed to Tears for Fears before she turned the speaker off. She had to take a shower and change, “Bibi” the little girl looked up from trying to climb Jolene like a racehorse, “I’m going to take a shower okay? Then we’ll go to Mr.Scoops.”
“Can we play dress up?!” Beatrice tried to hold back her groan, slapping on a smile with a nod. She knew what her niece wanted. Every time she visited Bianca would ask her aunt to dress her ‘princess shirt’ which was just a red blouse with a boat-like collar that dipped enough to show her cleavage and hugged her waist, with billowy sleeves. “Yay!!” Bianca jumped to grab her aunt’s hand as the two, alongside Jolene, walked up the stairs.
Beatrice gave some of her old books with color pencils to Bianca to pass the time while she took her shower. The ‘princess shirt’ was already on her sink, with her black skinny jeans and her ‘princess shoes’ her black medium heeled boots with the tiny bow on the zipper. Beatrice heard Bianca hum songs and tell stories to Jolene with a smile on her face as she dried her body off. 
She slid on her outfit quickly, running her hands through her hair and shaking it to fluff it up a bit, tossing it to the side because she knew her niece would be upset if her aunt pulled her hair up. The things she did for that little girl. “Okay!” Beatrice walked out of the bathroom, Bianca and Jolene looking up at her, her little niece on her stomach atop of her bed with the drawing book clutched in her tiny hand “I’m done, now we just need to-”
“No!” Bianca sat up on her knees, one accusing finger to her aunt’s face, “Need lipstick!” 
“Lipstick? But–”
Bianca slid off the bed, pointing up again, “Princess need lipstick!”
“Bianca, honey, there’s no need–” but her niece was already in the bathroom, opening the drawer where she kept her makeup. She pulled out a matte red liquid lipstick that was aptly named ‘Royal Red’. The little girl held it up like a sword, looking at her aunt’s matching emerald irises. Bea sighed, plucking the lipstick from her hand to lean over the sink to brush the doe’s foot over her lips.
“Kitty too!” Bianca called, pulling the black eyeliner for her aunt to see. The winged eyeliner. Beatrice sighed again, grabbing the eyeliner. Bianca watched with pure fascination, her little hands resting on the edge of the sink, eyes wide watching the makeup being put on effortlessly. 
Beatrice didn’t feel like wearing makeup earlier, but she couldn’t lie that she didn’t look good. She smacked her lips a bit, the matte lipstick already dried and fluffed her hair again once she was done with her eyeliner, “Okay,” she turned to her niece, who smiled “How’s this?”
“Yaay! Pretty!!” Beatrice chuckled, watching Bianca go down the stairs with Jolene holding her steady. While she picked up her purse and her sunglasses, she opened the Uber app to see if she could catch a ride to Mr.Scoops  that would accept a dog in the car and would allow her to put on the toddler seat. Bianca would come over so often she bought one for her Subaru.
Mr.Scoops always accepted dogs, so taking Jolene with them would be the right choice. Once in the living room, she picked Jolene’s leash to latch it to her collar, then crouched down to place the unicorn purse across her niece’s body. “Come on, we are going to wait outside.” she still had to get a ride, but she thought waiting outside was better, especially considering how Bianca seemed to be ready to jump around any moment. 
So she told Bianca and Jolene to wait there while she locked the door, her back to the driveway with the toddler seat by her feet. 
He washed the towels, he didn’t want to at first, still trying to keep the scent to memory, but they were soaked from sucking the water from his seat all the way back. He also managed to dry his seat so the car was just as new when he drove it to her house.
Wax’s Right Between the Eyes vibrated insidde the Bronco and he couldn’t help but smile a bit at the random shuffle his playlist led to.”I wasn’t looking for a love explosion,” he sings quietly, “But I must have been a target my oh my. Cause when I least expected it, I took a direct hit, right between the eyes.” he tapped his fingers to the beat against the wheel cover.
“You, you shattered my resistance, yes it’s true.” he chewed his lower lip, the smile only getting wider “You battered my defenses, what could I do?I’m running from the heat between me and you…”
His voice trailed off once he turned on her street, still humming along to the chorus while leaning over to the backseat to grab the fluffy towels, tucking them underneath his arm. He turned his radio off, pulled the key and stepped out of the Bronco.  He felt a pressure to the back of his legs, then turned around to see Jolene wagging her entire body looking up at him, “Hey! What are you doing out of the house, girlie?” he cooed, leaning down to scratch her behind the ears.
What was she doing out of the house, really? With her leash on too. The said leash was connected to a very tiny arm, to a tiny body and a tiny face. There was a little girl right there, staring at him. “Hey there.” he said.
“Hi! Who are you?” the little girl asked, but before he could reply she started talking again, “I’m Bianca Marie,I’m five!” she tossed her spread fingers in his direction, “I like your shirt!”
Rooster chuckled softly, looking down at the blue and white shirt with tiny palm trees on it, “Thanks, I like your hat.” He pulled his glasses to the top of his head, his eyes softened when he looked closer. This was the little girl on Bea’s video, the one filming “My name, well…” he looked around suspiciously, “Promise not to laugh?” she nods eagerly, “My name…is Bradley Bradshaw.”
“Bradley?” she repeated
“But everyone calls me Rooster.” Bianca blinked, a soft giggle leaving her lips and he gasps offendedly, “Hey! You promised you wouldn't laugh!”
“I know what a rooster is! He’s the chicken’s husband!” she narrowed her eyes, “You aren’t a real rooster.” it was like she just discovered the answer to a great mystery. There was noise coming from closer to the house, when he looked up he saw the back of Beatrice, her hand running through her dark brown hair as she looked down at her phone. He tried to not run his eyes over the length of her body, tried being the key word, but those pants good God. “I know what you are!” Bianca shouted triumphantly, snapping him out of his current admiration, “You are a prince!”
He blinked twice at her, chuckling “Oh, I’m a prince?”
“Yes!” she was hellbent on it too, smiling her few teeth at him, “You are a prince– auntie Bea! Look!!I found a prince!”
Beatrice’s head snapped up before turning around, her eyes still on the phone, “You found what honey?” Rooster’s jaw dropped when she spun around and he begged to God, to every deity he could stop staring. The beach outfit? It was one thing, it was good to see her moving freely like that. But this one? Holy shit, that top hugged onto her curves like a vice, her hair swayed alongside her hips and her lips looked like fresh strawberries on a sunny morning.
 “I can’t believe there is not one driver willing to take us I—” she stalls when she looks up, seeing Rooster crouched to her niece’s level with his eyes glazed over “...O-Oh…hi.”
“Hi.” he replied back, sliding his glasses back on because he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes still, standing to his feet “I…I brought your towels.” he gestured to the folded fabrics under his arm. He sucked in a breath, the top was way better than he assumed it’d be, showing some of her shoulders and a bit of cleavage. God, what was he doing? He’s not Hangman, he could control himself! 
“Oh, oh, thank you.” she slipped her phone in her back pocket, reaching over to grab them once he took them from under his arm. She hugged them to her chest,lifting her sunglasses to her forehead, exposing the winged eyeliner “I didn’t think you’d return them so soon.”
“I didn’t want to keep them for too long.” he said, then licked his lips, “You look…really nice.” her cheeks turned red and her head dipped with a nervous smile, “You going somewhere?”
“Oh, um, we were trying to–”
“We’re going to Mr.Scoops!” Bianca shouted, stepping in between the two adults, “I’m going to get the Unicorn cookies and then we are going to get the extra marshmallows!” she looked up at him, “Do you like ice cream? Do you wanna go?”
“But he’s a prince!” she pouted, pointing her finger up at him, “He’s a rooster prince!”
Beatrice sighed, giving him an apologetic look, “I don’t even know if we’ll be able to, I can’t find anyone to take a dog and a five years old.” 
“I can.” he says, “I can take you.”
Beatrice’s red lips part in surprise, “Rooster, you don’t have to, I– you already brought me home yesterday.”
“...I haven’t had ice cream in years.” he says softly, his hands inside his jeans’ pockets, “Maybe I could have some too.” it took every power within herself to hold back from kissing him right there, only able to nod with a small smile. She rushed inside to toss the folded towels on the couch before coming back, grabbing the toddler seat she left outside and locking the door. 
Rooster never took a child in his car, so he allowed Beatrice to fix the seat herself, clipping the seat belt in the holes. Bianca waited patiently with Jolene sitting next to her, letting out a ‘yay’ when her aunt picked her up and locked her on the seat, giving a tug for safe measure. “Okay Jo, now you.” Jolene hopped inside, curling herself next to Bianca so the little girl could pet her head.
Bea turned to Rooster, who was watching it all with a grin, “Everything good?”
She nods once, dropping the glasses to her eyes, “Yes. Jo is a very calm dog while in the car, she’s not going to jump around or anything. Especially with Bibi there.” she gasped softly when he opened the door for her, laughing breathlessly, whispering a soft thanks towards him.
She latched the seatbelt on, looking back to check on her niece, seeing she was singing Elmo's Song with the pitbull’s large head next to her swinging legs. She smiled in relief, watching Rooster slide back inside, following the same movements she did by putting the seatbelt on, “Okay, everyone alright?”
“Yeah.” she gave one last look just to check “Do you know where Mr.Scoops is?” 
“I have no idea.” he chuckles, “But we can use the gps.”
“No, it’s okay. I have known the way ever since I was four. I can tell you.”
So she did tell him where to go, which way to turn and where to get the best parking spot during a sunny Saturday afternoon. They reached the beginning of a park where several cars already took most of the space, so Bea pointed ahead to a car just leaving. Once Rooster parked, his head followed the bright pink, blues and yellows of a building and the tall statue of a fancily dressed snowman on his left view, “Mr.Scoops?” he gestured towards the snowman, making Bea smile.
“They changed his design, he used to be terrifying when I was a kid.” Rooster said he’d get Jolene and she could get Bianca out, the little girl who happily took her aunt’s hand, trying to tug her forward. The tall sliding doors decorated with ice cream pictures opened and it was like Rooster was stepping back into the 90’s.
The pink, blue and yellow theme continued inside, from the walls to the floor with tiny triangles on it. Sky blue Booths with parents and other people were on either side of him, pink tables separating the groups while above his head was a floating Mr.Scoops holding a chocolate swirl and there was a yellow neon spiral staircase that led to an upper floor to his right. There were dogs there, some smaller than Jolene but all of them extremely well behaved, licking their own bowls of ice cream in peace, “Woah.” he whispered in amazement, pulling his sunglasses up to his hair as Wannabe played over the speakers, “This is incredible.”
“I know right? I love this place.” she smiles, doing the same to her own sunglasses, “Come on, you haven't even seen the ice cream counter yet.” They walked forward with Bianca in tow, while he followed her with Jolene practically dragging him since he couldn’t stop looking around.
He had never seen so many types of ice cream in his life. The counter was enormous with at least four people behind it preparing whatever cold confection your heart desired. There were so many colors, so many names written on the pixel esque menu behind the servers he didn’t know where to look. 
“Hello!Welcome to Mr.Scoops! I’m Gina, how can I help you today?” a freckled teenager with a septum ring and neon pink hair smiled at them, wiping her hands on the light yellow apron with Mr.Scoops face sewn on the side.
“Hi!” Bianca called from below “I want the Unicorn please! With the unicorn cookies and extra marshmallows!”
“Sure thing! What color would you like your bowl?”
“Pink!” Bianca bounced on her feet, watching Gina prepare her ice cream through the glass. Rooster and Beatrice stood next to each other, looking at the brightly colored menu trying to choose what to get.
“There’s so many.” Rooster whispered, “I’ve never even heard of half of these flavors.”
Beatrice chuckled, “Yeah, they are very broad with their flavors. They also have seasonal ones too.” she pointed to the other side of the menu, hearing him whistle low at how many other flavors were there. “Take your time, Bibi’s ice cream will take a while to be done.”
“What do you usually get here?”
“Me?” he nods, waiting for her response, “Oh uh…I don’t know…my favorite one from childhood has always been mango cream, but I also like their almond crunch too, with dark chocolate. Like, right now I’m leaning towards the mango cream since it’s been so long since I had it too.” she turned to him, seeing him still looking at the menu, “What’s your favorite one? From childhood?”
“The usual chocolate. I saw it here but there’s like…six different types of chocolate ones to choose.” he chuckles, scratching the side of his neck “But I see chocolate chips right up there so, maybe I’ll get that.”
“There you go, one Unicorn done.” Beatrice grabbed the pink bowl with the unicorn shaped rice krispies lolly jabbed on the pink, green and white swirl, tiny unicorn cookies glued to the side alongside a few marshmallows and peach syrup. Bianca squealed, trying to get from her aunt’s hand only for Bea to tell her she and Rooster still had to choose.
The little girl pouted, but hugged her aunt’s leg instead, waiting, “I want a mango cream with mango syrup in a plastic bowl, please.” Gina nodded, then looked at Rooster waiting for his own order.
“Chocolate chips with…chocolate…syrup? In a plastic bowl too.”
“You can add the Cookie Monster cookie as a base,” Gina said, pointing over her shoulder to where the blue Sesame Street monster poster was. “It gives a nice crunch.” Rooster looked up at the poster and the little boy inside him told him to definitively do it. He nods in agreement, “What else?”
“One medium sized Pup-Sundae,” Bea looks down at the pitbull who was sitting patiently between them, licking her maw, “With extra cantaloupe please.”
They wait for a while, Gina being kind to place the Unicorn in the mini fridge under the counter so it wouldn’t melt while she prepared their own ice creams. Once they are one, she places all of them in a chilled basket, telling them to enjoy it and then pointing to the cashier they had to go once they were done. “I wanna go uppies!” Bianca told them, pointing to the ceiling.
Rooster furrowed his eyebrows towards Bea, “The second floor has a great view.” she explains, “Come along then.” They march through the crowd of people that has doubled over since they entered, towards the spiral staircase. It was large enough for all of them to walk side by side to the second floor.
Honestly, she wasn’t wrong, it had a gorgeous view. Large glass doors that opened up to a balcony with light blue tiles, pink tables with parasols in the middle next to one another while the inside had even more booths, bathrooms and a soda/water machine if the person so wished.
Beatrice walked to the balcony where the wind wasn’t so intense, so only a flutter touched their skins once they stepped out. Bianca hurriedly sat on the plush yellow seat, her bucket hat almost covering her eyes as her aunt and Rooster sat opposite to each other, “Okay, your unicorn.” Bianca practically vibrated when her aunt placed it in front of her “Jo’s sundae.” she leaned down to place the bowl in front of her dog, who immediately started lapping it, “My mango cream and your chocolate chips.”
“Thanks.” he says when she pushes the basket to the side, looking down at the beautiful chocolate chip swirl with… he doesn’t think those should be called chips, those were chunks of chocolate, with a huge cookie underneath it all and a tiny picture of Cookie Monster stabbed on top. He chuckled, making Bea look at him in question, “Nothing, it’s just wild to me that I’m eating chocolate chips ice cream with a Cookie Monster–” he pulled it out, twirling in his fingers, “Little banner? I don’t know what you call this.”
“I think it’d be a little banner in a way.” she shrugs, pulling out napkins from the napkin holder, handing some over to him while she kept the most to herself, “Eat slowly Bibi,” her niece nodded, but tried to move her hat off her view, so Bea pulled it out to fold on her lap, running her hand on the blonde hair trying to calm the baby hairs down. “Has it really been so long since you had ice cream?” she asks after putting her purse on the empty chair to her left.
Rooster thought about it, “Yeah, I think…what? Two, three years?”
“Between the academy and everything, I’m glad I’m able to sleep.” he chuckles, digging his iridescent plastic spoon onto the soft swirl, “Certain things aren’t the most important in my mind.” he brings the spoon to his lips, expecting good chocolate ice cream. What he didn’t expect was the flavor this ice cream would have. It was chocolate chips on steroids “Oh…my god.” he closed his eyes, resting his forehead on the back of his hand. “This is the best ice cream I’ve ever had.”
Beatrice laughs, digging her own ice cream, “Pretty good,huh?”
“How come I’ve never heard about this place?” he asks, clearly offended while eating another spoonful with a chocolate chunk this time, tossing his head back, fluttering his eyes closed “This is heaven.”
“I’m glad you like it.” Beatrice says, genuinely happy, licking her spoon clean, “This place has been here ever since my oldest brother was born so…early 70s I think. I never found a place like this anywhere else, it’s a little local treasure.”
“You came here often as a kid?” he asks, chewing a piece of cookie.
“When we could, bringing a family of eight here was a lot of work,” Rooster choked on his bite at the amount of people she said, just like she was talking about the weather.
“You–how many siblings do you have???”
“Five,” she smiles at his shocked face, his body leaning back on his seat with an ‘are you for real’ look “Three brothers and two sisters,I’m… the baby of the family.” she chuckles, frowning a bit when saying it outloud, “We’d come here for birthdays most of the time, rented this whole area for us. There used to be an arcade here too but they removed it in the early 00’s.”
“You have five siblings.” he repeated, not being able to wrap his head around it “Five siblings.” she nods with the spoon in her mouth, shoulders shaking with laughter, “Must’ve been insane.”
“Oh, it was.” She chews a piece of mango, placing a hand in front of her mouth as she thought, “ I became an aunt when I was seven years old.”
“Wow…” he arches his eyebrows to his hairline “Wow, that’s…I wow. Do they all live here? Your family?”
“My brother Leonardo,” she smiles when Bianca says ‘that’s my daddy!’ “He lives in Southcrest, so not too far from me, my sister Marina lives in Santa Clarita. Um…Sabrina lives in Boston,while Guillermo and Michael live in New York. I just noticed there are three of us on each side of the country.” she chuckles, shaking her head “My parents still live in Little Italy, we are all sort of close but not too much.”
Rooster nods, fearing she’d ask about his own - which to be fair would be understandable following his line of questioning - but she didn’t, she just chewed her ice cream in peace and wiped her niece’s face. He took another bite of this heaven sent cold dessert, supporting his weight on his elbow, as he watched her look to the distance for a minute then her eyes widened, “Oh we forgot to get water,” she says, already standing to her feet “I’m gonna go get it, do you mind–” she gestured to Bianca, who was focused on finishing her ice cream. He nods once and she smiles, “Thank you.” 
His eyes follow her until she reaches the soda machine, putting a couple dollars there and waiting. While that happens she adjusts her hair by tossing it over her shoulder, strands of chocolate brown fluttering with the movement and he cannot look away.But once he does, he tried to cover the startle he had when the little blonde girl’s gaze was on him  “Mr.Prince Rooster, if you aren’t a prince.” her eyes narrowed, “What are you?”
He felt himself being analyzed and judged by a five years old “I’m a pilot.”
“What’s that?”
“I fly a plane.” well, a plane would be an understatement…
Bianca’s little mouth curves into an ‘o’, but her eyes remain on him, “I’ve been to a plane once! I visited uncle Gui in New York!”
“It’s not a normal plane, it’s um…it’s a jet plane.” she furrowed her light eyebrows, chewing a piece of cookie “It’s a small one, used for…stuff that I don’t really know how to explain to you.”
She hums, messily wiping her face and tossing the napkin to the table, “Is that how you met my auntie? Flying a plane?”
He opened his mouth to say no, but then paused…technically that was how he met Beatrice, since she works at the Hard Deck. “Well, yeah. I think that’d be how we met, yeah.” he heard footsteps approaching, Bea returned with three bottles of water and two cups in her arms, smiling down at him before setting one in front of him, going back to her seat, shaking her head quickly to fix some loose strands of hair before tucking said strands behind her ears.
“What are you two talking about?” she questions while pouring some water to Bianca into a cup, then handing it to the little girl once she reaches for it.
“How we met.” he replies, gesturing to the two of them “I think she’s disappointed I’m not a prince.” he chuckles, lowering his voice almost to a whisper.
Beatrice’s soft laugh made his smile widen, her spoon dipping back on the light colored yellow ice cream, “Of course she is,” she grins, “But she’s going to be calling you that every time now, I hope you know.”
“Hey,I’ve been called worse than Prince.” he shrugs, “I can live with that.”
Beatrice’s head dipped with a smile, but she said nothing else after that. They had a very nice afternoon, a bit uncommon for Rooster since the last contact he had with a child that age was a long time ago. Bianca was a lovely kid, very cute and extremely curious which he didn’t mind honestly, kids are like that.
Once they were done with their ice creams, they went to the cashier to pay. He started to pull his wallet out but Bea stopped him saying he shouldn’t worry, he was a guest there too so his money should stay in his wallet. He was about to say it was fine, but her eyes and her little smile being followed by the ‘Please’ just melted him on the spot.  
Bianca was nestled on her aunt’s neck, her little eyes blinking heavily as she was carried to the truck. Rooster opened the passenger door so Jolene entered first, then Beatrice put the little girl on the toddler seat, her head rolling to the side immediately as sleep took over, “She’s out.” her aunt whispered, kissing the top of the little girl’s head before straightening her body so the door could be closed. 
Rooster yet again opened the door for her just so her cheeks would turn red once more, which they did, with Beatrice laughing gently with a quiet thank you leaving her lips. He slid onto the driver’s seat, pulling his sunglasses down while Bea did the same, giving one look through the rearview mirror to see the little girl and the pitbull snoozing close to each other.
There was comfortable silence during the ride back, he didn’t want to turn on the radio and disturb the two in the backseat, so he just took his time to enjoy the sounds around him instead. Bea fiddled with her thumb ring for a bit while her purse sat on her lap, there were no keychains on this one, but he could see the small moon design etched in the middle of the flap.
He didn’t even notice they got to her house already, feeling a pang of disappointment when he did see the loft coming into view. Much like before, he let Bea get her niece out of the seat, unbuckling it one handed to get it out of his car, “You have practice with this.”
She laughs, “I have a lot of nieces and nephews, it’s a force of habit.” Jolene has no leash on her collar now and she’s sitting by the front door. Rooster picks the seat from her hands so she can unlock it while still holding her niece, opening her house so they could come inside. “You can put it on the side.” she gestured to the area next to the window, while slowly taking her niece up the stairs so she’d sleep on her bed.
Rooster took his time to look around the slowly furnished loft, his feet taking him to a collection of photos on the wall. With his hands on his hips, he leaned closer to make sense of what it was, seeing it was a picture of Bea - younger, probably eighteen - in between an older couple that he assumed would be her parents. Her father sort of looked like Robert DeNiro a little bit…he looked up when he heard her footsteps come down, a small smile on her face, “Still asleep?”
“Yes, she’ll be out for a few hours now. So when my brother comes to pick her up there’ll be no fuss.” she hugs herself while approaching him, “I…I just wanted to thank you again, it’s the second time you helped me out when I needed.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Still…” she shrugs trying to find words, “I’m sure you had better things to do than to spend your day with a five years old, her aunt and a dog, eating ice cream.”
He chuckled, “Nah…I liked it. It was fun…my type of entertainment today would’ve been filing paperwork and rewatching Netflix. So it was really cool, I swear.” she didn’t seem to believe him at first, but her smile returned as she whispered a quiet ‘okay’. He stared at her, at those lips just painted strawberry red and had to snap himself out of it before he forgot how to act, “I better go. There’s still paperwork needed to be filed.”
“Oh,oh okay.” she smiles, walking with him to the Bronco after she closed the door. Rooster unlocked his car, opening it enough to lean on it, as if he wanted to say something to her.
“When are your days off?”
“Oh um…” she thought about it, “Sundays, Tuesdays and wednesdays.” he nodded while biting his lower lip in thought, tapping his fingers on the door.
“It’s ‘cause we are doing a barbecue to celebrate Phoenix getting a new place, tomorrow…if you are interested,” he shrugs, watching how her eyebrows lowered and her eyes left his, “It’ll be only us, you know? Me, Coyote, Bob, the gang you already know,Shells said she’s coming too. Maybe Mav if he’s not…busy.” 
“Oh um…okay.” she replies, giving him a smile while folding her hands together, “I-I’d like that. Should I bring anything?” 
He tried to control himself when she said yes, god damn it Phoenix was right, “You can bring some of those nice sandwiches you made us…if you want. There’ll be enough food for everyone after all.”
“I-I’ll see what I can do.” she says with a grin, then bites her lower lip, “Thank you for inviting me…I– thanks.”
“So…I’ll talk to you then?” she nods, stepping back so he could enter the car “Okay. Okay, cool. See you at the Hard Deck.” he gives her one last look before reversing the Bronco, smiling at her only to receive the shy smile back and another wave towards him. 
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chelleztjs18 ¡ 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 15
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader.
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Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
I do not own any pictures, name, brand, song titles or anything that I used in this story.
All chapters
The next day has come. Lizzie slept in. The morning shades of light slip into Lizzie’s room and finally stir her up from her sleep. She opened her eyes looking around the room. She rubs her eyes and her face with both of her hands to wake herself up more. Then she remembered that today she is leaving for San Diego with you. Just the both of you, without Aubrey, and nobody else. Shortly after that, the second thing that came up in her mind was what happened last night between you two and it certainly brought her mood down even more. She got out of the bed with a groan and started to get ready. She turns on some music just to lift up her mood again.
She picked a song to start. After half a minute, she was struck by a realization that the song she picked was actually one of the songs in your playlist that you played before while driving her. The song is one of the songs that she secretly added to her playlist because she likes it. Of course it reminds her of you even more. After she realized, she quickly changed it to a different song. “What the hell!” She mumbled in frustration. It seems like the universe wants you to roam around in her mind and she’s not happy with it.
After Lizzie got ready, she packed everything she needed for the trip. She feels the need for some caffeine for her but too bad she’s out of coffee. So she decided to go out to get some coffee and some air just to kill some time as well until you arrive.
Weirdly, today she is in the mood for iced coffee. She thinks it is a good idea because she checked today’s weather will be warmer than usual. Then she remembers your usual coffee order and she instantly craves the taste of it so she ordered one for her, the SAME. EXACT. WAY with your order.
She actually likes the taste of the ice coffee but did she really order it just because she craves it or because it reminds her of you and she unconsciously wants to be reminded of you?
As she’s about to drive back, she gets a text from you. “Good morning Ms. Olsen, which coffee do you want me to bring today?”
She then replied to your text. “I’m okay. I already got coffee.” She put her phone down on the passenger seat and drove home.
An hour later, you arrived. Unlike usual, you didn’t get out of the car right away. You actually don’t know how you feel about this trip, especially after what happened last night. Just like Lizzie, after you got home last night you couldn’t get her out of your mind. You thought it would stop overnight but you were wrong. So wrong. As soon as you woke up, Lizzie, and what happened last night occupied your mind until this second. You really don’t know what is going on with you.
You took a deep breath, tried to get yourself together. You know it will be more awkward between you two than before but one thing you know for sure that you have a pinch of excitement for this trip, at least this time it will be Lizzie who will open the door for you. This little thought unconsciously brought your lips to a smile.
You came to the door and rang the bell. Just as you expected, Lizzie’s face showed up slowly as she opened the door. Your face’s muscles actually want to form a smile, your heart beats slowly but sure, raising faster but you managed to avoid it, not without difficulty but you did pretty good even though it came up with a hello in an awkward tone and a couple times of clearing your throat. “Hi Ms. Olsen.”
“Hi y/n.” She opens the door wider making space for you to come in. She tries to avoid eye contact as best as she can do. You come in, and she is standing near you awkwardly. She is standing with both of her hands in the back pocket of her short denim. You both were in silence for a few seconds until you decided to break the silence with a question.
“Uhm, are you okay--uhm I meant are you ready to go?” Your brain just can’t cooperate well with your mouth. You can handle being nervous around her, but being nervous in front of her and seeing her being nervous in front of you is a whole nother level for you to handle. It makes you think if she is nervous because of last night? Did she feel the same way the way you did? Or maybe you were wrong. Maybe she is not nervous right now, maybe she is actually still mad at you about last night.
Your thought stops as soon as her voice flows to your ear. “Uh yeah I am. These are the things I need to bring.” She pointed to her luggage then you put it in the car, this time Lizzie wants you to drive her car. Of course she stole a glance at you a couple times. After everything is ready, you get into the car. You see her from inside the car walking and getting into the passenger seat, with a large cup of ice coffee.
As you start driving and she puts the cup into the cup holder, you notice the description of her coffee order from the label and you can’t help yourself to let out a comment or more of like a tease. “Is that coffee mine or yours?” You gave a teasing smirk. “What y/n?!” She answered defensively. She actually heard your question the first time. She just pretends she didn’t so she can buy herself some time to curse herself internally for letting the cup visible for you and also to find an excuse to answer you.
“That coffee, is that mine or yours? You pointed to it and gave her another teasing smirk. “Oh it’s mine of course, why would I get you a coffee?” Again, Lizzie answered defensively yet ended in a cold flat tone hoping you won’t talk about it any further but too bad, you still want to talk about it.
“Then, why is the coffee order exactly the same as how I like it? Did you order it that way? I thought you didn't like it last time?” Your questions are no longer a teasing, you are actually curious about her and her coffee order.
Feeling cornered with a bunch of your questions at once, she starts to panic, becoming irritated  that forcing her to answer you with the fastest made up answer she can think of. She tucked her hair to the back of her ear, looking at you as she answered. “Seriously? y/n, why does it even matter? I went to get coffee today at Starbucks nearby and I crave some ice coffee but I didn't know which one is a good one, so I asked the barista to make me some good iced coffee. There! Are you happy now with my answer?” She let out a harsh breath. Looking very upset.
Unbeknownst to her, she would regret the answer she made up. “Oh really? Oh, It was probably Emma.” You answered nonchalantly. “I’m sorry, what? Emma? Who is Emma?” Lizzie asked with a huge confusion. She thinks there’s no way her answer that she made up coincidently connected to something or someone that you know.
“Emma, the barista you ordered the coffee from? I’m pretty sure that you went to the one I go most of the time, and Emma works there. She’s the only barista there who remembers exactly my order. Sometimes when I come in there, she even already makes one ready. I guess it’s because I always come at the same time” You smiled when you told Lizzie about Emma.
“Oh really? So why don’t you take her out for a date or something then?” Lizzie didn’t realize her sarcastic tone on her comment. “I’m sorry, what? Why should I take her on a date?” Surprised and confused with her sarcastic remarks, you turn your head quickly to her then back to the road.
“It sounds like she likes you. She remembers your complicated coffee order, and even makes it before you get there to order. She wouldn’t be like that if she didn't have a crush on you. And you were smiling when you were talking about her. I’m just saying.” Lizzie rambled in bitterness and she couldn’t help herself to pout, and again she didn't realize it. You laughed a little at her theory. “You are funny. She’s a barista, she makes coffee all the time, it’s her job.” You shake your head.
“Well, it’s either she has a crush on you or you are a very predictable boring person who always orders the same things all the time.” She answered in a mocking tone as she looked at you with an unamused expression. “Hey! I’m not a boring person. So based on your theory, does it mean Aubrey has a crush on me too? Because she remembered my coffee order when she bought me a coffee at the airport. Remember?” You joked about it but it actually hits Lizzie.
After she realized what you just said and remembered who actually ordered your coffee at the airport, she instantly jab you with a retort. “Y/n, can we stop talking about this stupid coffee order conversation, seriously!” She laid back to the seat, turned her head and looked out the window as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Okay! Okay! Geez, you don’t have to yell at me like that.” Your eyebrows furrowed, surprised and confused with why the attitude all of a sudden. After a few seconds of silence, you came to realize something. “Wait, how do you know I date girls”
“Uh- I don’t. I was just making a random comment about it.” She didn’t tell the truth again, but this time was to cover Aubrey’s back for telling her about your ex-girlfriend. And all of a sudden she turns her head to you as she asked you. “Do you?”
“Yes, I do but ---” Your phone rings and cuts you before you ask further. Lizzie was relieved that your phone rang. The call is from Jane. “Hi y/n, I know you are driving with Lizzie now but can you check your email asap please. It’s from the hotel in San Diego and it’s important.”
“Okay Jane, I will try to pull over to check it. Thank you.” You hung up the phone and pulled over to check your email. “Sh*t” That’s the only word that came out from you after you read the email.
“Y/n, what was the swearing for? What did Jane say?” Lizzie asked in a concerned tone. “I got an email from the hotel saying that they are closed for the public today and the next few days because two politicians are coming there and staying there. So they cancel all check-ins from today until the next few days.” You explained as your face showed that you are thinking of a solution.
“What?! So where are we going to stay the night? What about some other Marvel casts that are staying at the same hotel?” Panic sounds clearly on Lizzie’s tone. “Well, I guess they allowed the guests that already checked-in or stayed a few days before to stay, of course they won’t kick them out, so they canceled the incoming reservations. I don’t even know that they can do stuff like this at the last minute.” You exhale harshly.
“Oh my God. Y/n, you have to find another hotel for me.” Lizzie said in a stern voice. “I will Ms. Olsen, but I can’t do it here. We have to go somewhere and sit, so I can book us another hotel.”
You both decided to go to a restaurant that you have made sure that it is safe for Lizzie. That’s not really noticeable by the paparazzi. You were guided to your table. Not too long after you took a seat, your phone rang so you decided to answer it outside.
After a few minutes on a phone call, you came back to the table and you saw that Lizzie already ordered the drinks for both of you. To your surprise you noticed that she ordered unsweetened black iced tea for you with no lemon.
“Wow! Did you order this for me?” You asked in amazement as you took a few big gulps of your iced tea. “Huumm” She hummed to answer your question as she checking out the menu.
“How do you know I love iced tea?” You continued drinking your iced tea. She quickly glanced at you and saw you smiled on your straw that’s still on your lips and she continued checking out the menu.
“I told you, you are a boring person who always orders the same thing. You always order iced tea only if it’s freshly brewed, and not from the fountain machine.” Lizzie answered coldly with her eyes stuck to the menu obviously she doesn’t want to make eye contact with you talking about this.
You squint your eyes, staring at her. You don’t know what to say, you don’t know what’s going on. You don’t know why she even pays attention to that kind of detail but then you think, she’s probably right about you always ordering the same thing and she just happened to have good memories.
“Y/n, if you are staring at me because I ordered your iced tea, I will ask the waiter to take your ice tea back so you can order another drink and stop making a big deal about it.” She talked in a very stern annoyed tone to cover her awkwardness and embarrassment after she realized she shouldn’t have done what she did. 
She is mad at herself and confused at the same time about why she would remember things about you, things that are not important for her and to make matters worse, why would she care and order that iced tea for you. It’s just an iced tea for crying out loud. Why do you have to make a big deal about it? 
Then she remembers her “theory” about Emma that she told you earlier. That upsets her. Apparently that theory doesn’t apply to her. Well that’s what she thinks. She knows for sure she doesn’t have any crush nor feelings towards you. She ordered the iced tea for you simply just to save some time, right?
But that smile of yours, your excited tone when you find out she remembers that you like ice tea internally makes her want to smile back are what bothers her and upset her so much more. Seeing you happy unconsciously makes her happy. The more she thinks about it, the more she tries to convince herself that it’s normal to feel happy when seeing you happy, just like everybody else. She indeed wished she didn’t order your iced tea so she wouldn’t have to deal with this puzzle of emotions.
“Okay okay, I’m good, don’t take my ice tea.” Your playful answer finally brought her back out from her thoughts. “Then, I think you should start to find and book us a new hotel now.” She commanded, but this time her annoyed gaze searched for your eyes as she slightly tilted her head. “Okay, I will. Stop looking at me like that please. It’s scary.” You teased her. She rolled her eyes, tried to hide a small smile formed on her face from you.
After an hour, you still haven’t found any hotel. “It’s so hard to find it. A lot of hotels are full because people are coming and staying for the Comic Con. AirBnB rental house is hard to find as well.”
Lizzie pinched the bridge of her nose, stressed out. But a light of hope came. You found a hotel. “Oh wait, There is this one hotel. It’s the only one that is still available.” You startled her with your sudden expression in your tone..
“Well book it y/n! What are you waiting for?” She groaned in irritation. “But we have a problem.” Your face and tones show a disappointment. “What? What’s the problem?” Lizzie asked with impatience.
“They only have one room, with one queen bed.” You answered.
Ch. 16
A/N:  Hello my favorite people! I'm back! :D So in this chapter about the hotel problem I don't know if a hotel would actually do that kind of stuff but I had to make the hotel cancel the reservation so I can go on with the story. Again, it's all based on my imagination. lol. Also, I don't know much about Comic Con, so pardon me in advance if what I wrote and what I will write about Comic Con is not accurate at all. I hope you like this chapter especially after the excitement from chapter 14's tension. haha. Again, thank you for reading the story this far.
Taglist: @madamevirgo , @musicinourlips​ , @unstable-sapphic-hoe​ , @fanboy7794​ , @chloe7076​ , @b0mbdotc0m​ , @trikruismybitch​ , @ichala​ , @californianwhiterabbit​ , @silver-lotus​ , @imfuckinggenius​ , @sxfwap​ , @chaekhan​ , @daenerys713​ , @emptysince18x​ , @srtamercurio​ , @stupidsapphicsstuff​ , @pattypavo​ , @selfwrotevision​ (Let me know if you want to be added in the tag list).
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crackheadgeminibby ¡ 3 years
you can't change the past
pairing: steve rogers x wilson!reader, bucky barnes x wilson!reader
warnings: angst, language, TW mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts and abortion
word count: 5.1k
a/n: i rewatched endgame and remembered how much steve leaving annoyed the shit out of me so there. also i 100% took that ripple quote from x-men so yeah, enjoy:)
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape or form or reposted on any other platform
not my picture
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You’re leaning on a tree next to your brother as you wait for Banner to finish calibrating the time machine. In the distance, you see Steve hugging Bucky before making his way towards you. You stand up as Steve gets to your level. He smiles softly before looking towards Sam,
“Hey, can you give us a second, please?”
Sam nods before walking towards Bucky and striking up a conversation with him. You smile up at Steve before stroking his cheek and asking,
“What’s up?”
Steve’s eyes flutter close as he leans into your palm before saying, barely above a whisper,
“I’m not coming back, sweetheart.”
Your hand falls from Steve’s face as a frown etches itself onto your face.
Steve slowly opens his eyes, looking into yours, before replying,
“When Tony and I went to 1970 for the Tesseract and the Pym particles, I saw Peggy… I thought I had moved on but… We’re meant to be together.”
You feel a lump forming in your throat as you take a step back from Steve, hurt clear on your face.
“I thought we were?”, you ask, voice cracking at the end.
“So did I… But when I saw her again, it just felt like the universe was giving me a second chance and I can’t not take it.”
As tears start to fall down your face, the air around suddenly feels freezing as a shiver shakes your body. You look towards the ground, trying to find something, anything to say. You’re not sure how long you stay there but you’re pulled back to reality when Banner tells Steve that the machine is ready.
“Y/N… Please, say something.”
Your eyes stay fixated on the ground beneath your feet, “What does Bucky think about this?”
You hear Steve’s breath stop shortly before he exhales slowly, “I didn’t tell him.”
You scoff before shaking your head slowly and kicking a pebble.
“You know, Steve, there’s a theory in quantum physics that time is immutable. It’s like a river: you can throw a pebble in and create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. No matter what you do the river just keeps flowing in the same direction.”
You look up at Steve, before finishing, “You can’t change the past, Steve. But thank you for making your feelings about me crystal clear.”
You turn around, practically running back to your car, driving back to the tower.
Through your tears and sobs, you don’t hear that someone has followed you back and has entered your room. A hand softly touches your back, startling you, as you turn around rapidly, whispering, hopeful, “Steve?”
“Sorry, doll. It’s just me…”, you hear Bucky’s soft voice answer.
You feel your sobs wracking through your body even harder than before as Bucky climbs into your bed, taking you into his arms. You cry into his chest, listening to his heartbeat until you eventually hear his breathing become ragged.
Through your teary vision, you look up at Bucky, now also crying, as he looks down at you,
“He left me too, you know.”
You wrap your arms around Bucky, trying to comfort him while also letting yourself cry.
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As soon as Steve had returned all of the stones to their respective times and places, he had made a beeline for Peggy’s house. He had made sure to look up all the information he needed beforehand, so he didn’t have to wait a second before making his way to her.
Walking up to her front door, a bouquet of flowers in hand, he could feel the slightly chilly fall Washington air nipping at his cheeks with the sun setting in the distance.
Knocking on the door, Steve adjusts his tie, feeling the anticipation rise in his throat. After what seems like forever, the door to the Carter residence opens, Peggy herself standing on the threshold.
She is visibly shaken as her eyes widen immeasurably before she whispers, “Steve?”
Steve smiles back at her, replying, “Hey Peggy… I’m back.”
Peggy glances over her shoulder before pushing Steve farther away from the house, closing the door behind her. She crosses her arms over her chest before looking up at Steve,
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
Steve’s smile falters before stutters, “What do you mean? I came back… For you.”
Peggy shakes her head softly before answering, “Steve… I’m married. To a man I love. And I’m pregnant.”
Steve looks down at her and for the first time, he notices her inflated belly. She was not very far from giving birth.
“But, what about us?”
Peggy frowns, “Steve, we missed our chance… Gabe and I are happy.”
Steve lets his arms fall to his side, the bouquet of flowers now upside down, petals flying away in the wind. He opens and closes his mouth once, twice, three times, unable to find anything to say.
He looks at his feet before mumbling, “Can I just stay the night? I don’t have anywhere else to go. I’ll be gone tomorrow morning.”
Peggy sighs deeply before reluctantly nodding her head and opening the door, letting Steve into the house.
As Steve falls asleep that night, he only sees your face from the last time he saw you. Hurt and anger, maybe even disgust on your face. He thinks about the ways in which he will try to win you back, despite the amount of time he had been away. He wasn’t sure how long his one day spent in the past will have been in your life. But he hopes that not enough time has passed for you to have forgotten about him.
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As it turns out, five years had passed since he had left. He was confused at first when he came back. The machine Banner had left in the woods behind the Avengers facility had been left there but it was full of dust. The facility, which had been destroyed when he left, was now completely rebuilt and vibrant with life. He had been discreet, walking through the woods to get back to the city without being seen.
From there, he had been able to find a disguise to do research on where you were now. He had learned that you had moved back to Louisiana with Sam and were currently residing there.
As soon as he found out, he rented a car and made his way to you. The road was long but no place on this Earth was too far for him to travel so he could see you again.
When he got to Louisiana, he only had to ask one person to be pointed in your direction. Apparently, the Wilson family was like royalty in these parts. So, he was surprised when he arrived at the house that was indicated to him to find the door widely open, seemingly no one in sight.
Steve walks up the steps leading to the house, hearing someone running towards the door. He is taken aback when he sees a small girl stop suddenly in front of the door. She stares at Steve with wide eyes; she couldn’t be more than 6 years old, with short curly hair secured into pigtails and soft amber eyes.
Still staring at him, the child opens her mouth, “Mommy, there’s a man at the door!”
He hears feet padding their way to the door before he hears, “Lizzie, baby, how many times have I told you not to go to the door a-”
You stop abruptly in your tracks as you see before you the man you thought you would never see again. Your breath hitches as a lump grows in your throat.
Steve smiles softly, “Hey sweetheart.”
You feel the air thickening as your eyes start to sting. You hold your hand out towards your child, setting it on her shoulder, before saying, “Elizabeth, go see Uncle Sam on the dock, okay?”
Completely unbothered, the child responds, “Okay, mommy.”, turning around and running towards what seems to be the kitchen.
You stay rooted to your spot, unable to move or say a single word and staring at Steve like he’s going to vanish before your eyes.
He takes slow steps towards you as if he’s afraid that if he moves too quickly, you’ll run away like a wild animal. He stops when he’s in arms reach of you.
He smiles a little before saying, jokingly, “No welcome home hug for me?”
Before you can even register what happened, your hand has already hit Steve across the face. You feel the heat of the slap warming up your hand as you clench it into a fist at your side.
Steve looks at you again, understanding that this was clearly the wrong thing to say to you. He softly strokes his cheek.
“Guess I deserved that.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes before asking, “What the fuck are you doing here, Steve? I thought you were going back to Peggy?”
Steve shakes his head almost imperceptibly before saying, “That didn’t really work out…”
You scoff again, “So, what? Peggy rejects you and now you come back to get your second choice, is that it?” You shake your head, “You know, I almost didn’t mind being second-best to her all those years ago. But now? You can go to hell, Steve.”
He stares at you, almost like he’s not even listening to you, before asking, “Is she mine?” He bites his bottom lip, looking next to you where pictures of the child and you through the years adorn the walls.
“She seems about the right age, you know?”
You clench your fists, even tighter than before, which you didn’t know was possible. You can feel the blood gradually leaving your hands as you clench your jaw and look at Steve straight in the eyes, “No. She’s not. Not that it’s any of your business?”
Steve frowns in confusion, “Well then, who-”
He’s cut off as loud footsteps resonate through the walls of the house.
“Hey doll. Lizzie just came running down to the boat talking about how there’s a man in the house.”
Bucky’s voice, despite him being far enough away for you not to see him, travels perfectly to the spot in which you are still motionless. Bucky finally stops when he sees Steve standing on the porch.
He doesn’t hesitate for a single second before clenching his jaw and saying lowly, “Get out.”
Steve puts his hands up in surrender about to say something before Bucky screams, making you jump slightly, “Get out of my house! NOW!”
Steve looks between you and him, waiting for you to advocate on his behalf, but you had stopped doing that a long time ago. You stare back at Steve, almost challenging him to defy Bucky.
As Steve doesn’t move, Bucky walks heavily to the door, making you think that he is about to start a fight with Steve, you say, “Bucky, don’t.”
Bucky stops in front of Steve and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before slamming the door in Steve’s face. When Bucky turns back to you, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in.
Your vision starts to get blurry, and your ears feel clogged as you faintly hear Bucky still next to the door, cursing Steve out. Your lungs burn as if air seems to be unable to find its air through your body as your legs tremble. Your head starts to spin and before you can understand what’s happening, your legs give out making you crumple on the floor.
You distantly hear Bucky call your name, but your brain seems unable to focus on his voice trying to pull yourself out of your current state. You feel a pair of strong arms holding you to a hard chest followed by a pair of soft hands stroking your hair and face.
After what seems like forever trying to fight against your own body, you let go and everything turns black.
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When your eyes flutter open, you’re lying on your bed and the room is pitch black. Multiple hours have visibly passed but the room is completely silent. You push yourself up to the headboard, looking around you before getting up. Your legs are still shaky, so you lean on your bed to help guide you to the door.
As you walk through the halls of the house, you start hearing hushed voices in the living room. Stopping on the threshold, you look at Sam, Sarah and Bucky sitting around the dining table.
“Hey. What happened?”, you croak out.
All their heads snap in your direction and Bucky almost immediately walks towards you, enveloping you in a hug.
“Oh doll, I didn’t know you were awake. How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
You tear yourself out of Bucky’s arms before looking at Sam and Sarah confusedly. They were looking at you like you just came back from the dead or something. Bucky stands next to you, also analyzing your face.
You frown, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh my God, what is it, guys? Stop looking at me like that!”
Sam gets up from his chair before gently stroking your arms.
“Do you remember anything from today?”
You frown again before slowly shaking your head. “Should I have something special to remember?”
Sam nods apprehensively before replying, “Steve was here today. Apparently, you guys talked for a while then Bucky got here, and you passed out.”
You rack your brain, trying to remember what he was talking about before you realize. Your body tenses up and you feel your breathing become ragged.
Bucky feels that and guides you to the dining table, making you sit down where he was before. He kneels in front of you and takes your hands in his.
“Doll, I want you to breathe with me, okay?”
You can feel your head start to spin and your vision becomes blurred, but you focus on Bucky’s voice.
“Deep breath in…”
He inhales deeply, making sure you’re following along.
“And out…”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. You can feel your vision start to clarify.
“Again. In…” Inhale.
“Out…” Exhale. Your head stops spinning.
“One last time, in…” You inhale deeply through your nose.
“And, out…” You exhale through your mouth.
Bucky looks deeply into your eyes before stroking your cheeks. You shiver slightly from the difference in temperature of his hands that are both on your face. He gets up and sees your eyes sending him a panicked look.
“It’s okay… I’m just going to sit down here, okay?”
He sits down on the chair next to you before taking your hand in his. You look at Sarah and Sam, visibly trying to find something, anything to say.
After you all stay seated in silence for about 5 minutes, you look up at them.
“I want to see him.”
Sarah frowns, reaching for your hand that’s resting on the table.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Y/N? You didn’t… fare so well last time, you know?”, she says softly.
You nod, swallowing thickly.
“I know but he caught me by surprise. This time, I’ll know that I’ll see him so I can prepare myself.”
You can feel Bucky tensing up next to you. Sam clears his throat.
“Why do you want to see him? He knocked you up, broke your heart and left you for some 100-year-old woman he kissed once.”
“Sam!”, Sarah chastises.
“Can always count on you for the honesty.”, you say sourly, side-eyeing Sam.
“First of all, he didn’t know I was pregnant. Hell, I didn’t know I was pregnant until… the accident...”, you say silently.
You had been battling depression since your early teens, but it had never been that bad. Sam and Sarah had started to recognize the signs of your mental withdrawal almost immediately after Steve had left. About three weeks after Steve left, you had tried to take your own life by crashing your car in the lake behind the house. Bucky had found you just in time and brought you to the hospital.
The doctors had insisted on doing a complete medical check-up and had found that you were 2 months pregnant. You were ready to tell the doctor that you wanted to abort but Sam and Sarah had convinced you otherwise. They had told you that keeping the baby could be like a piece of Steve in your life and it could help you heal.
At first, you didn’t believe them, but they ended up being right. The baby saved you, giving your life purpose, something you thought you would never find again.
Bucky, Sam and Sarah had all pitched in to help but Bucky had realized that his desire to be there for you was more than guilt for his best friend leaving you. He had fallen in love with you. So, when he had asked you out, you had said yes. When he had proposed, you had also said yes.
Bucky was making you the happiest you had ever been in a long time. And you were now pregnant with your second child. You had learned about two weeks ago and you had announced it last weekend.
But you knew that, if you didn’t get closure from your time with Steve, you would never be able to be completely happy with Bucky.
You shake your head slightly, making yourself come back to your current situation.
“And second of all, I need to do it. For myself. But also, for my two children. I can’t be the mom they deserve if I don’t get some kind of closure from this whole… situation.”
Bucky huffs before getting up and walking quickly to your shared bedroom. You sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“Sam, can you try to track him down, please? I need to get this done soon.”
Sam looks at you for a couple of seconds before sighing and nodding his head.
“Thanks. Good night, guys.”
You walk to your bedroom, opening the door. When you walk in, you see that Bucky is laying down under the covers, his back to you. You walk slowly to the bed before kneeling down on it.
He exhales loudly but doesn’t budge. You sigh deeply, stroking his back with one hand while the other turns him around.
“Bucky, baby, please, just listen to me.”
He rolls on his back but stares at the ceiling, avoiding your eyes. You sigh again before sitting down next to him, folding your hands in your lap.
“Look, Bucky, I understand that you’re upset. He hurt me but he also hurt you. He left us both and you’re allowed to be angry with him and deal with his return in whatever way you want but you can’t be mad at me for wanting to deal with it in the way that I want.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, still staring at the ceiling. You exhale slowly, putting a hand on Bucky’s cheek.
“Bucky, come on. Say something.”
You sigh deeply, “Bucky, I-”
“I’m scared, okay?”, he says loudly, turning his head to look at you. You jump slightly, unprepared for a response from him, much less such a loud response.
You frown, tilting your head, “Scared of what?”
He turns his head back to stare at the ceiling.
“Bucky, you need to tell me.”
He puts his hands over his face, slightly muffling his answer, “I’m scared that you’re gonna see him and talk to him and fall back in love with him. And then, you’re gonna leave with Lizzie and then I’m gonna be left alone all over again…”,
You feel tears pooling in your eyes as you reach over to put your hands on his shoulders. You tug at him softly, indicating that you want him to get up. Bucky sits up, staring at your lap before you reach over and put a hand on his chin, lifting his head to look at you.
You stare into his eyes, also full of unshed tears, before saying,
“Bucky, I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay?”
He nods at you before whispering “okay.”
“First of all, Steve doesn’t know that Lizzie is his, okay? When he asked, I said no. And we’re going to keep it that way because you are her dad, Bucky, no one else. Second of all, it’s not like I’m going on a date with the man. I just want to talk to him so I can get closure. And third of all, in case you forgot, I’m wearing your ring on my finger, not his. And that’s how it’s gonna stay, okay?”
Bucky looks at you as tears start to fall down his face. He leans towards you, leaving a short but passionate kiss on your lips.
He lays back down on the bed before taking you in his arms as you listen to his steady heartbeat.
You look up at him, whispering, “I love you, Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky hums appreciatively before kissing the top of your head and answering, “I love you more.”
That night, you fall asleep with Bucky’s arm around your waist and his fingers intertwined with yours.
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When you wake up the next morning, Bucky has already left the bed. You know that he’s either on a run or working on the boat with Sam.
You get up, brushing your teeth and getting ready before heading out to the dock. As you thought, you see Bucky and Sam working on the boat. They’re silent and you know it’s because you’re supposed to see Steve today.
“Hey Sam!”, you call out.
Sam turns towards you before meeting you halfway into the boat.
“Did you find him?”
He looks at you, raising an eyebrow before scoffing.
“Please. It took me less than 10 minutes. I told him to come at 11:30 so he should be here any minute.”
“Okay, thanks.” You look down at Bucky, still hard at work on the boat’s engine.
“Buck, can I talk to you for a second, please?” He drops the tool that was in his hand before walking up the stairs of the boat and stopping to sit down on the dock, not looking at you once.
You sit down next to him, before taking your hand in his.
“I’m just gonna talk to him, okay?” Bucky continues staring at his shoes but nods softly.
“I love you, you know that, right?”
He finally looks up at you and nods, murmuring, “I love you too.”
You smile at him, kissing his cheek.
“Y/N, he’s here.”, you hear Sarah’s voice call out.
Bucky instantly tenses up and looks at you with panic in his eyes. You give a warm smile and whisper, “It’s gonna be okay, I promise. As soon as we’re done, I’m gonna come find you and then we can go do something fun together all day, okay?”
Bucky nods, sniffling softly, before heading back inside the boat.
You get up and follow Sarah to the backyard where Steve is sitting on a bench. As soon as he sees you, he gets up and adjusts his shirt. You feel the warm Louisiana air brushing against your skin as you take deep breaths, approaching him.
When you get to the bench, Sarah stops a couple of feet behind you. You look at her and nod, silently saying that you’re fine. Steve walks towards you and pulls out a bouquet of flowers, handing it to you.
You reluctantly take it and sit down at one end of the bench. Steve follows your actions and sits down on the other end.
“You look beautiful.”
Your breath hitches as you put the flowers on the bench between you.
“Look, Steve, I didn’t-”
You stop and frown as you see a purple bruise under his left eye. You instinctively reach up to touch it and he hisses as your warm hand touches his face.
“What happened?”
“Let’s just say that Sam was less than happy to see me.”
You chuckle softly. You should have known that he would have done something like that.
You put your hand back in your lap, trying to find the right words to express your feelings.
“I wanted to see you because I need closure for my family. That’s all.”
Steve looks at you longingly, “You always were one of the strongest women I knew. And beautiful, loving, caring, compass-”
“Look, Steve, I didn’t ask Sam to call you here so we could reminisce about old times. Why did you come back?”
Steve looks at the ground before clearing his throat, “When Peggy rejected me, it made me realize that I left the woman that I truly loved. And I thought that I could come back, and we could talk and-”
“I’m engaged”, you blurt out. You slap a hand over your mouth, shocked at yourself.
Steve looks at you and finally notices the diamond ring on your left hand.
“Oh… I, umm… Who is it?”
“Umm Bucky.”
Steve frowns, “You’re engaged to my best friend?”
You snort and mutter, “I don’t think he would call himself that anymore but sure.”
“But how?”
You scoff, “Well, when you get abandoned by the same person, you kinda find some things to bond about.”
“And it is… you know, serious?”, Steve asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“Are you fucking serious right now? You leave me, abandon me- us, for some girl and then you ask if it’s serious?” You get up, now completely furious and screaming,
“You can’t just waltz in here after five fucking years, after destroying me so bad I almost killed our child and then ask me if I’m serious about the love of my life!”
Steve seems shocked as his mouth stays open, “Wait, I thought you said she wasn’t mine?”
You stare at him before groaning loudly, “Oh, fuck me!”
Steve gets up, a determined look on his face.
“I want to meet her.”
You exhale deeply, calming yourself down before looking at the lake and crossing your arms.
Steve stares you down, “I deserve to meet her.”
Your head snaps towards him, “You don’t deserve jack shit, Steve.”
Your vision becomes blurry with tears as you start hitting his chest aimlessly, “You left! You abandoned me! You deserve nothing!”
You feel strong arms pulling you back as you thrash around. Bucky’s soft voice rings in your ears,
“It’s okay, doll, it’s me. Calm down.”
Bucky’s hands cup your face, and he wipes your tears away with his thumbs as you calm down. When you stop crying, he pulls you into a hug and you feel his chest vibrate as he speaks lowly, “It’s time for you to go, Steve.”
You hear Steve’s equally deep voice from behind you, “I’m not going anywhere until I meet my child.”
Bucky chuckles humorlessly as you let go of Bucky and turn towards Steve, “She is not your child. She is Y/N and I’s little girl, and she will not be anywhere near you.”
As if on cue, Lizzie comes running out of the house.
You pick up your little girl and wrap your arms around her. She tries, but fails, to whisper in your ear, “Mommy, why is the man from yesterday here again?”
You chuckle at her lack of discretion. You stroke her back as you reply,
“He’s one of Mommy and Daddy’s old friend. But he was just about to leave.” Lizzie detaches her arms from around you before sliding down to the ground and walking to Steve. He kneels down to be eye-level with her and she holds her hand out to him.
“Hi. My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzie.” Steve shakes her little hand and responds, “Hi Lizzie, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Steve.”
Lizzie frowns at Steve before saying, “Are the bad man Steve that hurt my mommy?”
A look of shock draws itself on Steve’s face as he stares at Lizzie.
Lizzie turns towards you and runs back before saying, “I want him to go!”
Bucky laughs under his breath before saying, “Okay, Lizzie, come on. Daddy’s gonna make you some lunch.”
Lizzie walks over to Bucky taking his large metal hand in her smaller one before walking rapidly towards the house.
Steve stands up, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Why did she say that?”
You scoff as you cross your arms and look at him, “Because she caught me crying my eyes out one day and she asked what was wrong with me. So, Sarah told her the story about the bad man Steve that hurt me and made me sad sometimes.”
Steve detaches his eyes from yours, guilt written all over his face.
“I’m sorry”, he whispers.
“I didn’t know how bad I hurt you when I left and I shouldn’t have come back here like everything was going to be like it was when I left.”
Steve looks back at you, tears in his eyes. “I’ll leave and never come back. And congratulations on the engagement. I’m sure that Bucky and you are going to be great together.”
Steve starts to walk back towards the front yard as you stay standing in front of the bench. You hear the motorcycle start and before you can stop yourself, your legs are running towards him to stop him from leaving.
He turns off the motorcycle when he sees you in front of him.
You take a deep breath, clenching and unclenching your fists a couple of times before you say, “I forgive you. And I’m sorry I lied about Lizzie not being yours, I just… I don’t know.”
Steve nods slightly and starts his motorcycle again before riding off towards the road. You let you a breath and walk to the house.
When you see Bucky and Lizzie in the kitchen, playfully preparing some lunch, you smile bigger than you have in what felt like forever.
Your mind and your heart were finally at peace.
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hi @saiyanprincessswanie i would love it if you could check this out for your reading list, hope you enjoy🤍
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bronwiebear-brad ¡ 3 years
Somebody to you - 1/3.
Warnings: this fictional story will include mature content, language, and themes including but not limited to violence and nsfw content. Storie line before covid. The male lead bears no likeness to the real Brad Simpson apart from PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. Please if you’re not confortable with this type of content, do NOT read. You were advised.
A/N: this is my first time writing stuff this big, sorry in advance if you find any mistake and thank you for supporting. Also this was supposed to leave early but tumblr wasn't posting, so sorry for that. Lots of love x.
Wet curls staining the pillow on your lap, as your fingers delicately undid the knots. The television was muted and the only audible sound in the appartment was the calm breaths that came out of his mouth, peacefully sleeping. The small cuts over his eyebrow and nose caught your attention as they started to turn purple. Your mind running along the possible scenarios you've heard from him about what really happened to leave him in this state all beaten up. They were playing over and over again, leaving you awake and wondering what you got yourself into.
The day you moved into your apartment you knew life would change for the best. Third year of college and you've managed to find a nice paid internship. Sure it wasn't the ultimate dream job but helped you paid your bills and live a pretty decent city life out of that crowded university dorm. You got your three girl friends helping you with the boxes the next days in exchange of paid dinner and wine and the night was spent with gossiping and laughing. Not until your friend Jo got glued to the front door of the apartment on her way to get the pizzas, peering through the monocle as she stood on her toes. The rest of the group, Steph and Lizzie, tryed to peek tru the same hole bumping on each other and arguing to be the first to watch the pretty heated make out session in the hallway. 
"Oh that must be my next door neighbour. Brad." You simple said walking back into the living room that was also the kitchen and your work space, since the house was not that big. The three girls following you intrigued and excited to know more about the misterious boy who was literally eating some girl face agaisnt his front door. 
"Just my next door neighbour?" Steph asked taking her previous spot at the couch. 
"He's ...exciting." Jo was the most interested about the boy asking you more details. The other girls gasp excited sitting on the floor ready to listen more about this guy.
"I know his name because the girls he brings home almost everynight shout pretty loud. Just in luck his bedroom is in the oposite wall of my bed." You explained rolling your eyes and the face of the three girls lit up, giggling and begging for more gossip. You’ve met him a few times when he held the front door only exchanging Good Mornins or Good Nights in that thick accent of his that you couldn’t figure out yet. Little they knew that later that night after everyone went home and you stood on the couch trying to get some work done on your computer and got disturbed by loud music and people talking that you got the courage to actually knock on his door. 
“Are you the stripper?”“ A blonde guy with short hair opened the door. He looked at you from head to toe leaving you unconfortable and frowned, a plastic cup on his hand. “Kinda basic if you ask me but you’re cute” He said to someone else inside the house and a few guys laughed. Your cheeks turned red and you tought about aborting the mission.
“I’m not a stripper.” You told him quietly and he laughed loud making you cringe. You weren’t sure anymore if this was a good idea but it was late now. “I’m searching for Brad, please.” 
“Go find him.” The boy rolled his eyes and disapeared out of your sight. He left the front door open and you took your chance to come in. The music got louder and you were pretty sure the neighbours would soon complain. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol made you crunch your nose and besides the people dancing, talking and playing poker by the dinner table, you notice a few smoking some weird stuff. That place look like a frat house and you really wanted to leave as soon as possible.
You noticed him when you got into the kitchen were he was preparing some drinks. His eyes never left his task. You took a change to have a propper look at him and see what the girls were so fuss about. His hair was nicely brushed back and he was wearing some black jeans and a clean white tshirt. His hands worked on the glasses making you notice his rings and how muscular he was. He wasnt that much fit but his body had a nice shape. His cheeks were rosy and the way he trapped his bottom lip between his teeth concentrated made you realise that he was pretty. He was actually very handsome.
 “Are you going to talk or what?” He sounded playfull and sarcastic. When you look at his face after jumping on your spot he was looking directly to you, smiling.
“Hm y-yeah. I-”. You tried to talk but got embarassed for being caught checking him out. Your cheeks started to blush and you hated yourself for that. You were suposed to act mad and cold to complain about the noise that was disturbing your work session.
“Nice pants.” He laughed pointing at your pijama pants. You blushed even more and condemned yourself for not exchanging clothes before leaving the house. When your eyes crossed again you were about to explode. His glance was so intense that he left you with a cold sensation on your belly. Also the wine you took previously was starting to leave your system and the courage too.  
“Thanks.” You displayed a small smile and he blinked at you.
“Anytime. Did you come for the party?” He asked before taking a shot. Your eyes followed his moves and how he placed the glass carefuly back on the table. “Here, have one shot.". He offered you a glass and you were ready to refuse.
“ No and no. I’m here because of the noise actually.”  You said bitting your cheek and expecting him to brust out. Instead he just smiled widely and took the shot he held in his hand.
“Of course." He said sarcastically after passing by you and leaving you alone in the kitchen. You stood there a few seconds in disbelief. Is this guy for real? You tought to yourself.
“What-what do you mean?” You followed him as he passed thru the people and handed them the shots.
“I mean of course you’re here for the noise.” He didn’t bother looking at you. 
“So you’re aware you’re bothering other people” You said frowning. This guy was an assole after all. Predictable. He stop walking and turned to you, smirking.
“Darling, don’t you like to listen good music?” He asked closer to you, due to music.The nickname caught you by surprise. 
“Yeah but-” You tried to explain but he interrupted.
“So you’re welcome” He laughed. His breatth tickling your ear. “Now, have a shot. Please, cortesy of the house.” He grabbed your hand and made you grab the last shot. His hand was still touching yours as you got lost in his boyish smile. Skin on fire and your heartbeat raced as you notice a good song playing in the background. 
“On three, let’s go.”  He started to count, a bottle of beer on his hand that he grabbed from the table while he made eye contact with you. You didn’t knew what got into you because when the count got to an end you took the shot. The green liquid burning your troat and making you frown and cough hard. “Easy, easy take a sip. It’ll ease the burn.” He offered his own beer, raising himself the bottle for you to drink while one hand caressed smothly your back. Your eyes lock on his and he smiled at your red cheeks. 
“Thank you.” You said bitting your lip. This was all so overwhelming and new that you got embarrassed. “I should get going.” You pointed to the door and got ready to leave. 
“I’m (y/n).” You shook his hand and for a minute you both stood in the middle of the living room in silence, skins touching. 
“Wait.” He prevented you from leaving. “I don’t think I know your name. I’m Brad.” He raised an eyebrow and offered his hand to shake. You look at his hand on the air and his face. Should you grab his hand again? You were still recovering from the interaction that happen seconds ago.
Oh fuck it.
It was hard to leave after that but it felt like you ran your way into your apartment. Locking the door behind you and leaning agaisnt it with a goofly smile recovering. 
“So, I’ll see you around, darling.” He said smiling and squeezing your hand slighly.
That nickname again...
The bloody and wounded lower lip, which had begun to swell, contrasted the shape of the curves of his smile. He should smile more. You tought getting a memory of him smiling directly at you in a previous occasion. The smell of soap from the clean clothes you gave him to change invaded your senses and made you  get out of the couch carefully not to wake him. The mess on the bathroom floor caught your attention and since sleep had long been interrupted you decided to clean it up.
As you rub the little drops of blood from the floor tiles you couldn't stop reliving the previous events. The more it went on inside your brain the intensity of the rubbing increased...
A big tud came from the front door. Someone knocking violently and desperately. Making your immediately wake up and get up from the bed.. 
“It's me, open up!". You heard your name being called behind the door. The familiar voice made you open the door in a glance. A tall boy with a mix blond-pink dyed hair and a pierced nose looked surprised that you really opened the door at such hours. It was a long time since the last time you saw him, he sure was diferent. Not leaving you time to ask what he was doing or what was happening he talked frenetic. "It's Brad. He's...". His expression changed intensively and that scared you, even more than before. "He just wants to see you. Keeps saying your name over and over. So I brought him here. I know he doesn't live here anymore but he insisted." He pointed to the stairs and you notice the shade of someone sitting on them. "I hope you don’t mind. I know what happened between you two but". You dind’t had time to process what was happening but he kept explaining. "He's pretty hammered. It's bad." Tris indicated as soon as you passed the front door and headed the familiar shape. Him following you closely.
This wasn't the first time you took care of drunken Brad. A few times during your somehow relation and after heated arguments when he showed up at your door begging and causing a scene. So this wasn't new. You tought to yourself getting angry.
Grunts of pain and curses could be heard in the hall and when you came across the scene your heart sank. There he was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall and clinging to the right side of his ribs. His white shirt stained with drops of blood that you didn’t know if it was his or from others. An almost empty bottle was placed on the floor beside him. He looked in bad shape. Dark spots under his eyes and bigger hair. Reminding you that uncountable times when you asked him to let his hair grow and he would just laughed it off saying he liked it short.
"Oh hey beautifull.." He called you as soon as he saw you. His voice was hoarse and shaky and with a hint of surprise that you were really there. Mixed feelings as he looked at your intire body. He still got an effect on you after 2 months.
"What happened Brad?." You asked cold, kneeling down next to his legs to watch the cuts carefully. Your hands were shaking with nervousness and fear but you tried to hide them in your pockets. Your eyes darting to his hands and seeing purple marks on the knots. Indicating what you fear the most, he was fighting again.
“I broke the asshole into fucking pieces!” He said proudly, his voice echoing in the hall. His breath smelled like alcohol and that made you put the pieces together. He was completely drunk to the point where he couldn't even keep his eyes open or walk properly. “The sucker thought he took me for granted.” He kept talking, his voice was angrier remembering the events. “Nobody fucks with Brad.” He grabbed the bottle and brought it to his mouth drinking what was left of it. When he took it out of his mouth he looked at you smirking. “But not you, angel.” The nickname made your stomach turn. “You can fuck me anytime." He started laughing but stopped right away when his ribs started to hurt.
"Alright let's get you inside." You said moving to help him out of the stairs and preventing the neighbors to call the police about the noise since it was 4 am. Tristan helped you by grabing his left arm while you stood on the right. Loud curses left Brad's mouth as he was obligated to move and somehow walk a few meters until your apartment and into the bathroom.
You turned to Tristan who had a serious expression on his face asking what had happened. He seemed quiet and you assumed he was probably drunk too but at least he was controlling it.
“He fucked up”. Tristan gesture you. “We where at Urban’s pub downtown when Marcus came in with his shitty gang. We had a few bottles already and-” He was interrupted by a loud grount from Brad.
“Tris, shut up” Brad warned his friend with a deadly glare.
“Keep going, Tristan.". You demand to the blonde boy and ignoring the brunette. At this point you just wanted to know how he got into this mess. You took a quick glance to the drunken boy who settled himself on the bathroom floor, back into the tub tiles. A thin line of blood coming out of his nose.
“They came out hard, unnoticed, starting to-” Tristan got interrupted again. This time aggressively.
“Shut the fuck up, asshole!” Brad shout from the floor and his angry voice made you jump. How can someone change so fast from giggly drunk to angry in matter of seconds.
“Mate, she needs to know!” Tristan protested. “Look at your fucking state, you probably need to get to the hospital".
“And you need to get the fuck out!” He pointed to the door. "Leave Tris, I don't need you anymore". He demanded and the blonde looked at you searching for an answer. You stood quiet looking at the interaction not knowing what to say. "Just fucking leave already."
“I..I will get first aid it’s... uh it’s in my kitchen.” You weren't ready to be left alone with him. It all becoming to real and scary. Tristan followed you outside and gave you a apologetic smile before heading out. Telling you to call him if you needed anything and apologizing his friend stubborn ass.
Back into the bathroom you knelled down closer to the boy and opened the aid. Nether of you exchanging words as you took out a few dressings and bandages. Him watching you closely as put some scar cleaning into one of the dressings and handed it to him. His fingers brushed yours slightly making you nervous.
"You might need to get to the hospital." You simple said looking at his face.
“No. I don’t.” He grunted as his hand move to his face to clean himself. The strong pain on his side stopped him and made him cry in pain.
 "Here." You offered your help as you took the dressing out of his hand and carefully applyied it on his eyebrow. Your face coming closer to his. He was looking at you and licked his lips You could feel his hot breath on your face, intoxicating you and making you more and more nervous.
"Don’t be nervous”. It was surprising that he still managed to know you so damn well. He grabbed your hands and that action made you soften a lil. His eyes were less darker than before.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" You asked.
"No." His answer made your roll your eyes. Unbelievable this guy was the same after all. “Your hair looks diferent.” He changed the subject but you ignored. 
"I’m going to take your shirt off I want to see your ribs. It might be broken." You demand getting far from him. You were starting to get annoyed by the fact he wasn’t helping you to help him.
"How do you know all of this?" He asked curious while you grabbed the end of the tshirt and lifted it slowly. His necklace falling into his tanned chest and your heart softed seing the silver object still on him.
"My cousin made the whole family took a first-aid course when she was pregnant." You explained analizing his right side. “Doesn’t look broken but i’m going to bind it with plasters to relieve your pain and for you to move better.”.
“Thank you, (y/n).” He tried to grab your hand but you were fast enought to move. “Ouch.” He played offended by your reaction.
“I don’t think you’re in the position of acting offended here.” You weren’t making eye contact with him and that pissed him.
“Look I know I fucked up. I fucked up good. I really did. But here you are helping me. That’s got to mean something.” He said an hint of hope in his voice making you stop what you were doing and look at him frowning. 
“You came into my work and beat my colleague just because he was texting me.” 
“I didn’t beat him.” 
“You’ve threaten him. Agressively.” 
“That’s not beating.” 
“That’s violence.” He stood silent. You knew you had win this one so you continued. “You knew how I felt about you being like that and you ignore it. You didn’t trust me after I told you I didn’t cared. I cared only about you. You were everything.
You could tell he was sobering up slowly. His face changed to regret and hurt. You know that inside his head he was blaming himself.
“Damn it Brad, you show up at my door at 3am all beaten up and looking like a absolute mess. And you still want me to believe that you’ve changed? That this mean something?”.You raised your voice. 
He was starting to get angry at himself knowing that every word you were saying were true. So he decided it was better to leave, coming here was wrong. He tried to get up to leave between grunts. 
“You’re not going anywhere. I’m not finshed.” He stopped and looked at you as you sat carefully on his legs to prevent him from moving.
“What are y-” 
“Shut up Brad, I’m trying to fix you.” You cut his words since the patience was coming to an end and quickly applyed the plasters. Earning a few curses on the way. “Now you’re done. I’m going to make us tea. Meanwhile you should take a shower to sobber up. I’l be waiting for you if you really want to talk.” You were surprise by your audacity to control the situation. Getting up off the floor right after and leaving the bathroom.
He stood there disbelief, enjoying and surprised by this new you.
The one he didn’t knew.
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nothingbutimagines ¡ 4 years
Elizabeths (Chapter I)
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Pairing: Bad boy!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, death, mentions of suicide
Summary: Y/n is part of her high school’s most powerful and most popular clique, but she disapproves of the other girls’ behavior. When Y/n meets the new boy in school, Peter Parker, and begins dating him, what she has known to be her clique begins to unravel. Starting with the death of the clique leader, Liz Allan, one by one, people Y/n doesn’t like begin to die by her and Peter’s hands. Soon, she realizes that Peter is killing students he hates and begins to try to foil his plans, all while clashing with the new clique leader, Elizabeth “Betty” Brant.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: This is a Peter Parker AU I thought of doing. It’s a Heathers AU!!! This is going to follow a similar plot to Heathers, but of course, I won’t keep everything the exact same. Here, we meet our protaganist, Y/n, and our love interest, JD Peter.
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
Dear Diary, 
Today, Liz told me she teaches people about “real life”. 
She said, “Real life sucks losers dry. If you wanna fuck with the eagles, you gotta learn to fly.” 
I asked, “So you teach people how to fly?” 
She said, yes. 
I said, “You’re beautiful.”
“Y/n,” a voice pulled you away from your writing as they kicked your side. 
You pulled your glasses off and looked up at the owner of the yellow skirt and white tights that kicked you. 
“What the fuck, Lizzie?” You snapped, pushing Lizzie Jones’ foot away from you. 
“Sorry, Y/n. Liz needs you in the commons. She said it’s urgent. Back me up, Betty.” 
“Yeah, Y/n, Liz said you have to hit the commons pronto.” Betty stammered, her arms tight around her books.
“Fine. I’m coming.” You rose from your spot on the stairs and followed the other girls. “Do you know what it’s about?”
Lizzie looked back at you. “How the hell am I supposed to know? She just said to get you.”
As you turned the corner and into the madhouse that was the common area, you caught sight of the brown hair that was tied back with a red scrunchie.
“Hello, Liz.” You spoke softly, almost submissive to the girl. 
“Y/n, there you are.” Liz smiled, her voice sickly sweet which made you think she’d want something from you.
If you knew anything about Liz Allan, it was that she always, always was nice when she wanted something from you. 
“What is it you need, Liz?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I need you to help me get into Brad’s email to send Ass-trid Dumptruck. I want you to help me write a hot and heavy but realistically low-key essay that Astrid can’t help but read right now.”
“Liz, I don’t have anything against Astrid Dunstock.” 
“You don’t have anything for her, either.” Liz replied, shoving the laptop into your hands. “Just get into the email so I can write her a sexy letter to fuel her shower nozzle masturbation for weeks.”
“Let me think about it.”
“Don’t think.” Liz scoffed. “Just do it.”
You groaned as the other girls giggled, holding the laptop in one arm and attempting to type with the other. You furrowed your brow as you took in a deep breath, annoyed at your own inability to fight against peer pressure. 
“Betty, Y/n can’t possibly type with one hand. Bend over so she can work.” Liz smirk.
Betty gave you a look as you mouthed that you were sorry before the girl bent over in front of you and you began to type on the laptop, finding your way to Brad’s email. 
This wasn’t the first time Liz was having you send emails from Brad’s account, so you already knew the password, mumbling to yourself about how ignorant Liz could be as you pulled up the draft email page. 
“Alright, Liz. You’re in.” 
“Why don’t you type it up, Y/n? My nails just got done and it’s hard to type with them.” Liz said, wiggling her fingers in front of you, her nails long and sharp like claws and done in her signature red color. 
You knew she was lying, as she could never tell the truth. She just didn’t want to have the evidence trailed back to her. 
“Come on, Liz. I don’t want to do this.” You said, throwing your arms down and turning to the other girl.
“Do you think I give a shit?” Liz snapped back. “Just write the fucking email and then we can move on with our lives. Besides, you’re the only one who could possibly get down Brad’s diction.”
“Go fuck yourself.” You mumbled as you turned around, feeling Betty giggle from beneath you. 
“Would you like to speak up, Y/n?” Liz asked, moving to look at you from the side.
You gave her a smirk. “No, Liz. Now, why don’t you tell me what to write?”
Liz cleared her throat before speaking softly, her lips brushing against the hair by your ear, her breath hot and her voice soft, sending shivers down your spine. 
“Okay, Y/n, why don’t we keep it short and simple? Get in and get out, just like Brad would.” Liz said. 
“And you know that all too well.” 
You could feel Liz press her sharp nail into your cheek, the pressure so sharp you thought she was about to draw blood. Your proud attitude quickly diminished as she huffed, taking her nail off your face as you sighed and quickly typed up the email. 
“Alright. I’m done writing.” You announced, straightened up as you picked the laptop off of Betty’s back, and handed the laptop to Liz. “Just hit send and Astrid will get it right away.” 
“Come on people, let’s give that leftover lunch money to people without lunches! Those tater tots you threw away are a delicacy in Africa! Their Thanksgiving dinner!” You could hear Ned scream into the crowd of students in the common area as you took a seat beside LIz at your regular lunch table. 
“God, aren’t they fed yet?” Lizzie asked, taking a bite out of a french fry she took off your plate before flinging it back down on the plate, the ketchup splattering on the rest of your food. “Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa?”
“Oh, yeah. Pilgrims, Indians, tater tots.” You replied as you ate the other half of the french fry, “I heard it’s a real party continent.”
Liz rustled in her bag beside you, gaining your attention as you watched her pull out a clipboard and slam it down on the table. She gave you a smile as she proudly flipped her hair over her shoulder while she watched your face fall and you internally groaned. 
“Y/n, guess what time it is?” 
“Ouch, lunchtime poll.” You guessed, setting down the milk carton in your hand as you turned to her. “So, what’s the question?”
“Yeah, what’s the question?” Betty asked, earning a swift kick from Liz.
“Goddamn, Betty, you were on FaceTime with me when I thought of it.”
“Oh, right. I forgot.”
“Such a pillowcase.” Liz scoffed, pulling you up with her as she stood up and began leading you through the crowded tables and into the large aisle of the common room. 
“This wouldn’t be about that bizarre dream you had the other night that were blabbing about on the phone would-”
“Oh, shut up. It is.” Liz cut you off. “I told Ned if he gave me another political topic, I would spit on him and he said if I didn’t want to do that, I’d have to think of my own poll.” 
You shook your head, looking away from her as you scanned the large room. Your eyes landed on a boy you’ve never seen before, and being in a small town, a guy that looked like him, you would’ve recognized. 
He caught your gaze, the boy who reminded you of James Dean as he slouched in his blue plastic chair, his leather jacket puffing out to the side to reveal the simple t-shirt he was wearing underneath. You couldn’t tell if it was the swooped dark brown hair or the Rebel Without a Cause lunchbox sat in front of him that made you think of the long dead actor, but the boy certainly knew how to get anyone’s attention. 
Transfixed on the boy across the room, you felt a sharp pain in your knee as you crashed into the blue chair of one Cindy Moon. You grunted softly, your hand reaching towards your knee as you bent down to rub it soothingly. 
Cindy turned, pulling her cardigan sweater tightly around her as the rest of her less stylish friends also turned as well, causing you to blush as you straighten up slightly, still a bit bent over as Cindy studied you for a moment. 
“Oh gosh, sorry, Y/n.”
“Oh, Cindy…” You replied softly, the embarrassment hinting in your tone. “I’m, uh, sorry I didn’t make it to your birthday party last month.”
“That’s okay,” Cindy shook her head, “Your mom said you had a big date. Hell, I’d miss my own birthday party for a date.” 
You laughed lightly with her for a moment, glancing over at Liz who was growing impatient as she watched the interaction.
“Don’t say that.” You playfully hit Cindy’s shoulder. 
“Oh, Y/n/n, while you’re here, I found this the other day.” Cindy beamed, picking up her purse and rummaging through it until she pulled out a photo and handed it to you. “I think it's Halloween in second grade.”
“Oh, where we got so sick from the candy that a single spin on that carousel at the Halloween fair-”
“-had us throwing up uncontrollably.” Cindy laughed as she finished your sentence, the warm interaction between you two cut prematurely by Liz’s swift swing pulling you away and causing you to drop the photo.
“Hey, I was talking to someone!” You snapped, tearing away from her. 
“Color me impressed. I thought you were finished playing Barbies with Cindy Moon.” Liz snapped. 
If you didn’t know her any better, you’d have thought Liz was somehow jealous of your interaction with Cindy. 
You followed her like a duckling, almost prancing to keep up with her as you approached the Country Club. You hated them just as much as the next, the daddy’s money boys and girls who were so pretentious they dressed as if they were always at the country club, hence their name. 
“Oh, great, here comes Liz.” You could hear Brittany say as you and Liz approached.
You could feel Liz’s unabashed false pleasantness radiating off of her. You hated the Country Club as much as the next guy, but never as much as Liz Allan did. 
“Hi, Brittany, love the blouse. Oh, let me steal a tater.” Liz greeted, her tone the same sickly sweet as the one she had had with you earlier in the lunch period. 
Brittany watched with a similar fake smile plastered on her face as Liz turned her back to her, now facing you as she pushed the tater tot into her mouth with a single finger, doing a vomiting gesture before chewing and swallowing the tater tot and turning to Brittany and her group. 
“Thanks. I got it at H&M.” Brittany smiled, turning to her group and back at Liz. “I totally blew my allowance.”
“That’s pretty very. Now check this out, David Dobrik gives you a Tesla and $2 million dollars and the same day you get to be on his channel, aliens come to earth and say they’ll blow up the planet in two days. What are you going to do?”
The table looked stunned for a moment and you watched as Flash chuckled, leaned back in his chair and put his sunglasses on. You rolled your eyes at the dramatic action as he started to speak. 
“That’s easy. I’d just hand the wad over to my father. He has the best stock broker in the state. And then I would take that Tesla out for a joyride. Just me, babes, and a car to drive while I fuck a chick in the passanger’s seat.”
“How charming.” You rolled your eyes. “The world will be Pompeii in two days and you’re going to invest your money?”
“Man, my father’s broker could triple it, double it in two days.”
“If I had that money,” Brittany cut in, “I’d give it all to the poor.”
“Wow. You’re beautiful.” You smiled with a nod as Liz jerked you by the arm, pulling you away from the flabbergasted Brittany.
“If you’re openly going to be a bitch…”
“I’m sorry, it’s just why can’t we talk to other kinds of people?” Your voice coming out whinier than you anticipated. 
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa to you?” Liz asked, her tongue sharp as you walked alongside her. “If I did, I wouldn't mind talking to the Geek Squad.”
Your gaze followed along the extended arm and pointer finger of Liz’s body as you both made eye contact with one of the boys at the table, causing him to spill his milk all over himself in shock. 
“Oh my god, Elizabeth Number One just made eye contact with me.” He blurted out, stumbling over his words as another boy chuckled.
“It must be love.” The other one replied before you tore your gaze away from them and looked up at Liz, who always seemed to tower over you with her bright red high heeled boots. 
“Doesn’t it bother you that everyone at school thinks you’re a piranha?” You confront her, her eye roll in response making you feel like back peddling what you said.
“Like I give a shit.” She snapped so matter-of-factly. “They all want me as a friend or a fuck. I’m worshipped at Midtown and I’m only a junior.” 
You groaned. “Just pretend you’re doing charity work. Like saving a couple of oiled up penguins in the Dawn commercials. Like this shit will look good on college essays.” 
Liz looked at you in surprise, returning your statement with an eye roll as you had her convinced and she knew it. “Whatever. I don’t believe this shit. We’re going to a Columbia University party and I’m brushing up my conversational skills with the scum of the school.”
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I want to kill Liz Allan. She’s such a bitch saying, “I’m tall, dark, and beautiful. I’m such an individual because I look like a girl in a toothpaste commercial. I’m so hot Post Malone wanted to see my tits for backstage passes.” Damn, you Liz. You’re not special or a princess. All teenagers are the same. Didn’t you see Breakfast Club? 
You pull the clipboard from Liz’s arms as you guide her to the Geek Squad with your hand on her lower back, in a similar way to how your father would push you along in lines at the grocery store. You two stood there awkwardly for a moment before elbowing Liz, causing her to jump. 
“Alright. This is called a lunchtime poll. We ask you a question, you answer honestly. Now, David, whatever his name is, gives you a Tesla and 2 million dollars. When you go to do the big youtube thing, aliens come to the earth and say they’re going to blow it up in two days. What do you do?” Liz muttered, her attitude more sour than it was only moments before. 
“I’d go to the Pyramids.” Brian replied, the bony head of the Geek Squad. “With a girl.”
“Where are you going to get the girl?” the boy beside him asked. “Amazon?”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile as you looked at another boy. “What about you, Lucas?”
“I told you she knew my name.” He muttered to Brian, who in turn, elbowed him in the side. “I’d change my life. Get a new haircut, new clothes, revamp like in She’s All That.” 
“How sad!” Liz exclaimed. “Blowing all your cash to make up for a lack of popularity. And the reference to a chick flick! Did you see it with your mom? Or your new boyfriend?” 
You grabbed Liz by the arm and yanked her from the table and into the large aisle again, right where she had scolded you only minutes before. 
“If you’re openly going to be a bitch…” You trailed off, your tone harsh as Lizzie approached. 
“Ass-trid’s reading the email, you’re going to want to see this.” Lizzie laughed, grabbing you both by the wrists and dragging you behind her as she beelined to where Betty stood, back up against a pillar. 
“Oh god, here we go!” Betty giggled as you four began to watch. 
You suddenly felt sick. You wanted nothing to do with what was about to happen as Astrid rose from her seat at her empty lunch table and made her way towards the Jocks, where Brad sat, munching on his tater tots. You couldn’t understand what Astrid was saying as she pointed to her phone screen, allowing Brad to read it. You flinched as the boy erupted in laughter, food and spit flying from their mouths as they howled, leaving Astrid to run away in horror, leaving you with a pit in your stomach as you jumped away from your friends and into Ned’s table. 
“A penny for your thoughts! But, a dollar could save a life! Hi, Y/n. A five keeps the neighborhood alive! But, a ten will bring back the dead!” Ned shouted, the little chant ringing in your ears as you made eye contact with the James Dean boy again, his look as horrified as your own. 
Liz shoves a twenty dollar bill into Ned’s hand as she approaches you. 
“Shut up.” She orders as the boy grows quiet. “You wanted to be part of the most powerful clique in school and if I wasn’t already the head of it, I’d want the same thing.” 
“I’m sorry, what are you going on about?” You snapped, turning to her. 
“You heard me. That episode with the email back there was for us all to enjoy, but for some reason you are determined to ruin my day.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, let me fix that.” You replied before laughing mockingly. “We made a girl consider suicide! What a laugh! What a scream! I’ve never seen something so funny!”
“Come on, you jerk. You used to have a sense of humor.”
You let Liz guide you back to where Lizzie and Betty stood, talking about whatever book Betty had begun reading as your eyes landed back on the boy you’d found yourself so infatuated with. 
“God, Y/n, drool much?” Lizzie asked, as Liz groaned. “His name’s Peter Parker. He’s in my American History class.”
“Give me back the clipboard.” You ordered, pulling the clipboard from Liz’s hands. 
You sauntered away from the girls, scoffing as Lizzie began making oinking and sexual sounds in your direction and by how fast they were cut off, you knew Liz had probably slapped the other girl to get her to stop. 
“Well, hello, Peter Parker.” You greeted, stopping at a halt on the other side of his table. 
Now standing in front of the boy, you realized he looked less like James Dean and more like a young Jaime Bell.
“Greetings and Salutation. Call me Peter. Are you an Elizabeth?” He asked, the smile on his face a bit cocky. 
You chuckled, a light blush dusting your cheeks. “No, I’m a Y/n. L/n. This may sound like a stupid question…”
“There are no stupid questions.”
“Okay. Get this, David Dobrik gives you 2 million dollars and a Tesla and on the same day he’s supposed to give it to you in a youtube video, aliens invade earth and say they’re going to blow up the planet in two days. What do you do?”
Peter chuckles, his laugh light and airy as he runs a hand through his hair. 
“That’s the stupidest question I’ve ever heard.” He replies, his brow rising as he answers the question curiously. “Probably would just row a boat out into the middle of the lake. Bring along my sax, a bottle of tequila, and some Bach.” 
“How very.” 
“Come on, Y/n!” Lizzie calls from behind you. 
“I’ll be right there! God!” You roll your eyes as you yell, turning your attention back to Peter. “Duty calls. Bye.”
Dear Diary, 
I take back what I said about killing Liz Allan. I don’t think I’m ready for jail just yet, not with a boy like Peter Parker around. Maybe we’re not all the same after all. 
Tagged: @thewinchesterchronicles @spookyanairwin @audreylovespidey706
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1787americanrevnerd ¡ 3 years
The Life of Rebecca Barnes
Sorry if the dates are wrong, I tried my best to do the math.
The Howling Commandos had finally tracked down the only living family of James Barnes. James never talked about his personal life before the war to any of the Commandos and he really only talked to Steve. And since the Barnes' family is very closed off, it was hard to find James's family to offer condolences. He had died a while ago in the Swiss Alps, the army was going to send a letter but the Commandos thought it would be better to say it in person.When they came to the small apartment in NYC and knocked on the door they were not expecting a young girl with three other kids clinging onto her. The girl had frizzy, curly, hip-length dark brown hair. The Commandos knew this was the right house because the girl had the same smile as James.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked. Dum Dum spoke next, "Is it okay if we come inside we worked with James." The girl nodded and ushered them inside. "Rikki, who are these people," asked a little girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Well, Lizzy these are some of Jamie's friends." Rikki picked up Lizzy and put her on her hip. "Is Stevie coming?" The Commandos felt guilty at the question Lizzy asked, Steve died the day previous."Anyway, what brings you to my apartment?" asked Rikki. "Well we are looking for a Rebecca is she home?" said Gabe Jones. "Oh, that's me, Rikki's a nickname my stupid brother gave me when we were kids." The Commandos now felt even more saddened by the news they were about to give the Barnes family. "Could we talk in private," one of the Commandos asked Rebecca.
Rikki led them into a separate room so that they could talk privately. "So why are you at my house?" asked Rikki. The Commandos knew that they should rip the bandaid off but it's still difficult to take off the bandaid. "Rikki that's a funny nickname," said Jim trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, I would always try to annoy my brother by calling him Jamie because he didn't like to be called, and I quote, "A name meant for a girl" so I always called him Jamie. He then started to call me Rikki since it sounds like a boy's name. And it just kind of stuck.""Ms. Barnes we have some unfortunate news to tell you," said Jack. Rebecca stiffened, "Is Jamie okay?" All of the Commandos looked down and Rebecca gasped. "He died in action, we were ambushing a train in the swiss alps and your brother fell off the side. He died fighting, I'm sorry for your loss," said Gabe. "Why isn't Steve here telling me this then?" questioned Rebecca. "Steve died crashing a plane into the ice in order to save millions," explained Dum Dum. They tried to say nice things to her like, "It's okay." "They died for a greater cause" but with every word Rebecca got angrier. Rebecca stood up and wiped off her tears, " No it's not okay my brothers died! For you people, and then you start saying meaningless words to me about it. Get out, get out of my house goddamn it!" The Commandos left silently not wanting to upset Rebecca further.
Rebecca went to her siblings, "I have some bad news, Stevie and Jamie died in the war." Lizzy and Martha went quiet and Linda, who was only a baby, started to cry. Rebecca wanted to cry too, but she had to stay strong like Jamie always did.Once the kids went to bed Rebecca dropped on the floor and started crying. "We can't even bury a body," she said over and over again. Jamie was always so full of life it's hard to imagine him dead. Deep down inside Rebecca believed that he was not dead, they had always had a twin-like bond, even though there was a 3 year age difference, meaning that they always knew what the other thought and the other well-being. Rebecca Barnes hated the people responsible for her brother's death and Rebecca needed to bring them to justice.
One Year Later
Rebecca wanted to do something worthwhile and she thought joining the S.S.R. was the only way to do so. Rebecca had good grades and experience with things the S.S.R did. She had taken criminology and forensic science in school and had just finished her combat training.When she was in the office and the man put down her file her looked up at her and said, "Why should we hire you?" he asks. Rebecca thinks about it and says, " I want to make the world a safer place and-" The man cuts her off, "No, no, no, I mean why would we hire you a woman. We already have Margret." Rebecca stands up and slaps her hands on the table, "Listen here you short sexist piece of sh*t, if a man came in here with the file I have I know for a fact you would hire him. Also, it is my human right to be able to work if I want to, I'm leaving so give me a letter when you make up your mind."
As she stormed out she was cut off by Margret Carter, "I agree with what you said about the chief being a short sexist," she didn't finish her sentence being a proper lady. Rebecca however was not, "Piece of sh*t." Peggy nodded. "I know a great Diner around here would you like to go once my shift is over?" Rebecca didn't have many friends this would be good for her. "Sure I would love to."
When they went to the diner Peggy led them to a booth and she sat down. "So what's your name?" asked Peggy. Rebecca hadn't even realized that they didn't know each other's names. "Rebecca Barnes," she said simply. Peggy froze at the surname remembering someone who was lost in the war. "Peggy Carter," Peggy said thinking that Barnes was a very popular surname it could be a whole other family.
"Do you have any siblings?" Peggy asked. "I have three younger sisters, Elizabeth, Lidia, and Margret. And I ha- had one brother, James," answered Rebecca. Peggy was now sure that this is the sister of James Buchanan Barnes. "What about you do you have any siblings?" asked Rebecca in return. "Yes I also had an older brother," replied Peggy. "I'm sorry for your loss," replied Rebecca. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." Rebecca was very easy to talk to, and she wasn't like the people Peggy was usually drawn to. She was far from a proper lady, she sat like someone who was not taught proper edict, and she was wearing pants. Not pants made for women but pants that probably belonged to a man at some point. "Your pants where did you get them?" Peggy asked. "They're hand-me-downs, from my brother. Money was never tight at my house but it just made me feel more normal, you know wearing hand-me-downs like most other younger siblings. Anyway enough about me, what's your deal?"
"I have worked in the SSR for a long time and I didn't get many jobs or respect until the war when I helped with Project Rebirth. After the war, well I turned into the secretary. I want to show people that I can do just as much as a man can and that I didn't just become an Agent because there weren't enough men to do the job. Why are you here?" Rebecca knew her answer, " You might not like it or agree with it but, I want to take down the people that hurt me and so many families. I don't want anyone else's brother to die because of a war. And the only way to do that is to rid the world of insane people who want to take over the world." Peggy nodded, "Well seeing as we will be the only women in the department I look forward o filing papers with you and hopefully putting "villains" in jail." Rebecca smiled and took a sip of her water, this felt like a good thing.
2 years later
It was Rebecca's first mission, there was no one left to do it. She had to take down some drug dealers. When she got to the location something was wrong the drug dealers were there all right but there were other people there. They had the HYDRA symbol on their jackets. Oh, how stupid had we been to think that if we killed the leader that they would die she thought. She had to move closer to get a better look.
She went up in the vents in order to hear and see everything clearly. Unfortunately, the vents were not very strong and she fell from them. The drug dealers left and the HYDRA soldiers pinned her to the ground. "Let's see who you are," the soldier said as he reached for the dog tags she wore. "These say, James Barnes, you can't be him. You must be his sister but which one? Are you Martha, Lidia, or maybe Elizabeth? Wait you are in your twenty's oh yes you must be Rebecca. Your brother's favorite."
"What are you going to do to me now that I know you still exist?" she asked. "Nothing, we know that you will be too scared to tell. Now run along and don't come back. She ran back not wanting to die. But she will tell people about Hydra.
Once she was out of earshot the soldier said, "Send the Winter Soldier after her. We can't have her knowing about us, or him."
---------------------------------------------------------------------Rebecca was on a date with her boyfriend of one year, William Proctor. They had stayed at Rebecca's house since they were an interracial couple so no one would serve them at restaurants. "So how was work today?" asked William. "It was good," lied Rebecca. She still hadn't told him about her real job he thought she was working at a DMV. "You're lying, you always take a sip of your wine and look left when you lie," said William. If he wasn't catching her lie Rebecca would have thought that it was very sweet that he notices the small things about her. "It wasn't the best but, I did get to try something different. William, I don't work at the DMV, I'm working at the S.S-" at that moment a metal hand went through the wall.
It was a man dressed in what seemed to be kevlar, he had a district metal arm, and was wearing a mask. Or a muzzle, part of Rebecca thought. "Is this someone from work?" asked William sarcastically. "Yeah, I was trying to track down some drug dealers, ran into HYDRA. I guess they sent their puppet after me," she replied. The man didn't like her comment very much because he started to attack her. Rebecca blocked most of his punches until his knife cut into her right shoulder, he then pulled it down to her wrist causing a massive cut along her arm. "Rebecca are you okay?" asked William from where he was standing in the kitchen. "Yeah just throw me a wrench or a knife!" yelled Rebecca. She had an idea, it might not be great and was based on a very flimsy theory but she wanted to try nonetheless. Once, William passed her a long kitchen knife she tried to shove it into one of the slots on the metal arm. She was successful she then twisted them with great struggle though since the man was trying to kill her. William came from behind and put two more objects in the man's metal arm. By this time Rebecca had already done quite a bit of damage. Knowing that he would lose the man left. Rebecca then collapsed in William's arms.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"So how did you really cut the entirety of your right arm?" asked Peggy. "What do you mean? I was in a car crash and I cut myself on the window," answered Rebecca. "That's absolute rubbish, you're a great driver. Also, you're a terrible liar," Peggy told her. Rebecca sighed, "A man broke into my house, probably working for the people I "met" a few days back, he cut my arm." Peggy nodded, "What did he look like maybe I know about him." Rebecca thought back to the most distinct thing about him, "He a metal arm for his left arm." Peggy's eyes widened, "People have been talking about him, civilians I mean, a man with a metal left arm comes up at least once with every political murder after the war. People started to call him the Winter Soldier, the S. S. R. has been looking into him for a while now, but nothing comes up, he's like a ghost." Rebecca smirked, "Well then it must be a miracle that I'm still alive."
2 years later
This was Rebecca's first mission since she found out she was pregnant. She and William had decided that William would stop working, he didn't like his job much anyway. Rebecca almost got fired because the S. S. R. didn't want to pay for her maternity leave. She told her boss that she wouldn't take the leave, her husband (they aren't technically married but they have known each other for three years) would be home taking care of the child. She still went on missions since she only had a small baby bump. Nothing dangerous though, just a stakeout with Peggy and Howard. She told them about HYDRA well, she told Peggy and Howard overheard. She and Howard didn't get along, he was egotistical and cocky, two traits Rebecca hated. Howard had an equal despise for her, she was too reckless, something that wasn't always a good thing.
HYDRA was loading a truck nothing too interesting until the Winter Soldier came out to help them. He doesn't have his mask on but he was far away so no point in trying to figure out who he is, thought Rebecca. "Hey he kind of looks like Barnes," pointed out Howard. "I'm right here Stark, " growled Rebecca. "No, I mean your brother," explained Howard. Peggy leaned forward and squinted her eyes, "I mean from a distance." Rebecca laughed, "Why would Jamie be working for HYDRA? Also, my brother is incredibly vain, there is no way he'd let his hair get like that!" Peggy nodded then looked at Howard, "She has a point." Howard thought for a minute, "Maybe they put his brain in a blender?" Rebecca looked sick, "Please stop." Howard did, there were only a few things Howard was afraid of, and one of them was an angry Barnes.
3 years later
Rebecca had just had her second child, Myla, and she was already worrying. Her son, James, was a tiny terror she hoped that he didn't rub off on Myla. James had skin a little darker than Rebecca's, he had Williams nose and eyes, everything else about his completion looked closer to Rebecca. Kyla had very dark skin, she also had curly brown hair like her mother, she had her grandfather's eyes, and had Rebecca's jawline. Rebecca felt bad that none of them would ever meet their Aunts and Uncles since both Rebecca and William's family did not agree with the pairing. Rebecca felt especially bad that the one Uncle who would love to meet the kids couldn't be there. She and William had bought a small three bedrooms one bathroom house, because of the new family edition. All in all, Rebecca couldn't wait for the adventures to come with her family.
12 Years Later
Peggy had brought Rebecca to a diner to talk. "I and Stark have started something, called S.H.I.E.L.D. it's basically the S. S. R. but private would you like to join us. Rebecca nodded furiously, "Of course, I've been meaning to get out of the S. S. R. and I'm sure anything you're founding has to be worth it." Peggy laughed, "So what do you say we go and hand in our letters of resignation." Rebecca got up from the table excited to have a new beginning.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Seriously though Stark, why haven't you found someone yet. You're almost 43, times running out," said Peggy. "Look not all of us want to get married and have kids super young like Ms. I'm Fine over there," retorted Howard. "What do you mean young? I was 29 when I had James, and 32 when I had Mayla," said Rebecca. "The point still stands and I'm in a relationship now and it's going great," states Howard. "What's her name?" asked Peggy. "Maria, speak of the devil, I have a date with her. Nice talking to you ladies." Rebecca scoffed, "Let's hope this one isn't insane."
5 Years Later
"Top of the class aye?" asked Rebecca. Mayla blushed, "Yeah which means that I can choose any job I desire." Rebecca smiled, "What do you want to do then?" Mayla looked down, "Well I already applied for a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. and they hired me so I guess that." Rebecca was a little confused as to why her daughter would go behind her back on this one. "I just didn't want people thinking I got the job because of Aunt Peggy. I'll be working in the science division so I don't want people thinking I'm just dumb and spoiled." Rebecca laughed, "No one will think that you graduated top of your class from college when you're 19."
That same year Anthony Stark was born, Howard was nervous. He was worried that Tony would turn out like him, Peggy worried the same thing. Rebecca tried to tell Howard that Maria was a good lady, she probably toned down the Stark genes in that kid.
21 Years Later
William had come to pick Rebecca up from work. That was when something strange happened William noticed something Peggy didn't. "Hey why have these guys neer finished their mission?" asked William. Howard went to get their files, "Maybe they forgot to check in?" Rebecca shook her head, "But all of them admit to not completing the mission. And they have outrageous reasons as to why. Who believed these guys?" Peggy went to the back of the file room and took out a few more, "They were all signed by these men, we don't have any records on them until the year 1965." William spoke up, "Maybe they are in on something together, like a rival agency type deal." Howard scoffed, "There is no way SHIELD could be infiltrated." Rebecca hit him upide the head, "Your arogence will be the end of you, Stark." Peggy shruged, "We'll look into it in the morning. Howard your son is home you should be spending time with him. Rebecca if I am not mistaken you have your grandchildren Kimberly and Scott waiting for you to teach them how to properly use a gun." They all left but none of them knew that this was the last time Howard, Peggy, and Rebecca would be in the same room together.
They were all invited to the funeral, even if Rebecca wasn't that close to Howard. Peggy and Rebecca sat next to Tony the whole time knowing that he needed someone to be there with him. Peggy and Rebecca were like his Aunts, they were usually at the Stark estate. Rebecca and Howard would be bickering most of the time but Rebecca was still present at the house often when Tony was a child. Everyone was telling Tony about how his father was a great man and how they were sorry that he lost his dad. However Peggy and Rebecca tod him that Howard wasn't perfect and that they were sorry he had to lose his parents but they never tried to tell him what to feel or how to think about it.
18 Years Later
Rebecca had grown old and now had great-grandchildren, but she still worked at SHIELD. She didn't work in the field anymore though, she was a therapist of sorts. One day they sat her down with a young lady with bright red hair and told Rebecca to make the girl safe to be around. They were then left alone to talk and to help this girl through whatever was going on with her."My name is Rebecca Barnes Proctor, and you are?""Natasha Romanoff.""What would you like me to call you?""...Natasha.""Well then Natasha let's get started. Why are you here?""I worked for the KGB a kind man named Clint Barton dragged me here and they told me to sit through this until I was stable enough to go into the field.""I used to be a SHIELD Agent you know, I was here when this place was first built. Now I work here, helping people like you.""...Who is that a picture of on your desk?""That was my brother, he died in the war.""I'm sorry.""It's okay he's been gone for a long time. Anyway why would people think you aren't stable?""I was a Russian Spy, they just want to make sure I'm on their side.""Do you promise not to betray us?""I wouldn't dream of it. I can't go to a prison cell, again.""Great then I will tell themyou are stable as long as you come help me watch over my great grandchildren every Thursday.""I will Mrs. Proctor.""Oh please, call me Rebecca.""Thanks Rebecca."
1 Year Later
"You seem quiet today Natasha is something wrong?""It's nothing I just got out of the Hospital that's all.""What were you there for?""A man with a metal arm shot someone through me.""So I see you've met the Winter Soldier.""The Winter who?"The Winter Soldier, he's an assassin.""Why haven't I heard of him?""He's like a ghost no one can track him and every file we have of himis erased gone. You see this scar he gave me it."Natasha looked at the scar, "Looks like it hurt." Rebecca sighed, "It did for a long time, but what's done is done. Be careful Natasha." Natasha smiled, "I always am."8 Years Later"Rebecca!" called Natasha, "I brought some company for you!" Rebecca smiled, "I'm in the kitchen." She was trying to complete the crossword when she saw Natasha. "Hello, dear I'mso glad you found time to visit me." Natasha looked at the other visitors, "Guys this is Rebecca, she's a few years younger than Steve. And Rebecca this is Sam-" Rebecca inturpterd her, "Stevie! Why haven't you visited me since you came back from the ice?" Steve looked dumbstruck, "I thought you would be dead or you wouldn't remember me." Rebecca wacked him upside the head, "That was easier to do when you where shorter but this will have to do. How dare you think me dead! And I'm not that old, this brain's still ticking!"
Bucky was behind the wall he didn't really know who this lady was and he wasn't sure she would be happy to have a murderer in her house. He noticed something on her left arm then, a scar going down it. Bucky remembered that, he did it to the young women who was trying to have dinner with her boyfriend, then he tried to kill her. Bucky stepped out of the shadows to say he was sorry for hurting her all those years ago when the women hugged him. She started saying, "Jamie, I knew you were alive! Everyone said that you were dead but I knew deep down that you were alive!" Natasha smiled, that was the first time Bucky had ever seen her smile. "As I was about to say, this is Rebecca Barnes Proctor," said Natasha. When the name was said Bucky started to remember her, he would call her Rikki. Bucky hugged her back, "Long time no see Rikki." Rebecca looked at Bucky's arm, "I know what you did and I forgive you."
1 Year Later
Rebecca died peacefully in her sleep a few months after seeing Bucky again. Evryone said that since she saw him her heart had been ready to go, knowing that he was alive. Others said that she missed her friends and loved ones. Whichever you choose to belive just remember that Rebecca Barnes lived an amazing life.
17 notes ¡ View notes
drawlfoy ¡ 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.6
masterlist (catch up on parts 1-5 here!!)
request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: my original idea :))
summary: y/n’s senior year was going to be great, but her British exchange student is a little weird. this is NOT a non-magic AU. draco’s still a wizard in this fsjifkszfjkd
warnings: language, fainting, bad driving, mentions of drinking and drug use
a/n: eeee this is such a fun bit to write. thank you all so much for being there for me. this is definitely one of my favorite fics i’ve written since it gives me so much creative liberty and the fact that i get feedback and readers for it...just warms my heart. if you’re reading this: thank you so, so much for sticking around. i might come around with more oneshots soon. anyways i hope you enjoy the initial descent into the real real plot. also fluff will be coming soon i promise but i wasn’t lying when i said this was slowburn
tags tags tags @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @icintliviinyiniilsiji @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 3.4k
song recs:
a pearl -- mitski
movement -- hozier
revival -- deerhunter
Draco was crying.
Or, at least, someone was. The gasps coming from just a wall away were apparent, but Y/N could hear a voice that didn’t quite sound like Draco--which had to be a trick of the mind, because there could be no one in there but him.
She rapped on the door against her better judgement to be met with a flurry of movement--fabric rustling,  and a soft pop that echoed through the air.
“Draco? Are you alright in there?”
Y/N found herself wishing that he wouldn’t open the door. After the Homecoming ask, the last thing she wanted was to see his stupid pretty face again, but she was a good host sister. Emphasis on sister.
To her shock, the door swung open. Just a few inches, just enough for her to see the pile of black shredded paper in the middle of his room and a drained looking Draco glaring back at her.
“Can I help you?” His once pristine white shirt was gray in some places, like he had rubbed ashes on it. 
“I just thought--did you burn something?”
“No. What is it?”
She looked at him a bit closer. His eyes didn’t look red rimmed with the dead giveaway of a crying session, but they looked close. The furrow in his brow was from worry instead of his usual sternness and he kept nervously pulling down at his left sleeve. 
Draco wasn’t crying, but he was about to.
“I…” There was something deeply unsettling about seeing Draco so uncollected and fidgety--almost like seeing a fish out of water or an American conservative with an adequate understanding of class struggles.The air was charged with something yet again, so much so that Y/N could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She decided to avoid damaging his masculinity any further. “Nothing. It just smelled a little like smoke. I wanted to make sure you weren’t burning a candle or anything. You know how my mom is about that.”
He continued to stare at her.
“Would you like me to leave you alone?”
Well, that was embarrassing thought Y/N as she made her way back down the hall and to her backpack. I get rejected twice in one day. Smooth.
The days following were profoundly more uncomfortable. Breakfasts became uncomfortably akin to the Silent Game and Draco stopped coming out for tea in the evenings. The drives to and from school were decorated only by occasional bits of small talks or grumbles of exams. In short, Y/N knew that she had overstepped a boundary and Draco was pulling back.
School had finally become crazy. Y/N’s life became so entrenched with letters of recommendation and 200 word supplements that the Draco shaped hole in her life was bearable. After all, she was fine before he came, and she was fine now. She’d been silly, allowing herself to fantasize about a kid with some serious trauma and family issues that clearly had personal things that handle before he thought about getting all cozy with someone who was not in the slightest compatible with him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
If someone turned a glass of whole milk into a human, that person would be Chad. He was the poster child of an “American” boy--tall, warm blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, and cornflower blue eyes. 
But his personality? Not so much. 
“My beloved husband!” Y/N called out as she saw him speaking to her mother in the foyer while Draco glowered in the corner. She bounded down the stairs in record time, leaping into his arms as her strappy heels swung from her hands. He smelled of cotton and laundry detergent. 
“Hey nerd,” he said, swinging her around in a circle before setting her down. “Did you finish the Econ homework? I was hoping I could take a picture before I leave…”
Y/N drew back to smack him on the shoulder. “You disgust me.”
“You abuse me.”
“And I’ll do it again,” said Y/N. She had forgotten how funny he was. 
“Oh, you two,” Mrs. Y/L/N cut in, stepping between the two and pressing the boutonnière into Y/N’s hands. “Always bickering like a married couple.”
Lizzy snorted from the top of the stairs where she was struggling to stuff a light jacket into her purse. “Hot take.”
“Hold still,” commanded Y/N, holding the pin and attempting to attach it to his lapel. “I’m literally going to accidentally stab you. Cut it out.”
He made a face down at her. “Do it. You won’t.”
“Oh? I won’t?”
“Y/N,” Mrs. Y/L/N’s exasperated voice warned.
“I’ll refrain, but only because the rug we’re standing on was my Grandmother’s,” Y/N said to him, her voice dripping with sweetness. “Consider yourself lucky that you’re not on the tile.”
“I’ve never been more thankful that my late grandmother-in-law had such impeccable taste.” 
“Suck up.”
“Oh, because you’re such a rebel.”
“It’s called motivation!”
“Honey, I want a divor-”
“For Christ’s sake, stop flirting or I’m going to puke,” a cool voice cut in. The group turned to see Sylvia standing in the doorway, clad in a flowing black dress that just barely ghosted over the top of the floor. 
“You look radiant, darling,” Mrs. Y/L/N said.
“And we weren’t flirting,” said Y/N.
Sylvia sent her a little wink before walking to sit down on the couch across from Draco, who was currently perched cross legged and looking profoundly uncomfortable. 
Sylvia, Lizzy, and their dates all opted to take Lizzy’s car to the city while Chad, Y/N, and Draco took Chad’s. The plan was to drop Draco off at the school with ample time to prepare him for the uniquely traumatic experience that was ASB sanctioned after school events, and to the plan they stuck.
“Yeah, go ahead and treat me like your chauffeur, “ scoffed Chad as Y/N slid into the backseat next to Draco. The sports car was surprisingly narrow with hardly any space between them. If she wanted to, she could easily rest her thigh against his.
“It’s called being polite, dear,” said Y/N, flicking the back of his head before turning to face Draco. “You’re really gonna commit to this? Major props, but, like...you really don’t have to go to this if you don’t want to. You can even stay home. I know how to sneak you back in.”
Draco rolled his eyes. “I’m here for the American experience, right?”
“Hate to break it to you, but there is no uniform American experience. It’s all personalized, and I don’t know if you want yours to be seasoned with 14 year olds T-posing in a circle to...I don’t even know. Chad, what kind of music do they play at those places?”
“Fuck if I know. I don’t go to them either.”
“It’s fine. I told Heather I’d be there.”
“Ooookay, whatever you say,” Y/N said. 
They rode in silence for a few more beats. The wind outside was uncharacteristically strong for an early October day, and it looked like a storm was brewing. In their rush to get to the dance on time, they had neglected to take precaution against the wind and ran outside to Chad’s car without a second thought. Draco’s suit, while posh and put together, had clearly bore the brunt of this choice. His tie had become slightly rumpled and his hair mussed, a look that was all types of wrong on him.
“Draco?” she asked. He snapped to attention. “Your tie is all undone. Can I…?” Y/N motioned to his neck.
Wide-eyed and frozen, he met her with, “er...sure.” 
Y/N leaned forward, trying to think past how her thighs were just barely touching his. Her corsage (a tasteful red, thank you very much) bumped against his chest, flattening a bit. She wasn’t very familiar with ties--she’d never had to be in her past experiences--but whatever his was made of, it was expensive. The fabric felt silky and impossibly smooth in her hand as she carefully untied it.
Chad took a sharp turn into the school drop off lot, prompting Y/N to nearly topple into Draco’s chest. His arms shot out to steady her and retracted so quickly that she was left wondering if she imagined the whole ordeal. 
“So it’s true,” said Chad from the front. “Nerds do have bad upper body strength.”
“Shut up,” she responded. Her cheeks felt unbearably hot as she tried her best to focus on tightening Draco’s tie and ignore the fact that she was close enough to smell his cologne--a soft pine, she observed--and feel the shadow of his breath on her face. His hands were clasped together lap, tight enough to turn the knuckles white. 
It was an odd feeling, getting butterflies in her stomach while she was touching a boy that wasn’t her date as Chad careened towards a parking spot and pulled in so violently that Y/N almost went sprawling into Draco again. She looked up at him, getting ready to crack a joke about the absurdity of the situation or the questionable driving; instead, she found herself staring up into his eyes. 
His normally pale eyes looked darker than usual--his pupils were insanely dilated--but that was because it was dark in the car. Obviously. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see his chest rising and falling with an urgency that she hadn’t noticed before.
“Do you want me to uh..fix your...your hair, too?” Y/N said, mentally cringing at how she stumbled over the sentence. To be fair, his hair was ruffled and out of place. It wasn’t like she was making an excuse to touch it or anything.
To that, Draco jerked away from her, his back brushing up against the opposite car door. “No. No, it’s ok. I’ll fix it myself.”
Y/N was sure that her face was tomato red.
“Alright buckaroo,” Chad said from the front, his nonchalant demeanor never more appreciated. “Your hot date is here. Get out of my car. We have a busy day of antiquing ahead.”
Any semblance of casualness left Draco’s body as his eyes widened. “Antiquing?”
“Yeah, remember the place I took you to right after you came here?” asked Y/N.
“Er...don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Excuse me?” She sat up straight so quickly that she felt her hair come slightly undone at the nape of her neck. “That’s rich, coming from the kid going to a school dance as a senior.” 
“It’s probably not going to even be open. It’ll be late by the time dinner’s over,” he said. 
“Since when do you care? Honestly, quit acting weird,” Y/N responded, scootching away from him as he made no effort to get out of the car. 
“I’m not--it’s--erm, nevermind, forget about it.” He cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and brushed off his lapels. “Heather must be waiting for me. Goodbye.”
After a little struggle, Draco managed to best the slightly confusing door handle of Chad’s car and was out the door. Y/N slid across the seat and out with him, shutting the door and grabbing the handle for the passenger side. 
“Y/N?” Draco’s voice called before she had the chance to fully get in and tell Chad to book it. 
“What’s up?”
He took a few steps forward, pausing just a couple feet away from her. His eyes were cast to the rain puddle ridden cement. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“I should be telling you that, king,” Y/N quipped. “Your first real American dance. If you go to any after parties, make sure to watch your drink. Don’t take any substances from strangers--or, anyone, really--”
“Y/N, he’s not a chick.” Chad, his hands still perched on the steering wheel, turned to peer out at her. “He’ll be fine. I think they have beer in Britain.”
“Well, whatever. Have Heather text me if I need to pick you up anywhere. And don’t get in any cars with someone who’s been drinking!”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming.” She slid into the car, turning one last time to say bye. Draco was already gone. “Only if I drive.”
“So Heather and Draco, huh?” 
Y/N scowled at Lizzy as she speared a piece of her salad particularly viciously. “I don’t know if it’s like that. I think he’s just being polite, or whatever. I think British people are just like that.”
“Why are we even talking about that boy?” Chad asked. “He’s got that whole Timothée Chalamet dying Victorian toddler aesthetic if Timothée was blonde and had a perpetual stick up his ass.”
“In a hot way, though,” said Lizzy, her eyebrows wiggling. Jonathan scowled at her side. “Oh, don’t be so jealous. As if I’d ever go for a kid who doesn’t even know what Snapchat is.”
“I don’t understand what Heather sees in him,” Chad continued, his fettuccine plate long forgotten. “He’s got the personality of a wet rag, and she’s so bubbly and...I don’t even know. Do you guys get what I mean?”
“Draco’s got personality,” said Y/N. 
“Not like Heather.”
“It’s not his fault he’s reserved. He’s actually really funny.”
“And that’s what I like to call rose-tinted glasses,” Chad said, gently poking her cheek. 
“Hey! I’m the one who lives with him.”
“Whatever. Let’s just call for the bill. I’m not hungry anymore.” Chad folded up his napkin, placing it on top of the tablecloth and ignoring Y/N’s protest as he got out his wallet and placed a credit card on the table. “It’s on me, guys. You know how my parents are. They’re just happy that we’re all getting together again instead of holing up in our rooms.”
“Thank god junior year is over,” Sylvia added. “That’s really kind of you. At least let me get the tip?”
As the group bickered over the payment options and flagged down the waiter, Y/N noticed her phone lighting up with a notification.
Heather, 6.48pm: Hey girly! Sorry to bug you on your night but Draco wanted to check in and ask where you guys are/what you’re planning on doing tonight.
“Who’s that?” Chad asked, looking down at the little paragraph in the gray message bubble.
“Just Heather. Draco wants to know what we’re doing. Probably because he’s realizing how sucky dances really are and is about to beg us to come pick him up.”
He snorted. “Yeah. Poor kid.”
Y/N typed out a quick “we just finished dinner and are heading to the antique place now. lmk if i need to pick him up earlier” and tucked her phone away in her purse. As much as she resented it, she couldn’t help but wish that Draco wanted to join them instead.
“Are you guys ready to beat it and hit up that antique place?” Marvin, Sylvia’s date, asked. She rolled her eyes and sent him a lazy smile.
“You sound like a dad.” 
“Off like a herd of turtles, baby,” Y/N offered, gathering her things as they made their way out the restaurant door. “Not gonna lie, this place doesn’t show up on Google Maps or anything. I think I know how to get there but none of you guys are allowed to make fun of me if I take too many wrong turns.”
“No promises,” said Chad, winking down at her and giving her shoulder a little squeeze. 
 As they walked, it became profoundly obvious that Chad and Y/N were the only two who weren’t officially an item. Lizzy and Jonathon were walking hand in hand while Sylvia and Marvin whispered in each others’ ears when they had to wait for crosswalk signals. While she had great chemistry with Chad, nothing ever felt real with him. It always felt like an act.
Perhaps the tension between them was because of that one time they kissed and never talked about it again in freshman year after a particularly nerve wracking competitive math round before she quit--something that she wasn’t exactly going to shout off the rooftops for the masses to hear. Or maybe because he pushed her away right after and said it was a mistake. 
Whatever it was, Y/N and Chad were decidedly not romantically involved. She had been shocked when he’d even bothered asking her for the night. Granted, they were always pals and it shouldn’t have been awkward, but drawing the comparisons between her and the other girls was making the evening very uncomfy. Y/N couldn’t help but pray that Chad was going to be the one to break the ice.
“Where the fuck is this place?” he finally said, much to Y/N’s glee. His grace and manners were absolutely unparalleled. “It’s cold and I’m sure it’s going to start raining again.”
“It should be just a few more blocks and then to the right,” she responded. “Sorry. It’s cool as fuck, though. I promise it’s worth it.”
“This is just her ploy to lure us all away from civilization to off us,” Sylvia said, turning around from a few feet in front of them to raise her eyebrows at Y/N. “Eliminate the competition before college apps even begin. I’m impressed, honestly.”
“Now you’ve gone and ruined it all,” she fired back. “Thanks, Vy.”
She was relieved to see that the antique store couldn’t be missed, even if she tried. The sign, a worn and friendly gold, was illuminated by large lights. The words “My Grandfather’s Attic” had never looked more welcoming as Sylvia gripped the door and ushered them inside.
The moment Y/N stepped inside, something felt...different, kind of like the hair-raising feeling she got when she was around Draco. The electricity in the air she felt with him could easily be explained away by the fact that he was, for lack of a better term, the most stunning person she’d ever seen, but perhaps she was slowly getting over him. Perhaps…
She turned to see Chad, his honey blonde hair spilling over his forehead as he focused on a basket of vintage buttons that seemed to glimmer in the light. The furrow in his brow--the same one that she’d been so familiar with after seeing him solve countless math problems--appeared as he examined the basket, turning a red button around in his fingers, soft and and sprinkled with writing calluses. 
Maybe it had been Chad all along. Maybe Draco was just a detour. 
Before she did anything she regretted, Y/N turned and made her way back into the store. The set up was the same as she remembered--interesting and foreign objects hanging from the walls, ceilings, and congregating in baskets and overflowing shelves. She didn’t even realize that she had migrated over to the opposite side of the room until she felt the solid, cool wood of the black box from her dreams pressed into her hand as she turned it over and traced the strange white sign that was etched into the front. 
The sound snapped her out of her trance to see...Heather and Draco? He was jogging towards her despite the fact that he was wearing a full suit. Y/N made an absent note to make fun of him later. 
“Why are you--”
“Put that down!” He stopped a few paces away, his eyes darting around the store at a frantic pace. “We need to leave.”
“Why? Honestly, if you wanted me to pick you up, all you had to do was…” She had to take a breath to steady herself. Her body felt like it was filled with static. “All you had to do was ask.”
“That’s not...ok, just put it down,” he commanded. “Please. Just put the box down. We need to go home.”
“No! This is my last homecoming. I’m sorry your experience wasn’t great, but I don’t...I don’t, uh, appreciate…” The lightheadedness hit, so suddenly that she almost fell. 
“Fuck, are you okay?” Draco was right in front of her in an instant, his eyes scanning her face.
“I feel...” She took a shaky breath. “I feel...starry?”
The last thing she remembered was Draco trying to tug the box out of her grip, his other hand warm on her shoulder.
And then everything went black.
final a/n: so draco got a howler and some wack stuff happened, huh? tell me what you think. 
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hannahcoursey ¡ 4 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Part 1
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Author: Hannahc56
Word Count: 2,099
Request: The reader who lives in a small town called Wellings in Nebraska, her best friend dies and Sam and Dean go to interview her as FBI agents and she doesn’t believe they’re FBI so she follows them one day and gets caught by the Djinn they’re hunting. 
The day was winding to a close. Your feet ached from being on them all day at work. The life of a reporter in such a small town wasn’t always exciting, but the lack of headline news forced you to work to get the details as quick as they happened. Recently a bunch of people in the town, kids and adults, had gone missing. You’d been working to uncover dirt on the circumstances of the disappearances when it took a personal turn. A few nights ago, your best friend Liz was the newest missing victim. Her face was plastered on every telephone pole and bulletin board in the area. You had already been assigned the case by the time she turned up missing, but you insisted on staying on the project. You’d spent all day interviewing her mom and dad, as well as some of the people that you’d gone to high school with. The black and white picture of her had stained the back of your eyelids and all you could see was her smile whenever you shut your eyes. Mentally, you were drained. 
You shut the front door to your apartment behind you, using all of your self-control to not slide down the back of it in a mess of tears. As you kicked off your shoes, you rubbed at your temples and headed to the living room to gather yourself before making a microwave dinner, your thoughts only focused on the sleep you were in desperate need for. Just as you pulled your hair back in a low pony, headlights flooded through the front window and remained. Your apartment was right off of a busy street, but the way your stomach dropped when the headlights remained stationary gave you the feeling that they were coming for you. 
You walked through your cramped living room to the sheer curtains that hardly blocked out the halogen lights and peered out. A deep rumble filled your ears, before cutting off abruptly along with the lights. You turned and looked at the clock across the room. It’s almost midnight. Who would be coming here now? You crossed the room in a few hurried steps, carefully reaching for the pepper spray that you had hidden in your cabinet for scenarios like this. As your fingers wrapped around the small cylinder tube, the doorbell rang, effectively causing your heart to beat louder in your ears. You took a breath and walked to the door, staring out the peephole. Two men whose heads almost were out of eyesight because they were so tall stood in front of your door. The taller one had shaggy hair and a distinct nose and the other one, who was only a few inches shorter at best, had short spiked hair. Both men were dressed in cheap suits. You leaned away from the door, your mind going a thousand miles a minute. The doorbell rang again and a scream almost escaped your lips. You shook it off and slowly unlocked the door, opening it only a crack. The men, who were both looking away off into the distance, quickly redirected their attention to you, their faces plain and straight.
“Uh, Ms. Y/N?” The taller one leaned a little closer and cleared his throat. You hesitated and looked between the two of them. The shorter one reached down and fished around in his pocket, before pulling out a wallet that revealed a nice shiny badge that read FBI in royal blue letters. The taller man did the same. 
“We just have a few questions for you regarding the disappearance of Elizabeth Freddings.” The shorter one with the spiked hair said, his voice drastically deeper than the other man’s. You stayed where you were and hesitated. You could shut the door on them and tell them to come back another time, and a part of you found that option tempting. But the other part of you knew you wouldn’t be sleeping much because in all honesty, you hadn’t since Liz had been gone. Despite your better judgment, you opened the door and stuck a hand out to them. The taller man gave a kind smile and returned the handshake, then the shorter one, his handshake firm and lingering. You opened the door wide and motioned for them to come in.
“I’m Agent Clapton and this is Agent Harrison,” The taller one, Clapton, said as he stood awkwardly in your small hallway. He was tall, taller than your average height type of tall. But the way he carried himself was far from intimidating and you found yourself letting out a long breath. With everyone disappearing, and your reputation of sticking your nose in everyone’s business, it wasn’t the worst feeling to have two authoritative men with their watchful eye on you for a minute. You slid the pepper spray into your pocket for safe keeping.
“Hi, I’m-” You hesitated before replying, your wheels still turning, “Did you say that you’re Agent ‘Clapton’ and he’s Agent ‘Harrison’?” You eyed them up, a smile crossing your lips, “What, are you gonna tell me your name’s Eric and his is George?” You let a small laugh, your nerves taking over the chuckle that escaped your lips. The men looked at each other nervously, swallowing hard. The smile faded off your face and color rose to your cheeks. “I-I was just kidding,” You turned and walked them to the living room, “You guys just have some ironic names for partners.” You shrugged, trying to play off the tension that was in the air. You motioned for them to sit on the only couch that was in the living room and you walked to the kitchen to grab them glasses of water. “I’m really glad you’re looking into Lizzie,” You yelled from the kitchen as you pulled the cups from the cabinet and filled them with water. 
“Yeah, we asked around and heard the two of you were close,” The one with the deeper voice replied. You put in a few ice cubes and walked back to the living room with their refreshments in hand. Agent Clapton was sitting politely, while Agent Harrison slowly made his way around the room, inspecting the nook and crannies that the room had to offer. You walked up to him and handed him the glass and then the other one to Clapton. They both gave you a small nod of thanks and continued on with their questions. 
“We were the closest - She’s my best friend.” You stated as you leaned on the small arched entryway between the kitchen and living room. You looked down at your hands and tried your hardest to calm your anxious mind. Harrison was looking at you when you moved your gaze back up. 
“Was she acting weird before her disappearance? Or talking to anyone new, that you knew of?” Harrison asked, his eyes in this lighting now a bright green. You shrugged, thinking about the last time the two of you spoke.
“Nope. Nothing like that.” You said simply. Harrison nodded slow as if he was mentally recording it to remind himself of later. Neither of the men were writing notes or taking your direct quotes. Maybe it was different for the FBI. 
“And when was the last time you saw her?” Clapton asked from his spot on the couch.
“I-I think it was 5 days ago or something like that. It was Saturday night, we’d just left this hole in the wall biker bar outside of town. It wasn’t really her thing but, of course, I dragged her along,” You sighed and played with the hem of your shirt, “Anyhow, I got into it with a guy I’d been interviewing at the bar about something on his record I’d dug up on him and she slipped out the door.” You recalled the night, remembering how she texted you her goodbye. “Last I heard from her, she texted me saying she’d gone home and caught a cab back to her house.” You finished as you wiped your clammy hands on your high-waisted work slacks and crossed your arms in front of you, the conversation making you increasingly uncomfortable. I can forget about sleeping tonight. 
“And is that something she’d usually do? Just sneak off and go home by herself?” This time it was Harrison asking. You shrugged lightly.
“I mean, not really? But I also get a little in over my head when I get the ball rolling.” You admitted, “So it’s not that far off that she got tired of waiting and booked it.” 
“What do you mean by getting in over your head? Why were you interviewing him?” Harrison asked, his voice suspicious. 
“I-I’m a journalist,” You put your hands up in the air, “God, I should’ve led with that,” You said more to yourself than to the men in front of you, “Hence the deadbolt on the door and the jumpiness. The guy had run his bike off the road more times than I could count and I’m a naturally curious person, I just had some questions for him.” You informed them. The men looked at one another, silence filling the room. You cleared your throat. “Listen, I had my eyes on that guy the entire night, he’s clean in terms coming in contact with Lizzie. He came nowhere near her, it was just me.” You reassured them. The taller one stood up and straightened his jacket.
“And you’re sure that there wasn’t anything strange?” He inquired, his brows crunching.
“I-I’m not so sure what you mean by strange, I talk to strange people all the time and Lizzie wasn’t anything out of the ordinary as far as I noticed and I could read her like a book.” You replied, trying to satisfy his question.
“Strange as in, weird cold spots or anything that smells like sulfur,” Harrison butted in, now standing next to Clapton, “Just strange.” He stated, as if he asked something as usual as the weather. You looked between them and shook your head slow.
“U-Uh no, nothing sulfurs related.” You answered, your mind starting to turn. Clapton took a small white card out from his pocket and handed it over,
“Alright, well, thank you for your time, if you hear anything please don’t hesitate to reach out, alright?” He offered with a tight-lipped smile. You returned one hesitantly and shook each of their hands. You followed them closely as they walked through the front door and shut it slightly, just enough to see out of. 
You watched as they walked right past the Ford Explorer and the Crown Victoria parked in the lot and slid into the front seat of what looked to be a beautifully kept Chevrolet. An Impala, maybe? They started it up, the engine rumbling to life and surely waking some of the neighbors, as it pulled out and drove off. You could hear the engine’s hum as it drove down the road and out of sight. You closed the door the rest of the way and locked it. No way in hell does a FBI Agent drive a classic car like that.
You turned the lights off and walked to your bedroom, stripping as you made your way to your dresser to change into something to sleep in. Once you were situated, you pulled your laptop out and checked the time. It was past midnight now. So much for sleep. You looked at the card that Clapton had given you that you’d set on the table next to your bed and inspected it. The number looked peculiar, the area code was unfamiliar to you, starting with 785. You popped the code into your browser and “Lebanon, Kansas” came up in large, bold letters. The last time you checked, there weren’t FBI offices running outside of Kansas. Could these be undercover cops? You thought about it. No, that wouldn’t make sense. They still wouldn’t issue a mint condition Impala like that for an undercover case. You grazed over every fact you could think of in your exhausted state. Their cheap suits. The Impala. The late night visit. You sat back in your bed and pushed your laptop off to the side and shut your eyes in an attempt to focus. 
Then it hit you.
They weren’t FBI Agents.
Part 2 here.
Hope you enjoyed!
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wizardwomenwisdom ¡ 4 years
Jj finds out the reader has an eating disorder?
hi anon! this one was tough, because i had to avoid uber triggering myself in the process ope. but that also means that, to anyone reading this, there is a trigger warning in effect for eating disorders. also for sexual harassment (minor but still important to point out). cw as well for teen drinking and partying. i’m on mobile so I can’t apply the cut i’m really really sorry. if you enjoy this, please send me requests!!! i’ve been really focusing on songs as it relates to obx characters so yeah love to see it.
also i do want to address that a lot of this has to do with external motivators. this is super based off of my experiences, and anon did add an ask to address money and such in it, so i really wanted to focus on external issues. i know that everyone’s experiences with disordered eating are different, and that external motivation without more serious intervention isn’t necessarily the healthiest or most effective way to handle it. eating disorders also don’t necessarily result from outside pressure, but again, anon asked for something addressing wealth and that’s definitely something many of my wealthier friends have found built upon their disorders. this topic is a hard one to address, so please know that my intent in writing this was not to try to generalize experiences or fully represent all forms of eating disorders. if you or a friend is struggling from an eating disorder please seak help.
The first time someone mentioned your weight was at the country club. You’d just gotten done with a swim, and were going into the locker room. You passed the boys’ on the way, just as an older boy you didn’t know walked out.
“Hey, fatass,” He said. He smacked your ass and kept walking, like he did it all the time.
You ran to the girls’ locker room and hid in the shower. And you cried.
You were twelve.
The second time someone mentioned your weight was after a family dinner. Your aunt was in town to visit, and so you all had to be on your best behavior.
You were loading the dishes in the dishwasher when you heard her from the next room over.
“Did Y/N quite running? Because it sure looks like it.”
You’d torn your achilles during track, and so you’d only taken a break. Suddenly you regretted getting seconds even though it made your mom so happy.
But you couldn’t lash out, not in front of your aunt, so you cried in your room for an hour.
You were 14.
The tipping point, though, came at the end of sophomore year. You liked Liam Whatever-his-name-was and everyone said he liked you, so you invited him to your sister’s graduation party.
Your timing was definitely stupid: lunchtime, in the biggest lunch period. And he sat with all of the untouchables.
But you strolled up there in your sundress and handed him the invite with a big smile on your face, like that would make things better.
He didn’t return the sentiment.
“Fuck, Thunder-Thighs. Is this from you or your hot ass sister?”
He laughed, so cold and mean, and he handed back the invite.
“Give it to someone who wants it, Chipmunk.”
You were sixteen. And the world felt like it was crashing down.
“Y/A, are you almost ready?” Your friend Lizzy whined from downstairs.
“Almost!” You knew what she was probably wearing: high-waisted jeans and some funky-cute bralette that cost way too much money. You’d wear the same thing, but you haven’t run in a month and you don’t want to.
So instead, at the last minute, you pull your shorts just a bit higher and put on a sheer long sleeve button up. At least it looked cute and cool, and you could pretend you were Cher from Clueless.
When you walked down the stairs, Lizzy got it. “Oh my god Cher,” She said in her best Ty impression.
“You like it? It’s vintage.” You stepped off the stairs and did a little twirl.
“Perfect.” Lizzy grinned. “Now, do you wanna stop for dinner on the way or—“
“I ate,” You lied.
You’d regret it tomorrow (and probably tonight, when you tried to sleep), but beer meant calories. It wasn’t like you had a problem, you just made the choice to balance it out. It was healthy. At least, that’s what you always told yourself.
“Yeah. My dad bought microwave mac and cheese for my brothers so I stole a couple.”
Lizzy nodded. “Well, watch those things. My mom always says they got straight to your hips.”
“True that.”
Lizzy hooked an arm around your waist and smiled. “So, how excited are you to see JJ tonight?”
To say you and JJ were an item wouldn’t be entirely incorrect. He worked on Lizzy’s yacht for a few summers, and you used to take over for him when her family decided to take long day trips. He was cute, and clever, and things slowly progressed to casual making out.
Now, standing at the party, he kept looking at your lips while you waited for John B. to fish a Natty Light out of the cooler for you.
“Way to be subtle, Maybank,” You hissed.
“You’re the one who wants to be subtle, Y/L/N.”
You didn’t answer him, and instead just took your drink. “Who’s the big spender behind the strawberry lemonade flavor?”
“That would be Kie,” Pope told you, putting an arm around your shoulder.
“So, what’re you thinking of ‘Columbine’ so far?” You asked.
“Really dark, man. Jesus.”
“Um, duh? And don’t you want to be a coroner?”
“Yeah, but...” He shuddered, and you laughed.
“Why don’t you tell me about it while I chug the shit out of this thing?”
The two of you walked down the beach, talking about Pope’s current read while you downed your beer in one go.
About an hour later, you were on your second and already swaying. Pope left you to talk to a tourist, and so you were looking for JJ. When you found him, he was doing stupid shit to wingman Kie and bobbing slightly to the music that the tourists brought.
“Hey babe,” You said, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
“Shit, subtlety. Right.” You let go off him, and moved around so that you faced him.
“Are you already shit faced?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
He glanced at Kie, who nodded. Then, he took your arm and pulled you away. “How much have you had?” He whispered, getting in close to your face.
“Only two beers.”
“When’d you eat last?”
“I had some crackers for lunch,” You said.
He stepped back, and let go of your arm. “Wait, what?”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna, but my sister left them out and they looked good—“
“You haven’t eaten since lunch?”
“Why the fuck not? Don’t you k—you guys get whatever you want to eat no problem?” You didn’t like when he called you a kook, so he never did. But he still tended to group you in, which hurt.
“I was saving up so I could drink tonight.”
“Saving up?”
“Calories? You know alcohol is super high in calories and—“
“Fuck, what?”
“You probably don’t get it. I mean, I’ve seen you throw back a burger in three bites. But like—“
He grabbed your face, and you stopped talking. “Y/N, you don’t need to fucking cut meals. Fuck. That’s not healthy.”
“It’s not like I have an eating disorder. I don’t starve myself.”
“Just because you aren’t starving yourself doesn’t mean it’s okay. You can’t just force yourself to skip meals, Y/N.”
“You used to skip meals on Lizzy’s boat.”
“Because I’m fucking poor. But you... Fuck. It’s not healthy.”
“You’re the most beautiful girl I know, you know that? You’re beautiful. And you’re gonna stop drinking and get into John B’s fucking van and we’re gonna go get burgers.” He ran one hand through your hair, and rested it on your shoulder. “And then, we’re gonna get you some real help, okay?”
“You’re cute when you’re worried.”
“I hope you don’t get to get used to it.”
You smiled. You realized that no one’d called you beautiful in years, besides your own mother. And so you nodded. If JJ Maybank thought you were beautiful, maybe you were. Maybe you could get better.
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sunnyie-eve ¡ 3 years
2 | One of a kind
Series: Terror (Simon Kalivoda x OFC Fraser!)
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: language, mention of drug use
"No creeping around and no sneaking in. Also to call you."
Later in the day mom made me go to the grocery store with her because she didn't trust me at home if she wasn't there. "Ugh, I don't understand how you are friends with that druggie." She eyes Simon from afar. "Because he's a nice funny guy. You would know if you talked to him when he checks us out before we leave." I tell her and I get a disgusting look from her. "You need to be friends with non-druggies." She continues to talk shit about him then Kate and Denna. "I'll be right back." I walked away since I saw Kate talking with Simon. "You got off the lease?" Simon jokes. "Haha, funny." I fake a smile. "We'll she keeps making you follow so close to her." He makes a point.
"Have you been watching me since we got here?" I ask him. "Yeah, so I could pop in to give this back to you." He shows me my necklace I never take off. "I didn't even notice. Thank you." I take it and put it back on. "How the hell did it even come off? I ask myself. "Who knows it was a wild night. When I got home after walking you I felt it in my pocket." He explains to me. "Huh? What am I missing? There are a lot of holes in this story." Kate looks between us. "I got high with Simon last night at the park. We took two different pills and fell asleep there." I keep it short. "You what? Miss goodie goodie when it comes to drugs, took drugs?" She whispers shouts. "What did you give her for her first time?" Kate turns to Simon.
"Being completely honest with you, I don't remember. I just knew it was the ones that take away all your worries and make you feel like you're flying. Nothing too serious and it was only two pills." He tells her and she keeps hitting him. "You're so fucking stupid!" He just takes the slaps. "Duh." He agrees with her. "What all do you remember?" Kate turns back to me. "We played around at the park. On the swings, playset, and monkey bars. On the monkey bars, we took a different pill and that's all I remember before waking up." I let her know. "Same thing. I guess we just passed out after running around." Simon tells her.
"Oh, by the way, my dad grounded me for coming home this morning so." I let both of them know. "So I can still sneak over but just can't sneak you out again?" Simon says, making me look at him. "No, you're the reason I'm grounded, dude. No more sneaking over. And start to call instead of creeping around outside my window." I hit him as my mom comes with the basket ready to check out. Simon goes around to scan and check us out. "Find everything okay?" He asks her. "Fine." She keeps it short not wanting to have a conversation with him. When he was done he tells her to have a nice day and again she ignores him. "See you guys Monday." I smile at Kate and Simon.
"I don't want you being friends with them." She tells me as we drive home. "You can't tell me who I can't be friends with." I laugh, earning a backhand slap from her. "I'm your mother so yes I can." I just nod my head staying quiet till we get home. When we got home I went straight to my room putting on music to zone out. "What happened?" Sam comes into my room. "Nothing." I started to sketch a picture. "Tell me." She slaps my bed. "She told me to stop being friends with Simon and Kate. I told her she can't tell who I can't be friends with. It earns me a backhand so." I let her know. "Why did you do that? Just do what she says." I stop so I can look up at her. "Okay then, so you agree to stop seeing Denna then." I smile at her. "That's not what I meant." She sighs.
"You told me to do what she says so shouldn't you too then?" I ask her. "I do what mom tells me to do most of the time unlike you. You choose to be the stereotype of someone from Shadyside. Gets in trouble, doesn't follow the rules, etc." She says pissing me off. "Get out of my room and don't come back in here." I point at my door and she leaves. "Bitch." I throw my stuff across the room. I end up spending hours laying on my back staring at the ceiling wishing I had a different family at times. Mostly a new mom and sister. "Time for dinner." My dad opens the door. "I'm not hungry." I let him know. "Fine." He shut my door. I get up picking up what I threw hours ago to start sketching again.
As I was drawing there was a tap at my window. I get up opening it, "What did I tell you?" I ask Simon. "No creeping around and no sneaking in. Also to call you." He smiles at me. "So why are you still doing this?" I laugh letting him in. "I was wondering if you can do my nails again." He walks over to my black nail polish. "I guess I can. Come sit down after locking my door." I tell him and he does. "Thank you." He puts his hand out to me and I take off the old polish. "I don't have much of a choice now do I?" I laugh. "Even if you did, you still would. Wanna know why?" He smiles. "Why?" I ask, looking at his nails. "You love me." I can't help but smile so I look up at him. "Then maybe I should stop because I don't." I close the nail polish bottle.
"But you do. If you didn't, you wouldn't have let me in." I shake my head at him. "You are so annoying, Simon." I started to paint his nails. "Just don't mess them up." I reminded him. As I was working on his second hand he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Sorry, I messed this finger up." He shows me his index finger. "I hate you. I'll fix it after this hand." I huff. Once I was finished with painting his nails, he made me blow and fan them so they could dry. "My mom backhanded me across the face leaving the store. She told me to stop being friends with you and Kate. I told her she can't tell who I can't be friends with, which earned me the backhand." I say as I can his nails. "Bitch." I agree. "Then my sister said I should listen to her. We got in a fight about how she does what mom tells her to do most of the time unlike me. I choose to be the stereotype of someone from Shadyside. Gets in trouble, doesn't follow the rules, etc."
"You aren't the typical Shadysider. Yeah, you break some small tiny rules, but you only ever get in trouble at home, not at school. And etc... what? You don't do drugs, except last night, which was a one-time thing." He makes a point. "I know." I sigh. "Lizzy, I can't think of anyone else in Shadyside that is as good as you when it comes to being the best they can be. You don't do anything that could fuck up your future. I have faith in you getting out of here on your own." I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a hug. "That's really nice to hear." I squeeze him. "And I really mean it. Hopefully, you will remember me when you make it." He says as I stop hugging him. "How could I forget you." I kiss his cheek, "You're a one-of-a-kind, Simon Kalivoda." I mess up his hair.
Simon just smiles at Elizabeth, falling for her smile even more. "I know I am but thank you." He kisses her forehead. "Elizabeth." Her mother knocks on the door making Simon rush into the closet while she gets up, unlocking her door. "Yes ma'am?" She opens the door and her mother looks into the room. "Time for bed young lady." Elizabeth just nods her head. "Yes, ma'am" She shut the door walking over to her bed grabbing the clothes she sleeps in. "Time to go home Si." She tells him and he comes out. "Don't wanna leave yet." He whines laying in her bed. "How much longer?" She asks, walking into her bathroom to change. "I don't know." He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess you can stay a little longer." She walks back laying down next to him. He sits up moving to lay his head on her stomach so she could play with his hair and she does.
"How did we even become friends again?" Simon asks, closing his eyes. "You tripped me a month into the new school year when we were 12 because you said I was too cute to talk to you. You thought the only way I would talk to you is if I had to yell at you." Elizabeth laughs thinking back. "Well, you did end up yelling at me." He looks up at her. "Because you made me scrape my knees on the concrete." She tugs on his hair playfully as he starts to draw on her thigh with her pen. "And now you have a scar to remind you all the time of how we met and became best friends." He tells her. They both end up falling asleep for about twenty minutes before both waking up. "I should get going now." He gets off the bed. "Yeah, I hate sharing my bed." Liz laughs sitting up. "See you Monday. Goodnight." He opens the window. "Night night." She closes the window behind him as he walks off.
Elizabeth's body takes over, straddling Simon, leaning down to kiss him while his hands grab her hips. He rolls them over so he is on top kissing her then down her neck and collar bone. He moves his hand under her shirt, sliding his hand up and down her side. He pressed his lips against hers again, and trailed his hand down her thigh, rubbing it. Elizabeth jolts up out from her bed not believing what she just dreamed. It felt so real it scared her. She wanted to go back to sleep but she was nervous if her brain wanted to continue what she just dreamed. But then again part of her actually wanted to continue that dream. She falls back to lay down staring into the darkness of her room till she falls asleep again.
Monday comes quick and as Elizabeth was getting things ready to leave she spots Simon's watch at the foot of the bed on the floor. She picks it up, putting it in her bag before heading to school. "How was being grounded?" Kate asks, walking up to Liz at her locker. "Alright, my mom slapped me because I said I won't stop being friends with you and Simon." Liz lets her know. "Bitch." Kate leans against the other lockers. "Hey by chance-," Liz cuts Simon off, "You left this in my room? Yes." She pulls out his watch. "I was going to stop by Sunday but decided to give you a day off from me." He puts it on his wrist. "Thank you so much." She laughs. "Didn't she tell you to not sneak over?" Kate asks him. "Yeah, but do I ever listen? Plus I wanted my nails done." He shows them to her. Elizabeth can't help but be uncomfortable with the dream she had about Simon.
"Kate, can I talk to you in the girls' room?" She asks her. "Sure." She agrees, making Liz grab her hand, pulling her to the bathroom. "What up?" Kate leans against the wall. "I had a dream about Simon Saturday night," Liz whispers to her. "What kind of dream?" Kate gets excited on the inside. "We made out in my dream, but the thing is it felt super real." She hides her face. Kate's jaw drops, not believing it. If the dream felt super real to her then that means it probably happened after they took that second pill. "So you like Simon?" She asks her. "I guess... Maybe... I don't know... Yes, okay yes." Elizabeth whines. "What's the problem?" Kate asks. "I don't know if he likes me and I don't wanna mess up our relationship. Just don't tell him please, Kate." She begs her. "I promise. You're best friend will keep your secret safe." Kate smiles.
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peacedolantwins ¡ 5 years
Pain and Embarrassment pt 3
part of my family series
part 1
part 2
It had been 3 months since Ethan decided to ruin not only your relationship, but also the relationship he had with his kids. You had hardly spoken to him since you went out to California to be with your family. You had only called a few times to let him know that you would be back in time for the kids to start school in the fall.
There was so much he wanted to tell you, apologize for, but each time he tried either he couldnt find the words or you hung up before he got the chance to say anything. He had hardly talked to his kids these past months. Skylar and Connor wanted nothing to do with him. He expected as much from Connor, but Sky not wanting to talk to him hurt more than he thought it would. Everyone was handling this differently and coping the best they could.
The little girl who was his whole world from the moment she was born didnt want to talk to her dad. The one man she thought would never hurt her, the one she thought she could trust with her whole heart and would always be there was the one who just did the most damage. She couldnt understand how Ethan could have done something like this to not only you but to her family. The girl Ethan cheated with was only a few years older than she was and she couldnt help but think about all the times she had been to his office and had conversations with this woman. She felt like she had a part to play in this for not seeing it.
Connor not wanting to talk to him hurt in a different way than the rest. Ethan knew he could try and patch up his relationship with the other kids but it felt like there was nothing left to try and fix with Connor. He was gone all the time overseas, he had limited communication and he only came home once in a blue moon. There was no way he could try and sit down with his son unless Connor allowed it and he severely doubted that was going to happen anytime soon. Ethan knew that you were Connors whole world, you could do no wrong in his eyes and he practically worshiped the ground you walked on and while the other kids would tease him about being a mamas boy, Ethan was proud his son was so protective of you. However, this is when it seems to have backfired on him because as soon as he lost you he should have known he’d lose his son too.
Alex and Riley were understandably upset with him. They spoke to him a few times just to call and check in and let Ethan know they were okay. While they havent forgiven him, they wanted to try and move on. He was their dad, and while that doesnt give him a pass for what he did, they love him.
Noah, always looking up to Connor, followed in his big brothers steps and decided he didnt want to talk to Ethan at all. The only times Ethan managed to get Noah on the phone was when you forced him to because while Ethan hurt you, you werent going to cut him off from his own children as much as you might have wanted to. The few conversations he had with his son were short and to the point. Simple answers, he wouldnt talk about anything and Noah always kept the calls under five minutes, almost as if he had a timer running in the background and the dial tone was the alarm that let Ethan know his time was up.
Elise was the only one who would talk to him. She knew something was wrong, she knew he cheated but she didnt completely understand it and what it meant. She knew you were upset with Ethan but she only saw it as another fight that the two of you had and that you would all be okay once everyone said sorry. She missed her dad. She told you as much and she asked when you would be going back home.
And then there was you. You were trying to figure out what all of this meant for you. The relationship you had with Ethan was ruined, you knew that much for sure. But were you going to go back to New Jersey? Still live with the man who cheated on you in your own house? In your own bed? Part of you wanted to try and fix this, if not for you then for your kids. But was this something that could be fixed? You didnt think this was.
At first you were hurt when you found out. Why would your husband do this? Why would he go out and cheat repeatedly while you were home and suspected nothing? Was it something that you did that drove him to this other woman? Was it because you lost the baby? It was something that you two had argued about before and according to Ethan, the timeline matched up.
But the more you thought about it, while you were still hurt, you were angry now. None of this was your fault. You were not responsible for your cheating husband under any circumstances. He made his own choices freely and that wasnt on you. He was the one who messed up and ruined what you two had. Once you had realized all of this you were finally able to start moving on.
You still wanted answers from Ethan, but the answers wouldnt change anything. Your marriage was over, but hearing his explanation would help give you the closure you needed.  
It was now August and the kids would be starting school in a few weeks so it was time to head back to Jersey. The twins had decided to do online school, not wanting to deal with their classmates and you respected that choice. You felt they were old enough to make that choice for themselves. You had asked Noah if he wanted to do the same but he was very much against it because that meant he would be home more often with Ethan and he would much rather deal with kids at school then spend more time with his cheating father. Lizzy however was excited to go back to school because that meant she got to see her friends again and spend time with her dad who she hasnt seen all summer.
You had already talked to Grayson about picking you up from the airport and taking the kids with him for a few hours. You wanted to be able to talk to Ethan alone first without the kids being there in case things got heated between you two. They didnt need to listen to the possible yelling. And Grayson was more than happy to get to spend some time with his niece and nephew.  He dropped you off with all the luggage back at the house you shared with Ethan and left with the kids.
You took a breath and dragged the bags up the porch and into the house and left them by the stairs. The kids could use unpacking as an excuse not to talk to Ethan if they wanted to. You were debating about where to take your things when Ethan came in from the living room.
“Hey,” he said hesitantly.
“Hi,” you didnt know what else to say.
“I, uh, I moved to one of the guest rooms so you can take our room,” Ethan rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“No, I’ll take one of the rooms.” There was no way you were willingly sleeping in the same bed he had sex with that girl in. He made his bed, now he can lay in it. Literally.
Ethan seemed to have come to the same realization and simply nodded.
“You cut your hair,” he motioned to your hair that was now just above your shoulders.
“Yeah, heard you had a thing for girls with long hair,” you replied and pushed your hair back behind your ear, not seeing him flinch at your words. Your long hair had reminded you of the girl with waist long hair he cheated with and you cut yours as soon as you could.
“Y/n,” you could see the pain in his eyes at your remark. Good. He had no right to be the one who hurt.  
“What?” What was there to say?
“Are we seriously going to start this now?” He has gone from apologetic to now annoyed.
“I’m not starting anything, you did that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants,” you pointed out.
“Y/n, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry I cheated, it was a mistake.”
“A mistake? Ethan, a mistake is putting a red shirt with the white clothes. A mistake is forgetting to pick up something from the store.  A mistake is something you can forgive. A mistake is an accident. You don’t accidentally have sex with someone over and over again. You did that knowing what the consequences would be and you did it anyway! You don’t get to stand there and tell me this was a mistake!” You were shouting at this point but you didn’t care.
“You know the sad thing is that maybe, just maybe, I could have forgiven the first time. Maybe it would have been something we could fix. But this? This is so broken there’s nothing left to fix.”
“No, no, we can work through this. We can, I don’t know, go to counseling or something, but Y/n please,” he wasn’t going to let this end. He couldn’t.
“I want a divorce.” You said simply and took out the folder of documents that had to be signed.
“Y/n,” he said quietly.
“Please don’t fight me on this. After what you put me through it’s the least you can give me. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. We don’t need to waste money on lawyers. Sign it and we can move on.” You held out the folder to him.
“I’m not going to sign that,” he took a step back from the offending papers.
“Ethan please.”
“Why not? Ethan this marriage is over. There’s nothing left here, not after this. You clearly didn’t care about us when you decided to cheat on me so just sign the damn papers!” You shoved the folder to his chest only for it to fall to the ground when he failed to catch it.
“No! Because once I sign this that means we’re done. That means that you’re gone and I’ll have nothing left! I’ll lose you completely and call me selfish but I don’t want that! I want to fix this Y/n, please.” Ethan looked close to tears at this point. He knew he fucked up but he didn’t think you would bring up divorce this soon and he definitely wasn’t expecting you to have the papers with you as soon as you came home.
“Well I don’t! Would you forgive me if I had an affair? If I slept with someone I worked with over and over again? If I went public about it before I told you? If I brought this person into our bed for over a year?”
“I didn’t think so. And I wouldn’t expect you to forgive something like that. So please don’t ask the same of me.” You pleaded with him.
“You expect me not to fight for my family? Y/n, you and the kids are my whole world. And I’m so sorry that I fucked it all up. But if you think I’m going to just let you walk out of my life without a fight you’re wrong.”
You let out a deep breath and walked over to the couch closest to you and sat down. Ethan moved to sit across from you, still leaving the folder on the floor. A small part of you wondered if his mistress sat on this same couch that your kids would spend hours on or if he kept her limited to your bed.
“Ethan I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. I’m not gonna change my mind on this so please don’t drag it out longer than it needs to be. I appreciate that you want to fight for this relationship but it’s useless. I’m sorry but I am not going to sit here and let you think there’s a chance of forgetting what happened because there’s not.” Why give him a flicker of hope when there was none?
“So what? You’re just gonna go? Take the kids with you? They’re my kids too.” If Ethan couldn’t fight for you anymore there wasn’t a chance in hell he wasn’t going to fight for his children.
“I never said I was leaving. Or that I was going to take them. Despite all of this, I don’t want to split up this family. The kids don’t deserve that and as their mother it’s my job to take care of them regardless of what happened and how I feel. They come first. Always.” You could be civil with Ethan but things were never going to be the same.
“I would still live here, in another room obviously. Think of it as having a roommate who you just happen to be raising children with.”
“You’ve thought it through havent you?” You could see the defeat starting to take over his features.
“I have.” You nodded. “We’ve all been through enough. We don’t need more change. And if this is something we can’t live with, we cross that bridge when we get to it and figure out what to do then. I don’t want to split up this family if I don’t have to, but Ethan I need you to sign the papers. I can’t let myself be legally bound to you after all of this. I just can’t.”
Ethan seemed to accept this. He didn’t look thrilled about it but he seemed to understand.
“I still want a lawyer to go over it before I sign it,” he said it so quietly you almost didn’t hear him.
“Of course. Thank you,” you were glad he was agreeing to it.
You got up to go into one of the guest rooms that would now be yours when you heard him call your name.
“Hm?” You stopped and turned.
“Are we ever going to be okay?” He looked up at you from where he still sat on the couch.
Would you? You hadn’t really thought that far ahead about the situation.
“Honestly? I don’t know. I hope we can eventually, for what it’s worth. But it’s going to take time.”
Ethan simply nodded at your response.
You grabbed your luggage from where you left it at the stairs and dragged it off to your new room. Everything might still be broken but that’s all it is. Broken. It can be fixed over time but the scars and cracks will always be there. Only time will make this whole thing fade away.
@pgm-dolan @dolandolll @dolanshellyes @mysecretsaremydemons @mmmmmgd @ethandolxns @dolantwinsfavss@knee-deep-in-feels @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday  @sarcasm-at-its-finest2444 @fandomsfeministsandothershit @graydolan12 @ilsolee @inlovewithethandolan @someonedoingnothing @vintagebitttch @sunshinedolantwins @chonisberonica @ardordolan @ethantasy @wasabisama331 @graysavant @atlas-of-a-human-soul @wolfpuppii009 @livexdolan if you wanna be added/want me to stop tagging you just let me know
also pls comment/like/reblog it makes me feel better about myself and gives the validation i desperately crave thank you 
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smolawkwardkidlat ¡ 4 years
Fic First Lines
I saw this on @catsafarithewriter 's blog and thought it was nifty, so uh. yeah. all the apologies if this wasn’t your intention, Cat. 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this because I have honestly forgotten every Tumblr URL I ever knew. seriously, if you want an excuse, I tag you. 
these are all stories I’ve posted to AO3, in chronological order from oldest to newest, under whatever pseud. one is a WIP, and some of them I’m not proud of at all. I’ll put the line (and by line I mean like the first paragraph?), then the title and the fandom, like Cat did. 
small note, I omitted texting/message fics because the format made it difficult to pick the line, and I omitted Nothing Left and Whatever Remains (The Impossible) because the first lines were lifted from someone else’s work, the canon and the fic that inspired it respectively.
1. Lizzy had never minded what other people thought of her, especially because she was only six years old. (More Than My Dearest Friend. Pride and Prejudice. baby’s first fic, lol.) 
2. No one knew where they came from. [...] Any theories about their origins were pure speculation. However, they were there, the Sun and Shadow Summoners; always full of power and fire, just to the side of the foreground. Only they were rare, incredibly rare, so rare that for a while people wondered that they even still existed. (The Sons of Darkness. The Grisha Trilogy.) 
3. Dazai doesn’t much feel like doing anything today. (the moonlight on the water (is beautiful tonight). Bungou Stray Dogs.) 
4. Samael should not have come home. Heaven was full of angels who looked at him and his light silver-grey wings warily, never mind that the accursed things had been silver-grey since God had created them and Heaven couldn’t be full of angels because half of them were gone. (Destruction Follows In His Wake. Good Omens.) 
5. Cad wasn’t exactly what one would expect, if one only had his nickname to go by. He wasn’t tall or short, but he was lithe, with stormy grey eyes that sharpened almost to silver when he was angry or when he was excited, and a shock of thick, slightly curly, translucent hair that the doctors had pronounced mousy brown upon his birth. He had thin, expressive eyebrows and hands and a prominent, somewhat upturned nose. He looked curious, which he was, and he looked gentle, which he wasn’t. (a bit of a cad. The Graveyard Book.) 
6. “Cecil Jacobs is a big wet he-en!” Scout’s voice yelled suddenly. Arthur started at the noise. Was she walking home alone? In this darkness? Everyone in Maycomb but him would have difficulty seeing their hand in front of their face, even if they painted it white. No—even if he was growing up, Jem wouldn’t let his sister walk home alone, even just from the grammar school. Especially not on a night like this. (Boo, Arthur. To Kill A Mockingbird.) 
7.  It was a bad idea last time and this is the first glimmer of hope he has that it’s any less of one now. He hangs on to the sheets, to Ibarra’s hips, as if he can grasp that glimmer and gasp it to life. Maybe Ibarra can feel it, because his mouth curves into a smile where it touches Elias’s. Is it derision or delight? Elias doesn’t know the difference, when it comes to Ibarra; either one drives him wild. (Difference. Noli Me Tangere.) 
8. Ibarra falls in love when he is twenty-two, sitting in a boat on Laguna de Bay. (Third Time’s the Charm. Noli Me Tangere.) 
9. Ibarra startled awake to a dark sky and the chill of night in an open space [...]. His breath cut sharp against the sounds of the woods as he curled in on himself and raised his shaking hands to his face. There was no blood on them. The night was so still any sound louder than a footfall would be heard clearly. There were no gunshots. There were no screams. (i did not think to live this far. NMT.) 
10. The last day of the fiesta dawned promising and happy; the day brought with it the laying of the cornerstone of Ibarra’s new school, and if the town of San Diego was not perfectly content, they at least donned some semblance of the garment to go to morning mass. Padre Damaso forgot his sermon and frightened Padre Martin. Padre Sibyla adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses. (a lilac sky. NMT.) 
11. The twilight came on chilly and brisk, the sun lingering watchfully at the edge of the horizon as Elias strode home, trembling with fury. He was done. He was done with this town and he was glad he and the family he had left would leave it forever in a few hours. They could all go to hell and he would laugh as he dragged them there. (our twilight universe. NMT.) 
12. The crack of someone opening the door roused Elias from his restless, shallow slumber. (pillow talk. NMT.)
13. Elias doesn’t know if he’s hallucinating or dreaming. (a simulacrum of companionship. NMT.) 
14. Ibarra’s sigh melted into the near-total darkness of his room. Thirteen years on, and the nightmares still came, the anger still burned, just when he thought they had gone. He was beginning to suspect he might never be free of them, which seemed to be fair enough, considering all that had happened. It would have been stranger for him to come out of that maelstrom completely unscathed. (permets-tu? NMT.)
15. Elias took a breath, shallower than he liked. He flexed his fingers experimentally, and made a fist. It did not close quite as tightly as he was used to. “Haven’t you tied the knots too tight?” (So Help Me, God. NMT; WIP.) 
and this wasn’t posted to AO3, but in honor of the TCR fandom: 
16. The only excuse he has is that he is young and wild and stupid. He was raised by wild things and so knows no fear, not even of the things he should be afraid of. Cat is old enough to know what a car in the driveway means, but he’s also soft enough to let his friend watch excitedly from his ruff as the woman unlocks the door and airs out the abandoned house that has an owner after all. (the happiness i’ve found with you. The Cat Returns.) 
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miidnightglosss ¡ 3 years
Boston Tea Party - Part 1 (Grell Sutcliffe - Chapter 1)
There's a tradition in Boston, Massachusetts, one where every student at the end of their eighth-grade year of school throws their papers and textbooks into a bonfire and parties the night away before their souls are ultimately crushed before going through the trials of high school life. Those who still have their souls, at least.
Grell Sutcliff, 14, had decided to follow this tradition surrounded by a number of her best friends. Her bright red hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She pulled down her black tank top ever so slightly and adjusted her white skirt accordingly. Her flip-flops lagged behind as she took a seat next to one of her best friends, Johanna West. "Are you sure you're just gonna stick with Bart Simpson over there? I know, like, thirteen other guys that are way cuter than him," Grell offered, her English accent apparent.
Johanna rolled her hazel eyes as she pushed the bright orange side of her hair (wig technically) out of her eyes. Her tan skin glowed against her sun while her eyes reflected the light. She had a fuchsia and orange split dyed wig that went surprisingly well with the rest of her somewhat toned-down clothing. Johanna had worn just a black cut-off tank top and dark denim shorts, her black Doja Cat hoodie slung over the back of her camping chair. She crossed her legs and bounced her Van-covered foot as she spoke again to Grell. "Yes, for the one-millionth time. And no amount of your criticism is going to change that.
"I'm just saying," Grell continued. "If you weren't promised to him, who would you date?"
Johanna and her boyfriend, Bart, have been promised to marry each other ever since he proposed (kind of) early last school year. They've known each other two years prior and figured "why the hell not?" They were a good pair and bounced off of each other well. Most of the time.
The two girls looked over to the rest of their group, which mostly consisted of boys. Walker Auteberry was playing football with Sebastian Michaelis, Matt Connery, and Ronald Knox.
Walker Auteberry was basically a pure athletic paragon. Tall, blond, fit. Not too terribly muscular. His curls bounced on top of his faded hair as it dissolved to match his tanned skin after a trip to Honolulu.
His face lit up with a smile, which was soon turned to shock as Sebastian tackled him to the ground. His porcelain skin and ebony hair were the perfect contrast to Walker's appearance. Sebastian was a bit leaner than Walker, but couldn't get a tan for shit. He was very punk or e-boy and often wore shades of black and gray with tiny bursts of red or purple color here and there.
Ronald Knox was a mega playboy. He also had blond, almost golden, hair with a few brown tuffs in the front that he somehow managed to pull off. His unnaturally green eyes, those similar to Grell's and William T. Spears's, were lit up with intensity as he chucked the ball over to Sebastian once more, making a touchdown. He was the preppiest among the boys.
Matt, Johanna's cousin, was somewhat of a mix between them. His blond hair had been dyed black, a bit darker than Sebastian's. He was more emo than the two. There's a difference. He wasn't putting in too much effort, but he was enjoying himself nonetheless.
Ciel Phantomhive, son to one of the richest families in Boston, sat beside his fiancee, Elizabeth Midford. Also wealthy.
Johanna smirked. "Probably either Sebastian or Ronald."
Grell furrowed her eyebrows. "What the fuck? Sebastian, hell yeah, but Ronald?"
"They're complete dorks."
Johanna shrugged. "I have a thing for dorks."
"Then why are you with that?"
The girls looked over to Bartlomiej von Grimmelshausen, Bart for short. His family was traditionally Polish, but they were also the founders of one of the leading sportscar companies in town, Luxus. He had wavy jet black hair styled with a taper fade and ivory skin. He had around the same build as Walker but had grown a bit colder and more business-focused over the past few years. He had just thrown on a short-sleeve flannel with a white tank top underneath and a pair of black shorts. He stood alone as he fished in the nearby lake.
Johanna sighed. "I don't know. We have history and he's not someone I wanna lose."
"I ain't sayin' she a gold digga--"
Johanna playfully swatted Grell's arm. "Shut up! I'm not in it for the money."
"Then what? In my opinion, any of the other guys here would be more compatible with you."
"Right, like William?"
"Hey, now," Grell started, using her parent voice. "William's off-limits."
"Fine," Johanna finished jokingly. Jacquelyn Marek came over after a conversation with her parents at another site. All their parents were friends and they let them have freedom, but not too much. "Hey, what's up?"
Grell looked up to Jackie. She possessed auburn hair and ivory skin, much like Walker. She'd worn a yellow cropped tube top and black shorts today. She seemed distraught but tried hiding it. "Um... Yeah. Hey, do you guys wanna have a sleepover? You know, one last hurrah before high school starts?"
"Sure. It can't be at my house, though," Grell shouted. "Not after last time!"
"He gave me a weird look," Walker yelled back across the field.
"That's not a good reason to chuck a tube TV out the window," Matt replied
The girls giggled to themselves. "I'd have to ask August and Florence but they'll probably be fine with it." Johanna brushed some fallen leaves off her lap as she stood up. "I have to ask Bart something. Be right back."
Jackie moved in closer to Grell. "So when are you gonna make a move?"
Grell sighed dramatically. "I've already told you, once the time's right."
"Yeah, well, you'd better speed it up. He'll get snatched up quickly, especially somewhere as prestigious as the Phantomhive Academy. The geeky nerd bitches will be all up on him if he lets them." Jackie peered over at the adults to make sure they weren't looking and pulled out a Juul. She took a puff before offering it to Grell. "Wanna try? It's strawberries and cream."
Grell wrinkled her nose. "The fuck it is. And, no. I'm getting enough lung cancer just standing next to you." Jackie shrugged and took another hit. "What do you mean he'll get snatched up?"
Jackie raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding? Someone like him up at a place like that? His parents are practically begging for grandkids."
Grell gazed longingly at her crush as he sat and scribbled in his notebook. "You're being incredibly vague right now."
"But you do know what I mean, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
Grell's crush, William, was way out of her league. Just like a majority of the people in her friend group, the Spears were wealthy. Will wanted to get into his own business. So did Grell, but while she was thinking of her own fashion line, he was thinking of his own line of supercomputer androids to help humanity. His short dark brown hair was always slicked back and his icy glare could cut through stone. He had a lean build and tall figure to match his business-as-usual aura.
"If you want, I could probably spike everyone's drinks and maybe move things forward a little."
Grell whipped her head towards Jackie, eyes full of disbelief and concern with a hint of curiosity.
"I'm doing it." As Jackie skipped away, Grell couldn't find the words to stop her.
A couple of hours had passed before the parents had decided to give their kids some alone time. As soon as that happened, Jackie called up a local caterer to bring the group a giant bowl of punch. While everyone was busy being preoccupied with each other, she snuck off and poured in a few tiny shots she'd smuggled from the same gas station she'd gotten her Juul.
Grell watched as Johanna and Bart played a game of Marco Polo in the lake. Johanna trod the water as Bart found her hips beneath the waves. The couple smiled having found each other and kissed, right before hearing an "ew" from Matt, and getting splashed by a wave of water. Soon it had turned into a chicken fight, Johanna and Bart versus Matt and Walker.
Grell snapped out of her trance as a red solo cup was presented in front of her. "That could be you pretty soon," Jackie reminded. Without another word, Grell shot down the punch within a few huge gulps and assisted in passing them out, throat burning.
Soon enough, everyone was holding a drink and coming back to the punch bowl for more. Fireflies illuminated the skies as everyone danced to Bottoms Up by Trey Songz.
Jackie marched on top of a stump and raised her free hand. "Attention, assholes of Boston, Massachusetts!" Everyone in the group, including a few others, looked her way. "We're now going to play Truth or Dare now. I go first. Ciel, truth or dare?"
Normally, Ciel would be one of the first to deny a game of Truth or Dare. However, he was under the influence. He shrugged, an arm wrapped around Elizabeth's waist, whose hair had now been taken out of her usual drill tails. "Truth."
"If you were to make out with one guy here, who would it be?"
Ciel eyed Sebastian up and down. "I think we all know the answer to that already." The group let out a chorus of hoots and hollers as Sebastian purred back. Lizzie lazily swatted Ciel's chest.
"Okayokayokayokay-- OKAY!" Jackie silenced them again. "You pick someone now."
Ciel looked up, down, and all-around at the group until his eyes laid on William. "You!" He pointed overdramatically. "Truth or Dare?"
William, giggling like a maniac, had chosen dare. Never took him as a happy drunk, Grell thought to herself. "I dare youuuuu--" Ciel hiccupped-- "to make out with the most attractive person here."
Grell’s cheeks flushed a bright red as she nervously laughed along with her friends, Walker finding it the most hilarious thing in the world and slapping his hand on his knee while he wheezed for air.
She realized two things: one, he could pick someone, literally anyone, but her and confirm exactly what he thought of her. Two, he could kiss her and it would be the start of something beautiful. Either way, it was totally nerve-wracking. It wasn't like Will to spontaneously make out with someone. It wasn't like Will to get drunk without him really even knowing either. It wasn't like him to get drunk.
Grell didn't realize how much she had been overthinking this entire situation until William stood right in front of her.
Shit. Seductive. Go. She tried her best to look playful and flirty despite how much she was shaking right now. She hasn't noticed how much taller Will was to her. At least a good half a foot. Grell decided that it would probably be best to just let herself loose in the moment, so she snaked her arms around William's neck as he wrapped his around her waist. They stretched ever so slightly so that their lips were inches apart until they finally collided with each other.
It was everything Grell had dreamed it would be. His soft lips seemed to fit hers perfectly. Will licked her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter her mouth. She allowed him without hesitation as their tongues wrestled with each other for a good while. Her hands tightened through his hair while his gripped her hips tightly, pulling her closer to his body. Grell could've stayed like that for the rest of eternity--
"Okay, Grell, get you some!"
Johanna laughed at her remark from behind the two as Jackie cackled along with her. William drew away from Grell and opened his eyes, leaving Grell helpless, her eyes longing and her face red.
William smirked as Walker pat him a couple of times on his shoulder and the game continued. Grell couldn't pay much attention, though. She was certain that kiss meant one thing: they were meant to be together.
She couldn't have been more wrong.
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gaydiekane ¡ 4 years
before we start~~
greyson- ahhh yeah they/them pronouns but originally greyson used he/him so if you see any stray he/hims that i forgot to change please lmk (comment with the sentence or smth it'd be greatly appreciated)
link to chapter 1
i do not own any of the characters or settings from the riordanverse, all rights go to richard russell riordan. i also don't own perry the platypus, that goes to dan povenmire
finally, this is only my current draft, so when this whole thing is done and completed this chapter could be entirely different. i'm also a cHiLd so my writing isn't that good please bear w me 💀 i also suck at titles if u have any other ideas lmk 💀💀
The Currently Unnamed Fic
Chapter 2 - i think this is now named An Intro to New Life but im not 100% sure?
The boy led me down the hill and to the Kansas house. There was a man and a few other people playing a card game. I mean, I thought they were people, but they looked like goat boys. Something was nagging at me in the back of my mind, like something about this was familiar, but I couldn't figure it out.
"Mr. D," the kid said, "we have a new camper. And- hold up," he turned to me, "what are your pronouns?"
He turned back to Mr. D. "She's fifteen!"
Mr. D placed his cards face down on the table. "Fifteen? Whoever your parent is is awfully stupid."
Some useful information, I suppose. And, parent? My mom said she was bad at math in school, and my dad. . .
"My mom mentioned something about my dad when she dropped me off here," I said.
"Well, you're not one of mine," Mr. D said, and averted his attention back to the game. "Owen-"
"-would you mind showing her around?"
"Oh, I would love to, but," the kid, Oliver, flashed the book he was reading, "I've got some reading to do. And I'm also redirecting mortals, so. . . . Catch ya later," he said walking away.
"He could've just said he didn't want to," Mr. D said under his breath (but still loud enough for everyone to hear). "Uh, Garrett Smith! Can you show around the new kid?" he asked to the nearest kid in the strawberry field.
The kid looked around my age, maybe a bit older. They had curly strawberry blond hair and tan skin like they spent almost all of their time outside. "Sure thing, just let me put this-"
"Nonsense, Sandra over there will take care of whatever it is." Mr. D interrupted. "I've got a card game to finish, so if you would please, George Salazar, show around, er, what's your name?" He turned to me.
"Elizabeth Herman," I answered. "I go by Ellie, though."
"Yes, show Lizzy Henderson around."
"On it Mr. D," the kid said. I didn't trust that their name was Garrett Smith or George Salazar.
I left the table and met the kid at the bottom of the stairs. They greeted me with a bright smile. "Hey, I'm Greyson Summit," they said. "I wish I were George Salazar. Oh, to be on Broadway, instead picking strawberries for the god of wine," they said dreamily.
I returned a smile. "I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you."
"Oh, and don't worry," Greyson added, "you don't have to bow down to Mr. D. He doesn't do much."
I nodded my head. Like Perry the Platypus, I thought. "Why would I need to bow down to him?" I asked.
"Oh, right, I should explain," Greyson said. "That's Dionysus, the god of wine and all that. You said your mom said something about your dad, right? I'm assuming she meant he's a god too."
I felt like I had been hit by a brick. I probably was at some point if I didn't remember basic stuff from sixth grade English, but that's not the point.
"Wait, I think I've read about this place," I said.
Greyson got a confused look on their face. "Like, in The Lightning Thief?" I nodded my head. "Woah." They laughed. "Not to be dramatic, but you should probably be dead. Let's head to the east."
Greyson began walking off towards what I assumed was the east, leaving me the opposite of "no thoughts, head empty."
I ran to catch up with them.
"By the time we're done it should be time for lunch, then I'll show you the other side after," they were saying.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.
We made our way along the creek towards the east woods. Greyson wasn't the best tour guide. We would pass by something and they'd randomly point out what it was. At least it wasn't a safari. I nearly giggled at the thought.
"Volleyball court. Art's and crafts. Hermes kids doing. . . something. Oh no, there's fire again."
I watched as a couple kids tried to stomp out a small flame in the grass.
"Again?" I asked.
"Yeah," said Greyson. "Come on."
They tried to strike up small talk. Unfortunately, both of us were quite bad at making conversation. Maybe it was best we weren't as good at striking things up as those Hermes kids.
I tried thinking of some icebreakers and introduction questions while we walked around.
"What are your pronouns?" I asked.
"They/them," Greyson said. "I'm genderfluid, but it's easier to use they/them pronouns than correcting people all the time. But if it really bothers me sometime I'll correct you, just a heads up."
"Cool. Thanks for letting me know."
More silence.
"Your pronouns are she/her, right?" they asked.
I nodded.
"So. . . where are you from?" Greyson asked after a bit more silence.
"Arizona," I answered.
"Oh, cool," they responded.
More silence.
"Where are you from?" I asked.
Out of all the new and crazy info I'd gotten that day, that one won first place by far. "But I thought Kansas didn't exist?"
I shrugged.
We made it to the rock wall. The heat emitting from it reminded me of Arizona summers. A girl dropped down nearby where we were standing.
"Beat ya!" she shouted up. She looked over at us. "Oh, hey Greyson. Who's this?"
The girl was short. Well, maybe short to me, I'm 5'8". She was maybe 5'4"? (Is that short?) She had dark brown skin and vitiligo. She also had brown eyes and dark brown coily hair.
"This is Ellie," Greyson said. "Do you think Kansas exists?"
She blinked. "What?"
"Do you think Kansas exists?" Greyson repeated.
"Yes, of course," the girl answered.
"Even before you met me?" they asked.
She paused, before answering, "Well, I hadn't given it much thought before."
"Damn, alright," Greyson said. "Ellie, this is Leila."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
Another girl dropped down from the wall. She had black hair with a split dye that was hot pink. Her hair was steaming, and her tan skin looked blistered in a couple spots. "You cheated!" She pointed at Leila accusingly.
"How do you cheat at a rock wall?" I asked.
"How can you think Kansas doesn't exist?!" Greyson asked me.
"Hold up, you didn't think Kansas existed?" the new girl asked me. "Wait, who are you?"
"I'm Ellie," I answered.
"Cool, I'm Chleo," she said. "Anyways, you thought Kansas didn't exist?"
"I thought it was made up for the plot of the Wizard of Oz!" I said. They all just looked at me. "How many people have you met that are from Kansas? What has ever happened in Kansas? What exists there?" I asked.
"Well, I know Greyson. . . ." Chleo said.
"The National World War I Museum is in Kansas City!" Greyson claimed. We all just stared at them. They put their hands up defensively.
"So. . . how do you cheat at rock wall climbing?" I asked again, hoping to drop the subject of Kansas.
"Oh I'm a daughter of Hecate," Leila said. She snapped her fingers and her and Chleo had switched places as Chleo went to rest her arm on Leila's shoulder. "The mist is easy to manipulate for me." She shrugged, ignoring Chleo on the ground.
"You bitch!" Chleo exclaimed from the floor. "Which also means, she cheated," Chleo said, getting up.
"No, I just used my resources!" said Leila. "They tell us to do that."
A horn sounded in the distance. "Come on Ellie, we have to line up for lunch," Greyson said. "We can go with the Hermes cabin, since they're here." He glanced above my head before walking towards a forming line of kids with mischievous looks on their faces, like I was told I had.
"Who's your godly parent?" I asked Greyson.
"My dad's Apollo," they said quietly. "We're not really supposed to talk in lines but lots of people do anyways."
We walked in silence to the dining pavilion. We went over the creek, passed by a huge arena, an archery range, the cabins. I knew there wouldn't be much left for Greyson to show me after lunch, but I knew continuing to let them show me around was better than to be friendless.
I was handed a plate of food and sat on the end of table eleven next to a kid with curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked older than me.
"Oh, hey newbie!" he said. "I'm Austin."
"I'm Ellie," I said. "Nice to meet you Austin."
"Nice to meet you too Ellie," he said. "I'm the head of cabin eleven and one of the camp counselors this year. It doesn't matter too much, but I suppose it's good to know. Come on newbie, it's our turn at the fire." We all got up and walked over to the big bronze brazier in the middle of the pavilion.
I watched as Austin pushed a portion of his plate into the fire. "Hermes," he said.
I pushed a portion of brisket into the flames. "Hermes?" I said, though it came out as more of a question. Austin laughed and shook his head, and we went back to table eleven.
Back at the table I talked a bit more with Austin. He told me he has a twin sister, Kaite, and how he's from Michigan and moved to New Jersey a few years ago. He's turning nineteen this October and is really into crafting because he grew up doing it with his mother as a kid.
"What did you mean it didn't matter that you're head of cabin eleven?" I asked.
"Not that part, the part about being camp counselor," he said. "Camp counselors and cabin counselors are different. We call cabin counselors cabin heads to avoid confusion, but you'll hear both. Cabin heads just make sure none of their siblings are being absolutely stupid and lead them to their activities. Prep for inspection, all that. Camp counselors are more of like, the older sibling to everyone, they're all cabin heads, they do inspection, stuff like that. Kinda take charge. They're the people you go to if you need something. Some cabins have more than one counselor, by the way."
"What about Chiron?" I asked.
"Well, you'd go to him for super important stuff, like emergencies. A serious injury, an attack. Mr. D, well, just, never go D with an emergency. He'll most likely do nothing. Actually, he's good to go to if you have any questions regarding sexuality or gender identity." He paused for a moment, before continuing, "Camp leadership! Right!
"So once Percy and Annabeth -- you know who they are? -- Coolio, once they left everyone realized they forgot how to run the camp because they did everything and wars and all that jazz. Instead of trying to remember, they made new over-complicated systems to run the place. They work though. Until the older heroes came back. A couple summers ago the older campers came back to teach here." He pointed to the director's table. Along with Mr. D, I saw a few other adults chatting and eating. "Ever since they came back, us camp counselors have been kinda demoted. No one comes to us much anymore. Granted, they do know more, but it kinda sucks being demoted. Some of the cabin heads get replaced by the adults too, if they have an adult sibling here. But since they teach they're not around much for their cabin. It doesn't make too much sense." He shook his head.
"Maybe it's just that awkward telling a twenty year old what to do," I suggested. "Who are all the camp councelors?"
"There's me, Emma from the Aphrodite cabin, Ricky from the Apollo cabin, and Asia from the Iris cabin," Austin answered.
"You see? I just came to you for a question, you're not useless!" My words of encouragement didn't seem to make him all too much better. Though, I was never too good at encouraging others.
"I guess," he said. "That reminds me, after lunch is over I need to get you a copy of the Camp Half-Blood Confidential. And a shirt."
"The what now?"
"Years ago, after the last war, they were talking about what they would change about camp and all that, and Nico said the orientation video, which only he had seen. Everyone ended up watching it and they decided, 'Woah, this is terrible!' So they wrote a book."
They did what now? "That's stupid," I said. Who would write an important informational book for kids with dyslexia to read?
Austin looked at me questioningly. "What do-" He was cut off by a loud voice from elsewhere in the pavilion.
"Alright everyone," Mr. D stood up for announcements, "we have a new camper. Everyone say hi to Lizzy Henderson." There was a bit of hesitant applause before someone else from the director's table stood up.
"Maybe we should let her introduce herself," she said, giving a quick glare to Mr. D. He muttered something about how he did a fine job before the woman continued. Her gray eyes scanned the tables for the new face. "If you want to stand up so we can all see you..."
The blonde lady began to reminded me of a middle school English teacher. And I don't know how she didn't notice me, I was the only one not in bright orange. I should've stuck out like a sore thumb.
I stood and her eyes fell on me. Her smile wavered and she said something I couldn't make out to the man next to her, whose back was still facing me. She looked up again and continued, her smile returned. "How about you tell us your name, your age, and where you're from?" she asked.
Most eyes were on me, which bugged me because now I didn't know where to look. I decided to try keeping my eyes on the woman. "I'm Ellie Herman, I'm from Arizona, and I'm fifteen," I said.
I heard a few people start whispering around me. The lady furrowed her brows and looked back down at the man next to her, who then turned around to look at me. I noticed the man's black hair and sea green eyes, along with a nasty scar under his right eye, the same way I had imagined Luke's while reading the books. Then it hit me. The woman talking to me was Annabeth Chase, like, the Annabeth Chase.
"Do you know who your godly parent is yet?" Annabeth asked, sounding almost hopeful.
I shook my head. "No."
After a moment her smile returned. "Well, we're glad to have you here, Ellie." Annabeth turned to the rest of the campers. "Everyone welcome Ellie Herman, undetermined."
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